The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Starbrand: Shuri Sauron Returns | Looking Ahead at 8 New Cards | Agamotto and Eson In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 123
Will Starbrand be the savior of the Sauron deck? What are the hot and rising cards this month? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Agamotto and Eson? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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You’ve been listening to The Snap Chat. Keep the conversation going on x.com/ACozyGamer and x.com/AlexanderCoccia. Until next time, happy snapping!
What's going on guys. And welcome back to another episode of the Snapchat. This one is a good one. I can assure you that as it's a late episode of the Snapchat, it's late for us. But we have star brand coming on a new big card for shuri Soran. Will it revive the card? Well, me and Alex gave our star ratings and what we think about the card. There's a lot more uses than you might think. And then also a lot of new cars coming in the leaks and data mines. There's some fun ones. We're going to break all those down and our first opinions. And then for the best subject, the Snapchat mailbag is coming over here for part one. And there's some just incredible conversation and we're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one, the only Mr. Alex Kocha. Hello, my man. Welcome to the second week of our March season. And it's, it's right now, sunny, beautiful here in San Diego. How, how's it go? There's no way it's still snowy over there, right? It's it, it's gotta been cleared up a bit.
Alexander Coccia:It is a little more clear now. And it's funny, it's still sunny where you are. It's it's almost 10 o'clock where I am now. That little time difference, right. That gets you sometimes, but this week has been the first week where it's been above like, well, 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If you're American, zero Canadian zero Canadian, zero Celsius. We're just starting to melt the snow. And it's funny. Cause like, I remember you know, I sent you a couple of pics like of like what it looked like in Canada driving, like while it was snowing. It's, it's literally insane. Sometimes when it just calms down like crazy and it's beautiful though. Sometimes the trees get all covered and like, I don't know. I, I like the snow, but every time spring and summer's coming, I'm like, I'm ready for the change. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Well, we just had daylight saving too. So like we had the the whole hour, which by the way, we've talked about this, but with kids, I hate it. It's such a. It's such a pain, man. Cause you gotta, you gotta flip it and we lose an hour, which is just a, an L. It's always better for constant on my side. Cause I get to do everything a little bit later. I don't mind that like cards come out a little later. Stuff comes out a little bit later and being on a Pacific time. That's where I lose out because everything's early over here, right? There'll be like, you know, it's nine, 9am Eastern. I'm like 6am over here, you know? The amount of times that happened in snap, it used to suck like balance badges, but I'm sure by now you've mastered how to do daylight savings over there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah. And for me, it's actually beneficial when it's later too, because like before daylight savings time, new cars released at two and I'm still at work.
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah. So now
Alexander Coccia:they're released at three and I can be home on time. To actually check the new card when it releases, right? So it actually works out for me pretty pretty good. But overall, like, yeah, like, daylight savings time, I don't really notice it. I actually don't really understand what the point is. Like, I, if I really sat down and thought about it, like, are, like, concerning the sun on which side, because now it's, now it's, like, darker in the morning, so I'm not sure what's going on. Like, I feel like it was lighter before.
Cozy Snap:And then Arizona just ignores it altogether. Listen, I have a new homework assignment for you. Last time it was Daredevil, and you guys have been working your way through that a little bit, okay? If the new seasons come out if you guys don't know new daredevils out go check it out But I got a new homework assignment and I hope you I don't don't let me down Okay, I don't know how you're gonna watch it. I don't think you have actually it's free on amazon prime If you have that prime video, I don't I don't know what it's called
Alexander Coccia:I do but sometimes canada doesn't have the same stuff you
Cozy Snap:have. Have you heard of severance?
Alexander Coccia:No,
Cozy Snap:you haven't heard of severance Okay, listen,
Alexander Coccia:do you know I know what like getting severance is?
Cozy Snap:Do you, no, no, no, get rid of that. Do you, okay, have you seen, I'm sure you've seen like Inception.
Alexander Coccia:No, is that the one with Leonardo DiCaprio?
Cozy Snap:Yes, you have never seen like I know what
Alexander Coccia:the ending is, but I've never seen the movie.
Cozy Snap:So you've never seen Inception. Okay, so punt my homework, forget that, and just go watch Inception. And then after you've done that, cause that's one of the greatest movies. Wow, I'm, have you seen like Shutter Island?
Alexander Coccia:I have no idea what that is.
Cozy Snap:Do you watch movies? Do you watch film? Do you, do you own a television?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah I bought Sonic 3 for my kids on release day. We watched that like These are like 10
Cozy Snap:years ago though. So like, the kids excuse only goes so far, you know? The Inception was 20, 20 like 9, 2009.
Alexander Coccia:Sir, it might surprise you to know that I'm a professional video game player. I've built my entire career about not going outside. So I don't know why you're surprised.
Cozy Snap:Well, movies are inside. Okay, listen, I thought, I'm just trying, have you seen The Prestige?
Alexander Coccia:I don't know what that is. And also, let me clarify, movies might be inside, but that means you have to travel to a theater, which technically is outside. So, no thank you.
Cozy Snap:Movies at home?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm willing to watch movies at home.
Cozy Snap:That's the homework. There you go. Inception. Well, beyond the point, I listed five movies that are a bit of mind, psychological thrillers, and I was just trying to fish for something that you've seen, but Severs, my guy, is, is one of the, the best one of the best shows I've seen. It's really good. So that's your, and it's even better that you haven't seen those movies, cause you're gonna have to know, you know what I can say, you've seen the Truman show, correct? Yeah, yeah, but you
Alexander Coccia:made me watch the truman
Cozy Snap:show remember yes, I forgot. I made you watch that Okay, i'm glad you loved it. You you will like severance. It's it's in the world of that in a sense there's a little bit of What do you what do you I can't spoil anything just go and check it out. That's my that's your homework today, okay?
Alexander Coccia:I know I'm like a little behind on like the pop culture stuff, but my wife this was like maybe a couple of years ago. She's like, I heard that people like Breaking Bad. I remember seeing on Reddit that like it was like the top rated like show of all time on Reddit or something. I was like, all right, we'll give it a shot. I'm like, damn, this is awesome. We actually watched the whole thing. It took us like two years to finish it. That was great. And it was one other one we watched that I think is flying under the radar. Seriously, Cozy, you're giving me homework. I'm giving you homework. There's a series on Netflix called Dark. Yeah. Oh, it's so good. Dark is under the radar.
Cozy Snap:Dark is definitely. Okay. If you like dark bro, you're going to like this. It's, it's, it's, it's not the same thing, but it's in the same camp as dark per se, but yes. Oh my gosh. What a, what a very underrated. That is an underrated series, for sure.
Alexander Coccia:It's incredibly underrated. If you're listening right now and you're like, I don't know what Dark is, you need to watch it. And don't let the fact that it's like, dubbed or subtitled steer you away from it. It is ingenious. It is, the writing is incredible. It's, it's an absolute must watch show. Bro,
Cozy Snap:then go watch Severance. Cause you're selling yourself on Severance as if you've seen it. It's, it's right up the, right up the alley. And yet, wow, Dark is such a, I was looking at the, we are, we are away from staff for the moment, but I was looking at the best. TV seasons of all time of any show. Okay, and someone had dark on their true detective season one for many reasons Yep. Okay fargo season two. You haven't seen fargo. I I already know no trust when I said it. I knew it, you know oh, what about firefly?
Alexander Coccia:Never even heard of it.
Cozy Snap:Guys this week in marvel snap. We got some good stuff coming up. We have our new card star brand You guys know what we're talking about over here. Okay, alex We got some fun conversation day to mine cars cars I haven't even looked at I will be looking at these for the first time With you my friend and having to pick up the spot. So i'm excited for this and a special Two part snapchat mail bag and we're gonna be picking season pass winners alex What are we talking about on your side of the snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the snapjack, we're going to be discussing both Agamotto and Esan, giving our reviews, our thoughts, and the overall win rates on those cards, letting you know whether or not they're worth having in your collection. We're also going to be discussing the hot and rising cards of Marvel Snap, the ones that are currently shaking up the meta the most, and then part two of our mega mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, Alex Kocha. We have Starbrand, a card that me and you have been excited about for a while now, and he's finally here, the discount DC Red Hulk, as we've liked to call him, didn't get any comments against that, by the way, we typically poke fun of a hero, we get like The 19 biggest star brand fans that have ever crossed existence, but this time, not so much three costs. A historic 10 power gladiator who ongoing your opponents have plus three power at each other location. So the other two locations that star brand is not on. Alex, what are we thinking about him?
Alexander Coccia:I really like this card. This has been my, the card I've been most looking forward to this month. Despite the fact that I do believe it's likely to have obviously less of a meta impact than like Agamotto or Esan for instance, but the Sauron archetype has needed something so And I think that one, I've mentioned it a hundred times on the Snapchat, but I feel like one of the design goals of Glenn and the balance team is to make more archetypes generally playable to keep the meta feeling more fresh. And the Sauron archetype has been utterly unplayable for the longest time. And so this is a massive power injection to that archetype that I am super, super excited for. So for that reason, I love Starbrand, even though I do have some reservations about them overall, though, I'm very excited.
Cozy Snap:Bro, I actually think. That this card is going to be great with Agamotto, because if you think about it, Shuri's Soran, I think Agamotto being 5'10 is cool. But being able to make the copies of a 3 10, it sets it up perfectly as a four cost. Like, you know how that's four power, this is three power. So, like, you're able to just, like, slam this into a lane, use that, and then you're just not going to lose that lane. I mean, that's for damn sure at that point. I don't know. I thought it curved kind of well. That's not a huge synergy, but I did think that Agamotto, because of his flexibility, could work in those decks anyway, which I thought was interesting.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I can kind of do anything and yeah, so the mirrors of econ or whatever it's called I think it's cool too because it also will guarantee you've left a space open Where you could follow up with an enchantress or something like that and you can nullify the effect but yeah, like I think that star brands gonna be awesome. We haven't given star ratings yet I'm gonna give a pretty confident for because Although I think that he might be excellent in the Sauron archetype. He's, I think he's going to be useless at it everywhere else. There's a chance we site might see some cooking. Like I have on my notes here, if I'm going to make a pitch for Silver Surfer later, cause why wouldn't I, but it's, I think it's a largely a lot of hopium being huffed. But realistically I do think that you know. It's very niche. And so it all rides on whether or not it carries sour on, you know what I mean? So it gives me a little bit of a pullback, but I'm pretty confident with a four star rating. Is it Sauron or Sauron? Which one is the Lord of the Rings guy? I think, isn't Sauron Lord of the Rings? But now, dude, you were just talking about, like, fandom and people getting into the comments. Now we're, now we're right up the creek. I have no idea. I believe Sauron is the guy of Sauron.
Cozy Snap:I
Alexander Coccia:love the late recordings. I love
Cozy Snap:the late recordings of the snapchat, guys. This is what you're getting. This is the quality right now that you're getting over here. The Lord of the Rings guy. Yeah, hell of a snap. I'm telling you, they could just make Marvel snap into like Different IPs and they would all sell all of them. Lord of the Rings, Snap, Nintendo, Snap, you name it. Dude, I constantly forget that this guy's a 3 4 by the way now and I would agree with your 4 star by the way. I think that's where he's gonna land. I forget this guy's a 3 4 though. Like they've buffed him up over time. Like he was kind of horrible for a while and they continued to make him a bit better. Then he was like the best and they had to tame him. So we've got him at a 3 4 now, which is fantastic for the card. I genuinely think that the archetype is, is that little bit of change is going to really help. It's going to feel like Surtur, which is obviously another card that this synergizes with. In the sense of like that big bass power and having, you know, the combination of the new lizard, having the combination of now this into typhoid, there's so much you can do with the big red skull finish and then flex it out with a couple other options. I think it's pretty legit, man.
Alexander Coccia:The only challenging thing, and I was thinking about this, is that Sauron and Starbrand occupy the same slot. Right? So Starbrand's a 3, Sauron's a 3. If Sauron was a 2 cost, then this issue doesn't exist. You have to play them on curvier conflict. Imagine being able to play 3, Typhoid 4, Red Skull 5. Like, that's crazy, right? So, we're in a position now where you have Starbrand and you have Sauron together. Sauron has to come first, because it'll remove the effect from the cards in hand, including Starbrand. But if Starbrand's out first, Sauron will not affect the cards in the field of play, only the Enchantress will. So therefore, you always have to play Sauron first. If you have Typhoid and Red Skull, they come 4 5. When do you play Starbrand? You could play Starbrand on turn 4 alongside Anemone Maw, but what I think is likely to happen is that Starbrand's gonna occupy the turn 6. Where you used to have 100
Cozy Snap:percent
Alexander Coccia:yeah, you used to kind of be that combo play with taskmaster But that plays broken and so now you probably do star brand plus something
Cozy Snap:I think there's a lot of ways to play him. I mean you could go zero into him So you just have that as a pure cut play line, which is gonna work out You got the 13 power play, but yeah to your point as well I mean dude, you got a 23 point play on turn six if you happen to have Ebony lizard and star brand That's awesome. That's so cool, man. That's crazy 23 on a spread is That you can pick where it goes is obviously nothing to laugh at You have the enchantress play that you can do and you can set that up in advance You know, we'll see there was a time and place that enchantress was making the deck So, you know, will that kind of make its way in? I do 100 agree. You do have like the sauron and what do you what do you do with that? But I like the idea of also, you know, maybe you draw him, you play sore on down, then you play zero on that turn as well. And then you go into red school on five, you know, you just played the zero, then you go to red school or whatever. There's, there's a couple of things that you could pull off depending on what you draw and when you do it ultimately, is it going to be, you know, enough of a hurdle to come across? Is it gonna be too tough? We're gonna have to see. One thing I like about him though, that if you do play them and you give that power over the plus three to each location. He in theory makes tech cards way better, right? So like if you're gonna play an enchantress if you're gonna play a shang chi you're essentially gonna give Probably give priority or at least help give priority and then you can then use you got like a ghost effect in here Right, like you could then use shang chi there. I think that's kind of interesting It's interesting,
Alexander Coccia:and I, I thought about that. I was like, I was like, am I coping? Like, thinking about, like, you know, throwing initiative using Starbrand's effect, right? Because you're giving up a lot of power, especially since it's pure power, right? And it's basically like a reverse Omega Red. But If you're, if you're in your hand and I had this thought, okay, talking about going back to what turn six might look like, what if the deck, and this is kind of like a little sneak peek into my design for, for Tuesday, is like, what if you have Zabu in that deck and Zabu allows you to discount both cards, like cards like Enchantress and Typhoid Mary, which can be played at three costs with Starbrand. So, in theory, Starbrand can be out in the field of play, and you could be holding a 3 costed Typhoid that got hit with Sauron, and you could be playing the Enchantress on top of the Starbrand. And, or, you could even have Shaan Chi, which also would be discounted to 3. So, I'm trying to think about, like, how that deck looks like, because I, I, I'm leaning towards not including Shuri, because I think part of the Shuri excitement was the fact that you can Taskmaster the Shuried card. And so like, I've been playing with this idea of like, what if you can Zabu, and then you are able to, as you said, throw initiative with Starbrand, and then now your Shawn Chi and your Chantress have a way more, better chance of actually hitting something chonky.
Cozy Snap:Well first, I want to say, we've been, we've been spot on with buffs and nerfs in the Snapchat for a while now, and I'm just going to put this out into the ether. Take taskmaster bass back to a five. I need to see that in the next OTA, please and thank you Please return taskmaster to its former glory, but to your zombie point. Yes funny enough We couldn't play him last like whenever this deck was hot Kellyanne say spicy Sure, you wanted to get down and zombie was at its all time premium It was an ongoing card at the at the time. You literally could not play zombie was sore on back then So now you're you know gonna be able to do so Kind of cool kind of cool. I like the idea of that. Yeah, I think sure he could end up not making the cut But also don't want to sleep on I think it's another option that can just work into those decks, you know There's so many cars that have come out meant a hundred cards have come out since Shuri Soran was at its meta time, right? So like how could all of these play a factor into it? That's what I'm excited to see I also think it's cool that these you know, if you end up playing like Agamotto The spell cards are just gonna work really well in this deck Like it gives you things to do while you need to wait while you need to get the sore on it you whatever right? And I think that's it's something that is definitely cool. It has some potential But those are the main right? Those are the main things we like about star brand. Those are the things that jumped out Certainly sir, turd, you know, could he just go in there as a stock card and you don't really try to get rid of it As much, you know potentially would love to see zero come back though and so on for sure
Alexander Coccia:I don't think you're crazy to mention Agamotto, by the way, because if you think about Agamotto if you Temporal Manipulation him out, he's a 13 power in your deck, he's a turn 5 play. If you Shuri, that's 26 power, and that's without Sauron, and not having to worry about the Red Skull Synergy, because you are still depending on multiple cards. Being played, right? However, that's not irrelevant, right? So maybe the shuri style deck of this would incorporate something like an agamotto because it's simply super strong You don't have to worry about the the effect downside of something like a red skull if you've not muted it
Cozy Snap:I mean you put the you put the you get sore on out there, you know, and then on for sure into agamotto That's 20 what about 24 in a lane and then you have your star brand lizard, you know, whatever player zero red skull play To slam down last turn. I think it's not, it's definitely not bad, man. And at least they're getting buffed up was by no accident. So I think it's cool to see what these can pull off. Any other, any other synergy here?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I want to say, first of all, the lizard buff is significant because they didn't just like reduce the amount of negative power it received. They they literally buffed the card straight up, which makes it better in Sauron and which I think is relevant because it makes me wonder if in their testing, the deck was underperforming and they felt if they buff lizard, they give a little more so I, I do think the lizard was very like intentional and not changing the downside, but rather changing the upside for the Sauron combination. I think it's also worth noting that at 10 power, this does take the cake at the three costs slot for power. Like you, you had a prior, you had something like a gladiator, which was a three, eight. Now you have a three, 10, obviously you have to mitigate the downside a lot of surfer decks, right? I was thinking about surfer. You do have surfer decks that are running the likes of. You know, Gwenpool, you have obviously Galacta in those decks. And I'm wondering if you can run, you cut like a Gwenpool when you go something like an Enchantress, if that's working, worth it. Not only do you get a little bit of tech, but you also turn off the star brand. But if you actually think about what that looks like, if let's say you play a Sauron turn five, imagine if you actually have Sauron in that deck too. So now you have a Sauron as a three, right? You have star brand as a three. So those are two Surfer cards right off the bat, and then what you can do is if you play Sarah, Oh, wait, no, you can't play Sarah because she's gonna get muted by the the Sauron. I'm trying to cook off the top of my head here, so no, it can't be a Sarah deck. Because I was just thinking, if you were able to play, like, think about it, if you were to play Starbrand Gladiator and Surfer together, like, that is a disgusting turn six, but you can't play Sauron. The galactic though, some of the,
Cozy Snap:the, you know, the, the new breed surfers can work. It, it, it's, Hey, listen, when Gladiator came out, where did he go? You know, gladiator went right into surfer, so I, yeah, it's true. I, you know, I think it could just want that pure power anyway. Like, oh, boo hoo, you give those other lanes. You know, plus three, but if it broods in one of those, okay. You know, you know, you're going to win that lane anyway. So this could just be a great card to have in that, you know, just for that. I mean, dude, you, you could get this up to 13, 16, whatever. I've been a lot, 12, 14, you get a lot of power on this guy pretty quickly, depending on what you want to pull off with him. I think he's going to fit in more decks than people might think. And at least be he's a 310. Let's just let's just get right to it You know gladiator was a 3 8 3 7 at the time people were You know ho hum and now you know, he had a he had a good rain on him, right? He he lasted a while in his dominance, but star brand, definitely a card that if, you know, I would say I'm hesitant to say, go get them. But if, if he ends up performing well and you like simple decks, you like the doom 2099, this is going to be a simple, good deck. And you know, I, I like them better than I like coal, but that was backward captain America Falcon was not here. But like he's more versatile than Cole is in my head. He's just a good guy. He's cool.
Alexander Coccia:That's absolutely fair And I do think you have to wait till the end of the week before investing in this card Because you really want to see how that saron deck shapes up Because if that deck isn't good enough with star brand in it star brand in and of itself Probably is not enough to shake it up and they can't i'm Suspecting that they wouldn't be able to make this a 311 or 312 And so they would probably go back to the drawing board with future cards and say, okay How do we give another card? To that archetype, right? And I think it's also worth noting before passing over it, the Spotlight Week is Fastos and Scar, and Scar is meta relevant right now, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not the worst, but Fastos is about to apparently get outclassed from what I have seen when I put this card together. I, you know, it's funny enough, if this doesn't do it for Soron, we don't have a lot of cards coming, at least in the recent datamines that are gonna come to that. Which is gonna lead us into that subject of the new cards now alex You did a brief video talking about these cards. You at least have seen them before this will be my first time I'm excited for us to put our minds together You're probably gonna bring a lot to the table on what you might see But we're gonna just kind of randomly shoot them in any order and i'm gonna have alex At 11 o'clock his time say the names of these cards This is what I like to call the alex coach a challenge on each and every one of these Because I I love I love watching alex do his thing,
Alexander Coccia:bro. Why are you gonna do this to me? I don't know how to read any of these names
Cozy Snap:Give me your best shot. Hit me with your, what do you see in here? Esme Cuckoo. Honestly? Not bad. I
Alexander Coccia:It's Cuckoo, right?
Cozy Snap:Esme Cuckoo? I think so. Esme, Esme, Esme Cuckoo. It has to be Esme. It has to be. I just started with this one. Oh man, I was in the sun all day so I'm red, but you're making me even more red over here. Okay, we got Cuckoo over here at 3 4. On reveal, copy a card from your deck into your hand, set its cost to three and power to four. Copy a card from your deck into your hand. How do you feel about this one? So essentially getting the power reduction to a three to a four. So you know, you've, you've got the, the typical offenders, the, the iron mans out there that, you know, the ones that you can get the biggest benefit from. There's other ones, you know, that we can sort through and get to, what do you think of this? A cuckoo over here.
Alexander Coccia:I like it. I think it's cool. It seems like a backup play to Agent Venom. They can even be in an Agent Venom deck, honestly, because not only are you getting the four power, but you are getting the cost reduction to three. I actually think the card is pretty cool. The one question I have, which I mean, I guess I would ask Glenn closer to release is when it says set its cost to three and four, does that include the copy and what's in your deck? Cause there's a chance you still draw. The card that's in your deck because it's not pulling it from your deck. It's copying it So when it says set its cost three and four, is that just the copy or is it what's in the deck as well? That goes that's up for debate. I suppose but I think it's a good card for sure
Cozy Snap:I like it on a quick fire off guys, you know sage mystique cassandra nova gore These are all obviously very good. Mr Negative clearly these are cards that are gonna love it. No task master There's plenty in here that I think will be fine getting hit blob, Arnim, Zola. It's the usual suspects that we've seen. To me though, I don't know. I don't know if this is going to make decks. This to me seems like a fun card rather than one you're going to, I guess if it turns both cards into the three, four, then potentially.
Alexander Coccia:I like it. I think it's cool. I'd be excited to play this card.
Cozy Snap:Okay. Well the, the, the name is something else. I tell you what, this next one I think is a tremendously cool card. Again, the only time I really saw this was when I just put the card together. If Surge, Surge is a 2 cost, 2 power card. Great art. On reveal, give the top card of your deck negative 1 cost and plus 1, and plus 1 power. After you play it, repeat this ability. I put this together and I had to go back and look at fastos because I was like Hold on. Hold on. This is a two cost and you can repeat it and it's a guaranteed negative one cost and plus one power. This oh, this is a, this card will make every, so many decks. So, I mean, this is such a good plug and play card.
Alexander Coccia:This is an awesome card. It's so funny when you were talking about it, my mind drifted for a sec as you were introducing it. Wonderful. And I was thinking about like, just as you said, I like the art on this. I was like, this looks like a league of legends character.
Cozy Snap:It does. Okay. We're at an arcane, right? Is this, this, this might be the best card we talk about today. No,
Alexander Coccia:I think it might be the best. But what I will say is that like, I have a question though, if you hit something like a kitty pride, is it just free real estate at that point? You just keep, you know, you get the, you get the puppet wall, I guess. Like, I don't know, like it's every time you play it. So every time kitty pride goes up and down, I guess she prox the effect. No, I think the design of this card is intended that like, if you keep. Playing what you've top decked, you keep getting a negative one discount on a plus one power, but Kitty Pride might break the rules.
Cozy Snap:Kitty Pride would be insane. Can you imagine? I mean, you can't go lower than zero cost, but the fact of just getting that power and then re triggering that effect, and it's a free card anyway. So at that point, you're just kind of, you're going wild. You have to be, this doesn't see
Alexander Coccia:minimum one.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but a card can't cost negative one cost. Well, not negative one, but it can
Alexander Coccia:be zero. It can
Cozy Snap:be free. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Kitty could be free. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they're probably going to add it now. You totally, you know, they're going to add it now. Come on.
Alexander Coccia:I'm sure Glenn would have tested Kitty Pryde with this card. You
Cozy Snap:do have to get lucky enough for it to hit Kitty Pryde and not be the card that you have to, but you could. There's more than just kitty that's gonna end up being able to be, you know, using abused. I love this card. This is such a disgustingly good card, man. I think this is going to
Alexander Coccia:be hit me. The surge make Howard the duck relevant. Do you not care?
Cozy Snap:Damn it. Alex. Yes, in the Iron Lad Surge deck, I can already see it just absolutely cooking. What about Wong? Can you double play this? Oh,
Alexander Coccia:that's, that's interesting. I mean, I mean, it's kind of late, but let's say in theory you Zabu into Surge Wongers as a three costed card. And then you're just like, it's going crazy. Everything's going crazy. Everything's getting, you just basically have Fastos. Why don't you just play Fastos? Boom.
Cozy Snap:That's because it's random. Fastos has to get a re this is like such a better, more guaranteed Fastos. The reason we didn't like Fastos is because of the uncertainty of them. But right now, I think Surge is the card to beat.
Alexander Coccia:Bro, Fastos actually is guaranteed 100 percent of the time to discount the spells of Agamotto. Because they don't have power.
Cozy Snap:Ah, look at that. That's a, I don't think I put that together. Look at you. You cook that up? Cooking baby! I'm trying to. Chef Alex. Invite Gordon Ramsay anytime, bud. How about Prodigy? Next up, 3 cost, 4 power card, their new favorite stat line. On reveal, if this is in the back row, we've been seeing a lot of this back row, front row stuff. Copy the text of the card in front of it. Hey, this is a disgusting card.
Alexander Coccia:First of all, I just, I hate this card. Like, why is he holding chalk, and if he's in a classroom, why does he have glasses like that? If I walked into my classroom wearing glasses You look like that that that's your glasses buddy. I don't wear my pro gamer shades at work
Cozy Snap:What if you wanted me enough you you wear those for protection of your eyes? What if he's looking at screens? You don't know what's on the other side of that camera
Alexander Coccia:Oh, it's true. If he's in the future, I don't know who Prodigy is, but if he's in the future, he's just a giant screen. That's true, fair enough, but somehow they're still using chalk in this far, crazy world. Prodigy, I think it's important to note that he can copy the text of anything. It could be a obviously an ongoing, it could be like a collector, it can be anything. So, theoretically, it's particularly Versatile, but it has to be positioned in the back. And then the question is we haven't really played with this like row stuff, right? So it's like, will it pick directly what's in front of it? Or will it pick what's on the left? If it's like played, if it's like the fourth card played, is it always going to hit slot two or can it hit slot one? It's always going to be
Cozy Snap:two, right? Yes, probably. That's the way I read it. I think this is a slept on card. I don't know if people are sleeping. I have no idea. I think this is a great card. This is a really good card. Cause outside of turn six or six cost cards, which I'm sure you can still get, you know, with a ramp and stuff, this could copy any card in the game. And it's a three, four, any ability in the game. I mean, this is fantastic for a lot of for a lot of cards out there. It is a bit weird. I don't think it's going to be that hard though, to align these up. You just set it up in advance. It's like one more thing to think about, which I think I love the back and front row stuff because of that. So like, you know, you play the iron man. On, on if you have to, you'd have to play two other cards. I guess so, but I don't know. I think he's got a lot of potential.
Alexander Coccia:It's just, we haven't had a chance to play with the positioning in that way. So I wonder how hard the effect is to get right. I mean, and maybe you don't care. Maybe everything in your deck is worth hitting. I don't know. You know what I mean? But other than that, we have to see how that plays out for me to get a proper assessment of whether or not this Cards of trash heap or not. You're probably right. It's probably good. Copying the text of a card in front of it is probably good most of the time.
Cozy Snap:Bro, and surfer is going to love it because you can A, just surfer the surfer, you know, be proud you're the surfer. You can't do brood. So like it wouldn't work for brood. That's where it's interesting. It would not work for brood because he would always be in that fourth lane So there's gonna be some unique stuff with him, but I actually think this guy's a cook
Alexander Coccia:You're not cooking bud you iron fist brood into another lane. There it is
Cozy Snap:right there. Oh rania surfer Oh, how did I not think of this? But yes, I I think braji Has some super fun deck potential Specifically next up. We have a 1 1 elixir An activate card. Well, I'm shocked at the activate activate the next time one of your your cards is destroyed this turn Revive it here. Hold on activate the next time one of your cards is destroyed this turn revive it here This is an absolute crazy. It remind me is Deadpool Technically destroyed ever or no
Alexander Coccia:I'm not
Cozy Snap:sure he is right, because it's gonna no power. It goes to net. It goes to Noel's power. So isn't it? It does, isn't it technically destroyed,
Alexander Coccia:but the card itself's not destroyed.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I don't think it
Alexander Coccia:is. It doesn't enter the destroy pile. Right. So if you're thinking you get two deadpools, I think that's unlikely that. But I don't know. We don't know. Like, we're in, we're in data mine territory. I, we can't just message Glenn and be like, yo, about these data mines, can we get some clarification? And he's like,
Cozy Snap:yeah, but you know what, dude, I like this card a lot because it's an, it's an activate. So I get it, but it's a one cost activate, which we, we, I, I, you know, lower the cost. You know, we've seen something like a Rania and how she works out so well. This is cool. I think this is because you can really time this out to get some kind of cheeky stuff I mean you can even you do it do an Arnim Zola play, right? Like you could do something crazy on turn six with this. I don't know man I actually really like this guy typically not crazy about activates as of late But this one catches my eye and the art is sick, too
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, actually the art is cool. But the thing about activates is you're right They're disproportionately better on inexpensive cards. Actually now that I say that the best activate in the game is bullseye right now Yeah, so it's like Nevermind, because Aranya and others are less expensive, but no, I think this card definitely is awesome. And once we get more clarification of like the scope of its, its mechanics, we'll, we'll understand better what's going on. But regardless, like, I'm just thinking, what else?
Cozy Snap:I love, I love Nico. You can get the free draw with Nico.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but really, if you think, yeah, that's true. Right. You get that with Nico. Yeah, I love it. But like, if you, if you null Zola, that's three Zolas. Three Nulls. Three Nulls. Because you would replicate the null, it counts as destroyed, it would come up on a That one lane
Cozy Snap:would be, that one lane would be cooking. I, yeah, I mean, also just playing things into a I don't know, a destroyed location. Don't know why you would do that, but like, there's things you could do to So like let's say brood you play brood in desktop main puts the two birds there, but then it also Revives them to the other lane in which would then do it again.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, because we're doing this off the top of our heads here realistically, there's gonna be a myth. There's so many combinations for this card I think we're selling a short just kind of rolling off it So hit us in the comments guys with what you think about elixir
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude nimrod by the way.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah nimrod nimrod. Wait, wait, does nimrod count as being destroyed? Absolutely.
Cozy Snap:This is this definitely counts as destroyed because you can whatever you can phoenix force so you can't phoenix force a deadpool You can phoenix force a nimrod, 100%.
Alexander Coccia:Can you phoenix force a nimrod? It's so funny, I've played so many games of nimrod, phoenix force, but I've never thought to try phoenix force. It's been a
Cozy Snap:while, but my Marvel snap brain would say yes. I, I think so. This one's cool, man. Because,
Alexander Coccia:yeah, because even if you Zola nimrod, it, it, it does destroy that nimrod. And then, and then replicates it, right? You get the extra nimrods from it. Okay, I mean, we're cooking, we're trying to cook with elixir. It's named elixir too. Elixir is some sort of alchemy. Ing No. Elixirs are alchemy. Yes,
Cozy Snap:you are correct. There's your sky room. Not a
Alexander Coccia:DD player. I should be. We should play DD one day.
Cozy Snap:One day we'll host the next critical role. I'd love to see. Love to, love to hear Buddy. What about how about you say this name for me? Is it just Zorn? Zorn. It has to be Zorn. Yeah. Yeah. I can't be X horn here. I don't X horn. This guy, guy, dude. These, these don't look like Marvel characters. These are definitely, I, I mean, they're X-Men, but they, they don't look. They look definitely new age.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. This looks like they had to go to the well a little bit. They're like, what if it was just a dude with a mask and just cables across his chest?
Cozy Snap:He doesn't even have any stole Sebastian Shaw's
Alexander Coccia:jacket.
Cozy Snap:That's some bumpy what's going on with his chest here. He's a two cost, three power card. After any 3 or 4 cost card is played here, move it to another location. Alex?
Alexander Coccia:Bruh, I don't know what to make of this. First of all, every 2, 3 they've released has been broken as hell, so part of me wants to say that this card's gonna be stupid. But the other side of that is like, okay, naturally you can play this, you can play like a Vulture and it'll move. It might be good with a Scream deck, because you're able to like force things into like a like a Kingpin location or whatever. It's basically a reverse, it's like a reverse, I don't want to say magnet, it feels, it feels like it's repelling. Like, you know how, like you get magnets and you put the same side together and they repel. It feels like that. I have to still wrap my mind around whether or not Zorn is good or not. Like, I'm still not 100 percent sure how I would approach deck building with this, but I think it's an interesting effect.
Cozy Snap:You have Hercules PTSD.
Alexander Coccia:You know, okay, Hercules, man, you remember we were both like Hercules is gonna suck and there were like people in the comments be like, no, you guys are sleeping on Hercules. It's gonna be insane what it's gonna do and all this stuff and like, you almost want to believe him. Like you almost want to believe him. It's been buffed so many friggin times. When was the last time you saw Hercules? Exactly.
Cozy Snap:He didn't even let me respond. Where's the last time? Exactly. Next up, Alex, we have Kid Omega. This is cool. This is sick. Right out of the cyber bunk. 2 2. You cast 2 power. Kid Omega. Activate. Destroy the next card you play this turn to gain its power. Now this will work with Deadpool and this is cracked because of that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, buddy. Do you know what's crazy about this card? Star brand turn three, you eat star brand kid. Omega gets the power and star brands. Negative effect is not in effect.
Cozy Snap:True. And it's just an activate that can be used at any time too. And that. I mean, I think this is such a good Deadpool card. I mean, this has got to be the craziest. You get a Noel down, you get Deadpool cooking up. He just eats all of that on turn five. Let's say, you know, destroyed cards, you know, how many times can you destroy Deadpool with a two costs that you have to use on Kid Omega? I don't care. I think, I think this is still going to have a lot of potential to it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, dude. A hundred percent. Think about like a Shuri Nimrod play. If it works the way I would expect it to work, you play Shuri, you Nimrod on top of the Shuri, and then you activate the Kid Omega, then, so he should come down, get the Shuri buff, and then explode, replicate, and Kid Omega gets the Shuri buff too. You double dip on the Shuri.
Cozy Snap:Someone's cooking. It only takes it to be midnight for Alex to really get the cooks just, just zoom into the brain. Anyway, I think this is cool. I, I think it has a good chance. Activates past two, get me nervous. I think this is. Should have its place in a couple of decks that are interesting enough. Any other synergies immediate that you see with this guy? Sabertooth?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I was just gonna say, Sabertooth is big too. Imagine if you were to Sabertooth on top of him and then do the So cool. Okay, watch this. Kid Omega 2, Sabertooth activated on turn 3. Double the Sabertooth with Moon Girl turn 4. Maybe even have deaths in hand. Right? Now you're really cooking. You have multiple deaths, multiple Sabertooths. Keep blowing stuff up. Boom. W. Easy.
Cozy Snap:Boom w next thank you next next up. We have helion guys and helion is a 5 8 5 8 and on reveal next turn you can move cards to this location It's it's a it's another move card another another move card. Will it be enough? How many times will we say that next time you can move it? So on turn six Man, Heimdall, I just feel for him a little bit, you know, you can, you can do some cool stuff with Heimdall though with this thing. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:you can move, you can zig and zag. Zig and zag. It's also worth noting that this card only affects your cards. So it's like New York for you. It's not like Cloak, where Cloak allows both players to move. This is just you. Which I think is actually important. I know you love head games. It's the head game card. Imagine only you could play New York. And your opponent's like, Bruh, what do I do? What's he gonna do? What is he gonna do? It's basically like Move Legion.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, actually this is a this is a this could be a top tier card then I like that a lot Yeah, the head games with it 100 like it's great to move fantastic But I think this is just a good card that yeah, you can just do whatever you want with it head game it up You can even sacrifice this guy Here's the play you sacrifice him into like death's domain that other guy eats him up gets his power Then you can move the cards over to death's domain gg easy
Alexander Coccia:See, CozySnap, he's not just going for the victory. That's not what he's after. He wants to, he wants the emotional damage.
Cozy Snap:Mercury, 2 2! Mercury is a 2 2. You can move this once. Ongoing enemy cards here cannot move. It's a little anti tech. This is our answer to Helion already. Already, he's getting his, his counter play. That right there shows you how good Helion's gonna be. Whenever in the same thing, they have, you know, it ready to go by there, by the way, scream is going to keep healing on and check, you know to, to some extent mercury though, enemy cards here. Can't move. That's our first time. We're finally getting something where we've got a Colossus effect, but towards the opponent's cards.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so you play it on top of the Madame Web and it gets shut down. And like, part of me doesn't love these, like, extremely aggressive counterpieces. Like, oh, if Move gets popular, play Mercury, right? And it's like, well, it's not just that. Because there is a really core offensive thing you can do with this card. And Cozy, he just got buffed from a 5. Okay, he was a 5 8. Everyone slept on him. He went down to 5 7. He got 8. He's been played lots. If you play Mercury, and then you play this particular card on top of the Mercury location, they can't move out, so the cards go boom! Cozy! Who is it? It's Cannonball! You're right, Cozy! Good job, dude! Ahhhh,
Cozy Snap:okay, alright, a little pre setup for Cannonball. I like it, I dig it. Oh yeah, because they can't move out, so Cannonball has to destroy them. He just blows them to kingdom come, and already a good, already a damn good card, man. Look at you, this is you, man. Did you, do you cook that up in the video? Did you see that one in the video? I feel like you thought of that one. Is that fresh? Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:it was, no, it was, it wasn't fresh. It's good though. I was, that was, I came in loaded. I was ready.
Cozy Snap:These are so much more simple cards than infinity old Tron and the whole one F season. That I think that this is the season after that. These seem a bit more chill and there's too many cards here So some of these are gonna be free and dude zoran's gonna be free 100 And I think zoran
Alexander Coccia:might actually be good. We're just we weren't prepared for this
Cozy Snap:conversation
Alexander Coccia:Mercury, okay talking about something just cooked right not prepared Definitely. Oh, no, it just slipped my mind. Okay terminator 2 dude with the with the sword arms Okay, who's the dude with the sword arms? It's a t. What's this? Yeah, I think that's it yeah Is it T 1000? That is literally T 1000's wife.
Cozy Snap:Ooh. She's What's going on with her lower half?
Alexander Coccia:Why are you asking me questions I can't answer?
Cozy Snap:Zorn though, quickly on Zorn, looking at him. Vulture? I don't, I don't know bro. Move. Move. Every time we look at move, I'm like, this is going to break the game. And then it comes out and I'm like, oh yeah, move is still move. Unless it's tiny movers.
Alexander Coccia:I just don't want to play it. Yeah. I said that. I was like, man, people just don't care. Like, move could be the best. It was. There was, at the highest echelons of MMR, like, Frigga move, Little Movers, was the best. And no one gave a crap. Like, no one played it. It could have a 65 percent win rate, it'll have a 3 percent play rate. Because only the sweats will actually care.
Cozy Snap:What card out of all the ones we just said are you most interested in?
Alexander Coccia:Surge, probably. Surge, I would say, is the one I'm most interested in getting my hands on. Esme Kaku? I said it wrong on purpose. But, no I didn't. I actually forgot what it was called for a second. It's cuckoo like a clock, right? Cuckoo, cuckoo.
Cozy Snap:Like a, what was that? Like a Clock? I said clock. I heard you said ball sack a lot this week.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, too much, too much. I, yeah, I, there's a couple of people who are begging me, begging me. They're like, Alex, we know you love your, your pet names, but we got to chill on this one. I can't handle this. We ruined the card, man. We actually ruined the card.
Cozy Snap:Everyone's calling a ball sack. We're mailbag. We asked you guys to submit questions and we were going to pick some, we're going to give away some season passes too. Shout out to a few of you guys that don't have the names on hand, but that donated to the channel, man. Awesome stuff. This, the, you know, money was gonna come out of a cozy pocket over here, and I appreciate you guys sponsoring these, actually, a little bit. Whenever we do the Snapchat mailbag over here, we're doing a two parter here and Alex's, and we got some fun questions. I'm excited for it, and especially I'm excited because of how Alex is feeling right now. I just feel like he's feeling loosey goosey. And so we might get some, some fun, fun questions here. So Alex, this is for both of us to kick us off with the the mailbag. There's snap questions. There's not snap questions. We decided to start with a non snap one. We all have that one cringe moment in our lives. It gives us PTSD. Every time we think back to it, what is it for you guys? This comes from a little Uber.
Alexander Coccia:You're going to put me right on the spot right, right first. I got to think like a cringe moment that like, I always think back on.
Cozy Snap:I did not look at these ahead of time. I just should have copied and pasted all the questions that I saw there. And I do have
Alexander Coccia:one that comes to mind. Okay. This happens every once in a while. And I gotta be honest with you. This happens, it's a very easy mistake to make. Every once in a while on my smart board, I work, I will inadvertently draw something that looks extremely phallic and it's not intentional. Like I was doing, I was doing like a lesson about like digital audio. And I was trying to show the case, the example of like what a sine wave is versus like a digital, like audio file. Right. So I drew a sine wave and if you think about it, you start like this, you do this. And then I was talking about how like, you know, mp3s will sample it. So I did like the lines at the top and the kids are like, you know what I mean? I'm like, what? I'm like, what's so funny? I look at the board is this giant, like wang on the board. So yeah, that happens about like, you know, Oh, I was teaching something. And we're like, we're, I drew a cannon on the board and you can imagine what a cannon looks like. I had the wheel drawn and everything. Why
Cozy Snap:are you drawing cannons, Alex? Damn it. I don't remember how it even came up.
Alexander Coccia:Whatever. That's, that's my shame,
Cozy Snap:cringe moment. I think back on, I, it's hard for me to be embarrassed. I don't really know. I think one that most people would be, I just laughed it off my, you know, I don't know. Back in like high school, did you, did you ever like get pants or people pants? You or you pants on people? Oh my
Alexander Coccia:God, dude, my buddy had the best move for Pantsing people, bro. Okay.
Cozy Snap:You got Pantsed? I got P. Oh dude.'cause like, yeah, I mean everyone, you know, it was like the thing to do and I was talking to some. Group of, of ladies and a buddy of mine pants me, but he, dude, he double, he double pulled and I, bro, I don't even like my junior year, bro. I just laughed it off. I was like, that's epic. Like I look again, I look like I'm turning red. That was the most like, I remember driving home that day and I was like, I just, I just did that. That just happened. And yeah, you know, it, it, it happens that one. And I think the only other one is like early in my. Content creator career, I pressed start streaming instead of start recording. And I was like trying to do a video way back when, and I did like a 30 minute tag video, but it was just me streaming the whole thing. It was great.
Alexander Coccia:That's actually hilarious. I actually really liked that a lot. Yeah. You didn't even ask for what the move was. So my, my buddy, what he would do is like, he would go and he'd be like, Hey, can you hold my books for me? And he would hand you the books. So you're physically holding the books. And then he would pants you as soon as you had your, so like the holding the books prevented you from defending yourself. It was perfect because no one's ever going to say no. If you're like, Hey, you owe my books for a sec. You're just going to accept them. And then now your hands are full while he pantses you. See that happened in football. He was the guy that was
Cozy Snap:carrying the footballs every time. Yeah. Yeah. That was the, yeah, exactly. What about like
Alexander Coccia:tearaways? Do you ever have people run by and rip your tearaways off?
Cozy Snap:No, no. That's
Alexander Coccia:why everyone had to wear shorts under their tearaways.
Cozy Snap:Oh, tear, tear, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you're, you're sweats, like, for, like, basketball and stuff, yeah, yeah, yeah, I only wore those not
Alexander Coccia:sweats, they had the buttons on the side, you don't know what tearaways are?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but, but they're sweatpants, but, like, but, with buttons, essentially, or windpants. Obviously, I don't see
Alexander Coccia:them as sweatpants, they're just pants.
Cozy Snap:They're just pants?
Alexander Coccia:Like, they're just what I wear, baby, I still have tearaways.
Cozy Snap:Pants are, like, not jeans, but, like, that fabric. Like, like all you wear. Yeah, pants aren't like made from soft material.
Alexander Coccia:What? They're pants. Like, anything that covers your leg from your waist to your foot is pants. I don't think, I think Like, there's shorts
Cozy Snap:and there's pants and there's nothing else. Moving on to our next question, Alex. We Cozy and Alex, in previous podcasts, you've talked about different creators that you like in other games. Cozy, you've talked about Bodhi for RuneScape, Seagull for Overwatch. Are there any games that you guys don't cover that you still follow or creators that you still follow? That's a fun question. You start, I guess, if you want to.
Alexander Coccia:So I watch a lot of tech stuff. Like I watch gamers Nexus, lions Media Group. I watch a lot of stuff in the tech field. I'm a tech teacher. I love tech. A long time ago I even had a tech educational channel, YouTube channel. I dunno if you knew this. Knew actually, I think I showed you my first ever knew this picture of me testing YouTube with me trying to do a a thing for you Looked very handsome for tech. Yeah, I looked, I looked like. Half the age I am now, but the one that I follow stream wise, I love day nine. I always have loved a nine. Yeah. He's kind of like the role model for me. Like I look at day nine and for me, it's like, I hope to be day nine one day, like that kind of streamer, you know what I mean? And I actually got a chance to rate him a little while back, which is fun. Cause like, you know, I, I hadn't had the opportunity to, and it was just cool because I'm a fan, he was like, you know, as a fellow rate, like. Streamer rating was cool. I still watch a lot of grubby. I like grubby, too I used to watch him in the warcraft three days and now he's doing a lot of war world of warcraft He actually played dota as well. So I For me on twitch. I definitely love grubby in day nine. They're my two guys
Cozy Snap:It's tough for me to pay. I feel like I used to watch a lot when I was like really Trying to find my own style and just trying to understand content more digesting things getting ideas things like that I definitely like these days. I don't watch any like I'm surprised that, like, when I started Snap, like, I didn't watch any Snap content, right? Like, other than, you know, Alex Gouge's stuff. But you know, and rivals, let's say I don't look at rival, it's just, I don't like I, because if I'm doing that, I'm not doing my job or it like I need to be, I can't watch it without thinking of stuff I should do. But prior to being a content creator and leading into it, my first couple of years I was a big LUT bud. I watched a lot of Ludwig. Ludwig was like my, my release man of just laughing and having a good time. And you know, you know the story. I'm not going to tell the whole story again, but I entered a competition of his. For the next content biggest content creator or whatever and that was the first time I really gave it my all to do You know variety stuff ended up doing well in there and and and getting to know him and people around him And that was such a full circle moment watching this guy all the time watching when I drove whatever Not watching while I drove that sounds bad. I was listening Listening while I drove like you guys are right now in the podcast, but and then to, to not only meet him, but, you know get advice and, and, and plenty of other great stories with the guy that was cool for me. And so Ludwig, I'll check in on him, just see what he's doing. I think he shaved his head. I think he has a nut. But, but
Alexander Coccia:And we bumped into him in San Diego too, right?
Cozy Snap:Oh dude, that's right! We bumped into him!
Alexander Coccia:I was too nervous to say hi, but yeah, it was cool. It was cool, yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:well, and That was like the first time I've seen him in like a year, and I will say this about Ludwig, I mean he was like, he was like cozy man, you live here, right? What's up? And I was like, oh man, this guy's got a great memory, I'm sure he meets a lot of people, I meet a lot of people, so I'm sure so that was cool. I forgot that was with you though, that was Yeah, cause I was getting into that club or whatever, and I was like, I was like, can we get in you know, can we, can we get in here? And they're like, yeah, come on in. I was like, yeah. And I got these guys over here and guys, there's like a, there's like six people. It's like Dex, Alex, Spraggles, a couple others, and just imagine a group of like six guys like waving, and I was like, yeah, them, they get, them too but yeah, probably, I'll go with Ludwig for that answer, that's, that's definitely a fun one, these questions are great by the way, guys, thanks for shooting these in,
Alexander Coccia:I should mention in the car, like you were talking about listening to people in the car, I listened to I was gonna say Penguin Zero I listened to oh my gosh, like, why am I forgetting his name all of a sudden, oh my gosh, Penguin Zero, Penguin Zero, Moist Critical? He's literally forgetting his name. Moist Critical? Moist Critical, yeah! Moist Critical. I can't believe I almost said Yeah, yeah. I listen to Moist Critical like that all the time. All his videos, they're all approximately enough time for me to like go back and forth to work. Okay, yeah, yeah. And even if he's just rambling, I find them really funny. So I listen to his videos like a podcast. And they always I don't know. I'm always entertained.
Cozy Snap:We got a quick That's a good one. I listen to definitely Moist. The quick question on Snap here. We got some other fun ones after this. Would you ever put a new segment into the snapchat for community card buff proposals? Socratic gambler I don't even know who asked another question. I'm, sorry, I should be saying these and in fact whoever asked that last one, what is that? i'll find you hold on guys We're gonna do this live. Here we go Vol in 360 you have won a season pass. I have a little generator over here and you have won So congratulations on winning the season pass socratic gambler says for the mail mail bag Would you guys ever put a new segment into the snapchat for community card? Proposals buff proposals. So scarlet witch 2 2 on reveal is their example change this location to a random one Ongoing game plus one power whenever a location is changed which you know fun fun mix up there I like what you had. I think we came up with scarlet which giving locations as cards kind of like agamotto I thought that was fun, too but also just created cards from different people in the community. Alex, what say you?
Alexander Coccia:I, it's, we're always open and interested in like new formats and new ideas for topics and stuff like that. You'd be surprised to know, coming up with new topics each and every week that are, that are legitimately entertaining for you guys is a challenge. And like Cozy and I are trying to keep it fresh. We go to the well a little bit, you know, we're about two weeks away from the these cards suck thumbnail You're gonna see but at the end of the day, like we do try to keep things fresh So yeah, i'm always open for something and that's good what i'm really after though I I like the more meme y cards Like I know people want to bring in like real thought provoking cards for for like glenn and the team I want like send me the memes
Cozy Snap:We've had 700 And 50 we've had 750 nearly topics on the snapshot. I mean, they're not definitely different, but we've, we've talked about 750 that'll, that'll show how much we've done. That's definitely not mathing out, right? I think it is. Yeah, it is actually. All right, cool stuff. Yeah, but we're open anytime. We can think about some new stuff, bring into it, dropping down below. If you guys want to see us do something you know, we could definitely get more guests on here. It's tough to do guests. Cause it's just lining it up. It's already tough enough to line things up between us to get another person could always be tough. That's. Kind of why we shied away from that every now and then, but definitely are open to people coming on here. Okay. Here's a good one from Come on, man. Sorry Phone master. I'm sorry
Alexander Coccia:Oh my so you misread the name and demonetize yourself. I'm gonna
Cozy Snap:blurt it out. All right You're going out to dinner alex and you can pick full meal Zero restrictions. Dude, that looks such a basic bit. He's gonna go with like chicken nuggets What is your appetizer main course and dessert and then there's a second part of this question. So start with that
Alexander Coccia:Okay, if I could just pick anything wrapped on my head calamari has to be fried crispy wanted as many dipping sauce I can take with the calamari. That's my appetizer. What will you
Cozy Snap:Oh for appetizer? Oh, dude. I was like I was invested in you Okay. Appetizer. I'm gonna go with like a really good I'm gonna go with a queso fondito I think of as an appetizer, so I'm gonna go with queso fondito.
Alexander Coccia:No, you know what that is. Can you explain that for us that are not winner? Whatever that is, can you explain to the uncultured of us,
Cozy Snap:please? Dude, it's just cheese and chorizo melted. You'll love it with chips. I'm not sure
Alexander Coccia:what chorizo is either. Okay, main course? Main course, ready? I don't believe you're real. Okay, yep, main course. Okay, I would definitely go chicken wings. Breaded chicken wings. Give me the breaded chicken wings. Multiple flavors. Give me three pounds. That's what I want. One pound each flavor. Holy shit. Yeah, three pounds. Buddy, three pounds is nothing. I could eat five pounds of chicken wings and, like, embarrass my entire family. Like, that's not even up for debate.
Cozy Snap:I am gonna go with, like, a an eight course sushi from like different What do you mean? What the hell does that look? No, it's sushi from like different like eel. You can have Sushi from all over man. You haven't done that before Yeah, but
Alexander Coccia:you can get like all you can eat sushi for like fit like 30 bucks
Cozy Snap:All you can eat sushi is trash compared to like a five like a five. You're saying like proper sushi That's like my go to i'm big seafood guys. I would go with sushi there for For anything though? Yeah, probably, for sure. Dessert. Oh, that's easy for me. Dessert's the easiest one for me, but go ahead.
Alexander Coccia:The one that comes to my head that if I'm ever somewhere nice that I see, first of all, I'm too cheap to order desserts. I'm the kind of like, I'll get the steak, but I want water and not have dessert. I'll get my chicken nuggies, but I draw the line. Yeah, exactly. Creme brulee. That's the one where they put the brown sugar on the top and they light it on fire, right?
Cozy Snap:Really? No way! Yeah, bro. That's like the one I never say no to. Like, if I see that, I'm like, I have to. Like, in a buffet, too. Mess me up. Mess me up on that stuff. That's so good, bro. I can't believe you picked that, too. Awesome.
Alexander Coccia:Or if anyone Yeah, we'll have to go and get all you can eat, like creme brulees.
Cozy Snap:Have you been
Alexander Coccia:to BJ's before? Dude, what? No. I'm not We don't I don't have the same place as you do. You have to understand Given the other guy Canadian culinary is like the shittiest food in the Like, we are the low of the low. In terms of, like, culinary design in Canada. We have
Cozy Snap:poutine.
Alexander Coccia:That's our thing. BJ's is not some
Cozy Snap:sophisticated place. It's like a Chili's, but it They have these things called Pazookies that are Oh man, I would do, I'd do anything for Bazooki just about, I mean, dude, I'd get a city of Bazooki. Here's the second part of the question. I love this by the way, furthermore, you're eating with one to three guests. Actually they said, are you eating with one to three guests? I read it something different. So I'm going to say this. You could pick it at any time in life at any time, anybody. I don't want to hear your wife. All right. Anytime. Pick a few guests to join you.
Alexander Coccia:Oz, Dex, and Regis. Go to hell. Why? I like all three of you guys. I've never had a chance to meet Regis. I really enjoyed my time with Dexter. And you're one of my best friends. What the hell's wrong with my answer?
Cozy Snap:Because I'm picking like, Like, I don't know, Adrian Lima. Or like some supermodel. Like, screw having you there. That's
Alexander Coccia:the angle we're going. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:for sure. I don't want you at my dinner, man. I'm gonna have friggin Abraham leaking just to have'em. Why not? That means nothing to you Canadian. Okay. You gimme yours.
Alexander Coccia:While I think'cause I, I don't even
Cozy Snap:know mine. I just, I know I'm wouldn't pick you,
Alexander Coccia:I love you though, man. Yeah. I just, I, I don't know. I, I, I would pick, okay. If I could choose, I would pick RINOs. Aristotle. Aristotle. Okay. Galileo. So we have like,
Cozy Snap:well, you don't know what you'd ask them. You'd, you don't even know what like food is. How are you, what are you gonna ask them?
Alexander Coccia:I would want to tell them. I would want to tell Galileo. About how right he was about certain things. Why? Who cares? Copernicus was another. Copernicus was, like, treated so poorly for being right. Like, the history of these great minds. Okay. Like, I want to look Copernicus in the eyes and be like, Like, you suffered injustly. Like, you were correct. The Earth is not the center of the solar system. You know what I mean? Yep, yep, yep. And, okay, so other than that and I guess the other person I would like to, to sit with. You know what? I wouldn't mind, if we want to get like more common ground, I would not mind having dinner with PewDiePie. Oh, okay. Because like, I think he's like one of the coolest guys on the planet. He's one of the few career YouTubers that looks like he's living his best life and is just like, just a great dude. I'd love to sit down with Pewds.
Cozy Snap:That's a good answer. I like that one for sure. I'm gonna go Harambe. You said my answers were stupid. Stupid? Watch your tongue, man. Harambe's a legend. Harambe for sure. If not him, I'm going to go for like a I'm going to go for a I'm trying to keep myself together. I'm going to go
Alexander Coccia:for a, just a funny dinner. Ryan Dude, I said I wanted to have a conversation with Galileo Copernicus and Aristotle and you literally say I'll take the silverback gorilla. Like, what kind of stupidity is this?
Cozy Snap:I'm going with Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds, Harambe. Robin Williams.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, goaded. Robert
Cozy Snap:Williams and then no, I'm sticking with Harambe. Those are my three. So I think that would just be an entertaining, really entertaining meal at the least, dude. I'm, oh my
Alexander Coccia:gosh, I'd hate to be the server having to clean up after the gorilla trashes the entire restaurant and then has to get tranquilized
Cozy Snap:again. Goaded episode. All right. Okay. Thank you for the question. I might just want to give this guy, you know what? Pwnmaster, you're going to get a season pass. I'm not even going to do the randomizer. That was too good. You got me to laugh. All right, next up, these are good, right? These are fun. We should give away more stuff, man. People are cooking on this stuff. Next, next up, okay, this says confirm Alex's, Alex watches SPC every day until he blacks out. But what was Cozy's? What the hell is SPC? haha It took me a second, but I know, I know. You don't know? You freaking traitor. Sbc. Oh, samurai Pizza Cat. Yeah. There it is. There it is. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. And so you this question was said. Funny. This is pause. Pause plays gaming, confirm. Alex watched SBC every day until he blacked out. But what was, but what was Ozzy's everyday show He watched until he blacked out. Oh man. That was great, dude. Holy. Pokemon Indigo League, Dragon Ball Z. I gotta move on. That one, that one has me too, too funny. Okay, this is a good snap one. This is a really bad game. Oh, I can barely do it. What is your take on increasing relevance of temporary modes? Do you like the game modes? This comes from Craft or Not. Are they the best avenue for possible new card releases? Pretty much just our, our take on them. It's a long question. I'll keep it at that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Buzzkill and the Buzzkill and the fives with the real questions.
Cozy Snap:Okay. Screw it. We're not doing it. Okay, hold on. Whew. Oh, I didn't mean to cancel the question. Nope, nope. You can thank Alex for that one. If you had an unlimited budget, says Tade. Man, these names. Tad, Tade, I can't even say the rest of your name. I know,
Alexander Coccia:I feel every
Cozy Snap:week. Yeah, forget that. If you had unlimited budget, how would you How would your perfect vacation look like? Where are you going? What are you bringing? And what are you doing?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, easy. I'm going to San Diego. I'm going to the Seal location. I'm bringing Cozy and Harambe. No, you can't take Harambe! I was
Cozy Snap:already taking him, and I'm taking him to your house, so don't, yeah. I'm I'm gonna ruin that house. So basically
Alexander Coccia:we have the same plan. Bring Harambe to each other's homes.
Cozy Snap:Yes, that on the real note, mine would be Japan. I wanna go to Japan. I
Alexander Coccia:really, okay, when I got married, we went on a cruise and I was in the Bahamas and it was the only time I was in the Bahamas and I'll tell you, we, we didn't have a lot of money. So we went to a public beach. This was like, it was like at the time, like we had saved up a lot of money for our honeymoon and they, the people were, they were so beautiful. We're so nice to us. The beach, the beach was gorgeous in a way I got to tell you, if I had unlimited money for vacation, I'd go to Bahamas again. Just because I think it was, I, I had a snorkel set. I remember just floating on the top of the water and there were just like fish everywhere, fish everywhere. I felt like I was in the middle of an aquarium. I loved it. I would go back in a second.
Cozy Snap:I feel like if you lived in the States, you'd, you would live in Florida. Like, you're just like a Florida man to me. Chicken nuggies. I'm a Florida man? Yeah. Like, do they just eat chicken nuggies? No, like a, like a coupon for a two for one gets you like super excited kind of thing.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah, for sure. I, I get like, I use subway coupon, like my, in my work bag, I have a whole bunch of coupons for when my wife doesn't make my lunch for me. And then that's embarrassing, but my wife still makes my lunch for me. Cause if I don't, it's, if she doesn't make my lunch, she knows I'm just going to go and buy it every day. So it's like a cost saving measure where she makes my lunch so I don't go buy it every day. But if the event that she does not make my lunch and obviously I don't, cause I'm a clown, I have my, my bag and my work is stuffed with like all these, like, no, and then the mail, you get like weekly coupons for life. Sure.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I don't look through them, but a
Alexander Coccia:ton of them for like,
Cozy Snap:yeah, for sure. Okay. So two last fast questions. Ones we have your, your favorite fast food place to go. Just grab something quick.
Alexander Coccia:You know what? Honestly, this might be a hot take, but I love a Whopper, man. There's something about the Whopper I just enjoy. It has a size. Maybe it's the BK Burger near me that just does it right, but the produce is so fresh on it. Not sponsored, but I like a Whopper.
Cozy Snap:I'm a fried chicken kind of guy. Like, funny enough, your perfect meal has fried chicken, but that's my fast food. That's my weakness. Like, I see a Popeye's and I second guess myself. Like, sometimes I know my wife might be cookin and I'm like, I think I'm still gonna go get it. Pop eyes or fried chicken of any kind. We'll see. I don't know it chick fil a any anything in that Cain's chicken Have you have Cain's chicken up there? Oh, man. I heard of Cain's. Yeah. Yeah, you haven't yeah, you haven't lived. I'm sorry
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you guys have those places where people like rollerblade to your car and stuff Sonic They do that? They actually rollerblade to your car? They used to a lot. Like, they'll play oldies music and stuff? Yeah, Sonic
Cozy Snap:was like my, one of my first jobs, dude. I was, I, I rollerbladed, man. I, I think I've told you this. I made two bucks more an hour by rollerblading.
Alexander Coccia:Really? I didn't know that.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, back then I was getting like eight bucks an hour, six bucks an hour. I thought I was like king of the world. Because I played hockey so like I would go and I like I would easily go and do that because I'm like, yeah Sure for sure two bucks and I would roll up to the ladies man. It was great straight from football It was a good time last question your favorite Did you play Game Boy or anything like that? Did you have a game boy? Of course I did. You had a Game Boy? Top three games on Game Boy.
Alexander Coccia:I only had two I had Metroid and I had Kirby's Dream Land. You said of course I did and then you say
Cozy Snap:you've only had two I
Alexander Coccia:only had two games. I don't know what
Cozy Snap:else to tell you. But you have Climbed from the top back then, man. What? So, and the two games you had was, was Kirby Dream Land. And Metroid. Metroid what?
Alexander Coccia:It was called Metroid. It was like the first Metroid.
Cozy Snap:Oh, okay. It was a banger. Yeah, that was a good one for sure. Did you just, did you stop at Game Boy? Did you have like a Game Boy Advance?
Alexander Coccia:Stop the Game Boy, and then I got an N64. You didn't get a Game Boy Color? At some point. No, I still have my Game Boy. So how did you play
Cozy Snap:Pokemon? That's my answer, question.
Alexander Coccia:I emulated on PC. How long later? No, it was pretty immediate, man. I remember playing Pokemon Red on my PC. Like. Yeah.
Cozy Snap:Well, so you
Alexander Coccia:never like There's no way I'm the only one. I feel like everyone I knew played a lot of these. I
Cozy Snap:did it like later in life, but you didn't get a trade with people. No, I was a kid, man.
Alexander Coccia:I was a
Cozy Snap:kid. Yeah, but I wasn't
Alexander Coccia:hard either. I was Oh, great. Did you collect I'm gonna get sued by Nintendo. Did you collect Pokemon cards?
Cozy Snap:Hell yeah, buddy. I had a Pokemon card right there. I can go get them. Nah, nah, nah. Not now. Like I'm talking like the fresh base one set.
Alexander Coccia:But I we went through this before i'm looking for it. I showed you my picture You said it was garbage because it had the wrong color cheeks. Where the hell is it? It's not a red cheeks.
Cozy Snap:There's no shot. I listen. Hey, I if I could do anything with unlimited money If people want to know this, and it's never going to happen, it's like half a million dollars. I would love to open a first edition base set of Pokemon cards. I don't even have to keep them. I just want to open them. And, and relive the nostalgia. That, even, not even first edition. If anyone wanted to ever give me the best present of all time, it would just be to open a base set. Of, of, I would be forever indebted to this human being.
Alexander Coccia:You know what I would do? As soon as you laid out all your first edition Pokemon cards,$500,000 worth of cards I would knock on the door.
Cozy Snap:Abe's coming noon. I knew Ram's coming back on that note, guys, hopefully you enjoyed this very special edition of the Snapchat, Alex and I. We're not planning on this to be a Aliboss episode. We still have to record my side. Oh dear God. If you want to, if you want to carry the, if you want to watch this mountain peak, continue to do this, you head on over to Alex's side, guys, where it's going to continue to just be craziness. Cause we have more Snapchat mailbag coming at you as, as well as Agamotto and Esan in review. You've been saying Esan? Esan? What are you calling him? I don't even know what it is, man. I give up on
Alexander Coccia:reading. Cozy, hope you had yourself a wonderful week. We've got a lot to talk about in this episode here. We're coming from an absolutely phenomenal conversation on your side. One of my absolute favorite we've ever had. And here we are. Now we're going to back down to earth talking about the cards of Marvel Snap. We're going to start with Agamotto, the season pass card. Cozy, there's this old saying, it's not old but it's a saying that goes. Second Inter likes making money and sometimes they release Season Pass cards that are meta warping and, you know, they might sell Season Passes with the card being so good. Do you suspect that Agamotto might fall into that category of like, Hey, this card might be really good and probably is going to sell season passes?
Cozy Snap:That is an old saying. What is that, 1864 AD? Approximately, yeah. Okay, I wanted to get the date check on that.
Alexander Coccia:Galileo playing Marvel Snap said it first, I believe.
Cozy Snap:Yes. By the way, if you did not come for my episode, first of all, how dare you? But most importantly, it is very late when we are recording this, so you are going to get your certified Alex slurring of words. It is going to, you know, you're going to get a Full dose of that. Double dose maybe today. So I prep up because I'm, I love it. I eat it up. Secondly Agamotto season pass. Yes. We knew this dude. A 5. 10 was crazy. We already knew he was going to be good at a 5. 10. Even with the inflated stats of infinite climbing, which are super inflated and cannot be taken. Too seriously. It, it doesn't take long to realize this guy's pretty good.
Alexander Coccia:You know, it was funny. I had this thought. Do you remember miles Morales being a season pass card?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. They realized that was Morales. That was the last time they, no, no, they did Miles, right? And they're like, this is good. Then they did Black Panther. And sales, sales were like way down. They're like, all right, Silver Surfer, Zabu. Like they just
Alexander Coccia:started cooking from there. Was Nick Fury the launch card? Or is that kind of came a little bit? No,
Cozy Snap:that was made. Miles was the first true season. Isn't
Alexander Coccia:that nuts? Isn't that absolutely crazy? Miles Morales, he was a 4'5 at the time too.
Cozy Snap:Nick Fury was before that, before that was Daredevil. Wave was the first ever. Wave was the first ever. I think those are the ones. Wave, Daredevil, Nick Fury. I think there might be one
Alexander Coccia:more. Yeah, there might be one more. But anyways, it's crazy to think about how far season passes have gone. And now we're looking at Egamoto, who we knew was going to be good. And if this was like two years ago, Second Dinner, I think this is probably like a 5. 7. A release at 5. 7 that gets buffed to 5. 10 with the The temporal manipulation, but yeah, this card's cracked. We both came in at five stars and does it hit five stars though? Like right now, and keep in mind, we, it's the first week. So we have like bond inflation. We don't have infinite only stats yet from untapped, but it is running a 56. 6 percent win rate, 34 percent popularity and a cube rate of literally 0. 5, zero it's crushing statistically. And in my play experience. It's crushing. So, what's your play experience been like?
Cozy Snap:I think I saw Infinite was like 51 percent or something and that's what both, like, Esan was lower than that. I, it, forget that, because there's not a lot, there's not enough data right there in the first week. I think he's 5 star. Yeah, I do. And I, I also think he's super complex, so I think that it's gonna take time, but I think Agumon is a crack card. Yeah, I think he's, he's good. I think even within the week of playing him, he felt really good. I think that the spells surprised me a little bit, which ones I liked, you know, most and which ones, uh, continue to use or look out for hope I drew. But I still think we're just scratching the surface with this guy. Give it a couple of weeks. And I think we're going to be
Alexander Coccia:like,
Cozy Snap:yeah, that's an easy
Alexander Coccia:five. Yeah. He's definitely a great card. Now, actually, I thought it'd be fun to do this. I'm good with five, I'm happy with that too. I think this is going to be a very meta shaping card. I would like to do star ratings for each of the spell effects, now that we've been experimenting with them. What would you give Temporal Manipulation? Dude, they're a
Cozy Snap:good card, man. This is a, this is a, I mean, What did we say? I think last time we said this was our second favorite card. I think that's probably Oh, you know what? I
Alexander Coccia:forgot to
Cozy Snap:take down the rank That's okay, I remember. I remember for the most part. I think this was our second favorite. And I think both of us agreed on it. I would probably put it there. I think it's a really good card. Maybe I mean, the fact that you can just draw them, draw them, but you know, grab Agamotto from anywhere, and you get that plus power, and it's just kind of nice to get things rolling with it, cheap cost, it was good, man, I used it all the time.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, instead of star rating, give it like A plus to F, like a school teacher would. I don't know, what do you give it?
Cozy Snap:I'm thinking it's like an A for sure. I think it's just standard A. It's definitely an A. I know, it's not a B, because there's no slight against it, there's nothing I don't like about it, yeah, that's what I was going to say too. What about winds of a tomb?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, this is A man. I found myself playing this so often. Even on Curve, on Turn 2, I'm like, Hell yeah, let's go. This is probably This one here is probably the most, I don't, I won't say broken one. This one here is good. It's really good. This is A to me. This one's absolutely insane. Negative 5 power plus the move?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, at 2 cost, it's so good, bro. Because you get the disruption and you're playing a 2 5, essentially, right? So, yeah. This one on Kerr felt nasty and it you're messing up so many plays and so many things that these people are trying to do people play Cars and locations for reasons blah blah blah. This was very I agree 100 percent Bolts of
Alexander Coccia:go ahead. Hey, what's this one called? No cozy. I give it to you, sir I'm trying I'm trying to pull back from my meme image. No, Alex, please my friend This is the bolts of ball sack coming at you three constant was waiting for
Cozy Snap:it my man This was good. I mean it funny enough I in This is the one that I think we're gonna As we deck build it'll become better I think that this was like the because like in the initial decks like I I it didn't always Perfectly curved the way I wanted it. But I liked it. I would give it like a
Alexander Coccia:Like
Cozy Snap:a B. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:I agree. I was gonna say B. This was by far, for me, the least impactful and I think maybe you're right. Maybe it's the deck building consideration. We haven't hit that deck building kind of sweet spot where the ball sack is absolutely required. But like, as of right now, like, listen, there were times there were times. Where, like, you get bolts of ballsack, and you absolutely smoke your opponent, teabag him all to hell, and it's like, it's awesome. Sometimes, it felt like, by far, the weakest of the Arcana you could have gotten. And so, for that reason, I actually think it's probably the weakest of the four. I actually think it's probably the weakest of the four. In my initial playtest. It's most deck
Cozy Snap:reliant. It's most deck reliant. That's gonna be what I have to say. I feel like Images of a Con, this is when we put the lowest. Here's the thing, this is what I said, you know, everyone was like so concerned about putting this with like big cars and stuff, which I think is great, but I think this one, at four, had a lot of va I think I brought this up with Starbrand, right? So like, this is a lane winner, and I think that's so important in the game, and because of that, it was able to do some really cool interactions that I don't think I was like, prepared like dude, there was one play that I got debrised, and I turned that debris into what was it at the time? I think I had vision in the deck. Either way, I turned a rock into an eight. Like, Like stuff like that. That was the stuff that surprised me the most is like turning some fodder stuff into like really strong power I actually played this card a lot bro. I like this card a lot. I think it just has infinite uses, and it's a lane winner at four, so yeah. Rating? Rating? Rating? I'll give this an A Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I was just gonna say A too! Oh, nice! Okay. So, of all of them, this is the one I think we ranked fourth? I think it's number one. I think it's the best one. And it surprised me. You know why? Okay. Sam Wilson. Did Sam Wilson have to get any better? Oh, yeah, yeah. You get to change the shield into something insane. Yeah. Wild what you can do. Zao shield, they do their thing. They sit there and they just wait for you to absolutely change in a huge power. Like think about Zbu. You play zao. It's one, two sitting there. Who cares about that two power Now it's fodder for images of I icon. Yeah. For icon, icon images of icon. It's sitting there, it's waiting to get changed that shield as if Sam Wilson needed to get even better. That shield is perfect fodder for the images of Viking. Yeah, it's I don't know. This one here really, really impressed me.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's good. It's definitely, like, I won a couple matches where the person, like, invested so much into their lane. And I was like, great. And I just ended up overpowering it because I, it was able to play this on it and just take that over. Interesting. I didn't, I didn't think we would, like, I was excited to, like, tell you I liked that one. But yeah, and then you combine all that with the 5 10. Did you feel like him having those spells mixed in messed up the draw a lot?
Alexander Coccia:It, I felt like it probably did. Like, I definitely felt the So when you play Thanos, right, the fact that the stones draw through themselves really helps. These spells don't draw through themselves. Now, I was playing Phastos in a lot of my Shell's House testing and having the spells discounted was helpful. But then also, I'm playing Phastos on 3, which makes it so that I'm not, you know, ballsack ramping. And I'm not doing all those things that sounded so stupid. That's stupid. Did you try to take some seriously, Cain? I couldn't even finish my sentence, ballsack ramping. I looked away, I was like, I can't even do it. So I hope, you know what, I just, I hope that catches on, man. Man, ballsack ramp, that's the new one. But yeah, like I felt like, you know, ultimately, 5'10 he was strong. He was strong. And I was playing him as a 5'13 I was. I was getting along as a 5'13 And so, ultimately, at the end of the day, I think it comes down to this. The season pass in Marvel Snap is disproportionately always good. Because not only getting the season pass card for 10 bucks, Try and buy 10 worth of tokens, right? Like it ain't happening. So the season pass, there's a mix here, right? People say, Oh, the season pass cards too expensive, or it's too, no, sorry. The season pass cards too good. They're selling season passes. But at the same time, in terms of your money, it's also like, if the season pass card is going to be good, it's 10 bucks. Whereas like tokens and everything else is so much more expensive, right? So so there's that side to it. But of course you do have to put, put the money into the ecosystem. So there's, there is a trade off to that, but. With the season pass, you're getting a lot of resources. You are getting variants, stuff like that. So it continues to be a very good place to spend 10. And I suppose it helps with the season pass card being as good as it is. Kozy, would you like to move on? Eason,
Cozy Snap:610 Eason, after each turn put the card from your hand that didn't start in there in your deck. Yeah, you know what I'm trying to say. What did you think of Eason? I think he landed exactly where I thought he was going to land. Fun, and, but like, definitely fun. I don't think he, listen, I think against bots he's really, really good. I what do you think? Go ahead.
Alexander Coccia:I think he landed way above my expectations. What do you have him at? A 5 star or something? No, not 5. We both ranked him 3. I think he's definitely a four star card.
Cozy Snap:I think, yeah, so I think I want to see how this guy ages against like better players. That's what I want to see more. I think Cause I, dude, I looked at it too, to confirm my suspicion. He's like 48 percent at high infinite play.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I believe it. So that's, that's my worry. He's a bit of a shunchie magnet too, I think.
Cozy Snap:But I, he is good. Like his, his base core gameplay loop felt
Alexander Coccia:really good. And you know what I will say? Is that I felt like the decks where he was in with Egamoto weren't as good. Like I feel like he's better in like the Victoria Hand style deck than he is in Egamoto. Cause I thought, oh you know what, he's gonna pull a spell down for free and stuff like that. That actually rarely happened for me. And I felt that like, I wouldn't be surprised that the best Esan deck is not an Agamotto deck. That would not surprise me. Honestly, the card right now from, so rank 70 to 100 incorporating kind of bond inflation, it's running a 56. 1%. So five five Tenths of a percent lower than Agamotto. Agamotto's running 0. 50 cubes. This is 0. versus Agamotto's 34. It's literally a step under Agamotto Statistically in every single category. However, I don't think this is a three star card, which is where we gave them I I would again time will tell but I think this card might be actually low key really good But honestly, I think so in my playtesting I felt pretty confident with it And I wonder if we're only getting started with the brewing here. Honestly, it might be a good Victoria hand card.
Cozy Snap:This was a tough week because we had Eason and Agamotto come out in the same week, both of which need a lot of testing. And that, that is tough.
Alexander Coccia:No, it is tough. The one thing about the Eason, Victoria hand style deck that sucked is the images of icon or icon don't get the Victoria hand buff because they're not created in hand. And so they don't get the plus two, which I think kind of like, it's not a synergy that like is a deal breaker, but it's like, well, damn it. Like, does that mean that like, you know, you don't build a Victoria hand Agamotto Eason deck, you cut the Agamotto out and you lean more into that created synergy. So I don't know, man, I don't know. I, for what it's worth. When I was testing this card and I knew that we had come in at a three. Yep. And even then I had some reservations about it. I was, I knew I was wrong testing it. I was like, this is, this is better than three, but it's not as good as Agamotto, I don't think, but it wouldn't surprise me if ultimately there are a couple decks that are like punching. In those ranges of what, like, how do I explain this? I think Agamotto individually is a better card, but it wouldn't surprise me if Esan's in a better deck.
Cozy Snap:It, they, they both are just good cards, and like, you know, we, we've been saying for how long in SnapNOW, like, good card decks or whatever. Like, Esan needs more synergy per se than Agamotto, but the cards that he gets the synergy from are so good to begin with. You know, the, the Iron Patriots, the new White Queen, that they obviously really helped out Esan. I think Esan you know, that white queen fix was huge. And then obviously, yeah, Victoria hand that we just mentioned but even like old favorites, you know, iron patriot valentina. Those are they all work well
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and it's worth noting that like the spotlight cash was isan beta rebuild wiccan Beta Rebuild is the landmine there, unfortunately. But like, if you don't have Wiccan, Wiccan's awesome. It is definitely worth having in your collection. It looks like Esan might be worth having in your collection too. So if you're like, not sure if you want to roll, the problem is there's so much good stuff coming. But ultimately, I think that if you If you don't have Wiccan and you're interested in Esan, I think it might be worth taking a shot at the, at the Spotlights. But there's so much good stuff coming too, like even Starbrand we just talked about has the Scar in it. You're gonna have Cassandra Nova and Neeko in the Firehair week, right? So there's like lots of good stuff, so much, I mean, this is the problem, right? Like there's so many good cards in the, the Spotlights that you kind of want to roll from. You want to dodge the Landmine of Beta Ray Bill.
Cozy Snap:The, the Firehair week is a must save. Like, especially if you don't have two of the three of those cards, it's like, go wild.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Firehand's gonna be absolutely insane. And you know what else is pretty insane, Cozy? Is these hot and rising cards, dammit. There have been some cards rising amongst the ashes like a phoenix of the meta. Cozy, we've had some cards be absolute bangers. You like that transition, Cozy? You like that? Listen, I'm trying, man. I'm trying. It's, it's, I am three hours ahead of you, sir. Three hours ahead of you. And you know what? Maybe next time I'm not putting water into my bottle. We're going to get something a little stiffer to keep me a little more fluid. You're plenty fluid. During the Snapchat. You are,
Cozy Snap:you're as fluid as we need Alex right now. No, we got, what did you just say? Okay, yes, hot and rising meta cards, my man. What, what are you, what's cooking? Tell us about this. You know
Alexander Coccia:what? The meta's been shifting quite a bit, Cozy. I'm playing a lot of Marvel Snap. And I'll tell you, there's a couple cards that have really, really started to take off. One of them is Hela. Hela is legitimately all over the place right now. And it's, it's the scar change. And it's so funny how, like, we talk about this all the time, it was like, oh, if, let's say Hela needed a buff. People will say, well, how do you buff Hela? Well, make her a 5, or make her a, sorry, a 6, 10, or make her something. Like, they always talk about the card itself. But Hela didn't need a buff to herself. She needed Scar. Right? She needed Scar being changed to a 7 power. And getting additional strength as well. So yeah, so honestly, Hela's right now running a 13. 7 percent Metashare, that's insane for Hela.
Cozy Snap:That was the first, I think when we recapped the OTA, when we talked about Scar, I was like, man, I think Hela's going to feast off this, and it, we, I, it keeps her, like, so many cars in the future can help her out that much more. Do you think Starbrand will want to be there because he's a 3, or is it just too awkward?
Alexander Coccia:I don't know, because hell is all about putting like, just blanket power down, especially with the RNG of things falling where they are. I think the negative 3 power, or the 3 power you're giving your opponent might actually be detrimental. Like, I thought about that. It is 10 power, but there's no way of really It's like disabling the effect on a hella deck.
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I just, I don't know, man. I mean, you already have like so much power, which is a black cat kind of gets out of the hand. I'm like, Oh, here we go.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Right. You know, you know, immediately it's the first telltale sign. But yeah, hell is definitely one of the bigger winners right now are hot and rising and it has been for a bit, but if you haven't. Gotten back on the train and get there. Cause she, she's, she's
Alexander Coccia:here. Hello. Continues to be like a design problem. Like, is it, is it a true problem though? Like, do you, in my experience, the problem is hella doesn't feel like as bad as it was before. Cause I feel like when the person's piloting the deck, I'm like, okay, they're doing stuff, but they're also playing like more power. Like, there's more power in the stages of Hela too, which makes it more, like, consistent. Like, they're playing good cards to discard good cards. So it's like, I don't know, they're kind of having their cake and eating it too, which I think is contributing to the, the power of the deck.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, she's, I would definitely call, I want to call, problem card is a weird word to call her, but kind of, like, she's been here for how long now and she's, she's always made it to reliable decks. Although the first year she was out though, dude, she was not good. Just, it was a meme. She was really good in beta.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And she was the
Cozy Snap:best beta deck.
Alexander Coccia:And I don't remember what they did to change her.
Cozy Snap:In beta they, I think it was stat change.
Alexander Coccia:Was it pure stats? I don't actually remember. Someone from, someone can remember, let us know. Because I, it's something, they had to nerf her. They had to nerf Hela, and believe it or not, they had to nerf Mr. Negative too. Mr. Negative. Was one of the top beta decks too. And they, they nerfed the crap out of it. Well,
Cozy Snap:just think about what it was just stats. I think, because think about what was there to like defend itself against Hela, like compared to what we have today. Like there's just nothing. It was just
Alexander Coccia:Cosmo.
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:It was the invisible woman Hela deck. That was so good.
Cozy Snap:Invisible Woman was like the hotel back then, yeah. Oh man. Yeah, it takes me back to the, to the Glorious. I can't believe how long it's been. Mr. Negative was a 4'4 That was my first short. My, like, only short on my channel.
Alexander Coccia:There's, there's one short of you, of yours that always gets, like, showed to me. It's always in my feed. And you're doing like the surprise Pikachu face on
Cozy Snap:it. It wouldn't, it wouldn't show if you watched it, Alex. Who else do you have that's hot and rising? Can I say one? Yes, you can say one. I don't think, I don't know if he's like hot and rising. I think he's been good for a little bit. But I love Anti Venom. I think Anti Venom has really found his place. Anti Venom. Anti Anti. Has found his place re more recently than not. And talk about a car that had a, a pretty good glow up from what we thought in our original reviews.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And, and even has been pretty solid also had that gold bundle, which I think that really helped people gain access because not only was the gold bundle good from an actual gold to currency conversion. But if you didn't have Anti Venom, then suddenly you had Anti Venom. It's one of those things where like, the gold bundles and the bundles are valuable for cards you don't have because you get the variant and can play the card. Although you still have to unlock the base one, which is a little unfortunate. But yeah, Anti Venom's definitely playable. I've been seeing less of him though.
Cozy Snap:I mean, he was, he's big in Affliction, he's big in the ongoing Spectrum stuff. Like, that's where he was working pretty well. At least from when, when I saw him. But yeah, I, I mean, I've enjoyed, I think, I think I've liked him a good amount. I have one other in mind that I'm gonna let you go, and I wanna see if you say him.
Alexander Coccia:I'd have to say Adam Warlock. Yeah. Adam Warlock's running a 12 percent Metashare right now. If you would have told me, like, even a month ago, that, hey Alex, on the Snapchat, you're gonna bring up Adam Warlock as a hot and rising card at a 12 percent Metashare, I'd have been like, bruh, no. That's not happening. You know, you're, you're more inebriated than I am. But no, Adam Warlock is seriously running a 12 percent Metashare right now.
Cozy Snap:Doesn't shock us. I think, again, we, we've gotten the questions like, what other cards can they add the and or to, and Otherwise, yeah, otherwise they need to, they need to bring this to more cards. I think it's just a perfect solution that doesn't like get rid of the flavor of what we knew the card as, you know, like not saying that American travelers could be in this game anymore. That feels like a lifetime ago, but like you could, instead of just completely ripping the. Really the personality of that card away you figure out something about it, you know
Alexander Coccia:I wonder if echo would be a card that would be worth having a otherwise text on because I always think we've had like major Ongoing metas and echo still doesn't get play. That's a card that its core design isn't isn't good enough It doesn't do the thing it needs to do. Well
Cozy Snap:now a star brand has got no shot to be played I mean, yeah, you're looking for echo at that point
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Max, the one time you play Echo, you get starbrained. I don't know what a feeling that would be. Another hot and rising card cozy at 14 percent of the meta, and this should come to no surprise. I know you like your tech cards, but this is gonna be Red Guardian. Red Guardian feels like he's everywhere. And I'll be honest, when I get Red Guardian, I'm not even mad. This is just a good card. But but yeah, Red Guardian has been definitely a meta shaker over the last little while. Seems like a really good catch all from a tech perspective.
Cozy Snap:Is he, I feel like he's just been hot. He's just been a hot, a hot, a hot man. Do you ever think they'd take him down? Could he get
Alexander Coccia:taken down? I'm not sure they probably could potentially remove the negative two power and make it negative one. Cause you're still muting the card. Decks like Ajax decks still get the synergy from having the negative power applied. Diamond back still wants that negative power. I think they probably leave it three, three, but maybe go negative one power. Yeah. I can see that.
Cozy Snap:Okay.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. I'm glad we're in agreement. And if we want to talk about more cards that are running up really high at 35 percent of the meta, and this is since the release of the season pass. Iron Patriot won't go away. You know, it just won't go away. Iron Patriot. What are your thoughts, buddy?
Cozy Snap:I think I've said it whenever it came out. It's like one of my favorite cards that ever come out. Not only just because of what the way that I play Snap. He's the perfect mix between fun and good. I think that's the ultimate thing. And the flexibility between them.
Alexander Coccia:I have a question for you. Who would you take? Iron Patriot or Sam Wilson, Captain America? You can't pick both.
Cozy Snap:No, I'm gonna pick the other one. I'd go Iron Patriot. See, I would
Alexander Coccia:go Sam Wilson, but the stats support you. Iron Patriot, 35. 7 percent of the meta according to Untappd. Sam Wilson, 19. 7%. Win rate, 57. 3%. This is obviously bot inflation, and that's for Iron Patriot. Sam Wilson, Captain America comes in at 58. 4%. So, slightly higher win rate on the Sam Wilson Captain America. Now, here's the thing. I'm gonna throw this by you. Going back to Esan, I felt Iron Patron Esan, while technically compatible, not always exactly compatible. Because if I was getting Esan down, and I had a free or discounted card, I often wanted to play that card, I didn't want him to pull that card. So sometimes Esan and IMP just step on each other's toes.
Cozy Snap:I like it in the sense that if you didn't win, you were able to get that card played still. Or like, if you got the card, but it's not one that you wanted to spend the energy to play, that he would play. You know what I mean? Like, that was kind of cool about it. I felt like there was enough synergy at it being a two, but I do know what you mean. It wasn't like a one for one, you know, perfect play.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's like, always better than Valentina. Like, Iron Patriot is always better than Valentina for that reason, right? Just because you're getting a non Like, the, not, who cares about the discount? You're not getting affected from the power side. I guess another climber It has been Quinjet running a 20 22 percent Meta share, and that's because of the the effectiveness of Airshim, which is also climbing as well. So Airshim's seeing a climb, Quinjet's seeing a climb. a lot.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I, I, I saw way more Airshim. Yeah, right. Exactly. We knew that too. We had a feeling. But it, it had its time out for a, for a tad. We had a few months without it. Yeah. What do you, I don't. Yeah, pretty much. I don't mind them. I just don't. It doesn't. Mm. I don't know. He doesn't frustrate me.
Alexander Coccia:You know what the problem is? I almost wish with Arishem, they didn't, they didn't let you build a deck or something. I almost wish it was purely just draft.
Cozy Snap:I, I just don't know if they would ever do that. I do think that's a fun, I think that would be a fun mechanic for everybody.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Maybe make it completely random cards. Plus one power, maybe plus one draw at the start of the game or something. Draw an extra card. Or maybe he's the extra card. I don't know. Do you really want to do that? I don't know. I just think there's a design space for that. I don't think we're ever going to get draft. I'm just going to say that right now. I don't think we're ever going to get into draft mode. I think it's never going to come out. They're clearly not. And you know what? If they can make modes as good as the Sanctum Showdown mode and make that on a rotating basis maybe that saves the desire for that. Even though I love draft so much. The problem is, if they do
Cozy Snap:draft as a limited time mode and it slaps as good as we probably think it would People are just going to be pissed when it goes away, and then it's going to devalue like high voltage and Sanctum.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and Deadpool's diner. Don't forget all that trashy.
Cozy Snap:I How many people actually think that's the best one?
Alexander Coccia:How many people think Deadpool diners the best? There are people I've seen it on the twit. There are people well on the Twitter ya then you go on that
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I am always
Alexander Coccia:on Twitter. Oh, man.
Cozy Snap:That's where I see my, my, that's where I see Kocha, where you you've had some tweets lately.
Alexander Coccia:Every once in a while, I send a little thing out, you know, but, You did something the other day. You,
Cozy Snap:like, asked a question, and I was like, look at him, tweeting.
Alexander Coccia:Like, oh, oh, no, I know it wasn't that. Oh, dude, you know when I tweeted? What'd you tweet? You, you saw it, you watched it live, it was just before We were recording. I blew my back out putting on my socks. You watched me do it. People thought I was joking. You watched me blow my back out putting on socks. I
Cozy Snap:think I was offended. I thought it was your shoulder. It was your back or your shoulder. I watched this man. My back dude. He was like talking to me and he was just like took his socks off and it was like a, it was a 20 minute recovery. I saw this man go through it. He, this did happen. This did happen. I felt, I felt bad. I was putting my socks on man. Putting socks on? I was putting socks on. You were sockless when you answered
Alexander Coccia:the call? I just took a shower to wake up. And I came into the room, sat down, we were chatting. I was putting my sockies on, because I'm in the basement, it's cold. What's your average shower And my back, blown out. What's your average
Cozy Snap:shower count a year? Or like a sorry, a day. A week. A day. I take, if I'm doing
Alexander Coccia:content, I'll take about four showers a day.
Cozy Snap:That's so BS, there's no way. Four, four showers. That's my wife, man. How many towels? Who's doing the linen around there? Well, my wife's not impressed. Well, that's a lot of water. And that's a lot of towels.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know. I'm not joking, man. Cause I shower once in the morning, I shower once when I get home from work. That's two minimum. Why do you shower when you get home from work? Cause I need to, man. What does that mean? Cause I'm drawing phallic stuff all over the board all day long. I need to wash it off, man. No, I just, I need to. It's like, showering for me is like hitting the reset button. You know, it's like hitting the reset button. And then I usually so I'll, I'll shower before bed as well. Cause I like, I like laying, I like laying in clean sheets and I like laying showered and so that's what I'll do. So three times a minimum, but if I'm making content, like before the Snapchat, I shower before the, you know, I do what I Snapchat. So I can kind of reenergize.
Cozy Snap:What about you wet hair on the pillow? Like how do you shower when you, that's why I don't like showering before I sleep.
Alexander Coccia:This might blow your mind, but I dry my hair, dude, with a towel. I go like this. Yeah, I do too, but I guess you don't have that much hair. Yeah, dude, you're talking like I have, we, like, am I that much, dude, we have like the same amount of hair. In fact, if you, you get a haircut ten times more often. We have the same
Cozy Snap:amount of hair, I don't think it's a factual statement.
Alexander Coccia:You have hair on your face, too. You have a beard I don't right now.
Cozy Snap:But on the
Alexander Coccia:head? No, I have less hair. Dude, I'm, okay, first of all, I'm older than you, Mike, but the hair is like, it's fading. Like, great. Your hairline's fantastic. Really? My brother has really nice hair. It's like all, I used to have hair down my shoulders, man. You should grow your hair out long. Dude, I did. I had super long hair. Go back to it. With the glasses, you'd look Do you know what? I, so, I remember I was like, I was younger. I was in my mid twenties. I had really long hair down my, my, like down, like, long, long, long. And this girl came up to me and she's like, you look like Josh Groban. And I was like, really, is that a compliment? She's like, yeah, that's cool. No. Oh, thanks. He has a voice of an angel, man. Oh,
Cozy Snap:well, Hey, look at you, man. I, I think put it down below. Alex should grow his hair out. Yes or no. I don't even know what we were talking about. I'll be honest. What are we talking about right now? Oh, hot and rising currents. That's
Alexander Coccia:it. Yeah. And then we started talking about showering. We got completely derailed. Alright, okay, couple more, couple more, then we're gonna move on to our second edition of the Snapchat Mailbag. Mockingbird rising because of the Agamotto and the Ereshim stuff, obviously. Well, not necessarily Agamotto, because they don't stay on the board, but the Ereshim stuff. Here's a surprising one. King E Tree, King E Tree, which was running exactly 0 percent of the meta, because it was an absolute Fecal matter card is now running a 6 percent Meta share cozy King E3, 6%. What is happening out there? When
Cozy Snap:you go up from zero, it's still going out. You're still, you are still rising. I mean, we thought we talked about it in the synergy department. I thought it was going to be more of a meme than a dream, but people want their spells. They want that draw to happen. I tried it once. I think I got him on turn six and I, I, I banished him. I banished him myself. I'm not,
Alexander Coccia:I ain't playing King Eitri. I'm not doing anything.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, you have him though. At least you got him. Can you imagine if you went to S tier meta and it was the card you skipped?
Alexander Coccia:Bro, what if it, okay, what if they're doing the spotlight cash the way they did because Glenn cooked this like Beta Ray Bill Eitri deck where you like images of Iken, Beta Ray Bill, and then you get all the things. And then you bring them all back with Gene Foster, and then you play all the hammers at once. It's as good as the the Spud Ram 2099 deck. Oh, the, the, yeah, and whatever deck required the nerfing of Taskmaster in the first place, which was probably the little bounce movers deck, honestly. Yeah. Whatever. And the last one that's worth mentioning here before we move on. There's two I want to mention. They're almost exactly the same at nine and a half percent play rate. Agent Coulson, White Queen, Cozy. What do you think? Both time. I mean, you can't,
Cozy Snap:you can't be hot and rising if you played every day. You know what I mean? I play Agent Coulson. It's true. It's
Alexander Coccia:true. Okay, so you love Coulson. I love White Queen. We can meet in the middle? That's all
Cozy Snap:I'm gonna say. We should have our sets look the exact same, so that it looks like we're in the same room.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, I actually have those exact, like, wall panel things. I'm just looking at them, they're on the other walls. I gotta redo mine. I know, why don't you show that? Why don't you show those? Man, cause I gotta move all my desk around. And I'm renovating this wall, cause I'm doing a whole new display.
Cozy Snap:What's on there?
Alexander Coccia:It's my old display, except now I messed it all up. What's your new display? It's gonna be a better version of my old one. Wow, you really seem to hype that up. I know. I'm going, I'm reaching for the moon. You're like, damn it. I'm totally renovating this whole space. You obviously noticed I moved camera angles. I'm in the same room, it's just a different angle. I Snapchat mailbag question. You need a good Snapchat mailbag question? Cozy, I got a good Snapchat mailbag question for you. It comes from Kyle Hunter. This is my favorite question I've been asked for a while. It says the ball sack joke is funny But I cannot handle a full season of it Please let this joke die after this video and not become the next hydration Robert
Cozy Snap:Can you imagine the devs and their OTA? We had to nerf down Agamotto and the ball sack as some people are calling him Alex Gocha
Alexander Coccia:The bolts of ballsack going down to two cost. Buffer egg oil. Bro, it cracks me up because like,
Cozy Snap:I don't nickname the cards. I let Alex do his, his thing. Like that's, you know what, like. You go. I'm glad you're doing it was last episode You kept calling Galactus g man and there's a viewer that comes in like it took him like an hour and a half to figure out What a g man was.
Alexander Coccia:I was referring to Half Life 2. Come on now. Everyone knows who g man is.
Cozy Snap:I'm like, I forgot that people I'm gonna have to start having like cue cards to remind people what all of Alex's pet names are
Alexander Coccia:Dude, sometimes I'm editing my videos and I'm like, oh my god, man. Like this is like, what am I saying? I do some sentences I'm like, I'm like I'm like, Oh man, I'm like, I know he's going to play the Magento, but I got these but I played with the balls, the bolts of ball sacks. I'll be able to throw down hydration, Robert, alongside, you know, cross boners, like the one sentence is like nine different, like stupid ass pet names for cards and anybody that's like, just trying to like, enjoy their coffee in the morning. It's like, what the hell is this guy even talking about right now? Like, well, I don't even know what any of these cards are. You listen, you
Cozy Snap:make my coffee drink. Good morning's better. How about that?
Alexander Coccia:I appreciate that Cozy, but anyways, I don't think, I don't think bolts of ball sack is going to quite hit. I can't hear ball sack
Cozy Snap:anymore. I can't. I, I've, I've upped it like the most I've ever, like, if you looked at the, the, the graph, a visual graph of how much I said that word, it would be like, it would be like this. All right. Then it would die down. Okay. For like a good two, two decades. And it's off the charts, man. 2025.
Alexander Coccia:It's off the charts. Dude, I'm bringing it up. I had to, in the most recent video I did for Esan, I actually had to pin a comment, cause I, I gotta read it to you. I just gotta read it to you. This is the comment I had to, I had to pin for, for the, the fans here. I had to pin, hold on, there it is, okay, I had to pin, I'm just going to get ahead of the comments here and say that while I, while I was editing this video, I realized that I had been using the word ballsack way too many times over the past several days, and I promise that I'm going to try to restrict and reduce my use of the word ballsack going forward this season Or else everyone just might lose their minds. Did you pin that? Thank God. I pinned that. And you know what? In the comments, people are like, go get him, King. You know what I mean? They want it. They want it. So while I know it, I understand that, you know. I want you to make a note. I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say the word again. I'm getting baited into saying the word over and over again. It ends here. Hammond Cheese Sandwich says, Heya! Cozy Snap and Alex Kocha Enjoyer here. Really enjoyed Sanctum Showdown this week, and loved getting three new cards from the event. My mindset with this game is that at the end of the day, if I can get a bad new card, I still get a new card that I can test, and eventually see buffs added. So also, I don't know if others have noticed, but I think the base Punisher is Cross Eyed. Really? Yes. The base punisher. Kind
Cozy Snap:of
Alexander Coccia:a two parter there.
Cozy Snap:I, I, I only paid attention to the base, the base punisher. Hold on. Koji's trying to remember what cost punisher is right now. No, I'm looking at him. Put him up on the screen. Yeah. It's, you have to really, you have to, it's more than cross eyed it. This guy's got something else. This guy's got a lot going on with him. Yeah, he's having a rough day, man. Holy shh. like
Alexander Coccia:That's like the thousand mile stare hit.
Cozy Snap:Nobody's home.
Alexander Coccia:This is Alex. He's got, someone's got to take them into like, see someone who's going to go see a doctor. This
Cozy Snap:is Alex at a three o'clock 3 a. m. Recording over here. This is
Alexander Coccia:me trying to edit the Snapchat. My eyes blazed over two in the morning after cozy's snail internet cozy's internet. So bad. It's not. You're better off putting, you're better off putting your, the Snapchat into a USB key and mailing it to me. A US who? Who? You should put the, you should copy my side of the snapshot into A USB key and mail it to me. It'd be faster than uploading. What's a B key? What are you think? What are you saying? A USB key. What's that? Like a thumb drive. You've never seen like a USB key before. I call it a thumb drive.
Cozy Snap:I don't think I've ever called it a key. Oh, A USB key. You call it a key. I don't call it a key. Really. I don't think that's a thing.
Alexander Coccia:I It might be. It might be. That can't be a regional thing. Come on now. They're definitely known as just be keys. Valenta comes in with a question for the mailbag, and it says, Cards that create other cards now give the artist a variance if able. For example, PixelColson will now give 5s, letting everyone know because it wasn't advertised as a feature, but it is the biggest change to the patch gameplay wise for them.
Cozy Snap:Yes, easily. It's my favorite thing I've ever seen
Alexander Coccia:in
Cozy Snap:my life.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I like it. I think it's a great touch. And people are getting unreleased variants too, did you notice that? Oh yeah,
Cozy Snap:dude, which is awesome. I mean, I'm, I'm here for it. I, the more pixel, the better, you know what I mean?
Alexander Coccia:And you know what? So DanHipp, I've always liked DanHipp's art. And the DanHipp with the, some of the new, like, those ray effects look really cool. Yeah, they do. So I really like the DanHipp's lately with some of those ray effects. A lot of the effects look good to me. Even though I've been putting on too many cards and there's too much movement on the screen. I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna throw up, but it's a whole other thing. You know? We got another question, Cozy. We got two more. This one from the mailbag, it says, What's up, Alex and Cozy? What's up, might be a mare. Since we're never getting first edition badges, and we never got added the ultimate variant features either, what do you think they could do to make the ultimate variants feel more ultimate, and reward players for being the original variant owners? Uhhh.
Cozy Snap:I don't know if it's part of an NDA. I can't say. I know at one point I was it was like speculated that Ultimate cards were gonna get like Ultimate voice lines and stuff. Like it was gonna feel epic when Ultimate effects, yeah. Yeah that was like two years ago, I think, when that was said, so. My guess is nothing which sucks it does suck cuz I think they're really cool and they right now the best thing about them is They give you albums Unlocked again, it's stupid.
Alexander Coccia:No, I'm of the opinion. They probably shouldn't be part of albums cuz they kind of like, of course
Cozy Snap:It's awful. I hate that design. Yeah, I'd like some type of different frame or something would be cool. Do I think they'll do it? Maybe maybe not I'm gonna go I have to tell you
Alexander Coccia:I regret I regret my purchases of ultimate variants Like I do I don't I bought that I bought the ultimate armor and then everyone got gifted a better armor variant I was like f me man. Like I was so annoyed. It's
Cozy Snap:definitely some ultimates that I use Just because I have to use them like I bought it and I don't even like it anymore, but I damn it. I'm going to use it. Armor is one of them.
Alexander Coccia:That's the spirit, Cozy. One last, one last thing for the Snapchat mailbag, Cozy. Cozy, I have a question for you and it comes from Homing Budgie. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels. Cozy, I can't, you're off screen with your head in your hands. I laughed.
Cozy Snap:You gotta laugh at me. You gotta you gotta chuckle. I appreciate it. I'm gonna be that one hits home for San Diego, so I'm gonna steal that. Appreciate that. Who's that? Who can I think? Homie Budgie. Homing Budgie. Thank you, homie. I think Alex takes
Alexander Coccia:many showers, you guys. That's fair. That's fair. I I just might. I just might. But you know what? What can I say? I love water. I just love water. Do you have a water Pokemon? If you could be any Pokemon, you'd be water? Who would I be if I could be a Pokemon? That's such a great question. Snorlax. Oh, dude. Oh, I barely get to sleep! Snorlax would be such a good call. Oh, I would love to be Snorlax. You're, you know what I would see you as? You're definitely like a Hitmonchan, I think. What the fu? Yeah, I can see you being a Hitmonchan, like you being like some athletic boxer dude. That's a, I was thinking more. It's a compliment, man. I'd be more like a Poliwhirl or something. Yeah, yeah, sexy Poliwhirl. Just thinking, you know what, if I were to, you know what my luck would be? If I were to be a Pokemon, I'd be like a Metapod. Like that's what I would get. You'd get Hitmonchan, I would get Metapod.
Cozy Snap:I think the people with the reincarnation, I, like, they I'd just be like a I don't know, like a carpet.
Alexander Coccia:A carpet? You can, you can reanimate as, like, non animate inanimate objects? I think is the term? I would say we gotta go to bed, but unfortunately I still have to edit this, so. We gotta stay up even later, but you guys get to go to bed. Thanks so much for watching, guys. We sincerely appreciate your support. We love ya. Have yourselves an absolutely wonderful evening.
Cozy Snap:Have a good one. Have a great one. Till the next one guys. Happy snapping.