The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
New Prehistoric Avengers Season | A Spicy OTA | February Cards In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 122
What makes this prehistoric season so good? What were the changes in the most recent OTA? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in February? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's up guys. Welcome back. We've got a new month of the Snapchat and a much better month for Marvel snap. February had some pretty bad cards, but the prehistoric Avengers look promising. Starting with the season pass card that has a big, bad feel to it and a lot of unique cards to archetypes that I haven't seen love in quite a while. Alex and I are going to break down all those, giving our rankings, our review. And then of course, we're going to give the highlights. Of the recent ota i'm excited about this episode a lot to break down And we're gonna talk about that all today more on this episode of the snapchat And as always I am joined by the one the only the handsome, mr Alex kocha and my gosh, man This i've got to be honest. This is the most excited i've been for a season in a minute, man The season pass card has some fun stuff around it and the and the cards look really cool. The theme is cool And we're coming off the, the high that was Sanctum Showdown, or at least the high of the first 24 hours of Sanctum Showdown at a spicy OTA. It was a fun week, man.
Alexander Coccia:It was a crazy week. And I got to tell you, having you call me handsome is so validating. Not only do I greatly value your opinion, but if someone who is incredibly handsome, call someone else handsome, it's got to be worth something, you know? And I got to tell you, I was actually talking to my wife and I was like, you know what? I got to get a haircut today before the Snapchat, because I think this is about the time that Cozy gets a haircut. And I was like, I gotta have a haircut if he does, you know, I'm just trying to bring my game in.
Cozy Snap:I almost wore a jacket today. And then I was like, ah, dude, either you or one of the comments is going to call me in sync again. I was like, I'm going to put that one away. I'm going to, I'm just going to put a hoodie on today. Call it a day. It's like one of the few days it's ready. And San Diego got, got. You know, especially cozy vibes going on right now, but yeah, man. Hey, listen, what did you think a showdown? What a what a fun 24 hours, man, right?
Alexander Coccia:I actually really enjoyed it I did a lot and I will say that I think the rewards felt more accessible than expected Yeah, because I think the twist drops were very generous without that I think it would have been a little grindy in that way I will say though. I felt like I had a pretty good accumulation of scrolls. I played for like literally 16 hours the first two days because of twitch drops and everything and I only spent 40 gold on one set of scrolls, because people wanted me to keep going, I did. Other than that, like, when I went on for my second stream, like, I had scrolls waiting for me, and and then I unlocked scrolls as you kind of level up and whatever. It wasn't as, like, it wasn't as restrictive as I perhaps expected.
Cozy Snap:The starting amount was much more generous than we thought. I think, like, we didn't know the number when, when we recorded it last time. They didn't, like, release the video yet. Actually, I was making the video. So, of course, they didn't release the video yet. But also, hey, this is the first time we're doing the dang Snapchat, and we have the video released on the season ahead. I know, man, it makes such a difference. Oh my gosh, we actually know what they're going to do. And there's a couple that, like, I got this. I'm like, Oh, Oh, there's one. I know, you know what I'm talking about. And I was like, Oh, that would have changed, you know, dramatically on what we thought about that card, which we'll, we'll get to. But yeah, man, it was it was a good time. I thought it was enjoyable. I think me and you called it the first 24 hours or so was, was definitely the most fun, the honeymoon period, you know, not knowing what's going on. You know, again, I guess play early. So, you know, right off the bat, I did. You know, move cards and stuff. And I knew that that was going to be strong screamer out of the battle. I'm like, this is going to just be just way too good. But how cool was, how fun is it to have a new game mode where people are complaining about guardians of the galaxy? Never would've thought that's the best
Alexander Coccia:part, man. Like, I think it's really nice that. You know, you get these this game mode and then cards that we're all seeing almost no play whatsoever, like literally Drax, okay. Drax and Groot are suddenly being played unironically with high effectiveness. And that's great. And yes, it's only two weeks. It feels like an unbalanced patch in some ways where like guardians are getting their two weeks where we get to play with them, check them out, and they're worth it. And it was funny because I was trying to do some cooks and stuff using the guardians and everyone started using the guardians. And and then what happened was I was like, okay, hold on. I'm going to counter the meta here. I'm not going to play the guardians and I'm going to anticipate that they're playing the guardians. So I started playing like Thena, Havoc and cards that can increase power into those locations without me playing into them. I was playing a Mr. Fantastic unironically, and I was winning games, man. You add seven power with Mr. Fantastic and Havoc, right? Without even playing in a location.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Miss Marvel, Mr. Fantastic felt fun and good. Those are really good against bots, especially because they just, they didn't know how to do it. But yeah, man, it was, it was. Interesting, you know what it is about these limited time game modes is that high voltage i'm excited for we're gonna get that this month first coaster I just gonna be the the reward card for that. Hell. Yeah, man I think what it is and I know there's a couple out there. There are people that enjoy deadpool's diner That's the one that feels off in rotation. I think they are revisiting it or something like that They they mentioned but like, you know a high voltage in this game mode Are great. So like these going on cycle. I'm like, yeah, like I can totally we get a couple more in there, man And then you're out in the draft mode and then you got a lot of variants, you know You got a lot of stuff happening here general ladder You got the limits of time game mode to get the new card and then you got potentially What would be a draft mode that's gonna stay or whatever, right? I think that is exciting, you know in itself
Alexander Coccia:And I think it makes a lot of sense that they release it on the tail end of the season. Because if you think about it, you got a new season, you get two cards, a season pass card, exactly what we're going to be talking about today. The reason why we're all excited today, right? But you also have the, the reset of the ranks. And so people get some time to get new. They get a couple of weeks to go through the ranks. Get towards infinite, they get to infinite and they're like, well, now what I'm going to do, I mean, me, I'm going to grind to, you know, I don't care about grinding infinite ranks. Like I just don't care. Right. So when I get a new game mode, hell yeah, I'm going to kind of engage with that. That's, that's awesome. And I will tell you this, this mode felt very fun and it felt like they worked within the confines of like Marvel snaps, capabilities, locations, the cards, and really did a fascinating new spin on it. Like. High voltage is cool, but it's still kind of Marvel snap. And I liked the fact that it's like a snap, quickie way to play games and not have to worry about ranks or winning or losing or anything, but this felt very unique and I liked it.
Cozy Snap:It felt like it put the importance in cards rather than combos. And I think that's what really I enjoyed about it. Like, you know, I'm not like high voltage is the opposite, right? So like ladder's kind of the neutral high voltage is like, what crazy stuff can you get done the fastest? And then this felt like, yeah, there's combo base, but it's like. You know think about how many like individual cars heck they had a ban like a ton more Because there are so many that were just universally Really strong and performed. Well, I think that was refreshing. And then yeah, the rewards are I think just right? You know, I think those felt good. I still I didn't love the rng aspect I think we could you know, we already talked about that last week with the portal pulls or whatever But they still felt really good in in general and it was good to go. But yeah, man, i'm excited Listen, we've got what I, you know, I said in the, in the preview feels like an old big bad card is what this season pass card feels like. You know what I mean? Like the dawn of high evolutionary, that kind of stuff is what this season pass card feels like. So let's just get into it. But before we talk about that, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat
Alexander Coccia:cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing February's cards in review and that's actually going to include the sanctum cards We're doing a massive review giving our impressions of everything you unlocked in the sanctum and everything You might have gotten through the caches throughout the past season. And then finally as always our snapchat
Cozy Snap:mailbag. That's dude I always get excited for the new season just Because I feel like the first couple weeks especially it's just like there's so much to talk about so much to break down even if we revisit these pretty soon after and again, always, always fun looking back interview on your side of like, what, what did we say? What did we say? So this season, and I think, Hey, listen, February, we were pretty down on the cards. I feel like we got those right, but we'll have to see. How are we doing this one because this could be a trap season in the sense of we get excited about a lot Of cards, maybe they don't all end up right But there is one card agamotto the season pass card that I think is gonna be a pretty revolutionary for the game Five cost ten power freaking arrow just went down to five nine What the hell five cost ten power game start shuffle four ancient arcana into your deck and we're gonna get to the spells And what they do but the new banished cards that you can draw and they, they can be played to do different things and we'll go through those, you know, I'll get them all on screen right now so you guys can see them and then we'll go through them one at a time. But Alex. Let's start with just general, what do you think about Agamotto, star ratings?
Alexander Coccia:You know what? There's a number of cards I really like this, this season. And I really was wrestling as to which card I wanted to give the coveted 5 to, right? And I feel like I have to give it to Agamotto. Because I feel like this might be a new archetype defining card that has, I think, a pretty wide application of where it could go. But I can see it creating something new, and I don't see it Falling flat like and if it does there's so many avenues to tweaking buffing it and everything like that But I don't even see it hitting that because these these are kingdom are crazy. Their con is fantastic So it's like I don't know man. I think this card is great I'm leaning in five starts for the season pass card this one.
Cozy Snap:It's a 510 at base. You got that going for it Yeah, dad some cars to your deck, but then we've seen cars like, you know I'm not saying we've seen cars like that like Thanos Which is I guess an example, but more so like there are cards that can just fit with other good cards. Like this is going to be a good card that goes in a good card decks and or you know, companies, other archetypes that we know or brand new ones, as you just said. So let's go through some of these spells. I agree though. Funny enough, I wrestled between this and one other one. There's a lot that were close to like top card of the month. I think it's got to be Agamotto. I think they nailed the card they're going to give away. I think this guy's gonna be one that you're gonna really feel like you missed and we don't typically say that I don't feel like i've said that a while and I do feel like he gives those vibes off for sure so going through all of the spells one by one, you know, he's a 510 We'll talk about his synergies and stuff in just a moment and then we can talk about you know Package as a whole. Let's go and start with the first spell and we'll pull up winds of what whom? Which is a two cost, zero power card on reveal, afflict an enemy card here with negative five power, move it to the right, and then banish this. So the banished cards go away, they can't be brought back under any circumstance at the moment, and Winsor Wattomb, well let's go ahead and give kind of initial spell excitement. What do you think are gonna be like the best spells, you know and what do you think synergizes with this? I think right away, dude, you playing a move player, man. You could just like, dude, if this thing goes on like a human torch, you're just, you're in there play immediately. But yeah, this is definitely a pretty solid one.
Alexander Coccia:One thing I want to preface this conversation with is I did notice in the The season reveal trailer that these didn't actually have power levels. I think they removed the power levels from them. And I think they did that so Rovona can't synergize with them. But we don't have confirmation of that as of recording. It's just something I want to kind of throw out there that we need to check into. Because if they don't have powers, Rovona can't interact with them. Yeah, I don't think they have powers. And so that's something worth noting. Yeah, it's just It's just an unanswered question we have as of recording.
Cozy Snap:They did add though, I do want to say they did in the OTA, they added characters, a character as this like new keyword. So like Gwynpool for instance, can't hit these cards, it would only hit Agamotto. So like that is something that they added in, and so I don't think these have power, but even if they did, I feel like Ravonna would be changed to characters that have, whatever, you know, that, that's your way to address this moving forward. And, and kind of confirmation that we know that spells and or equipment, whatever is going to be coming into the game. You know, a lot more. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:absolutely. And with specifically with this from here I was leaning towards like Galactus and I know this sounds crazy, but think about this. Think of what you can do. You can push your card to negative five power to the right. You can do the sentry Annihilus play, right? Annihilus just got buffed and you can G man them and yeah, they're probably going to retreat. I understand that. But you know what? Like you might be able to clog them so hard with so much garbage. That G Man might just absolutely just throttle them. And so like, I look at that, but obviously, it's just a good card anyways. Like, but if you're looking for a very specific synergy, it's entirely possible G Man might be the call.
Cozy Snap:I like that. I actually didn't go that direction. I was thinking more, obviously, just Affliction move to Exo Scream. Scream already getting another car that's gonna like but also Especially that deck, you know, I think that deck is we'll welcome agamotto the way it works a little bit yeah, you're gonna get scream less so it's gonna be a bit awkward But he's a powerful car that can maybe kind of help that deck. We'll see but also just the affliction style too, so Diamond back whatever but more so just I feel like obviously that's gonna have some synergy there But I like the G Man call, that's a, that's a fun one for sure. Especially because there's other spells, as Alex would call them, the G Man, would appreciate. That, we'll, we'll talk about that. But yeah, this one's pretty strong. We can rank all the spells when we're done. We'll go through them all first. So Winds of War 2, next up we've got the Bolt of Bal Bal Balthak? Bal Bal Balthak? Ballsack? What is this? Yeah, Ballsack. I was just
Alexander Coccia:going to say, I was just going to let you roll with it, but that's fine. I
Cozy Snap:hate these names, man, because I whatever. Anyway, this one's cool, man. Three costs. Okay. On reveal next turn, you get plus four energy. Banish this. So this is the one I was just referring to with Galactus. Super ramp. And obviously there's another card I think this synergizes with that you might be thinking about. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:It's basically skip turn three, go ham. And it's, I mean, not necessarily skip turn three, you play it on four, whatever, right? It's just unlikely. I mean, theoretically you can play it on like five or something, but you're going to want to play it early and really ramp some stuff out. I think it's going to potentially be playable with something like like Esan, which we're going to talk about shortly, right? It's got to be who
Cozy Snap:it's for, yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, of course. And you have the G Man. One thing worth mentioning too, before we get too much further, is like, it's such an, Agamotto's so interesting in the sense that like, you can play all these without Agamotto ever touching the board, right? Yeah. Oh yeah. Like, these are individualized. So it's just like you can play Thanos stones without Thanos being there. Like, these are just going to be available to you regardless of whether or not you even draw Agamotto. And so with that in mind, yeah, I think that this is potentially very interesting.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I might be jumping ahead, but man, I'll welcome this card if I get there. I mean, it's like, Oh gee, I'll skip turn three and have seven energy next turn. Like let's go, man. That's crazy good. But yes, definitely just a really strong ramp card. You can build that in mind. Agamotto yet again, I think it's going to be a ramp is going to give some love to ramp. He feels like a strong five cost. And yes, you know, you know, you're adding ramp cars, you're not, you're only diluting your deck by three and those cars are still pretty good. And there's some interesting interactions there, so I, man, I feel like he could give some new birth to to ramp a little bit. Images of Icon on reveal, transform your other cars here into copies of the highest power one. You know this one I think looks the coolest on paper you're like whoa I think I think for the most part man people look at this as a win more But I also think that if you don't you don't always have to put it in the lane with the 10 power the 9 power The 11 power even if you have like five six what I mean, I feel like you can really get the you know, elaine One with this thing by itself
Alexander Coccia:thinking about and I'm gonna reach a little bit here and this might be complete cope But I of all of them this one seems like perhaps maybe the weakest even the weakest It's still good, right? But what I was thinking was like, let's say you're coping and you play someone like King eatery Right? You play King E Tree, you draw something, you draw an arcana, or arcanum, I'm not sure the pluralization of them, but I think it's arcanum as an individual. You pull it, right? And then what you do, is you then have King E Tree there, and then you can play Images of a Khan on top of the King E Tree location. And you're going to ramp something out. So, you King E Tree, you ramp something out, and then you Basically, get rid of E Tree, because you already got advantage, you already kind of used your thing, and let's say you played a Magneto you ramped out, King E Tree turns into Magneto. So you get the thing from him, and then you switch him over. That was a very convoluted explanation of what made a lot more sense in my head than I
Cozy Snap:anticipated. No, no, no, no, it's definitely fair. I think, you know what it is, I think it's like, it'll be a nice situation card every now and then, like, Aw man, they won the lane, I really needed to win, and then you could play this to win that lane back, or whatever, maybe Living Tribunal, maybe, you know, kind of thing. But you're right, I would rather have the cards that I put in my deck than this one, most of the time, most of the time, I would agree here you know, and it's funny because it sounds really good, but sometimes you don't need to win more, you know, or whatever it might be I do want to state, by the way, that the, the counter card, I guess I'm jumping ahead, but the counter card, man, I think Cassandra Nova is going to wreck this guy, you know, obviously, well, actually, dude, if these don't have power, does she take them from it? That's odd.
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, I never considered that. You're right. If they don't have power, can't Cassandra Nova even I thought Cassandra Nova was going
Cozy Snap:to be the obvious synergy, er, er, or counter. Because plug and play 2, so you're just going to have it in your own decks as well. Oh dang, I don't even know anymore. And there's so many confusing things, like they changed something on first ghost rider that made him worse. I don't know, we'll see. Anyway that one was a four cost. So that's that's why it's rough. This one is a one cost though on reveal Give agamotto plus three power. So he's a 13 power guard put him into your hand Now, I don't know if you saw the trailer dude. He like he doesn't have the draw animation. He's just kind of like like So I don't know, you know, I would imagine if Ogamoto is not on the, like, if he's discarded or something, he can't come back from this, that, that would make the most sense. But the way it kind of the animation looked funny to me it was a little interesting, but I'm going to assume this, he just gets pulled from your deck. This is a one cost, so my gosh, what a great thing to get early. You know, this is one that you're like, Heck yeah, man, because you're gonna thin your deck, you're gonna get Agamotto better. This is just a great card to pick all around. It's one cost, so it's like, whatever, you know, kind of works out fine. I like this one. This is a good one.
Alexander Coccia:It's great because if you're, you're right, if you get it early, you're theoretically thinning your deck by two because you have this out nice and early, you play this, Agamotto comes out, and that means that like, now your, your deck effectively has two less of the cards that you added into it. Yep. I mean, that means you also drew one less because you drew this one. Nevermind, take it back. You are thinning by just one. My math was a little off there. But yeah, now he's a, what, a 513 that you've now guaranteed into your hand? Like that's, that's actually crazy. Think about how hard you got to work for you know, I was going to say how hard you got to work at a four drop to get to 12, but that's what Ares does pretty consistently. Nevermind. Maybe there's lots of power out there, but I'm still impressed regardless of the 513.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Keep in mind, these are all like on reveals, right? So like a lot of these can be abused multiple times. That being a one cost is kind of cracking and do a lot with that. The
Alexander Coccia:banish.
Cozy Snap:The banish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The banish
Alexander Coccia:prevents the scamming too much. I think you
Cozy Snap:just want, it's a Wong is really the thing you could do with it.
Alexander Coccia:Yes, or I guess the Taureus guy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, exactly. I mean, so, listen, let's start with the, the, the spells, best or worst. I'm thinking number one, what is number one to you? Is it going to be it's going to be what I already I forget the name of that dang one that I was thinking of here. Number one. Ballsack? No, Ballsack I have at number two. I have, oh, no, no, no, Ballsack's one. Two is Winds of Wutum. No, yeah, probably Winds of Wutum, then Temporal, and then, yeah, yeah, yeah, I would say Images. I would agree with that,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. I would agree with that order. Like, I put Images of a Con at the bottom. And for me, Bolts and Temporal Manipulation are kind of I don't know man. I don't know the the top three feel like they could switch through testing I think that images of a car will always be at the bottom But I think that's important manipulation idea of drawing him is super cool You're gonna want that
Cozy Snap:first actually the more I think about it just being able to thin the deck immediately, too If you don't have them in there, it's kind of funny actually So if you don't have Agamotto in your starting hand Temporal is really good because at that point you're thinning you get the points You already have the cards. That's the best card period I think if you do have him It's probably bolts or sorry. Yeah, it's probably it's probably bolts or wins man It depends when the game's being played But bolts is so crazy going into man going into there's so many good times to play bolts, right? Because if you play bolts
Alexander Coccia:would be it because you you definitely want ramp I think this is a ramp card as you said and like
Cozy Snap:bro, imagine imagine 10 power on turn six Like that's crazy. That's so good. You could play bolts and wins on turn six something like that, right? And then you could you could go in and play, agamotto plus a five like it's I don't know That seems really good to me. But anyway yeah, so let's talk about synergy with this guy, you know, first of all I just said cassandra is gonna be against him. We talked about it last week a couple weeks ago Quinjet is I don't think it's going to get the play. I don't I don't know. I, you know what I mean? It, it seems, it seems like you won't want to put that in the deck cause there's just other things you want to take advantage of. Maybe it ends up going in there. I, funny enough, dude, we, we mentioned Esan, we'll get to him, but because of Esan, Arishem, I think it's just gonna like make sense with all the extra energy in this deck. Right? Would you agree?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I would. Like, Ereshim helps you get to you know, the, like, what's it called? Not only just the Images of Wukong, but I believe the Bolts of Balzac. Therefore, no, no, there's three energy. There's three energy. So, regardless, you would have, you'd have enough energy on turn three, right? Cause you'd have the extra from, From Ereshim, but, like, as a whole, I think that Ereshim and Ison are going to work together. Ereshim is a very natural ramp, and I think Agamotto is going to work well in ramp as well. Like, it's very clear that, like, there is a lot of potential synergy there. And if I know anything with Quinjet players, they always have it on turn one when they're against me, and so, why not?
Cozy Snap:Can I, can I show you a card, and I want you I'll let, it's podcast, so it's going to be visual first. But I want you to react to what you think this might happen, okay? Not Wasp. I need you to say Wasp. Yeah, definitely, definitely not Wasp. I need you to to process this and say if it's gonna work or not. Because I You're not gonna know is the is the short and simple answer to this. But here it is.
Alexander Coccia:I believe I believe Glenn has said, and Cozy's flashing, the Dan Hipp Lockjaw. With a matte red border, inked baby, with those purple flares. Taunt. Lockjaw, I believe, will not function with the banished cards. Cause I think you play them and they disappear. He never enters Lockjaw's rotation.
Cozy Snap:That's what I thought. Yeah, that's what happens with like, disappear, er, like, Like action cards like that or even better locations So like you play if you somehow lock jaw on like a location that destroys cards and you play down a car It just you don't get the thing back, right? So
Alexander Coccia:yeah,
Cozy Snap:That's a bummer. I thought about it for a second I'm, like damn bring back the good boy. It would
Alexander Coccia:have been a cool play, but I think it would have been absolutely
Cozy Snap:Well, yeah for sure it's a little weird though, it's like four cost lockjaw No, you know what? It is is the plus four energy one the ball sag that would have been That would have been ridiculous. I've said ballsack more today than I have in a long time. Man, I feel
Alexander Coccia:Congratulations, you have been demonetized.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, sorry, we don't have a sponsor for this one. Today's episode is brought to you by Manscaped. Dude, that would have been perfect. Oh, I should have told them. I know, missed opportunity there. And I just said their name for free. Damn it. All right. Any other synergy though? What do you feel about Ogma? I feel like obviously he's very much like a, his kind of thing card. I have a couple other ones, but go go ahead.
Alexander Coccia:So I do think that the deck dilution is a challenge, and I wanted to mention Thunderbolt Ross, and I've been playing a lot of Thunderbolt Ross, and I know that a lot of people think he's not great, but in this case, I mean, Aikomoto is a 10, right, and so you could draw him out of the deck, and there might be some other ramp options you want to draw out of the deck, so I'm just going to throw it out there, Thunderbolt Ross, a little bit of cope, but maybe a little bit of hope at the same time, and along those lines, I was thinking about Antivenom, Antivenom, I'm not sure if Anti Venom is great in this deck, but I think that getting a play for free, especially if it's an Arcanum, could be potentially very interesting. Like, because you'll be able to combo with these things. So maybe suddenly, if you get like the, the, oh my gosh, I can't remember the name, the Images of a Khan. And you get that for free because of Anti Venom, suddenly Turn 6 looks dirty as hell. Because you can play a Turn 6 Magneto and then replicate everything into a Magneto into it, right? So, obviously there's very little predictability with that, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I like Surtur, I like Wong, I think those are all pretty good. I actually like some of these cheat cards, like Jubilee even Blink to some extent. Like, I think there's some cool things you can do with that. Them being banished is the weird part, I think. You know who I think, funny enough, might be kind of a cool card to go with this is is Nico. I, you know, obviously it's really only I, I don't know how it's gonna work. I just, Bandage confuses the hell out of me, right? Cause I think I, you can't get into a demon cause it's gone. But you can, you can, I I don't know if it destroys first or this one's interesting to me. And then most importantly, where is it here, man? Oh, the duplicating a card. Man, that's crazy. There's some duplicate stuff you could do that could really. Pull off some nutty stuff.
Alexander Coccia:You're right. And, but I wonder again, like we don't have an answer to this. I wonder if, if Nico wouldn't even see that card, like, you know what I mean? Like, like if you're thinking, okay, I'm going to duplicate the Arcanum. It's like, I don't know if Nico will even recognize that as a character played. You know what I mean? No, we, we actually just don't know. Like, it's just, I think that's not a question anyone's asked.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I think Hope Summers. I like Hope Summers a lot because again, that should for sure, at least work on the way that goes, right. And playing into her lane to ramp up those cars. You want the extra energy to be able to be played. So that to me at least screams interesting. And then there's one other one. Oh, magic. I think magic, just the way that he's going to work, the Agumoto getting a plus three power to, you know, getting near, getting the car. It's like Thanos in a sense how she kind of made her way into some of those builds. I think that could be interesting.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you know, obviously like a card like this, I think would benefit from an extended play. Like, when you have these absolutely insane spells, essentially, like, you're able to do things, especially if you're ramping. Like, if you're ramping, if you're playing the, the Bolts of Balzac, and you're ramping like crazy into turn 7, that is an insane amount of mana, right? Like, yeah, you might have thrown turn 6 a bit, but even then, it's still 3 energy, you could still play a 3 drop on 6. Yeah, like it's kind of crazy. So I do see a lot of potential there for sure. I think magic's a good call
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so if this will be maybe maybe moon girl, maybe maybe you know, we'll see I to me though All I know is I don't say it often but I think this is you this is a This is one you can't miss this feels like this feels like a season pass card. That is well worth it Getting in every stretch of the imagination.
Alexander Coccia:How do I replace Agamotto? I can't wait to have to answer that. Oh,
Cozy Snap:yeah Yeah, it's a it's a it's a rough one, dude. I don't know. Anything else on Agamotto before we move on?
Alexander Coccia:No. And I think that like, as we move on, which I'm sure is if Esan's next and I think Esan's going to actually have an issue with this too, is that like, I think that Agamotto might have an issue from a counterplay perspective with the likes of Darkhawk and Ronin. I think that like when I was thinking about like counter decks and stuff like that. I think that Darkhawk and Ronin might very specifically dumpster these two cards. And there's a tech piece obviously in Gorgon as well. We'll discuss that later. But if you're someone that can, is going to be free to play and you want to like counter play this first season or this first week definitely start cooking Ronin Darkhawk because they're going to absolutely hate not only the deck dilution, but also potentially in Esan's case, pulling cards that are just garbage.
Cozy Snap:We move on to Esan. Esan has been bumped up to a 610. Hello, Surtur yet again. After each turn, put a card from your hand that didn't start in your deck here. Esan, Esan, I will let you, I will let you start.
Alexander Coccia:So, first of all, I think the text has changed since this graphic was made here. Times are flying, Cozy! I believe it's now end of turn. Add a card that did not start, oh no, let me get the exact thing. There is a, there is a text change though, if I can hunt it down quick.
Cozy Snap:I feel like I pulled these from the video, let me, let me, let me, let me know.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah, I'm just, I'm looking it up right now trying to keep it, guys, we're, we're still talking, there's been no call
Cozy Snap:it wouldn't be Marvel Snap if they didn't change anything on the flight,
Alexander Coccia:okay? So Esau now reads, end of turn, put a created card here, a created card here. So they did modify the text slightly.
Cozy Snap:Okay, yeah, it's the same thing though, yeah? Essentially?
Alexander Coccia:It's effectively the same thing. But didn't start here versus created card. I think it, now, it will not work with, like, Thanos, I believe. Because Thanos adds the card, it didn't create the card. What, no, actually, I'm not sure. Because Agamotto the actual text difference is.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, because I feel like they changed a couple cards like that, right? Because there was, oh, like what's it called Gorgon got something changed like that. It was like, yeah, I think
Alexander Coccia:Morgan was changed specifically to mention the created card as well.
Cozy Snap:Okay. Well, for the main part, for the most part, it could be Thanos. I guess we'll leave him up for debate. What, what, what do you think about this? I have my opinions. What do you want to give?
Alexander Coccia:Man, I'm so nervous about this one. Of all the cards this season, this is the one I have least confidence in. I'm leaning towards three, but I think I might be wrong. Like, I think I might be low. Oh, I almost want to say four, but I think I'm feeling in my heart three. I think
Cozy Snap:you're right with three. Can I tell you? I think that this is an incredible fun card. I think this is a really fun card. Like, I love the idea of playing Marvel Snap with this card. I don't think it's gonna be good though. Really? Because we talked about it, and we talked about, like, Red Wing, right? How Red Wing needs, like, multiple cards for it to work. And like that's what makes me nervous about him, right? So like you have like listen to all the stuff you have going on and like I I'm getting this. This is fun. Like this is the card I would like recommend to get because I think it's a good time But it's like, well first of all, Airsham clearly, like clearly guys, the Airsham thing might be why this is like a four star Airsham card or whatever. Okay, I'm not really talking, I'm talking about him as a by himself, I guess. You need to ramp him out, okay? So you need a ramp card to get him going, right? So whatever that might be. Do you put one? Do you put two? Do you put one in Agamotto? Probably, right? Okay, you need that to get them out whenever that might be, right? So what are the best ones to do that? Wave, Luna Snow, Electro, Wiccan. Yeah, but I mean that's a pretty late player at that point, right? You're getting pretty late there to get the value from them. So you got to get that. Then you have to have created cards. Okay, and so obviously Agamotto solves two in one. Like that's clearly why they're together in the week. And that's why we like them together. I think that's why that might work. And also most of the spells. Hey, man, you're just happy to like Those spells, I don't care where they go. It's like, they're good to go. I worry about the deck design around this guy because I worry about, I worry about the car, just trying to get him out and getting the value white queen was obviously made for this guy now. And like, you can like get a high power card. Agent Coulson is a little weird because you don't know what you're getting. So then you have the RNG element of what cards are coming down. And so, Arishem, I think he's going to be a 3 star or above. Everything else, I don't think so. I think he's a fun card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so with Arishem, naturally, you'll be able to get it out early with that extra energy. Which at least, even if he gets two procs it's an end of turn proc, right? So, even if you play it on turn 6, it's still going to pull one card, provided you have a creative card. Or created, I should say. And I think you touched on a perfect point. We talked about Red Wing being like requiring the activation. If Red Wing could move on its own, it'd be way better. Eson requires two types of intervention from the player. The ramp and the created card. And you only have six turns, or you can go to seven if you play Magic. But at the end of the day, it's like, you can only do so much in six turns. Can you really set up everything that Esan needs to be successful? And you're right to say that Egomoto by default will do that to some degree, but then you kind of relinquish a little bit of control as to A, what's being pulled, B, when it's being pulled, right? You get to pick the location where Esan is, but you might have two Egomoto cards in your hand.
Cozy Snap:I think I like them though. You're right. It's like, it's just tough to know about location variance and how much creative cards come into your hand. I. I think three stars a fair evaluation and I and what did you say at first three possibly four Four with like wow the turn six swing on a location. Wow It's getting value almost no matter what like I that it's a good point there I feel like though he might be one of the weakest of the month because it is a strong month, right? To me, you know what? I like with this card is like what's his face iron lad? Do something like iron lad. This is a great iron lad card. My God. Like there's, there's a couple of synergy cards here that I don't mind. He's just, he worries me with how much gimmicks you've got to have work.
Alexander Coccia:Potentially. I don't want to be ridiculous, but I also think that it was a six, nine, which was nice, but I do think they moved it, moved it to six, 10, partially because I think it needs to be shanty able. This might be the first circumstance where the power increase is a legitimate nerf. Because, if you shanchi it, it's not just a reduction in the power, it's a reduction in its capability to proc its effect. And if your whole deck is about using Ison to pull cards, if it explodes, it doesn't do that. If it's a 6 9, it gets to pull cards regardless of you hitting it with a shadow carrier or whatever. It doesn't matter what happens to it, it's gonna do the thing still, right? So I think that it needed some form of hard removal.
Cozy Snap:I think that's a good point, by the way. I think Devil Dinosaur, Nick Fury Kind of decks. It's kind of cool. I think Valentina could be awesome with this thing Girl moon girl. Yeah, because then you have like devil dinosaur doing one lane This guy's pulling the other lane like that kind of works out Hmm, I don't know. I feel I feel like my gut tells me it'll be a lot of fun to play But it doesn't it to me It doesn't I don't think there's gonna be like the all powerful isan deck outside of erishim Who's already gonna be feasting from agamotto? But I think agamotto and him could work together pretty well.
Alexander Coccia:And if isan's going absolutely crazy play master mold Let him just pull sandals over and over again, right?
Cozy Snap:Put it this way, Hulkling, you guys, Hulkling isn't who he reminds me of all the way, but like a little bit, like where we're like, Whoa, look at this. Okay, so big power and he could do these things. And then it's like, well, why wouldn't you just do other things? I, you know, I,
Alexander Coccia:that's kind of the feel I get from him. Your intro to Hulkling video is still my favorite of all time. I almost want you to miss, I almost want you to give this a 5 stars and miss. So you can make another one of those. Just so I can
Cozy Snap:do the, yeah, I would definitely make a card review video. So Eason, yeah, Eason We'll do our final rankings after. I think Alex and I, both kind of middle of the pack, right? Do you have any other, any other things with him? I think Airsham was the main one though, obviously.
Alexander Coccia:I guess my major concern is how much effort it takes to actually get the value from him. And while there's going to be pocket circumstances where he absolutely outperforms, I think some of the best cards in snap are the ones that just consistently do their thing effectively. And I don't think Esau could be even considered in that sphere, considering he's a six cost that pretty much needs to be down early to really get true, like true value. However, if Agamotto's cracked, right, absolutely cracked. Yeah. And Eson enabling that further might be good enough.
Cozy Snap:And that's the thing. It could just be the Agamotto card. And that's where it's like, okay, he's definitely just going to be in all the decks he's in and Agamotto is going to be in all the decks and incoming. I think Agamotto, I don't know if he'll, he's going to last us a five, 10. I honestly don't. Do we want to
Alexander Coccia:mention the Spotlight Cache before we move on? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So it's Beta Ray Bill and Wiccan. And so Beta Ray Bill sucks. Sucks what's it called? Bolts of Balzac. That's how much Beta Ray Bill sucks. But the Wiccan, if you don't have Wiccan, I think it's 100 percent worth rolling for Wiccan. You get Esan's Wiccan. And Wiccan is a ramp option that can probably be used for both Esan and Egamoto. So I think it's a pretty good week if you can dodge Beta Ray. Unfortunately,
Cozy Snap:it's funny. Like you have this card that's like, you know, why not just play simple big stuff or, or whatever. And by the way, good point of the spotlight week, this next card, man, this is what we're all about. This is what me and Alex love the simple stuff. K I S S keep a simple, stupid Michael Scott, the very, very wise Michael Scott Starbrand. Now we got it wrong last time. We, 19 cards to be fair. So we were just firing through them. So let's make sure people understand this. 3 costs 10 power. Yep. Yes. Yes, you. 10 power. Yes. Ongoing, your opponent has plus 3 power at each other location. So it's like Miss Marvel. So you got 2 other locations getting the plus 3 power. So effectively it's gonna be a 3 4. Dude, I think, am I, okay, I think I'm just excited to play Sora and Dex again. I think that's where like, and Zero Dex, I think that's where my, my like, my excitement comes. I think this guy's just good. I love him.
Alexander Coccia:I am so looking forward to this card. I think this might be the one I'm most excited for in the month, of all the cards. And I don't think it's going to be the best one of the month because I think there's a couple of bangers, but I think this one is still a banger. I think we, I think we're, we're eating nice this month and I think Starbrand is super, super fascinating. And I guess the question for me is, is Starbrand enough for Sauron to actually be playable considering the sheer amount of disgusting power creep we've experienced prior to Sauron being played.
Cozy Snap:I I don't know man. I think so but you got searcher you've got to like build all these together right and then like In that think about typhoid red school, you know, maybe you bring back maybe you bring back sherry into that build man My god like that sherry soran was such a fun deck build zero alone is like the most easy combo into this guy. It's crazy How good there was never like the three was always a little awkward man You look across the board the three was always awkward with zero outside to do like zero lizard And so this was a really this is a really cool, you know, card there lizard just got buffed up Obviously, we'll just talk about that too. So, clearly, Sohan's gonna, like, he just got hit with double the love, okay? And then, I, dude, I feel like this is, he's got,
Alexander Coccia:this has got some chops to it. Oh, there's no question, man. Like, think about how good it is to play Gladiator as a 3 8 that lands. This is a 3 10. It is the new chunk of threes. And not only that, like, when you actually look at, like, the loss of Arrow as a 10 power card, Rip Arrow, garbage ass card. It's, it's funny to think that, like, you actually don't have many 10 power options, right? Like, Arrow, as much play as she's seen, like, nobody should respect that card, so I'm glad it got nerfed. But with Starbrand, you now have something else that can step up into that searcher list, which now wants to re proc searcher as often as possible. And I do want to mention one more card that is not a trash tier card like Arrow. A true waifu, Enchantress. You can definitely play Enchantress on curve to nullify the effect.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think Enchantress, I, I've just been waiting more, I've been waiting more for Enchantress, like, I want more threes like this, I'll be honest, because I like the fact that Enchantress needs to be a bit more of that Killmonger effect, where you can do, you have the offense and the defense of it, like, being able to like, plan out your plays ahead of time, and, and, and put this on the Luke Cage lane, or, eh, whatever, right, you just get that bang for buck, and I think, you know, sore on being a three is where the contention comes. It's like, okay, what are you going to try to make with this? What are you going to try to do with this at that point? It seems good though. It seems like this is going to be able to elevate that deck. I think even potentially Hella. I mean, Hella just got a bump up with scar getting going up to seven. You got this guy at three 10 now. Well, hello. Want this at a three 10? I don't know, but at least it's an individual cost at that point. So that's kind of. Kind of interesting as well. You already go in Big Lane power, so let'em have Plus the rear at both locations, you know? Yeah. I, I don't know, man, but I, I think Star brand is, to me, we didn't give him our star co or our star ratings, but I, I'm, I'm good at four. Yeah. I think you'll be a four.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I have four written down as well. And I think that the thing that holds us back, and by the way, Jose, I have to say, you not taking the bait on the arrow Chirps is just, this is unprecedented.
Cozy Snap:I held my tongue. I held my tongue. It's already been a, it's already been a dark OTA. Yeah, it was. I, I, it was, I'm already. What a random stray, man. I can't believe it. I just, so the thing
Alexander Coccia:about star brand is as good as it is. It has a very low floor. Like if you don't get the zero combo, if you don't, don't try and chantress and you're just providing plus three power, that kind of feels bad. It does feel bad. Cause it's plus three pure power. So it's like they could use it any way they want.
Cozy Snap:Yes. I don't know if I'd call it like a three, four though. Like if you don't get the proc, because they're like, I'll be honest to you. Like sometimes they got a location, like that guy's winning that anyway. You know what I mean? So it's just like you're getting 10 on the location that you need to win. You can afford the plus three on the other, you know, obviously like statistical. Yes. But yes, I do agree for the most part. It'll whiff pretty big, but if they're already like winning one pretty big, you're just like, whatever, man, like, I'm going to go with this anyway. And he's going to feel awful though, when there's like a desk domain and you can't get into that and you just give them that location for free, dude. That's. That's rough. Yo. What about Bar with no name? No.
Alexander Coccia:Yes. Yes. Bar with no name. Yeah.
Cozy Snap:M
Alexander Coccia:M
Cozy Snap:M M You can literally give the You can win that location with this card.
Alexander Coccia:It's true, man. You snap Bar with no name, it's either Legion or it's Starbrand now. There's a second option. Starbrand.
Cozy Snap:I know, right dude?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so I like Also, is this guy not just Red Hulk? Like, what the hell is this? Let's be honest. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:seriously. He looks like he's like He looks like DC's version of the Hulk in Red Hulk or something put together there. This is
Alexander Coccia:like the don't copy my homework, but like the meme, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Oh, yeah, but it clearly did. The the Pam from the office, double office memes. Next card. What's up? What's, what's next? What comes next? Can you give me the whole order? That would be fire hair. Is it fire hair? Which, honestly,
Alexander Coccia:like whoever named this card clearly had to go to the well for the naming here.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, they're like, we're running out of names guys be like quick. Tell me something about her. She's a redhead.
Alexander Coccia:Why is her hand on fire of all things not her hair? I'm actually annoyed. His
Cozy Snap:fire hand doesn't, doesn't slap as hard. Sounds like a static shock villain. Have you no static shock? You ever know that guy? You ever watch the show WB? No, you didn't even know what double WB was. It's They don't have that Canada static show.
Alexander Coccia:I'm scared to say that.'cause some Canadians gonna be like, Bru. Alex, what'd you watch growing up? Just watch Samurai Pizza Cats. So you blacked out every day. Let's suck.
Cozy Snap:What a life. Let's talk about fire hand and fire hair. True cost. Three power car. This was in fact, if you've gotten to this point and you watch all the way through, congratulations. This was the car that Alex and I were talking about that we needed to see the trailer on, how it worked together. And I was I had to change my notes. I had to change my notes. Two three when one of your cards is destroyed this uses that cards on reveal. This can proc multiple times this can proc as many times as as you so like it, you know, if it's on the board, man
Alexander Coccia:This is nuts.
Cozy Snap:This is nuts, man. Like this isn't even like, you know, when finnerest wolf came out We're like, ah, okay, you know, I gotta activate it. Okay. What do you what do we do here? What do you think? What's your star rating on this?
Alexander Coccia:I'm thinking this is a 5. Like, maybe 4. But like, I see a lot of potential here. Not just with like, obvious stuff. Like, even just like, there are, there are decks that just, you know, you killmonger a, a, a hood. You get double hoods. You get double demons. Like, that is absolutely insane. Like, and not to mention the obvious. Of mill, which is already having a pretty high meta share in terms of overall play, but it doesn't have like the win and cube rates that would push it into the crazy territory. This is just the next step of, Oh, I go, I don't get to play Marvel snap today. Cause fire hand just backhanded my entire deck.
Cozy Snap:I, it's so interesting, right? Cause I think of their like creation, they're like, well, you're getting rid of those cards that you're, you're, you know. Whatever, but you have like Death and Null to bring that power back. You're right, dude. Destroy decks are hard to earn a spot, but I feel like this is a whole new breed of it. This is a whole new breed of first, yes, Misery and Mill is like, Misery. It's so, this is such, they lose if you Misery combo this. I mean, the amount of, the amount of freaking Iceman discarding Yondu stuff you're pulling off with this is disrespectful. I mean, they're done at that point. By turn four you're gonna win but destroy just regular destroy. It's like man He just it just seems so interesting to me Like you can now make like multiple you could just make multiple a lot of things work man Like venom and carnage as as as base, you know initiators is really fun and exciting There's so many honor veals that you could take advantage of even just venom as a core card Just venom is really like interesting on what he can do with some of the bigger stuff You know the bigger crazy stuff out there I think this thing has limitless potential. Obviously drawing it late is your maybe downside you know, but I, I, yeah, I'm gonna give it a four and a half. I think it'll come off slightly wonkier than we think, but I think it's clearly gonna be a mainstay in good, it's gonna be a good card.
Alexander Coccia:But even drawing it late, like on turn five, you can fire here and then venom and literally like, yeah, like you could blow things up like crazy. You can have fiery hairs lane, knock over an X 23 or a Wolverine over to the venom lane who then procs or it'd be the other way around. Venom would proc and then the fire head would reciprocate it. Right. But like you could have the bouncing. X 20 threes and venom going venom X 23 and the wolverine going from Venom's location over to the fire hair location. That's the way I would expect it.'cause the venom would resolve, the cards would bounce, and then fire hair would resolve. That's what I would imagine would happen. Right. I wouldn't think fire hair would resolve prior to the venom's effect being resolved. So like. There's a lot of potential that if it doesn't work that way, and like Firehair does its move before Venom will like send over X 23 and stuff, then maybe it's a little weaker. Even ignoring that, even just ignoring that, like it's just crazy how much better Mil's gonna be, because on turn 2 if you don't draw Cable, it gets a little more wonky, but now it's like you can Cable or Firehair. And I don't know, man, it's pretty wild. I
Cozy Snap:mean, it's like, there's so many cards that want to work with this. And that's what's like, you start looking at these on reveals and it's like, my God, you could get out of control. Also, destroyer is kind of fun. Don't know how you'd work that into a, into a fire here deck. But I mean, Hey, another, like in intern proc to do, he had to be in the other lane or whatever. But like looking at like, also, shang chi, someone shang chi is an on reveal card of yours. It's like, cool. Fire here is going to, is going to proc what that card did again, which could be super punishing, obviously. Right. But like going going through like, you know misery with electro was like something people were doing like you could get like Electro to do his little pop off again Obviously all the mill stuff that we talked about before there was one that I was looking through here Which one did I just see that I was like you know artem zola has some cool synergy But that was the one I was referring to. Oh, yeah a baron zemo, bro It's like I just think I just think mill is gonna be We always get these mill cards and we get excited about them and they kind of land flat But this is one where i'm like I don't know how it's going to land flat. It feels just, it just feels like it's going to be so punishing.
Alexander Coccia:Can I tip my hand on one of the decks I want to try for this week? Cause I already have it designed. yep Okay. Listen to this. Do you remember that Frigga bullseye deck I created?
Cozy Snap:So you
Alexander Coccia:take the Zola version of that. You fire hair, you Zola Dokken. Dokken will replicate. Fire hair is going to put an additional shard into your hand, right? And then you can bullseye not two, but three shards now Dokken getting trips. While you're also doing the bullseye combo because Zola will destroy Daken is that not absolutely insane.
Cozy Snap:That's so fun. That's so fun. This is a fun card, bro This has a lot of cool potential that one might be really good. I like that one This is gonna be like the week where there's a lot of fun streams to watch and and and videos to watch because people are gonna have their own designs on it like you can even go like I don't Gilgamesh zoo, a bunch of ones in the zoo. And then if they kill Gilgamesh, your best card, then she gets it back. And she died. She does the same thing he just did. I don't know. There's, there's just a lot of cool things that you can pull off with her. And I feel like we haven't even thought about some of the best ones. You know what I mean? Like,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. And I actually just completely misrepresented the power because it's actually four docking shards. The first original docking play, then you have the Zola to three, and then you have the Firehair to four. So it's actually more, and on that note, now that I realize it, if you think about it, something like even a Misery on top of an Iceman, that's not two procs, that's three. Iceman comes down for the proc once Misery re procs it two, Firehair three. It's three procs. It's a triple dip on the effect with Misery.
Cozy Snap:How can you get sure that's cracked by the way, what about sherry you venom you have a venom of sherry Just double whatever was in that sherry lane. You eat it fire Whatever gets the fire hair gets the the sherry effect again. You play off that one again Ah, it seems cool, dude. It seems fun white tiger. I think they brought up in the intro That was kind of an interesting take on the card I think there's gonna be a lot of interesting experimentation. This is clearly the best card outside of Agamotto. And, and, and, man, that, that you you mentioned is, has me frothing from the mouth over here. But yeah, Fire, Firehair now that I keep thinking it's Firehand, is is the one. What's the spotlights for this one?
Alexander Coccia:Spotlight is actually Cassandra Nova and Nico Minoru. She's absolutely bangers this week. This is a, this is a amazing week, honestly. Someone messed up at
Cozy Snap:corporate. Yeah, that's like, that's like, they're gonna be like, Yeah, this is too good. Stop it. We don't, we don't love to do that. Yeah, so definitely good one. We're excited about her. And if you're reading, I said four, no, no, you said five, four and a half. I said five. I'll do four and a half,
Alexander Coccia:bro. Come on. Commit four or five, man. Do it. I wrote down four and a half, but like, come on, man. The people demand it. Put yourself on the line. Cause he's just
Cozy Snap:thinking, I'm thinking about the play lines and think about how I'm thinking if it's like if it's going to make mill. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a five. I don't know how it's on a five. It seems too good. It seems too good. I'll have them. I have her under Agamotto. Not to spoil it in advance, I do have her in Aragamoto though, I still think it's beautiful. This is
Alexander Coccia:hilarious, it'll be great when like, you know, at the end of the season. When this is the one star card that everyone hates. That actually saw no play. It won't happen, this card's too good. She gets RTA'd
Cozy Snap:immediately. Khonshu, I mentioned him being one of my favorite characters after watching Moon Knight, which Alex still hasn't watched. And he is, I went through the pain of having every single moon phase of him to show you guys. Now we have a lot of Khonshu's to talk about, but base Khonshu's a 6 5. When discarded, returns in its next phase. On reveal, resurrect a card you discarded to another location with its power set to 5. Now the good news is, if you get rid of Khonshu, that power set to 5 goes up to 7 and he goes up to a 6 7. Notice the logo change, beauty. And at the maximum form, goes to 6 12 with the power revived to 12 in the full moon of Khonshu. This, I think we talked about him, I, I think that this is so exciting of a card as well because of a new way to play this card and or I just think he's super unique to the archetype.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, he's definitely unique star rating wise, this is another one where I find myself, much like Eson, very conservative. I'm leaning three, and I feel like I could be wrong. Because, I can 100 percent see this card really popping off. And we have some synergies we'll talk about as well, but there's some huge pop off plays. However, I do see a risk of it underperforming as well. I just, I just, my gut tells me that there's a lot of potential here, but there's a chance that it low rolls a
Cozy Snap:bit. He's tougher to play than you think. I think he's tougher to play than you think, but I think if you don't try to do anything fancy, like I see a lot of stuff on the Iron Man and whatnot, and that's cool, like we could talk about Synergy with like, you know, the cards that get the best out of that 12, but I think even at a base core of you playing this in the discard decks, like that, I don't know, it just seems like it has some good potential, Lady Sif and Moon Knight, they just feast with them. You got the opening blade that you could get lucky on. I mean, he gets rid of Dracula. You got that cool thing going on. Dracula can pop off heavy. Most cards are happy. That come back from this. I feel like it will be an addition. I just want to know how it's going to work in what do we label a dependable discard and stuff like that? Like how does it work in there? It's just like another cog in that engine. That's what I'm curious. And obviously you've got first ghostwriter to make it even better.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and that's kind of what I've been thinking about, right? Like, I've been thinking about, like, how you have dependable discard with Apocalypse, and I do think the two can be played together, especially with the likes of something like a a Dracula, like you mentioned. But there is a chance it's completely on its own as well. And I don't want to, like, we were jumping ahead a bit with the Spotlight Cache, but it is worth mentioning that the Spotlight Cache is Corvus Glaive and Scorn. And I want to mention this because I think Corvus Glaive in particular might be very synergistic with this card. Because one of the challenges within six turns for Canchu is how do you discard Canchu twice while also getting rid of something else worth bringing back. It's like, it's similar to Esan where it's like, there's hoops that you have to jump through. And I wonder if those hoops are going to be worth it. And that's what brings my rating down. And with Corvus Glaive, not only are you ramping, but you have a double proc. You're discarding two things. And if you could at the very least hit Conshew plus one, at least you have that plus one you could bring back with the Conshew.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. So I love that you said that. I think he's going to be, Corvus is going to be the main card that kind of works with all this. It feels like. It feels like he'll be the main kind of cog to it and remember like what I like about this Is that we have another card that's not hella that can revive and so like I don't know like having morbius Obviously is a huge winner from this because that's just a lane winner But like having like sometimes like dracula morbius gets discarded like oh There it goes, there goes one of my win conditions and then like this just feels like it can work in that Or if you don't hit them that it's building up those cards Anyway, and you're just getting like what this card does best and that's like a lot of discards dare I say man, you could do like maybe an agatha deck With this that's where corvus was originally spawned. But no I think You know, there is some RNG stuff I don't love, I kind of wish it would never work this way, but I kind of wish it'd say, you know, revive a card in one of the other locations. You know, maybe a bit less randomness, that worries me, you know, it's just the one card, trying to control that could be tough. There's a lot of discard options that I think are gonna just like it at its core. Will Silver Samurai finally see some love? That's the deck people are gonna try to make work with this, the Iron Man thing. I think that's where I'm a little bit hesitant on, but I do, I do like him.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I was thinking about that too. If you think about it, if you have Moon Knight, Silver Samurai, and others, you are doing a fair bit of disruption to your opponent's hand as well. So if you can lean into the discard and disrupt style of this deck, where your opponent's kind of just getting blasted, I think there's something to be said to that, right? With regards to other cards that are synergistic, I think Swordmaster needs some love. Because Swordmaster could be a play that almost guarantees you're hitting something to discard, while also putting up a fair amount of power. The fact that it's going to hit an odd costed card means it will never hit Conshu. And so you, with Swordmaster, you're guaranteeing that something's going to get discarded. And what that is, if it's an Iron Man It's gone. And you're putting seven powered on the board at the same time. And that's a backup play to your silver Samurai.
Cozy Snap:What worries me about sword, Matt? Yeah. And I agree a hundred percent. Cause you need to avoid him. I think what worries me is I start to think about all the discard cards you want in there. Plus just like the other stuff you have to have in there. It's like, well, moon night makes complete sense. Like moon nights, like there's your target. Plus the attack. I mean, it's like, man, that's awesome. Lady SIF makes sense. Sword master makes sense. So it's like. You avoiding Khonshu, but also do you the deck build is going to be different than we've seen before and I think that's cool. I think we need that from Discard and people that are in playing that archetype. It's going to be a welcome change. Khonshu Definitely is going to be What like we've said it's either going to really work out or not But again, I think if you do play this card, you're not gonna be mad that you have them, you know I think it's like It's gonna give you something new to play with.
Alexander Coccia:But I wonder if he's at odds with, like, Apocalypse and Scorn. Like, Apocalypse and Scorn, they repeatedly re enter the hand. Yep. So how often can you truly, like, discard enough stuff? And, like, MODOK can do it too. Like, you could run MODOK and literally hit all three of them. But then what the hell does the rest of your hand look like? Like what's, what's everything else look like, right? So like, I wonder about how often you can actually get to the third phase of Conchu. And if the second phase is enough, or if the first phase is enough. Because obviously you're gonna try and lean into the you know, the Iron Men. Or, I shouldn't using Swordmaster to discard a Brood. I wish Sabrina Pack has 12 replicated
Cozy Snap:power. I That's, that's wild. I feel like I wish Khonshu's middle phase was a bit better. I think the 12 could be up even more. I know he's reviving a card and stuff, but like you're right, I think it's tough to hit. Maybe this is building way for like more stuff down the line, but like it does feel like it's like, it feels like this should be a little bit higher, like a 6 9 almost. Like that middle ground is where I worry a little bit. And with the randomness, but there's, I mean, there's a lot, there's a lot of stuff you can pull together, a lot of stuff you can make happen. And yeah, we'll, we'll end up seeing where this guy ultimately lands. We do have, that's, so that's it for the, for the main cards coming out. The, the main cards that are, are, are meant to come out. But to our surprise, we're gonna wait to see how he would be announced, but we do have the first Ghost Rider. As our last card, coming in high voltage. This will be your free card if you play the game mode. 2 6! On reveal, discard the lowest power card from your hand. Remove that card's power from, from this. Right, so this is clearly the missing cog into the Khanshu Iron Man Silver Samurai deck. However, my friends, we have some sad news. It has been confirmed the negative cards will not increase this card's power which took away a lot of fun deck Design and really hype for this card, but it's still a 2 6. It still discards It's still a good card in some ways and form. Let's talk about it. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:You know what it made sense. It's not gonna work with the Hobbes and the gobs It had to not work with that. Anyways, right like so I'm upset But also we often to juggle this we imagine ourselves playing that card and be like, oh bro Look what I did but you forget like what it's gonna feel like when some clown plays against you and the Miss Marvel thumbs ups you right so it's Like it probably had to happen that would have been so dumb As it stands now, you do have some synergistic plays. You do have the Conchu, which would like this. Cause again, this will hit an Iron Man or something worth bringing back. However, am I a little more sad? Yes. Do I think it's a good card? It's a 2 6, but the challenge is, is that you can't reliably have, you know, you can't guarantee that you're going to have something worth hitting your hand. Now, with Khonshu, discarding a Morbius doesn't matter, because Morbius is ongoing, right? And so Morbius is great, because you play this instead of Morbius, you put 6 power on the board, you gain initiative, Khonshu has a target. And then Khonshu brings it back, Morbius doesn't need the plus 5 or whatever power, and he's feasting. But this one, like it's, I'm a little more tentative with the change, but I still think there's potential there.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I mean, I think at the end of the day, if you just sort by power here, you can see who this is going to hit. I think Colin wing is probably just better. I mean, at least more dependable. Like, X 23, Scorn, Dracula, Morbius, these are the cards it's gonna hit, right, point blank. And then Iron Man and Friends, if you go that route. I, yeah, I think that I think if we can figure out that deck with Iron Man stuff, it's actually gonna be a needed card. Like, this will be The only way to get that card to work because as of now silver samurai definitely ate it And with contra I still don't think it's going to be there. But with this you you got a you got a better shot here Two six is obviously crazy. I think it's going to be more often than not a two four. Anyway, like calling wink Which is like, okay, at that you just have another, you have another car that does what she does. And, you know, ends up kind of working with what you have. Because, you know, Scorn, I think is going to be a popular one that this hits. Or to what you just said, Morbius. So, it's free, and it's a discard option. So, should be okay.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and score will give a little bit back with its discard too, right? So if you play this and you discard score, score much as a here's plus two back, you know what I mean? So yeah, it might not be the end of the world.
Cozy Snap:So that is the new cards coming out. Let's go in and rank them real quick. And then we'll get to our hot fire, quick OTA highlight recap. Looking at all the cards, the best card of the month is what? uh Agamotto Yeah, I think it's Agamotto with obviously number two for both of us fire hand. Yep. Fire hair. What what's number three?
Alexander Coccia:Number three for me is star brand.
Cozy Snap:Number three star brand for you. Yeah, I think star brands got, yeah, star brands got to be next. We're actually not going to be too different from this one from each other. Right? Number four.
Alexander Coccia:This is hard because I think Ghost Rider's last, and it's a question of is it Conshu next, or is it Issan next, and I'm not sure. hmm My heart of hearts tells me that Agamotto's good enough that Issan's above Conshu.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so that's what I was gonna say. I think Issan with Ereshim and Agamotto's gonna get played more. I think Conshu though, I think Conshu's really good too, but I think the deck that gets played more is Issan, so I would agree with that. And then, yeah, obviously the free card.
Alexander Coccia:Wow. We just agree 100%. Look
Cozy Snap:at that. That, that might be the first, that might be the first time in a while to we've had a lot of months where we did not. So I'm actually, I'm, I'm, I'm proud of us. Actually. I'm not even mad. I'm proud of us. You know what else I'm proud of? It happened. White Queen. We can't say it anymore. They changed her. They changed White Queen. And might I say, you out gooned me on the thumbnail this week. I put the old reliable, I put old reliable White Queen, sexy White Queen on there. I'm like, that'll do. Then I see yours, I'm like, mama mia, Alex.
Alexander Coccia:Mama mia, indeed. What
Cozy Snap:do you think of the 3 4 White Queen?
Alexander Coccia:I was actually so tilted when they when they buffed this card, cause, for our, these cards sucked them. Now, what the hell am I gonna put on it now? Here goes another one. This, this was, we went to the well on White Queen, for like, two years, on the these cards suck element. Like, you know what I mean? Like, that segment was a White Queen segment. I remember there was one where you begged me to not talk about White Queen, and I still couldn't do it. We had to talk about White Queen. So yeah, it's actually crazy. And I think this obviously works really well with Esan. We did mention that before it's timely. This change is it a surfer card? No, but it's going to be my surfer decks anyways, for reasons I don't want to get into.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think it's interesting. I think it's definitely It's not like the change I wanted to see from her, you know, like I guess like it's very much like they they did this for You saw in a bit more than anything else. Like I was kind of hoping something else would have happened with her I'm, not mad about it. Not mad though. Not not not mad that it's happened and she's getting more play from it I I think i'm more excited about lizard though, man I think lizard coming back. Obviously, we already know that the sauron decks are you know doing his thing But hey, man, two, six. All right. Okay, man. You know, two, two at worst, two, six on the upside, 49 percent win rate or something like that. I think it was like a 33 man at infinite play. Is he better?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, he's definitely better. And with star brand coming out obviously that, that deck is two pieces of love here. And I gotta say that's, is that the max correct variant? Yeah. Everyone saw it. It's it's one of his best ones. Like it's so good. It's awesome. What a split you've got there, too But yeah, honestly like yeah, I think losers back. I think it's legit It was actually really good in sanctum because the fact that you just want early dubs You want early power and it does exactly that very effectively
Cozy Snap:for sure, man Yeah, so lizard big on their big searcher nerf arrow took a stray scar went up to seven bro, sir turn now Does he take the crown? I think dude they have I just don't understand and I feel like algimoto could get here. I'm telling you bro. I'm worried about algimoto I'm worried about him getting the thanos treatment because they don't know how to do the spell Algimoto is going to be it mark my words nerfed in some capacity. I feel like I do I feel like at some point in time he's gonna get nerfed you look at surter right and it's just like On release they're just like yes, this feels good And now we've seen right we've seen so many changes at this point, dude. It's like It's, it's wild, man. I can't believe he got another, another one. It's like, is it done? Is the madness done?
Alexander Coccia:And it's hard because it's like, how much can you change one card until like its identity completely shifts? I think they're trying to conserve its identity though. They're clearly trying to conserve it. But I think what they're worried about is the fact that the Surtur deck was so easy to play across all MMR rackets. It's so easy. That's the problem. That's the problem. You just play chunks. You just play chunks. And it's fine that there's a deck like that. It kind of sucks that Surtur caught astray. I wonder if it had to just be I don't know. I don't know. I'm no game dev, but I don't know how they fixed Surtur. I think it's just the three cost thing always
Cozy Snap:just felt odd, but then you can't not do that, like, that's the problem, you know, like, it always just felt odd where it was at, I don't know, man, like, we made it through Shuri.
Alexander Coccia:It's the power creeper four cost, man, there's so much power creeper four cost, like, no one was playing Surgeon until Ares came out. Yeah, I bet you it would have still been good anyways, and this is the thing that's a point, right? Like you probably could have been playing Surtur this entire time and crushing before Ares and Ares a reason to play Surtur again. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Cozy Snap:No, I know it It was a but I would say all together. It was a it was a good OTA. It was a good OTA yeah, it was a definite. Yeah. Yeah, I was I was happy about the OTA across the board Got a couple high evo got a couple some love right got some love across the board And you know, we'll have to see It all comes together. By the way, Agamotto with High Evo, Abomination style, maybe, probably not. I don't know. Just, just thinking of some other High Evo potential. Lots of
Alexander Coccia:energy with the bolts
Cozy Snap:of Ballsack. Yeah. Yeah. Ballsack just ramping up that deck.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we got a lot to talk about today. We've got like so many cards to talk about. Actually, I gotta tell ya. Haven't you felt like there has been this treadmill of cards coming out in Snap? Hasn't it felt like more fresh than usual? There's just so much happening. Got the new game mode, cards coming out of that game mode. You got weekly cards, you got caches, double releases early on in the season. Man, there's so much to talk about.
Cozy Snap:Dude, there is, man. We got we have what, like eight cars today plus and listen, it was and it's good because February wasn't exactly the month that we were excited about. We've talked about bright future. We talked about March and April, and it almost feels good to get done with this month a little bit, but there was some definitely diamonds in the rough. And there's definitely, I think these reviews are going to be. They're gonna be fun. I know one that I I think I regret saying pretty pretty well buddy, but Because I don't even remember what we ranked some of these i'm gonna be honest.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's been a long month It's been like one of those months where it's like There's so many cards, so much happening, and some of them really punched above their weight class, and others felt maybe worse than expected. And let's get started with Sam Wilson, Captain America, the season pass card. The season pass card often is the one that a lot of people fixate on. Not only is it the one that you know, you gotta spend your ten bucks on which is USD of course, but it's also the one that I think, It really sets the tone for the season. And I do think that Second Inter does try to make the season pass card like the linchpin card of like even some of the interactions you get with some other stuff. With regards to Sam Wilson, I came in at four stars, you came in at three and a half to four. So, A little bit, like, I think you needed a little bit of convincing. What I'll tell you, in my personal opinion, is that Sam Wilson has exceeded my expectations. I don't think it's as obviously, like, broken as, like, a Surge, or it's not, it's not, like, a clear cut 5, but it has been so meta relevant, and it has been such a quiet, heavily, like, heavy high performer, that, like, I think it might be kinda, like, not quite 5. But it's, it's tapping on that, that ceiling. It's tapping on that level. Because I think it's just been remarkably good. From an initiative granting standpoint, like, it's just good, man. If I recall, we
Cozy Snap:gave, we both gave him the color of the month. I think it was hard to not, we gave him number one, I think. Diamondback was two, maybe, maybe I said Diamondback was one, but I feel like I definitely liked him the best. I would agree, though. I think what we didn't like about him, if you don't draw him, whatnot, but just like getting the shield out, the priority, being able to have constant pressure on the opponent by moving the shield. You know, I he reminds me and I don't even know if we said this, but maybe we did and he reminded me a bit of Kate Bishop and the sense of, like, he can just kind of work as this nice to drop that's flexible. And obviously he was made in mind with the game mode too. I think that was not a coincidence. I think he was like, you know, clearly they, they knew he'd be pretty solid in that. I, I wouldn't give him a five personally, you know, I think that there's, you know, yeah, I wouldn't give him a five, but I do think he's definitely he, he. Fell above expectation.
Alexander Coccia:To be clear. I'm not saying that he's a five. I'm saying that he's like as close as you can get without being a, okay. Okay. Like he's like a 4. 8. If I had to go right down to the nitty gritty, like he is right there. And I think that he, his power is deceptive. I think his strength is deceptive. I don't think it's obvious. And I think that part of it honestly, is that he activates cards like call obsidian. Call obsidian is a card that has genuinely and truthfully benefited from this card's existence in an insane way. It's to the point that the. The Surtur decks, which have since been nerfed, we're running call obsidian strictly because it had a guaranteed spot with that shield. And that's something you had mentioned on, in our video, in our discussion. Right. And it was something that I had not considered prior. I don't think many people had. And then what you saw is other 10 power cards in those Surtur shells, something like a A Tuma could utilize the shield as like a bounce off of ensuring it didn't actually destroy anything instead of having to run the armor, which it did anyways, the armor Cosmo combination. But a Tuma got to feast on that shield. But like, honestly, in the new mode, it absolutely crushed. Not only did it earn initiative and give you a free point almost every single game, because somehow the, the Egamoto location, the sanctum location happened to be the one where the shield was sitting on. It had to be because like both players are paying, playing the damn card anyways. So it's like. A 66 percent chance that someone's getting a free point on turn one. It just felt very consistent, very strong. It's running a 20 percent popularity, which is high. We've seen higher for season pass. We're sure seeing higher. I wonder if this is one people skipped on.
Cozy Snap:I feel like it is. I do. I feel like people skipped on February, man. And from like what I've seen, like starting with the season pass moving forward, I mean, because like, I think we both said like, you don't need it. Right. And like. I feel like it, what did we say? We said like, this is a car that will get a lot of popularity this month, and then as we move on, you're not gonna see it. I do fear for that a little bit. That's why I don't want to give it a five. I feel like in a few months from now, I just don't think we're going to see it in decks unless priorities, you know, the importance.
Alexander Coccia:I think you're right. But at the same time, I feel like we're selling it short for how good it is. Like, I feel, how do I explain this? There are some cards that are so obviously good, right? There's so obvious good. Like, like what Surtur was like, we keep going back to Surtur, but Surtur was so obvious like on paper. It's like, how could anyone not see that this is a five star card with Sam Wilson? I think it's deceptively very good. And another example of that is even like the Scream decks were running Sam Wilson. Because with Sam Wilson, you could add Craven in it. Because those decks used to be, Oh, I don't draw Scream, I lose. Now, I don't draw Scream, and I have Sam Wilson, I have Iron Patriot, I have Craven, and all of those feast in that deck. You know what I mean? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:and that's why it gave me that Kate Bishop feel, because she was the same. It was like, okay, you know It was a car, you know, she was cool. I don't see it though. A lot of people, I remember like, I just don't see it, you know, I don't, I don't, why is she so good? Why, yeah, and then as time went on, you're like, oh, it's because she fits into so much, right? Like, it, she truly works and helps other decks out and, and her value is just not in your face. Which is, you know, obviously, why part of Surtur went up so well much in, in playability too, and how much you got played is, it's just obvious what, what's happening. It's obvious how big he's getting, and it's easy to understand, unlike some other things like bounce, whatever. Like Toxin, when that released, you could have looked at him and like, wow, this is obviously insane. But compared to Surtur, it's like, oh, big power. Like, this is obviously, you know, huge too. But yeah, I agree, man. I think he definitely ends up being the best card of the month.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it could very well be. And moving on is the card that released at the same time. And unlike the prior month, this card does not have any inherent synergy with Sam Wilson. It was Joaquim Torres Falcon. Now, this card has been since buffed. It's been dropped down to a 2 2. Right. It was a three costed card before I came in kind of hot. I came in expecting a four star release from him. So far, not looking good. You say four stars, the cargo buffed, Alex, you dumbass. Like, what are you doing there, bud? Because you came in at three. So at least I'm going to give you the win on this one. You got the dub on the OG Joaquin Torres Falcon. What were your thoughts on this card?
Cozy Snap:Joaquin. Yeah, man, I think I think if we saw a keynote at two, two, we would have been a bit more excited. And you know, the three, four. The awkwardness there, I think it was kind of, maybe I said he was a win more sometimes and that's kind of what he felt like. And like, again, it's like when we get destroyed cards and I've brought this up twice, we used to get excited and it's like bounces in that same territory. It's like, okay, who are you cutting? Why are you cutting? What needs to make it? Clearly that's where his home is best. But as I've said, you know, the first time around, he does have something that's going to scale over time. I don't see us getting a lot of one costs for whatever reason in the future and it has to be an on reveal. So you have like two things working against it for it to be Like I think Thaddeus ages better than this because you have what we got to 10 power three. We've got three, 10 power cards this next month. That's that's three more cards that synergize with Thaddeus. Think about that compared to Joaquin, right? So that's obviously a pretty big bump up. And how it's gonna age like fine wine, whatever we like to say there, but 2 2 now, you got a different Joaquin man, that's for damn sure.
Alexander Coccia:It's totally different, and it's way better. And what's interesting about it is, in my testing with the 3 costed one, I actually, this might be a hot take, I didn't mind it. With that being said, I'm not like a committed bounce player. I play bounce very casually when I have to because I just don't like the archetype that much, I'll be honest. I just don't like the archetype, I like to play other stuff. But when I was playing him, I had a good win rate. I had a good cube rate, I ranked up, he felt good. And what was interesting about it is the cards that were carrying me were the Nicos and the you know, the the Rocket Raccoons, those scalers, those effective scalers. And I felt that I had room for them, despite the fact that he was a three cost card. At a two cost, he suddenly works so much better with Beast. He works so much better with Toxin. His ability to be bounced back and then replicated as, like, a play, And so the ability for it to kind of be slotted in and bounce is just incredible. It didn't feel like the best version of bounce when I was playing Joaquin Torres Falcon, and I think that's what held it back. However, now with him as a 2 2, it feels like he could very well be in the best version of Bounce. Especially if we get new 1 drops.
Cozy Snap:This is what we're gonna do, alright? Next season, you can play Joaquin down, then you can play Mystique down, same lane, then you can play your favorite 1 cost, be whatever you want, name it, and then you're gonna pop down Misery, and then you're gonna have that trigger, I don't know, how many times, 8 times, 9 times, maybe 10 times, and then guess what? Firehair, other lane. Triggers, again, once again, on this, on this card, and you have now 9 demons, you can't even draw 9 cards, and, and you just win the game. Yeah, I I do agree, I think, I think it was what, a 49, 50 percent win rate in balance before the the change? Which is not bad. What is it now? I haven't seen it. Yeah, it was in
Alexander Coccia:like the, it was in like the high 40s. It wasn't great. But it was not, like, people were like, oh, this card sucks. It's not good. Like, it's clearly not like a great card. Like, I whiffed on four. But, I think it could very well hit that now. Like, I, it definitely feels really good now.
Cozy Snap:The problem with this card mainly, and all the cards we're going to talk about today, is like, it's not if like, if they're good and if they're bad. Like, with Captain with Captain Falcon is what I'm going to call him. With Captain Falcon, he was a season pass card, so not a big deal. Yeah, I mean, yeah, you gotta pay for it. But for these, it's like, okay, when you look at these cards this month, compare, compared to the cards this coming month, that's where, that, that's the problem. It's the resource management of them. And like, it's a new card. Is it going to be good enough? Yes, but it's when you compare them and the reality that a lot of SNAP players are in is that just the scarce resources that they have, right? That, I think, is why people are so hesitant on getting something like this.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, I agree 100%. It's like, oh, would you rather have Joaquin Torres Falcon or
Cozy Snap:Starbrand,
Alexander Coccia:which completely could revive an old archetype, or Conchu, which looks incredible, or Ison, which might, yeah, or Fire. Yeah, exactly. All the cards next month seem way better, right? And
Cozy Snap:spotlights at that. The spotlights this month were also like questionable, right?
Alexander Coccia:That was the other thing. Yeah, they were bad. And a bunch of them got dropped. Like, Oh, the last one was Phoenix force and Nimrod. How many times have we literally seen that exact one? And then nebula is being dropped as it's in the spotlight cash. I mean, actually even this month we do have scar being dropped. Despite it being in the spotlight, which isn't great. But 3. Like, the other ones are going to series 3. Whereas this one's not. So yeah. Anyways, we're keen towards Falcon. It's definitely better than it was before. And we'll have to see, especially with that recent change, how it performs. Now, Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, I'm ready to defend this man's honor. We ended up at twos, and you were like, Disgruntled at two. You wanted to say one, and I think I talked you up, okay? I'm gonna say that I like Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, and if he gets buffed to a 2 3, I'm gonna say that he's a good card. I don't mind this card. I play it probably more than anybody. I'm not going to say that it's like a card that you have to have. You absolutely do not need to have this card. But when I play them, I draw cards. And I think the major concern is, is that Surtur took a massive L with this patch. Like it's just not, it's just not the same card it was before. And those shells have shifted. And is Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross worth having in those shells? Probably not. When you consider comparing Thunderbolt Ross to something like a Sam Wilson, it's not even close. He's not, does not do that. He doesn't compete in the breadth of the decks that Sam Wilson could be in. And he does not compete power wise. But the draw effect is powerful. And so I get stuck in this spot of like Is Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross my favorite card that I probably will never play again? And no one should ever play again. I don't know how else to explain it.
Cozy Snap:I don't know. I think he's yeah. Watch him being the best. He's he's on deck, right? Because like you don't put any other tens. You have him in there. You don't have a song, but you have all these ramp cars because you're trying to get ease on down. Agamotto. Yeah. Yeah. Right. And then you can pull those like, I don't know. I do, I do feel like he'll age better. We've kept saying that. He is just like, he's just like, he's just, yeah, the ultimate, you don't need him card. And that's the weird thing about him. He's good. You don't need him. And I, I, I can't even tell you maybe like something like speed, you know, like, like where he's good, you don't need him. Yeah. And speed's probably not even a good example. Speed's just better. But like. You know what I mean? Something of that effect.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, absolutely. And like, I do think that, like, Speed suffered from that too, where it's like, Speed, on paper, there was one point in the game where Untapped rated him as one of the highest win rates in the game. And there was not a single person that gave a hoot about Speed. And he has seen some play here and there. But like, Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross? I gotta be honest with you, I think it's because of the weakness of the spotlight caches as well. I don't think people gave him a shot. I don't think he actually got a shot. And I played a ton of him. In a couple of different ramp shells and something like that. Even outside of the actual launch week where like I was incentivized to play them for content reasons. And I gotta tell you, like, I was impressed on occasion. Regularly impressed. I had people retreat after they floated energy twice, and I had, like, seven cards in my hand. And they're like, what am I gonna do? This guy has all his chunks. So, honestly, Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, I totally respect the reason why you wouldn't get him. Like, if I had to say, hey, roll on Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross or save for This next season coming up. 100 percent you save for the next season coming up. That was the correct choice. I'm just saying, if this card goes to 2 3, I wouldn't be surprised if it became relevant in a niche capacity somewhere. Because I think it's closer to being good than people might think. You'll be serious dropping
Cozy Snap:on the next drop for sure. Not the next one, but the next one.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah.
Cozy Snap:I feel
Alexander Coccia:it. Listen, I might be coping, but I'm telling you no, I like No, no. Think I just like them.
Cozy Snap:Agree. I think, I think you're right. I think I understand your take. I do, yeah, for sure.
Alexander Coccia:I understand. The take is, is the nice way of saying your take sucks sch nuts. But you know what also I think kind of sh sucks. Sch nuts is red wing, red wing. I'm not a big fan of, I gave it two star. You went one and a half and damn. I don't like this card. I just don't like it at all. Like it's, I I would take fatty over red wing any day of the week, not even close. Yeah, just damn for sure. Seriously.
Cozy Snap:I don't that's some Thaddeus. I don't like, I don't, I definitely don't like red wing, man. I I've said it. I mean, as I said, it was like back to back weeks. I'm just like, Oh, I don't know, man. Yeah. I would say I would definitely say that. Yes, for sure. Over those two. Yeah. At least in deck for sure. Deck design to index and like being able to play it and whatnot. Red wing, red wing just has so much going against it. Like not only is it like, yeah. Combo reliant. It's not super plug and playable. It's not in a dex. Like it doesn't really love to be a dex That are already good right now. Anyway, they already gave it some more love gonna get more love probably will you didn't miss anything
Alexander Coccia:No. Do you want to take a guess at its win rate right now? 37. Oh my gosh! Okay, you did Red Wing way dirtier than I expected. It's actually 47. Okay, fair enough. But it's still not good. 47's rough. And most probably concerning is the fact that it's seen play by only 3%. That's as popular. People did not care at all about Red Wing. Did not care about Thaddeus. And there's, there's some believers out there. There's some believers, and they're going to be in the comments, that you guys missed on Red Wing. Yeah, you see them, right? And I'm gonna say I disagree. I, I, I just disagree. I don't think this is a particularly good card. It does have one thing good about it
Cozy Snap:though. There's one like really good thing about it. And it's that you don't have to spend tokens that week. And that, that's it's best, it's best trait right there. Thank you, Redwing. That's
Alexander Coccia:it. It does have great variance actually. It does have some fire variance. We got to talk. What did you call him? You call him like an owl? What did you call him? An owl or
Cozy Snap:something?
Alexander Coccia:I thought he was a bald eagle or something. I don't remember. People thought that was ridiculous. But no, it actually blew my mind that he was a falcon. Also, he must Redwing must only be from the new movie, which I've not yet seen. Cause I don't remember Redwing existing before. I know that falcon has like the little robot thing he, like, has. That's Redwing, yeah. But not this.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, they re adapted Redwing.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. Understood.
Cozy Snap:I'll just have to watch the movie. Have you seen it yet? No, I haven't, dude. I have not made it a priority. To go see, it's been too, too busy at times, man, but I want to, I want to, I'll, I'll find a way, or I don't know, man, movies go so fast at Disney these days, or whatever, I might catch on there, we'll see.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, actually, that's exactly what I did with some of the more popular ones, like, I just kind of waited them out I don't remember what the last one was that came, oh, it was Wolverine, Deadpool Wolverine, I never saw it in theaters. I watched it in in what's it called in my home, I guess, that's, that's where it's called? Yeah, it's called, I was like, what's the, what's the name for the thing that you, that I did right now? It's Yeah, anyways, it's, it's, sorry, we're confused, it's late, we've been going for a while. Alright, so, Red Wing sucks, that's unfortunate. What I will say that doesn't suck, Hanuman movies and stuff, my wife and I are still watching through what's his name? Daredevil? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know where I am right now, I don't know what I'm watching, I don't know anything. Who are you? Daredevil, we're on like episode 5, buddy, it's, my wife actually enjoys it. It's good, it's good. This is good news, man, this is a Marvel show that my wife is not like associating with Marvel.
Cozy Snap:I've been watching this I mean, first of all, I'm happy for you, man. I've been watching oh, dude, Running Point? Have you heard this? It's with Kate Hudson. It's just like it's like Ted Lasso. but Ted Lasso's better, but it's like you know what Ted Lasso is? That's like the football coach, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good for you saying football. He's like a life coach or something. I know, I've heard of him. I've never Regardless, it's actually a pretty good series. But yeah, definitely Dead Daredevil's much better. And you, listen, you only have to go through like three more seasons to catch up for the new season dropping. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:that's pretty exciting. Yeah, actually, you're right. Three more seasons at this pace, I'll be done five years from now, which is exciting. So yeah, Red Wings, so good we stopped talking about it. Diamondback, Diamondback, and this is going to be the last card of the the, the caches. Cozy, I said 3. 5 to 4, ended it on 4, you went in at 4. Now you kind of gave a bit of a cringe there, so I'll give you the floor here. What do you think about Diamondback?
Cozy Snap:Well, first of all, Diamondback came out at a weird, a little bit of a weird time because of Sanctum coming out. Like, I know a lot of people like wanted to play,
Alexander Coccia:Yeah.
Cozy Snap:Game mode and stuff. I think, you know, for me she performed well, by the way. I think she did good. Her popularity is very low because of that, because you have all the new cards that came out. Last I checked it was like 1%, dude. It was like awful. It's super low. It may be higher. You have the
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I took it just before we started. It's 2. 1%.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that's really low. So that's almost so low that you can't even take the stats of a win rate. Like the 2 percent is so low of a margin, right? But I would guess, I don't know the rates, I would guess she's above 50%, which is hard to do for Affliction, hard to do for Affliction Dex, and I think she's
Alexander Coccia:positive cubes. She's 50. 5 and just ever so slightly negative cubes. But I don't, I don't know these stats. I wouldn't, I wouldn't weigh into them too much. Cause this week was destroyed by the fact that new mode came out and the stats are kind of split up amongst them. Now I was playing affliction in the new mode when it first launched, because I was like, first of all, I wanted the footage, right? I wanted the footage for the content for the new card. And so I'm like, I don't care. Like I'm going to play, I'll play this. I thought it was great. I love Diamondback. I think Diamondback's an excellent card. Man, it's a three costed card that will single handedly win a location. And being able to combo it confidently with Hazmat and just completely pump a location, it was so good. I was trying, like, Evo with it. That was okay. But straight up, like, Ajax with it was just Awesome. It was awesome. Like, it's just, no, I'm not going to accept anything less than Diamondback's a good card, because that's exactly what it is, damn it.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure. And we, we, we said that, like, with Affliction, like, is already just such a good archetype at the time, so it's just something that boosts that up more. I think the question was, is it going to be a win more card? And that, that, that was kind of what it was, and I, I, I think it wasn't at all, right? Because you just have so many other cards that work well with it, locations that work well with it, and I think it is going to age good as we continue on.
Alexander Coccia:And one thing I will say is that because I was in the new mode testing it a lot, no one was playing Luke Cage in that mode. Like, nobody was playing Luke Cage in that mode. But, the people that did, and they played Luke Cage on turn six, completely just throttled my behind. Like, I, my cheeks had been clappethed by the Luke Cage and it was savage. So like, coming down on turn six was pretty rough. But honestly, Diamondback is a good card. And if you're watching this right now and you have the opportunity to get it, like, if you play Affliction, like, I think it's definitely worth it. Yeah, for sure. If you, if you like Affliction, if you like Ajax, those decks are kind of expensive. They're, they're Creeping up in cost because you have Malekith versions which are still pretty good. I actually, I like Malekith. That was a call a couple seasons back. You were high on Malekith, I wasn't. I've aged into really liking that card. And I'm still lamenting over the fact I can't get the Ferraro variant, I've been told. Is the one that I've been looking for. It has that nice painted version of it. But yeah, Diamondback is pretty legit. And cozy, that's going to take us to the Sanctum cards. We have Laufey, Gorgon, and Uncle Ben. Who do you want to start with? Let's start with Unk. Gunk?
Cozy Snap:Unk. Uncle Ben.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, Unk. I thought you were trying to give Gorgon some sort of like, fancy name. But like, Gorgon into Gunk? I'm like, okay. How did Uncle Ben turn out? Was he
Cozy Snap:just a meme? Was he a dream, Alex? How did Uncle Ben show up?
Alexander Coccia:With great power comes a terrible card. This card is garbage. Like, it's less than garbage. Like, this card is so bad, that, like, it is absolute bait for people that didn't have enough resources to roll for the other cards, who are so much, at least, more relevant than Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben is so bad, there's literally no reason to play it. I tried to play it in, like, regular Destroy. I'm like, why the hell am I doing this? Yeah, I tried to play it in Scream. I'm like, why the hell am I doing this? Why would you play Uncle Ben in a Scream deck where you just play Literally any other card in Marvel snap
Cozy Snap:and it's
Alexander Coccia:better.
Cozy Snap:You know what I mean? It's just he somehow makes fire hair a bad card because you destroy uncle Ben and then fire hair becomes spider Becomes yeah spider man, right? Oh my gosh, and
Alexander Coccia:then you kill her. She's done. Oh, man I never thought of that. Is this a new cook on the uncle Ben fire hair cook here? It's awful.
Cozy Snap:And I was that awful as an offer because you don't want fire hair So then like she becomes spider man she becomes marginally better And it moves to another location.
Alexander Coccia:You know what would have been so much better? On, so when Uncle Ben gets destroyed. He shoots bolts from his ball sack.
Cozy Snap:Ooh, bolts a ball sack on Uncle Ben. Okay, I like it. Yeah, what's his winner rate though? What's it like, 35? 30?
Alexander Coccia:25? 38%. That is And negative 67 cubes. Almost a full cube negative for anybody who's trying him.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I, I, listen, I respect, I respect the love and the memeship around him, but he is, we knew he was gonna be bad. What about someone like Gorgon? I think he's going to be a hard card to see his stats right now and tell anything about him.
Alexander Coccia:Gorgon's stats are totally irrelevant, because Gorgon's only going to be relevant when the Esan and the Agamottos It's like next month. We're basically getting next month's tech card now. And in the past, I don't remember exactly what it was. What season was it? You're really good at this. We always get What season was it where we got like the triple M after?
Cozy Snap:September. But that's all September of The 2023, but the, the we always get the tech card, the answer for the card after every single time. We always get that. Yep. I know. Yeah. So who was Emma triple M trying to answer for? Triple M was for Loki, Cass, Cassandra Nova was for Arishem. Like we, we have like. It's always like this after the fact thing that we would get. And it, I don't, I think they do that obviously by design. They let something feast for a second and then they, they, they kill it. Scream with some of the move cards scream came out after like madam web and stuff, I believe. Even though that wasn't as big of a deal as we thought it would be. But yeah, but now we're getting it ahead of time, so Gorgon is impossible to tell. But I do think he's gonna beat the Tech Harp. I don't know if he'll slot into the deck, we've already argumented this for a while, like, do we think he'll make the spot in the deck? Will he be a big enough answer to those things? I think if Esan and then pop off, absolutely.
Alexander Coccia:I was playing the Gorgon deck, which was a Darkhawk Ronin deck, which I've already brought up a couple of times. And he was kind of actually good there because it made it impossible for them to dump the sentries. I also ran the Black Widow, which having that widow's kiss in your hand and having to pay for it sucks. And I also ran Moonstone. Which could be played on top of the Gorgon, which would also double dip as an activator for a Mystique with Ronin or Darkhawk. And so I actually had a deck that I liked. And I think that that deck is going to perform better into the Agamotto season. Because of the amount of card generation and stuff like that. And stuffing the hands and preventing people from drawing their Agamotto cards. And from Ison pulling sentries and stuff like that. It's going to be kind of interesting. So I think that Gorgon is hard to evaluate right now. But what I will say is if you're playing Sanctum, I think getting Gorgon's important. Yes. Because I think that Gorgon might be a very important tech piece, especially if you're free to play. If you don't have Agamotto, and you're not able to kind of join the chaos that might be ensuing next week, you might want to be in a position where you can at least counter and farm. And I think that Gorgon's going to be a key part of that counterplay. Lauffey. Lauffey. Lauffey is, it's kind of interesting because Lauffey comes out the same week that Diamondback's in. And Diamondback and Lauffey, in theory, can be played together and even on Curve, 4. I played a lot of Lauffey because I was still playing a lot of Fiction, because I was, I was really impressed by Diamondback. Like, legit. I think it's, it's my favourite. I don't think it's the card of the month, but I think Diamondback really did punch above its weight class. Yeah. Laufey was good, but it wasn't great. And I think part of the reason why is because in order to really min max it, you had to play in a way where you played Laufey, you ripped power from your, from your own cards, and then you had to reset the power using your own Luke Cage. Because if you had Luke Cage out prior, then Laufey was restricted in how much it could get. It almost felt like like a budget friendly, not even a budget friendly, what am I talking about? It felt like You know, like, Oh, I want spider woman. Well, you have spider woman at home and you got low fee. You know what I mean? That meme, Lofi felt very similar to spider woman in the sense that like it wants to, like, it wants to disrupt your opponent and obviously it's stealing. However, it's use with Luke Cage was kind of tricky. Cause you want a min max.
Cozy Snap:It reminded me a bit of black Swan. And let me tell you why on paper, you looked at black Swan at the time. And you were like, wow, this is going to work really well into balance. And you look at Lofi and it's like. This is going to be perfect for Affliction, but then when you play the decks and you see the lines and you see the cost and what's being played at what point and what you're looking for and wanting and what's actually happening, just because something looks great, it doesn't always convert, right? And vice versa, if it doesn't look good, but then, like, in the way that lines work out, it's really good. I think that was Laufey's biggest thing. It's like, Black Swan had that issue, and I feel like Laufey What Affliction's doing, he doesn't, yeah he's tricky, he's not bad, I don't think he's a bad card, I think he's just, he's kind of neutral, like, do you like him better or worse than Man Thing?
Alexander Coccia:I would play Man Thing over Laufey. Yeah, probably. I think. Because, keep in mind, Man Thing has two extra power, which is not insignificant. It's ongoing effect can be obviously dealt with. Laufey is more susceptible to not Shun Chi. It can be, theoretically, but it's more susceptible to Shadow King, whereas Manthing's not. I would take Manthing over Laufey. Because I think the ongoing effect of it kind of helps out. And I think you're right though, if you think about what Affliction's doing, Affliction often just wants to afflict anything. If you're playing an Abomination version, you activate Abomination by just having the numbers being afflicted. You can do that with Hazmat, with Man Thing, with U. S. Agent, whatever. If you think about you know, Cassandra Nova, Scorpion, they're just trying to apply that negative value so that Ajax, which is like the carry card of that archetype, can feast. You don't need to steal the power, you know what I mean? It's, it's just I don't know if it's necessary.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think we have to, here's the pro, can I tell you the biggest problem with him though and why stats can be completely wrong and I think Laufey's actually like not bad, is that we knew Diamondback was gonna have the worst stats quote unquote this week, right? A lot of people playing Sanctum, well what's, Laufey's weakness is the same thing as Diamondback's, right? So you're gonna get way more loot cages and so I think because of that, I think he'll be better in a couple weeks from now, I really do. I think, I think he'll age better too. Yeah, I don't know. I just, it's tough. It's so hard to, to, to, to tell what these cards that come out on weeks, especially with Laufey because of he got hit with the diamond back counter too. You know, I want to see how he's going to be in just a little bit.
Alexander Coccia:For what it's worth, I liked Laufey. I played Laufey. He was legit. Like he did things that uncle Ben couldn't, let's be honest. Right. And I thought like Laufey was generally serviceable. And if you're a free to play player, those playing the mode and you pull Laufey, you walk away satisfied from that. I think you're going to want to make sure you have at least Laufey Gorgon. I think uncle Ben, who cares? Laufey Gorgon, you're going to want to have, I would probably prioritize Gorgon considering what this next month looks like. Yeah. But in terms of individual power, Laufey is a much more capable card. On its own.
Cozy Snap:And we have a lot of like I think what discard right now is, you know, the bullseye decks very popular. You've got the Hela is getting a lot of play right now to ongoing and the move decks, right? Those are the ones I'm seeing to me. It's like Laffy doesn't excel tremendous against some of those. Whereas like in the zoo season where there's like a lot of cards, lots to deal with, right? A little bit better there. I think it might depend on the meta it's had for him too. I, I'm going to be interested in his story and where he goes.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so let's talk final rankings here. For me, when we look at the the free cards that were acquired from the Sanctum Showdown, I would definitely rank them Laufey, Gorgon, and Uncle Ben, but it's funny, in terms of individualized power, that's where they would rank. However, coming into this new season, I would actually probably say that I'm most interested in having Gorgon in my deck. Yeah. Or Gorgon in my collection. Laufey, Uncle Ben, so Laufey and Gorgon, depending on how you want to look at it, are number one and two. What do you think?
Cozy Snap:Yep, I agree. Yeah, and then Uncle Ben's the trash.
Alexander Coccia:And for final rankings overall, when we talk about what we ranked, we actually were almost identical. We had one minor change amongst the two. We both agreed Sam Wilson, number one. I put Joaquin Forrest Falcon, number two. You put Diamondback, two. So W cozy on that one. So then for me, I diamond back three. You had you had Yoke Joaquin Phoenix three, and then you had, we both had Redwing Ross. So Redwing Ross Ross with us the end Redwing. I did that again. I did the most confusing way possible, but yeah, cozy gets the double on the final rankings there. We both had Sam Wilson, but you rated diamond back higher where I had a diamond back one spot lower. And that was essentially the difference between the two of us there. What do you think?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that feels right. That's a tough, that's like a Laffy Taffy label. See,
Alexander Coccia:I'm telling you man, I had a hard time there, now you are, now I feel validated.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that sounds about right.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, good, good, good. And you know what else sounds about right cozy? It's about right to go to our Snapchat mailbag. How do you like that transition? I would give it a 6 out of 10.
Cozy Snap:It's like a 10. It was good. The practice was good. The thought was good. The execution was, it was like a deal. Oh man, I just,
Alexander Coccia:you know, I feel like, I feel like a little off today. I just feel like, you know, it's one of those things where, you know, sometimes you're just not having your best day. I'm not, I just feel like my performance today hasn't been up to snuff, you know what I mean? You gotta just, you gotta just improve a little bit. I saw a shirt I wanted to get you, but then it was
Cozy Snap:kind of sexual.
Alexander Coccia:It was just lingerie. You sent me lingerie. No,
Cozy Snap:it said, it had a picture of the Costco hot dog. And it was like, you know, the obvious picture they use on the menu of the hot dog with like little Coke and every Pepsi next to it. And it said, got a little dog in me. And I was like, I get it. I was like, that's fun. But I kind of felt ungrateful. I actually don't get it. I got a little dog in me. You haven't like.
Alexander Coccia:Is that like a down south thing?
Cozy Snap:No, definitely not. No, you know what, I'll let the comments handle this one. I'm gonna buy you that shirt now.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, okay, yeah, we'll let the comments argue that one there so I don't get demonetized on this one. The bolts of ball sack already kind of running rampant on your side. So anyways, Cozy, we got a couple questions for the mailbag this week. And there's a couple good ones here. Cozy, today we're gonna start with some positivity and it comes from Elpharay who says Not gonna lie, the update to the webshot's daily wheel spin is a lot better than I first thought. At worst, you get 100 extra credits each day for loading up a webpage and clicking a button. At the high end, it's pretty solid, as I've landed on 200 or more credits a decent amount, plus I've gotten at least 4 borders from it. I just wanted to post some appreciation for an all around small buff to free resources. And Kozy, I bring this up because a lot of people may not even realize that this actually exists. And that you can go to the webshop on the marvelsnap. com site, and you can free roll every single week. If you're logging in, like, every 8 hours for that 25 credits, man, you gotta be rolling for the free shop stuff, too.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, it's definitely something to good, good reminder for people to go. Check out and it is a much welcome buff. Yeah, but what like around the time of the shutdown, yeah
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it must have been. It must have been added around the time of the shutdown. The only argument I have against it, I don't even know the legality of it, but I still can't believe they don't give receipts for the purchases you make there. It's like you make a purchase there and it just like disappears into the void. It just shows up in your game. It's like, well, I don't know if it's supposed to work like that. Like you're supposed to give me some sort of proof of purchase, aren't you? Yeah, right. I know this is like a digital card game and everything we buy doesn't actually exist, but like you're treating it like it actually doesn't exist.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's like an order number I think is the best you get, but yeah, it's it's not good.
Alexander Coccia:And Elite Surgeon comes in with our next question, which says, Also, a wild conspiracy theory, but they are finally buffing the bad cards because of Marvel Rivals? Adam Warlock and Mr. Fantastic are doing well there, and they finally get buffed. Also, datamines show next season White Queen is possibly coming to Rivals. Maybe a Jean Grey buff soon? But that's just a theory. Dot dot dot.
Cozy Snap:Mantis, next up, man. Mantis is coming. We're gonna get a mantis that is not complete garbage. Is that the majority of the of the bad ones? Let me think here. I think so, yeah. It's cra look, yeah, yeah. Winter Soldier might be close. We'll make he's a 2 7 now, you know. He's busted in that game, dude. He's, yeah, he's probably the best hero right
Alexander Coccia:now. You know what would be so funny? If Winter Soldier got a buff, and then they just gave him like one extra power, and then the next OTA, he just said, again, and they buffed him again, and then the week after it was, again, and they buffed him again, and they just kept doing it until he broke the game. Can you imagine that? How flavorful would that be? Would be, would be
Cozy Snap:Dave, yeah, dude, I I think A, I can't comment on on leaks on that game, I, I'm not, I'm not supposed to, but White Queen would be F'n awesome. I would love, I would love, I would love to be able to play with White Queen.
Alexander Coccia:I would love to as well. As ZestWhisper comes in with our next question, it reads, The Guardians have been insanely popular in Sanctum, and for me, at least they've proven to be a very competitive and high voltage as well. More energy equals more cards played for more Guardian hits. Rather than needing a rework, are they just missing one or two new cards to synergize with to get that deck to make it more competitive and louder?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, I think it was last week someone mentioned the either or or text or whatever that Adam got. I think that that would be probably the change. Yeah. I mean, and then obviously with Sanctum, so I'm almost okay if, if sanctum comes around as often as it does that the guardians just like feast during that point.
Alexander Coccia:Oh buddy. It's, I think having a limited time mate game mode where the guardians are relevant or destroy becomes relevant or like, I dunno if that's a great idea, if it's like two weeks of like, oh, you gotta play destroy. Or else you suck. Yeah, yeah. But like, listen, who the hell is like crying the guardians before? Give'em their chance in the spotlight. Damn it. Give'em a chance. Right. But I, I do agree. I think the otherwise text is probably the best. And talking about words that we like the best. deconstructive feedback. Said, how many times could you hear the word cope in a single video?
Cozy Snap:That's that's Alex's go to. I mean that's his, that's your bread and butter now. I feel like I think that's like the first time I said it just today though. When did you learn that word? I feel like you learned it and you're like, I'm gonna start saying that. Like, I heard you say suss. You've been saying suss a lot. I'm like the old dad
Alexander Coccia:that learned something new and just kept saying it over and over again until it was uncool. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I heard you say suss a few times on stream. I'm like, you know, what else, what other words are you, what do you like to
Alexander Coccia:say? Dude, you gotta keep in mind though that as a high school teacher, like, I'm around a lot of this language, right? Like, if I wanted to, if I wanted to roll with the Riz, like, I could. I'm just trying to, you know, I'm just trying to act my age and be a gentleman. Whoa. What is, what does the skibbity one mean? Skibbity sigma. Apparently skibbity is just nonsense. And actually it was funny, there was this kid that was saying this stuff and he said skibbity at me. He's like, oh sir, you're being skibbity or something. I'm like, how about you get skibbity suspended if you don't sit down. Everyone's like, whoa! All the kids are going nuts. There's like bottle flips happening. I'm like, I don't even know what's happening anymore. But I felt like, I felt like I did it. You know what I mean? Like I, I became cool in that moment, right? Where I threatened skibbity suspension on a student. That was a good moment it
Cozy Snap:into a thumbnail or title.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, for sure. And Cozy, we're going to close the Snapchat, which has been extra long this week. My man, we've, we've been, we've been cooking. We've been cooking, but you know what else is cooking? These dad jokes. Cozy, why can't cows wear sandals? Because they lactose.
Cozy Snap:They lactose. That's a, that's a good one. I'm going to take that, writing that down. Okay.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, you're writing that one down, and write down this one as well. Cozy, why did the old man fall into the well? He did not see that well. That's the one that got you? That's a good one. I like that one way better. Yeah, that one's better. This whole Snapchat was a good one, and we appreciate each one of you guys for joining us this week. And guess what? We'll see you next one. Happy Snappin
Cozy Snap:Until the next one, guys, happy snapping.