The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Diamondback: A New Toxic Terror | New Sanctum Showdown Game Mode | Redwing In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 121

Cozy Snap Season 3 Episode 17

Will Diamondback be a diamond in the rough for toxic fans? What is the new game mode coming out this month? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Redwing? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Snapchat. Diamondback is coming out and Toxic fans rejoice. She looks freaking great, probably the best card this month, but we also got a brand new game mode launching Tuesday. We're going to break the whole thing down, what you need to know, the FAQs. And then lastly, we're going to be talking about Marvel Snap in China. They've got their own game with tournaments and a lot more like exclusive variants and Alex and I. We're going to give our opinion on that. We're going to talk about that all today on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by Mr. Alex Kocha and my friend, we've got a lot of new coming to Marvel snap. We've got a new game mode. We had new series drop announced, which we're going to talk on your side. We've got ourselves new OTA sitting in the 27th of February. So this Thursday we got March 4th patch, another OTA on the 13th. And so a lot of newness coming. To the game. How do you feel man about the new game mode coming out? We're gonna go and jump into the weeds of it man But you are you pumped for that does it get you excited for snap this week?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm excited for snap. I don't, I'm always excited for snap. And that's the one thing that keeps me consistently making content is that at its absolute core, I still enjoy playing this video game. And I'm going to continue playing this video game. And I love talking about this video game with cozy snap, but I think that like, I am excited. And when you talk about the OTAs and stuff like that, there is a definite. Pulse of content and a pulse of change. And I think that's something that's snapped us very well that perhaps like, you know, we're going to have some constructive criticisms of stuff and here and there, but ultimately like we have to be honest, like that pulse of snaps, like a kind of content. It's actually pretty valuable. Even as content creators ourselves, it gives us opportunities to get excited with the game, share things with the game. You know, we've got new cards coming out every single week. We have new game balloons once a month, which drops whatever happens to me. There's always something happening. So I do think that Marvel snap does do a good job of trying to keep us interested.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So I figured out that pulse more and more as I was doing arrival stuff. Right. And so rivals and a lot of live service games have seasons, right? They have season. They have a bunch of content come out, hearthstone, bunch of content, and then it's like a long wait period. And it did make me especially consecration so much easier to consecrate when you have something every week, right? You know that there is a nice weekly pulse for snap and on game mode, weeks months I especially new ones with new rules I get especially excited because of creativity and bringing new stuff to the game on that front with new cards you get creativity You know, with theorycrafting new game modes kind of opens up the door for a lot. So that, that is definitely exciting in my opinion. Also guys, saw your comments. A lot of people said give Captain America a chance. They thought it was really good. The critics were wrong. And I will be doing so. I have not seen it yet. This is probably the longest I've gone without seeing it. Release of it. But I will and anyway, man, what do we talk? We know what we're talking about over here, buddy. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to talk about Red Wing, the card leaving the spotlight cashless. If you're trying to figure out whether or not you should be spending your resources on Red Wing, we'll be talking about that. We'll also be talking about series drops and whether or not it was enough. Series drops have been announced and Cozy and I are going to break them down and go through the cards and let you know what we think. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, let's get right to it. Let's talk about the new card coming out guys. Happy Monday. Diamondback is coming to snap. And when we went through the cards in the month, I think this was my highest ranked card. Alex light. You liked her a good amount. You were at, were you at three and a half? I think is what it was. I said three and a half.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because I was very unsure if I wanted to go three, but I saw the upper potential towards four and you did come in at four. I do think that I can see this being a four star card for sure. I think it's probably the best of the bunch.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and it's again, it's not hard to stand out this month and I think she does. Ongoing enemy cards here afflicted with negative power have an additional negative two. So in theory, a three 11 obviously needs some help from other cards, but obviously a very good. Stat line. There's let's start with star ratings again. Do you, do you give her, so you're going to just, are you going to give her a three and a half again, you give her a four, what do you, what do you have?

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like I'm going to stick around like the three and a half to four star range, which I mean, I'm, I'm kind of cheating, right? I'm not, I'm not like kind of picking one hard. But, like, the problem I see with her is obviously she's very niche, she doesn't have, like, a wide application, but she's probably going to be very good in the decks that she's very good in, if that makes sense. I think that she has a very clear spot. It's exactly what we saw with, like, Ares. We're like, well, like, you know, Ares has one deck, maybe two. And we're like, oh, does that make it not, does it take a star off for the style? It's like, well, no, Ares actually slaps, right? And with Diamondback, I expect her to slap in the Toxic style decks, so I'm willing to go to four stars here.

Cozy Snap:

I think that she is going to cause affliction to get a nerf. That's how, like, I'm not, like, I think usually that's related with five star cards, but I think that she is going to bring it over the top that much more. We just got to bump up to something like Scorpion, which we'll lean into here in a moment. That, I think she's going to be good. Yeah, she's niche, but the deck is already good. Not the high Evo one necessarily, I guess, which is where we can start, but more of the other affliction synergies. You were saying you were playing some high Evo lately. Abomination, does this, you know, you got the Wasp in there, Cyclops, the Thing, does this bring this Abomination build a little bit more to the forefront? Is High Evo still miles off? What do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

So it's funny, so Cozy's referencing a conversation we spoke before hitting, like while we were getting ready to start recording, we were talking about how like, well what have you been playing? I'm like, I've Evo actually, and during the last Twitch Drops, I played a bunch of High Evo, and primarily because I wanted to just, I just needed to know. I needed to know, okay. I wasn't going to play right wing. I wanted to play high Evo. And I found that Luna snow's awesome. I actually, I think I'm coming around to Luna snow. Honestly, she's a three, six. I mean, come on, let's be honest. And my deck was running abomination and man, the opportunity to get abomination out for free is actually relatively impactful and relatively easy to pull off. And with the one thing about diamondback is that obviously she won't perpetuate the abomination effect, right? Because the. The negatively afflicted cards they just get more negatively afflicted by Diamondback. Whereas Abomination just wants them to get hit at all. Like they just want Abomination just wants minus one and Diamondback just makes that dive even further. So while she's not necessarily an activator for Abomination, she definitely allows you to like push that Cyclops lane even further. Like it gives you that extra, like just powerful push. I wonder though, I wonder. If she would ever get played on turn six, it's an opportunity obviously as an ongoing, but there's a lot of contention in the, those types of Evo decks, the fact that it's not actually the greatest, the greatest deck out there, the cards that are in there, like you're not going to cut Cyclops for diamond back. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I feel like this conversation could be with high evo and it could also just be with the car She's the decks She's gonna synergize with the way I see diamond back is a is a lane winner And I think that's super important at a three cost for this style of deck because Ajax We already have other cards that can win their lane. And I think what this deck needs the most is like another Vertical lane winner where it has not does you know what has not does well And I feel like at three, even though you can preset her up, you know, it is obviously a tail, you know, sign what you're doing, but it almost doesn't matter because you've got that. And then in the high evo deck, for example, Abomination and maybe Cyclops, whatever, can kind of hold the other lane down. I guess obviously Diamondback would be with Cyclops in that example. But I I feel like they're a lane winner which previously you were kind of hoping on Cyclops to be that what she you know He definitely can Dismantle a lane, but he does need a little bit more help a little bit more boosting And then now you can kind of focus on abomination and their lowered power clearly luke cage all that good stuff is involved But dude, I feel like not only do do I just like love this buff and obviously we know that this was done Clearly ahead for Diamondback, but Scorpion, bro, Scorpion getting boosted up just a little bit right in time up to a 2 3, you know, this is Diamondback's best friend because it's on curve, you want to play him on 2 anyway, and then you've got, you know, a ton of cards that are benefiting Ajax, Abomination, Diamondback, and get things going. I think Scorpion's going to feast.

Alexander Coccia:

It will, and it's obviously a curve play as well, but what I want to mention is that, I don't think that, I saw some commentary that Scorpion's buff was because Diamondback wasn't good, and I actually don't agree with that, I think Diamondback is good, and I think that the Scorpion buff, it's a buff that's designed to be like, hey guys, Surtur's kind of out of control, Surtur's very, very good right now, despite the nerf it's already received, and I think that like, even saw in the OT patch notes, where they said, essentially said like, hey like, Scorpion messes up Surtr decks. It messes up their hand prior to their opportunity to play. The earliest you can play a 4 drop is on turn 3 with Zabu. Scorpion deals with that. And then you can follow up the Scorpion with a Cassandra Nova. And that deck is effectively nullified with its turn 6 line of score, right? So, I think that this buff was ironically kind of like a, Hey, we don't necessarily want to keep nerfing Surtur, here's a tool to deal with it. Oh, and also Diamondback's coming up for some additional synergy as well. And it does. Scorpion's fantastic with Diamondback. And if you think about Scorpion and Cassandra Nova, that gives Diamondback a ton of opportunity to get played down on turn 6 and take your shot at winning a lane with a 3 drop while also playing something else in another location.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, curving in or being played late is why I think she's going to be good. And then in addition to all this, just playing Diamondback and US Agent together, that's another just two card combo that most likely can hold a whole lane down. Like they, they have enough firepower between that. So think about that, man. And we've seen this in the past. If you have a deck that only needs two cards specifically to kind of hold the lane down and then everything else you have going on, you can focus in another lane. That's powerful. That's a very good card. And that's why i'm leaning into this, you know Laufey's coming out, this week too and laufey does you know, afflict negative power as well There's a lot of mini cards that you can combine together lasher came out last exclusive game mode. Very good card with diamond back So I see the upper end of the turns being useful for ajax that has matt whatever, you know It might be spider woman or whatever, you know But that having its own lane mainly ajax and then the other one just being diamondbacks. I think it's gonna feast dude

Alexander Coccia:

I was thinking about some other like, like obviously combo centric cards, and I want to do a little bit of coping here, okay? What about this type of line, right? You have the Silver Sable line, which obviously, if you're going all in on the talks, you got the Silver Sable and the Scorpion Cassandra Nova. But you can also do something like Silver Sable into White Widow into Red Guardian. And you could hit, you could hit the Widow's Kiss. With the Red Guardian, and now not only is it negative negative three, but it's also been impacted by the fact that it can no longer be destroyed, right? It's lost its text, and because it's been debuffed, Diamondback is going to apply its effect to it, while also it's still taking up a spot in that location, which gives them less opportunity to outpower you there. So I was thinking about that, I was like, you know what, you're going to Red Guardian. Run red guardian anyway, because I think it's a really good catch all tech piece right now specifically against even like a Luke cage. If you want to use it there, but on curve, you can use it to hit the white widows, widows kiss, which diamondback would love.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I think what's compared to other archetypes, what's good about affliction decks is when they do get out of control. We, you know, we've talked about it. Luke cage is obviously such a huge, just like shut down to where, you know, I could. Probably guesstimate that we're going to get a big spike in these kind of decks again And then luke cage kind of enters the meta a bit does his thing And like it's a surefire way to shut down Everything this deck is trying to want to do right because the luke cage is going to get obviously kill diamond back in her entirety But I agree. I like the idea of of adding more cards and being able to you know essentially make diamonds back Value go up that much more There's there's cool cheeky stuff you can do. I think the basic stuff's gonna do good But hey, dude, you can mystique her you can moonstone her I don't think you need that much support there at that one lane. You have locations going for you There's like five six seven locations that have negative power stuff involved Diamondback immediately just wants to feast from that and then obviously as we've stated the simple hazmat, you know combo with diamondback is gonna be a surefire thing There, even though it's a basic inflection card, I feel like she's going to set off a trend and mark my words, it may not be this next OTA, but the next one. Is when we see a change to affliction decks.

Alexander Coccia:

So affliction has been super good for like a while. And I think that like the Ajax style decks have been constantly in like that top five range. They've occasionally been near the top of the win rate, according to untapped, but they've been very consistently in the mix of those like top 10 style decks. Like you can definitely get to infinite and climb with Ajax decks. There's no question about it. One of the major challenges we're going to see, and we've talked about this in the past, is that this is going to be a card that's going to feel awful the first week. Because of Luke Cage. Because it's a catch all defense against it, and also Luke Cage is often used in Affliction decks themselves. Like, the Ajax decks, and I know I've mentioned this before, but Ajax decks used to not run Luke Cage because they wanted the biggest Ajax possible and then now they actually run Luke Cage because Ajax number big enough to win the lane. You don't need to worry about that. You want to mitigate the effect of some of your other plays. You can do things like man thing and US agent. So the problem we have now from a design perspective is that you have Luke Cage that is also an ongoing card and so it comes down on turn six. And it just nullifies the entire effect. Just like you can use Diamondback on turn six, they can use Blue Cage on turn six.

Cozy Snap:

And I want to say this, people may have forgotten, Ajax was highly, highly hated, even by us on the in review segment. Yeah. Post release and like across the board Ajax was not and it's the first week effect And no matter how much we've prepped ourself like it's gonna be bad this week. We always just see Recency bias and we're like see it didn't do good and Ajax for weeks had that weeks and people missed out on and I'm telling you it's gonna be the same here It's just too easy to solve And also the stats tracking the people that have the stat thing on their computer and stuff. It's people running luke It's like the people that are in tune with the meta and stuff So it's also like falsified numbers too a little bit. So I agree. I think that there is going to be a slower, you know Increase for her laufey's coming. I mean, there's a lot benefiting that and I think that that's definitely going to tame her But I think she will add to that archetype and if you enjoy it You know, you're going to feast here and I'm hoping she does high Evo enough to make it at least like semi, semi better.

Alexander Coccia:

I guess it's a point to say that, like you had just mentioned, like, we're kind of, we're kind of talking in circles in a sense, because you just mentioned that it's likely, or you would predict that there would be a nerf to the affliction archetype within the next couple of OTAs. And yet we do have this absolutely overpowered catch all tech card in Luke Cage that completely nullifies the entire, the entire archetype. So it's kind of funny, right, to think that like, yeah, Luke Cage will destroy the entire archetype, but also it's not good enough to like, keep the entire archetype in check. So I don't know, and I was even thinking about like how in my deck building I'm going to try and mitigate Luke Cage. I know Enchantress is making some decks right now because Ongoing is pretty popular. But the problem is, is that the Affliction decks run a lot of Ongoings themselves. And so you're, there's a position of possible collateral damage with your own cards. So I'm thinking that there's a chance that I might actually want run rogue because I think that rogue might have a better time hitting the Luke cages because at higher memoirs, I think you're going to see Luke cages being placed into the diamond back locations or whatever in order to prevent the easy enchantress style play. And I feel like a rogue might be a better call there. Another card I want to shut out quickly. And I know that's a one that you love and one that you were high on is Malekith. I think that Malekith is going to be really good in these Diamondback decks, not only because it can pull Diamondback, but it can pull Hazmat and other kind of cards that will impact the board in the way that you want, because you can have the Diamondback on the field of play, pull the Hazmat with the Malekith, and because it's an ongoing, you're still going to feast.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, first I want to say to Enchantress, I love the way it's designed. I mean, you would attack Diamondback every time if you have Enchantress in the deck. Because it would shut down the Ajax to in a good amount of, you know, because whatever's what Diamondback is also trying to be ongoing and maybe it's us agent. You have a lot of bang for buck there and Malekith, that's a cheeky one. I like that because yeah, it's a way to save resources, get good stats out there and then have whatever your setup plan is. After a while, when that deck does get traction, I think it'll be more obvious, but in the first coming weeks, like if you want to play this style and not just get Luke Cajun out the gate, you know, this is definitely it's definitely a path you could take. But yeah, man, I, I think it'll be fun. I think it's, it's going to be you know, you've got the new game mode coming. So people are going to be doing different decks in there. And then in the main ladder, expect to see a lot of Luke cage, a lot of diamond back and kind of everything in between get the the tech cards ready. It is a token week, by the way, the spotlights, I think, what is it? Nimrod and Phoenix force. I feel like the 20th

Alexander Coccia:

and do not roll cashes.

Cozy Snap:

No, not at all. My gosh so with sanctum coming out guys we've got a lot to break down with the new game mode We've got a whole little faq to talk about what it is what to expect And it's you can prep yourself up and then the pros and the cons of it. Now first of all Here's the big thing the game in general and the rules of how it's going to go is you're going to earn points each time each turn from the locations that you're winning So every turn you're going to get points each location is worth one point and then We've said this that if there's one with a sanctum bonus, you're going to get bonus points from that. And then every turn, the sanctum is going to be moving. And so you have to kind of focus on what locations that you should probably prioritize starting on turn three, you can snap it out. Additional bonus points to the sanctum location. First person to get 16 points is going to win. And then there's going to be a maximum of 15 turns. So definitely a much different game, but much faster spreading your cards and less. I mean, not less synergy, but really the stats are going to matter on this one, right? Cheap, like what cards do you want to play, Alex? In my opinion, it's ones that can, you know, we'll talk about these more in excess in a second, but it's ones that are going to not only be a high power quickly, but don't cost a lot. So you could spread yourself out once that can move and are adaptable. And once I just have synergy with location benefits, I think are going to be the major winners.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, anything, I find this is going to be pretty unique in the sense of like the moving location, I think is really fascinating and I think it's going to make people want to be a little reactive. However, there's some cards that really do benefit from that. Like even something as simple as a Cosmo, right? Like Cosmo knowing where they're more likely to try and contest. If you have initiative that's really helpful. Think about how relevant Sam Wilson is going to be where you can be putting him and moving the shield around potentially to contest locations. I think that, like, cards that are flexible will be cards that are primarily very effective in this game mode.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, and most importantly, there is a banned card list. And it's not one, it's not two like the previous game modes we had. There's a lot. There's a lot of banned cards this time around. So I'll read them out just so you guys kind of get The gist of it. So Annihilus, starting off the list, and obviously they're focused a lot on clog and locations and like, because how important some of that stuff is Annihilus, Captain Marvel, debris, Dracula, Galactus, Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Juggernaut, Invisible Woman, Kang, which is hilarious, M'Baku, Magic, Malekith, Martyr, Mysterio, Quake, Storm, Supergiant, and Viper. So a lot you have off the cuff that have something to do with like end of the game. The other half is a bunch of location changers or location stuff. And then you also have ones that are involved with clogging of some effect, right? Legion is not on this list, which is kind of crazy. And there's a couple other ones that you think would have checked. The box is there, but any thoughts on the band cards?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think they're going after a clog and very specifically, I think they're like some of these bands are to like, save the player base, like, Hey dude, you ran Dracula and it, it triggers at the end of the game. It's effectively useless this entire time. Right. So like, yeah. And even like super giants. Stuff like that. Cause supergiant would like, just remove an entire turn. Right. It was just kind of destroy an entire term and make initiative. So powerful and invisible woman would be completely useless till the absolute end of the game. It's like, so yeah, I think that some of them was like, we're protecting, we're saving yourself over here with these bands. But one that didn't get banned that I'm kind of interested. I want to see, again, we haven't played the mode yet, so we actually don't know if this will work and stuff like that, but I haven't thought of like tribunal might be interesting. Like. Tribunal is able to very easily contest everything all at once. And I wonder if it's a pretty good catch all to like, playing the game mode but not playing the game mode. Like, the most AFK version of the game mode possible is Tribunal.

Cozy Snap:

I like Scream just because of that you know, they're not gonna give some Listen, you could clog the opponent with their own cards and make them like, have to change what they're doing. Then Scream's gonna be feasting, so you're gonna win that location a lot. I feel like that's gonna do well. Living Tribunal's interesting, I didn't even think of that. And like, building up to it a bit differently. Move cards in general is gonna be huge. Obviously because of that, I mean, Groot and Rocket is an insane Rocket and Groot is going to be a very good card, but the whole Scream Deck just feels like it's got a lot to just win. And, I don't know, man, we're going to see, obviously, to me, the most exciting part of new game modes is always the, especially ones with unique rules, right? So we saw this with High Voltage. It's like the first day. People are just throwing everything at the wall. We have no idea about the stats. It just makes it super fun. That, that in particular, I'm, I'm pumped for.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. It's exciting when like, no one has it figured out. Right. But yeah, like Madam web, I think it's going to be good in this particular mode, and I was even thinking about like iron Patriot and everything else. It's not that big a deal, but like iron Patriot might encourage them to play off of the sanctum location because it's like, Oh, do I. Do I try to win the Sanctum or do I play into this Patriot, which is going to get a free or like an inexpensive card because he's going to win the location, right? I think that's kind of fast. No,

Cozy Snap:

I think it well, and because you could just get an insanely good card to lock one down to like, you know, and I think because there's so many turns, you have so many ways to be able to use that in the right way. You know, keep in mind with up to 15 turns guys There's a lot of different strategy you could pull off. But we're gonna see a whole little new meta here I would say stick with what you're good at and it's important though to do so because of the way this is gonna work So you have scrolls to play the game, right? You you use a scroll to play. It's kind of like a conquest ticket And you, if you win, you get your scroll back, okay, you're going to earn two scrolls every eight hours as in you're going to have that regenerated. And let's start there. But theoretically, if you keep winning, you get to keep on playing and then you earn charms to use in the reward shop and we'll get to all of that in just a moment. How do you feel about the scroll system?

Alexander Coccia:

Not a huge fan of it. I hope that they're generous up front even if for my own sake, because like I'll be streaming at the time that it launches. So it's like, if I run out of scrolls, people are going to want to see me play the new game mode. So I'm going to have to, you know, feed the second inner coffers. Right. And it's it's just a sad reality of it all. But the other side to that is that like, if the redemption is very slow, like two, every two, eight hours, like, all right, if you go to bed and you get a bunch of them, that's probably fine. But, One thing that has kind of resonated with me, especially with this new mode was, I remember during high voltage, Glenn had mentioned something where like the, the second inter prefers to have game modes with stakes, right? They want to have stakes in it and high voltage lacked those stakes and therefore as a mode, it might not necessarily be something that like is preferred or liked or whatever. I don't know what word you want to use there, but for me, it's like, I love the idea of an alternate game mode being a place where you can go in legit, just stressful. Free have so much fun with the cards and the variance and like, just let things go. Boom. And I kind of really liked that with the scroll system. I feel like it really incentivized sweaty play because the idea of like going like infinite with it, like infinite, literally meaning like you can continue to play. If you're good enough to continue to play, if you have a 100 percent win rate or whatever. Technically above 50 percent like you, you'll just be winning and you'll keep going. Right. But if you dip, then all of a sudden you got to wait or you got to pay. So I don't know if I like that element of the stakes.

Cozy Snap:

No, it sucks. I mean, it is what it is calling it what it is. I think it just reminds me about the mobile game aspect, right? Like restricting game mode is never fun. You know, even if they're giving a generous amount at the beginning, which is cool, if they give like a good amount, then theoretically you'd have to lose like crazy to lose that, right? Because you know, you're going to get one back if you win. And so as long as they gave a good, decent starting amount, how they put it is essentially let's see, well, if you keep winning, you'll never run out, but in addition to free ones, you're going to receive on the first day. And from Sorcerer Ranks, you'll get more scrolls. Okay, so I guess you're gonna get more again, like I said the first day, and then there's 40 gold a pop after that. If that first initial bonus is a lot, then cool. I think it's fine, because, you know, if you lose your tail off, then it's kind of like self inflicted. But I will say yeah man, I think it's just anything that limits game modes is a bummer. You know, they work hard on these modes. I think the problem is, is they put them in a cycle and they want that cycle to last, and if someone does it too much, like, that's how they're thinking of it. But I don't think that's the right way to think about it. Because I think if someone plays the ever living tar out of your game, you should reward them for that which will be our next topic of conversation for the Charms. I don't know, it's just not a feel good. It's not a feel good. Getting a scroll back is good. I think that's a that's a bonus there. But it does have that kind of behavior. Yeah, as you said, sweat and time. I should say, yeah, it's less Makes it less fun. Now you get charms. If you win, you can use the charms to get variants, avatars, emotes, borders, and up to seven cards. And this is where people are starting to freak out a little bit, starting to freak out. Don't freak out, but this is what they've said. So how many rewards should I expect to earn? Now we've sold this before. When we were looking at the game over, we said big dubs, right? Because you can have either, I think you could pour pull one of, is it four cards, three cards. And then you also have an access to a series four or five that you don't own. Which is awesome. Players that use all of their available free scrolls and maintain a 50 percent win rate should be able to acquire enough charms to purchase two portal pulls or other items of equal value. So, essentially, free to play players are going to get two cards from the portal. And what stinks about that is it could be Uncle Ben and, you know, Gorgon and not, you know, Laufey. Which I think a lot of people are aiming for Laufey. I think that's what a lot of people want. So you don't get picks, you have an RNG element there, and you have to decide, that means you can maybe get one, maybe two unowned series four or five. That's a bummer. I mean, point blank, right? I mean, yeah, I feel like I've been talking a while, but that's a bummer, no?

Alexander Coccia:

How dare you talk on a podcast, sir?

Cozy Snap:

I know.

Alexander Coccia:

Awful. But like, you even have that Jeff emote staring you in the face, too. Which is super expensive, I'll add. It's like, do I get a card, or do I get the Jeff emote? I might take Jeff, honestly. I don't know. I'm just stupid like that. But, you're right. First of all, to answer your question, For anybody that's thinking about rolling, you're going to get uncle Ben, you know, that like, we all know, except that anything else is like, you know, just thank your lucky stars as they say. So yeah, uncle Ben's going to be in everyone's collection. And I was like a little, I was like, man, like, I'm not saying give, give everyone everything away for free all the time. However, however, I was like, man, two cards for a new game mode. It's, it's good on the surface. And I think that we shouldn't complain because it's two cards, even though there's an RG side, but you got that big shop and there's all those things you want. And I feel like people are going to start FOMOing. And I feel like people not getting the Jeff emote, not getting, and they're going to be, they're going to, they're going to be, it's going to be frustrating because they're going to see those hooks. They're going to, they're going to feel those monetary hooks. They're going to feel the desire to buy more scrolls and they're going to buy scrolls and they're going to lose and they're going to tilt and they're going to take it to Reddit. That's what's going to happen. People are going to spend their gold on these scrolls and they're going to lose. And they're going to lose to Surtur and they're going to lose to whatever, and they're going to lose their minds. And I feel like that might not necessarily be great for everyone's mental health.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So two takes on it and guys, yeah, I've seen comments. I think the last couple of ones I get, you guys, they've said, it seems like Alex and cozy be more pessimistic. It's not, we're just like, if we don't say it, it's not being said loudly enough, and so, you know, we're just kind of speaking. The immediate stuff on our mind. I would say two part. First of all, I do think that if, again, if you play the heck out of the game, that you should be rewarded for it. Right? So if they, if they, I feel like if the scroll, you already have the scroll thing in effect. So the charms, I just, I feel like if you keep playing and you love the game mode, then you should be getting more and more cards for free, especially because they keep saying that they're not happy with card acquisition. This was an easier way to do that much easier way to do it. And I feel like. Okay. What would solve this to me at least is if they, if it was a pick your portal, because for me personally, if I get Ben and Gorgon and then not Laufey and then I can't get a series four, that stinks. I mean, that's a big bummer there. And if you would be able to pick, I don't like that there's an RNG element, like another spotlight cash element kind of inside this, right? And you just hope you get the card that you want, even if you want Uncle Ben, I don't know what you want, but if you want that card, you don't have that guaranteed choice for it. And that doesn't feel great. I wish even if they were just individual cards within the shop, then you could pick the one you want. That also could just feel better all around. You know, I get the portal thing, Sanctum, we don't need to be on theme for it. Personally, that's how I feel. But this is the way it is, guys. And this is the way it is going to be. So do prep up for that. Don't be buying the the Jeff emote if you don't, if you want other cards, you know, it's just not going to be possible to get it. But yeah, if you win a lot. The other thing is that I wanted to say about the scroll system. Is that if they give you a good amount of scrolls ahead of time, that's fair. I like that. However, I feel like the problem with that the most is, to what you said, it's gonna be sweaty. It doesn't allow you to test with decks. This is a whole new game mode, like high voltage, man. It took a while to figure out some cool stuff to get together. You have to go in there and just like hope it's good right off the rip, right? And so the creativity is gonna be brought down a bit. And you're gonna have less chances to test some theories, test some cards out. Because those scrolls matter so much, right? That's kinda my feelings on it.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I absolutely agree. And the other side to that is like, I want to just, like, say that like, getting free cards into the ecosystem is a good thing. Like, I don't want to sit here and be like, Oh, you know, they made the free cards too hard to get through this game mode and the scrolls. Like, the fact that free cards are achievable is a good thing for Snap. It's a good, positive step forward. And I think that's something with like, Deadpool's Diner and with High Voltage, which are generally positive things. Like, you can get these cards for free. However, in this specific case, There's a gotcha element to the roles. And even so they're stating that, you know, you're getting one or two roles, which means that you're not getting the third. Right. And so I'm thinking about like, yeah, we're getting free cards, but also the hamster wheel is still there. You know what I mean? The treadmill of like, you're not catching up is still there. And so like free cards are good, but. There's still a card now that's going to be emptying your collection because like, you know, you will not be able to keep your collection complete unless you give them those greenbacks. You know what I mean? So like, there's two sides to this and I'm not, again, without playing the game mode. I'm just throwing it out there. You're getting a couple of free cards, but the pool's also getting a little bigger.

Cozy Snap:

I remember how, how nice you were about free cards when King Eitri came to the game. You were so nice about King Eitri being such a free card that you wanted, Alex, and that he was, he was so good for the, for the game. Actually, he's gonna be good with that one card coming out, right? I forgot even what card that was. Oh is it the, the spell guy, man? Agamotto. He'll be good for Agamotto. Who's that

Alexander Coccia:

clown that, like, didn't even make, who's, like, oh my gosh, the guy with, like, Cobra. Remember, I didn't even realize he was in the game and then he didn't even make the data mines. I don't even know what happened to him. Like I forgot him. I think the

Cozy Snap:

devs forgot about him too. Card died. These cards are going to go to the token shop March 13th, which I also think is good. But also if they come series five, right now you have Uncle Ben. Coming into rotation, dude. I think they're series four. Are they? Okay. I think they might come into rotation. But yeah, they are coming to march 13th if via the token shop if you don't want to play the game, whatever so do know that and then added to the vault one year after their first appearance I don't the vault what the hell does that mean?

Alexander Coccia:

Is that is that referencing? The variants?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I guess I don't know why they would yeah, I guess so. Yeah, the vault to collect Maybe

Alexander Coccia:

variants are part of the pool of car. Oh, that makes sense

Cozy Snap:

the rewards there. They would come from a year from then Okay, so the variants are more exclusive which are some good ones in there but yeah, so overall I think the game mode i'm pumped like at a surface level I'm, i'm pumped for a new way to play snap. I'm pumped for a big ban list creativity not a fan of the scroll system And, you know the rewards, yeah, I, I personally think it's I wish if someone committed enough time, they could get. I'm gonna get what they want, but hey I, I do understand. I guess why put like, how many can you purchase in there? Three or four. Oh, cause you could just spend money to get more. That makes sense. I wonder how much that is to end of the fit equals to spotlight rules. I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

That's, this is the thing that also makes me nervous about like draft mode and stuff. Are they just going to monetize it to the point? No one's going to want to play it. You know what I mean? Like when I play Hearthstone, I don't play arena because I'm not buying tickets. Like, I know, I don't want that. Like, that's not the way, that's not the way I like to do things. And so it's like, I wonder if DraftVote comes out, if it has all these scrolls and all these monetary mobile systems. It's just like, blah, blah, blah. Like, I don't want to play this. It's like, make it free, make it accessible. So that's, I think you're right, Cozy. I think that just getting people in the game mode, getting them playing, getting them rewards. People in the ecosystem, we're the hardcores, man. We're the hardcore snap lovers, enjoyers.

Cozy Snap:

And I will say, like, I think, again, I'm actually a fan of these, these limited time game modes. I just. Yeah. I, you know, I think that they just have to be the, the rewards have to be done. Yeah, the right way. But anyway, this is what to expect. That'll all be coming out pretty soon. And that's going to bring us to our last subject. So the subject on this is Marvel snap China. And I think a couple of people are going to be a bit confused by it. But if you don't know, Marvel snap is available in China. And I'm not quite sure on the specifics whether it's a different developer or a different developer within Second Dinner. But it's very interesting and they have some different things than we have over here and I thought I wanted to open up the, the topic for conversation for a couple reasons. First of all, they do have some different variants which is, you know, some people, I, I'm not bothered by it, you know, it's cool, get whatever variants, there must be a reason they're, they're not over here. But Alex, some of these are absolutely, they're cooking, dude. Let me put them on screen. Well, look at this kitty pride, man. Absolutely. You know, you'd be purchased that day one. I, that's an Alex coach written all over it.

Alexander Coccia:

Come on, man. Why you got to do me dirty like that? But because,

Cozy Snap:

because, because of this one right here we've got this. Oh, this

Alexander Coccia:

is why you wanted to do this topic. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

I'm busted, dude. I'm so pissed. I'm pissed off. I want that. I don't know. I just want to know why. Why can't I have my fair share? X23 has got her own variant. You got Jubilee. There's Thanos. There's a lot of variants that they have, but that's not really the subject of conversation here.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh my gosh, dude. Do they have water in China? Because it looks pretty thirsty over there.

Cozy Snap:

I know, dude. They have a couple other features, too. So I thought this was kind of cool. They've got like you can re roll all your variants that are in the shop there for free on one day, and then I think it's like 60 gold to do it again, which I think is a cool concept.

Alexander Coccia:

I do. I love it. I think it's a great, I can't believe that the variant shop is as bad as it is. Okay. So I don't buy a lot of variants. I just don't, I don't know what it is. I got like 55, 000 gold. Oh, I don't know. Yeah, it's stupid. I don't know why I don't spend it. I I'm a hoarder, even in like RPGs and stuff. I think I've joked with this in the past. I'm the guy who plays and doesn't assign any of his skill points. Because I'm scared of commitment. Okay. So like, anyways, that's a whole other conversation for therapy, but like, I don't understand why this doesn't exist. Like there's a couple of variants that I've been searching for, for forever. Like, for instance, there's a Malekith variant where I, it's like the painted ones, I don't remember who does it. Is it Victor or something? I wish I remember the name, but it's like this beautiful painted variant. And it was there the first day, obviously when Malekith was in and I was like, I want to buy it. And I'm like, nah, I won't buy it. Then I changed my mind. Cause I actually really liked Malekith. I'm like, if I really like a card, I want a good variant for it. And then it just never came back. It never came back. I can't find it. I'm like, man, like I want to spend some gold. And this car just doesn't exist. It's very, I would love a chance to refresh or even just buy a variant that I actually want. Like miss me with this FOMO garbage. Let me look at more variants.

Cozy Snap:

I agree. I think a reroll is not that big of a, I know they want people to like daily log in each time, but I feel like. This is another way to do that, man, because they could come and do their refresh, even like a refresh on a 12 hour timer. Then you get two logins, man. And then if they're logged in, they're going to play. But I don't know. I feel like I saw this. I was like, man, this should come to this, to you know, our side of snap for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Or even refresh, like with the, cause you have to log in three times a day now for the 25 credits. Just refresh with the credits, man. Like, is it

Cozy Snap:

that hard? Dude. Now the other thing too, is they're in a different build. So like their Loki does what our Loki did, where like you get your opponent's cards or whatever. They've got, we're moving to China and go, dude, I, I, they've got a different build. I think they even have different OTAs, different cars. And we're going to have to do like review on some of the China cards eventually. Cause there's some, there's some, I think they might be different altogether. I haven't looked into it that much, but I heard about it. I was like, dude, I got to bring this up on the Snapchat. Here's the other thing too, man. They have this they have a, they had a tournament and I don't know if I read this wrong. Johnson, who was in, I think one of the conquer events guy was insane, man. He was really good. I was casting that one. I was like, man, who is this guy? He's amazing. His team won the China Open. I don't know what it was called, but that Marvel snap they have tournaments in China. Like they have an organized, and this isn't the first one. They have several of these like organized tournaments. I think I read a 17, 000 tournament, man, which is so good for the right. How cool is that, man? And I'm mad just cause I want to cast it too, but they have, they're having tournaments over there too. And it's proven to be, I think a success there. That to me is awesome. I I wish you know, I think by that now it's oh It's too late for us to have competitive scene or at least I don't think we're gonna get one but this showcase that it can be done and it'd be so cool if they could do that. You know, for us here, it's, it, it, I saw this and I was like, it's a bummer that we never got it, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man. It's so sad. It's so sad. Like Snappy Claus would 100 percent come out of retirement for that. Snappy Claus would love to get 17 K. I mean, if that's 17 K American, that's like 150, 000 Canadian. Let's be honest. So yeah, like, first of all, I love it. I love it. And I wonder. If like, first of all, I think there's still opportunities to do some competitive stuff, right? Like you still have avenues where, you know, you could do a lot of interesting stuff. Like, you know, you, you got PAX, which loves car games, stuff like that. But the other side to that is like, maybe just me, I'm throwing it out there. Maybe there should be like a, like a Marvel con or something like that, where like Marvel rivals is championship is done there. There's a Marvel snap championship. There's like. Yeah, like, wouldn't that be cool? Yeah, exactly, Pokemon does it, like, their world is a celebration and a championship of all their different Pokemon games. Why doesn't Marvel do that? Wouldn't that be so awesome?

Cozy Snap:

I bet you they can definitely do it now with Rivals out and given the popularity of it. Like, they, that, I feel like it wasn't enough in any Marvel games, right? Like, that were competitive enough. Now you have a few now that can, that can make it work. But yeah, that's a good idea, man. I didn't actually even think about that. But yeah, so I thought it was interesting. We'll have to, you know Figure out another time, kind of go through the cards there and stuff. But this is the team that won. I don't even know what deck, I think it was an iron, a war machine deck, but it was a different war machine.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't want to ask a stupid question, but how the hell did they make Marvel snap a team game?

Cozy Snap:

I don't know. Either way, this is the subject that's going to end it on this side of the Snapchat, guys.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy. How are you, my man?

Cozy Snap:

My guy doing, doing well, I have a story to tell you. So, you know, when you buy like a new car, like a, you get a Jeep and then you start seeing Jeeps on the road, right? You'll see Jeeps or, or it could be something that you didn't even know a car. You didn't know existed. And then you see that car and you're like, I didn't even know existed a week ago. My friend, I'm on, it was either Twitter, I forgot where it was, I was editing though, and I had it up on another page, and I got a pop up, no, it was YouTube, it was on my homepage, which I don't know how it was on my homepage, but IGN had a trailer for a new game coming up, and I was like, oh cool, what's this game? Samurai Pizza Cats? The video game bro, I didn't even know this existed before you brought this up and then out of nowhere They're re bringing this thing to life 30 years later as a video game, bro. I was cracking up. Did you know this?

Alexander Coccia:

I couldn't believe it either. Yes, the amount of like mentions and people kind of telling me about this was insane. The fact that nobody has talked about this game for decades, or this show for decades, and then like we bring it up on the Snapchat and people actually lost their minds. In fact, like we actually had some comments from that, like JJ Simon had said, I can't believe they announced a new Samurai Pizza Cats game two weeks after you guys talked about it. No one's mentioned the cartoon for decades and Unsolved Paradox followed that up with. Samurai Pizza Cats just got a new video game announced today. The Snapchat's influence grows every day. Do you think they brought it back just for us? They did.

Cozy Snap:

They put together the full game. They heard it. They were like, Get everybody that we have for two weeks straight. We're gonna go on a bender to get the trailer out. Bro, I couldn't believe it. I was like, I didn't even know this thing existed. And then I thought it was like, you know, where you like talk about something and it shows up on your phone and you're like, they're listening. I thought, I thought it was like a trailer for an old game. I don't know what I thought, but all I know is I saw it. So I, I officially saw it. I didn't watch the intro, but I saw that. I did see that now. So now I saw

Alexander Coccia:

the trailer, but you didn't watch the actual same one? I figured it was better than the intro.

Cozy Snap:

I felt like it was like, it told me what I needed to know.

Alexander Coccia:

So the question is when are we getting cozy samurai pizza cats?

Cozy Snap:

I got my own skin coming to the game. You'll have to see I'm on embargo. I can't talk about it. Not all

Alexander Coccia:

fair enough. Okay. So that's going to be the new competitive game that cozy will be covering on his ninth channel.

Cozy Snap:

Third, fourth, fourth, it'd be fourth. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

But yeah, so anyways, if you're looking forward to learning all about the samurai pizza cats, you don't have to wait too much longer as it looks like some sort of side scrolling it might, to be honest with you, it kind of looks like it might be shovelware. Like, I don't know, I was looking at the trailer, I'm like Yeah, I don't know if this is good.

Cozy Snap:

I don't know if this is gonna be a good game. You're a doubter. You're a doubter. Look at this Redwing just staring down people in the face. He's cute. He's cute. He is looking right into your soul.

Alexander Coccia:

He is. He's got like some sort of like binocular glasses there. And I gotta tell you, he looks very palatable there. Something tells me, so first of all, Redwing, is he a bald eagle?

Cozy Snap:

He's a

Alexander Coccia:

falcon. Oh shi Okay, now I was going to ask a dumb question. Are falcons eagles? They're obviously not, right? They're just completely different species? No,

Cozy Snap:

falcons are falcons. Falcons are falcons. I actually saw that in one of my comments, and they asked what bird it was, and I was like, It's a falcon. It's a falcon. It's a falcon, because falcon. Yeah, the pet falcon has a pet falcon.

Alexander Coccia:

That makes sense. That's a little on the nose in my opinion. It's like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles having pet turtles.

Cozy Snap:

What show was I watching where it's like, animals live in it? Like, I think it, it wasn't blue. It was something. There's something like that and then they were eating like hamburgers and I was like do the cat do they know do the do the What how and they were a day I could tell was it impossible mean I could tell from a distance

Alexander Coccia:

Man, that brings me back to something that I thought was so funny not to like completely derail the conversation about Red Wing But when we were in Florida, this was last year We were driving through like just like the highway and it was like tons of billboards and stuff I don't know how billboards work in the States, but it seems like anybody can write the friggin billboard Cause we were driving by the billboards and it was like, billboards about churches and about like all these random things. And then there was one billboard that was like, you wouldn't eat peppa pig. And it had a huge picture of pep on it. It was like some vegetarian restaurant. Right. I was like, that's kind of an eye catching, I guess it worked. I noticed the, I noticed the billboard. And then the next one, the next one was. Like F Peppa pig. And it was like this rib place, right? Like next exit, like best ribs in Florida. I was like, damn, that is, this guy's cooking. It's like, he drove on this highway and saw the Peppa pig billboard. It was like, no, no, no, we're not having that. If you're going, if you're going North on the eye, whatever, you're going to see my place right after the Peppa pig one, we're, we're taking Peppa down,

Cozy Snap:

I mean, you can put pretty much anything on a billboard. However, I don't think you put copyright. So I'm surprised they did Peppa. I'm surprised I'm sure that has since been taken down, but. Maybe, I don't know, maybe they, or is Peppa Pig a legal domain? Definitely not.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I have no idea, but I'm just saying that this is, someone out there has a picture of it. Cause it was, someone from Florida knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Cozy Snap:

Someone find it for us, find it. Okay, we've derailed, we've gone a good five minutes into our, our episode of the Snapchat here. Redwing, is he good? Isn't he great?

Alexander Coccia:

No, Red Wing is absolute garbage. Like, somehow, Red Wing is way worse than I expected. And I, like, I had, like, tempered expectations. In my head, I'm like, he's a 3 4 that brings value on the board. How bad can Red Wing be? It turns out he's absolute dog, dog manure. 47 percent win rate, popularity of under 6%, Cuberate's well negative. The best deck is a Surtr deck, which just looks like someone just got drunk and put Redwing in it. It does no intention of actually pulling Redwing. That's a 54 percent with a barely positive Cuberate. There is no other positive Cuberate deck. It is a disaster. Cubering's a disaster. Cubering. Redwing is a disaster. And it's unfortunate because like I think there was a lot of people that actually misread the card. I got this comment on so many times on my video where it's like, Oh man, I thought he moved himself. How is this a bird that does not move himself? Right. And I understand that. But at the same time, like we discussed at length how it needed an activator and that kind of brought it down a little bit. It definitely felt rough. Could this card potentially be good someday? Maybe, right? Maybe. Does it get buffed to a 3 5? I mean, that even feels like it's crazy. It feels like it's crazy to be a 3 5 because I think the effect is not far off from being good. It's just that you're working with too many random elements. It doesn't move itself. You can't control what it pulls. And so, yeah, it's really underperformed, unfortunately.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I don't think we called that. I think the only thing we gave of, of light last week was Dracula Dump has a, has a shot with it. But it doesn't. Yeah, Red Wing, it was a card that, it just, let, I mean, right up to Thaddeus. It's gotta be the worst two weeks ever, ever for cards. Like, there's no question. I think there's just no shot. Thaddeus into Red Wing is a tough Back to back.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so funny you bring that up because, so I did a lot, I huffed a lot of cope, a lot of cop, and was huffed. And I actually made a red wing deck that was like an electro ramp deck where I actually used thaddius and it was onic. And I, I bet you I, of all people, I've played thaddius maybe the most because I, for some reason just kept playing them. And I've actually come around on thas a little bit. I'm not going to say he's good, but I feel like he's probably better than you think he is. Like that's, that's what I'm going to say. I think that is, is better than everyone who's listening thinks he is because I've been playing them a lot and I'm like, you know what, I'm drawing cards, man. I'm drawing cards. The only challenge is, is the current decks that he's best in, like Surtur don't necessarily need to draw cards because like they. Don't have an issue getting chunks. Like you're playing Surtur, sorry, Scar on turn six. Right. And so like, you have a good opportunity to draw into that. You usually have something to play on three or four, like you have a crossbones or whatever. Right. Or cause you're playing Sam Wilson, you can throw down call obsidian. Like you've got these options. So the drawing there doesn't work, but I feel like Thaddeus might be one day relevant. Like I'm just throwing it out there right now. I think Thaddeus might be getting a bad rap. However, it does not help that the Spotlight Cash Week was a little sus, and with Red Wing, you have a really good Spotlight Week, you have Loki, and you have what's his name, Zemo, who's honestly super meta relevant right now, with Milo going absolutely insane, and so people are like, rolling for Zemo, and like, Being mad that they got Redwing It's so funny the comments. Everyone's like I went for Zemo and I got Redwing F this game I'm like man, what is happening out here right now? And that's that's the gotcha mechanics, right? That's that's how they get you with the gotcha stuff But overall like I mean, we're not gonna just keep piling on Redwing here like the card sucks You definitely don't need it in every archetype where he even felt remotely playable He felt like a worse version of that archetype. If you're playing Move, just play Little Bouncers. If you're gonna be playing like Dracula Dump, just play non garbage version of Dracula Dump. If you're gonna be playing Ramp don't. Because Ramp sucks right now for the most part, unless you're playing Wiccan. But the Wiccan style of Ramp does not want to play Red Wing. So it's like, he just doesn't have his archetype yet. It does, archetypes need him. He's in this island by himself, or he feels like You just really don't need them. And if the day comes where red wing is popping off and he's going crazy, then maybe consider the 6k tokens. As of right now, if you have Loki and Zemo, this is the most skippable week of skippable weeks. I honestly, like, I wouldn't say he's a one star card, but he definitely feels like he's in the two star range.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I feel like even getting him to a 3 5 wouldn't do much. Black Swan was a 3 5, didn't get played. It's just the effect being wonky. And I love how you opened up with people said that it's a bird that can't move and we have, we have like, you know, everything in this game should move, you know what I mean? It's like, okay, Spider Man 2099, he should move probably, right? I, I feel like Glenn will protect this card like he did Spider Man 2099. Like, there's a deck. There's a red wing deck out there nobody's using but there's not

Alexander Coccia:

no I don't think there is because when I put it into like the auto deck builder It made like some random air shim deck that made no sense.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, that thing's been dead The auto deck builder is a wreck dude.

Alexander Coccia:

It's a absolute disaster If you're listening to this right now, and you're like, oh I use the auto deck builder. It's building you garbage Do not use it. You're better off just picking random stuff. Like do not pick Do not use the auto deck builder. It's a complete disaster. I even tried to do, like, this, like, Red Wing surfer deck with, like, strong guy. Talk about Cope. And Cozy, would it surprise you to know that it sucked there too?

Cozy Snap:

There's not anything else to say on Red Wing. He's bad. He's bad, right? He's awful. Yeah, he's bad. You know what it said that true crime was? Is that it was twist drop week around him. And so there was, at some point, people were playing surfer strong guy decks because it's just Because it's on drops.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that's why, like, I played, so the first night of drops, I played right wing, and I'm like, I can't play this, this crap anymore. So I, I stopped playing right wing, I started doing a bunch of cope, with like Evo and stuff, like I went hard into Evo, trying to figure them out. I think I'm close to a pretty good Evo deck. I had some Moongrill A bomb stuff happening. I did, I did a couple turns where I just, I threw down like, I think 41 power in a turn, one time. It was like, it was the nuts. It was the absolute roasted Coco schnutz. Like, I, I had the perfect hand. So yeah, Red Wing, very skippable. Wow, we were all over the place on this intro. But you know what else was all over the place, Cozy, was the opinions on series drops. Series drops came into Marvel Snap, we've been waiting for it, and just so you guys know, Cozy and I had no knowledge of the series drops in advance. No knowledge that they were going to announce them, no knowledge of what was in them, we had no idea. And it just so happens, and this has happened before, when we talk about series drops, and then like, they happen? like, what? That's like the third time it's happened to us, where like, it's like we've willed them into existence. Maybe we gotta talk, maybe we gotta add the series drops conversation into like, the, into the, the rotating ring of like, these cards suck, and like, best cards in Snap, like the, if, you go through my thumbnails, there's like the, There's like a, like, we're like a rotating dial topics. I mean, we've got to add the series drops into it.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like they've all been on your side too. They're like, so it's, this is just the, this is the series drop. It's like the Snapchat mailbag. We'll just put it as a permanent and we'll just talk about it forever. I think it works. It just, we'll make sure it's coming. If it's not, what do we think? How much do we hate it? How much do we hate this one though? What do we think? Or like it? I don't know. We, we talked it up. We said that they are probably going to do a massive one. It dropped a lot of cards.

Alexander Coccia:

They did. And when you consider that, like this drop is coming relatively quickly after the prior one, they held on their word. The prior drop was very underwhelming. And then this one did come relatively fast comparatively to like what they usually do, right? Like, well, we didn't wait a year, right? So I guess that's positive. Right. So it did come faster. They did drop more cards. It was a lot larger series jobs. We'll read through the cards. Before I read through the cards though, what I'll say, I'll preface this by saying that I feel like. We had talked about how they have to knock it out of the park. I believe you asked me, Alex, from one to 10, like how hard they got to hit these drops. And I said, anything less than an eight is like a failure. And I felt like they came in at like a seven. I felt like not, not that it's bad. I felt like they, they, they flew very close. Like a falcon gliding across the water. If the waves came ever so much higher, that falcons underwater, they, they did, they dropped more cards, but like, they really played with fire a little bit here. Like they, they came too close. They could have thrown a couple extra bangers in there. Jeff's not there. There's a couple cards missing. Right. I felt like it was just enough, just enough to be good enough, but also I don't think it turns the tide of the consumer opinion.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I get that they're doing the you know, they have the card acquisition. There's a much larger solution as they, as they've stated. Yeah. I, how many did they drop in total? I'm looking at the cards. I could count

Alexander Coccia:

them right now, but let's just talk. Let's talk to cards here. Okay. Down to series four are Loki blob, Sebastian Shaw, Elsa, Bloodstone, Miss Marvel, werewolf by night scar, black night, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Cannonball, and Annihilus. That's down to series four down to series three, which is very notable for free to play players, especially with the increase to the card acquisition they provided the last couple of months. Hercules, Selene, Havoc, Mobius and Mobius, Lady Deathstrike, Spider Ham, Silk, Nebula, Ghost Spider, Nimrod, M. O. D. O. K., Zabu, and finally, and literally finally, Null.

Cozy Snap:

So like 24, 25, I think is what I counted in there. Okay. It's a big

Alexander Coccia:

drop. Gotta give him credit. It's a big drop.

Cozy Snap:

And how many cards did I say were in, I forgot, there's like a hundred and something that are in Series

Alexander Coccia:

5. I don't know, man. I don't listen to you.

Cozy Snap:

Okay yeah, that's, that's good. Do we talk Series 4 or Series 3 or as a whole? How do you want to break it down?

Alexander Coccia:

Let's start with the conversation around a series going to series three. Cause I think that's really relevant for free to play players because those cards do become easily accessible. So again, Hercules, Selene, Havoc, Mobius and Mobius, Lady Deathstrike, Spider Ham, Silk, Nebula, Ghost Spider, Nimrod, Modok, Zabu, and Null. Anything there really stick out.

Cozy Snap:

I called Nebula. I remember thinking Nebula would drop, and she did. Yeah, we talked,

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

And that's a good one, definitely. You'll play that one. Noel finally going down is good, but I think anyone who's playing Marvel Snap right now has Noel. That's my guess, for the most part. I can't imagine anyone really not having Noel. Same, you know, Zabu, you're gonna play a good amount too. And, that's about it. I thought Mobius Mobius was good to get down there, because he's a tech card. Yeah, we called

Alexander Coccia:

that too. Yeah, we called

Cozy Snap:

that. Everything else There is a pad in the stats. It's cards. You're not gonna play.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I mean Hercules literally speed ran getting buffed And you dropped all the way down like it's kind of crazy what Hercules did I mean havoc again, these are very niche cards I think spider him down a series three is a winner because it's the kind of card that

Cozy Snap:

yeah I bet she

Alexander Coccia:

was being underplayed right now I bet she was being underplayed right now and it's one of those cards that if more people had and just threw in it's a Good like oh, I'm missing one. I'm missing silver sable from a bounce deck Well, now you can put Spider Ham in there. It's not ideal, but it's actually, it's not bad, man. Like, you could maybe, like, you know, pump, pump some piggies. And then you got the the Nimrod, which unfortunately Pump some piggies. I don't know what I'm saying anymore, man, it's late. Then you have Nimrod, which was just in the spotlight cache, you know, natural. Debula was just in the spotlight cache, natural. Zabu's a great drop, Zabu's actually seen play, and I'm going to say this, I'm going to say this, because I got called out in a comment. Someone said, Alex said Zabu was garbage and now it's in every deck. Zabu still sucks, okay? I'm just, I'm just, I'm digging my heels in. Zabu as a card still sucks, it's just that these four drops and the decks running the four drops are so unbelievably cracked that it's worth playing Zabu. Like, it's literally like, oh, Wiccan is so good it's worth playing Quicksilver. Zbu sucks, but Serer is so stupid right now. And every car that benefits from, from cert, these four cops, then BU's good.

Cozy Snap:

Then BU's good.

Alexander Coccia:

No, ZBU sucks. He's just good right now.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, okay. All right. Fair enough. I yeah, as, as a full, I think there's the two schools of thought. Yeah. I saw one tweet saying, Hey, it's cards you don't need, but other people need, and I. I yeah, I don't know, man, I, I think you said it best when you're like, they just did enough. I think the numbers, a lot, I think there's a lot of, yeah, a lot of stuff there. But to me, right, sometimes when you, back in the day, when you used to sign up for cable. And you had like you had like a hundred channels on there and you're like, whoa, a hundred channels and you're like, but we only watched two, you know, like, I feel like it didn't, doesn't matter how many they add on there. And if you don't play with them all, I think some of these, like, just needed to get out of there. The clutter, you know what I mean? Especially I'll say this, if they're bringing in some way with their, their card acquisition to have unowned series or whatever, like if, like what we saw in this game mode, if that's coming to, then I'm glad a lot of the crap got out of here. So, like, even though they're bad names, I'm glad that they're not in here, right? Like, because now they're out of the system for the most part, and that's, you know, definitely good. If you look at the ones that are down to series four, you know, most of those aren't like super clutter in there as well. I know we'll talk about those next, but. Yeah, I was underwhelmed. I'll say that yeah, I was underwhelmed definitely overall, but I don't I don't know It's just hard to tell what their whole vision is with the card acquisition at this moment

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I mean listen Darkhawk obviously has some sort of crazy plot armor He didn't come down which is wild if Null was going down He thought Darkhawk would but overall like here's the thing though And I think the quicksilver Wiccan comment I made before actually kind of rings true Or is that like some of these cards might be bad now But making them accessible into locations, not locations, into collections, all of a sudden like Zabu was unplayable since his nerf from a 2 2 to ongoing whatever it was. And then now Zabu's seen play because the meta shifted, Surger came out. And so there might come a time where LDS, or Lady Deathstrike, is phenomenal, right? Actually, she did get nerfed! Like, this was a great card at one point. Havoc saw some play with some of these, like, Agent Venom decks, right? So, like, these might not be massive catch alls of sexiness, but at the same time, it's like, their time might come. And MODOK is an archetype definer, too, and I'm glad MODOK made it, though.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think the one thing that I always want to be careful of with Marvel Snap in general, because I've been around games like this before, is just white knighting for it, right? So, like, Essentially being like, you know, well, at least we got this. And, you know, I think the biggest issue is serious jobs is like moving forward. And that's more what I'm zero. Like, we're like, yeah, Zabu went down, like Zabu, here we go. But at the same time, Zabu came out two years ago, right? More than two years ago, two years ago. That, that's a, that's a silliness, right? Like, even, even mentioning two years ago. And, and so, to me, it's like, I, That, that's what's gotta get figured out the most with some of this. And so, like, celebrating Zabu and Noel is great, but it's been two years now. And so, that's what I want to be mainly addressed. And I think this was a good declutter. But, it also feels like, it's like, alright, we got a lot of the older cards in. And I, I think probably I would've just wished there was a couple other Newer ones or at least like in the middle ground a little bit or more shocks, you know More she hoax on that one kind of kind of feel

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it definitely has a, like a trophies for last place feel celebrating mediocrity, like we're like, Hey, look, they dropped Modok finally. And it's like, bro, you have long Modok has been as like in this game for, and I mean, when you talk about the series five to four cards, it does get a little better. And what I like about these cards is that these are often cards that it's hard to spend 6k tokens on because like it's Sebastian Shaw, for instance, right? It's like, he just goes in like one deck. He goes in surfer and he's awesome in surfer, but it's like, it's hard to make that investment. Elsa bloodstone is just like, you don't, you just don't invest in Elsa bloodstone, but scar it's like, if, if you don't have Surtur, do you get scar, right? Like it's probably not. But if you do have Surtur, you're like, Oh, I'm missing scar. Scar is pretty good. But then do you, do you have Aries and stuff like that? Right. So it's, it's, it's very tricky with these.

Cozy Snap:

Well, in Call of Cities, and yeah, some of these, like, one, and I kind of wish they'd do this with all those. Like, even though Dying Back is just now coming back out, is just an example off the top of my head, right? Like, the ones that are just kind of more niche, I feel like are just, like, great for Series 4. They just feel good. I'm not talking about deck completers, if that's a word. Like, those I can understand, you know, maybe, like, the X23s of the world or whatever. But, like, the ones that are truly niche, I feel like those fit way better, and we're seeing that, right? The Corvus Glaive, the Cool Obsidian you know, and whatnot. But yeah, I, again, it's a lot of cards, and I'm sure there's plenty of our listeners that don't have a good amount of these, so I'm pumped. That's awesome. Just because it doesn't affect, let's say, me or another person doesn't I mean, it doesn't affect many. And, in fact, if I look at the Discord announcement right here, not like that says much of anything, but you got 920 fire emojis. And you have 491 thumbs up and only 381 skulls of death and so And 206 yawns, so obviously more people are pumped about it. And I agree. I think it's definitely definitely good you gave it a seven. I give it like a six and that'll bump up more once I know their plan

Alexander Coccia:

The most scientific of polls. Oh yeah. I don't know why they should do political polls. And so it sounded like calling people on the phone. Just look at, look at how many fire emojis or how many skull emojis that are on discord cozy. That's actually, you're actually cooking. Honestly, that was such a great little touch there. What I'll close this conversation with is that, generally speaking, I think that series drops cannot just be this like, Hey, we did it guys. Like you downloaded us on the play store into oblivion and you destroyed our steam rating. You do all these things. You got it. You got the big drop and go away now. Right? No, it's like you need a plan. You need to come up with an actual plan. And they do say at the top that they, they're aware that it's not like going to fix the core issues. And they do have plans coming out. You know, would love to see that. We'd love to see that implemented. I hope they nail it because like, let's be honest. Second, there's obviously a super talented team. There's no question. There's a talented team. And now that they've had some changes with the publishing and stuff like that, there's a lot of changes happening at like the corporate level of Marvel snap. Maybe they kicked some of the suits out. Maybe they're like, Hey guys, like maybe they have more autonomy as a company. I don't know. I'd like to hope I'm huffing the hopium here. And maybe they're able to say, you know what, we're going to release cards, just like on the same cadence. And if you know, it's June, you're going to expect the cards from last June to drop, or if they're going to be serious three year, this, we need to actually resolve the card acquisition. And it does benefit us. Like you said, it doesn't benefit us. Yeah. We got all the cards and all the contractors have the cards, but I'll tell you how it benefits someone like me selfishly. Is that like. It keeps people in the Marvel Snap ecosystem, right? Like, it's like, there's a reason why, like, people have dropped off the game. Because they don't have the cards. And they, they feel like they'll never have the cards. And they're on a hamster wheel that's never going to get easier. And so, once you make that feel easier, and you keep people in the ecosystem, and you make them feel like they're a valued part of the ecosystem, and not just some number that's going to get pumped. Nine bundles every single day when they scroll through their shop to get their 25 credits. Cause it's the only lifeline they have as a free to play player, right? Maybe they'll stick around because I'd hate to tell you a model snap. There is a ton of competition, whether it comes from Marvel rivals, Pokemon, or whatever, there's a ton of competition for your player's time, hell from my time, for your time, right? Like there is competition out there and you guys got to step up. And one of the ways you step up is by fixing the series drops. Alright Cozy, that's going to bring us to our Snapchat mailbag. And we talked about the Samurai Pizza Cats, that was most certainly part of the mailbag segment, sir. And the next question comes from Tricky Otter. And it reads, Recently had our baby girl. So excited to be a dad. However, I just find myself busy and tired all the time. So where I used to be a hardcore gamer, I now just play Snap and some games on my Switch. What are some big lifestyle changes that happened for you two once you had kids? Also, what's your best dad joke? I'll leave it to the comment section for dad jokes, because I'm putting Cozy on the spot here. But what are some of the lifestyle changes that happened when we had kids?

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, a lot, right? Free time gone. Mainly free time gone. I always go back to thinking about I was like watching ESPN a couple days before my son was born. He's like hanging out there on the couch, and it's like It's really that your free time is not so much gone, it is a little bit, but it's more of like, the free time you do have, you're so selective with it, because it's so rare and few and far between. And instead of living life for yourself, you live life for others, right? And, I mean, you should be doing that anyway, but even more so when you have kiddos. Lifestyle changes. A lot. Sleep, staying up late, staying up you know, waking up earlier, whatever. I will say too, for me, I've always been health conscious and very like, you know, gym focused and stuff, but when I had my son, I was like 20 times more dialed in and I thought about my own life more in a sense of like, I need to make sure I'm healthy for, for my family and for him rather than for myself. Right. So that was a big, there's so much to talk about here, but that's what I'll open up with.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, absolutely. And like, I think for me, it's like people often ask me like, Like, Alex, like, how do you go to work as a teacher, then immediately stream Twitch Drafts till midnight, then go back to work the next day, and all that stuff? Like, how do you stay motivated? It's like, well, I'm motivated because, like, I'm saving for my kids education. And I want them to look back and be like, man, my dad grinded for us, you know what I mean? Like, my dad Like he, he burned the midnight oil so that we could live a cool life, so that we could go to Florida and look at like Peppa Pig billboards, and that we could, you know, all do that stuff, like it keeps me motivated, right?

Cozy Snap:

And I'll say this, I want to add to this, Alex and I, holy crap guys, would you bet, you'd be looking at different content creators if we had no kids, like, you guys would be getting five hour Snapchat episodes, you'd be getting, you know, subathons between the two of us. Like, that's like, I envy like I always, I like, love the guys, Dexter, Dara, you POSs, they have no kids and the obligations are not there. And it just changes as much as you would, you know, that's why I can only do so much as a content creator. I, by some, was quite literally born when Snap came out, like, to the day. And like, my life would be a lot different if I didn't, but obviously I would never trade that my son is the most important part of my life next, you know, with my wife. But you know, that, that's definitely a, a, a big part of it. But yeah, from like, from gaming to really just like inner focus, all that changes. Anyway, that, that, you know, that's what I would say around it all.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for me, it's like, I've been trying to incorporate like playing games with my kids. Like right now, like, my kids, they play Mario cart, which is nice. The game is perfectly designed for your son or daughter just to hold a controller and it'll like, just go around the track for them, right? Like it's pretty cool. And they also like playing the super sorry, the teenage mutant Ninja Turtles. It's like a game on Xbox and it's like this anime one. It's, it's like awesome. It's so good. And like, you just got a button mash. They love it. They're really into the Ninja Turtles. There's actually a couple like IPs that are making massive comebacks, like like Sonic's making a massive comeback. Ninja Turtles is making a massive comeback, and so I try to do this stuff with the kids, and again, I just want to reiterate, I'd like to see some dad jokes in the comments, we'll read out some of the best dad jokes next week, so leave them if you got them, but yeah I just want to reiterate what Cozy said as well, if, if we had like, if I had gotten successful on YouTube, or Twitch, like when I was in my 20s, like man, What a ride that would have been had to happen to me. Like when I was approaching 40 years old, like I'm already, I'm already a has been and I, you know, you finally get your pop off, but I wouldn't change anything. I'm so grateful for what I have. And yeah, I absolutely love it. Going into our next question here. We have Ashreel who asks, I really liked the otherwise text on Adam Warlock. I think it will unlock other interesting car designs in the future.

Cozy Snap:

Heck yeah. I think we mentioned that too. I think that's definitely way up there on, on my list of things I'd like to see, because it adds. It proved that there's just minimal design that they can add to really make something that much better. And I think, I think we talked about this for a while, like the, the, all the guardians of the galaxy could use something like that, like two effects or whatever. And I hope that, you know, we start to get more of those once they see the success from Adam.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And otherwise is really nice too, because like, it's a single word that does not take up that much space on a card. That carries a lot of meaning. You know what I mean? Like it, it really like in one word summarizes the effect really well. You know what I mean? So it's very concise language. So kudos to whoever designed that, whether it's Glenn or some if it's an intern hire that damn intern, man, they're cooking, they're cooking, let them cook. But yeah, we really liked that a lot. Shaq's comes in with a comment and shout out to Shaq's, by the way, always commenting such positive things all the time. They said, thanks for the video. I agree on the card mastery system. It's all right, but not true card mastery and could have been much better. I hope things improve and hope that neither of you get affected by any of the negativity. And we do, we do hear a lot of like negativity around, around the sides, but Cozy, like, I think you can talk to this because we tend to be particularly positive. And I think that comes from a place of love. Like we actually do love the game and. I don't know about you, but I'm cheering for snaps like turnaround because like I'm more motivated by like views or numbers, but because like, okay, I personally, I've met the met many members of the team from second dinner. They're wonderful people. They're super talented, and I think that this we talked about before this future of snap, right? I think the future snap is still bright, especially with the changes of publisher and stuff like that. I'm not letting the negativity wear me down. I still love the game.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I, I feel like it's like, I have to make a public statement every now and then. It's like that I still like Snap, still play Snap. I would not be doing this. I would not be, you know Rivals, fortunate enough, is going awesome. And that's great. I'm very blessed about it. So much so with what we just talked about with kids. Like, I would not be doing Snap if I wasn't A, having fun, didn't believe in it, and didn't love it, right? And so, do I I'm always more critical on the things I love, always more critical, and You know, I think that's why we're ever so more critical now. Like if my son was doing bad in a class and he had a 90, then I went to a 70. It's like, okay, it's first week of school, but when there's two weeks of school left and he's got still a 72, I'm like, it's time to get it in the gear. And I get more folks, more. So that's where a lot of our. If you want to call it negativity, as we ramped up, it's because we know we're Overwatch is a great game to bring up, because you've got rivals that came out, obviously that's the competition. Blew Overwatch a ton out of the water in all metrics for still. But then, Overwatch came out with this new thing, perks or whatever, and people aren't jumping up to it's not swarming everybody back, because it can be too late sometimes, when you lose somebody. So we are on Snap now, because we both believe in Snap still doing well, and we want to see it continue to do well. I love Overwatch, by the way, you know, no knock on that, but it is, you know, just a good example of a comparison of a game. But yeah, would love to see, you know, it do well and still, still loving the, still loving the the Snapchat. And

Alexander Coccia:

it's funny you bring that up, Cozy, because you did throw out a little bit of a roast at the end of the last podcast. And Slayer4Mayor is back, dammit! Slayer4Mayor is here, and they said, Aw, damn, Cozy brought up first edition badges. I forgot about that. I think everyone forgot about it, Cozy, and then you brought it back up, and it's into the zeitgeist once again. First edition badges, where are they?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, this has nothing to do with that, but it kind of does. I'm going back to the overwatch They just did this whole spotlight thing and I was watching this guy who One of the bigger creators for them got flown there and he kind of recapped his trip and he said this was the best Trip that i've had involved with overwatch and just meeting the devs and the team And they had like all the creators in they all live stream from there and like I would love to see this like connection from the creators to with the of the game and create content creators And bringing us all in to be more together. And to bring up questions like that and have fun with it. At this point, it's like the thing under the bed. And I think making light of some of that stuff. We live in some of it. It is great for it the game. But Slayer Familiar, yes man. I'm still waiting for my, I remember I freaking got some card. I don't know which, I think it was Gnoll at the time. Because I was like, I want the first edition badge. And I don't know, it's gone now. But yes. That, that was one of the things that definitely died.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, most certainly because we're glad that you're here to bring it up at least once every couple months. Thank you so much for watching everyone, and guess what? I have great news for you. Snapchat will return next week as it always does. We won't miss a week, dammit, and we'll see you on the next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

Happy new game mode week. You guys have a good one. Have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping.

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