The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Brave New World Season Is Here | Power Creep In Snap | January Cards In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 118
What has Cozy a bit pessimistic about this season? What was the most recent OTA? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in January? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on guys and welcome back to another episode of the snapchat as we enter a brand new month of February and the new Captain America season. Alex and I are going to break down the new season pass card alongside all of the new cards coming this season, our star ratings and the synergies that we think will come with them. On top of that, we have an OTA that was pretty lackluster, but we're going to break that down in our thoughts. We're going to talk about that all today, more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Kocha. Hello, happy February, Alex. How are we doing today on this wonderful Monday?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I'm doing great. Every time there's a new season coming to Snap, I get really excited. It feels like a whole new leaf being turned over. I've not played Conquest in like six months. I used to get excited about an Infinity Conquest week, now I just couldn't care less. But what I will tell you is that we got a new season coming, got a bunch of new cards that I'm excited for. And the last season was a lot of fun. Like I actually, it was something we talked about before. Finding the fun again in Snap. And I feel like I've kind of done that, you know, I'm I'm not grinding mindless games on the ladder non stop. I'm playing when I want to play Snap. And I've been enjoying it, man. I've been having fun. I don't know what else to say.
Cozy Snap:You're gonna have to do some convincing for me on this. This might be the first season that I'm I'm going in a bit pessimistic. Like, I'm like, hmm. I don't know about these cards. I don't know about cause January was a good season. That was like a really, like, from pretty much all of them. Like, even Ares had its own, like Fun flavor to him even though he was kind of straight up in what he did and then the OTA we just got we're gonna Recap on that, but I'm looking through these cards guys, and I'm excited to break these down question for you How were you introduced to Marvel like way back when in your childhood or whatever? Like what introduced you to Marvel or what's like your earliest memory of it?
Alexander Coccia:Honestly now that you asked me that I'm trying to think I don't remember I mean, I don't have strong memories of your memory like what right like
Cozy Snap:what it just then the MCU Is that like what you remember first?
Alexander Coccia:Even then I wasn't really into the MCU. Like I didn't watch much of the MCU when infinity war was going on. I remember I was teaching in a high school at the time and like, kids were like, the whole thing was kids were running around screaming spoilers and stuff like that. And I had no idea who these people were. Like people were like, Oh, Natasha, Natasha Romanoff's dead and all this stuff. I'm like, no idea who that is. They're like black widow, Sarah. I'm like, who's that? Like, this was like seven years ago, right? I had no idea who any of these people were. It's only until recently that I started catching up, honestly, like Marvel rivals. It's not right. Well, that came to Marvel snap, got me really into Marvel, like as a whole. And it wasn't until I started playing snap that I then like, started collecting comics and getting actually interested in the heroes and the characters and their backstories. And I was so funny, like there's a new Spider Man animated series on Disney plus right now, which is so good. It's so good. Like I watch it with my kids, but I'm so into it. It's unexpected. Yeah, he goes in and Luna Snow, there's like hints at Luna,
Cozy Snap:yeah, no, that, that show was so, I had very low expectations for that show, and Luna Snow hints? She was in a in a quick picture of like I'll, I'll pull it up on screen now, but this is, this is the small Luna Snow hint, but it was cool to see someone from both now Rivals and Snap mention some of the newer, newer era, cause Luna's a very new character in Marvel. Yeah, so for me, dude, I, dude, I was the classic, like I grew up what like as a kid wanting to be Spider Man. I saw, I just watching, you know, very much a 90s kid. So, you know, I grew up watching, man, Spider Man and in the 90s was like my animated series. That was like my, my crack that DBZ, man, where like the two things are just like. Would rush home to and then the early x men man. I would watch the hell out of that as well Oh,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. Oh that yeah for sure. Sorry. So that reminds me I guess for me it was like some of the x men versus Capcom fighting games too.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so it does so like that whole world, pulled me in but then also I had a good like, you know I like, you know obviously whatever your family introduced you to you would get into but then also you'd have like some neighborhood friends like I grew up in Like a cul de sac, right? So like You know, your friends, whatever they liked, you ended up kind of liking for the most part, and I had one friend that was a huge comic nerd, and that's what got me into like, eventually my path into, into Marvel, and then I, I feel like I took a break for, not a break, I mean, really I became much more of a Star Wars fan growing up, And then, obviously, I think the way that the Marvel movies just re invigorated the stories, I guess, is what, you know, sucked me back in as well, and so it was cool to, like, bring old stuff that I used to know and go look at, like, my old action figures. I have, like, this super old Captain America from when I was, like, three, dude. It's, I still have it somewhere in my, like, storage unit. But yeah, man, it was cool. It was cool to look back on what got me into it, but I think I would attribute the shows, man. Any listeners? Big fans of like the animated series of Spider Man. That was, that was my jam.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely. I think the games did a big part for me now that I think about it. Like playing Marvel vs. Capcom and stuff like that. And even now, I mean, there's a couple lines from games that live rent free in my head right now. If
Cozy Snap:you were to like attribute three cartoons growing up that you got majorly, you know, just big impact on your life, what would they be?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, Dragon Ball Z, for sure. Beast Wars. Beast Wars? This is going back in time now. It was like Transformers, but they were animals.
Cozy Snap:Okay.
Alexander Coccia:I don't know if Someone out there has to know is. I don't think I know this
Cozy Snap:one somehow. I
Alexander Coccia:think it went by two names. I think there was Beast Wars, and then in America it was called Beasties. So it's entirely possible there's, I just remember there being two versions and also I'm going to say Inspector Gadget. When I was a kid, Inspector Gadget used to be on just as I was getting ready for school to leave in the morning. And so like, it was like the show that would end and then that would be my signal like, I gotta leave, I gotta catch the bus. So yeah, those would be the ones.
Cozy Snap:I love that. Okay, well, we both share for sure Dragon Ball Z. That was like, yeah, rushed home to watch that no matter what. I feel like probably Pokemon Indigo like the original Pokemon. I just love that. That was just like a strong nostalgic pole. But then dude, outside of that, it's like a bunch of like tide favorites, man. Like Samurai Jack. Did you ever watch Samurai Jack? That was like, Oh my God, it's so good, dude. Like a lot of stuff on WB. Anyone that like Jackie Chan adventures, every watched that man. Oh, come on. I have no idea
Alexander Coccia:what WB is.
Cozy Snap:Jackie. Okay. Nope. Fine. You don't know what WB. That makes sense. I guess it's maybe in America. Anyway, those were mine. No question about it. And then, you know, obviously like Rugrats and whatnot. Rocket power. You watch that.
Alexander Coccia:No, we had Rugrats, though. I know Rugrats. I don't know Rocket Power, though. I
Cozy Snap:think Rocket Power is We had
Alexander Coccia:Samurai Pizza Cats.
Cozy Snap:Samura No, that's not Samurai Jack. You don't know Samurai Jack? No, I don't. Oh, man. That was a big one in my life. Anyway. I just want to know, guys. Let us know yours down in the comments below as we now talk about probably what we should be talking about. Marvel snaps February season. Alex, we know what we're talking about over here. What are we talking about on your side?
Alexander Coccia:Close to my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be talking about our January in review. We're going to be taking a look at what we ranked the prior cards, giving our final thoughts on them and giving some final rankings. We're also going to be discussing Power Creep in Marvel Snap, a discussion about what has been happening in the world of Snap and how some cards just seem to get stronger with every single new release. And then as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well man, let's go and talk about the season pass card. We'll break this down and then we'll break down the rest of it. And we've got a new Captain America. And what do we think? Sam Wilson. I'm excited for him to take over the throne. I think he'll do a great job. But in Marvel Snap, he's going to be a two cost, three power card, guys. There's a lot going on here. Now, at the start of the game, he'll be adding Cap's Shield to a random location. Now his ongoing ability is that you can move Cap's Shield. Now, Cap's Shield is a 1 1 that cannot be destroyed, right? And every time that it moves, it gives, every time it moves to Captain America's location, it gives plus damage. Two power to Captain America, Sam Wilson, and man, let's talk about it. This is a lot in one card and definitely something new that we've seen in the game. Very interesting in terms of a season pass card, but definitely. Looking at the season. This is the one that they needed to make into the actual season pass card initial thoughts, man. Before we talk about Synergy, what is your star rating
Alexander Coccia:star rating? I'm going to go with a four. Definitely has good upside. I don't see it as being like a soul crushing card that we've kind of seen in the past. Like it isn't an obvious, Oh, this is going to dominate type card. I do see it being definitely viable. And what I think I'm most excited for is that I think it's going to open up a whole new archetype. Like we don't have this, like, inexpensive move ongoing type. We do have move decks and they've obviously benefited from several releases that have come out lately, but this is really unique. And this is one of the first cards. This is the first card that guarantees initiative turn one and does some really interesting things, not only on the move side, but the ongoing side. So I'm excited to kind of discuss it further, but yeah, I'm going with a four cozy. How about you?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I don't know, right? Like, a piece of me is like, okay, I mean, the guy's gonna have really good stats for it too, you know, that's, that's awesome, and could he fill that, like, Kate Bishop role as this kind of just good two cost card that can go into a lot of decks because he's gonna want to be in a lot of decks, but then if you look at his overall synergy, he's gonna He's like very limited by like there's only so many decks that he's gonna want to be in in my opinion But I don't know So that's a good one Four star is probably on the higher side that I would put it like I want to go with three and a half Which is weird for a season pass card But i'll probably go towards four just because of what his power potential could be. I mean you're getting a two Or he gets the one one out, which is really nice. I mean, that's going to be just that's a free card to get out in most cases. You're going to want that. I guess some locations like that thing goes on like a, you know, a bar with no name, like, I don't know that, you know, that's going to stink, but in most cases you're going to want it. I, I think I'll agree with four. It's a skeptic for, but I'll, I'll agree with you there. Especially, especially like looking at the rest of the season but talking about his synergy, right? Obviously. You know, you're going to be able to move the shield around starting on turn three, which is, you know, going to be nice if you get him down. I think what's awkward about him to me though is like, okay, the shield's out, then you have to draw him. So then it's kind of, you know, you're waiting for that to happen. And then by that, how much are you able to build him up and play, you know, move them to certain locations. Assuming you can't play him down a lot of the time, he's what, like a 2 8 ish? Like, in value total, that's, I mean, that's obviously pretty damn good.
Alexander Coccia:He is pretty damn good, and I do agree that I think he's going to be far more niche than Iron Patriot was, or many of the kind of cards we saw in the past in season passes. Like, I think he's more along the lines of like what Surtur is. He's probably only good in a few decks, like Serger's playable literally in just a few decks, one primarily, and I'm pretty sure Sam Wilson's going to fall into like that two, maybe three archetype range because you're going to have like the little ongoing type stuff in terms of synergies, I think that Wong Spectrum's legit here because I think one of the challenges with Wong Spectrum for the longest time has been that Spectrum wants to hit Inexpensive cards and the shield has an ongoing Sam Wilson has an ongoing. And so you have this one too, because like when you were playing these spectrum style decks, who also just got buffed herself there was like some coping running things like Howard and like just inexpensive cards. Cause plus two power on a one drop is just as. Just as impactful as plus two power on a five drop. And so smaller cards that are going to benefit from the spectrum plus two are always going to be something you're after in these types of decks. And with Sam Wilson specifically, it's a two for one card. You're getting two ongoing cards for the placement of one. And one of them is guaranteed on the board because with spectrum, you have six turns. I mean, you're probably not playing magic in those types of decks. And so the challenge could be like, okay, my turn one, I play Howard turn two, I play Colossus, I'm just coping here, but whatever, right? All of a sudden you don't have enough cards on the board anyways, to actually take advantage of spectrum. But with Sam Wilson, you have one on the board already. And so that is not just one on the board. But it's also going to be synergizing with Cap, with Sam Wilson, and who are also targets for Spectrum. But you have more on the board to get that plus two power, potentially plus four power, if you go with Wong as well.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, I think Spectrum's the obvious synergy here. I mean, with the two ongoings coming out, that's the one that I feel like will be I mean, just Spectrum loves this card, and there's no coincidence that she just got buffed up. I think obviously having Moonstone and Moonstone coming out is a huge benefit, too. Like, if you have Moonstone, you're gonna even be able to get this that much further with it. I mean, it's cool to see that, you know, they tried to get some kind of synergy going, obviously, with the Cats in America that got buffed up, I don't know, six months plus ago, and where, you know, your other ongoing cards have plus two power, so now you've got, you know, just immediate synergy there as well, which is cool, and that can work with Moonstone and then really, you know, start cooking. Kind of cool thing too is, this is going to be more niche, but if Moonstone goes above 10 power, if it's in that same lane as the shield, it'll get that it can't be destroyed ongoing thing, which is kind of like a fun, like Moonstone won't be able to be destroyed, which is going to be cool if you, you know, like that's obviously a weakness in her kit in some way. And so you're going to be able to kind of absorb that bonus, which is kind of nice as well. And so I think there's, Definitely synergy there with the Moonstone, the Spectrum, and the Captain America and Friends package.
Alexander Coccia:And without question, I think that Captain America, while not being necessarily a good card in the meta lately, I feel like when I've been playing him, I'm like, you know what, this plus two power on Ongoings is not insignificant. Especially when you consider, if you play him in a lane with like, the Ant Mans and stuff like that, like the amount of reach he provides is pretty significant. And then when you think about that, you get to double dip on the power buff, because he is a Captain America. And so when that shield comes in, Cap gets a buff, the shield gets a buff as well. And so you're double dipping on the effect, which is really cool. And yeah, I don't know, like, it's, it's pretty good, because Cap We've seen this before, where it's like, you could buff Cap himself, and we, I mean, he did. This is not the first version of Cap. However, there are some cards that become incredibly playable with the addition of new cards. It's another way, it's like buffing by association. Just like Arrow was completely irrelevant until Surtur came out, or until Scream came out. Captain America gets the benefit the same way.
Cozy Snap:And what's a nice little thing too is like, I like, you know, being able to move the shield is, you know, advantageous to go into locations, things that you guys know about move cards, obviously, like you just get a free one of those. But also just like, you know, being tricky and like, you know, you have a lot in the left lane. Maybe, maybe on the last turn you can move that shield. It gives the plus two power, then you play captain in that lane and you, you know, like you could build up a lane pretty fast and, and pretty aggressively. So I like the idea of that. So I think ongoing, yeah, it's probably gonna be one of the, the main homes here of, of Sam Wilson. If you can get him down. Most of the time, you know, even drawing them, it's sometimes it'll be clunky because you're gonna have a card. You want to play pastor and to like, if you get a pastor in three, it's just rough at that point, but still, you get that free priority car just like right off the bat, but obviously move moving the shield move is the other archetype that you could maybe make a case for. I do think it's a bit clunky. Like, let's be honest. We've seen this stuff before, but it's a cool idea to think about, you know, effectively something like Craven, which is, Getting the same buff as what he would get in plus two and in like madam web And you can you can get a little thing kind of cooking here with this shield being able to move it around essentially You know having Craven in one lane Sam and the other you go back left right left You know and you're able to build both these guys up scream. Obviously, it's a massive counter to All this movement going on right like scream decks are gonna feast off this But I mean man you throw in Hercules in there and there's plenty of move centric cards that are gonna synergize with it For a fun, you have competitive. And I think that's more of the fun side.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And even something like a Morales, like Morales is going to be relatively easy to just slot in, like if you're missing cards in a meta deck and you're like, I don't know what to add in my, you know, Sam Wilson deck, you probably can add Morales. Because that shield moves, he becomes a one cost card, and like, that's pretty good value. I mean, that's incredible value, honestly. So and it's really easy to actually pull off. I think that like, you're right, I think the move stuff's gonna be clunky. I was doing some pen and paper designs. I was like, how could I do something cool with a cook with move? I'm like, ah, this looks like You know when you design a deck and it's trying to do too much at once? Yeah, I think that's what was happening when I was designing my Sam Wilson move deck. I'm still working on it, but sometimes the more obvious stuff is just better. Right. What I will say though, is that this kind of came to mind while we were speaking, talking about moving stuff. I was thinking about when Madam Webb came out, one of my favorite versions of Madam Webb was not actually move. It was ongoing with Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel just got buffed. You have the shield, which can be moved. With Sam Wilson, and as a result, that shield being a one cost, it's mobile, allows you to perhaps very easily and maybe even unpredictably for your opponent, activate a Miss Marvel effect on one of the sides by moving it to get that second card at a second cost. Right? So I wonder if Miss Marvel is a winner here.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I like, you know, I like the idea of that. Definitely not bad. Like, I think he will be able to flex into a few different of these builds where he maybe can support a couple of cards there. And obviously, yeah, getting that shield is just a free one that you can work off that. I thought maybe I was thinking I'm like, okay, what about like a zoo ish hybrid and the re and it's not because I mean, you're getting a free one. So let's just, you know, start there. And then you're also getting a high power too. So it's like, okay, you know, we're cooking here a little bit. But what, what I think is kind of interesting, Alex, is this is a token card, right? So, you essentially should be able to get Mockingbird immediately discounted right off the bat. Like, straight away, Mockingbird's a 5, which is cool. Works in Zudex as we know. This will be our first time that, where is this, where is this absolute big boy that I just don't play enough. You get a free spot for Co Obsidian no matter what. It's kind of cool too.
Alexander Coccia:I like this Co Obsidian callout. Actually, I hadn't thought about Co Obsidian. You brought him up like last week where I said like he's a great card and he was one of yours bad good cards you don't play, right? Yeah. Like this was not one you talked about. I think so, yeah. Man, you're right. I never considered Sam Wilson Co Obsidian. That's a very obvious synergy. That's perfect. Dude, that's actually a good idea because now, all of a sudden, it takes the need for, like, Squirrel Girls and stuff out of those decks. Because Squirrel Girls often being played in Call of Cities decks, in order to take advantage of, like, the, I can play Call of Cities anywhere, I don't have to worry about, you know, the limitations of his ability. But now you have a guaranteed one drop that you could theoretically be moving around? I actually like it a lot, man.
Cozy Snap:So, like, my thought was, we had move, we have ongoing, and it's like, okay, what are just, like, To like we've talked about this for how long and snap they're like these couple card combos that can just work in so many decks I'm like, hey now Sam and Cole which no one would have put those two together, but Sam and walking bird Those are two different things that can work in whatever build you put together And so I think it's a little different than what you know, we might see out there And
Alexander Coccia:you could also consider something like a Marvel Boy, if you're talking about, like, extensions of, like, existing archetypes. You mentioned Zubufor. Marvel Boy will give this plus one. Like, this will get buffed, because it's a one drop, right? And so, you could potentially be looking at Marvel Boy giving it a plus one, it moving to Sam Wilson for plus two. And so, all of a sudden, every single turn is, like, these multiple movements of plus one, plus two, plus one, plus two. And it adds up pretty fast.
Cozy Snap:Alright, our next card up is Joaquin Torres. Falcon and this is a three cost four power card and it reads ongoing the on reveal abilities of Your one cost cards here happen twice. It's like a long but for just one cost cards and This guy is super interesting and for what, not for once, but it's, I feel like it's been a while that we haven't had a banger week one, like Victoria hand and iron Patriot. Like that was a must, right? It's always tough in that first week to like, what car do I do? Where, well, keen is interesting because I think it's going to tickle a couple of people's fancy, but other people aren't going to be too crazy about it. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:You know what, this has been one that I've been kinda struggling with to rank. I have a 4 written down, and I have in brackets 3 question mark. So like, I would give the Cozy Classic 3. 5 probably. But like, first of all, I think this is a good card. I think it's stat at fair for what it's capable of, and we'll talk about synergies and stuff like that. Like I definitely think that this card can do stuff. And I think that there is a world where there is a deck where this is a staple piece of like an extremely punishing, bounce based, like, one drop shell. We've seen those before, and this could be a definite activator for that. I don't know, man. It's, it's hard. Like, I, I'm gonna lean towards, like, an uninspired four. Like, I should say 3. 5, honestly. But I'll go four. I'm, I'm comfortable with saying four here. But, like, I can see how this card could whiff. But I can definitely see how this card could, could pump as well.
Cozy Snap:You're like me with the Lunas. No, you went like all ranges and you're like, you know, it's so horrible, but it's also could be a myth, but it is true. This is one of those. We have the one a season we've got to see how it plays out. This is three and a half. So for me at four is cats in America. This would be right under that. But I think, as you said, I can definitely see someone finding something that does get this thing crazy, and then they have to make it a 3 3 or something, like, I can see that happening. There are only a couple combos that I really like with it, and that's the issue. Now, for one, I, the reason I want to give it a lower ranking, I might even give him a 3, I'm gonna give him a 3, is I feel like he's so narrow, like he's just so narrow by design, and that really hurts him and his kit. There are going to be some really cool things you can do and then there's going to be very lackluster plays. Him being a three cost, I think is probably the thing I hate the most about him. You know, right off the bat, you know, you get things like, you know, you can have some cool black swan synergy here, right? You know, obviously. You get Black Swan to go down. You can do like some real big power turns, right? I think that's kinda what gets me excited about him. Outside of, to me, Alex, and tell me if you're thinking the same here. Like, it's kind of obvious. I think the Hood is clear cut the best card to play with him. Probably, right? The Hood is just insanely good value. Niko, Minoru, I think is super cool to be able to blow up into some crazy stuff as well. And then probably like Iceman. Those are the three that I think are the ones that you'd want to double up the most.
Alexander Coccia:It's funny how you bring that up. Cause Nico has the double its own power effect. And in theory, that's like exponential growth for Nico and you could perhaps meme on her a little bit. Like if you were to, I'm not going to say I recommend doing this, but in theory, you do Joaquin into Moonstone into Nico. With that ability and she goes, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then you like, I don't know, bounce her somehow play her again. Why that wouldn't necessarily work. But then you like taskmaster the Niko or something silly. I think there's going to be someone will do it. It'll be on like, like some YouTube short somewhere, not for me, but some will do it. But like, I definitely do like those call outs actually, I just said it, but honestly, Moonstone on curve does double the effect of of the walking, falcon, but yeah, like there are some one drops that are going to really benefit from this, the hood, absolutely. From a stats perspective. And if you think about it too, because it's so funny, you have Sam Wilson, captain America shield synergizes with captain America, and then you have Joaquin Torres Falcon is going to surgerize with Falcon. Because you can play the one drops and then bring them back. Obviously, as you mentioned, Black Swan can then discount them further, but you, you know, you also can just play them again, pay their one cost back into Joaquin and then like seriously double pump their hand with Iceman and stuff like that. Silver Sable is another card that perhaps could see a lot of love there. If you want to see a little bit of cope, are you ready for this cozy? I was thinking about this. I was like trying to design like a deck about this. What about Selene? Hear me out, because if you go Joaquin into Moonstone, you then can play on the next turn, you could play something like a Selene, absolutely pump like a Green Goblin or a Hobgoblin and send that over, and on turn two, you could have potentially played something like a Daredevil. For turn five. Now you'd also, if you cut out the moon, if you cut out the moonstone, it's actually on curve. Cause you'd go Joaquin on three, Selene on turn four into the hobgoblin on turn five. And you would double pump the hobgoblin and double pump something in their hand as well. So that could potentially be interesting. Obviously a little bit of cope. America Chavez also something that could top like benefit your top deck. But I think that you hit the, the big ones on the, on the top there. Like definitely hood ice, Iceman, I think is going to be huge.
Cozy Snap:You know what I do like about it. This is what I will say the pro about it And initially I said like I just not crazy about this season But what I'll say is I think it's a really cool in game finisher, right? So like you're gonna have Sam Wilson building up so you got that going for you And then like what you're doing is you write whether you get moonstone out there or not The idea of on turn four you're able to like just throw it all at the opponent, right? So you double ice man, maybe you pump cork twice. This could be a good cord card You're just doing a lot of stuff. Maybe hawkeye is your way to build up power in the middle Whatever it is, right? You're able to get like a lot building up here and then turn five and six for your opponent is like Rough like you have yourself built up because they're iceman trigger twice maybe four times and then you have a corg, you know If you get four corg rocks in there, you've ruined their draw Like I think that's a really cool idea about them is like that feeling of like small soldier deck, right? Where it's like these little dudes doing a lot of power and I can see that happening here a little bit with them And maybe that works out you know, it's too bad something like Ghost Spider with move, you can't, like, it doesn't do anything moving that twice. You know, I wish there was something you could do with, like, the little guy move decks. But I like that, but here's the, here's a big one that I don't know if he works out in this. But come on, what about Thanos? I'm like, you would have to hold onto your stones, but you want to play your stones most of the time with Thanos, but they're all one drops. Get a lot of draw cooking, man. You get a lot of draw going on with these guys. Do you think, do you think there's a world?
Alexander Coccia:I think there could be. But I think what you said is right. That you want to play your, your one drops in Thanos so early, right? However, you're still playing one drops later on as well. I think the key part is that we still don't know what the rework to Thanos is. They mentioned it a long time ago that they're working on a new version of Thanos. And we did see a little bit of that with the way the stones have been changed. And he's better than he was. Prior. But, yeah, it's entirely possible. And like thinking about different archetypes, I know we're like huffing tons of a hopium here. And I mean, I went deep with the Selene already, but this one's a little, little more reasonable. Selene was very much cope, but how about this one cozy turn three. Okay. You play the Joaquin Torres Falcon. I still don't know what to call him, by the way. We call him Joaquin or Falcon or J T F.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, just Joaquin. Joaquin. Oh, I like J T F. So we
Alexander Coccia:have, we have Joaquin, you play Moonstone turn five. You yondu into that. And then play you play Baron Zemo in another lane. It's gonna pump two cards from the bottom of their deck, disrupt them, and then pull a third. That's more likely to be a better card because you've gotten rid of the cheaper ones. That could be cool.
Cozy Snap:I like it. I think that's fun. It's definitely it could work out. He, like, he's definitely a balanced card. You're definitely, like, a card with these little guys. I'm not crazy about him. Like, you know, I think he'll be really cool in those decks, but definitely one that I don't know if I would be jumping up and down for. And that's a little bit of the story for a lot of these guys. And that's where the complications come in. So, Joaquin will be our card with the spotlight. Next we have is Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. A 2 2 Alex. When your opponent ends a turn with unspent energy, draw a card with 10 or more power. Huh. Without saying it, just, just tell me your star rating here. Just a down thumb from Alex Kocha. What does a down thumb represent? What is the shrewd buck currency of a down thought? What, what, what, how many stars?
Alexander Coccia:So I forgot for a moment that there are people that listen to this that don't actually see me emoting. So I should actually speak as well. I'm leaning, I have written 1. 5 to two stars. I'm not sold on this.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I'll give him a two, a two, a two and a two is that he's a two, two. That's a two of my eyes. There's only a few amount of this is a trap card for sure I feel like this is the ones we get every now and then where people are like, oh man Big big power. Okay, like imagine what I could do with this and in theory I think in theory he could get better over time, which is always nice like, you know There might be a a 10 power plus card that you really need to have in your your deck or whatever But man, it just like those decks are so tight You know what this guy is the definition of a problem that is of snap small deck design, right? Like you only have so many cards and in the cards that you know, you're gonna want the big power cards In those decks, probably anyway, hell is cool though. Like, you know, I bet again, it's like, where's the room to put them in a hell of, but hell is a cool concept. I do have one deck that I think I would absolutely want them in, but yeah, I mean, it's not crazy.
Alexander Coccia:So this, I think there's a couple of things that came to mind when I was looking at this. We've heard Glenn so many times say that he really wants to keep tabs on what draw is in Marvel snap, right? We've seen it and he's probably right like if you can drop through your deck very consistently combo decks go go pew pew, right? So I think that anytime you have a card that's going to have some sort of draw mechanic I think the downside potential is going to be very high because the upside potential is high as well Especially when you think about that this card theoretically can consistently draw over and over and over again. However I feel like, in a lot of the decks right now, with maybe the exception of Hela, like traditional Hela. The Hela got changed too, that's what's weird, right? But like, with the exception of maybe some weird Hela deck. I feel like this is solving a problem that doesn't exist.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Like, if I'm playing
Alexander Coccia:Surtr, it's like, we're drawing chonky boys. Like, that's not the problem.
Cozy Snap:If he was a 1 In fact, I'm gonna give him a 1 star. I agree. I mean, I think we have to give some cards 1 stars, right? If he was a 1, it would be You know, he's like Howard the Duck to me. It's like, you know, it's problems that you just don't need solved. If he was a one, I'd be a little bit more enticed. I'm like, okay, you have one extra turn for the skipped energy. Maybe they didn't get a one cost and then you're able to get it out right then and there, right? You're able to draw on turn one. Like that to me makes him a better card. The only deck that I really think he has a shot in maybe is like Arishem. I think the idea of like being able to draw into some of these big guys and you already have that momentum and it's like, okay, you're really commanding, you know, there are lines of like playing Zabu down and then you have him and then you're able to get like that for power or four costs, 10 power car for cheap, but he's a two that the two is what I hate the most about them and then they couldn't even give them their respective higher power than a two also guys duly noted here, there is no trailer. This is what we have as of now. I don't know why would I mention that earlier? No trailer season starts tomorrow two days from now. It's a bummer I'm sure it's because of I don't know snap not even being you know existing in the app store and stuff Like there's some problems still, you know with what happened there But this is what our guess is maybe he's like a 2 7 for all we know right now. He's a 2 2 And a one star for both of us.
Alexander Coccia:That's hilarious, because I was literally just gonna say that this, of all the cards we're talking about today, is most likely to be the one that's not a 2 2. It's probably like a 2 3 or 2 4. Because it seems really underwhelming to me. Too bad, yeah. And I don't think that the intention of Snap's design team is that any spotlight cash card is supposed to be underwhelming.
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I think that their intention is that even if you pull it by accident and you didn't want it, and you were trying to get something else that you should be at least excited. It will be a new addition to your collection. And I don't think there's anything exciting about this card here. And I think that one of the challenges too, is that like you're, I don't like decks or cards that rely on your opponent to do things. You're relying on your opponent to like kind of float energy. Like, no, I want to control my destiny. However, cozy. There is one line that's absolutely dirty. With Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross. What's with all these super long ass names, by the way? Like, I don't even know, is this guy Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross? Is it just Ross? TTR? I don't know. No idea who this guy is
Cozy Snap:amazing. I'll give you a hint. They should make his ability that if your opponent skips energy as well, you can have a chance to turn into the Red Hulk.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, is this the Red Hulk?
Cozy Snap:Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:dude spoilers. What the hell man? I didn't know that's not a spoiler. This is Han Solo. Is that actually Han Solo? That's Harrods. I don't think I've watched the trailer yet.
Cozy Snap:You said you were excited about the movie.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, I know what's coming.
Cozy Snap:You got to check it out. It's good. But yeah, no, I think this is a one star dude. This is definitely I think you said it best when you said this is solving a problem that doesn't exist right now. And maybe that problem will exist on marvel snaps third year Like I don't know. It's just not at the moment any closing notes on this guy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, there is one line. That's dirty as hell Oh, yeah, it's if you zabu turn one thaddeus turn two and then they float and then you draw into discounted chunks Yeah, that's where it's auto win. Basically, maybe this might be coping. I can't like, listen, I could not figure out a way to put it into a, into a deck, but like high Evo technically has, like, you want to have the Hulk. You want to have she all, but like who the hell do you cut? Like, I don't know this card probably it's by far the worst in the month, in my opinion. Next up, we have Red Wing coming out after Thaddeus, and Red Wing, guys, is Alright, it's a 3 cost, 3 power card. They adjusted it heavily, it got nerfed in the last patch. Maybe it'll get buffed again, watch them change it all. The first time this moves, you'll add a card from your hand to the old location. They just had to add the first time this moves. They had to Spider Man 2099 this bad boy. Red Wing, what do you think? Star rating. Well, if they didn't do that, and like, Hercules becomes the best card in Marble Snap because you basically ghost spider this clown into it and it just bounces back and forth, and your whole hand is just going like, Giganto! Thing! Buzz! Like, bum bum bum bum! It's like, that would have been cool, for 20 minutes, and then it was like, I'm over this already. But, early star rating, I'm gonna go with a 3. The original design was near 5 star. It was crazy for those that don't know it. Like it did something along the lines of like balance one, one drop to your hand, give a plus two, like it was crazy what it did. And this new version is definitely more neutered. However, I think it could potentially be good. Like it's not, I don't think it's a bad card. I just don't think it's a great card.
Cozy Snap:It's a very big brain card. And I like that, you know, I would give it what did you give it?
Alexander Coccia:I went three.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think that's high. I think i'm gonna go to probably probably Probably two. Yeah, man at this current iteration And this is from someone who does play a lot of dracula dump Which is the only deck I could even see in a world that this thing would want to be in Because in that deck you're already trying to cheat out. You have dracula trying to cheat out big power You have all these other big power cards, maybe in this deck you have Sam Wilson, Kolob City, and you have more of those to work with, and then somehow you pull off, you know, a, you know, a move card that's a one, obviously being able to play like the grapple or whatever, and then you, one of the big boys out, right? You get the Giganto, the Infinite from your hand, the last turn of the game, right? You're able to do this, like, Massive big brain play which involves moving red wing on that last turn to pull whatever card you don't have in there Dracula can do his thing like there's a way to pump a lot of power on there if you precisely Play it but in my mind You need a lot of things to go right for that to happen.
Alexander Coccia:And I think it's challenged and from a perspective is it's a two car. It's a three card combo, essentially, because you need red wing itself. You need an activator and you need a card to pull. That's a lot of steps with no guarantees that any of it's going to age, get drawn and be, it's going to work out like you expect. Because in theory, you want to like. You want to dump your hand a little bit to try to maximize what I can't remember. There's a location that does that. What is it? Is it not X mansions? The other one that pulls the card down the train station. Is that what it is? Yeah. I should know
Cozy Snap:that Central Park. Wow. We're both just with an area. Everyone knows what we're talking about. It makes the train central station. Yeah. I'm not crazy about it. I think it's a little awkward. I think there's some cool cards to make it happen. But ultimately, yeah. I don't know. I see this one also getting a buff. Potentially, when it comes out. Even though they nerfed it. I think they'll buff it. It was way too good in it's old iteration.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, is it basically just Jubilee with extra steps?
Cozy Snap:Kind of. Like a, but without a deck tracker. Cause you can just see it in your hand or whatever. Like, I guess. I don't know. I'm not crazy about it. That's why, like, I think this is one of the more underwhelming seasons at this current state. I just, All these cards have a lot of conditions, from Joaquin, to Thaddeus, to Redwing to Redwing, you're like, I, I don't know, right? Now, next up, we've got Diamondback, and Diamondback currently is a 3 cost, 3 power card. Ongoing enemy cards here are afflicted with negative power, have an additional negative 2 power. So, my gosh, this is a card I kind of wish we got a long time ago, because this is a really cool piece at 3 cost. With what she does to be a powerful tool in a lot of decks. Alex, star rating on
Alexander Coccia:Diamondback. It makes me so nervous that you force me to do the star ratings all the time. Next time we gotta switch it around. So I can like, you know, hear you first, see how wrong I am off the rip. This, I'm actually, this is written. I'm doing 3. 5. I'm going full cozy here. I'm not committing to 3 or 4 here. The reason for this is because I think this is a potentially powerful card, but it feels like it's, it's win more than an archetype that doesn't need to win more. The Ajax toxic archetype is so good as it is an Ajax tends to solely win a single location. And then I think the diamond back can be used effectively to win an alternate location, especially when you consider that now with something like a mystique, you could mystique the. Diamondback on turn six, you could also mystique the Ajax. There's a lot of synergy here in a deck that's already really good. I don't think this card is a banger card, but I think it's going to slot perfectly into what is currently a banger deck. However, we have patches, no TAs that might come out that might impact that shell, because I think it has been consistently one of the best shells in the game for a while. And I don't think Glenn likes that. So there's a chance, but by the time Diamondback comes, some of those cards might've been hit.
Cozy Snap:It's funny. Cause I'm like, I don't. You know, I'm going to give Joaquin a lower grade or whatever because he doesn't fit in a lot and then I'm over here saying That I think I'm going to give her a four star. I think that this is really good and regardless of how narrow it is. And it's also not all the way narrow because you also have just a lot of independent cards like Cassandra Nova, Silver Sable that could be in their own decks and do their own thing. I think this is a really good card, man. I mean, the value alone, it just getting one negative thing happening on the other side is a three five, right? Which is obviously not, you know, Luna Snow is now a three six. We'll get to that. But you got the three five with her. And there's so many cards that you could just make work with this in a nice curve and also really good so curve play but also like combo play at the end I think this adds a really unique flavor and combo to those builds That one that yes, it's win more in some ways, but in other ways it's going to be Like, if you don't get the Ajax, like, okay, then you can maybe slam down a man, you know well, you can't do man thing on four and her together, but you do a combo like that. It ruins the lane or you do like hazmat and her together. It's a massive hit. I know hazmat is, is already doing, you know, really solid, but I don't know, man. I think this thing has some, has some good value to it. High evil, maybe even dammit with the Cyclops. I don't know, I think Diamondback fits more than just a win more, and that's why I'm going to give her a 4.
Alexander Coccia:That's fair, I think the card's good, like don't get me wrong, I do think it's very niche, but obviously like, that's fine. Like if it makes one deck and it's really good in that deck, that's fine. I think that like, Malkith is going to work perfect in these types of decks, because if you think about what Malkith can pull, Malkith can pull a Diamondback. And because it's an ongoing, like that is, that's absolutely fine. That's exactly what you want. It can also pull a Mystique, which will affect what your turn six looks like so that you can play Diamondback last, allow the Mystique to hit it, or it pulls the Haz Nat, which activates everything. So I feel like Malkith is going to be a really good option in those shells. I think you're right. Like, I think it's, it's definitely good, but it has exactly the same problem that Redwing has. It's, it's, it's a combo card. It doesn't afflict anything on its own. So it has to rely on the other pieces to do the heavy lifting.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but dude, like think about a card that used to be like a dude back in the day, man. Everyone, everyone slept on this card. We were like, how could they, how could people just not play this card as much? I think this bring back, this brings back Scorpion pretty heavily too because if you open up with this on a two and you go into her as a three You are just hitting so much potential right off the bat. And so even though it's a combo card, I just, there's so much comboing that can happen with one other card. I don't know. I just feel like it does. I think this is going to impress us once we do the interview on your side, towards the end of the season.
Alexander Coccia:I can absolutely see that to be honest with you. I can absolutely see this being an impressive card overall, and I don't think we're sleeping on it. Like I, it's like, yeah, I think it's legit. Yeah. I think it's a legit card for sure. I just, I get wary of combo centric cards because do they lack consistency? I don't think this deck particularly lacks consistency because you get a lot of activating like things from it. You got the hazmat. You, of course you have the the man thing you have us agent. You have pieces in those decks that have proven to be good workers in those shells. So yeah, diamond backs probably going to be a okay.
Cozy Snap:All right. So. Last card we have to talk about is Cobra, and Cobra was a, I think a 3 6 or something, and it looks like Cobra will be coming in like a game mode of some kind, or Deadpool's, whatever it might be. He'll be coming in that. And Cobra is a 2 cost, 3 power card now, Alex, with the ability of Activate, switch an enemy card here that didn't start in your opponent's deck to your side. And they went from making this card insanely boring to super interesting and unique. It's an Activate, but it's a 2 cost Activate, and it's a pretty major counter to those style of decks. What do you think about Cobra?
Alexander Coccia:What I think is I forgot Cobra existed. Yeah. I don't have notes on Cobra. I'll be straight up with you. Cause I looked at like the spotlight keys and stuff. Is he, is he part of a game mode? How did I miss him? Cause I, we talked about him before in like this, the early preview. Now I'm like, shit, I forgot about this card. He was like a 2 8 then, wasn't
Cozy Snap:he? I think he was a 2 6. And it was like, if you're losing this location or you can only play him. I think it was like a crossbones or something like that. A defective, like you could just actually, no, I can tell you right now. He was a two, it was a three, six, you can only play a three, six. You can only play this at a location where your opponent has exactly one card. That's the worst design ever. Like even if this card is not good, it's better than that, but activating and switching and taking a, a massive card, like imagine an X mansion, giving your opponent like a red Hulk. And you're just like, I'm going to take that. Thank you. Appreciate it. Like that's such a cool. Design very limited design, but I think it's gonna be a tech card ish for their style of decks and interesting activates I I don't know man. I think it's fun. I almost would rather him being on reveal though
Alexander Coccia:I wonder on reveal would be cool because you could catch someone by surprise on turn six Because activate it's sitting there and they could play around it, right? But we said this before in the past Activates are truly only good early in the curve, right? So turns one, two, three, four is getting later, right? That's what the Scarlet Scarlet Spider situation is. But with Cobra, yeah, I mean, Oh, he's definitely better on reveal. I think, is he more versatile as a activate though? I think he's more, I think he's more of a cube stealer as an honor reveal for sure.
Cozy Snap:You can take your Captain America shield from the opponent. That's kind of fun. I mean, there's like there. Yeah, I don't know. There's some interesting things that you can steal from your opponent. That might be just a good time. And there's a lot of locations that make cards or give cards or I don't hate them. I don't have notes on him either. But like, what would you give him? Like, I don't even know. He's so interesting, right?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm not sure. Like, I like to really give heavy thought about this because people take our star ratings extremely seriously. Well, if he's a free card,
Cozy Snap:but if he's a free card, let's assume that, right? If
Alexander Coccia:he's a free card, you got to get him. For sure. Like, there's no, there's no excuse.
Cozy Snap:As a free card, switching enemy card here that didn't start the opponent's deck to your side. I mean, it is, it's narrow, but I can see him having a future. I just, I don't know how many times you would put him in your deck. You know what? He, to me, is just a release valve a lot of the time, right? Like, If a, a highly popular deck gets out there with created cards, then you, which is a lot of them, then you just slot in Cobra potentially in there.
Alexander Coccia:Is this the second card of the day that solves a problem that no one has right now?
Cozy Snap:It solves a problem that's risky to solve. You know, like, you would rather just You don't want to
Alexander Coccia:commit a card for that problem?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's like, cause then if you, if that doesn't happen, you're sitting there with a, with a Cobra. You know, like, you're 2 3 and it's like, wow, that could have been Anything else to really help out this deck in the momentum swing, and I'm gonna lose because of it. So that makes me think that people won't, it's kind of like King E Tree in a way where it's like, cool, you'll be better than King E Tree, but I don't know, not by much.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's like, yeah, you could play Cobra or you could play Iron Patriot and just win more. Like, you know what I mean? It's like, why would you actually play this card? Yeah, it's probably lower, but if it's free, you gotta have it to your collection. Cause if you don't, then suddenly they'll buff it and then you'll be in shambles when it's, when it's everywhere.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, well, okay, man, that is so that is February and again, we'll go ahead and rank all the cards you know, from top to bottom. I'm not, I'm just, I'm not too crazy on the month. Overall, what do you give? Are we going worst to best, best to worst?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, it's up to you. I was going to say, we almost forgot about that, didn't we? Yeah, I got rankings. You want to go best to worst? Let's go best to worst.
Cozy Snap:All
Alexander Coccia:right. The best card of the month is For me, Sam Wilson.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think it is. I think it's the season pass card. So, okay, so Captain America being the That's month, even though I think I gave him a three and a half, which doesn't make much sense because I gave Diamondback a four, but we do that all the time. Yeah, Sam Wilson, number one. Number two is I'm going Joaquim. I think I'll go Diamondback.
Alexander Coccia:I go Diamondback third.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, I'll go Joaquim third. This is all gonna look bad. And then what, Redwing? And then Redwing
Alexander Coccia:Ross.
Cozy Snap:Redwing Redwing, Cobra, Ross.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, I forgot Cobra existed. He's not even on my list. Yeah, not
Cozy Snap:looking great for him. So that's the thing. I'm just like, you know, like, think about what we were talking about last month. Where we're like, oh man, like, oh my gosh, all these cards are exciting and it could do crazy stuff. Whereas this, it's like, eh, I guess I'll put Sam first, you know, like, I don't know. It just, they are cool on paper, but I'm not, I'm not jumping up and down.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it seems, it seems a little more reserved, and I can't wait to see the trailer where all these are buffed and they look absolutely insane.
Cozy Snap:Alrighty, yeah, dude, I'm right, this whole episode's in shambles. Alright dude, well let's talk briefly about the OTA. Largely, it was a bunch of cards getting a power point or so. From Luna getting a power point, Sandman, Ms. Marvel, Nomura, Leader, Spectrum. And then we had two nerfs in Dagger, who took a pretty big blow to her ability, losing one power, but gaining two power to her core power. And then Aranya. What do you think about the OTA? Who was the biggest winner and loser?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, listen, incremental updates to cards that no one's playing, I think it's fine. That's okay. Those are all the buffs were really, really particularly risk free. Maybe the Luna Snow one on the risky side, 3 6 with upside is like really bizarre. And I think they even made note of that in their developer note. The move deck that was targeted, that little movers bounce deck. It's interesting because, on aggregate, across all players, that deck saw almost no play. And that was like a nerf for, like, the top 100, basically. Like, that was a nerf for the top 100 of the meta. I've talked about that deck before, like, everyone knew that deck was good, but people just don't want to play it. Like, it just has a playstyle that's not, it's not necessarily I don't want to say it's not fun, because there's definitely people that like it, right? But it's not it's not straightforward. It's definitely high skill cap. And the average person wasn't picking it up and rolling with it. And so, you had a, an OT that basically tried to service the top of the meta. The very, very, very top of the meta. And then it tried to service some cards that were being underplayed. I think that's fine. That's probably what an OT's Set out to do right. A little bit on the easy side, a little bit on the safe side, but it's okay to have those every once in a while.
Cozy Snap:I agree. I think it's okay to have them every once in a while, but I do think given what's happened with snap lately and given just. Really need to kick this year into high gear. I think, personally, I would do more of the risky things, personally. You know, the top 100, all respect for you. But I think if you got that Thanos build out there in the shed, release the Kraken, see what he does. That gets people excited to come back and play the game. You know, it's very evident, man. OTA videos on my channel used to get 100, 000 views. This one got a fourth of that. People are not excited. And I think that it's Would be more wise to get people excited now again giving benefit of the doubt Maybe that there was technical issues and this is kind of what they could do. But yeah, it wasn't anything like crazy Cool, although I was a fan of some underplayed cards getting better like no more like miss marvel By the way, I think me and you are like 10 for 10 on what we think an ota will have mr. Fantastic Miss marvel, we've called some of these people getting changed as of recent so Definitely interesting and then it was funny because I mean, back in Madame Web coming out, we were, we were kind of like talking about Dagger, like how is this, how is this okay the way it is and then it lasted as long as it did and then eventually, eventually it doesn't. So altogether guys, that is February as a whole and also the OTA for Marvel Snap for the month of February.
Alexander Coccia:Listen. you called me out on a prior episode on your side there for not watching the trailer for the upcoming movie and guess what sir, in between breaks, in between recording, I did watch it, it looks pretty badass. So, I am officially excited for the new Captain America movie.
Cozy Snap:Oh nice, okay, yeah, what what are you excited about?
Alexander Coccia:I'm just excited for what looks like a high budget, Marvel attempt at like writing the ship because like, okay, so this might sound crazy, but it took me a long time to finally watch Deadpool Wolverine. I only watched it last week and one of my favorite parts in it was when Deadpool welcomes Wolverine and says we're in a bit of a low point by the way.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I can't believe you just saw that movie. And what are like, okay, like honesty hour, what are the biggest movies you haven't seen that you know, or like people would be mad at?
Alexander Coccia:In, in Marvel. Oh, in Marvel? Oh man, I don't know. I think it was Deadpool and Wolverine. Right now, like my wife and I only get to watch like 15 20 minutes of a movie every night before one of us passes out. We're currently watching Love and Thunder. Okay. Oof. Well, she likes it actually. And we just watched the Russell Crowe part. That's where we're at.
Cozy Snap:Okay. That one, yeah. That was a movie. That was definitely a movie. Have you seen Black Panther 2?
Alexander Coccia:Oh yeah, yeah. I have. That was great. I thought it was awesome. And I loved like the storyline with the Kia and everything like that. Have
Cozy Snap:you seen like Thor Ragnarok? Like the classics?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, that's awesome. I love it. That's where Surger's from! Are you kidding me? Doctor Strange? That's one of my favorite opening scenes. Doctor Strange? Oh yeah, I saw in the universe of madness or the multiverse of madness, that's what Chavez is. The first one, the
Cozy Snap:first one.
Alexander Coccia:I have seen the first one, yeah, and actually I loved the first one, I thought it was great, I thought it was such a, like, Those, those like those stories, like the origin stories, I find so fascinating, they're so cool. And actually, you know what, the first Thor I liked too, I liked that like fish out of water type thing, where he's like, Walking around as like an Asgardian and as a human, it's kind of funny. I know what
Cozy Snap:you haven't seen that, I, for sure, I feel like you haven't seen it, and you need to, because there's a new version series coming out to it. Have you seen Daredevil, the show?
Alexander Coccia:No, I've never seen Daredevil. So good.
Cozy Snap:It's, it's, it's one of those you don't have to be a Marvel fan to enjoy. Like, at all.
Alexander Coccia:I haven't watched any of the What Ifs either. And I heard they're really good.
Cozy Snap:Do Daredevil before those. For sure. Daredevil before those? Okay. Yeah, good series. And I think in March, it's Miss Opportunity, they're not doing a season for it, I don't know why, but yeah, it's, it's definitely, just give it, give it a shot, Mr. Alex Kojo.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I get really excited because it's cool being like, oh, I know who that guy is, right? Just like when I was watching you know, I, I watched all these movies and I'm like, I told my wife, I'm like, that's Gore, I know who Gore is. I'm like, and then like. It starts to make more sense how their abilities are surprisingly tied to their kind of powers to some degree. I think that's something that Snap does really well. They kind of capture the essence of the character in the card very often, which I think is really cool. And talking about really cool, Kosey, you know what I thought was really cool? What? I thought that Iron Patriot Was pretty cool. We're going to start with our review of the cards. We're gonna hold ourselves accountable. Cozy. And Iron Patriot was a season pass card in marble staff for those that may not have realized an Iron Patriot statistically. Now this surprised me. This really surprised me. Now we're using the entire month, 30 days statistics, untapped 6, 000 collection 6, 000 collection level and above. Infinite only stats. Across all decks in that month, Iron Patriot ran a 50. 6 percent win rate, which is way lower than I expected. However, a 27 percent popularity. But, there were decks that were outliers that were running 53, percent win rates. Some of them being Erishim at 55%. And so the decks where Iron Patriot kind of really found its footing in. I think it became a really solid addition to, but this was also something that we had mentioned in the past where this was very much. So a card that could go anywhere and believe it or not, it went everywhere. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:this is definitely one of the most enjoyable cards on release and then even post and after that I like a lot, I think iron Patriots. Yeah. One of my favorite cards released in a long time, just solid across the board. I think we nailed it too in our early evaluations. What did we give it?
Alexander Coccia:You gave it a five. I gave it a 4. 5 because there was another card. I wanted to give the honorary five too. But it was also both of us, the top card of the month. We had both indicated that it was the top card of the month in our final rankings. And so I think we nailed it. I think it ultimately does come out on top. Yeah. However. I think there are some other cards that might, in terms of their niche, might amplify their, their reach for those niches more, right? And we'll discuss those when we get there. But overall, I think that Iron Patriot is a very good addition to Collections. I wonder if it gets, if it has the sting power. Because it feels like there's so much competition at the two slot now, and it seems to be only getting harder and harder. I mean, Sam Wilson is literally a 2 3, right? So the competition's getting so fierce, and I wonder if Iron Patriot falls off. Because we don't see Jeff anymore.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think it's gonna stay. I think there's enough it factor in it. I mean, and just the style of play that it has. I don't see it, you know. I just don't see it dropping off right away. It's, I feel like it's much more, like, Jeff Is more plug and playable, but this just has infinite reach in a lot of ways. I don't know. I don't see it go anywhere. That's just me personally too, because I'm going to play it a lot.
Alexander Coccia:Yep. And do you think he is the card of the month? Yeah. I
Cozy Snap:mean, for
Alexander Coccia:me. Yeah. I can see him over time being the card of the month. And so yeah, definitely if you bought the season pass I think it was a pretty good return in terms of the actual. Power, obviously the weekend missions with the gold, and of course everything else you unlocked. Season Pass continues to be one of the better values in Snap. As long as you don't buy the super expensive version, that makes absolutely no sense. So that is Iron Patriot, and we are reaffirming our position that it was an absolutely top card. Now we're gonna move to Victoria Hand. And now this is where things get a little choppy. Cozy, you had given a 4. 5. I had given a 4. 5, but I said that emotionally, this was my five, that this was the card that I was most excited for still said 4. 5, but this was like my five I'm excited for card. And in early testing, it certainly did appear that way running decks in the 54 percent win rate range. Those were the Wiccan iron Patriot based shells. They also included frigging speed. We talked about those on those initial review days, however, on aggregate for the month. Infinite only statistics. Victoria hand ran a 49 percent win rate at a 13 percent popularity. A 49 percent win rate is much lower than I would expect on aggregate. Now that also does account for a lot of the experimentation that was happening. And but the primary decks that have been solidified are not reaching much above 54 percent win rate, which would indicate that it is perhaps weaker than expected. However. We say this all the time, so I ask you, Cozy, is this one of those cards that's going to age like fine wine?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think so. I, yeah, I don't know. This is one of those that I'm kind of, it's maybe not the same thing as Frigga, but I'm, I'm just closing my eyes. I mean, Frigga had, no question, 40 something whenever we did the interview for her. I think that this is, it's just a lot more niche, but in that niche, it's, it's, it's solid and we're going to get more of what this does. I don't know if it'll age as well as something like Frigga, but I do think it's going to be fine.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and when we talk about statistics, it's also worth mentioning is, like, we're, we're kind of like incorporating statistics during a lot of that testing phase, right? Because there's a different, there's different approaches, right? We can talk about the last seven days of statistics. Or in order to get a larger sample size, we can talk about the month in aggregate. And that's what we're doing in this case. And here we're seeing that she ran a lower percentage win rate overall, but looking at the most recent decks, they're still only getting into the 54 percentile range, whereas we were getting higher percentage rates on the iron Patriot. So clearly she is weaker than iron Patriot. However, I do think she's a good card and bring up Frigga is a great example of that. Because Frigga was not impressive on release and I think we both gave her good reviews. I liked Frigga. I thought this card was so cool and she still ended up getting buffed from a 3 3 to a 3 4. And I actually think you called that in advance, by the way. I do remember specifically you literally like, like implanting the thought into Glen's mind. And then now Frigga, Frigga is the reason why that moveshell got bounced. We talked about the OTA recap. The whole reason why that moveshell absolutely popped off was because you were able to Frigga like the inexpensive little movers. And bounce them and then frig of them and I'll do all that kind of stuff, right? I think that's victoria hand might be in a similar position I think this is a good card ignore the stats if you have it in your collection Be be happy with it because you're going to pull it out again soon
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and I would say on stats man. I think you like stats a bit more than I do I'm, not crazy about stats representing where cards are All that much, especially now when there were so many people playing and that what Untapped was able to just get a huge pool of players. Like that to me is just a lot different than it is now and also just like, let's say Rivals for example, I don't let stats speak to a tier list in my head. Because there's so many factors that go into that, right? And if we would have done that with Frigga, we would have been dead wrong. So it's tough, like, there's a lot of things that go into those stats, making them lower, right? Testing phase, but other th So, for me, personally, like, I don't If I see a 49, I'm not like, Aw, it whiffed. So, I don't know, but in that regard, I think Victoria Hand maybe wasn't exactly where we had her at, but I I still think she's she's fine.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I would tend to agree and I like what you're saying about stats as well because you could be someone who just solely fixes, fixates on the meta and just wants to play the statistical best stuff. Then you might be cutting a lot of the enjoyment out of the game. Right. And yeah, I absolutely do agree. And stats aren't everything. We also, of course, we do have a reduction in the amount of information we're getting because there are simply less games being played. And so, yes, absolutely cozy. I do agree. And that's going to take us to Moonstone. Now, Moonstone is interesting from a standpoint that we both were at the 3 range. I gave 5 and that was because I said I could see Moonstone potentially reaching in that like 3 to 4 range, so I went 3. 5. You were pretty stern at 3. Was it clumsier? Yes. Did it find its spot? Perhaps the top decks you're currently seeing in it are Wiccan based shells that are running anywhere between 54 percent win rate now, considering that other season pass cards in the past, like even something like a Surtur was in the 57 percent win rate range right now, obviously it's not a season pass card. So poor comparison, but we're looking at like these win rates that are a little on the lower end. She seems to be underperforming. However, we're looking at Sam Wilson, where you have a month coming out with some more ongoing cards. So is Moonstone's time to shine still coming?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think we said that about her in their initial review is just like because she covers three and lower That's so many cars. I mean just with our last with our the new cards come this month We add what three new cards to her, ability, right or technically four So like every month she has the ability to shine more and more like even just this Month, right? That shield is going to make her not be able to be destroyed. If it goes into her lane, like that adds a big value to her. There's a lot of cool things that I think that can happen with her. So I do, I love the future of Moonstone.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And honestly, the decks that I saw her being played with, which included ongoing base shells that had like the speeds in them. Right. Which is why Wiccan was being used so effectively, the speeds, the friggas, like those were great. I often had games were Victoria hand, not sorry, Victoria hand where Moonstone was getting well above 10 power. Like if you're thinking, Oh, I never had Victoria I keep seeing Victoria hand. I never had Moonstones in Shanxi range. My buddy, you're playing her incorrectly. Cause I had regular Moonstones in Shanxi range. Like I had massive Moonstones, Clefairies were all over the place. And at the end of the day, like I think the card has a tremendous amount of potential. Moreover, it has the the silver surfer effect where every single one, two, and three that comes out, you're going to be looking at and saying, okay, hold on. It's an ongoing one, two or three. What does Moonstone think about it? And so I do think that it provides it's, is it a design challenge moving forward perhaps, but it's one of those cards that ultimately will feel somewhat irreplaceable when it becomes a mainstay in the deck, if that makes any sense. Yep. Agreed cozy. Next up is part of our conversation is bullseye. Now this is, I'll tell you right off the bat. We were both, we put them right at the bottom. We were like bullseye is probably the worst card of the month. We didn't necessarily say that, but we were, I think we did say it actually, I think we were kind of pretty low on bullseye and lo and behold, isn't it the way it always is. Bullseye ends up being not only good, But literally your boy's shell was the one that led the way at a 56 percent win rate for the entire month, one of the top plate decks in Marvel snap during that timeframe and it had frig in it, by the way. And you know, that's, that's awesome. We love to see that. Bullseye was great. The Bullseye was absolutely phenomenal. It did showcase some of the growing pains of Snap, like the fast forward animations and stuff like that, but Bullseye himself did very well. In terms of the aggregate statistics, we're looking at a 50 percent flat win rate, at a 9 percent popularity, that's for the entire month, but some of the decks were running 56%, 54%, and the Zola variant was running in the 55 percent range as well, which is pretty cool to see. So, as a whole, Bullseye did Impress.
Cozy Snap:Did it impress, though, temporarily? Like, is it gonna be, you think, something like a scorn impressed? Or, cause scorn, same thing, right? It was like, oh wow, it was performing really well, and it fell off. What do you think about it, right? Is it gonna, is it going to continue to do well?
Alexander Coccia:Does it have the staying power? That's a great question. And that's actually something I've thought about a lot in Snap. And we'll get to it in the Power Creep stuff too. It's like one of those things where it's like, you want to invest in a card. And I find this as a content creator, it's like I kind of just want to play bullseye all the time, but I can't, I got to test the new thing. I got to play the new, and if something is too good, I can't play that either. So I got like, I never get to really just play what I want until I'm offline. I just like, you know, cope and play surfer nonstop, but like. Does he have the staying power? Like, is he the new de facto version of discard? If you were, if everyone in Marvel snap was just to play discard nonstop and you had traditional APOC, Drac discard, you had black night discard, you had bullseye discard. Would the bullseye version actually outperform those or is it the flavor of the month? I don't know if I have an answer to that. I, it certainly would outperform the Black Knight version, but straight up traditional discard is good. Like, it's really good. Because, like, if you think about the Bullseye Shells, they're not running traditional good cards, like Proxima, right? They don't have Proxima in there. You don't have, like, the Moon Knight Proxima and Apocalypse Synergy. Fenris is making a bit of a comeback right now because of the next card we're going to talk about and Ares and Surtur and everything like that. I don't know, because that's a great question. What do you think?
Cozy Snap:I, I'm just not, like, I, I think Iron Patriot is gonna be much better for sure in the long run. Over, like, I guess that's something to compare two niches, I guess. Personally, like if we're going to re rank these, where would you put Bullseye? That's, I guess he's the last one, right? So I guess that's a fair place to say. Well, no, he's not the
Alexander Coccia:last one. We got the guy. We got, we got, we
Cozy Snap:got Aries too. So when we get there, I want to be curious where you would put him in compared to the other cards because it goes a little bit with the stats conversation, but yeah, definitely marks two things, right? Fun and good. Those are always, you know, two things that we like. You know, to measure and snap, especially nowadays. And so that's good. I've just, it's a hard for me to recommend him.
Alexander Coccia:No, I agree. And it's really hard to recommend cards that are so wildly niche where it's like, Oh, if you play discard in exactly this, these versions of discard, then sure. Right. And I think what was kind of like a beneficial thing is that if you didn't have Frigga You could literally sub Frigga and add Zola and the deck still function. It still worked. And I think that was kind of a good thing, but we did mention the God of war. So let's move on to the God of war. We'll talk about final rankings afterwards as well. But I came in at a four, you came in at 3. 5 and I think I might've talked to you into a four at the end. Cause you ended up dropping the four for Ares. And my friend, we said it on the Snapchat. We were like, you know what? Sometimes there's something nice about playing the big dumb guy that just slams points down. I like the dueling element. I think the animation's fun. I think it's a cool card. And it's performing very well. A 52 percent win rate and a 6 percent popularity. And these Surter decks are running 58 and 59 percent win rates. Like they are banging right now. Statistically, Aries is going to be the highest performing card of the month from a win rate, statistical standpoint. And that doesn't surprise me. We were pretty high on them and he's performing.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. As was cold city. And back in February of last year, right. It was the same thing. And the reason I gave him a 3. 5, I guess, at the end, is it's the same exact thing. It's like, Cole fell off. You went to 4 in the
Alexander Coccia:end.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and Cole fell off, though, too. Oh, I went to 4, okay. But, regardless, Cole fell off eventually. Like, that train, because it's the same style of deck, blah blah blah. And, if it's at 58%, we know that the devs are gonna attack it aggressively in a future OTA if it stays at that. It doesn't take away from him being a great card. Love that about him. And he's not win more with that deck, he's just win better, like, more consistently. We know his stat line's great. Good card around the board. If that is your style of deck, you can't go wrong with Ares for sure. And it's the definition of a card that will do better over time.
Alexander Coccia:No, he's great. I, I really liked him in my review. I was like, I like this card. I felt like it was the only one too. I felt like a lot of people were down on Aries. I'm like, I don't, I think they're wrong, man. I think this card's legit. I thought it was fun. And like, even when we talk about like cards that are coming out, we have a lot of like complicated combo piece cards. Like we, we joked about like, this is actually a three card combo. I think that Aries is it's, these types of designs are kind of beautiful, right? They're very, they're straightforward, but they're fun. They're engaging. They are high stakes. They're low stakes. The ceiling's high, the floor is low. But you can mitigate, like, you know, you can play the Cassandra Novas. You can play the Aquiles if you want, or you can just play the Chonky Boys. You can keep an eye on your deck track or figure out exactly what your odds are. Right. You could kind of poke at like, okay, well, what deck are they playing with their first couple of hands? You could kind of insinuate how you will fare with the Aries play. You can play them on turn six. Right. I think there was a lot of things in terms of flexibility that was beneficial. And once again, we say this all the time, the cards might be one tricks, but if they're one tricks in a deck, that's really good, like, yeah, he's a one trick in Surtur for the most part, but he's crushing it there and those decks have always been good and this is post nerf Surtur got nerfed as did Scar and we're still seeing them pump. And, that deck also got hit because Alioth got changed from a 9. Those decks had Alioth in them. That was three nerfs to that shell. And now you add Ares, and he pumps it right back up. So, I think this shell is good, I think Serdar is the way to play him. There was a special shout out to the Mill version. There was a Mill version going on with Misery and stuff like that, where basically the idea is like you just destroy their deck, and then Ares always by default wins. It wasn't as consistent from an Aries standpoint, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. That's cool design, yeah. Yeah, it was a cool design. It was really fun. Wasn't as effective from a win rate perspective. Like, I'm actually looking at it right now. It had a 49 percent win rate with negative cubes, but it was fun. It was definitely fun. So let's talk final rankings cozy. Okay. This was my list. And let's see, actually, let's just do both. We almost identical actually. Oh my gosh. Wait, no, we did. We did have identical lists. We both went iron Patriot, Victoria hand. Ares, Moonstone, Bullseye, and ours were identical. Wow. Okay. How do we change that?
Cozy Snap:So, starting at 1 or 6? Let's start at
Alexander Coccia:1. Iron Patriot, I think, is correct. Yeah, I
Cozy Snap:think Iron Patriot's
Alexander Coccia:still 1. Who's your 2? Victoria Hand was number 2 for us.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, who's your 2 now?
Alexander Coccia:Who's my 2 now? I would probably go Ares.
Cozy Snap:You'd go Ares at 2?
Alexander Coccia:Yes.
Cozy Snap:Yeah man, that's tough. I'm just trying to think of, like, Cole Obsidian, how he aged. Like, I would almost go I like Moonstone's future, man. I really do. I think Moonstone's got some really good power ahead of her, and time ahead of her, but just, it's not showing. I guess, I guess Ares. Yeah, we had about three, right? So I guess I would have him at two now. Okay, who's three now?
Alexander Coccia:And then I would go Bullseye. Bullseye
Cozy Snap:3, this is where I would go Moonstone.
Alexander Coccia:Moonstone, then Moonstone, and then, ironically, Victoria Hand would probably be the weakest, but like, I don't like that either.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's weird. I feel
Alexander Coccia:like I like Victoria Hand more than I like Moonstone.
Cozy Snap:This is tough, this is tough to have any loser, because a lot of them are going to have
Alexander Coccia:Their spot.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, they're going to have their spot, like it's the opposite of this next coming month, where I think most of these are fine. It reminds me of, like, I think the Frigga month was this way, so tough to rank them top to bottom. I think we got Patriot, right, obviously bullseye was much better than we thought. I want to see how the niche plays down the road.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And I think that the problem is if searcher and that shell gets hit again, then areas dies off. Like he has not proven himself in those other shells. And so as a result, like he, he's definitely a one trick that's really reliant on that one deck doing well. And it's like, it's like the Madam web situation, madam web can be great. But if that shell is not working or if it's missing something. It's missing one or two pieces. Then that whole thing doesn't perform. Right. So very interesting discussion, which also leads us into the next really interesting discussion, cozy about power creep. Now, the, the reason why we're talking about this is, on Reddit, there was a very interesting post by ResolveAsleep, that's the Reddit user, and you see the graphic on the screen here, and it was comparing Ares to the Guardians of the Galaxy, and they had stated that Ares looks at the top, obviously we know what Ares does, plus six power, looks at the top three cards of your deck, And then when you look at the Guardians and the amount of hoops you have to jump through for like Drax, Groot, Star Lord, and maybe with the exception of Gamora, they never reach that power level. Like, Drax is so much worse than Ares, it's not even funny. And so, it got me thinking about a discussion about Power Creep. Because we want new cars to be exciting, but at the same time, Drax, why the hell would you play Drax ever when you can just play Ares? Like, really, how much easier is Ares, and how much more predictable is Ares compared to something like a Drax? And so, it kind of brought this idea of Power Creep. So Cozy, my question to you is, do you think Ares Is power crept gardens of the galaxy.
Cozy Snap:It's why I think OTAs are so important. Because it's like, yeah, we're going to have OTAs of now and then that have like one power point. I think it's just the wrong idea. I think there's so many freaking things to do with this game. And you could go through the theory of not every card needs to be good. And I think that's fine in a card like, or a game like Pokemon Pocket, Hearthstone. Where you open up these packs and there's tons and tons of cards, right? But in the model of Snap, I think every card deserves to have a shot to be pretty playable, right? It's just puzzling to me. There's so much to do and cards that need love and then, you know, XYZ gets its 20th adjustment. And so, yeah, I mean for sure, right? At this point, Guardians are more or less a joke of a play style and there's many that fit that role. And so, I obviously want new cards to be good and to have their place but I think it's important in these OTAs to get the old ones right.
Alexander Coccia:And you have Ares as a 4 6. Cozy, I'm gonna say a couple cards in the four cost, and you tell me if this is Power Creep. White Queen, a 4 6. Yeah. Versus Ares 4 6. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:right. Definitely.
Alexander Coccia:How about The Thing? Who also got nerfed from High Evo, by the way. But you have The Thing.
Cozy Snap:Just vanilla cards have aged horribly in the game, yeah. So, yeah. Rescue, can you please talk about Rescue? Rescue
Alexander Coccia:is the next one I have on the list. Rescue, like, is it even worth it, right? Like Rescue
Cozy Snap:compared to Ares. Rescue is a 4 4 that goes to Ares is a 4 6 that goes to a 4 12. That one's laughable.
Alexander Coccia:And you know exactly where your opponent's going to play on the rescue turn. And you can't play it on turn six, where you can play Ares on turn six. Yeah, it's terrible. Absolute garbage. And like, talk about the two drops. We were talking about Iron Patron and stuff like that. Like, we joke about Lizard. How power corrupt as a lizard gun, like you literally, there's no reason to play this card at all. And it's crazy because like there, it's so competitive at the two slot because Marvel snap is six to seven turns. Those early turns matter and we've always wanted that, but it feels like that two slot is becoming so insanely competitive.
Cozy Snap:Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:that like something like a, like a lizard can't even support itself. It's literally unplayable compared to an iron page. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I mean even Maximus is in that threshold. It's like there used to be these builds for it, but now it's like a two cost either does something for your deck. Or it's like, it has a multi facet, like Spider Man now is a 2 4, and it moves that card over, which is A, disrupting your opponent, B, building up maybe a move deck, and it's 2 4. Like, there's so much going on with that card, and Lizard is a 2 5. that becomes a two one.
Alexander Coccia:The thing I think about is like, can you imagine if Lizard was in a spotlight Cash? If that was like the new card coming, what would you give at Star rise one? Yeah, it has to be a one, right?
Cozy Snap:Definite one. Yeah. It'd be it Make, it would make Thas Ross look like a five star.
Alexander Coccia:And remember when Lizard got nerfed? It was the least consequential nerf in the history of Marvel snaps what they put in the developer note and that card died and we called it by the way we called it here on the snapchat you heard it here first you were never gonna see a Lizard ever again and then like talking more about it what about something like the three costs what about Bishop we have Luna Snow that's a three six Bishop is a three one yeah yeah Joaquin as
Cozy Snap:well Joaquin's a three four that doubles up you know Joaquin's gonna Like, Bishop's one spot was maybe balanced, now Joaquin's just gonna, you know, dump on Bishop there. Yeah, I mean, 3, yeah, a 3 6 Luna, obviously even 3 8 Gladiator. It's crazy what some of these cards have gotten to, like, back in the day, there's only a couple that could reach such heights, and it's Like Thor is going up to a 310 when he gets the Mjolnir that a shuffles your deck You have to pull it. There's so much going on there and then glad he's just like a 3 8 I do it's yeah, there is definitely some question marks or just Luna snow being a 3 6 that also ramps. It's crazy
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, cuz like with something like a Thor you are literally You're, you're diluting your deck, you're diluting your deck and you have to use the lady Jane Foster to try to get it back, which is fine. It's again, it's a combo piece. Right. But yeah, like the, remember Bishop got nerfed from a three, two to a three, one on launch the launch in beta. He was a three, two, was he not? And he was actually legit, but this is how far things have power craft and it brings the next point of conversation. There's two more points I want to make, Cozy, and I ask you these questions. Can OTAs actually manage power creep, or is this something that is always just going to be a reality?
Cozy Snap:They can. I don't know if they will. I could, I, I, it It's, again, I think what I said in mine, Snapchat episode, on my side, is I think they need to be a bit more risky, and I don't even know if it's risky. Like, giving Leader and Samman a plus one, fantastic. But just give that plus one across the board, then do a couple other ones that you know need it, like the Bishops, right? Or the Lizard getting his thing, not negative four, you know, making what the old Lizard was. I need, it can if they do that, but they have shown that they, they don't, right? Like Adam Warlock has been in his place for a long time. They do every now and then. And I think a near one like between one and two, they did a lot of old cards. You know, just look at something like old Tron and what he became, but that that's slowed down a little bit.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's fair, but we've clearly seen a lot of power creep, even if you think about something like a Nightcrawler versus what Silver Sable was, like, it's, it's not even close, and Nightcrawler still finds its way into a couple decks here and there. It's not nearly as powerful as Hydration Robber was, right? Like, it's kind of crazy how that, like, Nightcrawler's a 1 2 that moves. Hydration Robber is a 1 5 that moved. It's not even in the same ballpark. And of course, yeah, you control the the Nightcrawler. But you kind of control the, the Bobber as well, right? And I guess the last thing that I want to ask you, Cozy, on this topic. There is a very famous saying in card games. That you either have power creep in card games, or you have rotations. Where you either power creep indefinitely, or sometimes at some point there's a base set of cards and there's a rotation of cards, you can't play these cards anymore and new cards come in to replace those you have standard in like something like a magic gathering, right? There's like the standard formats and then you have like the extended formats or the whatever, right? And so do you think, and this is, this is a weighted question and hard to answer. So I almost feel bad asking it, but do you think that Marvel snap just accepts the power creep or has to consider rotation in the future?
Cozy Snap:I think it's a neither. I think OTA can, yeah, I think OTAs can solve it better than I would hate a rotation. I would suck.
Alexander Coccia:I agree. Actually. Yeah. Rotation feels awful for what I think Marvel snap is designed to be.
Cozy Snap:What, you know, what the solution is, is like, okay, so you take rivals, for example. When you have these, like, hero shooters and stuff, it's tough because, you know, take Overwatch, and Smite, and these other games, and MOBAs, League of Legends. When they have a new hero, they want to sell the hero, and so they make the hero good, and then sometimes they nerf it. But when a game is free to play, and all the stuff is free, it makes it so much easier that power creep doesn't exist, right? Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic came out. They're good. Invisible Woman's really good. Mr. Fantastic's so so. But it doesn't matter, because everybody got to play the everybody gets them. Everybody gets them for free. And it's not as big of a deal if the they don't if the older ones don't hold up. And if there's a new because everybody has them. Power creep becomes an issue. When you're gatekeeping, that's the problem.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And actually a great example is this might be going off the beaten path a bit, but heroes of the storm did this a lot. Like me and my brother, we played a ton of heroes of the storm, which was like the blizzard MOBA and they would release their new card or the new card, their new hero. And when we say broken, like there's no way the designers even tried to balance these, these heroes. Like they were so broken that like my grandmother. Who doesn't even speak English. Who's never played a video game before right off the boat. Italian would have looked at this hero and been like, this is broken AF. Right and they release them and they sell it for two weeks And then they dial it back a little bit and it's still broken another two weeks to dial it back a little bit Like bro, you know, this card is absolutely or this hero's Bonkers broken but it's because of this the greenback's cozy that us dollar so strong and that's what you want That's what they want. And at the end of the day, yes, you are right when it comes to free to play You don't necessarily have that problem, but marvel snap Is free to play, but it's not free to acquire these cards. So you get these season pass cards. They come out. Okay. Yeah. You got to pay for those. Yeah. You can acquire tokens over time, but guess what? We, we see bundles with 6, 000 tokens. How expensive are they? I'm not seeing a 6, 000 bundle token for less than a hundred dollars Canadian. So it must be worth at least a hundred bucks or so. Right. At the end of the day, like you're right. gatekeep access. To these cars and power creep becomes an issue and obviously rotation does as well. So, yeah, I absolutely agree cozy. Was there anything else you wanted to add?
Cozy Snap:No, I think, I think that covered it. I mean, I think that's what the options are and, you know, for game out for two years, they've done a pretty good job with it. I would get in that, but it could, it could get down a slippery slope.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And it's one of those things where like, you know, we all want to be armchair, you know, balance authorities on Marvel snap. But at the end of the day, like. I think Glenn's doing a pretty damn good job. Like there it's, it's, it's hard. And as Marvel snap gets larger and it's card base, we're adding, you know, five cards a month, sometimes six cards a month. It's gonna be harder because there's gonna be more synergies more ways to break the game It's just like every single card now can break itself with every single other card that already exists It's like the matrix of cards becomes more complicated. And so it's maybe not a problem for today, but a year from now It just might be a problem, but you know, it's not a problem. Cozy is jumping to the mailbag and what is one of the weaker segues of the day. But what I will tell you is that we do have some fantastic questions and we're, you know what, we've been starting with a lot of non snap questions. So we're going to kind of cleanse our pal here. We have a lot of non snap stuff too, but we're going to start with a snap question. We're going to keep you snap audience gamers engaged with a question from six rounds down that says, honestly, I would like to see what's next for alliances. They launched last year with minimal features and bad rewards. And this is something, this is me speaking now, this is something that they had mentioned that alliances, they did want to iterate on more often and improve on, is this something you'd like to see as well Cozy?
Cozy Snap:Do you call me pessimistic? I don't think we're going to get a lot there in a while. I would like to see it. It's, they did, they, They doubled down on saying that there's going to be, this is just the start, and they want to see Alliance Wars and things like that. But I just think that they have bigger fish to fry. I think we're going to get the draft mode before that. You know what I mean? I just see this coming pretty late, and I'm glad they came out because it's a way to get a lot more free stuff, right? Like, definitely, it was good that they came out as a whole. But it could be a while. It's a cool concept for sure. I just think they have other things they need to take care of first.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, if you just want to do something easy second dinner increase the bounty board So there's more options because honestly I look at the bounty board I'm, like I gotta move five cards and then I gotta destroy my cards and I gotta play Mr. Fantastic with Scarlet Witch sick like thanks guys, like it's always awful Give us more options. They did add some additional quests or just like spend energy quests, which I think are cool. That's fine. But like even small things like that, just make it easier. Like so hard. I think a lot of people in the comments would say that they're not engaging with alliances. Cause they're probably not getting those Alliance rewards. Like it's their, the awards are too hard to kind of acquire, even if you have a large Alliance. So it definitely needs some love. And like, yeah, the large development side would be beneficial, but even some small, just quality of life changes could be beneficial as well. Now, Alex Connardy made a comment because we had mentioned my knowledge of the United States of America's geography and they said, Being from Iowa, I immediately wanted to be offended, but I quickly realized that I also know nothing about Iowa. And so this was the cozy ask me what state that I knew nothing about. I said Iowa, and there was a lot of questions about this, and they said eventually you and I will have to like quiz each other on the geographies of Canada and the United States and see what we have, and that might be a fun like episode for another day, like a special show. See you tomorrow. A special episode we'll have to turn to you because I'd love to test cozy's knowledge of Canada.
Cozy Snap:Nothing about Canada. Nothing. Like I know hockey. That's it. That I don't, I will get killed and I can't wait. You played hockey, didn't you say that once? For sure. But I, I have no shot in, in, I know where Vancouver is in Toronto. That, that, that's, that's it. That's my knowledge. So you know how to
Alexander Coccia:find me basically.
Cozy Snap:That's yeah, barely. Probably not.
Alexander Coccia:Well, it's way colder here. It's so funny. Cause like I kind of, I'm envious of the San Diego weather, I gotta tell you man, I should never have come, I should never have come to San Diego, because now I always say, every time I'm driving and like my car is going sideways in the snow, I'm like, Koji doesn't have this damn problem, like, I mean, it's like, when I'm shoveling snow and I'm cold, it's like Koji doesn't have this problem, have you ever shoveled snow? I think I've asked you that before, I think that's like, I'm having this deja vu, I've definitely asked you that. I
Cozy Snap:think I did in college, but that's it.
Alexander Coccia:Nice, nice. And the next question comes from GamerDank, and it reads, The fact that the devs could have just given us a pixel variant, an icon, and an I'm sorry emote, but instead they really went beyond, says a lot, and I appreciate it, and this is in reference to the compensation, and SirJack followed that up with, aside from the banned compensation, the improvement to the Galactus pool on the web store is also pretty insane. Removing boosters from the pool and having 100 credits as a minimum. More stuff for free, please. This is something that we actually glossed over last week. They did change the web store. No, we didn't. We talked about it. On the new
Cozy Snap:era of Snap. We did talk about it. We talked about it. On the
Alexander Coccia:new
Cozy Snap:era of
Alexander Coccia:Snap. Oh man, I forgot. I thought we forgot, but I guess we didn't. Cozy, you're on top of things. Maybe I was just sleeping because it was like literally the next day. Like it was the middle of the night when we recorded so maybe I blacked out at that point. But yeah. I think the compensation was great, you should have all received it from now, I know that there were some concerns that some people in like Puerto Rico and some other areas that they were like, did not get the U. S. version, I think that's being rectified, from my understanding from communications from Second Inter, but I think they nailed the compensation, Cozy, how did you feel? Did you feel compensated?
Cozy Snap:Felt like Christmas, man. It was cool to get that bag. It was crazy. It was like I think I saw a tweet. Someone said it feels like they got their tax refund. I thought that was a good way to, good way to put it. Just all of a sudden you have all this like excess currency. And I didn't get that many good variants, I'll be honest. I was like, eh, I wish it would have gotten better. And my boosters were horrible on nobody. I got like strong guy. But it was still cool. It was, it was obviously a big one.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it was a big one. And I got to say, actually, on the topic of boosters, I really think boosters are one of those currencies in the game that makes no sense right now. And I still think that, you know, how you have those fast upgrades in the store where you like, you just automatically upgrade the card without needing the boosters, I think they shouldn't be resetting the boosters. Like if you have 25 boosters and you upgrade something to infinite, just let us keep the 25 boosters. Stop zeroing it. It doesn't make any sense, but we're going to close it today on Socratic gambler. Who had one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. And I laughed at this cozy trashing. Pepsi is the most energized. He's been on the Snapchat in a while. Cozy fighting illness, fighting whatever you have had a hell of a challenge over the last couple of weeks. When we brought up Pepsi cozy, got absolutely fired up cozy. The question is. Do you still hate Pepsi?
Cozy Snap:I, I definitely do. This is why I like filming at night because I think Alex and I are a bit loosey goosey right now, guys. It's, it's, it's 3:00 PM It's, it's chill. It's not as saucy. Alex slurring the words. I mean, it's, it's a beautiful thing. But yes, I, I, I saw that comment and I actually, it got a good chuckle out of me. I was very very passionate. It's why we want to add some of these random subjects. I think it's fun to opinions are a fun thing, buddy. And yes, I still hate Pepsi, although I saw somebody say cherry Pepsi is better than cherry Coke. I might agree with it.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, that's something we don't get a lot of. I don't think we have like the flavored colas like you guys do. Like, I don't think I've ever had a cherry or
Cozy Snap:yeah, they, they were big. I don't know if you listeners know this or remember this when Vanilla Coke and Vanilla Dr. Pepper came out. They were big It was a movement and then they kind of fell off some people still get them But they fell off for me whenever I go to like There's a place to go to called firehouse subs banging subs and they have like this machine It's like dude looks like an iPad and it like you could pick like a coca cola and it's like pick your syrup And every time I do that, I see it all come out and I'm like, I don't want any of that in my body. I really shouldn't even have Coke, I guess. But I was like, I'll just take a Coca Cola without the vanilla. But yeah, you're not missing much.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. And I guess the final thing that I need to ask is, when you get a Coke, is it diet or regular?
Cozy Snap:Always regular.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, I was gonna say, okay, my, my wife's family gets, they, they're a Pepsi family, by the way, this is crazy, they only buy Pepsi, her dad loves Pepsi, he only buys Diet Pepsis, and every time he offers me a little bit, like, he gets a little Diet Pepsi, puts a little rum in it or something like that for me, it tastes so bad, I'm like, this, this Diet Pepsi is awful, like, the, the difference between diet and regular is so just mind blowing, I, I can't put myself through it.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, if I'm gonna drink that garbage, I'm gonna just drink the full garbage, you know what I mean, I don't, I'm not even a diet, just. Just if I'm going to go in, I go all the way in, you know, it's like trying to find candy that's like organic. I'm like, bro, just, I'm already putting trash in the system. I just might as well go for it. You can
Alexander Coccia:say that. Cause you're yoked, buddy. If you looked like me, like a giant muffin, you'd perhaps be paying more attention to the quality of the Coke that you're taking in cozy, confirming that I look like a muffin, you heard it here first, and we'll see you on the next Snapchat episode.
Cozy Snap:Happy snapping!