The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Ares: The God of War | New Era of Marvel Snap | Bullseye In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 117
Will Ares be the God of Snap War? What is the compensation for the temporary Snap ban in the US? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Bullseye? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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You’ve been listening to The Snap Chat. Keep the conversation going on x.com/ACozyGamer and x.com/AlexanderCoccia. Until next time, happy snapping!
What's going on guys and welcome to another episode of the Snapchat. We are live here on Monday. Finally, we have returned to talk about Ares, a card simple by design, but he might be great and what else is great is a new era of Marvel snap Alex and I going to talk about the new era ahead, what it might mean, what we want to come from it and everything in between. And then lastly. We'll be talking about cards. We don't play enough. There's plenty of cards that you probably don't play enough. And Alex and I have a good list for you today. And we're going to talk about that all today on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one, the only Mr. Alex Kocha. And I am just minutes from a couple things. It's late tonight, if you guys might want to know. So late that we can actually tell you who's going to the Super Bowl. It is the Chiefs and the Eagles. Although we probably could have made that guess. And this could have been like a week ago when we'd still be somewhat right. Josh Allen cannot beat the Patrick Mahomes. And buddy, I am coming straight from my first visit. Of a chiropractor. Have you ever been to one?
Alexander Coccia:I have and I know that like, there's like some controversy around the general practice of a chiropractor. I mean, I guess people can kind of duke it out in the comments. But like, I actually kind of enjoy it. I don't mind it, but like, I used to have this chiropractor that was like really soft, and she would just kind of like, go like, pop! And I'm like, okay. And then she'd charge me like 70 bucks. I was like, okay, that did not feel worth it. And so I got this new chiropractor that I go to every once in a while, and I told him that. And now he like, literally, Beats me, beats me like for that 70 bucks, you know,
Cozy Snap:first side tangent, that is me with like all the, if I get a massage and I'm always like, they're like more pressure. And I'm like, yeah, I could do some more. And then they like, take that. And they're like, give me like the people's elbow, man. But second, this was my first time. Like I haven't never been a chiropractor kind of guy. I've got a slip disc and I got it a long time ago when I was a a young one on a motorcycle got got in an accident. And it's always acting up, man. Always messing up. And I, I tweaked it, man, bad tweak and, and someone was like, you got to go try the chiropractor. It's going to be great. I've only seen those, like, I don't have a tick top, but like the YouTube shorts, you know, of like the guy that's like, does the crack all the way up. So I was a little fearful going in, right? Little bit, not fearful. I just like, I don't, I don't, it's not often in times you do things that you've never done before as an older person, you know to call myself an older person, but you know, Not a lot of first time experiences. Dude, I was just laughing the whole time because it was so unexpected. Like, I'm telling you'd be like, you know, put a little counter strain here on your elbow and like, okay, and then just, bro, it was just so much. I haven't had that kind of stuff. I haven't had something popped like that ever, man. He even told me he's like that joint hasn't seen air since 2005. Like I felt it. It, I, I don't know if I like, I'm still, I still don't know if I liked what happened.
Alexander Coccia:That makes exactly perfect sense, and that is like the prototypical experience with a chiropractor. You walk out, you're like, oh man, this actually like, something happened, and then you wake up in the morning and it hurts more than ever.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I feel it like right now. I'm like a little bit better, but I also know tomorrow's gonna be like way worse. That's why I'm glad I'm like getting through it now. And then yeah, tomorrow we could not film. That's that's for sure. But anyway, it was a, it was a fun experience was watching the the AFC championship from the chiropractor in the corner, trying to catch my eye, man. And we got another year of, of patting my home is my, my college. Yeah. Paul's quarterback, man. So I as a Patriots fan, a Brady fan, I'm pissed. That he's coming for some of the legacy, but also, man, just that dude's the Michael Jordan.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, I mean, you can't, you can't argue the legacy. He's putting it up for sure. And it's funny cause like, I actually narrowly dodged kind of injury this weekend. So basically on Friday you know, some of the guys at work were like, yo, we should play some soccer. We haven't played in the longest time. And we're like, yeah, let's do it. Right. And so we booked the field for an hour. I had to bring my kids. So I brought, well, two of the kids were there with me. And basically we started playing, and when I tell you, first shift of the soccer game, like, three guys were hurt. I'm not even joking. And near the end, I was actually doing pretty good. I felt alright. And then the only thing was, is like, I would come off tired. And I was like, huffing and puffing, but I was like, Why are you tired, dad? She's like, you're barely running. You're just walking around a whole bunch. And I'm like, no, you don't understand. That is not running a long time. So I went back out and I don't know if you've ever had this moment where like, you're kind of like stuck in the past and you think you can do something. It's kind of like the little Nemo. Like you think you could do it, Alex, but you can't. So the ball's like, it's like near, it's like last three minutes of the game. The ball's bouncing out. And I tried like this, like bicycle kick type thing to like save the ball. And when I say that, Hey, I like. Hit the ball. I don't even know where it went. B, I thought I blew out both knees simultaneously as I went down. And to the point, like, the other goalie walked up to me and was like, Yo, buddy, are you okay? I was just, like, rolling around on the ground. So yeah, I narrowly, I narrowly ended up needing, like, some severe chiropractic treatment myself.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I was on a football field throwing a tennis ball with my son the other day. It was, like, hard as I could. And, like, Yeah, I had that same thing. I was like, dad's going to throw the hell out of this ball right now. Bro, I, my rotator cuff is still screaming. Like I, I could feel it, you know, trying to get the old slinging arm from the QB days. And it was, it was a little rough buddy, but we're here now and we're here to talk about a little Ares, a little bit of new era of snap. We know what we're talking about over here. Alex, what are we talking about over on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Bullseye in review. The card has made quite the splash. And we're also going to be talking about the ban compensation that is coming to each and every person that is playing Marvel Snap. And then of course, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, man, let's hop right into it. We have a simple one today to talk about by design, but one that, you know, I think he's going to be pretty good. Four cost, six power card, guys. Ares, you might know him. As the God of War in Snap, he's an odd reveal. Compare the power of the top three cards, like the Game of War back in the day, of both decks. If your total is higher. Plus six power. Alex, we got a 412 on our hands and talk about, about as niche and narrow of a card, kind of with its synergy, but definitely, A powerful one in my opinion. What do you think, man? Let's kick it off with the star rating.
Alexander Coccia:I'm actually super excited for this card, honestly, and partially because it's, it's straightforward. We've had a lot of like really complex, you know, cards come out lately and that's cool for like the design, the deck design standpoint, everything. But sometimes you just want, like, something straightforward, something fun from the trailer, the effect looks really cool everyone's played War, as you discussed prior, I think it's a really flavorful card, and it kind of reminds me of Cull Obsidian, where, like, you could write it off as, ah, that's a simple card, but sometimes simple's all you need to be effective, and I'm gonna stick with my four star rating, I gave it during the preview.
Cozy Snap:I like that you brought up Cull before I gave my star rating, because I feel like I still don't play Cole a lot. He actually might be in the cards that I'm playing off. Like, you know, kind of niche. We know he's great. But this is just that little bit better, right? Because he's going to have his own kind of field to work with, but now he's Way over the power of a normal, you know forecast card and for six isn't the worst default. That's what I love about it, right? It's not like an all in. I mean, it's for six. Is it premium but like worse comes to worse? It's not awful. I guess is the way I'm trying to say it. But yeah, man. I probably am gonna say the same, I think in the decks that he's supposed to be in. I mean, he, I think he's, you know, we could say he is like a fi whatever, like he is a great card in those decks by design and in general, that will probably bring him to more of a four star kind of action. And, and I just like what he does. Again, the flavor fits. Cool. Definitely as far as like a hero, kind of interesting and, and Marvel lore a bit you know, kind of being sometimes villainous, I believe sometimes hero heroic, mostly heroic. But yeah, I don't know i'll be interested to see the problem is is I don't play You know what it is man, and we'll talk about this when we we have the I don't play these cards enough But when there's metas that come out I used to avoid them pretty heavily heavily right and one of those being surter right obviously was just like everywhere so I just didn't play them and then I kind of like Don't play him after that. Like, you know what I mean? Like when Loki was like that thing for so long, I didn't play Loki. I still didn't play Loki because I just like my mind erased it. So I don't play this style of deck all the time. So that has me excited to go back to it. But it's also like not every card is for every person. Right. And so like some people find those decks extremely fun. And I think when it comes back to someone like Surtur, who obviously is his most, you know, synergized card, if you will. I got, it's not that I got bored of that style of deck after a while, but kind of, right? It's just like the big power thing, right? So as far as like the fun factor, it's not there for me for Ares. But he's obviously insanely powerful for what he does.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, like when I say four stars, I think it's because yeah He's gonna have like a very clear cut home in Surtur and I think Surtur is way better than people are giving it credit for It's just not seeing play because I don't know why actually Because the card was literally amongst the most broken season pass cards we've had in the last like year And it's been remarkable still, the win rates are so strong, the cube rates are so strong. Yes, they went after kind of, they nerfed Surtur itself, they nerfed Skar. They've, they've kind of, like, taken a little bit off of it, but they didn't, like, destroy the deck. And with Ares coming out, I think it's a very natural play there, and it's where I'm going to be playing him for sure. And to go back to what you were saying prior about, like, not playing, like, certain types of archetypes, like Surtur when he first comes out. I did the exact same, like, you know, I didn't play Loki when he was at the top because that's not why people watch our content, right? People don't want to watch you or I sweating with the most meta deck possible. Like that's just not, we want to experiment. We're often contrarian for that reason, because we want to find some new stuff. We want to experiment with new cards and stuff like that. So yeah, I absolutely do see that. But I do think though, is I do think that Ares is going to have like a limited application. It's going to be niche. Like that's what we expect. But I think he's going to be a mainstay inserter and I think that deck is good and Ares is going to make it better without question. And that's a deck that honestly like, for the most part, you're going to be able to like, win that trade, right? Like, it's the deck built to win that trade with Ares itself.
Cozy Snap:Listen, all I know is that Scar was, you know, went from okay to good to great, right? This is just such a perfect compliment card to Scar. I mean, in every which way, it being four costs, leaning into Scar and being able to discount him you know, at the right time, right place it being in a deck that compliments scar and all the cards around it, right? I mean, this is one of the most, you know, synergistic cars we've seen with another by a large amount. I mean, scar being scar now requires areas, right? You know, every now and then we get a card. That comes out and you're like, you could play, you know, without it, like we used to, you know, right now, we don't have Ares, we, Scar's still fine, but Ares just takes it, is, it is going to take it, and this doesn't even need testing, to a whole nother level, I mean, just because of the way the deck's gonna work.
Alexander Coccia:Is this like the madam web for scar and for surger basically?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for me, it's more also just like red hulk We knew that hella was gonna love that back in the day, right? Like yeah, it was like oh big power Obviously it's gonna go into this and it doesn't need to be tested because that's what the deck likes to have And this being that four six It's just so nice, man. It's just going to build really well together and 12 power is crazy. Magneto on a turn 4 level of power is, I mean, putting up so much of a defense for that lane, right? Pretty quickly. Obviously Shang Chi and friends can do whatever, but man, I, I, I like him.
Alexander Coccia:And it's super fun, too. I think the effect is fun. And there is something worth noting about scouting. Now, you will not be able to see your opponent's cards. However, you can almost, like, kind of insinuate, like, what they might be playing. Like, if they only pull up six power, you might be thinking to yourself, Huh, if they're not playing Mr. Negative and, like, Iron Man or whatever, These are some weak draws upcoming. Right? And so you might be able to kind of, like, figure out, like, how you want to approach those next couple turns based on what those power totals were. Like, if your opponent sees you throw up 25 power, they might just peace, because they're like, well, this guy's topdecking all his, all his meat. You know what I mean? So it's like, it's, I don't know. I think that's kind of fascinating, too. I think it's worth mentioning.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so, I mean, outside of Surtr, and outside of Scar, is there any other hidden gem of decks that you think that, you know, might want to have this? I do want to say with the new Hela that has come out, being this 4 cost is very interesting there, even though there's already High power forecast that might even fit that slot. But I think they could, you know, work its way into that. Any other decks that you like Aries in?
Alexander Coccia:To be honest with you, I was very fixated on having him on the searcher scar shell. I haven't actually bought too far outside of that specific shell. I usually do with other with other cards. Like when I'm kind of doing my, my first stream where I'm testing cards, I usually have like four or five decks ready of varying archetypes, but with Aries, I felt like. It's like, it's like, it's like Cinderella's slipper, like, you know, just put it on the right foot. I don't know if that's a good analogy or not, but like, I felt like it was just perfect inserter, so I didn't kind of like, try to push it as far, and I mean, that's a fair question, maybe I should be thinking outside the box more, I don't know if you have.
Cozy Snap:I mean, not really outside of the key word there in honor reveal, right? So like you could have a little bit of fun, you know, maybe go one absorbing man to get another plus six I mean plus six powers are huge on reveal to happen And if you won that first roll, you're probably gonna win the second, right? And so it's not a bad card to follow up on grandmaster Shall I say it might as well throw that out there get him up another plus six probably not gonna do that But I don't hate it. So, you know, I think abs bands interesting because it's kind of it's not to this effect But it's kind of like Brood and Abs Man and the fact of like, you know, it's just gonna be a typically good follow up because, you know, in general, with Ab I mean, it's a little awkward for Kost, don't get me wrong, but, well, I don't know, actually, him being a, I forgot he's 4'4 so what, does he go to 4'10 I mean, it isn't bad, it's not a bad play if you, you know, make him work in some other decks, but this is reaching, by the way, people, the, the, the, the knot. Obvious synergy, but I think it's something that might work.
Alexander Coccia:It's not actually as crazy as you make it sound like, yeah, it's not ideal, but at the same time, you are, let's say you play Aries on turn three or four, like we'll see Zaba or whatever. Let's say you put, put up 30 power. You now know you top deck the next card. You know, what's left there. Plus one random one. So if you threw up 30 last time and you bring in a five, like a, like whatever, like a Koya or something. So you lose three power off that you're like, well, man, I can play absorbing, man, I, at least I'm probably gonna get like 27 or something. You know what I mean? So playing them after you have an indication of how far you could potentially reach power wise. And
Cozy Snap:you might not have the downside that. You know, whatever gave you that 30 or whatever is going to have when it comes, right? So maybe like I don't know type whatever is in that and you're like i'd rather just get the 10 power from from abs man here But again, you are you it depends on how you're using the The energy using it on five might not be the best maybe played early though in a three four That's not bad playing on tier three tier and four, you know, plenty of different things that can happen Obviously with Surtur this just works a bit better, too It's interesting, but I do think just with on reveal always to keep you know, our head focused on on synergy there
Alexander Coccia:I think there's something else worth mentioning that like, this discussion kind of brings to note, is that there are a lot of cards where the power is hidden behind its effect, or it's ongoing. So like something like a Dr. Doom, that's 15 power, but it'll show up for areas as a five. Then you have things like like, I can't remember his name, the toxic card that goes so vertical. Oh my gosh. Why am I forgetting the name of Ajax?
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Right. You have Ajax. Who could get tremendously high powered. Gilgamesh is similar, but neither one of those cards is particularly powerful in the deck. Devil Dinosaur. Pretty much any ongoing, right? So, it is worth knowing that, like, it's the cards with, like, inherently high stats. Like, the Magnetos, and the Gigantos, and whatever, right? That'll really benefit from being in those decks. Ironically, those are the cards that do like to be in Surdex as well.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man. So again, outside of those synergy, I didn't really think about all too much. Pretty simple by design, all in all. So I'm good to move forward with Ares unless you have any closing notes on the guy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I guess the last thing I'll mention is I should have mentioned this before but technically with Okoye you can increase the power generation of that duel. You could also consider something like a Cassandra Nova or Silver Sable to reduce their power. So if you want to like lean into the Ares and like I really want to hit this. If you're not running as many Chonky boys, if you want to maximize it, Cassandra Nova, Silver Sable will help do that, and Okoye might as well. So those are kind of like on the periphery, but I think they're worth mentioning at the very least.
Cozy Snap:Like the call, man, like the call out. Would you say everyone should get it? Some people don't. Wait, what do you, what do you think?
Alexander Coccia:I'll always wait. There's no point in FOMOing on day one. Check out the reviews, wait till like decks start to get solidified. If you don't play Surtr or if you're missing Surtr, that's another thing worth mentioning. This is a great point of discussion actually. So even if Ares is great, and the primary decks that come out for Surtr, and you're like, oh, I would love to play Ares, but like you, you see the deck and you're missing like four cards. That investment can be difficult, but let's say you're like, you know what? I'm missing just bullseye from the bullseye discard deck. So then all of a sudden the investment to get a well rounded functioning deck is only one card that feels much more like a, like a, a thing that you can actually achieve as opposed to, well, I'm missing scar. I'm missing Aries. I'm missing, et cetera, et cetera, from Surtur. So I think that then the, the shells themselves, like full moving into the car on date on day one, it could be. Definitely challenging because it could be the weekend. And all of a sudden the decks have shaped, shaken out and you're like, man, I actually can't afford to build the decks that, you know, this card is in. But if you wait till Sunday or Monday, when we review the cards, the generally speaking, you're like, okay, these decks that are coming out, like, yeah, I can actually build them. Right. So I think that's something worth mentioning.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and, you know, in general, I would say, you know, we won't talk about everything about the compensation that's going to be on Alex's side. It might be a bit more tempting this week for people to get this, because they're like, I got some extra currency. Fight the temptation. It would be mine. If it doesn't, if it doesn't work, you know, you might want to use that for another card. But speaking of, man. It's about cards. We don't play, you know, I thought this is just a fun subject of you know, you guys have them listening. We have them cars that you either know they're good or there's a reason that you know, there's a reason why you don't play it, but you know, you should be playing it more. You know, a good example. This was before it got highlighted a bit more for me, it was like someone like speed, right? Like I knew speed was good. I just didn't play speed a lot. I don't know why. Maybe it's because he's boring, right? Is that the factor at hand? Was he just a boring card? I didn't want to play. But to open things up, Alex, for me There's a lot to pick from, but I want to start with Magic. Is it that Magic has fallen? Like, is that playstyle just kind of gone away with a bit? Or is it, is there a lot of reason we're not playing Magic anymore? Are you playing Magic? Cause I'm not.
Alexander Coccia:You know what, I would play Magic if I was playing Evo decks. But even then, the I mean, I don't want to say top Evo decks, because even that is a weird statement, but the Evo decks that are currently performing well, given they're still not popular, they don't even run magic anymore. They try to get the, like, the magic done within turn 6, right? Like, so, it's kind of sad to think that it hasn't even made that deck. Definitely could be a buff candidate. I think it can go to 3, 3, 3, 4 probably. Some people might go nuts. For those that remember the beta, you used to be able to play this on turn six and completely dumpster your opponent after they kind of like, it was the better king. Magic was a better king because you played on turn six and you would see like, their play, their whole, their payoff, their fireworks, right? And you're like, oh, that's all you had? Well, hopefully you're ready for turn seven, bro. So like, yeah, Magic hasn't quite, Yeah, it hasn't quite held up, and I think it's also one of those things, it's much like crystal, who, I'm not going to say it's a card I don't play enough, because who the hell would play crystal, but it's the reciprocate, the reciprocation of the effect. Which, like, it's the same thing with Luna Snow, right? Where it's like, yeah, it's cool, but like, do I really want my opponent taking advantage of this as well? You know what I mean? And like, yes, you build a magic deck to take advantage of turn 7, but most decks now have enough reach that anyone can play turn 7 generally.
Cozy Snap:All I know is looking at this variant, I play a lot of Magic and Rivals and it makes me want Hellfire Gala to, to come to Rivals desperately. I can't tell you how much stuff from Snap I just want to see in that game because it comes, it's what I love, right? Snap is so much of my heart and so anyway, I'm looking at this, but yes, you make a good point. Hit me with a card that you do not play enough.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, we kind of alluded to it prior Ereshim. I cannot bring myself to, to play Ereshim. First of all, like, he's still good now, there's no question about it. However, I think that the, the playstyle is now, I don't want to say like, it's like, bastardized, but it's like, it's weird. It doesn't, I, I feel like it's lost its identity a little bit. I kind of preferred, I don't want to say I preferred old Ereshim, because clearly it was problematic. But I liked the idea of you play a card, you get extra energy, you get random stuff. And I almost wish they leaned more into that. Make it more draft based. Increase the number of cards, make, shuffle more cards in. And so, when Erishim was popular, I didn't want to play him because, like, as we discussed before, like, watching me stream Erishim is kind of cringy, like, no one wants to watch that, right? So, like, and that's not what I want to do either. I want to cook, I want to have fun. And so I just never played him, and then he got changed over and over again. Now I actually just don't like the card. And not that I don't think the card's good, I think he's Fine. I just, I just don't like him. Cause I feel like he has lost his way a little bit. Like he's just doesn't have the identity he did before. You know what I mean? It's like, why? Like what this card doesn't feel like it fits a niche anymore.
Cozy Snap:I mean, that's, that's the definition of Alex too, though. Like if they mess with copycat, he's like, all right, I'm off the copycat train. It doesn't, it doesn't do it. Does it scratch my back like it used to. But what's interesting is, this isn't just for metacards, also popular stuff. Like for me, and some stuff doesn't hit this, right? Like Silver Surfer is popular and I love to play that, but because you can make it your own. But like, I find myself just, some reason, just not playing Destroy all that much. Because it's just, there's just not a lot of ways to reinvent the wheel there, you know what I mean? Like, do you play Destroy that much? I feel like maybe if I was, I get it as a, if I was just an extremely casual player. Then destroy is like such a feel good deck to come in, log in the game, play some nothing changes. So you know exactly how it's going to perform, right? But it kind of gives me reminiscent, like same, same with air show. And what you were saying about that kind of would destroy.
Alexander Coccia:You know what destroy is? It's first of all, an incredibly free to play friendly deck. Like it's been the same 12 cards for how long, right? Like even misery has found some space, but misery is being played in like mill. Like it's not even being played in Destroy, which is kind of crazy. But like, but yeah, like Destroy's been this very consistent and I feel like people that play Destroy only play Destroy, like I know I see them on the ladder, it's like the Destroy player, every card's gold and they even have like identical splits, like they're all gold with like red stardust and then like they all have the gold borders, like everything is matched, right? And so I respect, I respect Destroy a lot. However, it's just, it's just not a playstyle for me. But what you said is absolutely true, like Silver Surfer, yeah, it's good, it's been consistent for so long, I can't get enough of it. Cause I feel like I can make that my own in a minute. I can build a Silver Surfer deck like this, and I'm just having fun, you know what I mean? Hit me with another. Alright, so, here's a card that statistically is very high on untapped. It's always been one with a great win rate and almost no play rate. It's one that Cozy, I know you believed in on our preview. And then it fell off the face of the earth. And that's Sasquatch. Sasquatch who is a member of Alpha Flight. Let's go, member of Alpha Flight, Sasquatch. This is a card that sees absolutely no play. And it's a shame. And I think that we're kind of missing the point here. I think that we're kind of off on Sasquatch. I think this card is good. When you look at it statistically, when it's played, it has a very good win rate amongst the top in the game, according to Untapped, of course. But what I will say, though, is that, like, this type of effect is very powerful. Every time we have, like, the discounting of card power effect, like, this is great. It's, it's very similar to what She Hulk does, except, like, you have move bounce happening. You have all these different shells that are playing Beast, and somehow Sasquatch doesn't make those. We've even had some shells. That had the Moon Girl double up with with what's her name? Black Swan. Sasquatch can make those lists, you know what I mean? But he just didn't quite make it. And I think that like, if people were thinking about Sasquatch, he'd make more decks. That's what I'm saying. I feel like he's he's, sorry. Sasquatch is is, is different depending on different comics and stuff like that. But, but she can be, like, most certainly a viable piece in the meta, 100%.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and it's so funny because cost reduction, I think, will always be good because, simply put, Mobius triple M is just never worth putting a new deck, for the most part. Unless things got carried out of hand like crazy. There's just, he just has not aged well for a tech card, right? It's just a little awkward for a tech card. Which is what brings me to shadow king like and trust me i've been like On and off the shadow king train for a while Like i've been playing them a lot sometimes sometimes not but I always find myself drifting away from playing them and having them as a Tech card in my deck for whatever reason like shang chi tried and true man's never left my brain Never left my conscience probably because people play him against me a lot, too And even on matches against sometimes I since I don't want to say he's released because he was really bad when he came out but since he's like Uprising he's just always unless he's getting buffs that he shouldn't be getting. He's just kind of always not played
Alexander Coccia:He's weird because you can't play him on two and anytime you have cards that don't play well on the turn that they're like, yeah, so like he's a turn six or turn seven play. And that also compromises what those plays look like, right?
Cozy Snap:I just want to follow up with, and that's a good point because this might be a card people don't play enough if they even have her. Sage, for that exact reason, may, maybe, I, I don't know, you guys are the listeners, you tell us, but I feel like I don't see it, I, every now and then I'll see Sage a good amount, but more often than not, no, it is because of that too, you think it's because people can't play it on that curve, it's just a little awkward ish.
Alexander Coccia:It is a little awkward. I can totally feel that, but like Sage has been like such a key part to like so many different decks, balance, even surfer to some degree obviously negative she, and Sage is insane. Like I will, at three power, there are sorry, three costs. There are very few cards that can outpace a Sage. Like it's actually crazy what those cards can do. And I think you're right. I think it's one of those cards that people can't bring themselves to spend the 6k tokens on. But like, if you unlock Sage, she's absolutely worth it. Hit me with another. Can I say Blink Blink is a card that people have, I think, forgotten existed with. This is a good card, man.
Cozy Snap:Blink is definitely, I think the, the only time I've thought about Blink is I think in the game show segment you did a couple of weeks ago, you mentioned her as like a token purchase or something. And I was like, Oh yeah, like Blink was out here and Blink like took over for a hot minute obviously in Hela, but even in other decks. What the hell happened to Blink?
Alexander Coccia:I don't know, and they even buffed Electro, right? And Blink Electro is a very natural line. I might, you know what, man? I might cook some Blink. I actually think that, like, we're just not playing this card. It's still good. Like, nothing has changed. I don't think Blink deserves a 5 8 boost, like a buff. Like, I don't think that's it. I think it's just like There's so many cards in Snap now that there's going to be cards that people just forget about, and I think Blink's gotten forgot. I might cook some Blink, man. I don't think she's a bad card at all.
Cozy Snap:I'm waiting for it. I would love to see an Alex cooked Blink deck. Let me tell you as we close it out a little bit, any, any other thing I see Taskmaster, and I'm like, can we make him a five again? Any other, I can't believe this guy. This guy took a hit because freaking Madame Web was supposed to break everything, which actually I remember I was thinking Madame Web was one I should mention Madame Web, just like those move tiny mover decks. I want to play more. Definitely cards that I'll play enough, but more on the subject of Madame Web. This dude took a stray bullet because of all that,
Alexander Coccia:you know what, though, thinking about what the bounce move deck looks like right now. That's fair. That's fair. You could Frigga The Human Torch, and then Human Torch into like, something like, I don't know, Human Torch Iron Fist into Taskmaster, that, that might actually still be broken, but you are right, like, it did take a bit of a stray, like, it killed Taskmaster, like, Taskmaster is irrelevant. It saw some play in, like, the Gore negative decks, but even then it never kind of withstood the test of time.
Cozy Snap:That's the main ones for me. I said Warpath because I forgot he's always in the game here. Any others
Alexander Coccia:to close it out? I have to say that I find it difficult to find reasons to play Umbaku. I don't, I'm not going to go into why. I think it's very obvious why Umbaku. He should just not get drawn. Like, but then again, then he's card thinning, right? So like, I get it. I understand. He's a better Chavez if he doesn't get drawn. I get it. But maybe we do a thing where like, if there's no space Maybe he like debuffs your entire board or something. I don't know find a way to make Mubaku playable And I just should say that like generally I just don't like playing bounce. So a card like beast I don't play much toxin. I don't play much bounce is just not my favorite play stuff
Cozy Snap:quick question Most play give me two one cost you play the most don't think about it much
Alexander Coccia:Hydration Robert and Iceman.
Cozy Snap:Okay, so Niko's not on that list for you
Alexander Coccia:I know what Nico is not a card. I play a lot. No, I don't know why I feel like I should this is a great point cards. I don't play enough. I think Nico would be and I said Iceman, but I think Nebula has taken that over recently. There was a time I was playing lots of
Cozy Snap:Iceman. I wanted to bring up one cost because I feel like this might be the cost of is the most. I don't play enough because you usually fall in love with one for me. It's Nico, right? And then you don't play the other. So like Iceman, even Spider Ham, obviously, Hydra Bob got plenty of his love for a while. But like, you just find yourself like, not playing the other ones. There's a lot of garbage ones, don't get me wrong, you're not out here playing King Ichi, right? But, it just, isn't that weird, like, for the one cost? Because it's that small, like, I'm sure someone out there has a Nightcrawler in every deck. Like, I don't know, but it's not me. So, I found that interesting because, more specifically, 1s and 2s, I feel like you kind of fall in love with the ones you play. And then those are the ones you play, right? The most.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Like, I play lots of Akoya. Like, I have tons of Akoya splits because I just like the card. I like the play style. And talking about the one drops, I know there was someone on Reddit that recently posted they only play, like, Rocket in every single deck. And they had Rocket Raccoon with, like, every variant and every possible split combination. And they posted it. It was, it was actually kind of cool to see. So those types of players definitely do exist, dude.
Cozy Snap:Well, buddy, let's go on to the last subject today. And that is the The new era of snap now, whether people buy it or not, that is your decision. But ever since the great lockout of 2025 of Marvel snap, second dinner has vowed to have a new era. And we saw some of that in the compensation that we're going to talk about on Alex's side. But also little things like the webshop is daily, not weekly and they, they, people are kind of feeling like they're all, there, there's going to be other things that kind of snowball into this a little bit. Alex, what is the new era of snap? What, what needs to happen here? I mean, obviously you can tell they, you know, may, may bring, I don't even know if the lockout is why they would bring prices down to begin with. I think that's just something that. They may have just been finally noticing like oh, this isn't gonna work But what else it needs to be in the new era? Do you believe in the new era? Talk to me.
Alexander Coccia:I want to believe. What I will say is that for the first year, maybe two, Marvel snap felt like Superman. It felt like it could do no wrong. It felt like invulnerable. I felt like they thought they were invulnerable. And over the past year. You've seen kryptonite in the form of Pokemon pocket in the form of, you know, her stone releasing new cool expansions. You've seen it in the form of them shooting something themselves in the foot over and over again, you've seen it in the form of series drops being terrible, you know, general you know, kind of public opinion, dropping review, bombing, everything that's happened, right. They have shown that they, they're not invulnerable. And I think that they need to recognize that. And step up to the plate. And it appears as though they're, they're definitely trying to,
Cozy Snap:I think we talked about this a long time ago. And it's. Wraps the whole point in my head around. I think for a little bit snap was like this competitive. It's still I'm not saying it's not competitive, but it's really not they need to focus on what we said. And it's, you know, I hate the mantra of it, but like making it fun being that first objective, like, I think that they lean towards the fun. And what I mean by that is obviously if they bring prices down, boom, yeah. If they can make card acquisition way easier, boom, but just the majority of the player base now are the heavy majority is probably casuals that come in, rip a couple games, have some fun, log out, may not even come back for a week, but they have fun. And if you can make that small experience more and more fun through card acquisition through just play through game modes, whatever it might be. I think that's what I want to focus on more than anything. OTAs are great. They mix things up for the competitive side of it. And for fun, you know. But that's, that's the new era that I want to see. Bring back some of that fun. That, that, that first two years that Superman had.
Alexander Coccia:I know, I absolutely agree. And I think that in some ways, like I recognize that a long time ago, like it's no secret that like, you just look around a lot of people have gotten burnt out in the game whether it's just the user base kind of slowly fading, that's kind of expected, but you also have content creators that have felt burnt down. I, I hit a bit of a wall too, where I was tired. Yeah, of course, man. Like that's human. That's natural. And for me, it's like, okay, well, they're not going to change anything. They're doing their thing. I need to change my approach to how I play Marvel snap. And that's why I don't grind Arishem or whatever is the top of them. I want to have fun. And if I can find the fun myself. And then, you know, the game suddenly, I see it in a new light, but I do agree that they need to focus on what that experience looks like for the average player. And I kind of go back and I think about like, when I was playing Hurston, I'm like, well, why did I play? Like, what was it that I enjoyed so much? And I remember thinking about things like the PVE kind of modes they released, where like you had like the Naxxramas like event, where like you do all these PVE challenges and you'd get cards as part of that set. And it didn't have to be about playing against other players. It was like your own little experience. I thought that was cool. You know, obviously they have like the Tavern Brawl, which we don't have like, kind of like a different mode or different way to approach the game. I think you're right, Cozy. I think they need to re engage with that casual audience and bring the fun back for sure.
Cozy Snap:And do what they do best. Rivals is going to be the game that people are clearly. It's the number one game in the world. People are going to be playing that at home, right? Capitalize on the quick, fun. What can rivals not do? You can't pop open rivals on the bathroom toilet, right? You can't pop it open on the subway home. That, like, again, the quick snippets of fun. Highlight that, go back to that, and get people back into that. And that's where Snap is going to probably do its best. And on that note, guys. For the snapchat we have done. I would say we are probably leaning we lean more towards fun subjects than serious I can say on my side I'll be leaning into that even more so more of the fun side always can talk with a new card heck some subjects may just Be about who knows what to make sure that we're always having fun on the snapchat too, right? Because listen we can rank the most competitive cards But it's just sometimes for me, it's the same thing. And guess what? These 10 cars have been good for a long time. And I want to make sure that we're always giving you guys as our, as our audience, like the best listening and viewer experience. Cause you know I, I have a good feeling that when snap dies, whatever that is, I'll still be doing. Talking zoo elephants and everything else in between with Alex Kojo over here So be on the lookout for that could be happening And I don't know how long I've been saying it, but I do plan on doing a channel update and a lot of that has to come from it's funny, Alex, I could make very quick, fast content for this game, but when I do the there's a lot of disappointment because of what I've done in the past for this game. And it's tough trying to balance it all and making sure I do the right thing. And whether that's by you guys, the listeners, viewers, and myself. And so figuring that out more and that's why I take my time before I figure, figure all that out. But I'm still playing, still have a good time and definitely still enjoying the Snapchat over here with you, buddy.
Alexander Coccia:That would you just give the winking gun to the snapchat viewers is that what just happened i've not seen that in the longest time man that was beautiful cozy snap how are you today my man
Cozy Snap:i'm fantastic and i gave the finger guns because alex zander theodore kocha got himself
Alexander Coccia:definitely my middle name definitely
Cozy Snap:got himself You The silver play button it is in ladies and gentlemen get it for the camera. We need to see it whip it out Whip it out in front of the camera right now whip
Alexander Coccia:it out in front of the camera He said out talk about a clip for out of context Someone's gonna come and turn the
Cozy Snap:audio on right there and be like, wife. I swear. This is about a Card marvel game. What do you got? Oh, it is You're holding it like it's your school picture and I love it. It's literally Dude, yes. How does it feel?
Alexander Coccia:It feels great, honestly. Like, this has been something that has been like a lifelong goal for me for so long. For the record, if you're wondering why I had to, like, search for it, I did not expect Cozy to bring it up. I showed him just before. But yeah, like, this has been something that was like a lifelong kind of gulf of mine because I remember being someone who just started making YouTube content and my goal was like, you know what, if I can make a video that got a hundred views, like what a feeling that would be, man. Imagine getting a hundred views a video and then sure enough, it turned into, imagine I could get a thousand views of video consistently that that would be just, oh, what an incredible feeling that would be. Imagine having a hundred thousand subscribers, having a hundred thousand subscribers. That must be feel so special. You know what guys it really does. It really does feel special
Cozy Snap:I had a giant sign massive sign in my office that said 1, 000 views because I had a total 1, 000 views on my video. I same thing. I'm gonna be like, oh my god It's awesome. Like I can't believe it totally get it man and how time YouTube is a slow game not a quick game. You got a lot to learn over time And it's a humbling one at that, because you slowly, slowly get better at your craft. And, and congrats, man. That's such a, a huge milestone. Unfortunately, I have bad news for you, because I've been chasing the other one. YouTube goes, We're gonna give the silver one at a hundred thousand. What should the gold one be? A million. Like, bro, it's so, it's so much. It's like, I'm like such a goal setter, bro. And I'm like, what the fu A million? Like, get out of here, man. But either way, that silver one, not a lot of people have, buddy, so I'm proud of you.
Alexander Coccia:No, I'm, I'm actually really proud of it. And what was cool that like people might not have realized is that my kids don't really fully understand what I do. Like they're kind of confused. They're like, daddy goes to school. He's a teacher, but like, for some reason he's always playing video games downstairs. And I tried to explain to them, but they're still kind of young. My daughter gets it. But when I showed my son the silver play button, my son, who's six and actually the four year old too, they went nuts. They're like, whoa, you're a YouTuber? I'm like, because they've seen Silver Play Buttons and like, other people's videos that they watch, right? Like, oh my god. So here's a funny story. My son who's six, for his like, junior kindergarten thing, he was asked like, what do you want to be when you grow up? He said he wants to be a YouTuber. And then so, at dinner, my wife was like, oh, you want to be a YouTuber? That's so cute. Like, daddy? He's like, no, like Lanky Bucks. I was like, oh yeah. I'm like,
Cozy Snap:daddy. Yeah, dude. Like, daddy, I would shake my son. What a loser. You don't wanna be a YouTuber run. I'd be like, run as far and fast as you can. No, dude, it's rewarding. It's, it's definitely I mean, bro, I, I take it for granted every day, but I also. Oh my god, the thought, the thought in my head that I was like, man, I'm quitting my hotel job. I'm going to be working from home. Not even, not working as much. It's going to be great. Yeah, right, bro. I've worked 5X as I did, and it's crazy, but it's, it's fun, man. It's, it's a It's beyond blessed, man. Beyond, beyond blessed what we get to do and happy for you, buddy. Happy for you.
Alexander Coccia:Thank you, buddy. I honestly, I gotta say, like you, you've been such a tremendous support for me through the entire process. And you know, people wouldn't realize this, like Cozy behind the scenes is, is the shoulder I cry on. He's the one that, you know, I, I bounce advice ideas off of this and that. And they, they say that the rising tide lifts all ships as they say, well, you've definitely been the rising tide in the. In the snap the snap environment. And also, I gotta say, thank you obviously to, to all the people that support our content, right? Like there was a legitimate push towards getting me to 100, 000 subscribers. And I want you to know that I appreciate each and every one of you, like legitimately from the bottom of my heart. So like, I am blessed to be in the position.
Cozy Snap:You know, what's one interesting thing about video games in general, by the way, this is some of the snippet of like just random conversation that we should start having in topics, but like. The community around them and how those communities eventually die over time and it's a weird sad thing right so like snap eventually will die and it's crazy how these names that I know so well in the community and people and content creators and viewers and it's just ecosystem right and then eventually that goes away we've all had games like that right like I have hey I have this one grayed out username on my Xbox whenever I used to play that And I'd always see him, I'd be like, David, what a, what a legend in Search and Destroy and Call of Duty. Love that guy, or like what he did in Zanzibar and Halo. And I don't know where the hell David is. Could be dead, could be, could be killing it, man, I don't know. But, it's crazy that these like communities, like, come and go with the game, and I'm just trying to enjoy The snap one while I'm in it, you know, and while it's going, and it's such a weird thing, right? With video games,
Alexander Coccia:it is, it is. And it's funny because like, when you talk about that, like it reminds me of like the days when I was like in my wow, guild, like I knew a lot of those people by a first name basis. Oh yeah, we would get on like team speak or like whatever else we were on Bumble or whatever it is, but Bumble rumble. I don't remember what it's called either, but like we'd get on, we'd get on team speak. We'd all chat about our lives, stuff like that. It was
Cozy Snap:rumble bumbles dating app.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm not on that. I've not dated in a long time, but, but I will tell you that like, it's just, it is, it's so crazy how things change. And we discussed, I think a couple of weeks ago that like, I kind of got emotional when like, you've been probably seeing them too. I've been getting a lot of messages. People be like, Hey, Alex, love the content, but I'm not playing snap anymore. Hitting the unsub button, but not because I don't like you just because I'm moving on type stuff. And like, Yeah, like I, I miss those people and like, I, when I stream, it's like, sometimes I'll watch VODs from a long time ago and I'll be like, where, where's that person? You know, I haven't seen them in the longest time. Like I'll be looking at the, the chatters and stuff like that. And we've also we've also, I've had you know, a couple of chatters pass away and they're people that like, you know, had been supporting me for years. I want them to know that I still think about them. So yeah, like it's, it's been something, it's been different. It's been different.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. There's this guy named John. And Johnny, there's no way you're listening, but if you are, this guy used to say good morning every day and send me this like beautiful message as a viewer, dude, I loved that for like two years. And then eventually again, like David, I don't know where John is. I don't know where he is these days, but man, that guy, he was like this guy from New Jersey that was like 65 and he like became like a Twitch streamer because he wanted to, I loved this guy, man. And he was like, My man, I love this guy, and it's just cool, man, seeing all these people's story, you know, and I feel like the bigger you get in content, the more of that you lose a little bit but it's just cool, man, community in general and video games is cool. Should we talk about Snap right now? Is that what we should be doing?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I think we should eventually get to Marvel Snap content. Why don't we get the bullseye? Which is still a celebration, because here's what's an interesting thing about Bullseye Cozy. We both came in at three stars. We were like, yeah, a little ho hum on Bullseye. And isn't it just so funny? That the way life works sometimes, that I'm the one who comes in a little ho hum, thinking like, Ah, you know, I don't expect Bullseye to actually pop off, do that great. And I don't want to pat myself on the back or anything, but your boy kind of made, like, One of the top performing and most popular Bullseye decks in Marvel Snap the past week. And I gotta tell you, it was, it was great, like, we, we absolutely crushed the design, and For those of you watching the Snapchat, you heard it here first. We discussed it in our Tuesday night preview of bullseye. And we said, you know, I think we're onto something with this deck and sure enough, it ended up taking over and it's currently running a 56 percent win rate. That's like the meek Frigga Modoc one with with bullseye. We've discussed it at length prior, but like. Bullseye has been good, but very niche. And this is what's interesting in terms of his overall testing right now. He's running a 49 percent win rate, which is awful. We generally like kind of like, Oh, 49%. But in the Frigga shell, he's running a 56 percent win rate. We have a Zola shell that's been it was at 56 and a half, and now it dropped to 55 over the weekend. But like, we have a couple different shells of Bullseye that are really performing legitimately well. And this is like, it's the same thing with Ares that we just spoke about on your chat on your side, is that like, sometimes you only need one really good home for a deck. We're a card and that'll be the mainstay. And sure enough, I think bullseye is kind of found his place and it should surprise no one that it's in this card, but it should surprise some people that it's performing as well as it is.
Cozy Snap:And opposed to Aries, like bullseye is definitely fun. Like it is a fun card from the animation to what it's doing. It's got the gambit effect kind of right. So like, that's also another thing and it's niche ness per se. Bullseye's not always gonna go everywhere and by always I mean never. But he does carry that fun factor with him. Whereas like someone with Ares I think probably will stretch further but have less of that like, this is a good time. I get to see things go wild here, right? But yeah, I came out with the same The same conclusion of him I don't think I've changed much in my attitude of like, if you should get him, versus not, compared to, you know, with how he aged over the week a little bit, props to you for the for the Frigate deck. It was kind of fun, by the way, doing the Tuesday like, just a little taste of him, and then we talk, like, that was just a It was like a, it was different. I don't know if we're all, you know, we're not going to do that all the time, but maybe we'll sprinkle that in from time to time. But yeah, man, definitely, definitely definitely a fun card. And just bring, brought back some, not even brought back, just brought change to a stale archetype in a way.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because there's always been like the, the classic way of playing discard and once we lost black knight It kind of felt like discard was a one trick and we kind of moved away from that with bullseye
Cozy Snap:Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:you didn't mention something kind of funny though. You mentioned the animation of bullseye Have you like man has cozy actually watched the animation cuz like for me, it's just like fast forward fast forward It's so frustrating. What like honestly second dinner. I'm taking the glass off We've been playing so much discard this week. Can we fix the fast forward? Like, what are we doing? It's like you Modoc something, they fast forward, all the critical information. First of all, if my opponent's Modoc, I want to know what they got rid of. Right. I need to know what they got rid of and like, dude, I want to see the bullseye animate, make it faster, do something. Like
Cozy Snap:what They animated or they, they implemented the fast forward thing. What, like a year and a half ago. And then they just never touched it again. It's like they deleted the code. These problems arise. 10 minutes after it was released, people were like, not bullseye, the feature of, of, of fast forward, we were like, hey, like, it's kind of weird with Modoc. You can't really see that. Like, this was known forever, or like, I don't know, bar sinister or something happens, but then there's times where it's like, you know, I remember forever was Mjolnir and like, it just like, You were forced to watch that or Venom and so there's times it doesn't work There's times it does work and at the very least like, you know, call me crazy Alex. This is gonna be a crazy take How about you do fast forward like how fast forward is and you show it on screen, but just faster motion Call me crazy, but at least we know what the hell is going I get it, they, they pride themselves on Marvel Snap being snappy, and we just talked about it, they should, they should. but You just get rid of the payoff, like, it's so much for one person, like, I, I don't agree with it.
Alexander Coccia:They need like some sort of funny, like, sound, soundtrack that goes along with the super fast forward, you know what I mean? They need to own it, dude, that's a brilliant idea, they should actually just show the motion in play, but super fast. It must be a reason, like, well you can't do that because of like, engineering and RAM and mobile devices, well Light on fire and stuff. But if they can do that, that's huge.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I, and it's not a lot of games struggle with this. Cause snap is both terms at the same time. Right? So like, we don't typically, it's like one player can watch it. The other one doesn't have to, but because the way it works, it's just awkward. But yes, fix fast forward.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely have to fix fast forward, but generally speaking. I thought bullseye landed good him being a niche card makes him awkward to recommend from a tokens perspective, especially since like theoretically Here's the tricky part about bullseye is the shell that he's in right now They're performing very, very well. He single handedly saved Daken, by the way. Because Daken, now playable on turn six. Straight up playable on turn six. If you play Daken down, the shard gets to your hand. It's, it's just fodder for Bullseye, and that's perfect. That's exactly what you want. And that's where, like, the Daken and the activate of Bullseye kind of go hand in hand. And the reason why, obviously, Zola works well with Daken in particular. But the other thing that's worth noting, too, is I thought Frigga was a great performer on these decks. Not only was it hitting the collector, which was a scaling power, it was hitting Mobius, which was a scaling power, but it could hit Dawkin, which was a scaling power. But I get it bullseye. And then what would happen is if you had a swarm that was in hand, your bullseye, your first one would replicate more swarms. And then your second one would use all those replicated swarms to add more damage. And so I thought that was really cool. Meek was a great performer. Another scaling one drop that I was getting over nine power regularly. The one card that felt occasionally awkward in the bullseye decks was scorn because sometimes scorn was like. It was like, okay, well, you can't call in wing and hit the swarm now because scorn's in hand. And so sometimes it felt like it limited the ceiling of the deck, but made the floor higher because corn was still great. But but yeah, overall, I came away really impressed with bullseye. I like them, but it's like, do you roll tokens? Because the challenge is like, yeah, the decks are performing well, but. If you have a discard deck, then like, you could just play Dracula, Apoc, and still be fine, like, you'll get to infinite with Apoc, Dracula. And realistically, this deck's actually not that expensive outside of the Scorn and the Bullseye themselves, right? I guess Frigga too, but if you don't have Frigga, you can play Zola. So yeah, I guess it depends what pieces you have as to, you know, whether or not you want to roll for them.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I would probably pass, personally,
Alexander Coccia:for most people. Yeah? Probably. Yeah, most people just pass. Cause like, I, does he feel like, Ah, you don't really need this. I think it's a fad. Yeah, I think it's a
Cozy Snap:fad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it'll, it'll pass.
Alexander Coccia:It reminds me of what the situation Gore's in right now. Where as Gore's way better than people, like people are playing Gore like almost, like nothing. And he has like a 56 percent win rate in some decks. It's like, what are we doing, right?
Cozy Snap:Gore, yeah, I think, or like, Scream's a worse example, but like how it was like a hot fad for a little bit and then it goes away. Like at least gore is like just a really solid card. I gotta think bullseye is like man That's a good card right there. You know, he's good in decks. He works really well, but like it's fun right now, right? And then this we've seen there was some snap and the next fun thing comes out Unless you're crazy about this card. I don't think bullseye will be one. That's like And I need that one. And I don't know,
Alexander Coccia:it's a little too niche. The application is too nice. I would absolutely agree with that. And I think that that should take us to our next point of conversation here, which is, I mean, I think it's more exciting than bullseye and I was super excited for bullseye. Cozy? Who's that, who's the baseball player was it, was it Baby Ruth? Baby. That did the, the ball hit thing? Yes, the Baby Ruth, that was a joke about the chocolate bar. Remember how people were roasting us about the chocolate bar? Yes. I still, I still remember that day, those days. So, in case you didn't know, Marvel Snap got banned. Got banned by the U. S. government. I don't think that's exactly what happened. But U. S., basically, in Marvel Snap land, people in the United States could not play Marvel Snap for like an extended period of time. They still can't download it. You were impacted. Yeah, they, you still can't download it as a recording. That is insane. For a while. We knew, oh man, that's actually crazy. That's legitimately insane.
Cozy Snap:Still can't. And it's wild. Do you remember the last week? I called, I said, Alex, I think they're going to nail compensation. And I was like rough on them that episode and I was like, but they're going to. I was like, you can't have a game banned from being played and not come full swingin back. And we even, I saw you in the comments. I saw them. People were like, it's still gonna suck. They're not gonna get, we're gonna get compensation. Please. How'd they do?
Alexander Coccia:Dude, I think they did amazing. I mean, you can't ask for more, really. I'm gonna just read through it here. It'll be in the center of the screen for the the visual viewers there, but For US based players, over collection level 500, you're gonna get two spotlight keys, 5, 000 season pass experience, 4, 150 credits, 6, 200 collectors tokens, 1, 000 gold, 5 gold conquest tickets, 3 infinite gold infinite conquest tickets, 4, 000 conquest medals, 1 mystery variant, 6 premium mystery variants, 1 cosmic red border, 3 cosmic gold borders, and then 5 lots of 155 random boosters. That's for collection level 500. Under, under 500. It's a little less. And if you're not an American, you'll still get just as a straight up gratitude package. Just thanks for being here, just for existing Yeah. Thank you for existing. You know, don't, don't be mad at us. Two Spotlight keys. 3000 collectors tokens. 1,500 credits. One mystery variant. One premium mystery variant. One gold cosmic border, one red cosmic border. And three lots of 155 random boosters. That's a lot.
Cozy Snap:Bro. There's not this will happen to very few people, but there are people out there that will be able to turn that into three new series five cards there. Get 6, 000 tokens. And then if they were to pull on the first pull both times with the key each week, it's rare. A good majority will at least get two serious fives from that from existing during in the U. S. I mean that like, that's, that's crazy, dude. That's actually, I, never mind all the other garbage in there. You know, I'm glad we're getting premium mystery event. Like that's hot. That's awesome. But dude, 6k collector tokens? Plus two keys. It's pretty hot.
Alexander Coccia:It is pretty hot. And like, yeah, the, the conquest stuff is like, Hey, whatever. Right Dude, they could, they could conquest metals. Like they
Cozy Snap:could've said 6 billion Infinity T tickets. And I'd been like, cool. Like, yeah,
Alexander Coccia:thanks bro. Those are gonna be drax boosters at the end of the season. Right? Like,
Cozy Snap:they could've put any number and I'd like, yeah. You know, but it, it, it's pretty, it's cool. Did you see everyone get, did you see the, the, the half of Twitter that got mad that. They don't live in the U. S.? You don't live in the U. S.? How do you feel about not getting the full package? Dude, wasn't
Alexander Coccia:I the one that joked about VPNing into the states in advance of this announcement? And they called it out? They were like, if you VPN They literally said like, don't even try? Dear
Cozy Snap:Alex Kocha, nice try. Yeah, it didn't work. How do you feel about not getting the full compensation, Alex? Is it fair? I mean, let's
Alexander Coccia:be honest, man. Is it fair? Like, I was playing Marvel Snap when you guys couldn't. Like, what am I gonna do? Complain? Yeah, I'm pissed off. I'm kidding. It's so
Cozy Snap:silly, dude. I, I, if you were on the other foot, if I was, if it was in Europe and then I was in the States and I was playing the game and then Europe went out. I, I don't understand how you get, I want it to, it just doesn't, I don't know. I'll probably cut. I, I don't know. What is the popular take on this? Is it, is it like everyone should get the same? I don't know. I just think it's dumb.
Alexander Coccia:I think that like some trolls tried, they tried, they tried, right? Like they, they tried, they tried to do their thing. You know, they didn't get the updates they needed. What are
Cozy Snap:they getting if they didn't, if they don't, if they live in Hong Kong, what are they getting? If they're not in the States.
Alexander Coccia:I already, I read that, but basically it's just
Cozy Snap:tokens and in the keys.
Alexander Coccia:It's basically pretty much everything except the the stuff from Conquest, and they're getting less tokens, less credits, and less premium mystery. How many tokens? Three thousand tokens. And how many keys? They're still getting two spotlight keys.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, they're existing. Yeah, it's fine.
Alexander Coccia:They'll be existing, yeah. They'll be fine. That's, that's Yeah, they'll probably be fine.
Cozy Snap:Maybe not. But that is good job on them. They could have, they could have even done something They could have done half that. One fourth of that. Hell, confidently, they could have given one fourth of that and people would have been happy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, there's like gamers in Ireland that are going to log in and get two keys, 3, 000 collectors tokens, 1, 500 credits. They're like, what just happened? Why am I getting all this? It'll be like some apology notes. Sorry for the ban.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, like what, or like, dude, even in like, I don't know, some remote place in the world. Like what's the United States? Like, I don't think. Guys will be like, Oy man, I just got all this shit. I don't even know why. Hey, thank you America. Appreciate you failing the system over there. Nah, dude good stuff, man. Part of the new era, they, they, they are saying, and I'm here for it, man. Let's get more of that. Give me, whoever, whoever decided that decision, can we give that guy a friggin raise?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you know what it is, though? It's like, you joke about it, but at the same time, it's like, guys, give the community a dub. You know what I mean? Cause this goes a long way. Cause you know what? Someone that gets this stuff's going to be like, hell yeah. Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate this. And you give con you get more confidence in the game and the, in like, just the snap cares about you. And you know what? You just might buy a bundle or two. You just might like this type of like, like reciprocation of love. You show me some love. I, you know, I scratch your back. You scratch mine. It goes a long way, man. It does. And I think that like just players who, if you're still playing snap right now, you should be treated with respect,
Cozy Snap:but also to like, we, we, you know, we called this, we said this, there's people, not a lot. All right. But there are people that saw it trending and snap a strip and they're going to be like, I'm going to download the game again. And you know, it's a good welcome back. Cause they get to pick any card of their choice, essentially.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah. They, they definitely need to work on like the the new player experience and stuff like that. And, but they are, we know that they're, they're making plans. We said it before the new era of snap. Okay. It starts with those, that next year's drop is supposed to be bigger, badder, sooner. Right. They're working on a card acquisition improvements. I mean, that's been on the docket for God knows how long, right. Like it's been on the list of like, they haven't released a roadmap in a while, actually. Time to think of it. We need a roadmap. Actually, don't release the roadmap. It's going to piss everyone off. We need another IGN. Don't do the roadmap. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:another IGN. We need another IGN first take. Oh my gosh. Can you
Alexander Coccia:imagine if they did the compensation over IGN and like, IGN cut it from the show or something stupid? Or showed up four hours later? Don't, don't do that. Contact
Cozy Snap:CozySnap with regards to the next announcement. The fall of IGN is crazy. I remember IGN was so It was bit for me. It was like, I loved it. Like I used to go there. I am talking like 20 years ago, even like, but like, I'd be like, Oh man, smash brothers. Like whatever. Now IGN to be like, we got a review. And I'm like, it's a seven, like, it doesn't matter how bad the game is or how good it is. They're like seven. They gave that game Concord that lasted not even like 48 hours of seven of like, come on now.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And I don't know, like, I think that the I think the games journalism is, is in a interesting spot right now. It seems like everything's like a very, you know what, you know what, it's okay. You're gonna see this in rivals too. It's like every game comes out and then it's like the is thing dying because it lost 20 percent of its player base after a month or whatever, like it's like these AI generated articles that just come out over and over and over again. I'm like, guys, what are we doing? And you're right. Every, every review seems like. So safe like they don't really want to like go on a limb, you know what I mean? It's kind of it's kind of sad
Cozy Snap:I know I feel like I missed the opportunity of like once a month For the last year doing is snap dying and bringing home a bag every month from that kind of a video It's important be critical. We do that all the time here, but like Kind of wish we would have done those videos. Might have been okay. Might have been, might have gotten you know, a couple extra clicks. Is Snap dying? March 2025. You could do one for each month.
Alexander Coccia:Right, basically like a spotlight cash video. Like, is Snap gonna die? And we just have, it's like the tombstone, and then it's like the month, and the year, and you just change that, it's the same video every time?
Cozy Snap:It'd be just subject two on every fourth Tuesday on the Snap, or one day on the Snapchat. Why not? You know, make it happen. Anyway, moving forward, should we, should we go from our conversation to the Snapchat mailbag?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, the Snapchat mailbag, we have a bunch of really fun questions. A lot of fun stuff here. Alright, ready? So, Slayer4Mayor said something that was, I think, absolutely awesome, great name too. Cozy has the perfect voice for sports broadcasting. And also has the green screen skills to be a weatherman. Alex can talk anyone into buying four pairs of new balances at Costco.
Cozy Snap:Yo, did you freaking first of all, thank you. Slayer, the mayor second of all, did you hear that Costco is switching to Coke products from Pepsi? Massive mass. I'm
Alexander Coccia:on, I'm on the subreddit for Costco. That
Cozy Snap:is like, that's a, that's a trend. That's dare. I might say the biggest news Costco has released in a long time. That's a hot take, but I'll accept the hot take. What? Like what's another big press conference that I would've given a damn about.
Alexander Coccia:This is weird though, because I feel like when I go places, I'm like, Hey can I get a Coke to like, is Pepsi fine? Everyone's like, yeah, it's fine. Exactly. Like, how much of a big deal is that?
Cozy Snap:It's fine, and they look down and disappointed. Pepsi sucks, bro. I would say one tenth of every person would want a Pepsi. Not even, I think that's even worse. Literally, there's this Oh, there goes our
Alexander Coccia:Pepsi sponsorship. There's
Cozy Snap:this movie, screw you, Pepsi. There's this one, there's this one movie about this guy who can never tell a lie. And it was a world that they could never tell a lie liar liar. No, no the invention of lying. Yes And they, wow, no one knows this movie, but there was a, there was a commercial in this world. No one could tell a lie. And the slogan was Pepsi for when you don't have a Coke. And it is the most accurate, perfect thing that you could say about Pepsi. We went on a tangent here. I saw that though. And I was like, all right, they just, they just went up in my book. Marriott has Pepsi because Marriott and the Coca Cola guy got in a huge kerfuffle. And the, the, the Mr. Mayor guy was like, I'll die before I have coke products in my hotel. And so, and I'm talking about like fountain base, all that stuff, like they, they can sell them individually because anyone can do that. But to this day, it's still Pepsi and people hate it.
Alexander Coccia:That's crazy. That's absolutely wild. One thing that I know that like one of the founders of Costco said, I believe. On his death bed was do not increase the price of the hot dog. It has to be, you know, one 50. What a thing to say, not make the hot dog more expensive
Cozy Snap:to send your death bed. Like, that's what you're thinking about on the way out.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I'm not even joking. This is like an, like a thing. Come here to me. I have something
Cozy Snap:to tell you. Before I go, don't let the hot dog go up. Our conversations here are way more fun than my side. Just want to say it.
Alexander Coccia:Actually, this podcast has been all over the place today. We are literally all over the place and it doesn't stop now because in a follow up to Slayer for mayor's statement about cozy being a great sports broadcaster and a weatherman. Ricardo said, I can totally see Cozy as Ron Burgundy.
Cozy Snap:I am Cozy Snap. I appreciate that. I don't think I can. I don't have the stash or the sex appeal of Ron Burgundy or the confidence.
Alexander Coccia:You're just baiting the comments now.
Cozy Snap:No,
Alexander Coccia:I would be as understood. Bro, look at that new haircut. You got the, you got the sex appeal. Come on now.
Cozy Snap:Dude, you always call me out on my new haircuts. I love it. I appreciate that. Thank you guys. I do. I think I actually watched this weatherman dude today today with my wife. He was on the screen. I was like, this guy. So I don't know why this guy sucks, man. I could do this guy's job. I wasn't being mean about it, but I was just like. It's crazy that this guy gets hired because he was awful, man. He was an awful weatherman. And you know, what's
Alexander Coccia:crazy to me is you watching the weather channel of San Diego. And I was watching, I was watching the
Cozy Snap:commander's game and then it like came on. I was like, ah, Harry's on. Tell us about the weather being 70 degrees again. Instead of like, good job, Harry. You really dug through the trenches on your research on this one. You know what? Screw you, Harry. But anyway, yeah, I I hope Harry's a listener, you know.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that would be so sad. Imagine like you're the weather guy of San Diego, you have like this like, you know, this pet project, you're trying to get to Infinite and Snap, you listen to your two favorite podcasters, and you catch an absolutely random ass stray by Cozy Snap just because you're just kind of shit at your job that shouldn't even exist in the first place.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I don't know, man.
Alexander Coccia:I totally understand why he'd be upset.
Cozy Snap:I hate Harry now. Alright, next question.
Alexander Coccia:Next question comes from Nacho, and it was something that honestly brought a tear to my eye. It was in reference to a statement I made a little while ago. Who's going to tell Alex that Club Penguin got shut down years ago?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, you said that, and I was like, You're like, someone has to talk about it, and I'm like, Who? Nostalgic creators? Like, I, I Club Penguin didn't make it.
Alexander Coccia:I thought I was being funny, and now I'm sad that Club Penguin's actually gone. And it got me thinking about, like, other games that, like, are just gone. Neopets. I, oh, man. I bought, I bought Tabula Rasa. It was supposed to be the next game that was gonna, like, It was supposed to be StarCraft MMO, and like, I didn't even open the box. I didn't even install it, because it like, literally got shut down after I bought the game, and like, there was no point in installing it. I was like, wow, that was fast.
Cozy Snap:Dude, nah, I won't break up Concord again, but Concord, dude, lasted like four days.
Alexander Coccia:Didn't they like, refund everyone as well?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, but like, imagine, some stores didn't pull their physical copies. Imagine going, it's like the snap, man, you go to Target. Tar-zhay. You get your Concord copy, you come home, there's only like 10, 000 people that play this game, but you put it in and it's like, sorry, we don't exist, like, what, what do you even have, what do you even say?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, that's actually, that's an interesting conversation for another day. But like the idea of games preservation, like there's going to come a day when Marvel snap gets shut down.
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah. It happens. And like, all that money
Alexander Coccia:I spend is what?
Cozy Snap:Nothing gone. Poof. That's why digital games are weird. This old game used to cover Disney sorcerer's arena. They shut down shop. And I remember knowing how much I spent on that game. I don't know. It was way too much money. It came out during COVID too. And that game shut down and I was like, bro, that's just millions of dollars. Just poof, gone, nothing you can do about it. And that is what I was talking about earlier with the communities dying. That community, it
Alexander Coccia:literally does not exist anymore. Nope,
Cozy Snap:couldn't get together if they wanted to. The game they play is gone.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. You know what else is gone? Hydration Robert. As Doppelganger did mention, Alex is gaslighting Cozy so hard with the bobber thing. He changed the name every single time. Cozy, I have a confession to make. It was bobbered all along.
Cozy Snap:Damn it, I knew it.
Alexander Coccia:I knew it
Cozy Snap:Alex.
Alexander Coccia:I just needed to show some love for Robert. I'm so sad still. The nerf needed to happen, and that was a concession we talked about last week. Nah, you do this with
Cozy Snap:cards though. You have like a love, and then you like really love them, and then you move on. I forgot who the last one was. Red Guardian was on there. You get like really emotional with these cards. Chop this. Well yeah, that was your old fling. There's one even newer. It was like, it was like Spider Ham or something. I don't know, but you're like, I love this car. It's my car. And then, and then a bob comes along and takes your attention.
Alexander Coccia:That's right. That's right. I just, I just lust for the Marvel snap new drops. Those new cards come out. Those buffs come and I just get, I just get so sweaty.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Any other, any other mailbag questions before we end on this beautiful now Tuesday morning or Monday morning?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah. We got one last one from Jedi Penguin. We got like great names. Jedi Penguin. Yes. That's like, that's got to be a new kid. I'm going to take
Cozy Snap:it out of my sleep. Yep.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah. Now this is relevant for people that might play Marvel Rivals. I don't know, just throwing it out there. For Scarlet Witch, what if she somehow did her ult from Rivals and blew everything up? Like a snap card. So if you thought Galactus was bad The new Scarlet Witcher 2. 3, delete the entire board.
Cozy Snap:We give you suggestions sometimes. It's like, I've got a, I have a take. What if, like, Second Dinner just gave us, like, every card for free? Or, like, what if, what if they, like, what if, what if they made Silver Sable just destroy their deck completely, Alex? Wouldn't that be insane?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Galactus made them kneel their collection? And it just got deleted.
Cozy Snap:I feel like we all have a friend who talks like this, though, like this. I remember this kid in high school would be like, You guys, what if a meteor came from the sky and like, got, like, just killed us all right now? I'm like, bro, what, like, what if my hands were chocolate vanilla ice cream? Like, I don't know. Like, I don't think about these things. I don't, you know, but maybe.
Alexander Coccia:You're Iceman, except you shoot ice cream?
Cozy Snap:Guys, thank you for coming to this episode of the Snapchat. Alex, congratulations on the 100k. And guys we love you. We'll see you next Monday, unless I get the flu again. Okay, have a good one, have a great one, until the next one. Happy snapping. buh bye! Byeeee!