The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
New Dark Avengers Season | Favorite Card at Every Cost | December Cards In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 114
Will this new season be perfectly dark and fun? What are Cozy and Alex's favorite cards at every cost? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in December? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We have a brand new year and a brand new season of Marvel Snap, and it's right up my alley with the cards that are coming alongside it. We're going to talk about Iron Patriot and the entire season of new cards coming to the game, our rankings, and our synergy. And then, we're also going to be talking about what we think of all of them, which ones you should save up for, and the ones that are plug and playable, or kind of fit into more specific games. Dex. We're gonna talk about that all today on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia for a brand new year and a brand new month of Marvel Snap. We got a new season to talk about. One of our favorite episodes each and every month. And we're also gonna hold ourselves accountable for the stuff going on. So, I am pumped for today's episode. Pumped for the new year. How was bringing in the new year? Did you just get schnockered going into New Year's Eve? I think you I think you were already drinking when I talked to you at like 2p over there. Alex, how did, how did that night go, bud?
Alexander Coccia:Well, first of all, like there's a time difference, right? So it's 2pm your time and it's dinner time at our time. So there's like some wine during dinner and stuff like that. It was great. We have a family tradition where we go to one of my close friends and it's usually just our two families and the kids get together. We do the countdown together. It's actually one of my favorite days of the year because our kids play super nice with their family. And you know, we try to cook as much like interesting stuff and It's just, it's beautiful, and I, it's quiet, it's not like a loud party type scene, and Yeah, for me, it was absolutely perfect, it was exactly what I needed. How about you, buddy?
Cozy Snap:It was good, man. It's so funny, like, Celebrating New Year's Eve used to be such an event for my wife and I. We'd go out to, like, At somewhere, man, bar, club, rave, whatever, back in the day. Now, We've been doing, like, the last two to three years since having a kid. We do, like, a, kind of, a board game night between the two of us, and, And Drink and just have a good time and and then we go through like our phone and we go like in January of the year We're celebrating and just kind of looked at the entire year in review Kind of like what we do with that with the month of her month of the card So it's always cool, you know looking back at our son But then also at what we did that year and it was good man. It was a good time and and then I also, I think you just did this, I have cleaned up shop on this computer to try to get its engines going again, the streaming. Dude, guess how much storage I moved from, so I got this massive hard drive to move everything. How much storage from this, my main creating PC do you think I put onto a new drive?
Alexander Coccia:I bet you you did 10 terabytes. 10
Cozy Snap:terabytes, that's, yeah, that's, honestly, first of all, think about how much that is, that's a lot, man. That is a good amount, 19, 19 terabytes of, of data of like, All my videos, all the rendered graphics and greenscreen, bro, it's just, there's, and I, like, don't even know if I'm ever gonna go back to it, but I'll be happy to save it, put it in there. Maybe use it on a the amount of times I remake a tier list template or something and then using an old one I could have just, like, reformatted is, is beyond me, but it's been fun, especially with rivals being different than Snaps, I have different stuff going on. But it's been good, man. It's been a good year and a good start. Big goal guy, so excited to, to get you know, that underway. I won my Fantasy Football Championship, so feeling like a king as well. It's been good. It's a good start, buddy. It's a good start. But what else is A good start is really the season that we have going into for Marvel Snap. You guys know what we're talking about over here with all the new cards. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're doing our final rankings from the prior season. We're going to hold ourselves accountable. We're going to discuss each of the cards and see where they land in the prior season. We're also going to be talking about our favorite cards of the last season as well. Lots of exciting discussion around that. And then as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I've got to say to start things out, this is probably Like, one of my most exciting seasons because of the play style, because of the car design. It just kind of already, listen, when I'm not content creating, the decks that I play, you guys know what, Agent Coulson, these all have a little Coulson splash to them, and so I, for one, as just a player of the game, I'm excited. I'm excited to be playing with these cards, and more, even more excited to break them down. We'll start off with Iron Patriot, if you guys don't know. Two cost, three power card. This is our season pass card. Many of thumbnails I've made with this guy. I didn't think we'd get him in the game, but we have now. On reveal, add a random four, five, or six cost card. So there's a hundred plus different cards you can be added to your hand. If you're winning here after next turn, give it minus four cost. So you play him on two. If you're winning after turn three, you get yourself a massive discount of having a free card. If it's a four cost, a one or two cost card. Which is clearly pretty damn good. But how good, Alex? How good is this card? Let's start off with our star ratings before we jump into synergies. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:You know what? I'm leaning into the 4. 5 range. I don't usually like doing the 5, but I think it's better than a 4. But I don't think it's as game breaking as a 5 tends to be, like the way we saw it, like Surter was and stuff like that. I think it has 5 potential though. It's clearly an excellent card, but for me, I'm going to lean into the 4. 5 range, channeling my inner cozy snap there at the 0. 5s. I just think it's really good. I think it's clearly a very good card. The amount of RNG I think is very notable. You just talked about the breadth of cars that can go from four to five. Six costs and everything in between is pretty wild. Now, generally speaking, cards in Marvel Snap are good cards. Like it's very unlikely you can get something that's complete trash, right? It's very unlikely. And we're going to be talking more about some of the synergies and stuff, but I do think that this condition is relatively easy to meet. So as a result, I'm pretty high on the card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so for me, it was between this and one other card, which one got kind of my, my card of the month and I was leaning with you. I was like, you know, is this going to be, I do think though, this one ages the best, mainly because it's an independent card. It doesn't need a lot around. It doesn't need anything. It just does its thing. And I do think it's pretty damn easy to get its thing accomplished. You got three locations to pick between, you know, go maybe far right, middle locations, a lot of cards to back up that synergy. And then you're just getting mostly just great play. We've seen Agent Coulson and the way that he works, and this is that, you know plus a little bit better. I mean, there are definitely the differences of the pool of cards being smaller and whatnot, but I think as a clear cut card in the game, this is probably my favorite of the month. Just because of the way I think it'll shape into Snap moving forward, and you're right, there's probably ten or less cards, maybe even five or less, that you don't want or can't even use. Everything else is pretty gravy for the most part, especially in the decks that this guy's even gonna be in and be involved with. You know, look back to Coulson and how he's played. That's what I like to do with Iron Patriot. So, let's go ahead and talk about synergies with him, where we see him working out. We both obviously are very high on the card itself. And listen, obviously this guy's gonna fit into a couple cards that we've been wanting to have some more play again, wanting to get back. But if I'm gonna start, I think a good place to start, Alex, outside of like, just general randomness, is compliment cards to winning that location. I think that's a good starting subject for him and a way to get us organized. So maybe we start with 1s, 2s, and 3s and look at those impact players, if you will. And listen, I'll, I'll hand it to you because I'm going to do some of the two costs, but I know one cost is you got some, you got some one cost that you're obviously going to want to play with this guy starting out. What do you got?
Alexander Coccia:I do got a bunch of one cost, but I don't think he gave us the star rating, Cozy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I did use my, my favorite card of the month, five star. This is five? Oh, you're giving him five? I don't think you said five cards. Oh, this is my five star. Yeah, yeah, this is my five star. All right, so
Alexander Coccia:Cozy going five. It turns out the one cost, dude. Okay, so this is a bunch that I think are really, really cool. And right off the top. Hydration Robert. Hydration Robert's seeing a ton of play right now. Theoretically, your opponent can snap him out of the location, right? And I think that there's some 3 drops that can compensate for that if they make that type of play. Hydration Robert's being played in a ton of different decks right now. And it's taken some time to get there, but it seems as though the 1 5 with the strong stat line and kind of like a, yeah, it's not the greatest ability, but like it has some utility both for your opponent and for you. The stats have just been speaking. I think that you know, you want to make those early turns matter. Hydration Robber can do that. And to a similar vein, someone like a Martyr. Who is a little more reliable than Hydration Robber because Martyr cannot be interacted with by your opponent. They can't snap it out and it'll just cleanly win that location. So I think that's a good example of a couple one drops that can kind of do a number on it at the very least.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and with this being a plug and play card ish and, and, Hydra Bob being a card that can be played in any deck. It's like that obviously makes a lot of sense. And then it's cool too that yeah, you don't even have to commit with that Bob. You can have him go to another lane if you need that, you know, power to get him to move. So that's always nice to have that kind of flexibility there. For me man, one cause I think just naturally Quinjet is gonna also work with. Most of the cards we talk about today, I think Quinjet's gonna be a highlighted card. And so clearly, Quinjet with Iron Patriot, if you don't even get that hit or if you do, you get an additional cost off. And I, I think that is gonna add some spice. But I think really, where I see most of the, the spice start to kick in, are the twos and the threes. Obviously, You know, ideally, you'd like to play this guy down on two, but if we want to talk about some other cards, either follow him up on three or to play if you didn't draw him and you're hoping for the top deck, Alex, I think there's some definitely definitely interesting options, if you will. So let's go through them, man. First of all, We bring this card up more recently than I would say for the last couple months. It did take a good hit. I think White Widow is probably the clear cut favorite just for an easy way to get a location to win it out. You know, there's no way they're gonna get this thing filled. If they are, they're really committing to stop that cost and so clearly White Widow to me is a great setup into this if you didn't draw it on time or even if you did. You know, they, they start playing into it. It's like, alright, we'll take a negative four right to the face. And so I've got that one big. But also, if you play him down, you go into turn three, Alex. The other one I want to highlight plenty here, but the other one I want to pull up specifically is Star Lord, dude. I, it's funny we look at, you know, is he gonna make the more plug and play decks? I think there's something like Medusa where you could plan it out in the middle a little bit better, but Star Lord to me is really cool because You're inviting them to play into that lane. You're like, come get me, come at it. And I think Starlord is a cool option.
Alexander Coccia:I like how our minds kind of went to different perspectives. Like when you asked me about the one drops, right? I was thinking about like, how do we win those locations? You were talking, you were thinking about like, okay, well, Quinjet provides like that cost reduction strategy. I think it's huge, especially with some of the cars we'll be talking about momentarily as well. When it comes to actually winning the location too. Yeah. I think the guardians have, there's a lot to be said about the guardians, right? If you want to stick around that, like Groot. Is a 3 cost, it can be played directly after the the turn 2, of course. You play turn 2 you know Iron Patriot, you play the Groot. I don't know if that's cope or not, it just might be. But Groot could potentially be a pretty solid play. And another cost one drop, I should say, would be like a Nebula. Because, I mean, Nebula's been seeing a lot of play right now. But you play Nebula down in one location, and then you play the Iron Patriot in another. Again, it's one of those circumstances where they can't do everything at once. Right? And so your nebula is going to tick upwards while you're putting additional power behind the behind the Iron Patriot. And if you're going to talk about Groot, you can talk about Rocket and Groot. to say. Yep. I mean, Rocket and Groot themselves, like, that is a great card to play into the Iron Patriot location because it's all gravy. They're going to pull you in, and you're just going to love it.
Cozy Snap:Yep. And you get the power steal, and you get to move it. Not a lot of things can top it. And most of the time, Maybe the first week, this is one of those cards I could get hard countered. Obviously, Mobius and Mobius. Bro, that guy, he always fades out after the initial counter that he does. And even after that, it's like, okay, whatever. But outside of that, it's like, these decks that are kind of always in the meta aren't designed to stop this card that early all the time. And so, you know, outside of Gladiators slamming down, which obviously is not a bad one to follow up with. Could kick you in the butt but that's not a bad one. To me, you know, I did highlight Medusa. I think the middle lane strategy is way up there. You got that 2 5, that's not bad. Also, man, talk about it, because I'm trying to think of like, actual, like, I thought Groot 2, obviously Rocket and Groot fit that a bit better. But it's like, cards that I actually am going to play into that middle lane, the two that I thought as well, is both Juggernaut and Negasonic. Two, two of them showing up in the, in, in Deadpool. The, you know, just perfect cards that complement that turn 3. Hopefully, you got priority because you picked where you want to play the Iron Patriot. And so, you're, you're looking pretty good there. Get the Negasonic down. But then, Juggernaut's just that perfect card. You're adding power to the lane, pushing their stuff away. Couldn't be better. And is a perfect plug and play card. I love these decks that are going to be the shield decks, but I also love him. And why I gave him a 5 is because I think he's just, like Kate Bishop, a general good card. And is going to fit into a lot of decks.
Alexander Coccia:It's like you're reading my mind, dude. And I like these two cards for different reasons. First of all, I think Negasonic could potentially work here, because you're playing a lot of cards, like, listen, you obviously want to win the location with Iron Patriot, and as a result, the early turns matter again. We've talked about this so many times on the podcast, where we want the early turns to matter again, and in this case, they most certainly will. And so therefore, it's very likely you're going to have something like Initiative, so Negasonic doesn't feel like as much of a risk. However, if you're strictly going for, I want to win the Iron Patriot location, there's nothing better than Juggernaut, because initiative doesn't matter, right? That card will get displaced. And the nice thing about it, is provided you don't do something weird like play into their 1 drop on turn 2 with the Iron Patriot, there are very few cards in this game that outstat 2 3 straight up, and then can outstat a a Juggernaut on turn 3. Like, what? Like, I guess Maximus? If they play Maximus into your Patriot or something, but if that happens, give them the win. They deserve it, you know what I mean? So I think that, like, Juggernaut is a very straightforward, clean way to win.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, listen, we talk about cards that are going to set up and help you win. There's so many also that can just help synergize with this in, you know, in the first place. Three cards, by the way, there's num there's so many cards we could talk about because there's a lot that are built to help you win a location or whatever it might be. This is spoiling a little bit of my favorite card of of the, of the month and its cost, but I, you know, gotta bring it up. I think this is such a really cool position for Frigga in the way, we kind of talked about this when she launched. We thought Frigga was going to be a card that got better over time, especially more of these cards that you know, I think Anti Venom was like, let's try it out, but now we're getting more of these kind of cost reducing cards that work, and the play line will be interesting, but even just. Playing down Iron Patriot into a 3 4, get a copy of the Iron Patriot, get to play him again. Kind of cool, I mean, getting that, that's an effect you definitely don't mind having twice, right? Clearly, clearly, and I think even in the next month, there's a card that like repeats on Reveal Abilities, maybe it's only for one cost, but either way, there's locations that do that. Like getting multiple Iron Patriots, Obviously, it's something that you don't mind, and I think Frigga's just a good statted card with that 3 4 now, too.
Alexander Coccia:It's so funny, because when Frigga came out, I actually liked her. Like, I tested her, I liked her, I thought it was a decent card. Frigga going to a 3 4 was actually something you had called, believe it or not. I do remember that conversation specifically. And she feels great. She has a home in Little Movers right now, which has been great. But I do think that she can have more of an impact in other, in other decks. And I think that the way that Marvel Snap's being played, especially with the cost reduction of the Iron Patriot's card going to negative four, Like, you don't lose that much tempo playing the Frigga on turn three. Because of the cost reduction, even if you, especially if you have like a Quinjet on board or something like that, You're gonna be able to make use of those cards, which is kind of wild to me, right? It doesn't feel as slow, like, of course, it's a slower card. But the payoff for something like an Iron Patriot might most certainly be a payoff. It might be worth it, so to speak, right? Another thing I want to just mention too is you mentioned Mobius and Mobius. I had some thoughts about that. There's so much conversation anytime we talk about a new card. Every single Snapchat when there's a new card, which is every one of them, people always say, well, I'm just going to bring out my Red Guardian. I'm just going to bring out my Like, someone wants to poo poo on the party all the time. And I do think that Möbius and Möbius is capable of doing that in Iron Patriots, there's no question about it. However, it's also a deck that's going to be focused on putting stats on the board. It has some play around mechanics. I think it's not going to be the end of the world. But also, if you are going to be playing Möbius and Möbius, I don't think you just throw Möbius into whatever deck you want. I think that Pixie could be a very good counterplay to Iron Patriots during this launch week. Pixie, Möbius and Möbius, and those types of decks, I think could do a number on this card in launch week. I just want to kind of bring that up because I think that a lot of people focus on just the counterplay, but not necessarily the deck archetype that could potentially be one. So, if you're a free to play player and you don't have Iron Patriot, that might be a kind of way you can go, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so it's funny you went there because, yeah, I was going somewhere different than just the Mobius and Mobius as well. My head went to Discard. Discard starts off fast, overstatted cards, does well, and one of the biggest ones on there is Gambit. And do you want to bet where these people are playing all their cards? On one lane, and so Gambit has Way more targeted value than typical, and I think just flat out Discard is another one that works there. And I like that you brought that up. There's so many decks that aren't just the obvious solution to it that work, and so Discard is definitely, there are ways to counter it but I do think as we move away from It's Week, and then even more so It's Season it's going to be even better and better because this guy, again, I don't know if this is going to be like the ultimate meta deck, but I do think it's going to be just a competitive card deck that does work, and namely with some of the other cards we're going to be talking about here in a moment in the, in the Shield category in the month of it anything else? I mean, obviously, we might as well, we might as well bring up the conversation because this is going to come up one way or another, right? How, how long, you know, we've been doing this two years, Alex, two years plus now, a few months. And we used to always talk about one beautiful card all the time. And then, and then we didn't. And then we didn't for how long, I mean, forever. Devil Dinosaur. Will he be back? Will he be worth playing again? It's certainly a case, because even if you don't get the discount, you get another card in your hand, and obviously other cards we're going to talk about today do synergize with it. Does the Devil come back in Dinosaur form, Alex Coccia?
Alexander Coccia:I hope so. I mean, when we go back in time to some of the earliest Snapchats, was this not the card I talked about non stop? Was this not my favourite card in Marvel Snap? Was this not my first god split ever gotten in Marvel Snap? Yes, Devil Dinosaur. I am a true Devil Dinosaur enjoyer. I've watched Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur at Disney I thoroughly enjoy it. My kids don't even like it. I like it. I am a Devil Dinosaur fan, I'd like to make a comeback, and what's funny is, is in a lot of my like pen and paper kind of like ideas for early decks for the different cards we're going to be talking about today, I'm not convinced, now I'm not saying it's not going to happen, but some of my early archetypes, I don't know if Devil Dinosaur actually makes the cut. Top of it. Like, I think that, like, it's gonna benefit, but it's so far in the gutter right now, it feels like it might need something else to climb up. Because we're gonna be talking about Victoria Hand and some other cards momentarily, but I do think it's obviously a huge benefit to Devil Dinosaur, but I just wonder if it's too high of a hill it has to climb, you know what I mean, Cozy? Like, it's so far back that it really needs to turn on the jets in order to even get close to becoming Meta relevant again.
Cozy Snap:Once upon a time. This was a 3 cost card and it has now gone not now gone, it's been a 5 cost for a long time. And again, you know, not to call up my old video, but if you guys haven't seen the kind of busted cards of all time in Snap, go check it out. There's some crazy changes in some of these costs. And Devil Dinosaur, I think Shock, there was one in the comments I like. People couldn't believe that this guy, I, I, I used to play Devil Dinosaur and Lockjaw Dag, and it's like, man, how times have changed in Snap. But yeah. So Iron Patriot, looking good. A lot of good synergy around it, a lot of fun play. I think there's cards that we can continue to talk about with it as we, as we move forward. Cards that you can get from it real quick I think is cool. 100 plus cards, Alex. There's a lot of different options. It's kind of, It's a wasteful to be like, well, if you get this card, because there's so many options, but clearly tech cards are going to be good, a lot of fives, most of the fives, and I would say the majority of six cost cards are fine options with only a fraction of those being bad.
Alexander Coccia:There's one thing worth mentioning two time while getting bad cards. Theoretically, you get the card before you have to discount it. So if you get a card like a Taskmaster and you're like, Bro, I'm never gonna be able to play this. That means you just don't have to commit to the Iron Patriot location. You know what I mean? You get the card first, and then you have to earn the discount. And if the card you get, you're like, Man, this is useless. Just don't, don't go for the discount. Or just do it anyway. But you know what I mean? You don't have to commit to it at that point. You have that decision making available to you.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, like, I'm glad you brought this up. I had that on my notes in the sense of like, You get to weigh how important that card is to you, right? So like, even if it's not a dumpster fire card, but it's something that you're like, Eh, I can make it work in the game plan, like, why not, you know? But like, let's say it's a Devil well, that's a bad example. Let's say it's like a Ronin, you're like, I don't really have a lot to feed this card. You're like, I can throw a bone into that lane again, or if you're seeing your opponent like, start to, you know, go all out, and then you're like, okay, man, let him have it. He's gonna play again in there, we all know it. I might as well play into one of these other lanes, right? That's, yeah, I totally agree. I think that's a cool side piece of this card. Listen, two cards come out same week. It's always chaos. This one, every now and then, we had things like Hope Summers and Red Hulk come out. This week's a pretty strong one, too. We have two really good cards coming out in the same exact week. Victoria Hand. Two cost, three power card ongoing. Your cards created in your hand have plus two power. This is a, this is a monster of a card, Alex. And I think a relatively easy one for, for Star Redding. Before we jump into everything, what do you think?
Alexander Coccia:So this was originally going to be my 5 star, and I'm leaning towards it. I think I like, man, I think that Iron Patriot might be in more decks overall, but I think the Victoria Hand is A, going to be in the Iron Patriot decks, probably. There's a good chance that happens. I just love this card. I, I want to give this 5. I'm going to save 4. 5. I don't like doing this, man. I don't like this whole 4. No, I'm going five. I'm just going five. I'm going five. I was going to say 4. 5, but I'm gonna get committed. I'm gonna just commit here. I'm going five just because I like this card and I think it's going to do a ton for the archetype. I think that we've had. We've been saying it over and over again, that Marvel Snap's design team has been trying to make more archetypes viable in order to make the actual gameplay feel more fun. And this is an archetype that needed something. The whole SHIELD hand generation archetype needed something. Why? Because they killed Loki. When they killed Loki, they killed that whole archetype, and they had to go to the drawing board and say, Okay, We need Agent 13 and we need all these cards to be relevant somehow, right? Maria Hill was relevant in Wick Index and that's cool, but everything else felt completely useless. Even Coulson, really, largely, felt kind of useless. The Victoria Hand is going to really bring that all back. And so this might be a four star card in actual performance. But it's a five star in my heart. You know how we have those every once in a while, Cozy? It's like, you know what I mean? I can, I think Iron Pages is going to be better, but for me, this is the card I'm most excited about.
Cozy Snap:Well, listen, it's a board wide effect out of two cards. It's really good. And a card you don't have to play on two at all. I think that's so strong for her. She reminds me of something like Morbius. Sounds funny enough, but you look at Morbius and what he does to that deck. And it's this. Over the top for an archetype. We actually talk about this all the time. Each archetype has this over the top card that really propels it. And you know, that's her weak point. She's got to be in these decks that focus on it. And that's a little bit of a bummer. However, most of the time you're getting significant value from Victoria Hand. And let's just talk about it. The play style alone is why I love it. I think it's so cool to have this, you know, give your randomness a good shot. It's what I wish Airsham was outside of the energy cheat. Super fun, interactive play here. You know, you're getting like a 2, 9. You're getting a really good card. Majority of the, so it's like Morbius, right? Like, Morbius is a great card that's a compliment card to his archetype. And so, if we would give him a 5 star, which I probably think we would. I mean, it's tough. I'm gonna give her like a 4 and a half. This is the card under Iron Patriot for me that I was talking about going back and forth in between. But I do think she's clearly very strong as an ongoing card. We've got a lot of card generation outside of the Shield archetype, but this is that missing puzzle piece that we've been waiting for for the Shield archetype. We've kind of had a trickle effect of these cards that may boost up the Shield archetype. You know, we would make full thumbnails for Nick Fury when he got boosted. Nothing seemed to do it, especially as you just said, Loki, Erish, and those really put it down. You know But there's so much more outside of S. H. I. E. L. D. and that's what's exciting. I think there's more outside of that to talk about today. To name the obvious, Maria Hill, awesome, right, Agent Coulson, great, and then you got, you know, Nick Fury. But you also have others, and let's focus on those as well. And the one that I want to bring up, It's just good ol Sentinel, right? Good ol playin down the card on Curve 2 3, gettin it with the 2 5. That's Crazy Town. And it's into that kind of, that's where I see Devil Dinosaur working into those, into those as a nice big vertical card, and then you go wide with all the Sentinels. I mean, dude, it's awesome. I love it.
Alexander Coccia:It is awesome. Sentinel actually getting some love is crazy, to the point that, when I was kind of writing my notes and stuff, we had that Collector's, what was it called? Collector's, not Collector's Chest, that's the other thing. You know when you get to buy the variants, it's like the Collector's Vault, right? The
Cozy Snap:Vault. Collector's Reserve, yep.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but anyways, so with the Vault, I actually got The Jim Lee Sentinel and I had lamented over missing that like for the longest time, right? I got a lot of variants I like but there's been a couple variants like the Flaviano Bishop where I'm like I'm gonna pay the money for this variant. Like I know I'm being stupid I'm gonna do it and that was one of them when it was it was just too expensive for me I'm like, I'm not doing it and it came into the vault It was like 1400 gold or whatever and I'm like, I gotta do it I've always regretted not having this Jim Lee Sentinel So I got it and then I was looking at this car. I'm like, yes, I can use my Jim Lee Sentinel You My moment has come, finally, because I, I, it's, it's amazing, and I actually like the idea of the way it's balanced, that the first Sentinel's gonna come back as a 2 3, and then it's a 2 5 in your hand. I actually kind of like that. It, it's like, the first Sentinel you don't get the payoff, but then all the other ones you get the payoff with, and you kind of alluded to it again, or prior, I should say, with Victoria Hand, you could play Sentinel on 2, and then you could play Victoria Hand on 6. Because it's an ongoing effect, if anything, playing it later in the game protects it from the Enchantresses and the Rogues and everything else, right? Your Sentinels can just pop up, which is awesome, and it gives you some snap equity, because your opponent might not be able to predict a play like that.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, totally agree. I think, you know, that was the one I wanted to highlight, because I love the idea of, you know, over time, way back when, Devil Dinosaur, that was it's best friend, because you have all this wide value, and Listen, it's no I think it's no secret, probably the, one of the biggest winners of this entire month that we're going to break a block today, too, is Mystique. And what I think is cool is, obviously, we knew that Devil Dinosaur into Mystique was cool. And then you could do, like, the, you would do Mystique with Coulson, and it had this huge uplift. What I think is awesome now is you can have this thought process of either, you can play them both on five, you know both Victoria and Mystique. You But I like the idea of playing maybe Devil, Devil Dinosaur on 5, and then on 6, you're like, okay, do I have more widespread cards that I want to, you know, give, play her down, and then Mystique, or do I want to play Mystique and get the Devil Dinosaur and go tall? Like, I love being able to instantly go wide or vertical. Very cool interaction. But one that I want to highlight because I think it's safe to talk about now that we have Victoria Hand in the conversation, Iron Patriot, I wanted to, to mention him is Wiccan. Because of Shield and because of Wiccan decks and how you want to curve these out, I think, I think this could be a huge winner because you're getting the energy to play the extra cards that you're getting, you're getting guaranteed curve most of the time with the way Shield plays. I think Wiccan's cool in the in the formula here.
Alexander Coccia:It absolutely is. And I can absolutely see a deck that runs Wiccan, Maria Hill I don't even think you need Quicksilver, because I think you're going to run enough, like, you know, with Iron Patriot and this deck mixed in, I could see the Wiccan Iron Patriot shell coming together to be one of the top archetypes of the launch week, for sure. I think it's a definite good callout. And something else that's worth mentioning, too, is that this is one of the few times where I looked at this Spotlight Week and I was like, damn, this is actually a pretty good Spotlight Week, too. I think we'd be remiss not to mention that. Grandmaster? This has been a Card Cozy? It's Grandmaster's time, baby! It's time that we actually kind of speak the truth of Grandmaster. And finally, the reason why I bring this up is Kate Bishop. Talking about a synergistic card, Kate Bishop is in the Spotlight Cache. And let's be honest, second dinner, yes, you need to do this more often. There have been circumstances in the past where you've had cards where like, you know, you make the Spotlight Cache feel like a package. I think that's a great approach. And this is a good example of that. Because in theory, if you really want to huff the Hopium, Oh my god, hey listen, I'm trying to hit all the checkboxes here right now. If you gotta huff the Hopium, you can actually play Keep Bishop into Grandmaster. And then now you got tons of stuff in your hand, and really only the Acid Arrow doesn't account for the buff that you know that Victoria Hand's gonna provide. But even still, man, like, you got a lot of options there, a lot of power, and all those cards, with the exception of the Acid Arrow, are gonna love the fact that Victoria Hand is on your side.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, definitely Kate Bishop highlighted on my side, I mean, how do you not? Acid Arrow, because it's ongoing, doesn't matter, great, cool, you get the best card of the bunch, or now you're kind of pulling for the other cards to work as well. You're just getting so much power generation off of really not doing much. Kate Bishop, huge. Huge plug and play potential anyway, so that works out. Love that, after what a stinker of a December spotlight mess, we get something that actually correlates with the card. Feels good, thank you Second Dinner for doing that. But also just like, pure base, like Agent Coulson, loved him as a card. What he does, and now getting that extra power for all of your cards is, like, what I see this deck doing is, you're using you know, obviously, Victoria to get a base power going, and then your real win conditions are almost in the cards that you're generating and hoping to get out of these with Iron Patriot, with Coulson, with Maria Hill, whatever it might be. And that's exciting. I think that's really fun and a unique, you know, a pretty unique way to play the game. You know, some others, obviously we do have things like Mirage that generate. Penny Parker just came out. That's gonna be cool for the energy boost, as well as getting a little bit on top of a movable card. Kind of so weird. Depends on how you play it out. But one that I want to highlight as well is the hood. I mean, listen, bro. Negative three, now you got your Demon that's spiking up as a one cost card with plus two power on top of it. That's a big, big time vertical leap and easy play that you can have as that surprise play at the end. Talk about saving Demon, you know, Victoria Hand and Mystique all at the last play of the game. That's a massive, massive swing. And I think it's kind of exciting.
Alexander Coccia:It is exciting and it's kind of cool how like some of these archetypes that haven't necessarily been seeing a lot of play kind of getting some love and like I guess the next natural place to go would be something like Discard because the Swarms like now you might be able to see like a Discard Swarm Zoo approach because each Swarm is now going to be a 0 5 which is insane and it's not the last time we're even talking about Swarm in this conversation here because there's another card that's going to want to deal with that but Swarm could be potentially insane and if you want to stay in Discard I'm not quite sure what that deck looks like yet, but Helicarrier. Like, think about it. Helicarrier generates an entire hand for you. It's kind of crazy how that works. And if you get like a Quinjet into Victoria Hand into like Sif, blow up the Quinjet, or blow up the Helicarrier, then you're getting this massive buff hand. Of cards that, yeah, it's all random, but come on, man, there's gotta be something in there.
Cozy Snap:Well, we've seen our days of Collector Discard being competitive. It's worked in before, you know, Obviously, it works its way out. I think Helicarrier is always the fun build and eventually works itself out. But again, I don't, I don't see this deck being the best deck, but I also think it's A, super fun, but B, competitive as well. And that's what's great about it. I think that if she gives, That huge burst to that style of play, which is desperately needed. And, also, I think it's gonna prep a lot of people for draft whenever that does come out, because it, it, it helps you kinda think on your feet and, and figure things out. And so, clearly good synergy between Victoria and Iron Patriot. A lot of cards that can you know, give more cards. Nick Fury Snow Guard. Ones that are kinda forgotten at this point, right? We kind of move past because they just don't have a, a good play system. You know, in the meta. One last one, I think you're thinking of it too, but there's one last one that, you know, definitely there's a form of it every season. We like to come up with it. We used to say this card's name a lot on the we, it was like a token that we would say on this. Any idea who I'm talking about?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, it's so funny because like when you're saying the token, my mind directly went to Hope Summers, but it can't be Hope.
Cozy Snap:The double up Moon Girl, right? Moon Girl, baby, there it is.
Alexander Coccia:Got the
Cozy Snap:new animation and everything, baby. Haven't seen that very often. The new, the Moon Girl double up deck. There's always some double up jack floating out there and listen, Hey, now your cards are getting that much better. Really cool stuff and synergy that we could see out of this. And a lot of cards in here that you don't, that you don't mind making twice. Even stuff like Iron Patriot. What do you think about Moon Girl?
Alexander Coccia:You know what's so funny? I had this flashback of like, there was like maybe 2 3 months where every single Snapchat you brought up Moon Girl. Like, without failure. And like, I, I'd given up on her, but you maintained hope. She even got buffed. Do not forget, Moon Girl was a 4 4, went, got changed to a 4 5, I don't know, let's say recently, but within the last several months, right? Definitely, definitely, and the last time I tried Moon Girl, I actually tried like this Moon Girl High Evo Spider Woman deck with Abomination, and it was I was gonna say it wasn't bad, but I think it was bad, to be honest with you. But anyways, that's a whole other conversation. But yeah, Moon Girl, with Victoria Hand, makes perfect sense. I still wonder about Moon Girl's forecast, and was Zabu making a bit of a comeback, like Zabu's definitely back, and not cause Zabu's good, I still think Zabu sucks as a card, it's just that we have so many good 4 drops, you're laughing, but come on man, Zabu's not good, it's the 4 drops that are so good, you know what I mean, and I think that Moon Girl is, yeah, I guess, it's true, but like, Yeah, you know, I, I guess a little bit, but Moon Girl, I think, could have potentially a spot there because she is a very natural thing. The only thing that I found tricky with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur based decks was, yeah, she was a cool play on, like, turn six to, like, pump your hand and pump the dino and stuff. But earlier on, with, if you're running, like, Mirage and all this other hand gen, your hand's too full anyway, you know what I mean? You're often only copying the leftmost card and then not drawing a card after.
Cozy Snap:That's where you get Bakari in there, man. Get the Bakari in there. Double. Double copy, send them both out. Hey, I did Makari action with Surfer this this last week. It was, it was like, oh yeah, this is a car, this is a fun one to play as well. So yeah, we got a good Victoria hand coming. Gonna keep things moving along, but definitely both solid cars to start off the season. Starting the year off hot compared to Scar and Kaira from last year. Remember that off the top of my head. We go into Moonstone. Moonstone, 4 cost, 5 power card, ongoing. Has the ongoing effects of your 1, 2, and 3 cost cards here. Interesting. Very interesting card here. Now obviously, here means you gotta be playing it on the location where the other ones are at. But there are some very unique interactions that you can play with this, and what do you think of Moonstone?
Alexander Coccia:You know what? Originally, this is crazy. This is the first time I've ever done this. I'm using all these 5s. I'm leaning towards the 3. 5 range. I almost want to say 4, only because I think that, like, I don't want to blow Synergy right off the top, but I think Mystique might single handedly bring this card to 4. And we'll talk more about that later. I lean towards the 3. 5 range, I think that's what I'm going to lock in here, Cozy. But I have hope for this card. I think that this could potentially be an interesting card, even with Victoria Hand that we just talked about. Like, I think there's a number of different synergies here available, which we're going to go through. But I'm optimistic, but at the same time, I think that this might be not as impactful as some of the others, potentially.
Cozy Snap:I'm going right down the middle with three. Yeah, I think that this is a very beast famine card. You got some cool synergy of awesome things and potential that can happen. It's, you know, obviously it being one location and they know they have to do that because things can get out of hand pretty crazy. But, the reason I want to go above 3 is if you think about it, obviously her stat line is going to be well over, well over a normal 4 cost card. And, you know, that alone makes me want to put her much higher. This is the token card of every season that we say we need to see play out. Because I can see this one being an amazing card and also falling flat of awkwardness. And so I just, I, old Cozy would probably hype this one up pretty, pretty far, pretty, pretty high. I want to pump the bricks, want to see how it works a bit. And that's hard for me to say, with what I think is an easy synergy to go into. Let's talk about them together. You brought up Mystique, but you know, obviously for me, Patriot, right? Love Patriot decks, always try to come up with a new Patriot deck. Clearly looking at the ongoing cards, that's one of the biggest winners of it. But you bring up Mystique, who can obviously copy Patriot, and then you can play this all into one lane, and then you have Just enormous patri I mean, you win the game. You're gonna have so much just playing a Doom after that, you win, right? Like, there's so much coverage. However, Mystique is the card to talk about, guys. And you might be puzzled, why Mystique? Yeah, you need to copy Moonstone. Copy something like a 5 or 6 cost card and all of a sudden you can make that a 3 cost card with Moonstone, that's the winner, yeah?
Alexander Coccia:No, 100%. Like Mystique allows you to skip the rules. It rewrites the rulebook for what Moonstone is meant to do. So like, all of a sudden, you have these ongoing cards, and Mystique comes in as an onslaught. You know what I mean? That changes the math a little bit, right? And that's kinda why, for me, it's like Mystique is the most interesting, cause like, what if you copy Onslaught? What if you copy Omega Red? Right? There's all these interesting choices that can be made. Now, I know you're saying, people are already typing, and I don't want to ruin the engagement, but if you're typing about Enchantress, yes, you're right. Enchantress is going to be a thing. We know that, right? But, overall, I do think that Moon that Moonstone has the potential. To actually set up some serious combos, and it's so funny, I already, buddy, I can't wait for the surprise Ultron video, I really can't, because I think that Patriot's a huge hit for it, it's, it's, it's a perfect hit for it, right, it writes, it writes itself there, especially with the way you want to play Patriot, you often play Patriot where, like, you're kind of singleton lane almost, because you want Ultron to have the coverage, the reach, right, does it make you a little susceptible, To something like Enchantress, maybe, right? But guess what? Who cares? Because, like, you're putting up so much power anyways, and there's a good chance that if they're committing the Enchantress on turn 4, they might not be able to actually counterplay the 1 2 bots flailing the entire board afterwards, right? One thing I will say though, Cozy, is that there's a couple cards I've been thinking about. I mean, this is a very patriotic season. A very patriotic. As a Canadian, I feel patriotic for America. And I was thinking about Captain America, and I was like, can this make Captain America legit? Mr. Fantastic, can it be legit? And I'd be interested in your take on that, because I wonder if it's still just Cope, even with Moonstone. I just don't think Moonstone's enough for Captain America and Mr. Fantastic.
Cozy Snap:So for Fanta, no. For Captain America, maybe. I think so. I think we brought him up whenever we first initially talked about these cards. I was like, hey, I think this has a shot. Because, just look at the synergy across the board. Let me get to that in a moment. Patriot, one last closing note on that is that Ravonna is one of the other ones that just is a huge highlight card. And I love Ravonna into Patriot Mystique. Like, you have so many options to go off of that, and then you can really change your game plan, so I think that just naturally is going to work. As far as Captain, I think Cap might work. I do. Like, Captain you know, It's funny you went there instead of, you know, Cerebro, because I was trying to think of Cerebro with Cap. Like, how do you make this thing work out in a way that isn't, Messy and they made it a lot tougher. That's for sure. I don't I think those cards are fun fits I don't think they're gonna actually work all the time Maybe like a spectrum build where this thing could just have easy curve synergy, you know potentially happen You know, you got the ongoing card for luckily for a lot of decks is a weird cost slot Like there's options there, but it is it's you know Typically you're playing Gwynpools and Galactus like things that just have big wide spread plug and play energy or effects So I don't know if those Legendary cards are going to come into effect. I do know we're getting Mr. Fantastic this season in Marvel Rivals. And I can't wait for I can't wait to play Mr. Fantastic! That's going to be good in a game. Like, it's going to be fun. But I don't think he does come back in Snap. I think, dude, that this card is going to be best in those Patriot decks and in Zoo low cost power decks. We're looking to just fill up lanes with cheap cards that have the ongoing effect. And that you can continue to multiply, like the Ant Man, like the Dazzler. Those, that's where I see this card winning the most.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, 100%. And like, even things like, as you said, like Ant Man, Dazzler, into a Zuu type deck that uses a lot of ongoings, that's perfect. That's exactly what you want to do, right? Another interesting thing, you brought up Ravonna. I think Ravonna might be underappreciated. I haven't seen a lot of Ravonna, I'm so glad you brought it up. Because with Ravonna, with Moonstone, what, Iron Man's a three? Mystique becomes a 1. Mystique becomes a 1, Cozy. Like, Mystique as a 1 means you can, you can put her anywhere. Like, it's Ronin, Mystique turn 6, Devil, Dinosaur, Mystique, whatever you want because she's a 1. It's kind of actually insane. Gore becomes a 4. Like, things get so discounted, and the combo potential becomes so high. One thing I will mention as well, is you do bring up Cerebro, and I had this thought of like, can Cerebro work? And I think that Patriot's gonna be a much more natural one. I think Cerebro there is potential, but for me, I think that that Patriot's gonna be a little more natural there. Another thing worth mentioning though, is Quinjet. If you're going to be doing like these hand generation style decks, if you Quinjet Moonstone, suddenly you're starting to cook with major discounts.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, listen, Quinjet on Iron Patriot on 1, the reason I was bringing that up is like, just think about what we've talked about. All these cards getting plus 2, then they also are 1 less, right? You got a Loki thing happening all of a sudden. And then Moonstone can amplify that even more so, and obviously, Victoria Hand is a ongoing card, so that's gonna be one of the most clear cut fits to go with Moonstone. Super cool card, too, the art, by the way, all that highlighted good stuff there. Just a, I think this is the whoa card. That, we'll have to see how it does work out. A lot of interesting things, glad they kept it 3 and down. Also, instead of Enchantress, I just think Super Scroll's the way to just hard counter this easily. No question, because the rest of their deck's on going too, most likely. So just capitalize on that to the fullest degree, if you don't want to go the Enchantress route. But obviously, this card will be heavily countered. On release.
Alexander Coccia:What happens if you put your own Super Scroll and then you Mystique Super Scroll into the Moonstone?
Cozy Snap:So you're able to, what's cool is you're able, that's crazy number one, but also what's cool about Super Scroll is you're getting so much value because then you're getting Moonstone's ability to read, do that on your side, like, Super
Alexander Coccia:Scroll. Yeah, is it like an auto onslaught on the Moonstone, basically?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it goes nuts, bro. It goes wildly nuts. It's Super Scroll. Truthers from 2000 and 23, 22 are rising up. First
Alexander Coccia:card, buddy. That's the first card I bought with tokens. Oh, man. Blast
Cozy Snap:to the past. Alright, we got two more cards to talk about for this season. And we head to our next one in Bullseye. Bullseye is a 3 3. A lot of changes on this guy. 3 3. Activate. Discard all cards that cost one or less from your hand and afflict that many different enemy cards with negative two power. Discard. And this is an interesting one, and definitely one worth talking about. Activate being a little bit of a scary word there. But also, we've seen it work really well in Discard, clearly, because that's what you want to do. So we have some boomer bust potential there. Alex, what do you think of Bullseye?
Alexander Coccia:What I think is, I want to say something stupid. Do I have your permission?
Cozy Snap:You get, you usually get one of Snapchat, so I would, yeah. Alright,
Alexander Coccia:alright, here it is, here it is.
Cozy Snap:Run like the wind, Bullseye! Yeah, I mean, hey, I just watched Toy Story, like, yesterday.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I watch Toy Story non stop. It's one of my kids favorite ones. But I will say, okay, Cozy, this might be where, alright, I like Hot Taken. I like Hot Taken, there's no problem with it. I'm up for it, I'm up for being wrong. I think I'm, I'm a little lower on this card than most people. And I'm ready for it. I'm gonna say I have an upper, I don't have to say an upper limit of, but I'm going with a flat three here. Cause I think that it could potentially be good, but as an activate, and some of the more awkward plays, cause like I know people are interested in Swarm. And you know, I think there's opportunities there, but if you've got a handful of swarms, are you really not going to play them all the time? You know what I mean? And so, I think that the play pattern is interesting. However, I have some reservations. I'm going three stars here. I'd like to be wrong. I know people are high on bullseye. For me, he might not be riding with the wind.
Cozy Snap:Oh man, I thought I was gonna have a hot take. Same here. I got about three. I think, and like, I feel like I was saying three, just like Sav our butts, like, I, I don't know, it could be even two and a half. I feel like activate. First of all, we've seen it time after time when they adjust a card like they did from four to three. It's not because they wanted to do that. I think they needed to do that. Activate could hurt this card a. But on top of that, just like trying to make this work with all the synergies that you're already having one game plan with this card, it could be a bit weird and a bit awkward. There are gonna be games where he feels really game changing, and ones where it just, there's other options and other things that you want to accomplish. I honestly think that this card is not gonna be, I think he's gonna be a fun card, he's gonna fit that role of Gambit in a way, and that, we're not over here giving Gambit a 5 star, you know? Like, I just wouldn't give Gambit today a 5 star, right? So, I'm hooked. It's really cool, and it does a lot, but also, in all the games across the board, I don't think it's going to continually give you success, and if it did, It would not be a 3 3, right? That's at least my opinion. Clearly, he's the 3 5 without even trying, you know, with most cards. But there are some This one could be our quicker review. We don't need to go into minutes of talking about it. But there are about three or four that clearly like it, you know, and at the top of the list, you mentioned Swarm. Obviously, Scorn is way up there, and something like Dawken. Those are the ones where I think, you know, have a chance to go high.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I think those are the three worth talking about, to be honest with you, Cozy. And like, Dokken, I mean, talking about another card that is on your docket list for, you gotta just say. Yeah, I think obviously targeting the shard with Dokken is just pure gravy, that's been a card where it's been surprisingly challenging at times to like, well, I got this stupid shard, I gotta hit it somehow, right? Bullseye does that. I think that Scorn's a very natural one. Scorn, just hitting Scorn with Bullseye means that you're getting a 1 7, straight up, or 3 7 I should say. And that's good, you take that, negative 2 on their side, plus 2 on your side plus the actual Bullseye himself. You take those, it's not too bad, but I'm starting to think that like, the new discard shells might feature Victoria Hand. And if you feature Victoria Hand in those discard shells I think it's unlikely you're gonna wanna just let Swarms run up. And you're going to want to play those Swarms because they're just too valuable. The only time I see you running those Swarms and using Bullseye in that manner could potentially be in like an Ajax deck. But I don't know if that ever gets there because the way it's worded, it says afflict that many different enemy cards. Which would mean that it would individually target cards. Almost like a Hazmat hits everyone. Bullseye is going to try and hit individual pieces. I think that's kind of interesting and could potentially be something interesting in Ajax. I don't know what that deck looks like right now because I'm still in like the planning phase. But I don't know, Bullseye feels to me like, Ah, maybe it might be the miss of the month, to be honest with you. And you're right, you said it before. They don't go from 4 to 3 because they're nerfing the card. You know
Cozy Snap:what I mean? That's not what happens. But for those that are looking forward to it, it is going to be fun, so enjoy that. Like, if that's why you play Snap, which a lot of us do, then great, he will be fun in that light. I thought an interesting, Thing to bring up, at least, was X23 and the idea of being able to get rid of her on a turn 4, technically, because you gotta activate the card. It's interesting, because you instantly get strong value there. I, you know, but you're holding on to that X23. I mean, I, I think it's, we, we've tried to make, you know, X23 work before. And, you know, in the Wolverine, Proxima, Midnight, we like, you send everything. It's kind of fun. It does work a little bit. Could get some synergy here with Bullseye, but glad to see we agree here. Kind of just Not both jumping up and down for a card that I think people heading into this season were kind of going crazy for. Yeah, they were. Yeah, we'll have to see how that works out. One more card to talk about. Ares, the God of War. And funny enough, his ability is like the game of war if you played card games as a kid. Four cost, six power card on reveal. Compare the power of the top three cards of both decks if your total is higher. Plus six power, so he's a 412. And Boom or Bust, as I like to call it. This guy's got a clear and obvious home, and we also have a 12 power forecast card. Alex, what do you think?
Alexander Coccia:I like him. I like him. I want to give kudos to Second Dinner, whoever designed this card, because I think it captures the flavor of war, which is very fitting for someone named Ares. I think that this is one of the cards that we really needed to see the trailer for. Also, kudos for releasing the trailer earlier than usual. I appreciate that. Oh my gosh. Yeah, no kidding. But with Ares, we found out that, like, we don't see the cards that are being, like, tested for the power, we do see the deck kind of come up and stuff like that, we see the power levels, which you could, like, insinuate what kind of cards might be present based on, like, oh, they have 30 power in their, the top three cards, they got a bunch of chonky boys, right? Like, you kind of know that. Or they have 4 power or whatever, like you can make some assumptions, but you don't see the cards. Man, I like it. I'm going 4 stars here. Because I think that like, how do you just shake your head at 412 power? And if you're in the natural place, like Cozy, it's obviously Surtur, right, is gonna use it. Now Surtur took a bit of a beating because of like the nerfs it got to Scar and Surtur itself. But you're playing Chonky Boys. You're playing big cards. That's what that deck does. And we've seen time and time again that all a card needs to be successful in Marvel Snap is one really good home. Right? And I think Ares will do that.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, as far as he is pigeonholed even more so than someone like Victoria Han. But he's just good stats, man. It is. It's either the Scar decks, as we just talked about, Maybe Hela. I think Hela is an interesting card that you could play with him because it's like, okay, you have a lot of big power in there anyway, and then he comes out, does his own review. It's interesting. It's definitely like, that was the other home that I haven't seen anybody even bring up, and I think it should get more attention.
Alexander Coccia:No, actually, I had not thought of Hela, and you're right, because you're running a lot of big cards in that deck, right? I wonder if this card could be playable in something like a Black Black Knight deck. Yeah. Because Black Knight tends to carry a lot of big cards. Yeah. Discard something big, Ghost Rider. Yeah. Like, I don't know, man, maybe you're right. Discard could be interesting there, but like, then again, like you wouldn't want to discard this particular card. Yeah. Right. But then again, it's an on reveal. So.
Cozy Snap:Does he fit into the tight shell? I think scars, obviously the more clear play, but yeah, I think it's just a good card three and a half for it's tough because it's plug and play ability, but the cards that he's in is going to be great. You know, the decks that he's in is going to be solid. Very straightforward card. Not crazy stuff to talk about outside the big cars that work, Cole Obsidian and Crossbones, and you guys know the drill. We just had this car start her season, right? And one thing
Alexander Coccia:worth mentioning as well is they did make a change where no longer is Kang in the spotlight. So that was something that was revealed in the video. I was actually sad, man. I was like, kind of hoping that Kang was going to get the rework. Clearly it's not happening. And instead of Kang, we're getting Miss Marvel, who, I mean, we got Moonstone, we got some ongoing stuff happening, so maybe she'll be better? Because right now she's a little ho hum, so.
Cozy Snap:Agreed. Alright man, well it's that point of the episode where we rank all of the cards from worst to best in the season and then obviously we will hold ourselves accountable like we're about to do on Alex's side of the Snapchat. Worst card this season goes to Bullseye. Bullseye, I agree, 100%. Bullseye, worst card of the season. Next up Moonstone. Moonstone, I'm gonna go, yeah, I'm gonna go with Moonstone, Ares is like right there. They're just different. Yeah, different ones. See, I think, yeah, Moonstone, then Ares. I mean, we're close, man. Moonstone, then Ares. Yep. Yep. And then
Alexander Coccia:Victoria Hand and then Iron Patriot.
Cozy Snap:So that's where we flip. I got, I got Iron Patriot on top, Victoria Hand right after that. No, that's
Alexander Coccia:what I have too. Number one's Iron Patriot for me.
Cozy Snap:Oh, okay. I thought at the beginning you didn't give him a 5 star.
Alexander Coccia:Hey, you did this before. You did this last month, where you actually ranked a card higher than your 5 star. I'm doing the same this month. I like Victoria Hand 5 stars, but I think that Iron Patriot's technically better.
Cozy Snap:Oh my gosh, I think I convinced you. Not to make it any more confusing. I think I convinced you, Alex. That's what I think happened. Yeah, Iron Patriot, card of the month. And he's a season pass card, so he's gonna be relatively you know, when I say relatively easy to get, you can get it with the best card in the game, guys. The credit card. Go take a dinner. Yay.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, it's that time of the month, my favorite time of the month, where we get to review the cards that we reviewed ourselves a month prior. And this is exciting because I, actually, it's a little nerve wracking, and that's okay! That happens from time to time, but you know what, my friend? This is an exciting time to be a Marvel Snap player, because we got a new season coming, and now we have, kind of, a little bit of perspective on what the prior season brought us with one of the biggest game launches in the world, Marvel Rivals. How are you this month, my man?
Cozy Snap:What's up, man? Good to see ya. Yeah, it was cool. Finally we got Rivals had stuff, you know, Snap had stuff for Rivals, and Rivals didn't have anything echoing Snap. And now we've got the Deadpool with the arrows in his head as a nameplate in the game from Snap. And it's so cool to have a little bit of representation. I was in a match the other day and someone was like, You got me this nameplate pretty much, Cozy. Like, is this Cozy from Snap? So I'd love to see that integration finally happen in between both of the mediums, right? And hopefully a couple people come over from that side to this side. But doing good, man. Doing good. It was a fun month. Obviously was bit into Rivals myself. And so excited to talk about these cards. No
Alexander Coccia:way. Did
Cozy Snap:you play
Alexander Coccia:Rivals last month, Cozy? I dabbled. I dabbled. You just dabbled a little bit? I gotta tell you, first of all, every single time you TVA portal, I'm like, this guy. This guy, he knows what the people want.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I, so pretty much I took the what's going on and welcome back, or whatever, like, I, I, that's just the thing that I decided, you know what, I'm gonna do that every video. I just think it's fun, I think it's cool, and it works! Cause, you know, the portal can show up anywhere, so I was like, I'll have some fun with it. I'll do it, I'll deal with that.
Alexander Coccia:I like that a lot. You know what else I like a lot? The season pass card. Galacta, Cozy. Now, if both of us came in at five stars, Galacta is running a 52 percent win rate, and by golly, a 33 percent meta share. It doesn't get much better than that. I think it's fair to say that the money maker of the last month, that season pass seller, the gravy train Cozy on Galacta, I think it's sold well, and it's done well, and I don't think we're, we're surprised.
Cozy Snap:No. Great card. Definitely, like, that doesn't have the Surtr feel of, like, we somehow undershot, like, it's a 5 star card through and through. Does good. Great plug and play ability, and a card that I play with a lot. Like, I look at my deck design, I'm like, I'll throw Galacta in there. It's just gonna work out. She annoys the hell out of me in the, in the Rivals, cause she'll be like, You gotta get on the payload! I'm like, Yeah, no! Galacta, shut up! I'm dying by arrows over here. But yeah. Fun to see you're good in Snap, and definitely a card that did not miss.
Alexander Coccia:No, she did not miss at all, and what's interesting, and I don't know if you agree with this, I doubt she gets nerfed. I could see a world where she gets nerfed, but I don't think they change the plus three power. I think they take her to 4 5 if anything, and even then, like, it's irrelevant in my opinion. I think this card just keeps staying like this. Like, I don't think it quite hits nerf level. This is about as good as you can get while not getting nerfed.
Cozy Snap:Agreed. I don't think she gets nerfed. I think, I think the only time we get those huge immediate nerfs are like, the glaringly obvious what's going on here, and I don't think Galacta has that behind her. And so yeah, I think she stays the same.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Searcher definitely had that like, what are they thinking feel to it, whereas Galacta doesn't. And I'm really glad, like this feels like a fair, I don't, hold on, hold on, rewind there. Because if you're free to play, it certainly is not felfare. Let's, I, that's actually something worth mentioning. If you're free to play, this card has felt awful this month, because it, it feels like it could go in anything. It, we said it at the review, this feels like a Hope Summer style card that can go anywhere. This card has legit been anywhere. In fact, you know where it has been the most? In Silver Surfer, baby! Silver Surfer has risen on Galacta, a four costed card being an amazing Silver Surfer card because of what it does to Broods and Sebastian Shaws and everything else around it, it has risen that archetype completely and so like, for me, this card has been frustrating for new players because, or not new players necessarily, but free to play players because it's like, it's like, wow, it's in every deck, but honestly, It's been such a good one, and I feel like it didn't warp the meta. It's been a meta shaker, but didn't warp the meta. Now another card that did not warp the meta is our next card, Luna Snow. Now Cozy, Luna Snow is a fantastic, fantastic healer in Marvel Rivals. I love the Icy Arts, I love what Luna Snow is capable of doing, but in Marvel Snap, Maybe not quite as hot. I came in at 3 stars. Now you, you did, this was weird. Yeah, I did all over the place. You came in at 2. 5 to 4. One of the largest, I'm just gonna put the widest net possible moves Cozy has ever done. Oh yeah. You already use the 5s all the time and now all of a sudden you're going 5 into a massive Cozy, where did Luna Snow end up for you? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I could have done what I did with Moonstone, right? Where I went with lower, cause that's the expectation I had, but then like, it was that, we gotta play and see how this works out. Subs And it's right around, you know, I want to like her more than I do. Or is that like fair to say? Like, I think of things with her all the time that I can pull off. And then I'm like, eh, it just impractical. It just doesn't always work out. Probably in between there, maybe, is where I would end up, man. How about you? What do you, what do you end up with there?
Alexander Coccia:I end up with three, which is what I gave her prior. I'm happy with that. I actually like the card. I actually felt like it was a pretty good card in Evo, to be honest with you. I like playing with Kaira buffing that, cause with like Misty Knights and stuff like that, I was buffing. The ice ice cube. Is it an ice cube? I think it's an ice cube. Yeah, it is Ice Cube. I don't remember now. So I you you'd buff it inadvertently with something like a misty night and everything like that. And so like with your Kyra, it would survive. Like you would always get that buff up, which is nice. And obviously VO likes it and you know, we'll talk about VO later, but overall, like it was okay, but you know what, the problem is a 50% win rate. It's not quite good enough, right? It's not terrible. There's worse that we're going to be talking about. But 50 percent is not enough to like, move the needle. And it has a popularity play rate of 2%. Which is awful. This is a card that nobody's playing right now, and as a new release, it's a little rough, hasn't had the meta impact that perhaps people were hoping for. But yeah, Luna Snow, I think Cozy and I can agree, approximately three stars. And that's gonna take us to Penny Parker, another card that I mean, I'm gonna say like Luna Snow. Some reservations on, but perhaps a little more optimism. Cozy, I came in at three stars. You came in at 3. 5 to four, but then ultimately settled on four. You said, you know what? I think I can see the height here. And I mean with Victoria Hand coming out, maybe it kind of gives a little more pump to that Penny Parker. But as of right now, she's running a 49. 6 percent win rate, however, a 7 percent popularity. So she's being played in a lot more decks, the win rate's not as high, I mean, in all intents and purposes, it's still almost 50%. But here's the thing, in my experience playing this card, It feels better than a 50 percent card. I actually like Penny Parker.
Cozy Snap:This is the Frigga card for me. Like, you know where it's like, I got, like, Frigga's stats were awful whenever we, we covered her. Terrible. And to me, like, not, I don't like her as much as I like Frigga, but does have that same kind of feel of, like, I like playing the card. I do, and I think it's worked in the decks that I played her in. And I think she does have a better future ahead as well. And it's just an interesting way to work around it, and I think that her kid is gonna work. And so, 4 is probably high, but I do like the card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I agree, actually. Like, I feel like this card's gonna age better than some of the other ones here. Like, Luna Snow, I have some, like, I don't think it's gonna age particularly well. But Penny Parker, I think, will. Like, there's a good chance that Penny Parker is gonna, like, find its niche and excel there. And that's what I expect to happen. Yeah, perhaps 4 is maybe a little high where it is right now. I think 3 is perfect, and I can see this ultimately becoming a 4 card though, because I think the movement's good, I think that ramp is good. It felt like a card that was kind of being a jack of all trades. It was doing a little bit of everything, and I think, well, like, we have other cards that tried to do that too that we'll be talking about shortly. But this, I feel like, was so close, so close to being really meta relevant. I don't think it gets buffed, it's definitely not getting nerfed, I think it's going to find its home soon. So Penny Parker, I think that if you have it, if you pulled it, I think you can rest on it kind of happy being like, you know what? This card might be something special down the line. Now we're talking about something that's special, Cozy. Doom 2099. Now listen, I'm gonna get a little bit of a spanking on one of my picks. But you, sir, might get a little bit of a spanking here. Cause you came in at 3. 5, sir. This was my 5 star. Not trying to rub it, I'm just saying. But it's running a 52. 5 percent win rate at 18 percent meta popularity. It's been amongst the top cards of the month. Okay, now I'm actually just rubbing it in. I'm going to stop talking. Cozy, defend yourself.
Cozy Snap:I don't think it's a 5 star card, so I don't know if I'd give it a perfect rating. I do think it's a good card, though. Yeah, when I say 3. 5, it's about a
Alexander Coccia:3. 5. You were like humming and hawing into the 3s and 4s, and you said you finalized at 3. 5. But you're right. I don't think it's a 5 star card either. So what is it? I think you are correct.
Cozy Snap:I don't think it's a 3. 5. I think what it's like a 4 maybe in the way it's a 4. I think it's
Alexander Coccia:a 4. 5. Okay, I think it goes to 4. 5. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I mean it definitely landed. I think like I saw a world like yeah, it's it's dude. It's a good card. It definitely is. It's a fun card. Very simplistic in the way that it works and what it does creates the archetype. And yeah, did you say I get a spanking? A spanking? Yeah what did you say I get?
Alexander Coccia:I don't
Cozy Snap:know what I said.
Alexander Coccia:I think I said that you're about to get a spanking, but I'm gonna get a spanking. Dude, all I'm saying is, like, you might have undershot Dr. Drew. For sure, I definitely undershot him. A little bit?
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:But I definitely overshot someone else. So your your time to spank. I was gonna say your time to spank me. You know, I'm not even say itm. You wanna clip that? I'm, I'm hard. I'm not, yeah. I'm not doing it now. We're not. Let's, let's pretend like that didn't even happen. But yeah, doom 29 I think has been very meta impactful, but also like, I'll agree. Galata, that's a five star do 2099 doesn't feel like Galata impact.
Cozy Snap:No,
Alexander Coccia:it has its own decks. It does its thing. It does it well. I think TTA is better. Definitely.
Cozy Snap:It's popular. Yeah, I don't think I would give it personally like what I would give most five stars Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:no, I and I would agree. So I think I think in the four star range is probably the most appropriate It does have good stats great popularity Unlike the card that now goes you get to turn it around because sir Man, this was rough. This was rough. Bruce Banner. Now here's what's funny about Bruce Banner. I wanted to really love this card. I did. I did. On our preview video, we both came in at 4 stars on our preview video. Which, looking back, yeah, I know. That's what I felt like too. And then, during the actual video itself, you came in at about 3. And then I was at four and you know what, Cozy, I got to give you credit. You talked me down and right at the end, I don't know if you remember this. I said, you know what, Cozy, I, this is a late change to my star rating. I'm changing it to a three. I'm bringing it down. I am able to sleep at night knowing that I dropped my rate into a 3 star in our preview there. Because man, did this card suck. And what's interesting about it, is that like, I feel like it's not that far off. It's just what I suggested at the time of the review. Where like, there's a reason why I don't play Circe. Cause I don't like this RNG stuff. I just hated this card. I hated playing it. In fact, in my high Evo shell, I even coped. I kept playing Bruce Banner. And it kept not turning. And it pissed me off. And if it did turn, it basically was just a Shoners Magnet. Which is fine, I guess. But when I played Luna Snow, the deck felt better. When I played Bruce Banner, it felt like I was coping. Believe it or not, in High Evo, Luna Snow felt better than Bruce Banner. And I played an insane amount of High Evo this month. So, generally speaking, we both came a little high, but I feel more shame here, because I was actually excited about this card, where I feel like you were a little more pessimistic.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think, two things. So first, When we highlight any card, right? Like, we try to find the good in the card, because that's the conversation, right? Like, where can it work? And sometimes we even talk ourselves up. Or, like, whatever. Four stars, those two lads were, were clearly Off the mark a bit. And I think it might have been how much we liked the design of what it could do, and that was really interesting and fun. But clearly, like, dude, comparing it even to Cersei's crazy, because if you have three cards in a lane, you play Cersei down, you have way more than a 25 percent chance to get good value out of that, right? Whereas, this is a 25 percent chance. Obviously, there's, you know, rolling statistics. To get the value at all that you were looking for, for Bruce, I think I said it on his review week, the only way this thing goes up is if we get more cars that want Energy Skip right now, we're forcing it into something. And clearly giving up energy is pretty bad, you know, like that, your game plan is, if it was every turn that this has a 25%, you know what I mean, you didn't have to do anything, you just play it down, and then that could work, you know, then you're talking about a much different case scenario for the card, but yeah, clearly this one is just a, is a big wolf.
Alexander Coccia:I've seen suggestions, and I actually thought this was cool, where you get a 25 percent chance per energy you float to get the opportunity for a Knull Cup. I like that was pretty interesting. I like that idea. Yeah, pretty interesting idea. But overall, definitely falls flat. Not a fan of Bruce Banner, but you know what I am a fan of Cozy? And this is one you knocked out of the park, I think. Oh yeah. Rocket and Groot. You know what's funny? In all my videos I did, I called them, I called all my decks Team Up. And people were like, why is it called Team Up, Alex? Well Cozy knows why it's called a Team Up, dammit! It's Rocket and Groot, baby! Marvel Rivals! But anyway, we keep talking about Marvel Rivals, but realistically, Rocket and Groot, baby! They jump on each. Other's should not each other's shoulders Group gets on his should. Well, my gosh, that'd be Rocket Gets on Gru's shoulder. This has been the worst intro in the history of the Snapchat. Cozy. I'm gonna stop talking. Talk to me about Rock and Gru. I need, see, I've
Cozy Snap:completely failed out here. I need to see Gru on on Rocket's shoulders. Maybe baby Gruit. How about that? So yeah, I mean, I think this was when we reviewed the whole season. This was like, okay, I think this is the best part of the month. And to me. You know, obviously Galactus is more plug and play, but man, I loved this card, the way that it worked. It was so fun. It also encouraged new deck builds, which I thought was really cool, too. I did some weird Galacta priority deck, er, Galactus priority deck. But dude, gosh, didn't this card just fuel crazy value a lot of the times, and then being able to move it and gain on that value? And I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Alexander Coccia:It felt really good. It didn't feel game breaking. It didn't feel like it was crushing it, but it just always felt really good. I think the movement part of it gave it a really nice floor, where even if it was a 3 3 that moved, it didn't feel awful. Like, it felt like, ah, I missed my hits, but like, at least I get the versatility of the movement. But, what I will tell you is that when he did land the hits, like, like the power was felt there. And I gotta tell ya, Cozy, My Silver Surfer deck, number one Rocket and Groot deck baby, I like it a lot. I liked what you did as well, with the Galactus route. I thought that was such an interesting mind game thing. I was like, when I saw that and I was watching your videos, like you know, Cozy would come up with a mind game version of Rocket and Groot, you know what I mean? That's, it was such, it was such an interesting thing as well. But like, this card's been a banger. In terms of star ratings, I came in at 4, and you came in at 5. And I think that arguments can be made for both. It has a 52. 5 percent win rate, almost 53. And a 25 percent popularity. This card clearly landed on its feet.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think Nocturne needs to get a buff. And it, it, it just echoes what I said. You get one steal, it's a 3 5 that can move. I think that's gonna age beautifully into the game. And I like the future for this card.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely. And that takes us to our final rankings, Cozy. Ours were a little different here. And so I'll just, I'll read it out loud here. Cozy, you're up. From top to bottom, your rankings were Rocket Raccoon and Groot No. 1, Galacta No. 2, Penny Parker No. 3, Bruce Banner No. 4, Doom 2099 No. 5, and Luna Snow No. 6. I had gone Galacta No. 1, Doom 2099 No. 2, Banner No. 3, there's the whiff, Rocket and Groot No. 4, Penny No. 5, and Luna No. 6.
Cozy Snap:Oof. That was a crazy, crazy month, man. Crazy month, crazy effects. Funny to see it all in and how they kinda Worked itself into the game, and we see it time after time, you know, those rankings change as we head into new months, new synergies, and more time with the cards, so it'll be interesting to see how these guys age.
Alexander Coccia:Of course, and some things age like fine wine, just like some of our favorite cards of the month, Cozy! It's that time. I listen, I love this conversation so much because it gives us an opportunity to kind of highlight some cards and not necessarily are the best cards in Snap, they just might be as well, but our favorite cards, the ones that we've been playing and you know what? I want you guys in the comments to let us know what are some of your favorite cards this month because they don't always have to be the meta shakers and the meta popular cards. Maybe there's a couple things that you just love. And I'm gonna start, Cozy, with number one, cost one, Hydration Robert.
Cozy Snap:I knew you were gonna go Bob. Yeah, hell yeah, it's
Alexander Coccia:been Bob Cozy. Are we on the same page or what?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that's why I had to, and funny enough, I literally have it in my notes. Don't pick Bob, he's gonna pick Bob. So I didn't pick Bob, but yes, I think it's the most clear cut 1 5. Works out, really good card. Not a lot to go on about it. It's a 1 5 that does its job well, right? Good stats. 1 5 is a stupid stat line. Poor Lizard. I went with the Hood. I think just, I've always liked how the Hood's been working for me, and in the decks I've been playing him in, and he's gonna get even better this next month, but if it wasn't, it was Bob.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, the Hood is actually gonna get a lot better this next coming month there, and it's kind of crazy to think, because at the 2 slot, At the two slot, I've got two costs. See, I did this. I'm not going to bring up Scream this month. I did it last time. Boom. I just did it anyway. My actual two cost is Havoc. Man, Havoc has found a home. He's been a top performing card, baby. I'm just telling you right now, Havoc has been legitimate. I've been playing Havoc. He's been doing his pew pew against my energy. He's been popping off. You can't even really Shadow King him. He's got Shonkered a couple times, but Havoc has been my card, and I, too, Have the Hellfire Gala Variant Cozy. He looks like such a stud muffin, and he has been a stud muffin this month.
Cozy Snap:Shocked face, yeah man. I, I, I'm, I'm, I think this is the first time Havoc has been talked about in exactly a full calendar year. He came out December of last year, and here we are. I'm gonna go with Penny again, just to highlight, a lot of my picks are the new ones because they're damn fun. But yeah, Penny just because of the way that she worked with Ramp, unique play, movement capabilities, I had a good time with pity, so I have pity up my, my two.
Alexander Coccia:I do like pity a lot too, and just like what we talked about with Rocket, the added mobility with the ramp, it gave it like this floor that felt really nice. Right. And I come to really appreciate that we, we've done discussed that a number of times on the Snapchat where it's often the cards that have really strong floors. That feel like they're worth running because of the consistency. And I think that Penny does provide that. And the ramp effect is often just like kind of the gravy on top. Right. And I don't know, for me, Havoc just, it felt like a card. You know, have you ever experienced this where like, you just don't ever play a card and then finally you find a deck and you're like, Hell yes, it feels about right, about time to play some Havoc, and it just pops off. Actually, I think the last time Havoc was popular, I think it was Glenn that made that deck. Remember he made that deck with also Bloodstone Yellowjacket, it was a cook, right? It came from Glenn, which is kind of cool to see. Three costs, Cozy? I'll pass it off to you. Although, in my head, I think I know what you're picking. Who do you think I'm picking? It has to be Rocket and Groot. There's no way it's not Rocket and Groot.
Cozy Snap:It's not. It's Frigga. I think I spoiled this on my side. Oh, come
Alexander Coccia:on! You baited me
Cozy Snap:into that. Yeah, no, I, I had them originally and I'm like, I'm just picking all the new cards. No, Frigga, man. I think I knew when this card came out I was going to enjoy it time after time. The play style, but also We're looking at next month, it's looking good too. There's just so much fun stuff you can do with this card. She got the buff to the 3 4, this is definitely my card.
Alexander Coccia:You know, I'm actually feeling a little silly, because I believe on your side of the Snapchat, you literally said, you're like, I'm going to spoil our favorites, and you just talked about Frigga, so like, damn it Alex, she's got to remember our prior conversation. I would have got it there, but okay, give me a little bit of credit, you also loved Rocket and Groot.
Cozy Snap:I did, yeah, it was close. It was a close second. Who's your three cards?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so, I'm gonna cheat a little bit here, I'm just gonna say Silver Surfer as a whole, I have never been more happy playing Silver Surfer this month, so he gets the shoutout, but the special shoutout, the real, the real champ of the three cost. Gladiator. And the reason why is because Gladiator has been so good with Galacta, okay? It has been so damn good. That extra three points of reach, Gladiator's trading pretty much whoever he wants, right? Like, basically he doesn't trade Magneto and some, like, other bangers, but he's pumping. He's pumping with Galacta, and he's putting up so much power. He's being so disruptive. And I mean, we should have mentioned it before as well, but, like, even with, like, Ares, there's a chance that, like, Mildex might be a thing, and Galac Galact sorry, Galactus. I almost called him Galactus. Gladiator does a great job of milling, really disruptive. I I don't know, man, I've loved this card, and can you really shake your head at a 311 with that Galacta buff?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude. Gladiator has aged very, very good. When he came out, we didn't like him. He got the buff, made a lot more sense for his power comparison, and has just continued to age well in the game, man. Dude, this would be someone fun to rivals, dude. Just the design's crazy. Yep. So, I like the Gladiator pig, man. What about 4?
Alexander Coccia:Number 4? Okay. I'm not, obviously Galacta is, is worth mentioning, but there's a true, a true four drop. Now Cozy, I know you would never have guessed. I hope you're ready. I hope you're ready. You thought I was reaching with Havoc. Get ready for the greatest reach in the history of the Snapchat reaches. And this is not a joke, no more. No more! I'm not joking. Hear me out. I played so much ongoing. Listen to me. I played so much ongoing in high voltage. And what I found was the best. I was playing this Spectrum ongoing deck. I had like Cosmo in it. I had Goose. I had all this disruption. I really liked it. But what I did was I found it so easy to throw no more into a lane and just leave them. Because I often had 4 power on turn 1, I'd throw Nomore out and just leave him. And then I would reach there with things like Onslaughts, and I would reach there with like, like Onslaught and you know, Mr. Fantastic. Or I would do like an Onslaught into Omega Red, or Onslaught into the Claw, or just Claw. Or I would just do Spectrum and pump him a little bit. I was beating people with Nomore non stop in high voltage. I did some of the Gambit Pew Pew stuff early on, but then I just fell in love. With ongoing Spectrum stuff for high voltage, and Namor absolutely carried me. He won so many solo lanes, so many solo lanes.
Cozy Snap:I think that would have been the last card I would have picked for you, in the best way possible. I'm glad it's Namor, right? What, I mean That, again, talk about a card we have not talked about in God knows, God knows, I, I don't know, I don't know why I said I brought up his name outside of, again rivals. Who do you think won it?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, it's so hard to say. I'm not sure. I mean, I don't know. I really don't know. Like, I, I, I'm not, I'm actually not sure. Like, I would figure that, I would say Galacta, but I think that's too easy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, see, that was the tough part, right? It's like, I felt like Galacta was the, why not, just because it worked into a lot of the decks. I mean, like, Absorbing Man is someone I didn't talk about last one, where I was, like, playing just Absorbing Man decks, boy, cause Brood, and he was, I was able to, you know, get, get my hands on him again that sounds great with the Varian I'm, I'm, I'm looking at, too. Talk about a good card with Iron Patriot. So I'm gonna lean towards Galactus, just because I don't know how I don't pick a card I didn't play within almost all the decks that I did play. Even with the Rocket of Groot deck, I had her in there so I could get Galactus out there. Without spoiling much into what 6 might be. But yes, it is, it is a Galacta 5.
Alexander Coccia:For 5 for me is Legion. I played a lot of Legion as a splash card in high voltage. I played a lot of high voltage odds. I was so happy it was back. I really enjoyed it. And I, I felt like Legion's been a very fun card in Snap for a while now. And he was kind of relegated to Eresham, then he was relegated to the War Machine style, style stuff. But honestly There is something crazy about flipping locations at the end of a game, like the end of a game or during a game or whatever, like, I think the Legion has the potential to be an absolute banger. However, I still think that I would like if they separated Legion from the Storm War Machine stuff. If they gave him a little bit more power, made him a 6 drop or whatever, like, I would rather that. Honestly, as opposed to him being kind of kind of handcuffed to this archetype that needs to keep him in check all the time. Because they can't have you storming out, or flooding and Legion and all that stuff, right? I would like if he had a little bit of separation there, but honestly I've had so much fun with this card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man, what a Just a, a card that has been good since it's come out. Like, it's had a couple drop offs, but not really. Yeah, man, I, I respect the pick. Black Panther is up there just because of all the crazy high voltage stuff. He kinda always creeps up the most there. I think I gotta go with the Tried and True Nomura. You say Namor on 4, I'm gonna go with her on 5. Obviously got the Lasher stuff, which I'm surprised neither of us picked at 2, by the way. For Lasher but just like Nomura decks is one of the three decks that I will go to for casual play that I know how to pilot well. I know it's, it's telling, but if someone hasn't gone up against it a lot, I want to look at this variant. There's a lot of number of reasons why I wanted to bring up this card right now. But yeah, no, Nomura is my, my safe spot.
Alexander Coccia:Actually, this variant reminds me of like, there was one of those companies during the Olympics. They had like that swimsuit that got banned because it was made, it was making the swimmers too fast. And it looks exactly like what she's wearing. It's a cool, I saw a documentary about it. It was a swimsuit that was too fast and they had to ban it because it was actually that good of a swimsuit. And it looked exactly like that. I don't know which company made it, but I actually like Nomura. And the fact that like clog is kind of settled down, I think it's given her some. Ability to at least shine.
Cozy Snap:I just want to enjoy swimming as much as she does. Look at that. Her face is like, she looks like she's having a great time swimming.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, she, she does. She does look like she's having a great time swimming. I, do you ever notice in that, that I've never realized this till right now. Is that a monster behind her? Is that like a, is that like a face of like a Dracula or demon there? It's so
Cozy Snap:funny that we don't notice this stuff. Dude. Yeah. Look at, look at this stuff going on behind her. It, it, again, this is us just not knowing it. It definitely looks like a Namor, but like demon fire. It looks like
Alexander Coccia:a zombie. Yeah. He looks like nullified or zombified looks like
Cozy Snap:Hercules versus Namor is what this looks like.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. It's like Zeus punching Namor zombie edition. I've not noticed that either. Yeah. Well, there you go. Now, now you've noticed. And just like, I hope you've noticed. That there are six cost cards in Marvel Snap. And I know what a transition that was. Cozy, you had a six costed card on your most recent thumbnail, sir. You want to start us off?
Cozy Snap:I think it is Galactus, man. I don't know. I, I always like Galactus when he's back. When he's been out, people are not playing him as much, and especially when it's not the same thing every time, where it's like the, I'm gonna hobgoblin, here we go! I just, I love the mind game Galactus, that's the most fun for me. And the way I enjoy it a lot. I spent way too much money on this variant, so I had to find a way to play it more. Back when it did come out, I had, what, I think collector tokens. Helped me get the new cards each month. But yeah, dude, I just think it's so fun to blow up people's play that they were working on, and he feels balanced in the sense of like, It used to just be, like, game ruining, and now I feel like it's fun to be able to, like Strategically, try to get him out.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, Galactus is fun. And I'm glad that he's not like the meta disruptor he was before. And maybe that's just better that he's not like the crazy super, maybe he should not always be legitimately viable as a climber, you know, maybe, you know, there's that point in time where he was crushing everyone's dreams. And I mean, there's very few. Few things in Marvel Snap that are awesome than making someone kneel. In fact, one of my first, I think one of my first like viral shorts was me getting Galactus from like Agent 13 before he was even available in the game. And then I went like, I skipped six turns and it made a dude kneel. It was so awesome. Right. And then the comments now are like, why is this so exciting? Like, man, he wasn't even in the game yet. Like we got it from random generation. Yeah. But there's something awesome about Galactus. And for me though. And again, this is kind of cuing into the hints about what I've been doing prior with the more and stuff, but it's Onslaught, like, with High Voltage, I played so much Onslaught, so much ongoing, I did some really cool stuff, and I felt like Onslaught was like one of those cards that, like, you could sneak out on turn two, and then do some funny combos with, whether it's Claw, Omega Red, or whatever it happened to be, and one of the things I liked doing was Onslaught into Captain America, Omega Red, because then they just buffed each other and boom, boom, boom, and all of a sudden like the amount of pressure on the board was insane. You have Nomura by himself in a lane like that. Talk about winning three locations at once. Those missions were easy when you were running Onslaught with all that wide power. But yeah, for me, at six slot, Onslaught, and still! One of my absolute favorite variants that you have split. And Cozy, that's gonna take us to our Snapchat mailbag, and my friend, the amount of comments about all various different things, but mainly your sweater, sweaters you've been wearing, the clothes you've been wearing, looking like Wolverine, then you got like the sweater vest that looks like, it said that someone looks like it's gently choking you for the entire podcast. If this is a
Cozy Snap:question highlighting your NSYNC comment, I'm gonna quit the podcast.
Alexander Coccia:No, sir. This is something else about what you did. When you said Alpha Force, I assume you meant Alpha Flight. Cozy, you said Alpha Force, and then you derailed me. By gosh. I was
Cozy Snap:trolling Alex and he fell for it, guys. It works like a charm.
Alexander Coccia:I fell for it. You know what? Cozy is a man of legitimate strategy. You know what you did, Cozy? You baited non stop interaction on that Snapchat, because the amount of comments we got about the Alpha Force When we were supposed to say Alpha Flight, it was absolutely wild, but Major Psyche had said, when you said Alpha Force, I assume you meant Alpha Flight. The Spotlight variant we got for Sasquatch was actually the Sasquatch from Alpha Flight. And as someone from Ottawa, I've always loved them because their HQ was under our parliament buildings. I don't know that. I'm hoping for an Alpha Flight season as well.
Cozy Snap:No Canada.
Alexander Coccia:Hell yeah, no Canada. That's it. That's it, Cozy. Listen, I actually did not know that Alpha Flights was, their HQ was under the Parliament Buildings. Because, like, there's a couple underground, like, teams, right? Because there's the Murlocs and X Men, which are underground in the sewers, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, sorry. I'm looking at my percentage of audience from Canada, and I need to know yours too. You can see this demographic, and I need to know. I need to know.
Alexander Coccia:We disappointed a lot of people last week when we said Alpha Force. How many Canadians watch you? Actually, you said Alpha Force.
Cozy Snap:How many Canadians watch you?
Alexander Coccia:Do you want me to actually look it up right now? I need to know.
Cozy Snap:I don't even know if I can track Canada. Like I think, Canada, Canada. I think it's so slow. Oh my
Alexander Coccia:gosh. Here we go, Cozy.
Cozy Snap:It's not bad. I'm
Alexander Coccia:looking it up right now.
Cozy Snap:It's not bad. Do there's the last 28 days, but go to like a year.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. Oh my gosh. It's way lower. So the last 365 days in audience?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Mine's actually, if I do last year, mine's, what, what number is it? Mine's fourth.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, so it's third for me.
Cozy Snap:Okay.
Alexander Coccia:What percentage you or so for Canada, percentage wise, mine is 5.1%. 5.1%.
Cozy Snap:Man, look at you, man. There's Canadians. 4.9.
Alexander Coccia:4.9. And the United States of America for me is 43%.
Cozy Snap:43. This is why I was talking about what's it, what's that stupid place called that we always bring up that No, but that 50% of your audience doesn't know. What's it called? Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons. Oh, Tim Hortons. 50 percent of the audience. Mine is 46 percent United States. United Kingdom coming in at a 7. 3%. And then Africa.
Alexander Coccia:Mine's 5. 9 percent United
Cozy Snap:Kingdom. Dude, and then Germany coming in third. Me
Alexander Coccia:too! It's crazy. Germany for me too. It's the exact same rankings. Well, I have Germany, then Canada. You have Canada, then Germany. Oh, yes, I do. Canada's third, Germany's fourth, and Italy fifth. Oh,
Cozy Snap:Australia's my next one.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, no
Cozy Snap:way. That's wild. Oh, I'm
Alexander Coccia:Italian. Anyway.
Cozy Snap:Well, actually, you got some Italian blood in you, too. I do. For the 5 percent of people that we messed up on alpha flight we, our apologies.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Hey, I bet you there's a lot of Americans who are avid readers of comics that knew about that anyway and were still peeved with our mess up. But we got another thing worth talking about here from Monte Carlo Cars who said, The most insane thing about the past year for me is that Airsham continues to be the closest thing we have to a draft mode. Maybe at some point next year, second year, we'll finally launch a real draft mode. But until then, I think Airsham's impact on the game is unmatched. Buy any other card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean I think that's why this season though is so interesting and exciting because it brings that feel of Randomness that's given reward and that's why I'm the most excited for it. Point blank.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, they've got to nail it They've got to figure it out They've got to nail it because I think it's gonna do a lot to to improve the future prospects of Marvel Snap Which of course we're rooting for you because if you listen to this pod It's because you like Marvel Snap, and you like to see it get better, and here's the thing that made Marvel Snap better, and Apollo brought it up, and this is something I can't believe we missed in our kind of conversation about 2024, and they said, No mention of the unbalanced patches earlier this year. Power Couples for Valentines and Avengers and X Men events. I love those events and thought that they added a new dimension to the meta. Just as good as limited time game modes, if not better.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I liked them. I think, I guess, the data around them was people didn't. Like, I guess, like, I don't know. I don't know why they would pull those out. I think I didn't like them for a little bit. But then I also thought they brought so much fun. Like, cool synergy. I think they could have done a better way to advertise that it was going on, and like, maybe a whole section on it. In the game tab, because like the Avengers X Men was cool. And then you're like, well, who is it? Like there was like some weird stuff with it, but I think the concept was cool. The X
Alexander Coccia:Men were way better than the Avengers at the time as well. I would like for them to go back to that. I think they're right. It's very similar to a limited time game mode. It really was. It was like the, it was before that. Right. So I would really like to see them perhaps consider doing that once again. And finally. We close the Snapchat with a statement from Luka, which we've all felt, and Cozy, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on. Luka said, Can't believe I wasted resources on Supergiant and Meek. What was I thinking? There's
Cozy Snap:always a couple each year, man. There's always a couple, and some, you like, they've aged better, you know, and Meek did a little bit.
Alexander Coccia:A little bit. Yeah, I was just gonna say, like, this, this comment kind of got me, like, with a little bit of a belly laugh, because we've all felt that before, right? I mean, we just, we joked, like, an hour ago about how I spent all my initial resources on Super Scroll. When the first Series 5 token shop was revealed, I'm like, yeah, Super Scroll's it, baby, let's go. I left Galactus there, I, not Galactus, yeah, I left Galactus, I left Thanos, I left She Hulk, I left Shuri. I left The list could go on. I picked Super Squad. We've all been there. But one thing I will say is, A, Meek got nerfed. I don't know if you remember that. Meek got buffed and then nerfed again because it actually became such a core component of Discard. It was crushing in Discard at one point. But Supergiant, sometimes, and this is Cozy, you said this on the Snapchat today, where you're like, with Moonstone, you're like, man, This is one of those cards you need to get your hands on. You just need to. And Supergiant's a great example of that. We're on paper, you get super excited about it, but then in reality, it doesn't quite do what you're hoping for. However, still think it could potentially be a very interesting Activate card. But honestly, it's so hard in a vacuum to make an analysis on cards without playing them. And that's one of the tricky things about spending your resources in a game like this. We talked about before codes, you've got to get those trial tickets. Play, you So you could take a test drive of a new card in the shop or whatever, just so you can, you know, if you like it, but anyways, don't beat yourself up for bad decisions. Cause you didn't spend all your resources on super scroll when you could have bought literally the most meta defining cards in Marvel snaps history. Thanks so much for watching everyone. We appreciate each and every one of you and we'll see you on the next Snapchat episode.
Cozy Snap:Alright guys, well, have a good one, guys. Have a great one. Happy New Year to the next one. Happy snapping.