The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Rocket and Groot: The Best for Last | Best Cards of 2024 | Bruce Banner In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 113
Will Rocket and Groot be the new best 3 cost card? How did Snap fare in 2024? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Bruce Banner? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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You’ve been listening to The Snap Chat. Keep the conversation going on x.com/ACozyGamer and x.com/AlexanderCoccia. Until next time, happy snapping!
What's going on, guys? Welcome back. Hopefully, you guys had a good holiday. This is the last Snapchat. Of 2024, as we move into the new year, we're going to be talking about the brand new card, Rocket and Groot, an insane 3 cost card that Alex and I both think is solid, and we're going to give our overall synergy and our thoughts on the card. We're also going to talk about the biggest moments and things to look back on in 2024, and then of course, New Year, New Us, and New Marvel Snap, hopefully 2025. Bringing greatness to hopefully all three of those. Anyway, we're gonna talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia, the Christmas song hater. Some might say, some might say the Canadian that keeps Costco afloat up there in the great white north. How you doing today, man? Happy post holidays and happy last Snapchat. I said this in the intro, but happy last Snapchat of 2024.
Alexander Coccia:I like when you do that, by the way, because last time you said, like, this is the last snap, and I was like, oh my god, and you're like, of 2023, or whatever you did last time, you baited, like, the end of the snapchat multiple times, I like that. Now, in the intro, though, only 50 percent of what you said was true. You said that I'm a Christmas song hater, I think. Not a Christmas song. I love Christmas songs. I just like the good ones. And people tend to not agree with the good ones, which is kind of sad. But I do, however, I do, however, keep Costco afloat. I will tell you, I make regular mortgage payments there. I actually think I've, I've sent you a receipt in the past. Because you're like, yo, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm at Costco. You said, lol. And I sent you a picture of my receipt where I took severe financial damage. Buying diapers and everything else I did, and you know what, man? Listen, I'm okay with that. Yeah, actually, you know this, Cozy. I go to Costco to relax. I put my headphones on, I walk over, I just walk around, take it easy, fill my cart up with stuff, and then I get a panic attack when I pay. It ends up evening out.
Cozy Snap:Well, listen I, all I know is tier lists are fun, but what makes it, like, 99 percent of the fun is just the comment section afterwards. Like, it just, it fuels me. It makes, it cracks me up every time I read them. We loved it, guys. We loved all the comments and most, most great, some big defenders of the Christmas songs. But first, man, how was holidays? What was give me like The two sentence rundown of the overall summary of the Cocha household.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, it was great. The summary would be chaos. The kids, you know, opened up a lot of gifts from Santa Claus and from my, my wife and myself. And of course, from family, they loved it. They loved it. You know, and I've been really focusing on that. I've been really trying to spend as much time with my kids as possible, especially during this, this season. I got a little sentimental, you know, I was just like, you know what? They're only young once. I want to spend as much time with them as possible. I I'm just really trying to, to capture those moments.
Cozy Snap:I can tell because. In a great way, you've opened with that, the last three Snapchats. Like, it, like, go listen to it, and I like that, though. Because it, you know, obviously, it is true, and, like, especially around the holidays, dude, same here, like, it was, like, hey, number one comment, guys, on my last Snapchat is, like, Cozy quit Snap, Cozy's gonna quit the Snapchat next week. No. False for all of those. First of all, I love Alex too much. And second of all it's just too fun doing content for Snap. You know, I love, love the game, love the community would never, never, never leave. But it's also impossible to do so much. I mean, we were just talking before this recording that, like, we have found our limits, right? Like, It is truly hard to, to find your limit as a, as a human being. And goodness, I found it on what I can do as a creator, what you could do as a creator as a father, husband, all that good jazz. We're getting a little deep, man. This is like a Tony Robbins podcast here, but yes man, it's it's great holiday. Big one. Sun got a drum set, so if you hear him in the background, he's two by the way. He plays the drums. That, that is, that is what you're hearing, but got to do Santa. Son ate Santa's cookies. He could care less. I said, well, he may not get presents. He's like, I don't care. I'm having the cookies now. It was, it was a good Christmas. So bud,
Alexander Coccia:what'd you get for Christmas? You didn't tell us like, what did a Mrs. Cozy get you?
Cozy Snap:So man, what did Miss Cozy get me? She got me a lot of just great hoodies and joggers and sweats for, for January and like, dude, that's a, that's where my heart, and then we're going to Lakers versus Spurs like great seats. I love like experiences. I think that's like one of my favorite things to get as gifts. So that my brother got me some Commander Decks, and I got him Commander Decks, so, cause we're, we're starting to get into Commander, yeah, you big Commander guy? Yeah, let's go! I'll have to bring them next time I'm in California. Oh, heck yeah, man. Man, I, I try to really Spoiler, my brother this Christmas, like, he asked for, like, maybe, he sent, like, five decks he's interested in, and I just, like, got them all. I was like, dude, go, go crazy, man. Have fun. If I had more time, I'd be playing Commander all the time, man. Good, good fun game. But, dude, probably the coolest thing, outside of some Commander decks, is, my brother somehow scooped up the entire set of the Secret Lair and Marvel collaboration for Magic Cards, man. Wolverine, Iron Man, Storm, like, so, these are, I'm gonna put, like, a, like, a frame, Behind me, these are beautiful cards, and every single one comes with like this group card, and it's, dude, the art is 10. I gotta say, man, I've started to appreciate Magic and their art their art game as well, man. But it was good, man. What about
Alexander Coccia:you? What'd
Cozy Snap:you get?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, it's funny, because like, this year, like, I'm not a guy that leaves the house a lot, I'll be honest with you. The only time I leave the house is when I take my kids to like their various sporting things, I come back, and then we do videos and stuff. But, I'm gonna go see Dream Theater in the New Year with my brother, which is gonna be awesome, right? Like, known Dream Theater fan, Octavarium is obviously one of their most famous albums, if people are wondering where my name came from. And then, my wife, I couldn't believe it! She got me live tickets to see one of my absolute favourite comedians, Jimmy O. Yang. From Silicon Valley fame. I don't know what it is. I, he is so funny to me. I just die laughing. I watched his Amazon special over and over again. So I'm gonna get to go see him in Toronto. I think that's in March or something like that. Yeah, so I get to go see a concert, my favorite band. I get to go see my favorite comedian. I, yeah, I couldn't ask for more. And again, as we said prior, it's just time with the family. Like this is, that was the true present, honestly.
Cozy Snap:Sure, man. Well we listen, holidays come and gone, they're gone. It's crazy. I've already packed up all the Christmas stuff, man. I was on it this year. But we got a lot to talk about in the Snapchat world. Let's go ahead and jump in. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be talking about Bruce Banner. Not the longest conversation because, spoiler alert, he's not that great. But we will be talking about Bruce Banner indeed. And we'll also be talking about the best cards of 2024. That's going to be an absolutely fantastic conversation where we're going to go back in time, look at the cards of 2024, what released and what were. The big hitters. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, buddy, we might as well jump right into Rocket and Groot. Rocket Raccoon and Groot, full name. And man, we've got a three cost card, three power card. You can move it once. And on top of that, every time your opponent plays a card where they are located, so long as it's revealed, they're going to steal a power from it, Alex. And you can see down in the title, new best three costs. I actually think that's a great way to jump into it. And I think it spoils some of what I think of it. Man, I gotta say, right off the rip, man, this is an insane, insane card. I mean, you look back at Nocturne and how good she was in the game at a 3 5, could move once, change the location. You have one steal, and you instantly have that 3 5 with infinite more power possibility. I'm high. I'm high on it, buddy, but I'll let you go. What do you think of it?
Alexander Coccia:I think it's great. I think it's great. First of all, I like the idea that this is the first time we have, like, a collaboration card to do multiple cards. I'm happy for that. It opens up the design landscape for Marvel Snap, and I'm excited for it. I'm here for it. But I will also say, of course, is, yeah, if you're talking about a 3 5 stat line as the baseline for the three costs now, which is kind of crazy. I'm not calling it power creep. Let's call it what it is. It's pretty crazy. This card's amazing, because it's better than just coming out as a 3 5 and being able to move once. Because the affliction is notable, right, there are cards that synergize with the affliction, like Ajax and others, there's whole decks built around the toxic side of things. And it's, honestly, the movement's not, not like inconsequential, like that is legit. How often are you like, man, if only I could put a card in Death's Domain. Boom, here's your card you can put in Death's Domain. I think this card is so multifaceted in what it can do. That it's, it's simply just exciting because it's, it's going to be a jack of all trades and possibly the master of the three cost,
Cozy Snap:which is kind of crazy. Yep, 100%. I mean, I think it's in a way, obviously it's a cost more and it does something different, but how Jeff kind of took over and did his thing, having the ability to move, even just once, tied in with something else we have seen in the past, Have good results, obviously, right? And, and this is It's not even close to compared to like the Guardians of the Galaxy of trying to guess who your opponent's gonna play, because as we're about to talk about, plenty of synergized options to encourage that. But yeah, man, huge location winners. The only con of this card is if you play it on 6 without priority, which, okay, fine, but, you know, and that might happen, but whatever. This is, for me, I believe Did I say this was my card of the month? I felt like I put it at the highest.
Alexander Coccia:Once again, I cannot find my paper. I can't reference that quite today. I will reference it next week, though. That's okay.
Cozy Snap:I think it was this in Galacta, if I had to recall, just because of looking at it. I think this is the plug and play card of cards. It could go into any deck, doesn't really need to be You know, thought of too much. For once, I think it's a fine surfer card, because it's just, why not, right? You know, I like it for Surfer Alex to get ahead, but I like it because, you know, when you put Brew down, they avoid that lane. I like that you know they're not going to play in that lane, so then you can give yourself another lane to kind of force them to play into. And on that, man, let's jump into some synergies, buddy. What do you what do you got for me?
Alexander Coccia:We have to start, and this is not Cope. Listen, I know we jump on the Cope bandwagon on some of these cards every once in a while, but we need to take a moment to respect that Jean Grey, while being an absolutely awful card for almost her entire existence in Marvel Snap, is this finally a Jean Grey card that we can believe in? Could you potentially do a Jean Grey Surfer deck? Where you go Jean Grey and you go you know, Rocket and Groot. Like, is this possible, Cozy? Please tell me. I know that you used to love Jean Grey, but she has been pushed to the wayside. It's
Cozy Snap:been broken too many times. I mean, we've had a couple eras of Jean Grey, right? Like, I know when Punisher got his, like, rework, like, Jean Grey was in that deck a while back. You would think, man, you would, I think, like, she's just always cut in some degree, but, like, because, listen, you play Jean Grey on three, you play them on four, you only got two turns, but then they have to play all their cards there, so then you instantly have a lot of value, then you can move out of that lane, so, there's plenty of synergy there. To me, though, the reason, the reason why I'm not convinced on, I mean, Jean Grey's gonna be fine. It's gonna be a synergy card, and, and I think that the Cope is not just Cope, we had to say Cope, like, five times, right? A much more just simple, easy, like, way to, to encourage the, the opponent to play on your side is Nebula. We've talked about Nebula a lot, you know, as that kind of, like, gentle reminder card to always play on her, her lane. And I like the idea of this, it's like, the only problem with it is because she goes down on turn one, so then maybe, you know, she's already building up that power. Little bit weird there, maybe they already play some cards, right, and they can't, you know, you don't get the full value. I think Nebula at one cost is just such a better option to encourage that, especially because as they play into Nebula to keep her down, you build up Rocket and Groot, and then you can move them to another location.
Alexander Coccia:It's almost crazy to me to think that Nebula, to some degree, has been powercrapped at this slot. However Still easily one of the best cards in Snap, especially the one costed slot, that no one talks about, no one complains about, just low key. Oh, like, look at this Nebula. It's approaching almost 10 power in a game where, like, you get into a good location or whatever. Used to be much better with Storm, obviously. Three costed Storm really benefited kind of Nebula being in that location. There's a lot of reasons why you should love this card, and Rock and Groot's another one. It's just, it breaks my heart, because I feel like Nebula used to be legit, without question, one of the absolute best one drops. But we've had the bar of Snap just rise ever so slightly, to the point where Nebula almost seems unimpressive. But quietly, it's still one of the best one drops in the game.
Cozy Snap:Especially in the Control style decks, which is where I see that working great. Like, the Storm style deck with this, And maybe even Jean Grey in there, who knows? But in that style deck, like, I think she may have been powercrypt out of other decks, but I think she has a, a firm foundation in those at her cost slot. But you're right, it is, it is funny how Nebula for a while was the best card for the one slot, and then it kinda continued to go down, and then obviously we had Nico and friends. Come along the way. But man, there's more cards in Snap that encourage you to play on that location and encourage your opponent to. What else you got for me?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, I gotta be honest with you. I've been thinking about Ajax a lot lately. Because Ajax has been one of those cards which I think has, I don't want to use the term Ajax like fine wine because at this point we're running out of all the terms we use all the time. Maybe at one point we'll use it with a nail on the head later on and you know, then we'll just be complete with our task for the day. Okay. But Ajax was one of those cards, and when it released, it was so heavily countered by everybody, and the decks were a little too deep into what Ajax wanted to do, so there was just Hazmat and Wongs, and there was just garbage everywhere. Now what you're seeing is a Hazmat being played sorry, Ajax being played in a manner where you're maintaining a solid floor, you're keeping a good ceiling, but you're not trying to blow the ceiling off, which is what the original Ajax decks were trying to do. And with that being said, Rocket and Groot represents a very clean addition to what already are fantastic Ajax decks. The other side to this is that it introduces an opportunity for Ajax decks to even potentially consider Cutting something like the Luke Cage, because one of the things that the Eject Sticks struggle with, or not necessarily struggle with, but one of the challenges is, if you're playing a Hazmat style list, you're often debuffing your entire board, right? And you try to mitigate the damage you're taking by running something like Luke Cage. Well, if you have more options, like things like Rocket and Groot, which only disproportionately impact the opponent negatively, and then you could run Ajax without having to run a Loot Cage. And I'm not saying we're there yet, I think the Ajax decks will still run Loot Cage, but it's one step further, where suddenly, those two might just come apart, and you might see a new type of archetype being built there.
Cozy Snap:I mean, we're about Lasher too, which obviously could work into What that build is, we're getting more and more of these steel cards, affliction cards, and as we've talked about, some of the best are those. Silver Sable and Kass, and now obviously with Rocket. What I like about it too is I've seen a lot of like, Luke Cage is a counter to Rocket and Groot. And it kind of goes back to the, the Red Guardian vs. Bruce Banner talk we had last time. It's like, I see Rocket and Groot being more flex Not to say there won't be Ajax decks and things involved there, and that obviously will counter those style of decks, but in a general sense, I don't think Luke Cage is going to be the play against Rocket and Groot to match that power, because you're kind of just playing a card that can move, and you're hoping, you know that it continues to steal, and you're still getting power over to them, even if they do play in there, so it doesn't completely shut it down. I like the Ajax call. I like that you went with the Affliction style whereas I'm more thinking of the kind of I
Alexander Coccia:was gonna just mention, like, I think you bring up a really good point, about like, it's unlikely to get, like, okay, the first week people are always gonna try and counter it and stuff like that, that's fine, but I feel like Rocket and Groot occupies the same space that Silver Sable did, where it's like, it's not really worth going all in on countering it, you're likely just to play your regular stuff, like, Rocket and Groot's effect isn't so offensive, that you're like, I have to run Luke Cage, or I'm gonna die, right? With Doom 2099, Literally everyone and their grandmother was running Red Guardian specifically to counter it. I don't see that same thing happening to Rocket and Groot, so I'm glad you mentioned it. I feel like this card will have a little more space than most new releases would have generally.
Cozy Snap:And yeah, like typically we've seen like, Aha, the card sucks, see, because they run full counter decks and it's like this one sure it's just gonna be way harder to to counter on most, you know, metrics. I want to talk about some two cost cards that I think just fit really well with the play, and to how much, I don't know, but I was trying to look at some more flexible options. Obviously, Kraven is, you know, will this, obviously Scream counters this, but can this work in that kind of Scream deck, because you have the Kraven as well, and then you know, talk about actually a really good counter card. It could be that deck versus what it's going up against. But dude, listen, White Widow, Obviously, fell in popularity, but clearly a great card to encourage. I mean, she did get the bump up in her negative power. It's like, hey man, they've gotta choose now. What do they do? And this is why I think Rocket and Groot, RNG, Is, that's funny enough, RNG, RNG, but RNG is great with this card because if they play into this to get rid of the Widow's Kiss, they're building up the Rocket and the Groot, and then they just move away, and they worry about something else, and the opponent had to put so much time into this, but if they don't commit, same thing. This is a cool synergy here.
Alexander Coccia:I love this callout too, because the movement side is where it's so impactful. It's like you're forcing them to commit to a location, similar to the way Nebula works. Except, first of all, this is one turn before Groot, whereas Nebula, there's multiple turns where they can maybe impact the amount of space made available. But you're right, they commit all this energy to blowing up the Widow's Kiss, and then Groot just moves. It's not like he's vulnerable to Shadow King. Which is another huge bonus to him, by the way. Because he can move, you could perhaps mitigate the damage being done by Shadow King, or if he goes absolutely insane, which is incredibly unlikely, but Shawn Cheat. I mean, he'd have to really pop off hard in multiple locations to get Shawn Cheat.
Cozy Snap:He would have to re yeah, you'd have to Get all four play down, and then you'd have to move them and get them all again, or whatever, to really, not gonna happen. The stealing cards are great, as we've seen with Cassandra, because obviously you're getting power, but the, the true power is the one that you're obviously taking. I mean, dude, just think about a Nebula on left lane, this in the middle, and then you're like, the opponent just like, doesn't know where to play, because it's just like, everywhere they play is bad. So then they can put a Rocket in one of those, and I think that this will get the ball rolling. Another card, and this is, this is Cope. This is Cope. But Lizard, I was, you know, listen, Lizard is hilarious. Cause I, he's on my list too. We're not, we'll cope together. Hey, listen, you got the negative four power car. They play there. Okay. Lizard is a five power, man. He's popping out the five power unless they play there, but you know who you can follow up lizard with right away is. Obviously, Rocket and Groot. So, all of there's so many low cost cards, that's why Jean Grey's fine, but like, there's so many little things, like, Force your opponent's hand, that that's what I'm lovin about this, and that's where It's like, this is when you're designing the deck for Synergy, and you don't even have to with this card. I think it's just a good standalone card. But then you got crazy stuff like this you could pull off.
Alexander Coccia:And it's also notable that when you play cards like Nebula and Lizard, even together, it's like, okay, well, where, they have to put their cards somewhere. Do they lower the Nebula's ceiling? Do they try to counteract Lizard? They can't do everything at once, right? And so I like this a lot. Plus, theoretically, if you're running a Lizard deck and you're running an Ajax deck and stuff like that, you could theoretically use you know Luke Cage to help kind of mitigate some of the downsides as well. I'm just trying to think here, because Luke Cage no longer prevents Shadow King, right? But it should prevent li it'll prevent li I mean, I haven't played Lizard in so long. Shadow King will prevent Lizard from losing the power. It's just the Shadow King interaction was changed. So you could theoretically have, like, a pretty solid deck, even just building itself here, with Nebula, Lizard you know, Shadow not Shadow King, sorry. Luke Cage. Luke Cage, and of course Rocket and Groot themselves, so. I mean, it might not be great, but listen, I I was here for that, man. I I feel like this is like the third week in a row we've talked about Lizard unironically. Isn't that kind of wild?
Cozy Snap:Three more weeks and we talked about the other 49. I mean, yeah, it's definitely definitely Lizard has been a topic of conversation. I do have two more cards, but I'm going to give it to you for a second. Any other synergies you want to talk about?
Alexander Coccia:Well, yeah, I mean, we kind of briefly brushed on it but it's, I don't think it's irrelevant in Silver Surfer at all. Like, I really don't. And I don't think that, like Silver Surfer is in a really interesting spot. And I think we have a number of cards that are coming out that could potentially help him more. Is it possible that like, buff Surfers back? Entirely possible, right? I think that even well I don't want to get into our second topic, but there's a conversation for what Lasher can even do there. But like, honestly, I think that Silver Surfer is a very natural spot for Rocket and Groot. Because first of all, There were, there was a point in time where Nocturne was being played in Surfer, not just for the location correction, but for the movement side. We didn't have a lot of cards in Surfer that naturally moved well. And so, as a result, this type of card gives you the flexibility that honestly could be very valuable. Now, there is some flexibility in the Surfer kit. So if you get stuff like Death's Domain, Altar of Death, and stuff like that, you can generally still use Brood to destroy and remain in that location, which is helpful. But, I think one of the things that Surfer really excels at, as someone who loves the deck, Is that it feels like it has an answer to almost every meta and every game situation. If there's tons of ongoing cards, you can fit Rogue into your Silver Surfer decks. If there are, you know, lots of, you know, Zoo type stuff, you could even do Invisible Woman into Killmonger. Like, you have tons of options with Surfer, but one of the things that have been rare is the move side. We had Nocturne, but Nocturne has not necessarily kept up with its nerf. And honestly, I just, I just was never a fan of Nocturne. I didn't like the randomness of the effect. I feel like Rocket and Groot adds additional versatility to a deck that craves versatility.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I mean, listen to what you said, just to address the surfer part, part, like we've tried to make Surtur work, like other cars that have just high power potential and like, Hey, they're good cars. So they work in surfer. And it's like this one, you're right. Does not feel like you're forcing, you know, something to happen here. Totally agree. I also think it's kind of cool that this, now this isn't totally true, there is some kind of small synergy with the Guardians of the Galaxy with this card. Like, you've got the Rocket and Groot card where they're going to be in one location and I like the idea, and maybe this is in the Jean Guardians deck, right? But you can then know, you have a 50 50 chance at this point, and, and more so statistically if you know Snap well, where they're gonna play. And I think obviously that was done by design. I didn't really think about it at first, and then I kind of gave it more thought, and I was like, Hey, that's kind of cool, like they did build some of that in there. Another card that would work here too is Negasonic. Right, because Negasonic is yet another card that can deter somebody from playing in that lane. And just listen to us, man. We've just listed like 10 cards that are flexible cards that all encourage your opponent to force their hand into play.
Alexander Coccia:It's, it's really interesting to think about how, like, you can manipulate your player your opponent into playing a specific way. And, I don't want to brag on Nebula, because, like, Negasonic's a great example of that, but the, the reason why Nebula was played in Galactus decks, when Galactus was taking over the meta, was because it forced people to play into a single location, and put too many eggs into a single basket. Right? It was the macro mistake making side of Nebula that made the Galactus play more viable. And so when you think about Rocket and Groot, and again, this isn't a card you necessarily build a deck around, but if you can create these support pieces where they all kind of effectively work together, the ceiling on Rocket and Groot just kind of goes up. Honestly, it has a great salient. The only thing about it, though, the only thing about it that I get a little nervous about, we actually hadn't talked to S. T. A. R. S. yet, by the way. I never gave my rating. I don't think you did, either. We'll have to get to that. But the only thing that kind of gives me a little bit of reserve is that when I play the Guardians of the Galaxy, usually as a joke, as like a meme deck, when you miss the hits, it feels awful. Like, when you play Drax and you're, you know, you're a little buzzed and you're throwing Drax out there and he's not hitting the hits, that feels terrible. The only one that's ironically playable is Rocket himself right now in the meta. So if Rocket and Groot goes out as a 3 3, And for some reason you move them and then they don't play in that location. Then they just don't play there or stuff like that. And he sits there as a three, three or three, four. I mean, he can't three, be a three, four. Technically he's always a three, five, unless of course there is a factor with, with you know Luke Cage. He does, he does have a little bit of a lower floor than you'd hope for at a three cost. You know what I mean? But the moat, does the movement make up for it?
Cozy Snap:It's not, and it's not on reveal. That's the best part, man. So like just being able to use game sense and be like, okay, they're going to need to play here. Or like. There's so many locations where it's like, obviously, favors when they play, or they have to play, right? So like, some they have to play on turn 5, some it's like, wow, they're gonna want to play, like, bro, this is the new Bar Sinister, you know, pop this down, all of a sudden, they, they, you know, you have all these copies going off. So, there is that con, totally agree, and again, turn 6 draw, and you know, priority, you have that too. For me, though, this was what I put at the at the top, and is my card of the month. I think I'd go with a solid 5 star. I think, for what it does, I think this is a 5 star card.
Alexander Coccia:Awesome. I'm willing to go four. I see a little more of a four there. But yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go with four, but I do see it. I see the upside here. And the other thing about it, too, is when you're manipulating the way your opponents play, it also creates additional space for Manthing and a US Agent. Because if you're forcing them to play in specific spots, right? Like, you can literally, oh, they're trying to dodge Rocket, so they're playing their one drops here. You move Rocket and you play Manthing there. Right. So I do really like how like you can manipulate your opponent into like your will almost to make maximum impact. And that provides snap equity because if you're holding a U. S. agent and they're trying to dodge Rocket Raccoon and they're playing, I don't want to say sub optimally, but they're playing in a manner where, you know, you can predict where their bigger drops are going to fall. Then suddenly you can punish them with something like a Man Thing or U. S. agent.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. And like, listen, I, I feel like, first of all, the worst thing about this card I, I thought you were gonna bring up was Celine and Blob being in the spotlights, which I just, I, I, it is just, it's just so bad, man. It's so bad. The spotlights are such garbage right now, but awful. We gave no 2 0 5 and I just don't see how this is not just a be of card or at least the same. At least the same because of the plug and playability'cause play, because of the plug and playability, because of what it does. That's why to me, it's just like, why? I just don't see it being worse than that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you don't I can see it being worse. But not by much.
Cozy Snap:Anything else to say on Rocket and Groot before we move on?
Alexander Coccia:No, I just I I love the card I'm excited for it. I love playing Rocket in Marvel Rivals as well, one of my absolute favorite heroes. And let's let's dive into Lasher, who looks like he should've come out in the Symbiote season.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, right? Lasher Lasher. 2 2. High Voltage card. You play the game, you get Lasher. And now, Alioth is banned in high voltage. Interesting stuff. They may have taken a note from the last time. The game mode was active. I think you guys had like four days at the time of this recording to finish it up. Lasher, guys, is Agony's aged well. Better than we thought. But I love what Lasher does here. Abilities inflict an enemy card here with negative power equal to this card's power. And it's an activate card on top of that. So, cool. Listen bro, kinda cool, little niche, but also really interesting, but it does have that activate word, man, which we've seen, isn't always the greatest, but at a 2, who knows, we'll have to see, what do you think of the card?
Alexander Coccia:I like it, I like it a lot actually, I think it's kinda neat I'm not gonna say it's gonna be an absolute banger, I think you should get it for free, also high voltage is just a ton of fun to play you know, dude, also, come on guys, you're in high voltage, Smash some Alliance missions, if you see that, like, Discard 5, just play some Pew Pew Gambit decks, right? Get it going, buddy, help the Alliance out a little bit. I've been doing my part. Do your job. But yeah, I actually think Lasher's good. And I kind of hinted prior at at Silver Surfer, and you're like, Oh, look, this is a two drop. How much Jack Daniels have you been drinking? No, I have not been drinking that much Jack Daniels. You know, a little bit. But what I'm trying to say is that Lasher, I think, is probably legit in these, like, kind of buff decks. And it's not, I almost said it, I almost said it's not Cope, it's not Cope, but listen, I'm, I'm actually kind of experimenting with the deck right now, where you're, it's like traditional style you know Surfer, where you got like, you got the Novas, you got the Okoyes, you got the Nikias. And then like all of a sudden you start to build like this affliction buff style deck and you're like, man, you know what? I think I can get Lasher pretty big. And then you think about what like Gwenpool was doing and also the fact that like, you know, you could, the way the turn order works with the activate, like, I think there are actual possible opportunities for Lasher to impress. That being said, I think it has a pretty low floor. It's a really low floor. I have some hope for it.
Cozy Snap:Yes and no, too, though, but, cause at worst, it's a 2 4. Unless you don't get to play it, you know on the last turn of the game, which we're talking about making Lizard work at a 2 5. So I think his base is fine. Like, I think as a, just a plug and play card, this is a good card. 2 4 is fine. You literally only have it bad if you're playing it on turn 6. Any other time, it's a 2 4. Winner. I think that right there makes me like the card and not copin it, like I just think it is a good card. But then you can also double its value in Affliction Decks and you can also double its value in building up its Power Decks to make it way past a 2 4, so I actually think this card is great. And We only need like 10 more and then we can have a Scarlet Spider deck that I can finally run to more success and I'm loving this, how we have like, this deck that's forming itself of like, all these cards you can build up and, and, and then get that value. Which is cool, right? Because think about it, if you're able to get Lasher out there and then you get Scarlet Spider and then, you know, Sometimes you play the Ironheart, whatever might happen, and it just avoids the card you want, and the Gwynpool, and it avoids Scarlet Spider. Well, it's gotta go somewhere, Alex, and if it goes to Lasher, that's huge. Imagine him being a 2 6, right? All of a sudden, he's hitting a 6 on the other side, he's a freakin 12 power 2 cost card. Sign me up.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and the thing about Deactivate 2 is that it can be a little awkward, but you can also do things like you know, you blow up the Nova, it becomes a 2 3, and then you activate. Right? So that gives a little bit more reach. But the other thing is, is like, the reason why I don't want to focus too much on Silver Surfer, but it's where I've been primarily thinking about It's because you could make this like a fiction style deck with like Cassandra Nova and stuff like that. But also, I feel like the competition at the two slot for Silver Surfer has had some wavering room ever since White Widow got nerfed. And so like, there's even been times where I've been experimenting with Goose and stuff like that, right? And so I do think there's some room to, like, experiment. And so that's why I'm a little excited for it there. But I think you're right. I, maybe I'm giving it a little I'm not giving enough credit for what the floor is. The floor really is a 2 4. However, it is that turn 6 disadvantage. But in a surfer deck, you would never play him on turn 6 anyway. If you have Lasher turn 6, he just does not come out. You're playing 2 3 drops anyway.
Cozy Snap:And it's because he's a 2 cost, right? Like, if he was a 4 6, that could do the same thing. Which is crazy. 4 12. I'd hate it, because then you have, you're, you're just, you're forced to play this high energy card. You can only make it work in two turns. You're able to make this work in, you know, three, four, five, turn two and onward, and you can build up on it. I think this might be one of the, I, I, I don't want to sound like I'm just like, going crazy, but this week is just good. I think this is one of the better twos, man. A 2 4 at most situations. And there's a lot of twos, a lot of competitions there, but I find him very interesting. Because of that plug and play ability and the synergy with multiple kind of styles of decks. It's not Cassandra Nova great, but he is pretty cool.
Alexander Coccia:Alright, so do you think I'm sipping grape juice here? Now, there's a chance that it could be legitimately good after something like a Galacta, right? Galacta goes down on turn 3 it's a 2 5, technically a 2 10 at that point. 210. I mean, that's Gravy, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, 210. I would say that's pretty good. Yeah, Galacta, Gwynpool, Penny Parker, Agony Forge Nomura. Dude, I mean, that's what I like about him is like, you play him on two, do nothing else, man. Play Nomura down, pump it over, seven power. Bro, I'm telling you, I think people have been like, Ah, it's another free card. It's, you know, it's got its gimmick, King E Tree. But there's, there's so many more synergistic cards. Oh, hold on. He's taking to the glass. Is it Nomura? Did I get you hot and heavy?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I forgot about Nomura. Yep. You got me thinking, the wheels are turning. I like that a
Cozy Snap:lot. Yeah, it works as a two as well.
Alexander Coccia:I like that, man. You know why? Because, like, if you think about what those decks look like for Nomura, they've always looked like where, like, your first couple turns matter so much because they carry so much weight for when Nomura comes down. And so, like, I like, because you've played Jeffs, and you've played, like, these movable pieces. But Lasher represents such a threat with Nomura. I like that a lot, Cozy. I'm cooking now. I'm cooking! I'm cooking. Like, I'm distracted because I'm thinking about Nomura. I got that fancy like mermaid spotlight variant that I convinced myself I had to get.'cause had to lowkey. I love that card. I love that card. And man, you got the wheels turning now, coach. I like that. I like when you do that to me, you kind of catch me off guard with a little bit of a right hook. I like that dude.
Cozy Snap:You know, I always gotta come with all the random synergies that I could find out. But yeah, I mean, I just kinda went back to the. Table that I went with Scarlet Spider. It was kind of the same thing. And if Spider was a 3, man, woof, would love it, but it's a 4 and it makes it a little bit more complicated. This being a 2 is quite the opposite. So, yep, great card. Definitely towards the the top of, top of my rankings in the 2 cost slot. And I think it's well worth your time. You got 4 days to get it. Go and grab it. Alex, we're gonna go and end the podcast today with talking about a little bit of Snap from 2024. Thanks for watching! What we won in 2025, and then as well as us in the New Year in all, and let's start with Snap, man. I think let's go to, we'll go to the the other screen here. Let's start with Snap. I look back at 2024. We can talk about the cards on your side, but I look back at the seasons. What came, what went, especially compared to 2023. I'm a, I'm actually a bit, I, somebody out there, please go listen to us, New Year's last year, and just tell us how much, how much copium, hopium was on that side of the, of those men. But when I was looking, For what came out this year, I was like, wow, what a sophomore slump, you know what I mean? What a sophomore slump, they call that in the football world. Because you've got obviously, you know, we had some, we had some cool cards come out, we had some good changes come with, you know, different OTAs, that's always been kind of strong. We have high voltage Deadpool's Diner, as the, whatever you want to call them, limited time game modes. You know, like what, what jumps out to you about this year?
Alexander Coccia:What jumps out is that you struggled so hard right there to come up with like some like positive thing. You're like, we had some what did we do? It's like, it reminds me of like, you know, those like weird dating shows where like the guy's like, he's looking at the girl. He's like, Oh, I love how thoughtful you are. And then she's like, what do you love about me? And she's like well, I love your hair. Yeah. I like the way you breathe. You know, it's just, it's kind of funny, like this, this was a bit of a sophomore slump, but you know what, like at the same time, I want to give some credit to the fact that like, every game experiences this, you know what, you know, what really bothers me about the gaming space is a game comes out, does really well, and then like, it's like a month later, it's like cue the AI generated game is dying, like steam charts, Oh my God, it always happens. Right. However, with Marvel snap, there are some legitimate concerns. I'm going to go off of what you were saying there and say that the two limited time game modes, I was a little disappointed that they didn't quite learn enough from the Deadpool's Diner, right? Like, it's just like, the Deadpool's Diner second iteration was better, but not what it needed to be, I don't think. High Voltage, I'm glad they brought it back. There was even a kind of a, like a message from Glenn, not a message, but a response from Glenn saying that, like, he actually kind of didn't like High Voltage, and didn't really believe it. I'm like, Glenn, no! Come on! Why'd you make fun, Glenn? Please! And like, they did release it. I'm so glad they did, because I'll tell you right now. Since High Voltage came out, I'm only playing High Voltage. I love it, man. Gambit, Pew Pew, I'm doing Spectrum Dex, I'm having fun, man, and getting rid of Alioth was a great idea. But yeah, like, it has been a bit of an off year, hasn't it? Yeah, man it's
Cozy Snap:Yeah, here's the thing. A lot of games go through it. But it was a doo it was a doozy. It was a doozy of a year. Because I'm trying to look at All of it all together. Man, we had really cool events at the beginning of the year with, like, really cool, like like, Conquerors the first year was really well done, and outside of just the new cards and the content, I feel like there's been other stretches that have also gone down, and, listen, there are football teams, companies, you name it, that have a down year, and then they have a much better, you know, year three, and, It's certainly looking that way in January. I think maybe, you know, we see this. I'm, you know, I'm all about sports analogies, but we see it when, like, the best team in sports dominate one year. And the next year, they suck because they had the expectation that they were just gonna dominate again. And it kinda reminds me a little bit of what happened with Snap. I feel like Snap was off to such a rocket start, and they were like, we're, we are Marvel Snap. They got comfy, and cozy, and I feel like that, I know, I feel like that was One of the things that was the most wrong, the card design was great, it was unique, the things that make Snap great, the flavor and the culture of it is awesome. But all the other stuff is where I feel like they got comfortable and you know, lack of game mode where it is obviously a big one. But all the other things alongside it is why I would say 2024, my rating scale is pretty low, which we can, we can rate it here in a second.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, like it's complacency, is basically what it is. It's massive amounts of complacency, and it sounds like they're trying to turn the corner on that 2025 is the year that they can change that, because you're right, 2024 was them kind of resting on their hands a little bit riding the success of, you know being, they won something at the Game Awards, right? I remember, it was December, I'm like, guys, let's go, so excited for them, like, you know, and remember, they're, they're a small team first, first game release, new studio, like just growing pains, sure. But eventually, you gotta look at it and be like, man, we gotta fix some stuff around here. Like, there are things that need to be fixed, because I know you're getting comments just like I do, where people are like, hey Alex, like, on the Snapchat, go through the comments, there's people that still watch the Snapchat, you might be one of them that have not played in months, right? But still, you want to play the game, you listen to the Snapchat, you're watching content, and you're like, you need a reason to come back, and Second Inter really needs to consider that. And I'm kind of glad that, you know, Pokemon and Rivals and stuff has come out to like, actually show that, hey guys, like, you know, you're mortal, this game is mortal, and you know, you're going to have to put the consumers first, you're going to have to, you know, put your, your you know, consumer hat on and think to yourself, okay, well, how do we give back to the community? Things like the login events, those things are all great. That's, that's gravy for the people that log into the game and play, like keep those login bonuses coming, right? Those are dubs that people don't often celebrate, honestly. Like, we don't talk about like, hey, this is a very nice login gift, or whatever, right? Those things really do pay dividends. But, Cozy, you're right. We haven't had a game mode come out, and those game modes are incredibly important. The limited tie game modes are great, but we need actual, like, we need meaty stuff to dive into. Conquest ain't it, right? And like, even, okay, can I make a request, please? This is like, what, like, the third time I've requested this. We need multiple game boards. I, I, I can't believe that we didn't get, like, a winter. Like, we didn't get like a Christmas tree, some snowflakes going, you could've just taken what we have now and just put snow on it. And it would've been enough, man, it would've been enough. We need more game, like, game boards, we need more game modes, we just need more stuff. Secondary, please deliver, thank you.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but here's the thing too though, I feel like, you know, we're getting stuff, but it feels like it's not always complete. Not, not complete, I don't know what the word I'm looking for is, like, We got clans, right? Alliances. Awesome. They came out and they did what they did, but then they were like, and there's more coming, but we've kind of heard that a lot in Snap, but there's more coming and then it doesn't come or it's like, oh, we didn't say that. Ignore that. All right. I'm still waiting for what are those things called? What are the, what are the cards that you'd open first? First edition badges, Cozy. Why do you have to bring it up again? But no, it's, it's that same vein. I want direction. You know what I mean? Someone there's gotta be like, alright, let's focus on this, which it sounds like they are series drop, er, series drops and stuff like that. Let's focus on this, then this, and not try to do so many things at once at widespread. I think that, that's probably a better approach for them. My, you know, year 3 is the most important for them, because I'll tell you why. When you have like a giant YouTuber, this is a good example, that maybe 5 10 years ago had 5 million subscribers, I don't know. And then they take time off, and this is not like Snaps taking time off, but kind of in year 2. They take time off, and then they come back, okay? YouTube's algorithm, their followers, all that, that marketing power, at the end of the day, everything is just marketing power. The marketing power behind Snap is, is so low, right? Like, getting that, they have to either spend money, which I don't think they are too much, but they have to spend money to get user, user acquisition, right? And most of it are people that played the game, like, come back, like, that's what they're trying to do. But you can only get that in front of so many eyeballs, right? And that, as you take time off, it's harder and harder, and that person with 5 million subs is only gonna get like 10, 000 views. Even though he has 5 million people that used to play him, watch him, whatever, right? That's the example I can give here. That's what I'm worried about, and that's where they're gonna have to really, you know, strategize to get together to get this player base kind of back healthy where it's at. Because that's what I want, that's what you want, that's where it, you know, snaps at its best, too. And that's my hope for 2025.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's the attention economy. That's what it is, right? And it's the reason why you and I are so tired, right? It's, you know, you got, you got to keep on, you got to keep on top of things. You got to deliver what your audience is looking for. And that's the thing, right? Like our content, we are simply delivering on the, what the audience wants to watch and what they want to see. There's a reason why we've never missed a Snapchat, because it's important to our audience. It's important to us that we deliver on the promise that every single Monday, you're going to see us too. Talking to one of each other and that's what we got to do and Second Dinner needs to take an inventory of like, what do we need to do to re engage with our lapsed audience? What do we need to do to make it so that, you know, our audience can believe that moving forward, we've learned our lessons, we're going to be putting their interest forward. Yes, Second Dinner needs to make money. They need to keep the lights on. That's fine. We understand that. However, they really need to put their audience first. They need to put their players first. And if that means a somewhat smaller bottom line in 2025, then so be it. Put your audience first. Make the decisions that you need to make, whether or not they're difficult or not, to ensure that the people that are playing your game feel like you actually care about them. Don't just listen to their feedback. Execute on their feedback. And you know what? I think that that'll go forward. 2025 is the opportunity for second dinner. To right the ship, but most importantly, to demonstrate, not through their words, but through their actions, that they care about the longevity of this game, and the community that continues to play it. Because every single comment that you and I get, from someone who says that they're disappointed or whatever, those are people that are still in the landscape of Marvel Snap. And they're rooting for Marvel Snap to turn that corner. Just re engage with those people and put the effort in to make this game the best it can be because the gameplay is there, but you're right Cozy, we need, we need new game modes, we just need a little bit more to send this game to where it belongs, the upper echelons of card games.
Cozy Snap:Listen man, have you ever watched a TV show and season one was incredible? And season two sucked. And then you're like, well, that was awful. And then season three is amazing. Right? So you still have people that are in love with the TV show. Even if one season is bad, this was a bad season, no way around it. That's the hope. That's hopefully what we get. And we get you know the content is delivered on not to what the audience wants, but also like, what, yeah, what, what players want to do, right? Right? Like measuring how important a, you know, another card back is or something compared to, you know, whatever, more deck slots. There's so many ways they could go about it. And you know, I'm definitely rooting for them, and I'm hoping to to see them pull the community together as well. And for me, man, what about, you know, just talking about New Year, New Us, but, you know, what are some resolutions you got for 2025 as for you guys? Listen, I know it's cliche, but I'm like, how I'm a content creator is because of New Year's resolutions. I told myself, this year I'm gonna master Photoshop. This was like six years ago. Mastered Photoshop. Next year, I'm gonna master Premiere Pro. Did that too, that's how I learned to edit. And it started at New Year's. And I always write my letter. I encourage you guys listening. You know, you don't have to do this, but you should do it today if you're gonna do it. Write yourself a letter. I typically do mine on New Year's Eve. You write yourself a full letter on what you hope to accomplish next year, and you seal it, and you put it in a place wherever you know it's gonna be. I've been doing this 10 years. Every year I go back, and it's so cool to A, see where I missed the mark, Where I overachieved, where I, you know, I improvement can be, and then what were things I didn't even know that would happen, you know, and it is such a cool way to live the year out, in and out. Don't say you're going to gain eight, you know, I want to gain 50 pounds of muscle, be the rock, you know, put it in achievable terms. But I can't tell you how important goal setting is in any stage in life, but mainly just for personal life.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so for me, like, I, I, first of all, I absolutely love what you said. I think the goal setting component is so important. And it's one of those things that helps to drive you forward. And even if you don't always meet the absolute top end of what your goals are, it's like that classic saying, always reach for the stars, because you're not going to get a handful of dirt, right? And so I, I think that like pushing yourself and also this is great too. Like we're doing it in the most public forum possible. Talking about holding yourselves accountable for your New Year's resolution, right? Like we got to execute on these, but I mean, for me I think what it is, it's, it's taking my health seriously. And you mentioned it at the top of the show, how I've mentioned like, kind of like spending more time with my family and stuff like that, that's been a major thing. And you know, I mean, you've talked to me many times with this cozy, you know, me more than better than anyone listening. You know, I've, I've struggled with my health. I've been. Burning, what's it called, burning the wick at both ends type thing, burning the midnight oil, whatever you want to call it, and 2025 is the year that I try to be the best father I can be, the best husband I can be, the best contractor I can be, the best teacher I can be, I want to be the best at everything I can be, but the only way I can do that is that if I can't do it. If I, if I managed my expectations for what I'm capable of. We talked about earlier that we found our limits this year. I found my limits in December. I did, I really did. I found my limits. And and my goal is to make sure that I can sustain myself. I can do something that I absolutely love because I, I'll be honest with you, cause I looked back at some videos of me doing like my other, like whatever videos on my channel and you can tell I'm half asleep. You can tell my, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. It's three 30 in the morning. And it's, it's hard to watch back because I'm like, you know what, man, like, I'm so much better than that. I'm so much better than that if I have the energy, if I have the, you know, the opportunity to, like, just to lean into my strengths and not be a standing zombie in front of a camera, right? And so this year, I think one of the major things I want to do is really take inventory on what, what matters. And, approach my content creation in the most sustainable way possible. Like, you know, if it means I stream a little bit less, it means I stream a little bit less. But when I come on, you're going to see an Alex with energy and a smile on his face. Cause that's, that's what I want to be. That's, that's, at the end of the day, when the curtain closes on my career, that's what I want to be remembered as. You know what I mean? And so I want to start living, I want to start living that, because the last year has not been that. I've been this exhausted old man that has been just pushing themselves a little too far. And so if I have to reel it in a little bit cozy, I'm going to, because I just want to be the best creator, father, and person I can be.
Cozy Snap:I couldn't say it better myself, man, because, I mean, we obviously do the same career pretty much, so it's very, you know, came from a similar life in some ways, so it's like very much, Echo, tons of that, and I love that, man. I think it's important. I think just in as YouTubers, but also just in life, knowing what is enough is so important, and you're always gonna want more, no matter if you're someone like Tom Brady. Who seems to have it all, right? Just name someone who you think has it all, they want more. I can promise you that. And as YouTubers, it's always hard to You have a never ending goal, essentially, in front of you. And so to, to achieve that and to set limitations for yourself is important. It's something I, you know, me and Alex always talk about when I talk with him is like You need to know what's enough, what's not enough. And it's so, you know, for me, man, as my, my son's getting older same, I mean, I, I can't say how much, like, it's always just about having fun for me. Like really at the end of the day, like I'm blessed that this gets to be my career. It's so cool, but I just like, like doing, I like playing rifles. I like playing snap. I like being an idiot. I like having, you know, fun and being competitive. And so whatever. I just always wanted to be about that first and, you know yeah, I would, I would add to it. I'd like to stream more than I did in 2024, Alex. A hard goal, really hard goal. I might get two streams in, we'll see. We'll see if it works but yeah, man, beautifully said and definitely so much focus about family. My new, like, tangible goal that is, like, something I can learn is still up in the air. I'm, I'm looking at, you know, cause I get all like, I have things like, oh, a new language. I'm like, ah, you know, not that I don't want to learn that. I think it's cool. It's like, I need to think about things that are, you know Have to do a lot with my current world that I live in. And so definitely casting and getting into that more is going to be an angle and a goal for me as well. But either way, man, I'm just, just blessed what 2024 was, what 2023 was excited for what 2025 you know, has, has to offer. Anyway, guys, hopefully you enjoyed this episode of the Snapchat. Big goal hit was it for Alex in 2024? He had a hundred thousand subscribers. So round of applause, wherever you might be. Ladies and gentlemen, the man hit his goal and man, I could not be more happy, more happy for him. Talk about a way to bring in the freakin New Year.
Alexander Coccia:We're here today with Cozy Snap. Boom, hit you with a new intro. I bet you guys were not expecting that. Do you know how much effort it takes to come in with a slightly different intro? Like I know on your side, you do like the actual proper intro and I'm kind of jealous cause like that is so damn hard. I come in with the same damn thing every single time. Like I, you guys know what it is. I've done it hundreds of times at this point. Just switching up just the phrasing ever so slightly actually engages my head so much more just to get me fired up. Cozy, how are you today? First of all.
Cozy Snap:I might do some flashy stuff behind me, but I say what's going on and welcome back on all of my videos, pretty much. And I, in every single video with, have a good one, have a great one. Also, I had to literally change the audio of one of my rival videos the other day, because I said happy snapping at the end, and I was like, well, damn, gotta change that up. It is, it's hard, because even changing happy rivaling to happy sna I can't do it, man. I've been doing it too long. I'm doing well, though. I'm doing well. I was doing better before I purchased Bruce Banner.
Alexander Coccia:Yo, imagine being the asshat that almost gave this card four stars. This was one of those moments last week where, like, I'm not gonna say I, like Really huffed a ton of hope about this card. I think it was because I really wanted High Evo to see something. And when I was playing High Evo with Luna Snow, I saw this glimmer of hope. I was like, man, wait, Luna Snow's actually pretty good here. I think there's a chance this deck could be legit. Can Bruce Banner send it to the moon? Because you know I love Evo. I've been waiting for the Evo decks to make a comeback. And maybe that, like, Those rose colored shades. Is that the term? We're like, you know, you can't see the fault because you're too, you're too dialed in on the maybe I, that was me. I am so happy. Cozy. So happy, even though I'm still too high at three stars. I'm so happy that at the end of that discussion, I was like, you know what, cozy, I'm bringing it down to three star that, do you know how upset I would have been at myself? I stayed at four stars. I'm so glad I talked myself down a little bit with your help. Of course. Because Bruce Banner is more like Bruce Poo Poo. Man, this card sucks. Like, I'm sorry, it sucks. And not that, like, it doesn't have a ceiling. It has a ceiling, but the floor is so low, and it's so frustrating. Man, I, this card does not belong in any deck anywhere. Just keep it away from me.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, from when it got datamined, I was like, oh my god, this might be one of the greatest cards in the set to, like, the reality gut of last week. I was like, I don't know. I've been all over the board with where this could have been, and it's because of what this card is. It's all over the board, right? It's a 25 percent chance for a huge payoff and or not. And again, I'm sure there are people out there like, what are you guys talking about? My Bruce Banner's been popping, hulking out every turn. Dude, frustrating, frustrating experience playing this card. Because every time, like, dude, I don't know about you, I was playing it, it's like, there were times where, like, I didn't need him to do it, like, I was fine, and he was like, I'm holding it out, right? And I'm like, okay, great. And then, the other times, I'm like, come on. Come on, and just, it was four no's in a row, three no's in a row. He upset me.
Alexander Coccia:It was so funny, cause like, I got a message from somebody like, Hey Alex, you're on the front page of Marvel Snap Reddit. And I was like, oh god, what do I do now? And I was like all nervous, I gotta go, I gotta go look now! I try not to take, I go there, and it's me, with four Bruce Banners on the board. In a, like, in a, if it rolls pretty good, I got a chance to get a good dub there, all four don't roll. And I had been rolling multiple turns, and someone did the math on the video of like how, like, how bad my luck was. I did like eleven rolls on Bruce Banner, on like, when you account for the factors four on the board, for multiple turns. And I did not hit a single one. Can you believe that? And there's almost like, it was like a 2. 89 percent chance of that happening or whatever, like 98 percent chance that at least one of them pops and I could have like potentially won the game. Nope. Now they're like, you know what, Alex? Screw you, bud. Here's an elf for ya. Stats are
Cozy Snap:great. Stats are fun. Cause for everyone, we're like, you know, if you have 20 things face down and they tell you to find the Hulk car, one guy's gonna walk up and find the Hulk on the first pole. Another guy's gonna go all 19, right? It's just, just how it works, man, how stats work, and yeah, unfortunately I mean, dude, you've always hated statistic cards, kind of like this, you know stats cards, RNG cards, never been your thing, you just talked about hitting Nocturne and she wasn't all too much RNG, I guess the location. This is the ultimate RNG card, and clearly, man, it just came to haunt you.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, it's funny you say that, because like, even in the last conversation we had on your channel, it was like, you mentioned Nocturne, and the card was amazing. It got nerfed. It was literally one of the best cards in the game. You couldn't find me playing it. I just wanted nothing to do with it. I just didn't like that stuff, right? But like, with Bruce Penner, it was like, I had this hope, because it's like, I love Evo. I love that style of deck. I know there was that point in time where Evo was too popular, Too good. And it's funny to think that even Hevo on it's like real height, the two cards that got nerfed in Hevo, do you remember? Wasp and Hulk. Wasp. And the, the
Cozy Snap:thing, right?
Alexander Coccia:And it's, yeah, it's not kind of crazy. And those are the two cards that don't really make the decks anymore. And meanwhile, I'm looking at Bruce Banner. I'm like, man, this card has to make, it has to do something. The car is running a 48 percent win rate. Awful, awful, awful. And it's not just Red Guardian pumping it, that happened too. But what was funny is I was, I was going through replays of me playing Bruce Banner and every single time it got pumped by the Red Guardian, I won those games because I didn't play around it's bull, I almost said a bad word. I didn't play around it's nonsense. And I just like played my Hulk on six or whatever and won the game, you know what I mean? Like I, I just removed Banner from the conversation and I just performed better, you know what I mean? It was just, it was just wild how ineffective this card was and the top comment on the video was Can't wait for this card to get buffed and everyone regrets missing out on it because that's like Cause, that's the one thing about what Psychic Ninja's been doing, they've been very responsive, with like, not necessarily the nerfs, but the buffs have come fast, like Hercules got buffed, what, like a week later? Hydration Robber got buffed six days, the two two days, six days after release, and two hours before the, the season rollover, or the, the week rollover, whatever? So they're obviously not, hopefully they don't do that with Bruce Banner. But yeah, this card was ultimately disappointing. Don't roll this card, don't use your resources on this card. This is an absolute pass. High Evo is not even, it's a shell of its former self. I see no reason to own this card other than either A, you hate your resources, B, you have lots of resources, or C, you rolled it by accident because you're going after something else.
Cozy Snap:Or you're the luckiest man in the world. I mean couple things. They're not going to buff this card. There's nothing they can do to buff it. They can make it a 1 cost. Other than that, they're not going to buff it. They're not going to give it more power, because I just don't see that happening. But I will say, the only thing I can see this card getting better in the future is, right now, there's just no shells, not a lot of them, that want you to skip energy, because obviously that's such a huge resource to skip. If we get more cards down the line that are, like, great cards, where you skip, you know, like, we can change the game for using energy. If we get cards like If you skip XYZ happens, then it'll work. Then it'll work, you know, because it's gonna have a place to belong more. Right now, it's like, we try to make it work in Evo because that's kind of the thing that you can do that with. Not exactly the case. Dude, yeah, just Not good, not good. Too many good cards around it, man. We even said last week, go for Doom, don't go for Bruce, and this week it's go for Rocket, don't go for Bruce.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely. There's no question about it. I mean, that pretty much sums up the conversation. Don't get Bruce. He's a poo poo card. Save your resources for the weeks that are coming. And that's going to take us through the best cards of 2024, in which Bruce Banner is not one of them, Cozy. We're not going to be talking about Bruce Banner at all, he's not on this list. Now what I thought was a bit interesting, and we're going to kind of go, you know, we're not going to dedicate too much time to each individual card, because there's a lot of cards here. We're going to talk about the bangers of the year. Cozy, I'm going to throw out some cards here and you give me a couple thoughts on them. We're going to go in chronological order for the most part. Whenever there's like a season pass and a new card in the week, whatever, I just do whatever I want. Starting in January, here's a card that came out a little soft. Scar. Scar came out a little soft. I think we recognized the potential power that Scar had, but it wasn't necessarily a banger. And then it's so funny as the meta shifted over and over again, suddenly Scar became a key component into a lot of meta decks and essentially culminating in the release of Surtur later on. But Cozy, what are your thoughts on Scar?
Cozy Snap:He's exactly what we thought he would be. I think in January, I think I gave it like a 4 and it's like because of where he's gonna go and what he'll be in the future. And that's what he was. That's what he did become. I think back then there wasn't a lot of decks to, there's only a couple that you could make work with him. And that whole season was just like, not a strong, like, this January is awesome for what's coming out. That January, like, man, I love doing this to my memory, but it was like, what, Scar, Kiara, Hercules, and who's the other one?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, man, I'm not good at that. Oh, Meek. I think you're right, though. Meek.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man, I don't know why I know this stuff, but It was Meek, yes. Meek I played Rivals all day every day, and I still remember it. It was crazy. What a weak season, bro. Like, what a weak season that leads into the Thanos season. But yeah, Scar, I like him, he's good. He's definitely has made, he's made, he makes the list as one of the better cards in 2024.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, ironically at the time I was looking back, he was very popular in like Thanos shells that were kind of going on there. And that actually brings us to the second set of cards. And I'm doing set because they're all kind of similar power, and you just alluded to it. I can't believe you remember this stuff. It was the Thanos season. The Black Order of Cull Obsidian, Corvus Glaive, and Proxima Midnight. I almost said Proxima Centauri, by the way. A shuttle to everyone knows what that is. It's the closest star to the sun. February, okay? Kolobzidine, Corvus Glaive, Proxima. All of them impactful, but not necessarily meta shattering. What are your thoughts on those three? I'll
Cozy Snap:never forget Black Swan. How many people thought Black Swan was gonna be THE card? 3 5. Dude,
Alexander Coccia:crazy.
Cozy Snap:Disappointment. That was the first time where people realized, like, it doesn't matter if it's good stats, it can be a bad card. So there, you know, listen. February, Black Swan, disaster. Right, but we did skip over Grandmaster, and my two favorite cards this year were War Machine and Grandmaster, because it's the ones that I whiffed on the most in predicting them, and then they ended up both becoming meta giants at one point in time in the year, and so to me, I just loved how that kind of formed. But, looking at January, how bad of a month that was, I think February was probably worse, right?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, I don't know! I don't know if February's worse, because like, Listen, I loved Grandmaster 2, I played a lot of Grandmaster, but like, Okay, February with Culb City and Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, those cards all have a place. You make a discard deck, Proxima's in it. Corvus, not necessarily. Corvus had like that round of like, Oh, you're, you're playing the Sandman. Remember the Glaive? That was a thing for a while. Call of Cities still makes a number of different decks. It doesn't make Zoo anymore, which is kind of interesting. But if Thanos ever makes a comeback, Call of Cities is going to be in that deck.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that's fair, actually. Corvus and Proxima kind of keep that month definitely going high because Supergiant was rough. Card tried to, tried to make it all year. Just didn't, didn't do much of anything. The whole, I just remember like thinking how cool it was that the Black Order was coming. To Marvel Snap, and then it was just like, eh, they kinda underdelivered just a little bit. Are we hitting every month? Are we going through every card?
Alexander Coccia:Well, no, not every single card, but we can kind of batch them a little bit here, but Cause in March, we had the most disrespected card in Marvel Snap's history. It's Hope Sommers! Hope Sommers came out in March. Cozy, what an absolute fire card. And I feel like it's a great card. Honestly, it hasn't aged as well, despite the fact I seem to play it a lot, but it doesn't make a lot of meta shells right now.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, Hope Sommers though is still a winner, a 2024. Even if it's not played now, what a dramatic effect it had on the meta, how long it was played for, how good it is. And playable still, and it probably launched as one of the best season cards to come out at the time of its release.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, there's no question about it. I still love the card, I play the card, I've been playing it a lot in a Galacta Athena deck, which I absolutely love. And something worth mentioning is March actually had a few bangers. One of which we both called, I think we both gave it 5 stars, and another one which was a surprising Meta Shaker. Mockingbird came out in March. As did Cannonball. Now obviously Mockingbird, we all saw it. There was no way Mockingbird was going to land on its face. That card was unbelievable. But Cannonball was a surprise. It was a surprise to me, it was a surprise to many. Some people like to say they'll be like, I thought Cannonball was going to be great the entire time. And you might have been right. Well you would have been in the minority, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar. But Cannonball certainly took people by surprise when it invaded the meta.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean every year we have like these combos that come out that just are so cracked that no one expected. And this was the year of the Cannonball and Professor X Man. When that came out, I remember, like, oh my god, it just, it took over, and it was a force to be reckoned with. Talk about a guy getting hit with a, the swift hammer, though, because this definitely, with, with X going down, this really hurt this card. And but at the time, again, it's like, I can't just look at the now, gotta, not recency bias, gotta look at the whole year in review, and it was a damn good card this year.
Alexander Coccia:It was, and obviously when Professor X changed it really impacted the card negatively. However, when Doom 2099 came out, Cannonball flourished! Because he was pumping all the Doom bots, right? And so like, it was a release file for that Zeus style deck, so it was pretty awesome to see, and Mockingbird absolutely is amazing. Even after multiple nerfs, it's still just amazing, Cozy, isn't that crazy? Mockingbird might be the card
Cozy Snap:of the year, like, outside of like, maybe Airship, which we'll get to, but I think Mockingbird If you look across the months, across the decks, across how good it was, what they had to do to nerf it, Mockingbird was in like every deck for seven months.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so for the sake of time, we're gonna batch the cards together by month here. Now we're in April. Cozy, that was actually a crazy month too. We had Red Hulk. Red Guardian and White Widow come out. Two of the three cards in Red Hulk and White Widow got nerfed. Red Guardian continues to be a really popular choice to ruin you know, release day shenanigans. Cozy, what are your thoughts on those three bangers?
Cozy Snap:Is that one of the strongest months of the year, you would think? I mean, I can't wait to go through all of them, but this might be it. I mean, think about it. All those cards are good. They were all good for a long time as well. Red Hulk dominated everything, was nerfed instantly White Widow, was stupid good for months, July
Alexander Coccia:might be more cracked, but this is probably a close second.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think it's July 2, yeah. This is up there, Red Guardian, strong card as well. Yeah, overall, good month.
Alexander Coccia:It definitely is, and for me, it really stands out because Ready Guardian has been like this very steady baseline of power. Obviously White Widow was the best 2 drop in the game with no question, ended up getting nerfed. But that brings us into May, now May had a couple really nice cards. Namely, Nocturne and Sage. Now, Nocturne, I think people were like a little ho hum on at launch, and then they start to really notice its power potential. And Sage, I remember reviewing Sage and being like, this card is awesome. Like, it's amazing. And people were like, nah, I don't buy it. I was like, bro, I was like, come on, this card is sick. This was a card. I remember when we reviewed, I was a little lower on, but when I played it, I woke up, dude, when I played it, I was like, wow, this card is good. Like, how is this card? Not one of the best cards at the three slot right now. People just didn't buy it. And that it aged beautifully. Beautifully this year. This is an absolute banger.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. And also we skipped us agent, I think was in the last month with Red Hulk. Wasn't he? Was he in that month too? I think he was in that month. He
Alexander Coccia:was. Yeah. Cause he, he was with the month with a white widow, but he needed a pretty significant buff to get there. A couple of
Cozy Snap:weeks later it happened though. And that's, that's where it's like. It reminded me, because you like, people didn't get this card, and they regretted it, and I remember now why that month was so good. One of my favorite cards, but Sage. Sage, I think, even if we were on the edge of liking it, like, when we said Surtr was a 5 and we still missed, I think this was Sage, we were like, we liked her, but like, we couldn't predict how good she was gonna be. She was really strong. And even the experts, like I remember a lot of people were like, She's, you're not going to be able to use her, she's awkward, what are you going to play her on turn 6? Like, hell yeah you are, and you're probably going to win. Really good call. Yeah, hell yeah,
Alexander Coccia:turn 6 sounds perfect for Sage. Yeah, yeah, thank
Cozy Snap:you, I'll have that. Yeah, and maybe that was, again, that was in the era of Red Hulk on 6, right? So like, you know, times change, meta ebbs and flows, but yeah, Sage was definitely disrespected.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, 100 percent disrespected. The second most disrespected card in Marvel Snap this year. What was also disrespected quite a bit in June was Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh required a buff, was famously known as Gilgamid, was released alongside Thena, who honestly, again, Surprised. I think Thena's surprised. People were like, oh, you know, it's gonna No, Thena was remarkable, needed a nerf. Gilgamesh needed a buff. But now, these are two staple cards in a number of different archetypes. Gilgamesh single handedly brought Zoo back from the dead. Like, even to this day, people aren't playing Zoo because it's kind of fallen out of the mindset. If you want to crush, play Zoo. Like, honestly, it is, it's free MMR. It's free real estate. Zoo is still extremely good, and Gilgamesh is a major part of that. It was
Cozy Snap:not Gilgamed, it was Gilgamesh. It was the Gilgamesh, Alex. That was the, that was the, the, the moniker, but I will say this. This card was kind of doo doo until they did fix him up, then they made him really good at that point. Probably one of the, I think, actually, for like a six month period, we had this expectation of season pass cards, and then this came out, and we're like, what the hell? And then the OTA happened, right? And we found out. Athena also in contention for one of the best cards this year, no question about that. They did a fun month, man. You had Circe in there, Makkari. It was, it was a, it was definitely like a fun month, even if people didn't like the Eternals.
Alexander Coccia:Of that month, I will tell you, I've warmed up to Makari. I actually have, in my own little way. Still not great, in my opinion, but kind of surprising how much I like it. Now, Cozy, I hinted before that there's a month, a month, that I think stands out as the best month of Marvel Snap for 2024. July. Cozy, you want to hear this absolute disgusting set of cards? Errorsham. Ajax, Copycat, remember OG Copycat, Kassandra Nova, which was released for free. And you had Gwenpool 2, which honestly, isn't it kind of crazy to think that Gwenpool's the least exciting of the bunch, in my opinion? It's just, what an absolute month to be a Marvel Snap player.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean obviously Airship changed the dynamic of the game completely. Then you just had like, strong cards that happened. This is a little bit of the start of the whole like, we're gonna release a card at the beginning of the month, and then at the end of the month, there's a card to counter that card, and it was Cassandra, and you know, I think Deadpool's Diner, even though it was kind of a disaster, it was still fun, because it was the first limited time game mode that we had, and Deadpool 3 was out, a lot of hype around that, so that was fun. Yeah, that whole month was insane. Like, if you, like, skipped that month, you, it was a, that's a tough one to skip, man. That's a tough one to skip. And yeah, funny enough, like, Gwynpool is a great card, but it is definitely, like, was, like, just awful comparably to some of the other stuff that we looked at.
Alexander Coccia:One of the most commented comments on the Snapchat was when we made notice that Gwenpool has a cat on her shoulder. Remember that epiphany? For like so many people that people did not realize that she's actually holding a feline on her shoulders. Thought it was her hair. Awesome, I love that. One of my favorite moments in the Snapchat in a while, but like, yeah, OG Copycat, absolutely love that card. Still pains me, the card's still good, but I still don't play it like I used to. Ajax was probably the sleeper hit there, which has been a very consistent banger. And obviously, Cassandra Nova did require a nerf, despite having a very important impact on the meta. Now, August! Actually had some bangers as well, in the form of Marvel Boy, Kate Bishop as a season pass card, and I'm gonna say Wiccan and Speed too. Now Speed I think is a little on the lower end, despite the fact that it has consistently been an amazing card, but Wiccan, it's, it's a legit card. People are playing Wiccan in a number of different decks. Marvel Boy definitely elevated Zoo, it needed a nerf. Kate Bishop, This has been an excellent card. Again, so July and August was pretty much all bangers. Really
Cozy Snap:well rounded month. There was just a lot happening with it. Marvel Boy obviously did so much for Zoo. Kate Bishop is what I think Rocket and Groot will be in just the way of being played in so many decks. It could be used in a lot of ways. Yeah, I liked this month. It was. We needed something not too crazy after what was July, because there was just so much happening in July. But still very strong.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely. And you know, I like, I like the fact that that month also, it hit a number of different archetypes. It was a very well rounded month, as you mentioned. It wasn't just fixated, like we had the Black Order season, we have the next season we're going to talk about, which was very move centric as well. But ultimately, this month, it feels like everyone got a little bit of something, which I think helped each individual deck. We also had some archetype definers like Wiccan. And in September, now this was a very contentious month. This was the month. Where we had Silver Sable, which was universally slept on, and we also had Madame Web, which was universally pumped. You know what I mean? Oh yeah. And, in her defense, Madame Web still makes, in Little Movers, in the Frigga Movers and so on, Madame Web makes those decks. And I still stand beside, I think that the Madame Web ongoing lists, which I do play from time to time in my own, on my lonesome, because I know nobody wants to watch that on YouTube. Are actually pretty good. I like them a lot. And so, I do think that Madame Web, despite not hitting the ceiling that was expected, found her place, which is nice, and Silver Sable needed a nerf because it was literally the de facto one drop for Marvel Snap. I
Cozy Snap:mean, Sable came in with the whole Cassandra did, but the stealing thing was just, it's so much. Like, the stealing and what that did, I feel like Jeff screwed us up, right? We got Jeff, We realized how good move cards are, then we got Nocturne, and so then we're like, we're high up, everybody from consecrators to players on the move cards, and then, Oh my god, Madame Web's the answer to move, it's gonna be, you know, Historic, Dagger got her OTA in, I think, like, February. Things were just kicking off, going crazy, couldn't wait. And just talk about the definition of what Marvel Snap is about. You gotta play it to see it. And, and it just did not, it did not land. Definitely up there on, on one of my misses this year, for sure. No question, too. Sable, great card. What, what came after that? What were some of the other ones that came with that month?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, that was what was it? Oh no, I'm forgetting now. It was a move centric month, wasn't it? I don't know, I just wrote down the absolute bangers. Silver Sable and Madame Web were the ones. Aranya was also like,
Cozy Snap:oh, this is gonna be really good too. You know what it was though too, is we didn't know about Activate all that much, right? Like, we were still trying to figure out Activate. Heck wait, it was that symbiote Spider Man that was like the month of, yeah. I think that was the month of Activate.
Alexander Coccia:Cymbid Spider Man definitely underperformed. For sure. That's why I'm not talking about him being the best in 2014. I guess I'm just
Cozy Snap:trying to think of like, Activate coming out was such a big thing, because on paper it's like, oh my god, the agency, the, the The guessing games, and it's a, it's a trash, it's, it's just not near as good as On Reveal or Ongoing. And so that, I think, was one of the biggest shocks of this year.
Alexander Coccia:And that was one of the episodes, I think, we were on the road, right? And we just had to fill in? Like, it was like, that was one of those weeks, too, where, like, there was a lot going on, and we didn't have any information about Activate prior to the episode. No, they didn't release the video,
Cozy Snap:bro. They, like, it, straight up, we knew nothing about it. And we just had to, like, film, because they were, like, Whatever, once again, Second Inter was not doing whatever they were doing, and it came out on like
Alexander Coccia:And we asked too, by the way, for the record. We were like, hey, we need some data, and they're just like They got that,
Cozy Snap:that cool, let's throw that in the trash. Yeah, I That was definitely, that was definitely a crazy month of expectations. Like, Scarlet Spider Man, we were like That was our Spicy Apple Juice episode, and we were like, Oh my god, this car's gonna be game changing, and it sucked too. Because they activate, and what it, you know, what it brings.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's unfortunate. I actually still have some hope for Scarlet Spider, but you know what I had definite hope for? In October, the scary season. There are a couple cards that really stand out. In fact, there are four cards that stand out, Cozy. They're all bangers. Scream, Agent Venom, Scorn, and Toxin. Now, what I love about this, Scream created a whole new archetype, it's my favourite card of the month. Age of Venom, one of the best cards in the game to this day, despite having a nerf. Scorn, perfect in my Pew Pew Gambit decks, and also legit in Discard. Toxin, made Bounce so much more playable, and so much more accessible, and still not meta shattering. This was a great month of releases. This July and May. I think they're, they're the finalists. I think that this month is better than July, not from a power standpoint, from a balance standpoint. Yeah. I think that they nailed this month, cause Toxin didn't break the game, Scream didn't break the game, Scorn didn't break the game. Who's the fourth? There's a card we see that didn't do that well. Yeah, Age of Venom broke it pretty hard, actually. Age of Venom was a bit rough, and that was the month that they boosted. They're like, we're gonna buff what was the card? Oh my gosh. Shadow King. They buffed Shadow King just to encourage people to play it, despite the fact it was already one of the most played cards in the game. They're like, if you don't like Age of Venom, play Shadow King, guys. Stop complaining, damn it. We want to sell some season passes. Play the damn card. So they buffed it. Oh my gosh, that was, that was some five head gameplay from, from Second Dinner, but to say that we were smart, no, we weren't smart enough, because we didn't even play, Shadow King was at like a 30 percent play rate. It should have been a 100 percent play rate. Yeah, dude,
Cozy Snap:I, oh man, I, I wish we had a list of all the OTAs, because there was plenty to think about there.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy asking for a six hour podcast right here. Next week, Cozy, we'll go through line by line every OTA in 2024. And that takes us to November. Now, November, December are fast ones because we only, I only have one card in each because, first of all, they're kind of recent, we don't want to do too much recency bias, but November, that's the month of Surtur, let's be honest. We both came in at 5 stars and somehow we joked we were too low. This card slapped. Some significant nerfs to it, not just Surtur itself, but to some of the supporting cast for Surtur, including Scar. Got nerfed from January. And but ultimately, I think it's still excellent. It's probably being slept on, honestly. It's not being played nearly enough.
Cozy Snap:Yep, one that's just gonna age with the game, too. I always like cards like that. We kind of saw this in advance. We knew this thing was going to be as crazy as it was. Like you know, December was the first month we couldn't you know, data mine in or whatever, but we did see him, I think, a while back, and he was one of those from a far, for a long time, we're like, yeah, this guy's crazy, and we still missed it because he, yeah, he got nerfed hard.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, he got nerfed pretty hard. And so far in December, what has dodged a nerf is Galacta. Now, I think it's fair to say that the other cards are still in flux, we're still learning about them, but I think Galacta, it's fair to say, this is an absolute beauty.
Cozy Snap:Definitely. I mean, card in review next week, we'll talk about him, but I think Galacta is I don't know if it'll be, you know, top 5, but it's, it's definitely a very strong card this year. Like, it's a tough one to place this one. I mean, we just talked about all of them, Alex, to recap it. I mean, what is your, what do you think wins card of the year? Airsham?
Alexander Coccia:Ooh, see, here's the thing, like, for me or for everyone, like, in terms of impact, like, what was the strongest card of this year? All of it combined, yep. I think, I think it's gotta be Airsham. It has to be Airstream in terms of meta impact for sure. I think Airstream had like a 70 percent play rate when it came out, like absolutely wild. So yeah, we agree on Airstream, but what is your card of the year?
Cozy Snap:Hmm, ah, that's a tough one, man, because I'd have to go through I have
Alexander Coccia:one. Do you want me to buy you some time here?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, I think I know mine, but go ahead. Okay, no, no, if you know yours, Cozy. I think mine's Copycat, but I want, I'm thinking on it. Go ahead.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so Copycat is a preliminary for Cozy. For me, it has to be Scream. Like, I just love the fact that Scream brought out a whole new archetype that was fun to play. I'm hoping that there's some opportunities for some more cards to come out that'll benefit Scream, which I'm sure there will be and there are but ultimately Scream for me was a huge win, I absolutely loved it. And a secondary callout has to go to to Thena for me. I just, I love Thena, I like how it brought back Kitty Pryde as well. But for me it's definitely gonna be Scream and Thena in that order.
Cozy Snap:I think it's Circe and Pixie for me. I think those are fun factor cars that are just cool.
Alexander Coccia:Whoa! Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. You just said Circe and Pixie. Are you sure, sir? Are you, wait, how much, what's in your bottle? Pixie has come. Pixie came out this year, right? Or no? No, it did, 100%. I just think that, I just think that you might be buzzing
Cozy Snap:here. Are you sure? For my cards that I liked? Yeah, man. Those are the fun factor cards for me. I thought those were both so fun. Like, those, Gave me new ways to play the game, and that's why I enjoyed that in a great way. Scream's a good one, could've gone with that one. Like, you know, I'm not like, Aw man, I get to play two cars at once, yeah! This is great! Nah, like for me, it's like, man, I want Chaos. You know, I want more of Not The Same, and I felt like those two were really broad. Not to knock your pick, I know you love Kitty Pear, but to me, like, that's where I came from in that. With that call out, I guess. I thought you were gonna say Cassandra Nova. I came at you roasting
Alexander Coccia:you a bit for your picks. It's only fair you roast me back a little bit. It's okay, Cozy. If I dish it, I gotta be able to deal it, or whatever the term is. I thought you were gonna say Nova,
Cozy Snap:dude. You loved your Cassandra Nova.
Alexander Coccia:I did. I did love Cassandra Nova, but honestly, Scream just did so much. I mean, there's a lot of great cards this year. And obviously, Hope Somers. Oh, yeah, Bruce Banner. Gotta love Bruce Banner. I almost just threw up on camera, Cozy. What are you doing, bud? What we gotta do, Cozy, we gotta get to the Snapchat mailbags. We got a lot of questions, man. It was hard filtering through all the questions. Hey, if you guys want a bit of advice, if you're thinking about launching your own podcast, you guys want to know some inside baseball, if you want to engage the comments section, do a Christmas tier list of songs. If you want people to comment, Oh my gosh Cozy, people had takes. But you know what? This one really just made me laugh. I laughed out loud, like chuckled out loud. As Kovacs said, quote, All I Want For Christmas Is You goes into F with almost no discussion. Unreal. And then followed up with Casey who said, Easily the worst take in this entire show's run. They didn't even know it was Mariah Carey. Wait, I thought we sh I thought
Cozy Snap:we No, I thought I said Mariah We said it was Kelly Clarkson, dude. No you said Kelly Clarkson. I swear I said Mariah Carey. I was like, this is Mariah Carey's thing. And then I thought you said the American Idol winner was Kelly Clarkson. There's no way we said Kelly Clarkson. We together said that? Dude, I
Alexander Coccia:refuse. I'm almost 100 percent positive we thought that Kelly Clarkson sang that song.
Cozy Snap:I think you brought up American Idol and I was like,
Alexander Coccia:no. Oh, I definitely messed it up. Don't get me wrong. I derailed you.
Cozy Snap:Oh, dude, there's no way I'd forget Miss Christmas, dude. Like the girl that shows up in like October, like it's coming. You've seen those memes? No. Anyway, I'd still put it in F tier, even if it's Barack Harry.
Alexander Coccia:That's the spirit, Cozy! That's what we had to get through! Still F tier, get rekt! Get rekt! There's the discussion you guys were looking for, still F tier. Oh my gosh, and the next question comes in from Michael Nicholson, and this, this brought a tear to my eye, Cozy. Ah, the glory days of LAN parties! Back when we were broke college kids in New York City, living in a 30 story dorm, we went to extreme lengths to make the magic happen. Picture this. Original Xboxes, the longest ethernet cords that we could find or make, and literally us hanging out of the windows like tech savvy Spider Men to connect our consoles. The payoff? A night of Halo, drinking, and absolute chaos. The highlight was always someone getting sniped, only to hear an echoing scream from three floors up. Truly peak gaming moments. I miss those days, nothing brought people together like risking life and limb for a LAN party.
Cozy Snap:Hell yeah. Hell yeah. What a, what a, what a, what a great paragraph, man. Props to you. I like that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that, honestly, when I read it, I was like, we have, we have to shout this out, like, it's just beautiful, and I remember, like like, that LAN party that I brought up, like, so many times on the Snapchat. It ended in a fight, I don't know if I mentioned this, it ended in a fight, because we were playing Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos, and we were doing, like, a tournament, and my buddy tower rushed my brother, and my brother had something to say about it. If you wanna, if you wanna ruin the the LAN party, just tower rush someone else in a RTS. And the next question, Cozy! Comes from Noelle, and it reads, and this comes up every once in a while, but it's nice to kind of revisit it because it gives me a chance to bring up my favorite group. Hi, what Marvel character that has not been done would you like to see in Marvel Snap? And that's from Noelle. And, listen, Cozy, give me a chance. I
Cozy Snap:think I want Alpha Force, that's who I want. Who do you want? You can't pick the same. You want Alpha Force, Cozy? How dare you choose my pick. I know I didn't know you pick it. I pick Alpha Force. They're my favorite. Who would you pick? No, you can't do that to me. What am I
Alexander Coccia:supposed to say now? I knew you were chomping at the bit to go over. You know what's funny? Alpha Force. No, I know. I just want to talk about Alpha Force. You know what's funny about it, man? Is that, like, I had a chance to play Alpha Force in Marvel Contest of Champions. And I was like, oh! The guy has the Canadian suit and everything. I was like, yes! And I actually was like pumping. Oh, it was so good. I just, I was just so excited to see some Canadian representation. And actually, I'm not even sure about this Cozy. I know you're a bit of a lore expert. Wolverine is Canadian now. He's from Alberta, right? So why isn't he in Alpha Force? Or was he in Alpha Force at some point? Dude, I don't know. I'll be honest. I I I don't know. That's a deep cut. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I'm
Alexander Coccia:You don't know the Canadian lore? I'm on no sleep over
Cozy Snap:here, bro. I don't I don't know. But I I pick Alpha Force. I pick Alpha Force's mind. Alex stole mine. I want that for the record. Other than that group it's a good snapchat topic. I actually have that lined up probably for the next couple weeks of cards that we want to see that haven't come. Cause they've hit a lot of them. I'll put some thought to it. I'll get back to that next snapchat.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, maybe we should do like a proper topic on your side at some point. Cause like, I'm hitting you like off the cuff. You weren't prepared for this. But one thing I've learned is that there are so many characters. Right. So many characters, right. That, that can, you know like Happy could be a character in Marvel Snap, right? Like, if you think about it, Aunt May could be a character. We have Aunt May's like obviously the location, but we have so many tertiary and secondary characters. We have some main characters that aren't even in the game yet. But one thing that brings this brings to mind is that like, how about great characters that aren't great in Snap? Like playing Adam Warlock in Rivals brings a tear to my eye, you know what I mean? It's like. What do we got to do to make these game, these characters relevant in Marvel Snap? Now it takes us to our next question from Santa. That's right, my name is Santa. Glad to hear that they are finally looking to address the economy issues. I loved Snap for close to a year, one of the most fun card games, but the economic system was so bad I quit last summer. Hopefully these changes they're mentioning are in development, make it feel like it's worth coming back to.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, definitely The Hope. I, I, I, more of a statement than anything conversational for me, but yeah that's Q, like I said, 2025, big year for them, and, and hoping that Q1 starts off with a bang.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and the final statement we're going to close the episode off with today comes from Haxor, and this is something I actually kind of forgot about, because like you, Cozy, I don't open a lot of the caches, but they said they need to remove these gold tickets from caches. I would like to actually kind of reiterate that. We forgot about that. They really need to do something about those damn gold tickets. If you're going to make Conquest completely irrelevant by removing the gold and everything and removing the rewards take those gold tickets out, please, because I don't want them, and I don't think you do either.
Cozy Snap:I remember when Conquest came out, they were doing like bundles, and they were like, this one's got three gold tickets in it. I'm like, dude Oh my gosh, you remember that? Selling stupid gold tickets? Yeah, I swear, man. What a, what a, what a game mode that was fun, until it
Alexander Coccia:wasn't, right? I know, just overstate it's welcome. Just like this podcast! Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you on the next episode of the Snapchat.
Cozy Snap:Have a good one, have a great one. I'm not quitting Snapchat. Until the next one, happy snapping.