The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Bruce Banner: New Most Hated Card | Equipment Cards Coming | Doctor Doom 2099 In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 112
Will Bruce Banner be the new most hated card? What is the future of equipment cards in Snap? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Doom 2099? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? Welcome to another episode of the Snapchat, and happy holidays for those celebrating Christmas this week. We've got Bruce Banner coming to the game, the first RNG card to hit Marvel Snap. And this could be one of the most hated cards in the game. If you hate Danger Room, you might hate Bruce Banner. That will turn into the Hulk. Alex and I are gonna talk about if this card's worth getting, and our overall thoughts on the card. We're also gonna be talking about Equipment cards possibly coming to Marvel Snap. We have Captain America's shield coming. What other equipment could come to the game? Should it come to the game? And what ideas have we cooked up? And then lastly, guys, it's Christmas, it's the holidays. We're gonna be doing a Christmas song tier list for the last subject today. And we thought it'd be on theme for the holidays. Anyway, guys, we're gonna talk about that all today more in this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Kirkland Coccia. Hello, buddy. Happy, happy holiday week to you, man. Happy Eve before Christmas Eve. In this world of, how we doing? How you, how you doing today?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, it's been a great couple of days. You know, I've been really reconnecting with family. I love this time of the year just because like, it gives me an opportunity to like, just spend time with my family. And I've been really fixating on that. I've actually slowed down my content release schedule. I've been really focusing on what's important, focusing on my kids, focusing on my family. I've been playing card games with my daughter, been playing Pokemon TCG with my daughter. We've been playing we've actually been playing a whole bunch of different games. It's been so fun. And then the other, the boys jump in and they want to get in on it as well. For Christmas, my wife asked, she's like, what do you want? She's like, I want you to play Magic Commander with me. And she's like, no. I'm like, what? So anyways, there's that. I'm working on that. But regardless, I've been having a great time. You know what I mean? It's you know, you and I, we grind so much. We work so hard. And like, sometimes it's so, it's so necessary to slow down and just appreciate what we have. And that's what I've been doing this week.
Cozy Snap:I'm jealous. I don't know what that means. Yeah. I am very, you know, damn right, I think I said this last week, damn arrivals coming out in December has been wild. And for those listening, I will have a channel update pretty soon, probably this week, I plan on doing a video, so be on the lookout just for that. And overall, it's just crazy trying to line up everything, and so be on the lookout for that. But dude, I do feel ya, I gone to way too many, but a lot, like, but, but a fair amount of, like, Christmas activities. And I've got to say this, as much as I love the holidays, man, and I'm a big, like, holiday guy, I am. But man, the Christmas pricing around some of this stuff is, is buck wild. It's like Valentine's Day dinner kind of pricing, where it's like, you know you're about to just get completely reamed by, by, you know the, the holiday specials. Like, dude, we went to this Santa Winter Wonderland thing. It was great, man. The Santa was actually pretty, pretty S tier. Like, I, I, if we could rank Santas, I, I could have some, like, C and F tier. I've seen them all, Santas, before. This guy was the real deal, man. He got, like, the magic, he had, like, a magic, like, light up finger. Bro, he's got the, I don't even know. He had a bunch of cool little tricks. But there was this, like, Bro, have you seen these, like, eat in the tents kind of thing? Like, there's, like, a tent that you can eat in. It's, like, a see through tent. And you have, bro, let me paint the picture. It's like I think they say it was labeled like, dining with, in a snow globe, okay? But it was just a plastic tin. It was a plastic tin, with a table in it. And we passed by it, and I saw it, and I was like, who would, and who would, you know, I'm not judging, but like, who would eat in there? And I saw it was 1. 99. I'm like, oh, you know what? For a family of five, that makes it per person. 1. 99 per person. No kids, no kid discount, nothing. 1. 99. And people, dude, it was stacked. It was bought out from head to toe. And it's not just that. I know there's a lot more, dude. Have you seen that when you've been to some of these events?
Alexander Coccia:No, dude, first of all, we're in the wrong business. We can charge 200. American, by the way, a pop. That's like, that's like 280 Canadian. But, per person, just to go sit in a tent and we give them, like, chicken nuggies, buddy? We can do that, come on. Easily. He's the
Cozy Snap:Snapchat tip. We even have the Chef Deadpool as the logo, like, it could work, it could work so good. Dude, the s'more my son wanted a s'more, and I'm like, yeah, man, no problem, gotcha, I gotcha. 24 bucks for two spores. 24? We're in the wrong business.
Alexander Coccia:You remind me of two things. One when I took my kids to Disney on Ice, and everyone had like, you know, like the glow up wands and stuff? And my son's like, I want a glow up wand. And they were like 45. I was like, buddy, What? I'm not spending 45 on a glowing wand. What is this? And the other thing that you reminded me of is like, it's very similar to people that, like, when you're getting married, and you go to get, like, a wedding photographer. And just because it's your wedding, they charge, like, seven times more than usual. You're like, oh, wow, this wedding photographer's three grand. Why? I don't know. You know what I mean? It's crazy. Like, everything wedding related is so expensive. Super expensive, too, for the same reason.
Cozy Snap:They get, they, yeah, they get the charge ups, man. But yeah, I especially noticed that around Christmas. Listen, we could go on, we could go on for hours about the holiday season, but we should get to a little Marvel Snap. We got an interesting week, probably a quicker week when it comes to the new card, and we know what we're talking about on this side. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat. We're gonna be talking about Doom 2099 in review. The card came out, and it's been played a heck of a lot this past week, you might have noticed. Well, let's be talking about the economy update coming to Marvel Snap, and it's a big one, so I'm excited to talk to Cozy about it, and finally, an amazing Snapchat mailbag with a ton of fun questions that we can't wait to dive into.
Cozy Snap:Well, ma'am, we're gonna jump right into things here with Bruce Banner, if you guys don't know, two costs one power card, when you end a turn with Unspin Energy, 25 percent chance to Hulk. Out, and that's just a fancy way to say you get a Hulk on the field potentially for a two cost card. Alright, so we got High Evo and Ravonna in the spotlight, which obviously High Evo is gonna be some of the synergy we talk about today, and This guy's pretty bare bones in what he does for those that want some stats, right? I would say one of two things. It's a lot like Danger Room, so clearly, and not just Danger Room, assess your luck in Snap, and if you're on the luckier side, this might be one of your favorite cards. And if you're on the unlucky side, you might hate this thing, but statistically it's getting close to about a 70 ish percent chance after four turns of playing, and then obviously that goes up with Magic, which that's pretty big, man, for a two cost card, assuming you were to skip that one. Every single turn, which obviously some decks like that. Alex, what are we thinking?
Alexander Coccia:So right off the top, I want to say that this is one of the better spotlight caches of the month. Ravona, although being a Series 4 card, I think is a very legitimate card, does make a lot of decks. I've always liked Ravona, you've always liked Ravona, we've been Ravona stands for some time now. She's good, I like her. And the other thing worth noting here is High Evo is a very natural card to go alongside Bruce Banner. Moreover, if you're a player who is relatively new to the game, High Evo is an excellent card that I believe Bruce Banner is going to elevate that archetype pretty significantly. But it's like a Big Bad style card, which I mean, Big Bad kind of feels like everything's kind of Big Bad right now. Big Bad, Baby Landshark. But generally speaking, I do think that this is going to be a good card for sure, and I don't know. I think that High Evo is definitely worth having in your collection if you don't already.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man. I mean, I think, obviously, we're throwing up High Evo, both cards, worth having but with some of the massive economy update, maybe you know, that's where it's tough, right? I know they've hinted at things kind of, you know, potentially changing, and so that makes me, like, weary to do anything right now, if that makes sense with some of the new cards in the game. But Bruce Banner, so, what did we, we both were kinda high on him originally, do you remember, what did we give him? You have the notes typically on that.
Alexander Coccia:I gave him a 3 stars originally, I believe, and in my notes I've upgraded him to 4. So, I'm, I'm kinda high, I think I'm higher on Bruce Banner than most, like, I, I kinda have been hearing a lot of like, general, ho hum, kinda meh takes on Bruce Banner, which I absolutely can see as well, but I, I think he's better than that, you know what I mean? Like, I think he's a very good 3, potentially like a decent 4. Thanks for watching!
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's it's kind of tough, man. I feel like, yeah, I was gonna say, for me, it feels like maybe a three and a half star, but it's, like, in the decks that he's supposed to be in that skip energy on purpose, right? Because when you're skipping energy, obviously, like that can work in any deck, so you have that pro, but you're also kind of spending more energy to play him in some kind of way, right? But his chance to Hulk out is gonna happen way more often than it's not, right? Obviously, you're gonna have bad luck, things are gonna be, go bad, but he has good plug and play ability because of that. And then the decks that He does work in again are gonna synergize beautifully and you don't have to do much. It's just Set and forget it. Like, for one, like, I love him in certain locations, right? You know, oftentimes, you gotta fill out a location early. It's really cool that you can just put this guy down and then try to trigger him later to win that location at the end. But also, like, the lockdown locations, the one that's shut down, like, you can just put him in there and be like, dude, I'm gonna have a 12 power card most likely there, and pop down a big Hulk. That's huge! That's a big advantage. And so, it's, it's super, like, again, one of the things I love about this is between both Doom and him, They're not complex. They're not complex cards. They do a thing, and we saw that with Doom, right? It's like, obviously the play rate's nice, and I think Bruce is going to get something similar, but it, hey, Results may vary, I think is the number one thing to highlight.
Alexander Coccia:You brought up something really important, which I think is like, what kind of holds me back, like, from like, I'm seeing four stars at the same time, like, I have some hesitation with that. I think the reason why is because, like, what you mentioned there, you play Bruce Banner, then you're hoping for him to eventually kind of proc and Hulk out, however, that could negatively impact your future turns, like, if you don't magic, right, like, are you in a situation on turn 6 where you're holding your Evote Hulk, who might be a 16 power, 18 power card, and you're like, damn, do I play off of curve intentionally to float to just Take that 25 percent chance on Bruce Banner instead of playing the Hulk for the guaranteed power. You know what I mean? Cause it might be in a location you need to high roll on. And so I, I almost wonder if chasing this Brock might end up forcing you to play suboptimally, which could actually cost you the game at times. It could frustrate you often, you know what I mean? So that's kind of something that I'd come to mind.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for me, it was more of just like the later you play and the odds go down tremendously. 70 percent is insane. Turn 2 play, I think Bruce is one of the best cards at the 2 cost slot, but because obviously, that is just not how life works, playing him late is gonna feel pretty damn awful. I feel like in high Evo though, because you're trying to trigger the Cyclops, you're trying to already do that, like, that's where it's like, that's where he's gonna belong. I think he's a little bit less plug and play than I originally was thinking with him and more of like, wow, you put him in the deck that he belongs in, I think he's gonna shine, you know, that much extra. But, you know, we're gonna see, this is one of those, it's not that we can't just tell what he does right away, but by playing him, the feel of playing him, and where he is working, where he's not. So clearly, man, High Evo, top of the list, synergy wise, just because of that deck doing what it wants to do. But I got, obviously, some other synergies here. What do you have for us?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, for me, I was really fixated on the High Evo. That's where I'm going to be testing it a hundred percent. And like, if you think about that whole archetype with Sunspot, Infinite, She Hulk that whole thing has been dead for a while. Like that has been needing something. And Luna Snow is a great example of a card that synergizes with Bruce Banner, even outside of a High Evo to kind of like help segue the conversation. But even in High Evo, when I was testing Luna Snow, I felt like Luna Snow was a great addition there because of the immediacy of the extra energy that you get. And you can often use that very effectively, whereas like a Hope Summers has this delayed effect, whereas like Hope Summers in Evo was good, but I felt like almost to some degree Luna Snow was better, because of the immediacy of the the mana generation. And so when you add the two together, I feel like Bruce Banner Suddenly becomes a much more appealing play. Now, what you did mention as well, the idea of like playing him latest, awful. Absolutely awful. And that might actually be the thing that pushes him more towards a lower rating overall. Like as we talk, like I start to drift my head down to like three and a half, three stars. Like this is, this is going to be in the three to four range, I think. I think people saying that it's a bad card, like one or two stars. I think they're incorrect, honestly. I do think this is going to be ultimately high power card. However, it's like, it's hard to evaluate because it is the greatest delta in results that Marvel Snap has right now in a card. This is the most gamba card that has ever existed in Marvel Snap, in terms of like, the power gamut that it's capable of.
Cozy Snap:Which is why I've highlighted it as, on both the thumbnail and right here, like, the new most hated card. Like, I think people are going to hate this because of that, right? There's so much in Snap. That you can prep for, that you can expect, and that's a lot of the strategy, right? Like, knowing the decks, knowing that's going to help you win way more, whereas with this one, it's like I hope my luck isn't bad and we already have that with obviously some stuff. They've gotten rid of a lot of it too though. And so that's where I think the hatred might come from. This card. It being bad, I think is just, yeah. I don't know why people are saying that. Like I've seen some stuff like Red Guardians can counter this. It's like, bro, if they wanna play Red Guardian on this card, fantastic. Go ahead. Because there's so many other options that Red Guardian could have been played on and you're playing a three to cancel. Cancel a two. Go ahead. Like I, for me, I saw that argument. I'm like, I'm not really sold by that. If anything, I think Bruce is a better. And a defense for that, if anything else but again, 12 Power Man being activated a ton of the time in the decks you want it to be in. Sign me up! Ravonna, obviously, really good card and that can work in Agent Venom and all the stuff that we've seen Ravonna work in. One of the tougher parts is because High Evo is such a favorable build and High Evo's kind of been out for a while. You know, it hasn't really been a hot deck. Like, that's where some of the questions come from. Like, him plugged into there, how does that roll together? Him plugged into a base Patriot deck, how does that roll together? Like, some of these decks that aren't getting as much love anymore. Or to your point, man, you know, the She Hulk, Sunspot, Infinite. These are, these are, those are crazy good cards to synergize where you're not losing any power, obviously playing it with with Bruce. I mean, having the chance to skip the five to get She Hulk, So for free, and then your banner evolves into the Hulk, and then you've got the free She Hulk, and then you have the turn six play as well. That's a massive swing. And so, I think, because of all that combined to your last point and Luna Snow and these energy help cheat cards, ramp cards, it's gonna make them pretty good.
Alexander Coccia:One thing I'm nervous about is like, as you mentioned, that like, we have a lot of these like Hyrule y, RNG style cards, and one of them, that, okay, so I'm super excited for Bruce Banner, okay, listen, I know that like a lot of people are hyped up for Doom 29, I was too, it was like my biggest card of the month, the one I gave the five stars to, but, Bruce Banner's the one that I've been most interested in from a standpoint of like, I'm a massive High Evil fan, and I want to bring it back to some degree, you And the, the problem was exactly what you mentioned, the consistency of it. Circe is a great card. Circe is even a card that you've identified in the past as being one of your favorite of the month. Like we talked about, I think last month was like your favorite five drop. And yet, although Circe is technically a good card, I personally don't like playing it because I feel like I'm not in the driver's seat. Like I'm not controlling what's happening. Right. And so I don't play Circe, despite the fact that it might actually be a good card. And so when I think about my experience with Circe and how I have reservations around that card, it makes me wonder if although Bruce Banner is ultimately a three or four star card, I won't like it because I like having dependable, consistent results that Bruce Banner is never going to provide you. And the challenge we have is if that 25 percent feels like it's actually 80 or 90 percent and it's happening all the time, you know, it's going to happen. It's going to get nerfed. Because a 2 12 is completely unacceptable from a balance standpoint. And so it'll only, I think, get less reliable. I don't think we're ever going to see an opportunity where this goes to 30 or 40 percent chance to hulk out. Like it's not going to, I don't think that the percentage chance ever goes up. They might raise the floor by making them a 2 2 or whatever, but. Like, I don't know, that consistency and that lack of it, I think is going to hold me back, ultimately.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but when we're talking, so if we're talking about like meta play, yes, totally, because you're out of the driver's seat, like what you said there. For like the casual player, which is a good amount of snap, it's like, I do see the appeal though, to play down a two. Like, not even think about it, put them in your deck, play down a two, and then you just have this car that has this shot, you know, to way over deliver. By a fair amount, obviously, like our biggest two cost wouldn't even come close to a 12 power. It's, it's, it's weird, right? Because it's the synergy with everything but with nothing at the same time, and the energy skips a little weird. Obviously, I don't think it goes over 25%. I think 1 in 4 is fine. I don't think they nerfed it. I think they, they've done the statistics. Like, luckily, a card like this, there's like, all the math and tests in the world that you can do. To see if it's gonna be broken or not, and I'm wondering if they, like, Had it at 33 percent chance or something, and then they were like, okay, that's way too good. And sometimes luck is just gonna be, like, massively on your side. You're just gonna be able to get a Hulk right away, you get priority, and then you can kinda bounce from there. Do you think that outside of, you know, High Evil, Do you think that there's more ramp cards that are gonna wanna be played with this? Obviously, you can't do Wiccan, cause, you know, you got the anti synergy there, but you've got some that could work. I mean, like, Electro's funny to ramp into it, but obviously you're gonna want to spin that energy that you, that you fought hard to even get down. Doom's kind of interesting because you're only playing one card per turn anyway, but somehow those are some of those decks are shaping out. So I just, like, outside of Evo in Ravonna decks, it's, finding his true home's gonna be that's what I want to wait and see.
Alexander Coccia:It's interesting that you bring that up, because I was trying to figure out, like, an electro Blink deck that could potentially use Bruce Banner, right? You ramp, you play Blink, and then, like, you have this extra energy, and even if you do something like a Doom Odin on that deck, Last turn, you always have 7 energy, right? Wiccan decks often have extra energy as well. But, like, I mean, after you play Wiccan, of course, right? You're not floating energy into, into Wiccan. But, I, I, but, like, I don't think that they're gonna be consistent enough. Like, I don't know if the 25 percent chance roll on a 2 drop is gonna be worth it. Although, you can play, if you play them on turn 2, then, yeah, it's amazing. But, realistically, when you're playing those ramp decks, you're usually building those decks to, like, take advantage of that extra energy. You don't play Electro from 1 extra energy so that you just Float one extra energy every time, you know what I mean? And so I wonder if the play pattern won't be conducive to playing Bruce Banner. That's the only concern I have. And I was trying to figure out like a deck that would work like that. I'm kind of close on a blink deck, but I don't know if it outperforms Evo. And I would dare to say that I think this was designed as an Evo card and maybe it's entirely possible that there'll be a shell outside of that where it'll work. But I feel like Glenn sat down and said like, huh, again, we've said this a million times over the last couple of months. It seems as though a lot of the design philosophy around Snap right now is increasing the amount of playable archetypes. And as a result, I feel like Evo has not been a playable archetype for the most part. And then Glenn was targeting Bruce Banner and to some degree Luna Snow to help just elevate it a little bit to at least make it more competitive as an option.
Cozy Snap:How much can we talk about a 25 percent chance card? Apparently a good amount. But I, I'll end on it with. I think it comes out at an odd time. If this is Monday, you guys are listening. Doom's a card I would get over this, no question. Right? And then after this, we have Rocket Raccoon, which is also in group, which is a much better card, in my opinion, with way more agency, right? Probably, like, the direct opposite of this card. And this feels like one to me, like, if they were still doing Series 4, it almost feels like it has that Series 4 touch to it, like, just, just, it's simple by design, like, we've seen that, you know, in the past, stuff that's kind of more simple, they're leaning towards the S4 stuff, and so, that's a lot of my hesitancy, unless you're, like, bacon and, and, and bathing in the, in the tokens, like, That's where I just don't know if I could recommend getting Bruce Banner. Although he's fun. He is fun and the flavor card is, is cool here in general. Any other thoughts on Bruce before we go to equipment cards?
Alexander Coccia:No, I, I'm, I'm debating whether or not I should bring my rating down to 3. I think that, cause I was just thinking about something. You, playing him on 2 is not even that beneficial either. Because if you play him on 2, you're still not floating energy. And so playing him on three and then just fully in the energy. So you actually are removing one turn where you can proc the effect. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to change my rating to a three because I think that the consideration of like how you actually curve and the way you're going to be playing him, I think he's going to be less consistent than I expect. And I bet you, I'm not going to like this card. Like the more I think about it, I don't like Circe for a reason. I know I'm coming back to that point. I'm going to go to a three just because. I feel like the lack of consistency might be problematic. I bet you this is going to be on the most hated card list. I think your thumbnail and your title is going to be correct.
Cozy Snap:Also, if you just had a million, or let's say even a hundred creators statistically create content for Marvel Snap, One fourth of them are gonna think this is the best card in the world, man. Like, I don't know, that's, that's how it's gonna be, like, for some people. Like, if I fire up 20 games, and he is hulking out, dude, on 3, 5, 6, clutch play at the end, dude, I'm gonna love this card. Or if I don't get him half the games, I get him at turn 4 for some of them, he doesn't ever proc, I'm gonna hate him. I think that's how it's ultimately gonna land, for not only consecrators, but also just, like, The general player base and so if that's for you, man, go for it. Moving on to equipment cards, though, Alex, we had Caps Shield come in a date of mine in February, and that kind of opened the door for something that me and you have been talking about for so long now of the possibility of equipment cards coming to the game, right? And I was starting to think about it, and it's cool how he's able to interact with Captain Shield and stuff, and as this game ages and gets older, I know there's You know, unlimited heroes that they can choose from, but I also think it would be interesting, and I want to kind of start the subject with you guys. I've got a list of different equipment ideas here, as well as some of the more iconic items in Marvel, and how that could make some cards way better. And it's, what's cool is that these cost energy, so it's not like it's just like, Instantaneously making the cards better, you're gonna have to like, draw and work for it. But the idea, I think is just a winner. After seeing how they got Cap's shield to work out so beautifully so let's start there as a subject before I list some of these down. What do you, what do you think about this?
Alexander Coccia:I think this is cool, and you kind of hit me with like a right hook on this. You took me by surprise, like we kind of got on the call, like, hey, check out the, like, it's just I'm like, wow, what an interesting idea. And you're right, because I think a lot of card games do use equipment very effectively. You see it a lot. And they often use them in like token values, but even like in Hearthstone, for instance, you have like classes that use weapons specifically like warriors and rogues and stuff like that. And that, that doesn't really exist in Marvel Snap. And so the thought of equipment, I think is kind of interesting and adding it to the game, but we, we might even have some cards that are kind of equipment esque, like I was thinking about it while you were talking, I'm like, you know, like, is, is Spider in Hulkbuster technically equipment? Like, is Hulkbuster, like the suit of armor going on the card you play? Like, I don't know if that's technically equipment. Is it Widow's Blight equipment? You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. We might be closer than we're further away, but like, obviously Cap Shield is a huge step in that direction.
Cozy Snap:I mean, like, the way that I was thinking about it is, like, we at great points there, like, we already have some stuff that lean towards it. Obviously, like, Mjolnir we can't do again, because there's already one in the game, and so, like, that's one that you can't do. But there's so many, like, cards that wouldn't just go for one card either. Like, if you did, like, the Necro Sword of of Gorr, like, also, you have Thor that I believed wheel had that as well, right? But, on top of that, I was thinking of, like, a great example of one card that I just wanted to pull up as a good conversation starter. It's like, let's say Green Goblin, right? So, Green Goblin, he's infamous for what? His his pumpkin bombs, right? I'm like, I don't know, the idea of being able to, like, I'm like, I don't know, the idea of being able to, like, You're already doing something with Green Goblin of clogging up their side, so the idea of doing Pumpkin Bombs, it's like, okay, if Green Goblin is on the opponent's side, and you play this, add two more, you know, negative one mines to the other location, like, that kind of stuff, to work with the flavor of the card already, is just a cool idea. I, again, end. Not a dev. We are more of just spitballing the idea of a conversation. I didn't want to do another, you know, another subject, guys, of like, we hate these cards. This is just more of a cool idea to talk about some of these. But like, right off the bow, man, like right off the bow, right off the bat. Hawkeye's bow, Nightcrawler's Cutlass, Ghost Rider's Hellbite, Loki's Scepters, Iron Man's armor, like, he has so many different mock armors. I feel like there's so many different characters that could get these iconic things. Cloak of Levitation, make Doctor Strange way better. Maybe this allows Strange to get an additional move. Not really sure how you would do a lot of these, but I feel like we saw it with Captain Shield, and this could be the start of more of these.
Alexander Coccia:You know how like Kang does the whole thing where you go back in time. Why that should be like the time stone, like the, the, the, the eye of Agamotto or whatever it is that Dr. Strange has. That should be his ability where he's like, what's it called? Dormammu, I've come to bargain or whatever. You know, he keeps doing that, right? Like that, that should have been the rewind in time and Kang should be doing something else altogether. Another one, I guess, is the Tesseract. The Tesseract could definitely be in the game for sure. I'm not sure what it would do really, but. I mean, I think that would be really interesting.
Cozy Snap:I mean, like, these are like some of the smaller equipment stuff too, right? But like, there's some real big, like, the Darkhold, obviously. If you guys, you know, one of the strongest items in Marvel lore, to put that with Scarlet Witch or maybe, you know, Agatha, whatever, Doctor Strange. Like, the, there's just some, and then it has its own effect too, so maybe it does something, but then if there's, you know, these other cards with it, then it has additional synergy to go alongside it. You have the Manor and its 10 rings. The Infinity Gauntlet, I know we already have Thanos, but like, a way to just like, supercharge him even more somehow? The idea and the process has a long way to go, and who knows, maybe they're working on it, because they've already released it. You know, a season pass card in the future with it, but I don't know, I, I kind of want the comments to speak on a lot of this, you know, to, to, to see if this is something that the game needs, wants wouldn't make it way too complex, but since we're already getting it, it was worth the conversation.
Alexander Coccia:You know what just came to my mind while you were talking? In Spider Man No Way Home, do you know how Dr. Strange gives Spider Man that gauntlet where he can teleport? Like he finds Sam and he teleports him and stuff like that? That'd be kinda cool if you could attach, like, whatever that gauntlet is and move an opposing, like, Minion or whatever hero into another location or somewhere like that or imprison them or something. I don't know
Cozy Snap:Well, no, so but that you brought up a good point though It's like these wouldn't be just for that hero, but also it would help that hero way more, right? So like deadpool as an infamous teleporter, too It's like okay being able to move deadpool to another location is insanely cool and you could just do that by kind of Maybe the way of Activate, like, put it on the card or something to have more guaranteed play and not a random thing. The way that they could do this, I think, would expand the game more, and there's so much of this out there in Marvel that it wouldn't be over saturated, but it would be maybe just enough. Loki's Scepter, there's the Staff of One that Nico uses. I don't know. I don't know. I just, it's something I had to bring up. I didn't even have crazy thoughts around it, but more of, is this something Snap could lean into in the future, and how would they do it? Would it just be base cards, I guess, just like Captain Shield is?
Alexander Coccia:I was just thinking about, like, the Chimichanga, right? And you know how, like, you can, like, you play a card, you play the Chimichanga on top of it. What about, what if equipment in Marvel Snap was unique in the sense, what if you applied it in your hand? What if like, you know how like you almost activated it in your hand. And so the effect came in with the card as the equipment, like, you know, you buffed Captain Marvel with the Chimichanga prior to her being played. What if that was the unique play on equipment? Like, what if you added, now Captain America's shield is a bad option, cause obviously it's already in the game, but what if you gave a card Captain America's shield, you merged it and then played them together for a, like, kind of like a double effect or something that could be potentially an interesting approach to it too. But again, I'm not a game designer. It
Cozy Snap:doesn't over complicate it, in my opinion. Like, I think that's been the side they're always And we've got cars, man, that are so confusing already. So I think we're kind of past that. My gut is, though, the majority of listeners right now, they're like, no, pass. Don't want that. Like, just more To me, though, there's just so many iconic things we haven't touched on in Marvel. And instead of releasing You know, there'd be this characters people like who, which I guess doesn't matter, Jeff, the baby land shark, I mean the guy has, has exploded in popularity, large part in due of snap. So that is some of the charm that Snap does bring. But I don't know. Solid data of minds. I thought it'd be a cool subject. Alright, so Alex, I believe we did this potentially, was it two years ago or maybe la I feel like it was two years ago that we did this, or maybe it was last year and time is, I don't even know what time it is right now. Don't even know what date it is. But we're back. We're back with the Christmas song, Tearless, and we're definitely here to break some feelings for sure. I think a lot of people have emotional ties, right? We saw that with freakin was it Twix, man? No, 100 Grand Bar. Like, apparently this is the number one bar in America. We're bound to break some hearts today. Right into it, Let It Snow. Yeah, we're not gonna do all of them. We got a good amount of them to talk about. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow. Thoughts on Let It Snow, Alex?
Alexander Coccia:I love this song. It's actually one of my favorites. When it was going, when it was on, I was like, you know what? This is the one that I love. I think because the instrumentals capture like the spirit of Christmas, like the kid in you a little bit. You know what I mean? I think this is S tier. I like it a lot. I really like this one.
Cozy Snap:You're going with an, you're going with an S tier rating right off the bat. I think it captures the spirit, man. It really does. See, I, I'm, I feel like it's dangerous putting something so high, so quick. I do agree. Like, I think it's a good one. I definitely, like we, we are both in agreement that the classics are better. And this is, this is a classic. This is definitely on the classic side. I was going to go more in the, man, people are going to be mad. We got to have some lower ones. For me, I was gonna go more like A ish, but so we could start it out in here. And if we start to have too many S's, can we push it down?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, of course. I don't think that's going to be a problem, but let's go for it.
Cozy Snap:He's confident. I don't like it at S. It feels weird.
Alexander Coccia:Put it in A. Put it in high A. Put it in high A. This is our list after all. Compromises.
Cozy Snap:It'll go, it'll go left to right. Walking in a winter wonderland, which we would be playing these songs by the way. We can't guys. They're all like DMCA by this point. Yeah, we'd get
Alexander Coccia:destroyed.
Cozy Snap:So here's the deal. When I'm just walking around and I'm at like a mall and this comes on, This definitely doesn't instill anger or anything. Like, I'm not, like, I'm not mad that this song's on. I'm pretty neutral, though. I'm no I don't think I've ever, like, put it on the jukebox. Mama.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, this is a good one. I think it's definitely good. It can't be lower than B. It's definitely a good Christmas song.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, like, it's so, like, yeah, I feel like once we get to C to F tier, like, C is like, I'd rather not listen to it. D is like, please turn it off. F is like, I do everything in my human possible level to not hear this song. And then S is like, must play. Play multiple times, maybe a day, in the car, whatever it might be. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Dude, I actually think Michael Bublé's version of this song is, it might be my preferred version.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's great. I think it's fantastic. And I gotta tell you, I think, I feel like it's close to S man. For me, it's near S like it's that high. I really like this song a lot.
Cozy Snap:I'm, I'm, I, now I'm doubting some of my like later songs. Cause I, I, I don't know what I would be putting in, in S. Like I almost want to look first. I mean, okay, let's get this subject out of the way. Cause I know this is, you know, usual. Usual controversial one here. Wherever we set up with last Christmas, you know, I think what was it? Maybe last year you were, you were, I was pretty low on last year. Now here's the thing. I
Alexander Coccia:got to be honest with you. So we were driving the whole family in the car and we've been listening to a lot of Christmas songs. Cause I've been preparing for this. I like how you preemptively put it in us by the way I see you there.
Cozy Snap:Just going to just leave it there for now.
Alexander Coccia:And all my kids were like, put on last Christmas, put on last Christmas. I was like, what, why, why? And they're like, cause we, we put it on. And then I was, they're playing it and they're all like jiving to it and I was like, I leaned to my wife, I'm like, can you believe they like, and I look at her and she's like, I'm like, no way, come on, I'm the only one in this car that thinks this song is awful, you know what, I gave it a shot, the new versions of it are awful, like F tier, like don't even, don't try to sell me on some, like, modern, Hip hop version of last Christmas. It's not happening. The classic, I'll let you place it where you want, but for me, I'll give it C and that is me being like as graceful as possible.
Cozy Snap:I was not expecting you to still go that low with it. Listen, I'm going to go to, I'm going to go to a, I'm going to go to, I won't put it as the best of the best. I'll be held back. I'm pretty sure we got a lot of hatred for this last year too, but this is a, this is a repeater for me, but it's not my favorite. The more I think about it, it's not like my ultimate favorite. I've, I, as I've listened to more, maybe I'm getting older, maybe my soul is Leaving Wham a little bit, but it's definitely there. I will say for me, what's an S tier, and I don't know why, bro, maybe it's from Home Alone, John Williams, the great composer that he is, Carol of the Bells.
Alexander Coccia:This is, this is I'm not sure which one this is. The title, the title doesn't seem
Cozy Snap:It is so hard to even describe it. No, I can't sing it. It's like, they're like, they're, it's like They're really singing it. They're not singing it. I don't know how to explain it. Dude, like
Alexander Coccia:it's the bells. You're right. It's this, it's like a chorus. It's like a choral song. Yes, it is a choral. Okay. I know which one you're talking about. Yes. All right. I wouldn't say that's S. I
Cozy Snap:love it. I do. It's a
Alexander Coccia:great Christmas song, but it's like, it's atmospheric. It's not like you're going to listen to that and like jive with it, man. Like what are we doing here?
Cozy Snap:I see for me, I did, I, it makes me feel some type of way. I feel like the S tier is going to be more controversial than ever. We both need to agree for something to be an S. So I can't, I can't put it in S. This is one of my more favorite stuff. I picked one that I like to write off the bat. Like, I, listen, I got an A tier. I'll give you an A tier. Give me a song you love.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I, I can't believe that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas is not an S right now. You put it in B? When did that happen?
Cozy Snap:It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It can't go in S tier. Oh my gosh, man, this is crazy. It might, it might move up. It might move up as we go along here, right? So I, I, I need to see more out. I can't just be placing willy nilly S tiers, you know? I, I don't know. I just don't think that's one that I might put it on the jukebox.
Alexander Coccia:Silver Bells is gonna be a D, I think. Thank God. I appreciate it, but it's not great.
Cozy Snap:I thought you were about to say, like, that was your song of choice. And I was like, Alex, this is gonna be a fight in a war. I would damn near put Silver Bells as, like, an F tier status. I avoid this song. I think I do. I, it's even the classic. I don't, who's listening to this song? Who's turning this on? I'd rather listen to this
Alexander Coccia:all day over Last Christmas. This is, Silver Bells is a better song than Last Christmas. You put Last Christmas in
Cozy Snap:C.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know because I'm trying to like be accommodating to my friend who has horrible taste in music.
Cozy Snap:Silver Bells, like the guy looks like, the guy sounds like he's falling asleep as he sings it. Like he doesn't even like the song that he's singing.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, let's put it at F for now, I agree. Like, we're arguing over F and D right now.
Cozy Snap:Come on now, come on. To be honest, there's a couple, there's a couple that are like that. For me though, like, when I think of an instant S and we've got the names of the songs, some of these, dude, I haven't even heard of half these songs. I was gonna say,
Alexander Coccia:there's some songs I do not know here, so I'm not sure.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, definitely haven't heard like half of these. Oh, apparently a lot of these A lot of these ones are just like really solid here at the bottom. Like, why are these, why are these so tucked down? Oh,
Alexander Coccia:there's some good ones down there. Yeah, why weren't those up near the top?
Cozy Snap:Like, I don't know who made this list and what the, the, the, the colors being here. Okay. So I think, was it last time we did this? That we, we put Silent Night very low, and people were pissed.
Alexander Coccia:No, you put it low, I said I liked it, and you made fun of me, cause you, cause I said I, I jived to it.
Cozy Snap:To be fair, I think it's probably one of the, like, more well liked Christmas songs. Where are you, where are you putting Silent Night then? I'll let you, you can kick off that argument.
Alexander Coccia:Also, I think I'm using the words vibe and jive in, like, incorrectly, but that's a whole other conversation. Silent Night would probably be, like, D, but if I'm in the mood, C, probably. In the mood. You need a very specific mood for it.
Cozy Snap:What's the mood? Like, paint the picture for me.
Alexander Coccia:You're in church?
Cozy Snap:Okay. Okay. Yeah, I mean, and then you're like, banger, I'm gonna move this up. So you, so what are you thinking, like, we agree on? What, what, what I, I'm willing to go because if it's like, Iconicness, C tier.
Alexander Coccia:I'll agree with C tier. Because there's definitely better ones here.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, there's no way I'm popping this on again. Like, just like, oh man, I'm making Christmas cookies. Get Silent Night in this.
Alexander Coccia:Do you want an easy, easy agreement here? Easy F? 12 Days of Christmas is garbage.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think, bro, I liked this song as a kid. And I don't know why. Like, the five golden rings, like, I was like, man, what a banger. I was watching a kids Yeah, cause you
Alexander Coccia:sang it in like, kindergarten. All your parents came in, you had like the little talent show, and all your friends, you dressed up with the hats. That's the song you sing, yeah?
Cozy Snap:I watched some kids thing with my son and this, they did this song, and I was like, I was ready to like, cause harm to myself. I I really hate this song. Like, this is And it didn't age well, you can't re modernize it, like, it's just a, it's just a terrible song. I thought you were gonna go with an easy S tier, for me, like, that's, like, no question, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree, for me, is probably, like, one of my favorite songs in the holiday season.
Alexander Coccia:Is that the one that has, like, the really ear screeching voice, that, like, the microphone sounds really bad?
Cozy Snap:No, unless you're sure. I
Alexander Coccia:think, I think the recording of it, like, it's very, like, it sounds like the singer's singing in a trombone, kind of like Shakira.
Cozy Snap:Dude, what version are you listening to?
Alexander Coccia:The original, I thought anyways, for the record, even with my, my opinions of the actual recording quality, I actually really do like it. I think, I think that putting it above, let it snow. And it's beginning to look like Christmas is like. Completely wrong, but I'll take A on it.
Cozy Snap:I, I will move Let It Snow to S tier for now. I have no problem with that. This is, this is, this is not moving. I am an ironclad man on this one, all right? Because if you go S, I'll go D, and then we, okay, that's, that's mean. I like this. I just can't, S is an instant repeat, man. You're, you're talking like, you're, you're like, man, Play it again. Get it on again. It is beginning to look a lot like like that. That's your that's your jam
Alexander Coccia:I guess not it's not that good, but it's it's definitely super good
Cozy Snap:deck the halls I feel like as I've aged this is gone down to
Alexander Coccia:down. It's not awful. It's cringy man. It's a cringy song
Cozy Snap:How is, how is this, how is this so bad?
Alexander Coccia:I'll take C. I'll take C. It's a C song.
Cozy Snap:It's, C is I'd rather not hear it. I think actually that might line up. Like, I, like, if I could choose. Because B is like, I'd listen to it if it's on. Yeah, I don't know. I'd probably go B. If you go C though, I'll place it in C. I think I'm, I think I'm okay with that. Santa Claus is coming to town.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. So there's that live one. That's super popular and I don't like that one. Yeah. I don't like it, but the kid Bruce Springsteen.
Cozy Snap:Oh, that one's way worse than the, than the kids singing it.
Alexander Coccia:Oh yeah. I'm okay. So my, my apps all played the live version and I was like, bro, this is not that great. It's, it's not bad, but it's not great. Like it's definitely C for me. Maybe even D like I skip it. I would go
Cozy Snap:see D like I was playing day. I was in the kitchen and He is coming to town. Like, I like it better than beginning to look like a lot like Christmas, but you know, it's You know, it's fine. Okay, we got, we got some more oldies in here. Okay. Hey, EZS tier, you ready? Let's just bang this one out. Feliz Navidad, let's go. Yeah, that's one of my absolute favorites. No compensation. Yep. Like, and it's, it's not even like, I'm not just like, play it again, but when it comes on, I'm just like, done. Like, I'm in a, I'm in a better mood. I'm in the car. I'm driving. I'm like, holiday spirit, baby. Let's go. Frosty the Snowman. I respect the story. I hate the song. You This
Alexander Coccia:song's not great. Kids like it, but whatever. No, D's too low. It's definitely, it's definitely a C song. It might even be high C. Like, it's better than, it's better than Silent Night at capturing the spirit of Christmas. Frosty the Snowman? Yeah, for sure, man. Like, I'm just thinking, like, across all ages, that song has to be more respected. It's better than Deck the Halls for sure.
Cozy Snap:What about, what about Jingle Bells? Which is also like a, you know, the infamous But here's the thing, this is just one that like, can I say that it's like, I love the classics, but this one to me just is overused.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I'm not a fan. Yeah, I would agree. It's lower than, like yeah, it's lower for me too.
Cozy Snap:I might put it in D, bro. I'm not a Jingle Bells kind of guy.
Alexander Coccia:I would take Jingle Bells over Santa's coming to town, but okay, I can accept it as a relatively low rating.
Cozy Snap:I think that's fair. I think this might go here. Like, the more I think about it, I'm not like, like this is fine, but I'm not saying Santa Claus
Alexander Coccia:coming to town, going down.
Cozy Snap:Even though I'm not saying turn it off, that's the tough part, but I, you know, we gotta be, we gotta be there. Okay, maybe it's cold outside. I understand, I don't know, maybe this song didn't age well culture, culture wise, whatever. I'm just looking at the song, listening to the song. Song sucks
Alexander Coccia:anyways. It sucks? It sucks. Yeah, it's a garbage ass song. It's like a D, easy. Where would you put it? Like, I would rather listen to Silent Night all day long than Baby It's Cold Outside. Even the Will Ferrell version.
Cozy Snap:Oh my god, this is a great song, dude. It's not like yesterday. This is a great song. This is good. Like, live performances is fantastic. Man, if
Alexander Coccia:I had the mouse, this This list would look very different.
Cozy Snap:Where would you, what would look different? What would you change? But besides your stupid beginning song. You're abusing
Alexander Coccia:the sanctity of having the mouse right now. You're making me hate this song
Cozy Snap:even though I don't hate it. Like you're making me hate it. I just want to drop it to F just to, just to spite. What else would you change on here?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It's not a B song. That's definitely minimum A. Carol of Bells maybe could go down. Last Christmas, it's the Travesty of Days.
Cozy Snap:That's my, we both get an Instalock. That's like my, that's my Instalock. I do have an important question for you. Here we come a wozzling. What the hell is that?
Alexander Coccia:I've never heard that before. Don't even put it on there. We're gonna run out of space. I've never heard that
Cozy Snap:wozzling on there if I don't even know it, man. Okay. We got, we got plenty more. These colors are messing me up. Slayride. I think Slayride's a banger. In fact, I would put Slayride Wait, how's that one
Alexander Coccia:go?
Cozy Snap:I don't remember
Alexander Coccia:it.
Cozy Snap:Slay Ride Together With You. That one.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, yes, yes, yes,
Cozy Snap:yes. Yes, okay,
Alexander Coccia:so that's similar. Okay, no, I know exactly which one that is. That's similar to Let It Snow, where it's like the music really captures
Cozy Snap:the spirit. It's mainly the music. Yeah, yeah,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. Is that an S? I wouldn't say it's S, but it's definitely A for sure.
Cozy Snap:For me, I would put Slay Ride Over and Let It Snow. I'm beginning to understand, like, your, what you like. In, in these songs. I am. I like the
Alexander Coccia:flavor of the song.
Cozy Snap:We're agreeing more though. Like, I feel like we're, by the way, there's a lot of colors, white Christmas, blue Christmas. I do know white Christmas, blue Christmas. I don't think I know.
Alexander Coccia:Silver and gold. What's the one from, okay. Blue Christmas. Is that the one from Elvis? That's an F song. Oh, I'll
Cozy Snap:have a blue du du du. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:that's F. That is the wrong vibe. That is not Christmas for me. And I know, okay, listen. I'm also Canadian, so bear that in mind. So my, my taste in, you know, I don't, I'm not sure what Elvis, is Elvis like South? Is that Southern music?
Cozy Snap:He's from Nashville. The King doesn't doesn't like, Is that Southern? Well, first of all, he wasn't Southern, like, the States loved him. He was the King, bro. He put some respect on his name. One of the icons of the, Of the rock scene, man. King of rock and roll over there, but yeah, dude, King of rock and roll is a D tier. I don't know, I don't care. King of nothing, he's not here anymore, so he's going to D. I agree, I don't think like, I think it was Elvis at the time, and he's like, you know what, I'm going to capitalize a little bit more. And get a little bit more moolah, right? Dude, there's so many in here. A, that I'm not going to rank, but also that, bro, it wasn't freaking Hanson. The Jackson 5. They had this as a separate song. Santa Claus is coming to town. I'm putting that in C. That was who I was thinking of. I think the Jackson 5. I have a great version of that song. I want to say it. Jackson
Alexander Coccia:5 also have the one Santa's Kissing Mommy, or Mommy's Kissing Santa Claus.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, but I'm not, I'm not like, I'm not blaring that on volume 10. My kids
Alexander Coccia:like that one. My kids listen to that one all the time. They really like that one for what it's worth, but
Cozy Snap:Well, I'm glad that your kids like it. Luckily, they're not ranking this. What are you putting it at?
Alexander Coccia:I would put it like D. I saw Mama kicking
Cozy Snap:I saw Mama kissing Santa Claus. You're like
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, for free presents, I would let my wife make out with Santa Claus in front of my entire family.
Cozy Snap:For free? Yeah, dude, hey, kissing is, is soft. Although I don't know how much the kids would like it. Jingle, Jingle Bell Rock. Here's the thing, this one's overplayed, obviously, like, this is an often overplayed one. I like it, though. I, it's not that I think it's the best, I'm gonna go A. I think this is, no, really, dude, you're crazy. Why?
Alexander Coccia:Nah, it's like C at best. It's not A. Dude, it's
Cozy Snap:such a good song. I feel like this is the one that's picked a lot. It's like one of the favorites, and so people are gonna be mad that it's Dude, you can't, you wanna put it where?
Alexander Coccia:I like C or D.
Cozy Snap:Jingle Bell Rock? What are you hating? Why do you hate it?
Alexander Coccia:It's just as bad as Jingle Bells. It's like, it's basically just Jingle Bells except more intense.
Cozy Snap:I'll put it in B. Guys, he made me do it. I hate him. It's on me, I swear. Oh. Happy Xmas. War is over. You know this one? That's the one with John Lennon, isn't it? Yes, exactly. War is over. The kids, it's good. I like it. I think, I think. So, this is Christmas. It's not bad. yeah, yeah. That's a B. I think it's a good one. I think it's a B. You go with a B there? You could even go A, actually. I kind of like that one. I like that song, too. I like that one. I'll go A. I'll go A. That's a good one. You, you, you're really keeping me on my toes. Because I, I don't. I don't know what you want. All I want for Christmas is you.
Alexander Coccia:Who's that one? All I want for Christmas That's one of those super cringy ones, F. That's one of the new ones. Is that like Kelly Clarkson, or I don't know, I can't think of these American Idol singers.
Cozy Snap:I think I think she was the first the first one, right? Okay. Oh, Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer. Hear me out. I, I hate this song. But I, once a year I don't mind it. I don't think, I don't think it's I listen to it
Alexander Coccia:about once a year, exactly once a year. If it comes
Cozy Snap:on again, I'm like, kill it. Get, like, get it out of here. Like, do it, do to this song as Grandma was done.
Alexander Coccia:As you would do to Last Christmas.
Cozy Snap:I'm sad. I'm really sad. I'm seeing some of these, dude, that I have no idea. These must be some other, like, these must be holiday songs, because there's
Alexander Coccia:You want an easy F? Easy F? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Cozy Snap:Oh, bro, F?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, buddy, listen, what, what are you, six? What are you now? And everyone yells in, like, those, like, extra
Cozy Snap:parts? You would put Grandma Got Ran Over by Reindeer ahead of this? No, you're crazy, bro. No way. No shot. No shot. I don't love this song. I don't love this song. But this is like, it's a
Alexander Coccia:classic.
Cozy Snap:Dude, over Blue Christmas, I hate Blue Christmas is going down by the way. Okay, I agree.
Alexander Coccia:Blue Christmas sucks. I said that
Cozy Snap:before. You know what, I'm gonna put Rudolph Toppat there. Jingle Bells can stay. I put Blue Christmas down to keep you happy. Holy Jolly Christmas, I have a Holy Jolly Christmas.
Alexander Coccia:That's a good one. That's like, at least, minimum B. I could see it being an A.
Cozy Snap:Hi, ho, the mistletoe. Yeah, I think so. That's a good one,
Alexander Coccia:yeah.
Cozy Snap:I think I'd go B. Into B. Do you
Alexander Coccia:know what's a great one? Do you hear what I hear? There's an Andrea Bocelli version with his kids. Where he sings it alongside his kids. It's beautiful. Beautiful. Like, it's not, like, I love it. If you haven't listened to it then, you wouldn't understand. But, like, do you know who Andrea Bocelli is? Of course I do. Do I know who he is? Like, yeah, who's Elvis? I'm just saying, man, I don't know. I just, you look like you, you listen to NSYNC, right? So it's like, I got to just, I can't take things for granted. Also NSYNC has a terrible Christmas song now that I think about
Cozy Snap:it. And see, oh dude, me and my wife were just talking about my, my wife liked NSYNC and she was like, no, I think it's aged well. Like, I think it's like belongs in the classics. And I was like, I don't know. I don't know. It
Alexander Coccia:does not.
Cozy Snap:Like basic. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Alexander Coccia:That's like C. It's, it's, it needs to be in the season, but like you don't listen to it more than once. A
Cozy Snap:little repetitive, right? What about Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas?
Alexander Coccia:I thought that was that song. Now I'm confused with the difference between wish you a
Cozy Snap:Merry Christmas, we wish you, that's that one, and this is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Oh, that
Alexander Coccia:one, this one, the Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is better than that one. This is like the when, when Kevin is like,
Cozy Snap:getting ready for,
Alexander Coccia:yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, this one's better.
Cozy Snap:I would say this is B, I would go Deck the Halls better. And, and Baby, man, you put some of my favorites low. I'm gonna, I'm gonna hate you forever. Okay, I don't know that one, don't know that one. Where's we're missing a couple big time winners, like, and I just don't see them. Maybe I'm, like, almost the entire green section down here, bro. I don't even know what I'm looking at.
Alexander Coccia:Yo, what is that? L. G. G. Jubileo?
Cozy Snap:God rest ye merry gentlemen, I know that, but I'm not, we're not ringing that one. One in French? I think, I think, are these some of these Hanukkah songs, man? We're gonna get roasted, I feel like.
Alexander Coccia:We're gonna get absolutely
Cozy Snap:destroyed. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time is a banger.
Alexander Coccia:How's that go? Party's on.
Cozy Snap:Simply having a wonderful Christmas time. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good one, but also it gets repetitive. You're making me sing, bro, by the way. Like, I'm not putting my singing voice on, this is like the 10th time I'm having to do this over here. It's not competitive, where are you having it at?
Alexander Coccia:I would say like high C, low B. I like it. I'd go low B. I'd go low B. It's better than Deck the Halls for sure.
Cozy Snap:Definitely. I'd definitely listen to that before Deck the Halls. What about,
Alexander Coccia:silver and gold F right away.
Cozy Snap:That's like anything, like there's a common theme. Anything with colors and Christmas is pretty much garbage. Hard candy Christmas? What the hell is this? Santa baby. Hard candy Christmas. Santa baby.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, that's the, the really poppy one. Santa baby. Right? No,
Cozy Snap:this is Santa baby. Why don't you, it's a girl singing like. It's F. It's F. It's like Ariana Grande or something. That's like, that's the exact example. There's an older one, but it also is. I hate it. I hate it.
Alexander Coccia:Oh my God. I can't say that. That is the perfect example. That song right there of like what I skip if I comes on. I'm like, Nope. Give me the classics.
Cozy Snap:Your mean one, Mr. Grinch.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, okay. I mean, as a song, that's gotta be close to D or F.
Cozy Snap:Right? No, you know what? Grandma Got Ran Over, same tier. Like, I'll listen to it. We're not talking about the movie. We're talking about, you know, obviously, the song itself. I'm not, yeah, I'm not, I would agree there. That is almost all of them. Let me just do one quick scan. We're definitely, oh, dude, where's the Christmas song? The Christmas song. That, like, we've talked about how many times we've talked about. On the channel here.
Alexander Coccia:Is it Nat King Cole? I listen to that. That's a nice song. If you're right. Like I could listen to that, like reading a book by the fire. It's like, it's definitely deserves to be an A. I think.
Cozy Snap:Where's, oh, here it is. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. The Christmas song. They didn't just put the, yeah, this is no, for me, this is S. This is
Alexander Coccia:a, and I'll be home for Christmas. That's, that's a great one too, actually. What is that one? How does that one go? Is that the what's it called? That's like a popular band. How about you sing it?
Cozy Snap:Like I've sung all of them. Give me that. I don't remember
Alexander Coccia:how it's, I don't remember how it goes. I'm not even, I'm not even like dodging the singing. I will sing. I will belt the lyrics, but I can't remember. I just remember like being like, Oh, I'll be home for Christmas. What about Good King Winslow? I'll be home for Christmas. Oh yeah,
Cozy Snap:yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, that one's okay. You like it?
Alexander Coccia:It's fine. Like it deserves to be in C or D.
Cozy Snap:What about Good King Winslow? I've never heard
Alexander Coccia:of that before.
Cozy Snap:Come on now. Instant. Classic. It's an NSYNC song. No. An instant Classic.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, instant class. I thought you said INS Classic was
Cozy Snap:no instant. An instant classic. Probably a, you've had this song on with the, with the kids in the car.
Alexander Coccia:I have no idea, dude. Good King?
Cozy Snap:Good King? I've never heard that. I've never heard that song in my life, bro. I don't even know what that is. Oh, you're
Alexander Coccia:okay. That's hilarious. I thought you were actually playing
Cozy Snap:me there. Bro, now, I just wanted you to like go through your head a little bit and be like, what, what, what is it? Playing with the
Alexander Coccia:kids, too? I
Cozy Snap:mean, I kid that does not even sound There's some fan out there that's like a massive, massive fan of that song. Here comes Santa Claus, Mistletoe, and Holly. Mistletoe and Holly is another one that I'm just like It's a slow one. It's a slow, slow burner. Oh, Happy Holidays? I'm not even sure what
Alexander Coccia:that is. Happy Holiday. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's like It's a holiday
Cozy Snap:season. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:that's like, to me, that's like Silver Bells area. Like, low B. And
Cozy Snap:Santa Claus. Dude, no way! This one's way faster pace. You're thinking of the wrong one.
Alexander Coccia:I don't know. I know the song. It's just bad.
Cozy Snap:What about the Charlie Brown song, Linus and Lucy? Oh,
Alexander Coccia:Charlie
Cozy Snap:Brown's
Alexander Coccia:great.
Cozy Snap:I would say it's like, it deserves to be like, high C,
Alexander Coccia:low B.
Cozy Snap:What? Dude, I, Peanuts Christmas, Peanuts, I want to make sure I pronounce that correctly is, is, is always to me.
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, that's so funny you said that. When Penny Parker came up, the amount of times that when I typed Penny, that the autocorrect scared me, and I got so close to accidentally sending those like reply comments, like, I love Penny, you know, is some
Cozy Snap:Some might might see. Listen the, what's not on this list, have you, have you done any trans Siberian orchestra? Have you listened to any of that?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. So Transbite Siberian Orchestra is like the band that is only relevant, like what, two weeks of the year.
Cozy Snap:Yep. But they, they, they, they, they deserve it.
Alexander Coccia:It goes hard. It goes hard. I like it.
Cozy Snap:They're damn good. They're damn good. This is, I'm not agreeing with this list. You made it, you know, I'll accept it.
Alexander Coccia:I made it. You scammed me like 90 percent of my, my, Let us know
Cozy Snap:is, is good. But like, like on repeat, bro, you're out of your mind. Do
Alexander Coccia:you still think, We're saying the best Christmas song ever is rocking around the Christmas tree. And like, it's mid at best. And that's,
Cozy Snap:I'm going to, I'm going to end you. What, what, what other, what other, what do you hate in here? I think these all look pretty good to me.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I mean, if again, this is our list. It's not my list. It's not your list. It's our list. And I guess this is roughly where it falls.
Cozy Snap:Listen, if you haven't heard these songs at the bottom, just if you really want to hate yourself, just playlist. And just go through all of them and hopefully guys with this beautiful Christmas song tier list, you guys have a great holiday season and enjoy Christmas Eve, Christmas, all that good stuff and hopefully we brought you a little bit of holiday cheer here and on a Monday. I just want to be able to wear turtlenecks without being chastised. Listen, I put this on today and I was like, I like it. I'm a turtleneck fan, man. And I knew when I wore this on here, I was like, Alex is gonna just, he's just gonna do me in. Listen, you gotta try it. Give it, give a turtleneck a try. It's a confidence piece.
Alexander Coccia:You know what, man? I should. You know, but unfortunately, I only own two types of shirts. Kirkland Signature shirts and Adidas shirts. So it's very, I do have some Puma shirts mixed in because the colors look good on camera. Wow, so
Cozy Snap:diverse, Puma. Some, you
Alexander Coccia:know, little bit of variety there, but generally speaking, I, you know, I could use a nice sweater vest. And a nice turtleneck. Turtleneck and chain. Good callout to to Lonely Island there. You know, honestly, you're not wearing a chain, actually. That's crazy.
Cozy Snap:The Rock Band is who, that's who I think of with the turtleneck chain look, man. No question. The, the well, here's the thing. One of my favorite parts about making Rivals content is just the new audience that comes with it. And bro, I'm, I'm cracking up at some of the comments with, with my bright Frickin wardrobe that I have, it's great. Like, I love, I love getting a new feel of of, of people. Listen. It's the only way I can have fun as an adult, right? Is, is to wear you know, not Kirkland, Adidas, Puma. I don't know who does that, but I, I, you know, I want a little class, you know?
Alexander Coccia:It is kind of funny when you open yourself out to a brand new audience. And like, I, it's so funny seeing those comments. I've seen those comments on yours about your wardrobe and stuff. I think it's so funny. You're doing a remarkable job on your Rivals content, by the way. Like, I know it's a little off topic, but dude, unbelievable good work. On mine, it's so fun because like, I'm getting the, who's, who let their dad make videos on Marvel Rivals? I don't like that I'm getting those
Cozy Snap:comments. Dude, I got one that's like, this guy was like This old ass guy with his stupid white headphones, your content's good, but why do you have headphones and that mic? And I was like, well, the mic's so I can speak in it, and then, and then for anyone who doesn't know for the, you know, I think by now you guys do, but we wear headphones to be able to hear the audio feedback. I have an air conditioner blasting right here, so I have to have it to be able to even listen to myself. Do you have in ear? Yeah, you have in ear audio. Yeah?
Alexander Coccia:No, I don't. I don't really hear myself that much. Like, if I, if I take my headphones off, I actually, I guess now that I took them off, I can look at the bedhead I have with the headphones. I have, I can hear myself a little bit, I guess. There's a little bit of feedback. But primarily, I, obviously, we're wearing headphones. How the hell can I hear Cozy if I'm not wearing headphones? That's the most obvious answer as to why we're wearing headphones on a podcast, by the way. But these are open ear headphones, so they don't really impact my ability to, like, speak. I sound like I'm not wearing headphones to myself. Yours are closed, so, like, you must sound like you're in a tunnel.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, no, it's great. I love it. I can't hear all the craziness going right outside my door, man. My son's playing the drums, like, every day, so it's it's a madhouse over there. And what else was a madhouse was how popular Doom 2099 was, man. What, what, what, how do we even start talking about this guy?
Alexander Coccia:Dude, he's 35 percent of the meta right now as of recording, which is crazy. 34, 34. 3 technically. Running a 51 percent win rate, which is a little on the lower end. But here's the thing, I loved this card. I came in at 5 stars, which is a little high. Does he actually hit five stars? I'm not sure he hits that. Like if I think about what a five star card, it's like a banger five star. Like if I'm talking like Surtur, stuff like that, OG Miss Marvel stuff. Oh, those are like some of the broken, most broken cards in the game, actually. But anyways, I digress. What I will say is that he's definitely good. Like he's four and above easily. What you're seeing right now. Is this card is so popular that it completely elevated Klogg as an archetype. Klogg had disappeared forever and now legit, like, Cannonball Klogg is one of the best performing decks in the game because it counters this. Like, it's so insane how one specific card release brought back a whole new archetype. But I love it, man. I think this card's great. It's a whole new way to play Snap. It's a new take on Zoo. Buddy, we talked a lot last week about different synergies and combinations. I tried all of them, and It all felt like they had their place. Dude, I loved it. How was your experience?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think what we called was it was just going to be a fun, easy card to play. And like, we've had so many complex, crazy cards come to the game and it's like, man, I like cards like this, man. There's a lot of lovers of Electro when he first came out too, or like when people first got him. Cause it's like, play one card, do the job, results, right? And we knew this card was going to be a little bit worse at launch as all cards are really. But yeah, I think. You know, I definitely don't think it's a 5 star, you know, but I would, I would, yeah, definitely say it's one that's worth getting in the season, for the season, that will last beyond its reach now, and it's just cool, man. Like, the, the interaction of being able to really get wide It reminds me of, like, a baby tribunal in some ways, right? Like, You're just focused on the wide game, not the one lane at a time, and those decks are just cool and different and fun.
Alexander Coccia:You know how I knew it was good? When I was in situations where I would Psylocke on turn two, and I had both Doom 2099 and Galacta. And I was thinking to myself, who do I play first? Hmm, should I just play the Galacta then get No, do I want the extra Doombot right now? Like, the fact that I even had to consider that, given how absolutely cracked Galacta is, gives me some degree of confidence that this is, in fact, a good card. But, I do agree. I don't think it quite reaches that five star. Range. Like I don't quite think it hits there, but it definitely feels like it's in the four star range. It definitely feels like a good, solid card. And if you're playing it this week and you're like, I was getting countered, I was losing games. That's because it was like the most popular card by a landslide we've had in a while. And it was very straightforward to counter whether it was red guardian, whether it was straight up clog or whatever. But yeah, honestly, the thing I really liked about this card, by the way, was that I felt like I had multiple options on turn six. Because, like, I had been testing Spectrum stuff, and Spectrum kinda actually worked. I ended up cutting Wong from a lot of the decks, because the Wong Doctor Doom lines, I felt, was a little too greedy. We didn't have enough space for it, but Spectrum felt pretty good, and Onslaught was a low key, pretty solid card. Like, I surprised myself with a couple Onslaught plays where, like, Just playing Doctor Doom would have lost. Yep. And Onslaught gave that additional reach and especially, well, a little bit of RNG where an extra bot fell and stuff like that, but Onslaught was surprisingly good too.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man, it, it, again, it wasn't as like, it's not as like game changing as a Tribunal Onslaught, but it did have that same effect of like that instant power boost up. And yeah, Spectrum was where I went and I just, Loved it. Enjoyed it. Like, I did not get to make a video on this one for those listening but it's it was like the one I wanted to the most given timing has just been awful. Because the games I played, I loved it. In fact, every time I played Snap this week, yeah, it was just with Doom, no question.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and one thing I will say though is that like it was funny because like, I ended up being like a card or two off of like the, one of the top lists that ultimately came out. And what surprised us, we actually did mention last week that like, there was a good chance that cards like Storm and the The War Machine style control decks would have a place with Doom 2099 because you want to like limit where they could play while accessing what you want to play. And also the key thing is, is that like War Machine, Iron Lad, Doom 2099, they also work with Zabu and Psylocke so effectively, right? And honestly, with Getting Zabu and then topdecking a Storm, closing it out on 3, it's like it made me miss the original Storm a little bit. I don't think Storm, because I played a lot of Storm this week, I don't think Storm is appropriate at a 4 drop. It just does not feel right, it needs to go back down to 3. Like, I understand why it happened, but Storm as a 4 drop, and it's in a good deck that's running like a 54 percent winrate. It's, it's just Cope, man, like, it, it can't be there. We killed a really good card that had a really unique niche role in Marvel Snap, and yeah, it's seen play now, but I think that's just a testament to how good 2099 is, and that Shell generally is, and War Machine, like, we need to bring back OG Storm, they need to go back to the drawing board to figure out how they could fix that interaction, because the whole thing they're trying to avoid is Storm, Into War Machine into Legion. Like, I understand that, but I, like, playing this week made me realize how much I missed Original Storm.
Cozy Snap:And killing one card for ultimately, like, one busted, it just sucks. Like, there's so many other ways to use Storm than just that, and it takes the creativity away. And one of, like, the cards that just felt like was done right, it reminds me of, like, when they nerfed Dr. Doom and they were like, Yeah, that just didn't work. So hopefully they redo that. I don't know if they will, but the hope's there.
Alexander Coccia:I want to throw something out there. I had this thought. This is like a shower thought. That's really random. Once again, another, this is why they're not game devs idea, but I had this thought of, instead of bring Storm back down to three, make Legion a six. Cause I still think flipping locations on turn six could be very powerful. Make them a six, but have them add a random card to each location after he swaps them. I think that would be interesting. Imagine, like, the locations all change and then there's a random, like, X, X mansion type effect on every I thought that would be really cool. Right? It's, it's, he's Chaos, isn't he?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, that would be, that would have been nuts. I mean, originally we said we wanted a six cast to begin with for Legion. We were kinda hoping they went that route, but yeah, they would have to add something to the game, so I, I I don't hate the idea.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, you might ultimately when like, when it's out there, your side gets all infamous and you're just like pulling ice men, whatever. Maybe it's again, just an idea, just throwing it out there. But regardless, I really liked where 2099 landed. If you're thinking about the keys, Oh, the spotlight cash is so awful, but From a token perspective, like, I don't know, I think he's good. Next month has a lot of good cards as well. But but ultimately I do think that 2099 is worth owning. Like, that's just my take on it. I like the card, I had a lot of fun playing him. I think this week is probably the worst he's gonna feel, because Klogg was Everywhere. And once people kind of settled in on the, I'm going to counter Dune 2099, I think he's going to be pretty decent, like a mid fifties percent win rate deck. I don't think he's going to be crushing it. I don't see him getting nerfed. That's for sure. He feels good. He feels strong. He feels fair. That's kind of my take overall. And Cozy, that's going to take us to the economy update that was announced in Marvel Snap, and this is a big deal, huge change, and quite frankly, good change is happening here, and we're going to be discussing it, but before we do that, we're actually going to take a second here to actually read through the economy update itself for those that are obviously listening, and those that may not be knowledgeable of the news. So I'm going to read it verbatim. It's a bit of a longer read, but we're going to read it verbatim from the Snap team. As Marvel Snap grows, we've seen how acquiring cards has become progressively more difficult. Your feedback has been heard loud and clear. It helps us identify and prioritize a number of major concerns. And Cozy, we'll start by talking about these concerns, I guess. The first is a lack of agency in acquiring new cards. Second, new users struggling to get to the meta faster as it takes too long to get all the series 3 cards. Third, returning players struggle to catch up after missing a season or more of new cards and rewards. And then five, the randomness of the spotlight cash system feeling frustrating. Those are pretty significant pain points, and I think they nailed it. Those are significant pain points.
Cozy Snap:I mean, without question, to me, the for how much they love talking about the new player experience, like, just the new player experiences. Unless you like, install it and live under a rock and like, you don't look at anything, like, I don't know, maybe if it wouldn't jump out as much there but it's virtually impossible to be someone new playing this game on a regular basis without, you know, spending loads of money.
Alexander Coccia:No, absolutely, and like, just, it's an, it feels like an impossible hill to climb as a new player, right? Especially when like, I've been in, you know, Conquest matches where like, I'm clearly against a new player and I feel awful, like, they stand no chance, right? Like, it's It feels so, I almost, I'm rooting for them to beat me with their Kezar Zoo deck without Mockingbird or Gilgamesh or anything, right? Like, literally, like Pool 1 Zoo and I root for you guys, but like, hopefully, and, spoiler alert, they're gonna be making some improvements there. We'll have to we'll have to see how these improvements shake out for the new players, but I think it will be positive. To continue the conversation here, they did say, We take these Concerned seriously and are in the process of improving the ways that players can acquire cards in the game We currently have a design we think addresses many of the issues above however rebuilding some core aspects of snap takes time to get right We're in the process of gathering additional feedback on the design while the work continues in production We don't have exact dates for completion yet, but it will take months and that's fair I mean like game dev is hard We've heard that before but in the meantime, and this is the big update cozy This is what they're implementing. They said, in the meantime, we are taking some steps in the near term to improve quality of life around card acquisition. So, in January's patch, they will be doubling the drop rate of Series 3 cards in collector's reserves to give you 2 out of every, sorry, from 2 to every 9 caches, to 4 out of every 9 caches. So, doubling the drop rate of Series 3 cards in collector's reserves. They state that this will substantially reduce the time it takes for new players to acquire all Series 3 cards. This is a Band Aid fix, but it's something that they can implement quickly. Second, they're going to be increasing the token payout from the Spotlight Cash duplicates from 1, 000 tokens to 2, 000 tokens. They said that they know that there are multiple issues with the Spotlight Cache system, but one of the biggest complaints is pulling a duplicate from the fourth slot with a hard earned Spotlight Key. And again, they do mention that these are Band Aid style solutions, but these are things that they can do straightforward and quickly. They're also, once again, reminding us that they are planning for a larger series drop in the first quarter of 2025. Well, it would have to be bigger than what they did last time, at the very least. So anyways, to sum it up, doubling the rate that Series 3 cards are being unlocked for newer players, and they're going to be increasing the Spotlight Cash duplicate 000 to 2, 000.
Cozy Snap:Yeah I feel like, first of all, I think one of the, Things that is obvious with, you know, Second Dinner as a company is they're slower than I think most people expect or want them to be. They're slow with their content releases, and I don't think we knew that out the gate. That's why we kind of had some high hopes with a lot of stuff. And when something gets announced, it's way down the line or it doesn't happen. And so, you know, that revolves around them wanting to be a small company. I know that's something that they want to be. Which is, you know, nothing wrong with that. But in turn, that's the result, right? But on the more, you know brighter side, yeah, man, I think the biggest thing is the, the, the Band Aid. I mean, the tokens is nice. It's double, obviously. But being able to speed up progression that much more for Pool 3 is massive. I mean, that's a huge way to just get things going way more and get people excited to get with their cards, you know, faster, and the fact that they're also working on something in addition to help with just card acquisition. Also, a W. Obviously, we could go on about it, and I stand very firm. In fact, it's like, way too, like, what, why it took so long to notice something that's pretty obvious. This is a great, you know, obviously, listening to the players, and, you know, Q1, we've said it before, we're gonna say it again. It's an important time. Important time to get that out, right? And to get Snap back on its feet in a lot of ways whether it's draft mode, whether it's the card acquisition stuff. Hopefully those two aren't gonna hurt each other from getting out, right? But it was cool to see this news, for sure. Major economy update.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, we've been critical in the past, and you know what? We have to give a dub where a dub's earned. Like, this is a big change. It's a positive change. Everyone wins. Obviously, if you're a relatively new player going through Series 3, you really win. And everyone else, The change in the tokens is not insignificant. These are positive changes and it's way harder. Keep this in mind, too. This is something I was thinking about. It's way harder for a company like Secondaire to increase the price of something they got wrong, as opposed to reducing the price later on. And I don't want to get like all business oriented, but like, This, this is something that maybe they needed more data on, and they've made the change to, and I'm hoping that this obviously is here to stay. It's just a straight up bonus to acquisition, which is desperately needed, but most importantly, I think it shows that they've said, we hear you a million times, and we kind of joked a couple of weeks ago. We're like, yeah, I was like, but you know, that doesn't really account for much if you're not actively doing something, and this is them actively doing something. And I do appreciate the fact that they did it. Even if it's a Band Aid solution, this is the fastest they can fix it, they're doing it as fast as they can.
Cozy Snap:I will say, with them too, in the past, historically, if there's something that's happened in fact, almost 100 percent of the time, they nail it the second time, right? So, like, if there's split rate issues, they, you know, they really made sure that those were, you know, compensated. You name the problem, there's been stuff, like, we've had this stuff happen before. And they've always delivered. And I don't think that there's even a shot that it's near as disappointing as like the December drops or whatever. I think whatever's to come, they're making sure it's a home run. And I'm not worried about that. As critical as I just was, I think Second Dinner is gonna nail this update. My point behind it was like, not that it's too late, I think Snap's gonna be around for a long time, but for a huge part of the player base, like, wish it would've happened sooner, but they're gonna nail it and they're gonna do a good job.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and there's no question that like, obviously this came later than we would've hoped, but as someone who's looking towards 2025, you know, starry eyed and hoping for the best, especially for Snap 2. Like, I love this game. I love this community and it would be heartbreaking if the game doesn't turn a corner. I'm really looking forward to these changes being implemented and I'm looking forward to potentially seeing what they have in the works as well. And I hope that those are positive changes for the card acquisition for everybody and whether it is the voice, the feedback that the community has given that they finally have taken to heart, which is entirely possible. I got to tell you guys, you guys spoke loud and clear through Twitter, through Reddit, through every possible means. And I, I, sounds to me like they took that feedback to heart. I'm just, I'm just glad these changes are happening. And just, yeah, kudos to Second Inter for taking a step in the right direction. Kudos for you guys, the listeners, the players for sticking with the game and providing feedback, because if you just didn't care, you just would have left. You just would have left. You cared, you stuck around, you gave feedback, and now we're getting the positive results. So now Cozy, I guess all we do is wait. We wait for the release.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Wait. Listen, it's been proven to me. Through conversations, through seeing it myself, Snap has remained the most fun by a mile collective card game, or digital card game, period. You know, listen, two years is a long time plus to maintain a super fun game, and it's, it's stayed that, right? And, you know, it's like, Pocket just had an expanse, and it's over, it's so crazy how the, the, the instantly getting cards, how that, it changes something a little bit. But also just with the fun factor, it's just a fun game. It's a fun game to keep going back to. And yeah, hopeful we wait.
Alexander Coccia:And Cozy, that's going to take us to the Snapchat mailbag. There's actually a number of really fun questions here that I can't wait to dive into because man, it's so funny. We often fall completely off the rails with our conversations. And when I start to like, Get the tally on like the questions of what people are interested in talking about. It's almost never about Snap and never about like what I thought people were going to ask us about. It's always about like the random one line just thing that we said that we didn't think anyone was even listening to and like that's the thing that gets caught on to. Like this here from Coach McCain who said, Y'all were talking about different apocalypses. Alex was talking about the biblical rapture while Cozy was talking about the Mayan calendar. You were talking about the rapture? Like the actual rapture? Yeah, I was talking about the rapture. I couldn't think of the word. I was talking about how everyone was supposed to disappear.
Cozy Snap:Oh, yeah. I mean, like, wait, because I was like around 2011 though. Isn't the rapture like of all time? Like of an apocalypse? But yeah, like, I think that's like the old time aging apocalypse kind of. But yes, the Mayan freaking calendar. That's what it was, because they've never gotten The Mine calendar ended, right? They were always right, or whatever. Yeah, dude, they I love how it probably was like, whoever was responsible for making the calendars just died. And so they were just like, Okay, 2011, that's probably as far as we get, guys. And then that then we took that, and and and rolled with it.
Alexander Coccia:And then I saw some like analysis that someone was saying that technically the Mayan calendar wasn't correct, and that 2011 didn't even make sense because they didn't account for leap years, and if you accounted for leap years, then it was actually like in the 1970s or 80s, so like, the Mayans were wrong regardless, and so that couldn't have been, I'm like, This guy gave this way too much thought. Way too much. Now this, oh my gosh, the number of comments about this, I didn't even realize anyone was even gonna pick up on this, Cozy. I cannot believe Alex dislikes Guardians 3. What the hell, man. And the number of statements and questions and comments about me hating Guardians 3, I, I, I, dude, oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever said anything as controversial as the Guardians 3 take. Cozy, did you see these comments?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I did. And I remember when the movie came out and you went and saw it, you said the same thing and people were mad there too. I yeah, so you just hated the movie?
Alexander Coccia:I need to take a second to actually frame my thoughts around Guardians 3. Can we take a moment to talk Guardians 3, Cozy, you and I? A quick one, because it's Guardians 3, but
Cozy Snap:yes.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, okay. I would take that as you don't like it.
Cozy Snap:It's good, it's just like, if you were to say, can we take a moment to talk about in game, Infinity War, like, you know, all the Marvel movies? Yeah, but like, you know, what do you, tell me about G3.
Alexander Coccia:Alright, I'll tell you what I didn't like about G3. Do I like the movie? Yes. It's like an, it's like an 10 overall. But like, I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. I think they're great. In fact, my kids and I, we watched the second intro all the time, where Baby Groot dances to the song and everything, all these, my kids love it. We watched Guardians all the time. The thing I did not like about Guardians 3, that actually really holds me back, and probably brings my rating down to like a 7, right? I didn't like the handling, and this is kind of spoilery, so I apologize for anybody that doesn't, maybe skip ahead a bit. I don't know. I didn't like the handling of the Gamora Star Lord. Like, it really bothered me. I didn't
Cozy Snap:like it. Yeah, don't, don't, don't talk about Tuma. It's a little spoiling. That's a major That's spoiling? I'm just saying I didn't like, I didn't like how they handled that whole
Alexander Coccia:thing.
Cozy Snap:Okay. I think you used the word hate very loosely. I think when you, to say you hate something and it's an 8 out of 10, We have different terms. I hate,
Alexander Coccia:I guess, I guess, but all I'm saying is, is that like, I liked the movie overall. I liked the story. Beats like hating eight outta 10. I never said I hated guardians. Like you, everyone else is saying hate s hate ology. You hate, you
Cozy Snap:hate guardians three. Yeah. No, it's gar.
Alexander Coccia:No. Elephants are unimpressive and overrated. Guardians 3, I simply did not like. Okay, okay, I don't know how it's a spoiler, but okay, Gamora and Star Lord are in the movie. I do not like how they interacted. That's all I'm gonna say.
Cozy Snap:The lost files that I have on my phone, there was some A, audio issues, B, I think it was either one of us got sick. There's so much that happened around it. Guys, we have lost footage of Alex and I at the zoo, and we planned on doing this entire in person tier list, and it was like, The greatest idea ever. We try to jam it into a very quick day, where we already did some other things. And, the fact of the matter is, Alex and I showed up to the zoo, I think I paid like 50 bucks to get in there too. Was it 20? You paid for me to get in there too. I do appreciate it. Thank you for covering my zoo ticket. It's too late. It's too late. We had like 20 minutes left. Before the zoo closed, and Alex and I were like, we have to do this beat. Alex was out on the next flight the next morning. Drew, Drew, we were sprinting from animal cage to animal cage. People must have thought we were psychotic. But it was gold content.
Alexander Coccia:It was, it was beautiful. And you know what, as I was like looking at all these, by the way, the San Diego Zoo is so much better than the Toronto Zoo, man. Toronto Zoo sucks compared to the San Diego and the San Diego. It's like all the tree cover. It's like, it's not hot, it's just nice. Like, temperature's beautiful, man. Like, oh my god, tons of parking. What a great zoom in. What a great day, man. It was, it was nice. I think people thought like you were my dad. Like I was running around having fun. I was flipping the animals off and stuff. And you're like trying to rein me in. You're taking pictures. Pretty much, yeah. We were
Cozy Snap:taking a selfie stick the whole time. It was fun to watch you two do something in person live. It was cool to see you know, when people are staring at you, it's a whole other thing.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but yeah, anyways, we had lots of fun, and to, to, just put it straight up, I, I like Gardens of the Galaxy. I love Gardens of the Galaxy. I don't know why people took that as Alex hates Gardens of the Galaxy 3. I liked it. It was fine. I will say one final thing about it, though. I know you made a big deal about this. The whole, like, oh, he drops the F bomb in it for the first time. That was a very non, like, Shalon, and not even Impactful F bomb. Like, they could have used so many better F bombs than where they did it in the Guardians 3 movie. That's just my opinion.
Cozy Snap:I said something about that?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you were excited about the fact that James Gunn was going to use the F bomb for the first time in Marvel? Oh, I
Cozy Snap:think I was excited. I think he was excited about it.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, he was Oh, see, I misinterpreted that then. So you were just, you were excited about him being excited about using the F bomb.
Cozy Snap:I was stating the news that he was excited. I, but I, I, yeah, I, what do you think about, did you see the new Superman trailer?
Alexander Coccia:No, I haven't seen it, but I've heard people talk about it.
Cozy Snap:Bro, DC Rivals and DC Snap, Marvel Supreme, bro. Just
Alexander Coccia:doesn't, it just doesn't.
Cozy Snap:Do
Alexander Coccia:you remember when, what's it called? I can't remember the name of it. Well, what game was supposed to kill Snap the first time? DC Duel Force, my man. Oh, people were literally like planning Snap's funeral, planning the funeral. And it was literally like a, Oh, call the ambulance, but not for me. Yeah, that's exactly what had happened.
Cozy Snap:Y'all man. Oh, that seems like an eternity ago at this point.
Alexander Coccia:It does. And you know what else was a journey to go? The buff to the Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Snap. Here's a Marvel Snap question. How about the Guardians? We talked about the Guardians Guardians steal the power from the card on the other side instead of gaining it? They are kind of scoundrels. It would benefit, it would fit them thematically. And we have been seeing the steal effect. And so you know, Bean did throw out there that, hey, why don't they just steal the power? That makes, that's certainly a buff overall, right? And it doesn't really improve their floor, but it does improve their ceiling.
Cozy Snap:Well, that's a new car coming out. Rocket, Raccoon, and Grim. Oh my
Alexander Coccia:gosh! I didn't even consider that! It is literally the Guardians of the Galaxy stealing power from a car being played! Oh my gosh, Cozy! So basically, you're a genius, they're a genius, Glenn's a genius, so Glenn's already on top of this. So give it to all of them. I've been to Dave's house too. I've been to Dave's house too. Okay. Well, I guess we're in agreement then. Ha ha. Okay. Now, two more questions here. Jim Bourne, and this is a bit of a roast on my behalf, and Cozy, I do appreciate you, you know, constantly roasting me on this. Jim does say, Kang and the Tourney is Alex's version of Al Bundy's four touchdowns. In a single game. And the comment thread after this was all people reminiscing about how like, youngins wouldn't even know who Al Bundy is, but as someone who played a lot of football, Cozy, you gotta know that Polkai legend, Al Bundy.
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah, for sure. I like, that's, these are the conversations I like the most. This is when I'm like you know, like, I don't know, a few snapshots ago, you're like, it's not just views, they're people. This is, that's what I feel that the most, is just good golden takes like that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, literally Al Bundy's entire gimmick of like, flushing the toilet, I still think it's funny. You know what I mean? And, but like, that show can never exist today. It can never exist today. There's several. I can't even watch today, like, I've become too sensitive for Al Bundy.
Cozy Snap:Dude, like, Tropic Thunder could never happen, and that's a, that's a Top tier movie.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you know what though, I when this comment happened, like there was a point in time where my fantasy football team name was like the Polkai, oh my gosh, I can't remember the name of the Polkai something. Oh my gosh, I don't remember. Might have been Patriots? I'm not sure. Someone in the comments will know what the name of Al Bundy's team was, but I guess he was on Modern Family as well, right? That was like his last big gig? Yep. I think so. Yeah, it makes sense. Sounds about right. But our last question of the day comes in from Jason, and this one's about you, Cozy. Because you said something that Jason resonated alongside you with. I'm so happy that Cozy and his friends also played the, quote, finish your beer during a race of Mario Kart, but you can't drink and drive game.
Cozy Snap:Yes. I feel like it had so many, like, Beerio Kart was definitely, like, what we did, I think. But I love that this is, like, a And unspoken pa Like bro, I always wonder that, like in the day and age of social media, right? It's obvious when something spreads, it goes viral. But like, back in the day, right? It's funny how something like any urban legend, myth, just school talk, could go from like, Maine to California, or Canada down here, like, it's crazy that, you know how news used to spread like that, or how culture things, because Bureaucrat, very cultural you know, just big impact in the world. But how that makes it across, you know, state to state.
Alexander Coccia:You know what this reminded me of that does not exist anymore in like modern kids and people that play video games on the internets wouldn't really experience? In your friend group, there was always the guy that was really good at specific games, right? And, they were considered like, like, gods at the game. Like, for me, man, I was so good at Super Smash. I was so good at Super Smash. Goldeneye, I was absolutely, I could dumpster anybody in Goldeneye. Easy. Easy, but we didn't have the internet. And so like, I was just a God amongst men in my core group of friends at GoldenEye and Mario Kart. And I never really knew how I would fare against someone down the street or someone at another school or whatever. Right. And I remember some kid was like, yo, my buddy, Nathan would dominate you. Like he will juggle you in smash bros on 64. I'm like, no, he's not. I'm like, who's he plays? He's like, yo, he plays NASA. I'm like, buddy, that guy's easy. I'm gonna smash him with Zelda. And yeah, he juggled me, and it was shameful for me to experience, but you know what, you wouldn't have never known, and now on the internet, like, you just, you're against everyone, there's always going to be someone who's better than you, there's always going to be that number one guy, you're never that guy, but you know what, on my court, dammit, I was number one, and that's all that mattered, and I feel like we're missing that these days, you know, it's like you got all this infinite, like, infinite competition, and I owned, I owned my street. The glory days. But the true glory days, man. I remember even when I got older, like someone was like, Hey man, like I heard you're good at Mario Kart. I'm like, I'm pretty good. Can you drift? He's like, yeah, I drift. I'm like, well, let's do it. And he ended up smoking me. Like, I mean, like he must have been competing on like time trial leaderboards. He smoked me. He dumpstered me. I was like, man, I thought it was good to escape.
Cozy Snap:Like the glory days and you're like, yeah. Yes, I do. I do agree. I. I miss LAN parties. I, they, you'll never have that moment captured in time again. Although I do love the internet though. I do love the ability to play against everybody too. And then it's like that much crazier. Like I'm trying to get top 500 in Rivals. And it's like, trying to get to this achievement is so, so hard. Fun. Addicting.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. No, absolutely. In a time of LAN parties, the thing I'll end on is like, I remember, like, when I was in high school, my parents, like, look, one of the rules of high school kids is you don't go on vacation and leave your high school aged son at home by himself. That's stupid. He's gonna do something silly, you know what I mean? My parents were like, it's Alex, he's fine. So they left, right? And I was I had a party. I had a LAN party. We were all playing StarCraft and WarCraft 3. My buddies brought all their PCs down, we set up the monitors, there were power bars everywhere. And my neighbor, my dad's best friend, Bill, he was tasked with, if anything's going on, which, you know, maybe, probably not anything serious, but you go check it out, right? I remember Bill coming down the stairs to the basement, being like, what is going on down here? And seeing like, literally just 15 dudes playing video games, and he's like, not what I expected. Now I keep up the good work, boys, and just left.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I love how you say, like, I threw a party and then you said a LAN party. Like, that, that sums that up really well, instead of what people I'm sure would imagine.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, he came down and he was probably expecting, like, I don't know, anything other than that. And it was the least cool, I mean, probably in his eyes, it was the least cool party, but to this day, me and my buddies, we still look back at those times. And do you remember that picture of the dude duct taped to the ceiling?
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah, that's infamous. Do you remember that classic picture? Infamous, infamous,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's, that's amazing. Anyways guys, thank you so much for watching. We appreciate each and every one of you. Have yourself a happy holidays and we'll see you guys on the next edition of the Marvel Snapchat.
Cozy Snap:So, guys, thank you for coming over. Have a good one, have a great one. Till the next one. Happy snapping.