The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Doom 2099: Can He Live Up To The Hype? | OTA Supersized Edition | Peni Parker In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 111
Will the new Doom 2099 live up to the hype? What cards absolutely suck in Snap? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Peni Parker? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Snapchat, and Doom 2099 is probably the most hyped card this month. Comes out tomorrow, and Alex and I get to break down the synergies with the card, our thoughts on will it become a new archetype. There's a lot to break down, as well as just a lot to talk about in this Snapchat. We have a leaked season in February with Sam Wilson, Captain America, and a ton of cards that bring Some crazy mechanics and the first of equipment coming to Marvel Snap. And then we end on the second OTA Supersized Edition and there's a lot of new cards to break down. So we're going to talk about that all today and more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, buddy. Hello, my friend. We've got ourselves halfway through December and on to another week of Marvel Snap and the Rivals collaboration. Catch it in this week. We get a Doom 2099, so definitely gonna be probably the most hyped card, like I think people are most excited for this card. Will it live up to the hype? That's gonna be our main discussion today, but before we get to that, buddy, how we doing?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy? I'm doing great. It's been it's been a wild couple of weeks here. Been playing a lot of video games, Marvel Snap, Marvel Rivals spending time with the family during the Christmas season. I feel like I got a work party every, every week. Every weekend for my wife and for myself and for all these things. It's the season right and you know what it's fun I really like this season a lot. It's it's an opportunity to get together with a lot of people and I don't know I don't want to lose sight of that either right as much as I want to be ripping games It's also nice to you know, you know meet up with some friends enjoy some downtime And I'm just starting to appreciate that a little bit more than usual You know what I mean? Because I think it rejuvenates you a little bit this time of the year
Cozy Snap:I swear, like, if I were to rank all the months, like, July and December are both very high. October, high on the list. And, of course, like, Rivals hit now. Like, December, I love it, bro. I love, you know, holiday movies. Love just going to, like, lights with, you know, my kid. I mean, just basking in the, in the winter glory. Like, and then you got the dead months. It's like, of course, Rivals launched in December. And it's just a busy time all around over here in the, in the cozy fam. But I feel that, man. I do love Livin Up. Have you familiarized yourself a bit more on holiday songs this time around?
Alexander Coccia:Here's a funny thing. I'm glad you brought that up. So, we've been driving, and so there's this big thing with my family. Obviously there's four kids, my wife and myself, in the car. So, my kids, they, we have a rule where they all want to listen to music, and they all want to pick the next song. We have a rule is, is whoever's in their seat first gets to pick the song first. It's one of our strategies to get them in the car, right? Yeah, yeah. So anyways what we've been doing is lately, during December, we've been playing Christmas music, and so I, I subscribed to YouTube Premium, so I've been finding, like, these playlists and stuff like that, and I'll tell you right off the top, I'm like, you know what, Cozy roasted me for, like, not knowing music at all last year. I'm gonna give it a shot. I'm gonna legit give it a shot. So we've been listening to a lot of Christmas music in the car. I will tell you, the old classic stuff, Is by far, by far and above the best compared to the new modern stuff. That's all I
Cozy Snap:listen to. Yeah, I don't, I don't know if you guys are listening to modern day Christmas music pop it down below because I, I don't even know where to start, man. I, I love going to just the oldies, man. That's where I feel home and classic and, and, you know, And then the holiday mood, not, you know, Ariana Grande singing, whatever, Mrs. O. Oh, that's
Alexander Coccia:awful. Oh, it's so awful. One thing I will say, though, the only modern one that I think actually kind of bangs, for some reason, it's the Michael Bublé stuff, because I think he has the perfect voice for it. Everyone else, I feel like, is kind of faking it a bit.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, he brings back the old vibe a little bit. I, every time I hear the Christmas song the chestnuts roasting on an open fire, I always think of you like, no matter where I'm at, I think of Alex. Just like that. I think of you
Alexander Coccia:too, actually. Okay. That's so funny. Like, we have like this psycho, like, like, like this link because like I swear to you, we were driving and that song came on and I thought of you specifically, I thought of you. I,
Cozy Snap:I told my wife we were driving and came on too, and I was like, dude, Alex didn't know this song. I can't get over that. Like, I can't, I can't, I, I can't unthink that. But anyway, man, yeah, we're gonna have to maybe next week or week after, do a, do another holiday song, cheer list, or at least talk about it a little bit. As we head closer and closer to Christmas. What, what, what have you asked for for Christmas this year, Alex from Santy?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, do you actually want to know what I really asked for?
Cozy Snap:Yes.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so I asked my wife for a new wallet, because my wallet that I currently have is from when I was in high school.
Cozy Snap:Oh my god.
Alexander Coccia:And it's like a Costanza wallet, man. I stuff everything in it, it's like super just fat, it's like a thick wallet.
Cozy Snap:I also
Alexander Coccia:asked for for bigger underwear, because I've gained weight and my underwear is too tight.
Cozy Snap:Wonderful.
Alexander Coccia:And I've also asked for new undershirts. Because also my undershirts are too tight.
Cozy Snap:Great visuals. I'm really enjoying the visuals over here. I appreciate that. I hope you guys are too in this special edition of the Snapchat. I have not asked for much. I, I, like, I don't know, not like, oh, I don't, I don't need, more of like, I can't think of anything. For me, I like Etsy stuff a lot because it's like custom. Like, so I just got, I got this sick, I should, I should go bring it. Maybe later. At the Snapchat, I'll bring it up. It's like this It's like the old school Pokemon sprites from Red and Blue, and they're all in this frame. You guys will have to see it. Like that kind of stuff, like, nerdism that's right up my alley. And more bright hoodies that blind people if you look at them long enough, that's my goal. But, and less green on hoodies, man. I have so many green stuff, but I can't use it with green screen. So that's, that's up there too. Anyway, guys, we digressed a little bit. We've got loads to talk about on this side with the OTA, a leaked season with a new patch, and, June 2099. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat. We're going to be discussing Penny Parker in review, giving you our thoughts on the latest card in Marvel Snap. We'll also be talking about the cards that suck in Marvel Snap. We just had the recent OTA and some cards, for some reason, keep dodging the love from Glenn and the team. We'd like to discuss those. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, man, let's get right to it. The hype card of the month, Doom 2099, which is such an iconic character in Rivals. He's the main villain pulling the strings alongside Doom himself and within Snap. He is a 4 cost 2 power card after each turn at a Doom bot. 2099 to a random location. If you played exactly one card in the Doom Bots, there're gonna be a four two that give plus one to other dooms and doom bots that are out on locations, Alex. And so somewhat straightforward card to not only rank, but also talk about, and I think there's some pro, some cons and some synergy there as well. Let's start off with the ranking, buddy. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so when we did our preview, I came in at 5 stars. And it was one of those things where, like, let me be very clear. Because I think that, like, the context was missing there, because also I just yelled 5 stars super hyped up and everything. I'm 5 stars excited for this card. Because I think that it's a new way to play the game. Whether or not it's going to be a 5 star card in terms of its actual impact remains to be seen. I still think it's going to be good. I'm gonna stay with my five, honestly. I'm not trying to talk myself or walk out of what I said, but I'm just gonna say that, like, for me, this is, like, the card that I was like, yes, this is the one I want. This is the one that I want this month. It was the one I was most excited for. But there is a, I'd say this is a very real chance it does not hit the five star, like, surter, like, power level. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think this is definitely one of those cards I'm excited for in, like, March, because it be people aren't expecting it then, right? Like, week one, this is gonna be People are gonna try to they're gonna know the math, right? Like, listen, it's in most games at 417, which is awesome, right? As far as if you just play everything on curb. If you get this out on turn 3, I think it goes up to a 26, which is killer. And then, you know, you're able to play something on 5, get the Blue Marvel out there. And then maybe, you know, even Dr. Doom. But Doom, it's like, I think, what, 35 power? Which is crazy. Like, absolutely crazy. You're neither there. The math's wrong. Either way. So, to me, it's very predictable. And so, in the first week, it's not gonna be as, Whoa! But when you're going up against it, right? Like, whenever you go up against something like Cerebro, which we're gonna talk about, and you're, like, not ready for it. You're like, Oh, man. Like, I have nothing against this. I lose. Like, back in the Storm Cerebro day, the Storm and Cerebro days, I used to feel that. And I feel like that could be the case with Doom. Like, if you go up against this, you know what they're gonna do, but you're like, I can't compete with the power they're about to put out. But I think that happens later. So, I would say Yeah, like three and a half, I think, is what I came in at. I think that's probably where we're gonna stick at. I think it's not a novelty, but I think Patriot Ultron does a lot of the same in some better, in a lot of cases, too, depending on how you play first turns. And so, for me, it's like, definitely far from a necessity card, and more of a great archetype and a fun thing to do. And listen, again, that's why I play in Snap right now. Ton of fun. And so, fun factor, excitement factor, You know, I would agree with you, man. Five stars here, as far as playing it.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I'm actually kind of glad you said that, because the love for Snap, like the actual fun gameplay, is what keeps me going right now. Like that, despite like all the kind of, you know, the issues we've been facing, and like everything that, all the negativity that's surrounding the game right now in the larger community, So fun to play. It's just fun to play, and that's kind of what keeps me coming back to it, so that's partially why I'm so excited, because I want to give this a shot. And you are right you know, that first week is going to be a little rough. They did buff Enchantress, which remember was a nice, it's a great catch all for Doom 2099, because it'll nullify all of the Doom bots in a location, right? Whereas something like a Rogue would not have had that impact. Super Scroll would not have been the one you wanted. Just that blanket effect of Enchantress. It is very significant with this deck coming out, and actually reminded me of the fact that like, and I don't want to jump into the OTA stuff, but them buffing Enchantress gave me confidence that I think this card's good. I feel like they buffed the Enchantress because they're like, let's not nerf Doom 2099, let's buff the counter. Because I think Enchantress is a very natural counter for it, and if they thought that the deck wasn't strong enough, and Enchantress was a nice catch all as it was, they wouldn't have had to buff it. And I don't think it's circumstantial that Enchantress got buffed prior to 2099 coming out.
Cozy Snap:I love that we shouted out a couple snapshots ago, like, hey, you know, I think Enchantress can go back and, and surely enough, there she is. She's back. And I think Ongoing has needed that for a little bit, like something against them a bit more. We have so many tools against Silent Reveal, and so now having A little more firepower against that will be nice. Again, synergy pretty straight forward, but there's still plenty of it. By the way, Meek, Dawkin, dumpster fire of a spotlight. Don't really need to go into that too much. Don't do it. I mean, if you got tokens, buy them straight up. If you wanna, you know, go to Vegas and roll your chances, go for it. But it is nothing but strict disappointment. You know, pass go. Don't collect 200 straight to jail. Synergy. I mean, obviously, I think we, we can start with, with Blue Marvel. Clear, just like, 4 to 5 to 6. I think the line a lot of people are gonna look for is the Doom to Blue Marvel to Doctor Doom. That's gonna be the, you know, nice finisher combo for plenty. But there's a lot more there. I mean, we talked about playing the card early, so naturally, the Zabu, the Psylocke and whatnot, and all the new energy cheats that we have. But Alex, what about you man? What's some of the synergies you're looking at that are less obvious?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so one of them that I've been trying to figure out, right, because we have Penny Parker, and I'm trying to figure out, okay, like, what if we can do some Agony Ramp, or what if we can do some creative stuff? And I'm trying to think about, like, what those closing lines look like that can maybe catch opponents by surprise with this card. And obviously there's the like the Doom 2099 turn four, Wong turn five, Doom turn six, robots everywhere, right? That's the very clean, obvious line. It has to be said, you know, it's, it's not, it's actually still a good line, but that is the very obvious one. I've been trying to think about how I can utilize Onslaught because I was kind of thinking about this, this deck. And I was thinking, you know what? It actually feels like an alternate play style of Tribunal in some ways. If you think about how Tribunals play, Tribunals play with a very wide power gamut. Like, it's just you're going very wide across the board and they kind of know what's happening, you know what I mean? Like, when you're playing Tribunal, you know, if Tribunal comes down and you're like, bro, I did not see that coming, it's like you're not paying attention, you know what I mean? So like, I feel this deck plays very similarly, and so as a result, I've been trying to figure out, like, okay, how do I energy ramp into Doom 2099 on four, and then potentially can I sneak out an Onslaught early, and then play my Doctor Doom? If we don't use the Wong at all. So I'm still trying to figure out those lines with all the energy ramp. We have you, you got one, you got an answer.
Cozy Snap:Instead of tribunal, I didn't go that way. But I did it for me. I was like, same thing. I was like, how do I get on slot? How do I get where it feels? Okay. And this might be one of those cards. I don't hate playing now, hear me out, but playing alongside or playing on for, even if you electro, so the, the, the goal is right, is a spectrum style. That's the way I went in my head. And I'm like, okay. If I play electro. On turn three. We got the ongoing. He's a 3 3, not bad. You can then play the Doom, right, which is okay, whatever, play that down. You then have two turns to play one card at a time, and in my head, I'm like, okay, both those are sixes now that you can play down. And so, you are gonna be able to play the Onslaught, which is awesome, and then you can also play just the Spectrum. So, both are letting, you know, more come down to the field. And then you could also just Spectrum Blast all of them. And then there's some like synergies within there, like if you don't get those playlines, I think Omega Red is really cool here because you're able to spread so much wide power. Which is really interesting on the way that you kind of work it. And Spectrum in general to me just seems like a very safe place that isn't the one trick pony. That this card is kind of being, you know, corner pushed to beat, I think it's very interesting.
Alexander Coccia:It is very interesting because, like, that extra two power across the board on those Doom bots is not insignificant. Now, the actual text of the Doom 2099 bots themselves might make it so I think one bot will kind of prop Pop up at the end, right? After each turn. So, you do, you do miss one two power hit with the Spectrum, but, it's still, again, like how many games are won just on secondary lines? Like, I joke about the Phoenix Force deck all the time, where like, I win more games without Phoenix Force than I do with it in a Phoenix Force deck, because I'm able to use the Nimrod bylines, right? So I definitely do like the Shutout.
Cozy Snap:Even if you just Onslaught into Doom as well, so like, again, nothing, if it doesn't work out. And you're able to play Doom in that build, too? It's like, okay, then you could get the Onslaught down early, and then you also have the Doom to do his, his thing, and I'm telling you, with the Onslaught on top of those Doom bots, you now, the double effect on that, I mean, that's huge, that's a, that's a huge push up to the rest of your cards, that, that might even be the optimal playline over the Spectrum to finish.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, it's gonna occupy less space as well because Junk is still part of the meta, and I suspect that, like, a lot of people think about Enchantress as a primary counter here Junk's gonna destroy the first week too, because anything that occupies more space on the board will restrict the amount of space that the Doom 2099s have to work with, and so as a result, the Spectrum line Would potentially be more impactful with Onslaught than something like a Dr. Doom on Wong, which is going to require more space, obviously.
Cozy Snap:The other thing I like too, bro, is I love the idea of just playing Super Skrull and Dr. Doom decks. Like, just, if you're not going to buy this card, get Super Skrull, get Doom, and then you can just steal all their hard work, and then you throw down a Doom on your own, and you get a huge power buff. Like, to me, that's hilarious.
Alexander Coccia:That, okay, so Super, I hadn't thought of that. So you're saying just play Spoiler, play Super Skrull with Dr. Doom, and just laugh yourself to the
Cozy Snap:bank? Yeah, so like Like, you probably, you probably will still, I don't know, the power that you'll have to beat is going to be tougher, but I just think it's an amazing counter without getting the card. You just go Super Scroll in Doom and you get, you get to reap a lot of the benefit.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that's, I never really thought about Super Scroll. Could it actually be viable in these decks considering the mirror matches? It's, it's probably, it's happened before.
Cozy Snap:Like the Blue Marvel Steel, the, yeah, 100 percent Super Scroll was happening. And it's, I think it's interesting, like, I feel like. That, what would be your five though? Like, you'd want to play something that can go, you know, pretty over the top there. I mean, I guess at that point, you could just onslaught your own Super Skrull, like, so then you just take the double of what they have. I, to me, it's just the troll play, but I also think there's some synergy there.
Alexander Coccia:No, it's definitely possible. Now one thing that's worth mentioning, you kind of, we kind of brushed over quickly, we have to really pay, like we have to give the credit where it's due for Psylocke and Zabu being huge here, because I think the numbers on this thing coming out on turn three drastically change if you're able to Zabu, I think Psylocke's probably going to be the preferred. To be honest with you. More than likely because this is one of those four drops that if you draw it later on, it's not like a Crossbones or something. I mean, yeah, Crossbones is not even a good example, but it's not like a, if you hit, gets hit with Zabi and you draw into it, it feels worse. You kind of want to be able to play it on turn three or four. So I do think Solox to be preferred. Getting it out very early just makes everything flow so much easier and just lets the, the kind of the train start going there. And I also thought about Galacta too. But I'm not sure, because if you can get this out and then play Galacta, and then suddenly you're just using that value, that plus three from Galacta, while also creating additional Doom Bots, the Doom Bots ignore Galacta, but you're going to be playing one card per turn anyway, and those cards just naturally get plus three power that's not insignificant either, and it technically works on Curve if you're able to Zabu or Psylocke Doom 24 2099 out.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, another four in the deck. Just to kind of reap the benefit, and it's obviously really good getting on three as well. And then you can kind of have two cards that can pop off there. I like that. I do. Early turns is some of the stuff I looked at, because obviously late turns, we A, you're more pigeonholed. You can only do, you know, the one thing. Looking into it, obviously for me, I feel like Captain America, super cool potential there, because you have a bunch of ongoing spreading, he only gives the, he gives his massive power boost to ongoing cards, and you know, I think, when I, you know, I don't want to brush by all the Spectrum deck, because I think there's plenty of cool stuff you can do, even stuff like locking down with Goose and then it's tough for them to get in that location, then you're able to, you know, reap the benefits there. Obviously, we just talked about Wong. What do you think about, I think we talked about this on the week of revealing the cards. What do you think about Gilgamesh here, right? You got all these, all these plus power floating around. To me, I don't know if he kind of works the With the build you're going to try to do. Cause this is such a wide deck over a tall deck, but it's not, it's not bad.
Alexander Coccia:You know what though? Here's the thing though, Zoo decks, like this is kind of similar to what a zoo deck is and the major challenges Zoo decks had was that they never went vertical enough. They went horizontal enough, but never quite vertical enough to counter. Everything else that was happening and the nice thing about Gilgamesh is he wins a lane very confidently and generally speaking with Zudex You're gonna win one of the other two Whereas your opponent probably can't trade with Gilgamesh and they probably can't trade with both of your others and that's where Zoo works So effectively, it's just the the challenge here is like You kind of run out of turns, right? To want to play that Gilgamesh. It could be an additional line. Like you could, your top end could be Gilgamesh, Doom, and Onslaught. Like that, honestly, those three cards is your finishers. All three of them are good choices, like in their own respective ways. You know what I mean? So like that's entirely possible. The only challenge I kind of see is that you don't control at the end of the turn where that, that extra Doombot flies, and that could be potentially problematic. But, I mean, you kind of can by filling locations and stuff, but yeah, I, I don't mind it. I think that Gilgamesh is a good call, because everything's going to be boosted pretty much, right? Yeah. I, I, yeah, I actually like it. I don't, I don't think it's a bad call at all.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so for me, those are the main ones I thought about. I think Sandman, obviously, like, how do you, how do you not bring up Sandman, just because it's just another one that, if you don't get the Marvel you know, or the blue Marvel to buff up, it's like, okay, you might as well just disrupt them massively, because you could only do, you know, the one play anyway. And you're going to be looking to play Doom most of the time, so I think Sandman is going to obviously snuggle in here nice and cozy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's entirely possible as well, because you'll be able to have that, like if you're ramping him out as well, you'll have that extra energy that offsets the effect of the Sandman regardless. But one thing I will say as well, there's two other cards I think that are worth mentioning here. Magic, I think is worth mentioning, because the extension of the game, so if you don't happen to get your Psylocke or Zabu Ramp, you're holding the Doombot 2099 in your hand, you can Magic on turn 3, play the Doombot on turn 4, and have that extra turn to generate the value. So, it's kind of like backwards design. You didn't ramp it out early, but you'd have it a little later to get the kind of similar effect. And I guess the other thing worth mentioning is, I was trying to figure out lines of like, if Frigga could work, because Frigga got buffed. And I was thinking, okay, wait a minute, like, if you get, if you Psylocke the card out on turn three, then you Frigga on turn four, you play another Doom 2099 on turn five, and then you have two, like, and now two are being generated. No? Like, cause the original one would generate one, and then the second one would generate one. Yeah. And then you can do your Spectrum line or something cool. So I think there's, that's a potential line as well.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's a, it's a crack card on Cloning Vats. You know, there's a couple of cards that just do so well. Like this is, I mean, it's probably too much flooding at that point. Like you'd be, you'd be really maxing out pretty early, but I like it. I mean, that'd be a lot of power. It's a lot of power to be putting out there. So and anything with Frigga, man I'm down, but yeah, man. So it, I, again, simplicity at its finest, but sometimes. It's really nice. It's going to be fun just to go in, play simple games, have a good time with it, and kind of see where it goes from there. You can also play Patriot. You know, I think it's interesting that you could kind of flex this. I know that they're not going to work with Patriot itself, but a lot of the cards that you can play around it do, and so that's just kind of a nice either or thing you could go with. And then clearly, you know, obviously just getting Doom to get the power from the Doombots and the Patriot. You know, his Doombots are now on fire. Kind of cool. And it's a three play, so you don't really have to worry about, you You know, the curve issue and what to do there. So I got to give my shout out to that. Anything else on the card, bud?
Alexander Coccia:That's that's good for me, man. I just, I'm excited for it. I'm just excited for another general archetype to be entering snaps. I think that's what we need right now. Like, we need more general archetypes to have fun with.
Cozy Snap:Alrighty, Alex, with February comes honoring the new movie coming out, the new Captain America, and listen, Rivals kind of started the trend of seeing some characters, not that this is a reused character, but we have a Captain America, and now we have Sam Wilson's Captain America, and with it comes, essentially, equipment. Something that me and you have been talking about since, like, the very first Snapchat, and it is so cool to see them Bring it, I really hope other characters get it, I hope it's a way to bring in buffs to other characters, would be a lot of fun. Captain America here is going to be a 2 cost, 3 power card, and he is going to add Captain's shield to a random location. And ongoing, you're able to move the shield. Now Cap's shield has an ongoing that it cannot be destroyed. And you're gonna give Cap plus two power when this moves to Cap's location. Which is crazy, because you can move it. You know, that's ongoing. You can move that shield over and over. So this brings some moving stuff with Synergy, but also just a really cool plug and play. Card that works with Captain America.
Alexander Coccia:The thing that I thought about was that, like, I feel like this was, must've been a year and a half ago. We were talking about Captain America needing a buff. And I think it was you or I, well, obviously we're the big ones here, but one of us had said that it would have been cool if Captain America could throw his shield and it would like debuff or bounce around or something. Cause the mobility of the shield is super cool. Kind of reminds me of like the line in the movie where Spider Man's like, that shield does not obey the law of physics or whatever he says. Right. Yeah. And It doesn't at all. But I like the idea of the shield moving being a core component. I'm excited for it. I did see some people kind of down on the idea that they were reusing characters, right? No, I think it's cool. I'm okay with it. I'm fine with it. Like, there's so much there's so much complexity to the Marvel Universe, to the point where, like, sometimes I do this thing where, like you know, I, like, I'll open a premium mystery variant or something, and instead of we do, like, here we're a villain, Like on stream for gambling and stuff like that with like the, the points and stuff and some heroes, it's like, like, is Vegeta, for instance, not an example of Marvel, but is Vegeta a hero or a villain? It's so hard to answer that question. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:So many of those in Marvel too. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, yeah, exactly.
Cozy Snap:And like, this is such a different cap. So like, if they were going to do like Captain America, you know, the world war, whatever edition, like that to me is a lot different than, you know, a different take on the character. This is going to be cool, man. I'm excited for this. And with it, you know, of course, Sam has to have his trusty red wing as well, and so that card's also coming a 1 2, so we got a 1 cost, 2 power card on reveal. Return one of your other 1 cost cards here to your hand to give it plus 2 power. So let's kind of talk about all this together. Capshield is obviously 1 cost. You're able to kind of boost up that, that shield if you, you take it back to your hand, and then you can continue to move it around. It's just a cool, in general, synergy stuff going on, and you get the free token card as well. So, man, I think this is a tremendous card. Not Red Wing, but Sam Wilson.
Alexander Coccia:I think it's great. I think it's really cool. I think that they tried to, like, kind of push themselves design wise here. I appreciate that. The only thing I had this thought of, like, well, last time they did that Kitty Pryde almost broke the game, so hopefully they don't break it with the shield or anything like that, or Red Wing, but ultimately, I came away impressed. I I I I like the design space they're utilizing here.
Cozy Snap:And I like that it can't be destroyed, right? Like, I mean, it's Cap's shield. You know, it can't can't can't be destroyed, I guess, unless you play Enchantress on it. So with that, we got plenty of other ones, and there's some kind of, there's some kind of crazy ones. I want to go to one that'll be a conversation starter, and that is Ross, Thunderbolt, Ross, sorry. And he's a 2 2. When your opponent ends a turn with unspent energy, draw a card with 10 or more power. What a wild, wild concept and card, and I think it's just, it's perfect, man. I, I saw that, and sometimes I read text like there's one coming up where I'm like, okay. But this is crazy.
Alexander Coccia:I think that this card is a I think it's coming out because I'm still convinced that Bruce Banner is probably going to be better than most people are. I think that generally speaking, everyone thinks Bruce Banner is going to suck.
Cozy Snap:I don't know. I'm like,
Alexander Coccia:I think it's going to be good. I just think it's going to be fine. And this is obviously an answer to the potential re emergence of High Evo. So I'm in for it. I like it.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, we've seen this where, and I'm not a big fan of this, where they release something and then they have like the calendar ish to it, like, the next thing out, it's like, okay, but this is kind of the answer to that if, if that just continues to reign supreme, but we've got a lot of cards that want the energy skip now, and so, And this would be a great way and perfect flavor build on the Hulks. I love it. Very good. And so yeah, definitely, you know, these could change, but we'll, we'll see. But you could definitely build Dex design just to, to really take advantage of this. You know, like, really, Crafted with just one card that you're looking for, and anything to guarantee a draw, but also a way to guarantee you to have a play, is clearly significant, man. I think that's obviously one of the bigger things.
Alexander Coccia:It is, and I was starting to think of like, when I saw this, I was like, okay, do you do stuff like, does this go in a, like a bounce deck with a big finisher with like a red hulk, where like you try to bounce like ice men and stuff like that to try to prevent them from playing cards? I don't know, I thought it was kind of an interesting approach like with, with like the idea of like, how do you force them to skip and throw energy, in a way, and because not everyone's going to Evo, but if they are, obviously they're going to get punished. This is just an extension of that High Evo sorry, not High Evo, the Red Hulk style deck, or the Red Hulk style synergy.
Cozy Snap:Dude, one thing, not to derail us for a second, but February 2025, To see 2025 as a year is crazy, like I feel like 2000 was 25 years ago everybody listening right now. Oh my god, we're old. This is wild. That's so insane to see that you know, 24, it's okay, I accepted it, 2025, man. We're the future now. That's like what half the future shows were written into, I feel like.
Alexander Coccia:I know, eh? Do you guys remember Y2K? Where everyone's like, Back up your hard drives, it's all going down! People were like, zombie prepping and stuff like that. Just because of Y2K.
Cozy Snap:We should bring it back. Wasn't there like a random year? Like 2011 or something, that there was supposed to be a Doomsday 2, like, out of nowhere, it was like 2011, 2012. Oh my
Alexander Coccia:gosh. Oh, I vaguely remember that. No, that was earlier. It had
Cozy Snap:small circles of, of, like, rumored, in days, and it cracked me up. They made a movie on it, it was an awful movie, but they made a movie.
Alexander Coccia:Oh my gosh, it's on the tip of my tongue. They called it something. I think
Cozy Snap:it's
Alexander Coccia:2012. Not the vanishing. What was it called? There was like a word that everyone used. It was supposed to be kind of like a big thing that was going to happen. People were just supposed to disappear, right? No, that's a movie, isn't it?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it is. Okay, so I'm going to test Alex's beautiful Spanish skills. Alex, how about you introduce the next card here?
Alexander Coccia:Joya Quinn, Torres. I did that on purpose. Would it be Joaquin Torres?
Cozy Snap:Man, I was really hoping that Joaquin is what you stuck with. But I did that last time
Alexander Coccia:with Arania, so.
Cozy Snap:Oh, fair enough. So this is going to be a 3 3, guys. And ongoing, the on reveal abilities of your 1 cost cards here happen twice. So Obviously, strict synergy with A, Red Wing, and B. A lot of cards, man. That's a really, pretty good ability. I see this working with A, Bounce to continue to manipulate that, but also just like having a new, fresh style. I like that Falcon is a, you know, the two cost that takes them back, and this just re triggers them. Thoughts on the card?
Alexander Coccia:I think it's kind of interesting. I like it, you're right, it's like, it's adding to an archetype that I think has a lot of tools already. And now that archetype is going to be combative as to like what 12 cards ultimately end up in the deck, so I do appreciate that. I do have to say though, I have no idea who this is. Like, sometimes there's cards that come out, and I'm like, I have never heard, and I feel like, should I know who this is? Like, how is this?
Cozy Snap:No, I don't. I should, but I don't. I don't often get stumped. I don't know this one. I don't. Someone there is gonna
Alexander Coccia:You know what I've been reading, by the way? Reading up Squirrel Girl stuff. Rivals and stuff like that. Like I've been legit trying to read up on squirrel girls, like Laurence, though, that she's so badass, man. She's so funny. It's so funny.
Cozy Snap:Her, her voice actor in game two, it just nailed it, man. Like just like the, the comments that she makes to other characters, it just cracks me up. So obviously we could go through all the ones here. We're going to save you for when the cards come out, but there's multiple. I mean, think about bouncing by your ice bands, whatever. Now you could just completely abuse with this guy and it's an ongoing card. So you could just do this again. I mean, not like you'd play the line, but you could do Mr. Torres with a Mystique into, you know, whatever on four, which would be exactly four costs. And then you could play, what would that be? A 4x Iceman? It seems kind of crazy to me.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and then you play Thaddeus and then start drawing cards. You play your crossbows?
Cozy Snap:But yes and Hood, Hood and like Four Demons is also also kinda, kinda on the wild side. What else is on the wild side is our next card in, it looks like a half WWE star, half magician, half street performer, who's, of course, he's just completely yoked beyond all reason. He's got to work on the forearms a little bit. This guy right here, He is a 1 2, and he is going to, when a card moves, you're going to follow it and gain plus 2 power. Now for a 1 cost card, that is crazy. It's once per turn, but it's like a little addition to Scream here. And giving, obviously, that deck another tool. This, you know what this card does? It puts Kingpin behind the shed and it completely, you know, he was already, he was begging for life. This ends Kingpin.
Alexander Coccia:It's just way more power. It's just like, it is a lot of power. I like it a lot. And like, and this is, we've seen it so many times before, very high scaling one drops. This is the one I think though, it doesn't make it as a one two. I bet you this comes out as a one one minimum.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it seems a little too good to be true. You know, there's always one that you look back on and you're like, ah, I don't know if this will make it. But yeah, it definitely, obviously Synergy With plenty of cards, and what's cool too about it is, you know, again, it's a 1 2, but with it, when a card moves, so it's yours or the opponent's. So there's a lot of ways to work this in a move decks too, which is crazy. The guy's gonna have a lot of synergy, and I think he's a huge, huge addition to those styles of decks. No question, like, as a one drop most, you know, in particular, that's what makes them so interesting to me. But we've got Diamondback up next, a 3 3, and Diamondback ongoing, Enemy cards here afflicted with negative power have an additional negative two power. Perfect curve into the man thing decks. Perfect curve into, you know, the, those affliction, the steel decks. All of those to really amplify it. Interesting. Interesting. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:I think it's a really cool hazmat card. Like, honestly, if you think about it you could junk their the opponent's side of the, the location, play Diamondback, and then just destroy that location with something like a Hazmat. I think it's interesting. Our Wyze, again, this seems like it's reaching high. Like, I, I wonder about this, because, like, that's a lot of stat drop for a 3 3. Like, is, is 3 the new And power card. And like, what are we doing?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I know. It's like just Cyclops, just Cassandra, Nova, just rocketing group coming out. Like there's so many affliction cards at this point. And then yeah, hazmat alone makes this card completely crazy. You know, getting up to what? Yeah. 11 power. Okay.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. When you account for hazmat doing negative one as well, like it's negative three across the board for each card. Like what are we doing right now?
Cozy Snap:What do we do with diving back? I guess they, they feel like it's going to be less consistent than we think, but I don't know, man, it looks crazy. We end on. A card that we don't, I think we don't know how it's coming, but I, oof, I don't know, man. Cobra. You know what, you know what Cobra does, Alex? No. It's not exciting. You can only play this at a location where your opponent has exactly one card.
Alexander Coccia:I actually have never seen this card. I don't know where it came from. Look at this guy, man. This is one of the ones that snuck in as, like, one of the free releases. I saw every one except this one. I 6,
Cozy Snap:bro. Okay, 3 6, so, like, we just mentioned a card that could be, like, a 3 11 and change. You This is a 3 6 that you can only play at a location where your opponent has one card. So he's got the restriction, and you get one power point. What do you think about Cobra?
Alexander Coccia:It doesn't sound great. Doesn't sound terrible. There's likely an opportunity for you to play this. It's usually a spot with only one card. You could even force it, maybe. You could maybe force it. I would never put this in
Cozy Snap:my deck. This, to me, wait for it. Sounds like a free card right here. This is definitely coming into game mode. They're gonna give this one to everybody. No question.
Alexander Coccia:This is, this is the high voltage series four card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. The accent
Alexander Coccia:sounds absolute poo.
Cozy Snap:Oh, absolutely. Series dropped in like one drop. Yeah. Cobra, unfortunately is what we'll end on here to take the wind out of your sails a little bit. Cause he is not great, man. I don't know. Three, six,
Alexander Coccia:even wearing, look at him. He looks like a complete moron.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. He looks like he's wearing a Halloween costume, but he got it from Like, he went the cheap route, you know? He went with a d a little bit of DIY, with a little bit of you know, quick party city. It's pretty bad. Alright, buddy, let's go ahead and recap and finish off with the OTA, our supersized OTA that we had, and I, I like the listen, I like the, the supersized ones brings a lot of change. Before we jump into the cards themselves did you think it was a very impactful one? What, what was your overall thoughts on the OTA?
Alexander Coccia:I thought it, I thought it was impactful. They went after a lot of stuff. I think the one I kind of wanna start with just, we gotta talk about cerebral too. But Ereshim I think that them nerfing Ereshim the way they did was kind of interesting, because I feel like Ereshim, like I had these like mixed thoughts about it, obviously I'm like everyone else, I get annoyed with Ereshim every once in a while, like it kind of gets, it grinds on you a little bit. It was representing about 14 percent of the meta at the time of the nerf, that doesn't sound like a problematic number to me. Like, it was, it was prevalent, but it wasn't like, mind, just like, mind numbing, like, you know what I mean? The only problem was that, in an era where it's harder to get cards, we've talked about that at length, Erishim kind of felt like a bastion for, for new players, or for players that didn't, weren't collection complete, where, you know, you could build a decent Erishim deck with pretty much all tech cards, and like, actually be relatively competitive for the most part. And they, so they, they nerfed the original Loki, which was also an incredibly high value, like, new player card type thing. You get rid of the Erishim, which obviously, they, they changed Loki because of the Erishim, right, impact. And then now it's like, well, what are they supposed to play? You know what I mean? It's like, so that kind of came to my mind a little bit, but Yeah, I thought the the changes were impactful, and I think they, they nerfed and they buffed the appropriate cards. I just wonder if they went a little too hard on Ereshim. It changed too much. Like, if, if people are spending 6k tokens on cards, or keys on cards, and, I don't think that their identities should shift as much as Ereshim has.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and also, like, I wish they would've leaned more into the random play, and just, like, kept the energy, randomized the whole deck, man. Like, that, to me, is cool, it's fun, it's like, if people are playing it for fun, they get to do that. It's less competitive, definitely, but it's definitely more fun. Or, again, we've talked about, you know, increase that limit. But yeah, it definitely slows down the engine of Aresha massively. That was definitely a lot of the comments on the OTA video I did. And then Cerebro, probably the other massive change, right? We got a two cost Cerebro now. Definitely a big difference, man, being able to play this guy a little bit cheaper. Now, as an archetype in itself, there's so many hurdles. That you have to painstakingly go through playing Cerebro, but they became a little less painful with the two costs now,
Alexander Coccia:honestly. It's that additional energy discount is huge. Like you would invest in even like a Ravonna, but C2 hasn't been a thing in a while. It's been like, do you know when Cerebro was at its best when miss Marvel? was a 4 5. That was like, C5 was a legitimate deck, could legitimately win games, and then they kept, they kept shifting things around. Shadow King moved back and forth and screwed up Cerebro. Luke Cage was moving back and forth and screwing up Cerebro. Like, there's certain cards you kind of really need in Cerebro, and so like, Yeah. Like it's, it's, it's never gonna be a meta dominator. And if it is, it's like one minor change away from not. So like, I feel like this is the kind of card you can take a risk on. Like, I don't think anyone's out here crying about cerebral taking over the meta
Cozy Snap:a hundred percent. And like, I feel like you know, yeah. When you take away like key cornerstones, like storm, like man, that ruined Yeah. Cerebral too. It, it hurts. So. But definitely, like, what was, it was probably my favorite buff of the whole patch. Now we have little buffs. We talked about Enchantress getting a power point. We talked about we did not, but Frigga, we actually mentioned, can she be a 3 4? Last Snapchat, and here we are, here we are, a 3 4 as well. And in turn, a once huge infamous Beta Ray Bill lover, Alex Coccia. What do you think about the Hammer buff?
Alexander Coccia:Why do you mind it at all? I kind of liked what they did, because they could have given more power to Beta Ray, but instead giving it to the Hammer, what I think it does is Okay, so we have the new changes to Lockjaw, which I still think, I'm going to say it again, I think Lockjaw needs to be reconsidered as a card. I'm going to go back to the well on the suggestion I made prior, please second dinner steal this idea. Lockjaw should be a 3 power whatever, and every time he rotates something out he gets negative 1. Because in the lore, he gets tired when he teleports people. So every single time he swaps something, give him a negative one. And that kind of is like the way you can kind of mitigate that. I'd like to change though, because this also makes it, you can play it into the lock jaw, get the value, King E Tree, whatever, or you can still do the Odin lines, right? I like it. I think this is a cool change.
Cozy Snap:We talked about that with Electro too, being like a cheaper car, but with a negative. I like that. I like the stuff that can cheat, but it comes with this negative effect. It's really cool. Like I get, you can only play one car with Electro, but. Like the negative power would cheat Balances it out a lot more and it kind of is risk for the reward. I like that But yeah, I'm not playing a ton more King Yitri over here. Did you ever get him or is he gone?
Alexander Coccia:I did get him It was so funny because there was like corners of the internet that were like because they of course right we're on the we're on The snapchat we're just We're just talking, and I joke about not getting King Eitri. That turns into Alex is actually incapable of getting King Eitri. Like, I don't have the skill in a mode that's free to play that really, even if you lose, like, you just have to win 1 percent of your games to actually unlock it. And so, like, yeah, I did get King Eitri just for the sake of it, because you kind of roasted me enough. I was like, okay, I'll get it. I got it. Haven't really played it, I'll be honest with you. But when this got buffed, I actually threw it in a deck and started playing a little bit. And he sucks.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, there's no surprise there. I, I, I, at least you have them all now. You have all the cards now. I got them all. Gotta catch them
Alexander Coccia:all, buddy.
Cozy Snap:All right. So tie for Mary now does negative two to all the cards in her ongoing lane. Obviously that's a, a pretty big man. That's a pretty big impact on that card. Like Yeah. Yeah. You know, weighing against some of the other 10s that you were playing with, kind of nasty.
Alexander Coccia:It is. It is. It is nasty, man. But like, you know what? Like, this whole deck, I feel like needed, like, something. It needed something. And finally, it got a little bit of something, right? And so, like I don't, I'm, again, we've said it a million times. We need more archetypes in Marvel Snap. We need more cards and more just overall variety, and at least this does that, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure, man. And it looks like they buffed a lot of those, like Shuri, Lockjaw, all these kind of, like, Cards that enable us to play. And then we also had Elsa the free card that everyone will get for the holiday this month and get a above as well because, well, a galata did what she did well. Do you feel like Elsa now can stand a little bit higher with Galata? It's still just not even close.
Alexander Coccia:I wouldn't play Elsa. No. Yeah, I know. Would you
Cozy Snap:No, I would not. Most likely. Well, dude, that's the OTA, so I, again, it was like a bigger one, but a lot of small PowerPoints and then. Obviously Cerebro, and then them taking care of Aresha before the holidays. Kind of hopeful that we would have gotten the Thanos stuff. They teased it like, now almost like a month plus ago, and I want to see what they have in store. Or whatever that might be with the stones, I think is what they teased on. But we'll have to see.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we are going to be talking about Penny Parker today. It has been a fun week in experimentation with Penny Parker. Sir, how did this card land for you?
Cozy Snap:You know, didn't we say that it was just going to be a lot of fun to like, figure this card out? And I feel like that's exactly what it was. Like, it was just like, different. It was something different and I respected that about her a ton. And so I had a good time, man, in my matches while playing with her. And in general, just. I, again, I felt like I had a solid experience, but how about you?
Alexander Coccia:She was a really good release. I feel like she's very well balanced. I feel like she does her thing. Well I like the mobility of spider. I think the energy ramp is not insignificant, but I felt like the energy side of it was probably, it wasn't as consistent as like, what an Electro deck would feel like, or a Wiccan deck would feel like, right? It was very different, it was like, hey, can I use this extra energy? Cool. You know what I mean? That's kind of what it felt like more. I liked her, and I felt like she was a very fair release. They could have easily, if they wanted to just like, Sell keys or that's what they don't sell. Actually, they do sell keys. What am I talking about? If they really want to get keys getting milled, this could have been a two, four. You know what I mean? They could have gone that route, like the premium stat line, the agent Venom stat line. So I think this was a very fair release. I think it's a good card. That's like. What's the, it's like, it's not like, it's, you're not going to like celebrate it. It's not going to break the meta. It's not going to, this is going to be a run the mill good card that probably gets cut from a 12 card deck.
Cozy Snap:I think, you know, to me, I think I compared it to Kate Bishop a couple, a couple of weeks ago, maybe last week even, and it's not at Kate level, but I do feel like there's like a interesting thing about her that's going to work as Kate works in these, like a lot of different decks. Like I think she does. Have a lot of plug and play potential in the future that I'm gonna be interested to see. Did you always play the spider on The following Terran, or would you how often did you save it?
Alexander Coccia:It's funny, I actually was not playing the Spider as much as I would think I was going to. Which is kind of funny the way that works sometimes. But what I will say is that the card that really stood out to me with Penny Parker, honestly, was Agony. Now, this, this isn't cope. I'm not coping here, hear me out. Agony was good. Because, like, it's so funny how, like, sometimes you just needed another couple lines for a card to make sense, and Agony was exactly that, any Agony into Penny. Suddenly makes sense, but the other side to that was that like I was playing Captain Marvel in these decks who like honestly Captain Marvel with Galacta is just Talk about a renaissance for my favorite card in Marvel Snap And like the other thing is is you could if you don't play the Penny Parker You don't draw in a Penny Parker. You have Agony sitting there And you could just play your Captain Marvel into Agony. And now Agony's additional power, that's floating around at the end of the game to help you win the game. That's not insignificant. Agony was a huge winner with the release of Penny Parker. And when you have Penny in the deck, and Captain Marvel, and Galacta, and all of a sudden all these pieces It all comes together for a nice, well functioning deck, and it doesn't surprise me that the top performing decks featuring Penny Parker do have those exact cards in them, right? Because they just naturally kind of work together. Now, Agony doesn't ultimately make those top 10 decks, but I am a believer in Agony with Penny Parker. I actually thought it was great.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I remember we were talking about her towards the end, and we were both like, man, I just like the idea of being able to get that energy fast, quick, snowball. I think she's gonna do good down the line, bro. Any card that has a multi purpose to it, so in this case getting extra energy, and then also giving the ability to move and merge, is gonna be useful in future move decks, and just future decks of cards that want to be moved. It's a very cool ability and different in the way that they designed it in the curve. I feel like they did, they nailed it as far as the cost and power ratio. Now could, you know, maybe could Spider get another power, like you said, 2 4 on her, 3 4 maybe on the Spider, like, I don't know, maybe, maybe those are where they would adjust first, probably. Probably. But it's another way to ramp, and it's an interesting way to do so, where you don't have to go all in on the build, which I like a lot. Especially in these kind of Wicked decks, too, where you don't have to get Wicked to play. I thought that was obviously very good with her. So yeah, man, overall, love love the
Alexander Coccia:card. I did, and something else I want to mention about Penny Porter, I had this thought, too, Cozy? Tell me if I'm crazy. But like, I was looking at like the launch lineup of these cards that are coming out, right? And this, this card in particular, this month in particular. And I wonder, maybe this is, this is hopium. But I wonder if they are trying to position some of these new releases as cards that are much more favourable towards a draft mode. Because Penny Parker is a good example of a card that would work really well in a draft mode. And I was thinking about this because I'm like, okay, hold on. Because if you think about, like, what, like, the, the season with, like, the, not the Dark Avengers, the Thanos season, the children of Thanos season was. Those are, like, all heavy discard cards, like, very niched cards. Whereas, like, the ones we're getting this month, like Luna Snow, Penny Parker, they feel like they're much more open. Even gore, to some extent, is a natural just, I can play this as a six drop. You know what I mean? And so I wonder if they're starting to, like, position the opportunity to actually have these draftable cards that make more sense. Because I think Penny Parker would shine in that kind of situation.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, when you look ahead at January, February, it's kind of more, less it's more directed to one kind of archetype, right? We got, like, the Shield stuff and then that, but also, Yeah, you're not wrong saying we should be expecting draft mode in Q1. I think, I mean, my expectations are all They're gonna
Alexander Coccia:hate that you said that.
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah. Expectations are low. So low there, dude.
Alexander Coccia:But just me talk about putting like a, like a, we're, we should be expecting a whole new mode. And quarter one, they're like, oh my, what are we gonna do? We gotta put it out. Two minimum cozy, what are you doing to us?
Cozy Snap:Well, good man. In January is when we expect it. January is when it's coming if you're listening. No but yeah, I, I think this whole month of cards feel like a bunch of winners, but I want to, again, I know that they're going to be trying to go back to the drawing board with card acquisition and in general, they mentioned like, well, this relieves it a little bit, like, you know, we, we're going to relook at it. Like, what a, what a good month to, like, kick it off with, if they were to do, whenever they come up with said concept. Because all these cards are nice ones to get if they weren't all, you know, so expensive. 100%. You
Alexander Coccia:know, that's kind of what I said about Penny Parker, it's like, okay, like, how do you value Penny Parker when it's like, it's just a good all around car. Very fair. Very fair does not, it doesn't make it worth your key, especially when the spotlight cash is as bad as they are. They're
Cozy Snap:horrid. And
Alexander Coccia:that's the unfortunate thing, and it's like, what do you run the risk of, getting Penny Parker, investing in it, then it getting nerfed, or ruining the meta? Like, every car should feel fair and balanced. Every car should feel good, but not detrimental to the meta. Penny Parker is a perfect example of that. Right? And so, I mean, yeah, I totally feel what you're saying there, and regardless, closing thoughts on Penny Parker Cozy you know, do you think we've more or less landed on our star ratings? We're kind of in the middle grounds there, you know, I, I think she, I think we more or less nailed it.
Cozy Snap:I think, yeah, I mean, I want to see, again, you know, I don't even need to see how she ages, I just think she's gonna be pretty solid. Like, I would probably, I would, would you rather this car than Doom next week?
Alexander Coccia:No, I'd rather have Doom. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:this
Alexander Coccia:week. Because, listen, I think I think it's entirely possible that Penny Parker long term ends up in more decks. But I think there's going to be a Doom 2099 deck that does not function without that card. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, they're actually very different cards for sure. What about Luna?
Alexander Coccia:I could pass on Luna. I came away unimpressed with Luna Snow, ultimately. And I kept testing, because I kept playing Silver Surfer and stuff. Luna, for me, even after more testing, I've kind of backed away from. I think it's probably one of the weaker, I mean, we called it, we actually said it was probably the weakest of the month, I think it's gonna land that way.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, be interesting to see how it all resolves. And yeah, so, this coming week, we got Doom, gonna be excited to recap that next week, and I don't think it's gonna be a card that sucks, Alex.
Alexander Coccia:It shouldn't be a card that sucks, because there's a lot of cards that still suck cozy. Penny Parker had a 52 percent win rate, by the way, but, you know what cards do not have a 52 percent win rate? Hit me. Everything we're gonna talk about now, what absolute pieces of refuse. When they talk about, okay, we got like OTAs, they're like buffing 11 cards, and like, The titles on YouTube are like the biggest OTA ever, you know what I mean? And I'm like, man, they could have buffed like 45 more cards. There is so many trash tier garbage ass cards that like, quite frankly, I look at and I'm like, how has this card not gotten a buff in like, since release? How can we start with Mr. Fantastic for a second? Cause like, this is the one that inspired this whole thing. It's going to be on the thumbnail. What is like Mr. You can't even find him. You don't even remember what he looks like. What was the last time you played Mr. Fantastic?
Cozy Snap:2022? Guys, his rage is real. Like, I saw, when we got the subjects this week, I saw he asked if we could do these cards suck again. And I'm like, man, Alex, you like the subject. And he's like, I got some bones to pick. I got some, I got some cards I need to highlight over here. And I was like, so be it, man. And I knew that this guy, Mr. Fanta, was going to lead the list. I think they're just like, Well, we could buff him now, but, you know, the, the Fantastic Four movie comes out in July, so I guess we'll wait till then, and, my God, if we have to wait till July, poor Mr. Fantastic.
Alexander Coccia:First of all, this variant is awful. Awful. Like, this is one of the worst variants in the game. It's so
Cozy Snap:bad. Hey, I'll do this one.
Alexander Coccia:But what I will say, though, is that, like, if their wait, they did this with, like, Nick Fury, they've done this a bunch of times where they, like, hold the buffs back somehow the pixel's better. They hold the buff backs for the movie, and like, I feel it, okay, I get it, but at the same time, man, like, give Mr. Fantastic something. Give him s It You tell me, Mr. Fantastic. Frigga is a 3 4! Frigga's a 3 4 now. You tell me Mr. Fantastic can't be a 3 3. What kind of absolute shenanigans is this? This card is being done so unbelievably dirty. It is It's mind boggling. Like, I I can't believe it. I still cannot believe this card has not gotten buffed, you know what I mean? I just I can't. I, I even tried. There was a point in time where I tried to play Mr. Fantastic, Miss Marvel, Onslaught, like I was trying that cope, and like, even then he still sucked. So like, what are we doing here, man? Like, there's gotta be something for Mr. Fantastic down the pipeline. Maybe
Cozy Snap:like Moonstone, the card that has all the ongoing effects, but I don't even think I would want, I mean, like, it's not saying that's not bad, but there's just so many other ongoing effects that I would want at the three, like, so, Like, three's your last turn before you play Moonstone, which is gonna be a great card, I think, which also got buffed somehow.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, wanna hear something? Wanna hear the hottest take ever? Guaranteed, if Mr. Fantastic was a new card being released right now, it's a 3 5.
Cozy Snap:Oh, definitely. No question. If it was a new card, yeah, and him just being Mr. Fantastic. Like, if they were to come out with this version of the card, man, you know how much hate that would get? Unbelievable. Oh
Alexander Coccia:my gosh, can you imagine? That's 100 percent of 3, 5 card today. In Spotlight Caches.
Cozy Snap:What cost do you feel like has the most cards that suck?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, I mean probably, I don't know man. I'm looking at my list here. Maybe, maybe, maybe 3. I got a whole bunch, no none of the, Okay, I don't think I have a single 6 drop. I have one 5 drop on my list. It's all, it's all inexpensive cards.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think ones, I It's not that they suck, but there's so many like that you would just prefer over other ones at this point. Three is kind of the same thing. There's just so many lackluster threes in here. I mean, they've done a pretty good job keeping some of these up. But what's next on your list?
Alexander Coccia:Alright, okay, you want to talk about threes? Okay, there's Rhino and there's Groot. Those are the two threes I want to talk about. Yeah, I'd
Cozy Snap:Rhino on two. So,
Alexander Coccia:yeah, Rhino doesn't make sense, and I think that if you're going to do something with Cerebro, do something with Rhino. I think that, like, if you, okay, if you want to test the water, see what the two energy costs that Cerebro does, like, do that. Like, figure it out. Right? That's cool. But Rhino could legitimately be a major component of a 3 bro deck. And it's 3 3 style lines dog water. Give me a 2
Cozy Snap:3 and I'm still not going to be teching this card in my deck. A 2 3.
Alexander Coccia:For sure not. It still sucks a 2 3. Like, it's mind blowing what it is. It's so unbelievably bad. What about a 1
Cozy Snap:3? What about a 1 3?
Alexander Coccia:Now we're cooking.
Cozy Snap:I think it'd be worth a 1 3.
Alexander Coccia:I'm a known location heater. I would play this as a one three and a WA two deck. I think it makes sense. Like just
Cozy Snap:have a card. You waste a whole slot in your deck to just screw one location over at any time.
Alexander Coccia:I still think that he could be a junk card. I know I've said this before, but destroy a location and put a rock on the other side. Boom. Huge buff.
Cozy Snap:I know I, there's some changes, man. I agree that it's just like, why are, why are they doing it like Rhino? I. Like, confidently, I've not, like, tried to play Rhino, probably ever,
Alexander Coccia:ever. Dude, I've played him before. I've coped a little bit.
Cozy Snap:Like, I've had him in my, like, in a random generated card or something, but I've not been like, Aw, dude, I'm gonna, I'm gonna put Rhino in this build. I'm gonna do, I'm gonna, I'm gonna play some Rhino. This is a
Alexander Coccia:Rhino deck, is what went through your mind.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, no. Definitely not.
Alexander Coccia:You want to hear a couple other hot takes? Okay, you want to hear my expensive cards? I actually don't, I didn't bring up any six drops on my list here, but I have a five drop that doesn't seem to be making any progress. And that's Spider Woman. And I don't think that this card is bad, but like when I see Ajax decks actually being legit and Spider Woman, not making those decks and having so many other options where Spider Woman just doesn't make sense. It kind of gives me pause. Now we do have that card coming out Diamondback, right? Do you think Diamondback completely changes Spider Woman or what? Yeah, I think so.
Cozy Snap:Because you have Diamondback who's ongoing, just sitting there, and then you can play Spider Woman who you want to play late anyway, for just this massive hit, you're already having potentially a 512, that goes up now potentially by potentially could do a 520.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. So you're saying that her time's coming, her time's coming, Spider Woman.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I thought about it. I almost put it on my list and then I saw Diamondback and I was like, I, But do you even play, I think so, I think you would play in those lists, but like, there's so many other stealing and affliction cards, but she is a nice 5 to play that would curve into that, but yeah, she just, she kind of feels awkward.
Alexander Coccia:I played Spider Woman in my tournament deck, where I was doing the the double up Abomination deck, with Moon, Moon Moon Girl, Spider Woman, He Hulk, Abomination, with High Evo. She was in my Spider Woman tournament deck, and it performed super well, and I was the only one playing Spider Woman. So I can see it like being a legit card, eventually, but right now it just feels like it's being outclassed by everything else. Like, think about Gilgamesh, man. Like, Gilgamesh is, like, so unbelievably better, like, she's left in the dust.
Cozy Snap:So, I want to bring up a conversation point. Did you see where Glenn said that they, like, looked into changing Kang, and then they ultimately decided No, or they didn't, you know, have a, something they liked around it, which to me, he's coming up in a spotlight. Interesting, right? Cause it's like, okay, then you're either certified giving a garbage, garbage card to in a spotlight, which I mean, come on, let's look at the other spotlights recently. And they've accepted, I think, that Kang is how he's gonna be.
Alexander Coccia:He sucks. Card's poo. He sucks. And you know what? It's unfortunate because like, I think the effect's cool, and his first Spotlight Variant, he was the first Spotlight Variant card. Was it him and Knull were the first Spotlight Variant ever? Oh, that's right. I think so, right? I think so. And that Spotlight Variant's absolute fire. I don't know if you have it, but it is gorgeous. Like, that, that was like, that sold Spotlight. Yes, look at this. What a Spotlight Variant, man. It's so good. But you know what's not good, Kang? And I mean, listen, you're talking to the Kang believer. Like I ha I'm a known Kang believer. I'm not gonna go to the well and talk about the tournament. But what I'm gonna tell you is that like, does he have a place in the game right now? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And should Kang the Conqueror have a place in the game? Probably at some point. Especially if you're putting him back in It isn't gonna be a thing where you put him back in the spotlights and someone's gonna figure out the broken Kang deck. No, the broken Kang deck is you don't play him.
Cozy Snap:Your deck's broken, yeah. No, it's, it's, it's broke. It does not work. I, I was cracking up at the thought of you bringing up the tournament again. I was like, here it goes.
Alexander Coccia:If I did, I knew you were going to roast me. I knew you were going to roast me so hard.
Cozy Snap:That and Tim Hortons.
Alexander Coccia:It's like the old man talking about the good old days non stop. He just can't let it go. The
Cozy Snap:Pittsburgh Steelers, yeah. Well, actually they're doing okay now, but you know, the Super Bowl winning Pittsburgh Steelers. Alright buddy, what what else? Any other sucky cards?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, let's talk about a couple two drops here, okay? There's two two drops that really stand out. Now obviously, first of all, I'm gonna leave them for another discussion. I'm gonna leave out Star Lord, because hint hint, we gotta talk about the Guardians. Okay. But, let's talk about the Guardians now actually, let's just do it. Star Lord, Mantis, Drax, Groot, they are just all garbage. All garbage. And they've already had one pass where they like, minimize the downside a little bit, but they also minimize the upside. Remember like, this was like a year ago, they did a Guardians pass where they kind of made all the floors a little higher? These cards don't get play. Mantis is literally my favorite hero in Marvel Rivals. Arguably the best hero in that game. And we had this conversation where Marvel rivals were like, Hey guys, we like Marvel Snap. What are the cards that Marvel Snap's dev team hates? Let's give it extra love. Let's make Adam Warlock sick in this game. Let's make Mantis legit one of the best heroes that you could possibly play. And like, in this game, Mantis is without question, One of the worst cards you can put in your deck. It is so bad. I would venture to guess that there are people listening to this podcast right now that have no idea what Mantis does. Despite the fact you've been playing this game for years because you don't see the card. You don't even look at the card. You don't even consider the card. It is such a piece of horse manure. It is so absent from your thought process this card is that bad. What a piece of garbage.
Cozy Snap:This is very therapeutic for you. I think it's good. I think this is definitely get it get it out there. I, well, I love too that Adam Warlock is just associated with the Guardians and like, you know what, make him suck too. You know, he's, he's too close to the, to the line cause of course you can't even have a good Adam. Yeah like Gamora, I just, I don't think it's tough to just add an additional risk to the reward, or reward to the risk, that is. It's just, it's crazy to me that they have yet to do that. And then we have a new Rocket group coming out that just completely stomps all the Guardians combined. I know, stomps them so hard. It's way, yeah, crazy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so the whole Guardians, they need something, they need something, and going to the two drops I was going to mention prior, but yeah, the whole Guardians, please, Glenn, take a look at them, please, we're begging you, the Guardians need something, it's like one of those iconic franchises, by far the best movies except for three, and it's like, we gotta just show them a little bit of love, but you know what else needs love? Seriously? Okay, there's two two drops we're going to talk about here, one of them, Lizard. What the, like, what are we doing with Lizard? This card used to be one of the best cards in the game. Their patch notes said, this is by far the least impactful nerf we've ever done. Murdered the card completely from existence. Agent Venom is a 2, came out as a 2 5. Look at this piece of crap card. Who's gonna play this in 2024, 2025? Nobody. Absolutely no one's gonna play Lizard. Cozy, what do we do?
Cozy Snap:I feel like they changed Lizard, and it's like one of those changes, like Adam, that they made it, and they're like, we gotta hold strong, we just gotta, we gotta keep him where he was, or like, I don't know, maybe they thought he had a good, how long was he even good for? Way less long than He was
Alexander Coccia:good from like, release beta, through like, all the way till they took a massive dump on him.
Cozy Snap:When was that though? Oh,
Alexander Coccia:I don't know, I've erased it from my memory.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, year one's a blur, man. I had to, yeah, make more space for more hard drive in my head for year one of Snap. You gotta
Alexander Coccia:defrag your mind.
Cozy Snap:But what do you someone suggested it not long ago, what do you do with them?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, so no, you mean the meme suggestion where Lizard turns other cards into mini lizards? That's what it was. I think that was a joke. Was it a joke? I'm not sure.
Cozy Snap:Whatever it is would be better than this. Maybe
Alexander Coccia:you just not make him go negative 4 in a junk meta where like you've activated so many junk cards and made this card completely useless? A
Cozy Snap:2 1, a 2 1 where we just got that card that gets like a 3 11 potential.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, why, why would you ever play, I don't know, you just don't play Lizard. Even if you, even if your line is zero into Lizard, he still sucks. Like that's
Cozy Snap:Yeah, right? No, he doesn't even make zero decks. He's still not good enough. Man, what a simple time with zero decks. You know, I just have a little Remember those days, man? The good old days. Type four, zero, red school. I remember playing zero red school on turn six, just feeling like a G. And now it's, oh my God. What
Alexander Coccia:a, what a time to be alive. You'd lose by, you'd
Cozy Snap:lose by 50 if you do that now.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. What about Shocker? Doesn't even make Evo decks. What a piece of trash. And you know what? There was a time where like I coped a little bit, by the way. Oh my gosh. The comment section, I've said cope and hope like nine times already in this podcast, people are going to lose their mind,
Cozy Snap:but like,
Alexander Coccia:Honestly, if you haven't played Shocker lately, just play him just so you can see the animation. It's one of my favorites in the game, the wooboobooboobooboop. It's so good, and no one ever gets to see it. Do something to this card, man. Do something to this card, like, this is ridiculous.
Cozy Snap:Well, and, especially like, I don't know, just like the vanilla cards in general, I feel like they all kind of need some love. Like, I get we had the whole high Evo thing happen, but the fact that like, Cyclops here, who is, you know, he's in the Evo, he's good, he's maybe a bad example because he's good enough in Evo, But to have Best
Alexander Coccia:move card in the game.
Cozy Snap:Best move card in the game. But to have him as like a 3 4, it'd be like, alright, that's a vanilla stat line right there. When we have, again, the cards that are coming out, we got, we got Cobra coming out as a 3 6.
Alexander Coccia:You know how I know that you think this card sucks and is not worth playing? You have a gold split on a beautiful variant with a blue speckle on it, which is nice because he's blue. He's wearing blue. Very tight blue. Didn't even put a gold border on it. You're like, no, this is getting orange because I don't care. I
Cozy Snap:did the blue one on this one too. I suppose I should put it on the other one, but the Dan Hipp one is sick, man. I love Dan Hipp.
Alexander Coccia:It's actually a really good Dan Hipp, honestly. Dan Hipp has a couple true bangers.
Cozy Snap:All of his is just slap, I think. All of Cyclops variants. Too bad I never see them.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you never ever see them, because you don't play against me. But, one last card I'd like to talk about, a card that sucks, Cozy, that honestly I know is dear to your heart. Probably one that you forgot about, but I know that, like, when this card came out, you were one of the top performing decks in it as well. Black Knight, man. Black Knight has completely fallen off, totally irrelevant. Not even 1% play rate, 45% win rate. They made changes to the ebony blade. Discard has really shifted a lot. If you wanna make more archetypes, playable black net was a very different approach to playing discard, like do something with it. We gotta bring black net back, in my opinion.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, this was one of those OTA narratives that like really hurt the card. I mean, extremely, and I mean, discard. It's just, I mean, we've talked about this where it's like discard has its one flavor of deck that works and then they'll Nerf that one. And then we go to the next one, and it'll be Hela for a couple months, and then Black Knight, and then back to, you know Apoc. And I miss Black Knight, because I liked the way he played. I didn't love, you know, the crazy epity plays, but I did like the way he played a lot.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, absolutely, and I think that's enough for Cards That Suck, because in two months time, I'll get Tilted again. We'll bring it back up. We'll rant a little bit. It's, honestly, this is one of my favorite conversations we have. This and Favorites, at every cost, are the ones I think I look forward to the most, because we just, we're just kind of winging it, right? Just like we're gonna wing it! On the Snapchat mailbag, Cozy. We're going to the Snapchat mailbag, we got a couple questions here, a couple statements, and one of them was in reference to the conversation that we had about series drops. This is from Ann Barker, and it reads, Don't underestimate the powers you guys have. Second Dinner may not have responded directly, but I'm sure they stood up and took note. They should be grateful you both spoke up constructively, unlike myself at times. I have faith that we will see a Christmas miracle and some substantive changes in 2025. Thanks to your voice and the others in the community,
Cozy Snap:appreciate it. I don't think it'll be a Christmas miracle. I think it'll be like a, like a March Miracle, a New Year's Miracle Like a, like a 2025 miracle. Yeah. I, again, I kind of, I think as we put the expectations on the series drops, now it's like, the expectation is that how. How they treat Q1, and, you know, I swear, like, when is Q1 officially in? Like, what, March, right? Late March?
Alexander Coccia:I don't know, man. I have no idea. We're gonna get something March 30th? Yeah, it's March, isn't it? Yeah, I don't know. I'm not a corporate man.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, like, March 30th is when we're gonna get something. But no Yeah, I mean, listen, A, you know, we love the game, B, we love doing what we do here, and we, we're gonna, you know, we've, I think we've always spoken up really well, but it was just good to, to, to finally get it off everything, and, and I do know that they listen, I don't know, I don't have any confirmation if they did listen to that one yeah, but you would hope, you would hope they do.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and again, like, we, we speak from a place of, like, loving the game wanna see the game do well, wanna see the game improve, and you know what? Time heals all wounds. If they come up with an absolute banger you know, reworked card acquisition maybe they woke up. Maybe what the, the community response, maybe they woke up and maybe they, they can show the Twitter posts and the Reddit posts and everything to the, the, the suits somewhere and be like, Hey guys, listen, we got to do it our way now because the community, we're losing. You know what I mean? And so, that's good news, and I appreciate the positive comment, because like It means a lot to Cozy and I. I don't want to speak for you Cozy, but, you know, having the support of the community with those difficult conversations, I think it goes a long way, and I want you guys to know that, at least, you know, we appreciate it we do, a lot.
Cozy Snap:You know what's weird is that, you know, we had the Rivals Club, but there was nothing with Rivals being the biggest game in the world. Reciprocated. Yeah. There was no, like, you know, play X amount to get this variant in the game. I don't know why. Why was that, you know, why was that not done? Because that would have been massive considering how big Rivals was and is. You know, it's insane. I mean, if you go look at type in Google Trend and type in Rivals and type in Snap, and Snap's peak was 1 percent of Ri I mean, it's just wild how big that game is. And I wish it would have been reciprocated a bit.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, if you want to see Wild, go to Cozy Rivals, and you'll just see how wild it is. And you are right, man, like, it would have been a great opportunity. I was kind of expecting them to announce like some sort of, If you play Marvel Rivals, For ten hours, or if you install the game, then you get this card in Marvel Snap, you're gonna get this card, you're gonna get High Evo, or it would have made more sense if the cards were in the game. Oh, you would have gotten Penny Parker for free, and they should have done something, I imagine. There should have been some cross pollination that didn't quite happen. But anyways, talking about Marvel Rivals, our next question, from a name that I'm not even going to attempt to read, it comes about Marvel Rivals again. It says, oh my, oh my god, Cozy, he was spot on! I knew I had some nostalgia for Galacta's voice, the Mario Party announcer. Yes,
Cozy Snap:yes, oh man, I'm so glad that you somebody out there, somebody out there gets it yeah, many nights, many college drinking nights to Mario Party, and it's still one of the greatest games, the old school ones. Mario, Mario Party two. Shout out to that.
Alexander Coccia:I'm trying to think of like, what game. Do you know what game was our game? Or like the college? Like let's get like, first of all, I never drank beer. I was never a beer guy. So gimme the, gimme the straight up whiskey on the rocks. We're chilling. Our game was NHL. We just played chill all the time. NHL night, NHL 2000, whatever. It was just played NHL against each other. It always ended the same way. Whoever scored the first goal. Who would ultimately win because the other guy would throw his controller. A lot of controllers have been broken. I don't know. A lot of tilt. Because you know, you can manipulate the NHL games. You go around the net, the defenseman blocks them a little bit, you just sneak into the corner. Or there's like, there's always been like, everyone knows the shots that have the higher percentage chance to score. And like, you're cheating. Okay, now I'm bringing back like some trauma from before, but yeah. So you were a Mario Party guy? For us it was always the NHL series.
Cozy Snap:Oh man, a million games, a million games. That was it depends. Like, that was the drinking game we would play. So that, and, and Beerio Kart, Mario Kart, we'd have to finish a beer. I think you had to, you, you could not drink and drive, so you would have to either drink and let your kart sit there, or you could, you could oh man, you could tell I played too many games of it to have it lose my memory. But, so you'd either have to shotgun at the beginning of the race, or you'd, like, book it to the end, and then put it down, and then try to finish it before, like, everyone caught up. It was a lot of fun. It was a good day.
Alexander Coccia:No, that sounds like a fun drink. You know what else is a good drinking game? Take a shot every time we say copium or hopium on this podcast. You'll have your stomach pumped before we finish the podcast. Anyways, our next question, that's a good conversation. We should come back to that, like the past and like what we used to, you know, play a lot. That's, I love that conversation a lot. The next question comes from Dev Rucker, and it reads, I appreciate you guys saying the things that need to be said about the state of the game. I'm playing Rivals and sadly lost 10 in a row in my first ranked games. You must have been on my team, by the way. But I'm still having so much fun. Why does it seem to not be the case with Snap? Losing there's so much more frustrating. Keep up the good work. Honestly, I'd like to attribute this to like the honeymoon phase a little bit. Like, you know, you're, you're playing a new game. It's super exciting. So like, it's just you're, there's so much to learn. What Snap has been out for so long, I don't want people to lose sight of that either. Right. The new shiny thing will always kind of grab your attention a little bit. Right? There's Pokemon B or Marvel rivals. I do think that Marvel rivals has staying power though. Like Pokemon Pocket I think does too, but I think. Rivals, it's going to be around. You're going to be talking about Marvel Rivals for years to come. But like, that's the end of the day, right? There is something special about Marvel Snap. And it's one of the reasons why we love the game as much as we do. But, it doesn't mean that, like, you can't be drawn away to other games. And I think that that honeymoon phase and all these other games that come out, I mean, can take you away from the game. But, maybe that's one of the challenges with the card acquisition system that needs to be considered. Like, people take a two week break to play Elden Ring. They're screwed! Like, they come back to Snap and they're screwed, right? So it's like, I think there's something to be said about that, you know?
Cozy Snap:And also, everything in Rivals is free, so you have just as much as an opportunity to win. And so, in Snap, if you lose to a whatever deck, that's why you get mad, right? Because you don't have the card or whatever, so I think that's a big reason too.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and the last question of the Snapchat here today from PayDayRay, and I like this one a lot, Cozy, flex on me, sir, because I know the answer. What position did you both play in football? Did you win any championships or accolades? Cozy, start us off.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man, played quarterback and we won state and district a ton. Only one state, because it's in, in Texas, it's it's brutal, man. It's, it's a doggy dog out there, but Yeah, I miss it, man. I miss it a ton, but played quarterback since I was a kid. Pop Warner, if anyone knows what that is. And oh, man. Just a good ol days. Played a little wide receiver, but mainly
Alexander Coccia:So I was the back of quarterback, ironically. Pretty good arm, wasn't, I didn't have the best accuracy, but I had a tough, like I could sauce that, I could sauce that ball pretty far. It was pretty good, had a decent arm on me. But my most competitive games, I played the way it worked with us in Canada, was we didn't have the deep, like football's not what it is for you guys, like, now it's changing, there's a lot more interest in it, but when I was in high school like, we were soccer players that also played football, basically, and our coaches lamented it. Because we would get hurt, they're like, these stupid soccer players, you're useless on the football. Our coach would lose it, because he was like a football guy. And he got, he had all these Italian soccer players playing football for him. We'd all fall like flies all the time. He'd be like, you guys are useless, you're soft. He's like, throwing his helmet, like, throwing everything, like, it was one of those guys, right? And anyways, I played receiver because we'd have to, like, switch receivers every play to bring in the plays. I don't know if you had to do that either. Because we'd have to run, like, the play in to the coach. So one receiver would always switch every play to bring the play in. Oh,
Cozy Snap:okay. We didn't
Alexander Coccia:have, like, RC's are like, not RC's, like the earbud things. So, but also my primary position was DB. So I played a ton of cornerback. Got, you know, I used to kind of backpedal really low. I had great hands, catch anything. I had a ton of picks, loved it. Really, I love football, man. It was, it was a, it was a really fun sport and it was kind of nice in Canada cause everyone was kind of bad. I was also the punter too, I forgot that, because I was a goal, like, I was actually a super competitive soccer goalie. That, like, I, I, I played, like, borderline, like, semi pro soccer. And so, I was the punter, my buddy was the kicker. He, for some reason, he kicked off the ground better than me, I couldn't believe it, but I was the punter, I would, I would crush balls. My coach was saying if I cared enough, I'd play, like, university punter. I could've made it to the show, Cozy, maybe, but no.
Cozy Snap:The glory days, the glory days, man. Yeah, I tried to throw a ball like my son was, like, running after the football thing. And I was like, dude, I'm gonna like, really hunk this to make him run as far as he could. And I, I like, try to channel my inner quarterback state championship throw. My, my arm is still not recovered. It's over. Like the rotator cuff is, is done. But I do miss, I do miss it, man. It's crazy looking back. I just love sports in general. So it was a good time.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. When I, when I saw this question, I was like, man, I love this. I want to ask, cause like, there's never been a point in time where Cozy has not been the alpha male, man. Just absolutely just crushing it with everything you do. Had like, I knew you winning the state QB, man. It's that's Cozy style, man. That's how it is. Actually talking about, okay, alpha. Okay. I want to make a minor admission as we close out the pod here. I had a student this week. Say, to me, this, these exact words quoted, and I don't understand, so hopefully people in the comments can help me understand. He said, sir, I don't even know how to explain it. He said, sir, you're being skibbity sigma, is what he said to me. Cause I asked him to calm down, he was doing something stupid. I'm like, yo, settle down, like, what are you guys doing? He's like, sir, you're skibbity sigma. I was like, I don't know what that means, but it sounds offensive. Let's go to the office. But yeah, I can't even keep up, man. All I know is that alpha, Sounds better than Sigma. So maybe that's where you and I diverge. Thank you so much for watching guys. I appreciate every one of you. So does Cozy. We love you. And we'll see you on the next one.
Cozy Snap:But guys, hopefully you enjoyed this episode of the Snapchat. We want to just say thank you guys for watching. Staying with us now for two years. It's been a fun one. It's been a good one. Have a good one. Have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping