The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
New Marvel Rivals Season | Series Drops Discussion | November Cards In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 109
Will this new season be double the fun with the Marvel Rivals Collaboration? What are Cozy and Alex's candid thoughts around card acquisition? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in November? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? Welcome back to the first episode of the Snapchat for the month of December. Happy holidays to you guys celebrating. We've got Marvel Rivals and Marvel Snap collaborating on an insane month of cards. Alex and I are going to break down all the cards, including Galacta, the Season Pass card, and Luna Snow. They both come out tomorrow. But on top of that, all the other cards that will hit us from Marvel Rivals and their impact. On the game, the synergy, the star ratings, all the works that you guys know and love. And then we're going to talk about the launch of the game that will be coming on Thursday, 4pm PST. Got a lot to break down there. And then of course, there's just a lot going on with Marvel Snap. Some good, some bad, and there's some bad. But we're going to talk about that all today on this episode of The Snap Chat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Alex, we finally made it. It is the holiday season. It is December officially, man. I think we both know that. We've got the decorations up, we've got Marvel Rivals and Snap in the first ever collaboration event. It's an exciting time more so for us because we both love Rivals as a game and obviously Snap, and so we get to talk about two games that we like a lot in the merriment. Of those two games, how you doing, and how are you looking forward to this week?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I am so excited for this week, and you're right, like, this is a very rare opportunity where two games that both of us absolutely love are coming together in the same week. We got the launch of Marvel Rivals coming, we have the collaboration between the two. Like, I could not be more excited. Like, literally, I'm gonna be just playing video games non stop for the next three weeks. Like, I can't wait for it, you know what I mean? I'm excited like a kid on Christmas.
Cozy Snap:Dude, what's cool too is like the amount of things from Marvel Snap that like we, I've learned at least. Like I know a good amount about Marvel. But there's crossover where I'm like, oh yeah, like I've learned more about it, like Swordmaster was not, was not a uber fan of Swordmaster. But then they released an Iron Fist skin for Rivals, literally, today as we're filming this, and it's a Swordmaster skin. It's, it's so cool to see this crossover. Squirrel Girl obviously just got announced, like, what a character to play, like, probably would have never, you know I'm not thinking about Squirrel Girl much when I think about the the iconic Marvel Heroes, and so, it's cool that you've got that blend, like, Jeff between the two games, and, and, and, I don't know, it's just something cool to see.
Alexander Coccia:It is super cool to see, and they're being very creative with some of their hero selections as well, like Cloak and Dagger, which is being hinted as like, being like, a playable character when you're actually controlling two at once, which is kind of crazy, but yeah, you're right, like, Squirrel Girl coming in to the game was phenomenal too, and it had like, a lot of really interesting mechanics, and it's funny, because like, if you would have asked me three years ago who Squirrel Girl is, I have no idea. Like, I have literally not the faintest clue who Squirrel Girl is, and yet the lore is like, there's a lot of Squirrel Girl stans out there, because like, the lore is pretty intense with Squirrel Girl, and then like, here she is in Marvel Rivals, and actually, there's a tidbit that you told me today about Squirrel Girl and the way Marvel Rivals kind of integrated some, some interesting lore. Why don't you let us know about that?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, buddy, I'm gonna mess up her name, okay? It's it's complex, but Melina Van Traub, I think is her name. But anyway, long story short, this actress, she's been in a couple things. I know her from Silicon Valley, funny enough. She's the AT& T girl, if you've ever seen those commercials. She was Squirrel Girl in the new Warriors plot in 20 in the pilot in 2017. And that show didn't make it. And Rivals took that and made her the voice actor for the character in the game. It's like the small things like that is so cool to see. And by the way, I guess if you guys don't know what Rivals is, if it's not your cup of tea, if you're a card gamer, you're a snapper, you don't You know you there's a crossover, but you don't really know anything about it. It is a 6v6. Hero Shooter. And you're gonna be all the different characters that play roles like tanks and DPS that are duelists and healers and supports. And you're trying to get objectives and eliminate the other team. And it's just very fast paced combat. You're using different abilities and whatnot to KO and eliminate the other team. It's, it's a ton of fun. And I think it's really cool because Snap, Alex, is kind of casual competitive to what card gaming was. And this is, it's probably a bit more competitive, but it's that. Same approach to the hero shooter genre.
Alexander Coccia:And if you're looking to get sold on it, you can play Jeff, the baby land shark. It's done, right? Like they've, they're incorporating a lot of interesting ways to play a lot of interesting heroes and characters. Yeah, honestly, like it's, it's remarkable what they've done. And honestly, the art, like you can see kind of a glimpse of it in the center of the screen here. I can't get over how amazing it looks to the point where I've been like showing my kids the trailers and they've been getting like hyped up, hyped up, just watching the trailers because they love the heroes. And now my son's like, who's Dr. I want to watch a doc. Doctor Doom movie. I'm like, it's coming, buddy. It's coming. Don't worry. And so like, yeah, like, it's just, it's so much, it's not only just great fan service, but it's a remarkably well designed game. Like, a lot of love and care went into it, and it's very clear.
Cozy Snap:The trailer for this game, guys, launched, it's their launch trailer, and it made me want a Marvel anime so badly. Like, between Snap trailers, and cool, you know, cinematics that we've seen there, this is one of the coolest things that I've ever digested as a human being. And also, speaking of trailers, we don't have the trailer for the new season and the season happens tomorrow, so that's always a bummer, guys, because like, Surtur, last season, we kind of messed up. We didn't know that he would be getting power after a card played and got to 10. We thought it had to be 10 to go in, and it sucks. It's tough for us. A, we don't have the communication in a lot of these cards, and there's some complexities here with them, and so definitely, you know, we're gonna do our best. A, I don't think it'll be as big of a deal this episode, but just something to shout out. On top of that, Alex is about to tell us what he's talking about on his side of the Snapchat, but we will be talking all about series drops, our thoughts. There's a lot to break down there, and of course, dude, the second we release our video Monday, they release the series drops. I mean, I think it was like 10 minutes apart. And it was comical. It was, it was honestly comical that we, we missed it by like a hair. Had to wait a whole week. Now we're here. It's just a whole thing. But you know, excited to talk about the launch stuff here, post season. Actually, I'm doing a new job for you. Alex! What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we're going to be talking about the season in review, talking about our rankings on the prior cards to see if we were in fact as accurate as we'd hoped to be. Holding ourselves accountable, Cozy, as we like to do. One of the favourite things we do every single month. We'll be also talking about the series drop situation as you alluded to prior, and then as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Alright guys, well let's get right into it. We'll talk more on arrivals. Towards the end of this episode, but we start with Galacta, who is the season pass card. Galacta, daughter of Galactus, who is a 4 cost, 6 power card, each turn, the first card you play at another location reveals with plus 3 power, and my goodness, is that a flexible and powerful ability, Alex? We always go with our gut shot, what we're thinking. We don't have the trailer, it's even harder this time. What are you thinking on the star ranking? We
Alexander Coccia:I see an absolute bottom of the barrel floor of four, and I think this is a five star card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's, it's tough. This, this season has a couple certified really good cards and some other question mark ones, and then one that's, you know, less of so. Galacta is not gonna miss. Galacta, I, I, there's just no world where she's not bad. She seems like even better than Gwynpool and we've seen flexible decks with Gwynpool. That's still used a lot. We've got a ton of plug and play with her. She's probably one of the most flexible cards that we're gonna have, especially as a series or a season pass card. One that is great no matter when you're entering the game even if you don't have said cards, there's something that's gonna work with her that you're gonna want to play. So I agree, man. I do agree. Kind of same ranking. I'm good with that. A four floor and a five expectation burying something, you know, that we're not foreseeing, but there's a lot of synergy here with her in general and she's kind of the she's the announcer for Rivals. She's like the main I would say focus of the, of the, of the trailers of the game and of the art and so Galacta not a lot of people knew her and now they do. And we're gonna talk synergies, we're gonna jump into all that, but I thought, hey, how do we not just right away talk about the most obvious synergy? With Galacta, and that's obviously Galactus, right? So, Galactus is getting himself just a nice little nice little card to give him a bonus right away. If you guys didn't understand that card, it's gonna give the power before it reveals. And we don't have a lot of cards like that in Snap. A lot of the time, you see something reveal, and then we get the trigger happening. And so, obviously, someone like Galactus Is loving that, going up to a 6 9 right off the rip, and there's other cards that are going to work there. Is Galactus back, Alex Coccia?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, I think that Galactus has been one of those cards that's been pretty decent, like, in kind of like the, the offshoots of the meta, right? There was a point in time where it fell off completely when Junk really took over. In particular, when the Viper change happened, a lot of people started playing Junk again, and therefore, Before Galactus kind of fell off, now that that has kind of subsided quite a bit, Galactus can be utilized as a surprise play. It's just not really popular right now, but with Galactica, I believe it will be.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, so you have, here's the thing, right? We get these cards that are giving power and we've actually gotten more and more of them. Through this year, they've been kind of from January to here, we've gotten a good amount, kind of leading back to Shaw last December. He was the season pass card last December and he wanted that power given to him. And then there's been decks and seasons around it, and sometimes it falls flat, other times not, obviously Gwynpool was one of those. But then we had Symbiote Spider Man, who really changed Galactus in his entirety, and, and listen, you know, I guess that's the next card we could just go right to, right? It's these cards that were kind of based around that season. That are coming to really love Galactus. They're gonna, you know, obviously with Symbiote Spider Man, Galactus is gonna give a nice little boost. Get him up to ten power very quickly. You can give that to Galactus if you want to go that way. And, you know, on top of that, even, dare I say, Scarlet Spider, who, you Could very well also just get an easy power to him, and you don't really have to do anything for it. Obviously the thing keeping Galacta in check, guys, is that she is a 4 cost card. Clearly we have ways to discount those. But right off the bat, those are the kind of things I was thinking is, and so These cards are naturally, we're going to see this Galactus thing happen again.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, what I was really thinking about was that like, yes, the play with Galactus and Cybele and Spider Man was really like, I don't want to say obvious, but people kind of saw it coming, right? But I think that Galacta Galacta is going to be wide enough in it's application, that That it doesn't gonna, it doesn't just read Galacta's deck. It's going to be good in so many different decks. I kind of see it similar to that of like what Hope Summers was on release, where it felt like you can kind of put it anywhere. It kind of can go into any deck. It's kind of like a best in slot card. If you don't really, even if you know exactly what kind of four drops synergize with your deck, even like you can just be like, I'm just gonna put Galacta, like it's probably just the best choice here. It's kind of like with the way that White Widow was being played in her heyday, right? Oh, she's just the best two drop player there. I can kind of see Galacta being the exact same thing. Or
Cozy Snap:Gwynpool. Great, like that she does kind of what Gwynpool does. I, but I couldn't not start with Galactus. You gotta start with Galactus for Galacta. It made so much sense. And I, I, again, I don't want to just breeze by Symbiote Spider Man, so I'm going to continue to talk about him. I do think that this card is going to like her a lot just because he's kind of complimenting the kit well enough. You do bring up a great point and you know, I will totally agree. She is a very flexible card in almost any deck that you can come up with. Like, there's not a lot of scenarios. Like, it just completely craps on Elsa. Like, as a card, Elsa, you gotta fill a location. This one is just the first card you play there. Not hard at all from the understanding that we have. That's just gonna be a 412, which clearly is crazy. Not a lot of, you know, hurdles to get past, you know, getting this to a 412, so clearly good. To wrap up the conversation on Symbiote and, and the Season of Old you know, Black Panther. These are the ones that we, We knew we had a feeling that these were going to be the ones that synergized the most, but I wanted to get the obvious ones out of the way, like Black Panther just instantaneously revealing as a 5'8 going to 5'16 It's the stuff we've seen before in past seasons with Symbiote. We're gonna see a lot of those decks come and creep up again, and those decks are always actually pretty good. It's that people just stop playing them as time moves on, they're coming back.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, there's always really good decks that people just kind of stop playing, so I'm glad you mentioned that, because like, there might be a nerf that happens, or the meta might shift ever so slightly, or, you know, it doesn't make a meta report or something along those lines, but that doesn't mean they're not good decks, they just kind of fall out of the minds of players, and I feel like Symbiote Spider Man is kind of one of those where like, those Galactus based decks were really effective, and Symbiote Spider Man actually did really well in On Reveal, which Black Panther did really well in so I can definitely see like, Those style of decks from that season kind of making their way back as you've mentioned. One thing I will mention as well is, you, you mentioned Gwenpool. I think that Galacta is a far easier play than Gwenpool. Gwenpool's very random effect could kind of Tilt you sometimes, right? Like it never hit Sebastian Shah or never hit what else you, whatever else you needed it to hit. But like the actual, like, of course it has a higher upside. It's there's a chance you give plus six to a brood or something like that. Right. But realistically the plus three to something like a brood with Galacta, like that reliably, the reliability of the impact in the plus three from Galacta, I think is just. I think it kind of, I don't want to say it power creeps Gwenpool, because I think they, they operate in a similar environment. But I definitely think Galacta's better. And if Gwenpool's in a deck, you can probably take her own and add Galacta.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think they're better at different things. So, like, we used to use Gwenpool I mean, right here on my notes, the biggest winner from this is Brood and Absorbing Man. No way around it, period. Gwenpool was the best option we had at the time. And, obviously, it worked, but you're getting yourself, A 3 5, you're getting a 3 15 point blank. Yeah, it's a little awkward when you have to play it, but the way that I'm looking at it is the next card we'll talk about, Luna Snow. I mean, I'm just gonna be putting all these cards together in a surfer deck. Why not? I mean, everybody has surfer at this point, a good amount of you guys, I would say. 90 percent of you guys probably have a surfer that listened to the Snapchat. It's a deck that's always going to be competitive. You can make it your own. It's flexible. It's meta. It's fun. But Brood also is just a huge winner from Galacta right into Absorbing Man. So then you have things like, clearly, even Patriot that could sneak in there. We've seen builds with those. This is just a card, again, it's a card that just works with so much. The only thing you have to remember, and hopefully there's an animation for it, is that it's the first card you play. So you just want to be sure that you're not you want to be sure that you're not throwing down, you know, Patriot before, you know, someone else or whatever. That's the only thing I would look out for.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, the turn order's gonna matter here, and I think that plays into like basically you play Galacta on turn 4, turn 5 you Serra, or whatever you're gonna do with with Surfer. Obviously Serra's gonna get the plus 3, which is not, which is not irrelevant, like Serra now getting that much power is pretty cool. And then on turn 6, though, you're gonna wanna lead with either, you know, Brood or what I'm assuming Sebastian Shaw. It says it reveals with plus 3 power, I'm assuming Sebastian Shaw will reveal with plus 3 power and get the buff? Like, we're actually not That's an interaction we're not 100 percent sure about yet, so we didn't see the trailer. But then you'd want to make sure you order your cards appropriately, as you mentioned, to, to kind of capitalize on that plus three power. So I do like that Surfer call out a lot because Surfer on, on turn four, it's often very awkward, you know, you could, you can maybe sneak out your Nova with another three costed card, but Gwenpool was offering a really nice play on turn four, or even on turn five, you didn't draw your Sarah to try to like, you know, make your turn six, a greater impact to the best of your ability.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, this is actually pretty cool. You remember when Surtur came out, we were talking about, you know, maybe we could make him a surfer card. Maybe some big power, you know, tankard. I mean, heck, this really helps kind of Surtur hit over that mark. Shaw's definitely gonna it's permanent power, so he should 100% go up whenever he does get hit by that. It's just super unique that we're getting a card that's giving this plus three before the reveal. That really changes on how some of these decks are going to work out, right, in its entirety. Other than that, man, listen, it's cool that you don't have to do anything extra, and that's kind of like, you know, you brought up Hope Summers, I think that was a good example, and the fact that if you play her down, and then like, you don't have to do anything crazy, you're just getting said benefit, right? And so, Just cards that we've seen in the past, decks that we've seen in the past that really, you know, enjoy that, or want that, are things clearly like move cards, obviously, as well, Alex, like these cards that, that, you know, it gets a little weird if you have to play a forge before you do the Human Torch or whatever, and so, Torch just getting that power. Nice and cheap, you can do that, plus some movement cards, so it's kind of easy to rattle off, and then clearly you can do that with other options, but I do see them as a winner as well.
Alexander Coccia:I actually had been thinking about little movers. It kind of came up in my mind a couple times while writing our notes. I think that, like, little movers could be interesting because, you know, you put it on the Galacta, then you bring it back to Human Torch, play it down, move it. I think that plus three power, obviously, with Human Torch, it kind of gains exponentially, essentially. So, like, I think that could be potentially interesting, but I The forecast, it's expensive enough that I think it needs like very deliberate lines to, to kind of really make the effect like kind of pop off, so to speak, but like, it goes to show you're talking about move. Like I had this thought as well of like, what about something like a Captain Marvel, a vision, like these are cards that like, they love that opportunity to move power around. And specifically with Captain Marvel you know, you can think about something like, okay, what about Psylocke and Zabu? You mentioned it before, you can discount this card, you get it out on turn three, all of a sudden now Galacta is insane. It's a snap condition if you get it on turn three. You turn three Galacta, turn four Captain Marvel, you have a 4 8. That's dedicated to helping you win the game. That's crazy. You know what I mean? Captain Marvel at 4 6 almost broke the meta.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, good point. You know, I don't see a deck that doesn't have Zabu and Psylocke or at least one of the two probably Zabu and most with Psylocke. With Galactica because you're just going to have the Powerful Force and then kind of lean into that and it is. It's one of those cards that if you get down on three it's that much better. We have stuff like Shuri and Symbiote that could do also some crazy stuff if you can place Shuri, reactivate it, and whatever. But this, again, this is just easy. You don't have to Hope for all these cards to land. You just, if you get Galacta, fantastic. If you don't, okay, you can have another four that you could play down. Shuri, I'll give her a shout. I think it's not really worth it because she's not super competitive at the moment. Having Shuri play, this is a card, again, you don't get a lot of them, but the power is gonna go to the card first, and so it is going to get that double power from Shuri. And Alex, to me, that takes me to, I love the Captain Marvel shout and the Vision shout, I think those are really solid. Just moving cards, any time you get that power on there, very solid callout. But that takes me to combining the Human Torch, combining this card right here, and Namorod, right? So, Nimrod in the Destroyed build, a little weird. I love Nimrod though in the Phoenix Force builds with this card because you've got now multiple things, multiple man, a human torch, Phoenix Force, that could all want this bonus power. And listen, if I know a Phoenix Force gamer, it's Alex Coccia, right? Like, you've been playing, you've been playing this card a good amount and so this struck struck to me as a winner just because of all the different cards that could synergize, and you're not trying to make one thing happen.
Alexander Coccia:I love that shoutout, because one of the beautiful things about Phoenix Force is that it has an extremely clear win condition when you do get your draws. You destroy multiple men, you pull the Phoenix Force, or, you know, you go the the route of Human Torch, Carnage, Phoenix Force, moving around a bunch, Zola. Like, there's so many ways to win with Phoenix Force decks. Right? It feels like when you're playing Phoenix Force, it's like the Matrix is kind of running around you when you're on turn six, right? The chance to win with Nimrod, people are like, oh, that's just a secondary line. I won so many games with Nimrod. Just the idea of it coming down on Shuri being massive power, and then the opponent being like, well, I can't really deal with that, because, you know, either the locations are closed off or whatever it happens to be. That versatility of Nimrod is huge. Not only that, Not only that, but you naturally have cards that Nimrod wants. You got the Carnages, you got the Deathlocks, you have the Venoms, right? So you're able to go vertical, you're able to go horizontal, you're able to do so many things. So like, I do love that shoutout as well, because Nimrod is a card that disproportionately benefits from that plus three power.
Cozy Snap:Absolutely, buddy. What else you got for us? What else you got for Galacta? Any other synergies you want to talk about?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah listen, it's been a while since we've seen Kitty Pryde break into the meta, and I just had this thought of like, you know, moving that power around is valuable. What if you just give Kitty Pryde the plus three every single time? She's technically getting plus four a turn, right? Because she gets the three for going in, the one for coming out, and yes, okay, It has to happen after Galacta comes down on three or four, but still you have this kiddie pride bouncing around, maybe pumping Athena and doing all this stuff. Like it's just an immense amount of power. Think about Athena getting plus three, Galacta providing plus three, and then you've got the cards you're playing. So that's plus six just for playing cards. You know what I mean? It's kind of wild.
Cozy Snap:I love that you brought that up. I have on my notes, Magic and Frigga. You know, we tried that last season. Alright, so we got Magic, you extend the turn, naturally on curve, got it on three. Then you get the Galacta out, and then it's like, alright, time to pump up Kitty Pride. And then your Frigga, slam it down. But even if not, right, that's like the mega play. Even if not, I agree, bro. The plus four, it's so crazy. Like, plus four to your hand each time for a one drop, but then on six. You know you, you play Galacta on, let's say, best case scenario, you get her down on three. You're getting Kitty Pryde down, who's probably already been played once, at least, maybe even twice. And so at this point, you're building up nine plus, ten plus power on the one cost card, and then finish off on turn five, er, on turn six with a five drop. Definitely sounds, sounds really good, dude. And, and coincidentally, I think Zoo is kind of interesting just cause you have so many options that you can roll with and play with. Plus three to any card is good, period. You don't have to do it. Just playing her on four makes her a four nine. She's just going to fit anywhere. Don't overcomplicate it. There are things like the Black Panther, like the Galactus. You're going to see heavy of guys because that's her shtick and it's fun, but you could play her wherever.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, do you have your medical grade copium available?
Cozy Snap:I'm always ready.
Alexander Coccia:Are you ready? for one? Are we not doing a
Cozy Snap:rankings video? Yes.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. You ready for one? Adam Warlock. Technically, he comes down as plus three, becomes a 5'8 He's probably going to draw a card, isn't he? Come on now, Cozy. Feel me here.
Cozy Snap:You could barely get Adam out before the laughter started. I think you've been playing too much Rivals where Adam is actually a good character in that game. He's so good in that game, He's sick, man. Oh, he's so fun. Galactus, not playable in Rivals, actually. It's funny, dude, my mind is so warped by Marvel Snap and like, you know, bad cards in this, and then you'll look over at Rivals and it's like, oh my gosh, you got things like Star Lord and Adam Warlock being, yeah. Who, Mantis? Yeah, Mantis is good, too. Yeah, dude, it's what, Doctor Strange, like, it's almost like they looked at Snap. And they were like, who are the worst cards in this game that nobody plays? Let's make them good at Rivals. Good to see, man. It's just cool, man. Listen, I, I get some, I get a little bit of dopamine whenever I throw down a Hulk and Marvel Snap. But being able to fist punch people with Hulk and slam them and beat the tar out of them in that game. There's just, there's just, there's nothing like it. We have both had lots of sleepless nights. Both making content for the game. I have gone just ridiculously all in. The growth, guys, the support has been incredible. Both of our channels I'll drop in the description as well if you guys want some introduction introductions. Two of those games, we'll talk about that more later on. Let's go ahead though, I think Galacta, anything else by the way? I think, again, there's a lot that can work here. But if you're ready, we can go to Luna Snow.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, I was gonna mention like Professor X, Iron Man. Those are cards that could definitely use the additional bump up. If you get Galacta out on turn three it almost, almost, again, a little bit of Hopium here Storm. Technically that plus three power might help her lock down a location.
Cozy Snap:Okay. I mean, at
Alexander Coccia:the end of the day, man, plus three power is huge. And like, we see what Iron Man's plus three power with Agent Venom does for it. So I do think that Iron Man deserves a shout out here.
Cozy Snap:A hundred percent. I think Iron Man is a very, very solid one. Also just a card that's gonna help out gore who's already doing well, I think just like, you look at on reveal cards and how they work, they're gonna marry probably better to work with these decks. I mean, dude, the days of playing Okoye and Akiya, like, those days are so dead, bro. It's like, some of these, some of these, some of these cards, We're just not going to see much again.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, well, cause Nikia needs to be like a 3 5 to even like be in the conversation and being playable. Like, are you kidding me? And Akoya got buffed to a 2 3. Wasn't it, wasn't Nikia like, Nikia used to be one of the most broken cards in the game, ironically, used to get plus two power. Then they changed to just doing the first two cards on your left side of your hand. You remember that? Oh yeah. Now we ended up with this. I don't even know what's going on.
Cozy Snap:I also liked the Professor X shout out. I thought that was a, that one was pretty cool. Pretty, pretty smart thing in there, Mr. Alex Coccia. But yeah, like looking across the board. There's not really a, a bad play here, guys. So have fun with it again. I think snap have a good time. Don't worry about the meta, but the good part about Galacta is if you're playing her, she's, she's, she's going to be pretty competitive. That's fine. There's one
Alexander Coccia:more card. I'm just not sure about, by the way, I meant to, I meant to ask you Mysterio does Mysterio go out as a nine power? Yes. Like three, three, three.
Cozy Snap:Yep. So it's before it reveals. So that's what I was thinking too. I'm pretty sure, like, I'm pretty sure that that's how that's going to work out. And that's cool. Cause you could actually build that into. You know, in either or deck, there's a lot that, that play with Mysterio, and so that's just, Mysterio's becoming, yet again, a problematic card. Like, they've dealt, they've had to deal with it before, but now you've got this card that instantaneously synergizes with it. We're gonna see that. We're gonna see probably a lot of Mysterio decks, maybe Mockingbird, Sasquatch, you know, those type of decks. They will be coming. Anything else? You've been, you've been fired away, so I just want to make sure.
Alexander Coccia:No, I'm, I'm ready. I mean, it, I was going to me Ha ha ha, it's like you know I have something else. I was going to say that like cards like Alioth and Magneto could be interesting because sometimes Alioth needs to kind of like reach a little bit. Magneto specifically likes to trade with what he brings over, so the plus three turning him into a, a six fifteen gives him an opportunity to actually trade power wise. But other than that, I think I'm tapped out here.
Cozy Snap:Okay, man. Love to hear it. Love to hear it. Let's go into Luna Snow, guys. Luna Snow is another character popularized by, I'm gonna say Marvel Rivals. I think she was in another game, Marvel, like phone game that I forgot what it's called, but it, she was in that, but obviously, like, she's coming. Future
Alexander Coccia:Fight? Future Flight? Future Force.
Cozy Snap:Future Fight. Future Fight. It is Future Fight, because I played that for, like, I want to say 10 years ago, maybe longer. It's a game that's been around for For a very long time, but I, I didn't know about her through that game. I knew her through through good old Marvel Rivals. Luna Snow is a 3 5, the new just friggin five power stat line for three, yeah. On reveal, add an ice cube to each side of this location. I think Icicle would have been a better name, but they went with Ice Cube. This is your ice cube right here, and the ice cube each player is gonna get one on their side, if we're understanding it correctly and it's gonna get plus one energy to both players, however, if the location is full, the ice cube will destroy itself, Alex. Now, now take in mind here, take note, this is a one cost card. I think that's something to shout out there as we go into talking about it. What do you think of the Ice Cube?
Alexander Coccia:I gotta be honest with you, man. They missed an opportunity here. I think they could have made it so that on reveal, add Ice Cube to each side of the location. Should have been a new card. Ice Cube the wrapper, full of chains, just like that. I'll let you guys in the comments decide what his on reveal or ongoing ability would have been, but like that's just that's just me That's where my mind went to immediately But with regards to the card itself it is with Lady Deathstrike and x23 pretty awful spotlight considering the Drop of x23. I mean x23 is a good card, but They
Cozy Snap:suck this month. They're awful. They're awful. They're so bad.
Alexander Coccia:They're so terrible. Have we
Cozy Snap:talked about this yet? How bad these spotlights are? Yeah, I don't think we did. I made a video on it and I like, I prepped to make that video Friday and then like, as I was doing my notes for it, I was like, what the hell are these drops? These suck. Like, I couldn't even like, like, you can't even pretend to have copium about these, like, some of them. It's like, the Lady Deathstrike, well, in the one deck that she's kind of good in that one time in June on, on a Thursday at 12 o'clock, like, Deathstrike is good. Like, Yeah, they're, they're not good. So, spoiler guys, most of these are not gonna be good. That's why we're focusing on Luna and Luna Snow here. So outside of your, your comments on Ice Cube there, what what do you think about Luna, man, and the way that she's providing ramp? And what is your initial star rating?
Alexander Coccia:As you're right Cozy, I do apologize. I managed to absolutely derail this conversation very quickly. I was leaning towards three stars, but I might actually drift to two. Like this, I, I, this might be a hot take, but I don't necessarily love the fact that the condition is mirrored. The only thing holding it up to potentially three stars is the fact it's a three five. Like the pure stats of it just kind of props it up, but it makes me feel like Black Swan. Where it's like, yeah, Black Swan's good, and now it's better, because it's the Activate version, but the original Black Swan's like, I just, it's good stats, but I don't know, and I feel like this might fall that way. If I were like, if I had tokens, some tokens, I don't think I'd be dropping them on Luna Snow. So I'm interested in your opinion, especially what we have coming this month.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, first of all, Alex brings up a good point, as we're kind of all over the place today, but the collector tokens are at a premium, as they always are, but this month, because the spotlights suck, and so, you guys want to make sure that you're spending them on, like, the one or two cards that you're gonna get, and Luna Snow is one of the most fascinating cards, I think, to come to the game. Very interesting mechanics. You know, we've never seen something where you can give something to the opponent's side, and your side, and you're benefiting, but the opponent is also good stats, it's ramped with no bad condition outside of what I just said. And I think, launch week, awful. Because people's decks are prep. Awful. I mean, one of the worst launch cards that come out. But as the game moves forward, we see this all the time in Snap, but as the, the, the, as the game moves forward, You know, people aren't going to tech against it, and so people aren't going to have their deck built to benefit off of an Ice Cube, right? Now, the good news is Galacta and Her come out the same week, so it's not going to be only one of these cards dominating the week. But I feel like in the future, Alex, you can build your deck to benefit way more to get the extra energy. Go ahead and give it to your opponent. Your deck's meant for it. So that's the upside that I see with her. We're not gonna see that though on launch week. There's no shot. But I think that it's super interesting, the synergy that she has and her potential. One of the hardest cards to rank. One of the ones I barely won a rank without seeing the trailer. Right? It's just, it's, it's hard to see exactly how this is gonna work out. I, this is, we, we give tokens to this every now and then. This is a, I'm gonna have to see how she plays. I would say on the low end two and a half because of the stats, on the high end, four. But we have to see how you can utilize the energy, and how she'll work out. I I I'm gonna have her kinda low when we rank all the cards, because my expectation, but I do wanna point out, super unique. Let's get to the synergies, buddy. We've got a bunch of interesting ones. I think that there are some cards that can synergize with the Ice Cube. And that's, you know, the gimmick there. You're trying to get rid of your opponent's Ice Cube, so clearly Clog decks are gonna be, you know, what you wanna play, because then you can clearly, you know, put things on your opponent's side, and that makes it good. But there is a deck in Synergy that I don't think people are thinking about that I do wanna shout out. But I'm gonna give you the floor first. What's a card that you like with it?
Alexander Coccia:Okay there is, okay, I'm not sure if you're going to talk about this deck now. I don't want to steal your thunder. Because I was thinking about High Evo, and the fact that, no? Okay, cool, okay, cool. So High Evo can run Nebula. You play Nebula, right? Nebula encourages them to play into the Nebula location. As they play into the Nebula location, you play Luna Snow, you throw the Ice Cube over, it might just blow up already, or it discourages them from playing there in the future, allowing Nebula to tick up. That extra energy floats into the Sunspot, floats into the Misty Night, floats into everything else the High Evo is doing. Bruce Banner, etc. Right? So I really like the idea of High Evo with Luna Snow, and specifically with Nebula. Because it'll discourage the opponent from playing there.
Cozy Snap:I mean Yeah, I love the Nebula callout for sure too. I think that's the main focus, right? I actually didn't think about Nebula. I like that, that, that call out there, just something to get the early turns going and then it ramps and curves into that very good. And then, yes, you know, historically we've seen her a ton with High Evo and we've seen her kind of exit out of some decks. So it's gonna be cool to include her. And funny enough, guess where Nebula was played a lot back in the, back in the day was ramp decks. Like, you'd love to have this card that could keep going up Sandman, clearly, right? So, that is a good shout. I do think that's one of the non, you know, ones that people aren't thinking about. On my end, again, talk about a deck, already good deck, that doesn't care about all this movement and whatnot. It's gonna be the Scream deck. We kind of talked about Scream so much last week, but how do I not bring this up? You're putting a one cost on their side and you're able to move cards to your willing and delight. And so I think that this deck can not only benefit a ton with the extra energy, being able to do some really cool stuff here. But also, just simply play a Polaris, boom, move that thing to something. You know what I mean? Like, I think that this is something that people aren't thinking about, and I really like the synergy with the movement cards.
Alexander Coccia:I like that a lot, actually. Because that means, like, you might be able to get out something like Arrow earlier. Leaves you more time to play the Magneto. And then maybe you get a little higher end on the, like, maybe you add Alioth to that deck. That extra energy does add a lot to it. And I like the fact that you have an additional three costed card in the event that you don't get your plays. Because what happens with a deck, if you don't draw Scream or you don't draw into the Kraven Kingpin, it's like nothing's happening. You're just moving stuff. It's like, why? At least with Luna Snow, you can get to your bangers faster and actually have a greater impact on the game, right? And because your deck is built for it, theirs is not necessarily built for it, you should disproportionately benefit from the Luna Snow effect.
Cozy Snap:And you get the good stats on top of that, right? Or, even if they are playing a lot of cards, it's like, cool, maybe Cannonball Tech's in, and then they're playing more cards, and you can, you know, mess around with it. I just think that this deck has the not so obvious angle that you're gonna be playing her, too, and that's the one that I'm gonna be testing out first, and I'll be releasing. So, that was one I wanted to shout out to start us out, but there's more! There's definitely more. What else you got for us?
Alexander Coccia:Alright, so there's two cards I think that could potentially see play with her specifically as like tech pieces to play alongside. One is Elektra. I don't think that Elektra's a card that's pretty much ever seen play outside of Pool 1. Theoretically, with the extra power that you're offered on your fourth turn, you can play the Elektra for free, knock out their cube, and just benefit from it. They're ongoing, right? And another tech card which would work very well would be Red Guardian. So I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the two. Obviously, Elektra has an easier curve play, but Red Guardian's a better catch all in the event that you don't actually draw into Luna Snow.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I've got, I got those two down. Yeah, I had both of those. Elektra, I think Elektra's a fun one to shout out that I just don't think will be played. Like, because the problem is, it's like, you have her in the opening hand, it's turn one, you're like, I'll skip, you know? It's just, She's just weird. I think she's gonna work out, but I like, obviously, you could, and it is cool, because you have extra energy to spin for her. So if you build the deck out, maybe it'll curve into that really well. Really cool Rivals character, potentially, by the way, in her. But yes Red Guardian is one that I think just is naturally gonna be in your deck anyway. That it is so good, because you're then, you now are effectively having a clog card. They can't get rid of it. It just works out in every which way. Like, I love Red Guardian. I think he'll be my favorite to pair up with that. Good shout out there. On your side, you know, Kaiera? Sure. You could protect it that way. I don't think people are going to try to take your ice down. You know what I mean? Like, I see it more as, like, if you're putting Luna Snow in your deck, You're going to go on the offensive. I don't see that. I mean, maybe they have a Killmonger, but then they lose their ice, and then you have a 3 5. So, and you got the turn to do so. Like, you got another energy that next turn. So, like, he's not the best counter towards it. But yeah, I mean, as we've said before, the Claw cards, Titania White Widow, White Widow also, obviously, good synergy with Red Guardian. So, we're going to see stuff like that. I also want to give a shout out to just clearly other junk cards like Debris and, and even even Hazmat you can do, you know. It just kind of works with all these builds and it's unfortunate that Clog is what you're going to want to do with with a lot of this.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, the nice thing about it is, I think when they talked about Klogg being, when it was really meta, they wanted the Klogg cards to have their out, right? Remember how they said that in the patch note, they needed the Klogg cards to have their out? Luna Snow definitely has an out, and so it's, yeah, I think it's fair from that perspective, and for that reason, it might actually be a little more underwhelming in Klogg than expected, however, I don't know. And like the Toxic Ajax style decks, it's a simply another target. It gets you to your bangers faster and even with that seven energy that allows you on turn six to play Hazmat Ajax, you know what I mean? And so it can't be understated how impactful one extra energy can be in a game like this.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, no, 100%. Listen, Luna Snow is gonna be fun to throw in as Surfer, planning on doing that with the Galactids, too, for the fun. She's a healer and support and a K pop singer in not just in Marvel Rivals, but in Marvel. And one of the more fun characters to play in that game, and so I thought we might as well shout out what these characters do in that game even though I think some of the more fun ones are the more traditional heroes that you guys know. But yeah, Luna Snow Gonna be pretty cool to see in this game. Like, it's just cool that she's coming to this game because of how much I've seen her in Rivals and interacted with her in that game. Alright, buddy. Next up, we've got Hiddy Parker, guys. 2 3 on reveal. Add Spider to your hand. When this merges, you get plus one energy next turn. And so anytime you merge something with Penny Parker, she is going to give you energy, and I actually, Alex, you know, I always like Star Ratings initially. This is probably second or third favorite this month. It's right up there because it has really such an easier mechanic to get bonus energy and ways to build it in your deck than Luna with no downside. On top of that, guys, Spider, I believe, is a 3 3. I don't have the card. It was 3 3, I believe. That gives a card the ability to move the next turn. So you're giving the gift of moving when you merge with it. Obviously if you want to do that with Penny, great. It's a token card, so you're getting that too. A lot to Penny's Kit. Super interesting card. What are you rating it?
Alexander Coccia:You know what? When we originally discussed this card, I rated it 4 stars. It's kind of like a quick preview idea. I think I'm going to drop that to 3. Oh, gotcha. Not because I don't think the card's good. I think it is. I just feel like this effect is somewhat awkward enough that I can see it not making decks and not being meta. That's kind of where I lean. I actually think the card's probably fine. I don't know if it makes, like, the 12 Cards in like the metal list that you're expecting to see. There's some of the synergistic cards. There, there's a couple of strong ones, but there's also a lot of weak ones. And so when I really think about it, I'm like, you know what? I can see this card ultimately not seeing play. I think it's like a wait and see card, but I'm going to lean towards three stars.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, this is a tough one. It is a tough one. I I've got on my notes three and a half to four. I want to say four, because what you have is a two, three. And if you're getting that 3 3 that you can instantaneously play, you have a free ramp option no matter what if you play that into Penny the next turn. Like, you don't have to worry about putting in other cards. You already have the one trick of, of, of ramping up that one extra turn. You have to play Spider, but then a card can move and it could be Penny, so you also gain the movement ability. If you don't want to do that, you can use this to your advantage. So it's giving a card move, the stats aren't horrible, and they're not impressive, but they're not horrible, and you're able to get bonus energy, you can build a deck around that, rather than the merging mechanic. You've got Symbiote, you have Agony, you have Hulkbuster. Heck, even Phoenix Force, which would be way too tricky, but you have all these merging cards, right? Any of those could work. I think Agony might be the biggest winner here, too, just being a clear cut, easy way to drop Penny into Agony and then instantly get a plus one going the next turn. I think this might be a four to me, buddy. Because of it's not focusing on the merging effect, in the deck. But
Alexander Coccia:you know what? I was thinking about that, it's like, but then you're playing Agony. You know what I mean? It's like, what's the rest of your deck look like? And and that's the one problem I had. And to be honest with you, I'll be clear, I actually don't mind the plus one energy. I think the movement component of Spider is what gives this card strength. I think the plus one energy, while helpful, isn't the sexiest part about this kit. It's interesting because they're kind of like marrying a couple different things here. I think the spider movement's actually low key going to be one of the more valuable things in the course of like a ranked run in Marvel Snap. Though the plus one energy definitely does help. I just, I'm concerned with the idea of like running and agony in a Hulkbuster in a deck that like, you're like, Do I really want these cards there? You mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, but if I'm gonna build a ramp deck, I'll have one, one that I'm not caring about too much because I'm ramping bigger stuff later on anyway and having a couple big hitters. I get what you mean there. I think, like, Human Torch is just, like, such a giant winner with Spider. Like, it's crazy. And then if you don't have that, then you have Penny. Like, that, to me, is a deck that I do see getting play. It's a tough one, though. It's a tough one, I think, to rank, and we're gonna have to see. So you're going 3, I'm going 4, it sounds like.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm gonna go with 3. Another card, though it could potentially work in a Nomura deck. Because Nomura decks like to reposition, and the plus 1 energy might be really valuable to get something like a Vision out, or even Nomura out. So I do think that that potentially has potential. Potentially has potential. What a sentence that was. But like, yeah, like, I'm going to lean towards three stars here. I like, and I like the card, don't get me wrong. I like it four stars. I think it'll ultimately land in the three star range. You know what I mean? Like, does that make sense? Yep.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it makes it interesting when we go different, different paths, man. No, no question. Again, we'll have to, we'll have to see how that goes. Let's go to our next card and Penny has other synergies, but I think, you know, kind of a lot of the same discussion as Luna with ramp options and the cards that merge we have addressed. Oh, by the way, Penny Parker, if you guys don't know, Penny Parker is the tank role, but she's kind of an off tank in Marvel Rivals. So she's this offensive tank that if you want people to come to you, She's great to sit on the objective, throw mines all over the place. She's setting traps and spider webs, and then the, you know, you'll have a Spider Man swing in and just instantaneously die by your mines. Really fun, tricky tank that's very different than kind of the other ones in the game. And so Penny is one that you might want to test out if you plan on playing Rivals which it's free too. I can't believe the game's free. Anyway, we sound, we sound like we're Losing it here. Next card up, Doom 2099. Doom 2099 is the the villain of Rivals, but kind of also, it looks like Doctor Doom is involved as well. And so you've got these two different Dooms kind of being the, the head honchos and pulling the strings in the Marvel Rivals storyline. And Doom 2099 in this game is pretty cool, man. Pretty cool. 4 cost, 2 power card. After each turn, add a Doom Bot 2099 to a random location if you played exactly one card. And the Doom Bots are for two. He's got the ongoing effect of your other Doctor Dooms and Doom Bots getting plus one power. Say hello to a Doctor Doom archetype deck. Alex, what are we even looking at? What's cool with this is we have so many ramp cards and maybe work with it. I do. We've got another four costs that is going to be the game. First impressions, star rating. What do you got?
Alexander Coccia:First impressions for me, five stars. I think this is a great card. Doom Zoo's here. I think this card's legit. If you even think about getting it out with Zaboo on turn three, and then like, you just let Doombots just. Fly everywhere they want. They all buff each other. I think this card is absolutely cracked. Very fitting that they put it in a spotlight with Hitmonkey and Meek Puke. But anyways, this card's cracked. Absolutely insane. Five stars for me.
Cozy Snap:Wow, five stars. I like the high rating there. Yeah, man, I'm gonna have to see how it all works out. I mean, we've seen that for so many of them, but this is another interesting one. We're getting just an archetype build that we haven't seen, but you know, we're seeing essentially A 4 4 right away, right? Because you've got that. But then, the more you can stack up these bots, the more you can do with them. And so, having something work with already one of the most flexible 6 drops in the game, like, that's just in itself really strong. You do have a condition to meet, and there are going to be some, you know, The deck builds are going to be a little weird if you don't pull 2099 because you're going to try to support him. But, he puts a lot of power out, and I think that he can definitely win some good games in Marvel Snap. For me, I'm going to lean towards 3. 5. It's, maybe, maybe 4. It's tough. I want to see a couple things confirmed. Obviously, Doom should work with this. I don't, the way that it's worded. What I love about this, Is that you, it's just a no brainer deck. You don't have to think that much, bro. You play him when you get him, fantastic. You play maybe a Blue Marvel, go crazy. Play maybe a, maybe a Spectrum, Doctor Doom. Like, there's just not a, I mean, maybe I'm blowing through a lot of these synergy cards, but like, you know what I mean? Like, it's just, you play one card, you don't, you do one card to support it. I like it. I like it a lot.
Alexander Coccia:I think that first of all, my rating is taking into account that Dr. Doom and his Doombots get buffed. If they don't, this card's garbage. Like, I don't, I don't know why they wouldn't do it that way with the wording that it has. But we've been surprised in the past. The core line that I think about is, I like to bring up Spectrums. I think that's an alternate line, too. But if you play something like Turn 4 Doom 90 2099, and remember, Turn 3 it's even better, but turn 4, turn 5 Wong, turn 6 Dr. Doom, you got Doombots everywhere. There's enough space for another one to get kind of put on to buff everything up. The Doombots themselves are massive now. And ultimately like I think you're accessing locations, you're accessing you know you know, places you might not be able to play. But, it does provide a Doombot into a random location, which could potentially mess you up a little bit. We've seen that before, where like, the random location side, Oh, it's stuffed my Wongling, because I'm playing against someone who Vipers something over on that turn or whatever, right? So that can happen for sure. Am I a little high on 5? Maybe. But I do think that this card is really interesting. I think it creates a new type of archetype within and of itself. And so I'm just super excited for it. Maybe I'm being a little I got the rose colored shades on because I'm just simply so excited for the card. This is the one that like, I'm like, yes, this is the one I want.
Cozy Snap:I, the Doom design is impeccable. I love that we're getting rival Variants, but like, from the in game art, because some of that art, it's like, I'm glad they did custom art here. Actually, man, they went all in. We have Ryan Gonzales Rian Gonzales, we've got there's like multiple artists Ryan Kennard that are drawing these characters, and it's just cool to see a different take on them, but then we also have the art from the game itself, so. All in on the collaboration season. I think Hela and Dr. Stranger in the season past you, you know, pretty hella for those that are coming to the game. Look at that. I think it's gonna be glaring though, man, how unfriendly this game is to newer players whenever they, we have some people coming. I never it's gonna happen from rivals. To snap and then they're going to be like, well, I can't play these, like, why, why can't I play some of these cards? I think that's going to be an eye opener a little bit, but we'll talk about that, about the series drops on your side. Anything else on Doom?
Alexander Coccia:I thought about like Blue Marvel potentially being like a secondary byline. You know, get the Blue Marvel out. It adds plus one to the Doom bots that are being generated as well. Psylocke Zaboo obviously being insane here because you're getting an additional bot that comes out earlier with it also incorporates the buff. Yeah. And maybe even Mockingbird, because theoretically on turn six, if you play the the Mockingbird, it is going to nullify one of your Doom Bots, but it might be an interesting backup plan for, like, what you're generating on the field. Although, ultimately, I do think Mockingbird will get cut in these types of decks when you're working with lots of additional, kind of, token cards. It's just worth bringing up, but she probably doesn't ultimately make the deck.
Cozy Snap:Alright, buddy, let's move on to Bruce Banner. Hulking out, Bruce Banner is a two cost, one power card. So cool to see Bruce come to the game. I've been wanting Bruce to come. I think we've talked about that on the Snapchat before. Like, it'd be cool to see something like Bruce coming. We've got, when you end a turn with unspent energy, 25 percent chance to Hulk out. And, Alex, what are you thinking about this?
Alexander Coccia:I'm thinking that his forearm needs medical attention immediately. It seems disproportionately larger than his bicep. But if we're going to ignore that for a second, what I will say is that, like, originally when we did our preview, you asked me, like, Alex, what do you think? I said three stars. But I'm going to do the opposite of what I did to Penny here. I'm actually going to go up to four on Bruce Banner. Because the more I've thought about the synergies with some of these other cards, the more I think that although this card is going to scam me hard, Extremely hard. It's going to scam me until I can not be scammed no more. I think this is going to be ultimately a good card in this like energy cheating archetype that even Penny and obviously Luna Snow provide. I think it's probably going to be legit.
Cozy Snap:I've already prepared myself for this card to completely screw. Yeah, a hundred percent. I'm happy for everybody else. A hundred percent happy for everybody else. Those players that you play things in a danger room, you don't even think about it. You don't weigh the odds. You just know. That lady luck's on your side. Congratulations, Bruce Banner's the best card in the game. For myself, this is so, isn't Bruce, like, statistics aren't my best thing. But I feel like it's gonna be interesting. If you play this guy on two, it's gonna be interesting to see just how often he does get up to six. And man, listen, that payoff is massive. It's a massive payoff. You know, if it doesn't happen, yeah, it was a 2 1, little bit of a wasted turn. If it does happen, you're winning that lane, right? It's just, it's, you, you're winning the lane, you don't have to worry about it. It could happen on the last, dude, it comes out on Christmas Eve, and imagine ending turn 6. And you've won the game. You're like, we've won. But then that lane, with Bruce Banner, turns into the Hulk. And you lose that game. Not Merry Christmas to you, Alex. Nothing at all. No merry. There's no nothing merry about that.
Alexander Coccia:You're playing against a bot. They go Jubilee on turn 6. You're like, easy game. They pull Bruce Banner. Banner comes down. Turns into the Hulk. You lose 8. Yeah Merry Christmas.
Cozy Snap:Happy holidays. Happy holidays. Not a lot to talk about. Synergy wise, a lot of speculation that he's gonna work with High Evo, because High Evo's in his week, makes sense too. Would be really cool if he worked with High Evo, obviously, that'd be crazy cool. At the start of the game is how High Evo works, I just don't know, I just don't know how that's gonna end up working, but yeah. Hulking out in the game. Hulk is a tank that we alluded to before, just beats the tar out of your opponent. Really feels like the Hulk. You can go in there and die as the Hulk, and then you turn into Bruce Banner, you don't actually die. And then you can go back into the Hulk, and then you can go into Monster Hulk. And it's just crazy. Kind of a hard character to play if you want to be competitive, but very, very solid. Solid build. Anyway. If you like
Alexander Coccia:diving in and just punching dudes, like, over and over and over again, it's the guy for you. Did you give your star rating yet, or what? I did.
Cozy Snap:Did I? I don't, I don't know if I did. Maybe I didn't.
Alexander Coccia:I think you dodged the stars on this one.
Cozy Snap:Yeah makes sense. Star rating, I'm gonna go with a four star. Yeah, I'm gonna go with a four star. Bruce Bennett, anything else to say on Bruce?
Alexander Coccia:With regards to Bruce, not really. I mean, he's gonna work with Kaiera, I imagine. To answer the suggestion about like how he's gonna interact with Evo, I bet you he gets like just a vanilla Hulk. Because the card itself is not going to get impacted by Evo. Although it would be interesting to see him turn into an actual, like an evolved Hulk and then start getting jacked once they kind of, imagine he turned into Monstrous Hulk after he got to like 20 power. So that'd be a nice touch, right? But no, I do think the card is going to be pretty good. And I think that the Infinite Sunspot High Evo She Hulk style decks definitely needed something. So.
Cozy Snap:Last, but not least, we have Rocket Raccoon and Groot, a 3 cost, 3 power card. You can move this once after your opponent plays a card here, steal 1 power from it. And guys, you can literally hop on Groot's shoulders as Rocket. It is amazing, incredible to see in that game. Rocket's a healer and a damage dealer, and Groot is exactly what you think. Yellin I'm Groot, throwin up walls, entangling people, very cool character. This, Alex, is my probably, I think this is my favorite card of the month. This is the card that I'm gonna give a, a I'm just gonna add a five star on it. I, I think that this card can't miss.
Alexander Coccia:This card looks really good. Also, I would be remiss not to mention that you can also jump onto Groot's shoulder as Jeff the Baby Landshark. Don't forget that, my man. You cannot forget. You can have a little shark on his shoulder too in Rivals. Come on, bud. It's
Cozy Snap:so cute, man. I love it. It is
Alexander Coccia:cute. I like this card a lot too. I'm going four stars. I think it's a really good card. I think it's really good. I like the movement. Side of it, the fact you can move it once that is going to come in extremely handy, extremely handy. I know that you read it and you're like, well, I'm going to move into their play, right? Because of the way the reveals work and stuff like that, and you could do that. But just having a card that moves is valuable, right? That's just helpful. This is another card that's going to work good with Nebula. Is this, can you believe this? Another Nebula card, perhaps.
Cozy Snap:I mean, I don't know how I don't give this a perfect five. I just, how do I not? Nocturne was a 3 5 that can move. You need one card to make this 3 5 in value. One card to be played on the location, and then you can move it. Odds are, you're getting two. You also have good odds to get more than that! If you play this card before your opponent reveals, and they just drop down the Kitty Pryde and a couple others, you immediately are stealing power, and It's, it's just crazy. The, the potential of this and then to have that move. So you just, you take everything, you give nothing back, and then you can move to a location where you need the help. I, it, it's such a incredibly, dude, this thing's gonna be tough to beat. And it's a three cars. I, yeah, I, for me, this is the no brainer. If we look at other cars we've rated in the past, I think it's gonna be the best.
Alexander Coccia:Really? Okay, interesting. I think it's going to be, like, an amazing card. The best of the month. Cozy. Cozy flex in here. Okay. Alright, I like it. I like it a lot. Because you are right. It's, it's, stat line is great.
Cozy Snap:So that is going to be all the cards there. I mean, we can talk about Synergy here, but the, I think this one is obviously very much its own card that can be played. Into a wide variety of decks. Of course, you can put this into the screen deck that I think is kind of just cool there. Like, it just works in Kraven and whatnot. So there is a shout out to that. Maybe even, not even maybe Surfer, definitely Surfer. Just a card that does work into Surfer like Nocturne would. Alex, let's rank them from best to worst. Number one card of the month is Galacta. Galacta. I'm gonna go with Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot. Number two is Galacta for me, and for you? Doom 2099. Number three is gonna be Penny Parker. Did you skip your number two? Nope,
Alexander Coccia:Galacta. You say Galacta?
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Ah, I gotta listen better. And then you're going to Penny? Penny Park. I'm going Bruce Banner.
Cozy Snap:And then I'll go Bruce for, yep, for the next one?
Alexander Coccia:For
Cozy Snap:me next one, Rocket. And then I will end on Luna Snow.
Alexander Coccia:Did I miss one? Did we miss one? Penny Parker's next, and then Luna for me. Did I miss one? I think you missed one.
Cozy Snap:I did, my bad. Yeah, I'm gonna go Doom and then Luna Snow to end it for me. And then it's just funny because Luna Snow could end up being crazy. Who knows, man? Who knows? There's just so much to break down with all these we barely even got to touch on. All of them, but this was one that you know, we're, didn't get the trailer, and so we are gonna talk about them, luckily, at the start of each week to kick off the Snapchat. To end things here, Alex, I wanted just to talk about the game in general. The launch happens Thursday, 4pm PST, bud. Who do you plan on playing? Who do you, like, what do we even, what do we even talk, how do we, Talk about Rivals to people that don't know about the game.
Alexander Coccia:How do you talk about it? I mean, listen, I think it's worth trying. It's something that's worth mentioning a hundred percent is that they announced that all the characters are going to be available for free at launch. No paid gates to access to any of the heroes. Absolutely remarkable. So that's huge, right? There's no, there's no reason not to give it a shot. And I think there's play styles for everyone, whether you're a 360 no scoper or someone like me who prefers to support. In terms of what I'm going to be playing, I'm going to be playing the strategist role. I'm going to be focusing in on that. In every single game I've ever played, I've always been a support or strategist. I was a healer in you know, In World of Warcraft, for years and years and years, all the raids I was healing, I was a heal bot. And then when it came to Dota 2 and competitive MOBAs, I was a support player there as well, almost exclusively. So yeah, I'm really looking forward to play Strategist, which is basically like the support segment of Marvel Rivals. Cozy, how about you?
Cozy Snap:But yeah, so Magic was who I played in the beta to climb up pretty high. Me and Dex played. And got up to I think we got to the later half of Diamond. So Magic's Butt was my favorite in beta. Winter Soldier's a lot of fun, too. But, man, I just can't wait to play Hawkeye. I just can't wait to play Moon Knight, Psylocke. All those look so freaking iron fist today, good God! Like, oh, they focused on fun first, and I think that's what's really cool about the game. Is, they wanted people to go in and like, if you like Mortal Kombat, play Iron Fist. If you like to snipe, you know, it looks like Black Widow, or, or Hela, or Hawkeye. You know, if you like to be up close and personal, great. If you're not super good at the game, go Scarlet Witch, man! She's got an automatic beam that just melts people. You know, there's something definitely for everybody which is cool. And my suggestion is If you haven't played Hero Shooter, try it out, because I didn't until Overwatch and it became my favorite game ever. So this, I'm sure, will eclipse it.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we've been talking a lot about Marvel Rivals today, but you know what? For this here episode, dial back in to the Cozy Snap, because we need to talk about our rankings from last season. Sir, there were a lot of cards that dropped last season, a wild amount of cards. The first was Surtur, the season pass card, and this is funny. We came in both at 5 stars, and we joked about how we feel like we missed low. How could that even be possible?
Cozy Snap:Yeah I mean, I think it was the next episode that we brought that up, and it's like Yup, I mean, he got nerfed, what, the fastest turnaround that we've ever seen for a season pass card getting nerfed, and he's still good, and he was even better than what we thought he was gonna be, because again, as we brought up earlier, we didn't know that a card becoming a 10 power would then trigger him, and so, there's so much baked into missing him, but we gave him a 5 star, so we were correct, so it was such a, such a weird card evaluation, I think it's safe to say that this guy aged pretty damn well, and is a very good card in the game that I'm starting to feel bad playing, you know? It's like, you know how a card eventually gets to that state? It's like, man, he's getting there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know. Even at 3 4, he's still wild, because like, he still gets up to the 10 power to allow Scar to become free, and Scar even got nerfed as well, like, they actually attacked that particular Surger deck from multiple positions there, and it's crazy, because like, we've kind of talked about in the past, like, new cards coming out, and like, which decks they go into, and I think Surger's a great example of like, you really only need it to go in one deck. For it to have an impact. It's only really played in one deck, but that deck performs so unbelievably well that it rose Surtur and it rose Scar completely up into the sky. And for those curious post nerf, and this is top 50 percent infinite last seven days Surtur runs a 12 percent popularity at a 50 53. 5 percent win rate, nearly 54. This is post Nerf. So like, to think about what it was doing before that, was like, it was probably soul crushing on Second Dinner Statistics.
Cozy Snap:Ah, dude, that's ridiculous. Now, too, with Galacta, you could essentially get Circe or Blink some of these other 7 powered cards, going up to 10. So it's gonna be interesting to see Oh, he continues to age. Maybe you want to go with a Black Bolt into Stature. Boom. Black Bolt, Stature, 210s right there. That's a crazy combination. Like, I think there's gonna be some really cool stuff that you could pull off with him. And so he probably only gets better.
Alexander Coccia:No, I know, man. It's, it's kind of crazy to think that a card that's already this good probably continues to get better. And that's exactly what Surger is going to do. And so if you're thinking about whether or not you're going to pick up the season pass this is going to be a card you probably want in your collection. The I mean, listen, 10 is different for everybody, but it is going to be one of the least expensive ways you can pick up an absolute meta banger that's for sure, because we all know the cost of tokens and everything else in the game, and so thankfully the Season Pass still remains a relatively fair value for, especially with the power of Surtr itself. So, that's going to take us to the actual card that was released that week via the Spotlight Caches, and that was Frigga. Now Frigga, I'd rate it at a 3 stars. Cozy, you came in a little cold at 2. The current ratings, again, last 7 days top 50 percent infinite, would give Frigga a 3. 5 percent popularity at a 47 percent win rate. Definitely not as impressive as I would have hoped. Cozy, what are your thoughts?
Cozy Snap:You know what though, even though that's the, the, I gave it a 2, but like I play it like it's a 3. 5. Like I play a lot of Frigga, I think she's a super fun card to play. And I'm gonna be honest, guys, like, I just, like, who am I impressing? Who am I trying to play these meta? Woo! Like, I just, I'm having fun with Snap, and so, for me, Frigga is fun. I think she's super fun to put into a lot of builds, and so that is something I've been doing with her. But yeah, she's definitely two when it comes to competitive. Like, at least, that kind of feels, maybe two and a half.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I actually like the card a lot. I've been playing it more often than not and I actually like it. I feel like it plays okay. Even on the release week when we were kind of evaluating it, we had suggested like even like 3 4. Is that crazy? I can see Frigga and probably stopping there. I think the effect is fun. I think it's good. I think especially with a card like Cassandra Nova considering how often Ereshim's seeing play right now, you Frigga that Cassandra Nova, right, or even you Cassandra Nova into Absorb Man into Frigga something else on turn 5, like, it's insane what you've got there, right? So I do like the card a lot, and I do see why, like, it competitively hasn't quite kept up with some of the other cards released this month. But overall, I still like it, so I kind of like the fact that you're saying like, Hey, I don't care. Whatever the meta is, who cares? I'm here to have fun, and Frigga's fun.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, she's definitely fun, and there's she is flexible, too. Like, that's the cool thing. Like, there's a large amount of decks to have that fun with, whether it be Destroyer, the Thor decks, or whatever. It's cool to sometimes just use a card twice, and I do think, as we did say, that as time moves on, there's gonna be things that make sense. To play her more and more.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no kidding. And so with Frigga, I mean, probably less exciting that you might've hoped, but I don't think like this card's bad and I hope that eventually, and it probably will come back at some point in the future, going to the next card of the well, the next week would have been Malekith. Now Cozy, you were particularly high on Malekith. You came in at 4. 5. I came in kind of low. I came in at three. Now three is not even low, but it's probably too low for Malekith. Who is running a 52 percent win rate and a 9 percent popularity.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I thought you came in at two and a half, so I'm glad the three, I was like, oh man, I was ready to have some fun with you, but you're saved with three. Yeah, man, I I think I had him as my favorite, er, man, no, it was so tough, man, because you had Gore in this, in this one, two, I think I had Gore, then Surtur, then Malekith, but they were all good. And, yeah, man, he, he played how I thought he would. He played how I thought he would. Discard, man, good God, it's so fun to play him in there. And Pradova, the list that I've been playing has seemed like it's been doing pretty good. It's what I played through Deadpool's Diner. Malekith just works, and he's going to keep
Alexander Coccia:working. He's a fun card, he's good. I mean, I gotta tell you, I gotta give you credit, the discard deck that you designed with Malekith was like the top performer for the longest time with him. And like, honestly man, like, I think that that's exactly what Malkith needed. It needed a really solid deck and a lot of fun ways to play it. And I had a lot of fun playing him too. Like, I had this deck where, like, I was running, like, all these, like, like, I was running the Hazmat Ajax type stuff. And, like, whether it pulled Hazmat, it was good. Whether it pulled Luke Cage, it was good. And even, like, 4 6 stat line, while it felt unimpressive, the idea of having, like, a snap condition hidden behind a card that your opponent can't see, I felt like it provided with a lot of snap equity. I liked the card a lot. And at first I was like, oh man, maybe three stars because it's a little random, you don't know what you're pulling. But generally speaking, everything you pulled was good. A lot of the top performing decks were running stuff like Kate Bishop, and I personally didn't like that. I'd rather have, like, insured hits at the one, two, threes, despite what the stats might indicate. I know Kate Bishop's good, but I don't want her in a Malekith deck, if that makes any sense. So, I don't know if you agree or not, but
Cozy Snap:No, I do. 100%. 100 percent agree. I I think that week he came out, we talked about it the next week, when we did our in review, that I was like, Man, there's like all types of cards in there that people were playing that I just You don't get the hit off, right? Like, it's like, it just didn't make sense. That's why Discard made so much sense, because most of the cards outside of, like, maybe Swarm, you were happy with, and then you had the big booms, like Morbius that could really take advantage.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no kidding. So yeah, Malekith Cozy coming in at 4. 5, Mia 3 Cozy, I think you were a little closer on the mark there at 52 percent win rate and 50 percent top infinite. Definitely a good card, definitely worth considering. Fenris Wolf, the next card to come out. Now, this one here was, Interesting, because I came in at 4, you came in at 3. 5. In terms of statistics, he's running a 52 percent win rate at 12 percent of the meta popularity. I'd be interested in your thoughts here, because I have mixed feelings about Fenris.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, damn, I thought I gave him a 2 and then I went up to maybe higher than that. Man, I forget all my rankings all the time. Yeah, you know what? Fenris is in the same category as Frigga for me, right? Like, I, I see what the stats say. I know what he deserves, his star rating per se. I have had good games with Finaris, and I enjoy him. I think he's a clever card. I think he is good, too. I think he's good. I think he works. I think that You know, we'll continue to have the game move forward. Like, it's, man, as soon as they fix the system, it's going to be really cool to have cards like Finaris, and this is like one that's much more worth taking the risk on when you don't have things like Gore and friggin Malekith the week before. But yeah, what are your thoughts on him?
Alexander Coccia:I liked them. I was playing this like all in Fenris deck, where I was running like Lady Deathstrike and stuff like that, like going all in on destroying their stuff and kind of trying to high roll into some interesting things, and it worked, man. It worked. I thought it was great. The, the deck performed well. It's just, it was one of those situations, like, it's, you could play a Fenris Wolf deck with like Lady Deathstrike and all these very tight lines, or you can just play Surtr and just win all the time. You know what I mean? It's like, Fenris requires all these extra hoops, and despite the fact that it's effective It's because you don't have the reliability of just like, Oh, I play big cards. I win game where I play Arishem and my opponent tilts and leaves. Fenris just kind of falls to the wayside. I do think this is a good card. I don't want to say it's going to age like fine wine, but it's going to age. Well, it's going to be like a nice picture on the wall. You're like, yeah, that's gaining value as the, you know, time goes on. I don't know if that's a good example or not, but it's going to age. Well, not like fine wine, but just good. It's going to be okay. If you have it in your collection, I think that's fine. And when it drops you know, in series in seven years, you'll be like, oh, sick, series four Fenris, this is gonna be exciting, right? Seven, Generis,
Cozy Snap:yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah, so yeah, Fenris Wolf I came in at four, Cozy three and a half, 52 percent win rate, not bad. I think we were kind of on the mark there. We're, I was not on the mark. Oh gosh, it's King Eitri. Okay, so Couple things I want to admit here. I didn't, I, okay, so last week you're like, Alex, you, you gotta, you gotta unlock the card. You have to. I have not been able to bring myself to play Deadpool's Diner enough to unlock this absolute POS. I can't, I haven't done it yet. This is your job. How have you not played? Dude, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it, man. I just, I'm, I got, I got stuck at Jell O like 95 percent of the people here, and I'm like, no, I'm not paying gold, man. I'm not doing it. I'm not paying gold. I didn't I did, I'm not doing it. I did not pay a cent. Yeah, I know you do, but you're a good player, okay man? No, I'm not, I'm not. Yes you are, yes you are. But, I was like, I can't do it dude! I, I, I'm not, I can't, I hate Deadpool's Diner so much, I'm like, I don't want to play. So like, I've been going, I've been like snapping, and then like I just lose, I'm letting it like passively increase to back to my 600, 000 or whatever. I still don't even have the card yet, but statistically he's running a 46 percent win rate, negative cube rate, 5 percent popularity, I came in at 3. 5. Cozy, you came in at 2, then you tested it at 1. 5. So I'm like 2 off. I, you need to, you need to insult me now, please, I deserve it.
Cozy Snap:I think I I think I, I feel like I did that last episode. No, actually, you didn't play the card, Jess, maybe I was light on you. No, I, I remember when you gave him a 3. 5, I was like, Alright, this is the misery of the month, you know, like, we got, you know, we got, we got a card. I, I hate him, I still hate him. I haven't played him since the video I made on him because he pissed me off that video and then I never wanted to play him again. The Asgardians just need more, like, they're just Yeah, it's not him. It's like I said, in the breakdown I gave last week, I'm not going to go through it all again, but essentially when you're playing Thor and then you're playing Bill and then you're playing maybe Jane, that you're probably going to have a lot that when you play him, you can't play him on five, can't play him on six, probably not going to play him on four and probably three. So you can play him on one or two.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I hate him. Like, it's not like I understand. And maybe it's because I didn't get my hands on them that I didn't break them. You know what I mean? I, maybe I was the guy to break the meta.
Cozy Snap:It was, I might not even
Alexander Coccia:unlock him. I might not even unlock him. Like, I actually just, I don't give a hoot about Deadpool's diner. Would that be the first card you don't have, though? It would be the only card I don't have. I might not do it, dude. I'm not even that far off, but I'm still like a couple million bubs out. You might as well not. I'm actually so, like, I'm so irritated with him.
Cozy Snap:point, I think it's like a, it's a trophy you could hold, not having him.
Alexander Coccia:Just don't even bother? Like, you, you, like, this is the, I stand on this hill, I'm like, no. I, I chose this path?
Cozy Snap:Yep.
Alexander Coccia:Then he gets buffed to 1 4? 1 5.
Cozy Snap:1
Alexander Coccia:6. Cozy plays him, breaks the meta? Yeah. Yeah, King Eitri, he sucks, and whenever we do the rankings, you're gonna get to roast me even more, cause it also gets pretty sad there, too. Not as sad, but kinda not great. Alright, we go to gore. Gore. Gore, the Big Bad, the God Butcher, Cozy, you came in at 5, and then you talked yourself down to 4. 5. So
Cozy Snap:you're at 5. No, I ranked in the number one card of the month. On God, go look at it. Go back. No, I
Alexander Coccia:have that too, sir. And you said, hey, that doesn't make sense, because you ranked sort of higher. You kind of, yeah, I checked, I checked the team. I know none of my
Cozy Snap:rankings. I'm too tired for this. Yeah, I don't know any of my rankings, but yes. Okay, so 4. 5, but he's my best card of the month. Best card of the month. Okay.
Alexander Coccia:Yes, so you ranked him less than Surtur, but thought he was ultimately better than Surtur, I don't, it was confusing too. Good
Cozy Snap:job Cozy,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. I came in at 4, but here's the thing though, and again, this is infinite, top 50%, 7 days, 49 percent win rate, at a 26 percent popularity. So the win rate's actually really low, but how much Rogue have you seen this week?
Cozy Snap:Yeah dude, it was a card that was easy to counter, like heavily, or super scroll, or people were doing negative decks. I don't care what they say, I'm sticking with it by rating, I think he's a crack card, I love him.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, this is like very hard to rate because two weeks from now when he's not being aggressively countered the entire time, his stats are gonna go up. His cube rate's barely positive, but 49 percent win rate I do not think is indicative of what he's capable of, considering that I was getting him vertical like well over 20, very often. Especially with the opportunity to copy them with Mystique and stuff like that, very natural plays. So I do agree the amount of Rogue gameplay was exceptional over the last
Cozy Snap:week. So much Rogue, yep.
Alexander Coccia:So so maybe that was a bit of a fact. We talked about that though, eh? Like, the release week of the cards, sometimes it can be hard to evaluate because of that exact reason. So, Gore, for us, I dropped a 4, you dropped a 5. Now, final rankings. These are the rankings, Cozy, that you would give them. I can't wait to hear these again. You said Gore number 1, Surtur number 2, Malekith number 3, Fenris number 4, Frigga number 5, and Eitri at the bottom. Oh, I think I What do you think?
Cozy Snap:I think I nailed it. Maybe Surtur because of the poster. I think, yeah, I like I like my rankings there. I feel good about that.
Alexander Coccia:I think, I think Surger, Gore, Switch, and you're perfect. Okay,
Cozy Snap:okay.
Alexander Coccia:That's what I would suggest. Now, not nearly as perfect. Oh my gosh, I don't even want to read this. Okay, here, we ready? Alex's rankings. This is so bad. Surger number one, okay, that's not bad. Okay. Surger number one, okay. Fenris Wolf. Gore, King E Tree, Frigga, Malekith. Next time we do rankings, I'm not going to get into the Jack Daniels because unfortunately it impacts my judgment.
Cozy Snap:Dude, let's face it. You went full scotch, man. I saw that full barrel of scotch you put down. It was the one that was in my backdrop, man. As my son cries. Sorry if anybody heard that in the background there. Yeah listen, not your best, Rankin. Not your best.
Alexander Coccia:Not your worst. Actually, I've done worse. Oh yeah, I've definitely done worse. If you're listening to this podcast, you know I've done worse.
Cozy Snap:I feel like you've done worse maybe on an individual card, but the full rankings I don't know if you, I don't know.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, my actual independent rankings are not that far off. No, they're not. E Tree's, E Tree's off. I missed E Tree. But the actual numerical rankings are rough here, right?
Cozy Snap:I think that you loved Asgardians so much and Beta Ray Bill. Like, I think you saw King E Tree and like, you fell in love, right? And I think that's what happened.
Alexander Coccia:And that he's so bad now that I have, I, and Deadpool's diner so bad that I don't even want to play him. Like, I don't even want to unlock him. I'm not going to spend six K tokens on a man. I can't, he's going to be, I don't know what to do. I need, I need to actually like go to therapy over this. Like I actually don't know what to do. Do
Cozy Snap:you? Therapists? Yeah, no, no comment.
Alexander Coccia:No comment, alright. You know what we should talk about, Cozy? Talk about King E Tree. You know, if King E Tree were to drop in series, I wouldn't be as upset about it. But we both know that King E Tree is not going to drop in series within the next six years. Or he'll be the one that drops like a rock where everything else stays up, who knows. What I will say, however, is that you know, after we had finished recording our Snapchat last week, we released our episode on Monday. Shortly thereafter, they released the series drops. Like, the, the timing was, couldn't have been worse, honestly. Cozy and I did not know in advance of what those drops were going to be or how awful they were going to be. And even a week or two prior, we actually had done an episode about series drops in this very podcast. And we had joked about how like, oh, there's a ton of cards they should be dropping, they're probably going to drop absolute garbage. And we said that to each other and laughed. I don't know about you Cozy, I thought to myself, with all the competition out there, with everything that's going on, Pokemon Pocket literally eating their lunch from the fridge every single day, they gotta bring their A game. They most certainly did not bring their A game at all. So, we got quite a conversation to have here, Cozy, so and I'll give you the floor here. What are your general thoughts on those series drops?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so I was trying to find two things looking down while you were talking, so I do apologize. What I was looking for are two different quotes from developers, right? And so, let me pull up the first one here. If fun fact, I think if you go to the Marvel Snap Reddit and you sort by top, and I think it's this month, I believe it is well, no, that's even better. There's a great troll card there. No, it's the third one down. So, this was from Bin Brode was it two years ago when series drops were introduced? I'm sure a lot of people have seen this, but just, it's important for context of our conversation. So two years ago, we have a lot to figure out with moving cards down a series, but we have time to figure that out. However, I will say that at some point, cards entering series 5 and 4 need to equal cards being downgraded from series 4 to 3, or else token shop cards will infinitely inflate, causing new players to have an insurmountable hill to climb. What this means is that if we add one new card a week to Series 5, you'll see one card go from Series 4 to 3 a week, as well. On average, we might do this in batches. So even players who spend a single token or who never spend a token will eventually have the same pace. Of new cards, just later. Now before we comment on that, let me read the second one here. This is from our current community manager, Griffin, who states series drops arrive December 10th, while these series drops will help many players along their journey. I don't know who, who that is. It's not intended to fix the core issues we were, we are all feeling around card acquisition. The team remains focused on a, just honestly, yeah, a little corporate ish there, but team remains focused on a larger, long term solution. We're planning for an even bigger series drop in the first quarter of 2025. Which is faster than our previous series drop schedule. Okay, great. Got through those two. I think those are good to have context because there's a lot to talk around that. And which one, which one do you want to start with? Ben's or the other one?
Alexander Coccia:It's funny. Cause I actually did have Ben's clipped in my notes as well. And what that really showed me was that the team, when they designed this system was aware of its limitations, were aware of its flaws, and were also aware of what they had to do to make this system fair in the longterm where years down the line, this has not happened as described by Ben. And what has resulted is not an insurmountable hill to climb, but a hill the size of Mount Everest. Right, Olympus Mons, right, for the space space interested out there. Like, this is such a massive hill to climb for new players that, like, they're not even going to want to start in the first place. And it bothers me from a sense that, like, you know this was a problem. You knew on the onset of designing this system that this was the problem scenario, and you never did anything to rectify it. You just allowed the problem to continue to basically just balloon over and over and over again, continuously kind of like dangling a little bit of a carrot in front of the audience, like, hey, we're going to fix, we're going to fix it. And they're just not fixing it. And then essentially what happened is it hits a boiling point where the, your audience isn't going to take it anymore. The player base is going to take it anymore. And it's unfortunate because you have a game that is so remarkable to play. A game that is widely considered the best card game on the planet. And I play all of them, I play all the digital ones, I play all the physical ones. Marvel Snap's the one that keeps me coming back from a gameplay perspective. But, this This system, it has put such a negative focus on the best card game on the planet, that it's mind blowing to me that we're years from that quote that you just read, Cozy. Despite the fact that on the onset they knew that that was the problem, and they chose, they chose not to correct it. I don't know why, because for me it seems like an incredibly obvious thing to have to fix. At
Cozy Snap:this point it's, let's do something and then let's see how Reactions come from it and then we'll change. Right. So like we've seen that with some of the stuff, I guess, with like the split. Bugs that happen. I don't really care about that. Listen, I want to simplify this, guys. I play this game well, yeah, I have big content on it, but I play it for fun. I play it for fun. It's a, it's a mobile game. It's a mobile game, okay? That's why it's like, meta this, meta that. I don't care. It's a game that I'm picking up for fun. And when you don't get the new cards, it's not fun. Like, it's just not rocket science, and they were making a lot of money at the start. Because of the core of the game's first build, and they needed ways to continue to make that much, and they have chosen the wrong path, time and time. And it, yeah, listen, they're withholding fun, they're not having cards go down, it's, it's puzzling, I just, to me, there is no other way around it. There's no small team excuse, there's no listen, this could hold me back from being in a future Conkers. I, I, that would be a shame. I, because I, I have to speak when we have spoken. There's just, it's just not even much left to say. It's, they've got to drop cards, way more cards. We're so disappointed. With the cars that dropped. I think everybody can say that, right? I think at this point we can all say that. It's not scorched earth, guys. It's not like, do what you want to. If you don't like the game, like, just stop play just stop playing it. But, for those that love the game, like us too, and many others. We want the game to be great, and so seeing a series drop like the last one, it's just I'm not even shocked, you know, I was a little more shocked than I usually would, because I thought, you know, with a competition, but B, just given the state of how many cards have entered the game versus how many have dropped, It is. It's something they've got to fix, and so it's like, they, I just, I, I hate that we, why did we wait till the boiling point? Why was that the goal? I just don't understand some of the key decision makers over there choosing that route, you know? And it's, listen, when Spotlights came out, we all got on this call, we got to see Spotlights give our feedback on how the Spotlight system would work, our worries about it. What we thought about it, we gave good rapport to it, because of, at the time, when it came out, what it was solving. I've never been on another call. I've never been invited to another call. Ever. I know other people that have been invited, though I hate to speak for them, but I know Regis has tweeted the same. Like, we, there's just communication, isn't there? I don't know what else to do or say at that point, and that is a bummer there. Just man, I'm exhausted. I just, guys, drop cards. Make the game more playable. Make it more fun. There's a lot of cool, Glenn, you kick ass man. Love balancing this game. I think the balance is so much fun, er, the cards are so much fun. They're so unique. The game has such a good charm about it that the charm of Marvel Snap is what keeps me playing it. But yeah, we can't play the game when we don't have cards, and if I'm creating content, and I'm signed to buy cards, and I'm having to explain to my wife I'm spending X amount to get cards, like, it's just It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Alexander Coccia:It is crazy. And talking about poor communication, I think there's another core thing that needs to be mentioned. There's often this, like you mentioned it before, even when you were reading the prior statement, like there's a lot of corporate speak and I think it's like. It kind of reads insulting sometimes, like that's the way I take it there's been so many times where like, they've said, oh, like, oh, we hear you, or we're listening to you and stuff like that. However, the community as a whole should not feel like they have to resort to things like review bombing in order for their opinion to be taken seriously. The Marvel Snap community has been, like, stating for the longest time that this is, these are significant pain points. And if it doesn't come up at a round table, like, two years ago, saying like, Hey, we gotta fix this because this is a significant problem for our game. It, like, the fact that review bombing happened, that to me, really, really, really hurt me. Because, when that happens, like, it, it takes years, years, for games to correct that reputational damage. It takes years. For a game to like turn the corner from that type of that type of like, you know, review bombings like stuff. And like, you think that's not going to impact new players when they look at a game and it goes from a four and a half rating on the Google play store to a 3. 2 or when it goes for, when there's 70, 000 negative reviews on steam saying the exact same thing over and over again. Like that, that to me, especially as like someone who makes content for this game, loves the game. I'm getting messages on my videos saying like, hey Alex, like love the content, but like I can't play Snap anymore, like I just can't. When people are not playing Snap anymore, not because they don't love the gameplay or the game, because they ethically think that they cannot continue playing the game and supporting the way these systems functions, it's so heartbreaking man. Like I, I wasn't even mad when this happened. I was like, So disappointed that it came to this point. It actually breaks my heart that like these situations keep happening and we keep being forced to have these difficult conversations that like should, should never get to this point. Like these should have been fixed a year and a half ago. Like the quote you read today illustrated that they knew this was a problem from the onset and they chose not to correct it. And perhaps we're not privy to all the information. We're not privy to what, you know, private equity investors are into, or, you know, green lines not going high enough, but it doesn't, it doesn't matter at the end of the day, you know?
Cozy Snap:It's, we have so much fun with the game guys. We keep the podcast usually really light and fun. But why, how can we, you know, with that, how do we not, and the, the sad fact is, I, other than Glynn, and I'll shout, and the guys, the reason I shout out Glynn is because Glynn will talk to me. Hey, you know, respected the episode today. Loved your takes here. Never gotten that from anyone else. So I'm kind of speaking to the void, right? Like, it's, the there's just nothing so speaking about it, I think it's important to you guys and our thoughts on it, because you guys listen to us every Monday. We love that. We appreciate that. It pains me though to, yeah, see the hurt across the board. The game in the digital card space has won and it's gotta win. I'm sorry, Snap's not going anywhere. If No Man's Sky could do it, Snap could do it, right? But yeah, it's what a damn shame it is, is that we're going into the holiday season. Second Dinner has written, if you look at their job applications, literally that you get two weeks off during the holidays, or three weeks, I don't even remember what it was. But like, time's gonna be taken off. So, you're effectively gonna have two weeks A really rough December, outside of the collaboration season, which is so funny! It takes Marvel Rivals and this hype game collaborating with Snap to have some lift off. But then we have to wait till January. And so, hey, you know, Griffin, I'm glad that you see you, all you guys at the dev team see the, you know, see the flaws. And January, you guys have the chance to drop a lot of cards. And do it right now. I think we said drop every card one series. Man, I don't even know if that would be enough, right? Like, but like, make it obvious. No matter what, you can have the in the internet trolls and drama and, and, and I, like, that's why we don't talk about negativity a lot. Like, Twitter represents 1%, and I just don't care about people that cry. But, when it's something that's just like, very obvious and evident, right? Yeah. It's just, yeah, it's just disappointing. It's just disappointing. And Make the game fun. Make the game fun by giving people more cards, right? You guys have made a lot of money. Make money through variants. Yep, but not every game, mode, everything, every feature, you know, not everything has to be about the bottom line. It'll come if the game, you know, continues to be, to be fun. So yeah, it's, it's a bummer, but I, like, I still have fun with the game. It's not that, but again, I think I explained it last week. I'm buying the card, so I'm having fun, right? So make it fun for everybody. Make it enjoyable and and get rid of that that hill. And I think also maybe address some, not just that quote from Ben. I think there's a lot of past quotes on a lot of past things. You can't buy tokens. You can't, there's a lot of things that have been said and then they just like do it and then we all are like, Oh, cool. You know, that works, I guess. But like, I think just address them, have an open Q and A, have an open dev talk, have an open. Discord call with the creators if you want a smaller size, I think they have a a server or something for people that are going in for feedback or something, I don't think it was the creators, but just everybody, I don't know how that works. Yeah, and I, I'll say it, I open you guys devs if you're listening, I open my DMs on Discord, I'm wide open, as are Alex's too I think, to talk about this. I'd love to. I'd love to talk more.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, I absolutely would, and that's not an opportunity that I've ever been given, right? And like, this, this is our platform to try to kind of advocate for positive change, and we, we're trying our best to do that. And you know, I don't want to harp on things, but at the same time, it's like, if you, if you think about like the, the issues with the amount of cards entering series five, they even made the problem worse. Like we used to have it. So the first week of the season was only the season pass. And then they added an additional card in there. So like they made that decision to add an additional card into series 5 every single month that just kind of pushed people further and further out even where even just buying the season pass isn't enough, right? You have the changes to the way the collector's tokens work and the collector's reserves work. Like I have over 900 of them at this point. Like they're just not They're not really worth anything at all. Like I can't, it's not worth the time for like cozy. I'll pay you to open my tokens. Like open my crates. Like, I don't know what else to do. Gold bundles are basically just gone, right? Like that we used to have amazing gold bundles with amazing value. And those are just gone. So like, there's all these small pain points that add up to just this whole. Method of playing with the card. It's a card game where playing with the cards is the hardest part. Getting your hands on the actual cards is the hardest part. And so I don't know. I just, I just legitimately hope they fix it. I'm past being mad. Like I'm just, I'm actually sad about it, man. I don't have anything else to say on it.
Cozy Snap:Like, I'm not going to talk about this in future weeks, guys. We'll talk about in January when they address it. I just like, I'm not going to harp on it and it's not because I don't care. It's just like. Okay, like, what, what, what am I, what am I, what are we gonna do, you know but say our initial take and we've, we've, we've said it multiple times now, I think we've had multiple weeks with it but yeah, that's, that's all I have to say on the, on the subject, just disappointment as a, as a full day.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah I agree, and I just think it's, it's unfortunate closing that I think we lost a lot of actual players. I think that over this past week, we lost a lot of actual Marvel Snap players. People who love this game, and when that series drop announcement came, they realized that they were never going to be able to keep up. And that's what upsets me the most, because I was getting messages from, I know, peoples, the names, that I've recognized since like the first two weeks of Marvel Snaps launch, and they're saying goodbye to me. Because we got guys who are making decisions about their bottom line and not about the player base. That bothers me because I know you're like me man. I don't look at, I don't look at subscriber numbers. I don't see numbers. I see people and it really bothered me. So yeah, I just want to close with that because at the end of the day, we need to just make sure that we're actually you know, we're giving our player base the opportunity to actually play the game they love. And when we take that away from them, they're gonna go and they're gonna find something else they love. They're gonna leave our communities, and for me, that's the most heartbreaking part.
Cozy Snap:I think that there are ways to, just like I, what, I brought up No Man's Sky, there are ways to really fix this pretty swiftly. You will lose some of those people, then you won't come back, but you know, people will, people won't. For me, you know, I'm doing Rivals because it's a game I love, like, period. If I wanted to capitalize, I've talked about it, I would do Pokemon Pocket. So y'all will see more than every anything that if I were to stop making content on my Snap Channel, and if my Rivals Channel was, you know, doing great over there, which, you know, it's it's been such a tremendous support to start. If I, like, my whole channel, I di I didn't come from another game, my channel doesn't come from another game, I don't cover Surely Snap, day in day out, every week of my life, every day of my life, has been about Marvel Snap. And I wanna keep on having that. And you know, January, as I said December was gonna be, January's a big month. And you know, looking forward to the series drops. I also just don't know why we don't get the drops now. Put more now, I don't know, I don't know. Anyway let's get to the Snapchat mailbag, shall we?
Alexander Coccia:Our first question comes in from Diego, and it reads, Hey guys, I love the Snapchat because I really like the way you guys share your opinions on the game, on the cards, and even your favorite candies. Anyways, I wanted to ask how cool it would be to change Lizard to Inactivate, transform any card here into other Lizards, and then there could be like other 1 2 Lizards.
Cozy Snap:Oh, that's cool. It's cooler than the Lizard we have now, that's for sure. I'll give you that much. I thought you meant like other Lizards. There were two fives. It's like, oh my gosh, that lane would go down and just, it would be destroyed immediately. Yeah, yeah, that's fun. I like the idea. I always love when people throw their, their ideas for you know, new car design.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know. I just thought it was funny because they, they, like the Snapchats, we talk about candy, which by the way, I have to, I had this thought of like, I gotta go to the States and pick up some candy. But apparently Buffalo had a massive storm, and so I can't get to the, what? Big storm, yeah. Yeah, huge storm. Can't get in there, man, can't get in there. Next question comes from Yazalier? Maybe? I don't know. Just got into Garden Life, a Cozy Simulator, in this month's Humble Bundle. So my question is, where is Cozy's channel about gardening? I can't seem to find it. Seems like a good activity to do with my kid.
Cozy Snap:It is hidden deep in the realms of YouTube. Deep in there, you'll find I it's an all caps, but this tomato plant is a nightmare. And then there's like a line and then look for it. It says best tomatoes I've ever tasted. It's deep. Look it up.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. I actually love gardening. I used to grow like all my own hot peppers and stuff, and this sounds crazy, but I used to like make like not jalapenos, but these habanero style peppers. And I used to just eat them straight up. Oh, well, here's a fun fact. Do you know that jalapenos are hottest when they're younger? So when they're green, they're hottest. And as they gain color, as they go like yellow to red and et cetera, they actually become sweeter. Yeah. Very interesting fact. I don't know if you care. I maybe I should launch a gardening channel. I was going to
Cozy Snap:say that was already on my you must miss my latest podcast episode and a cozy gardener episode. I had talked about the jalapenos Alex, but that was a really cool fact.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Cozy Snap, and is it David Yuzuki? Suzuki? Suzuki? Who's the gardener guy? Who's the guy that paints all the pictures? Are they the same guy? What pictures? Bob Ross? The guy who paints the pictures, Bob Ross? Is Bob Ross the guy that does all the gardening? No, David Suzuki's the gardener. I
Cozy Snap:think
Alexander Coccia:he's the gardener. Next question, from you two. Why does it look like Gore is wearing a thong? Or is it a shadow spider? Or is it both?
Cozy Snap:I'm looking at him right now. Is Gore wearing a thong? I'm looking at him right now, actually. What do you think?
Alexander Coccia:He's, it looks like it could be a spider, but it's definitely a thong.
Cozy Snap:Nope.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Can't
Cozy Snap:even get it, can't even get it. Nope. His legs are so much bigger than the rest of his body, too.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, that's gonna end it for us tonight. Thank you so much for joining us this week,
Cozy Snap:everybody. Really appreciate you
Alexander Coccia:guys, and we'll see you on that next one.
Cozy Snap:Anyway, you guys have a good one, have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping.