The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Who is Gorr for? | Best Cards in Snap | Fenris Wolf In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 108
Will Gorr butcher your game play or your opponent's? What is sucking all the fun out of Marvel Snap? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Fenris Wolf? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? Welcome to another episode of the Snapchat. Maybe Deadpool's Diner has you down, but today we've got you covered as we talk about probably the best card this month in Gore the God Butcher. This looks to be the new Premiere 6 cost card. Alex and I are going to break down all the synergies, our thoughts on if you should get this card. With a lot of good cards coming. Down the line, and we're going to talk about King Eitri, a card that I might have some certain hate for in particular for a couple reasons. Is it worth grinding the game mode for the free card? And we're going to talk about the game mode too. And just kind of the withholding of fun that it might have and Snap might have in a couple of areas. We've got a lot to talk about today on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend, on the last week of November. Can't believe we're heading into The holiday season. The winter season already. I can hear Mariah Carey. As we speak, man, we got the decorations up this weekend. It's it was a lot. It was a lot. I can't even tell you, man. I get all the way down to the storage units, alright? It's like, it's like 30 minutes away. Get all the way there. Get all the stuff in the car. Load it up. I take it up three floors of elevators. And, guess what? My wife accidentally took the storage key off. So found that out right then and there. Text her, oopsie, took it off. I was left abandoned. And that's how I started my Christmas season off. It's never easy. No matter how easy I think Christmas decorations will be, and how I organize it, and how it's all set up. It's never easy. And right now snap may not be easy for some of you guys. We've got a lot of topics to talk about. Deadpools Diner we're gonna talk about later. Listen, I don't even think it's a 50 50 split. I think it's like chocolate. Do you like it? 80%, 20%. 20% like it, 80% don't. But we're gonna talk about that in today's third subject. But Alex, I gotta adjust the elephant in the room even though you hate them. New camera, new.
Alexander Coccia:Oh my gosh, yeah, dude. So I got my camera back. It's not a new camera, I got it repaired, and you know, that, that was great, and then last week, while streaming, I accidentally destroyed my microphone, which sounds crazy, but I did, I did like a, a celebration where I threw my hands up and like spun around, and when I did that, I caught the USB cable in my microphone, and like ripped out like the, the, The actual port and broke the PCB, like I destroyed my mic somehow, it's like I can't believe I managed to do that. Classic Alex move, over celebrating a win in Marvel Snap, destroys his equipment. So now, yes, we got our camera back, no more webcam, we got an actual DSLR, and then I got a brand new microphone setup, so I'm excited, man, I feel like I'm finally prepared to do the Snapchat again, because we've been running on, like, backup gear for the last several weeks.
Cozy Snap:Well, buddy, with all the new gear What are we talking about with that new gear on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat. We're going to be talking about Fenris Wolf in review, giving it our thoughts, our rating, and of course whether or not you should be spending your hard earned tokens and keys on it. We're also going to be talking about the best cards in Marvel Snap. We'll be going through our top 10 list to give you an idea of which are the cards that are having the greatest impact on the meta. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, let's jump right in. Let's jump into Gore, the God Butcher, who I think is gonna be probably the best card this month. I mean, you know, obviously Surtur has, you know, big shoes to fill. We knew he was gonna be really good. And we kind of talked about this when the month began. Can't believe we're already here at the tail end of it. Felt like half as long as October, man. I felt like October was super long. This one has gone by in a blink of an eye. Gore is coming to the game. Before we jump into him, he comes alongside Havoc and Legion. Which is par for the course. Really good card coming with a pretty lackluster week. Legion's a good card, but by now you either have him or listen, he, he's good to continue to get series dropped. If you're listening to this today, I think The series drops are going to be announced either today, tomorrow, or this week at some point, so unfortunately we can't cover that subject now because we don't exactly know what it is, but we're hoping it's a banger. That's That's what we've been saying. But besides that, let's talk about Gore. Let's talk about the God Butcher and he's a six cost card with a negative one power to him ongoing plus two power for each on reveal card in play. And so we definitely have ourselves a big new six drop card. What do you think of a man, immediate star rating?
Alexander Coccia:So, immediate star rating, I'm gonna go to four. Originally when we did our preview earlier, like now a month ago, wow, I can't believe it's been that long. I was kind of in a more hesitant position where I was like, you know what, I can see this card flopping a little bit. And now that I've kind of like really taken a look at what the meta looks like now, cause meta evolves constantly. I think there's a lot of on reveals being used. I think that like, even cards like Frigga and Malekith have encouraged more on reveal use. And so, naturally, I think that that Gore has a better position now than he did prior. Also, when you consider, like, what the big stat sticks are doing right now, in terms of at the six, kind of, costed slot, I feel like Gore can compete there. So, I, I think I'm comfortable with a good four star rating here, but as you mentioned before, these spotlight caches are terrible. Like, we've had, like, I like Havoc, but that doesn't mean I like Gore. Like, I like playing Havoc, but he's not a good card, right? You know what I mean? Like, I, I like his design. And Legion's been in the Spotlight Cache, like, three, maybe four times? This might be the fourth time? So it's, like, a little unfortunate that the Spotlight Cache is as weak as it is, because I think that a lot of people are excited for Gore.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and I actually think both of these are going to drop, probably, in series. If I were to take a guess, they both seem like they're, they're ready to go to the next One down, but, you know, again, we'll see. Maybe Legion stays in four. I think he's already four, so I don't know if he'll go to three. But listen, man, since Snap has come out, we've had a universal six drop in power decks, right? We've had you know, Dr. Doom, Magneto, then we had Blob and then Red Hulk, obviously was for the time being. And he's kind of still the one to play. Blob just kind of fell off a little bit. Dude, I gave this card a 5 star rating. I think it was like the one that I wanted to go off the beaten path, and I think I might still stick with that. I think this is a really good card, and I think he's gonna stay as that. This is a card that, to me, can't miss because of his board wide effect. Yes, there are some things that could go bad if you happen to play a bad lineup and have bad draw, but for the most part, I think this thing just gets massive. I mean, that's plus 2 for each on reveal card in play. It is just such a big deal, and it's in play, so you can judge if you want to finish with him or not. I think he's gonna be a nice finishing card for a lot of decks. I like Gore a lot, I really do, and with really strong months to come, it's hard to determine which cards to buy, but this one feels like he might win that slot of like, okay, I think he is worth that spot and worth grabbing. That being said, though, Synergy's a little weird and non specific, we got a lot to break down in that category and Alex, I'll go ahead and ship it off to you, my friend, and let you start us off with Synergy. Where do you see him best played?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so this is a little strange, and I kind of think that like I don't want to say that negative is a very natural spot for gore, but at the same time, when you have a 6 1 stat line, how do you not bring up negative? Especially as someone who has an ongoing ability can be played alongside something like a mystique, which naturally makes those decks as well I don't know. Iron Man, Mystique, Gore, they could start being a core component of like a much more competitive Mr. Negative deck. Now for those of you that have joined us since the launch of the game, you might be thinking, Alex, Mr. Negative has had moments like the Negative Surfer deck, but it's never really been meta or near the top. During the beta, Mr. Negative was one of the best decks you could play. It was legitimately the top meta contender, and that changed ultimately after launch, and so, a card like this, I feel like, is a massive tool that Mr. Negative can use, and I don't think they necessarily balance for Mr. Negative, you know what I mean? So I think that there's going to be releases here and there at times that might take the, like, Mr. Negative approach by surprise. I mean, they shouldn't be surprised, but what I mean is like, if they're not Balancing for Negative, there's going to be opportunities for it to kind of take a stranglehold of the meta when a card like Gore gets released.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think Negative is a fun one to start out with. I mean, Negative, it, like, I don't think he is ever, like, just going to be that meta deck, but this does make it stronger. He continues to get these cards that kind of you know, you don't always need to have the perfect flip with the Jane Foster pull and have everything go right. Obviously, the thing that does go right for him is that we have a lot of unreveals in there and I wanted to slow it down and just say, listen guys, if you and your opponent each play three on reveals, which if you look at the meta, that's pretty likely to happen. I mean, very likely to happen. You already have your gore at 11 power, and that's just, that's at a like I said, a thing that's probably bound to happen within the gameplay. And so, you have something already kicking off so well, and then you've got cards that can boost him even more. Obviously, as we just said, Mr. Negatives can be huge. For a free play, essentially. But then you also have yourself the added power on the flip. But then you start to compare it with other cards that could go into, you know, these old negative builds that we used to do, like Bast, Ravonna. Ravonna probably being one of the more strong, just, overall synergies with gore. You know, I would say Ravonna probably synergizes way more with ongoing cards, as gore is an ongoing card. But just to be able to have that in the shell, and then even going with who I would say is my MVP, and I don't want to stop talking about Mr. Negative, but my kind of like, wow, if you can really get things spinning here, Mystique has got a really good chance to go crazy, because Mystique is just one power more than he than he is essentially, and it has the exact same effect. So you'll have to figure out how you kind of get that engine rolling, but just having Ravonna play him early into Mystique, and then you have other honor reveals going down. You start to look at a pretty crazy potential kind of new archetype too, which is fun. But yeah, man, I think Mr. Negative alone could definitely use a little bit more fun, a little bit more consistency. And, and Gore's going to bring that, and that's like the fun side, right? Gore is one of those cards we can go in and try to look at where we think he's gonna be the most fun or add to decks that need the help. Magor is just pure a great stat card in my opinion and a very just flex vanilla card.
Alexander Coccia:So I love that you bring up like the the synergy with Mystique because Mystique is often like, it's a card that allows you to really take advantage of a very specific circumstance. So like, Old school Marvel Snap, Pool 2, Pool 3, Early Pool 3, you're using Mystique to copy Devil Dinosaur. Now you have Mystique copying things like Ronin and stuff, although like the zero power that she has kind of mitigates her upside there. With Gore, she actually, as you said, she starts one power higher. You know what I mean? And so if you can get Gore out either on turn six and play Mystique seven, or if you can negative them, play them on the same turn, or if you can ramp into Gore, right, with something like an Electro, who has the ongoing ability, but also has an on reveal itself, then you can do something like Gore into Mystique, but I think that line's weak, obviously, because you're only playing the Mystique as a single card, but, you know what I mean? Just trying to say here that, like, if you consider how powerful Gore's effect is, and the fact that it's an ongoing, Mystique's stocks definitely do rise, especially as a follow up play to Gore on a future turn.
Cozy Snap:Which I think really brings a good point up, guys. Who is Gore for? Alright, that's the name of this, this should have been the name of this this segment. Who is Gore for? And that's where I think it's really cool. If you like to have fun in the game, you can go Mr. Negative, and Gore's gonna be cool in there. If you like big cards, he's gonna be able to do that. Maybe even some on reveal stuff. But also, he's for the metagamers. He's for the people that like to play the more try hard decks, like Bounce, who is obviously a huge winner. You know, we can kind of gear that direction if we want to. I mean, Bounce decks as a whole, I think, are gonna benefit just because of the number of on reveals. Obviously, Bounce, you know, Profits the most from unreveals, the Rockets, the Silver Sables, the Sages. That's gonna really take it up, not to mention Beast and, and Toxin and Falcon. All of these are on reveals, and then you've got this massive finisher that you can either combine and finish your bounce stuff by turn 5, or just have them kind of slotted in there as this finisher option. And that right there is like, that's what's cool about him. Who's Gore for? It's kind of for everybody. He kind of fits both molds.
Alexander Coccia:He does, and he has like this really wide application. I feel like he's analogous to something like a Red Hulk, where like, Red Hulk was a cool buy at the time, not only because it was very, very good, it had to get nerfed, but because it can kind of go on any deck, and it was a very good like, capture all for, hey, I need a big power play on turn six. That can go in any deck, and that was good for people, right? And I think Gore kind of does the same thing as well. Very naturally, I feel like the default card design in Marvel Snap is an on reveal card. You know, ongoing cards and other cards along those lines, they're not as common, I feel like. You get a lot of on reveals, and so Gore, as more unreveals get released, just gets better, like, you know what I mean? It gets better for both, if your opponent's meta call is they're playing cards and they have lots of unreveals, but just like yourself, too, right? Like, if you're playing a deck with lots of unreveals, or, you're likely going to be anyways, but that's kind of what you mentioned prior, that like, Try to build a deck with absolutely no on reveals. Like, yeah, we got Spectrum ongoing decks and Tribunal decks don't have that many on reveals. But still, there's enough that Gore is not a completely dead card. It doesn't sit at negative one.
Cozy Snap:That's what's cool about him, right? You've got a card that is for and against. Like, he's the defense, he's the offense, he's a counter. Even something like Discard, right? Discard has a lot of, you know, a good amount that need the on reveals to trigger it. And so now you have a little bit more of a defense to go over the top against that Dracula that's doing really good right now, right? It's good with bounce, it's fantastic against bounce, right? It's good with the Asgardians, it's great against it. So you've got this thing cooking. But also, my point is too, like, let's take Darkhawk for an example. The, the staple deck that's around, it's been around, always gonna be around. The best Darkhawk builder right now, you have, these are the on reveal cards, Core, Cassandra Nova, Gambit, Juggernaut, Moon Knight, Black Bolt, and then you could even have in there, obviously, Rock Slide. That's five, six cards in there that are on reveal. For a deck, you wouldn't really think, oh, that's an on reveal deck. And so, You can look at the top of the meta, and there's so many different odd reveals plugged into even the best decks, that this guy's just going to have that value. He's counting for both sides. That power is counting for both sides, and your deck's built for it. The opponent's deck usually has to use it, and that's where I think he shines. There is one deck in particular, Alex, that I want your, your, your thoughts on, and I think it might be a sleeper for this guy. My friend, I think that Zoo might be this guy's incredible home. Okay, now you're gonna have to build Zoo a little bit differently and less traditionally than what we have, because you do want to make sure that the one cost is Are gonna be on reveal at a base, but you already have, you have Squirrels, you have Nicos, you have Rockets, like, you already have plenty of other ones that go well. But what I love about this, you know, obviously, Sable Snow Guard, that gives even more you know, on reveals, which is really cool. What I love about this, though, is that this is perfect to build into the later rounds. Obviously, you have Shawna that's an on reveal, okay? Shauna Summons cards. So, in play, right? In play, I think it's just on location. So, there you go. You got even more on reveals. I just went to the ones. You can just see just how many one costs there are that are on reveals, right? But then, it's like, okay, then you go into the later turn, and you've got your finisher in Gilgamesh, who's another honor reveal, plus him as that final final over the top. You don't need to rely on Gilgamesh going stupid and saying, because now you have two cards with the big power. This is where I'm testing him first. This might be my favorite home for the god, Busher.
Alexander Coccia:I like it. I like that a lot. And the thing I want to mention as well is I, it's kind of like a point aside to what you were mentioning is like you mentioned like Squirrel Girl for instance, right? And I know that there are people listening like, hey Cozy, you're huffin hopin Squirrel Girls, the squirrels don't have on reveals. And I would say to that, that, that doesn't matter. Because if you think about what the baseline for the card is, it's so high. And here's a perfect example, okay? Ajax. When Ajax first came out, people were running. decks without Loot Cage. They were actually debuffing their own cards, they were using Typhoid, they were doing, so yeah, Ajax could get to 20 something power. But, they were destroying everything else in the process. The best performing Ajax decks now run Loot Cage. And Ajax ends up at approximately the power level of something like a Gilgamesh. It's not about the ceiling, it's about the quality of the floor. And so with Gore, if you're playing a Honor Veil based deck that's like a Zoo deck, The squirrels don't really matter, because yeah, you're gonna get the the Mockingbird out there, who's not necessarily non reveal either. But Gilgamesh, and everything else that comes alongside with that package, it just raises Gore's floor, and you just have a tremendous amount of power output, so, no, I like that a lot. Now, we see it, we talk about it all the time, getting too greedy with specific cards and trying to dive too deep into min maxing them, doesn't often result in the best decks. The best decks are often the ones that utilize a consistent floor to just make the good card good.
Cozy Snap:So you're saying for the floor of gore, it could be four?
Alexander Coccia:Like four stars?
Cozy Snap:Or four power? I just wanted to say as many rhymes as I could spit out. I want to do my inner Eminem from my childhood. But also, yeah, what I like about that in Zoo is that Gilgamesh, if you don't pull him, gore can serve as that finisher. That you're kind of really looking for, you're hoping for. And so, I, I just love that home. I don't think people have thought about it as much. And so, I, I kind of wanted to go a different route than what I've kind of seen out there floating around. And one more thing, I, a deck that I played in Deadpool's Diner to kind of get up to get King Eitri was Dracula Dump. Because I just think it's a really fun deck to play with strong guy and friends. And I was thinking about this. And because he's ongoing, and because the way he's textured, he's ongoing, plus two power for each on reveal card in play, right? Do you remember that Knull and Dracula were a thing for a little bit? Knull would get the power in hand, Dracula would then be able to use that, he didn't have to play him down. Remember that little, like, fun deck that was going around for a while? I think Gore is the same way, because it's in play, and I think Gore is going to get his power in the hand. Because it's the cards in play. So I think that naturally, you could do that. I don't know if it'll be good, but you could do it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, we'll have to test it, right? Like, that actually is a cool call. I'd not consider that. If the ongoing statistics update in hand. Will Dracula harvest the power?
Cozy Snap:Hmm, Cozy's cooking, I like it. was with Knull, and I think it still is with Knull. And so a Dracula dump, a lot of wands, kind of makes sense. I was already thinking zoo. That could also be another home. And also mill. Absolutely, mill could also kind of work, I guess, too.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, well actually something we need to mention here and I was trying to like come up with different lines and stuff that I thought would, was gonna work particularly well. One that I think might be interesting that you know, I, I don't know how good it's gonna be, but one you could consider is invisible Woman on turn two into mystique, turn three, and then you finish on Gore with six. And then what happens is you play Gore and then Mystique will copy the Gore effect after Invisible Woman. So if you're looking for that kind of play in, in six turns, and I think that the Invisible Woman play could be interesting and at worse. It eats Alioth, but you probably win the other lanes anyway, because Alioth is hitting a Invisible Woman plus one, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Maybe sneak a Killmonger in there too, to counter the bounce as well, and you're just, you're just, You're looking great, that Invisible Woman all of a sudden has so much value, that's actually kind of fun, I like that. Heck, you could even do, I suppose you wouldn't, but you could do Supergiant too, it has the same kind of cause and effect, if you want to have that hit later, but, Just an awkward card, man. Supergiant's so weird. Another, dude, another deck that I think could be an absolute just winner. And people, again, not seen this brought up. You guys know I want to bring you guys this stuff for those that get to listen. That's just a little bit off the beaten path. Straight up, I think Scream is one of the best cards right now in the game. Because of what she does for an archetype. Go look at that win rate for that, that movement deck. It's so good. It's so consistent. We said it from the beginning. If you like that play style, you're rewarded with one of the better decks in the game right now. But that deck does not have a finisher, right? Like, it's got, it's, like, you kind of have Magneto. But that's a little weird sometimes. And sometimes you can even lose to the game because it's only one steel, right? So that's kind of awkward. When I was looking at it, I was looking at the Power Fives and Arrow and whatnot that you can play in that deck. Dude, there are so many arm reveals in this deck, naturally. Like, there's just, like, Spider Man, Polaris Stegron, Arrow. You're building into that. Scream is a winner in herself. But remember, if you don't pull Scream, it can feel weird. The deck's still running like 60 percent with like 300 400 games test data. Super consistent deck, and then Gore fits right into it. Has that perfect finisher. Like, I think this is a tremendous card, Juggernaut. Tremendous card for the Scream archetype.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that archetype's been seeing a lot of experimentation, and it continues to run like 50 60 percent win rates. Even though they did buff Scream, not buff, they compensated Scream for the change to Juggernaut. Those decks have been remarkably good, and you're right, there's a ton of on reveals in them. They do, they do have like some challenges around not drawing Scream and what a game plan looks like, and that's why those decks still will run Kravens and Kingpins. Some Kingpins are being cut, but I like what you're saying because you're running naturally so many on reveals anyways. You could very easily cut a slot like the Miles Morales that's making those decks. And you can use Gore, the God Butcher, instead. And I like that a lot, because like, one of the challenges we have is that like, so a lot of the top meta decks, like one of the top meta lists right now is Bounce. Bounce is difficult to deal with from a tech perspective, because it relinquishes the initiative very often. Like it's able to kind of bring everything up, and then you're like, well now I can't killmonger, because, you know, that's why we're even playing Invisible Woman in some, like, Sarah Miracle style Sarah Control style decks. But with Gore, because he's an ongoing, when they throw the initiative, and you play Gore, he just ramps back up, as they play their cards down, right? So, I do like what that does here, because there was often times where I was playing a Scream deck, and I have Magneto in my hand, and it's kind of crazy that Magneto does not feel like enough right now, but he doesn't feel like enough. He doesn't feel like he has enough impact on the board right now. He's great against Destroy, like you're moving Venoms around and stuff like that, but against the more popular bounce based decks, you're not moving anything around usually. Maybe the Beast comes for a ride, and you're like, okay, sick, I guess, but I like what you're saying here. I feel like Gore could potentially be a very nice top end closer for a deck like that.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so listen, I mean, we just stated, like, we've got the fun decks negative, we've got just the consistent decks. I mean, hell, you could even just go Agent Venom and Bast and get that negative one up to a three up to a, yeah, I mean, an easy three and then discount it with Ravonna if you, you know, happen to be able to have different play lines, if it doesn't get that discount. So there's like, just good stuff out there. Werewolf by night even had some builds that you can get in. Obviously, he's gonna want more on reveals, so you have a little double synergy going on there and you can kind of finish strong. And then what's cool about Gore is he's an ongoing card, so you build up your wolf throughout the battle. And then you've got him to finish off, and it doesn't, like, do that awkward thing where, like, freakin werewolf goes into the lane, and you're like, wait, I, I, I needed you to stay put. So that, that's an, you know, obviously we all know we're not gonna play him, he's too complex, but it is there. As an option, which I do like altogether. So, for me, that was kind of what I saw in the card. I think there is a lot of stuff to be said about him. Anything else to close up close us up?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I got two more cards we gotta talk about. We gotta, we gotta. The first is Agent Venom. I think Agent Venom could potentially see play with with Gore because naturally you're mitigating some of that downside there with that plus three power. Like, does Gore actually need four power? I'm not sure if he does, but in theory, if you're playing Mystique and you're playing Gore, you could play Agent Venom. That's where I'm starting with my deck design. If you're playing those three together, you may as well have the Agent Venom in. And, Cozy, I have a question for ya. Do you have Your medicinal grade hopium available because we're going to be huffing it pretty hard here. Is this not a massive buff to Emperor Hulkling?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude. Hey, listen, say, I am on the camp of, you know how we were defending Grandmaster early and people were laughing at us? I'm now a defender of not exactly is the best card. Dude, go look at the dude's stats. Oh, that's Scarred. Yeah, well, that, that, his stats are actually a lot better. Go look at the dude's stats, though. Like, it's better than you might think. Like, Hulkling is actually not the worst card. It's not. He's got a good cube advantage. His win rate's not terrible. It's, it's a silly bump up to him. I mean, that, that becomes, yeah, just a win card. Like, just, you win the game. I mean, I think it's gonna be 20, 20 plus power on the regular. So, yeah, you are, you are correct. I, I don't even need The medical grade hopium. I'm just here for it.
Alexander Coccia:That's hilarious. Still one of my favorite videos you've ever watched, by the way. If you've not watched the Emperor Hulkling video that Cozy made, one of the greatest introductions in all Marvel Snap cinema. So yeah, kudos to you, buddy.
Cozy Snap:And Alex, I gotta, I gotta put you on the spot here. You remember, you remember this man. There's a legend of the man. Early November. King Eitri. One of his favorite cards. He loved it. How do you feel about him? Wait,
Alexander Coccia:I loved him?
Cozy Snap:You loved King E3.
Alexander Coccia:You
Cozy Snap:loved
Alexander Coccia:him. I didn't love him. I said he was okay.
Cozy Snap:You loved him, Alex.
Alexander Coccia:You loved him. Love is a very strong word.
Cozy Snap:I'm rolling the tape right now. I'm now, I'm stopping what I'm doing. Editor Cozy, stop and roll the tape. But star rating, what do you give it?
Alexander Coccia:Star reading, I'm like, in the three and a half, four range. Whaaaaaaat? No, listen, I said three and a half, I'm leaning more like the three and a half than four. I'm like a one
Cozy Snap:and a half to
Alexander Coccia:two. No way you're one and a half, dude. Think about what you can do. You play him on one, you play Thor on three, it goes into the deck, you activate, so like, it literally just comes back to your hand in turn four. Alright, maybe I talked a little positive about King Eitri, but I still hold that. I still think King Eitri's probably good. I gave him like a 3. 5. I don't often do 5s. Right? I see him being potentially decent, but like, yeah, obviously Gore's better, like, let's be honest, like, Gore is clearly better, and in some regard, King Eitri represents a little bit of a filler card for, let's just say, the free mode that they did release. But honestly, like, I don't think it's that bad. A one cost activate? Like, I think that if you're going to have an activate, making it a one cost is perfect, no?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I hate this POS. But that's more personal than anything else. I, I hate them. I, look, if you guys saw my video, okay. Family Weekend, they decided to go out to the beach, and I'm like, hey, I gotta get this video out, you know, my community depends on me. And this guy, this guy decided just to be the absolute worst throughout the entire, it was like two hours of filming, bro. This guy would either not be there at all, or he would come around four, turn four, turn five, and here's the problem with him. If you got him on curve, he was pretty, pretty damn good. But, he's just kind of awkward in a Lockjaw deck. I liked him a lot better, like way better. But in just like a pure Asgardian deck that you would imagine, the problem with that is if you don't draw him, he's effectively dead after, I mean, it could be as early as turn 2. Because you want to do Thor on 3, you want to do you know, Bill on 4. The problem though is, you, this is one of the few Activate cards you can't even play on 5. You can't even play this guy on turn five, because you activate him and he draws the card. You activate him on turn six, doesn't work. He's one of the few activate cards that his, you have to play him so early, or he loses his value completely. And, on top of that, you could draw the hammer, right? Like, obviously, best play line is put him on one, play Thor, activate, same turn, grab the card, then the deck, or get the deck back to normal, all that good stuff. Same with Bill. But then there's times where, like, your best play is just Jane, and you did play him early. And so, it's just so awkward. It's just such a weird card. I mean, I, it felt like he truly could have just been, like, anybody else in the deck, and I would have preferred the tech option compared to what he offered. And it was because of that, why I just, it was just so frustrating. Oh, you pull him on six, you know, or a number of other things that could happen. I will say that him and Thanos is solid, it's fine, because you don't care as much about, it's not awkward to play, you're not looking for the Thor, you're not looking for the and same as in Ereshim, right, two archetypes I'm sure people are thrilled that he fits into. But he just felt weird because of that. I think they need to give him better power too, I think a 1 3, I don't care if it's power creep on 0 or whatever. He needs something because it was super awkward the way that he fits in.
Alexander Coccia:You know, I like this. We have a bit of a different dynamic here because I don't have the card yet. I actually, it crossed my mind. I'm like, you know what, like, should I grind for it? I'm like, no, I'm not putting myself through that, man. I just can't do it. I just can't. So I just did it. I'm glad you did. And so I'll bounce some questions off you, okay? So right off the top here, now naturally, it gets destroyed by the Korg Rockslide. Right. Like that type of like, those types of decks destroy him. Right. And I like what you said as well about the, the potential window for his play. Cause I originally was designing decks that were going to utilize the Lockjaw. I liked the idea of like, okay, I wondered like, okay, what if we use Lockjaw and then you pull the Mjolnir, you play it into the Lockjaw, you pull it back out because you can control the activate sequence to take advantage of King Eitri and the, the kind of the Lockjaw play. Yeah. But you're right in saying that, like, on turn 3 you want to play Thor, on turn 4 you want to play Beta Ray, on turn 5 you want to play Lady Jane. And then when does this guy actually come out, if he's not coming out on turn 1? And if you have both him, and you have Jane Foster, the best thing you could do is, if you don't, well, where, do you have Lockjaw? Because you can King Eitri play the thing in, and then Jane Foster back out and stuff. But things get kind of confusing, and I can see why it really does not come out. Take a spot in that deck and really, like, propel it forward. Now, I want to kind of re kind of touch on the Thanos discussion you had. Because I want to come back to that. So you had a chance to test in Thanos, correct?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and to your note, Lockjaw did work better. It definitely worked better because you're trying to do less chaotic stuff and you're trying to get less perfect play lines and draws and hands and all that stuff. And in Thanos, yeah, it was I mean, Airship Thanos is already at such a state that it doesn't even need to be in there, but yeah, I mean, there were times, there was one game in particular that I used E Tree to get my last stone to buff up Thanos, which was pretty friggin cool.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and that's exactly what I actually want to touch on. So in one of the most recent OTAs, I don't think it was the latest one, it was the one before that, No, no, it was, whenever they changed Thanos, right? Yeah, it was the most recent one. So they basically said that they're taking a look at the way they want to utilize stones in Thanos. So now, Thanos got a huge buff, obviously, but they're still taking a look at the way they want Thanos to play as an archetype. And so, it has never been the case in Thanos, where the, the win con has been get Thanos to 20 power. It's just never been that. Like, we just have never really cared about that. We cared about like, oh, the stones are getting buffed by Kesar and Blarvel, they're drawing cards. Like, there's all these like, Tertiary ways we've been winning games, and not necessarily using Thanos himself. However, if they change the stones, so that the win condition becomes getting Thanos to 20 power or whatever it happens to be, suddenly something like a King Eatery makes a lot of sense. Because it almost acts like a a mind stone to some degree, where you're guaranteed to pull a stone from your deck, right? And then it therefore allows you to ensure that you can maybe get that Thanos pop off you're looking for.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and they confirmed, they even said, I think the stones are confirmed to get a buff. They just didn't want to do it before the holiday break, I think is like the reading that I saw from it. And so, like, yeah, and if the Stones get even better, hell yeah, right? Because right now, the Stones, it's like, they're drawl engines, and then they, you know, they kind of buff them up. But yeah, I agree. I do think that he could definitely It's so funny, man. He's the one, you know, forging the hammer to help defeat Thanos. And then it's like, okay, he may just be best with Thanos. And he's like, he might just decide, you know what? Screw Thor. I think I'm just gonna go with the guy that's gonna win this thing. So yeah, it could be there. And then, yeah, you know, Same as Arishem. It's like, if you get him as a draw, it's like, okay, you get another draw. Loki too, I went up against Loki a few times, and it's like, damn, I hated it, because I went against Loki, they took my deck, they got this for free, they played it down, and they drew a card. It's like, it was so frustrating to me. I was like, I just gave the keys to the kingdom there. But yeah, it's, it's free, but it's, it's, I mean, you're not at all gonna have the same remorse. Thank you guys for not getting Cassandra Nova, for Yitri. There is a line that I think that he'll be good. More, better, later. And keep in mind guys, my hate's personal. Like, he ruined my weekend. He absolutely ruined my weekend. So you know, he's not the worst, he's just not fantastic.
Alexander Coccia:So, two things I want to touch on. One, is it possibly a canon moment that he helps Thanos more than he helps Asgard? Because didn't he craft the gauntlet for Thanos?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, in the lore. Boom. Look at that.
Alexander Coccia:Candid moment. The second thing is so, how did you find him in both Erishim and Loki? Like, did you find that it was just awesome, or?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I haven't played Erishim in three months, so I wouldn't know, but I went against it a lot, right? And so, I went against it, and it was, it was good, it snowballed well. Luckily, the Asgardian deck plays pretty good against Loki, like, the way that that deck just kind of curves out comparably to Loki, and then, then, them getting access to your cards, it just doesn't work. Right. For them as well but it is, it's like, it's a, it's a free card draw, and so you can't hate that. I mean, you do end up with him, and that's the problem. It's a free card draw, but he takes the spot of that, right? And so it's like, do you want him to even take the spot of that? That's why I think a 1 3, it's like, okay, at least he's marginally a good static card at that.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, I hear that. I hear that. Because, yeah, at 1. 2, I can see him being a little underwhelming. So what do you come in at, star wise? Because you didn't quite say. You just started popping off like you wanted to give him zero.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, dude, I'd be pretty much after him ruining my life. In Ah, dude. Like a, like a 1. 5. I like, cause I just don't think he elevates the deck to such a degree into an architect that's already niche. So yeah, I, I'm going to give him a low. I'm going to, I think I gave him that when we went in. So I'm going to stick with that. Wow.
Alexander Coccia:1. 5. That's like OG US agent. Right.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I'm curious on your thoughts once you get him when we do the season recaps, that'll be next week. So you know, test him out, go through the painful labor of Deadpool's diner and let me know. Your thoughts on that. Deadpool's Diner and or another subject, just kinda just talking about some of the withholding of fun, if you will. Cause I think this addresses a couple birds in one stone, right? You've got card acquisition, and it's just not unless series drop, and I just don't expect it, right? Like at this point, I used to say, like, you know, I can expect this from them, I just don't right now. If the, if the series drops don't have, like, a slew of cards dropping, they know, they know it's not okay. They, they have to know, because they, if series drops happen every six months, okay, and in six months, they release 25 cards, And they only dropped 12. It's so unsustainable. So like, my point is, I think Deadpool's Diner doesn't do well. Because it's, the other problem with the game is like when someone wants to come and pick up the game and they come back to the game. It's withholding fun, right? The way it's designed, it's withholding that fun. Where a card game should be fun and high voltage gave fun. The improvements really were just some voice lines. You know, and a couple other things, bubs wise, but it's just competitive. It's not fun, it's more competitive, and I think that's the ultimate thing about it.
Alexander Coccia:You know what really struck me with Deadpool's Diner? Was that they called it Deadpool's Diner 2. 0. And you know what that felt like? That felt like the entire dev team taking turns slapping me in the face. Yeah, yeah, it's like, man, that was not Deadpool's Like, when I say 2. 0 on something, like, 2. 0 means like, bro, Like, this is new and improved. This is a, this is a different beast altogether. They improved the messaging around some of the things. Like, they had, like, the pop up show the bubs, and like, hey, they tried to improve, like, the, oh, like, you don't have to, you don't have enough bubs to play at this table. Like, they tried to improve the messaging. Got the voice lines. Pretty hype. The first twice, maybe. First couple times you hear the voice lines. And then it's just the same thing over and over again. And, here's the problem, okay? Give them credit, it's a free mode, and there's a lot of rewards. You gotta give them the credit for the rewards, they're there, there's a lot there, I appreciate that. I don't know why it's a Gene Foster variant, like, that makes no sense to me. Should've been a Fire King E Tree variant, even, isn't, like, we have the Conquest Gene, Gene Foster, too. And I love Gene Foster, but I got my Archerman, you got your, I don't even know who made that one, the one with the cape that you love so much.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I just think there's just no art on King E Tree, that's the only thing I can think of, dude. There's just, no one's drawn the guy. Yeah, I want to quickly say, like, it is, it's free here, here's my problem. I actually defend the people that are saying it's fun, because I do, I, I think it is fun, the initial climb to unlock him, I enjoyed, I did. That's not bad. But, but here's my point, though. I won, right? So, like, I was winning, and I was doubling the stakes, and I'm like, and I never had that moment of, like, I'm out of bubs, I'll come back three hours from now, or I'll buy more. The moment that feeling hits, it's done. It's just so, it's, it's done, and so it's like, man, get that free table going, get that person back in, and then it's fun, because then you're like, okay, you know, if you're gambling all in, you know, it's like poker, you can't do that, alright? Like, it's that kind of game mode. But when you're, when you're literally at the point where you have to stop and either pay to play, pay to play the thing, right, or just sit there and come back, that's what kills it. The pure game mode and the rewards are both good. Everything else around it is not.
Alexander Coccia:Have you ever played a free to play game where, like, the starting is, like, really fun and you're going and going, then all of a sudden, progression gets slower and slower, and it's like at first it feels like you're tregging through water, right, and then it feels like quicksand, and then all of a sudden you're just hitting your head against a brick wall and you're like, oh, this is where I gotta pay. They left this no man's land of no bub mart upgrade Again, they did it twice. Last time there's like that, that segment where it's like just huge like kind of grinding middle segment. And I thought to myself, just put a bub mart in there. Little bub mart, boom. And all of a sudden everyone's happier. You know, that exponential increase kind of gets you going. And they didn't do that. And I thought like, just do that. Forget what the voice lines are, just do that. And that fixes everything. That fixes so much about the game mode. A hundred percent. And I want to note, Cozy, you said you had fun, but also about seven minutes ago, you said that, like, playing Deadpool's Diner with King E Tree basically ruined your entire weekend.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. So which is it,
Alexander Coccia:dammit?
Cozy Snap:I replay the tape. I said getting up to earning him was a lot of fun. Getting up to earning was a lot of fun. And then when I had him, I went back in with him. And I cleaned, like, Vegas won. I absolutely left Vegas with nothing, not even the clothes on my back. King Yitri stole them off my dead corpse. And so that, that was, that was not, that was not fun. But yeah, you know it's funny, cause you say, do you know games where they, it's free to play and then it's, it's locked. First, that's pretty much every mobile game, which is why, which is why, like and I'm, I'm all for Pocket. I hope it goes well. I really do. But the comparisons to Snap just cackle me. It's like, it's a new game. Every new game starts off on a great foot, and it's those that stand the test of time. Which is why I thought Snap was doing so well for the first year, because it did. It was able to do that. And kind of have that, they did. They changed the landscape of what a free to play mobile game was when it came out. And now it's like, okay, we're, it's like, okay, they're just trying to, you know, continue their quarter losses or gains to shareholders. I don't, whatever. I don't know. They need to maintain the fun. They need to get back to that. We've talked about this already in a subject, but January looks to be the month that they're gonna try to do that. And they gotta restore the fun. They have to. They know it. They definitely know it. I've talked with them enough. They know it. But at this point, you got Pocket, you got Rivals, and those are two mega giants that are gonna take away from it.
Alexander Coccia:I got two things I gotta say, and I love what you're bringing up here, okay? Now, the first thing that you're touching on is, like, Pokemon POK and stuff like that. They should be putting their best foot forward. They should be really setting up the, Okay, guys, we got competition. We won Game of the Year awards and all that stuff. We rode that wave. Now we gotta earn. We gotta earn the audience. We gotta earn it. We gotta put the best effort we can in. And this Deadpool's Diner's not that. Which is kinda disappointing. I thought High Voltage was great, right? But one thing I wanna mention, in Snap's defense, A lot of people talk about the free packs you get in Pokemon Pocket, but one thing that people do not mention, as someone who plays, you literally mess with me while I'm opening packs with my kids. Buddy, 99 percent of the cards you open in Pokemon Pocket, they're garbage filler cards. They're garbage cards. Marvel Snap does not have colours the way, like, magic will. Like, a lot of card games have, like, oh, you got, you know, grass, you got, you know, black magic and all that stuff. They don't do that. Every card can be played with every other card. Marvel Snap, each individual card carries weight, because it is its own entity that actually has value, in some way, shape, or form. And King E Tree, ironically, is one that doesn't have as much value as we'd like. But King E Tree's even better than some garbage filler card that you open in a Pokemon pack and you just flip to the back to see if you got a Shiny or not. You know what I mean? So it's like, there's that, right? The quantity versus the quality. I want to say that. And as someone who enjoys both games, like, I still play Pokemon Pocket, I like it. I still, when I want to play a card game, I play Marvel Snap. Like, that's just the way I feel right now, right?
Cozy Snap:Here's the thing and I know Twitter thinks it's, it's like, they're in their bubble and that everybody's on board. I think Snap is still a lot of fun, my issue, a lot of fun, I actually, I, I still very much enjoy Marvel Snap, very much, the problem is, is I'm a creator, right, and luckily, this is my job, so I purchase the cards for my job to create content for you guys, so I then get access to the cards and have more fun, cause I get to have more fun, cause I have more cards and I get to do that. The issue is my viewers and everybody else is so restricted on that, and that's why I don't blame them. That's why I don't blame people for feeling like it's not as fun and like, hey Cozy, you cope, it's fun. It's fun for me because I literally have access to so much deck design and building and I love it. I'm addicted to it. I think it's so incredibly well done forming and putting together decks and finding new ones. But that being said, that's why I think draft mode And we always talk about it. Why I think that game mode is so good is that it allows that, that feeling for everybody, and that's what I want the most.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it gives like an even playing field, and I, I see that a lot. Like, I see it in my brother, actually, cause like, here and there, my brother, like on Twitch drops and stuff, he'll actually stream for me for a few hours while I'm at work and stuff, cause like, it's just, it's a way that I, like, it's, my brother and I, we share a love for Marvel Snap, and it's one of the ways that, like, we kinda have some bonding time. Yeah, It's a lot of fun, but, like, at the same time, he's on stream, and he does, like, the season pass. He'll buy, like, a bundle here and there if it features an ongoing card that he plays. He literally buys bundles for the variants. And live on stream, he'll be like, Oh, I only have two key, guys. Like, he has two keys. He's like, Do you want me to roll for Malekith? And I was like, Yeah, roll for it. And he literally strikes out. He's like, well, I guess we're not playing Malekith today, guys. I'll try to grind for another one. And then he gets another key, and then rolls, and gets a duplicate, and everyone's in shambles. And like, so that, so like, I totally feel like the Dolphin players, and like, how like, these, these gotcha mechanics have kind of really slowed down progression. But yeah, I still really do enjoy playing Marvel Snap, and I do hope that they kind of go to the drawing board and say to themselves, okay, how can we recapture? Recapture the magic we had before. Get people back into the, the ecosystem. I mean, the card art's second to none. It's absolutely beautiful. The gameplay's fantastic. And if I can, Cozy, can I, can I pitch something? I have a game mode idea I'd like to pitch. I think this is the right time to. We're talking about game modes here, Cozy. Can I pitch a game mode I've been thinking about?
Cozy Snap:Pitch it.
Alexander Coccia:Pitch it. You ready though? Like, are you ready? I'm prepared. Alright, you're prepared? Okay, listen to this. I'm calling this, and listen, Glenn and the entire Snap team, this is completely open, please, please, steal this idea and even make it better. Snap roulette, okay? Listen to this. Imagine, imagine, okay, you do a best of three with no cubes. That's the match. A best of three with no cubes. Each round, a random deck is assigned to you by Gambit. He throws Gambit's like the main guy. Throws you a set of cards. Each card, or each deck, is actually, it represents an individual archetype. So let's say there's 20 in the pool. One is gonna be the Asgard deck, the other one's gonna be the Zoo deck, the other one's gonna be the Destroy deck. And they have like all the different archetypes. And Glenn, he goes in advance, and he makes sure that generally speaking, all the decks are roughly the same strength. Okay? Gambit throws you a deck, Gambit throws your opponent a deck. You have Zoo. They got you know, Tribunal. You play it out, they take the first match. You go to round two. A new deck is thrown your way. Boom. You got Destroy. Boom. They get Unreveal Wong. Okay, you play, you win. Goes to the third. Boom. You get a random deck. It is you know I don't know. Snowguard, blah blah blah, whatever. Loki, they get something else. And you play Winner Takes Whatever. You progress through some man or whatever. They'll figure out the gamification of it, the progression. But I had this idea. I had this idea, that like, imagine you had a whole bunch of decks, and they were randomly assigned to you in a best of three, and here's the best thing, you wanna talk about retention, Cozy? You wanna talk about getting players back in? At the end of it, the reward is that you get to pick one of the decks that you get to keep, with all the cards, series 5 and everything in there. So a new player who's playing this mode, that might not have all the cards, And they're like, hey man, that Destroy Deck, with Knull, and with Zola, I don't even have those cards yet, I wanna play that one. And they get to pick the Destroy Deck, and they get the Series 5 cards. How awesome would that be, dude?
Cozy Snap:It had me to the end. I think the end would never happen. I do, but, can I say an alternative to it? I think the game was fun, I loved that. I thought you were gonna go with like the Wheel of Snap thing, I'm like, yeah dude, that's a banger concept. But I love the idea of the different deck archetypes, because it leans into something that I was going to bring up, which I also think this solves, right? So just, you can have that as a game mode with different rewards, right? Like, there's different stuff for just playing it, because that's the point of it. But what I think Snap needs, and this is what Pocket actually introduced, and I think they did it good, is rental decks. I think if those decks, the 20 that were there, would be you could rent them and go in and, and, and test them, and play with them, right? And, and Pocket does rental decks. I think it's so cool. If you were able to, Do the Asgardian deck, and then go and test it out for a little bit, and be like, Okay, okay, I got pretty good with that one. I hope I can draw that one. And they always just keep those up for rent, you know? For, to be able to be played. That solves the issue of being able to play with those cards at least, and being able to rent the deck or whatever. Even if they do a cool down system that you can pay to refresh, whatever they do, they're fine. But it'd be cool to give the rental decks from that game mode. But I, dude, I think that's a fire idea. I think that's Gambit's Roulette. I, dude, That's it. And, it comes down to, I've seen it man, and it's I just like, I hate corporate y responses, like, from, especially like, just, communication. It's like, I don't want that guys, just like, level with us, and it's like, your voice matters, and that's what they're trying to preach, which I, I appreciate. I do, I really do. But make it matter, right? Make you know, get our feedback and look for it on a level where it's visible, right? And we're not getting that. I can promise you as creators we're not getting that. And we're like the most reachable to them, I feel like. But they could also do polls, things like that. If our voices matter, you gotta put your money where your mouth is and literally make it matter. Make the communications matter. And I know it's a small team, but the time isn't going to the right place. Point blank. Period. I've said it to The devs, and wanna keep seeing it, so it's far from dead, I'd crack up at those thumbnails, I could make a video tomorrow, they're, they're rising, fall a snap, and I'd get a billion views, but it's, it's just it ain't true, but I do have a lot of issues with it, and I, I might even have a video on that eventually, but anyway,
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, it has been a fun week in Marvel Snap with the release of Deadpool's Diner. I mean, wait, wait, is that a fun week? I'm not sure. Depending on who you ask, it's been a good week in Marvel Snap. Got at least some rewards in the Deadpool's Diner for sure. but a card did come out. Fenris Wolf, Cozy. And I gotta tell ya, Fenris Wolf is an interesting one. I came in a little hotter than you. You came in at about three, three and a half, but you know what, even then I felt like you don't want to run into those situations where like you're really high on a card and I'm low and I feel like you dragged me up a bit and then you were low on a card and I feel like I dragged you up a little bit. I felt like that's what I did to you a little bit last week. You did for
Cozy Snap:sure. I was at two and a half or two I think on the season reveal and then I was like, man, the more I get up and then I played it and I won't spoil it, but yes. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:that, that happens, right? We get into conversation with each other. And like, if one of us is higher, we sell each other on it too. I feel like you often sell me better than I can sell you though. I think it's the salesman in you, buddy. But last time I got you with Fenris and I scammed you, bud. I think I scammed you on that one there because Fenris has, well, I'm going to be honest. Yeah, it's underperformed my expectations, but I do not think. It's a bad card. That's what I'm gonna, like, start this conversation with, but I'll give it to you, Cozy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, no, it's funny. I felt like I was signed to a pyramid scheme, and you're like, I got him, and I signed, and then I'm like, where's my BMW? No, listen, I wholeheartedly agree, this is such a weird card to evaluate. He is not a great card, but he's not a bad card either. It's such a weird mix, and I actually enjoy him, and I enjoy his play style. I think to be honest, the, it's the first time I've enjoyed Mill, In a long time, with the way that this guy plays, it's super cool, and like, looking at what you've gotten rid of. I enjoy way more the random destruction and discard than I do targeted stuff. Like, and I never thought that would be the case, but I enjoy the mill decks where I'm like, What does Gladiator pull? Like, Gladiator is my favorite combination with him. Rather than, like, the Shang Chi and, like, doing all that stuff, I almost didn't care about that at all. I loved doing the the random stuff, or the Moon Knight. That felt good, and I think he will age well as we continue.
Alexander Coccia:We literally said exactly that. We discussed it even with, with Gore prior, the idea of, like, you got these moon shots. That everyone focused on. Oh, you Shang Chi this and you bring them back. And I've had those wins. I mean, I had them in my, my kind of review video where like literally I Shang Chi'd to flip a lane, won that lane, Fenris the other one. It was beautiful. That is like the top end, but that's not generally what was happening. What was happening was exactly what you described. So, Glad Eater kills a Fort, like a Hope Summers or whatever, right? I bring it back early so I can play into Hope Summers, right? Cause I have the Activate, so I know I killed Hope, I'm gonna bring Hope back. I'm gonna play into that location. And I, I do really like the idea of even Yondu, like I Yondu'd a An Iceman and I'm like, okay, I might actually bring the Iceman back now to disrupt their hand a little bit. You know, I liked that about Fenris Wolf. And so like, it was good in a way that like the, the two, three stat line, could it have been two, four? Yeah. But then again, like you're reaching pretty high. If it's two, four, I feel like it's too much from a stats perspective. I felt like it was putting out good power, like the things you were destroying with Gladiator. It was like often a two, nine, two 11. Like it was putting up good stats. You know what I mean? It's just. The condition felt awkward to meet sometimes
Cozy Snap:to me too. It just felt like it's the classic like, but does it make a deck better? Right. So Maliki great example. I think he made a deck better, whereas Ner Wolf outside of Mill, I think he, I think Ner, I would argue that the Wolf plays really good into Mill and I felt like that deck just did better across the board for me. Every other deck is like, what, discard? Okay, or like, is it gonna take a 2 slot for the Shang Chi for the Flux build? No. So that's where it didn't feel good, and that's where it's so hard to evaluate these cards. And that's where it's like, card acquisition is just so awkward, because if it wasn't, it'd be like, Oh yeah, this one's, you know, it's this easy to get a card. This is one that I'd probably get, you know? It's probably gonna do better down the line. But yeah, because of gore coming out, because of the next season, you know, it's Monday, it's not too late to get the wolf, I would say don't get him.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I lean towards that as well, and it's unfortunate, because I do like the card, and like, some of the best performing decks that it runs have like, those like, stature, black bolt style synergies, where like, you play the Moon Knight, and you might high roll a hit on their side for a six drop, and for you, it's like, Proxima comes down for free, right? There's a lot of value that this card can generate, but It's funny, because I had this thought. With Fenris, it really showcases how much power creep we've had at the 2 slot. Because, like, Jeff used to be a remarkable 2 costed card, he used to be the staple 2 costed card, and then White Widow took over for the longest time. And Fenris Wolf is a 2 3. Which traditionally has been the premium stat line, right? Think about what premium stats used to be, right? 2 3 is premium for the two costs. 3 5 would be premium for the threes, right? 4 10 is usually premium for fours. And now you're thinking to yourself, well like Alex, there's tons of, tons of cards that reach those power, like Surtur, Surtur itself blows past Like those four drop numbers. Right. And so Fenris Wolf, you bring back something small. It's still like a two seven, but apparently that's not enough.
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:It's kind of crazy to think that that power creep has hit that hard at this two slot.
Cozy Snap:But also it's like, yeah, cause he comes out as balanced essentially. Like I was, you talked about at the beginning, it's like when I was evaluating his star ratings, I was like. Stability. I was like, I don't know, I don't think they changed anything. What are they gonna change? I, you know, I, I think that they're gonna keep it relatively the same. The way that it activate the activates the way that it works. We're gonna get more cars that destroy. So I think that that's it's upside. Eventually we're gonna get more cars that can discard, that's gonna be its upside as well. And so that's where, like this, but we, we've seen what we, we know the next two seasons, so like minimum February, March, April, away from this card being super relevant. And that's why it's an easy path.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I can absolutely see that because we did mention in our preview of the Rivals season that there's so many cards there that you're going to want to get and the spotlight caches are weak. So, I'm going to echo exactly what Cozy is saying here. Fenris Wolf is running a 49. 9 percent win rate and a popularity that's boosted by the fact that it's on the Weekend Missions right now, it's at 21 percent but that's again, a little inflated. But a 49. 9 percent win rate, Malekith was like almost 3 percent higher than that. You know what I mean? And people were low on Malekith and saving on like, well, yeah, actually, again, your Malekith deck was one of the absolute best performing ones in the discard shell. And this Fenris, it just doesn't feel like It's going to have that much of an impact. However, what's going to happen is they're going to release a targeted, Oh, discard the highest power cost card, the highest power card in your opponent's hand or whatever. And then now Fenris is the best card in the game or destroy gets a new piece and Fenris becomes the release valve for it. And so like, I totally understand the FOMO side of like why a card like this might have a very niche. Ability that you might be interested in, but overall I'm going to agree, especially considering how valuable tokens are going to be going into this upcoming season where like the Marvel rivals characters look incredible.
Cozy Snap:He also just keeps forever Hela and Shaq. And I think that was a little bit of their goal.
Alexander Coccia:I can see that. And Hela has kind of fallen off as it is, like for instance, it will not make our top 10 decks, there's no way Hela is in your top 10 list, right?
Cozy Snap:Oh shoot, did we do top 10 decks or cards? I may have messed up. I
Alexander Coccia:said cards, I meant cards, I said decks.
Cozy Snap:Okay, I was like, well, my notes are gone yes, Hela, nope, nope, she's not in there.
Alexander Coccia:Alright, so overall with Fenris, we're gonna give it a pass star rating, what would you give it? I'm, I'm gonna stick it, I'm gonna stick a 3, 4 range. I still think it's good, I just don't think it's, no it's not a 4. It's probably a 3, isn't it? It's definitely a 3 for me.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, maybe 2 and a half for me.
Alexander Coccia:Go for 2 and a half? I can see that, yeah. 4 was too high. I feel like 3 is probably where it is. At some point we gotta figure out like what these numbers mean. I saw a comment on that, someone's like 5 means Cozy thinks it's broken, 4 means it's just good, 3 means it's playable, and everything under that is just card is garbage, do not get it.
Cozy Snap:Pretty much, yeah, we don't give cards a 1's a lot, yeah, that's for sure.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you gave King 5 and Cozy literally said it ruined his entire weekend to give you an idea of how that went. Alright Cozy, Fenris Wolf, it's a skip from the boys on the Snapchat and that's going to take us to the best cards in Marvel Snap. And Cozy and I, we have a top 10 list, we've each done one. And this is one of those kind of like segments where I get really nervous Cozy, cause like I'm looking at my list and I'm like, I like this list. And then as soon as we start talking, I'm going to be like My list sucks. It's so funny how things work sometimes. Now, as is tradition, let's get started with some of the honorable mentions. Cozy. I'll let you begin.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. So I try to look at a standalone value in this list. You know, it can't talk about, yeah, you just can't talk about you know like for instance, spoiler alert, but like discard is very hard to talk about because it's like, well, who's the winner, right? So I always wanted to put APOC cause on a grand scale, he's kind of the winner. But it's like, well, APOC isn't anything without these cards. So, like, that, it's tough to talk about some cards. So, like, I left APOC out. So, on that note it's crazy I even had to leave these out. Like, these are just tough to talk about. First I had is Scream being out. But I do think that there is a argument that she is one of the better cards in the game right now. I think that a card where you draw and you get her, you're gonna win, then she's up there. And look at the decks. Look at the cards. She's that good. But I do not have her in my top 10. She is an HM for me.
Alexander Coccia:Wow, I cannot believe we're starting like this, because this card is definitely in my top 10.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, I can't give her that single handed value, but she's great. Like, she's really good. Like, I was just looking at the best decks, and yeah, but yeah, it's on there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know, but, but she carries those best. Like, she carries that entire archetype. Without Scream, that archetype is dead. It doesn't even exist. You don't play Polaris without Scream, are you kidding me? You know what I mean? It's like, it defines the archetype. I'm already defending my placement, because it's not even like It's not even pretty low, it's pretty high, Cozy, so we're gonna have to cope in a few minutes here.
Cozy Snap:First out, dude, first out, so it's not like she's bad, like 11 out of 3, 000 cards or whatever she's in this game, it's not bad, it's not bad. Yeah, you know, it's not a bad spot, I'm just gonna give her a top 10. I think you left out some ones that just need to be in there, that they're not fun to put in there, but they need to be in there. But I'm gonna be curious. I feel
Alexander Coccia:that. I feel that, okay. What's your honorable
Cozy Snap:mention? I got three, or two more, but I wanna know you.
Alexander Coccia:Alright, I got three honorable mentions too. I'm gonna go with Thena. I didn't put Thena on the list, and I love Thena a lot, and I feel like still she's a great card. I think the meta has evolved past Thena, and I think that there's a number of different reasons for that, but I still think this card's good. It's gonna come back, it's gonna have a Tay Day, anytime Kitty Pryde becomes relevant, Thena's gonna become relevant. It's just not that moment right now, and we're talking about the best cards in Snap right now, and Thena does not make that list. Another one I just want to mention here is Jeff. Jeff doesn't make my top 10, dude, and it makes me sad.
Cozy Snap:For mine, I have and this one was crazy to leave out, I just tried to think about it, and again, this is first out in the grand scheme of things. I've got Mockingbird, right out, right out definitely deserves to be very close, but not quite. And then, this was the card that I, like, literally took out, it was the last card I took out, and I was like you know, there's, this card and one other one. Then I went back and forth. I'm like, which one deserves to be out? Which one is standalone value? And again, I'm not looking at the decks. I think it's so easy to look at that Darkhawk is first out as well. It's his deck that's good. It's not him. And I get it. It's the way that you play him, but the, the, the, the, But he, he does not carry that for me, so I have Darkhawk first out as well.
Alexander Coccia:It's funny you say that, cause Darkhawk in my list, cause I have like 20 listed, he's like 19. Like, he fell pretty far for me, and so I would agree that Darkhawk wouldn't make a top 10, which is crazy, cause he used to be easy top 10. I think when we did this like last year at some point, he was literally one or two. Yeah, right. He was a four drop and stuff like that. It was very different. So it's hard to remember those days, honestly. But yeah, Dark Hawk has fallen off completely. And the last honorable mention I want to give is to Sarah. I think Sarah is incredible and it continues to be a great card. And it's even making a comeback. Like it's legit, not just surf for Copium, but like it is legit being played in these control style decks. Because of the prevalence of bounce, you're seeing these Sarah Control decks that are running the Invisible Woman, the Killmonger, you know, you have the Agent U. S. Agent in there as well. It's a great card, but it does not crack the top ten for me, which is a little unfortunate.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, buddy, so I mentioned APOC, that's kind of in there too. Let's get started. Top ten list, what you got at number ten?
Alexander Coccia:I'm like, so confused right now because like, I'm staring at my top 10 and I made a last minute change for my 11 and I'm not sure if I want to do it anymore, so I'm like, actually scared, but let's just go with it, okay? Top 10, and I'm going to mention this alongside, okay, top 10, I'm switching out Iron Man to 11 because I had Iron Man there, I'm going to switch out Iron Man to 11, I don't love this. And I'm going to put Gilgamesh at 10 because I had Gilgamesh out at 11. And I'm like, no, I don't think I liked that. I think Gilgamesh has to be in there. So I'm just going to admit that Iron Man was originally 10. He's going to move down to 11 and I'm going to put Gilgamesh in at number 10.
Cozy Snap:So this is funny. Cause we can get two things done. Okay. My 10 is Iron Man and my nine is Gilgamesh. So let's go and talk about it. Yeah, no, I'm kidding you. So Iron Man could be higher. I think Iron Man is a standalone, incredible card. He could be He's like the winner, man. He does so much, dude. That card's so freaking good. Let's just face it, period. Full stop. So I do have Iron Man, right there. And then Gilgamesh, same thing, dude. Okay, we're not in like the most Zoo meta. This card is stupid for 5. It's so dumb. It's so good. Absolutely deserves to be in there. So Gilgamesh carrying the, the weight for an archetype. Gore is about to be in this list and he's gonna work with that. So, definitely like those picks. What's your 9 then?
Alexander Coccia:My 9? This is a hot, I don't know, this shouldn't be a hot take. It shouldn't be a hot take. But, similar to Gilgamesh, there's another 5 drop that puts up a tremendous amount of power. And we compare them very often, for their respective archetypes. And that's Ajax. I think it's about time we give Ajax a little bit of respect. It took some time for us to get there, and the metas had to shift, and I think that a big part of that was also like you know, some supporting cards got buffed too, right? But Ajax has proven to be a very legitimate card. It's proven. To be a meta contender, and it's also proven to put these Toxic style decks onto the map. To the point where, like, on any given week, you might have one in the top 10 of the meta. Right? Sometimes they're mid performing, sometimes they're near the top, but these Toxic style Hazmat Ajax decks, which were my favourite with with Malekith, by the way, Honestly, Ajax carries the load here. I think he's worth a 9 spot.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, the more steel cards we get, we're getting even more, so he's gonna continue to get good. I think there's that Rocket Groot card that's gonna make him better. To me, I I have him out. I I don't have him as, like, the the staple in there. For me, it's this is where I have Cassandra Nova, which is obviously an engine to that. Cassandra is Well, six Power Modes of Dime, you're also stealing that, so it's more than that. You're fueling Ajax, you're hard countering Ereshim. Single package, god, I love that card. It's so, it's so con I did a stupid Asgard deck with King Yiju not to bring him up again, but I took out Kassandra to put in Frigga, because I wanted more Asgardians. And I'm like, dude, I have to have, like, if you're playing Deadpool's Diner, put Kassandra in the deck, because of how many people play Ereshim as a, you know, as a safety gate. So, so yeah, we both went with a negative. Power and flick kind of feel. That's where that's where I got Cassandra.
Alexander Coccia:I thought about Cassandra Nova and I ultimately kept her off this list. And I wasn't happy about it. She's she's right above Sarah, which is kind of crazy to me. Like, I think she's probably better than Sarah is right now. And for the reasons you mentioned, so I, I absolutely agree there. Coming in at number eight, Cozy, I'll start us off here. And I think that eight is where I ultimately put Surtur. Now I think that Surtur could be higher, but I want to pay the respect to the cards that have proven themselves. Over a long period of time. I do think though that like this month has showcased that Serger's power output is truly remarkably high. And it's actually elevated cards like Crossbones, Typhoid Mary and others that you would see nowhere else. And I think that that's a huge thing to consider. One card, one card brought out all these other cards and elevated similar to what I would argue for Scream. This card is so good on its, on its own. That cards that you would never have played otherwise get lifted alongside it. You know what I mean? So I'd like to give some respect to Surtur at number eight.
Cozy Snap:I mean, just like Agent Venoman, I don't think him or Surtur need any longevity to be proven a greatness. So I got them higher. So I will refrain. I already said my eight, seven though, I could kick us off with seven for me. Cause Cassandra's my eight, keep in mind, Gilgamesh, Iron Man, right? My 7, this one was tricky because again, looking at what we've got, looking at the different options I'm gonna go with Alioth here. Again, I'm not the biggest, Alioth should be the top card in the game and it, it's all kind of probably by, like, user experience, like, I don't lose to Alioth too much, either I predict it or whatever. But yeah, I mean, he's good. He definitely wipes away a lot of the finishers, a lot of the combos in a meta where there is a good amount of those. But yeah, I've got him right here, round number 7.
Alexander Coccia:I love that. Cozy's like, you know, it's not that much of a problem for me because I'm not a dogshit player, you know. I see him coming, so, you know, I just dodge him.
Cozy Snap:I don't know. I don't know. Come on now. Don't throw me under the bus like that.
Alexander Coccia:But what I will say though is I agree he deserves to be on the top 10, but I disagree that he's 7. I think he's higher. Cozy, I have Alioth higher, but
Cozy Snap:I'm not shocked at all. I like 100 percent knew you had Alioth higher. And so Well,
Alexander Coccia:because last week we were talking about tech cards, and I put him so high, and you're like, bro, he's not even a tech card. I'm like, Alioth is a tech card, sir. Actually, I don't think many people even chimed in on that, because Cozy and I were kind of split on that. Like, do you consider Alioth a tech card? No,
Cozy Snap:I don't know. Yes, no, yes, no. Got to both. Okay. So that was set.
Alexander Coccia:Who's your seven? My seven. Oh yeah. I haven't even said seven yet. My seven is Nico. I put Nico here because it's so funny. I love this card so much. And I know you do too, but like when I'm playing Nico, I often find myself like thinking I could cut her. This is how I know she's good. I thought like, Oh, you know what? I'll cut Nico. Let's put something else in. That's a little more consistent is what I tell myself. I play the deck and I'm like, bro, if I just put Nico in this deck's better. You know what I mean? Every single time. And so Nico has been a card that like, I find myself trying to cut and I find myself being wrong very often.
Cozy Snap:I'll come back to Nico. I will come back to Nico there. What was that, seven you said?
Alexander Coccia:That was seven for me.
Cozy Snap:Okay, next up is number six, and I felt like this was kind of low for the card, but it can't be left off. This is one I'm curious, curious if you left it off, because I feel like you can't, you can't. Shadow King, period point blank. Boom! That's right, I have him too! We did it! You got him? Nice. Got it, he's got to be on there. He's got to be on there. Shadow King is an answer. Shadow King is cheap. Shadow King is great. He's reliable, he's the new Shung in a lot of ways. So yeah, Shadow King. Don't even need to say much about him. And the fact that Luke Cage is like, there's that difference now is kinda cool too.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Shadow King is incredible, honestly, and like, the thing about it that I really like is that it feels like it has like an application across so many different decks. Like, yeah, you don't want to play it on turn two, naturally. But, it disrupts Destroy, it disrupts Zoo, it disrupts pretty much everything, right? You can actually, I mean, in some degrees, you can kind of counteract the the plays of, like, something like a Cassandra Nova, which is the reason why it makes the, the decks in Erishum, for instance, right? So, yeah, Shadow King's an absolute baller. I'm glad we agreed on number 6, and I also like the fact that you're like, you must have left this guy off, Alex. You might have, boom! I'm glad! Exact same spot you did. I'm glad you have him on there, dude. What do we have what you got for 5? So, we're going into our top 5. Just as a reminder here, just so people don't lose track, I had Gilgamesh at 2. Iron Man at 11, I did that last minute switch, Ajax 8, Nico at 7, and then Shadow King at 6. Cozy, what was your first five?
Cozy Snap:Iron Man, Gilgamesh Alioth. Shadow King, right? Oh, and Concentranova. Two behind that. Did you
Alexander Coccia:do that in order? I think you confused everyone. Ah, nice stuff.
Cozy Snap:They're keeping track. What you got? What you got in order? Alright,
Alexander Coccia:alright. I was trying to help you kind of keep track mentally of where Top Ten was, and Cozy just literally butchered that idea. Thank you for that. Coming in at number 5 for me, this is where I have Scream. I did put Scream at 5 and I know that's high, you're like, bro, seriously, but like, think about it, man, like, it elevates that entire archetype, and it has been crushing for so long. We've been gushing over Scream. Like, I just think the card's great, and it is so remarkably well played. It's like, it's, it carries. It just carries, it makes bad cards good. Over
Cozy Snap:Shadow King and Nico, that's crazy. That's, that's, that's copium. That's it's good, it's a great card. I'm known for huffing. It's so freaking good, I just could never put it above the cards that are gonna catch all, right? I, I can't just be a yes man, I gotta, I gotta stay in my ground. So I do feel like Scream, if it were to make my list, would've been just lower. And it's not to say she's not fantastic, it's just the one dimensionality behind her is where I can't. She's so strong, I just didn't want to look at the deck stats to her, but you'd think, so you stand behind, Shadow King Nico worse than this.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, first of all, how dare you. Secondly, I like that you're like digging your high heels in here. I like that you're digging in, you're like, no Alex, I'm gonna challenge you. I'm gonna offend you,
Cozy Snap:I'm just saying my thing.
Alexander Coccia:I just think that like, Nico's great, I love Nico, I love Shadow King, but Shadow King didn't make an entire archetype. It didn't raise, like, cards from the dead. Like, there are cards that saw zero play until Scream came out. It brought the entire archetype up, like a phoenix from the ashes. Like, I'm just saying that, like, this whole deck would not exist. Our entire meta would not have this style of play if it wasn't for Scream, and that's kind of where I'm at. Oh,
Cozy Snap:okay.
Alexander Coccia:Is Phoenix
Cozy Snap:Force on your list, too, yeah?
Alexander Coccia:No, I love Phoenix Force, too. It's, like, my favorite right now. Didn't make it.
Cozy Snap:So, that was five, right? Did we both say five? That's five, yeah. Did you, did I say my five? I don't think I did. I
Alexander Coccia:don't know. You said a whole bunch of random stuff when I asked you. Once you
Cozy Snap:asked to go through the order, that was where everything was lost. No. For me, number five, I have here, Surtur. So Surtur is not far from where you put him, but the guy just wins a lane by himself. So, like, how do I, how do I not say that, right? Like, he could be left alone on a lane. He has, like, that drac feel to him, but he's a three car, so there's so many cars that synergize with him. There's metacards that synergize with them, there's cards that come out that do. I think this isn't even the end of what might happen to him later on in an OTA. It is a little criminal that, to spoil it, but Agent Venom and Surtur are both on this list in some regard, and they're the last two season pass cards.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, way to spoil my four, bro, because that's Agent Venom. You're right, and the reason why I like Surtur to some degree, I was like, I think I mentioned it where I said I wanted to pay some respect to cards that have legitimately proven themselves over time. Yeah, obviously Surtur's cracked, but like, Nico and Shadow King and even Scream has been showcasing its abilities for a long time, and Scream plays with absolute garbage tier cards. Like, Surtur, It kind of goes together with like just super high power cards. You want to play anyways.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Right. Flexibility is just good.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. So four for me is Agent Venom, even with the, you can call it a nerf, but I mean, it's a two five, it's a two five. Can you believe that this card is a two five right now? Like I am shocked that it's a two five, but yeah, number four for me, Agent Venom, the card is absolutely correct.
Cozy Snap:I've now entered that point that we always enter into your list. We're like, I'm like, what card does he not have on there? What card do I forget? Yeah. Well, it's kind of both. It's like who left something off? But it, it could be one of us could be neither. Who knows? We'll see. So number four for me yeah, funny enough, I had a agent Vem as well, so a agent vem for me. You know, little bit narrow in some cases, but for the most part he just elevates a ton of cards. Works in way more decks than you'd give him credit for. Premium, premium stat line. He's stupid.
Alexander Coccia:He's good. Yeah, he's, he's, he's so stupid good. And it's funny because I'm looking at my top three and I'm like, man, someone made a mistake. I, I, it could be me, man. Usually it's me. Remember that one year I left Thanos off and he was literally crushing the meta?
Cozy Snap:I, I, you could, you could. There's two that have to be here. My three, you've already mentioned, so
Alexander Coccia:we'll
Cozy Snap:see. There's
Alexander Coccia:two that have to be here as well. So yeah, we must, okay, I'm missing one from your list, it looks like. Because, can I go by three? Top three? We're in top three now? Yep, go. Number 3 is where I have the big purple stinky cloud, Alioth. Alright, you want me to go right down to the 2 1? Yeah, yeah. So 3 is Alioth, 2, Shan Chi, and number 1, I gave to Ereshim, considering how resilient this card has been. So we
Cozy Snap:do, wait, so hold on. I guess we, we all, then okay, we had the same thing. Cause I, like, but I had Nico at 3, so like, we flopped Alioth and Nico. Oh, okay. So, Nico, look at the 1 drops, look at what she does. Nice. Best one drop in the game, has been, always will be, has to be there at three, two Shang Chi, one Airsham. Yeah, same thing. So yeah,
Alexander Coccia:we agree. Airsham, okay, Airsham number one, Shang Chi two, and then I had Alioth at three, you had Nico at three. Yep. Okay, dude, we were actually pretty spot on with each other. Are you kidding me? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:that was actually, that's a first in a while, too, for going at it blind. I'm proud of us, man. Yeah I just don't think you can waver from that. That, the top two at the very minimum, and then top three to five, at least they're somewhat in the same realm. We had Shadow King, Surtur, Nico can all mix in there.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, you made me so nervous. You made me think like I was forgetting the most like popular card and snap. Like I like just completely off base. Like, Oh my gosh, man.
Cozy Snap:I got a little worried too, but yeah, man, we were, we were spot on there. And I mean, there's not much to say about Sean. We've talked about him like every episode, five weeks in a row. I refuse to do it again. But Airsham. You're just, you're just a leg up on your opponent. And if they don't have Cassandra, you're just, you're at a tough spot.
Alexander Coccia:I know. Ereshim absolutely crushes. It's such an unfair advantage. It's to the point where like, it almost made me sad that they buffed Thanos and immediately it was thrown into Ereshim and it became one of the top decks in the game. I was like, come on, man. Like, like, does it have to be like that? I like you, you can play Thanos on turn four cause you have an extra energy and you play the time stone out or whatever. It's like, oh my gosh, what are we even doing anymore?
Cozy Snap:At this point. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Oh, yeah. Actually, gore with Thanos, man. All those, all those stones out there. It's not bad. But anyways, let's do it just one last time, Cozy, in order to recap your top ten. Start at number one. Number one is Aarishem. And my number one was also Aarishem. Number two, my was Shang Chi. Yep. Shang
Cozy Snap:Chi for me. Then I had Nico at three. I had
Alexander Coccia:Alioth at three.
Cozy Snap:At four I had Surtur.
Alexander Coccia:I had Agent Venom at 4, and at 5 I had Scream.
Cozy Snap:Sorry, I mixed those up. Yeah, we both had
Alexander Coccia:What are you you're messing it up again! You're screwing up the order! This is the reason why we're doing this!
Cozy Snap:Scream at 5. You'd love to recap over here. You'd love to recap. Yeah. So Surtur at 5 for me, then we had Shadow King, both, correct?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Shadow King at 6, and then we had I'll finish it off for the sake of time. We had Nico, Surtur, Ajax, Gilgamesh.
Cozy Snap:Yep. Then I had Alioth, Cassandra Nova, Gilgamesh Iron Man.
Alexander Coccia:Beautiful. And Cozy, you know what that means? It's mailbag time baby. You ready for the The Marvel Snap Mailbag. Let's do Snap. I tried to say our podcast name and I got confused there. The Snapchat mailbag, the Marvel Snapchat mailbag. For a while in our, in our titles, I used to put the Marvel Snapchat,'cause it's Marvel Snap, but also the Snapchat. So the snap in the middle, it did double duty. You know, I thought it was an SEO thing, try to, that it never mattered anyways, but cozy. Let's get into the first question here. We got a lot of fun stuff. And the first one comes from Brian, Just Brian. It reads, mailbag question. Can we as a community start calling ongoing decks that use Sauron, non going decks? I mean, it's right there. Thanks guys. Keep up the awesome work. Yep,
Cozy Snap:absolutely. The four people that play that deck, absolutely. Let's do it. Non going.
Alexander Coccia:Non going it is. I just want to throw it out there because I thought that was really funny. And if we could, if we could impact, The the verbiage that's being used in the zeitgeist of our Marvel Snap community, then let's, let's actually do that there. It's now officially known as non going decks. If you're using Xero or Sauron. Our next question comes from XC Warrior. I want you guys to discuss the collector's vault, which appears to be randomly coming up every few days. Now, XC Warrior thinks that it's poorly implemented. So Cozy, I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on the collector's vault thus far.
Cozy Snap:I click them to do the thing, and then I leave. I have not even remotely messed with it. I think it's, yeah, I think it's just, like, I'm glad they spend time on it, I guess. I, I don't like it. It's whatever to me. Yeah, yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah. For me, it was like, at first, I was kind of against it. I was like, you know what? First of all, I want everyone to get access to whatever they want. Who cares? Like, I don't want to gatekeep people because of card art. Like, I don't care, right? But at the same time, I was like, you know, but they did sell them with the exclusivity idea, so whales might be a little pissed. I was trying to, like, Talk both sides, right? But now that it's out, I'm looking at them like, Oh yeah, I skipped these cards for a reason, I just don't care. You know what I mean? And then the only one I was going to buy was the rogue hero variant, which I was so upset I didn't have, even though I have absolutely fire rogue variants, and I just forgot to buy it. Now it's gone. So, and obviously it didn't mean that much to me, but yeah, collector's vault overall, for me, it's like. There's so many missed variants, that like, it's, I think, I don't like the fact that it leans into the FOMO side a little bit, but I don't think, if you're a whale, like, it's really not the thing, like, it's, it's, it only comes every once in a while, it's random cards, half of them suck, and they're still too damn expensive anyways.
Cozy Snap:I think what I finally settled on is like, what I wish they would have done, cause yeah, I don't care enough to hold people back from art, but I do wish, Remember, like, that first edition thing they were gonna do forever ago that obviously was a waste? First edition badge? Yeah, yeah, but they were gonna reward that for people that got stuff with the collector tokens, I think. I don't remember, like, what they were gonna do with that, but I think that's what it was, right? Oh, with the variants? I wish there would've been, like, a border or something that if you would've got those borders, Those bundles, when you got them, then they got, they just looked a little bit different, like, or they even had the emblem at the top, like, Collector's Vault Edition, or what, whatever, just to give something to the people that bought it beforehand because I just think that's, you know, the right thing to do, but I don't care enough, so it's it's a mute point.
Alexander Coccia:I absolutely agree. I absolutely agree. And our next question, there's actually a couple, there's been a lot of comments about this on the Snapchat. It comes from Voltron Pilot and it actually reads, Dear Alex Coccia, I hope this comment finds you well. What the hell are you talking about? Tim Hortons is trash? How dare you attack such a time honored franchise? Not only is it a piece of hockey history, Tim Horton being a hockey player, but it's also a treasured favorite here in Michigan. As well as many other northern states. Much like the Ambassador Bridge, or the soon to be completed Gordie Howe International Bridge, Timmies, as it's affectionately known, unites people from two different nations! Over a shared love of hockey, coffee, and donuts. I thought your friendship with Cozy would have taught you the value of such border defying sense of community. It seems that even an educator himself still has lessons to learn. And that was followed up by Love Marley who said, Alex, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know a single Canadian who would disagree with you on that. Tim Hortons is terrible and completely soulless.
Cozy Snap:I'm gonna start, I'm gonna start picking the Snapchat quote. If I hear about Tim Hortons one more time, I, I can't do it Alex. I'm done with it. I'm gonna find some American brand you have no idea about and bring it up on every episode. I'm done. I'm done with Tim Hortons. All right, Alex. I'm done. I don't know Tim Hortons. All right. I have nothing to add to this but that's that's all I have. I don't want to hear about I hate Tim Hortons. I hate you. I hate you.
Alexander Coccia:Boom. Look at that. Even Cozy hates Tim Hortons. He's never even had it yet. What an absolute god gamer. As Clyde Frog comes in with a quick question for us. Alex, are your kids still using your car like an Etch A Sketch? Your parents said yes, right? They actually have, but it's okay. It's so funny because we talked about, first of all, I had to actually buy a minivan that hasn't been delivered yet because Cozy, although he's offered me, I've won so many vehicles from Cozy at this point and they've never been delivered. In case you're wondering, they've never been delivered. And so I had to go get a minivan. And I will tell you, they did do the walk around to like assess the trade in value and they did note. The Etch a Sketch quality of my paint job, thanks to my kids. So thanks for for devaluing my trading guys, I really appreciated that. And the last question of the day comes in, and it's a question for Cozy. And it reads, Cozy, have you ever played Persona 5 Royal? If not you should, I'm not an RPG guy, but this one's awesome. I bring this up because, like, I hear about Persona all the time, I have no idea what it is or what it's about.
Cozy Snap:I'm speechless. I'm just speechless. We're two years into the Snapchat. There's one song that plays on every episode of the Snapchat. Every episode. That's Persona? I didn't know that. Yeah, it's from Persona. Of course I've played Persona. Of course. I've played most of them. I can't even believe I'm getting asked. Yes. Music's amazing. Gameplay's amazing. Fantastic series. One of those that, like, if there was another COVID I would just go and replay through all of them. Like, I love, love Persona. Yes. Absolutely.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, if someone knows nothing about Persona, asking for a friend, what would be the one that they'd play?
Cozy Snap:Great music, great Oh 5 is a good start. Yep, 5 is fine. I mean, I like 3, but 5 is good.
Alexander Coccia:Persona 5 Royale is the one I should play? Yes. Are you sure?
Cozy Snap:Yep.
Alexander Coccia:Can I use this music?
Cozy Snap:If you play it, you get the the badge of honor.
Alexander Coccia:I get the badge of honor. Okay. Thank you so much, cozy. I appreciate that badge of honor. And you know what, you guys get a badge of honor too for making it to the end of the episode. Thank you so much for joining us, and we'll see you on that next one.
Cozy Snap:Guys, thank you so much for coming to this episode of the Snapchat, hopefully you guys enjoyed, keep having fun out there, don't take it too seriously, have a good time, and have a good one, have a great one. Till the next one, happy snapping.