The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Fenris Wolf: An Activate To Fear | Marvel Rivals Season | Malekith In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 107
Will Fenris Wolf be the best activate card in the game? What should you be saving up for with the incoming Marvel Rivals season and beyond? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Malekith? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? I want to welcome you back to the Snapchat. Today, we're going to be talking about potentially one of the best Activate cards to come to the game, which isn't that hard. There's not that many good ones, but on that is Fendris, Wolf, Worth Getting. If you like Destroy, if you like Discard, if you want a new Tech card, is this one worth the grab? Especially because we have so many new cards coming down the line with December and January finally revealed. With a Marvel Rivals collab, Alex and I are going to break down all those cards, and which ones we think you should save up for. On top of that, we're going to talk about Thanos buff, all the meta nerfs, and the OTA that we had this week. We've got a lot to talk about on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia on this lovely Monday, and I'm sure you guys have already, your eyes have been stained by it already, but we have to open up. As we go into what was a crazy week for Snap, obviously a lot of new cards announced. We're gonna break those down. The OTA, the first super sized OTA did you ever see the movie Super Size Me?
Alexander Coccia:I did a long time ago. It's essentially how I live my life right now. Just fast food, three meals a day, hey, and if they ask, no one asks me to get super sized things anymore. No one says that. I've never been asked to super size anything. I don't
Cozy Snap:think, do super size, I think that's just like a medium nowadays. I, all I know is it made me more hungry, like I think it was supposed to make me not like it. And then I. I liked it more. Anyway sidetracked and I'm getting hungry. Let's talk about the fight, man. If you guys did not get the, honestly, if you missed it, you, you're a winner. You're actually the winner of today. We had Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul, which was a promise to be greatness. Seen someone like Mike Tyson, one of the, one of the legends in the sport against, against Jake Paul. What, what did, what'd you think?
Alexander Coccia:What did I think? Oh man, okay, now you're opening up a can of worms. How much time do we have? Okay, first of all, just so you know, the way it worked was I didn't even realize this fight was that. I had heard about it and stuff like that, but I got caught with the hype like on the day of, and so I was with my wife and I somehow convinced her that like, hey, we should watch this. It's gonna be cool. It's Iron Mike Tyson. He's gonna fight this YouTuber guy. Wouldn't you want me to fight Mike Tyson? She's like, yeah, I'd pay to see that. And then anyways, long story short, The stream was like completely broken. I couldn't watch anything. And I think this was pretty universal. Like I thought it was just like the Canadian internet was just broken. And even like, okay, the Netflix legitimately tried to gaslight me into thinking that my connection sucked. And I was like, dude, no, your errors are like brutal. They're like, Oh, check your internet connection. I'm like, bro, you check your internet connection because I'm fine. No, the best watching. Oh, dude, what'd you want? So bad. What do we watch? We couldn't get The Connection to go, so we had to watch what my wife chose, which was Love is Blind. I, I, honestly, dude, the amount of cringe was unbelievable.
Cozy Snap:The prep of the night to get ready to sit down and be like, Okay, we're watching the fight, and watch some guys beat each other up, and then you skirt to Love is Blind is like diehard over to Sesame Street, and I appreciate, I, I mean, hey, I like the flexibility there yeah, it's, I think you could have watched this fight, you could have watched Mike Tyson's fights in the 80s better than the quality of the 180p that we were experienced. But I did hear Jake Paul on his win, his next opponent Joe Biden. I
Alexander Coccia:honestly, if that's true, that is, if you thought, you thought Netflix servers were going to crash. With this one, they don't stand a chance when Joe Biden gets in the ring. And you know what? Honestly, those press conferences would be absolute fire in advance too.
Cozy Snap:I got the money line on, on Joe. That's for sure. Anyway, we got lots of breakdown lists. We're going to be talking a whole lot of snap, a little bit of rivals as that's T's next season and a whole lot more. What are we talking Snapchat, Alex?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat. We're going to be doing a full review of Malekith, letting you know whether you should be using your spotlight keys or your tokens on the new card available still today for watching this pod on Monday, at least. And then we're going to be talking about the tech cards of Marvel snap. We're gonna be doing a tier list, top 10, whatever you want to call it. We're going to be talking about the best cards in a Marvel snap from a tech perspective. And then as always. A Snapchat mailbag. We have tons of fun questions for Cozy on this mailbag, by the way, so I'm looking forward to it.
Cozy Snap:Oh man, I am looking forward to it, too. I can't wait to see what the viewers had to say. Well, over here, man, we might as well get right to it. We got Fenris Wolf, and it is a 2 cost, 3 power card. The first activate in a while. Activate, resurrect your opponent's highest powered, discarded, or destroyed card to your side of this location. And that is Pretty exciting. Pretty exciting stuff, man. I think this is gonna be a very unique card to come to the game. But also, a lot of mixed feelings on it. I think as this card has aged, I've gotten a bit more excited for it. Activate, you know, always gotta be a bit reserved on my immediate hype, as some of them have not delivered. I think, you know, I think it's funny. We saw Black Widow get a Activate, and people were like, Yeah, that's how they nerf cards now. They give it Activate when we had so much promise on it. But! With that, we got the Spotlight Week, Annihilus, Werewolf by Night, it's fine, I'm not crazy about it, I think it's, you don't have Annihilus, and you get him, and then you get Finris, like, it's not the end of the world.
Alexander Coccia:I was thinking about this, right, like, okay, so, Annihilus, I think is a card everyone has to have in their collection, I feel like Annihilus time's gonna come back, it has to, like, it's a great archetype defining card, but when they changed Viper, it became so much less necessary, and then also the nerf to Sentry was felt really extreme as well, And so like, could they potentially consider making Sentry back up to a 10 power? That also gives it Synergy with Surtur, because you know, Synergy with Surtur is needed right now, because the card, I can't even joke about it, but anyways, let's continue the discussion. And Werewolf by Night, okay, I just, this might be a hot take, but I think I've discovered, despite the fact that Werewolf by Night's stats might be in the positive, it might be a well statted card, it might do well from a win rate perspective, I don't think I just, I just don't like the card, like, I just don't like playing Werewolf by Night, and I think that's okay, I'd rather play the Hitmonkey based decks if I'm going to be playing Bounce rather than Hitmonkey sorry Werewolf by Night. But, overall, I think the Spotlight Cache is worth it if you don't have these cards.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, the one thing I will say is I think Gore might have some decent synergy with Werewolf by now because you do have, like, an unrevealed deck, so maybe you got something cooking there and you get the wolf really big and then you play Gore as your final play, like, maybe, but is there enough there to get that done? We'll have to see. That's kind of like my one case if you don't have him. But, let's talk about the wolf, and I want to do things a little bit different today. I want to kind of divide it because we have discard synergy, we're gonna have destroy stuff, we're gonna have some basic stuff. And so, instead of just rambling a bunch of stuff at you guys, we want to kind of keep it more in line so you guys can track it depending if you like one archetype over the other. But, Alex, I know, you know, listen, people have their opinions on the card, you certainly have yours, let's hear it, what's the star rating?
Alexander Coccia:I'm staying with four. I know that this card is, it's kind of seeking very different opinions. People are high, very, people are very low. It feels like no one's really in the middle. I think this is a good card. I think it's pretty strong. I think the stats are fine. I think it's ability strong. I like the fact that it's an activate, to be honest with you, as opposed to, like, an on reveal. I think the activate's much stronger. Yes, a little weak on turn six, but you can literally play it down on turn two and hold it until the end of turn six to capitalize on what you've done, because it's going to resurrect the highest power ever. So when you use cards and when you destroy things through the course of the game, that highest power card can change, allowing the activate ability to capture the biggest opportunity made available to it. So I actually like the activate line on this. I'm sticking with four stars, Cozy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think this is a when I say it's a tough one to evaluate, I want to see it played into motion and how all that works. I mean, my gut says three and a half now, and it's a card. You know, we, the reason we talk about cards aging well is because there's merit to it. Scar was probably the best example. Of a card we said is going to be aging well, and there's obviously cards of destruction, 10 plus power cards discard stuff that will be coming in the future that will make Fidris obviously that much better. So I got about a three and a half right now that will, he'll continue to get better, and I also think this week might be a little bit tough as people kind of prep for this card a tad bit. Yeah, little bit obvious on what you're doing on 6, if that is the turn you do decide to resurrect on. But I love that, you know, there are some activate cards, if you play it on 5, like, you can get it to work, but you really want to play it early. We know right off the bat, low cost activate cards, Are so much better. Like if Black Widow, which we'll talk about later, was a 2 cost, would have been that much better. Once we get to 3 and beyond, really 4 and up is where they really start to lose their luster, if you will. So Fenris being a 2 has a lot going for it. Discard, destroy? Where do you want to start? Do you want to go destroy first, as that's a bit more, I would assume, obvious, or discard?
Alexander Coccia:We can go destroy first. Sure. I got, I got notes for both. I think both have potential to be honest with you. Yeah.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. And I think that's, what's really exciting about the card. It's, it could be a tech card. Number one, great tech card. Number two, you got some synergy with two archetypes that are doing well and overall that people just love, right? So let's get to let's get to destroy first, man. And listen this is going to not only be a, a card that you can what's up, Malekith? We'll talk about him later. We'll This will not only be a card that you can play to attack against Destroyer, but there's some really neat synergy with specific Destroyer cards, Alex. So, let's start with your side, man. What do you got for us? What card do you want to bring up first?
Alexander Coccia:You know what? I want to talk about about Gladiator. I had a lot of thoughts about Gladiator lately, and I was thinking about, like, okay, like, what could lines look like for Gladiator being successful? Now, obviously with Surtur in the deck, Gladiator has been a much Surtur, sorry, in the meta, has been a much more of a risky proposition. However, it has the potential to, at minimum, destroy cards within that seven power range, which, if brought back by Fenris, is a pretty decent stat line if you consider it's a 2 3. It's bringing something back. Could potentially be like a 2 10 with the Gladiator. Of course, he can whiff on the effect, and perhaps you have some backup plays for that. But, I also think you could even go a little further. You could consider something like a Forge on turn 2, a Gladiator on turn 3, extending the reach to 10 power, and then playing Fenris on turn 4 alongside another card. But then you get the risk of, well, Alex Now, that Activate coming out on Turn 4 or Turn 5 feels much worse, which we're starting to really see now, right? It's what you alluded to prior. So, I think Gladiator is potentially, in terms of like an offensive deck, a synergistic card.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so when it comes to the Wolf, right, in my head it's like, okay, I'm just gonna call him the Wolf. When it comes to him, it feels like one of those cards in a sense, we use this term a lot, but kind of like Dracula, right? Where you You're gonna set him down, that's gonna be your setup lane, right? You feel good about it, that's your lane that you plan on winning, and so you don't wanna you know, you don't wanna send too much backup to that lane, because, well, you, you hopefully are gonna do what you need to do there, and I think the, the optimal strategy is having your, your Fenris Wolf lane, and then you're gonna have the lane that you're gonna try to flip. And then add to that, right? And those are the two wins, and then maybe you can land something else. I like Gladiator. I think, you know there are certain less precise cards that just offer a lot of fun and what you might be able to get out and get on their side. Gladiator, definitely one of them. There's some more discard ones that kind of fit his mold. And I think that he could kind of work into this deck that could ultimately work. I mean, obviously, I want to talk about more. We'll get right to what I Obviously, this is going to be the highlight of the card, the Shang Chi, right? So, obviously, Shang Chi is, is the answer to the 10 plus power cards, right? This is going to be the predictable turn 6 play. But maybe earlier. I think that's what's really cool about it. Having that turn 2 play, playing Fenris as fast as you can, You know, Shang Chi right off the bat, so you flip the lanes, you have the big card in your lane now, and you're able to kind of work the later turns better. I like a lot, rather than always holding it for a turn 6 but to your point, I know you wanted to say it, so I appreciate you not. If you're Gladiator, and it's a 10 plus power card, well then, you know, you're setting this guy up for the home run, the T Ball if you will, right? So I really enjoy I think that that's just going to be your baseline decks, and you work from there, and Shanshi obviously being the best synergy with him, probably.
Alexander Coccia:And I like the idea that with Shanshi, especially if you're playing on turn 6, you're actually functionally attacking two separate locations, because you punch out a 10 power plus card on one location, and you bring it back on another with Fenris, you should be trading effectively. What's interesting to think, though, is that if, People see Fenris Wolf out there, they're going to assume you have Shanchi, like you'd be crazy to not run the cards together, and as a result, they're going to be anticipating that play. And so cards like Cosmo, Armor, and others might suddenly become very strong plays early on, especially in decks like Ereshim which are having a resurgence. Where they have that extra mana to play with, right? So like, I actually, I've been really thinking about like, what those turn sixes look like, and how predictable the Shan Chi play is, because it's synergy is so obvious with Fenris. And so, I'm glad we got it out of the way, because obviously it's a, it's a card that everyone's going to talk about. But, again, I think that Shun Chi's kind of like the home run hit in a lot of ways. Yeah, you, you punched out their Red Hulk, and then you brought it back on the other side. And you floated, they floated energy or whatever, right? Like, that's, that's all gravy, right? But, I think there's other cards that, you know, can have not the craziest pop off effect. Remember, we're talking about a 2 3 here. It already has a really strong stat line. And a Lizard's a 2 5. And so, let's say you Yondu. And you hit an Iceman, that's not good, but technically still a 2 5, right, in terms of overall power. So, while we get really fixated on the top end, we can't forget that even on the lower end where things don't work as well as maybe you'd like to see, you still have some decent power output here.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think day one, week one, we're going to see a lot of the high end stuff. I think we typically see this in the more fancy stuff, but I agree, as this card ages, I think just, Getting the value play might be best, maybe not always the, the Iceman, but definitely like, it doesn't have to be the home run 10 power flip. Right. And there's a couple of those, but yeah, if you get just the unrevealability of a nice little, you know, curve play, it's like, you know, that's obviously going to be a pretty advantageous. What I think is probably the coolest about this card is that. And what makes it good, potentially great, is that there's no randomness. Number one, it's the highest power destroy or discarded option. It's not a random one that would make it way worse, right? And then number two, it's on the, this side location, right? You're gonna destroy the card to your side of this location. I mean, clearly, having a, a plan of where that card's gonna go. If that was a hella, like a random, this card goes down significantly because you just cannot plan for it to any regard. So I love the, the the consistency you can pull off. And because it's the highest, I think it's super interesting. Yeah, we said the Shang Chi play, it's like, it's super cool that in this balance meta, or we've been in this almost a year now since Nebula's arrival. Nebula, Sunspot, the balance cards, Rocket, Sable, who just got nerfed, but Sable, taking one of those ones that they've built up so much, with a card like Killmonger that can be played in any lane, It's awesome. I mean, that's such an easy way to win two lanes. The flip, you have the, the Fenris, Resurrect, and then Killmonger is just to support the lane that, you know, maybe that, that Sable was in or whatever. That's a, that, that's such a huge power swing, man. You're playing five, five costs for essentially with Fenris and this for potentially six power baseline. Plus, whatever it might be.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and if you're Killmongering their entire board, you've likely won already, so it's like, So Fenris is such a major kind of insult to injury. But yeah, you're right, like, I think the thing that kind of kept me up high on Fenris Wolf was the idea that, like, a lot of these cards are cards A, you want to have in your deck anyway. Like, obviously not Gladiator and Yondu that we were discussing prior. But Killmonger, John Chi, and others, these are cards you're teching in regardless. These are some of the most popular cards in the game for a reason. And the result is that you often have a massive power swing and then Fenris Wolf is just the icing on the cake that seals the deal, right? And so that's why I think the card does have a really, a relatively high ceiling with what it can do power wise, because you're playing cards that you would have been playing anyways. And it, it. It almost would fit in a wide variety of different archetypes because these cards fit in a wide variety of different archetypes as well.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure. And there's only a few more that, like, I do like the Gladiator stuff and I like the Yondu and stuff, but those are like, you know, I've seen the angle of going the mill route and then plugging them in there, which is definitely something you could do. It's a different build. But yes, you've got the Killmonger, you've got the Shang Chi and then the other ones that I think potentially could float into more of these kind of catch all builds. Number one, we've talked about it as a card that's disrespected. I think Negasonic. It has a real potential here. Now, depending on the meta, depending on the deck, this card goes up and down. But, the idea of being able to get that extreme value and not even really caring all that much what it is, I think this is kind of a nice curve play to go into Fenris 2 3, see what happens after there. Or just my favorite is doing the quick scope out of Negasonic. They never saw it coming. And then you can take it, don't have to worry about the Shang Chi. A little bit cheaper. Alex, so I want to ask you about Lady Deathstrike, because to me, this is the ability stealer, right? Like, obviously you're not going to be getting anything big power wise, but this is where you can take an Iron Man, and potentially, if that was the only card there, you know, snipe that, which is a huge flip.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah, you could even kill your own Fenris Wolf, that would be the absolute power play. Yeah, that's exactly, that's the flex we're all looking for. Yeah, LDS, I've like, every time I've played LDS, I get excited, I got this really nice variant of her, and I'm like, Ah, yeah, this card's gonna be great. And then there's never a target for her. I'm just like, I don't know what's going on right now. Like, it never feels like, it's a very awkward card to play. However, when it hits, it hits, and it's a huge snap condition, and you're right, you're going to be wiping out a lot of power, but then again, at the same time, like, yeah, you might destroy the Iron Man, but if so much as a Ice Man was present with that Iron Man, or whatever else, Zabu was in that lane, then suddenly, because of the power difference, you're bringing back Zabu, so it's like, because she has such a wide breadth of an impact, It can be detrimental to your opponent's game plan, but I feel like maybe it's casting a wide net that's too wide for something like Fenris. Whereas, like, with the Shan Chi, you know you've destroyed their monster from Monster Island, you know you're getting 10 power back. Whereas LDS might be a little more difficult to reliably hit, and I think that's maybe just the card itself, right? It's, it's been wild because like, we can't, we can't forget that like, Lady Deathstrike got nerfed, right? She, she got buffed once and then became very meta relevant. They're like, whoa, we're bringing it back here a little bit. And so I almost wonder if you're right, and Fenris could be a very natural place for Lady Deathstrike. Especially since before we were saying, at the end of the day, like, even if you destroy something with three or less power, Fenris, in effect, is still a 2 6.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, with 8 Agent Venom's nerf to nerf a buff, but nerf in the sense of giving the power, it's 3 or less. That gets Lady at least in the realm of those decks, which I did like. I think actually this whole patch was actually a good Lady Death Strike patch. But I do understand your points about her as a card. What I think is interesting about Destroyer is not exactly all of the You know I mean, obviously, it's a tech to playing Destroy. But I also think it's crazy the other tech options that Fenris serves us. We said it's a tech card a bit, right? So I want to dive into that. Obviously, Hela, and we can talk about that more in the discard route, where you're gonna steal this. And I want you guys to remember, when you take that, you know, Hela card that was discarded, you're taking it. They don't have the option. There's only one. There's not, you can't share these cards, right? So you're taking that on your side. But man, the other options that I was like, I don't know if people are fully thinking about it. A, you get complete tech against Arnim Zola. It's, it becomes way more risky to do the Arnim Zola because you're essentially, if they did that to Black Panther, you're gonna have that same play on one lane at least because it's gonna, you know, double up in value. But Alex, Phoenix Force and Misery. Those are the three. That I'm like, Phoenix Four is probably the most because you're stealing what they were going to res. That, that's probably the biggest counter but I love this as a tech card because of that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and it's funny because like, when I first took a look at Fenris Wolf, I didn't actually identify it as a tech card per se, because I think that its application is narrow, but when you're in those matchups, it is absolutely soul crushing if you see a Fenris Wolf on the other side of the board and you are holding a Phoenix Four style play. Now. It's the only kind of, the only thing you can kind of go back on is to say, okay, well they are going to resurrect the multiple men, right? So like they're bringing back multiple men that might not be particularly useful because you're going to resident and Phoenix force will do the movement and stuff like that. But with misery you're probably playing cards with high impact. You steal it.
Cozy Snap:You steal the multiple men. They can't bring it back. So you steal it before they can do it. Because you're taking that from their destroyed graveyard. They don't get access to it. When he brings something back, it belongs to Fenris at that point.
Alexander Coccia:Woah, I didn't realize that. So what you're saying is, is it leaves their graveyard completely. Like, it's no longer available. I did not realize that. Let's direct
Cozy Snap:your opponent's highest power discarded or destroyed card to your side. Right? So you're taking, it's the same as Hela. That's why I was bringing up Hela earlier. If they go on a discard spree, you can effectively steal that Infinite. It's not make a copy of it. You're taking it from there. So it's like, yeah, that's a big, that's like the tech. That's why Phoenix force it's a direct counter and it's a two. So you can play it kind of on curve to steal that per se. So you're like, you're taking it from that pile, which I think is pretty cool. Insane. And I, I'm like 99. 9 percent confident in that. That's just how that it's a ghostwriter, right? If you don't have anything left, there's nothing to take.
Alexander Coccia:That's true. Yeah. Ghostwriter would be exactly that. You are right. I just had not actually considered that particular interaction. And you're right. So if that's the case, then then it's tech like versatility does increase significantly. Like for me, like obviously it's a massive tech card against discard. Right? Because every time they discard Apocalypse, per se, like, you're just getting the benefit. But I had not considered the Phoenix Force. Now, Misery, yes, because they're going to be destroying cards and you can bring them back. And you know, you're not only getting the value, but they should also reprock the the effect, no?
Cozy Snap:Yes, definitely you should get the Honor of Eels that come back just as Hela would, right? You know, this is like a Hela Stealer is the best way to think about it. Now, I want you guys to know Deadpool though and Apoc aren't going to work, to what I think. Because Deadpool, if I read the text, because I was, I was thinking, I was getting excited, I'm like, Oh my god, can you imagine taking their Deadpool? It, when you, when this is destroyed, return it to the way that it phrases it, like, Deadpool obviously doesn't go to your graveyard, he's still alive, I, I have the the finish up. But Deadpool goes to the graveyard, or never goes to the graveyard, same as Apoc. Apoc never, Apoc, it's think of it like Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider can't bring back Apoc, it's the same deal. He's never truly discarded. He's never truly discarded. And so, in my head, when this says, resurrect your opponent's highest powered discarded or destroyed card, I just don't think APOC fits that mold. You're right. Now that you
Alexander Coccia:say it, you're right. Because you're thinking about, like, I'm thinking about the actual stack. Right? Like, the way cards are played. And if it never enters the discard pile, it'll probably never get referenced by Fenris Wolf. And I wonder if, to the same degree, something like a, like, obviously Proxima Midnight won't get resurrected by Fenris Wolf. Because it's actually on the field of play and not in the discard pile. So that would reinforce the APOC, yeah.
Cozy Snap:This is one of those that you just know they're probably gonna reword, because like, as a casual player, if I'm thinking Man, think about how many people are going to lose in rank climbing because they're going to be like, Oh, they just discarded that card, right? Like, they discarded APOC. They're thinking they discarded the card. So that's where it's going to be confusing for a lot of people. I could be wrong. I think this is how it's going to go. Dude, I just
Alexander Coccia:said that. Like, I literally just said that as a person. So it's very easy to make that mistake, like one might suggest that like I'm speaking on a massive podcast for Marvel Snap and I literally just made that mistake. So yes, there's going to be people out there that are very capable of making the same error.
Cozy Snap:And we've seen them kind of like release text and then like have to reword it. I think they just did that with Surtur because everyone was like, Wait, what? You could do the 10 pack? You know, we, we did a whole episode on him and not knowing that you could boost a card to 10 or a card that goes and gets affected by a negative 1. Does it count as a 10? Yeah. So like, that was a whole thing too. Let's go to discard though, knowing that, right? So discard, I think is very interesting as well. And I actually think that this does more for discard in terms of offensive play and in terms of like deck building than destroy. Destroy is a tech thing for me. Whereas discard, I'm like, I'm like, Wow, there's some really, really fun options here. So, the one that I want to kick it off with, outside of being a tech, you know, some of the other stuff is, right off the bat and, listen, Silver Samurai, slash Moon Knight. We could talk about both of them. I think they're both fair to talk about, right? These two cards, what a cool playstyle now, right? What a cool and interesting playstyle where you can attack with the Moon Knight, you can take an Iron Man, take a Knull from their side, and then you resurrect that on your side. And Silver Samurai could actually be a decent card after this.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Silver Samurai I am not as high on with regards to its synergy. I can see it though, like you hit the Iron Man, bringing that back, the Iron Man's absolutely clutch. Because you can even bring it back turn three, you can bring it back right away before you discard other stuff, right? Because you're likely to have both Silver Samurai and Moon Knight. So that's the nice thing about Deactivate. Whereas if you play Moon Knight on you know, Silver Samurai, sorry, on turn three, you Zabu it out or whatever. I don't know why you'd do that, but let's just say you did. And then you'd say, okay, I got their Iron Man. You activate Fenris, and then you play your Moon Knight, or then you play something else, or whatever, right? Or, you can just keep playing it, and the benefit is going to be that you're always going to get the highest powered card, which is nice. Now, with Moon Knight specifically, I am super excited for this, and the deck that I'm going to be going to on Day 1 for testing is going to be a Moon Knight based discard deck. I'm going to be leaning towards, like, the Black Bolt Statue style decks that run all Odd based cards. And then what you do is you run Proxima Midnight as your Like he even costs. So you play moonlight as three power, your proxima gets discarded, and then you're hitting something in their hand. And so not only did you play a three power card, you're getting the proxima down, you've disrupted their hand, and then you're able to fenris what you've discarded from their hand. And there's a chance, obviously it could be a I don't know, a wasp, but it could also be their doomers, right? Yeah. So if you hit Dr. Doom, you're laughing my friend, and they're probably retreating so.
Cozy Snap:It's just like a new archetype. Like, I love the idea. I didn't bring him up in Destroyer because obviously I thought he'd fit a bit better here, but like, with Gambit you know, clearly you're not discarding one of their cards, but I love that you're just randomly, at will, destroying something of theirs in this discard mold. So now all of a sudden you have a couple options, right? You have the Gambit play, and what's cool is that if Gambit hit a huge target, and they've already discarded some stuff too, it doesn't matter. Like, you're able to just take that bigger target. The power swing potential though, like, you brought it up so well. Is Statue. The, the fact that you can essentially, like, let's this is the perfect scenario, but you play, you play Fenris down, right? And then, you Moon Knight, you get rid of their Dr. Doom, six cost, boom. You bring him back, you got Dr. Doom on your side, oh, and because they discarded a card, Statue's a one. The flip flop there is so insane. That's, that's just so much you taking the win from them. I love it. And I think that with Gambit and with her, we're getting a lot of cards that can start to kind of fit into this kind of package where you're not forced to have certain cards, which was always the thing I didn't love about statue.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And honestly, it play, it's like a combo deck when you describe it, but you're playing things relatively on curve. Fender. Saw two, moon night on three, you could play silver on four, black, bold, five stature plus whatever the heck else you have. Right. And so like. Ultimately, like, it's just an immense amount of power, an immense amount of just, like, stuff coming down all of a sudden, disruption happening to their hand, and you've played on curve the entire time, and yeah, you gotta draw into the cards and everything like that, but it's, it's remarkable how much power you're able to put down, because like, Moon Knight, Is literally discarding something from their hand, disrupting them. It could be activating the Proxima. So like, it's not just like, Oh, you play a card, you get its power. It's like, you're getting these multiple effects happening. And the difference between Fenris and something like a Phoenix Force is that Phoenix Force will randomly bring back something that needs to be resurrected. Whereas Fenris is going to bring back the highest power. So the fact that it's selective. And what it's bringing back allows you to like just throw out Gambit and hey, that's my, that's my baseline. Okay. Yeah, I hit their Rock Slide, but when I throw down my my Moon Knight, I might hit a six drop. I might hit something bigger, right? I might hit the Hulkling they have in their hand because the one player in Marvel Snap is playing Hulkling and you hit it out and then you bring it back with Fenris, right? So. I think there is a lot of potential for those types of combo decks using Discard. And you're right, it's like a whole new way of playing. Very similar to the way that like, Black Knight changed the way Discard could be played.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think the other thing I like about this is, if you go with Destroy as that option, There's gonna be playlines that are awkward, right? So you play your Finris down, or maybe, better yet, you don't get him yet, okay? And then you've got the cards in your hand, and you've got, like, the, the Killmonger. It's like, do you just, you know, when you play that, do you want to wait for cards to get bigger? Do you try to hope you get Finris? And then, you know, it could be a little awkward, where it's like, I just feel like, the, the discard option's gonna go just a bit more, like, you're just kinda doing what it does anyway, and then it kinda, you know, you, if you get Finris, it's the cherry on top. You get one extra play from it, and then it works out that much more. So I'm going to want to see how that all goes in. And then again, just like I talked about before, just like if a Venom wanted to eat something Lady Sif, dude, Lady Sif all of a sudden becomes a super liability, because you've got a card that used to be the guaranteed discarder of high powered cards, but your opponent plays that now, and it's like, thank you, I appreciate you getting rid of the absolute best card that I can pull back here. And, I mean, that, to me, like, Fenris is a little bit, He's, not a little bit, he's very obvious what you're trying to do. So the plays that I, I'm excited for is the, the Lady Sif on three. You happen to get Fenris, you play him down. And now, it's like, they're like, it, because you snap into that, right? It's not as obvious. You're snapping with that advantage, because you just saw what got discarded. You played the Finners down, you got a way to turn activate, but they're nine times out of ten going to be either playing Hela or something to bring that back. They won't have the chance to do that anymore. So, I love, I think Discard is at a place where it kind of needs a soft counter now, and I do think Finners is a good thing for that as well.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and based on like, what we know, then that would mean that Scorn would not be impacted by Fenris as well if Apoc's not, right? So, there's a lot of like, resilience in that archetype for Fenris being used as a tech card, and yet it's being used offensively with that particular archetype as well. And when we talk about archetypes if we're able to move on from Discard can I make a quick suggestion that I think that Mill, Might be legitimate here too. And I know that this might be a little coppy, but let me hear me out here. Okay. You could do something like turn one Yondu, turn two Fenris Wolf. You could then turn three your Baron Zemo, bring something else, the lowest power card from their deck or lowest cost card or whatever, bring it back. And then, you could like, Grandmaster the Yondu, and take an additional hit at their deck, and you're like, thinning what's available, and eventually you're gonna hit like a 3 or 4 power card, and then have something you can bring back with Fenris it's a little bit of extra steps there. Right, a little bit of extra steps, but I do think that there might be a mill approach to Fenris, which could be potentially interesting.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I agree, man. I think mill is where a lot of people will lean into. I feel like mill is always the deck that I, that I play for like content at first and then I never go back to, right? Like, I don't ever open up Snap and it's like, ah, it's mill time, you know what I mean? Like, that personally for me, but I do think it's gonna fit into there. It's a bit more of the loose, You know, kind of crazy build, but Mill is so strong that I think it's got some real heat behind it. Especially because Misery Mill, right? Wasn't that a thing for a while? Like, you could even get that going and you know, Hopefully, you know, we're gonna see a lot of Fenris out there, so I would say look out, but To be fair, before we move on in general or whatever, I do want to bring this up. Our next subject is talking about a ton of, like, cards off the heater, bro. It's making cards tough to pick right now. Like, Fenris is a card that's so fun and could be really good, but with, like, a promising December, I think it's tough, man. I think it's tough to ultimately decide what to do here.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and like, this is the kind of card that isn't like an archetype to find, right? Like, it's definitely a wonderful support card, I think it's like, it's a really cool design, but like, let's say, like, if you think about what Surger is doing to the meta, and what it was going to do, like, straight up, like, we knew that Surger was going to create a new archetype, it was going to be a new way to play the game generally speaking, Fenris doesn't do that, right? And so while it could be a great support card, there are other great support cards that often don't make the cut. Like things like a Red Guardian, for instance, that card is great, but it's so easy to sub out if you don't have it. And if you are really short on tokens or you're short on keys, especially with this upcoming month, which we're going to be talking about shortly, it can be a hard sell on something like Fenris, which is very clearly a support card.
Cozy Snap:What I wanted to close with in, in a general play. We talked about this card having good synergy down the line. I think this could naturally be a Frigga card. Now keep in mind of what I just said, if you take a She Hulk that you destroyed, the She Hulk's gone, so you're not going to be able to get two She Hulks if you have two Fenris Wolves. But the curve play here, I was like, that kind of works out, it kind of makes sense, I don't know what the deck looks like, but I do like Frigga and Destroy decks too, so I'm like, I wonder where this could work with a Killmonger, and you get multiple ones down, or, or the Shang Chi, or, or just the tech against their stuff. Do two finishers start to make sense in the builds that you can get together with Frigga? I don't know. Probably not, because it's a little awkward, but it is another two that curves well into this three that is Frigga.
Alexander Coccia:You're right, and I'm just, I'm wondering, because you'd have to have at least two destroy activations or discard activations to make it worth it. And maybe that's where you have the mill, where it's like one Yondu, two Fenris, three Frigga, and then four, it's the other Fenris with the Grandmaster. Cozy, we did it!
Cozy Snap:We did it, there's the curve! Man, da da da, yeah, right, dude, you just play, you play the Shugteet, a Grandmaster, bro, dude, double, man, your opponent would be in shambles, man. If you go, like Shun Chi right lane, Grandmaster middle, you take out both their Zeds and they all resurrect on the left.
Alexander Coccia:I just realized something. I just realized something. If you were to Frigga the Fenris, and you put two Fenris wolves in separate locations, do you know the old saying, they can't Shun Chi us everywhere? You play Shun Chi, you Grandmaster it, you win that lane, it goes in the middle, you win that lane too, and then the two Fenrises bring back what you Shun Chi'd? Like, obviously that's a one in a million play, that's like Vipering over Destroyer, but also, chef's kiss if it happens. Just
Cozy Snap:saying there's a chance on it. Altogether, I think the Fenris Andres Wolfe. Has the chance to be the best Activate card. He's not up against a whole, whole lot of competition there, but he does have the chance to be one of the better ones. Especially because it is cheap. Now on that note, we are going to do Rapid Fire. We're a few weeks away from talking about December anyway. But guys, we just had a once in a lifetime thing, as stated by one of the devs. Because of the collaboration with Marvel Rivals, they've kept everything a secret for December. We've never seen this before. And because they kept that a secret, in turn, it had to keep the other seasons post this a secret. So, in Datamines, we had A slew of cards come out, all at the same time, all with a lot of promise, and thank God, because we're able to save on this season, looking forward to the next one. So, we can say a few words on them, I do want to read what they do at the time, things are subject to change, yadda yadda, you guys know how it goes but it is all about Marvel Rivals, which it's like 20 days away, for me personally, I announced it I think already on my main channel. My next journey, my next consecration, I've skipped out of pocket for a reason, this is where I'm going. Created a channel, just got the first video out, and I'm just, it doesn't look like, I've seen games that are lazy collabs. This does not look like even a small bit of a lazy collaboration. This was a very well done collaboration, and I'm pumped to talk about these cards.
Alexander Coccia:Oh dude, you're right. When I saw these announcements and stuff like that, and like, the data mines, I was like, you know what? So much effort, when it's not only designing a lot of really cool cards, I think, that are really neat and functionally very unique. But also the collaboration between the two, I think benefits both games. Marvel Snap has needed an injection of energy and what else could be much, much more than exactly that, than a brand new massive launch across all consoles, like free to play everyone's favorite IP. And you have a card game that goes alongside it. And we haven't heard the announcement yet, but I'm hoping maybe, you know, maybe you unlock a card playing rivals or something like that. You don't want to go the other way too, right? Cross
Cozy Snap:think. Yeah, so and this isn't confirmed, but from what I read, like, people were like, why didn't Marvel Contest of Champions get a collab as another Marvel game? And the rumors were like, they didn't put out enough effort in the collaboration, so they didn't, and rivals ended up not wanting to deal with their side. I think it's really cool that Snap not only delivered, but they delivered to be the flagship. I mean, Fortnite's going to be big because it's Fortnite. But this is gonna be a, I think a really big crossover event from people who play, and yeah, if you get the variant in, let's say, Snap, which they released all the art over to that, I mean, that's gonna make people for rivals here, and potentially if you get, I mean, there's a lot, we don't know anything about the collaboration outside of, you know, These cards, and so these are the ones that we're gonna quickly broke in, and what I like about Rivals quickly, if you guys don't know anything about the game, is that they also dip into characters that are not as known, and I think it's really cool about Marvel Snap is it got people into the Jeff the Baby Landsharks, and we kinda have the same thing going here with Rivals on some of it, and And that leads us to our season pass card, buddy, in Galacta, Daughter of Galactus. Now, this is a 4 6 each turn. The first card you play at another location reveals with plus 3 power. Alex, what do you think about it?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, it seems like a pretty natural amount of like, Just power. And it's each turn too. So you play this on curve and then you're just getting its benefit over and over again. With Zabu comes out on turn three and then you're just, you're just dipping even deeper into the value. So yeah, I know this looks like a very solid card. Like I, I think it looks great. And I like the idea of a card designed in a way where like, I think that relatively new players, like it has a very wide application because this is simply play good cards and you could win. You know what I mean? It's not like. There's some cards that require a lot of like deck building consideration and synergy. Like even Agent Venom to some degree was like, well, you have to have specific cards, like, like the, the Silver Sables and some of that that really elevated that archetype. But with this, play on curve, win the game.
Cozy Snap:And listen, I know Elsa's cheaper, but my God, just a spit on Elsa. Like this is just such an easier thing to accomplish. You don't have to fill a location up. Plus 3 power on any type of card. I love that it's not like just on reveal cards or whatever it is, it's just one card. And clearly, Dot of Galactus, this is meant to synergize you know, the first card you play, another location reveals with plus 3 power. Well, guess what? Galactus, gonna be a little bit bigger, a little bit easier to play. Clear synergy, cut and dry there. And you get to do it once a turn, so this goes up to 412 value. When these cards were leaked, man, it was a hell of a personal day, and I did it at like 4 AM, so I whiffed. I'm so glad I re talked about some of these because there's very minute things that we have to kind of dissect here, and this was one of them. Just working with Galactus, love to see it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and the fact that it reveals with plus three power would indicate to me that this could potentially be a card that like, for instance, replaces Gwenpool in something like a surfer deck, right? Because you play this on turn four, which can sometimes be a little awkward for the surfer decks. You play something like a Sarah on turn five, and then you are able to play your Brood. And if it says reveals with plus three power, your Brood's gonna reveal with plus three power, right? And then you're able to play everything else through, right? So I think that could be potentially very interesting.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, listen, Galacta is kind of the flagship character, the announcer of the game. I expected her to be pretty good. Luna Snow is another really popular character in the game, that I did not know. A newer character in Marvel, I loved her as soon as I started being able to play her in Rivals, and I'm just a sucker for ice stuff and stuff with heroes and all that. But 3 5 here, on reveal, add an ice cube to each side of this location. And so, it's kind of, this is a tricky card. It's a very weird card, Alex. Because you're getting these ice cubes that I believe, I don't have it up right now, I think it's plus one, plus two energy? Is it plus one energy when it's on the field? Yeah, plus one energy. And then it destroys when the location's full. You and your opponent are both getting it. So you're getting like a light clog kind of card but you're able to get a new spin on ramp. With potentially a lot of benefit from it if you play it at the right time in the right place. And so I think this is a very unique card, and I love ramps, so I think this will be fun.
Alexander Coccia:It's kind of a really interesting approach to ramp. This one is like, okay, These symmetrical effects can often be kind of hard to like, lean into, right? Cause like, if you're looking, like, if you think about like Electro, If you both had plus one energy and, It's essentially Electro without the ongoing effect, right? But, It's like, What I think Luna Snow does really well is you could maybe play something like a White Widow prior and then have both of them blow up, which is kind of counterintuitive to a degree, but you are getting that ramp. Or, with that extra energy that you've achieved on turn four, because you've played this on turn three, you can play like an Electra and just snipe it, right? Or you play Killmonger and, well, you'd wipe your own. So you'd probably play something like an Electra, right? You could snipe it with an Electra. Hold on to that extra energy and your opponent's only achieved it for one turn. So I, it's definitely interesting. But like the ceiling on this card, I think some of the other ones I'm a little more excited about.
Cozy Snap:For sure. I think, again, I kind of wrote them out in order where I have them. And even though I love Luna Snow, I do like three, five as a stat line. Ultimately, it's going to be interesting to see where she lands and where she, you know, if she ends up with these stats. We can, man, there's so many to talk about. I'm pumped, like there's some really good ones here. Let's go on to Penny Parker. Now, this is a character I think a lot of people are like, I wonder why they put this in the lineup with other iconic characters, but it's grown on me. Obviously, Penny's really cool. 2 3 on reveal, add Spider. S P D R, to your hand, when this merges, you get plus one energy the next turn. And so this is a very interesting card. Essentially, when this, like, okay, let's go to, let's go to Spider because I think this is a bit easier. But, from the way that I'm reading this, this is a new way to ramp as well. So, Spider here is a 3 3 on reveal merge with one of your cards here. You you can move that card next turn. Essentially, you're, you're able just to get plus one at any point pretty easily. And I think people are wondering if that's going to work with the Hulkbuster and stuff. I think it does, in a way, the plus one energy. But more importantly, Alex, getting a 3 3, just the pure stats, and then being able to move any card in the game is it's pretty nice. You'll probably use it on a low card, but I like it.
Alexander Coccia:The ability to move is, like, very valuable. Like, we've seen the access to locations being a strong suit for a number of cards, and this does exactly that. And the the on reveal, well, not the on reveal, the merging effect is just kind of gravy on top of it. I actually see this working very well in something like a new take on move. Like you can consider something like a human torch into the Penny Parker into S S P. Are we calling this spider? Is that what this is? Spider? I'm not sure how to pronounce this.
Cozy Snap:Spider S P D R. Yeah. Give it a spider.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and then of course you can merge with the card, you can move it, then you can do something like a beast or you can toxin it. I think there's a lot of really interesting things that you can do with this card. It could potentially be very synergistic with something even like a Deadpool, right? Which is pretty interesting as well, because you can move the Deadpool, destroy it, you don't even have to move it, but you could if you wanted to. But you're right, like the way it works with like Hulkbuster and Agony, we're getting these like number of different like merging cards, but this by far is the most interesting of the bunch, I think.
Cozy Snap:Well, moving along, Alex I made custom cards for a lot of them, but I didn't for some yet. But we have Doom 2099, and this is definitely one of the more hyped up characters, eh, just in Rivals. People are like, can we play Doom? He's the main villain of Of the Rival Story. We don't know a ton about it, but the design is so well done. Like, this design is the base model, the main design of the game. Go look it up. Fantastic art. I'm just, I'm pumped I get to cover two games with like, just second to none art. But yeah, Doom 2099. So if you play one card only, He's gonna summon a random Doombot to another location, and the Doombots are going to be the exact same stat line, but these Doombots are going to give plus one power to what it reads, all other Doombots and other Dr. Dooms. And so we officially have a Dr. Doom archetype now, which I think is so freaking insanely awesome. The power play here is insane. I think it's one of the best cards to come out the month.
Alexander Coccia:This is by far the one I'm looking forward to the most. Yeah. It literally opens up like a Doom Zoo scenario. Right. Which is interesting. And the way it's worded, and again, because we're working with like DA Data Minds and like we don't have official announcements yet, we don't actually have confirmation of the fact that that Doom Bots and doom, like I'm talking about Six Power Doom is actually gonna work. Yeah. But it's ri it's written in such a way that it would, you'd assume that this Doctor doom with these tomb bots 2099. Are going to be synergistic with the six costed Dr. Doom with its Doom Bots as well. That's the way the text reads. Cause it specifically says you know, Doom and his Doom Bots. And it's like, these are two versions of Dr. Doom and you would assume that the Doom Bot 2099 is still a Doom Bot. Right? So. Again, we're nitpicking wording here, but if it's working as we suggest, or as we think, this card is wild, and it's 100 percent a card I need in my collection.
Cozy Snap:Oh, for sure, and it's interesting, too, because, like, you can't do full Patriot Synergy with it, because the Doombots have ongoing effects. And then the way that it would ramp, you're not gonna really be able to do, like, a Doom, and then an Onslaught, or whatever. But there's a lot of fun potential here and just the power explosion is extremely high. This is definitely one people have their eyes on. Next card up we've got, and this one, oh my, I've seen a split decision and I kind of get it. Bruce Banner, so obviously you've played the game whenever you're playing the old, really well done, how they did the Hulk. He kind of, he hulks out, right? It's the classic, you know adaption of the character. Now this, I want to make sure I read this perfectly. When you end a turn with unspent energy. 25 percent chance to Hulk out, which we're assuming is just gonna go right to that 12, or the Hulk that we know and love, right? This is both scary for this kind of game, because of just the randomness, but B, I think that this card can be in any deck. I mean, good God, I think this is one, this is insane to me. I think this is a really strong card.
Alexander Coccia:This will never be in any of my decks, because that's actually a 0 percent chance to proc the effect, and my opponent on turn 3 will be getting this. Like, there's gonna be a Hulk for free on turn 3 every single time. So yeah, it's gonna tell people, this is If the Hulk, you know, is what we think it is, which I agree with you, I believe it's turning into 6 costed 12 power Hulk. This is a wild amount of RNG that doesn't exist in Marvel Snap yet. Like, straight up gambling, straight up gambling, and you know, 25 percent chance to turn into the 12th power from a 2 cost, right, basically a 2 cost to 12th power, if you math it out, then you're like, yeah, okay, it's pretty good, it's pretty good. Is it reliable? You gotta float energy, keep in mind, right? So, like, you're playing off curve, and like, obviously, the high evo style decks haven't been performing as great lately. But honestly, this is pretty interesting.
Cozy Snap:Well, I mean, in Erisium, it's a joke because you have all that extra energy. But also if you look, man, I mean, look at Luna Snow, look at Spiderbot that we just talked about. They give you plus one energy, so that's meant to synergize. Also, just playing this on two with the deck built around it by turn six, in theory, statistic wise, unless you're Alex you should be getting this to Hulk out. All I know is Danger Room is not 25%. It's 100%. And if it's that kind of luck, this card's gonna be busted. I think this is a dangerous card. And this is our first crossover of character card, other than our next one, where you have the same character kind of twice.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, I saw some comments of people kind of frustrated with that. I think it's okay. You know, it's like I don't want to bring up like a whole other game, but like Lorkana does this, where like there's multiple versions of Mickey and Minnie, and like there's different iterations of the same characters and different I like not different IPs, but in different movies and different stories. It's like, here's Mickey dressed as a warlock. Here's Mickey on a surfboard and stuff like that. So I think this is well charted territory where like you can have individual characters, but in different timelines per se. Right. And so, Oh, look at this. Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot. Now, this is a cool idea. You get two cards, and you slam them together. If you were upset that we're getting Bruce Banner, get ready for this one. This is the one where I can
Cozy Snap:understand, and I don't want them to lean into it too much. I'll stand on that. I think it's like if you got like six Spider Mans, it's too much. But, good gosh, this was one of the cards I read, and I definitely did not read it the right way at first. I think this thing is pretty cool. 3 3, guys. You can move this once after your opponent plays a card here, steal one power from it. So not only are you stealing power from a card, but it It reads as, dude, essentially, that you could play down, they could play a bunch of cards down, you can move it, and you're getting all, you're stealing all that power from consecutive cards, and you can move it. This is gonna ha dude, at a 3 3, this, this is, this is a good card, bro.
Alexander Coccia:This is a good card. And I like the way that like because it moves the way move resolves, they'll be sitting there and be like, okay, do I want to play and have a card get its power stolen? Because it's location based, right? You can move and then kind of like intercept their card and steal its power. So if they try to dodge the Groot and Rocket Raccoon by playing into a different lane, you can like pick up on it, right? So I think the mind games are really interesting here. We know we love that, but also a really cool and interesting effect. I think it's a neat little effect there.
Cozy Snap:Well that takes us from December in the beginning of January to the next season, The Dark Avengers, this is Oh my god, if, if, like, to go from arrivals, and how excited I am for that, and, and guys, again, if you played Overwatch you'll feel right at home. If you just like shooters and, or like more, if you want to see a game do Marvel, do Marvel really well, then this is gonna be it. Because Marvel, the art, the lore, the, the maps, they, they really pay attention to the comics, and I'm just, the, listen, I, I'm really carefully selective when I decide what game to go into. And Rivals has earned my trust through and through. Cozy Rivals, crazy channel name, go check it out. I know Alex, you plan on doing content for it as well.
Alexander Coccia:I am, yeah, I'm looking forward to kind of diving into Marvel Rivals, they really are doing justice to the, the breadth of the IP. They've done their homework, they've done their research, and they've definitely crafted a very enjoyable, immersive experience. And I can't wait to get started, honestly it's coming out, man, it's coming out in only a couple weeks now that I look at the clock.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and, I mean, like, in Overwatch, like, the characters, a new one comes, cool, you don't really know what they came up with the character, and this, it's like, dude, the The potential, like, I think they just teased Wolverine, and then that Hulk is gonna be able to throw Wolverine. I mean, just like, get out of here. It's so cool. What the heck? Anyway, let's go to the next season here. Dark Avengers, Victoria Hand is, I believe, the season pass card. Two cost, three power card. This season was made for me, Alex. Actually, I'm sorry. It's not Victoria Hand. She's the first card. The The Iron Patriot is this season pass, but we'll get to him next. Ongoing, though, for Victoria Hand, your cards created in your hand have plus two power. It's the season! It's the season of Agent Coulson. I don't know, I don't know how to contain myself. It's like if they made an Arrow season. I, this is, this card is awesome. I love this card, Alex.
Alexander Coccia:This is the injection of power that the shield archetype needed, and it's been a long time. It's been a long time, Cozy, since I've brought up Devil Dinosaur, and finally I get to do it. The Devil Dinosaur, Agent Coulson style decks, man, they're gonna love this. They're gonna absolutely love this, because even if you get a bad card from Agent Coulson, there's a good chance that that plus two power Makes it better.
Cozy Snap:I mean, plus two as a board wide effect is an ongoing thing, but the Blue Marvel effect is massive. I think this is the right way to do Airshim, by the way, where it's like these cards getting generated. They can't be played early, but they can get more power as they continue. This, to me, unlocks easily a deck that I'll be playing. When people ask, what's my comfort deck? It will be this kind of deck style of creation, because that's what I used to play. I've been looking to play it. It's been tough to play it. But you combine that with the Season Pass card, Iron Patriot, strap up, 2 cost, 3 power card, Iron Patriot on reveal. God, this is so fun. Add a random 4, 5, or 6 cost card to your hand. If you're winning here after next turn, you give it minus 4 cost. So you essentially make the 4 cost free, the 5, 1, 6, 2. Two things, Alex. One, this looks so good. And two, I want them to make that last line on more cards. I love the battle, the duel effect of trying to win a location.
Alexander Coccia:No, I agree. I mean, that macro side of these cards, like, it's one of the reasons why I love Nebula. It's like, you look at the face of the card and you think, okay, yeah, it does a thing, but also, it's always doing something else to your opponent. And this here, it's like, I like that, that Asgard location where you're like, okay, hold on. We're gonna go hard on this, right? Or even the one that kind of, I can't even remember the name of the one that spawns a rock to the person who's losing. Mm-Hmm. You're like, is it worth just eating a rock here? You know, I just wanna play, this is like, oh, they played iron patriot. I need to contest this. Yeah. I absolutely need to contest this.'cause if they have a two costed six, sorry. A two costed, six costed card. And, remember, it's not like Valentina, there's no like, oh, negative three power, no, there's nothing, it's just there. You gotta compete, you gotta fight for that location, so I, yeah, this is a very powerful, extremely effective mind game card.
Cozy Snap:Plus, with Victoria Hand, it's gonna be boosted up, plus, the way I look at it is like, I mean, this gives Agent 13 life Victoria Hand and her, the, a card you would never think, Maria Hill, and
Alexander Coccia:Mirage,
Cozy Snap:you can, yeah, and you can have the backup this lane, but if you know what you're doing, and you're playing on one, you know, a Maria Hill, then you just know to play Iron Patriot into that location too, you know, you build into that, now obviously, when that's everywhere, people are going to start contesting it more, but I think this has, man, this, A five cost card. That's a one. Gimme any of'em outside of K. And I'm I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty. In fact, even king, bro. I'll take it, man. Just say what's wrong with Kang. What are we doing here? I mean, out of our options, I guess, you know, out of the options. I, I would probably rather have other people. Let's move on though. We're gonna keep going and we, we keep going to man. Every card's good, dude. Every card's good. Let's go to Bullseye guys. Check out this card. Four costs, five power. Activate. Discard all cards that cost one or less from your hand, and then you afflict that many enemy cards with negative two power. You know what? Like, this seems so good. This seems so needed and so well, like, you can fit this into a bunch of different decks in ways.
Alexander Coccia:This is my pick for it doesn't get released like this. You know what I mean? Like, I think this is the call of like, Oh, you remember when Bullseye was this in the Snapchat? Well, it's been changed and it's now way more boring. There is no way, there is no way this card comes out like this because it is so unbelievably cracked. Literally, machine gun discard, like, I, I can, I can, oh man, it is so well statted, dude. And I think that it is, it's relatively easy to pull off. Like it is so good, especially with the activate line too. Like this is where activate really shines. Cause you can set up your hand, you can set up the state. They have to set up their board and then boom, punished.
Cozy Snap:I'm curious if it does make it because of activate, because four and five are the only two turns you could play it. That's it. Because six, it's dead. So we've seen those cards be difficult to land, but if it lands, it's like, yeah, it's so good. It's so good. I mean, you could build this with like any, you could build this into so many different decks that just end up, like, swarms, man. Just like, you MODOK, you get all those swarms, like, finally you get, like, 90 swarms in your hand, and then you activate this thing, and it's just like, unleash, man. It's so, it's such a fun, it is, it's a gambit. It's a new form of gambit, and everybody knows gambit, if anything, is a very fun card. That one's gonna be top of the list. And this is what I'm talking about with Fenris Wolf. It's gonna be so hard to decide what cards to get right now because of all these really cool ones down the line and how hard it is to get currency in this game. Next up, let's go to Ares. And I think this one's a lot of fun and just screams good stat at 4 6 on reveal. You compare the power of the top 3 cards of both decks if your total is higher, plus 6. I believe it's gonna show you the value of each side so you get a little bit of intel too on your deck and their deck. I think that's really cool. And this is a 12 power card, potentially.
Alexander Coccia:This is interesting, because I'd like to see how it's actually implemented, because if it's like a, like a Magic the Gathering scry effect, where you get to actually see what you're going to draw, and you see what they're going to draw, you do, but it's
Cozy Snap:close.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm just saying though, like, that would be very cracked. Because then suddenly you can say, okay, hold on, now there's Jubilee Synergy, right? It's like, so there's a different way to like, kind of think about how this is going to play. But if you don't see those things and you just straight up see the numbers, I still think it's a pretty cool card. And I like how it's a progressive change on Gladiator. It's like they've kind of taken Gladiator. If we made Gladiator a four cost with a slightly different effect, but also kind of doing the same thing, what's it look like? I like it a lot. I think it's cool flavor. And for 12? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:that's what I'm saying. Like just 12 power. And keep in mind, you're going to be able to build your deck to probably, probably win against your opponent. You know, like I think for the most part, And I think it gives those top in decks even better, Scar decks, obviously Synergy there. Ares is probably the, one of the more calmer cards, if you will. This next card, Alex, this is my pick if I just don't think it releases like this. I, I think this is my favorite card of the month. And I, I, I don't know how I say that with Iron Patriot. Moonstone. 4 5, guys. Ongoing, has the ongoing effects of all of your 1's, 2's, and 3's costs. I don't know. I don't know, man. This seems, this seems, I don't know. What? Like, Patriots? Mystiques? I mean, go and look at all of them. There's plenty of good ongoing cards with 1, How? What?
Alexander Coccia:I know it's one of those cards that when I read, I'm like, man, this card is cracked, but I need time to like sit down and really think about like, how can I make these locations so incredibly perfect for Moonstone to just propel the rest of the game? I'm like, OK, I need to make a Spectrum deck, which is like, OK, how do I make Spectrum or something like that, right? So like, I think this card is amazing, but it's like, I need more time to just brew with it. I need to sit with it. I think this might be one of the most cracked cards they've released in a while.
Cozy Snap:Oh, yeah. It's
Alexander Coccia:gonna be really interesting.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure. And like, again, it's like, people might be like, well, Super Skrull was hyped up and then he didn't land. You get agency, you get to decide what cards are there. That's what makes it so crazy. And you can play it at any time because it's ongoing, and you can onslaught it, which is so funny to me. This
Alexander Coccia:is way better than than Super Scroll. Like, it's not even close, really.
Cozy Snap:A billion times better. This, this, Also three more power. It kicks the crap out of Super Scroll. Like, I, there's no way that they keep Super Scroll the way he is after this. At least, I don't think they can, right? Like yeah, Moonstone scares me. Now the next two cards, we don't know how they're coming. I think it's gonna be like limited time game modes. Gorgon is essentially a Irish encounter and a counter to all the cards coming out that season. We've been seeing this.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah,
Cozy Snap:Finaris is the is the kind of way to get rid of Surtur and all of he does. Ongoing, your opponent's cards that didn't start in their deck cost one more. Welcome to Airsham Counter, my man. I
Alexander Coccia:mean, this is kind of necessary. It's a good release file for these types of things. I still think the Airsham Counter is residing in like, the Cassandra Novas and stuff like that, like the power that they simply just can't deal with. But this also very effectively deals with that. And more importantly, if Victoria Hand just launches The shield style archetype, which it could very well do. It should, yeah. Gorgon's a very good counteraction to that. But also, Victoria Hand has the issue of like, okay, well you can also Red Guardian it, you can Rogue it, there's other things you can do to it. But Gorgon represents that tech catch all, which I think is missing in the game right now for this particular effect.
Cozy Snap:Not to mention with with Black Widow, this card's correct. You, you make it. Oh yeah, that's probably
Alexander Coccia:why they had to change to inactivate. They essentially slowed down Black Widow by an entire turn, right?
Cozy Snap:That was my thought. It looks kind of crazy in that regard. Lastly, we have a card that I think is they're very careful. They're very, very careful on drawing cards. Toxidoxy. Toxidoxy. On reveal, draw a card. You can't play cards. Next turn, 2 4.
Alexander Coccia:What do you think? I'm not sure I like this. Like, I'm looking at this and I'm like, can't play cards next turn? Like, do you often want to skip turn 3? I'm trying to think of archetypes that want to skip turn 3. I don't know, man. I mean, if this is a 2 4 stat line, you are drawing a card. But Crystal just got buffed.
Cozy Snap:This seems to me like a, a free card. Like, you know, like, like, but also,
Alexander Coccia:Because we're less excited, this will be the free one.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, okay, so first you do have synergy with War Machine and Jeff and stuff, like, like, War Machine doesn't care about this, which I like as a late play. But then you get too cute and complicated because the way, you would want to play this in, in, in combo decks, period, like, just like, where you don't care what, you know, what happens, you just want to play late. So I think there is like a gambit hazmat thing where you're like really guaranteeing that you curve into this better. But yeah, I mean obviously not being able to play is pretty bad, pretty bad. So I want to see how this It does end up a Jeff War Machine. There's some synergy there at least.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, maybe it goes into decks with like Bruce Banner. Cause obviously you're gonna be skipping turn three. You got Sunspot on the board. He hulks out. You draw a card. You know what I mean? Easy dubs. Draw into Doom 2099. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Clearly, we've got a stacked couple of seasons, bro. Stacked. We'll talk about this and more when it comes. Rivals when it comes. But guys, we had to talk about these. To tell you that they're coming because we need to get the word out so that you guys don't just spin everything this season And whatnot, maybe you already did but you know, try not to I guess. Let's lastly end We'll quickfire this given the time a bit, but it was the supersized O T R A supersized OTA and Alex, if you take a look quickly, I'm gonna rapid fire a bit here, but we had we'll talk about the cards that were adjusted more, more, if that makes sense. But Jessica Jones gets a plus one to her on reveal, making her a 410. We have Destroyer getting plus two power. Winter Soldier getting a power. Point Valentina getting a power reduction on her on reveal as well. And then we have Heimdall and Crystal going up. That's it for the buffs outside of Black Widow and Thanos that we'll talk about. Any notes on those ones quickly though?
Alexander Coccia:These were all ones that just make perfect sense. This feels like all those changes are like, Hey guys, we've been power creeping like crazy. What are cards that see absolutely no play that we could probably buff that won't ruin the meta while we're like gone for a month or whatever it is. Cause I guess, well you guys have Black Friday, you guys have Thanksgiving coming up, I think that's where the OTA schedule falls on and that's probably why they have to do a bigger patch now. Our Thanksgiving was a while ago. But, that's where we're at. So, like, this makes perfect sense. If you're gonna buff cards, don't ruin the meta. Buff cards that aren't seeing a lot of play, couple safe shots out there. If Jessica Jones is, like, the top Reddit comment for the next two weeks, then, okay, maybe we needed a little bit of something different. There's no way these cards are gonna scatter the meta. Crystal going to a 3 4, interesting, because I have coped myself into playing Crystal every once in a while. It's never done well. Like, I'm not saying I'm proud of this. I'm not saying you should. I'm just saying I did it. It's sad, So I can definitely see the, the buff there, but yeah, all of these buffs seemed very safe.
Cozy Snap:So yeah and they're all like relatively, relatively easier cards to get. And then we had Thanos, who effectively got way better with the draw mechanic dude, I just, it, it does. It just feels like way more reliable.
Alexander Coccia:It's crazy how insane Thanos, like that change to Thanos is massive. It's absolutely massive. And it's kind of crazy because right now, where are you seeing Thanos? You're seeing him with Ereshim. Because now it starts in the hand, you have the extra energy from Ereshim, so you've increased the reliability of being able to throw down power. Like, you're able to play out, like, Thanos on turn five. Turn four. Like, I mean, it's so crazy how much better Thanos is as a whole. And I just hope that like, he doesn't get just thrown into Erishom. And I will say that now with this change, Erishom, the top performing versions of Erishom, aren't even running Loki cause they're running Thanos now. They don't need Loki. So like now Loki's just like, well, I guess I'm homeless. You know what I mean? Bring back old Loki while we're at it.
Cozy Snap:Also worth mentioning, they said they do want to buff the stones, they didn't want to do it before the break because then they could release chaos, I get that. Black Widow got a nerf, went from honor reveal because people were misery and grandmastering it, now it's an activate. We both talked about this and we were like, yeah, like what are the, what are the, I, to me, if this was a two cost, I think it would have flavored fit a bit better.
Alexander Coccia:You know what? Probably. I think that Black Widow, you gotta be very careful with. And we also just showed the card, that card, sorry, the ongoing, was it Gorgon, was it? Yeah, so like, you play that on turn two, and then old on reveal turn three, Black Widow would have sent that in, and the Widow's Kiss, or Widow's Bite, sorry, would have been one costed. So it would have been impactful from a, like, an actual curve perspective, and I think probably that would have been very annoying. So by making it into an activate, it delays that impact until turn four. But what I will say is like, I think you're right, where Black Widow was seeing the most play, was when the, was in those Misery and the Phoenix Force decks. Because you would Misery the Black Widow, and then you would Phoenix Force it, and just continuously prevent them from drawing. So those decks I think were just starting to creep up, and I bet you they had some internal statistics, that even though the popularity wasn't there, they're like, NOPE! This can't happen, we don't like this, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:for sure. I mean, the buff side was very unique. Black Widow, I guess, could be in the nerf, so we kept her in there because they said it as that. But, I mean, the nerf side, man. Surter, Scar, fastest nerf we've ever seen to a season pass card. Agent Venom, going to 2 5. Down to plus 3 for every card. Sable down to PowerPoint. Shadow King down to PowerPoint. Give me some quick notes on those.
Alexander Coccia:So, first of all, I think that it sends a really important message that they're willing to nerf a season pass card this quickly. It's the fastest we've ever seen. But also, I think, like, respectfully, I think this is It's a little bit of showmanship, because even if Surtur released at 3 2, it's probably still a good card. It's like, you know what I mean? So like, we saw it at 3 5, and we're like, 5 star card, this card's cracked. And we joked about even we were low, giving it 5 star, saying it was gonna be cracked, cause it was insane. So like, moving it to 3 4, it still procs the scar, right? It still gets to the scar, kind of reduction in in cost. But, When you take a look at those decks, yeah, you took a power off Surge, you took a power off Scar, and the win rates actually did come down. So, you don't think that two power is significant when something is going absolutely buck wild, but the statistics have indicated that this nerf has impacted the win rates.
Cozy Snap:I mean, you got rid of my Lamborghini, you gave me a Porsche, how dare you? Yeah, I mean, it's like, it's, that's the best way, and of course, you're gonna get people mad about it, but hey, like, It's fine. It's still a good card, guys. Don't worry about it. You
Alexander Coccia:know what you just reminded me of? It's so funny that you said that. In my head, I just pictured, I'm just here in my garage with my 3
Cozy Snap:4 Surtur. Yeah. Yeah, dude, that is if you know, you know. Age of Venom, to wrap up, I think this is fine. But also, 2 5. What's going on? No drawback.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, they didn't need
Cozy Snap:to
Alexander Coccia:be 2
Cozy Snap:5.
Alexander Coccia:Come on now, man. That's like, we need to nerf this card. But also, we don't want to piss anyone off.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, exactly. That one I felt like they were being a bit too safe on. Lizard, dude, what was the line you said all the time? What did they say when they nerfed Lizard? What was the line?
Alexander Coccia:They said, Lizard, the change to Lizard, they said, this is the least consequential nerf in like Snap's history or something along those lines. I might be making it more extravagant, but they were like, this is a nothing nerf. Card never saw play again. And I called it, we called it on the Snapchat. We're like, this nerf is going to kill this card. And Lizard ripped.
Cozy Snap:And now we have a 2 5 with a positive effect. Makes no sense. Power creep. Sometimes you're like, I don't know, it's Power Crypt, Power Crypt, badly here, massively. But
Alexander Coccia:technically, technically if if, what's his name Giganto's in your deck,
Cozy Snap:then,
Alexander Coccia:you know, Agent Venom ruins it. But if you're building a deck with Giganto and, and Agent Venom, then you've had a couple of extra brewskis in the morning, so. My
Cozy Snap:Orca Giganto deck brew is in shambles.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we just recorded, quite frankly, the longest episode of the Snapchat we've ever done, which is literally insane. We've done so much to discuss Marvel Snap today already, but it continues on this channel because you must be asking yourself. Sirs, what am I to do with Malekith? Okay, so Malekith has come out and you know, I gotta tell you, Cozy, I gotta tell you. You came in at three and a half stars, and then you said, you know what, Alex? No. I'm coming in at four and a half. And I will tell you that Malekith Has proven, while not, I wouldn't say in the four and a half category range, it's definitely a very strong card closer to the four than the, the I started at two, then I drifted to three. We got Toxie Doxie just saying hello there for a moment, but I don't, I come away impressed with Malekith, honestly, because it has proven to be a legit card. It's currently running a. 52. 5 percent win rate, it has 17 percent meta popularity, and I think that's also because of the the weekend mission, but also it's a positive cube rate, the one of the absolute top of, actually the top performing archetype is Discard. Where could we have possibly have been given a Discard deck with Malekith, Cozy? Where did you come up with that inspiration, sir? You nailed it. Dude, it felt, oh
Cozy Snap:man, it felt so cool, like, I Like the Ajax decks, I was seeing across the board, and I've started to not make decks as much with cards, like, so, like, Discard, I think I had, I had Scorn in the deck, but I'm like, Scorn's replaceable, like, Ajax, like, that's the archetype, right? Like, you gotta have Ajax to really benefit. And so, like, when I was looking at, like, Invisible Woman in the early days of, like, what you used to do there, this is before anyone was, I didn't see anyone doing the Discard thing. I just thought it'd be fun. I did it for fun, at first, and then, I think my title was like, I'm Surprised It's This Good, because I was playing it, and I was like, dude, I'm kickin I, like, I, I did a goal conquest for the first time in forever, and, like, I was taking down Surtur, I was taking down Bounce Dex, I was taking down Agent Vina. Like, dude, this thing's great! Like, this thing really worked out well. And yeah, I mean, I think ultimately Four Star is probably where I land at with him. He's a very tricky card. He's definitely one I do not suggest getting. I know it's so weird, right? He's like, he's good, but I don't suggest getting him because of what we talked about on my side, all the new cards coming out. But he landed where I thought. I think I ended up ranking him 2 overall in the season, maybe 3. I think 3, Surtur, Gore, and him. I all kind of put up the same I had them in order of that. And he, I just feel like he's got some really cool potential down the line. I love his deck building. Some narrowness to him, but also some flexibility, as we saw with the discard thing. He's fun.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, he is a fun fun card, absolutely. And I think he generates a lot of value, too, because your opponent sits there and like, I don't know what that card is, and what's it gonna do to me? And I personally leaned towards the Ajax rote. That's kind of where I felt most natural kind of trying to test him. And he was effective there, because with the Ajax rote, whether you're getting the Hazmats or even your own new cage or whatever, there was lots of targets that were worth going after. And his stat line felt like Honestly, his stats were kind of underwhelming. There was an argument to be made of like playing like the gladiators and stuff like that. And we talked about that, the idea of like trying to pull really high statted one twos and threes. But ultimately I found myself doing much better when I was just pulling synergistic one twos and threes. And then also using that data. Deck thinning effect to maximize what those end turns looked like. And what I loved, absolutely loved about your particular discard deck was I felt like I almost always had Modok. I almost always had at least Apocalypse because let's say I played Malekith and it brought in the blade. Well then like now I thin the deck, I top deck the Apocalypse and suddenly I'm able to play down the Dracula with more confidence. So like the lines made a lot more sense in the way they played. And so like Ultimately, I really liked how we played a lot, honestly.
Cozy Snap:So I agree with what you're saying. When I was seeing the because the first two days of his release was right when we got all the data mine. So that was kind of my focus on the first two days, first two videos. So I had the luxury of obviously being like, Ah, let's see what's doing okay out there. And that's when I saw everyone doing Ajax. But I was seeing like these decks with like Kate Bishop and again, I like teach their own. But there were decks where there was like, three to four bad, not bad pulls, but like, they weren't doing anything. So like, you do a Gate Bishop, and it's like, you're doing nothing at that point. And so I thought it's like, okay, with the deck that I at least try to put together, like, Swarm was probably the only option where you're like, ah, yeah, bummer. Because I wanted that reactive synergistic effect. Almost no matter what, right? And with Discard, because of the APOC and that continual building, you felt like you were, no matter what, getting some good hits, but then there was the Gambits, there was the Morbius, I, you know, I think Morbius probably being my favorite because you just have this hidden explosion of power that they're just not, I mean, I put a Morbius down with him and you can forget the lane. You just leave it alone and that's how, that's how Discard wins, and that's how I thought it would win, is Surprise and then the, the, the deck thinning out. To make, you know, dependable discard again, if you will.
Alexander Coccia:That's right. I mean, it's, it's funny you say that because like traditional dependable discard, it it required America Chavez to do its thing, right? And what you've essentially done is you've used Malekith instead of Chavez. And I love the fact that you even teched in something like a grandmaster, right? That's pretty cool. You don't see a lot of that, man. It's about time Cozy Snap made a banger grandmaster deck. Yeah. Best card in Marvel Snap history. But even something like a Colleen Wing though, like if you think about it, like I remember pulling Malekith with the, sorry, Colleen Wing with the Malekith. And then like, if my hand's empty, it just hits Apocalypse again. You know what I mean? And so like, there's a lot of benefit to the way this this ultimately played out. So, and it's two, four power, really impressed with the card. You do bring up something really important though. And you kind of mentioned it in passing, but let's actually take a second to really iron it out. With regards to the recommendation of rolling keys or spotlight cash. Sorry, rolling keys or using tokens. I am with you. But what I will say is that like, there's so much demand for your keys and for your tokens that it's so hard to recommend Malekith, but even though the card's doing very well, it's one of those cards that I feel like a month from now, we're not going to be talking about, you know what I mean? Like, I don't think Malekith is going to be like, Oh, you, if this deck doesn't work without Malekith, I'm sorry. Like it's not, it's very much. I want to say it's a really high end support card in some ways, the same way, the same way we were discussing Fenris Wolfe. It's much more on the support side of things. Although, Theena is as good as she is it's hard to recommend rolling on this particular week while knowing what's coming up.
Cozy Snap:That's really what it comes down to is what's coming up. And I, we talked about hopefully Rivals does this like the, if you play Rivals, you get something. You know what would be a banger is Rivals wants people to get their cards. You play Rivals, you get spotlight keys. That right there would be awesome because then you would have a bit better chance to get those cards and you know, obviously the glaring issue in Snap is card acquisition. But yet, I, I, you know, off the top of my head I was trying to think of something very quickly of who he reminds me of, of like, cards in the past that we have kind of said like, you can skip because ultimately it's not even like, oh if you play this card, get this card. If you play this, get this card. It's, it's just that it'll, It'll be back. It's Wiccan. You know what's funny? I think I actually mentioned Wiccan in the the first time when we were just discussing him before he came out, and then he reminded me of that because he does. It's a card that you like, right now, you don't need Wiccan. You don't have to have Wiccan right now, but if you do, you can play this style that does well. It's the thing that does the thing. Same thing with Malekith. I think he's at a point where there could be, there could be decks that come out, and this is one that maybe get a little bit later, but there's just too many good cards coming out in the future. That's why I think he's probably, it's crazy. I think it's probably, that's probably why he's going to be a pass. And ultimately why Finriss might be the same. Yeah. It just might be passes because of what's to come.
Alexander Coccia:I absolutely agree. Like, it's kind of crazy to be looking at these early stats post infinite. You're looking at almost a 52 and a half percent win rate. And it's like, it's a great card. It's doing really well, but it's almost not worth spending your keys and tokens on, because it's just so hard to get them in the first place, especially if you're a free to play player. Right. And one of the things that's worth mentioning in passing here is that As good as the leaked cards are, specifically the Marvel Rivals cards, which I think are incredibly fascinating, there's a lot of landmines in the Spotlight Caches themselves. They have put a lot of Series 4 cards and stuff, like, if you look at the Doom week, you're like, Bro, like, what are we doing? Like, it's really hard when you see, like, Doom 2099, a card that looks unbelievable. With like a bunch of poo poo spotlight stuff. Right. So it's like, that's when your tokens are like doing double weight where it's like, I get to dodge a bad spotlight week and still get the Chad card that I really want. So if you're holding on to tokens right now, like I would not be spending tokens. Like it's, I think tokens are gonna be incredibly valuable coming up. Just because the spotlight caches are weak, in my opinion.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I mean, we spent the whole episode talking about it. It's bad. It's just bad. And card acquisition spotlights the whole, the whole gamut. They got to fix it, man. They got to fix it. They, the answer is the serious drops. We don't know what that is till December. I think actually we'll know around Thanksgiving. If you're in the States, like a little bit after that, we should know that week what they are. I think we get two weeks notice. They got to nail that. Yeah, they got to nail that because it's something's going to change. And it's so funny because. The last three weeks, bro, I've started my, my Spotlight Cash Opening with the, with the tokens, with the duplicate. And I'm like, God, if I was, like, there was, I did it the week before, and then I ended up with doing it on Malekith, and I got the, the duplicate. I was like, bro, if I wasn't creating Colleen, I might well have just turned the game off. Like, if I got another, like, I was like, come on, like. And, and I get it, you know maybe back, it, it, the spotlight system to me made less and less sense as Snap gets older because more and more players have all the cards and so now you're just getting so many duplicates And I feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette with the card that I want. And I'm like, don't hit Thena, don't hit Thena, aww, you know, and even though Thena's a good card, it's just that this week's example. We talked about this enough, so I'm not gonna go back into it. But, you make a great point. Use your keys now. But save your tokens for the next couple weeks, especially Bruce Banner is a no question for me. I also think that Groot is really strong as well. There's just a bunch of good cards coming out in that time frame, so, you know, save up.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and they are very interesting. Now, one thing I will do, we're going to go a little out of order here is that we did actually get a comment from ThisIsWerewolf, and I'm going to read this because I think it's very relevant to what we were just speaking about. And they had said, Guys, I love the podcast, but you're on an island with your Spotlight cash complaints every week. The Spotlight has cards that many of us need. You guys have all the cards in Snap ever made. But many of us don't, and this wasn't, I think, and they did a smiley emoji. So I don't think they're being like, you know, coming at us or anything, but they are mentioning a very important side. If you are a newer player or you're someone who's kind of early collection level, then there's a good chance that these spotlight caches are going to have cards that you don't have. It's much worse for players who have larger collections, who have been playing for a very long time, the much more engaged, like the people that would listen to the podcast, right? It's much harder for them, right? Because they have most of the cards.
Cozy Snap:The island's pretty big. I'm gonna put it that way. And also, and to your point and I don't, I don't know their name again, but to your point, yes, but also, then, there should not be a chance for duplicates for you, because the fact that you could have 20 new cards you could get, and then you could get Fina twice. That system's flawed. I think if you're trying, like, I don't like, it should go through, if it went through all the options, like, if I have all the cards, okay, and then it has to start doing the duplicate thing, it makes a bit more sense, but the fact that if you're missing 10 cards and you come back to the game and you could land on a, whatever, a card that you already have, a Ghost Spider, it sucks. I think there has to be the duplicate protection there, in my opinion.
Alexander Coccia:And, just a reminder as we get ready to move on to our next discussion, that it's thanks to CozySnap in the first place that we're getting a thousand tokens. It was lower! It was lower, the duplicate, and then Cozy, you came out firing. You were like, you were like Iron Mike Tyson in his prime, not 58 year You were coming out, you were like, No, these spotlight caches are terrible, and then you went like this, and the uppercut just completely changed the game for a second. You're like, alright, I'm gonna A thousand
Cozy Snap:tokens. What was it before that? A thousand?
Alexander Coccia:It was something off. I want to say 500. I think they doubled it, but I'm not even sure at this point.
Cozy Snap:And so, yeah, that's crazy. But yeah, Malekith good card. You don't have the enough and you want to play another form of discard. I don't think it needs it though. Yeah, I would wait. I would wait.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, absolutely. That's going to take us to our tech card tier list and top 10. We're going to actually be doing this a little differently. We're going to do a conversation about our favorite cards in the tech field of Marvel snap. The way I explain it, it's like everyone's applying for like an it job, but I could Could Rogue be an IT gamer? I don't know. We'll have to see. But what I will say though is that we have our top 10 favorites. We're going to be doing them in ranked order. Cozy, top to bottom, bottom to top, whoever you want to do. But let's start with some honorable mentions, okay? So it's for the record, it's super late at night here. We are recording well, well into the evening here. So we're not going to have the usual graphic on the screen. But what I will say though is that There are a lot of tech cards. And what was interesting, Cozy, is when you talked about, to me, you're like, Hey Alex, there's not really that many tech cards. I'm like, bro, I wrote down like almost 30 tech cards. Like there's almost 30. It's so funny. Cause the word tech card, there are certain ones that really stand out in your mind. And I'm sure they're on the deck list, but. You could make an argument that something like Echo is a tech card, Super Scroll is a tech card, Super Giant. There's all these cards that while you don't see much play, and they have very niche abilities, could be considered tech. The breadth of what we refer to as tech cards is so unbelievably wide in Marvel Snap, and so there's a lot of special mentions that we should get into, so let's start there, Cozy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so I think one that could kind of land that, that plane, if you will, is Kaiera. I think Kaiera is not quite making the top ten but an honorable mention of just, like, ones and sixes right now, both, we got a lot of good ones, we got a lot of good sixes. Zeus, obviously very dominant. This is not gonna crack the top ten because of its niche ness per se, but what it does and the way that it curves out the 3 4, it feels like a really good card.
Alexander Coccia:It is a good card, but yeah, I think what really holds back Caiera is that as Marvel Snap decks, as we get more cards, every week we get a new card or even sometimes two. We're getting decks that are much more offensive. We're getting decks that have higher ceilings, higher combo potential. And Kyaira is a very defensive card. It's a very passive card. And yeah, you can play into the death domains and stuff like that, but you're basically playing a card that's kind of understaffed at this point. Like it, this is a minimum should probably be a three, five considering what power creep has looked like and snap just so that they don't mess up your game plan. You know what I mean? You're playing, you're committing your third turn to, you can't mess up my game plan. That's worse. Something don't get me wrong. But if you think about what like Mobius and Mobius does, it just, it destroys, it kind of messes up their game plan. Right. So. I'd like to hear, like, obviously Mobius and Mobius, I don't, it's not going to make our top 10. I have it actually quite down. On my list here, he's, he's like, in the, almost the 20s. So he's much lower for the same reason.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, it, it's also, how many cards does this card affect? Like, I think that's one of the, like, how, how popular is it? How many cards does this card affect? If we saw Anti Venom going friggin nuts, then maybe there would be a little bit more case for a triple limb here. One that I want to bring up, Alex, is Spider Ham, and just like your thoughts on where this card is played at the moment, because I don't, I'm gonna be honest, I have not played it in quite some time. Yeah, I don't know. Don't like it in balance, don't need it in balance. Kinda would rather go to another option. Thanos now, you know, or like, you know, it had its roles against certain matchups. But this to me would, would be an HM this is on the top 10, it's kinda right out of it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, this is, yeah, this is basically 11, based on our list, which is crazy, cause like, it's just out of the top 10, and this is a card that traditionally, you've been a huge believer in, like, you've been a Spider Ham stan, to some degree, that's, I like that, Spider Ham stan. Yeah, I do like that too. And you kind of fell off it a little bit. And even like, I think, I'll tell you what it is, I'll tell you exactly what it is. First of all, it's Power Creep at one cost, like Silver Sables and everything else that's happening. The other thing is that Conquest sucks. Right? Like, if you don't want to play Conquest, I think that in ranked it's still okay, but like Spider Ham and Conquest carries.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, the third thing is, what's being played right now? Oh. You know, Oh, okay. And like these cars, bro, I was getting, I got inspired on the other day to my crossbones is like, appreciate that, you know, like it was so listen, it's a car that is dictated by the meta. That's why it's in 11 right now. And if, if, you know, we have ability kind of concentrated decks and he'll go up but he does feel like a good first out.
Alexander Coccia:Do you feel like Enchantress who's also just outside of our top 10 could get buffed back up to a four, six member when it was a four, six, and it actually started to take over a bit.
Cozy Snap:I don't know, man. I I thought they would have done that by now. I'll be honest. Like, the play's not there. I mean, maybe this is buffed when when that one Moonstone comes out. That crazy ongoing card. There's go The Doom, I guess, has some decent ones coming out too. Yeah, I You can definitely make this card better. Like, no question. This and Super Skrull both could be better, they just don't.
Alexander Coccia:It's true. And maybe you're right. Enchantress's time is coming with Moonstone and the the Doombots 2099s, because they're going to be pretty impactful there. And we'll just do a couple of more honourable mentions. Like, what are your thoughts on something like Goose? Do you see Goose as a tech card considering its capabilities of being played in synergy with something like a war machine? Even though it's actually not technically making those decks, but can you see like a location restriction style deck? It's unfortunate because like the storm change killed that like because you could have played goose storm and then war machine, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah Goose, I still think is actually a pretty good card. It's just not played that often But I think that there's a lot of reasons why it's it's a weird play because it actually does a decent job countering it But then you got the zabu stuff the today's stuff but then Goose fell off somewhat because of the whole Agent Venom meta that we were in for a while, too. It's like, oh, okay, you blocked the Iron Man, good luck blocking the Mystique, like, there's just, there's always a way to get back in there, and then the meta before that was the War Machine meta. So it's had a tough String of things, but I do think it's still a decent card that can be played. And I probably have it a higher. I'd probably have it higher than not high.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. It's pretty low on, on the list that we kind of originally threw together. Let's move into our top 10 here because we could talk about all these like kind of bad cards all day long, despite the fact that we love goose, you're also stressing me out because for those that are listening, you wouldn't know this, but cozy is currently trying to find cards while sorting by name, which in theory would make sense, but I think that like most people would find it much easier to sort by energy, just. Out there. I don't know. It's so funny watching you try to like scroll through your list sometimes is, is this actually intentional? Like are you, are you actually trying to use, I go by name, use the name order. I go by name all the time because it's so much easier to find. You go by power sometimes you go by like upgrade ability. You get confused.
Cozy Snap:It depends on what I'm talking about. You know, I was talking about the 10 power decks earlier, so I went to power went bottom to top. This one I'll be like, you know it, it's because the OTAs, bro. It's like, I'll be going to freaking threes for Storm still and she's gone. So now if I just. Scroll on down to S if this game can keep up with it. Look at, go to S right here, we're in the S's. Oh, look at, we got Sun. Silk, I'm still pretty bad at this. Storm right here.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy. I'm impressed. You've made definite strides to improving your card seeking abilities. Now at number 10, Cozy and I, we did a combined list here to kind of give you guys the most accurate depiction of the Snapchat's top 10 tech card tier list here. We went with Rogue. I went with Rogue here and Cozy, I'll give you the floor here on your thoughts on Rogue.
Cozy Snap:I appreciate you giving me Rogue. What a, what a fun card to talk about. Yeah, I, Rogue, I play mostly in. Surfer as like my surprise card, per se, in Surfer and this is also a meta dependent card, but I love the way, the way that she skyrockets is always in the meta, so you have the Agent Venom, you have the Iron Man stuff, I mean, being able to take that before they mistake being able to take that at all is essentially a 3 2 Iron Man at that point, so you need to look at cards popularities and whatnot, but there's, there's a lot of decks out there that have the one You know, linchpin, ongoing card to win, and Rogue's the perfect answer to that. Now, it's crazy how three less power, one less cost than an Enchantress, and you're taking it, it's a bit of a risk, is on our 10, when Enchantress is much lower, but it does feel that much better.
Alexander Coccia:It does. It does feel a lot better. And I think you're right to identify that, like the, the discounted cost thing makes a difference. Cause you, you're hitting a lot of really good targets. There's a lot of good targets, whether it's the Luke Cages, whether it's like pretty much like Iron Men, cause you're seeing, you're seeing a lot of Iron Men with the the Agent Venoms, which are great hits as well. But what I will say, what I will say is here's something, an interesting fact I learned about Rogue. I don't know if you knew this. I don't know if you've even talked about this before. Apparently her pose where she has like the pose, you know, the famous Rogue pose. That is copyrighted. I didn't know that. Like artists aren't supposed to or not allowed to draw that rogue pose. The classic, like Jim Lee rogue. I found that really fascinating. I saw someone, I think on Twitter, an artist was discussing how Marvel, I think that's one of them. Yeah. Like one of the poses that like is very like. Protected from an eyepiece perspective, much like the Magneto and like the, the Professor X, like temple into hand type motion stuff. I don't know. I thought that was pretty interesting from an art perspective.
Cozy Snap:I don't think I knew that. Yeah, that is cool. I love finding out like niche Marvel facts that I can tell my three friends when I'm talking about it at a wedding.
Alexander Coccia:Coming in at number nine, another three costed card. And this is one that you don't have to move far Cozy. It's Red Guardian, and it actually came up once already on the podcast on your side there, we discussed like an amazing card that often feels cuttable and replaceable I, I personally love this card, and I feel like, in a world where, again, we see so many Luke Cages, we see a lot of Ajax, we see a lot of cards that are like, Relying on specific things to happen. Red Guardian is a great counter to that. The only challenge is I feel like the board states are getting messier in this game. And so like, there's a lot of collateral damage. And so Red Guardian is not as easy to target as you'd once hope.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I think Red Guardian is one of those cards that I'm never mad that I haven't needed deck. Like again, we bring up draft, but let's say I had him, I would be so fine with Red Guardian being on any one of my draftable decks, right? Because there is a way to play him for value on almost every game. If it's just for the value, sure, but most of the time there is a card, an engine card, if you will, that you get to stop. And that, sometimes that is a win condition, other times it is just a nice little curve play that you get out there. Other times it stops location stuff from happening, maybe in Asgard or something like that. But yeah, I mean, the card is really good. I think this card is still not played enough. But yeah, it's getting, honestly, some of the Power Creep stuff, like, you know, that can make it a little bit awkward at times, like, especially the meta we're in now, it's like, dude, this isn't gonna stop a 410 slammed in your face. You know, so, Shang Chi would take over that spot, but yeah, I think the card's really good. To be the inverse of Shang Chi in some ways.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, I liked the card a lot, but again, it feels more replaceable. And like tech cards will have that problem. Much like our number eight card, because you're like, is this even a tech card? And we're talking about us agent. I made the argument that it is a tech card. You can use it as a
Cozy Snap:tech card for sure. I don't think I would, I wouldn't deem him as a tech card, but it, to me, it's like Fenris Wolf. In a sense, it's the same role.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. So it can, it's like, it's a tech card. If you want it to be,
Cozy Snap:it can serve as one. Yeah. I get, I mean, I think, yeah, it is there to count it. Like you had man thing on the honorable mentions. Like I just never would have thought of man thing as a, as a tech card per se, even though you are teching against low decks. Like I totally, I totally get the argument. I guess I just like, don't ever think of us Asian as that role. However I love them, dude. I just, I love this card. I think I have them as my favorite card. Multiple lists, we've done it. It's been months back now on the two costs. This is just one of those cards that has aged well after the initial buff. I stopped it. I didn't want to. I already used it on mine. I think I already used it on mine. I think I had, I said it on Scar. But the, the Vine by Wine, you know. If we had merch, that definitely would be on one.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know. I think it's a couple weeks ago I pulled the, has aged like artesian cheese and people were like, bro, what a couple of comments about it. Yeah, I would make the argument honestly that US Agent has aged wonderfully. It was a card that honestly came out really underwhelming. Changing it to a negative 4 affliction is massive. Absolutely massive. And it's done very well in the Ajax style decks. It's done very well in Luke Cage style decks. It's unloved. Affliction as a whole is on a major uptick right now, and it has been a key component to that. It does counteract the Surger style decks because the ongoing effect does take precedence over the power coming down, so Surger won't get the buff if things get dropped by the U. S. agents. So, really like this card. At number seven, we have everyone's favorite doggie. There is no question that Cosmo is a tech card. This is the techiest tech card that's ever teched.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, he was at the adoption shelter for like eight months. Like, this card wasn't doing a lot for a while, and then it's kind of come back in full force which is good to see. Good to see, I think you could argue for a 3 4 Cosmo potential. I think you could maybe even up the number there, but I don't know, maybe not. Cosmo, another one, like, depends where we're at in the meta and what he does. He obviously could really stop decks from happening. Problem is, there's so many unreveals that, oftentimes, it could affect your own strategy too, right? You know, like, if, if this was a card that only got rid of the opponent's unreveals, like, whoo! It'd be fun, it would get rid of some of its weird synergies that you could do on it, but man yeah, Cosmo, I think, could argue to be even higher in some cases.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, Cosmo right now is being used in a very defensive way, where it's being used to protect large bodies, from Shan Chi, from Shadow King so it's not necessarily, like, there was a time where it was being used offensively against, like, the Galactus era, right? And we haven't really seen much of that, like Wong, I like Wong, but Wong doesn't see that much play, and so Cosmo doesn't need to turn that valve off. So right now it's kind of playing this like weird role. It's actually making a bit of a comeback. I would be extremely surprised if they buffed Cosmo, despite the fact that it disappears from the meta for like months and months on end. At least now it's making a bit of a comeback.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure.
Alexander Coccia:Going in at number six, we have a card that, similar to Cosmo, likes to protect things. And this is Armor. Now, Armor has the advantage of being offensive as well in many cases, because if you're against a highly Destroy centric meta, this is basically a snap condition on their Deadpool and etc. So, I really like Armor there. Armor has made its way into a lot of lists, including like High Evo lists to protect the 1 drops and those traditional style decks. Zudex have sometimes run armor in favor of something like a Kaira because it's just cheaper, but Kaira tends to have a better catch all style play. Armor is interesting because like, it feels like a tech card that's often being cut from decks, but when I'm looking for Protection for my larger cards or even my smaller ones or for pretty much anything I'm always looking to armor because I think that's really underappreciated right now.
Cozy Snap:And it's really the two cost I think that's what really always makes armor shine and how it's always been good because it just feels like it curves so well Into your later game plans and then you have that little bit of extra greatness in later turns and or to counter Destroy is what you just said. Destroy, for almost every season but a few, is the number one playdeck in the game, and so that means you have a pretty good chance to you know, to, to counter something immediately on, on that play. So yeah, I, I definitely think Armor has, has, Armour has just always stayed as well as she has. She's one of the cards that haven't been touched because of that. Really good card.
Alexander Coccia:It makes me wonder if like, I wish we had the stats of like the complete game. I wish Secondary just told us, hey, you guys want to know what the most popular archetype across all casual players. Not just the ones with the untapped installation and stuff like that. Across all players, it wouldn't surprise me if it was, if it was Destroy. It has to be Destroy. Destroy has to be way up there. So especially if you're leveling up and ranking up, I think that Armour would be a great choice. Number 5, we're getting to our top 5 and our top 10 tech card tier list here, and it is Killmonger. Killmonger is, like, oh, it was last week, right? You tried to get me with your Game Cozy, I watched it back, I was, like, I can't believe I almost forgot that Killmonger was a Series 2 banger, but It is. It's an absolutely incredible card. It's a win condition. It is what every gamer with one drops is scared of, right? It instills fear in a way that few other cards do. You think you're scared of Shan Chi, you likely are, but you're very scared of Killmonger at almost all stages of Marvel Snap, whether you're playing Bounce, whether you're playing Zoo, Killmonger's on your mind.
Cozy Snap:And you just said it well, there's always one deck that has a really good one cost thing. So, High Evo, The Nebula Lockdown, Zoo, Killmonger. And then Bounce. It's like, so he's always around. He's always around and you don't have to worry about where you play him. Yeah, just tremendous. Tremendous card.
Alexander Coccia:The thing about him too is that one of the highest cube rate decks in Snap right now is a Sarah Control style deck, like a new Sarah Control look that's running The Invisible Woman and Killmonger with Shadow King. So you can play Invisible Woman, you play Killmonger behind it. And literally, it's win rate is mid 50s, but it's cube rate is astronomical. Because players will like play all their balance stuff. They'll play that. And then the Killmonger is just sitting there behind the invisible woman. Like, Hey, get ready folks. Right. I'm about to become a three 20, right. As I wipe the board out of all your cards. So yeah, definitely a snappable card and one of the best in the game. At number four, just out of the top three cozy it's Nick Cage. Nicholas Cage has proven to be an absolutely remarkable card. And as you see so many affliction based strategies, Like, Luke Cage has been incredible, because, like, it's just, it's offensive, in a way of like, you can play US Agent, and not worry about your cards, you can play the man things, you can play the hazmats, and you just don't stress about it, you have the locations, and you, this card has proven, proven to be a meta staple, and it's also a tech card, and a release file for the amount of disruption, affliction based decks we are facing, cause Ajax is on the rise, and alongside that is Luke Cage, and what's interesting even more, is that the Ajax decks traditionally had not run Luke Cage. They would let their cards go down. They would play the Typhoid Marys to get that Ajax higher, but it became clear that the higher win rate versions of those decks minimized the reach of Ajax, right? So it was more into like a Gilgamesh range, and allowed Luke Cage to just have this well balanced defensive protection across your board state, which ultimately resulted in better cube rates and win rates.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and somebody over at Second Dinner has a fever, and the only prescription is steel, and I say that because so many new cards we're getting has steel, steel power, steel power, the ones we've datamined, there's steel power, so Luke Cage can also, he's, he's still being good, he's still, he's still getting better as a card, which is always nice to see.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, as more cards like Silver Sable come out, and others, that, yeah, they steal that power, which I think was the first card that did that, Cassandra Nova, was that the first? Yep. It hasn't been that long, right? But we're seeing it more often. A lot more often. Yeah. Yeah. And Rocket and Groot are going to do it too, right? Another reason to get excited for what's upcoming as we move into our top three. Now there's a good chance you're able to kind of guess our top three. I would venture to say that in the comments, you might be able to say what your top three tech cards are and what you think we're going to be talking about. But at number three, it's Shadow King. Now Shadow King bouncing. He's getting buffed. He's getting nerfed immediately. I'm like, what is even happening right here? I'm not sure, but Shadow King back to a 2 2. Is he still fire?
Cozy Snap:He was, he was fired before the buff. So now he's, he's still fired. He's still doing what he does. Well yeah. Shadow King too, like his power is a little bit less important just because of what he's doing. Like he's just, he's usually a very huge swing card. And so like when you're deleting nine power off the board, you're fine with the, you know, with what it does. That's why like the two, three just wasn't needed both directions. Buff and a Nerf, it's like, okay, it's still gonna do what it does well. Kind of affects cerebral, I guess, more than anything else. But yep, sk, sk is definitely up there.
Alexander Coccia:The one that I argue with is like, I would've liked to the, the buff to have remained. Is that unlike like Sean Chi or some other tech cards, I'm just kind hinting up what's coming up as well. Shadow King, you have to be mindful of where you play it'cause you can impact your own cards too, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. It first of all, we're a hundred plus. Episodes in. If someone doesn't know Shang Chi, it's where Shang Chi is on this list, buddy, then, like, let's face it, everybody knew what was gonna be up there, but yes, we're spoiling it a little bit but yeah, he comes in at number three.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but number two might be a surprise, and this might be a card that could be our is this even a tech card? Cozy, what do you think?
Cozy Snap:Again, I, I think it could be it. I mean, yeah, because what you're doing is very offensive. Like, I just, I, I don't know. I don't think of, like, Alioth, the tech card, but I'm not against it. And I do think he's definitely probably, probably earning. I think I might have him at three over two. It's tough. Shadow King's so good. So, so good. So, it's tough, like, I think I get more wins with Shadow King than I do Goliath.
Alexander Coccia:I feel like I get more wins with Goliath than I do Shadow King. Okay. I would take Goliath over Shadow King Draft not, I'm not saying that you're wrong in draft,
Cozy Snap:so in a draft you would,
Alexander Coccia:I'd take Goliath in a draft. Yeah.
Cozy Snap:Overshadow King if they were both up.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I think I would.
Cozy Snap:Okay.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, I'm, I'm not like, I'm not excited about it. I'd give a thought, like, I'm not saying this is not a knock against Shadow King. I think Shadow King is an awesome card.
Cozy Snap:No, it doesn't. I think Alyth
Alexander Coccia:is a soul crushing card. You know what I mean? I think it's still soul crushing.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, if the deck you're playing relies on what they're doing on six. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I think, I think Shadow King doesn't care about what it does on six, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But I guess like in draft, I guess the draft question wasn't fair. Cause I think Shadow King is just better draft. I think so. I think so. Because it's like a lie. If you have to build, you kind of have to build your deck a little bit to support him a little bit.
Alexander Coccia:Right. Yeah. Cause you need the initiative. Yeah, for sure. And that's why like even the Surtur decks, some of the top performing or the top performing versions are often running alive because you've earned initiative. Like there's so much power on the board. You just have the initiative. And so, Oh, they're going to, they're going to play something to negate my board state while I just lie at that location and I cleanly win it. Right. Again, they can't shunt you everywhere. Right. Yeah. So yeah, I lean towards it being a tech card. But like, I'd be interested in what you guys think. Like it's, it's definitely an impactful piece. In the meta, and going into number one, Cozy, a card that needs no introduction, Shang Chi. We already kind of discussed it. Any thoughts on Shangers as it takes once again the reigns of the number one tech card in Marvel Snap?
Cozy Snap:Just that he's like the Dr. Doom of Snap. Like, you know, like, we like Doom as the perfect six. He's kind of the perfect, like, the perfect tech card. I think he is the bottleneck. The, the most important lever, as we like to say. Yeah, I think he's fine. I don't think he needs a nerf, a buff, nothing. Keep him as is. He had that one nerf. I was crazy he used to do 9 and above. That's yeah, that seems like a whole other time ago. 10 feels so much better for so many reasons, right? But then also Power Crap, like, you know what I mean, like, we didn't have as many tens as we do now, too.
Alexander Coccia:Now, we go into our Snapchat mailbag question segment, Cozy. We got a bunch of questions for you. I'm actually excited for this. We got a lot of, a lot of interesting discussion here. The first one is a heartwarming one that I appreciate. It comes from Techthorn, and it reads, Cozy, I'm about to become a dad. And I was wondering what your favourite things to do with your child are.
Cozy Snap:Oh, man, everything. Just being a dad, honestly, like so I Heh. There's a number of things, like, I obviously just being outside, love outside, just different things, but regardless. I love wrestling with my son, I think it's so fun to wrestle with my son, I think it's like one of my favorite things to do, just cause it's it's like a bonding time, it's so weird to explain, but it's super, super fun. I love to go to live music, my son loves music, so we go to like, a lot of live music stuff, and that's, you know, fun. Always been a joy, and, and showing him things I know he loves, right? So, like, it's simple sounding, but at the beach, they have a lady that does big bubbles and things like that. Like, things that bring him joy, bring me joy, and experiencing things for the first time with your kid, I think is the hardest thing to wrap your mind around until you're a parent. And as soon as you get to experience your kid experiencing something for the first time, it is chef's kiss, Alex, is my favorite thing bar none.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, yeah, kids are so unbelievably special, and like, like, for me, one of my favorite things we get to do is, like, we do a lot of, like, like, spend time together, like, watching, like, Home Alone, and movies that, which I, I've become a master of, like, skipping particular parts of, like, Home Alone and different stuff, right, because, like, like, man, the attitude on this kid, right, because one of, one of our sons, like if he picks up on the way that Kevin's talking to his mom, he might just try it on us, man.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I'm living alone. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:exactly. So, but like one of my favorite things is just like, so we, we cuddle like in a, like in our, in our room, like in our bed. And then we have like a TV and we watch like movies together as like my wife goes and tucks them in one by one. And it's so funny. Like I almost, I almost shed a tear. Cause I'm like, I've got a pretty big wingspan. Right. But I'll be in the middle. My daughter will be here. And then my two sons, and then they'll like argue as to like who cuddles me. They'll be like my other son will be like, I want to cuddle daddy. Cause like the one of them has to be on the outside. You know what I mean? And I'm like, they want to cuddle me. I just kind of get all teary.
Cozy Snap:I, my passion for YouTube is so high, so obsessive. So it's my favorite thing to do. And then when I had my son, it was so crazy how quickly something didn't matter to me near as much. Like I hate to say it guys, I would be a lot of much better YouTube if I didn't have a kid. But I do. And it's, I, it's it was funny. Regis was talking to me before he had a kid and I remember telling him. Like enjoy, enjoy the time before it because like you're just not going to care as much and we've talked about it's like, I don't like it just because your kids, what matters to you most. So yeah, definitely. Good, good question. Good question.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I agree. And like, even for me, like the earnings I make on YouTube, go to my kids, like to go to their education funds, go to the small little things. I can take them on little trips and stuff like that. Right. So it's, yeah, they're, they're very, very, very special and also special. Is the music choices in Cozy's video. The next question comes from a FIFA and it reads Cozy. Often in your videos, you play music from Fire Emblem. I was pleasantly surprised when I first heard that. And I'm wondering which game in the series is your favorite?
Cozy Snap:Yeah all of them. Number one. No, I Blazing Sword was like the first, I believe that's one with Lynn and Elwood and Hector. That one I got on the Game Boy Advance. You just play that a ton. Then into and it's late guys. Apologies. I can't think of it. Sacred Stones, I believe what it's called. That one married very well into that one. And then I mean, Five Houses, they're all so good so I love And then I went back and played all the old ones that were that came out in Japan, and you had to get that. But JRPGs have always been kind of close to me, and and this one Fire Emblem is is way up there. And it just so happens to have, like, in my opinion, some of the best music in the genre. And I played a lot of Ages of Empires growing up, and it kind of reminded me of that. And so, yeah, I love it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, it's funny, for me, I really liked Five Houses. I haven't played many of them, but I did play Five Houses all the way through. You're a teacher in that game, you know, I'm a teacher in real life type thing. I thought it was pretty cool. But no, Five Houses was miraculously well written. Like, it was so, so well done. The next one comes from VideoGamesBeast, and this is half a question and also just half a statement that was heartwarming. It reads, Cozy and Alex, I started listening to the podcast on episode 10. It's been a staple for me ever since. When I first started listening, I was just picking up guitar and started my learning on the instrument. Now, almost two years later, I'm in a band and about to record an ep and I still listen to the Snapchat while practicing. This is my favorite pod and you two are always bros to me. Thanks for keeping it consistent. PS Thank you. Cozy for rocks and hawks. I still use it to hit infinite. Aw
Cozy Snap:David. Love that man. Love, love. Longtime listeners, I think you guys have a special place in our hearts for sure. That asked, man. I'm glad you picked up guitar. I actually just picked it up again for my son to learn it with him. But yeah, man, that means a lot. It's, It's just cool to see how we're ingrained in people's lives, because we're just two dudes, so, yeah, that's awesome, man.
Alexander Coccia:It is, it is, and the next series of questions are kind of funny and kind of interesting because they're kind of about what happened last week, and there was a lot of comments about this, and IMDollup kind of captured it in a very interesting way when they said, Cozy just slowly sinking into his chair throughout the video, lol, and it's probably because Trevor did had to make note, is Alex really from Canada? I can't believe he doesn't know what a biscuit is. I'm from Atlantic Canada and everyone eats them here. Tim Hortons actually makes a breakfast sandwich with them. Sandwich. I just said sandwich. I'm not adding up. Alex WTF. And then just add to the despair of everyone listening. Fastos Enjoyer did come in to say, saying that you love Cracker Barrel and not knowing what a biscuit is, is absolutely outrageous.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I just, they only retort to that. You're just an enigma, man. You are. Like, you're the most, like, Nick, you're, like, the amount of stuff, you're like, Canada doesn't have that, and I always see a comment that's like, Alex, Canada has all of this. I just, where, why don't you, where are you? I love you. This is why I love you.
Alexander Coccia:In my defense, I'm of the firm belief that Tim Hortons is, like, I know, like, people think about Canada, they're like, oh, Tim Hortons. That's, like, the brand. That's the brand. That's, like, someone saying, oh, America? I gotta go to McDonald's. And you're like, bro, listen to me. I think Tim Hortons is garbage. Like I'm a, I'm a Canadian. I will say, listen, all Canadians out there challenge me. If you want, you're going to be wrong right off the rip. Tim Hortons is so bad. It is unedible. Like it's, they're basically just feeding garbage out there. The coffee's not even good. Like, it's just, it's such a bad, bad chain in Canada. Are they going to sponsor us or anything? Cause I hope, I might have to cut this. They're terrible. Tim Hortons is garbage. I would not, if you're coming to Canada and you see a Tim Hortons and you want to experience it, like you can, but like, if you think that is like Canadian cuisine, you're sorely mistaken.
Cozy Snap:I don't know anything about it.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, we're going to close the Snapchat off with this statement, which I thought was funny from Keith. Hopped in here to say that my mom washed our mouths out with soap lol. I think my dad did too. They were born in the 70s. I know of some kids that had to bite the bar of soap.
Cozy Snap:I knew it. I knew it. Remember I told you, like, that doesn't happen like it did. People did. That was an absolute Who forces their kids to chew on the soap? Bro, they got some, people got some weird parenting techniques out there, bro. Each their own, but yeah, I don't think I'm going to make my son eat soap. But I knew it. I knew it was out there. That's just crazy.
Alexander Coccia:The part that got me was the, I know, forced to bite the bar. So I can't even tell, is that worse or better? Like, if you just have to take a bite out of the soap, as opposed to like scrubbing your tongue, the biting is better than for sure. All right. I'm glad we're in agreement. Thank you guys so much for joining us on this week and we'll see you on that next one.
Cozy Snap:Well guys, hopefully you enjoyed today's little bit of a longer episode. We had a lot to talk about with Fenris. I think that was the section that went long. Because it's an interesting card. Alright guys, have a good one, have a great one. Till the next one, happy snapping.