The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Malekith: Mid or Mighty? | The Popularity Game | Surtur & Frigga In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 106
Will Malekith be mid or mighty? What are the most overrated and underrated cards in Snap? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Surtur and Frigga? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys, and welcome to another episode of the Snapchat. We got a brand new card coming out this week, and Malekith and Alex and I have way different opinions on the card. Now that we know that you can see the card that is revealed, we definitely have a lot to break down in the synergies and the decks and our overall star ratings on him and the spotlight cash. We're also going to be talking about a really fun subject in overrated and underrated cards that we think get way too much play that suck, and ones that are not being played enough and are pretty good. And then lastly, we're going to be playing a game against Alex for the popularity contest. The most played cards in Marvel Snap versus the least played within the game. And I think there's going to be a lot of data, a lot of stats, a lot of fun that might surprise you. We're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only, the beautiful Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend. Welcome, guys, to yet another Snapchat. I'm coming straight off of a rebuilt computer, new power supply. Some of you guys might notice there was a lack of videos this week, but we're good. We're back up. We're rebuilt. I got to clean it too. We're ready for action.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, I can't believe that that your PC died. Like, you have some of the worst tech luck I've ever seen. Considering you have, like, multiple PCs, your setup is so crazy and beautiful, and yet, somehow, things just managed to fall apart. But in the meantime, you managed to release what is my favorite PC. Favorite Marvel Snap video I've seen in a long time. I gotta give you kudos, buddy, for your kind of look through the cards of history and how you talked about, like, that was so unbelievably good. And I gotta tell you guys, if you've not seen it yet, you have to watch it. That is genuinely high quality, high effort content that we don't see in Marvel Snap anymore, dude. You absolutely crushed it.
Cozy Snap:Dude, thank you for saying this, because, the way I do my videos, I never have backup videos. Like, I never have videos in the chamber, like, ready to, to, to rock. You can actually, like, watch the video, and I talk about, like, a Hitmonkey, like, the stats that are so wrong, because it was, like, three months in the making, and I've had that stored, ready to release, with a couple of edits needing to be done, and luckily, I had that to release, and dude, it means a lot. I love doing that type of content you know funny enough, hey, It, it is what it is. It's a 10 and 10 on my side. So it's actually, that's bad, YouTube terms. So the views weren't there unfortunately, but if you guys have it, it's probably my favorite video that I've done. Like, it was so cool. The hardest part was sourcing all the footage and finding the footage. I, heck, you got a call out, you know, from the Rare Kitty Pride gameplay that you had back in the day to Leader to Arrow. It was really cool to just go back and kind of look at what Marvel Snap was and led all the way up to where it is now. And man, it was a blast. I appreciate you calling that out, man.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, it's just one of those things that as a content creator myself, I was watching and I was like, the amount of effort that Cozy puts into things. And we get so used to like, your production quality and stuff like that, but It is so time consuming and even just mentally exhausting to actually plan videos like that, go back, get that footage, source that footage, plan out what the video like that looks like, and that is what I think we take for granted in Marvel Snap a bit. Like we take for granted the fact that you generate quality content of that caliber that like we don't see anywhere else. We're not getting that anywhere else. So if you have not watched it yet, I'm actually going to demand that you watch it all the way through because it is an absolute banger and it's one of those things. Where like, you kind of get a good picture of where we're going, when you understand where we've been. And so I like it from like that recollection standpoint, a good look back at the past.
Cozy Snap:Well A, you're the best hype man I friggin asked for, so thank you dude, I appreciate it. B, it was cool to see like, How the errors or the overpowered cards have kind of trimmed down a bit as we've progressed, right? You know, the amount of them considering, I think I probably left out like a couple in there. Maybe Hela could have snuck in, Ms. Marvel. You guys will, will have to go back and see. But the thing is, man, I, at the end of the day, I am in Marvel Snap, the only content out there, and the ones that people do to get, you know views and YouTube, that's what a lot of people like to, to chase, to go for, are deck guides. Like, that's what they do. And, really, we've seen so many decks out there that I wanted, A, to try something different, and B, as we're kind of moving forward to past the two year mark, Deck Pocket just came out. A lot of creators going over to there. I don't know about you, I myself have been asked a billion times, am I going to cover Pocket, am I going to go? Because I've, I have not shown any any video, any interest other than just a little bit. And I have Pokemon stuff in my background forever. And really guys, to answer that I think the game's cool. I think it's, the collecting aspect's really fun. For me personally I'm going you know, I've got Snap, and then I'm gonna be going all in on Marvel Arrivals. That's kind of the game that I love, and the video content that I want to make, quite honestly but hey, never say never, never say never, I might do Pokemon Pocket, we'll have to see, time will tell. But right now, man, my eyes, my attention is on Marvel Snap and making the best content I can.
Alexander Coccia:I mean, that's the right approach, right? Even for me, like, I was super excited to give Pocket a shot. I had early access for that initial launch window there, and I wanted to cover some content here and there, but at the end of the day, it was one of those things where I was like, I like the game. I think there's a lot of value to it. I like what it does, but in terms of gameplay, I don't think there's a replacement for Marvel Snap out there right now, and Marvel Snap does have a lot of competition. Like you mentioned Pokemon Pocket. That's kind of the big elephant in the room, but you got like the Bazaar. Hearthstone just dropped a major expansion as well. And it's just, you got Call of Duty. It's like, it's the season. It is the season for massive launches. Vampire Survivors dropped Ode to Castlevania for true gamers out there that have good taste in games. But there's a lot out there.
Cozy Snap:My favorite card game, Black Ops 6. Yeah. No, I know, but it is true. I think it's good. It's really healthy for snap to have competition and it's showing. It's showing. Now, if you look at, like, Google Trends, Snap is still, like, double of what it, you know, Pokemon Pocket is and was. However, it needs that competition, and I think they've nailed down a couple really cool things there. You know, you got a two year product against a one month old product, so we're gonna have to see where it goes. It's not knockin if you play it at all. I actually, I get, dude, it hits my nostalgia heavy. And opening the packs, they nailed it. Absolutely nailed it. And yeah, keepin my eyes on it to see where that That game does go, but as far as gameplay, yeah, man, I love it. I hope it's a wake up call, too, to the Snap team. I've sent so many countless messages. At this point, guys, I've almost given up. Just kind of begging the Snap devs to reconnect with some of the creators here and to really put their best foot forward on the next few months, because they're going to be an important few months for Snap. Maybe I'll readdress this in the new year, but I definitely think we've got some things that we, we really need for the game coming in January. But what I will say is, just because my computer was having troubles didn't mean I didn't get to play a lot of it. I played a lot of Snap this opening season between the Surtur and Frigga, just, man, one super fun card, one dominant card. We talked about all that last week on the Snapchat. Longer intro today, guys, longer intro. We got a lot to talk about, so we might as well just hop right in it. Alex, we know what we're talking about over here. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:On my side of the Snapchat, Cozy, we're gonna be taking a review look at both Surtr and Frigga. Two very interesting cards, and as you said, one of them might just be dominant. We'll also be talking about series drops, what's coming and what we hope as a wishlist should be dropping. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, let's get right into it, my guy. We've got Malekith and will he be mid or mighty? Credit to Alex for that just banger. Banger title there. My title was gonna be, will he be as bad as Thor the Dark World? We'll have to see. I do know last week when we talked about this card, I was more for it. You were definitely against it. I think it was your worst card of the month. And I had it towards the top. So I am interested in A, your shift. B, we did find out some new new info here. So let me read it out. Four costs, six power card. On reveal, friends, add a one, two, or three cost card from your deck here, but don't reveal it until the game ends. And Alex and I, we were kind of on the fence. Does that mean it's gonna show to the player itself, to me, who played it, or keep it hidden for everybody? It's confirmed, as we kind of thought. That it will be able to be viewable from the person who played Malekith. Which is obviously a significant increase in his overall just viability and competitive play. And I've seen a lot about this card. I've seen stuff all over the place. Excited to break this down. Alex, before we jump into him, he goes alongside Fina and Valentina. What are your thoughts on the spotlight?
Alexander Coccia:So right off the top, I think Thena is a must own. I think that card's incredible. I think you need to have it. Valentina is no. It's just like, you know, it's unfortunate. It actually makes a list or two here and there. There was a moment in traditional Loki before they destroyed what Loki is and just made it an Airsham card, where you were seeing Valentina there. Yeah, but Valentina is not a thing anymore. It's kind of, honestly, it kind of sucks. Like what a wasted spotlight cash there, unless they change it in OTA or something like that. But yeah, the Athena is a must have in my opinion. With regards to Malekith so I came in at two to three stars. I said two if you can't see the card, three if you can. As you just said in the intro, we did get some clarification from the team that you can actually see the card played. So not played, but the card played. Present on the board so you can see it your opponent can't now that's definitely a three star category for me I still have some reservations. I still will rank it near the bottom and that's not to say like oh, it's a horrible card Yeah I'm just more excited about some of the other ones right and So I will kind of stick with my overall like ranking order that we had done near the end of the episode last week But I'm gonna go three stars here It definitely is better knowing that we can see what's been revealed and we'll have to go from there
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so and on my end I'm gonna stick with the four four and a half that I Went with last week to I do, again, I do have some of those reservations, if you will about some things and how they're played down, because immediately for me, I'll start with the cons, because I have a lot of pros to talk about here. The cons to me is you know, A, we, we do call it a deck thinner, in a sense, kind of like American Chopper, so this is a pro, if you will, too. But he will thin your deck for the last two turns if you do get to play him. The problem is, is that about half of the deck Is going to be either something that you drew in your hand or that's on one of the locations, right? So it's like at that point how many one twos or three are there? But I think there's enough that you can build around to kind of negate that con that's about it. That's that I mean outside of just the decks that you know Surfer we can talk about I think that's a strong deck for him But it's like okay Well, if you think about it if you get any three cost out there Sure, it's gonna be okay It doesn't get the surfer boost if you get surfer in the out of all the three costs Then, yeah, that's going to be a fine addition. So there's some decks that are going to be a little bit awkward with the way that he plays down, and this may not be the perfect meta for him, but that's about it as I got on the cons side.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I was like, one of the cons I think is the consistency side, right? It's like, how do you build a deck that really takes advantage of Malachite? Then we always get into this trap where like a new card comes out and you like hyper fixate. On, like going absolutely bonkers with it. And when sometimes they're just support cars that don't need to be the, the star in the, the show. Right. You know what I mean? So Malki, I wonder if we're gonna overbuild the decks for it. And realistically if you just add some value to the, to a deck with Malki, it's just fine. Pulling an extra one or two drop that has a good hit or something like that is good. But. If you want to really get into like some combo based stuff, I was thinking about like one of the early designs that I was working on that I'm not ready yet with. But I was like, OK, what if you use Quicksilver Domino? Yeah. And like to ensure that like you're thinning what it could hit, right? And what if you're running things like Mystique in your deck? And then what if you go something like turn, you know, five, turn six, or you play like Ronin or a Devil Dinosaur or like a traditional ongoing piece that you want to often protect? You play that, and then Mystique will reveal on turn six under Malekith, right? It should hit the card that you played last, which will be the ongoing card, right? Or Iron Man, or whatever it is. But then again, what if you just draw into the Mystique? You need a, you need some sort of backup plan, right? So, I, that's where I'm kind of stuck with the design of like, how can we build Malekith without going all in and getting silly?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, a lot at me here and, and let me break it into pieces. Number one, yes, I agree. I think we're gonna probably see a lot, a large part of the community Kind of try to go all in on him and do some really funky, crazy stuff that I'm going to bring up, man. We got to talk about the potential here. But I want to talk more about, too, the decks that just can't miss, right? The ones that, dude, you're okay. You're playing a 4 6 body that's looking like it's going to get well above that average 4 10. It takes two spots up, but that's kind of to your advantage the way that it'll play out. How many decks can we create where you don't have that much of a risk? And funny enough, you brought up, I had this later on in my combos, you brought up Quicksilver Domino, but then you went to Mystique. I just want to talk about Quicksilver Domino and a Wiccan deck. I was like, hold up now. So you got those two. Those are only ones and twos. You have a couple strong threes in there. Strong threes, and then you have Wiccan, and then you have Malekith. So you have, no matter what, the strong three, three being played out. If you do get Malekith down, you have a Wiccan to potentially boost up as well. I thought that was a really cool design that limits that risk, if you will. And Malekith, not that he's anything like him, but he kind of reminds me of Wiccan in a sense of just like how he's going to be played. A little weird a little non traditional, if you will. And does he have a place? Wiccan certainly found his kind of niche within the meta. So I do like that you brought up Quicksilver Domino, because I thought that too, but with the Wiccan build.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, and I mean, it makes sense if you think about it, because like that's if you're thinking about like deck thinning and try to, well, they do the opposite of deck thinning, right? They kind of like prevent you from drawing to some degree because they guarantee the draws, but they'll guarantee your three drops to some extent. Like they'll guarantee like, okay, we don't need to fill ones or twos that we don't want to hit. We just have a bunch of three drops we want to hit and then we'll go from there. And so like, yeah, like Malekith from a power perspective as a four six on in theory should be above rate. Because you're not gonna be including iceman and stuff like that in a deck that you're running with Malach, you're gonna be going with some of the more aggressive ones, twos and threes. And we'll start with one of the ones you have on the screen here, which is ideal because of all the threes. Sage is gonna be one of the ones that want gets to revealed at the end of the game.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's funny. The cars that do best for them are the ones that have sort of a the, the after effect that you're looking for, right? Like obviously something like a azabu a Loc trash tier. But when you have the sages of the world. The Wolfsbane. These cards are, are wanting to be revealed later on, and man, remember we were talking about Sage way back before we even knew how good she would be? And we're like, yeah, it's kind of awkward, like, you have to play her late. Well, this allows you to play her somewhat on a curve, and if you build the deck right, you're able to get her out pretty reliably, and I don't think it's too hard to fit her into a lot of decks, right? As a core card to be able to be played down. You're trying to build these decks that have a lot of these cards that look that direction of feel safe whenever, wherever you play it. My mind also goes to a lot of a lot of tech options. Alex, I think things like Killmonger, Shadow King, these are just ones that it's like, clearly, you know, we've seen Invisible Woman and Killmonger kind of tech into a lot of packages now to deal with bounce. This is one that's just a clear cut easy favorite here. Maybe we can see the return of a Sarah Miracle that incorporates a Malekith in there, because it just has all these pieces to work with, whatever it might be. But Alex, I want to bring up one in particular that I think might be one of my more favorite builds, and shocker, it's coming from me. Okay, shocker. But I think that Patriot here might have itself a really good chance to be a good Malekith card, just because of the way And the, especially because you can see it now. When you couldn't see it, it had me worried with like Brood, something like that. But now that we can see it, I'm like, I can't tell you how many times that I'm not able to pull down one of these cards. Like Patriot, like Debris, maybe, if you have any, you can play it around that space. I think there's some really interesting interactions, Squirrels. Whatever you might name it to make sure that you get the value from Patriot and then you get that body That's a 4 6 make a lot more sense.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, there's a lot of hits for Patriot In fact Patriot itself we mentioned Mystique, right? You could play Mystique Patriot Mr. Sinister is a good hit as well because then if like because you can see you're like, okay I gotta leave two slots of space here and you kind of go with it because there were decks I mean Mr. Sinister kind of fell out of favor favor, in favor in Patriot decks simply because of the effect of Ultron. Ultron's buff kind of took it out, but it could potentially be a backup plan there or a different style of Patriot that's not necessarily reliant on Ultron, but ultimately, like, I think that there are so many 1s and 2s that really benefit from coming out late in the game. And I like to call out of Patriot as a 3 drop, but if I can go to the 2 drops here for a moment. And I was thinking about this and and I'm not saying I want to make Ronin a thing again, but I had a thought about Maximus, okay? Now, Maximus is now a 2 drop. People might have forgotten about that. It used to be a 3. But at 2 6, it is one of the most premium stat lines you can get in a 2. Naturally, of course. Of course, you have 3s. Athena, and some other stuff that can get up above it, but just a 2 6 straight up max is pretty good. Obviously, the on reveal of giving your opponent two cards is pretty significant. You don't want to just tempo out a Maximus, that feels awful. But in something like a Ronin deck, that doesn't matter. What really matters is popping their hand up or propping it up at the end of the game and then boosting your Ronin and Mystique. Those decks often run things like Cosmos, in order to play Maximus on the Cosmos to not give them that effect if you have to play it like earlier on or whatever. But with something like Malekith, if you see Maximus come out and you know now you're getting not only six additional power, which is significant, but you're also going to be propping up their hand by two cards at the end of the game that can help out your play, and maybe even the snap condition.
Cozy Snap:For sure, and then it also allows you to play Maximus in your deck, and he's kind of a fun, like, curve play at times, like, if they didn't play something down on one, Maybe even two you can look at, and you're like, Wow, they're only gonna get one extra card, I get the two sticks out, is that worth it? Yeah, and I have also, for that matter another in game high stat card that's just kinda works into Maximus good stats, and that's a card that's fallen off, kind of massively, and that's Gladiator, outside of Mildex. The odds of him being played in a filled location go up, obviously, significantly. The cards he could pull go up significantly. So, you know, you have this played down, and we got the 4 6 body, right? Immediately, we have a 14 power play, per se, at the end of the game. That's pretty big, man. That's a pretty big play there. Obviously, it can go catastrophic, but way less of a chance with Gladiator than before. But also just a good card ish to be built into the decks that you don't feel bad about having, Alex. So I do like that option. What about 2? Another 3 costs while I'm in here, man. Might be one of the best, and one of the best statistically right now. Could be in the over er, underrated section that I'm going to talk about. And that's going to be our boy, and we knew he would settle into this role, Speed. I think Speed is a really cool option. Maybe into that whole Domino Kind of Quicksilver build, if you will, or even just as a base option here.
Alexander Coccia:Way to ruin my number one lead in card for our next topic. Cozy you have no chill, but yeah, no speed is actually it's, it's a really good card because it's ongoing. The fact, like the fact that you're playing kind of on tempo, using all your energy will take into account. So it'll just. It's a great call out, and this is one of those cards that honestly, by the way, it has a 54 percent win rate in post infinite gameplay across the last 30 days of Marvel Snap. It's one of the highest win rate cards in Marvel Snap right now, just to give you a little bit of a sneak peek into our next topic. So, you are absolutely right. Speed would love to get it, get hit. And you know what, even if you don't hit speed and you play speed, guess what? It's also just still a good card. You know what I mean? So I like to call it a lot here and I want to give a quick shout out to a couple of one drops that I think are worth discussing as well. Now I want to give a shout out to. Titania. Titania is one of those cards that I think you know, it's, it's often tricky to play. And I think it's, people shy away from it. You're seeing it being used in a lot of junk decks right now with something like a green goblin. You can play the, the Titania green goblin on top. And then essentially what happens is green goblin goes over and through space, Titania could potentially block the lane off, which is nice. However, it's still a one five stat line. And in a lot of decks were like traditional, like. Taskmaster style decks. You often ran cards like M. D. Ma, which I guess could make this list too. But, the key thing about it was, you often tried to play Titania as the last card. As just 1 5. And if you were able to concede the initiative, you guaranteed that it would stay on your side. So it was just a straight up 1 5 power play. And so these very high impact 1 drops Like, Titania, Martyr, Ebony Maw, would be very good hits with, with this card. Now, with Martyr, I'm not sure if you know, Cozy, but, if Martyr comes out at the end of the game, does she no longer attempt to lose you the game, because the end of the game is already occurring?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that's an interesting it's at the end of the game, I feel like it still might try, with the order of operations, because of the way the text is. I don't know, that, there's a couple of these discussion points, like we don't have to talk about her too much, but I thought about you know how they did that update not long ago, where like, Moon Knight, let's say, if a card got increased by Dream Dimension and it becomes like a an even card, that card will now be discarded. So I'm like, Pixie, right? Will Pixie end up making these cards? If I make a Dr. Doom at 2 cost, does it rip that out? Does it make it a 2 cost? So there are some questions that I'm waiting for to see you know, how they work, because if that's the case, My god, Pixie just gets yet another favorable option, you know, that could be played down. You know, does it make the ultimate build? But just to, to take things back out of these questions, and if, if, you know, Martyr and Pixie are that way, I love the Ebony Maw callout, and I love it especially in kind of this War Machine style of decks, man. Because you've got something like this Maw coming out, or maybe a Jeff that could be played in there too. Those are both just fun, good options that work out.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, it's 1 7 stats. Like, we were talking about Gladiator at 3 8 being an absolutely good hit, and you know the downside it has. With Ebony Maw, we're getting a lot of opportunities to, like, mitigate that downside. War Machine does it, Jeff does it, Ultron does it, the newly buffed Ultron, and then you have, obviously you have, like, Doctor Doom, you have all these methods to kind of compensate for the limitation. But Malekith loves this. It loves the idea of pulling this card out. In fact, I used to play Ebony Maw in my Super Invisible deck. That I ran with Invisible Woman because you could play Ebony Maw on top of Invisible Woman on turn three and then still repeatedly play on top. So if Ebony Maw is pulled by Malekith and it's face down, you could still play on top of it because it's not revealed yet.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I listen. First of all, that was an old call out, man. That deck, that was that was an oldie deck, man. That was that was a good one back in the back in the early days of Snap. Well, there's one, there's one card that we haven't talked about that I think is just an archetype that you know, the people that play it play it a lot, the people that don't, never play it, and that is that whole Ajax build, because a lot of people, you know, obviously left Ajax to the wayside, so a couple two cost cards to mention. First of all, I think Hazmat is just like, one of the most obvious cards, and a deck that doesn't have a lot of one twos and threes, outside of maybe the Loot Cage, which is also like, hey, sign me up. So like, both of those kind of work out as a, as a good play for Malekith, and I like that kind of curves in there very nicely. That Mystique thing you were talking about earlier, maybe you pull Mystique down, you see it's Mystique, then you're like, okay, I'm gonna play Ajax now on 6, and then have that Mystique copy, right? Cause we can see it, or if it's the, the Hazmat, I'm gonna play a little passively. I don't have a Luke Cage, let them play down the cards. This is one of those bomb decks that I think you can really get advantage of. And as a quick shout out to this deck, also, a lot of ba I mean, her, her White Widow's play rate and win rate went down the sink, and I think this is a interesting card. Little risky, but they don't have time to react to that negative four to destroy it. I like that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and the nice thing about White Widow, too, is it's like, it can be a massive swing of just negative four power, well, six power, technically, two on your side, negative four on their side. And the nice thing about it, it's not like a Green Goblin, so if their location's full, the Widow's Bite, or Widow's Kiss, sorry, just doesn't go anywhere. Like, a Green Goblin would just stay on your side and, like, kick you right in the schnutz, but with White Widow, it doesn't really do much, right? I like the hazmat color, because you are right, that particular deck, It doesn't have too much competition on the higher range. It has a lot of good hits on the lower range. And so like, you know, you do have the man thing and stuff like that in those style of decks. Which is obviously a four cost, which is what Malekith would be competing with. I think there's definitely room in those lists for a card like this as well. Now, I wanna do a bit of a coping here. You know, I gotta use that, that term at least once a week here. Cozy? I'm surprised you didn't bring him up. But I want to talk about Iron Lad for a second. And, if you're talking about deck thinning, what you can talk about is Iron Lad because now, if you're going to be playing Malekith and you thin your deck, you more reliably are able to hit something with an Iron Lad. And whether or not this has kind of ramifications for decks that you know, have Hela in it or whatever, you know, Tribunal or other decks that might want to utilize Iron Lad. By doing the deck thin, Iron Lad generally is played later in the game anyway. Yeah, you can throw it on on turn 4 or whatever, but by reducing the amount of cards in your deck, you're giving increased odds for Iron Lad without having to run something like a Jeff. Or not a Jeff, I meant a Howard. Got the animals confused.
Cozy Snap:I like the callout. I do like the callout for Iron Lad. You mentioned Discard and Hela. I've seen some stuff float around here. I think it'll end up just being kind of a coke cook. With the whole, okay, well, if you pull out a, you know Colleen Wing, a Lady Sif, obviously Morbius being a fantastic card that you could pull out. Okay, well, you've got Apocalypse that will be hit late from those, so it's almost always a good thing that you could get there. Kind of a weird body to put in there. Do you think there's a place in discard at all?
Alexander Coccia:I, I kind of lean towards what your sentiment was, was probably not. I mean, pulling a, like, Blade late, Colleen Wing late, Sworn, like, there's a lot of stuff you don't want to hit late. Like, I mean, Morbius, obviously, but, I don't know, man, I, I think probably not, in my opinion.
Cozy Snap:And again, we're talking about all these combos, I think one of the best paths is, this guy does thin your deck out, period, for the last two turns. So, I think just building a base solid deck, getting the value out of the card, Thinning the deck, getting access to your bigger cards, your win cards, your in conditions. Listen, that might be just a pure easy way that we see Malekith get played. I also think just like period, point blank, Aarishem's gonna like the card. You know, you're gonna have way less agency of what that is, but you get to see what that is. And so, you know, I think that's just gonna be an interesting way to build around it. I know people have their feelings about Aarishem, but you can't you just simply can't ignore it. But I want to kind of leave the conversation here and just ask, And Surfer is one of those that I see talked about a lot. Alex, as the Surfer guy what do you think about him in these Surfer builds?
Alexander Coccia:I'm not a fan. I mean, I could be wrong, but for me, it seems as though Silver Surfer has too many cards that want to be on the field of play. The, the late Gratification hit isn't always necessary. Something like a Sage doesn't really work. A lot of the best Silver Surfer decks still do the, Tried, Tested and True, Brood, Absorbed, Man Style Combinations. It's a very active deck. You don't even often see Sage in those lists, even though Sage obviously would get to a tremendous power being played late in the game. It's, it's technically competing for a slot which is similar to what like Gwenpool was occupying.
Cozy Snap:Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Gwenpool is doing in a deck like that, Gwenpool has a lot of really good hits in Sebastian Shaw, Brood, and et cetera, whereas Malekith doesn't. So, for me, it's like, in the Silver Surfer style stuff, I'm a little more hesitant. I'd be surprised if it was a major impact player.
Cozy Snap:Well, to close the discussion here, I want to bring up one other area that I do like Malekith, not talked about a lot. I try to think of all the ways you could play a card, and what I like here is locations, big time, right? We've got Destroy Locations. You got a Death Domain, it's an on reveal card, it's adding that card, so because you're adding the card, you're able to play it into destruction locations, into Quantum Tunnel Realm, these awkward locations of getting that power that you just want, you just want your cards for what they do and the location messes with it. So I think that's a sneaky way that this card's gonna get that value, is that you're able to sneak that in there, possibly at the end of the game, or just on curve, where all of a sudden you're getting a lot more use out of it, and there's so many more mojo worlds, there's a lot of these locations that start to add up, and I think he's a big location winner.
Alexander Coccia:And what's interesting about them too is I had this thought, like, if you pull a 1 drop, it can't really be Killmongered, right? That's, that's valuable. They're not gonna play Alioth on a Malakith card. They're like, what 3 drop really warrants a Mal like, an Alioth? Maybe against Surfer or something like that, but, again, we just finished saying that it's unlikely to make those types of decks. And so, like, I feel like the card is generally gonna sit there safe and be able to just do its thing, right? Obviously, the on reveal, if it's something like an Iceman or whatever, is irrelevant. But maybe it's not. Maybe it's the Sage, or the Wolfbane, or the, the Silver Surfer, or whatever it is that has that, that, that major board wide impact. Killmonger would be great, considering we have decks that run Invisible Woman right now in the Sarah Control style decks, just so that you can, you know, take that flipped initiative on the bounce decks and kind of throw it back in their face by Killmongering at the, at the end of the game, right? So, yeah, there's a lot of value here.
Cozy Snap:Man, I really just want to go and bring back Cozy on the street and ask as many people as possible, is this guy from Lord of the Rings, or is he from Marvel, and just see how many people Assume this is one of Sauron's henchmen. We're going to talk about our next subject here. The next subject is a section I like to call Overrated or underrated and essentially we're just talking about cards that we think are Overrated in terms of popularity, statistic wise, also just opinion, and underrated. The sleepers, the ones that we like to bring up you know, and if you haven't been listening to a while, we, we, we've been hitting the nail on the head. We've been doing pretty well. I heard Patrick Mahomes use that statement the other day. I was smiling ear to ear. We've done pretty well on sleepers, Alex. We've done well on cards that aren't seeing play, and then, you know, if you, if you listen early, you get ahead early, you're able to play these sleepers. It's like fantasy football. If you don't get them, they're gonna be gone, it's gonna be too late. So, Alex and I are gonna give our underrated cards, and Alex let's start with, let's start with overrated. I think that's a good one. This one gets people heated, so let's start there. Overrated, let's kick it off with you. Give me one overrated
Alexander Coccia:card. Cannonball. I think Cannonball's overrated. I don't think the card's nearly as good as it used to be. I think that the Scream decks are good, because Scream is good. Cannonball's not destroying anything anymore. Yes, it's displacing things, but it's not doing the effect. Without the the classic Professor X, this card is not what it used to be. Still being played a lot, but for me, it's it's overrated.
Cozy Snap:I feel like, too, because of where the meta's shifted a little bit. Like, we, we were in a time where Zudex were everywhere, I mean, just such a huge part of the meta, and because that's taken a step back, We've seen now Cannonball Dex not get that, even any of that impact from the Professor X. I'd be curious if they brought him back with what they did to the store, and probably not. I think there's a couple cards we can safely say aren't gonna go back to their original designs, and Pro X is probably on that list. I like that! That's a good way to start things off, get things heated. And, listen, I got a couple on this list that, they're feelings based, but they're, they're more or less like, I have to remove my feelings and just look at the statistics. I've got one to kick it off, a little spicy. It's a card I like to play too, so it was hard to pick this one. I think Magic might be pretty overrated, and why I think this is no reason of my own other than pure statistics. This is on a 30 day level, all ranks, and we've got Magic at only, I don't, Magic has almost a 20%, games almost have a Magic involved. 50%. Barely 50%, by the way, on the button. Win rate, in comparison to other cards, that's extremely low, especially by popularity, that's one of the lowest. I thought that was kind of interesting. Having magic in your deck could be worse. It doesn't
Alexander Coccia:surprise me, because with magic, you're giving up so much tempo on turn 3, 4, or 5, like Godfrey would be playing on turn 5 at this point. There's been so much power creep in the 3 cost, that like, it is heartbreaking to play magic, right? Because they get such a huge advantage, and then like, We got so many well scaled decks like Dina's and all these things just scales so effectively from the early game that they're like, Oh, I have a seventh turn. Okay. I got stuff to do. Like in the old days of magic, where you played it on turn six and then they were like, bro, what am I going to do now? I just played my thing. Now I got nothing in the barrel. Right. Yeah, that's not the same way. Now, like people, like the decks are so tight that like, there's always a place. So I like to call it a lot because like. I still like to play Magic, but it just, it feels so much more risky now, and not from like a, oh, they're gonna take Limbo away, it's like risky from a, I'll never catch up, I'll never financially recover from this, is the way I feel when I play Magic.
Cozy Snap:Well how about you switch it up on me and go and do an underrated here, give me an underrated card that you think is a little bit of a sleeper that could go up.
Alexander Coccia:Well, I was, I was going to talk about Speed. We kind of poked at him before. Speed running a 55 percent win rate at 3 percent of the meta. Absolutely remarkable statistics from this card. He is just so good. Speed's great. We already talked about him. But okay, we're going to do a bit of a deep cut. I have been playing lots of Discard lately just because I want to and no one's doing the the, the missions for our, our guild there. So I'm trying to, you know, help out the team a little bit. Proxima Midnight. I gotta say, it's so underrated. This card is so good. I know it's not one you probably expect me to talk about, but it's ability to reach into locations, it's ability to just be an extra kind of proc for Morbius. I've had situations where I've had to use it to get like, it gets hit by Dracula, right, which is kind of cool in terms of the power play done there. I think Proxima Midnight is honestly underappreciated right now. Like, we got Scorn, we got these fancy tools for this card, but like, it's a 4 7 that finds its way onto the board, and sometimes it's exactly what you need.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I like to call this a card being played that is underrated, right? Like, people are playing the card, but it's not getting the respect it does deserve. But what I find so interesting is Discard as a whole, Alex. It's like, the Discard community finds the one deck that's working, and everybody shifts over there, right? So maybe it's Hela for the stint. Dependable Discard gets a cold shoulder. And then, funny enough, on my underrated section, I thought maybe we were going to line up yet again with another card. Mine was Black. Knight. Black Knight. This is a card everybody lines in together with. We've got a 55 percent win rate. Win this thing does get played, but it's less than 1 percent right now in the last 30 days. Less than 1. That's a crazy lopsided statistic here, and I think it's just a underrated card. I think there are ways to play it. Obviously, we did get a big nerf to Ebony Blade, and with the with the increase of Shadow King, one of the more played cards in the game, obviously, it's gonna be tough here. But I think that's kind of wild.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's a good thing that Shadow King got buffed, right? Like, I mean, I was seeing absolutely no point. But anyway, this is a whole other conversation. Black Knight is great. It's a great card. And like, it had its heyday. And then when they changed the power can't be reduced part of the the Ebony Blade, it kind of completely fell off. Because I think people were a little scared. It still can't be destroyed. It still has a lot of versatility there. And it's a shame, because I think that with Black Knight, you were playing things like like Ghost Rider. Like, It's so fascinating to think that, like, when specific cards bring new archetypes into the fold, like, cards like Ghost Rider and stuff that you don't often play, they get brought in too. And so, like, I think it's healthy for the meta if something like a Black Knight is viable, because it gives these different flavors of how things can be played. And it's way more interactive than something like a Hela. Like, if I'm gonna pick a discard deck to be the primary way to play discard, I don't want Hela to be the way, honestly. I'd rather have Black Knight. I'd rather have Dependable Discard, because those feel much more much more fun to play. Do you, can I do another underrated card before we move on? Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Because I know one thing I'm just dying to talk about. What do you got? I feel like I talk about it all the time, but Grandmaster deserves more respect, okay? It's a 2 3 at this point. Okay. It is such a phenomenal card. I love Grandmaster. I put it into so many decks, and the first thing people ask me is, How do I sub Grandmaster because they don't have it. I understand keys are expensive. You're not gonna spend tokens on it because it's a bit of hopium. But like, Grandmaster is legit a great card. It's so good. I've been loving it. I feel like it's underrated.
Cozy Snap:Hey, I like it. I like some of the way, like funny enough, what I try to do is I like the way that you, you're going with cards that are played but could get way more love behind them and we saw that even with Shadow King in the pre days, like, he was being played a little bit, but we were like, hey guys, play him more, play him more, he should be played more here. And I agree, Grandmaster, the stuff you can chain off you know, kind of almost feels like Odin now is to the wayside, and you can really use Grandmaster to serve a lot of the role that you're trying to get out of him. Definitely a good pick there. My another underrated, this one is surprising to me. I'm gonna go with High Evo Classic. The classic builds of High Evo, Alex, are pushing near 60 percent win rates of all ranks put together. It's 57. 5, so not quite there. But the classic builds, and it's, hold on now, let me get the right statistic, it's only 1. 8 percent currently of Marvel Snap's all meta. That's crazy, that's really good statistics, man, this could go up even more with the Hazmat build with Malekith and the, and the, and the kind of the Abomination build. I think this is a while for a deck that was once the absolute, you know, star child of Marvel Snap.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, this was one of the absolute top decks, and like, one of the top performing cards was Wasp. Remember Wasp used to hit two cards and stuff like that? I actually had been experimenting with a classic high evolutionary deck where I was running Frigga in it. Cause I had this thought of like, hey, I could copy Cyclops and play Cyclops on 4 and now you have 2 Cyclopses pew pewing all over the place. And it's just extra value, but it's a little slow, right? Or turn 5, that would have been the extra pew pews, and But yeah, I do like High Evo a lot, and I feel like it's just out of meta relevance. And when I was testing it, like Hulk was still getting to like 18 power. I didn't need to run Infinite. Like it was getting to like 18 power. Abomination was regularly 1 or 0. Like it actually has, it runs like a pretty well oiled machine. Luke Cage isn't being played that much. The challenge is, Is that we've had so many crazy combo decks come out, that like, it's hard, even with an 18 Hulk, it's hard to win two locations on turn six, cause you got Thenas popping off, Searchers over here, like, there's so much power going down right now, it's like High Evo in and of itself, just doesn't compete power wise in a sustained way like some of the other decks currently do.
Cozy Snap:Well as a quick shout out too, I'll just You know, snowball this in here. Red Hulk right now is only around a 3 percent play rate across the entire meta of Marvel Snap. 55 percent win rate, so you are getting a really good win rate if you play the card. But that is the lowest we've seen him at in a long time, which means it's a good time to play High Evo.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, no question, right? Like, it's the rock, paper, scissors. Type thing, which I know I just tilted you saying it in the wrong order, but you have the Red Hulk, right, which is supposed to counteract the High Evo, if it, if it's not in the meta, you, you can definitely play High Evo as much as you want without that much fear and realistically, we're not seeing much Morbius and Mobius, so the Abomination style builds, they're fine, you know, so I, I do, I do like the color. What did you call it, Rock, what did you call it? Rock, Paper, Scissors. Yeah, that's what it's, that's, that's the normal way to say it. That's the normal way? Rock, Paper, Scissors? What do you say? Rock, Scissors, Paper.
Cozy Snap:No, well, okay. Yep, there's you. Do you eat a Reese's with a spoon while you say that?
Alexander Coccia:I do, actually. Right out of the freezer.
Cozy Snap:Let's go to overrated a little bit, buddy, and then we'll move on to the subjects. Listen, I came here to pick some heat, and one of them is against a card that I love, and you mentioned it earlier. I like the card, but, if I look at the statistics, it has me a bit worried, a bit sad, and maybe A bit overrated, Iron Lad, holy crap, 50 percent win rate, nearly 49%, that is awful at a 5 percent popularity, so he's being played, but gosh, he's not doing what he used to do, and that's for a number of reasons, but dude, between him and Magic, I tried to pick a couple cards that I'm like, wow, Maybe I should be taking these cards out of my deck. The whole point of this segment, guys, is to encourage you guys to maybe take some things out and put some things in. Are you shocked by Iron Lad at 50%?
Alexander Coccia:That actually does shock me. But at the same time, like, you're s The meta around 4 drops has shifted in such a way where, like, the 4 6 line on Iron Lad's just not enough. It's just not enough. Now what benefits Iron Lad slightly is the reduction of play of the Darkhawk based decks with the change to Rockslide recently, but still, it just doesn't, it just doesn't punch well enough yet. It's just not punching up enough right now considering how much power is being put down at the forecast. Heck, even Crossbones is seeing play right now after its buff and everything like that. So yeah, Iron Lad just, it just feels like it hasn't quite kept up.
Cozy Snap:What else you got? I got a couple last overrateds. What, what else you got?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, if you want to talk about an absolute garbage card there's a card that I was thinking about that I think is completely overrated, and I can't believe anybody would ever play it. It's actually seen play in the Scream decks, which disgusts me, but like, can we take a second to just appreciate how brutal Arrow is? Arrow is such a trash tier card. I don't know why anybody in their right mind would not, A, would play it. B, I don't know why anyone would even like the card. I think it should be removed from Marvel Snap as a whole. And C, I think that if you're the kind of person that's ever gone on record to say that you actually love Arrow and it's your waifu in Marvel Snap, I think you should take a look in the mirror, give your head a shake. Because this card is pure garbage. It needs to be removed from Marvel Snap. And if you're putting it in your Scream decks, you are huffing so much copium that you need to seek some medical help immediately.
Cozy Snap:Why are you the way that you are? Next up after that, we have a couple that I was shocked at and I'm gonna rapid fire through these in, in, in consideration of, of Thanos. Or of time, what the hell. Thanos, though, is the one I was gonna bring up. Thanos at a 48 percent win rate. That's right, 48, Alex. That is not good. That is not a good win rate, and he is getting played, so definitely, Overrated in the sense of his popularity. That one shocked me. And then a couple quickfires, as I said before. Doc Ock at 48 percent as well. Pretty bad, but being played a fair amount. And then lastly on my end, Shuri. Shuri is only at a 50%. Again, just like Magic, barely pushing that. And I think we've talked about this before. It's because, it's kind of because of the day and age that we are in Snap, right? There's not a lot you can do to fix her, too. Because you can't make her lower cost. And you got some weird stuff with like, Symbiote, Spider Man, whatever. Not exactly a banger of a card at the moment.
Alexander Coccia:It's crazy to think that a card that completely broke the men in the past, that doubled power, isn't good enough anymore. It's like, what has happened out here, man? I mean, that's the thing. That's the thing. People talk about the two, the two evils of card games and TCGs. You either get power creep, or you have to do rotations. Like, those are the things that have to happen, right? Things are going to stay fresh. In terms of overrated codes, you want to close it out. I got a card that I want to talk about being overrated. This might be a really hot take because it's seeing a ton of play right now. I think Zabu sucks. Like I still think this card's not good. I don't care, dude. No, I don't care if you pull the Mufasa variant on the screen. This card is garbage. I still don't think it's good. It's seeing a 49 percent win rate at almost a 10 percent play rate, nearly a negative cube rate. Dude, this card is poo. The only reason why people are playing it is because the supporting cast that the deck it's in is too good. Like. The supporting cast, this card is garbage. It's just everything around it is overpowered.
Cozy Snap:It's such a good, you know, what it is, is it's such a good coin flip, right? So in the sense of like, if you open your hand up and you've got Zabu and you don't see your fours, it's like, man, you're gonna go way above that statistic you just listed. But then, you open up, or you don't even get them, and you've got four, three of the fours in your opening hand, then you're bringing that statistic way down. So he's so worth it to have in those decks because of that coin flip being so heavily favored, right? But I do understand. I also love, like, I respect the disrespect over there. Like, I'm like, you know, I know you might like Iron Lad, but, you know, he's just not a good card. You're like, this, this card's just pure This card just, I like it. I like the passion. I do like the passion. To Intel Maya dude, Scream as an underrated card, just quick note, 57 percent win rate, Alex. 57. Only 3. 8 percent popularity. And I think that's just because only 3. 8 percent people in Snap right now own the card, because they have saved up for the other ones. But Alex, that does bring us to our last segment, my friend, and that is today's game. And that is what I like to call the popularity game. Is it popular? Is it not? We're going to talk all about cards popularity, and I mean their play rate in Marvel Snap. Are they played? Are they not? Where are they landing? We're looking at all the ranks combined last 30 days. You guys know the drill here. I'm going to be putting Alex To the test, not only on the popular side, but also more on statistics side, looking at pool 1, 2, 3, how good is your memory? Remembering specific pools and or series numbers. We'll have to see. Alright, first up, Alex. We've got a card right now. It is at 0. 1%. You know what they say there? That means that nobody, except one person probably, is even playing this card. Is it Kang? Leader? Or Drax, and a couple other information there. Average cubes is negative 0. 46. 3 percent win rate. Who is it?
Alexander Coccia:First of all, I just want to make known here that he did not tell me this in advance and I did not have a chance to study. So I am purely going off of like Of
Cozy Snap:course you didn't. No one goes on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and they ask a question like, Sir, I didn't study this category. Like, Of course not, you need to be prepared, this is your job.
Alexander Coccia:I, okay, that's fair, that's fair, buddy, we're, I can't wait to do a game show on you, bud, I'm gonna actually roast you. King, leader,
Cozy Snap:Drax, 20 seconds. Drax,
Alexander Coccia:I'm going with Drax. Final answer? It feels like Drax numbers, it feels like Drax numbers.
Cozy Snap:It is Drax numbers, correct, right off the, right off the rip, Alex starts with a 1 0, guys, clap in the air where you're at on your way to work. Give them a hell yeah. We got our next one up and that is going to be well I didn't write down other cards compared to, so I'm gonna, this is called the flyer. I will not deduct your points here, okay? You're not gonna get this. Let me say this, it's a Series 1 card, okay? Average cubes, plus 0. 11, 52 percent win rate, 0. 5 percent popularity, so almost no one plays this card. Who is it? Misty Knight. I would've like, I would've lost my mind. It's White Queen, it's White Queen. So hey, listen, that's like the, that's the flavor pick, but it's my bad not writing down other options. Let's continue on. We've got Valentina Mirage or Omega red with the popularity at 0.7%. Who am I? Valentina is the worst. Valentina Mirage. Valentina. Think on it. Mirage think on it. Or Omega red? 0.7. I
Alexander Coccia:mean, for me, of those cards I would lean. It would have to be Valentina. No. No, it can't be. I bet you Valentina's is higher. I bet you that's Omega red. Final answer. I hate when you ask me that. Yes.
Cozy Snap:Dude, you're two for two. I can't believe you got that one. That's impressive. I, I thought you maybe would have gotten Mirage there. Or Valentina for that matter. Yeah, Omega Red. Talk about, I wanted to put him in the underrated section, but I think at this point it's just proven that like he's just maybe not consistent enough. With Storm's change too, way worse. I don't know, just awkward at his stat line. I remember when we got his updated notes before he released. Colleen was like, this might be too good, and then it just wasn't. It just didn't end up being that. Anyway, we've got next up, popularity, 8. 6%. Ooh, it's a high number here. Kate Bishop, Sage, or Brood?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, that's actually hard. That is so hard. I bet you Kate Bishop's higher. I bet you Brood is lower. No, I wouldn't say that, maybe. Wait, now who's the third option? The right answer? Kate Bishop, Sage, or Brood? It's probably Sage. It feels like Sage, because I think it's seeing experimentation and bounce and stuff like that. And I think that's approximately the meta share for those decks.
Cozy Snap:It's Kate Bishop. Unfortunately, you got the 2 for 1. It was funny though, you did call that, so Brood was lower. So, and to be fair, Sage and Kate are close. They are close. They're neck and neck there. So that was a, that was a tough one. It's okay, you're 2 and 1. You're doing great. You might run away with this with your your new vehicle. We have a lot of vehicles owed to Alex at this point. Put it in writing. We're gonna move right along here and I'm gonna say, oh man, this is, I don't know if you'll get this one. Do you remember a lot of pool one cards?
Alexander Coccia:I try to, yeah.
Cozy Snap:All right, name two of the three. I'll give you a half a point if you name just one of them. Actually, you're gonna name one of them. So two of the three. Top three most popular pool one cards right now. Oh man, what kind of question is
Alexander Coccia:this,
Cozy Snap:man? Like, that is so
Alexander Coccia:hard. Well, it's Iron Man number one Iron Man has to be number one. Who else would it be? Is Iron Man right? Continue, sir. Come on, man. Okay, continue. Oh man pool one. Who else would be a really good pool one card? I don't know, man. Right now? Shoot. Just thinking. Just thinking right through the list here. I want to say Hulk, but no, it can't be because Hulk isn't being played that much in the high EVO base builds. Can you give me a hint on cost?
Cozy Snap:We have a 3, a 1, and a 2. So Iron Man is not there. I think he's number 4 or 5. Are you kidding
Alexander Coccia:me? Iron Man's not even on 4 or 5. He's very high. He's very high, but he's not on there. Oh my gosh. If Iron Man's not there, I think I'm out of luck, man. I just told you.
Cozy Snap:3 cost, a 1 cost, and a 2 cost. I just told you. I
Alexander Coccia:mean, right now, man,
Cozy Snap:could it be The three costs should be easy. You should get the three costs right now.
Alexander Coccia:Really? Yes. Well, now I'm scared, because I don't know what it is.
Cozy Snap:Ha ha ha! It is, in order, Cosmo at number one. No, no, no, no, no! Blade at number two. I already said Cosmo You're taking too long! We gotta move along, sir! Okay, I'm just saying, for the one drop, I would say, maybe Iceman. I just said Blade, but close. Who So, Cosmo, Blade, who's the two drop? And it's in the theme of that
Alexander Coccia:Cosmo, Blade, who's
Cozy Snap:Morbius? I screwed you up with that. Don't, don't worry about in the theme of just give me another two jump. That's not Morbius. I was going to say,
Alexander Coccia:isn't Morbius a pool two card? Actually. I'm not even sure. Yes. Man, I don't even know. I give up. I give up. Call it. It can't be Colleen Wing. She's a, she's like, wait,
Cozy Snap:I didn't answer. I need another 50 seconds to derail. It's armor, armor, Cosmo, Blade, and Cosmo Cosmo, Blade, and armor are the top three. It's okay. We're gonna move right along. I'm not going to take the points against you on that one because I'm a nice guy.
Alexander Coccia:That was so unfair. That was such a
Cozy Snap:hard question. There's more coming. So, Super Scroll Agony, Doctor Strange. Super Scroll Agony, Doctor Strange. This card has a 3. 5 percent popularity.
Alexander Coccia:That would be Doctor Strange.
Cozy Snap:3. 5%
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I think so. I think Doc Stray I think Little Movers is doing something right now. And I It should be more, but I don't think it is, cause peop It's good enough that people play it, but not good enough that a lot of people play it.
Cozy Snap:This blew my mind. It is agony. People are playing this card. People I know, dude. I put that together, cause I knew you wouldn't get that. I think he's not picking Agony. I was like, I could put any card here and he was just, he's gonna go with not Agony on that answer. Alright, hold on, hold on. Most popular card in the game currently, Cosmo, Shang Chi, Agent Venom. 22. 3%, almost a fifth of games being played with this card.
Alexander Coccia:I would, I would go Agent Venom here. It has to be, right?
Cozy Snap:We like to call this the layup question. And Alex ain't good at basketball, my friends. It is not Agent Venom, it is Shang Chi right now. At a 20, listen guys, listen. Falling apart, the wheels are coming off. The wheels are off. They are, you're skidding on the side of the road. But we're gonna keep going on. These are gonna be your chance to redeem yourself. It's triple the points here. And quadruple if you play your cards right. Take me out to dinner. Top 3 most popular series 2 cards are who? This should be easier. This should be easier.
Alexander Coccia:This should be easier. But I gotta like, first of all I gotta remember what's popular. You
Cozy Snap:named one earlier. Like Morbius? Yes. There you go. He's number 3. Look at everyone. Golf clap for Alex there. Okay, number 3. 2 other ones. Think about it.
Alexander Coccia:You're saying think about it because you have the answers. I gotta remember what series 2 cards are right now. That's so hard. I'm trying to think could Infinaut be one of them?
Cozy Snap:Oh, dude, Infinaut was four, so I feel for you there, but it's not.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, Infinaut was four? Okay, I'm still thinking here Oh, man, I don't know, I don't know Seriously, Killmonger has to be up there.
Cozy Snap:Yes, thank god, okay, Killmonger's there, okay, yep, and you're gonna Hit yourself for the last one here.
Alexander Coccia:It's Come on, I've got, I've got like, the first top four. Yes, it's very obvious. It's a very obvious card. It's very obvious? It's very
Cozy Snap:obvious.
Alexander Coccia:How can it be very obvious? It's very obvious because you're looking at the answer key, dude. Listen, when I was the age of ten,
Cozy Snap:I, I, like, when I could count on my, my parents wedding rings, I would know this card. Come on. That's, that's it.
Alexander Coccia:I'm just thinking,
Cozy Snap:yeah, 10 rings, I don't know.
Alexander Coccia:There's a couple tech pieces that came into play. Shang Chi came in at Shang Chi's pool, wait, Shang Chi is pool 2, no? Wait, is it Shang
Cozy Snap:Chi? It's Shang Chi.
Alexander Coccia:I said 10 pool 2. Because I was thinking in my head, Rogue, but Rogue Series 3.
Cozy Snap:Hey, you nailed it. You're a champion. That's why I was like, he's gonna hate himself if he doesn't get it. Alright, last couple ones here. We've got ooh, this is a fun one. Cause we're gonna talk about series drops on your end. So you may not know series 4 cards, but I'll go ahead and give it a whirl. Do you know the top 3 most played series 4 cards at the moment?
Alexander Coccia:Oh man Nebula. Okay. Is she on there?
Cozy Snap:No.
Alexander Coccia:Come on. Oh, series 4 cards now Ravonna? Okay. No? No? Come on, no, no Ravonna either? Dark Hawk has to be there. Okay. Is he on there?
Cozy Snap:No.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, I'm donezo, bud. Like, I, now I'm actually in shambles. If you're telling me that Darkhawk's not there, then I don't know what to do, because that definitely should be there. Hold on. Let me just think here for a sec. umm aw man go Spider. Go Spider Series 4.
Cozy Snap:Alright, alright.
Alexander Coccia:No? Okay, I'm donezo. I don't know, buddy.
Cozy Snap:Zabu, Kitty Pryde, and Noel were the answers I was looking for. We're gonna end with the last one. Most popular series 5 cards is who? This one is the lamp. This one's more of a lamp. You like, you should You say
Alexander Coccia:that, and it's like, you're just setting up for embarrassment. I said
Cozy Snap:that for Shang Chi. I mean, we already, we're past embarrassment at this point. We've moved past the chains of embarrassment.
Alexander Coccia:Is I would say Cassandra Nova, if I had to guess. Okay. Agent Venom, does he count, or is that still season pass? He counts.
Cozy Snap:No, he counts.
Alexander Coccia:He counts. Okay, Agent Venom's definitely there. I think Cassandra Nova's there. Other series 5 cards. K Surtur would be too new, I'm assuming, so it wouldn't be there. I'm not sure. I'm not sure at all. That third one, I'm not sure.
Cozy Snap:You definitely, if you thought about it, you could definitely get both one of these at least.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah,
Cozy Snap:think about like we just did series 5 as a subject on the snapchat a couple weeks ago We talked about a couple cars on there. They were both mentioned.
Alexander Coccia:They were both mentioned? Yeah. Oh Man, they're the most popular,
Cozy Snap:so of course they would.
Alexander Coccia:Okay I'm just thinking here This is sad cuz like, like, this is the most popular. Can you give me a hint? Give me a hint Cozy?
Cozy Snap:Both hints. Also, was
Alexander Coccia:Cassandra Nova on it or no?
Cozy Snap:No, but AngelVenom was. So you have two you're missing. So they came out umm They both came out over a year ago Over a year ago. That's a good hint. Wow. You're welcome.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it is a good hint, which just adds to the embarrassment of me not knowing. Over a year ago Series 5, Jeff, the baby, no, Jeff's on the way down. Oh, could it be Jeff? Can't be Jeff, right? That's a question that you can qualify or not. Okay, I'm done with that. I'm not sure. I'm gonna be so embarrassed with this too.
Cozy Snap:Nico Minoru and Alioth being the most played after Agent Venom. Folks, that's gonna conclude today's segment. Give it up for Alex, our contestant. Listen, the man has walked away with cars, he's walked away with fame and riches today. He's just walking away with his chin down, but it's okay, guys.
Alexander Coccia:Just
Cozy Snap:walking away with
Alexander Coccia:shame.
Cozy Snap:It's
Alexander Coccia:okay. Dude, that was so hard, though. And the worst part is, not calling, like, Alioth is, like, so silly. Like, I should have been able to pick up on Alioth. Because it's the series 5 cards that everyone's playing. It's like, it's so heartbreaking. Man, I gotta study next time. But you didn't even tell me we were doing a show. I found out, like, as we went live.
Cozy Snap:You did. That's what shows are all about.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy We've got a lot to talk about today because we're reviewing not only two cars. We've talked about series drops We've got a mailbag segment, which is so fun I got got a lot of questions for cozy snap which we're gonna go through as well but let's get started with the elephant in the room I mean, it looks like a big flaming dude with a giant eyebrow, which I did watch Thor Ragnarok. Cause I'm like, Hey, this guy's the guy from Thor Ragnarok. And I was correct. He's in the intro section there. And actually even Thor himself says it looks like a giant eyebrow. It actually is his helm. It's Surtur's helm. And I got to tell you Surtur. We came in at five stars last week. We both gave it five stars, but I don't know about you, Cozy. Does it feel like we still felt like we were low? Like, we gave it five stars, but it's like, like, bro, what?
Cozy Snap:Well, I love it because we both came to the conclusion that there's no way that you can add power to cards then get him to get that same boost. Like, there's no way they would do that. That would be too strong, right? And guess what? They did. And that was what blew us all away, I think. You know, I think we, Pigeon holed him into cards that would work and he was still good in those decks and now he's even better because he worked with far more cards than just the ones we mentioned. This guy is everywhere, we thought he would be everywhere. Ooh, he's a good one.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, he definitely is good and like, he has some resilience to Shadow King. This is interesting, I was playing, right, I'm testing, and like, I'm playing against non stop Surda, right? And I'm like, okay, I got Shadow King, but I'm bringing him down to a 3 5 still. And, not only that, But he's, the, the, the player's still playing tons of 10 power cards, like, hi, I can't swing everything, I can't win every location, you can shanchi. Right. And that helps. So you still like, Oh, there's still a Cull Obsidian on the other lane. Like, well, I got to do something about that too. At best you Cull Obsidian, sorry, you Shanshi and you play your Shadow King. But then like, that's your turn six play. Dude, it is a lot of power. We said it before adding three power in this game has always felt broken. Every single card that's added three power at launch has felt broken. This one has premium stats at three, five. It's legit insane.
Cozy Snap:He is as good as we thought it would be, but again, not even. And yeah, it's crazy. I mean like just playing him down, I just was like, wow, this just seems a little bit too much. And also like I, what I think sucks about Snap, one of the things I'm not a fan of, like the overall, the balance is so well done in the game, but I just hate when you're playing with something so powerful you're like. Oh, well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I will enjoy it while it lasts, because I just, just don't think this guy's gonna make it, man. Something's gonna get adjusted here, but what?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I mean, that's, that's for sure. Right. Or they just don't adjust them. I think the Fenris Wolf is the expectation to be a bit of a counterplay because you can shanchi something big, all these tendra 10 power cards, and then bring that back. I think that's the release valve. They added, I would be shocked. Not that I'm saying it shouldn't happen, I'm just saying I would be shocked if Surter got nerfed before the release of Fenris Wolf because that could potentially be a release valve because you're getting additional synergy with Shawn Chihu. Just might be one of the most popular games in Marvel Snap right now, I heard that somewhere recently. And I gotta tell ya, That, like, this card needs something. I, it can't, I can't stay like this. This is crazy. Like, I don't know if Second Dinner's, like, lease was up on their building, and they're like, bro, we need to bring in a couple bucks here, or like, what up? And like, it's just, there was people, last pod, last pod, people in the comments were like, yo, why isn't Gore the season pass card? Well, clearly, I think Surger's stronger than Gore. I, this, I can't imagine, I cannot imagine, I can't imagine a three drop stronger than this. Like, it's just, it's wild. And we've had Surfer, like, at release. This card is crazy cozy, and like, it's running a 55 percent win rate right now, and that's only infinite at 11 percent popularity, insane cube rate, like, it is absolutely crushing.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's just, yeah, and, and I don't like it when the season passes. It's such a careful balance that they have to have. And I think this is way too on the heavy side of balancing. I think this is too good. You know, you want a card that's always, we all want all new cards to be competitive. Right? And I think even me and you, I think I said long ago that I'd rather cards be Leaning towards not as good when they release, and you towards they are good. And I think this is one of the reasons why, because it's just, yeah you have a card, it's like such a quick dopamine effect, and then it's immediately met with like frustration and sadness and people are mad, or boredom, and like all these other things. Whereas, like, if he was underperforming, then you could give him a little bit of a buff, or whatever. But this guy, he's just too good, right?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, dude, it's the turn sixes, where you're adding three power to Surtr, who's already, like, over 15 power for some reason. Like, he's already huge. You're adding three there. Scar's free, so that's 11 power. And then you have, oh, wait, I still have six mana. You know what I mean? To play Alioth, who, by the way, has been by far the best card in these decks. Because you have your Scar, and then you destroy them with Alioth. You definitely have initiative, because this clown has been gaining power the whole time, he's winning his lane, you're playing Typhoid, you're playing all this stuff elsewhere, you're winning those lanes too, you have initiative, Alioth is feasting, feasting on people, because it's just business. It's just crazy, like, I, I, you play Alioth and you take out their Shawn Chi's. That's what's crazy! We talked about, oh, you, you'd maybe Fenris Wolf as a counter, you'd kind of increase the synergy with Shawn Chi, but then Shawn Chi doesn't matter when he's getting tooted on. You know what I mean? It's, I don't know, man, it is crack what's happening right now.
Cozy Snap:Very, very strong, and again, just having way more cars that could fit with him than we originally thought. And so his flexibility is, is through the roof as well. Did you feel the same about Frigga?
Alexander Coccia:Did I feel the same? That's an interesting question. So Frigga is running approximately a 49 to 50 percent win rate here, much lower popularity, about 6 percent based on 50 percent infinite the last seven days. Cube rate way, way, way lower than something like a Surter. It is clearly less impactful than Surter is. but I'll tell you right now, I like this card, whether or not it becomes like a meta shaker, time will tell, but my play experience with this card, I'm like, I like Frigga. Like, I think this card is good. Like, I think it's just fun. How do I explain this? Like, there's been cards that like sometimes you know aren't the best, but when you're playing, you're like, this feels like it has a lot of potential. I think Frigga's that. I think the week we've had with it, there's been so much attention on Searcher that I don't think we've cooked enough with Frigga yet. But I, I come away impressed with this card. I actually like it more than I expected.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I didn't even get to get a video out on it because of what happened with the computer, but what I will say is when I was playing this, just like my, my day one build for fun was a destroyed deck, and I'm like, Well, because why not? I had a Deadpool style of deck, where that Deadpool was getting built up, right, and you, you had that, that you could get an easy just copy of Deadpool. Carnage felt good on Curve, or okay, at least. Venom, clearly a clear cut winner. Death was awesome. Dare I say, Sabretooth, man. Like, I was doing a bunch of crazy stuff that it all kind of worked, it all felt good. You also got the power of Briga, if she's out there, right, so. Even if the Venom is in big power, it's like, okay, it's at least a little bit of a something card. I liked her especially in that build, and in other builds, because there's so much possibility. She was fun. She was fun.
Alexander Coccia:I was thinking about like how, okay. So first I started with testing like high Evo stuff, and I felt like copying three costs was a little too expensive. I think the exception was Cassandra Nova. Cause with Cassandra Nova like if you play her and she's a six power, she comes to your hand as a six power. And then it's just gravy on top of it. The next time you play her, right. Very cool card. And in some ways it's almost like playing absorbing man in that case, except it's a little slower. So how do you make best use to Frigga? Cause if you're playing Frigga on turn four. I think it's too slow. So I started looking at decks that really want high impact plays on turn two, and so I started playing Ronin because you literally can master mold and then you can Frigga or what I was doing was I was you're playing her with Thena because Thena has tons of inexpensive cards and then I would copy, you know, a Thena and then I would play Frigga Kitty Pride or Thena and or whatever. And like, now you have two Theenas bouncing up. It's six additional power on the board. It's absolutely wild. I really, really enjoyed playing this card, and I think that like we're only on the onset of its synergistic play. King Eitri comes out eventually, and I think that like the the Mjolnir's and the Stormbreakers with Beta Ray and with Thor could potentially be synergistic here as well. So I still think there's room to cook. So what you're saying is she's a MILP? Yes. Yes.
Cozy Snap:She's a mom you'd like to play. Yeah, it is. I'm so glad you put that together. She's a MILF, man. Very good. I think we won't see the last of her. I surely will cook up probably a deck this week just because I missed out on last week, but yeah. This fun stuff with Thor and Beta and all that good stuff. One thing I forgot to talk about with with this guy is you mentioned Cassandra Nova, and I feel like Cassandra Nova got a little bit of extra brownie points as, as Silver Sable, because when you hit those 10s, and you take them down to a 9, boy, does that feel good. And it is a good way to kind of slow down this machine.
Alexander Coccia:No, there's, there's no question. It is right. Even a card like we should, we should have probably talked about an underrated us agent as well. A really good meta play right now for those reasons, because the way searcher resolves is if a card comes in either on typhoid Mary or on us agent, if the ongoing effect is present, it will not proc the searchers plus. Plus three power, right? So I like that call it a lot. And one other thing I'll say about Frigga too, we're kind of all over the place here, but Frigga, I tested her in a bounce deck, which I thought was really neat because on occasion, maybe you didn't have the tools to bounce yet. And Frigga gave me like an extra opportunity to like, okay, I'm just going to copy the Iceman I just played or, or whatever, or I'll copy Toxin. And then like, it's pretty interesting how you can use her in bounce. Cause it kind of like, it gives you extra tools and Silver Sable. Rocket Raccoon. They're all cards that scale the same way that, like that Cassandra Nova does, as we said, that additive power is brought to your hand that you can then utilize afterwards. So, I just want to say that while Frigga, I think, on the onset, might not look particularly exciting, I think the card is actually pretty interesting, and I like its effect, and I don't think it could have been any stronger. I don't, I actually think it's pretty well balanced. It feels impactful. Could it have been a 3 4? Maybe that would have taken the skill too far, you know what I mean? Maybe, but I feel like it's okay.
Cozy Snap:I thought maybe they didn't, I don't know, take it to a 3 4 because Thor's that, and it's like, well, it's Thor's mom, she's not as powerful, I don't know, maybe they went with that route, but yeah, I, I do think so this is one of those variants, by the way, just slaps so much harder than the than the the base one. I bought
Alexander Coccia:the variant 2, I saved the spotlight keys and bought this variant 100%, I don't do that very often, a lot of the spotlight very, especially for the new cards, tend to be really good. The, the other stuff, like, oh, the, the other filler's been so bad in the spotlight caches. Like, I look at these spotlight caches and I'm like, what are we doing, man? Like, I just
Cozy Snap:Okay, this is a good transition to serious drops in the subject of this, right? Because we're going into the holiday season. We've got Pokemon Pocket out a little bit, right? And it's like, alright, listen Snap, you got, you got one decision here, okay? You can milk the pockets. This game is so far, man, again, go look at Google Trends. This game is so far from dead. It's doing fine. But it's like, you, you're at this crossroads where you've got competition. Is it gonna last forever? Who knows? But what I do know is, You've got to give the player base more here, and you can either choose the path of milking more of, of, of of the player base's money, or of just the game. Listen, I've seen mobile games die. This game's not gonna die, it's not my point, but I've seen mobile games die, and then what they do at the end is they milk the ever living garbage out of the player base before it ends, right? That's not the path they're going, but, they can go that path, or, they can fix some of the stuff that they gotta get address, and that's gonna be the Spotlight Cache system, and the, the monetization of the game, just period, right? Maybe I am saying the word wrong again, I think, right? I don't know, I always say that word wrong. But also in that, is series drops. This is their chance to get things right. The, I, if we get another, and these guys have already dropped, but if we get another Howard the Duck Ghost Spider kind of series three, it's like, it's so tone deaf at this point, and it's so obvious that I remember the days where we were surprised when we got She Hulk on that first list of series drops. Wow, what a great car to go down. You know, kudos Second Dinner. I, I, I, you know, if this series drops hits like it, it's, it's Quite frankly expected to. It's, it's just going to be met with so much disappointment. Give us some crazy winners, man. We're going to talk about the cars we want to see dropped. Give us some big winners of cards, man.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Like last time I remember they dropped absolute garbage garbage. They dropped garbage that no one wanted with the exception of one. I remember they dropped Nebula and I was like, finally, like that is an actual legitimate card. It's not meta breaking. Ain't nobody complaining about Nebula out there. Great card to have dropped down to series four. I'm glad they did it. And we have some series five cards that they definitely can do the same with. These are high quality cards that people want to play. And I like what you're saying here because. Competition benefits the consumer. And we're in a situation here where, yeah, okay. Pokemon pocket might be eating a little bit of a Snap's lunch and we got some other competition out there. That's a good thing, right? And with regards to the monetization I, I'm a little hopeful. Because recently they took away the double gold from the shop. You know, I used to buy and used to get like the bonus gold. They said that that was messing up their economy a little bit and the way that they were trying to generate value. And so they got rid of that. And if that creates a much more resilient monetization system in the sense that like people are getting more equitable value for their goals and for their money, then that's just a win. And if they're trying to take steps to fix that, then that's good. But with regards to series drops, This is a freeway, I mean for players anyway, a freeway that they can, they're not selling variants, they're not selling, there's, what they're, what they're selling here is they're selling like the belief that they actually have the player's interest in mind. When they do their series drops, they have a chance to send a message that we're here and we're going to actually make decisions that benefit the player base for the long term. And
Cozy Snap:I believe in Snap, I believe in Snap and I believe in that team and I really hope that they land on that belief because if they don't, listen, like I could have, Easily, very easily. In fact, I had to talk to my wife about it. It is a decision that I elected not to do. I could have gone to Pokemon Pocket and have done great. I know I could have, I I, it's a, it's a, it's a card game. I love Pokemon. It all made sense, but I love Snap. I love it. I do. And, and it's, you know, you could call it like, you know, not letting go of something. I don't even think we're near that yet, but we'll take those steps if Snap continues to elect on the decisions that aren't being made, and I, and I have. I have my, my faults with it with listen. It's been now years removed for the team where I was doing, you know, the Loki season thing and all that. Like, I haven't talked to a lot of them over there. The communication has all but been gone. I mean, I talked to a couple guys. Glenn, you're awesome. Love, you know, the communication that you open up amongst others. That is missing, especially when you look at other teams. I want that. But my belief is still in that team over there, and I hope As we move in, we get Giraffe Mode, we get these things that are skyrocketing, it starts here with series drops and I'm hoping it's a win.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and let's just get right into it then and I absolutely agree with you, and by the way, I'm gonna, like, reiterate, I absolutely do believe, do believe that you could have absolutely crushed Pokemon Pocket, like, your talent is so unbelievably incredible for content creation, and we're fortunate that you're here, and I hope that second dinner, And along with the whole player base, recognizes that we're fortunate that Cozy Snap is still Cozy Snap. Oh
Cozy Snap:dude, I, well, I don't come at that as like a cocky approach or like, I'm a great player. No, I agree dude. Like for me it was more of like, it's a card game, there's a reason why everyone on the card game genre went over there and they weren't all Pokemon fans, right? And I'm not calling people out, it is what it is, that's how new games work, it gets flooded. Just, if I wanted to chase the buck, right now, Snap numbers are down, period. In discussion. If I wanted to chase the buck, that would be the way I want to go, but I, I believe in Snap, I like Snap. I probably like Pokemon almost as much, if not more, as an IP because of the, what it did to my childhood, and again, looking back, I mean, literally half my studio is it. But, I want Snap to get to that place that I know it can get to, and we're a couple of things away from it going right, and a couple things away from it taking downward trends that I don't, you know, that I don't want to see. So I appreciate that, you know I'm as good as the next guy I always say, but I appreciate the words there. Let's talk about some cards, though. For me, I, I'm always, always around and always a believer behind the fact of cards that have been out a long time. Right, you have Scar right on the bubble. Sure, it's within the year. Can I go ahead and kick things off with something like Nico Minoru, okay? We've got Nico who is now going on over a year, just talked about as one of the most played cards currently within the game, one of those popular cards. This would be a massive win. To go down in series Gus.
Alexander Coccia:It's literally the number one on my list. Moving Nico down would be such a huge benefit to the community. It would be incredible. And it sends a message first of all, because like, it's a card that everyone wants, but it can be hard to fit into your collection, despite its versatility. It's also a card that anybody that's competitive likely already has. And so moving Nico Minoru down, Minoru, geez Nico down. I'm just gonna say Nico. I'm gonna get roasted in the comment section. Moving Nico down, it's a great move for free to play players, it's a great move for like, Dolphins or Season Pass purchasers, people that are on like, They have to count their tokens, right? It's a huge play for those people, because anybody that's like hyper competitive or whaling or whatever, they already have Nico. Moving Nico down, know what you do? You give a high five to the players that need it most.
Cozy Snap:Yep, absolutely. Nico, yeah, Nico's very high up on that list. And a couple other ones, because we've had the Red Hulks come, we've had the The gore coming out. I think Blob came out December. Good little anniversary of his release. Go ahead and get him down and overall his, his his going down to Series 4 I think would be a pretty good win. There are cards I don't think they'll bring down, like the, the High Evos, the Lokis. Like, I don't expect those cards to go down. The, the nature of how they're built around it, I would like for Loki to go down. I, there are some that, like, okay, it's kind of a deck within itself. I can see the case in point. I I think, though, I just don't want to see the, ah, let's put Black Swan down, even though it is within the year for the year. Oh, let's put, you know, and for this case, Sebastian Shaw is going to go down. I see that as just like a clear cut card that they, they, it matches their, what they're looking for, right? There are cards, though, I expect for them not to go down. I just hope they don't go and, oh, let me scroll to the bottom of the list here and see. Okay, Supergiant, she can go down. She's quite literally awful in here. Okay. You know, does Annihilus go down? Is that a card that is going to be deemed worthy? I'm not sure. It's a
Alexander Coccia:spotlight cash though, right?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it is a spotlight cash. But yeah, so highlighting some of these like really cool ones. I mean, hell, even Alioth could go down because why not? He's not a big bad. He's been out for a while now. It could be time to bring him down as well.
Alexander Coccia:I don't think they bring down a lot. I don't think that that's, that's gotta be one of the ones that just, that's gotta be one of the most purchased ones. I imagine so. And I think that like a, like a big six drop that has a really interesting effect, that's the kind of car that like. I'm okay with maybe staying up because like it feels big baddie in a way, you know what I mean? Like I think it's a really high impact card, but I'd be surprised if they brought it down. But a card that I think has to come down. Again, I'm thinking about like the free to play player in mind, one of the most budget friendly decks out there. X23 has to come down.
Cozy Snap:It
Alexander Coccia:has to,
Cozy Snap:right? I'm glad you brought X23, Iron Lad, and Jeff. I think those are non negotiables. I think those three are you look at what they do, you look at how long they've been in the game. Even now, like, Iron Lad's right, right? It's like, hey, alright, let's listen. What a cool card to go down to. That, like, that would be a really, like kind of fits that Nico build. Kind of awkward. You can't add it to your collection all the time. Does work. He's been in enough spotlights. X23 now is, I get it, the pivotal piece to destroy. Knull's already gone down. I think it's time to bring that down as well. And then Jeff has been around that forever. I think it's time to take him down as well.
Alexander Coccia:I would say, if I had to pick of those, I can almost guarantee X23 goes down, Jeff stays up, and Iron Lad's the wild card. I don't think they ever bring Jeff down, cause I feel like Jeff is the barometer of power level for 2 drop. And when they started drifting above it, I think they nerfed it down. I feel like they look at Jeff's stats, and they see White Widow, and they're like, it's over Jeff, bring it down. I feel like that's it, and I feel like it's gonna just be a big bad, it's a big bad baby shark.
Cozy Snap:You know what they also have, is they just have the numbers behind what cards are bought with tokens. Like, period. Like, there's statistics of cards, and what they're gonna do, and what they probably do, is look at that. And I'm sure Jeff is just like, Marvel Snap is responsible for Jeff's popularity, pretty much. It's way up there. I mean, we, we, I literally talked to one of the people who are responsible for Marvel Rivals, and he said, because of the popularity of Jeff, Was one of the reasons that card got into the game er, that, that character got into that game. It's gone up crazy from where he was. He was a smaller kind of character. So, Jeff could stay locked because of that, right? He could stay locked because of that. Anything else? Any, any any other callouts you want to have here that you're like, Hey, it'd be really cool if we got this character. We have a lot that came out this year that I think would be tough to bring down. What about Cassandra Nova? I feel like Nova could go down because she was a free card. Even though she was a new card, she was a free one.
Alexander Coccia:I would be super surprised if Cassandra Nova came down. Cause I just think it's, you're right. It's new enough that they would probably not want to do it. And also I think it's good enough that they wouldn't want to do it. Like it's, I don't know, man. I think, I don't know if it's Cassandra Nova's time. I think that'd be a cool play, especially because you're right. It was free. Right. And it's a good way to say, Hey guys, we know it was free. You just installed the game for the first time this week. Let's talk all this week. You probably wouldn't have enough time to get the Cassandra Nova anyway, the token shop, but let's, let's reduce it. I can see that. How about called Obsidian though? And the reason why I bring up Cole Obsidian is it's almost been long enough, I think, but the other side to that, it's kind of just a 410 big dumb guy, you know what I mean? And like, it's not going to break the game.
Cozy Snap:I can see them totally doing Black Swan down, Cole stays the same, and you're like, that makes no sense, because it's the same season. Or Supergiant down. Or, I swear, if we see a Supergiant And who did I just say? Black Swan down, and Cold Obsidian stays the same. It's just like clear cut and obvious at that point, right? It's like, alright, we're just avoiding the cards. Because those are all in that Thanos kind of season. Yeah what came out in January? Scar? Perk, and Meek. Any of those guys? Scar would be a nice gift. I don't think they will. I don't think they will be a nice gift though. Not with
Alexander Coccia:Surger being out right now, I think people are buying Scar. You know what I mean? I think Scar is making sales right now, so I don't know, I think it's too hot. I just wonder about this, I wonder how this conversation goes, where it's like, you know, like the team sits down and like, hey guys, like, We drop Nico, that's a nice move for the team. Let's keep Jeff up for another little bit, cause whatever, we like the shark. We bring down X Ray 3, and then some, like, suit comes in, right? He sits down, he's like, But what cards suck? Yeah, they're
Cozy Snap:looking at the paper, and they're like, This suck, who, who did this? The community, come on now! No, it's like, listen, they don't have They've shown that they, they wanna get their game modes perfect, They wanna do all this. So this is an easy layup. This is an easy layup, that I don't think is gonna hurt the top line. Like, Get, get, get players back in with some of these key series drops around the holiday, around Christmas, around December, would love to see it.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, you know what I would love to see? When they announce the series drops in December, which I, it's like early first week of December, second week of December, that range, I don't, I should know the exact day, I think they told us the exact day, good job for us doing our research, I guess. What I will say is that like, wouldn't it be awesome if they announced the series drops and then also said, Hey. Let's do seven days of logins or whatever, like a login event, seventh day you log in, you get to pick a free Series 5 card.
Cozy Snap:I would love, I know that there is games that people thought they would never do that, these these, like, Gacha, Hero Collector games they used to play, and I remember, I used to play the Star Wars one, and you could log in, it was like for the two year or something, and you could log in, and you got to pick one character to unlock, and I was like, wow, that was really cool, and I think they restricted some of the newer stuff, Yo, that would be so dope. And if you have them all, here's 6, 000 tokens, right? Like, that would be such a good And this would never happen. Or what if they were like, hey, every card is gonna go down one step. We want to turn the leaf. All fives are going to four. All fours are going to three. Talk about setting them up for to fail. That'll never happen.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that's like literally that we talked about like huffing insane amounts of copium. That's like an air balloon amount of copia You are drifting. Oh, that's a that's a
Cozy Snap:all right We our servers are going down soon. Like we want to just get the cards to people Yeah, no, I don't expect that to happen, but it would be cool to have like a pick your own thing
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and we've been talking about Series 5. Any Series 4 cards that could go down to 3? Like, I was thinking about, like, Snowguard. Like, I think that's going to go down because, like, no one's playing it anymore since they murdered Actual Loki. I'm going to say Actual Loki. The current Loki sucks. I hate that it's an Erishim card. Bring it back. But I think Snowguard goes down and okay, I know you love this card technically, but you also don't play it because it's trash. Jean Grey, what do you think?
Cozy Snap:I mean, there's been enough Jean Grey variants out there. I'm sure it's not a bad one to throw out there. I mean, by now, they have to look at the numbers on how many people just even have this card. It's probably just a safe one. I think Jean Grey could definitely go in there. Jean Grey, I mean, like, this is another category, like, the Knulls aren't gonna go down. Modok, I think, could. Potentially go down. I think he just kind of fits the mold there again. Dark Hawk, I think is kind of locked in space. I'd like to see Mobius go down and with Mobius help, maybe Ravonna. I don't know if they'll do those, but I think those both fit the mold of series three,
Alexander Coccia:I feel like tech cards should drop, like they should drop faster because they give tools like tools for the tool belt. For, for players. Right. I think that's kind of important. I could see Modok dropping. Cause if you think about it, let's say they're thinking like fiscally, all they, they need discard cards to buy. You got scorn, you got Proxima. There's still, you got Corvus. You've got this card cards in the series. Rob, you can drop Modok. You know, big, big pixel two guy. You can drop him. He's okay. He can, he can get in there and also for relatively new players, he'll work in swarm based decks, right? With Mobius and you get those pretty early on. So I think that dropping a MODOK would be a good call.
Cozy Snap:So incoming, we're going to get a docking dropped. We're going to get I just, I can see the cards now. I hate it. Just
Alexander Coccia:wanted to say docking because we haven't said it in this
Cozy Snap:podcast. I feel like we need to, I can just see them dropping him. No question. Yes. No guard. Selene. We'll have to see but yeah, man, I think those are all good. I think those are I think we got our emotions out here and yeah, it's in there. Ball's in their court.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, that takes us to the Snapchat mailbag. We got a fun one today here because we got a couple questions for Cozy. We got one real Marvel Snap question in there as well, Cozy. Hope you're ready, but before we get into that, there's very, very important comment here. Comes from Modica, because we spoke about it last week and people couldn't believe it actually existed. The purple gum that tastes like soap is called Thrillz. It's a Canadian brand. And Katie asked an important question afterwards, which was, Why would we create that? Yeah, I think you said it was an American brand, too. Apparently it's Canadian, that's why I got, I don't know, I got confused, I guess. But it's called Thrillz. And on the actual package, which you see on the screen right now, if you're watching it actually says, It advertises that it tastes like soap. It says it still tastes like soap on the package. It's, it's part of their marketing appeal. So I don't actually understand who's buying this or why, but it exists. And Cozy, next time I come down to good old sunny California, I'm going to be bringing a pack of thrills for you. Can't wait. Dude. What? Okay. First of all, it might actually be applicable. Do you know? Okay. I don't know if this was thing, but my mom used to say, like, I used to say a bad word, I'd say like poo poo or something. My mom would be like, Hey, Hey, I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap. And instead of doing that, she could just give me some throws back. You chew that gum for the next hour. Do you chew that gum?
Cozy Snap:That's some, that's some child protection services coming at you right there. No, it definitely used to be. I still think that's a thing. It was more of a boomer thing, but I think it's still definitely people still wash their kid's mouth probably.
Alexander Coccia:No, they don't actually physically wash their kid's mouth with soap. That is that though. I don't know who
Cozy Snap:does. Someone does. Someone's taken that literally and done it.
Alexander Coccia:Next question comes from Fiesta, and this is a Marvel Snap question, Cozy. Cersei's probably my favorite Series 5 card apart from Cannonball. She's slept on 100 percent and is really fun to use. I like playing her and Annihilus, which itself feels like a forgotten archetype. I feel like we can revert century or introduce another player for Annihilus because he's not doing so hot anymore. I just don't see him and it's sad. Back to Cersei, though. Her surprise factor's unmatched, and I feel like she deserves more playtime. Really makes your opponent guess because will the void get sent over or will it transform? I love the mind games. I bring this up, Cozy, because we just talked about sleeper cards and underrated cards and stuff like that. Where does Circe fall on the list for you?
Cozy Snap:I think I talked about it like last Snapchat. I'm pretty sure, like two Snapchats ago, I brought her up for my favourite card. Of the season. And it was Circe. And so I would agree with what that person has to say. I love her. I think she's fun. I think she's very RNG. And I like that, but there's also cards that you can play that benefit that. Especially going fours to fives is always really strong.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, there tends to be a lot of really high impact fives, especially Kang the Conqueror. You get that Kang, you're like, oh, what a day to be alive, you know what I mean? It's a really good feel. But generally speaking, I like the idea of like It actually is a great counter to junk too, right? Because you take all the junk that's on your side to the green goblins and stuff and you flip it, which I think would be particularly interesting. But again, not seeing a lot of play. There was a moment in time where it was being seen in some competitive decks, but hey, alas, that time has since passed. Now we've got a bunch of questions for Cozy, and I'm going to say, I want more questions. Next week, I almost want to be exclusive Cozy questions, because I find these very fun. Let's dive into the life. So, get those comments down below, and the first one for this week comes from Kyle Miller, and it reads, Cozy, you have mentioned Smite quite a few times on the Snapchat. What is your current or all time favourite god to play? And their all time favourite would be Thanonis, and the current would be Surter. I don't know if I said the first name right, but whatever.
Cozy Snap:Good picks, yeah, oh man, I mean, ClassicMe wants to say Poseidon, just because, like, I remember I mean, it's just such an easy comic to get down, man, and a lot of fun to get to release in the Kraken. But yeah, I'm gonna go with that just because it was my first gold to but yeah, it's been a while since I played SMITE. It was one of my more played games when it came out. SMITE 2 in beta, I believe, right now. Really fun game. And a lot of respect. I know when I mentioned Smite, I did the, the Closet. Talk about a Closet fan based game. It's gotten bigger over the years, but Closet fan based game. And love to see the comments in there. Cheers to you, buddy. Keep playing.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah. For me, like, obviously, like, it's, it's MOBA centric. I was a huge Dota guy. Also really liked Heroes of the Storm from Blizzard. It had a really fun feel. I liked how the entire team gained experience together and stuff. It had much faster games. Like, Dota's like a 45 minute to an hour. Slogfest, and sometimes it's a disaster because like your, your guy's feeding and you have to stay in this game, like you, you know, the problem with Dota is you know you're going to lose within the first six minutes. And you're in that game for an hour and ten. It's like, you know it's over within ten minutes, and like, you just have to stay in it. Oh, that's a whole other conversation. Is this therapy? Is this DOTA therapy? I'm not sure. But, we have another question from Valentia, and it reads, Cozy, what's your go to comfort food? Especially when you're grinding for clips, but you can never seem to get them. Ooh, grinding for what? Clips like for like you're trying to get some games for videos and stuff. Like what do you pound in between scenes?
Cozy Snap:Hmm. Oh, yeah, I typically don't eat Between scenes, but I would say well comfort food. So I come from the south a little bit. So Occasional food is always big comfort food for me so Probably Seafood Man. Dude, I'm a foodie. I can, like, I put down just about anything. I'm not a particular big dessert guy. So, like, I think people may think comfort food. They're like, good old man, like, I fried chicken. I just like some of that. That's always good. That's always a good time. I like, this is like a weird healthy choice, but pita and hummus is always just solid, like different, like, spicy hummus, things like that. Quick, easy finger food, I guess. Sushi, Pokey, Pokey's a comfort food. I don't even know if that goes as that. A lot of foods. I'm a big, I'm a big food guy.
Alexander Coccia:What about you? I can tell, actually. You know, when I met you you know, we were chillin in person, gettin some some food and stuff like that. I managed to offend you with every single meal I had, cause I'm not a foodie. And you're like, bro, like again, the fish taco situation, stuff like that. Right. And I can tell you were ordering stuff and you were like, you knew exactly what you're ordering. You were like min maxing flavor compositions. How about that? I'm like, I don't know, bro. Give me the meat. Where's the meat? You know, you're like a fish
Cozy Snap:taco place. And he was like, where's the chickie nuggies or like a Mexican restaurant. He's like, where's, where's, where's daddy's chickie nuggies. Like, where are they?
Alexander Coccia:What I will say though, you bring up like like fried chicken, dude, I don't know if, okay, this is, this is a Canadian take, so I'm not sure if this is a hot take or not, but the Cracker Barrel is fire. Dude, it's not expensive, and it's so good. Not sponsored, but hell, I'll take a sponsorship from Cracker Barrel, I'll deal, I would smash an entire, like, deep fried chicken nuggy meal right here, right now, if they sent it to me. I don't know. They mail it. It'd be cold. I don't care. I would smash it. Like Cracker Barrel is straight out fire, man. Okay. Is it popular in the States? Or is this just a Canadian that it's weird. I, we don't eat like that.
Cozy Snap:So I had Cracker Barrel a lot barrel a lot in Texas, but I went there for breakfast more than I did anything else.
Alexander Coccia:Why? I want chicken for breakfast.
Cozy Snap:Like, no, it was like, it was like biscuits and gravy. What's a biscuit. Whatever. No, seriously. Is that like a cookie? What's a biscuit? What are you talking about? What's a biscuit? No,
Alexander Coccia:I don't understand,
Cozy Snap:so
Alexander Coccia:you said biscuit. You're trolling, you're
Cozy Snap:trolling, you know
Alexander Coccia:what a biscuit is. No, I'm assuming you mean like a cookie. No. Like a, like a chocolate chip cookie. To be fair, that is the
Cozy Snap:European, like, that is the word for a cookie in Europe, or I guess now. That's why I'm
Alexander Coccia:like, your parents brought you to a Cracker Barrel and fed you like M& M's and cookies. You've never heard of a
Cozy Snap:biscuit before.
Alexander Coccia:I don't know what you're talking about. I've heard of a brisket.
Cozy Snap:Hold on hold on there, Alex. Because what's crazy is, like, I'm just on normal Goo yeah, look at this. Okay, so I'm on normal Google right now. Just type it up. I just, all I did was type up the word biscuit. I just typed
Alexander Coccia:biscuits, I have a whole bunch of cookies.
Cozy Snap:I guess that's how you know. I guess, I guess that's like how you know where you live here. Hold on, I'm gonna bring it up on screen here for everybody everybody to see. Yeah, I, I thought this was definitely a thing in Canada. I'm actually shocked that this is I thought maybe in Europe, no. This is biscuits and gravy right here.
Alexander Coccia:No, I don't know what that is. I've never seen
Cozy Snap:that before. No, this is the biscuit though, the bread part, see on the, on the right where it says, the little bread part right there, that's the biscuit with the bottom half. It's like you know Pillsbury Doughboy?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but that all recipes at the top, it looks like Man Thing. Like the eyes and then like the weird beard.
Cozy Snap:The over, over easy eggs. The picture looks like Man Thing. Over easy eggs? It does look like Man Thing. Yeah, it looks like Man Thing. These are kind of, these are pretty intense biscuits and gravy, but that is biscuits and gravy.
Alexander Coccia:We should have just left that ad, like just right across our faces for the entire podcast. Yeah, that would have been great. Next question, Cozy, comes from Big Boss Odin, and we're gonna close it out on this one. Okay. I think there was a slogan for a while that was, there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's or something. Alex's take on how to eat a Reese's is questionable, but still within the realm of acceptable. Boom. Roasted.
Cozy Snap:No, man. No, it's okay. Hey, listen, it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to be a little weird that makes everybody different. That's what's beautiful about people. And I'd rather people that are weird. All right. I like weird people because the same old normal stuff is normal, but I can now say, I know a guy that eats Reese's with a spoon and people would say, that's weird. I'll say, yeah, but he's Alex to me.
Alexander Coccia:That, you know, that means a lot to me. I do appreciate that. And for the record, I only eat it with a spoon if it's been in the freezer, because I think it's really cool. Cause the outside gets really crunchy and the inside is still soft. I think that's pretty cool. What I won't do is I won't eat pizza with a fork and a knife. My wife mentioned this cause I talked about how I eat Reese's with a spoon. And she was like, yeah, you eat tons of stuff weird. She's like, you eat tons of stuff weird. In fact, like, do you know how there's like yogurt? She mentioned this. She's like, you eat yogurt weird. I'm like, what do you mean I eat yogurt weird? Cause I like yogurt. That's not pre mixed. I like when it has the food at the bottom. But I don't mix it, so I'll eat most of it, and then when there's like, just, almost, we're almost to the fruit, then I'll mix the fruit into like, what, little yogurts left? And I get this like, super massive flavour punch in my mouth, with like, all like, the sugar, sugar rush there, she's like, yeah, that's so weird, she's like, most people would open up the yoghurt and mix the bottom into the yoghurt, but you eat the regular plain yoghurt all the way down, and then you eat the fruit. She's like, that's strange too. I was like, okay, Cozy would love that, I should mention it, he's not gonna make fun of me at all.
Cozy Snap:No, I think that's normal, I like that. I don't eat yogurt. You like that? I don't eat a lot of yogurt, but if I did, I'd probably eat it like that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I can't eat a salad that hasn't been, like, tossed within, like, a container. Like, do you know when, like, people, like, they have salads and they put it on a plate and they just put, like, the salad dressing on top? I can't eat it like that. It needs to be fully shaken.
Cozy Snap:Ah, that makes sense though, because you get the dressing kind of all over all the leaves.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and also I need a separate plate for my salad. I'm not someone that can mix food because like, you know what I mean? Like I, I'm the kind of person when I eat dinner, I have like four different plates. Cause like each thing has to get its own plate. I don't like, I was at a restaurant where they had dude, they had gnocchi. Okay. It looked so good. And they put garden salad on the, like beside the gnocchi. So the garden salad had all the sauce on it. I almost took the whole dish and threw it against the frigging wall, man.
Cozy Snap:You're the guy that's like, We're on the, you really want me to break up with you. And so you just keep trying to lean into more things you do weird. And you're like, no, but I also do this. I'm like, it's okay. That's fine. And you're like, yeah, but I also do this. I'm like, Alex, I love you, but I also Alex stay with me. I love you.
Alexander Coccia:Well, thank you. I am glad you accept me for who I am cozy. That's why I love you too. Thank you so much for watching guys. And we'll see you on that next one.
Cozy Snap:Thank you guys for coming, have a good one, have a great one, till the next one! Happy snapping buh bye, bye, goodbye!