The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
New War of the Nine Realms Season | October Cards In Review | Top 10 Series Five Cards | The Snap Chat Ep. 105
Will this new season be god tier with the gods? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in October? What are the top 10 series five cards? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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What's going on, guys? I want to welcome you back. Brand new season here in November, and it looks like absolute fire. All about Norse mythology, and it kicks off with Surtr as the Season Pass card. This guy looks ridiculous for a 3 cost card. Alex and I, as always, are going to break down our synergy and early thoughts on the card, but also rank all the cards this season with Frigga, Finriss Wolf, we have Malekith. A ton of bangers coming out, and Alex and I will give our initial impressions and debate what we like, what we don't like, and what to save up for with the spotlights and more. We're gonna talk about that all today, more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, on this fine November Monday, I'm joined by Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend. How we doing? Brand new season, brand new episode. Excited as we are Norse theme here today, man. Got some fun cards to talk about. But before we talk about cards, I have to ask you, we have not talked about this yet. Is Daylight Saving Ti Do you guys do Daylight Savings Time over in Canada? Cause it is I think it is the worst thing ever invented.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, we do it here. It's not by choice. I I think we just do it cause you guys do it.
Cozy Snap:Just like, ah, they're doing it too. Why not just throw Does it get dark at, like, in here in San Diego? Dude, the sun set at, like, 430. Like, it was, it's dark. And it's, it's 5 o'clock right now, and it's dark. It sucks. I hate it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I don't really fully understand the purpose of it. I'm sure someone in the comments will be able to explain it. Like, I know there is a reason why we do it, but it's like, it seems kind of random to me. Like, I don't know if I like it. I'm kind of like really ho hum about it.
Cozy Snap:This, I'm the guy that's not qualified to talk about it, but this is what I think it is for. I think back in the day it was something to do with farmers and their crops. I'm like, I think, and that might be way off. I think someone told me that one time in my life. All I know is in California, we voted no, like we voted to get rid of it. And then they were like, no, we're going to keep it. And now you wake up, it's dark, you go home, it's dark. If you guys, I remember when I worked at hotels. I would go to work, dark, and I would come home dark. And I'm like, well, this sucks. And what I want to do with the kid for the rest of the, you know, we do a lot of stuff outside. So, you know, especially in San Diego it's sad. I hate it.
Alexander Coccia:It's so funny to hear you complain about that being from California, dude, everything that you're experiencing is so much worse than like Canada, especially as you get Northern, like it's way colder, it's way darker, it's way darker earlier. There's actually less sun time. Like you guys get more sun time than we do. So everything that you're upset about, it's actually way worse where I am.
Cozy Snap:Okay, so I just, I should've complained. Like, if I'm ever mad At daylight saving time, I should just be like, you know what? Alex has it worse.
Alexander Coccia:I was actually thinking about this as well. This is totally random, but like, you guys don't even have to worry about like the type of tires you put on your car. You just put on summer tires, right? Like we got to worry about winter tires or all weather tires. We have to like, consider that it can be 20 degrees one day. Then the next day it could be negative four snowing with like, like ice all over the roads. You guys just don't care, man. No, it's just like, bro, we don't even have air conditioners. We just drive our cars with like wooden blocks. It doesn't matter.
Cozy Snap:Bro, if it rains even like a little bit, first of all, people are like, Oh my God, this is amazing. Second of all, people just don't know how to drive. I'm talking like a light sprinkle and people are like, I've lost the ability to control my automobile. People don't know what to do when it's not sunny.
Alexander Coccia:I heard it snowed down south at some point and it shut down like, like three states.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, Texas like died I think whenever they got like a little cold there because the infrastructures, man, like if it floods here, like if it rains here, we're done. It's over. We've got no even though we're by the ocean. Also on that note, I had to bring up got a lot of comments, Alex. We got a lot of comments last Snapchat, and first of all we did our job right. Anytime you make a tier list, if you piss people off, you know you did it right, so thank you guys for confirming that. Apparently, we both have the worst candy taste of all time, and I'm not surprised that people thought that. People are very passionate about their candy, there's a couple bad tastes. But the unity of our community came together, and apparently, 100 grand, which even my wife got on this, the 100 grand bar, is apparently God's gift to mankind. Like, I have never had so much hate in my life about anything outside this candy bar. People love their 100 grand, so I went out. And I got one! And I gotta be honest, we they were right, dude. It slaps. It's a good candy bar. I do owe an apology, and I don't think I can make it up to you guys, but I do know, I feel like we ranked that one a little later, right? Like we kinda quickly went through. A hundred grand?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it was definitely like that mid territory of like all these random ones, like Babe Ruth and all the other ones. Like, I had no idea. Like, I've never even had these before. I don't think a hundred grand exists in Canada. I've certainly never seen it before.
Cozy Snap:Listen, I'm glad you brought up Babe Ruth because, guys. It's called Baby Ruth, and I am today's, well, I was today's years old when I found that out. I don't think I knew that that was not a Babe Ruth bar my whole life. I don't think I've ever paid attention to that. I definitely haven't seen them or had them. And I saw that, and I was like, damn, I'm embarrassed, but also I don't care because I just didn't know. So the more you know, it's not after the baseball player, and as you call him, some pitcher. People got mad at that as well. The comments was gold, bro, this time around. I I loved it. We're gonna have to do more opinion tier lists on random stuff. Because people loved it, man. People loved the segment, they loved how long it is, people loved the random segments as we're have a brand new season to talk about and we're rambling now. And so we probably should get to that. We probably should get to the new stuff. Let us know what the next tier list we should do, listeners and people. But yeah, man. Fun, crazy video came out for the new season. A metal song brought me to my youth over there and Ben Brode and gang did a good job. And we got a cool season, man. Got a cool season, a lot of cards. That are gonna kinda be tough to nail. I feel like it's gonna be like a couple seasons ago where it's gonna be tough to really nail down how good they're gonna be. We know what we're talking about. Over here, Alex, what are we talking about? On your side of the snapchat.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the snapchat. We're going to hold ourselves accountable for our October rankings. We're going to go through each of the cards, their win rates, their cube rates, how well they're doing in the meta, and take a look at what we gave them going into their release weeks. We're also going to be discussing the best series five cards in Marvel Snap, doing a ranked list of those. That's going to be a ton of fun. And then, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Well, buddy, we start out with the Snapchats. Season Pass card and it's name is Surtur, if you don't know. It is a 3 cost, 5 power card. After you play a card with 10 or more power, this gains plus 3 power. And I kind of thought Gore was going to be the Season Pass card. No, it is this beautiful Fire Apocalypse Demon. And my God, are they just throwing us a 3 5 with an incredible ability to boot, Alex. This is one way to kick off a season. In my way, the right way, and it's kind of cool. We have big powerful stuff and then stuff to handle that later on as the releases go. So we got a lot to break down. We're going to talk about the spotlight at the end. So let's go to break down the new season pass card, buddy. What are you thinking about, Surtur?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, so, in terms of star rating I think I'm gonna go five here. Simple reason why is because in Marvel Snap's entire history, gaining plus three power has never been completely, like, it's always been completely earth shattering. Every single card that has given plus three power, Elsa Bloodstone, Silver Surfer, right, Dina, right, they've all gotten nerfed. Every single one of them, because it's simply too damn much. This card is a 3 5, which we refer to as a premium stat line, and it gets to a 3 8 on a single high powered card you play, a card that's helping you win the game anyways. Dude, what is this?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, you know, I think we used to do like one 5 star per season, and this one I was like, nope because, maybe, no, we don't want to spoil anything. I got a five star here too. The only knock I have against it is it's kind of narrow in application. Like there's not a ton of different decks you can play it in, but that doesn't matter because we know that big stuff equals good decks and, and that's going to obviously be the case here, right? We do have a lot of cards. That can, you know, get this guy going and, and, and getting his power up. But yeah, dude, even if you don't, you do nothing else. He's a three, five, right? Like nothing else happens. He's a three, five. Now it is notable after you play a card, so you have to play the card. It's not like a devil dinosaur is not going to count. Correct. It's gotta be well, after you play a card with 10, yeah. So it's gotta have the 10 power in your hand being played, which we'll get to that. And so there's not as many cards as you think, but there are a good amount that do synergize it. And clearly the one. You know, it's so crazy to look back how this little, this little caterpillar went to a cocoon and then blossomed to the butterfly that is Scar. I think we've got to start there, right? Because you talk about synergy, we talk about a card that when it came out was not so good, and now we've landed on Scar, who's a 611, cost 2 less for each 10 power card. Is there a deck that you play with Surtr that is not with Scar?
Alexander Coccia:No, I don't think so. Like, it's, it's such a natural inclusion, and there's a good chance that Scar could potentially even come out at two cost, free, whatever, right? Like, it's kind of crazy, and I think, I had this thought, and I don't want to like, completely derail the conversation, but like, is Scar the absolute beneficiary of Power Creep and Marvel Snap? Like, is that what, that's what he gets? He just gets every Power Crub card? It's just like, hey, hey, bring them on! Every time you hit 10, baby, that's for me, you know what I mean? And yeah, Scar, the synergy's incredible, and Well, Surger, I think, needs to, like, one of the key limitations of him is that he'll have to be on the field of play. He's not gonna, like, he's not like an ongoing where, you know, Morbius is kind of getting pumped up in the hand. He's gotta be down on three, so we're kinda, he'll wanna be a little draw dependent on that. But like, yeah, Scar is going to benefit, because if you're playing this card, you're going to be playing things that have ten power. The crossbones, and everything else we're going to talk about, right? Like, everything with ten power you're going to be playing, and so Scar's value is just, well, not the value, the cost, is just going to disintegrate. And it's value is going to go through the roof, and it's It's just a lot of power, man, because even, like, if you don't happen to play, you know, on Perfect Curve or whatever, there's a good chance if Scar is a two costed card, and you're holding, like, an Atum or whatever, like, there's a lot of four costs that reach into that ten, that ten power range. You can play Scar and one of those cards. Like, it's kinda stupid, man.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so I'm glad you brought this up, like, so the weak point of this card, per se, is that if you play it on turn six, it's not gonna work, right? But, you, you know, your finishers are typically the ones that are gonna come out, and so, You're looking at most games, I would say, if this is in your deck, most games, he's 3 8 bare minimum. 3. 11 outside of that, which is so crazy of a stat line. One play, one activate. Immediately, you're gonna get this guy to gladiator type of power, which is obviously silly, crazy, just ridiculousness. And yeah, we do have a fair amount of these that like to synergize together. Typhoid Mayor just got buffed, and we had a deck kinda that had Scar going with all those as well, and so we're gonna talk about those as we just said here in a moment. But even if you don't get anything going on, he's a 3 5, which I will give the argument, Black Swan, 3 5, we didn't like that, so, you know, it's not that you can just play that, but the nature of the decks that this will be played in is just gonna work, and I gave it 5 because of that. I think, Again, it's very narrow in application, and there's not going to be I don't love when season pass cards, like, I kind of prefer if gore was it, because it's way more, you know flexible decks there. I don't like when it kind of pigeonholes you somewhere. How creep is real here, guys? I mean, what I don't want to see so desperately is that three months down the line, two months down the line, They adjust this thing to plus two power, and then they sold their season pass. We've seen the song and dance. I don't want to see that again. It's just, why, you know, let's not do it. But yeah, man, it's gonna be If Shung Chi took a vacation this summer, a little summer vacation, he's coming back.
Alexander Coccia:And the crazy thing about this card specifically that, like, makes me completely think it's insane is that, let's say you play Surter on three. Three. Three. On four, you play Typhoid Mary. On five, you play Arrow. That card is now going to be over ten power like himself, which activates Scar. So he he becomes an activator for Scar in and of itself. And Scar becomes free. If you play them on curve, Scar becomes a zero costed card. That to me is like, bro, the fact that it activates Scar and because it starts at a three five, even if it gets shadow kinged, it's still it doesn't like Fina goes all the way down to zero. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is still like. Just 3 5. Like, you can't, you can take a little bit off the top, but you can't bring it to the floor. You know what I mean? Like, it feels so low risk, and the way you win games of Marvel Snap is by having more power in two locations than your opponent, and you're basically being incentivized to play lots of power.
Cozy Snap:Lots of power, and not to mention She Hulk, right? Like, She Hulk and Scar together, we've seen decks there, but it's like, Realistically, there's a turn where you've got enough big cards out there, and you're able to then all of a sudden Just slam down. Surtur's gonna go up. You know, Scar, She Hulk comes out together. There's only so many Shang Chis to go around, Alex. There's only so much you can do to prevent that. Shadow King's not gonna do it, even though that floor's there. So, we have things that will eventually be able to counter this a little bit later in the season. But right off the bat, man, it's gonna be, it's gonna be crazy. I mean, Shang Chi It's a must tech card this month. An absolute must. That's how most people are gonna want to win their games, and if you don't draw your Shang Chi, it's gonna look pretty bad. It's gonna look pretty bad my friend. But on that note, right, I think Shuri is a very interesting deck. The old Soran kind of Shuri builds with Typhoid even now. That just kind of works with this. You have enough of these big power cards. Again, you're not trying to get your Surtur to, you know 14 power. A couple of bump ups in power, it's fine, and it's kind of naturally going on curve. He's a 3, works into the Shuri, and then you can at least activate him maybe twice.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, those Sauron, like Zero decks probably could see play with, with Surtur as well. Like, definitely I 100 percent see it. Cause, like, they, they prioritize these high power plays, and like, Red Skull in and of itself. And, like, you don't even need to hit the Shuri, right? Typhoid Mary procs it and if you don't draw into the Sauron playing Surtur on turn 3, of course. We, we did see those decks, traditionally did, used to run. A you would play Shuri, skip turn five, and then She Hulk Taskmaster. But because of the change to Taskmaster, you can't do that combination anymore because Taskmaster costs six, and on turn five, you only fill five energy. So you, the She Hulk still costs one. But those decks, I think, are perfectly situated to take advantage of wanting to just put up like tremendous power and let Surtur just kind of run up in power.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, what's cool is you could do, like even the kind of old school magic decks, right? You throw magic down, and then you can do I mean, back in the double up She Hulk slams with Infinite you're gonna be able to pull off some really unique combos here. It's gonna be big power equal big win, right? But there are gonna be ways to make that a little bit different. For me, outside of just, I mean, obviously, we can go through some of these big cards here. But outside of these big cards, man, there's two in particular that I think are gonna be in almost all these decks. It's gonna be Armor and Cosmo as that compliment card. Now, obviously, if the deck is like the Soron one, it's gonna have a specific build to it. But I think Armor is going to be one of the most natural cards to have in here at 2. Because why not, right? You can protect your lane, even if you get, the fire demon late. You can play Armor and him on 5 together, power him up on 6. I think Armor is the most natural inclusion here.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because you're going to see people trying to like, literally Grandmaster Shawn Cheese, right? Like, it's going to be stupid. And we even have cards coming out that we'll talk about later that are going to be able to like, Resurrect, Destroyed Powerful Cards, and like, so, the prevalence of Shanchi, if you hate Shanchi now, just, just like, get ready, get ready, yeah, buckle up, because it is gonna be stupid this month, Shanchi's gonna run like a 50 percent play rate, and I actually had this thought, like, I wonder, I wonder if Shanchi gets changed, like, I wonder if they bring him down to like a 4 1 or something, because, He could be a potential target for a nerf if they want this, like, big goofball 10 power meta to be a thing. They're probably gonna want to discourage Shanshi play. It would not surprise me.
Cozy Snap:I think they want to encourage it, though, almost, because it's like, he's been out for a while, it's a way to kind of, it's the way to limit this a bit, and so it's kind of that. Defense offense approach, if you will, like the old combat triangle, the old fire water leaf type, you know, in Pokemon. That's probably the the case there. But I do know I was looking at just how many 10s we have, right? Inside, we have a Tuma, we have Black Eyed, you know, I can see a lot of Black Eyed, but Crossbones, Coal Obsidian, Typhoid Mary, all of these are playable. My lady! My girl, Arrow, who's also 10, but also doing something, which is super unique, and then you get to a lot of the 6 costs. There's, there's a good amount out there that you could just play naturally in a lot of decks.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, Cull Obsidian's a great example of one that has like, such a relatively easy thing to like, deal with. Right, like it is, it's so straightforward. And so like, yeah, Cull Obsidian's an easy call there, and we've always joked about even if they shanchia Cull Obsidian, it's like, Okay, like, he kind of did his job then. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it took Shang Chi out of the match but like, there, there's so much to say to like, okay, you're gaining plus three power, starting at a three eight, you're activating Scar, and like, literally, it's, you're, you're just putting more power on the board. The only concern I have, and you brought up Sebastian Shaw before, this is a concern I have, Sebastian Shaw on paper looked incredible, but because he only fit into like one archetype, and I would make the argument that Surtur is going to go directly into those Scar archetypes, and it's not anywhere else, does it become a trap? Like, is Surtur like a trap the same way that Sebastian Shaw kind of was?
Cozy Snap:I think he's a we, power boosted cars are just like across the board worse, right? We've seen that, but you are correct, and that's why I started out with it. I gave him a 5 because of like him being a 3 5 that's easy to get to a 3 8, right? But, he's super narrow! Like, there's just not a lot of places that you're gonna be able to play him, and so, it's like, okay, would we give Shaw a 5? Well, no, it's like, if you like surfers, what we say, but he is a 5 in surfer decks, right? So, it's like, this is, I'm gonna be curious what we can do outside of just the same old, you know, we're gonna see a lot of Scar. If you drew Scar, and you drew him, then you win. If I didn't, I lose. If I got Shang Chi, I don't wanna see that meta, that's gonna suck. I hope we, we get some a little bit different there. But yeah, that would be what holds him back a bit.
Alexander Coccia:You know, there's no question, and I have a, I have a like a, kind of a pitch for you here. What about Zabu? In my early designs, I was trying to figure out like if Zabu had a place here, because on turn six, you can technically play two of the cards that might want to be played alongside him. But, Zabu would be competing with that three slot because Surger you want to have down on three. You discount a four drop to three cost. You're not playing it on three anyway. But I still think that there is a chance that the best version of those decks might include Zabu because you have enough of these ten power four drops you might want to get onto the field.
Cozy Snap:So I always go when I think of Zabu, right? I do like Zabu, but then I always think about Psylocke. And I, because when I think about, especially these ten power decks, I'm like, well, I'm When you're thinking about kind of how they, they work here. My keyboard dad. That's awesome. When you, when you think about how these these work, it's like, well, I almost would just like s lock anyway because let's say you have she Hulk in there and you do the she Huk thing, or if you want to go with, you know try to play the six out early. Yeah, I get it. If you play around two, you can't play him on three. So I guess you have, you know, a little bit of that messing with you, but. To me personally, I think Psylocke could be a play in a lot of these decks because she synergizes a bit better with them and one other card I haven't talked about.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because you could play Psylocke with Surtur on turn 5, right? And then that would give you the opportu not, I mean, No, you're still short, right? Because you would need 8 energy to play two 4 drops. Like, if you're trying to play, like, a Tuma in Crossbones. Or, Cull Obsidian and Crossbows. Those are like the kind of cards I'm thinking about. Zabu, provided that they're both hidden to the deck. But I mean, even if like, you're, if you have one in your hand, you're still operating on seven power. Because you have to draw into it. So maybe it's a lot trickier, the lines, than, than I originally had expected. But, my original designs, I had, I had Zabu, then I cut him, because I was like, I just don't think it works. You'd probably be better off running a 10 power 6 drop. You know what I mean? Like an Alliance or a Magneto, you get the plus 3 on that end, and then technically a Magneto is of 615, because you're getting plus 3 there, disrupting the board and stuff, right?
Cozy Snap:So I would have a Psylocke and let's say like the She Hulk deck because of, again, having an extra energy, you could float early. Or, the other card, I'm like, what else would I want to play early, and what else do I think works here, in general, the last kind of synergy that I have with this guy? And that's going to be Gwynpool. It's like, okay, so when they come out, they've got to be 10 power. Well, there's only really, there's not, I was like, you know, you can't do Blue Marvel, you can't do any of that, but Gwynpool is the only card that if you play down, you get your cards above that rate. All of a sudden you're able to play, let's say a Sasquatch deck. And it's like, oh, okay. That that Mockingbird that's a nine goes up past 10 power. Now at this point, play that down and you're able to cheat these out. So Gwynpool would be the only other one that I think has a little bit of salt and pepper to a different mix, if you will, and it could add some value to him as well.
Alexander Coccia:Gwynpool's been one of those cards that, like, on first glance, you're like, nah, probably doesn't fit in this deck, and then you play it, and you're like, damn, Gwynpool actually helps a lot here. And it might be the thing to tip things over, like the edge, getting over that 10 power, but at the same time, it, like, it's, it's hard because, like, You're playing Gwenpool on four, but like, you could be playing Cull Obsidian. You could be playing, you know, you just could be hitting the effect. You know what I mean? And so I guess you got to trade that if you're playing a magic style deck. But then if you're playing magic, like when Surge are coming out, like you play magic on three, Surge has to come out eventually. Then turn four, you play the Gwenpool, then maybe turn five. Then it's like the Psylocke Surger play. And then you're going into those next turn, just pumping the ten powers down.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, because to me, I think three eleven is a goal, right? Like three eight's really nice. That's really nice. And then 3. 11, dude, it's like you're happy. So like, yeah, if you don't play them on 3 in the, in the Limbo decks, you should definitely at that point be able to at least play She Hulk plus Card, right? So there you go. That's 3. 11. That's my eyes on it. But yeah, I think that might be a route that I start with though, is this Psylocke, Gwynpool, Limbo deck where you, okay, you got three cards in there and you're like, what are you trying to do? And it's like, well, can you make that work? Where it's a little bit different. You know, that's, that's gonna be my, my ultimate goal with this card. Very limited, very narrow, but I think most people we've seen in the past, Red Hulk and friends, they like big power. They like playing big power decks. So it is not an archetype, it's just big power. And if you like that, you're gonna like this Season Pass card.
Alexander Coccia:You know what absolutely upsets me though about this card? It pisses me off so much, and I can't wrap my head around solving this problem, Cozy, and I hope you can. The unibrow? No, I think the unibrow's awesome, honestly. I'm a unibrow ficiato, like, I would love a thick ass unibrow like that, but what actually upsets me is I can't, I don't think I can make this work in Surfer. I actually don't think I can. This might be the only three costs that is as try as I might. I can huff shipping containers worth of copium and I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can work make this work in a surfer deck, dude. Let's
Cozy Snap:You go Gwynpool and you have Gladiator that you hit Gladiator and Shaw and you can play Shaw and Gladiator and get them up.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, okay, I'm sold. Done. This is now a surfer card. I
Cozy Snap:was like, I gotta give you something. I gotta give you something to beat your head against the desk on stream. And you're like, I'm gonna make it work. It's surfer, let's do it. But honestly, as I was spitting that out, I'm like, but maybe. But maybe. So you're
Alexander Coccia:telling me there's a chance.
Cozy Snap:You're saying there's a chance, as the good ol Jim Carrey says. Now listen, buddy, we're gonna go from this card to our first card. Card coming out alongside him, and that is Frigga. Now, guys, she's a 3 3 as of what we know right now of the card. On reveal, add a copy of the last card you played to your hand, if able, Alex. And I know we've talked about her we, we looked at the datamines long ago. But what do we feel about it right now, man? What do you feel about Frigga? Give me a star.
Alexander Coccia:This has been a weird one for me. I'm going three stars on Frigga. Simply because I think that this is a cool effect. And I, it kind of reminds me of Cloning V. A. T. S. And like, do you know when you get a Cloning V. A. T. S. game and you're like, oh, hell yeah. I like Cloning V. A. T. S. games. You got certain cards that really pop off on it. You're like, oh! I got, like, Wolfsbane. I don't know if you're playing Wolfsbane in a Frigga deck, but I'm just saying, if that is in your deck, and then you, you're able to play Wolfsbane on 3, and on Frigga you play you know, something else than the Frigga, or Frigga then something else, I should say, because you want to copy the Wolfsbane, if it works the way I expect it to, you should be copying the Powerback, no?
Cozy Snap:You, definitely, I think you will copy that Powerback. Here's my I think I'm gonna give her a 2, and I, it sucks because for me, I really think this is such a fun and interesting card, and I'll be honest, it's like one of my most anticipated ones to mess with, to play with. I have a lot of different designs, because I think there's a lot of crazy things you can do with cloning. Number 1, if it was add a copy of the next card you played, would be way better, because you could curve her out much better. Her power to cost ratio is garbage. Just terrible. Don't really like what they did there with the 3 3 stat line. Because what I was doing is, as I was kind of putting all these combos together, I was like, man, Frigga's cool, but she curves out really badly, like, when you're trying to play her. Now, it's gonna be the case of some cards, you know, let's say Anti Venom, which is probably gonna be one of the cards that really synergize with her. But it's like, where it just didn't curve out great, I kind of feel the same way here. You're gonna have things that pop off awesome, I can't believe I copied that, and then there's gonna be things that kind of fall a bit flat. If she, the thing is though with her, is if they ever adjusted her in any way, I then love the card, right? 3 4, I'm much more interested. 2 cost, I'll lose my mind. I don't think they could do 2 cost. I think it, 2 cost sets her up so much better for success. Like, Alex, would you want a 2 1? Frigga.
Alexander Coccia:It's a good question, I think I'd take a 2 1 Frigga, yeah? 2 2? Yeah, I can
Cozy Snap:see that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, cause like, I thought, you know what's funny? I was thinking about like, which cards really benefit from this, and a lot of them happen to be 3 costed. Yep. And like, you think about like, Cassandra Nova, right? Would love this! Would absolutely love this! You could play Cassandra Nova 3, Frigga Iceman. Boom. Everything's awful for them.
Cozy Snap:And that's where I'm like, man, Will I and everyone else who, you know, I've seen a lot of negativity on this card look like fools because does she give that much viability to Surfer decks, right? Like, you think about it, this is a Surfer card through and through, in my opinion, like, why would it not be? And I think this and the common theme of this season, if you will, you're getting a lot of synergy with her son, Thor. Thor is definitely, this is something that they're trying to do with this season. Thor and the Hammers, Alex, easily is one of the best lines you can get. And our friend Beta Ray Bill. Those are going to be the two, I think, cards that kind of work well, but Surfer in general, most of those, I'm not mad. If I get a copy of said card, and it works better because of the way that the deck works out.
Alexander Coccia:The tricky thing for Frigga, and the reason why I like, I'm a somewhat enthusiastic, like, 3 star, and I actually like your 2 star rating better, to be honest. I'll stick to 3, but I do absolutely agree with the 2 star rating. Is that, at 3 cost, she, she, you're committing a turn. And you need to copy the card to the hand, so she can't be played on six. She has to be played on three, four, or five. And because of that, and the fact that you have to commit the energy to play the copied card, it makes her much more narrow than I think people would expect. Or actually, it's exactly what people expect. It's narrow, that's why there's some negativity around it. She doesn't seem very versatile at all, whereas like, if you compare her to something like a copycat, you can play copycat whenever you want, man! Like, it's like, this card, I can play whenever, and Frigga's not like that.
Cozy Snap:Exactly, it's that you have to, you'd have to quinjet, maybe erish him, because you have so much energy, but like, you'd have to quinjet. To get the benefit there and even if it was like in it cost one less I give us something there. Give us something because yeah, you okay. You played something down really cool. Okay? Well, then you have to hmm Okay You have to waste a whole turn playing that again and like the only thing I saw that working was again the hammers cuz they're Free that works out really well. It curves out great obviously that's gonna work with some of the other cards that we talked about but then also when I thought about cloning vats to your point like What am I just like, I'm going to win if I get this? It's destroy and venom stuff. But again, like why am I putting frigging destroy build? Sounds like copium to me.
Alexander Coccia:I don't think it is though. And you've touched on a couple cards that like, I think really could go well, like Venom does work well, but the trick, like you play Venom on three, but then like, Venom isn't usually played on three, like, you know what I mean, but with Frigga, it actually negates that, that downside, so if you have like a, a Deadpool and a Wolverine in a lane and you play Venom, right, and you're like, oh, well, that wasn't great, but then you get to play, you know Frigga and Deadpool again. And then you can Venom that. And then you just absorb all that power, right? So, like, I think that sometimes, like, you'd rather, on turn three, you'd rather play Deathlok. You'd rather play Deadpool Carnage. Like, there's, and then Frigga kind of smooths that out. The only concern I have is, like, we joke about it all the time. Destroy, like, that's 12 cards. It's so hard to penetrate that list.
Cozy Snap:I think it'd be a different list. Hear me out. I think things like, and okay, all right, just, things like Dawken is one that I'm like, okay, you get two of those. Fantastic. There it is,
Alexander Coccia:Dawken.
Cozy Snap:Dawken, I had to say. But also, kind of makes sense, right? Things like Doc and things like hey, maybe Surter, right? Because it's like, you play him down, okay, you can maybe get a couple of those engines going. And in Destroy, it's like, alright, big Venom, big Death. We might have to reimagine a bit of how this build is gonna go. But I think that there is a world where we could get something going. Now, again, Venom is not a 10, so it's not gonna work out that way. But there are things to activate him. I just, I don't want to be a skeptic. I do think Destroy, Surfer, and Thor are gonna be the builds that you see come out. But what I love about the card, Alex Is that, with like, the fun decks, Mr. Negative, Pixie, right, you've got, you've got some really cool decks that are crazy, and this gives you that little bit of extra boost to it, and I know I'm throwing a lot at you, but you know, let's, let's take a second, Pixie, Mr. Negative, and Anti Venom. I love that.
Alexander Coccia:No, you're actually right. Pixie was on my list of cards that I think could work 100 percent with this card. Because, like, you, your opponent can't really figure out, first of all, it works on curve. Secondly, your opponent, like, cannot really determine, like, what happens after a Pixie play. So you get a lot of snap equity there. And when you get, like, a one costed I don't know, Red Hulk, and then you cut, you play it, and then you frigate it, your opponent's just like, GGs, like it's donezo, like I can't do anything, right? Mr. Negative, I think is a much more deliberate line, because like, you would basically play negative on three or four, and then you would play one of your, like, you'd play like an inverted Iron Man, and then copy it right off the bat, so like, I think your hand has to be a little more perfect, but that's like Mr. Negative right there, like, that's just,
Cozy Snap:I would say if you pull him on three or you could play him on three with like Psylocke or whatever, she's amazing. If you can't play him on three, she's tougher because you have to hope on the top deck, right? So like, you would have, let's say, Ferga in hand, you play him down, you have to be like, okay, I hope I get Knull, and then you play that Knull right away, you play Ferga, you get the copy, then you get another top deck. So I do think there's stuff there. Pixie, to me, is already such a roll the dice that I like that a bit better. And same as Anti Venom. I think Anti Venom goes up a star. We'll talk about him on the other side, obviously disappointed a little bit. But, like, I think he goes up a little bit here because getting two of those zeros is crazy. But then, remember, you've gotta draw her, you've gotta have things play out the right way. It isn't always going to be the way that it works out, but I think I do like her best in these kind of fun, crazy cheat decks.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, like, I think Anti Venom's a good call, and I think it actually does improve it quite a bit. There is a card I want to talk about quick. I got one more thing, which one? Okay, so I want to give, I want to just give a little bit of a shout out to Ravonna and hear me out on this. Okay. With Ravonna, I think that she synergizes with a lot of cards that wouldn't mind getting Frigga'd. Cassandra Nova, Wolfsbane, Sage, right? Relatively on curve. And because of the cost reduction, you can sync them out on turn 5 and then Frigga them. And then basically you can have Sage going into turn 6 that's Jack. You know what I mean? And so, like, I think there could be potential lines there. Where Ravonna and Frigga could work together, because a lot of the cards that I think that you would want of Frigga, that aren't like the complete crazy pop off anti Venom ones, like much more reliable, consistent ones, are Ravonna cards.
Cozy Snap:So, yeah, I actually like that point a lot, and I was trying to think of that, like, what are the I mean, we've talked about Surfer, we've talked about Thor, but what are some just, like, kind of more humble plays that you can do that she works out? And I do have two cards to talk about that I, damn near, I want to be like, hey, is she like a five star in this build? Are we just missing this? Like, and I want to bring this up because this is, this is a card, I gave it to two guys, but this is a card that we, the community could miss on. I mean, with the deck builds, I think people are thinking very narrow. I was just thinking about it, bud. Remember the Kitty Pride Shuri decks? I was like, well, Kitty Pride's the only card in the game that you can play down again, you can play. And it's a 1, so it works out at any point in time. So if you were to build this card up with Hulkbusters and Nicos and whatever, in that build that we used to all play all the time, I've seen no one talk about this. I was like, you get two kitties. Comes back to you. I mean, this seems like a no brainer, and I've not seen anything on this. Are we missing
Alexander Coccia:this? I missed it. I didn't think of it. I didn't think of that at all. On turn four, you can play, you don't even need, yeah, turn four. You'd have to play her down and then basically pick up the kitty and then you just continue like double kitty. Yeah, that's crazy. I mean, that traditional Shuri deck though, ran a taskmaster of five to copy the kitty, so you can't do that finisher.
Cozy Snap:No, I can't do that. But I don't think you need to necessarily, or even like, I think that we have other methods now. To make it work. I mean, hell, you could even do Agony. Like we have Agony now that can kind of work with that deck that we didn't have before. I'm calling it Cozy Kitty, and if you see it anywhere, it was copyrighted here, first trademarked. I haven't done it before, but I'm doing it. Signed, sealed, delivered. But yeah, I thought, I thought Kitty and the way that bounce decks work, too. I'm like, hey, there's just a lot of cards in there that, like, if I got Sable back, hell yeah. If I got, you know, you got the anti Dude, you get the freaking Agent Venom getting this right to a 1 4. Sign me up. Your figures are 3 4 at that as well. Like, I think we're missing that, and I haven't seen it, so I wanted to bring that up. Other cards at a quick shout, man. Jeff, US Agent, Scream, Madame Web. Those are all two cost cards that I do not mind having another by playing Frigga on Curve. Just thinking about that, we're trying to do all this fancy stuff, and I'm like, okay, first of all, I don't know if you've ever had a game where you got a couple Screams on the board. Scream goes bananas. Absolute bananas if you get two of them because they both steal each turn. Steal, so you're taking that power. Love Scream and the Steel Deck. US Agent, two of those in the right game plan? Beautiful. Beautiful two cost. Madame Web, a little more cheeky. Not gonna see it as much, but I kinda like the idea of Ping Pong in there. And then Jeff is Jeff, right? Like, a couple Jeffs right on curve there. You're not mad about it. So, hey, maybe you play the Jeff Frigga, Kitty Prype. I, that's where I see her working the most.
Alexander Coccia:I absolutely can like those little mover style decks where like you might actually drop a massive human torch and then just copy it right and then on your turn six you might be able to do like a Like iron fist Aranya boom boom boom and all of a sudden it's like it's just GG's for your opponent Right and I can definitely see that working
Cozy Snap:as someone who gave her a two I'm someone that is also saying she could be way better than that. We'll have to see. So we've got Thor, we've got Sage, we've got the, the negative pixie stuff. Surfer, all the good stuff. Destroy, we'll have to, a lot of testing to be done with Frigga. Way less of that than Surtur. Next up, we've got Malekith. A 4 6 Alex coming after Frigga. Odd reveal at a 1. A 2 or a 3 cost card from your deck here, but don't reveal it until the game ends. And Alex, I'm gonna give you a little bit of an out, and I'm gonna give you the chance to say 2 ratings, okay? Because I think this is how we talk about this card, I've looked into it, I cannot find it.
Alexander Coccia:I know what you're going to say because I couldn't find it either.
Cozy Snap:100 percent because it's not out there yet. I scrubbed the trailer. We don't know if you can see the card that he plays down. My understanding is you should be able to with how Snap works and how you I don't know if you've ever had there's instances, right, where, like, let's just use Dark Dimension, you can click that, see your card. So, can I see what card it brought down? Because that's, that's such a big difference, my friend, in how this is. So, if you can't see it, what's your rating? If you can't see it, what's your rating?
Alexander Coccia:I think either way, I'm leaning in, like, the 2 star range. I could see it reaching to 3, because you are adding just straight up value. I, I'm in that range. If I could go 2. 5, I would. I can see it being 3 star, like it's, I don't know man, I'm like so torn about this particular card. And I don't know if it makes a difference. I actually read the text to think that it will not show you. I don't think it's supposed to. I actually read the text as, you don't know what it is. And I think that's kind of fascinating, but it definitely takes power off it for the player who's playing it. I don't know man, I, I've actually, I literally have on my notes 3 star slash 2 stars, cause even to this moment I was undecided.
Cozy Snap:So I'm as high as a four and a half if you can see it. I'm a three if you can't. I think this is one of the best cards. Yeah, I think it's a deck thinner and that's just crazy to me. We don't have a lot of deck thinning capabilities in the game. I don't have a lot of cards I can deck thin, and so I feel like In general it will fall way more flat if I can't see what I'm doing here. And it may be too cute, if you know what I mean. Like it may just be something that you don't end up. But man, I'm just going through the cards. I'm going through the different setups that you can do, the flexible plays you can do. The guy's gonna be minimum of 4, 9 4. You go up to like a four 11 if you want to. That's got a lot of obviously good capabilities. Now, there's not a ton of cards that you want to be played at the end, but there are some that are just really strong and surprising. And so, if I can see what those are, you've got yourself a damn good card. If you can't, you have yourself a pretty cool card, a pretty unique card at that. He's very different than someone like Baron in my eyes.
Alexander Coccia:I've been talking myself in and out of a three star rating here, which I know is still like middling overall but like for me, the, the, the major question is, okay, yes, he's deck thinning, but at best you play him on turn three with Zabu, right? And you, you deck thin one card. Which is still useful, but like, if you think about what traditional deck thinning was, like that Chavez, you deck thinned five turns, off the hop, non draw centric, like you just deck thinned, man, without Zabu, you play him on four, you essentially deck thin two turns. Which is not nothing, I agree, and I think that you're like targeting cards that really want to be there, right? Like you're targeting cards like Martyr, right? Maximus, like big bodies that like are going to be good bodies to have down that'll put up lots of power with like disadvantages that get mitigated by the fact that it gets revealed by the the game ending. But like, I don't know man, I just, I wasn't sold on it, and I'm okay to be wrong on this, and I'm glad that we're actually very wide. Yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:that's good. And so like, I like when that happens, to be honest with you. Wouldn't it be fun if we didn't? Yeah, I think this is the misery of last season, right? I think, I, personally, If you're using PC, too, does a deck tracker show you? I don't think they're gonna be able to uncode that. So, like, I think there's gonna be ways. I don't know. I don't know, but the way you design your decks, yeah, it's only two terms. But you only have so many cards left over when the game ends, bro. And so, if you do this right, you're able to thin out to get a much better chance to finish off what you're trying to do here. Plus, there are cards like Shadow King. That's super cool to have hidden down on that one lane. You thinned out your deck, you got to play him for furry, and then you have him there. You have things like Killmonger to counter bounce. Beautiful. There goes Invisible Woman, right? Wolfsbane. Talk about her all the time. Just profit. Like, I, you can build your deck around it where it's a deck, a card that you wanted, right? A card that you want out there. Another example for you, buddy. How about a Ajax Hazmat deck? You have Hazmat as a bomb at the end, that's exactly what you want to do with the card, and you don't have to spend that energy, so I think there are some very cool designs here Sage, Patriot, there are some cool things that you can do, that you thin the deck, you get the free play on the card, It's a 4 6. I'm excited for him.
Alexander Coccia:It's definitely better in those types of decks if you can see the card. Like, if you can see that it's Hazmat, that is a totally different situation if you can't, right? Like, that's, that's the major thing. What about, okay, this might piss some people off, but what about Hela? Because if you think about it, right, if you're playing like a Hela Modok style deck, Malekith on turn 4, and it pulls Luke Cage. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so Luke is, yeah, Luke is definitely one that you could pull that's great. And you're not really playing a ton. Like, and then if, like, let's say if you don't get Luke Cage, okay, so you could be looking at, you know, maybe Lady Sif. Morbius. Yeah, well, Morbius is fantastic because he's one of the few I have on here where, like, you don't need to play him out at any time. He just comes already, right? So he's, he would be a great option. So you have Morbius, but then even like Lady Sif, oh no, I have a 3 5 plate for free. That's a 4 11 now. To me, I don't know. I think that you're going to be able to see what you've drawn, what you have left in the deck, you can narrow it down for the most part. Your decks are going to have to be way thicker, if you will but I, I, I think that this guy is going to have a lot of strategic ness added to the game.
Alexander Coccia:And I, I can see it too, right? Like being at like the three star range, I, I'm kind of uncomfortable with it. I can see it reaching to, to where you're at. I just think that like, The 4 6 stat line is not great, the questions around whether or not we see what it reveals really does put a damper on, and I bet you by the time we actually do like the dedicated week for Malekith, Glenn will answer that question, because everyone's going to have that question, right, so we'll know going into his particular week, but yeah, this is a weird one, man, and I, I, it makes sense why they want to, like, they want to kind of keep tabs on, like, what deck thinning looks like in Marvel Snap. They don't want the Chavez, so they want to give it, like, okay, Malekith does it a little bit. It's like a benefit to Malekith's effect. It's like a Baron Zemo that deck thins, essentially, for yourself.
Cozy Snap:I'm just trying to think, though, too, that the tech right now doesn't exist to not see your own cards. There's no scenario where you can't see your own cards, only the opponent. So it would have to code it as an opponent's, like, you know what I mean? Like, no matter what, right now in Marvel Snap, that doesn't exist. That's why it leads, the way it reads means that you can't see it. The way that the game is coded makes me think you can see it. Either way, I think it's just a different build around. He goes down a little bit, but he's still a very, I think, going to be a competitive card of the game. And he comes with Thena, Valentina. That's fun. That rhymes a little bit, but that comes later on. But yeah, we'll have to talk about it more. I mean, things like Quake 2, was going through a couple things and I'm like, man, having this coming out at the end, like a Quake that switches the location, bar with no name, you're in shambles, I don't know. I think it's a fun thing. Alright, after Malekith, buddy, we have Fidorous Wolf, and this is Man, between this and Frigga, I just, I love the cards this month. Just cool cards. 2 3. We gotta activate, people. We gotta activate. We gotta new activate, finally. Activate. Resurrect your opponent's highest power discarded or destroyed card to your side of this location. Obviously, bad turn six card. It's a fun design. What do you like? What are you, what are you giving this?
Alexander Coccia:I'm in the four star range, but I can see this, I can see this being like the most broken card of the month. Like, I can see this being absolutely stupid. I shouldn't say that, I think Searcher's always better than this, to be honest with you, on the, like, No, I don't even think that! I think this has a much wider range. Then Surtur does. I think Surtur is just straight up, like, better in terms of, like, the decks it's gonna be in, but this here, I think it's dirty. Like, I think it's really dirty, especially with Shanchi. That's why I was saying before, like, does Shanchi remain as it is with this coming out, too? Like, this is, dude, the whole month is around 10 power cards. You have this, And then you have Shongers, just like being what it is, a 4 3 that just knocks, like basically wins a location. I don't know man, this is, it's like, it's a lot. People are gonna be tilted out of their minds.
Cozy Snap:I'm seeing a lot of low ratings on this card, which I tend to, I gave it a 3, so I give it a 3 ish, a 3 ish. But I, I don't, I don't disagree with what your understanding of it is. So, activate is a knock against it as far as the, the whole six thing, right? Like, obviously we know that, but my god, the deck builds here make me want to give it higher ratings. I have to see how this plays out.
Alexander Coccia:I would argue that activate makes it better.
Cozy Snap:It does, well, yes, absolutely. It does, I'm saying in general, it having activate means it's dead on six, right? So, like, you just have that. So, I don't like that, but other than that, I'm like, damn, let's start to think here a little bit. Like you just said, so if you shang chi a lane, first of all, you got, you, you, you got shang on two, him on, on four, so you could play him on, you know yeah, turn five, play shang chi the next turn. They're not designed to be played the same way. However, okay, so the shang chi would win the lane that you shang chi'd, and then I'm like, oh my god, and then it resurrects, it comes to your side to win the other lane. Like, that flip is insane. Like, we can be honest there, I think that is, Why you gave it such a high rating, and why I agree with you, like, why I think for sure that that's great. But on top of that, I just love what this does for Black Bolt, for Silver Samurai. How cool is that? To be able to chop one of your enemy's cards off, and then you take it over to your side! It's killer! It's so fun! It's such a good design card, I love it. I don't know how it's gonna be in application, that's why I'm kind of 2, but I think people are low on it, and they're not This is going to be a huge counter to all the big power Arnold Schwarzenegger stuff at the beginning of the season.
Alexander Coccia:I see no situation where this card This card is so good, in my opinion. Like, it actually surprises me to hear that people are down on it. It's like, dude, you just, you Shawn Chi a monster island. You know what I mean? Like, you know, and the fact that it's activate allows you on turn six, or whenever you play your Shawn Chi, you can just activate this at the very end of the game, in your turn order. And then like, oh, Shawn Chi first, then activate to make sure you're kind of cleaning up the biggest power card. And like, what about Gladiator? Right? Like Gladiator, like, what if you, like, forge Gladiator and you, like, actually high reach there? And like, you mentioned, like, Black Bolt and stuff like that, I, I like those, but they're also, like, they tend to hit, like, these smaller cards sometimes, right? And so, like, it's almost similar to Yondu. You could consider doing something with Yondu, but, like, the, the ceiling is, is kind of lower, right?
Cozy Snap:I wish Yondu, I wish Yondu was the old way, like a random, it would have been so much better. Can you imagine like a turn anything like random casino play? Yeah, Gladiator's a great point. I love the idea of like, like Negasonic YOLO play, activate same turn and you're just like on turn six, you're like, let's go. Like, I just think there's a lot of cool potential with this card. You listen, three and a half. I'm a bit lower. I'm a bit lower because I gave high ranks at Malekith. I got another high rank coming up. Well, but I, I, I can't see this being one that's just like, what are we doing? Why is this not Reign Tire? I think he's a lot of fun with a lot of potential. Have to see how it plays out. But even like Killmonger, man. Just, just Killmonger something. It's so easy to do. Talk about, like, their bounce card, they got their sable up to 1 8, it's like, hey, cool, man, and then you kill it.
Alexander Coccia:And we're not even sure if, like what happens to Apocalypse, right? Like, does it count as discarded? Probably not, because it re enters their hand, right? So that's one thing. The other thing that we're not really sure of is whether or not the card will re proc its on reveal. So if it's an on reveal card, if it gets brought back using Fenris Wolf, does it re do its on reveal? Because that would add additional value. I think so,
Cozy Snap:because Hela does the same. Same. My thought is, restrict your opponent's highest power, discard a thing. What I'm wondering haha is if they're playing Hella. And you put this out, and you, can you just scope their infinite, right? Like, do you take, you take it from their pile, right? So do you just, you
Alexander Coccia:just take, you just
Cozy Snap:take their infinite from them. I think that's kind of cool. I think this is a really well done card to tech against that.
Alexander Coccia:No, for sure it is. I like this a lot. I'm very happy with like a four star rating here. And I would be surprised if it's lower than that, to be honest with you, especially at a two, three cost. Like that's a solid body and it synergizes with like literally what's going to be the most annoying card of the month in the Shonkers.
Cozy Snap:What about like Moon Knight too? You play this down, you Moon Knight, you hope you hit a six.
Alexander Coccia:You hope you hit a six. Moon Knight is so good here, man. Moon Knight is unreal.
Cozy Snap:It is cool. I mean, just as I like, I feel like I was convincing you more in the Malekith talk. It's like, ah, damn, I am seeing more as I talk about it. And when we talk about the individual ranking, I'm probably just going to give this such a better start. We'll have to see. Alright, so Fiddler's Wolf, not so much to talk about just because it's, it is a bit narrow, but I think there's a lot. Lady Deathstrike, by the way, don't see you gonna, you're probably not gonna do that one as much. But it's like, oh gee, you know, you can take their loot cage and put it to your side. Like, there are, there are some cool things. That you can do with it. Keep in mind it is on your side of the location that Fenris is on, right? Next up, Gore, the God Butcher. Gore the God Butcher. Ongoing! Plus two power for each on reveal card in play. It's a six cost, negative one power card. Alex, what do you give it?
Alexander Coccia:Dude, this has been another one where, like, I've been a little all over the place. I originally wrote three, and then I kind of started talking myself up to four. I'm not sure. I think I want to, this is one of those cards that, like, I want to really take a deep dive into on the week that it's coming out, because now we're almost like a month away at this point. And the way the meta is shaping up, the amount of honor reveals being played I think that's gonna impact that. Now, you lose agency with this particular card, because like, now you're depending on your opponent to do specific things, in order to like, get to the highest ranges, but like, it scales very rapidly. I don't know man, I, in one way I can see this being like, the new default big chonky boy that you drop, but the other side of it, like, I can see this really underperforming.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, that's fair. I, I think, I personally think this is probably the second best card of the month. Personally. Yeah. I'm,
Alexander Coccia:I'm far off that. I, like, I'm leaning more three star. Like, I think it's good, but I don't think it's great.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so, Gore for me, I think is the next blob, the next Red Hulk. His numbers, if you start to do the math, the fact that it calculates your opponent's side too, and when you really start to look at on reveals, they are everywhere, every deck. Bounced decks are just, they're done. The power that you'll be able to get to with this guy is insane. I think it's a very high scaling. I was too, to be fair, when I read it, I was like, ah, he's okay. And then I was like, kind of doing a math and I'm like, He just seems really good, and he's ongoing, so I just, incredible, I think this guy is gonna work, and here's the, here's the thing, I love that you can synergize with it, but he's also a defensive card, right, so like, against balance, he's gonna slap, the Thor brothers are screwed, right, you got the Frigga double hammer stuff, great, but also, you do the hammer, double hammer stuff on your side, bam, he's also gonna be great too. Insane and negative. Frigga, Goredex, who knows, but like, you get a couple of these guys out, I don't know, but he's great in negative, that's the obvious. Negative has on reveal cards, we know that. Opponents are gonna have at least a couple, three, four, I mean, it goes way up from, from there. Just that you can handle it on your side, and make sure that he has good stat value, and then you combine that with the two, three, four, five, six cards your opponent is playing with on reveals. I think this guy has the potential to be one of the biggest cards in the game.
Alexander Coccia:And I agree. And that's the thing, right? Like, does it, does it take the job of the Red Hulk, the blob, right? Like, does, is that what it does? And I just, I don't know, man. I just, I've been kind of a little hesitant on this particular cards because while it scales very well, and even if like your opponent has no cards on the board, it still gets big. If you play your play style, you know what I mean? If you, if you're leaning into the on reveals, then it does get big. And the fact that it's an ongoing is huge as well. Yep. Because like you could even ramp it up. Right? Like, you could ramp it out, and then you could do something like, like like an Odin Dock Doom, but even though the, the bots don't necessarily benefit it or whatever like, then again, but like that kind of deck, you're not having that many on reveals out there, you know what I mean? But I'm just saying that, like, You
Cozy Snap:could, you could do ramp out with Psylocke's or Hope Summer's in that case, and then you could Mystique the damn thing, right? And obviously, that's such a weird freaking deck, we'd have to build that out, but there are some cool things that you can do with this in general, and not to mention, the most basic And I just, this card's so stupid good. Is Agent Venom? You just Agent Venom this, it goes up to a 4 power off the bat! Well, you bast it, goes to a 3 power. I mean, that alone in a bounce build, that you're supplying more power to it, so now all of a sudden you have these bounce decks that are going crazy high. You're able to do stupid stuff with Toxin and friends. And then, you're able to all of a sudden now, have a slam finish. Dude, I think this thing is, it is great defense, it's good offense, number two, Probably, it could be the best in, in terms of variety tagged onto it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because the Ancient Venom decks, they're all running tons of on reveals, tons of on reveals. This is also a massive buff to Emperor Hulkling, for what it's worth, right? Imagine Emperor Hulkling with the gore effect. Oh ho
Cozy Snap:ho. Yeah, it is. Every six cuts that comes out is such a big buff. That's a good, that's a good shout out. So yeah, man, Gorr, Gorr to me. I'm excited. And, and they're throwing on Havoc Legion. Yeah, I don't know. I think they, they, they're telling us that he, he could be really good. And then not to mention, like, Negative has needed a new toy. And I'm excited. Also, like, the Thor brothers now have Frigga. They've got Gorr. And then it's like, hey, hold on. There's one more card they have, and that is the prize card, yeah, the free card that we are getting this month for Deadpool's Diner 2, King Eitri. Is it Eitri? Itri?
Alexander Coccia:Bro, I have no idea how to read any of these names. I'm not even sure if I'm saying Surter correctly. It's Peter
Cozy Snap:English on that one movie. I don't know. He's the guy that makes the Stormbreaker. Oh, is that who that is? Yeah, that's him. That's right. He's like the master smith. He's the master weapon smith in Marvel lore.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, man. At at, at Olle. That's where they do the star thing. And th and Thor's like, nah, n as he does the thing. Yeah. Yeah. And then'cause that he's like, yes. Is that, he's like, because Thor's like, oh, I might die. And he's like, yes. That's what killing you does. And like that's the line in the movie. That's when like the baby group cuts his arm and everything. The storm breaker. Yeah. I know exactly who this is now. King
Cozy Snap:truth. Yep. I I, I think I think the guy. Well, I guess we should tell the audio listeners what he does. He's a one cost, two power card. Activate. Oh, two in a month! Activate. Draw a card from your deck. Typo there on my end. That didn't start there. So, so this is a Thor card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, basically, it's a backup play for Lady Jane Foster style decks. I think it's kind of cool. I like It does get destroyed by the Korg Rock Slide combo though.
Cozy Snap:Oh dude, I didn't even think, I didn't even think about that. Yeah, what I will, I will say this my friend, I think that Thor decks, I just, am I alone in thinking, they're just so fun to play. Like, Thor decks are so fun to play, but they're so one dimensional, and now this card gives it a different play line, love that it's on one, love that it's an activate card, and you're not, man, Thor and Beta go way up here, but star rating, what do you give it?
Alexander Coccia:Star rating, I'm like, in the 3 12, 4 range. Wha ha ha ha ha! No, listen, I said 3 12, I'm leaning more like the 3 12
Cozy Snap:than 4. I'm like a 1 12 to 2.
Alexander Coccia:No way you're 1 12, dude! Think about what you can do. You play him on 1, you play Thor on 3, it goes into the deck, you activate, so like, it literally just comes back to your
Cozy Snap:hand and turn 4. It's sick. No, it's sick. That line is sick. Don't get me wrong, I just like There isn't a crazy amount past that, right? So like,
Alexander Coccia:no,
Cozy Snap:of course
Alexander Coccia:not. It's super niche.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. And so obviously he's super awesome in those decks. I just don't see, you know, And we get it for free, by the way, I think, by playing Deadpool's Diner, so like, sign me up, you know, maybe I'll lean out a two in application, flexibility, I can't give it much, but I, what Thor and Beta will do is so, is awesome, and I don't know about you, but like, I don't know, playing Jane on 5 every time, it just felt, eh, I, I don't know, but I do like that now that you can even combo Odin that much easier and now if you read the text here, you just draw one card, I kind of wish, I don't know, I kind of wish it was like an on reveal, kind of, I know the Activate thing's nice because you can play him down, but I'm like, well damn, if he was an on reveal, then you could even like, chain it off a little bit or do something like that. But the Activate, he works in the regard that he works in very well. He does the thing. And I, I think that's cool.
Alexander Coccia:He could potentially be good in Lockjaw too. Yep. Because you bring the card right away, you play it back into Lockjaw, it generates some like momentum there. But like, this is where the activate being only activated once kind of hurts. Like cards like Aranya this here, like at one cost, like it's like you could almost bounce them and do something, you know what I mean? And I don't know if you ever would, I'm just saying. That like, at one cost you kind of feel it there.
Cozy Snap:But, I will say this, first of all, Erishem, oh, but also, hold on. Thanos. I think Thanos, this might be a really good Thanos card. Activate, draw a card. You are effectively just drawing a stone. So, like, yeah, you got a way to turn, but have you ever been in the situation where you've got Thanos ready to go 20 power, but you can't, you can't get that 20 because you got that card that's just sitting somewhere in the deck? Kind of cool that this kind of works with that.
Alexander Coccia:Oh yeah, every time I play Thanos, the stones just don't exist. I don't know why I don't even try. My opponent snaps turn one, plays Mind Stone, I'm like, cool bro, and then like, I'm just crying. Yeah, it's kind of sad. Also, very good in Loki. Like, actual Loki. Could you potentially consider this being a Loki deck outside of Erishim? I don't think it's that good. This is
Cozy Snap:a Loki staple, for sure. Moving forward.
Alexander Coccia:Because it's basically it's the draw. It's like, it's the draw engine that Loki needs. It's one card. Yeah, sure. But it's a free card. It's a free
Cozy Snap:card that you can play at a discounted rate. Yeah. So I think, I think Loki, Airship, Thanos, those are the, you know, the ones that didn't start there or whatever. So you do have those but you know, we're going to have to see, I, I think this is so much more fun than Agony. It's not a Cassandra Nova, but it's not an Agony. It's some, you know, I don't even know if it's somewhere in between, but it is, it's a nice little card here.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's a good addition to the game. I'm glad. And I'm glad this is the free one too. Cause I think that it's going to synergize with a card that pretty much everyone has in Thor. Beta Rebuild might be a little more niche, but still it's a good card to kind of include.
Cozy Snap:All right. Let's rank them all in order as we always do. Alex, let's start. Do we want to start from the bottom and towards the top and the rankings number one or the last one
Alexander Coccia:I'll let you pick, I always forget we do this. So I'm not prepared for this part, but
Cozy Snap:because I'm going to forget, let's start at number one, number one, best card of the month is.
Alexander Coccia:Surtur.
Cozy Snap:I think so. I think he's narrowing application. I, I'm gonna say gore. I'm going to go with gore. I want to go with gore here. I think gore is going to be correct.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Okay. Gore. Number one. For number two, I'm definitely leading a Fenris Wolf.
Cozy Snap:I gave, I gave Surtur a five and gore a four and a half. That doesn't make sense, but I don't care. I'm just sticking with it. You did Fenris Wolf. Okay. So I did I'll do Surtur for two. Even though that doesn't make sense, but why not? Number three.
Alexander Coccia:Number three? Damn. This is where it gets weird for me, cause like, I, like, I have cards, I have them all mixed up. I almost want to say King Eitri. I almost want to put him there. But I think it's high. I think it's high. Like, I'm gonna go with King Eitri. Get a little spicy here, but I'm ready to go. I
Cozy Snap:like the spice. I like, I like spice in all my foods. Malekith Malekith for sure, who could even go higher? But I, I don't know. If you can't see the eight, well, it'll determine a little bit of what you can see, what you can't see, but I love that card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, there's no question. And then from there Hmm, it'd definitely be Gore from there. I think, you know what, I should be definitely switching Gore and E Tree. Like, E Tree should be 4, Gore should be 3. So I would go Gore now. No, I would go E Tree. Oh my gosh. Not that this could be any more confusing. I should have said Gore prior. This would be E Tree's spot. So E Tree at 4.
Cozy Snap:Understandable. Finaris for me here. After that I think he's got some cool plays.
Alexander Coccia:Okay, cool. Then for me here, I would definitely go Frigga.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, Frigga, and then E Tree for me. So you have Malekith last.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm leading Malekith last. You could be right! You could swap! Like, again, I'm ready to be wrong. Like, it's a weird card, and we don't have all the answers yet. You know what I mean? So, like, it changes. If you can see it, I think it changes a lot to the upside, but I have my questions, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:No, definitely, definitely fair. And listen, there's a lot of cards here. I mean, I don't think so, but Frigga could be absolutely bananas. Also, Frigga releases at a different cost and power rate, who knows. Let's go ahead now and lastly, finish up, Alex. We ranked them all. We're gonna now talk about the spotlights and we do have coming with Frigga, Red Guardian Copycat. This is the classic week. Where it's like, they don't think the cards good, so they put the, they put really good cards. Both of these, you can't miss, man. You can't miss with those.
Alexander Coccia:It's so funny thinking about like the meta of the spotlights and like how it relates to the card being released. This is a good week. Now, I'm still heartbroken at the copycat change. I still have not played copycat much since the change but I think Red Guardians honestly has slept on card and Marvel Snap.
Cozy Snap:Malkith. Comes with Thena, Valentina.
Alexander Coccia:Weird one, Thena's a must have in your collection, I think. And Valentina is hot garbage.
Cozy Snap:We've got ooh, Thena's another good card to copy, by the way, on Curve with Frigga. That's actually stupid. With the freakin Kitty Pride deck, oh my god! I'm tellin ya, man. I'm tellin ya. Frigga could be one of the better cards this month, and people are, people just don't see it. Including myself. Finaris is Annihilus and Werewolf by night.
Alexander Coccia:I like it. Those are two cool cards worth having. I don't like Werewolf. I was even saying, we had a Werewolf by Night Deck doing pretty good in the meta. I was like, I don't want to play it, man. I'd rather play Hitmonkey Deck. Like, I just don't want to play it. I just don't care, man. I just don't care for it. But Annihilus, which has fallen off, I still think is a definite must have in your collection. Cool card out of your collection. Like, that card has to be there.
Cozy Snap:Doors, Havoc, and Legion.
Alexander Coccia:Weird one. That's so weird. Legion was just in the spotlight caches too. Havoc is kind of sus. That tells me that like, like, you know, it's bait. It's basically spotlight key bait.
Cozy Snap:Or it's gonna pop off is what that tells me. Yeah, so I think he's definitely more of the the token, the token route. So, definitely interesting man. Listen, All of these cards have something very interesting to offer. I mean, seriously, Surtur, Frigga, Malkith, Fenris, Gore, all of them are gonna be cool. All of them are gonna be fun. I'm excited about that. I think the game needs it a little bit, so we'll have to see.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we've got a lot to talk about today. This is one of the absolute massive episodes that we do. We're going to be going back through October, doing our final rankings, holding ourselves accountable. I love this because it's kind of like that nice recap. It's the cherry on top of what was a pretty fun season with a lot of really interesting cards. Cozy, how was your season on October?
Cozy Snap:I thought it was good, man. I thought there was a lot of Yeah, honestly, it's exactly how I thought the season was gonna play out. Where we said there's cards that are limited and they're gonna help out archetypes. I think not to get ahead of ourselves, but I would say Agent Venom became just an absolute, just terror within Snap, and what he brought to the game, and just goes to show you, big abilities, big opportunity matters a lot. I thought it was a good season, it was fun. I would say I'm looking forward to this next season more than I was October but I'm excited to relive some of these rankings.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, like October had like the scary Halloween feel to it, which I appreciate. Right. Especially with obviously like the last dance coming out as well. It was, it was a good flavorful season. I am looking forward to the next one, but what I will say is that Agent Venom, okay, let's start with Agent Venom, the season pass card. Talk about plot armor, right? They, instead of nerfing Agent Venom, they buffed Shadow King, right? And that's a whole other conversation for another day. We'll let you guys kind of duke it out in the comments there, but it's hard to That you and I came in very positive at four stars together. We both said four stars and somehow it feels like we missed so low. You know what I mean? Isn't that so crazy?
Cozy Snap:Dude, my exact thoughts. We both gave it four. Hey, listen, four out of five, obviously only one better star. We could have gave it, but how we talked about it and to be fair. No one did this where it was like, this is going to be the best card. Like this is. A clear cut best card. I don't think either of us gave him the number. Did we give him number one on this? I don't want to spoil it, but did we give him number one?
Alexander Coccia:No, we did not. I
Cozy Snap:have, I, I feel like, clearly, like, we gave him a four, but we didn't give him, like, the, the love that he deserves. And that's probably because I mean, I'm a much more of a balance player now. Or, you know, some of the, the, the decks that he works well with. Yeah, man, Agent Venom's good. Good God, he's good.
Alexander Coccia:He wasn't being played that much in balance, either. It's like, the scope, the scope. That he's being used in is crazy. Like, it's just, it's stupid because like you do, you do like a deck recap video and it's like, he's in seven of the decks. Like it's, it's so the freeway players I feel for, because you're like, man, like, what do you even do? Like, it's been that impactful to the point. Like it's, it wasn't broken the way like Loki was like OG Loki even OG Elsa. No, it wasn't like that. It wasn't. But it is like, this is as powerful as you can get without people actively uninstalling. Like this is as powerful as you can get without like having to like, we need to nerf this like, next OTA, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, man, I just, every, every guy I played, every opponent I played, On turn two, it's like every time. And I'm just searching, looking. I'm like, I, there was a time I had a double check that I put him in the deck. He was there,
Alexander Coccia:but he
Cozy Snap:wasn't.
Alexander Coccia:That's like me every single time. I'm trying to test the card, right? It's like Twitch stream day, Tuesday, where everyone's all hyped up. We play for 45 minutes. Never draw it once. Everyone's coming in. You're like, how's AngelVenom? I'm like, I don't know. I don't even know what it looks like. I haven't seen this animation yet. And then my opponent is like, AngelVenom 2. Yeah. And then it's like a turn six. It's like. Four powered friggin Mysterios all over the place. I'm in tears. Happens to me all the
Cozy Snap:time. I'll do, like, on, like, yeah, my new card video day or whatever, I'll, I'll play, like, I'll show, like, four battles where I played them and, like, two where the opponent did, and they're like, Why don't you show more battles? I'm like, I played six hours! This is what I had. This is what I got. This is all I could do. But yeah, Agent Venom, definitely best card of the month. I can say that. Oh, no question.
Alexander Coccia:He's absolutely spanking everything. He's running approximately a 53 percent win rate. A meta popularity of 22%.
Cozy Snap:That's crazy. And
Alexander Coccia:that feels low. Yeah. Like, my games are like, it's just non stop Agent Venom. And with that being said, he's much fairer than some of the other, like, times where it's like, Oh, look, Ereshim's running 78 percent of the meta or whatever. He's much fairer than that. Yeah. But he's still like, again, this is the upper echelon of like, what balance can be before, like, I don't know, it's gonna get nerfed. And it's so easy to bring it down to 2 3, it's not being played in any of the Copium, Cerebro decks or anything like that, like, it's not seen there. It can be power tuned. I think the 4, setting things to 4 is crazy. Like, Iron Man, 5 4, stupid, right? It's just, even Cassandra Nova starting at 3 4. Sage starting at three, four, pretty much every single card that has a low power starting as a four is crazy hood, right? Anything, right? It's, it's just such a stupid effect and I cannot believe how good it is. And but at the same time, it's like, I was listening back to our original conversation and there were reasons to kind of be a little, like a little hesitant on it, but just the deck builds got so tight, so fast. And this card ran away with the meta.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I mean, for me it was the, it was the cheap cards, man, the one cost. Yeah, you just said Hood, I mean, Rocket, Silver Sable. These cards just getting the 1 4 is just crazy to see how high they can build out fast they can go. Yeah, I mean, I, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I was gonna say, I don't know if they nerf it. I it's a two four cause it sets it to four. Do they get rid of that? I feel like sometimes they hold onto things just to keep it.
Alexander Coccia:They like the flavor of that stuff, right? Like I totally see where you're coming from. It's like, they liked the flavor of a two four setting things to four. That's probably how the design conversation started. And now they need to deviate from that. They, I don't think they changed the four. I think they changed like the, sorry, set the power to four. I think they changed the power for sure. And they changed to a three cost. I think that like, I don't want to say kills the car, but that's a far different card because of the impact that the, like the fact you put it on two and you curve into these buff four costs, not four costs, four power cards. Right. nerf changing the energy.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I don't think that would be fair to the people that got the card and what they thought that it was going to do.
Alexander Coccia:No, not at all. And actually, on that note, this is an interesting question here, right, and before we move on to the next card, seeing as though, like, you're gonna, if you're watching this on the Monday, you still got time to buy the season pass, is this card good enough to just be like, if you got the ten bucks, just spend the ten bucks, get the card? Cause it's gonna be 6, 000 tokens, right? And we know how much 6, 000 tokens cost.
Cozy Snap:I mean, look at just gore, you know, by itself, it's like, well, Damn, I mean, cards are going to keep coming out where it's going to love AgentVenom. There's going to be decks with him in the future. If they nerf him, it's tough to say, right? But if they don't, yeah, I think so. If you play Marvel Snap, you know a good amount.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, if you've been playing free to play and you're waiting for him to come out into the the token shop, then, like, I think it's probably worth picking up. I just get nervous that as he exits the season pass, like, is that when they're willing to give him a slap? You know what I mean? A little backhand, knock him down a little bit. You And then that, that's, that feels a little bad, but Agent Venom, without question, the card of the month absolutely cracked. And it's again, hard to believe we missed low at four stars. That's how stupid it's been. And the next card that came out was we'd identified as probably our favorite card of the month and that's Scream. We came in also together, holding hands, cozy four stars. On screen, the car did get changed. It started as a two, two. It had it worked alongside something like the juggernaut stealing power from the unrevealed. They took away that interaction. And then what they did was they buffed it to a two, three. So it did get one additional power, despite the fact that it lost the interaction with unrevealed cards. It's running a 54 percent win rate, which is astronomical. It's only running a 4 percent popularity though. Like, it's like, this is the best card of the season that people aren't really treating like the best card of the season, which is kind of interesting.
Cozy Snap:It's spiked and then it fell. And I feel like Surtur might do that a little bit too. Like when they, when he had these cards, I really good, but they play one style. Like we kind of see that happen from time to time. Also, a little bit of an illusion here on her, too. It looks like half her leg is missing, but it's just bent over there. Do you see that little leg bent? I see it. Yeah. I still play a lot of Scream. I actually didn't. I have nearly 200 boosters. I just haven't upgraded it. I don't know why. I like it. But I, I think that she's definitely really good still, and I love the play style of deck. I think there's cards that can come out that can boost it. This is one of my favorite cards, the Frigga, potentially. That's coming out. Scream, again, I think we kind of said if you want to play that deck, she's awesome, she does super well. If you don't, I don't know. And I think she will be fine more in the future. What did we give it? Four
Alexander Coccia:stars. Both of
Cozy Snap:us came in at four. That's fine. I think I, I think I feel okay with that stat, and listen, it literally brought cards back to life, and that's always a good thing in Snap.
Alexander Coccia:The exact thing we said was that the card is going to be good, but it's supporting cast is garbage. And that's exactly how it plays out. Now you're playing the Kingpin mobster move style deck. And if you don't draw the scream on two or at all, then the whole deck feels like poo. It's like, hey, I got Polaris, just you move here, I guess, bro. Like, there's a chance you don't even have Kingpin on the board, you know what I mean? They're even running Kraven now as a backup to not drawing Scream. So it's like, it's all dependent on, like, that early game draw, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so it's like negative, like, in a sense of if you don't draw Scream, the deck has a much harder chance to win. I think this was the biggest sign that when a new card comes out, it's everywhere because, dude, the week this was played, the popularity must have been 70%. Like, it was, it was everywhere the week it came out. And then it's kind of died down since. It feels like, and I don't know about you, October felt like a long month. Scream, I thought it was like last month, I'm gonna be honest. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I know. It was a long, long month. A lot happening. Just it was a busy time in games. Busy time in Snap. Busy time for Cozy and Alex. Busy time for you guys at home, I'm sure. But you know what? You know what was very consistent? My enjoyment of Scream. Because the card is good. And four stars, I think we, we hit it. I mean, some of the decks are running, like, high 50 percent win rates. And it's crazy because it runs Arrow, it runs Stegron. All these cards I saw, absolutely no play. Found themselves in the Scream deck, and that deck is like one card away, one more synergistic card away from being absolutely bonkers. What's not absolutely bonkers is misery, and I'm actually kind of nervous here, Cozy. I man, okay, I'll let you lead into this. What did you give it? What did you give it? Why do we have to lead with that? Why do we have to lead with forgot.
Cozy Snap:I
Alexander Coccia:forgot. Yeah, no, you don't. You went low, right? Cozy, you did not forget. Yeah, I went very low. Cozy, I came in at a four stars. But in my defense, I said I was not happy about it. It was unenthusiastic. However, I was hoping that deck design eventually would have lifted this to a potential four star. It didn't quite make it. We do have a couple decks that are running like 54 percent win rates. But yes, I'm coping, okay? The card's not good. Cozy, you won this duel. You came in at 2. 5, I came in at 4. I was wrong.
Cozy Snap:It was an unenthusiastic 4 star, and it's an enthusiastic 2. 5 for me. I do think it is a cool card. I think there are some fun builds you can do with it. The, the risk reward is exactly what I thought. I think that's what I kept going on about. It just wasn't worth it. A 4. 8, they even boosted it up a power point, right? Yeah, 4 stars is a high rating, for sure. I, I hahah don't think it's that anymore, but yeah. It's, so I gave it a 2. 5 or a 2. You gave it a two and a half. I'd stick with it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And also this is post buff too, which is kind of crazy. It's running a 49 percent win rate and it's running a 6 percent play rate, which is more than scream. People are cooking with it. Like there are people still playing this deck. You see like these grandmaster decks running like like Black Widow, Cassandra, even the Phoenix Force to re proc the on reveal again. Like, it's a very interesting take on those lists, and it's performing well in that, but pretty much nowhere else.
Cozy Snap:I really liked this with low cost cards, and then you Circe this card on one lane, and like, Circe could get this to a 5, a lot of good 5s. Like, that was like the fun stuff that I was seeing it up against. I went against what's that guy's name? Yo Woody? And he had a deck that did that, and it was cool. It's cool to see.
Alexander Coccia:It's fascinating to me when I look down the list of decks, not a single one was Destroy. Destroy did not make the cut at all. None of the Destroy centric stuff worked. That's what you liked so much
Cozy Snap:about it was the whole Knull thing. Yeah, that Knull would have his own identity.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I did, and you know what? Actually, in my release review video of it, I'm like, No, it doesn't work, man. It just did not feel good enough and Like, it's one of those things where, like, On paper, you can convince yourself of things. And then when you play the damn card, you're like, bruh, you know what I mean? Like, it becomes very clear that the ideas you had didn't work. And that's why pen and paper doesn't always compete in terms of deck design with actual like methodical testing. Right? And misery is a good lesson in that. So let's move on from this absolute gong show so we can move on to some better things. Cozy! Scorn! And we were pretty high on Scorn. We came, I came in at a 4. You started at a 4, and then you drifted to a 4. 5 land. You're like, you know what, I can see you doing a little better than that. Yeah, cause we talked about, we talked about
Cozy Snap:her, and well, I know that's what I said about her and Toxton, I think. It's important. We were like, yeah, those were so hard to give star rankings to because we were like, let's just talk about it and where it belongs, right? Yeah, dude, I, I, I still like Scorn. I think it, Scorn I've seen people either really like her or they're like, eh, it's okay. Again, if you played Discard before, Get her. If you didn't, don't get her. That's how I felt about her. Still, I liked her. She's a good card.
Alexander Coccia:It's okay is a hot take. It's a really good card. It's running a 53 percent win rate at 8 percent of the meta. And that's solid. The only thing I don't like about it is I feel like it steps on the identity of Apocalypse a little bit. And I'm often like, okay, I got Apocalypse and Scorn in my hand and they're doing the same thing. And I felt that was kind of weird. I, I don't know if that's a fair thing, like a fair criticism. And I, I wasn't a huge fan of that, but it's actual power output. You cannot have a one costed card that does more than this for discard. Like, dude, what else do you want? Like it makes me look stupid and me got nerfed. It was a, remember it was a one, one, and it was going crazy. They had to nerf it to a one zero. Like actually, then they buffed it again, whatever that didn't even tell us about that. No, but it was like, It was, Scorn is so good. I just wonder about its interactions with, with Apocalypse. I just feel like you're kind of like, you're, you're hamstringing Apocalypse Dex a little bit because it's like the Apoc's not getting that high. But then Scorn's getting massive. I don't know, it's weird, but overall, I do like the card a lot. I'm a huge discard believer, so I like it. It's a good one.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think, again, I hope anyone that did play the Archetype got the card. Very solid. Like, both these, we knew her and Toxin were gonna be so healthy for their Archetype. So good all together. The stats, I'm curious on Toxin. He's a lot harder to play. And so I am you know, balances per se, but I will start the conversation by saying Toxin made balance way, way easier to play, in my opinion. At least for those that don't play it a lot, like myself. What do we give Toxin?
Alexander Coccia:We both came in together, once again, holding hands, locked arms, 4. 5.
Cozy Snap:And how is he doing?
Alexander Coccia:He's running a 53 percent win rate at 8 percent of the meta. That's pretty damn good. And the decks that he's in, we have a couple bounce decks running hit monkey beast type stuff, 58 percent win rate range and a top 50 percent infinite. That's good. And then like another version of deck of that deck is like at a 57. 9 percent win rate. Like these are great decks. And I think what you're saying as well is absolutely correct. Because of the fact that it gave you another bounce option, it was a much more natural feeling game flow. For bounce players and anyone who's just trying to play card, like bounce was a little rigid. You had to play Falcon a specific way. You only had one shot with beast. You had to maximize the beast bounce. Toxin gives you like that sec, it's like double dipping a chip. You know what I mean? And I feel like that's what toxin is. It's the, it's the second dip. And so like, beasting the toxin. Yeah. Right. Cause like you can absolutely do that. Right. So like, I thought that the play lines were much better. I thought it was much more fun to play bounce. And I mean, also a card that really benefited from Agent Venom, which is that's a whole other conversation. Actually, we just had that conversation, right? Starting at 2 4, it's pretty crazy for Toxin. As with all the cards, it's bouncing, right? So, it really benefited from Agent Venom, but yeah, this is a damn good card.
Cozy Snap:Nevermind the stat line, I didn't care. Just getting another ability to bounce again is what you wanted. What you wanted to see, bouncing a bounce card is super advantageous. Did step on the toes of Falcon a tad bit, but yeah, man. I Thoroughly enjoyed Bounce a lot more, and you're not just like hoping you get Beast, and if you don't, you just have this Falcon weird play going on. And yeah, by far the biggest winner of Agent Venom coming out in the same month. It just was a huge, huge win for them.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, no question. And that's gonna take us to our next card. You mentioned anti Venom here. Now, Anti Venom's an interesting one. Cause I went through our notes here, Cozy, and you originally, you originally gave it a 3. 5. 3. 5. But then you started drifting lower, you started drifting lower. I thought I
Cozy Snap:was way lower than that. Yeah, you
Alexander Coccia:started drifting lower, and you were debating the 2. 5 to 3 range. I came in at a dirty 2. I was like, I'm going 2. And you had a little more belief in the upside. So, you're not, okay, it's not as bad as my Misery Cull. But you were a little higher on anti Venom But, I will say though, Anti Venom does have a deck running a 55 percent win rate. There's one, there's one deck, an Ajax deck that it's doing pretty good in, but outside of that it's a 48 percent win rate at a 12 percent popularity, which I think is being influenced by the Weekend Mission that we're currently in. But yeah, it's not doing great. No dude, this card's so bad
Cozy Snap:I didn't even highlight on him, I'm like, you know what guys, we're just gonna have fun, and we're just gonna do an RNG deck, cause that's what that's what it felt like it was. It's crazy, it's what makes me love this game. You have a card that gives you a damn free play that you can even negate, and it's, it's just not, it's just, the forecast, man, it's just as weird, I think, that's why Frigga and Activate cards have fallen flat a bit too, it's like these cards that you can't use them. The last turn in the game just takes such a blow, man, to their overall viability.
Alexander Coccia:It makes them tricky to play, 100%. And like, Anti Venom at a 4 7 doesn't feel awful to play. It's the same statline as Wiccan. But like, Wiccan's giving you plus 2 energy. And you're often playing, like, I don't know, man, like, I've had pop offs. Like, I've gotten the Dr. Doom, I've gotten the, you know, whatever. I've gotten the Wong, I've gotten the combo, I've gotten Sages which is crazy. We've had those moments. But I, I will say that Agent Venom is one of those cards that like, you just don't need in the deck, like, I just like, I don't want to deal with this crap. And that's kind of what my review felt like, I was like, yeah, I'm playing Agent Venom and it works sometimes, but like, I would rather not play Agent Venom. I would rather just not play this card, play other cards that do what I want them to do, and not worry about the high end, like, Agent Venom, you're trying to like, it's like a home run derby, you're just trying to home run stuff. But it's either you home run or you get hit with the pitch.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. And then people were like, well, well, Frigga is going to, and I'm like, yeah, but also, okay, you play him down at four and it's like, okay, you play your free card. And then you play Frigga on 5? Like, hahaha it's just, I don't know man, I don't
Alexander Coccia:know. You know what it reminds me of? And this is a good fantasy football call up for anybody that plays fantasy. When you're in a league, do you know when someone offers you a trade and they're like, Hey, here's two mediocre players for your good player. That's what Antivenom and Frigga feel like, where it's like, they're two probably mid cards, right? And then like, If you get them together and they work perfectly, then you get a super awesome, like, effect, right? You're like, oh, bro, Doctor Doom, I get to play for free, then copy it, boom, I did it, right? We could've
Cozy Snap:edited a video where it's like, only choosing battles that were the best played. It's like, BS, man, like, I went hours of just In fact, people put, I think, not to knock on anybody here, but I did a full 24 hours before I put out a video on this guy, on purpose. I'm like, there's no way Because I thought he couldn't be as bad as he was. Like I, I kept playing him and getting bad cards and I'm like, there's just no way. It's just my lucky, right? Like, and then I just kept doing it. I'm like, man, like even the good stuff. Ugh, he just didn't, yeah, he didn't age well.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, literally my review was, I don't want to play this card anymore. I'm not having fun. I'm going to bed. And I don't know why this should be in your deck. You know what I mean? And like, whatever. I got the weekend mission done using an Ajax deck. It is what it is, but then we got the free card, Cozy. A card you didn't have to pay for.
Cozy Snap:Oh
Alexander Coccia:boy. In one of the best, one of the best game modes they've released in a long time. Agony You liked Agony. You came in at 3. I started at 3, then dropped to 2. Cozy, what are your thoughts on Agony?
Cozy Snap:Oh, Agony's awful, man. Agony's such a, it's such a letdown of a card. I felt like you liked Agony. You didn't like Agony? You gave it a 2? You
Alexander Coccia:I, I, I started at three, then I dropped myself to two.
Cozy Snap:Agony just is, is agony to play. It, I feel like the It's not that bad. Bro, I You're doing it a
Alexander Coccia:little dirty, I think.
Cozy Snap:I feel like the end of this month, between OTA, between Agony and Antivenom, was a huge letdown.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, oh, for sure it was. And like, Agathy, I think, fell flat. I mean, it's running a 48 percent win rate at 4 percent of the popularity. It's really only being played in, like, some Cope Destroy decks, right, but even then it's getting cut. I think that they buffed this to a 1 3 and it's a totally different situation. I can see this card getting buffed, right? It's also the Season 4 card, they gave it away. I don't know. It is weak. It's definitely falling on the lower end of the the expectations.
Cozy Snap:Hey, and who knows the Frigate Kitty Pride deck that I'm gonna keep bringing out. Good user.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because you throw the Kitty Pride into the Agony. There's no question, right? And actually on Curve, you'd be able to play the Frigga, copy the Kitty Pride. Oh damn, look at that. Cozy, you're cooking!
Cozy Snap:I hope it works. All these cards
Alexander Coccia:you said were bad, suddenly you're going to be in your top performing deck of the month.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I can't wait.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Agony's pretty rough. Now let's go to the way we ranked them from front to back here. There's a lot of cards to talk about. At number one, you and I both agreed to put Scream at the top. Followed by Agent Venom, and then Toxin at 3. We both had the same, the same rate through. We had Scorn at 4. And then at the bottom, we changed it up a little bit. I went Misery, Anti Venom, and Agony. You went anti venom, agony, misery. So again, we both went to scream, agent, venom, toxin, and then scorn is our top four. What are your thoughts on that? Worst card of the month
Cozy Snap:is I said,
Alexander Coccia:I said agony. You said misery.
Cozy Snap:I would say agony and then misery would be after that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah. And then agent venom. And then I would probably say like, like scorn, toxin, scream, agent, venom. So like we were close a couple of them, little, little switch, no major deviations from either side. But a couple of little flipperoonies on either spot there, generally speaking. Yeah, I would, I would say that Agony is probably the lowest performing card of the month, and I think we were right to identify that. I think Scream offered a lot of excitement. I think when we did the rankings as well, we kind of said, we're just excited for this card and what it's going to do to the game. Right. And I think that was a core thing to understand about the way we ranked them overall. Talking about rankings, Cozy, we're moving on to our next topic of discussion here, which is the top 10 series five cards. And Marvel Snap. Now it's kind of funny doing these things because I look at my list and like, I keep tweaking it, keep changing it. It's so hard to pick a top 10 and we're going to do it right now. Cozy. We're going to start with some honorable mentions. Cozy. We'll start with you.
Cozy Snap:All right. If you're my honorable mentions by HMs, Alex I've got a few just out of the top 10. And, you know what, my list isn't all about statistics, this is how I feel about it. I've got Ajax, Hope Summers, and Jeff the Baby Landshark. Just out of the top 10. It's crazy to put Jeff out. I still think he's really good. He's 11! He's 11! 11's really good out of 50 cards. Listen, top 10! This list is getting tighter because of How many Dude, how many series 5's are there now? It feels like there's like 70.
Alexander Coccia:Isn't the whole game just Series 5? I kind of laugh sometimes when I get the notification. It's like, it's a new Series 5 card. I'm like, duh, obviously, bro. Like, it's like, you know
Cozy Snap:what I mean?
Alexander Coccia:But it's funny because I have Jeff at 11 2, which is heartbreaking. Mockingbird, Wiccan, Ajax, Redhawk, they're all right there. That's like rounds out my 15. It's just crazy to think that, like, Jeff still doesn't make it. And I think that, like, with the nerf to White Widow, there's actually more wiggle room in the two drops, but, like, I don't know, man, Pro X isn't really a thing anymore, so Jeff doesn't really counter that, like, it's the meta has shifted so far away from Jeff. That like, it's kind of crazy to think that a 2 3 that can go anywhere at any time just doesn't quite make a top 10 list, but still one of my favorite cards in the game. I do put them in a lot of decks, but it's just goes to show you how good the actual top 10 are. What do you got at number 10? Number 10, right at the top of the list. I've been accused of trying to pump this card all the time, nonstop. And it's, it's Hope Summers. I, I love Hope Summers, I think this is literally so unbelievably disrespected, I know the comment section is going to go off on the fact that we talk about how disrespected Hope Summers is on a constant basis, but no one's playing Hope Summers, and maybe for a reason, but like, this card is so good, and I think what's happening here is you're getting like the Wiccan effects the buff to Electro, you're seeing these like Corvus Glaive, like you're getting these additional ramp options, and Hope Summers doesn't feel as necessary as it once was, but don't forget that Hope Summers was absolutely cracked in the heyday of Kitty Prythena and that package got a little bit of a nerve. I still think Hope Summers is fantastic and this card is going to find its way back in the meta. There's no question about it.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it's funny. I can't believe that card and my card came out at the same time. Red Hulk is my 10. Red Hulk came out the same week as Hope Summers, Crazy Weekend, Marvel Snap, I believe so. Red Hulk. Could go down if Gore takes his spot, but Red Hulk is still big boy, does big things.
Alexander Coccia:I was, like, kind of surprised I ranked him into, like, the honorable mentions range. But yeah, I can absolutely see Red Hulk being the 10th best there, and it's because it's still just an absolute massive body. At number 9 for me this was a difficult, like, it gets harder and harder as you kind of move up, but I'm going with Cassandra Nova. It kind of hurts to not put her a little higher and I think I might have switched her one spot a little higher but I'm going to stay with number nine. She's good but I think that with the the Darkhawk changes, specifically Rock Slide getting changed to a four cost, I think that those packages suffered a little bit. And where Cassandra Nova still works is with like Ancient Venom decks and things like that. Still an excellent card. Aeryshrim not quite as popular as it once was but still an effective meta piece. So Cassandra Nova is good, just not quite the tech and meta counter it once was.
Cozy Snap:Number 9, I've got Gilgamesh. I think that the dude, I don't care what his stats say, he's just as good as he's always been. I think he's a very, very strong card. I think Zu is an incredible deck to play, very consistent. My number 9.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Gilgamesh is absolutely insane, and insane enough that I think I'll be mentioning him ever so much later. Number 8 for me, Cozy this is where Thena comes in, and I actually, this is post Nerf Thena, like OG Thena was so unbelievably cracked, and it's hard to believe that just like a little bit of a change of power really made that much of a difference, I think Thena's incredible I think that it completely carries that archetype as a whole it's just a little unfortunate that archetype seems like it's not functioning as well as it was prior, but it's just on the outskirts of the meta. And I think it's going to come back, most certainly. So, Athena at number 8 for me, I think this card is absolutely unbelievable.
Cozy Snap:I've got Silver Sable, even though I could put her way higher because she performs that way. She is narrow in application, so just like looking at them in a top 10 perspective, I have her low because of that reason. Very good card, plays very well, always like my favorite card in the decks that she's played in. But yeah, I've got her coming up next.
Alexander Coccia:Like obviously the bounce decks is where she's kind of performing the best right now. But like, she didn't quite make like the zoo decks, like I would have expected her to make, but I guess with the narrow application you mentioned is actually true. She's definitely being seen a lot in those like toxin style decks. And for number seven, this is where I had Gilgamesh. So it's very fortunate that he's still on the screen here. I did bring him in at number seven. It's kind of crazy to think that like, OG Gilgamesh was just not quite enough. And then like that two power kind of threw him over. He got buffed, right? Originally, he felt kind of mid, like he didn't feel like he was quite pushing that archetype to the next level, which is kind of surprising because at that time we would have had the OG original Mockingbird as well, so there was a lot of reason to think that Gilgamesh Would have been enough in its current state, but then now where he's at, he is such a clear winner in terms of its power play. And the fact that he's a five cost is a superpower because you're often able to combo him with another one cost or even a mockingbird that might be one cost. And if you've played something else out, I think he's just remarkable. And I think we have them roughly in the same spot, which makes sense.
Cozy Snap:Tina, I've got in that spot for the same reasons you said. Not too much. Again, I'm going to talk about the ones lower. And I'll talk about the ones lower less. I don't need to go on a huge spiel on them. I think Tina's fine, right? I think Tina the Kitty Pride deck that I've mentioned a billion times, maybe could come back. All I know is I lose to Tina a lot. I lose to Tina all the time because I underestimate how high she's going to go. And now she's got that. She's got that Dracula effect to her, where I'm like, I see the lane, I'm like, I'm gonna avoid that altogether.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, dude, for sure. Like, she's always reaching to the stars, and what I will say is, Cozy, you just gotta embrace losing all the time like I have. Oh, yeah,
Cozy Snap:I've embraced it. I'm full, yeah, I've captained it. That's our Who do you got for number six, Cozy? That's our guild, right? We, we lose number six, I've got Sage here. I think Sage Sage is just a winner. Sage is a much more flexible card than most, does so well in the decks that she performs in, feels like I'm always getting great value, feels like I'm winning a lot with her it's a card I could recommend to a lot of people. I like Sage.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I love Sage a lot, and I've been putting Sage in a lot of different decks. And, again, with Agent Venom, like, it's another card that's really kind of found itself and it's been just a remarkable power output from a three costed card. At number six, this is where I put Ereshim. Ereshim, while still being a little cringe in people's eyes, is performing exceptionally well, still a definite meta contender, still a very good deck. Somehow, every time I'm against an Ereshim player, it's to turn one Loki, Ereshim. Bro, come on, like seriously, oh then, oh look, the Quinjet, like that's, it's unbelievable how good they're able to draw despite the RNG that's supposed to be in the deck. I probably think that Airshim's remains where it is, but like, bro, I think Airshim's still really good.
Cozy Snap:When an Airshim gets a Quinjet, and I'm like, oh cool, and then I look at it and it's like generated from Airshim, I'm like, wh Why? Why God? But yes I'll talk about him later. I've got Alioth next up. I think Alighth is always a card that's statistically good, good and whatnot, but I don't know. I think he's good. He's definitely top five. We're gonna have him at the five spot. I don't play him a ton, right? And that's just a personal choice, I think. I just don't play him a ton. Because it's not the decks that I always make around it. I was doing him a lot when he was less popular. He's definitely rising in popularity these days. He's a very good card though.
Alexander Coccia:I feel like you and I have a similar mindset of like, we want to play the things that like are kind of like emerging in the meta. We want to be kind of like we don't want to be playing like the cringe, you know what I mean? Like the two cloud. And it kind of sucks because like, I felt like Alioth really put a damper on the enjoyment of high voltage. I feel like you could have just let, you should just let the high rollers roll. You know what I mean? And Alioth was like poo pooing on that mode a little bit. Although it's again, a necessary evil to some degrees and ranked, of course, because you can't just have these turn six crazy pop offs. It's hard to believe that I used to delete everyone's cards at one point, now it has a very different effect. At number 5 for me, this is where I had Sage for all the reasons why you brought before. Incredibly powerful card, I love it. Who are you at number 5?
Cozy Snap:I just, I think 5 was my was my Alioth, correct? Oh, see, I'm just losing
Alexander Coccia:track of everything, so we're at number
Cozy Snap:4 now. Yeah, it's because I've had Sage on screen forever. 4 that's on me. 4 is War Machine. I, I, listen, I don't care. Again, what the stats say, I think War Machine is just a very good card. Probably one of my most recommended cards to get in the game. What he brings, the decks you can build with him, he got you know, things around him, the whole Storm thing got messed with a little bit. I don't really care, I still just love what he does for Marvel Snap, and it's just a great card.
Alexander Coccia:An ongoing War Machine, going to be a great deck to play into I guess gore when that comes out, cause you just like have no power fields on the field of play, right? And you kind of just deny your opponent that. Also a little goose gameplay there and just prevent them from playing gore. Can you tell what I'm going to be playing that week? I'll probably just end up playing gore to be honest with you. But yeah, like, I like War Machine a lot and I think it's kind of unfortunate that, that Storm took a stray bullet, which I absolutely think it did. War Machine was a 4 7. It was really, really good at 4 7. We brought it down to 4 6. The effect's just good. And I think that like, while you can look at like the, the combination with Legion and stuff like that, I think it's just actually a good ongoing card. And I still expect it to be a very legitimate component of the meta moving forward. For me at number four, I'm going to go Silver Sable. I think this card is just an incredible one drop, universal appeal. Incredible reach potential disruption. It does so many, it checks off so many boxes to the point where it's like, I don't know how they release more one drops without having, like, I don't know how you make a card stronger than silver Sable without a completely destroying the game.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, no, Sable's definitely legit, man. Who'd you get a three?
Alexander Coccia:We're going to the top three now. This is where I have Alioth at three. I do run Alioth at three here, and I just think he's super good. And I think he's a cube stealer. His cube rate's very, very high. Very high cube equity card. Yeah, it's cringe, but you know what, like, if you're, if you're playing competitive Marvel Snap and you want to win games, I think that this is one of the cards you turn to for sure.
Cozy Snap:Agent Venom is my three. I love Agent Venom. Obviously we just talked about him so much at the beginning, why he's good, if he's good. Agent Venom plays on a lot of different decks, he's not as narrow as you might think. Agent Venom is my, my three recommendation.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and who's
Cozy Snap:at your number two? My two is Aarishem. I don't play Aarishem. In fact, if you look at my, I don't know when's the last time I played Aarishem. I just know he's cracked. Like, pure, honest statistics, the most card I see complained about these days is Aarishem. In competitive play, people hate Aarishem. What he does is still insane. To get a card to have fun and do good, go Airsham. Yeah, he's, he's, he's, he's a good card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I had him at number six. I can definitely see the argument for number two because of just how, like, his win rates are still great. Yeah despite the nerfs, like, he's still a legit meta contender. And if there was a tournament today, there's a good chance that an Airsham deck could win it. You know what I mean? So it's pretty crazy how good he is. At number two for me, I went with Nico. Nico is just so, so incredible. I love the card. I love playing the card. It goes in so many different lists. I play primarily in my Phoenix Force lists. It's just the versatility is insane. The surprise factor of wiping out a limbo with the location change or sliding into a location with the move, right? Which tends to be the least preferred, but still good. The copying the card. It's like literally pre power crap Frigga, I guess. You know what I mean? It's just, it's really, really good. I love it. I just don't get sick of playing Nico.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, Nico's my number one. I think Nico is in fact, I think we're celebrating a full year of Nico being what I've stood on the hill of Nico being my favorite card in Snap for quite a while. Quite a long time. I think Nico is in almost all my builds. Like, I just always seem to want to play her. What she offers, what she does, so flexible, she's a one time, if they ever change her to a two, I quit Marvel Snap. I love her. She's a great one.
Alexander Coccia:Arrow in shambles, by the way. I'm just gonna throw that out there. Very unfortunate. Number one for me, I threw Agent Venom there. Little bit of a cop out. It's definitely a meta call. It's like, bro, Agent Venom's absolutely crazy right now. Could very easily have been Nico, though. Like, I actually love Nico more than I love Agent Venom. But just in the current meta right now, ain't nobody complaining about Nico. Agent Venom though, it's pretty much everywhere, like it is all over the place, and if you're talking about the most impactful series 5's, right now, it's going to end with Agent Venom. And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag, where our good people listening, they did ask us a couple questions, there was a ton of comments, a ton of comments, a ton of questions, mostly, Despair. As Mad Salty Skills said, this has to be the worst candy slash chocolate list I've ever seen in my life.
Cozy Snap:I brought it up at the beginning of the episode. It, I, we got a lot of hate. We got a lot of hate, but that is how we know we did our job right, Alex?
Alexander Coccia:Listen, I, I don't care what anyone says I, I'm a grown man, and if I want to use a spoon to eat a peanut butter cup, I can do that. That
Cozy Snap:was weird. I think I looked ba I actually re watched that, man. That's some that hey, listen. What are we doing? Listen,
Alexander Coccia:you put it in the fridge, okay, you put it in the fridge. And then like it gets the outside becomes a very hard shell and then the middle is much softer And then what's cool is you eat the middle with the spoon and then the outside is like this crunchy like candy You get to eat as well. Like it's just you just enjoy it better. You know what I mean
Cozy Snap:when Alex dies on his gravestone I'm a mark my words. It's gonna say I don't care what anyone says. That's your trademark You live by it and at least you live by it. Yeah People the people's comments about that. It was impeccable And probably one of my favorite segments we've done in a long time. It was just fun to just ramble on about candy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's kind of funny because, like, it's, I say that all the time, I don't care what anybody says, but those that know me, including you, Cozy, you know that I actually really do care about what people say. Yeah, I actually do take it to heart. Yeah. But yeah, honestly, the Tier List was fun and Mad Salty Skills, I apologize for it being the worst. My favorite comment though, one of them was also like, Hey guys, love the Snapchat, but this is the worst list I've ever seen in my life. Like, those ones. There it is! He's got a resource, are you kidding me? You do like
Cozy Snap:you, you, you It seems so hard to do that. Dude,
Alexander Coccia:it's so easy. It's so easy to do it. Look at this, look what I got beside me too. Boom. Sour Patch, baby.
Cozy Snap:This is my son's bucket. I took it. Are
Alexander Coccia:you eating? You're just like, oh wow, we're going to do some cozy eating Reese's pieces. Here, I can't have a full Reese's in front
Cozy Snap:of me and not eat it. In fact, I kind of felt bad about not putting it in this. I put it in A and I really felt bad.
Alexander Coccia:Really? I didn't feel bad about anything. The only thing I felt bad about was like, I didn't know a lot of the candy, like this American ass candy that you guys are talking about. I'm like, oh, my wife said one of the, she listened to it, she said there's like some gum that tastes like soap that's in the States. What?
Cozy Snap:Never heard of that. There's
Alexander Coccia:gum that tastes like soap. It's a purple gum that tastes like soap. Hubba Bubba gum? That's just Hubba Bubba. Come on, man. Anyway, someone in the chat's gonna know There is definitely a type of gum that's intended to taste like soap. I'm just throwing it out there.
Cozy Snap:Dude I don't I'm gonna blow me up here. Sorry. I don't I don't know I don't think I've heard of that. There are these like Harry Potter jellybeans that taste like butt
Alexander Coccia:Well, I think that's the Bernie Botts Every Flavored Beans, so you eat one and it's supposed to taste like farts and stuff? Mm hmm. Nice. Okay. I'm not, I'm not gonna eat those. Tricky Otter comes in with a question for Cozy specifically. We don't get a lot of these. Actually, next week, I want all questions at Cozy. I want you guys just to target Cozy with a bunch of random ass questions. Cozy, would you rather, one, have to start a Marvel Snap over again from collection level one and go through the new player experience? Or two, continue playing Snap at your current progress, but you can only ever call cards by the nicknames that Alex gives them, like Skillmonger, Wongers, and Hydration Remover. I would
Cozy Snap:delete my whole account. I would take them all. I'll take them all. I couldn't do it. Hey, take them all. Kill Arrow. You do what you want. You have, that is like, that'd be like, we, ha if I had like a telephone call me and they could, they could ask almost for anything. And I, I can't, Skillmonger. It will never leave my mouth intentionally.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, I can't wait for you to be doing your Surtur video. Surtur video. I still don't know how to say his name. I can't wait for you to do them. And then when you play Crossbones, you have to call them Crossboners, you just have to.
Cozy Snap:It'll, I'll delete the channel.
Alexander Coccia:You just won't do it. Actually, I don't want people commenting that down below. I'll get like demonetized or something.
Cozy Snap:You get a, you get a, you get a ring pop for the next episode and, and eat the whole thing while we're talking. And I will do that.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, there's people that have been requesting the Ring Pop ASMR. I'm not sure if I'm into that. I don't know if I can do it, but maybe that's a, maybe that's like a Patreon. One
Cozy Snap:guy in the comments is like, how dare you about lollipops? I enjoy myself a good pop all the time. And I was like, yeah, man. And it's weird. It is a weird thing to have.
Alexander Coccia:That's kind of hilarious. Deep Duper, sorry, Super Duper Tyler asked, I feel personally attacked by this candy tier list. I'm a grown man who loves Laffy Taffy, who eats both lollipops and popsicles alone. The best kind of lollipops are the ones in the clear plastic wrapping as well. Fight me, Alex. How? I just like
Cozy Snap:hahaha the guy you just went into the zoo. I didn't even know. Hey man, it's okay to be weird,
Alexander Coccia:you know? Like, yeah. Like, listen, I get it. Tyler, like, you, like, you like the popsicles alone. Like, listen, if you want to sit by yourself,
Cozy Snap:what you wanna do alone, you could blow bubbles alone. You do whatever. You, you, dude, I do you Tyler.
Alexander Coccia:A weird thing. Yeah. Like I just, for me it's not, it's not for me, man. It's just like, it's gotta be super duper about
Cozy Snap:that. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:I Love Macaroons is going to close it out for us today and this is specifically for me, this is so funny, Cozy, because you've been busting my chops about this for two years. Your new YouTube profile picture makes your channel look like you're a high school teacher, and I love
Cozy Snap:it. I love your new one, your old one had to go. It had, it's the most, like, it'd be like, hey, let's look at, let's pull out this Mr. Rogers VHS, and he's just like, Like, like just dead bro. It's like not even like it's the most bro. It looks like you're on an MMA fight card. Like it was so not you. Like my dad looked you up as like my podcast party. He's like, dude, why does this guy hate everyone? I'm like, you know, I don't know because that's not him. Like I, I'm so glad you changed it. Yeah. I love the new profile picture. It looks great.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah, we actually got those, we got those taken together at TwitchCon, believe it or not. That's right. So the background's purple. Here's a, that's a little fun note. I just like the fact that they said, you look like a high school teacher. I'm like, okay. That's, I don't think they realized that. I am a high school teacher. Nailed it. Yeah, right. Yeah. Nailed it. Got the exact look that I was aiming for there. Guys, thank you so much. Really appreciate you. Let's leave some comments down below for Cozy specifically. Let's do the roast of cozy snap. Next week there. I want to get some some comments that we can throw cozy away. Love you guys. Thank you for supporting us, and we'll see you on that next one.
Cozy Snap:Love you guys. Have a good one. Have a great one. Good luck in the November season. Happy snapping.