The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Two Years of THE SNAP CHAT | Anti-Venom: Busted or Anti-Busted? | Toxin In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 104
Will Anti-Venom be insane or hot Garbage? What is Cozy and Alex's favorite candy? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Toxin? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia on this special Snap Chat two year anniversary as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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You’ve been listening to The Snap Chat. Keep the conversation going on x.com/ACozyGamer and x.com/AlexanderCoccia. Until next time, happy snapping!
What's going on, guys? I want to welcome you back yet again for two years running. We've got a fun episode today as we celebrate the two year anniversary of the Snapchat. I want to thank you guys for coming each and every week. We're going to talk about Anti Venom, a giant boom or bust card with a lot of potential but could also fall flat, let's be honest. We're going to talk Synergies and our overall thoughts about the newest card. And then also, we used to say this card got leadered. Now it's this card got stormed. A super confusing OTA. Alex and I are going to break down our thoughts on the latest balance patch. And then we're going to lean into the second anniversary. We've got a special segment for you guys to end today's episode. We're going to talk about that all today, once again, on the Snapchat. And as always, for over 700 days, because I can barely do the math, two years I joined by Mr. Alex. Coccia, who's been in my life for the last two years, and if you're listening, we've, we've been, I guess, in your life for For over two years, too. And guys, what an awesome thing. What a cool thing to have every single Monday, kind of Thursday too, right? Was it Thursday or Fridays that we were on before Mondays? It was like a brief period of time.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I think we started on Thursdays, to be honest. Then we switched when the OTA schedule came out and it didn't make sense to be on Thursday anymore. I think that was the moment. Yeah, I think it was a couple of weeks of that, for sure.
Cozy Snap:That's right. So every Monday and or Saturday, Some Thursdays, Alex and I have been doing the Snapchat, and today's the second anniversary. We got, obviously, a super fun episode planned, some tier lists. We're gonna be reliving the greatest moments of the Snapchat little montage, and You know, I gotta say, man, putting together the montage, I forgot a lot of what we've done. Like, you know, a perfect example of this is we're doing a Halloween Candy Tier List today, and people are like, You've already done that. And I was like, I was like, we have? Like, I, I almost don't remember half the stuff that comes out of our mouth over here, probably for for the better. But all I know, man, is I'm a better person for doing two years of this, man.
Alexander Coccia:I, I can't believe that it's been two years, and I'm looking forward to two more years, and two more years after that, like I, this has been such a staple in my life, and it's one of those things, I, I am proud of us, because it takes a lot of effort. To coordinate schedules and make it such a priority that we've never missed a beat. We've never missed a week. And there's not many podcasts that can say that it is a lot of work to do it. And I think it just showcases how important this is for both of us. And I would still do this, even if no one was watching, because this is my chance to talk to one of my best friends. You know what I mean? And that's why I really hold sacred this time that we have, because it's it's very special. It's very special. What we have here. And I'm so appreciative to both you and our audience.
Cozy Snap:I remember when we started, like, no one was watching right for the first couple, and we were like, you know what, who cares? Like, let's just, this is, you know, this is a time to just talk unfiltered Marvel Snap. Maybe sometimes filter it a little bit, but, you know, for the most part, just, you know talking amongst friends and hopefully that's what we, you know, try to make the atmosphere of the Snapchat, is that you guys feel like you're just kind of invited to the conversation, if you will. And the cool thing is, man, Alex and I, we got a lot more coming. I I'm just excited for the next two years. Listen, Snap's amazing, whether it's Snap, whether it's a new endeavor, all I know is Meet your buddy, not only friends for a lifetime, but also you know, co hosts and doing things together. And hopefully as long as you know, I was gonna say as long as people are listening, but we've already stated who cares? We'll just talk to each other for whatever.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, absolutely. And this is really special and I have so much fun doing this. I can't imagine a world where I'm not doing this and I can't even imagine if I were to go back in time. It's like, what? Would I do anything differently? No, I wouldn't. Like, this is by far the most special thing I do every single week.
Cozy Snap:I mean, the bromance level is over 9, 000, guys. You can, you can feel it through the screen. I mean, from the early days of Alex doing the Death Stare, if you guys were here in the early days where Alex would look straight on the camera like this. We've done it all here on the Snapchat, but the last subject of today is gonna be all about it. I can't wait to, to do that with you guys. But today We're gonna be talking about Anti Venom, we're gonna start with a little Snapchat, SnapTalk, and then we're gonna be going from there. We got a new logo, by the way, guys, so I'm excited to premiere that as well. But Alex, Anti Venom, we also have got the OTA from from Hell, the head scratching OTA. Lots to talk about over here. What are we talking about on your side for the two year?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, we're going to be talking about Toxin in review, giving our impressions, talking about the stats, and giving our general thoughts on whether or not this is a card worth having in your collection. And then, for the two year anniversary, we had to go back to one of our absolute favourite topics, the ones we enjoy the most. So it's our favourite, Every Cost. Absolutely love talking about our favourite cards this season, and we're going to be talking about that. And then a special edition of the two year anniversary Snapchat Mailbag.
Cozy Snap:We should also do with our favorite cards of every cost. Let's try to do our favorite cards of all time. I know we haven't even prepped for that, but like favorite cards of all time at every cost, through the nerfs, through the buffs, almost like looking back, man. I mean, I know we're just going to hear Captain Marvel and Arrow, but maybe there'll be some, some ones that jump out at you. But let's talk about the recent, the upcoming Anti Venom. I don't know about you, this month has felt very long. There's been so many new cards, man. Short in the aspect of high voltage made things a bit, you know, quick and different. But, but long as in, we got another card coming out and it's the last card this month in Anti Venom. It's a 4 cost, updated 7 power. This is important because in the before that it was a 6 power. They've upped it to 7. With the ability on reveal, you're gonna set the cost and power of your deck's top card card. Now, before we get to him, the spotlight is going to be Supergiant and Ghost Spider. So, you definitely know that's just a, that's an awful week of spotlight. It feels like the last few weeks of spotlights have been pretty horrible.
Alexander Coccia:Like, there's nothing good about that spotlight cache at all. I am personally completely shocked. That Supergiant didn't get patched, OTA'd or
Cozy Snap:nothing.
Alexander Coccia:Like that is so bizarre. Like, did they forget this card was coming? Like, who's going to spend tokens on this card? And like, I don't mind the card. I'm one of like the, oh, like I don't mind Supergiant, but I, I will admit that the card's not bad. I mean, it's not especially with the change to Taskmaster, right? Like Taskmaster was one of the key combos with that card and now it's not even a 5 cost. So it's like the card is completely dead in the water. I don't know, man. Maybe some people will start cooking with it when they get it, but and then you have Ghost Spider, like I actually like Ghost Spider, but series 4 card, which should be series 3, series 3 in December for sure, by the way, like. It's a good card, but come on, man.
Cozy Snap:Ghost Spider, at this point, feels like Jean Grey. I feel like I've seen her in the spotlights a thousand times, right? Like, it doesn't it doesn't get me excited to use my spotlight keys, if you will. But Anti Venom, in my opinion, might be one of the toughest cards to evaluate. I feel like this has the definition, at least, I mean, maybe you feel different. You know, a good chunk of me wants to say there's a lot going against this card, but there's also a piece of me, Alex, I don't know if you feel this way, that's like, is this one of those cards that, like, people skip on and it ends up just being incredible, right? Like, it's, it's like, it's interesting and there's so much to break down because there's so many different synergies that can work with this card. There's plenty of boom potential and even more bust potential, and so I, for one, am excited Let's kick it off. Star ratings. This was tough for me. What do you have
Alexander Coccia:it? So originally I was at three stars, and my new notes have it at two stars. I wanted to drop it to two stars because I lost a little faith. Then they buffed it to a 4 7, which means it sucked, right? Yeah, yeah. So they buff it to a 4 7, and I'm looking to the 4 7 stat line. I'm like, well, Misery's 4 8, and I still don't want to play that. I wonder about this. You're right. There's so much combo potential, but there's so much bust potential. And so like, I get very hesitant about this card. I'm leaning towards 2 still, despite the buff, because I've started to lose confidence in that this combo will ever have any sort of significance. And some of the early decks I've been trying to design with it, I'm like, Yeah, these decks work with Antivenom, but I don't think they're good decks.
Cozy Snap:It's, you know, what's puzzling is, and I'll get my start in a second, is that it's like, in almost every situation, I think Iron Lad is just the better card between the two of them, in that you don't even have to play the card that Iron Lad copies, which means you can play him on six, right? Because of his ability, obviously that means that we lose the last turn in the game, so you have that activate kind of thing going against him right off the rip. Four seven means for sure, then bumping it up, yeah, no question, he was underperforming. Like, we've seen this before, this is nothing new. He was underperforming. However, in certain decks, I, I'm going to try to be a believer here. I am. And this is one of those, like, I have no problem. In review, we look at it. Oh my god, Cozy, you went too high on it. I just feel like there's potential here. And it's mainly because of Iron Lad. Even if Iron Lad's a better card, I think that we've seen and it's been proven that that style of play, it works. Now don't buy it. This is the ultimate, right, can you agree here? This is the ultimate wait and see kind of card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, 100%. Like, if you're buying this FOMO day one, then, like, you deserve to lose your resources. Like, you need to wait here. Like, I can't be nice about it, man. Like, this is literally the card you cannot possibly buy on day one. Like, Toxin, you like Balance, you buy it. Scorn, you like Discard, you buy it, right? This, man, I don't care what you like, you wait. A
Cozy Snap:lot of synergies to go into. A lot, you know, a lot to talk about here, Alex. I'll go ahead and let you kick it off here, man. Let's start with Dex, and we can talk about individual cards too. Where do you see him working?
Alexander Coccia:Okay, we want to talk about Dex where I think it might actually work. Hear me out on Wong Odin, okay? On Reveal. I was thinking about this a lot. And I was thinking about what are cards that have really high impact but low power? Or high power, very high impact. And don't mind even being a zero. Forget about Luke Cage. I don't even want to run Luke Cage. I don't care. And I was thinking about, okay, if you hit Wong with Anti Venom, okay, you're maybe a little slow, but you can still set up a combo, because Wong, zero cost, zero power, right? You hit White Tiger, you hit Ironheart, right? These are all good hits. You hit Odin, yeah, okay, you're losing power there, but suddenly you have an immediate double proc on the Honor Reveal? And I had this thought of like, I think that Honor Reveal might actually like this card, because everything that it hits, I think it'll do a good job of actually generating some power. Now, I don't have a finalized list yet, and this might be pure cope, but if you want to think outside the box, I don't think anyone's been talking about Honor Reveal, and I suspect it might actually be good there.
Cozy Snap:Okay. I want to visit Honor Reveal, but let's talk Luke Cage for a second. Cause I think you brought up a great point right away. You see the ability of him going from zero cost. You get the raft card, but zero power. So you said it perfectly. That's what I've got on my notes. You know, great ability, low power cards are going to benefit the best. And I think outside of a couple builds, I don't think you run Luke Cage. As crazy as that seems in a lot of these, Luke Cage would then be the best potential in that build, right? He could end up being the 0 0, which is fine, if that's what the deck wants to do in the first place. We've seen it before where you build decks around cards, where it kind of always works. There's always going to be this kind of plus side, and there are so many cards like Honor Veil or decks like ones I'm going to mention in a moment, that almost no matter what you hit, it's going to benefit, and I feel like you almost have to ride with that, right? Like Iron Lad, every now and then you can be a bit greedy because he can copy Korg, and you still get in the 4 6 kind of thing. You know, but then you try to go for the Darkhawk or the Doctor Doom, things like that. You're gonna treat this almost the same way. Now, Luke Cage could have a home in it, but if he doesn't fit in the deck, I don't think it's the worst thing, right? I think you go all in on this kind of ability.
Alexander Coccia:It was leaning towards, like, what if we don't use Luke Cage? What if we don't change this into a two card combo? What if we don't use Howard? What if we just let this card do its thing on curve? And we don't build completely around it, like we try to do all the time. Like, we get these new cards, and we build entire decks. They're like, they feel like, like, houses of cards. Right. Where it's like, okay, I want this one thing to happen. So I'm going to put this card in this card and this guy, the deck sucks, right? Because it's like, you're, you're diluting the power of the deck. Yeah. Luke Cage is a good card. Sure. But I'm just saying that if you have a bunch of targets that only care about the power of their effects and not necessarily the power of themselves, like Wong, Ironheart, Odin, White Tiger, suddenly you don't need Luke Cage. That's kind of where my thought process was. And that's kind of where I'm leaning towards right now. I've got some other stuff I'd like to talk about too, but. I was trying to say, okay, what do we do without Luke Cage and what can we, what can we do with like a high impact kind of play with that zero cost and zero power card?
Cozy Snap:I mean, because if you look at it, the worst thing he has going for him is that he's a four cost, right? So he's a pretty late play. It's kind of in that war machine. That's what scares me the most about him, right? War machine had this cool ability, but because he was a four, you had to use him at this certain turn and then it felt kind of weird at that point. So, what's nice is he's a 4 7, so his power's not bad. You want to play him later anyway because your deck is thinner and you can see what's in there that he can possibly hit. He's got that for him. You can't play him on 6. So this is one of those cards that you have to play on 4 or 5 unless you ramp out early, right? Like, let's just call what that is right away. Luckily, his impact can be used right away. You know, you get that card happening. He takes a hit from not being able to play that turn six. But other than that, there's tons of cards that are fine being a 0 0. Like, an absolute no problem. You just brought up the you just brought up the, the Wong and the Odin or the White Tiger. All those perfect examples. Even Dr. Doom, 0 0. Technically, you're looking at at least a 0 10, you know, and you can work from there. You went the on reveal route. For me, I was looking at both a listen, the Tribunal package, the ongoing package. I try to do ongoing stuff, because Onslaught, mine went to Odin, mine went to Onslaught. A 0 0 Onslaught, I'm like, whatever, I can still kind of work off that. And then what's in there as well, you know, typically, you got the Iron Man, you've got the Tribunal, you've got things you want to do anyway.
Alexander Coccia:I'm not even convinced this is a good Tribunal card, if I can be totally honest with you, right? I think that Tribunals pop off with magic is sufficient, and I don't think you need the zero cost. And so like, I've been trying to figure out like, okay, what can we do with something like Blink? If you have like a very, like, ramp heavy style deck, right? You run your Electros, you have your Blinks, like, you run that style deck, and you use Anti Venom as a backup play. Like, you know when you're building an Electro Wave deck, and you don't have a good play on turn 4, because you didn't draw into your ramps? I feel like Anti Venom is a good play on four that gives you like, oh, look, I just top decked my, well, unfortunately, in that case, it could be your Wave or Electro, but, oh, I just top decked my, my Odin. I just top decked my Doctor Doom or whatever. And then you could play in a way where, like, you have this opportunity to, like, utilize these really big power plays, like maybe even a leader. Right? These cards that would really benefit from being pulled out of Blink anyways. You're playing them, and the Anti Venom is simply just like the icing on the cake, if you understand what I'm saying.
Cozy Snap:I do. That's, so my thought process is typically Jubilee, Blink, these were used like, let's take it back to the Hella days, right? Where it's like, you're trying to get these big power cards, and instead what we're trying to do with this deck now is get these big ability cards. And then, how can you combine those? And then you do want the Iron Lad, you know, example I have is, and again, the deck builds will make themselves as we go, but let's say Patriot, right? Patriot's a great example. You have Patriot, you have Blue Marvel, these are cards that you can not only pull out, but if you get an Iron Lad to hit those, fantastic. Doom can be in that deck as well. All right, and so all of a sudden now we have Patriot, Mystique, Doom and things like Iron Man, even, that can all benefit off of Iron Lad and or Anti Venom. It's a much different look. It's a much different feel of a deck. That, it's tough for me, bro. I feel like Zabu and Psylocke might be the ones that you always have in the deck, rather than Electro and stuff, right? Like, you always would run Zabu at this point, because you benefit off the potential cost reduction. Or, you Psylocke into it, and that's your opening turns.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so Zabu's huge, and obviously with the change to Storm as well, now you have like even more 4 drops that like you might want to even play there. So I do agree, I feel like this was like kind of like a Zabu card to some degree. I still don't think Zabu's great, I still think it has like a few question marks around its viability.
Cozy Snap:Man, it's interesting because as you want to add in other cards to help Anti Venom, we've seen this problem before, they can then be affected by Anti Venom, which kind of sucks, right? Like, if Zabu's that top card at that point, It definitely loses its luster a little bit, but you need to build that deck to do consistent outside of it. So maybe that's, you know, Miss Marvel, which is another card that is not the end of the world if you have her at a 0 0. It's cards that you can put together, and it might be Force. Force is an awkward cost right now because of where Zabu's at. But my belief is there's enough cards. I mean, we have more to go through here, but there's enough cards. That at 0 0, it's, it should work in a couple of builds.
Alexander Coccia:No, there's no question it will, but the problem is you're going to have situations where Anti Venom's going to hit like these side cards that you don't want it to hit, like you have the targets, right, but you can't make your entire deck Anti Venom targets. That's not how the deck building works. Right.
Cozy Snap:And I get what you're saying too. And that's why I think this is such a puzzling card. Is, does this card work out how we feel like it will? But then we have the devs buffing it, which makes us a bit nervous on it altogether. And there's other question marks in the air. To me also though, I feel like this could be a very, I mean we talk Iron Man, right? So, talking Iron Man is one of our favorites right off the bat. Mr. Negative, is this another support card for a Mr. Negative type build? Forget Tribunal at that point, you could run that if you want to. But this is another card where it's like, well, gee, this is where you do want maybe Psylocke or Zabu. And then you go with Negative, Anti Venom, you've got the Iron the Iron Man, you have Cassandra Nova, Ironheart. These are cards, Sage, whatever, Arnim, Zola, Blob, Knull, you know, the classics we talk about with the zero power, good ability cards. The, the cards that are with Negative, it's not him to replace them, but the cards that are with Negative want to be with Anti Venom probably anyway. And you're probably going to either Win those games or lose them. So when I was saying, does he even need to be in there? It's like, does he make him more consistent? Or is it just worthless at that point too, right? Like, if you don't pull negative, well, at least you get the zero Iron Man, and then you can work off that. Or if you don't pull negative whatever. Or if you, you know, get the Psylocke, and you do get you know, Anti Venom, and then you get the zero zero, zero negative on four, well, hey, then you have that play too. Like, this is just a hard card to evaluate. It is. The bottom line is, How many decks can we put together where 0 0 is not this massive downside and it's almost always either a neutral play or better, right? There's reasons we don't play Howard the Duck. He can't fit in the 12. There's only 12 cards. Can Anti Venom do enough? To make it in the 12 list and or does he have to be partnered with certain cards? I mean, that's what we're going to find out.
Alexander Coccia:It is incredibly hard from a deck building perspective and like another kind of another archetype in general card that might be able to work with it. I was thinking about like destroy, but mostly like, if you think about negative, if you think about those like Arnim Nola style decks, right. I think that you were one of the first ones to release a video on that on Marvel Snaps launch, like the Arnim Nola. Style list, and like those types of decks are interesting because you're talking about like Knull, which does not care about that being zero power. Zola, which generally does not care about being zero power. And Arnim Nola style deck with Anti Venom and Mr. Negative. And now they're kind of working together because they're maybe because while you were talking, I kind of realized that like, okay, maybe Yeah, maybe that's like the type of deck that, where they can go in together, because you are right, like, you don't care about those cards being zero power at all, and you're still working into the negative game plan. I can, I can see that, and it's a backup plan, because you know about Mr. Negative, he's at the bottom of the deck, right? Yeah.
Cozy Snap:I mean, it's, listen, it's ongoing, really, the, the, the only things I can see him in successfully, and where I'm gonna try him is ongoing, like you said, on reveal Patriot does go with ongoing, but in these Patriot blends, he Hela is actually really interesting, because Hela is the deck where Luke Cage isn't shoved in there for the, for the hell of it. Luke Cage is in there to help out Hela, and then if you happen to get Anti Venom, Dude, how, how cool is that? If you happen to get anti venom, because you get all of these big power cards that want to be in there anyway. Hela's going to do her thing. It could actually work in a Hela deck as well. Those are the main places you know, I see them.
Alexander Coccia:There is one more thing I want to mention. And I kind of came across this. And this is like the X Factor callout here, because I was preparing for a future video. And I came across Frigga, and it's the 3 datamined, which on reveal adds a copy of your last card you played to your hand. And so if you think about it, you play Agent Venom, right? You get a 0 let's say it's Doctor Doom. You play that 0 0, and then you play Frigga, and it comes back to your hand. And in theory, it should come back as a 0 0, no?
Cozy Snap:No, it will, and you know what's so funny is that we, man, we, we, you can tell we've been doing this for two years. Here's the thing, I had on my notes, cause I was like, Devil, Dinosaur, who's never gonna, you know, be like quite in the meta again, but I was like, oh, Devil, Dinosaur, and and Moon Girl, cause I was like, oh, you get that zero cost, and you can try to copy with Moon Girl, but by that point, it's too late, right? So I'm like, that won't work, and then I was like, Trigga! Trigga's coming out, and that's kind of, you know, a lot of the answer. Overall, my main worries are that he is four, so you have two turns to make it work. Iron Lad works because you have three turns to make it work, and that's gonna be the biggest downfall for him, and I think that's where we s you know, the main reason why we saw him take that big hit or go up in power is because of that. But does he take one of these decks to the next level? I think he does land around, like, a 3 star.
Alexander Coccia:It's hard to say I've been thinking about him, like, in the same scope of, like, what Pixie does, and how Pixie plays. Whereas, like, there's, like, the one deck where Pixie pops off on, and then, like, you know, it's inconsistent, but it has its moments. Yep. I feel like Pixie's probably a good comparison here. Like, you know what I mean? Like you get a really good card for relatively inexpensive. I feel like they kind of have the same attack vector. And so maybe we were kind of incorrect to not add Pixie to the, Hey, probably similar list.
Cozy Snap:Listen, they're RNG cards. And if history has shown us, you look at Iron Lad, you look at Pixie. Those are RNG cards, and they've worked. They've worked pretty successfully. Pixie took some time, and I think it was one of the few that likes Pixie, and, and, and it took some time. And you know who's another one that took some time? It was Circe, another RNG card. People didn't like her, and now they do. Circe has been played more, and we've seen actually some of the top players rely on Circe for these big pop off plays at the end. Could he fall in that category? Will he fall, you know, in a niche, you know, if you play Mr. Negative Build? We'll have to see. Them taking him up on how I point is what's concerning. And ultimately, I think he does have some pretty cool synergies. Alright, Alex, due to popular demand, we got the candy tier list. And I'm gonna be honest, people asked or people told us that we've already done this. This is something that's already happened. But the good news is, is I barely remember yesterday. So, I definitely don't remember what we did. Either way, if you are listening to the Snapchat today on this video, Lovely Monday. Maybe it's lovely. It could be an awful weather day for you. We've got these tiers over here and at the top here we've got the best, right? The best candy. And we have always good, right? Like, you're always okay reaching out. It's solid. It's good. We have decent. Which, like, decent, I think, is like, if it's there, and you're hungry, you'll put it in your mouth, you know, like, whatever. Kind of garbage is the next tier, which I think is like, I don't know when I'm eating kind of garbage, you know, like, it, I, When, what, what is a situation in a scenario that you're like, This candy's kinda garbage, but I'm gonna eat it right now.
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, based on my physique, I eat kinda garbage every day.
Cozy Snap:I kinda garbage is when I get my oil changed, and they've got that bowl of candy at the, at the, like, the cashier, and I'm just like, I don't really need this, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna put this in my body.
Alexander Coccia:You know what's kind of garbage? Like those really cheap suckers that are just like the piece of plastic and they, they're like awful. Like you know the ones that like you pull the plastic off and it's like they're super sticky. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:the, the dum dums. But I only eat the blue raspberry ones. If you have any other ones, those are, those are kind of garbage though. That, that's a perfect, are those on here? I don't see them. But if they are, No, I'm
Alexander Coccia:talking worse than that. I know what you're talking about. I'm talking like dollar store suckers. Oh,
Cozy Snap:dude. Dude, what about the straw? Oh, those are on here. Oh, we have, we're spoiling some of these. Okay, next list is straight into the trash, and then we have what the F are these? So, so I think Alex is gonna want to put so many things into what the F are these, which is disappointing. But I'll describe them to you if you don't know what they are, and at least you can give me your best Canadian comparison. Okay, so we start out with nerds, Alex. We got nerds, my man, and I'm pretty sure, you know, you could be anywhere in the world, and you know what nerds are. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna make an audible here, because nerds are okay, but there's these nerd clusters that just, that have been hitting the scene lately, that I think are kind of always good to decent. Probably decent is where I would put nerds.
Alexander Coccia:Nerds used to be always good for me, and then as I've gotten older, like my desire for them has kind of waned, I would go with decent for sure, but they're on the higher end of decent, and they used to be amongst my favorites.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, yeah, for sure. And like, here's the thing I would say, like, once I started thinking about what they did to my teeth, but that's kind of like all candy. I think we could get this one out of the way. I think this is a good one. Just go right in. Sour Patch. Is that the best? That's the
Alexander Coccia:best for me. Yeah. I like Sour Patch a lot. Cause I think it's so unbelievably flavorful. I think it's fair. I think you only need like one man. Like I get, there's going to be some people that don't like Sour Patch, but for me, it's near the top because you get so much for so little in Sour Patch. Like you feel like you can't overeat it. You know what I mean? You just got to Savor it.
Cozy Snap:I'll, I'll allow it. Like I'm not like, yeah, like, yeah. I don't know if I'd put it right there, but it'd be close. It'd be like right there. Like the orange would be down here, but the red would be at the top. What about Bit O honey? You ever had this garbage?
Alexander Coccia:WTF or these? What is that? Is that taffy? This is, this is
Cozy Snap:straight from the 19, like seventies. I feel like. It's like dude, it is taffy kind of, but it's like, it's like it's like a honey. It's like honey toffee, taffy. That's the best way to describe it. And honestly. It's not that it's, I went, honestly, I think kind of garbage. It's not straight in the trash. Oh, I don't know, man. I think I would eat one of these if they were in like a little bowl at grandma's.
Alexander Coccia:Those look like they're immediately expired from factory.
Cozy Snap:They're, they're not, it's a stretch to even say they're kind of garbage. I might put them here. I, I have to be in a really desperate state in my life. Like I've, I had to have a, I would have to have a really, Really bad day to, you know, like, I get a flat tire, I walk to the gas station, at the register, these are here, and I'm like, it can't get any worse. I might as well have a bit of honey.
Alexander Coccia:And just add a Slim Jim to the order while you're there. What about a Babe Ruth? Okay. I've seen Babe Ruth. I've never had one before.
Cozy Snap:I could, I could get flack for this, but like, there's some like popular candies in the States. This is amongst the garbage. I, I think Babe Ruths are garbage. I don't think I've ever made the conscious, sober choice to buy a Babe Ruth. Like, I don't think I, or a drunk choice. Like, I, I don't think I've ever, Care to get a Babe Ruth? I think I would work through my Halloween bag as a kid and see it and be like, I'll get to this eventually, once I've got to the good stuff. It's not good. It's not great. There's somebody out there who's gonna be pissed, but they're not good.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, that's fair. And I'm just surprised they named a candy bar after like a pitcher from the baseball league.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, just some random baseball player or like one of the best of all time, you know, either or.
Alexander Coccia:Understood, okay. But I've never had the Chocobar before, so I don't know if they have them in Canada.
Cozy Snap:You guys have Gretzky bars up there or something? Like, what's y'all's, No, he has
Alexander Coccia:a winery though, if you want some wine. Does he? Alright, alright.
Cozy Snap:Alright, how about next up we go with, Yo, do you know what Werther's are?
Alexander Coccia:Oh yeah. Werther's original? Tell me you like these. I was going to say, dude, if you like
Cozy Snap:these are the biggest boomer, like these are boom, this is boomer food. Like this is straight up boomer, boomer food. That's
Alexander Coccia:like, that's grandma has, has had them for 25 years in a bowl and no one eats them in the room that has like the furniture covered in plastic. Dude, you can
Cozy Snap:feel these coming out of your nose to talk about like, these are bit of honey on like like made in a chemical lab, even more like they, You feel it. It's like a, it's a sensation.
Alexander Coccia:They ruin your teeth so bad. Cause if you, cause you get the sensation where you kind of want to chew on them. And then they get stuck in your teeth so unbelievably bad. Yeah, wear those original. Hopefully like they don't want to sponsor us or anything. But yeah, absolutely. I wouldn't
Cozy Snap:take the sponsor. People are and you smell. I feel like people's breath. This is like up there on breath. Like you smell
Alexander Coccia:like old person?
Cozy Snap:I mean, I like, I don't know if I like how old people smell, but I, I don't think I hate What's this is a random quick subject. What is a smell you can't stand?
Alexander Coccia:What? A smell I can't stand?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, do you have like a smell you can't stand?
Alexander Coccia:I never really thought of it. I gotta tell you, I don't like the smell of like, perfumes and stuff. Like, ash body sprays and stuff like that. Like, I actually would prefer someone not wear, like, perfume, than wear perfume.
Cozy Snap:My wife eats these things called power berries, and I swear to God, they smell like death. Don't ever, don't, I can't stand them. Okay, so kinda garbage. Or straight into the trash. I'm gonna be honest. I'm, I'm probably here with Werther's.
Alexander Coccia:They're not that bad, but they're bad. I'm not eating them. Like, straight to the trash is, that's like, aggressive for Werther's original.
Cozy Snap:We might move it. What about classic M& M's? The classics. Oh, always
Alexander Coccia:good. I
Cozy Snap:think peanut M& M's might be towards the best.
Alexander Coccia:Easily better. Peanut M& M's are 100 percent better. There's no question about it. Especially the yellow ones. They are better. I don't care what anyone says. If they're the But regular M& M's Do you go decent?
Cozy Snap:No, they're kind of like nerds to me. Like, I used to really slap with them. And now I, I I'm not crazy about M& M's.
Alexander Coccia:You know what? I agree with Deason. If it was peanut M& M's, I'd do to always good, but I'll, I'll accept Deason.
Cozy Snap:Do we have, do they, oh, we have peanut. You know, let's just do peanuts now. Do, do peanuts do peanut M& M's make, do they go always good? Or do they go near the best? I mean, they're, they're top tier. They're top tier. I'm
Alexander Coccia:willing to go always good minimum. And I'd be willing to listen to the, to the argument for here. I
Cozy Snap:think, I think for now I need, no, cause you know what hits this. We might as well just take it up for me, for me personally. Both these hit there. Maybe, maybe Reese's Pieces is a stretch. I might say that, but Reese's for me is towards the top.
Alexander Coccia:Reese's Pieces is kind of garbage in my opinion. Kind of garbage is, is. The peanut butter cups themselves I would consider an always good. But if you want to go the best, that's fine. I got my Sour Patch up there. It says both of our lists, so I will allow it. But I will tell you, what I really like about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is I like eating them with a spoon.
Cozy Snap:With a spoon.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. You eat it with a spoon. Like you, you kind of eat it like it's a bowl, like a miniature bowl of cereal. And you just dig out the middle. Sometimes I really like to like putting them in the fridge.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Oh, I do the fridge thing. I actually, there's a lot of candies that get way, like they go up a tier grade in the fridge. Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:They're way better from the fridge.
Cozy Snap:It's like taking a card cost down a cost so I can snap it. It's like, it significantly gets better right away. If it keeps the stat line. I, I'm gonna go to the next, cause here's the thing, I'm actually gonna put Reese's and Always Good, cause I have other candy now that have aged better. I think when I was a kid, I would have Reese's as the best, and I, I bumped it down. I bumped it down. Okay. These I think I gotta keep here, I'm gonna be honest. What the hell are these?
Alexander Coccia:I don't know what that is, dude. I think I've seen them. I've never seen those before. No,
Cozy Snap:I've seen these. I've seen these, but I, I definitely, like, I definitely think my grandpa's grandpa had these in a photo.
Alexander Coccia:It looks like a firework. Firework.
Cozy Snap:It almost is. They're chalk. It's like tums. Why are you putting them in
Alexander Coccia:decent? We don't even know what they are. I'm not. This is
Cozy Snap:where I settle them for a second. Like, I gotta, I can't make business, you know. We'll put them here. We'll put them here. We'll put them here. Alright, next up we've got Ugh. Laffy Taffy. I think you like Laffy Taffy. You strike me as a guy that likes Decent,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. I would go decent, but I'm not happy about it. Like, they used to be better before. The jokes suck. They even have like these sticks, right? And I would have them and then like they would just, no, decent, maybe kind of garbage. I, you know, I could go kind of garbage on them.
Cozy Snap:I would get drunk on Babe Ruth before I would have friggin Laffy Taffy. I, I can't, I feel like I'm eating something that's giving me cancer when I have Laffy Taffy. By the way, if Laffy Taffy wants to sponsor us too. Out the window, wait, there's no
Alexander Coccia:shot. You're doing a great job here.
Cozy Snap:No shot. All right, let's move on. This, this Snapchat's going to be long, guys. It is a two year, so I hope you like it. Yo, what about fireballs? Do you have these?
Alexander Coccia:You ever had these as a kid? Wait, wait, those are the ones that get really spicy? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like jawbreakers that are super spicy, right? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:yeah, kind of like the whiskey.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, yeah, straight to the trash.
Cozy Snap:They're, they, for sure, no one has the, you know what, I think, they're not, you know what's perfect, the perfect candy to bring up with these, it's like, it's almost like challenge food candy warheads right here. The, like, straight up, like, you're not eating these for satisfaction, you would eat these, and here's the deal. You hit me up in 5th grade, I'd be putting these right up here. Like, these were like, the closest thing to drugs that you could have as a kid. And it put some hair on your chest, right? Blue raspberry, black cherry flavor would have ruined you. Nowadays You are
Alexander Coccia:the kid that 100 percent like, was snorting like, Kool Aid powder.
Cozy Snap:I, I don't know if I'd be where I am today if I was snorting Kool Aid powder. Yeah, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go decent. Actually, I would keep these in decent. I don't think I would eat one today, but I think they've, I think I'd put it in.
Alexander Coccia:Yo, warheads are the definition of kind of garbage. But like, if you want to say decent, that's fine. Let's be honest, for ourselves, we don't enjoy it.
Cozy Snap:For my childhood.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Okay. I'll accept it. But like, literally, I think like the definition of kind of garbage candy is warheads.
Cozy Snap:What about a blow pop? I haven't put a blow pop in my, I haven't had a blow pop in a long time.
Alexander Coccia:That's the one that is like a lollipop, but in the middle has like a chewy thing, right? Yeah, yeah. The chewy thing always sucked. I think it's kind of garbage.
Cozy Snap:I think they suck. I'm actually low key, not as. I, dude, I'm not eating a blow pop. I don't like lollipops. I hate lollipops,
Alexander Coccia:dude. What about ring pops? Do we have ring pops on that list?
Cozy Snap:When's the last time you as an adult, and I want the listeners to hear, when's the last time you as an adult had a lollipop?
Alexander Coccia:Dude. Okay. This reminds me. It's not necessarily lollipop, but a couple of years ago I was driving. And I pulled up to like a, like a, I was at a stoplight and the dude beside me was like, hammering a popsicle. And I gotta tell you, it was so awkward because we made eye contact and he was like, he was going to town on it. If you're
Cozy Snap:having a popsicle in public, first of all, in public, jeez, you could have a popsicle in your house.
Alexander Coccia:Both of us felt really awkward.
Cozy Snap:I kind of mess with popsicles, but I have a kid, like, right? Like, It's the same as like, blowing bubbles. Like, if you're blowing bubbles, like, cool, if you're with a kid. If you're blowing bubbles as like, a grown man on a bus station, like, what's happening? What's going on? Blow, blow pops are the same for me. If you're having a lollipop, and you're just like, alone, I'm gonna be like, what's going on? Like, you doing okay?
Alexander Coccia:For anybody wondering, I don't really remember this so much. It was a Cyclone Popsicle. It was the red, white, and blue one that goes in a circle.
Cozy Snap:Oof. That's I don't know if I can get that memory out of my head. How about Almond Joyce? This dude? Okay, hey. You don't know what this is?
Alexander Coccia:No, write to WTF for these. That's some American stuff right there. I
Cozy Snap:hope I know what I'm sending you. I, I, like, hand to God, this is what you're getting mailed. This to me So I'll just speak on it for you, okay? It's you got chocolate. That's, like, pretty good chocolate. Coconut. But coconut, like, it's, like, not, like like a slice. It's, like, a Mixture of coconut with a little almond in the middle for the crunch. And when I was a kid, I thought these were the definition of, of, of just the devil's work. But I, I now think these are one of my favorite. I, you, you don't know. So this kind of sucks. I would put them as always good.
Alexander Coccia:Really? Okay. I'll take your word for it. It sounds awful. Like coconut is such a, such a terrible flavor. I know I'm not a
Cozy Snap:coconut guy either. I hate coconut water. Like I'm not a coconut guy, but I like, I like almond joys.
Alexander Coccia:Really? Okay, I'll have to try it one time. I'll have to wander to the United States of America and get myself an almond joint. This is
Cozy Snap:right here with Blow Pops, buddy. Friggin Pixie Sticks. If you haven't No,
Alexander Coccia:Pixie Sticks, man. They're, they're straight to the trash, man. I hate them. Like, nothing redeemable to a Pixie Stick.
Cozy Snap:Dude, it's Kid Meth. Can I say that? Yeah, basically. Can I say that on a podcast? I don't know. Swedish Fish. Oh, come on. Come on.
Alexander Coccia:Okay. Swedish Fish are, oh man, you know what the problem with see Swish Fish is, I think they're decent now. They used to be always good. Now they're decent. I, oh dude, I'll fight you. I'll fight you. They're always, they feel greasy now. I don't know. They changed their formula. Greasy. They're dry. No, they didn't. Yes, they did, man. At least the Canadian formula, it's, it's has a greasiness to it. I don't like'em anymore.
Cozy Snap:Greasy. They're like the driest,
Alexander Coccia:they're like the driest candy. Bro, the formulas in Canada and the States can be different, okay? When we were in the United States of America, my kids loved Froot Loops in Canada. We got Froot Loops there. Dude, your Froot Loops were like vibrant colors. And when my kids poured milk, the coloring from the Froot Loops like changed the color of the milk. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:we pumped the Blue 40. What's happening? We pumped the Blue 40. The factory's like, you sure we should? And they just say, how much? And they say, yes. Like, it just doesn't I'm gonna put them here. Alright, cause this is, I'm not going off Canadian formula. Alright, we're gonna take the better of the two, alright? And I'll take your, I'll take your word for it if they go up there. Yo, what about dots?
Alexander Coccia:Man, you know what, dots? Those were like the things I would get, like going out on Halloween, I'd get like, someone was giving out dots, I'd get like a couple small packs of them. They're basically Jujubes, but I don't really remember what they taste like. So I guess kind of garbage?
Cozy Snap:They kind of taste like garbage. I think I lost a tooth. To a dot when I was a kid. They are, they are sticky. Like, I'm pretty sure if you, like, popped a hole in a boat, you could, you could chew a dot and, like, seal it. It's like Flex Seal, the, the, the, the, the commercial. You haven't seen that, bro. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:yeah. Actually, you saying dot brought back to my mind, you remember the show Reboot?
Cozy Snap:No.
Alexander Coccia:And Dot with Enzo and, no? Someone out there is gonna remember the show Reboot and it was, one of the main characters name was Dot. Sweet
Cozy Snap:Tarts!
Alexander Coccia:Indifferent. Kind of garbage, maybe decent.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I'm gonna go like, kind of garbage. Just like, indifferent is my thing. Here we go. We might fight on this. I don't know. Kit Kat.
Alexander Coccia:That's chocolate though. Like, what are we doing?
Cozy Snap:What do you mean, what are we doing?
Alexander Coccia:It's a chocolate bar.
Cozy Snap:Yeah? It's not candy. What do you mean candy? Candy is like chocolate and candy. Dude, what do you think Reese is there?
Alexander Coccia:You've been skipping all the chocolate at the bottom for the last 20 minutes. Yeah,
Cozy Snap:I've been grabbing the other stuff here. What do you mean this chocolate? What do you think M& M's are? I don't know. I guess true.
Alexander Coccia:Nevermind. It has a candy shell. No, that's just chocolate. It's more chocolate. And actually these Reese's don't make, so, okay, let's just move on. Okay. So KitKat, KitKat's not the best, but it's definitely always my best. This is my best.
Cozy Snap:This is my Sour Patch Kid. This is what I'll eat no matter what. This used to be my favorite candy of all time.
Alexander Coccia:Oh bro, that's so cringe.
Cozy Snap:No, not anymore. Hershey's
Alexander Coccia:cookies and cream, that is legit kind of garbage.
Cozy Snap:Oh, I hate you. Yeah, no, it's okay. It's so bad. This is our last time here. One of the
Alexander Coccia:worst chocolate bars ever. It's white chocolate that tastes like absolute filth.
Cozy Snap:You're absolute filth. This is, no, I think this, I think I would rather
Alexander Coccia:eat arugula. You suck. No, I, listen, I'm
Cozy Snap:gonna send you a bit of honey. How about, you think it's a bit of honey too? Ass? No, I think it's kind of
Alexander Coccia:garbage. It is literally kind of garbage.
Cozy Snap:Dude, to put this even next to Babe Ruth is the most unconstitutional. I'm, listen, I'm putting this. This is a
Alexander Coccia:travesty, I can't stop you, I'm powerless, here you go, here you
Cozy Snap:go okay, next, done.
Alexander Coccia:Come on man, okay, I actually don't like Twizzlers, to be honest with you, I wouldn't say they're straight in the trash, but they are kind of garbage,
Cozy Snap:The oh, did you have Runts growing up? Did you have these growing up? Yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Yes, I used to love Runs. They're super hard to eat.
Cozy Snap:I'm not gonna lie, I forgot these exist. I have to make this smaller so that we can even see this list. I'm not gonna lie, I forgot these existed. Runs? The banana flavor?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, Runs, I would basically just eat the other ones and save all the bananas. And I think you know this now. The bananas were so
Cozy Snap:bad.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I think the Bulk Barn actually has Runs and it's just only bananas. And you can just scoop up all the bananas.
Cozy Snap:I swear it's been since 1998. Since I put it right in my mouth. I That sounds horrible too. Do we want to put it? I think they're kind of garbage. I think they're probably
Alexander Coccia:kind of garbage. If we were to eat them today, we'd be disappointed, I think.
Cozy Snap:I just feel like the blue ones really, like, hit me. Like, I, they were kind of, kind of, kind of much. I'm skipping some of these. Did you ever get these little guys?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I like those a lot. Those are Tootsie Rolls. The flavored Tootsie Rolls. Those are always good, in my opinion. They're not. They're sick, man. Those are good. And okay, the OG Tootsie Rolls that taste like plastic chocolate, that's kind of sus, but those flavored ones are legit. Those are always good, man.
Cozy Snap:These are the ones that like, when I get these given to me, I'm like, oh, so you didn't get real candy this year, you know?
Alexander Coccia:I'll accept decent, nothing
Cozy Snap:less. Bro, I would have to be, I could be on a desert island, like, just begging for substance, and I'd see these, and I would just eat sand. I'm not putting that in my mouth.
Alexander Coccia:Most of the stuff that's down there right now, I've never seen before. Some of it, I've never seen. A hundred grand? I have no idea what that is.
Cozy Snap:It's right, it's almost the perfect comparison to Babe Ruth. It's that bad. Like, it's like, and by the way, Ronstadt's getting out of the picture, guys, I think we're, we'll be okay. I think we're gonna live with Ronstadt in the picture. Airheads this is, this is another adult, if you're having an airhead, That's great
Alexander Coccia:to trash now.
Cozy Snap:If you're having an airhead, these days, I'm concerned, but, dude, these, for me, these are the ultimate, like, baseball can, like, I would go baseball games, and they would have these concession stands, which were, like, kid robbery, and I think kid labor was going on there. Yeah. Yeah. But I would get, I would get dozens of these. Just that and Bubblegum. Oh, like Big Chew gum. Did you have, you didn't have Big Chew. The Big Chew gum's a definition of American. Wait, Big
Alexander Coccia:Chew, is that the purple one with the baseball player on the front? Yeah,
Cozy Snap:yeah, yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've had those before. I used to have that all the time, man, when I was playing baseball. I was like a young kid. Alright, we've got to, oh, Mr. Goodbar.
Alexander Coccia:Never heard of it.
Cozy Snap:What?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, never heard of that. That's another American thing. Now here's
Cozy Snap:the thing, these are actually pretty good. These are actually really good. I'd put this one. You've
Alexander Coccia:had
Cozy Snap:so many
Alexander Coccia:hot takes tonight, I can't believe any of this. You haven't even had a
Cozy Snap:Mr. Goodbar, you don't even frickin know what it is. It could be the best thing. Yeah, but you've been hot
Alexander Coccia:taking the whole time with absolutely just brutal takes. Oh my god. I don't know if I could believe this.
Cozy Snap:He says that with like this crap, the, the colored tootsie cancer right in the decent thing.
Alexander Coccia:But like the problem is it's called Mr. Goodbar, not Mr. Decent Bar, so maybe you got something going there.
Cozy Snap:Not always good. It's not the Mr. Always Goodbar though. If it was the Mr. Always Goodbar or the Best Bar, Which I kind of Snickers. Do you know what that is? Have you had Snickers? Alex,
Alexander Coccia:Snickers are, are borderline straight into the trash.
Cozy Snap:Yo. Honestly, here's the deal. I agree. And Mars, I think this is all, I think this is a hot topic. I'm sorry, did you say Mars bars? That's the hell's a Mars bar.
Alexander Coccia:You've never heard of a Mars bar before? Before? I have. I have, but
Cozy Snap:I've avoided them. I've avoided them.
Alexander Coccia:No, they're way better than Snickers. Snickers has like the, the peanuts in them, right? For no reason.
Cozy Snap:These are going to, these are going to, yeah, for sure. These, this is going to piss people off. I do, there are people that like their Snickers and I don't know why. You know what though? Have you had Snickers ice cream? No, nevermind. The only reason
Alexander Coccia:why I even remember what Snickers are is because in all the fantasy football apps, I think they like they sponsor the optimization on your lineup thing. Three Musketeers.
Cozy Snap:Never heard of
Alexander Coccia:it. You have. Another American candy.
Cozy Snap:Okay.
Alexander Coccia:Here's the deal.
Cozy Snap:Once again. I can't put it here. People are going to be so mad that Snickers is next to 100 grand. Yo, so all
Alexander Coccia:this American candy I've never heard of is basically at best mid.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, to be honest. Honestly, yeah. Except Almond Joy. Except Almond Joy. It is. It's not great. I actually like Three Musketeers. I might put that up a little higher. I kinda I can mess with that. I think it's not It's not the worst, it's not the worst. We're gonna now have this like, this is huge. Okay, this is a 30 minute segment and I'm here for it. Okay, we're ending, we're ending soon. Because some of this, I can't even rank, bro. Like, Jolly
Alexander Coccia:Are those pets, though?
Cozy Snap:Jolly Ranchers, real quick.
Alexander Coccia:Jolly Ranchers are always good. Always good. I like Jolly Ranchers.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. You like small colored candy. Like, I, I like busted. I found you out. Like this is I think the blue ones are actually, I think I could have some of these. I
Alexander Coccia:think, I think what it is, is that like, I like candies that can sustain my enjoyment for a long period of time. That's like the sour patch. The reason why I like'em, I can have one at a time. Yeah. And I feel, feel like I'm being sustained. It's a joll rancher. You, you can suckle on it for like an hour
Cozy Snap:and can, don't have you say suckle again. That really bothered me. I, that got me. Sweaty. Hey, have you had a Tobalone before?
Alexander Coccia:Oh, those are like the really bars that people give you for Christmas.
Cozy Snap:You know what, I don't even want to rank it. I'm just gonna be upset. Nope, it's fine. Yep, no, it's okay. I've never had one before. They're really good. Okay Lo, look at that. No, there's no Mars bars here because they suck. Okay, what about Starburst? I
Alexander Coccia:like Starburst but You're just a little candy guy. Yeah, you're a little
Cozy Snap:candy guy. They're probably,
Alexander Coccia:like, high decent, though. They're not always good.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think in the day they were okay. They're nerds to me. It's the exact equivalent of nerds to me. We'll do a couple more. I know you guys might see some and like you got to do this. It is what it iss. I don't even wanna say Milky Way.'cause you probably it's another American candy. You don't know Skittles.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, Skittles are near the best because you can have, I hate one at a time and enjoy them. I like them a lot. And sour skittles are incredible. Okay, so I was about to say just very, I can they ruin your stomach though,
Cozy Snap:not your stomach, your tongue.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Sour Skittles have a really rough, like I put, I put
Cozy Snap:ski regular Skittles I'd put here. I actually don't think I would, I don't think I've had a skittle ridiculous in forever. Where, dude, when's the last time you popped
Alexander Coccia:a
Cozy Snap:Skittle in your mouth?
Alexander Coccia:Like, literally 25 minutes ago. Because my wife bought a box Do you want me to go get Skittles? I have a bunch of them right now. My wife bought a box of them from Costco to give away for candy, and I opened the box I can taste them.
Cozy Snap:I haven't had one in 10 years, and I can taste it. It's that, it's that, you know what bothered me with it is one time like you get them wet and you see what comes off a Skittle and you're like, I'm like, I'm good. I don't ever want one again. That's that blue 50 going right into your body.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. That's like people that work at Taco Bell, not eating Taco Bell.
Cozy Snap:Candy corn. The classic. You know what? Kind of garbage, but I'll eat it. I like them. So I think they're good. Like I would put them here. They're good. But they're kind of garbage, you know what I mean? They are kind of garbage,
Alexander Coccia:like a hundred, I mean, the same vote as you. It's
Cozy Snap:like, I eat them, I eat them. Like, I'd put them higher, but they're kind of garbage. They're the definition of the, of the tier.
Alexander Coccia:But what I will say is, you see those rockets? Where? Left, left, left, no, down, you don't know what a rocket is. It's, it's right there between the, the, what's, I don't know, the app two right from the apple.
Cozy Snap:Yes, that's a rocket. That's not a rocket, bro. These are sweet not sweet tarts. These are Smarties or something like that.
Alexander Coccia:No, they're called Rockets. They're like sweet tarts, but they're like, but they're called Rockets, dude. Those are sick. So this must be the formula thing.
Cozy Snap:I think we both have them. You untwist it, they stack, you can like, eh. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:they're like sweet tarts, except not bad.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, okay, so here's the deal. This is a formula. This is a classic, like, there was a naming rights thing and like, the states won one, you guys won the other. Rockets won in the, in the I, I'll be honest, haven't had these since 1998 again, but I, or 92 probably. But like I, I like'em.
Alexander Coccia:I like'em too, man. They're, I think they're great. They're, I bet, I think they're Candy corn.
Cozy Snap:They're guard though. I think they're candy Corn. They They're just not good. And honestly, I don't like, I think hot tamales would go here. I like, yeah, it's pretty in the trash. Yeah. I think we've, we've just the classic hershe.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, Hershey sucks, man. I don't know, kind of garbage, probably. But I do see Ring Pops there. I do like myself a Ring Pop, but not as a grown man, so straight into the chat. Okay, I was about
Cozy Snap:to say, bro, you're like giving, you're giving crap about a guy at a bus station. Having a popsicle, but you were like, yeah, man, but I, I crush a ring pop,
Alexander Coccia:dude. No, you don't understand what this guy was doing to this ring for this, this popsicle,
Cozy Snap:bro. You can't, you can't do anything civil and honestly, not like borderline illegal, like near your school. If you're having a ring pop. You put it on the ring?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, no, I'm not eating a ring pop as a grown man. I'm not going to do it. I'm not it. But one thing I will say though, one of my absolute favorite candy of all time. If
Cozy Snap:this video gets 4, 000 likes, Alex will have a ring pop by the next video and eat it on camera. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:exactly. I want to give a special shout out to the, I don't know exactly how to pronounce the company's name, but it's like an American company. Is it like Herbero? Yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:yeah, these gold people just call them gummy bears. No one says, like, I want a gummy bear, yeah.
Alexander Coccia:You guys used to have these, like, sugar free versions, which, if you would eat them, you would get, like, excessive, like, savage, like, IBS. Like, severe, to the point, like, dude, they had, we used to call them blasters, because you would have them, and, like, Yeah, and they would like ruin your stomach to the point that like if you want to look up, if you want to look up Habero sugar free candy reviews, people left like Amazon reviews. They got discontinued because it was so much negative hype around them. So like I pulled a couple of reviews. One of them from Amazon, verified purchase. I've been sitting on my toilet for five hours in excruciating pain. Ten out of ten would purchase again. Dude, next review. You will hurt. I got some of these in my stocking for Christmas. I guess Santa hates me. Dude, I'm serious. Like, these were absolutely savage. And if you don't believe me, look up Habero sugar free gummies. You learn,
Cozy Snap:you learn something new every day. This is the official candy tier list from Alex, Coccia, and myself. And I actually feel pretty good about this. I think what we were pretty honest with it. You don't know a few of them. I love how we only have one what the F are these, and it's the
Alexander Coccia:I don't even know what that is still. It looks like a, like a tube of marshmallow.
Cozy Snap:Butterfinger, Butterfinger.
Alexander Coccia:I've never had one. We don't, I don't think we have them up here.
Cozy Snap:Oh, I
Alexander Coccia:like these. Alright. That's the Burt Simpson one, right?
Cozy Snap:I think so, yes sir. Alright guys, well this is the Candy Tier List. We got one more subject to talk about. So let's go ahead and get back to Snap Business and talk about the OTA. As the title says, what the F was this balance Patch, and I think that was what a lot of people felt both on the creator's side, on the player's side. You know, we saw some buffs like TIE Forward Mary, that was awesome, but we'll get to those. We gotta start with by far the most, like, I think we were all shocked by it. We've been talking for weeks about what change we might see to War Machine and his style of deck. Storm going to a 4 5 was probably the last thing on my bingo board, dude.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you know, like, I think it was last week we talked about, like, whether or not you can ban cards in Marvel Snap? Well, they just effectively banned Storm. Like, it was in one deck. It was in one deck, and I guess they couldn't figure out, like, the solution to that one deck because of the lack of interactivity with it, with the War Machine Legion combo. So they killed Storm. And it's so unfortunate because like, literally, it's paying the price for War Machine and Legion. You know what I mean? It's like, Storm was not the problem there. It really wasn't.
Cozy Snap:There's so many issues to break down on the 4 5 and like, I want to go through a lot of them. Like and again, it's tough to balance. I get it. My problems with it are, number one, listen, they're not afraid to make series 3 cards better, series 1 and 2 cards better. Or worse, but we have had a good amount of cards that are quote unquote free cards, or 1 3 3, take hits for cards. That are newer. Which, I get, puts the devs in this pigeon hole, right? Because, you know, people just got the card. Do they take that card down? Well, ultimately, they probably have to for the betterment of the game. But then, that aside too, Storm is such a unique card. And I feel like, you know, I'm not gonna say, like, I, if I think of Marvel Snap, I think of Storm. But kind of. She was very iconic. I thought she was an iconic card in what she delivered for the game. Three costs, they've never touched her really as a card. It made me sad. It reminded me of Chavez and Adam Warlock. I had that same feeling of her not in three. Heck, right before we started this, where did I go? Three costs to pull up Storm. It's like, ingrained in me.
Alexander Coccia:I'm gonna sound like I'm just kind of like, trying to Like protect the house or anything like that. But like, I think Storm should be held sacred to some degree. Like, I think that there's some heroes in this game that like, you got to treat them right. Like, how do you, how do you take Storm out and just like make her completely irrelevant like this? Like, I think it's really hard to watch like Chavez fine, but like Storm is iconic, like Magic the Gathering just announced like some, like some like integration with, with Marvel and what's like one of the most advertised ones, a Captain America card and a Storm card. Front and Facing, Advertised, look at these Marvel, it's like, yeah, because Storm is iconic, you know what I mean, and It needs to be shown a little bit of respect, and I think in this circumstance, they showed it absolutely zero respect, Cause like, this is just, don't, don't, don't cope with me with Zabu either, because like, that is just like, it's so much worse.
Cozy Snap:Well, and it's not even just that, I think it's also just the stat line, like, it's a 4 5, like, the disrespect of the stat line, right? Like, going up to 4 cost is major, especially for a car that wants to be played, like, Playing her on three was something you did a lot. In fact, so many forecast cards, we would evaluate them and be like, Oh, you could follow up with Storm, right? Or whatever you wanted to do there. Also, dead from Surfer is crazy. I get she wasn't making Surfer lists, but that's just such a weird thing to have gone now. C2, listen, I said it in my, in my update video, not a lot of people played it, but C2 did take, this was like a win condition. For that, for that deck, you know, try to shut it down and boost up the lane later. And then a 4 5 is just not a good stat line. And I get, maybe, that with her effect, you can't get her too crazy, but this does feel like an absolute, just, a death of a card.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, she tried to play her, and the key thing about, like, you're thinking, okay, well, it's like, 3 2 was a suboptimal stat line, 4 5 is, like, the equivalent suboptimal stat line. But the difference is that, playing it on turn three, earlier on, where you know, oh, they've played in these two locations, I'll take this one out, they don't have power there, I put a Nebula there in advance. Having that on turn three is way stronger than turn four. The fact that your opponent hasn't developed the board state yet or their board state or their board plan, and you kind of shut a location down on turn three, that flooded location is flooded for longer now. You know what I mean? It's flooded for longer. If you play it on turn three, by turn four, it has less of an impact. You're essentially shutting it down for one turn, right? It's, it's just not good. And it bothers me because it's like a card that's paying for the sins of others. And it just shouldn't be like that.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, listen, like, I, man, I like War Machine the way it is, too. I do like War Machine as a card. I just, I feel like there are other avenues to go, rather than this, but, you know, this is the, and you know what, every time we call out a dead card, it does die. Adam Warlock? Died. He was dead. Like, he's still not playable, not there. America Chavez? We saw it happen. NHD? Went to a 2 cost, down to a 1 cost. Still not played. And so, I just, I really hope that the devs hear the feedback here on this one and, and, and figure out something to do with Storm. Because I really don't want to see this card just go to the wayside and just not be played again.
Alexander Coccia:No, I would certainly hope not. Like, this card is too iconic and too important to the brand, the IP, and just, like, the overall fun factor of the game. Like, you're taking out a card with such an incredibly unique effect and just completely, just ruining its opportunity to be relevant, and that's unfortunate.
Cozy Snap:Well, that takes us to the other four or five now in Rockslide, and I, I said on my video, I'll see you in a few months when he goes back down to three. I mean, we've seen this happen before, we've seen the story of Rockslide bounce around. He's got, you know, he's now has the the same iconic stature as something like Shadow King, who just gets nerfed and buffed a lot. Kind of for the sins of others. It's funny, at this point, when Darkhawk needs a change, we know it's always this guy. Like, this is the guy that takes the hit. I'm a little bit more okay with this than, than not a little bit. I'm definitely more okay with this than Storm. I think that was, like, obviously the radical shock. Because Darkhawk has been doing Darkhawk has been relevant forever. He's doing great. Rock Slide, that was, again, one of those cards, though. A turn three play, it's not just about the power, the cost ratio, it's that you're shuffling two rocks in on turn three, and now that's changed, obviously, dramatically, being a whole nother turn with only two left.
Alexander Coccia:I actually hate this change a lot because once again, yeah, it's RockSide paying the price for Darkhawk, and yeah, okay, drawing the rocks sucks, I understand that. And, if you remember correctly, RockSide started as a 4 didn't exist. Darkhawk came into the meta, we got Oji's Zabu, right, which made Rockslide cracked, and then Rockslide was being played as a 3 cost at an impressive stat line, and then it was moved down to a 3 cost, Zabu was taken out behind the shed, so it existed in this weird spot for so long. The key thing that this destroys is that Rockslide could be played on turn 3, It could also be played on turn 6. You could play Rock Slide in conjunction with Mystique after a turn 5 Dark Hawk, in order to boost both Mystique and the Dark Hawk itself, while actually putting down a 3 additional power. That kills that combo unless you use Zabu again! It's like they're trying to make us use the Zabu, Cozy! It's rough! I hate
Cozy Snap:it! Yeah, it's not the same, and it's like, you know what I don't like is I think in the paragraph They're like, it doesn't feel good to draw rocks. The creator of the game, Ben Brode, literally said his favorite decks was these kind of decks and throwing rocks and Disruption and stuff, right? Like, the creator of the game. And so to me, it's like, I get it. I understand player experience. I understand all that stuff, but also, some of these core features have been here for a long time. And it just feels like we've both gotten used to it and fallen in love with it. And so You know, if the stats say Darkhawk is too good, fine. It's just sad to see that Rockslide was the one to pay the price, yet again. And then we also had, who was the the other who else got nerfed? Oh, Claw. What happened there? I, dude, it's been since Year one that I was like, ah, he played a claw on me. Like I lost to that claw. I just don't, I just didn't expect, I put it this way. I didn't expect all three of these cards that got nerfed.
Alexander Coccia:In my OTA video, I literally shouted you out. I was like, Cozy is going to lose his mind when he reads protecting the new player experience. It's what they said in the notes that it was about the new player experience. How could you be so dense? The new player experience. Someone think of the new players.
Cozy Snap:I, to think of the new players is by giving up, is giving catch up mechanics. That's the new player experience. Like, honestly, that's the truth. Thinking of the new players is getting them ways to get up to speed where they are now because that's what's preventing new players. I have friends and content creators that are like, I want to make content for the game and come over from the game that I'm playing. But dude, I tried. I have no way to catch up. And it's not because Claw's putting out 8 power on the right side. Like, there's just no way. The nerfs are bad. They were tricks, as I called them. The treats, though. Let's talk about it. We have Ty Ford Mary, who I think obviously was like you know, I said each and every patch, you get the one change that you're like, Yes, this hit hard. This is awesome for Typhoid.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I like this. This is a way better card than it was before. And one thing that it does as well, it wasn't being played in Ajax decks, but it did take a piece out of those Ajax decks because Ajax is actually, quietly, a very high performer right now. It has like the one or two lists where it's doing very, very well. But this just makes the card so much more natural to play. It makes a lot more sense in Scar based decks. And Scar is Probably one of the most underrated cards in Snap right now from a win rate, cube rate perspective. There are decks out there that absolutely slap with Scar, like legit slap. They added Arrow to the Scar list and now they've added Typhoid Mary and I like it. I like this change a lot. And it's one thing that kind of came to mind though, is that like Typhoid Mary. Traditionally was played in the Sauron based deck, so obviously this has no effect in that. But that whole archetype's dead.
Cozy Snap:It's dead. The Taskmaster, like, as we talked about the Pool 3 cards earlier, like, Taskmaster died. Like, he's a dead card because of what happened to him. And for really, really no explanation. Like, if you think about it, like, we thought it was because of the move stuff, but that has already proved not to be this, like, dominant thing, right? So it's like, that card's dead. The Typhoid thing, I get the whole Ajax, I got a couple comments on that. It reminds me of when Dracula got changed, like, Oh, but I played him in Jotunheim! It's like, yeah, he's just a better card, though. You know, all around. I think, Typhoid, this was the way to go about the change. Shuri decks are dead, though. Like, those kinds. Like, the Sauron ones, that's a dead deck. You could go with the Spectrum stuff as well with her, too. But this definitely will This will definitely increase your play rate overall.
Alexander Coccia:It's kind of funny to think that like the Shuri Red Skull Sauron decks were felt so insane at the time. Like, how could I possibly compete with the Red Skull power? Red Skull has been power crept to the point that like, it's like, yeah, cool. You're playing Shuri. Nice, nice play, bro. Like it's, it's nothing, right? I'm convinced that Taskmaster got nerfed because of the little movers. I'm convinced it had to do with like picking up, picking up human torch and then playing down like you know, an, an iron not iron, iron fist. I was going to say iron lad, it's iron fist, punching over the human torch and then copying the, I think it had to do with that human torch being copied, but regardless, man, like it's, it's so sad what happened to Typhoid Mary, not Typhoid Mary, to Sauron, Typhoid Mary, good job.
Cozy Snap:We have a couple small power buffs. We had Daredevil go up to a 2 3, Electro go up to a 3 3. I kind of said the same thing about both of them. Yay, you know, like, like, it's not gonna radically change. You know, I think Daredevil I'm interested to poke around with him more, I can tell you that. Like, I, I've, you know, been doing a couple other fun decks with him. And Electro, Electro, I actually got the power difference there, cause I'm like, you know, Wave and Hope Summers have really kind of taken that spot over a little bit. And so, cool, add an extra powerpoint there, if you will Sandman went down, and so, you know, give him some type of an identity. I saw somebody mention making him, like, a 2, negative 1. Like, put a, put a, put him at 2, so you can ramp even earlier and do those shenanigans. But at a little bit of a cost, which would also kind of fit the character.
Alexander Coccia:Interesting. That's interesting. I actually liked that, but I can see that being potentially probably busted like a like a nihilist, right. It would be absolutely savage with that,
Cozy Snap:but it would make four costs matter with a lecture, which is kind of cool. Cause I got to know about you, but you like, you kind of have to kill off four cost cards in that deck. Right? So it's this. It would open up more creativity and I would have rather gone maybe a bit more in that direction. There's probably things we're not thinking about. We'll probably get hammered with a bunch of comments saying that's horrible. But I thought it was a good suggestion.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it is a good suggestion. It, it does, it does make it so like it's a little more draw dependent stuff like that. But yeah, like Electro needed something, right? It had been I think the theme here is Power Creep, right? Honestly, because Electro got power crapped by Corvus Gleave, by Wiccan you're looking at Daredevil got power crapped by pretty much everything. At launch, Daredevil was actually a legit good 2 drop. I think a key thing with Daredevil 2 worth considering is that Professor X's change took a lot of effort. Power off of Daredevil. Like, the OG Professor X was a very good play with Daredevil. Can you imagine Daredevil running, like, a 47 percent win rate, and you get to see your opponent's turn 5 play, and you're still winning 47 percent of the time? That's insane to me. That's how ineffective the card was.
Cozy Snap:Back in the days when I used to make the videos, Gomorrah, Hobgoblin, Professor X. Those were the cards you would play with Daredevil for the most part. Why? Any of those. Hobgoblin, we have new cards to deal with that. A billion new cards to deal with that. Annihilus, and Missouri, and who knows? Viper. Could just push that back. But then, Gamora, dead card. Completely dead card, stat wise. And then, yeah. Professor X, not played anymore. Not worth the risk. So, like, It's more about the things around Daredevil than him himself as well. I think that it's one of those cards that just kind of need a rework altogether. Shadow King, this was one where we have the higher echelon of top ranked players disgusted that this card got a buff because of how good it already is. And then you have the, what they said stat wise, no one else is playing it outside of that top echelon. And this to me, just read as, hey, everyone else, play this card. Like, you need to be playing this card. This is an answer to Agent Venom. That is a really dominant card at the moment. Alongside some other, you know just good winning decks are these kind of faux power decks. Play Shadow King, and that, that, I think this is their, like, hey, play him.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, you're 100 percent right. This is literally the development team saying if you're having trouble with Agent Venom, you play Shadow King now. It's also very indicative of there being actual legitimate season pass card plot armor. Like, Agent Venom is probably too strong. Is it the season pass card right now? Yes. Is it gonna get nerfed? No. How do you deal with it? You buff Shadow King, right? Like, that's exactly what they did. It's, this is literal plot armor for the season pass card. I think Age of Venoms cracked, but Shadow King is a cracked counterplay. Like, you completely destroy those decks. And it destroys it destroys Destroy, ironically. It has so many different plays you can utilize with it. It's just a little awkward sometimes committing the energy on turn six. To play the Shadow King, because you want to play it out early. A little easier against Destroy, because just taking out the Venom on turn 5 or something is usually enough to destroy their game plan. But yeah, this card is absolutely cracked at 2
Cozy Snap:3. We've been saying for forever, I think, like, biggest sleepers in Snap, maybe a year ago, Shadow King was on that list, and you know, he still is, and the devs now are trying to get on the action. Meek Misery also buffed, marginal changes at that. So, an interesting OTA, definitely not one that I think we, we really wanted. There are OTAs that we, you know, there are patches that we really want to see. There's others that they happen and we're just like, man, I would have rather just the game we already had. And I think this is, I'd probably, I would trade the Typhoid buff for everything else. I'd put it that way.
Alexander Coccia:No, 100%, man. There's no question about it.
Cozy Snap:Lastly, Alex, we are going to talk about just the two years, man, the two years together. What is something that, like, comes to your mind as a legend? I mean, obviously, the Legendary Zoo tier list, a lot of people bringing that up. Is there, is there a couple memories that, you know, you you could think of?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I mean, for me, I think the, the biggest things that really come to mind are, is the smoke break. Dad smoke break. Dad has to be the number one moment for me, because the thing that you guys wouldn't understand about that moment was I was actually laughing and I could not breathe and I could not continue the podcast. I was laughing so hard to the point cozy is like, you got to get yourself together. We have to be together. It was 15 minutes of me crying and laughing and not being able to breathe. Like, unironically, completely derailed the entire show. And it was, I could not stop laughing, and to this day, I think it's one of my favorite moments.
Cozy Snap:I got a comment on mine last episode that said, for the Snapchat second year anniversary, they said, did the dad ever come back? And clearly he didn't. He's not, he's still, he's still in that smoke break. He's, he's still, he's You'll be back, right? You'll be back. Dude, I, for me, one of my favorite moments was when we did it live. And I was actually thinking about we should do a couple more Snapchats live. Because first, I thought it was cool because I think our viewers saw that it's just one cut. You know, and like, I love that. Like, I love that people got to see that. But dude, you know what I was thinking of in the future? Is if we did the Snapchat mailbag, if we ever do it live. We'd take in live callers. Can you imagine the effing chaos that that would result in? Like, you know, like, you're on air on the Snapchat. What do you got for us? And it's just, we have to just take whatever the hell we hear, you know? I think that could be epic. We should do that for year, for going into year three, dude.
Alexander Coccia:That would be such a great idea. Yeah, actually I do remember doing the Snapchat live. We did it. We simultaneously streamed it on both our Twitch channels and stuff like that. It was such a setup. I can't believe it even worked. We like, I guess it was just, it was like such a setup, man. It was like it was, it was awesome, but it was a lot of fun. And I agree. Imagine doing live calls. But now we're giving everyone these ideas. Now they're gonna like, kinda like We gotta do it. They're gonna plan. They're gonna plan like, how can I derail the podcast live? You know?
Cozy Snap:And we, we have, we always, Alex and I always have big plans. Big plans over here. And we got some stuff stored up. Sometimes our aspirations are bigger than what reality can do. Like, I remember we were like, we got something special planned. And people were like, Did you and Alex ride a Vespa throughout San Diego? I'm like, no. No, we didn't get to, we didn't get to do that. And in fact, we have a, a little something special from the zoo, but it's not, it's not ready yet. It's not ready, you know, it, it, there's a lot of preparation that has to go into this. We had to really, I mean, when Alex kicked the elephant, and when those six zookeepers went after you, dude, I thought, I thought we were done. I thought we were not getting out of there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's a good thing that, like, I've been practicing my kung fu, and those, those zookeepers didn't know what was coming to them. I was judo chopping guys all over the place Well, you had that koala
Cozy Snap:in a headlock, and I, like, it started there, and then it, like, really went downhill.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you start with the headlock, you end it with the powerbomb, I think that's how you kind of finish off a koala. But when the gorilla came out, I realized, I'm like, you know what, this is Monoay Mono, so I'm not looking forward to it, right? So you know, when that what are they called? Ironbacks? Ironchest gorillas? Silverbacks? Silverbacks.
Cozy Snap:Iron Chess. You know, but we do want to just say thank you guys for being with us, sticking with us, staying with us, and we're excited for the future, and what we have to deliver. There's some special stuff coming, and Alex, just, man, cheers, man. Cheers. I don't have we should have had, man, when we had the spicy apple juice the other day, we should have had that here, now. That's when you do toast, is on celebrations.
Alexander Coccia:Where is the spicy apple juice? I used to have a bottle with me and then people were like, why is Alex drinking directly from a spicy apple juice bottle? So I had to put it away. You had to put it away. It wasn't a good look. Cozy, we've been doing it for two years, I can't believe it's been two years, I can't believe we've managed to hit this every single week, sir. No failures, no questions about, not a doubt about it as they like to say, we've done it Cozy, two years.
Cozy Snap:From Cody Snap to Cozy Smap to you name it, there's been many a names, many of intros, I've gotta be here for another one man. Just so, so fun, looking forward to the future as we, Talking about earlier, man, just excited for the next two years. I think we said last year, excited for the next year, and what a good year it was, buddy. And we got a good one today.
Alexander Coccia:We do, and we got a lot to talk about here, but it's so easy to, to spend so much time reminiscing about the, the two years of the Snapchat, and honestly, it's been such a wild ride. I want to just, once again, reiterate how thankful I am to both yourself and to our audience who's been supporting us for so long. It's it's You know what, man, this is special, and I'm glad you guys are here with us as we talk about Toxin. Toxin has been the card that has been released this week here. We've had an OTA, we've had a lot of changes this week. Toxin was anticipated to truly shake up the Meta Heart. You expected it to shake up the Meta Heart, and I did as well. This was a card that we both were very high on, specifically for the Bounce archetype, and so it'll be interesting to take a look now as to where it's actually landed. So Cozy, why don't you start us off? Toxin How has your play with Toxin been thus far? What are the stats right now, publicly? Public stats as of recording, we are recording a few days earlier than usual due to circumstances. I will say that the average cubes is about 0. 10, so about you know, a tenth of a cube. The win rate is 52. 6. At a 12 percent popularity according to Untappd 50 percent infinite and above.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think he makes, I think he makes balanced decks way better. I think the ability to balance a balanced card, awesome. Like, that was like, probably one of the craziest things that he did. And the overall consistency of winning with these small soldiers, as I like to, you know, to coin it Sable, man. We're gonna talk about favorite cards. Sable's up there on my 1 cost cards right now. You can go to utilize a Sable and these Rockets, right, that just infinitely go up in that power. Now, I will say I think both of us can say we're not exactly professional balance players over here. But there's a lot of times where, like, I had all three of the bouncers in the deck, and I'm like do I even need Falcon in here? I almost elected not to play most of the time. But then you're gonna get in those situations where it's like, man, I kind of wish I had him in there. So, there are reasons to say, well, he's kind of just A falcon that's only used in one lane. But dude, I found that his power was actually pretty significant in a lot of plays that you could utilize with him combined with just bouncing those cards back and utilizing it. Obviously he's not a beast, but I like the card.
Alexander Coccia:I love what you're saying here because people fixate on just the stat line, the two, seven, the two, nine, whatever it is. And that's by the way, an insane stat line, but it's not just that. It's the versatility it has of like, oh, I bounced my Iceman back, I bounced my Sable back. Sable gets to now gain additional power and disrupt them again. It's that re procking of those on reveal effects that you chase, and Toxin does it right away. It's also very well worth noting that Toxin is one of the only cards in the game, and actually probably the only card in the game, that can bounce Beast back. That can bounce Like, you know, Falcon back now, obviously Beast can bounce back Falcon, but nothing can bounce back Beast. And now suddenly you're able to bring Beast back to your hand sometimes, depending on what the play pattern is. Right. I think that's really interesting because sometimes you don't draw into your toxin, but you got to play them out usually by turn five. And so you can make some interesting play lines happen with bounce. By utilizing Toxin, not only for his straight up power, but for the fact that he is returning things to your hand.
Cozy Snap:And, if you played right, he's even better than Falcon on turn 6, if you had to play him. So, if you played an Agent, I, I, I, the, the, the lines are kind of weird, but even just playing Hood down and, I don't know, you played Toxin, at least you get something going on there. Whereas Falcon, you're, you're undoing, most of the time, all the progress you've done the whole time. You literally cannot play Falcon on turn 6. So there's worlds you can play Toxin, which also is a nice little bump up to the card. I found myself finding Bounce easier to play and overall for me, casually, better, much better with Toxin than without him. I think the card was an awesome, an awesome addition. Way more than even Scorn was to discard. I feel like his addition was way more radical to the archetype.
Alexander Coccia:I think it's interesting that you bring that up because Scorn and Apocalypse felt like they were stepping on each other's toes a little bit. Yeah. And you could make the argument for Toxin as well. Well, it steps on the toes of Falcon. It steps on the toes of Beast. But realistically, it's The power generation is unique to this card and it definitely is a superstar compared to what, like, well, Beast has been changed so many times now. But I felt like Toxin did stand out on its own. Now, the top performing decks right now that are running like high to mid high 50 percent win rates, almost even 60 in one circumstance, they actually do run all three Beast, Falcon, and they run the Toxin itself. They also are Agent Venom decks, which is, Probably not a surprise to anybody here. But yeah, like, these lists are performing exceptionally well. And Toxin, it's easy to look at and say, Well, what were these decks doing last week, and what are they doing this week? They're better this week with Toxin.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, as much as I like Mockingbird and Sasquatch and all that kind of stuff, what I love with Bounce, and it was kind of the early days of Bounce too, is like, all of these small cards working in unison. And I felt like you can do that with Toxin. I mean, you really have nothing, at least in one of my favorite decks here. The highest card I have is Beast, right? And then you have things like Hitmonkey and Sage to work after that. Like, I loved the synergy between Black Swan. I actually ended up teching out Bishop myself. Just the way that it worked out, because I loved being able to make Toxin a beast with Upside of the Power as well, if you triggered it with Black Swan correctly. Like, that was a really cool synergy to continue to do. When you have Agent Venom and her, it's like, okay, you're cutting a couple of these bounce cards, but I call these, like, you know, the, the MVP support systems of that archetype. And then you fill the rest with those cards that really benefit off it. And Toxin allows those lanes to get even more crazy. But can I tell you something, dude? After playing all these bounce cards, right? Hood, Ventastic, Rocket, Sable, these are the best in the game. I gotta tell you, man, it reminded me why Nico is probably one of the best cards in the game in Snap, man. I, I can't commend how great this card is and how, you know, In a balanced archetype too. I loved her. I thought she was so fun to use.
Alexander Coccia:I, it was so funny. Cause my original list, I cut Nico and then I didn't like it. I'm like, something's off here, man. And I was like, what is it? And then I was like, I'm going to add Nico back. So I added Nico back. Like, yeah, okay. This is better. Like Nico is just, it's so flexible. It gives you so many answers. And I actually won a game. I think it was an eight cube game where I actually used like the, the move right mechanic to access a location. I was going to say that's the only
Cozy Snap:spell you don't typically use, but it like, You just won with it. So
Alexander Coccia:yeah, like legit. So like, it's, it's so flexible in, in, in a way. Right. And I don't know if you know this, but right at the start of the game, you can tell what Nico is going to be top decked as, cause it makes the sound of the effect that she has to start the game. It's yeah. If, for those that are like, they really want to pay attention, pay attention the next time you have Nico at the very start of the game. You'll hear a sound, and it's the effect of the the kind of mode that she's in at the top deck.
Cozy Snap:Well, with Agent Venom, let's look at her spells. Funny enough, the Demon spell kind of felt awkward sometimes. Like, just playing it with Hood, maybe, was the only time, but you can't control that all the time. And sometimes you wanna just bounce that Hood back, so you don't wanna even do that. But if we look at the other ones, man, the destroying draw is insane with Agent Venom. Absolute filthy. If you're see, there's a couple games I could play Nico into Agent Venom, and it was disgusting, right? But you could also play that into Mysterio, whatever you want to do there. You've got the move right, we just talked about that. After you play the card, give it two power. Great card to bounce back. Location changing is slipped on. It is super helpful in a lot of instances to give you at least a different leverage. And then, of course, the copy ability is the ability. I don't know about you, but when I was playing this card and I had my Silver Sable bounce back to me from Toxin at a, at an 8 power, getting a copy of that Sable felt like cheating.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I know it's, it's incredible. Especially with like the high output you get from Sable, Rocket Raccoon's a great example of this as well, another card that likes it. It's, it's just good, man. It's just unbelievably good. And I want to shout out as well, like you were absolutely correct to say that Black Swan was good in this deck because I was playing Black Swan and people were like, Oh, I'll take Black Swan and I'll put on, put this, put that. I'm like, no way, man. Black Swan is. Is actually legitimately strong in this deck. I also was playing Sage. I ended up cutting Bishop. Bishop actually makes the top performing decks right now, which surprises me. Hitmonkey, clear winner. I actually thought about removing Hitmonkey at first. I was like, no, do I need Hitmonkey? I mean, we got all this extra power and all the one drop story. No, you, you definitely want Hitmonkey, especially if you're playing the black the black swan version of the decks. My top end though did include Iron Man because if you're playing Age of Venom, I feel like Iron Man is such a natural inclusion.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, Iron Man. So like in my video, like I always like to give people the the authority to kind of make the decks they want to, right? So I tell them what cards are probably the best bouncers and then those support cards of the over the top is what I like to call it. So like, you know, the Sasquatch play, the Iron Man play and Iron Man is so crazy in bounce decks because you can just play that Raccoon Iron Man or whatever and you have like, You know, 15, 20 plus lane right then and there without doing much, right? Or sometimes your explosion turn is turn 6. So in turn 5, just playing the Iron Man is fine. It, you know, works out. But yeah, Hitmonkey playing, the way I like to say it is, Werewolf by Night, I feel like, worked better with some of these cards, but was way harder to play. Hitmonkey was easier to play and was right there. Hitmonkey Man, with all those 1s, crazy.
Alexander Coccia:Dude, you are 100 percent correct. So I tried Werewolf by Night, I didn't like it at all. It didn't seem like it worked the effort. I was like, just no, I can play Hitmonkey and get that power way easier than I have Werewolf by Night. And Werewolf by Night betrays you, because if it's ever the 4th spot in a lane, You can't get it back. Like it betrays the locations in a way, which I think can be frustrating for bounds. So I actually definitely preferred hit monkey or werewolf, but I actually feel bad for werewolf. But I think the skirt still needs a buff, to be honest with you.
Cozy Snap:Yeah. It's been out about a year and it only had like a month of glory, if you will. And at the end of the day, it's like, Okay, best case scenario, you get this thing to 310, 312, or it's like the ones that you're playing are almost getting there, you know, with the Rocket and whatnot, and Hitmonkey can get there quite easily. I mean, you're playing so many cards with the Hitmonkey at that point. Absolutely wild. Listen, I think the biggest disgrace, and we'll talk about it more next week when we do the full in review, It's just to Agent Venom. We looked at something like Sable, or you did, and we love, you know, you love the card. And Agent Venom is just so good, Alex. It's just an insanely strong card. Giving that 4 power to these cards to really hyper boost them. You combine that with what Balance is. The fact that Venom and Toxin came out in the same month is wild. I was starting with
Alexander Coccia:Sages that were 3 4s. And they were smashing, like, I had Sages in the 20s, because of like the balance mechanics and stuff like that. Like, oh, that's just a casual 320 something, like, who cares, right? Like, are you kidding me? Like, it was so insane what Agent Venom does, especially when you have a 5'4 Iron Man, right? Like, it's, that in and of itself is ridiculous. And so, it really amplifies this, because you have like, Agent Venom, the cards are statted in a way for a reason. They're statted as like, you know, Sable is a 1 1 for a reason. Hood is a 3, sorry, a 1 3 for a reason. And then all of a sudden you just negate that, right? It is a massive buff to these kind of small cards that want to be played over and over again. Bishop has a 3 4 cracked, right? So I wouldn't say Bishop's cracked at 3 4. He's just really good at 3 4, I guess. But but yeah, no, I, I absolutely agree. So to close off the conversation about Toxin though, Where are you leaning in terms of your use of you know, tokens or use of spotlight keys? What would you recommend people do if they're thinking about or if they're on the fence of whether or not they should be investing in Toxin?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, same place as last week and what we said is if you play bounce get the card if you don't you can pass it Right because even if he's in the top meta deck ever if you're not playing balance, which it's been there It's been a really competitive deck So up to this moment if you're not playing balance Toxin won't change your mind. I will say he's fun, and he makes it easier to play. So if that's been what's holding you back, you can have a bit more confidence, because Toxin, I feel like, it makes the decisions less hard. You don't have that one bounce card to make sure you play optimally. You have a couple of them. But ultimately, I would say if you're not playing the archetype, you're not going to just all of a sudden play it a ton, unless you, you know, foresee it. With limited resources, that's where I land.
Alexander Coccia:It's a good chance if you weren't playing Bounce before, you're probably not playing Bounce now, right? It's one of those things. It has had its moments. It's been good. Toxin definitely does make it better. But hey, limited resources are a thing, so you gotta use them intelligently. And Cozy, that takes us to our favorites at every single cost. One of our absolute favorite topics of discussion here. It's just, it's just a fun conversation to have. And Cozy, we're going to be going through each individual cost here, and you had made a request prior to try to pick out our absolute favourite at every cost as well, All Time.
Cozy Snap:All Time. Like, looking through nerfs, not through nerfs, obviously things have changed, so like, picking Zombo at 1 for an All Time doesn't feel correct, right? Like, he wasn't always The one. But yeah, I thought it would be fun to kind of look at back in the age and and what fits there. And you know, again, are we doing the thing where we pick multiple Alex, or are we just picking one? What do we, what, how do you want to do this?
Alexander Coccia:For each one, I have two. I have like a special mention in my actual pick, just in case you pick it. And for the record, I have nothing for my all time. Like, we're going to go off the top of our heads because you added that randomly during our conversations. Like, thanks, Cozy. You put us on the spot.
Cozy Snap:I do, and you know what, I think for the all time, I'll start, let's start with the all time, mine's, I think it's what we just said, I think it's Nico. For me, I think for, listen, even though she only came out last year, this has earned the spot as the coolest, the best, the most unique, the most flexible, stable, one cost card. I think this is a no question Nico, as my, as my favorite of all time.
Alexander Coccia:You know what? That makes perfect sense. Like Nico has been so unbelievably good. It's to the point where like, I think back, like, was I, was I kind of actually doubt Nico might be too random. Nico might be, there was so many doubts. Man, were, was I wrong? Was everybody wrong who doubted Nico in any way? This card is absolutely incredible, and I kind of, okay, I don't want to cheat here, because you're already gonna get pissed off, because I'm gonna cheat this entire time. But, favorite one cost of all time? America Chavez.
Cozy Snap:You know what? I'll let you have it, because I'll let you have another six. Yeah, I know you don't want to use the six cost. Use it here. That's fine. You know what? I'm okay with it. You, you needed this. You need to, you need to give her some love, because, If you didn't get to play Snap while Chavez was relevant, like, it was such a different era. It truly was, like, Listen, they accomplished what they wanted to with this. The meta was wiped clean after Chavez left. She left every deck, and then we had to make a new, right? And so, they got what they wanted, but yes, RIP to to Chavez.
Alexander Coccia:I almost hope they do like an, like an imbalance patch again and they bring Chavez back. Oh,
Cozy Snap:like a, like a year one imbalance patch? That'd be so cool.
Alexander Coccia:Like imagine they did like OG Shuri, OG Chavez. They should do that for the anniversary. They should have done it,
Cozy Snap:man. For the anniversary, that would have been the perfect time. Like, take a step back, you know, or whatever. Dude, that'd be so cool. That'd be so fun. Who's your favorite right now?
Alexander Coccia:Favorite right now, okay, I gotta give, this is a really bizarre one, but especially with high voltage being what it was, I loved high voltage. I wanna give a shoutout to Ebony Maw this month. Ah, okay. Ebony Maw with War Machine Man, I had a lot of fun with him playing with War Machine. I thought it was a spicy play. With high voltage, you can play them at any time in the game, right? Usually on turn three, because you have the extra energy and generally speaking, you still don't want to lock out a location, but Ebony Maw is one seven. It's one seven. And so I think with the, the kind of the bustle war machine and stuff like that, this card became suddenly way more playable, which it needed because the Sauron decks are dead. You're not playing zero anymore, completely forgotten card. So I just want to say Ebony Maw actually made some decks for me this month. And yeah, that's it. I'm so surprised to see it.
Cozy Snap:I like the pic. Mine's gonna be Zabu. I think that this change is an old Zabu. He's not like what he once was, but I like where he's at. I think he's much more playable. I think it's a, listen, if you're going for street dubs, you know, is he the best card? No, but I think he's a great balance of a good card and a good time. And that's what I look for in Marvel Snap. And I think he gives me that.
Alexander Coccia:You know what this, that was the equivalent of? Like, okay, imagine you have a boat and the boat breaks down and they give you a paddle boat instead. And you're like, it's still a boat! A paddle boat to
Cozy Snap:disrespect! Maybe like a, you go from like a, a yacht to like a, like a speedboat. All right? It's just, it's different.
Alexander Coccia:No way. Speedboats are sick. Zabu is not. Like, come on, man. Zabu is closer to This has the same
Cozy Snap:energy as with Kitty Pryde. You're like, it's not the old Kitty Pryde. And it's like, yeah, buddy, it's not, but she's still good. I don't think Zabu's like meta good, but like, he's not horrible. He's not a paddle boat. The disrespect, Alex.
Alexander Coccia:The
Cozy Snap:disrespect.
Alexander Coccia:I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just think he might be a paddle boat. Cozy, let's go on to the twos. There's a lot of options here, and there's been a lot of changes here as well. Yeah, I'll give it to you to start us off, Cozy. Do you want to do all timers, or do you want to do this month?
Cozy Snap:Yo, let's go, we'll, we'll switch it up to confuse people. This month, and really, like, I just can't ignore it. I, I think it's gonna be Ravonna. I, really, that she's been that Zabu, if you will, that has stayed that, the same. Amen. You know, someone with Anti Venom that I think is really interesting because you do have that synergy there a bit with these cards that would work with both of them. And I'll be, she stood the test! She hasn't changed, she hasn't had that ability to change. And again, just a fun flavored card that is right there on the mix of A good time and pretty good.
Alexander Coccia:Man, I still, I love Ravonna Rankslayer, man. Like, I absolutely love her. I always have. Played her even when she had her original statline. I've always been a believer. And she's still good. The changes that have been happening in the meta have kind of taken a little bit off her. You're not seeing her as much right now. Especially since like, you know, remember when Black Widow was a 2 1? Oh man, if Black Widow was coming out at a 1 cost, it was absolutely insane. So, I mean, she's still good. She hasn't, she's not as strong as she once was, but she's still relevant, and you'll love to see it. My favorite 2 cost this month, there's only one, and this was the first thing I put on the list. Grandmaster! Yeah, dude, yeah, yeah. This card is so good now, man. Heck yeah, bro. If you don't have Grandmaster, you're missing out. This card is so good at 2 3. I, I can't believe it's surviving not getting nerfed. If no one's playing this, you're wrong. This card is good now.
Cozy Snap:Hey, my two biggest whiffs, War Machine, Grandmaster. You're welcome if you got those cards back then. You're welcome! It only took eight months to settle in, but here they are, you know? I It's And you know what's funny is that both of these had so much potential. But they were just missing something, and it's like they both got that something. Grandmaster got his power, and then you had cause back in the day, you'd play him after hood, and people would be like, Ah, it's not worth the zero cost. Well, he's three now power, or sorry zero power. He's three power now, and you get the double hood. Whatever it might be, right? And then same with War Machine and his, his whole ability change. He's pretty much a new card. But yeah, dude, I love this pick. I had this right after Ravonna.
Alexander Coccia:Awesome. And we're doing all timers now or what?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I feel like all timers for two.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, it's so easy for me.
Cozy Snap:What's yours? Go ahead. Jeff,
Alexander Coccia:the baby land shark. Come on, dude.
Cozy Snap:I had a feeling and I wanted to, yeah, yeah. I had a feeling you were going to go Jeff. How, how do you not, how do you not, I think. Jeff is probably the right pick here. Like, you look at all these and it's like, I might go with Angela just throughout the years. Like, throughout the, what she's been and kind of like, Man, this is what I think of when I think of OG Snap. I still go back to Sarah Miracle and whatnot. Like, just, Before they, once again, buffed her, then nerfed her, right? She's like Rock Slide. We'll see you in a few months. But yeah, you know what? I think Angela and Jeff, you can't go wrong with those two picks. Those are, those are two good old timers right there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I mean, Jeff, if they keep like, nerfing random good cards in two slots, then maybe Jeff makes a comeback. Like, this has to be the best a two card, a two slotted card can be without being OP, Jeff, right? Like, they had to take out White Widow. I'm actually looking at decks now, and like, doing some Bruin, I'm like, Can I play Jeff again? Do I get to play Jeff again? And that's a good thing, like obviously White Widow had to come down and stuff like that, so you know, I'm glad Jeff Rooney's back in the mix.
Cozy Snap:Three, there's a lot of picks for all time and current, and I have no problem picking both, man. Which one do we do first?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, they're easy for me on both as well.
Cozy Snap:Okay, let's go all time first. What do you got all time?
Alexander Coccia:Buddy, the Silver Surfer. Yeah. How could it not be, man? Literally my favorite card in the game.
Cozy Snap:My two favorite archetypes pretty much are right next to each other and they're both in three. Silver Surfer and Patriot. I think are the two all time. It's like these, these two, man, they've stood the test of time. They're so fun. They're my comfort decks. I agree with you. I knew you'd pick Surfer, so I'm like, great, I'll pick the other. And I love about it. There's a lot of great threes. You have really hard ones to, you know, like Magic and there's just fun cards and threes, but I think Surfer, Patriot, man, easily all timers, and I'd love to see you, buddy. What about right now?
Alexander Coccia:Right now? Okay, man, I have two and it's so hard to pick, so I'm gonna have to say two, but I'm starting with Black Widow. Black Widow, especially with the change to Rock Slide now. Like, make no mistake, Black Widow is now the key play in the game. In Darkhawk decks at turn three now, right? Like, it is like, you thought you hated drawing rocks. Well, I hope you didn't want to draw at all, because now you're going to be getting it with Black Widow and then Grandmaster or Abs Man on Black Widow, by the way. So yeah, you'll be begging for those rocks back anytime now. Black Widow has been great. I've been having a ton of fun with her and I feel like she hasn't really caught on to the meta I've been playing her. And literally as soon as I play it, I'm like, I can tell my opponent's tilting out. Like it's just, it's such a rough effect. I actually had a game where I played it and the person played Electro and I just snapped and they just immediately left. Like, it's just, it's such a high impact play, right? Obviously that's like the worst possible situation for them. But I, I love Black Widow and I just hope that no one else does, because I don't want people playing it against me.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, and then it gets it gets the storm treatment. You know, we used to say it got leadered, it got stormed now. It's absolutely, we never said it got warlocked, but I can tell you, it got stormed. It's gonna be coined. So that's, that's the favorite card right now, yeah? Man, so I went back and forth. There's a lot that I'm playing right now in the three department. Honestly, I probably have to say it's still CopyCat. I think CopyCat is a card I'm still checking in my decks. I know it's not the old CopyCat. It's not the old For You. It hurts. It's tough. But it's CopyCat. The only reason I didn't pick Sage is I think I picked her last time. And I the secret on Sage is out. Alright, so I'm gonna go with CopyCat.
Alexander Coccia:That's fair. And the other one for me with a high voltage specifically was Gambit. I was playing so much Gambit, pew pews all the time. I got to call you out Cozy. I'm actually kind of upset. I, I, I would not expect you to pick Patriot. Yeah. What happened to Colson? Colson is probably sitting there like in shambles. Colson was like, this is my moment, man.
Cozy Snap:This is my moment. It's like a, it's a, an analogy. I, I, I don't relate to him. Just, I'm pulling it up. Cause I, I, the meme. But it's like you're with your girl, right? And the other girl walks by, and you look over at her, and then your girl's looking at you with that face as soon as you turn back around. I saw Coulson. When I picked Patriot, I saw Coulson in this top left corner. And I saw him, and I was like, I messed up. I messed up. I did. I, it hurts me, man. I just, I just boasted about doing the reaction, having the emotes of him, and I can't wait to represent him, and then I just left him out, because he is. Screw Patriot. Screw him. I don't know, Agent Coulson, by far, is my old reliable. And it's too late, I've already looked like a fool, but yeah. It's got, it is Agent, I take it back, I take it back.
Alexander Coccia:That's hilarious, and actually, someone was reminiscing in our comments section, if you want to pull up the Pixel Coulson again, someone was reminiscing about how, hey, do you remember that time Alex thought that Coulson, Pixel Coulson, was holding up his badge?
Cozy Snap:His badge, yeah, it was like his stethoscope or something. That's right, his badge, look at that! Oh dude, I'm gonna have to find that clip. Four, favorite of all time, favorite right now.
Alexander Coccia:Right now, I'm gonna say Phoenix Force. It has to be. Phoenix Force Man, that's crazy.
Cozy Snap:Your arc of Phoenix Force is nuts to me. You went from, like, hating it to loving it.
Alexander Coccia:Honestly, it was so funny, because I remember it started at Twitch Drops. I was on Twitch Drops, and, like, we've been playing for some stupidly ungodly amount of time. Been, like, 16 hours, and I had played through all my decks I wanted to play, and we were just memeing. Everyone was, like, kind of, like, like, kind of, like, deep in it. They're like, just play some Phoenix Force. I'm like, honestly, I don't even know how to play it that well. Like, I just it's a deck you really have to master. Like Well, we got another like 12 hours. So why don't you start like, and I started playing Phoenix for us. And now dude, I actually play Phoenix force unironically for fun. And I've, it is so good when it pops off, man. I, and I, it's like that moment. It's like the matrix, like when you're playing turn six Phoenix force and you got like Phoenix force and you have ghost spider and you have Zola and you have like, and all of a sudden it's like the, everything just slows down and you see like, I can win this way. I could win this way. I could win this way. It is such a remarkable experience. It might be one of the most rewarding decks in Marvel Snap.
Cozy Snap:I like it. I like the breakdown. I do like the breakdown. I, every now and then, I, I, I, I try to have some shenanigans with Phoenix Force, and then I, I, I quickly quit out of that. But I like the pick. I do for me, it's War Machine. I think War Machine right now, it's just like, it's just one of the best cards in the game. I, I still think it, I play it, can't knock it. And that's because I won't pick him as my 6 cost, but Infinite, just being able to play the Infinite casually for that 20 Power Slam is so fun. I just love it, and he's definitely a clear cut favorite this month for me. What about all time, Alex?
Alexander Coccia:I'm actually having a hard time picking a 4 cost. I'm not sure if I love any of them as much as I loved Like, the other ones. It's like AJ Coulson! It's the same thing!
Cozy Snap:You always
Alexander Coccia:say it's
Cozy Snap:your favorite card. No, no, it's not the same thing! No, you cut me
Alexander Coccia:off. I was not done speaking. Okay. I was gonna say Cap Marvel, but she's been so irrelevant. Like, every time someone asks me what my favorite card in Marvel Snap is, I always say Cap Marvel. I like the design of Cap Marvel the best. It's all time! Dude, like, she sucks,
Cozy Snap:man! But it's all time! You already know who I'm picking at five, and it's all time. I don't even care if she hasn't been played in a decade. I'm picking her.
Alexander Coccia:You know what? You're right. I deserve to get called out. I should have just went with my heart. You're right. No, no, no. It's because we added this at
Cozy Snap:the last moment. We're just picking on the fly. It's tougher, you know? It's tougher.
Alexander Coccia:It's tougher, but now she's going to bring this up when we're in therapy and it's going to be, it's going to look awkward. It's going to be bad. There's going to be no evidence of me. The kids are going to
Cozy Snap:hear it. Iron Lad. Don't even need to think about it. Iron Lad's my favorite four of the cast. I love him. I loved him since he came out. Played him since he came out. Great card. Not even need to say a lot. He just fit the perfect card in my head at the forecast slot. Arrow! Favorite card of all time! Done! Sealed. Signed. Delivered. Don't even have to think about it.
Alexander Coccia:Okay.
Cozy Snap:I expected that, honestly. I don't know. I, I kind of did. Yeah, just from that tournament that we're playing. Are you going to bring up again? Are you going to bring up the tournament?
Alexander Coccia:It's like, it's like, okay, Alex, go to the well in the tournament. Let's go. You talk about how you finished your finalist at the tournament. No, I'm not even going to do it because you brought it up. It's fine. It's fine. What about right now? Right now man, actually, if I had to go all timer, man, don't even know who I'd pick. I would probably go Iron Man, honestly. If I had to go all time, honestly, I'd go Iron Man. Yeah. Ironically.
Cozy Snap:If it wasn't Arrow, like, because of, she, she pretty much got nerfed, like, right away, like when the game came out. It probably, for me, it's Sarah. I feel like Sarah's just been that staple for so long, great, and, like, just, I love her. Iron Man is the other, right? Yeah, I think those two are, are fair to say, both in the fun factor, good factor, Fair. Kind of everything and above and yeah, they stood the test of time, right? Like Sarah and Iron Man did what Arrow couldn't, and that's not get nerfed, right, in a sense, so yeah, like that there.
Alexander Coccia:And for my right now, I would say it's Nimrod, but that's in reference to the Phoenix Force. Like, I play Nimrod with Phoenix Force, and it's basically that second winning line, you Shuri Nimrod, and then make a whole bunch of magic happen. My favorite play, by the way, if you're learning Phoenix Force, is you Shuri the Nimrod, and then you Zola, not the Nimrod, you Zola something like a Deathlock, and it'll replicate left to right. And it'll re proc middle, and then right, and you'll spread even more of the of the little nimrods out there. Little nimrods, that's what I like to call them, but nimrods. The more you know. Beautiful.
Cozy Snap:The more you know. The more you know. Circe is probably my current just, Circe to me, if you're not playing her, I would play her. She's a lot of fun. I, she is RNG'd, but like, man, I feel like I have, you know, Over the, all of the games that I've played her, I have come out on the other side much better than I have the losing end. I think the, the week she came out, we were force playing her so much, that we saw so many, you know, there's a lot of like, bad results, but for the most part, man, I, I love Cersei, she's very unique.
Alexander Coccia:I love Cersei too, she is very unique, and what I'll say is, if I had to choose if I was dating Cersei or Captain Marvel, I'd probably go Cersei ultimately. But I think that would be a relationship of convenience, because you can give Cersei a brick and say, Hey, can you turn that into like a block of hundreds? Like, you know, I gotta pay some rent here, Cersei. You know this brick's turned into some hundreds? What's
Cozy Snap:great about this is in lore, dude, she's slept with like everybody, too. Perfect,
Alexander Coccia:so you're saying I have a chance.
Cozy Snap:When you said convenience, I was like, good god, Alex. But yes the, yes, the brick thing, that, that, that too. Look at my face, it's red. Okay, six costs.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, I get to go? Do you want all time or right now?
Cozy Snap:All time.
Alexander Coccia:All time. Okay, all time I'm gonna have to say She Hulk. Dude, that was fun. Really? No way. It's so heartbreaking because this card's gone, man. It's so gone right now. And like, I love this card so much. It's one of my actual favorite variants in the game. Like, the way the art on her hair, which you just changed it, the art on her hair, I don't know what it is. Like, the highlights that whoever did the arts is unbelievable.
Cozy Snap:Even her pixel's good. Like, it's all good. I like it. It's
Alexander Coccia:such a good pixel. It is. I like the rock in the background.
Cozy Snap:I just love the decks that she's in. I love, like, back in the day, being able to have that power slam that has been kind of power crap these days, right? Like, you're losing to these friggin Silver Sables and Raccoons now that are through the roof, but yeah, man. She Olk was a I'm glad we both I thought we would both go maybe Doom or whatever. This was easy for both of us, it sounds like. What about right now?
Alexander Coccia:Right now, I'm gonna have to say Onslaught. I've been having so much fun with Onslaught. Two for
Cozy Snap:two, man. Same here. Really? You too? I've been playing a lot of Onslaught, dude. That's awesome. Yeah, look at us, man. We used to line up every now and then, and we're back for the two year.
Alexander Coccia:This is also one of your best variants in your collection, by the way. I have to say, cause look, he got, he's has the green lightning coming out and you have the green flair with the purple that matches perfectly like this is, this is like a perfect split, you know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Pre, yeah, that was pre customized splits too. It's, this is the, the main splits been there. It's not the custom. And I want to keep it that, keep it that way. I'm not going to upgrade it. I gotta keep it, you know I don't know what I'm trying to say. I love the split.
Alexander Coccia:I've been playing so much Onslaught too, in like, you know, Crazy Deck. There was the Onslaught Serra Surfer deck, which was kind of cool, right? But like honestly, it's been the Gambit Wambo combos I've been doing so much that I've been really playing a lot of Onslaught. And my special call out is gonna be Scar. I think Scar, as I said before on this episode, is probably one of the most underappreciated cards in this game. In terms of like a win rate, cube rate, this card is like, hey, like I'm here doing super good and no one notices me.
Cozy Snap:Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:Scar is absolutely a Chad right now. And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. We have some questions here from our community and some discussions going into our two year anniversary. And the first one comes from Kami, who took a little bit of offense to the discussion about the Halloween costumes on the last episode and said, Okay, as a person that has lived in Wisconsin my whole life, that bit about Canadian Halloween and complaining that the costumes can't go over the coats, We've been buying bigger costumes to fit over our coats for generations. You definitely can do it.
Cozy Snap:First of all, this is ingenious, but also, are they huge? Like, like, like, I just picture I just picture, like, giant Well, I guess, like, I don't know, if they're dressed up as, like, a pumpkin or something, it kind of works anyway. But like, what are your kids this year?
Alexander Coccia:My son's a ninja, which is like, everyone has to go as a ninja at least once, right? So that's my, my, my oldest son. My daughter is, who's my oldest daughter, she is like a bowl of cereal? They actually paper mache ed like a bowl of cereal. And they got like you was a
Cozy Snap:question mark, a
Alexander Coccia:bowl of cereal. Yeah. Well, cause my wife was like being all creative and they actually made it with paper mache and then they got a pool noodle and they cut the pool noodle to look like Froot Loops and then they put it all inside and stuff like that. Then my other son, he is a gecko from, not Paw Patrol. What's the other one? The kids that go out at night with Gecko and Owlette and Sharky or something like that, I don't even remember. Oh man, someone else, Paw Patrol, no it's not Paw Patrol, it's another one, anyways, there's them, and then our baby is Boss Baby. Because he's a little blonde kid and he looks cute, so we figured we'd get him in a little suit and give him a little briefcase, he's one of those Boss Babies.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I love this mortgage board of, of, of, from bowl of cereal to ninja, oh it's great. The people that answer the door are gonna be like, you know, like, Oh, you're a, and they're gonna have to be like on the spot, right away, like a, A lizard, a bowl of cereal. I can't, you're gonna have to film that dude, that's gonna be top tier. Yes, are you gonna do the coats thing or what? I don't
Alexander Coccia:know man, hopefully it's, the temperature holds up. Right now it's been really nice here lately. What are you guys going out as?
Cozy Snap:We are all the Incredibles. So I'm Mr. Incredible and I got like the you know, the puff muscles. And I put it on and my son didn't bat an eye, which I don't know if it's a compliment or if he just is like, try harder. Like, I, I, I don't know which one it was. He's Dash because he'll probably be trying to run away the whole time. I mean, he's just fast, man. And then, The missus is Miss Incredible. So we're missing a couple members, obviously, but we'll get there eventually. But we're the Incredibles this time around. And my son's, like, into instruments. I don't know how to explain it. I almost bought a tuba costume. Like, I almost went as a big tuba. Which could work with the coat thing, I could fit under that.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, you could definitely wear a coat over, or under a tuba, I'd imagine. Dude, the 200 bucks, it was like 200 bucks. No, man, that's another thing, I gotta tell you, some of these costumes are stupid expensive, man. I don't know what's going on, like, we went to a store and my son saw some costume about some like, I don't know, some YouTube, like, anime thing, I don't even know what it was, and he's like, I want to be this guy. It was like 80. I was like, I'm not spending 80 on this piece of garbage. I'm like, and he got sad. I was like, no, don't be sad. And then like we ordered a ninja costume from Amazon. He was so hyped because it came with swords.
Cozy Snap:Mr. Incredible was like at least 80. And I, I'm like, I guess I'm Mr. Incredible next seven Halloweens. Like that's the only way I could justify this. So I'm, yeah, if you ask me next year, I went as Mr. Incredible's friend, Mr. Incredible 2. I don't know, you know that's, that's what I'm going to be. But yeah, they're expensive, man. They, they make their money. Do you guys have Spirit of Halloween up there?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, we do. That actually just opened here. They always like, they find like derelict Like, well, they find like these derelict stores that no one wants to rent out. They rent it out for like two months, right? We went in there, and like, my kids are freaking out cause like, they have a lot of like the, the huge 2, 000, like I'm like, who's spending 2, 000 on a giant goblin, right? It's
Cozy Snap:ridiculous, man. These people, yeah, yeah. It's scary. They have like the kids section. It's like, oh, there's Dory the Explorer. And then like, next to it's like Dark Demon II gets its belly cut out, and it's like this like demonic figure, so my son's like all happy, and then turns and screams. They're scary, but yeah, I did. So Spirit of Halloween, yeah, they're always, they pop up, man. They make their two mil, and then they're out, and then they're in again, and it's Christmas, dude. Then, immediately, as soon as Halloween ends, I swear, it's like, boom, Christmas. Mariah Carey.
Alexander Coccia:Costco doesn't even have Halloween stuff right now, it's just Christmas stuff, so. I
Cozy Snap:know,
Alexander Coccia:my son
Cozy Snap:was terrified of the Nutcracker there.
Alexander Coccia:Joshua French comes in with a very important question. When is Cozy gonna travel up north for poutine? It's like the Canadian fish taco.
Cozy Snap:So, I think I've had poutine. Like, in the East Coast. But, let, tell me if I'm wrong, right? So, is it And I might, if I sound, like, way off. Is it, is there, is it, like, is it french fry? French fries with, like, gravy? You mean Freedom Fries with gravy? Freedom Fries. Well, it's in Canada, so it can't be Freedom Fries.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it is French Fries with, like, gravy, and usually, like, cheese curds, which are, like, cheesy things, but cut up into, like, chunks.
Cozy Snap:Like mozzarella sticks,
Alexander Coccia:but smaller? Yeah, kind of. I gotta tell you, like, I think poutine's very overrated as someone who's Canadian. A lot of people come up from the States and they look for beaver tails. Which is like a type of pastry too. It's like, imagine like it's, yeah, it's a pastry, but it's not
Cozy Snap:a beaver.
Alexander Coccia:It's not an actual beaver's tail. What, what they do is like, they, they basically bake like a, like a, some sort of like fritter thing, and then they kind of decorate it. Like it's a beaver tail with like icing that goes back and forth type thing. It's honestly totally overrated as well. But poutine, when you eat it, you're like, this is what like a heart attack feels like. Oh, yeah, you can feel the heart palpitations come up. Yeah, there's like no redeemable nutritional quality opponent.
Cozy Snap:I mean, for the record, I have not been to Niagara. I've not been to the falls. And so eventually Alex and I can do like a Buffalo Bills game to my dismay, honestly, but the Buffalo Bills game, and then we'll hit up Niagara.
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, I would love that. Me and you, we can we can, we can like get into a barrel together and go over to the falls. I was thinking we'd take the
Cozy Snap:Vespa from Buffalo, go over to Niagara and the Vespa. We could get like three things checked off on our list.
Alexander Coccia:We ride the Vespa to Niagara Falls, which is, this is the bucket list weekend. That's cute. It's
Cozy Snap:definitely, it's definitely we'll do that for the third anniversary.
Alexander Coccia:The third anniversary is Niagara Vespa? Okay, I'm holding you to that. And talking about anniversaries, there's one that might be coming up eventually soon, because Drew asks. I'm so happy that Cozy married Dexter. What a cute couple. I just can't believe he throws an Alex's face like that.
Cozy Snap:I don't know what's wrong with me. I always say that. I always say I married Dexter instead of I, I was the officiant of Dexter's wedding. I just, I, it's so easy to say, but I like saying I married Dexter. It makes me, it makes me feel good inside. And I just It is actually
Alexander Coccia:hilarious.
Cozy Snap:I love the confusion too. Cause why not? There's at least like seven people that take it as a surface value.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. I think it's absolutely hilarious. And I don't get, I don't get tired of it at all. And I got to say, it is truly remarkable that you actually were the officiant of Dexter's wedding. Like that to me, blows me away. Like what an experience that must've been for both you guys.
Cozy Snap:Mind blowing, like straight up, like a, I'm just a, I'm a freak, man. I just love doing things that I'll never do. Right. Like. Do you talk about the times you did or the times you didn't, right? And to me, you talk about the times you did. And so I'm like, when am I ever going to do it again? I probably won't do it again. Because it, it's a lot of pressure, man. It's a lot of pressure. I only call him Dexter one time. Really? One time? That's it? Yeah, but his whole family is like, like a dude in the middle of the ceremony. People are like, who the hell? I mean, some people probably know, but I'm sure there's people like, who did he just say? Like, whose wedding is this?
Alexander Coccia:And here's a fun fact that a lot of people don't know about, so when I got married, I got married at 25, and my brother was my best man, and so we're like, we're, this is like, you do the ceremony thing, so we're in the church, and then you go over and you sign the marriage document, you know that thing where you sit down with your wife, and you sign the marriage document? Yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:Reverend
Alexander Coccia:Cozy is what I put, no joke. Yeah, okay, so what happened was, was my brother signed it as the witness first. And so my wife and her sorry, my wife and her maid of honor, when they signed it, my brother sat down before me, he actually signed as the groom. So technically there's a document somewhere that says that my brother is married to my wife and not me. I don't know how official that document is, or if like, that'll someday be like, yo, wait a minute. This isn't right. Like some like, don't be a tax thing.
Cozy Snap:There'll be, yeah, there'll be a taxing comes up and like, yep, it's my brother. Yeah. He owes it. Not me. I'm good. Yeah. There's the kids. Yeah, exactly, man. That's hilarious. There is an
Alexander Coccia:official document where my brother signed off as the groom, my wife. And I was just like, well, I'm going with it now. So I signed under the witness, totally backwards. I actually
Cozy Snap:signed Dexter's as I was married to Dexter. That's why I keep saying it. Oh, that makes perfect
Alexander Coccia:sense! Of course, so there, see, to every rumor, or what's it called, to every myth, there's a little bit of truth, or every legend, I don't remember the saying, but either way, the legend of the marriage of Dexter and Cozy. You got a couple of those words right. Yeah, a couple of them may be right. Ephraim came in with some a little bit of like recollection of their favourite moments of the Snapchat, and they had said, One of my favourite moments on the Snapchat is when you had an argument about sunsets. Alex said, I hate the sun, it's so inhospitable. Cozy said, the sunset is the sunset is the sun going away. Very factual statement, Cozy. And then Alex came back with it, but it always comes back. It's so annoying. In your defense, Cozy, I will say is I did get to see the sun. I didn't see the sunset in San Diego when I was there, but I saw the sun and I saw where you would have likely have been looking at sunsets and that whole vista is truly remarkable. So maybe one day we'll add it to the list. Maybe you and I will check out a San Diego sunset together.
Cozy Snap:The, the, the, the exchange of words that you just said at the beginning there, sounds like the worst podcast ever. The sun is when the sun goes, the sunset is when the sun goes away. Yeah, and then it comes back. It's so, it just sounds like, what? Who is this a podcast for, you know what I mean? And that's, that's my hope. I hope that people just turn this on and they like somehow end up there first. And they're like, what the hell are these guys talking about? That's always the hope. That's how we, we try to get one of those every episode. Like what's going on here. Sometimes we miss it, but yeah, man, it's been fun to reminisce.
Alexander Coccia:One of my wife's favourite things was the, only a couple weeks ago, she actually watched, cause I was so tired and so busy, I didn't actually explain her too much of what happened, from TwitchCon and stuff, so she ended up watching our episode where we kind of reminisced about TwitchCon, and that's how she learned about all this stuff. She's like, you didn't bring pants? Why did Cozy have to order you pants? She's like, what kind of adult are you? It's a
Cozy Snap:story of legend.
Alexander Coccia:It's a story of legend. Like, yeah, the kind that wears shorts in the club. But anyways. Number 87 is going to close us off with, by far, to me, the most heartwarming statement that I've ever read on the Snapchat. And it reads, On the precipice of the two year anniversary, I can confidently say that this podcast has aged like fine wine. Might I say,
Cozy Snap:he hit the nail on the head.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely. And thank you guys so much. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you can't believe it's already been two years. Cozy. I can't wait for the next two years and the years that come after that, my friend and to you, each and every one of you, thank you for supporting our content. It generally means the world to us. Have yourselves an absolutely wonderful day.
Cozy Snap:Anyway guys, we appreciate you guys hanging out today. Anti Venom will be hitting the scene tomorrow, so look out for that. And Alex and I have a good week coming for you guys content wise and then obviously here on the Snapchat. So thanks for listening, thanks for hanging out as always, and until the next one guys, happy snapping to another two years.