The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
Toxin: Bounce’s New Nightmare | High Voltage and Roadmap Discussion | Scorn In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 103
Will Toxin make bounce decks even more potent? What are Cozy and Alex's thoughts on the new game mode, High Voltage, and the new roadmap? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Scorn? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.
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You’ve been listening to The Snap Chat. Keep the conversation going on x.com/ACozyGamer and x.com/AlexanderCoccia. Until next time, happy snapping!
What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We have a new card this week in Toxin that's gonna come to really help the balance archetype and give it a fresh new coat of paint to do something a little bit different. Is it gonna be a nightmare for the rest of the archetypes? What are the best balance cards? And me and Alex's thoughts on if You should get Toxic, we're gonna break that down today. As well as the new game mode in high voltage that just launched with the Arrival of Agony. Our thoughts on the game mode, the decks that performed, and everything wrapped into one bow. So that you can try to play it if you haven't already. And just here, our overall thoughts. And lastly guys, we're gonna be talking game boards, character masteries, and draft mode and more. With a new roadmap hitting Marvel Snap. Is the future bright, or is it one to be concerned about? Alex and I are gonna give our canon opinions on the Marvel Snap. Roadmap. I'm gonna talk about that all today more on one episode before the two year anniversary of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Looks like he's coming from you live from his Nokia in 2002. You got the purple tint and all. We know that your camera, if you're listening to the podcast, you're not watching. We know it died. We thought it was dying. It was on the brink of death. Is it safe to say that we've called it? It's, it's in the grave. It's gone.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, R. I. P. R. I. P. camera. Like, it's completely gone, which is sad. Like, it's actually, it's supposed to be a really nice one. It's only three years old, too, and of course, had a one year limited warranty. I'm like, come on, man! And actually, this is not a Nokia. This is a Razer Flip phone. So, bro. I thought about pulling out my N Gage to actually do the video on, but it might have been I'm tempted to, to game on it, you know what I mean? But but I mean, we're gonna have to deal with this for now. I'm in the process of you know, looking at some cameras. I was looking at the camera you got. I'm like, Oh man, it's so nice. And I might have to save up some pennies, maybe cozy. I'll pick up just what you've got and look just like the cozy. I'll even get my I even get like the white headphones. I'll get some frosted tips.
Cozy Snap:This is out of nowhere, but you know, a skill that we all learn if you're over the age of, you know, I don't know, 30 maybe 20, 28, is the old style of texting. What do they call it where you would do like the the numbers and you would click like, you know, number one like four times to put the letter D. What, I forgot, what the heck was that? Touchtone dial text? Pretty much. All I know is that's a skill we all learn that we'll never use again in our life. Like, it's like cursive. You just, you almost, you never need to use it again. I feel like that's definitely a lost era.
Alexander Coccia:That's, that's hilarious. So I was thinking, while you were saying that, I was thinking about, first of all, I only use Swype now. I only use like, Swype gestures to text message. Oh, wow. Second thing, another great skill, when you're like, you're late 30s and you have kids and stuff, is knowing that you can disappear to the bathroom for extended periods of time. To like, dodge family responsibility sometimes. You're like, yo, the kids are freaking out and I don't want to deal with this anymore. I'm going to the bathroom and I'm going to be there for like 20 minutes.
Cozy Snap:It went from old texting to I hide from my family obligations when in the bathroom. Yeah, it's definitely not a dad bathroom trip, unless it's like 45 minutes. When Snap first came out, it was. It was bad. I was like, just like, seven games. Just like, one rank climb, I would lose ten. Okay, not to get us too off topic, we do have to talk about talk today, a lot of good Snap stuff, we got the roadmap. But we're about to hit Halloween, so I wanted to ask you, because you kind of look a little purply over there, a little Barney the Dinosaur ish, I like that look. Is, is Canadian Halloween any different? Do you hand out maple syrup? Like, what is, what is Canadian Halloween?
Alexander Coccia:We all dress like maple leaf trees.
Cozy Snap:That's so special.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it is. It's nice. I mean, we basically, we have a lot of pumpkin pie. Usually the problem with us is that like, our kids will get like really nice costumes and then it's too cold. So they have to like wear their coats over top of their costumes anyway. Cause the coat, the costumes can't go above the coats. They have to go under the coats. So that kind of sucks. It always rains as well. Also, the houses tend to be kind of far apart in some of our surveys, so it's not easy. So what happens is some people even commute to areas where it's like more dense, and there's more townhomes. Because the townhomes are tighter and you can hit more doors faster. If you want to min max the candy acquisition.
Cozy Snap:Hey, you're really selling me on a family trip up there for Halloween. It's really, it's seeming tempting. B, I feel like that was always like the urban myths around where I lived too. Like, there was always that one neighborhood where like, They gave out the king size bars, right? And like, I don't know about you, I'd get home from my loot. You know, and, listen guys, I'm not, I'm not proud of it. You know, every now and then I was a kid, and I had to take one. I, I took more than one. I can say that confidently. I was, I know, I know, and now I'm the guy that watches.
Alexander Coccia:I was just going to say, so because we have the kids and no one's at my house, my wife's like, no, we got to leave candy out. So we leave a big bowl of candy, man. Oh, it's gone. Candy. And I put tons of stuff in there and the kids in our neighborhood, I, for the first few years, I was like, bro, they're going to like, first kid comes, it's gone. Like, they're just going to empty the bowl into the thing. I watched on our security system. My wife's like, you're crazy. Like, what's wrong with you? Like, just, who cares if they take it? I'm like, I care. That's my candy. I'm not letting someone step on my property and take advantage of my goodwill. So I, I would wa Dude, there was maybe one kid that took two. You know what I mean? These kids were saints. That's Canadian. Five years, man. No one has done anything. This is going to be the year that not only is someone going to steal the candy bowl, they're going to steal my car.
Cozy Snap:Dude, I remember I was like you know, whatever, eight or nine, and I decided to do it again. I was like, all right, here we go. And there was a Kit Kat, something that I had to like, I had to get. And there was a, there was like a, a dude in like army, like an army camouflage bush thing. And he was holding the bowl like a statue and I remember I did it and he came out and it put the fear of God in me. Like, I think I stopped being bad in school because of that. Like, it was, it was a life changing moment. I had to ask, KitKat was my, my weakness. What is like, A, what is your candy that's just like, It crushes you. I'm not even a big candy guy, but like chocolate, KitKat, that's my jam. Butterfingers, what do you got?
Alexander Coccia:I mean, for me, I've always been a fan of Sour Patch Kids. Like, if you're talking about candy, I like Sour Patch Kids. The reason for this, though, is because you can't eat too many of them. With Sour Patch Kids, you can only have like one or two at a time because they're so tangy. I think you can, like, extend the number of, like, the length of the bag. Conversely, one of my favorite candies is Nibs. Like, you know, you know Nibs, right?
Cozy Snap:The hell's a Nib? What?
Alexander Coccia:What's a
Cozy Snap:Nib? what a Nib is? Bro, that is
Alexander Coccia:the oddest take ever. You have to have one of these. A Nib sounds
Cozy Snap:like a sexual thing
Alexander Coccia:having What? It's a Nib? Yeah, they're called Nibs. They're basically like really, really, really thick licorice. And there's the long nibs, which are just licorice sticks, and then there's nibs, which are cut. So imagine licorice that's like three times thicker, completely solid, cut into little pieces, and that is not tangy, but super flavorful, and you could eat an entire bag for like 1, 200 calories in like 15 seconds.
Cozy Snap:So you're a licorice guy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, I'm an everything guy, man. You give it, you know, the only thing I'm not is, is a fish taco guy. That's, that's the only thing I'm not.
Cozy Snap:We might have to do a candy tier list here next week. I did, I liked Halloween. I was a guy. I brought my loot home. I separated it out, man. I would like, I would like split the count. You know, I'd make sure my mom couldn't find it because she would just, we would go to school. She would just tear through that thing, you know, and I definitely plan on paying it forward and eating all my kids. But yeah, man, I, it, listen, tis the season. If you guys want to see it, comment down below, we might do a candy bar tier list, or a, or a candy tier list for tis ing the season. Anyway, it has been about eight minutes, it has been about eight minutes, so we probably should move forward. Incoming to comments, I came here for Marvel Snap Talk. So here you go, welcome to the timestamp if you're coming on in. Here is our Marvel Snap Talk of the week. We had a roadmap come out the day after, I swear to God they planned that, we're gonna talk about that today. High voltage, brand new game mode, and we have Toxin coming out. All in today's episode on this side. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?
Alexander Coccia:Cozy on my side of the Snapchat. in review. Giving our thoughts, our impressions, talking about the statistics. We're also doing a review slash preview of Agony, the reward for playing high voltage. And then of course as always, we have a absolutely hilarious version of the Snapchat mailbag.
Cozy Snap:Hilarious version? I'm not aware. I'm waiting for it. I'm excited for it. I know next week is our two day Year Anniversary of the snapchat so we plan on having a very fun episode for that looking forward to that guys So be on the lookout, but we're gonna go to dive right in no more shenanigans Let's talk about toxin in the spotlight week. So first of all spotlight week. We've got ourselves Zabu and Elsa and for toxin if you don't know is a two cost one power card On reveal, he's gonna return your other cards here to your hand at plus two power for each of those cards returned. Again, it's Beast without the cost reduction, but he in Toxin. Is gaining the power. Alex, let's start with the spotlights before Toxin. Zabu and Elsa, not exactly jumping for joy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, not great. I think that Elsa's probably a good card that's not seeing play. Zabu I think is, it's seeing some play in some decks. There, we have a couple decent performing like big Zabu, but I'm kind of falling unimpressed with Zabu, honestly. I think it's better than it was before, obviously, but I don't think it's, I don't know if it's in its final form, but Elsa, I think, is just a couple meta shifts away from being relevant again, just not relevant right now. Maybe Toxin's the meta shift.
Cozy Snap:I feel like Elsa is just replaceable at the end of the day, right? Like, I just don't, it's just another card I just don't play with, and like, Zabu I like but I This is one of those, again, this feels like Scorn of last week. If you want to play Discard, you get Scorn. If you want to play Bounce, you go to get Toxin with collector tokens. Even look at people like my bud, your bud, Dexter. He has, I think, like 200, 000 collector tokens. It's insanity. And he's like, I'm running low. I'm almost out of six digits. I'm like, good God. But even he, I believe, did not open caches. He used collector tokens on on Scorn. I think it'll be the same here. There's something like Toxin. Toxin as a card though, this is gonna be something that we have to rate kinda like we did Score, and I think maybe a tad more flexible. Overall, what are we thinking about Toxin? What's your star rating, bud?
Alexander Coccia:I can't see it being less than a 4. Like, obviously, this is a premier bounce card. I can see it easily being a 5. When we talk synergies, I think there's a couple major changes they've made over the last month or two that elevates Toxin as a whole. And I think that gives me more lean towards, like, this card's gonna slap. Yeah. Whether or not it's a four or five, I mean, it's kind of irrelevant. It's going to be a card you need if you're a bounce player, I think. And I would be very shocked, very shocked if it fell anywhere under. And the reason for this is because there are so many synergistic cards that we're going to talk about that I don't want to completely spoil off the top. I always do that. I always lift off like nine cards. I'm like, Hey, thank God for you catching it. I'm not going to restrain here. I'm going to show some restraint, Cozy. Let's talk. Some well, you gotta give me your rating first. What are you talking about? I, I'm going to go four and a half. Boom. Done.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I think that's fair. I think it'll be a tad better than what scorn was for discard. And I liked scoring for discard. Here's the catch. First of all, we're getting our first car that bounces like beast does. Right? Ever. So we have that. Since Beast has come out. But on top of that, it's also a very good, valued card. And the ability alone is such a crazy one to have two of, right? And so with that, we already know that Bounce is at a really good spot. Right now, it's already in a tremendous spot in the meta. I think last time I checked, even with thousands of games, it's like a 60%. It's killing it! It's killing it where it's at in the meta right now. And then you throw in Toxin in there, who can get to Ridiculous at 2 7, and that's, you know, if you're getting the 3 on there, but even if you don't, you have the 2 5, okay, not a, you know, definitely a stat line that we like for a 2 cost, and what he's doing with that ability. It's what we've talked about with Copycat, and in the past, these cards that do two things at once, and Bounce is getting that exact thing. I think there are gonna be some decks that are quite literally near impossible to go up against in the right hands of the right players that play. Bounce. For me, yep, same thing. I'll give it about a four and a half. I mean, heck, I'd give it a perfect rating for the bounce archetype, no question, because of where it's already at. And I think you led to it really well here. I think what we should aim this episode in the beginning here is just talking about the best bounce cards in the game, right? Like the ones that you'll want to bounce back, why this is going to be so good. You're going to have a 2 7 a good chunk of the time. But let's start with this. Let's start with his it's definitely not his brother, but let's call it that. Let's start with Beast, right? Let's start with the other bounce guy. And, obviously, we've got Beast and Falcon right now. For a while, we just had Falcon for a little bit. I don't know if you remember that little era. Will he, A, be used with Beast, which I think so, but B, you're going to have like a, almost an infinity thing going on here with, if you want to, which is crazy when you look at decks like Wick and Bounce that actually have that energy to do so, with them both being 3 cost, a little awkward, but it's going to be insane the combinations that you can pull off with Beast and Toxin.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I mean, there's some early conversation about like whether or not Beast gets replaced by Toxin, and my early kind of pen and paper decks include both. Yeah. And I think there's, there's reason for that. I think that it's like, you can utilize them in different ways, on different turns, and you can take advantage of the fact that like, Beast bringing them At a discounted rate, right? I think it's helpful because what it allows you to do is kind of like, it allows you to like arm the toxin. Remember, toxin wants to bounce things back to gain power. Beasts bounce things back, not to gain power, but to discount them and reprock their own reveals in the next play, right? So they're trying to accomplish different things. A play line that I see in another synergistic card I want to talk about, and maybe we'll talk about her later, but Black Swan, I think is incredibly synergistic here. You play Black Swan on 2, right? And then what happens is, you don't activate her, right? Whatever you've played down, maybe you play a couple of 1 drops on turn on turn 3. Turn 4, 1 drop Beast, bring the 1 drops back. They're discounted. Turn 5, you're able to play down the 1 drops, get their on reveal effects again, play down Toxin. Because now, like, you have the extra room, kick them back, activate the Black Swan, and now you're going into a turn where Toxin's huge, and all the 1 drops you've bounced back over and over again have been basically free for two turns. Right? The beast turn and the turn that you utilize the activation of black black swan. So I think that they can be used in tandem because I see toxin more like a hit monkey finisher, not as like, I'm going to play them on curve. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. I mean, listen, put together what you just said. When you get a raft card, it's a zero cost with a bunch of power. That's what you're looking at. A turn six with some of these play lines. Now, like you're going to have these like Rocky, whatever we're about to talk about. And these cars are with so much power that the only way to stop them is to give priority and kill Monger. Like, that's going to be one of the few ways to be able to deal with this. Shadow King, obviously. We know some of the counters already. But, listen. I like that you brought up Black Swan. I think Agent Venom, Black Swan, Hitmonkey, and Wiccan are kind of like the bounce. Supporters, if you will. Mysterio finds its way in there because you got the, you got the Agent Venom stuff with the sat whatever. You got stuff that you can work on with that. I'm gonna be interested in the shells that get made. Does Falcon make the cut, right? Obviously, I think There are a lot of lines that you wanted to make it, but it's, that's why Elsa to me is just kind of meh. Because you're going to be just, these, this list is going to be razor, razor tight. Now that Toxin is going to enter in as a, as a must include. And we just got something like that with Silver Sable. So we'll go ahead and kick it off with her and let's start talking about some of these balance cards, right? I mean, clearly, you loved her for this whenever she was coming out, and now I think this is gonna be her big chance to shine. You got Silver Sable right here as one of the better bounce cards within the game. I already brought it up in Rocket Raccoon. These two, just in the potential of them, look insane.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, absolutely incredible, right? And as we said, like, when you get those, like, those kind of rolling turns, where you're constantly re procking these, right? I think it's huge, and the power output's massive with Silver Sable. I actually think that Rocket Raccoon has a higher ceiling. Obviously it does. If you can land those Rocket Raccoon hits, then it does have a higher ceiling than Silver Sable. The disruption of Silver Sable is not, like, nothing either though, right? That two power comes from somewhere. And this steel mechanic that they've started to incorporate into Marvel Snap is actually a really good mechanic I really like, right? And I think that Silver Sable is a phenomenal card. I think that Rocket Raccoon can be a phenomenal card in the hands of a talented player and one who can mind read. We've talked about the mind reading on the Snapchat before. But yeah, no, like, there's so many good one drops. And, Even in this meta here, like, I might make the suggestion of a one drop that I think is underappreciated, and I think is worth testing in these bounce decks, and it's gonna be Iceman. I still feel like Iceman's underappreciated, because, like, you don't, we've talked about in the past, you don't see the damage he's doing, but the opponent feels the damage. So, it's one of those things where I think that Iceman's another solid winner, not necessarily from a power perspective, but, like, hey, you thought you had a play line, now you don't.
Cozy Snap:I mean, yeah, you can get his activation like three, four times. Depends if you even throw in things like Grandmaster in there and a new versions of these balanced decks. I think there's the Agent Venom stuff. And then there's. These other versions that you can play. What I like that Bounce is becoming is that it's almost focused solely on these 1 costs. Couple 2s in there maybe. You have Sage as a compelling 3. And then obviously you have things like Bishop for support as well. But it is, it's becoming a lot about the 1 cost because of the way that you play it. And because Toxin doesn't reduce costs, I think it's gonna lean into that even more so, right? We'll have these Agent Venom decks and these 1 cost decks that you just are going crazy about. And, to me, I think we just listed three of them. I think that The Hood, Silver Sable, Rocket Raccoon, and Ice, I do agree, I think Iceman are kind of the non negotiables, need to be in there, need to be in your list if you're playing Bouncy. If you guys haven't played Bouncy and you want to dive in, those are the ones that I would recommend definitely going with as you lean into things. And then probably Nico would be my next pick there.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, absolutely. And like the one drops do carry a lot of weight. And Nico's phenomenal too, because it also gives you like that hand extension often with like the copy. And it gives you the opportunity to draw through your deck, which is often very valuable as well. It just gives you a lot of different options. It can even change the hood into a demon and then you get a demon as well. It's like, you're double dipping on the effect, which I like, I like a lot. One thing I will mention is I thought it was cute earlier on where you were like, Hey, you know what? Toxin might be a 2 5, maybe a 2 7. I'm like, ah, look at Cozy. Not assuming he's starting as a 2 4. Because we know that a lot of these bounce decks are using one of the newest cards to hit Marvel Snap, Fellow Symbiote. What's his name again? Oh yeah, Agent Venom. That was a joke, Cozy, I remembered his name. Oh, sorry. I'm just forgetting the most meta shattering card we've had this month. Yeah, yeah. No, Agent Venom, I think is often going to be played in these decks as well because it's just, it's just too good. It's just too good. It provides too much value. And with Agent Venom, like the deck starts to write itself, all the stuff you're talking about, then you can like, okay, maybe I throw in Iron Man. Right? Maybe I throw in like, and all of these, all these other greedier pieces come into play. Yeah, I think it's good.
Cozy Snap:And what I like about him too, is that, you know, there's games when you're playing bounce that you don't get beast and man, does that deck you know, Suffer, and I think we're thinking about all the top end stuff, right? Like, oh my god, and then imagine bouncing back Toxin, and then getting him to be like a 2 4 2, whatever. But also, I love that Toxin is just a 2 cost that bounces back, right? So if, if you don't get the right draw, or if things happen, and you have that hood, and you're like, man, I kind of just want two demons out of this. Like, that hood that you play for a 1 3, you then play Toxin, who's gonna be gaining power, and then giving you another demon, so that plays even bigger, and you don't have to rely solely on that. That's where you said your point earlier about Blockswan. I think she'll be important just to have as this kind of other safety gate with him. But yeah, I mean, guys, listen, this is going to be an archetype that if you're interested in playing, A, it takes some time. Especially, you know, it is, Toxin is very he's very narrow in where he can fit in. But, Bounce does have a lot of different pathways that you can take, which I wanted to kind of lead into. You know, last month we got our new move cards, Alex. Listen, the small moving package is pretty good. And I think that this could be another place that amps this deck up a little bit more. Gets that Human Torch going, gets the Iron Fist, gets the Ghost Spider. It's probably not gonna be the best list, but I'm excited that this is gonna be a possibility.
Alexander Coccia:It definitely can be, and like, that deck is one of the ones that like, puts up so much power so fast. And I think that people, because it's like, it's been one of the higher cube rate, win rate decks that like, has not seen a lot of actual play. And so if you're someone who like, wants to get competitive, get the infinite push to the high ladder, win infinity conquest, Mastering that little movers is gonna be key, because your opponent can't like, read the play lines effectively, right? Because they're not used to playing against the deck, so I think you can catch people by surprise.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so those, like, for me, at least, the move package, and then having these the balance with the Agent Venom stuff, that's what's really gonna shine. Don't even look at the numbers of, of the 2 1 toxin, because it doesn't, it doesn't really matter, because of how much you are gonna get him to a 2 4, or him going to a 2 7. Hell, we just said it, maybe even a 2 10 to start, you know, at a, at a full lane. Absolute craziness. The way to compete with this are is gonna be cheeky place that if it does get outta hand, we can do right. So obviously you have the sandman change that they did to increase the cost. You have invisible woman that you can hide to kill monger. You have a I dare, I dare I say a ghost. You're not gonna be playing ghost, but I guess ghost could be a, a card you could play to delay your priority a little bit. For me, it just comes down to like, if you see yourself playing a Toxin deck, you need to do what you can to give priority so that you can use your tech cards later on. And Killmonger will be a huge presence this week. He's gonna need to be. Him and Shadow King, people don't play they're gonna have to to combat this.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, Shadow King, Killmonger, and I want to give a special shout out to the good boy, doggy, Cosmo. Cosmo, I said good boy, I think Cosmo might be a little lady dog, I'm not exactly sure, to be honest with you. But anyways, that's a whole other conversation. Cosmo, I think is a really good call on the Kermit as well. And I mean, Cosmo's been a little cheeky and high voltage and some other things, we'll talk about that momentarily. But, like, I think that, that Cosmo's also a good option, because when they're bouncing, and like, it can be hard to anticipate where they're going. But, one of the things about bounce is They're often they're often playing with initiative in an interesting way where you might have initiative and you're like, Oh, they're going to want to bounce back their Sable, right? That's so they're going to be putting their talks in there. I'm going to slide Cosmo on top of their Sable because they're going to play their Iceman talks in there. And you can kind of make that read because just like the Kitty Prydex, they often give initiative. Right? So I think Cosmo is useful in that case.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, for sure. You know, what I think I'm interested in, and it's a not a lot of people played it, I think it was hot for just like a quick minute but that's gonna be this kind of weird Wiccan bounce. Have you, have you tried Wiccan with bounce before?
Alexander Coccia:I have not been playing Wiccan in bounce. No, I've been playing Wiccan in a couple other shells specifically with Zabu but no, not not in bounce.
Cozy Snap:So very kind of similar, but you have so many of these one drops, right? And so having something, maybe Kitty Prytek's in there. To make it a little bit more safe, but you have so much of this, you have Hawkeye in these decks Kate Bishop, Hawkeye. Wicked Bounce can go crazy, like absolutely crazy, and it's in a card that you don't need to have. I think that's why Wicked works so well, is like, if you don't draw them, it's fine, where a lot of Wicked decks, you kind of need to draw them. 4 7, you're not going to be playing him all that much, and he does count as one of your other draws if you don't get the energy boosting. But most times, you're going to have all that energy played out, and then you have so much to work with, which is something that I think Toxin and Beast might want to have together. So, listen, I'm curious, I'm excited to see what Toxin kind of evolves into. Again, kind of like Scorn, there's not a whole lot to dive into outside of the initial bounce stuff. Maybe Misery will get some play here you know, we've seen some of that stuff. But I'm excited to see kinda how good Toxin is.
Alexander Coccia:There's one key thing that gave me some reservation from keeping him away from a 5 star and keeping him closer to that 4 star range was that people have been I think comparing him often to Beast, but they've been thinking about, like, Toxin being this, like, high power card, but it's, it's probably not a closer. Which I think is important to understand. You can't really confidently play this on turn six, because, well, it's going to come out as a 2 1, unless you want to bounce all your power back. So it doesn't occupy the spot that a Hitmonkey or Sage will. So I think that it's important to recognize that you have a tighter window at which this card is going to be able to be used effectively. And if you really want to make use of it, you're going to have to combo it with like the Black Swans or whatever, or you're going to have to commit the energy and need like the Wiccan, like you've suggested. So I don't want to make it sound like this is like a perfect, like Perfect card for bounce. It is, but at the same time, there is a window of opportunity you've got to play with in order to get the power.
Cozy Snap:Yes, indeed. We're gonna have to see, man. I'm excited. For it, but we'll go ahead and let that transition to our next subject. We still have another new card next week. It's Crazy Anti Venom, which I think is gonna be a ton of fun. We had the Vote For Your Variants which one did you go for, by the way? The, the the armor, or the, that's what the popular, the popular pick is armor. You went Howard, I can tell.
Alexander Coccia:I went Howard, yeah.
Cozy Snap:I could tell. I could tell you went Howard. I
Alexander Coccia:was, I was mixed on it, man, because I kind of just want the Howard, the duck from Dan Hicks. I think it's like one of the best variants in the game. And I'm like, do I really want this Howard? I kind of like the Destroyer the best. And I have the fantasy ultimate variant for armor. So I was like, I didn't quite need that. I voted for Howard out of pure respect for Howard enjoyers, but, you know.
Cozy Snap:I thought Destroyer was going to do better amongst like the casuals, like I thought they would just see it and be like cool, cool art, cool card, want to go for it, but yeah, I think what was it last year was Shang Chi and was it Ghost Rider? Were those the two in contention or was there was one other one I thought? The third one, I don't remember who it was now. I thought it was the one that won too.
Alexander Coccia:Is it the one that won? I think it was the one that won, I think Shang Chi lost. Cause Shang Chi was the Rion Gonzalez. Which one was it?
Cozy Snap:That's funny that it doesn't even mean that much. Like, that's how much it meant to us that we don't even know what it was. Yeah, I have no idea. Anyway. We're gonna go ahead and talk about High Voltage, Alex. The newest game mode to hit. Snap, three turns, lots of energy. I think the I can say this confidently, the public opinion of High Voltage to Deadpool's Diner is so night and day. On my comments, on just the views, the traffic, seeing how many people were playing it, the way that it was played out wasn't punishing. Much more chill experience to get agony. Obviously, I'm giving away some of it, but man, I thought High Voltage showcased just how badly Snap needs A, something different, and B, a casual mode. Especially the first three days of it, super success, super fun.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it was a hit, and it's funny because it, I had this thought, right, of like, what makes high voltage so good? Like, why is it so fun to play? And I think it's because it didn't mess with what makes Marvel Snap great, which is the core gameplay of it. You get the cards, you play the cards you like, you enjoy, right? What he also does, you remove the stakes and a lot of people would argue that, Hey, removing the stakes is a bad thing. We need stakes. What I've learned is that I don't care about stakes. Most people actually don't. People care about having fun. People care about sitting in the bathroom for 45 extra minutes while they're at work because they want to play some high voltage, man. They care about that progress. They care about that fun. They care about a new, different type of casual experience to the point where it's like, I bet you. That anybody that was using like training grounds as like a casual mode is like gone. That's a ghost town. Conquest is a ghost town compared to high voltage in my opinion.
Cozy Snap:So I think most of what you said was true in the sense of, I think it's not that people don't care about stakes, but it's also, I think there is a large amount, you know, I love stakes is how I base my own, but more of, more of this, Conquest brought stakes, more stakes. Deadpool's Diner literally brought stakes, the kind you eat, but also more stakes, right? So additional stakes. And it's like, we've had that, done that, and we did. We needed this casual mode, cause even Training Grounds, sure, but like, there was still stuff involved and stuff. This just felt like, yeah, I want to cut loose, I want to do all the combos, all the greedy stuff that I've tried to do, that just doesn't work, cause everyone's doing their mid range to Devil Dinosaur. I want to gambit everything and kill everything on the other side. I have three turns, my opponent can't escape, and have a blast, right? Like, To me, I loved that there wasn't stakes because it allowed me to have the the both the player and myself have to watch and see what's about to happen to the chaos. Now they could have fixed it. Maybe fix the fast forward feature a little bit more. There was some stuff that took, you know, some time to develop. But my god, it was the Wild West. The first 24 hours, Alex, of High Voltage, was a blast. And if I may, I had the top rated deck for about 24 hours. It did fade. It did fade. I was proud of it. I had no idea. I actually tried to rush a video out, and I put together a greedy deck. Hey, listen, all those months of me being greedy and having combo decks that don't work on the ladder and get shamed. It worked. It worked for a little bit at least before Cosmo came in.
Alexander Coccia:It was so funny because like when the mode first got released I was like laying in bed and I was like, Hmm, I'm going to play Cozy's deck. I just played yours. It was so funny. I did such a great job. And then and then I started like doing my own stuff as well. And then I'm like, alright, now everything's just going to be, I'm going to turn one Wong, turn two Onslaught, turn three Wynn. Pew, pew, pew. That's what I wanted to do the whole time. Yeah. Always pew pews, always, and when I got missions that were like, play 5 cost cards, I was like, 5 costs in my deck, I don't even care. Yeah, yeah,
Cozy Snap:yeah, and the missions were easy to accomplish too, like, the wins were easy to get, the missions were, the refreshes made it to where it wasn't Agony to get Agony. Obviously Cassandra Nova, much better card, we're gonna talk about Agony on your side, but definitely not, you know, not a card that you're never gonna use. And I think ultimately, I'm sad. I'm a bit, I'm a bit sad that it's only seven days. I don't think it needs to be permanent. I think it has that special piece about it. But also, it's like, man, maybe put it on rotation? I, you know, even if you don't have a new card in there, you just have a variant, throw it up on a, on a monthly rotation. Like, why not, right? I think it was just fun that, that could be needed. And, and I think it showed that to, to Second Dinner. But yeah, my ultimate advice to most people, or just, Play what you have fun with, who cares about decks that win, just play whatever you, come on, a spectrum deck with ongoings all over it, whatever you want to do, man, and I think people did that.
Alexander Coccia:I know, they did. But also, it would surprise you to know that people enjoy having fun. Enjoy having fun by winning, that's what I meant to say. They have fun by winning, which is kind of one of the challenges they have, but your message is 100 percent correct. It's been something we've been preaching for the longest time. Don't chase the win rates, chase what you actually love about the game. And that's what I said before, that I'm not a stakes chaser. I don't care about the stakes. I want to brew a crafted deck, I want to see how it does on the ladder, I want to have fun, that's what I want to do. And I think that like, There's been a lot of burnout in Snap, and I wonder if, even from a creator's side, and I wonder if it was because people lost sight of what was important and what was fun about the game. And if I'm just trying to grind to rank one all the time, it's just, it's gonna burn me out. I'm just gonna, like, first of all, I'm not gonna get there. Secondly, I'm just gonna get exhausted, and it's, I'm just, it sucks the fun out of what I enjoy about this game. And so I said, you know what? Months ago, I was like, I was feeling a little burned out, I'm like, you know what, no, I'm going back to the basics. What do I love about this game? And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to brew, I'm going to craft, I'm going to engage with my community, that's why I'm here. And High Voltage, for a lot of people, was this like, it's just this breath of fresh air that they needed. They needed something to just change their palate to have fun again. And it just allowed you to do that.
Cozy Snap:I mean, we saw a lot, I think these big power decks kind of took over towards the end. These Scar, She Hulk kind of decks. And then we had Patriot stuff. The on reveal stuff worked before Cosmo and Alioth entered in, and that was a huge thing. A lot of people played Alioth, a lot of people played Cosmo, and a lot of players had opinions on that, for sure. I mean, hell, you were having electros being vipered over on the first turn of the match, and just stuff, stuff the evil that has been concocted by the community, I love it. And listen, have fun how you're gonna have fun, whatever. My goal was to gambit, yeah, as many people. I I swear I mainly just played the Gambit stuff, because I was like, When am I ever going to, cause here's the thing, I get the whole like, how can someone play Alioth and Cosmo, but also like, I'm killing their entire side of the board if I'm doing what I want to do, like, I don't know if my way's any, you know, I see stuff on Twitter, like, whatever, I mean, but yeah, for me personally, my whole mission was, I was doing that, and I was doing this like, Omega Red, Onslaught, Mystique, that, and win that lane, and like, it was like this compound, like, I was just doing stupid stuff that I never get to do in the main game. I'd be if I was playing any other deck that I could do on ladder, that's for sure.
Alexander Coccia:Oh, for sure, man. I had a deck where I had like, Havok Ebony Maw, Baron Zemo, like, all like, absolute trashier cards, but in theory, they get some new life here. I was playing them with Moon Girl as well, because like, I'm like, listen, I can Moon Girl Ebony Maws, right? And like, I got this massive hand, tons of energy, why wouldn't I? I was playing Crystals, man, my Pew Pew deck had Crystal in it, Iron Lad, I had all these things to like, keep reaching into my deck, right? And it's kind of funny because like, man, I just had fun, and I kind of laugh because like, the the fun police of people playing Alioth, yeah, you know, you're going for the dub, I respect it, but at the same time, it's like, I would rather I would rather, if you're gonna, you want, if you're worried about me gambit pew pewing your entire board, you do the same thing. Let's see who pew pews to the end. You know what I mean? Let's see, right? Let's just, let's just get rid of those cards, and let's just make it the gong show it needs to be.
Cozy Snap:I was surprised that Alive made the list of cards that could make it, right? Because they banned, you know, obviously some stuff, and other, I mean, there's other stuff that you're like, ah, get it, could this have not made it? But again, all I know is, let's rank it 5 out of 5. I think I'd give it like a, I don't know, I have nothing bad to say about the game mode, and I thought exactly what it was gonna be, the first like 48 hours were the best. I, listen, I'm gonna say, I just, I hate statistics sites. I do, I think they ruin a lot of card games, and I get why they're important, I think they're actually very important, so don't mistake that for that, I think untapped is great. For so many reasons. I just, like, I love when games first come out, or game modes first come out, because it's the Wild West. It's just like, bro, I'm gonna play Crossbones, because I think he might be good, like, that's what made it so fun. And so, I, you know, I called this when the game came out the game mode came out. I was like, man, I'm gonna play as much as I can in this first 48 hours, because there's gonna be nothing like it.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, then everyone min maxes and stuff like that. You're right. You're right. And I absolutely agree with you. It was so much fun. I would give it like a 4. I think it has room for improvement. I like the fact that it was very free to play friendly. Getting Agony was very easy. And getting the rewards was straightforward. I think they learned lessons from Deadpool's Diner. That was my major concern. They made a new mode, and it was actually fun. Now, it doesn't replace Draft. Right? I'm going to miss it personally. I'm going to miss it because I loved it as a place to casually like unlock finished missions, stuff like that. It was so fun to do that. One thing I will say is like a little negative thing. This is more like a, like it's kind of an Alex thing, but I can't be the only one out there that did this. I thought like the fourth or fifth reward, whatever it was, it was like the second reward for the credits. I thought it was 5, 000 credits, but it's 5, 000 volts for the credits that was 250. I thought they were giving away 5, 000 credits, man. I was like, I can't believe they're doing this. This is crazy. This is the most on second dinner move they've ever made. I was about to like literally drive to like California just to like say thank you. for like doing this for the community you can hold it i'm like i was so hyped up dude because they also did the gold boosted ranks thing now so you can get like you get sorry you get better chances for inked and gold in your splits so i'm like what a perfect give back for the community give them extra credits so they can do splits i'm like they're geniuses they're geniuses monetization's fixed and then i clicked the button i was so hyped up man i'm like i'm getting 5 000 credits i'm gonna split like mystique six times Boom, 250. I was like, bro, what?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I know dude. I realized it was my fault. It's the same with like with alliances. I was like, we did it team. We all got, oh, hold on. It's like, it's just, it's a flash in the pan. It's like one frame break or something on a card that you'd get after, you know, weeks of rewards. And listen, I think first of all, we nailed it by the way. I think I saw Glid on Twitter give props to the guy that came up with high voltage and put it together. And I'm like, So there is interns! I don't know if he's an intern, but we were saying how we hope that these limited time game modes didn't have the main staff. And it kind of looks like that. And props to you, man, if you're listening, if this gets to you, you hit a home run. It was fun. It was balanced for the most part. Home run hit, great job. But they plan on bringing back Deadpool's Diner 2. 0 and wait for it. I don't even know what it's called. Super. Super. Super season pass, premium super pass. What's it called? It said that the new, we got to talk about the road ahead.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. Yeah. The roadmap was pretty cool. I'm excited to talk about it. There's some like questionable things I'm like, ah, yeah, you're bringing up the premium super season pass. I'm like. I'm here for that. I'm stupid and I paid extra like 10 bucks for extra levels, which makes no sense because I end up at like level 90 every month anyway, so I don't know why I'm doing that. But, yeah, I think it's worth talking about. And there was some good stuff in there, dude. I was super hyped up. Did you see? For the record, we had no idea that this development roadmap was A, gonna come out at all, or B, had any idea of the contents of it at all. And we had just done kind of like our airing of grievances. Right? The episode before, like a day before, and talked about like, kind of like, what we wanted to see changed, what we thought could be added, and a lot of it is addressed here, which is great! I, I am, I'm actually excited.
Cozy Snap:So yeah, I'm excited for some of the stuff, more than I am other stuff on here. I do have like, my critiques on it I commend them for A, just let's start here. I commend them for the extra communication. I commend them for keeping the list way shorter, meaning there's a much higher chance that this stuff is going to be done. Right, and just like the sneak peek tidbits that they put on here was awesome and a welcome change. This was definitely a step in the right direction. For Road Ahead stuff, and so that was huge. Yeah, we had legit zero idea that this was coming. And when it come out yeah, the Monday, right? Like, right after the Snapchat. So we're gonna look at it quickly. We'll, we'll go through some of it here in the coming, so you guys can see we have high voltage. Already happened. Collector's Vault which for the most part people are excited about. Second anniversary celebration, we've been there, done that. Deadpool's Diner 2. 0, which I think could be could be a rough one. We'll have to see. First of all, yeah, Deadpool's Diner 2. 0, how do they do it? How do they do it where it doesn't feel I don't know, like, just because, I don't, put it this way, I liked the game mode, but I think there are things about the game mode that if they didn't change, like if you lose, which the whole, the whole premise of it is that poker table that you move forward with, and so like, you know what I mean? How are they gonna change that? I, I don't know.
Alexander Coccia:It's hard to say. I, there's a couple of ways you can approach it. You could have like the who wants to be a millionaire thing where like, you can't lose certain amount of bubs every time. But they did also make it in the original Deadpool's diner where your actual progress towards Cassandra Nova never went negative. So if like you had a million bubs and you lost, it's not like you lost progress. It was your total accumulated bubs that actually allowed you to unlock the card. So that was an intelligent look there. All they have to do is just take a look, take a look at what everyone was happy about with high voltage. Take all that feedback and be like, okay, take what worked in high voltage. Apply that to the Deadpool's Diner 2. 0. Like the actual gameplay of Deadpool's Diner was fun enough. It was the progression. It was the monetization hooks, the early, Oh, LOL. You ran out of bubs because you lost your first game because you snapped or whatever, right? It had like small pain points. It had some big pain points too. Learn those lessons and I think you're good.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so Collectors Vault is the next thing we'll talk about briefly here, and essentially, like, if it came in a bundle a long time ago, you've got a chance to snag it back up. And I've seen, again, mostly good press, per se, about this, if the press is in front of the people.
Alexander Coccia:Thoughts on the Collectors Vault? This is tricky for me. I'm of like, I'm of two thoughts here, and like, I'm not really sure how to express this, but like, I'm kind of dumbfounded with this, because at the, first of all, I don't want to be to sound like the person that like, that wants to like, gate people away from getting stuff they want. Like, if you're someone that's like, I need to have the Throg variant for Thor, like, I need the Froggy variant for Thor, I want you to get it. Like, I want you to get it for an inexpensive price. Like, I want you to enjoy the game and have it. The only concern I have is, like, I was kind of under the assumption for a long time that especially these, like, Apocalypse bundles, the, like, there's been very expensive bundles and you kind of buy them with the pretense that those are, like, exclusive, never coming back, and so, like, I'm not saying that, like, I'm not taking the ground that I don't think people should be able to get those again, but when you're selling them under the pretense that, like, hey, this is the only chance you'll be Field to get it, and you sell'em for 140 Canadian dollars or a hundred dollars American, or whatever it is, and then you're like, Hey, by the way guys, they're coming back. You get a year of exclusivity though. But it's like, bro, it's already been a year though, so I guess it's just out and you can buy for, I don't know, man. I see both sides of the argument. For me, I'm glad people can get it, like I, I don't mind it myself, but I think there is a valid concern for the whales and the, the dolphins and the people who have spent their money to support this game under the pretense that those were, in fact, permanent exclusives.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, so I totally get the both sides camp of that. I think there's way more people that want the variants that are mad about it, 100%. But I will say, yeah, I think most games with skins or things that you buy, that they don't come back. And if they do, they're recolored, there's something different about them. Like I've seen that happen to old games. And I I'm not, I wasn't kind of, I was a hundred percent under the, the thought that, you know, that they were a one time purchase. Like hell, in fact, if they bring back the Hellfire gala, which they're going to probably, because there's a whole album for it. But if they bring back the, the hellfire, the hellfire stuff, does that rotate in? Is that rotated into the main stuff?
Alexander Coccia:I think it is. Yeah. I don't think they even, oh, that's another point. Oh my gosh. Never thought of this. This probably opens up their chance for putting exclusive variants into albums and stuff, by the way.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I wonder.
Alexander Coccia:That's a potential downside.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, it is a downside. I'm curious if they, if this hurts future bundles too, the way that variants work. I think, I think, if I'm being candid, variants and bundles as a whole they, they've had to make, take a much bigger hit on those. I, I definitely don't purchase near, if not any, as much as I used to. And, and so I don't know what the metrics look like here. I think what I want to get to with all this, and I, again, it's not that I'm not thankful for the stuff we're getting, Everything that I see here, if I look at Snap, right now, I think a lot of creators share this because they reached out to me and I talked and gave my opinions on it. When I look at Snap, I'm not like, you know what we need more of is card variant stuff, right? And not that it's not going to be cool to have spider webs and bananas on the back of my That's all cool, but when you look at all this, it's just like more collection track stuff. A lot of it is, and I just, I can't echo enough, I almost feels, again, and if you're listening and I know you guys did last night, it almost feels like, it's like, we, they have to make the perfect product to do a game mode or they're not gonna release it, and I just like, where we're at in the process of Snap, like, this is all really great, But it also just is a lot more, it's, it's way more on the collection track side stuff than new content that I was kind of hoping for. Personally, yeah, that's my, yeah, I mean, I don't know how else to say that any nicer. Heck, I'm not even trying to be nice, but that's just my thought, right? Like, this is cool, I'm glad for it, but I also am like, Okay, character masteries, which we're about to get to. Heck yeah! Really cool! I think it's awesome, but also, it's also more just getting stuff for your car You know what I mean? Am I Do you get Does that make sense?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it does. I completely agree with what you're saying, and like, it's like they're adding more fluff to the game. And not enough substance and high voltage was like a flash of substance. And now it's fleeting. It's gone. It's going to be gone. Right. And we're like, we want that back. We need the draft mode. And we'll talk about that momentarily. Now for me, I'm glad that character mastery is back. Like I love it, man. I like, I'm all in on this, man. Like I was so sad and you know what, in their defense. In their defense, they sounded sad that they couldn't make Character Mastery work. They did. Like, they sound like they actually tried, and something, and people were like, These guys were doing this, and, like, people got on, like, the conspiracy bandwagon, and I was like, I don't actually think so. Like, I think they actually hit some tech hiccup. But here we are. Apparently, they figured it out.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, this, like, I don't know what's up here, but, God, I hope it's, like, a Golden Galactus card. If they can do that, I've been wanting that from the beginning. I used to say this on the first Snapchat, The Smite, the Smite, when, in Smite, if you play with the character enough, you get a golden hero or whatever. I, God, I hope we get that. I really do. And I think this is about playing the card rather than just like more and more like variants and whatnot. I, all I know is this, hopefully, is just gonna be a really well balanced, like, this is all I need moving forward for customization. I think this is great. Lean into this heavy. Let's go this route. Awesome. And then let's kinda, it looks like from reading this, then let's shift gears. To more playable stuff. I will say high voltage mode though. They said that they're gonna go Even more into limited time mode stuff. It's earned my trust back for those. Like I thought it was a good enough event where I'm like, Hey, done. Cool. Let's do it. Let's make it happen. Cause you guys knocked out of the park here. Let's do it again. Let's make it happen again. That's my hope there, but character masteries, home run hit Alex. I'm pumped.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, I'm super excited for it as well. And I do hope that it also includes just like playing games, not just like, not just like, Oh, how many variants did you collect? But they do have like the character albums. So they should lean into that. And the mastery should be about like unlocking challenges, get Deadpool to 50 power or stuff like that. And you unlock like you should have like character quests. I don't know, man. I'm not a game dev. I'm just saying make it better than just collecting stuff.
Cozy Snap:I mean, this says, Are you an electro extraordinaire? This looks like it's straight out of JadGBT. All of your electro variants and splits count for XP towards progressing in the character mastery. That's what effin worries me, man. I don't, like, this to me, I'm not excited. Like, this is what I'm trying to say. I want to just play Electro. If I play a shizz load of I'm trying to keep it sensor free. If I play a lot of Electro, that's what I want to climb with. I don't give a crap how much money I've spent to get Electro variants, right? And that It just It That's my whole point around it.
Alexander Coccia:I've never seen you self censor yourself like six times in a matter of three sentences like so bad Just tell us how you really feel cozy. But I I totally do agree man One thing I will say you kind of touched on it with like the smite thing about how like, you know Collecting stuff and building the ultimate thing. Here's a fun fact about like Dota in terms of like exclusive variants and skins and stuff. The way that Dota handles it is that you have a marketplace. So if you have an exclusive like epoch variant from the original time of the game, you can sell it. And if someone wants it, they can buy it from the player. That's what Dota is. Do you have a skin that you want to be able to get away? Well, you can sell it. You know what I mean? So they're marketable. We didn't quite get there.
Cozy Snap:No, I, nor do I think we would ever, but the rewards from character masters, the rewards from this. It is these emotes, which, again, if it's about how many Cosmo variants I have, it's like, it just feels like another album thing, but if I played a thousand games with Cosmo, and that is, like, one of the track marks that you need to get past, if I see a Cosmo, I'm like, man, this guy, this guy's a Cosmo believer, like, I want to have the Agent Coulson, probably the most lame emoji you could have, but, like, I want to have the Agent Coulson one, and people know, people know I can back up my claim that I love to play Cosmo. Agent Coulson. So that's my thought there. I think all of this looks good. The customizable banana split. Man, this is like my dream for the game. But please, Second Dinner, I beg you to not lock this under variants and only variants. We have that. We have albums.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, and I have tons of albums on Complete. Like, tons. I barely do albums. Like you, I don't buy a lot of the variants anymore. I just don't, I've been hoarding gold because I just, I don't know why I've been doing it, man. I don't know why. It's it's just like, I just hope for more meaningful types of progression that actually make the game fun. But at the same time, let's make these systems fun, good, enjoyable, and like a concrete pillar of what the gameplay experience is. Because sometimes you install, like, a mobile game, and, like, there's, like, nine currencies. And there's like 12 different like modes, not even modes, but like, Oh, you got to open, you know, Venom's nuts over here. And you got to open. I love that part of your video, by the way. And then there's like, Oh, you got to open this thing in this thing. And you got to open this thing. And there's like all these like, what is even happening on this stuff?
Cozy Snap:Yeah. Like 2010 mobile gaming. That was like the definition of it even more. So like you'd have like conquest. It was was actually a galactic conquest or something. Whatever. I was playing Star Wars. Dude, there was like nine tokens in there. And it was just to continue to almost gatekeep in a, in a sense, but it's a lot, man. It's intimidating. There's a lot to go into. We already have, you know, tons of cards that people have to digest. Alright, we're going to wrap it up with what is in kind of concept. They do address draft mode, and thank God they did. People would have been so mad if this was not talked about. And it is very cool to see that they're passionate about it. About this draft mode and that they want to make it right. Again, this does highlight it. Like, for me, okay, I will, I wanted to address this. I think I talked to Dexter about this. It says, it's a tough nut to crack, because Snap wasn't originally designed. It says, for instance, if you're drafting a discard deck, there's like a weaker normal of a discard deck. Okay, I think it was Regis or Dex, I don't remember who, but I was like, Yeah, this is draft mode. Like, you're not supposed to have a perfect discard deck, right? Like, it's supposed to give birth to things like Agent 13. You know, if you see Lady Sif, you gotta be like, do I get it? Maybe there's a Ghost Rider down the line? Like, that's draft mode, right? And so I feel like draft mode doesn't need to be figured out all that much in terms of the concept. Does that make sense? Like, this line, all this about discards, I was like, Yeah, I might have a Swordmaster with no other discard stuff because he's a 3 7, you know what I mean? I don't know.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I totally get what you're saying. Basically, they're saying, Hey guys, we're concerned because draft mode, it's not going to be constructed.
Cozy Snap:There might be,
Alexander Coccia:there might not be synergy in your deck. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but like, I mean, there's ways, they should maybe test, like, I'm sure they're going to do this, but they can test where you like draft packages, right? You draft the Darkhawk package, and maybe, or maybe you start with like a package, and then you draft cards. In and out of that package. You know what I mean? There's so many ways you can do it. Or like you said, legit, just draft, legit, just draft, run the sword master for the stats and deal with the consequences. You know what I mean? There will be some cars that suck like hella, but that's just going to mean hella sucks. You know what I mean? Like that's it. That's it. Hella sucks. Okay. She's fine. And she's great.
Cozy Snap:She's great in ladder though. And then we don't have cards that, you know, are good at ladder. That could be good. That's exactly what high voltage did. It might seem like I'm a Debbie downer. I think all this is fine. I just like. Listen, they you know, respectfully, they're not asking us any of this behind the scenes, so I have to, you know, say it somewhere. This is my thoughts on the roadmap. But what I can do, what I can be excited about, my God, what I can be excited about, I can't believe it. Custom. Custom game boards. I, now it doesn't look like super interactive, kind of like, you know, the, you know, whatever, like we were talking about. I don't care. I don't, this is something I have zero complaints for. None. This is the thing I saw that I was like, sold. Awesome. I think I skipped it in here. There's some type of super premium pass coming to the game. I, I don't even know where it was. It, those might be tucked into there. I don't know, but what I do know, Alex, is this is awesome. If this is a seasonal thing, Thank God. I've High Voltage Mode You know how cool High Voltage Mode would be? If we got like an electric,
Alexander Coccia:whatever the f as a background, right? Yeah, dude. Wasn't it, wasn't it like the thing I brought up last week as my ugly? Yeah. That they hadn't done an update to the board yet? Like, what are we doing here? Yep. If Deadpool's Diner 2. 0 does not take place on a white tablecloth, you know what I mean? No, I know. Yeah, yeah. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know what I'm gonna do. It should be one of the unlockables.
Cozy Snap:And the music slaps so much, that it's like, they just can do so much, they can, they can really marry this all together. Now last of guys, Misery going to 4 8, we kind of called that happening, I don't think it's going to do too much to change the card. And then we had a Nothing Burger in the patch, I'm just now scrolling down. But what I will say is we have our, our, our schedule, you can't even see it on screen, but we do have our schedule coming out. 24th is the next OTA. Keep that in mind.
Alexander Coccia:Cozy, two years of this. Can you believe it? Are you going to be
Cozy Snap:purple for our, our, our two year? I feel like You should, you should be purple. Actually, it kind of looks like the, the purpleness of the, the symbi here is like reflecting off you. Are you just, this is just thematic actually. This is great
Alexander Coccia:man. You, you're making me all like self-conscious. If I look like, I'm trying to think of if I can edit this on the fly to make it look like No, you look good. I'm not purple. You look good. Thank you. No, I don't. I do not. The problem is you have such a beautiful, perfect camera light set up is immaculate. I'm using this webcam. As a backup, because my other camera caught fire midway through the Snapchat, I'll add. What a gong show that was. But, I will say, people really did appreciate the the Remembrance Alex and the Elephant Alex.
Cozy Snap:Memorial Alex, man. Rest in peace. Rest in peace. But he's here. He's back. He's, he's ready to talk about Scorn, buddy. And man, oh man, we have, we have Scorn to talk about. We got two one cast cards and Scorn and Agony, man. Hit me with what you're thinking about Scorn. Kinda. Kind of a weird week, because Scorn came out, but then we had High Voltage, and then it just kind of like, really quickly went past Scorn. And so what are we thinking, and what do you think about it?
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, so High Voltage has been very we'll say damaging to the statistics side of Marvel Snap this week, on the rank statistics side, because we don't have as much Games played in standard ranked because people are playing straight up high voltage. If they want to get their weekend mission with scoring done, they're going to do it in high voltage. So there's all these things that are happening right now, which I find very fascinating. So we don't have great big pools of data, but what I will say. I think that Scorn is unfortunately a victim of its spotlight week because we're looking at a very low popularity, like very low play rate. I don't think this is indicative of what Scorn is. This card is good for this card. I think it's a solid card and it's just unfortunate that it's in such a crappy spotlight week.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, I'm looking at it, it's 52, that I see, 52%, 5 percent popularity and yeah, it's just a small pool to see that. I think 52 for discard's fine, and again, I think was floating when it came out. Playing it, I thought this was exactly what the, the archetype needed. It was a little funky. There was some things that we were trying that worked, some that didn't. But mainly, I think this is just a great thing for dependable discard. I think that's exactly what it needed. We had the additions of Moon Knight. We had the addition and the changes to Swordmaster. Some stuff happened to get Scorn in the right spot. We only get discard cards every so often. We I liked her. I think the only thing that I had to get used to with her was how Dracula works still, right? And trying to like, alright, I don't want her, if she didn't get big enough, I don't want her to just sit there and get absorbed instead of Apocalypse. So you have like your new kind of issue opposed to Swarm but yeah, man, I had a good time doing different styles of decks with her.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I felt like it was stepping on the toes of Apocalypse often. I wasn't sure if like, well, I have Apocalypse and Scorn, what do I do? I was often playing the Scorn on turn 5, or sorry, turn 6. In order to kind of make room for the hit on Apocalypse, but it often made it so that while Scorn was distributing power equally across the board with its effect, Apocalypse was now like a 612 or whatever. So the Dracula hit on the Apocalypse was far lower, which is probably fine. Cause in my experience, playing these APOC discard decks, these reliable discard decks, which often hovered around like the 56, 57, 58 percent win rate range. Like they've been great decks for a long time. They've kind of ebbed and flowed in popularity, but like, I feel like Scorn takes a little bit off the apocalypse, but I'm not convinced it's a bad thing. Because I don't know about you, but with Dracula locations, I'm often overshooting the power by like, way too much. And it's elsewhere where I needed the help anyways.
Cozy Snap:He's almost, Drac is almost just, he's that card that's one of the most intimidating to go up against as an opponent because they just don't know what you have in your hand. And so that's like a lot of his firepower and what he does. I had a great time playing Discard with just Gwynpool, and having crazy stuff happen there, and Scorn, the two Power Man that she gives started to really help, you know, often times you find that Morbius Lane with a little bit of extra help is really tough to beat as well, and it definitely brought more relevance back to MODOK. I think we both gave her a 4 out of 5 for the Discard archetype last week, and honestly, that's about where I'm still at with her.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, no, she's great, and I think the only limitation is that, you know, Apocalypse exists. If Apocalypse didn't exist, this would have been a whole new way to play Discard. And I love the card, and to talk about, like, a deck that's performing very well, I'd like you to bring up Gwenpool. And I'm not sure on the screen here, but for the audio listeners you know, Blade, Morbius, Swarm, Colleen Wing, Gambit, Moon Knight, Dokken, Corvus Gleeve, Dracula, Gwenpool, Proxima Midnight, and Apocalypse. That's one of the top performing shows right now featuring the card. And what's interesting about it is that it features Gwenpool, and it's using both the Swarms and the Scorns, which I did not expect to happen. In a decently high performing deck. I had done a couple experimentation decks where I was even playing Strong Guy to play out the Scorn on turn turn 5 or 6 as well, right? Like, as you mentioned, I was running stuff like Swordmaster in that deck to get that extra power. I just liked the fact that it felt like there wasn't one way to play a Scorn discard deck. There were a number of ways you could play it. And, I don't know if I'm sounding crazy here, but it almost felt like Scorn was almost like a, Almost zooing in a way for for discard because it was creating these wider board states where like you had this much more balanced attack, especially with Proxima, right? Where you could reach no location, buff a little bit. Whereas like, whereas with the traditional APOC track, it's all about just one vertical lane and then hopefully Morbius wins. You know what I mean?
Cozy Snap:I think you bring up an extra an excellent point, man. It, it did. It got the zoo effect. It got the ability to go wide when it already had that ability to go tall as well. And just a little bit more unpredictable, which I think is going to marry very well into this card as we move on from it. Is it gonna be like January, February, March till we get another discard thing? Probably. Like I do, I think it's an archetype you can't mess with activate too much. We've already seen and done that just because of how Hela existed. All I know is Scorn is gonna be a, a huge support pillar into what discard's gonna become. And it definitely made it It made it a playoff team, right? Like it, it made it something that it, that can win most and a good amount of its matchups. But it, it does all, you know, it always has that kind of ceiling.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And I think that it's one of those situations. Like people are probably looking to us say, Hey, Alex, cozy. Like, do I get this card? Like, what do I do? It's 6, 000 tokens. Which I was thinking about, I don't know if I liked that this was a 6, 000 token card, series 5, because I feel like if it's going to be niche like this, yes it's good for the archetype, but I think that these type of very niche cards can be series 4, like you know what I mean, like this, I'm not saying that this is series 4 because it's bad, it's series 4 because it represents a very niche card, that like, and the spotlight caches are really good, so it's like what do you do with a card like this, like it's hard to recommend to get it, Because it's such an expensive proposition when it only goes in one deck. What's a series four card?
Cozy Snap:What is that? Derp. Like, we have, when's the last time we've gotten one? Like, when's the last, you know, it's like Speed definitely didn't deserve to be, I feel like, they should almost just say they're dead. Like, like, you know what I mean? Instead of it just not existing, it's the same with big bads, like, I appreciate it in the communication, When you roll out something, though, like when you roll out, you know, a new whatever, and I think series drops are happening in December, which should be a large one, hopefully, but it's okay to announce things are dead. And I, you know, I get it. Press is going to be bad, but it's already bad about the series. So series four doesn't exist anymore. As far as I'm concerned, outside of just series drops, but new cards are, they're all less five at this point. But yes, I get your point. I don't think she needed to be that necessarily kind of just an awkward place. Should you get her by the, here it is. If you played this card before she came out and get the card, if you didn't don't get the card, it's that easy.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, exactly. Like it doesn't completely revolutionize the way you're going to play discard. But it improves those decks. Like, I think it's a great card. I think it's fantastic. I think it's more than well statted. I don't know what you release is a one drop and discard that skills better than this. Like I, like this has to be near the upper echelon of like, what discard power can be. I think it's okay. Give the archetype something right. Every archetype needs something that just puts it a little over the edge. That little X, like people think they really want like perfect balance. You don't want that. You want perfect imbalance. Like, if you think about, like, what High Evo does. Cyclops in High Evo is not balanced. It's imbalanced for that archetype. But everything else kind of brings it back in line. So Scorn being such a great one drop for Discards, okay. Because it helps bring up the entire archetype to, like, be able to compete with You know, Zoo, or whatever else happens to be kind of shaking up the meta a little bit. So, I'm okay with it. I, I like the card. I like it a lot. And I'm just worried that it's just gonna fall victim to a bad spotlight cash. It's gonna fall victim to a expensive cost at series, at series 5. 6, 000 tokens is a lot to pay, and that's kind of why I think people just fall asleep on it, which is rightfully so, man. It's expensive.
Cozy Snap:I think last week you talked about cards that are in archetypes that are well overstated, whatever. Let's call them game changers. I think that could be a really cool subject. Let's kind of pen and paper that in our heads here of like the MVP game changers of each archetype. Because there are ones that, you know, kind of fit that mold, and it may not be obvious for everybody. So let us know if that's something you guys do want to see. But yeah, Discard, hey it's got a good future ahead of it. We're gonna have to see where it lands. about Agony?
Alexander Coccia:I was gonna, I was laughing so hard to myself because you're like, what's a Series 4 card? They don't exist anymore. Agony is literally Series 4.
Cozy Snap:But
Alexander Coccia:of course she is because they're giving away for free and high voltage and actual mode that's good and it's actually easy to unlock Agony. So of course it's going to be Series 4 and it actually feels kind of Series 4. So I don't know how much time you've had to play with it. It's kind of funny like this card is almost very very little stats because I guess people are still unlocking and stuff like that. Yeah. My experience with this card was kind of icky and not a good way. I was kind of like, man, this is not great, but I did have some positive experience with it at Cozy. I'm just going to lean into this. Cause this is like a weird, this is a weird one. Cause this is like a half review, half preview for us. Cause like, when's the first time we're talking about agony. Yeah. We talked about it being in like, well, I gave it a three star. But an unenthusiastic three star. You came in lower than that. I got my notes somewhere. I don't know. I made a mess. I'll
Cozy Snap:give it a one and a half or two. I think I didn't like it.
Alexander Coccia:You did not like it. No. But no, you, you, you, yeah, about two and a half, three. You said maybe that's, that's what I have written down. Maybe I'm lying. Maybe it's all fake news. It's possible, but it's definitely not that I'm leaning more towards. It's like a, that's 2. 5 mediocre. Two as it can be like, I don't know, man. Like this card, I was pretty unimpressed. I
Cozy Snap:think we said it was the worst card of the month. And I think one of the things I said about it was that it doesn't have an archetype to fit into that. It wants to be in that much, right? Like I, I had a good time playing with it. Scarlet spider. It was a good time. I had fun. It wasn't great. I didn't win a lot, but it was good. It was a good time. And I think, listen, like the destroy stuff doesn't really work all that well with it. And it does. It's not that it doesn't work. It's just that 12 spots, man. And she is one of those cards that. I think this card could go up to a 1 3. Now, I get it. You have What's His Face, Hulkbuster. People want to compare that so that you'd have to figure that out. I don't know. They, they might have to do something with this card. I think it's pretty dead in the water. It, just like any of these cards, we do have ways and futures for these cards to be good and things that we don't see, and that's definitely a possibility, especially with scaling cards. We've seen it with Shaw, Panther, whatever, Scarlet Spider. I did, there is ways that this card can become much better. You but yeah, it's a combo card that you don't need in the deck because it's only a couple power. Do you really need that? Is that going to change your Black Panther's outcome? Probably not, right? So I think that's the ultimate. To me, Scarlet Spider felt like a really good boost for it, and I do like her way better than Hulkbuster. I like the idea that it's not this 50 50. It's not after the fact. It feels much more natural to play her. So Scarlet Spider and the clone, Attack of the Clones, did feel good with her when I did that. I don't know, she's not, she's not the worst card in the game, I just don't, I see her being like a, you know what, she does, she feels like a free card, that's what she feels like to me.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, she feels like a free card, a free series 4 card that they want to OP, yeah, it's exactly what it is, and it's okay, it's fine, like, I've experimented in her, with her for 3 decks, right I did try some some Phoenix Force, I'm a huge Phoenix Force gamer now, and it didn't feel great. They didn't feel great, but that got me thinking. What if we try Agony Multiple Man, do some stuff there with some move, right? Have Human Torch with Agony. That stuff makes sense. Same problem though. It's like, okay, yeah, I Agony the Human Torch, but like move's issue is not making Human Torch big. That's the easy part. You know what I mean? It's like, that's not the challenge and you're not playing Agony Multiple Man and having that move around. Like that's not your win condition and move either. Multiple Man is more of a Phoenix Force card now. So it's like, okay, that doesn't work there. I started playing it in Destroy. That's where I liked it. That's where I liked it. And I think it's like a very mediocre find, card, and destroy. I played, I tested it with Hulkbuster. Like, I played them together. And I didn't mind it. Like, honestly, like, you could play Agony and then like, Oh, I topdecked X23, I don't have my stuff yet. I'll play X23 and then destroy it with Carnage next turn. That's okay. You're still building a faster Knull, a bigger Knull, whatever. You can play it with you know, Wolverine. Obviously, you want to play it with Deadpool. That's ideal, right? But you don't always get that line. You're still getting value from it here and there. But it wasn't great. I don't ever think it makes the top 12 cards. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think it actually makes the cut for This is the medalist for Destroy. This is the best way to play Destroy. I don't know if it ever makes it there. But, it's not that far off. Like, if it was a 1 3, it's, I think it's really strong. I think it's crazy
Cozy Snap:strong. It's insanely good at a 1 3. Yeah, but it's like, one
Alexander Coccia:power here kills it.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, because right, like a 1 3, you just merge it to anything at that point. You get the value. But yeah, it is, it's, I mean, that's just Marvel Snap though. We've seen that with Stature Black Bolt, they got nerfed by one powerpoint, they were gone for six months, they're back up, they're here again. Like, it's just People don't realize that, you know, what, what one power does do or whatever. Yeah, I just, ultimately too, I just think it's the style of decks that she's played in is one of the, and here's the thing I'll be true. Like I haven't played like eons amount of agony. Like I was playing a lot of high voltage, like. You know, I'm gonna give her a much more chance since I haven't even made a video with it. I got personal stuff in my life going on but next week, you know, I'll dive into it a bit more. I think that, you know, when I said she feels like a free card, listen, Cassandra Nova was a free card, a very good one, so it is a joke, but that is It does. It feels like that, that thing you get at an arcade that's really fun to play, and then you're like I'll go play with other stuff, cause it, maybe that it didn't break, but it just falls a little flat. So yeah, Agony I would say overall, I stand by where I'm at. Probably like a, probably like a 1. 5, though. I might go down to that sadly. Maybe a 2. I haven't played enough. I'll go 2 for now.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, I'm willing to go to 1. 5 is like, that's a kick in the pants. I think it could be a 1.
Cozy Snap:5. I
Alexander Coccia:definitely can be, but I do think that like it has playability and destroy. Like, I think it does. But not a lot, like not a lot. Like, I don't know if I liked the card and It's also worth considering here. It's so funny. You bring it up. So comparing this to Cassandra Nova is not even close. It is so much worse than Cassandra Nova. And don't, don't forget guys. Cassandra Nova got nerfed. He's been nerfed. It was so good. And it's a shame. I had this shower thought of like, while you were talking, it's like, okay. So they, they really went hard with high voltage. They, they knocked it out of the park. It's so good. And Agony is the reward, okay. For Deadpool's Diner, literally day one, disaster launch, disaster stream with IGN Mickey Mouse show over there. And then like, they put so much pushing power behind that Deadpool's Diner. They had Cassandra Nova, such a great card, and an answer to the meta at the time, which was Erishim. Don't forget! The meta was, it was like, Cassandra Nova's like, I'm here to save the meta guys. Don't you worry, I'm here, right? There was so many reasons why that should have been like, the shining spotlight moment, and it was poo pooed by a poo poo game mode. And then now, it's like, if they had just launched high voltage then, what, would we be on a different path right now? Like, would Marvel Snap be like, would like, I don't know, just trying to think. Like, who's super famous right now? Is Brad Pitt still famous? Is Brad Pitt playing Marvel Snap? If like the timelines are changed and high voltage is released instead of the Deadpool's diner when Cassandra Nova, am I completely off track here? Do I need to talk to Kang the Conqueror? We went from,
Cozy Snap:I had a shower thought, which I was like, he was having a shower thought about Cassandra Nova. I was like, where is this going? I actually
Alexander Coccia:said I had a shower thought about you and about talking about Cassandra Nova, I think so.
Cozy Snap:And color me excited. I, I we went from there to does Brad Pitt play Snap, and I was lost somewhere, like, three fourths in, I, I went, not halfway, like, three fourths in. I got through most of it. But Brad Pitt, does he play? I'd like to think he does.
Alexander Coccia:And Cozy, that's going to take us to the Snapchat Mailbag. We got a bunch of questions here today and are you adjusting your frame? What's happening? Why are you sliding in frame?
Cozy Snap:I'm leaning back as we, as we, as I, as I move myself in it. How'd you catch me? How'd you know? That was good.
Alexander Coccia:I don't know. It's like my peripheral vision and you were like moving. I was like, what is happening? Just tripped me out, but,
Cozy Snap:Snapchat Mailbag! This is some live
Alexander Coccia:editing.
Cozy Snap:Mail time, mail time. And you said it's a funny one on my side.
Alexander Coccia:I said it was a funny one. That doesn't mean it's actually funny. I just, you know, it might Clickbait? Maybe? I don't know. You know what I mean? I just But let's go into question number one from John Donovan. And we were talking about kind of like sleepers and stuff like that on the prior episode, cards that are underappreciated and stuff, and John Donovan said, Shadow King, Overlooked, as usual, Cube Stealer, and Sleepy, who are tied with the Cube Thiefs of Marvel Snap, and we did not bring up Shadow King, John took it personally.
Cozy Snap:I'm sorry, John, I'm sorry for that. I will agree with you, Shadow King, I don't know what other card to compare it to, is the card though in this game. It doesn't matter how much we say he's good, and what meta he's good in, he probably will never be better than he will be this next week with balance coming out, and people aren't gonna blame. I think they're just like, I know. Nah. Like, I don't know, I think they just build their decks and they don't think about them, so. He is a cube thief because people don't expect him, because no one's playing him, but he is legitimately fantastic.
Alexander Coccia:Bro, all I'm gonna say is, you wanna talk about actual cube thieves? I was gonna bring it up last week, but I'm like, no, Cozy can't handle it. I'm gonna bring it up, I'm gonna put you on the spot right now. If you go back to the Twitch Rivals tournament, when I finished as a finalist, you telling me I didn't steal cubes with Kang? The amount of cubes I stole with Kang You're right, I the most competitive tournaments Dude, I was ripping cubes out of some of the best players in Marvel Snap's hands with Kang the Conqueror. Dude, I'm telling you, I'm just saying it.
Cozy Snap:I feel like you and Kang, that story is like the Steelers in football in like 1970 and I meet one and they're like, Hey, 1970. We were good. But, but, you know, Terry Bradshaw, he's your king. Terry Bradshaw is your king.
Alexander Coccia:Oh man, who's the guy with the beautiful hair? Pamu Malu? Oh yeah, he did,
Cozy Snap:you know, yeah, yeah, Troy, Troy, Pamu Malu, there's a, there's a Pittsburgh fan right now in stitches. Yeah, it's shambles right now. He's in the Dove commercials. Or no, Head and Shoulders, obviously.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, obviously Head and Shoulders has to be. That also reminds me of people that still reference the Bears defense, right? Like, that's another thing, right? Like, talking football? Like, the Bears defense, man. It's like, well, that's like 10 years ago. Or just
Cozy Snap:anything of relevance with the Jets being good. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:basically. Yeah, and oh, don't forget how, you know, the New England Patriots, remember when they were good? It was like three
Cozy Snap:years ago, buddy. You know, listen, we're still on our heyday. You know, it's good that we can have, we can be the worst team in the NFL right now. And I'm still like, I'm fine, man. I have so much numb on me from like the last 20 years of success. And, and listen, our quarterback looks legit. I could just talk sports with you for three hours, but we would get so much hate that we, we, we surely can't.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, also, Cozy and I have been releasing a new podcast about curling. Stay tuned. Next question comes from Pixelbomb97, and it reads, I was actually thinking about maybe they would refer Crystal to her original ability. Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw three, but make her inactivate. What do you think about that? And I'm going to repeat that because I know everyone here is forgetting what the original ability was, but basically Pixel Bomb is suggesting crystal with an activate, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw three cards. That was her original ability.
Cozy Snap:Zabu and Agent Venom, sign me up.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, basically. Oh, wow. Agent Venom would just love that. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize that. Because you play Agent Venom on 2, then you shuffle all the boosted stuff in your hand. Oh, dirty. Yeah, okay, that's never happening. Okay, Pix Yeah, sorry Pixel Bomb, Cozy's already broken it. Glenn heard, Glenn heard Cozy's idea. He's like, nope, we're out. Glenn just went,
Cozy Snap:like, scratch it out on his notepad over there. Yeah,
Alexander Coccia:Glenn was like, that's actually a good idea. Then Cozy's like, oh, whoa, whoa. Right off, right off the list there. Yeah. Super Cows does have a rather long statement, so I'll do my best to read through it here. Loki was finally in a good place in the meta when Ereshim released, and he became a card that was disproportionately better in Ereshim. Tenerfe completely killed him outside of Ereshim. Loki was a unique archetype and his personal favorite, so it sucks to see it leave like that. Do you think introducing card specific bands Could be a possible solution to preserve Loki and future cards like Loki, or is it too much of a can of worms?
Cozy Snap:Yeah, have you seen that that meme of the who was it? Which one is it? Franco? I think it's James Franco. Maybe it was Dave the first time, kind of thing. It's like, hey, listen, Welcome to the Aero Fan Club. Welcome to the Loki. You had your, you had your moment. You had your time to shine. It was a good year. It was a good two years, actually, I think. So, I, I do feel for you. But it happens a lot. I don't think they'll ever do bands. If you want the realistic answer, I don't think they're ever gonna do bands, ever. Maybe in a specific mode, like, potentially or, or in a competitive mode that they, they dive into or something. Yeah. Don't know.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. So you're thinking maybe like like a fun little like tournament style thing where everyone bans a card. We've seen that stuff in the past, but you're talking about like integrated into the client cards get banned or you can ban specific card. Imagine you could be like, Hey, I can ban one card from the ladder.'cause like old school StarCraft and Warcraft, like competitive ladder used to be like this. Every season would have like 10 maps. And you could ban two, and you would never play on those two maps.
Cozy Snap:Oh yeah.
Alexander Coccia:Right? And it would always match you on eight of the others, and you and your opponent would always have a pool of six you could play on at a minimum. Because they would ban two, you would ban two. Oh, I'm I think that's kind of fascinating. I
Cozy Snap:love pick and ban, don't get me wrong. I think pick and ban is one of the coolest systems, and it works in games like Rivals and MOBAs, I think it's so great in those. I don't think it works in Snap. Necessarily. Like, at least in the Snap that we have at this given moment. Because it does make you rethink, like, again, if we're in a competitive mode and they both draft decks or something and you can pick, ban, and then you go into the deck making phase, all that kind of stuff, sure, that sounds really cool. But like, yeah, I get it, like, Rivals, man, you know, I, I wanna be Magneto, they ban Scarlet Witch, I'm like, it's over, it's, I, like, I literally can't use my combo. So I do love the concept, I just don't think Snap's gonna get it. But I do feel for you. I'm sorry that Loki's not, you know, I'm, yeah, I'm sorry you can't play.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah. And like something like what's it called? Like you've seen like League of Legends or Dota 2, they'll literally have like 30 minute draft sessions with coaches in the room. Right. And it's the draft is like where the games won or lost half the time, right? Like, that's not what I'm asking for, but I do think that it would be kind of an interesting idea there from super cows there. And also super cows does also mention near the end. There been listening every week for about two years now. I appreciate you both so much. Thanks for making my morning commutes better. Oh, I'm
Cozy Snap:so sorry that I just like ripped on your welcome to the club thing over there. But no, hopefully you, it comes from a place where I lost arrow a long time ago. So that's where it comes from.
Alexander Coccia:That's right. And Josh EG has a question for the mailbag. If they want to keep making Infinity Stones benefit Thanos, I want Reality Stone to make a new unique location that supports the Mad Titan or the stones itself as well. I would also like it to draw me a card again, LOLs.
Cozy Snap:Yo, I was, I, I, I, what if they did game boards? Like, cards could, like, what if you played the Reality Stone and it would, like, change the game board, too?
Alexander Coccia:That's pretty cool. That is cool. That's, like, not relevant to the balance, but, like, I like the effect. Like, it actually changes the world to, what's his world called? Is it called Titan? It's Titan. Where he's from, Titan, yeah. Cause there's that one scene where he's, like, Doctor Strange is sitting there, right? And then, like, Thanos is, like, The Maw is dead, isn't he? Do you know what I mean? Do you know that scene where he, like, talks to Strange about the history of his planet? You know, that the Thanos wasn't wrong people, or the Thanos was right people reference those passages as, as biblical verse.
Cozy Snap:Yeah, right, dude. There's always one of those two, it's like, Empire was never wrong, and and, and Thanos. But yeah, I think I think that Thanos isn't where we want him in Snap yet, but we're closer and closer. We just need to get a little bit more unique, almost.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, because I think the idea here is that the Reality Stone is like a chaos thing, but in reality, Thanos uses the Reality Stone to benefit himself. Yeah. Like, he's not like, random stuff, go, Reality Stone, and then like everything just apocalypses around him. He's like, no, Reality Stone to my advantage. So what if instead of being a completely random location, it was like one of three random locations that benefited Thanos playstyle? Or, not just that, but maybe they were unique to just Thanos. I feel
Cozy Snap:like we've said this for a long time, and we kind of get this with Activate a little bit, I would love to see a press and hold mechanic for choice, so like we used to say this with Heimdall, left or right, you could hold left, you could hold right, and it would go that way, Like, in a situation like that, you play the reality stone. I get they don't want to slow the game down, but does it really? Like, you play the reality stone, and it gives you a choice between two locations. Even just a choice between two, and you can kind of use that to determine, right? Even, like, that kind of stuff, I feel like, does have a home in Snap, and it would give relevance to cards that have a bit of their chaos. You know, like Scarlet Witch or whatever.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, but, but activate is click and hold. So the technology exists, my friend.
Cozy Snap:That's what I'm saying. But yeah, but with the choice, whatever, like you would have to be with the choice thing and, and generate to look at whatever. I just think that it could be something that Snap could use.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, we got a couple more here and we have another question here from Jonathan and unfortunately I have to warn you in advance This is one of those Once you see it, you can't unsee it things. Okay, so fair warning I don't know if y'all have noticed but it's kind of been annoying me and that is when you play Silver Sable The deck that she shoots is your own deck because it visually has your card back Whereas Cassandra Nova does not do that.
Cozy Snap:Man, that's That's like, game breaking. I'll never be able to play the same, and I play a lot of Sable, so oh.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, exactly. Like I never actually considered for a second that she was legitimately shooting your own deck, but then the other card was getting debuffed.
Cozy Snap:I love these little things that the, that you guys find as players and, and, and viewers, like, I don't, I, there's stuff I don't see. And I can guarantee you, I don't think I've ever noticed that. Like, I'm just busy being like, haha, or whatever I'm saying during that time. We have a stable gamer here. Yeah, I don't think I I don't think I've noticed that. It was cool.
Alexander Coccia:Yeah, it's so funny I usually, my silver sable glitches and like goes underneath my board and then the deck kind of just floats around, so I'm not quite sure what game you're playing, but it looks like we have some silver sable sable gameplay. We got one last question here to close off the mailbag this week, Cozy, and I really like this one from David. It's not even a question, Cozy. It's a confused statement. No way! I'm also just realizing that that is in Gwen Poole's hair. Yo. In reference to our conversation last week. A lot of those on the Snapchat there. I thought I was crazy. Apparently, I wasn't.
Cozy Snap:You know, it was like the number one comment on there. There was so much about that, like, There was so much to take away from that episode, and the number one comment had to be there. There's so much about, about that hey, there are a couple cards like that that are a little tricky on the eye. I, for me, it wasn't, but again, it's one of those things you can't unsee, and then once you see it, you know it. But, like, if you don't know it, you just, you just view it as that, right? That's something like me trying to, like, aliens. I don't know, but I, does that make sense?
Alexander Coccia:No, it does. And it's like, so many people are like the actual cat on her shoulder, like WTF. Like they had no idea. And like, it's so funny to me that like that happens on the Snapchat all the time. We'll have a conversation about like all these like serious things and gameplay and like, you know, ups and downs and win rates and stuff, but it's, the comment section is never about that. It's always about something like every week, there's like something very random that seems to capture the attention. Of the masses. And this week it was the Tabby Cat on Gwen Poole's shoulder.
Cozy Snap:Listen, all I know guys is that we have been doing this two years and next week we get to really celebrate. I encourage you guys, if you haven't, if you always think about it and maybe listening comment down below something for the Snapchat make it about Snap, make it about us, make it about the show, best, worst moments, what you hate about us whatever. And we're going to be excited to read through that. And, and go through some memory lane stuff. A lot of cool things happening. It's something I don't want to, there's so many things in YouTube. And what we do that I overlook. And go to the next thing, and go to the next video. Next milestone. And we'll talk about it more next week. It's not it, right? We can't talk about it this week. But to truly go two years strong. Is something so cool and something I'm so proud of. I've done a lot in the industry of different magnitude and nothing compares to like the pride I have in doing this two years in a row. So don't miss it. It's going to be a good one.
Alexander Coccia:Absolutely guys. And thank you so much for being there with us along the way. It's been a journey, but it's been a journey that you've done with us and we appreciate every one of you. so much guys. And we'll see you on that two year episode of the Snapchat.
Cozy Snap:So we had ourselves a good old Snapchat man. Next week is the two year and I'm I am, I'm pumped to celebrate with you, man, two beautiful years, never missing a Monday ever in the Snapchat. From it's like marriage, man, through sickness and health. We're here. We're there. Wealth sickness. And what I, I should know this. I actually married
Alexander Coccia:health, not wealth.
Cozy Snap:It's not well, it would make sense with wealth. I married Dexter and I still don't know that. Anyway, Love you guys. Have a good one. Have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping.