The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Scorn: Meta Discard Returns | OTA & Ranking 4 Cost Cards | Misery In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 102

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 50

Will Scorn boost discard to the next level? What are the highest and lowest cube rate cards in Snap right now? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Misery? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap. Once you are done listening, check out Cozy's new YouTube channel, CozyTV at

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome back. Discard lovers rejoice. We've got a good one coming today in Scorin Alex and I are going to break down this card, the kind of lackluster spotlight week, but the potential for dependable discard APOC and friends to go massively on the rise within the competitive scene. Scene. We're going to break down if you should get this card, all of our thoughts, synergy, and everything that you guys are accustomed to on the Snapchat. Also, we're going to be talking about the OTA, Zabu return. We have a couple of nerfs to Klogg, Hela, and friends. We're going to break down what we think about the latest OTA, and with Zabu's change, Comes the rise of forecast cards. Alex and I have our top 10 best forecast cars to be playing with Zabu and in general for difference makers in Marvel Snap. We're going to talk about that all today, more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, buddy. We are mid October, another glorious week in Marvel Snap. And it's discard week, those that love discard, those that have been waiting To play something upgraded, something a little bit different, you know, discard pretty vanilla in terms of what you play. Well, we've got a good week for you, man. How are you doing today?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm doing good, buddy. I mean, it's been a lot of cooking, a lot of brewing this past week. I mean, we got a really interesting card in Misery, which we'll be talking about later. Interesting, I didn't say good. We also got a lot of, like, fun stuff going on in the, the game. We have some events happening. Just a lot of excitement in Marvel Snap. And anytime you get to, like, You get an OTA, then the meta shifts a little bit, and some of the more, kind of like, constrictive archetypes kind of get toned down a little bit, that we'll talk about later as well. It feels like it opens up brewing again, and that's when I enjoy playing the game most, when I get to cook and try to experiment with new cards, new decks, and especially some underappreciated stuff that maybe we can make work.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, I'm excited for the next couple of weeks, because we have, we have the OTA, we're going to have the actual patch, which, Should bring Marvel Rivals collaboration news, which is going to be exciting to see how they do that, what they do there. And then the chance for them to rework cards entirely, as we know happens in the monthly patch. And then we have another OTA to finish off you know, October. Combined with some interesting cards, again, this week's Discard, we've got a Bounce Week coming out. The Anti Venom looks kind of insane, so gonna be a good time. It was fun. I mean, last week we talked about the good, the bad, the ugly of Marvel Snap. Year 2 had a couple devs reach out and give their thoughts. They said they appreciated the the candidness of the conversation and It was good. They you know, we had the devs say something on that, and then all you guys had something to say just about on every single one of our Activate suggestions, which was both expected, but also hilarious. But yeah, man, OTA, we have Scorn to break down here in just a moment. What are we talking about on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

On my side of the Snapchat, Cozy, we'll be discussing Misery, and we'll be a little bit miserable talking about that. We'll also be talking about the best and worst cube thieves in Marvel Snap. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Alright guys, well let's get right to it. We have a score in the new card this week. If you guys don't know what the card does, it's a 1 cost 2 power card and this just might be one of the most crazy 1 costs out there. When you discard this, you'll return it to your hand and you're gonna give it plus 2 power and then you're gonna give one of your cards in play as well. So we're looking at after just one discard, technically a 1 6, which is absolutely crazy. Obviously that scales up to, you know even crazier numbers as we continue to move up the chain there. 1 8 and so on. This spotlight week, little bit underwhelming. Definitely underwhelming. Go ahead, Jean Grey. I mean, we've had her a million times. Also, just not a card that's played all that much. So it's all about discard lovers this week. We'll It's pretty cut and dry and obvious.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, Jean Grey, Sebastian Shaw in the Spotlight Cache, that's pretty rough. I do like Sebastian Shaw as a Silver Surfer stan, but yeah, this is a terrible Wii. I can't believe Jean Grey is back in it. Not only is it like a card that no one plays, but it's been in so many times, and like, we already have so many absolutely fire variants. We have multiple Archer and variants of Jean Grey already. I don't know what is happening there, that should have been something else for sure. But with regards to Scorn, Scorn. Okay, I had this funny moment where I was, like, looking at Scorn and trying to evaluate how much power that it was able to put out. And I, I came to the thought of, like, Is this power creep on Silver Sable? Like, it's just, the stats on this are so stupid. Like, it's actually cracked. I think this has to be the upper echelon of what a one costed card could be potentially capable of in Marvel Snap. I can't see you doing more than this.

Cozy Snap:

I kinda, I like when they do this. With cards like, you know, like if you look at a card like Morbius, for example, we don't talk about him enough, but his stats are obviously well above 2k. We go crazy for Scream and then not so much Morbius. But if you're noticing a pattern, Scream, Scorn, these ones that go well over what we're expected are very narrow in design and play, right? Like, so, Scorn, Morbius, these are Discard. This is a Discard card, guys. We're gonna have one option that's maybe a little fun, but the main thing we're looking at here is Apocalypse Discard. And so, it's funny you say that. I feel like it was hard to rank her because obviously if you play Discard as a Discard card, it's a 5 out of 5. As just an overall card, because the flexibility being so limited, It is tough. I want to say it's a, it's a must get card if you play Discard, so like, you know, say what you will on the star rating, but that's the analysis.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, essentially, like, yeah, like, in terms of stars, I cannot see this being anything less than a solid, excellent 4 in Discard. And if Discard gets some, like, kind of, some action happening, all of a sudden becomes meta again, this could very well, easily be a 5 star card in that archetype. Like, it is that much power centric? And now, there's a couple things that start to make more sense, too, right? Like, if you think about the change to Dracula, Right? They made a change to Dracula where all of a sudden, oh, it's power is, is, it's additive. So it's added to the state of Dracula, and you're like, I don't know, that actually makes a difference. Well now it does, that Scorn exists, right? Because now Dracula can kind of absorb those hits from Scorn, and still apply that power onto the, the field of play. So like, I don't know man, this card does seem cracked for the archetype.

Cozy Snap:

It is, yeah, it's Great card. Is this card good right now? Looking at just base stats and the most, you know, the best performing one from all ranks, we're looking at about a 58 percent win rate. Not bad at all, obviously, for the, the collector discard, the most popular at the moment. You have a lot of tools going for you. An archetype that has always suffered from not having any type of tech options within it, so it has to provide kind of unexpected and quick power to make up for all that. And it does that pretty well. Infinite plus, you're looking at 53, 55%. And so, will this take it over the top? Those numbers are good to me anyway, and I think, you know, things like Moon Knight and Swordmasters change definitely really amplified that archetype. But I think this could be something that really shoots it up. We'll go to the stupid stuff first, then the obvious. The stupid stuff is, you see Sebastian Shaw in here, and so I think they're, hinting at Hey, try out this fun deck that you could run where you've got, like, a Sebastian Shaw out there with, you know, who gets, what, plus four every time he gets hit as a card? It's a three cost, this is a one, so kind of a a weird situation. But yeah, maybe you could do some power shenanigans, but mostly, obviously, it's gonna be dedicated discard stuff.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's okay. I don't want to sound like a total memer, right? But I was like pen and papering this deck where I'm like, okay, I can do a Silver Surfer deck Right with Scorn in it, Sebastian Shaw. You can have the I know, listen, hear me out. You have Moon Knight, but you also run Proxima. Right, so the Moon Knight can send the Proxima down for free, right? Instead of running something like a Makkari, right? Your Swordmaster does target Scorn. It'll also target your other stuff too, I guess, but that's a whole I'm working on that problem there, okay? You do have you know, Strong Eye, right? Like, it's not, it's not a total joke, right? Like, you got Gambit, Dokken, you got all these targets at the three costs. Like, if you think about how, like, you could potentially do some disruption with, like, a Moon Knight send over the Proxima to a location, discard Scorn a bunch of times, buff cards. The only card that doesn't work is like your traditional brood line because Brood will have to be in play to be buffed by Scorn and that is not quite what you want.

Cozy Snap:

I'm smiling because I had up here as one of my things is a surfer discard deck. You know, we've tried destroyed discard where, you know, you would look at the three costs and think it makes sense in those decks. You have to just let go of brood. You have to kind of go all in for, you know, what it does well. And listen, that could work. Could do some interesting things. I mean, those kind of decks are always unexpected in play, so I think you got that going for you. How reliable it is, we'll have to find out. Now, let's start with, you mentioned it and funny enough this card's always so hard to find. Dokken, because like, if you search by discard, he's like, I'm pretty sure he's not in there. He's just like weird. But, Dawken's definitely gonna be one of the biggest winners. I don't know if he's gonna be like, earning his spot in an Apocalypse discard deck, because, listen, now, you know, we've got Wolverine, Proxima, Scorn, Apoc, Swarm, all who don't care if the discard stuff happens, and so for me, Going, you know, Guns of Blazing Discard is probably the way to go. But, getting that power gain for him is gonna help out a ton. Just kinda hold down a lane, you get an extra piece to get rid of. This does make sense in MODOK play, and so I'll be interested the most in keeping my eyes on if Dawkin ends up being pretty good through this.

Alexander Coccia:

It's one of those situations where, like, you have this archetype that's so steadfast in its ways, right? Like even Collector has traditionally been getting cut from some Apocalypse decks. It's only been recently that it's been kind of reinstituted back into those Apoc decks, right? Like, you have these very, very, very tight decks that it's similar to Destroy, where, like, you have to really punch above your weight class in order to get added, and so, like, does Scorn and what that deck brings, does it bring Dokken into the mix? Because, like, to, you know, you cut something like a Moon Knight to add Dokken, right? Because Moon Knight is currently in all the decks, right? So then it's like, would you rather have Dokken or the Moon Knight?

Cozy Snap:

Ah, it's tough. I think Moon Knight is the tech card ish that you need to do some offense stuff going on. Like, to me, if you guys haven't played APOC Discard in a while, let me tell you, it's different than your grandmother's Discard from back in the day. There's a lot that has changed here because we have the Swordmaster with a target. Heck, I mean, if you're going as far back as Blade with a target. But what I think Scord is doing here He is filling what happened to America Chavez, God rest her soul, and giving us that dependable, large power card that Dracula, who's gonna just be bloodthirsty for what's going on here, can finally capitalize on. And I don't know about you, man, but I found it so awkward all the time. When you had Swarm in the MODOK, it's like, okay, well, if you played MODOK, you know, great, you could get the Morbius up, but then you have this Dracula that could miss the APOC, and it was kind of awkward. Her score, it feels like that card, that it just doesn't matter, because she's gonna be so solid in hand or in play, obviously. And what's great about this, Alex, is that, I don't know if it'll replace Swarm, but I do know it's gonna give you a lot more consistency towards the later game plays.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, of course, because, like, if you think about, like, the way Swarm is played, it's actually still a good card, right? Like, Swarm is a 2 3, a 2 0 3, as I should say. That's great! Like, that actually is a lot of added power, and it can catch people. I shouldn't be catching anyone by surprise, but it does. It's like, oh, wait, that's, like, 12 power worth of Swarms, or 9 powers worth of Swarms on turn 6. I wasn't expecting it, and they slam the Apoc, or they triggered Apoc with the Dracula, but space becomes a factor, and one of the key that goes alongside Swarm, it's gonna be something like a Colleen Wing. But, the question becomes, if you're playing something like Colleen Wing, would you, I don't think you ever play Swarm if you're playing Scorn. I think it's Scorn or Swarm, I don't think you're running both in your decks. Because if you're gonna go in on the Scorn strategy, I think you're gonna wanna go all in, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Scorn, Swarm, that's gonna be, yeah, that's a Dr. Seuss book, it sounds like, but no, I agree, it's yes and no, it depends if you go more collector focused, I think there will be decks that you can kind of go with both, but yes, I agree, for me personally, I'm going to be going, and Swarm will be exiting the deck, because I think about the cards that I have to have in there, right, and then you're correct, it kind of, it starts getting bigger. Pretty slim. For me, obviously, Blade is in there no matter what. You have Morbius in there. No question. These are the two just staples. Collector is gonna make his way in. I think Colleen Wing makes the cut just to help score scoring a lot. Swordmaster in there, too. You've got the odd number cards, so now we have some synergy there. To me, though, Gambit and Moon Knight feel really solid in this build because you're having two cards that act as these tech attack options that almost everything. Almost everything in your deck is A OK with this happening to them, and that's what I think the deck's going to do well. Proxima Midnight, get rid of her, who cares? Apoc is going to go to crazy stuff. Really, the only thing you have to kind of look out for is Gambit with Dracula. You want to make sure you land that, but, I mean, dude, this thing has a lot of firepower, and I'm going to be interested in, do you go with these tech attack options, or the extremely safe option where there could be no errors, but you got a lot of dependable power?

Alexander Coccia:

Now, I'm not, like, finalized on my deck yet, but my current deck, I cut something like a Moon Knight, and I'm not running Gambit, and instead, I'm actually running Meek. And let me make an argument for Meek for a sec, okay? I think that Scorn is obviously a card that you don't want on the field to play on turn one, but, You're often, if you, unless you get Blade and Scorn's right in the right spot or Apoc's in the right spot, you often don't use Blade on turn one either unless the things align right. However, you're going to want something on the field of play for turn one, because if you play Meek on turn one, and then on turn two you Colleen Wing the Scorn, you Colleen Wing the Scorn. Meek gets the buff. Something has to be on the field. Like, you're wasting Scorn's capabilities if you don't have something there. And so I do think that Meek is a low key winner, because it can be there, absorbing that bonus 2 power, and also, when it gets the plus 2, it gets the chance to move. And it gets plus one. It's double dipping.

Cozy Snap:

It is certainly, hey, 100%, this is what is cool. We know that it's gonna be, once the design is figured out, it's gonna stay there. But in the testing phases, like, what is gonna be worth it? Cause yeah, you're correct, in the world that you get Meek turn one, you can play him and then you can discard, score it on turn two with the Colleen Wing or whatever. Dude, you're getting like a Nightcrawler and some Doing insane work here. So I do agree there. The list, as we've said, so tight. So we're gonna have to see what does make that final cut. And I'll tell you a card just like Meek that's right on the bubble. Good point here about getting the power. So Meek, yeah, Mini Nightcrawler. For me, does Corvus make the list? And let me tell you why. This is another thing of like, okay, you don't go the Gambit route. You go Corvus. Eyes closed. Discard everything. Who cares? All is well because everything's okay to hit. You The reason I say this is, in a perfect world, the amount of power this deck's gonna be able to pump out with Morbius on the board, you've got Apocalypse just going nutso, Dracula absorbing the Apoc, but now you can play, potentially, have that extra power on turn 6 to be able to get Scorn and Apoc out, or Scorn in a card. There's a lot of options you can go with here, and that excites me.

Alexander Coccia:

I think that also, with the change to Hellcow, Corvus Glaive is going to be the only card that discards two.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

And I think that's kind of important to consider. I had this thought as well, and I was thinking to myself, like, is Scorn always just going to be better in hand? Like, like, if you have Dracula, is it better to play the Apoc, discard Scorn? Or is it better to play Scorn, play something else, discard the Apoc? Like, because, remember, It's still net 4 power, but it's distributed differently, right? Because like, well, no, not necessarily, because I think if you discard the, with Dracula, Dracula's gonna take the, the power of Scorn, but will it take it after the plus 2? Like, that's something we need to see, right? Because that changes the math on it. Do you, do you follow what I'm saying, right? Because Dracula hits it, It sends the plus two on the board, it gains plus two, but what does Dracula get?

Cozy Snap:

Yep, so this one, see how he reads sorry, Apoc reads where, like, he gets the plus four power and you discard it. This one, it looks like it needs a return to the hand first. So I feel like it's gonna get the last known state of Scorn, which is not gonna be bad, like, in it, for a one cost card, this thing's numbers, it could go up to fourteen, I mean, it's insane, and what's even more crazy about this is, there's no cap, you read this thing, you can discard this, As many times as you want to, right? Depending on the shenanigans you can have done. Which, you know, we'll get to some of the more fun decks here in a moment. But, this thing can keep scaling and keep scaling. And I love that, because there's, there's games where your APOC is huge, and guess what you can do? You can swap it up. You can play APOC on another lane and have, yeah, the Dracula get the, the, the scorn. And kind of keep them on their toes a little bit. I, I think that this is what we've needed. This way to have great power. What do we usually hate in one cost or what are the cons? Well, if you get it late. Honestly, this is a card that in its design deck, who cares if you get it too late? It's gonna do its purpose for most of the match here. And so you know, it excites me. I know people think that MODOK's pretty linear, but I, I think I'm excited for getting MODOK back into things and, and finding the, kind of the perfect build for the card.

Alexander Coccia:

Getting the perfect build for the cards, I think going to be harder than expected. I think that everyone's going to start with very similar shells and the difference between like a couple of the cards is going to be notable.

Cozy Snap:

So guys, we had to stop talking because Alex is Alex's computer decided just to completely it's pants, like, I don't know what's happening, dude. You look like you got Willy Wonka.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, I don't know what's happening right now. My camera's literally on fire. Should we just continue like this?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, bro, no, man, I'm gonna get, I'm gonna, if, I'm gonna die, my eyes are gonna, listen guys, I'm gonna put a beautiful photo that I have of Alex. Right, right next to me here, and that's what I'm going to be talking to It looks like Rugrats opening, bro. It's so, it's like if I took all the drugs in the world, yo, it's actually kind of spooky.

Alexander Coccia:

I can see it. It actually looks awful right now. This is like a nightmare thing.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, that's better. Okay, there we go, Alex. You look great here. You look wonderful. This is just Alex in his natural habitat. So, tell me what you were saying about MODOK. For those listening, you're not going to tell any difference, but for those watching hopefully this provides some comedy. Anyway, yeah, tell me about MODOK and your thoughts there.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think that MODOK's obviously like a super good card in this archetype, it just wouldn't surprise me if it ended up getting cut, because if you think about what MODOK's doing, like, it's usually used in conjunction with Swarm, in order to like, clear the hand for Dracula, set up a bunch of Swarms, drop all the Swarms, and allow Dracula to hit the the Apoc, heheheheheheheheheheh. But now it's like, okay, if you play Corvus, right, and then you play MODOK, suddenly you have a really big APOC, you also have a really big SCORN, and I wonder how those lines interfere with each other. Like, I'm not going to say that SCORN is an apocalypse replacement, but sometimes I think there's going to be choices to make where like, hmm, who do I actually want Dracula to discard here? You know what I mean? I think that's kind of interesting, isn't it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I think what's cool is like, man, way back when, and this was like, I was I streamed, so it must have been a while ago, but I remember doing Ravonna with Discard, and I was doing this, like and who was in there, because Dracula worked, but I had it where essentially, You could Arnim, Zola, Dracula, and get double the Apoc to get hit twice, and so now with Scorn, that seems kind of interesting and something you can go and work with MODOK. And then also, like, you know, in the past, when we talk about cards that work with MODOK that aren't just your traditional builds, maybe Supergiant makes the cut. Maybe, you know, a card that you don't care if MODOK gets played in the game, you're able to just build up that much more. I feel like there's gonna be plenty of experimentation here, even though it is a vanilla archetype. We're gonna have those final slots kind of fight out for each other. You Ultimately, I think Collector Discard is gonna, is gonna win. It just depends what cards are in the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

No, that's absolutely correct. I do think that Collector Discard is gonna be the one. I think about, like, traditional Collector Discard also ran Helicarrier. I don't think that makes these types of decks. Because I think that you want to be able to target discard the Scorn often more often than not. And like, it's very clear to me that like, I think it's very clear to me that you want to be able to target discard the Scorn often more often than not. I think that Scorn is going to be an amazing card in Discard, but I think what's really notable here is that it's not going to be good in Hela. So, you're going to see an increase in the viability of non Hela Discard, which I think everyone who enjoys playing Marvel Snap is going to appreciate because the, the hella inter lack of interactivity, I think has been a major problem. And then now we're going to get a little bit of that back because if you don't like seeing Dracula get buffed, then like LDS it like there, now we have like a much more interactive version of discard that's coming back into the meta and I think scoring can help carry it.

Cozy Snap:

And power comes late with this. So like, you don't have to do everything right away with the, with the deck. And that's what I love about dependable discard is like. If you think about the playlines, getting Morbius out there, right, on turn 3, depends what way you go, but you have anything from Moon Knight to Swordmaster. You know, both of those can work in some degree. Moon Knight, going for more of the offensive, depending on the deck you're playing. 4, you get the Dracula down, and then, yeah, right there, 5 into MODOK, or 5 into whatever other plays that you have. If you think about it, you now have Morbius, Dracula, Apox, and Scorn, all firing on big power cylinders. And it's just a, it's a deck that's not gonna need. A, tech cards, but B, gonna be very hard to stop. You can't stop a scorn. I don't think you can stop it because of how it plays out in the way that it's gonna be played. And so I'm excited to see what happens here. Overall, yes, one dimensional guys, but I think we feel confident. This is a token buy if you do like this card and will it push it over the top? We've all been waiting.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and something I want to also mention too is there is definitely a loser in discard here with Scorn, and I think it's Silver Samurai. Silver Samurai has not been seeing lots of play and as a result, I don't think it's going to see it either with Scorn, because Scorn's obviously going to it's going to power scale out of Silver Samurai's target range, which I think is kind of like you know, potentially a factor there. Well, what I will say as well is like, I think that what's really interesting about Scorn is like, a lot of people focus in on the balance of cards, and like, what You know, oh, what's this card compared to Nebula? Or what's this card compared to whatever other one drop? But what I think I've learned specifically with High Evo Cyclops, is that every archetype needs something that bats above its weight. And that's kind of what makes the archetypes unique and powerful, right? And I think that Scorn can be that, to some degree, with for Discard. Like, it's okay to have a one drop that's a little overstated for a very particular archetype. Because Scorn isn't going to ruin the meta in the way that, like, if Nebula was overstated, or even if Silver Sable was overstated, you could just throw it anywhere, then that's, that's a problem. But with Scorn, it can never be a Zoo card, necessarily. It'll never be a It has a very defined role, and because of that very defined role, I think it's okay that it scales more aggressively because it serves to benefit one archetype. Does that make any sense?

Cozy Snap:

No, it does. It does for sure. I mean, you tell me though, you're not going to do strong guy, blade, Scorn Zoo from the old days.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, okay. That was one of the first OG pool 1 decks that actually helped climb. Like, that was a non ironic deck that was good. But at the time, it needed the OG Chavez. Without Chavez, that deck doesn't work anymore, no?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, that one won't, but I'm curious on how well Scorn will play into Dracula Dump. Dracula Dump has always been one of my favorites. If you guys You should know what it is if you don't. Essentially, it's Dracula, a bunch of 1 cost, kind of a pseudo zoo deck. And then you have a couple big players that end up, now, early in the day, it used to be like zero Red Skull. Now this has changed, but like, there could be a concoction of Zoo and Dracula Dump that end up making it with score and overall.

Alexander Coccia:

It's just funny hearing you say dump over and over again.

Cozy Snap:

It's just funny looking at you flipping off elephants.

Alexander Coccia:

This is better than the other one. It looked like you were talking to a memorial of me.

Cozy Snap:

All right, let's go to move this discussion from Scorn to the OTA review. And you know, we waited a good amount for this OTA and we definitely got a fair amount of changes if they're impactful. That's what we're going to break down today. We're going to talk about the king returning Mufasa back from when Scar dropped him into the Wilderbeast. He's back out. And I gotta say, I think this is a very happy medium of what Zabu could be in this game. He's definitely not a trash cart anymore. Turned back into a 1 cost, and now he's gonna be giving anything in your deck minus 1 cost. Which I think is a really cool mechanic. I don't know about you, but I love the idea. When he's in your opening hand, you can kind of evaluate how many 4s you have in your deck. Is he worth playing? It feels, I think it feels pretty good at the moment.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. It's, it's an interesting change, right? Like it's not broken by any means. Like it's not like old original OG Zabu, which was literally the most broken card ever in Marvel Snaps history. Right. But it's definitely better than what it was. It kind of reminds me of that meme. You know, that meme when like, Simba finds Mufasa and he's like dead at the rock after he's been thrown into the Wilderbeest by Scar. But the meme has him putting WD 40 in his ear and like trying to, you know, resuscitate him with the WD 40. That's what I feel like this is. It's like they kind of lubed up Zabu into a 1 2 and like, Okay, let's see if this doesn't destroy the game, but we know it's not that good. Just like Simba's like spraying his dad with WD 40 trying to resuscitate him. I think that the WD 40 was sprayed on Zabu here to try to bring him back to the meta.

Cozy Snap:

What Canadian Walt Disney meme did. I just, I've never seen this and it's I, listen, there's a lot of deaths that I've recovered from in my, in my childhood, from media that I've gotten over. You know, I, I just got over freaking Darth Vader in Akin Love him. However, spoilers I know. Hey. I'm not done with Mufasa. I'm not over Mufasa's death yet. And WD 40, why you just spit on his grave? How about that, Alex? Alright? He was an icon.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm not the one that did it. Simba's the one that tried to resuscitate him with WD 40. It's not my fault. I don't know what medical documentation he was referring to at the time. Maybe WebMD or whatever. Is it

Cozy Snap:

resuscitate or resuscitate?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know, man. I'm just saying words.

Cozy Snap:

Do you say What do you color with that aren't markers for kids? Like, what do you call those? Crayons. Okay, that's good. Crowns. I heard crowns before. I hate that. It's crayons. Yeah. But then there's also crayons, crayons, crayons, crayons. I'll tell you though,

Alexander Coccia:

the yellow crayon tastes the best.

Cozy Snap:

Debatable. I've had my son's blues lately. The blue ones are, they, they pack a punch. I think they give me a little bit more kind of you know, it's ipsy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that's fair. Do you know the markers? The Mr. Scent markers. Have you ever seen those before? The ones that you can smell. They don't taste good.

Cozy Snap:

I thought you were going to go a different direction with that one. I thought you were going to go more down the. How do you say pecan or pecan pie? Pecan pie. Pecan. My wife says pecan. I call it pecan. Yeah? What about your uncle? Not your uncle, but your Aunt? Yeah, aunt. Okay, aunt, not aunt. No, Ant. Okay. And you're doing pretty good actually. Me and you line up on more than I thought. Me and you, yeah, yeah. I don't see. There's gotta be more out there though.

Alexander Coccia:

There's like a lot of geographic difference between us. Like I'm North Canada, you're like, you know, Dirty South, so it's like, it makes sense. We got a little bit of different vernacular here.

Cozy Snap:

What do you call outside, you, you throw things away in the Garbage. Garbage. Okay. Trash. You call it trash can? Yeah. You don't call it a garbage can. Do you? Yeah. Garbage Or was the garbage outside? Garbage cans outside. Trash cans inside. No, it was a garbage can. So like when you're like, Hey, throw something away in the trash, you say throw something away in the garbage.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Go put this in the garbage. My kids love doing that. Give it to the baby. Give'em a little scrap of something. He'll like, run over things he's doing and we, we clap for'em. We're like, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

What's trash besides like, you know like Colossus or whatever, like what's trash in your, the house.

Alexander Coccia:

Generally speaking, my attitude

Cozy Snap:

oh is getting deep. Well, let's go and take it back to the forecast, buddy. Listen, I think we're gonna go and rank our top tens and most impactful, so we won't get too much into it. But obviously, to me, right away, the biggest changes that I felt in the places that I'm playing them is in this Sarah Control kind of deck once again. I mean, having the ability to have that 3 cost Shaun, 3 cost Enchantress, I miss it. I miss it, and it feels so good. You have to pair it with the right cards, right? But, man, it feels like a shell of what it was, which used to be metadominant, but still very good.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it's, it's notable that like, because of the way, like, you're gonna play it on turn one if you have it under most circumstances. It's crazy to think that like, delaying the draw, like, you kind of want to have it on turn one but not draw into your fours yet. And then like, you're in a game where you're like, hey, I didn't draw into any of my fours, this is great. Like, dammit, right? So, obviously as an ongoing, it's way more powerful. I don't think this is its final form. Like, I actually don't think that Zabu will stand the test of time. Because, it's just, I still don't think it's good enough, though. Like, I don't think it kind of It quite meets the expectations of what Zabu was for Forecast, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

I like him. I, I think it, I, I want to see more experimentation, like, you know, I feel like with Dark Hawk, where he's at, can Rocks and Hawks return? It is, you know, the deck thing is a huge limit, right? So, like, would you rather say in the hand? Would you rather say hand than deck?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I don't think so. But, like, And my, my thoughts, I'm like, okay, does, do you play something like a Zabu? Then do you play like a Magicka Crystal? Do you try to dig deeper into that deck or do you just play enough four drops? You're like, Hey, something's getting discounted. Something's getting discounted. It's going to be fine. And that's kind of the approach. It definitely is a cap on the ceiling of the card. There's no question about it. Like it's a way better card as an ongoing.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I just like it for the, impactful four. So. The Shun Chi's, the Iron Lads, right? The, even to an extent, Symbiote Spider Man. Good pair with Wiccan as well. I mean, those ones where it feels like that you can play two threes at a time, you know, play Darkhawk on five, play Mystique, and then you have one of those threes to play off. I think that's pretty impactful. Captain Marvel at threes, a fantastic card as well. So, to me, Zabu isn't what he was, but he definitely is much better. And I, see, I'm on the other camp. I think we're gonna continue to cook with the card. I'm excited to see where it lands.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair, that's fair.

Cozy Snap:

What about the end quote unquote of Hella? And they did not hit Hella, they hit Hella. Hellcow. So they gave Hellcow a PowerPoint and then took away the double discard feature, something that's been a part of Hellcow forever now. Now it only has the one. I still think it's a good card and I think this week is going to prove it the most with something like Scorn out there.

Alexander Coccia:

I like what they did to Hellcow. I do agree that it needed an extra power. However, what I will say though is that like, I, I'm kind of sad it's losing its identity here as a card that used to discard two random. Because I like that. I like the idea of two random cards being discarded. It was obviously too strong as an activate, but now is it too weak? It clearly is a massive nerf to Hela, which is warranted considering that Hela was dominated the meta. And when you couple this in with what was going on with Luke Cage prior like the negative three, sorry, the Hela effect being changed to a negative three. So now you have Hellcow not being as effective, Luke Cage has to be in the deck. Hell is definitely weaker.

Cozy Snap:

It's just weird because like I want discard to do its own thing and I love dependable discard. I love what Scoring's gonna do to the deck. I love the Apocalypse deck. I feel like they are more skill heavy and fun and interesting, but I feel like we've seen this before. There are cars that put a cap on design in a sense, and. Hella kind of does that for Discard. You can't get too wild because at the day, people, they're not going to think dependable Discard. They're going to go right to Hella. You know, case in point in the Hellcow change. Listen, we got a couple buffs that weren't as big, but they, you know, they got the power point. We have Hulkling, who I think we can all just say is Exactly where In the OTA notes, I think they said like, yeah, there's some devastating combos with him. That was always the case. I think there was always good combos with him, but ultimately, he's still what he is. You know, 12 power's not terrible. I think maybe a draft card at that, like we always mention. But, you know, not not exactly up the scale. Don't have to talk about him too much. But what about Grandmaster, dude? I'm loving this card now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I love it. I've been playing Grandmaster like he's been 2 3 the entire time. At 2 0, it was definitely rough. 2 2, though, I thought he was absolutely playable. And I was playing him even before he got buffed. Like, I was unironically playing lots of Grandmaster. And I like him. I like him a lot. And now as a 2 3, you're losing absolutely no tempo playing him from a 2 cost perspective. You're also re procking, like, a good effect. If anything, this makes Misery feel worse, because Grandmaster is just is really good. And there's a lot of on reveal effects. That you like to kind of to proc again. And sometimes the relocation element is valuable as well. I like the card a lot. I think that Grandmaster is a legit two cost card now.

Cozy Snap:

He reminds me of like a US agent where like people have such a bad taste in their mouth of the original one, and they just forget like, Hey, this is Marvel Snap. Cards change all the time. Grandmaster now is a threat and he should be played in a lot of decks that you were just trying to do. Like this is why he is like a highlight around why Misery kind of missed. Like, A 2 3, I just would rather have a combo into the Mill deck, into a, into the, the Rocks, you know, and Hawks kind of style of build, but definitely glad to see him get more love. Akoya going to 2 3, in my opinion, didn't do much for the card at all, especially that entire archetype. It's just a little weird if you ask me. White Widow, we, we kind of have been talking about this, Alex. Anytime that we see one card dominate for too long, it's only a matter of time before Second Dinner takes care of it. White Widow had I think you did a couple weeks ago, like this or that card, and my answer is White Widow to so much of it, because the plug and play ability behind it, doing multiple things at once, this is a much worse card now.

Alexander Coccia:

It is, it's way worse than it was before, and I kind of feel for the players that like, were free to play and they invested in the White Widow because it felt like such a staple for so long, but at the same time, something had to happen, it was too, it was too prevalent, like it was, it was every, it was like the automatic auto include, like when you power creep Jeff, Like to the point where Jeff is basically not played anymore. When you are the card that's like, Hey, I'm going to build a deck. I need a two drop, just put white widow in. It can never be that high. It can never be that prevalent. So it needs to have some sort of downside. And obviously we're getting that here. This is a huge nerf though. And it makes me wonder if eventually she's a two, three. I'm not saying that she still doesn't have reason to, like, do what she does, she works really well with Red Guardian, as alluded to, but, she still works well into some locations, right? She's still gonna, like, mess up, like, Destiny and stuff, but she's not gonna work well into, like like, you know, the the Bar Sinisters, and the the Thanos chairs, Space Thrones, right? That synergy's gone now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think definitely location stuff hurt, but also just, yeah, being able to play her on two confidently, She's, I guess, a little better on turn six, if you don't think they're gonna play any cards there right now, though, as we see the meta that has been this way since, I wanna say, the summer, is just so many cards in play, and so, like, people are filling out locations quite easily, and, hey, listen, being able to destroy this is, is, Is not ideal. I, I think people would almost have preferred a, you know, 2 1 Widow with the same ol effect. But they've stated, this and Viper going to 3 4, they want there to be some sort of a relief mechanic to clog, you know? If an on reveal gets too crazy with power, you can Shadow King it with clog. You're kinda, if you don't have the right deck, you're kinda, you're kinda screwed. And so, I guess they're building some of these safety gates, and the first one's White Widow. Do you agree or disagree with with the change there?

Alexander Coccia:

Well, listen, the design of the game only has 12 slots on the board for each player. And if you allow it to get so clogged up so fast within turn, within 6 turns or 7 turns, Yeah, you gotta do something, right? And clog had never been relevant. Clog is always like something you tried to do, you disrupted with the goblins, and the goblins kinda sat there unless they had Odin, like They were never really that problematic, but then as the game has gone, I think White Widow and Viper were the tipping points of this. We're like, Hey, Viper does its thing. Now it's targeted. White Widow is just incredible. And then all of a sudden it's like, well, naturally you brought this archetype through the roof. It has to have some sort of release valve. So I agree. You need to have an out because or else the game is just not interactive. It's not fun to play. Like if you, if you think that hell is not interactive, clog is basically the same thing. Is it not?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, exactly. I hope it allows them to experiment more with Klogg if they do go through this but yeah, time will tell. We'll have to see where they go with the changes. It died again, guys. It died again. Alright, well, we're gonna have Memorial Picture Alex up for the forecast. Forecast rankings, buddy. All good, man. Don't sweat it. Hey. Just another day in the life of doing the Snapchat. We've got to have something go go crazy. And typically we always go from my side to his side. We did his side first. So his is all normal that you guys can go check it out. It's great. No, I, I, I love it. But what we're going to do, man, we just talked about Zabu and it does look like, okay, we'll go back to this one. Listen, Zabu bringing back the forecast cards, and so people took a little bit of a break from them, if you will, and they, they took a hit, like, noticeably, forecast cards collectively took a hit when Zabu exited. But now, we've got a chance to cook some of them back into our decks here. Now, we're gonna be doing a separate ranking. Alex has his top ten, I have mine, and what we think the best forecast cards are within Marvel Snap. As always, we like to kick it off with a couple honorable mentions. We both did not include High Evo just because it kind of feels like It's a, it's a, it's its own thing. It's its own, it's not exactly a forecast card that we're gonna include in our list today. Any other honorable mentions for you? I, I have a couple that might shock people. I got wicked out of the top ten as well, just barely.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So Wiccan just barely makes my top 10. I'll say that, but I can see why you'd, you'd leave them off. Honorable mentions for me. I'm going to say Beta Rebill. I actually really liked that card and I was very hopeful with the change to Zabu that I could get Beta Rebill kind of work in top tier, but it didn't quite work out in my initial testing. And another honorable mention, which shatters my heart. Is Captain Marvel, and we need to bring him back man, Captain Marvel doesn't make my top 10, which is heartbreaking for me because I love the card, it's one of my favorite design cards in the game, and if I could just make a request, I think they should program it so that they check, like, all the conditions and determine how they could fly, so if you Moon Girl this card, I feel like it should take that into account instead of doing like one at a time and losing when you could have won, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Our lists are way different. I like that. No, I do. I have Captain Marvel definitely on mine. It's a card that I still play with a lot too, so I'm impressed that she's not on yours but also That'll make it fun. We're gonna have a much different list here, and that, that, that, that's what's enjoyable. So let's go to kick right to it, man. Let's, let's talk about our top 10, and we'll start at number 10. Who do you have at the 10 slot?

Alexander Coccia:

Number 10, I think, is one of the most unappreciated 4 drops. I'm gonna go Super Skrull. I originally was not going to include Super Skrull in this list, but listen, this is such a great meta call card, and I feel like, honestly, like, it does such a great job of, like, just answering the meta in a way that, like, even right now, with the amount of Iron Men and Mystique you're seeing, because, like, Agent Venom is just absolutely cracked with that, Super Skrull is a good way of telling your opponent, like, hey, Don't play any of your ongoings, you know what I mean? I think it's really good in Conquest 2. Another card you know, that I think that is, can be used on turn 6 with turns with Zabu. You play Zabu, this gets discounted, and you can play Shongers into Super Scroll, something like that. That's a, it's capable of like winning a location on its own, like if you're picking up an Iron Man and a Mystique just in and of itself, that's exponential value, my friend.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, listen, Super Skrull, the times that I get to play him and it really works out, it's incredible, he always has that feel of maybe like Rogue in the sense of like, if they don't have any ongoing, he's just like the most burned slot, right, like, I still think he could even get a PowerPoint or two, but yes, dude, in the right matchups, in this Darkhawk era that we're in, in the Zoo decks Iron Man, and these Agent Venom decks. Definitely a solid pull right now. And it's funny, because MyNumberTen's also maybe like, statistically, you know, you're gonna have Cool Obsidian above it, and maybe even Jubilee, who these could have made the list. But I do have Symbiote Spider Man sneaking in after his buff. I think that Symbiote is doing enough now for the roles that he's supposed to do. I like him here right at the 10th slot. You know, definitely him, Wiccan, they can both be right there. Wiccan in balanced decks. I just like the versatility a bit of Symbiote. He's right at a 51% statistic on win rate. So, you know, not crazy, but definitely one that I see aging better. And I, I would have in my personal top 10.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny. Cause when I do my list, I actually end up doing the cards in a way where like, I go just all the way down. I have Symbiote at 14. So like, I can totally see why you'd give them the respect, especially post buff. And I think it's still a fun card. It just, it just doesn't crack the top 10 for me.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, if I look at the other ones, yeah, I would, Omega, Red, you know, who's disrespected, but I don't have him on there because I've just stopped playing him. You know, Proxima Midnight is great, but also replaceable in those discard decks. So it was tough. Dawg got good. His stats, horrible. 45% So it's just like, it was tough to pull which one where, and so Symbiote's there at number 10 for me. Number 9, go to kick it off, what do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

This is where I put Wiccan. I did put Wiccan at number 9. I felt like it was pretty good here. A lot of the reasons why I think that like, Wiccan, I think it encourages some really interesting deck building, but also when you hit that effect, it's a snap condition, you have a definite advantage in the game. The 4 7 stat line feels fine, because it feels like you're often playing it on turn 3 anyways, with a lot of the decks you're playing them. I think he's good, honestly. I don't think he's great. And I think that some of the cards above Wiccan are great. And I think that's kind of the difference. But I definitely think he's good.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, he has some really strong competitive decks right now that are, that are punching well above its weight. You know, Bounce Wiccan's insane. I think Zob really helped Wiccan as just that card to potentially get it out on three. And there's some crazy, silly things you can do there. He was one of the bigger winners from that. And so I would have him, close on mine, if not feeling bad, I don't, so I like it. Number nine for myself here Is Atuma, so very limited by design. You can't really, you know put them in every deck, but man, is he great in that Nimrod deck, love the pure power, love being able to destroy cars without even trying, this was a fun one to put on there.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I kind of wish I had given like more respect to Atuma. He felt a little lower on mine and that's not because I don't think this card is good. I think that it's, it is very niche, but when it does an excellent job of doing what it does. We've seen it kind of fall off from a play rate a little bit, but there's no question that this card is infinitely better than what it was before. I, I totally, 100 percent respect it being on your deck list here.

Cozy Snap:

Alright man, what do you what do you got here at number number 7? Number, no, number 8. We're at number 8 now.

Alexander Coccia:

Number 8, yeah. And 8 is a huge fall from grace. for Ms. Marvel. I actually wanted to put Ms. Marvel higher, but I couldn't find it in me to do it, because I feel like I'm the only one playing Ms. Marvel, and you might disagree, because I know you also play Ms. Marvel, but I feel like me and you are the only ones playing Ms. Marvel. This card is incredibly well statted. It is very, very strong, but the current meta killed it, and as of recording, we've only had like, what, five? Four days of clog at least getting dialed back slightly. And so Ms. Marvel felt awful for the last several months where clog was starting to get a little more dominant. So I do absolutely respect the stat line that Ms. Marvel is capable of. It's new text that makes it you know, it's adjacent locations requiring two additional cards. I think that's a, it was a major hit to this card, and so, for me, Ms. Marvel comes in at number 8, but this used to be an absolute stud muffin of a card.

Cozy Snap:

I, yeah, I have it, I have her a good amount higher. I'll tell you my reasonings, I guess, once we get up there. Next up for me, I've got, and it was tough to pick between these two, because you could kind of go either way. But I'm gonna go with Shuri here. I have Shuri down here, and Shuri's just one of those cards that, like, I get it. I totally get it. The Taskmaster change did hurt. If you play it now, it's still dependable what it does. It's, it is very simple to get done. But we have seen her exit. We have seen her not involved as much as she used to be. That double power going all in on that vertical lane isn't exactly what it once was. And now, obviously, I have Phoenix Force off here, but her and Phoenix Force go well. And there's some other cards that can go well together. But Shuri has gone down a bit for me. This is about where she lands.

Alexander Coccia:

I find that pretty interesting that you have Shuri this low. I do have her a little bit higher, not crazy higher. But I do have Shuri higher. So I'll give her my piece later.

Cozy Snap:

Seven, at number seven, who do you got? Wongers, baby! Same here. Talking about Wong. Oh,

Alexander Coccia:

it's Wong at seven!

Cozy Snap:

Yep, I got Wong at number seven too, man. This felt perfect for Wong, right? Like the boomer bus card, but does a lot, but doesn't do a lot, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

This is like the, you're going to retreat card if you don't have Cosmo.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. He carries himself like he and himself is a win condition if they don't have a way to tech against it. Magneto's kind of exited a good amount, you know, but also think about all the decks this guy's in. He's not exactly the Wong of old. Yeah, I think he's a lot better of a car for many reasons and some, sometimes you only need him for that one extra round to get things popping off. I, yeah, I like Wong a lot here.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I've been playing Wongers quite a bit. And one thing I will say is that like something that's worth noting, if you don't play them very often, you're giving them a shot. If you play Wong and someone snaps, just leave. Because, like, there's two things that happen. One, it's Cosmo, but B, or two, ha ha, two it's Alioth. A lot of people kind of think about Cosmo when it comes to Wong, but Alioth is often very punishing against Cosmo, because there's a, against Cosmo, against Wong It's one of those situations where, like, when they see Wong, and they have an answer to it, Wong's often like this, like win more card. And if they think that, oh, they're really relying on this Wong to finish the board state and they snap into you, that means they have an answer. They're not going to snap in and gamba whether or not your Wong's going to punish them, because Wong has the ability to just completely destroy a board state. So if someone snaps on you, it's one of two things. Three things. One Magneto, two Alioth, three Cosmo. So get the hell out. There you go. All right, buddy. What about number six? Six is is Gwenpool and I kind of wrestled with where I wanted to put Gwenpool, but six is where she landed for me.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, definitely. I have a lot more to say about her. I have her higher up. This is where I've got my Captain Marvel Captain Marvel. A, with Ms. Marvel, which I might as well lean into that. Ms. Marvel's my 5, so 6 is Captain, Ms. is 5. Ms. Marvel, loving playing Doctor Doom with her. I've teched out cards, so I have like Killmonger and a Clawgear to be able to take care of rocks or acid arrows, things like that, and it takes people by surprise. But I just love the way that Ms. Marvel has been working into these kind of tech decks that aim for priority and having her as a bit of a surprise option. Definitely a huge winner. Both these cards from Zabu, both these at 3, feel way better. Playing Ms. Marvel on 3 with a, with a Shang Chi or even better, Captain Marvel that can move to go get that bonus is freaking awesome. And then also getting to closed down locations, or just being a little bit more risky, and she kind of covers up some of your mistakes. So I've got Captain Marvel, then Ms. Marvel, those two for me have been in some of my most played decks as of the last 30 days.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, listen, I love Captain Marvel, I've said it many times, she's my favorite card in the game, in terms of it's design, like, I, I just, and you're right, with Zabu, it makes a lot more sense at that 3 5 stat line, but from, like, at a 4 cost, man, if you don't have Zabu, like, 4 5's not enough. It's just not enough right now. This card's been power corrupted, in my opinion. We had it at 4 6, and it was part of the Silky Smooth packages, which were doing absolute wonders, and So, like, I get why maybe it can't be 4 6, but I think Does it really destroy the game if this is 4 6 again? You know what I mean? I don't know. Yeah, so the 6 5, what is your 5? My 5 is where I had Shuri. So, I went in at 5 with Shuri, just cause I think that, like It is an incredible card for like just power scaling. You literally get to double power. This has created archetypes in and of itself. It continues to be very good. It continues to be played despite its changes, its nerfed and how other cards around its shells have been nerfed in the past. I think this is just a fantastic card all around and I don't know. I love Shuri. I just do. Number four. Number four for me. Absorbing Man. I really like Absorbing Man. I've been playing a lot of Absorbing Man. My favorite lines include Rock Slide Absorbing Man. I really like Brood Absorbing Man. I really like Black Widow Absorbing Man. Absorbing Man, I think, while he has a we'll say a rough exterior. I think he's he's cuddly. He's very cuddly, and I appreciate him.

Cozy Snap:

So I actually kind of forgot about Absorb Man on my list, but I also don't know if I would put him I'd maybe have him squeak at 10. I don't know why I forgot him, but yeah, I would have him probably squeak at 10. For me, it's Boomer Bust and the Brood deck. That is where, like, he really shines with Patriot and whatnot. You know, I don't know if he's always my favorite play on four, but he is, he's definitely he does his job well. Does his job solid, and it's one of those cards that, again, kind of gonna always be around in a good degree because of getting more and more of these on reveals. For my number four this is where I've got, what do I have here, Gwynpool at number four. I struggle with four and three for both these next ones, but I have Gwynpool here this high. This is one of my most played cards since she's come out, man. I just love her as an on curve play. Decks that don't aim to do crazy things, but be consistent and strong in power. There's ways to just manipulate this power with some cards to, you know, really give them a major lift off, but on top of that, just, you know, She fits into so many different decks, love the way she plays, very universal it's an easy four for me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I really do like Gwenpool, but ironically, this is a card I have not played as much as I'd like. Obviously she makes a lot of the top performing Surfer decks, and ironically, I find myself cutting her from my personal bruise of Surfer. She's often played in Surfer without Sarah, I tend to prefer Sarah Surfer still. Maybe it's just cause like, you know, you can't Teach an old dog new tricks. And like, I refuse to kind of get with the times, but like, I absolutely do like Gwenpool. One thing I will say, this is a kind of a silly omission here. I did not realize that she was holding a cat on her shoulder. I thought that was her hair for the longest time. I thought she had like this really crazy hair that was like flinging in the wind, but she's holding a massive tabby cat.

Cozy Snap:

Massive, massive cat. That is funny. If you just like, this hair would be. Insanity. But yes, that's awesome, dude. That is that is to your defense. So she goes up five spots for Alex. All right. We have top three now we've entered the top three. And for me, these are obvious. Who do you got at three?

Alexander Coccia:

See, you say that now I'm so nervous. It's every time we do this, right? You're like, Oh, these ones are obvious. And I'm like, I've obviously left out something that he picked, and now I'm scared. Remember that when I missed the Thanos, I literally did not include him when he was breaking the meta? Like, that still keeps me up at night, man. I'm so worried right now. Okay, I'm gonna go first. You're gonna make me go first? Number three. Oh, man. Okay. My number three was War Machine.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah, Number three.

Alexander Coccia:

Just tell me you

Cozy Snap:

agree. So, for myself, I have number three at Iron Lad. But War Machine is my two. So We're close. I think War Machine is absolutely still busted, cracked, ridiculous. Really good. We've seen it. The way he activates so many cards. The way that he has just such a win. Solid condition. I mean, they don't have to touch him. I love, this is one of my favorite changes to a card in a very long time. Love what they did with War Machine. Stats prove it. Dex prove it. Top of the meta proves it. He's one of the best fours right now.

Alexander Coccia:

And you know what, War Machine, it's change has been so good, and I think there's gonna come a time where War Machine's gonna make a lot more sense with Jean Grey and Goose, I think we need like one more inexpensive ongoing card to just make that bounce, like make, make that step, and then, then maybe, He'll get disassociated with the Legion, Infinite stuff, which is still good, right? That stuff's still cool. And I'm glad it's kind of toned down a little bit. Cause I think people are getting really pissed off with Storm Storm War Machine, Legion, and Infinite, right? But with Iron Lad, Cozy, I, this is very fascinating cause Iron Lad did not make my top 10.

Cozy Snap:

Whoa, Booster 2. Iron Lad is a card that I refuse to settle. Nothing's changed. We have, like, he's never got a nerf. Nothing's changed with Iron Lad. There's more cards that benefit from him. I mean, dude, this is a card that makes almost all of my cooks, man. I mean, just whether it's Blue Marvel, Doctor Doom, you know, White Widow, Black Widow, those decks, Dark Hawk. I mean, Rock Slide, those kind of decks. Loved it in there.

Alexander Coccia:

Who do you have a 2? See, for me, it's like Iron Lad, I just, I'm just not putting him in decks anymore. Like, the last time I played Iron Lad confidently was in my Tribunal stuff. I just haven't been.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like I'm missing a card now, unless you put like Jubilee there. Who'd you put a 2? Number two, Phoenix Force, baby! Yeah, okay, alright, yeah, I, I, I'm not, I feel like Phoenix Force is right there with Mr. Negative out of it, but like, they do their deck thing really well, they can go crazy, they're awesome, they're fun, but I didn't have it in mind, but yeah, I, I could understand, man, there are Phoenix Force players that are, are, are, I hate commenting right now that I don't have it on the list.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, listen, it took me a while. At first I was very hesitant to learn Phoenix Force, because obviously it's play patterns are very, very unique. It's like one of those things where it's like, when you play Marvel Snap, you either play Phoenix Force or you don't. You know what I mean? There's people that are literally, as you said, typing right now in the comments section, that they only play Phoenix Force. It's the only deck they play. All crackles, all inked, all gold. Memorialics is back to say hi to Phoenix Force. RISING FROM THE ASHES! But what I will say is that I really do like Phoenix Force a lot, and I've been committing a lot of time to it. And the beautiful thing about Phoenix Force is that once you start to play it more and more, it's a deck like no other, because like, you'll be sitting there on turn six, and you'll be like, Bro, I can win this game like nine different ways. And it does that. It does that! And I gotta tell you, I'm becoming addicted to Phoenix Force. It's my second favorite archetype right now under Silver Surfer.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah man, I'm still cracking up. I can't believe your camera died. It's so funny to me. I feel like a sociopath just like, looking at this photo. But yes I like the, I like the inclusion there. Number one, I think we have the same thing. Yeah, Shang Chi, and it was never a doubt. Who? Yeah, get out of

Alexander Coccia:

here. Yeah, it was strongest for me too at number one.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, Shang Chi, he had like a, like a quick vacation from the meta, you know, when it wasn't exactly the 10 plus cards. But now it just feels like that staple, man. And especially, I would say this was the, the card that took one of the bigger hits when Zabu left. Cause having him only for three costs and playing something else in another lane was just so great. But that's what I was having done in that priority deck. Cause I was having the Miss Marvel and him sometimes getting hit together. I mean, if I had Zabu on my opening turn with no fours in hand, I sometimes would just snap into that because I knew what that could have done as we moved forward. So definitely, fun to look at the forecast cards. Definitely a different list that Alex and I both had together, but that's just Marvel Snap and the way that you play. But you did see kind of the top end align a bit differently more.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, this week was off to a bit of a rough start. I came in at four stars on Misery. And I mean, in my defense, it was like, I think I used the term unenthusiastic four stars, right? I was prepared for disappointment. But my hope was that with all the combined brewing and cooking of all of us in the community, we were going to figure out at least one friggin deck. Misery was gonna do good. You know what happened? Cozy. None of the deck worked. Misery was awful. I am miserable myself. Cozy. How was your week with misery?

Cozy Snap:

You know, it was fun. I, I'll give it this. She's a fun card and that's kind of where I, I thought, right? It never feels be, you know, it never feels good to be right or wrong in these situations, but I will say. She kind of ended up exactly what I was saying last week's episode. I thought that there wasn't really a need for her, and ultimately that's kind of like where I landed. Like, I was having a ton of fun in the Mildex, and I don't know about you, there are games that you'll win with her, or you'll get certain card combos. You're like, oh, she's crack! She's great! This is insane! She's awesome! And then, like, if you play a long, or, you know, if you play for a long period of time in a bunch of games, you kind of start to realize, like, Do I need her in this deck? Like, is this deck already doing what it does well without her and yeah, sadly, sadly kind of fell off the mark. But she did inherently get a buff because of Zabu, which we talked about on my side a little bit with the forecast cards getting, you know, all some love, but Yeah, where do you end up? Where's Misery now for you?

Alexander Coccia:

So, I am again, as I said, kind of miserable. So, for the record, she's at a 46 percent win rate post Infinite. Negative 19 cubes. This is like one star card written all over it. Like, this is an unbelievably bad, bad performance here. But here's the thing though, and I think what Misery made me realize was that The actual power of low cost cards is not irrelevant. And when we talk about, say, the change for grandma going from a a two zero to a two, two, then a two three, those changes are significant. And with misery, when you wipe that power off the board, the result is that you give up those early turns, you're getting the effects again, but you're giving up that early turn power. And the issue, and I'm, I'm pretty sure you found the same as well, was that. In the decks that we were playing, Misery's Destruction wasn't feeding Null enough, and so that that wasn't usually an excellent play on turn six. You couldn't destroy something like a Gladiator because you needed that power. And so she found herself in this, like, really awkward middle ground where you're like, Hey, I can destroy You know, my Rock Slide Korg and White Widow or whatever. But then what you're doing is you ultimately, you're just in this win more position. Where you're just kind of feeding your Darkhawk to the point where now Darkhawk's completely insane, but he would have been insane and he would have won the lane anyways. And so like, you almost kind of make, you almost kind of give up your early game to some extent with Misery, just so you can have a stronger pop off on five and six. But in my experience, it just didn't feel worth it. Like, does that make sense?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it does. I think I mean, no, you put it together, you know, really well there. I think there were a couple decks where she, you know, shined that you didn't need to just put more power on Darkhawk. Like, she was actually doing something, like, with the Hood, I found her actually pretty good. Like, that was a good combination. That one kind of worked out. I played Yo Woody in a match, and like, He had this deck that kind of went off using the hood, and then something that I did when I was playing the mill version as well is, like, having Cersei involved in kind of what these cards want to do, but, you know, you said it correctly, we're in this era of all low cost cards, let's call it one to three, doing one thing, right? You either have, you know, their ability for their design, so if it's like a mill card or, you know, if it's doing something ability heavy, we now have these cards that kind of can multiply their stats like crazy, disable the Silver Sables and whatnot. And you need that power stat. And so, the early game is becoming more, you know, useful than ever. Activate, you know, I think we got a lot of great comments on our last episode. Activate's pretty much, you know, reserved for these low cost cards, too, and so obviously you can't destroy those. So, Misery is just kind of in a, in a weird spot. I think people went for it for the Spotlight week, as we said. I think ultimately, you know, it's There could be better days ahead. You know, I don't know if you make her a 4 8, I don't know if you make her a 3 4. You make her a 3 cost and you have maybe a cool combo card, but then maybe is it too, you know, too strong, that, that on reveal effect. So, I, I just, you know, this is where I landed. I think I gave it a 2 star. Kind of feels weird that, I think that might be even too high. You know maybe 1. 5 2 star at that. But definitely fun. She definitely, you know, had an interesting couple of days of Marvel Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah this definitely feels into like the, two would be maybe even a little hopeful with the way she's playing right now. But with Misery, what was weird is like you mentioned 4 8, I don't even think it's enough, man. Like, I've played a lot of Misery, like I did a lot of hoping, a lot of coping, and even at 4 9, I think that like, Now we're in the realm of like, okay, you're getting those on reveals and 49 starts to gap that power differential a little bit. It almost feels like a Wong where it's like Wong's a four, two, usually you're destroying like five or six power worth of cards, right? So it kind of feels like a good trade off, but like, I was thinking cozy. I was like, obviously they tested this. Like they've been very good on the balance side. What was it that like Glenn and the team saw in misery that made them feel like four, seven was the stat line because it does not seem. To be just making that style line make sense. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I don't know what they saw. You know what's a change that I would, I would maybe pitch is that I don't know if I mind if she killed everything in the lane. Because then in that way, at least you can use her with like Nimrod and you can do some creative stuff there. You know, like did you ever feel like, man, I kind of wish she killed everything here and then that way she at least had more of a focused design. Like I get it, you know, it's not going to be as good in certain deck design, but A lot of the times, I'm like, how many times did you actually play her in a lane where you're like, Oh, I'm not gonna kill this card, but I'm gonna reactivate these ones. For me, it wasn't that much. And, you know, I wanted this card to be the Knull card. I wanted this to feed Knull, and I think for her to do that, we do need something like that to work with a Nimrod or whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually agree. I think the design for the card would greatly be improved if it could clear rocks, if it could clear Nimrods, stuff like that. You could even have a thing where, like, I mean, it literally, isn't it Carnage's, like, it has some relation to Carnage, right? And so, like, what if it actually got, like, a buff? Like with every single card that was destroyed, similar to the way Carnage does that could potentially be interesting. You could kind of modify the style. I know a four, four, four, five, but it gets a plus one on every card destroyed. I mean, maybe plus two. I don't know, man. I ain't a game designer. All I know is that when I was playing this card, I was hopeful and I was like, this card's not it, man. I even ended up taking Knull out of my decks and putting Death in because I was like, at least i'm destroying things. Knull was at like, Like, 6 power sometimes, 8 power, like, it just wasn't worth it, and then at least death was discounted, but even then, death wasn't getting to 0. So, do you think this was just pure bait on the Spotlight Week?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, so that's what I was gonna go back to. You know what I did see a lot of this week? Is Namor and War Machine. I think people were happy with that. You know, if you got Misery Cool, you might have a card that, you know, ages down the line, but I think this was the Spotlight Week. We've seen these in the past, you know, not every card is gonna be a must have. And sometimes we've seen this too, like, they kind of just go with the fun route. You know, we asked what Glensoul, dude, probably just some unique, different design. You know, going with a good spotlight week at that. So definitely, listen, this whole month is, is kind of weird where these cards are going to go. And I was hopeful for Misery because she had the most chance to be kind of unique. These other ones are much more kind of single focus designed. But yeah, it ain't it. It ain't it. Even in a meta that could have welcomed her too. You know, with some of the changes that we saw, but it's good to see people have more Nomura and more War Machine who's still cooking.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. There's no question. The Spotlight Week is fantastic. And those two cards were worth it in and of itself. And I guess on the last thought on Misery itself, I'd be interested in your thoughts on this. Do you feel, I don't want to use the word scared because I don't think it's the right word, but do you think that like, Second Dinner to some degree are scared of cards like these and releasing them because like, the design landscape is kind of fuzzy, like when you look at Misery you see Forecast Odin, you see you know Grandmaster for all unrevealeds in a location, clearing the location. You see all this potential. And so like, do you think to yourself, okay, maybe we couldn't crack it internally, but when we release it to the masses, someone, somewhere, we got millions of players, they're going to take this 4 7 misery and they're going to take a massive dump on the meta and we're going to regret it. So maybe we go lower because the, the synergies are less obvious. Right? Like, there are cards when you release, like, you're like, okay, we have a pretty fair understanding of what those cards do. Silver Sable was a good example of that, right? Yeah. Yeah, some people were, like, generally missing slightly low on Silver Sable, I think, ultimately, but still, that was, like, everyone agreed it was, like, a four star card, minimum, right? It ended up being a little stronger than that, but still, like, you had a rough idea of where that card was going to go. It was going to be in balance, it's a one card, etc, etc. Misery, the design landscape's so wide, I wonder if they get scared a bit and then pull back ever so slightly, just to be careful.

Cozy Snap:

So, yes and no. I think there has been cards designed way scarier to release than her, you know, in a sense. But we have seen in case of, let's say, Symbiote Spider Man. Remember, they even said in their OTA notes, like, we Didn't know exactly how he was going to look, and he kind of did prove, you know, underwhelming. I think combo cards and Snap in general is something that you've got to be careful with. You have to find a way to make them fun, make them consistent with the right draws, but not too consistent where it's, you know, just like the only thing people are going to play. And yes, with something of this ability of being able to repeat. For only four costs, like, is there something they're not thinking about out there? I'm sure that crossed their minds. There's so much on reveal, you know, potential and combos. So, you know, yes, but also, what would that mean? You know, have her at a 4 7, not a 4 8, which we just deemed wouldn't have helped her, right? So, that, that's my curiosity. I'm curious. I think she is going to be one that's reworked or re looked at. You know, not exactly hitting it, or it's what they wanted. And they wanted this kind of fun card that you could, you know, go all in on the middle decks and get the right draws. So, I'm curious. And we've seen that before, man. Mr. Negative decks, right? As long as you're snappin on the games you're gonna win, and retreatin on the ones you're not. That, to me, was very misery. Like, I knew by turn three or four, if I was gonna do what the deck wanted to do, and that was, in my case, the mill version. Or if I should get the heck out of there. Right. And so maybe that's just the design they were going for.

Alexander Coccia:

And that's going to take us to our next topic of discussion, which is the highest and lowest Kubrick cards in Marvel snap, the thieves of cubes of Marvel snap. And the ones that are just giving them away cozy. And for this, for this topic here. Cozy and I can take a bit of a different approach. I'm going to be using untapped based statistics 30 days, top 50 percent infinite, because that's our largest sample size. And then Cozy is actually using snap bands. So we have a little bit of a different kind of statistics here to go off of to give us a little bit of Added variety. Now, there are some cards here that will surprise you. And we went for the 30 day metrics because we had the largest pool of data. And also because it's just a kind of nice recollection of over the last couple months. What's interesting is when I checked like the last 7 days in the most recent patch. Although we didn't have enough data to really make a good assertion of what some of the best cube rate and the worst cube rate cards are in Marvel Snap, what I did learn was a lot of the problematic cards that were buffed, nerfed, and then moved around, they honestly weren't on these lists. Yeah. Like they're just not on these lists. Right. And so I found that really fascinating that some of the top performing cards are not going to be ones that you expect. And we're going to start with number three. One. Okay, Cozy. One of the ones here, we are going to be going in a bit of a top ten downwards, and the top cube rate card in Marvel Snap, Coin To One, Tapped, 30 days, top 50%, is Gilgamesh! Gilgamesh! And it's a 19 cube rate and nearly a 55 percent win rate. Cozy, this card has been absolutely dominating and it makes sense. Zoo, as a whole, has been so consistent over the last, like, three months. So, honestly, this makes perfect sense to me.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, Gilgamesh I just, if you don't have Killmonger These decks are so hard to deal with. Like, even if you have, like, I was playing a ton of the Scream deck lately, and, like, I have Cannonball, and, like, what deck does Cannonball love? Zoo decks, because I can definitely make sense of it. But even then, there's just so much wide power, like, that deck can't help with all the stuff going on with with Kaesar and Blue Marvel, boosting those up, getting Gilgamesh up. As we talked about on my side, I mean, Scorn even is gonna be in a world with Gilgamesh, because of the boosting and giving power there. Over and over I say this card, they, they buffed quickly. Because of the season pass, they haven't touched it since, and ever since that buff, it went from meh of a season pass card to now one of the best.

Alexander Coccia:

It was kind of crazy to think that they buffed it by two, right? It was a 5 9, and now it's literally one of the best cards in the game. It's crazy to think that that two power is what did it, right? But it made all the difference. It really did, because, like, we jokingly were calling him Gilgamid for so long because he just did not elevate that archetype quite high enough. But then, it's not just that. Remember, they also buffed Shauna. They also well, they ended up nerfing Marvel Boy, but Marvel Boy was released. All of these are now staples in this archetype, which have proven to be legit. The only thing I hope for Halftime is, well, I hope they low roll on Shauna, you know what I mean? And they also nerfed Mockingbird.

Cozy Snap:

I know, and like, we're seeing all these cards still being used and still being played, like Mockingbird's still in these decks, still working out in those. I think it's just because Gilgamesh is that vertical lane winner that Zoo desperately needed, and you're just more often than not going to win one of the other two lanes. Like, you just have to be good enough at knowing which one you're gonna win, and go at that, and It feels weird because, you know, you know what it may have been, too, is that Destroyer's always the most played deck every season, by a landslide, and Hela had that thrown for two months. And by a A huge amount. I mean, we, you know, I looked at some statistics. We had 100, 000 plus games played for Hela, 30, 000 for Destroy. Usually, that's definitely flipped from first to second. And with that is what? Less Killmonger and friends. And so, you know, I myself, since the Zabu buff, have been doing a lot more Killmonger and Tech cards, and so maybe that'll tame Zoo, but yeah. Gilgamesh is still in a great place, and just super, if you have him, you don't need anything else. I mean, you have all the other cards from Pool 1.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree. Absolutely. Now, the next card that we're going to be talking about here is a number two in cube rate. And again, we're talking about the best ones first and cozy will splash in some awful ones as well, but this one really surprised me. And I had to double check the stats. I'm like, are we sure here? 54%, a 0. 17 cube rate. And that is Speed, and I actually was super surprised to see this, but Speed is starting to make its rounds in a couple decks, running a 3 percent popularity, and like, it's one of those things where like, is this, this, you just knew it, it's like the sexiest card that like, no no, the least sexy, powerful card.

Cozy Snap:

We both said this, we both said that Nocturne, this is Nocturne, right, we both are like, Of the month, you had Wiccan, you had all these unique designs, and we just said speed is not, is not fun. But wow, is it reliable. You're getting a 3 5 all the time, and then you have the potential to go much higher than that at combos, it's an ongoing, so it just has a lot going for it, and it feels like a good plug and play card that can fit into a large majority of decks. I am surprised that it's this high, but yeah, speed Speed is just, still what he is, boring and good.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, it's, it's wild, and I even tried to punch speed into some like, surfer decks and stuff, cause he's a 3 cost, I've been playing a lot of surfer lately. And it's like, I just, I don't crave the power as much as I crave an effect, right? And I know that like, Yes, in Marvel Snap, you win games with power, and I was getting speed to 11 at times, like, it was crazy how big he's getting, especially when you consider the plus 2 from a surfer, even an additional plus 2 from something like an abs man, depending on, you know, what you're playing on and stuff like that, but like, sometimes you're like, you know what, yeah, I could play speed. Or, or, I could play Rogue, and I can steal, you know what I mean, and I can steal all these Iron Men that are coming out from all the Agent Venom decks. So it's like, it's kind of funny how like, sometimes it's not pure power that you're looking for. Despite the fact that the statistics are yelling in your face, just like they're yelling for number three Cozy, and this one's a little more obvious. It's Gilgamesh's partner! Well, at least in the MCU. It's Thena. Thena, a 0. 0 sorry, 0. 15 cube rate and nearly a 54 percent win rate. This card continues to be an absolute stellar piece.

Cozy Snap:

This is one of my least favorite cards. Like, if I were to, if we were to do a segment of the cards we hate the most right now, mine is probably Thena in the sense of going against her. It's, it's just a very fre First of all, let's just say what it is. Age of Venom. Fantastic card. Very good. Very good. Combine that with Thena, even better. Man, it's just hard, it is just a hard card to attack, right? You got Shadow King, okay, but then also, like, when do you play Shadow King? If you play him down, you know, she's still gonna get her power probably a little bit. She's gonna win and anchor her lanes, and now we've got these decks with the Iron Man and Mystique and Kitty Pryde, and so there's a lot to go off of. It seems extremely easy to get her power going, and honestly, because it happens at the end of the turn, it makes it frustrating at times, too. It is a freaking great card. Like, this card got touched by one. It's fine. It's completely fine. Very, very

Alexander Coccia:

solid. It's so hard to Shan Qi, because now it only gets to 9, not 10 like it did before. And as you said, it hits at the end of the turn, and so like, you Shan Qi, and she's like, oh. Chaing she goes off and you're like, ah, dammit. Right? So, I mean extremely challenging, extremely powerful. And you often are fine just playing two cards in a turn, right? Two cards in a turn. And if there's a situation where you can play more than two cards because you got yourself like a, like a free six drop from whatever that place is that does that it's like, okay, hold on. I'm still putting up more power than that plus three. So I'll play the two down. Right. So I think that I think the card is just incredibly powerful here. And I just wonder if you have one from your list that you'd like to bring up here.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, not even from, you know, the list, I mean, it's high up there as well. I was looking at it's surprising what I was looking at. What was very, very low, but what just seems to be, and I'm sure a lot more people have, have gotten to play it. I'm telling you, yes, War Machine got hit, and, and, and, War Machine's not exactly the card I'm gonna bring up. The one I'm gonna bring up, that's a Cube Thief, that I don't know if we've just trained our brains. Like, if you're listening, tell me if you've lost to this lately. But we've trained our brains to think of Infinite as this card that's always played if the turn skipped, or maybe if you see magic. But the simple play of the War Machine into Infinite now has been stealing cubes. Very well. I mean, this guy 5 over on Snap. fan of stealing cubes. This guy has. Just a flat 1. 0 cube steal rate. It's 20 power on the lane that they are planning to play him on, right? They're probably doing what they need to do or they've shut down a lane early. That's what this does well. I think for a while we were doing these like, you know, flood this lane, play Alioth. But it's also just good to shut down a lane early and slap down the Infinite. Reminds me of the Professor X kind of decks. You know, 20 powers, tough to play, and then you also don't need to. You don't have to play this very, very good Cube Stealer at the moment.

Alexander Coccia:

I like what you're saying here, because, like, the telltale sign of Infinite was that skip, right? Oh, look, they skipped! It's Sunspot, blah, blah, blah. There, like, there was a very clean line towards, like, the way Infinite was played. But, then Infinite got completely powercrapped, right? Blob was reaching way higher than Infinite. Red Hulk was basically getting higher than Infinite. There were so many cards that were kind of, oh, don't forget the the Red Hulk. Not Red Hulk. Regular Hulk. It's just the Hulk. But from Evo, right? He was getting up towards that power levels too when Evo was popping off, right? So, Infinite was like, why, why skip a turn? Why skip a turn and play Infinite when I can Red Hulk or Blob or whatever, right? And then you could even copy the Blob with like the Mystique at the time. There's all these synergies that you couldn't do with the Infinite. So, I, I do like that call out. It's also worth noting, Cozy, that at number 10, On the untapped statistics is Legion, which would go hand in hand with the War Machine and the Diem Phanau play. Legion currently at a 12 percent meta share for the month. And obviously a core component of those decks.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like Legion, if we do see a competitive play and or draft mode will be one of the most drafted cards and one of the most just in competitive play decks. Just. It feels like this card that, you know, it's your cheat code. If you, if everything's going wrong, we've been there, right? We've got a location. Sokovia, or that stupid new one, what is it, Weapon X, that discards a card, draws a card, hits a card you wanted in there. Yeah, you're down, and you're down bad, and then you have Legion, and it just opens up a lot of possibilities. And you also have them as this insane offense card, you know, with the with the play with War Machine and the decks have flooded and whatnot. Somehow they've balanced that enough where it's not, you know, Twitter raging frustrating. But just good enough. 5 7's a fair stat line. I think this card's balanced well, and he's a good one at that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I like Legion, especially for plays like when you play it onto, like, Central Park and the squirrels pop off and they lock themselves out accidentally and stuff like that. I think it has a lot of opportunities to catch your opponent by surprise. Classic gameplay of, like, I remember I was in a tournament, I got molt with this, I played Legion on top of Luke Sparr on turn six with initiative. So basically he just bounced his entire play back to his hand. I remember Mold messaged me afterwards like, Yo, that play, GG's, right? It was, it was so fun, like it was just a wild play. It's at one of the Conker's events. And it was just like, so Legion has like that like super high end like, Hey, this is why you play Marvel Snap, man. Like this is so fun, and I agree 100%. Draft? This card would be sick. Like, this would be so good in draft because it gives you that, like, kind of, like, playful edge of, like, well, my deck's not great, but I might be able to steal four or eight cubes with a really spicy Legion play.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. You know, let's, I want to shift gears and talk about a card that is very new that has a horrible cube rate. And one that I've built into a couple of decks that has Little Purpose it feels bad to say, but it was Little Purpose, that I think it can get a power point, and this is one of those cards that if it gets power, it's gonna really help it out. Or, it can be lowered in cost, and then we can really mess with the numbers there. You have an idea what card I'm talking about? Is it Misery? It's, yeah, haha, well, two back. It's Scarlet Spider right now, has one of the worst cube rates in the game and you know, I've tried, this is one of those cards that is like my feel, feel good card, I've played this a ton, just like, I enjoy the way it plays, it's super unique. Thanks for watching! I I've had some crazy stuff happen this week, guys, so if you've noticed a lack of my videos, but I had a deck designed around him, where it was kind of using just like him, Dr. Doom and friends, because, wow, Zabu helped him out a little bit. The problem with them is, yes, you're getting 10 power for 4 costs, but, first of all, Okay, you know, we have a lot of cards that do that, but it's the randomness. This guy going where you can't control this clone, this is what really hurts this card ultimately, and I think is what's leading to bad cube wins. Like, you know, I can see it now, people play this card, do their combo, split them, reactivate them, see what happens, and he goes in the wrong lane, you lose. I've lost more 50 50s than I can count. So this is one of those that, you know, you make him a 4 6, he gets 12. Immediately better. You can maybe go down to a three, but this is one of the, he's easy to fix, but right now he's performing pretty badly.

Alexander Coccia:

I wonder if this is one of those cards that gets really good at with future releases too. I'm not going to say that I have the fine wine, but I'm just going to say that, like, I've been kind of shocked with how poor this card is to perform because on paper, like it should be better. You know what I mean? Like it can't be that

Cozy Snap:

bad. We have agony coming out. You know, it's a few and far between. They released these boosting cards. That's the problem. You know, that's what I'm fearful for for, but you know, If they give him a 4 6, you play that into sure. You got a 4, you know, 12, maybe Zabu's involved. I played him a lot with Zabu, thinking that may be for sure getting him down on 3, which does feel good, but also I just feel like I would rather do other things. I'd rather, like, there's times, and a lot of times, I'd almost rather have Super Scroll on my deck in this meta. I was like, I'd rather just copy their ongoing effects and have two random 10 power, right? So, definitely one that's not high right now.

Alexander Coccia:

Awesome, and I got a couple surprising ones, okay? Two very surprising ones I want to talk about. Coming in at number four. And this shocked me. This was Bast. Bast coming in at number 53 percent win rate and a 015 cube rate. And what's interesting about Bast is that it's being almost exclusively played in conjunction with Agent Venom. So what you're seeing here, and it's also notable that the statistics from Untappd, We'll be all in deck and all encompassed. Right. So when knowing that it makes sense because Agent Venom is currently one of the top performing, if not the top performing card and snap right now. It is unbelievably powerful. It's bringing new life to a whole bunch of different archetypes, right? You do a top 10 deck list and it's like, Oh, Look, there's four Agent Venom decks in here, right? And so Bast is now being played because Mysterio, if it gets hit with Agent Venom, perfect. If you have it in hand and you play Bast onto it, also perfect. And then so all of a sudden, these decks are like, okay, I can buff my deck and I can buff my hand with Bast and Agent Venom together. So to see Bast on this list actually seriously surprises me.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude Mysterio right now is so cracked. Like, man, that is There are times where I do all the math. I do all the math. I'm like, I can't, I can't lose this. I got the, what are you gonna play? An Iron Man? Maybe an Iron Man Mystique? But then they pop down the, the 12 power for two and you're just like, what? What just happened? I mean, it's insane how high that can go. Bast is one of those cards that is extinct for eight months and then it's huge for two. Dead for six. You know, it has its errors, its peaks, its valleys. It's definitely a peak right now for Bast. Yeah, definitely a, definitely a pretty solid card at the moment. One that I don't, that, that, that, a card that's been in those decks that we need to talk about, that I feel like, you know, people like to say, I hope Summers is the one that we talk about all the time. We don't talk about this card enough, and if you're not playing it, maybe it intimidates people in having to do some quick math, I don't know. Can we put some respect on how crazy Sage is in this game right now? One of the highest cube rates in the game. It works in multiple decks and is just a win card.

Alexander Coccia:

Sage is insane. Absolutely insane. And it's seeing play in, like, not only the Agent Venom style decks, but Lady Jane Foster decks, with negative, are using Sage now, because you can Sage and get her so big, that you then copy it with a Taskmaster. Yep. That's currently the play, man. Like, it's actually insane what you can do with Sage. From a pure vertical power perspective. And yeah, this is probably one of the cards that even though it came back in the spotlight weeks, people were like, Oh, Sage, I could roll for it, but whatever I'm telling you, this card is absolutely unbelievable. This might be one of the most slept on cards in Snap. From like a pure like, hey, do you realize on average what Sage does? People are like, oh no, 8 power? It's like, yeah, 8's pretty good, FYI. Also, no, higher.

Cozy Snap:

I think when like people, when she came out, maybe like, I don't know, the Metatex had a bunch of cards at the same power and it just wasn't obvious how quickly this, this card can scale. But yeah, it feels really good. I've been playing Sarah Dex a lot and it just feels like a good combination in there, so definitely one of the bigger cube winners in my opinion.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, just a couple more here, because Cozy, I have one I really want to give you a pat on the back for, because this is one where Cozy's been like the only one on the planet talking about this one card and being like, guys, when I bring it up, you're going to be like, of course, okay? Coming in at number six. According to untapped statistics is Sasquatch, Sasquatch, and this is a card that like I know that you were high on and you were even like when people were like no Sasquatch sucks, you were like no, this card is good, you guys have to get with it here, and I've played a bunch of Sasquatch in a number of different decks, and now statistically it is, it's firmly cemented in the top 10 of cube rate cards in Snap. It's literally six. So like, Cozy, are we sleeping on Sasquatch?

Cozy Snap:

You know what it is? It's just that Mobius in Mobius is not in this game. Like, the only time he creeps out is when it's like, there's a runaway cost reduction deck. Like, runaway, obvious, you know, steal some cubes. Yeah, dude. I mean, you're getting the power massively here. You know, you talk about Shang Chi, you can only Shang Chi one lane, right? And these decks with Agent Venom, these decks with the fours, They're putting up pretty good numbers, but they're not skyrocketing like 30 power, you know, and that's why some of these big cards are doing their job so well, and so Sasquatch combined with how Mysterio's doing in the meta, and amongst plenty of other cards, really solid one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely, and just to kind of close us off here in terms of just a bad card, I don't even want to say bad card, but talking about one of the worst performing cards, this is a card that currently has a negative 0. 28 cube rate, and it kind of came up in a recent video, someone asked me this and said, Hey Alex! Can you make a good Gamora deck? And I said, no, could you? I mean, this card, I mean, I feel so bad because like, I love Gamora. I like the flavor and all the gardens of the galaxy. They're just, they're just kind of floundering. We, we joked about Mantis being absolutely awful last week and Gamora's in the same spot, 42 percent win rate, almost no play. She's had her moments here and there. But realistically, man, like, I don't know what you do with this card. Like it's, it's unfortunate. It's as bad as it is.

Cozy Snap:

It just feels like all the, all the guardians of the galaxies are in this role outside of like I was having some fun with like an Arishem guardians deck, like it kind of works in there. Cause you can like risk more, but it, we've had the same problem with them. They're just not worth the risk. The risk is too much there when you can play other cards way easier and accomplish much easier stat lines. And so, I mean, People just aren't playing it. They're not playing this card. I mean, think about it, even if you went with Hood into Misery, right? Let's just talk about that combo. You're getting the Demon. It's almost as much. You're one cost more than that, I guess, right? But with Misery and two Demons, like, stuff like that is just so much easier to accomplish than trying to guess on a lane, use five cost, can't play it earlier. The Guardians are a mess. And you get

Alexander Coccia:

her to 512. What does Ajax get to? What does Gilgamesh get to? Darkhawk, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Think about the opposite side to that. Right? It's an on reveal card. You have Gilgamesh, or you have Gamora. It's like, why would you ever play Gamora? When you can get Gilgamesh up to, like, 16, 17 power, and that's not even hard, you know what I mean? I

Cozy Snap:

mean, playing Gamora, and you've gotten, like, at least you're typically getting 16 power overall for the net play, because she's giving 10 to each lane, too, and so it's like, you know, you're typically getting two cards with that boost. Pretty much all of these. I mean, you go through most of these, and you're looking, Solid. And you know what it is, is, you know, these cards that go wide, like Claw, are working really well, but with Gamora, she's going tall, and we kind of have other cards, especially closers or low cost cards that we've multiplied, like Sage, several times, serving that role for them.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so it just doesn't feel like she fits anywhere right now. None of the Guardians do, in fact, right? So, that Cozy's a little unfortunate. Do you want to close us off with one last one?

Cozy Snap:

I wanted to close us off with a question to you. What, give me a couple cards off the top of your head that you feel like are just, in general, being slept on. Like, just, like, as a, to the listeners, like, Hey, try these cards a little bit more this week if you're struggling. I'll kick us off. We talked about Red Guardian enough, but we just have been, you know, saying so much about Agent Venom and what that works. This card, man, is really easy to take advantage on the Angela, the Thena, the Kitty Prides right now to shut them down, the Iron Mans. Definitely, guys, start teching in Red Guardian. I feel like him and Shung right now are the ones to have in the deck for the most part, and I've been having a good time with them.

Alexander Coccia:

I love this callout, honestly. I think the Red Guardian is incredible. It's seeing more play now that the change to White Widow happened. But like, yeah, that's an amazing shoutout. And if you're gonna put me on the spot, okay, I've been playing tons of Surfer. I was even playing Misery and Surfer, because, you know, that's It's so funny, the comments were like, like, oh, a four cost card that destroys on reveals. Alex, is this a Surfer card? Right? It's like, of course it is! But what happened was, there was two cards, because I was testing in Surfer, that I played a lot of, and I was like, I miss these two cards. One was Black Widow, ironically. Yes! Okay, she was

Cozy Snap:

my next up, yep.

Alexander Coccia:

Really? Yeah, dude, Black Widow, I was playing Black Widow Misery, Black Widow Abs Man, and people were like, miserable, man. Like, people were emoting me in disgust. And I felt bad, I was like, where's my apology emote? Like, I'm sorry, right? Like, it was dirty what I was doing with Black Widow.

Cozy Snap:

Listen, because Dark Hawk right now is a really solid card, really solid answer and When you're playing Darkhawk against, let's say, the Athena deck, it can be tough because you're giving them rocks that are easy plays to put two cards down, but when you're doing Black Widow I mean, board space right now is so imperative, so not only are you doing that precious stop there, you know, stop through draw, which is mainly what you're doing with this card, but on top of that, you're able to you know, force more lanes. I don't know about you, but when I see them put a Widow's Bite on a lane, to me, I'm like, I kind of have that lane, right? Like I'm going to focus on another lane. I'll come back and put a little padding on that one. But more often than not, I see my opponents kind of abandon the Widow's lane.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, they're basically throwing the lane because they're like, well, or they have like one really big answer. But sir, that takes us to one of our favorite segments that we do on a weekly basis, and that is the Snapchat Mailbag. We got a lot of fun questions here, and if you've got questions for us, let us know down in the comments section below. The first one comes from Blangadanger, and it reads, I don't know why anyone would ever play Lizard, and that's quoting our statement from the last Snapchat. And they look sombrely at their beautiful chibi Lizard variant, In their ongoing decks. The reason why I bring this up, Cozy, is like basically they're suggesting they're playing Lizard because they have a beautiful variant. It's the Chibi Rian Gonzalez variant. We know that one, it's beautiful. Are there any cards that you play strictly because you love the variant? I have one and I'll give you a second to think it's Captain Marvel. Like Captain Marvel has been one of those cards where like, first of all, I've joked about it before it was on the, our Conker's thing. We talked about putting it in my home, right? I play Cap Marvel just cause I want to see that bearing kind of fly around and stuff. And I'll look at it and just kind of tear up a little bit that the card isn't what it used to be. But for me, that's the card.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, oh man, there's, there's a lot, for me, it's funny, and he just got the buff, but Grandmaster, I love the spotlight variant of him with the cards and stuff, and so that's one, oh yeah, he's just a card that I like to play because of that variant, and I mean, I think I've given my answer, it was a long time ago, and the answer stays the same, it is always my Pixel Coulson, I think it's my calling card, I like seeing him, he makes my day a little bit better, maybe I'm having a down day, Pixel Coulson puts it right back up until he gives me a Rescue and a Drax, but you know That can't even happen. But yeah, it's something along those lines. But yeah, probably, probably Colson for me.

Alexander Coccia:

I love the fact that Colson's also your profile picture all the time. Always. It's such a beautiful one. It is by far the nicest pro profile portrait. That, that's awesome. Cozy, and I should verify, clarify here, I was talking about the art germ variant of Captain Marvel, but she has a bunch of bangers though, the one where she's sitting on the asteroid. I think it was a bundle one. I think, is another amazing one.

Cozy Snap:

There are several good ones, yeah, and it's one of those cards, even Dan Hibbs is insanely well, the anime one's awesome, I've got the one that you get from the album that's really good too. I don't

Alexander Coccia:

even have that one yet, dammit. That's the, that's the fancy album, the Home Fire Gala, right? Yeah, that's the whale album. They're all 1200 variants, man! It's ridiculous. I haven't bought since then, I don't think. Alright, our next question comes from Beta Ray Bill Lover, a long time supporter of the Snapchat, and it reads, My heart will literally shatter for you two if they decide to cut draft mode. You guys mention it every episode?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I honestly, it's because of what it could do to snap. I don't think they would, I don't think they will. Maybe they will. Who knows? It's, you know, it is up to them I guess. But I, you know, I think that is one of the most clear cut. If it is not broke, don't fix it. In game mode's, draft mode has been a success. The ones that you can run for fun with Snap are great. And I think the coolest thing about Draft Mode is, it makes cards that you otherwise would not play, even something like an Agent 13, you know to be much better in play, which is always exciting and fun.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And Cozy and I are doing our part, okay guys, to keep it on the horizon. Make it worse for them to try to cut it. If you guys are thinking about cutting it, don't look at what we've done. Public shaming 101 right here. We talked about a bunch of cards that needed buffs and nerfs. Cozy. One of them was Rhino and Patrick had a suggestion and said, give Rhino the ability to play, be played anywhere. And then Justin followed up with, I always thought Rhino should be a three, four, but you kick over a rock. To your opponent's side after you wreck the location. Oh,

Cozy Snap:

okay. I don't, yeah, I don't, well, so it's a clog card though?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, basically Rhino becomes a clog card, but there's two sides there. You can have the, Rhino is a play anywhere card. So you can destroy any location or you have the destroy location out of rock.

Cozy Snap:

I think people would be pretty mad, but, but more clog. I don't know. Although they did say that they like focusing on, as we talked about a bit, like they're focusing on trying to have conditions for clog now, which I think is interesting. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I agree. They need to. They need to have these out, like, people need to be able to play to their outs with Klogg, which hasn't existed yet. Klogg has never gotten to the point where it is now. And I think the turning point was the Viper change, honestly. I keep coming back to that. When they changed Viper's targeted ability that is exactly what happened there. As I flicker in and out of existence. Our next question comes from Captain Doge, and it reads, I still think Mr. Fantastic would be a good would be good with his same stat line, but with the ability ongoing. This card's power is added to the adjacent locations. So basically the idea here is if like, he is a 3 2, but he gets hit with Surfer, he adds 4 power to the adjacent locations. So it's like, kinda like Scarlet Spider, except Mr. Fantastic.

Cozy Snap:

That's it? I like it. I think

Alexander Coccia:

What was the stat line? The same. So he's a 3 2 now. They suggested the same stat line, but he did say afterwards that you might even make it to a 3 1 to account for surfer and stuff like agents. We should

Cozy Snap:

do, we should do a mailbag. Maybe like, we'll shout it out. Heck we could do it this week. I'll put it down below. Just card rework ideas. Like, I think it'd be cool to like, people are much brighter than us at times and people have really cool card designs. So it'd be cool to get like a whole bunch of these, you know, in one list.

Alexander Coccia:

That would be a good idea. Maybe one of these days we should do like a mega mailbag. Like, just like, instead of doing a first second topic, we should do like a massive mega mailbag where we just do all these types of things. That'd be a cool idea. But we do have one last question to close us off here today, Cozy. It's not even a question. It's just a statement. It's a statement about you, Cozy, because you said something. You said last week, and Jacob called it out, it got you playing Patriot again, is what you said. Cozy, you can't say that, because you're always playing Patriot.

Cozy Snap:

Busted. Lock me up. I am, I am, lock me up. Whenever you see if I'm ever in a tournament, I'm gonna be playing Patriot, probably. 99 percent of the time. Because, come on now. And that's, that's another variant that I play. Or a card that I play, because I like the variant. So, there's that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yo, I remember this was, this is a behind the scenes look into something, Cozy, this is a callback from like, this was like a year and a half ago. I was in a tournament, and I think it was the one that Cam Best and and Binks were putting on together. And I was against Lambie in a, in a match. And they gave us some stuff, and they're like, hey, what deck you playing? I said, oh, it's this one. They're like, oh, you can't play that because you banned this card or whatever. I'm like, oh! I need a deck like right now. I messaged Cozy, what should I play right now? You're like, this Patriot deck. You remember? You're like, I don't play Patriot. I'm like, I don't even play Patriot, let's just do it. And I like, literally, I think he beat me by two cubes at the end. Like, it was like the closest Patriot game I've ever played. And like, it's so funny, because I actually don't play a lot of Patriot at all. Like, we have like our, we have like kind of like our fun. For decks, yeah. And for me, obviously, it's Surfer. I get roasted for it non stop. And do you think yours is legitimately Patriot?

Cozy Snap:

Probably, or Sarah Control, just because I always love being able to have so many different, like, tech options. It's probably my comfort.

Alexander Coccia:

Awesome, guys. Well, guys, this is what I'm going to do here, okay? Thank you so much for watching. I appreciate it. We have Cozy TV. He's been releasing a brand new Venom series there. We're going to get a complete breakdown of the history of Venom. Cozy, you did a remarkable job on it. Check it out, subscribe to Cozy TV, where you're going to get all the lore of Marvel and all the characters that you love each and every week.

Cozy Snap:

Absolute crazy wild episode of the snapchat with it with camera issues and more but we got it all done guys And hopefully you enjoyed today's episode. We have a huge episode coming. Is this our 103 right now? Is this 103? Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

I think so

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

maybe no 102 last week.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, so we got two more I think we have two more to the big two year anniversary. We got a lot of crazy stuff for that So look out for it have a good one. Have a great one. Till the next one. Happy snapping. I'm not wearing pants. I knew it. That's why the camera broke.

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