The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Misery: The New Toy for Destroy | Snap's 2nd Anniversary: Good, Bad ,and Ugly | Agent Venom & Scream In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 101

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 49

Will Misery be miserable or a lot of fun? What cards absolutely suck? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Agent Venom & Scream? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap. Once you are done listening, check out Cozy's new YouTube channel, CozyTV at

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys and welcome back. We have a new card this week in Misery. Is she miserable? Do we even need her or is she going to be a lot of fun and just crazy to have? Within the game, Alex and I are going to break down our Synergy's thoughts and everything about the new card. On top of that, we're going to talk about Activate. It's been out for a while, and we're going to give our thoughts on which cards we think desperately need some changes. Getting Activate and reworking the card entirely in future OTA videos. And Patches, Alex and I have a good list for you. And lastly, Marvel Snap is turning 2! And Alex and I have a good, bad, and ugly list. Things we love, don't like, and downright hate and want to see changed within the game as we head into our veteran years of Year 3. We're gonna talk about that all today more on this episode of The Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. And Alex, gotta say, was a great week for me. I got to play Arrow and Nahn, ironically, with Scream. And overall, it was a fun card testing. In Marvel Snap, overall good season to begin here. How was your week, bud?

Alexander Coccia:

Hey, my week was great. I got to tell you Cozy, it was one of those weeks where like, we had Agent Venom, we had Scream, which I think Scream is like a whole new archetype to find in and of its own right. And so like, I got excited. We had Twitch drops. It was a lot of reasons to play Marvel Snap. So guess what, sir? I played a whole lot of Marvel Snap this week. And honestly, I had fun. I had a lot of fun brewing decks. You and I were deck builders. We, we like to brew some new things. And this week was all about that.

Cozy Snap:

Well, man, I feel like last season was more about like good cards that kind of were obvious where they fit. Whereas this season, Agent Venom. Scream a little bit less, but definitely here with today's card, Misery, you know, we're gonna have Anti Venom. All these cards seem like definitely there's gonna be some creativity coming up which could lead to it being a bad card or taking some time for us to get our full evaluation out. But you know what? I want to peel the, behind the curtain here for everybody for a second. Guys, first of all, it's a little bit late. We're recording a later, you know, so you're bound to have a fun filled episode of Alex and I, you know, a little bit off the rails. But even more so, Alex and I are video corrupted, so this is our second time filming at least the first, like, 15 to 20 minutes, which is the worst as, probably, like, a video, who cares, a podcast, is the worst, because, like, dude, the bant, everything, we just one take this, and so it's usually, you know, super, not to say this isn't going to be authentic doing it again, but it just, it sucks a little bit, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

It sucks, but you know what? I look at the bright side, I get to spend 25 more minutes with my boy Cozy, who's the busiest guy on the planet, and so you know what, it's not all that bad, man. Yeah, it kinda sucked to be honest, considering how late it is right now, as I look at the time, we still have to edit it all and stuff like that, you know what man? I'm not even gonna go to bed tonight, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna edit this, ship it, drive to work, smile on my face, be like, you know what man? We can

Cozy Snap:

sleep when we're dead. Yeah, I you know, the, the first couple weeks of new cards is, is super rough too, because I got two new cards on the channel, two new cards on the lore channel, so it's just like, I'm, I'm up in arms editing non stop and putting it together and it's just crazy. It takes a lot, man. Have you got the chance to check it all out?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, buddy, are you kidding me? I've been watching Cozy TV non stop. Those lore videos are phenomenal, and guys, I'm not just saying this to be nice to Cozy, I'm unbelievably impressed with the quality of the work that you're doing there, and that, I mean, listen, I already know the quality of the work that you can do, but somehow, you push it that much further, and I know how hard it is to put together that work, I know how much effort it is to put in the research, Put in the time and of course, put in the skill to edit it the way you do. And man, I just simply don't know how you do it because you're already doing so much and somehow now you have this second channel producing incredible content that by the way, my wife and I have been watching in the evenings because it's, it's just so informative and fun. So yeah, dude, kudos to you. I think you're doing a remarkable job on CozyTV.

Cozy Snap:

Goodness, dude, that was that, that, that was the, you could have paid for that kind of compliment. So I appreciate that, man. Yeah, it's fun. It definitely. Snap's kind of the same old thing each week, and that's why I try to do, like, Different fun infomercials and stuff. Like, I can't just sit and do the same thing, and so this is, like, really reinvigorates my, my passion for putting stuff together. And I know these characters, but in, like, Age of Venom and his sense, like, there's just so much more about the characters and, like, freakin he was with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Like, I didn't know some of these sub stories, so it's really cool to do the full research. Takes a little a little by, I mean, a lot of time, but ton of fun, man. Ton of fun. But, Alex, you know what we're talkin about over here? It's gonna be just crazy with the second anniversary of Marvel Snap. The good, bad, ugly. And then, of course, the cards we want to see activate. Misery, what are we talking about over on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing both Scream and Agent Venom, giving our thoughts, our reviews, and our take on the statistics in their first week of release. We'll also be talking about cards that just suck. There are some cards in Marvel Snap that have somehow dodged getting buffed. We're going to talk about them and plead for some love for these beloved cards, and quite frankly, some of these hated cards, because they suck so bad. And then finally, of course, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, Alex, let's just dive right into it, because it's our second time, but for those that don't know, it's a 4 cost, 7 power card, and Misery has an on reveal that she'll repeat the on reveal abilities in the lane that you play her, of your other cards here, and then you will destroy them, and we're gonna kinda bring this conversation into armor, because that's gonna counteract that a little bit, but before that, gotta ask Alex here, Alex. Alex. You know, last week I believe you gave it a 4, 4 star? 4. 5? No, you gave it a 4 star, I gave it a 2. 5 in that range. And I want to start out with, is it going to hold? Do you think it's going to be a 4 star?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you know what? I've been really kind of thinking about it, and I still think I'm going to hold at 4 stars. The reason for this, and like, I'm not, this is not an enthusiastic four stars, this is like a hopeful four stars,

Cozy Snap:

like I

Alexander Coccia:

don't like saying that the halves, right, like I could see this being close to a two and a half or three card, but what I'm hopeful for and what I think will ultimately happen is I think that there's going to be a deck or two that really accelerate this cards capabilities in the meta. I can see this card, it doesn't have the wide applicable appeal of like a Hope Summers or some other cards like that. Right. What it does is very, very, very niche. However, sometimes it's those very niche cards that excel in Snap. Maybe in just one deck, maybe just in a second deck, but what I'm hoping for with Misery is some excellent deck building and then a unique approach to destroy in particular, which I think might be really fascinating for this card moving forward.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for me, the reason I gave it a 2 or 2. 5 is just because I don't know if we need the card. I respect that this is, again, one of those cards we're going to have to play to see. Truly, this one will kind of encourage unique deck building, and I think every creator and person is going to go, A little bit of a different route. I know me and Alex have a lot of synergy to talk about. And there's safe options, and then there's like, some zesty, crazy options, and I think the safer stuff could actually be pretty beneficial, and I'm excited to see if that does work. I just don't know, like, if we need that, and ultimately, like, we don't have her now, and I think the decks that she will go in are already performing at a good level, but we will see. She does create something unique with Destroy, so I think that's, you know, where we should start, but before we dive into Destroy, Destroy. Let's talk about armor. So this is the first one we got to bring up, the ultimate synergy card per se, because armor obviously destroys nothing. She causes armor causes no cards to be destroyed. And so we do know from what everything reads that that then makes Misery kind of a mini Odin.

Alexander Coccia:

It does. And the thing about armor as well, which I think often gets forgotten about. This card is often seen as a defensive card, but it also doubles as an offensive card as well. So if you're against like a Phoenix force player, you got an armor to deal with that. You can counteract the Black Panther, Zola shenanigans, Destroy hates it obviously, right? It also gives a lot of opportunities to reach into locations in the last second, nothing's better than Desto main armor on turn six or whatever, right? So I do think that armor is a lot more flexible than people give it credit for. So it makes it like a pretty nice inclusion in a lot of these decks, especially when you're taking that four cost Odin approach.

Cozy Snap:

Which, you know, I mean, who knows how the interaction would work, but I mean, you could theoretically go armor into a white deck. Tiger, Misery, Odin, kind of weird thing you'd have to have, you know, you're going to see and hear about some playlines today that are kind of all over the place. And so let's start more grounded. But yes, armor, if anything, is super flexible. And so definitely I see there being some potential there with maybe the Thor decks and whatnot to repeat the hammers, keep things safe. We'll have to see. But let's start more grounded and it's going to begin with Destroy. And Alex, what do you, what do you think in here with Misery and the Destroy archetypes?

Alexander Coccia:

So, if I could, I want to focus not only on Destroy, because we're going to be destroying stuff, but I think there's going to be a marriage between Destroy and Mill together, which I think is going to be particularly fascinating, because if you think about it, Yondu is destroying, but it's milling, right, Gladiator is destroying, but it's milling, and I think that if you start to add these two things together, especially with something like a Misery that you can play on Curve, you get this really interesting package that starts to really disrupt your opponent, and get some favourable effects out of it, while also building towards a Knull that you can use as a closer later on. I also had an initial design where I was trying to run, like Lady Deathstrike in these decks, as a very interesting tech option, to again, feed into the Knull, but also counteract some of the power that your opponent might be playing out on turn 1, 2, and 3, because for you, The challenge with Misery is like, you wipe out that Gladiator's 3A power, right? And if you're not going to play the Null afterwards, then you've essentially negated that play. But with LDS, you might be able to even the board state up a little bit. But, again, we're still cooking. I'm just thinking that there is potential for this, this hybrid Destroy Mill archetype to come out from Misery.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and it's gonna have to, whatever it is, it's gonna have to be like, dependable and stable, right? Like, we've seen these things that if you do all these things right, it works, but people end up like, they, I'd just rather play Shuri or Hela, right? Like, that's what they end up with, and, and so if this is something that we could repeat and make it a bit more dependable, I think there is a home there. I mean, look, when Knull came out, it had this, like, Lockjaw deck, that you'd use Yondu as a token, and then you could, like, destroy more and more stuff, and then you have Knull, and then maybe even Arnim Zola there. The big thing though with all this is I kind of missed like I think they changed Yondu and they made him when Baron Zemo came out and I all my notes are a lot of them are about Mill as well. I think Mill And or cards that you just don't care if they get destroyed, right? Like, if the cards get destroyed, no big deal. You still get the effect. Yondu destroying the lowest card, it just, it's the least cost card. It just doesn't feel the same. I'd almost rather the random effect and have this card work with Misery and kind of back with Destroy again and the whole Knull package. Then, what they kind of aimed to do when it came out and rechanged with Baron Zemo. But yeah, I mean, if we look at the other 1 cost cards, dude, right off the bat, I mean, look at Hood. Fantastic option. It was your card of the month not long ago. Agent Venom already loves this card. I think Misery will love this one. To counteract Klogg a bit, but also work with it, something like Hood, great example. And Iceman, dude, I mean, Iceman is the ultimate card that you could give a rip if this thing dies, and then you're hitting them twice, who cares about the power? You're decimating the hand, and that's where I think Misery's gonna work. You don't really need to worry about big power because of the effects that you're causing is gonna be half the battle.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and Iceman's one of those cards where I know we've identified in the past that, like, it's probably a lot better than you feel or think it is. Because we're used to these, like, really invasive effects. Like, you see the Spider Ham hit the card. You're like, ah, got there, Dr. Doom, gets, you know, get after whatever. And then, you know, you play, you know, Yondu, you see what you destroy. With Iceman, you don't see what you hit. And so what ends up happening is like, you don't get that, that same like dopamine rush that you get with the other cards. And so they could have something like a Sarah in their hand. That's now useless because of Iceman and they never play it. And in your head, you're like, Oh, I guess they never drew their Sarah. Poor surfer player. Meanwhile, it's sitting in their hand and they're miserable because of your Iceman and you just don't realize it. Proc that twice. It's potentially going to do a lot of damage, especially considering how synergistic and tight a lot of the decks have become in Snap.

Cozy Snap:

For sure, and if you think about some of these playlines with, let's take Mill for the first example, you've got Iceman into, or even Yondu, one of the two, right? You draw, I would say, let's say Yondu, into Cable, into, at that point on three, I mean, kind of pick your litter. I would say Baron Zemo would be cool. I'm pretty sure the cards are all going to activate before they destroy, so the space is a little wonky. But even if you just play one and then Baron Zemo, Theoretically, you're going to be able to do some crazy actions of being able to destroy, get rid of those. Yes, you only have 7 power in the lane, but what you've done at that point is really set up a, you know, a Black Bolt stature deck, or those mill decks that don't need all the power because of what they've done, you know, to the player's hand.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's no question, right? And there's a lot of cards like that, that, honestly, like, you put down, and you crave the effect, not necessarily the power. And I think a good example of this is gonna be the Darkhawk style decks, right? And, because, like, with, when you think about, like, those decks, right? What are, what are your opening lines 1 through 4, right? Korg, White Widow. Rockside or Black Widow, right? That's your, you know, your three play. And then you play Misery on four. Yes, you're giving up power, you're giving up approximately seven power, right? Because you're destroying those cards. But Misery is going to be reapplying that seven power out. So in some ways, you're getting, like, this Grandmaster Odin effect. I mean, it's a really cool effect where you're doubling the, the the on reveals of these high impact cards, which then make your Darkhawk larger, your Mystique larger later on, and you essentially replace the power. So it's like a 4 0 Odin, basically.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and it works. I mean, I I think I said, and I'm jumbling up what we said the first time around. We're almost actually where we were at, which is nice. But yeah, like Korg into White Widow into Rock Slide, destroying all those at that point. Who cares if you have seven power? You would then have two Widow Kisses, negative potentially eight, or they had to fill that up early. Yeah. And by that time, the amount of rocks, I mean, essentially, it's the Wong and playing the Korg. It's like if you see Kamar Taj, you're like, oh man, they're ruined, right? And so, it's not, you know, the exact same effect, you're having to spend energy, but Really amp up the Darkhawk into Mystique or just win one of the other lanes and you're looking pretty good. So I think actually this is going to be the route that you know, I'll go that's a bit more dependable, that or Mill. Places that I kind of played Grandmaster when he came out. My favorite Darkhawk is the Widow Sisters one and so I love that. But on top of that, man, I also think, we'll see, you know, Thanos Destroy, I think has some real potential with Misery, because you've got the stones, right? You got the stones, and people might think, well, you don't want to destroy the ongoing stones. Well, if we're reading everything correctly, She's not going to get rid of the ongoing stones. So you're going to be able to reactivate all of these draw cards, which is freaking awesome. And then this should in theory work with all the other destroy stuff going on. And this could be the ultimate kind of Knoll deck that we'd be looking at.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. The cool thing is, is like you would be drawing more cards. Clearing up space on your board. Some of them are on reveal draw card and have ongoings at the same time, so I think some of them will get killed. I think the one that doesn't is the Power Stone, I think, does ultimately survive. Which is

Cozy Snap:

the one you want, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, which is probably the one you want, because the other ones just need to be played down, right? So it doesn't matter that they're not on the board necessarily. Although the the ongoing effects of that Effect of the space stone can be useful from time to time, but then you just don't destroy it. Then. Like you're just like, oh, I need the space stone. There's a, you know, a sanc, tomo, whatever. Just don't destroy that one. Like, kind of have some self-control, some restraint, dammit, But I do think that the idea of like drawing through your deck more effectively with misery could definitely be a, a great play.'cause there's often been, like I, you had originally like this Thanos destroy style deck. I remember it was absolutely amazing and I think that this might be a good inclusion in that

Cozy Snap:

it was fun and I'm one of the things that was the most surprising people, these. See, Thanos, like, okay, they're going the Zuu route, and it's like, no, not today. And, I mean, we just talked about so many of these other cards can kind of fit there, and one card that can fit in Thanos that used to be in all the Thanos builds, if you do remember, and where I think a lot of where we're going to see the creators or players go is kind of a ramp, right? And so, you know, Let's talk about it. I mean, one of the two drops that I think just perfectly work in here is Psylocke. Very interesting how you could place Psylocke down on two, then Misery, and then get another bonus and kind of work off that a little bit. But even more so, I think a lot of people are kind of looking at this new way to play Wiccan, if you will, and that is going to be with Electro, and destroying Electro, and then having In my experience, we've tried things with Electro before with a bunch of, you know, there's been a bunch of Electro plays that we've tried in the past. Will this be one that works? Is this kind of a gimmick? We'll have to see.

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting because with the with the Electro, you're basically getting that Wiccan style effect because you're getting plus two energy. Meaning you can play a six powered card relatively fast, right? The only challenge, though, you Is that I think that this line must have been good, which resulted in the change to the card going from a 5 to a 4. Because it was a 5 10 power card prior, and it was essentially the same line. You play Electro, you play Misery. It's now the same line except Misery's a 4 cost, which opens it up in other decks, but you got a negative 3 power stat line there. Because you're basically going from 10 to 7. With the same general play line. So to some degree, like I, I definitely see where it's at. Cause of that double on reveal of the max energy, but it almost feels sometimes wasteful to have an electro and then play a four drop after. It's the same reason why having a lecture with iron lad always felt bad. Despite the fact that you often had Dr. Duman Odin in the deck, regardless. It does give you a secondary playline. Cause you don't always have an effective play you know, and that's why the Jubilees were often in those decks as well, so. I, it definitely has potential, there's no question.

Cozy Snap:

Listen, we started off grounded, now we're gonna go a little bit more crazy. You might need Electro for this playline, or Limbo, maybe Wave, but hear me out. You could just kinda play it in theory. I know Binx used to do this with Odin, but I was thinking, because of those old plays, it made me kinda craft something. What if you go with a Viper down on three? So you just play a Viper like you usually would. Like, you could even, you know, throw the hood over, whatever you want to do with it. You get Viper down, then you play down Destroyer, who doesn't know, he no longer gets rid of the cards in his lane, so Viper's gonna stay there, you play down the Destroyer, then you play down Misery, and why I think this could work is that she's not done resolving yet, so you're gonna have the Viper push over, I believe, the Destroyer, because the, the Misery's still doing her thing, I mean And then the Destroyer will then activate, killing their whole side of the board, and then you're gonna have Misery eat up the you know, the remains, and so only have seven in that lane. But you should then destroy everything else on their side, right?

Alexander Coccia:

In theory, yeah. I mean, everything other than the Destroyer location, right? Obviously best if you throw initiative, let them play down everything first. First, then pull this combo off. This sounds like one of those combos that like you work so hard at for like seven hours for that one clip. You know what I mean? This is not like, I'm going to take this to infinite style combo. But if you're, if you're going to like jump on the Cope train and then like try to do something really fascinating, then a hundred percent. Cozy. I look forward to that short.

Cozy Snap:

God, it's gonna take so long. I don't ever do shorts, and I'm probably gonna do one just for that and the 10 hours it takes to do it, or it's easy, I don't know, maybe it's just a hand draw, but yeah, man, I'm interested to see Misery as a baby Odin, I mean, even have cards like Forge, Scorpion, I mean Toxic Dex, Hazmat, you can utilize her as this kind of baby Odin but also, again, yeah, Clog with Debris and, you know, a number of other cards that kind of fit that role. And so, we'll have to see. Phoenix 4, I mean, dude, there's, that's the cool thing about Misery. The world is, is her oyster when it comes to deck building, which I find enjoyable because we don't have, like, the, let's just plug her into this deck, day one.

Alexander Coccia:

No, no kidding. And there's a bunch of cards that, like, might benefit. Like, I don't know, man, I, I'm reaching a bit, but, like, you could think that, like, Ronin, you got Master Moulds and stuff, like, you really care that Master Moulds on the field of play? No, not really. You can Master Mould, then you can do something like a Crystal, and then you put Misery on top, and then the Master Mould will re proc and then fill their hand, because now that's four Sentinels. Likely meaning that the Crystal means nothing to them. because they're not able to draw and you're getting an additional draw through your deck to maybe pull that that Ronin, pull that Mystique, so there could be some interesting lines here and it's going to take a lot of testing.

Cozy Snap:

Which deck do you think is going to give it the four star status? Like, do you think it's the Mill? Do you think it's Destroy, ultimately? Or do you just think one of them at some point?

Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, I don't know. It's one of those things where like like I'd love to have the answer, but I actually don't know. I think the deck building with this card is kind of unique enough that I'd like to see where it goes. I think that Darkhawk has a pretty good chance because of the the power that lies in those replicated effects in Korg, White Widow, Rock Slide, and Black Widow. But, I mean, there could be a lot of surprises as well. But however, it wouldn't surprise me if some combination of mill, destroy, and null kind of made a big impact here. Especially considering that you could do a line where you do some milling and do some disrupting with the undo and et cetera, and then you do play the electro and then it allows you to play a Null on five and a Zola on six with that extra energy. Right? So there's so many different lines. I wouldn't be surprised if null would be a core component of the best decks within the first couple of weeks.

Cozy Snap:

I'm excited if there's truly, like, this kinda, like, kill everything, get Knull big, but then get another lane, keep it big with Venom, or keep them on their toes with an Arnim Zola, like, if that works sign me up. Now, we gotta talk about it. Let's, let's quickly talk about what I'm sure everybody This is the main deciding factor, I think, for most people in if they should get Misery, especially if you don't have these cards. It's Nomura and it's War Machine, the spotlights of the week, buddy. I mean, these are both sensational cards. I think War Machine is virtually, I want to say, nerf proof because he just got hit. Still a great card. You can play Infinite on 6. That still takes me by surprise. But also, Nomura, One of my most played cards over the last couple of months, that holds incredible value over time, and again, you're now getting two new cards, and a new way to play if you get Nomura and Misery.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I agree absolutely, and the thing with Nomura is like, the meta is kind of really rough for Nomura right now, and I kind of would expect Clog to be a target for patches and OTAs moving forward, because the same reason why they go after Galactus, and why they go after cards that are just not fun to play against, Clog is not fun to play against, right? It's the reason why they were very quick to nerf Sentry style plays, because even that was a lot more you know, kind of, like, you were able to figure that play out in advance, whereas now, with, like, what's going on with Junk? You just, you just die. You're like, oh, look, they debrised me, and then, oh, they're gonna play Misery on Debris. I guess, like, don't play the game anymore on turn four. You know what I mean? It's like, So, Nomura's coming to a tough spot. But I love the card and it's power puts incredible. And I think you need it in your collection. And as you said before, I think it's the correct call to say that war machine is probably, I wouldn't say immune to getting nerfed again, but I don't think the answer to those control machine style decks is let's take another power off war machine. Yeah. They're not going to do that. They're going to attack something else. They're going to go after Legion. They're going to go after some other play. Maybe, do they change Storm? Probably not, but it's probably Legion. I know people hate that I'm saying this. I think it's Legion that'll get attacked next if that play line is still too restrictive. However, yeah, I think you want them in your in your collections for sure. War Machine that Buffett received to move to an ongoing has truly made it a standout card.

Cozy Snap:

So Misery 4 7, we'll have to see. Two star, four star. Alex and I. One of us will be right, one will be wrong, and honestly, it's probably both of us being wrong. It'll probably be middle of the pack three, right? Yeah, I know. But anyway, man, let's go ahead and take that and move into our next subject. And one that I think we have a better grasp to talk about, I think we kind of gave a wishlist a while back, but we didn't really know about Activate all that much, and now that we have a good grasp on how it works, Listen, I for one was definitely disappointed with the latest OTA and just kind of like, we hit activate season, we then go into a season with no activate, and I think activate, saying that word a lot, but I think it was a very good thing for Marvel Snap. I actually love the mechanic itself. So Alex and I are going to kind of give you guys a list of cards that we see having strong potential in getting Activate or ones that we want to get the new mechanic.

Alexander Coccia:

So I'd like to start off with a card that I think would be a really good candidate for Activate and a little interesting as a buff. Is it crazy to think that Baron Zemo, Could be changed to activate. And the reason why I say that is because imagine you're against a Hela player, right? And you're going into turn five or whatever. You're like, when do I think I can take Hela out of their deck? Or when do you think you could try, you play the Yondi, you play stuff, whatever, and you're like, Hmm. Can I kind of, you know, wait to do the activate to try to hit a higher value target as opposed to just taking whatever garbage is in their deck on turn three, or can I wait a little longer and see if I can get something better? I don't think it makes the card inherently better, but I do think that it gives it a little more pliability.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and so if you think about it too, like, if you ever think about the negative side of Activate, it's that you can't play it on the turn. So, like, yes, there are games where you play Baron Zemo on turn six, and, and, you know, people are going to be like, Wait, that's what I do, and you're going to take that away. But yeah, that's, with my list, I kind of did the same thing. Like, Looking at it, would you, you would, you'll lose some stuff not being able to activate on the turn, but would you rather hold on to it and does that give you a better, I kind of love that you started here because for me, I was thinking Master Mold barely, I was like, you know, and think about it, if they didn't play any cards, Master Mold is like the perfect card to play on too because you fill up their hand, but I'm like, but wouldn't you rat, would you rather Hold on to this effect and then use it when it's to your most, you know, advantageous position, which could just be turn three. But this was one of those where I'm like, I like the idea of just like sending everything when you want to and Baron Zemo, those all kind of work in the same realm.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like I wanted to start with a head scratcher. I got a bunch of other ones too that I think are much more natural ones. With Baron Zemo, I want to start with that discussion of like, is having some control? With the effect more valuable. We saw it with Hellcow, like Hellcow having the control was everything, right? So if you're playing a deck where you're milling, and you use, you didn't draw Yondu yet, and you play the Zemo, and then turn 4, you're like, oh, I drew into Yondu, I can play my Gladiator Yondu combo. Right? And then you basically blow up two cards from their deck and you're like, Oh, wait, there must be something good. Now there must be something in that deck. Cause you got your deck tracker, you know, what's up. And you're like, Oh, I might, I might hit their doomers or something. And then you activate it. I just think it'd be interesting. Another card that I think is gonna get a hundred percent. I'm not, I don't say a hundred percent cause I'm gonna be wrong. I'm just kind of cursing it now. Cozy. It's coming up in the spotlight. Cash super giant.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I got that on my list. It has to

Alexander Coccia:

be one of the ones being considered, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so it's, I, I, I feel like, I love that you brought up Baron, because I have Like, 10 names on here? And I didn't have it. I'm like, yeah, nice. Yeah, Supergiant on the list, because I feel like we both feel the same sentiment. I mean, I play this card, and even though I play it, it's the 13th card. The 13th card. It makes it terrible. It's the 12th card in 12 cards in the deck, right? Like, it just is always the one that needs to be cut. It's not the one that needs to be there. And so, Supergiant, and keep in mind, guys, all these, this is A, what we want to see, but B, the stats, we're not adjusting in our head. We'll let Second Dinner adjust that. This is more for the activatability. Like, it's just an awkward card to have, and I wonder, if you give it activate, could you then make it a three cost, maybe? And like, you know, allow you to have it down a turn earlier, and then give you the agency of when to play it. I think it's pretty cool. And then you would have, effectively, two turns, turn four, or, you know, you'd have a couple turns to mess with, rather than, you know, it being just One time, played on four, stopped their five, you know, it's just kind of awkward. It only does one thing and you have to perfectly draw it too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, imagine it was like a 1 2 and your opponent never knows when you're going to activate it. Could this be like, oh, you're about to play down, you know, something and you just don't know if they're going to make it to the next turn. My turn three is going to be the Supergiant turn, or turn four is going to be my Supergiant turn, which could be really cool, because let's say you're against a Destroy player, a Phoenix Force player, right? And you have your Supergiant down, and it's turn four, you're like, I'm going to activate Supergiant on turn three, so if they play a Phoenix Force on four, it doesn't actually do anything. It doesn't bring their card back, right? That could be particularly interesting.

Cozy Snap:

And same discussion goes for, man, because I have a good list, but I'm actually excited, like I hope some of these get hit on this list. Same goes for Daredevil. I was thinking about Daredevil, and I'm like, dude, I would love to see where the opponent's like, when can they see the turn that I'm gonna play? Is it on turn six, turn five, turn four? Man, I feel like Daredevil, maybe his stat could go down even, maybe he's just a 2 1, make him even worse in the stat department, and he's all about the ability, strong ability, but man, like, what if I need to see what you're doing on turn four? Like, I've got the Galactus with my wave, and I need to be able to predict that earlier. Like, turn 5 has always felt like a, it's a very important turn, don't get me wrong, and it does work, but we don't see Daredevil. He's not in play anymore. In fact, the only time I see Daredevil is a bot, right? Like, that's the only time you typically see Daredevil. This could breathe life back into the card, and this is just, like, let's just test it, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is, but it's obvious in how good it would be, but what might obvious be too is like, you might actually hate it, because you're like, bro, like, this is activated, this is ridiculous, like, it's one of those things where like, you think about how much you'd want to play a card like this, and then when it gets played against you, you're like, Who tested this? Who let this through? You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Agreed, especially on like turn six. I feel like though, like with like Howard the Duck, right? It's like, yeah, we've seen these like gadget cards and like they can give you aid, but you typically don't replace a card in your deck because that's just valuable space, right? And so like, would it end up, you know, getting that spot? Probably. It's pretty good. And again, we're not going to be, you know, balancing here. These are just cards that don't get love, need love, need to be played more. So I had Daredevil on the list. Some interesting a couple others just to throw you away. I thought this one was kind of interesting, is we saw this with Haukal. I think Gambit is almost just a no brainer. Make his stats worse, sure, but I think this is the ultimate why not.

Alexander Coccia:

I can see that definitely being a good call. Because the thing about Gambit is that, like, there's two ways you can approach, like, what Gambit does. One is, you play them early, you have a better shot of hitting what you think you want to hit. Right? Oh, they played Patriot. They only have another card down. Maybe I 50 50 this Patriot. I think that ends the game, right? Or, you think to yourself, oh, they got that Red Hulk. If I play Gambit on turn six, I throw initiative. Maybe I'll hit that Red Hulk and negate that turn six play. Later turn, bigger bodies, right? So I do like this call on Activate here, because Gambit's a little weird. He's a little tricky to play. He's still a random discard effect, right? He's not like, you know, everyone else is getting these targeted. Even Swordmaster, with Scorn coming out, has a effect that's targeted. Gambit is still rando as it comes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, so I think this is definitely like, I think most discard cards are options that we would be fine with Activate. But yeah, Gambit towards the top of my list. What else you got for me?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I I have a really interesting one. I would like to talk about Spider Woman. I do think that, like, on Turn 5, she can have a definite impact, especially in the meta right now. I just feel like she's being outclassed. And that with Activate, you could set her up, and then junk more, or do something else, and then suddenly, she's outclassed. Take advantage of that, activate it on turn six, right? Delaying it that extra turn could potentially make her effect all that much more powerful.

Cozy Snap:

I was thinking too, she's a 5 8, I was like, man, make her a 4 cost almost. Like, I'm trying to think of like, where to put her, because I would love a couple turns of like, when to decide to use that effect. But I agree, man, like, this is what I'm talking about with these on reveals that they don't need to be on reveal, and it would almost be better to have the agency. Not sure if the cost needs to change on her because she's just not played man. She's played very rarely We're in like the best meta that could ever be for her and we're still you just don't see her The and this is a great card to give to newer players with activate to get them accustomed to how to play it I think you get this like amongst some of the first cards in the game. So dude, I had that as a man I thought that was like my sleeper pick that No one would think about so glad that you thought this one man that definitely a good a good choice You Did you think about Rescue? I was thinking about Rescue too, another card nobody plays. And it's like, if you play a card at this location next turn, plus 5 power Horrible because your opponent knows exactly when but I'm like and they still would but if they but if you activate you just have More agency behind it. So again, these could you know need cost change power change, but again, no one plays here This could definitely booster

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the thing about activate is that like it almost becomes a nerf if the cards of five cost or something like that So even with the spider one, I'm glad you identified you're like, hey, if this is a five cost Five cost to activate, that still might actually be bad. Like you probably have to make some sort of adjustment to the effect or the cost to give you more agency as to when through the game that you actually play it. So I think that activate disproportionately does benefit the more inexpensive cards. With Rescue, Rescue was not on my list. I kind of forgot this card existed. So thank you for reminding me that Rescue's in the game.

Cozy Snap:

What other, I have some other low costs on here. You got one you want to bring up?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I got two more that I really want to talk about, but in particular with the low cost, I think that Zero is a great a great one for for Activate, because if you think about it, there's going to be often times where you play Zero, and you're like, oh, I don't want to get rid of my White Widow, my Zero was for my Lizard, or my Zero was for, you know Typhoid Mary, or Red Skull, or whatever, right? I think that changing this to an Activate doesn't necessarily break the meta, especially since the Red Skull Shuri style decks, Basically got killed, especially when you consider the Taskmaster was moved to a six cost, which really negated that that turn six play where you play, you know Shuri Red Skull into a Taskmaster and Ebony Maw, because you've played the Sauron, right? So I do think that there's some room to play with Zero, because I think that much like our more, our more aforementioned Card Rescue that I forgot existed, there might be some people that forgot Zero existed as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I kind of missed that from the early year of Snap, right? You know, the Zero nuke deck and, and. That would definitely give the card a lot more, and again, the, the Lower cost there, the better it would be as an activated card, because the more turn that you have to kind of hang on to it. Yeah, it would get rid of your turn six, you know, zero into Red Skull play, as would a lot of these turn six plays, but I think ultimately it would be a better card on a net gain. And that's where I want to look at some of these other ones, and we're going to stick with one cost. First of all, this one's a no brainer. Like, this one's like, how did this not get rolled out right away? Bro, I think Selene, where the hell is this card that I never play? I feel like Selene is just an obvious, I can't even find it. Where is this card? Do you see it?

Alexander Coccia:

There it is. I don't see it either. I can't remember it's style line. It's a 1

Cozy Snap:

2. Selene to me is the most obvious card for Activate, because who wants, Like, I, I, you'd never play in this on turn six anyway. Like, this is one of the most obvious, wait till you get a goblin in hand, then you activate it. And then, like, all of a sudden you have this card that works with the kind of war goblins deck that we've seen. Like, I would love Selene to be on the top of the list card I'd ever play as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Selene has been, I think, a disappointing card. This was a card that I actually played unironically quite a bit, but you had to go all in on the Goblins. Like, you couldn't just play Green Goblin. You had to play both. You had to have the hood. You had to be committed to Annihilus. If you wanted to play Selene as a one drop, you You had to commit across the board to like trying to make Selene work. You had to have all the, I mean, you didn't have to, but you could even do the electro kickover thing, right? There was so many plays, but Selene was just so awkward in and of itself. Cause you're like, Oh, look, Selene hit whatever it hit on their side, but also just messed up my play. Cause for some reason I didn't draw anything. I want to get hit. Right. And I think that as a one cost having Selene as an active, it would be an absolute win for a card that honestly, he's literally zero play.

Cozy Snap:

So, same vein, same exact kind of thing. One cost, no play, turn six, you're not going to play her. America Chavez? I don't know. I don't know how big of a gain this would end up being for the card, but if you think about it, it's like, it'll give you more time to draw into your deck and see what's left. You're not going to play this on six. Let's face it, unless you're like in the all in boosting deck, you're not playing her either. This could be another one.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, so what you really want is a Howard the Duck buff. So you play Howard the Duck,

Cozy Snap:

you play

Alexander Coccia:

Chavez, right? You know, what's going to get hit. And then you time it up or, Oh, what about this? Activate America Chavez, but you activate it in your collection. You activate her in your collection. She becomes a six, nine. That doesn't get drawn until turn six.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, how'd you come up with this? I'm just

Alexander Coccia:

a genius,

Cozy Snap:

bud. But again, all these one cost cards could actually, in theory, get it. Why not? This is what I want to see with the OTA. This is what I want to see them try out and test. I've got like two more, man. You got anything else to wrap it up?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I got one more that I really want to talk about. Okay. So I hope Second Dinner's listening. Cause this one is when I talk about a spicy meatball, this one is as spicy as it gets. This is a meatball that's been dipped in sriracha sauce. That is so spicy. I am hungry now. Hear me out. Okay. This is going to sound crazy, but hear me out. Havoc. Except every time you activate him. He gains 4 power and takes 1 energy off. So you can control it! You can say, activate, and then he goes up by 4, takes an energy off. Then you skip a turn. You get your energy. And then the next turn, you activate and drop an energy again. You can keep activating him, and he'll keep gaining power and keep siphoning energy. Boom!

Cozy Snap:

A man's cookin A man is cookin I like that, actually. That's like But again, it's like bringing use to a car that's so limited in play. I like it, dude. I, hey, Glenn? Glenn, we know you're listening. Make it happen. That and the Scarlet Witch one that we talked about not long ago. I'll end with a couple unreveals that I don't know if they needed. I just wanted to kind of stir up the discussion. Played this car more than I have in the last few months, this week, I thought Spider Man's kind of fun, because if you think about it, you have Spider Man down, and it's like, your opponent has to think like, are they gonna do it, are they not, you know, this, you can wait for that to benefit, you know, how many times you, like, not get Kraven, or Kingpin, or whatever, on your curve, or scream, this, now you can play this down, and worry about it later, you can get that Knull out, I, this, to me, would bring Spider Man back, in a unique way.

Alexander Coccia:

It would be so ingenious too, while you're saying this, I don't know exactly what the word is, but I think if they change it to an activate, instead of Spider Man saying whatever he says, I don't know the word, but you know in Civil War, when Iron Man yells the word, does he yell like Dunkaroos or something? I don't know what the word is, and then Spider Man comes, it'd be so cool if you activate, and then when it happens, it's the Iron Man yelling that word, and then Spider Man does his thing, just as a shout back to Civil War.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, yeah, when he's like oh, I forgot what he says too, like spider ruse or whatever. Yeah, and then he like jumps on it. Is it spider ruse? I don't like that. I don't remember. Dunk ruse is that, dude, I'm so hungry You have the spicy meatballs, now this. I'm like, I'm not gonna, I'm gonna die over here. Last couple of these are not near as good as Spider Man is Hitmonkey, I thought was interesting. I feel like Hitmonkey has always been this weird kind of like, is he gonna work in these decks place? This, to me, it's like, kind of like Black Swan, where you could just play him down on three, not worry about it, and then, you know, get a, get something going later. Probably would break him. I just think it's an interesting change. And then lastly, Alex, Ironheart. Now, they even brought this up in the blog post. They're like, for example, this is how Ironheart would work if she had Activate. We don't plan on giving it to her. You would get rid I get it. I get what you would get rid of. Okay, all the fu But ultimately, this would probably just be better for the card, I think, but also not even that good. I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you play it because you can play it on curve, right? There are times I like I have nothing else to do so I'll play Ironheart on turn three with the hope of like, Oh, I play Wong on top and then I white tiger Odin or something like that, right? You're still play there. But yeah, Ironheart could definitely be a nice addition to that because you can set up your board nicely, activate it, get the buff, so I agree.

Cozy Snap:

And guys, for everyone that wanted us to say Zabu, yes. Yes, we've talked about Zabu before. We kind of skipped over it this time. This is the clear cut. I think they said they're not going to do it. It's too good. Four costs took a hit across the board ever since Zabu went down, and they need to do something because this ain't This is not cutting it outside of a couple niche decks. But that was fun, man. There was a lot more you know, that we could talk about. A lot more than I thought we would have talked about, so I'm glad that we brought that up. Second dinner, make it happen. Let's go ahead and talk about Marvel Snap's second anniversary. It's been two years since the launch of the game. The good, the bad, the ugly. Alex and I are gonna kinda point out what we like right now, what we don't like, what we hate. So Alex, let me know, man. Let's start, as always, with the good, and then we'll talk about bad, ugly. Let's start with the good. This is where we're gonna get our praises out for the game. What did we like over the course of the two years, or over year two, if you will, in Marvel Snap? And I'll go ahead and hand it to you first.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I got to tell you, one of the things I've liked the most, and this is like, kind of, it's a really good thing, I'm glad they're doing this, monthly music and loading screens. It is such a nice, small touch that I think adds a lot to the flavor of the game. And it actually makes me wonder about what else they could be doing, which takes me a little bit to our ugly side. We'll we'll be a call back for later, but the good, honestly, is that like, I love that stuff. We should be doing more of that stuff, more monthly type of kind of things with the music and the loading screens and the themes. I love that, I'm glad they're at least experimenting with that.

Cozy Snap:

I like it, I like the little things for sure, and as far as a big thing, and I think this is probably the biggest thing that I can point out that Marvel Snap does well, it doesn't feel like maybe right this second for some people, but overall, meta balance and card balance I think is one of the best in the business. I think they do a very good job making so many things competitive, making a lot of decks playable, both, you know, new cards but also old existing decks when new cards come out and adjusting those the right way. Listen, you might have your, your, we're gonna have plenty of bad and ugly, but I think this is a good, I think that Glenn and his team, they do a good job, and I think that the balancing and the card design two separate subjects completely, so we can kind of break them up, but I think both of those are home runs when it comes to Snap in general as a card game.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question, I mean, that's on my list as well, that the the balance has been very strong in the sense that, like, the new cards, especially over the last little while, right? Like, if you forget about, like, the Loki season, they, I think they put some new, like, new policies in place, new procedures in place to try to not replicate what Loki did to the meta, right? And then what you got is new cards that often feel very impactful, but not necessarily overbearing, right? Even with something like a Madam Web, Madam Web could have been geared so completely out of control. But they were really obviously diligent in their testing, because Madam Web didn't completely destroy the meta. It did lift move and it could have been the card that if I was designing like, Hey, make this a two, four and make it just throw it. And the next thing you know, it it's completely dominating. Right. And I do think that the cards have been releasing impactful, but not overbearing. And that's a massive change over what the past was.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and like, I follow Glid on Twitter, and like, the dude just loves all card game balance design. Like, dude, I'll see him, like, putting a paragraph about how, like, Commander changed this thing, and how dare they didn't talk to the council, like, whatever, man, I don't even know, and like, I just love that, cause it just shows, like, The passions are outside of even the game he does. Like I, I love to see that in a sense. So yeah, man, card design, meta balance. It's hard to do, tough to do. They do a good job here. What else do you have in the good department?

Alexander Coccia:

I really like the release cadence. I think that what they have here is the, I think that Marvel Snap's team is clearly putting effort into making sure that Marvel Snap is continuously exciting. Anyone else that plays other card games would know that you often have these large lulls in time where like nothing feels like it's happening every week. We're getting a new card. Sometimes we're getting two new cards. You know, there's Twitch drops that often happen as like engagement events and stuff like that. Marvel Snap's trying. Like, you can tell that behind the scenes they're putting their best foot forward and trying to to keep this game alive and keep it invigorating to play on a weekly basis. And I think that's good. It takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of marketing money, too. Like, these are all things you can't necessarily take for granted, and I feel like they're doing a really good job of that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think, like, again, it's in soft launch, but from people that have played a lot of Pocket, Pokemon Pocket, You get that extreme dopamine rush out, this is great, I can buy packs, I can go crazy, and then it just fades, because once you have everything, it's like, Okay, well, okay, now what, right? And like, I've seen that, I've seen a lot of people already say that about Pocket, and you know, that was the case in Hearthstone 2, and, and other games where it's like, you get this huge high, people figure it out, then it dies. And then you, not dies, but it's, there's a lull, like you said, so they, you know, I do like the, the, the weekly cadence, now how they do card acquisition is for another subject, but that part, absolutely for me, man, you know, call it what it is, but the free cards that they're starting to do, we've only done one, now going on two, we could do a lot more of it. Gotta at least highlight it, it's a good start, playing the game, getting free stuff, that's good, I like it. We don't even know what the hell Snap Packs is, but I'm sure that's gonna be more ways to get it. If we have plenty to say on the map, I think that is a good in general and Activate. Let's not forget the newest stuff that came. I think Activate was a win. I think Activate as a, as a whole, it brings more strategy to the game and ways to rework cards and bring in new cards. I do like it.

Alexander Coccia:

Of course, and I'm glad that they took a chance with Activate not just kind of like, oh, sitting on their laurels and just releasing on, on reveal cards, this and that, and it kind of makes me excited to see what else they can do, especially with Activate, how it can kind of go back through the catalog, like we just talked about, right? There are cards that we can go back through the catalog and improve it as well, and so again, say what you want about Marvel Snap, and we're going to when we talk about the bad and the ugly, but this is a talented team, and when it comes right down to it, playing this game is fun. And it does things that other games just can't replicate. And so I'm glad that they're taking chances with things like Activate. Because for me, it is, it's a, it's reinvigorating to play something that feels fresh again.

Cozy Snap:

And speaking of fresh, I think the overall art design, polish, UI, is pretty good. Like the voice, the VFX, like again, not to bring up Pockets, he's just getting compared to you because it's the Snap killer. It's like, man, you don't know what you have until you play something else. You're like, wow, like. Animations are cool, but they're not exactly what we've gotten put into it, you know, so I do want to give kudos there and, and, and just like the, the, obviously the variants, all that, they've, they've kept up a good job with that and how the game feels, right? Obviously, we'll talk about there being lack of new gameplay, but the gameplay itself, they've done a good job just really perfecting, you know, the design of what, you know, we all love here, so unfortunately, that's kind of all I have for good. Like that, that about sums up what I have for good, because we're in year two. So let's move on to BAD. These are the middle points. Ugly is the worst point. So BAD, I'll kick it to you first.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright for BAD I'm gonna say that the the intro to Deadpool's Diner. I think the reception of Deadpool's Diner, the way that they approached that whole thing was BAD. They needed to really consider how they should have marketed the way that like, You can get a free card and this is how you do it, and I hope that they took lessons. From the way Deadpool diner was implemented and are now applying it to their high voltage mode. Cause if I see that, then honestly it's water under the bridge. But if high voltage mode comes out and it's the same and you're like, bro, like they obviously learned nothing from what happened in Deadpool's diner. Then that is a problem. I don't think that's going to happen because I think that they were like, yo, Deadpool diner, we put a lot of effort in that and look what happened day one. Everyone was pissed, right? It's like, you know what I mean? So I do hope that you know, it, it's an informed lesson. But I hope, as a bad lesson, Deadpool's Diner initial launch was very unfortunate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, as someone who used to work in marketing, it was tough to see. I'm like, man, there's so many different things I would have said, you know, on IGN's Well, that was just a show to begin with. Oh, that was so bad. That was the worst. Oh my

Alexander Coccia:

gosh. I can't even I forgot that even happened. That was the worst. I'm just going to stop. It was, it

Cozy Snap:

was, it was bad. But I, you know, I guess to snowball off that a bit, I, you know, just overall can Consistency is something I want to highlight, like, when we get roadmaps, when, you know, car drops are, which again, we'll talk about, series drops, whatever, like, just overall consistency, because like, we get used to something, it changes, we, we get something, it's gone forever, you know, they say, we're never gonna have tokens for sale, they do that. Like, I just want to see more of that consistency. That's something very important to me, and integrity there. You know, I think their communication's okay, and pretty good. Actually, I think it's really good in some ways, but then really bad in others. And like, it's like, that doesn't, you know, if you look across the board, if you're, you know, Company gets audited if they look at something like, Hey, you're doing this good. It doesn't matter if something else is going bad. And so you know, definitely highlight that. I don't, I don't know if to put this in the, in the bad or the ugly, so I'll ask you. The bugs. Now, hear me out. The bugs are bad. They're ugly. Sorry, the bugs are ugly, but they're not game breaking, and so I think it's a bad?

Alexander Coccia:

I have it in bad too. I have game is buggy AF, but you know what? I just released a video where like literally I couldn't play Nico where I would click on Nico and the game would just crash. Like it was Nico crashing my game. Like I, I determined like, I don't know if it's even just a variant or whatever, but Nico was killing my game. I had to take it out of the deck because Nico was destroying it. That's annoying. He also has other annoying things. How many times have we complained about the deck building bug? No,

Cozy Snap:

that's the main thing. It pisses me

Alexander Coccia:

off, man. I can't, it drives me nuts. I spend so much time in that screen and it's always like, okay, I click the four so I can see the four drops, but somehow all of a sudden the one and the three are on and I'm like, wait, what's active? And I click one, but the ones aren't even on the screen. I'm like, what is happening?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's for me. It's and I know that they're, I know that they're playing their game. And so for me, it's like, All you have to do is play the PC build, and there'll be several things that just stick out. Like, I just, I just don't know how the the collection screen where you open up caches, how that 30 second wait, I just don't know how we're still having that, like how, And again, I don't, I can't speak on a lot, but what I can say is, if I was a dev, and I'm like, opening up my own ones, eventually I'd be like, I gotta bring this up to someone, like, this is, this is crazy, like, again, I think we all just sit here with them, because it's, I, we'd rather not take, you know, 45 days of our lives opening up our, our gold tickets, you know, which again, separate issue, we'll get to that, but that, like, that is a separate, And how the game flows, like, the gameplay bugs are typically on top of, anytime I report something, they get right to it. But it's like, the UI and the menus, and the way that it works, and sometimes the game's just like a black screen, and I'm like, Okay. So, and most of this happens on PC for me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, dude, you know what's so annoying? This is like one of the ones that pisses me off. I have so much video evidence of this happening too. When like I click search game and I'm like, Oh, and I cancel, I'm like, Oh yeah, we've got to run an ad or something's got to happen or whatever. I'm talking to people or whatever. And for some reason it says play there. But the next time I hit play. It just, it tells me that I, I like, I retreated and I lost because apparently even though it was just saying play, it had connected me to a game and it doesn't say reconnect, you have to like exit the game or change menus or like, there's a trick, chat's always like, Oh, do this, do this, do this. And you do a couple of things and all of a sudden it turns, it's like reconnect and you're like, man, why is it doing that? That's ridiculous. I, I don't know, man. That's been so annoying for me.

Cozy Snap:

Anytime you, it's like the, you go to Grandpa's house, he's got the TV with the static, it's like, Nope, just hold on, hit it twice on the top, twice on the, there we go, it's working. It's like, anytime you feel like you have to do that, yeah, for me, that was, if I deleted a deck, what I'll do typically is like, I'll copy a deck, delete it, go to the top, repaste it, and then I'll fix some stuff if I'm doing like a new balance build, whatever. There are times, if I do that, and I queue into a game, it's like, deck invalid, doesn't exist. I go back, there's only like four of the cards in the deck that I put, and then I legit, it just crashes my game. So it's stuff like that, we don't have to go through all the bugs, but just like, At this point, there are some that have stuck around enough. We get these huge bug lists. I'm like, Yeah! Didn't know about any of those. And then they don't fix the ones that are obvious.

Alexander Coccia:

The pink card backs. Do you ever get the pink card backs in your collection?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah. Or the one that like, you can't even get, like, it does like the, you know, infinity, and then there's like, no way to click through, like, so you have to like, click the background. Oh, yes,

Alexander Coccia:

and then you have to like, click the, like, that you're gonna buy boosters to exit out, to exit the game. It's so bad. It's so bad. How do we do it, man? It's so bad. Oh my gosh, I could keep going. It's crazy. It's so, it's so bad. Like, none of them are game breaking, but like, it's just all, it's just stupid. It's like, what am I doing, man? And they've been like this for like, nine months.

Cozy Snap:

I know, I know. That's the problem. That's the problem. So yes, bugs. I've got a couple other ones in the bad as well. But what, what else you got, man?

Alexander Coccia:

I gotta tell you, bad is, The collection track sucks, dude. Like, this could even be closer to ugly. I have like almost 800 unopened caches, dude. Over 800. I have like 800 almost. And the reason why is people are like, Alex, why are you hoarding them or whatever? It's because first of all, I would have to spend an entire day opening them because of the lag. Secondly, I don't want all these gold tickets. Third, I don't want your hundred tokens cause it's useless. And now I'm like, it's, it's feels it's not even worth the time. It feels like, and then the only thing I really wanted the variants cause I can't unlock cards. The Klaxy track is literally completely useless. There is no reason for me to gauge it. Yeah. I'm leaving credits on the line. I'll, I'll give you that. There's credits that I'm just leaving there, but I do my dailies. I got credits, I got splits, right? So it's like, you took the gold out, you took all the incentive out, you took the cards out. Why do I even have to open them? It's just a waste of my time. So I'll just let that number keep getting higher.

Cozy Snap:

Just an open all, I was checking mine at 10 1090 right now, but like just an open all, like with Pokemon Pocket, again, just gonna bring it up, you can like rip open 10 booster packs and it does them all, right? It's like, just give me a recap man, just show me on one screen, like you got these variants, you got this much gold, you got this much tickets, cool man, awesome, move along, if you want to open them separately, go for it, go crazy. I agree, I think that's probably ugly, I think what's in there is outdated and needs to just be changed. I ain't crazy about it anymore personally, but hopefully Hopefully that's something that they address. I mean, man, I, yeah, I feel like that's one of the worst parts about it. This one doesn't pertain to everybody. Creator support in general. I think it's okay. It's, it's you guys don't see behind the scenes. I think they do okay here, but it certainly could be better. And I can't tell you guys how much I, I wish I could echo this more. I'm not gonna go too much into this because I feel like People are gonna be like, cool, like, that doesn't relate to us at all. But just in general, I mean, the amount of times that it's just like, OTA video, just stuff is just all over the place to say the least. But yeah, so I've got that for bad. I think that's bad that I've got for now. And then we go to ugly. Let's get to ugly, buddy. What do we start with? Actually, I mean, if you want

Alexander Coccia:

to play with something that's literally ugly. I, sorry, I just,

Cozy Snap:

I just want to bring this up. Card acquisition. Obviously this is something we're going to talk about. Is this bad or ugly? Do you,

Alexander Coccia:

It's probably ugly.

Cozy Snap:

It's, it's tricky. It's so tricky. Like if you want a card, like overall, I think it's ugly. It needs to be refixed. But it's also not like, horrible to save up your spotlight, so it's like, it's kind of in between. I think it's pretty ugly though.

Alexander Coccia:

I think what's better about it is that they're adding the new card in these events, which if we start to get a kind of a roll of events, Hey, one month it's High Voltage, the second month it's Deadpool's Diner, Fixed up and like all that kind of stuff. If you're able to do that, then all of a sudden, that's a free card, man. That's that's you're improving the card acquisition. Right. But once you take it out of the collection track and then no longer, you can't get your series fives from there. And you got to commit to these poultry number of tokens that you're getting. And then someone's like, Hey, look, I got knocked her and oh, wait, it got nerfed. And then like, you're sad about it. And then like, there's all these things that happen around the edges. Card acquisitions, very hard. Because it's such a moving target as well for free to play players, or just players that are buying just the season pass. A lot of people don't realize this. When they added the second card in the first week of the season, what you've effectively done is made it so that the pace of acquisition, it flies forward. Because the first week always used to be just be the season pass. That gave you a bit of a respite for those that are just trying to use tokens. But now what happens, or Spotlight Keys I should say, but now what happens is you still have a card there. So the free to play players and people buying the season pass, they just can't keep up. And like, so now they fall behind. And now every card is releasing good. You want everything, man! It's a good problem to have. All the cards are good, but it's like, you're gonna have to pay up eventually because you gotta pay the piper, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we don't have dust, but like, that's our tokens. And it's like, some easy, kind of easy fixes, man. If you're gonna make tokens, Payable, put them in the season pass, they should just be in there. You know, you should get some tokens with, you know, minimum season pass. Like, just get some in there, get some stuff built up. But yeah, I do agree. There's just a lot of little things that they could change to make it feel good. I think they've done good on the new card stuff and how to get something brand new. But overall, woof, they do need to change. Just overall, probably. Just take a real look at Card Actors. And again, I think booster packs are coming out. I guess we'll see how those kind of tie into it. But yeah, definitely need to highlight that. Again, I don't know. Bad, ugly, competitive scene. I think this is just a miss. I don't know if you want to just call it what it is. I think it's a miss that they, we have not developed or gone into, in my opinion, what could be one of the coolest. The weird world change, like, they do little things to kind of encourage not randomness controlling the game. But like, you have a game where like, me and you could be going up against each other, and I'm trying to see if you have a poker face when you snap, and it's the grand finals, we have big casters, big event, Pokemon Worlds, they do with it. You have every single game does something. It's competitive, except for Snap, and it's because of, clear cut and obvious, Second Dinner does not want to be involved, and it just, it, it's just puzzling to me when you have, or had, probably you know, this big player base around it.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny, cause like, I remember, like, I go to PAX, I go to conventions, and like, I walk around Boots, and they'll be like, this is gonna be the greatest esport game of all time! And what was that game where it was like, you, you were like you, one person was the monster, then three people were the It was like, it was like the Left 4 Dead team, Turtle something, Turtle Beach, Turtle Rock, and then they made the game where like someone was the monster, someone in the chat's gonna know. Evolve in the comments, let us know. Yeah, it was Evolve. I remember being at Evolve at PAX, right, and they had a booth, and they were like, This game is gonna be eSports. It was like eSports. They had someone casting, like, the people playing, they're like trying to learn how to play, they're like, How do I play this? And someone's like, casting, like, over their shoulder and stuff, and I was like, Dude, this is so cringe, this is not an eSport, man, like, let's be honest with ourselves. And then on the other side, you have something like Marvel Snap, which could so very easily have some of the best eSports E sports moment, has the perfect balance between RNG and stuff like that, simultaneous turns, it does everything so unbelievably well, and they're just like, nah, we don't need that. We don't need that. Who cares about that except for the people that play our game? Who cares, Cozy, about competitive Marvel Snap?

Cozy Snap:

And that's where I wish they would have like these like winter, summer summits or something where it's just like a chance to talk to the community, and this is where I think communication could be certainly better. It's like, just address it, I guess? Like, and again, I didn't even pull up the stats. I saw something on them changing, like, splits and the percentages to get them. I don't know enough to speak on it right now. I can next episode. But if that's true, why aren't we talking about, why not mention that? Like, it just does nothing to hide it, and if they did, and again, I'll look into the data there. But and certainly we could bring that up. Just overall communication and, and just competitiveness, all that is wrapped up into something they need to change for sure. What else, man? Anything else? I think we've done a good amount, but anything else on the ugly?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, if you want to talk about ugly foil splits are ugly as heck, so maybe take a look at those, that's just a quick one. That's just, hey, you're talking about what's ugly, foil splits are ugly. Adam

Cozy Snap:

Warlock, yeah, just put him

Alexander Coccia:

as his own section. Yeah, but in terms of ugly, I have to say it comes back to communication, too, with serious drops. Not having serious drops, it's like, what are we doing, man? Like, how long was even the last one? I don't know. And then what they're gonna do, they're gonna say, hey, guys, what cards are complete garbage that no one wants?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

let's drop Selene, or let's drop Colleen. But what you could do is turn Selene into an activate card and then drop her. Yeah. But I mean, then you can make less money. So you probably actually make her inactivate, let people buy it with tokens, and then you drop her, right? But like, what I mean though is like, let's communicate some serious drops guys. There's people out there that I think really are trying to base their decision making off of that. I'm not saying have like a, I mean, maybe it is, maybe it's like, Hey guys. We're going to have series drops on June 1st and on I don't know, New Year's Day. Give us two days a week, two days a year. If it's going to be two days, you're on these days, baby cards are dropping. They might suck, but they're dropping, you know what I mean? At least give us something.

Cozy Snap:

The summits. I know they could just do it at a summit and just say there, unless I don't know how I have this big and bold here. Biggest ugly, no new game modes. I mean the, the fact that we are a, more than a year out, and we talked about this last time, so we don't wanna dive into it too much, but like, Deadpool Diner, the Voltage, just like these temporary things that we hope the intern's working on, cause we don't Like, they're not staying. It's just, call it what it is. It's a miss. It's a huge miss. To go from Conquest coming out, and not to then say, Let's focus on a new way to play the game. Something interesting. Let's take a little risk. And if it doesn't land, we'll fix it. But like, I think it's like, At least from the outside looking in, at least there's times where I see like, Perfection is a big importance to them, which is fine. But also like there needs to be, it's year two where we're past it. The whole year went, we didn't get a game mode. So that's me. If you would have told me that last October, I would have not believed you put it that way.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I definitely believe it. And I think we've talked about in the past, like, look at what Battlegrounds did for Herstal, like honestly, completely reinvigorated that game and that's what it needed. And I think Marvel Snap could use that too. Right. We talked about before they're putting effort into the marketing. Okay. They're putting effort into the events. They could make some cool competitive events too, right? That would be awesome. They're putting the effort in, but like, we need the effort where we think it matters. And those new game modes, the, the draft mode, auto battles, all that stuff is super important. I got one last little note here under ugly, and this is something that just kind of bothers me. It's not as ugly as some of the other things we talked about. Why are we still on the same game board? Like, it's Halloween, baby! Give me an asteroid with some pumpkins on it, and then give me some snowflakes, and some, like, Christmas trees, and a jolly green fellow flying acro Like, give me something, and ironically, like, bro, Ers don't dig this, man. I don't get it. Did I say Jolly Green? Give me the Jolly Green Giant. But like, seriously, like, you came from Earthstone, bro. Like, this was one of the things. I knew the song of Ongaro. When you hit the drums in a specific order, and then like, stuff happened on the board. Don't you remember that? Snap is just like, oh, we got an asteroid.

Cozy Snap:

Boom. I know, dude. And like, it's funny because like, and that speaks into like, you know, they did the PC client. We're like, it's gotta get better. It never changed, right? Like, it There's two ways to do it. Pokemon Pocket did it where like you have to see your opponent's custom game board. It's awful. Like there's like this Eevee board that you can't even like see what's happening. Like, it's so bad. It's so bad. I don't know who decided that. But like just the option to see your, the way you want to play the game. Right? To have a little, yeah, jolly green giant as Alex would say. It's the little things. And listen, like, man, I'll be honest. I could create content for just about any game and I'd be happy to do so. But I keep playing for Snap because I love the game and its base design. But year three. I do, I do have some high bars for them because, you know, after all, this is my my life. This is my career. So I put food on the table for the family. And so I'm invested in it. I obviously want it to do good. And hopefully we have a good year three, buddy. But overall I'm just happy that we have 101 episodes with each other. We're like delirious at this point.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy. We've made it to 101 episodes of the Snapchat. I'm still thinking back to our time on episode 99, sharing spicy apple juice. We did the celebrations for episode 100 and I'm looking forward to our two year mark coming in a couple of weeks as well. Dude, I'm just happy to be here with you.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, 101 and 101 more. And, today I don't, I don't even know what to say. I'm just, I'm pumped, man. I'm pumped pumped to do another episode with you. It just never gets old. I truly, I, I don't think I ever, I mean, there are times where we're pretty tired, pretty dead, and pretty, had a crazy week, and this, that, the other but it's never just a drag to, to get to film this with you, man.

Alexander Coccia:

I know. It really isn't the thing that we look forward to the most in the week, and that's why we've been doing it. Every single week, and we're one of the few podcasts that I think actually hits it every single week because it is a priority for us, just like it's a priority for us to talk about Agent Venom and Scream. Both of which have come out here and listen, it was a busy week. We had to experiment with Scream, we had to build with Agent Venom. Both of them required very different builds and very different ideas around deck building itself. Now let's start with the Season Pass card. Agent Venom. Now, Agent Venom came to, I think, a very strong point in the meta. I think this card is really showcasing what it's capable of and perhaps over performing original expectations. Cozy, what has your first week with Agent Venom been like?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we both gave it a four star, right? Yes, sir. Yeah, man, I like it. I think that it has a good balance of, like, creative deck building, but then it also just really helps some obvious archetypes Now again, what I want to see is, is this going to be a car that, you know, stands the test of time as far as will people be playing Agent Venom design decks down the line? I mean, probably, you know, more cards that come out, the shorter the list gets, the cards that make it, but certainly, I mean, the reason we both gave it such a good rating last week is, it was obvious, cards that don't, that multiply so quickly and can do crazy things like Silver Sable and even like Rocket, like, it just loves this card as a whole and I think People yeah, kinda underestimated how good he would be with certain matchups.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I think Agent Venom has been remarkable in terms of his statistics in post Infinite Marvel Snap. We have a 31 percent meta penetration, which is very high. That's a, that people are playing Agent Venom, that's for sure. We have a positive win rate at approximately 52%, and a positive cube rate as well. The card is performing well. It's doing well. And we're also seeing it in a number of different shells, right? We're seeing it in, like, Beast Bounce, right? We're seeing Hitmonkey, we're seeing Mysterio, who's an absolutely massive winner. And what's interesting is we're even seeing these decks that have, like, both Mysterio, Bast, and And Agent Venom! So if you're holding Mysterio and you draw Bast, you turn it into the threes with the Bast. If you are, you know, if it's in the deck and you hit it with the Agent Venom, it turns into fours, which is absolutely insane. It's honestly been such a great card alongside Agent Venom, and Agent Venom itself! Has been great. You're also seeing it being played in like Thena based packages because you run things like Silver Sable, you run things like Kitty Pride, Thena, they all benefit from that additional power. And honestly, like it's just been way more versatile than expected. Like originally people were like, Oh, it's a C4 card. It is way more than that. Yeah, man.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, it brought back me playing a lot of Patriot. Like I had a blast playing that bass Patriot builds of the day Ironman in there. I mean, it just works out great. And it just. Felt like it worked really well. And Bishop, man, Bishop's a good card in certain archetypes, but being able to play him now and then have that Mysterio follow up, the guy can get just crazy power potential. Yet again, Shadow King is the answer, but people just don't play it.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I know. And it's, it's just very interesting to think that like, Age of Venom, I think is, is that it's, it's early stages of deck building, this is going to be a card that really is going to take advantage of of kind of like deliberate deck building over time. Any card that comes out with a very high impactful skill but low power is going to benefit from Agent Venom, right? Like, we talk about it, like, there's a reason why Mystique is a 3 0, and why Mystique at 3 4 is crazy. There's a reason why Iron Man is a 5 0, and a 5 4 Iron Man is completely broken. It's because that the, the power offset is to offset the actual ability strength. And when you have Agent Venom, You basically take advantage, you have your cake and eat it too with some of these cards, and that's why it's not surprising that Agent Venom makes a lot of these decks. It's interesting to think that Patriot itself did actually improve, and you called Patriot in your original discussion on the Snapchat. That deck's running almost a 55 percent win rate, and an extremely positive cube rate. So like, we're talking about decks that are performing very, very well. And can I, okay, can I be honest with you? I called something out on the Snapchat last week. Thanos. Thanos, baby, and you know what? I gave it a shot. I legit gave it a shot. I built a Thanos deck and there were moments where, when I played Agent Venom on two and I had that mind stone and then I drew into multiple one, four stones that then drew a card, I felt like there was nothing that could stop me. But I wasn't getting Agent Venom on two very often. Cause naturally you clog your deck with the stones themselves. And so it wasn't as effective as a deck. I was hovering into like the, you know, the low to mid 50 percentile range, which isn't all that exciting to write home about. But it actually worked, and I think that there could be some more deck building ideas there that could potentially push it to that next level. And if you consider the fact that Thanos starts in hand, it's never negatively impacted by the Agent Venom effect. If it was in the deck, then it could cut your 10 Thanos to a 4, and that kind of feels bad. So what I'm trying to say here is that I think we're only on the onset of the deck building with Agent Venom, and that we have to really keep an eye out for cards that come out in the future, We say it all the time, but this is one of those cards that just might age like fine wine.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, cards with you know, low power and high ability ceilings is gonna come out. Like, we already know those are gonna come out, that's how they do a lot of balancing in Marvel Snap, and so, because of that, Agent Venom is now always gonna be a factor involved, and that is exciting for sure. The biggest thing that kept me from playing Agent Venom was Scream. And that's because Scream is just my, my gosh, I'm excited to talk about her. Anything else on Agent Venom outside of, yeah, I think you hit it, you know, gosh, are we gonna say Agent, like, fine wine and hit the nail, can we not? You did well. People are going to continue to build around this card, and as we exit what is this hella chaos with the clog and whatnot, We're bound to see even more experimentation down the line.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, my time with Scream, honestly, was super positive. I think this card had a much more straightforward deck build design, as opposed to something like an Age of Venom. Age of Venom, I think, had needed, like, a lot more consideration as to how you build a deck, whereas the Scream deck, I think, started to build itself, if you know what I mean, right? Like, you knew the cards you were gonna play. You were gonna play Polaris, you were gonna play the Spider Man, you wanted to play the Kingpin. And my experience with Scream was super I actually think this card is awesome. Awesome! I think Scream itself is an incredibly powerful card. Every time a card moves, it's like it's affecting the board in 4 power. 2 for itself, negative 2 on the other side, what more could you possibly ask for? The problem with Scream is everyone else! It's everyone else, because if you don't draw a Scream, your deck's like, hey, I move your guy from here to there, and I move him from there to here, and like, nothing's happening, I guess, you know what I mean? And, oh wait, my deck kind of actually sucks. So, I'd be interested in hearing how your Scream experience was.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh, Scream, just like, this is all I was playing, man. I mean, A, obviously get to play a hero, gonna do that as much as humanly possible, but B, It's like, again, I think we highlighted this last week, it's you're able to play cards that are doing something that you are affecting on your opponent, right? You're moving where they can't go, you're changing up their plan, you're moving a Deadpool when they were gonna destroy it with Carnage, like, there's so many things you can do with it, they're all high value static cards as well, and More than not, most of them now have targeted things, right? Like Stegron moving to the right. Kingpin and her kind of match made in heaven worked very well. It does feel like we're missing like one or so cards that can kind of bring this whole thing together a bit more. But this, this deck, if you're into it, plays very well. And there's enough there's enough flexibility to keep it consistent to keep people on their toes. There's like two slots in the deck that you can change out for just about anything. You can go Shang Chi, you can go Alioth, you can go with, like, White Widow and put stuff on their side to make it even harder. Like, there's so many different ways to go around it, which I love. You don't want the exact same deck build across the board. It, you know, kind of creates that uniqueness and, or just the deck stability, because people don't know what to go up against. Man, just a good card, very strong, and I think we kind of nailed it, man, we said Agent Venom and Scream are our favorite of the season, I have a hard time thinking they're not going to kind of hold the throne for the season.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I actually thoroughly enjoyed playing Scream. I think that like, and the statistics show this by the way, it's running a 51 percent win rate as of recording, a 15 percent meta popularity, which is, which is strong, but it is running a negative cube rate, just slightly negative, a 0. 03 negative cube rate. But it's gonna happen, right? And I think that that's indicative of the fact that Scream itself is, I think, a four star card. I think this card is good. For sure, yeah. It's just like, you gotta run Polaris, and you gotta run Spider Man. And you're running these, like, these cards that just, they don't do the thing that they need to do if Scream's not on the board. And if you don't have Scream and you don't have Kingpin, then like, oh, you're playing a 4 7 Stegron? And you moved something right? Like, cool bro! You know what I mean? Like, I think the supporting cast needs some help. Scream does not need to get buffed. It's everything else around it that needs to get buffed.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and if they, oh man, I don't know, I'm kind of afraid she's gonna get nerfed too eventually. Just because this is like the, this is the cards they just target. The ones that like, have a bad effect on your opponent. But she's so limited in deck design that makes me think maybe she won't be. Second Dinner has a track record, so I'm hoping they don't keep doing, you know, that said record on 2 costs that are a little too crazy, they dial them back. But I also think there's a card coming out like Frigga. Like, when I try to make work with her, I don't know if you ever got a Bar Sinister game with Scream, but she becomes legit an instant snap game winger. Like, she just wins the game. It's ridiculous what she can do. I mean, you put like negative 8s on their side. I started to run Red Guardian with her because you would see Luke Cage's would just get rid of that, especially in Hela, you're seeing that all over. But Scream, if you can multiply her. So I tried Moon Girl, obviously Coped, didn't work. I think there's a card called Frigga that's coming out that copies the next card that you play or something like that, or the previous card, something like that. That could be interesting. If you could find a way to get two on the board, Nico, which I tried that, kind of, you know, a bit random. But scream has a huge effect that can really multiply quickly.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And again, it's that neg, it's that four, it's a complete four power play, two on your side, negative two on their side in and of itself is an incredible card. And so like I'm really interested to see what this archetype looks like in the future because the archetype needs support. But I'm glad that they're at least giving us a tool like this feels like what a nihilist was. When they're like, Hey, we're giving you a Nihilus, right? This is, it's an archetype builder. And then like, Oh, then we buffed Sentry. A Nihilus was good, but it wasn't until Sentry was a 10 with the negative 10 void that it started to really do work. And then they nerfed that, a Nihilus started to die. And they're like, Hey, we need to give something. Okay. Viper gets changed. Okay, and then all of a sudden you have an archetype that's fully flowing in, not necessarily with an nihilist, but you have junk being one of the most predominant that plays in the game right now. So I do think this screen might see a very similar arc. Did Magneto make all your lists? He did, but I didn't like him. I just wasn't sure how to replace him. I think Lia was almost always better, but Magneto was serviceable.

Cozy Snap:

Alyth or just having like arrow and or cannon Ball as you, like your highest cost. And then just filling it with like a tech card, sh Chi Red Guardian, that felt a bit more consistent. Like, you know, Magneto, just with the playlines you were doing, yes, like, there are some combos, like Venom, whatever, that you're just easily gonna kill, but, overall, it just hurt. It almost felt like you didn't do enough with that cost, and I found myself doing, like, you know, Juggernaut and Polaris, or whatever, rather than just playing him, because I'm trying to get multiple things going, so overall, you could play him, definitely does work, but he did feel, sometimes, not always the optimal play.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he was fine but he didn't feel as good as I expected. I found it fascinating that the highest win rate versions of Scream did include Cannonball. Because generally speaking, you're not clogging. You're not getting that destroy effect on Cannonball. You are getting the displacement. Which is nice, so you are gonna basically re proc the scream, and the way I saw it was, okay, Cannibal gives you the opportunity to display something that exists, Arrow gives you the opportunity to display something that was played, so like, they're different versions of the same thing, but in traditional Clog, You were getting more out of the actual Cannonball itself. And one thing that did surprise me though, is I did feel like Morales, cause Morales has been buffed. As a one six, it felt like a pretty strong play. I felt like I was very naturally able to play that down in this particular deck. Cause even if, if I turn six, I'm not playing Magneto, I'm playing Cannonball or Morales and I'm playing Arrow and Morales. I felt like it actually fit into this deck particularly well. I think it stood out. And I do think that Stegron could get a buff. If you move Stegron to a 4 or 8, probably it's a starting point for giving this deck a little more power.

Cozy Snap:

That or, like, it moves the highest power card. Like, it has a bit even more definition. Oftentimes, I found that being the thing, you know what I mean? Like, the 4 7 was fine, but then I was like, I wish this wasn't a 50 50 grab right now of what I was gonna do. But yeah, I agree. I think I think overall, you know, there will be more decks that we can come up with, but you really, it's like, the answer, if you should get her at this point, it's like, If you enjoy that deck, get her. You'll love it. Played a lot. I did. If you don't, skip her.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, exactly. And the problem is though, is like if you don't have Scream, and they buff Stegron, and this deck becomes relevant, without Scream there is no replacement. You'll never be able to say, hey guys, I see you're Polaris and Spider Man. Deck, I don't have scream. Can I put lizard in there? You know what I mean? It's like, no, you can't put Jeff in there. You can't put anything else in there. White Widow is probably already in there. And so it's like, you just, you can't play that no more. Cause the deck just does not function. It's like, it's really is the key linchpin card of that particular archetype. And that's going to take us to our next point of conversation, which is these cards suck. There have been cards in Marvel Snap that have sucked for so long, Cozy, it's actually mind boggling. And I have stats here of some of the ugliest stats. Dude, I'm looking at a card with negative 63 cubes. You basically donate almost ha more than half a cube every time you play this card. Are you kidding me? There are cards in Snap that are so bad, so completely trash. It still boggles my mind that they exist.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, Adam Warlocks the mascot of the Major League team too. I think like he represents it. It's like, you know, with like Arrow when she was being underplayed, at least like, you're like, eh, there's a world, you know, and scream was that answer. Like there's just nothing. This is just like, they're, what are they, what are we waiting for with Adam Orlok? I think the statues of of testing has passed on the card. I think we are not cooking anymore. He's just, he's just bad. He's just a bad card. And I think this is the one that comes to mind very quickly for me, of one that's just like, what are we doing?

Alexander Coccia:

His original stat line would have been a Great Age of Venom card, by the way. Just gonna throw that out there. As a 5'5 he sucks so bad. And there was a point in time for like a couple OTAs and a couple patches, Glenn was like, we're gonna give him a shot. We're gonna see what we can do here. We're gonna make him this, we'll make him that. We don't want BOP and all this stuff. And then it's like, now they're like, okay, we're done with him. He's just, he's let's just hope no one really remembers he exists. And you know what? It's unfortunate because like, He was so poorly represented in the MCU, I still can't get over how bad Adam Warlock was in the MCU. So, it makes sense that the card sucks too, but, with that being said, like, he is an iconic comic book character here. With, honestly, some of the best variants in the game too, right? And he's unplayable, he's literally garbage, and he always has been, always will be, unless they make a drastic change.

Cozy Snap:

And bro, screw the MCU, he's so good. Super iconic. It's crazy how bad he is in this game. Like, I think if someone was a major comic book fan and they came in here and they're like, Man, let's see how Adam does in the game. It's just like, a gross misrepres re I can't even talk right now, it's too late. But yes, Adam Warlock, not great, not a good card. How do you top it? Who's next?

Alexander Coccia:

It's a 34 percent win rate card with a Q rate of 0. 63. Almost seeing no play at all, it's Mantis. Mantis, the Guardian of the Galaxy, who is guarding nobody, not even guarding your cubes. He's just giving them away at this point. This card is so unbelievably bad, it's just like, it's pathetic. And they even changed the card with more complicated text that somehow made it even feel worse. Like, I don't understand. This card sucks so bad, dude. I, I just, I can't believe it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, when I was when I was thinking about the cards that should get activated, I was like, man Maybe the Guardians, and then I'm like, no, like, what are you gonna do there? I, again, this is one of those, like, what, I think they've done, they've tried to, bro. This, this card's got like five adjustments, and like, the fact that it was a 2 3 for a while was kind of hilarious. I don't know, man, this card, it's just never going to make, it's never gonna make a 12 card deck. It just never will. Every now and then there's an Airstream game or something, I guess, where you're like, Ah, well, I'll try it out. But dude, it's still bad. It's just such a, it's just an, it's an awful card. And I'm definitely not surprised this was the one on the list that's so low.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And honestly, like there's other cards that are just bad. This one had to get like called out as being absolute major filth, but like, okay, let's just, let's just do a little bit of hoping here. There's one that I think is a very easy fix and we've brought it up before. Mr. Fantastic is a three, two. Is this not the easiest, just buff him to 3 3 and like, what's the worst that can happen play? Like, I don't understand why Mr. Fantastic has sat as a 3 2 for literally since launch. This card is the one First of all, not seeing play, negative cubes, 41 percent win rate when played, even new players don't want to play it. I, like, it's, this to me seems like you just OTA this and see what happens. I don't understand why this card's been, like, literally forgotten about by Second Dinner.

Cozy Snap:

And respectfully, the new player experience thing, I've kind of moved on, Pat. If you were not doing, like, new player packs and stuff that, to catch them up, at this point, you're so far behind that it's like, I don't think if they're gonna, if you make Mr. Fantastic a 3 3, I don't think someone's gonna be like, You know what? I don't know about the new player experience anymore. Might not be the same. I just don't. And honestly, this is like, this card would never make like an Agent Venom deck at a 3 4 even, so I don't know. I just, yeah, I don't think it's a great card. It's the same with other starter cards, and I was thinking like Namor. Who's playing this?

Alexander Coccia:

Nobody, man. 0. 1 percent play rate at a 42 percent win rate. Negative. Point five cubes. Half, half a cube gone every time you put this clown in your deck.

Cozy Snap:

It's like Scar is a thing and this still would never see a Scar deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Imagine being the guy to have spent all your money on a variant.

Cozy Snap:

That's me.

Alexander Coccia:

I know it's you. Look at this variant. It's beautiful, but like why? Why did you do this?

Cozy Snap:

Copium. I thought, you know what, we're only a year in, Namor sucks, we'll change him. They're gonna change him and what's the other guy, Warpath, and the same, the same.

Alexander Coccia:

Is Warpath up next? He's gotta be. Dude, Warpath, they have nearly identical stats, 43 percent win rate. Warpath a little better on the cube side, 0. 32. Classic, listen, classic bot deck. Gameplay though. Like, I love when they play Warpath and then immediately ruin the effect after. That's great. I love seeing that.

Cozy Snap:

If they do that Selene Activate change, I'd actually play, I would play Warpath. I would, because I think he does work in a Goblin's deck. But other than that, dude, yeah, not a good card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and what about Shocker? Okay, so you're seeing like, High Evo kind of make a bit of a comeback here and there. And then like, Shocker doesn't make Patriot decks. Shocker doesn't make the Evo decks anymore, right? And so, like, he's running a 46 percent win rate, almost no non existent play rate at all. And, of course, negative cubes. What do you do to shock her, right? Like, do you make it so that, like, you target the card that he discounts? Do you give him, is he 2 4? Like, do you give him premium stats? Like, it just makes no sense. This is another card that's basically been forgotten about. What are the best effects in the game, by the way, when you hover him?

Cozy Snap:

Like, all of the, all of the Patriot cards that, not the High Evo, but the Patriot, you know, like, they're not, those all just feel off, right, at this point? Like, I mean, they just, like You're not playing the thing, you know, on a Patriot deck anymore. Like I think the last one was like true Patriot or whatever it was called. And you kind of did that as like a year ago. Plus, yeah, Shocker's definitely one that would be on the list. I do think it's pretty good in Evo. Like there's when Evo's shining, you can do stuff, but yeah. Other than that, like you're not, you're not playing this card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I feel that. I feel that. Now here's another one that's worth talking about. What about Lizard? I want to just bring up Lizard here. We've had so much power creep in the two cost. Lizard used to be the king of two costs, and now he's just gone. Like, you don't play him. You don't even play him. Like, the only time you sometimes play him is in decks with Enchantress and Sauron, but those decks are dead. When was the last time you even played Lizard?

Cozy Snap:

I brought him up in this Scream video. I'm like, guys, if Scream does one movement, she's literally already better than Lizard. At a 2 6, technically, of value. Like, one. One move. 2 6. That says enough. I think A, revert him back. I think he should serve the role that he used to. Kinda this, like More dependable than Not 2. 5. I think it's fine. I don't play him. The last time I play him, or the only time I play him, is in like what I like to call the evil Spectrum decks, where you had like the Luke Cage with the Lizard and Spectrum kind of thing. And you can maybe make it at work with like the Typhoid Mary. Maybe if your little activate with zero comes to light, maybe, maybe. But yeah, just not played. No,

Alexander Coccia:

no reason to, I don't know why you would. And I still remember when they made the nerf in their patch notes of that. This is the weakest nerf we've ever made. And they literally just made the card completely. Disappear. Cozy, what do you think about Agent 13? A 42 percent win rate, negative cube rate of 36, literally non existent play rate as well, low keys gone, why would you ever play Agent 13?

Cozy Snap:

This is one where I'm like, I don't know, I, like, we need a card that gives you a random card, 1, 2, you're never gonna frickin play this card, you're never gonna play it, but I, what do you even do? With this card.

Alexander Coccia:

What do you do? I don't know if it's 1 3, are you playing it? No. So do you even make it a 1 3? Like, you just think this design has to exist so who cares if no one plays it? It just needs to exist in the game?

Cozy Snap:

I think they will just keep it in the game. Yeah, cause like, we already have Maria Hill who does the, you know, give you a 2, so I don't know if you can target it. Right? Maybe

Alexander Coccia:

a draft card? Copy

Cozy Snap:

a random card in your hand.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, we're, we're cooking now, but like, it made me wonder actually, like I kind of poked out of here, but like when we're talking about these cards, I kind of had this thought of like, okay, we play constructed, but if we have a draft, does Agent 13 make more sense? You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

It's a good draft card. And there's actually like a lot of these that we brought up that aren't like terrible draft cards in general. Yeah. I think she, maybe it's not the best one, but if I had like her, I don't know what the three would be up for grabs, but I definitely don't think she's a terrible option. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

That's absolutely fair. Cozy, I have another one. And we've talked about her before. I think that this was the headliner of the last discussion. White Queen. Talk about one of the most power crept cards in Marvel Snap. Do you remember at launch, how 4 6 was a good stat line? Do you remember feeling that? That like, oh, White Queen, you get a little scouting, 4 6, a pretty decent stat line? Like, what happened, man? Like, what? Talk about just power creeping way past White Queen Emma Frost, completely useless. And I mean, we've talked about this card so many times. I feel like the last time we talked about her, she came up with some really cool ideas and now I just can't even remember what they are. Like we had some idea about her becoming indestructible, turning to diamond.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. At some point. I, I don't know. It's a, it's a shame. I really hope they don't like make an Emma Frost separate from her. It would just, no, don't do it. I, yeah, I mean, this is, there's not a lot of cards you can look at and be like, power crap. McCoy is one of them, White Queen's one of them, and there's a couple of them out there that are just clear and obvious. And it's just like, what like, what do we do? And let's just, let's just, you know, we get Whatever, Mantis gets her fifth attempt, and White Queen has, I don't think, ever gotten a change, ever?

Alexander Coccia:

No, not that I've ever thought, like, I don't think she's ever been touched before.

Cozy Snap:

No, well she's been, nevermind.

Alexander Coccia:

Jesus, that could be taken wildly out of context. Moving on very quickly before anybody gets on top of that wow, that could also be taken out of context. There's a card that that I think is decent, it actually has a 50 percent win rate, but I want to bring it up because I think it could use some love. And that's Echo. I've had this thought about Echo as a 1 2, right? A very passive card, your opponent has to play into it, like, you know what I mean? Does Echo, would it destroy the world if Echo was a 1 3? Like, is this a card that really needs to be a 1 2 based on the fact that you're, it's not a proactive effect, it's a defensive effect. So it's like, why is it a 1 2, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

I think the problem with like 1 3s is just like, how they balance their 1 cost, so it's like, It kind of makes things tricky with some of the other 1 3's, I guess, and it's like, where's the drawback? But there's not one, and they kind of got rid of that in, like, I don't know, the 3 cost. They did that when there used to be drawbacks, and there's not anymore. Yeah, I think there's just a lot of instances of this that I just wish we would try and, you know, do. If, like, if everyone's playing Echo, revert it, but, like, throw it into the next OTA. Look at these cards that are having bad play rate, not, you know, not showing up in the meta whatsoever. And just see what a PowerPoint does, because sometimes one power can really make the difference.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely it could. And I think that Echo is a good example of a card that's not inherently bad, but it feels bad to play, because it doesn't have the trade off. Like, you're not gaining enough from it, right? And with regards to other cards that could potentially see buffs that aren't necessarily complete garbage right now, do you think the Twitch drops are indicative of the fact that maybe Spider Man 2099 gets some love eventually, or no?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, it's almost like I think they won't now that he's a Twitch drop card. I think if we were going to see him get changed, I thought it was going to be last month. And with him not, I don't know. I don't know if we'll see it. I think if we're going to see a move, changes happen both positively and negatively, it was going to be last month. So, my, my, my hope has dwindled for Miguel.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. Let's do another couple quickfire ones before we move on to our Snapchat mailbag here. Do you think Rhino, at a 45 percent win rate and a 0. 2 percent play rate, ever gets any love? Cause, don't even say C3, he's not even played there. Why not make him a 3 5? Why not, man? Everything else is a 3 5. Like, really, everything else is a 3 5.

Cozy Snap:

Make them a 3 5. I know, C3 will miss it. Make them a 3 5. Like, let's face it, 3 0's not even that consistent anyway. I feel like some of these cards, like, the answer's not always just, like, throw the stat stick. I mean, we just talked about Activate and how you can change cards that way, but some of these, it's like, just Give it a whirl, give it a couple power points, and again, you know, if it's too much, take it back, but I think there are some obvious ones where that's the answer.

Alexander Coccia:

I had an idea for Orca. Orca's running a 48 percent win rate and a 0. 1 percent play rate. What if Orca had the same effect, except it cleared the location? So let's say you had it, like, junk being such a big part of the meta. Maybe reduce his stats a bit, but maybe he, he destroys everything like Misery would, destroy the whole location, carnage it, but because he's his own card, he gets a buff as well.

Cozy Snap:

So, it's funny you say that, because him and Namor, I was thinking the same thing, except I was thinking that their effect works on cards you've played. So, like if you've played a card there, right, he won't work, but if they send over a rock, It's fine, he'll ignore it. That way it's not just de Cause the reason these cars are dead is because of how prevalent something like Junk is, and that would fix both of them. In fact, Neighbor would be played way more if it wasn't affected all the time. And the Scream deck that just came out would counter that, right? Cause you're moving a car with Polaris, they played it. But when it's just like Widow and all these other things, very easy, just one debris ruins it, you know, this would solve it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And I mean, that being said, like there was a moment where Orca was seeing play with the OG Ms. Marvel, right? Cause he represented like a 21 power play onto one location because he got the plus five plus the plus five. From the OG Cap Marvel when you only needed one card. Okay. And we would be remissed. We got to just check all the boxes on the episode here. We'd be remiss not to bring up Kang the Conqueror. We joked about him on your side. Do we even bother talking about him? I don't want to move on. I want to move on. I don't want

Cozy Snap:

to talk about him. He's not going to, I hate him.

Alexander Coccia:

You hate Kang? There's a good chance he hates you too. Everyone hates him. It's true. That's, that is actually factual. As we move on to our Snapchat Mailbag Cozy, we got a few questions here from you guys. And if you'd like to leave a question for us, let us know in the comments down below. Down below. The first one comes from King Snail and it reads, let's admit it. The best new card of the season was Hellcow. And this is in reference to our conversation last week.

Cozy Snap:

Truth. Yes, absolutely. No question about it. Black Swan. It's funny, man. Activate doesn't work for everything, but did it for Hellcow.

Alexander Coccia:

I know Hellcow completely reinvigorated. I think I've used that word a lot today, actually, now that I think about it, but I think that, that Hellcow and the change to activate completely made Hela like all the way back. We brought Hela all the way back. From from the damned location that it was in. And it was just one card, a minor change, and that was it. Do you see yellow after you wear those for a long time? Like, do you mean like, does this like impact my actual vision? Yeah, I'm looking at myself. I look weird without the glasses on now. 99 percent of the time I don't wear these glasses and it's funny. Cause when I'm out places. People don't recognize me because I'm not wearing my glasses. Like, I didn't recognize you because you weren't wearing your glasses. We

Cozy Snap:

got that comment on the video. It's like Alex was wearing his glasses where I was like, I don't think of that at all. Like, if you came wearing your glasses, I'd be like, what the hell? Like, what's going on? Like, it would throw me off in person, I think, more than on here. I almost don't see him anymore, but now they You look great.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, thank you, sir. You also look great, man. I, I gotta go, like, I gotta fly to San Diego and figure out who your barber is. You did. a little bit. You could've. You could've done it. Maybe we did. Oh, we could've done it. Maybe next time. Maybe that's a, a future episode. Next time I'm down. Next, next TwitchCon, come down. We get a haircut together. Film that. That's gotta be great content.

Cozy Snap:

LeBron James has a show at the barber shop or something like that. They talk about hot and steamy, I don't know what they talk about, but we could do it.

Alexander Coccia:

We can do it, we can talk hot and steamy like Salon Talk, like that's a podcast, Salon Talk with Cozy and

Cozy Snap:

Alex. White Queen variants, and yeah, and Black Cat variants, yep.

Alexander Coccia:

And our next question comes in from Hellshoot, and it reads, I do agree with Alex saying that Copycat's change made the card feel worse, and also killed the card in Mill. Also, I want the old Loki playstyle back. I don't care for the numbers right now, the old playstyle was so good and unique, now Loki's only used to reduce Erishim's deck size.

Cozy Snap:

I'm glad he agrees with you. I, I, I still like Copycat. Yeah, I, I I mean, definitely it's different. I still think Copycat's a very good card and it just shouldn't, could be in most decks. Yeah, I'm glad he, I'm glad he agrees with you. So Alex like died there or something. He froze. I actually, it was so convincing by what I said. I got, cause I said, I'm glad that he liked your, your take on it. And you were just like, and at first I was like, is he doing a bit? And then I was like, oh dude, this man's dead. He ain't moving. He stopped moving. Yeah, he's dead. Yes. Great, great job, Hell Diver.

Alexander Coccia:

Hellshoot. Yeah, Hellshoot. The key thing is though, I do agree that low key reducing Airsham's deck size is very unfortunate. I don't know if I like that completely. The next question comes from HarkNerd, and it reads, Galactus is a fun card, but I don't like how it reduces the amount of season pass experience you get. You get 10 season pass experience per location 1, and when there's only one present, it's a significant reduction long term. The reason why I'm bringing this up, Cozy, I didn't even know this was a thing! That isn't the thing at all. Is this, is this actually true?

Cozy Snap:

I had no idea. Like, yo, no idea that was even a thing. I'm sorry. So the more you play, the more season pass, so like every, you get 30 points a game?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so the way it works, and this has always been consistent, you get a point for your season pass for every turn that goes by. So you get 6 for going through 6 turns, 7 for the magic turns. I knew that. And you get 10 points per location you win. And so if you blow up the locations, Galactus apparently deletes it.

Cozy Snap:

You know what's the worst? Is when someone Galactuses a that, that gym one Fogwell gym, when you're supposed to get double boosters and it takes that away. That's the worst thing you could do as a Marvel Snap player. Yeah, I didn't know that though, that's crazy. That's like one of the few things I've learned new about Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, when I read this comment, I was like, no way this is true. And if you guys can verify in the comments, like I did not actually test this or verify it, I just thrown it out there. So this could be absolute fake news. But if it's not, if it's not, like it's actually pretty cool. We got two more. First one comes from Malcolm. Cozy and Alex say Hope Summers is being disrespected every season. Haha. Probably. Play. Because she is. She is disrespected. I read this comment, I was like, bro, them's fighting words. Hope Summers is one of the best cards in Marvel Snap that gets absolutely no love. That card is so unbelievably good.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, if there's something that needs change, we're gonna keep saying it until the change happens. Alex and Coccia, 2024.

Alexander Coccia:

That's right, that's right. I mean, listen, I joke and I call her. I was going to say, I don't know what you just said, dude. It is so late right now. We've got to wrap this up. You're not even making any sense. It's so late. Your internet's dying. I'm freezing. No, that was your internet. It's not my internet. It was your internet. Scoundrel. Yeah, it was. It was

Cozy Snap:

definitely your internet. My internet is doing great right now. I got the Cowboys game on. It's doing wonderful.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, so that's why. You're literally streaming the Cowboys game on Netflix while watching the podcast. I'm not,

Cozy Snap:

I swear, I'm not.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, he's recording the podcast while streaming multiple things, no wonder his internet's dying. And the last question of the day comes from Mr. PawRevised, and it reads, My two biggest discoveries this year, Marvel Snap and the Snapchat podcast. Made my year guys, definitely.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, love, love to hear it any time we get fan feedback like that. There's like a little fan mail thing that you guys can do on social media. Spotify, maybe, or something like that. It always comes in, and, and, just so much kudos in there, and, and we, we appreciate it, man. We're just two tired dads that are just putting together a little snap countin and sometimes we derail, but always, always a blast, and, and the fact that it brings entertainment is just a bonus.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. You know what? This is like one of those things were realistically cozy. You and I would have found time to talk every single week. Anyway, we, while we talk almost every single day, regardless, but we were just shooting shop of a Marvel snap. We would have found a way anyway, and here we are, we just record it live and just get to do it. And you know what, these comments, it really is motivation for myself and for I'm sure for yourself as well, but. With that being said, guys, as we go in towards our two year anniversary, we just passed 100 episodes. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for everything you guys do to support myself, to support Cozy, and supporting the work that we do together as well. Thank you guys so much for watching, and until the next one,

Cozy Snap:

Happy snapping.

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