The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New We Are Venom Season | September Cards In Review | 100th Episode Special | The Snap Chat Ep. 100

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 48

Will this new season be the scariest one this year? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in September? What are the best token shop buys right now in Snap? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this special episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome to the 100th episode of the Snapchat. We've made it 100 episodes every single Monday. Haven't missed one yet. And today, we got a banger as we talk about the brand new spooky season, Symbiote's Everywhere 7 new cards coming to the game. And Alex and I are gonna break our ratings down, the synergy, and what we think about all these new cards. Coming to Marvel Snap. We also have a brand new game mode and high voltage that brings a new car that you can earn. Alex and I will give our thoughts on that. And you combine all that with kind of a lackluster OTA. And we're going to talk about all that today and more on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia for not one, not two, but a hundred episodes every single Monday going on two years, man. What a super cool episode. And it happens to back up. Into almost our two year anniversary that we have some special plans for man. How you doing on, I would say special, but you know, it's just, it's an ordinary Monday, but it's a hundred in a row.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy. This is, what do you mean? It's ordinary. This is extraordinary. Like, I honestly cannot believe that we've done this for a hundred weeks in a row. You and I, together, never missing a beat, through thick and thin, through traveling, through family, through everything that we have to do, we get this done. And you know why we get it done? And I know you must feel the same way. This is what I look forward to every week. Okay, Marvel Snap could be long and gone, but I want this. I want Cozy Snap, Alex Coccia, talking with each other, even if we're not even recording anymore. Just these moments for me are so special. Man, a hundred I can't wait for the hundred more. And the hundred after that.

Cozy Snap:

I was gonna say the power of friendship, which sums that up. Yeah, I mean, the power of friendship and none more than today. I mean, we just said Too thick and thin for those I was gonna say for those that don't know, no one will know this. My son is in the hospital, so I am actually sleeping in a hospital chair right now, and it's crazy. So I've drove home doing this real quick but again, we don't miss Mondays, and we can't. How can we miss the 100th Episode. We're gonna do a big celebration. We're gonna do a lot today, but instead, because given the circumstances, that's all gonna be on, it would be what, the 104th episode? As that would be our, our two year mark, my man. But that doesn't mean today is not gonna be a good one. We've got the new season. We're gonna be ranking the old season. We got a lot to do! To break down in Marvel Snap, lots of breakdown in general game modes and game is to challenge Snap potentially with maybe Pokemon Pocket, we'll see. But Alex, we know what we're talking about over here. What are we talking about over there?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're gonna be doing our September In Review. We ranked the cards, we discussed the card, now we're gonna hold ourselves accountable to our initial rankings. Then we're gonna be talking about the best token shop buys in Marvel Snap today, what you should be spending your tokens on and adding to your collection. And then as always Cozy, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

We have not one, but seven new cards to talk about today. So we do need to hop just right into it. Age of Venom starts us off as a season pass card, as a two cost, four power card, on reveal, set the power of all of your cards in your deck. To four. And, listen, all of these cards this season are a bit on the more tricky side. I think this one is a good one to kick it off. It's kind of the opposite of Bass, but gives you four, not in your hand, but in your deck. And so we've got a season pass card that, at first glance, probably Looks kind of limited, and I think I've seen that sentiment amongst some of the player base here. But initial star rating before we jump into everything with Agent Venom.

Alexander Coccia:

I expect this to be a 4 star card. It is limited in its application. Very niche. But like, if you think about its effect, like this is very strong. Extremely strong. Right? Now obviously, it only impacts the deck, not your hand. So it has that kind of limitation to it as well. So it has like double limitations. You gotta draw it. It only hits the deck, right? So if your Iron Man, for instance, is in your hand, it's not getting impacted. But if that Iron Man is in your deck, this, that's a pretty big hit, right? I think there's a lot of synergies we can be talking about, but we always come back to the idea that cards with relatively low power often have disproportionately powerful effects. And so now you're adding that four baseline power to cards in your deck that you're drawing into. I mean, there's a lot of cards that benefit from that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think this card is going to be, so you said four star, that's right. I had it at 3. 5. I'm probably going to land at four ultimately for it as well. I think it's going to be good, but not super popular after this season. Like we've seen cards like this before, that even though they do great It will be pigeonholed. There's going to be a lot of cards that benefit off this. There'll be cards in the future that do that, but we've seen people The player base, the casual player base, doesn't like to be pigeonholed into certain cards, and they don't want to see that, you know, negative effect of having 4 Power, and all of a sudden their, their Odin, their Red Hulk is now brought down. To said power. And this might be one of the least, probably newer player friendly cards as well, just some of the synergies we're going to talk about today. There are some obvious kind of pull one, pull two synergies, but that is something to note of. The cards that I was looking at, the synergies I was looking at, there are some, definitely spicy ones, but let's go ahead and kick on into it. Now, I think the first one everyone just wants to talk about right away, and I just want to have a base discussion around, is Cerebrope. I know that people are like, hey, Cerebrope, this could be awesome, it could set your power to 4, you could do some you know, kinda neat synergy stuff. In my opinion, Alex, I don't know if you disagree, like we've never seen Cerebro have its own meta. It's always kind of in and out because all the things that can go wrong with it, I think this will be a nice kind of boost to it. C four being probably the worst of the Cerebro family, if you will, or at least the common Cerebro family. So let's just get that outta the way. I think it'll be nice for that deck. I don't think it's gonna boost it to crazy proportions.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Cerebro doesn't need Agent Venom Cerebro needs a Season Pass card that says at the start of the game, F all locations, basically, right? Like, that's basically what it needs. It needs to just negate all that RNG that tends to happen, not even to mention the amount of junk and the amount of toxic we have going on right now. I do think that there will be some brews with With Cerebro, my early kind of experimentation with Cerebro has me trying to say bring Apocalypse, not Apocalypse, sorry, Onslaught to 4 Power, which I think would greatly benefit both the Mystique and the the Cerebro itself, however, it's worth noting that like, you're not going to play Agent Venom and put a whole bunch of larger cards in the deck. You're going to maybe take a chance at some of the lower powered stuff, right? Like a Luke Cage, I think would benefit from this, right? Because Luke Cage just goes up and never goes down. But then again, then you can't run Onslaught on that deck. So then all of a sudden you're like, well, what do I do? You know what I mean? So it's kind of awkward from that standpoint.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I think, I mean, it's cool in a world that we'll have, you know, access to Sarah, we know Claw's a very good card that can work in Cerebro. There are some very interesting you know Makaris, a free one that can be played down. Like, don't get me wrong, there's gonna be some cool stuff, and maybe C4, because it has access to things like Leech as a tech card, maybe there's, you know, a universe that that does become hyper, hyper. Good, but obviously there are the locations. That's the biggest problem, as you alluded to.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Miss Marvel as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Miss Marvel too, obviously being huge was a big factor in C5. But never mind that. Let's go ahead and talk about the other synergies. And, and really, I sorted by power here because this is the easiest way to do it, right? We want to look at some of these low Let me turn this off here. We want to look at some of these low power guys. And, and which card's really going to benefit the most from Agent Venom. And the more that I was doing research, and the more I was going through Synergy, I got excited. I got excited with some of the cool stuff that can kind of come from this. So right off the bat, for me, I feel like at its core, Surfer might be a pretty interesting card for this, given all of the cheaper esque cards you know, that it has.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, Surfer, I think, is a definite beneficiary. Surfer has been missing that, like, really good two costed card. There was a while where, like, a Sebastian Shaw Surfer deck was simply just running Akoya there, but Akoya has, like, that's not the best card, right? Like, you draw it on two, you're like, hey, that feels good. But other than that, it's not great. Jeff was often a stand in. We've seen Goose Metas as well. But if you think about that, Agent Venom can definitely get in there. Realistically, it doesn't even impact Sarah. Right? As you said unfortunately Sebastien Chant won't get boosted, but Brood does, Sage does, maybe it brings up Rogue, you could have something like a Storm, a Wolfsbane, there's a lot of different 3 costed cards that really love that additional power. Like, Wolfsbane into a Brood location, starting at 4, and then getting the, the boost across, like, that's actually massive. Power, right? Make no mistake. So I do think the Silver Surfer could potentially be a pretty strong spot for it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I guess to rewind back a little bit, like looking at its base mechanics, like A, it's a 2 4, so you have a good stat line, like, across the board. It is a card that you need to have on curve, but we've seen that happen. Like, if you play it late, it's not the end of the world, but also if you play it on 2, you can have that massive effect. If you get to play it on curve, you get four different cards that benefit from it. And so when you're deck designing around this card, you're probably going to want to include Most of the cards in the deck to benefit from it, right? I mean, that's going to be the angle for, for how you're going to deck design with the card. But because it has the 2 4, that's also just good to be able to play out, you know, if you don't end up drawing it. Opposed to like you know, Pixie or some of these other just cards that are a little bit off. I would say Wiccan, but Seven's not terrible. But it's just a little off if you play him late. You know, Agent Venom's not the worst if you can't get his full effect.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so there's a lot of cards that, like, really need to be played on Curve. This is one of them, and I do think it's a strike against this, where, like, you know something like Jeff, even. You could hold Jeff to the end of the game, slide it into an interesting location, or whatever, right? There's, there's playability there that's important. And I, I brought up Okoye before, that's a great example of a card that feels great to play on, too, and absolutely awful as you move off it. And yeah, Agent Venom's gonna be no different. Thankfully, Depending on the style of deck, I mean, even if you happen to play it on turn five, there's a chance you topdeck something that's impacted, right? Even if it's that brood or whatever. And generally speaking, you're going to have like some, some alternate plays. Like you never build around a new card. We're like, man, why don't draw this card on two? My whole strategy falls apart. Right. And I think that's something that you have to consider with Agent Venom. But other than that, like, I still think that like, although you want to play it on two, Ah, you know what, I take that back. I don't know if I want to play it on 4 or 5. I think that might even be too late. But I'm just saying that you still might get a little value of it, but obviously not the same.

Cozy Snap:

What standout cards, obviously we have decks that, you know, have a lot of synergy, but standout, like, right away, obviously, we look at Bass cards, right? So, like, Iron Man is clearly a favorite, going just up to 8 power, you know, in the lane, no matter what, that's gonna be fantastic. Any other just standouts?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Mystique would definitely be a beneficiary as well. Thena is another good one. Now, obviously, Thena is a two cost as well. However, with Thena, I often find myself playing her on three anyways. Because with Thena, you'd have to top deck her, but I often find myself playing Angela and then Thena Kitty. That was kind of the way I would play those lines. Cause obviously she benefits from having two cards be played at once, whereas Angela you can play on top, right? So, having Angela out on two I think was a little beneficial. With Agent Venom, You know, Thena would have to get topdecked, so that's not quite as good, but still something worth considering. I have a little bit of a cope, and that's Havok. Havok's not generally played on turn two, but starting at a four power, and then if played on turn five with like a wave, like we've seen those types of builds before maybe that could be something that you know, has a bit of an impact. And then you have Sage. I could keep going! Cassandra Nova, baby! Imagine Cassandra Nova being top deck starting at four and then draining, that's pretty solid too. Cozy, I don't want to take all of them. No, no, you definitely listed

Cozy Snap:

a lot of good ones there, man. I think, to me, right, like I just, I just happened to put out a deck when I think Madame Webb came out. Or maybe it was Aranya, but someone was like, wow, this will be great when Agent Vita comes out. And then I, I was looking at it, and I was like, oh yeah, for sure. So, Small Soldiers was the name of the deck, and really, the highest cost card in it, I have one four cost and Shang Chi. Everything else is below three cost, and they're all small, small cards, right? Like, Human Torch, Dagger, Madame Web Kraven, and Doctor Strange, US Agent. These are all very small that you can build up through the movement synergy, and then you have things like US Agent and Shang Chi to kind of counteract the bigger power, and so I love the idea of kind of what you alluded to. Decks like this one, decks like the Ancient or the decks like the Kitty Pride and Athena, like, those feel really good. That builds up massive power in small increments and giving that four boost. I mean, it reminds me of the old days of Bishop, right? Getting Bishop, you know, maybe, maybe, maybe Bishop returns to at least, I would even say, I can't say his is what he was but maybe he just returns, like, he comes into a deck in its own right. So I think, yeah, that's where it's gonna work great. But I, my brew, and I haven't finished it yet, but I, you know, it reminded me of Bast so much, I was like, okay. So Bast, we used in a lot of creative ways. Don't see us using this with negative because it's deck, not hand, so a little awkward. However, the Iron Patriot, remember back in the day we had that Iron Man Patriot deck? Well, I'm thinking, I'm like, alright, we've got Brewed, we've got Sinister, those are just two huge winners from this card. But then it's like, okay, Iron Man goes in that deck, Patriot, Mystique, okay, and then we start cookin And then you can go with the Onslaught route to what you were saying, but there's also even like Ultron. Not the end of the world if you have him low power, because you're able to do, you know, the crazy swarm of getting all the drones down. So I feel like that deck, because you have cards that naturally work into it, Misty, you can even get Misty Knight, like a standard Misty Knight. You know, 1 4, then build it up with Patriot, Mystique. But the biggest one is, you know, Mystique. Mysterio, right? So we've seen Mysterio have this mini Dr. Doom aspect with Bass. Well, now you've got yourself 12 power amongst three cards and you put that into this Iron Man deck and this Patriot deck. I think that might be my favorite home.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually like that a lot. Mysterio was one of those cards that like when Bass was kind of gaining in popularity was being used like a mini Dr. Doom. And I like your call out on Patriot here because Patriot itself gets a three power boost. Mystique, it's a four power boost, right? And then maybe you run something like a Blue Marvel, and that gets a little boost too. And then all of a sudden you got a Patriot that's a five? Like, that is, that's pretty huge, right? And it's also worth noting that in those types of decks, you said Mr. Sinister, Brood also makes those decks often as well. Brood being cut often now because of the prevalence of the new improved Ultron. But yeah, a lot of options there. I have to tell you, you kind of got onto like the brewing and the cooking a little bit. I got a bit of a cook too, and I think this is going to be one of the first places I go to with Agent Venom. Okay. He's forgotten, but it's the Mad Titan. If you think about it, those Infinity Stones, they're going to get buffed.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. They're going to get

Alexander Coccia:

buffed a lot. And while you are starting, obviously, with a larger deck, it might be harder in theory to get Agent Venom in on turn two, you are drawing through things rather quickly. And suddenly, you're getting 1 4 stones. Like, could a Thanos Zoo style archetype make a bit of a comeback?

Cozy Snap:

I think what worries me First of all, I like this build. That's fun. We'll have to see some Thanos testing. I'm going to be looking out for that on your end. The thing that makes you just worry that I know it's going to kick me in the butt is, I swear, all the cards you're going to want to get that for are going to end up in your hand. That, like, it's the inconsistency of all that that worries me a tad with the card in general. But I think the way you can design decks have it where it's just like a win win no matter what.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think you'd design it around like less able Thanos, which I know they're trying to move towards Thanos more, but less around Thanos, more around Agent Venom, and then you have things like Devil Dinosaur, which would actually get buffed by it as well because it has a three power line, right? And then you'd go, like, Ka Zar, Blarvel Ky Ara, like, straight up

Cozy Snap:

Zoo, yeah. Exactly, cause Marvel bored your point, I mean, he just went down, so he gets even more love, you know, from it as well, and Zoo just has like a staple, who's gonna like it, clearly. You've got all these cheap one cost cards. The ones that you just don't care that are in the deck or out. Like, if you have it in your hand, cool. If you don't, awesome. I think those are the ones that are gonna work naturally best. And if you think about cards like Nightcrawler going up to a four, it's like, man, sign me up. That, that sounds like it has, you know, some pretty big boom to it. Now they showed this on the trailer and it kind of surprised me a tad and I was thinking about it. I'm like, you know what? I think there is a cook here and I want there to be a cook. Because every time we come up with something for Destroyer and then it doesn't quite land. However, this time, you think about it, well, you've got A 1 4 Deadpool, which if you kill even once, you're getting a 1 8 out of it, and then you can continue to climb. Carnage gets Marginal Increase and Venom, but hey, Marginal is Marginal, it's not Net Neutral, right? And then you think about, you have Knull, you've got Arnim Zola in there, you know, you can start building up on these. Now, Nimrod and Death, those are the two that would take a hit. But more cards than that, I think, would actually like Agent Venom, and it kind of makes sense, you know, Venom in the name, it could work here.

Alexander Coccia:

I think that's actually interesting. I hadn't considered Destroy, but you're right, like Death and Deathlok, and, like, they're some of the only ones that actually have values over 4, really. Nimrod too, but you obviously just wouldn't run Nimrod in that deck, right? You just do, like, much more of a Deadpool style Arnim Nola type thing. I like this Callout. Even X23, right? Getting hit and using it. Yeah. They all have relatively low stat lines because of the scalability.

Cozy Snap:

It could all, yeah, it could all, in theory, work. And again, we've, we've seen this. Like, we've tried to make this work. Will this be one that actually sticks? Can it be an off blend thing? I don't know. And that's what has me hesitant. I just think at the end of the day, this'll be a fun, it reminds me of Baron Zemo a bit. Like, in the Season 4, the season people played it, and then as it went on, people played it less. Like, this is, at least even though we gave it a decent star, this is on my list as, like, Not as exciting of a season pass card as you typically have because of its limitation because what I see the casual player base That's my initial worry here. You know, you just heard us talk about Patriot. Heck the hood I'd even mentioned the hood this that was gonna be in the in the Iron Patriot deck You've got a negative three swing with the demon. That's obviously, you know, completely bonkers Bounce Kitty pride decks if those are your flavor zoo, then you're gonna like the card if it's not that I think you can You know probably safely passed

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and one place where it actually kind of gets stepped on a little bit is it steps on the toes of Ravonna. A lot of the Ravonna cards and the Ravonna decks will not want to run Agent Venom for obvious reasons. And so that tends to take down its ceiling slightly, right? And that's simply the way Ravonna works, right? Ravonna doesn't take the base original cost into consideration. It takes the updated cost, and that'll knock that synergy out from Agent Venom.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so we got Cerebro, Surfer, Destroyer, Kitty Pryde packages, a little bit of Patriot here and there, and I'm sure there's gonna be some other cooks. But, long term, I think it'll be a fine card for those that enjoy the playstyle. Let's move on, because we've got a lot of cards to talk about. Ancient Venom being one of the more complex ones, which is why we spent the time. But next we've got Scream. And Scream is a 2 2, and with an ability of when an enemy card moves, you will steal 2 power from it, once per turn. So let's start not saying anything. But the star rating, what do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm going with a definite 4 here. This is definitely a 4 star card. I think it's good. I think it's somewhat niche in its application. We've said that a couple times already. But I can already see the thumbnails. Mobster Move is back, right? Cause like, I think it's gonna Okay, so, I think this is gonna do the same thing for that, like, offensive attack movement style deck as Baron Zemo did for For like milling, right? This is going to be a key component to that Kingpin, Scream, Polaris style deck that we haven't had before. And we've been missing something from that deck. Those decks were good, but they weren't great. And they hadn't really kept up with the power creep that had existed in Snap. And now we got something coming for it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, this might be, you did a good job just saying the rating and not moving on. I, you know, I, I'm going to give it a 4 or 2. This might, this might be, there's one other one. This might be my favorite card of the month I think so. I think I'm gonna go with four, mainly because of this, and this might just be my four, and I'll tell people, you know, when, when we review it, you know, if it's ultimately worth it, but I love when a new card comes in and allows you to play essentially a new archetype, which Scream is kind of doing. The stats are crazy. I mean, guys, if we, if this Red give a card 4 power each time, people would be losing their minds. It's a 2 6 after one move happens, right? That's insane, because you are stealing that power. And it has to actively be in play. So you, it's legit, could not be better in the sense of scaling and, and what that can provide. And there are so many movement cards. Who are we kidding? I mean, I would say More often than not, a card is going to have some type of movement in its deck. This is also the new Cosmo, the new Cassandra Nova, you know, to Erishim, the new whatever you want to say. This is a firm counter against move decks which I think is needed more in the top end of things. I think most importantly, Scream is going to make a lot of cards relevant that have not been, to your point, in the mobster move set, in the, the, the Polaris's, the Spider Man. I'll keep, you know, let's go through them all, right? Polaris, Spider Man, we have Stegron. It is once per turn, but Magneto, Cannonball, and then hey, listen, this is the month. This is finally the month. It's the month of Aero. You get the 510 Aero as well. I just, there's more cards than not that can move, but even better, it creates this new offensive style of deck that we just haven't seen and I think is going to be a lot of fun to play and that's why I'm excited.

Alexander Coccia:

A buff to Arrow, I think, is indicative of Second Dinner's attempt to make this offensive move deck a reality. I think they knew Scream was coming, and I felt like they, in their text, were like, This is good, but we want Scream to land. We want things to land. I think that's been their goal with the the most recent additions to the game. And so, like, we looked at what they did for move last month, and I feel like this offensive move package Suddenly, they're like, okay, let's give Arrow a time to shine here. And that 510 stat line is, is actually amazing. A little bit disruption, but now you have Scream in there, it's a legit weapon.

Cozy Snap:

Well, and if you think about it too, like, you know, outside of just the insane stats Scream can get up to when played on Curve, all that good stuff. Is what the deck is doing, right? You're attacking your opponent, so it's like a middle deck, where it's like, it's not just playing down good stats, like in Zemo's case, but you're also actively preventing or stopping or changing what your opponent wants to do, and that's where the most power comes from, in my opinion, right? Like, It's gonna be cool as just a base card to throw down with, you know, all the Visions and the GFs and the Nocturnes of the world. But then also, it's gonna be really important because you get to move with Polaris. All of a sudden, Polaris becomes a much stronger card because of all that synergy. The Curve line makes sense. It'll maybe even stack that with Kingpin and you start really punishing them. And then I also like that if they happen to have Luke Cage, you still get some benefit out of it yourself by getting Scream bigger. So, to me, Scream might be my favorite card of the month because of what it'll allow you to play, and then just being a good overall card.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually agree. It's my favorite card of the month as well. I think there's one that might be more meta impactful, potentially, but I see this one. Actually elevating an archetype that needed it. This is the one I am most excited for this month, for sure. And I think it's for the same reasons why you're stating here. And it's worth noting that like Marvel Snap is all about like taking small things and just corralling them into larger advantages. And that's exactly what Scream does. Right. And I actually really do like that. I like the idea that we have cards like Polaris, who we've not talked about on this podcast since I don't remember one, Arrow, which I mean, we, I just make fun of you for, we don't actually play in real decks, right? And suddenly these cards are actually back in it a little bit, right? And I think it's really, really important to note that I do not see Scream as a tech counter to move. It's not a tech piece against Move, so if Move is like, really popular, you wouldn't play Scream the same way you would play a Mobius and Mobius if you want to counter discounting, or you play Cosmo against Honor Reveals. I really do think it's an offensive piece, not a defensive piece. I

Cozy Snap:

think it's both. Like, I'll be fair, if you played on a Scream and they're playing a Move deck, buddy, I think they're done. Like, I think, yeah, it's, it, they Move, they get so high in power, like a Dagger does, that it won't care all the time. But like, it's gonna add up, like, cause you have your screen plus things, like, I do think it is kind of a, the word we love to say, a release valve, right? But I do think it's a little bit of a release valve there. It's not as black and white as Killmonger is offensive and defensive wise, but there is that trade off, and that's Sadly, that's what you need nowadays in stats. It's crazy how just good stats, like again, to your point, we used to talk about Spider Man, Polaris, 3 5, whoo, doesn't matter anymore. You need cards like Copycat that do five things at once, that really feel like they can snowball, and that, that is why we scream at least check some of those boxes off.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and of course, when you combine it with something like a Kingpin, suddenly you're like double dipping on that, that advantage, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and again, like Cannonball, Arrow, you're displacing what they were doing, and you're stealing from them, and then Magneto, you're moving everything, and you're stealing from them, and you're moving things to a Magneto lane to make them lose, and then you're Scream, and another lane's gonna go up in power. I think people were sleeping on Scream. I really do, just because of the style of deck that she's gonna be in. And that's why I think she's got some really strong potential, and I'm excited to see what she can offer. So outside of Scream, we're gonna move on, because we, we keep having them. I will say this, Scream comes with Mobius, Man Thing. Not a great, not a great week. Man Thing's fine, Mobius is fine, but it's not like you're not jumping up and down. And that's how a lot of people feel about the next card we're going to talk about in Misery. Now just looking at this card gives me nightmares, but we've got a 4 7 On Reveal. Repeat the On Reveal abilities of your other cards here, and then destroy them. And I want to go ahead and read that one more time, because it is confusing. You know, they used to do a good job with card text. I think a couple of them lately, like Aranya, now this. Just a little bit on the confusing side. To me, this reads Honor Veil, Misery's gonna check for Honor Veil cards, if they're there, like an Iceman, she'll kill it, and then it's gonna do the Honor Veil again, right? Or do the Honor Veil and then she'll kill it, sorry. However, if there's a Nimrod there, which is why this is important, I don't think Nimrod's gonna die. No I

Alexander Coccia:

read it that way as well, that the only cards that will be destroyed are cards with on reveal text. The on reveal will happen first, and then the cards will attempt to be destroyed. From what I see, I believe armor would prevent the cards from blowing up. So if you want to, like, conserve a card, while also re procking their on reveal, you could, in theory, use something like an armor.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, so this time, just say the star rating, what do you have?

Alexander Coccia:

This is also a 4.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, I love that you gave it a higher ranking. Okay, I gave it a 2. 5 Which that's way lower than I

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

because here's the deal This is what I was thinking because I've been burned by a couple cards and it's like this to me reads as a super cool card a lot of strong like highlight clips from it But is it something that we actually need? Right? Is it something that we need? Because I do have some points to kinda go for that case, and this is one of those that I'd be happy if you were right and I was wrong here. I think there are some, like, essentially, it's a discount Odin in some ways, and also, it's an improvement on Deathlok. I don't think people would look at it that way, but it's a 4 7 that you can kind of target. Now, you can't do Nimrod, but you can target in different ways to, to set off. Or, you just have an Odin, and you don't care what happens to those cards. Those are the pros. I just think overall, the risk reward, we've seen these type of cards before, and they just, you gotta have things work out. They don't always do, and so for that reason, I don't know if it will scale perfectly into You know, what we have in the game. But I'll, I'll let you go first. Tell me why you think it's a four. What's the immediate synergy?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I do think that the reason why I'm going leaning a little higher originally I actually had three and I scratched it out and put a four. The reason why is because I do think that misery is going to require a whole different approach to destroy. If you think about traditional destroy, you use honor reveals to destroy cards underneath that do not have honor reveals of their own. You're talking about Deadpool. You're talking about Wolverine, right? Nimrod. All those cards do not have native on reveals. It's very unlikely that Misery goes into those style of decks. I also think the original statline of Misery, which was a 5 10, I think, I think they moved it to a 4 7 intentionally to, to Essentially move it off of the the Electro line. Yes. I think that like, it was too obvious of a play with Electro to Electro into Misery at turn five, sorry, turn four with a five cost Misery at 10 power, which I think was a premium premium play without, without question. Now that you have Electro at three, Misery at four to four, seven, I think it's effectively a three power nerf to that that lineup. And so that's what kind of brought me down a little bit. But what I'm interested in seeing is how the new deck building can work. I think that Knull is largely a huge winner with Misery, because I think it's going to take a different approach to like, okay, what can we destroy to then benefit Knull as the closer? Because Knull's always been like, not as necessary. Like, he's nice to have, but you could play Destroy without Knull, right? And I think that you won't be able to play Misery without Knull.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so first, I'm glad you said that, because when she was a 5'10 I always thought she was better in her one role of the ramp thing. Like, you know, like, she would have been THE ramp card to have in all decks, just cause getting that re trigger at no extra craziness still is gonna work in it. Like, don't get me wrong, I think she still just goes to the ramp decks. It's nice to have, you can do things with that. However, it dramatically now changes, kind of, some of what that looks like. I think it's interesting, though, that you can do, like, some Artem Zola stuff, or whatever, early, then play her even in that ramp build. And, and it destroys the Ardenzola, you don't really care, it reactivates. Like, there are some, this card has super unique decks, and then also, yes, the new Knull Destroy that is what I'm seeing from this season, trying to encourage some more ways to play Destroy rather than the, you know, the vanilla way that we've been playing it. So, I want to highlight Destroy some more, but what I want to bring up too is the off builds. Like, When I read this, I was like, man, you know what's, like, what are cards that I just don't care if they die? Right? Like, you get them out there, and you play them in, and they make sense, and it's like, okay, you've got things like a Darkhawk deck, where if you throw out a Korg, and Rockslide, and White Widow, and Black Widow, all four of those cards, especially White Widow and Black Widow, talk about incredible Great curve. Man, you go White Widow, Black Widow, Misery? They are in misery at that point. Like, it's title to what you're doing, and you're building up, and you can finish with this play too, with like a two cost, and then a four cost on turn six.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so imagine all the cards you wanted to hit with Grandmaster, right? That's kind of where I was thinking too. Like, what are the kind of cards you like hitting with Grandmaster? Ones that often have, like, smaller power levels, but high impact, help clear the board, etc., right? I, I actually do think that like, those types of decks will work well with Misery, because they actually work on Curve too, Korg 1 you know, White Widow 2, and then Black Widow 3, Misery 4, you clear your lane, re proc all those effects, and then like, there's another card I want to talk about too, and this is a card that I think is Absolutely slept on right now, especially considering how tight Marvel Snaps lines are getting. Imagine reprocking Iceman. Iceman twice. You don't get that Spider Ham feedback that you're like, Oh, got you, noob! You know what I mean? You don't get that feedback from Iceman, but they're feeling it on the other side. Every time you get someone plays Iceman against you, you're sad. You're like, well, come on, seriously? But the card's not seeing play.

Cozy Snap:

And not to mention, like, think about it. There's still seven power here, right? So, like, if you're getting, let's say, like, we could call it Iceman and White Widow on there, and your opponent, it's like You can put a Darkhawk to follow those, and that's why I think this thing does have cool potential in the off decks. It, it's gonna ignore the Darkhawk completely, and then you're not losing all that power, like it destroys those cards, but at least you're still putting seven on top of there, but then you're doing way more than that, because you're doing more rocks, more whatever, and then White Widow's spitting out the, you know, the, the Widow Kisses on the other side. Iceman's doing his thing. Like, I do think that that is a build that I really think is interesting. Either as a last turn or on curve play, depending on what that deck needs. And so, that is the potential of this being way higher than a 2. 5. I just feel like, I've seen this, I've been burned by it, I get excited by cards like this, and then I get burned, that I don't know if we absolutely need something like this. But I hope that we do.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree. Like, this is definitely the one that I might whiff on. I totally accept that. I'm just excited about the deck building landscape, and I was even trying to think to myself, like, Okay, hold on. You know, like, decks where you'd play junk, and, like, you'd, you'd kinda tech Carnage into it to clean up some of the mess and stuff like that? I had a thought of, like, okay, what about Misery? Like, what if you're playing Misery on the hood? Like, you know what I mean? What if it, like, you're getting two Demons, getting rid of the negative three Power on your side? That's twelve Power and Demons for, for two people. For two cost. You know what I mean? Like that, that's a lot. That's a lot while also clearing some space on your side. So I do think that, like, it's gonna take very deliberate deck building. This could absolutely fall on its face. But then you just move it to 4 8 and it's the best card in Snap.

Cozy Snap:

And what's great is it's, instead of killing the goblins, it just sends them back and then if there's too much room, it eats it. Like, I love that it does the Andrewville first. It's such a fun goblin interaction card that, like, you get best of both worlds. Kind of like a Nihilist where you, like, yeah, you send it, then it blows up or whatever. Yeah, to your point. Good anti claw card. Other cards that I was just thinking that, like, again, we just don't care if they get deleted from the game. Like, if you go with the ramp route or even just, like, in general, you know, Jubilee, I think is very interesting at that point. You know, cool. Get rid of Jubilee. You get two cards down. Make sure the cards that come from Jubilee maybe can benefit from this as well. Shuri, it's like, alright, you got a 14 power, and then on turn 5, or turn 6, you could then do another double thing. Don't know if that will work out, but into the, you know, Final point is there are cards that It's okay, White Tiger, Nomura, both of those. Who cares, man? You kind of already did the thing you need to, especially on turn six as a finisher. Eat up that White Tiger. Eat up that Nomura. And I love four cost cards in the sense of turn six plays. We have so many great two cost cards. And so to kind of pair those up together. I'm gonna leave off on this for this, because I want you, you used to be the one that played these decks all the time. I try to revisit it. It's just fun. What do you think about the potential of these, the Beta Ray, Thor, Hammers, you know, I think of it as a different Odin. Could we see that?

Alexander Coccia:

You're catching me off guard. I had not considered Beta Ray Bill as a synergy with Misery, I gotta be honest with you. That's not, that's not a line I went down. Now you got me thinking though, got me on the spot. I mean, if you think about it, you're re procking the Hammers. Right? Destroying them. It's the destroy side that doesn't make sense, but I'm trying to think about what you could do with that extra two power. Is there a card that works well for two power in those?

Cozy Snap:

A, I think armor belongs in the deck if you do go this route to protect the Thor in the beta anyway, but then also, it's like, even the last turn in the game, you're not dependent on Odin anymore. Like, you at least have the way where it's like, you, if, you don't have, you could just play the hammers down with misery if she destroys them. Who cares, right? You're adding seven power, you're re, you're, you're getting your other two lanes up. You know, typically Beta and Thor kind of hold their own lanes so you can kind of construct it where the other lane is going to be kind of benefiting from these hammers. Whatever, right? I feel like this could be a line.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think that like, it could be tricky because it turns into a two card combo because you'd have to have the armor to protect the cards from just getting destroyed, right? Which, which could be potentially problematic, of course. I think that we would we should mention that with Electro, with Misery, you could in theory do an Arnim Nola combo. Yeah. Right? Because now you have a clean line to do Arnim Nola in six turns.

Cozy Snap:

We'll have to see where she ends up landing but it'll be fun when we rank all the cards at the end and kind of where we see them working out. However, I will say before we move on, War Machine and Namor are the cards with her, so here's the problem. That's an insane, such a good week. War Machine just got nerfed, he's probably safe for a while, still a very good card. Nomura is the card. That's what I love about it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Nomura you have to have. War Machine's good. I was actually surprised that that whole archetype with War Machine only got the one power taken off, didn't get touched up elsewhere. I think War Machine's a fantastic card. Absolutely fantastic, even at it's post nerf state. Definitely worth getting. And Nomura, we've talked about Nomura so much. And here's the thing, if you don't roll for Nomura now, you're never gonna spend the tokens on it. Like, I know you just won't. You won't. You know you won't. You won't spend 6, 000 tokens on Nomura. This is your chance.

Cozy Snap:

That is a good point. Like, if you're not doing it now, then forever hold your peace, right? This is the time to grab it. Well, let's move on. We've got Scorn, who is a 1 2, and very interesting, because this card did get itself a change, and some people would look at it as a nerf. But definitely it's mechanics changed a good amount. So, it's a one cost, two power card. When you discard this, return it to your hand and give plus two power to itself and one of your cards in play. It used to give whatever power she had. She'd get one power each turn and then she would give her power to a card in play, which I liked a lot better. But we've got this new ability to it. It's giving plus two power, it's gaining the plus two. What do we think about scoring?

Alexander Coccia:

So, this is the one that I've had a really hard time with. Cause I think this, I see, I'm gonna, I'm gonna carefully say this. I think this is gonna be a four star card as a whole. Five star in Discard though. And, but I, like, in Discard specifically, I think it's gonna be a whole new beast. Because I, I, I just love what it's doing. It completely flips the end of the game on Discard, which I really like. I think we've needed five stars. for a while. However, of all the cards we're talking about, it's very, very niche. I should, I mean, the next one is kind of niche too, but this is very, very, very niche where like, you're really only playing it in one kind of deck. You're not putting this everywhere. You're really not. You're not playing this as a, Oh, it's a black bolt stature combo. This is the valve release valve for it. No, you're playing this in straight up discard. But if you actually look at the power it's outputting. As a one cost? A scaling one cost? Scaling one costs have been some of the most powerful cards in Marvel Snap. And the landscape of design is so limited with one cost. Like, how much can you possibly do? I feel like when you look at this text, how much more could you want a one cost to do? You know what I mean? It seems like it's going to be extremely impactful.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's that we're going to talk Toxin next, and as he is the balance, this is the discard. I think both those cards in their respective archetype is pretty good. Perfect. And yeah, I, I'm, I'm seeing like some lackluster takes on the card and I get it, you know, maybe as a whole, but in this card, it just doesn't get better, especially because it's a card that's safe from the action of getting rid of it, right? It's coming back stronger, better, and like Meek is great, but you know, if you, if you get it late, like at least this can still do something for your deck. And I'm gonna get this card for no reason alone, except that I just want to play more Gambit machine gun decks. And this is like the greatest Gambit machine It seems like a better Swarm in a lot of areas. It also seems like I don't want to say a better meek because they're so different, but I like what this one is designed to do and the way that it's going to work out. And it's quite honestly a little bit surprising. I wonder if it's going to show the plus two it gains as it, you know, we've seen that with like Deadpool and stuff. If your opponents can have like keep track of it, like, oh, they might have a score and how many discard, like, you know, all those little mental math things do play into how these cards perform.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I would expect it to be just like Apocalypse, Red Hulk, right? I think it's gonna display it for sure. With regards to Meek, I think the advantage of Meek is that, like, Meek's actually still good. We just don't see very often right now. There's been so much power creep in the game. But, like, Meek is great because you play it on 1 and it sits there and it does its thing. With Scorn, you're not playing it on 1. Scorn has to remain in your hand. So in order to actually get the full value of Scorn, you have to plan for that card coming out eventually. You have to play it by turn 5 Whereas with Meek, it's on the board already on curve. And so Scorn, while it's going to be impacting the board because of the plus twos, it affects your curve slightly because you're going to want to account for that extra one energy on turn five or six to get that power on board.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So for me, I, you gave it a four and a five, I think. Yeah, it's like, if you play Discard, this is the no brainer, and so it's almost no point giving a a star rating outside of that, because that's where you're playing it, you know, I call it, I guess, like, at that point, flexibility's low, so I'll give it, like, a 3, but yeah, I do think it's, I think it's a 4. 5 to, you know, imperative card, maybe 5. Sable was to bounce, is another one drop. Scorn is to discard. Not a lot to talk about outside of that with her. I mean, obviously, I think the APOC decks are kinda cool and how that's gonna work. Swordmaster just got a buff that is gonna synergize directly with this as well. Blade and Gambit, those are mine. Before I show this, I wanna say, The meta we're in in Snap is so weird. If this was a few months ago, we'd be going crazy about this card. Like, you need just such insane power now, like, to really, like, plus two is marginal if you look at it, but you can't abuse this, and I think just on top of how Discard works as a whole, when you combine this with looking at it. All the cards that as a turn 5 Modok play, because I do want to see if Modok likes this coming back. Like, do you remember when we had that Proxima Midnight when she came out? It's like, you got Wolverine, you've got all these cards that you hit with the big discard, Morbius goes up, Midnight's out there, now Scorin's given plus 2, and then you have your Apoc building, Dracula, You've got all these things that it's okay to draw it late, it also is gonna benefit what's on the board, if you draw it early, it's great. I think that it just makes the pinnable discard way better, which is why I, you know, I totally agree with your, if you, get this card if you play discard, period. If you have a gold plated discard cards in your, in your collection, get this card.

Alexander Coccia:

The last thing I'll put on you here with this is, this is what I've been wrestling with. I'm not sure if this is the case, but is it a backup plan for Apocalypse? Like, if you think about it, you have Dracula on turn four. You've been hitting score in a whole bunch. You never top deck Apocalypse. Is scoring high enough that it's still worth hitting with your your Dracula?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, probably, because then it gets another plus two. So I think it's also just like, it, it, there's definitely like a line that you could play. I think what sucks the most is, you're going to want to just target this card too with your tokens. It is. Jean Grey, and Sebastian Shaw. I mean, just what a whiff of a week, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it makes me wonder if the card's actually super good, and they did this on purpose. Sometimes they bait us like that. They're like, yo, the best you can almost rank cards based on like how crappy their spotlight companions are, right? Like, hey, we know you want this, so here's some absolute dog feces, you know what I mean? But I do think that like for free to play, this is like easily the most skippable week. Like, there's no question, if you're free to play, like, you're just you're just Skipping this one. You're skipping this.

Cozy Snap:

And it's funny, Shaw's in it because in the world, this could be played maybe in a deck that isn't pure discard and then Shaw gets boosted up and all that stuff, but you know, I think that's very hard to pull off. We move on to Toxin, which is the Scorn to discard, but it is now to balance. I said that a little messed up, but you get the point. It's a two cost, one power card on reveal. Return your other cards. To your hand, such as Beast does, and plus 2 power to Toxin for each card returned. Meaning if you just do it once on a full lane, it goes up to a 2 7, which we know is a pretty good stat line. But even more so, the best part about it is it allows the insane snowball and new addition to the game. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

So this here is the one that I think, like, I don't think this is a clear cut five, like I, this is what I think is going to be potentially the best card of the month, but you know what I mean? But I, I'm not as like sold and saying like five stars, you know what I mean? Like I can see where its limitations are. But I think for balance. This is great. Like, this is absolutely great. And now the changes to Beast make more sense. Because you can Beast this. You know what I mean? Like, you can do a lot of stuff with this card. And I do think that it's going to be impactful. And it's going to be very similar. Like, I want to say this is my 5 star, but at the same time, I think ultimately it's probably a 4 star with 5 star appeal and balance. Very much like we just spoke about with Scorn.

Cozy Snap:

Now, this is a two star card in my hands, and in the hands of someone like Jeff Hoagland or someone like who's insane with bounce, it's a five star card. Like, I think that's the best way to say it for myself. Like, I think Toxin is going to be, for some, the most favorite card they've ever had. Though, just to chain off with Beast and Falcon, so I don't, I don't expect it to fall flat. For everybody else, it's just not going to be a flexible card. Maybe we'll see it as an anti clog card or, you know, anti whatever. You know, and it is okay on its stats, and you are returning the cards to your hand. Now notably, the cards going back to your hand can't really do You know, they don't have reduced cost, they don't get power themselves, so maybe you chain this up with something like Black Swan, and then you can now activate her, the cards go back to your hand. But this is just to get the engine going even more, right, Alex? Like, the one cost cards, who cares if they don't gain anything? You have Hawkeye, you've got Silver Sable, you've got all these cards! I just love to see this, and, and, and that is where it's gonna be frightening.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's additional power in an archetype, and additional power early, too. Like, The fact that it's two powered I think is interesting because like it allows you to set up a bit of a board and then you can sneak it in on turn four, you know what I mean? You could play like a couple one drops and then sneak it on turn four, bring them back to the hand, play the one drops again, beast them on top of the toxin itself. And then do it again, you know what I mean? Like you could, it gives us extra kind of like extra bounce. It's super bounce. There's bouncing all over the place happening, right? And so I do think that the play lines are difficult. I can't wait to release that video. And then like, you know, you almost beat the comments just by playing poorly. Oh, I'll play it wrong

Cozy Snap:

for sure. Oh, yeah, for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

The lines are so confusing because like if you don't play a lot of bounce, like you're playing suboptimally, even if you think like, I played that game so well. Someone who really plays balance is like, bruh. From turn one, you had it all wrong.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right. I mean, only 12, like, we don't have, we have 12 cards in a deck. I'm curious to see if Falcon Beast and Toxin are all in there with, and with what cards, right? Because it's the ones that really benefit. Is it the Sables? Is it the Rock Raccoons? Like, who ends up making it in those decks? Falcon is usually not played on 2, so I actually really enjoy this one fitting in as a 2 cost as well. Super unique, but yeah, I mean, looking at the board, guys, Silver Sable, Iceman's spectacular. Another way to get Korg back if you want to go with the Darkhawk bounce that had his, you know, day in the in the sun. You had Nico doing its thing crazy. I don't know, Hood coming back twice. I'm scared. I'm scared for this in the right hands. It's why we saw the preemptive changes to Beast and now we're gonna see the repercussions because of it.

Alexander Coccia:

Bro, no love for Mantis? What is this now? You're not cooking with Mantis toxin? It's

Cozy Snap:

worth noting this was

Alexander Coccia:

Bloodstone. Elsa's probably gonna be a Pretty good interaction here, but I don't know if the Elsa if Elsa makes these decks, honestly. Because Elsa hasn't really been making a lot of those bounce based lists. But Zabu's interesting, because we're, obviously we're like a month ahead here. But there's a chance that Zabu gets changed to inactivate by this time. Like, Zabu's seeing some experimentation with like, Symbiote Spider Man and the most recent buffs that happened there. But If they're going to make Zabu inactivate, it'll happen on this week, so kind of keep an eye out for that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, they said they, they seem, it seemed like it was too strong, but you can't just leave him where he's at, and he's in this spotlight week, so we're gonna have to see there. I love how it's scoring and talks, and it's just like, alright, Archetype lovers, here's your card, but they're with not the best. Alright, next up we have what I would like to call the Cozy card, in the sense of, I just, this is one of those abilities that get me going crazy, and I love it, but we've got a 4 cost, 6 power card, kind of that standard Iron Lad. Line, if you will, on reveal, set the cost and power of your deck's top card to zero, and oh boy, this is a interesting one for sure with an on reveal ability that, that gives some crazy games and or situations and combos that can play out. So right off the bat, guys, I think that this card is all over the place into what it can land on. I want to say this, Alex. Actually, let's give our star ratings, then I'll kind of go off here. What are you, what are you thinking?

Alexander Coccia:

This is the one where I'm most likely to get my cheeks clapped, but I'm gonna go with three. I feel lower on it. I feel lower on it, but like, you're gonna have to play Howard the Duck. So that's kind of where I'm like feeling it, you know what I mean? If you're going to put Howard the Duck in your deck to make this like a confident play, then like, bruh, you know what I mean? That's kind of where I'm at.

Cozy Snap:

I, I want to give this. Yeah, I know. I want to give this like a four, like, I want to give it something better because we just don't know. But. So, this will be one, we see these from time to time, that we have to get our hands on it, and playing it out to see how it lands ultimately, you know, obviously we always give our rankings off of what we have, so I'll go a little higher in the 3. 5, like almost 4 range, because I do see these. I think we're overthinking it a little bit. I do want to say that I think this card, just generically, with a lot of cards, makes sense and works, especially because right off the bat, how do we not talk about it, Luke Cage and Shadow King, both these can revert the effect of the cost or sorry, the power on the cards that are affected. So getting like, you know, a free, last out of nowhere you know, on slot play and your opponent, you know, is like, wait, I didn't think they were going to do that, or whatever it might be, or Luke Cage bringing everything back up, I think this could have some major potential in what it can do by design and decks that might like it, so it's going to be a tough one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I know, and that's kind of what gives me some pause, because, like, how is not getting a card to cost, like, zero, not amazing, but the power's still zero? So, like, we start to think about the deck build, it's like, okay, the deck starts to build itself. You have Luke Cage, you have Howard the Duck, and then like, do you I mean, you're also technically nullifying a draw here, right? And so, like, not nullifying a draw, you're still drawing it, of course, but, like, that's, you're committing one of your draws to be a zero power, zero costed card, right? And then, like, so, all of a sudden your hand becomes, like, thinner, because you want to just play that card, it's kind of like what's the free location, the prison thing, what is it called? And you get the free six drop. And then like, hey, nice, and it gets added to your hand, though. If it got drawn into your hand, then like, your hand would feel thinner. You know what I mean? I'm not saying we're playing Crystal, but

Cozy Snap:

I don't even know if we would play Howard. I get it, like, I understand, like, like, but we've tried this before, and it's like, okay, and now Howard now has a chance to be the card that's the top deck. It's 4 cost, so it's so high up there that I'm like By that time, you see what's in your hand, you can kind of look at what's in your deck, and if it's worth playing it at that time, you already built your deck around it, so why have Howard in the first place? I will say, though, there are decks when, when things are kind of starting to shine, like Jubilee, like these kind of like, just going off the top deck, going off the top deck, America Chavez, whatever, right? You build up this like, top deck deck, in a sense, kind of not a great name for it. That's where I see it going, and I just think we might be over complicating this card. You Where you can just make it work.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I can see that too. But like the, the line I kind of see in my head, which I think is kind of silly, is Howard, the duck on one, zbu, unironically on two.'cause now you can see what is your top deck, right? And then you can have anti-venom at three costs. You're like, oh man, we got doomers, we gotta get it. We gotta get that doomers right? And then so you play the anthem venom on turn three and then you get that doom on turn four. But again, it's top deck zero cost. But now your hand is like, what? What are you holding in your hand? Because you've played 1, 2, 3. So like, that's kind of the question I have for myself. I obviously would have been overpowered as hell if it was, you know, set the cost and power of your deck's top card to 0, draw the card. You know what I mean? Like, that would have been absolutely stupid. But I'm just saying that like, I'm trying to think through these lines, and particularly on Anti Venom, I find myself stumbling a little bit.

Cozy Snap:

He's terrifying in the sense of when someone plays this, and if they don't play that card on turn 5, you just like What are they, what are they holding on to? Like, what do they have? It's like the raft, you know, where like you, you full send the raft and it was a bad idea because they, of course, they, you know, top deck the best thing. I mean, right off the bat though, Iron Man, Mystique Patriot, Tribunal, Taskmaster, Shuri, these one, kind of the stuff we looked at with Agent Venom a little bit, all these. Have good potential. Zola, Knull, Blob, these zero cards. All of those are great! These are all great cards to have as just a set baseline, right? It is set, so it's gonna be interesting how it does interact. Like, Valkyrie also can reset it if you want to work into that. Why the hell is that deck being played? I think it has some interesting lines. We're gonna have to see how kinda it all works out.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you can even turn Wasp, you know, into a zero cost, zero power card. Whoa.

Cozy Snap:

And last, but maybe least, or certainly not least, whatever way you look at it, we've got a new game mode that also introduces a new card. It's called High Voltage, and this is so interesting. Three rounds only, three turns only, every, each player gets a random amount of energy, so it's just gonna be a five, six cost fest of craziness. It's temporary. It comes out, I believe, October 18th. The rewards look promising. And in there, you get yourself a cool Iron Man variant, but also a new card in Agony. So, first up, let's just talk about the game mode. I think, you know, for me, I I want to open with this, Alex, just like how Deadpool's Diner was, if they don't plan on reusing this, I just would rather all this time to go towards a game mode that's gonna stay in the game, rather than all the work that goes behind these temporary game modes, I get what they're trying to do but my initial impression, I'm like, cool, just leave it in rotation, you know, whatever, I, I don't know, I feel like Deadpool's Diner is like gone forever at this point too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I've had that concern too. In my head, I was like, man, I hope that's like the interns working on this or something like that, you know, it's like a kind of a project they're working on and it's like, hey, this actually worked guys. Good job. Let's release the type of thing. I mean, hopefully it's better than that. I mean, I'm super talented interns, of course, but, but I'm trying to say though, I agree with you a hundred percent, you know, we're really waiting for that draft mode. I still fantasize about that auto battler mode. Right. And I think that, but honestly, my first impression, like this actually looks cool. It's weird. Cause it's like a snappier snap, right? It's like a faster version of Marvel snap, but I think the mechanics are interesting. The random energy is fascinating from a deck building perspective. It's also synchronous to each player. So like, it's not like one player's gonna have one man and one person's going to have five. Well, I could have saw, man, imagine they did that Reddit posts would have written themselves. I actually think it looks pretty good to be honest with you. And the rewards seemed fair. So,

Cozy Snap:

I like that it's random, but yeah, because you can't, like, purely deck design around, like, the set amounts. But yeah, oh, dude, if it was like, you get two, you get five, you get two, they get five, and it's like, yeah, that would be a terrible experience. But yes, limited time game mode, it comes the 18th, but the reward for playing it is Agony. And Agony is a one cost, two power card, and this is still in datamines a bit, but what we have now is, after you play a card here, Merge this with it. And the best way to think about this is it's a hook buster that you play first and it's gonna go into that card. It's not gonna turn into it. You can still benefit off of it a little bit. It's not the symbiote Spider Man. So, that is what it is in its, in its concept. I kind of wish it was activate. Still could be, but this is what we got.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I agree. I feel like this being an Activate card would have been cool. In some ways it kind of feels like Power Crept Hulkbuster. Like, I don't know if it actually is, but like, why would you play Hulkbuster? Like, for a very marginal marginal gain here. From a star rating perspective, I'm leaning, like, an unenthusiastic 4. Like, I almost want to say 3. I almost want to say three, but like, I kind of expect it to be a four, because I think there's a couple synergies here that are really good with it and we can get into those, like, I mean, Deadpool, right, obviously loves being played on top of something like this, but we're also getting a card earlier that really likes Deadpool too then you have like okay, I do think Move's gonna like this too, With what we're seeing here, because if you think about it, you have Aranya, which is on an activate card, and then you do Madam Web, and then you can do Agony and Human Torch, and then when you use Aranya, and then you have the merger, it should, because it's like after, you should merge and then move the Human Torch, if my my shoddy memory serves me correctly, but yeah, so I do think there is some potential synergies here, it's just going to make like the, those early Rampers just kind of ramp up faster in their power.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and it's not going to work with Brood, because it's going to Brood will go out, then it will go to the main brood, things like that. I think, I agree. I think it's a 3 ish, 3. 5 star card that we do need on a 1 cost slot. So I do think there's a need here. I think there are decks that will like it. Scarlet Spider is an obvious one that's gonna love this card. Clearly, I mean, the more decks is interesting as well. Just like a, a way A way to work with Nomura and then, clearly, Sebastian Shaw, BP. I think this could make its way in Surfer because of the sum of the cards that you have in there. It's, it's not as near exciting as Cassandra Nova.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm gonna bring my rating down to 3. I like, I don't wanna go 4. I'm going 3.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think that's fair. I think there's just, like, there are the cards in the decks that it's gonna like, but we've seen with Scarlet Spider that there's just, like, Those decks, if you get the lines, work really well. This could just be a good destroyed card at the day, and that's why it was designed, and it's a symbiote, and it works into that. Now, at this point, we've got symbiotes from, you know, Agony, to Carnage, to Venom, to Misery, right? And then we gotta go all the way up the symbiote line now. So, again, it's not the most exciting reward, but I do think that this will be an important part of deck designing in the future, and obviously, it's worth getting with a free card and a fun game mode. That's gonna be an obvious.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we actually shouldn't pass up on that. Like, this is a free to achieve card. That is important, right? I don't know if you guys know this, but Marvel Snap makes money off its cards, right? Like, Indirectly, it might be a surprise to you, but giving away cards is not something that Marvel Snap is known to do. They did it once, it was Cassandra Nova, that card absolutely slapped. I don't think this is as good as Cassandra Nova, not even close, but guess what, guys? It's free! It's free, so that's worth something, right? And I still think it has some potential. It could work with something like a Black Panther, which recently got buffed. And very important as well, Scarlet Spider could use a little bit of love, too. And I think that this kind of card could work well with Scarlet Spider. So I think there are some synergies. It might not be the absolute, like, blow off the top banger card, but then when they make it, like, I keep saying this, but oh, then they just make it a 1 3, and then it's like, oh, this card is cracked.

Cozy Snap:

Now, this could be the hardest we've ever had to do it, but let's rank it from the bottom to the top. Worst cards, the best cards this season. Starting at the bottom, I've got Misery. Who you got?

Alexander Coccia:

Man, at the bottom? Okay, I think I'd go Agony at the bottom, honestly. Oh,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Did you give your, did you give your star rating on Agony? I don't think you did. Yeah, I said three. I said three. You didn't say three? I gotta update my notes here, bud. Agony would be, Agony would be next. Yeah, okay, so I go Agony and then probably Anti Venom.

Cozy Snap:

Okay yeah after that, I would say as far as like an impact, cause Scorn and Toxin, that's where this is tough, right? Cause it's like, how do they affect the meta as a whole? Yeah, I'll go, I'll probably, I'll go Anti Venom just cause the Boomer bust is too risky for now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for me, it's hard. It's hard for me. I think, oh man, I don't want to say Misery here, cause I feel like Misery might be really good, but I think that Misery has the highest risk. I'm gonna go Misery.

Cozy Snap:

Okay For the player base, like if I was looking at the, the, the, the top 100 players, next step for me would be Scorn, I think.

Alexander Coccia:

I would go yeah, Scorn, Scorn, I agree.

Cozy Snap:

And then for

Alexander Coccia:

me it'd be

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

You said it before, Scream's probably your favorite. Now that we went through the whole thing, like, at first I was kind of like, ho humming about like, about Scorn, I was ho humming about Toxin, but I think you're right, I think Scream might actually be the one I'm most excited about.

Cozy Snap:

At least in the fun category, and building a new deck, and being competitive against other decks, and being an offensive defense card, I'd have Scream at the top, followed by Agent Venom, followed by Toxin, then Scorn, then I believe I had Agent Venom Agony, Misery. That was my list.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't remember what I said now, because it's seven cards, but like, honestly, what you just said here makes perfect sense to me. Like, we might be in total agreement. Last month, we were like, almost polar opposites. I think we're much more aligned this month. Yeah, the

Cozy Snap:

only one I think we were like misery, I think, is that you were going for more of the boom, I was going for more of the bust, but outside of that, yeah, we were pretty much In line there. And then, you know, to end things off, I know it's a long one, but the OTA, listen, didn't even get its own category. Pretty much a nothing burger, you know? You had a weird hella change, you had a plus one power here or there. Whoop de doo, you know? Nothing too crazy to talk about OTA wise.

Alexander Coccia:

The OTA was weird because like, I think that it was, it was a large OTA from like an actual breadth standpoint. They, they changed a lot of different cards. It was interesting to see that they, they felt the need to buff additional move cards. Now obviously Craven tried to compete with the likes of Madame Web or whatever, that makes sense. But it surprised me to see Hercules as part of that. Cause Hercules is seeing play in like the tribunal. Style movement, bounce style decks, not bounce, but bouncing because of the Hercules, right? In terms of Hela, it's weird because the best versions of Hela already had Luke Cage in them. And so to see Hela get one power buff, it's kind of funny. I was like talking about it at the same time, like in theory, it is a nerf because like the cards are weaker across the board and it's no longer just a Hela combo. You have to have Luke Cage in there as well. And if you don't have Luke Cage, then like, Even if you have Hela, like, you might have to actually retreat, which Hela has never been in the situation of before, you know what I mean? But Hellcow's still so cracked. I don't know, man, that OTA was weird not the most I don't know, if you had to guess, Hey, Alex, what's in this OTA? I would've gotten it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, to me I just feel like with Activate coming out, all that hype, and if you look, we're going to be waiting until about mid October for another patch, another change. I'm like, this should have been the one where we got more Activates. I, I, I was really hoping we got more Activates, more flavor, more fun. Pokemon Pocket just came out in soft launch. That is going to be a competitor. I said we, you know, at least touch on it. I think we'll have a larger subject, subject on it. Maybe in another Snapchat in the future. But you know, there is going to be people that are going to be going towards that. I mean, we see creators all over it right now. And, you know, I think that's going to be healthy. I think Snap does need some friendly competition. You never want one gas station, man. They can do whatever they want. You need to have you know, two going out at the same time. Whatever, you know, whatever you look at in the economy. It's just good. Good overall. And so, Interesting month. I think, to me, this is the least, not the least excited I've been about a month, but I'm not, like, crazy. I'm not just crazy about all these cars. I think they will be largely up to debate and testing. And we're gonna, you know, get our eyes on the next month, and we got, we got some really strong looking cars that probably will get adjusted, but with Finrare and some other ones that we'll talk about later, you know, maybe this is a month to save up for a lot of players.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So like these cards will probably be fine, but they're, they're taking less chances than they did last month. Last month, seems like they really try to take some chances with you know, the cards, their impacts on the men and stuff like this. I still think there's some interesting stuff here. And I, I do think that like, you know, something like a misery onesie. You know, top tier deck builders get their hands on it. There might be a completely different look on that card after a week of its launch. You know what I mean? But I do agree with you. Generally speaking, I find myself slightly less excited with some of the design here, but still, I think there's a lot here to like.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, guys, we're gonna be reminiscing on the 100 episodes and, and our two years and about what, four episodes from this point on. I've gotta get, sadly, back over to the hospital, sleeping on the beautiful, nice pull out couch. It's, it's great. I love it. It's good for the neck and all.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're here to talk about our month in review. We've got a lot to discuss here. We just went through all the new stuff. It took well over an hour. And we're going to try and breeze ourselves through the September in review. Now, this is something that I think is so fun for us. It's also a little stressful. We've got to hold ourselves accountable for the stuff we say on the Snapchat, on the pod. But Cozy, how excited are you to go through The the last season's cards.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I'm excited. I think September season was, was a tough one. Yeah, it was, there's a, it was there was a lot of hype around it. Some fell flat, some ended up kind of where we, we thought they were. And overall, just looking at popularity is something that I wanted to look at. How often are these cards getting played in comparison to. The stats presented and we are about to find out September season, the Symbiote season in review.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So Symbiote Spider Man was the season pass card. This is a very interesting one. It did go from a four, six, 12, four, seven. So it did receive a buff. And in terms of statistics in terms of like post infinite over the last seven days, according to untapped, of course, we are looking at a slightly negative cube rate, a 48 percent win rate, But a 19 percent meta share, and that is going to obviously take into account the weekend missions, which it has been a part of. Now, this surprises me. I, this is one of those cards where like when I play it, it does not feel like a 48 percent win rate card. Yeah. I feel like it feels way better than that, but the statistics aren't backing that up. Now for us, we came in high. I came in a 4. You came in at four as well, and then you even hummed and hod about whether or not it could potentially hit the five ceiling, although you did settle it ultimately at a four. And for me, I don't know about you, Cozy, but this here, I don't want to say it's a disappointment, but statistically, it's not performing.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah way to, way to, way to sell me out over there. I, you know, maybe just could have gone with four, you know? No, listen, I thought it was going to be the Iron Lad of Activate. I think one of the big things that led to a lot of the Maybe disappointment is just activate and learning what that mechanic was, how it works, how it interacted with on reveals, how it interacted in general, right? Like with cards and play and play lines. It's a little different. It was a little different than we thought, right? So much so that it did get a buff as well. And, and I think even in this we were talking about Brood and like all this things that you could pull off with. And a lot of these just didn't end up working out. Now with the Nemora, with the Galactus, with the Black Panther, there's some obvious, I mean this guy single handedly took Black Panther back up, you know, to its, to its spot as the King of Wakanda. But yeah man, it is a, less of a plug and play card and more of a combo specific card, ultimately I think sums it up.

Alexander Coccia:

I think the major challenge with it is that activate is very I can't think of the term, there's a word for like, you know, what's the word when like dancers do the thing? Like, you know, they dance and like it's, it's, they work on it in advance and you can see it. Routine. And it's like, oh, it's obvious, sorry? Routine. Not routine. Rehearsed? Rehearsal? No, not even rehearsed. It's anyways, the idea that it's on the board and you're looking at it, right? And then you're like, well, I know it's going to do this thing. I know they're going to play Galactus on it. Right? And so you're able to kind of anticipate as like the opponent's able to anticipate what symbiote Spider Man is going to do. And I think that is what took cubes off it. That's what took wins off it. The fact that it is essentially there. And it's like, I know what they're going to do to me. Like, I, I see the risk. I'm not going to be caught by surprise here. Galactus coming in by surprise on turn six is surprising because it's on reveal and you see that reveal happen. When it's played on top of Symbiote Spider Man, you're like, they're going to play Galactus on top of Symbiote Spider Man.

Cozy Snap:

What is cadence? Is it cadence? Was that the word you're looking forward to? It's not cadence, is it? No, no,

Alexander Coccia:

cadence. It's, oh man, it's killing me, because it's Choreographed! It's choreographed! There you go, there it is. It's choreographed. That's the word I was looking for. Thanks to everybody, the 900 people that commented down below. Clown, it's choreographed. Learn English, T. Y. But like, yeah, seriously, that's kind of what my concern is.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think you, I think you hit the nail on the head. I think it is choreographed a bit. I think it can it's 100th episode. We gotta drop our usual bangers. They can't, and they're stuck, because they can't make this a three cast, because then all it is is a Shuri, like this is Shuri, like Shuri's all over a double that, dude, it's crazy stuff. But like, they're, they, yes, it's obvious when you're trying to do things, and, you know, that's kind of what Black Panther was forever, and he phased out, because it had the one thing it can do. Now, there is some tricky stuff that you can pull off with it, but it coming, becoming symbiote, you know, means you can do some of the more unique stuff that we thought, you know, maybe docking or whatever, right? So. I do agree. I think because it's the way Activate works, because it is, you know, you kind of know what's going on. All that being said, I'm still surprised that the stats are so low on it. I I am. I thought it was, I I still think it performs better when, you know, when I play it. No, but just when I've played it, I've had better runs with it than than not.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, I agree, I actually like this card. When I was looking at the stats, I'm like, this can't be right. So I, I went through this, I'm like, yeah, like, it's just, it's underperforming, and that kind of surprises me. And it's worth noting that, like, Symbiote Spider Man got buffed, Black Panther got buffed, and Galactus got buffed. That's like buffing the same deck! It's like three cards that were in the same decks together.

Cozy Snap:

But I think it's gonna be fine, like, I do think it's gonna, yeah, yeah, like, I, I think it will do fine down the line.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, probably, because it has those, like, it has that evergreen effect. You want to talk about sayings? My friend, it's going to age like fine wine. People hate it when

Cozy Snap:

we say that. Yeah, I know. I mean Absorbing Man, right? Absorbing Man fell flat, and then he became, you know, very good down the line as we had more things that made sense with it. He did get a buff too, but I definitely think we, we could see better days for Symbiote.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, no question. And in terms of better days, I don't know if Silver Sable needs better days because Silver Sable might be living its best life. Right now. Silver Sable running a 52 percent win rate on aggregate at an 11 percent popularity across the meta. Now what's interesting about Silver Sable is I'm sure you've played against it in a wide variety of archetypes, including Toxic, including Bounce. We got the High Evo shells, right, that came out as well. This has been a very strong performer, Cozy. I came in at a glistening 5 stars. And our boy Cozy started at 3. 5, but don't worry Cozy. You changed your mind later on and gave her a nice little four.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, listen, it's, I think I, I could repeat what I said about her. I think it still stands, right? I think those are the three decks that she'll be played in. I, I didn't play her past release week much, you know I can be honest. And we, we knew she'd be good in those decks. And I think that's kind of where it's at, you know, did I expect her, you know, long term we'll see if she ended up being the best from that month still, or, you know, we got to go through a couple of cards. I don't know. I don't think there's anything new I have to say about her. She landed kind of where we thought she was going to land. At least that's how I think of it.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so funny you say that, because I thought she was going to land as one of the best cards of the month and you thought she was going to land somewhere in the middle, and so like, there's, there's, there's some discrepancy here Cozy, because we

Cozy Snap:

both agree it landed where we thought. I missed by saying she was the worst card of the month as far as the ranking of the other cards, but she landed where I thought she would land. And that's indicative of other cards missing rather than where I thought she was going to go.

Alexander Coccia:

And, but you know what Cozy, one thing you were definitely right about was Madam Web. Madam Web has most certainly had an impact on the matter. You came in at 5 stars Cozy, this was the godsend card of the month for you. And for me, you know what, talking about getting poo pooed on, I got poo pooed on a lot from my takes on Madam Web where I was like, you know what, I I was very hesitant with this card specifically in launch week, we did correctly identify that Aranya was gonna do a lot for it, and at launch, Madam Web was a trainwreck, it didn't even crack 50 percent winrate, it was a disaster, the move decks didn't crack top 10s, despite what is honestly a remarkable card. I'll say this about Madam Web, ok It is going to completely, and it has, forever change the way moves can be played. That much is clear.

Cozy Snap:

So I've left it on Silver Sabre, but I do want to say in my going through my rambling with my hours of sleep that I got over here I want to just give you credit for looking past some of the spicy stuff and just giving what looked to be a very obvious vanilla, like, what it was going to do and where it landed, and so I want to give you props. Let's not, let's just not move on straight from that, right? Beat the comments to it. Maybe they already posted it and then they see this part and they're like, I should probably delete it. Anyway yes, Madame Webdude is still not even in her final form, man. She's got more Super Saiyans to be had behind her. Yeah, you know, I think the effect of being able to move cards is Slightly less played than I thought, you know, originally, but everything else has made sense entirely. Love the be the She works in Move so insanely well, but also she can work in Control. We've seen that. We've seen it in these other builds. And I'm excited about the future of her. I don't think you're gonna be mad about having this card in your collection.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you're still looking at a 51 percent win rate, which for Move is really good, and a 12 percent meta share in terms of popularity, so it definitely has penetrated the meta. I am still of the mindset that I would prefer this card be 2 3, and that, like, I think that, that Move as a whole needs to be retooled and rebalanced. Less emphasis on super high dagger, super high human torch, get rid of the whole tribunal stuff going on, make the entire archetype more well rounded, and I think that Would be kind of a significant change. It's also worth noting that for Madam Web, it's coming into the most hostile move meta it's ever seen. Junk is literally one of the top decks in the game right now. And Junk, Junk absolutely just takes up like a massive dinosaur dump on Madam Web, right? Because you just don't have room to do your thing. Like you just can't, you can't operate. You can move, but like, there's no space to move. And then like, you just can't do your stuff. Right. So. Very hostile environment from Adam Webb. I came away impressed with the design. I came away impressed with how well it played. I thought it was actually fun. Let's not forget that. I think that it's actually a fun card and we miss that in Marvel Snap sometimes. So Cozy, I want to give you credit. You called it. This was a good card. And I think that it ultimately has had the impact that you expected for MOVE.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, and with Scream coming out, you have something even more against it as well. But I, I think. I think there's plenty of good days ahead as well for Madame Web and just a brand new mechanic that they landed right, you know? I think they landed this one right. It feels pretty good. We'll have to see. Move is awkward. We definitely know that. And with that, let's talk the car that just goes right with her, right? You just brought it up, but yes, Aranya. And what does Aranya do?

Alexander Coccia:

We just need you to roll that R a little more. You know, you're almost, it's almost perfect. Aranya!

Cozy Snap:

I love that Alex went from saying Aranya, or what did you start as? And now you're like, I think I said, I think I said

Alexander Coccia:

Arena and like. I, oh my gosh, you talk about a comment section, bro. You went from Iranian to like straight from Mexico City. I think I warned you. I think I did the video first, it was like, Cozy, do not mispronounce Irania. Because they're gonna lose their minds.

Cozy Snap:

Spider in English, how does Spider land and is she only played in Move, does she enhance Move, what do you feel?

Alexander Coccia:

I think she's great. I think she's great. And I think she did a lot for Madam Webb. Madam Webb truly came online with Aranya. Now we've seen this a number of times where like, we get a card and then we're like, Hey, keep an eye out for that next week. Cause that's good. This was exactly that. Madam Webb was good, but with Aranya, it was definitely better. On aggregate, Aranya is seeing more play, 15 percent meta popularity, however, a lower win rate than Madame Web at 49%. I think this is because you're seeing a lot of experimentation with Aranya in Phoenix Force, you're seeing experimentation in Destroy, although that's kind of starting to fizzle out a little bit, I think. Ultimately, I do think this card is very versatile. I like it a lot. And looking at a 49 percent win rate, it actually surprises me too. I would have expected this to be in the 51 52 range, because I do think this is a good card.

Cozy Snap:

A Forge that you could play later, right? And this is another victim to the, like, we talked, how much did we talk about Brood in this card? And it never even ended up working. So like, this is another victim to just not having you know, activate our hands on Activate and that being just something that is tough. Also, I remember now, I remember a little bit. We ranked all these cards before the trailer, too, and we, like, how active it was even confirmed to go. So now, a lot more makes sense in some of the ways that we were thinking about this in general. But yes, I, I think she will also be played in more wide variety decks. It was funny, I didn't even have her in a Scarlet Spider deck, even though it makes sense there. She just didn't get the cut. But I do think what she does provide at a base level is solid, and we will see her in plenty of decks in the future.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we both came in at the same rating as a 4, and I think that ultimately lands true. Moving to Scarlet Spider. This one here is interesting. Now, Scarlet Spider is the most recent one to have come out, and I'll be honest with you, I'm kind of disappointed, but also surprised. This is another one where I looked at the statistics, and I was like, really? It's that bad? 47. 6 percent win rate, 12 percent metapopularity, and a negative cube rate of 0. 11 negative. We both gave it four stars, although the four star rating is not necessarily indicative of what we ultimately decided. Cause when we did our final month rankings, which I have, we'll talk about afterwards, I ranked Scarlet Spider far higher than you. Whereas you were much more limited. I listened to our thing back. You were much more like. Reserved with where you thought Scarlet Spider was ultimately gonna land. I come away disappointed. I'm interested to hear your take on Scarlet Spider.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I almost wanna go back and listen to what we said on the specific episodes and not the main one. All these takes, I think, are for the main episode. And I, yeah, I, I want, I, I feel like I, I don't know. I feel like I changed some of my opinion once we found out what they did. But yeah, I was less on Scarlet Spider when we talked about'em specifically. And I still think what I thought then, wrong meta, wrong time. I think he will make sense, but right now, we're just in this very weird meta. Like, just the way, like, it's just not cutting it. You know, this good value card, you look back, this would have been insane in the stature decks of old. It's just not exactly cutting it these days, and so Will Agony help it out? You know, will it work in just a, in a future kind of area of Marvel Snap? And this is another card though, I will say, I have enjoyed my play with it. I've enjoyed, I haven't had bad games that much. Like, I don't know if it's just like, people are getting too greedy with it. Whatever, I don't know, but I've felt like the games I've played have been good.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually liked it! My review of it, I liked this card, like, people were saying they wanted to skip it, and I'm like, that's fine, it's definitely skippable, because I think, like, when you consider, like, what Madame Webb's doing for move, like, Scarlet Spider doesn't do that for anything, but, like, my games were great! Like, they were so good! I had, like, I think I had one game, I had, like, a 17 power Scarlet Spider, and I wasn't even, like, it was crazy what it was able to do, and, at the same time, it's like, if you're, if you're Glenn and the team designing this card, You release this at four, six, like how much higher could you go without like vanilla, it's a four or five and two slots. Right. And that's 10 power across your, you are occupying two. So crossbones occupies one for instance, but like at, at four, six, that's 12 stats across the board. Like. And it's not hard to buff it. Like, I just don't know how you release this card without it being either broken or underwhelming. And

Cozy Snap:

like 3 4, you don't really want to do some of the stuff like Gwynpool then is like awkward. Like, I don't know. It's just a tough one to land a bit in general. But again, I do think that it'll be fine as we continue on. You know, I think people really love to judge cards as soon as they come out. And, and, and, you know, you gotta get accustomed to not doing that. There are some cards that way. But now that we know Activate, now that we know that Move is just, no matter what they give, it's just tough to get that archetype going. I think we have a bit more. This month had a lot of question marks, and I think we're kinda seeing that all come together now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I think Scarlet Spider is a good example of Activate used well. I felt like this was a very natural use of Activate. Whereas with Aranya, I felt like it was a little more awkward, especially with the language around it. I am still of the camp, by the way, that I still think you should say, after you play the next card, that's a hill that I'll stand on and die on. And that's like, that's a whole other conversation. Cozy, rankings that we had done in terms of one through five on our rankings at the, the first inaugural episode there I had went number one, Silver Sable, number two, Scarlet Spider, wank, wank. Number 3, Aranya, Number 4, Symbiote Spider Man, and then Number 5, I said Madame Web. So, I think I got a hit on Silver Sable there, big whiff on Scarlet Spider, and probably a whiff there, I would say, on Madame Web. And for you, you had gone Madame Web, Number 1. Symbio Spider-Man number two. Rania number three. Scarlet Spider four. Silver Sable five.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I still have I still probably have, I probably still like Web more than I like Sable. I'm gonna be honest. I do just in the ways that like if you're pure balance, I get it. I'm just not playing her man. I just not playing the car too much. So yeah, I would say obviously IWS would be two for me. I would have Web one still. I'd have Sable two Irania. Three. Man, Symbiote, that was the card that's just like I don't know. It's just so crazy to see it not land as that Flex Iron Lad roll that we thought, and more predictable. But I do think down the line it'll be fine. It'll be fine for that card. And so, what we started out as is we said this entire month had good cards. It didn't end up that way. But I do think this month is going to provide Stuff for the future.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it was a fun one. I think this was a really fun one to look back on as well. Cause it looks like, you know, that I definitely was too high on Scarlet Spider, and then you were too high on the Symbiote Spider Man. Although I gotta be honest with you, I still think both those cards. We're going to age like fine wine. Anyways, let's move on to our next point of conversation here. And we're going to do the fantasy football style. The best token shop buys cozy. And this is for today, this meta, and this can be a rapid fire pick them cozy. And listen, this is one of the most common questions we get in terms of like how to use your resources. You know, it can be hard to commit tokens sometimes, especially when you miss those spotlight caches, maybe you didn't have the keys. And so we're going to be discussing them cozy. I'm putting you on the hot seat here. And we're gonna get started with some Six Costs, and I say Six Costs, but one of them isn't even Six Costed. Who would you take between Alioth and Erishim? Erishim. Really? That actually surprises me. I Really? Erishim? I Okay, you gotta, you gotta sell me on this. I actually was not expecting you to say Erishim there.

Cozy Snap:

Really? I mean, I think, what, for the casual player? For sure Erishim. I still think he's doing I think Erishim's getting underplayed still. I think he does what he does great. He's still doing The Chaos Cassandra Novus played way less because of it, and I just think there's no card like it. Alioth is better than people think, and priority decks are at its all time high. Good card, but I would prefer Aresham.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, and you're seeing a lot of Alioth even in the move packages, right? Where they're gaining initiative so high, and then they're like, well, I'm just going to Alioth. So you can't, you know, they have the they have Cosmo to protect the dagger. They Alioth onto the other location to kind of catch them off guard. All right, everybody. Yeah, I do agree. Like if you're a relatively like new player or low collection level player, then like suddenly Erisha makes a lot of sense as well, because it's just, you get that really unfair advantage. And it could be potentially very good in the upcoming high voltage mode. Right. Yeah. I'm assuming he would give you extra energy to work with something where you don't have confirmation of. Right? Moving to the next one. It's the battle of the twos. Cozy. We had Kate Bishop. Okay. Join us. And now it is in the token shop. Would you take Kate Bishop? Or, White Widow. White Widow. That was an easy one for you, why don't you explain.

Cozy Snap:

Both good both are plug and play, both are gonna work across a lot of decks. I think White Widow, I just don't know if we'll keep White Widow the way she's designed forever and always. You know, I think like, even if we were talking about things like Misery, like, that's a card that like, You wouldn't have guessed, but it's going to work great with White Widow. It being two, it clogging, it giving a negative experience, it forcing your opponent to play on that card and force him to play lanes. It's doing so much at once. Kate is great. Kate gives great curve. Kate works in a lot of decks. White Widow works in more, I think. I hear

Alexander Coccia:

you. And that kind of brings up a next question here. How would you rank these three? White Widow, Kate Bishop, and Jeff the Baby Landshark?

Cozy Snap:

Adam Webb and War Machine just messed Jeff hard, and now you have Scream going, so I'm gonna go White Widow, Kate, Jeff.

Alexander Coccia:

That's crazy, what a fall from grace for Jeff, and I actually agree with you there I, I, listen, I'm like one of the biggest Jeff believers in the world. I, I actually read the Jeff comics, there's not even reading in them, there's just pictures! And I, I really liked Jeff the Baby Landshark, I still love Jeff the Baby Landshark! He just doesn't compete there. He's not best in slot anymore. He's just not best. You have too many better options. And I don't know if that's representative, like a power creep in Marvel snap. Cause like Jeff was a two, three that just did his thing. And now we're like doing all this other crazy stuff. And if Jeff's not good enough, by golly, things have changed. We're going to be going back to the six costs here. And I think this is a fascinating one. Where would you go between Lyth and Mockingbird?

Cozy Snap:

Mockingbird? Yeah. Probably Mockingbird. Yeah. Just another card that I play so much. Lyth has gotten to the point where it's more flexible almost, right?'cause Mockingbirds taking hit after hits. I was six, nine. Yeah, I, I would still say there's just so many cards that synergize with Mockingbird and, and what she can provide. And, and, and, honestly, this is more of just deck preference, too. Like, you may not play decks that utilize Mockingbird. If you don't play the Zeus, the Pages, the Mysterios, the Sasquatch, kind of weird things out there. But for me, those are the decks that I do play. Alioth. Is great. I also, can I just say this about Alioth? I just like, if Alioth ever gets too good, they just get rid of it. They do something, they change him, and I just don't trust that. Like, nowadays, Snap is about safe cards, rather than like, just what they do now. And so, Mockingbird, I think, has been through like, nine hits. And so, she's probably safer than Alioth.

Alexander Coccia:

That's something that you do on your reviews that I appreciate, like that adjustment risk, right? I like that you do that. And I think that's right. Like, Alioth is one of those cards that really can never be too good. Because they're just gonna spank it. Right? And and spanked it has received. And then, okay, let's move on to a couple other expensive cards. You know, we already spoke about Ereshim, but I'd be interested in hearing your take on Ereshim versus Red Hulk.

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, that one's tougher. That one's a lot harder, cause, you know, it's just like, what are you looking to do? What are you looking to play? I think Red Hulk has proven to be this plug and play great card to have in so many different decks. Still fits that role. Plays in high roll decks, plays in low roll, plays in safe decks. If that's your goal, go that route, and if you want to just have more fun, random cards, if you want that thing, then you play Ereshim, but I would say for the majority, probably Red Hulk. But it's another card that I'm just like, both of those are cards I'm just not, you know, sold on staying how they are forever, but yeah, Red Hulk here.

Alexander Coccia:

And fair enough, and if you have 6, 000 tokens, where do you take between Alioth and Red Hulk? What do you mean? Oh, if I, if you could only get one? Yeah, I worded that very awkwardly, but yes, who do you take? Red Hulk, yeah, probably Red Hulk. Hey, you're surprisingly low on Alioth, honestly. It's not that I am,

Cozy Snap:

no, it's not that I, I, I, I think Alioth is great, I just don't trust it. I, we have seen time, I mean, look what happened to Doc Ock, and look what happened to any Sandman. I mean, they have, it's very obvious at this point, they don't care about big power stuff. But if there's a negative play experience to the game, they find a way to fix it. So like, I can't give honest advice to get Alioth, because man, eventually, if he gets too good, he's gone.

Alexander Coccia:

For what it's worth, I agree with your takes. I'm just saying I'm surprised. I'm surprised that Alioth isn't actually kind of keeping up here. We're gonna talk about two Titans. We have Galactus, and we have Thanos. Imagine you're a relatively new player, and you want to get one of these big bads. Which is the one you think you're taking today? Galactus. Yeah, and why is that? Good question.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I just think, I think the objective for Galactus now, and it working with other cards, you don't have to go all in on it, but you can also go all in on it, is just, it's the, it's the bee's knees, it's so fun with Marvel Snap. If I, if I had a stranger, and I could give him one phone with Galactus, one with Thanos, and I'm just gonna have him play one game, it's definitely Galactus. It's easy to understand. It's fun. No question.

Alexander Coccia:

And with Symbiote Spider Man as well Galactus has these additional lines which I think are particularly valuable. Now this is a tough one, Cozy. I'm gonna have to give you a thinker here. War Machine or Iron Lad? War Machine. At this point, probably War Machine. Wait, hold on. Or Iron Lad? Come on, I did not expect that. I'm actually shocked right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, hold on. I got to think, cause they did just get the nerf. I don't know, man. I play so many. I put Iron Lad in like every deck, like I'm probably up there in the most Iron Lad of players. If you like the things that War Machine does, I don't know, man. Actually. Yeah. I don't know why I fired off so well. I will actually say probably for me, Lad, but War Machine is so good too. I mean. I like Lad. I like the idea of reaching into your deck. There's so many more cards that capitalize off him. War Machine's an incredible card, but I do think it's going to be Lad.

Alexander Coccia:

That's kind of why I responded, so I didn't even give you a chance to talk. I was like, blowing up already. I was like, I thought this was your chance to just stand on Iron Lad, and you're like, No. Screw Iron Lad.

Cozy Snap:

I think I said War Machine before you even finished the word Iron Lad, because I was like, no matter what cards you pick, and then you said Iron Lad, I was like, oh. You know, so yeah. I think War Machine stands up against a lot of cards right now, though.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And okay, let's talk about two others here, which I think they've kind of fallen off a little bit, but I still think they're very good. Blink or Copycat? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

Copycat. Yeah, Blink. And I've been playing Blink a lot this season, like more so than I did even like in her season. I think Blink is so fun. But yeah, it's Copycat. Copycat is the definition of what you want in a new car nowadays.

Alexander Coccia:

Now I've not played much copycat since the nerf. I'm going to be, this might be a hot take, but I think that the fact that changed to copied it from steel, I think it actually hurt the card a lot. It feels much worse, despite the fact that people say, Hey, Alex was at the bottom anyways, it shouldn't even matter, blah, blah, blah. It feels worse to me. And right now I've been playing way more Blink. So I'm just throwing it out there. And then we have ourselves Red Guardian and

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Yo. Okay. So originally I wrote down, cause I saw the subject and I didn't know how we were going to do it. So. For me, I have like my token shop buys, Red Guardian and Hope Summers are right there. They're at the top, pretty much. I mean, right there, White Widow, Nico, those are all the ones. Red Hulk, these are the ones that I have written down. It's gotta, it's Hope Summers. I love Red Guardian, but it's Hope Summers.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you always take Hope, I think. Hope Summers might be the most disrespected card in Snap right now. Like, if you think about it, how good is this card? And it's actually not making a lot of decks. I still played in Silver Surfer, cause I really like Hope Summers, and then you play the Serra on top, and you have that, like, insane potential on turn six. You don't even need magic anymore. You just do that, and like, you can play everything in your hand. You're good, right? I really, really like Hope Summers a lot, but not to say that Red Guardian is not good. Red Guardian saw an uptick in play with Madame Web, but still didn't take over the meta, which kind of surprised me. I think it's a very natural inclusion, and it's, I think it's going to be one of those things, we saw this with US Agent, where US Agent coming back into the spotlight caches, kind of brought it back into the meta, because more people were willing to play it, willing to give it a shot. I bet you Red Guardian's in a similar position.

Cozy Snap:

I think when we see Nomura come back, dude, we're going to see so many more Nomura decks, it's going to be wild. That's a card I know everybody's excited about. Red Guardian, in the way of saying like, We just talked about Scream and how much we like her. I mean, that's just an instant counter to Scream. Instantaneously, right? And like, that was their goal in that deck and you didn't really have to do much. You just played Red Guardian on Curve, right? So, like, he's just a card that will stay on the test of time.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and we're talking about the the archetype defining cards. Cozy, who would you take between these two? Gilgamesh or Annihilus? And Gilgamesh. Taking Gilgamesh, eh? Especially if you're a relatively new player, but like, can you explain why you think Annihilus just isn't worth the call here?

Cozy Snap:

I just think Gilgamesh is insane. I thought like when they adjusted Marvel Boy, I was like, they literally talked about, like I thought Hellcow was gonna go, something was gonna happen to Hellcow and something was gonna happen to Gilgamesh. Instead it was Hela and it was Marvel Boy and I was like, that's so crazy to me. I don't even know how Gilgamesh is still hanging out as a 5 9. Like, it's just such a good card. Makes Zoo the best at the point in time and still one of the best decks in the game. And with Alioth, we just have other things now. Viper really hurt Alioth. It's a 3 cost card that, you know, does a lot. If White Widow combined with that You just don't see that be played as much. And then you even have things like Circe instead of playing sorry. Sorry. You've been using them interchangeably,

Alexander Coccia:

but we understand.

Cozy Snap:

Yes. Annihilus. Which one are we comparing it to? You can tell the

Alexander Coccia:

split's you were, you were describing Annihilus, but you were saying Alioth. So I think you're good, man. You were saying the, you were saying the right stuff with the wrong card. I

Cozy Snap:

did. Yeah. There's nobody home right now, but yes, I would still stand on that. That, that, those are the main reasons too, why I would pick that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we got you, buddy. A couple more here. Cozy, what would you think about these two here? Now, this is, this is cray. I'm really interested in hearing your thoughts on Thena versus Loki. Hmm.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Okay, Alex. Let's see. That's a tough one, I know. I think for Most players, Thena is just so, is so good. I think Thena might be it. Loki, yeah, Loki's good too, though. Loki does its thing. That's like saying the the Airstream and Red Hulk. It's just like, what are you looking to do? What are you looking to play? One gives a new way to play a deck and a style in a game. The other one's just good.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, but that's the hard part, right? People have 6, 000 tokens. They have limited resources and they have to make those calls. And that's what makes it hard, right?

Cozy Snap:

Do you play for fun or do you play for, you know, really climbing them ranks? I think is what you just ask yourself. Not that they, they're not competitive. I would, I would agree that

Alexander Coccia:

Thena's the one you take though. Cause Loki's falling, I actually, I hate the changes to Loki. I'm sorry, I'm gonna say this right now. Loki needs to be brought back to it's original thing. Hand size, flip him over, nerf the out of it. We need that back. That should have been a card. We still need that card in the game. The new Loki is so sus. I, it's, it's still like fine. Like in terms of like a win rate, cube rate, it's fine. Whatever. I miss the play style of old Loki. I would like to see it come back, but maybe just because I'm coping, But hey I'm known for it. Next up, Cozy, we do have Gwenpool vs. Kassandra Nova. Two very different cards, but still two very recent additions to the token show.

Cozy Snap:

For me, Gwenpool is a card I play in almost every day. Like, I love Gwenpool on Curve. I love the way the card works, the way it combos, the way it just feels good to play out in mid range decks. I'm gonna go Gwenpool here.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny, because like, Gwenpool has aged like artesian cheese, and while Cassandra Nova has been very, very good, you like that, don't you?

Cozy Snap:

Instead of one.

Alexander Coccia:

While Cassandra Nova's been very, very good, I feel like Gwenpool has really come online. Actually, like, now that the season's gone, it's gotten better in seeing more play outside of its season. Haven't you noticed that? It's kind of interesting to see that. That's

Cozy Snap:

what we said, though. That's what we said in the in review, and that's kind of my standpoint on some of the cards this season. Like, in the season, for the season, sure, it's This game's all about meta, man. It's all about meta and what's happening, what you're seeing out there, and I do think Gwynpool is starting to synergize with a lot more of these cards that get OTA'd, buffed, or released.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and sir, that is going to take us to our Snapchat mailbag, one of our absolute favorite things to do here, and we had a lot of interesting comments and questions, a lot of people kind of lamenting over the spicy apple juice that we were drinking, lots of fun stuff, and it starts with a comment from the inmate of Arkham which read, in reference to the last episode, You're on the wrong sides of the screen, dammit. Cozy, we hadn't even considered it. Dude, we didn't even think about that.

Cozy Snap:

We didn't even mention it. I edited the whole thing. Didn't even think about it then. And then, like, I saw that as the first comment, and I just replied to it. And I was like, this will be the number one comment on the video. And lo and behold We managed to screw it up again, because I think the last time we did that, we also were on the wrong side.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny, because like, just so you guys know, we're talking about upvotes, like almost 700 on that single comment, right? People were like, I didn't think it was that big a deal, but apparently, sir, the sides were wrong. 100

Cozy Snap:

episodes, man. If someone's watching for 100 episodes, we have a lot of you guys out there, comment, you know, let us know but if you've watched every one, I'm sure it's like, what the heck, you know, you're used to one thing.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and some love we got from Deez McSqueeze read, Long after I'm done playing Marvel Snap. I'd still be tuning into the Snapchat. Seriously, guys, watching these without a smile is impossible. I just want to say, Cozy, I'm sure you can kind of you know, back this up, but a lot of the people we meet on the road, first of all, it's so wonderful meeting Snapchat family out there. Everyone often says the same thing, Hey, not playing as much Snap as I used to, but dammit, do I tune into the Snapchat.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, we're gonna, this, again, this was supposed to be a lot of our celebration on the 100th, we're moving into the 104 for the two year given the circumstances, but yeah, I mean, seriously, it's I can't wait to go down memory lane when we get to, because we're going to have a lot of fun looking back at some of the old episodes.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and in reference to conversations we had prior about, you know, catchphrases that you and I have, like things like, you know, ages like fine wine, someone said, Pixel Bomb said, What Cozy says all the time is, Oh, we got a blank gamer here. And says whatever first card they played in the blank.

Cozy Snap:

I, I don't even know that I said that. Like, there are a couple things someone says I always touch my lip after I play my card and I look back and I'm like, oh my god, I do. I don't even know I do. You're not aware of it, especially like, For me, like, I Ctrl Alt Delete on my brain the second I go to the next video, like, I don't even think about the last one just because you can't. And I look back and I'm like, dude, I do that every time. So it's fun to, it was really fun to get those in and these, like, habits that we do.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so you're, we got a blank gamer here is the equivalent of me saying, oh, we got some blank gameplay. Right, it's like, it's the exact same thing. I do do it, like, four times a video. I watch it back, I'm like, oh, no, I gotta stop saying that. I'm just saying that, right? Like, I couldn't believe it. And then Kodu responded, If Alex has a catchphrase, it's definitely cope, slash coping, slash copium. Either that, or Loki should be given to new players at the start.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like you were a dad that learned the, like, a new slang term not long ago, and it was cope, and then now you're like, I'm gonna use it all the time. Fit in with the kids. It's

Alexander Coccia:

so cool. I got to use it all the time so the kids know that I'm hip. hahaha And then, oh, and then someone else commented, O'Kara did mention as well on what I say Skillmonger, Skill Obsidian, Cope Summers, Triple M, Apoc, and Aim Bomb, and Wongers are some of the ones that I remember off the top of their

Cozy Snap:

heads. God, I hate those. I love, those are so, no, it's just like, it is so you. Yeah, Skillmonger is one that is I have nightmares about it all the time. Skillet City I've

Alexander Coccia:

always liked. Crossboners is another one. That's the one you hate the most.

Cozy Snap:

Crossboners is, yeah. That's demonetization coming right at you.

Alexander Coccia:

But anyways guys, that takes us to the end of this week's Snapchat. Guys, number 100 and we're looking forward to the next 100 as well. We'll be doing a special celebration in a few weeks for our two year anniversary, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Anyway, guys, have a good one. Have a great one. Good luck out there in the new season. Until the next one, happy snapping.

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