The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Scarlet Spider: Attack of Activate Clones | The State of The Archetypes | TwitchCon Crazyness | The Snap Chat Ep. 99

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 47

Is Scarlet Spider a strong activate card? What is the current state of the archetypes in Snap? What shenanigans did Cozy and Alex get into during TwitchCon? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap. Once you are done listening, check out Cozy's new YouTube channel, CozyTV at

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome to a special edition of the Snapchat, as Alex and I are in person here in sunny San Diego for TwitchCon, and it's the episode 99, which is pretty sick, in a row, every Monday, you guys know the drill, we're gonna make it happen. No matter what. Now a little bit of a different audio space this week but the same show. Also, we might sound a little dead, it's because, fun fact, we are, it's been essentially a four day bender, and we're, we're covering at this point. I'm,

Alexander Coccia:

I'm still sleeping. I cannot wait to go through, like, what we did at TwitchCon, the people we saw, the stuff we did, the absolute anarchy we got ourselves involved in. It's gonna be a wild show, like, this is actually the most excited I've been. In a long time. This is just so crazy like what we did.

Cozy Snap:

It's gonna be different today a little bit guys and like next week we have our, you know season preview, all the good stuff back at the action again for the 100th episode and a special surprise that you guys will get teased right now. However, today we're just gonna have a conversation about Scarlet Spider, what he's going to bring to Marvel Snap, what we think, the good old stuff we usually talk about, talking about archetypes and where they are in the game. People like to say it's a great meta. We're gonna think about it, we're gonna talk about it, and go through the archetypes, where it's at, what we think about it. By the way, this is gonna be only one side, if you guys are looking for Alex's, because of the special conditions here. This is gonna be the episode here, and then again next week. Sam will sign it in. Yeah, back

Alexander Coccia:

to usual next week. We're going to be doing everything on this episode this time around, so.

Cozy Snap:

And it's a good week. That's why we couldn't skip this week. Scarlet Spider. Really interesting card. For those that don't know, it is a 4 cost, 5 power card. And has an activate ability of being able to make an exact clone of it when you activate it. Obviously, you can only do this once per game. And it's got some serious potential, man. I know people are hyped about the character, but also the ability.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I honestly think that Scarlet Spider's gonna be a very legitimate card. I don't have my notes on me. I think we ranked it pretty highly, originally.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it was a tough one to rank, like, a bit. I think I was I think it might have been my lowest ranked, but again, this month, think about it, like, it was a tough month to, actually, Silver Sable was my lowest. Yeah, Silver Sable was your lowest. But it's right, I think it was right there, whereas now, where have you landed on it?

Alexander Coccia:

Where are you at? In terms of the actual, like, ranking between the five cards, I'm still gonna, we'll commit to that next week, I think, right? But, I am gonna go with a four star rating here. Because, first of all, I think all the cards this month have been good, have been good. And I think like even Madame Web has started, like you're seeing what like Aranya has done for Madame Web and stuff like that. But what I think is really important about Scarlet Spider is I think it has like this incredible combo potential. And I see it being played in like a wide variety of decks. It feels like a jack of all trades card that I feel like we haven't had in a bit. It almost feels like more of a Season Pass card in terms of its applicability across a number of decks. Yeah, it's also notable, I guess, because this month was the month of Activate. So having Symbiote Spider Man be like the Season Pass card does make sense, right? Also, the art at level 50 is probably amongst the best we've had in a while. Since the Flaviano month, I think, has been some of the hottest art we've seen. Yeah, it was a good art month. What is the spotlight? Do we know? The spotlight is, sorry our notes are right there, it's Scar and White Widow is the the spotlight week. Which honestly is a great week, cause even Scar is making a pretty big comeback.

Cozy Snap:

Scar is such a weird card though, like I love Scar, I do like him, but like I feel like he's just not played often still.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I guess, but like, if you really think about it though, some of the top performing decks that like, have really high cube rates, but aren't seeing a lot of play, and not necessarily meta shaking, are often these Scar decks that will play, call Obsidian. Yep. They'll play these like, really high impact, 10 power cards, and then sneak it out for two, with Shan Xi on turn six.

Cozy Snap:

When Scar came out in January, There's probably been 5 to 6 to 7 cards with 10 power that have been added to the game. I know. It's been a lot, like, maybe not, probably more on 5. Like, I know, like, and we lost like Century, let's say. Like, we've lost a couple, but we've gained a lot, too. And you know what? They have Scar here on purpose. Because the activation of a clone for him, there is gonna be possibilities to get that up to 10. Split'em, that's an immediate scar at two costs at that point, and so like, we've talked about this before, like, they, you know, purpose place some of these cards sometimes that do synergize with the cards that are coming out but definitely not the worst spotlight, I mean, and then White Widow is still one of the Best 2 cost, if not, still has the title.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so like, if you're building a deck and you just want like the best in slot card to start at the 2 drop spot, you're probably starting with with White Widow. It used to be Jeff. Like, the reason why you saw Jeff fall off so significantly with regards to its play rate was specifically because of White Widow.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's most like thoughtless. Like, you almost like, don't even need to really put too I mean, like, if you want to like, meta try, you know, you'd be like, Okay, where do I want them to have to start playing? What Most of the time it's like just a good card to shoot out. It's not Athena where you have to like think heavy and stuff.

Alexander Coccia:

No, not at all. Like it's, it's actually like one of those cards where it's like it's so low risk. Because even if they fill the location, it's not like a goblin where you get stuffed in its city. You just get the two power.

Cozy Snap:

Certainly not a bad spotlight week, right? And then Scarlet Spider itself. And yeah, you know what? You said four out of five. I'm right there. I do think it will have it. Okay, so this is why I think it's going to be a 5. Like, even if you look at it as like, well, it's going to have certain draws that make it way better or worse, period. We know that just solid value stats have great play rate and they kind of like, held the test of time. Like, we've seen that across, you know Marvel Snap. Sometimes they have conditions, so Cool Up City may not get the most play, but he does still get played. This is a 4. 10 min with the potential to be Much greater than that. Yeah. So I think that like, it doesn't whiff just because of that. The only concern, and I believe it on, I don't have the card ability right here. You don't get to pick the location where the clone is going to go. That's the only variable in this. Yeah. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

So based on the information that we have it's apparently going to be random. However, you obviously get to choose when you activate based on your play order, but it will randomly select the location from my understanding. It's not a selectable effect. The way like Madame Web would be selected.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah. And it's funny cause we're all still learning. I think actually we have to bring this up like a Rania you know, I think Alex and I, we pride ourselves of like really doing the homework and knowing how these cars work so that we are like reliable to you guys. I have to say, I whiffed on brood as we both did on how that was going to work and I should have known. So I just want to add a conversation with Glenn and he was like, it is worded, but it's like, It's worded badly in a sense. Hopefully I can say that, Glenn. I don't think you

Alexander Coccia:

can. But I think he openly did say that they're looking at modifying the text.

Cozy Snap:

It's worded badly, but also if you think about like Simian Spider Man, like Black Panther plays down, he doubles, then you've got that merge thing, and then it doubles again. So if you think about Aranya, of course Brood is going to, you know, spread his babies, and then it's gonna get that plus two, and then it's gonna move. Like, it's the same order, but it is a It's how it was worded, I think that was what was confusing.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think the major thing with that is if like you think about the way Iron Fist is worded like it says after you play. Nico, each individual effect is after you play. And that is exactly what Aranya does. However, with something like a Forge, it's like, it's the immediate effect. And Aranya was, was kind of worded with that immediate effect in mind. But then again, again, it's this, it was the second Activate card released. So it's entirely possible that like They're designing the cards, they're playing with it and testing, but they're not really, they didn't really consider, oh, someone didn't get a chance to actually play this card, and they're evaluating it in the synergies, and that's where like, we found a little stumbling block. But if, at least listen, it's literally just a minor text change. I still think the card is good. I think it's a phenomenal card, honestly.

Cozy Snap:

It is, it's a very good card. It was one interaction that maybe didn't work. You know, as we do, we're going to break down the synergies and kind of like our initial thoughts and where it's going. And I don't got anything on me. I'm just going with what I know, what I feel about this card. And, like I said, 410. Let's start with the Power Givers, as we always do, right? We have our set Aranya was kind of made to be a very good card to chain off with this card. Because you can save her boost up, which is what has proven her to be so valuable. But then also we have Forge, we have Hulkbuster, we've got Ironheart, all these interactions. But you do have to think about the playlines, right? So Ironheart's a good example, kind of, but if you think about it, it's like a very awkward example because of the way that would be played down, right, in relation to the clones, I guess, splitting. Let's start with the clones. Are you going to pretty much always split on six? You know, like, I don't see Always why you would want to split before that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I don't know if there's that much benefit to splitting before. System shows there's going to be times and cases, but I think also keep in mind that when you save it till turn six based on your play order, you can also fill a location and then control where the other one goes, right? So like you get a little more like viable play based on like where you want that card to end up, but like also the later you wait, the more opportunities to bring the card up.

Cozy Snap:

The risk, exactly, like and that's what I think is really cool about it. You have this like. That is going to be the game plan. Like, right, like, you're not gonna like, that's how, that will be the win condition you go in on, when you start to get them up, and so, you, you do have that risk, and so priority's gonna be important, but also, We're gonna have, I, I'm calling it now, before we even get to these synergies, we are gonna have, the greedy decks that are all in, it's like the Black Panther days. Yeah, of course. The, the greedy decks that are playing like frickin Okoye, Nakia, listen, they're not gonna be playing. But maybe, maybe Nakia, but Okoye these days. But you're gonna have the all in, build up the clone decks, or you're gonna have the like, hey, it's a 410. Let's make it a 412, 414, and just have like that dependable power stat spread.

Alexander Coccia:

It's worth knowing that like with most cards, especially that 410 stat line, you traditionally had to like work, you had to do something to get to 410. Yeah, like crossbones. You have to do something to get that stat line. Original Atuma. Scar, not Scar, that's a bad example. Scar works with the 10s. Cull Obsidian, although that one's easy, still there's a requirement for that extra power. Scarlet Spider's requirement is basically to have space. Exactly,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, yeah. And you are spreading that power, but like Doom is a great example. Like, who cares? If you get that power up a little bit, all of a sudden. So Doom is obviously a 615. I mean, you're looking at, let's call it seven power. At that point, you're at 414, right? So it's like, it has the potential to be absolute crack. Now there is a. Limits on power gifting cards that you even want in your deck. But I have noticed, I don't know about you, but when a round came out, Sebastian Shaw is starting to get interesting. Like, Shaw was so limited to like, Surfer, and now I'm starting to see his builds, where I'm like, man, I might just want his base stat line as like a nice little power, you know, vertical bump, and an alternate play to something like Scarlet Spider.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, shoehorned directly into Surfer, and that wasn't his fault. It was just like, what are you gonna do, like, what are you gonna do with Sebastian Shaw? Like, there was very little cards that really synergized well with him. And I think the challenge around Sebastian Shaw was that the cards you were forced to run to really get the most out of him We're bad cards. Like, if you're running Okoye and to some extent Nakia, you're playing these sub optimal cards. And that actually gives me a bit of a concern with Scarlet Spider. If you don't have really good buffing cards, but we do because we have Aranya, right? Without Aranya, this card would have been much weaker, I think.

Cozy Snap:

Locations is gonna be a massive thing for Scarlet Spider in offense and defense in a way, right? Like, going into Death's Domain, we've talked about this, going into these closed off locations. But also, there are a lot of locations that add power, naturally. And it's going to be interesting to use that to your, you know, advantage.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you'll have like Muir Island, you'll have the one that does like the turn 5, plus 2, Stark Tower, isn't it? Yeah. So like, there's lots of opportunities to add power. And that's actually something that I feel like is coming up, especially as we get like Get more experience playing the game. We try to like really min max synergies with cards is I think that the interactions with locations are probably something that needs to be more ingrained in our evaluations because like they actually have a huge difference like the way these cards interact with locations is massive.

Cozy Snap:

I think just Gwynpool, Scarlet Spider might be the thing. And Aranya, sure, as well. But like, if you have Gwynpool, I think you're gonna be in a place that if you can get that going, it's such a natural 4, 5, 6, yes, I know it's not a 4 and a 5 cost, but at that point, you're gonna be playing Scarlet Spider if it got that tick, or 2 ticks, or, you know, if you're lucky enough, you know, a 3, whatever. But even just 1 or 2, to where it just makes sense, and then you have time to activate it, and then you can like, work off of it. You know, maybe you have the Brood, maybe you have Sebastian Shaw on the deck, you know, kind of working with that. That was something that stuck out to me pretty fast, is that like, Gwynpool slash Arani are like, the cards for this card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, it's very clear that like, Gwenpool has been a major part of the meta despite the fact it's had a relatively low play rate. It's win rates and queue rates have been very high and it's one of those cards that like people I feel like are generally kind of just like ho hum on. Yeah. Because I think it like the way it plays it has this like it's not consistent with which cards and stuff but if you build around it kind of taking advantage as like the graveyard. Get a Makari

Cozy Snap:

in there or whatever too. Yeah exactly

Alexander Coccia:

right and so like I see it but the key thing is you bring up a good point like you can 100 percent just play. Scarlet Spider on turn five. There's nothing stopping you from doing that. It's it's when it turns turn six That's where the cards primary weakness is where you're not able to actively on turn six It's not a non reveal. Yeah, right And so that is one of the challenges that you have where like it has to come up by turn five

Cozy Snap:

I hate that sometimes we got to bring up cards over and over again that you may not have But to me, it feels like an archetype that isn't played enough, and it hasn't been, and it's still not even, it doesn't even have the respect. I'd even put it on the notes for later. I don't even have notes. But down later when we talk about the archetypes in review, I didn't put it down there as its own thing. But it's time to give the respect to Nomura as her own thing, and what she can do in Nomura decks. Is Nomura probably the other, just like, Most natural, great curve play to instantly get a 4 10.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I would lean towards going the Nomura route over Gwenpool. Yes, if you have. I really like playing on curve. Yeah. I like playing that curve numbers game. And I feel like Nomura as a whole has so many different kind of like deck variations that make it successful. The key risk I think it runs is that in the current meta that we're seeing, Cosmos and Incredibly popular. Ironically, two weeks ago, three weeks ago, Cosmo was nowhere to be found. And all of a sudden, Cosmo's making a comeback, and that can have an impact on Nomura. But you might make a Nomura deck that doesn't, like, maybe you don't use Wong, right? Maybe it's the Scarlet Spider that takes that Wong spot, you reduce the greed on there. Because remember, you can Nomura, and then you can Odin, and then you can activate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, we saw it with, like, the Galactus thing for a while and stuff too. Get the, you know, symbiote big enough to get the you know, and we'll talk about Symbiote here in a moment. I had to pause just to say, we talked about one night, a couple drinks and us at TwitchCon. We'll skip it ahead for a second, but what tattoo I don't even know how we got on this track, but if you had to get a Marvel Snap tattoo, like we had to Which one would you get? Alex, you picked Cosmo.

Alexander Coccia:

I did? I don't remember this conversation. You know what? It's so funny. I don't remember because I have faulty memory now because of any other reason. I actually do remember saying this. I do remember because I said it was either going to be the Dan Hipp Cosmo or the Rian Gonzales Cosmo and that's what was stopping me from getting a massive Cosmo on my chest. What did Dexter say? I forgot. What did he say? Oh, I can't remember. But again, just because I don't have a good memory.

Cozy Snap:

I think I said, and I still stand by this. Blob riding a motorcycle bursting through my chest in flames. Really fits me and my style.

Alexander Coccia:

So like the Ghost Rider blob crossover through your chest?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I might get one. The Nomura decks I like to play are the, the Jeffs, the Nightcrawler ones. And what's awesome with this is, let's say you, Nomura, then you split early, you have these Jeffs and Nightcrawlers to adjust to how that split or to fill a lane. And then I see the Symbiote Lockdown deck that I still play. And it was one of my better videos. Thank you guys for watching. Bye. But that is a deck I still go back to a lot because it is based off that. It's based off building up with the Namor, shutting down stuff that was prior to even War Machine, which is going to be interesting with that in the mix. But I like Scarlet Spider in that shell, I think.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so with Symbiote Spider Man I actually think that, like, I wonder if these two cards can work together. I was trying to figure out like how you could double activate, and I think the only way you can do it, is you go Magic turn 3, Scarlet Spider turn 4, you do something like a Nomura on turn 5, right, you have 7 turns, turn 6, you Arnim Zola! The Scarlet Spider, cause now you have two replications, but neither of one have used their activate. This is one of those greedy things you're talking about, and I love it. Yes.

Cozy Snap:

No I do, and We're seeing Greedy Dexo actually, like,

Alexander Coccia:

take shape now. I think that ultimately though, the thing I really like about the Nomura into Zola thing, is that it makes Zola very natural, because you're naturally playing Nomura in a way, where Scarlet Spider's gonna be by itself. Because one of the tricks with Zola is trying to isolate it. Yeah, right, right. And Aranya can do that for you. Aranya can move cards into locations that you can then Zola with, right? Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

yeah. No, and I think again, I think Aranya is just going to be, like, incredible, just like one cost to get out there and have in the deck. Only time it feels bad to get her is turn six, right, most of the time. But, I feel like, in general, we like to think of the crazy stuff. But even just the simple Aranya, 4 7, split into two, 14. The Nomura, split into two. Like, that is where, like, we went, you know, crazy for Ms. Marvel, but this could be a 420 with just a Nomura play.

Alexander Coccia:

And the thing that's worth noting as well is it's really resistant to, like, Shadow King. Because I, like, hey, you, you'd Nomura. It goes to a 4 7 and the Shadow King gets to a 4 5. Yeah, I don't know man. I'm actually super excited for this card. I think that this card, in particular, this season, is going to be one that I think has much more natural, like, with Madame Web and with with some of the others that have released this month, like, the symbiote Spider Man, It's like the deck building was so wide open that you didn't All three, all three. Yeah, you didn't really know where to start, and I feel like, With this one, I know exactly where I want to start.

Cozy Snap:

And it's just simple, it's like much simpler, we had to activate a brand new ability of what's going on. Madame Web, like, we all haven't played Move in nine months. Like, we're all like just trying to figure out what to do with this, and this is a lot more straightforward. And just good value stats. And so, I don't, I think it's, Floor is very safe. Because it's at 410 into two lanes.

Alexander Coccia:

An interesting thing worth noting too is that it technically should be playable

Cozy Snap:

You either love Cerebro 5 or you don't. But even the fact that you can naturally just play Cerebro 3, and then you don't care about boosting it up, and you have the ability to doom and split, you have five things going out on the board that they had, like, no idea that that was about to happen. So I think that's, yeah. That, Listen, by now if you're not playing C5, or you haven't, you're probably not going to, but it is, yeah, it is definitely a good deck.

Alexander Coccia:

It makes up for the like, we had, we had Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel got dropped down, and now Ms. Marvel's no longer part of that archetype, and then C5 just disappeared as a whole.

Cozy Snap:

The bottom line is, a lot of cards seem good, are good, but doesn't offer enough, right? It's like a product on Shark Tank where they're like, This product exists already. Like what's the, why would someone go out of their way to find this? Or and it's actually, this is kind of the same as snap, right? Like, is it doing anything to earn a spot on the roster over other cards? It doesn't do its job better or way better. And I think, yes, I think it's going to do something super unique. Which we've seen before, but this is unique with good stats attached.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, I do think that, like, I'm pretty confident this card's gonna land strong. Like, it feels that way, but the archetype that it's going into, although being a very high performing one in Nomura, we've talked about it being one of the sleeper cards of Marvel Snap, it just hasn't been a meta definer, despite its fantastic stats, despite its high win rates, its high cube rates. And that's likely where you're going to find it. We know that Cerebro has its limitations. It's unlikely to be a complete meta shaker. But, you cannot deny that like just straight up value, good card style stuff, it's not hard to perceive this card as a very strong card.

Cozy Snap:

And the good thing is, we should know pretty quickly with this card how it's going to perform. Great example is Wiccan. A lot of people said Wiccan was bad because they felt like that was the case even after three days, but guess what? Wiccan's a good card. It's, a good card. It's doing good things now. We should know this isn't a Wiccan. This isn't a complicated, it's cool, there's complicated things that can happen, but it's not a super complicated card at all.

Alexander Coccia:

No, no, I wouldn't think so. I think that what we should do here is just make a quick note of Rania's past week here in review. Now I actually really like the card a lot. On aggregate across all untapped stats, it's running a 49 percent win rate, which is lower than I expected. It's cube rates kind of fluttering in a not great spot either, but what I will say Is that we're starting to see some move decks come out that are much more competitive in like the 54 percent range, which by the way is astronomically high for move traditionally. Solid cube rates, and Aranya is making those decks. So I'm actually pretty optimistic long term for Aranya.

Cozy Snap:

My favorite deck that I've played this season, and it's not even close, it was titled in the video, was Small Soldiers, and it was an Aranya. Everything was below like 3 4 cost, and funny enough when Agent Venom I believe comes out, I think it's going to fit naturally in there. And it's just like these little dudes that hold the line, and Aranya is a great puzzle piece too that really does feel like an amazing card. It's one of those things where I think that one

Alexander Coccia:

of the best synergies with Aranya is going to be Scarlet Spider. So it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, are you willing to risk the chance that you pass on Aranya, and then all the Scarlet Spider decks have Aranya in it, and you're like, oh, what have I done to myself,

Cozy Snap:

you know what I mean? And next season's more of a mystery, where these cards are gonna land, so like, Last month we were like, it doesn't matter. It like, just, you got to save for this month. And we mostly like all these cards are going to be useful in the future in some way or another.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Like we'll do a full review next week, but like so far these cards seem like they're slotting in like their, their spaces. They're finding their niches. They might not have shaken the meta up. They might not have like, You know, ruined the meta. Well, that's actually pretty thankful. But they are definitely finding their niches and having an impact on the game.

Cozy Snap:

We're gonna talk about that. Let's talk about the meta a little bit. So, as you guys know often, it's like, it's a great meta now. It's a, it's a great spot. It's a great time to be a Marvel Snap player.

Alexander Coccia:

I, I, pfft, I, there's a guy that used to say that. I know, man.

Cozy Snap:

He, he man, that, he died?

Alexander Coccia:

Part of him died.

Cozy Snap:

Part of him. After this weekend. Yeah. I feel like he's dead a little bit. God, I can't wait to talk about TwitchCon. I can't wait. But, anyway, I do feel like I was going through the archetypes, and I was like, It does feel really good right now. Now, listen, you might have seen the infomercial that was brought to you by the Cozy Snap team, and me. Hella. How we feel about

Alexander Coccia:

that? I was just gonna say, bold take saying the meta is feeling pretty interesting. I feel

Cozy Snap:

like Hela is, is definitely this outlier right now in, in it's like input in, output out.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what's interesting? So I was doing an analysis on the meta. And Hela does not break the top ten win rate. It does not break top ten cube rate. You just hate playing against it.

Cozy Snap:

Hela is like that new frustration. There's always one. There's always going to be one. It has been proven. It's like the, the new

Alexander Coccia:

villains of Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

The rule of the Sith. There's always two. There's always one villain in Marvel Snap sometimes too. That's a rule?

Alexander Coccia:

There's always two Sith?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I didn't know that. A master and an apprentice.

Alexander Coccia:

I didn't know. Oh, that makes sense. Never mind. Sidious and Maul. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. I need to catch up with my Star Wars. You need catch up on your acting. I was told to wait. There's two Star Wars one. I can't, oh no. I can't remember One I was told to avoid and don't watch. And the other one's like the best one ever. Watch one. I think Accolade. I was either told to avoid or watch

Cozy Snap:

a accolade was bad.

Alexander Coccia:

Accolade was bad. What was the really good one that everyone really universally likes? It's also show, show, TV show. Disney Plus

Cozy Snap:

probably and or Mandalorian. It was and or, okay, so

Alexander Coccia:

it was watch and or don't watch Accolade, but Mandalorian was obviously mentioned. Yes, I watched the first season of

Cozy Snap:

Mandalorian. The second season you. The second season is the season. Yeah, really? It is? Okay, I'll have to watch. My Star Wars people say something in the comments. Discard. Let's go from Hella, right, to Discard in full. I actually like where Discard's at a lot. I like Discard. But even more so Oh my god! Hellcow. We thought I had a feeling that Hellcow was gonna do what it was gonna do. And we talked about this lightly last week. I think the jury's out. Black Swan is still awkward. Hell cow. And the power that Discard can have with Activate is huge. Man.

Alexander Coccia:

I think Black Swan's time will come. Right. It'll come eventually. It's not there right now. Yeah. But hell cow is just stupid. And we knew it was gonna be good. We said that a five, a four, eight Hell cow was ridiculous. It turns out that four six, hell cow. It's

Cozy Snap:

not even, it's the fact that Discord was all about risk reward. I was actually talking about this on the, on the, on the notes. I was like, back in the beta there was no targeting. Like it was just like, yeah. Sword Master, Blade, it didn't matter, it was all just like willy nilly, Lady Sif was like, it. Now, it's like, you have so many ways to concentrate what you're getting rid of, and building up power, and doing these crazy things. Hellcow gives you that ability x10, and it obviously benefited Hela the best, cause that is the main, like, that is the deck where you want to get rid of things later. And play it safer. Hellcow, absolute winner. And Discard as a whole, absolute winner. Excited to see where that archetype's going.

Alexander Coccia:

It's not just that. It's Hellcow, but it's also Moon Knight. Moon Knight's making the Helidex.

Cozy Snap:

Without question, because you're getting a Discard to benefit you. It's one of the ultimate It's like a copycat, right? It's the ultimate offense defense card. You're doing so many things. Or Killmonger, right? It's Killmonger, I think, is a better example. You are benefiting yourself, and you are, you know, pushing something against your opponent. Hurting them in some way. Those cards and Killmonger has been a staple forever for a good reason. We're not starting to earn that role.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah I think we should talk about ongoing, but before that I want to tell you that this apple juice is spicy. It is spicy apple juice, guys. This is

Cozy Snap:

Who makes this apple juice? It's like Angel's Envy, you said. No they'll know. Oh. It

Alexander Coccia:

was Apple's Envy. Jealousy. Ongoing is putting up good stats now. Spectrum for sure. Because Ms. Marvel was needed. That extra 10 power on the board, 14 technically, was needed for that archetype to kind of push to those new levels because we're seeing like, we're seeing other archetypes just get gradually stronger, higher highs. So we're getting lower lows too. But I just want to say that Ongoing is in a good spot.

Cozy Snap:

Ms. Marvel, Scarlet, Spider, and Doom is such an insane play line. Yeah. Now you don't know where that Scarlet Spider's gonna go, but it won't mess you up because it won't go in the same lane. So it's kind of interesting, like you can just stack, because it used to be like Ms. Marvel Doom was the play line. Yeah. But yes, I agree. Ongoing, and what Web did for Ms. Marvel was, was massive, and we just have a lot of good ongoing cards right now. Like, there's just like, so many that can offer, like, offense and defense, and then you have the boosting at the end to kind of spice them all up. I think it's in a good space. Living Tribunal has its niche again. It's doing its thing, like you lose if you don't have the things to take care of that deck. I think Move is never going to be the, the deck, but I also think it is a very rewarding deck, and I still think it's even more so skillful in a lot of

Alexander Coccia:

ways. I actually think that Move should be looked at. I think they really need to sit down and say, Okay, we gave it high power pieces in Madame Web, Aranya, and others. I think they really need to take a look at Move as a whole and say, Okay. How do we want this to actually play? Because we can't just make it so like, Oh look, you have a 90 something, you know, human torch. You have dagger through the roof. It can't be that. Like, I think they need to rebalance the attack.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like, and we said this on one of the most early Snapchats ever, where like, remember we talked about Heimdall, and before you played him there'd be this left or right arrow, and like, let's say activate, you would hold down the arrow. What if all these cards, so Iron Fist, What if we had the option of left or right? I feel like even just that would help massively because then you could start really like Your opponent is not predicting. You don't play an Iron Fist and they're like, well, that's gonna go to the left. Yeah, but at the same

Alexander Coccia:

time, like, I, I don't want to sound mean, but every once in a while I go against a move player and I'm like, oh, I don't want to play against this. Like, it's just, I can't, I can't predict what's going on. It doesn't feel like a card game anymore. Stuff's moving everywhere. You're not gonna

Cozy Snap:

change that, though.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, but I'm just saying, if Heimdall can all of a sudden shoot stuff left and right and center and Iron Fist is punching guys all thing, though.

Cozy Snap:

Like, it doesn't do, like, move is It's been proven inconsistent at this point. It needs something to have that random value. That's its strength.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I guess that's true. But I'm just like, at some point, like, you gotta play cards in a location. And that's like, move is like, skirting that. And especially with Madame Web, like, you have all this movement, and they always resolve first. Right? That's what's awkward,

Cozy Snap:

is it resolving first? Yeah, so

Alexander Coccia:

it's like, what I'm trying to say is, I don't know if I'm articulating this well, because it's been a long four days, but, I don't know. I just wonder about move and if it's like if dagger has to be taken down a bit so yeah you have a 30 power dagger that's sick but like what if dagger gets to 12 but the other move pieces are better what if madam web is actually a you know two three and like Those, like, you find other places, make Iron Fist a 1 3, add power across the archetype, take the ceiling down a bit, but add more power across the board. I don't know, like, again, I'm not a game dev, I'm just saying it doesn't feel like Moves Answer is more vertical power.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, okay, totally noted. We have also On Reveal that is, dude, this thing, it's so funny you put On Reveal and it's on a video. Yeah, no, it's weird. Like, I think it's like, you have Surfer in there, I think Surfer Has maintained its spot where it's at. It's great as well. Junk is very popular to answer a ton, but also Viper and Hood just being one of the most flexible combos in the game, period. It's just a very staple thing, and then people like to build off that. Ajax, Hazmat High Evo in those builds. That is a fantastic deck right now. Yeah, it's

Alexander Coccia:

weird to see High Evo, like, legit making a comeback. It is. But I'm ironically good at it, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. And there's decks without Ajax that are doing good too with High Evo, but it is cool to see that have a comeback. Yeah. Especially because they said they wanted to give it something and I don't know if we ever got that thing.

Alexander Coccia:

We saw something really interesting. So, US Agent, we recognize as being a good card, but we weren't seeing it very often, and we actually surmised that once it was in the hands of more players, and more people were willing to play with it, because it was in the spotlight cache, there was a chance we were going to see like, US Agent actually elevate. And we're actually seeing that now, with like, US Agent, Intoxic, and and Ongoing. Because more people have it, more people are playing it, and they're seeing the impact. I like to

Cozy Snap:

call it the Statue Effect. I feel like that's where it started. Remember Statue? Statue was written off. Yeah, it was written off, and then people got it, and they're like, wait, this is just a crack card, and then they have to nerf the whole thing. But yeah. Nomura

Alexander Coccia:

might be the same.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah, it is. Oh yeah, I can't wait for more to come in the new spotlight. But I do think you know, there are a couple outliers, but it is a really cool spot. And I'm just excited for more cards to get activated. I know we had this debacle with Hellcat a little bit. But I do like that. And they can just fix it. And adjust it, right? And at that point, we've got to get more free cards with activate. Like, they gotta go back. It's the easiest way to handle, it's the easiest way to handle it. To give a buff to a card, or at least a new way to play it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I think it's a huge tool that they have to, like, reinvigorate a lot of older cards. And yeah, like, I, again, Black Swan, not necessarily great, but better, right? At least it's a thing that you can use, right? And it'll probably have its time at some point. But yeah, I do think Hellcow was definitely a good change and wow. I'm just looking forward to seeing, like, what else they pick up on. Like, Zabu, they said Zabu was too good. To put on to unactivate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, which makes sense. It does make sense. It does make sense.

Alexander Coccia:

But like what, is that just still just behind the shed?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, it's bad. Guys, we're gonna talk about TwitchCon. And if you're sitting over there thinking, I don't watch Twitch, it has almost little to do with actual Twitch. It has nothing to do with actual Twitch. I haven't streamed in seven months. Like, it's okay. Alex, Coccia. I heard the term, I don't know what this is, or what is this, more than I ever so much so that I was convinced my son knew more about certain subjects in life than my co host. And I say that with more love than I ever could put. What was, what were some of the things, my mind's trying to hold

Alexander Coccia:

itself together. You were in shambles for most of the weekend. So, chopsticks was fine. I understood that, I guess. Me not being able to use chopsticks was breaking people at the restaurant. Was it that

Cozy Snap:

you never used them? It wasn't that like, you didn't know how to use them? I think that's a common issue. No, I don't

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

how to use them. I've never used them. You've

Alexander Coccia:

never used them once? No, I don't think I've ever really held a chopstick. You've never had Chinese food at all? But like, The weird thing was, we weren't at a Chinese restaurant. We weren't at like an Asian cuisine restaurant. We were at a regular restaurant. It was a seafood restaurant. We were having sushi. No, we were at a seafood restaurant that happened to have sushi. But like, you guys were eating were having the sushi. No, you guys were eating like, those potsticker things with chopsticks. Why not use a fork? Like, you were choosing to make everything harder. I couldn't understand. Ah,

Cozy Snap:

potstickers. The American food, the German food. Oh no, it's of Asian culture. Is it? I found out Alex mainly eats hamburgers and chicken nuggies. What were some of the other things that, I feel like there's things that we've forgotten. Oh, the taco

Alexander Coccia:

almost broke you today.

Cozy Snap:

Okay guys, we are Alex and I loved it. You know, I came to San Diego, wanted to treat him, take him around. You know, I take him to this beautiful seal place. You're going to see some footage. And he asked, did you ask first before they came, what is a taco? I didn't

Alexander Coccia:

ask what a taco was. Pretty near much. No, first of all, I never heard of a fish taco. I was assuming, I was assuming that they were gonna like, make a taco out of a fish. So like, they were gonna like, stuff meat into like, a fish. Sounds so difficult. It's so stupid. And so obviously they brought out a

Cozy Snap:

taco with fish in it. So, if you've seen an old show called Wife Swap, there's a kid known as the Chicken Nugget Kid. It's what I feel like Alex had to be, where like, it was just chicken nuggets all the time. So they, guys, they bring out this fish taco. And Alex looks at me, and it's sitting in front of him, and it's just, it's, it's a taco, and he goes, What do I do with this? And it broke me. I, I sat there, and this was after a long Guys, guys, they ordered there's a, there's a story coming where I ordered pants for Alex on DoorDash. Like I don't, I don't, we have, but when he asked me, how do, what do I do with this? I, again, I was like, son, my little, my two year old, let me, and I go, well, what do you mean? I think I just said, what do you mean? I was so confused by the, I was like, what do you mean? What do you do

Alexander Coccia:

with this?

Cozy Snap:

Cozy grabbed the taco. I'm like, you, no, it's when you eat like a taco, I answered it with like, with

Alexander Coccia:

the, with the question. I just, it's, no, the reason why I was confused was because. So when I go to, first of all, I've been to Taco Bell like twice in my life. And the taco that I understand is like, I think it's like a tortilla wrap. I'm still confused at this moment.

Cozy Snap:

Let's get to the pants story for a second here. So, long story short at TwitchCon there's a lot of after parties. Hence why I can't, I have like three brain cells max left over. I'm, I'm, I'm holding it together, guys. We got invo So Alex came to sunny San Diego and You know, I always thought when I saw him on the Snapchat, I thought when I saw you on the Snapchat, it was maybe a little bit of a bit, I'm like, you know, the guy wears a lot of Adidas shirts, and the guy's got a lot of, like, athletic wear, Alex, not only does he only eat cheeseburger and chicken nuggets, Alex Coccia owns only athletic shorts and athletic shirts, that's it, like, that's all I've seen the man wear, that's all I know that he wears, and that's all you did wear.

Alexander Coccia:

I know and it's funny because I actually asked Cozy before I left like, hey, do I just pack shorts?

Cozy Snap:

No, he goes, what do I pack? And I like I was sleeping so I didn't answer and the common answer I got today is you didn't tell me what to pack So it somehow got back to me.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, you didn't tell me I needed pants. I figured we would see In San Diego, you don't need pants, you know he

Cozy Snap:

needed pants, to be fair. So this is what, we got invited to what's called a stream Stream Elements. And they hosted this major Like major. Major party, it's where, if you guys know Twitch, It's where XQC, Ludwig, these guys, everyone was there. And I got invited, and I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna get everybody in, I can't wait. And so we get there. I'm dressed like a gym teacher. Before we get there, I look at the sign up and it's a nightclub. Which I'm not going to a lot of nightclubs these days. But, I do know that they're not exactly letting in YMCA instructors. Like, I know that that's not exactly the clientele there. And so it says on there, please glove and tire. And like, Dexter's in his jacket and jeans. And I, I think I was in something similar to this. And then, we look at Alex. And he goes Is this, is this club attire? Like it was a question almost. Yeah, it were my Reebok shorts club attire. So all of a sudden, we are already downtown, no stores in sight, and I'm like, how do we get this man pants?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, how do we get pants and get this, this dad into the club?

Cozy Snap:

So I'm on DoorDash and I get, I get long story short, I'm on DoorDash, I'm ordering pants, I'm like having like, trade negotiations with the me what

Alexander Coccia:

size I am, I don't know. What size?

Cozy Snap:

The guy at DoorDash is like, I can't find them. And then all of a sudden, like, the guy's calling me and he's like, the best pants are 182, which is like 7, 000 Canadian dollars.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and the other thing is, I don't know what size I am because all my pants have elastic beds.

Cozy Snap:

He goes, I don't know what size I am. He goes, should I just get really big pants? I'm like, wait, hold on, you don't have a belt. And so I'm like, I think you want to go smaller, that either way is a lose, either way. Please comment down below. And Would you rather have tight pants or big pants? We went with the tight pants for the record. We went with the tight pants. Long story short, we cancelled the pants order. And, cause I didn't think we were getting in. I'm sorry. I didn't think I was going to be able to get everybody in. I ruined the

Alexander Coccia:

odds. I definitely ruined

Cozy Snap:

the odds. I didn't think I was going to get everybody into this. And so, Later in the night, we get to said nightclub shout out to the guy at Stream Elements and he was like, Cozy, come on in and I don't know if anyone's, he was like, yeah, like who's with you? And I think he was expecting me to be like, yeah, me and all the honeys. And I look over and it's Alex in his athletic pants, Dexter and Co, and they're like Alex, in this nightclub, was the greatest scenery I've ever seen in my entire And I'm talking to you guys, it was like, you couldn't hear yourself think in here. It was unbelievable It was too loud.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm sorry, I know I'm getting old, but it was too loud in there. Turn down this music! Like, turn this down! I'm like, people are trying to sleep in this neighborhood. I'm trying to sleep, I'd love to go to sleep at this point. It's like 1. 30 in the morning.

Cozy Snap:

I'm not like a closed, like I don't like, this is Gucci, this is like Walmart, like I don't care, like I don't care.

Alexander Coccia:

But you have to understand though, this is like the most exclusive party like in the city, right? And what's wild about it, you have to see Cozy at work. So like there was like a VIP area, right? Like I was like 20 feet away from it, hands in my pockets, like I was intimidated by like the four guards that were guarding this door. And then Cozy looks at this VIP area and there's like literally every big name you can think of. They're just there, okay? And I'm like, I ain't going near there. Cozy's like, no, no, I'm, I'm going, right? Didn't say it, I just walked in. I turned away for two seconds, I turned back, he's gone, and he's in the room. Not only in the VIP room, but he's like, at the head table, talking to like, the Twitch, I'm like, how does he do this? Like, not only did you get into the door, but you like, walked in and immediately sat down and like, Just integrated yourself into their conversation. I could talk, I

Cozy Snap:

could talk to any, I could talk to a homeless man. I, I just don't, I think it's cause I don't, if you've ever met me in person, like I'm just a dude, I could care less who I am, but I do have I have endless confidence, I guess. Like I just don't, I just walked in there and I remember looking out there to you guys. Also, I didn't know you shorts had pockets. I don't know how to say this, but Alex, you know, like sometimes you might watch content and be like, are they putting on a film? front. Are they guys were in the car and we had like places to go. Like it was a tight schedule and Alex asked, wait, is there a Costco around here? Why is that even a Dexter said? Well, yeah, it's the Costco's are everywhere. Alex was like all in all it that we should all go.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Why, I'm shocked that everyone was appalled by my suggestion to go to Costco. It

Cozy Snap:

wasn't appalled, it was like, well what are we gonna do there?

Alexander Coccia:

Get ice cream! But why don't we just go get ice cream? Because the Costco sauce serve, it's half the price and it's better. I'm convinced there's like major stocks that he owns in Costco. just major. Yeah, I'm just like an actual Costco stand. I just buy stocks and then feed a, feed the podcast and just pump the stock. And there has to be there. There, there has to be. This is, it's like a Costco pump and dump podcasts.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh. I can tell you though we on top of this, you guys will see this the next episode. We went to the zoo. We may have. I only had 30 minutes of theirs.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but overall, like, TwitchCon was great. And one of the things that I really liked was I had an opportunity to meet, like, you know, like Binx and Felicity. A lot of Snap creators were there. It's, it's honestly it's really special to get an opportunity to, like, meet people in person that, like, we work in such a digital environment that getting to meet people in person it's really special. Like, this was the first time I had a chance to meet Dexter, and, like, that meant a lot to me, man. Like, this is a guy that I've respected for so long, and you know. What an awesome guy, honestly.

Cozy Snap:

Well, and honestly, too, this is only my second time ever being with you in person. The first time was very limited, and so, it was really cool to have Dexter, me, and Alex, Dario, all these guys, and yeah, all the Snap community, but all of us in just like one area was really cool. And also, there are so many closeted Snap fans, it's insane. Like, truly insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we were talking to like people that like people that were doing exhibitions and they recognize yourself and I and they're like Oh, we actually watch the snapchat like, you know, and they're working for you know, all these different brands. I was getting G fuel It's was like, you know,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

mean, it's crazy

Cozy Snap:

fuel edition the pants the what would you call the flavor? Oh,

Alexander Coccia:

man I don't know the flavor. They had like a PewDiePie. What would be yours? My phone? What would I call my flavor? pants

Cozy Snap:

Alex meeting my family way up there again. Consecrated Cherin, incredible, incredible friend of mine. And it's just so cool to put this all together. I actually said that today, we were like We've done over a hundred weeks of content together, and to finally, like, put that all together it was so cool, man, it's just truly special.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and this is special, too, and it feels so I should move to San Diego so we can do this in person more often.

Cozy Snap:

I wish. It's hot in here. I'm on, like, 1 percent battery. It's if you guys want to know, these go out at 6. 30am. This time is it's close to midnight right now, so it's at the end of what this weekend was, but we had to do it. We had to make it happen. Anyway, guys Thank you so much for coming on by. Thank you for you know, entertaining yourselves with this special episode, if you will, of the Snapchat. I know we had a lot of fun here and gosh, I wish we could do more of these in person. Hopefully we can. And as always, go over, subscribe to Alex, wonderful creator, almost there at 100k if you're watching this, and you subscribe to my channel, go sub to him, get him there, get him that plaque button, and we love you guys. We appreciate you. As always, until the next one, guys, happy snapping.

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