The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Araña: The Mighty Mover | Favorite Cards at Every Cost | Madame Web In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 98

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 46

Will Araña be the next best 1 cost card for the move archetype? What are the archetype MVPs? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Madame Web? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap. Once you are done listening, check out Cozy's new YouTube channel, CozyTV at

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome back. Aranya comes out tomorrow, and she's looking pretty good for a one cost card with the new ability of Activate. Today, Alex and I are going to break her down and what she offers for decks and her versatility, viability, and, of course, synergies. We're also going to be talking about the OTA that changed a lot. War Machine is one of the craziest cards in the game. My girl Arrow got touched up, and a whole lot of nerfs alongside it. So we're going to break down our thoughts on the OTA as we lead into our favorite cards. At every cost this season, Alex and I are going to break down which cars we think have been our favorite and most useful so far in the September season. And we're going to talk about that all today more in this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend. Typically, we well, a couple of weeks ago, we filmed early by a few days, and today it's like Cinderella. The clock strikes midnight. We're barely going to get this thing out of time. It's going to go out in the morning. Probably no sleep for either of us, but that's just the way The cookie crumbles. What's going on, guys? And welcome back. Alex, how are we doing today?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm doing great the meta is in a great spot, the game feels solid, they took a completely garbage card and made it completely overpowered, what's there not to like about Marvel Snap right now, it's a complete smorgasbord of chaos.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure dude it's, with like, every archetype, right, like we're getting a little bit of move stuff obviously with Madame Web, but then we have Klogg, we have Loki and Erishem, people that want to do that, Surfer, Destroy, Discard, all those competitive list. You have the Zoo decks as well that, you know, you can definitely play. Bounce, it feels like a little bit of everything's eating. And then you also have, like, the combo decks, right? The Symbiote, Galactus, Nonsense, like, you've got those fun kind of flavor decks in there as well. Crazy OTA to get everything just going wild. We won't get ahead of ourselves here, but War Machine has the classic. I love this change. It's amazing. I hate this. This is the worst card in the game. All over Twitter, written on it. But it's bound to be a good conversation over here, man. And we know what we're talking about over here. It's a lot. We've got a lot to break down. Alex, what are we talking about on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Madam Web in review, going over some statistics, its decks, and our general thoughts on the card after an entire week of having it in the meta. We'll also be talking about the archetype MVPs, going through the cards that we think carry the individual archetypes of Marvel Snap. As the meta gets more diverse, we want to talk about the champions of each archetype, and then as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, you can see by the title below that looks awful, if I'm being honest, is Aranya, a 1 cost game changer. Now, this is gonna be the complements of last week in Madam Web. We have another move card that's only gonna accelerate her. But also, many are saying that she is the card this month. And we talked about her before in the preview. We both definitely saw the potential. It's a 1 cost card with a pretty dramatic effect. And really, the main key thing is the Activate ability. For those that don't know, she's a 1 cost, 1 power card. Activate, give the next card you play plus 2 power, and then you're gonna move it to the right. So you've got essentially what Forge was before his change back to the 2. That's just her as a card, and then you have that as an Activate ability. A lot of cards, a lot of decks, a lot of archetypes. You're gonna love this. Before we go into her any further, though, Ms. Marvel and Sage is the spotlight week. What are we feeling?

Alexander Coccia:

It's a great spotlight week. Yeah. I think it's a very strong spotlight week. I mean, listen, Aranya is going to be fantastic. I almost want to say it with a little bit of a heavy, Aranya! Right? I gotta get right in there, right? But yeah, I think the Spotlight caches are remarkable. Miss Marvel is making a comeback in the meta right now, and I think that, actually, ironically, Madam Web's a huge part of that. And you got Sage, who, honestly, is a remarkably powerful card in a number of different archetypes. Not as flexible as, I mean, Aranya is likely to be. However, Sage has an incredible amount of power output, which is gonna be pretty powerful. Fundamental to a lot of decks, in particular Bounce, even kind of some Surfer decks as well. She always finds her way into a number of decks that want that power from a three cost.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah man, and Aranya is, is an interesting card to break down. It's a one cost, so like we always are, you know, hesitant on saying like, how much can a one cost change the game? But really, she does differently compared to something like Silver Sable, is that she's going to be setting up a combo Later, that you can activate at any time, right? Outside of a Killmonger coming in or a Red Guardian. Those are the counters outside of that. You've got this really cool kind of trick in the bag that you can pull off at any moment with Aranya. And I think that's the big appeal. Now, I think we both said 4 star. Maybe 4. 5 earlier in the, in the month. Are we sticking around that, probably?

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, so I listened back to that episode, we started with Aranya, like we did like our ranking order 1 through 5, we started with Aranya at the bottom, and then she ended up at like number 3, like we both kind of thought like, wait a minute, this card actually might be better than some of the other ones, and like, it was so funny, that conversation was like up and down all over the place, cause the cards are all so cracked this month, and like they're really like meta shakers in a lot of ways yeah, I'm definitely going 4 stars, I can't see this being lower than that, like this is a very, I feel like that's the bottom, that's like, I don't see how it could be worse than that, I've just cursed it by the way.

Cozy Snap:

No, I feel like you're fair, I think 4 is that it's kind of low mark, and then depending on how it fits into plug and play is what will kind of elevate that to 5 star, right? So, you know, right off the bat, I'm super interested to see how this, you know, Continues to help out Madam Web, and continues to help out how that card is functioning and working. Listen, we won't get into the interview yet, but I think we can both say, any time you have somebody wanting to go paint, and they've never painted before, they're probably gonna suck at painting. It's kinda like that with move decks, right? It's tough to play move decks when you haven't before, and so it's fun watching the wider Snap audience, including myself and you probably too, playing move again, and this card is gonna add to that with the combos and all the stuff it's gonna do. Cool. That's the immediate synergy. There's obviously a lot of other synergy, though, and that's where I think she's gonna shine, you know? I'm gonna give her a 4 star, too, just because I think being able to activate this is what's so in If it was just plus 2, it's cool. The fact, though, that at any point in time, you can move a card to another location, you can set up a combo play, you can wait to get that Shaw, or whatever we'll break down here in a moment, to set things up. We haven't had that before. And you get two birds, one stone. Power and move that you can wait for the card draw to happen. That's a massive thing.

Alexander Coccia:

The only thing that was giving me some reservation that could have dropped me a little lower than four, and where it could potentially fall to threes, if you think about its actual, like, its ceiling, right? Like, Silver Sable, as a one drop, is technically a five power play, right? It goes to one, three, and it does two two toxic damage on the other side, right? So, a total of five stats is being, like, accommodated by that card. This is technically three. However, you're going to be using it in such a way where like it synergizes with cards that want that additional power so you can sneak out some extra power, but you were right to identify that the major thing here that makes this card special is the activate. This is a very confident play on turn one and in the early game as a whole, that you can just leave it there and then you can choose the exact card. Time when you want to effectively use the activate. And now that we've had a chance to use Spider Man symbiote Spider Man, sorry. And now we understand how like the activate turn order, how you can control and manipulate the turn order of activate. This makes this card even stronger because you can set up very intricate combos that utilize the activate at any point in the game. Once it's on the field of play.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. And outside of her just not working, her floor is one three, and her ceiling is beyond that of what you can make it. Right. So I think that's the interesting thing. I mean, I You know, we talked about it, I think, in the preview, just playing Aranya, activating that into a Forge that then plays down. So you play Forge down, you activate Aranya. There are so many cards that after you play that, it is just such a massive boost. Because you're adding Forge and her together. How much is that curve gonna happen? We're not sure, but that's the great part about Aranya. You can just have her down, and then you can wait and wait to play that Forge and the combo plays that you're wanting to do. And so this all combines as well. This wasn't on the agenda to talk about, but on Tuesday, it is confirmed. Hellcow and Black Swan are getting their Activate. So, Black Swan More interesting, it's going to be really cool to see how Activate works with that, because then you can just dump a lot of these 1 cost cards as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so the Black Swan Activate is interesting because I think it coincides with what they have changed with Beast. I feel like this has been like the plan all along. To like make it so that like, oh, you could Beast cards and then activate Black Swan and effectively get what the old Beast used to be. You know what I mean? Like, so I think that's kind of interesting the way that they're playing that out. But ultimately like, I mean, it, you don't even necessarily need to do that cause Beast is going to discount it to a zero anyways, but I think that it gives you another opportunity to like Falcon, Black Swan, and then like get the cards out there. So I honestly, and I think that if it goes out as it's expected, I think Hell Cows cracked. I think the card is great. A four, eight activate that discards two. Are you kidding me?

Cozy Snap:

Discard or just really just any archetype getting activated is just, it's just, it's boosted so much. We're seeing that right here with Move, and guys, we said to save your keys because you're going to benefit so much more by having Madam into Aranya, and then into Scarlet Spider, which is one that's gonna just instantly love Aranya, right? Aranya's already a great card to pair with that. So you've got this already kind of three cards that love each other, that work together, and I'm excited to see it, and I'm more excited to see things kind of calm down. You know, with clog or things to hurt move decks as we move out of move in these new releases, if you will. But let's go to talk Synergy Man. Let's talk you know, where we see her being utilized. Outside of just getting into kind of tricky locations, whatever you might want to do. Right off the rip, you know, you know what, let's start with Move. I think that's fair. That's, you know, I think that's a lot of what her design is meant to be around a little bit here. And to what I just said, playing Aranya down, having Forge, and then activating that into the Human Torch. Immediately, that's four, six power. Move it over, that's a 12 power play. Ghost Spider that, that's 24. What is that? That's 24 power, correct? And just a few one cost cards played down. You Like, just that one interaction that's not, you know, just talking about the easy boost to Dagger, the easy boost to Vulture, that you can activate at any time, is gonna give Move that Extra boost, and you can push it into the Madam Web lane. Use it again. Lot of combo here.

Alexander Coccia:

No, there definitely is. And I think that like, if you're going to be playing Aranya and Madam Web together, you're going to want to play like a macro game where you're going to position Madam Web in a way that you can actually punch her. I'm saying punch like Iron Fist, but you're going to move the card into the Madam Web location. It's also worth noting that Multiple Man's a big winner here. Now, Multiple Man has been like one of the odd ones out for move lately because it takes up a lot of space, there's a lot of clog, and generally speaking, Multiple Man doesn't get the numbers. That you know, dagger will, or vulture will, or human torch will, right? However, if you're going to be playing some sort of like curved movement deck, suddenly you have a turn one play into a turn two that you can then doctor strange. And suddenly it starts to make a little more sense. Like I still don't think it's going to be the banger combination. I think that move likes to cheat out massive numbers that are. Far higher than a multiple man will get to, but it is worth noting that it is technically a curved play for early collection level players, too.

Cozy Snap:

No, that's a good point. That's a good point. I would say if you're probably max collection, you won't be doing a lot of multiple man in her style of deck, but earlier on and without certain cards you need, it is. It just works out. What I was surprised with, I don't know about you, played a lot of move, the two things that stood out. First of all this is just going to feed into the tribunal deck a bit more because you have a way to go all in on the Human Torch. That's what that deck does well. But in a lot of my movement games, what I found out is, I still had a lot of the same, I have one lane REALLY big. And then the other lane's doing okay, and so for me, I like to kind of add in a tech card there, because then I can have my big lane, and then I have, you know, my Shang Chi to take care of the other lane. Like, that's kind of what I was rolling with a lot. And I feel like that this could benefit this deck with Aranya, with Human Torch, Dagger, Vulture, that style. It's gonna love this, because these are all super cheap cards, and then you also have kind of the Shang Chi, you know, at the back of your belt.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I know, and the other side about that is, like, yeah, so, MOVE has been being countered with a lot of tech. One single big card, it's, it's not gonna win the game when there's Shang Chi, there's Shadow King, which is detrimental to these decks. So you're actually seeing Cosmo being teched into the highest performing meta lists. It's specifically to protect these cards, right? And that makes a lot of sense, and the cube rates are higher on those decks because of the Cosmos, so you're right to say that, like, hey, sometimes these move decks, it's not just about getting one number massive, like, you do need some tech to at the very least, protect your assets.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no, for sure, and, you know, we didn't see a lot of play with it. I actually did run across a couple decks that did pull it off. One of which, I don't know who you are, killed my Wong you, you wrecked me. And they did do a Madame Web with Spider Man 2099. Now, I like Aranya because, again, you don't have to waste energy to get this to go, and it becomes a 5. 11. So, kind of unique there. Again, the more we kind of phase out of these all in locations just filling up everything, you know, the more value that Spider Man's going to get. I mean, that is just a simple answer to that symbiote Black Panther play. Everyone's doing that right now. You know, I think there is the possibility that we see a little bit of synergy there with Aranya as well.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it's without question, right? And the nice thing about it is it doesn't activate you can only move to the right, which does limit Spider Man 2099's ability to, like, target the left location, for instance, right? It's impossible to do so. I still, I still think that, like, Spider Man 2099 would benefit from a targeted effect. Yeah, fact that like would target like the highest cost or something, right? More stats targets the lowest cost only. I don't know. It needs something so you can at least hit reliably hit something because you're hitting stuff at random. It's never what you want anyways. And it's so clunky that it just doesn't feel worth running.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. No, I agree. I agree. But what I, what I want to what we'll shift to from move, cause those are the main offenders from move that Iran is going to help out with. And we're going to see that escalate with Madam Web. I think that this is a card, Madam Web. Yeah. You know, as we break her down in review, but Madame Webb's gonna love this card. I think she, in a sense, doesn't need it, but definitely helps the archetype as a whole. And we kind of reset yet again. We're figuring out move all over again because we have yet another card. We usually get one card every like six months that helps out move. We get two in two weeks. And that's just a massive complication, if you will. But for me, I brought this up. This was one of the first things I brought up whenever we broke down Irania in the season preview. I'm telling you right away, man, the Forge play with Arania, this is a insane combo, but just simply playing Arania into Brood is super interesting to me. I've been messing around with a little bit of Brood, a little bit of Symbiote, and being able to pull something off like this. I was doing that with Madam Web, but to be able to just Because the way I see this working out, and the way it resolves, is that Brood is going to get the plus whatever. But it's going to move away from its, you know, young or whatever. So doing pretty much nothing, you'll be able to get, if you have the Forge play, which again, anytime you're trying to line up three card combos, like you're asking for a lot here, there's a lot of decks that just win with that. But when you get that, you get a, you get a 3 cost 18 power play. But even if you don't, you're still getting a 3 cost 12 power play with one of those preserving space. Sometimes you want the brood separated, right? Because then you're kind of spreading those 3 costs, spreading that power. But if you can land a symbiote Spider Man on that brood lane by itself, you can reactivate into that, essentially causing the 3 4 to go to a 3 10. And you're looking at a 30 power, a 30 power lane from there on. That, to me, is a super insane combo that is plausible.

Alexander Coccia:

It's plausible. Like, obviously, the draw considerations are difficult, but that's where, like, Aranya's ability to be an activate card actually helps. It's something that I've learned with Spider Man 2099. It's a, not 2099, Spider Man, Symbiote Spider Man. I'm confusing the two now. The thing that I really appreciated about Symbiote Spider Man was the fact that it being an activate allowed me to set up plays that weren't necessarily about playing on curve. It allowed me to flip, like, the order of play in a way that, like, allowed me to, like, have more agency over how certain combos popped off. And so, yeah, of course, yours is, like, a very intricate combo, but it is entirely possible that it definitely could work.

Cozy Snap:

And then, obviously, Shaw, right? Just, like, a very easy, like, set up card that you could get off. I mean, a turn 6 play of saving your Rania, playing down Shaw, getting that boost, and then doing the Surfer hit. Right away, you're getting a good chunk of power to the card, right? Right. I do think Surfer, funny enough, is going to be a great home for Aranya. I think that's going to be a really good shell. Being a one cost, you can fit in about one every now and then. We'll see how it fits in. It has to replace the Nova Killmonger combo. That's the big one to beat. If it can do that, I can see it having a mainstay there. So you have Move, you have Surfer. Where else do you like Aranya?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so the deck that I'm going to be going right to on my testing is going to be a Nimrod Shuri deck, and I think that, listen, I think that there is a huge opportunity for Aranya to be an absolute impact player here, because think about it, and I think that's Imagine what you're able to do with this setup, okay? You drop Shuri, you activate Aranya, you play Nimrod into that location, you get the Aranya buff, you get the Shuri double, and then it pumps right, leaving it open for Zola, right? You no longer, because with traditional Nimrod Shuri plays, you would be in a position where, like, you'd 50 50 a Zola play, because Shuri's sitting there, it's just sitting there, right? Now Aranya will allow Nimrod to get the buff, double it up, pump it right, and allow you to to Drop a Zola, which I think is absolutely crazy.

Cozy Snap:

And really, I think we called this out of the preview, too, of just like, anything with Zola just kind of loves both Madame Web and Aranya here. And that's why I think they're just a great dynamic duo. A lot of the combos they're trying to do, you kind of want both of them to set up a card in a lane by itself. And so that, you know, you have Madame Web as a a lean back. Nimrod, excellent example. But this could also just be whatever else that you double up, sit in another lane, and then Zola from that point on, right? Phoenix Force, we, you know, I, there's just so many decks that are gonna love that, that, I thought Nimrod was a great example. I'll say this too, it's such a tight list, we always want to theorycraft with it a bit. Deadpool, it could work with Destroy. I, I, I'm not gonna lie, I think between A, if you do get the godline of just having a Rania Forge, which is, it can happen, into Deadpool, another three are there but just the fact of playing a Rania and chillin and waiting till you need to activate her to get that Deadpool, That's huge instant power.

Alexander Coccia:

It is. It absolutely is. And like, it helps Wolverine. Sometimes, like, let's say you don't get your pieces and you just start, you need to get your engine going, right? You could activate it on an X 23. Like, we've seen people Hulkbuster an X 23. Cause they're like, well, I don't have the hand. I gotta do something, right? So there are lots of opportunities there. You can also consider the way it could be used with Venom. To clear a lane, but then put Venom elsewhere, right? Usually you want Venom in by itself because you're looking for a combo play, but the option of moving Venom could be something valuable as well. But yeah, like I think there's a lot of things you kind of, you touched on Phoenix Force. I actually think it might be a staple in Phoenix Force. Yeah, yeah. Phoenix Force is doing some interesting stuff with symbiote Spider Man, but I do believe that Aranya is likely to be a better component. For Phoenix Force just simply because you can Phoenix Force with Deactivate and literally, like, you can get it moving right away with that multiple man ability, right? I do think there's a lot of potential synergy there.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. I think it's gonna replace one of the other two that help movement, too, because you're getting two birds, one stone. This is like the perfect Phoenix Force card because it's both moving And it's giving that power instead of one or the other, right? And that is just cra I mean, again, Rani could take over Hulkbuster's job, potentially in Deadpool, and it could also because again, Hulkbuster, a little more power, but you have to play it after it. You can just set and forget with with Deadpool, which is very interesting of a line to get things going. So yeah, Phoenix Force is great as well. Listen, Symbiote did the job. We still see it. I just think it's fun. It's not gonna change this deck, because this deck still has the one thing going for it. If it gets this off with the Symbiote, you're gonna win. If they don't have an answer to it, you're gonna win. It's a very hard deck to beat. If you get the draw lines, and this is just gonna help, I think it's cool. It's a bit more of a modest Black Panther play, and I like that as well. Right? Like, you're just instantly throwing the Arania up there. If you get Forge, cool, but if you don't, then you're able just to throw on a couple more power, get this thing to a 512, and then you can get it to 24, or play it into Sherry.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so funny that you mention that, because that's something I want to bring up, I mean, so many of the cards that we fixate on, on releases, we often try to like, get like the most cracked, like, number out of it, we try to do the most insane combo all the time, the original crafted decks are all about going all in on the new card in a way that sometimes it's not designed to, and maybe Oftentimes their best performing decks are the ones that are much more modest to the approach of the utilization of the card. We're like Aranya is not the superstar spotlight card, but it is a supporter that helps other cards do their thing. Right. It's not about like when Black Panther came out, people were like trying to get them to like 3 billion or whatever to try to break the game. Or he was like, realistically, you just win at 32 anyways, so what are you doing, right? So it's like, it's funny how sometimes we get a little greedy with the design of new decks for new cards, and oftentimes their best spot is something with a relatively modest roll.

Cozy Snap:

Yep, absolutely. With Destroy, Let's circle back on just the last couple I had on here. Dokken does work. This is finally the Dokken card. I mentioned Galactus where you can like set up a lane, whereas you can play like, White Widow, throw the thing over, move it, you know, this work, you know, that used to be a gag you would do with Iron Fist. Remember when Galactus came out? That was something people did. But why this is different is because you can activate it at any time. So it gives a bit more support to Galactus that I think is kind of interesting as well. And Galactus kind of coming into his own with some unique deck builds Symbiote, you know, he's, he's, he's cooking a little bit with even Madame Web. So it's cool to see that, outside of like maybe Elsa. That's the main synergy I have. Do you got anything else?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I just want to reiterate that you did mention it prior as well, but Scarlet Spider's a huge winner with Aranya, more than likely. We did identify Scarlet Spider as being a very tough opponent. Strong contender upon release. And it's, it's kind of interesting to look at like, okay, you got Madam Web. Aranya is likely to support Madam Web. And then you have Scarlet Spider, which is likely, you know, it's a support play, not even a support play, but benefiting from Aranya. These cards are working together in a way. It reminds me of the Black Order season where you had like Corvus, you had Proxima Midnight, right? And so like these cards were designed to work together, and to some degree like Cull Obsidian was the odd one out. But these cards do feel like they're working together, and in this case it's the Silver Sable that's the odd one out, right? Yeah. But yeah, it's definitely a season where, like, if you have the ability to have all these cards together, I'm sure you're going to find synergistic plays amongst them.

Cozy Snap:

Well, we shall see, guys. We're excited to to welcome her into the game, and you know, this does feel like a one cost card that you don't want to miss out on, just because of that flexibility that could push her over the top. But we're gonna have to see, especially coming in a decent week. Let's go ahead and move on to our next segment, guys. And if you missed it, I did not get a video out on this one. For whatever reason, the communication has been a, just, off, has not been good. It has been not good from the developer team to the creators over here. And so, it's just a bummer. So, unfortunately, no OTA video on this side which I think is the first one I've missed. But with that It was a banger OTA. We had some really strong cards and things happen and crazy shifts. Should we just go like from the craziest stuff to the least crazy? I mean, we might as well just open the door and get the conversation rolling. With War Machine, and Alex, when War Machine came out, we saw the potential. I definitely way overshot what he was gonna be, and now he's that. Like, it's exactly what we thought. We saw the combo potential of cards that don't get played, like Ebony Maw, Cole, and Infinite. But then on top of that, just the gimmick of not caring about locations being shut down early, restricting your play, An insane curve play. I think he's one of the best cards in the game now. It's crazy.

Alexander Coccia:

No, he is legitimately an incredible card. And having it as an ongoing just gives it an incredible amount of flexibility. It's the same thing we're talking about with Activate. Like, ongoing has the opportunity to like, allow you to play with something and not be so hamstrung by the order in which you play, right? And, like, War Machine's original effect was strong, but it forced you to play it on 5. Because that's where Ebony Maw and that's where the Infinite were able to be played under most circumstance. I mean, you could play Maw earlier, I guess, but if you're going for like the Infinite Synergy, which is one of the main ones, then you need to do that. If someone's playing Storm or there's lockdown locations, then you'd have to time your play with like, Okay, I played War Machine and now I got to get in there. The fact that it's an ongoing, It's like a burden lifted off your shoulders. Like you just have free reign to do whatever you want. Unless of course the opponent answers it with some sort of tech option. But yeah, the cards cracked and it's buffed. It's buffed because it was a 4 6 on release. So now it's a 4 7 and it has the ongoing.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. If anything, I don't think the 4 7 is going to last. That's probably going to go down. I think they will stick with the ongoing. People are going to complain. Get ready. It's coming. Like, it, the Storm into Legion play, I mean, just the stocks that have risen from Storm, Ebony, and Infinite. I mean, this made, like, never mind the gimmick lockdown stuff, which is great, and it works, and it wins games. I just love that it makes Infinite a card, and it makes Ebony Maw a card. Ebony being a 1 7, but Infinite being a 6 20. It's so dope. Like I love being able to play this card again, because 20 power isn't like soul crushing anymore. And so it feels fair.

Alexander Coccia:

It does. Because I mean, we had blobs going well beyond that. We have like a red Red Hulk. So we're getting beyond that as well. Infinite to some degree felt like it got power crapped. Like you had to work so hard to get that effect off and like the sunspot plays weren't really happening anymore. Yeah, no, it definitely feels legit, especially when like realistically. So at best you got a 410. Right? A 4 10 is what, like, you know, if you're playing Crossbones, if you're playing a 2, you're looking at a 4 10. You're giving up 3 power, in theory, to play a War Machine that allows you to play anywhere you want, while also having crushing synergies like Storm Legion, and then just drop Infidant on 6 casually, without the downside of having to float energy that prior turn. There's really no downside to this power.

Cozy Snap:

And like, Crimson Cosmos, Space Throne, like all these other BS locations that are designed to restrict you, like, it just It opens those doors up, which is just awesome. Like, it's just such a cool And then, like, you know, with there being so much of it out there right now, like, you know, you're kind of wasting your energy if they also have, you know, a deck designed around it, and so you have to be, you know, these these these counter decks will be interesting. I don't see 4 7 Warp Machine lasting forever. There's no way that the this Marvel Snap community is gonna let that happen. The mobs will be out on it I can almost assure you. However, Really big change. Love the change. Let's talk about some of the other stuff. So, in the buff department, Alex, they make things like War Machine happen, but they're just, they don't want Arrow to be back. They don't want her to be where she's at. I will say, though, a 510 is pretty cool. Now, like, you know, Magneto's got those stats to back him up when he moves cards. It feels good that Arrow's got this premium stat line now. To take on the challenge of which, whatever she, you know, took over to her side. And this is all before Scream comes out, too, which is exciting.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Scream's definitely gonna be a card that benefits from Arrow, and Arrow's gonna benefit from from Scream. Yeah, it needed, it needed the buff. Like, it was a completely unplayable card. I think it was a while ago, we did the higher or lower, and Arrow was, like, so dead last. She was the last one.

Cozy Snap:

But dude, just looking at the, looking at my variants again, I'm just, I'm a happy man. Get to play. It's Play Aero, but I don't think this is it. I want to see the old Aero but we'll see. Couple other changes we had was Black Hat and Ghost Rider both getting a PowerPoint. I thought that was also just a good win. Ghost Rider is this car that I've tried to make happen, and he does have certain decks. Discard with the Hellcow, really is gonna change the scope of it. These both needed it, and I'm, I'm all here for both of them.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, with the original kind of, Black Cat was a 4 9 that got moved to 4 10 and then back to 4 9, wasn't it? No, I think it was like a

Cozy Snap:

4 to now a 4 10.

Alexander Coccia:

Is that what happened? Because I know it's been changed a couple times, because it was actually a core component of Hela. I think you're right, it was a 4 8 that got buffed and got buffed again. But it was actually seen play with Hela, when Hela was going absolutely insane. But then post Hela nerf, what are you doing doing that? You're gonna, you're gonna get this this podcast shut down. I'm looking at the

Cozy Snap:

prison background. You get your head out of the gutter, Alex.

Alexander Coccia:

My bad, man. My bad. But yeah, so she's got a round of different buffs. But I do think that like she needed something cause she was on. Unplayable. And to buff both her and Ghost Rider, I think makes a lot of sense because they are often played together. You ruined my, like, you completely threw me off,

Cozy Snap:

man. I was, I'm totally derailed. No, no, you're great. That, that is very true. Having no, it's cool though. Having a Ghost Rider now as this four, four plus black cat. So you have a 14 power play with a 4 cost, it's sweet. The thing that's tough about it though is Ghost Rider, it's like, man, 414's awesome but sometimes you get rid of something else and then you're like, which one is it? Like, you know, it's kind of awkward. And so you know, I don't know if this is the final form that we'll see Ghost Rider. It's a great start though, I'm excited to see what happens with Activate. I want them to experiment more with Activate. I think they said they did two cards, like come on guys, let's try to test the waters on some OTAs coming up with some of these cards that Aren't getting play. One of which cards that I see get played that I'm kind of shocked that got a small buff was Moon Girl and this is another card that I'm all here for.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, come on, okay, first of all, you're like, yo, buff some cards that we don't play ever, they did that with War Machine, now everyone's crying, it's like, they just did that, but also, it's so funny, here's a perfect example why Moon Girl needed something, I actually still think this should be an Activate card, it was one of the ones we taught about being an Activate card, it was so good that way, it didn't need an extra power, there is no podcast on the planet, That copes as hard as you and I do with Moon Girl with so many card releases, Cozy saying, you know what? There's always the double up deck is almost like ingrained in every single podcast. We just just loop every time you say that, right? And it always has to do with Moon Girl, but you know what's funny? I know I test it. I know you test it and they never make the cut. They're never good enough. It's always too awkward. She needed something, but I'm not sure if it was power.

Cozy Snap:

You hit the nail on the head. I would be remiss if we didn't talk about Moon Girl and her double up decks. And that, that it was also just a three for three on the bingo cards. If you guys did bet the parlay, you just won for the most common sayings that we have here on the Snapchat. Hey, almost. Two years of episodes and listen, we don't repeat ourselves too much. But yeah, Moon Girl I'm excited with. I've been testing with War Machine outside of just the the lockdown gimmicks. I've been testing the, the Infinite She Hulk double up thing, but if this got Activate, bro, it would be crazy. Like, I, that would be a massive change and identity to the card. Let's wrap it up. We do have one more buff and then we have a couple nerfs. Agatha Harkness got herself a buff. She stayed the same, but now you get control on the odd turns being 1, 3, 5. This is crazy. This is cool. I'm excited to see Agatha being semi competitive and not just a meme deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, I can't You're so in on Agatha, you bought the board, right? You had to.

Cozy Snap:

Nah, this was my free one with the album, but I had to put it on her, yes.

Alexander Coccia:

That's awesome, man. And honestly, the decks have been performing well. Like, it's no joke. They are legit performers. Like, they are in the top meta shares.

Cozy Snap:

The way, the reason, a couple things. First of all, I covered her on my Who is Agatha Harkness on my second channel. Guys, if you, I'm telling you, if there's a video I want you guys to check out is that she like one shots people. She's insane. She's way better. She's not as much of a villain as I thought. Like, very cool backstory. Go check that out. However, with Agatha, what I love about it, buddy, is that it gives you turn three. People wanted her to do the or the Odd Turns. I disagree. The Corvuses, the Waves, the, like, the cards that can get her out early are all 3 cost. And so this has worked really well with the Lady Sifts and all of that to make it happen and get that control back.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, talking about Agatha, honestly, first of all, yeah, everything you said is correct. Like, there's legit synergy now and, like, the agency gets awesome. But in Marvel Midnight Suns, she is legit, like, The nicest character, like she is a, like, she's like the grandmother that's taking care of everybody that like, Oh, like, don't worry. I still love you. Like, even though you did this to me and I don't want to spoil the story, but like, it's like, she got a bit of a rough go in that game. And like, she's like very forgiving and like legit, just like it's, and it's like lore accurate. And so it's pretty cool. But also here's something that's notable about Marvel. Characters have pretty wide arcs of what they're capable of. Oh, yeah. You know it's so funny, I do this thing where like, you can gamble on whether or not like Mystery Variant's gonna be a hero or a villain while I'm streaming. And so often people are like, that was a hero in 1964! And I was like, it's a villain as of 1986! Like the Magneto argument? Oh

Cozy Snap:

yeah, for sure, dude, there are so many characters like that. I think she's like an anti hero? But, it, yeah, definitely in like, MCU she plays more of the villain role, but we'll have to see. The show comes out this week, Alex. Nerf wise though, we had Mockingbird go to a 6 9, I think again, she'll still be the dex that she's in. She may not be, you know, that super, super fun. Mockingbird is Mockingbird though, right? I mean, not much to say there.

Alexander Coccia:

No, yeah. It's still good and it's funny cause like, I'm just thinking about like, oh, remember when that was a 5 10? Or 5 9, right? It was 5 9.

Cozy Snap:

No yeah. 5 9. It was a 5 9. 5

Alexander Coccia:

9. Like, basically, like, how Amazing was that? Yeah, I know,

Cozy Snap:

I know. Now it's a

Alexander Coccia:

6 9. It's, it's nice, but also like, not nice. 5

Cozy Snap:

7 Sandman on reveal next turn. Cards cost one more. Did they finally nail this, giving him the Dream Dimension ability? Or is it still kind of awkward?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because everyone loves Dream Dimension.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's my favorite location.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, it's, it's Mobius that Mobius stonks up, I guess, but I don't think anyone cares.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, I think he's still going to be played in some of the decks that you had him in. But he's lost a lot of that identity. Dave. They definitely, it just to me, it's so funny. No Professor X, no Sandman. Hey guys, here's the New War machine. Go ahead and have fun. We're shutting everything down and constrict. I know, I know the timing. Eh, I know it's interesting. I, again, I want war machine to stay in a, in a, in a world, but I don't think he will in the, in the stats that he is.

Alexander Coccia:

No, and I actually, like, I didn't mind the effect. Like, the original effect, I thought Sandman was okay. I, I, I'll be honest with you, I don't know if this is a hot take or not, I'd rather have the old one than this one.

Cozy Snap:

Really? Why so, like as in, why? Just explain.

Alexander Coccia:

Because I like that identity. I like that, I wish this was just a new card that was released. Like, I feel like we didn't need to lose that identity of what Sandman was. I think that that could have stayed and this could have been a new release that was like kind of Like specifically tailored for what the meta is and how they wanted it to precisely be I I just I guess it's always a question of like, okay Well, they they clearly have a pipeline of cards They're looking forward to and maybe this didn't fit But I I do think there's a space for a card that restricts the amount of cards you can play per turn

Cozy Snap:

Okay, I like it. Good point. So that is the OTA guys pretty massive one of that That definitely had a good, you know share of Impact. But outside of Hurani, outside of the OTA, we end with, and it's been a while since it's been on this side of the Snapchat, but our favorite cards at every cost. Alex and I are gonna pick one, one card out, one, one, one card. I'm gonna edit it out, so have fun with that. I mean, it's just Well, your editing's

Alexander Coccia:

gonna suck, man.

Cozy Snap:

It is gonna suck. Not necessarily the best, but in this season, which ones we've been enjoying the most. And we start, as always, with The one cost cards. Alex, kick us off, buddy. Who is the one cost favorite card this month?

Alexander Coccia:

Can we do like a favorite and an honorable mention, or is that just too much?

Cozy Snap:

How about you can talk about your favorite and then just say your honorable mention, but I don't, you don't need to elaborate.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, alright. So, at the one cost I have fallen back in love with The Hood. I think the hood has had a major resurgence, man. Like, this is a card that I don't think people realize is as good as it is. From a stats perspective, and now from a junk perspective there are so many synergistic cards with the hood right now. Whether you're bouncing it, whether you're kicking it over, it doesn't matter what you're doing with this card. I think this has been the season where the hood has really showcased itself for being a legitimate one drop.

Cozy Snap:

That's a cool pick. I, I would agree. There's so many ways to Get benefit from the negative three, or kind of like escape from it, if you will. So I love that. For me, man, a lot to pick from. I'm gonna go with Black Knight. I, I just think Black Knight's just a cool card. Yeah, I think it's a cool card. I've been playing a lot more of it lately. I think with the War Machine gimmick, I was doing a lot and leaning into that. You've got both playing him down on one, having Black Hat get rid of herself. You just get a 10 power card on the nose right away. It's just fun, and this is without the, the, the Hellcow and, and what's gonna happen there. I'm enjoying Black Knight. I think this has been kind of my favorite card outside maybe some of, some of the obvious stuff that we could pick that's, you know, all the time. Honorable mention by name. What is it?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, you're giving me an actual chance? No, I don't want to tell you now. But you said that, like, okay, you want me to tell, okay, can I say my honorable mention? Just by the

Cozy Snap:

name? Yeah, just say, what is it?

Alexander Coccia:

Silver Sable.

Cozy Snap:

I knew it. I actually thought she was going to be your main one. There, I was actually shocked that with the love for Sable, she didn't make your, your first pick, which is fair. Fair. My honorable mention is, honestly bro, just a little Hydration Bob, as you like to call him, I think. Hydration Robert! Yeah, I, you know, the 1 5 stat line. It's just cool. All right, Tukas, man, Tukas, what do you have as your favorite this month?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? Okay, so this is going to be a bit of an interesting one. It should come to no surprise that with the release of Madame Web and, you know, I spent a lot of time playing a lot of Move, even up coming towards the release of Madame Web. I wanted to get my practice in. I was even playing some Phoenix Force. And I was playing a lot of Dagger, and I gotta tell you, there is no 2 drop in this game that puts up stats like Dagger does. Like, it's actually crazy if you think about it. To the point where I'm like, if Move can't be, like, meta defining with a 2, I don't know, like, does this get to half the time? 36? Like, you know what I mean? Like, if that's not enough, it's like, what, what do we need to do? Is it possible that Move is just, like, Asynchronous with like what this game is because like this card is so stupid.

Cozy Snap:

Thank you for mentioning. I saw this list going around without Dagger in the move and I was just like you guys are doing yourself a disservice. Let me tell you why. With Aranya now, which like we just went over so quickly. Like yeah, Dagger. Guys, Any time you have Aranya on the board and you draw a dagger, at any moment, as long as the left lane isn't the one that's stacked, let's say three cards, 11 power. You got a 2 11. Hello. 2 11. Ridiculous. You could get that up, obviously, to a 2 14, which is just, at that point, a Giganto. Yes, Giganto. So, Dagger, and that's only moving that once, right? One time. You can get it way higher than that. I agree. Dagger, absolutely correct. Nuts. Love it, buddy. And she survived. She did not get hit with the OTA, which means that maybe the stats are, are, are, It's gonna keep her back. Now, I did say this, I think, on your side, and I'm standing by it yet again. U. S. Agent. U. S. A. Agent. Whatever you want to call him. He's my favorite card in the two cost slot. I think, again, people have a real tough time learning how to play against him, and the way that he's working to hold his own in lanes is crazy. The card's so good for a two cost card. You can play him late, you can play him early. I love him as just a flex card in some decks. He's cool.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know what you're reading, but I see U. S. A. Gent. And yes, he is absolutely incredible. And like, listen, and a lot of the ongoing decks have been performing incredibly with him. And now that you have the War Machine, you can play U. S. Agent, you can play Goose, you can play all these things anywhere you want, and you know where they're gonna be playing the power. I, you know what? It's so funny to see that, like, you're talking about your favorite cards in the month, and we're talking about U. S. Agent. I know, dude. You're How far has this guy come?

Cozy Snap:

He has definitely transcended, like he and War Machine are two cards that came out lackluster. Both have just gone way up in stocks and it's cool to see that, you know, if something does underperform, it'll eventually get touched up by the Snap team. Three cost cards Mr. Alex, okay, what do you want to forget? Who do

Alexander Coccia:

you like? Kate Bishop.

Cozy Snap:

You were not, you didn't like her long ago.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

told me I can't elaborate. Yeah, you can't, but you were very lukewarm on her. I remember that. I'm not going to let you elaborate. I I, but I, I recall you not being thrilled by her and I'm shocked. Telling me shocked. All right. Kate Bishop for Alex. I don't even know if I had a runner up here. I probably, it would probably be what you just said, madam web dagger, someone, something like that. Would be my pick. Three costs, Alex, what do you like?

Alexander Coccia:

Cosmo baby, the good boy is back. Yeah, yeah. Cosmo has been such a good boy. Such a good boy. And it really helped out with the whole symbiote Spider Man situation in the Galactus. Like all the stuff that was happening there. Such a good tech card. And it's funny because it like, Disappeared, completely disappeared. And that allowed those Nomura decks to just go crazy. Like literally like I'm playing Wong. I know you don't have Cosmo, so don't snap. I snap, you know what I mean? And like now Cosmo is legit back and making its way defensively into a number of, of move decks, like we were talking about prior, but just overall, like it feels like he's kind of everywhere. And I mean, once War Machine gets dealt with. I think people might start complaining about Cosmo next, but he's probably going to just slip out when things settle down.

Cozy Snap:

My problem is I just play too many decks that pop off with on reveal stuff, and so I never want Cosmo in there to hurt myself. But yeah, he's definitely able to just get You get the snap. They always snap when they play the symbiote, right, in its own lane. And if you got Cosmo, you're like, snap away, my sweet summer child. Snap away. Three cost card for me, man. A lot to pick from here. I think I'm gonna go with Hope Summers. I do. You know, the fact that you can just so simply ramp with this. Without doing anything extra fancy, it's just so cracked. Playing Hope into a war machine on her lane and playing Infinite the next turn is so cool. Or skipping that turn and playing the She Hulk in Infinite, not worrying about the Psylocke. Hope Summers is, just reigns as that queen that's so flexible, works with a lot of decks, works with combo making. I love her.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, I think that Hope Summers might be the most just disrespected card in Snap right now. Like, in terms of like, people not really appreciating how good this card, it's still a 5 star card. It's still one of the best cards that you can use to ramp consistently. We've gotten a lot of like, tools in Marvel Snap to like, you know, increase ramp, and we got Wiccan, right? Like, there's, there's things we've gotten which have kind of stepped on Hope Summers toes a little bit. But make no mistake, this is still a remarkable card, and it's gonna make its comeback soon. It's kind of being forgotten.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I agree, man. Honorable mention by name mine's Red Guardian. Mine is Beast. Ooh, wow. Look at you, PhD in Bounce, you're playing again, huh?

Alexander Coccia:

I was, this, oh, can I elaborate on this one? I gotta tell you, okay, so I was doing this, this bounce based surfer deck.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Which I was having so much fun with, and Beast was actually legit in it. It was, I was like this silver sable bounce deck, and it was, it was good, it was good. I had like, I could, I could use Viper in it, I could kick over the hood, and then I could buff like Beast, Viper, and others with the Silver Surfer. It was, it was a little bit of copium, a little bit, but it was good.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I love it. Love to see it, dude. Beast you know, I get why they, they tamed him now, and it's gonna make even more sense as we move along, I think. For Forecast, I'm gonna limit us to not say War Machine just because of the conversations we've had around him lately. And so for Forecast, man, I'll kick us off this time. It was tough, but it was so, there's one card I want to pick so bad, but how do I not say Symbiote Spider Man? And in, and in this point, I do want to say, can we get a select for activate down here? Because it, it, I hate not having that. But Symbiote Spider Man, just, how can we not? Cool combo card, could do a lot, has a lot of fun synergy, can make room for other cards, can kind of hold a space down to protect you from clog, and then you go back into that. Love what they did with the card. People think you may even get buffed. I think that's kind of crazy, but we'll have to see.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, while we're talking about stuff that we'd like to see, like the Activate being added, we also fixed that bug where, like, for the last nine months, the costs of the cards remain highlighted, and, like, while you're trying to deck build, you can't figure it out. It drives me insane. Absolutely insane. Yeah, Symbiote Spider Man is solid. I am seeing, it has dropped off from a Metashare perspective. Like, I do still think the card is really good, and I think it's really interesting what it does. It's just like, I think that there's so much happening with the meta and how it's been shifting that like, it wasn't a sexy new toy for long enough. There was too many bangers coming out that kind of stepped on his toes. Like any other month, this card would have just reigned supreme for a while. I still think it's pretty solid. Could I see it getting another power? Honestly, I could, maybe. But like, I still think it's okay.

Cozy Snap:

We'll see. I mean, Iron Lad is Ireland's so consistent still because of what he does and I think this is still that adjacent card to it in a sense So it's gonna be fine down the line. It's gonna be a good card. Don't regret the purchase there probably I think the forecast card you're gonna pick was the one that I was right there with Who is it?

Alexander Coccia:

Who's here, buddy? Take a guess. I want to see. A Tuma. Oh, that's my honorable mention! Okay, okay. So close! Fair enough. Who's your main card? Let's talk about him. Let's talk about him. I mean, listen,

Cozy Snap:

this is as big as the Viper, if not bigger, for the identity of what it did for him and as a card. It's crazy. It It's the Madame Web of Destroy, kind of, right? Like, you don't have to worry about it, you get free destruction. It's so good for Wolverine, it's so good for Deadpool, it's so good for Namorod, what a great card.

Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, what a fantastic change they made here. I love that it's also, like, similar to, like, Orca and Namor as well, like, in their own way. Orca wants to be by himself. Attuma wants to also be by himself, forces himself to be by himself, and Namor also wants to be by himself. Also, I'm using Namor and Namor interchangeably because, like, apparently that's a whole discussion that has no answer. But yeah, I love what they did to Attuma. Fantastic.

Cozy Snap:

Who's your forecast pick?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, my four cost pick is Ms. Marvel, 100%, and I think that, like, me playing Ms. Marvel early on with Madam Web specifically, I was like, this card is, it's underappreciated, it's power stats are like crazy at the four cost, like, it's still crazy how much power, like, it's 14 power for four. Right. And yes, of course you need some activators and stuff like that. But I really liked the way Madam Webb was able to kind of reorder reorder the board, get what you need. Oh, this, this Howard, the duck needs to be there. Oh, you kick the rock over or a hood over. Well, I'll just move it over here and activate Ms. Marvel with it. Thank you very much. There was so much you could do with Ms. Marvel. And I feel like it's been in such a rough spot for so long. It was finally nice to pull it out again.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's always been good too. I think people just weren't playing it. Like, I think it's just a good car that people weren't playing in a sense Yeah, you know what, I'll spoil one of my other card picks with it, so I'll, I'll move on. But yeah, I like the pick a lot, dude. Glad you gave her some justice. Five cost, man. Kind of usually easy. I thought it was a lot harder this time. A lot of picks to go between. For me though, listen, when I had to restrict myself from a card, because people don't have it, and all I want to do is make decks around it, but again, people don't have it. It's Nomura. Eh, how is it not Nomura? She is just so good with these cards coming out. Pretty much all of them that have come out. Love Nomura, the Galactus shenanigans she can do with Symbiote is hilarious. She, what it is, is all decks need multiple win conditions and by herself in one card you have kind of your own win condition, and it's amazing.

Alexander Coccia:

And the deck also fits in like the Odin White Tiger stuff as well. It's just good. And it just plays good cards. Like, you, oh, I'm making a deck with Jeff Nocturne. And like, okay, like, all of a sudden it's like, oh, these, all these are great cards. Like, there's nothing bad here. If anything, the, like, the, the weaker card is like a Wong. It's like, that's like the greedier one, right? But yeah, Nomura is fantastic. And I, this is a great example of multiple win conditions because you've got the Nomura play for the super vertical lanes, kind of like you're building skyscrapers, right? And then you have the, I'm just going to zoom out with these tigers. You really can't do anything against, like you can't shanchi them. You can't shadow king them. These tigers are basically just power. That's just feuding everywhere. And I don't even know where they're going to go and neither do you. So yeah, definitely multiple win conditions here. What is your five cost? My five cost? I, okay, so this one's interesting because I, I'm going with Legion. I, I do like Legion a lot and it was, this was before the changes to to war machine. I thought Legion was just doing well. It's funny'cause Legion was starting to see play again, and then the war machine thing happened, and then now legion's, like legion's doing legion things, just shutting down the board state and stuff like that. It made me wonder. It made me wonder. So, Magic is actually kind of on its way down. It's, we're not seeing as much Magic play, we're not seeing as much, like, High Evo's actually seeing a little bit of play here and there with some of the cards that have been released, but we're not seeing a lot of Magic into Skip Turn 6 type stuff. I wonder if instead of nerfing War Machine, they change Legion to a 6 cost. Because it essentially nullifies that combo, maybe give them way more power. Still flipping the locations on turn 6 is a massive surprise play, depending on what those locations are. And that breaks that combo without killing the new war machine. You know what I mean? I wonder about that.

Cozy Snap:

That's interesting. That is actually a good solution, like keeping in a, a change they just did. Like, we've only seen one time, I think, and I might be wrong here. Where they made a change, and they instantly reverted it, and that was Enchantress as like a Like Mobius,

Alexander Coccia:

I'm Mobius as well, technically.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, as a release to that, yeah, I was thinking more OTA designed, but yeah. Oh yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

cause Enchantress was at 4 6, and then like, everyone's like, pfft, I'm just playing this everywhere. And then it's like,

Cozy Snap:

what do we do? We can't play any cards! Yeah, they're like, get rid of it, which I still think she could use it, man. She's just not played as much, like, but whatever, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. But yeah, that's a good pick, and a good shoutout for that. What is your honorable mention for 5K?

Alexander Coccia:

Black Panther for all the reasons why we discussed prior, so it's nice to play him again.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, okay, I like it, I dig it. Yeah, 5 for me. I think we'll always pay Iron Man. I just play that card way too much. 6 cost man, I'll be quick on mine. Listen, it's why you said you love Ms. Marvel. The simple combination of this and this is insane. Dr. Doom. I play Dr. Doom in almost all my decks again. All of them. Like, whether it be Patriot that I'm playing a ton of recently, but also just having that in lockdown, having that with Ms. Marvel for the double play. Just, he does his thing. He does his thing so well. I

Alexander Coccia:

mean, literally one of the the staples of the six costs, right? They dropped the doom bots to four. Remember that? And it was like, this is awful. Like it is the baseline six drop. It's I don't think it'll ever be changed again. Yeah. How can you possibly say anything negative about Dr. Doom? This is just a beautiful card. He's going to be entering the M MCU as well. Can't wait for that. A lot of excitement around Dr. Doom.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, buddy. What's your, what's your six?

Alexander Coccia:

Want to send some love for Spectrum. We're seeing ongoing decks actually be legit, War Machine being legit, Madden Web technically an ongoing as well. Seeing play in ongoing decks. Spectrum's legit, like honestly. And it's funny cause I used to play these Wong Spectrum decks, which are super greedy and you know, you're buffing the Wong anyway. It was getting up to six power, the double proc four across the board. It was pretty good. Right. And I've kind of come to learn that, like, you know what? That plus two is just enough. It's just enough. And with the War Machine, you're able to, like, sneak out the Ebony Maws, which is another inexpensive card that can get hit with the plus one again, or plus two, I should say, by Spectrum. This is a good card, and I just, this was a 6 7 at one point, right? Like, they buffed it to 6 7, then they brought it back down?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, that was actually a quick change that they did. They did 6 7 right back down to 6 6. That's another one, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, but anyways, yeah, Spectrum for me, I've actually legitimately loved playing it.

Cozy Snap:

Cool, man. Honorable mention Ultron, cause I love him outside. Now that Sandman's done, I can play him again without feeling scummy about it. What is your honorable mention?

Alexander Coccia:

Similar to Black Panther for similar reasons, it's G Man.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, like it, like it, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, Madame Web, entered the world of Marvel Slap Marvel Slap. Yeah, I love it. I'm not even cutting it out. No, we're keeping it going. No, Marvel Slap's amazing. It entered Marvel Slap and I gotta tell you, Madame Web was expected to be an absolute meta shaker. Ultimately though. Ultimately, has it reached those expectations? Because it was a day that a lot of people had circled on the calendars. Move Gamers and just everyone looking for that meta warping next card. And I'm not sure if it lived up to that expectation. So I'm interested in your thoughts.

Cozy Snap:

Circled on the calendars. Mine was not an expo. Mine was in permanent marker. Like I was, I was hyped for this card. And listen, guys. I was wrong. Or was I? I don't know. I think so, like, at the end of the day it's gonna fall a little bit flatter than my expectations for the card, but we kind of said this with Symbiote. There's so much going on right now in the meta. I just think it's very tough to tell, and this is not a card that I can just slap a rating on. Right away. She did fall flat from my 5 in a move deck of 5. I don't know what to rank her though. I'm not gonna give her a 3. I think that's so crazy. At least a 4 if played on curve really well. And then a Rania's gonna boost her up. So we have to see what that's gonna do. For the first time, I think statistics just don't speak to her. Because we have people that don't play move decks. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

so obviously like move as a whole has a learning curve that's pretty extreme and as you see the play rate increase because of the weekend missions, you're seeing the win rate decrease as well as people are trying to experiment with it as well. Like right now it's running a 49 percent win rate, a negative cube rate at 21 percent meta share. And this is post infinite. Like that's, those are rough numbers, right?

Cozy Snap:

It doesn't shock me though, like it just doesn't, like with it, with move decks in general, but I think you know, move, we'll have to see what Aranya does, but move it continues to feel like at the end of the day, like I love to best in control because of all the things you can do and being able to, kind of what I highlighted before we talked about the move aspect But move just feels like you're always trying to do so much in a game that's meant to be simplistic and short. And so, it's just awkward.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and you're really fixating on just a couple key pieces that get like over inflated stats. Whereas like, a lot of the best decks, like they don't just like, we've had the blob metas and stuff like that. But like, having just a 99, you know you know, moving dagger. Like, it just dies to Shan Chi. It just dies to, to Shadow King, and I don't want to just, like, simplify it to just, Oh, it's the tech card that does the thing, but, like, it kind of is at the same time. You need to win two locations.

Cozy Snap:

You know what hurt her the most? By far. By far. If you go look back at what we were talking about her, our favorite thing about her, pretty much, was just the easy ability to change your mind and play in locations that are hard to get into. Then War Machine comes out and instantaneously Like, so she came out and nullified War Machine completely. I remember this whenever we would talk about that. Then War Machine gets buffed, and then all of a sudden you can play in these locations, you don't have to worry about moving cards. So that was like another strike against her. It's just interesting. Like, with Move, there's probably Move players listening to this, like, are you guys crazy? This card is so wild and so nuts. Probably for you, yeah. Where do you land? I mean, for me, I'm right now at a 4 star, but I also just say that with a lot of hesitancy, because I just don't care about this first week so much. I need to see more down the line.

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, you're 100 percent right. It's near impossible to completely and accurately rate a card that's as potentially archetype warping as Madame Web, based on its first week it's the same thing as, like, what happened with Annihilus, especially considering you were getting something like Aranya, Literally coming in the next couple of days, that is going to have a remarkable impact on not only this car, but the move archetype as a whole. And so like, it's, it's missing, it's missing a piece here. It's like, it's, it's missing. It's like a, it's like a car with a missing a wheel right now. Right. Like, and I think a run is that fourth wheel. It's going to help. So it is hard to identify like exactly where this card is. My reservations that I had prior have seemed to kind of like ring true, which I'll be honest with you guys. Like last week was super stressful. You know, we joked about it on the podcast, how, like, I decided I was going to dig my heels in, right? Because it was hard kind of being, like, one of the only ones that was not, like, over the moon for Madame Web. And, like, and Cozy, you would know this, right? Sometimes, you know, the internet and people at the keyboard, they get a little aggressive and they tell you that, you know, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, this guy's clueless, this and that. And then, like, it just adds some stress to the evaluation of the cards. And then, like You know, you get it, and sure enough, it's like, oh man, like, it's actually kind of falling flat. But, then again, Cozy, if I could, if I could say, I don't think that there will ever be a top ranked meta Move deck that does not have Madame Web in it. If, if Move is ever going to become a meta contender, there is no conceivable way that Madame Web is not in that deck. It's just a matter of time to where these numbers are.

Cozy Snap:

I still gave her a good grade after I played her, because I think what she offers, and her as a collection piece, 2 year collection is a 5 star card. I, I like it as that. And it's tough to rank her outside of that. But, with, it's just, this show is all about what our initial thoughts are, and then we have our main videos. And so, I'm sorry that if you got any flack out there in general, like, it's just, it's mind blowing. You know what we should do? I think at the New Year December, I wanna go and look at, for like a main subject. We look at every week of every card and give and look at every ranking and kind of where they ended up. Now, it's not gonna be fair to things like War Machine that ended up doing a lot better, but we'll know what it turned into. Because it'll be cool. I think, you know, we we definitely have a decent batting average. You know, it's not terrible. But stuff like this, stuff like Madame Web, is super hard when you add Mechanics, rather than just it doing something, right? And if it makes you feel any better, I don't think Silver Stable is the best card this month, and I don't think Madame Web's gonna be either, so It's probably gonna be Aranya or Scarlet Spider. We're gonna have to see with that. But yeah, overall, jury's out. I think we I think we should talk about her next week again, too. I think, like, with Aranya, we kind of give, like, another mini subject to Madame.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And like, I remember laying in bed on the Monday night after the Snapchat had released, waiting for Madame Webb's launch, and like, I couldn't sleep that night. I was so stressed out about this card release. And it was super stressful, because like, I kind of wanted to crack the code. And I was thinking about like, Move, and I'm like, everyone's going to be going towards Move. I actually don't think that's the answer. And so, when I started up my stream at the launch of the the card, and it was like, Tuesday, and everyone's like, why is this guy not playing Move? Why is he playing Ms. Marvel ongoing? Why is he doing all these ongoing decks? And what's interesting is, I want to tell you something Cozy, when looking at untapped statistics right now move is sub 50%, which is exactly what we expected. I remember I actually had a highlight of me playing move, where I lost a game, like, and that's why the win rate's going to be low, because like, I literally, it was like a total, a heimdall for no reason. Like, I just heimdalled, because I'm like, I don't know. Send it, right? It's like, it's just, it's sort of bouncing around everywhere, like, it's just, who cares, right? And so, like, that was, there was a lot of that happening, and like, I know very calculated move gamers out there are like, you know, whatever, but like, What's crazy about Madame Web is in some of the ongoing decks, she's performing very well. Like, in the Miss Marvel decks, like, those are 54 percent win rate decks. They're not, like, blowing the top off the meta, but she's a core component to those lists. It's performing better than Move.

Cozy Snap:

I like her, I like her right now better in these plug and play decks than Move. But also, like, you know, in my Madame Web video, like, dude, I was getting hit with, like, Enchantress, and so I'm like, whatever, like, ridiculous, like, that's not gonna happen in a week from now. So I gotta see how it evolves into, man in general, but yeah. I'll tell you what, when I record on Movedex or Bounce, I just await the comments that say, You should have done this to this to this to this instead of your, your whatever. And so, like, I always know I'm playing it a little bit worse than probably I should have. But yeah, Madame Web, let's revisit her next week. I think pretty good overall.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it'll be a good idea to revisit her, especially with Aranya. It's I mean, the card has the potential to really warp the meta and it's just maybe going to take a little bit more time to get there. And maybe even remember it was datamined as a 2 3, right? It was datamined as a 2 3, got moved to a 2 1. And as we move on, I just want to say that like, I almost wish she was a 2 3. And not because, and not because I think that she needs a buff necessarily, but because As a 2 3, she would be better in the other decks that aren't move. And I feel like the 2 1 stat line was not only for Red Guardian reasons, but also because they're like, okay, well, she's gonna put up huge stats on Dagger, she's gonna put up huge stats on, on Human Torch and stuff like that. If that's the problem, if Move just pops off and goes crazy because of Ranya and all this stuff that's coming out, I would rather you take a little bit off Dagger, a little bit off Human Torch, a little bit off the, the the Vulture and give a little bit back to stuff like Madame Web, so she can live in these other decks and these other archetypes. You designed a really cool card that does really cool stuff. It shouldn't be a 2 1. It could be better than that and work in these ongoing decks. You know what I mean? So like, I just, this is a thought I had.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think that they play test the best they can. And I think they were afraid in the long run of what the community could have done with her and might still do. So I think they're letting that cook out a bit more.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And that's going to take us to our next topic of discussion here, which is the archetype MVPs and the MVPs of Marvel Snap that can come in all different shapes and sizes. And I mean, listen, if there's one thing that has become incredibly clear with Marvel Snap lately, is they're trying to make more archetypes. More viable. Okay, clearly we're getting a move injection right now. We got a discard injection a couple months ago. We got a zoo injection a few months ago. And so like every time you get these new cards that really shake up individual archetypes, you add to the breadth of decks that you can be playing against. And Be Playing With, which adds excitement. And so let's talk about some of the archetype MVPs, the cards that carry these archetypes right now. We'll be talking about them in terms of their meta share, and the archetypes as a whole. Cozy, let's get started with Zoo. Because Zoo has been a very top performer for the last couple months. Who do you think is one of the MVPs of that archetype?

Cozy Snap:

So for me, the way I look at MVPs is the card that you want to add to your collection that then gives you The best oomph to the deck. The best increase to the deck. And for me, it's Gilgamesh. I mean, like, there, to me, there's no other pick than Gilgamesh. If you're playing Zoo without Gilgamesh, you're going from a, you're playing the, the old school Zoo. Right at the end of the day, it's just not gonna do Gilgamesh, put it over the top, because Zoo can go so wide, and then, I'm doing the classic thing, I can't find this freaking card, there it is. You're able to go so wide, but then, with Gilgamesh, you're able to go extremely tall, and, and Zoo needed that. And so, when you look across the board, you can fill in so many one costs. You can feel it. Yeah, Marvel Boy is great, but I do think Gilgamesh is probably the anchor point and or I guess Marvel Boy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so like Gilgamesh is definitely like the closer, right? He's the encore, he's the finale, he's the thing that slams the power down, he wins a location. There are very few cards. In Marvel Snap right now that can effectively 1v1 Gilgamesh, let alone at 5 cost, right? And 5 cost is kind of a superpower here because it allows you to play a Ant Man, a Squirrel Girl, or whatever happens to be in your hand, which is likely to be a 1 drop, surprisingly enough, right? It could even be a Grappling Hook or something from Kate Bishop, she makes some of those decks as well. Gilgamesh, his reach is incredible. And one of the other MVPs of Zoo, which is similar to Gilgamesh to reach, is Mockingbird. Now Mockingbird did get nerfed from a 10 to a 9, but still, Mockingbird, especially when you consider the Shaunas and the Squirrel Girls, could often be like, oh, I'm gonna play Ant Man, I'm gonna play Gilgamesh, oh look at this, I have a zero cost and Mockingbird as well, right? It's a matter of space, to be honest with you. You run out of space to play all these massive cards.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure, and I think now with Squirrel being just like an absolute staple with like, Marvel, boy, you don't need as many of these one cost cards. You just have one, spreading wide, and then that also synergizes. And The Mockingbird, which just makes the whole thing kind of sing.

Alexander Coccia:

Can you say that Blue Marvel would definitely be a Zoo MVP as well?

Cozy Snap:

Yes, but in the sense of, for me, MVPs are the card that you add that really just gives the most of that archetype. That really takes it to the next level, and, like, Blue Marvel, for sure, I think is there, right? But, like, you already, everybody has Blue Marvel. You're gonna have it out the gate. It's literally, I think, in the starting season pass, like, the thing you have to have. And so, yes, and also, but more so, Gilgamesh.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, listen, another kind of archetype that's making a lot of progress over the last little while is going to be junk. Okay. Now when talking about junk MVPs, I did mention the hood in a prior in our prior discussion, there were basically the hood represents an opportunity to basically kick something over with Viper. It can be used with Annihilus. There's so many different variations of the hood play, but are there any other cards in your mind that really stand out as junk MVPs?

Cozy Snap:

So, there's a plug and play option, and then there's like the sleeper pick. I gotta go with the most common one. Yeah, it's gotta be White Widow. White Widow White Widow is just such a crack card in this game. Because you're having a card that's able to push and clog their lane, is a negative three that forces them to play there, and you're putting out it for just two. And it is such a strong card to pair up with a tech card at four on turn six, whatever you want to do with it. White Widow is the answer in and outside of Junk but I do have a, you know, a sleeper choice as well, but yeah, it's gotta be White.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, White Widow is definitely my archetype MVP right now for Junk. It's been remarkable how good this card has been. And I just want to give a special shout out to Viper as well. I think that Viper's win rate play rate, sorry, is currently at 8%, which is so high for Viper. Like, Viper was a card you almost never, ever saw, and now it is a legit contender in a very legitimate deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and my shoutout due to how, if you want to win some sleeper games, man, and people just, they never expect this card, especially Save the Demon and play it with them. I think Cannonball is just a crack card that people aren't playing enough of.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no one plays Cannonball anymore. It's actually buffed to a 5 8. It's primary synergy with Professor X no longer exists, but I mean, listen, you got, you know, You lost Professor X, but you got the Viper, and so I mean, and of course, White Widow came out after that nerf as well. So yeah, you got a lot more tools to play with there. And similar to Junk, we have Toxic. Toxic is an archetype that's gotten a lot of tools lately, and I mean, what's a card that stands out for you as a Toxic MVP?

Cozy Snap:

It's gotta just be, it's gotta be the, the, the Ajax with Hazmat. I think that that's just like THE combo now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, especially considering that you can like Ajax turn five and then Mystique Hazmat turn six and like, it's, it's an incredible amount of power. Ajax is one of the few cards that can, it's, it's similar to Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh and Ajax are the two five drops that can compete power wise with six drops, right? But I feel like Gilgamesh is so much easier and you have to work so much harder for Ajax. That like, I feel like he's a little harder to play, and as a result, his win rates are lower. But in the hands of someone who like, just played, there's a lot of Ajax truthers out there. I, we see you guys, trust me. Like, we know you guys are out there. And like, yeah, Ajax puts up serious numbers.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and the thing is, Klog and Toxic Dex, they're kind of one and the same. But they, they counter so many of the strong metas out there that you're, you're giving yourself a wide amount of Dex to be good against. My thing with it is Destroyer is always the most played deck in the archetype, and that's always really good against this, right? That typically tries to play just one big card, a couple big cards like Venom, Knull, whatever. But yeah, Ajax is insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and we'd be remissed. There's another word that we use. There it is. We'd be remissed not to mention the 22 meta share percentage of Cassandra Nova. Obviously a core component of the new Toxic archetype. Now, you mentioned Destroy, we may as well bring up Destroy here. I wanna hear who your MVP is, cause there's a couple. There's a couple true MVPs of Destroy, so who is it?

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, you know, I think time and time again for me, it's, it's just Venom. Because, in general, with Venom, like, you can, you have the threat of Arnim Zola, you have the threat of them having immediately, like, how many cars do they destroy? Do they have the Noah? Do they have the Death? He's giving that leverage to the other what could be MVPs so for me, yeah, it is Venom and it always has been.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's always been Venom, and it's crazy to think that there was a time in like the early release window where Venom wasn't that good. Was he a 3 1? Was it a 3 was a 3

Cozy Snap:

1, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it's great, like, honestly, I can't even believe it was 2 Power that made the difference. It couldn't have been, like, he was so good anyways. Like, he, it's like, do you ever look at Venom and you're like, I wish it was 2 Power off that guy right now? Like, no?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I think that with, like, X 23 and the snowball with Knull and that, that's kind of opened it up. And X 23 is a close contender too, just allowing the playlines to be as they are. But yeah, Venom, Venom's huge, but Atuma, man, he's also making his presence known.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I'm so happy you bring up Atuma as a Destroy candidate as well, cause like, there's been some really fancy decks with like, you know, Atuma and Nimrod and stuff like that, and Nimrod, I think, like, if we talk about this in the future, Nimrod's an up and riser for sure, but like, yeah, Atuma, especially with the amount of Junk and Clog we're seeing, does a really good job there, but it does double duty, it's activating some of your Destroy stuff, and I wanna make a crazy, crazy statement. I'm gonna say, that in terms of Archetype MVP, I feel like Killmonger is more of an MVP than than Deadpool. I would make the argument that Killmonger for Destroy, across all decks, is a greater MVP on the Destroy mechanic than Deadpool is for the single deck he's in.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think so. I think what he does for, like, just being offense and defense at the same time. Like, Deadpool's great if you get the right things going. Now, we might, you know, eat this when a Rhonda comes out, we'll have to see. But yeah, dude, I think that's a good, I think that's a good call. Solid call.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and this is a little trickier, okay? So, Ongoing is an archetype that like, has many different shapes or forms now, we, we know you have a couple absolute, like, you know, pet favourite archetype defining ongoing cards, do you want to give us one of them?

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, on, I think Ongoing's a bit tougher because there's just there are so many ways to play it, right? So, you have like the tribunal builds that, that, that are crazy. You know, like, the best way to do it, in my opinion, is if I sort here by ongoing and I just, like, take a quick look at all of them. Two that stand out a ton is, is probably Klaue and Iron Man. Those two are just, like, anchors, and I know, I, I just said it's cards that you add to your collection and then we pick things like Venom, so maybe that doesn't make the most sense of what I lined up with. Yeah, I, dude, I might, I might go with Iron Man, dude. He's just, he, that guy just does so much for so many decks.

Alexander Coccia:

Wasn't it last week we did the best combos in Snap when we started with Iron Man? Cause like Iron Man Mystique, who's actually one of my MVPs. How can you not talk about Mystique being an MVP? Like, yeah. Okay. These cards are like beginner cards or pool three at the very least for Mystique, but like, yes, like, isn't that crazy to think though? Like we, we stress so much about like series five cards and tokens. We got a starter deck card. The first card you get in Marvel Snap is legit. One of the best in the game. You know what I mean? We kind of lose sight of that sometimes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I would actually say War Machine is making his way and being one of the best now, too. It's crazy, dude. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

it is kind of crazy, and I mean, and also a good special mention here is going to be Sarah. Sarah's only running a 7 percent meta share right now, but Sarah is like, it's everywhere. I don't think Sarah's going anywhere anytime soon, and it's clearly a very powerful card. Now, when we talk about OnReveal, obviously there's a very wide breadth of what OnReveal encompasses. Who are some of the OnReveal MVPs in your opinion, and I mean, do we count Symbiote Spider Man as one of them?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, kind of, like it's tough. I think for me, when I think on reveal, obviously you think Odin. But I, Doctor Doom, to me, is like the on reveal card. That, you know, you just want to combo off of. That and Nemora, if, you know, if I can count her too. But those are cards with on reveal. So probably, it might just always be Are we counting Symbiote? I like Symbiote so much better than Odin at this point.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I just want to mention Symbiote Spider Man because, like, as a whole, like, I don't think he's on the same level as Doctor Doom, right? I don't think he's there. Like, I don't think he will get there either. No. But, like, he is very synergistic with a lot of these on reveal cards, and so that's why I kind of wanted to bring him up. I don't think he's an archetype MVP in that sense at all. Maybe for Activate one day, when we get to add that there. Would you consider Wong an MVP?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, it's funny that Wong now feels way less greedy especially with, I did a couple things with the old Madame Web and Wong. You know, for the most part, on reveal decks, especially All In are just their, their combo decks, they're greedy, they do their thing, and you try to find the most consistent one. But yeah, Wong, Wong is definitely in the, in the Mount Rushmore.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I feel like Wong sometimes like tips your hand as to like what your goals are. And also, I think that often, like, who's staying in against Wong when you don't have Cosmo, or you don't have, like Magneto, or some sort of answer to that, right? It's a, it's a, it's a automatic retreat card. When we, referring to other archetypes now Discard is having a major resurgence as well, and I do think that's Discard's resurgence is thanks to the The Alliance Missions, it has to be, right? And I actually, that's worth mentioning. Hey, listen, if you want more people to play some of these other archetypes, just add more good Alliance Missions, right? Who would be some of your Discard MVPs?

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, I've been playing a lot of Discard lately, and for me, it's cool because there's so many different ways to play Discard, depending on how you do it. I mean, Apoc, Apoc's Apoc, man. Now that Apoc's back to where he was, I think it's hard to not say him. But, like, they all do different things, right? Like, you know, playing something like Moon Knight, Black Bolt, and Stat Shirt, that's one really strong package. Two, that we're seeing just flex into a lot of builds. Moon Knight now having that targetability, and then targeting the opponent's deck, and then helping you out. That's just doing so many things. We talk about that all the time. One card that does so many things, right?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, dude, you're 100 percent right to identify Moon Knight. Moon Knight is the key component of all the high performing meta decks for Discard right now. There's no question. He's in every single one of them. But I want to give a special shout out to a card that I think is really underappreciated, and in my opinion is an archetype MVP for Discard, and that's that's Lady Sif. Like, Lady Sif is just not appreciated. It's a 3 5, very, it's a premium stat line. It discards the most the highest cost card in your hand. And it gives you a confidence that usually does not exist with you know, with, with discard. And of course, we've gained these targeted effects over time, but Lady Sif is the original targeted effect. It has been a mainstay in discard, in so many forms of discard. Are you playing it in Hela? Or, sorry, you're not playing it in Hela necessarily, you were playing it in Hela, but you're also playing it in Agatha, you're playing it in Apoc, you're playing it in Moon Knight not Moon Knight, sorry, you are playing it with Moon Knight, you're playing it with who's the other knight, Black Knight, sorry, I'm so confused, it's too late, it's too late, you

Cozy Snap:

got a lot of knights, there's a lot of knights,

Alexander Coccia:

a lot of knights in here, but yeah, like, I do think that Lady Sif is an unsung hero of Discard.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely, man. And if you're looking for one card to add, per se, I think it might be Proxima. I think she's just really strong and just having that free play is, is crazy. And the more we get these kind of cards, the more it's gonna boost. We talked a lot of move, right? Moves and archetypes we didn't talk about. I, I do think it's Madame Web. I think she is gonna be that card now, that archetype defining card. Because I just dunno who else it would be like. Yeah, dagger, human Torch. They all do things, but I think it might have to be Madam,

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like Dagger is is the one. Yeah. Like to me, I feel like Dagger's numbers, like without Dagger, Mme. Webb is like, okay, you're, you're working with Human Torch in in Vulture, I guess. But like daggers, like think the staple the reach. Right.

Cozy Snap:

I think she will be the staple. Like I, I, I don't know. Yeah. That she definitely like increases and I don't know, man. I remember saying this last week or two weeks ago, I didn't like miles as much. I think Miles or Alice is just like not a good card. I don't know. I think as a, I just don't see it as much. I, I kind of want them to do like a statue treatment to make them a five and then figure out a stat line.

Alexander Coccia:

I could see that. I mean as a four six, often a one six, right? Like is he even worth the payoff when again you have a massive dagger and you know, Vulture moves once and it's just better than this card right there, right? At one less cost. Yeah, so like, I can definitely see it. Like, I do think Miles Morales has made its way into a number of decks. It was really popular during the Silky Smooth era, but like, we're talking about Move and Silk's gone, right? We're cheating way more power than these cards can can really kind of generate.

Cozy Snap:

I think When we get the Scream, and we have, like, moving a card and it adding, I think Spider Man, with, like, a Miles Morales, you move, you steal power, then you have a Miles for 1 6, like, the way that deck's gonna operate, that's gonna be, like, the return of Silky Smooth. What a name. But yeah, that, that could see the re emergence of a lot of these cards.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, talking about a card that's in the gutter, Spider Man is in rough shape. And now we have a couple more archetypes to talk through. Cozy, who do you think is the MVP of Bounce?

Cozy Snap:

MVP of Bounce? To me, it's Falcon, dude. I think Falcon's just the card in Bounce. I get it, Beast still is a 3 5, he does his thing, but there are just so many impactful ones that you can just snowball off of, that it's him for me.

Alexander Coccia:

That surprises me. Like, I, listen, I'm, so you're saying that Falcon is more instrumental to Bounce than Beast?

Cozy Snap:

No, I don't think so. I think he's just my MVP. Oh, he's your personal MVP? Yeah, he's my personal MVP. I mean, I think it's, it's it's very close. They're both so important in the decks that they play in now, and then you're gonna add in Toxin to that too? Like, good gosh.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that's fair. That's absolutely, yeah, Toxin's coming out next month. And how do you think Silver Sable fits into those decks?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Sable's just I mean, she's flexible though, like I just don't, like she's good, she's very good. She's a very good, very good balance card that's gonna immediately make the archetype better, but if you didn't have her, having Rocket Raccoon isn't like this tremendous, massive difference, but it is. You know she is like the bounce card now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I guess if you can consistently hit your rocket rockets always going to be bigger. Right. But you're not consistently hitting your rocket. Right. Okay. Let's close up with a couple of fun ones. Okay. We have two more tech cards, tech MVP cards. I'm not necessarily an archetype, but let's talk about them. Tech cards Sean, she's running a 26 percent MediShare. He's

Cozy Snap:

back. Dude. Good. I don't know why you ever left it. You know, I think Tech cards are done so well in this game. Yeah, I think Shang Chi is at the top of that list, and right after that for me is Red Guardian. I think those are the two that I've been playing the most right now by a pretty far margin. But also, Rogue. I don't know why people don't play Rogue more. I feel like It depends on the season and how many ongoing cards there are, but between her and Super Skrull, both those cards are just so underplayed.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, instead of playing War Machine yourself, just play Super Skrull right now. You basically get War Machine for free, right, plus everything else they're doing. But yeah, actually, it's a good call. Like, Rogue has the, the snap equity, I think. You snap, you steal a card, it's awesome. I think Red Guardian, though, has, like this card's always gonna be useful. Like, you never play, like with Rogue, you're like holding, you're like, well they haven't played Nongoing yet, what do I do with this? With Red Guardian, you're like, well, I'll just pump this this Squirrel Girl or whatever, right? That's gonna get taken out of context. But, what I mean though, is that, like, Like, it just, it does a thing, and it always does it, whereas Rogue doesn't always do it, right? And although Shawn Chi's at 26%, Shadow King surprises me at 10%. People just don't like Shadow King, I can't figure out why.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I don't know. It's, it's so weird, like, he does so much impact. I think it's just cause it hurts your own side, and, A lot of these scaling decks utilize that but it is, it is strange. He's not played Nier as much when he should be.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and the final thing we'll talk about on this particular topic is one that we just called the Jack of All Trades. These cards that aren't necessarily in archetypes but find themselves in so many different archetypes. And I'm gonna get you started with Nico. Nico running a 22 percent Metashare. It's staple in I don't know, Phoenix Force, it's staple in Destroy, it's staple in The list goes on, man. Nico, what are your thoughts?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, if I were to say three cards that I think are either, like, some of the best in the game, or the three of the plug and play cards that are the MVPs, Nico is on there, Iron Lad and Copycat. Those three are, like, I think just played, and could be played in so many decks, they do something so specific and so important, and like, Copycat should be realistically in, like, every deck, because she just gives you so much in one card that it just It's just nuts, like, single handedly, she could just give you a, you know, a Doctor Doom or whatever, like, just such an incredible I win the game for doing nothing on top.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I agree. It's funny, because ever since they changed the copycat, I'm one of the ones that leans towards, like, I don't like playing this card as much, even though I know that I'm being irrational. The card has not functionally changed from a power level. The steal versus the copy shouldn't matter. But it matters to me, like, emotionally, so I haven't been playing it, but then again, I'm emotionally Soft. That makes it. I can't believe you didn't bring up Red Hulk, by the way.

Cozy Snap:

I'm not like the craziest Red Hulk player. I would say I'm near the bottom of the statistics for Red Hulk. I just don't play him a lot. I, I, I, I, I lean the doom and the spread approach a bit more, probably, with a tech card to counter, rather than like look at my big cards go kind of thing. But Red Hulk is, like he still is like one of those just like plug and play fantastic, you know, top, top three, six gosh cards.

Alexander Coccia:

And as a closing note on this topic here Jeff, Jeff the Baby Landshark, which used to have a 32 percent Metashare, is now down to 14%.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it's going down, man. War Machine does its job, but better.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but also, like, we have, like, White Widow, we have Kate Bishop, which actually is running 18 percent right now, another Jack of all trades. There's just so much competition at that space, right? And it's kind of brought to mind, like, something like a Lizard. Like, I was playing Lizard recently, and I'm like, why is this card still negative 4? Like, what are we doing? Make this a negative 3 again. Like, come on, this is the easiest change on the planet. And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. We got a lot of tips and we got a lot of conversation to be had here Cozy. And it starts with Brandon Street who says, Alex, just a little tip. If you click on Symbiote on the board to check the card, there's an activate button that you only have to tap. As opposed to long holding the card and the reason why this comes up is because last week I joked about how like I Actually like while there was like the end of a turn happening like the screen was blinking red I actually didn't activate the card because I couldn't hold it long enough, right? So apparently you can actually click the card and activate it. Yeah, I

Cozy Snap:

almost mentioned that to you last week But yeah, I'm glad we're bringing this up because people don't know that and it's And it makes it easier to activate your cards. One coming out this week.

Alexander Coccia:

Deactivate needs to be faster, man. It's way too slow. Like even when you're like, what is happening here, man?

Cozy Snap:

I know, dude. I don't know if they thought people were just like, I just, I don't know, holding their hands too long and they would accidentally activate something. Yeah, but they need to change it a bit.

Alexander Coccia:

And the next one comes in from one of the best names I've read in a while, Fastos Enjoyer, and it reads, Petition to change Cyclops text from Let's Move X Men to To Me, My X Men.

Cozy Snap:

The fact that it hasn't happened is, is Ridiculous. I know Venom's voice line got changed because they messed that one up so bad with the I and we, and so, I don't

Alexander Coccia:

even understand that. Can you explain that to me? I saw it a million times, and like, I watched Venom, but I've not seen the other movie. That's his line! Dude, that's the whole line. That's his thing. Is it really that simple? He just always says, we are Venom?

Cozy Snap:

You, you said you've watched the movie. It's, it's like, it's not as big as with great power comes great responsibility, but like we are Venom is been in the comics and been with Venoms. I didn't like, because like together, like Venom is not its own thing. It is a symbiote, but like it, we are together are Venom, right? Like the host and, and, and the symbiote. So that, that, I, that's the best I can do. Someone could probably do better than that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And the other one's obviously Uncle Ben, right? Yeah. But that's not, is that from one of the Spi I haven't watched the really old Spider Mans yet.

Cozy Snap:

What do you mean the really old ones?

Alexander Coccia:

Like the, I don't know, there's, there's three dudes, right?

Cozy Snap:

Three dudes. First of all, Tobey Maguire is a frickin national treasure, you piece of

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so he's the first one, right? But he's the one that kept crying during them? Yeah, yeah, he was emotional. He had a lot of bad things happen to him. Yeah, I was younger. I couldn't handle it. I was like, okay, this movie's rough. But then it was the other guy who I really liked. He was like, kind of younger and like Yeah, but the old ones had the the best, the best

Cozy Snap:

Mary Jane.

Alexander Coccia:

Is that the one from the, that 70s show?

Cozy Snap:

No, no, no, no, no, she was never in that. Hold on. Is she? No, let me get the other Am I supposed to know all

Alexander Coccia:

this stuff, or is it okay that I have no idea what the hell's going on?

Cozy Snap:

No, no, no, no, no, you're good except you're not. It's Kristen something. It's killing me right now. Mary Jane Watson was played by Kristen dude, I'm not gonna be able to find it now. Now, this is gonna be Yeah, that's it. That's the one.

Alexander Coccia:

See, I knew the name, but I couldn't even figure out, but then who's the girl from that 70 show?

Cozy Snap:

Absolute babe. Not her.

Alexander Coccia:

They look the same though, though. Not

Cozy Snap:

at all. They have red hair.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, well, okay, okay, let's move on before I embarrass myself further. The next question comes in from WhyAreYouReadingThis886, and it reads, Man, that Loki month was by far the most cracked month. Loki, Ravonna, imagine she was the same as she was now, Mobius in his broken state, And Alioth, and this is in reference to you reminiscing about some of the cracked spotlight caches we've had in the past.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, nothing comes close to that month. That's like, that will always reign supreme as the most ridiculous month.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you remember how like, people were kind of unsure about whether or not Alioth was gonna be good?

Cozy Snap:

That whole month, dude, people were like, I don't know, it's like every single card just was so cracked from the beginning. But between Mobius, Loki, and Alioth, like, And Loki and Alioth came out on like the same week, yeah, same day almost, or was it like one week apart with how it used to be? I think

Alexander Coccia:

they were apart, I'm not sure they had the simultaneous releases yet. With that season. But what I do remember though, is that Mobius and Mobius had like the paid bundle, had like a bundle coming out and then they nerfed it like immediately, I think after the bundle. And then it was like, what? And it was like, boom, it was like Armageddon in Marvel Snap. And they're like, no, they were, they were like in full, like, like PR mode there to try to like reign it all in. It was a disaster. Mobius and Mobius. Now that was actually, that was a crazy time in Snap.

Cozy Snap:

What a mini.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, one of many. And HurricaneBlitz4 comes in with a question and says, My question for the Snapchat mailbag is what is your favourite nickname of a card? This is mainly for you Alex, because I hear you say lots of nicknames all the time, like Magento or Hydration Robert. But I would love to hear if Cozy has some as well.

Cozy Snap:

I don't do the nicknames as much. I think people I think I've always not been much of a nicknamer. I say A Bomb. I think that's like my main one. A Bomb for Abomination. There is a character named A Bomb, so that'll be interesting. S G for Squirrel Girl. That's, I think those are my main ones.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah see, so first of all, I gotta give, I think Magento began with Binx, I think he was the godfather of Magento, we gotta give credit where it's due. Skillmonger, I

Cozy Snap:

hate that one.

Alexander Coccia:

Which one?

Cozy Snap:

Skillmonger or something. I say

Alexander Coccia:

skillmonger all the time. Oh, I hate

Cozy Snap:

that one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I know, that annoys people. Magento, I have so many. Hydration Robert, I call him the water boy. I'm like, oh, we got the water boy here, and then I think that's so funny I can't think of any, I have like a million of them, I do, I can't even think of them on the spot, I should have just written them down, I'm the one that pulled this question up, I can't, but one thing I will say though, one thing I will say, is that like, It drives people nuts, and like, I've been trying to reign it in, cause people are actually like, does this guy actually think it's Magento? Like, does he, can he not read at all? Has he never watched, like, has he watched, like, Xavier say, like, Oh, hi, Magento, like, great to see you, why are you at our compound today? Like, obviously, that's not happening at all. But let's, but also, we have fun. If anything I've been called out for, Cozy, is apparently in my videos. I say this a lot. Oh, we got some blank gameplay. And people always say like, Alex, you gotta stop saying that. Like, oh, we got some hydration, Robert gameplay. Like if someone plays a card, I act like I'm blown. I can't believe they just played this card against me. And it's like every game I see.

Cozy Snap:

Really? I, I, I have, I haven't noticed. I love it. I feel like I never realized what I say a lot of, you know, in general. I do say So we yeah, what do I, what do I say no, I don't even know, man, people, I think people have commented down below what we say the most, but it'd be interesting to see.

Alexander Coccia:

One thing I will say, though, is that you're so known for saying happy snapping, and on your new channel you don't say happy snapping. I don't know what to say. I

Cozy Snap:

to say. I'm like,

Alexander Coccia:

I'm like, what? Like, the end of the video happens, I'm just like in shambles every time, like I don't even know what's happening.

Cozy Snap:

I do everything in like one take a lot, and then I always have to do my outros a lot on the new channel, because I'm like, have a good one! Like, pfft, I don't know, it's not good. And then the Snap team stole Happy Snapping, and they just never said anything, I'm calling you out, never said, on the O2 notes, Happy Snap, Happy Snapping, Happy Snapping! Just would love a little bit of, you know.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. We just want to like a public apology, like a written formalized apology. I want a whole video to discord at everyone. And our final question of the Snapchat mail bay comes in from big Steve, 19 it asks. What character are you most excited to learn more about on Cozy's new channel, other than Arrow? Cozy, if I can make a suggestion. I do have a suggestion, but I know you cannot feasibly do this unless, somehow, they make an entire season dedicated to Elphiflight. We need Elphiflight, but if you just make an Elphiflight video and release it, it's getting four views. So, you're gonna have to wait for the actual season.

Cozy Snap:

Maybe seven. Yeah man, I would say that up there is High Contenders, Knull, Jeff, Arrow. Those are the ones that I see a lot of that people want to see, and so I'm gonna be getting to the old ones. It's a lot of work to be doing these. I think people, people are like, we want them longer. Guys, I'm spending like effing hours getting these things out. Like, it is not easy. I would do more if I could, but yeah those are big. And then I want to hit some old classics like Thanos and whatnot.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Well, you're doing like those like parallax 3d comic book defects. Like I'm like, I'm watching, I'm like, I don't even know how to do that. Like, I wouldn't even know how to start. I wouldn't even know what to search on YouTube to learn how to do that. Like, it's like, it's so ridiculous, right? I'm like, what is even happening here? The amount of work that goes into it. And no dude, it's, it's been awesome. And I actually don't envy the idea of like one day you're going to have to do like. Like Professor X and he has like, like 75 years of history. It's like, welcome to my seven and a half hour video. That's also a nine part series on Professor X. A

Cozy Snap:

brief retrospective on Professor Xavier. Yeah, exactly.

Alexander Coccia:

Thank you so much for listening guys. We sincerely appreciate every single one of you. You allow us to live our dreams each and every week. Thank you so much.

Cozy Snap:

Well, guys we've got ourselves a move week coming up, and next week butts us up into Scarlet Spider, so hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode. You guys have a good one, have a great one, until the next one, happy snapping!

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