The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Madam Web: The New Move Era Begins | Madam Web Move Tier List | Symbiote Spider-Man & Silver Sable In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 97

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 45

Will move be forever changed with the new card, Madam Web? What are the best busted combos in the game? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on Symbiote Spider-Man & Silver Sable? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap. Once you are done listening, check out Cozy's new YouTube channel, CozyTV at

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. Madam Webb arrives, I'm with her, the move meta as well. We've got a new colossal card coming to the game, my favorite of the month. And today, we're gonna break down all of her obvious move synergy, and we have a move tier list for you today. But on top of that, we're gonna talk about the outside of the box, the cards that are gonna combo with her, or what she brings to the table that truly makes her one of the best cards, potentially, to come to the game. On top of that, we're going to talk about cards that are hot and on the rise from Shadow King to Red Guardian. We have cards that counter activate or help you with activate. You should be putting these in your decks right away and Alex to break down our list. And we're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend. We had our crazy week of activate. We have another one coming this week and a lot to talk about. How are we holding up? How are we doing?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, buddy, I'm doing great, and you're right, like, it was a wild, wild week in Marvel Snap, we had Activate, two new cards coming out, both of them are remarkable in their own ways. I was traveling, we recorded last week's episode very early in comparison to what we usually do, which was probably like one of the absolute hardest weeks to do it. Because, like, we actually didn't have, like, all OTA. Shoutout to Regis, by the way, that absolutely crushed it. It was really cool hearing Regis on the pod, and Dude, I can't even begin to tell you, like, last week was legitimately insane. I don't even know where to start.

Cozy Snap:

I remember, like, a long time ago, you were like, Hey, I need, this week, we gotta do early. We never really film early, almost ever. It's almost always the day before, or maybe two days. But, it was like, maybe a month back, we're like, yeah, not a problem, and then like, a day before, I messaged him, like, oh my god, it's Activate, we're screwed, like, how are we gonna, and luckily, most of it worked out, some of it didn't, but we obviously, we'll talk about a lot of that today, but yeah, man, Activate week, crazy, Symbiote Spider Man, new season, wild, we had Silver Sable come out chaotic, On this side of things launched a brand new channel, Sleepless Nights, Dying, NFL Kickoff, College, it's just been a good, it's been a good week, man. How was your week over there?

Alexander Coccia:

It was great, and I gotta say, CozyTV looks incredible. I love the videos you've done, the Silver Sable and the Symbiote Spider Man one, remarkable. I actually watched it with my kids as well, because you know, they're pretty family friendly, it's pretty cool. My kids love the Spider Man, and like, they like the history of it. And they were like, Venomize Spider Man! And they were going like crazy, right? And I don't know man, I think those videos are so remarkably well produced and you're doing it, I don't know. It was just so cool to see in a different capacity, but still in like a universe that you love. And so, I mean, it's just, it's awesome, man. I can't wait to see what comes out in the future.

Cozy Snap:

Dude you know, it was a passion project and then I forgot how clinically insane I am. Like I just get addicted to, to the process and doing it all. And so now I'm like, I want to do more. I want to do every character and it's a lot, but it's so well worth it. A lot of fun. I think it's super it's just, I find it just extremely satisfying to starting a new channel, and going through all that, and some of the building blocks, and mainly doing something I don't know, right? Like, I love just doing things that I don't know like the way that the video works out is entirely different, so appreciate that, man. Exciting stuff to come on, on that, and I get to do it every week, so, that'll be that'll be a good time, but, and you were in PAX! How was PAX, man? How was everything there?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, PAX was absolutely wild. Like, I love the Penny Arcade Expo because, like, for me, it's foundational to the reason why I play card games. I learned to play card games at PAX East 2010, sitting on the floor. At that time, we would get, like goodie bags, and I got, like, a little magic. Starter Deck, it's where I learn to play cards, learn to play magic right there, and this particular PAX was cool, I got to meet Ken Eric, which was fantastic for the Marvel Snap team, And someone else, so basically I was, I was there at the event, and I was playing cards at an altered table, which is basically a new card game that's coming out and I was just there for funsies, And a lot of people were coming up and saying like, Hey Alex, huge fan of the Snapchat and stuff, and I was like, Hey cool, you know, giving them fist bumps while I'm like actively playing, And there was a lineup of people waiting to play against me, And you know, I'm sitting there, I'm playing, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn and I say, Hey man, what's up? How are you? He's like, Hey, Alex. I'm like, Hey, what's your name? And I'm just playing. He's like, Oh, Glenn. I'm like, cool, Glenn. Nice to meet you. You play Marvel Snap. He's like, yeah. And we just, I kind of look at him. He looks at me and I realized he's wearing a second dinner hat. I'm like, Oh my God, it's Glenn Jones. And I say, hold on a second. I stand up. I shake his hand for a second. I hadn't recognized. I never met him before, but I had like this amazing conversation with Glenn. I was like. Apologizing profusely for like actually not recognizing him and all that stuff. But anyways, he was so cool. And I got to talk to him about like Marvel snap and stuff and like how like, you know, he he's designing cards, balancing cards. It was so awesome to just have this one on one like off the cuff conversation with someone who honestly, I really respect. I truly respect the work that Glenn does because we couldn't do that. We can't even evaluate the cards coming out accurately, let alone making them and designing them. So. It was an awesome experience. I even, like, I don't know, I was just remarkably impressed with the work he does, so getting to meet him in person was phenomenal.

Cozy Snap:

And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, seeing people in 3D space, it can be weird when you don't see them that way, sometimes, like, not unrecognizable, but kind of? Like, I know that was the way I felt with Ben Brode, but also I just had Tribe come up and they're doing this, like, day in the life of Cozy and they did Dexter as well. And they, they met me and they walked, like, right pa they didn't even recognize me. Like, they just walked right pa I'm like, you're here to film me and they didn't even know it was me. But, and they're like, dude, it was weird seeing you in 3D space. So, it is, like, just different seeing somebody from the same angle. And I don't blame you there, but did you tell them to buff Arrow for me? Yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

I did not. I said, I think you guys should just delete Aero. Did you ask me? I know, I'm sorry, dude. But one thing really stood out, if I can take another second to talk about the Penny Arcade Expo, but one thing really stood out I had a fan of the Snapchat, Brennan, come to me and you know, shook my hand, said huge fan of the show and he gave me something really special. I want to share it with you guys because like I actually got like choked up because this is like a family memento that he had, his father was a collector of cards. I'm actually getting like emotional talking about it. All the original Jim Lee collectible cards of the X Men. All the original from the 1990s. The complete set of the Jim Lee collectible trading cards. He gave this to me. It was his father's. And a lot of these are from in the game. They're in the game. They're in Marvel Snap, including like one of my absolute favorite Jim Lee mystiques. These are all, it's, it's incredible. Yeah. These are the originals, the original training cards for the X Men. The whole kits here, the whole sets here. And like even this, like the Colossus, you'll recognize a lot of this art from the game. And these are from the early 1990s. I believe these are from 1991, So like, it's, I don't know, I just really appreciate it. And it kind of made me realize like, Cozy, we're so lucky to do what we do. And it's like, that was the moment where I'm like, you know what? It's like, man, what we do is so special. You know what I mean? It's just like, despite the stress, despite the amount of hard work, the amazing people that support us, it's just, it's incredible.

Cozy Snap:

Dude first of all, what a guy, man. I love Mr. Alex Coccia. What a, what a guy. And that is up there as one of the coolest things that I've ever seen given, man. Like, put that behind the shelf. You know what would be cool is if you put those in like a you have to look it up. People have done this in the past with like Pokemon, like the OG cards, Where it's like a mural, but like in all the cards are like kind of through glass or whatever and you can have it as like a portrait behind you or something rather than just in a wall and that way you have it on display, man, but that's, that's so cool, man, and you're right, we are, we're beyond lucky, we're hitting two years of episodes now, guys, never missing a Monday, Mondays suck most of the time for a lot of you guys and that's why we, we pick Mondays to release this, it's been a journey high and low and, you know, a snap keeps going, we're blessed to keep doing this show. And I can speak for both of us, but we'll be doing it beyond Snap, I can tell you that. So love you, man, over there. What a guy. What a guy. Alright, bud, well, we're gonna be talking about a huge week. We had Activate hit, and now we've got Madam Web coming out, who is my favorite card by far this month. Massive card coming to the game with the spotlight. You guys know what we're talking about over here. A little bit of tier list action, a little bit of cards on the rise, the ones that you should be playing right now. But Alex What are we talking about on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Symbiote, Spider Man, and Silver Sable in review. We've got two cards to talk about. We'll be discussing both. We'll also be talking about Marvel Snap's most busted combos. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, well, well, the time has come. Either I'm going to look like a complete idiot, or we have entered a brand new era into Marvel Snap. You've seen thumbnails before. Is it the Destroy era? Is it the Intoxi No, it is the Move Meta, the move era has come. Those that have been waiting two years, this might be the card that gets everything going. And we're not even done just here, because next week we have another one coming. Madam Web hits the spotlights this week. It is a two cost, one power card with the ongoing ability. You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn, and we've seen the video. We've seen it. It's pretty much just like the old Space Stone. You can move any card to any location that you want to. We've got ourselves a banger, man, and we've got a lot to break down. Obviously, move synergies are gonna be obvious. We'll go card by card there, especially when we get to the move card tier list. But we also got a lot of thinking outside the box, as I like to call it, and a lot of synergies we'll break down there. Alex, you already know this is my 5 star card. I need to not say much more until the synergy. Where are we at now?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, it's been a weird week because like, I felt like the entire world was telling me like, Hey Alex, you're like, you're totally wrong. On Madame Web like to rank her like potentially at the bottom of this month is kind of crazy and like I totally understand that and it's one of those things where like when the zeitgeist around you is suggesting that you're wrong and like that people are higher it kind of drifts you up a little bit but in some ways I kind of want to plant my heels a little bit because I do have some reservations about this card obviously I see the potential here I can see what it can do to move as a whole especially when you think about the tools that moves has and how incredibly well stated those cards can be like I don't know. I'm leaning towards like you know, I'm optimistic four stars because I do think this is a good card, potentially even outside of move but at the same time. I have a number of reservations where it would not surprise me if this card kind of landed on its face and felt more like a three and I'll be more than happy to be wrong because I know that a lot of people to get this card and I want them to be happy with their purchase and their resources. But I think that it's not as clear cut a winner as it might look at first glance. And if I'm wrong, then so be it. But like, I do think there are challenges here, but you're right to say that this card could potentially be one of the most cracked move cards to ever have been printed.

Cozy Snap:

Well, first of all, good, because it'd be a boring conversation if you didn't see it that way, in my opinion, right? Like, I'm here to hype it up because I love it that much, and if you were two, we'd just be two guys like, Oh my god, man, I'm lit, I can't wait! Whereas, it's great to now have a little bit of a sounding board to go up against my chaotic rambling of how much I love this card. And I can respect that in some veins, and one, I think, one of the most obvious things that I can say is, Clog right now we're gonna be talking about cards on the rise, Galactus is in there, Plog right now is heavily played, mainly to counter Symbiote Spider Man, to counter the Galactus out there, and so that will have an impact on Madam in this current state a little bit but yeah, I'm conducting. I've strapped up, put the conductor hat on, I've got the hype train for Madam Web underway here, and I want to start, before we go into synergies, The reason, and I guess I want to just pump the brakes for one second, I'm sorry, you gave someone like Fastos, I think a three star before, you're saying like somewhere in that range, maybe another card, maybe not Fastos, but what's another like three star card you compare it to then?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, I'd have to go back and think about it I'm not exactly sure, like in terms of power level, like in terms of like viability.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. It's, I think it's definitely better than Fastos. That's clear. Like, that's obvious. But it's going to have like, I would say it's very similar to Marvel Boy, except I think Zuu's better. Oh! Like, I don't know how to explain it. Like, the reason why I say this is because Marvel Boy is like, you will not build a Zuu deck without Marvel Boy now. And I don't know if you build a move deck without Madame Web. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, I think that it's like a cemented part of the archetype.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

But I think that Marvel Boy is better than this. Like I actually do from a staff perspective and what it can do. And again, I could be wrong, but like, I just think there are challenges that Madame Web has to overcome to truly be a top tier card. Like, I think it's more than just like, yeah, dagger is going to go absolutely insane. We know we're going to see like Cozy, your video is going to have a dagger. That's going to be like 180 power or something crazy. Right? Like we know that's going to happen, but I do think there's challenges still. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

So I think the first thing that's really cool about her is this is always the process episode where we talk about our hopes and dreams for the card or where we think it's gonna land. Then we always have new card videos, each of us on our respective channels, where we give it our final ranking. This is not gonna be a card, like even Symbiote, where it's like, I don't know, is it good? Is it I think we're gonna know pretty quickly, like, okay, this is how she's functioning. Now there'll be a large impact of games needed to be played to see some of the other stuff here. But as far as just the pure move synergy, that's gonna be very obvious up front. You know, be on the lookout for that. I want to start, before we talk about the synergies, let me talk about what I really like about it. First of all, I do think in a move capacity, this is not a little boost, this is a major boost, Alex. I mean, this is giving you agency to move without playing a card. Every single turn. That is so massive. I can't even, it's so exponentially better than anything that we have out there for the archetype. It's hard to even compare it to anything that we have right now and what it's going to do for that archetype, right? So that's going to be her best home. We're going to dive all into that. The things I want to talk about though is all the outside of the box and or the plug and play ability of this card, which has yet to be seen. And that's where I want to see it as a move card. She's great in her own right. Okay. Period. We're going to know that. But as a synergistic plug and play card, where I see the massive potential is the control element behind her. So first of all, obviously, getting into closed down locations, we love. Okay, we've talked about that. Getting into, you know, you can play her with control builds. But for me, it's all about the brain games, and it's gonna be very hard to start predicting your opponent. I'm going to talk about outside the box synergies, Alex, but something as simple as So, let's keep it super simple. You play Black Panther in her lane. Your opponent has no clue, no clue, where you will move that Black Panther, and where you're going to put Arnim Zola on that Black Panther. No clue. And at that point, you just have this strong agency against your opponent. You're not going to play with Dracula. Another great example, throw Dracula. That's a lane winning card. That's a lane winning card. So, to me, that agency, and the ability to be able to change where you're going, and change up some game plans, I think is so massive. Of a strategy and just or a card in general under her staying power.

Alexander Coccia:

So we love that we're starting outside of move for a sec, because I think a lot of people are going to go right to move right away. I love what you've done here because that is probably an underappreciated part of Madame Web, which kind of gives me some excitement for the card, because what you can do is like, let's say you play a one job and it doesn't matter what it is. So you can play, you know, Iceman, right? So at turn two, you play Madame Web. Turn three, you play Hope Summers. Turn 4. Now, if you have Hope Summers and you're playing these all in the same lane, you might be thinking to yourself, well, you know, you gotta have something with move there, it's a GF, you play a Nocturne or something. Nah. Play Cull Obsidian. That's a 10 power card. And you know what? Shanshi's gonna have a hard time hitting him, cause you get to move Cull Obsidian. But you could start by moving the Ice Man. And then you have this 10 power card and maybe try to shang it. You move the call obsidian. You don't even need the mobile cards. You don't need the visions. You don't need. So like, I think that this outside the box thinking is actually great. Cause you can start using some overstated cards that traditionally would have had to have been move cards. And suddenly it's hard to hit like the shangers and stuff like that, because things are moving.

Cozy Snap:

So it's anti tech, right? So you've got that, like, it's going to be this cool dance. It's turn four. You're like, do they have a shang chi in their deck? Right. Do they have a shang chi? Does he expect me to move my 10 power here? Or maybe turn five, right? Do they expect me to move it? Do I stay here because of that? Do I need to change, you know, we see this, you play down Madame Web, you play down a good 3 cost, and then maybe next, you know, the Nexus appears, or maybe Nexus appears, there will, you can move cards to that location at that point. We're gonna talk more about the move towards the back end when we get to the move card tier list, because I think that's where a lot of these fun conversations get to have. But right then and there, I think Artem Zola, funny enough, of all cards, his stocks go way up. It just really, his stocks already went up with Symbiote. But you've got this card now that was so hard to make sure you have one card in one lane, and clog is still a thing, I get that, but you can now be able to have a lot more agency behind that. But even something as simple as Wong. How many times you play a Wong down, and it's super awkward, right? Because you're like, okay, here comes the Enchantress, here comes the Cosmo. Hey, how about something like, turn six, you have your Wong and your Madame Weblane, you move that, you play Doctor Doom. Done. Right? You're able to move the Wong and activate an on reveal to ensure that you can get that pop off. This stuff has a big this has never been able to happen before.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it reminds me of like Wong games when you have like New York, and it's very hard to, for your opponent to predict where that Wong's gonna ultimately be, and I even had like a thought like, listen, Marvel Snap is such a dynamic game with locations, what about a game when like, you get like, I think it's called Klin, Kline, I'm not sure, the one that closes after turn four, right? There could be situations where that's closing, and you have like a monster island, and you can literally not play into it, and you can take the monster and throw it into that location that's closed, and your opponent can't do that. Now it's not, they can't even shanchi it, and it's like, well, What do you do now? And Madame Web gives you the access to, like, the Sanctorums and other things. It's pretty fascinating what you can do outside of Move All Together, just being able to reposition your cards.

Cozy Snap:

Which is why she needs to be the cost and the power that she is. She can't be a good on curve play because of what she gives you. We all know, if there's a low power to a card, it has to have some real heavy lifting and heavy punching up of what it does. And I think that the agency this gives you and the unpredictableness, On top of all the move stuff, is enough, right? Is enough to do the crazy chaos that I think she'll be able to do. I mean, even something so crazy as Forever Now, and let's go back to Arnim Zola, Shuri, Red Skull, alright? Shuri, Mockingbird, whatever you want to do. You could have Arnim Zola that, you crazy? Because why not? Well, you got Shuri in the lane. That's too risky, right? Well, now, you can easily just move the Red Skull out. You just double that power. Just easily get that job done, right? So, I think there's gonna be combos outside of that that we'll talk about today that you've got that. You're able to move whenever you want. It is a turn 2 play, so you have 3, 4, 5, and 6 to get that job done after that. But between location bad luck, between locations that are annoying like Vibranium Mines, ones you can use to your advantage, right? Like Ashuri's Lab, and then you can take those doubled up ones and then move them, or go in to destroy locations, or get plus power from the move locations. They've designed cards like Scream as, I think, anti to counter this card. To me, the writings on the wall, this thing's gonna be a banger. And I'm excited to keep talking Synergies here.

Alexander Coccia:

But before we move to Synergies, I want to talk about one thing. Just very, very fast about Madam Web. And it's, I have this like, kind of like tin hat theory that the, the power from 2 to 3 to 2 to 1 is less about Madam Web's power and more about the development team's desire to make it more targetable by Red Guardian. I had this thought. I'm like, if it's a 2 1, it's a much more consistent hit for Red Guardian, which is an on curve counter if this card goes absolutely crazy. And I wonder if it's less about that 2 power, which obviously is part of it too, but more about a very clean strike for Red Guardian.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I could imagine that, because, you know, we can talk counters in a second. I got a lot written down for counters, because there's plenty of ways to deal with this. But yeah, I mean, that's, that is a fair point. I mean, you gain Ravonna synergy with that and negative synergy. Cards we've just been talking about like Black Panther, Arnim, Aldous, even Sherry are negative cards and or are Ravonna cards. And so I think that's also very interesting like to see maybe that's gonna be the deck to end up playing here. But that's a great point. Red Guardian is a card I've just played a ton of to get up to Infinite. And man, that guy's, he's filthy. He's gonna be an absolute easy shutdown for this card. But it does use their turn three, right? It does use some of that, and, you know, you got rid of their two for your turn three, okay? So, at that point, you know, a lot of their deck will be probably designed a little bit around this but yeah, that is a good point and an interesting bring up there. To me, some of the stuff I thought about, it's like, I don't even know if you'll use in practice, but I like the idea of even, like, let's call it a Destroy deck, right? Like, you're not gonna play this with Destroy, obviously. But it's cool to think about, okay, like, if an X 23 or Wolverine land in here, you can always put them with the other X 23 or the other Wolverine. Like, there's just very unique stuff. I brought up Dracula earlier. You're not gonna do that, probably, either. But, hey, you could play Drac in this and then put that at the last turn of the game in a lane that you're like, Alright, let's win. They have no idea at that point. But to kind of bring it back in, because, trust me, guys, we'll talk move. We're gonna get all about move here. But to bring it back in for out of the box. For me, you know, we did talk about I think the Angela, the Hope Summers, you know, after Angela's kind of massive nerf. We'll see if that ends up being played. I think Hope Summers is actually probably just better. You get the curve play. Being able to play in there and not have to sacrifice having everything in that one lane is pretty strong. Do you think, though, Alex? I brought it up last week. Do you think that Control with Goose is gonna be a thing, or whatever, Storm? I would plug this card into the decks that I highlighted this week.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, when you, especially when you consider that something like a Professor X invites this card, right? So when you're talking about Control, you gotta talk about Pro X. What does Pro X allow? Movement, right? What does a goose allow? Movement, right? You can't play on top of them. Imagine having a goose and a Pro X and then your opponent's like, what, where do you want me to play? And then maybe what? Are we coping? You put some Negasonic in there too, right? They're all going to be playing in one spot. Kaboom! It's kind of crazy the way Professor X is. And I actually had this thought as well. Like, I don't know if Professor X stays this way, because if Madame Web does take over the meta as could be potentially expected, then Professor X has to kind of lock down the movement again. Yeah, because it needs to be a release valve because if moves going crazy, there's very few cars that can actually really stop it. Yeah. We're getting scream. You can play some Kingpin if you really want to cope a little bit, but like professor X has been traditionally an Achilles heel for move. It's an Achilles heel for everything. That's kind of reason why you had to get taken behind the shed. So like, I don't know, man, I think that control could be legit. And yeah, it could be like, we're going to talk about move. We know that where the numbers get really big, but there's like this safety behind control. That might make it Madden Web's, like, cleanest, highest cube rate spot, which I think could surprise people.

Cozy Snap:

And that's where I think I'll play her a ton, and it sticks, because I just spent my whole Everyone was going Black Panther, and I did too, day one. But I focused on a Doom lockdown deck with my Symbiote, because To me, the idea of shutting down with Storm, right? You counter a lot of stuff there. But to not even give a rip what's in that Storm lane, right? Like, you just, you storm off, and then you worry about your own stuff. And then we have all these cars that are designed now, like Negasonic and Alioth, to take care of that one other lane that you need to win. So to me, that just seems like the easiest way also to deal against her, right? Someone plays a Madame Web on you, do play a Storm on that lane, like, what? They, like, they just lost, you know, that potential there, which Storm has always been historically good against move decks. But I yes, I do think Control is great with some on reveal stuff. We just mentioned Dr. Doom with Wong. You could, you know, do something like that. I've seen some people bring up Lockjaw because that was the old days of the Thanos and the Space Stone. It's going to be very interesting to see how he works here because you get to play Madame Web, right? In theory, if you get the card draw right, you get to play Madame Web, you put Lockjaw on there, and then you could just, you just play Jubilees, you play whatever you want to, and that blinks, I mean that, that, Lockjaw is probably gonna get a new identity as a deck, in a way, that I'm excited to see, and I'm curious if that means Thanos or whatever in that regard.

Alexander Coccia:

I like it, but at the same time, it's like, it's so painful to see Lockjaw at four. Yeah. Because if you can imagine Madame Web 2, Lockjaw 3 Jubilee 4, then like that, like, you're right. Like, that is, that is such a god hand, right? And maybe that's the reason why, like, Lockjaw had to kind of get you know, get kind of put in the cage a little bit. Because, like, it was absolutely crazy for that reason. But, like, any deck that really, really wants that, that Movement that generally, generally like, okay, we need to get the cards in the right spot. You know, and I think that Lockjaw is a prime example of that and you brought up the Space Stone and that was what made the Space Stone so good because you're playing to the Lockjaw, then you get things out of there and keep playing into Lockjaw. And it's like, okay, they played into Lockjaw six times this game. That's sweet. Like, yeah. And Madame Web definitely has the potential to do exactly that.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, looking outside of just the Lockjaw route, right, you've got things like Elsa that I think is going to be interesting. Like, we will definitely get the players that are going to go with that kind of Kitty Pryde, Elsa, Hope Summer's deck. And I think there's some interesting things you can build there. The way you finish off and the way you're able to move around your, your key pieces, and we're not talking about move yet, that's what's so crazy about this, is what's really going to kind of highlight and shine this deck. And I still stand by greedy cards like Wong. That's what I'm excited for. I'm excited for these cards that otherwise were just strict, easy counters to get them over with. Now, you have a lot more kind of unpredictability with it. With that, dude let's talk about it. Let's talk about Move, because that's clearly what this is going to be. We'll talk about some of the Move cards, and we'll jump into the tier list here that we'll take. You know, no time at all. Listen, this is, you know, we just talked about all this great stuff with the unpredictability of Madame Web and whatnot. But when you talk and move at this point, you now have this ultimate card to power up. And this game was balanced, but without this card. The dagger, these, that vulture, these were balanced before Madame Web. I am, I'm shocked that they didn't get hit in the OTA, I'll be honest. I get why Taskmaster did now, but you look at something like Dagger, Alex, and you're right, we opened up talking about her for a reason. I mean, a plus three that you can move all the time with Hercules on the board. What are we going to do?

Alexander Coccia:

I think Dagger is probably by far the best move card. I've been playing a ton of like, move lately. I, okay, so, you know, we're in the same guild, and I made it a public service to do all those move quests. You know, I was doing it non stop, streaming, doing move quests, and I wanted to like, prepare for this season, right? Yeah. Dagger was insane, like 30 power daggers I wasn't even trying that hard. You're just hitting stuff, like constantly hitting stuff and moving it around, and it was so, so high powered. And it made me wonder, like, hold on, we got a dagger at 30, I can get Human Torch to like, you know, 64. I can get, you know, you can get Vulture into the 20s, but why doesn't everyone play Move? Like, why is it that Move doesn't take over with a card that's a 230, right? Because of the space. Because of everything else that comes with it, right? It's hard to Shadow King a dagger because of the movement side of it. But, everything usually goes left with Heimdall. But, now you have Madame Web sending things right. Now you have a Hercules play on curve that might be able to do something and make this even bounce around even more. But my question to you, Cozy, is does move need more power or does it need more answers to things like clog and stuff?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man. I mean, good question. That's where I want to dial it from dagger and say Hercules is where I'm a little bit mixed up on because Hercules takes away. Some of your dependable movement, right? Like, if I play into Madam and I move Dagger over to where I know I need to get her, like, yes, I could get more power on her if Hercules kicks her over, maybe back to my Madam Web, whatever, right? But do I need all that for the randomness and using up a three turn? You know what I mean? That's where I don't know. Herc, I think, is a fun idea in the, like, crazy power department, but we'll have to see. I think, if anything, Madame solves a lot of these problems, especially, like, let's say Debris. People are saying Debris is a good counter to Madame. Sure, it adds a card. Great for Dagger. Great for, you know, these move cards that can scale up kind of quickly here. I ultimately think, first of all, people are playing Move now. I mean, Tiny Move balance right now is one of the best decks. I mean, it is a very hard deck to deal with, especially if you know what you're doing. You know, I do think that that could take over as one of the best, if not the best deck in the game. I really do. I think that that's something that highly plausible. But it's when you start combining these cards, and you've got Dagger, you have Vulture, and you're able just to do a pre setup like Iron Fist into the Dagger, into the Madam Weblane, then you move her over the next turn, because maybe you whiffed where they played the next card, and then you build her up again. Maybe you bounce that back. Maybe this isn't a bounce package. Maybe it's not. Maybe it doesn't have to be, because you have Doctor Strange. There's going to be so much going on, and this adds what I think M. O. V. E. needed the most, and that was more agency and more movement, to be honest.

Alexander Coccia:

It kind of reminds me of what happened to Discard, where it started getting more targeted, right? You know, you had Blade, which was random and that, obviously, becoming targeted helped a lot. So you're suggesting, like, okay, so You know, Hercules generates more power, and it happens to be on curve, you know, two Madame Web, Hercules on three, and then you'd have to play something eventually to move, probably Human Torch on one, for example. But what's interesting about this is, like, you're saying, would you suggest that, like, in a deck like this, that maybe even something like a Cloak, which is technically a reliable move, might be more reliable than something like a Hercules?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yes and no. It's going to be interesting to see what move enablers make the final deck now with Madame Web being a thing, right? Because like, Madame Web is doing that job so well, so we're going to have to see which ones kind of ultimately take that role. Keep in mind, guys, we go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs if it's like a 2 4, 2 5. If the opponent has three cards, this is a 2 9, right? Like, let's just remind everybody that the clear cut basic To me, the easiest way to wrap this up for most people is Atuma just came out. Atuma, absolutely bonkers, right? We can, we, we, Atuma's been a fantastic card. Why? Because you don't have to spend energy for Atuma to do his role to destroy cards, correct? That's what Madame Webb does. But she gives you even more agency. So like, that's where, it's too much of a 10 power card, let's get that straight. But, Madam Web is a 2 cost card. That's where I see the big difference.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think that one of the challenges too with Madam Web is that like, you need a staging turn because it's an ongoing, so it has to be present on the field of play. Whereas like Iron Fist, for instance, because it's on reveal, the card will immediately move, right? So, like, there's still challenges. I think it's going to take some time to like, set up the board state in a way that Madam Web's going to be at its greatest effectiveness. And then once it is though, like you could very well see on turn six, you move something. You have Madam Web on the left, you move a vulture to the right, and then you Heimdall where you need, and the vulture is going to kick over. Everything else kicks over, but you have the Heimdall exactly where you want and you have the vulture exactly where you want. And it's because you're able to reposition. Cause the movements will, will reveal before the actual cards are played. If it plays like we expect it to, I mean, I say that, but then again Simulant Spider Man completely changed the play order. So it's like, wait, wait, they can obviously make it so that like, you can manipulate play order a little bit. We're not sure if Madame Web does that yet. Cause we have to get our hands on it before we can know for sure. I would suspect it's just like moving Jeff. Right? Jeff will resolve first as the move, and then the cards come into play. That's what I would assume. I don't know. Who knows, right? But if that's the way it works, I think that she provides a lot of agency with those Heimdall plays because you're able to say, okay, Dagger's going to go here. I want her to end up here. Heimdall's going to stay left for additional power. You're able to do interesting things with Heimdall because you're able to reposition right with absolute effectiveness.

Cozy Snap:

One thing that I'm going to try my hardest to not to freak out about is like, If we do see, you said a staging turn and it kind of reminded me of this. It's like if I get Rogue to ton or Enchantress to ton or the counters, right? We talked about it briefly. Red Guardian, Enchantress, Clog decks in general could be pretty good. And then things like Rogue. I'm not going to worry too much because that's just a day one new card counter. Like, you know if ongoing is the way they're answering this, they're ongoing shutdown cards. I'm not worried about it. They've, it's been proven those cards do not really, Make it in these meta decks. I mean, maybe Madam Web changes that, right? I think Scream's gonna be a big one. Before we go through all these, you know, we have four or five more move cards, let's just look at the tier list, right, and rank them quickly as we talk about their effectiveness with Madam. So this is in regards to Madam Web, but also not. Like, this is just move cards in general. We already talked about Dagger, so let's go ahead and rank her right away. I think Dagger's clear cut, top of the leaderboard. Yeah. Don't even have to think about it, right? Right up there with her, does Vulture make S Tier? I mean, a 3 9 with one movement? I would, I would think so.

Alexander Coccia:

It should be, but I think in practicality, like, it's, it's probably closer to an A. Like, really? He plays like an ace. That's why he's an ace. He's an ace. I agree. But, like, realistically, anybody that plays moves, like, Vulture's not an ace, right? But

Cozy Snap:

he should be. For me, with my, because here's the deal, right? Like, obviously, we've got the big three, right? Here's the big three. With Killmonger being so prevalent and or just Destroy being there, that, that hesitancy here gets me a little bit worried. Like, who knows? Maybe freaking Kiara makes its way in move decks now because you're able to just scale, you know, some stupid thing. But, out of these three, I, yeah, it's tough because we see way more Human Torch because of Bounce, we see that because of Phoenix Force. I feel like Vulture, I feel by the way, Phoenix Force is incredible because you can throw Human, we, we know, not just a Phoenix Force deck, but I love the idea of a Phoenix Force in the deck. Because you build this Human Torch, they get rid of it, you're like, hey, thank you, you know. It's tough to not have all three of these up here as the best, you know, but I, I guess we can continue to rank. Would you have Human Torch and SRA? Hey.

Alexander Coccia:

I would put Vulture and Human Torch in A.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, I'm gonna keep him here for now. Not saying that we're not gonna move him down. Let's see some of these other ranking cards. Then we'll get there. Keep in mind, this is with Madame Web. We gotta use our thinking hats. Spider Man 2099, does he make a huge comeback? Is he now I think the problem with him is he's still in a bad meta, right? Because we have these decks that play so many cards at once. That without targetability on this card, I think it's still a poo poo.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, though? At the same time, though, it's like Madam Web gives him a little bit of targetability. Like he obviously doesn't, he doesn't target a card, but he targets a location much more consistently now, before it felt like a bit of a crapshoot, right? So now you can be like, Hey, you're going over here. You know what I mean? And you, you highly, maybe you high roll. I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

It used to only be a Heimdall setup. Whereas now I guess you can, you can say where you're going to destroy it or, you know, whatever. So, yeah, I do think he's better. I think, conservatively, we could put him in B to see where he might end up over time. Doctor Strange, he went down to a 2 and I think, you know, I think that did a lot for him as a card. You know, we talked about we might as well throw up, because we'll go with all these, right? We might as well throw up some of the move enablers. So we have, you know, Doctor Strange, you have Cloak. We have Ghost Spider, we have Iron Fist, and then we have Heimdall. So these are the, these are the main guys outside of Madame Web, right? We'll start with Doctor Strange, where do we put him?

Alexander Coccia:

I would lean towards C.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Just because it's only the highest cost card kind of thing? How many two

Alexander Coccia:

drops are you going to put in your deck? Like, something's got to go eventually, right? Like, Doctor Strange, Dagger, Madame Web. Like, Strange's spot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and because it's always so, they all do this in a sense, outside of, you know, maybe you know, There's ways with Iron Fist, but like, Doctor Strange, you'd have to play like, on the Madame Weblane, then you could, then take that dagger and move it again, you know, so, Because it's only one per turn, it's still a little awkward. I might give him a B, but I could see the C, we could keep him here for now. Cloak.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, he's pretty well statted, but he's probably in the Doctor Strange C range, honestly. That's what I would say.

Cozy Snap:

Cloak, the awkward thing about Cloak is you're never playing him on 2, because you want to set him up, and then now it's like, well, With Madame Web, it's just interesting. I think one cool thing you could do with Cloak is you could move the Madame Web over to, over to whatever lane some of these other cards are in, right? And then you just, like, leave some in the dust. I think that's interesting. Yeah. And to be fair guys, by the way, I'm about to put in hours in a move. It is not something I play all the time. So it's tough to say definitively. I would say I'd play Doctor Strange over Cloak though. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

I would too. And it's so weird looking at this. I want to just, just clarify here that this is with Madame Webb in consideration. You're staring at a Spider Man 2099 above Doctor Strange and Cloak right now. We are assuming that Spider Man 2099 is going to be very synergistic with madam Web because of the targeted move. So they were not talking about like right now, prior to Madam Web's release. We are trying to anticipate the tier list with Madam Web as well. Yeah. We're just getting ahead of the comment section there, you know?

Cozy Snap:

And we'll with that though, we have, yeah, I just think move enablers might go down a tad, right? Just because of everything going on, by the way, if it looks like I'm sweating my face off guys, it is. What is wrong with you? It is a record day in California, heat wise. And San Diego, we don't have AC. And it's 90 something degrees, and I have a fan that I can't turn on if my audio got worse. That's why, people. Okay, moving on. Iron Fist so I do think the cheap, these two, these cheap ones, still maintain their value really well. Right? Because you're still able, like, the best thing about these is you're able to set these top three up. With ease, which these exist, why use these kind of thing? Are these still kind of firmly in the, in the A ish department, B ish department?

Alexander Coccia:

I think Ghost Spider is an A card. Iron Fist is a B card. That's just me. And it kind of, again, this kind of illustrates the, like the fast and the slow of move, right? Iron Fist to Ghost Spider, fast. Right on reveal, Madam Web requires that set up slow, right? But much more targeted. And anybody that plays lots of Ghost Spider will know that Ghost Spider's occupation of a lane and a spot in the lane can be tricky because you're bringing a second card over. So if you already have two cards in a lane, you fill a location, right? So it's, it's really worth considering like how that stuff plays out, but like, I can definitely see something going down, Madam Web moving it, and then Ghost Spider coming down and bringing it back into the Madam Web location. Right? And then moving it out again. So I think Ghostbiter's 100 percent A for sure. Iron Fist, eh, I'm not a sold out.

Cozy Snap:

That's what I have. I would have something like this, probably. I think Ghostbiter's also just played more, like, Phoenix Force Dex, whatever, you're gonna see that more. Tiny Movers, though, they're both really good. So it's hard to compare the two, because they're both just easy cards. They're cheap cards. That's just the way that it works, right? Heimdall, I still think Heimdall is a finisher. Like, I do still think that the way you can set up Now, I'll be interested to see if he makes it into the final decks, right? Is it gonna be worth that one spot because you have all this agency? But some of the ways that I see Madame Web and the way that this would work, I still think he might, he might be included in final move builds.

Alexander Coccia:

It's possible. The thing about Heimdall, though, is like, I think the threat of Heimdall is better than Heimdall himself. Yeah, I feel like you'll be like, oh, they might be going left by one. I think it's better. I find Heimdall to be kind of awkward to play. And I don't know, man, I almost would rather just finish it like my turn six with like Ghost Spider and some other stuff, make Madame Webb make a big move. I don't know. And that's probably why they had to nerf the Taskmaster, right? Like, they probably had to nerf Taskmaster because it was probably a very available Turn 6 play with these little mover decks.

Cozy Snap:

And which is why I wonder if Doctor Strange goes up more, because like, if you think about turn 6, right, you can't play Cloak you can't play some of these other ones. Ghost Spider you can play, but by then you probably have Vulture, Dagger on the board. Doctor Strange lets you move something on the board that turn. So I'm cu you know what I mean? So I'm a little curious about that, whereas Heimdallr does the same. For a move tier list, B, A, what do you like?

Alexander Coccia:

I wouldn't put him higher than B.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's definitely, yeah, I think it's, I think this is probably what it can end up being. Actually, probably this, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

I was gonna say, I bet you Iron Fist is likely better overall right now than Time Doll.

Cozy Snap:

These three are looking submitted in S now, by the way, with this new list, just because of how they, I don't know how they perform, but we can continue. Phoenix Force, man, Phoenix Force we're gonna put in the Move category, because that's just where it's played. God, I think Phoenix Force gamers, guys, rejoice. If you put the time in, you're gonna be just clapping. You're gonna be excited. I think this is a monument. I mean, Simby was already a really cool addition, and now you've got this.

Alexander Coccia:

During Twitch Drops, I've been playing almost exclusively Phoenix Force. At first, I was like pretty rough with it. I'm starting to get the drift of it now. I'm starting to get it pretty good. I got, like, the beautiful thing about Phoenix Force, anyway, that really is not committed to it, Is when you look at the board state, suddenly, it's almost like, you know that, what's the, what's that movie, it's The Hangover, when Zach Galifianakis, he's in, he's in the the casino, and he's counting cards, and it's like all the numbers drifting over his head. Yeah, yeah,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

yeah. That's what you feel like when you play Phoenix Force. It cuts to a point, where like, You're just, you're looking at the board and you're like, wait a minute. I can, I can go spider the Nimrod over here and then I can venom that. And then I can, and then all of a sudden it's like this God tier play just appears to you and you do it and you win eight cubes and you're just like, it's just, it's, it's special. Phoenix force is special.

Cozy Snap:

It's a perfect analogy. And I think because it makes its own deck and because things you can do. And with Madam Web, I think it's right up here towards the top. All right. That's what I would say. You know, personally, it's funny because I think about some other cards, like Nico can move a card to the right, and she's played in like the Tiny Movers one because of that. I was thinking like, it's super interesting, we didn't talk about this card, and his ability says move, so I want to bring it up with Madame Web. Does Grandmaster, here comes the guilt, but does Grandmaster get better? With Madam because you're able to move cards back into a lane out of the middle and whatever you might want to do there to replicate his effect.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, this is so, this is such a deep cope. I don't even know what to say. I know this is a podcast where I'm supposed to say words, but like, this is a deep cut. I, I, buddy, you gotta, you gotta continue talking. I need to think.

Cozy Snap:

I didn't say yes to your, I just, better. Better. Just a little bit better. Does he go up a little bit?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, maybe, I guess. I still think that Grandmaster is probably being slept on as a whole. I actually like him generally. I played him in some Silver Sable. He was not bad, man. Cause you could basically send Silver Sable on, on curve and then beast it. Like literally on perfect curve. Sable, Grandmaster, Beast. And it's just like sick, right? Like it's, this is pretty good, right? Like it was not bad.

Cozy Snap:

I think he has like a stereotype around him, but I think he is getting better definitely like with, with each and every day. And keep in mind guys, Arrow. Cannonball. Those cards aren't in here. Those are moving other cards. We're talking more about kind of move central cards as well. I don't think Miles is going to make the cut in the decks. I just, he's 1 6. I just think because, I mean, I don't know. You can get him at any turn. That's kind of cool. Maybe you save until turn six. Where would you have Miles though?

Alexander Coccia:

He's good. I think Miles is good. Especially with that decent buff. I would consider him an A that probably does not get the play he deserves.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I was gonna say, he's probably good for me. Multiple Man we left him out of here, I don't know how. Yo, this card, I mean, talk about Madame Web potential, Symbian Spider Man potential, Phoenix Force. This guy's, this guy's, this is cracked.

Alexander Coccia:

It would surprise me if, if Multiple Man is not a key component of Madame Web. It's a key component of Phoenix Force, because the additional power is added to the Multiple Man, and then you're bouncing with it, like, basically, like you have Madame Web. Phoenix Force is Madame Web, right? But in these decks, I wonder if you run out of space too fast, because you have more things on the board. Whereas Phoenix Force does have an open board. And you often prefer the multiple man over the human torch because of the Killmonger, right? You can't Killmonger a Phoenix Force that's a, a multiple man, but you can a human torch, even though the number gets bigger, faster. I don't know, man. Multiple man is pretty good. I wonder if it's just too hard to set it up. So like you multiple man. You Hulk Buster, because now the Hulk Buster nerf sucks a little more, and then you, what, then you play Madame Web? Like, what's those, what do those turns look like? Yeah. It would surprise me if you actually brought up Chiara. I don't think that's crazy. I don't think Human Torch into Madame Web into Chiara is actually that bad. Like, honestly, because you'll get massive power that can't come off the board. Whereas I think you would need extra steps for multiple men. Is he S? Maybe? He's definitely asked in Phoenix for us.

Cozy Snap:

Well, on Human Torch Curves, right? And that's always the best part. Like, you get to play that before the the web there. Hercules is where the biggest question mark for me is. Because you know, guys, I get it. We've seen things like, hey, can I just say this, by the way? We didn't talk about it. Who knows if it's worth it? But man, in a world, oh my god, you play down Madame Web, maybe you draw Mystique, you get to copy that Madame Web, right? Okay? Madame Web, Mystique. You don't really need to, like, you don't need to do much to have, like, that to me, you get so much ping pong combos going into 4, 5, and 6. That seems, like, you need perfect draw, that seems like near unstoppable. If you get

Alexander Coccia:

the line, that would be ideal. If like, they play magic for you, like you're against the tribunal game and you're like, sweet, like an extra turn for free. So I can set up my mystique. That is like, that is a lot of like, hopium being huffed, but like, I I'm all for it, man. If you want to make a ping pong deck cozy, buddy, you just might for all I know, man. Call it ping

Cozy Snap:

pong. Yeah. I mean, but the fact is you'd have to get mad at web, then you'd have to have mystique play, and then you'd have to draw like the, the vulture, the human torch, the dagger. You'd probably put in Hercules just so you, just so it's just like, it's literally ping pong all over the place. That could be a lot of fun and I think it would work too in a sense. Like, it's gonna allow you to do two different one turn moves there. But again, we're gonna have to see. And outside of that, we have Kraven. And that's the only other one I'll probably talk about in this list here. You know, we have Jeff, we have these other ones. But this is the, we'll talk more like, you know, classic. Kraven's Craven's interesting, man. I think Craven's, I mean, as a two, you move one card, you're good to go with Madam Web now. You're looking at, you know, potentially some kind of craziness happening.

Alexander Coccia:

You're just going to drift Hercules into A Tier and not even say anything about it? I was going to say, like, is that way, is this what's happening right now? You're just like, just throw him into A Tier and move on? I'm like, what the hell? hahaha

Cozy Snap:

Is he needed? Is he needed? Is what we'll have to find out. Oh man,

Alexander Coccia:

he's gonna be, he's definitely B. Like, even B is rough. Like, I could see him ending up being C.

Cozy Snap:

I had him on there just in case. No, but Kraven. Where do you have Kraven with Madame Web?

Alexander Coccia:

I, I would play Kraven as a B. I don't see him making the decks. Like, I think Kraven's okay. I mean, he was even being cut from like, Silky Smooth decks eventually. Like, Kraven has been getting cut, man. Like, he might be C. He might be under Doctor Strange. He might be, be between Doctor Strange and Cloak. That's actually where I think he should be.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's like, it's going to be interesting. Really. It's like right here. It's so funny because this would be here. Like, obviously this would be here, but with Madam Web, we're looking at the potential and I'm trying to think with Craven, it's like, are you playing Madam Web on him, right? So you can move cards out of there, but then that doesn't make sense. But then you can keep on moving cards with that. If it was in like the middle lane or something, but you probably just being able to move cards, at least three cards onto him and then you get like two, six, two, eight value. Yeah. I don't know. I don't think he makes it. I don't know if I'd put them in C though.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I don't know, man. I'll let you decide. Seeing Hercules and Kraven and Bea is like making my blood boil, though.

Cozy Snap:

All I know is this list is probably wrong, but this is kind of our two cents on it. I mean, I think all these cards are gonna be really, really good. These two move enablers are gonna make it past, you know, past it all. We'll see what Miles kind of ends up, and I think these two are on the bubble of making it. So, yes, with all this so yeah, this is our list, man, and we'll have to see where all these end up. Again, Hercules could end up being insane, I don't know if you need the extra power, though.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, you're missing a card. Cyclops.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, well, I just, I should just turn the S into him Yeah. Like make them a little, make them a little like thing here.

Alexander Coccia:

I think

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

He's too powerful to make the list. As we wrap up on Madam Webb, I think there's one more we need to talk about. And that's Jean Grey. Jean Grey has always been on the cusp of being relevant, never being good, but being relevant. And now you have a curve play where you can, on. Turn 2, Madam Web, Turn 3, Jean Grey, and it becomes a question of like, do you want to fill your lane? Do you want to move stuff out? Like, well, how do you want to actually play that, right? Because sometimes your plan is fill up Jean Grey's location and then play outside of it. But you don't necessarily need to do that now. You can keep playing at Jean Grey's location. You can move your lizard out, right? Not have to worry about it, and they can't do that, right? The other thing worth noting here is that Jean Grey and Madam Web are both ongoing cards. You have Spectrum Synergy, so we have the opportunity to do some really cool stuff in something like a an agent a U. S. agent, for instance. Let's say you see, Oh, you know, they, they filled up the location and they put their, you know, larger cards in the right location. You can actually take a U. S. agent and move it there, right? You can use, you can target the U. S. agent later in the game. Thanks to Madam Web. I really do think that Jean Grey and Madam Web might be a phenomenal synergy that might not be being talked about too much. And I plan to explore it on day one.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we had to save one of the best for last. I think there's definitely as long as the deck is built around, if you don't get Madam, it's just fine. And I think it is like, I think the way that it works, especially with Spectrum, to your point. You know, we said even last week that I think Spectrum and Symbiote was a thing, and it's cool. It was cool to get double pop offs on here and there games. There's just so much cool experimentation with Madam with the weird stuff, right? I'm gonna wait for Aranya, but I talked about moving the brood and then being able to, like, use that brood more often. Like, there's some interesting stuff even past this, and that's the other thing. Aranya's gonna be another co So, like, we start here, we get to see where the bar is for move, and then we get to go up even higher with Aranya.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's no question. And I mean, as you said, time will tell. There's gonna be a lot of brewing with Madame Web.

Cozy Snap:

Let's go ahead and wrap up, guys. There is cards right now that are hot, they're on the rise, and they're obvious. That you need to be putting into your decks because you're at a disadvantage if you don't. Because of where the meta's gone, when you activate would change some things. And Alex and I are going to talk about some hot and rising cards. Let's start with the clear cut, the ones we talk about plenty of the time. They're the tech cards of the game, right? If you have Red Guardian and you don't have this guy slotted in your deck, and I'm going to add in Shadow King. We talk about these two cards a lot. They've got to be there now. Shadow King is too good, and he counters too much, especially with Symbiote now, to not be in your deck, and Red Guardian being the same. These two are phenomenal tech cards that should be taking the place of where that Shang Chi was months ago. I mean, it's that big and that impactful in the current meta.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Red Guardian's legitimately phenomenal. This is a card that, like, I slowly fell in love with while playing, and I think that the change to Madame Webb's power is going to allow you to very easily target her. And even if you don't Play against the Madweb Gamer. Like, it takes out Ravonna, it takes out Jeffs, it takes out tons of things that are coming down early. Morbius it takes out Nebulas. I mean, literally, there are a ton of scaling early cost cards. Thena, right? Like, I could just keep going. That Red Guardian just cleanly takes out of the game. Just cleanly takes out of the game. And I think that's a good thing, because I think that a lot of those scaling early threats are cards that people are relying on.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. So, Red Guardian, Shadow King, Nebula. Rogan Enchantress, obviously, to counter some of the, the stuff there with, with Madam. And then, if you haven't been playing Snap listen, Alex, I'm sure you saw your fair share. I mean, I brought it up. I just want to say, I brought this up on the Snapchat, and I saw you, commoners! I saw ya! I don't think I didn't. I brought up Galactus and Sibbiot. I said, I think this could be something super special, and I got laughed at. I even saw some posts, like, can you believe they brought this up on other medias? Bro, this is nasty.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude it was my favorite deck with Symbiote. Like it was so fun. It was so fun. Almost my entire video was me playing Galactus because I had way too much fun and I won games a hundred percent. And it is so choreographed. You see Symbiote sitting there in a location by himself. You know, G Man's coming like, get out of here. But you know what? Maybe I don't play G Man there. I don't play G Man there. Maybe it's going to be a Dr. Doom and you just threw a bunch of energy there and I just won the other two lanes, right? I really do like Galactus with it. But man, I made a lot of people kneel this week.

Cozy Snap:

My first hour of recording with Symbiote was Galactus, and then I looked back at my channel, and I was like I have two Galactus videos back to back. I can't do a third. Like, because I can't, I would get, I, I have to prevent myself. So I, I didn't do it, but I did play it a lot. The Namor splash on it too, so fun. You got the Symbiote down, you Namor the Symbiote, make it even stronger. Then you play the Galactus, and then all of a sudden you have this huge Galactus to play down. Really good, so obviously Galactus on the rise. Look out for Symbiotes in their own lane, is what Alex and I's key message is into. Also, if you see that, look out for Black Panther. Black Panther did make a comeback, man! He definitely did. I mean, it was a massive increase. Still tele you know, still, you could still telegraph it. But it works with some of these other cards, which is why it's being played universally.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you know how I know that Black Panther is legit doing well right now? That almost all the top performing decks are starting to slide Cosmo in. Like, in terms of cube rate win rate, Cosmo is making a comeback because of that exact reason. Right? Because Black Panther, Zola, Black Panther, pretty much anything is just really good.

Cozy Snap:

They are saving it probably for another card, but with Cosmo falling off so much, I still think you should block activate too. I don't know, I just think that would give him more identity, if you will. But yeah, Cosmo. Definitely could shut down a lot of the greedy stuff that's happening right now, no question about it. Lastly, listen, Klogg, Viper, Debris, Acid Arrow. Acid Arrow with Kate Bishop is an awesome way to simply either counter Sibbiot, get a free, you know, arrow to your side, or you can counter the Galactus play. And then lastly, Atuma brought in Nimrod and Shuri Maximum. I mean, those Nimrod has had an explosion in popularity ever since Atuma. And it feels good.

Alexander Coccia:

Did you guys pick that up? Like literally what an absolute God gamer. He says Nimrod has had an explosion of popularity. It's like, was this whole thing scripted Cozy? That was too perfect. Top,

Cozy Snap:

top to bottom. I just, I'm just writing off a teleprompter here.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, Two brand new cards entered Marvel Snap. We're gonna be starting with Symbiote Spider Man. Symbiote Spider Man came into the scene with its new activate ability, the first activate card. And listen, we were excited for it. We were excited to see what activate was going to do. And now finally, we got our chance to put our hands on activate itself. So what are your thoughts so far on Symbiote Spider Man?

Cozy Snap:

Oh my God, I love it. It's just, it's exactly what I thought it would be, man. Having the agency. To be able to, like, it feels, like, strangely, in the term balance, for an Activate card, right? Like, Activate brings its whole new thing. I am sad that there wasn't a patch lined up with when this season started to give, like, a bunch of Activate cards, you know, just outside of the season pass. That's something I do wish that would have happened. But, as far as him as our first one, what a card to start out with, dude. Being able to save space, being able to do cool combos, and being able to work them in just almost any virtual deck is super special, and There's a lot to break down about him, but I definitely think he's a good card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he's definitely a good card. I don't think he's, like, shattering the meta, but it's also been the only first week, right? So, like, that's the thing that, like, it came very clear to me, that when I was playing Symbiote Spider Man, like, man, we're just scratching the surface here. Because, yeah, there's, like, the Zola plays with Black Panther, and the Doctor Doom plays, the Leader plays, that stuff is cool. I actually really liked that. And I think they're really effective, but there were other moments where I would like combine with other cards like Jeff and I'm like, wait a minute. This is actually pretty useful right now. Like the scope at which this card can like find itself in a number of decks. We're not even close to figuring it out. Like this card can literally merge with every card in the game and its effect is going to be just like it revealed. And some of those reveals are going to be impactful. We just haven't really discovered them yet. We haven't experimented with them yet. I think that the building potential with this deck is so wide. So unbelievably wide.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no, for sure. I mean, I think in my video, I broke them down as there's risk and safe decks in place, right? Like ultimately after playing a ton, I feel like the safer way to play him is with a couple of risk combos in there is great. And that's probably the way I see him like kind of evolving into snap in the future. Again, I talked about it a bit on, on the previous part of the Snapchat, but just him and Doctor Doom, just that combo, is one of my favorite things to pull off in the game now. I think that's just such a solid build, and so what I did is I, again, I built that control deck where it's like, you have the Captain Marvel, you have the Jeff, you have the Nocturne, you have the Storm, whatever. To use with Symbiote Negasonic, but then you just have the clear cut, I'm just gonna play Doctor Doom. Like, why would, why would I not just do that? He, it, he is gonna create a lot more combos, but he's also just a good, safe, curve out play. And we kinda called this, even though we didn't have the activate perfect, cause the trailer wasn't out, we kinda called him really well. We called the interactions that we thought would work well, and they ended up being that. And then we called him being well as just kind of a good merge card within the game, and, and the way that he's gonna work there. Overall, I think the way that you can, you know, counter them with kind of clog and stuff is fine and fair as well. What did we say? Both four stars, what we gave them?

Alexander Coccia:

We had both gone in at the four star range. Yes, we were a Spider Man four. And we said that we could see this eventually being near five. Like we can see, we saw the upward potential we're, we're in a four. And I think that's absolutely correct. It's not like broken the game, but I can see this potentially one day broke, breaking the game. And every single card that gets released in the future. Could be a, well, what happens when we symbiote this? Like, you know, and I had this thought as well. Cozy, tell me if I'm wrong, but does this feel to some degree? Not quite, but does this kind of feel like sometimes it's just better Wong?

Cozy Snap:

Yes. And, or just better Odin even at times, right? Like where you don't have to do the full commit, like for me, like I was trying to replace Ajax cause like, you know, no more Ajax great cards. But like, not everyone has them. And so I was like, you know what? What happens if I just put Spider Woman in the deck and I have Symbiote? It's like, that just destroys the lane altogether. And like, the way that is the lowest cost thing works, like, you do have to be kind of very, like, have a lot of foresight in the things that you're doing. But oftentimes, like, the, I'd rather other pieces or safer options than going with the Odin route or whatever that might be at the time. Odin's a good complement too, so it's kind of a you know, This is an alternate route that you can take there. But yeah, I agree, man. And it is working in all these on reveal decks that we thought it would. Like, Surfer has been very successful with it, too. I think I gave it the number two on the season. Or Aranya, one of those two. I did him or Aranya. And I think I'm gonna stay there. I think this card is here to stay.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it definitely is here to stay. And I don't think it's like overbearing. I think they did a good job balancing it. The thing that concerns me is I just, I just don't think we're there yet. Like, I don't think the most optimal deck for Spider Man or Symbiote Spider Man has been discovered yet. I don't think we're close to it yet. I think that's some of the more obvious synergistic stuff with like the Black Panther, which I'm so glad we called by the way. It's definitely back, right? It definitely made a major comeback. I just think we're going to find ways to surprise ourselves with this card. And from a statistic standpoint, it's a running a positive Q rate of 0. 35 on almost 53 percent win rate. It's 52. 5 and we have a 19 percent popularity. So people were definitely excited for the card. They're definitely playing the card. The statistics, while still, again, we do have some bot based stuff still like this is 80 plus. You know, through infinite. So we do have some bot inflation as it's the first week, but I mean, it is performing fair, it's performing good and that doesn't surprise me. And while we're still experimenting with a lot of unrefined decks, once we get to these really refined lists, I can see it outperforming. Currently one of the top performing decks is a Odin based deck that uses White Tiger, which is another great symbiote Spider Man target, right? Black Panther, Zola, and Odin as finishers. It even has Galactus in it, which is kind of wild. So like literally it's Symbiote Spider Man plus an entire gamut of how do you win the game? Do you want a Galactus? Do you want a White Tiger Odin? Do you want a Black Panther Zola? That has been one of my favorite places to play it because it's like, you can do anything. And that's where this card excels.

Cozy Snap:

It reminds me of like Iron Lad. When Iron Lad was played, you know, with the Blue Marvels of the world or in the Living Tribunal decks, because you have like an alternate that you can have here. It feels like. That, in that deck. Does that make sense? Like, you now have this card that you can chain things off of, without having to get the perfect pull, the perfect cards. You're able to get some things cooking without it. And so, that's I think that's been its role, is that Iron Lad esque role for Honor of Eel.

Alexander Coccia:

And I find that the activate ability first of all, I think that it should be easier to activate and turn it on and off if I, there was one turn where I thought I activated it cause I just held it down like, well, like the turn was expiring and it didn't like click in and it just like, he just sat there and didn't revert reprocess like, Oh, come on, man. I mean, that's true skill issue, a hundred percent skill issue, but also I was like, come on, I should have been a little easier there. But I do like the versatility of the card for sure. And it's also seen some experimentation in Phoenix force. I played a ton of Phoenix force with it. I'll be honest with you. I kind of preferred the old Phoenix force and I'm not sure if that's just because like you almost get used to a certain pattern of play. It's really good with Nimrod. It's basically like a backup Shuri to some degree. But with the Phoenix force itself, it felt a little awkward at times. Nimrod, obviously a huge winner. That card just, just loves Symbiote Spider Man. And it's also seeing play with like the likes of, like Annihilus, Sentry. You can literally Sentry on top of the symbiote Spider Man, send two Voids over, and then just ship him with Annihilus on turn six. Like, what do they even do if they've not played into that location?

Cozy Snap:

That lane's done. What would you say is your one favourite card to play in Merge With Him?

Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, so far, it's definitely been Black Panther. I think it might just be because like, I've never played Black Panther. Someone made a comment on my video and be like, yo, Alex is actually running the OG variant, right? I do have other variants, but I've never, because I never play the card. I haven't even bothered to change this variant yet. Like I didn't even custom card them or anything. It's so ridiculous. I have to sit down, like go through all my cards and custom card them properly. But for me, it's definitely Black Panther. And it's because like, it's just. It's like the new toy. Like, okay, I do this with my kids all the time. Right. So we, we have like a, in our basement, we have some of the toys that they don't use and we like, we'll ship them upstairs. Like we'll rotate their toys and they'll come down. They're like, wow. And they'll get all excited. Cause like, they forgot about this little ice cream truck that they bought, like I got for Christmas or whatever. So we rotate them. Cause it's exciting. I haven't played black Panther in so long. It's exciting to be able to play them again. How about you?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it just showed me too. Like Koya, Nakia, can we get these cards to be actual cards? They're so bad. Like you don't even play them in these decks. And I was like if they were gonna have their chance to shine, I thought it was gonna be with with Black Panther. For me, it doesn't even come close. I think right now, and she, she, the card's coming soon, okay? Far or none, I think the best combo in the game is Nomura with with Symbiote. Just playing one card, just playing a Jeff and a Nocturne, and then you play the Symbiote, and then you play Nomura, and you activate it twice, immediately adding plus 10 to both those cards. It's over. It's so over. You have two movable cars that can do that, plus Nightcrawler. This is single handedly how I went to infinite without even trying.

Alexander Coccia:

Bro, I had a deck where I was going Colossus Cosmo into Symbiote Spider Man Nomura. Like, I literally tried that, and it worked. It actually worked and like, I couldn't figure out the rest of the cards. This was like a really like deep cook I made and I was kind of tired at the time and I was like, I need more time here, but like, it was actually good. You can't do anything about Colossus. You can't do anything about Cosmo and Nomura is just doing its thing. Right. And I don't know, man, like, honestly, Nomura has aged very well and you're right, it is coming in the spotlight caches, this might be the last time you see her for a while. So you probably, actually these spotlight caches have been really good generally, but yeah, so overall Cozy I think you're good with a four star. 4, 4.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And the next card that's coming out is Silver Sable. Silver Sable has come out and this was my five star card of the month. And listen, I got some flack for it, but Cozy, can I just take a second here? Just to, I'm going to just do a little flex here, here and there. Just so you know, Silver Sable right now is running a 56 percent win rate. And it's feeding on bots a little bit. A 45 cube rate and a 15 percent meta popularity. So, 5 less popular than Symbiote Spider Man, but a significantly higher win rate and a significantly higher cube rate. Cozy, so far, maybe, I've prophesized correctly. Why are you shaking your head, Cozy? This card is good, man. It is good. 5 star card

Cozy Snap:

of the month. No way, dude. No, hey, listen. I can give a rib about stats. You still think this is the 5 star of the month? You still think this is it?

Alexander Coccia:

Like, this is it total? Like, I still think Scarlet Spider might actually be, like, truly a game breaker but, like, for what it's doing in bounce, for what it's doing in zoo, dude, this card is good. It's really good.

Cozy Snap:

It is good. I, I will say it's good, but it's exactly what I thought. So, I gave it a 4, right? And I said that it's just a, it's a 1 cost that doesn't have enough impact on the game. Like, the bounce decks, like, it is filthy in bounce, it is filthy in the afflict deck, like, no question. It's a 1 3 that could be a 1 5, right? And then you bounce, you Falcon it back, it gets to, like, 1 7, you could have some location stuff. I just, I don't, I don't see, it's a force, for me it's a force, it's a great, it's one of the best one cost cards you just don't need. Like, you don't need her. She doesn't complete, she doesn't steer the ship. Now, I will say, I will say, like, we knew she'd be, like, we knew she'd be good, I just, did you recommend people open her, like, for sure, on the, on the spotlights?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, that's hard to say. I think the spotlight week as a whole is just a banger.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

a great week.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I'm like that. Like

Alexander Coccia:

that was one of those things where like, yeah, how do I, do you roll for Silver Sable? Yes. Cause everything else is great too. Like, you know what I mean? Like you can't lose unless you just get the tokens when you're like, right. But that's a whole other conversation. What I will say, though, is it's very niche. Simulus Spider Man, I felt like I could put it anywhere. I could've put it in any deck. And we were just talking about Simulus Spider Man, like we're not even close to figuring it out. Silver Sable's figured it out. You know what I mean? It's a totally different thing. It's extremely niche if you don't play Bounce. And to some degree, if you don't play Zoo, but it's replaceable in Zoo for sure. But in Bounce, I feel like it's going to be non replaceable.

Cozy Snap:

She ended up working My favorite in just what I thought is like a curve play. Like, on turn three, like, you know they're gonna want to use whatever card that is. They're hoping they got some, you know, combo luck, and like, all of a sudden, even more, it just gets slapped. Like, truly, Silver Sable plus the Falcon Plate, even just that, is a lot happening against you. Like, it can really hurt. And then the deck I did, I think I named the thing, like, make opponent cards garbage. You've got like, Scorpion, Cassandra Nova, Silver Sable, Symbiote to even merge and do It's like, dude, you're destroying what's in their hand and in their deck at this point. And like, we needed something like that, or that deck needed something like this you know, to make it work. C3, as we called out last week too, did get a major bump up with this card. It did work out pretty well in there. She's phenomenal. I want to see, I just don't know, I don't see her aging better than Symbiote in the future, but I think she's a good card, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

I can feel that too. Because Symbiote's gonna age really well because the design landscape's so wide. And as I said, we've said it five times now, like, we don't have the ideal deck yet. And I feel like Silver Sable, we're pretty close to having the ideal deck. Like, we don't have a design challenge around Silver Sable the way we have a design challenge around the Symbiote Spider Man. And so I do see that ceiling potential. But I do think that Silver Sable has hit the lines that I expected. And I actually was testing a very similar deck that you described. I was doing like a high EVO deck with Silver Sable. Scorpion. I even swapped Scorpion for Grandmaster to see if that was a little cool. And yeah, it's similar to the turn your, by the way, one of my favorite titles you've ever written, the turn your head to garbage stuff. That's so funny. And that deck was slapping too. Like they're just, they're great lists. Right. And I love how Serval Stable has that, like. That double sided sword to it, stealing power one turning into one three, but also doing the the negative power on their side as well. Overall though, really liked the card. It's being played in a number of different decks. We're seeing it being played in high Evo, which is splashing in an Ajax. We're seeing it being played with like an actual junk based deck where you have like Doc Ock, Viper. That deck will also feature White Widow and Beast, so you have, like, these, like, you know, clog and bounce type mechanics as well. Overall, dude, it's, it's just been a very, very strong card, and it's niche, yeah, but I think it's gonna crush.

Cozy Snap:

So when the future looks bright, too, in the regard of Toxin coming out, having yet another way to get her back into your hand and to abuse this again It's gonna be wild. I, I truly think we're gonna have in like November or October this like bounce, move, head to head, top tier competitive kind of stuff going on. With Silver Sable being planted firmly in that. So, again, great card. I think, what did I say on her? I said that she is an incredible card that is just unfortunate that this month has a lot of shining stars around it. Like, it's just a tough, it's a tough month. They knew what they were doing by putting her with the best spotlights, too. Because, dude, you pulled nothing wrong in that. I think US Agent might be one of my favorite cards in the game. I kid you not. I think he's so People don't know how to play around that card. They just don't. And he answers and holds down a lane so well that it's like between that and Mockingbird And then you get Sable, this great card. Overall, my advice, you guys have one day, was like, if you play Bounce to any degree, like, you've been in and out of Bounce, you've tested, you will forever regret not getting Silver Sable. Period. End of discussion. Outside of that, I think there are other cards that can fill her role in the decks that she plays. But bounce, this is a mainstay moving forward.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I absolutely agree. Especially with this month being what it is with a lot of potentially extreme high impact cards. You know, you, you could definitely consider saving your keys if you're not a balanced player, for sure. Again. It's, it's kind of interesting to think about how, like, at a 1 3 stat line, plus the 2 damage on the other side, typically it's 1 5, but 1 3 guaranteed. It's still, like, what do you do with a 1 cost? You know what I mean? Like, how, how good can you make a 1 cost? I feel like this is about as good as you can make a 1 cost without it screwing up the game.

Cozy Snap:

And which is why I held back my rating of the 5 star, because no matter how good she was, the only reason Nico, and the reason why Nico's the best card, like, just such a stupid good card, is because what these do To the later turns, right? Like that, the ability to change the location, the ability to move, the ability to draw, obviously is still there. It's still crazy. The demon, all of this is so nutty that I, that is the bar that I don't think you can get back to. It's just so strong.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I absolutely agree. So overall, I mean, we had two very strong releases in Symbiote, Spider Man and Silver Sable. For you, you're going to be ranking Symbiote over Silver Sable.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I still have her as a guy. A four cost card, maybe a three and a half, but four cost, three and a half because of the flexibility, diversity, and competitive though, I have it in a four. Because balance, dude, play that list, go crazy, have fun. It's so strong at the moment, if not one of the best lists in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, I do agree I just think that like I wouldn't be surprised if Silver Sable, Coming out of this month is just going to be like a very strong staple card. That's really like this card probably ain't getting nerfed. And also this card absolutely slaps. Right. So listen, a lot to be excited about this month. This is one of the most cracked months we've ever had. And to be talking even. Do you even be questioning that if Silver Sable's the best card of the month just tells you how, you know, potentially fortunate we are as gamers this month?

Cozy Snap:

It reminds me of Nebula. So Nebula, if you guys remember, we rewinded back. Nebula came out with Iron Lad correct? Was it that season she came out with in High Evo? She was the season pass card. Yeah, so I think, dude, I'm 90 percent sure it was her. I think it was her, Iron Lad, Howard, but her, Iron Lad, Howard, Living Tribunal, and High Evo.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Oh, I think you're right. It's approximately right. You have this gift for remembering. I was going to say, you're going to know the date.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it, I think it was, and like, Like you can't say she was the best, but she is so good, right? It's just the one costs have their, you know, where they can get to. And, and Sable is definitely a good one at that great, great, you know, third, second place prize. If you're trying to go for, you know, Mockingbird or whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. You definitely need Mockingbird a hundred percent and US Agent, as we've said, is probably an underappreciated card, given that it's been buffed pretty significantly. I love it. And but, but yeah, man, I, these are two banger cards and you know, also bangers. Are these combos we're going to be talking about next, Cozy? We've got a bunch of combos. We're talking about Marvel Snap's most busted combos. We're going through the gamut of a bunch of different combos, combos that are meta centric right now. And perhaps some combos that maybe have been forgotten about. Cozy, I'm going to start us off here because there's, I know you're probably thinking at home right now, you're thinking, Alex, you're probably going to mention a whole bunch of, you know, series five busted combos that nobody has the cards for, blah, blah, blah. No. No, we're starting this conversation with an oldie. But a goodie in that combination, my friend, is Iron Man and Mystique. And if you want to splash in a little Ravonna in there, you can do that too. But Iron Man, Mystique, with Ravonna, because I mean, you can, with Ravonna, you can literally play them on turn six together. What an incredible combo. No Series 5 cards, just nothing. What a variant! My gosh, Cozy! I was like,

Cozy Snap:

dude, I was so pumped to know that this wasn't an Ultimate variant, like, this is such a, this is, we're talking about the Nullified Iron Man. I won't ever play, there's so many good Iron Man variants, but this one, I was like, I have to get this.

Alexander Coccia:

This is great. I do prefer your ultimate though. I do prefer your ultimate, but I do accept this one.

Cozy Snap:

They're all pretty good. They're all pretty good.

Alexander Coccia:

This one's more intense. It's more in your face. Like it literally derailed the conversation on the Snapchat. That's how like in your face it is. Right. But yeah, Iron Man mystique. I think this is a combination. That's honestly, it's incredible. You're adding double power in two locations. You can do it on turn six from Nirvana. If you're doing that Mr. Negative, they're inverted in their power. There's no card in Marvel Snap stronger power wise than an inverted Iron Man from Mr. Negative. It's just an insane combo.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and to keep it simple, I mean, I'll just kind of go off this with another kind of simple combo that's in the same department of, like, just powerful. People complain about Sandman a ton. Shuri eats Sandman's lunch. Complete lunch. Absolutely. And the tried and true combo, like, yes, Taskmaster, you know, him going to six has complicated things a bit. Just playing a card into Shuri and slapping with the Taskmaster, if we're just talking easy, basic, old, reliable, like, guys, just don't forget it. It's still as good as it has ever been.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question that Shuri, Red Skull, Taskmaster style plays. They're kind of underappreciated. I think that that deck has definitely been hurt by the fact that Taskmaster is a 6 cost, because part of the allure was sneaking in that Ebony Maw, right, on turn 6 after you'd played Sauron. Which is so unfortunate, like that deck is already kind of dead to some degree. Or the She Hulk,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, She Hulk as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, the She Hulk too, right, but the She Hulk was awesome because you could dodge Shongers, right? Because they would be like, oh, oh, oh! And then they swing and a miss and you drop the the She Hulk into the Taskmaster, which can't be done anymore. It's so sad because that changed the Taskmaster for this particular deck at least.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and so, and I want to roll off that one too. One combo I've been playing a lot again that I, people just like, it kind of like makes its way out and I know you love this, Dude, tried and true. I'll throw in a third card in here, even though you don't need it. Playing down a Psylocke on four, and then skipping all of turn five, and having a She Hulk Infinite to slam on six, or just playing it with magic, is one of the most tried and true. Sunspot She Hulk Infinite, guys, I still think is, is such a freaking good combo in the game. Red Hulk has gone down a tad in his overall popularity, too. One of the most tried and true that are unlocked, like what, Pool 2, man? That is still, you know pretty rock solid.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's one of those things, I had this thought about, like, Sheenod and Infinod, it's like, I don't know if we, it must be Power Creep to some extent, that's kind of pushed those combination plays out of the game a bit. Because, like, even at a 20 power, Infinod, like, the price is somewhat too high to pay. But if you can get really fancy with what you just described, right? The Psylocke playing to the skip into the slam. Those are like snap conditions. Like you snap those, your opponent's like, what's even happening here? And then like, boom, boom, boom. And they just like, great. Like, I guess I'm retreating. And so I, I like that. Those, those are like high equity Q plays, which you don't often see elsewhere. Another combination I want to talk about here, and we're going fast because there's really just so many of them. And this is one that I think is really making a big comeback. It did require a buff, but Sandman and Ultron, okay. Especially when you consider Patriot coming down on three. Now we're starting to see decks where we're playing Patriot on three, Sandman on five, and then you play your Ultron. Like this is an incredible amount of power output. I'm kind of worried that Ultron is going to get brought back down. The drones. Are going to become 1 1's or Ultron gets moved to a 6 6. I can see that happening to be honest with you. Instead of him being a 6 8 turned into a 6 6. And I would be sad because I feel like Ultron's in a cool spot. I don't feel like Ultron's the problem. And I feel like he's doing what he's supposed to do. I wonder about Sandman sometimes. But that combination is legit insane right now. And it's still putting up incredible cube cube equity.

Cozy Snap:

Just in case you are new or just always forget. Just a couple, like, fired off combos. Obviously, we have the Korg Rock Slide Darkhawk. Staple Core Shell. Throw in Black Widow in there. You know, you could throw in, obviously, White Widow, too, doing her thing. But on top of that, you've got the, the Hood, the Sentry, the Annihilus play. Classic three part combo, too. These three part combos, or these kind of, like, packages, is kind of the new era of combos, if you will. You know, the Kitty Pryde, the the Hope Summers. You could go with that with Athena, too. So, like, you've got these little mini packages outside that aren't combos, but are, that are kind of Packages that work into combos, if you will.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I think that like the package design of Marvel Snap is an important consideration. I often get asked you know, Hey Alex, like, you guys brew a lot of decks. How do you do that? I always talk about backwards design. I always start with my wind condition and then build the wind condition from the ground up. And I'm often incorporating different packages and seeing how different packages of cards can go together. And you're absolutely right. Like that is a core consideration and sometimes buffs and changes can change what those packages look like. For instance, the change to Moon Knight modified what a stature black bowl package looks like. And that's cool. You like to see that, right? You like to see that modification happening. So yeah, there's a lot of combo centric packages out there that are, they're awesome. And one that I want to also bring up is one of the highest statted packages in the game. In terms of pure point slamming, very few decks can compete with Ironman, Onslaught, and Tribunal. These are cards that, like, when played in tandem with each other, just truly put up an incredible amount of wide power. If you don't have Rogue, if you don't have Enchantress, if you don't have a means to really deal with that, and it's unlikely you can go vertical enough, because you're often going over 30 power here. You're, you're probably just done. Like, this is one of the best point slam decks in the game and has been for a while. I

Cozy Snap:

mean, Iron, er, Ongoing has just always had this benefit of being low power with high crazy potential that if they don't have the answer to it, it's over. Like, Super Skrull, Enchantress Rogue, they're not ran like crazy, and so you're able to just get away. And they can do nothing. There are times when you see a tribunal starting to form, and there is not an answer. It doesn't matter if you even got your perfect draw, right? Like, there's just, there's nothing you can do outside of maybe a couple of cheeky, you know, combos. The one that I'm gonna mention next, but that is one of the most rock solid ones out there.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, it absolutely is. And it's crazy because like, you don't see it all that often. Like, it comes, it comes like, it ebbs and flows a little bit, but realistically, it is incredibly consistent, right? Gone are the days where you're even running something like a Crystal in a Tribunal deck, right? You don't need the Hela side, like, you don't need the Hela package anymore because Hela's been nerfed to some degree and You just get so much power, so consistently, so purely planned. It's truly awesome, and obviously it reaches across all locations. It doesn't care about negative zone, it doesn't care about, you know Death's Domain and Sanctorum and whatever, so it definitely has a reach. What was the package that you were interested in talking about next?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so, I mean, it's just, it's lasted for a while now, and it's always kind of been that combo deck. If you guys just want like a cheap, good deck that is, you can't beat it if you don't have the answer, Just be running the the the Hazmat Surfer deck. I mean, that, that thing puts down so many decks in the game. Whether it be Zoo, whether it be really, it doesn't really matter. If you can get that combo off of having Long Down in the way that it works with Magic, and it also synergizing with Magic, because you have the Surfer to boost up that just one lane, then you play down a Hazmat, maybe Loot Cages and another one, and then you finish with the Odin. It's over, I mean, there's, there, it just completely, I, I don't know about you, I've been playing for how long, and I will still be like, I think I can beat this. I'm gonna stay in, I think I can, and then I just like, lose by negative 15, and I'm like, oh yeah, I have no chance there, right, like, Talk about a free combo that you do have to have, you know, the right pulls at times, but with Magic, Kind of curving along nicely in that deck. It's just, it's a, it's a, it's a staple.

Alexander Coccia:

I think that Hazmat is finding itself in a number of combos. I do like that deck and you're right. That deck has like a, it's very boom and bust. It's like you either completely smash or you don't draw well. And you're like, what do I even do now? Right? Like that kind of happens. So knowing your retreat lines, I think is really important for that particular deck, but like. Just adding on to Hazmat, if you play Sera on turn 5, turn 6, you can play both Hazmat and Ajax together. If you have Magic on board, you can play Ajax and Hazmat together turn 7. And that in and of itself is very good. And while Ajax has its challenges, as a pure stat stick, Oh, he's great. As a pure stat stick, it goes really wi it goes really high, sorry. Really, really high. In fact, I often consider Hazmat Ajax as a very similar but less expensive combo to like another combo like Blue Marvel Gilgamesh. They're like inverted in a way, right? They're, they're doing the same thing, but they're inverted. And the Hazmat's cheaper. It's obviously destructive, but those two combos are pretty fascinating.

Cozy Snap:

When I was playing the most recent one, I released with Sable. The easiest thing to learn most of the time is just be slower with your card play, and when they have more cards out there than you, you're good to go. Like. Once you are able to look at that, and you're like, okay, Ajax is going to win that lane, and then you do the math, and you're like, you're kind of close. They have more cards than you, though. You're like, alright, I just play the Hazmat, and the turn flip is going to be so massive at that point. And so it's, it's a huge bomb that catches people by surprise still, because a lot of people don't have Ajax. But yeah, that combined with the Viper change, I mean, we've seen that just kind of take over by Storm, Viper, and Hood being, you know, that, that clear, clear classic now, and. I don't think that's talked about enough. We were crazy about Annihilus, but the fact that you have a 3 5 now Pushing a negative three. So now you've got a, a kind of a four eight swing, but then you can add another one you have like at this point of five 14, right? Which is stat wise. Great. Spread across two cards, three in total. But I mean, that's such a good play.

Alexander Coccia:

It is. And actually that's another combination that's probably been forgotten about. And that's like the. Annihilus, the Sentry, and to some degree, I think the Circe package as well. Because now you have so many different options and you're right. The buff to Viper has almost made it feel like the Annihilus package hasn't necessarily been as necessary because you have this card with such a powerful targeted ability that you can just splash in. Like you could just, Hey, I can kick back their White Widow thing. I can play hood, kick that over, whatever. But. Circe does provide a lot of synergy with that deck as well, and you don't have to rely on the Annihilus. You can take that Void and flip it, because remember, even though that the Sentry and the Void got nerfed to 8 power each, or negative 8 in the case of the Void, Circe only cares about being a 4 cost, turning into a 5, and most 5s tend to be good hits. Another package that, honestly, we're not seeing lots of play of right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure, and speaking of another one, like, sometimes cards come out, we get crazy for them, we play nothing but that, that's the only meta, they don't even change, nothing changes, but we just stop playing the card. Hey guys, spoiler alert, I was playing Symbiote of Time with Jubilee, and Jubilee and Blink, this is still such a good freaking deck that I don't know why it's not being played out there, I was having crazy fun with it, maybe it comes back more this week with Lockjaw in the mix of Madam Web, Blink, Jubilee.

Alexander Coccia:

Simple stuff. I'm so excited that you bring it up, because I literally have Electro Blink on my list too. This is great. Yeah, Blink is fantastic. It is literally one of the most forgotten cards in the game. And I've been trying to like cook something up new with it. And you're right. Like it just flips power. It has like that somewhat targeted ability of making sure that it's more higher costed. It's kind of just falling off because we listen, we're spoiled as snap players. We get a lot of new toys very frequently to play with, and it's so easy to forget about awesome toys from a prior season. As is the case for Blink. We're going to close up with a couple other ones. First of all, we'd be remissed. We need to, we need to use that word at least once a pod there. We'd be remissed to not talk about Shuri, Nimrod, and Destroyer making a major comeback here. Because with the changes that we've seen across the meta, especially with Symbiote, Shuri, Nimrod, Destroyer is legitimate. I will say that Destroyer change has felt awkward for me at times. I still somewhat. Prefer it to destroy everything. Although I think this is a net buff as a whole the decks that it's playing in would probably like the two additional power in the destroy across the board, to be honest with you. And similar to that, it's worth noting that with alongside Shuri and Nimrod is going to be Phoenix Force. One of the absolute biggest combo decks in the, in the game. So a lot of comboing happening there, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure, man. I mean, we've touched up a lot of the good ones. You have the, the, the ones that, you know, are coming like the Jane Foster, Thor and, and Beta Ray Bill. I will say, though, I, I stand by it, I talked about it earlier, I truly think the most flexible combo in the game now is just playing Dr. Doom with Symbiote. I just, like, this is just such an insane way to end the game, that if you have this lined up, the amount of times I'd snap into the season, if I had Symbiote in hand and I had Dr. Doom, I'm like, okay, I'll just play to this, and I know what I'm doing, and immediately I'm spreading, I'm having an, an instant, you know, 20 plus power play, and it's, I just think it's, it's so easy to pull off, too, it's crazy.

Alexander Coccia:

It made me wonder, is there a reason to ever do Electro Doom Odin anymore, or is it just easier and more reliable to place Symbiote into you know, Doom on 6?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, it's just losing, that's, I think again, what did we say about Symbiote is that he kind of works as that alternate. So like, yes and no, right? You know, I actually didn't talk about this, but Madame Web, I do actually think Madame Web with like Ramp is gonna be, Something interesting, because you could play her on Curve, and then it's like with Ramp, like, those that's the ultimate Arnim Zola, because the boost Arnim Zola's gonna get. Like, we could mention a million combos with Arnim Zola. It's like the classic, you know, it does its thing really well. So possibly, right? Because you're able to predict it a lot better, and the space isn't as awkward. So we'll have to see, I mean, listen, there's combos we're not mentioning, like Spectra, like, there's stuff that you can pull off, but these are kind of the most, like, tried and true, if you will, and it's cool that we're getting more and more stuff to mess around with.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm gonna close up the conversation with one of the most straightforward combos, that, like, when we talk about combos, they don't have to be these miraculous, game ending, OTK, like, seven card combos. Sometimes it's just two. That really make a deck shine and Brood Absorbing Man, right? Like how many fantastic decks revolve around Brood Absorbing Man? Sometimes you just need two. And when new cards are coming out, I'm often thinking about like, honestly, like we just need two cards to work really well together. To have an impact, and I do think that Brood Absorbment does exactly that. Cozy, we're off to our Snapchat mailbag, one of our favorite segments we do, and today we're getting started with The Jovenshire, which stated, Cozy was thinking about the classic cartoon, The Pagemaster. It continues to fly under the radar, and it starred not only Macaulay Culkin, but Christopher Lloyd.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, that, I went to your comments and I saw that on there, and I was like, The Pagema... And I have no idea how that holds up. When I was a kid, I had a lot of asthma attacks and I was in and out of the hospital a lot. And the hospitals that I would go into, they would have, like, a list of movies you could pick. And for whatever reason, man, I'd even have to think of, they'd bring in the list, I'm like, PageMaster, bring it in. Like, I was straight, and who knows how I, but at the time, too, I think it doesn't hold up because, at the time, like, what it was doing with, like, bringing in this animation with real life stuff, I mean, it's just so cool how they did Oh, man, I loved it. I can remember so much of the stories of, you know, Jekyll and Hyde and all that. Anyway, thank you for calling out that movie. I love how much movie talk we have on here, but thank you for calling out that movie. Dude, I'm gonna derail us for a second here. Have you seen Fallout, the series, Fallout?

Alexander Coccia:

I watched a few episodes with my wife and she wasn't vibing with it, but I'd like to continue. We're like midway through. It's

Cozy Snap:

fantastic. Yeah, my wife couldn't handle it. I mean, it's like, it's a fallout for a reason. It's very graphic. Incredible. Just finished it. I haven't binged a series in a very long time. On a week that I was putting two channels together, I still found a way to almost binge the entire season. If you haven't seen it, go check it out, especially if you've played the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I've loved the games. I've played a ton of the games. I actually paid a retail price for Fallout 76. F in the chat for that, by the way. At least this guy, yeah, listen, retail, retail launch. I was like, yo, let's get into this. I'm like, bro, this is, this is so sad. But anyway, now it's basically just being given away at this point, which is, which is another conversation. But yeah, no, I'm a huge Fallout fan. I still fondly remember playing, like the original Fallout. Fallout 2 was one of my absolute favourites. I still remember, like, the trial, like, of the original games. And here's a major, major kind of deep cut for gamers out there. I loved Fallout so much. One of my favourite games when I was younger was a game called Arcanum. Which had a very similar design design to Fallout. It was like this like magical, like kind of like steampunk type of game. And yeah, I, I love that. I loved all the original OG Fallout. Man, you're gonna make me install that. I wasn't that huge on Fallout tactics, but that whole series was awesome. And I still believe the classic games. Specially Fallout 2, they really do hold up well, like they're actually still fun to play. The next question comes from Alex Mayers and it reads, As a casual player that loves collecting variants, I find the variant shop very frustrating. Everything is now 1200 gold or even 2400 gold now in the case of spotlight variants. With gold being a valuable resource for the more casual players like me, do you think they should lower the gold prices on variants? How would you suggest changing the variant shop?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I hope they lower it, that'd be great, man. I I think I think with variants, guys, unless it's something that you're collecting or whatever, man, like, if you already got a good storm variant, just, like, just fight the, fight, fight against it, right? Try not to get it. You don't need it. You know, I, I, that, I think I'm saying that more and more, like, I don't need it. Have you seen the Spongebob where he's like on the tail? Like, I don't need it. I definitely don't need it for the water. Like, that's the same. It, like, you don't always Now, every now and then, like, I just showed the Hulk one. Like, okay, I saw this one. I'm like, I'll be I'll be Well, I don't have it on screen, but the Hulk in the box, like, I have to get that one. But most of the time, like, I'm like, do I actually need this? Am I gonna play it? For me, if it doesn't take over my favorite section, like, if it's not now my favorite section, Card that I'm showing that I don't get it. Right. I'll look at what I have first or whatever. But yeah, I mean, I, I definitely wish they would bring them down or if they didn't, that we would see the, you know, money go down in other places.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, for sure. And the one thing that kind of gives me some solace is the idea that like, you really don't need them, right? They're actually a very well designed component of this game. We're like, you want them so bad because they're so cool and you love the art and the art's iconic, but it really has no impact on the gameplay. Right. You know what I mean? You're not disadvantaged because you, you know, I'm playing without a Black Panther variant, right? And I do have them, but because I'm not using it, it's not like my Black Panther is weak or negative one F you, you know what I mean? Like that's, that's not what's happening here. So the, the fact that you like, you crave them so much, despite the fact that they're really completely not like a factor in progression in any way, shape, or form goes to show just how cool the design is and just how cool the landscape for them is. In low key, I think that the borders. Have added a little bit of an allure for variants because some variants look absolutely fire with the borders. Like the, the Archer Dazzler looks so good with like the glowing purple or the cosmic purple. Like some of these cards are made for these borders too. So it's quite interesting to see, you know, people kind of getting excited about variants again. Our next one comes from Gabriel and it reads, new ability idea for Scarlet Witch using activate. So on activate change location and you can activate each turn after it's played.

Cozy Snap:

Whoa. Well, you can only activate once, right? Isn't that the thing? Isn't that what they That's

Alexander Coccia:

the thing, but they're suggesting that you can just keep changing the thing. Or maybe you activate it in every turn, she's gonna change the location every single time.

Cozy Snap:

Yo, that's chaos. I'd be afraid of my own Scarlet Witch. I'd be like, Yeah, great, cloning vats, wait, no! Or maybe, Maybe she always changes it and then you activate for her to stop.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Yeah, maybe. Oh, that's a good idea. You play her. She changes it the next turn. She plays it again. But if you activate, she just chills.

Cozy Snap:

That's kind of cool. Especially if you add it like take her down to a one cost too, even in that way, like you could play her down and just like go at it and then you're like, Ooh, Cloning Pass, does this help me, or does that help them more? Or like, Bar with No Name, you're like, stop! Done. That's an idea. I'm gonna pitch that to Colleen. What if she's

Alexander Coccia:

like a 1 1, that every time she changes the location, she gets plus 1? Plus 1,

Cozy Snap:

and then you can stop it too, and if you stop the location, you get that advantage, but it stops your power. Colleen?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

I hope you're listening!

Alexander Coccia:

That sounds like a really bad design. But also, kinda cool. Probably garbage. Cause why would you ever stop it if it's getting plus 1?

Cozy Snap:

Because if it's significant difference from your deck.

Alexander Coccia:

True. Okay, I see you got the location you want, you just cut the loss. Yep. And our last question of the day comes from Alex Coccia and it reads, have you subscribed to Cozy's new channel?

Cozy Snap:

My guy. My guy. I appreciate the double call out, man. I do. I appreciate you all, man. I. Yeah, I think you said it on your stream. It's a scary venture, but it's a lot of fun, and it's so easy to do, and it's just like a passion project, and you're not caught up with it. A lot of reasons people make second channels is because, like, they want to make more videos, but they're like, oh, I don't want to, like, piss off my audience, or whatever it is, right? And so, like, and I just uploaded this. I'm like, I like it. I hope it's okay. You know, and I like it too, dude. Appreciate it, man. And hopefully, you know the goal is for it to go past snap and continue to go down the Marvel pipeline.

Alexander Coccia:

And if you're not subscribed to a cozy TV, I've got great news. It's in the description you will find the link. Definitely hit that sub button, ring the bell while you're there, support our boy.

Cozy Snap:

That's going to do it for today, guys. And thank you for checking out the Snapchat. You guys have a good one, have a great one. Till the next one. Happy snapping.

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