The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New Amazing Spider-Season | August Cards In Review | Competitive Snap Discussion | The Snap Chat Ep. 96

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 44

Will this new season be the best one this year? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in August? What special guest will Cozy be chatting with about the recent OTA? Join Cozy Snap, Alexander Coccia, and guest as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? I want to welcome you to probably the biggest and definitely the longest Snapchat to date as we have a new mechanic in Activate coming to Marvel Snap alongside Symbiote Spider Man in the brand new season of Marvel Snap. There's so much to break down in synergy combos and what it means for the game to really ignite the meta all over again. On top of having a special guest for the OTA, there's a lot to look forward to and we're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. My god, as I've alluded in the intro, it's a mega season. Brand new mechanics, brand new cards, a lot that could change the way that we play Snap without the gameplay changing. How does that make you feel? How you doing?

Alexander Coccia:

It makes me excited to play snap, man. It's like, there's been a lot of really interesting changes going on. Like a lot is changing in snap. There's so much happening right now with activate the brand new season and everything. It's a great time to be a snap player. We are so just looking forward to these types of massive changes that completely upend the meta, completely upend the way we play Snap, and it's finally here. It's coming with this season.

Cozy Snap:

I think we have multiple cards, not only just Activate, but we have cards, too, that just surround mind games and or, like, what is going to happen and when is it going to happen. Right now, Snap is pretty linear, right? In the way of, like, okay, it's turn four, turn five, they ramped out, they can do something extra, but there's not a lot of There's not a crazy amount outside of a couple vision plays and locations. Where you don't know what's going to happen, and Activate gives, from what we can tell, the power, kind of to the player, in some sense, right, of when to do these new abilities, and then also we have things that we're going to talk about, like Madame Web, that's going to allow us to move and create chaos that way, so, definitely exciting season. Do you think Activate is going to change the competitive scene massively?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, it's hard to tell right now. Obviously, we're waiting for it to come out, right? It's entirely possible that it's going to change the way we view the way, these cards are played, the way turn orders work, the way, you just interact with the board, which I think is super important. And we see that with the season pass card, kind of the board interactions have completely changed. And I think that's what I'm most interested for. And yeah, literally the sky's the limit right now. That's the way I feel about this upcoming season because it feels like it can change quite a bit about the way we play Snap.

Cozy Snap:

So we're filming this a little bit early. Alex here is headed over to PAX West and so we aren't 1, 000 percent sure on how Activate is going to work but we're pretty sure we know at this point what it's going to work and how it's going to work and so we're going to talk an assumption of that and then you know, We can always update it if not. What's up, guys? This is Cozy from the future. So the videos come out and that is exactly how Activate is gonna work so you're gonna activate a card, let's say, on turn five, and it's gonna do its action before the cards are revealed, right? That's what we've seen so far. So everything we're talking about, some of it's in theory, but most of it is correct because it's the theory of what has now been revealed. Confirmed, right? So do know that going in and with that back to current Cozy. But what I will tell you is, I think truly this is gonna change a lot about Snap. Not just cards coming in, but on top of that, you have ways to delay what you're doing, but also this opens up a bunch of new combinations. It opens up a bunch of new archetypes in the way that they're gonna be played and, or just the brain games. Of movement. And so I'm excited for all of that to break all of that down. I think Alex, I'm going to break our rule of only giving one card a five star. Cause that's how freaking insane this season looks to be. And so with that, I know what we're talking about over here, Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Those are going to be doing our August. Final rankings. We're going to be holding ourselves accountable for the rankings we gave to the prior cards in the prior season. And Hey, it's a great discussion of where things are looking and where they're going. We're then going to be talking about competitive Marvel snap and whether or not we can see some changes in the way that tournaments should be structured and the way that should be handled. Maybe we do some open qualifiers. Maybe we changed the competitive scene a little bit. We're going to be discussing that. And then of course our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Let's get to it. Let's start with the Season Pass card, as always, and this one being one of the more unique ones to hit the game, as we have a 4 6 Symbiote Spider Man, and he is gonna have the new ability of Activate, where you will merge your lowest cost card here with this. Copy its text like it just did. And so we've got ourselves not only a new mechanic, but a very unique ability coming alongside it, and we have our hands full, man, with our first conversation here of Symbiote Spider Man. What are your thoughts? My

Alexander Coccia:

thoughts are right off the top, like incredibly complex text. I find it very interesting that it reads, copy it's text, like it just Revealed. Like it's funny how it has to clarify it like it just revealed instead of just like re reveal or kind of do it again. I don't know, man. It's kind of the, the, the wording is very interesting, but I do think that first of all, this card is beyond being our first Activate card is going to synergize with a couple of the spotlights that are coming up as well. And it's just exciting. Like we have this Hulkbuster style effect while also having this mini Odin style effect. Out of four, six body, which seems pretty fair. I mean, if you think about what Absorbing Man does, what Grandmaster does, those effects can be extremely powerful and it wouldn't surprise me if Symbiote Spider Man finds itself in a couple of very tight strategies.

Cozy Snap:

Well, so it's funny, right? First of all, what's crazy about this is. You've got, kind of like what I want to say with Copycat, you have this car that has five things going for it. Just like Copycat. Copycat can steal, information gathering, all that stuff, cheat energy, good value. With Symbiote, it is a 4. 6, and again, all these stat lines, this is before the video has released. They've been kind of releasing those later and later, so we got the film before it comes out. I'm assuming they just all got and got touched up in the last patch. This is probably how they're gonna stay. But with this, You've got a card that has a targeting ability, right? So it's not random. If this was kind of like a Hulkbuster in the sense of like, you put it on and you just kind of hope it's going to hit your card it would fall kind of flat. You know, it's going to hit the lowest cost card. We're going to talk about it today, but I think half the time you're going to just play this on top of just one other card to get that to do its one thing like crazy. And then yeah, you're merging. So you're adding power. We know that's going to be really synergistic with a lot of cards. And then you're re revealing and you have the agency in your hands. Now. From our thoughts, we think that if you're going to hit an activate button that means that it's going to happen to turn after you play it, and so the thing that is going, it's a powerful effect here. It does give you agency, but effectively, it's only able to be used on turn 5 and 6. Most likely, I don't think the activate's going to happen turn of.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, of course, unless, you know, you're coping with Zabu or you know, Psylocke. And it's notable that Zabu is in an upcoming Spotlight Cache. So it's going to be interesting to see what happens there. I do like the way that works. And I was thinking about like, okay. So when I was kind of evaluating Symbiote Spider Man, I was thinking to myself, what are the kind of synergies that are most likely to be the design philosophy around it? When you look at this entire season, obviously moves a core component to that. And I saw, Doctor Strange here. And the reason why I bring up Doctor Strange is because I feel like with this this activate effect where you merge with Doctor Strange, reactivate his ability to pull the most powerful card over, I think that that could provide Move with a new opportunity to, well, move. And what's notable about this as well is that, okay, I've been doing a lot of Move for, first of all, preparation of this season, but secondly, because no one in my alliance wants to play Move, so I feel like I'm doing a community service by taking all those bounties out of the bounty board. One of the major challenges for move is that it takes up lots of space. Space becomes a factor, especially if you're using multiple man Phoenix force. Anything along those lines. And so simulate Spider-Man merging with Dr. Strange or merging with a specific card that you want to activate on, is gonna free up one slot and one slot's important because we know how detrimental a green goin or an acid arrow is that one slot. Slot matters and I think it matters for move.

Cozy Snap:

There's a lot to unpack with all this. I'm excited before we do some more synergies. Let me, let me just hear, what do you think in star rating? What do you, what do you got this guy at?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm leaning four stars on him. I doubt that he's going to be less than that because it's just, it's a very powerful effect. The, the body style line gives me some pause, but there's a merge. There's a merge capabilities, right? Right. So it's, it's kind of deceptively powerful from there. But but yeah, I, I can't see being lower than four stars.

Cozy Snap:

I'm willing guys to eat my shorts. If I'm wrong about a lot of these cards, this will be the episode of episodes of me. Just it being excited about some of these cards. I don't see how most of these are going to be bad. So you're gonna see higher ratings than most. It's hard not to give this guy a very good rating. The 4, the 4. 5, the 5 star because of just his universal ability. Being able to be played in so many decks with on reveal. We're talking even things like Silver Surfer, whatever it might be. So you've got instant synergy. You have powerful synergy with activate cards coming out this season. And this is the first true ca we know this card's gonna be good. They statted it at a 4. 6, it's a Season Pass card. It's hard not to give this a near perfect rating, right off the bat in my opinion. But I'll give it about a 4, 4. 5, just because I'm gonna go crazy for some other ones. But with the overall plug and play ability here I definitely think it's gonna be well worth a Season Pass outside of all the stuff that you usually get. So I wanted to break it down a couple of ways, Alex, cause for me, I looked at it with the merge capability of power, but then also the reactivate, right? So if we're just looking at the merge ability starting there, that alone excites me. Because we have cards that have a long way to need this. We're going to see this a lot when we go through the cards this season. But cards that have needed a way to get more power. Because they've been lackluster. Let's face it, the Black Panthers of the world, right? This is a really cool Black Panther card. You can't activate sixes unless you ramp them out. It's mainly gonna be four fives or lower, but with Black Panther, you can actually get the job done, which would make a single lane absolutely nuts. You can merge into the Black Panther. At that point, it'll be an eight. This is gonna pop it up to a fourteen, which then takes it to a, what would it be, 28 at that point in its own lane, right? So Really fascinating in that sense of the word, when we're taking a look at cards that have needed this, not only on reveal side of things, but also the extra power or ways to gain the extra power. So this could be, Alex, this could be Black Panther season for a lot more reasons than one but with that, Sebastian Shaw, exact same thing, right? A way to get power, quickly vertical lanes up, and I think that's going to change a lot within Snap and how this is going to work.

Alexander Coccia:

It's also important to note that it's a four costed card, so Wiccan, who is you know, surprisingly effective right now, that extra energy that Wiccan provides might allow you to sneak out Symbiote Spider Man into a number of different combinations that you might not outright expect. So like, so yeah, like, Black Panther combinations with, with Symbiote Spider Man may ultimately be possible. I do agree, I would expect you to, like, ramp it out, then play the Symbiote Spider Man, re proc it, and then perhaps Zola or do something else with it, right? It does give it the additional power. It's interesting to think though, like, with Black Panther in particular, sometimes I felt like he can get pretty big, he just doesn't get big vertically. If you're able to Zola the Black Panther, he's already huge, but he doesn't really win it, by himself right off the top, because he just goes to 8 power unless you've done the additional work, so Symbiote Spider Man does a lot for him in a single lane.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so what was tough is, again, trying to assume how this is going to work. The way that I kept playing this out in my mind is, you essentially, without magic, you can't do anything with this Black Panther. After it's played. So, if you think about it, you play Symbiote on 4. On 5, you can't activate it because I feel like activate will be like on reveal. So, it'll be the first kind of thing that happens. So, if you play your Black Panther on 5 on your Symbiote lane, it's going to activate to nothing, right? Like, there's nothing there played out yet. So, then technically, you have to do it on 6, which would happen at the end of the game. But then it'll allow that, like, which is kind of cool. It's like this huge surprise play. But you would have to play it on curve, so it's also predictable. So, there's some With that predictability, just like the Arnim Zola play, the person you're playing against is going to know, Okay, well, that's about to go up. They're going to win that lane with the Black Panther. I should stay away from there. So I think that that's kind of the safeguard, keeping it in check there, unless you have a turn 7, and then you can, get, kind of silly with it as well. But that's the Black Panther side of things. Sebastian Shaw, another great example, I think, just the reactivation of cards that I'll get to here in a moment. We're gonna have some 3 cost cards in that discussion. But we would be, and we didn't say it last episode, so we get to say it this episode, we'd be remissed. Not to talk about, I think, a card that's gonna just benefit from almost every card this season, and that's Human Torch. Human Torch is not gonna get the the activate, but just simply put, just getting that nice little merge ability, another card to merge into this card, we love. We think it's gonna be great for Human Torch, and so, you know, sometimes, Probably a decent amount of times, which I love about this, is you just simply use it to just stack, save that lane, like you were saying before, and add to the power.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because I mean, again, it's working based off of the lowest cost. So if you want to target Human Torch, if you want to target Multiple Man, you can, right? You can effectively target those cards. And there's gonna be cards we're gonna be talking about momentarily that can also be targeted to reproc on reveal effects to activate move and stuff like that, right? There's a lot of synergy within the season, and with all these prior cards as well. So yeah, like, Anytime you're adding additional power, merging to save some space and also potentially utilizing some of the new tools this season, it's, it could potentially be crazy. And like Human Torch does not have a hard time getting to massive power. It's how you can like utilize that power, right? We're seeing some crazy decks that can even like Falcon into Human Torch, Taskmaster. I think that could be a potential combination, especially if you've played Symbiote Spider Man, he's rocking that like a hundred power.

Cozy Snap:

Well, okay. I put in. A lot of hours into doing some cooks, right? Cause this is just the season of cozy. There's just so much raw combo potential here. I'm going to give you a hint. All right. Not a, it's a three cost card. That's not played often. That is going to absolutely love everything to do with Symbiote Spider Man. Who do you think it is?

Alexander Coccia:

It doesn't have a move element to it.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Oh,. Cause one, okay. There's a card I wanted to bring up then, but like, I'm not sure which one you're talking about. I was thinking juggernaut. Cause I think juggernauts a huge winner here. Reactivating juggernaut. Oh, beautiful. I love it. So now I'm wondering who you're going to talk about. Cause I think juggernauts pretty fire.

Cozy Snap:

So we're going to get to the on reveal ones in a moment, but this is kind of a merge one and an on reveal one. So it's safe to have in this subject. And this to me shows the potential. Of why I think he's a near perfect season pass card because of just the flexibility. If you can make this card work, then you can make near anything work. And we've got a destroy this card option in here. It's actually under destroy if I have to search for it here. Zaken, having the ability to merge into this card. He is gonna put the shard in your hand. You're then gonna immediately make this. 10 power. You don't even have to kill the charge yet. All of a sudden, you have a, wait for it, a 10 going to a 20 going to a 40, right? That is much better than Black Panther at that point. Into a discard deck. We've got a dock enabler here. Like, it's these cards that have been falling flat like Black Panther docking because there's just been no way to do this. And getting the agency and picking when to double this up, I think this is insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Dokken's actually a really cool call. And I like it a lot because it does do a lot with the power. And like these shards being kind of discarded or destroyed or whatever, we tend to find that they're easier to discard than destroy. I think the destroy side, when like Dokken was first released, we were really fixated on the destroy side. It ends up being that, like, Discard really benefits from it, and ultimately, yeah, like, it's insane power, absolutely insane power, and it's almost natural, it's almost perfectly on curve. Because you'd play Dokken, then you would play your Symbiote Spider Man, and then you would Modok. There's nothing extra there, you're really not doing anything extra, you're not trying to do anything fancy, it's just perfectly in line and on curve.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly, because with Black Panther, I was like, okay, you have to make this happen and this happen with this, If we have the activate happen first, on turn five it activates, it doubles up, you have the two shards in hand, the MODOK plays then, and then it's the double up. And then you're actually free on turn six to do some other shenanigans. So, sign me up! Sign me up for what this is gonna end up doing and end up being. I think the way Activate's gonna work has been designed where Taskmaster wants to be able to do a lot with it, but also it's gonna be awkward because of the way that He's played, and then you play another card, then you activate it, and so it's a little awkward there. That is just the merges, man. We've got a lot more, and we skipped over Shaw a little bit, but we have the on reveals next, man. Hit me with an on reveal that you love, the synergy that you love with Symbiote Spider Man.

Alexander Coccia:

I see a lot of potential in even something like Grandmaster, right? When it's looking at the lowest costed card, that gives you an opportunity to more or less accurately merge with Grandmaster, give it a decent body, but most importantly you might be able to activate something larger than the The Grandmaster itself, right? Because if you're going to send over the replicated effect, it can't replicate itself, so it's going to merge with the Grandmaster. And so whatever card is there, whether it's a 3, 4, or whatever it happens to be, will re proc as an on reveal and go in with Grandmaster. I think it could potentially be a very interesting combination.

Cozy Snap:

It's funny, you said Grandmaster, I also thought too, just Abs Man, right? Like, what this is, is just a better Abs Man in a lot of sense. You have a way now to Essentially, play a card, abs man on reveal it, play Spider Man into that lane, and then you get to do that on reveal again. It's the first ever, really, that you can curve, in a sense, an abs man on reveal play, which has great potential. Stupid potential. I mean, like, this is not a good example, but you could do something as simple as, I don't know, a Wolfsbane, right? And then, like, being able to do that yet again. Maybe when I will spend as multiple cards, Ironheart, whatever you want to say there. Very simple examples. Surfer, very simple examples, but ways to really make that crazy. And and maybe even more chaining with something like Grandmaster. I, and I like the idea of, you know, There are a lot of bigger cards that you can do this with, but if you just look at the low cards too, like, you can keep it simple. You can look at something like Yondu, or, you know, a way to mill, right, where you're just You're in a later turn, you're just trying to get through their deck, and you're just trying to continue to you know, mill their deck so they have nothing left on the draws, and the mill deck's already doing what it's doing. And that's what's great about this card, because it just synergizes, because it's adding power to the stuff you're already doing.

Alexander Coccia:

It's really interesting to think about, like, why, the way that, like, Symbiote Spider Man is going to upend the way that, like, Absorbing Man is like, that general playstyle is played, because, like, if you think about the Absorbing Man into Brood combination, you play Brood, you play Absorbing Man, right? You gotta play them in tandem with one another. The fact that Symbiote Spider Man is an activate means that you don't have to activate it on that next turn, right? I mean, that's turn five, and yeah, so you gotta, you have to activate it eventually, obviously, but what I mean is, is like, Abs Man struggles from a standpoint of you have to play it in the order it's intended to be played in, whereas the activatability of Cymbiote Spider Man lets you flip that on its head a little bit, but gives it some added versatility in a really unique way.

Cozy Snap:

And probably like my, one of my favorite on reveal stuff you can do, synergy you can do with them, is gonna be in tandem with Some other cards we're going to talk about, so I will leave it there. Scarlet Spider is one we'll talk about that makes clones of itself. That's designed for this card, if you will. And so you know, I always thought when I reviewed the spotlights and I did the video on that, I think it's cool that you have a couple move weeks and you have a couple independent weeks, right? And all of these are working with the Season Pass card. And you guys are going to see that as we continue to go through these. Let's talk about some insane plays, right? Wave Rampout has been big lately, especially. And if we're talking about probably one of the coolest potential synergies is you've got a wave on 3. And then you have something as cool and as simple as A, just a wave into Dr. Doom, right? So wave, Dr. Doom, you get that out there, you put Symbiote out there, and then now you can do double Doombots. This one's an 11, so you have a little bit of space still, and it, you're able to, You guys have like a cabartage kind of thing going on, right? Which, you're gonna have to wait for that, but Wave's stocks are gonna go up because of this. Because it's gonna be the cleanest way, right? You know, there's other ramp cards too, but the cleanest way to to get this job done, Alex. But hold on here. Am I am I am I cooking too much or am I cooking? You Wave, you Galactus, you Whiff, you Miss. This is our, this is, this is Galactus full comeback. This is his full glory. A six 11. That reactivates in the lane. I think it, it could, it could work.

Alexander Coccia:

I had this thought, right? And if it works the way I think it will, Galactus would've whiffed. So it's sitting there, right? Like they caught you on it. They played the card and then you're gonna play sym Spider-Man on top of Galactus.'cause it has to activate. So now they're staring at it. And they're thinking, okay, it doesn't just re proc, right? It won't work that way. It has to merge first, which it'll merge and then re proc the on reveal. What's interesting here is that they're going to be forced to, like, respect the fact that Galactus is going to go to 11 power and then re proc its effect. So it has like this like bait of like hey you gotta play here or everything's gonna go kaboom. You're gonna kneel unless you play here and I think that's pretty neat.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's cool that it adds a new tech to Galactus. I just played hours of Galactus when Hulkling came out and the one thing I found out is if you whiff that play there's decks that are designed to have like Ultron and other things but you are so it's so over man it's so rough. This now forces your opponent to respect that you could have top deck or have the symbiote Spider Man, and then you're gonna have yourself a chance, and it's fair because they have to play it, then you have to activate it, so it gives them a chance to kind of like, Also, catch up to it, like, if they see the symbiote go down, you have to activate it still, so they, that's their chance, right? To, to like, oh, I better, but you don't even have to activate it, like, so then they're, they're drawing attention from other lanes, like, it, it's adding this kind of new element, which I think is needed for a very straightforward, you know, big, bad deck of Galactus. We've talked about it, Discord, we've talked Surfer, we have Galactus, like, there's so many here, we're not even close to being done, man hit me with another auto reveal that you like.

Alexander Coccia:

I was thinking a lot about Destroy and how, like, Destroy could utilize the power effectively. I'm not quite done yet, but I was working on, like, this type of line where, like, if you play Nimrod, right? And you've already you play Nimrod on top of a Venomling, and then you play Symbiote Spider Man and you activate on top of Venom, right? It'll actually merge, it'll split it'll eat the Nimrod, Nimrod will split over. And that's an activate ability, and so therefore you've not utilized energy for that turn, so that you can then use, like, Deathlok, or Carnage, or whatever, to send these Nimrods everywhere. I'm not quite sure how those lines are going to play out, because I want to get Shuri in there too, but it's an early thought I had about how I could potentially use it in Destroy.

Cozy Snap:

You're right with Destroy and the fact of, even though it's the lowest card there, There's a lot of ways to manipulate, to make this go crazy with Nimrod, by activating it on turn 5, to activate it on turn 6, or whatever, and you've got the Nimrod out there. And you know how you already, now you already do the, the Carnage 1 lane, Deathlok, maybe, maybe Venom, whatever, to have that chaining going on? This is another way to do that. Without having the card and Grandmaster just didn't work in that role.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like it's you'd hope that Venom would be the lowest costed card there. You do bring up a good point though. You run the risk of Destroy having like Wolverine bouncing to the location x23 that they tend to have a mind of their own right So that is something worth considering and perhaps why it wouldn't necessarily work there but the fact that we can even kind of spin like spin that idea and throw it out there just showcases how versatile the card is because like We're trying to work it into all these different archetypes, and it's pretty fascinating as to like how versatile it actually is.

Cozy Snap:

No, and it's, it's true. I think that's what this is bringing, and all these cards are bringing, is like a ton of new experimentation. If you guys, you know, don't love something like Speed, or it's very vanilla, you already know what you're gonna do with it. Or like Thena, where it's like, you know it's a Kitty Pryde card. That's it. This is the, this is the direct opposite, because this is just, there's so much. There's like when Airstream came out, people were trying to figure out what is the way to play them. I think there are sixes that you can continue to do this with, but all of these are kind of the wave play. So I try to look at just the fives as well, right? And just look at what are some crazy fives that get some really cool synergistic plays. And it just kind of feels like everything, right? Like Gilgamesh, I, I don't even know how that's going to be fair. That just seems absolutely dumb. Like that's going to be a huge Gilgamesh, right? But you know, White Tiger, Merge, 5 7, you get another one of these. All of a sudden, you've got two of these with a 5 7 Tiger. Like, doesn't it seem like there's just so much to do with this?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, it definitely does. And like, it's, it's not just the fact that you're repeating the on reveal, you're also adding the power in too, right? And so that's where it can, it can kind of get really fascinating from that standpoint.

Cozy Snap:

Lastly, I would say for the six cost cards that I looked at here or just other cards in general, ones that I liked off the rip Alex. That I was looking at the research. Obviously Odin you can do stuff with, but for me, I feel like Spectrum's really cool. You know, you gotta figure out how to make this pop off work. But it reminds me of Surfer, where you would never want to play these cards before. It didn't really work with Grandmaster, but that's because they would move the card in the middle, and then you had to, but there's just so much working against you with that card. And you had to play it, whereas this, you can like, Spectrum out kind of early. Or building magics into these decks, and you're getting like these double pop offs now. And Spectrum. Not all the time, but sometimes it's played in their own lane anyway. So, like, I just think there's a lot of cool things to do with, like, the potential of these decks that rely on these on reveal, you know, kind of crazy pop offs, if you will, later within the game. Three costs. Super low cost. Sage, probably gonna be pretty stupid too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because obviously it's going to merge and then it'll be like, it'll, it'll create additional space. It won't, I don't think it'll, it won't reveal off its own self, obviously. Right. It's going to merge, then it'll do the reveal. So you do lose one slot there, but the additional power right off the hop is, is huge. Reactivating stage is huge. As you see in bounce decks another three costs I did mention before. I do think that like juggernaut is cool because like you're literally dispersing their play right off the top there. I wanted to bring up you were talking about six drops and I had this thought about Odin. Right. And like what if this might be a little you know, a little coping, but what if you have like a mini Odin effect, like you, you're playing a Beta Rebuild deck with Thor, you don't draw your Odin, but you're able to play your, your, you know, your Mjolnir down or your Stormbreaker down, and those are going to be the lowest costed. You reprock on one of those, and you're able to send the Beta Rebuild or Or Thor, the additional power. You can't play it on Thor or Beta Ray Bill for additional Mjolnir's or Stormbreakers, cause the name change, I think would impact it. Cause I believe if you merge, it's the symbiote Spider Man, correct? Or is it going to be like Hulkbuster where it maintains the prior text?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So it's, it's, you're going to be, it copies its text. Like it's just revealed. So like, I, you would think it's going to be. Like Iron Lad, where it's, it's, it's acting as the card from that point on. So it is interesting, like if you, especially if you just curve out and you happen to get the hammer or whatever it might be in the way that you're going to have to do these, these, the actual activate, and that's, that's what brings so much strategy into this.

Alexander Coccia:

So could you, in theory, do like, Thor into merge into Thor, double Mjolnir's, and then play Jane Foster, pull both Mjolnir's, and then Odin those two Mjolnir's, and he's just going, wha?

Cozy Snap:

Yep, so, yes in that sense, right, and it's, because that's one of the examples where on five, it'll merge at five, and then you have the Jane that comes out. After the merge and then it'll pull both hammers and then you just have like one really strong lane But who's to say like I don't know who's to say Arnim Zolastok's don't go up or whatever like these Like we're getting these like we have a lot of examples of these big one laners Which also mean like Tribunal is having a million new decks that he just loves because there's so many ways to artificially just Go crazy with this. I mean, like we haven't even talked about Wong. You can just go nutso if you have an I mean, obviously a lot of this is greedy, but some of this isn't greedy. It's not that tough. Like, Cassandra Nova, like, a lot of these, I just think about like, Abs Man and like, what he does well, and it's like, cool. You have that, but like, even more so being able to do some crazy stuff there. So, it's It's so new and we're not even done talking about him because there's other cards that we're going to talk about today that are going to want to use him. Any last notes as we move on?

Alexander Coccia:

That's exactly what I was going to say. Like, we're not even done yet because there are cards in the upcoming spotlight caches that are going to utilize him. So I'm actually excited to lead those conversations as well.

Cozy Snap:

Well, next up guys you know, we all, we have two new cards within the week, typically unless they do like a Deadpool's Diner thing that we're not expecting, but typically, and this one will come with Silver Sable. And with Silver Sable here, they knew what they were doing. And by that, I said, she's a very good card. She's a very good card. She comes with the best spotlight week, though, of the next two months, probably. And the, the tough part about this entire season is, you can't get them all. And so, this will be probably the hardest season to truly decide which ones to go for. And what sucks is, I think even as good as Sable's gonna be, she would be the one most people would skip, but you got Mockingbird in there, and you have US Agent. So, this is the tough part. But let's go ahead and talk about Silver Sable. She's a 1 1 on reveal. Steal 2 power from the top card of your opponent's deck. Alex, what do you think? Give me the star rating.

Alexander Coccia:

What I think, did you just say this would be the one to skip this month? Is that what you said, Cozy? I'm just trying to make sure I heard correctly. I don't know if my headphones are working or not.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, none of them you want to skip. That's how I led into it, but this is the least synergistic with the other cards coming out would mean you would skip.

Alexander Coccia:

I see what you're saying. You're saying like, Hey, this is a move centric month. This card ain't moving, but I will tell you what it's doing. It's five stars for me because this is my five star of the month. I'm going with this one.

Cozy Snap:

This is my five. I think

Alexander Coccia:

Silver Sable's sick. I think it's awesome.

Cozy Snap:

I color me impressed and surprised. Whoa. I wasn't, I wasn't, I'm so excited. I wasn't prepared for this. I'm like, don't even know what to give it us my, my own rating over here. Now I'm all confused. I mean, probably a five. A 3. 5 to 4. I want to lean towards 4 probably on this one, but I'd say 3. 5, 4 is where it's going to ultimately land. And man, it's such a good card. They're all so good, man. But I think this one is only really good in two decks and pretty good in others.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, fair. But I mean, a lot of the other cards are going to be similar to that as well. Like they're going to be good in one or two decks. Like, I don't, like you really think that like, okay, maybe apparently you do think the other ones are going to go absolutely everywhere, but I think that Silver Sable is going to be insane in bounce, like literally insane. You play her once, she's a one three and also doing disruption on the other side. We see this effect with Cassandra Nova. It's impactful. I've lost games by one point because of the power Cassandra Nova has stolen. Yeah. And not to mention it curves into. Falcon, then you can play, you know, Beast. You can, like, there's all these things you can do. The whole bounce package wants it. And I think this is a revival for the Werewolf by Night style bounce because you're just doing so much damage to their deck and generating so much general power. I just, I think it's an incredible bounce card.

Cozy Snap:

Well, it's a 1 3, technically 1 5 if they end up playing that card, but then when you bounce it back, you Falcon it back. Which this being a one drop is why it's so good, if it was a two drop it was significant. Like a two, three would be way worse for a number of reasons. One is the perfect number for this card, and it is gonna be, this is the nebula that came out where it's like this card that you can just put in as such a great trading card. One drop that works within these decks very well. Bounce being, yes, the clear cut, obvious, synergistic choice. Because with Bounce, you can manipulate this card to, again, not only get up to its own power range of ridiculous degree, but at the same time, you are just, man, you're making your opponent hate their life just severely. And, man, I mean you can put this in like, mill decks, where you're like, you're just kind of messing up their deck anyway, like, This has a lot of potential in that style of play.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I do think that, like, you could see it in, like, I had this kind of, like, pen and paper idea of, like, Okay, how can Black Swan be used in these types of decks and stuff like Swan's a type of card that you can get really high power one drops and use them in tandem. That's pretty cool. But I don't know if that'll actually ultimately do anything. But, like, Ajax. Ajax is a surprising card with a surprising amount of power. Like, it's proven to, like, it's been, like, B to A tier card, like kind of on that cusp. It's put up good power for sure. And I feel like Silver Sable with Cassandra Nova into Ajax and kind of leaning away from the, the Hazmat style of play could be something legit. Cause if you're playing this as early as turn one and you start bouncing it, every single card they draw is being negatively impacted. Every single card they play has stolen power and not just one, but two. Two stolen power. So like you do it once or it's a one three, which is the baseline for like a blade. You do it twice. It's a one five, which is like a titania or a martyr, a hydration Robert, right? Like it's the power scales incredibly fast.

Cozy Snap:

It's crazy. Good power scale. And I think the thing that people don't understand too, is like one drops on one. And that's kind of how our brains work is, is, is, is always, you know, nice and what to do. And that works here with this card. But where I love the one drops and we're like something like nebula doesn't always work. It's like. I, it's turned, you know, 4, and I only have, you know, a 3 drop and a 1 drop, and you're able to just curve her in, and she's having that impact, no matter what. Like, she's having that impact on everything outside of turn 6, and even turn 6, she's a 1 3 at the, you know, at the lowest degree, right? So, there's, there's just a lot of cool things to do with her in that sense. This is cool, the other deck that I had that synergized with this, and most notably, is this is the first card that can work in C3, that's a 1 drop. This is a C3. And C3 is the I still think it's the best Cerebro deck, and it's the one that has the least coping around it. You have a lot of tech cards in there, you have a lot of things. This is going to be a one drop that finally works in C3, and I'm telling you, I know players that are pumped about it.

Alexander Coccia:

Are you telling me you've never coped so hard in C3 that you've played Cosmo, and then you've played Blade on top of Cosmo, and you're like, hell yeah, we're doing it, King.

Cozy Snap:

The old days, yeah, like the zero in a Cosmo. There's so many synergies, there's so many threes. It's the one synergistic one, and she doesn't like, Ruin anything. Like, that's what I love about her. She just, like, flows into the decks, and that's why I think she is deserving of such a high tier ranking. Like, if this is the worst card of the month, as I, and to even say that is ridiculous, but if it is true, you have, like, your default is you're having the best spotlight cash, dude. Like, it's so freaking crazy here, and man, I'm, I'm, I'm excited. I, I would say if you don't have a ton of caches, though, actually, I'll put this question on you. If you don't have a lot of caches, you don't have Mockingbird, And you have, let's say five. So you can start opening up a couple of weeks of good cards and you get Mockingbird on your first poll. Do you stop there?

Alexander Coccia:

Ooh, that's a hard one. Cause Mockingbird is without question. One of the best cards in Marvel snap, even post nerf. Do you stop there? US agents, not a bad consolation prize. Obviously extremely niche. Doesn't see a lot of play, but surprisingly good after it's buffed that it received. It, man. That's a, that's an impossible question. I think Silver Sable is definitely worth getting. I think it will be, is it going to be a little niche in balance? I think so. Like, it's not going to have incredible universal appeal but it would be, I can see this being in a very high powered bounce deck that's running like a 57 percent win rate.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah, I think altogether too, like we Symbiote Spider Man 2, like talk about, we talked about low cost cards. Like this is just a clear cut example of just a low cost card that like, oh, it's hitting the next card on the deck. And obviously we saw that synergy for a reason, right? Like we're getting that for a reason. I told you it'd be hard not to get multiple fives, right? You have anything else on here?

Alexander Coccia:

No, that's, that's good for me. I just think that I was surprised you were a little lower than me, but I think obviously that you're, well, first of all, I'm a five, so you have to be lower. Unless we're going absolutely crazy here, but like it's, you are right. It's kind of like we got, we're really blessed this month. Like, hopefully you've been saving caches because it's

Cozy Snap:

a lot to take. We pretty much every thing in August, we would talk about how we think it can be used, but we almost ended every single one with like, let's save your caches. Like it always ended with that because we saw this month coming up. It's like the October of last year. We kind of knew it. Alex, we're going to move on to my clear cut. Five star card, and I will eat my shorts live on camera if this is not a good card. Madame Web, I think, might be, and might, will be one of the best cards in all of Marvel Snap. And I, I'm gonna look like a fool if it's not, and I'm okay with that. I feel that confident that this card is so good. And so crazy that this is the must have card of the month.

Alexander Coccia:

This is one of the cards that I've been really wrestling with. A lot of people are just like, I'm all in on Madam Webb, five star, a hundred percent, like a lot of confidence with it. And I'm looking at this, like, bear in mind, Cozy and I have not had the opportunity to see the reveal trailer, which for this particular card, I think is important because how this ongoing is going to work, can you target. The card you want to move. Can you target the location? There's all these question marks I have. Because if you can target the card and target the location, it's an easy five star. You're assuming, but like, we've been surprised in the past. It's easy five stars if it does that.

Cozy Snap:

The mechanics already exist though. We had that with Thanos Space Stone. This is just Thanos original Space Stone. That's as easy as it, but every turn. There you go. Then it's awesome. It's one of the best cards in the game. I, like, everyone is so obsessed about the move thing, and we're going to talk about a bunch of move synergy. I cannot wait. Who cares, man? Remove all the, the move. Like, let's say you hate move. Who cares? I don't care. This is still one of the best cards in the game. We, we, how many times have we talked about, and how many guys have you guys heard Nocturne, Jeff? These are the best cards. Why are they good, Alex? Because of the guesstimation. Guessing where cards are going to go. Every single turn, your card is a vision, essentially. Every single turn, you have the options to change your lane or change your opinion. This is erasing all the combo synergy. Change your mind, move locations, move to Sanctum Subtorum, move to hard to reach locations. Every single turn. Angela, you can build that up and move it. You're able to, now there's only a few turns, you got four turns that you can do this with, right? So it's not, you know, unless your magic can go crazier than that. So we, we can't go crazy crazy there. However, that's bananas. I mean, that's absolute bananas. I think this is going to be ridiculous.

Alexander Coccia:

I know we're getting a little meta here, but it's also worth noting, it got, it got nerfed by 2Power. It was a 2 3 in the prior mines, and now it's a 2 1. And so that would probably indicate to me that they were testing and they're like, Yo! Huh, this is cracked. And we might have to tone it down a little bit.

Cozy Snap:

What did you have as her original rating outside of we skipped that outside of the five star was your sable. So what was she for? Was she lower than that? She's my

Alexander Coccia:

four. Okay. And I've kind of climbed on her and I'm making assumptions based on the ability to target. If this card cannot target or reliably choose as to what it moves, which I'm assuming it can, I think the rating goes down. But if it can, it's definitely a four because. Even like, you brought it up, Angela, Hope Sommers, like you can play into this thing and just move stuff out. You have a Sanctorum, you can play, move things in. It's like, the Vision, the Jeffs, it's exactly what you're saying. It's like a new take on the Silky Smooth archetype without the Silk.

Cozy Snap:

Like, remove all the move aspects and it's still one of the best cards in the game. Like, when you were like, what card could possibly, like, this is to me, like, I I just think this thing, I mean, the thing keeping in check is they made it on going on purpose. At first I was like, wait, then I can mystique and go really stupid. However, they want you to be able to have it rogued or enchantress. Maybe that's gonna buff up those stocks a little bit. To me, it would say move a random card each turn, move a random card to a random location. We have cards like that in the game, we have locations like that in the game. So for me, because of the way it's worded, it's the space stone all over again. That's the way I look at it. Now the only knock against it is on curve, it's stupid, stupid, stupid good. Not on Curve a little bit later, it loses a bit of its punch, but again, it's still, such a good card to confuse your opponent, to change your lanes, I think this single handedly makes Competitive Snap different.

Alexander Coccia:

It took me a while to warm up to Madame Web, but like, the more I've given thought to the different opportunities, different synergies, and just even outside of Move as a whole, cause I was sold on it being a good Move card. But I wasn't sold on it necessarily being a good card outside of Moon. And I do think that Angela and Hope Summer's decks can generally use it. Even something like an Elsa Bloodstone, right? Could utilize it because you play this out, you play Elsa, you play something in, you move it out. It's been buffed, right? I think that stuff is pretty cool as well. It's also worth noting that it's like, It's similar, but different to Iron Fist in a way, like you can Iron Fist something into Madam Web, and then shoot it out, you know what I mean? Which is pretty interesting, and you can shoot it into Hercules, who then punches it.

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah, we have the synergy, we're gonna get to the move synergy in a mere second, yeah, like that, and that, That, like, I think so many people were focused on move, which, let's just get this straight, everybody. This card's gonna make move go up, I mean, like skyrocketed. Double, double, double. Like, I think the Tiny Movers deck is gonna become the most complex best deck. It's gonna take over balance. And maybe I eat my shorts on all this, but just as long as I've been playing Snap, and as much as I know, I'm willing to put my name on it, that I think this card has a lot of potential. Of course, I do on my actual reviews, and you guys will find out then, but if you're saving up for one week of one great card, I think this is it. Like, even just this example, I've been waiting to say this. You have Symbiote Spider Man, we just talked about him. You're not gonna do this, but this has the potential of, you play her, you play Brood. You move the main Brood, you play Symbiote, then you have that Brood in its own lane, you merge into that, then you have the Symbiote merge, and then it's gonna on reveal and proc a bunch of 8 power whatever Broods. Like, it, it, there's just endless stupid stuff. And new design and new combos outside of move that she's going to let you do.

Alexander Coccia:

It's fair. I still have some reservations because I think it is relatively low powered at a two one. It does have a lot of like abilities to like really modify the board state, which your opponent can't kind of address or account for, which I think is pretty cool. But like it does come in a weaker spotlight week as well with Silk and Alioth. I think that Alioth is actually surprisingly good. I think it's something being slept on. I think Silk is being completely outclassed by what we're getting this month, right? Which is a shame because like, honestly, it's still a 2 5. You have to run the risk of Lizard to get to 2 5 stats, right? But like, it's just, Madame Web, I think, is interesting because it's going to be one of those cards that once you get your hands on and you get to start to feel how you can manipulate the board, that's where the star rating either goes from a 5, to a 3, to a, like, that's where, like, you say, okay, how does this actually feel to play, because the power's not necessarily there, unless you're all in on, like, obviously the move stuff, which, I mean, you, I'm 5 out of

Cozy Snap:

5, I don't see, I don't see a world this is anywhere not insane, unless they, like, It is before the video comes out, they changed something dramatically on it. Because hear me out.

Alexander Coccia:

They've done that before. They

Cozy Snap:

have, but we've been in metas, right? We've been in metas where, if you're going to play a low cost and statted card, it has to have a significant effect for the remainder of the game. So we saw that with Zabu. Obviously, old Zabu, we've seen that now with Ravonna, which not to mention, this is a Ravonna card that's besides the point, but we've seen that with Ravonna. It's fine, she's 2 3, whatever, 2 2, still good, right? We were like, why is she getting buffed at 2 2? I remember that even back then. Because you didn't care, you had so much of a snowball later on, that to me, that tells me that this is gonna be cracked. And let me, let me get to the synergy too, because we haven't talked about that, like, this is just as a bare bones card, I think that this is you know, we praise the days of old Space Stone Thanos for a reason, right? So, talking about Synergy, Alex, you mentioned movie, you mentioned Hercules, I think that's a fun place to start.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely, it's an incredibly fun place to start, especially when you think about, like, okay, I am thinking that like, Dagger's gonna love this. Dagger's gonna love using Madame Web, bounce it around, Hercules bouncing her back and stuff like that. Sorry, Multiple Man's gonna love it, right? You could even technically activate Multiple Man with the symbiote Spider Man and then ship him out using Madame Web, have him replicating all this stuff. There is like nearly endless combinations with a card like Madame Web because it literally just moves whatever you want.

Cozy Snap:

I don't think I could be wrong and I just, I don't know if Dagger stays this way. I see there's no way. I just don't, I don't see how there's a way that she's, I mean, she scales up so fast. Have you played against these tiny mover decks?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I have. And they're pretty remarkable, especially with like when you have like the Falcon picking up the, the Ghost Spiders, and you're like, it's, yeah, it's pretty intense.

Cozy Snap:

To me, you look at this card, this card can get to just such crazy power stats. So simply, and that's what the awkwardness is going on, you now have a car that can always, always trigger and give you the ability to move without doing anything whatsoever. And so, to have Hercules into play, what that allows you to do is you have the Madame Web, you have the dagger play on top of her, you can move the dagger, Once, great. If you have it set up even late game, you can play the Hercules down, you have the Madam Web, you put the dagger, you move the dagger to the Hercules lane, better for dagger because there's more cards on the board, and then you go crazy with it, right? Or you play the Beast Bounce, and then you go crazy with it and take your dagger back. I think that the Tiny Movers deck with Madam Web, Could be one of the scariest decks that are gonna enter the game and it all starts with Dagger. And also it has cards like the Human Torch that just go ballistic. But like, never mind just those cards, bro! Like, I think that another card that I just don't know if it's gonna last, Vulture, can get to just silly degrees with Madam as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and the key thing about Madame Web as well is that, like, it resets the board state for move in a sense, because, like, we all know about the, hey, you Heimdall left, but, like, to some degree, it's like, you often have to play right, and it's hard to pull things to the, to the right often, you only have a couple of cards that really do that, and so, now, Madame Web, if you're in a situation where Vulture gets pushed all the way to the left, you can reset it, do a little combinations with it, it's pretty neat how you're able to utilize that space, which is, it's going to be a factor, and that's why I was talking about Symbiote Spider Man, Kind of that merge effect is important for move. Junk is still prevalent. Junk's going to be popular and move hates junk. And so having something to kind of like occupy or kind of deal with the space restrictions, I think is going to be important for move. And at the same time, it's like, yeah, the daggers of the world, the human torches, the vultures, the verticality of their power is insane to the point that like, You could easily get a Human Torch to like, 60 something power. Oh, Dagger, Human Torch, they all

Cozy Snap:

could They're gonna get stupid power. Like, I and I don't know, like, if Some cook is gonna come up with a way you move Dagger enough times, and then you bounce it back, and then you play Dagger for one in Taskmaster. Like, and then you get, like, 260 lanes or whatever Like There's going to be so much to cook with Madame, right? I think the ideal play line will be you want Madame Webb right side, far right lane. You want Hercules far left lane. And then what that allows you to do is at the last turn of the game, you Heimdall. And Heimdall gets a huge bump up this season. At first, I thought Heimdall was going to be cut out now all but, like, why not? But it actually makes it really unique with her because you're able to Kind of adjust that, yeah, as you said, we, we adjust the board state and then you get the big move left, right? So,. I'm just psyched about, well, the move synergy. It is a 5 cost card, but this also allows us to have one of the biggest things that we loved about CopyCat is you didn't have to play her to get the effect. Spider Man 29, 2099 has been a garbage card forever now, but you now have a way to not have to spend the energy right away and get this to work. And so, if I'm thinking about it though, so you'll play this on, yeah, pretty much on turn six, you'll be able to go and pick a card too. A lane to destroy. And then you go with a Heimdallr turn six play.

Alexander Coccia:

Cause if it's going to work the way we think it is, then you'll be able to select a Spider Man 29 and then select the location in which he moves, which again, he doesn't fully target the cards, but he will resolve and hit something in the location you want to hit, but it could be a squirrel versus the Gilgamesh. Right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And you could pick a lane you know, whatever lane you want to. And so it's going to be I think pretty vital When you have like one lane that's like powered up by dagger or whatever and then the other lanes the 2099 that does its thing Right, so I think that card has a lot of potential we talked about multiple man and phoenix force at that I think dude the phoenix force gamers they're playing chess while we're all playing checkers. They know how to play this game With such a higher iq than I do There's going to be a phoenix force deck that uses not only madam web, but all these new mechanics That is just like, good day, sir. I'm gonna watch what happens. Be like, I, what did you just do? What game are you playing, bud? But yeah, so those, the, the move synergy, massive, independent, massive, five star. And I have one last one, but I'll give it to you. You have anything else for madam?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I'm good. I'm ready to hear what you got to say about your additional synergy you're gonna bestow upon us.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I think where is she great is moving into lanes like Sanctum Centorum. We've already talked about that. Well, how about just making those lanes yourself? So let's talk about Goose. Goose. Let's talk about Storm. Let's talk about Legion. You have Storm, Legion, and Goose. All has these control metrics that you can now move into these lanes. All of them, including Professor X. With ease, with Madam Web. Which makes it just hyper, hyper flexible as well. I mean, I'm saying the control aspect here is also crazy when you talk about something like Goose.

Alexander Coccia:

It's fair. Yeah, absolutely. I had not considered that. Like I thought about a professor X cause now we can move in and out of it. We have seen a couple of professor X techs use you know vision and other movable cards to kind of access that location. What we have not seen though, is something like a storm and then accessing that location via other cards using something like Madam Web, which I think is pretty innovative.

Cozy Snap:

And we've been trying to, if you guys have been here for a long time, we've been trying to make, like, there's been all these forms of surfer. And Destroyer Surfer was a thing for a while, and, and that kind of worked, and maybe, but we've always tried to make move Surfer work because there's so many good Tariq Asim move, and we just couldn't do it. Now we have Hercules, we have Vulture, Storm works perfectly in here, and Madam's a two. And so she just works right into what you want to do here, and I think there's some, Strong excitement around it. So this is my card of the month and, and, I don't have any hesitation there. Again, guys, we said this would be a long one, so buckle up. And that's because we have a new mechanic. This is, there's so much to dive in into here, Alex. Let's move on. Let's go for Madame Web, because she's gonna have her own week. We'll hype her up even more so that week. The next card coming out is Aranya, and Aranya recently got updated to be a 1 1, and it has an activate ability, once again, give the next card you play, plus 2 power, and move it to the right, before we jump into her, what is your star rating here?

Alexander Coccia:

I think this is a four star card. I like it a lot. I do, especially at one cost. It seemed like a forge at two costs. That was a little, little more awkward to play, but still decent. And then here at one cost I mean, the thing I see right off the top is immediate synergy with multiple men. I think this is an attempt to make Multiman significantly stronger than it was before. We are seeing a lot of like, like, obviously movement based additions in this month. I think this is a big one, honestly, and, and don't underestimate what an Activate at a one cost can do as well.

Cozy Snap:

And this would be my second, this would be, Symbiote is hard to rank within all these because he's his own, you know, thing. But this is my second favorite card this month. I think this is, I mean, 4. 5, 4. 75, whatever you guys, if we can only do 1. 5. Because, once again, it's a one drop, right? And, and this is why I compared it all to Sable and why I said she's probably the most skippable. It's because, like, these do work anywhere. Like, get your head out of the move thought process. If Activate works the way we think, as we keep saying, to give yourself the agency to activate this card at any time and move into lanes or, you know, have your opponent have to guess what's going on there, you have that element of it. You have the merge element of it. She's probably I'd go down to four, that's fine. She's but you have the merge element of it, but then you also have the synergy of all these cars that want the power, or they want to move. We have another one cost move enabler as well, which is just going to make things extra cracked.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the way I see this is you basically play this down, you activate it, you play multiple men, the next turn you could literally Doctor Strange, you could Ghost Spider. You can do whatever you want. You can Madame Web, right? You know, it's moving to the right. Put Madame Web on the right. It gets, but the multiple man gets pushed into the Madame Web location. Madame Web then sends it out somewhere else, right? I, there's a lot of opportunities to, to kind of get this, like, Get the power starting to generate and to have it at a one cost. I think you just, you play it on curve and then like you're, you're ready to go. Like you're ready to get the train rolling. And I think that's where this card is, is pretty interesting.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. To your point, you play Rania, you play forge, you play human torch. It boosts the forge. You accurate the Aranya, it then moves the Human Torch, you then play something like Ghost Spider, it was strange. And then all of a sudden you have a, you have a Torch that's like 20 power. I mean like instantaneously with just that one small combination line. Which is why I think the Tiny Movers deck outside of Madam Web 2 is just going to be so good as it's already really good within the game, Alex. So you've got that combination, but then like we can revisit Symbiote Spider Man, right? You've got something like Black Panther, or Shaw, or Human Torch, as we talked about that obviously this card was made for, as we just said. Where they all just synergize with the extra power, we've got another card that does that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and not to mention, like, something like a Jeff. Right? Something that goes up to 5 power, and now you have a mobile car that can go wherever you want. I was thinking about this being a staple in Phoenix Force. It most certainly must be, because if you think about the way Phoenix Force works, it uses a lot of those mobile mechanics. Turn 1, you play into turn 2 multi man, destroy it on turn 3 with Venom. Or you can do the same thing with Human Torch, get it moving around. You can also hold that activate ability if you don't draw well, and then plus 2 the Nimrod. Which is kind of like one of the outs, right? It's not as good as playing Shuri into Nimrod, of course, but it's another out. I think it's really interesting because, like, this activate ability doesn't do what Forge does. Where, like, Forge, you know, sometimes you're like, well, you know, sometimes you play Forge on turn two in a Surfer deck and you hope you draw into Sebastian Shaw or you hope you draw into Brood or something. And instead you get like your you know, something like your, whatever you top deck, your surfer, and you're like, well, that sucks. I guess I got to wait. But at the end of the day with Aranya, because it is an activate ability, you can time it so you can confidently play it out on curve.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. And that's, that's why it's like, it's a forge killer in a lot of ways, right? Cause you get to move it, you get to add power to it. You get to pick when you want to do it. Do I think it's gonna make it into decks like Deadpool and stuff, like where you can get even more power? I don't know. I don't know, man. I, like, the cooks will decide, like, if it's worth slotting in there. I think there's a card called Agony that we talked about last week that seems to be a bit of a better fit there. But you're able to do so much stuff, and I just talked about Madame Web with Brood, but this is where I originally had the Brood symbiote. Spider Man action. It's like, okay, you played it, you play Aranya down, you play Brew down, it activates, or it, it does its thing, it moves over with that plus power already, and then you can manipulate that some more with Symbiote or whatever you want to do at that point, right? So there's so much crazy potential with, yeah, it's a one drop. And, and that's why I think she's so freaking solid. It's the typical offenders that we already talked about, so we'll be brief more brief on her, but I will say, too, Gonna cook it up. I have to. I'd be, I have too many fans. I would be mad if I didn't. Once again, it kind of boosts up a little bit of a Galactus play. Not only to boost, you know, cause the, the way it works is he on reveals and then he goes. So this effectively would give him the seven power, so you're giving him a little bit, and it's like, okay, that's cool and all. But what I love about this is this is a card that I think is way more flexible than Iron Fist. That allows you to do something for that Galactus lane, right? Like, how many times You know what I mean? Like, and this is just a weird ex I'm just pulling something out here, but like, you play White Widow, and you do the on reveal, and because on reveal happens, then it moves, you're then able to clear that way for Galactus, where you couldn't before. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

I was able to do a lot of funny stuff with like the the grappling hook from Kate Bishop, which gives you a lot of like the mobility to do a lot of fancy stuff. Some of my favorite stuff was like playing grappling hook into fist tower, sending the acid arrow and then it swinging over and getting a negative four on their side and stuff. I think the mobility side of things is pretty cool. And I listen, yeah, maybe, maybe you're huffing a little bit of hopium with the Galactus stuff. It's like the sixth time you've brought him up today, but you know what? Honestly, though, like these are cheeky plays and if Galactus is going to succeed anywhere, it's with these cheeky plays where suddenly someone. Can't anticipate the additional power that Galactus is putting up. I'll tell you, I got, I got someone Hulkling Galactus'd me. I couldn't I couldn't prepare for that. Just like it's unlikely I'll prepare for for this too.

Cozy Snap:

I just like that. It's a one that it can be activated, so you can keep it on the board. Obviously Killmonger exists, guys. So like she could die at any point if you don't activate it. So you do have that. We don't know if you activate it and then Killmonger happens, if it's going to stay like on reveal. These are assumptions, but. Also Elsa Bloodstone. You can fill location, move it over. Like, there's just, there's a lot of, there's just simple stuff to do with her that's just gonna work out great. Scarlet Spider, which I think everybody's gonna get just because it's badass. It's the Scarlet Spider. Everybody loves Scarlet Spider. 4 5. It's a 4 cost 5 power card. Activate. Add an exact clone of this to another location. Alex, hit me with the star rating on our last card here.

Alexander Coccia:

So again, for me, this is another four star. I think it's very good. And the thing is here is like when you activate and add a clone to another location, first of all, is it targeted? Like we, we don't know that yet. It could very well be if like, you know, Madame Webb is doing the targeting and stuff like that. If it is, I think it's. But I think that we have a lot of opportunities to buff cards, and right off the top, you just don't do anything to it. It's a 4, locations. That's kind of interesting, right? Use so much as Nikia or Akoya, which, you know, is kind of funny. Fastos it, right? What if Cozy, what if you drop Shuri, and then you play Scarlet Spider, you activate it, and you replicate that across the board? That's basically, what, 20 power? It's pretty legit, man. I think this is a legit card, honestly.

Cozy Snap:

This card, man, screams like, fun, it screams that everyone's gonna, you know, get it. I think it's Has way more potential than something like Hulkling to, like, pop off crazy with the right draws. I think there's some really unique decks to just make this thing go crazy because you're not getting just one lane, you're getting two lanes. There I mean, right off the top of the head, you got Nova, America Chavez, Four, Chacoyer, Hulkbuster, Ironheart, Shuri, Gwynpool. All of those can boost this up quite easy. Gwynpool probably being one of the most appetizing, right, of going on Four or ramp out Gwyn and then you get this out there. Or the most obvious symbiote, Spider Man, doing it's thing, and and having this thing work out too. I mean there's, if you can only activate once, it's like, are you able to activate, make a clone, symbiote, and then it's, Copy it's text like it just revealed, so then you get another activate that you can, you know, is that the thing it's trying to do here? We're gonna have to find out, man, but this has some awesome potential of our first, like, two lane decks.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so, like, the reason why I'm so excited about this card in particular is I already kind of know the deck I kind of want to run it with, and I think part of the hint is the fact that Scar is in the Spotlight Cache with it. Scar White Widow, by the way, are the Spotlight Cache companions, which are good. If you play this on four, and then turn five Nomura, It's at 10 power and then you activate in scars cheaper. Right? So like the way that plays out, I think could be really interesting. And I think that Nomura is a very straightforward, you know, what place, Scarlet Spider in one lane, play your Jeff or whatever. And another, you play your Nomura and then you're able to then activate the card, spread that power across and it's on curve and it's. Beautiful!

Cozy Snap:

I'm so glad you said it. I have Nomura all the way up at Symbiote Spider Man. Was gonna be one of my closers here because that's it exactly. I think Symbiote is a great Nomura card and that also works with this, right? So, like, double Nomura procs. We talked about 5s being very unique on the way that it works. Having him web over to the other lanes, working like that. I think he's about, I didn't get my rating, I think, yeah, about a 4. I think he can be clunky. We're gonna have to see how we can perfect the deck. However, if you play him in C5, you then just have a card that's 2 cards, like, in 2 lanes. And so I like them in C5 a ton.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what's crazy about this month, and it goes back to what you said before, how it's cracked. I almost, I almost want to do like a ranking. You want to go like 1 through 5 here? Or like, I don't know man.

Cozy Snap:

We can for sure. My last closing note here just on this guy, there's so much to say. I just, Sandman, another great deck. You play Sandman out, this is going to be able to go into two different lanes. That's insane. Like. There's clickbait thumbnails. Best month ever. Best This truly might be the best month because of what it's gonna bring, bro. There's so many There's so Think about MADM. Think about this card. Think about Symbiote. There's so much happening here. It's gonna be chaos. I think the meta is gonna reset pretty heavy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's, it's a really strong month. Right. And I do kind of wish that the spotlights themselves were a little stronger here and there like silver, stable spotlights. Absolutely insane. I think like with, with the mockingbird and stuff, but clearly the, the amount of power output from these new cards is, is massive. Right. And They did already get, it looks like, one little nerf pass prior to the release. It's not even fair calling them nerfs, because you're talking about data mines, and they got changed, but that illustrated to me that like, hey, these cards were actually kind of correct. Like, these cards were legitimately powerful.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, Aranya went from a 2 to a 1, and that was like a buff in my opinion almost, but then the Madam, yeah, and then the Madam happened. So, yeah, let's let's rank them from top to bottom and it's, it's gonna be a tough one here before we go into the last OTA recap with our special guest of today, Who do you have as the, there's five cards, correct? Yep. Who do you have at number five?

Alexander Coccia:

So this is crazy. Number 5, I, like, they're all crazy. They're all good. I would almost put Madame Web there, but I don't think I can. But I almost want to. I don't know, man. I, it's just, they're so tight. I would probably say Aranya.

Cozy Snap:

Funny enough, this is actually hilarious, right? Like, both of our 5 star cards are each other's worst card of the month. So one of us is gonna be wrong. Silver Sabre was my 5.

Alexander Coccia:

So first of all, I technically said that perhaps Aranya was going to be my five, but Madame Web and Aranya are like five and four range.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I have probably Scarlet, Scarlet Spider number four.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. For me, number three, I would go Symbiote Spider Man. I'm gonna go Aranya number three. Okay, that's fair. I actually really like Aranya. I might even, I might put Symbiote Spider Man for Aranya three, but that's a whole conversation for another day. Number two, I would go Scarlet Spider.

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna go Symbiote Spider Man at number two, and then number one's Madame.

Alexander Coccia:

And for me Silver Sable. Hey, we're actually really different here. I'm excited for this. It's probably going to end up me being roasted one month from now when we do the, this is like the review. But you know, this is, this is fun though. That's what makes these conversations exciting, right? Cause it's, it's never, it's never easy to evaluate these cards in a vacuum. But what is exciting is evaluating the possibilities. And I think that there's a lot of possibilities this month.

Cozy Snap:

But please welcome our special guest for the OTA recap. And that would be Mr. Regis Kilbin as today's special guest, a man that I've wanted on the snapchat for quite some time and eventually we're gonna have to get you on a full episode, but you are stepping in the shoes for Mr. Alex Coccia. How are we doing today, sir?


I'm doing really well and I made sure to make my hair look very funny today so that no one would confuse me for Alex. You know, I wanted to make sure we were very obviously different. So I, you know, I didn't do my hair today. I thought it looked pretty cool though. You got the glasses. Zoomer hair, you know, it looks

Cozy Snap:

good. It's a, it's a, it's a good look. We're just that you, you got the, the coach, your glasses. He's got kind of the, the terminated look. You, you your glasses are iconic at this point. Yeah. What are, what do you have? Like a, is a frame you use or I don't, I don't know.


Well, it's funny, actually, these are really cheap glasses that don't really fit, but they are like, that's the right kind of narrowness for my, my, my, my. head on camera. So basically I wear really bad glasses. I mean, the prescription's right. I can see, but you know, they, they actually really like 20 glasses that don't fit. So I'm stuck now. This is how I look.

Cozy Snap:

They're iconic for those that don't know. I need to know this too. Why Regis Fillman for your, your, your like, I'm sure you've told the story a million times. So why the Regis with the glasses?


So, it was just a really, like I played World of Warcraft and I had, like a warrior character who was Regis Kilbin, and a healing character who was Regis Heelbin, and then, like, a rogue character who was Regis Steelbin, cause, like, everybody did celebrity pun names back then, and I found a way to, like, make it fit for every class. So I just kind of played the warrior the most and that was kind of my online username and then I stuck with it. I wasn't really planned or smart or anything like yours sounds so cool. That's so silly.

Cozy Snap:

Well, awesome, buddy. Well, let's let's go and talk about it quickly. Let's talk about Activate. When Alex and I shot it, what, you know, the trailer wasn't out there. Now it is out there and I think We can all rejoice in what I think what it's gonna be, right? So it looks like it's, you know, kind of gonna happen with or around on reveal, and then the card that you play that turn will then happen, and so you're gonna have to kind of play something down, then activate it, and then you can have it work off. What do you think about activate, and what are your first thoughts there?


Number one, it looks like kind of the best execution of the keyword, I think, as far as I can tell, which is nice. Like, it's got some nuance to it, some skillful play, some sequencing demands that create, I think, big opportunity. The cards we sell so far too, I think actually all look really good. I, this month I did like a card review and it's like, every card's like, A plus, A plus. You know, it's so I'm excited. I think it could really change how we think about the game and how the game is Hopefully that's a good thing. I guess we'll see, but I think it will be. I have high hopes.

Cozy Snap:

Just the way I think of it is like, you have cards like Vision. This is what I said earlier. You have cards like Vision that have this like kind of mind game to it. And I, the thing I'm worried about is I feel like Activate is just a better ability all the way around. And so they're gonna have to really adjust stats to that because the, the option of optionality, right? You know, we'll talk about Hellcow, but just even that option to discard later, like that completely changes. They're all good type, you know, fully, I feel like. And what we're used to, right? And so funny enough. Okay. So I just kind of gave my rankings. If you were to order them and it's tough, cause they're all good. If you were to order let's say worst to best the cards coming out here. What, what would you say? Worst to



Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Or best or whatever you want to do. Whatever feels good. Whatever feels good. Meaning into whatever.


Okay. I did it best to worst in my video. I'm trying to remember my my rankings. I think I put. Not an activate card, but Madame Web for this month, I think I put number one because she seems insane, and then, let's see, I did I think next was maybe Symbiote Spider Man, and then I think maybe Scarlet Spider,

Cozy Snap:



then maybe Silver Sable, although I think Silver Sable's still really good. It wasn't a slight on Silver Sable, just somebody had to go last. Yeah, yeah. What

Cozy Snap:

about Aranya?


Oh, I forgot Aranya. Oh, I think I actually had Aranya maybe Second, I do have a small concern that the unpredictability of the game is ramping up a ton all at once because moves unpredictable, activates unpredictable, that could frustrate people because sometimes it's kind of nice to have an idea of what your opponent's going to do so you can try to play around it in the mind games and the strategy element there. It's a little bit harder to strategize sometimes when everything is just like, well, I don't know, I'm just going to toss my cards out in hope. So hopefully that's not too, too much. That's my only concern for Activision. Well, we waited

Cozy Snap:

two years for Move to be relevant, and it's like, those people that just kept playing Move decks, they're gonna feast, man. Because the rest of us, you know, put it on the, on the back burner, and now it's, I think it's, I mean, it's gonna be scary. Because the tiny Move deck is already good, but it's too much of a headache. I'm not, I'm not smart enough to play it. But, but those that are, I'm, I'm, I fear for us Regis to say the least. But let's go ahead and talk about the OTA and then we'll talk about the rest of it. I guess we can start with the two Activate New cards that we know are confirmed. Let's start with Hellcow. These aren't out yet. I would assume, everybody listening, that there's a high chance that these stats will change. But, you know, we're gonna assume it's 4, let's call it 5, whatever. On reveal, er, activate, discard 2 cards from your hand. I mean, does this cha yeah, does this change discard?


I mean, I think it definitely has the potential to. You know, being able to do this, like, after a MODOK, for instance, suddenly you can, like, isolate your hand down to that Apocalypse and Swarm, and then discard's just, like, an extra way to you know, cycle up that APOC stats or get extra Swarms in hand and then like Hela, you can actually play Hela first and then activate Hellcow so you get those like two guaranteed Hela safe activations, which might be hard to do otherwise. So there's definitely some angles. I will say if it stays at a four cost card, then, you know, you've got like Dracula, it's kind of a hard spot. You often want to play that Dracula, but maybe you can hard play the Apocalypse on six. Instead, or if you top deck Dracula, I guess, too. But I think there's definitely the chance that the extra layer of safety and control here, the risk mitigation, if it's how the deck looks a little bit, too, like it may not even play exactly the same as we expect it today, because suddenly that control might open up different lines. So it looks like if it's a 4 8, it's like crazy broken. It's ridiculous if it's four.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's that's a wild salad just because, yeah, you know, I think discard it can scale so fast, but the whole point of it is the risk, right? The risk element of it. I think there's some really cool cards, like like, even just looking at Gambit, or even something like Silver Samurai. Like, I love the idea of being able to time those out a bit more. And it legit makes, like, where you don't need to reinvent the wheel with this card a lot. You can just, that will do so much to just kind of have people's, you know, minds going. So, yeah, I expect this to go down minimum to a 4 6, but I would, I, who knows? Like, that's I don't know. That is such a new, new archetype. So, excited there. I think they said that these are the only two that we're going to start with. I think that was confirmed. I think there's plenty down the line that we're going to see. And I think it's an easy way to, you know, have OTA Weeks be Super new without that boosting, right. Yeah, it's


good. Good for us making videos like, oh, I can't wait. I know. New, new, I was looking new by the way, like sym and Spider-Man, there's like 47 decks I could try

Cozy Snap:



like this dude can go on everything. I'm gonna be making videos for weeks.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, I know. Like I, we were talking about it and I was like, well, you could just talk about the merge element. And there's like, there's so much there. And same as iRANO, but then also you have the just the reactivation where it's. Activation on Curve almost, too, where you don't have to do these, like, awkward The Absorbing Man awkwardness, right? To a degree, or Grandmaster, whatever. Black Swan, I mean, this typically was almost just played on 5, maybe played on 4, but just This getting activated, even going down to 3, 4, 3, 3, whatever. What do you think about it?


It seems very nice. I will say I don't play as much bounce, so I don't have as many insights here, but, but, you know, there were always those, those clunky kind of moments where you felt like you wanted to do too many things on 5 to set up on turn 6. So just being able to preemptively load this up earlier in the game at no downside thanks to the activation seems like it'll be a huge benefit. If nothing else, small brained players like me will be able to play the deck a lot easier because we won't have to, like, line up all our turns three turns Just slam it and know that it's going to be there later. That seems pretty nice.

Cozy Snap:

For sure. I mean, it makes the, the whole Sasquatch, Hidden Monkey, Mysterio, Malky Braid, that whole deck just all that much better. And cool synergy with things like, I don't know, Gwynpool that, you know, can build up your one cost. Like, it's just the way that you can play her out on curve, not worry about it now. And I like that you have the way to turn though, to activate it. So there's also that kind of clunkiness easier with this type of an ability. But when it comes to like, Symbiote, you really have to be thinking, Kind of ahead, you know, on a little bit of what you want to do, but yeah. Both these fun new cars to start out. We'll talk about the OTA briefly. I think we've got to start with what I would assume both of our winner of the OTA is, and that's that's who you were kind enough to lend your body for the art here on Wakanda Forever for a Tuma.


You know, it took a long time in the, in the studio to get those, those perfect shots. I had to oil up, but, you know, we got there. So yeah, no, Atum is sick. Dude. I, I I really like the new Atma a lot. I, I haven't actually checked the data yet. Is he getting played in any, like, good decks, like top tier decks yet? You know,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, no. Funny enough, like I just, I, I think everybody kind of immediately was like, okay, let's put, I think you saw two. Schools of, like, thought here is either playing him in Destroy or playing him in, like, kind of these junk, kind of style of decks, if you will. Looking at it, let's see if I sort up here, and so it's a lot of the Nimrod stuff that you saw right away, a little bit of Phoenix Force, which I thought those mega brains would go, Go that route. It's kind of just those two, but tremend I mean, to me, this feels like for those that don't know, sorry if you're listening to the podcast, he's a 410, which he always was, but now after each turn, he's going to destroy one of your cards here with less power, which I think it's great that there's kind of targetability, but it's not always the lowest powered card. That kind of took some getting used to for myself, even and it allows some bigger plays. This feels as big as the Viper change to me, and just giving him a complete identity at this point.


Oh yeah, he definitely feels like a real interesting Marvel Snap card before, whereas, before he felt like he was just kind of a throwaway, like, why? I play him next to Armor, you know? Okay, cool. It was so hard to do anything with him. And now it feels like, even if it's not solved yet, or like the best deck doesn't show up yet, there's just Fun stuff to do, and I had the most fun with Nimrod on day one, it was crazy.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh, the Nimrod, when Nimrod went from, Nimrod went, I feel like, to like kind of a fun joy deck to play every now and then, to like, a new way to play Destroy, like, you know, significantly, like, there's actually some meat to that, and you know, I think, again, I think Symbiote Spider Man's gonna add to that too, with like a Venom that you activate, and then you can kind of do the Carnage and Deathlok later, like, there's just so much weirdness happening here, and love the targetability. With a two mind. I think we're kinda, I think the experimentation is still out there with him. I think there's plenty of cool stuff to be done, and I'm excited that I think he'll, he'll synergize. So Atuma, big winner in the OTA field. And probably the biggest other change would be in the buff department, obviously, is Destroyer. Are you camped that this is a buff? Do you feel like this is a nerf? What you feel about the new Destroyer?


Well, I, it's hard to say cause I haven't really seen anybody singing his praises yet. So it feels sort of weird to say that it's a buff. Cause I don't know if that has sort of borne out in an experience yet, but I will say instinctually, it feels It feels like eventually it might be a buff, like, I don't know, like maybe someday this will create more opportunity or some deck will figure out a way to work with this better with like some future cards down the road or something. Okay. So I don't know. I, I do feel like in some ways this lost a lot of identity. It doesn't feel as fun to me for some reason. Yeah. It might be more fun, like, okay, I can play the game a little better or easier now, but it was just so cool that it destroyed everything and that kind of risk and that, like, all in nature. There was something cool to that, so I'm a little more sad about the Destroyer change, personally. I'm curious if you think it's a buff, though.

Cozy Snap:

No, so, yeah, I would say, to me, at the moment, I don't even know if sidegrade's the word. Obviously, we've been playing him a certain way for so long, and so, for those that don't know, he destroys everything outside the lane he's played on, and so, At first, in practice, seems really cool, and it can be for, like, let's say, X Mansion, or, like, if there's like a, if there's a, a Monster Island, or something that you got for free that you played down, but the decks you play them in, most of the time, like, I was like, Okay, I'll save this, like, I, I don't know, like, whatever, I'll, it's something small, whereas, like, typically, Nimrod to start going, you know, crazy, and, and going all over, and so, I agree with you, I think, over time, There'll make cards that can synergize with this, but the, the, the wait, the stuff we have right now, I don't know, he just, he did, he lost some of his, his mustard. I, I would rather just a pure stat boost almost before, you know, outside of, I, I don't even know if you could have done that, cause 16's fine too. I, I, I'm, I'm unsure. I feel like he's still just Destroyer. I feel like he's kind of gonna still maintain the same play rate and the main, the same everything, really.


Yeah, I, I think that's true. I, there may be something here, too, from like a, a new player experience. Is he like a pretty early card in the track or not? I can't even remember. Pull three, so,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, no, pull three. So, he's still, you know, you'll get him at some point, but I, yeah, I don't think he's still, like, jumping up and down. I, I, Yeah, I, I really hope they do, like, I don't know how they can do this, but like, if you want to be a Destroyer player, you can go down a Destroyer path in Pool 3. Like, there's starting to be so much Cards. I hope you can kind of pick your archetype or whatever, but we're probably just gonna get more cosmetics. So other than that though, we've got we've got a couple small buffs. We had Cannonball go up one. Great. I think Cannonball is fine. I think he'll be better with Scream coming out. Not, not much note there. Copycat it's funny, like, this is the hot subject, right? You know, new card comes out, people get it. It doesn't matter if they just said, like, we made her tongue smaller on the image. People are like, that, that's not the copycat I bought, right? So, what, what are you feeling about copycat? I know right now she's still doing the, the, the copy and the steal because of some bug issues, but what, what is your, your feeling on her now just copying instead of stealing?


They nerfed their tongue? Come on, no! That's what I was excited about. I, I mean listen, in, in 95 percent of games, it's kind of functionally the same thing. If, if the deck of your opponent isn't being shuffled in some way, then that card will remain at the bottom of their deck and it's kind of like their neck. But anyway, which is kind of the same difference as you stealing the effect. But, you know, some people do play this with like rocks and stuff that shuffle deep on a stack. And then sometimes they do draw the dead card. And it is kind of nice to know in the back of your mind, too. Like, hey, I found Chi. They just don't ever have a Shang Chi. Shang Chi's turned off. There's some something there that feels really good. So losing that, I think, from a play experience is a little bit sad, even though I know in most of my games it won't functionally be all that different.

Cozy Snap:

It reminds me of when Dracula got nerf or change, right, where he added the power and people were like, what about Jotunheim? Like, so they thought about like the one, the one instance. Now, obviously, this is a new card, so like I get that, but like, you know, yes, Thor, the Darkhawk Synergy, you've got some of that going on. Still a great card. Reminds me of Mockingbird's nerf too. It's like, it's fine. She's still gonna be, you know, gonna be okay. I get you know, I get the, now she copies too. She's not Steel Cat, she's Copy Cat. So I think that's interesting. But I am sad. I, I do get it, the whole, like, it's tough to balance. But it, when people get a card that they want, it can be a little, it can be a little awkward. You know, when it's, when we all know, I think we all, like, did you know she was gonna get nerfed? I feel like I knew. That something was gonna happen.


I didn't know. But yeah, I'm pretty confident. I, I, I always said the skirt was insanely good, so it doesn't totally surprise me. Did did you hear the conspiracy theory by the way, that the reason they changed her is'cause they couldn't figure out how to fix the bug where her sound goes off? They were just like, ah, we can't fix. So we'll just make her copy instead of steal. And they still couldn't. Like, they did that. Yeah, they still messed it up. And it's

Cozy Snap:

still there. Yeah. And it's funny because I don't think I knew that was a bug for a long time. I was like, oh, that's a clever way to have like a nice little nod that, you know, they drew Copycat or whatever. But yeah, then I like that theory. I want that tinfoil hat on that, please. I'll take it. We have a couple more, man. Let's let's talk Loki. Always a big discussion. I think not a lot of wasted breath here because we'll just be talking about him probably in the next OTA, I would assume, right? I mean, is this it? Is this all we've seen with Loki's nerfs? What do you think? We


played too much since the since the OTA hit. Cause they were like, card review video one day, it's been the weekend. And so, I guess I haven't really ran into Loki very much yet, but, but just a quick look at the data suggests he's still pretty good in Airshim, and still getting played a lot as well, so, maybe you're right, maybe this isn't the end isn't the end for Loki. They are so attached to this card and this mechanic, and I think so many people are sick of it, so. I, I really don't know what to say at this point. It's, it's, we're like, what, a year in? We're in, we're in

Cozy Snap:

a year, and actually, funny enough, wow, that's, wow right now, the, the start of September is when he came out, so he's made it a whole year of every version that you could possibly see, and yeah, Airsham, Yeah, but now you get him on turn one, Arishom, and yeah, he still gives a negative one cost. It's like, in practice, his ability is nice, but when you start combining it with things like Arishom, it's like, that's when it gets, you know, in theory, I love the idea of Loki being this card that lets you use your opponent's deck for a little cheaper if you couldn't use him with these other problems, I guess. But yeah, I'm expecting to see Loki down the line, no question. What about I, I think it's funny, I think a lot of people were getting really, they were really mad about the Taskmaster change, which obviously on theory it's like, What no one was, no one was really playing this card but to me it kind of just screams, it wasn't the Mr. Negative, it screamed Dagger. Who I'm surprised, honestly, lasted this, this OTA, but Dagger and Human Torch with the upcoming season is what this screamed to me.


Yeah, I wonder if there's something too with like, Symbiote Spider Man maybe, like, you know, some kind of weirdness with Black Panther or something, you know, I don't know what, you know, could be anything, but yeah. I I don't necessarily mind them, you know, obviously adjusting it if that's gonna be a problem, clearly we don't want these broken things to happen, I kind of wish they'd, you know, Waited. I mean, maybe it was literally going to be this week, though, with Symbiote Spider Man, so they didn't have time or something, right? In other words, I don't want them to do it too far ahead of the problem, you know, like, let people enjoy their card. Because for me, I know a lot of people on YouTube say they still play Shuri Red Skull. Like, people without big collections and they just want to climb. It's like a really safe, easy climbing deck. So they're, like, really sad their Taskmaster got nerfed. Which is kind of a, you know, casualty of, of this change. But I am curious to see what crazy big scary thing is coming, though. Like, whatever it is, if it's Dagger or something else. Like, oh god. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

again, yeah, it killed, essentially, Deadpool, Destroyed. Like, if you wanted to do the classic, like, play Deadpool, then play the Taskmaster. And then the She Hulk, like, skipping If you didn't grab, like, you know, a card, like, skipping turn five, playing She Hulk and Task That was, like, a legitimate, great backup plan that Is kind of gone now, and to me, it feels like with Madame Web and the way that you can go crazy with Mystique or whatever, any card, with Hercules, all that stuff. That dagger can be somehow bounced back, or not somehow, but that's probably what happened with Beast. And if you play that dagger, it's like, I don't know, a hundred, I don't know. Well, again, I think, to your point, Symbiote Spider Man is gonna really bring, you know they've had testing with him for a while, so I'm sure they've broken the games in more ways than one. And if they can break the game, the, you know, millions of players can, even more so, I think. Yeah, so so that's Taskmaster. So then the other kind of nerf to a card that Took people by surprise. Was the beast going from the 2 cost up to the 3 cost and getting up to 5 power now? Thoughts on that?


Yeah, I again, I don't play a ton of bounce, but I always felt like a higher cost beast was very clunky. Like, I didn't really care about the stats. I wanted the efficiency and the, you know The kind of easy to weave it into turns. So I haven't thought about like per turn consequences of this and how clunky it gets like to play it on turn five or whatever. But I imagine it's not as easy. Now, that said, also, there's another datamined card coming out. I think that's Toxin. That's like a month and a half, two months away basically at this stage. That does kind of what the old beast did and now it's going to look like it's two cost. It doesn't have discounts, has like stat scaling, but maybe there was something there with Toxin too they wanted to get ahead of. Or maybe this was like really scary good with Like, move, bounce, dagger, and iron fist, and all that stuff, getting getting bounced too affordably, maybe there was something there, so. I, I, I just don't play this enough to get any insights beyond that.

Cozy Snap:

It was an early, it was early, because Aranya doesn't come out for, what, I think a couple weeks? So at this point you have Like, it would have made sense in the Aranya week to me, because that, I think, is opening up some kind of crazy stuff happening, and Yeah, and people say, well, they had this before, and Beast was still good, but that Beast could do had no handicap on the cost reduction. So, like, you could have a, a one go down to zero, or whatever the whole time rather than just the next turn. So, this is definitely, Beast is another car that, if you look at the grand scheme of things, has been through a lot of adjustments throughout the, throughout his, his career. His life, but so, kind of a weird OTA, kind of a different one, I believe, is it this Tuesday? We have a patch tomorrow? Technically not tomorrow, but tomorrow is when this airs?


You are asking the wrong guy, I don't keep track. They don't, they don't tell me anything, and I don't keep track of anything, so I have no idea.

Cozy Snap:

We, we, we just know nothing all the time, and people, I think, assume we do. We are pretty left clueless,


I am the least plugged in person in Marvel Snap. No one tells me anything. I don't talk to anybody from the Marvel Snap team. I am absolutely out of the loop. Always. I always thought you were the guy, but I think you're out of the loop too.

Cozy Snap:

We're both, we're both just talking to each other. That's like the, that's the most in the loop that I'm in. But so interesting OTA. We've got some, you know, definitely, I think a really, you know, cracked month in cards and And just, like, not generic, like, oh, put this in a Destroyer deck, but some really cool theorycrafting. And so, if you guys want to go and check out all the crazy builds and, more importantly, thumbnails that Regis is going to put together, I'll go ahead and put his description down below. And comment! Comment if you want Regis to be a full guest here on a full episode of the Snapchat. If I, if I could be so lucky drop that down below. Regis, any I'll, I'll let you close with this. Pick one card that you think needs to be changed the most, or you are hoping is changed.


It's just silly to say low key. That's fair. I mean, dream come true.

Cozy Snap:

Wish granted, probably.


I want Leech to go back to his old version and get Activate.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, what? Yes, please, right? Yeah. Okay, there's comments that were like, We want Regis. They just like deleted the comment just now. They're like, never mind. We're good on the We're good on that take. Yeah, what about Morph? You'd play Morph, but you can change him anytime.


Oh, you know, yeah, that would be cool. Moon Girl might be kind of fun. Sometimes Moon Girl, if she was like cheaper, but you had to activate it. Sometimes the hand's like too awkward and big, but if you could like play stuff out, that'd be fun.

Cozy Snap:

That would be wild, yeah, for sure. I'm excited to see it. Well, buddy, thanks for coming in.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we've got a lot to talk about this week, including the August final rankings. This is where we go back in time. We take a look at what we ranked each individual card that came out in August. Now we hold ourselves accountable for our rankings and we're starting with Kate Bishop. We actually came in together in unison at four stars together. Kate is currently running a 51. 2 percent win rate at 26 percent of the meta share. We both came in at four. How do you think we did?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think we did good. I think this is probably looking back at the month. This is the best card of the month. If I look back, I think this is right there. So that spoils the rest of it, but I think this is. It mainly because the universal play of her is what makes her great. She's in so many different decks. She's fantastic for the curve play. And she kind of ended up where we thought she would. And so I think, you know, four was great. I would probably bump her up just because, you know, the standard of the month. She would go up from there.

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting to hear you say that. Cause like, I actually don't think she's the best of the month, but she is by far the most played. She's by far the most versatile. Yours is Marvel Boy

Cozy Snap:

then I'm guessing?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I don't know. I'm like, I'm still deciding. I'm still deciding on what I'm going to deem the best. I, you know what? I'm going to take that back. You are probably right. In terms of overall playability, Hawkeye or Kate Bishop, I should say. Is most certainly probably tops of the month, but that isn't to say that we don't have several high impact cards. What I think it is though, is that we expected Kate Bishop to be good. We didn't expect her to be like, you know, extremely universally meta relevant, but there are cards on this list that we expected to underperform that have surprisingly over performed to some degree. So I do think that Kate Bishop kind of met expectations where some of the other ones have exceeded expectations in a way that like leads me to almost say like, was she the best of them all? Like, you know what I mean? Like, that's kind of where I'm at, but I will ultimately agree at a 26 percent meta share. You can't argue that Kate Bishop's legit.

Cozy Snap:

With how much we prepped for just all the new Activate stuff, like I didn't put a lot of thought right away of like, oh, where do I rank all these? And so like that was just on the fly. Yeah, I'm like thinking back and I'm cause I, yeah, I have some statements about couple, couple cards, couple overall thoughts. But yeah, Kate Bishop I just think it's, again, it's the flexibility. For me, she just upsets me all the time cause she gives me the wrong arrows. But she is, she's great. She's a good card for sure. And 20, what was it, 27 percent play? That's insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So 26 percent play rate if I remember correctly, it is 26%. And the other thing though, is like, you bring up the arrows, which I think is important. Clearly the acid arrow is the absolute go, right? Like that is the number one for sure. Best one. And how would you rate them otherwise? Like for me, it's like, I like acid arrow. I like the Pym arrow. I like the unrevealed plus four, which I can't remember all of a sudden, then the grapple one, grapple one goes last.

Cozy Snap:

I'm thinking back, you went in four here on, on, on Kit, you went in four? I remember you thinking that Black Swallow, like, these should be free, and I thought that maybe you gave her a three. I'm not, I mean, you're the one that looked at it. I'm just thinking, because I remember you were saying that these should potentially be free if it doesn't work out. You remember that? But you still liked her as like a four?

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, if I cheated my own notes, then I'm just No,

Cozy Snap:

I'm just trying to think of going back to like, What your statement was, was what reminded me of that. It's not even close. The Acid Arrows by far, like, is, is by far the best. And I was trying to think if they would adjust any of these other ones. These feel, it's not that they're awkward. They always, to me, just feel like, like, this is, I almost never use this as its effect. It's just points on the board for me. Like, most of the time. And this, the other one can be a little bit awkward at times, too. Personally, that's what I feel like on the Arrows.

Alexander Coccia:

No, there's no question. It's funny to think that like the 2 3 body on Kate Bishop isn't actually as impactful as the arrows are, and I'm glad that like that is that what they're leaning into, right? It's also notable that it's in, it's being shown in a bunch of different archetypes. Like we, we saw early experimentation with Kate Bishop in Zoo. I made a lot of sense, right? But we've also seen it in the Ultron you know, decks where you're playing Salmon and stuff, or that early Klogg. It's being played in Klogg, right? Because with Loki Ereshim, the idea that these cards can cheat out energy so effectively and just play on curve, on tempo, so much better than you, by playing the Acid Arrow, by playing Debris, by playing Green Goblin and White Widow, you restrict their ability to even use their board state. So it's being seen there as well. It's just been insanely versatile across a bunch of different archetypes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. She's, she's been a very solid card and she's going to continue to be used a ton. I think that's, what's important about it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and she synergized with the next card that came out in the month, which is Marvel Boy. Marvel Boy running an 8 percent popularity rate at a 52 percent win rate. So the win rate is slightly higher on Marvel Boy, although the meta share is slightly lower. It wouldn't surprise you to know that it's primarily being played in zoo based decks. It did see some experimentation in like other decks to some degree, but really it's a zoo card. How has your experience been with Marvel Boy?

Cozy Snap:

It's, it sounds so weird, like, phrasing this. He feels the best this month. Like, even though he's not, he feels that, like, when I, the impact that he brought to one archetype was the best. And, and, and it's, you know, moving forward, he, he needs to be there in, in that archetype. And so and I like him a lot as a car too. And so what did we, you gave him a five, remember? I gave him a four.

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, that's correct. So I came in at five stars, you came in at four.

Cozy Snap:

And I think I remember saying, yeah, it will get the whole thing, but I remember saying this would have been my five, but I'm gonna go for a fun pick. I, I think he, he's the impact that we thought, right? I think he's shown, I think Zoo has shown that this has been its best month, too. And so yeah, I like where Marvel Boy ended up, and I think they actually tuned him pretty well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, he is fair. What I will say is he's definitely a five star card in zoo.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

He's not five star elsewhere.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

He, he feels like a surprising one trick pony to some degree. Even experimentation in like destroy decks and some of that didn't quite work cause he was just a little too slow. It's just so much easier to generate additional value in other places. Right. He saw experimentation, but at the end of the day, he is being played almost universally in some form of zoo deck and statistics do. It is notable though that from a pure power standpoint and power output standpoint, he is the highest of the month. If you do the math on like, you know, those three procs over, you know, several turns, etc. He has the highest ceiling. He has the highest ceiling for sure. And what he did for that archetype was huge. But ultimately, you know, I think that if you grab them, you're probably happy with it, no?

Cozy Snap:

For sure, and I think we say this all the time, but truly, man, you fast forward, let's say September, I mean you could. Let's say October, September, November. Killmonger, like, Killmonger was so Destroyer's very heavy all the time, but like, he was extra heavy. Because of Zoo, everybody knew it was Zoo month, everybody, and as we get away from that, If you don't have a Killmonger and Zooboy's out and you have Squirrelite, they're done. They have no, there's just no answer to that, even without Kaira. And then maybe those decks can get more greedy and not run Kaira all the time too. Like, Gilgamesh, you don't see him outside of Zoo. He could be played outside of Zoo. You don't see that. It's the same for Marvel Boy. Both S tier cards, but they're kind of limited.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it's interesting to note as well that like, Zoo was irrelevant meta wise until the last couple months. We got Marvel Boy we got Gilgamesh, we got Mockingbird, and those three cards completely changed that archetype. And that's why when we looked towards this next coming month, the Symbiote Spider Man month, we see these move additions, and suddenly it's like, okay, suddenly, like, it's like, move might get what exactly Zoo got over the past two months. Where suddenly that whole archetype kind of gets reinvigorated. And I do think the ceiling on Move is going to be higher than the ceiling on Zoo because of all the activated abilities that they have. But overall, I do think Marvel Boy has ultimately been a very strong selection. And that takes us to our next card of the month. That was Wiccan. Now, Wiccan was really tricky because we've never had a card quite like this before. It's on reveal being very restrictive in the sense that you have to play on curve or else it's just a vanilla 4 7 feels bad. And so we saw a lot of decks using Quicksilver. We saw some decks using Domino because you really wanted to utilize Wiccan, but you needed to play on perfect curve. And a lot of early experimentation was unwilling to waver or even take a chance to fall off curve. So you had, as you had these like somewhat shoddy decks, and then ultimately we started to get a little more refinement. Now Cozy, you came in at 2. 5 stars, I came in at 3, and he's currently running a 50. 7 win rate at a 13 percent meta share. So how do you think we did on Wiccan?

Cozy Snap:

He's still a tough one. Because it's kind of like when we this isn't a direct comparison, but it's kind of like when we evaluated Havoc. And Havoc, on paper, you could give him decent star ratings, but you didn't play him again after the season. Pretty much no one did. It is what it is. Because there was so much working against you, right? And so Wiccan is way better than Havoc. I'll give him that. And Wiccan, people tend to not play decks that you have something working against you a lot, so I don't see him being played wildly a lot. With that being said, the decks he's in, especially Mainly Bounced. Mainly Bounced is gotten to a pretty nice level with him. It works out really well. I also think that he could see an adjustment down the line. 2. 5, you gave him a 3, I, yeah, probably, probably a 3, I think is fine, I think that's okay, I could go with, you know, I, it, I just don't know if he'll be played a ton, because there's just, why go through this hassle when you can, you know, go with something like Madame Web, or maybe you play him with Madame Web and Tiny Bounce, I don't know, but I, I think that that's probably my ultimate decision there.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I think part of the challenge and the reason why Wicked didn't have as much appeal is that why go through all this when you can just play Ereshim and you have, you know, one extra energy from turn one throughout the course of the game and not have to worry about all this dancing around with Domino and Quicksilver, right? It's worth noting that, as you mentioned, like, bounce style decks have performed the best with this card. And when we talk about bounce, we're not talking about like, I'm specifically not referring to Falcon Beast, I don't know if you were, but like the Maria Hill, Kitty Pryde, Dina Angela package, I think is currently the highest performing deck, that particular deck running approximately a 54 percent win rate, so like, it is good, but that is a whole bunch of really good cards doing really good things, and Wiccan has to, like, just happens to be a part of it, right? I don't know how much of it is Wiccan actually carrying it, You know what I mean? Like, I don't think the extra 2 energy is a huge component of the success of that deck, or the other decks that Wiccan happens to be in.

Cozy Snap:

And who knows, maybe like an Agent Coulson curve to Symbiote Spider Man, and then you can get Deactivate later, and then you have something to do with this energy, like maybe that's really strong, and like, Deactivate could really help Wiccan down the line. It's just, at the end of the day, like for me, I still play a lot of Wiccan Miracle, as I like to call it, Sarah Miracle, but with Wiccan in it. But then there's times where I'm like, do I just want another card in here? That's not waking and then just go a little safer. Like, you know, so I, he's, he's still the most confusing of the month.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree. He is by far. And, but he has overperformed expectations. I think, I think we expected a little less from him. Me in particular, right. I was particularly low on him in like initial previews and then warmed up to him over time, which I think is actually kind of, right. Well, yeah, because what happens is, is like, it's, it's not always obvious, but the medic conditions are hard to predict at first. And then you get, you get OTAs, you get patches, you get changes. And those changes are often in service to the season that's coming out. So our earlier predictions, even three weeks prior, they can often get kind of like shifted because of the meta shift for sure. Right. And it's not always to pick up on that. Like when I did my spotlight cash video a couple of weeks ago, like. You know, I wasn't as high on, you know, some of the cards, this and that, but then the meta conditions have shifted. OTAs happen. Things change, right? And so with Wiccan, I think that it was unique enough that we needed very deliberate deck building, and so I'm glad it came out at least a good card. I don't even know if it's a good card yet. I think it's just fine, and maybe that's Just fine. And what's more than just fine, I think, is this week's next card, and that is Speed. Now, Speed, to me, is probably the card that surprised me the most this season. And we started at a very interesting spot. And I gotta give you credit, Cozy. I gotta give you credit. Speed was one of the cards that pretty much everyone was universally pretty low on. I started the conversation humming and honking around the twos range, ultimately deciding to go with a three star rating. You started at a three star rating, and then hummed ultimately ended up at a four star rating. And I think you were absolutely correct to give Speed a four star, because this card is really good. In fact, I think, and I'm just throwing it out there, If it wasn't for Kate Bishop being as universally playable as it is, and if it wasn't for the straight up power output of Marvel Boy in perfect conditions, I think Speed could very well be the best card of the month.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I remember you you took, as you phrased it, you took a point from Speed and gave it to Wiccan in your Ultimate Ratings, 0 out of 2, and then I think I kind of led into it being just good stats, right, in that we, it's had this motto now that everyone's saying now that it's like, it's boring but it's good. And I think that's okay. I think that's okay. I think ultimately it's a Series 5 and like, remove, if you remove all that stuff, it's a good card, right? Like at the end of the day, if you remove it, I think towards like the more recent rankings, even I gave it a 4 at that point, like I was, Even more on it. And then it released and then I gave it like a 2. 5 or a three on my video the next day. And now I'm back kind of where I'm at. I think it's just a good flat curve card. That's going to see play over time. I think people were way too harsh on it because it's boring and speed. It's just, it's such an anomaly of a card this month.

Alexander Coccia:

It is. And I remember like, do you have the need for speed? And I was like, probably not. But as I played the card and you know, even in my first impressions, like in my, my stream where I was covering the card, I was like, yo, this is good. Like He's getting to 9 power? I played Surfer, he's 11 power? Like, how could this be bad? No one's playing Enchantress on him, no one's being like, Oh, Speeds out! Gotta run Enchantress and Rogue! Like, no one cares enough? Like, he just doesn't, he doesn't have enough of, like, he doesn't have, like, the fireworks? He's not, like, a flare that's like, You gotta get rid of me, baby! He's just sitting there and no one cares!

Cozy Snap:

And that's where I could speak to I'll Speak to my analytics on YouTube even. So we'll get to Hulkling in a second. But here's my favorite card this month. Which, favorite and good don't mix, but favorite has to do with fun. A lot of times. At least for me. And I actually think that's the case for a lot of the Marvel Snap community. Ho hum, meta, meta, I, like, I, who cares? If you go and look, Wiccan had an explosive amount of not only just viewership, but also just engagement. Cause it was interesting. It was so cool. Whereas Speed, better card, Probably, you know, and, and definitely going to age better. Statistically, one of the worst videos I've put out, I think it's, it's okay video, but just the engagement on speed was dead because no one cares. No one cares if it's good, it's boring. Right. And so I think there's something that like, there's something magical about fun cards that are also good, fun cards that are boring. And then he's just a boring good card, which is a weird middle.

Alexander Coccia:

So I agree a hundred percent. And like my video for speed was exactly the same. Right. And it's like, you come away really impressed, but I think that like reading the text, reading the stat line, just giving it some thought, a lot of people just weren't, they weren't enticed to spend their keys. They weren't enticed to spend their tokens. And so they had made their mind up right off the top that speed wasn't worth their time. And yet we're playing it. We're thinking to ourselves. Oh, like this is almost no downside because generally speaking, you're trying to use your energy anyway, like you're not playing Marvel Snap, just float over and over again, unless you're playing, you know, high Evo, but then you're not playing speed in a high Evo deck. That would make no sense, right? It just does its thing and it does it well. And it wouldn't surprise me cozy. If two months from now, speed is universally the strongest card from this list. It actually wouldn't surprise me if like the top meta shells are using it. Maybe Keith Bishop

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

not, I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

It's safe, it's just safe, because like, people are like, you don't get a 3 9 if you don't, who cares about a 3 9? Like, and yeah, you don't get, let's say Thor, that could be a 10, or, cool, you're just getting most of the time on average like a 3 6, maybe 3 7. Then you get up to 3 8, 3 9, that's insane, that's just great. He's doing his thing, he's doing it well, and as we said, you can play him late, I think that's one of his best parts about him.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's no question, the late part is huge. And coming in late in the season was Hulkling. Now, this one here was pretty interesting. Hulkling was, well, Cozy, you know what, I'll let you I'll let you lead the way on Hulkling.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, man, my, my, mama, mama mia. So, I originally, this was my 5 star. Now, I knew what I was doing when I gave it a 5 star. I clearly knew it wasn't right at 5 star. But I near would back up. It was a 4 star. And I can say with full confidence in recent Memory. I don't even know if there's only been In my count, out of every new card, what if we get one a week, there's been three that I, I've missed with one major. And this is, I mean, this is right there. This is probably one of my bigger misses that I've had. Right there with that Grandmaster, in it's scope of what it could become. Oh boy, guys, oh my god, he's, he's something else. You know, I think I've learned my lesson and I'll tell you this. I was so obsessed with the statistics of all the six cost cards that he could become, and when we looked at it at a list, it's like, wow, and he still does give you some over the top potential a lot of the time. But, at the end of the day, if a random card, like Valentina, did not end up being great either, because if a random card that has a random element is not overstated, copycat for a great example, it's gonna be bad, right? And the moment I knew I effed up, it wasn't even after we filmed, I mean, it was, I was, I saw some, some, some, Quote by Glenn saying, I think we went too conservative on him being a 6'11 and I was like, oh, it's gonna be bad. And it's, you know what's funny? I played, everyone rushed to get their Hulkling video out, I waited a full day because I played a hundred something, I played so much. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't steered towards one thing, and I kept getting, you know, Blob and Doctor Doom. Most of the time, I felt like I got a vanilla card a lot of the time, where it's just like an 11 power play. Which is fine, but ultimately, oh boy, he's not a one star, but he's definitely not, he's not the top of the list, at the four, I think is where I ended up.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I mean, listen full credit to ya, I'm glad you, you, you went with your heart there, and I, you know what, it's funny guys, I gotta be honest, I'll just talk to the podcast crew here it is so stressful in those situations, where you whiff a little bit, to the point, like Cozy, I was stressed out for you. Oh, I loved it, I didn't care, dude. Cozy gave, like, a four out of five. Five star, maybe four star. Now people are going to like, you know, be all like, well, how cozy you're wrong. People still have not let me live down the Miss Marvel. And yet here's the thing. Here's the funny thing. Cozy. If you actually go through like the months and months, we're actually relatively accurate to the point where like, we don't miss all that off. Then we get some like minor here and there kind of, you know, one point here, one point there. We don't usually just completely whiff, but when we do baby. They let us

Cozy Snap:

know. For me, I don't, A, I feel nothing. The only time when I feel I feel nothing. The only time That could be interpreted a couple ways. The only time I feel like, oh shoot, what happened, is if I whiff Massive on my new card video. This is a Snapchat where we're like, we're theorizing, we haven't gotten our hands on the card, and so like, and this is well understood at this point, do not buy a card the day one if you're iffy about it on what we talked about this day, right, because this is us theorizing what we think it's going to be. This guy did not get even near a 5 on my, after I got to play him, here's my advice, right? And so it's, it's often, I don't think I've I rarely give a ton of 5s on those new card videos. Because to me, that's my stamp of approval, right? Whereas this is more, we're talking what could, should, maybe, will become. And so I feel less bad. Like, if I gave him a 5 on my new card, then I feel awful, and that was the case with Grandmaster. I had a lot of good games. I had so many good games with him, and he just didn't pan out over the long stretch, which is why I gave myself more time here. But, oh yeah, dude. Whiff of the Century, like, come at me. I love it, guys. I, I eat it up. I feel, I feel, I feel dude, I made a whole video making fun of myself. I love it.

Alexander Coccia:

That was good, dude. And you know, at the end of the day, right? I'm just Emperor Hulkling is pretty fun, though. Like, he is really fun, and I think at the end of the day, that's great. And I want to touch on something you mentioned last week. When the day comes that a draft mode comes out, Emperor Hulkling will suddenly be At least a little better. He's still, and

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

real quick, what's your star rating on him? I went to three and then I kind of talked myself into a four, so I'm still wrong.

Cozy Snap:

Well, so yeah, I think I remember four was the, the latest. And what about now though, right now, what do you have him at?

Alexander Coccia:

I would say he's like a three that you don't need. Yeah. A

Cozy Snap:

2. 5 somewhere in there is where I have a range. Yeah. I, I I still think he's my favorite card of the month. Alright, Longshot. I think he's my favorite card. I still think, like, what he can do is a lot of fun. He creates crazy combos. Loved him in Ramp. I still think he's a good Ramp card. We're going over the top dogging on him because of the, the, the, the, the expectation of what he could have been. And, I mean, dude, we've seen this Saga Dance before. We know he's gonna be a 612, 613 in no time.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, as soon as he leaves the spotlight caches, he's literally the number one card in Marvel Snap. You know what's happening guys, so. Actually, the top comment on my video that I released for Hulkling was, Alex says he's bad, everyone buy him now, cause he's gonna be meta.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right, over time man, over time. But definitely fun man, I had a blast with him, I loved him in Ramp, Electrowave, if you're looking to play him, play him in Electrowave, Airstream, and you will like him, if you did get him.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for sure. And that leads us to our next topic of conversation. And listen, Cozy and I, we've had the absolute pleasure of having the opportunity to host the last Conquerors event and we were talking to ourselves, like, you know what, we should talk about tournaments. We should talk about competitive snap. Cause it's not something that we've had an opportunity to discuss in the Snapchat relatively recently, or if ever on that matter, and as, as two gentlemen who have casted a recent event, I think it was fitting to kind of reflect What could the future of Snap Tournaments look like? Is the Conqueror's format the final form, or could there be something more?

Cozy Snap:

Way more, yeah. I think I will stand by for, for, on, on everything. That I think it's smart not going and launching a game with competitive in mind right away to some degree. Like I feel like games that launch with eSports, it's just not the right direction. Focus on making a good game, and then you, you create the scene after that. And I could not dogging on that. I love that stuff, guys. There's nothing to do with that. Make the game good first, though. However I will stand by. I am so puzzled of a game with random elements, and they continue to get rid of the random elements, like the peak, and other things that we just removed. Weird world got, that's changed to. Them not capitalizing on this as in the competitive scene blows my mind because there's an audience for it. It's definitely there. We've seen mock tournaments made like some of the Conqueror formats, some didn't land, some did. Like, you know, Community RAN stuff that it has the absolute legs, Alex, to be a fun competitive game. And I, I might be in the works with a little something, something, something, and, and honestly, it, it takes a lot of money to get this stuff done from prize pool to putting it together, but my God, is the actual gameplay and the stuff there? No question.

Alexander Coccia:

It is. And I think one thing that's functionally missing is a spectator mode, like a proper way to spectate properly. And it's kind of a shame that it's not like on the, we haven't seen a roadmap in a while. I would be highly surprised if spectator mode is on there in any shape or form, because I think that that would be like kind of the the olive branch of saying, Hey guys, you guys want a competitive snap? Here we go. We're actually helping you develop it, right? Like that would be great, man. Great. And it's just. It's not there yet, and I really hope they would consider, like, what that would do, that kind of aspirational content would do for people that are interested in playing Snap and getting really deep into this community.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, I think we've seen, though, that they don't, they just don't, it's not on their priority list, like, it's just not, it's up to us, it's up to, you know, and I, I've had, like for one, I had one brand I was ready to work with and get a deal going and get, like, a giant thing happening, and it fell through. At the day, someone, and it might be me, it might be someone else I can't divulge too much, but Concepts have to go out there before other brands are willing to put up stuff. Most tournaments you see are sponsored at the day so that there can be this stuff. And it needs to be there, because Alex, man, I can't, even people watch poker for a reason. Because of watching personality, watching movements, watching the way people handle themselves. I think in person snap events have legs to be so cool of a snap. The other guys over there, you're staring them down. Why'd he snap? Is he faking it? Whatever. Especially in a conquest type of mode, that it would give it legs. And it, it, it's not that it might be too late, but kind of. Like, I don't know, we're, it's, we're, we're a couple years in. But my gosh, I think that all the skeleton is here, but spectator mode is pretty much a must.

Alexander Coccia:

You know, it's funny how you mentioned, like, you know, it's been a couple years there have been games that have released up front that have, like, used esports and competition as, like, a buzzword in a way it's like, buddy, no one's going to play your game and the games fail and their esports side completely falls apart. I've seen that before, but I think that Marvel Snap has a great fan base. It has an amazing foundation. The gameplay's there. The RNG elements are there. The, the fact that like both players play at the same time has a lot of integrity kind of like competitive integrity. It's all there. You just have to capitalize on it. And sometimes I wonder if Marvel Snap is, is a little too satisfied being like the fun casual game with superheroes. It needs to be better than that. And we've talked about that in the past because it is better than that. We've talked about how like Marvel Snap just isn't a mobile game to, well, not just us, but to people. Pretty much anyone who plays it, it's transcended that it plays better than 99. 9 percent of mobile games. It is more fun than 99. 9 percent of mobile games. It just, it checks all the boxes. They can push it to that next level. And is that next level something like a bracketed open qualifying tournament? You know what I mean? Like a proper competitive bracketed tournament. Conqueror's is cool. Conqueror's is really fun. I love the format. Have a really interesting deck building challenge, get creators in there, generate excitement for, for the game. But what about getting literally the 32 best players in Snap and seeing who's number one?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, absolutely. I think a lot of times why you see creators and stuff in these bigger things is that A, marketing is a lot behind it, but also set up, if you had the number one players have a webcam, it's like you need them to have something and, and, and, you know, that's, that's fine. If that's, you know, the only, you know, qualifying thing is like, make sure you have some way to show yourself and your gameplay, then cool. You know, it works out pretty well, but I agree. I want to see. Truly, you know, who is, you know the, the better players in the world. But also, it takes things from Second Dinner that if they they, they, they gotta do when they're not doing it just flat out, you guys aren't doing it, that you, I just don't see it being that hard of a thing over the last two years to put together a custom mode, right? So even if you say, well, Snap's too random, Cozy, which I think it's balanced really well. I think that's the best thing going for it, too. There should be a thing where I can click, you see the locations all highlighted, and I can use my finger, and I can turn off locations. I can also custom set, hmm, we're gonna do no Loki, we're gonna do no Erishem. And then you have this code generated, whatever, and then you can have your tournament with these boundaries set. Like, that is such a, it's such a, it frustrates me, because I think it's so easy to do. And I get it, there's gonna be so many people that wouldn't play that, but there are so many things that it would do for it, marketing wise, and they're games that solely exist still and are still popular because of the scene of the competitive side around it. And yeah, they've made their decisions. I, at this point, like, I've thought about it as one of the, you know bigger creators in this scene. I've thought, like, okay, is it up to me to do all this? And, I've attempted a few times. There's some hurdles there for sure but I definitely there's no question that this can be done.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's no question that it should be done. And what I will say is, like, to your point that there are games that really, like, relish on this opportunity to generate a lot of excitement around the game. I came from Dota 2. Dota 2 does exactly that. Every single year, the the International is not just a tournament, but it's like a celebration of everything that's Dota. And it brings in massive viewership on Twitch. It brings in massive interest in the game. There's like a special season pass. I just, it's more like a battle pass, but there's like a special season just dedicated to that event. You can like bet fantasy and stuff like that based on like how different teams perform. It's an all encompassed thing. And yeah, that's a little outside the scope that maybe Snap should do, but like even starting with like We have massive conventions that do massive tournaments. Like you could use those spaces to do like 16 v 16, like brackets and stuff like that. You, there's so many opportunities to get competitive Marvel Snap out there and tell the average person playing like, listen, man. You don't need to be on a podcast like Alex and Cozy. You could literally just be so good at this game that you get points, you rank, and then all of a sudden you get a chance to compete in open qualifying. And you could be on that stage where Alex and Cozy are like, look at this person crushing it on the big stage.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Like Pokemon worlds. And there's so, there's a million examples I can get. I mean, was I too harsh for what I was saying? I feel like I, it's like, what's the point of just beating around the bush? It's like, I, At this point, and I get it, and let me back up, like the first couple of years I do get there being a lot of focus on the casual stuff. But when it's like our 9th cosmetic update to cards, like that's really cool, it's still casual though, it's still casual, it's just like I, I, that, those resources should have gone to that, and I think it would have paid off bigger than, than they would have imagined. But, you know, time will tell. If we get a spectate mode, awesome. I think our, kind of, next on the roadmap, I think, is draft mode, and that's gonna be a huge step in the right direction to bring players back and do a lot for the game. Game's still very healthy. I think people underestimate, just to highlight the casual thing, The amount of casual players in this game is ridiculous, okay, a crazy degree still. But I think there can be more there in what we're talking about in the competitive scene.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we see a lot of interaction from like casual audience and new players and stuff like even Deadpool's diner as you know, misaligned some of the start was and stuff like that. I think ultimately you did bring in a lot of newer players. It did bring a lot of attention to the game. There was a lot of interest generated. So I do think that you know, competitive snap and tournament based snap could do the same thing. Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag, where we take questions from our community, statements from our community, and we talk about them here on the show. And if you have anything you'd like to say or ask us, definitely let us know in the comments down below. And the first thing comes from Derek, and it reads, Fievel Goes West is a criminally underrated movie. Fievel Goes West came up in our last podcast discussion, and the reason why I bring this up is, Cozy, I want to ask you. Are there any like DVDs or VHSs that you had as a kid that like was in your collection? Like you had five of them and you just watch them on repeat all the time. You know what I mean? Like, is there, I feel like kids now don't have that cause they have Netflix, they have Disney plus they have all of these streaming services. So they watch tons of different stuff. When I was a kid, we just had like four DVDs I watched over and over again. Actually, VHSs, if you can remember that. I

Cozy Snap:

was gonna say for me, opening, oh dude, there's definitely VHSs. I had my closet that I would open up and I had like a little, like, hanging thing that had all my VHSs in there. And, and yeah, I would like grab the VHS, pop in what was that? This little kid with a circle glasses and there's some books and he opens them up and does these adventures with like Merlin and stuff. I don't know. That was like my go to VHS. But well, it's gonna kill me. I wanna know what it is. Star Wars was my main. Like, I remember the VHS set, I remember the DVD set, and like, going back to those over and over and over. But then, yeah, like, everyone had, like, the trilogies. Like, I had, like, the Bourne ultimatums, and the, you know all the Matt Damon stuff, and, like, You watch the same, the, the, you would buy a movie based on its repeat watchability.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. There was so many people, like there was a time where everyone bought box sets for everything, right? Oh yeah. For me, like big ones from when I was a kid I watched a ton of the big green, I dunno if you saw that. It was a soccer one. It's kind of like Sandlot, but soccer. Okay. We also had Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, which we literally watched nonstop, nonstop and being Canadian. We also got yearly install kind of like refreshes of what was called Don Cherry's Rock'em Sock'em Hockey. And what it was, was there was this caster named Don Cherry at the time. Anybody that's Canadian knows who Don Cherry is. And basically, he would just do like this hype video with like all the best goals and biggest hits and craziest fights and stuff from the prior year. It was called Rock Em Sock Em. And so like, me and my brother would always get hyped up watching that.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, that, I would record a lot on VHS to TV. Like, the amount of VHSes that I would have like Rugrats or whatever recorded on and that I could go back and watch that and you would have the commercials too. And I found some of those in re watching, like, 90s commercials. It's like, nostalgia heaven.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like all the Mentos commercials and stuff, like the Mentos song. Oh man, that's, that's awesome. And you know what? It's so fun! And let us know in the comments some of the VHSs and DVDs that you guys had and that you watched nearly on repeat. For the record, I can almost recite the entire Ace Ventura movie right now, start to finish, and my brother can do the exact same. Cozy, let's actually get to some Marvel Snap here, as ZeroIsNine says, Erishum, at the start of the game, plus one energy. Remove six cards from your deck and add six, or sorry, add twelve random cards. So remove six cards from your deck and add twelve random cards instead. What do you think, Cozy?

Cozy Snap:

Well, yeah, because that was like in direct relation to how we were talking about the mechanics even exist. To, to make it where you don't. Yeah, I mean, I like, I think we are going to see something like that eventually come. Without question. I don't think they're going to keep pushing the number of cards or whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and someone else had mentioned, this is Road to Red Bull, said Replace every card in your deck with two random cards of the same cost.

Cozy Snap:

That's interesting. I like that too, because you can still, like, influence some deck building.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, I kind of like the second one a little better, because, like, you just say, Okay, you. You know, put in a couple sixes, put in a couple fives, and like, you get like the general design of the deck, the general curve of the deck, but it's all random cards, and then you draw them? That's kind of interesting, I like that, isn't it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like, it could almost be too good at some point, because you could also just make sure you, like, only have twos, threes, and fours, like, there wouldn't be a lot of ones in there almost ever, which kind of makes things even so it'd be interesting, the balancing would be insane on it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but you didn't, you'd never get tech. So that could potentially be like the negative side of it. Like you would never almost get Shan Qi or whatever else you need. Cause that's the strength of current Erisham is well playing Loki on turn two. But the other side of it is you know whether or not You know, it just, it just cheats out insane energy, right? So it's also worth noting that this, this question segment was recorded prior to the OTA. So maybe something changed and we just don't know. Kodu does ask a question and it reads, throughout Marvel's history, they have published comic books for other properties, such as Star Wars, Predator, and Transformers to name a few. Would you ever want to see the game branch out to third party characters that have a history with Marvel Comics?

Cozy Snap:

I feel like we repeat some of these. I definitely we've done this one before. No question. I know, but I

Alexander Coccia:

wanted to ask you again. Give me a chance to talk about Star Wars, Cozy. Are you that upset about it?

Cozy Snap:

No. I'd care about our viewers. I would say Star Wars. Yeah, Star Wars is always my answer there. I think you know, I've said it. I think Star Wars Snap is the, my peak game ever made, probably.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we need Second Dinner to get like a Star Wars IP license and basically get the Snap gameplay. And apply like other stuff to it. Like that's the thing. Marvel snaps gameplay is so good. It really is like the best car game out there. But having some other IPs would be cool. Cause like, we're starting to dig a little deep into the well with snap already, and we're only still getting started.

Cozy Snap:

They won't though. They're just not going to, I hate to say this. I come from a Disney game and they kept thinking Disney is even more open, right? So you're like Disney, and then he could do Marvel. The amount of the amount of cost, it's separate IP that the developers have to pay for it. So like, I, it will never happen. It's just so much money, and at that point, you're giving like, percentages of the game away. And so, I've looked into this before, because I've covered games like this before. It's extremely, extremely hard. Unless you're something like Fortnite that can either afford it or those IPs want to be in Fortnite because it's so big that it's just, it's probably going to be Marvel focused, I would assume.

Alexander Coccia:

So it's unlikely we get like a 1 2 Donald Duck on reveal, quack one of your cards to the right? The closest we'll get is Baymax

Cozy Snap:

because he's technically Marvel.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's a win then. That's a win. I would love Baymax, I'd be pumped. Alright, and our last question comes from Zohair Farr, and it reads Alex not knowing that you can order different cooked states of burgers in Canada is wild. Not in everyday fast food places, but medium to high end restaurants, you can definitely ask for the type you want. You gotta get out more, Alex. No hate, you just made me laugh like crazy with the hot takes of Snapchat. First, the Uncle Ben one, and then this.

Cozy Snap:

There was a thousand comments on Snapchat about that take. Like, that was the main thing that was commented. To be fair, there's a lot of people like, broke it down so much, too. Like, you know, when you get meat, it's not processed. Then it's, you know, you don't want it to be like, Yes, but also I still can't believe that that's not a thing in Canada.

Alexander Coccia:

It's not. Well, first of all, I don't get out much. I that's, you know, this, I don't know if you guys know this, but I don't get to go outside very often. And if I do, I'm like carrying four children with me and you can't bring four children to an upscale restaurant. Cause you know what they'll do to an upscale restaurant? They'll trash it. They'll literally trash it. But

Cozy Snap:

even when you're grilling for your friends that are grilling on the grill, you don't say how, how do you take your burgers? Like, that's not a thing you say. It's like. At all. No,

Alexander Coccia:

no. If I gave someone a raw burger and what the hell are you doing? You're trying to poison me, dude. It's not raw though. That's yeah. But if I hand someone a bleeding burger, like that is like literally straight up, like I'm, I'm trying to poison you. Like, that's like me saying like, I don't respect you at all. Like there's no way fully cooked all the way through. You can't expect anything less. If you give someone a bleeding burger, you're an absolute hat.

Cozy Snap:

Whereas if you're at like a wedding. And you, everybody has like their plate and everyone's going around. They're like, okay, medium, rare, medium, rare. And so I was like, oh, well done. I'm not saying you're a judge for it. Cause there's a lot of people that do well done, but people you'll have like meat connoisseurs that are like, oh, so you, so you hate me.

Alexander Coccia:

I guess you're getting hamburgers at weddings.

Cozy Snap:

No, no steak.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, we're talking about steak now. Steak's different. So I, I tend to like my steak medium. Well, that's how I'd order it. And I know that like chefs and like connoisseurs out there, like you're ruining it. You're ruining it. You're ruining the steak. But like, I have a buddy that eats it blue. I'm like, what are you even doing at that point? You know what I mean? Like, it's not even, it's barely cooked. It's like, it's barely seared. Like, I don't understand, man. But like, I don't get to go out for steak very often. You got some nice steakhouses in the States though.

Cozy Snap:

When you come in here, we're going to, we're going to give you meat tartare, which is literally just raw meat, but it's processed, but it's raw meat.

Alexander Coccia:

Is that like sushi, but beef? Kind of like pokey. That sounds absolutely awful. But you know what, sir, it's a date. You won't take me on your Vespa, but maybe you'll take me a date to a steak tartare restaurant in California. Thank you guys so much for watching. We appreciate every one of you and we'll see you on the next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

guys. Thanks for listening to The Snapshot today on a long episode. And until the next one, guys, happy snapping.

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