The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Emperor Hulkling: The King of 6 Costs Arrives | 6 Cost Tier List: Hulkling Edition | Speed In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 95

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 43

Will Emperor Hulkling be the next king of 6 costs? What are the best 6 cost cards for Hulkling? What are the best cards in the game right now? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We got a big episode today because it's the last week of the season and Hulkling arrives, a brand new 6 cost card that can turn into any 6 cost card. Today, Alex and I are going to break down our thoughts on the card. With a huge September around the corner, is he worth going after? And most of all, what are the best 6 costs that he can turn into and all the crazy synergy that can happen? With that, we're also talking about a lot of stuff coming to the game like Snap Packs that are going to give you a new way to get Series 5 cards by just playing the game. And on top of that A lot of new cards coming that are unreleased datamine, and they're not tied to any season, meaning there's gonna be new ways to acquire them. These cards, there's a lot to break down like Tombstone, Surtor, and more, and we're going to talk about that all today on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia, hello brother. We've got the last week of the season, and coming off a, kind of a chill week of speed coming out. We had leagues, and so for myself, I used that time to, to play a little Snap, but also do some other catch up of gaming. I don't know about you, man, but I don't, I just don't, I don't get to game as much as I used to, like, for fun rather than, you know for work.

Alexander Coccia:

Getting to play games for fun is, like, one of the things I miss the most, honestly, like, I barely get to do anything. The only thing that, like, I play for fun on occasion right now is, like, hey, so, this sounds crazy, but I have my Xbox set up in my bedroom, hooked up to my bedroom TV. Cause the only time that I get to like play anything for fun is when like, I'm laying in bed and my wife's sleeping and I'm like, okay, I, maybe I have like 20 minutes where I can do something. I've been playing Diablo four lately because it feels like the kind of thing I can just pick up and like play a little bit. Like there's no like meaningful anything that I have to worry about. I can play for any given amount of time I want. But when I'm at my PC, like in this room, there's something about it. Cozy, you must feel the same way. Like, I feel like I can't. Do anything fun in here. Like it's always work all the time.

Cozy Snap:

I haven't played a game. Like I haven't relaxed and played a game for fun in the, in here for, in a, in a, in a minute. But the first game finally hooked me for a long time. And I mean, it hooked me. Have you heard of Black Myth Wukong?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I've heard of it. Yeah, of course. It's like shaking up. Everyone's all the charts will say, yeah,

Cozy Snap:

it's dude. It's, it is a masterpiece of a game. It is so much fun. I don't know if you played Elden Ring, but I. Decided to dabble in the game. I'm like, I'll just, you know, whatever, play it when I can. It was the first game in a while where I was like, I'll get in a couple bosses, a couple whatever, and then I look at the clock, it's like 3 a. m., and I'm like, I have, like, so much work to do. I haven't had that experience in a long time. I have a little like old fashioned little whiskey on the rocks while I play. Probably makes it worse, but just truly, dude, just fun to game with that a little bit. Did a little Rivals as well this, this week. We had like a, there was like a a creator server. They announced it's coming out in December, which if you guys don't know, I'm, I'm completely amped for it. It's marrying all the, my favorite things in life. So it's been, it's been a gaming week for me, man.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm so jealous, man. I remember when I. First try at Elden Ring. Like I bought it. Cause I kind of got caught up in the hype. I walked out to the first boss and got one shot. And I'm like, you know what, man, I don't, I don't know. And I like tried to play it a whole bunch and I did put some hours into it, but like I played so casually, I never quite built up the skillset. And, but this Wukong does look amazing. Right. It does look incredible. And it's based off of a story, which I think is really consistent from that particular region of the world. Cause I know that even in like Dota 2, there was a hero called the monkey king, which is like exactly kind of, I think inspired by that and stuff.

Cozy Snap:

Smite and League of Legends too. Yeah, there is well, and Goku is loosely based on too. Journey to the West is what it's based on. And I love mythology in general. I didn't know like a hyper amount about Chinese mythology, so it was cool to kind of like there's still stuff that kind of loses me, if you will but I'm just a sucker. Sucker for history, sucker for stuff you know, mythology wise. So, very well put together game. And then, dude, the other note, so they just released before jumping to Snap, they just released Winter Soldier and Captain on arrivals and they did this cinematic and I gotta say man Is it too hard to ask for like a full like I want Dragon Ball Z length season of that anime style of a show From Marvel. I feel like it would do so well man if they made it like edgy and aggressive like just give it to us already

Alexander Coccia:

It is, it looks incredible. Like some of the like the cinematics and even some of like the, the flares and flashes from rivals looks incredible. And I've actually showed some of those trailers to like my sons because they're super into superheroes and they're just really interesting. They're awesome. Like even like the way like doom is like, kind of like, kind of that huge villainous look. Like it's. It's been truly remarkable how well they've kind of captured that universe and like, captured the personas of these different heroes.

Cozy Snap:

Well, and just the fact that they released, I think it was cool they got announced today, but the biggest thing is that they, everything's free to play. That right there was like, they're going the Fortnite approach where it's like, the heroes are free to play the game. You can just get in and play it and then spin from there. Good gosh, much, much needed, because I just, I think that's kind of the way now. I think Snap paid that a bit for mobile gaming, and it's tough for mobile games now to come with like hyper amounts, even though, you know, you can spend money in here, the, the core gameplay of it. But with that, dude, we've got what I thought was going to be my favorite card this month in Emperor Hulkling. Lots of breakdown there. Alex, what are we breaking down on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Closing on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be doing our speed review, giving our thoughts on the newest card that kind of came into Marvel Snap. We'll also be talking about the best cards in Marvel Snap and giving our impressions on the risers, the fallers, but most importantly, the cards that are impacting the meta the most. And then finally, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Now I said it a bit as a joke at the time when we were talking about the new cards coming out, but I gave this guy my five star. I gave this guy my favorite card, mainly because of just what I'm interested in, right? He gives me copycat vibes in some ways. Let's break down the synergies, and then me and you, we're gonna go through all the six cost cards, and then kind of rank them from there. So if you guys don't know, Emperor Hulkling here is a six cost, 11 power card. At the start of the game, copy the text of a random 6 cost card within the game. So there's a lot of opinions out on this guy, and with a big September, as I keep saying, around the corner, people are gonna want to save up their tokens. He comes with Nimrod and Cannonball. Let's start there. Pretty lackluster. Pretty lackluster for Spotlight Week, if I say so myself.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, Cannonball has been completely irrelevant since the nerf. I think this is definitely a candidate for getting, like, the nerf reverted. Cannonball with the change to Professor X has been a shell of its former self. Even with Junk being pretty decent with the the release of Keep Bishop and, you know, we're seeing a lot more synergies with with Junk as a whole. Cannonball is not making those decks and it was one of those cards that the negative power nerf really really impacted its viability So I think that that should make a comeback I'd be surprised if while you know at the next OTA, which I think is timed for that release week I'm not even sure I got to keep track of it, but it wouldn't surprise me if that card got buffed if Cannonball got buffed. As for Nimrod, I'm honestly, I like Nimrod. I think he's okay. I've been playing a lot of Phoenix Force lately, don't ask me why, and Nimrod's a big part of that package, and he's surprisingly effective.

Cozy Snap:

He's a card. He's definitely a card. I think you always gotta look ahead with, with Snap, and I feel like if you're all in on Scream, which is the, gonna be a new style of deck where you force to move your opponent's cards, and then that will gain and steal power, If you're going for Scream and you don't have Cannonball, this is going to be your opportunity to get Cannonball in a spotlight, so just for you guys, little FYI, looking ahead, and then you can get Hulkling as a, as a, you know, constellation prize there. Not a bad one at that. Let's talk about what is your initial star rating here on the Hulkling?

Alexander Coccia:

So my initial star rating is going to be a three stars. I do think that he's, like, he's well statted, which really minimizes the downward risk of him. My major concern with Hulkling is that it's like, okay, He can be a Dr. Doom, but usually you want to just play Dr. Doom, or like the very synergistic cards that often close out games. You put in a deck for a reason, like there's a reason why you run a Spectrum, right? And so like, Hulkling doesn't have that. He's not the closer of any particular deck or any particular archetype, but his variability could be a Cube Stealer. So, that, the high roll potential keeps me positive. But the idea that we only have 12 cards to put in a deck, and often you want to close out your game with a banger, I mean, that works for Hulkling if you get a favorable roll, but at the same time, that banger might have to be something that you've built to synergize directly with your deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think that's the common approach, is the randomness, and why play him and not play someone else. I think there are a bunch of things that he can fit into, and for me, obviously, 5 star was the hype around the funness. You know, I want to lean towards four. If he's probably gonna be more towards three and a half, I want to break down why I think he is going to be worth it. Not only at a four star now, but towards the future. First of all, new six cost cards coming out plenty all the time that only builds up Oakland in a better light and about the cool thing about him is, and we'll kind of break this down, but about like 15 to 20 percent of the time, he is going to give you a card that completely wins you the game, right? And so I copycat that can happen. Way less control because it's anything on their side, but there are, you know, they're playing good cards. You obviously have that. Copycat's only three, he's a six, so that's definitely different there. I love that flexibility. To me, he feels like, you know those decks that are just solid, well performing decks that you put Red Hulk in because Red Hulk's just a great six cost card, or you just have this six cost card in a lot of decks. Dr. Doom, like, you know, to your point you said earlier, I feel like he's almost better in those decks than those cards because he has such a wider range of winning in those decks, and then he's not. You don't have to have them. You don't need them for the spectrum play or whatever that might be. So I see them as kind of this plug and play in those style of decks, but on top of that, man, and, and, and keep in mind, I think the, the statistical players and the ones that looking at it in that sense, for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

And I know we're going to be talking synergies and stuff like that, but one of the things that kind of elevated my rating slightly was that there really aren't that many super bad hits, right? Like we need to look at six drops. Like there's six drops for a reason. They're usually very high impact, but they're also very. Decently statted or their effect is disproportionately powerful to their statistics, right? And so there's only a few that are really like oh hulkling hit that and it's a disaster But for the most part you're kind of batting near or above average

Cozy Snap:

and there's only like two where he's like They're unplayable, right? like you just like you're not and we're gonna be ranking them but like destroyer like obviously like you're just You there's not gonna be a lot of uses to play that and we'll get into those when we rank them all And there's way more that are either neutral, or you can find a way to benefit off of. And so that's, like, right away, that's where I see his potential going. The your opponent not being able to read that, I think is very powerful. Also, man, I know it's just not important right now. Conquest, fantastic. Draft Mode, I think he's probably, like, the best six costs to get in Draft Mode. One of them, right? Outside of, like, you know Red Hulk and Mockingbird. But, like, this is a fantastic Draft Mode card if and when that game mode comes to the game.

Alexander Coccia:

It would be, yeah. Like, it's funny how like, different modes, like, I remember when like, I would follow like, Hearthstone very kind of you know, intently different cards were better for Arena versus Constructed versus Wild, and so like, as Marvel Snap starts to fill out it's it's modes and it's kind of like, it's play styles, and suddenly cards like this might see new life, right? Right? I absolutely agree. And that's one of the reasons why we like something like Agent Coulson, right? Very unpredictable. And Copycat's fantastic in something like Conquest, because you can get to consistently steal through their deck and do that constant disruption. So yeah, I definitely do like that call overall.

Cozy Snap:

And not to mention 11 powers, 11 powers. So like at the end of the day, if it's a vanilla card, it's 11 powers is nothing to scoff at. Looking at another card here that is obviously doing pretty well in the game. I think this is just a great Airsham card. I think just having this ability to play this on 5. Let's go ahead and talk about Electro Electro Ramp as well. Wave. A ramp card in any degree. I think Hulkling almost always makes the list. Because you have a card that can pop off. Way above now. And who are we kidding? Airshim's obviously one of the best decks in the game right now. And just Ramp in general, he's kind of flexed into most decks these days. And that's why I see him being always played in those decks. I don't know why you wouldn't.

Alexander Coccia:

And, like, we just got Wiccan, and I think that Wiccan is a good example of something that you can use to ramp this card out early, right? Like, if you're able to play a Psylocke into Wiccan 3, and then what, on turn 4, you're able to play whatever Hulkling has copied, right? That's pretty good, and that kind of minimizes the downward risk, because even if it is Destroyer, You have Wiccan on board with Psylocke or, you know, Quicksilver or whatever, right? Like maybe you can just get it out there for that 11 power or whatever. And so it kind of minimizes that downward risk, which is what I've been after. Every time I'm looking at this card and trying to evaluate, I think about how can I minimize this downward risk? Because the pop off potential is insane, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Well, first I like that because Hoekling and and Wiccan, they're married in the comics, I believe. And so, like, you obviously have that synergy there. You've got the pop off with ramp, you've got good airstream, you have a good flexible middle of the pack card, you have the unpredictability. That's why I'm taking the route. I get it, the safe route, I get it, it is like, hey, why would I play this, blah, blah, blah. I think people were saying, if you go back at copycat, people weren't jumping up and down. They were, they were thinking it was a good card. It wasn't going to be the best card in the three spot slot. Now I think it's definitely deserving that. It's so good. It's great. It was my five star card. I loved it because I loved it too. We loved it. What are you talking about? We did love it. We did love it. You, and yeah We were like all over copycat, man. Because the Cassandra copycat week. Oh, yeah. And it's proven that. It's shown it. It could go to 3 4 and it's still just tremendous because of, that Possibility of being a game winner. And we're, again, we're going to talk about the cards that this can turn into that you just, you're going to snap on because why would you not? It's going to happen in your hand as copycat does too. You don't have to worry about it. Copycat gives you intel, steals it from the opponent. She does so much more. She's just a better card. But Hulkling has some really unique mechanics around it. I also think, just in general, bud, that this is just a decent card to throw into a living Tribunal build. Because I like, first of all, I like magic in the deck a lot, but this is just straight power. There's a lot of cards that really capitalize in Tribunal that I think it's gonna love. You're already ramping out with this with this deck's playstyle anyway. I think this is just a very interesting Tribunal card as well.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair, right? And like, you can get the Holy Roll of getting your Onslaught or something like that, sure, right? But but it's still also six costed, right? But you are right. Its stats would kind of really benefit Tribunal, which is looking for great stats across the board pretty much all the time. Does this

Cozy Snap:

bring Hela back?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm not sure if I would like put Hulkling in a discard deck. I'm not, I'm not sure if I have the coconuts for that.

Cozy Snap:

I love it in discard. I think Black Knight being able to discard it itself, if it's like, you know, a destroyer or something like that, you can try to make that happen with Lady Sif, but also just using it in that style of deck. Like Magneto, do you remember Magneto was used a lot in the Black Knight deck? Because it was just a good card. I think this is, again, filling that kind of role a little bit. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna be interested to see the creative ways and the flexible ways that you can use them. Before we rank them, any other places that you like this card? I was looking at maybe Thanos and the Lockjaw, but then again, a little scary if this thing does destroy or whatever it might be.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I wouldn't chase like a a Thanos lockjaw scenario, because I think having it come out without knowing what it is Well, do we know if it reveals at the start of the game, or if it reveals in the hand? Like, do we actually know that yet, or no? I

Cozy Snap:

think it's going to have to be in your hand for you to see it, rather than, yeah, at the beginning of the game, because my thought is, well, what's the exact text? Because, well, let's see here. At the start of the game, copy the text. Yeah, so like, we We don't, I don't think you're going to see that until it happens. Now, if like you lock jawed out, it's interesting. If you lock all this out, it'll be that card, but like great portal. I think it's just going to give you a vanilla six 11 because there's no car to come out at the start.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, listen, at the end of the day, like I'm, I'm trying to see like what kind of value decks could utilize it best. I'm taking a look at decks that like utilize, for instance, Red Hulk to good effectiveness. And I'm thinking to myself, okay. If this, if this deck can utilize Red Hulk, like even the Sandman style decks, right? So we can maybe use the Emperor Hulkling. I'm taking a look at ramp decks to see, okay you know, can we get that Emperor Hulkling out on turn five, right? To again, mitigate its downward risk. Those are kind of the two places I've been looking at the most right now. I've been taking a look at like, okay, what if I can wave into Emperor Hulkling? What if I can electro into you know, Vision Emperor Hulkling? I've been going the ramp route a lot. And, but I'm not willing to go the Thanos Lockjaw route, I don't think, unless it reveals at the start. It does say at the start of the game, but I don't know if it's going to show you at the start. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and Galactus so Galactus style decks, I think it's really good for as well, because you don't have to have, like, that plays Goblin, so if it's Destroyer, if you get the Galactus pull, great. Knull's awesome. So there's a lot to go off that. I also think just like, again, just a good card to have. So like, there's those decks with Scar, Mockingbird, Mysterio, Sasquatch, and you're just like, playing out all these massive cards, right? To get all these guys rolling. If this hits a She Hulk, a Scar, a Mockingbird It's gonna we, we love that, right? So, we're gonna go ahead of ourselves. Let's go ahead and rank them, guys. Me and Alex are going to look at a tier list, S, A, B, C, and F tier, and rank the cards that this can turn into to give you guys a bit of a better idea of why I like it so much and why Alex is starting to like it more. Alright, man, so we're gonna go in alphabetical order. Like I said, I've got all the six cost cards here, and Eresham and Death, I believe, are not gonna be pulled. And Agatha, I'm sure probably Dev has answered it. I, I don't know if it can pull Agatha. We're gonna assume it does, just to have it as another point against it, if you will. And we, we start right there, man. We start with Agatha. We're going in alphabetical. I think we obviously know this is one of the worst polls, if not the very worst poll. This is an auto retreat. You, you lost good day, sir.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so to clarify, we're doing a six cost tier list for the effect of Emperor Hulk.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Okay, yeah, yeah, Agatha's an F. Agatha's an F anyways, even if it was just Agatha.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and there's that, I mean, that's like a 1 in 26 chance to have that happen, and man, do you lose the lottery. Agatha's Agatha, not great all around, so yeah, we're gonna start off the heater with an F tier card. Next up we have Alioth, and it adds a stat point to Alioth. Not bad. I think a life is a good card. I think eith has, has been better these days than it was earlier before. I, I think this is a, life is such a plug and play card to begin with. You're not mad about it. I would give it an A about an A tier if I, if I were to say so, maybe B, but I'm, I'm leaning more towards a, for the STA increase.

Alexander Coccia:

I absolutely agree with A. I think that Alioth is fantastic I think it's incredibly powerful, and I think that it's play rates dropped enough that people are not expecting the effect, let alone it's effect on an Emperor Hulk.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Like, the way I think of this is F tier is it's detrimental towards you, right? C tier is it's kind of neutral for what the card already was and you're just getting the stat stick. B is like, it's a good card or situationally great, A is it's a better card, S is the best card, right? So that's the way I look at it. And that brings me to Apocalypse, which is, again, just right at the C tier. I think this is gonna be, for the most part, in the decks you play, just gonna be an 11 power stat stick. If you do play it in Hela, if you do play it in Black Knight, then, you know, you do get that extra boost a bit in the discard. But for the most part, is this a C tier to you?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I mean, it's not, it's not negative in any way, shape, or form. It's just additional stats on like a card that, you know, might get Black Knight. I won't, it won't get black bolted. I mean, maybe just, maybe they play moon night on you, moon, moon night's kind of gaining in popularity. So it would pop up by four power. So yeah,

Cozy Snap:

it's, it's not awful. I, I couldn't give it a b, but it, it's definitely an 11 stat that has the potential to go. Higher than that. We keep moving up the board. We have Arnim Zola, who I think we can agree. I put this at S. I think this is one of the best cards you can pull.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Because Arnim Zola is designed to intentionally lose a location. If, if you know, at the start of the game that your Emperor Hawkins is Zola, you can build your position so that you could take advantage of that, right? If it reveals when you kind of top deck it, so to speak, it might be trickier to set up that board just the way you like it. But either way, Zola, like. You're just replicating with 11 power on the base. Like, that's actually insane. Yeah, it's, it's a next tier.

Cozy Snap:

You're just moving, yeah, you're moving, you're winning lane and you're adding whatever that is twice. And this can actually Arnim Sola is one of the game winners, especially to your point, if you pull it early. But then if we just talk about the decks that you would want to play it in, whether it be Airsham, Ramp Decks. So be it. You're gonna be pumped. Like, at the very, let's just call it as a wave play. You could literally just put two waves on the board. Plus, you've got the 11 power. That is an absolute huge game winner. I love Arnim Zola. Blob! Is this just,

Alexander Coccia:

this is another S tier, yeah? It's got to be close, right? Once you get to like 24 power now?

Cozy Snap:

It'd be 13 and that would be up to about 24 or higher depending on your deck. That's stupid. That's a lane winner for sure. I think this is one of the top tier cards as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is. And another key thing though is that even if you have initiative, it's basically keeping the the Shadow King playing in check because you have that 11 baseline power, right? Whereas Blob can go all the way down to zero. So it's straight up better. It's Power Creep on Blob and every, Possible meaningful way if it copies Bob. So yeah, definitely an S tier effect.

Cozy Snap:

I know we're starting off with a lot of good ones, but just sign me up, dude. I love this card. This can be such a wild, it's going to be great for fun and content. And I think like that's always up there for me, but also I think it is going to be competitive in win games. It's not supposed to destroy or one of the worst cards that could be. I think this is obviously an F tier, even though there are situations out of it. You never want this. This is going to be a disappointment. Not as bad as Agatha, who we can put down here, but a disappointment to say the least.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Destroyer sucks. You don't want Destroyer.

Cozy Snap:

Cool, we'll put them towards the bottom. I don't think there's going to be anything worse than those two. Dr. Doom, a 6'11 that then turns into a 6'21, buddy. How do you think that is? That's as S as it comes, sir. Yeah, dude, that's, that's if you get a Doctor Doom, like, so Arnheim is fantastic to get a lot going off of Blob 2. Any of those three though, right off the bat, if I had that in my opening hand, I'm, Just going to snap. I mean, like why, especially with the Adobe with the 21 spread power, it just doesn't get better.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, it doesn't like that. It is one of the absolute best hits here. So yeah, no, if you're getting Dr. Doom off Hulkling and right off the top, it does look pretty promising. Doesn't it?

Cozy Snap:

It does. Yeah. Not, not, not, not bad, man. Galactus, I think is very interesting. Okay. In a Galactus build, obviously great in ramp off the wave. Oh baby, this is going to be so cool. In a lot of games, you're gonna be playing Hulkling on 6, maybe 5. Is this an A tier, or is this more B just because of the way Galactus is played? C's, you know, just stat, stat board, but this is like, the, it's, I think it's hard to synergize this, which is why I'd probably go B, even though it's cracked an 11 powered Galactus.

Alexander Coccia:

I think you're being too conservative with 11 Power Galactus. I would go A. Like, I think that that's a pretty strong line, and I don't think people can account for an 11 Power Galactus.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

And as it is, people are accounting for Galactus at all right now.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

So I do think it's a pretty damn good effect. It might even be, like, one of those, like, get out of jail free cards. Like, you know, they, Oh, I need an out here. Cause I think I'm falling behind and you take a shot at throwing down your Hulkling to Galactus location or something.

Cozy Snap:

That's why the more I think about it, these Galactus shells with this card as just a, another card in the deck, I think is super cool because you obviously could get Galactus, even though it's a small chance, but like. Alioth, Galactus will be in your actual deck, and then like Blob, like, these are all just good cards to have. And it's still an 11 power stick. At the end of the day, it's an 11 power stick that you can do. So I won't, I won't argue there. Giganto, I put it towards the top of F tier, obviously it's not good. It's, it's down on the power, and you can only play it in the left. It's not gonna detriment your game massively, but you're, you're pigeonholed where you can play the whole clan.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so what's gonna happen is exactly this. You're gonna have the raft on the left location. You're gonna fill it, right, with a bunch of stuff. You don't have Jeff, so you like, overcommit location. You're gonna get a Giganto, and then you're gonna top deck a Giganto Hulkling, and you're gonna, you're gonna go on to Twitter. How Giganto hasn't

Cozy Snap:

been reworked yet is, is wild. Like, he should be like 20 power, or 19 power, but only left, like 14 just doesn't cut it.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I remember on an early Snapchat, I was like pumping Giganto saying like, Oh, play on left as a surprise play and all this stuff. I don't even remember that. I was actually on this, like, just absolute bandwagon of loving Giganto. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

And yeah, dude, I, he makes cool thumbnails, but that's about it. Heinzel. Is even though you're getting power increase I won't give him an F. I'll give him a low C though. I think that it's not like you're gonna have to work around it. It's still 11. It's pretty bad. I I I don't love it, but I will give it a C.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, I'm one of those guys that has a couple like, you know, a couple shots of a beautiful Canadian rye and wonders if, you know, a, you know, a surprise Heimdall deck will ever work, and then I play, and I don't know if it's the whiskey or if it's the Heimdall, but the decks never work.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, the math never works. I swear I'm always like, oh, I win here. It's done. It's over. Now, and, and Heimdall, man, with, Heimdall's gonna need some touch up after the next Season 2. We have, like, with Madame Web, it's just like, that's gonna have you be able to get such a vehicle going more. That I just, I just, I just don't know. Maybe Madame Web, Left Lane, and then put it, you know, put them to the right, then play Heimdall. It's gonna need some more love. Hela I've got Hela as a C, kind of in the same vein as Apocalypse. It's gonna be a stat stick. If you happen to, you know, in a Hela deck, you know, whatever, you're able to replay it or whatever, but yeah neutral.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, if you're thinking like, C's basically just like, vanilla 6 11, you play it and nothing really happens, with minors, like, possible upside, and like, they actually play Moon Knight and discard something, you know, that's, I think that's fine. Yeah, yeah, I would agree. Hela's basically the same level as Apocalypse. It's making me wonder if Heimdall should be lower. Because I don't think if you're ever playing a standard game of Snap, you just want to throw stuff left for her. I

Cozy Snap:

know, dude, I was thinking that too, like, especially in the decks that he's played in, like, this just messes you up mostly all the time. Like, all the time. I don't know,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah, I think I agree with the F placement on Heimdall.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I do too. I think, like, we want to say, because it's a stat increase, but, like, Heimdall's so specific in what he does. It's so specific. I, I, I would agree. Helicarrier, not much conversation here. It's just gonna be the stat stick right there. Another card. Another card for Black Black Knight decks though. Like you could, you know, discard and get the thing, get the whatever. I don't hate it. There's, there's some discard options here. Hulk is, is the definition of C tier. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, like Hulk is defining the C tier. Yeah. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

That's just, it does not,

Alexander Coccia:

it just does 611.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, he's a, he's a worse Hulk, but he's, he's vanilla. That's, that's the goal there. Yeah. Knull is interesting. I think Knull as a 6 11 baseline, so you've got the C, destroys such a popular deck. There's a lot of destroy cards. I think you could argue B, but I guess we could go C. I think you could argue B though.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, I'm actually, this is where we're going to disagree. I think this is like an A. Maybe even close to S, not S, not S, I think it's A. I'll tell ya, listen, there's so much destroy out there, there's so many destroy based effects. Not just that, but you have a Shan Chi, which can activate it, right, and you can mitigate, like, the Shan Chi damage. I think Knull is actually a great pull. A great pull, that they really cannot bank on. Listen, I, while ranking, I robbed destroy players. Of cubes using super scroll. I did. I absolutely robbed them with super scroll. And even in conquest where I was doing some like gold conquests and stuff like that, even just showing that I had super scroll prevented any Null gameplay from any of my from my destroy opponents. I actually think that Null as the Hulkling is legit. It is. Six sorry, eleven power baseline with tremendous archetype destroying power.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, a hundred percent. I think B is where I land. A, it's close, it's so close to A because then I was thinking about this, right? Where do you want to play Hulkling? Man, ramp decks, right? Dude, Arnim Zola, no, Arnim Nola, the old classic, like, it used to be so tough to pull off a lot of the time because you had to make sure that you got, you know your Nola up a little bit. You If it happens to be Knull, you play Arnim Zola and you pretty much win that game, flat out, because it's just going to 22, like that.

Alexander Coccia:

Can you do me a favor? Can you put them like directly in between A and B just to show that you and I were split on this?

Cozy Snap:

Sure. I can how about, how about for now I'll have him in A and we'll move him down if he feels like he should go down, I'll let you have your A for now.

Alexander Coccia:

He'll never go down. I'm dying on this hill. Okay. No, he's sick. It's

Cozy Snap:

a great

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

He's back in

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

All right, let's go to leader. Leader, leader is I'll move him up if we need to. Leader. Is one of the best, yeah. Six, I mean, listen, you're getting to play what your opponent's playing. You're going to probably take over the lane that you want to win now. Leaders, low power is the only thing that keeps them in check. This is one of those snap right away. If you play the game accordingly and you leave the space open, it's a GG.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's insane. It's literally one of the absolute top of S tier, if not potentially even the top. Yeah, definitely S tier.

Cozy Snap:

Okay Magneto, I have a B, because it's, it's a power less, Magneto's a great power, you're not mad about it. It's better than C, it's not quite A. Magneto can pull so much. It's, I don't know, man. I just don't think it's an A because of the crazy pop off potential. Magneto's just a good card to have, so I would have it at B.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I agree with the B placement.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, okay. Mockingbird, oh boy. Tough one to rank, man. It's definitely A tier. I mean, Mockingbird's just the best card ever. And having another one that can discount. There's so many ways to discount. If you play this in that build I was talking about with Mysterios and Squirrels. Anyway. You're cookin man. Absolute cookin

Alexander Coccia:

The only challenge there is that, like, very specific decks want Mockingbird, and she's a huge part of that. You know, if you're playing, like, the vast majority of decks in Marvel Snap, a casual Mockingbird isn't as helpful. But, there's a lot of junk out there, and anything they play on your side, like even the arrow, the Acid Arrow from Kate Bishop comes over and suddenly Hulkling gets discounted, right? So you have all the locations that put stuff on your board. I'm constantly surprised when I'm playing Mockingbird, just how often she gets discounted just by what's happening. It's not even because I'm trying to.

Cozy Snap:

But it's like, and it's stuff as easy too, as like, yeah, not even like the squirrels, but you have the hub and it gives you one cost and you're like, Oh, I might as well play that for yeah. Mockingbird, the goblins. I agree, the rocks, debris, there's, there's subterranean rocks, like, there's endless stuff, and to even get Hulkling down to a 511, er, yeah, a 511, sign me up, you get into a 43211, absolute craziness. Odin, definitely A tier, I was tempted to put this towards the top, I think I've settled for Odin and Onslaught in A, but almost the top of A, right? I think he's better than all of these ones, because of how many on reveals there are. In the game and how many, it really doesn't matter late in the game that you're happy about to use Odin back on top of,

Alexander Coccia:

I was just going to say, looking at Odin and a makes you want to send Nolan Mockingbird down to be,

Cozy Snap:

dude. That's what I was talking about. Well, yeah, I think he's towards the top of it. Like he's the difference between SNA is just the next car down. And so if he's like right here, I would still want all of these. But if you think about how many good car Odin. Man, Odin's almost S with Onslaught being A, rather than them in the same tier. It's a tough one to pull. What do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

It's so tough. Like, obviously, their powers are very indicative of what their effects are, right? Like, Odin's effect is good. But when I play Ongoing Dex, that extra A power on top of a Wong Iron not Ironheart, sorry, I almost forgot her name for a second. It actually makes a difference. Odin's power is relevant. You add, you know, you add some more and suddenly it's even better. Yeah, if you want to go SGCAN, I just, I don't think it reaches quite that level. Like, it's not the Zola broken.

Cozy Snap:

So close too, because even in a ramp deck, the way that you can abuse this with like an Arnum, or with just other, other unreveals within the game. It's so close. I want to hover here. We can leave it an A for now. It's right on the line. Kind of like Knull with A and B. Onslaught to me is just an A. Like, I think this is just, it can be a clear cut game winner. But it also is just better, a better Onslaught, right? Like, it's towards, it's A for me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this is what you do, right? You you wave out tribunal somehow, I don't know how you do it. You get Moon Girl, you Moon Girl, your Emperor Hulkling that hit the onslaught. Right. You play Iron Man and then somehow on your eighth turn, you play, I just realized the energy makes no sense. You play the onslaughted of, you know the Emperor Hulkling and just, you just get to, you know, 7 billion power. 7 billion.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. That's eight turns, 7 billion power. It is 7 billion. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Orca, I might put in B, because it's, it's, it is flat, but it has the upside to go up and steal the lane if it needs to be. Is it not the worst?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm actually really confused at this because they have the exact same stat line. It's just Orca. It's just actual Orca. It is the definition of C.

Cozy Snap:

So it's just Orca. These though are an 11 flat. Like you're getting 11 flat with almost no extra, unless you happen to get discard something happening. Orca at least synergizes into anything as an, as an 11 that goes up plus five.

Alexander Coccia:

It's plus five, right? Do you

Cozy Snap:

not understand what I'm saying? These have abilities, but these are harder to flex into any deck. Because they're discard, you have to have something happen. This is going to give you Orca's ability to get up to at least 16 power in a lane by itself. It's Orca. But it's still Orca. I get that, but there's no, but it's flexible of Orca. Orca. What was the

Alexander Coccia:

last time you played Orca? Dude, I thought you were the one that was got big on Orca. See, I'm the one who likes Orca and I'm, I'm thinking we're like, we're, we're huffing hope you here.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, to put them with Magneto is, is, is ridiculous. I just think to have them in a random deck where you could steal lane is not terrible. I'll put them in C. I was just making my case of. It works in a lot of flexible spots and you could put them in and try to steal lane at the last second. That's, that, I, I didn't hate him as a card, but you know what, it's fine. Alright, next up we've got Red Hulk is he clear cut S to you? I would, I would assume he's gotta be right there.

Alexander Coccia:

I would say he's more of an A, simply because, like, you're just adding one power to the, the Red Hulk effect. Oh, just the, oh,

Cozy Snap:

just the, like Best or one of the best six cost cards in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, yeah. Okay. Obviously. Yes. But what I'm trying to say is, is like, I also look at like, how does Hulkling improve that text? Like really you're improving by one power. Whereas with Zola, you're improving by 11.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like this, I do like the Odin. I, I, I think the Odin is going to go up to S. We'll have Red Hulk at the top of A. This feels like it can really go over the top in most decks. Red Hulk's just incredible stats. I'd almost put him towards S, but I get your point there. Sasquatch. We're going to run into Ruminae. Sasquatch, to me, is just another A card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he's just very natural to include in any kind of deck. Yeah, I would say low A for sure for Sasquatch. Like, you're never going to be disappointed in that for sure. And he's been a low key winner of the last couple, like, weeks for me. Like, I've come around to Sasquatch. I think it might be one of the most underappreciated cards in Snap right now.

Cozy Snap:

I love me some Sasquatch. In fact, the next, like, few cards kind of all resemble the same thing. She Hulk as well. I think you're just pumped. I think it is She Hulk that you can discount with a little bit better power. Never bad to have that flux into your game, like it's a fantastic card around the board. As well as Scar. I think all of these cards Is Scar, mm,

Alexander Coccia:

is Scar A or B? I, you know what, I would probably lean B, cause like Scar needs a very specific style of build, but I think that like in the intro we should have mentioned, I think Scar is a great card to play with Hulkling, like if you're doing like ramp based decks Scar is a great choice, like now you have another activator for Scar over 10 power that could pretty much be anything, so I, I like the, I like Scar's potential to be in those lists.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, I'm telling you, I think there's a deck out there with like, Squirrels. Mysterio, Scar, She Hulk, Sasquatch, and Hulkling because they just, there's so much there that you can work with. I don't know. I think it has legs to stand on. Spectrum. There's enough ongoing cards in the game that it's going to get up, I would say most games this could get up to probably 13 to 15 in the power of the Hulkling.

Alexander Coccia:

I wouldn't go A. I would probably lean B, maybe above, I don't know if I'd go above Magneto. You are right, like you're probably naturally playing a couple of ongoings, just cause, just cause the ongoings do stuff, right? Spectrum decks tend to be obviously very ongoing heavy, like to the point that like, you know, some people will lean towards a Howard the Duck or something like that. Cause every, that two power across any card is just beneficial. So yeah, no, you're right, it's, it's almost probable that, you know, Emperor Hulkling taking Spectrum is gonna be a net benefit. About 13 or 15 power, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think just, I think it's just, yeah, it's just good power, but I guess it's spreading it wide, so we could go with that. I mean, obviously, like, Doom is so much better in that case. Thanos, just a wash, just a straight up good ol good ol C tier card here. Even in I guess maybe in a Thanos deck, in a perfect world, you get all the stones out. You could get two Thanoses, whatever, like with the 20 power, but that's, that's a few and far between. Infonaut's one of the worst, I would say, right above I guess, I don't even, you can't even play it, so maybe it'd be like here, yeah? F tier?

Alexander Coccia:

I would take Agatha over Infonaut. Like, I would rather it turn into Agatha. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

honestly, Agatha and her crazy drunk play is better 6 11 that you just not play. You're just not going to play that.

Alexander Coccia:

Agatha honestly cooks better than I do most of the time, so it might be an upgrade to my play.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right. Just play, play Agatha and a Hulkling deck just to like, even if he discards the Agatha, there's still a Hulkling that's an Agatha, so it's like insurance to make sure you can't play the game. I like it. It's big thinking.

Alexander Coccia:

Tribunal! Tribunal's been one that I've bounced back and forth on. It was originally in like my notes as like a potential really good synergy. Then I'm like, wait a minute, like Tribunal decks, they're going for a very specific thing. I start to lean towards it maybe being a C, because I think it screws you up probably, a lot. I think it screws you up. Yeah, because like, there's a chance you can build a tribunal deck that has Hulkling, but I do not think that you can build a regular deck that, when you have a random tribunal show up, you're like, oh, this is fine. Because you're like, unless you're getting to like 25 to 30 power, which is what you usually attempt to do with Tribunal, you're going to be way too low. They're going to spread like nine power across the location.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So earlier when I was saying I like him in Tribunal, I like him in Tribunal because of these cards we're looking at here and the power that it can bring, like getting a Dr. Doom, Hulkling, and then playing a Tribunal is fantastic. Him turning into Tribunal, it's just not going to work in the decks that he's in all the time, because simply put like 18 power across the lanes isn't enough these days to win. And who knows if you can even get that.

Alexander Coccia:

I think he should go down to F, now that I look at it. Like, I think, I think he's worse than Thanos, for sure. And, probably, maybe even worse than Heimdall. No, maybe, he's on the same level as Heimdall. Like, him and Heimdall, I have him

Cozy Snap:

a little bit above, because I think that there are plenty of decks where you're like, Oh, cool! Like, I can make this Tribunal work. But then there are ones where you have to retreat. These, almost all of them, it's like, I've done nothing. Like, these, you're retreating almost instantly. These, you're like, I didn't get anything good here. I think Tribunal you can at least make work. In some decks,

Alexander Coccia:

I would almost rather have Giganto than Tribunal.

Cozy Snap:

Whoa. I think it I don't know if that's a

Alexander Coccia:

hot take or not. Like Tribunal, like it's just, it's such, I think it's such a bad pull. Now the more I'm really talking myself down on it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's fine. I will respect your, I will respect where you have it. I get it. I think in the majority of decks and where Hulkling's going to be, it's probably a bad pull. Lastly, though, we've got Ultron and I'm going to be honest, dude. I know it's only three power more. As a random play, man, I, I, I get, I guess this is How Hulkling affects the card. Dude, just having a random Ultron is so good. Ultron's such a stupid good card right now. Like, I, I'd put it in ass just because of how, like, it's just gonna win you games you're not supposed to, but I guess it could be A.

Alexander Coccia:

Ultron's awesome, and it does not need additional power, which makes me feel like it's definitely A. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Ever since I changed to the drones, adding that additional power to make them 1 2s, like, Ultron has been a legitimate mid. Closer, even a non Patriot decks, like you can just play like, Hey, that location's empty. How would I put a power in it? You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Oh, for sure. I mean, if you look at it across the board here, this kind of goes to our point earlier and why I think it's going to be a really good card. Like here at the end of the day, there are only three cards that you're like, Super bummed about, like you're got, there's nothing gonna happen from your game, you know, the Agatha, the Infinite, the Destroyer. Giganto and up is fine. If you look at the amount of cards though, dude, B and above. That's all, that's a huge, I mean, let's just count it, right? We've got 5 in the S tier, we've got we've got 10, we have, we have 9 here, so that's 14 overall of these, and then we have this, so we have 17, which I can throw Orca in there, 18, 17, 18 cards that are like, good, good to get, 17, 18 cards out of only me. Give or take. It's, it's close. I mean, I would say, I can't even say 11 bad ones because C isn't bad. So, you're looking at a lot of hits, man, on, on a roulette wheel with only a couple, you know, green double zeros, if you will.

Alexander Coccia:

My biggest takeaway from this conversation is that Cozy Snap is an orca enjoyer.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, man, I, man, I, I legitimately, like, Swear to God, I can't remember the last time I played Orca. Like, even like a hub. Like, I, I, I think, like, I can't remember, man. Maybe a raft? That's got to be real time. I've

Alexander Coccia:

released a number of surprise Orca deck videos that no one watched, because everyone's like, Alex, they just see Orca on the thumbnail. They're like, no, not again, Alex. We're not doing this again.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I am quite literally, we're not doing this again. I'm not supporting this. I, quite literally, though, man, A and above, all of these cards are, Exciting to imagine with the 11 power and with the different ways you can win this. I mean, I think it's going to be a cube stealer at the very end of it. I like my stance on it. I think it'll take some time. I think you're going to get people that pull all these in their sample matches tomorrow and say it's one of the best cards of the game and then you're going to get the guys out here only getting these and be like who Who would want this card?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, for sure. Like there's going to be a very wide gamut of experiences, especially in like that early wave of like first impressions releases, like, you know, we often do like those first day, day one type of like, you know, spotlight reviews. There's going to be a wide variety of impressions for sure.

Cozy Snap:

In general, guys, my biggest statement against this is the first week of September has Mockingbird, it's Silver Sable, and what is the last card in that week? Oh US Agent. Probably the best week in the next two months. It is an absolute insane week, and so make sure you have tokens. Or the Spotlight Caches for that week, or Spotlight Caches specifically. But if you have some left over or you really like the card then this is definitely gonna be an interesting one, and look out for our final rankings when we talk about it on the next Snapchat. But Alex, we have a lot to talk about, and this is actually a, a, a juicy episode. We have a lot of new cars that have been data mined, but on top of that, we have new things that have been data mined within the game. So, first of all, we have Snap Packs. Have you heard of these? It's I, I think this is Man, if they implement this well, I really like the idea of it. Essentially, you play, and if you play and you win, you can open these packs that have a chance to get a guaranteed Series 5, and I think there's some protection against it where you almost always get it. I mean, new cards, a new card acquisition, I, I, I think is always a W.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I kind of heard about this and I was like, this sounds cool. I hope it doesn't get ruined by something weird. Like I hope that it doesn't turn into like some weird, like Oh, you want to like get cards? So then why don't you buy all these? But I did like, we just turned into like, Oh, we're, we're farming packs now. It's just like, it's a gotcha thing, but maybe not. Maybe I listened. I gotta be hopeful. It does sound pretty cool though.

Cozy Snap:

Snap pack events. And so when games open packs, if they just leave it, just don't change anything. Leave it as that. And it's a win. Like, straight up, it's a win. Guaranteed Series 5 card. Great. Awesome. Hopefully, there's, there's just, you don't buy your way into it or whatever it might be. Win games to turn energy into packs is what it sounds like. They're also adding effects, man. Like, bananas and water. This is awesome. There's a lot of cosmetics. I'm not gonna go to them. You guys can go to Snap. fan here to see them. But there's like a banana effect. Like, instead of sparkling or crackle, there's, you know, Deadpool symbols. Any cosmetics, anything like this, I'm all for good on them here. Who knows how they're going to implement it though. I doubt it's going to be free. But I am, I am happy to see a lot of new background effects here.

Alexander Coccia:

You know, I know I've brought it up in the past, but like, I, I hate this so much. I hate these leaks coming out like this. And like, I wish, I wish the snaps marketing team had a chance to like put these into proper trailers and put them out. Like, these are some really cool additions to the game that like get leaked on some website and don't get presented properly. It's like, it takes so much out of the. Marketing Sales of the team. Like I know where I know I'm kind of deviating from the core conversation here, but like, ah, man, I, I don't know how I feel about leaks. Like we kind of, we kind of need them and want them for like someone who makes a lot of

Cozy Snap:

spotlight videos. So Alex, I feel like you're a double standard there. Tat like, so hold on, let me just pump the brakes there to not sound aggressive. I get what you mean as far as like the pack stuff like that, like that makes sense, like there's no need to be able to see that, but I also think in a game where there's like an economy and you have to be really careful and stuff, it's vital to see ahead as well. It's, it's a tough, it's a, it

Alexander Coccia:

is, it's like, it's like the duality of man. It's like, you know, yeah. You want to, you have to know what's coming up because they're so stingy with the tokens and everything else. Then the card acquisition is so difficult. You have to plan ahead, but at the same time, like when you, when you have like these types of like new effects and stuff, like I thought the, the highlight of that last patch was the new customized, the way they've allowed you to customize base art and stuff like that. Like those things people care about, man. They care about, and these things I think they would care about as well. To see, to see it get leaked is actually kind of heartbreaking.

Cozy Snap:

Did you see, you can buy tokens now too, man. I just, what an what an L dude. I I'm so disappointed. That's a huge L, yeah. I'm so disappointed. It's for

Alexander Coccia:

another day.

Cozy Snap:

It is. Yeah. We can talk about that another day, but I'm disappointed. I, I feel like, like I legit remember like, quote unquote, tokens will not be purchasable. And then they make them purchasable. I just don't understand what they're doing over there. Not, not a smart decision, but on a plus side. Let's talk about the new cards coming out. So we've got the typical, like, season cards coming out. But then we've got some of them that aren't assigned to anything. And this is really interesting. To me, it screams the Deadpool's Diner kind of stuff. But there's more than just those. And so I feel like there's going to be other ways to get these cards. Very interesting. One of those being Agony. So right off the rip, buddy. One cost, two power card. After you play a card here, merge this with it. What are your thoughts on Agony? I think this is a pretty good universal one drop.

Alexander Coccia:

It does seem pretty cool. I, I think about often like how, okay, Space in Marvel Snap is such a commodity. It really is. Like, we kind of take for granted the idea that, like, you only have four slots on your board, and there's a lot of junk that happens, and I think that, like, the randomness of Hulkbuster can be kind of interesting, and it's, I think it's a cool card. This is kind of like a reverse Hulkbuster in a sense. Yeah. I like it though. I like it. I think it's cool.

Cozy Snap:

This is, I think, a really solid card for Destroy Decks. I think this is a nice little add to Deadpool, but also you've got, like, the Scarlet Spider coming out that you can make clones, and there's, you know, whatever what's that, the card no one plays, Black Panther. I mean, there's cards that you can take advantage of. For it being so cheap, I really like that. I think that's gonna be interesting to say the least. So this one is not assigned to anything. Let's talk about some of the other cards not assigned to any season, anything at all. Gore. Now, Gore, I'm really sad about. Now, he used to be a card that destroyed every, on your side and theirs, every six cost card on the board. Very, very, it's perfect for his lore. Great for the, I thought it was really interesting. They changed it, and I don't love how they changed it. It's a negative card, but the ongoing plus two power for each on reveal card in play, and it's a six negative three. There was a lot of power potential here, but also.

Alexander Coccia:

It's weird. It's weird. I know. Obviously, as you mentioned, Mr. Negative Enjoyer is very happy with this change, but at the same time, it does lose a lot of flavor. It does lose a lot of flavor. What it was before might have been OP though. Like that might have been actually kind of insane. Thank you. I was thinking to myself when I saw it, I was like, oh, I wonder if you play Ghost and then you play this behind Ghost or like Invisible Woman and then like wipe out their turn six play and stuff like that. So it could have potentially been insane.

Cozy Snap:

Agreed, especially because there was, I think, like a 6 0. If it was a negative three though, I didn't hate it because then you're like, you're at a loss for it and then you can't play six cards on your side. Like, it was interesting to say the least. This is just weird. A lot of variants out for this card, meaning too that I think they've had an idea for this guy for a while. And they're just trying to find a way to implement them. So we don't know how he's coming. This to me screams like a Deadpool Diner card. Just because it's I don't know. It just has that notoriety around it, if you will. Misery will get to Sertor? Sortor? Sortor? Sator. Sator, Sator, or Sorter, or Sortor. I, I, I, I can say it. I just can't say it, if you know what I mean. But it's a three cost. Three power card. This one is the certified crack. This is gonna be a really good card. After you play a card with ten plus power, this gains plus four power. There are so many cards, man, with ten plus power. This just seems like a card that can get really big.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I actually like this, and like, my early thoughts around this was like, what about Thanos with like, Cull Obsidian, and then like, you have like, you know, other cards that can get to 10, obviously Thanos itself it made me wonder if like, okay, it obviously can't consider ongoing, so like, something like a Devil Dinosaur won't trigger it, but what else will trigger it? Mockingbird will, Call Obsidian Will and all of a sudden like, well, this is going to end up going into a Thanos deck for sure. And that's kind of where I landed on it in my early thoughts.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. A lot of people were missing that you have to play it with 10 plus power. So it's got to have that already. There's plenty of them out there with it. I think that you can get this reliably to a 15 power card, a good amount of the time. Three costs, right? Three costs. So you're probably gonna be playing it on curve too. We like that. Cause it's going to be able to Well, after you play it, so this actually has to go out later, right? Or no, this just gets probably wherever it's at.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think this is wherever it's at. I don't see this remaining like this. It seems

Cozy Snap:

impossible. It's so good. It's ridiculous. Again, this is, we don't know where this is going to come from, which is really cool. A couple, couple of banger variants for it as well. We have Tombstone. Costs one if an enemy card was destroyed last turn. This is the Miles Morales of destr I think this, this card has been needed to be in the game for a while.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it actually is a pretty damn cool card. And as a four, six stat line, I think it's pretty strong. Like it's pretty, pretty fairly started. No.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I think this is cool. Cause it works obviously with locations. It works in destroy. It works to counter destroy destroyers needed a gate like that in some way. This, this to me just seems like a great, again, I feel like every single, like, you've got the stature, the discard, this is for destroy, maybe and then you have miles for move, so this is the answer to that.

Alexander Coccia:

I, I wonder if it needs one more activator though, like, I, I wonder if there's another card that we don't have yet that allows you to destroy, like, is this the Spiderman 2099 buff we've been waiting for? I don't know, maybe not. Right,

Cozy Snap:

probably, probably most definitely not, but speaking of Spiderman, this card has been in the data since the beginning of the game, Uncle Ben, He used to be that when this card got destroyed, add Spider Man to your hand, which was just absolute perfection in a card ability. It's a 1 2. Now, when this card is destroyed, replace it with Spider Man. Honestly, super crazy weird, right? I think what's interesting about it is, like, the Killmonger play in, like, a Surfer deck or something. Because then you could, you could play Uncle Ben, you Killmonger it, it'll move lanes, but then you have a Surfer that builds up a 3. I don't know. That was my thought.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you think it'll actually do the Spider Man on reveal and like move a card? I think so, yeah. It won't just turn into a 3 5, it'll actually do the swing?

Cozy Snap:

I think so, if it just turned into a 3 5 this would be just a better Bucky in every way.

Alexander Coccia:

Can I be honest for a second? I've seen a lot of people meme about its original effect, I've never understood the joke.

Cozy Snap:

What do you mean?

Alexander Coccia:

Like, you add Spider Man to your hand after it's destroyed, why is that so sad?

Cozy Snap:

Great power comes great responsibility, you don't You don't remember, are you trolling me here?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

you sure? Yeah, okay, I understood that he got, he got shot, and then Spider Man like cried about it, but I don't understand like, I don't understand why adding Spider Man to the hand is funnier than just replacing it with Spider Man.

Cozy Snap:

It wasn't to the hand, it's that Ben's gotta die for Spider Man to be a thing.

Alexander Coccia:

He was, no, he already had the Spider Man stuff. He already got bit by Spider Man, didn't he?

Cozy Snap:

He got bit? Didn't mean he was gonna be Spider Man.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, fair. I just, I just, I don't understand the joke. That's all. Maybe I'm old.

Cozy Snap:

So yeah, guys, let me Then again, it's

Alexander Coccia:

an old movie.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it is. You want to keep, you want to, you got anything else on Uncle Ben? Yeah, okay. I want to know. Aunt May coming soon. We also have a new season. We'll be quicker on these, but so all these cars I just talked about, dude would you want these to all come out at once, like with the She Hulk thing that happened in November? You were kind of creeping towards that. Do you think these are going to be Deadpool Diner rewards? How do you think these are going to come into the game?

Alexander Coccia:

I have no idea. I could not even venture a guess. I'm assuming that we'll probably stay on roughly the same path where you have one a week and then they're likely to do an event at some point. Maybe around like an anniversary maybe in October or something like that. What was the launch? What was the launch? So October 28th.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

So maybe around that time, they do an event for the launch and they provide a free card there. I could see that being the case. Alrighty,

Cozy Snap:

lastly, guys, we have Fenderous Wolf, and there's no way this stays the same. I just don't, I just don't see it. This is gonna be in the October season they, they're keeping the spooky theme. And we have an Activate card, which makes it even more cracked, okay? 2, 3, activate, resurrect the highest power discarded or destroyed enemy card to your side of this location. What the hell?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's pretty cool. I actually really like the effect like that's great I had this thought of like, okay, they get Monster Island You shanchi it and then you play Fenris Wolf and you bring back the monster. That's pretty cool. No

Cozy Snap:

or anything I'd literally anything this is the ultimate counter to destroy. This is a great counter to discard. This is just a fantastic This is just a hella counter. This has a lot to it

Alexander Coccia:

It's just interesting to think that, like, first of all, I don't know if it'll work with Apocalypse, will it? Because Apocalypse returns to their hand. Does it count as something that's been, like, discarded? No, I think it should. It should, right? Because Morbius gets buffed.

Cozy Snap:

No, no, so that's like each time a card gets discarded. Yes, you're correct. However, the way I see that is it's like Ghost Rider. It revives a discarded card. Yes, that's true. That's the way I would look at that. Misery got from a 5, I think it was like what, a 5, I can see here, 510 to a 47. I don't care about the power. I think this is much better at a 47.

Alexander Coccia:

Four seven gives it like a lot more versatility for sure. Like I think that when you have the effect, which is what misery is after that, that repeating those on reveals and then destroying them, that's what you're after, right? The points and the power was just all bonus, all gravy moving it down to a four seven, I think actually, I don't know if it's a buff, I would say, cause more power is always better. But that extra little energy off, I think makes a difference in sneaking into some interesting cooks.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, I think even something as simple as Playing Venom down on three and you play Misery down on four and it just copies the Venom and then you just get to destroy more of that Venom power. Like, I don't know. I think there's plenty to do there. This is just going to be a good card and unique. But the tough part is I just did a spotlight thing and there's so much, there's so many good cards. I couldn't knock any of the new cards coming to the game. Like they're, they're more of like, not bad. It's just the way you play Snap and what you play is what's going to determine, you know if you should get that week or not.

Alexander Coccia:

We have a lot of creative things coming, like a lot of cards that like, I think are going to challenge what existing archetypes exist in like the case of scream misery, which is, could propel a new type of destroy archetype. We, we have a lot of really interesting stuff coming for the game. Yeah, for sure. Cozy, this weekend, I'm going to be busy. I am going to be on an airplane. I'm going to be going west. Flyville goes west, as they say. I don't know if anyone actually says that, but I will be going west towards Seattle for PAX West. And I'm going to be playing some card games and I'm going to be playing lots of games and checking out lots of stuff. Have you ever been to Seattle?

Cozy Snap:

I have, man. I, I have been to Seattle. I think I told you that was the first, I feel like we talked about this on a Snapchat mailbag a long time ago. That was the first time I took recreational drugs was in Seattle. But also and I, I got lost in Canada. That was the time when I went to Canada, to White Rock, Canada. Great little tourist spot, Midburgers. But yeah, Seattle's good. It's definitely one of those places that people like, ah, you should come here in the summer. Let me tell you, the summer's great. It rains a lot. But there's such a cool identity of the town. And of the city and I've got family that lives out there. So, yeah, I've been going there since I was a kid, actually.

Alexander Coccia:

I've heard that it's pretty awesome. So I am looking forward to going there. I don't think I've ever really even been on the West coast all that often. So I'm actually really looking forward to how you live on the West coast. You're kind of used to, you know, that, that Pacific Ocean vibe. But for us over here, man, we were, I mean, I live near the Great Lakes, but I'm really looking forward to it. And with that being said, if you find yourself at PAX West, definitely come say hi, I'd love to see you.

Cozy Snap:

I love that. I just had recreational drugs, just left it up to the imagination, by the way. I'll, I'll it was, it was Mary can we even say any of this on this on your channel? I don't even know. We should move on.

Alexander Coccia:

We should probably move on. I mean, there are so many different forms of legal recreational drugs in Canada, so there are gummies that have been infused with the so called merry that you're speaking of.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, it's all legal now. It's all, it, I, it was probably not when I was, you know, a young, an old teen, not a young teen, an older teen, but back, back in my, my Seattle days, but anywho.

Alexander Coccia:

I appreciate you getting my channel demonetized.

Cozy Snap:

Well, I was actually trying to get us into our next drug, Speed, and or Marvel Snap card.

Alexander Coccia:

That's your best transition ever. Perfect segue, Cozy. Thank you for that. Yeah, Speed. Did we have the need for Speed? Which I think was like the number one title in Marvel Snap last week. And probably not was my response. But honestly, this is one of those cards that is fascinating to me. Because We were kind of low on speed, right? We were like, you know what speed? I don't know if it's going to really do it. Very lukewarm. I don't know about you, but when I was playing speed, I was like, this card's like a three, eight, three, nine, like very consistently. It's good power. It's ongoing that I can use an ongoing decks. I was getting, it's like 11 power and spectrum decks. I was like, everyone's pooping on this card, but I think it actually might be good.

Cozy Snap:

I do too, man. I don't really know why I gave it a, like, I gave it, I think, like. A 4 for the stats, but then I gave it, like, maybe a 2. 5 on my final rankings, and now I'm probably at least a 3. I mean, like, it's getting there pretty, like, often, and it feels like it could be a 3. 7 a lot of the time. I like that it's ongoing. It's just exactly what we say. It's just a boring car, like across the board. And the problem is, is we have things like copycat that exist. I think that's the biggest problem with speed.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's like the thing that really kind of gets me going with speed is like, it's the idea that no one wants speed. I think is some symptomatic of what this card acquisition system feels like where it's like, you feel like you don't have the resources to take a chance on something like speed. You don't want to like throw away that 6, 000 tokens you've been saving for so long on a card as unremarkable as speed where you could have gotten. Copycat, you could have gotten Mockingbird, you could have gotten, like, all these cards that have very niche specific, powerful effects, and Speed's just like, I get big, dude, and you're like, that's just not good enough.

Cozy Snap:

It's like I feel like when the Snap Packs come out, if you got Speed as your free 5, you're like, cool. Like, you're not mad about it, you're like, oh man, I probably would not have boughten this, or whatever, and I don't know if it is a pulling enough card in a Spotlight week either, but yeah, he's just Man, does he come at a horrible time. If you were to look at July all the way till the end of like, what is it? October. He's the least appealing card in there.

Alexander Coccia:

He is. No, he is. But the thing is, I don't think he's the weakest card. No, he's the least appealing, but he's not the weakest, which is interesting. I think he on paper might be one of the stronger cards that we're seeing in a while. And yet there's no excitement about him. And even me, I'm not particularly excited about it. I'm not like, yo, go buy speed right now. That's not what this discussion is. And I think a major component of that is there's just so much competition, specifically in the three slot. Like think about how many good three cards are just in the past month. You got Cassandra Nova, you got copycat, all of which just like. Technically should be outpowering speed. I mean copycat is not necessarily outpowering. It's doing some other things, but OG Cassandra Nova almost did. Consistently. And now, like, Speed's just like, I feel like he's just gonna get outclassed while also just being good.

Cozy Snap:

Not to mention, there's more 3 costs than anything else in the game. There's 3s. The decks that he does work in, the best, are Spectrum, which I think, Spectrum, Jean Grey decks are very good. I don't know why they're not played more often. But, it's that, it's Surfer, but then Surfer's got the replacements. He's just like, He's replaceable even with the good stats, like you're still gonna win in surfer decks without him.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh absolutely, and it's his stats that are like, are so impressive. But you are absolutely right. Like, he is completely replaceable, even with cards this month. And what's interesting as well is that, like, I was thinking about, like, comparables. Like, for instance, if you have 6, 000 tokens you have Marvel Boy and you have Sage there, right? Think about those three cards. Speed, Sage, and Marvel Boy. How would you rank those?

Cozy Snap:

It depends, but I would say Sage, Marvel Boy, and Speed, but then

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, of course, right? Of course. But when you think about, like, the flexibility of these cards, and general power output, so Marvel Boy could, if you happen to play, you know, Squirrel Girl turn 1, whatever turn 2, Marvel Boy turn 3, Marvel Boy's power output is tremendously high. But, it can't be effectively played late in the game, whereas Speed can. Sage can't be played on curve, but can be played late for a higher potential power value than Speed. But speed fits in this middle ground of power, and we talk about how good Sage is, and speed is like, what, one off of that? Like, really, like, you get Sage to 10, you're pretty, you're pretty happy about it. Yes, you can bounce Sage and stuff like that, but Sage is a 10 is a win, and this guy in my games is sitting as a 9 most of the time.

Cozy Snap:

He's a safe, he's safe, man. It's the opposite of, like, what speed should be. He's going 60 on a 60 mile per hour road, you know, like, you could go 65, you're probably not gonna be pulled over. 70, you're, you know, living life on the edge, you're going speed, you're going fast. He's just 60, and he's just, you're cruising, it's, you know probably what you're gonna get a lot of the time. I like too that unlike Wiccan We had to like, man, I almost wish Speed would have come out before Wiccan, because Speed teaches you, the stuff we've learned from Wiccan, you had to, like, reverse, because with Wiccan, you know, you miss something on one, catastrophic, it's done, Wiccan's dead. Speed, dude, it's like, cool, I got myself a 3 8, or whatever, you know, like, you just go down a little bit and I also think with we also didn't mention, I think Magic is played a lot right now, and Speed just has direct correlation with that. It's just not, it's just not appetizing. It's just not, not sexy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, right now it's running a 5 percent meta share. So, like, even as the brand new card of the week, it's almost no play. People were very unwilling to risk their keys, which I agree with. Like, if you have limited resources, this card is not gonna break the meta. It might end up, honestly, it would not surprise me if this card is in, like, a very high performing meta deck. Cause of its power output and you win games of Marvel snap with power. And this card does that, but it doesn't have the flash. It doesn't have the flare. Right. And so I think that holds it back. We are seeing a number of different interesting archetypes. It's being kind of splashed into like, you know, the Sandman style decks with with the Ultrons and stuff like that, just cause you tend to play very much on curve there. And it's stat stick potential allows you to basically trade locations. Your opponents are being kind of you know, They're unable to play thanks to that Sandman. So I do feel like speed is probably better than we're giving a credit for it. So you're selling in at like three stars.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, but it could be, yeah, it could just, it could be higher than like, I loved it with Iron Lad. I think he just naturally fits into an Iron Lad as a low cost car. That doesn't happen all the time. Again, I think at the end of the day, it's just like Copycat, Cassandra Nova. There's just so much better, Nocturne. They're just better flexible cards.

Alexander Coccia:

I would rather play Speed over Nocturne. I don't care if that's a hot take. You've hated Nocturne forever. I'll take Speed over Nocturne all day. But I've been, I'm a noted Nocturne hater though.

Cozy Snap:

You've hated it for a while.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it just, it just doesn't jive with me. Whereas like Speed, I'm like, listen, I, I'm gonna say that like, I came in at like three to four stars last time. I was like, you know, I can see the upper potential. I'm willing to say that I think this is probably a four star card power wise. Fun wise, it's a one star, right? It's the opposite of Hulkling that we talked about, right? But I, I, I just do not see the downside here. I think it's, it's a very strong card from a power perspective, even in Surfer decks. Like honestly, just like Spectrum can add plus two Surfer adds plus two. It's getting huge, man. And like. Even to the point where I look at something like a Gladiator and I compare it to Gladiator, Gladiator tends to be fine 90 percent of the time, but it's, it kind of claps your cheeks every once in a while. Speed doesn't do that and they get to similar power levels.

Cozy Snap:

So I agree with what you said 100%. I have a question. Shaw or Speed

Alexander Coccia:

in a spotlight? I would, I would, hmm, that's hard. Like Shaw is so very uniquely in Silver Surfer right now. With Gwenpool, like if you have Gwenpool, I would probably pick up Shaw. I feel like Shaw's safer. But Speed can be applied into so many different deck Shaw's

Cozy Snap:

so limited. He's better than Speed in the decks, like in Surfer, let's say. But then like, wide wise, he's much worse than him, I think, right? So it's so interesting. Like Shaw, dude, I was talking about him on the spotlight week, and I was like, man, this is, It's just a tough card, like to say, like, again, unless you only play Surfer, and even in Surfer, again, there's so many other 3 costs, like, there's so many other ways to win still. He's just, he's obviously vertical and great in that deck.

Alexander Coccia:

I, I feel like Speed is pretty plug and playable for, like, newer players, lower collection level players. It goes into those types of decks that, like, that you would want to be playing, right? Like, if you're a Collection 2 player, and you're playing Spectrum, then honestly, it works there. If you're Pool 3 and you got Surfer. But even then, like, Surfer I don't know if it keeps on the surfer decks, because like, there's so many competitive 3 drops that you want to answer meta conditions and stuff like that, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, surfer decks are so much more about co stats now. It's about combo sticks. If it was about stats, we'd be playing like, the old school school, like, Polaris and Spider Man surfer kind of thing. But it's just not. It's more about like, How to chain off the combos, or protect yourself, or whatever, or have like, burst potential, with like, crazy potential, like Copycat. So, it, it, he's just, yeah, it's just awkward.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think that ultimately he's going to prove to be a relatively decent card in Marvel Snap. I don't know if it'll be one you regret getting, because it's effect does not warrant that, right? Like, it's not going to have an effect that synergizes with a very specific deck that completely is soul crushing. It doesn't do that, right? However, it's just good stats. But apparently that wasn't enough. And I agree, I agree, it just wasn't exciting. Because you know what's exciting, Cozy? The best cards in Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, sir.

Alexander Coccia:

Tend to be very exciting. And we're gonna be leading a discussion here where we're just be riffing off of like some of the absolute top cards and snap right now. Cards that we think are having a very high impact on the game cards that you're likely seeing in your matches. And perhaps there might be some nerf candidates here, but I don't, I don't like using that word because it makes me a little nervous

Cozy Snap:

card in the game right now. What do you think it is? I think there's one obvious.

Alexander Coccia:

To me, I would listen. It's, I think it's probably the best, but it's my favorite. I'm just keep saying copycat. Like I do not care. I love copycat. Like I cannot stop playing the card. I fell in love with this. I fell in love with this card and I knew it was strong, but I didn't think it was like that strong. I just loved the effect. I love the way it played. I love the snap equity and stuff like that. But I think it's proving to be one of the best cards in the game.

Cozy Snap:

I wish I could play the clip right now of what my original thoughts were on Copycat, because I compared it immediately to Iron Lad, and I think it's aged just like that, where people just didn't see it. They, I, I, I just don't understand where the miss was here, because at the end of the day, and I thought Loki introduced this really well, people play good cards, right? People play good cards, and there's just no downside. In fact, you're having the 3 5 value. Copycat can be a game winner and is a game winner a lot of the time, like, you are, there are people, the way that there's deck design, like, of course, like, if you're playing a bounce deck, you can get just an Iceman or something, but there are just so many cards that just go so crazy, like Iron Man, and it's wild what Copycat can do. To me, Copycat's definitely proven to be one of the best, and I, again, I think you'd take her to a 3 4 and you're not even looking at an awful card. I think there's so much you can get off 3 4 as well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's currently running approximately a 53 percent win rate, a 26 percent meta share, which is insane. It's literally one of the most played cards in Marvel Snap right now. And what it does to like, Conquest, Infinity Conquest, what it does, and just regular games of Snap. Is incredible. And it feels like, honestly, like, I think, I don't want to say it feels balanced because it clearly is above that it's, it's definitely, it's definitely higher than just simply being balanced. But at the same time, three, five stats, I think you're right. It goes to three, four. I don't think we're, I don't think it destroys the card. I really don't think so because its effect is so powerful. And part of the effect is the idea that you draw it and you, you're getting that scouting information that has proved incredibly valuable. Knowing that destroy player. Does not have their death, or their null, or whatever, is huge. Knowing that a player doesn't have their Shan Qi is huge, and I think that was slept on.

Cozy Snap:

To me, this is Mockingbird going to six costs. I think it will happen, I don't think it's going to matter much, it going to a four. I think it repeats our conversation of last week, where we talked about, you know, buffs on the more conservative side or not. I think that would be yet another card that would happen to. But yeah, Copycat, insane. I think though, dude, that the large amount of people, in my opinion, Are dealing with one main threat, and it's Arishem combined with Loki. I think this Loki Arishem stuff, bro, is wild, Alex. It's, it's, it's, he's better, man. He's better. He's better in this shell. It's like, yo, my deck's not working, let me play your deck. Being able to do, like, things with Absorbing Man with it. Or just like, using this over and over with cloning Vats. Like, there's so many unique ways to use the Loki now. To do some crazy stuff. Loki's at a dangerous, crazy spot.

Alexander Coccia:

Loki is insane, but like, I have this concern where I'm not sure, I'm not sure if Loki's the problem, or if it's, it's straight up just airship, still being problematic, like, Loki right now feels like he is damn good, that draw effect is huge, right, it's so good. But at the same time, it's the Turn 2 Loki, which feels so damn bad. And after some reason, every single Airship player I play against, right, they're able to play Turn 1 Quinjet into Turn 2 Loki, and they've already snapped, and I'm already crying. And I cannot be consoled because it's happening nonstop. And I feel like that's the problem. Cause if you just make a Loki deck without Arishem, is he really that much, like, is he that oppressive?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, listen, I'll say this in the circles that I'm in. I'm seeing a lot of top players say, I don't know at this point, what you do about Arishem. That's what the conversation is being said. I still think that Arishem, you lean in fully into the random cards. I think you have to find a way to remove. Having, you know, if they Airsham a Shang Chi, so be it, whatever, you know, they've got to figure that out. I think at the end of the day, that should have been its identity. I kind of been saying that for a while. I love it for the game and the fun of it, but it, it, that's the, that's the issue with Airsham because it just ramps out so well, other cars look so bad in comparison. They get, they're going to have to figure it out.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, that's the thing, right? Like, I feel like. Just like when Loki was going absolutely crazy as the season passed, it was original 3. 5 with the effect of kind of replacing your hand, and like they nerfed Collector, and they nerfed everything around it, right? It felt like Loki had this plot armor that prevented it from getting nerfed, and now we have Erishem, which you're right, I think the play style is so fun. It's so fun, but you cannot have this like disruptive menace in the meta where like it's It's these Lokis on turn two, which you are so disadvantaged that like, I would, I would love to know if Second Dinner has the stats on Erisham, turn two Loki, what the win rates are. Oh, it's so good. They have to be close to what, 75%? 80%?

Cozy Snap:

For me, it's I auto retreat. Like, instantly. Like, if it's Quinjet, then Loki, it's like super retreat. If it's just Loki, it's still retreat. I mean, it's just, you lose. So fast.

Alexander Coccia:

See, I enjoy losing. So I stay in those games, but it definitely feels bad after a while. And I don't know, again, you touched on a good point. Like what do you even do now? Like I made the suggestion, which I, I, this was in a video. I think people generally thought it was a silly suggestion, but like, what if Arishem didn't actually, like, what if it just generated the whole deck? Like, what if you actually didn't put cards into it? That's what I said, you

Cozy Snap:

lean into the randomness and you, it's just, it's an Arishem deck and then you make Arishem like a seven, 10 or like much better. Like. You know, you can give Airsham better stats at that point, because it's fine to draw that. You don't want that to be a, you know, it's kind of like what they did with High Evo. But I don't even know the coding wouldn't work for that. I don't think they have coding for that. I just don't. I don't think you can just play an Airsham deck or whatever. Like, I don't know how they would do that. Lock out the deck fonts. It's so funny you mention

Alexander Coccia:

that. I think I said the exact same thing. Make him a 710. I'm pretty sure everyone hated my idea.

Cozy Snap:

Probably. And that's because they're Airsham plays and I get it. Like, I, I don't think, you know, you can't get rid of Aarishem, you can't get rid of the card. Like, I just don't care about the top 1%. Like, you can't, you can't You can't do that to appease like the top, top, top meta game, but you also have to figure this out. Yeah, for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's, it's a, it's a challenge'cause like obviously there's a ton of competitive snap players, but Marvel Snap has such a massive audience of very casual enjoyers that love Marvel Snap'cause the ip, the snappy gameplay, no pun intended. Ham was a great addition to that and evidence of that was like the 70 something percent play rate, always the best

Cozy Snap:

casual card. I love it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is. Right. So, but at the same time, should the best casual card be the best competitive card? And that's kind of where we're at right now. So it definitely needs some more massaging. And I think it's fair to say that I'm, I don't envy the job of trying to figure this out. We ain't game designers, that's for sure. But there's definitely something amiss with Erichshum right now. Cozy, do you have another suggestion for one of the best cards in the game?

Cozy Snap:

I went Loki Airship. Let me hear what you got. What do you got over there, Tiger?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm gonna say that Macari is surprisingly resilient in terms of its win rate and its cube rate. And I think that the, you're laughing at me. I see you laughing. There's a

Cozy Snap:

lot of cars to pick from, so I, I, I like that you picked Macari. I, I, I was surprised.

Alexander Coccia:

I have to because listen, it's running a 1 percent play rate, so no one's playing it, it's seeing play in Sam and Dex primarily, but it's currently holding one of the highest win rates in Marvel Snap at 55%, and a 24 cube rate as an individual card. In comparison, Copycat and Cassandra Nova are hovering between about you know, a 15. So it is straight up 10 point, 10 tenths of a cube. That's such an awkward metric. It's, it's straight up outperforming both Cassandra Nova and Copycat. Isn't that kind of

Cozy Snap:

fascinating? No, because it's not played in as near as many games. I think it's almost largely played in Sandman, which is a fantastic deck. And it gives you a huge advantage in those decks. That's my take on it. I think Macari's not a bad card, don't get me wrong. But I think that's what the stats are indicating, if you will.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so it's just, it's overperforming in a deck that's overperforming.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like, we've seen that in the past with, with, with some other cards. I like it. I like it as a pull. Like, I thought, you know you definitely could, like, to me, I, this is just Mockingbird. I think Mockingbird is, is far and away that, it's like the Jeff week you were waiting for, for Jeff to be in a spotlight, to go all in on that. Next week is the Mockingbird. Get it. Get it. Don't regret it. You won't regret it. They can't do much to it. They'd make it a nine power card. It's even better to make it 11. Great. If the stats stick better. She's just so good.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Mockingbird is legit. One of the best, most resilient cards in Marvel Snap right now. Some have even argued that the move to 610 power is borderline a buff. And it's, I don't see what else they can do to it. Like if they take it down to a nine, then it's on a shun chi range. Technically less power is always a nerf, but yeah, Mockingbird definitely feels like legitimately one of the safest cards that you can pick up in Marvel Snap right now.

Cozy Snap:

I like that. I like that you went with Macari Pole. Do you have any any other juicy intakes?

Alexander Coccia:

In my defense, the reason why I want to talk about McCarty is because, There's something to be said about raw statistics, right? And we can go off of like, you know, our, our opinions. We can go off of kind of like what we feel very often. I think that we, you and I do a very good job of that, but from a pure statistics standpoint, I would feel like excluding McCurry because, you know, I was low on it in the past would be disingenuous. The card is still like, it's just, the stats are remarkable. Right? It's a very niche, yes. Statistically, from a win rate and a cube rate perspective, it is amongst those best ones. And so, like, I just want to give it it's due, because I feel like no one on this planet is talking about Makkari, right? It's fair. You are correct. No

Cozy Snap:

one is talking, no one is talking about Makkari. And I was

Alexander Coccia:

low on it, right? So it makes me look like an idiot. Like, I'm the one who said Makkari sucked, and here I am talking about how, like, it is putting up incredible statistics, right? So, it would be in my best interest to not mention that Makkari is doing so well so good, because of my past opinions, And that's why I just wanted to make sure it was brought up. But another card that I think is surprising a lot of people right now in terms of its general win rate is is it's going to be Quinjet and I, I think it is indicative of the Erishom Loki combination because it just sets up that really unfair advantage, but Quinjet is over performing. What it has traditionally done. And it's one of those things where it's like, okay, so you have Erisham, you have Loki, you have Quinjet. You have all these additional tools to just bring the cost of those cards down and give the the player an unfair advantage. Now I wouldn't say that Quinjet is. A problem the way it was with the the Thanos stone era, but his statistics would indicate that it is a very high performing card. But is that because of just the single deck?

Cozy Snap:

Yes and no. I think it's also attributes to people not playing one card in particular that I think is one of the least played tech cards. Don't know why it needs to be played more. It literally counters the card of Hulkling. In Mobius. I think Mobius answers your Quinjet problems. It doesn't answer Ereshim, but it answers what happened with Loki and Mockingbird is insane right now. You know, it handles that. So I think Mobius could be played more, rather than, like, you know, messing with Quinjet. But yes, I think Quinjet, because of the lack of Mobius play, Quinjet's just on fire.

Alexander Coccia:

I totally understand, like, and Mobius, I feel like, is probably underappreciated, right, like, obviously, as you mentioned, like, it deals with Loki, it deals with Mockingbird it deals with Serra, Surfer being very prevalent, and ironically, some Surfer decks are cutting Serra, because the Gwenpool is just such a Such a good play as a whole on turn four, then you could still go Sarah on turn five, regardless. But like, I think Mobius is probably one of those cards. Like, I don't think you ever revert it to it's two, two, three stat line. I don't think you ever go there, but I feel like it is kind of being forgotten to an extent, and yet it has a tremendous game winning capability on so many decks that we're seeing right now.

Cozy Snap:

I think the issue with it, if you look at it, right, so you have Killmonger. Every decks can have one cost cards, most of them, that you play against, okay? And you can use it offensive, defensively. You've got Enchantress, Shang Chi, Red Guardian. All these do so much more and affect way more cards. Mobius will flat out win you the game. Against a large amount of decks, but there are plenty of decks without Energy Cheat, right? So, you're risking that if you don't have a deck that is playing Energy Cheat, or you don't know how to identify that early, you're playing a horrible 3 curve. And so, like, that's the, I think that's the tough part about him a little bit, and why we're not seeing as much play compared to other deck cards.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And a card that I want to bring up as well, which is running a 22 percent Metashare is Alioth. Alioth is definitely making a massive comeback. It's win rate on the lower side compared to some other cards at about 51%, but I do think that it's impact on the board and generally in Snap, it's, it's win rates climbing again at its peak. It was like in the mid thirties. We're still off from that, but it's definitely making a solid comeback. So, Cozy, how's how have you been enjoying the Alioth gameplay out there?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, I've seen, I've seen it more. I think it's one of those cards that, like, as it gets more popular, people are expecting a bit more big, divided camp on it. Alioth has been in timeout, out, in, out, timeout. And I think it's fine where it's at, personally. I think it's fine where it's at right now. And it's definitely, you know, rewarding players that do take the risk in putting it in their decks, for sure. For sure. I, can I talk about, I want to bring up, even though it's in one deck mainly, I think, flat out, Gilgamesh is one of the best cards in the game. I think it's indicative as it's played when a win rate when played, but also it's a 5 cost card that it just sees well above that stat line. That can almost always come back in a lane, and the reason Zoo is successful is it's great at winning all three lanes, and then you just attack their best lane with Gilgamesh. I think this is just a stupid good card.

Alexander Coccia:

It's stat potential is huge. And the fact that you play, you played in like a zoo deck that has so many one drops, which immediately allow you to play Gilgamesh on turn six with confidence, you almost never, ever play Gilgamesh on turn five. You almost don't. And there's even opportunities to play Gilgamesh on turn six in conjunction with Mockingbird, who often gets discounted to, to one cost. So like. It is an incredibly powerful card, and we just, we're talking about Emperor Hulkling. Emperor Hulkling is a 6'11 and we were talking about how so many stat lines, when bumped up to 6'11 are good. Gilgamesh smashes those stat lines. It smashes those, it reaches beyond some Red Hulks, at times. And it's, it's pretty crazy what it can do, and you're right, it's completely rejuvenated that archetype as a whole.

Cozy Snap:

And I think a lot of people have said that 6 costs don't feel like the big The big bads in a sense of snap, like it's almost five costs. There's so many good five costs in the game right now.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I know there's, there's a ton of great five costs and they have very interesting effects as well. And like we're starting to see them. We'll say like, we're starting to see them being used in very creative ways in very niche decks. And once you have like these very niche applications for cards, they tend to just propel these new archetypes a little higher into the meta. Like a good example of that. Now it's, we're in the best card conversation, but the change that happened to Viper doesn't propel it into the best card conversation, but it propelled that archetype a significant step forward. Right. So like, I, we can't underestimate how important Gilgamesh was. To Zoo, but it wasn't just Gilgamesh. It was Mockingbird as well. And then now you have Marvel boy. That whole archetype has seen this like massive boost and power potential. I mean, even Kate Bishop is often played in those decks as well. So it's pretty cool to see a card that I wanted to bring up cozy. I wanted your opinion on is, and this is kind of like, it's. A former best card that's kind of fallen out of the The minds of most players. Do you think that Jeff, the baby land shark, is still one of the best cards in Marvel Snap?

Cozy Snap:

It's still one of the most popular. It's definitely much more popular. I feel like, I feel like there are a lot of ways to answer it with cards that are building up over time. Ways to go wide with Zoo. We had the Professor X thing happen. Ultron is where it's at, and Ultron is a powerhouse, I can answer Jeff, so it's not near as good as it used to be, it's still a good card though.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no kidding, and I feel like there's been so many new releases that have gradually kind of stepped on Jeff's toes. But he's such a vanilla, great statted, great card that I feel like if you have him, you're not going to be disappointed, of course. And especially with the reduction of power from White Widow, it gave him a little more breathing space. Like right now, he has a 20 percent Metashare. Prior to the release of White Widow, he was in the mid 30s. So like, you can see that White Widow definitely took some, a little bit off of there. And of course, now you have Kate Bishop, which is a very strong card. And so I think that, you know, that added competition took a little bit off of Jeff.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, can we talk about the, the upgrade to the Prism finish, by the way? They, we, we just like whiffed to talk about that, and it happened to be with this Jeff Aaron. Such a better, like this will show, this is so much better than it used to be, right? Like, what a, what a free random win.

Alexander Coccia:

It is a huge win. Foil still looks terrible, but Prism looks very legitimate. Prism

Cozy Snap:

looks good, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

It's pretty cool, like actually I have this like Prism finish on Cassandra Nova, on the the Pandart Studio one, cause it has like that broken glass with the Prism effect, and it looks pretty wild.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no, for sure, I had to bring it up. I feel like that got stuck into updates and we're, we're, we're gonna snap. Podcast. And we probably should bring that up.

Alexander Coccia:

And Cozy, that takes us to the Snapchat mailbag. The I listen, I'm, I'm always excited to see questions and comments from the community. So if you have questions or comments, let us know in the comment section down below, and you just might make it onto the show as did Kid Kudos, who said. I will never understand complaining about nerfs in a live service game. They're going to happen. They need to happen. It's good that they happen. With that said, Second Inter needs to have a better way to acquire cards because I agree that with all the commenters saying that if it wasn't so insanely hard to get Nocturne, then no one would have cared about losing one power from her.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's a suck and fallacy thing. Well, not even suck and fallacy. So like with rivals coming out where they, all the characters are free. You have to play onward, right? I think that's a good example of like, you might love your Loki in that game, but Loki, if it's too good, it's going to get nerfed, but you're not offended outside of you loving the card and the character because you didn't have to pay for it here. You're paying for you or you're like you're, even if you're free to play, you're investing right time, which equals money a lot of ways. Right. And that feels horrible. And so I think that nails it right there. I think nerfs are going to happen. Can't complain. It's a bummer if you'd like to play the card. I think. The emotion is attached to obviously the currency, either time or money.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. Right. And I think they touched on a good point where it's like, if it's, it's understandable to be frustrated with a change when a change comes down and like, you did invest a lot of time to save it for that currency. Like I, on my OTA video, there'll be like rip, I just bought Nocturne and here we are. Right. So hopefully that can be something that Second Dinner approaches. With some degree of like thought where they're like, okay, how do we make sure that maybe we communicate this forward better? Obviously stronger balance upfront, which I'm pretty sure they've, they're trying to do the best they can would benefit this. But at the end of the day, it's like, we talked about it. Maybe there has to be some sort of refund system. Maybe there has to be something they give back to the players. If, if at all, but yeah, I totally understand where that feeling comes from, but at the same time, you know, the game like this and Marvel Snap and part of the excitement of covering Snap, Is the frequent changes? Are these OTA balance changes? I remember when I used to play Hearthstone and it was like Facehunter for four months. And nothing happened. And clearly overpowered, broken ass cards didn't get changed. Didn't get modified. And it was like, just, just change the text! Just hit, just go into the code and change the text! And it never happened. And in Marvel Snap we have the opposite problem almost, where it's so frequent That it can feel bad when it hits a card that you invest in them and playing it a lot. Andrew asked us a question, and this one's a bit longer, so I'm going to kind of abbreviate it slightly. I'll have the full version up on the screen, but Cozy, essentially Andrew had an idea for Cerebro. They had this idea of reworking Cerebro to change the text to ongoing, your highest base power cards get to additional power. This would allow cards to get modified by locations like Nidal Or get hit by something like a Man Thing or a Red Skull, but the locations wouldn't destroy the synergy. The base power would be what was considered as part of the Cerebro buff, so you wouldn't have to have everything at the exact same power, everything could be a little different, provided the base power didn't change, which would still make it vulnerable to something like a Hazmat.

Cozy Snap:

Or like Monster Island. Yeah, that's interesting. I mean, it's It's one of those, like, it'd be, it, I don't know if that would make it just the best thing to play, like, C5 at that point would probably just be really too good. But then it would also make it more stable and, and that feels good for everybody. So it's one of those, like, I don't know if they were able to change it quick. It could be something that, like, breaks the game though, so, like, maybe they tried it, or maybe it's, you know, worth, worth implementing. I like the idea though.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I wondered if this could be like a new card if it had to be Cerebro, right? But then again, like, I feel like it's just straight up better than Cerebro, because Cerebro's ability to manage locations and stuff is part of the challenge. But I think you're right. It could be potentially broken in some circumstances because if you're just accounting base power, there's cards with the base powers and then like they blow through the roof in, in interesting ways. Right. So yeah, I mean, even ongoing cards to that degree. Right.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Solid idea.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Cool idea. Definitely. For sure. We got another question and it comes from Dank012 and it reads. By the time I'm writing this comment, Custom Card System just got an update which allows you to create custom cards even more freely. I wonder if it's time to add the random variant feature to custom cards, so you'd have a, every game, a different variant of, with different cool effects that you've chosen. If this feature was added, which card would you pick to try first?

Cozy Snap:

Two parter. I like the idea. I think, I'm gonna riff off that into another subject. I think there's so many variants in the game now that they need to Revamp the Variant Store massively they get the, like, the random spots thing just doesn't work anymore, so I'll start there thoughts on that real quick?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it sucks, like, there's this FOMO side of like, oh, as soon as a new variant's added, it ends up in the shop, I will never see this variant again, like, it's just, there's so many variants in the game right now that, like, if one cycles through, it's just, I'll never see it again, it's kind of unfortunate, and it doesn't, yeah, the whole, the whole shop thing feels weird.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and then to that question yeah, man, I think that's fine, they already have that tech implemented in, like, titles and, and whatnot, so I think it'd be nice to have, like, a favorites list for that and, of course, Storm, Magic, dude, those are just ones that just, all of them are good, so I would love it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for me it's like Chavez, which I never play anymore, but Sarah, Silver Surfer, I have so many cool splits on, and even if I can have like multiple favourites and it can randomly swap between the random favourites I have, it would be pretty damn cool. I like that idea, I think that was recommended a long time ago, even before we had the custom variants, because you'd have all these different splits, right? It'd be cool to rotate through ones that you kind of pick randomly. Our next question comes from David and it reads, As a Mexican that lives next to the border and loves the Snapchat, I can confidently say on behalf of my brothers and sisters that we love Jack in the Box and find it funny that Cozy does too. Do you have a favorite burger place and what do you like most about it? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, Ultimate Cheeseburger, Jack in the Box. Favorite burger place? I, I love Shake Shack. I think Shake Shack's burgers are probably right up there as one of the best. But it's different tiers for different things, right? Quick fast food, great Wendy's, can't go wrong. You know, hot juicy burgers. Five guys, quite the wait. They always throw the fries in the bags, but they're good burgers, can't knock it. And then In N Out's a classic.

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting that you say that. Like there's a couple of things. First of all, anytime I go to a restaurant, I feel like their burgers are never worth the money. And I'm always disappointed that you don't talk about like a restaurant burger never quite meets it. It's like, why am I spending 20 on a hamburger that you didn't even like, this kind of sucks. Right. I, okay. This might be a really hot take and it might just be, so I have a Burger King in our city that I, that's near my work that like on general Burger King, I think is not regarded as a great burger, I think. But this Burger King in particular, for some reason, just makes I don't know who's working there that's getting the freshest vegetables. There's something about these Whoppers that are just unbelievable. And it's, it's only that location. It's only that location that makes absolute fire Whoppers. And anytime I've had it anywhere else, I've never liked it. So for me, if I'm really feeling like a burger, the BK Whopper is just unbelievable. I like it so much. It's just, it's my go to right now.

Cozy Snap:

Love it, man. I, we have to make a food tier list one day for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

One day. And one thing that's really weird about the States too, by the way, is you guys get burgers at like, like they're cooked, like steaks. You can get burgers, raw and stuff, which is so weird to me. I don't think you're supposed to do that.

Cozy Snap:

What? You didn't like, I

Alexander Coccia:

was at a restaurant and my, someone I was with was like ordering a hamburger and they're like, how would you like that cooked? I'm like. Just cook it. It's a hamburger. They're like, well, you can get it to medium raw. Oh yeah, medium, medium rare. Yeah. Yeah. What? That's weird. Man's not at all. Beef. You're gonna get sick. That's like literal poison. No, man.

Cozy Snap:

Not, not at all. I mean, you're not getting it raw. No one's wants, do you know like rare, medium, rare? Like no one's getting, there's the very few people that get a rare burger, but medium rare. Well, not few. There's plenty, dude. That's where all the flavor is. And the, and the juice.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm not 100 percent positive, but it's, it's possible that Canada, that's actually against the law.

Cozy Snap:

You only have well done, like that's it.

Alexander Coccia:

That's it. I don't think you can ask for a burger medium or anything like that. I think it's legitimately against food code.

Cozy Snap:

I've eaten 10, 000 burgers and I've never gotten sick by one.

Alexander Coccia:

That's, that's remarkable that you've eaten that many burgers. I'm a burger guy. And it's entirely possible that you've been sick and just not even knowing it, that it was because of that raw ass burger you ate. Cozy, thank you so much for joining us on this week's edition of the Snapchat. Thank you guys as well.

Cozy Snap:

Well, guys, hopefully you enjoyed today's Snapchat. Next week, we're going to be talking about the brand new season around the corner, September. A very good one at that with Activate coming to the game and a lot of great cards at that, buddy. As always, have a good one, have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping

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