The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Speed: Amazing But Boring? | Higher or Lower The Game Show Returns | Wiccan In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 94

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 42

Will Speed be the next king of 3 costs? What were the highlights of the latest OTA? Is Snap being balanced too much? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? I want to welcome you back. We have a new card this week in Speed, who I think a lot of people are underestimating. He's probably going to be good, but kind of boring. We're going to break down Speed, his synergy, and why I think he might be the most slept on card this month. We're also going to be talking about the massive OTA. We had another Nerf pocalypse where we lost. The cards that didn't get hit the week prior in the OTA, but we did have some interesting buffs. Alex and I are going to give our opinion on all the OTA cards and what we think about them. And then lastly, guys, by popular demand, I'm bringing it back higher or lower, where I bring up different cards and win percentages, games played, and Alex and you guys are going to have to guess Higher or lower than the card it's compared to. So we've got a lot today in today's episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one, the only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, my friend. We're gearing up towards a hundred episodes. We've got a great week of Marvel Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

How we doing? Buddy, I'm doing great. I've been having a lot of fun in Snap. I've been sweeping up all of the move missions in the Alliance. And then just not playing Move, so I'm not, like, I'm not contributing very much to the Alliance progression, because I'm like, hey, no one wants to do them, I'll be the Move gamer, and then I'm like, I actually don't want to play Move. Maybe next month I'll play a bunch of Move, but this month, nah, not so much.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I love being in the same Alliance, like, we've got so we've got myself, we have Regis, we have the art manager director of, of of Marvel Snap, and it's just fun to, like, see all this. We have, like, a really chatty Alliance, too, which is cool to see and just see what decks you're playing and Regis and all that good stuff. Dude, at the time of filming this, I put out a tweet and I thought this was such a good opening discussion. Of, and it was more of like the general Marvel audience, I'm kind of getting just destroyed on Twitter for it. Of characters in Marvel that you had no idea, or no one really knew they existed, and then Marvel Snap popularized, right? And so, not, not your superfan, but, and we got a lot of fans that know a lot about Marvel, okay, respect to you. The general Player base was what my goal was with this and like, dude, stuff like Jeff the Baby Landshark, or, or maybe Arrow, right? Did you see the tweet?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I did see the tweet, and I thought you were largely correct. I mean, a lot of these, I mean, they existed, like Zabu, for instance, has, like, what, not even a line, because obviously it's a cat, but, like, Kezar's like, don't worry, Zabu, or something, like, in the X Men series, like, one minor little, kind of, showcase of them, and it's very easy to just, like, gloss over that, hey, that Sabretooth Tiger could be a character in a card game, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah, I remember from the X Men, and for me it was like, okay, but he was meta relevant. It's funny, it's the meta relevant cards that I think, like, boosted, like Jeff and Zaba, right? Like, they got boosted because of that massively. Infinite Man, I've read a lot of comics, watched all the MCU. I had no idea who Infantile was. I didn't have the slightest clue who the the Teletubby was. And then what else? I had Sarah and Angela. I think those are somewhat known, but the vast majority probably knows them from Snap, no?

Alexander Coccia:

I think that, like, Dark Hawk 2 is super obscure. Yeah. I tried to look up Dark Hawk. There's only, like, a few comics of him, and Like, yeah, I think that there's a lot of really obscure characters, but there's also a lot of, like, major characters that haven't really made it into the game either, right? We joked about Purple Man the other day, right? Yeah. He's not in it yet. He's, like, the main villain of Jessica Jones, so Hey, there's a lot to go off of here.

Cozy Snap:

Hellcow, I know we both knew who Hellcow was before Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he was in a Deadpool comic, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, the infamous Hellcow. No, he was on the Avengers, the first one.

Alexander Coccia:

He was? Wait, he was in the first one? I thought he was like some vampire cow that got brought back to life or something. No, no, no,

Cozy Snap:

with Thor and Captain. You don't remember like Thor and Captain going up and like, Oh, Hellcow, and like they asked him to join. He was like, No. No, I don't remember that. Okay. Well, we have Kazaar and Debris I had on there, Blue Marvel, and then yeah, you said Dark Ox, so a lot of a lot of characters that you guys may have not known, and with that, Alex, we got a lot to talk about today. Speed, the brother of Wiccan, but also what is he gonna bring, and the OTA that was massive, another nerf. Apocalypse, if you will. And then, higher and lower. Alex and I are going to be playing the popular game that he's finding out right now. He kept asking me all week, what was the third subject. I'm like, don't worry about it. I don't want him to study up. And we changed up some of the stats for that one. So, Alex, we're talking about that over here. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're going to be talking about Wiccan in review. Wiccan has come out. We're going to be giving our feedback on the card and whether or not you should be picking it up for your collection. We'll also be talking about, Have there been too many nerfs and too many changes in Marvel Snap? Has it been too hard for players to keep up with the kind of like, rope a dopes of the meta? Because hey, we got limited resources and things keep changing fast. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat

Cozy Snap:

mailbag. Well, let's jump into it. I mean, many are gonna view this week. As the variant week guys, we have a beautiful Jeff, the baby land shark variant, I will describe it to you. I don't even have it on screen, but he's in a bathtub. He's got some rubber duckies and he's looking villainous. And then we also have an iron lad variant that looks really strong to in fantastic cards that you're going to play a lot of. And then we have Speed, and so, right off the bat, 10 Spotlight Week, yeah? As far as the new cards.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, the Speed, like, he's fantastic, right? Like, I think that the, well, first of all, the Speed Flaviano variant's pretty awesome. Flaviano always slops, but yeah, you have the Jeff variant, where he has, like, the massive teeth, super smiley, and obviously the Iron Lad variant, where he has Jeff in it, and if you don't have Jeff in Iron Lad, Then like, what are we doing here? This is a great opportunity to get these two cards, right?

Cozy Snap:

If you don't have those, then you don't have to be worried if you should have speed or not, because those are going to just be great to grab. If you don't know who speed is, let's break them down. There's kind of some controversy with him a bit as a card and if he's going to be good or worth it and all that good stuff. Got a lot of thoughts on him. He's a three cost, three power card. Ongoing ability plus one power for each turn that you spend all your energy, Alex. So he can get up to a 3, 9 if you were to, you know, curve out all the way. 3, 10 if you do have magic in play, which we know is obviously the top tier. If you were to, you know, happen to do that all the time, it's the top tier. Which is really cool, because Wiccan just came out, and I think we all have a much better idea of something we didn't pay attention to a lot of, and that's how often you can actually not, you know or you do spend all of your energy. And so, Alex, I'm gonna go ahead and put you on the spot before we break down anything about him. Star rating on speed.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I've been hovering in the two, three range. But I'm going to lean towards three. The reason for this is because it's kind of interesting. He he's probably a super good, but boring card, right? Like how can you not like, how can you shy away from a card? That's likely to be three, six, three, seven vanilla easy on most games. And it's kind of interesting to think that like. We've gotten so obsessed with these, like, high impact abilities that a lot of cards have that we're kind of just, you know, ho hum on straight up power sometimes. I think I might be sleeping on him a bit at three stars. It's just not exciting, right? You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

He's grown for you over time, because when we first talked about him, I remember you, like, he, that he was, he was hated. He was, he was not much three. I respect, I do. I think you introduced it perfectly, guys. Here's the deal. I'm giving him a four star. The title of this is Speed is King, but he's kind of boring. Why a four star? Let's break it down. First of all, guys, absolutely. This reminds me, and this is not even the best example, but let's take Red Guardian. Where it's this car that does something unique, but it is easily replaceable without a lot of negative connotation, right? There's not, it's not going to really affect what decks he's in and what he's going to do. He's not going to carry that deck, but I see him being used in the long term, especially in a majority of the more powerful decks within the game. 3 9's a very good stat line and there's some cool synergies with him, but he's boring. He's boring! He doesn't offer anything new. There's nothing, it's like Nocturne when she came out. People were, dude, even on Twitter after she came out for the whole week was like, cool, but it, okay, right, and now we're all, you know, we were more than the, before the patch happened, but we loved Nocturne, you know, she's one of the best cards in the game, we, we found that out pretty quickly. I challenge you guys to go back to Nocturne week and take a look at what a lot of people had to say, because she was more of a boring card that was really strong, and I think, speed can't be compared to Nocturne, but it is somewhat in the same ballpark. We will be using more decks, but Wiccan, who came out last week, is super unique and does something new for the game, but probably not as relevant later on.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so interesting to think about how speed while I think ultimately powerful from a power perspective, he doesn't, he's not. Synergize with much, right? Like there's not much you need. We're like, Oh, speed is the cog that makes this wheel turn. Wiccan needed cogs to make the Wiccan play work, right? There's a lot of cards that kind of really propel specific archetypes and speed doesn't really do that. He's so vanilla in his, his power output that it feels not exciting, but at the same time, like, like, okay. Think about it. If he's a three, seven on average, I'm just throwing that number out there. Are you happy with that?

Cozy Snap:

I would say he is going to be near a 3. 7 on average. Yeah. Oh, absolutely, dude. I mean, that's, it's zero downside. Zero downside. Right? There are cards that you can't play late. You can't play on curve. Sage. Sage is a great example. We love Sage, right? But you kind of have to hold on to Sage to get her to that respectable stat line. You can play him on curve. I think that's his best thing, and the best, You know, his best use is going to be, you can play him whenever, set it, forget it, good stats.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. The fact that he's an ongoing is actually a bit of a superpower because it makes them invulnerable to something like Shadow King. He's unlikely to hit the heights of something like a Shan Qi, right? And if they rogue him or something, then like, It's likely they have not been playing with this effect in mind. So their, their trade off is probably limited. They might go to like, Oh, the rogue might gain a couple of PowerPoints or whatever. And if they, in chances that he's still just a three, three at the end of the day, like he's very, he has all these mitigating factors from like a downside perspective, which kind of props him up a little bit.

Cozy Snap:

Boring, but super safe. There's so many things like that in the world that we say it all the time. That's exactly his definition. We used to think so much as Polaris worth it. I don't know, three, five, but then it moves a card. Maybe that can hurt you. 3 5 is very manageable with speed. That's going to happen all the time, and that was what the old threshold used to be of a top tier 3 cost card. I think this guy will last and will be in the meta. I think 4 star, I don't care if he's, you know, he's not revolutionizing Snap, but he is a good card. And luckily, he comes In a good week. So let's break down why we think he's going to be good, the decks we think he's going to be good in. Obviously, his brother is going to be the most immediate synergy in Wiccan. Kind of. I still think Wiccan decks are, even still to this point in time of filming, getting figured out. Very unique card in the game. There is one camp that is pro quicksilver domino. Other camps where you just plug them into decks, and if you curve out, great. Wiccan, we'll talk more on your side, but I think Wiccan clearly, you're already trying to do this. And the most difficult spot to fill in Wiccan decks, or the most difficult cost to make sure you get down is the 3, right? Because you don't have something that automatically plays on 3. Now you got the Brethren Speed, which is a perfect fit.

Alexander Coccia:

It'll be interesting to see that if Wiccan's effect actually helps Speed or not, because That extra two power might make it be like, or two energy, I should say. It might be like, Hey, I, now I'm floating two energy. Cause I don't have the cards in hand to actually utilize it all properly, which, which happens in Snap, right? Card games are about variance, right? About drawing the cards. If you drew them in the exact order you wanted every time, well, the game would be boring as heck. Right? So I think that that variance might be pretty interesting to talk about as well.

Cozy Snap:

That is a good point. There is plenty and plenty of there's like so much energy that you almost are never going to get a three nine cause Wiccan, it's tough to use all of that up. I found that, you know, plenty on like turn 5, turn 6, I could somehow squeeze it out with like a couple of good plays, but yeah, fully agree there. For me, the one that I want to talk about, the one that has had, you know, a boost up, especially since a massive OTA to one of the cards, but in general, I think Speed's best home, by a long shot, is going to be in the good ol ongoing Spectrum decks. He is kind of everything you're looking for in a package for this deck. He's a low cost card. There's plenty of cheap cards to play in Spectrum. You have Ant Man, Armor, you've got Goose, you've got all these ones, right, that are just fantastic to curve out, right? And Speed is just gonna be added to that. If you only get it to a 3 7, it goes to a 3 9. It's just gonna be a perfect card that does curve out well, and I think this will be its best home. And, alongside Spectrum, just because this goes in that deck, Alex, I think my favorite synergy that's often being forgotten about, this card has never played, is Goose. I think this is a card with immense power that can sneak into Goose, and I love the synergy here with Spectrum.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, it's like you've literally Jean Grey'd my mind, because there were two very specific decks I was like, this card's gonna slap in, and this is absolutely one of them. I love the call out here I was actually playing a ton of Thanos Ongoing, and it got me thinking, like, whoa, Ongoing's actually pretty fun And then I started thinking about, like speed and how I can integrate it with that, with Captain America, giving him plus two there. And then I started thinking, Hey, there's actually quite an easy line for getting your ongoings out on curve. The only tricky ones, what the first slot, right? It almost makes you want to run your Howard the duck or something. So you have like a turn one play because like, if you're planning on spectruming at the end of the game, that Howard. Does get that plus two, like everyone else does. Right. And so like, I feel like if you build this very nice curve style deck with ongoing with your right, like you have gooses, you have all these cards that really do curve effectively in particular at the low end, and then you just run spectrum at the end of it, I think you can legitimately and very easily get speed to high power levels.

Cozy Snap:

And the thing is, this is like a strategy as old as time with snap is. This deck can get pretty big, pretty wide. It doesn't go extremely tall, so there are some matchups that can be tough for it. And so you kind of need this control factor. Goose is so powerful here. And we have two important cards that Speed will be played in. My thought is you play Goose, you play Speed into that Goose lane. And then, you, how do you protect another lane from your opponent just wiping the floor with you? Well, it's a card that we, none of us get to play because not a lot of people had them. But I think US Agent is such a perfect card. To control another lane, right? So you've got the goose lane with your big buildup and then US agent is keeping the fort down for the other lane that you then build up with the cheap cost cards. And I think there's plenty of ones that can be played like Ant Man as well.

Alexander Coccia:

If you think about that negative four power on US agent, it's actually pretty impactful and incredible. If you take pretty much any six drop in the game or any, I mean, 6, and you just straight up take 4 power off them. That card is suddenly very much like not as enticing as it prior was. That's a big hit. When you also consider the fact that it's a fair standard body at 2, 3, it also gets hit by spectrum. Then suddenly you've got a really, really decent card. And when utilized with Goose, you're able to say, Hey, you can't play fours and fives here, and if you play it here, you're going to get punished. Right? I really do like this Carlo Cozy because U. S. Agents has been one of those cards. It's coming back in a spotlight cash, by the way. So if you're lamenting that you didn't get U. S. Agents somehow, and again, a very fast buff candidate, this was a card that came out a little weaker and got buffed pretty significantly. But yeah, I think that this is a good spot for him.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like too, one strategy people don't realize and ongoing is even though they're not on reveal, you want to save a lot of these cards for later, right? For me, when playing a lot this week, U. S. agent, I would wait till like turn five because that swing right where your opponent thinks they're killing you and they know what you're doing, okay, you got the ant man out, they can kind of figure it out. The powerful turn 5 into the Spectrum 6 can seal the deal. US Agent with a speed on 5, where you've used your energy up, all of a sudden you have not only potential 12 power that you can Spectrum up another 4 points, you go in 16 power, plus the negative 4 swing on the other side. And we both know it, any card, tech wise especially, that works into the deck that you're doing anyway, in this case Luke Cage, It's just a beautiful melody that I'm just excited. I think it's going to be speed's best home by far.

Alexander Coccia:

And the nice thing about speed is again, that ongoing being a superpower it's going to track the fact that you've played your energy on curve. So if you play speed on turn five with us agent, he's going to bounce up in power and like the same way, no wood, for instance. Right. And I think that's adds to the flexibility. You speak to, you spoke prior to the fact that Sage was the kind of cards you had to hold back. Sage might have higher upside, right, and bounce and stuff like that. It can very easily get to like 14, 16, 18 power, but you're not able to play it out early the way you can with Speed. Speed gives you that like variability of when you play it, how you play it, and it has this very consistent tick up of power. Power. Moreover, your opponent will not be able to reliably anticipate what power speed will be because I mean, Hey, we've all lost games by one power, right? And so whether or not you actually play completely on curve and get speed, that extra one power might be the difference in any given situation.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and just to remind you guys, with Spectrum, I mean, the possibility of a 3 11 is insane. I mean, that's the, that is such a crazy stat line. On curve as well, right? Clearly, you're gonna want it on curve if you're playing things. And there's just not a lot of decks that have that well, not even a ton of 1 and 2 cost to play, but that you don't need the expensive cards, right? Like, even how you play Spectrum in the past, it's mainly throwing it up With all these cheap Ant Mans and all these cheap cards like we sort by ongoing and I click ones and twos. Right off the bat, I mean, Armor, super great tech card to easily counter, destroy, super mega popular archetype at the moment, right? Lizard works with Luke Cage if you want to go the negative route. Mojo, tremendous. You got a 2 8 that can get up to a 2 10, curves into speed. It's all these small cards, Alex, that I, I think is just gonna be the home. Because, I don't know about you, but after playing Wiccan a lot, I have a much better idea which cards I like in my early decks to have a better chance, like obviously the season pass card, Kate Bishop.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it's funny because like we kind of talked about prior about like, you know, oh, you have quick silver and domino and is that hopium to play those two cards? I actually tend to think it is because like, I don't think speed needs those cards. Right. You know, it's also important to note that unlike Wiccan, speed is not going to require a, you know, you to chain together the consistent plays. If you happen to miss one and then you play on curve two, three, four, five, six, speed doesn't care. And that's fine. He'll just, yeah, you lose one power, but you're getting it everywhere else. Whereas Wiccan, like the effect that now it's just a four, seven, right? So I do think that that allows you to be more creative with your deck building. And in an ongoing deck. Maybe, I mean, if you're going to play Mojo, you're probably playing Jean Grey, which that might, I don't know man, my experience with Jean Grey was a little coping. Oh, I love Jean Grey. At the same time, buddy, she actually did pretty good with the new Man Thing, right? Like, I thought new Man Thing was that's another card that just got buffed, right? Man Thing, so, we got cards to play with. We didn't

Cozy Snap:

talk about it in the OTA section, we might as well just talk about it now. Man Thing, dude, the 4 7 stat line's real. Like, 4 7's a new 3 5, we're seeing a lot of 4 7's creep out there. But his swing potential now is real. I mean, it actually is real. And, and think about it, negative two on all the cheap cards, which are mega popular at the moment, all of a sudden, you're having this massive swing in power where you can have up to a negative eight on that side. He's a 415 if things go right.

Alexander Coccia:

I was trying to do this, like, Copium stuff where I was basically putting Colossus in a lane, and then Jean Grey, and then putting the what's it called, the man thing there, and I was like, oh, maybe, you know, it's just debuffing Jean Grey's not a big deal, so it didn't quite work the way I wanted to, Colossus is still difficult to fit into decks, but what's interesting here is every single time there's an ongoing card added to the game, the same way Speed is going to. It's an additional tool for Spectrum based decks and ongoing based decks, right? And I do think that right now, in particular, people are not expecting them. With the release of Speed, they might be. But I think Spectrum decks, in particular, are very good at attacking multiple locations at once. Because if you have four ongoing cards in one, with Jean Grey, Mojo, and stuff like that, and then you play Spectrum, it's like, It's an additional eight power into a location. If there's four cards there, right? The only thing that it's missing is like that zoo style, like squirrel girl effect of ongoing cards. It doesn't have that. So you're often trying to fixate on two specific ones, but then you got claw where you can get creative with. Right. I think that like this card is going to be ideal in these types of decks.

Cozy Snap:

And there's so many ways to play that archetype, right? I think this is such a good puzzle piece for ongoing, because the thing is you, you mentioned it earlier that I think I don't want to undermine here guys. There's not a lot of count. I get Enchantress and Rogue Exist. They're not played much. They're just simply not played much. And so you have very little. And he reminds me of, like, Kyera, where, are you gonna use the Enchantress on speed? Probably not. I mean, even those Spectrum decks can have Wong in them, where you have the double Spectrum pop off, right? And they're gonna have, they can only use these cards one time. And you just, you're probably not going to use it on speed. Now, does speed go in the lane where Jean Grey is? Where is it going to go? Again, I think it's going to be Goose at the end of the day. But you truly only have one shot in the dark of a rogue to be able to counter it at that point. But yes, I like him. I think he's really solid in those builds. Ongoing, we have a lot more synergies here. But I do want to say, because this card doesn't have another deck, I just wanted to mention it in the ongoing section. This is a card that you can't you can't make better or worse. It's gonna kind of be stuck here in my opinion It's never been super super meta, but I think that Valkyrie is a really cool speed option We've seen in the past where Valkyrie gets to do these really cool Swing turns right but you got to make sure you have an ongoing card to make sure that that works Well speed is the perfect candidate staying exactly how he is when Valkyrie does her ability

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, that's why you would play something like an Ant Man into that location with Wasp, right? Wasp with Valkyrie, right? So, like, I absolutely agree, and Valkyrie is one of those cards that is criminally underplayed. It's one of my favorite cards in the game that, like, I try to sneak in the decks, but it's so tricky to play around it. It's looking for very specific style of play, and I do like this call it a lot, because anything that has ongoing power, This, this effect, it just, it just is not relevant to it, right? It doesn't boost it, it won't boost speed the way it'll boost Ant Man or Wasp, but it'll still get the job done for sure while obviously negating whatever your opponent played.

Cozy Snap:

Any any other synergies? I've got one more, but I'll, I'll pass it to you. Any other synergies you might have?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I meant to say as well, Ghost is technically an ongoing card too, so if you want to get Ghost into an ongoing deck and then play Valkyrie, there might be a little hope there. I'm gonna say that I actually think he might be good in Surfer. I mean, we were missed not to bring up Surfer, it seems obvious. But, one thing that's worth noting is that we do have versions of Surfer that are playing consistent 4 drops like Wiccan. And more importantly, Gwenpool they've been performing very well. So you have this very natural curve. The only challenge with Silver Surfer is that most Silver Surfer decks tend to only play one, one drop as like a Nova, for instance, and then they play two, two drops, like something that like, you know, usually like a Jeff or some sort of white widow or, you know, good two drops, but it's very easy to miss those first two turns. But even if you do. Even if you do miss those first two turns, in theory, you're playing three, a hundred percent. So now it goes to a three, four speed. You're playing on four with Gwenpool or whatever. That goes, he goes to a three, five. You play Sarah on six. He's a three, six. You're gonna play three, three drops on turn turn six. So he goes up again. And then he gets buffed by the Silver Surfer. He's a three, seven. That's gonna be a three,

Cozy Snap:

nine anyway. Yeah. That's what I was thinking. You're like, In the perfect world, you get the Nova and you maybe get to curve out and then he's a 3'11 or he's a 3'9 worst potential with the Surfer play. I think, I think we try not to analyze every 3 cost card as a Surfer card, bud, but I think you're right. I think this will work in Surfer pretty solid most of the time as just a great static card. Again, no downside, right? Sage didn't work in Surfer as much because it's kind of awkward, you gotta still figure that out. This is just gonna blend on it, and dare I say it, do you remember the old Surfer list with Goose? Back in the day, they used to play a good amount, if I recall.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, I used to play a ton of Goose. The challenge was when Kitty Pride came out, people were able to slide under Goose so effectively, right? I used to love, love Goose, because it just completely shut down locations. And then you could even have Goose in one lane, turn three, you play like Storm in another, and then you Juggernaut them. The Storm Turn 4, and then they can't even play on the Goose location.

Cozy Snap:

That is my exact, my last synergized card I had was Storm, and that's how I got to Surfer in the first place. You already have Goose, that's a control element. You have Storm now, that's a control element. They avoid the Brood Lane, because I don't care what you can do, you're going to lose the Brood Lane against a Surfer deck most of the time. Even if you just put Speed on the Storm Lane, it's like, good luck, he's just going to build up over time, and then you have a double boost on that. I think Goose, Control Surfer, if you will, could make its return with this.

Alexander Coccia:

And dude, absolutely, but not just that, like, think about this line, it's so straightforward, right? Turn 3 Brew, turn 4 Absorbing Man, turn 5 Sarah, turn 6, you're playing Speed with whatever else. Like, it's just such a natural power bump. And you kind of brought it up before, where it's like, are you really Enchantress for Speed? Like, are you going to, like, is speed scary enough that you're going to try and counter speed specifically? Like, I actually don't think so. Like when Annihilus came out, White Widow came out, like people were like, okay, this card does something scary that I can maybe deal with, but with speed, it's like, it's, it's kind of just power. Like, are you actually going to run an Enchantress for a speed?

Cozy Snap:

You know what I mean? No, I know. It's, it's again, he might be boring, but he's going to serve. It's like Nocturne in the sense that he's going to serve in a lot of decks as a really cool cog. You could have gotten away without getting knocked here. Yes, she's one of the best cards in the game, it was. But, you could have gotten away with it. Speed, you can still get away with it, but I think he's going to be a 4 star card for that reason. Hopefully after we, we you know, pump some more conversation into it, you guys are starting to realize that Speed could be king. And he comes in a great spotlight at that. So I'm excited. I'm excited to see it last. I always hate to do this guys, but I got to, I have to, I have to say this. If you don't get them, you're probably looking pretty good on day one by just slipping in a little guy known as super scroll, half of your opponent, do all they want to do with spectrum decks. And then just take it all. You got to say for those that aren't going to get speed, it's the only fair thing to say at this point, this is probably going to be your best counter on the opening days, Alex. If I were recalling anything else to close out speed or did we, did we nail it? Did I change your opinion on them?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I mean, I've been gradually going up. I'm still staying at three stars. You have kind of drifted me off. I could like cheat and do the 3. 5, I will. Like, I'm good with three stars, but I think he is going to be better. He just, it's like, just, I don't want to say he's boring. Because his power boring, it's kind of how you win games in Marvel Snap. But I want to just give a special shout out to the Super Skrull call. Right now, current number one deck in the meta is Zu, right? We got Zu really doing great stuff right now. And Super Skrull answers that, it answers speed, it answers null. Man, you can win tons of cubes with Super Stroll, so great call, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Thanks, buddy. Alright, guys, well, we're gonna go ahead and transition. Also, we could have gone deeper and talked about Onslaught and stuff that probably you're not gonna do as much, but, you know, decided not to go with the Onslaught speed option. But let's go ahead and talk about the OTA. We had a massive OTA yet again, where we saw just, man, we kind of called it last week, where we saw a bunch of nerfs happen, and we're like, man, it kind of seems like there was a couple cards that survived, right? And, babe. They made up for it. We're going to talk about that in more detail on Alex's side, but what I will say is, I think it's becoming easier to tell what cards are probably not going to last as long. If you go to a cost and it makes it brain dead simple to click a card, it's probably not going to last forever, right? I think that we've seen that. But let's start on the buff side, then we'll go to the nerf side. Thanos, the Mad Titan, Mr. Inevitable, Summer's over. They decided, screw it, let's bring him back. They brought the Mind Stone back to where it was. What do you think about the new Thanos? I

Alexander Coccia:

think it's a huge buff. I'm glad they took this approach. I think the new Thanos has been very fun to play. I prefer this version of Thanos. I'm not talking about win rates. The win rate's not there yet. I'm talking about the actual gameplay. I like the idea that Thanos Thanos is a important piece to this puzzle. Before it felt like, Thanos felt like a card. It felt like high evolutionary where it's like, you don't actually want to play high Evo and a high Evo deck. Like, why are you playing Thanos? You're never getting them to 20, but the new stones, the way they work, how they're all in service to Thanos makes a lot of sense to me. This is a huge buff, but I do not think it pushed him just far enough to be read irrelevant. I think he is okay. I don't think he's good yet.

Cozy Snap:

I think that it's easier to have better games with them, and the draw lines are simpler. The, when you get the Mind Stone, it's just, it's very straightforward that you have a great chance to win the game. At that point in time. Thanos being in your starting hand has reduced that dramatically. So we're not like, at the Thanos of old. But he's hyper better. He's much better, and he's starting to do what we all loved about him. And that's like, you could create so many different deck builds with him. Even if they're not like the best in the game. You know, I did a Destroy 1, and it's like, hey, it was pretty solid. It did its work really well. And it was a lot of fun to play, also being the most important factor. And so, I think this is a really healthy spot for Thanos at the moment. There are always cards that are going to take them over the edge, we've seen that. Mockingbird still doing her thing, you know, whatever. But yeah, I, I think Thanos in the Mind Stone was a hyper, hyper buff to the card, but he's not, he's not the deck right now.

Alexander Coccia:

No. And I don't know if they want him to be the deck again. Like it's kind of soon. It's also worth noting that the Lockjaw power nerf sorry, cost nerf was not reverted. So when Thanos was going absolutely insane, you had Lockjaw at three costs, which is a very different situation, right? Than Lockjaw at four. So Thanos Lockjaw does not feel nearly as consistent as it used to. And I, I just, I actually liked the ongoing version. Cause now so many of the stones are ongoing. And you know, you could, you can get Thanos out on turn five, right? With a Time Stone and use Slap Spectrum down turn six. I'm telling you, I loved the deck. I actually did.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, the ongoing the ongoing Thanos, Lockjaw, Thanos, Destroy. You can have a lot of fun with them. Areshum, you can put them in there. Definitely, definitely worth getting more than he was even just a couple weeks ago. Outside of that, in the buff department, we had Man Thing that we already talked about. But let's talk about Lady Deathstrike, who I don't think we really had on our radar as someone that was going to get buffed up, right? Like, I don't know if I was like, ah, she desperately needs it. I still think she's a vastly underplayed card, and the reason I made the Destroy Thanos deck was, man, does she solve some answers to the meta right now in Zoo, in Kaira killing, or not Kaira Marvel Boy killing Marvel Boy Athena early. I think she's much better than people give her credit for.

Alexander Coccia:

This was a perfect buff. I mean, I'm just, I'm ignoring the whole idea that an expensive bundle came into the store just prior to the buff. I know, dude, I saw that too. It kind of like, the optics of that's a little sus sometimes, but I will tell you, you hit it on the nail on the head. Cozy, we haven't been using that one in a while. In a while. Zoo's pretty strong right now. It's very strong. We just alluded to the fact that it's, it's a top tier performer and instead of like nerfing Blue Marvel, nerfing Gilgamesh, nerfing Zoo and all that stuff, it's Buff the counter plays. Buff Man Thing, which eats zoo for breakfast. Buff LDS. These are great approaches to balancing the meta, right? These cards are underplayed, and they will counter the thing that's being played right now, if given a little bit more leash, you know what I mean? I thought these two changes were by far the best changes they've made in a while. I wanted LDS to get buffed for that exact reason. You have a very good play to solve a problem that you know, you might have in the meta.

Cozy Snap:

And you know, we joke that 5 are the new stat lines, but they kind of are. So, like, I'm, you know, totally okay with them experimenting with doing more of these cards in that capacity. And excited to see what else we got. Lastly, we had, finally, we had Watu last time. I just, I can't even believe, I can't believe that he's here. Angel, my friends, Angel is now a 2 3. And he's still, he's still Angel. He's still, he still is, is, is, is Angel, but they did state that this is the beginning of a beautiful, hopeful, buff relationship. To the card, and I actually played HOURS of this in my Destroy deck. I'm telling you, Alex, if he does stay in your deck and you kill him, and you're able to build up a lane really quickly, and you can get up to like 17 with Bucky, Carnage, and him, and he thins out your decks to get your Death and Knull, Dude, in those curve lines, call it Copium, he did his job really well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you just don't want to draw him, essentially. You really don't want to draw him. And if you do, 2, 3, he's like, he's basically just vanilla. I mean, he comes out of your hand. He's not that bad. He's bad. He's still bad, but he has the chance to be cracked if he stays in that damn deck. Because it's the Chavez effect, right? Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

It's, it's, it's, yeah. Exactly. It's that. And I think it's, I don't know if he stays at 2. The cost just doesn't matter, right? Because he already loses his value there. So do you make him a 4 card? Like, what do you do with it to make it? really matter to get him to swoop out there for free, but then you have to balance that. You have to balance that. You can't get him too good, right? So it's, I think this is a good start for the card though.

Alexander Coccia:

We need a Lockjaw for Destroy. You send Angel into the Lockjaw, then destroy the Lockjaw and Angel comes flying back out.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right dude. I want to, I want them to keep trying here. But I liked it. And like, the, the best example I could give is in the Thanos deck, the reason I liked that so much is Lady Deathstrike killing Bucky Barnes was fantastic and, and, and you can have that synergy. I miss playing Bucky. It was cool to play Bucky again. But on top of that, you already needed some good things to happen in that deck, like the Mind Stone and whatnot. So this added to it. Like, you had either the Mind Stone or Angel stayed in. And then you could do, like, you could start doing some kind of cool synergistic plays with it and if you didn't understand it, it was a bad deck. If you did, then you don't, you probably did okay with it. But anyway, yeah, Angel, just glad to see they're finally giving love to these cards that we have just been mocking forever.

Alexander Coccia:

And I just want to say, like, let's, I gotta give you some credit. You went to town on that cook. Like, that was an absolutely remarkable cook. And I, like, we need to be creative sometimes. I think that, like, creative solutions for newly buffed cards are the most fun. And you absolutely embraced that with that cook. No one else was doing that except Cozy Snap. And I, I really liked that video.

Cozy Snap:

I appreciate it, man. I played, that day I played Silver Surfer. Six hours and I played really good locked on going decks, like so many and I was like gonna produce the video and I'm like, you know what, like, let's do something fun. Let's do something a little bit different and that counters the meta right now. Zoo's so hot. How do I get Killmonger in the game? And that naturally works, right? And, and, and try to get this card to work, right? And give them purpose. I appreciate, appreciate the shout out there. So really, really large patch of both buffs. The nerf wise, let's get to that, man. We had Kassandra Nova and Ereshim. Both of them get taught you know trimmed a bit. Kassandra went down to a 3 0, but kind of buffed because Ereshim got nerfed by getting more cards in his deck. Let's talk about the Ereshim and Kassandra nerfs.

Alexander Coccia:

It was interesting to me to think that, like, okay, they nerfed Cassandra, they also nerfed Erishem Erishem kind of got double hit here, to some degree, because like, I mean, first of all, let's not forget that, that Leech got hit last week, so they took a bullet for Erishem, and then you had the the Doctor Octopus got, took a bullet for Erishem, they should have always probably had the Erishem dial of add more cards in, I think it's still, it's still definitely good, there's no question about it. Yeah. But it is notable that they nerfed Erishema and decided they had to bring Cassandra Nova down as well. But Cassandra Nova was absolutely correct.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it doesn't change her influence on the game, doesn't change what she does. I mean, keep in mind, yeah, she's a 3 6, but dude, the drain effect was fantastic. The way that you can manipulate that. I think they want to avoid doing these, like, kind of catch all. Put her in anything kind of thing, and she still is. She's still very good. Airship, still extremely fun. I agree. Nocturne, listen, the stats didn't lie. Nocturne was in that same effect that we saw White Widow in, Thena in, and Thena going down, and her going down. It's fine. I think it's fine. I think Nocturne is gonna get affected a bit more than Thena was because just the nature of it. But thoughts on Nocturne? Thoughts on Thena?

Alexander Coccia:

I was surprised to see Nocturne's nerf honestly. Oh, but keep in mind This is a card that I've never liked. Yeah, I'll be honest with you. This is a card that I've never liked. I wasn't playing Nocturne a lot of my decks even if like I saw higher win rate decks with Nocturne and my personal bruise inversions, I never used Nocturne. I just didn't like the card. Okay, if If Limbo was a major prevalent factor, like if she not made a comeback, then yeah, I'm bringing Nocturne in for sure. But for me, just as a, you know, vanilla, vanilla 3 5 that moved and screwed me half the time, I was like, I'm just not interested. So I was personally surprised, but at the same time, for everyone else except me apparently, this card is absolutely top tier. It was performing exceptionally well. I do think that the stat line hurts it though. It does, but it's still making a lot of top tier decks.

Cozy Snap:

At the end of the day, the things that make movement is been proven to be just the best ability. Okay, and the cheap cards at that. So we've seen it, Jeff, we have Nocturne. And it's just a simple answer of the relevance of junk decks, but more importantly is changing your mind, switching your battle plan, and being able to have your opponent all of a sudden not know where you're going to go, what you're going to do. It counters control, it counters so many different things, and it's just such a powerful synergistic effect. Ability that it doesn't need premium stats to back it up, right? I mean Jeff is Jeff for that reason. So I think that's why it's so good It does have the small con of the random replacement, but also isn't a con all the time It can be a huge help as well huge pro condition. And so yeah, I mean I think this will settle into being an okay buff, but do pour one out for the C5 fans.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and pour one out for people that invested their tokens, which I mean, it's basically what our second point of conversation on the other side is, right? It's like, these nerfs, like, they hit people in the pants sometimes, right? And it's unfortunate, so I'm sure Nocturne will come back up shortly.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I'm saving a lot of that for your subject, man. Last, we have Sandman, who yeah, you know, I think it aff Sandman, his rate has not gone down, dude. He's still been played a lot. That's why I did the Lady Deathstrike with the Patreon version. And I said it, I said it on the video. I'm like, you know what, do Do whatever you want to this guy, just leave Ultron alone. So, I'm not mad, Sandman got taken down a hit, and he was like one of the few toxic cards to survive.

Alexander Coccia:

That was exactly what I said too. Like, if they had to choose between Sandman and Ultron, take out Sandman. Like, leave Ultron alone. Ultron Patriot is still something that, like, you know, you could cope with a little bit. And I still think it's okay, but this version of Sandman was strong. It's also notable that the top tier Sandman deck actually lost Nocturne's power as well. And Sandman's power. So that deck took a two power hit at once because Nocturne was making those decks because as you said, movement in a deck where you can only play one card on turn six, it's kind of useful. Right? So so that deck did get knocked down a bit. It was at the top of the meta for a couple of weeks, and now it's kind of dwindled into the middle of the pack, but still running impressive win rates overall. So Sandman is still viable. There's no question about it, but like, I'll actually, I'll actually ask you Cozy, I found that Sandman wasn't actually that bad for me. The decks I was playing. I didn't. I didn't worry too much about Sandman. What was your experience like?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I thought it was fine. I thought I was, I was semi shocked how fast it happened. Like, they really tackled him pretty quickly. I know there's enough answers for him. I think I would have rather them do the Nocturne route first, and then we kind of see how that affected everything. But they, you know, they did the double hit. And I think it's just for them to send the message of like, Do not negotiate with toxic cards like they just want to get rid of cars that feel bad to play against but for myself I I agree before we go into higher or lower. I wanted to ask you thoughts on new Loki He's been out here for a little bit now General thoughts

Alexander Coccia:

my thoughts are so complex with Loki I, he's, he's good. There's no question from a win rate perspective. He's good. I don't like playing him as much, which is kind of sad. Like I, he's in low, he's in Airsham decks. There's a couple of different versions of decks that are running him. I'm not convinced that I like this version better is what I'm trying to say. I'm not sure how I feel about Loki right now. I don't think I'm having as much fun playing him.

Cozy Snap:

I think he's a bit too plug and play. I like that at least in the old version, he had his own identity. In this, it's like, okay, my deck's not doing good. I'm gonna take your deck. See how I do. Draw a card, have a 3 5, and all but delete Crystal from the game. But yeah, I want to see kind of what happens with Loki. New variant was fire, I will say that. And I think Loki, no matter what happens, he's gonna remain just a great card in the game. Unless they zaboo him, but I don't think, I don't think, That is going to happen but with that, guys, speed is king, OTA patch, you guys have asked for us to return a popular game show segment in higher or lower, and Mr. Alex Coccia is our contestant yet again, I know Alex, you love being put on the hot seat here, if you guys do not know how this segment works, I'll be saying two cards with some type of statistic, And Alex is going to say higher or lower than the card it's compared to. And this is both of you guys that yelled to the ether play alongside it. But Alex, you are on the hot seat, my friend, how you feeling?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm feeling great. I'm glad that you didn't tell me we were doing this until we started recording.

Cozy Snap:

That was the goal. That was, that was the goal. I'm actually, but so last time. In a hurry, I had a higher as on the bottom of the screen and lower, and, and people were, were absolutely, they didn't know what to do, they were besides themselves, so I will leave it here, and you guys can now see, it is higher, and, and, and then lower. Alright, Alex, our first field of statistics is going to be, who has played more, alright? I'm gonna give you a card, then a card, you can tell me higher or lower, who has played more last I'm not gonna give you the stats, cause it'll mix it up a bit, so you can't have a list up or anything like that, keep it honest on his side. Alright. Let's start with the first one. Shang Chi, higher or lower than Mockingbird? This seat, last 30 days.

Alexander Coccia:

Last 30 days? I almost want to say Mockingbird, but it still has to be Shang Chi, right? I would say Shang Chi, final answer.

Cozy Snap:

Shang Chi, final answer, more than Mockingbird, one of the most popular cards in the game right now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, stop, stop trying to, like, bait me into switching my answer to the wrong one. I'm just having

Cozy Snap:

a conversation, you know? I'm just trying to inspire some thought provoking questions. It is correct, sir. Starting off on the heater, guys. 258, 993 compared to Mockingbird is less than half of that. So, Shang Chi, doesn't matter if Zu is meta, Shang Chi is still staying towards the top of the deck in games seen overall. Next up, we've got Another comparison of Mockingbird, okay? Mockingbird or Copycat.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, last 30 days? Last 30

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's a tricky one. I, I've played way more copycat, but I think in general I would say Mockingbird would be higher here. Cozy, I'm hoping to go two for two here because last time we started off pretty rough and I had to recover. But I'm hoping Mockingbird sends me off and running. Final answer? I see you're just trying to, you're trying to trick me. You're playing mind games. Are you sure? I am sure.

Cozy Snap:

Alex, I was trying to help you that time guys. Copycat is actually played a good amount more than Mockingbird, which is shocking. I can't, copycat is number two right now on the entire list of games seen in decks and played over Mockingbird. How wild is that?

Alexander Coccia:

She's a popular

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I can't believe that. So copycat outplayed. Played by like, no, it's being played more than Mockingbird. That's actually crazy. I would never have taken that considering where Zoo is right now.

Cozy Snap:

That was one of the ones that probably shocked me the most. And coincidentally, the only one I did not have the stats on. Here we go. I got the stats here. Okay. So Mockingbird was at one, two, seven, three, three, five. Copycat 6, 000 games more than that, which is absolutely wild considering Mockingbird also came out. Way before. So yeah. Shocking statistic. I think it just goes to show that people are loving the copycat one and one from Mr. Alex. Guys, let's see if we can keep it up. Who has been seen? Who has been played more? Mystique, higher or lower? Then Killmonger.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, that's so hard. That's so hard. Because Mystique has seen a massive resurgence. If it's last 30 days, that would include the blob gameplay that we were seeing with Ereshim, right? Is it 30 days?

Cozy Snap:

Yes, 30 days.

Alexander Coccia:

Damn, so that makes it even harder. My heart of heart tells me it's Skillmonger. Skillmonger should be seeing more play. But Destroyer as a whole is not seeing that much in the current meta. Despite the fact that Zeus is popular as it is. I'm going to go on a limb here and say, I'm going to say Mystique if we're going last 30 days, and I think it's close. You sure? It's up to you, Cozy. Yes, I just Alex,

Cozy Snap:

he knows the game. He knows the game well. You are correct. Mystique, virtually not played at all for a long time. Mystique was played, though, way more with 96, 000 over Killmonger's 84, 000. Which I think Killmonger just got that big spike even in the last, like, 10 days, 20 days with the new season. Was probably well above Mystique before that. So you are correct. Mystique higher than Killmonger. I bet you a lot of people actually got stumped on that one, but not, not, not you, Alex. You are 2 1, my friend. Keep it up. And you might get that new car again. I owe you the other new car. I can't wait to get that new car. Yeah, I owe you the other new car. All right, let's go to the next one. Venom or Iron Man. Oh man. That's so

Alexander Coccia:

hard. Is Venom higher or lower than Iron Man? Okay, next time I'm doing this to you, this is ridiculous. Okay. Put me on the spot. I mean, I, listen, I love Ravonna, but Ravonna's kind of falling off and with Ravonna comes Iron Man, but Venom is. Central to Destroy, but I feel like Destroy has not been played as much. It's similar to what I said about Skillmonger, right?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Man, I'm gonna go out there and say that it's Iron Man is gonna be played more than Venom because I still feel like Tribunal is a go to deck at higher echelons of the MMR.

Cozy Snap:

I was gonna give you some, some, some crap if you didn't stick with your same sentiment you just had about Destroy not being played as much. So you are correct. Venom at 60, 000 is lower than Iron Man at 75, 000. Tribunal decks or Avona decks being the most popular. Alex Coccia, 3 1. 3 1, guys. We'll see if he lasts. We've got some, we got some tough ones coming up, but I'm proud. I'm, I'm, I'm impressed, man. Are you, are you, are you shocked with your own results over here?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

I'm shocked.

Alexander Coccia:

I was expecting to go 0 4.

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna be doing a game show, a massive one, and you'll be on it, of course, and I, you're gonna already have a leg up, man, cause you already know some of my tells, alright? Maybe you could That's right, man, I'm just

Alexander Coccia:

staring at you, I'm just figuring out, like, you know, oh, what's his tell? Is his eye twitching? You know what I mean? Is he smiling? Is he smirking a little more than usual? Maybe, maybe not. How about the You gotta wear sunglasses next time.

Cozy Snap:

How about the two highest, er, the two legends of the six cost cards? Doctor Doom, higher or lower in terms of play or game scene than Magneto?

Alexander Coccia:

And, okay, that's hard. That's hard. Because Magneto comes and goes so often, but Doctor Doom has had this very consistent drip. He was, he spiked the most with with Ms. Marvel, but then he kind of fell off a little bit. Dammit, Cozy, I'm actually not sure on this one. This is a bit more of a, can I call in like a hint, Cozy?

Cozy Snap:

Can you call in a hint? Let me ask my, no, studio, the studio audience says go, go after yourself.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, thank you very much, Studio Eyes, I do appreciate that. If I had to guess, which this one is very hard for me, I don't see, like, any meta tell on this one, I would venture to say that Doctor Doom is ever so slightly more popular than Magneto.

Cozy Snap:

Lock it in, final answer?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm gonna lock this one in, but I'm not confident.

Cozy Snap:

He's not confident. He went back and forth. This is a tough one, because you got two cards that are kind of plug and playable. But you mentioned Dr. Doom had the Slow Drip, and my friend, Slow Drip, indeed, he actually is well above, he's 10, 000 games over Magneto. Dr. Doom higher, and I am, I really want to know, I wish I could beam into y'all's heads. If you guys got that one correct, I think more people probably went with Magneto, but I feel like I play Dr. Doom much more, even though Magneto has a good place in a lot of decks at the moment. Dr. Doom is higher, correct. Two more in this category, we move on to the next. Invisible Woman? Or Professor X.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm going to say that Invisible Woman is being played more often than Professor X. That's just a, that's just a feel I have. But she's not even making tribunal decks anymore. She's certainly not being played in hell. I don't know where she's being played. I just don't think Professor X is being played at all. Really? I mean, listen, I'm the biggest Ravonna gamer out here and I don't put Professor X in those decks. I can't actually, now that I think about it, is he even a one cost or one power still? I can't even remember what his stat line is. He's so irrelevant. Are you playing, you playing Invisible Woman? I'm not, I'm not playing either of these cards. In fact, I'm literally, he's a 5 2 right now, isn't he, Professor X?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I can tell you, I think he's a 5 2, yeah, he's a 5 2.

Alexander Coccia:

See, that's okay, see, so I'm not crazy, right? Definitely, I think Invisible Woman is seeing more play than Professor X, he's just dead.

Cozy Snap:

Is Professor X dead, guys? Do you agree with Alex Locke in your answers? Alex, correct. Barely, kind of. 1, 500 games over Invisible Woman is, er, I meant to say Invisible Woman is 1, 500 above Professor X, and we move on. My friend to the next segment in this, which is when played. All right. We're going to be talking about winning percentages when these cards have been played on the board. Do you feel like you'll know this better or worse than just the popularity of the cards, Alex?

Alexander Coccia:

This might be more challenging. Okay. This is a much more niche statistic. I think

Cozy Snap:

you're five and one. So you're on the heater, man. You're, you're absolutely just hitting the home runs. You would have to have a colossal. Downfall, my friend, to not walk away with the brand new minivan. All right, guys, we've got wind played. These cards have a higher wind percentage or a lower wind percentage than the card compared to, we're going to start with Gilgamesh versus Silver Surfer.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Okay. Gilgamesh, Silver Surfer. You had to start off with like two closers that are so, so good. I would venture to say. That when played, Gilgamesh wins more often than Silver Surfer.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Can you explain your reasoning on that and why your reasoning in general when evaluating which one has better when played?

Alexander Coccia:

The reason why is because I think that right now, although there is a Silver Surfer deck out there that's performing very good, I think that Zoo is just in such a good spot. I think the buff to Gilgamesh has made him such an amazing vertical power. I just, they've gotta be close. They've gotta be close. But I feel like Gilgamesh Is just a very clean closer. That's difficult to calculate. Whereas Silver Surfer, I feel like even though you're often playing three cards on turn six, I feel like they can math out like that Brood Lane, the Abdomen Lane. And whereas Gilgamesh, I think the the power output might be a little higher, straight up.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, fair enough guys, fair enough. Well, Gilgamesh is 66 percent to Surfer 64%, you are correct. Gilgamesh, probably one of the more underrated cards within the game. People do not anticipate the massive swing. Zug gets wide, Gilgamesh goes tall. Boom, Gilgamesh right now actually has the highest win percentage, only losing to Knoll, who's above him just ever so slightly. If you're playing Knoll, you probably feel pretty confident you're gonna get the win. Next one up is Blob. Win percentage, win played versus Darkhawk.

Alexander Coccia:

This is hard. Now is this post nerf Blob, or?

Cozy Snap:

The last 30 days.

Alexander Coccia:

Last 30 days. So we didn't include Blob when he was going absolutely insane.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, sir.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man. That makes it so much harder. Man, this is hard. This is actually tricky because Blob original OG Blob, especially when it was being copied by Mystique and everything like that would have smashed. Smashed Darkhawk, I think. But now he got nerfed, that interaction got taken away, and it's been a couple weeks of that. My instincts would tell me that Darkhawk has a higher win rate when played.

Cozy Snap:

Guys, Alex finally got one wrong. I mean, the guy was on a heater, man. He was absolutely killing it. Darkhawk 61%, Blob 64%. Kind of crazy. I would have gone with Darkhawk probably myself there. And it's funny that you literally have like counters to each other in the sids. But no, Darkhawk is lower, which is, is wild, because Darkhawk has been known for very, very high win rates. Blob a little bit higher when played at the moment. We have Red Hulk versus Infinite. Two mega closers.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, my instincts would tell me Red Hulk, because Infinite, I think, is very choreographed. And if you're staying eight cubes on an obvious Infinite play, then, like, you're huffing hopium. I, I'm gonna go Red Hulk. I feel like Red Hulk's gotta be the one. And I think that Red Hulk also has that additional reach at 4 energy at the last turn. Although it's showcasing in the hand, I feel like where they put it, or even, here's the thing though, these statistics don't take into account when they don't play Red Hulk when you're expecting it, right? So, I'm gonna go with my instincts and say Red Hulk. Guys, he's 7

Cozy Snap:

2. He is 7 2. Is it 8 2? No, it's 7 3! Get this! Infinite is at a 65 percent win rate when played over Red Hulk. Red Hulk is at a 65 percent win rate when played over Red Hulk. My guess is Red Hulk people are just like, I hope it wins. Infinite, it's like, they're skipping the full turn, maybe? I don't know, man. I was pretty shocked by those two, and I'll be honest.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, the way you said that made it sound like I got it right. I know. You're like, oh, he's so right to be wrong. Get rekt. I was celebrating at first.

Cozy Snap:

Seven and three. You got two more left. You're still fine. You're still looking fine. We're going to finish strong here. Hope Summers versus Ajax.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I think Hope Summers. Oh, wait, this, no, this is bait. This is bait.

Cozy Snap:

Is it?

Alexander Coccia:

This is B.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Ajax has seen quite a bit more play than expected. It's also the way the toxic archetype works on turn six. You know what? I'm gonna go with the spicy pick here. I'm going Ajax.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I was gonna give you a hint. You don't want the hint?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I don't need your hint.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I'll keep the hint to myself. You

Alexander Coccia:

just accept the fact that I'm 100 percent correct.

Cozy Snap:

He is, guys. Eight and three, Alex is. Hope Summers is only a 0. 7 percent difference, but Ajax is 0. 7 over Hope Summers. Kinda crazy, but to me, makes sense because Hope Summers is played early before you know if you're gonna finish the game well or not, right? So, Ajax, a bit more of a late play. You have a bit more statistic odds, I think. Correct, sir. Last one, we have Mr. Negative vs. Wong. Oh my

Alexander Coccia:

gosh. Mr. Negative when played?

Cozy Snap:

It's a heater.

Alexander Coccia:

Because, here's the thing though, right? You snap into Mr. Negative on turn 3 almost every single time they see Negative, they leave. Right? The retreat equity is huge on Mr. Negative. But nobody's countering Wong. And Wong fits in Nomura decks. But Nomura's not being played at all. Man, this is actually so unbelievably hard. It's a good one to finish on. And I wouldn't be surprised if this is like a 3 percent difference or something crazy. I'm gonna lean towards Mr. Negative. Because I just think that people staring down at Mr. Negative, and they're just not gonna let them draw through their whole deck. I think they retreat.

Cozy Snap:

Hm Okay,

Alexander Coccia:

I just think the act of playing Mr. Negative scares people, but Wong does the same. This is such a great question, because if you don't have Cosmo, and you're just staring at Wong, you're like, I'm gonna get pumped, like, there's no Whatever they're gonna do, they're doubling up the pumping, right? And I just think Mr. Negative, like, no one beats a Mr. Negative deck on turn six or seven, right? Man, it's so hard, but I'm gonna go with my instincts. Mr. Negative, locking it in to go nine right.

Cozy Snap:

Enjoy your brand new minivan, he got it correct, 57 percent Mr. Negative, 56 percent Wong. I would say myself, dude, both losing and gaining cubes, Wong is the biggest 8 cuber for me both ways, right? Because for me, my arrogance of going into turn 6 and they double snap on me, I have Wong down, I'm like What do you have, an Enchantress? And then they do, and then I lose my eight cubes, but you're correct. Win played, Mr. Negative slightly above. Alex is now the owner of a brand new now two cars in a row. Give it up to him, and let me know down in the comments how you did on our higher and lower segment today. To end, I want to say these are the the least played cards right now in Marvel Snap, Alex. Punisher, Crossbones, Goose, which is wild, and we hope to see that change. And any guess on who's the least played card in the game right now?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Clo Selene is the least played. Crystal is the third lowest win percentage in the game. So you're not far off. Selene, the lowest played right now in the game. Most played, Shang Chi, Copycat, Mockingbird, Jeff. And Cassandra Nova. Worst win percentage, bottom three. Who do you think it is?

Alexander Coccia:

Worst win percentage It would have been OG Angel, probably. Man, I'm not sure. Was Angel in there?

Cozy Snap:

No. And I'm shocked at one of these, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Really? Oh, damn. I'm not even sure,

Cozy Snap:

Cozy. Morph? Morph was right above Crystal, so it goes Morph, Crystal, Maximus? Martyr, Ebony Maw, and then Agatha.

Alexander Coccia:

Agatha's weird. I think there's some Agatha farming going on. There's like some weird Agatha stuff.

Cozy Snap:

Some weird Agatha stuff. But Ebony

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Ebony Maw surprised me just a tad. Just with the Sauron deck. I thought maybe he'd have a fighting shot there. But no way he didn't. Alright guys, well hopefully you enjoyed today's Snapchat. A lot of great conversation today. And hopefully we at least made it a bit easier. If you should get speed or not. My reminder to you is Probably save your tokens because, again, you've got a really good week coming up, or month coming up, if you don't have that much to spend.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, thought I'd ask ya. You've been playing a lot of Alliance missions, you've been playing a lot of Marvel Snap. What has been your go to deck when you're offline, just chilling, kicking your feet up, and just trying to win some cubes?

Cozy Snap:

I like this question. I always appreciate this question. Go to deck. It is, it's been a lot of Surfer, a lot of Buff Surfer, a lot of Balls, Power Surfer with me. But you know why? It's because you could just put in so many counters in those, like, just Killmonger fits in there, Zeus so popularized, might as well throw that in a lot. And a ton of double up decks. Double up decks with She Hulk has been my, my flavor of the month. I want to talk about Silver Surfer. Oh, well, yeah, but you always do. That's your thing. Yeah, it's always been your thing. So what's another deck outside of Surfer? I think the viewers know you play Surfer. What's another one?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, I've been trying to play some Arnim Zola Destroy lately. Just cause I want to see Arnim Zola go down. And I've been trying to do like the whole X23 into Null into Zola thing. I'm like, I know I could Zola Venom, but that looks so obvious half the time that I just don't play that line at all. And I just drop a Null or something like that. But I'm really after that Zola Null gameplay. I even thought about pulling out your Jane Foster Null Zola deck. I was like, Cozy has a solid deck for that, and I was like, you know, maybe we'll get into it at some point, Cozy, but have you been playing any other card games lately? Any

Cozy Snap:

other card games? Nah, not too, not too much. I'm trying to think. No, not really. There are some that I've Looked into, but Snap is all consuming at the moment.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I know, man. But I mean, me, I'm taking a bit of a break this weekend, Cozy. Would you believe that I'm going to be competing in the Lorkana, which I just said totally wrong, Lorkana, yeah, Lorkana Regional at Toronto, right? So I'll be in Toronto playing in the Lorkana Major Challenge. So if you happen to find yourself in Toronto at the Lorkana event, please Please be sure to come say hello. Even if I'm mid game or, you know, I'm, my, my scare is running from my tears of going like, Oh, and 15 or whatever it's going to be. Right. Definitely come say hi. I'd love to see it. Cause I'm gonna be playing Lorkana in Toronto with with some friends for the tournament. So I'm actually excited. You know what? I feel like playing some other games here and there have made me better at snap, right? Like having an understanding of how magic works and how Lorkana works and how altered works and you know, all these different card games, they help to inform. You know, just general best principles when playing all sorts of games specifically Marvel Snap, so, I'm looking forward to it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, two things to say on that. First I have been, my, my show game to unplug, I'm trying, it's so hard to game to relax now, cause it's like, what I do every day and it used to be my way to, like, stress relief, and now it's not that it brings stress, but it's my work. But Fallout 4, I re I haven't played it since it came out, and I got some mods for it, and I, there's something about getting lost in, like, big games like that, I just, I resonate with, I love it. I put a couple hours in, do a mission or two, call it a day, so I've been doing a lot of Fallout, been a lot of fun getting back into into the, the nuke town, into all that good stuff. And then the other thing is dude, listen, next to Marvel, Right here, the most useless knowledge I have is anything and everything about Disney. I did Disney Contegration before all this stuff, and so, dude, I know there's not a Disney character I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

That's actually pretty impressive. You'd be really good at, like, picking Lorcana cards.

Cozy Snap:

It's impressive, but I'd never use it, dude. I don't, like, if my son asked me who's that fish on screen, I can be like, well, so let me tell you about Dory. Dory's not a deep cut. But yeah, I, I, I got a, I got some deep, I got some deep cuts I could throw at you one day, maybe we'll, we'll see. We'll talk about that another time, but yeah, good luck, man! Let me know how that goes.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, and hopefully it goes better than Wiccan did this week, because Wiccan, honestly, Cozy, has been a little all over the place. My impressions were actually relatively positive. We both, you came in at 2. 5, I came in at 3. And I actually liked him 3 stars. Like, in my review video, my first impression, like, you know what? Was he great? No, but did he do his thing effectively? Yes. And when he popped off and if he didn't, the 4 7 felt okay to play. It wasn't completely detrimental. And when he did land his his hits there, then he was actually a major contributing factor to me winning games. Took a lot of deck brewing to kind of get to the point where even just one deck was performing decently. We're seeing him perform pretty decent in like, unfortunately, Erishem still being a major part. We're seeing him being played in like Cir Circe style Annihilus based decks, some minor experimentation. Those are really low play rate, but decent win rates, but still. In like the low 50s range. On aggregate, Wiccan is unfortunately running a 47 percent win rate, negative cube rate, at 10 percent meta popularity. So people have definitely given him a shot, but he's underperformed.

Cozy Snap:

I've played Wiccan more than any new card probably in the last month. I've played a lot of Wiccan. It has been my most played card. I've been playing a lot of Wiccan. To figure him out, I think he's a very interesting card. I love that he's not straightforward. We've said that before in the Snapchat. It was pretty obvious, pretty fast, what works with him, what doesn't, and what his biggest pros and what his biggest cons are. And as I said on my side of the earlier, is we found out just how hard it is. To reliably have 1 and 2 and 3 played on curve. And so right away, I think the deck that I've had more, the decks that I've had most success with are ones where you either have to generate cards because you could, you would get his energy and you're like, hell yeah! But then there's nothing to do with that energy. You would run out of cards very quickly, so you needed ways to get more and more cards, right? That's why Aeryshrim's not a bad idea, that's why Coulson and Generation cards aren't bad. So the Devil Dinosaur stuff, I thought that was kind of fun with Coulson. And then the other stuff Alex, was, I guess, let me, before I spoil all of our talk with him, are you on the camp of Quicksilver, Domino, or the other side?

Alexander Coccia:

I lean towards, if I have to play Quicksilver and Domino in a deck, then I don't want to play that deck. Definitely no domino. I was playing some Quicksilver and he felt okay. It wasn't awful to give up turn one or, you know, one draw on turn one and just have one single one drop in your deck. I think dominoes, absolute copium. I don't think that that should be in anyone's deck at all. Quicksilver was acceptable. But I tended to like the Thena based packages with like Kitty Pride, but even then, I found myself, if I was really trying to lean into the Wiccan plays, I was like, Do I actually put Quicksilver with a Kitty Pride? Because what if I don't top that Kitty Pride? And if I do, then now, like, I have Quicksilver anyways, which is really weird, felt like a kind of dumb play, but then again, I could play Kitty Pride Quicksilver on turn two to keep that curve going. It was very awkward. But I, and I'm in the camp where Domino 100 percent should not be in the deck, and Quicksilver I would accept, but I think statistically, he's underperforming in Wiccan decks.

Cozy Snap:

So I've put, again, put hours into this. Hours into this. I, a couple things. First of all, the easiest way to understand Wiccan at this current moment is he's Mr. Negative, right? So no matter how good Mr. Negative decks can pop off, 55 percent win rate, almost never, because the reliability of card draw. It's just not gonna happen, not gonna happen that often. It's and so that's why you're gonna see low stats on them. And I don't really care about the stats. I just don't on Wiccan. I think it's gonna be largely different for different people. I will say, I do think that Quicksilver and Domino definitely have their decks, both of them. I think Domino, so the thing about the one drops is that it's sometimes great to have both of them. The only decks that works out reliably are ones with a good amount of threes, and then your early plays don't matter. So I had kind of a wicked Miracle deck, because Sarah, you just don't care about the early turns. And so, It doesn't matter, 1 and 2, and you can really fill up the later turns and do some super creative stuff. I think we have not seen the end of like a Wicked Miracle deck or just big top heavy decks towards the end. That makes sense. I would have decks with just Quicksilver, just Domino, and again, those ones where the end plays were so impactful. Both of them. I liked having Domino on a couple of decks where there's so many 1 cost cards that have high impact. Nico being great to draw in there to try to get the Nico more the the Wicked more. And the thing is, I love the ways that 1s can get you to play on turn 3. And that was super viable in a lot of what I was trying to pull off with Domino as a whole. And so it kind of depended on the deck, bro. But I actually enjoyed both of them in a number of different cooks. I thought

Alexander Coccia:

it was very interesting that Wiccan's effect was completely negated if you happened to miss a turn. And that's where I felt like, for me personally, when testing him with an Ereshim, which I didn't play a lot of because people find Ereshim pretty cringe and I don't feel bad playing it. Turn one's difficult for Airstream, right? It can be difficult sometimes. Like you accidentally float one energy, you have a one drop and you have two energy, like, well, damn right. Wiccan's dead already, which I think could be a little frustrating. But. Like the, the advantage of speed is that speed does not care about, you know, if you're playing on curve, but Wiccan, if you miss your one drop, then it just dies. Right. And I had this thought, it's like a shower thought of what if Wiccan lost an energy, if you missed him once, like, what if you missed turn one, and now only gives plus one energy, could that be a really interesting like kind of redo over of what Wiccan is? Cause I do think that if you ideally hit him perfectly getting the max too, but maybe you play off curve once it drops down to just, you know, like a,

Cozy Snap:

I like it. I don't think it'll ever change. I think the math statistics right now on how hard it is to hit those first couple turns and where all the decks lie, I think they're gonna be happy with it. I think it would be overplayed if any of his numbers were touched. That's my personal thought on it. And not not to make him more great or anything like that, and not that I don't want him better, but I think he'd be at that point overused because then everyone's gonna be putting him in these shells that are much easier to get him out there and just have the energy gain on. Unless you have released cards that could counter Max Energy stuff. It would be probably my thought on that overall. I think they wanted him to be this kind of weird, niche, Mr. Negative style of play.

Alexander Coccia:

So yeah, I absolutely agree. Like, he did open up a whole new type of way of trying to approach deck building in Marvel Snap. We haven't quite landed on the ideal deck for Wiccan. But, clearly he does have potential. I just don't think he's reached it yet. And so my question would be to you is do you think there's going to come a time? Right because people are watching this on monday. It's basically the last day to get Wiccan. Do you think there's going to come a time where Wiccan's going to find himself in a shell? Where he's irreplaceable and that deck is performing in the high 50s percent win rate and people are going to regret not picking him up?

Cozy Snap:

I don't know. I'm not convinced like, you know I thought maybe that would happen with Grandmaster and it didn't right at this time unless we as a community all really invest in him Because he does take a lot of commitment to really learn You The ins and outs and so I'm not convinced it, it may be if they change Zabu with Activate, like if they mess with some of that stuff. Than possibly. It's tough. I think that Speed will be used more long term in other decks competitively, but Wiccan does more for unique archetype play, right? I think Nomura is a better card in that example of opening up this whole other avenue and a better example of that. I will say though, because of how they reworked Thanos, They almost had probably one of the most broken decks. I Wiccan and Thanos was actually really fun because if you didn't make it happen, who gives a damn? You have a 4 7, kind of worked out, throw him in a lockjaw, do whatever you want. But Thanos starts in your opening hand. The Thanos of old would have been the best, absolute cracked place for Wiccan. It would have been The best deck in the game, but it's cool that this all happened and intertwined together, because it works in Thanos, but thank God he's there, or else it would be too good.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because then, like, obviously Thanos obstructs one of the draws, right? And that's what makes it hard to play Wiccan, and obviously Quicksilver does the exact same thing. But I lean towards, I think that you probably don't roll spotlight keys on Wiccan if you are free to play or you have limited resources. And I think that you would reserve this situation for like, okay, if Wiccan pops off and that's the kind of deck I want to play, commit your 6, 000 tokens to it. I can very well see Wiccan kind of falling to the wayside slightly. Could he see a buff potentially? I think the effect is strong enough. I think that much is apparent. Two extra energy on turn three or four is pretty damn wild, but you touched on Zabu. Zabu felt awful in those decks. Like Zabu literally made those decks worse. Because he's only doing one thing, to get Wiccan out. And if you have Zabu on turn two, and then Wiccan's still in your deck, like, the decks I had designed, I was like, coping with, okay, well, I have Zabu out, I'm gonna play more fours, so I was trying Miss Marvels, I was trying Iron Lads to dig in for the Wiccans, and stuff like that. Like, I was trying to make Zabu work, but he felt so bad. Right? And so if Zabu gets buffed, then in theory, then Wiccan comes alongside with that. But if you have limited resources, it's probably worth waiting, I would say.

Cozy Snap:

I would say this, yeah. I would say for the vast, vast majority of Marvel Snap players probably don't get Wiccan. Yeah, you don't need him, he's not gonna enhance. I don't think he's gonna be a deck that crazy pops off outside of buffs to other cards, which, you know, could happen, I guess. But, the main thing is, if you do want to play a fun, Card, with fun deck design, and you have time to play the game a lot to put together fun decks, then you would like Wiccan. But that's the only the only case that I would probably say where you want that to work together. But yeah, and then we even just talked about Speed and Wiccan don't naturally have clear and obvious synergy because of having to use some of that energy later anyway. And we're going into a banger month, and so that would be probably my overall recommendation too. Probably pass on the card. By probably, I mean pass on the card, I would agree, man. But overall, I, again, he encouraged me to play the game more than I have in a long time.

Alexander Coccia:

And it brings us to a discussion, which I think is very important, because Wiccan, we're kind of leaning towards pass for sure, despite the fact that it has potential. But what happens when Wiccan gets buffed, right? This is kind of the question. It's running 45 47 percent of a win rate right now on the lower end. But what happens when Wiccan becomes a 4 8? Or if they institute that thing that I discussed prior and suddenly Wiccan is so much more powerful than he was at launch, but no longer in the spotlight keys, and I think it's worth discussing, right? And I think it's a pain point for a lot of community members where they say, Hey, listen, I am a free to play player. It took me months because these, these collectors reserves are terrible. I'm getting a hundred tokens each one. I finally had 6, 000. I, Got Nocturne, because literally the week before, Cozy and Alex were talking about the best token shop investments, and then you nerfed the card! You nerfed the card, and I promise we had no idea that that was coming. I promise you, we did not know that, Cozy. I can see how that's a pain point for people.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, for sure. I think there's a lot to break down in this category. It's one of the, you know, earlier in the week, I was like, Alex, this is something I think is important to talk about. First of all it, it feels like a moment, we're like, we're moments away from like, something like CopyCat going down to PowerPoint. Like, it almost just feels like we can now tell when things are gonna happen, and, and by what I just mentioned, play rate, but also how good they are. And it can be frustrating for us too, because yeah, just like that, right? Like, our videos get dated very quickly in this game because of the rapid changes. And I, I, I totally get all that. And it's frustrating, man. I, I, putting myself in the, in the shoes of somebody you know, that you know, I do this for a living, so I'm just have it scheduled out to get all these cards, right, that I have to pay for. But for someone that's being more calculated, it's so tough, because it's like that back and forth. They, you know, I will say that the balance team has done good in terms of balancing the game, and I think there's not a ton of releases that have been overly broken, and so I do give kudos to that. The, the thing we're seeing is that I think it's, there's not enough balance being done beforehand, or, or, or testing, and this is not a knock to the balance team. I, I think they, you know, Glenn and them are great. You guys know I like you guys. But, it's, new cars coming out every week, right? And so instead of doing a bash and testing all those, you're having to, you know, test stuff pretty quickly, and so, There's gonna just be stuff that gets under the radar pretty quickly when the masses and masses get on to it. Kind of like the beta, right? We had a billion cards out. But it wasn't till live release that we saw that Leader and Leech together was just a crazy combo. And so like, when it gets to the masses, It's so much easier for us to test it. So I, I, the way that that is involved is a bummer. When it comes to the conversation of OTAs, and sorry to go on a rant, hopefully this is answering people's questions though. But the, when it comes to OTAs, there are a lot of free cards that have been sitting in the wayside that are now usable. And or bad cards that were released like US Agent that immediately got better. The Ultrons, right? Like, I'm super glad that we have that for those style of cards, and I think we're getting a fair balance of those, but it doesn't negate the tokens that are lost, and that sucks.

Alexander Coccia:

There's like, I really do not envy the balance team at all, because let's just be honest, right? We had a run of cards that were like, you know, that were released like the OG Loki and stuff like that. But like those seemed, I mean, to some degree, obvious that they were going to be extremely powerful, but let's not forget that it is very hard to evaluate cards in a vacuum, which is what we try to do every single week, right? Everyone has varying opinions on different cards. But like, here's a great example. Everyone almost universally was down on OG Blob, like OG Blob was not a card that people were excited about. People said it's just gonna get Shawn Cheat, it's just gonna get Shadow King. I mean Cozy, literally on your first day, you got it over a hundred power in your opening video, right? It was so unbelievably cracked in meta warping and yet almost universally people were down on that release. So, Think about how it is from a designer standpoint, where you're testing, you're like, man, this card's actually cracked, is it too powerful, should we nerf it? And people are like, ah, before the release, this card probably sucks. Two stars, three stars or whatever it is right across the board. I think it is so hard in a vacuum to evaluate these cards that even for us, like it's challenging. I can only imagine how hard it is for the design team. Right. And you hit the nail on the head, which I've said twice now on this podcast, once it gets out to the masses, right. Once it's out there, millions of people are playing the card. Not only are you getting more data. That's obviously incredibly valuable, but more people are going to cook, more people are going to brew, and it's getting into the hands of players that want to break that card, that want to push that card to its absolute limits. And, you know, I mean, listen, if I was tasked, Hey Alex, break this card you got 24 hours, then, would I do it? I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

And what's more important is, is a game that doesn't get stale quickly, and what I mean by that is if, if they leave some of these cards the same, which goes back to the balance conversation, but if they left the cards the same, then the game's dead, because then you just only run these cards, and you only run that, whatever it is. And pardon my ignorance here, but has there been a card that was released in a three month gap, that was buffed or nerfed in a three month gap, that completely killed the card? Because Zabu in them, yes, but that was out for like a year. I don't think so. Like, I think that Fina is still very good. I think that, you know, these cards that were mad that they get nerfed or whatever happens to them that, and I get it, because you didn't buy what was hot when it was doing its thing. And the Red Hawk when it was going huge, massive, right? But, like, High Evo, for example, has done okay. It's, but it's challenging because you almost want to look at, like, the middle of the pack performers that are, like, the sages that are, like, under the radar are the best buys because you know they're not going to get nerfed or buffed. It's the whole reason why I have an adjustment category on my new card videos because I have to try to predict and play this game with it. But is there something, I, I don't know if they, they, they have nerfed things to Oblivion where any buy that you have is now completely free. You've lost out majorly on it.

Alexander Coccia:

I think people are going to feel that way, though. Like, I think that there are people like, hey, like, I bought Alioth, and then they nerfed it to the ground. And then have slowly brought it back over a couple months, right? Yeah, Alioth that probably a good one? A good example?

Cozy Snap:

Alioth, that was last October, so about a year ago. But it was, yes, that's probably the best. That was, that's probably the best of the quickest turnaround that we've seen on a card. Alioth what's his name? Annihilus. I'm trying to think of some of these. Like, they just got touched up. Ms. Marvel was pretty quick for a season pass card. But I'm trying, you know what? I'm trying to think, like, they still act as the way they should. A good amount of these. Nocturne and the nature of what she does, I totally get the frustration where that can come from. White Widow, on the other hand, still does her job just fine. So it does depend, I guess, on what the card's identity is a bit.

Alexander Coccia:

And I guess part of the challenge is, okay, so we're understanding and kind of sympathetic to the fact that it is hard for the development team to kind of like, you know, determine the power strength of a card before kind of releasing it to the world as a whole. But like, listen, a pain point is, is someone who just bought Nocturne has that card Get nerfed significantly. It's still viable, but you know, Collector does not offer refunds. A very aggressive and ruthless approach to the spending of currency. In Hearthstone if a card got nerfed, you got your dust back, right? You got the value of that card back in dust. We don't have dust here, we can't craft cards, and so they just take this blanket approach of, no, like, you just, you lose your resources, I'm sorry. Right? You couple that with very infrequent series drops, and suddenly players are, you know, spending months accumulating these resources, they buy the Nocturne, and the Nocturne gets nerfed. The only silver lining is that I truly believe the development team's goal and ambition is to make all cards viable, and they're not trying to kill Nocturne. They want it to still be a good card, but they just need to shave a little power off. And unfortunately that card has almost no dials on it. Like, what do you do to it? Aeroswim is filled with dials. Nocturne, you got to take a power off. You know what I mean? So I kind of feel for them from that standpoint, but I just. There's no refunds, should they be introducing something to kind of ease that pain point?

Cozy Snap:

I feel for you guys, for sure, when you are only getting a couple cards, you pull the trigger, and they're out there, man. They're out there. Like, the guys out there, the girls out there that got Nocturne, Wednesday, you know, and then BAM. Just completely nerfed right after that. That just, that just stinks. Like, that is it's a bummer, and so I think that shows the, you know, some of the flaws there for sure, and I, I, I can get that. But yeah, overall, I think just a, a, a healthy conversation on it of I think OTAs are great for the game. I'm gonna back that up all day. Love what it does for the free cards in the game. Thank God there's not a lot of paid toxic cards. It's, I think we're not gonna see a lot of toxic cards because Alioth Was the last one, and it kind of annihilates, and those got touched up. But like, Sandman, Leech, those are free cards. So they, they can chop those off, and kill those cards, and people aren't gonna care as much. But if a Leech was a card that just came out, and then it was, you know, neutered like that, they would have to figure, they would have to figure out what to do.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that's absolutely fair. And like, I, it leads to a question though. And this is something that like a lot of people have a difficult time answering. Would you rather they release cards slightly overpowered or slightly weak? Like if, would you rather they lean towards, okay, this is going to be meta shaping or would you rather than be more conservative with with their new card releases? Assuming you can never hit it perfect, right? You're never gonna hit it perfect. Oh, 52 percent win rate. So,

Cozy Snap:

the gamer in me says conservative because I've been a part of so many games like of the old, if you guys played MOBAs, you always knew when a new character came out, you like, play it now. Because it's gonna get, come out, two weeks, dead, and then it's gonna be dead dead, right? And like, the, like, you came accustomed to that, and then it felt, like, Super annoying. The conservative approach is tough too because you don't want new cards to suck and then you get it and it's awful, but in this case and how it works on this weekly basis might be better conservative because we do have OTAs in the long run, right? And you can, you can go back and get it or it gets better over time. Definitely, you know, again, I think there are obvious cards when we see them, right? This is just going to break the game. Like, how is Red Hole coming out as he's coming out here? And so some of those are very obvious. Yeah, this is the, what about you? A conservative, I would assume.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? Honestly, I lean towards on the powerful side. I think that I want cards to come out and be exciting to play. I want them to change the meta. The way that, like you know, to some degree, Cassandra Nova came out, and Ereshim kind of went down in play rate, right? I think that's important. I think it's healthy. The anger doubles down,

Cozy Snap:

though, then, because if they get nerfed, because if we are, you know, going aggressive on it, which, this is what they do. By the way, this is the way they're doing it, is they probably tend to go more aggressive on, The cards being good, especially season pass cards, because at the day, sales, like, period, right? That's my thought at least, and I think this is where some of the anger comes from. It's a tough question to answer.

Alexander Coccia:

It is, but I think that like, if cards are coming out and they're underwhelming, I think that feels bad for the game. I think it feels like, it just feels weird. Crappy, right? Cards coming out with like a legitimate impact on the meta, I think are more exciting. I think that the pain point constantly is just, it's the resources and how they're restrained for resources on a constant basis. Free to play players who are incredibly important to this ecosystem don't have the opportunity to the, the collector's reserves to accumulate the needed tokens, the spotlight keys and et cetera. And when every card is great and nothing truly stands above the rest. Like, you think about the month with, like, Siege, Nocturne, and everything. You want all those cards in your collection. You don't have the resources, right? And so when everything is just pretty damn good, you want everything.

Cozy Snap:

I guess for me, I was going, underwhelming and conservative, I didn't put as the same thing. For me, conservative is like, you look at the meta and you look at, okay, do you want this card to really shake things up, or should it blend in with what's going on a bit? I guess that's where I was going. They kind of both are the same result at the end of the day. So for me, I guess conservative. Is less pissed off people about a card that they thought was really good. But regardless, things would still change. This would, regardless, Thena could have been released conservative, or Red Hulk for that matter, and it's been three OTAs now to fix it. Right, so like, I think you still have these problems regardless, that's true.

Alexander Coccia:

But you know what the risk is with that? If you release something like Hydration Robert, conservative, right? So Hydro Bob comes out, he's conservative, and then they try to buff him before he exits the spotlight caches. And they give like four hours notice on that buff. Then it's like, great, they buffed him and I missed the spotlight week, now he's good, what the f You know what I mean? People get pissed off.

Cozy Snap:

Totally agree on that, yeah. And they definitely, if they do that again they gotta do way better than 24 hours to release. And I'm glad they did it, but they need to do way more than that. But, and, I think the all of them powerful, and equal and balanced, it is just the perfect world that doesn't happen. Like, you can't have all these cards come out where you think they're going to be good, and then they don't get nerfed. Because then they're just going to end up being hit way more often, because they're well above the rest. They're standing out well above the other two cast cards, Thena and Black Widow. Like, and so, it, it's like In an ideal world, yeah, I want the cars to be exciting when they come out, all of them, but that will also mean we're going to have things that happen like this.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I feel like this might sound silly, and I think we joked about it a couple weeks ago where I said I think we're kind of addicted to power creep. Where we want each car to kind of just like, push the envelope slightly, every single time, right? Just make everything a little better. Like, we are so accustomed to the 3. 5 baseline stat line on new 3Drops now. That like before Polaris was like, that was a great statted card. And now who the hell is going to play it? Right. We're just, we're just anxious for that little bit of extra power. Cause we want every new car to be so impactful, but it makes it so that like you run the risk of them having to be nerfed so frequently.

Cozy Snap:

But with everything I said to you, the more I think about it, like hats off, man, to the, to the team for balancing this game. I. I have enough hard time, like like, okay, Athena can be used in this deck, this deck, this deck, whatever, not the best example, but like, Sage. There's just an infinite number of com There's so many different decks, right? And that's not even taking into, like, new builds as well, and so, like, I, to me, I think this is the best balance game that I personally have ever played with this many factors involved, period. I think, and listen, I just was critical, so I want to say, like, In my head, I feel like, if I was a company starting a game, man, I'd hire, I'd hire Glenn Jones in a heartbeat. I'd hire the, I, I think they just do a really good job with all of the factors that they have to deal with. And I'm just thinking about, about that on my end of creating decks, right? And just, I don't know their process, man, of making new cars and how long they have access to these, but it's a headache, dude.

Alexander Coccia:

And it's gotten better over time. There was a span of time where the balance was really out of whack and really unpredictable, and it has gotten better. So kudos to the team. And if you have any comments about it, we'd love to see them down below. And just maybe, We'll bring it up on the Snapchat mailbag, which is our next point of discussion.

Cozy Snap:

We're going to get comments for sure, because we, we've represented two, you know stances on it. I think they're going to be fun to see down below guys, so can't wait to, can't wait to read those. Let's talk about the mailbag, man. What do we got this week?

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, we had a ton of comments, and it goes off of the same thing. We got two statements here that I'll read off, then we'll discuss it. The first one comes from NeroTheManna, and it says, This is my favourite McDonald's podcast. Which was then followed up by Aster, who said, The entire point of Big Bird is that he's a kid caught in an awkward stage of adolescence, where they're not quite a kid, but not quite a teenager. That's why his voice is kinda high and nasally, but he's huge and waddles around weirdly. A bit oblivious to some changes in his body because he's not used to it yet, Big Bird is like the poster child for Puberty.

Cozy Snap:

What are they talking about here? I was, I, I was, I apologize to Big Bird. I wasn't familiar with his game. I wasn't, I, the lore, I didn't I haven't done a Who is Big Bird segment on my, on my channel. I might have to, might have to brush that up. And yes, I'm, I'm gonna say this like full confident. I saw the tweets about this bird from McDonald's. Dude, that's a deep core. That's a deep man. I still don't know what that is. I've seen, I think I've seen that bird like once on a happy meal, but like, in terms of like Marvel popularity, man, that's like way down there.

Alexander Coccia:

See what's hilarious about that whole situation. And if you watch back last week segment, you can pick up on this was that I thought. That Birdie, the early Birdie, that's the McDonald one, was Big Bird. But no one gave me crap for that. I thought that was Big Bird. And that it was, like, horror McDonald's lore. And then, so, like, I thought Birdie was Big Bird. You thought Birdie didn't even exist. But you obviously knew who Big Bird was.

Cozy Snap:

I, yeah, I was blown away that, like, Big Bird in me is, like, the Captain America compared to Birdie, who's, like Like I don't know. US

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah, dude, that's a great example. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So, anyways, a really fun discussion and Cozy and his Canadian ass McDonald's comments. I gotta get you some McDonald's here in Canada. It's actually pretty good.

Cozy Snap:

I've, I've, I've had it in Africa, so I assume it's yeah, they, they, they do pretty good. But anywhere you go, it tastes the same. That's their whole thing, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, pretty much. I, that is true. What I will say is when I was in the United States you guys have some crazy burger places and I'm not sure if they're good. Like I had Jack in the box and I was like, this is like a mess, but I'm like, I kind of like it. Like I felt, I felt like the heart attack coming on while I was eating it. That's what I was like, pretty bad ass burger.

Cozy Snap:

So here's the deal. Jack in the box. You guys know, if you're in your, your, your mid twenties and up, you just go there when you're drunk. Like, that's it. It's a drunk burger place. They're

Alexander Coccia:

open 24 7. That's like their specialty, that's their niche.

Cozy Snap:

So say what you just said, right, and think about that. And think about being a little bit hammered. Then it's perfect. Then you're like I'll take everything.

Alexander Coccia:

So then what's like a Carl's Jr.

Cozy Snap:

It's like a, there's like a mid tier burger. Like, you know, like subs, there's like, you know, cheap, cheap subway, which they're not cheap anymore, but then, you know, and you've got that, that they're like kind of different charboiled or whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Fair enough. Yeah. I, all I know is we were driving around the States and we're like, man, there's so many burger places. You guys take fast food so seriously. There's so many types, so many types of fast food in the States. And I got to tell you, I was interested in all of them. As we go into our next question from Jonathan Happy, which reads, You are absolutely right about Nomura. This entire week I kept switching between four of the top decks to get to infinite. I kept flip flopping between 91 and 93. I noticed that not many people were running Cosmo, so I pulled out a Nomura deck. And one hour I went from 93 to 100. Absolutely crazy deck that no one expects right now.

Cozy Snap:

Nice, nice man. There's nothing better than hearing a Snapchat listener like use, you know, some of this stuff and have success with it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and Nomura is absolutely cracked. I think that whole shell works really well with like the White Tiger's Odin. Tiger's got, like, they're 8 power. Like, they are eight power. A lot of people may not even realize that they did get buffed at some point. It's a fantastic deck, and Nomura is supposed to be data mined into an upcoming Spotlight Cache. So, you don't necessarily need to commit to 6, 000 tokens if you got some keys ready. And our next question comes from Leems19. With the Activates coming out soon, who are your biggest nominations for an Activate rework? Personally, I think that Forge could be a really interesting Activate card.

Cozy Snap:

Forge, huh? Yeah, I don't know if I thought about Forge. Dude, I mean, listen, we all go back to Zabu. I think Zabu, Zabu to me makes the most sense to hold on to something of that, you know, ability. That could be super unique and holding it, and there's gonna be some really good ones coming out. Outside of that, I'm not sure, man. I think you could use cool stuff that would change the card too much, like Dracula, and like, it'd be cool to be able to get that discard to pop off whenever you want it to. Probably wouldn't want it that way, though. So, I don't know. That's a I'm gonna go with Zabro as, like, my safe answer.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's a very difficult question. I am expecting when they do a patch for this upcoming season that we're going to have a bunch of cards changed to activate cards. And I think there's a bit of a tell in the spotlight caches. There's one major one that I think is likely to get changed to an activate card. It's Zabu's in the spotlight caches. I think Zabu 100 percent is going to get changed. The other one is Supergiant. I think Supergiant's ability is just perfect for Activate. Imagine if 3, and then when you activate Supergiant, the next time they play, it's like a Lemuria effect. I think that is so perfect.

Cozy Snap:

I like that one a lot. There's a couple, like, really cool, like they do effects right now, but they're not meta because they're awkward. Like black swan's. Another example, it'd be great to be able to on play Black Swan and activate it when you need to. Like they, you know what I mean? Like that kind of stuff. I'm interested in those kind of cars. I think super Giant's a really good pole there. Love it. My, my, my early sleeper of like of 2024. Yeah, I like that one at, I like that one a ton. What about something like gambit that would be crazy where you don't have the risk and you can like play'em and then do the thing later?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, that would be cracked. I Gambit, he destroys a card on the other side. Like that is legitimately takes, you could play them down on curve because Gambit's a card that disproportionately benefits from being played late. Sometimes if they're playing a card that you want to get rid of, he's better early, but if you want to hit a high priority, bigger target, like Gilgamesh drops on turn six, I mean, that's a zoo deck. It's pretty hard to hit Gilgamesh. You know what I mean though, right? Like bigger bodies out on bigger turns, Gambit's able to kind of hit a bigger priority target on the later game.

Cozy Snap:

My, my, my cogs are spinning more. What about location changes? So hear me out. So Magic and Scarlet Witch. So Scarlet Witch has been needing desperate change. How cool is it, would it be if like, Scarlet was like a whatever whatever stats, or the same. And you play her out there, just like kinda have her, and that person has to keep thinking in their head, Are they gonna change this, are they not? Magic, you put her out on any turn, and now the authority's in your hands. You still have to do it before 5 to make it fair. But the authority is in your hands, or you just play her on location like One that benefits the Onslaught Citadel, or whatever, right? And they've gotta, they've gotta wonder what you're doing, right? Maybe you have a Tribunal deck that you want that, and now you just play, you know what I mean? I think that could be a cool thing.

Alexander Coccia:

That's cool, I had this power fantasy of like, Scarlet Witch, you play her down as like a 2 or something, and her Activate is Randomly change all the locations. So she goes like this, and just pewpewpewpew Like, she's so powerful, right? Think about what Westview is, in the lore, right? She could change all of them, she doesn't need to change one.

Cozy Snap:

Scarlet Witch is by far the most, like, It's getting there to be the most disrespected, like, especially lore wise, bro, Scarlet's like, she's like one of the most powerful beings in Marvel, so like, being a garbage cart, let's face it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, it's funny, cause like, I was watching the Infinity War, in Endgame, and she almost, like, minor spoiler, I guess, she almost solo's Thanos, straight up. Like, if you actually watch that and pay attention to who's doing what, She literally almost completely solos the the Mad Titan with the stones in his hand like he actually she's so

Cozy Snap:

Technically like Wanda right like Scarlet which versus all of Kamar Tosh like straight up. She just wrecks All of the entire fortress of Doctor Strange and friends, completely, like from the ground up, right? Like, that's the power, and that's with her not even being even, yeah, she gets even stronger. So yeah, that's my new buff candidate.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, most certainly. And our next question comes from Anakin. How unwise is it that I'm using all my tokens for ultimate variants?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, do what you want to do, man. I love that for ya. I do. Yeah, I force myself to use ultimate variants because they're just not seen a lot. It's cool to see skins or, in this case, variants that people don't get to see.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I agree. I mean, they're pretty damn cool, but if you're a free to play player, I would certainly not recommend using them on your ultimate variants. But I do, I do have a couple ultimate variants. I haven't bought the Iron Man one. Cause I have a, I think I have another one I might like better, and I don't, I don't, I'm not willing to invest into that God split that you have, right? So, if I had that split, then maybe I'd buy it.

Cozy Snap:

Like, Storm, Mystique, Magic, those are three, ah, well Mystique have an ultimate, but Storm and Magic are two examples of, I'm sure their ultimates would be crack, but I don't care. They have too many good variants, like, you know, no matter what they pump out, they're too good.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and our last question of the day comes from Dallas Stars. And you might be thinking, Dallas Stars, that sounds familiar. Yes, the NHL team, Dallas Stars. And the question reads, we just found out that Cozy played hockey as a child. And I'm sure that Alex did too. Who are your favourite players? Maybe one retired, one current? Cheers boys, keep up the great work.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh go first, because I got two.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so my absolute favourite player growing up, without question, this is retired, was Jerome Aginla. The captain of the Calgary Flames. And Jerome was just an incredible player. And for those that don't know him, he was a captain, he came from very modest upbringing tremendous player, represented Team Canada at all stages of his career. He was the type of captain that in basically the Stanley Cup Final, he fought, like, he's the captain. He goes into a fight, puts his helmet onto the ice, scraps Vincent Lecavier, the other captain on the Tampa Bay Lightning. Like, he was, like, the guy. He was the guy for that team, the guy for that franchise. And I thought like as a hockey player, he stood just amongst the absolute greats in terms of composure and just being the face of a franchise.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I've I've respected. I like the, I like the, the breakdown. There's two for me both different teams, both like why these two. So I was in Colorado. I lived in for about five years. Our neighbor was Patrick Wall, the Patrick Wall. Yeah. No way. Yeah. Crazy, right? So long story short, ended up getting to know their family really well. And he was in like a nice, super nice house. It's great, like at all, nothing of the sort. And we went, my dad took me to so many Avalanche games. And so, over time, I just, you know, I just became obsessed with him, and I'm like, I know him! That's the guy, like, the Leonardo meme, right? And so that got me obsessed with the avalanche for a while and so just watching him and his legendary career. And then to throw it back to the old my dad again, a lot of my family East Coast. Even though it's in the South. Bobby Orr. For those big Boston Bruin fans Bobby Orr is legend. Absolute legend in my house. Had a jersey in my office when I worked in corporate for a very long time. So, Bobby Orr, Patrick, I think those are, like, deeper cuts, man. I thought one of us would be like, Wayne Gretzky, you know, but proud of us over here.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And we didn't pick current ones, but the last one that I'll mention here, it's similar to yours, like turns of the goaltending. Now, Patrick Waugh at the time, he was playing on Montreal and I was always a Toronto Maple Leafs fan. And so when he basically, he basically told his coach off and said, I'm like, I'm leaving this, this city. I'm going to win the Stanley cup. And then went to Colorado and did exactly that, right. It was absolutely insane. He like called, he basically called, I'm going to win the Stanley cup somewhere else. And he did the, he literally did it. Yeah. I loved Felix Potvin at the time. Like that was the same era, right? Felix, the cat. And so I, and that actually, I play goaltender. I play both positions. I don't know if you know this about hockey. I'm the most versatile guy in men's league. I play both goalie and player equally poorly, but this is fun. I didn't, you know, I honestly, it took me by surprise. You're a hockey guy. Maybe one of these days we'll have to go for a skate since you won't take me on your Vespa.

Cozy Snap:

Let's do it, man. It sounds good, buddy. Sounds good. Love the hockey. I love the little, I've been talking to you two years straight and still finding out facts, bud.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Thank you guys so much for watching. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you leave a review on your podcast platform of choice, ask your questions for the mailbag, and we'll see you on the next Marvel Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

And, as always, until the next one, happy snapping!

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