The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Wiccan: Ramp Rise or Fall? | Top Cards to Play Now | Kate Bishop & Marvel Boy In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 93

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 41

Will Wiccan RAMP up your game play? Which cards you should be playing right now to stay ahead of the meta? What are Cozy and Alex's picks for the best token buys this season? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and happy Monday. It's the worst part of the week, but the best part, because the Snapchat is today as we talk about Wick and the newest ramp card to come to Marvel Snap. Is it great like most ramp cards or does it fall? Alex and I are going to talk about the new card, the archetype, and what it's going to bring to Ramp as a whole. We're also going to be talking about cards that are hot and rising to start off the season. Obviously Zoo, but there are other cards that you should be playing right now before they get too popular. And Alex and I are going to talk about our list. And then we're going to finish the episode with a little bit of a talk about the future of Marvel Snap. What happened with the whole League's debacle and more, and we're going to talk about that all in today's episode of the Snapchat, I can barely say that. And as always guys, I'm joined by the Alex Coccia, the one and only, I don't know why I missed that point up, but hello my man, what a, what a week for Marvel Snap. We had the launch of a season, it was it was my birthday this, this past Wednesday, and then we also had The leagues happen in Marvel snaps. So it was a big week, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

It was a big week. And I want, I got to talk about your birthday for a second, buddy. First of all, how was your birthday?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, dude, it was great. It was it was good. I had a a good time. I went to a little sushi place with Dexter. He's local in the area. So we, we got to hang out a little bit and then I went to I think we've talked about this before about just like video game music and just like orchestras. I love. Live orchestra, so I went and saw Star Wars, it was Return of the Jedi, and and then, like, it was like a live orchestra that performed with the movie, and, man, I'm a sucker, like, Skyrim, all that, I love the orchestra behind these games, it was a really cool experience, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

That sounds incredible, I'm actually a huge orchestrated video game person as well, there used to be this thing called Video Games Live that you used to kinda tour around, I would go see them and stuff, I dragged my wife to, or my girlfriend at the time, to a bunch of those, she was like, wow, this is so great, and I'm like, I'm like, this is the Ocarina of Time and I'm like crying while they're playing and she's just like, you know what I mean? So I totally feel that, man. We gotta go to one of those one day, but before we move on to that, guys, I have to admit something that is so sad. I, I've been so, so upset with myself about this. I, I almost forgot to wish Cozy a happy birthday on his birthday. As content creators, we do a lot of thinking, right? We do a lot of troubleshooting, problem solving, title design, all that kind of stuff. And we do it in our heads. Now, the way that I tend to solve problems as a content creator is I go for walks to Costco while listening to like classical and jazz music, right? And so I had a problem I was stuck on, right? And I'm like, I gotta ask Cozy. Cozy's the only one that could help me on his birthday. So I, I ask Cozy for a call. He gives me a call. He answers. And I know Cozy, you must be thinking, oh, Alex wants to wish me a happy birthday, right?

Cozy Snap:

I was like, you know, if it comes up, it comes up. I was gonna be like, it's my birthday. You know, but I was like, if it comes up, it comes up.

Alexander Coccia:

I totally forgot to wish this man a happy birthday on his birthday. I was so upset with myself. And I realized afterwards. I was laying in bed and I was like, Oh my god, it's Cozy's birthday! And he literally gave, like, we talked for 30 minutes today, about like, YouTube and strategy and all this stuff, and I didn't wish him a happy birthday! I'm like, I'm a horrible friend. I told my wife, I was like, I was lamenting in bed while my wife's like, Oh, it's not, like, it is a big deal.

Cozy Snap:

It's funny how birthdays, I don't know about you, birthdays for me, like, when I was a kid, man. It's like the greatest day of the year. Like it's you just like you're so amped you're gonna go play like What did you do for you like your younger birthdays for me? It was like a lot of pool stuff and like super soakers and like, you know, I don't know I would have water balloons that were like grenades man. I don't know That was like we would just have like water fights inside of that was me What did you do for birthdays? What was your birthday stuff?

Alexander Coccia:

I remember my parents went on vacation one time around my birthday. And and then my neighbor, who's my dad's best friend Bill, and he was, my dad was like, Hey, listen, if anything's going on at my house, you're like, you got to check it out. My brother's a bit of a party animal. So then like, he's like, okay, I got it. So I have a land party on my birthday and it happened to be on the weekend. And Bill comes over and he's like, yo, what's going on? And he looks at, it's all dudes at computers, like setting up like land stations. He's like. This is not what I thought was happening here.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, okay, where's the alcohol? What's happening? It was, yeah, I was, I was pretty low key, man. I'm still waiting on a invitation return from my sixth grade crush, Natalie if you're out there, I'm, I'm waiting. I'm just assuming I got lost she didn't come to my ice skating party. I picked ice skating because I used to play hockey and I was like, Oh, this is my time. I'm gonna, I'm gonna show. You

Alexander Coccia:

used to play hockey? I didn't know that. There's

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

in San Diego?

Cozy Snap:

San Antonio and in Texas, I grew up a bit. And no, there's not ice down there either. My dad grew up well, I'm a Patriot fan all of my gr My dad grew up on the East Coast, so like, All my culture is a lot of stuff from, like, the East Coast and, like, ice hockey. Dude, I was, like, one of the few kids that played ice hockey back in the day. Again, like, Rocket Power, that's, like, when I grew up, right? So, like, I played street hockey a ton and then I went into into ice hockey. I played on a travel team and I played for, like eight years before I played football. So, it was, like, leading up to that.

Alexander Coccia:

This is crazy. Cause we had a conversation the other day about how, like, you'd smoke me and pretty much everything athletics related at the Olympics. And I had this shower thought, I'm like, I bet you I'd be cozy at more like the winter Olympic stuff, but apparently

Cozy Snap:

not cozy. Dude, speaking of, did you see, I will hop into this subject, guys. Did you see the break dancing section of the Olympics? Tell me you did, please. I,

Alexander Coccia:

I watched it in bits and pieces, but like, I, I saw the Australian bit, which I thought was hilarious.

Cozy Snap:

So, dude, my favorite meme of the year was like, when your toddler says they want to show you something. And it's like this. If you guys haven't seen it, Ray Gunn for the Australian Olympics. I can't even show a clip because they'll come after you. But like, she's like, she got zero points. She got zero, Alex. It's the first time ever I've watched the Olympics and thought to myself, I can do that. I think I can do that.

Alexander Coccia:

There's also the long jumper, I think from New Zealand, who like did the run up and then just like flopped onto them.

Cozy Snap:

I love meme culture because you cannot watch anything and then you can fit in a conversation, right? Like, so if you didn't watch any Olympics and you'd be like, Oh yeah, yeah, Ray Gunn. Or the pole vaulter with the giant wing. You saw that right? What? Wait, you didn't see this guy? Where it's like he lost the Olympics but he won at life and it was the guy that pole vaulted and he lost because his junk hit the bar.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh no! My wife was talking about that. Apparently she watched that clip over and over again for reasons I don't want you to Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, it was on repeat. He looked over and back at you like what you doing? Why are

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

I'm watching the Olympics! I'm watching the Olympics. Why is this guy laying his junk on a bar? But yes, anyway, it was a, it was a great birthday weekend. I suppose we should, we always get this comment, like, this is a Marvel Snap podcast. Shouldn't you guys be? Yes, let's talk about Marvel Snap now, because we have a good weekend, we got a good week ahead, and we know what we're talking about over here. Gonna bring the new card down, and then we're gonna have a fun conversation, Alex, just about, like, the future Snap leagues, which we just knew was there's gonna be something happening. There's gotta be something happening there this week. We have a lot of drama! Marvel Snap drama to break down. But Alex, what are we talking about on? Your side of the snapchat.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the snapchat. We'll be talking about both Kate Bishop and Marvel Boy in review. We'll also be talking about the best token buys that you can do in the token shop. And then finally, as always, our snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

All right, buddy. Let's get to it. Let's talk about Wiccan. And this is not correct, everybody. So before you hit the comments up, he is a seven power card. They've adjusted him, which we always have a saying here. If they adjust a card right before release, It probably sucks, which we will get into here, but, 4 cost, 7 power card, on reveal, Wiccan says if you spend all of your energy this game, plus 2 max energy, but we have yet another ramp card, Alex, hitting Marvel Snap. And I want to say, by the way, if my voice cracks, it was Alex last week, it's me this week, we're both getting through that fatherhood hump of of getting sick every now and then, so you'll have to excuse that, guys. But Wiccan has the new ramp card. Before we talk about him and the star ratings, he does come alongside Loki and Pixie, which is a phenomenal, really good cash as far as the new cards go. So just for that alone, I mean pretty happy about those.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it makes me wonder, like, there's this meta around, like, let's put bad cards in with really good, like, spotlight cards, right? Like, Loki and Pixie are two great cards, and what's notable about both of them is that Loki isn't quite as archetype defining as he once was. I still think he's good, obviously. Pixie is irreplaceable. Like, I don't think Pixie, like, you're not crying that you don't have Pixie, but there's always going to be a deck out there that's a Pixie deck, and it is a Pixie deck. And you cannot replace Pixie in it because Pixie has to be in it. Right. So I think it's a good card to have in your collection. But, but Wiccan itself, man, I mean, this Naruto looking guy, like I've been bouncing back and forth about this rating and I'm still very hesitant. Like we were in about threes range last time and I think I'm okay there. I'm so cozy. This, this is one of those cards I'm not happy about.

Cozy Snap:

So I think one of the things we said is like every now and then you have these cards that are super boom or bust. Right. Like, we said Ajax last month, but that's even less Boomer Bust than a card like this. And, where I think he is gonna introduce maybe some unique deck building, especially in the future, I think we're gonna dive into this deeper as we talk about him. But at this current moment, I'm just not sure. I built so many different scenarios out with the card, there's some synergies that I really like, one specifically that I haven't built around, but I love it, and what it's gonna do for the game. But, at a base level, let's start here with the conversation. Yeah, and I would say, by the way, right now I'm at like two and a half. Let me, let me say this. Let's talk about Ramp, okay? So right now, excluding Psylocke, you've got the threes, right? And now you've got the four. But in order, I think you would tend to agree with number one, which would be

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Hope Sommers.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, Hope Sommers. Yeah, yeah. Okay, hold on. I didn't quite I Okay, Hope Sommers, I don't know if that's actually a ramp card. Is it? Do we think it's a ramp card?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. I think I Well, yeah, I would think so. Yeah, that's true. Like, I see what you're saying though, as in like The traditional, you playing big cards. You have like that, the other three. Hope would be my number one. If we didn't have her, you would have Corvus as the next one.

Alexander Coccia:

I think so. Like, I think right now, I think Corvus, like the whole thing about Wiccan and the reason why I'm so hesitant about giving it a relatively low rating is because I was low on Corvus and I was wrong.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah. I was high on Corvus, which is like funny because. Here's, this is, well, I'll get to why I, I, some things I don't like about him. I think right now Electro is probably still one of my favorites, and then Wave would be under that. Wave's very situational these days. Electro is the card to beat, right? Because, if you think about it, how many times do me and you talk about this? Almost all the time. You get that extra energy. Fantastic. But how many times are you even going to be playing multiple cards? You're typically just trying to play these big cards. And so, regardless, he will let you do that a little bit earlier. You know, you can play that, you know, one extra six if you want to, you know, on turn four. Which, you know, that's even if you ramp him out early. If not, you can have a turn five and six, six cost card. I was looking at all the combos you can do with that, and it's kind of already the same of what we have previously, right? With Electro, with like the one card thing. Outside of a couple, so he would have to beat Electro, which I don't fully see him doing that completely in those shells. Which means he's gonna either have to bring a whole new archetype of Ramp, which I think he might. He just might, which we'll get into that. So that's like my hesity hesitancy towards him. Also, Ramp is known as a very powerful tool in Snap. We all know that Ramp is very, very good. But they gave him seven power, and seven power is a very respectable stat line, right? We have six power for something like Iron Lad, seven power is wow, right? And I get it, they're trying to make up for if you whiff on him, which, you know, Could he be a card you just include into some archetypes that if you do get to ramp out correctly, or, you know, curve out correctly, you get rewarded with a fantastic Boomer bus card? I think that is gonna be one of the ways that you play him, right? But that's my worry about him as a baseline.

Alexander Coccia:

My worry is that, like, every single scenario that I drew up with him is that these decks pop off when you get the 1, 2, 3 play with Wiccan on 3, but completely just poop themselves, like, otherwise. Like, when you talk about boom and boss, that is exactly it. These decks functionally just fall apart. If you do not draw properly, and you're often trying to use cards, like if we're going to talk Domino and Quicksilver, we're talking about cards that functionally reduce the chances for us to draw into our deck. Yes, they come out at very specific times, but they reduce the opportunity to even draw into Wiccan on those turns, right? So, like, suddenly, the deck becomes Build starts to feel weird. And if you don't get Wiccan and you have like, Oh, it's turn three. And I put a bunch of six costs in my deck, twiddle my thumbs, LOL. Like, what do you do? So like you got, what is there wave in there? Then the deck starts to like lose its identity. Cause you're putting in all these fail safes for not drawing Wiccan. And so like, we just know Marvel Snap, if it's anything, Wiccan's at the bottom of the deck, every game. I mean, if you've ever played Mr. Negative, you know where he is. He's at the bottom of the deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, which we've compared him to Mr. Negative a little bit in some terms because of the boomer bus nature of that. Also, the first time we could even have quick stuff around the screen quick moment of silence and round of applause for that. That we actually get to look at him when we're not talking about cars that suck in the game. In fact, it just took me 20 minutes to find him in alphabetical order because I'm trained to ignore his existence. Let's talk about the turn 1 and 2, and then we'll talk about some more base synergies, and my favorite synergy that I think people are ignoring a tad. On turn 1, I truly think the way you're gonna be building these decks, Alex, and to your point, I don't know if you go Domino at all. I think if I look at it, you go Quicksilver. It's him and two other cards that I see, but I think Quicksilver is the must include, okay? Or close to it, and then you can include a few two drops, right? Because we do have Psylocke, we do have the Zabu build we've talked about, we've got a couple other two drops, Kate is fantastic, we're gonna talk about her more on your side, but Kate is gonna be naturally a card you want to just have in the deck because then you could curve out, you know, following that, right? So there's a lot of reasons to run Kate. So I think Quicksilver into some twos is gonna be your main use of that, that build out. But then you can't get too crazy, because then you have to, yeah, build the battle plan. You have to build what you're gonna do with all that extra energy. And so, I love Quicksilver. We've talked about some ones that we did like. I do think that there's a place for Maria Hill. I think this is an interesting card that gives you immediately that curve play. And when I thought about this, I'm like, you know what's a deck, and I'm getting ahead of myself, because we're gonna talk about turn 1, but, A deck that I think is gonna be good, almost no matter what, even if you don't curve into it, and you don't get the pop off. I think Maria Hill, and dare I say it, I think these two cards, because they're gifting you the next place, you're able to curve out so beautifully, and you're not trying to do what Electro does. If you try to use Wiccan, how Electro is used, You should just use Electro at that point. But then, if you're going to try to really manipulate this extra energy and having 8 energy on turn 6 and even beyond that if you play Magic, I think that's where he's going to shine in these natural ramping cards into something like a Devil Dinosaur build. This is kind of the build that I'm starting to kind of put together here on pen and paper that I like a lot.

Alexander Coccia:

It's really fascinating what you're saying here, because like, yes, that gives you a very foolproof backup plan, it's like, hey, if I don't draw into Wiccan, or if I wasn't able to get my turn one, like you don't draw into Maria Hill or Agent 13 or whatever Maria Hill better in this case, of course you do have that backup plan, right? Wiccan just might be a power play of 4 7 at, at worst, right? Even if you don't get the the actual effect, But the thing is though, I think that if you're having Wiccan in that deck, you're going to want to get that effect. Cause in theory, if, if Wiccan's opportunity to give you that two extra energy is compromised, like almost even someone like a white queen is better than that deck, one of the worst cards in the game, right? So you go from something having like a very high impact on the game state to literally, I don't want to play this card ever. It almost reminds me of like the OG Hi, Evo, where it's like, it's in there, but like, you don't really want to use it. Just like Wiccan. If you skip turn one, it's like, you're like, I don't want to draw that piece of crap.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. And that's where I like the Quicksilver into the twos, into the threes. And what's cool about Colson is even if you don't get Wiccan until turn five, maybe, and you can only maybe utilize them at that point in time, which is kind of weird, at least Agent Colson allows you to kind of go into that play a bit more, which I don't know about you, but Devil Dinodex in the first place, you usually combo it with other synergies like Rocks and Hawks. Because there's not a lot to do in some of those mid turns. Like, it's kind of weird. You know what you're doing later. You want to keep your hand size full. Kate Bishop has answered a lot of that. That is the deck I see him working in very well. But rewinding for just a quick second. I said Quicksilver. We said Maria Hill. And then what? Maybe Kitty Pride being probably the only other, like, natural one cost card that you keep getting back that you want to play?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like the Kitty Pride based shells, they often have the like the ability to use Kitty Pride as that like, Oh, I have an extra energy, Kitty Pride, right? I mean, in those decks you often have Angela, you often have have Thena, and you're in a position where you don't even play Kitty Pride each turn. And naturally, Kate Bishop is a great card in this circumstance because it gives you the opportunity to play those cards out to fill nicely in the event you have to play on turn four. That that Wiccan. What's notable is that the two drops, and I agree a hundred percent. I don't think Domino ever makes these decks at all, because I think it reduces the chance to pull Wiccan too much. You do one, one drop. Okay. It's Quicksilver because if anything, during Marvel Boys kind of a launch, we'll talk about it more, but I think Marvel Boys is fantastic. And I've been playing a lot of zoo decks and I'm often shocking myself. I'll have three, one drops in my deck and I won't draw them at the start of the game.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my God. So if you

Alexander Coccia:

think. If you think you can run like just Maria Hill and be like, Ah, she'll be there. Don't worry. The Snap Gods have got me. Well then like, it's a little bit of copium. It might be hard, man. Right? And so you might need that Agent 13 and those other ones too. And I do think that Kitty Pryde does provide a little bit of a utility there.

Cozy Snap:

Not to mention, A, there's a lot of good Tukas. But on top of that as well, like, as you look at the extra energy, because keep in mind, guys, when I pull this card back up, and for those that can't see it, on a reel, if you spent all your energy, plus two max energy, so this is really cool, because you're going to have that plus two max energy. Well, where can you utilize that? You could play something like a six cost card with a two, right? Like, these twos are going to become useful in the later turns as well to play with some bigger cards potentially. Because then you don't want to play much after that. Like, it's like, you know, in Surfer, you used to have, like, 1 1 costs, 1 2 costs, all 3s. It's probably, like, 1 1, a few 2s, and then all big options after Wiccan. That's what I would assume, you know, most likely most likely is going to be the case there. So, that's the way that I see it curving out to him. I think, when we talk about just base synergy and things that I like a lot about him, is he is a honor reveal. And I think, potentially, playing him on turn 4. Alright, and keep in mind, you can also, we've talked about playing Zabu and Psylocke on turn 2, we've talked about ramping him on to turn 3, which is really cool in theory, and then on turn 4 you can play Six of Cards cards. You have three turns, right? Perfect scenario time, and even not perfect scenario if you didn't get this, you could do this on turn 5. You play Psylocke, you play down Wiccan on turn 3, on the next turn, or as soon as you get to play your cards with Wiccan. I think one of the coolest synergies where things can really get out of hand and we can build some unique, different decks. Alex, you ready for this? It's so cool. I think you play Odin on top of Wiccan and you re trigger his ass. The idea of being able to re trigger this card, getting another plus two, things get out of control quickly. Now, you're looking at like White Hot Room type of energy every single game, which is so cool.

Alexander Coccia:

I had this thought as well, and I think that they specifically made it so that in a six turn game, you won't have twelve energy, which prevents you from playing two six drops on turn six. I had that thought. It gets to ten, right? It gets to ten if my memory serves me correct, because you're adding four on top of the six energy you have. Naturally, hey, if you go, you go. Magic turn three, then it's a totally different ball game, right? You go, you know, Quicksilver, Domino, Magic Wiccan, Odin. Then all of a sudden you're just, you're just laughing. Right. So that, that, it definitely is a really interesting synergy. I wonder about like the card draw and like, if you were able to actually really kind of, Pull it off to the greatest extent, but it is pretty fascinating.

Cozy Snap:

And Odin, the thing I like about this though, is like, we're not for, I'm going to build a card while we're talking about this, is we're not forcing anything out of Odin. He kind of already belongs in the deck, right? So he already, he already is one of the best ramp cards to abuse on turn six. I love being able to do stuff with like Onslaught and him early. And so to be able to play Odin now, and then. It's already part of the game plan. It's like, well, fantastic, right? We can already get things cooking with this. So I do think Odin will be in every Wiccan build or damn near close to it to abuse some of this power. And then you can start looking at the twos and the threes and stuff you want to do from there. Even like the Devil Dino builds, right? And get some of these cards back. You can look into those action. Very curious on what this will look like, especially once we've built this out. But Odin's one of my favorites. I have a lot more. Hit me with another base synergy you like.

Alexander Coccia:

The other key thing about Odin as well, you don't have to play him on turn 4 or 5, right? The key thing is, you can play like, Doctor Doom into Odin, and still in that last turn, because you're able to play so many 6 drops, if you're able to ramp up Wiccan early, you're able to play Odin on top of that Doctor Doom, and then get the extra energy for that turn 6, or the final turn 7, or wherever you happen to be. You don't even have to rush him out, which is pretty fascinating, right? I mean, listen, I think that like, at the end of the day, I think that Odin, It's going to be fascinating to see how the builds revolve around Wiccan. Do you see Wave being a core backup play to this deck?

Cozy Snap:

I was about to bring her up because I was going to say the other card that just goes along because you have Odin who again fits to the backup plan. You don't draw Wiccan, right? So the only other three that you could maybe squeeze in, we're starting to get a little full on the spots here if we look at the ones and the twos. But the only one that could just naturally fit in would be Wave, because then at that point, you could play Wave on turn 5, pretty much, right? And you're looking at being able to play the 2 now on turn 6. You can now play 2, 6 costs, your opponent can only play 1. That's where I think she probably could earn that spot over Electro Hope.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And I mean, you are sacrificing your turn five slightly to do that, but it makes perfect sense because then your cards drop to to four, you're going to be able to play two, six drops. You're going to need some sort of like resilience to not just drop your six drops on those early turns though, cause you're going to be holding them. Right. And what's interesting about this deck and what I'm worried about specifically with the deck building around Wiccan is unlike electro and standard wave decks, you're not going to want to put five costs in it. Like it's likely to not have that five cost slot. And so if you're ramping fails and they snap, I think you have to leave. So I think wave really occupies an important slot because it'll fill three and four with one of your big drops. And then hopefully you can fill your five somehow. Right. It's so tricky. That's why these decks kind of make me nervous. And like, even the, like, I'll be honest with you straight up. Right. Like, usually I have like lists ready with Wiccan. I have a couple drafts ready. That I'm not even that excited about yet. And I need to work more in the coming days prior to the launch to kind of refine them more. Because I feel like this card, as you said before, is seriously boom or bust.

Cozy Snap:

He's definitely going to make people think, which I love. I love this about cards. Like, I love, I think when Pixie came out, it was the same thing. People were like let's just come up with stuff. Like, I don't know what to do with it. Because there's just such a different way to play. My card that I think doesn't get played enough. And I don't, like, it's just like a sleeper in my head. Is Circe. I think Circe is so unique. Like I was playing this mill deck where I was playing all these mill cards and like, once you've used them, they're done. Right. And I love what Circe does because she allows you to re utilize these cards that are on the board, right? Like a silver Samurai, once you've used them, he could become a five. That's fantastic. So like, I might mix her into the, the mold here and be my only five in the deck, or there's a couple other fives that I'll talk about, but I agree. Super weird. I think all of us want to just say the cards that like, you know, Make sense, like, oh, High Evo, because you have the, the natural ones there, and you can, you know, maybe do a Shocker, whatever. It's not gonna be as cut and dry as I think, and I, that does excite me. The card synergy is what I have more in my head about, like, what are some specifics. So, another one outside of Odin that I think is just really cool and makes a lot of sense is Scar. I think Scar has a a shot here just because we've seen this card. Get more supporting pieces. There's not gonna be the fives there, but we do have a way to get a lot more sixes. So if you ramp out him early, you're looking at potentially not only just a free scar a lot of the times, but also what's great about a four energy or two energy scars that's gonna fit A part of Wiccan's game plan anyway. You know, you don't need to try to trick out the wave or maybe you get to play this with the wave on five. So I think Scar is going to naturally have a pretty cool spot too.

Alexander Coccia:

It's pretty interesting when you think about like how large some of the ramped cards can be. And anytime you're putting out big power early on, Scar is definitely a beneficiary of that. And you're right as he kind of reduces in cost, it allows you to ramp them out or get them out earlier as necessary to keep that kind of curve. But I mean, after turn three or four. Like you're either getting your Wiccan proc or you're not right. And so like, that's kind of another consideration. I had this fun shower thought, which I know is incorrect, but I had this thought of like, wouldn't it have been interesting if, if Sunspot technically counted as used energy, like if that utilization of the energy counted, and then all of a sudden Evo actually becomes a deck for Wiccan. I mean, I don't, it's kind of interesting, but technically that doesn't work because when you float energy, it counts for Redhawk, which is the, Antithesis, like it's the opposite, right? So it doesn't work that way, but I did have that shower thought it would have been a kind of cool idea.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Like She Hulk is like, definitely not going to be in Wicked X. It's like so counterproductive most of the time of what you want to do, I guess outside of playing Wicked then, and then it's actually a really good card to have in there. It's like, you'd actually be able to have a full float sometimes and still play cards. So that is unique. When I thought about some of the 6 cost combos that we have access to, right now at this point in time, I don't think we have like a wild amount of them. But, there's the ones that we've talked about in the past with High Evil, right? I think the idea of playing something like Blah, playing Red Hulk, and then having the Arnim Zola play, like, nice and early, like, that's gonna be really easy to pull off with this deck build. I think it's kinda cool, too, that you could go and try to do unique things, like play, 1, 2, 3 Wcan. Then you get to play and maybe you do one, two, then you play Wcan. So let's say you side lock that out and you can play three sixes. It's like, okay, it'd be kind of cool if you destroyer everything on the board. On four, you kill Wicken, all of his friends. Then you could play Noel. Then you could play Orum Zola. On that note, like there's some fun convos that are just like different. We haven't had access to, like you've never been able to do that many six cast cards before, and that's. That's where I think some of the cooking is gonna be interesting. We know Doom Odin. We know that's powerful. Do you think, I was thinking about it, one of the best ramps in the game is Tribunal and getting out the Iron Man? Yes, but the Onslaught and the Tribunal together. Do you think that Wiccan might Be a great either or option in Tribunal because if you don't pull him, it's fine, right? Like he's just doing the same thing that he's done.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. I don't know. I hadn't given that much thought. I didn't associate Wicking with Tribunal, so you're kind of catching me off guard here. I feel like Tribunal decks really have a set pattern that they go for. They make great use of each individual turn. I don't know if Wiccan really adds that much, but then again, if you think about it, you get the Onslaught out early on turn four, that'll allow you at some point, you got to get Iron Man in there, right? Onslaught is like one of the key ramp cards of that shell. You get it out on turn four. You stole Iron Man turn five. You just float the energy, I guess, but like you could have done in the other order. I don't know. I don't know Cozy. It's, it's kind of an interesting thought, but like Tribunal, it, it like, it really does its thing. Right. Did you ever see,

Cozy Snap:

Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? I did, yeah. Did you know tribunals in there like briefly?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I didn't realize

Cozy Snap:

that. Yeah. So like when when he gets thrown in with Chavez into the Star, like into the multiverse and they go through all those worlds. There's like the paint one and they, the, the stretch one, one of those have like a bunch of tribunal heads, like in the, in the thing. And apparently I think it was Suppo Tribunal was supposed to be in a movie. I think potentially it was supposed to be in. The Doctor Strange movie, potentially, or, or maybe it was the Deadpool one. I just read this though, I thought that was kind of wild that I saw his face and I was like, Wait! You know, I know that guy. I thought that movie was okay, by the way. I, it let me down a little bit.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I just, I thought it was cool. I liked the effects. I thought it was really well done. I liked the, there was a scene where Dr. Strange kind of fights himself. I thought that was incredible. Like I thought the art in it and the CG was some of the best they've ever done. I don't want to talk about the story beats of it. Cause I was actually kind of annoyed with some of the story beats, but other than that, like, yeah, it was, it was not bad. Just like this combo Cozy that I want to talk, we were talking about combos with Wiccan. I'm like trying to bring it back.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Okay, listen to this. So I think that earning initiative is going to be one of Wiccan's strong points. Not only is he a 4 7 that can come out on turn 3, allows you to play a turn 4 Dr. Doom if played out on curve. Dr. Doom's great at earning initiative, and I think that Dr. Doom into Alioth could potentially be very damaging. Because Alioth's coming out on turn 5, it's going to be unexpected. You're earning initiative with Dr. Doom. And so I do think an early Alioth could very well catch people by surprise.

Cozy Snap:

That's a good point. I actually like that a lot. That's definitely definitely a solid build there. And I mean, it's, I think, ultimately, too, we talked about Loki being involved, and, you know, Loki's in the spotlight cast, you get these cheap cards, it's like, wow, Wiccan's gonna allow you to continue to, you know, get into some of these. One of the big things about this, first, I think that combination's gonna be correct, I think Wiccan can belong in Aerysium, too, cause, like, worst case scenario, like, you get to play him early, or if not, it's like, whatever, he's a good static card, I think, naturally, that's gonna be in there. If you have to, I don't think it's gonna be this way, but if you have to use the energy up, the turn Wiccan has played. It'll stop some combos, like I thought about Absorbing Man right after Wiccan, like it's the same thing as Odin, you get to do the same little cheeky thing. We'll have to see if that's the case. If it is, then you can do a lot of, you know, interesting builds. Sadly, I think that Eresham, Loki, Wiccan might be a deck that we see out there towards the beginning.

Alexander Coccia:

I suspect that your combo would work because it's an on reveal, which would check the status of the energy being spent at the moment it's played, right? Not at the end of the turn. So I suspect you're actually onto something, man. I bet you Wiccan into Absorbing Man would work.

Cozy Snap:

Which, at that point, then you can, yeah, then, I mean, then you can get willy nilly with Odin or whatever you want to do from that point. There's only so many cards that you have in your hand, and you have to be playing these cards out to get Wiccan to go, so they've thought about this. We are really stewing up, we're cooking to get this card to work, that's why I have a lower rating for him. He could blow up, I've said this at the previous of the Season 2, this is one of those cards that it wouldn't surprise me if like, somebody much smarter than me or you were able to come up with something crazy and it works and it sticks. And I'm excited for that, I'm extremely excited, and I'm almost a little nervous to make the video on him, right? Because I think we could have our first day impressions, we're like, wow, this isn't that great, and then we end up having a card that's not too bad. So he does Any cards like this always has me, you know, a little bit on the, on the nervous side. I want to transition, because I think this is the perfect time to do so. What could Holt Wiccan, in his tracks, is a deck and a card that has been hot and on the rise. And it's so funny, Alex, I swear to God, when one 5 cost Toxic card dies, the next one is born. And you guys all know what I'm talking about. That is Sandman. And with that, let's go ahead and talk about some hot and rising cards, some decks, A, to keep you guys up to date for cards to look out for, ones that you should be playing if you're not playing, looking towards the latter, and leagues when we talk about that in a moment, all that good stuff. Sandman, which I think is so funny, bro, that I used to play a Sandman, Dr. Doom, Patriot deck way back when. I love that was like such a cook back in the day. No one was like, who's Sandman and Patriot? What are you doing, Cozy? And now that's kind of like made its way back up because of the arrival of Zoo, which we'll talk about briefly here. But Sandman, man, I'm sure you've seen him plenty in the Ultron, Red Hulk decks out there.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, he's all over the place right now. I mean, I think he's, he's running like a 15 or 18 percent win rate. Last time I checked, I have the number written somewhere on my notes here, but yeah, he is legit being played a ton. Not always great for Marvel Snap, not always great for Marvel Snap to be seeing tons of Sandman, but I'll tell you, I think it feels fair most of the time. Like they'll play Sandman. I'm like, I can still play Gilgamesh. I'm probably fine.

Cozy Snap:

It's the, the tough part is, is, it's fair on a lot of matchups. He can be really tough, like Regis and I did the Wheel of Snap and we were guessing back and forth, is this the Ultron or is this the Red Hulk? It has to be the Ultron, we're winning all the other lanes. Then he plays Red Hulk on our best lane and wins, we're like, oh my gosh. Like, that's where it can be really frustrating. It's funny that he survived it because he is the classic leech in the sense of like, they have now attempted 30 things at this guy. They've tried so many different ways to try to figure this guy out. And he kind of pops back in. It's not even him. It's all the supporting cast that we've had around him at this point, right? You have Nebula builds up on her own power. You have Jeffrey that can be played anytime, anywhere. You've got the Widow being sent over now, which is fantastic as well, right? And then Ultron obviously getting his massive buff, which they better not touch my man Ultron. I love him as a card now. Always did, but I think he's such a threat. I think it's those things that surround him a bit more that are a bit more scary than, than Sandman himself. But he, he definitely feels way more fair than these other cards, especially because it's only one turn.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, they've added tons of cards that really impact the macro level of playing Marvel Snap. Like White Widow is a great example of that, despite the nerf. You often want to play into that location. Nebula, once again, another card that often kind of sits at a role where it's like, Hey, I got a I gotta play into her, I gotta keep that kinda pinned down, unless you're playing Killmonger and you're like, haha, get up to 9 power and watch what's gonna happen. But, I mean, Sandman's interesting from a standpoint of like, I don't know how I feel about it yet. Now, I'm seeing lots of like, really negative sentiment around about Sandman. Well, it's a new thing to hate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's a new thing to hate. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

everyone hates it, but like, I'm like, in my experience, I'm like, it doesn't I don't know. Maybe I'm just not seeing it as much as some others. I don't know. I think I'm okay with it so far. I may be in the next week. I'll be like, Sam, man, table tip.

Cozy Snap:

The new villains of Snap. Sam. There it is. No, I think to be honest, though, I think that. Sometimes, just like in Spotlight Caches, they give you the answers to the deck builds. Sometimes, they also give you the answers in things like OTA. And I've been, I've been on this train for a long time! I liked him in the day, I can admit that I fumbled on his rating completely. But, I still play him more often than not. The Black Knight version, more than other ones, but if you are sleeping on him, Here's your time. This is your answer. This is your one way ticket. Hot and rising. Guys, put together War Machine decks. He just got to be a 4 7. He's still a card He's a card that completely can shut down Sandman. Doesn't even have to worry about him. If you It's very obvious when you're playing a Sandman deck. And so there's ways, what I love about him is, in a sense, he's kind of like Arishem in the fact that you can not Arishem, sorry, Annihilus, that you can put him in different deck builds without the whole deck being around War Machine. And so I know you're sitting there like, ah, you're just, you're waiting to say so, but you love to play him on turn 5 anyway for Infinop to be played on turn 6 for free. Like, there's a lot of cool ways that you can play War Machine, and it's your direct counter to Sandman, and he's a 4 7.

Alexander Coccia:

I love how like you're, you're, you're kind of like given all this hopium and you know that like, I'm like, you're like, no, no, let me finish. Alex, let me finish my coping. I was just going to say the only thing of a war machine that bothers me is that he's 4 costed. If he was a 5 cost, he'd come down as Sandman came down and that's a total net loss for them. If he was like a 5, 10, 5, 9, I don't know what would be a fair number. I'm not a game designer, but say he's a 5, 9. They play Sandman, you play War Machine, their play is null and void. The challenge is, is that like, you have them at turn four, you're not going to play them, right? You're holding them for turn five in the event that they play Sandman or, you know, you have other ways to work around it too. He has other benefits naturally, but if you use a five costed card, the you know, the, the Infinite and everything else, it just kind of settles in a little nicer, doesn't it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I play tech decks with them. Like, I don't think you need to be playing these big six cost cards with War Machine. Like, Infinite you can, but But like, you can completely shut down. Like, Sandman decks, they're not ahead of you by wide margins. Like, they, they, they benefit off of being slightly ahead of you, and then locking you down, and then you're stuck. And, it's the end. By the way, Sandman's coming out because Zuu's out, right? And that's why I don't hate Sandman. Like, if you didn't buy the season pass card, like, yeah, spoiler, Marvel Boy's freaking great. We're gonna talk about him. I like that we have answers to things that are great in the me You know what I mean? Like, I think that's a fair thing to happen. But I think War Machine, built in the right decks, is a great card. Now look around, I'm telling you, I think he's solid, I think he's not that bad.

Alexander Coccia:

And another note about that, before we get into that, is that like, Sandman's doing his job. It's exactly what you're saying. He is releasing the valve that needs to be released, and it doesn't feel great all the time. But it's actually technically doing its job. Just like Cassandra Nova is Cozy. Talk about hot and rising, could you be any hotter than a 38 percent Metashare?

Cozy Snap:

I thought you were going to say it can be any hotter than Cassandra's, like, I mean, I, you know. No, we can

Alexander Coccia:

be hotter than Cassandra. I mean, listen, that is, that is a really nice bald head. I'm all for it. But like, at the end of the day, it's like, 38 percent of the meta? Cozy? That is insane. It doesn't get much hotter than that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, she's just such a good card to ramp into because she's great stats. Like, we're like, wow, 4 7, so good for a weekend. It's not how about a 3 7? Like, that also drains your opponent's, you know, stat lines. Could really ruin a lot of deck builds out there. Yeah. And then, yeah, you always get, like, it feels so good to be playing that Aresham player or whatever, and it's just like, checkmate, I win, you know. Feels great. Yeah, I think Cassandra, I had her on my list too. Very good card at the moment. I think, it's cool to see some of these toxic cards be their nature without being, like, frustrating like Leech. Which takes me from Cassandra to another Three Cost. If you're not playing Viper now, I don't know what you're doing. Viper Viper has gone from a card that got deleted from the game when she went from 2 to 3 to just an incredible identity around her as a card. Now, have you been playing a lot of Viper?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Viper's on a huge roll up. It's running 9 percent of the meta right now, and it's ability to target, this is very similar to what happened to like, Bleed. Oh, useless card? Change to have a targeted ability? Amazing card. Vital to a specific archetype. Viper is exactly that. Now every time I see a hood on the field of play, I'm like, Damn, that thing's coming over.

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah. Like, it's funny because you almost like, now it's like, Annihilus, okay, I just, I'll play Viper, who's just more dependable at getting that over most of the time. Like, it's crazy. She does what she does best now. She's 5 power, she has 3 cost. Feels good to even if like worst case scenario, you just play her into an empty lane, like, okay, you just get a nice little power bump up there. Like very solid card bill. And, and she, again, doesn't need a lot of cards around her. Like she needs some compliments, but not that much. And I think those are the best cards in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's no question about it. I really do like what they've done with Viper and another card that's definitely been on the rise. And we did discuss it prior. I just want to give a shout out to Ultron running a 17 percent Metashare. And he doesn't feel like a problem. I like what you said before. Don't nerf him. Don't do that. I don't. I feel like Ultron is at a point where, like, it's the problem with, like, a lot of these decks. I think he's doing a really good job at, like, servicing the needs of those really high performing decks. I wouldn't identify Ultron as a problem at 17%, but I do want to give a shoutout at 24 percent of the meta. I'm going to rephrase that because you put a different card on the screen. No, you just got so distracted. It was great. I was going to talk about someone else. We can do Skillmonger now. At 19 percent of the meta, we'll talk about Skillmonger.

Cozy Snap:

I was going to bring him up just naturally because if you're losing to Ultron, just learn how to throw priority a tad bit better in some of your matches, and then you can, you know, you get the hard counter with him. And then I thought it was a perfect moment. I think it was the abs, by the way, that made Alex stutter there. Yeah, I saw you, you looked down, you didn't look up, look at his face, he's a person. No, this, I mean, man, yeah, Chiara exists, I get it. If they're playing Zoo, you can oftentimes get ahead of them on those early turns, and then you just Man, Killmonger is such free wins. If you were to play Sometimes it's tough being a content creator, cause like, I know what I could be playing just to be soaring through the ranks, but instead I play like, you know, the cards of the new cards to be, you know, showcase those. Killmonger's on a tear.

Alexander Coccia:

So I agree, by the way. On a note about being a content creator, I had this absolute pure copium deck where I was playing Keith Bishop in a Devil Dinosaur Zola deck. And like, I knew I wasn't going to be ranking efficiently with it, but I just wanted to play. I wanted to split the dino, I wanted to dodge Shawn Cheese, and I was doing it. We were winning, but it was fun. And you're exactly right. Killmonger is such a, like, a killjoy. Really, like, he ruins the party. And it's making Chiara definitely become a major factor to the point where I'm if I'm playing a deck and they're zooing out and they play a squirrel girl early, I'll play Killmonger on three because I know Mockingbird's coming out soon, like, it's even better to curve them out sometimes just to blow up their board state nice and early to kind of throw off their plays. He's definitely a major contributing factor. And once again, a major release valve, a lot of people associate Killmonger with Destroy, but he's been in Sarah control. He's in Silver Surfer he's been in a number of different shells, so he can often surprise you.

Cozy Snap:

One more three cars before I go to yours you know, technically if you take a a turd and you put a candle in it and you light it on fire, it is hotter than it was once before, or maybe something wet, I guess a cold is, is a better example, but, but, besides that point, it went from trash to not as bad, dude, I think Black Swan is actually a little bit on the rise, buddy. Bishop Bounce, which is one of the greatest names ever, is such a fun, unique deck in the way that it works. And a combo that continues to be fun is having something like a Sasquatch and being able to play Black Swan into a Falcon. Where it's like this new beast, but all of your cards that come back are now free to play. Did you play any of the Bounce? Because Black Swan deserved a spot in those decks, especially with Werewolf by Night.

Alexander Coccia:

My original kind of attempt at a deck build around Kate Bishop was a Black Swan deck. It was called Black Bishop and people were like, yo, Bishop's not even in this deck. Like actual 3 1 Bishop. I was like, what? And people got super confused at the name. But like, I actually didn't find Black Swan to be that bad, but in a 12 card game. I cut Black Swan, and I even cut the Rebel Boy Knight version. I, I'll, okay, this might be a hot take. With Hitmonkey too?

Cozy Snap:

Did you try Hitmonkey with Black Swan? I did.

Alexander Coccia:

I liked Sasquatch better. Because I was just like, I had him in there. Yeah, you did? Okay. Yeah, yeah, so I had him in, like, I had,

Cozy Snap:

so I had Hood, Rocket, Raccoon. So, like, some of the cheaper ones you can, you can, I love Rocket, by the way, in a bounce deck, so insanely deadly. Nico, I had Beast. I had Collector, because Collector with Kate, Vintastic, Collector with Falcon, Vintastic, Beast as well. Falcon, Kate Bishop. I had the Bishop. This is the most cuttable card. You had an actual Bishop? This was the most cuttable card because I did it for the minion for the Bishop. I thought Sage was better in this role typically. Werewolf by night. Hit Monkey. Alright, so no Mysterio, which is a little shocking. You could go Mysterio and Mockingbird, I get that. And then finally add Black Swan into Sasquatch. So, this way you had the deck. Yeah, so you had these two that were the main contributors of the deck. The only thing that was tough to do is your hand size would get a little full sometimes, which means the deck's doing its job, right? Like, you're happy about it if your hand size is full. This deck could get collector to 9, 8, very consistently, and you had so many ways to dump down these cards. I thought this was an incredible deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, very similar to what I was trying. I ultimately cut werewolf by night. I didn't, I didn't like werewolf that much. I felt like he was still awkward and the payoff wasn't quite there. And also just for the memes or for the flavor, I did take out Rocket Raccoon and I put in Hawkeye, like actual Hawkeye, just because I'm like, but I, in my video, I was like, Hey, just FYI, this was for pure flavor, Rocket Raccoon is better. But I do like it. And you're right. Black Swan definitely has a role to play there. And and again, I want, I want to just give you props. Because months ago, you talked about how Sasquatch was one of the best cards in Snap. It is still completely and utterly underplayed, guys. The win rate is phenomenal. The cube rate's phenomenal. I don't know, man. I feel like this is probably one of the most slept on cards in the game. I

Cozy Snap:

don't get why people didn't like this card. Like, what did it not do? I don't know. It's shining now because Shang Chi is lower. As Killmonger goes up, Shang Chi goes down. Vice a versa, and because Zue's doing so good, like, this is, and that's just kind of how this works. So Sasquatch has a bit more room to run. I still can't tell you how much I don't enjoy playing Bounce that much, though. It's just way too, bro, I just, like, I'm stupid. I just, like, I, I, I'm just trying to commentate. I'm not, I just, I can't do the physics. There's just so much to think of. And no matter what, I can win an 8 cuber and I know I'll get comments of, you should have done this, this, and that. And like,

Alexander Coccia:

like that, it's just too much pressure. It's too much. It is way too much pressure. That move, right? I actually didn't mind playing balance. It was, it's okay. It's not, it's not my deck. Like I know there's a, there's a few kind of creators that just relish in the idea of playing balance, right? Tabo move, right? Like, like, obviously, like, Molt was one of those guys that just played move type thing. And I mean, if you're going to be, if you're gonna be really fixing it on very specific archetypes and like, yeah, balance is definitely rewarding. Move is definitely coping, but we'll talk about that maybe in the near future. But I, listen, I've been, I've been holding onto this 24 percent Meta Breaker. For like 10 minutes now and I want to just give a shout out to Blue Marvel. Like Blue Marvel is legitimately in so many different decks. He's sneaking into a lot of different packages. Obviously he's doing super well in Zoo. But Blue Marvel is like one of those cards that like he's a 5 3, but when you actually think about the amount of power he's outputting, especially if you're playing something like a Gilgamesh, it's crazy how much Blue Marvel actually contributes to the overall win condition of a deck.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely, and hey, we haven't done this in forever. It's split time. I've been needing a new Blue Marvel split. I haven't had one in a while. This guy just came into, I'm gonna pay for the boosters to cover him. This is gonna come into it. I have an inked, but I need a gold. So wish me luck here, Alex. Blue Marvel though, fantastic point. I think that like, Man, he's just a good card. He's always been that good, you know, fantastic card to play, can fit in the most. With the Snapchat luck, I have a lot of bad luck with Blue Marvel. One of my most splits without anything. Mr. Alex, can we see it? Oh, okay! Hey, hey. That's gold. I'll take it. You know what, dude? I'm not even kidding. You have like 20 splits, not gold. I got my first gold. Alright, I've got a little, there's just the you have to put on the magnifying glass. Enhance! Enhance! Okay, there's the, there's the little black swirl around it, so I'll, I'll take it. Yes, I think Blue Marvel. Good shout out to him, especially in, in the zoo build, man. Like he's doing, he's doing work.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. He does work at a lot of different decks. Like, I mean, even in like, you can make arguments for him and some of these Ultron based packages, you're seeing him in like you know, like the, like Brood Absorbing Man based decks, right. Which kind of like try to put as much power as possible. He kind of gets splashed into very different things. I want to say that I was experimenting with a Thanos based Marvel boy deck with Ultron. With Blue Marvel, and again, Blue Marvel just puts out a tremendous amount of power. And we would be remissed not to mention Alioth is making a bit of a comeback here at 14 percent of the meta. Pretty high. And I think that because it's not as common as it used to be, I think it's catching more people for A Cube surprises.

Cozy Snap:

No, for sure. It is. Batman. I got the Miss Marvel thumbs up the other day, like 10 times after playing an Alioth play cause he is, he's not as expected. No question about it. I think off of your Blue Marvel point. I think Super Skrull is worth a hot and rising consideration, guys, if you're playing a deck that you like, but you don't want to counter zoo, like, you don't want to worry about them, like, Ongoing cards are freaking everywhere at the moment. They're absolutely everywhere. And so Super Skrull is such a quick answer. He's, again, that release valve too ongoing when that gets too spiced up and too crazy, man. So those are definitely some of them. My other honorable mentions Juggernaut, Nomura. We mentioned them last week. I think the Goblins and Junk in general is doing really well to stop. These decks that need that precious space, bro. Like space is becoming hard in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is becoming hard. And I mean, Viper's not helping with that. And another last card I want to just shout out here is that 18 needs to be respected as one of the top cards in the game right now. I'm seeing it everywhere, but I'm also seeing it scam people, man. Like I was playing a Wong deck and they Nocturned into my Wong location. I'm not making this up. I turned it on, saw Citadel, and they just retreated. Like it's hilarious. It's hilarious. What happens with this card?

Cozy Snap:

Again, to mention the Wheel of Snap, Regis and I, we're playing a game, we're getting our tails kicked. And on the last turn, this guy moved Nocturne because he could, and I'm like, don't do that! Like, bro, you have the game, you know, yes, it's like a 1 in 20 chance, but you are, sir, you are, you know, giving reasons for that to be borrowed with no name and just seal the deal, man. But yeah, Nocturne, it's funny, we talked about this with Speed, who we didn't mention with Wiccan, obviously he's gonna be, you know, good synergy there. I think Speed could be, not as good as Nocturne, but in that same boat of like, it's a boring card, but it's a good card. And I think people had that same thing with Nocturne. They were just like, oh, it's not that great, what is it gonna do? Oh, it'll be one of the best cards that we've seen in a year, you know? So it's crazy that sometimes just like, super unique doesn't always equal you know, go with being very strong in the game. So, those are the Hot Risings. We've talked about Wiccan. I wanna end on our last bit here, and that is Let's talk about the future of the game. Now, first of all, we had the Deadpool League. And if you guys are not familiar with this, that means you didn't play the game the last few days. It was a disaster! Wouldn't you have guessed it? Now, the actual format, the actual prizes, all that stuff, I thought was really well done. We've gotten multiple ways now to get free rewards in the game. I'm, you know, I'm very happy about that, Alex. However there was in, in my league, definitely. Oh my gosh. One guy was like going crazy with it. There was a way to find a buddy, Alex. Hey, what's up? Dial, dial my friend. Do you want to do proving grounds launch up at the same time and do some wind trading together? And the winds. And I did like that. They counted conquest for those that wanted to do that game mode, having proving grounds, even silver dangerous territory there, and that allowed people to farm up cubes and get up to thousands of thousands. And when you have something like a free Deadpool emote, or a cool Deadpool emote, then people are going to be mad about it, right? So they gave, they realized their mistakes, they gave the Deadpool emote to all the player base, which was really cool, and a win. Good job 2nd Inn if you're doing that. However, it was a little bit of a disaster at first.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, I, just to be honest with you, first of all, kudos to Second Dinner for trying to make the record, like, make it right, a hundred percent, they deserve credit for that, but I just want to throw it out here, statistically, two releases of of leagues, two apology statements released as well, alongside them. Oh, and two. Right? Oh, and two. It's like, I don't want to be mean, but it's like, I, I gotta be honest with you, I did not, I was like, I'm not engaged. You with this? Like, I, I, I hope they don't put like really exclusive rewards behind it.'cause like, it's just not the way I play Marvel Snap. It's not the way I wanna play anything. Like this idea of like, Hey look, listen, kudos to anybody that wants to like, you know, I want to grind, I want to grind. Like, kudos to you, man. Go for it. It's just not for me when I saw them, like, I will never engage with this system in, in a

Cozy Snap:

way. Are you like that in all games or is it just snap? So like, I, because I think it's a good thing. I think like, if you don't wanna play like great, you just get some free boosters, whatever, right? Yeah. And then if you want to put in the effort. It doesn't need to be like a, I don't care about, like the emote, I think it's perfect. I think the emote was perfect. It's like an emote that people want. I get it. So if you really want it, you can try to get it. They put you with fair MMR or whatever, so that's also kind of a nice gesture. It's not like 2, 000 people or whatever that might be. I was okay with it in the sense of like, If it was in a game like Marvel Rivals, where you would have to, I would play the hell out of that to try to get up and get a skin or something. So is it Snap? Is it all games? Just curious on your thought.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't, I don't know how to really articulate how I felt about it. I just don't like, it's the kind of thing that would, might encourage unhealthy approaches to playing a game. That's a mobile game that you're supposed to be having fun with. At its core, it definitely prioritizes like long play sessions, aggressive grinding, stuff like that. I don't know if that's healthy. Like, I don't know if that's the kind of thing that we want to aspire to. I mean, there's people that obviously want to engage with that and that's absolutely cool. I'm glad. I would just be nervous about them putting too many exclusive rewards around like extreme grinds, like the way that would be and time limited grinds too. It's like, Hey, if I don't sleep for the next two days, Hey, I just might get an emo. You know what I mean? I, I just, I'm very uncomfortable with this leak setup. Although I recognize it's very common in mobile game tour territory.

Cozy Snap:

I want to see it without the, the, the wind trading and see how that feels. And if it was for a longer duration or whatever, they can't go too long. They can't go too short. I am on the front of like, don't do new cards or whatever in there. Cosmetics for

Alexander Coccia:

sure. That would be disastrous. It'd be

Cozy Snap:

disastrous. New cards or cosmetic. So like, I, I personally don't have a crazy problem with it, but yeah, it teaches their own man. Let us know down in the comments below or yell it out to the board. When you're listening to the podcast. But that being said, so we have leagues, and then we have like the diner thing come up. So we're having like a lot of mini events happen throughout the month, which I think is exciting and a good thing for the game and the culture of the game. I think though, as they work on what we assume is draft mode, which I think is really you know a cool mode that they can bring into the game, I'm excited to see what that can turn into. I also want them to, as we talk about the future snap very briefly here, I want to see them try something new with the game. I think, like, Conquest, Deadpool's Diner, this, it's a lot of what we already have, and I want to see These cards and what they do built in a new way to play the game mechanically.

Alexander Coccia:

Very interesting, right? That's a very fascinating point because like there's two arguments to that. One, I think you're right. That would be super great to get this universe, get these cards, utilize this IP in a super creative way. That's really, really fun. At the other side to that, the thing that makes Marvel Snap so good is its core gameplay. Yeah. And when you start to move away from that, you're moving away from what, like, we know is so good about Marvel Snap. However, however, you're right, Conquest, Deadpool's Diner, and these new modes we've had, have been basically rehashes of the existing gameplay experience, and nothing truly innovative. Right. I'm hoping that draft mode can be more innovative. I often use the example of like Battlegrounds and Hearthstone. Cause I think that like it completely revitalized that game. In fact, there are more based. I I'm almost 99 that showed that the Battlegrounds mode of Hearthstone gets more plays than just standard rank.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Auto battlers something like they need to like Fortnite did this too. Like they didn't land on their core concept. So they went through a couple of game modes as well. Like I think. By the way, I think the main game mode is fine. I think what they did learn is don't go conquest route, don't go long games. People play Snap for the short snappiness of it. No pun intended, right? So I want to see that if they can do that in a different light. Even if something as simple as the 2v2 where there's an extra location, I don't really know. I think they're I'm not the game designer. I'm gonna let them handle that. But I want to see that into the future for the game to maintain a healthy environment, because if they go this route of just like being fun, if they don't want to do leagues because people don't like it or whatever and they don't go into the competitive scene, which you have to either reward people for a competitive scene or you do something fun and casual and unique like a different game mode. That's my thought at least.

Alexander Coccia:

I, as opposed to leagues, which honestly I was very unimpressed with generally speaking, again, that's just not a system that I personally want to engage with. I really liked, so Starcraft 2, I believe it was at a, like this term mini tournament mode, where at different points of the day, you can sign up for a tournament and you'd like, it started like quarter final stage. And then it would go semi final stage, a round of 16. And then like you would cue into a mini tournament that would take like an hour or two. I think that could be interesting in Snap. Like a new mode where it's like, there's like tournament based mini mode where you sign up with 16 other players and actually like rank. And then like, Oh, I, I'm moving on to the quarters, I'm moving on to the semis, the finals, and you get rewards based on that. I would be more interested in that because it's a much more concise experience, skill based experience, as opposed to leagues, which just might. Be someone with a bot, or win trading, or something cringe, right? So.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, lastly I want to say, card packs, new player experience, in the sense of not keeping Nova as Nova, or whatever the hell they say on OTAs, but more of like, We have gotten to the point, anyone that played Snap in the beginning, or even year 1, they are at a place, a pretty healthy place in Snap, where they have all the 1, 2, and even most of the 3, right? Want to see there if you're playing it and you've put in some time not even that much time, like you should be offered destroy a destroy route, a discard route, and kind of like make it easier to get into the core mechanics of the game and jump right in. One of the great things about, again, Fortnite is you can play and you're going to feel like you already kind of know what you're doing once you've got the strategy down. You know who does

Alexander Coccia:

that really well? Diablo. With the way their seasons are structured, they encourage people just to like, pick up, Oh, you didn't play for the last three seasons? We got a whole bunch of updates. Pick any character! They're all better now. And everyone's starting, right? So like, it really makes it welcoming to start playing again, and that's something Snap doesn't do. They did have a bunch of paid bundles in the web store. That had like different themes around them, right? But they were paid bundles and they were kind of expensive. So, and they all had series three cards. I was like,

Cozy Snap:

I hate the whole web store. I think

Alexander Coccia:

it was almost the right idea. Just poor execution.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. The web store is its own beast, but yeah. Excited to see you guys. Shortly. And I wanted the subject, maybe we'll have it in the future. We had a lot to talk about in the Hot Rising and Wiccan.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're going to get right into it as we have a lot to talk about today. A lot going on in the world of Marvel Snap, including the release of two cards, Kate Bishop and Marvel Void. We're going to be starting with Kate Bishop today. Cozy running a 17 percent meta share at a 52. 6 percent win rate, according to Untappd. It has been a pretty good card. Has Kate Bishop lived up to your expectations?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think probably more so. I think, like, what a definition of a card that on paper, like, a lot of people are probably like, Is she really that good? I don't know. Like, yeah, she is. She, she is that, she is that card. She is good. She doesn't jump out like a six cost, five cost, game impacting, holy crap card would. But I think when Jeff came out, it introduced a lot of people to how powerful a two cost card can be, and, and Kate's that. Now, I don't know if you're Kate's anything like mine. I have statistics to prove it. I played, I went over footage, I played 15 Kate Bishops, and in 15 Kate Bishops, I only got 3 Acid Arrows. Like, I don't know where my Acid Arrows are, buddy, but they're not with my Kate. I get the Grapple, and I get the Basic or Pam Lataan. And so she's probably even better than I would think she is, but yeah, man, really, really good card.

Alexander Coccia:

Sounds like a skill issue to be honest. Probably. I'll give you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. So, it's interesting, you said like, oh, there are people there like, oh, is Kate Bishop, I'm gonna raise my hand. I'm one of the ones that I'm not sure if Kate Bishop's as good as I think it is. Oh, I'm kind of middling. I, so we both came in at four, four stars last week, right? Are you sticking with that?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Oh, for sure. No question. Yeah. I think, I think it's because my love for Colson and curving out and all that, which I thought you meant you're like the curve guy. Like I thought for sure this would be an Alex card.

Alexander Coccia:

I am leaning towards the three range with four upside. Okay. It's definitely not a fiver like, you know, Hope Summers was. We know that that's a hundred percent. I do think she's good, but I feel like she might get cut from shells over time, where there's going to be more synergistic plays. However, however, there are so many dials on this card that if the win rate starts to dip or starts to lose popularity, I don't think it can languish the way Black Swan did, for instance, I think they just, it's like, oh, they just make that Acid Arrow better or the Pym Arrow better or whatever. They're not going to make Acid Arrow better, but they're going to make something, there's so many tweaks that they can make to this card to just make it that little step better. And it doesn't even need to be better. It's still good. It's just not, it's not crushing the way that I would have hoped it would have, but it's still solid.

Cozy Snap:

But I think that's the point. Like, I think she's not a five or six cost, so she's not going to do something that's like, whoa, right? Like, I think that she's meant. I think she's what's good about Snap. I love that she gives you an option to play in the three immediately. Like, no matter what, you have something. Love the flexibility she comes with, whether it be, like, a Devil Dino, a Bounce Deck, just Zoo Deck, a Clog Deck with Acid Arrow. You know, obviously moves not built in quite yet. There are definitely, you know, basic area doesn't always feel good. She can clog up your hand sometimes. There are a couple downsides, but most of the time, I think she's just a great mid range, you know, the, the mid value decks that we used to call Card, in the sense of, like, it will, it needs to compete with Jeff, White Widow, Thena, who I don't even know if this is gonna last forever, but needs to, you know, Compete with those cards, and unlike Thena, as I just brought up, or Ravonna, or someone like that, she just fits into way more, and White Widow is, is great, but I think she could offer things White Widow can't, so I don't know man, I think for a 2 3 with all this upside, Bye! Bye! Bye! She's pretty good.

Alexander Coccia:

I have two thoughts on that. First of all I absolutely agree that that Kate Bishop is a card that can go in many different shells. Super good because if you're like a relatively free to play player or a new player, Kate Bishop can go in like a pool one zoo deck, you know what I mean? It doesn't alienate you based on your collection level. It goes in a number of different things. The second thing that kind of came to mind while you were talking and it's related to Kate Bishop, but based on what I just finished saying about how like, oh, it didn't kind of slam down the way I thought it was going Did I just want Power Creep? Is that what I wanted? Like, is Kate Bishop just absolutely fine and balanced and is that why I don't feel as excited? You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

So it's kind of like what I was saying with Speed is like, okay, so as content creators, we look for decks that we can build around the card that like really defines and showcases that card. When Jeff came out, were you like, and okay, I guess you could have done the Professor X route, but like, it's not like, This is what I'm gonna do for this plug and play card that's gonna make this card shine out. Whereas I feel like, yeah, kind of like Kate just fits into the builds that you want her to, more or less. And, yeah, like, almost too good. It's so weird and snap, because we want to be excited about these cards that we love, but then they have to be at a certain level. They have to be, like, on the good scale, like, right here. They can't be here, they can't be here. It's like this weird Weird, you know line that they have to draw so people don't hate it too much or whatever. But yeah, again, I think it rewards a lot of thoughtful play, too. With the grapple arrow and the way that the acid arrow works. And so, for me, she's, it could just be me. It could easily just be she really is the type of card that I enjoy to play. But yeah, I love her.

Alexander Coccia:

And I had the thought as well that like we talked about draft on your side. Is this like an ideal draft card? Like if there's other modes that like, you kind of really utilize that idea of like hand generation and kind of like not being able to know like, Oh, my opponent played Hawkeye, like what do they got? Like, it's no way of knowing, right? Is this kind of like a perfect card for that?

Cozy Snap:

It's a great draft card. Would love to draft this card. Yeah, for sure. Just fit into, again, it's that, that flexibility and stability index. I had her in the Wheel of Snap, dude. And Regis and I had her in the Wheel of Snap, and She was like an anchor. She was so good. She held down, like, our curve play so well and allowed us to stay in it. Now, that being said, again, since, dude, London comes up, you're like, Oh my god! Acid Arrow! This is gonna be amazing! You don't get the Acid Arrow, and you're like, Ah, okay, okay, what do we do now? But so, you know, if you try to, like, depend on the arrow she has, she could be somewhat lackluster in that regard. But yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. You can utilize it with locations way more than I thought. Things like you know Bar Sinister where you can play a card, grapple it, comes back over, and then you're able to, like, have a space left. Like, just a lot of unique ways to utilize it.

Alexander Coccia:

I find myself sometimes cutting Shauna in favor of Keep Bishop. Because I felt like space became a factor if you're trying to do too much with Zoo. And I felt like, like, with Keep Bishop, Good job. Even the weaker arrows that we're not that excited about, if you have Kezar and Blue Marvel out, and you're doing all those types of things, I mean Mockingbird benefits from these. From these arrows as well on your side of the board, like, these are just good cards, like, they're very strongly statted, like, you can get, you can get the what's it called, the, I can't remember all of a sudden, the other arrow, one more, basic arrow, you get the basic arrow, like, seven power, with the on reveal, plus Kesar, plus Blue Marvel, plus buffs, and all of a sudden, like, that's crazy, coming off of a 2 3, right? And with the flexibility of being able to bounce it, even if you really wanted to. Yeah, like, I kinda do agree that, like, she definitely does have the upside, I just, I just wonder, I wonder about cards like this when decks get really competitive, there's only 12 slots, does Kate Bishop, is she resilient enough to withstand getting cut from decks?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and again, I think because of her cheap cost, like, she'll be played more than Gwenpool would I mean, time will tell. I get what your take is all together. I think for, I think she's great as a season pass card too. I think this was a good card to have as the season pass card opposed to Marvel Boy or whatever. Even though Marvel Boy's gonna be great. He's not, you know, if you don't play Zube, well, I guess we're about to talk about him. But yeah. Yeah, let's talk about him now. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. So Marvel Boy, you know, so many people ask me like, do I get him? Is he a certified lock? Great card, right? I'm like, Well, yeah, like, yeah, yeah, he's, yeah, he's pretty good, even outside of ZOO, but he's pretty good, but in ZOO, like, you want to be playing ZOO, like, like, that's your main, that's, that's your main, and there's a couple other ones, there's a couple other archetypes that shine, but man, what did you, tell me about your unfiltered thoughts and un, what is your they'll say an unbiased, an unfiltered, unbiased,

Alexander Coccia:

raw review of Marvel Boy. My thumbnails are always different. It's, it's, the standard is an honest review of Marvel Boy, then there's the brutally honest review, and then there's the absolutely savage review of, that's usually the way I like do the reviews, yeah, yeah, but but anyways, I, I think Marvel Boy is fantastic this was my five star call of the month. You said four, but you were like, I know you kind of wanted to lean five, but you had some spicy takes you wanted to go on, right? This is kind of like an in spirit, like, honorable five you wanted to give, so I'll give it to you. Yeah. Like this, this card's crushing it. And it's also worth noting that Kate Bishop definitely benefits from Marvel Boy, right? Like a hundred percent. They're very synergistic together. So those arrows are better with Marvel Boy, right? There are so many cards that are better with Marvel Boy. In fact, I mean, do I really have to bring up the fact that Squirrel Girl, Squirrel Girl. Cozy is running a 17 percent meta share right now because of Marvel Boy, and it wouldn't, it does not surprise me that both Kate Bishop and Marvel Boy have similar statistics. Kate Bishop at 17 percent of the meta at 52. 6 percent win rate, and then you have Marvel Boy at 14 percent of the meta, so just a little bit under. But 53. 1 percent of the win rate. So they're very similar, statistically very similar play rates because they're often being played together. I think Marvel boy is great. I think that if you listen also to spotlight caches with red Hulk and with blob excellence as well. I think you can confidently use your keys here. I don't, I don't know if I want to say this, cause I might be wrong, but will there ever be. A top tier, tier one zoo deck that does not have Marvel boy in it?

Cozy Snap:

No, probably not. I mean, like if you're playing, it's like, it's the new like piece to that, right? Like, and we've seen this before, like if you're playing kiddie pride like Thena, you'll never play a kitty pride deck again without Athena. Like there's just no reason. Right? And so it's the same kind of deal. I knew he was cracked when I was playing Shauna, and I was like, oh my god, this feels good to play. Like, I don't know if I've ever played Shauna before that, where I was like, oh, wow, that feels pretty good. But I think what's so great about it is that it goes into a deck, right? With one goal in mind, nowadays, like, god, I love how Zeus played out. I think Zeus is such a fascinating deck to play now, because it used to be like, you always have something to play, it's a fun deck, it's stimulating, it's dopamine. And then it's like, alright, here we go, we're gonna Kazaaar, we're gonna blue Marvel, woo, it's fun. But now, I love, oh my god, Gilgamesh is just such a freaking iconic card. Like, bro, I can't believe how good Gilgamesh is. It's shocking that this card's this good, bro. I, like, it, I don't think he lasts, I've said this before, I think, They really boosted him up. And it might just go down to PowerPoint, like, I don't know. But what I love about it is, you have now the Blue Marvel route, and then you have the, now, Marvel Boy route, right? Like, you're just trying to get one or the other, because Marvel Boy boosts up enough cards, that this, this boy is, like, do you think Gilgamesh Gilgamesh as a six? Cost card is fine, if he went up in stats maybe slightly, because he's the finisher anyway.

Alexander Coccia:

The thing I really like about Gilgamesh as a 5 is that you often can sneak out Mockingbird with him, which is so OP, right? And that's where, like, you have that one extra energy. We're like, Oh, you could play, you know, Ant Man that you just top decked and Gilgamesh his five costedness is, is what makes Gilgamesh so good. It's not even the verticality of the power. It's the fact that you can often like, Oh, Dazzler sitting on the board and I have Gilga and one other piece I can play. And it's crazy that sometimes it's mocking the

Cozy Snap:

squirrels. I could go out at the same time. Like you save squirrel for the last, I think it's also the power, bro. He's a five costed card that can usually. Easily transcend 13, 14, like, the guy goes so north, man, and Zoo needed this, like, Zoo was a glorified C2 deck in the way of like, Oh no, I've got this wide power, what are you gonna do? And then like, people just did the math, and like, I'm just gonna win your deck, like, I don't, what are you trying to do? We saw that with Surfer. Surfer needed a couple cards that went vertical. And as soon as Shaw came out, as soon as Gladiator came out Surfer is one of the best decks. It is my climbing deck. Yeah, you're a climbing deck, I know you love it, it's just really good, has all the answers. Gilgamesh now offers this verticality that it desperately needed. And so, sorry to make this all about him, but I think we have to with that synergy that is just Marvel Boy. And now Marvel Boy is getting you that. My Ant Man's to 10. And I'm like, this is insane! It's so fun to have these one cost cars get so good.

Alexander Coccia:

And he also like, I, in my Blue Marvel deck, not Blue Marvel, my Marvel Boy deck, I actually cut Kezar, because I preferred having Marvel Boy out, and I thought that that was enough. And instead of Kezar, I was actually running Cull Obsidian. Because I felt like it was just 10 power, massives, extra verticality, and, and Marvel Boy was pew pewing all over the place, which, by the way, I think we need to speed up the animation, I'm just throwing it out there, pew pew pew pew, right, pew pew pew pew, and when I had Gilgamesh, even if I didn't get my Blue Marvel, there was enough pew pews along the board that Gilgamesh was still big enough, you know what I mean? He pew pewed enough that Gilgamesh was like, thank you for those pews.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I can't believe, that word bothers me, I don't know, it's like ointment, I don't know, pew pew makes me Nervous. The fact that Marvel boy has fingernail grenades. Did you see that part of my lore? Can you believe that?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I didn't. Wait, I didn't catch that part. His

Cozy Snap:

fingernails are grenades. Like you heard that correctly.

Alexander Coccia:

Wow. That makes like the middle finger that even more intense for him. Hey,

Cozy Snap:

it blows. Like, I just want to be in the writer's room sometime. Like, all right, guys we've got a newer hero here. What do we do? Like, how do we make them? Like, we already got frigging all the other ones. What do we do? And someone's like, Hey, You got, like, Johnny that comes in, fresh off the blunt, he's like, Fingernail hand grenades. And they're like, done. Ship it!

Alexander Coccia:

That reminds me of like, they're in the writer's room, and they're like, Okay, we need another villain. They're like, What if there's a dude, but he's purple? What are we gonna call him? Thanos. No, man. Purple Man. What? Not Thanos. I was talking about literally Purple Man.

Cozy Snap:

He's a purple villain. I just wanna, I mean, I, if someone, if you were to go to anyone on the street and you said, Name a purple villain, who do you think they're saying?

Alexander Coccia:

There's gonna say Thanos, yeah, but I was talking about literally Purple Man, there's a dude named Purple Man, did you know that?

Cozy Snap:

Is that the guy in McDonald's the McDonald's Happy Meal Box? Is that Oscar the Grouch? No, no, that's Sesame Street. Who's the, who's the chicken nugget guy? The Hamburglar? No, that's the Hamburglar! What's that stupid purple grump the purple brown guy? Is it Grimace? I think it is Grimace. I feel like it is Grimace. Is it Grimace?

Alexander Coccia:

He, is, is Grimace

Cozy Snap:

Oh, I wish, man. Are we gonna get

Alexander Coccia:

copyright striked on my channel because we're talking about all these McDonald's characters? I

Cozy Snap:

know Baymax is Marvel for Disney. How cool would it be if, like, Secret Wars would have, would have, like, Grimace and, like, Bambi?

Alexander Coccia:

Who's, like, the big yellow duck thing with feathers? Big Bird? Oh, it's Big Bird, yeah, yeah, Big Bird. You look like you've dressed up as Big Bird before.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, I wish. No, I don't have that kind of Riz, as the kids say. I Although I did hear Big Bird. Riz? I heard Big Bird. What's Riz, bro? I got a comment on it. I, man, I'm so old. I got a comment on Cozy has so much Riz the other day and I was like, man, what the hell is this? I don't know what that means. Bro, it's charisma.

Alexander Coccia:

It means charisma? Riz? Riz. Riz. Riz. Oh, I understand. I do not have charisma. I have no game at all. What the hell?

Cozy Snap:

I no, I heard Big Bird talk for the first time the other day though, and I was like, I don't know. I was expecting him to have like a deep, like, I don't know, like a deep voice.

Alexander Coccia:

You expected Big Bird to have like a deep, masculine voice? He's a

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

He's a bird. He's a big one. Prioritize the bird over the big and it makes more sense. His

Cozy Snap:

first name's Big Bird. It's not like Bird Big. It was like a large bird. It's slightly Big Bird. It's Big Bird. So I was like expecting a manly like, you know, maybe his first name's like Mordecai and whatever. Like, I was waiting for it.

Alexander Coccia:

I think you had unreal, unrealistic expectations.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so Wait, first of

Alexander Coccia:

all, when did you hear Big Bird talk? When did this happen? Oh dude, I gotta watch all these shows with my kid. You know, I You're watching Sesame Street? Wait, he's not in Sesame Street. I'm confused. Big Bird? What do you think he's a part of? Is Big Bird in Sesame Street?

Cozy Snap:

No, he's in Muppets.

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, who the hell are we talking about? Big Bird. Are we talking about the guy from McDonald's still? The yellow guy?

Cozy Snap:

There isn't a yellow guy at McDonald's.

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, there is. Ronald? No, that's the clown. I, okay, I actually don't know what we're talking about anymore. I don't think anyone else is following either.

Cozy Snap:

The Big Bird is in Sesame Street, first of all, and, and, and I don't know of the yellow guy. I don't know what kind of Canadian ass McDonald's do you have over there, but I can tell you for sure The big birds in Sesame Street. Marvel Boy though, pretty good character, pretty good card. Fingernail, hand grenades is the mold. I think it's your final day to get him. If you plan on playing Zook, get the card, period.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, for sure. You definitely got to, for sure. I mean, listen, you will not be able to make a competitive high end Zook deck without Marvel Boy going forward. Just like you can't do it without Mockingbird. You can't do it without Gilgamesh. And maybe there's going to be something that like, comes out and like, completely supplants that. But until then I think Marvel Boy is an absolutely phenomenal call, and I think he's lived up to the hype, and I was actually surprised he released it at 3. 2, I'm glad he did, he's good, and Zoo Gamers needed something, and if you don't like Marvel Boy, play some Skillmonger. That takes us to our next topic of discussion, Cozy, and that is the best token shop buys in Marvel Snap. We're gonna be discussing The series five and series four cards. I think we're going to lean more towards series five here. The cards you're really wanting your collection, the ones in the token shop that you see, and we'll, we will highlight some, you know the series three cards, like if you're relatively new as well, but generally speaking, we'll be talking about high impact cards that are going to be worth your tokens in the token shop cozy. I'm going to start us off. With Nocturne. Nocturne has been one of the cards that I feel like has a very high meta share percentage currently running about 17 to 18%, very high win rate, very high cube rate, but most importantly, it feels like Nocturne is finding itself in a very wide number of decks, even like it's not just, Oh, it's a three cost Silver Surfer card. No, it's a very usable card in a number of different archetypes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, we just talked about Sandman previously. Great Sandman card, great moving card to play into the Angel builds, and dude, it's just a crack card. It's a very good card. It's, it's tough though to recommend people to get it unless they like those three The four archetypes. It does work in a lot of them. I would say it's definitely up there on my list, right? Are we, are we are we doing it I don't know if you have this plan. Are we doing the this, this or that?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I was going to. I was going to. You're jumping ahead of yourself here, sir. Oh, I'm sorry.

Cozy Snap:

I just thought it would be perfect for Nocturne. We're on the first

Alexander Coccia:

one. We gotta establish the baseline. I

Cozy Snap:

was thinking Nocturne. I was like, I wonder who else that I would want outside of Nocturne. Okay, fair enough. Now I'm excited. Okay, okay.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, so let's start it. Would you take Nocturne over Cassandra Nova?

Cozy Snap:

Can you even get Cassandra from the shop though?

Alexander Coccia:

I believe she's in the shop for 6, 000 tokens, yes.

Cozy Snap:

Uhhhh, ooooooh my god! Dang, these are so tough. You asked for this Cozy, and now you're upset? I did, I did, I did. I'm just trying to think of which one I play more. I probably play Nocturne more, to be fair. Like, that's crazy, but Cassandra's so cracked. But I Probably would aim for Nocturne in the long term. It's close,

Alexander Coccia:

but I feel like I would take Cassandra Nova.

Cozy Snap:

That's fair though. I don't think you can go wrong with that one, man. It's just trying to, I'm trying to like, think more of like, how long does Erishem last, you know, six months from now? I love Nocturne and the move cards coming out. That's what I was trying to think of. Can't go wrong there. It's how, dude, especially cause you could have gotten Cassandra for free. I don't know. I might've got it now. That's,

Alexander Coccia:

that's what I think hurts, right? It's like, Oh, like a week ago, I could have gotten this card for free. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now you're paying 6k tokens and getting a hundred tokens from your collector's reserve. You're like, yay, this is exhilarating. Well I have like 700 reserves unopened. I'm like, these are useless. Yeah. I have to open them eventually. Now here's an interesting one, Cozy. Now this is, I think, one of the highest performing cards in the game. I tried to find a card that has the highest win rate stats. But the lowest meta share, Nomura, I knew it. I just said it before. I knew you were going to say, I knew you were going to say it. It's perfect. Nomura is less than a percentage played. Yeah. I don't know why 56 percent win rate right now. And this is 90 and infinite above. We don't cause it's still early in the season. Pure infinite stats are a little tricky right now. So we're incorporating 90 cause it's usually not too many bots in 90. Nomura is ridiculous. Cozy. And yet no one's getting it. Can you convince people or would you be willing to spend 6k tokens on it?

Cozy Snap:

I think I said it last week or two weeks ago. I think what's great about snap is playing decks that people don't expect. I think Nomura is just like, no one, no one expects her. Cosmos play rates down right now. It's one of the few ways to stop them. Magneto's play rates down. That's the way to move long. If you want to go that route. Nomura is just a really, really good card that I think is so vastly underplayed. It was my favorite card of the month last week. I think that's when I brought her up. Love her. And I think she's hot and rising. I think The Secret's starting to get out of it. And I do think that Wiccan could potentially be into a Nomura build, maybe. But yeah. Very solid. Super flexible. It's its own archetype. It's a new way to play the game. I don't know where I would have her, and I'm sure you're about to throw up some examples here. But yeah, you know what? This is good. Go ahead and throw them, because I want to, I want to compare it to a couple. I might just pick her out and buy it. Let's do a

Alexander Coccia:

couple hard ones, okay? You have 6, 000 tokens. Are you taking Nomura or Nico Minoru? or Nico Minoru?

Cozy Snap:

Oh my god. You know what, man? For the average snap player, for the average snap player, I'd almost say freakin Nomura. I mean, like, Nico's like The obvious choice in a lot of reasons why, but like, I was talking to, yeah, I mentioned him a lot already, but Regis was saying like, Man, I hate Nico. I just, the spells are too confusing. I don't want to worry about all that. And so like, on a base level, I think potentially, Nomura, but I think Nico's a top 5 card in the game, so it's like, yeah, it's impossible.

Alexander Coccia:

Here's another example, okay? Nomura or White Widow? Nomura. Really, eh? See, White Widow's, like, in so many different decks. This is what's crazy, right? And those of us that have played with Nomura realize how powerful it is. Which is crazy, because I also was super low on Nomura until I got my hands on it. This was a prime example of a card that I feel like I mis evaluated. And I can't tell you how good the card is. And the decks play great, because if you don't draw the Nomura, you got the White Tiger combination. You got so many different ways to win. White Widow is in so many decks, it had to get nerfed. And yet, here's Cozy saying, like, he'd rather Spend those tokens on Nomura, and that just goes to show how good it is. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

and it's not popular right now, and like, it's so unique in the way that it wins. It's so unique in the way that it wins, and so I think that's what has the edge. And none of this is diminishing the cards that I've talked about before. I'd probably go Nico before her, but the White Widow. It's like, I don't know, I just feel like there's other slots I'll go with on 2 there, and yeah, I like Nomura.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, here's a tough one. Ereshim's still running 15 percent of the meta. Would you consider Airshom a strong buy at 6k tokens today?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I still think he's one of the most fun cards to play in the game. I think that if you're coming back to Snap and you haven't played in a long time, you just buy Airshom.

Alexander Coccia:

Really, eh? You think he's that good?

Cozy Snap:

I think he's good, but I also think he's better than what is good, and that is fine.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I think that you have to tech for the Cassandra Novas, like you're probably gonna be using Shadow King Shan Chi, stuff like that. Cause obviously Cassandra Nova is damn good, and will definitely cause a problem there. Now would you rather go Erishim, or Loki? New Loki.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. See, I'm learning to where I'm leaning towards that as well. Like prior new players trying to spend their tokens. I would've taken old Loki over Airshim 100%. New Loki, I lean Airshim as well.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

interesting though is the best performing Airshim decks, who's in them? I was going to say you need them. Like, you need the Airshim. Get

Cozy Snap:

the Airshim, learn how to play them, then get the Loki after. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. I got another one here. And this one, Cozy, answer carefully. Cause I, this card is near and dear to my heart. Copycat, Copycat, 6, 000 tokens, 6, 000 tokens. What is your opinion on copycat for a player? Because it is, I love it, but what do you think?

Cozy Snap:

I love that my five star card of that month became your favorite. I love that because I was copycat. I was copycat, man. Who was your card that month when I was on copycat? Cassandra Nova.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, we both won that month. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

we both, we both, we both got on that one. Yeah, dude, I, I want to, it's so hard to find a card. That's so good. That doesn't feel horrible losing to, and I think they just did copycat so well. This copycat came out the other day on five when they played a five cars. I'm like, how the. How did they do that? And it was a mockingbird. I'm like, oh my god, this thing was zero cost with ease. I think Copycat is, makes so many decks not the same game. And I love that. I think that's like why I like to have her. You kind of always know what you're going to do with your deck, and I think it's so vital having information, but also this peace. That allows you to flex out your knowledge and win capabilities. And so, yeah, she, she, she is a very good card. Gonna be tough to compare to some though because of the nature of what she does.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, you know what copycat is? It's like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.

Cozy Snap:

You never know. What, what are some comparisons that you have here?

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, let's go to a couple ones that are hard here, because they came out in the same month. Copycat vs. Cassandra Nova. This is a hard one.

Cozy Snap:

I would play Copycat more.

Alexander Coccia:

See, that's crazy! I love Copycat, but I'm like, I think you need Cassandra Nova. Because if Ereshim starts popping off again, Copycat ain't gonna do nothing. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

That is fair. Cassandra's very important in those builds. I feel like I just don't play Cassandra a lot right now. I don't. Like, I'm just not worried about it. And it might be I just don't see a lot of airship at my point, like where I'm at. Yeah, I see no airship anymore. Yeah, like right now I don't. So maybe it's like recency, right? I think if I was like a person deciding what to buy though. And again, the tough part about Cassandra comparisons is in my head, the freeness of it. It is so Yeah. But we have no info on how or when you'll get Cassandra. That back. So,

Alexander Coccia:

okay. Here's a tough one. Rank these four, Cassandra Nova, Copycat, Nocturne, and Nomura. The cards we've talked about. Rank them one to four. One more time. Cassandra Nova, Copycat, Nocturne, and Nomura in the order that you would unlock them with your tokens.

Cozy Snap:

Cassandra Nova, Copycat,

Alexander Coccia:

Nocturne, and Nomura.

Cozy Snap:

I'd probably unlock, I get, I keep going back to the Cassandra Nova because it's just tough, like, I don't know. She's a great card. Really good card. I would probably go Nocturne.

Alexander Coccia:

Nocturne number one? Yeah, probably. Nocturne. And then what, like, Copycat second?

Cozy Snap:

I guess. The whole free thing has me all off. I mean, I'd probably have Nemour last, which is so funny after how much we talked about it. But out of those cheap cards, yeah, out of those cheap cards with flexibility, it's hard not to. All those cards flex into better decks, so yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Would you take anyone over Hope Summers?

Cozy Snap:

Of those?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. If you would have Hope Summers in there, does, does any of those cards beat out Hope Summers for the average player?

Cozy Snap:

Potentially. Potentially Nocturne. Probably not though. I'd say probably Hopes the Better. No, no, no. Hopes the Better card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think Hope Summers might be the number one card. Like, it's close to being number one. Like, especially if you have Thena! Right? Like, if you have Thena, another card I wanted to talk about here. I think Thena, we, we joked about it in the prior segment. You'll never play a Kitty Pride Angela deck. That is a top tier, tier one deck that does not have Thena in it. Thena will always be in those decks. It's that good. Possible nerf candidate. Possible. It's close. It's gotta be on that watch list, right? But I bring the question then. You have 6, 000 tokens, Cozy. Do you unlock Hope Summers or Thena?

Cozy Snap:

Probably Hope. If you're a Kitty Pride player though, probably Fina. Like, if you only play Kitty Pride decks, I think she does more than Hope does for the day.

Alexander Coccia:

100%. Hope Summers plays into High Evo. It plays into Surfer. It plays into a ton of different decks. It happens to play into Kitty Pride decks very naturally as well, because obviously you can proc Kitty into the Hope Summers. Alright, so we're gonna continue with Hope here. Brand new player. You got 6, 000 tokens, Cozy. You got three options. You're gonna hate me. Hope Summers, Mockingbird, and Red Hulk. How would you rank those three as a relatively new Series 3 player?

Cozy Snap:

I would go Hope, Hope at number one. Bro, you can't miss. Like, I don't know, you can't miss with that. I play Mockingbird more than I play Red Hulk, personally. I do. And so, and I don't think, I don't think you could go wrong with either. I think Red Hulk is the catch all six cost card, could go on any deck. I think Mockingbird is almost a catch all six cost card that can go in just about any deck. I would say for someone that maybe doesn't know Snap, I would say the Red Hulk then, because like, Big Power, play the card, I win. Whereas like, Mockingbird, it's like, oh, these squirrels make it go cheaper. Oh, they play to kill Monger, it went up. Wait, wait, why? You know, whatever, like, you know what I mean? So probably hope Red then Mocking in that, in that scenario.

Alexander Coccia:

I like that, I like that a lot, and I agree with you 100%, like, if you're relatively low collection level and you're missing a lot of core pieces for a lot of meta decks, Red Hulk is a very natural, like, oh, I don't have that, okay, I'll just put Red Hulk in. You know what I mean? It'll never kind of steer you wrong. Okay, we got a couple other ones here. Cozy, you got 6, 000 tokens. Are you buying Alioth or are you going to be buying White Widow?

Cozy Snap:

Probably White Widow.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree 100 percent yeah. Because she's just so prevalent in all the decks. Despite how good Alioth actually is, I feel like White Widow just finds itself in so many different lists.

Cozy Snap:

And mostly I prefer cheap cards over expensive cards unless they do something like insanely unique. Like old Alioth obviously. Whatever, right? Like if you were to say like Galactus, in that scenario, right? Or whatever. I think I love the versatility of these cheap two cost cards that do so well.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, I'm going to hit you with a hard one. Okay, I want you to rank these three. In order of which you would unlock them with your tokens. Sage, Red Guardian, and Sebastian Shaw. Sage, Red Guardian, and Sebastian Shaw.

Cozy Snap:

It's in that exact order.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so what are your thoughts on Sage? You think Sage is the best card not

Cozy Snap:

played. Yeah, I think Sage is an absolute S tier card that's not played. I play Sage almost every day.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Sage is in my bounce deck, and I gotta tell you, Sage is disgusting. Disgusting in bounce decks.

Cozy Snap:

She's just so good, man. I love being able to play her for, like, decent value, for cracked value, all types of decks. I can't believe she's up to recast. Like, I just love her, man. I think she's such a great card.

Alexander Coccia:

This one's a difficult one. I'm gonna leave it by itself, but let's say you're, you know, a relatively low collection player level. You got yourself Gilgamesh. You've got a Zoo deck. But you don't have Kaira. Do you commit 6, 000 tokens to Kaira?

Cozy Snap:

Oh you're better for Oh, I must cuss there. You're better like Zu. Haha you know what I mean? Like I would say like, If you have, like, other cards you should be getting, no. Now, if that would've been, if you have a Zu deck and you have Kaira, Should you get Gilgamesh? Reverse answer. Yeah, just get the car Like, Gilgamesh in in Zu is so vital. But, you know, maybe armor it out. It's so tough. But if you're playing Zoo, and you're ready to play Zoo, and you're ready to learn the in and outs of it, and the strats, yeah, for sure. You need Kaira. Yeah, because you

Alexander Coccia:

can armor and Cosmo tech to kind of like, try to protect yourself a little bit. I agree. Or you can just be like, oh, they're playing Destroy. If they snap, I gotta know my outs, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and if you don't, like, the problem is, is we've seen Kaira adjust, and she's like, poo poo outside of Zoo and a couple other decks. So, like, she's just not played as much, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

It's High Evil as well. She gets played in quite a bit because it has the one, the three ones, and the six drops as well. Definitely does get cut. Now here's a very interesting one, Cozy. Do you think, at 6, 000 tokens, Ms. Marvel is still worth picking up?

Cozy Snap:

No. Depends, but no. I don't think so. What would be the comparisons?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, if you're thinking about comparisons in terms of relative, like, play rate and power level Ms. Marvel's being played about the same rate as Elsa Bloodstone Proxima Midnight seeing a little bit more play actually, even Blink is roughly into that category. Oh, I'd get Blink way before her, yeah. Yeah, so you'd go blink over Ms. Marvel. It's interesting what the changes to the text have done to Ms. Marvel because she used to be, by far, one of the most sought after cards. Now we have a couple more we want to talk about here in terms of token shops and we're going to focus more on like the collection building side. Cozy, what are your thoughts on High Evolutionary if you're someone relatively new to Marvel Snap?

Cozy Snap:

I still think it's really good. I think we brought him up in like good beginning cards or whatever and I think he's still up there. Maybe even towards the top now that Loki's gone. Just Don't have to do a lot. Is good. I think it has promising cards for the future. Yeah, solid build.

Alexander Coccia:

With the changes to Viper, do you feel like Annihilus is still worth 6, 000 tokens?

Cozy Snap:

That's a tough one. I think Junk is played less. I think Junk is the least safe archetype to buy into because of Second Dinner having a proven track record that they don't want people to be mad. And I think that that's the easiest thing to do.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, in the interest of time, we'll go through another couple just quickly. In terms of the big Galactus which one would you prioritize with your tokens?

Cozy Snap:

Probably Galactus. Well, come on, really? Right now? Yeah, dude, have you not played that that That

Alexander Coccia:

actually surprised me, I was that was I felt like I was just kinda tossing a layup to you, right? Right now, at this present time Sell me on this, yeah!

Cozy Snap:

At the well, just this present time, dude. Have you not played the Destroyer, Knull deck that has, like, The, it's like all the big bads with Ultron in there. Yeah, dude, that, like, that deck, you want Galactus in there. And yeah, man, I just have more fun with Galactus than Thanos right now.

Alexander Coccia:

Galactus is fun. I have one of my best friends, he only plays Galactus decks. Like, he's a pretty casual player, he only plays Galactus because he wants to miss Marvel Thumbs Up. And like, I totally understand, like, the fascination with it. And unfortunately, Thanos, despite them making enough steps in the right direction, still doesn't feel like it has its identity yet. But I don't think we've seen the last of Thanos, and I even think Marvel Boy might have a chance to prop him up a bit.

Cozy Snap:

I was gonna say, we didn't see anyone try Marvel Boy with Thanos, and I think that's for the reason of Alright, if you're going to Thanos, it's locked y'all right now, so yeah, I would, I would say no grief.

Alexander Coccia:

Here's a very interesting one, it's part of the spotlight caches this week would you ever spend 6k on Pixie versus using your spotlight cache key right now?

Cozy Snap:

Probably not, I mean like, she's available right now, so it's like, yeah, I would definitely like, she's going to be more in the future, I think she's a great alternative card than the new card. You know, I think if a new deck arises that's cracked with her, then, you know, grab her then. But, you know, like, if that's when you want to get her, I don't think so. And I love her too. Okay,

Alexander Coccia:

last question. I'm gonna put you to the test here. Rank these three. Nocturne, Jeff, the Baby Landshark, and Hope Summers. Rank those three. Jeff, Hope Summers, and Nocturne.

Cozy Snap:

And it's like fantasy football. It's like, rank these top three RBs and they're all, like, they're all good. I would say oh, I don't know, man. It's tough. I like, you should have all of'em as your answer. I'm trying to think of, I'm trying to think of the older, I like the older I play them is different than like the generic answer I could give. You know what I mean? Like, I would play, I play Doc the most outta those, then I play Jeff, then I play Hope personally. That's me personally, but it's probably, yeah, it's probably Hope first. And then OC and then Jeff.

Alexander Coccia:

Very interesting. I agree Hope 100 percent number one. I would go Jeff over Nocturne.

Cozy Snap:

You've kind of always hated Nocturne though. I feel like you've not liked Nocturne. Well, not hated her. You did hate her at one point. You didn't, you didn't like her at one point. But you've never been like a huge Nocturne fan.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm not a big Nocturne fan. No, I'm not. And I totally respect it. I get why it's good. I see its power. I play Nocturne, but I'm like, I just look at it. I'm like, you're going to, you're going to do something like you're going to know. I don't trust you and you bought it up before. Don't worry. You don't have to. Don't just move her because you got to move her. She ain't Vision. Vision can just bounce around. Don't do that with Nocturne, dammit. But all right, Cozy, that was a lot of fun. We'll have to do that again sometime. Those were the token shop buys. We'll put Cozy to the test and let us know how much you disagree with all of our rankings. And that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag Cozy. We have a couple hilarious comments here that we're going to get through here. The first one from Super 0860, which read, Black Panther is so forgotten. He's not even on the forgotten list.

Cozy Snap:

I saw that. It's like, I was like, Oh my gosh. Yeah. He needs a new identity for sure. I was even trying to build him in the weekend. I'm like, Oh yeah. And I'm like, no, it's just awkward, man. Like maybe he'll be in there because anytime you have ramp, but. He just needs an identity. I don't know. He needs, he needs to be changed. I think they can mess around with him and see how it goes.

Alexander Coccia:

I play a ton of on reveal right now, and it has Nomura, and it does not have Black Panther. Agreed. So we just finished talking about Nomura for the 45th time this episode, but like, Black Panther, there's almost no reason to run him. And if there's a Black Panther sitting by himself, it's like, oh, I wonder if they're gonna Zola him, you know what I mean? It's like, there's only like one play, and it doesn't feel like it's worth it, right? So, I agree 100%, and we didn't quite forget him, but screw Black Panther right now, I guess. I would like to see him get buffed. If he goes to 5 5, do you think that's too much?

Cozy Snap:

It goes up to 10, then 20, not really, no, I think that's just fine, because then he goes up to 10, which is a normal play line, Gilgamesh goes up to 15 or whatever, and then, you know, you can do crazy stupid things with him, but he is a very obvious telegraphable play, I think that's fine.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, we'll have to see it, right? We'll have to see if that ever happens. The next question comes from Dank012, and it reads, This week was without a new card, and it actually felt relaxing and calming than constant releases. Here it is. No FOMO. No seeing the same deck with a new card over and over again. It was refreshing. I think it would be great to make it a one in a few months with a season with four cards, gainable via spotlight caches, as it gives more time to save up resources and experiment with existing archetypes.

Cozy Snap:

I, that's funny. I saw the opposite. I saw a lot of people like this week felt horrible without a new card. But like just from my circles, but yeah, I think we've had this take for a while. I think we've said the cue if they did quality of life during it. But I don't think so. I think what they'll do is they will change this week where it's like Marvel boy with, you know, whatever that Marvel boy would go to the week of the diner. I think that could be the last week we ever don't have a new card, to be honest. And moving forward. I

Alexander Coccia:

actually didn't mind it. I didn't mind it at all. It also helps that I took like that week off to spend time with family and stuff. So it was like, it was well timed. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But at the end of the day, like it was one of those things where it's like They're not going to use that time to fix the game. It's just going to be a lull time. Like they have a team that's working on patches and fixes, which if, can I request one fix, please? Can we fix the bug where you're trying to pick the costs in your collection when deck building and it remains highlighted, even though it's not picked. Did we just fix that one bug? It's been like nine months.

Cozy Snap:

There's so many bugs, man. And like, there's, there's, it's not like game ending bugs, but there's just like, I don't know. I there's bugs where it's like, I want to see them care. About some of these and I don't know if they're so deep. I don't know if they're so deep in the code or whatever. But yeah, it's like I was opening caches again. I was just like, man, I couldn't even call on my wife to open it for me. I was like, Hey, can you click this button? And she's like, no, this sucks. I'm like, I know horrible.

Alexander Coccia:

I know. I know. We got a couple more here as we approach the end of this week's podcast. Fall among us asked. How do y'all feel about a content creator album? For example, one album with 12 variants that are from creator favourites. Or alternatively, an album with the favourite variant for each creator featured in an album. So, for instance, Cozy, like I would say, just like we talked about on the Conkers event, like, I would pick the Archer and Captain Marvel as, like, Alex Coccia's, you know, variant. And you might pick, you know, the Archer Arrow, or I don't want to speak for you. Who would you pick? I'd take the Archer Captain Marvel.

Cozy Snap:

I was gonna say, the hate would be off the charts if we got our own albums. I would, like, people would be so mad at this. I'd be like oh yeah, dude, I would, I, I would have to put my one and only. The Pixel Coulson would be my one. You'd have to buy him to get that. I think if anything, a cool way to, like, I don't know, it's a couple years in now, I think a creator titles is cool. I think that's a cool way to, you know, like, instead of like Costco lover, it could be like wholesale lover or something like, I don't know. There's something, something fun. Happy snapping. Yeah, man. I don't know. I would love to see it. I asked him to put happy snapping in two years ago and it never happened.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. And our last comment of the day to close out the Snapchat comes from CIB89. It reads, Luca is such a good movie. I'm Italian and my dad owns two Vespas and hell yeah, it's so good. You should ride together through Italy's best places. Cozy, I'd like to officially ask you, would you be willing to ride with me through Italy on a Vespa?

Cozy Snap:

Nope. Goodbye everybody. Thanks guys for hanging out, and as always, till the next one, happy snapping.

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