The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Deadly Datamines: Looking Ahead | The New Alliances Experience | Favorite and Forgotten Cards | The Snap Chat Ep. 92

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 40

Will these new datamine cards be deadly to the current meta? What has the experience been so far for the new Alliances? What are Cozy and Alex's favorite and forgotten Cards? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We had a crazy week of Marvel Snap with Alliance's arrival. We had two major patches that brought a lot of change to the game, as well as A new leaked season that Alex and I are going to break down some crazy cards coming to the game as well. Tuesday starts a brand new season, and with that, we have a lot today to talk about on the Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia for the 92nd week in a row, my friend. And we have a confession to make. We kind of thought this is the first week well this last week was the first week in a long time that there hasn't been A new card, and it kind of got our gears messed up. Typically, right now is when we do the end of the season recap. We talk about the season to come if you're looking for that. That was last week's video, so you can go find all that on that video. I'll go ahead and put it in the description and it can show up on screen right now, Alex. But, we do have a lot to talk about this week as there was a massive patch, there was alliances, and there's always good stuff to talk about here in Marvel Snap. How you doing this week, bud?

Alexander Coccia:

Doing good, buddy. And yeah, there is lots of stuff to talk about. We have a very different show, a lot more kind of free flow and topics here. Let it be known Cozy, that last week I was like, yo, I think this is a week early and you're like, no, no, it's not. We're ready to go. I'm like, okay, let's hit it.

Cozy Snap:

For whatever reason, I thought it was time for the new Season, I even like prepped my week because I always prep really heavy on like Monday, Tuesday to make sure I got everything and all my ducks lined up, especially the first week because there's the double card thing going on, which I think if they do Deadpool's Diner in the future with a card reward, it's They should just make it to where that first week doesn't have the double week, and then you kind of have the problem solved, right? But I don't think any of us knew how long it would take to get Cassandra Nova and all that, all that good jazz. But if you're looking for the recap, it's on over there. Today, we have a good amount to talk about, Alex, and you know, we could just jump right into it as the summer is coming to an end. I want to ask this, actually, before we begin. Some people, hey, listen, some people watch it, some don't. Any Olympic watching yourself over there, bud?

Alexander Coccia:

I haven't had a chance to watch that much. You know, Canada's been doing pretty well. I've been watching a lot of the American stuff. You guys are doing great as well. I'm also seeing some controversy on a lot of like the, the, the metal charts. They're combining all the European countries into one standing so that it goes above the United States, which is kind of interesting. It's just like EU countries instead of like them individually, but like, yeah, you guys are doing amazing in the States. Like, I mean, you guys are literally an athletic powerhouse. So it doesn't surprise me.

Cozy Snap:

My wife like, didn't grow up watching the Olympics a ton, right? I, I thought, like, almost every family grew up watching a lot of the Olympics. Like, we, as a family, like, loved watching specific events. You know, like, ice skating was big in the Winter Olympics. And I'm always about the Summer Olympics. I love from, like, for whatever reason, like, beach volleyball duos. It's really interesting to watch for a lot of reasons. And then also the swimming, anything swimming. But now this year, there's, like, the pistol gun range stuff is blowing up a little bit. There's some, there's some golden memes. Have you seen the guy? There's a meme that said, when you sneak into the Olympics, and it was this, like, diver. That was, like, going up, and, like, alright, he's going for the jump. And, dude, the dude does, like, two flips and lands. I think it was supposed to be, like, smallest splash. Dude lands, like, completely horizontal. And, like, how long does this guy train? You feel bad for him, because you know he's putting in the hours. But there's been some prime meme material in the Olympics this year, man. But, yeah, it's always a good sport to watch, man. Always cool to see.

Alexander Coccia:

I always think about how much pressure they must be under thinking like, Hey, I trained for four years and like, I can literally just slip on this diving board right now. Like, you know what I mean? Like it's, it's crazy how easy it can kind of slip through their fingers or the margins are so incredibly tight. Like you watch like these sprinters and like the difference between the guy who wins gold and the guy who like finishes second is literally less than a blink of an eye, like literally less than a blink of an eye. And it's mind blowing.

Cozy Snap:

At the time of recording this funny enough. And I love this guy. He's like big in card games. If you don't know, like all of his qualifiers, he like held up, like You know Blue Eyes, White Dragon, and like, he's, he's a total nerd. I love it. He just won for the US by 005 of a second. Like, it was, it was like a nose, man. It was like this, this much. And it's so crazy that it all, like, it was the hundred meter, right. Which is nuts because that's so, it's so quick. Like you train for years, man, just for it to be. How you perform that and like what if you get sick, you know what I mean? Like what if you happen to have a tummy ache before the phrase and it all lines up like right then man It's crazy. Do you think you could beat me in the 100 meter dash? Absolutely Alex I could I think I could beat you in that you would beat me in a lot though Like we would we would split different different events if you will

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, what do you okay? What do you think you'd beat me in easily

Cozy Snap:

any I mean, I mean anything running I feel like I've got the I got the edge on you. How would you be in beach volleyball? I feel like it'd be okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, I literally I was literally like a borderline like semi pro goaltender in soccer So my hand I got pretty good hands. Okay good hands. I played high school volleyball as well good at manipulating the balls

Cozy Snap:

So today, guys, we're gonna talk about all the stuff you know what we said in the intro. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're gonna be talking about our favorite cards at every cost, one of our favorite things to do, and I can't wait to do the season recap with you. We're also gonna be talking about Snap's forgotten cards, cards that might be really good that you're just not playing, or cards that you're not playing because they're actual dog water. We're gonna be discussing those, and then obviously, we're gonna be doing the Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

And the season video did come out for the upcoming season. Nothing changed too much. Marvel Boys did the same. So we still say he's a really good card. And we'll talk about it here in just a moment. Blob went down. And so obviously maybe the spotlight week went down a tad bit. But I will say everything stands the same except for Wiccan. He went up to a 4 7, I believe, which is it's nice. It's definitely getting, you know, a bit more stats there. So, you know, not the worst.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that means he sucked like I thought he was going to.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right, like anytime, anytime, we have seen it, man, between Ajax and other cards. Anytime they add power to a card, most likely it wasn't going to perform well in the live testing. But let's go ahead and jump right into the subjects again, Pack Week, and we're going to start with We had double patches. This was really cool, man. We had not only the monthly patch, but we also had the OTA. And the monthly patch brought very little change but we did get two rather large changes, if you will. And the first is to Moon Knight, right? And we will combine this with Apocalypse, who also went up in power as well. Moon Knight, though, who has long been a card that has just not been great. Pretty much, if you are a discard option now that doesn't have any type of specific targeting you're not played. It's too random. Doesn't matter if Swordmaster's a three billion. Doesn't matter, right? People don't want to risk the way that that deck kind of works, right? And snowballs. This Moon Knight, now, though, absolute fan. Love what it does. Love the whole new effect of it being an even cost card. I also think it's kind of cool that that's the first we've seen of this, in a sense. And with this, they also changed the way some of this stuff works with like cost amount and how if it's in your hand, right, like if Elysium hits and a 5 cost goes to a 4, Moon Knight will now discard it where that wouldn't have happened in the past. What are your thoughts on the new Moon Knight?

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting, because I like the change. I'm happy that Moon Knight got some love and I'm, like, it was a long time coming, right? Moon Knight would have been the Snap's forgotten cards list, right? Like, it was a card that has seen almost no play. However, my first, like, instincts were when I was reading the change in the text. I was like, this, this is, it's kind of complex. I didn't, wasn't a huge fan of the initial complexity. Why does it have to be an even cost card? Why we, can't we make this text a little more simplistic, a little more you know, straightforward? But then as I played it, I was like, okay, I get it, but still, like, I don't know, because like, you know if Swarms is zero, Apocalypse is zero, then you have the random 50 50s. So like, I'm not sure if I, like, would like this to be Moon Knight's final form, but it's an improvement.

Cozy Snap:

I think so, I think for the cost amount of how much she costs, but then the biggest effect of him, right? Like, the biggest effect of him is him getting rid of a card in your opponent's hand. I think like, that is Why you're gonna be playing Moon Knight in your deck, and now you have a way to benefit yourself for that more dependently, and that's why I think it's just a good buff around the board, right? Like, there's gonna be associated risk, just like Blade has that risk, right? Where you could get rid of your Dracula, right? I think there's only two bad cards, really that you don't want to get rid of with a Moon Knight. Dracula, obviously, being one of them. But Proxima Midnight and Apocalypse and Swarm all getting away to really help them out is really cool. I think it's really beneficial to the archetype. My review on Discard after playing it a lot, I mean, I played so many hours of this when this came out, is you still have to do so much that other decks have to do very little to get the same result, right? And that, in itself, makes the archetype still not feel perfected. But I like Discard. I enjoy playing Discard. It's a very fun kind of archetype to play within the game. We're gonna talk about it here at the very end at Look Ahead New Cards. I think it was September now, or October that the cards have been revealed. And there's a discard option in there that's gonna spice up the archetype massively, dude. And so that's gonna help out. But yeah, I think Moon Knight, Apocalypse, glad to see them giving love back to discard in general.

Alexander Coccia:

And I think it goes with the motif that they're trying to make more playable archetypes in the game, although I think there's a card we're going to talk about shortly, which counteracts that but I just, when you're playing Marvel Snap, there's two things that really affect the experience, the types of decks you're playing and the types of decks you're playing against. The more archetypes that are viable in Snap, Like, legitimately, not overpowered, not underpowered, that makes the enjoyment factor much higher. And it's also worth noting that something like a Moon Knight's tricky to balance, because it's a very feels bad card if it's OP. Like, if Moon Knight's everywhere, like, you know Black Widow was when she was a Remember when we asked for Black Widow to get buffed and it did? And then everyone's hand was filled with Widow's Bites? Like, that was like, well, great, this actually sucks. I wish I never asked for this buff. Moon Knight could be very much the same thing if your hand's getting blown up, which is exactly what you tried to do, sir, by the way. Delete their hand, how dare you.

Cozy Snap:

We will move to Doc Ock after this, but I think it's funny that in one week they get rid of Doc Ock for the way that he plays and pulls and kind of disrupts the game, and then they buff a Moon Knight, which does the same thing, right? But I was looking at this card, what I like about the Moon Knight is it's a card that everybody has, and it helped eliminate the need for Corvus in every single deck, it helped eliminate some of the need for some of the other cards that you have to play. I looked at all the Discard. There's really only one card to two cards that I don't play in my Discard decks, being Swordmaster and Hellcow. Right, I think these just both have different, better cards that you can have within the deck. Other than that, though, they've done a good job here at making every single card in this archetype. Feel good, and I think, personally, in my own testing, I just didn't need to play Black Bolt a lot with Statue. Now that Moon Knight exists, it's like, you already have a couple cards now, if you do especially the Silver Samurai. With Moon Knight, you just have cheaper options to get the, the Statue down, which is definitely cool. Definitely nice to see because 5 7 now feels lacking in going after the lowest cost card from your opponent's hand. But as I just alluded to we, we had a huge nerf to villains. The only other thing we had changed on the the Tuesday update was to Shadow King, which at this point, right Alex, I think Shadow King has gotten to the place of like, how, how are we not playing, how are people not having this in decks as often as Shang Chi? One of the few great cards left in, in combos that have not been touched was Thena, who people thought would be in this patch, because she's being obviously a villain per se. Shadow King is the biggest answer to that. On top of so many decks trying to make this. Not permanent power but temporary change that Shadow King can affect. Luke Cage can no longer stop him.

Alexander Coccia:

Shadow Kings is insane. It's always been insane. And I think one of the tricky things I find that a lot of people tell me that they're cutting Shadow Kings is they don't want to commit to energy on turn six or seven. And I totally understand that, right? Like that means you, you have four energy left to make some sort of play. And like, that amounts to not as much power as dropping your big Red Hulk or something, right? Something like a Red Hulk counteracts the desire to play Shadow King because you have these big, bad, massive turn six plays. But Shadow Kingwill single handedly win a location. It'll win one location. It's it catches people by surprise, whether it's Angela, Athena. Athena can be tricky because it has the Havoc effect where it kind of will proc afterwards as well, right? So it kind of has that little bit of damage mitigation on Shadow King. But, like, Blob gets destroyed by Shadow King. I can't tell you how many games I won against Ereshim players when Ereshim was the absolute hotness with Blob, Mystique, and all the, you know, Abs Man stuff. And I would just Shadow King the Blob. You could Shan Chi it, but it's literally double the cost to Shan Chi. And so, like, Shadow King is a very legit tech card that is criminally underplayed in Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

What else is criminally underplayed? We would be remiss not to talk about this. Alex, it's your time. It's your time to talk about it. It's happened. The new player experience. They let it go. They let it go. Uatu, the Watcher. Uatu, at the start of the game, he shows all the locations. Now you can see them all, Alex. They've done it. They damn done it.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually, honestly, really like this. I've been having so much fun. The original version of Uatu had to be in your hand for him to show the locations. It always felt absolutely horrible. Now, no matter what, you see the locations. It is fun. Now here's the thing though. This is not like a, you know, synergistic card in any deck, right? But if you can squeeze them in, like where I did, I had like my Cope Eresham deck, which has now become famous. My Cope Eresham deck. I'm playing Uatu in it and seeing those locations early in the game. Like I'm telling you, man, like I'm setting up bar with no name plays. I'm you know, the, what's the one, the the one that draws to the one from Midnight Suns, the Abbey, the Abbey.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So I have the Abbey and I know, okay, perfect. I'm going to put Uatu there and I'll put someone else there and turn two, draw a card. It has been so good. I've actually really liked it to the point where I've played so much Uatu since the patch that when I take Uatu out of the deck, because let's be honest, he shouldn't be in the deck. I'm like, I'm actually like feeling anxiety. Cause I don't, I can't see those locations.

Cozy Snap:

He feels like, to me, like Howard the Duck, in the sense of like, you know, it's, it, it gives you this ability to do something that you don't need, really, but it's cool to have, and, and, it's the two power right at the day, just so much other upscale with these other cards in here that you can use and abuse, and so you know, that's why we asked them to do this so long ago, because it's just like, It's not gonna do any It's not gonna like, you know, make everyone all of a sudden play this card and it ruins the locations and how they work, so definitely, I'm glad that they did it. But let's talk about it. Let's talk about the big patch. The end of the villains. In one patch, usually there's a lot of buffs in patch, right? This time around, we just got just a slew of different nerfs. The only other buff outside of Apocalypse was War Machine going at 4 7, not that big of a deal. We can pretty much just sum that up in that one sentence. But the nerfs, man. We start with the one that kind of led the thumbnails, led the charge. And funny enough, I think you have to press forecast to still find them. It's or at least on my phone, that's how it was. Maybe it's not anymore. No, okay, it's good on the computer. Maybe not on the phone. Loki is down, guys, to a 3 cost, 5 power card, and, wow, this is, I think people had, look, I can't even find him in here.

Alexander Coccia:

I was going to say, you're sorting by newest, you were never going to find him. Never going to find him. Like, there was no chance you were going to find Loki.

Cozy Snap:

Loki! Here's the three costs, and now he is gonna draw you a card, he's gonna change your deck, right? So instead of having the possibility of six cards that you can have of your opponent's A, it's a lot slower of a trickle, but on top of that, it's gonna go down to, you know, around four on the average. What do you think of the new Loki?

Alexander Coccia:

This has been something that I've been struggling to articulate why I don't like this. I'm going to say right off the top. I still think it's, it's technically good win rate and competitive perspective. Like that's not the problem. This is still a very good card. But I, I think it should have been a new card that had this ability. I don't think they should have touched Loki. I think that Loki was so good the way it was. I don't think it was very oppressive. I think it was incredibly new player friendly. The deck builds can be built with extremely budget friendly cards. We've talked so many times about Loki would be the perfect card to have in the new player experience as a welcome back bundle because it gives people the opportunity to, you know, mitigate the collection disparity between competitors. You copy their deck, you take their Red Hulk. Okay. And they kind of got rid of that. And so like, I've had this complex, like, just wrestling of emotions over this change. I don't have the stats that they do. I'm sure that like, they have a plan. Maybe they have a forward looking idea of like, Hey, we got a card coming out. That's going to mess everything up. I'm just not too happy about this change. So I'd be interested in hearing your take.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's a step in the right direction. I will say this, I think Loki. in Arishem is better than he's ever been. Like, I'm gonna be honest, it is, like, better than he's ever been, because you've turned to him, and it's even more crack than it was before. The draw, like, what's bonkers to me is that Crystal is a 3 3 that draws both you and your opponent a card. This is a 3 5 that draws you a card and reduces It's just, it just pummels Crystal to the ground even more so, right? Like, you could make Crystal a 3 5 even at this point, and people would prefer to play Loki over her, clearly. But I, I feel like, I, I understand what you're saying at that point. He's worse overall, for sure. He's the, the way that, like, Snow Guard worked and, and Agent Colson. I liked all that, for sure. I mean, hey, I definitely poured one out for my favorite card in the game that had a lot of, you know, usefulness because of Loki. I think what it ends up being is that he is a design flaw as time progresses, like Zabu was. And so, the card generation stuff eventually will be an issue with him. And so, that's mainly what I think. I also think this is not his final form. I think we're gonna see it's like Dragon Ball Z, you think we're there, we think we've seen the final form of this character, and nope, it's gonna be something different again. Not the end of them, definitely a change of them. And, and I just wanna see more creativity come, because I think we definitely figured out Loki. And Ereshim Loki was there, that was kind of the whole thing. And it's funny, we talked about, to a pretty good debate, on the, the nerfing of cars that are hot in the week, right, and them listening to the community, and, and, you know, I was very against the Doc Ock change, you were I would say somewhat for it, right, I mean, you're the one that proposed it a bit. And I get both sides of the camp. I do. I think they nuked all the cards that feel bad in a sense, right? And one big thing, I don't love them hitting pull three cards and keeping these other ones alive. And they also had some answers to Ereshim, and I still think you can make Ereshim very enjoyable. Still think it's my favorite card of the year by adding more to that randomness factor than the cards that are built into it, right? But yeah, Loki is a We're gonna continue to see this card kinda flourish with it, and let's move to that. Let's talk about Doc Ock, who I removed his Tentacles, man, because he only needs the one now. He's a 4 8, and he pulls the lowest powered card from your opponent's side. We talked about some changes that they would do or could do to the card. I don't know if I saw this one coming.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I didn't see this either. Again, another one I'm not too sure about, like, it kind of feels like Doc Ock lost his identity. It's not to say that the stat line's not decent. It is but it's now no longer shuncheable, right? So it's going to kind of slide under that. I think that's why it's not a 4 9. For instance, cause like they would have recognized that like, hey, that's even worse, right? Like, obviously it's not shanty able at all. I just don't see this card being what it was, which is a good thing. It was very oppressive, but I think the challenge was that it was oppressive because it was coming out on turn four with the original effect. And instead of, you know, mitigating the the The effect of Ereshim having on the Dr. Octopuses and the leeches of the world. They've kind of taken a shot at those cards specifically instead of Ereshim. So there's, it's a very interesting dynamic, a very interesting approach, right? Just like when Collector took a stray bullet for OG Loki, we were like, okay, was Loki the problem? Yeah. Airsham in this case, or was it Dr. Octopus or Collector? It's a very interesting dynamic.

Cozy Snap:

I mean late last year, this guy's play rate was in the dumpster. Nobody was playing Doc Ock, I mean, at all. At all. The only reason, I made a deck with him before Annihilus came out, because it was the way to play junk decks. Then he was introduced to help against combo decks that got out of control, right? If someone's saving all their stuff, it's like, alright, I'm just gonna pull it all out in one turn. They did. They lost the identity of the card. Not to say he's not going to be even better in some circumstances, in some decks. But the identity of his card, I think he'll be a Snap Forgotten card come in the future because there is bound to be other cards that do what he does in a sense. And then you compare it to something like Gladiator, that's, you know, one less than him, and yeah, it destroys a card, but fill it too. White Widow's a two cost, and, and still fills, so it you know, I don't know, I, maybe the sweet spot would have been two cards, and but yeah, I get it with the power assignment. There is a lot they can work with here, but it is funny to see four tentacles come out, and it's one card pulled out, and that card could be an Iron Man at that too, making it you know, even worse. The Shang Chi effect, I felt like, outside of Airsham, was enough. To keep that, you know, this guy in check. And I don't know, with Airstream in general, I just feel like the fun and what makes sense about it is you're getting that extra energy for the randomness. If they just toned down the amount of times you would pull your cards from that deck, I get you giving some chance there, but like, This wouldn't be as big of a problem.

Alexander Coccia:

I have a question for you. I had this thought, would you have rathered them perhaps straight up just ban Dr. Octopus, say, take him out of the collection right now, put a little line through and say, can't be played as opposed to just kind of killing them like this, like this, this is a, we're taking him behind the shed. We're not going to let him be played anymore. I would almost rather he stay a 510 with his original ability, but then kind of like shadow banning him until they figure out an appropriate thing to do or until Erishim calms down. Okay. I'm not saying, like, we need a ban system in Marvel Snap, but, like, I had this thought of, like, I don't like this either. Like, this is not quite what we're after, I think.

Cozy Snap:

It would set a precedent that I think is a no. I think that if you start shadow banning cards or whatever, just even like, Hey, we're working on this one, we're going to shut it down. It would, it would create problems. I think that's probably not the answer. And by probably, I mean, I affirm no on that one. I get where you're coming from. I think it's just like, it would, that would create just. Weeks and months of controversy of like, the future of cards and then okay, you don't OTA, you just shut it down. So probably not there, but let's, let's move forward. I want to go from Doc Ock. We've got a couple other cards that were in the villain category. I always find, like, I find it funny that Leech, you know, again, In Eresham, he was played a lot. Not in Eresham, not near as much. Straight up just took kind of a straight bullet, right? Like, outside of Eresham, he's always been bad. But this is the one card that people are not mad. They're just not mad that he has been hit again. Leech is on like his third time around the sun of the nerf sun here and he's down to 4 4. He does what they want him to do to kind of stop hell on the stop blob. It's all six cost cards here, but my God, no one's ever going to play this guy again.

Alexander Coccia:

You know, you say that and he's going to end up being played again. That's kind of the crazy part about it. But I think you're right. Like this is again. A timeout for Leech where they could have just banned him, right? Like no, one's going to play this card anymore. And I don't know, like there's been times in Marvel Snap where we're like, we kind of need a Leech, right? Like we kind of need that release valve that doesn't quite exist right now. And while we had it with Discard where they brought Leech back, but they absolutely buffed it completely out of control, right? And then they had to bring it back down. And so Leech is like, Popping in and out of the meta non stop, but again, it was the fact that it was being played with effectiveness on four with that extra energy ramp of Ereshim that was so problematic. So once again, it's like the Ereshim plot armor still exists a little bit, which I'm not against necessarily, because I still think that card is fundamentally fun for a lot of players in the game. You have Cassandra Nova, which is a very stout counter to it. But like, again, I think Leech might have caught us stray here.

Cozy Snap:

So two things. First, I think he's best against Discard. Like, this nukes Apocalypse to the ground. So it's a way to keep that in check very well. Hello, the same thing. You, you set a point there and I said this to him as soon as we got the notes and I gave my feedback. I was like, guys, let's get, give Cassandra Nova a little more time against Aeryshum. Like, that was putting a pretty firm stop to a lot of it. I get some of the toxic, I, like, I think just for the game in general, it wasn't just about Aeryshum. I think, like, these cards would creep up, and they were just done. They were done with them. But Cassandra Nova was a very, very hard no against the deck. And Arisha, man, I love it. I love what it's done for the game, man, and so I do want them to keep it the same flavor, if you will. Leech took a bullet. The next one, though, that was right behind it was Blob, and I think this one, to me, was probably the most shocking of just why. Like, I, I don't really, he doesn't get played in decks outside of Arisha and Thanos. He has clear counters. Shadow King got buffed. And now, talk about removing more of an identity. It's like, he's continuing to loo When Blob came out, he would absorb the entire deck. Then it got capped at 15, but they wanted to keep the variance, right? And maybe it could be 18, maybe 20, maybe, you know, even higher. I Just like, when is it When does this stop until it's like, his identity is completely gone?

Alexander Coccia:

It's important to note that this idea of capping him after a specific power stemmed from his Thanos interaction, where they wanted the stones to be like, Oh, he's likely to hit 13 power, then a stone, so he stops at 14, or 15, or whatever, right? Yeah, his identity is kinda getting lost here, and that's unfortunate. That's the same thing I argued with Loki. I think, like, we want these identities. Doctor Octopus, we kinda want these identities. We just need to find a way to make them feel fair. Blob has felt relatively fair. I still think the Mystique interaction was BS, and I'm glad they got rid of that, honestly. But, like, overall, I think Blob has been relatively fair. He's not, like, across all different decks. Like, I see way more Red Hulk than I see Blob. Blob gets to some decent power levels, but I also see people think, Hmm, can Blob get to 18? And they whiff on it. Right? There's, there's inherent risk with Blob. So yeah, this was an interesting one to me. And again, it's it could be some Irish and plot armor.

Cozy Snap:

It was to me. This whole patch was a, usually I would say patches are aimed towards a player base rather than the top percent. This patch seemed to be towards the top percent of players. Like you know, the same 50 people play the same 50 people at the top. And they see these same cards over and over, because the optimization is to play these cards. And so I think they were the biggest winners from this, mainly, after talking to some of them especially. Lastly though, we had White Widow, which, you know, I think, I said I wasn't shocked by this, because we've talked about it on here. Anytime you look at a cost slot, alright, and it's clear and obvious that one card is the card to put in every deck. Which, there's one that remains, we already said Athena, but for the most part, it depends on the package. But, White Widow was that card, and I think that this is still fine, man. She's still clogged, she's still okay, she's a 2 5. The clog effect is huge, they still are forced to play there, she still does what she does best. This one, to me, I wasn't too mad about.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this is fine I think the thing that really catches people by surprise with White Widow specifically is how well she works into so many different locations Luke's Bar, Bar Sinister, there's like tons of locations that like on the surface is like, hmm, this is actually incredible for White Widow, right, and and so yeah, it needed to get toned down slightly, but it's also notable that in almost all the games I play, this Widow's Kiss is zero. Like, I don't usually let that Widow's Kiss remain at negative three, unless I'm completely throwing the location, which is possible. But yeah, I think this needed to happen, because if you're building a deck and you're looking at the two slot, it used to be just, you just add Jeff. And now you're just adding White Widow.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, again, they've gotten rid of a lot of these cards that are considered the villains of Snap. Not a lot of them left. If I were to guess, What powerful cards are left to be kind of toned down, right? I would say Thena, I think Ravonna, I think Ravonna is getting there.

Alexander Coccia:

Shut your mouth! You do not talk mean about Ravonna. Come on now, man. Don't do that. She already got nerfed once. I love her. She already got nerfed once. She does not deserve anymore. I,

Cozy Snap:

I, I just, I think she stands out. I do. But we'll have to

Alexander Coccia:

see that idea in their head? We'll One of my favorite cards. You just ruined my favorite cards at every cost, Cozy. You think

Cozy Snap:

this is me? You think this is me? I'm just being honest. I'm just being honest with what I think might happen, alright? Well, with all this though, let's move on, shall we? That was the Patches. We've got the new season. So we have like, a ton of stuff happening, right? We have like, it's been a busy time in Snap between Copycat and Nova. And now we have the patch week, and now we've got the new season arriving here with Deadpool's Diner coming to an end. If you're listening to this, this is your last really full day or two to get Cassandra Nova. So start playing Deadpool's Diner before it is too late. Alex! Alliances have hit in Snap, and I think for a second, and by a second I mean for a little bit, people weren't that excited. Like, alliances were, like, just wasn't answering what we personally wanted in Snap, and so we weren't very excited about the update. That changed when it, when they launched. That changed when it launched for me. This is gonna be very different per person, per alliance, but I can tell you full heartedly, A, Alex and I are in the same alliance, and it has been so fun to see each other's Snap stuff go on in game. Like, the other day, guys, we were, I was playing at 1 AM, and Alex sends right after I get an 8Q victory, go the hell to bed, man, and I just, that one interaction is incredible right because we wouldn't be talking on discord at that time he happened to see that i was awake and she said over that's what i love about that i love i i still stand behind i want them to show when somebody in your lines loses eight cubes

Alexander Coccia:

yeah that's absolutely hilarious and also there's a hidden part of that joke whereas i'm actually three hours ahead of you and it would have been four a. m for me so it's like I'm telling you to go to bed at 1 a. m. while I'm up at 4 a. m. Yeah, really. But yeah, no, it, the Alliance's stuff has been really, really fun really interactive, and I think it's cool. I think it's really, really cool. I mean, stressful, too, because, like, as content creators, having the 30 limit has been so challenging. To the point where I was like, Cozy, I'm just joining yours. I, I'm so, like, I, I was so, so just, like, worried. To exclude people that I didn't even launch my own alliance. Like a lot of people have been asking me, like, Hey, Alex, did you launch your alliance? Where is it? I can't find it. I'm like, no, I'm letting Cozy deal with that stress. I joined his.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, the applicant, I get having 30 in the alliance, I guess, but the applicant, I couldn't even accept people. I would. First of all, you could reapply if I had to reject one, which feels bad. I feel bad rejecting these these applications. The second I reject, that person would just reapply. And I still, to this day, I'm capped at 30. I cannot get rid of 30 people to where I get, like, if I want somebody, like, when you were trying to join, I had to be, like, ready, set, go. And, like, we had to time it up to get, yeah, boom, boom, you're added. I don't like that a lot, right? And it made it stressful. The Cozy Snap Alliance is going to be kind of you, there's, Good days ahead of it. We got a lot of cool people joining us. We got some hip people in Second Dinner. We got even more coming. So I'm just excited what this is gonna evolve into. Probably name change as well. But I love the idea that they let you theme it out. There's an official Cozy theme, which I don't know if that was on purpose, but I love it. Thank you, Second Dinner, if it was. Killer. The bounties are cool! I left some empty because I wanted, I actually love the bounty system. The rewards I want touched up, but the bounty system, I like the idea that it encourages really unique deck play. It offers, you know, cards to play if you don't know what to play. There are some that are really tough to do. I love the, you know, the different tier systems. I think they nailed this.

Alexander Coccia:

It is really interesting. And I like the idea that it's encouraging different types of play styles. You know, Wong in Black Panther is showing on the screen there. I mean, you might see a little bit of coping with Iron Man and Wolfsbane. I don't know if I'm picking that one up, despite the fact that I am a Wolfsbane believer. Actually, you know what? Ravonna would be great for Wolfsbane and Iron Man, but like, I really liked this idea here. I would like to see maybe more like. Rare. I've only had ever one rare kind of a bounty. I've never even seen the legendary one. You have a legendary one. I've not seen that yet. So

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

you're ahead

Cozy Snap:

of me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So

Cozy Snap:

let me so I'll grab this one. Let's see if I have a rare pop up destroyed cards. There's a lot of destroy stuff in here. Move cards. I'll do another destroy one and you didn't take black Panther. Come on. Yeah, I know. Right. I should, but either way I do. Yeah. They could work on these a bit. I'll say this, for the first iteration of Alliances, they've done a good job, and they've talked about wanting to do Alliance battles or whatever. That is cool, man. There's some really awesome things they could do with, like, Alliance vs. Alliance, and, like, everybody on each Alliance has one person they go up against. And, like, you have your battle, you do your cubes, and total cubes wins. Massive rewards there. Cool. I really like that concept. I also like that they brought back leagues and they fixed that. My worry is, I will say this, my worry about this is, is we have been said in the past that like, this is the first iteration and we're coming back and then it just doesn't come back. Right? Like, they, they kind of gave us that feedback when PC launched. Nothing's changed, right? Like nothing's changed. We didn't get the true full screen UI, that kind of stuff, right? We're coming on a year here in a couple of, actually like a week from now, I think is the full year of PC launch. No game

Alexander Coccia:

boards, still so heartbreaking, man. No game boards. Where are the game boards, please? I know,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

But overall, I do think the, the identity feel and what they did for the alliances is cool. And just chatting, I'm chatting with people that I, I love you guys in my alliance. I don't know you guys, right? And so like, I'm just and I just kind of had to pick who's in here. And it's so cool. It's so cool to just have the different direction between it and another place to chat and just separate the mediums, right? Like, I go on Discord for Discord, but if I want to talk Snap, I can right here. If you guys want to join Ecosia Alliance, there's a lot of them out there, so feel free. I'm trying to work with some of the people that are in them so that you guys you know, in the time being make more of those. But then, I think what this will evolve into is going to be something pretty neat, pretty special, and I'm excited about that in the coming weeks. But let's go ahead and In today's Snapchat, Alex, with a look ahead, as always with new patches, we've got ourselves, not Agent Colson, just decided to bring them up so everybody can look at them. We've got new cards that were datamined. Now, the first thing I want to talk about is some spicy, spicy datamines. There's nothing on these cards whatsoever. We don't know anything about Anything here, but I always love to see collaborations between games and even more so games that I like to play it's on you guys If you've watched the snapchat, you know that Alex and I both play Marvel Rivals in fact Dexter and I have just been grinding back out of the game and it looks like we are gonna be getting an Official crossover between snap and Marvel rivals the characters that are kind of exclusive to rivals like Galacta Luna snow They're gonna be coming to the game probably when the game launches, which is only good for snap And cool for rivals to see. And so right off the bat, big fan of this cool to see.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, it's fantastic. I mean, any sort of like mutual beneficial, like kind of collaborative, like basically advertising, which is essentially it is a collaboration between two game properties. That's awesome. Right. And if rivals is extremely successful, that should help Marvel snap because people might be, I'm sure people in rivals will get Marvel snap based stuff and people in snap will get rivals based stuff. And I think that's awesome. Anytime you see that. And I think it creates an ecosystem around Marvel games, which I think is going to be fantastic. I mean, literally the IP is so unbelievably strong. The gameplay in both is so unbelievably fantastic. The only thing you have to do is make sure that you market it, get people into those games. Right. And I think it's a pretty interesting idea to have these two crossover.

Cozy Snap:

And it's cool to see just the week Marvel's had between Comic Con and then just the game success and. Doesn't feel like in, in both fronts, they're milking it as much. There's, like, used to be so many Marvel games, so many different, and it feels like things are slowing down, they're taking more time. Rivals, you can tell they took their time there. So let's talk about the new cards, though, and our first thought of these popping up. Alex and I did not make videos, and so we had to share some of these with you guys. Really cool concepts here. So much so, I think, some of these Are gonna have archetypes, receive nerfs, and, or, it's really hard to tell because all this is coming, Alex, after Activate. And I think we're gonna get a slew of cards getting reworked with Activate in mind, right? They, I don't think they're gonna bring that and it's only gonna be for new cards. But we start with what I think is the Season Pass card in Agent Venom. It is a Venom Season Pass for those that love this, the the, the, the iconic villain. And we start with Agent Venom, who is a 2 cost, 4 power card. Always cool to do these early because they do change. On reveal, set the power of all cards in your deck to 4. Alex, what are we thinking about Agent Venom? Definitely a good, good stat line at 2, 4 to start.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so Cerebro Enjoyers, like, absolutely losing their minds right now, right? That's super interesting. Super interesting card. It'll be really interesting to see how this card can fit into other archetypes outside of Cerebro. Like, I wouldn't be Obviously, I'm not being inventive, saying Cerebro's gonna really want this, right? You change Cerebro Mystique to a 4 as well, and then all of a sudden, like, your entire board is just 4 costs. I, I think there's a lot of potential here. I think there's a lot of potential here. I, I wonder if it'll meet, like, kind of like similar to like Bast, right? Will, like, Mysterio, if it gets hit by this, will it be 4 4 4? Yep. Like, will it actually be like legit, almost Doctor Doom now?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I think so. I think that is what will happen. And I, it's funny you bring up Bast, because I feel like this really hurts Bast, actually, a ton. This car is going to hurt Bast a lot. It's just better stats, better lines. Bast is a 1 1. That goes, your car's a 3, this is 2, and it's the deck, which I know you're not getting them all. But it's almost. Better because you're not affecting some of the cards in your hand, and so it's a lot safer in a lot of ways. I agree. Yes, there's Cerebro. That's definitely the first place a lot of people looked at. You know, I just kind of looked back to BAS cards in general, man. We, we do what we love best here. We sort by power. You go down here. If you, if you sort by power and you look at some of these, There's some extreme potential with, obviously, The Hood. Mr. Negative, not so much, right? You don't want to mess with all that. But having cards like you would with Negative, with The Ironheart, or Blob just getting four power right off the rip, right? Mystique in a lot of examples, Cassandra Nova. But then you even go down to Iron Man and Bishop, who starts up all the way up out of four. Hit Monkey is gonna like that too. I don't think he's gonna be too mad. And you look at Just cards that are even in the two range and you can really start to get some kind of, you know, just good curve play like Brood. And so I think this is gonna be an interesting card. Not gonna be surprised if you might get touched up or something Alex, but surely interesting, but it's not too crazy to talk about because I just think we have this in some degree at the moment.

Alexander Coccia:

I'd be surprised if it comes out as a 2 4. That is a very strong stat line for a card that I don't see that much of downside for. Because exactly what you're saying right now, there's cards that have immensely powerful abilities, and their stat lines are, like, low for a reason, right? There is a reason why Arnim Zola is a 6 0 and not a 6 4. Right? Because he should lose the lane that he's splitting from. So it's like, pretty interesting to see how this card could impact some of these like, really high ability, but low power cards. And it's almost like, I mean, it's almost like a two turn Mr. Negative to some degree. Like it has a negative feel, but like the other side of it,

Cozy Snap:

you know? Yeah, they're gonna have to, the thing about this card is, I think it's a pretty poor season pass card, which is why they're gonna bump up the power to 2, 4. Because it's very limited in deck design, right? Like you can't, you don't want to play this with any big card. And so like that in itself eliminates so many different decks. And so I think that does hurt. It's overall, like how many people are just going to want to pick it up anyway? And if it's a big value card, maybe that's it. I think this is a candidate, though, that they, you know, This is not what we're gonna see come out to the game in its entirety. Probably one of the more boring cards out of the season, we have way more interesting ones, right? And we're gonna hop to the next one in, Scream. Now, Scream is the answer to the month prior. We talked about the Activate month, Madam Web, so much movement with Season Pass card also being move focused with Activate. There's gonna be, the move is gonna have its best month ever by a long shot. This is the answer to it, and this is cool, because this shows me that they're gonna finally make move way better and have a absolute answer to it that isn't Kingpin, that didn't work out, right? Scream is a two cost, one power card. When an enemy card moves, steal two power from it, and then Once per turn, and I'm pretty sure it could be multiple cards, just once per turn per card, I think, right? Which is silly.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so I actually like this card a lot. I think this card's really, really good. Not only is it a counter move, but I think you can obviously use it offensively. Right? Like, think about, like, this is literally a buff to Oh my gosh, I can't remember his name all of a sudden. The lizard guy that knocks people to their right, why can't I remember his name? Stegra

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

just name Steggy. Steggy.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, let's just name them all, right? Arrow, Juggernaut, Stegrawn, Magneto. Offense powerhouses, right? With this card? Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Like, I know it's fantastic. Yeah, it's awesome. Like, I actually really like this card a lot.

Cozy Snap:

I like that it works, yeah, the offense and the defense route it works with Ravonna if she does stay the same. But the, the I mean, listen, anytime you could play Arrow, that's a, all of a sudden now, you've got, this is getting too, this is not even just getting too power, it's stealing too power, right? So, playing down something as simple as Arrow, who's a 5'9 is now technically a 5'11 in the play that she's doing. And it's disrupting your opponent, and it's gaining Power in another lane. And this makes Magneto way more cracked because Magneto was already doing two things at once. Now talk about even more so to just build up, you know a lane that only would need Scream and Magneto to completely win that, you know, whole lane off.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we're seeing these, like, two costed cards like Thena, and I think Scream is going to be able to get up to, like, some very legitimate power levels. The point that I wonder if it actually releases that way. But I I'm actually interested, honestly. And there's nothing stopping you from playing Kingpin and Scream. I like on curve, like literally on curve. Right. And then kind of using them to bounce things back. And then and again, this is also in theory and Ajax buff as well. Cause maybe you'll start seeing cards that with more negative power, cause that steel effects important. And I guess poor went out for Phoenix force.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think they're realizing that Nocturne, who's just like one of the best cards in the game, like these cards that have this movement stuff, they're gonna be so cracked. We just talked about Marvel Boy with Nightcrawler, GF has been around for so long. That variability of not only like keeping your opponent on their toes, but being able to move out of a lane and fill it back up is just so strong, and they need a really solid answer to that, that isn't just like maybe even a Shadow King or something to calm those decks down. So, Love the idea of this a ton. Think it's gonna be really cool, and I love that it's only on the one side. So this is probably the card of the month, and damn near close. Scream is gonna be really really good, Alex. But next up, let's go to go to the next card here, and ooh, this is a good one. Anti Venom. This is an interesting one. Anti Venom is a 4 6, and it's like, it's just like the month of power. On reveal, set the cost and power of your deck's top card to zero. Cost and power. Limited synergy, but really strong in some areas.

Alexander Coccia:

This is interesting. Poss I mean, listen, is this an actual Howard the Duck buff? Like, I mean, I'll leave that for you to decide. I'm, this is one of those cards where like, listen, in advance, I try to like pen and paper some ideas. This one's still blank. Like I still have not quite figured this card out yet. I'm not quite sure like where my deck design is going to go with this. We're still kind of far out from it. I do think this is fascinating, but very niche, very niche in its application.

Cozy Snap:

So, the way that I look at it is, it is niche, but I think there are going to be some decks that really love this card. And so, I was thinking about, like, what cards do you not care if they go down in cost and power? Well, first of all, one thing that I'm just, like, not seeing people talk about, and it's, like, goodness gray, Luke Cage just completely gets rid of this guy's downside. This, with Luke Cage, right off the rip, makes a card zero cost. Insanity, right?

Alexander Coccia:

Which is insane. Yeah, it is insane. But a lot of the cards you play, you play for their abilities. Even if, look, listen, you play this on four, you even play this on five. That means you're top taking a zero cost card. And so even if you have a Giganto in your hand, you could theoretically play Giganto. And Oh, look, it's a Dr. Doom. That's a zero. That's still 10 power across, you know, we'll cross two lanes now, but like, it's, it's still high impact, right? Even something like a sage, if you top deck a sage as a zero zero, right? It's like, okay, this card is still going to get huge.

Cozy Snap:

That's why I think this is really solid because what you have happening here is a way to think about this. You play this card down, you snap on that, right? Your opponent for the next two turns has to think about what you got and all the options of if they can beat that and another play all at the same time. And there's some strong deck design that I don't think people are really turning their wheels here. I think this card's cool. I think this card's great in a lot of ways, man.

Alexander Coccia:

It's also worth noting that ongoing cards probably won't care too much about this.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, exactly. Let me list some cards off right off the rip. Knull, Iron Man, both cracked. Good God. Who needs, you know An Iron Man for free? Silly, bro. I mean, you can just have a super strong lane somewhere. I think in like, even a Tribunal deck, this is really cool, especially if you go like, the Luke Cage route. Hood, clearly, not bad at all. Mr. Negative, you're not ha you're clearly pumped about just getting that out there quick, and it's not gonna have any con. Blob, Arnim, Zola, Bishop at a zero is, who cares? He loses the one power. He's a free play now to just go right after this card is played and start going crazy. Dracula. Dracula, you're like, okay, great, awesome, you get a furry drac to throw into the deck, killer, shuri, jubilee, white tiger, even something like Wong, it's like, who cares, man, who cares about losing that two power. Having a Wong at zero cost that you can hold in your back pocket for the end of the game is awesome. How this is gonna work, though, in games? Is what we're going to have to see. And that's why I think overall, it may not be the best card.

Alexander Coccia:

I guess this is one of those situations where Black Bolt becomes necessary. Yeah. I

Cozy Snap:

mean, pretty much, right. So for the people that hold onto the raft cards at the end there, it's kind of that. It's like the raft built in the card, but yeah, Black Bolt's back after he was dead. Black Bolt is back. So yeah, Antivitam some, some cool synergy and overall potential. With the card. Let's move on to the next one here, and these ones I don't have graphics for, but we're gonna go to Misery. Let's, let me go ahead and get her front and center. 510 Misery is, and very interesting. Repeat the on reveal abilities of your other cards here, and then destroy them. Ah, that's a puzzle piece. 5 10, good stat line. Alright this whole month has just kind of awkward deck design around them. Yeah, what do you see right away with this card?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, it's so funny you say that, because I was like, okay, right? If you do something like, you know, a Cassandra Nova, you play Misery on Top, you're losing that power. But you're still, you know, hitting the deck. That's not ideal. You want cards that have really good on reveals that perhaps you want to just re trigger. I thought about like, okay, what about an Iceman? What about a Spider Ham? What about these small earlier plays that you temp? Well, but you don't necessarily have to rely on their power. Cause the 510 stat line is pretty decent. At the end of the day, I've come to the decision that like, much like a couple of the other cards we've talked about, I just need more time brewing with this because I think that you can do some pretty insane combinations. It's just that, like, it's interesting that the cards get destroyed, because that also provides synergy with Knull, right? So, like, it's like, okay, can we do something like a Gladiator? And then you destroy their card, and then you destroy the Gladiator's card. That, all that power is being added towards Knull. You destroy the lanes here, and then you play the Knull on six. I don't know, man. I think there's a lot of really interesting combinations for this.

Cozy Snap:

I think this gives Knull a deck without being pure destroy, which is awesome, right? Yes, that's kind of what I was trying to get at. I could see that

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Like Cassandra Nova, you just said like, oh no, well you kill Cassandra, but then you reactivate it and it's like, well, what's great about that is Knull is just going to get all that, right? And so it's like, that is where I see a bunch of potential where it's not just this Knull, Arnim, Zola play line, right? You have this really strong card that can synergize with it. That Destroy just needs, it doesn't matter how many cards they come out with. I think Activate's going to help Destroy, but it's the same deck. And I want to make more Destroy videos, but adding a Shang Chi or a Lady Deathstrike just doesn't warrant me to spend the time on that, right? And at the end of the day, it's clickbait. It's like, it's just what people have seen before. And so, this is a way to do that. Right off the rip, outside of Knull. The way that it reads, again, repeat the on reveal abilities of your other cards here, and then you destroy them. This tells me that there is insane synergy with armor. Because if she's played on an armored lane, technically, it should repeat the ability and then keep those cards alive, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. I would expect that to be the case for sure. And Kaira could also be used in that case as well for for one drops you might want to repeat. But I think that armor's probably a cleaner choice. Cause you might, I mean, heck, you can even play Loki. Right? Play Misery on top of Loki, and now you're just drawing more, right? And it's like, even more cracked, so. Yeah, I think that, like, those types of, like, effects will be really, really interesting. But don't, and you're not, but like, for everyone listening, don't sleep on the idea of a Destroy based deck that is not the traditional Destroy archetype that we've known as the same 12 cards. Over and over again, there is a chance for Knull to be an actual legitimate closer now, and Death's still going to benefit from Misery as well. The top end remains the same, but I think how you get there might be a little more interesting.

Cozy Snap:

Especially like, into Venom, which obviously this is built for a bit, right? And re Venoming up, and there's going to be ways to build this deck. Two other spicy takes with Misery. Okay, spicy, spicy. First of all, guys, and again, I I, I, I try my hardest to read cards and really think about where they could work. This is the biggest card in the game that you're okay with, killing and reactivating, and so this creates a turn four Misery plate on top of your Electro, giving you into turn five and six One more energy. You're gonna have eight energy now on turn Six, which means you could wave and play two cards that are str This is gonna re revitalize Electro, who's needed his own identity again.

Alexander Coccia:

And to the same extent, Wiccan isn't on Reveal 2, isn't it? Yeah. Is it? Yeah, I think so. No, is it? I don't remember.

Cozy Snap:

I think if you filled it up to that point, yeah. But even just Electro Beryl is just caught straight on, like, isn't that just cracked? I mean, that's so good, it feels like.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and it actually is pretty awesome. And then, like, because with all that extra energy, you're gonna wanna be able to play multiple cards. Even something like a Sabre Tooth might actually make, like, make sense now, because now you can combo it out, like, nearly right away with that extra energy, destroy it, and then, like, you can just keep, kind of, that cycle going of destroying it, building up the Null and that Misery deck. Yeah, it, like, that extra energy is not insignificant, especially while, when you get rid, getting rid of that ongoing negative you know, you can only play one card per turn of Electro.

Cozy Snap:

And just that combo is straight up better than Wiccan in every single way, because Wiccan gives you the ability to do the couple 6 cost cards, which is cool, but you're gonna have Wave and Electro in the deck already. It's gonna work with that tandem, meaning you play Electro down, you have that curve into Misery, you have Wave now to be able to play two 6 cost cards, you can theoretically do, like, the Knull into Arnim, whatever. Blob into Arnim, both on the last turn of the game. Talk about a huge surprise option, which is why I think Misery is going to be one of the better cards of the month. Lastly, this one's fun, good God, is Galactus. Home, I just, hear me out, you play Shuri, it could be another ramp deck, I don't know how you do it, but you get Galactus down, whether you want to Shuri it or whatever you want to do, and you re trigger, you kill all the cards there, and you re trigger that Galactus, right? If Galactus is the last card. Or the only card there, you're gonna be able to re trigger that with 10 power? But then again, that won't work though, because it does it first and then it destroys it, so I guess you can't do Galactus.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I don't think you can because even if like you play Galactus first, if there's another card unrevealed at the location, it won't blow up. So like, you can't play like Galactus and Death on the same location. I mean, I've been so cracked, right? I don't, I, I like where your head's at, but also for the sake of every Marvel Snap player that doesn't want to throw their phone, I hope that does not work. I was thinking

Cozy Snap:

more of the Shuri route, right? So what you could do is Misery into Shuri on five, she goes to 20 and you're like, well, how would you take advantage of that? The only answer to that is Heindel, because then you would move the 20, To the left and have 18 power on that lane. That's the best way I could think about it. Right. Cause yeah, you would, that would you'd play back on that lane. So that would be a weird kind of ramp deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Does that make sense? Is there a possibility for like misery into like Iron Fist? Knock Galactus. I don't know. I'm just trying to think.

Cozy Snap:

There's going to be some fun decks. I think it's like Phoenix Force where I think there's gonna be some really unique design. And that's what I'm excited for. So, that is that is Misery, and we have one other card. Again, pretty full. Actually, we have two, two, two other cards to talk about. This month is packed, man. My god. We have Scorn, who, those that don't know, let me throw up Scorn here on the, on the screen. Scorn is going to be a one cost, two power card, and the ability of Scorn is what's going to change this card forever. When you discard this, give its power to one of your cards in play. Return this card back to your hand with plus one power.

Alexander Coccia:

It's actually pretty interesting. It's basically Deadpool for discard.

Cozy Snap:

It's great. It's a one five, you know, in a lot of circumstances. It's a good one cost card, plus it's doing what you already want to do. This will be a core staple to this card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this art is actually terrifying. Now that like you have a blown up on the screen here and I'm like really looking at it, I'm like, damn, what is even happening here? But yeah, the actual card itself is pretty cool. And like, listen, One Drops have like a really cool flavor in Marvel Snap. We often. We often forget how important one drops can be. Like think about how impactful Kitty Pryde is, even Meek. Meek is legit in Discard with some of the shells. You do like the machine gun, Meek style decks. And like now Scorn is another option to really generate some cool value. And I think it's a really clever design. I like it. I like it a

Cozy Snap:

lot. I think this is going to be a top tier card for those that like the Discard archetype, not a lot coming for Discard until here, unless they do stuff that activate. Which Activate could take Discard to a really crazy level because you now have a way to target without complete randomness. I think Scorn has awesome synergy as well. There's a lot of things you can do with Scorn. Excited about her. Not much to talk about it because it's all Discard but gonna be decent. Last card is Toxin and this is where I think Bounce might have to get nerfed in some capacity. Toxin is a 3 the first one to rival Beast in the sense of on reveal. Return your other cards to your hand. They don't lose energy, like Beast does, but plus two power for each returned. And so, it's a way, it's not gonna be as, it's not gonna be as good as Beast in the way that it snowballs, but it's gonna be a way to to help out this archetype with another card that can go vertically.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, this one's really tricky too. And I was like, is this a black swan card? Like, I'm not sure. Like you play this, you black swan, dump the hand. Like, can you do that? But like, if you can't play like a squirrel girl and then fill your hand with garbage and you're just like, Oh, what the hell am I going to do now? Right. It's like, it's such a fascinating card that can go so vertical. But I wonder, and the concern I have is I wonder if it. Becomes way too much work than what it's worth because like Cassandra Nova, I mean, it's a good call. It does. It gets pretty high, pretty fast. And you don't have to do all this dancing. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Cause this would go to three eight, which is cool. But then at that point you would, okay. Let's say you played on three. So on four, you could beast it back. And then it's like, like, balance is already so freaking complicated, right? And then you, you're gonna add this to it, where it's just even more so, like, okay, well, you get the toxin back, but then which ones do you actually want to even keep on the board at this point? You're gonna have so many hoods, so many demons. And the list is getting tighter and tighter, as we know, and so, like, where is this gonna fit in? I know there are plenty of balance people that are like, how do you guys not, this is gonna be cra I'm sure, but this is we're gonna have to see if it's more than what it's worth overall. So, cool season, man. Cool cards, not necessarily, like, all of them are completely cracked. I think the Activate season's way better, which is probably good, because people are gonna be spending their tokens there, rather than you know, having a ton to spend on this month. But, my friends, that is going to take us to the end of this topic as we have concluded and going into a new season. Again, be sure to check out the episode from last week about Kate Bishop and Marvel Boy who come out tomorrow. Lots that we said about them. We spent like 40 minutes on just those two cards, so go check all that out.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, this week was pretty interesting for the both of us, but for you namely. Now, you guys behind the scenes, you guys would not have known this, but Cozy and I had to record a couple days earlier than usual last week because we had full schedules. And sir, you went to one day of San Diego Comic Con, we did our recording, and then on the next day of San Diego Comic Con, my friend, You had something miraculous happen. You were in the room of an insane event in the Marvel universe. So, you know, I'm going to let you take it over from here. We didn't talk about it on your side and we damn well better talk about it now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. It's funny. We filmed it right before all that chaos happened. And then I got so many different comments. Like how did you guys not bring up all the announcements with Marvel and everything? Yeah. Absolutely one of the craziest things ever. I mean, outside of watching Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh, like, that was, like, what the hell, one of the coolest moments ever. Deadpool, fantastic movie. Really fun. I think a lot of people have seen it by now. So many things that I filmed that I wanted to show, but I couldn't because of spoilers or whatever. But then, Saturday, the official Marvel panel happened. Complete, complete insanity, bro. First of all, if you're in the crowd, you get to see you know, things, you know, That is meant only for that crowd, and they're not going to re air for a while or whatever. So being able to get the first look of a Fantastic Four, Bonkers, Galactus, and how they're going to bring that in, which is cool to see on screen. The, the casting, when they first casted the Fantastic Four, I was like, Wasn't crazy about it. I love Pedro, but I wasn't crazy about some of their selections. Seeing them now completely makes more sense. Thunderbolts looks peak, peak, great content. And just bringing back David Harbour as Red Garden I can't wait for it. But then the big reveal, man. The Robert Downey Jr. being Dr. Doom. Who did state new mask, same task, bud, and that was one of the craziest places I've ever been ever.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I can only imagine being there for that reveal. Like, I got tingly watching the reveal on, like, on, like, Twitter and stuff. I can't even imagine what it was like to physically be there to, like, watch the unveiling happen. Like, was it absolute anarchy?

Cozy Snap:

It's funny because there's so much anarchy in there and then some of Twitter was like, well, how, like, what are you doing? How are you bringing them back? I don't get I have no idea what route they're gonna go, and I, I don't want to spoil Deadpool or anything, and so I'm not gonna do that. But I, I, could this be, you know, just him playing you know, Doctor Doom? Could this be, you know, Iron Man in some other way, shape, or form? And someone like Spider Man is gonna be like, mind blown away. There's a lot of paths to take with it. I do think that's the route they're gonna go, and I think there's so much more than just this reveal that is gonna really expand on over the coming months. They didn't reveal, you know, anything outside of that. I do think the Russo brothers you know, that was alongside the Robert Downey Jr. reveal. I don't think that was talked about enough. Tremendous directors. They're gonna do a great job. They appreciate and care about Marvel enough. And so I love, I think that was a great step in the right direction there, but yeah, dude, absolute anarchy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I can only imagine that it seemed wild and to be there must've been absolutely incredible, just like our incredible favorite cards of the month. Cozy this past season was a season that introduced a lot of really awesome cards to Marvel Snap. The meta shifted. Got stale for a little bit, then it just shifted again, but what remained consistent were our favourite cards. Now these aren't necessarily the best cards in Marvel Snap, these are our personal favourite cards at each individual cost. Cozy, I'm going to let you start us off with one. Bro, I And by one I mean cost one. Yeah, one cost, I That's such an awkward way to phrase it.

Cozy Snap:

I'm shocked, I am, I'm shocked that I'm picking this card, but the more I've played it, the more I've enjoyed it, and the more I've come to appreciate, It's Silly, Silly Statline at virtually almost no con. Hydra Bob, baby. I It's Hydra Bob. He's gonna be my favorite 1 cost this month. A 1 5 is awesome. Playing him in Craven Dex. Just haven't been able to get to a location that's locked down. I've won games that way. For a one cost man, they definitely, definitely made it worth you know, playing him at this point.

Alexander Coccia:

Hydrobob is definitely underappreciated. I've not played him that much. I have put him in a couple Zoo decks and stuff like that. But ironically, I've been playing a lot of Shauna in the Zoo deck. I'm playing, listen, I'm still playing Mockingbird Zoo, okay? It's like Zoomy, I guess. But Hydrobob has been legit. And it doesn't actively try to stab you in the chest the way Martyr does. It does sneak into locations. And I like the idea that, hey, If you want him to move again, double the stakes, snap, go for it, right? Snap. And then you just fill the lanes anyway. He can't move. Right. And you just, you win the game. A lot of really cool interactions. It's probably one of the higher stat lines in the game that feels like the downside isn't always really a downside. You know what I mean? Like you have them on the board. You're like, That's one five, man. I think that's not really going to hurt me. I can't say, then they kill Monger and you cry, but that's a whole other conversation, I guess. But I like this pick, man. I don't think anyone in the world was expecting Cozy Snap to say Hydra Bob. Was his number one.

Cozy Snap:

And we're about to enter a crazy Z week at best. And there's going to be even more Bobs out there. What is your one cost?

Alexander Coccia:

Now we kind of hinted at it on your side there. I would like to give a special, special warm shout out to Uwatu, finally feeling playable for the first time after that patch, but I've got to say the one that really kind of warmed my heart to be playing again was Korg. I kind of really enjoyed playing Korg again because he felt like a car that kind of completely fell off. He often felt. To Tide, to Darkhawk, but like once you, you know, you start getting these like Erishim decks, you start to want to start countering them, you start playing these Darkhawk based packages, but realizing like, Hey, the Erishim is going down. Darkhawk can't just be a tech card. You got to actually build towards it. You know, the Korgs and the Rockslides started making their way back into the decks. I liked playing Korg. I liked playing Korg. I like the disruption it provides, and it just feels like a very good tempo play on turn one, and if you are playing Darkhawk, it can be a difference maker on turn six as well, which I think is underappreciated for

Cozy Snap:

I think Darkhawk might be the best card in Snap of all time, right? Like inconsistency of like how long it's been good and what it's done. I think it just has not died down. It's never died, no matter how many times they've tried to, you know, change it, nerf it, it still is what it is. Roll into 2 cost, what's your favorite 2?

Alexander Coccia:

For me, it's Ravonna. It has to be Ravonna Renslayer. This card, I have fallen in love with. I've loved this card for as long as it was basically released. I shouldn't say that. It sucked it as a 3 3. When it got brought down to 2, I forever, like, didn't like it. Just love that I've been playing so many different Ravonna decks. If you, if you watch the stream, if you see, you just see me playing Ravonna deck after Ravonna deck, and I just can't get enough of it. That's why I got so offended when you even suggested they could consider nerfing her again. Please don't touch Ravonna anymore. She's absolutely perfect. It's just so

Cozy Snap:

crazy to see how, how. She survived. Zabu, you know, it's obviously so gone. He's completely gone. I'll be quick on mine, because we talked about him an extent. Shadow King is going to get my win. I think, again, it's the tech card people aren't thinking about. The plate on Thena, you ruin all their effort. You ruin the deck completely. And it's just two to drop. So, very, it was a very easy pick for me on the two. Especially getting boosted up after that. Three costs. I would always say we, we both agree. It's always that one of the toughest assignments on like what to pick because there's so many and we can make cases for all of them. Was it easier for you this time? Was it equally as hard?

Alexander Coccia:

It was hard because I have two.

Cozy Snap:

There it is. Of course you do. That's okay. I I don't know, do you want to say one of yours first, then I'll say mine, then you can do your second one.

Alexander Coccia:

Sure, okay, well the first one's obvious, it was Silver Surfer, I played Silver Surfer this month, it is my, still my favourite archetype, I feel like I bring it up every single time we have these conversations. Silver Surfer never gets old for me, I love playing it, I love the variance that it provides I can add in any 3 drop I want depending on the meta situation. We continue to get really good cards at the 3 slot, even at the 1 slot, 2 slot, you know, White Widow being used over Jeff. For instance you know, Akoye and Nakia finding their ways into some of these decks as well. Having mid 50s to almost approaching 60 percent win rates at times because people just get caught by surprise. I think Silver Surfer's been solid. I've really liked it, honestly. And I think Gwenpool sneaking into a number of Silver Surfer decks and being relatively legitimate in it as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah there's more ways than one to play Surfer now and I think that's just a good thing for, for the archetype for Snap in general. I bounced between a couple, but again, I'm going to stick to one. It's going to be Sage. I think Sage is slowly becoming just one of my favorite cards in Snap and the way that she's played. The way that you have to play this game of like, when do you play her? Should you play her right away? Should you play her now? There's just a lot of cool design around the card and her values through the roof. So Sage is going to be my definitely my pick.

Alexander Coccia:

I love this call because like Sage is obviously a Ravonna card and I love Ravonna, I've been playing lots of Sage and like, it's a, it's a location flipper. Like it's one of those cards that like the opponent might think, ah, nah, he's not going for that. Like, there's no way he's going to try and flip that location. And like, they don't account for a massive Sage coming down, and two other cards, and Sage getting plus two from Surfer, or whatever you happen to be doing, right? Even something as simple as Iron Man's Sage on turn six, if you have Ravonna, it is crazy! You double the location to one power, Sage can be a ten? Right? Like it's crazy what Sage does. I absolutely love the call here on Sage. And I just, I know I'm cheating a little bit here at the three costs, but one of my absolute favorite cards in Marvel snaps have ever been released was released this month in copycat. I can't explain to you how much I love this card. I don't care what the winner it is. I don't care what people like. You know, think about the card, its ability. All you know, you might get, you know, a crappy, I don't care. I love playing this card. It has been so much fun. It's reignited the passion for me and snap in a weird way where it's like, hell yeah. Like I'm actually having fun. Like it, sometimes it steals their Ironman and I'm like, this is absolutely insane. And other times it's like just information. And that's okay too. I have absolutely loved copycat and it's my favorite card in a very long time.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I think she's going to get even better. Again, this was my card of the month and I think she's going to get even better. An air show declines in play rate because right now that's the only thing kind of holding her back. It just feels like not super toxic to play against, too. Like, yeah, they'll get some stuff, they'll be like, oh my god. But you're able to work out a little bit what card they may have or whatever. So, yeah, dude, copycat. I kind of forgot she was a 3 cost. Probably would have been mine. Love it. Glad you picked it. 4 cost, I'll make it easy, man. I think it's the season pass card. I think I've had enough fun with her to, to, to deem her. She's growing on me every day in the way that she's played. And even just this card, like, she's so fun to boost up a Wolverine in Approximate Midnight, and then you throw them all out there with MODOK, like, so many cool ways to play that, boost up a Swarm, Gwenpool works in a number of archetypes, and, and yeah, I think they nailed it.

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting that you bring up Gwenpool, because this is one of those cards that I feel has really aged well for me. Like, it's not like, aging like fine wine, like I like to say. But it's aging like a really nice artisan cheese. You know what I mean? Like it's just, it's getting more succulent with every single day that goes by. Like that was okay. Then I'm reaching that example, but listen, man, you hear what I'm saying? Right? Like, it's not like completely blowing me out of the water, but the more I play Gwenpool, the more I'm like, you know what? Yeah. Yeah. And I've been trying to play Gwenpool ironically in like decks where like, I'm trying to buff an Ironman, Ironman getting like a, a. Prokker 2 is incredible, right? So I think that the deck building around Gwenpool, there's still a lot to be done. I really do think we haven't hit the ceiling on the potential of this card yet. And it has aged particularly well and the cards for me at four costs here, and I am going to pick only one, but like. I'm falling back in love with Wong. Now this was the season that I played quite a bit of Nomura. Quite a bit of White Tiger, Wong shenanigans. And like, honestly, man, like no one's teching Cosmo. No one's playing Cosmo. And I was of the belief that Cosmo was a pretty good counter against Blob. Because like, especially when you had the Blob Mystique stuff happening, Cosmo shut down a lane for them. Right? Especially when you're playing Darkhawk, Inuit and stuff like that. So Cosmo wasn't being played. I'm playing Wong, and people just retreat, like, I actually, it's sad, I don't get to pull my Wong combos as often as I want. Cause like, it is one of the most threatening cards in Marvel Snap when you don't have an answer.

Cozy Snap:

Wong is a card I play all the time in a deck that I think is the most threatening. Slept on deck in the game. I also think it's just like, I, it's one of those cards that came out, people were like, yeah, moved on. I haven't moved on, because it's just absolutely killing it, buddy. And that would be, Nomura. Nomura, bro, I don't know why, I don't know why, she introduced a brand new style of play. This deck is crazy good, it's crazy strong, and definitely my, my winner of the five costs. I play her all the time, she's my, my best kept secret or whatever in the sense, but I guess not now anymore. Okay. Love the idea of playing Cosmo, because you counter as well. She has counters built in. Great card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I've been loving Nomura as well. I haven't gotten the Cosmo route with her. What I've been doing is playing her in a Wong based deck, where I have the White Tiger as a secondary option. Like, if I don't draw into my Nightcrawler, if I don't have my Nocturne and stuff like that, and my lines don't really line up, I can be okay. I have Nomura, but I also have White Tiger thrown in there, Odin, whatever, I have the nice combos a little susceptible to Shanchi, but what's really interesting is the 6 power, especially when you add the Odin in on top and stuff like that, it often reaches high enough that they can't Shanchi you everywhere, they can't win power wise everywhere, and the amount of power she outputs is pretty damn impressive. Maybe I'm playing a little greedy, but I've really liked Nomura as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yep, for sure man. Who's your fire costume?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm gonna go with Iron Man. The man of Iron, Robert Downey Jr. Wait a minute, that's not even Iron Man anymore. I think he might still be Iron Man, man, that is up for debate, but what I will say is that he has been remarkable. And this is going back to my 2 cost, right? Like, I've been playing so much Ravonna lately. And when you play lots of Ravonna, you find yourself playing lots of Iron Man. What I've been doing, honestly, and this happens almost 90 percent of the time, I play Iron Man in a location. Iron Knowing that my opponent will never touch it. Like they're just never like, I'll just double the power and not play on top of them. I'll just let Iron Man kind of hold that location there as Cozy is doing something here, getting his pixel. It's funny. It's like off centered for the visual viewers. It's like just underneath your chin there. But going with the Pixel Iron Man, the, the ultimate like amazing god split wasn't enough for you?

Cozy Snap:

I had, no, so I had I had this card as a god split and I had to make content. I made a an Iron Man get upgraded and then it went to a Dr. Doom as a play to like what happened. But I ruined my split because that wasn't a favorited split. I just left it at that always. And so you know, I had to go back, but then I thought we might as well have the, the pixel. So, you know, why not? I think pixels need more love, but yeah, Iron Man Salt Pixel, I think is a top three or even top two best five costs in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, a hundred percent, man. It's absolutely incredible. Cozy, I'm going to give you a number six. Cause I got a spicy take at six.

Cozy Snap:

A spicy take at six. Yeah. I would say right after three, six is always the difficult one for me. Like there's plenty of ones to pick. I think if you look at the decks I've been playing and the ones that I am excited to play next month for me man, I got Sasquatch. I think Sasquatch is gonna be the card that I've been playing that is just different, it's unique, it's fun, and the Mysterio with Mockingbird play, With like a Drac Dump deck, I've been doing a lot of that.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, honestly, Sasquatch has been good. Statistically, a lot of the top decks in Snap have actually featured Sasquatch. He's been a silent high performer. Very low play rate, though. Like, I think this is one of the more slept on cards in Snap. You did identify it during the release week. Like, you're like, hey, this card's good, right? Like, is this identical to Mobius and Mobius? Yeah. And I think Mobius went, Mobius was everywhere. It kind of, you know, poo pooed on this card in the launch week. But it has aged very well and it's performed very well. And the statistics are backing it as being a legit card. And we're just not necessarily you know, we're not seeing it as often as you'd expect. What is your six spicy take? My spicy take at six, my man is Orca. Okay. Hear me out. Nobody, I've been playing so much Orca lately, nobody expects Orca. I just leave a location completely emptied, completely empty, and they're like, what's he doing there? They're like, I have 14 power there. He's not gonna play over. He's not gonna play something there. He can't even beat me with Magneto. Boom! Orca! And they throw. Buddy, I'm telling you right now, this card is actually good. This is not a hot take, okay? This is not a drill. Orca is catching people by surprise, left, right, and center. Okay? I'm telling you the truth, man. Orca's where it's at. I

Cozy Snap:

don't doubt it. I think now that junk is dying down a bit, and it's not like debris and, and, and widows everywhere. Like, that just made this card so unbelievably bad. The 16 power, man. That's a lot to respect. It is. That's not an easy play. Only playing just him for that? Like, do you feel like he could go down to a 5 cost, though, and they give him a nice little bump up, you know, they make him like a 5, 13, or 5, like, a middle ground from him and Namor, do you think, could be plausible?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I actually kind of liked the idea that he's like a really big closer that like you, you can just, you can just try to take something by surprise with. I actually really do prefer it this way to be honest with

Cozy Snap:

you. Fair, fair enough. Fair enough. I think this was one of our better favorite cards at every cost. Like we had very different picks than we usually do hats off to us. And You know, we could have the same picks, I think, every single time, but it goes to show the experimentation that we try to do.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, listen, that's what Marvel Snap's all about. Experiment, have fun, and you just don't know what you might fall in love with, right? Like me, this month, falling in love with Orca. It's just because people aren't playing him, and no one's expecting him. Cubes being stolen, and there's another conversation about cubes being stolen. Cozy, Cozy, like, Snap's forgotten cards. We have cards in Marvel snap that have been completely forgotten. Okay. Some have been forgotten for a reason. Others are being utterly and completely slept on. We're going to discuss both. We're going to be discussing cards that we think are really, really good that you should be playing and you're not. And we're also gonna be discussing cards that maybe are in need of buffs. Cozy. I'm gonna get us started here. Okay. Now there is a card that I think. Needs something. It's been completely forgotten. I think that if built around correctly, the win rate can be in the mid 50s, 54, 55 range. Not a Meta Shaker. But Ronin and Master Mold. I think I've been completely forgotten about. I'm going to talk about both. Their statistics are almost identical with each other. At 0. 3 percent play rates and there's so little game volume that like the win rates irrelevant. It's under 50 right now, but who knows what's happening there. But Ronan and Master Mold, I'm talking about him as a package. I think that like, Ronan's better than we're giving him credit for. However, I think he still needs another support character or two to really take him to the next level. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Cozy Snap:

Bring him down to a 5 3 and give him plus three for each card in your opponent's hand. Even that. Didn't they do that already? That's like a temporary change that they could do. Maybe. I mean, it beats me, but there's been so many. Yeah, I think, man, he's just awkward. He's just an awkward card. He's an awkward card. I think he's definitely forgotten. I think he does hit the nail on the head there. They've changed Baron now, so, you know, it's a little bit different on how he works and doesn't draw the card for your opponent. Loki draws cards to me. That helps out a bit. He just needs. It's not even just him, man. He just needs more around him.

Alexander Coccia:

But I do think that like, in terms of forgotten cards, Ronin is absolutely near the top. Cozy, what's one of yours?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, man, especially if you look at like Gilgamesh and stuff. They're just like so much better. There's a lot to pick from. I think I'm gonna start with one that's just like a good card that is just not played that much that I think could be played more. And it's played in decks, I'm just not seeing it enough, and it's Miss Marvel. Like, I get it. They changed her. Totally do. But just like your pick of Orca has gotten better because there's less junk decks, I think Ms. Marvel is in that same spot. I think Ms. Marvel has so freaking much power for a 4 cost card and it makes no sense for 414 why she shouldn't be teching more decks. She flows and curves really well. I just think she's a winner, man. She's a card that I play a good amount, but I don't see her enough out there. Huge surprising finish. I think she's forgotten in the sense of, she's forgotten as a meta meta card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, when this came out, it was truly remarkably meta shaking. Meta warping. One might say, and although we thought that like, okay, the change to plus two cards with no repeating costs was going to impact it. We didn't anticipate just how much it was going to impact it. I think a major factor here as well as the prevalence of white widow, which makes kind of filling those locations, tricky offsetting the amount of power. But I agree. Ms. Marvel is a tremendous output of power at four costs and yeah, you have to micro and macro manage it quite a bit. But like, I don't think this card needs a buff, I think people just need to remember it exists and play it again.

Cozy Snap:

I was thinking about this, out of every single card in the game, right, so like, bots play a lot of angels, so it may not be that for me. What is the card that when it's played, you have forgotten that that even exists in Snap? Like the most forgotten card for you in the game. It's like, oh, yeah, that's a card.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, it's hard. I don't know. It's like, I think it is Angel, to be honest. Like when a bot plays Angel, or an Angel comes swinging out after they, I don't know, they deathlock their Venom on turn five. I'm like, and then all of a sudden, like, yeah, I think it has to be Angel. Like that is the most bot play. I think the other one's probably Colossus. I don't know why bots play so much Colossus. I think that's the other one that just shows up. I'm like, what the hell's this? The turn six Colossus.

Cozy Snap:

Mine's warpath. I, I feel like warpath. Dude, I never see this card. I ne I, I played like a war gobbles deck at once upon a time, but like, this is a card. I, I, bro, I never see it. I know bots play it from time to time, but it's like, it, this thing is, this will be played. I'm like, oh yeah, this, this. Is in the game. This has got to be up in the forgotten land.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, a hundred percent. It is. I mean, it literally it's less, it's almost like less than one. It is less than 1%. It's almost not even existent in play rate. If thanks, thanks bots for playing Warpath every once in a while. The only time Warpath was even relevant was the ongoing destroyer lists. Right. That was the only time it saw play and it's actually been buffed. It was not, it was a four nine and now it's actually, cause it was a five. It was a four, four that gained plus five. Now it's a four, five, I guess the 10 power, which was supposed to be significant because it's often played in those destroyer decks. So it's sitting under armor, but yeah, man, like this card just does not see any play at all. Cause I guess it's, is it too telegraphed that obviously you're throwing the other location. Is it just not worth the power? You can play a. A crossbones without having to worry about this.

Cozy Snap:

So you are straight up, like, you can play a one drop and play a cool obsidian, or you can completely abandon an entire location, significantly lowering your odds to win, to get the same power.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's not even close. Like this, do you, is this card need a rework or do you buff it? I think it can probably stay the way it is. I think it needs to be buffed.

Cozy Snap:

But Alex, the new player's experience.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh my gosh, the new player experience cause you upset me every time you bring it up. Make this a 6 cost like Orca with a similar condition, right? Seriously.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, as a finisher that would make more sense because you're like setting up the lane and everything. It may even be more telegraphed then, but who cares? It's gonna have that payoff. I don't hate that. I think it's pretty interesting. Yeah, let's see what happens there. What is another forgotten card that you got?

Alexander Coccia:

All right, buddy. Okay. You actually brought it up on your side a little bit, and I'm just going to lead into it so that you can talk about her, but Aero running a 0. 4 percent win rate of that's actually probably her win rate. I was actually her meta share at 0. 4%, but the win rate may as well be there too. It's actually 45 percent if you're interested in knowing that, but Aero, like honestly, this card, I've not seen played at all. I've actually been playing some Aero lately and it sucks. It sucks really bad. It's so bad. Like, it's insultingly bad. I hate this card. I hate everything about Arrow. She is offensive, and I hope she gets just deleted. Just don't even ban her. Just delete her from the game, because quite frankly, this card just doesn't, doesn't deserve to be in the game anymore. It's that bad.

Cozy Snap:

Come October, whenever that scream cards come out, if I see you play Arrow, I'm gonna ruin your life. I'm gonna ruin your life. That's all I have to say. That's it. You are

Alexander Coccia:

blinded by passion, sir. This card sucks. You

Cozy Snap:

better be a man of your word here. And you have no right to even have her near one of your freaking decks. Okay?

Alexander Coccia:

I'll play her in Scream.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, so one of my cards that Eros hated, bro. Eros, yeah, she's, I don't even hate it. She's just not in the game anymore. She's not, and maybe she'll come back. I have nothing to say to you. I'm moving on. How about Havoc, Alex? How about Havoc? You seen this card anytime recently?

Alexander Coccia:

Nope. 0. 4 percent play rate, sir. No one's seeing Havoc.

Cozy Snap:

Havoc is up there as a card that, like, is still not even that, that bad. Like, he's not that, that bad, and maybe he'll come back with, like, a Wicked deck or something like that. But this is this is just a weird card. It's a weird card to play. It could be a 2 4 instantly. Great stat there. But the way that you draw cards and when to curve it, it's got that black swan effect that you want to play it earlier and then you really can't. And so Havoc is my, is my like newer card list, that's just,

Alexander Coccia:

it's bad. I've been playing some, some infrequent Havoc in like a Wave 5 Havoc shell, which I kind of like. I pull it over every once in a while because if you play Wave and Havoc on turn five you can still sneak out like a turn, like a six costed card with one energy to spare for, for one drop or whatever, but it never feels good. It never feels worth it. Havoc himself, though, does elevate in power. Like, it is an impressive amount of power. It never gets to Shan Chi range if played on turn five, as long as there's not a magic on the board. And the other side to it is it's also resilient to Shadow King because even if you knock the initial Buff back, it'll actually pop back up at the end of the turn. So I really do like Havoc, but the restriction of energy is so difficult. It's almost not worth playing. Like think about how many hoops you jump through with something like a Corvus Glaive for that one extra energy for Wiccan, which was coming out like there's extra energy is so damn valuable. Destroying it on the other end is so detrimental. So that's probably why Havoc sees no play.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Very bold card for them to release for sure. Got any other forgotten favorites?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think there's a card I want to bring up again as an absolute buff candidate, like, I don't know what else we have to say about Mr. Fantastic, like, I don't, I don't ever see, like, a real sell for Mr. Fantastic. Is that one you forgot existed? Be honest, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Fantastic Four comes out in July next year, that's when we see his buff probably, dude. Reed Richards is so iconic in, in Marvel, it's crazy how, how bad he is. Yeah There's just no reason. No reason to put him in the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no reason to sort by power either when you're trying to find cards you know, on a, on a podcast. But what I will say is like with, I wonder if they rework his ability. Have Ms. Marvel in the game? Do you really need him doing the plus two? Or do you focus on the fact that isn't he supposed to be one of the smartest men alive? Is that not one of the things that he's supposed to be? Maybe give him a whole new ability. Maybe completely rework him. I like the idea that we're talking about Stretch Armstrong here. We can reach a little bit, but Ms. Marvel's doing that. He can do something else. Come on. This kind of looks like you. That looks like me.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. You got to grow the beard out. Next time you do it, you could cosplay him.

Alexander Coccia:

I could cosplay him.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know his arms like coming around. Like we get it. He's stretchy. Is it the white hair? It's all of it. I think it's all of it. The anger. Like if I get star Lord, yeah, you get the anger. Yeah, exactly. It's that, that's your that's your avatar on YouTube right here. If you were to crop that circle, you should replace him for yours and see if people notice.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I just use our terms, Mr. Fantastic. Wonder if no one notices at all. Maybe not. I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

But yeah, definitely, definitely get it for Biden. Those are for me, probably the most forgotten. The other ones I see like crop up time to time.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. One more I want to bring up, and this is one that is one of my favorite surprise cards in Marvel snap. And I know you love it too. It's Valkyrie. Valkyrie is criminally underplayed, criminally, not even a percentage point. Almost no statistics. No one's playing Valkyrie. And I'm not just talking about like C3 copium. Like, I think this is an actual good card. I think it's really good. I like playing Valkyrie in combination with things like Ant Man Wasp, things like that. You can really flip locations easily. I think Valkyrie is absolutely underplayed.

Cozy Snap:

She's been out forever. They can't make her less than five. It'd be too crazy. Yeah, she, she's tough. She's definitely tough on what to do with her. Very much forgotten, because if I lose this card, I Actually, this might be the best way to end it, because I think she's one of the most forgotten. Because if I lose this card I'm like, Oh my God. Right? Like they could play a Shang Chi and a Shadow King on the board. And I have like a big card left and I'm like, I win. There's not anything left in the, in the board. And then a fricking Valkyrie hits me. Be over, man. It'll be over.

Alexander Coccia:

And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. We've got a couple interesting comments here that I can't wait to go through. The first comes from JMT and it reads, can we please have more deck spots? It doesn't make any sense. It's a five minute change for SD. They have to know we all want it. Super annoying.

Cozy Snap:

I'm telling you, we survived our first week without a new card. Do it again, put all those resources into just cleaning up some things in Snap, and adding some quality of life, and deck slots near the top of the list.

Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, like, I would love to have more deck slots. I don't even want to suggest that I would pay for more deck slots. But I would. Honestly, I love them. Like, I love having more deck slots. I want to experiment. I even have, like, a running, like, Google Doc, where I copy and paste decks that I don't want to forget I designed, because I don't have enough space. I almost want, like, an archive where I can just put, like, my forever decks that, like, I just want to go back to every once in a while, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

It would be so cool if this was a reward in, like, in an upcoming Deadpool's Diner. Because it's not like game breaking, but it rewards players that play the game a lot. Right. And like, if you play the game a lot, you're going to want more decks. I think this may be able to cook it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. That's actually a great idea. Honestly. Like, I think people would really like that. Or, I mean, you can just give it to everybody because.

Cozy Snap:

Well, just do that as a base, like five more, 10 more for everybody. And then you add something there. I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but honestly, more deck slots, I'm all for it. The next question comes from Sir BMW. Cassandra Nova is the first card to be placed behind a paywall or skill issue. There will be many free to play players who won't be able to get the card due to unfortunate luck and skill. It feels like Second Dinner is telling individuals who don't deserve to have the card that if you don't have the skill, then you should wait for it to come back. This is the first time this has happened. Is this okay? And following up with that, Strider commented, I made it to the top of Diner in about a week using no gold, and now I'm playing just to give free bubs to help others still climbing. So there's two paradoxes here. We have Deadpool's Diner, but you have the access of Cassandra Nova. If you hit the threshold, But some people are struggling. Other people are getting through relatively straightforward. Is this a matter of allowing second dinner to access the data? See what percentage of players were successfully able to complete it, to make improvements in the future. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think that I'd be interested in those statistics. It's a damn, if you do, damn, if you don't kind of thing. Like people want really enticing rewards. I think a new card is a good way to do that. You can't have the new card suck, right? There's a neck since, you know, People are upset about that. I'm on the camp, I'm completely fine with there being a card. Where that is. I would like, I've already said my piece on that. I want them to not have a way to buy tiers. I think that solves it. But yeah, it's, it's, it's tough. I guess they need to look at the statistics here, but I'm on the camp of, I think I'm fine with it.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. And that takes us to our next question here. As my voice continues to disintegrate here, I'm really sick. Just try and hold on in this Snapchat here. Usually it's cozy. That's sick to have it now. It's me cozy. You've cursed me. It's all that negativity I've sent towards arrows. I've been just cursed with the lack of voice box. No, this, these comments are absolutely hilarious. I love these so much from Turfer and it read so sad that Alex didn't acknowledge Cozy's dreams of them riding a Vespa together in Italy. I don't even remember this happening. I don't even remember this happening. And like. People commented over and over again about how like you had this romantic moment with me about this Vespa And I just completely didn't respond to it at all I want to publicly acknowledge that Cozy if you want to ride a Vespa in Italy You should find someone

Cozy Snap:

else. It's too late. I was going to say it's too late. So you should find someone else. Good sir. I called him once. Oh, you'll find somebody. I called Alex once on stream and I ended the call with, I love you, bud. And he hung up and guess what? Chat was like, you didn't say I love you back. It's fine. I've, I have I've become accustomed to this at this point.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, man, I apologize for that. Okay. Chat called me out. I think it was one of those situations where I was hitting the button. As you said it, I would have said it back, but you know, you know, I do anyways, right? Like you, you have to tell your wife, you love you, you love her every single time you see her, or does she just accept that she knows.

Cozy Snap:

You're you're, I'm watching you actively die on camera.

Alexander Coccia:

I know I can't talk, man. I can't, we, we can't do this right now. Cozy. We cannot have this conversation. Me and you will have to, we have to work on our communication a little bit, but maybe not on a podcast in front of tens of thousands of people.

Cozy Snap:

Can I do the outro for you?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Hey everybody, alex is giving it his all over here, having coughing fits, trying to get through the snapchat. But we appreciate you guys hanging out for yet another week. We have a good juicy week next week. Leave a review, say what's up, and as always guys, have a great one. Until the next one, you. Happy snapping!

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