The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New Season: Young Avengers | July Cards In Review | Deadpool's Diner Discussion | The Snap Chat Ep. 91

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 39

Will Kate Bishop and these other Young Avengers end up being another unpredictable season? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in July? What are Cozy and Alex's thoughts on the rough start of Deadpool's Diner? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome back. We have a brand new season for Marvel Snap for the month of August, and it's Young Avengers, led by Kate Bishop. Alex and I are going to, of course, break down all the cards and talk about which ones you don't want to miss out and save up your tokens for, as well as all the synergies, combinations. And our star ratings. We also had Deadpool's Diner, Cassandra Nova, Big Week, and Marvel Snap. I went to San Diego Comic Con, Conker's event, and more. And we're gonna talk about that all today on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. We're coming fresh off Deadpool's Diner, Cassandra Nova. We had Marvel Snap, Conker's, that we hosted together. And now it's a brand new season, man, for, for Snap. This is, this is fun. This is chaos.

Alexander Coccia:

It's actually been so chaotic over the last couple of weeks and it's only set to continue here. We have alliances coming out, we've got a ton of new cards to talk about, a whole new season ahead of us. And honestly, I've actually changed my tune on a couple of these cards as I've kind of sit back, relaxed, stared into the sun and thought, and I'm excited to discuss them with you today.

Cozy Snap:

Well dude, I mean Comic Con was a once in a lifetime feeling, awesome, awesome experience, and Snap has been fun! I actually found myself playing Snap in between like, Panels and just kind of like hanging out there on the, on the floor. And it's always cool to see just like how many people play the game. And, and interacting with fans and experiences. So that was, that was a good time for sure. But yeah, this season, at first the cards I was a little, eh, on. But I've definitely come around to some of them and how they're gonna work, you know, as a whole. I think there's some really unique synergy that they're trying to pull off. May not happen, but they're trying to pull off, and of course we're also gonna be talking Cassandra and all that good stuff as well. You know, we're gonna talk about it more on your side, but just how was your, how was your week as a whole, man? Start to finish.

Alexander Coccia:

Great. Like it's been super busy and I've been playing a ton of snap. Obviously hosting conquerors was incredible. And you know, I hope that you guys all enjoyed it as well. It was one of those things where it's like, you know what, it's been such a hectic week, but at the same time, like I was, I was born for this. Like I wanted this so much, like this was so much fun. And it made me realize how fun. And I want to thank every one of you who listen and watch, and I'm sure Cozy feels the same way, without you guys, like, I don't know, this is so special for us, and I want you guys to know that we appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely, dude, absolutely. I always feel like it's this, so many weeks, straight line, just chill, chill, chill, and then when it's crazy, it's just like, it's wild, and that's how this week felt. This is one of the busiest weeks of my existence, man, with the new game mode for a game that hasn't had one in a year and a half. Comic Con, The Conquerors, Rivals came out, so we don't want to, yeah, obviously Rivals, very great game. Continue to have that great beta success. And then, you know, all the chaos with, with Alliance. It's just been a lot. And now we have all these Marvel announcements and, and the future is looking promising to say the least. But, let's go ahead and jump on in and talk about the new season. But first, what are we talking about over on your side of the Snapchat, Alex?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing our final rankings for the cards of July 2024. It's one of our favorite topics. We're going to hold ourselves accountable for our ratings and see how they've held up. We'll also be talking about Deadpool's Diner, having an in depth conversation on our thoughts on Deadpool's Diner, the latest game mode in Marvel Snap. And then, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, let's jump in! We're going to jump on it because this is usually a long episode. We always say this, this is our favorite because we get to do the new season, talk about the last one, and we give kind of our Our rankings, we put ourselves on the line and, and try our best to predict cards, and I think actually this month is going to be pretty hard to predict. Last month was hard to predict, as we're going to come to find out. And this month is as well, and we start off with Kate Bishop, Hawkeye Kate Bishop. And very weird art to begin with. Might be a bug. There's like a, the bow's not drawn, but the arrow's moving. I, I saw that right away, and I was cracking up at that. But you've got yourself a 2 cost, 3 power card. So we already like the stats. On reveal, you're going to add two arrows to your hand, and Alex and I will cover those arrows in a second. Some better than others, you have an Acid arrow that is going to be, they're all one cost cards. Acid arrow's a 1 2, you have a Basic arrow that's essentially a Hawkeye. Grapple arrow that's a cool movement card. And then kind of an Ant Man arrow, so we'll get to those shortly. Baseline though, before we jump into her and all that she has to offer, how do you feel about her as a Season Pass card, Alex?

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, I think that this is the card that Nico Minoru kind of paved the way for. This clearly has some inspiration from Nico and it's, it's nice. It's cool. I like this, right? I think the card's awesome. I really am looking forward to playing with it. I like the idea that it feels like a card that can go into a number of different archetypes. It's not shoehorned into one specific one. So lower collection level players, new players, or players across any collection level. Could honestly benefit from having this in their collections, which I think is a really good season pass card as a whole. For me, Cozy, I'm gonna go with four stars here. I think it's legit. I don't, I can see it falling into the three and a half range because of the random elements, and I wonder about the effectiveness of the actual arrows themselves, but I'm pretty confident that it'll hit around four stars.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, funny enough we, we don't, I feel like we, we, not that we disagree, but we have different rankings more often than not, but I actually am pretty lined up with you on this one. I'm gonna give it a 4, and it's mainly because of the decks that she obviously works with. Are very competitive decks and so right off that, you're gonna have that. She is in a very hard slot of the two costs, right? A lot of competitive cards to go up against. If you're not elite, you're not gonna be played. Cause there's Jeff, there's, you know, White Widow, there's other alternatives. But the decks that she works with Are fantastic. She offers variety. Card generation is really good in the game. Especially at two costs, getting two cards, that's kind of crazy. And so you're gonna have a lot of chances to get some crazy synergy with her. And that's kind of where we're gonna lead. To understand her, though, and understand the synergy, I wanna talk about her arrows that she generates, and on top of that, Rank them. I think, you know, we, we're ranking all the cards, so we might as well rank the arrows. Some of these are gonna be better than others, but right off the bat, what I like about her, man, is she's a great curve play, right? She's gonna be a 2 3, she's gonna give you more cards to play as filler cards that you can play when you are going into turn 6. Plenty of times, especially turn 4, I don't know about you, maybe turn 5, you've got one card, but then you're kind of wasting energy at that point. And so I think this is a really cool filler card to do that. And all the cards that she generates Are pretty good. Some are not exactly exciting, but they're pretty good. And, you know, I think people like Season Pass cards that are big difference makers. I don't know if she's like that huge difference maker. But she does offer a lot of utility into a lot of decks. And I think that's going to be exciting and competitive. So let's go ahead and talk about these arrows that she's going to generate. It's only two, so you're only going to have, you know, you're not going to get these all the time. And that is it's not problematic because of the nature on how good some of these are. Now, first and foremost, Alex, let's start with what I both would think is the best arrow in the kit, right? And that's gonna be the Acid Arrow. Essentially, it's a green goblin, but better. In fact, I would dare say it's a White Widow, but better. In a lot of cases. You have a 1 cost, negative 2 power card. On reveal, the Acid Arrow switches sides. And this worries me a bit because we already have a lot of clogged stuff going on in the game, right, Alex? You get to play this as early as turn three, obviously. They can't get rid of the power, unlike the Widow's Kiss. And on top of that, it's just, it's doing what it does best. It's clogging and it's, it's creating disruption. So I think this is a pretty cool And by far, this is probably her best era.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, oh yeah, for sure. Basically Power Creep on Green Goblin somehow. Like, it's really, really good. And I think this is going to be one of the strongest ones for sure. And the ability to clog that early without the downside of the Widow's Kiss getting kind of negated into a zero power is notable. Like, this is legitimately a very strong addition in any game state. I really like it a lot, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

And what's cool way to think about her is even if you want to think about her as a 3 cost this right here has her as a 3 5, right? We like that stat line and you can kind of think of that way with some of the other cards that we're going to mention in a second. A lot of great utility here. I think this is the arrow you're wanting to get by far the most. This is the one that really sets her above the standard of a 2 cost card. Anytime you could, I mean, you just play this into the lane on turn 3 where they either have 2 or 1 card. You've put them in a hole immediately, and that's not assuming, by the way, that there's locations like Savage Land that you can continue to abuse with. Like, there's really great opportunities with this, and I think it's scary. It's definitely scary, man. Are you worried about this coming out as a claw card when we already have so many?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, I'm not, actually. I think that because of the 50 50 chance of generating this particular arrow, I think you'd still rather just run White Widow, because that's a 100 percent chance to do exactly what you want it to. I still think Kate Bishop's good and probably will end up experimenting in those shells, but I don't know if she will displace White Widow, despite how good this is.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, fair enough. In fact, it'll probably be rolled with her in some cases, right? The next arrow is the grapple arrow, one cost again, three power, so now you're looking at a potential, essentially a two si or a three six for Kate Bishop. On reveal, after you play your next card. Move it to this location. So kind of like the inverse of Ghost Spider, if you will. What do you think of Grapple?

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting when I read it, because you're right, it is the inverse of Ghost Spider. And so if you play this on turn 5, they have an inkling as to where a card's gonna go. Like, they know, well, their turn 6 play, at least one of the cards is gonna hit this location. Whereas if it was the other way around, Ghost Spider is unpredictable. Cause Ghost Spider's moving during your turn, and they don't, they can't really remedy that. So it does have that, but you're right that the stats are incredible. It's a natural one, three, and if you don't want something to move, you can play this on turn six as the last card, right? So I do like it. I think it's pretty neat and it does give some additional versatility for sure. However, it's not quite as accessible as something like a Iron Fist. Like you won't be able to put something into like a Sanctorum with this card, because this card physically has to be present in the location, which is a limitation.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, totally agree. However. This is probably my second favorite card out of the kit. So, first one was Junk, kind of worked with that. To say, like, she has synergy with movement, I, you know, I think so, kind of, right? But it's unpredictable, and that's the problem. I think when we get our next season, which is a move based season, we might like this even more so, and we'll see that kind of come into play. What I like about this card is A1 3 is crazy. That's just a good stat line card that you get the value for. But what's cool about it is, even though it can't get you into Sanctum, I love the versatility of it, because this can get you into Death's Domain. This can get you into because you play this down first, and even if it dies, it's going to be able to do that on reveal effect. We've seen that happen before. You know how powerful that is. We have so many locations, like Quantum Tunnel, these weird kind of locations that you don't want to play a card into Right away. Right. And so I feel like that's the cool utility of it that you don't always have to use it, but it can be nice.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Luke's bar is like a good example of that too. I, you know, I, I'm, I like this one a lot, but like, I think that like all the arrows are particularly strong in their own way, and this is what's interesting. And as we talk about the other two as well, I wonder sometimes if Kate Bishop's going to be like those Jack of all trades, master of none style cards. Where like, because of the 12 deck design of Marvel Snap, it's so hard to be like, She's a Zoo card, she's a Move card, she's a you know, Toxic card. It's like she's 50 percent of the time exactly what you need and 50 percent of the time not what you need. And I think that's kind of interesting. But yeah, this is definitely a good one. And I think the other ones are good too, to be honest with you.

Cozy Snap:

I do, I'll talk about which one I think is the worst and we'll end on the other one. I do think this is going to be our worst card. This is the basic arrow. It is, it is Hawkeye. It's a 1 1. On reveal, if you play a card here at this location next turn, it's plus 3, goes to 1, 4, meaning Kate Bishop is technically a 3, 7. Not bad. However, why does Hawkeye suck? Why does Rescue suck, right? I think this is pretty obvious. It's not the best effect.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it's not, and it's also useless on the last turn of the game, right? Like, that's the sad reality. You get the stats, can't be played on the last turn of the game effectively. I mean, you could, theoretically, but you wouldn't want to. But I mean, stats wise, it does perform, so it's not really that far behind the others. Like, it's not as good as, like, the Acid Arrow, for instance, but it's really, I don't think it's that far off. I think the Next Arrow's better, though. I would agree that this is the worst of the four.

Cozy Snap:

And, and, it's the worst of four, but, we'll allude to some of the synergy. You talk about Falcon, you talk about Beast, then all of a sudden, hold on, hold on, it's not bad at all. You can start to really abuse this thing, and so, another kind of sneak peek into a Synergy we were talking about is Balance, right? Obviously. So I do agree the last one is the Ant Man kind of card and that is our Pym Arrow. Obviously hints the name. Ongoing if your side of this location is full, plus 3 power. You got the 1 4 doing pretty much nothing but the on curve play. One less than Ant Man. It's the old Ant Man and it has an ongoing ability which we know we can abuse in certain ways.

Alexander Coccia:

I like this a lot, honestly. And this is like an ideal play on turn six, right? You're just sneaking out like all that extra power with one with a one drop. It's pretty awesome. I like this one a lot. I would actually rank this one as the second one and the move one as the third one, like if I were to like, if you were to like force me to pick a ranking, but I can totally see why you like, you would like the other one better, especially at its base stat line. But I do like this one a lot and I think it's pretty versatile.

Cozy Snap:

So with all this guys, let's go ahead and talk more about those synergies. We, we, we spoiled some of them. Alex, I'll kick us off. I'll say which one, where I see you're working best. We, we've kind of iterated this a lot on the Snapchat, but anytime you're able to do what you're trying to do anyway, and you get to do these cards, that's when they shine the best. And with Kate Bishop, in my opinion, where does that shine? And some people are gonna hate to hear it, but say what you will. It's Loki, and it's Devil Dinosaur. Card generation, right? You don't even have to play these cards, and you're getting what you want to play. I went on a tear with my new Rocks and Hawks build. Loved it to death. And one of my favorite plays was the simple Devil on 5, Mystique, and then Coulson to finish the game. Well, Coulson's great because you get that card generation. You get a couple cards in your deck, build up the Devil Dinosaur. You're getting to do that too, but for even cheaper, for only the two. Or if you want to curve right into Loki, you can go with that. If you want to fill those turns until then, you can use those cards up. Maybe get the Acid Arrow out there. So right away No question in my book, I think Devil, Dinosaur, Loki are gonna probably really love this card because then you're getting rid of that randomness.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question it's an amazing Loki card. You think about what you're running in the two drop slot in Loki and a lot of times you're running cables there's people even experimenting with Valentinas, like there's, there's usually some sort of hand generation at the two drop and now you have double, you have two cards and you can decide whether or not you play them out or you flip them with Loki and of course, Of course, Loki with its discounted cost with each individual card you change, like that, those individual one drops suddenly become extremely powerful tools that your opponent can't really you know, predict what you're going to hit them with. So I absolutely do think it's fantastic and it's not quite on curve the way Coulson is, but that doesn't stop you from playing Coulson too.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And like, this is where it gets crazy. Cause what if we talked about, it's funny cause we talked about Jeff for like ever, right. And maybe he got the excuse more cause he's a cute shark, but we continue to have this conversation. Yeah. Okay. What, what? It's gonna work well with Loki. What works with Loki? Quinche. Okay, cool. But that won't work with these cards'cause they can't go down even cheaper. However, what it does work with is currently one of the most, played one of the best cards in the game. And that's gonna be Mockingbird. Right? So, once again, you've got a card that's gonna work with Mockingbird in any deck. So let's just count that as its own Merit. Hawkeye K Bishop and Mockingbird. Together. It works out. You're going to be able to get down at least her to a four cost just by playing that on curve and by the end of the game, if you have the deck set up correctly, you should be able to get it even more crazy outside of maybe the acid arrow, obviously, because it gives your opponent's mockingbird that advantage. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

It's entirely possible that Mockingbird was nerfed the way it was at the time it was, in advance of this season, for this exact reason. In their testing, Mockingbird has obviously been a fantastic card in Snap for the longest time, and with Kate Bishop, it gets an additional synergy, and maybe that was like, the moment they're like, No, listen, Loki has too much now, we've walked that dark road of pissing everyone off with Loki, let's dial it back, making Mockingbird a 610. But one thing I want to mention, because we're talking a lot about the arrows, the arrows are cool in and of themselves. But I want to take a counterpoint. This is one of the things that took me off of like the rating slightly.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I want to, I want you to reflect on what Dokken does. Okay. That shard that Dokken produces that one extra energy, it can often feel like you have to squeeze it in somewhere for Dokken, right? And while Kate Bishop doesn't have that, quite that same problem, you're still going to often find yourself in situations where. Curving with those arrows, they might not be ideal. Sometimes it's going to help you curve, but other times it's going to be hard to actually find spots to play. Like there might be a situation where you top tech you know, Kate Bishop on three, you get your, your you know, your arrows. And you're like, well, I should probably just Loki. And that's going to be the correct play. But with something like a, you know, if you don't have your Loki and then all of a sudden you're like, okay, well, now I'm playing off curve with these one drops. I don't know if it's helping me that much. And so I wonder about that. And I wonder if she needs at some point, maybe one of the weaker arrows like that, that on reveal plus three, if that becomes a zero cost. I think it's an additional dial that could be changed on each individual of the one of these cards, but I had that thought about, okay, first of all, they're going to be Killmonger able, they are buffable via Marvel Boy and Kazar and et cetera, but the cost of the individual arrows, I think is an important dial to consider when we're, with regards to the power of the card.

Cozy Snap:

So, a few things to break down that you mentioned. First of all it is cool that she has a lot of dials to mess with in OTAs, right? You have her base power, you have arrow in hands, you have what the arrows do so there is that. I can assure you guys, if she were to fall flat, they would be able to adjust that very quickly which is cool. I probably disagree with the dock intake in just the regard of, like, Docking, you need to do that to get his power and most of the time you're like obsessed with like trying to get him like much higher power and work with that. It's more keen to me to like Snow Guard where it's like, you can just use her to buff the hand and get what you want there and play those cards if you want to and they're even cheaper. I will say, yes, there will be times she's awkward like, especially in the later turns, like, I think there's a certain point in the game where you're like, Alright, she's legit gonna be my finisher for Devil. Or she's gonna legit just be here to Loki. Or, yeah, you get her too awkward too late and it's like, I, there's just, there's no reason to get her out there at that point. So, I, I, I see more of the Snow Guard than I do Dawkin. I see you point a bit. I think a zero cost arrow might be that, that, that's interesting. That's crazy. That, that could be, that's nuts, bro. That, you think she could use a zero cost arrow?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I'm not saying that she needs it. I'm just saying that, like, I had this thought that like docking with that shard, you often have to plan to mutilize that shard, right? What Kate Bishop has to her advantage is the natural synergy with these hand generation Loki style decks, where being unable to play these cards is not always a detrimental factor because you're able to just replace them. Right? So it's not quite the same thing. Maybe docking wasn't the best example. Maybe I should have said Snowguard as you brought up, but I just wanted to make a mention of the fact that. The fact that these arrows are one costed is significant. And you kind of alluded to that when you said, is she even a two cost? Is she really a three cost, right? Depending on the circumstances.

Cozy Snap:

Especially with like, move, right? Where it's like, you receive new movement cards and we get excited, but like, it can throw off your Like Daken with like, Destroy and Discard. Those cards are so direct, and like, let's say like, we put the Daken shard down. Daken, I know you didn't mean to use example, but this is just a good point here. Like then you can't Carnage, then you can't Venom. It's kind of the same with Move, right? If you throw down a card, it's not always, like, you want a Phoenix Force. You want to do something else, and it does cost one. So all of a sudden, it is awkward. And maybe there is a time and a place where there is a card kind of like a King to Quinjet that token cards are cheaper. Maybe, like, that would be an interesting thing. The hood could get carried away, but I, I understand your point here. I think, in general though, the only worry I have for her is, is she kind of, yeah, the master of none, but she works in so many archetypes that I see her doing well. I think what's cool about this is, is these, it is hard these days to not fill up your locations, because you have junk working against you, you have just so many different options to play, and, and so these, these decks like Zoo and Bounce, You've got to plan out so well in advance, right? To what you're doing. You've got players that are like, Dude, I'm just going to shurry and pass, man. Can I just go that route? I don't want to do the calculus to try to do, you know, whatever it might be here. But yeah, Hitmonkey, very interesting combination. And as always, Hitmonkey, you got Mysterio. Mysterio, you have Mockingbird. Mockingbird, you have the arrows. So you have another little core group that can all hang together. And so I think that's a great point. I have one last synergy on here before we move on. Do you have anything else you want to say about Kate?

Alexander Coccia:

I, well, I mean, I think my major synergy I want to talk about is what we're moving on to. So I'll let you take over. So, yeah,

Cozy Snap:

last, last point I see some really cool potential whoops, not Pixie, I just wanted to click her. I was going to say, what kind of

Alexander Coccia:

copium are you

Cozy Snap:

on now? Super copium, Thena. I think Thena having those curve out plays, cause she's, for those that just like to play curve, and that's you, man, you love curve, right? Thena can feel awkward at some points, cause it's like, you didn't get your kitty pride, what are you, this is the ultimate Thena card in the sense of, yes, you have to play Thena first and or second, but if you play I mean, actually the play line is just Kate Bishop, Thena, and an arrow. Then you have an arrow plus other cards to play, right? So I do, I like this for that build as well.

Alexander Coccia:

It's like one of the only times where Athena might actually be playable outside of Kitty Pryde. She might still just be best in Kitty Pryde, but that doesn't mean you can't add Bishop to that Kitty Pryde deck.

Cozy Snap:

Well, yeah, because you do, because you think about it, right? What else is in the deck? Obviously, we're not, we know by now, Angela. So what does Angela do? Well, Angela's feasting off these arrows. You have the Acid Arrow, I give up finding her. You have the Acid Arrow, right, that can, you play it on Angela, switches sides, you get the buildup. You also have the grapple arrow that can go to another side. The ongoing arrow is kind of nice to play in there too. I think this might be a really cool Angela card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the only challenge is with Tina. I don't know if it happens very often with you, but I'm like, damn, I want to play three cards. This is sad, right? And with Kate Bishop and that kind of generation that might happen here and there. But regardless, I mean, it's going to be a good place to test her for sure. And this is a key learning with Kate Bishop. Like, it feels like she's going to be able to go into a number of different archetypes. Where she's ideal, of course, remains to be seen, but I think there's going to be a lot of experimentation.

Cozy Snap:

And I always like that. I like when it's not obvious exactly what to do, what to play. Let's talk about Marvel Boy, and this is gonna be our first spotlight card of the month. They have already had to tune him a bit. The video has not come out yet at the time of us recording this, and I do think there are some cards that get touched up. I think he might be good in this iteration for now. He's a 3 cost, 2 power card, Alex. After each turn, give 3 of your 1 cost cards plus 1 power. That is Very interesting, very crazy. Star Ratings thoughts, let's start there.

Alexander Coccia:

This was close to being my, my 5. I was leaning towards like, how can this be bad? I'm gonna go with like, I'm gonna go with a firm 4. But like, I can see, nah, you know what man, I might even go 5 here. Like, I don't know what you're thinking, but me, I'm leaning towards 5, because like, It's funny, people say, oh, Killmonger man, Killmonger's gonna wipe out these cards. It's funny, because Killmonger's the release filth. But we have a release file for Killmonger in Caillera. So like, it's funny how like this, this, this card has like so much going for it from a deck building perspective. Stats wise, it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. You know, I'm gonna go 5 here. I think this card's actually legitimately nuts.

Cozy Snap:

I think this is the safe 5 for sure. The 5 I'll give I think is more risky, but I definitely see giving this the 5 because of a few reasons. Because of Killmonger's existence, this card can, it can be a card, and, and that's important because, yeah, of course. And, listen, what I'm loving is Zoo was the first deck most of us played, and it went from bare bones basic to super complex. And the reason I say complex is not in the way you play it, but the build. Because, you can't put every card in a Zoo deck, you need enough 1s, right? You also need to protect your cards, which would be with this deck. Old Days Armored, now Kaiera, but Kaiera's a 3. Okay, now you have Marvel Boy. It's really cool, because now, if you draw Kaiera, you play her down first. If you play Marvel Boy, you play him down first, either or. And then, all the other cards that you've got in your deck are pretty cheap, not to mention Kate Bishop giving you 2 1s. To add into that, which is our, our leaning. So I see it. I mean, listen, we're going to talk synergy. I'm going to give this a four. I like four here. For sure. It's the squirrel girl into this. It's just that immediate. Wow. Synergy, in my opinion.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, yeah, of course. And like, it's just crazy how much power it's going to put up and what I'll argue against and the reason why I'm like, kind of like, again, my five, it's not okay. My other fives, like last month, I was way more confident in this one here. I can see slipping for 4. 5, four, right? But what I will say though is like, it's, yeah, give up a little bit of the top end if you're against, if you're against a Destroy player, don't play Marvel Boy on 3. Play Chiara on 3 if you have her. Play Marvel Boy on 4. You know what I mean? Get, just be conservative. Protect your board. If you're playing Squirrel Girl, you likely have initiative. It's one of the things that card is so good at, and Chiara on 3 will prevent that Killmonger from wiping your board out, right? So just don't get greedy. If you're holding both, man, just don't get greedy, and you should still be okay in those matchups despite the fact that you, of course, you're never going to draw Chiara on 3 every time. Every single time and you're not, but you're not going to have Marvel one every time either.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I listen guys. My five is more of the troll five. I think this is I don't think you're going to miss with this being one of the best cards, if not the best of the month of a vibe because here we go, right? You play squirrel or you just play. 3 1 cost cards on turn 1 and on turn 2, or the Cape Bishop, you can do either or. Immediately, first turn, right after turn 3, right after you play this guy, 3 5 value, just like that. He goes to 3 5 value, then 3 8,

Alexander Coccia:

then 3 11. And don't forget that like, honestly, with Mockingbird being a 6 power cost card now as well, Kyara's in these decks, Mockingbird is going to benefit from like the Shaunas, the Squirrel Girls, and also be not able to get destroyed because of Kyara's effect.

Cozy Snap:

Cape Bishop, yeah, to your point exactly. And then you have like all these other cards that just build up over time, the Dazzlers, like there's. With the, I mean, Gilgamesh, in his own right, is such a great foundation of that card, and who's kind of earned that spot over even something like, you know, the Blue Marvel. This is a cheap Blue Marvel replacement, in the sense of like, you don't have to worry about always going Blue Marvel on five. I think it still deserves a spot in the deck, probably, depending on the game plans that you have, but with Kate Bishop's arrows and with this, you should have enough boosting going on that you feel confident with a big Gilgamesh if you want to go that route anyway, which is exciting in its own merit. So, yes, I, absolutely, I think this card is super cool. I love, finally, not finally, I don't feel like they do it enough, that the Season Pass card and the card that's releasing this week coincide. Absolute perfect together. Absolutely great. And it's just a cool, it's a very interesting concept, and it makes Zoo a different deck rather than the same element.

Alexander Coccia:

But it's obviously a card and something that holds it back. It's a card that benefits from being played early, right? Playing this card on turn four is okay. Turn three is ideal. Turn six is still procs once. It's not the end of the world.

Cozy Snap:

Three, five. I think it's, I think it's fine no matter when you play it. I honestly do. Cause the three, five is a three, five at the end of the day.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I mean, that's true. Right. But I mean, you get a little more from playing it earlier naturally, but it's still just good. It's so good, in fact, I wonder if, when the video comes out, this is not like a 3 1 or something. Like, I wonder if this gets toned down.

Cozy Snap:

3 1 would make more sense, because then you got 3 4, goes to 3 7, 3 10. Like, that makes more sense than the 8, like, that starts getting kind of crazy. They won't touch anything in his ability, I think that's kind of gonna be, they're not gonna go down and give two cards, I don't see that happening. It just, man, and it just synergizes, like, immediately with that new card. What I want to talk about, because we talked about Zoo, we're going to continue to talk about Zoo, because obviously that's where he works, is the one cost cards that I like this best with, right? A lot of these cards are ones that you want to have sit out there a bit, right? And, and continue to, to gain that power. There's obviously the one cost cards, not you, Baron. There's obviously the one cost cards that that are just good cards to have, right? Like, I think the early Spider Ham play, getting that out there. You're already doing one thing. And then, hey, you're not playing a cheap card all of a sudden, you're playing a powerful card. I think this could be super interesting in tandem, Alex, with Echo. I love this play with Echo, because Echo is that card you want to get out there right away. She does her own thing, and then on top of that, you're going to be able to start building her up as well.

Alexander Coccia:

It's cool to think about how, like, Echo, if you play, like, there's two ways to play Echo. One, play her out early so that you kind of know, oh, they can't Pro X Darkhawk or whatever there. Or, you try to catch them in advance of like, oh, I think they're gonna play Darkhawk here, I have Initiative Slider in there, right? So there's two different approaches. I like the idea of getting her out there, locking down a location from ongoing cards on your opposing side. And then also getting the benefit of giving it additional power, right? I do like that a lot. And that's going to be for some situations where you are playing her on turn one, which actually has kind of been the way to play her lately. One of the major decks she's seen play in is we're seeing her on and off in the Nomura base deck because Nomura decks use Wong. And so she's often played out on turn one or two. And so I'm not saying you're going to have a Nomura, Wong, Like Marvel Boy deck. It's just an example. That doesn't even make sense. But what I'm going to say though, is it makes sense because Echo's one of those cards that often sits on the board. Just like, Hey, I'm here, but actually shouldn't even say, Hey, I'm here. I, the amount of time people play ongoing cards on top of Echo's ridiculous. He doesn't have like the, the Cosmo beep beep effect. People just like, Oh, here's my Darkhawk. Hi, Echo. Boom. Yeah. No, for

Cozy Snap:

sure. For sure. What other one cost cards do you like with Marvel Boy?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, okay, honestly, I do like the idea of playing Nebula. I still think Nebula's fantastic. While forcing them to kind of commit to having that macro, kind of like, okay, where am I going to play? And then Nebula all of a sudden becomes this major risk, because if they're not playing there, and then you have the Marvel Boy, she's ticking up. She's taking up twice now. Now she's gaining three power every single turn, and if they are playing there, she's still gaining power every turn anyways. So she becomes this double threat of just constant power generation while also forcing them from a macro perspective to deal with her and with the way that they play.

Cozy Snap:

And I think because of her and cars like Sunspot, it makes it where Marvel Boy doesn't have to be Zoot, right? So an example is You do a Storm deck, right? You have this control build, and you have Nebula and Storm, and sometimes you can, you can outpower them with that, if you do the Storm build in there, but sometimes they put like a big card in there to really commit. Well, you throw in an extra Marvel board for that extra insurance, and now you're really skyrocketing, and if you look at, well, what other cards could kind of fit into those builds, outside of maybe the Sunspot, because he's a good card. I think this is going to do tremendous things to these 1 5s. Call me crazy, Martyr in these style of decks is going to be so good because now Martyr is trying to lose you the game actively. But you have Marvel Boy that's just boosting her power so much that It, it doesn't matter. She'll be so skyrocketed that she can't lose you the game because she doesn't really know where to go. And so, I get it. It's Marder. She's fun to make fun of. But like, there's a real case that this is gonna be a decent card in Hydra Bob. With these premium stat lines with Marvel Boy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, honestly, we're gonna talk more about Hydro Bob later, but like, you're 100 percent right, man, like, I actually like Hydro Bob, I think he's actually pretty good, I played him a couple decks, I'm like, man, it's a 1 5 stat line, right, it's not actively trying to kill you the way Martyr is, but you are correct in the sense that, like, if Martyr's a 1 8, He's a 1 8. Conservatively. I have not even conserved. That's pretty good. Statline still. Let's say martyrs a one eight. Well, where's it going to go? Like, what's it going to do? That absolutely is like, Oh man, not a power floating around. It's killing me building. It can really do is absolutely throw one location, but it still has to move to another one with a power. Like it's still solid,

Cozy Snap:

which is why I kind of like it. And maybe a control ish build, right? Cause you have the nebulous storm and then you have this like mortar that like, it doesn't want to go to the storm thing in a wind. Okay. Where do I, What did, where did I go? Like it just, it's, it's cool. It's very interesting in the way that it works. And I think that you're going to be able to have some applications. Alex, here's my like, whoa, take. All right. And I think it's going to work. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Alexander Coccia:

I have a whoa take as well. Oh, I want to hear yours first though.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. All right. So my, my. Go ahead. Do we have the same one?

Alexander Coccia:

You're hovering Nightcrawler, which is mine, so now I'm concerned. Because, listen, Nightcrawler, you play him down, he starts gaining power, gaining power, gaining power. How often do you like it when you play, like, Jeff on Muir Island, and you're like, Check out this, like, 2 7. Like, where's he going? Where's he going, right? I think Nightcrawler down, gaining that extra power, then he moves on the last turn of the game or whatever's huge.

Cozy Snap:

Yep and, and talk about that control build that I just mentioned, right? It's like, hey, okay, now you have this, yeah, you have a a baby vision that's just gonna be able to go to that one location and, and have huge value. So, soft shout out to Misty Knight in High Evo, I think that's interesting. We know she works out well, and then you're gonna have like, give power, give power, give power, and it's gonna start ramping up. But dude, Kitty Pride, if you read the text, right, it's after the turn ends. So, if this returns at the start of the turn, This will be a new way to ramp up Kitty, even more, even faster, even more powerful. Do the Kitty Taskmaster deck, we've seen that go. Hey, Kitty Pride's new best friend.

Alexander Coccia:

So we're playing Kitty Pride into Shuri again now? Great.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, hey, it's gonna happen. I mean, but isn't this a crazy synergy? Like, I don't think it's getting really thought about much. Yeah, I get it, Zoo, but you get this free card that's gonna be getting that power each time.

Alexander Coccia:

You're right, because this technically returns at the start of each turn, so it's going to eat the proc of Marvel Boy, then pop back in. It's pretty cool, I mean, that is still, it's kind of like old Kitty Pryde that used to gain plus two, and I wonder, I wonder, like, does she really get that high? To make that worth it? But it can't be bad, it can't be bad. I'm that took me by surprise. I wasn't thinking about Kitty Pryde. I think that's a good call. But like, Kitty Pryde's activating so many other things at the same time, that like, you really need the power on her herself?

Cozy Snap:

So, you can't get too much power with her anyway, because of the Marvel board going on three. So your first time you can do this is kind of four, right? However, you have the Hope Summer's thing to really like, feed into that energy. But also, it's going into the Angel Bill, which we know the Nightcrawler would make it in there. Which, to your point, is gonna be a great card. So you can yeah, I think you do. I think you make the synergy work. It's not going to be the best build, but I think it's a unique and different kind of build with it. And I wanted to kind of, you know, throw it your direction. Anything else? I thought Bast is interesting to make Marvel Bore have a little bit better stats. And then also, it's just like getting that out there. You can do that Bast to the hood then, and then you have like crazy demon hood. And, and I, I think that this is kind of making, going to make Bast somewhat relevant again.

Alexander Coccia:

It's been so tricky, and I, I had this thought recently that Bass kind of completely fell off. We had those like, Bass like Mysterio decks, and I wonder why they never quite made a comeback with Mockingbird, like, we weren't seeing Bass being included there, because obviously you hit your Mockingbird with it, so you have to be very cognizant of the timing of the way you play Bass, whereas Bass just likes, oh, everything's cheap, let's play and just roll, right? Yeah. I don't know, I, I, I just don't know, I don't know, because like, Bass is one of those decks that is so oddly specific. It needs a very specific style of build. However, you could include things like Bishop in there. You could include a Hitmonkey, you know, Beast. And when you're playing Hitmonkey, Beast, Bishop, then you obviously have Mysterio that also the deck starts to write itself a little bit. And Marvel Boy still gets a benefit, even if it gets 1 or whatever, it gets popped back up to a 3 3. So I can see it working for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Last case on Zoo before we move on. I think he kills Kesar. I think he kills the literal zoo guy. The guy that was made for Zoo Decks. Because with Blarvel, with him, what, why, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it doesn't really make much sense. Kesar still maybe sees play in like, I don't know Ultron type stuff as a backup play, but even then it's like, I don't know, man, like you'd rather, but Kesar can go down later than Marvel. I mean, not even really, because Marvel boy still proc procs at the end of the turn. Right. So like, yeah, maybe this is just straight up power creep on Kesar.

Cozy Snap:

Four, six Kesar coming soon.

Alexander Coccia:

Four, six. You think they go right to four, six?

Cozy Snap:

Let's go to the next card, man. And I think. This one is going to be a fun one to talk about. It is going to be Before we move

Alexander Coccia:

on, should

Cozy Snap:

we not

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

that the spotlight

Alexander Coccia:

week is fantastic?

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah. I forgot because it is this week. Yeah. Hit me with the spotlight week.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So the Marvel Boys spotlight week is Red Hulk and Blob, both of which are incredibly like, yeah, they're incredibly meta relevant right now. And yeah, this is a good week to roll in my opinion, for sure. We

Cozy Snap:

arranged all the spotlights. And I remember this one being towards the top, the big boys week. Both those cards are going to stand out. Just stay relevant and Marvel board too. This is just a surefire week, man. This is a surefire week. We have a couple, not so much surefire weeks. And so this is the one you want to definitely probably spend it on. And with that, let's go to talk about it. Let's go to bring up Wiccan. Wiccan is a four cost, five power card. This is my guess that's going to change stat wise before the before, when the trailer hits. On reveal, if you spent all of your energy this game, plus two max energy, Alex Coccia, what do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

I originally came in at two stars on Wiccan, and now I've changed it to a three stars. So I'm gonna go three because I gave some more thought to the way this could be played, especially with Kate Bishop, which might allow you to curve a little easier, right, as we've talked about. I think there's potential here, and I think the key thing here that is really worth noting, is this the ultimate Zabu card? Think about it. You play Zabu, but then again, you don't even need Zabu, you can technically, this is the thing I struggle with Zabu, you play Zabu or you can just play Psylocke, it's the same damn thing I guess, but Psylocke or Zabu, this plays down on turn 3. And then suddenly, turn four, you've got six energy. Turn four, G Man. Ship it.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely. Getting ready to synergy. Hey, listen. I'm gonna go, right now, as it stands I think that I'm really piqued by the deck building that will happen here. Because I think sometimes not going with the big cards, like the, oh, you can play two sixes on five and six, which a lot of people go to, I think Aeroshim does that better. Aeroshim is a better version of this card a lot of the, a lot of the time. However, I think having that much energy at your you know, at your will with, like, different style zoo decks and card generation decks is gonna be something very new and unique, and I, I don't want to judge that yet. I'm saying like a 2. 5 because I just don't know, right? Like, it's gonna be very interesting on how he works, and there are some synergies I want to talk about. Clearly, the uncle to him in speed is Quicksilver. This is them trying to make Quicksilver Domino relevant to be able to have guaranteed plays to get him out in time. But I think, yes, number one thing I had written down here, no question is, Yes, you can rely and hope for the one cost cards that you have in the deck, but I, I genuinely think Quicksilver and Zabu or Psylocke is the way to go with this card. I, I, I mean, it, I think that's such a great opening, and yeah, man, the sky's the limit after that. You're going into turn four with that, with the six energy from that point on.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, if you think about it, you'd play Quicksilver as the solo 1 cost, you'd play Zabu, Psylocke as the 2s, and then you would go right to Wiccan, and a bunch of other stuff. And I think you don't run Domino, because I think at that point you're not drawing cards. Like, for those that don't realize, Quicksilver and Domino feel bad, because they prevent you from digging into your deck. They're basically stuffing your draw on those individual turns, right? So, eventually you gotta draw cards to play with Wiccan, and so ultimately I would say you probably stay away from Domino, and you go the Quicksilver route for sure.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's something as simple as playing you do Quicksilver, Zabu, Psylocke, you really hope that you get that draw going. And then you put Wiccan with a couple strong fours, just a couple, right? You can go Wiccan, you can go, yeah, I mean, heck, Cull Obsidian, because you have a guaranteed one. And then a lot of fives and some sixes, because you have the ramp or Psylocke and or you have this energy to go off of, right? I think that's the way you build. You build just a few low cost cards in there. That's a, one way to build, as opposed to what I said, but it's a new way to ramp. And I think it's really interesting.

Alexander Coccia:

I thought about like how many sixes you would have in the deck with a Wiccan deck and for me, I think because of that, you'd be likely to have a backup plan of Wave and not something like a what's the other guy? Electro. You're not going to play Electro because Electro requires lots of fives, whereas Wave can sneak out a six. And so I wonder if Wave would be a backup play in this deck in the event that you actually don't get this flowing the way you expect it to.

Cozy Snap:

This is the, the card that we always give it to once a season, the award of like, could be a 2, could be a 4, eh, anywhere in between there, and we're gonna have to see kind of how the deck creation goes and the creativity, which is why I've turned around my thought on this season. I think you have some very obvious play this in Zoo decks, but between Kate and Wiccan, very different. Very different in the way that they work. There's not like crazy amounts to say. I think a card being slept on a bit is Maria Hill. I think you go with that and Kate Bishop, and, and those are just good curve cards that we just talked about, that Maria Hill, you Have better than the Quicksilver player almost, right? In some senses. So I think there's unique ways to build the way that this is going to work.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. That's fair. And like, I kind of wonder though, about his inconsistency. Like, cause you're going to be dependent. Like, once you add Quicksilver to a deck, Your draw pattern becomes a little compromised, right? It's the opposite of what Chavez was. So I wonder if you, if you, if you don't draw Wiccan, what your game plan looks like. If you do draw Wiccan, what are you drawing into? Like, are you getting your Dooms? Are you getting your Orcas or whatever that I've just through Orca because I haven't said his name in a while, but I'm just saying like, I think the inconsistency could potentially be problematic. But like, a card like Galactus, right, could just sneak out. It could sneak out, right? But then again, why wouldn't you just play Wave Galactus?

Cozy Snap:

But he's so boom and bust, and I just see more of the boom. The more I talk about it, the more I hate my 2. 5. Like, I think it could deserve higher, because then you think about things like, let's even say Loki, right? And you don't force the Zabu play, but instead, you now have this way to like, Have so much energy, you still want something like Coulson in there because then you can play Coulson's 5, you load it up on the top end, and then you can also do the Loki thing on, on, on 5, but on 5, you also have the extra energy, you have 2 extra energy, and everything's cheap. You just have so much to work with. I feel like card generation might be pretty important with him because you're, you're limiting yourself on like, all, what are you gonna do with this energy unless it's big cards, right? See, I think that that's gonna be something important to say. I would not be surprised if he shocks us. No question about it.

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like this guy is a different way of building negative. It's like, it feels like the deck build consideration is the same. Try to get him out on three. Take advantage of that. As you draw into your cards, obviously negatives different, but I mean, like it's like a, it's a four you want on three or else the game plan kind of gets shuttered.

Cozy Snap:

Yep. Agreed. And we're going to go to his brother's speed, everybody. Three costs, three power card. Now he's going to have an ongoing effect of plus one power for each turn in which you spent. All of your energy. I've got some thoughts here.

Alexander Coccia:

What do you think? I've got some thoughts too.

Cozy Snap:

You do?

Alexander Coccia:

That's good. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

We're doing a podcast. I took

Alexander Coccia:

a point. Yep. From speed and I gave it to Wiccan.'cause last time I had Wcan two speed three. I'm flipping them. I think Wiccans a three I think speed's a two.

Cozy Snap:

Speed. Oh man. So here's the thing with speed, I, I think he's boring. as a new car to get. Okay, but that being said, I think he's good. I don't know, like, let me hear me out, hear me out. He's a 3 7 3 9 most of the time, probably. It's not as hard as you think, especially if you build it, to be able to curve the deck out correctly. And it's an ongoing ability, so you could even be bold enough to play it in something like Spectrum, who can continue to build him up. Spectrum has plenty of curved plays to continue to use that energy. It's ongoing, so it's retroactive. 3 7 3 9, I don't hate that at all. He's good statted. So I don't know why I don't like him. I think he's just boring. You know what I mean? Like he's good statted. So to me, he's a good card, but he's just not great. He's not transcendent. He just kind of flexes into certain decks, which is why I want to give him like a 3, a 3. 5.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I see. So he's faster than fast. He's quicker than quick, but he's not lightning.

Cozy Snap:

There you go. There you go. Do you see what I'm coming at with some of that though?

Alexander Coccia:

I do, I do see what you're coming at there. And like, I wonder about them. I'm like, you know what? I can see the stat line being decent, but like, I'd rather just play Gladiator. Or I'd rather just play other cards we're going to be talking about in like 20 minutes. I mean, like there's other cards I would rather play than dealing with this nonsense. And like, you could make the argument that he works well potentially with Wiccan because you're trying to play on curve anyway, with Wiccan. You add him to the deck, you got two extra energy and you could probably like, think about it, you're going to be able to play eight power. On turn six, right? You play a five drop that might've been your backup plan. Like I don't know. I'm going to throw Miss Spider Woman. I'm throwing out names we haven't heard in a while. You play Spider Woman and you play speed. I don't know.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Turn six. You can do

Cozy Snap:

it. Yeah, you could. I think, yeah, cheaper decks, zoo decks too. Like there are cheaper decks. He, he's obviously can work with Gilgamesh a bit. I think cheaper decks are interesting with the card as well. And, and even Surfer to some extent, like he's. Gonna have that power especially like what's cool It's like you'll have him in a hand and you'll know like how well you did with your energy spin that time and so it's Like okay. Well, he's just a 3. Dude, 3 7 is fine. That's huge, man And you don't have the kind of gladiator. 3 9 is obviously best in slot kind of thing So I it's it's I like him I just think he's super like I don't recommend maybe going token wise unless you really like the archetypes He's played him because he's not exactly like transformative, but I do see him being a competitive ish card You

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, what's your star rating then?

Cozy Snap:

I gave it, I think it's a 3 ish.

Alexander Coccia:

3 ish? I don't remember saying that, I wasn't listening. But, that actually surprised me. I don't, I can see it. You're right though, from a pure power perspective, he should be in the 3, potentially 4 range. It's just what you have to do to get there. It's just like, I don't know man. Again, like Gladiator, I left click on him and he blows something up right now. That's Hela was popular, Gladiator was unplayable. But with this guy, you're working a lot harder for it.

Cozy Snap:

I'm so confused by him and Wiccan because Wiccan has so much on paper but could fall flat. He's like an obvious just static card, like that's not bad. But then he's, he's kind of, he's kind of boring. So like, I think Wiccan is ultimately like if I was just picking one, the one I would go for. But also we got to see how he plays out. Probably, if I'm going to be honest with you guys, okay, I would get Marvel Boy if you plan on playing him. I would probably skip both weeks unless Wiccan pops off because his, his burst potential is way higher. If, if Wiccan would be amazing, but I would probably skip both, and then I would go with our next card we're about to talk about into our next season. There's so much good cards coming out, so even though these are tempting, I think that that's probably the ultimate game plan, right? We're talking about their overall viability, and the way we talk about this, guys, is like, if you like Zoot, if you like the Spectrum builds, if you like the way this plays out, We're making the case for them but the answer is probably safe because of the legit stuff that's coming to the game. And that's my overall thoughts. Outside of that, obviously, I guess you can make, you know, the Quicksilver thing still there. Onslaught, if you want to be just insane and roll them in like a living tribunal deck, I don't know. But that's kind of my overall thoughts on Speed.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I definitely see where you're coming from with Speed. He has the potential to surprise. But I would be surprised.

Cozy Snap:

And he has a good spotlight wig too. I forgot what it is, but I just remember it being pretty cracked.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's Jeff and Iron Lad, buddy.

Cozy Snap:

Jeff and Iron, yeah. Okay, so yeah, you're definitely like, if you, if you don't have those cards, Speed is just such a good value card that goes into the collection and is a 5 out of 5 versatility wise, in my opinion, most of the time. I mean, you're gonna be able to play Speed in a number of decks. That curve out well at least, right? And so that ends it on our last card here. Emperor Hulkling. A 6 cost, 11 power card at the start of the game. Copy the text of a random 6 cost card. And Alex, no surprise here. This is my Shot in the Dark 5 power, 5 star card. I love it, dude. I love it. I think he's so fun. I think he's, I, I see it all. I see it all and I'm willing to fall flat.

Alexander Coccia:

Sell me on it. Sell me on it. Don't fall flat, Cozy. Sell me on it. What's your star rating? My star rating? I have written three to four stars, so technically like a three and a half range, and I've been like, I've been bobbing back and forth. I go to three, then I'm like, you know what though? He only really sucks with like, six cards. He's pretty good all the way around. I'm like, is he really a three? Probably not, he's probably closer to, he's definitely a four. You're, listen, you got a spicy take at five, I respect that, because it takes Coco nuts. To go to the five star rating buddy. He's, you could have went Marvel boy, like everyone else was expecting, but you didn't. I, I thought jerseys a bull. You went for it.

Cozy Snap:

I appreciate it. When I do my video, he, there's no, he's a five star card. I think. I think I, he's five star in my heart here. I think he, he, I, he could there be a four to 4.5? I think he's a difference maker. I think he's a difference maker. Lemme tell you why. So I'm giving him five because of the boom and burst potential, which is what I always like. I'm gonna give a shit. So I don't even care. I think, I just think he's fun. I'm gonna give my rating here pay attention to my video that I released more than this. However. If you look at all the 6 cost cards, right, his burst potential, first of all, it's like Copycat in the sense of at the start of the game, copy the text of a random 6 cost card. So right off the bat, right, you don't have to play him. So I love that. He doesn't screw you necessarily, you'll be building him in decks, he's gonna be able to be largely plug and playable into most decks, right? And in the same vein as Copycat, I love the idea that you'll know very quickly if he is going to be a game winner for you. Right? Like, you're going to know if he's a game winner no matter what. And I love, you know, I love, I love that. It's so unpredictable. And that's what Snap needs to be about sometimes, right? I want to talk about the Six of Cards. Obviously, that's where we need to go with. And I think there's only two really bad cards, maybe three. But two for sure. Other than that, there's plenty of like, okay, and then there's some, there's 10 plus really good options.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, there's a couple that are like, oh, I just won the game, right? Like, oh, look at this, an 11 power leader. What are they going to do? 11 power Doctor Doom. Like, there's obvious ones, right, that are absolutely, like, amazing. Then there's middling ones, like I got Magneto, I lost one power. Who cares? That's actually not all that bad.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, well, let's start here. This is, visualization is why I want to, you know, You said prove myself over here, okay? So visualization is what I think is important to see how this plays out, okay? The stats don't lie! I think there's just good, neutral cards. First of all, let's just talk about, he's 11 power. Okay, 11 power is a respectable card number. I think that's fine. I think at the end of the day, you're not mad about it, right? And if you get Thanos, that's what he'll hit, and okay, right? At the end of the day, that's okay. Arnim Zola. Excellent card. Fantastic. 611 Arnim Zola, I don't really care what you copy at that point. You're just gonna get, Massive value in some sense of the term. In the right text, this is extra crazy. 10 out of 10. Love the card there. Blob, fantastic! Freaking stupid. You have an 11 power baseline, your Blob is gonna win a lane. No matter what, you're gonna win a lane with Blob. Congratulations, you won the game. Or at least if you plan out your Terrans correctly. Knull okay, so Knull, obviously, like, we're not crazy about Knull. We, we he's good. He's 6'11 so he's neutral, is the way I have it, with potential to be higher than that, okay? So again, not horrible. You're not mad about it. Leader, most busted card probably he could pull outside of one other one, probably. Like, leader, you've got yourself a 6'11 leader. Congratulations, you probably, once again, won the game, but harder to pull off than some cards, because you have to have the space and whatnot, but definitely cracked, right? So we've already started off pretty hot, Alex. Doctor Doom. 6'11 Doctor Doom. You like it?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. You hit Doctor Doom. I hit Giganto.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. So we are six in a row. We are six in a row. Good. I'm going off the stats. Galactus, I'm just going right to left so far. Okay? You'd like a 6 11 Galactus?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I, first of all, I want to know, like, if you figure out that Hulkling's gonna be Galactus, do you completely change your game plan to make sure the location's completely empty for that 11 power? Like, are you going for it?

Cozy Snap:

I think that you build Hulkling into certain decks that can capitalize off A large number of these cards. Like, I like Hulkling a lot as a ramp card. Right? As a ramp deck card. Like, almost the old school electro decks could be really interesting with him. Because then all of a sudden, like, you pull him, you either have the 611 that has this really up side, or you can do, you know, other creative things with him, whatever that might be. So potentially. Apocalypse, obviously, he's just, is what he is. He's a 6'11 again.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he's just a vanilla statline, and that's kind of what kind of kept me propped up on this card. Like, we got Hela, we got all these cards. Spectrum, even if you don't have the Ongoing, he's still just 6'11. So it's like you're just playing a vanilla 6'11 at a bit of a low roll, which isn't always the end of the world. Like, you're probably not excited about it, you probably don't snap on it, but you have a play.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, you have a, you have, and there's times where you want to play Magneto, but not use his effect, like sometimes, or whatever, and it's like, okay, it's because he's 12 power. Odds are, you have at least one ongoing card, probably played down, that's 613. Fair enough. Onslaught? Ridiculous. Cracked. Odin? Cracked. Right? Like, both of these, completely cracked. And that's where I think, like even in, like, Tribunal builds, like, there's some really cool upside that you might want to be building them into, that card, that's a ramp build anyway as well. Odin? Cracked. Cracked. Ultron, Extra Cracked if you plan with it.

Alexander Coccia:

Ultron could be alright. Like, I've had people beat me with Erishum Ultrons because the deck does not look like Ultron, and then all of a sudden they fill up everything, even a location like Luke's Bar, which I'm like, how the So like, yeah, Surprise Ultron, the new version,

Cozy Snap:

coming soon. Super Surprise Ultron. Heimdall probably like, Neutral, It's okay. I can see this being bad. This would be one of the more difficult ones because this is when you're like, Oh God, like I didn't build for this. You pull Hulkling on five. You're like, what the fu? This one, I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's definitely like towards the lower end or whatever, if you will. Tribunal. Yeah, it's gotta be bad.

Alexander Coccia:

It has to be because like, if you're not building for tribunal, you're not putting enough power across. Like it just doesn't work that way. Like you need, you need Iron Man. You need Onslaught. Like you need the proper tribunal setup. You might be able to surprise people with like, Oh, there's a location you can't access and you spread that power. But then you're probably losing the other two locations. I don't know. Tribunals probably cope.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I think like so copycat for instance, I like her, but she can take a Korg. She can take a car that was like, Oh, the value is not exactly there. Whereas with. With this, it's, I love the idea that you just are getting, for sure, a card with a decent ability. Alioth, we obviously like, it's just one better. Helicarrier, Vanilla Statline, Mockingbird.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's good. It's good,

Cozy Snap:

hell yeah. It's another Mockingbird, in a deck. And the

Alexander Coccia:

worst, Vanilla Statline again.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, exactly. It's another Mockingbird in a deck, and odds are, odds are, if you have it, you're gonna be able to play it for five or four. Like, and that's, that's like a huge, huge, like, excellent card. Red Hulk busted. We love that.

Alexander Coccia:

Will he show in the hand though? Will he be like, and he'll just pop out? I think so.

Cozy Snap:

I think he will. I think it'll be Hulkling. It's kind of like when Coppercat says like, Hi, I'm Korg or whatever. It's like, I think it takes the identity of the card, right? Sasquatch. Another good card to have early if you get Hulkling early.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it'll probably just be a 5 Yeah.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Hulk. Yeah, not bad, but I mean, one power buff maybe.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's cool though to have like this She Hulk that you can flex play into. I think that's very interesting. Thanos, Neutral, Orca. Orca is Orca.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

so vanilla card because that's how Orcas play these days, I feel like. Of a, of a six 11 scar.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, the best, the best possible. You hit scar. You, you basically, you

Cozy Snap:

have actual scar. You just have scar. Yeah. You legit have scar. Hulk is obviously I guess like not a good pull'cause you're losing a PowerPoint, but it's also the vanilla pat. You know, it's

Alexander Coccia:

neutral. This Hulk looks like he takes too much pre-workout, bro,

Cozy Snap:

that veins bigger than my leg.

Alexander Coccia:

Magneto? I mean, it's again, it's not bad. You lose one power, who cares? It's still a good effect. It's

Cozy Snap:

not bad, Magneto's one of your favorite cards in the game. It's one power less than Magneto.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, I know, I'm just saying you lose one power, but it's also We actually don't know if you'll hit Agatha. We don't Has this been confirmed yet? We don't

Cozy Snap:

know, and even if he does, I accounted for he does, in my ranking, in the sense of like, Statistically, yeah. You're gonna be, you're gonna be bummed out when that Agatha hits in the 1 in 35 or whatever it is, right? I totally get it. That's one of the worst cards, but we don't know. Nick Fury does a Generator, some cards do Giganto?

Alexander Coccia:

Oof. It's Pooh, yeah. This is one of the, this is one of the low rolls. We're getting into the low rolls now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah which we've only had, I think, two low rolls now, and with this, it's again, just don't play it, though? That's kind of the way I, I, I see it, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

And this makes sense because really powerful six cost effects are offset by lower power levels, right? Onslaught can't be a 16 power card. There's a reason why Arnim Zola is not a 20 power card. And Destroyer can be 16. Infinite can be 20. There's reasons why these power levels exist. So it makes sense that it's more front loaded.

Cozy Snap:

Yep, 100%. Destroyer, obviously, like, useless at that point. You're not going to be playing Destroyer. That's like just like Agatha, just a whiff. And if not, same, same deal. In fact, you literally won't be able to play the card and it won't do airs from her death, to my knowledge. So, to my knowledge, we just talked about maybe two to three cards you don't like, most you do like, and about six, seven, eight that are game winning.

Alexander Coccia:

You made a good case, man. I'll give you a hand. I think the comment section's gonna appreciate your valiant effort.

Cozy Snap:

We have gone long, so we'll be shorter on this last part here. We're going to talk in more detail on Alex's side. Hopefully, you guys are excited for the season ahead. Let's go ahead and quickly talk about Cassandra Nova. Cassandra Nova came out. We didn't talk about her last week because, quite honestly, I don't think we knew how long it would take to get the card. Obviously, we were able to get her a little bit quicker. We're going to have our thoughts on Deadpool's Diner. Synergy and Dex. I don't think that it's just not spoiling anything just that we we do do you like her as a card?

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, I think she's very good. I haven't

Cozy Snap:

loved a bald person more than her since Mr. Clean.

Alexander Coccia:

I, you know what, that's between you and Mr. Clean. I don't want to get between you guys. It's pretty personal. This is a love triangle I don't want to get involved with I gotta be honest with you.

Cozy Snap:

The Chrome Dome is insane guys. The Chrome Dome's insane, and I I have a good feeling Yeah, we'll talk more on the Deadpool's diner in but yeah, I mean dude right off the bat I'll say it, I know the three cost cards, you're always like, Well, I don't know, I mean, you know, Surfer. I loved her in Surfer.

Alexander Coccia:

As of right now, just so you guys know, she's running approximately at recording a 59 percent win rate. And that's because she is feasting, feasting on Airsham gamers. To the point that Airsham's play rate is gonna come down. Once this card gets into more people's hands, it is just ridiculous. I'm getting like 18 power Cassandra Novas. Like, I'm literally able to play like Darkhawk, Mystique, Cassandra Nova, and every lane has like 38 power in it.

Cozy Snap:

No, it's, it's. It's ridiculous, man. Like, when you, when you see that little 20 next to their deck whenever you start the game, you're like, K, I won.

Alexander Coccia:

Cassandra does not look like she likes anything clean.

Cozy Snap:

Her backstory is disgusting.

Alexander Coccia:

I've, I've kind of heard stories. I don't want, I don't want to read the comments now. She's a massive

Cozy Snap:

cell on a sewer wall, guys, after a yeah, it's bad. Okay anyway, light discussion on Cassandra. We, we think she's cracked. We're going to talk about her in more extent over on Alex's side, as well as Deadpool's diner. Our thought on what was kind of the beginning of that. To where it is now, and then the Snapchat mailbag.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy we've got a lot to talk about today so let's dive right in to the season pass card of the prior month which was Gwenpool. Gwenpool honestly had a lot of potential and has it lived up to that potential is the question we need to answer here in this segment. Cozy you came in pretty good on Gwenpool but I my friend was a little higher. I came in at a solid 4. You had some reservations. You were at 3. 5 and I talked you into 4. Did I talk you in the wrong direction?

Cozy Snap:

I, I don't know if the jury's fully out on the card even still, right? Like, it, it's so interesting. First of all, like, Airshim just created chaos in Snap for a while and like how it's played and stuff. It, it doesn't work near as much as we thought, like it would with Ms. Marvel, where it's just like this perfect curve play. I, for one, I'll do the Alex approach. I feel like I see my three, four cards down there. I'm like, alright, here we go, hit Brood, and I just watch it hit my Forge three times, or four, you know, whatever. So, that, that is the, the, the inconsistency there. It can be very tough, so she's less flexible in that regard. I enjoy putting her in a fair amount of decks. She's definitely more in the three, 3. 5 though. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

I love what you brought up because this is a thing that I do all the time. And I don't know if other people do this, but like, I've been looking away now when Gwenpool is doing stuff. And I do the same thing when playing Hella, because like, if all of a sudden, like a, like Lady Sif pops out of like X mansion, I'm like, I can't look, because if I'm looking at my Magneto, it's going to hit Magneto. And sure enough, Magneto just goes flying. I'm like, no, so like, I, I don't know what to look at. I feel like the game is like mind tracking me. But I would agree. I think that Gwenpool ultimately. 5 range. Statistically, not doing bad at all. A 52 percent win rate, but only 6 percent meta penetration at the current time of recording. Best decks include the Sasquatch, Mockingbird kind of Mysterio based deck that we've been seeing in and around the meta. But again, that is like a 56, 55, 57 percent performing deck. Not a meta dominator, legit, but not a meta dominator. And ironically, not being seen in many surfer decks. Unless you're bald,

Cozy Snap:

God, the bald deck, the bald deck works because it's just like it. It goes with it all, man. It goes with the boosted power, right? So like every card wants the power, every card's okay with it. And sometimes you just don't care if you get that you know, have to play her on four, which is her biggest detriment. I think looking at the cards you have in hand and then looking at her, you're like, well. I'm just gonna play Abs Man after the brood, or I'm just gonna do this on five and six, or, you know what I mean? I think that's her biggest herder hurdle.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I've been thinking about a couple things with Glenpool. This might be a little random, but A, is she wearing shin pads, and B, is this a moped she's on?

Cozy Snap:

Definitely a Vespa. Definitely a Vespa moped. The shin pads, I think those are really, really big

Alexander Coccia:

boots. The last time I thought about a Vespa was like that movie was like, Silencio! Cozy! You know what I'm talking what was the movie that yelled Silencio all the time?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, see, I I thought you were referring to all the dreams I have of me and you running through Italy on a Vespa.

Alexander Coccia:

That's right, that's right. It's the movie I'm referring to as Luka, for those that would be interested. Yeah, Silencio Bruno is what he yells all the time. But anyways, I don't know how the hell we're talking about this now.

Cozy Snap:

Screw the dream, guys.

Alexander Coccia:

Don't worry

Cozy Snap:

about it. It's okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think

Alexander Coccia:

it's a dream. We're just daydreaming at this point. We are. Cozy, thoughts on Gwenpool as we move on to the next card? Do you like her?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it's fine. I think it's not one that you, like, regret getting. She's tougher to buff. Like, I don't know if 4 7 will happen or anything like that. But I, I, I don't, I think she'll age okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I do. She'll probably age okay. This feels very similar to what Scar felt like, where you're like, this card's fine. It has places to go, things to do. And then as more cards came out, so you're like, oh, hey, this is a Scar card. Another Scar card comes out. Mockingbird gets changed, that's another Scar card. And all of a sudden, like, Scar's like, finding its way into a bunch of different decks, right? This card's not far off. From being quite legitimate. It's not quite hitting our expectations, but it's not failing either.

Cozy Snap:

We're bound to find, there's bound to be cards that come out that she'll love. There's just no question about it, whether it's new versions of Brood and whatever. I think I think one good example is Scarlet Spider. Makes an exact clone of himself. Like there's, There's gonna be cards like that, that definitely are fine to play with Gwimple. So, again, it will age okay.

Alexander Coccia:

The thing that it's caught me multiple times in making Gwenpool based decks is, is Shuri just more effective at times, right? And I saw that in like the Nimrod based experimentation, but ultimately, as we said, it might not age like fine wine. But it's it's gonna age okay. Not like fine wine, just cheap wine.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, like some gas station wine. Cheap wine,

Alexander Coccia:

boxed wine. It's gonna age like boxed wine. Costco wine, yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But a card that aged better than expected, and by aging it only took about a week, was Hydro Bob. It came out the same week as Gwenpool. It ran a win rate in the low 40s, which is actually surprising, a 1 4 stat line. But now it got buffed up to a one five. So our original, our original kind of stats, we went to, you went 2. 5 to three range, which obviously I think that's slightly high, but with the buff, I would make the argument, this is definitely a three star card. Like I played unironic Hydra Bob decks and I'm like, I don't really see the downside here. Yeah. You snap, he moves, but A, I can use that to my advantage. B, he's just a one five. That's not actively trying to stab you in the chest the way Martyr is. I don't know, man. I actually think Hydro Bob's probably being slept on. And we do have one deck, which is the Gilgamesh Zoo deck, where it's running a 56 percent win rate. So, honestly, it's not crazy.

Cozy Snap:

I think it is, for sure. For a few reasons. So, first of all, I can fortune tell I knew it was going to be a 1 5, right? That's how I knew. I think 3's was fine, and I, my case behind it was the value. I think 1 5, first of all, it's probably a bug. Deadpool's diner does not move him. So you just have a 1 5. Period. That's crazy. That's

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

That's value. That is

Alexander Coccia:

weird. I was expecting the opposite to be true. I thought he was going to be bouncing all over the place.

Cozy Snap:

Same, bro. And I guess maybe they didn't do that because Kraven or whatever, like maybe, I don't know, it was just going to go too crazy or something. However, and then Marvel Boy on top of that, which we just talked about why I think 1 5's are going to be cracked under Marvel Boy. So I'm, I'm fine with him being three. Shoutout to Second Dinner for calling out right before they did Nerf him. Like, that was your last chance. I wish they would have done that even sooner. Cause I think some time zones missed out and stuff. Don't be kicking yourself if you didn't get Hydra Bob. But I do think if you go all in with Marvel Boy, he'll be a nice addition.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this is like the most replaceable card on the planet. Like, let's be honest. It's like, Oh, I don't have hydro Bob. My zoo deck is dead. I was like, well, there's like nine other cards you can put in rocks, but he is better than expected and hopefully like if they We don't know when they finalize their OTAs, but if they can finalize their OTAs on a Monday, and announce it on that Monday, give 24 hours notice, that's cool. But the fact that they tried to give the 24 hours notice, or actually it ended up being an hour notice was good. But I will mention though, Hydro Bob's current play rate is under 1 single percent. So, almost no play whatsoever, only being seen really in one deck. And only doing marginally better is Ajax. Ajax at 2 percent of the meta. Cozy, I'm actually sad. This is the only sub 50 percent win rate card of the season in Ajax there. Who you've scrolled past like 4 or 5 times. This is, watching Cozy try to find cards sometimes is remarkable. Cause I know everyone who's watching has already located it, but Cozy's the only one on the planet who has it. As he scrolls by it 5 or 6 times. But Ajax, more disappointing than Cozy's ability to identify cards scrolling through his collection, running a 49 percent win rate. Is that worse than you expected?

Cozy Snap:

I'm a failure for sure, I feel that. I just tell myself that in the mirror, you wake up like, You're a failure, and then I move on, because the expectations can only go up. Ajax, have you played with Cassandra?

Alexander Coccia:

I have not played Ajax with Cassandra yet, because I have a very specific deck that I've been playing for my bubs. That I've been crushing with. And it's like, you know, when you've got a deck that you're like, this is too perfect, it's working so good for the meta right now. I love it so much. And you don't want to screw with it. That's what I've been doing. I got like one Cassandra Nova deck that I'm so confident in that I've been having so much fun with. I haven't actually played much Ajax. But, in my experience, he's been kind of poo, but he's had moments where, like, in a couple lists with Hazmat, he does put up some serious numbers.

Cozy Snap:

All power. Yeah, I think he the problem is, is, like, in a perfect world, you play Cassandra on three, it goes three turns, they play three of those cards, then you have a 5 10 Ajax if you did nothing else. So, like, Like, 510's not bad, let's, let's get it straight there, but yeah, it's just, he's just, at the end of the day, you're playing with fire, he's the, I've said it before with the Ronin to the Devil Dinosaur comparison, it's just awkward in the way that you have to get that power, there's so many easy ways to achieve that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I mean maybe in the future as more cards are added to the game with like toxic style abilities. He gets better, right? It wasn't until like Annihilus came to play where the Sentry's like, why would this card exist? Why would anyone want to play Sentry? Then all of a sudden he's one of the top cards in the game getting nerfed, right? So Ajax might be one of those cards that once again needs to age like boxed wine But hopefully he doesn't age like milk. Hazmat becoming an activate card would make him great. Oh my gosh, you just stole a question from the mailbag! I can't believe it! Cozy, we may as well talk about it right now, because that was legitimately a revised statement. I want Hazmat to be an activate card so she can be played on Curve, but you can hold off on the effect. That was one of the top voted statements of the Snapchat, Cozy. Legit mind reader as we move on.

Cozy Snap:

I think we, I think we mentioned it, right? Like when we were reviewing Ajax. I think I said, the problem with it is you can't play Hazmat on Curve. Right, so I was like, and great, if not great idea, but like, yeah, you can't play around Curve and that's the problem. So now you have these cards and you're just like, well, I'm gonna get them. I'm gonna get them, but then you can't. So yes, I love, that's crazy, dude. You don't share the Snapchats with me. Questions, so like, I love that that came out of nowhere. Ajax, though, yeah, just, mm. No,

Alexander Coccia:

he's not doing it for me. And even the playstyle, I'm like, I don't even want to play it this way. I tried, like, some Copium, Typhoid Mary stuff with, like, Blue Marvel on top of her. I'm like, what the hell am I even doing at this point, man? I'm like, I tried Mystique stuff. I'm like, I'm twer I'm trying way too hard to make this work. Or I can honestly just play Zoo and just slam Gilgamesh. And he's massive. It's like, it's so much easier. It's just so much easier. I think there is going to be a deck eventually where Ajax is like a core component, but it'll be a deck that's like a 55, 56 percent win rate and you don't need it. You're like, I could play this, but I'll just play the Erishom 99 percent win rate deck that everyone's playing.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. He'll be in the future, like a spotlight card, or probably before that happens anyway.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Also, he'll be series four before you're not. We both came in at 3. 5, which I think is a whiff. He definitely feels like a 2. 5 range card. What do you think? Yep. Agreed. Yeah, we're not that far off. It's not like you said he was a five cost and we're like, wow, what happened here? But three, 3. 5, we were obviously hesitant, but man, why did they make them originally a four or five? What synergy did they see? The

Cozy Snap:

hazmat play probably had to have been a, yeah, probably.

Alexander Coccia:

I wonder if Glenn Jones is sitting on this cracked deck. He's like idiots. Like no one figured this out, right?

Cozy Snap:

It was Spider Man 2099 deck. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Yeah, of course. And that takes us. To copycat now copycat and Cassandra Nova here kind of interesting week because they kind of came out of the same week One's achievable via Deadpool's diner The other one is achievable in what is one of the best spotlight cash as we've seen in a while Only seconded to the Marvel boy one coming up It's dude. I just want to tell you honestly you came in. So you came in at 5 Yep I came in at 4 but basically said I wanted to say 5 you weren't letting me pick 5 This is my favourite card, I think, that's ever been released. I love it. I love copycats so much. Love it. I don't even care how competitive it is. I don't care. I This could be a 4 percent win rate card. I want this in every one of my decks. It makes Marvel Snap so much more fun for me. I cannot explain to you how much I've enjoyed having this card on my deck. Even if it doesn't suit I'm just putting it in. Cause I'm having that much fun. I The deck that, like, I'll be talking about with Cassandra Nova, It has copycat in it. Honestly, it's probably better if you put Wolfsbane in it. I don't care. I want Copycat.

Cozy Snap:

It's super cool that you can have her in any deck and then just say she's the first to replace because she's that, like, Iron Lad is tough to replace because you're building up the synergy of like Blue Marvel, Doctor Doom. She's just in there and she gives you this, all of a sudden, this new tool to mess with. Where I've gotten Mystiques when I'm playing Rocks and Hawks, which was my most successful deck in Deadpool's Diner. And I'm like, oh, great! I have a 3 5 Mystique! Or, I don't have a lot to play here, but I did get Korg's Effect. So even, you know, we can both test this. Worst case scenarios, it's the Goblins, it's Typhoid, which aren't popular cards right now anyway. And then, like, there are some one drops that are a little awkward to play at a 3 5 value. Like, I got a Kitty Pride, I was like, oh, bummer. But, like, other than that, awesome. And her upside is through the roof, which is why I gave her 5. I think, I think in the ratings, I gave her a 4 to be conservative in the time that she came out. I think she is Absolutely worth getting and a competitive card at that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, dude. Honestly, I love her. I love her. And I can see her getting cut from a lot of decks. She kind of feels like the kind of card that can fit anywhere, but also doesn't need to be anywhere either. And that could be detrimental. However, I'm just telling you right now, like, if you play Marvel Snap, and you're here to, like, have fun, and, like, you don't want to sweat in the meta, and you don't care about, like, oh, what the number one best deck that has to have this exact card, but if you just want to play the game and enjoy yourself, and still have a competitive legit card, Copycat's it, man. I'm hitting good cards. I'm hitting Iron Man. I'm hitting cards that I know is just right. I'm stealing Erisham you know, Darkhawks and using it on turn six with Mystique. It's crazy what I've been able to do with it.

Cozy Snap:

Well, to my point in my review, I was like, information gathering, check. You know, surprise play, check. Energy cheat, check. Value, check. Like, Everything you look for in a card, it reminds me of a, it's a very like easy case scenario to, to say with here, kind of like Cassandra, kind of like Magneto, is they're doing multiple things, and that is always going to make for a very, very good card. And the other thing, I want to give a shout out to the devs here, because I, I thought this was really perfect. I thought this was perfect, and I would like to see this for more cards that are built like this. I love that it does not tell you what she took, but they give that sound effect away of when you It's that kind of dead sound in the game. I, I, I don't know how to explain it. When your opponent has Like derp? Yep, derp. Derp, derp, yeah. So when your opponent has it in their, their hand, if you hear that, you know that they have a copycat. So, immediately, you could be like, okay, so I, something in my deck is dead. And then you can at least, like, look at your deck, what's in there, and be like, Okay, could be any of these, right? And I love that, because it leaves that suspense, too.

Alexander Coccia:

Really? I thought, when I heard that derp sound, that that was them drawing my copycatted card. Like, they drew into what I stole, because I shuffled their deck with a Korg or something.

Cozy Snap:

Oh! Is it the

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

way? Maybe? I don't know, actually, I'll be honest. I thought I heard it on turn one. I thought I heard it on turn one. And so that I think it's

Alexander Coccia:

a bug in that we don't know what's happening.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, if it's not, I think it's a cool case scenario to give you an audio cue, not a visual cue that they have copycat.

Alexander Coccia:

Interesting. That's pretty cool. I like that. I mean, if it is a bug, turn it into a feature to let them know they stole something.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I don't know. I think it's, yeah, definitely, definitely interesting.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So I, okay, listen, final, like, so what's your final star rating here? 4. 5. I'm gonna go 5, just on fun factor. I'm going 5. And it's running a 52 percent win rate, which is, like, absolutely fine. But, like, from a fun perspective, it's one of my favorite cards in the game. And and also the Pandart variant of this. I can't believe you don't have it. It's absolutely just insane. So honestly, the, the whole copycat for me, one of my favorite cards in Marvel Snap right now. And that takes us to Cassandra Nova. You went in at 4. 5. I came in at five. It's running a 59 percent win rate as of recording. And there's a reason for that. It's not because it's that cracked. It's just that cracked right now, because if you have Cassandra Nova and you're playing against some Airsham gamer. They're not accounting, they're not accounting for you having Cassandra Nova yet. Because people are still trekking through Deadpool's Dine. And then you're like, BOOM! 30 something power, 20 power, whatever it happens to be, man. This card is awesome. It is so good.

Cozy Snap:

I assure you or not, I think this is a 5 star card, one of the best cards in the game. Because, period, 3 7, great. On curve, you have 3 7. Awesome stuff. Good to go. But you also sucked all that from your opponent's deck, so you're disrupting at the same time. That's great into Surfer, there's so many utility ways around that. I think, don't get me wrong here, I do think she's virtually nerf proof for a while because I think it's a disaster move to take a free card and nerf it. And so, it keeps Erisham in check for all the people complaining for weeks on end about Erisham. This is, it's like almost, I said in my video that it's almost as bad as Luke Cage to Toxic Dex. It is the old, it is a almost insta win condition. With and what's crazy is if you play her in Absorbing Man, they're both under Shang Chi range still, under not playing Airstream Dex, which is also awesome. So, like, there are just so many ways in Dex to utilize her in. Yeah, she works in the stuff that we thought she would work best in, the Dark Hog builds and stuff, but she's super

Alexander Coccia:

versatile, I bet. Against Air Shaman, I'm not often playing her on 3. I'm playing her on 6, because she's so huge, and they can't account for it. Like, they can't do anything about it, right? And the only thing is, like, if I have initiative and they blob after, it doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter, right? Because I stole the power already. One thing I will say is I want to throw out the deck that I was running called Nova Hawk, and this has been a shell that I've been working with quite a bit. Kitty Pryde, Korg, Thena, Ravonna, Rank Slayer, and then we have Angela, Mystique, Sage. Cassandra Nova, Rockslide, Copycat, Ironman, and Darkhawk. So that like, Ravonna based synergistic package with the Mystique Ironman, you got the Darkhawk. But I also did play the Korg and Rockslide because what I found, and this is key, and this is how important Cassandra Nova is to the meta. So This is going to transition us to our Deadpool Diners conversation as well, but in my experience playing Deadpool's Diner, like the start and the middle of Deadpool's Diner is all Erishim decks. I'm just playing Erishim people non stop, non stop. As soon as I unlocked Cassandra Nova, and started playing with Cassandra Nova, Everyone in the higher echelons of Deadpool's Diner is not playing Ereshim anymore. Because they know the people they're against have already unlocked Cassandra Nova with their bubs. It completely changed Deadpool's Diner because of the fact that Cassandra completely destroys Ereshim. And so, If you're frustrated about Aisha's playwright right now, this is a massive release valve for it, and you're gonna put up Insane Power. And even if you're not against an Atri gamer, right, you play Corone, turn one, that's another plus one for Cassandra on turn three. Like honestly, it's so, so good.

Cozy Snap:

It's elated time to players. So you always, you always wanna play, like there are some very competitive cars to play on. Three Fast Dose, for instance. It's like, Ooh, this is a really good car to play on Curve. Cassandra's always pretty much better to play on curve. But what's great about the Korg and the Rockslide is that it buys you more time. Like, you could play Rockslide on 3 and you literally are gonna get that plus 1 on your Cassandra to play on turn 6, like you've said. When I was doing, you know, everyone and their mother was dumping on Deadpool's Diner, and I thought, I'm gonna try to do a free play free to play kind of style of it, and see how far I can get. And I, I went back to the roots, because it was all Ayrsham. I knew Darkhawk was competitive. How do I build a deck that's competitive that doesn't completely rely on him? And in the video, immediately, first thing I said is, hey, Cassandra's gonna just be in this deck. Period. Done. No problem about it, because you just have all this synergy going together. Copycat and Cassandra have synergy, because they both like, also, Korg and the Rock Slide, which is also interesting. And what's cool is that you have just like Darkhawk, you have Subterranea that you love when your opponent gets Subterranea. Triskelion keeps a card in their deck, right? Outside of them two, you have Black Widow, which is also gonna stop them from drawing a card, and you can play that above that. There's just all that synergies there. It happens to be with one of the best decks in the game already, one of the best cards in the game in Darkhawk. And, let me, let me say that, we'll talk about Deadpool's Diner, but I wanna just say, If you have like, only like, 40, 000 bubs right now, it does start to duplicate so fast, so, you know, play out the event and with that, let's talk about the release, bro, and let's talk about where it's at now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for sure. So, Deadpool's Diner before we actually move on to Deadpool's Diner, we gotta do our 1 through 5 ranking. We forgot 5. Last month, we forgot Cersei altogether, and people were like, bro, what are you doing? So, okay, we got Gwenpool, Hydra Bob, Ajax, Copycat, and Cassandra. Cozy, who is your number 5?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, five. I was ready to fire from the top off. Number five the name of him again, sorry, I'm already lost him.

Alexander Coccia:

You're, you're already moving on, eh, mentally? We got Hydrobob, Ajax, Gwenpool, Copycat, and Cassandra Nova.

Cozy Snap:

God, it's just, I guess Ajax? I guess at five, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Eileen Ajax 5, would you say 4 Hydro Bob? Of course. Okay, Gwenpool 3? Yep. And then we have Copycat Cassandra Nova, how do you rank them?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's Copycat's super fun, but it's, it's Copycat than Cassandra. Cassandra's the best card this month.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think Copycat for me is my personal number one. Like, when we talk about favourite cards, I, my, Copycat's mine. Cassandra's more powerful. And I mean, shout out to Second Inter for making that the free card. Right? The free card achievable. Yeah. This month, and that takes us to Deadpool's Diner. Now, Deadpool's Diner, this is been a very contentious topic in the community. We both did review videos and that was kind of like first impressions, first day type stuff. And it was interesting how, like, how do I explain this? I made a conscious choice to like sleep on my thoughts on Deadpool Diner. Be like, you know what? My initial experience was somewhat negative. I basically got in there. People were like, there was like 1500 people in Twitch. I was like, let's go. They're snapping all over the place. We're snapping like crazy. You know, I dumpstered out of the first match and it's like, you want to buy some bubs? You need more bubs. And it's like, or you got to wait an hour. And I was like, no, what am I going to do? Right? Like I have 1500 people. Of course I got to keep buying in. And then I realized something Cozy. And it was something that you said to me. It was something that you said to me because we were talking. You said. I don't think it's meant to be speed rushed. Right? Like speed rushing the Deadpool's diner, I don't think is the intention. And that was like an epiphany moment for me. It was like an epiphany moment, and it realized that if I were to play slow and steady, you know, play one table under, accumulate those bubs, and allow that snowball to start occurring over the course of this week or two that the event's running, suddenly the event makes much more sense. And suddenly, you start to unlock those awards at pretty regular intervals. And the ability to get additional bubs increases as well. So, Cozy, I'm curious of what your initial impressions were of Deadpool Diner.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I made a Twitter video, I made it very apparent in it. I for what I'll say, I think Deadpool's Diner is gonna make everybody a better snap player. It teaches you much better when you're 68 and you could possibly win a game, you're gonna just snap, because you go down to 67. It's not a big deal. This is a lot more punishing. When it comes to a game mode, there's an absolute, and they know this, I've said it to the developers, and private messages on Twitter, there's an awful decision to make a game mode that has so much excitement that punishes you for things that could go wrong. Especially in a game that's supposed to be fun like Snap, that is, you have my example is always The Peak, or just another example, you're playing a destroyed deck, and it's Death's Domain and Murder World, and you're sitting there with, not a destroyed deck, and it's like, okay, that game, was chosen to you for you to lose on this right and then it's like hey you're locked out for six hours or whatever and it that was that is that was such a bad especially when they made conquest free in the proven grounds they had just such a great example there and i called that out immediately and i will say this Bad execution. First impressions are so important. They whiffed their super fast turnaround time. Don't know how they, they, they did that, that quickly. And hats off to them for making a a mode to be able to get your bubs back. If you choose to play the game as it should be, it's a new game. You want players playing your game. I was very adamant about that. But as I said, even on day one, I thought the core gameplay was there. I think life is better with stakes. Period. In discussion, I was doing 25 million stake rounds. And those are, I was sweating. Like, good gosh. I think there are some things that need to work out. I think there's some stuff with bots. I think there's stuff with the auto snapping, with visual or audio cues. That core needs to be reworked a little bit in some, in some ways. I also want to just say this, and I told them this there, I, to me, they have a very passionate both player base and creator base where we would have been welcomed, we would be happy to give them feedback. I did not know a thing about the diner till it came out. I could have probably pointed out, as you could have, as the player base could have, the flaws right away. But also with that, how to play, the marketing, what you should do. Whoa there, cowboy! Have a funny Deadpool video saying, Alright, you don't want to go too crazy with the bubs here, this is why. Or hey, play maybe the dish before that. Build up your bubs because there's a bubs mark that once you get that, it starts to be a lot easier to get the the refill easier and it's more rewarding, right? Just so those things can, those things address, because new players are coming to the game, and or returning players that need to know how

Alexander Coccia:

it goes, right? You are absolutely correct with everything you've said. They definitely deserve credit for how fast they hot fixed the serial table. It would have been easily remedied if each player would have started with a starting allotment of bubs that would allowed a couple of losses at that first table, right? They basically allotted just enough. For if you lost once, you were knocked out right away, which is kind of crazy. But the modify modification they've made now does allow them to continue playing, which is perfect, right? The other thing you touch on is, is incredibly important. First impressions are everything. The first impressions of Deadpool's diner was incredibly negative. It was very convoluted on how it was working. I was in the mode. It was snapping like crazy and we weren't used to the, these bubs as a currency, so it was hard off the top to really understand how much you were paying in any given. Stakes. It's like, if you saw that you were at 64 cubes, you would get what that meant. You know what I mean? Like you're like, that's 64 queues, man. I'm not sticking in this game, but it's not 64 cubes. This is these new currency, these bubs. So the presentation I think was where this mode fell short. And for, here's a great example, right? With the presentation, small things to make this mode feel more unique. I think the map should have been a table. Imagine like a white tablecloth instead of like that, that asteroid in space, a white tablecloth. You're playing on a table, right? Like, as if like, there's like a drink and a coffee at the side instead of having the snap, snap, snap sound. Right?

Cozy Snap:

And it shows your bubs too, like right there. So you can like, you're looking at the, you're not going to go to Vegas and bet money. You don't like, you know what I mean? So like, you can see the money you have. And I'm glad you brought this up. Like this is a small gripe, but the UI, like. I was expecting some killing music too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. The immersion. And even like the snaps. Snap, snap, snap. Use all the Deadpool quotes. Get your Deadpool voice actor who did a great job. Be like, like you know, Bad bubs, good bubs. Say like, bubs up. Maximum effort when you get to max bubs. And stuff like that. Like, have the Deadpool voice saying it. Instead of doing, like, it would have added so much extra flavour. And instead of just having a JPEG over the cubes, which is what we have.

Cozy Snap:

Yep, no exactly, and it, they, a year and a half in the making, totally agree, and I think it's like, they did that IGN thing, which was a disaster, but they did the IGN thing, and like, that could have been a really good point to, to, to, like, you're two, three weeks away at that point. Like, you, that would have been a great point to showcase some of that, right? And, and I think that's, I think I would have loved to see more effort put into that, for sure. The good thing is, it's limited time, which means they literally will be pulling it, And then, having the chance to rework it. I think this is an awesome limited time gamemode in the sense of you play rank, you get up to infinite, and then for two weeks, you're gonna be able to play a new mode to get really good rewards. Let's just say what it is. The rewards are there. Period. In discussion, you can't really combat that. The rewards are there. Buying them is another issue that I have, but the rewards are there. I want them to come back, take a season off if you need to, come back, triple down on it, and fix the small things to make it really, really great. Eh, eh, cause I do think the bones are there, and they're close, they're close. I will say this, Alex, I absolutely hate that you can buy your way to the top though.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, oh you absolutely can and that's a key thing part of the presentation as well Like the the monetary hooks and the way they're popping up. Those were things that need to be refined There's a lot of people myself included that did not even realize it was a regenerative system for the first like 20 minutes I was like wait, we're regenerating possibly like it's it's interesting to think that like on first impressions It feels as though, like, it should have said, like, Hey, you're out of pups, don't worry though, you can play again soon, check out this timer, Or if you really want, you can buy some, but instead it's like, No! Bam! Give me your gold! 1400! I'm like, what?

Cozy Snap:

Jumping into the action is fine, and I get it, you need to do that for some people. If they would have done a full, say what you will, you may be disagree, but if you click on Deadpool's Diner, And we are put immediately into, picture the tutorial that you play when you get into the game, right? You put this Deadpool right there, right at the cowboy! Like you said, pay the guy a thousand, whatever the, hey there, hey there, cowboy, whatever. This is how you're going to be playing Deadpool's Diner. It's going to be snapping on turn four, five, and six. Like, it literally tells you, your buffs will regenerate. This is how much you gamble. That, that, that, whatever. I just, I just, that can't be that much effort to have done. And we could have given that feedback. And so, hats off. It'll be great in the future. They did good. The release was a disaster in a lot of fronts. It is free to play. Over the course of two weeks.

Alexander Coccia:

No question about it. Could you imagine how much better it would have been if like you, you bust out and Deadpool comes with, Hey, you busted out, but don't worry. First one's on me next time. You'll have to wait 60 minutes. You'll get more bubs. Have fun, bud. And it's like, okay, like right there. And I think,

Cozy Snap:

exactly, I think the, Ben Broad had a GDC about losing and how he wanted to take away that from Snap and adding the retreating factor, and it was so important. And, and, losing on high tables, it does teach you how to be better and, and, and like, there's a large amount of Snap players that, yeah, probably shouldn't play poker, right? But that's on purpose, people haven't done that before, right? This was the inverse, the antithesis of that whole message. It was doubling down on the losing. And it, it, it was crazy and I'm glad they, they fixed that at least.

Alexander Coccia:

And one last thing I want to get to as we move on to our Snapchat mailbag is hopefully that the lessons learned on this initial launch are applied to future iterations of Deadpool's Diner, whatever they're called. But most importantly, learn these lessons for the draft mode. Do not ship draft mode the way you drift, shift Deadpool's Diner. Draft mode needs to be much more kind of the presentation wise needs to be much more clear. It needs to not have these aggressive monetary hooks. Learn the lessons, apply it to your future game releases. As we move to our Snapchat mailbag here, we have a couple questions we're going to get to as we near the end of our Snapchat today. The first one, and this is kind of like, I'm just interested in your comment, Cozy, because we get a lot of interaction about Errorstrom, which was the key topic of last week, and this one comes from The Scotty, and Scotty said, I must admit that Errorstrom has totally saved this game for me. I've played more last month than I have ever since launch. Playing the same 12 card decks over and over again was so incredibly boring and the absolute chaos that ensues with every Erishim game is genuinely fun. Mirror matches are no longer a pain and I never feel like I'm out of a game because I don't know what's coming next. This is also the first time I've ever had fun playing conquest, and I've put more time into that than I ever have.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, and now with Cassandra Nova, you can feel good about doing it too. I think it's gonna be a much more even playing ground, and you're gonna have to think about some of the ways you play. It now has a car that directly counters it. So I think moving forward, air shrimp's not gonna be as much as a problem. And I'm glad because it is a really fun way to play the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and you know what? It's great to see that other people are experiencing positive vibes with Airsham, despite its insane meta share, but hopefully, as Cozy mentioned, Cassandra Nova's gonna mitigate that. Let's move on to Mike E. Pro. Mike E. Pro says, It's always the 5 cost cards played on turn 4 that cause the most frustration in any given meta. Do you think that adding on turn 5 would make them fairer? For example, Doc Ock on Reveal. On turn 5, pull 4 cards from your opponent's hand. This is similar to the original Leech, I believe. The original niche Leech nerf did exactly this, Cozy, what are your thoughts?

Cozy Snap:

And magic and whatnot. In the future, I think they can hold on to that. I don't think it's a bad idea. I think, again, we have those answers probably addressed right now with Cassandra for the most part. But, yes, I think that's definitely a way to control a good release valve on some of these, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fantastic. And our final question of the day comes from cloud seven strife. And this is not even a question. It's a fantastic suggestion. Second dinner, perk your ears and listen to this. The Spotlight variant should come with a special border for the card and not an avatar to show that it was like a first edition of the card.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. Let's see it. Let's see

Alexander Coccia:

it. What a great idea. Imagine that a special border for first edition. That's a, that's a great idea, Cozy!

Cozy Snap:

Dude, and now that borders are kind of like, you know, you get them from the Deadpool's Diner, you get them from like, you get the packs or whatever. It's like, they're like, what, yeah, throw them in there. Throw it in there. Throw a purple and yellow like the, the avatar or whatever the heck it is, right? I like it. I do. I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

And while you're throwing that in, throw in your review on the podcast platform of your choice. We really appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for watching this episode of the Snapchat and until next time,

Cozy Snap:

Happy snapping!

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