The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Ajax: Toxic Decks Incoming! | The Best & Worst Cards in Snap | Gwenpool & Hydra Bob In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 89

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 37

Will Ajax revitalize affliction decks? Where do Cozy and Alex rank the new spotlights coming out this summer? What are the final rankings on Gwenpool and Hydra Bob? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys and welcome back, Ajax is coming out this week and he's already been buffed up from a 5 5 to a 5 7, but does the new Afflict King have it in him to be a great card or is he going to join the rest of the Affliction cards and kind of be Lackluster. Alex and I are going to break him down, the synergies, and everything you need to know. Now on top of that, guys, we're also going to be talking about Summer Spotlights. There's a lot of great packages of Spotlight cards, and it depends on what you like to play. And Alex and I are going to rank them in a tier list and also give our overall thoughts on the Spotlights and the new cards. And then, lastly, we're going to be talking about the best cards in Snap. Statistic wise, on when drawn, when in the deck, when played, but also Alex and I's picks for the best cards in the game. We're gonna be talking about that all today, more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by Mr. Alex Coccia, fresh from vacation. Look at the tan on your face, sir. This might be the most tan I've ever seen you. Where did you go? You were in a cabin in the woods, from what I heard.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we were in like the middle of nowhere for those that'd be interested, north of Peterborough, Ontario, about like an hour or something north of Peterborough, Ontario. It's like, literally there's nothing there. Like literally we drove onto a highway and then eventually there's this dirt road you turn on. And then like, there's a cabin on the lake, but I love that stuff. In fact, like, I think there's this like, there's this kind of cottage. Country in Canada that everyone loves. It's like a thing that we all do here. I don't know if that happens in the States. Like, is there like this classic vacation? A lot of people do like my family always kind of gets like, for a week, we get a cottage up North, we go up North, we do some fishing, some relaxing on the water, get bit by mosquitoes, you know what I mean? That's kind of a thing we do here.

Cozy Snap:

There's that one, I heard you got stung by a bee, or stung by bees, or about to be stung by bees, live on stream. Oh man,

Alexander Coccia:

I got attacked. Okay, this is not a joke, and there is video proof out there of it. So, I was streaming Twishtraps, just for like a few hours, just to say hi to everyone. I love Twishtraps, because like a lot of the YouTube fam comes out to say hi, right? And so I'm, I'm doing it. I'm on this, the porch outside, which is kind of hilarious as it is. I'm outside streaming and I'm telling you Cozy. I thought I heard a helicopter over my shoulder and I looked and it was this massive, massive bee, like this bigger than my thumb. I'm not exaggerating, dude. It was the biggest bee I've ever seen in my life. And then I tried to chase it with the camera so people could see, but it buzzed off and then like half hour later, it buzzed into frame, like right beside me. And like, I actually squealed like a little girl and got so scared, dude. I actually legitimately thought this bee was going to end me. Like it was so big. I can't explain you. And I need to figure out what kind of bee it was, but it was ridiculously massive, like four or five times the size.

Cozy Snap:

I found this out because I went to Florida. So I went to Florida and I did we both did, like, videos from, like, The Go or whatever, and I was doing some Gwenpool stuff, and I was at the beach, but there was a massive hurricane that hit the states. It hit Texas mainly, but, you know, Florida got a good, a little bit of a chunk of it and for a long time, we've been going as a family to this part of Florida. Funny enough, where the Truman Show was filmed like, the actual house, like a little Pleasantville, if you will, And bro, I was trying to film this in an actual hurricane, absolute madness, so much so that it, I couldn't really do the rest of the videos I was going to be doing through the week because there was just, the wind, it was impossible, but dude, I found out Pretty quickly I made you man, cause I, do you know what skimboarding is? Have you ever heard of that before?

Alexander Coccia:

Never heard of it before.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so it's not, I don't think it's popular, I don't know, maybe you guys know what it is. But I was doing it when I was a kid, so essentially like, when the water comes up, okay, and then it goes back towards the ocean, it leaves a little bit of water left over. And it's this kind of like, wooden board that you run and you throw, it can be fiberglass too, and you can jump on it, and it kind of like glides on the shore, okay? So it's kind of like surfing on the shore is the best way to put it. It was awesome when I was a kid. Dude, I've never eaten so I've never eaten so much sand in my life. I, I did the full They call it the scorpion, I think. When you, or the cobra, maybe, when you do the fall. And you, and your, your, your legs go like behind your head. It, it was bad, Alex. It was, it was it was pretty bad, but other than that, very relaxing, very happy that we both were able to take a little bit of a vacation and definitely got some Marvel snapping in. It was crazy that it kind of lined in with the new season, but here we are and we land on Ajax week and or maybe Luke Cage week. I don't know which one it is yet, Alex. We haven't really figured it out. But Ajax, as we kind of thought might happen, got himself buffed up before he's even come out. We've gotten a couple cards like that. I think Macari was also like that. Not necessarily a good sign, but we do have a lot to talk about the newest card. We, we got a lot to talk about today in general. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're going to be talking about Gwenpool and Hydra Bob, both cards that came out last week. We'll be giving our review of those two cards. We'll also be talking about the worst cards in Marvel Snap, one of my favorite conversations we have every once in a while. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, Alex, we're going to go to just get right to Ajax here. It says 5 5. He is a 5 7. I didn't update the card graphic, but if you don't know his ability, he's ongoing. He's going to get plus one power for each card in play afflicted. With negative power. That's on your side, that's on their side. And there's a lot to talk about here, a lot to break down, and I've got certainly some thoughts here. I know me and you talked about him a little bit a couple weeks ago whenever we broke down the season. But let's start here. Let's just start with the initial star ratings as we always do. What are you feeling now that he is a 5'7 Alex?

Alexander Coccia:

So, I mean, we came in at three and a half was where we were at the start. And honestly, I was surprised to see him get buffed to a 5'7 We talked about how his original stat line of 4'4 was stronger and moving to 5'5 was definitely a nerf from that stat line. But I mean, his ceiling is so unbelievably high, I think, right? However, Luke Cage, being what it is, is an immediate, just shut off valve. For half of his power potential. And so maybe Glenn and the team while testing said, you know what? Luke Cage is just, it's just too much. Like it's just, it shudders the cards launch week. It shudders the card completely. Maybe we give him a little bit of extra power to give him a higher floor. I'm still going to stick at the 3. 5. I don't like doing the middle measure, but I see this as having a 3. 5. Three floor and a four ceiling. Like the power level is insane. Like Gilgamesh puts up serious power and this can output higher power in ideal circumstances than Gilgamesh, which is pretty notable.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So I think you are in the right ballpark with this because he is truly one we're going to have to see play out and test it. And it's tough for a couple of reasons. Number one, to your point, not a lot of cards in the game have just one card that counters the whole thing. It's done. There's nothing you can do about it. Luke Cage having that AOE kind of ability to cover all the lanes. He does that, so it's tough to test. If you look in the past, Manthing had a horrible first week, you know, Selene is still not that great of a card. Really, just these Affliction cards, outside of High Evo builds and some Annihilus stuff, it just doesn't work all that much. It's very limited, and so, you've got that. But you have kind of this Ultimate card, per se, for the archetype. Not only that, we've talked about it before, but Cassandra Nova is coming out, and this could be one of the most important cards to play alongside Cassandra Nova. And that's why we're actually gonna be talking about some Summer Spotlight, Tier List stuff we're gonna be talking about. What kind of decks you guys like to play and what you should save up for, depending on what you play. And if you plan on doing a lot of Cassandra Nova, Ajax stock might go up just a little bit. I need to see him play out. I want to see how this works. I want to see him getting vertical, if that's awesome. Right? Ideally, if you've got this negative power spread all over the board, Alex, you just play him in the lane that your opponent's kind of doing okay in still. And then you win that lane and the other ones are negative. And so I want to see this in practice. I need to see it played out, but I think he does have potential. He certainly has synergy options. They're limited, but let's get to a man. What do you want to bring up first in a synergy department?

Alexander Coccia:

So right off the top, I think there's a very synergistic card in Red Guardian. And I think Red Guardian is going to be very important because a lot of people are going to be thinking, Oh, I can Enchantress or Rogue the Luke Cage. And yeah, you could probably do that. But I think that for Luke Cage, Red Guardian probably represents a really good shot at hitting that card. Now, I think if you're seeing it very often, naturally Red Guardian is going to afflict the card, providing a bonus power to to Ajax. So. I do think you're going to have to, if you're going to be playing Ajax decks, you're going to have to play either Red Guardian or you're going to have to play Enchantress. Enchantress obviously has that blanket effect. And no matter if they have a cheaper card there, like you're going to take out that effect of the Luke Cage, but Red Guardian does have that affliction stat as well, which is really nice for the combo.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we've seen this Enchantress plugged into High Evo before, where, like, you have that as that answer, so you can do the A bomb, and it actually was a good performing deck for a while, remember that back, like, I don't know, maybe eight, nine months ago? I see that returning Rogue is all obviously, an option if they play a couple ongoing cards, you're kind of screwed at that point. Taking the Loot Cage isn't always the best thing, though, because then you're hurting your side, and so there's this kind of weird thing where Enchantress is the main card you probably Want to run with the build and we could see return and just in her own right is a cube stealing great tech card Right, so never bad to have an enchantress that can kind of checkmate a lot of decks things like Living Tribunal So I definitely agree here like the Red Guardian as that direct counter to Luke Cage That's obviously going to be you know, your biggest hurdle if you will Now, I want to bring up a point. Now, the thing is, people are comparing him a lot to, let's say, Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh being a, on reveal, is the biggest difference, so it's not as, it's not as big of a thing, right? Because you can have one extra turn, maybe, to be able to boost him up later on, whereas Gilgamesh, you have to, you know, prep up and have him play out. But, I do agree, he reminds me of the Devil Dinosaur, whereas Ajax is the Ronin. You have agency with Gilgamesh, you're boosting your own side of the board for the most part. Yes, Ajax, you can do negative affliction on your side, but you are kind of hoping your opponent plays cards and different things like that. But let's just look at the power, man. Let's just talk about the power. 5 7, two points up, is not a small amount. That's a major amount, right? 5 7, you can get him, obviously, if your opponent, if you got 12 cards on the board, you're at, what, 5 19. It's affecting both sides. On a median, you're getting in the 15 14 range. Guys, that's great. We go crazy for these cards that are hitting 14 15, a death in power. Ajax is going to be able to get that somewhat reliably, but just how reliably is going to be, you know, the ultimate thing we've got to figure out. So, when it comes to synergy, obviously, High Evo is going to be the main build you see him in. I think we're going to see that all over the place. But, Alex, I want to say this. I think, personally, I'm going to be trying to play him a little bit in the Spectrum builds. I think we have enough cards with Man Thing. A little bit of Jean Grey, a little bit of what's that guy we both kind of hate but we love? Agent, U. S. Agent, my friend. Another negative pushing card as well. So you've got a lot of these, right? Lizard can be pushed down in negative power on your own side if they've got four. I have down here Mojo, obviously, to just help out with the Jean Grey. Whatever, right? You've got these cards that are gonna work with Ajax as a whole, and you don't need to get too crazy with it. On top of having the Spectrum bonus as well.

Alexander Coccia:

That's actually a good call. I had not thought about an ongoing Spectrum deck, but you are right, there's a lot of ongoing cards that push that negative power, and I mean, Luke Cage does too, but you don't want him there, but what I will say though is that you're right, U. S. Agent, very synergistic card, Man Thing, very synergistic card, and there's a natural curve there. US Agent on 2, Jean Grey on 3, Man Thing on 4, Ajax on 5, Spectrum on 6, right? Like there's this very clear cut kind of play pattern, which I think is really beneficial. I like this. I like this. That's not where my head was at originally, but oh, you got to flash the the fantasy ultimate of Typhoid Mary. I want you to know I bought this too, even though I have not played the card in it. I

Cozy Snap:

know, I still haven't played it anymore, but I brought up Typhoid Mary as another like Super interesting piece that we brought up, I think, last week, where it's like, okay, can you theoretically have two massive lanes, kind of, and have TIE Forward and Ajax do the work, or at least TIE Forward, maybe in like the Jean Grey lane, whatever, you're pushing all that stuff on your opponent. She's naturally just going to be the easiest way to activate Ajax on your side of the board. Which means you can have a big Ajax guaranteed with TIE Forged. It's, what I like about this is it's the first time these Affliction decks don't want Luke Cage on your side. For the most part, and you're trying to actually harness this. Negative power.

Alexander Coccia:

It's a really interesting idea, the way that Luke Cage is a full on counter, but also you don't want it on your side at all. And you saw like the RO of it, for instance, is a negative impact on you as a whole. I like this. I like when cards have that nuance. It's very fun. Right. And I, I wanna throw something else at you. Okay. I think this is really funny. This is really funny. I was doing a lot of like thinking and I wanna try this deck now. Naturally I'm gonna be going towards Evo as well in my video. I think we're all gonna be doing that. I think that's a really natural inclusion but I got the Hopium. I huffed a ton of it. I want to talk about Supergiant, okay? I know you've gone to the Supergiant well a couple times since we've last talked about her, okay? I've looked at some of your best videos lately, honestly. And what I will say though is, think about this. Supergiant on 4, Ajax on 5, and then you can do like a Wong Hazmat on 6. Or, you can do something like Supergiant on 4, and then on turn 5, you can Hazmat Ajax. And Mystique, right? And then maybe on turn six, you drop big boy Ajax. What do you think, Cozy?

Cozy Snap:

Being able to use the Mystique, I've been thinking about the Mystique a lot, because I'm like, okay, you can play the Ajax on five and just simply play Mystique, and then wham, you get a has been out there, you got two lanes spiking up. At that point, Mystique's gonna get about seven to ten power, somewhere in there. You got a good amount of cards. Again, it all depends on how many cards are being played out, which, we're in a meta where a good chunk is being played out. But the Supergiant path is super unique. I thought this too, because he's obviously very telegraphable. I think that's his, like, the worst thing about him, right? Like, you, your opponent's gonna know what you're doing. They always do. Affliction doesn't have enough under the hood. And so, you went the Supergiant route. I was kind of thinking, hmm, you know what? You could maybe, maybe do the Invisible Woman route. Same kind of thing, right? He's ongoing. He doesn't care. The same kind, kind of hide that final piece, if you will. And then you, boom, you blow it up at the end there and try to do some calculations. I do think there's going to be some merit to doing the Supergiant or Invisible Woman path.

Alexander Coccia:

I've always liked Supergiant from a standpoint of like, it's a card that has a defensive ability, but if you can utilize it defensively and offensively at the exact same time, it's like that double edged sword that you get to take advantage of, right? Like, you're, you're having your cake and you're eating it too, as they like to say. And so, I didn't think of Invisible Woman, I think you're right though, it has a lot of potential there as well. Because with Invisible Woman, they're like, I'm gonna play a Cosmo, and they snap on you, you're like, okay bro, you know what I mean? It's like, that's irrelevant.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I was thinking of all types of builds while I was on vacation. I'm like, okay, we could bring it back to even Nomura, who I just love as a card in general. You're like, all right, maybe get some Selene stuff going on. You send over the Goblins. I don't know. And then you just have a couple big cards on your side of the board. Like, we kind of know that's the path you want to go with. But if we look at the Affliction cards, right, obviously we have Hazmat. That's going to be, I don't see a world where Hazmat's not in most of the decks with them. Even if it doesn't super synergize well, you've got this kind of token card that's checkmate really well. Cheap card. But you've got Yellowjacket, as we've said before, who I think is going to be played to some degree here. Wasp, as we know with Evo, does work out pretty well. The Scorpion play, and then obviously the 3 1 Cassandra Nova. Guys, we're going to spoil the next section a little bit. This is going to be a Cassandra Nova card, and Cassandra Nova is going to be an Ajax card. It's gonna work so well together, especially when you snowball from Scorpion into her, into some of these builds. And so, you should have every chance in the book. I think they said that you definitely have a good shot to get Cassandra Nova if you just play the game. Really easy, really good shot. If you plan on playing her a lot, I think that really bumps up Ajax's value.

Alexander Coccia:

I like that there's lots of different options as well. Like, you have a cheaper option in Hazmat but can I mention Spider Woman? I mean, Spider Woman's a card that that I think a lot of people forgot existed. But you, I was thinking about, like, okay, how do we maximize Hazmat? I do think you're going to see some of these decks running Debris. Because if you debris, you're disrupting their board a little bit. It allows your Hassmat to hit a little harder. It also allows your Spider Woman to hit a little harder. It gives you all of these extra plays while disrupting their board. And remember that negative power on your side, Ajax just kind of scoops it up and applies it on himself. Right? So I do think debris might have some merit here as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I thought I had Debris pretty high up on my list, too. Just kind of working with the Annihilus shell, too. Like, you know, I kind of like the idea of, like, okay, you have this Annihilus shell to send things over, which is one way to go about it. Ajax is another way to kind of feast off the Annihilus. We could see that built into it. I think people are going to write this card off a lot. Like, you're probably listening to this and you're like, Yeah, hey, great. Copium train, hopium train, Alex and Cozy. But here's the thing, guys. It's going to be a tough, it's going to be a tough call. Not only because it's the easiest card to counter this week, we're going to see a lot of counterplay, but also because Cassandra Nova comes out not much later. So, it's going to be not the easiest card to call on either side of the board. I do like the Debris Call a ton. I think the tech cards are important. Other than what we kind of just listed there, you have anything else? Maybe let's go into High Evo just a little bit more there in general. Do you think this High Evo Cyclops Thing Abomination build is gonna be legit?

Alexander Coccia:

It's hard because I think you need to run Myst Magic in that deck, because with Magic you need that extra turn seven to really kind of Bring things down. But you're gonna be in a situation where like you're gonna run outta one drops, like to add Ajax to that deck, you're gonna run abomination as well. That means that you're probably cutting nebula, right? So, and you want to have Misty night and sunspot. There's a chance that mis mystique gets added to that deck chance, right? Yep. Yep. So then you cut Misty night and now you're getting rid of really good pieces of what Hi makes vo Vo, you're probably adding the thing in there, right? You're probably using Scorpion. The deck kind of makes itself. But I feel like there's only 12 card slots and that deck wants like 14 cards. And so I'm not quite determined what the best 12 are yet.

Cozy Snap:

All I know is if this is your style of play, you're gonna have fun with it. When Grandmaster came out, I did a Hazmat, Wong, Debris, kind of build with a High Evo, and I loved it. I thought it was so much fun because you don't, the thing is about Ajax is because of all that pumping and negative power, Maybe you can get away with Luke Cage. Maybe. Because you don't need a lot of power to win the other lanes. You just don't. You don't need a lot. That deck was doing fine because A Bomb was able to be free and it was just 9 power on the top there. So it'll be interesting to see if those kind of decks do, you know, come to light with Ajax in general. My worry is, though, we really haven't seen a card that they buffed up right before release, outside of, I think, like, Alioth, which was comical. That turned out being really good. You know, like, it just, that, to me, says that he was performing pretty awfully, and they gave him two. Is that gonna really

Alexander Coccia:

boost him up? I know it's interesting thought, eh? Like, they changed him early, I was actually kind of okay with him prior, like I actually thought he was probably fine as a 5'5 going all 5'7 I mean, that's just, that's just bonus. That's just bonus. I do think this card's good. It's also worth noting, though, that as an ongoing card, it gets hit by a lot of things. It gets hit by Shun Chi, it gets hit by Rogue, it gets hit by Enchantress, it gets hit by well not Red Guardian, it's not likely, but it, it, it kind of, it allows itself to get smoked by everything. It has the Devil Dinosaur problem, where it's like, Devil Dinosaur can just get, you know, Eaten apart by so many different things. A hundred

Cozy Snap:

percent, but the only thing I thought about that is, you have five and six, so the two times you could play them, most likely, right? Outside of one last thing I'll talk about, but five and six. So you play them on five. Okay, let's say they Shang Chi that on turn six. Well, what were you going to do on turn six? Probably, you know, drop the hazmat bomb. Unless you did it early, but you're probably, so you're still, they're trading a shang chi with you hazmatting the other side of the board, right? So I don't, that's where I'm like, okay, it's maybe not as bad there because you're able to just push out so much. He's just working in this negative build, but my final kind of, What I'm worried about is you, we, we both know, man, these, these Affliction decks just haven't proved themselves. There's been a couple of Limelight metas, just a couple, that have made it, but outside of that, it's really easy to control. It's like magic these days. If a Magic deck gets out of control, it's like, cool, just Legion it up. You know, you can just shut that down pretty quickly. Same kind of thing goes for here, and that's why Enchantress is gonna be important. I'll say this though, I did play a Saratoxic deck for a very long time, early back in the day, and it does seem very interesting, because that makes Ajax now a 4, you're able to do really interesting things, obviously Hazmat becoming a 1 is hilarious. I used to do this Wong, Hazmat, Gambit, just like, screw you, I'm gonna win this game kind of deck, but then you can play Wong down for 3. That, to me, has some interesting things you could go with. You got the U. S. Agent, like I said before. You have Lizard, some of the same cards in the Spectrum build. But that's another thing that I think could also, you know, kind of shine here.

Alexander Coccia:

Wong is interesting because, like, it has this, like, win more potential. Like, it feels like the greediest card in Snap sometimes. However, I think a major risk, of course, is a turn six Luke Cage, where, like, they just, they completely negate all your negative power. Like, Luke Cage's effect is so strong that I feel like when you're setting up with Wong and stuff like that, the amount of damage and negative power you're putting on your side you're Will not be enough to offset them being completely fine with their play on turn six or five or whatever happens to be like, that's kind of the concern I have, like Wong is like, I'm really going deep into something that could just really be counterfeit cubes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And this is the trap. We've talked about this for a long time. People want big numbers, right? You don't have to get that crazy, right? You don't have to push too much. That's why like just a simple man thing might be able to just get the job done really easily. And why I went the path of the evil spectrum build, because I love the idea. Of just doing some nice negative stats with ongoing cards and going that route. So, hey, listen guys. You're going for Ajax, if you're going for Cassandra Jenova, most likely. And on top of that, if you don't have Darkhawk and Beta Ray Bill, Not bad constellation prices, buddy. Those are pretty freaking good cards to go alongside it. I mean, obviously Darkhawk, especially.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Beta rebuilds kind of fallen off the Meta. It had its time in the light and I mean, it's a unique effect. Maybe we see it back one day, but yeah, Darkhawk has to be in your collection. If you don't have Darkhawk right now, you're probably feeling pretty rough with what the Meta looks like. So you're going to want to roll for it for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Well, buddy, we're going to go in and talk about this because why this is important. We usually talk about new cards as they come, but they kind of release the calendar. Ahead of time, we know Young Avengers is next. We're not gonna dive in too much into the cards. We'll see what they do. But the next kind of eight weeks of Spotlights is one of the more difficult paths to kind of figure out. Because there's a lot of just honestly great pairings of cards. And you have to figure out what's your play style, what do you like. And that's kind of the ultimate conce you know. What I think about Ajax is, if you enjoy the negative kind of Affliction build of archetypes. Go for it, man. You're not going to regret it. This is definitely going to be a key piece. These decks are going to be way worse without him. It's, I think so. I think that's just at least a for sure thing. So if those are the decks that you'd like to play, grab that. You can get the Darkhawk as well. We're going to briefly just talk about some of the spotlights coming up in the summer from now all the way to the end of August. And then we're going to talk about some of the new cards briefly as well, but not too much. But we're going to do this in form of a bit of a Tearless Alex. We love our tearless here, buddy. And so we've got some really juicy, scrumptious weeks. S through I've got D here. We'll get rid of D, just put right to the F. So we have S, A, B, C, F, right? Either terrible, S is great. We're gonna try to limit the S and the Fs. Make a nice little bell curve. There's really not a lot to talk about. But we are gonna start with the week we just talked. And that is the Darkhawk, Ajax, and Beta Ray Billweak. Where do you have this in terms of, this is a good one? And this is tough because me and you are opinionated on the archetypes that we like to play, but as a whole, what do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

It's tricky because Beta Ray is kind of not that meta relevant. Darkhawk, Series 4, and has likely been targeted by many people. And Ajax has some question marks around it, very easily countable, very high ceiling. This feels like a B Week. Not because, like, I don't think Darkhawk's amazing. If you don't have Darkhawk, it's like, A, right? Like, let's be honest. But for most people, I bet you this is falling into the B range.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so for me, it's tough because I would almost even put it in C in the sense of almost everyone's got to have Darkhawk at this point. Most people do. And so if you want Ajax and you like Affliction, this is kind of like a go the token route week, in my opinion. If you already have Darkhawk, go the token route and maybe it's not the worst play because then you're going to get Cassandra for free and then you have yourself the package that you need. That's, that's my thought. I could bump it up to B. Let's see how some of these kind of work out as we, we go through them. Our next week is Copycat. And why I wanted to do this is I wanted to talk about this card. Because we had some questions about her. The trailer wasn't released yet. Now it's been released. Copycat does not show your opponent the card that it takes. And it's exactly where I thought it was going to be. It was my 5 star card. I think you gave it, like, 4. Like, very high 4 for you. You loved it as well. Copycat, Call of City, and Thanos. This is a killer week, bro.

Alexander Coccia:

Amazing. It's an amazing week. Like, if you don't have Thanos, it's S tier. I think Copycat's gonna be fantastic. The fact that it does not reveal to your opponent what you've messed up is remarkable. I don't know, this card, I think the card's extremely good. I think the weak is extremely strong. Even Call of City, and honestly, you're like, Bro, Call of Ci Listen, that's in a lot of Zoo decks. That's in a lot of different decks. It is 410 power. Like it is legitly, like it is legitly, I'm making up words now. It is legit a fantastic card that makes itself into a lot of different decks. This is an excellent week, my man.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. The, my breakdown on this is copycat's a must have card. Figure out how you need to get it. Okay. If you go for this week and you don't have Cole and Thanos, and you want to play that, you've got yourself a nice little package to go into. As Alex said, Cole is the perfect compliment card to Thanos. And this really kind of makes that whole machine work. People aren't playing like crazy amounts of Thanos right now, they're just not. Alex is One of the bigger Thanos fans out there right now, for sure, like in the last few weeks, I know you are. However, it comes with a great card at that. So it's just kind of this nice, if you don't have Thanos, it's such a good week because you're getting yourself Thanos on top of Copycat as well. I'm gonna give it an A tier because of these two cards not being played as much, but Copycat being just fantastic kind of where she stands. Now, after And I get that Thanos isn't

Alexander Coccia:

that popular right now, but at the same time, Thanos return to Marvel Snap's metagame is inevitable.

Cozy Snap:

Hey. Absolutely. There's no doubt that within the next six months, there's going to be a Thanos meta deck. Like, there's just not. It always has been. If history repeats itself you are correct there, buddy. Now, our last week is the Cassandra Nova week, and this is funny because we actually do have confirmation. And this is where I wanted to have this conversation. Because, I like to call this the catch up week, the good cards week, this is kind of the, Hey, if you're missing these cards, I don't care if there's not a brand new card this week, it is a home run, bro. Guys, Nico, Minoru, Hope, Summers, Proxima, Midnight. These are all three in the same exact cache, this is coming out again, this is what I like to call the good cards week, last week of the season here. And then you get the cassette engine over for free. This is an awesome week, right? For not even having a new card?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Like if you're someone who does not have any of these cards, all of these cards are, well, first of all, Hope Summer is one of the best cards in the game. And I think it's proven that I don't think it's nerfed or anything. It is absolutely just, it's the best card that'll never get nerfed to Marvel Snap. Like it's, it is in such a great investment. Proxima makes Discard what it is right now. Like so much additional free power while synergizing so well with the decks. Like Discard's not meta right now, but when it is, Proxima's in 100 percent of those decks. And Nico, how many times do we have to talk about Nico being one of our favorite cards in Snap, right? Like, it's, it's a must have.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely. I mean, those are the three cards, like, it's one of those that, the way I see it is Deadpool Dino comes out, guys. I'm pretty sure, very sure, that there's spotlight keys on the track as you get bubs to get the card, Cassandra Nova. So you can have like two spotlight keys, potentially maybe one, I'm not sure yet, but you're gonna have one or two. And maybe more with alliances, maybe giving them what we don't know, but you're going to have a couple kind of like that you weren't expecting, and if you are missing these cards, like, what a great place to use them. And if you're not sure, we're going to talk about the next two weeks, so you can be sure if you want to spend it here. But like, I would say probably the worst, yeah, the worst, the bunch is Proxima Midnight there, and even that, it's like, hey, fantastic, you have Discard opened up, ready to go. So very, very solid week there. Where do we put it, bro? Where do you put a week with no new card, but just great? Like some of the best cards we've seen put together.

Alexander Coccia:

I wouldn't put it in an S, but I would put it in an A. Like I'm, I can say confidently, but this is also a full skip week for anybody that has these cards, right? Like it's totally fine. But if you don't, this is a great week to catch up on fantastic cards.

Cozy Snap:

Even two of the three, if you're missing, I think, yeah, still very, very strong week. Now we're going to be talking about what these cards do a tad, but we have Marvel Boy as our first week in August, the Young Avengers and. Marvel Boy is interesting. He is going to be giving your 1 cost cards what is it, he gives 3 1 cost cards plus 1 power every turn, is what he does.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, after each turn. It's also worth noting that these can change rather significantly, right? We're kind of looking out further ahead, so we'll have to revisit them on the Snapchat in the future. Yeah, which is

Cozy Snap:

why we're barely talking about it, but I do want to just mention it because the cards around it are the ones that are important, and we can at least know if the, you know the base card, like the, the bones of the card are gonna be good, and that's what the point is here. So, Blob, Marvel Boy, and Red Hulk. I like to call it the Big Boy's Week, right? The Big Boy's Week. Now, I'm not convinced Blob is gonna survive completely in OTA. I don't know. With the Airstream, I don't think they're gonna go Airstream yet. I'm not sure. We'll have to figure that out. That aside This is a good week, bro.

Alexander Coccia:

If Marvel Boy, I mean, it has potential. I think this could potentially be a very strong card. Red Hulk's a must have. I think Blob is a must have right now. Especially if you're an Airsham gamer. And I don't think that Blob gets nerfed. I think Blob remains exactly where it is. It's very susceptible to Shan Chi. It's very, very susceptible to Shadow King. It's also I think they might fix the interaction with Mystique. That doesn't seem Feel like it should be happening like that. That's just my opinion. Maybe they fixed the code on that. It feels like some spaghetti code that's working with Steve. But honestly, I liked this week. I wouldn't go S, but I would definitely go A.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, this is a, and this is why we're doing this. It's like, it doesn't help too much as far as like, well, if they're all A, it's like, well, okay, that's why you want to decide what you guys like. Marvel Boy is just, it's insane stats. Squirrel Girl, by himself, just with him, is just great, like, all together, plus one every turn. You're looking great here, okay? He's got a couple cons, but not a lot. Red Hulk, one of the best cards in the game we're about to get to. Blob, obviously very good. If you have Air Shaman and you don't have Blob, this is obviously a no brainer. I agree, very strong week as well. The next week, these are all good, that's the problem. Wiccan, now Wiccan, if you have played, used all of your energy up by the time you play Wiccan 4, he's a 4 5, you're gonna get plus 2 energy for the remainder of the game, allowing you to play some 6 cost cards. Very interesting ramp card I think he's gonna be very unique, and the shells are gonna need him, what he does. The jury's still out, I think he's gonna be okay. But it comes with Loki and Pixie. I like to dub this Cozy Week. Like, it's just the cards I love. Like, Pixie Man, Loki, fantastic, fun, great cards that do a lot. I think Wiccan's gonna be a fun card, at least, at the very least here. So this is maybe the fun week, if you will. Where do we put this one?

Alexander Coccia:

This is funny. I have three things to say. One, I think that Loki has to be in your collection. We've been taught how much we love Loki is fantastic. Two, Pixie is always going to be hovering around pretty competitive. There's always going to be that one deck that uses Pixie where it's irreplaceable. And three, while I think that Wiccan is probably bad, like this is, I don't think this card's great. I'll, I'll let you know that I did a spotlight cash video that had like, I don't know, 40K views. I called it Wiggin. I thought those were G's, so, no one corrected me, so apparently no one knows who the hell this is. This cannot be a well known character, because I literally did not

Cozy Snap:

read those. Okay, so Wicked and Speedy Brothers, this dude, this is Wanda's kids, bro. What? I didn't know that, how's that possible? Really? That's Wanda's kids? Yeah, did

Alexander Coccia:

you see WandaVision? Yeah. Yeah, I've seen WandaVision, I love WandaVision. Bro, that's them,

Cozy Snap:

that's the kids, man!

Alexander Coccia:

That, that wasn't their names when she, that's the names that she used, or those names that gave her salt. Those are superhero names, man. Oh, she's all like, yo,

Cozy Snap:

speed, come here. Imagine naming your kid Speed? What the hell is that? Yeah, dude, I, I, it's better than like, Marvel Boy, though. That would get old pretty fast. Marvel Boy, anyway, they are, they are pretty popular, right? They're pretty, they're pretty, but I will say this. Is this a B Week, man? Lowkey and Pixie

Alexander Coccia:

are up there. Lowkey and Pixie are good, I think Wiccan sucks. But, I don't think he sucks, dude. I gotta see how this plays out. You don't

Cozy Snap:

think he sucks? I don't think he sucks sucks. I think Speed's worse than him. At least there's that. I don't think Wi I think Wiccan is Dude, he's just one of those cards I gotta see play out a bit. He's got and, and, or, he's a 4 5. I don't think he's gonna stay that. I think he's gonna stay. I think he's gonna go away.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm willing to accept B just on the merits of Loki and Pixie itself.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's what I was going off of here, more than just Wiccan himself. Now, that takes us to Speed, who arguably is the worst card of the week in my opinion. And what do you got Speed's ability down?

Alexander Coccia:

Ongoing, plus one power for each turn in which you've spent all your energy.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, so interesting. I kind of like that it kind of works with what you're trying to do anyway, but not exactly insane. But it comes to Jeff and Iron Lad, bro. Jeff and Iron Lad. We would have been losing it about five months ago for this week. They knew what they were doing here. They knew what they were doing.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, I think Speed is better than Wiccan.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, that's fine. I do.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's pretty good. I don't think it's, I don't, I don't want to say pretty good. I'm thinking like maybe three star. Maybe 3 star.

Cozy Snap:

It's a bit of a toss up. I think they're both kinda competing in the garbage Olympics. Like, they're not, it's not exactly, they're not exac I don't know, it's funny enough, I haven't like, dived so far into their kids, so I feel like I might be speaking prematurely. But let's talk about Jeff and Iron Lad. If you, if you call them in the middle, is this another B Week?

Alexander Coccia:

But yeah, I mean, Jeff and Iron Lad, if you don't have them, you have to get them. I'll also add that Iron Lad's variant has Jeff in it. So, it's like, double the Jeff.

Cozy Snap:

It's it's what they call Shark Week. If you look It's Jeff

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

The Jeff Week, yes, the Jeff Week. Okay, so,

Alexander Coccia:

What do we like, B? It's a B Week because I think a lot of people would have targeted Geoff in Ironland, right? Like, and the card speed has question marks around it. But those, like, the two cards being brought with the new card are what really elevate this week as a whole. But this is a B Week, but if you have Geoff in Ironland, you're probably skipping, or at least waiting until, like, the very end of the week before committing any resources.

Cozy Snap:

And then lastly, we got a tough one here. We got EmperorHulkling, who's a 6'11 but copies a text of a random 6 cost card in the game. Not in your deck, but just in the game. Really cool potential. One of my favorites of the month. Might be my favorite of the month. And it comes with Cannonball and Nimrod. Tough one here. Tough one because of what happened to Cannonball and his play rate in general. And Nimrod got more play with Gwynpool, but it's not, it's not played that much.

Alexander Coccia:

This, to me, is the Sea Week. Like, it, it has to be. Like, I, listen, I have talked myself in and out of Emperor Hulkling so many times. I don't know how to, like, I don't know what to tell you. Like, I, I, I've turned myself on to it. I've turned myself off of it. Cannonball, it, it's, it's okay right now because of so many, the Blobs? The Blobs are being eaten apart by Cannonballs? Because he can't move, so Cannonball just knocks him out. Nimrod, I think, is still coping a bit. I think, even with Gwenpool, I tried. I'm like, ah, it's just better to play Shuri, right? Like, realistically. I don't know, man. This week, I have a lot of question marks. I don't think it's a strong week. If Emperor Hulkling, I might convince myself how Emperor Hulkling has been good. I've been as high as four stars on him, as low as two stars on him. Two stars? Dude, I love

Cozy Snap:

him. I love him. I think

Alexander Coccia:

he's, I think he's fun. How can you

Cozy Snap:

love him, though? Like, it's just Because he's 6'11 so you just have base good stats. There's very few of those stats that are going to hurt you a ton. We need to see the data if Agatha's going to count in there, because they make up their own rules there. We don't know, because we have, like, Nick Fury, Dusty Generator, Valentina does, so there's like weird things there, but just on paper having a 6'11 Galactus, Leader, 6'11 Magneto is just one less than Magneto. I just go through all the cards and either or you have just a good static card for the most part with the upside of a ton of great abilities.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he can even be 6'11 and have Scar's ability.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right, just read, just get a, it's the same thing, but you get, you get two, you get two scars, maybe, I don't know, yeah, I hate you, I feel for that what else is there, what other abilities are six guys that are just like, whoa, I mean, Doom's obviously, yeah, awesome, yeah, Doom, I think Doom, Arnim, Zola, Leader, those are like the, whoa, and, or just Red Hulk, just getting like a little bit of extra that, oh, actually, that's the same thing too, isn't it, I mean, it's just a 611 right off the, off the top, hey, but hey, you get one, just start in your hand, so why not, and the thing is, you don't have to play it, if it's a garbage one, if it's Apocalypse, okay.

Alexander Coccia:

Don't play. True. It's true. Like the, the, the ceiling's potentially high. The floor is pretty high too. I don't know, man. You're talking me back into it. I've been flip flopping on this car like crazy. So

Cozy Snap:

I, the only thing I'm, I would maybe bump up potential is this Loki pixie week, just because I'm looking at it as if you have, if you're missing the good key cards, go for that last week, the big boys go for the first week in August. Copycat Week is, is just Copycat Week. That's just what I'm calling it. It's like, yeah, you get Thanos, but Copycat's just that good of a card. And then you got the Fun Week of Loki and Pixie. So that's ranking those. And I had, I had this prepped up and ready very, very quickly off the top of our heads. Here are the cards that are new. These are the ones that are coming. Funny enough, we were debating him a little bit. So where do you put Emperor Hulkling if you were gonna rank him?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I hate this man. Give him a B. I'm so, I'm so middling on him right now. I need more time. I need more time.

Cozy Snap:

I'd have him in A, but I'll let you have a B. You have Wiccan in what, D?

Alexander Coccia:

D. Oh my god, dude. D? Yeah, he sucks.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

this is Alex. He'll be the best card of the season, by the way, because I did that.

Cozy Snap:

Copycat is S tier, yep, no question. Speed, you have C.

Alexander Coccia:

D. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. Ajax. I think he could be a B. I have, I have hope. I can see him being an A, honestly. I don't know if Ajax, I think Ajax might be good. And Marvel Boy, S or A? I think he's a good A card. I can see his stats being changed to a 3 1, by the way.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think, I think Marvel Boy could be an S tier too, to be honest. I think these are the two S tier cards this week, and I think these two, so like, if you look at the months, these two are the clear cut best. These two have the potential to be really good, meh, and meh, we'll see what happens. Yeah, Poo Poo Olympics. Yeah, yeah, as I, as I said before. Okay, fun stuff, wanted to look ahead because of how confusing some of the spotlights are. And that'll take us to our last category. Now, on your side, we're talking about the worst cards. And I wanted to talk about a little bit of the best cards. It's going to be pretty brief, pretty quick here, guys. But mainly, what I wanted to talk about is, first, if they're in the deck, in general, not played, these are specific Statistics. All ranks included, all game modes, okay? Last 30 days. What are the most winning cards if they're just in the deck? And then, this one isn't as important because some of these are like, yeah, no crap. But when they're played, which ones are the most winning when they're played? And then a couple of me and Alex's. Now, let's go in the deck, Alex. Just, from what you think they had to have a scene rate above about, like, 5 percent or so. What do you think is some of the most winning cards? Winning cards, if they're in the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm gonna say probably Red Hulk is gonna be up there somewhere.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. You got any other any other ones you wanna throw up there?

Alexander Coccia:

I'll throw Darkhawk.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll throw Erishem.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Probably just keep going. John chi.

Cozy Snap:

hahaha That is a good Okay, so in the deck funny enough, a couple of those weren't in there. So, in the deck, number one right now is Grinpool, which is a little bit, eh, a little bit convoluted because of the bot stats. That's the only one that we have to be like, eh, okay, we, we have to see. Although, good card. Not gonna be the best, the best, but we'll talk about that more on Alex's side. Then Nick Fury and Airsham. I thought this was hilarious. This is just straight Nick Fury, Agent Coulson. They're, they're right there with Quinjet. All those are just like Airsham being Airsham in the game. And if they're in the deck, they're doing well because you also have Loki involved with these cards. But this is what the statistics say, and this is all ranks remember. Blob also obviously being in there. The ones outside of like specific deck builds though, and that I would qualify as some of the best cards in the game, Nocturne has an absolute insanity rate when it comes to winning, just being in the freakin deck alone. Mockingbird, obviously, is what I like to deem the new Jeff. It's the new card that's in every deck. It's a must have card. Rogue? Rogue is the number one tech card right now in the game. Number one winning tech card if it's in the deck in the game. For tons of different reasons, but that one makes a good amount of sense as well because of, well, Blob. And then you have Forge and Loki, which I thought Forge was interesting. Although that does work into a couple builds that are kind of on the rise that we'll talk about. Now, when played, Alex, When you play the card, so you probably know you have a good chance to win when you play it down, what are some of the most winning?

Alexander Coccia:

Can I throw Hela out there? Hela's gotta be there. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

number one, yep.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright can we say Ultron?

Cozy Snap:

Ultron is number nine, number eight. So yep absolutely. Okay, okay. Yeah, you're picking up what I put down, okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean Magneto's gotta be pretty high too, because I think Magneto's a solid card.

Cozy Snap:

Magneto's right off the list, but I did see him on there. So he's, he's up there, I liked it, okay. What about Alioth at number two? I don't know. Alioth would be number two, obviously, if you're gonna play Alioth. That's higher than I would have expected. If you're gonna play him and submit in turn, I think you'll probably feel pretty good that you're gonna win. Most people, probably. Gone are the days, or at least you would hope, of the YOLO Alioth, in my opinion. But that was number two. Number three was Infinite. Which, if you get to play the Infinite down, he's been doing what he's been doing. You just get the big power. Onslaught, Onslaught, and I think that just has a lot to do with Living Tribunal.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, honestly, with Tribunal Onslaught, like, I can't believe people stay in those games sometimes. I play Tribunal every once in a while. It's just I have that, like, super yoked spotlight variant that I really like. I just like to stare at it, even if I'm, you know, whatever. I just, I just gotta tell you, Onslaught's a winner. Definite winner. But it's also a card that I feel like it finds its way into a lot of greedy shells that, like, the decks that, like, have really low win rates, but, Relatively high cube rates or even just negative cube rates too, but they're fun to play.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, I, I, it's funny you say that because for a while I was like, you know, I used to do this I think Binx tried to play it once after I, I made it, but it was like doing this like wave and you would wave out either Sarah or something early and essentially what your goal was, was to play Devil Dinosaur or Ronin. You play Onslaught on top of that. I'm sorry, you play Onslaught, you play Devil, Dinosaur, or Ronin, then you Taskmaster that. So I was like, oh man, what about Ajax? You could do that with Ajax, potentially, of doing that. Funny enough, Taskmaster is right after Onslaught, as well as Odin, which makes sense, these kind of completion cards. You know, to get the combo wombo out. Knull, Surfer. And Tribunal are the most win played.

Alexander Coccia:

No Galactus. That's surprising to me because Galactus feels like you're only playing it if you think you're gonna hit him. I think

Cozy Snap:

that just shows how many people whiff on Galactus plays, probably. Like, that's the only thing I can imagine. Now, if you were to say in your book some of the best cards in the game to you, you just listed some of them off. Red Hulk, obviously, I think we can both have him. Dark Hawk, who else you got on there?

Alexander Coccia:

Magneto is the one that surprised me, he's not there. Yeah. Like, Magneto is an absolutely amazing one. Shun Chi not making that's fan really surprising to me. I feel like people pretend like Shun Chi does not exist. And so, like, punching people out, taking cubes, I mean, Shun Chi has to be one of the higher win rate cards. I'm sure it'd be in the top 20 for sure. Those are the biggest surprises for me, personally.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think Mockingbird, Loki, those are always there. Arishem is just strong. And guys, if you don't want to get Ajax this week, roll the dice. Maybe you'll just get him in your Arishem deck and, and, and roll the, roll the dice there. But either way, it's going to be interesting. I, it's just going to be, I, I see us talking about Ajax in review, the final rankings next week. And we'll be like, man, he's not that great, but it's also because it's the week of his arrival. Kind of doomed to fail a little bit. Right.

Alexander Coccia:

He's going to have a really hard time this first week. And remember Annihilus had a horrible first week, right? Like it's very hard to evaluate these cards in a vacuum on their first day, their first week. And that's why if you're someone who's trying to like, you know, be cognizant of their resources, waiting until the Sunday or Monday to determine whether or not you're going to commit your resources is important. Like getting caught in the FOMO of, I mean, I don't know how much FOMO there's going to be with Ajax, but you know, there's been examples of cards where there's a lot of. FOMO, and just a little bit of retrospective would have saved you some tokens.

Cozy Snap:

Well, we've got an OTA later this week. We're bound to see some fun stuff in there. Maybe Hydra Bomb, but we'll talk about that here in just a moment.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy Gwenpool has hit the world of Marvel Snap. And there is a wide range of reviews on this brand new season pass card. We'll start there. We'll talk about Hydra Bob later, but Gwenpool itself came out and I played a lot of it. And I liked it. I thought it was fun. Statistics are kind of all over the place. So I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts thus far on Gwenpool.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it was fun playing Gwenpool as like a player rather than a content creator because I was on vacation. Right. So I got to play a little bit of her, you know, when I was making for a video, but there was kind of like a ton of decks to try out. Like, there was so many things I was messing around with from like the greedy, crazy, what I enjoyed playing on vacation, like, Give power to anything that wants power and have cards that give power. And that's the deck that I was going with, with, you know, the Nimrah, the Shaw, all that. Obviously we knew she would do good in Surfer and we saw that kind of come to light. She was fun. I tried to make her work for way too long in Destroy and she kind of fit exactly where I thought it did. Okay. Like by okay, I mean, pretty good. Or fine, I guess. But, you know, it's always just so tight with Destroy and when you, when you get her. Overall, though, I enjoyed the card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, me too. That's exactly what I felt as well. Statistics are kind of weak. 51 percent win rate, this is meta post Infinite only. 51 percent win rate, a flat cube rate at 0. 00. However, 32 percent of the meta. And I think that's being influenced by the weekend missions as of recording. So you're seeing a lot of experiment experimentation with Gwenpool, but a relatively low win rate. However, I don't think it's going to stay that way. This is one of those cards that I think ages better as time goes on, because I think that its synergy is, it's a little obvious, but at the same time, I think that the deck building has to be more deliberate deliberate to really maximize how much the deck can Power output you can get from Gwenpool, so I would expect this win rate to drift up a couple percent for sure My experience was positive. I actually really liked her in Silver Surfer Which is kind of funny because you wouldn't think like oh Silver Surfer a four cost card. What do you care? well it was a really good play on turn four and Silver Surfer often gives up a little bit on turn four turn four and You hit Sebastian Shaw. That's like a four buffer for Sebastian Shaw, a three, four surfer. That's actually kind of crazy. That extra power goes a long way in Silver Surfer, because it's not a deck that goes super vertical with the exceptions of Sebastian Shaw. It's really good attacking multiple locations at once.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, it's because you got Brood in there as well, the Absorbing Man, so you can like really go crazy with it. I think I mean, every time I played her, I'd be like, God, the Rockets, I'd just like watch and beg that it's going to the cards, you know, that I want it to go to. Listen, let me be straight. I like the card. I think this card is good. I think the card is good. What did we give it? Four star last week?

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, we were in the four star range. You came in at three and a half to four. I came in at four.

Cozy Snap:

I think that's where I'm at. Three and a half to four. I think probably four. I think she is good for the, for the season. I think she's gonna live well past her season. She's not like a flavor, flavor, kind of like, ooh, boosted stat deck. Maybe you'll like her and play her in a couple unique builds. She's very versatile. She can just be, she's doing what you're already doing. And she has good stats to go along with it, so I definitely enjoyed her. I'm looking forward, now that I'm back from vacation, to play her even more. I played a fair amount of her. Probably, I don't know if I played more or less Snap than I usually do. It's kinda, because I'm not, you know, I wasn't at my PC per se. But I did play A good amount of Gwenpool. Not maybe as much Bob, but we'll get to him but definitely, you know, I enjoyed the way that I enjoyed the way that she supercharged some of the cards in the game, bro. Now, I saw this, I was watching your stream, you said you were gonna go all in on the Black Panther. I did a little bit. Did you do a little Black Panther testing?

Alexander Coccia:

I did quite a bit of Black Panther testing, and what'd you find?

Cozy Snap:

I'm asking

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

question was to you, Alex!

Alexander Coccia:

But I, I, Uno Reversal Card, dammit, but that's fine, I'll accept your, your demands upon me it was okay. Like, it was fine. I wasn't, it wasn't that great.

Cozy Snap:

I think, so, let me see if I still have the deck build. Yeah, so I had this deck where I had Psylocke and Zabu, and these two could ramp out either Shuri, Wong, or Gwynpool. And then you would try to play out Black Panther, Nimrod, or Shaw. And then your finishers were Taskmaster and Arnim finishers That was a super fun build. Like, I, I, that to me, it wasn't exactly like, listen, bro, I'm just so like, I just don't care. I think people are so caught up on their ranks. Like, I just had a blast with this deck. It was just a good, it was a good freaking time.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually have to, I have to mention that. So while we were on vacation, I was doing the same thing. I was streaming super laid back, super chill. And I was like, you know what, guys, I'm not trying to break the meta with some crazy deck. I'm just going to experiment and have fun with this card. It was the most enjoyable Marvel Snap I had in a while, because like I wasn't sweating so hard to try to crack the meta code or whatever. I was just playing the game and I really liked it. I really liked it. And so I really liked what you mentioned there because with the Black Panther deck, I had a bit of a different approach. I went through the road of, okay, I'm going to do the Black Panther Zola combination. I'm going to do the Wong. I'm going to do the White Tiger Odin. So I have that backup plan. I'm going to have the Gwenpool so I could actually, you know, and I was really, really sad. I was really sad that Wong and Gwenpool didn't quite work that well together. Cause with the existence of basically Poo Poo Zabu, You can't play them in tandem very well. You can't Zabu turn 2, Wong turn 3, Gwenpool 4. So they felt like they were mutually exclusive very often. The deck was fine, but I was often winning on, like, Odin and White Tiger plays. And not necessarily because Gwenpool was hitting Black Panther and I was making magic happen.

Cozy Snap:

It would be awkward to have the text, but I think if they don't do the activate thing, Zabu should work for like 2 turns. That would get away from the whole 6, 7, 8. You know, two on six or whatever, but yeah, like if you didn't top deck a four, like you're just sitting there, but I did like the Shuri thing too. I loved either Shuri, Wong, or Gwynpool, and then Wong worked with those cards. Nimrod was just fun. It was just antics. What I like most about Nimrod is if you get his power to stupid levels and then what are they going to do? Shang Chi you, you know, like I love, I love that. And then the Arnim Zola to Nimrod play is friggin insane. Does a lot.

Alexander Coccia:

I really liked people that were playing Ereshim decks against me with Darkhawks. And they weren't even checking my card count and they played like a seven power Darkhawk. I'm like, okay.

Cozy Snap:

A million times. A million times. Yeah, I saw that so many times. Yeah. But overall, yeah, Gwenpool, excited to see how she kind of continues to evolve in the future in general. But yeah, I mean, I do, I don't, I don't know what else to say. I think she's good.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's kind of interesting. A very important note about Gwenpool is that It's best performing deck is Ereshim, which is kind of funny, because Ereshim, like, how do you, how do you have a card like Ereshim carry a card like Gwenpool? Like, it doesn't really make sense. Like, in theory, every single card in an Ereshim deck should have a lesser impact because of what Ereshim does, and yet, the highest performing version we have of Gwenpool currently is Ereshim. Is it just riding the coattails or what?

Cozy Snap:

No, I think it's because, like, what we were saying on the Snapchat last week, like, Gwenpool, even though she's not, ok she's a 412 pretty much, right? The only con to that is sometimes you can't play all the cards out in time, but with Airstream, you should be able to do that more likely. Now, I get what you're saying, you're not always going to get Gwynpool, it's not going to be cards that you want to give the power to, but you're almost always getting I don't know why I clicked off, you're almost always getting That 412 value out of a four cost card.

Alexander Coccia:

With, yeah, especially when you're playing surfer and like, she hits twice. She's like Nova, Nova. And you're like, sick. Yeah. All the time, man. Or the Sebastian Shaw's in there, like just dodging them. Like just literally doing Goku dodges.

Cozy Snap:

Bro. The amount of time. So like that deck I just said, right? Like, what did I say, man? I had like 10 cars there that want the buff. Taskmaster, obviously the only one you definitely don't want. And every time Taskmaster would be like, boom! You got like two, two of them, you got like four power, like great. I think Taskmaster, eh, no. I was gonna say, can he get the Dracula buff? Right, where like, he just gets the power added on to what he has, but no, that's, eh, no. We can't do that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, one thing I will mention about this card as we move on towards Hydra Bob is that I found it difficult to keep my hand small enough to really isolate the cards I want to hit. And so often times, you just want to hit anything, and you just accept the power that you get from her, right? Treat her like that 412 that you mentioned, right?

Cozy Snap:

The, the Destroy Build was cool with her, and it worked, like you have like I said, Nimrod. The problem is, is now you're You're going away from like the traditional Destroyer. So I had Deadpool, which this new, a new Deadpool variant for those that are watching, just, it was awesome. And that's what every Deadpool like, what are you going to do? But having Deadpool as a possible target, fantastic. Having any of these cars that just want power anyway for Venom, fantastic. Nico can make the copy of those cards. Love that completely. And then you just went for the Nimrod route. Like that was kind of the build instead, and it felt fresh, new and different. Deadpool didn't always feel like he deserved to be in that necessarily, but he obviously likes that power.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I like that. And with my Nimrod package, I found that Shuri was just more reliable with Nimrod because like. She just goes from six to 12, right? And you don't have to worry about it getting hit and all that stuff. What I will mention is you talk about good variance with Deadpool. You, you got to show the Penny Arcade Deadpool, because I don't know if people realize this, this is more for the video fam, but Deadpool, he actually is holding. The energy and the power, which is kind of unique. It's like breaking the fourth wall. So to speak, he's holding the card elements in his hand. I don't know if people realize that or not. So it's one of my favorite variants for that reason.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely. Absolutely. And we love the artist over there too. They did a great job. I think Gwynpool also breaks the fourth wall per se in her, in her lore. Did you get a chance to check the beginning of my video, the lore section of Gwenpool? Of course I did. Dude, wasn't it cool?

Alexander Coccia:

I thoroughly enjoyed the, I'm gonna film in a hurricane thing. I thought that was fantastic.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, dude. I worked so long to try to get the audio to even be remotely bearable, and I'm glad people enjoyed it. People liked it. One half of people said, what are you doing? Go on vacation. The other half enjoyed the video, but I'm glad you liked it, man. But yeah, Gwenpool breaks the fourth wall. It'd be cool if they did something kind of like this, just because those are the two that do that the most. But man, let's be honest, bro. Card of the Week. May I say Card of the Year? Hi, Jabop.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, if you like, I don't know, diarrhea, crapping yourself, just being overall pretty sad. I mean, Hydro Bob's pretty awesome. You want to hear some awesome stats? Post infinite?

Cozy Snap:

They're, they're awesome. Tell me.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, do you have any idea how low the win rate is?

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna go 23%.

Alexander Coccia:

Higher. Oh, 32. Oh, 33 percent post infinite. Negative 5. 2 cube rate. 7. 5 percent of the meta. It's seeing play, dude. This is a, just an absolute tire fire. And what's crazy about this man is honestly, in my testing with this card, it wasn't that bad. No, I wasn't running a 33 percent win rate, but I just, okay. Okay. This is what I did. I literally took a very high performing Gilgamesh shell. I knew the card was going to suck. I don't know who's going to be that good. But okay. Can it work in a Gilgamesh zoo deck? It was fine, but like, I mean, I'd almost rather play martyr for the extra power. What do you think the problem with Hydra Bob is?

Cozy Snap:

That's kind of what I said last week. I was like I think Zoo was the first one I'm like, I love Zoo, but the problem is, he's a one cost character. Card, right? He's not, like, gonna game change anything. Like, we're trying to, like, get this new card and be like, look at him, he's great, but it's like, he's just not, unless it's Nico level of crazy, it's not gonna do a lot. I, I liked him in, I think, our boy Dex, who hit rank one. Shout out to you, Dexter. I think our boy Dex did a kind of move deck that ended up being okay as well. It's just that there's just, dude, there's 12 cards in a deck. So even if He's always doing okay. There's almost certainly a better card to play than him.

Alexander Coccia:

It almost is. And that's kind of the sad part. And I think one of the major problems with Hydra Bob, which ultimately is going to kind of, you know, Take him out of people's decks is the snaps a very expensive price to pay like if you want to move him and you snap That's that's like that's a hefty toll just to take a risk of maybe he doesn't move to location Even if you can guarantee he moves to a location you want you can still lose you lose to dr. Doom if he moves into a You know Sanctorum or whatever And what if you've already snapped and you top deck him or something, or you get them on turn five? Like, what do you do then? And then your opponent, do they snap? Do they unsnap or not unsnap? But like, do they not snap because they don't want to move Hydra Bob? Cause now they're in control of Hydra Bob. I mean, the mechanic is interesting, but I don't think the payoff's enough.

Cozy Snap:

The best part about this guy is I didn't get to make the video on him. But Hydra Bob, ha so Hydra Bob, you know, Hydra, right? He's it's like the, the villain organization. Hydra Bob's wife, who was pestering him to get a job. Alright, and he needed a good dental. This is how this guy ended up in Hydra. He, he thought, so get this, he goes through Hydra's training program. Rigorous, you know. Yeah, it was like boot camp. Gets through the whole thing. Realizes they don't even offer full dental. So Bob got be

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's, dude, that's, talk about selling your soul for nothing. I mean, and then, and then, that's kind of it. That's kind of, and then kind of a couple mischief adventures with Deadpool, but this has got to be the most, who the hell is that character in Marvel Snap? I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, for sure. I mean, even then, it's like, dude, what are you wearing? Like, that is the dumbest getup I've ever seen. It's like, I don't know, it's just awful.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, I have that.

Alexander Coccia:

You, you, you have that? You have this green, extremely tight spandex that goes over your head and covers your eyes? Did I stutter? No, I didn't. I actually did. I respect it. Next, next podcast. I see it.

Cozy Snap:

I did a video. I was going to do a short and I went in Florida and I went around asking people, do you know who Hydra Bob is? And I was like, and the first person that got, I was going to give them 50 bucks or like, I should've made it a thousand dollars. I filmed for like two hours. Nobody. Nobody. Of course not. Right? What a dumb video idea. So it didn't make it, guys. It didn't make it. It was gonna be a video of me just asking. Which probably could have been funny. I probably should have posted it. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

it probably would have been funny. Is his name just Bob, by the way? Or is it actually Hydra Bob? Is it just the fact that he's in Hydra?

Cozy Snap:

It's Bob of Hydra. Yeah. Which is weird. Because that'd be like Alex of Teacher.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, so they just added Hydra Bob because otherwise it's just Bob. Which would have been awesome.

Cozy Snap:

They should have just done Bob.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I agree. So anyways, this card, it sucks. You were man, you were at two and a half. No, you weren't at two and a half. Did I write that wrong? There's no way you were at two and a half. You were at one and a half, weren't you?

Cozy Snap:

One and a half and two. Maybe two and a half.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I said two, and even then I felt dirty. Like, I didn't like it. I will say, though, I think that it's better than 33 percent winrate. Like, that's, that's disgustingly low. Like, I don't know, what the hell are you guys doing out there with Hydra Bob? Like, are we just, is this This doesn't even include Agatha Dex. Like, I cut those out of the metrics. I don't know, man. Some Someone drank a lot of scotch and put Hydra Bob in their deck and has been maining Hydra Bob and is tanking these stats, because this is absolutely disgusting. If

Cozy Snap:

we know something, we know he's gonna get a buff in the OTA next week.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he'll be a 1 9. That takes us From Hydra Bob, who's currently one of the worst cards we've ever seen in Marvel Snap, to the worst cards that we do see very frequently in Marvel Snap, Cozy, we're not doing a top 10. We're just gonna talk through some cards here that are absolute, unmitigated filth. Now it's funny, when I had the thought about doing this this again, I like doing it every once in a while, I was like, you know what? Are there still bad cards in Snap? We've seen so many OTAs, so many buffs, Glenn's doing a great job making sure that so many things fit. No, there is tons of trash in Snap. Trash heap cards that do not see play because they are unplayable. And I'm gonna start with a couple, Cozy. And it's sad, it hurts me to say this. White Queen. We have Gwenpool in the game as a 4 6 that provides 6 additional stats into your hand. What the hell is White Queen supposed to do? She's just sitting there like, Yo, check out all these fire variants I have. But also, never play me ever. Her

Cozy Snap:

variants are just like, they don't deserve to be this good. And then it's, it's, it's, it's just not, it's just not great. Even in air show, it's like there's just other cars to play. And the thing is dude, it's not even that complicated to make her good. Like, to give her stats that are decent. To give her a plus one on the card that you get. Like, something, right? Like, make up the stats on the card that you get. Like a Mirage, but more expensive, right? Something like that. It just, it's not rocket science to me.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you even play her at a 4 8?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I would. At that point. You would have to make a deck design around it, but yeah, cause then you get some good intelligence from them. But then with Airstream right now, I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you basically pull Airstream every time. Cool.

Cozy Snap:

Or, or just like a randomly generated card from Airstream and doesn't really teach you much, or you know, it doesn't like really help what you're trying to do.

Alexander Coccia:

No, and it doesn't really, it leans into the fact that she's like a telepath and you can read their hand a bit. I don't know man, I think the effect is probably fine, but like, Man, Emma Frost, also, her name is not White Queen, it's Emma Frost, is it not?

Cozy Snap:

Yes although I think we're gonna be, I like that you started here, by the way, I thought you were for sure going the Angel route, like, I thought, like, you know, I kinda like, we go to worst cards, I'm like, Angel, here he comes, I'm gonna get him, like, prepped up, ready to go. I like this pick, I like this pick, as it's just, it's a bit, it's a bit different, and I feel like that's the problem with the 4s, because what happened with the 4s is you had the Zabu, which then they kinda had to, like, oh no, what do we do, it's like, it's too good. It's just an awkward cost line in general, but White Queen, she's probably the leader of that pack. Probably the leader of that pack. Actually I would say most definitely.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And I, I'd like to see something happen to White Queen eventually. Cause as you are, I'm also over invested in White Queen variants. There is another card at the three cost slot who I think has been completely forgotten about. There's just gonna be people that are like, that card exists. I totally forgot it existed.

Cozy Snap:

Can I, can I just, I just want to ask, do you think a Tuma sucks?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I like a Tuma. Okay. I'm trying to wait, wait, I can't remember! I can't what's the kindergarten cop thing? What's the kindergarten cop line that every time I play a Tuma, people spam it in Twitch chat? It's not a Tuma. It's not a Tuma.

Cozy Snap:

I don't know, but who's the third cost car? Hit me with the three. Hit me with the three.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, the three cost card that literally everyone forgot exists and probably can get buffed up significantly is Mr. Fantastic it is a 3 2 and Literally listen it's being played less than a percent of the time at minimum 3 3 this could even be a 3 4 I 3 4 is probably intense, but 3 3 minimum buff this card in on paper should be okay But like why why play this right now like this card is totally and utterly irrelevant You Unbelievable that it still exists in the fashion that it does.

Cozy Snap:

A 3 4 is actually not crazy. Because it's 3 8, which is big, but it's spread across three lanes. It's probably crazy. It's probably too crazy. But it's, it's like right up there in the middle ground. Like, if you look at those cards that kind of do what they do there. Fonta, what are they just waiting for the movie to come out in like two years to make him better? Like, he's just such an iconic hero. Yeah, I definitely think It's funny, we're going back to some of these, like, kind of old classics. Another just cool variance, like Kind of card, man. Look at some of these, man. Look at the moose fantastic. We got it. We got them all. Just doesn't do it. It just doesn't do

Alexander Coccia:

it. I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh. There's the animation sitting there for so long. It's just kind of ridiculous. I don't know. Maybe I'm just immature. The, the one you had. Yeah. I don't know. Just kind of hit me. I don't know. I'm such an idiot. That's why I was just cracking up laughing. You're talking all serious about Mr. Fantastic. Don't describe it for our

Cozy Snap:

viewers. Don't do it. All right. I won't describe it, but

Alexander Coccia:

let's go on to the next card. I think that minimum, this card hits OTA 3 3. I think at an absolute minimum, that's a 3 7 style line. And you still have to cope with the idea of you have to play a mid for hahaha the most part. Can I bring up Elektra? I think Elektra is absolutely unplayable. The only time I see Elektra is when a bot just has it in a random deck and it snipes the crap out of whatever play I'm trying to make. I think this card needs something and I don't know if it's, you're looking at me like you like Elektra.

Cozy Snap:

Alex, but the new player experience.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh my god, that's why you're giving me that look? I thought you were gonna like, Alex, just an FYI, Electra 99 percent win rate.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, they toyed with putting her able to kill a random 2 cost card at a location, and I thought that was sweet. I think there were so many pivotal 2 cost cards, I thought that was a great idea, and then they just never did it.

Alexander Coccia:

It is a fun new player experience card. But like, also, what the hell, man?

Cozy Snap:

It could still be, it could still be, what, what, for like the Sunspot meta that you're in for 5 seconds? Like, nah, dude, I, she needs to be changed.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, considering, like, honestly, we're in, there's, like, a meta right now where Zoo is pretty good. Like, it is pretty legit. Nebula is one of the best one drops in the game, and you still don't see Electra, because she has to be played later, and why do you commit energy later when, like, you want to be playing on curve? You have a plan for turn 5, Right, you have a plan for those turns and Elektra's hard to sneak in there. So I think Elektra needs something. It's seeing less than a percentage of play.

Cozy Snap:

I wanted, I wanted to bring up this card doesn't suck, but isn't it just sad? Every time I see Chavez, I just get sad. Like we don't need her to be where she was, but dude. She's she's bad.

Alexander Coccia:

I coped with Chavez in my Black Panther deck, and it was exactly that. It was pure, pure coping. You can't

Cozy Snap:

even see what she's doing. It's just bad. It's just a weird, bad card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Chavez in her old state was obviously insane, but also at least it did something. At least it felt like a tool. This just feels like Wasn't she

Cozy Snap:

a 2 3? Wasn't she 2 3 a little bit?

Alexander Coccia:

They made her a 2, then they made her a 1, but let's always remember that she was a 6 10 during beta,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

she got brought down to a 6 9. Should've stayed there.

Cozy Snap:

Should've stayed there. What's our next one?

Alexander Coccia:

The next ones, we're doing as a pair, because they're both, they're both recosted cards that operate and destroy. In ding and in Saber tooth. Now Destroy continues to be one of the top meta shells. I mean, it's, it's constantly hovering around between like a six and a 10% play rate. It's the perennial always competing deck, and neither dakin nor saber tooth can crack those decks. Saber tooth did get buffed to a three five. From a three four. Still, neither of them break a single percentage point of play. I'd make the argument that docking could be good, maybe even a gwenpool based deck. But, they're not seeing it right now.

Cozy Snap:

I don't hate Dawken, I just feel like he's just, it's now almost been a full year since he's been out. And he just kind of exists. He doesn't really do a lot. And mainly, mainly because, you remember when Wolverine was that destroy and discard kind of thing? And it's like, yeah, you put him in both. They kind of try to do that with him and it just doesn't, he's the master of none.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And he, and you need to like actually activate him and he doesn't feel like he gives you that return that you're seeking. Like you have to do that extra step for him and it's like, okay, I did it. He's a three eight. Cool.

Cozy Snap:

If we had a car, I don't know. I mean, Nico does it with like the next card you play gets destroyed automatically. Like something like that is interesting. You know, more of those can maybe make them better where you don't have to spend the energy or, or this stupid shard needs to be free. But you know what I mean, this shard needs to be free. The shard is a 1 1. It should be a 0 1.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I agree. Because you still have to do something with it, right? You gotta destroy it, and That's a nice buff, actually. Making the shard free as opposed to making like a 3 Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I actually like that. Please, someone you know, shuttle Cozy in the patch notes when that happens, because it's a brilliant change. And another card that needs a brilliant change, which is currently the lowest played card in Marvel Snap Cozy at the four costs, the Wife. Of the Man of Iron, Rescue. That's his wife, right?

Cozy Snap:

It is. They, they have, they have, they have tried with Rescue so much. Because what you're doing is you have a card that you're telling your opponent what you're doing. You're telling your opponent what you're doing. So, I just, like was it Hawkeye got a buff, and he's similar, and it made him kind of competitive because he had pretty good stats. She's a 4'9 I don't even know what you give her stats wise to be like, Oh, yeah, I'm going to be playing back in this lane. Like what? A 4'10s kid?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know, man. Cause then this 4'10 theoretically a nerf. haha

Cozy Snap:

yeah. And then it's like, you can't go like 4'6 and she gets plus four. I guess you could. And then you can abandon. If you go

Alexander Coccia:

4'10, you go 4'11, I think. Give her the two power, make her susceptible to shanchi.

Cozy Snap:

No, but what I'm saying is you got like a 4'7, right? Or 4'6. That way you play into it to get to a 4'10 probably. But then you can abandon it, and it's still 4 6. Like, you don't have to go with the game plan, necessarily. Like, don't give that bonus to her power. Of the, the plus power, but to her base.

Alexander Coccia:

I like the idea of playing a rescue and part of your gameplay is to not play on top of her. That seems like it's going to be a very high win rate.

Cozy Snap:

This card is so dead,

Alexander Coccia:

man. Like, it's,

Cozy Snap:

we can't even cope into playing her. It's dead. It's a dead card. Yeah, for sure. It's, it, it, you would think it'd be, like, good in some mid range. It's just bad. It's just bad. There's just other options. There's just other options. Why would you play?

Alexander Coccia:

There's another couple cards I want to talk about before we move on to the Snapchat mailbag. Another card that you probably forgot existed. But I, I like the flavor of, because I hate locations. We've established this. And there's one card that demolishes locations at the three cost. And that is our boy Rhino. Cozy? He's in Spidey and Friends. Did you know that? Yes. What do we do with this guy, man? I, I, we've said it. Didn't we

Cozy Snap:

come up with a great idea not long ago?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think we did, but I forgot, because the card has not been in my memory.

Cozy Snap:

He's a 3 3, too. I just don't get why he's a 3 3. Like, 3 5, Nocturne can change locations, and you can move her. Y three. Three. That's true.

Alexander Coccia:

Three, four. Wanna, yeah. Three, five blocks. Swan? I don't like three

Cozy Snap:

four either. I don't. Yeah, I think three five. I bet you if this is a three six, people still don't play him Nah. He'd be pretty good then. Yeah.'cause then, yeah, he's pretty good at three six. He'd be pretty good. But no, I think even think three five's competitive into a sense, right?'cause you have this card that you know can, I don't know. Well have to, I think he'd be okay at that. But ruin this location. It just, again, why put that as one of your 12?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I would really like Rhino as a four nine. Follow that up with Legion, just wipe locations every game. Just, nope, we don't do this here.

Cozy Snap:

A four not dude, that's just a better Legion, almost. Not a better Legion, but it's a good Le I mean like, half the time with Legion you're trying to do that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna play Rhino and a Wong deck, so I can just double pump the location, just to send a message. What happens when you ruin a ruin? It gets ruineded. Into

Cozy Snap:

ruins? Yeah. And

Alexander Coccia:

then you Legion that after.

Cozy Snap:

Game over.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

over, dude.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know if I'm coping. I tried. I tried to play Adam Warlock on Ironically. And Arishem. It had moments. Cozy had moments. But he, he sucks the Coco Schnutz.

Cozy Snap:

I'm almost tired of talking about him. You gotta say

Alexander Coccia:

something for the audio viewers. No,

Cozy Snap:

I just, I'm almost tired of talking about him. He's just so, he's bad, he's just bad, man. There's just, I swear on it, there are a couple cards that there's just people that, with vendettas against them at second inning, they just hate him. They're coming to Comic Con again this year I believe. Maybe, because the art director said who's going, so I'm thinking they're gonna go. If they're going, I'm just gonna ask, my one Q& A is gonna be like, why do you hate Adam Warlock? Just, no context, just leave it at that. I, I agree, I, I don't even know, again, where to take him, what to do with him, we maybe just the cost, would you play him at 4 or 5?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, probably.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, in Airship, he drew cards

Cozy Snap:

sometimes. Exactly, yeah, I think 4 or 5's better, cause then at least you can get One more to your game plan towards the in game plan and whatever. Can I ask you, do you think they'd

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

buff Aero?

Alexander Coccia:

I think they should. What do they do? But I don't know to what, like 5. 9 is not enough for her. Look at this. Oh, look at this variant. That's, that's a blue neon border and it actually works perfectly.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

my, it's my, it's my favorite. I, I, I don't even play her much anymore and I still had to get it.

Alexander Coccia:

I I don't know what you do with this card. I think it's just more power. Like to think, you know, going back in time to think that this card, it's original ability, it moved everything they played. Why don't I just farm, just rank with this card nonstop with the most broken card in snap, we just didn't realize

Cozy Snap:

it. Make her six costs and give her the same ability.

Alexander Coccia:

Ooh, dirty. Is that kind of just like moving leader? haha Wait. No, because you don't get their entire turn six play. Yeah. Moving leader. Yes, yes, yes. That's what I mean. Like you just, you take everything they've done and move it. I like to take everything they've done and copy it.

Cozy Snap:

But then like, what do you do with a life at that point? I don't know. I, yeah, I don't know. Interesting. I think I think I do think arrow though. Need some love. I do.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for sure. And the last card we're going to talk about here, by the way, Adam Warlock, I think they hate Adam Warlock cause he ruined guardians three. That's my hot take. Okay. Kang, does he become an activate card eventually? Like this card is so poo. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't, we've had so many ideas about Kang, so many ideas. I've Airsham decks and that was heavy. Hopium. I have Kang Fatigue. He still sucks.

Cozy Snap:

I've got Kang Fatigue. I, at this point, it's just him and Angel hang out. Him and Angel, again, I hope with alliances, they have like a statistic page that you can pull up on your buddies and you can see there at least cards played, because I want to see. I want to see how many games of Snap you've played Angel in. Me? Six? Seems high. That seems a little high. Seems

Alexander Coccia:

high. It's more than you? You're like, got me. I

Cozy Snap:

also love that Angel's so bad that we're not even gonna talk about him.

Alexander Coccia:

No, screw Angel. He's done. I hate him.

Cozy Snap:

He's done. He's absolutely done, buddy. As we are with that segment, I'm assuming we do have a Snapchat mail back there. I'm excited. We've got some juicy questions.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, buddy. We always have some juicy stuff for the Snapchat and we're going to start it off with a discussion about emotes. We've been discussing emotes over the last couple of weeks and Ken G came in and said, I've always used the Deadpool emote for the middle finger, not the thumbs up Miss Marvel. That blows my mind.

Cozy Snap:

You're doing it wrong, man. You're doing it wrong. It's like using your ring finger for the middle finger. It doesn't work.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it just doesn't work. It's just also when you're giving the middle finger, like you have to, you have to do it like with like, you know, it has to be a solid, it can't be like a wimpy, like just kind of when there's a space. It looks bad. You it's gotta be like a solid brick wall.

Cozy Snap:

I know what I mean. It's the yeah. Have you seen those gifts where like these two guys are like angry at each other and they're like trying to see who can give like the bigger finger to each other on the other side of the, you have to, with force, you got to give it with force, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the Deadpool emote. It's funny how, like, we've seen a lot of comments where people interpret these emotes in different ways, right? People are like, oh, I use the Ms. Marvel as a legit thumbs up. Like, no, you don't! When was the last time you lost a game and someone gave you a Ms. Marvel? You're like, oh yeah, that felt good. Come on, man! We know what these emotes are! We know what these are! Liars. Yeah, absolute liars. And the next question comes from Necroxia. I like this one a lot. My wife overheard the podcast the other day. She knows absolutely nothing about Marvel Snap, but it got me thinking. If both of you coached your wives for one hour, and then they had to play each other with no help from either of you, what kind of decks do you think they'd play? And what card do you think most fits your wife's personality? Ooh, that's a fun one. Is your wife game at all? Absolutely zero. She has no idea what my YouTube channel is about.

Cozy Snap:

My wife can do Mario Kart. The only

Alexander Coccia:

game my wife has ever played, I've ever seen her play, was Dr. Mario on the NES. Really? Like Tetris, pretty much? Basically. That's the only thing she'd ever played. One time, I bought her Nintendogs when we were dating. Do you remember Nintendogs? Why are you looking at me like that?

Cozy Snap:

No, I do, I do. I Did she keep the dog alive? That would represent Can they die? They can't die. No,

Alexander Coccia:

it's not a Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi you can murder in like Discipline! Discipline! Discipline! And like, Murder the Tamagotchi? With Nintendogs, it's No, you can just not feed that dog forever. It's just sad. It just sits there waiting for you to come back and pet it, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh. I would say as for the deck bro, probably Zoop. I don't think there's a lot of ways you can mess with Zoop. No way.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I, I wrote definitely Zoo for sure. Like my wife would be playing Zoo cause I think it has a very obvious play pattern. She's, but yeah, is your wife, so your wife's kind of a gamer, she, she'd play against

Cozy Snap:

you. She just played Mario Kart. She has played Animal Crossing during COVID. And that is almost. It, but she will want, like, she will try to understand what's happening, but like I try to watch, she was trying to like watch overwatch or Marvel rivals. And she's like, what, what, why do you want to play this? Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

With regards to watching, I remember when my wife and I were dating, she came over one time, we were supposed to go rollerblading, right? She's like, Oh, let's go rollerblading right near the beach front. I'm like, okay, cool. But I'm, I'm playing world of warcraft right now, honey. And we're in sunken temple. We're doing pretty well. Let's just wait till the, Oh, we wiped. Oh, our tank left. Hold on. We're just finding someone else to join the group. And then four hours later, it's the middle of the night. And she's like, What am I doing with my life? I may as well marry this guy. I decided to marry my wife when she watched all 250 249, I think it is, episodes of Dragon Ball Z with me. I'm like, alright, yeah, this is the one.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, dude, that's, yeah, I mean, that's, that's that's amazing. That's a goat of a wife right there to watch that. That was a good question though. I like that we both picked Zoo, that's interesting.

Alexander Coccia:

That is, that is. And stro, hobo did come in with a suggestion for Kitty Pride last week. I remi once again about the kitty pride's original design, and they said, kitty activate to balance question mark. Ooh.

Cozy Snap:

It could, we could see it. We could see it. I don't think we will, but we could. But we very well, I'm telling you, if they. Take their time and try to do all this stuff with activate on back, you know, retroactive cards. It's going to be awesome.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I think there's a lot of opportunity for activate to fix up some of these like buff candidates that we were talking about as well. And our last question, just

Cozy Snap:

daredevil activating the next. So you get to, you activate them in the next turn. You get to see what they're doing.

Alexander Coccia:

Ooh, that's pretty cool. I like that. That's pretty, that's a very clever use of it.

Cozy Snap:

And then if you play them on five, Or if you act well, Hmm. It maybe doesn't work. It might be op, maybe it doesn't work on turn six still or something. I don't know. It kind of interesting though. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

that's probably what King ends up being. No. Yeah. Possibly. Yeah. That'd be cool. Yeah, potentially. And the last question from Tore This makes me laugh because we got a hunt, a million comments about this. Dark Hawk is not as clear of a counter as you're making it seem to an AUM when they can play three blobs. And the reason why I bring this up is because it's, there's always that, like What if they play three Bobs, Alex? Blobs, Alex? Or Bobs? Three hybrids or Bobs? What if they play three Bobs, dammit? They got Blobs everywhere. They got a Blob from their deck, they got a Blob from Arishem, and then they Mystique the Blob, and then they, they Moon Girl the Mystique, there's nine Blobs out there, Alex. How do you cope with that? And I always laugh at this. Cause like, we're talking about Ajax. We were like, well, I'm just going to, you know, I'm just going to play Luke, Luke Cage. I'm like, Hey, look at the look. I'm just going to play. There's always some way to murder. Everyone's design

Cozy Snap:

gives you Luke Cage. Yeah, exactly. It's a, it's like the one that's like the definition of you though. I feel like I'll be like, Hey, hear me out. And you're like, but until, and then you say, you, you know, you think like when pool hits your, your, your Nova five times, you know, your Alex systems, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

I do, I do deflate your balloon every once in a while. You're like, hey, Alex, like, listen, I got this crazy combo idea. And I'm like, bro, but they're just gonna do this. You're like, I know, Alex, we're trying to talk on a podcast here. It's like, it's so funny sometimes.

Cozy Snap:

My friend, yeah, dude but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Cause we're at, what, is this 89 episodes?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it must be. We're closing in on 90, but we're gonna be at 100 soon. We gotta do something. That's crazy.

Cozy Snap:

We gotta do something. We gotta do

Alexander Coccia:

something special. I don't know what. Maybe I'll wear a Patriots jersey.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, this is, this is this is Drake May. This is our brand new it's our new quarterback. Who's that? Guys, I hope you enjoyed the Snapchat today and if you want to come again next week, same time, same place, Alex and I will be here, Alex and his handsome face will be streaming all week long, actually I don't know that, but I'm going to go ahead and sign him up for it every day, 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, you get on Twitch, you won't miss him, he'll be wearing nothing. But just nothing. hahaha

Alexander Coccia:

Just nothing's what we're going with. If you can't tell,

Cozy Snap:

we've both been traveling. We're a little bit on the loopy side. But yeah, I'll let you close it. You can, you can close it.

Alexander Coccia:

No, you close it. I insist.

Cozy Snap:

Guys, I love you. Love you guys. Alex, Alex is hot and great and awesome and sexy. Thank you guys for hanging out and coming to another Snapchat, and until the next one, happy snapping, guys.

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