The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Arishem: Card of The Year | The New Activate Ability | Phastos In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 87

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 35

What makes the new upcoming Arishem so unique and potentially the best card this year? What do Cozy and Alex think about the recent leaked OTA? What are the final rankings on Phastos? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome to probably the most exciting card to hit Marvel Snap maybe ever. Airship comes out tomorrow, and Alex and I have a lot to break down about the card. From the synergies, to will it be good, competitive, or just Fun, also statistics and what you're likely to get when putting cards into an Airsham deck. Definitely going to be a very fun conversation that is going to lead into the OTA. All the changes that we had with movement cards. We had a nerf to Angela. Alex and I are going to break that down as well. And then finally, We talk about the new card mechanic coming to the game in Activate. Alex and I's thoughts on that, so you definitely have a jam packed Snapchat. We're gonna talk about that all today, more in fact, on the Snapchat. As always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. It's the first of July, it's officially in the summer, it's hot. We got the fourth of July. Coming out this week, coming out like it's like a release. And, and I, if I'm not mistaken, you got a little special day happening over there too?

Alexander Coccia:

That's right. Today is actually Canada day. I know the 4th of July is America day, but like at the end of the day, it's a good day to be American and Canadian. Both of us. We're together. Fireworks, man. I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

Living on the continent over here. Yeah. Hey, first of all, America day, much better sounding than 4th of July. It just sounds way more like America. My question is about Canada day, right off the rip, right? Traditions. Do you guys have traditions? Are you eating hot dogs at a picnic with the fireworks? Like, what, it hit me with some culture that I'm unaware of.

Alexander Coccia:

We basically, we go outside to a picnic area. All the families get together, we swap bottles of maple syrup. And then we have a maple syrup chugging competition.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

To see which grown adult can drink. This is so patriotic,

Cozy Snap:

wow. We go

Alexander Coccia:

vomiting, and then after that's done we put up a piñata, but the trick is, is that the kids think they're gonna get candy from the piñata, but when they knock down the piñata, it's actually also filled with maple syrup. It's more syrup! So then it just kind of oozes out and everyone's kind of sad because they get covered in the maple syrup. And that's basically the day. So

Cozy Snap:

it's like Santa, like the night before Santa, like you're like putting the syrup in the piñata, and you're filling it up, and it's like you're giddy for the next day to come. you I, listen, I'm gonna tell my kids all about Canada, straight from you, like, just straight from what I hear. I'm, who, like, who would you say is the most important person in Canada? Like, who's the most famous person you guys have over there? Me. Well, that was definitely, like, a setup, like, for sure, no question. Like, there's Alex Coccia, The guy that found Canada, who's like number three?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know, Wayne Gretzky, maybe? Yeah, we'll

Cozy Snap:

go with that. I can't say it like that. Ryan Reynolds was from there, yeah? Who's Ryan Reynolds? Not important. He's coming out with some movie here. So, in the U. S., okay, in the U. S., we Most people, I don't know, everyone does something a little bit different, but it usually consists of one guy thinking he has ten fingers, and the next day he does have nine after the fireworks, okay? You've got about 50 percent of people that fireworks are banned because of fires where they live, but they do them anyway, and then thus the Spoiler, a fire happens. And then you've got the sunburn people, the people that make their potato salad with like extra mayo thinking they just cooked like the best meal of all time. That's kind of like America in a nutshell for the 4th of July. And then you've got the fireworks, which my advice to everybody is, do not film fireworks. Don't film concerts. Nobody can, no, you're never going to watch that ever again.

Alexander Coccia:

It's entirely possible that like, firework footage is on the same level as like, people that take pictures out of their windows on flights of like, landscapes and mountains, and then like, post them, and then they wonder why people aren't responding to their Facebook pictures of like, grasslands.

Cozy Snap:

I'd tell you, in sunsets, the concept one bugs me, you're like at T Swift, right, you're going nuts, and you're like, I

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

sunsets at all. It's like, I'm going to call my wife over like, Hey, come here. Let's stare into the sun. Oh,

Cozy Snap:

wait, no. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. That's a hot day. I'd like sunset. Don't sunset here. They slap a good sunset, bro. That's what San Diego is. That's what we got over here. Now filming was different. You guys

Alexander Coccia:

just, you guys made staring into the sun, like a local pastime.

Cozy Snap:

You think Kirkland, like, like going to Costco is better than going to a sunset.

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, no question. Does the sunset have hot dogs? I can't believe you don't like sunsets. What do you, do you hate puppies? No, I just hate the sun. It's hot. It's very inhospitable.

Cozy Snap:

Well, it's going away. You can, like, you're saying bye to the sun. I just taught my son to wave bye bye to the sun. Like, you know, you can Yeah, but it's

Alexander Coccia:

annoying because it always comes back.

Cozy Snap:

This is Guys, today we have a great card coming out in Error Show, man. He's looking to be legit. We have a lot to break down about probably one of the most exciting cards coming to Marvel Snap. And Alex and I it's gonna be a longer podcast. I'm excited. Alex, what are we talking about on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be talking about Fastos in review. We've had a week with the brand new card. We're going to give you our final verdict on whether or not you should be spending your keys. Then we're going to be discussing Snaps must have cards for July 2024. The meta has shifted quite a bit. We're going to be talking about the cards that you need to have in your collections with tokens and spotlights. And finally, as always, an absolutely hilarious edition of the Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, buddy, airsham. Ereshim is a 7 cost, our first 7 cost, and a 7 power card if you don't know what he does, if you're living under a rock at the start of the game. Ladies and gentlemen, plus 1 max synergy for the rest of the game, and you're gonna shuffle 12 random cards into your deck. My god. So before we go into the deep synergy, and it's interesting with a card like this, with synergy, and just a lot of, kind of, mathematics behind the card, how it's gonna work, what you should do. Let's just keep it simple. Let's talk about star ratings. I know you haven't been the biggest fan, competitive wise, which I get that to some extent. So tell me, what do you feel like he's gonna settle with all the factors combined?

Alexander Coccia:

I appreciate that caveat, because like, that's exactly how I feel. Like, this is a card I am super excited about. I think everyone should have in their collection, like 100%. Like, this is one of those ones that you roll your spotlight keys for. But, like, competitively, I'm leaning towards like a 3 star. I would be surprised if it overperforms that, honestly. Okay. I think it has the potential to, but like I did a whole lot, a lot of like napkin math and stuff like that. And I was like, Hmm, this actually completely changes the way you play snap. And the traditional way of winning snap games is often relying on like these consistent, but maybe even if there's RNG, these like controlled RNG circumstances and Aeroswim just throws it all away.

Cozy Snap:

I'm giving him a four, baby. I'm gonna give him a four for competitive. Five star for the card you gotta get. Yeah, there's no question, if you got the tokens, grab the card. You're gonna love it. It's a good time if you wanna break up the game. I do, I actually think he's gonna be fairly competitive, and I'll talk about why when we get to the synergy section of how he works. Because on paper, it doesn't make a lot of sense. If he's giving you random cards, how is that gonna be good? But I see it. I definitely see why and the potential once I, once I kind of broke him down a bit more, and I'm excited to see him kind of out there in the, in the, in the, you know, Snap world. However, I'll say this, I do think this is one of those cards that reward knowledge in the game pretty heavily, and because of that, and like, acting on the fly, and, and whatnot, like, if you find yourself as a player who's not great with District X, you're not going to be great with Airship. It's just how it's going to happen. However, if you're great at that I think that it'll reward you better. So I don't know how stats will be on him. I truly don't know and I don't know if that's a perfect indication of how he is. Kind of like if you go to like Overwatch and Genji's stats are really low, it's because he's a hard character to play. And I think Airship could kind of suffer that same fate.

Alexander Coccia:

I gotta be honest with you though, I think this is like one of the few releases that the stats shouldn't matter. Like, I honestly truly believe that. You're not buying Ereshim, or getting Ereshim, or investing in Ereshim because you want like this 5 star Red Hulk style game busting, blob pre nerf card. Like, that's not why you get this. You get this for the same reason why we often talk about why Thanos is an important card to have in your collection. Why you know, those types of cards that completely shift the way you play this card game are so important. It's a whole, like, it's a whole style of playing this game that you do not unlock with any other card other than the Arishim. It's an archetype defining, an archetype creating card. That's why you get it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And it reminds me of of High Evo because when High Evo came out, we, we thought it would be good, but we weren't like, this is gonna be the best card ever. We thought he would be pretty good, but one that you should add, and then it, in turn, ended up being a great card. I had to nerf him immediately. I don't think he'll be nerfed immediately, but I think it's gonna be the same. Fun card, but also competitive. And there's a lot to break down here, guys. I do think this is the card of the year for fun entertainment, but also just for its complex design. So, let's talk about it. Now, on average, you're gonna be building your deck with Arishem. Arishem being one of the cards. You have 11 other cards to make work with him. And there's gonna be some prime contenders. At least on paper that we have, and that me and Alex are going to break down, that we think Should be in almost all of your Aisha decks. Like they're gonna give you a higher chance of winning. They're gonna give you just better tools to work with, with all the randomized chaos. So we're gonna break those down. But before we did that, I wanted to get down to some numbers, right? And they, there's, first of all, I wanna give a shout to F 300 Zinn. I think I'm saying the name right? It's a Reddit user. They did really great work. I didn't agree with all the document, but they did a good job, like breaking down Aisha and, and kind of their thoughts on it before it came out. And some of the interesting data that they had on here. It was, first of all, let's talk about the cards at every cost, right? So you have two zero cost cards, alright? You have 43. 43, 1 costs, 56, 2 costs. Kind of a nice little bell curve actually when you look at it. 65 3 costs, which actually blew my mind that there's that many options for Silver Surfer. And people still thought Fastest would be good. 45, 4, 4 costs. 39, 5 costs. 28, 6 costs. And then 1, 7, 1, 8. So what's interesting about this is obviously the median of that is going to be 3 costs. It's going to be the most average card that you pull from a lot of that. But even more interesting is, On average, in a game, you're gonna draw about four or five, mathematically, cards from the deck that you designed with Erishim, and then four to five Erishim cards. Which is really cool! Or 37. 5 percent chance, it says, when usually it's 75 percent chance to get access to the cards that you put in the deck. That's not as bad as you think four to five of the cards that you want in there if you if you give them purpose It's gonna be pretty solid man. What do you think about the math there and kind of overall this is stats behind the Airshim

Alexander Coccia:

Well, I'm glad my napkin math actually came out pretty close to that. But like the idea is that like I think it completely shifts the way you approach deck building, like, obviously, because when you're playing Marvel Snap, it's like, well, it's hell at the bottom of my deck, like, there's so many circumstances where you're relying on that card draw, specifically with the later turns, you're pulling into that card draw, and it's one of the reasons why a card like Iron Lattice, so Impactful because you're reaching into that deck and you're reaching into it with a higher percentage on turn six or seven, right? Yeah When you like completely upend that and you're only drawing less than 40 percent of the the cards that you've actually built your deck with Right.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

it actually completely modifies the kind of cards you're putting in there because you can't play a card that you actually Have to rely on you can't this might be the only shell Aresha might be the only shell where you can't play a Nihilus Because, like, you're gonna play Sentry in this deck? Yeah. Like, well, hopefully I get Circe or Annihilus, like, GG, I guess. Like, you know what I mean? You can't play that, the card this way. So I really like that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, somebody put somebody said, like, if you get good cards from him, be, like, pleasantly surprised. And I don't know if I agree with that. I think there are more good cards than bad, obviously, in the game. I get it to the point of, like, you're gonna have to make a Hellcow work in certain situations and different You know, again, it's on the fly thinking with what you're trying to do. And yes, combos. Are just much different. You can't, it's just not a combo deck. It's just like a good all in one encompassing deck. Listen, you're adding in 12 random cards. That's the con. The pro is you're making it up with bonus energy every single turn. And I wanted to talk about that too, because guys, if you think about it, right? The early turns are the biggest difference makers with an Airstream deck, okay? I'm not exactly a mathematician over here, guys. I'm a YouTuber for a reason. However, turn one, you literally have two to the one. So, we'll talk about this in detail, but like a Quinjet, I was excited about, but then I'm like, man, you're not gonna ever really play it on curve. Because you want to get out running. You want to get the ball rolling right away. Turn two, I think it's like a little bit, yeah, 30, whatever, right? It goes down as the turns progress and you have that height and that advantage right off the rip. And so playing two costs has been more important than ever to get the ball rolling and then three costs and so on.

Alexander Coccia:

But no, you're right, man. It's Ereshim, I think is going to be, it's, it's interesting. Cause like you kind of forget everyone's fixating on that 12 extra cards. But no one's really considering like, Hey, you actually have one extra energy. So those random cards you're getting, you're able to use the more often and earlier, because if you get a random three drop, which is apparently 60 something up, which was actually surprising to me, right. You're able to play it on turn two. You don't have to hold out till turn three. You're able to start mill, like kind of generating that momentum earlier with this card. And so like, that's a huge consideration.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it combines like, think about when you play ramp. Okay. When you play ramp and electro, what are you trying to do as fast as you can play five cost cards, right? Because immediately electro is down. You need to make up that advantage of playing electro on turn three, a card that took you down. Why Jean Grey is so great. It's turn three, you burn her. And it's like, oh man, making that up is not, it is pretty tough because there's not a big difference between you and your opponent. You both have to play there. With Electro, you get that big swing, and the airstream's the same. So, like, right off the bat, the example that I love to see is Wave, right? You get a turn 2 Wave. Wave is in your deck. This is a winning line almost all the time. You get to play Wave on turn 2, okay? You make everything 4 cost. Turn 3, you get to play a 5 or 6 cost card. Turn 3, a 5 or 6 If you have a Doom on the board on turn 3, it's Very tough for your opponent to make a comeback from there. Like, just that simple synergy of Wave plus any of Airship's cards. And or ones that you put in the deck yourself is a prime example of getting ahead of your opponent early, often, and not leading, like in the NFL, man, just outscoring them so much that they, their confidence is so much down because you have a huge advantage and a higher score. I

Alexander Coccia:

mean, but it's so risky, right? Like, I love the wave callout, for instance. I think we spoke about it when we first were talking about this card. But, like, mathematically, like, we're doing way more math than usual today. It's it's funny, but I did the math on, like, it's a, I think it's about 16%, right? In order to draw any given card in an Ereshim deck on turn 1, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, in turn 1, 37. 5 percent in the course of the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So then, but the thing is, is that that means that you would want wave on turn two. So what you're talking about 20%, maybe chance that you actually have one in five games.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. A hundred percent. So that, but this is, what's cool is you fill the deck with a bunch of these little options, like where there's these other, there's a bunch of little micro decisions you can make, but then you have the added factor of Airsham giving you just cards. You can also play in addition to, right? Like that was my thought process. You, it's the opposite of combo. You don't try to do these combos, but you, you layer them in there. Wave is fine, right? Like, Wave being in that deck is gonna work with the cards that are in there anyway. You need these kind of we call it, say it all the time, but like, plug and play options that work in this sphere of Arishem. So I wanted to get the ball rolling and give you kind of, I don't think you're gonna be that surprised, but I wanted to give you probably my Favorite of the, of the, of the bunch, or at least one of them with Arishem. Do you have any guess of who it is, of my favorite Synergize card?

Alexander Coccia:

With Arishem? Yes. I mean can I, I throw Blink out there?

Cozy Snap:

Maybe? Oh, I like Blink. I like Blink. We'll get to Blink. I think Blink and Jubilee, people, I've seen people talk about them a good amount. Bro, right here in his pixel goldness. I think Agent Coulson might be my favorite Airship card and we'll tie it to Loki in a second. But Agent Coulson, I think card generation is really vital in this deck. Alright, because first of all you get to play him out early. Awesome. One of the things we loved about Zabu in the past is having, you know, the access to a couple fours nice and cheap. With Agent Coulson, you're just gonna give yourself more options and, dependably, good options, 4 and 5, with that extra energy. That's vital when you're having to deal with a bunch of crap, right? Cause you don't know if you're gonna get crap from Airshim. And so, Agent Coulson, yes, he could give you additional crap, but there's also a chance to further your winning percentages of giving you great 5s. There's a lot of great 5s. Almost nearly all of them are great, alright? And then 4s, we know too, a lot of safe options at the forecast slot as well. Cable, right? We've talked about Valentina. Cards utilize this, this energy with, I think is important, and I don't think hand size is gonna be a big issue all too much. And then all of that, buddy, every single thing leads into Loki. Because I think Loki is the ultimate Ereshim card with Coulson, with card generation generators, and with the randomness. And on turn three, blink of an eye, you can go ahead and change up your hand and immediately have discount with extra energy and just overwhelm your opponent.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question that Loki is an absolute auto, including these decks, for sure. I think that Loki is an excellent call here. I think that Loki is an excellent call in the meta right now, as it is. Like, I think that it's a very high skill cap card. And I love this call out, and what's funny about what you said about Agent Coulson is on my list. I don't actually have Agent Coulson, but I think you're right, because I included Nick Fury. It's like, I get a similar thought, right? You have one extra energy, you're getting three six drops, what are the chances that all three of them are dog poo poo? Probably Nil, like there's gonna be one you could play, right? You're gonna get a Doom or a Magento or something, there's gotta be something there, right? So, I didn't go the Coulson route, I actually went the Fury route, but hell, why not include both of them?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no seriously, I would say a couple card generators is an awesome way to go. And that brings me to Quinjet, Quinjet I'm up and down about, because in theory, getting Quinjet on one, it's kind of like Sunspot, like, they're just weird uses for the extra energy. Yeah. Yes, getting Quinjet down. I think it's Quinjet is a fine card to place in the Airship deck, don't get me wrong. You're gonna get the discount on top of it. But, how many cards you're gonna have in your hand, the way it's gonna work with Curve and getting ahead, I just don't know. And for, for me, you'll be playing Quinjet probably maybe, maybe turn two with another car, potentially, right, with another whatever, two cars, three cars. So, it's interesting to me to see how this is going to work out with Quinjet involved, but I do think, yeah, the Loki and the car generators are going to be some of the bigger winners. But there's so much more out. There's so much more, buddy. Do you want to go to kick us off with another kind of synergy with Airsham?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, right off the top here, I got to tell you, I knew you were going to bring up Quinjet. Quinjet, a very common synergy we're talking about. I have pre prepared a statement on Quinjet. Hit me. And that I have pulled the parachute, boom, on Quinjet. I'm out. I'm out on Quinjet. I'm not going to play Quinjet on the deck. So, okay, yeah, it's fine. Because you don't put extra energy, man. Yep. You don't need him. You don't

Cozy Snap:

need him. Yeah, it's overdoing it, right? It's like the double wall and you just don't need it. It's fair.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and we already talked about, like, you have a 16 percent chance to get them on turn one. Like, you can, and I think what this whole conversation has really boiled down to, and I think you kind of touched on it before, was that you almost want cards, like, in your starting 11, so to speak, talking about soccer terms. Here we go. Starting 11, right? You got Erich Schumann, 11 others. You want cards that you feel like you win when you draw them, but you don't necessarily need to rely on them for the strategy to work. You know what I mean? That's kind of what we're looking for. Cards that like, oh, I got my, my Fury, I got my Coulson, this really helps my engine kind of go. Might I even, oh man, I, okay, I'm not coping here, I'm serious, I'm serious. Adam Warlock, is this crazy? Am I crazy to say Adam Warlock?

Cozy Snap:

I get where your head's at of drawing the extra cards there, but it's another one. That I just, I don't see him fitting into the ultimate game plan of what you're trying to do. And I feel like when you're hoping for something else to come out of just better value, Adam comes out and you're like okay, like I, that momentum slowing down. It's just slowing down still a little bit more because that's what he does. He's ultimately like a momentum, momentum stopper. I could be wrong here. I'm just, I'll let you experiment that one. I'll let, I'll let you.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll take the the flag on that one there.

Cozy Snap:

But, but I like, I want to talk about 5 costs because this is a very good transition into arguably the best cost set in Marvel Snap. Really the big difference makers. You can't get mad about just about any of these guys. I was just hovering on them on accident, but Leech, Sarah, these are, these are, I think Sarah opposed to Quinjet is not a bad play, right? I'll take that all day with the extra and by that point of the game, the extra oomph factor. But things like, man, things like Lady Deathstrike, where you can play them early, way earlier, is Chef's freakin Kiss. Or what's another great one, buddy? Vision. Love an early Vision. Early Visions are, it, just, they're hard to come by. They're hard to, to deal with. Another 5 costs off the top of the RIP, buddy. Who Fits With Everything? Just had the release of the card can't even find it. Circe, Circe, right? Talk about Doesn't matter if you don't like the cards you're getting here. If you're getting kind of wonky cards that play down, change them. Go ahead and change them up. Add to the madness. Why not, right? It's like, kind of like a mini Loki. To nope out of some of the decisions you had to make earlier. So these are, these 5 cost cards are ultimately, like, pretty pretty impactful in my decision and, like, what, what you can do with them early. And, and obviously as early as turn 4.

Alexander Coccia:

I love that call out. You play Nick Fury turn turn three, cause we're you know, extra energy, turn three, Nick Fury. Turn four, you Cersei on top of Nick Fury. Nick Fury turns into MODOK, blows up your hand and you retreat.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

That's, oh, that's what we're, talk about chefs, cause that is chefs, like, making out at that point. There's chefs kissing all over the place as that's happening. Is that how the saying goes? But you're

Cozy Snap:

forgetting that this, the, the Nick Fury gave us Apocalypse. So now you're just pumped because you get the Apocalypse building up in power, baby. You're up there, you're ready to go. You're good to go, man. You get two of them generated, why not? One from the airship, one not. But yeah, I think I think some of those plug and play cards are definitely gonna have some good favor. I mean, Legion, there's just cards playing early often, not a big deal. And here's the thing, dude, may we not just forget, and it's at this point, I think we, we have a contender of like the new Jeff and Marvel Snap, just like the best card, near the best card of the game. I think Mockingbird has pretty much made that statement clear now for the last few months. Mockingbird's just a stupid good card in the game. Absolutely incredible. Make her a 6 cost, bring her to 8 power, I don't care, I don't care. She's just good, she's stupid good. She's really solid in it. Is this her perfect home?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it is, honestly. Like, it's, so there's a couple cards I feel like auto, auto, like, you have to have them in the Airship decks, and Mockingbird's definitely one of them. There's no question about it. And the thing I like about Mockingbird is if you hate Mockingbird, and you think it's OP there's a card for that. It's called Triple M, and just play that, and stop crying, right? Like, you know what I mean? Like, we have it at direct access. Answer for that problem. So Mockingbird, I feel is very fair, but incredibly strong, incredibly strong. I love the card. It is an auto include a hundred percent. I agree. And another auto include I want to bring up is a card that kind of like fell off in terms of meta relevance, I think. And I think Blob is probably pretty legit here because Blob's doing two things. One, he's going to get big. He's going to get big. There's so many cards in the deck. He's got to get big. The second thing he does. Is there's going to be another five. You were just talking about five costs and we'll kind of dive into why Darkhawk might be such a valuable addition to your collection when Erishum comes out, but Blob kind of counters that a little bit. Blob gives you that little bit of counterplay. If you're playing Erishum and everyone and their grandmother is playing Darkhawk, you might be able to counterplay that a little bit with a Blob, which I think is a nice little play.

Cozy Snap:

I love that you transitioned into this because Erishum's going to be played at a ridiculous. Play Rick. I, I, I'm telling you, man, a lot of the, we saw it when High Evo came out. Like, everybody was playing it. I think it's gonna be the exact same thing here. Blob is a great card. Before I go into the dark card conversation, because that's a great transition. With six cards, I think Blob is, is definitely made his, his impact known in a card that you want to have in there. What other, what other sixes are you gonna throw into your Airsham deck? For me, it can't be too many, right? The two that I'm up in arms about, deciding between, or there's a couple, I guess. For one, She Hulk, it's the opposite of Sunspot, and I'm like, man, with that extra energy, you could play her down as early as turn three, right? Because you skip turn two, play her on three, sign me up, man. That's, that's really cool. That's awesome. So, I'm struggling between her, Sasquatch, Which are similar cards. And finally Magneto. Right, Magneto, playing early Magneto to clog him up, I think is really, really cool too. Of interesting tech of a card you usually play late game. Of those three, kind of rank those, do you think those make the cut?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, it's, it's hard to say, like, I, I, I was thinking about like Sasquatch and the challenge that I think I think is potentially problematic. Is that like, you're probably gonna have a small hand unless you draw into your hand generators. So there's a good chance that while you can get them out early, I don't think it will be as discounted. Because you're likely to be, you're able to play on curves so much more effective with Aerosium because like, again, you're, you're a turn ahead from, from an energy perspective. Right. So that three drops sitting in your hand on turn two, doesn't just get like, just, it doesn't just wait, you get to play it out. So I don't know if you have the hand size. And the ability to play cards down as rapidly. That's why I was talking about out of Moorlach. And that's why the card generators are so important. You got this extra energy. You got to use it. She Hulk again, you have this extra energy, but you're probably capable of using it. But if you start to run out of hand space, you might be able to float some energy to kind of set up a board state where you can attack with She Hulk and another card or have that flexibility. I think helps a lot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I like the idea of She Hulk as a fail safe. Like if you go into turn four and you don't like your card, you skip it on turn five, you could play straight up just She Hulk, right? I get, yeah, that would be. For free, plus one of the cards that you drew into, it's kind of like a fail safe. Whereas, you know, and that's where it's like, the problem I don't like Sunspot is you're hoping to get them early. I don't know if that's going to happen, whereas She Hulk you can kind of get towards the later end. That's okay, that's my thoughts there. Sasquatch, 100 percent agree with your take, that was mine as well. I think Loki, in the perfect world of being able to get Loki, change the cards, Sasquatch is still in the deck. Then you got something cool going on, you got the card generation going. You know, maybe Snow Guards in there, whatever, right? Again, I think all card generations cards are it's a mouthful, but are gonna fit in Airsham decks. But let's address what you talked about with Darkhawk. You don't get Airsham, you're now a Darkhawk Darkhawk player, guys. You're now a Darkhawk player, and that to me screams, you gotta have, probably have Blob in your deck because you get, you get, you lose a lane flat out to Darkhawk. And, or, how I would suggest most people that aren't content creators, but most people start their Erish and play with? Load it up with tech cards, baby. Load it up with the defensive options. Throw in the Shadow King, no question. Throw in the Shang Chi, no question. Those two cards need to be in your deck. Red Guardian probably should be in there, too. You got three cards right then and there that give you this defense play so that you don't really care about the randomized generation that's going on, but you rather are playing what you can, when you can, And you, you're just playing great defense. Some of the best NFL teams, buddy. Just good defenses. So, I, I think Something like Enchantress or Rogue is gonna be vital, because for now, we don't really care about her being 4, because we have 3, or Rogue being 3, because you have the 2, because it protects you from your biggest weakness, which is Darkhawk.

Alexander Coccia:

This is crazy, it's like we're telepathic, because one of the first designs for my Ereshim decks was gonna be this like This deck called like the sideboard. I wanted to call it. I remember like in like magic and another game, you have like a sideboard of like tech pieces that you can kind of get it. Well, I thought to myself, what if we have Erishem and we roll with the randomness, but like basically that's starting 11 with Erishem. It's a whole bunch of tech cards that you can use. What if you need it? You got the red guard. You got the Shanqi. You got the Enchantress. You got, you just got answers, right? Let Erishem's randomness ask the questions and let your deck Provide the answers. And it was kind of like a thought process I had. So it was really funny that you went to that because I, I was very much in the same train of thought.

Cozy Snap:

I think that's the way to play it. I think that's the most sustainable and the most fun, man. I, Hey, after like 80 plus weeks, nearly two years of Snapchatting. I'm glad we're on the same, same wavelength over here. Hey, that, to me, sounds so much fun. I don't, dude, I don't know, just speaking as a content creator here, okay? Like, Fast just came out, I'm like, yeah, great, kay, I'm not gonna just try to make the card work. I'm gonna have some fun, do the Gambit Machine Gun deck, one of the most fun times I've had in Snap in quite a while. I'm just pumped for the content perspective of kind of like this mini draft mode, right? It's like a, it's like a mini randomized game mode within a game mode, and it's just, it's so cool. It's so different than what we have, and doing the tech cards gives you this option now of this randomized stuff. So. In conclusion, Alex, if you were to only pick three cards that should be in every Airship deck, who are the three?

Alexander Coccia:

Why do me like this? Mockingbird. Yep. I think Blob has to. Okay. I, I, I'm gonna go Blink. I know Blink over Loki. I don't like what you're doing to me here, but I still think Blink's important because Blink lets you reach in and then consistently hit. Like, you don't know what's in your deck, but you might consistently hit like a five or six drop. You know what I mean? You're pulling something of value out. Like it might be a Zola. But like, you're going to be pulling a larger card out of your deck, and I think that might be helpful. Especially if you get like, Well, I got this kind of crappy card, I don't know, I'm going to play it down, I guess? And then like, Blink can switch it into something?

Cozy Snap:

I think that's what, it worries me to the sense of Circe though, where it's like, you know, But then all of a sudden it's like, yeah, the Destroyer could come out, whatever. Where you're just like, yeah, you know, and so I, I see it, a hundred percent, I do, cause there, the odds of you having a five or six are through the roof. You're gonna have one of those cards to play. You can play it early, and hell, you can play this on turn four, so even if it's a destroyer, whatever, make up for it, you know? Like, you have two more turns to make up for it, right?

Alexander Coccia:

I might, I might wheel my, my statement in, just kind of, you know, fish it in. I'm gonna pull Blink out, I think. I think I'm gonna go back to Loki. You're gonna Blink Loki out? You're talking out of it.

Cozy Snap:

You're gonna Blink Blink out for Loki. It's the inverse of what Blink did. So, the reason I like Loki, too, is something as simple as a card that I still can't believe is ignored to this day. It's like, it's the new Captain America in my eyes. It's White Queen. Talk about a card that's just garbage, but with Erishem and with a Loki, dude? Turn three, White Queen, guarantee. Taking a good card from your opponent that you need because you need somebody who put their deck together to make yours more sound. And I just wanted to bring up this variant. But dude, I think no question White Queen could actually make its way into Airsham decks.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually think so too. And like, I mean like Stifler's Mom here could legit take like a, like a really high value card. Gives you a little bit of scouting. Feeds into the low key archetype. I can definitely see it working 100%.

Cozy Snap:

What a pull man. I just watched White Lotus and Stifler's Mom's in that and I was like, Took me back, took me back to my, my childhood. And then you go to this, and that's not, actually that's still kind of Stifler's mom. Anyway yeah, so, hey listen, it's random. There's gonna be a lot going on with Erishim, but I think between the tech cards, and between another subset of cards, movement cards, Jeff, Nocturne, Vision. Bam. Those are the three you want. Those are the homes of the three that you want. Maybe Hope Summer's in there, in that package. But do you think, my question is, because we need to be playing some good twos. Do you want other dependable cards, like does Thena, does Thena make that list? Do you want a card that just, you can play two a lot, so you do something like Thena?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I don't think Thena ever makes the stacks. Because like, I tried to play Thena outside of Kitty Pride and it felt awful. Like, it was what we feared when we first evaluated Thena, like the idea of like, Hey, this effect might be tricky to pull off outside of everything except Kitty Pride. Remember we said that? And it has kind of proven to be true. Kitty Pride obviously activates it like crazy, but if you don't draw Kitty Pride, Thena becomes very awkward, and again, I still think That you might run out of cards. Like you might be just top, you might be in top deck mode with Erishem. And I think that's a problem.

Cozy Snap:

Which is why I literally started with Agent Coulson. I seriously think card generation is the, is the ticket here with Erishem, because you're going to have so much energy. You're going to want to be like Cableman, Cable to me, I think Cable and Coulson will be in, in almost all of my Erishem decks, just that little tandem duo there. I just think it's perfect for what you're trying to get done with it as a whole. And guys, what's so cool about this is there's so many other options here. There's so many other cards. Truly, what's up? What'd you, what'd you I just

Alexander Coccia:

realized something. I've, this is one of my favorite variants. Is he holding a gun or is that his badge he's holding up? That's a gun, brother. I thought it was his badge this entire time. You think he holds his badge like

Cozy Snap:

this? You think he's like, Freeze!

Alexander Coccia:

Check it out! I thought he was like, Freeze! Agent Coulson!

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no, that's that's, that's It, it almost looks like a stethoscope. He's a doctor holding his stethoscope out.

Alexander Coccia:

That does not look like a pistol.

Cozy Snap:

When's the last time, I mean, does that look like Coulson? Not really. I mean, does. It just looks like the sexiest

Alexander Coccia:

man alive. It does. It

Cozy Snap:

does. I mean, like, when you compare this Coulson to that, it's not even a contest, man. Not even a contest. I'm getting sweaty looking

Alexander Coccia:

at this.

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna do some competition or something where my stakes are I get this tattooed to me. That's going to be my, my, I'm already married. It's too late.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, get the pixel Coulson face tattooed on your face.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my God. I, that was like the scale. So you're just him to celebrate July 4th. I was going to get America day. I was going to get an eagle bursting of an America flag, but Coulson's head on the Eagle. I'm going to scratch that. Just get it on my face.

Alexander Coccia:

That's beautiful. I love this. I can't believe we didn't do this already, guys. This is, this is, I'm actually upset. You haven't already done this.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, listen it's, it's, it's coming. We're gonna have a stakes battle, high stakes battle between Alex and I. Loser gets a pixel tattoo. You're going to get the MODOK?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Yeah. Pixel MODOK, right where you think I'd put it. On the butt cheek. I can't

Cozy Snap:

say, I was going to say, I can't say on this podcast. Well, buddy, hey, outside of pixel MODOK on the butt cheek. Airsham, Airsham. Bound to be fun. Bound to be one of the most enjoyable cards in Snap for a long time now and I can't give it enough praise. I'm just excited about what it means and, oh yeah, we kind of forgot to even mention he comes with two spotlight cards in who is it? Is it Hercules and who else? Black Swan?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Black Swan is in there. It was kind of interesting, I guess. I mean, I think, okay. Black Swan might be interesting because I think it is a candidate for the new Activate mechanic, which we're going to have to talk about.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I was going to say this! She seems like a

Alexander Coccia:

perfect candidate for that. But before we do that, Uatu and M'Baku not coping, going to be in my Airsham deck. No, don't do it. Don't do it.

Cozy Snap:

Listen, I, I can make a case. So here's the deal. I can make a case for the Uatu is kind of fun. Like, it's just kind of fun to see the, the, the locations. I could, I could understand that to some degree. I think at the end of the day, in Baku, like, ah, he's a 1 2, I don't, I don't, cause you pull him, like, it's gonna be, yo, guaranteed, if you play in Baku, he's gonna be in your starting hand, and he'd be like, the statistical law, it is always gonna be in there, cause he knows. You know, he's right at home. He knows. He's right at home. Faster than

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Yeah. What about Fastos? Alright, we'll talk about him later. Okay, let's go to just a straight face when I mention Fastos is 10 out of 10. Hey listen, let's carry on.#We're gonna go from Airship guys to a OTA of some quite pretty surprising OTA that got leaked again now. Dude, how many times are we gonna deal with these freaking leaks? It's just, it's so, it's so, It's, it's crazy that there's not been a, like, two years in, that this has not been handled.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's unbelievable that there's so many leaks, and they're doing it themselves, I think. Like, I don't understand how these leaks are, I'm not even following it anymore. They just, the patch notes just came out, and I'm like, what is this, is it a day early? They didn't even give a notice yet, I was all confused, and then, like, my kids are like, I'm like, I gotta record this video. I come down, I sit down, my kids are actually screaming outside my door, like they're playing like some sort of game with toys, and they're like yelling, you can hear it in my video the entire time, people are like commenting, like, why is there screaming in the background? I'm like, man, there's four kids freaking

Cozy Snap:

out behind the door right there. Dude, I went surfing, and I made a beautiful sandwich. Like, hey. You know, in the summer when sandwiches, sandwiches just hit like 15 percent more in the summer. Like there's just something about them. It's like watermelon and there's a couple like foods that just go up. Their stock goes up. Talk us through this

Alexander Coccia:

sandwich. Yeah. Build it for us.

Cozy Snap:

Ooh. Okay. First of all, man, it was man. Okay. So, Have you you don't go to Jersey Mike's, do you? Jersey Mike's? Yeah, you don't know Jersey Mike's? Okay for those that don't know, Jersey Mike's, they call it Mike's Way. You get these hot peppers on there, little hot pepper action, okay? Little oil, little vinegar, little salt, little pepper. You got the turkey on there, little lettuce. But it's all about the bread. At the end of the day, you, it, you, if your bread's not perfect on your sandwich, it's a BS sandwich.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, man, that sounds like a good sandwich. It was good.

Cozy Snap:

And I didn't finish it because I had to go film and get it out there. Probably the lowest production video I've ever been out to. It was just like, I called Alex right after. I'm like, what was that? What happened? I, what, what's going on? But it was quite the OTA.

Alexander Coccia:

It was actually incredible. Like it was a really good one, man.

Cozy Snap:

It was juicy. Let's start out at the top of the top. Only one nerf to be had within the OTA. And I love it, because like, I can't tell you how many people were screaming from the rooftops, A Marvel Snap with Angela is Marvel Snap. Angela's back. I think we were echoing it, and then we forgot, we forgot why they, they changed her bag, because of just how oppressive she is. Like, she's like, the plug and play card. She's just the plug and play card. 25 percent of games had Angela, bro? That's comical.

Alexander Coccia:

It's kind of funny to me that wasn't it like a two zero that gave plus one power before? Like talk about an absolutely brutal Nerf and now it's a two three with plus one. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's a three power baseline difference. Like, like the Nerf to where it is now is Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like Angelos were getting to like 12 power, like so easily. It was so high, but like in only one archetype. I shouldn't say that because like the silky smooth style deck still played Angela and stuff. It's good everywhere.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And those three bro, now that Fina's in the mix too, like they, those can just be in every deck. Like you, it's the, it's the problem with the move cards, right? Because like Jeff and Nocturne, these are already really good cards to begin with. And then you mix those in with something like Angela, Hope, Summer. It's just this package of like six that need to be in like every deck build. And it just felt. Like, you had such a great starting chance off without it. But yeah, definitely, I don't think I was mad about the Angela change. I think this was more than fair. You know, we still see her play rate just fine, and she's not gonna be the must have card. I do like a very strong card that is early obtained. I think that's, like, a great thing for the game. I think it's good for, for most people. Very interesting. What about Hercules? Our first buff. Let's get right to him.

Alexander Coccia:

Let's talk about Bless my soul. Herc is on a roll. Yes. Actually good. I think this is a good change. You know, it's funny. I'm gonna give them credit, man. Even in the patch notes, they said, You know what? You guys asked for this. If this is a mess, it's your fault. Like, you want him at 3, here you go. And they actually kind of said that. I'm all for that. I'm all for that. Hey guys, you wanted the most requested buff that nobody actually asked for. Hercules coming down from a 4 to a 3. 3, 3, 4. What do you guys think? Going once, going twice, shipped. Dude.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, first of all, I think I'm going to have like the rarest spotlight ever. I don't think anybody got this spotlight variant when it came out. So I knew I like, this was my stock, my window stock in 1988. I was like, this is, this is gonna be big one day. This is going to be worth it. Here's the thing. I'm scared. We're talking, we're going to talk about activate next. Okay. Movement cards are going to be S tier kind of of play when we get to activate. And more specifically, September. The month of September. I want him to last that long. I feel like I wish they would've waited until August to get this out there, because I want him to be able to last that long. Hercules stock is already going way up because of Activate, which we'll get to, but a 3 4, it solves his problems. It solves the awkwardness around him, and Activate's gonna solve the other awkwardness with movement, but yeah, I I thoroughly enjoyed his effect going out there, much quicker. It's exactly what we thought when the card launched. It just felt so, so clunky at 4, Alex.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's such a better position because it's so obvious you play Hercules on turn 3. And then you have options. You could Iron Fist Dagger, you can Iron Fist Vulture. And they'll like balance and stuff like that. That's exactly what you want. Him at three gives you that extra turn. And like a huge winner is Iron Fist. A huge winner is someone like Ghost Spider. These are cards that now that he's one cheaper, they can be paired in to the combination, right? Both of them, like Iron Fist and Ghost Spider are one cost. Yeah, this is now one cheaper. So now you can combo those two cards with pieces you want bouncing around the board. Huge change,

Cozy Snap:

huge, massive change. And with that too, man, what. Man, hats off to the team getting Kingpin to do a one. What a, what a wild, dude, Kingpin has had quite, quite the, he's up there in candidates that have, has been all over the place cost wise and, and, and like what he's done. I liked him at two, but I always hated where it was like between him and Kraven, right? And you're like, which one do I play? What do I do here? Do I go for the day? It's a cool change. I don't know if he's going to make every list. I think Mobster Move is still a, it was always a solid deck, and it's just made that a little bit stronger of a piece. But yeah, I'm here for it. I like the Kingpin on 1.

Alexander Coccia:

This is a huge change, 100%, because Move didn't really have many cards you want to play on 1. Like, I just, I talked about 2 1 drops before, but you don't want Iron Fist on 1. You don't want Ghost Spider on 1, right? And on two, as a two drop, you had Angela, you had Jeff, you had Craven, you had I mean, I'm forgetting, some Silk, right? Those are four cards already, like, that are staples in that archetype, when you're gonna throw Kingpin in there? Why? For the record, this might be the hottest friggin take. But I actually still liked his original version better when he just like, boom, and destroyed the cards. I still think a card like that has to come back out, right? I'm just throwing it out there, some sort of Kraken that destroys cards when it moves into the location. But I do think this was a very prudent change.

Cozy Snap:

I wonder how that card would be in like the modern era or whatever, like, you know, and maybe like adjust where his cost or his stats were in that. But I did, I did like this kind of like, no. You're not moving cards. Movement cards are the most plug and playable. You're not moving them. In fact, even if it was like a global effect, where it's like, turn six, there's no moving across all three locations. His snipers will take him out, like, no matter what. That way, he's like, much more flexible. Maybe costs a little bit more, but I just think that's really cool to, to have a healthy Force against.'cause here's the, he's here, here is the deal guys. Kingpin is going to be a tech card that's needed. Now that move is gonna be much more on the horizon. And then just a shout out to all the move players out there that have been just playing this archetype that is, and, and, you know, always been obviously harder to play than others. And the struggle fest. You're gonna be rewarded. You're gonna get rewarded. I mean, I'm telling you, you're about to enter a new age of movement. And lastly with the movement cards, do we have Miles Morales? Getting a tick up here, and if you looked into the data mine, if you looked into what's to come this car needed something.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it did, but like, I actually thought it was pretty good as a 3. 5. Like, I thought it was fine. Now it's just the icing on the cake. I think this might be a hot take. I just, like, what, the fifth time I've said that today, but I think that the development team is trying to make it so that they have more active archetypes in the game. It must be their design direction right now. Because they're targeting move with so many additional pieces. They even gave High Evil a buff. And if you think about it, they're trying to raise the number of archetypes that are playable in the game. Which I think is a great approach. Because the more different types of archetypes that are being played, the more fun the game is. The thing that gets so annoying about Snap is when you, like, when Discard popped off, right, during that month. When, like 50 percent of your games are against discard. That feels bad, right? But if you're only playing discard 10 percent of the time, and then you're playing, you know, now 10 percent is even high to some degree, but, you know, yeah, you're playing some discard, you're playing some destroy, you're playing against Ereshim, you're playing against move, it's all these different things. Because we talk about the decks we like to play, we like to play variety, but playing against variety is also extremely important for enjoyment.

Cozy Snap:

Which is so hard, man, if you Look at any, I always bring up Overwatch, but it's the game I knew the meta really well, and it's like, you always saw the same team comp of like, the same kind of heroes, and it never, because there's always that finite amount that, that works, and that you know statistically have the best odds, or whatever. And Snap, it's just so much better to have a wide variety. And, bro, I can't believe this was our first season pass card. I want to give a massive whiff award to whoever decided, you know what, with all these players in Pool 1 and 2 with no good move cards, and move was way worse back then, way worse. Let's have Miles Morales. Let's have Miles Morales in there, bud. Like what, it's just an awful option to have as the first season pass card. What a, we've gone leaps and bounds away from that now.

Alexander Coccia:

Are you forgetting, wasn't Nick Fury the one before this one? Or after it?

Cozy Snap:

That was in beta, yeah. So no, no, Nick Fury led into, I thought Nick Fury led into Daredevil that led into Miles. Maybe it was the other way around. I think no, actually it was, it was Daredevil into Nick Fury. I think in the Miles into Black Panther,

Alexander Coccia:

and I just realized Glenn wasn't even on the team at that point yet. We might be actually calling out Brode. He's just like, all right, these guys are gonna slap the out of them now.

Cozy Snap:

Brode would be the first one to talk crap on a card, like back when I was doing the Wheel of Savage, like, yeah, Yondu, who the hell's playing that in their tank? I'm like, bro, you made it! Like, what are you talking about? You made the card! But yeah, Miles Morales Unexpected, and same as High Evo, I think we can say the same for both those. Alioth, we didn't talk about this with Airshim, but I do think Alioth is a very cool card to throw with Airshim as well, another tech option at that. How did the new Alioth feel to you?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's good, man. I think it's really good.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's good to have it back in the fold.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's a fair card. Like, it's gotten me by surprise a couple times. The 610 power's legit. It's 2 power off of like a Magneto style effect. Some cards don't care about it having their text, like, removed on turn 6. Others Absolutely, they get destroyed by it. We're having a lot of decks be these like, turn six kind of, you know, pop off decks. We're seeing some of those come back. And you need that release valve in Alioth, so I think it's a pretty interesting change. People are gonna hate it, but it's kind of necessary.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, after what was like a pretty fumbled roadmap and everything that happened then, I'm excited because we've now entered July. And we know that in July we've got the Deadpool's Diner and we've got the Alliances coming out. And we've got a lot of cool flavor and tech cards around it. It's gonna be cool. It's gonna be an exciting time, and I, I, what I'm hoping is that Deadpool's Diner, the way that these high, high stakes work, is gonna encourage you to just play different. Just play different cards, different stuff. Who knows, maybe we we see Airshim in that, but either way a fun month ahead. And speaking of ahead, let's, let's talk. Let's talk about the future of Snap. If you guys don't know I made a big Datamine video, I don't have, did you make one, I don't know, did you make a, a video about any of the stuff coming out?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I haven't done the Datamine video, I released my Spotlight video instead. Okay, so go

Cozy Snap:

check that video out, but if you guys want to know details about the cards coming out and what Activate is, go and check out the the video that I have, it has the a good old Spider Man with the word Activate on the thumbnail. So, Activate, when I saw this I was more hyped about this than Deadpool's Diner ever did for me, man. I truly think that this is going to change the way that we play the game. Tenfold. We used to talk about on the Snapchat, I brought this example of how vision used to be so cool back in the day because the mind games on your opponent, right? Like, good old days of Snapchat talking about mind games with the opponent. If you don't know, Activate is the, on the roadmap, the new ability, and how we think it's gonna work, and I think it's pretty much confirmed now. Is that you can, you can activate the card by touching it, whatever. And it's going to be one time usable to get whatever said ability is. Now what's powerful about that is at any point, let's take example, a card, Spider Man I guess I don't want to spoil everything, but there's a card where you can copy a clone of that exact card at any point in time. That is just such a powerful thing to have under your belt, to have a massive swing on your opponent, to fill up your lanes and then activate it. At any point, I think it, as a new card mechanic, is top of the top, but even more importantly, it's gonna be one of the most powerful rework abilities for OTAs that we've seen.

Alexander Coccia:

And the way I like to envision it for people that are having a hard time figuring out it feels like a on reveal effect Did you get to lock and load? Basically, it's kind of the way I describe it Yeah, and I just thought man if I they okay if they really want to test it imagine changing Nico Monroe into a Activate card so you have the effect that you want you player, right? And then you just and then she's holding I'm gonna copy a card. I'm gonna destroy a card.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, yeah I like it. I do. I like it. I thought you were saying you play her and then she still cycles the spell and then you activate kind of thing to the spell. Could be that too. I thought

Alexander Coccia:

like maybe like you play her as like the destroy draw two and she's like locked and loaded and then like you play a turn and then finally you get your Wolverine, you play it out, she destroys and activates it.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Okay. Yeah. So the reason why this is so cool cause my immediate thought went to something like a Sherry where it's like, okay. Shuri gives double the power. Not the best example because it's later in the game, but it's like at any point you can double the next card that you play, like when you want to set that up. And why this is so important, guys, is that move is the big winner of this. They already have a card announced where you can move the last card you play to the right and give it plus two power, I believe is what it does. Hey, move is clunky because you have to, like, your biggest combos, your biggest moves, you have to hope you get the right things happening at the, the right play order, the right conditions met to have an ability to set things up like a chess board and then do all the moves at once. It is, is fascinating, bro. Absolute fascinating for that archetype and for many archetypes to come. It's going to be mind blowing. I truly think this is going to open up the landscape of competitiveness and make it way more variable, so many more variables within the matches and games.

Alexander Coccia:

I think the important part here as well is it, it opens up design space for them too. Because, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've definitely noticed that the language on cards is getting increasingly more complex, right? They're kind of reaching deeper and deeper into the well. There's only so many like You know Hawkeye style effects that you create in a card game. You got to start kind of being creative. And as you add additional keywords, it increases your design scape landscape so that you can continue making interesting cards that are impactful for the game. So that's what I'm excited for too.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely. So September, I would say guys is probably the most important month of new cards. I like, I think funny enough, was that dude, that was the Loki month. That was Loki's month. And we said last July heading into September, that's a card you're going to want to save up your tokens for. Obviously, we are correct. Four of the four cards have been nerfed and or in the meta at some point. All these cards that are coming out are going to be pretty vital to the game and how it works. Beyond excited for Activate and what that's going to do for Snap. So, again, if we have Deadpool's Diner, we have Alliances, and then we, we go into a strong back half the year with Draft Mode to end it, bro, hey, sign, sign me up for the rest of 2024.

Alexander Coccia:

How many cards, this is an interesting question, how many cards do you think will be retrofitted with Activate? Because they're obviously going to release Activate cards, but how many do you think will become Activate cards? Like we talked about Black Swan prior.

Cozy Snap:

So at first I didn't think any would, like when I was like reading it, but then the, the Spider Man that's coming out is like the Iron Lad per se for Activate. And I was like, well, this doesn't make sense to release this because then you literally only have one card. That would work with it. So, my guess is in August, maybe September, early September, we get that OTA and stuff that kind of, you know changes some of these. And here's my thought. They've mentioned several times, Zabu. We have plans for him. We have plans. Dude, I would love a Zabu where you can, you can control when he gives that, that, you know, minus effect, right? And then BAM, you throw that on turn six. You've saved it. You get the double fours on turn, right? Like there are, there are quite a large amount of contenders here. No problem that you would love as activate cards. And it's not like this is gonna be for all of them, but you could do it with anyone. Storm, so cool. Put her out there. When are you gonna close it? When are you gonna, I just love the idea of this ability.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. This one's free second dinner. A hundred percent. Ready? Listen to this. The animation, the VFX for activate is when you play the card. Imagine Zabu comes down and it's an activate card. It charges up like a super Saiyan. It goes orange, it goes like yellow and it's just charging. It's just charging and it continues charging. And after every single turn, you don't activate it. Like it just gets more and larger and larger and larger, kind of like DBZ style. And then when you activate it, a giant Kamehameha wave sweeps across the board, and then he just. Discounts all the cards.

Cozy Snap:

Memes aside, 10, memes aside from that, I do think there is going to be an activate card the longer it's out there, the better thing it does. Right, yeah, it's just the comma, it's just charging up. Charging up the Comic Con.

Alexander Coccia:

That was great. Oh my god, did we just accidentally spoil the Marvel Snap DBZ crossover? Oh my

Cozy Snap:

god, dude. Yeah, when, when you can Vegeta Kamehameha the other side of the board. Destroy a location. Galactus versus Vegeta. Yeah, 1

Alexander Coccia:

2, Final Flash. Oh my god. Doubles in power every turn. Yeah, I

Cozy Snap:

can't believe I said Kamehameha's Final Flash all day. Oh, dude. Don't get me, I, I get too excited talking about DBZ. I get, I, it brings me back to my My old days, my old there is a game called DBZ Budokai Tekken. I always tell you, I say Tekken Yaki like the food. But the three I believe, if you guys Toppen Yaki?

Alexander Coccia:

Isn't that like when they like, they spin the stuff around?

Cozy Snap:

You like the guy on the grill? Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

he does like the onion, volcano

Cozy Snap:

First of all, don't disrespect the Onion Volcano. It's a, it's a masterpiece. I love the

Alexander Coccia:

Onion Volcano.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's, it's a, or the, the shrimp in the pocket or the, the, the, there's a lot. He's got a lot. Or the, the beating egg. No, it's the, the

Alexander Coccia:

egg in the hat and it goes into the top hat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Cozy Snap:

yeah. Or he's like, check out my heartbeat and it's like the, he does the egg and it's like, boop, boop, boop, boop. Yeah. Or like,

Alexander Coccia:

he, he like just slaps you in the face with his utensil. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. And then he starts beating the hell out of you. Dude, I love it. I love, I only go to it's hibachi by the way. That's what I'm thinking of. It's hibachi.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, okay. Not Tekken Yaki. What the hell is Tekken Yaki, then?

Cozy Snap:

That's something, too. Oh, we're gonna get roasted from the viewers. I can't wait.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, you've done something today that, honestly, you do so frequently, it blows my mind. You do this about ten times more often than I do, sir. And I need you to give me some insight into how often, sir, you get a haircut. Because, quite frankly, you look so well groomed today.

Cozy Snap:

I'm going on a family vacation next week and thought, Might as well get trimmed up. I get one. How often do you get haircuts? I get one like every three weeks. Dude, my hair grows like ridiculously fast though.

Alexander Coccia:

So like I'll wander into like the like there's like a, I don't know, it's called like Supercuts or something, like one of those like discount places. Like not sponsored by the way, but I like wander in there and they're like, oh you haven't been here for Seven months. And they have like a little thing on it that tells them exactly what I do. I sit down like, so what do you want? I'm like, it doesn't matter.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Like special. You can't disappoint me.

Alexander Coccia:

You just shave my head. It doesn't

Cozy Snap:

matter. Give me that. I'm outnumbered by kids and barely sleeping. Look, whatever that is. I'm, I'm signed up for it, but Hey, you come out handsome every time, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but you, you define handsome, sir. That's why I'm trying to get some haircut tips. Cozy, what kind of haircut should I get? You tell me. Should I actually just show them a picture of you? I have no

Cozy Snap:

idea of terminology. I've been seeing the same lady. Her name's Chelsea. Shout out, Chelsea. She's killer. I sit down and I typically do work. I typically like YouTube stuff. She knows my, my whole, my whole channel. She's seen your face plenty of times, my friend. I do like, I've edited before while getting a haircut. I like it. Do you like getting a haircut? I think it's a cathartic experience. I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

I would like it, but the lady that kind of works near the one I go to often, she like, when she's cutting my hair, I feel like I'm smoking with her. Like, like, she has like this, like, I just smoked four packs, like, kind of, like, experience, aroma, is aroma the polite way of, yeah, anyways. So there's that element of it. I often go with a coupon, so there's that side of it too, so I'm not like necessarily proud of that. It's one of those ones where like, if you, if like every once in a while in your, in your mail you'll get like a, you know, Oh, for 14. 99 you can get a haircut. I'm like, oh, I guess I'm getting a haircut now, boys, let's go, okay?

Cozy Snap:

50 percent of the effort for 50 percent of the price. They're like, you know what, we'll give you know, she's, she's fresh off the smoke break anyway, right? Is it cigarettes? Oh yeah, she's

Alexander Coccia:

rejuvenated. She's very lively.

Cozy Snap:

Olga's at her peak self again. I My problem is I have a very Chelsea's very young, and so I, I get hit with a lot of Just, I'm out of the touch, man. Like, you know Madison Beer, Sabrina Carpenter. I'm just trying to keep up with the names, man. I, I Sabrina Carpenter though, there's a, there's a song, Espresso, it's my guilty pleasure. For those that I, I didn't know. Yeah, listen, it's good. Hey, good music. Hey, listen to Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. She teaches me. She teaches me.

Alexander Coccia:

What I need to, before we move on, I need to know, Cozy, yes or no? Should I get Frosted Tips?

Cozy Snap:

Hmm, definitely. No question. Just

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

her a picture of like NSYNC and be like, I want this. I want this. This is

Alexander Coccia:

cool, right? I want this. This is cool. Okay.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Alright. You know what else is cool? Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Fastos. I tried desperately to transition us. You were still talking about your haircut. Would you like to continue?

Cozy Snap:

No, no, no. I would love to know what's cool about Does

Alexander Coccia:

Fastos have hair?

Cozy Snap:

What's cool about Fastos? I need to know. I need to know. I mean, outside of his, his he has a very intimidating look. He's the guy that's just super swole up top and then he never works out the legs, you know? Like, he just He's a big teddy bear at the end of the day. You think he's gonna be aggressive, but he's a pacifist. He actually is a pacifist, so this does work out pretty well lore wise. Fastos, dude, the card that changed June.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, legit changed June. Changed my life. Yeah, like this card, this is, okay, Cozy, let's get right into it. Five stars for you, I guess?

Cozy Snap:

You know, I was thinking that we would implement a new star. I was thinking that we bump it up to six. Fast. Yeah. Five. Let's just send it to like an insult four. You wanna just bump it up ten nine and just cut it there. Like that's just fast dose as well. And then I was thinking we go inverse for like Miss Marvel. So like Miss Marvel, we have a negative four star rating for her and then we go up to 14 for him.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this makes sense. We just know we should do our rating scale should just be like audio db scale. So every six is a doubling in card power.

Cozy Snap:

You that whenever, or is it 12? A lot of people's heads, they, they, they, they don't know. They don't know. Audible DB scales, but Bastos. What do you think? Tell me.

Alexander Coccia:

I am, I think I'm disappointed.

Cozy Snap:

I need a recap. I don't remember what, what was it? No, you remember well. I need a recap. I have dementia. I need to know. I don't remember.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright. I'm actually sad because I could have almost gotten you. I said Fastos potentially 4 star. You started at 3. 54 and then we started talking and then suddenly you changed your mind. You went to 2 and then you changed your mind again. You went to 2 and a half and I had to update my notes. And so, Cozy, I gotta say once again, I don't know if this ain't no contest, it ain't no contest, but you were right again.

Cozy Snap:

It's pure luck, guys. It's, it's first of all, for those that don't know, if Alex was only my best buddy, I wouldn't be giving him crap. Yes, no, hey, listen, I feel good. I, I've been nervous too, because I've been putting my reputation on the platter, like, here we go, I'm gonna diss this card, and I'm gonna be so wrong, and just, I was actually, for this one, fully expecting Because I believe it was like, there's not a lot of us that were down on him, so I was like, oh dude, Alex is gonna just, the whole community, he's YouTube channel, and the comments I'm gonna get is gonna be brutal. But pleasantly, actually no, it wasn't pleasantly, I was kind of sad on it, because this mother effer took me four caches to get to, so I was actually even more mad about the how much it took to get them. What happened with the ass deaths?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what man, I, I'm not sure. For the record, currently as of recording on Sunday, the day before this comes out 49 percent winrate 49 man, it's 49 percent Even Makari was better than 49 percent 6 percent meta share, and I gotta tell you man, I think this card I'm sad, I think it's I don't think it's as bad As the sentiment around the card is, but I don't think it's as good as I thought it was, if that makes sense.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

yeah. It confirmed most of the words that I had for it going into it, is the consistency thing. Playing it after 3 was a nightmare. Playing it on 3, you didn't even get control what that changed. And so you just have like too much RNG in there to, for it to, to really even make sense. And then drawing him, like, even when I did draw him, I just typically wanted to do another 3. He worked in Surfer, but because of course he did, Surfer's a good deck. All my worries about the card, it came true, and I hate to see it, because I love the ability, it's a cool ability, but I hate it for a three cost card.

Alexander Coccia:

What I'll say is that I played him a lot in Surfer, I played him in a whole bunch of different decks, right? I played him in Zoo, I played him in Thanos, I played him in Surfer, right? And if you play him on three, he felt good, I'll be straight up honest. If you play him on three, but he is beyond dead on five, six, and later. Like, it's, he's so bad other than on three, specifically. And so I feel like that is something that's, that's very notable. And we kind of knew going into that, right? We're like, ah, you know, you get them on three. He's great. If you get them on four, it's not as good five. He's unplayable. And we kind of understood that. But I think that I was expecting the, Oh, negative one cost versus two power flip floppy stuff to be less annoying than it actually was. Well, generally positive. We talk about it all the time. The consistency of effects in Marvel Snap tends to be very good. And we don't have that here, but what I will tell you, which was a silent winner for me, this. Call it Cope if you want. I loved playing Phastos on 3, Absorbing Man on 4. Yeah, is that whatever I was getting afterwards was absolutely just fire.

Cozy Snap:

Agree, but what I'll say to that dude Is that because I did a Gambit deck was a lot of fun I had Absorbing Man who could pop off a Surfer and Gambit and Phastos and for the content I usually went with Phastos The thing I don't like is, I think there should have been a safety gate at zero cost. So like, once a card's zero cost, it can't take another randomized hit of negative one cost. Yeah. That way, cause there's times where I would get like, bro, I would play Wong on Onslaught Citadel, and then play Fast Dose, and I'm like, boom, boom, boom, got the rings, got the cool sound effect, right? And then I would get a Magic that was like a 0, plus 4, and I'm like, wait, I did this 8 times. So, like, there was, whatever, that's a bad example, but I would get these effects that didn't equal what I thought I was gonna get out of it. Because I think it kept trying to hit that negative 1 cost on a card that was already discounted, you know, fully or whatever. Not to say that having a free card's bad or anything. I will say Magic was a great call last week when you said that, the synergy there. I think his ultimate problem for me is that he's really plug and playable. No question, you can't deny that. He's a flexible card. He's the master of none. He doesn't really flex into anything. He's, he's too It's how I felt about Hercules in a sense of like, great ability, not at the right cost slot, and now we're seeing him go down.

Alexander Coccia:

Now, I, like, so in Zoo, I felt like he was good because there's often cards you want to sneak in like, oh wait, you know that that, that card I can now play alongside a Blue Marvel on turn six, that's pretty cool. Dazzler got discounted, that's pretty awesome, right? Or even Dazzler plus two is pretty good. Like, the power and the cost reduction was always nice to have. But specifically on turn three, right? Later on, I felt it much, much worse. I was getting massive gladiators, right? And I like what you bring up about the idea that like, for instance I was playing an insurfer and I was playing Killmonger and Nova. Nova going down to zero cost was awesome. Right? But it being a plus two was kind of a waste, which kind of felt bad. Right? It's like I don't really care about that. I'd rather. But at the same time, I like what you're saying with the idea of like, okay, let's say something's already zero. Make it consistently become two power at that point. That's a cool way of buffing the card without just giving it numbers.

Cozy Snap:

And then buffing wasp and yellow jacket in the same vein. You put both those in there. You just know you're getting these cheap cards that are just getting power. It's really cool. It's like a, it's a different synergy that we haven't seen before. Maybe then they work into a Jane Foster deck that I saw a couple of people try to experiment with. Like that is a cool potential for Fastos without bringing his cost down and ruining what they envisioned for him. He just reminded the more I played with him, he reminded me more of like, a guy that buys one scratch off ticket and wins, and he's like, Why isn't everybody doing this? This is just so good. This is so easy. I win money. But it's it's the same thing. Like, the more games I played, I was like, God, I don't like the card. I just he never did anything game changing to me. Like, massively.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Like I cut, I cut like a you know, like a Shauna out of a zoo deck and I put fossils and said, and I was, it was good. It was fine. Right. It was like, I'm like, this is pretty good. Like we're buffing cards and those low power cards that plus two power significant on a squirrel girl. It's significant on, you know, a lot of those zoo style cards. So that's pretty cool. I thought it was good in Thanos. I can see if Thanos continues to get nudged in the direction they're going. I think they're going to take these slow calculated steps towards making Thanos, this new kind of shell that they're leaning towards Shannos being the star Shannos, I just say Shannos, Thanos being the star of the show. And I think that Fastos would be a really good addition to that deck eventually. Like I see the potential.

Cozy Snap:

This, but drawing him in Thanos was so much tougher. Like, I think what would be cool. Tell me if I'm crazy here, negative one cost, negative one or plus one power. You minus the power by one and it's all the cards in your hand. So it's this mix of like a Koie, that way you kind of know when you're trying to activate the ability. It has a bit more pop off potential, you can actively see what's happening with it. I felt like maybe that would have landed better.

Alexander Coccia:

What if, what if you got to choose the effect? Nah, it'd be too good. It'd be too good. No? Negative one cost, you

Cozy Snap:

just do negative one, it's just a better Sarah at that point.

Alexander Coccia:

Is it though?

Cozy Snap:

Well, Sarah's on five to play everything minus one, and then you play that on three. Sarah affects

Alexander Coccia:

your hand.

Cozy Snap:

It affects your hand, that's fair. But I would Oh, I just don't see people doing power as much, but yeah, I guess if you could shoot, like if it's an activate card instead and you activated it, but then, the problem, yes, but here's the problem about activate, this was my worry we didn't talk about on my side, is, if you can activate it, it's not gonna be at any point in the game, so you would have to play him on three, then press activate on four, which would affect then just the two cards. So that would be wonky. They would have to do that with like, you know what I mean? They would have to make that a two car, like activate doesn't activate right away. That's where honor veal is King. So it's kind of weird. It's weird in that effect.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. That's fair. I like where your head's at there, but like, I guess that would be the way to like choose between one of the two. And I mean, I guess at the end of the day, right? Like obviously you're lower on it. I'm going to shift towards a three star rating. I still think it's like, it's. I don't think it's as bad, man. I don't think it's a two star card. I still think it's in the three range. It's a soft three. Like I'm not, I'm not happy about it being a three, but I'll accept three. Are you still in the two range?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, definitely. I'm definitely not a three range. I don't, I

Alexander Coccia:

really, okay.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. But that much, I, I, one and a half to one and a half right now. One and a

Alexander Coccia:

half? Cozy, come on. What? That is, there's no way it's one and a half. The

Cozy Snap:

only deck I would play him in is Surfer. And even then it's just like, you're, you're talking about an archetype with so much different. Flex card, like you just, this is like, up there, put it this way, in the year for the year, there's only a couple cards I put ahead of this, or below this, I guess that I would buy first.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that, that's fair. So, like, what would you want from it to, for it to make your decks? Like, what do you want from it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I'd, I'd be kind of what I led to before, I mean, maybe, Maybe make him a two? Maybe? And then like adjust his output? Maybe it's not as much power? I don't know. Yeah, I'm not quite sure. I just, this isn't it. Whatever this is.

Alexander Coccia:

So he feels pretty far off to you, okay. Which is crazy, cause like, he doesn't feel that far off to me, it feels like a card that might age well even an additional power, I don't think the effect is horrible, like I just, I don't think the effect is bad, I think the replicating effect like you talked about before sucks.

Cozy Snap:

You just can't deck build behind it, like, I don't know if I hate him in a giraffe mode maybe, or something like that, but like, you just can't build behind it, so it's just awkward, right? Like, It's, you can't plan with it in battle and or out of battle. Like Ereshim, you can deck build into it, and you can also plan around it within, within the battle, right? Within the match. Bastos doesn't have both of those mechanics, so at the day, it's like, it's a massive hit towards the card, because The, the, the, the fun factor won't even be there at that point, right? I, I just, it's the randomness, I can't tell you how many times I wanted my Mystique to get minus one, or whatever, and it was always either the opposite, or I was like, if I happen to get him out on three, it's just, yeah, I'd almost, I'd, I'd prefer Makari. I would.

Alexander Coccia:

Would you prefer, like, so is, okay, is Fastos worse or better than Nakia? Oh my god, the fact that you'd have to think this through is crazy to me.

Cozy Snap:

So, no, he's better in the the reach of his ability, per se. I think Nakia, Nakia, Nakia, right? I think Nakia, whatever, Nakia, Nakia I think in Surfer I'd prefer.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's fair. Like, so what you're saying is Fas can go in more decks, but, but NAIA has a, or Nikia, has a very specific, and she actually performs well with Sebastian Shaw's surfer.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I actually hate him in Aisha too. I was thinking about that. It's like, no way, dude. The odds of getting this guy.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Before turn three. Imagine like it, we just talked about it. You only have like such a slim chance of getting one specific card and then this is one of the five or four that you get on turn six. Like, what a, what a whiff.

Alexander Coccia:

When I was doing my napkin math, I kind of realized, like, nah, Fastos ain't it, man. Like, what, like a 1 in 5 game? Like, 1 in 5 games you draw him on turn 2 to be able to play him. Even then, like, the, like, it's the engine you need. You need engines, right? Like, it doesn't help Coulson, it doesn't help Fury, it doesn't help all those cards, it doesn't help Loki.

Cozy Snap:

I would, I would not have guessed we were going to talk about Fastos for, like, 18 minutes. But, like, he is a fascinating card. And I think, at the end of the day I'm actually happy with this month, that there's a lot of kind of meh cards, not like they're bad, but they just are meh. And it's important because we, we have, like, three months in a row of just really strong cards coming out in the game. It's just like, Impactful. And I mean, we needed a month like this per se, where it just wasn't Red Hawks, you know, or whatever we've hoped summers, you know, coming out.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And so Fastos definitely leaning towards a skip for us. So if you are listening, as we always recommend, save your keys till the end of the week. This looks like a definite skip for now. So Fastos, Cozy coming in almost in the ones range. I'm a little more tentatively optimistic. That takes us to Marvel Snaps must have cards for July 2024. This is a conversation that stems from the idea that we get a ton of questions about the kind of cards people should be spending tokens on, spotlight keys on, adding to their collections. And so we are going to be talking about it here. Now, we're not going to, we're going to do this very different. I'm actually super excited. I didn't tell Cozy this yet. And I'm a curve ball here, Cozy, because instead of doing like a top 10, like we usually do. We're going to do this like fantasy football style, where essentially what I'm going to do is I'm going to, we're going to talk about a card and then I'm going to hit you with some like quick shots. You can take this card over this card. Who are you picking? Okay. Well, how would you order them? I'm putting Cozy on the spot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I definitely didn't know. I love it. I dig it. This is my, it's right up my alley and I feel like we're going to have different We definitely picked differently. Like, that's why I can't wait for draft mode. I feel like me and you would draft very different decks. And that's the best part about it. All right, let's do it.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. So, first of all, one of the absolute must have cards of Marvel Snap, in my opinion, is Loki. We talked about it with regards to Erishim. I think we're, we actually both agree that's going to be very key to the Erishim archetype. But Loki, I would say, out of 5 percent of the meta, is actually criminally underplayed right now, considering how effective it is. So, the other thing about Loki is we always talk about like, hey, it's, we got to go on that quota of like, oh, best beginner card possible type thing, right? Loki, for the most part, as long as you have Coulson, you already have Agent 13 you know, these card generators, and maybe of course, Snow Guard as pool 3. Once you start to get those pool 3 cards, you kind of have the key shell you have. You know, if you don't have Mockingbird, it's okay. You can go like a Devil Dinosaur route with it, as well as the backup play. Loki is an absolute must have card. It's coming to Spotlight Cash as well. You gotta have it. And Loki. What are your thoughts? Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Listen, I wanted to say this real quick. How cool would it be if they did like Mold Saver or something, just throw that in the name. And like in the month for the month, you get to see the season pass cards that are purchasable, right? With like season pass, but like you definitely don't have to buy these cards, but they're there. So like September hits, right. And all of a sudden time machine happens. Black Panther, Loki, and then the Season Pass card that is most recent for September, you can get those cards. I think that's a really interesting way to be able to like, bring back a way if someone wants to get them, and like, they really want them. And it's not unfair, because people got them before for just buying them, so I was like, hey, that would be kind of cool. And I think of that because Loki and Erishim are both awesome cards to let you play with cards you don't own. So the question is just like, my thoughts on Loki though?

Alexander Coccia:

Like, yeah, like, do you think people should be adding Loki to the collection? Is Loki worth 6, 000 tokens, Cozy? Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

dude, for sure. I think most people like Loki, and I think that it does open up your collection, the way you play the game, the way you understand decks. And I think he kinda gets, like, unneeded hate. Yeah, I like Loki.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, and at 30 percent of the meta, Jeff the Baby Landshark is an absolute Masterpiece in card design. Never feels overpowering, but always feels relevant. Cozy, what are your thoughts on Jeff, the Baby Lion Shark? Worst 6k?

Cozy Snap:

I was down Remember, I've been down on Jeff, like, more than, like, I was. I No, not right away. Jeff, not right away. I I I I haven't I don't know if I'm getting ahead of myself. I think Nocturne is just a better card right now. So, I Like, that would be my And in both of those, I don't even know if I would get those, like, around Nocturne probably, but I, I, more impactful cards is probably important early on. It just depends where you're at in your collection.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, interesting. Nocturne running a 12 percent Metashare right now versus Jeff's 30. So the people have voted against Cozy, but I do understand that. I totally see Nocturne is making a lot of different decks. Very versatile. So I guess of these three, Cozy, right? would you take Loki over Nocturne?

Cozy Snap:

Loki, ooh, so it's, it's Jeff, Nocturne, and Loki. It was going to be really easy for me to pick Loki over Jeff. Yeah. Oh man, okay. Yeah, I think I'm going Loki. For most collections, I think Loki is the card to get. That would be my draft. Okay, what

Alexander Coccia:

about Loki vs. Red Hulk? Who do you take if you have 6, 000 tokens? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

that's a fun one. Probably Red Hulk for the average player. I think Red Hulk is the average player's dream card to build around.

Alexander Coccia:

It's just so plug and playable at 13 percent of the meta. You can honestly add it to pretty much anything. So wow, Cozy, known Loki enjoyer. Believer in Loki before anyone else did. I remember that Snapchat when you said like, I don't care if this card sucks, I'm playing it. It's one of my favorite cards ever. And here we are, Red Hulk over Loki. So Cozy, then I ask, would you take Mockingbird over Red Hulk? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

no. Again, if we're talking about the same subset of players, like the Andes out there, I think Red Hole Big Power goes boom. I think it's important, like, it's just like it teaches you it gives you that win condition into your deck. Mockingbird is like the Snap veterans dream, because they know how to abuse and use that card to its max potential, when to hold it, when to go out more. You know, you got the Mysterio stuff, which is hard to understand the base concepts. The Andy, I would say Red Hulk, the, like, if you've been playing Snap for a while, and this, I would go Mockingbird. Yeah, I would go Mockingbird over Hulk.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Cozy's getting stressed out here as I'm quizzing him. Yeah, these are good. These are tough. Yeah, here's some problem solving for you. You have 12, 000 tokens. Okay. Pick two of these three. Annihilus, Hope Summers, and White Widow. The first two. Annihilus, Hope Summers, White Widow. You can pick two of the three.

Cozy Snap:

And assuming they have, like, Century and Hood?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, definitely the first two. Mockingbird and Annihilus. Done. No, sorry, Hope Summers and and Annihilus, done.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, you're just making stuff up now, I'm like, I picked two of the three, you're like, I'm picking a fourth, dude.

Cozy Snap:

Aja Colson, no, yeah for sure those two right now, that's just two instant great combo cards. Plug and play.

Alexander Coccia:

Now, what are your thoughts generally on Hope Summers? Because that's a card I'm getting a lot of questions about.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so Hope Summers is, again, a card I actually don't play that much. If you look at my account and like my play rate, like I don't play it much and it's not because I don't think she's great, I'm just, I'm always doing wacky crap but just like the purest value ramp you can get right now in Snap fits into most decks. You already have the Angela package and a lot of the stuff you're trying to play. Wide amount of archetypes, wide amount of fives and sixes. Yeah, so that's an easy one for me. Hope, Summers, then Annihilus. What was the third card?

Alexander Coccia:

Third card. I can't remember at this point, but you have 6, 000 tokens, Cozy. And you have this choice. You have White Widow versus Nico Minoru for the average player.

Cozy Snap:

For the for the Andy? Back to the Andy? For the Andys. For the Andys out there. Ooh, that's so tough, because my advice has always been go Nico first. Like, for most people, like, Nico's such a transformative card. But again, if I'm, like, sticking to, like, my Red Hulk theory, and just kind of, like, play guard card equal good kind of thing, I would probably go with White Widow here. Nico can be complex, hard to make decisions with. And so it's like the same Mockingbird Red Hulk debate. I would say I'd probably lean towards the easier option.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. The one thing with White Widow for me is that I feel like there's nerf risk there. I feel like she is potentially on the cusp there of seeing a change, whether it be power somewhere. I wonder about her remaining as she is because White Widow, only 15 percent of the meta, but The thing that stands out is the amount of locations that are immensely impactful with her. The Bar Sinisters, the Deaths Domains, those ones, she's so good in them. Luke's Bar, like there's so many that she just absolutely slaps with.

Cozy Snap:

Do, do your opinions line up with mine a lot so far? Is there any that would have been different? I'm just curious. Okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I, I think that I think you're a little lower on Hope Summers than I would have expected. Like, you still agree that it's good.

Cozy Snap:

Wait, that was the number one car? Yeah, but yeah, you do like You didn't

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

You were like, hey, this is a good car, but I don't play it. It's an amazing car. It's

Cozy Snap:

an S tier car. Yeah, I should have been doing Jumper Jacks. So far, we've been spot on. I think that we've been spot

Alexander Coccia:

on, which is cool. What I'm doing to you right now is super hard. Like, for people to know, he is unprepared. He's not ready for this. I'm hitting him with these lefts and rights and stuff. I like it. No, dude, you're doing an awesome job. I

Cozy Snap:

like it. I'm practicing for draft mode right now. Because, dude, this is why I love draft mode. To be in the environment where you have Hope Summer's come up with Nocturne and Jeff, and you're just sitting there like, What do I do? Right, like, and it's funny because if Hope Summers comes at the beginning of the draft mode, she's the number one pick there, no question. But if it's turn 11, and you have your deck built out, you can't really go Hope because you probably didn't build the curve that way. So like, that is where I think draft mode is special in how you pick cards that you want to play. But yeah, hit me with another.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, Cozy, you're relatively new to the game. You're trying, you're just trying to get through Pool 3. High Evo comes up for 6, 000 tokens. Do you pull the trigger? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

and you,

Alexander Coccia:

you're relatively

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

to the game? Relatively new to the game, you pretty much don't have any of these other cards we're talking about. Yeah, for a

Cozy Snap:

couple reasons. First, I think it's a good deck to learn the game well. I think like between like Sunspot, Nebula, whatever, I probably don't have those Nebula, but we've talked about all the time, you have most of the cards that come in High Evo, so that's awesome. They just mentioned he's gonna be in line for a buff later down the line. Music to our ears, right? Like not only did the card get a buff, but he's in line for another one. You could probably safely feel good about that. Yeah, and it gives you a full deck, so no question. I would say yes.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, Cozy, rank these three. Iron Lad, Ravonna, Renslayer, and Nocturne.

Cozy Snap:

Ravonna's number one, no question. Nocturne, two. Lad, three. And that's crazy, because I love Lad. But I think in that order, that's what I would go with. Purchasing, though, I would probably go Ravonna, Lad, then Nocturne.

Alexander Coccia:

Because of the fact that Ravonna is a Series 3 card, so you're getting, it's a 50 percent off deal with Ravonna, who's absolutely very meta relevant right now. 18 percent play rate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, just best of those options. Since Zabu went down, we're in a Ravonna meta, period. End of discussion, great card.

Alexander Coccia:

Awesome. Now, here's an interesting one. Pick two of these three, Cozy. You have Sage at 8 percent of the meta, Sasquatch at 5, and Living Tribunal at 5. Ooh, great three picks. Two of the three.

Cozy Snap:

That's a good one. Oh, two of the three, okay. Hmm,

Alexander Coccia:

Sage Tribunal and Sasquatch.

Cozy Snap:

That's a tough one. It is the, I like tribunal'cause it's a cool deck design that you don't need much if you get rvo, get tribunal. Like that would be my thought process. R's not, not entirely needed, but definitely helps out that deck. You already have Sarah Ironman onslaught, so yeah, it's the same high arguments that you kind of have a deck set up for you there. And then it was Sage and Sasquatch, probably Sasquatch for the average player, over Sage. Sage is a tremendous card, but I think for somebody that's averagely playing, they're like, Okay, play more card, equal card cheaper. And I think that's very easy for someone to understand and get down and make it into a lot of their deck builds, per se.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, and Cozy, we'll get a couple more in here, because I think this is super fascinating. It's fun, it's cool, yeah. Rank these three. Blob, Nomura, and Phoenix Force, in order of which ones you would unlock. So, Blob, Nomura, and Phoenix Force. Ooh! It's so hard, dude! Like, I'm glad you're not doing this to me right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, that's probably the toughest one, because of the way those decks are played, the way to understand the archetypes. Probably Nomura first, which is crazy, but I think Nomura first, simplistic, but also great. Makes her own archetype, very interesting card. You can play with what you have right off the rip. So Nomura first, and then, and then it's the simple question. Do you want to be a move player or not? Like, it's a simple question. Do you want to learn Phoenix Force and go all in? Have you watched videos on it? Do you know if it's a good card or not? Do you know? Not a good card. A play style that you enjoy with the way that move's about to happen, probably a safer thing to invest in. Blob is Blob, but there are other cards that do big power and big things. Oh my god, I probably, probably, probably Phoenix Force. I'll be honest.

Alexander Coccia:

That's awesome. You know what? I knew you're going to say Nomura and I want to give you a little bit of a backup here. Nomura is the highest win rate card of this list at 56 percent post infinite top 50 percent infinite. No, that's crazy. Isn't it? Yeah. And it's only running a 2 percent play rate.

Cozy Snap:

No way. Yeah. That's one that I think. When she comes back around, she'll be a purchased card for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Okay, last one until we move on, and this is gonna be a fun one. Cozy, rank these three in the order in which you would unlock them. It's a hard one. Loki, Red Hulk, and Blink. And who's the player? Me.

Cozy Snap:

So Fastos, if it's you, before any of those trashies. Of course, Fastos, yeah. Fastos, a hundred percent. Maybe Black Swan.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Loki's back again. So again, oh man. Oof, oof. Red Hulk, and what was the third one? Blink.

Alexander Coccia:

Order them, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

I don't know this one. It just depends on who you are. If you want access to cards, you go Loki, Big Power, Red Hulk. Probably Red Hulk.

Alexander Coccia:

Loki, Blink.

Cozy Snap:

I don't know though, but Blink could just fit into any deck right away, brother. Right away? For what

Alexander Coccia:

it's worth, that was my order. That's what I would have done. So, I'm with you there. Like, Blink, I think Blink's incredible. But it's also, it's not Loki plug in playable. And it's not Red Hulk plug in playable. You have to build for Blink.

Cozy Snap:

Loki gives you cards you don't have. That's like such a high threshold for me, and it teaches you opponent's decks. Like, that is invaluable. Red Hulk is Red Hulk. And Blink is so good. It's like talking about, you know I don't want to say Tom Brady, but let's say like, back in the day it was like Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, and like Aaron Rodgers. And you're like, they're all good. Peyton Manning's the, like, the third isn't horrible in that situation. It's just the worst of the three, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair, and I said that was going to be the last one, but I do have one more quick one, because these ones are the archetype defining ones. How would you rank Thanos, High Evo, and Tribunal? How would you rank those three?

Cozy Snap:

High Evo, Thanos, Tribunal.

Alexander Coccia:

Really? Wow. Thanos? I would go Thanos, Tribunal, and High Evo.

Cozy Snap:

I love, I love, listen, I respect that you think everyone should have Thanos in the role of like, Beast Thanos, and I totally get that, but like, there's no way I could recommend Playability. It's It's just, there's just no way. I, I, I think that you'll get much more out of the the High Evo playing this, like, You, because here's the thing about High Evo, it builds the deck for you, right? So, like, if you're watching, like, a Gambit Machine Gun deck, And you have, you have to, like, understand the way it works, and the right play order, and what to hide, and not reveal, You know, High Evo is the most one dimensional, like, this is what you do, this is how you play the deck, and, and you're gonna be probably good to go. I think that's just easy. And Thanos is probably harder than ever to really, like, min max the card.

Alexander Coccia:

That's true, but I'm just thinking from a perspective of, like, if you're a Marvel Snap player, there's never been a regrettable time to own, like, if you buy Thanos, you're never like, oh, I can't believe I spent 6, 000 on this piece of track. There's never that moment. It always comes back, man. But High

Cozy Snap:

Evo, I would probably argue the same, right? I mean, like, there's almost never been a bad time. Outside of, like, Launch week of Red Hulk.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, okay. That's fair. I mean, Red Hulk does take a nice chunk out of High Evo. That was a really fun segment, guys. Let us know in the comments what you thought about that. Cozy, you're off the hot seat. You can breathe again.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, see how I played along that set? We have tried to do stuff like this with Alex, like, hey, location's hot or not? Alex's like, I hate them all. hahaha no, this was fun. I enjoyed that a ton. I'm gonna have to, like, hit you back with it and and on the fly come up with stuff to, to, to send you. But, Either way, yeah, good time, man. Good time. Excited for our mail time.

Alexander Coccia:

It is the mailbag segment of the Snapchat and I can't wait to dive right into it here. With I don't know, man, I don't know how to say this name. It's like pre Pizza Shroomy, I think. I said that wrong. If you could play only one video game for the rest of your life Which game would you choose? And it can't be an MMO or anything that requires an internet connection. So Cozy, I'm gonna give you a second to think, because that is a tough one. haha I'm hitting you with so many curveballs today. Yeah, this one's harder than all those. Yeah, Cozy, can I just take a moment on this Marvel Snap chat podcast about Marvel Snap to discuss Stardew Valley, to say that if I had to, if this was like my, the only game I could ever play ever again, and I'm by myself on a deserted island, it doesn't say that, it says I'm just the rest of my life, I'm not by myself, but if I was, Stardew Valley, I think, would check all the boxes I need. It has a fishing game. It has, like, you know, social interactions. I can get married in it. I can go into a mine and dig and dig and dig. I can just have fun. I can find out people's birthdays and give them presents on their birthdays. It would have to be Stardew Valley for me.

Cozy Snap:

Ah, that's a good pick. I think that was a, that was a good pick. I like that this guy said no to MMOs. Because I'd be like, RuneScape, probably, or something. But no, I would That is tough because, you know, even if it's your favorite game, It's gonna get stale eventually, right? So, for me, I feel like probably something in the lines of like, Skyrim, maybe Morrowind, even way back. Like, probably, it's such a traditional answer. Maybe Breath of the Wild. Both those, I just feel like there's so much endless playthrough and possibilities and different builds and different ways to play. So, probably that, even though Skyrim is not on my top, like, It's a great game and it's definitely one that's done a lot for me, but I would say it's not on like my top 5 list or anything.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, what about like a Civilization?

Cozy Snap:

Hmm, yeah, I could do it, but that's online, well like, just like offline.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, offline Civilization? Wait, you play online? Who the hell is playing Hot Seat Civilization sorry,

Cozy Snap:

for whatever reason my mind farted, I was like Agents of Empires is like the, yeah, but no yeah, Civilization. No, that wouldn't be the game I'd pick, but I like the argument for it, I think it's like a, it's like a good, be a good game to go with.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's cool. I like that. I mean, I love talking about other games and stuff on this Snapchat. We'll have to try to make time for that every once in a while, because we are gamers at heart. It's funny you bring up Zelda. I played the se what was the second one? The the new it's not the Breath of Wild, the other one? Tears of the Kingdom, is it?

Cozy Snap:

Tears of the Kingdom. Wait, dude, wait, if I if I have friends, I'm going Super Smash. Sorry. See, if I have friends with me, I'm going Super Smash. Local. But yeah, go ahead.

Alexander Coccia:

This might be a hot take, but with Tears of the Kingdom, it came out, people were all hyped up for it, I went and I gave Nintendo my 90 bucks Canadian or whatever it was. I played like 30 minutes of it, I'm like, why am I building a wagon? Like, what is this? And I never played it again. So I played like 25 minutes of it.

Cozy Snap:

Did you like, hate Minecraft?

Alexander Coccia:

I've never played Minecraft before. I played maybe a couple minutes of it. I punched a pig right in the face and then I called it a day.

Cozy Snap:

I played it in beta, which is crazy. I played it like eons ago and then it just like blew up. It was like my kind of like late night. And when that lo fi hits you, right. If you guys know who, if you're out there, you're just building, you're on the quest. You're just mining for some diamonds. Doing your own thing. It's peaceful. It was great. It was a good era.

Alexander Coccia:

All I want to know about Minecraft, like, where are these RTX mods that were supposed to make everything look cool?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, right? That was announced forever ago, I feel like, too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I haven't seen any of them. I would play that.

Cozy Snap:

Modded right in the face. Modded games have become awesome. Like, I played a 4K Breath of the Wild through the Nintendo. Don't ask questions. It wasn't through Nintendo, but it was like a whole different experience, right? Or modded Skyrim. I mean, don't even get me started. It is absolutely insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's like whole communities around modding Skyrim to the point it makes PCs cry, texture packs, all this stuff, people doing like 600 gigabyte installs of Skyrim and stuff.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, I know, like when Starfield came out, people were just like, I'm just waiting for them to mod it, it'll just be a better game, and I'm just excited for the next Fallout, man, I think they're gonna nail that, but that's, I'll be, you know, 70 before we see that, but good question, good, good question. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

absolutely. As we move on to our next question, it's from SlothGuru81, and it reads, Ha, I was watching my favorite Snap streamer earlier, and the community was calling for a Kang nerf. How would you guys go about making Kang worse? Because he didn't even

Cozy Snap:

want to respond. Just 6 cost card, just up its cost by one. I hope it's cast by one. You can use them on the last turn of the game, and that is it. And yeah, that's a hard challenge, though.

Alexander Coccia:

Uh, man, I think the easiest answer is just make it so he never actually replaces himself, he never actually draws a card after you play him.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, alright, that's, that's just a, literally a dead card, I like it, I, what, hey, pick three, or pick one of the, one of the three you have to have in every deck moving forward. Kang, Angel, Quicksilver.

Alexander Coccia:

King, Kang all day long. I just, Kang snap people, just play it down, just to get people's reactions.

Cozy Snap:

Good to know.

Alexander Coccia:

Just to get the Iceman reactions every time I play Kang, it's worth it 100%. Fair enough. I just, I don't think, it's so funny, so this is, this kind of reminds me of a situation, like, I've been getting a lot of questions about like, What do I replace this card with? Like, how do I replace Steena and stuff? And I've been replying with Kang, to almost all of them. And people always respond seriously, question mark, like, you know, I'm like, I've been responding to these questions, like, jokingly, just replace it with Kang, just use Kang, Kang, on Twitter too. What's Athena replacing Kang? It's just, it's so funny, man, so I'm just so happy that this conversation came up, but and talk about callbacks from Malvenue! The Quake in the Steampunk variant that we were discussing in that last episode there. Quake is wearing special gloves because when she uses her powers, it literally breaks the bones in her hands and forearms. Those are special gloves created for her by S. H. I. E. L. D. To help with the issue. Cozy, could I ask you to bring up the gloves of the Quake variant that are up, that was in question, so the viewers can see, because apparently it was a interesting point of discussion on the last Snapchat.

Cozy Snap:

I would be, if I was a superhero bro, I would have such a hard time not being jealous of everybody else. Like, like, I'm gifted, right? I get this awesome gift of, of an ability. But then I'm like looking over at freaking Thor, who's just like, you know, fighting in space a god, and I'm like, I suck. I could break my hands if I do something like this. I would be, it'd be hard not to have an identity crisis.

Alexander Coccia:

Actually, it's funny, we literally brought up the Black Widow movie, right? Like, on your side, and in that movie, there was a moment where the two sisters were talking, White Widow and Black Widow, and she said, like, oh, well, Thor doesn't have to take aspirin after a fight, and I remember that kind of resonated with me, I'm like, that's right, Black Widow is just like a super well trained human being, that's what makes, like, Hawkeye so cool to me, like, I could be Hawkeye, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

There's definitely something to be said, and I think that's the appeal to, like, you know, the street heroes, as they call them, right? Like, why is Spider Man so beloved, like Now, Spider Man has leaned, you know, he's, he's kind of more into the other fields or whatever because he's got more superpowers, but he's doing like everyday crime, or like, the whole Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, like that whole era, it's like just peeps doing low key crime, you know, like Kingpin versus Thor is not exactly a fair fight.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair, and you literally are Star Lord, so I mean, that makes perfect sense. Oh, that brings up a good question. Cozy, do you think Mother Teresa is a superhero?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like a 4 5, but Gandhi's like a 5 10.

Alexander Coccia:

Gandhi's 5 10? Gandhi. Okay, that makes sense. See your opponent's deck. Gandhi looks like Fastos, so that makes sense.

Cozy Snap:

You can see your opponent's deck too. Oh yeah, so he's a 5 star card.

Alexander Coccia:

5 star card, for sure. That takes us to our last question of the day from Stuart Watson. What is your take on emoting? What's your take on emoting? It seems to get so many people angry. People usually take the worst possible interpretation of emotes. Do you subscribe to the theory that Ms. Marvel never means thumbs up and is always used as a proxy for another finger? Any conceivable way to improve in game communication?

Cozy Snap:

I don't know. Yeah. Just for me, personally. For me, it's not that deep for me. Like IE everybody's different. I'm just playing a car game and having fun and, and pressing my superhero buttons with the, you know, the Air Showman, the, like, there's shit, I'm just having a good time. I'm just pressing, you know, I love, you know, when I make a bad play, I do the, I do the iceman or if they retreat, I'll do the iceman. I'm like, Hey, but I'm not trying to be toxic. Right. Whatever, and I've leaned towards, like, you know, because I'm always getting the Spider Man point when I'm playing people. Like, I'm not, I feel like I don't emote as much just because I don't want to, like, something to be misconstrued. Like, have you ever gotten a text and someone's, like, tone is not what you think it is? It's much lighter? I feel like, I don't know, people assume the worst, and I can get why people get triggered, but for me, I'm just playing a game, man. I'm having a good time.

Alexander Coccia:

My favorite emote that I use all the time to like set the mood is the Red Guardian one, like always. It can go Like even turn one just Red Guardian and they're like, okay, like this guy's human. He's just sweat a little bit I like it a lot. I always, I always use the Groot one, the Groot button one. I bought it with you We were together when I bought it, right? I was like, I gotta buy this, right? That's 50 bucks on the emote, what an

Cozy Snap:

My number one used one by far is the Ultron with a mask Because I do it on my opponent and me, like, if I do like a play and it looks like a misplay, I'm like, you know, or like, I see him setting up a combo, I love doing like the equations with the, like, that is my most used, because I feel like, too, that's like, it's not toxic, right?

Alexander Coccia:

But it's so funny, because like, when I, I've played like a couple, like Lorkana local events, just playing casually, like, like, whatever, and it's so funny, every single game, everyone's so nice. Right? Everyone, like, every game, shake hands, fist bumps, like, let's go, that was an awesome game. Congratulations on your victory, good luck moving on. Like, everyone is so nice. Marvel Snap, like, it's like, no, Miss, anybody that thinks that Miss Marvel is not the middle finger is, like, huffin hopin That is an absolute, actually, this is Miss Marvel. This is the middle finger. This is not, not even Miss Marvel. Miss Marvel is literally like this. It's like the triple middle finger. That's the first time I've seen it. Like, that's who Miss Marvel is.

Cozy Snap:

That's your superhero, that's a superhero ability you just did there. What the heck?

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, you've never done a triple middle finger? Like the triple F U? No,

Cozy Snap:

I haven't. I've only, oh no, definitely

Alexander Coccia:

not. Three? Can you do five? Like five, listen, how many hands do you think I have? So it's a magic trick. It's an illusionist. It's sleight of hand that I can even do the three. I was blown away and blown away. No, I'm glad. And I'm blown away with this conversation today. So thank you guys so much for joining us today on the Snapchat. We have so much fun with you guys. We really appreciate you guys taking the time to leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. It makes a huge difference for Cozy and I. We love you guys. And we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

Well, anyway, guys, until the next one, happy snapping!

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