The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Sersi: Must Have or Easy Pass?! | Roadmaps Discussion | Gilgamesh and Thena In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 84

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 32

Will Sersi "transform" the way you play the game? What does Cozy and Alex have to say about the latest roadmap? What are the final rankings on Gilgamesh and Thena? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys? Welcome back. Sorry, we got a little bit of a later episode of the Snapchat on this Monday, but we got a lot to talk about as Cersei hits the game tomorrow. A new chaotic five cost card. Is she tameable or is she great? We're going to break her down alongside all the five cost cards, ranking them from best to worst in a rapid fire segment. And then we're going to talk about the future of Marvel Snap. We've got the road ahead map from the IGN live presentation, and Alex and I are going to give our opinions on everything there as well as just all the roadmaps That we've had so far, and we're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia, coming at you later on a Monday. Just coming hot off the press from Dexter's wedding. I am obliterated. My my, I don't know why I'm stuffy. I'm, I'm still getting over man, just celebrating. Celebrating the man himself, man. It was an absolute wild time. I'm,

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, it looks like you've been celebrating pretty damn hard. The amount of grape juice you must have consumed looks excessive.

Cozy Snap:

It was a little bit of grape juice, a little bit of clear liquids. There was a lot. I drank like an Asgardian, my man. I thought I was like Thor over here for like another and throwing it down. An absolute beautiful, beautiful wedding. Tremendous bride, beautiful. Dexter, hot as ever. And man, it was crazy, you know. Bye. I've done Conker. I've done, you know, events for tens of thousands of people. Reverting a wedding, officiating a wedding, was one of the, probably one of the hardest things I've done, too. Because of how special it is, and I don't know if I realize how much stuff you have to make sure you say, as well. And the pacing, and the, and you want, like, you want the tears to go, you want the comedy to fly. It was hard, but apparently, apparently I did good. That's, that is what I have been told back in my reviews. And, and I hope, I hope it went well, but man, beautiful wedding. I

Alexander Coccia:

mean, the key thing about it is whether it's the order of which you consume your beverages. Did you consume the beverages prior to your officiant, or did you do it afterwards? I think that's really important.

Cozy Snap:

I went through This whole thing about the wedding and you're like, yeah, yeah, but the order of the beverages yeah, no I obviously did everything before the actual ceremony, clearly, so I would have the courage to get up there and you know what? I was proud of myself. I had one sip of a Heineken and I was like, you know what? Probably not a great idea. I'm gonna stick to Team Water. But then the second that bad boy was done as, as like one of the groomsmen said, Shadow Clock, and I was like, Oh, oh God, I'm gonna die. But I, I have to say it's a special sight to see Dexter dancing on a dance floor. My favorite thing, if you guys don't know, I try to do it in like Conquerors and stuff too, My favorite thing in the world is making Dexter uncomfortable. I love, I love, And so I was like, get on the dance floor, come on out, and, and, and just watching. What do you think he dances like? You think he does like the side to side shuffle? What do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like he would just kind of stand there and just kind of like bop around. Like he, like, like he doesn't want to be there, so he'd just do this.

Cozy Snap:

Cut, yeah, that was pretty close, pretty close. It's like like on a hitch, you know, that, That scene where he's like trying to teach that guy how to dance a little bit. It's a little bit of that. A little bit of There was a lot of white boy dancing. It was. But it was a great time, man. My my wife came up which was really cool. And I don't know, man. There's just something really special about weddings, but especially weddings about, you know, people you know, you're close to, care about a lot, love Dexter, and love the bride Lilz. And it was awesome. It was awesome. I, I, maybe my first and last, maybe the 18 Wheeler business won't happen. I don't know. We'll have to see, Alex. See if Snap works out and we'll go from there. But yeah, guys, part of my voice, I, I literally, I just, my, everything's obliterated and, and we're gonna do our best to get through, because we have a lot. We actually have, like, a stacked episode today, which is just amazing timing and we're, we're pumped about it. Might be a little bit less punching and zoom ins, but we're here. We're ready to go. Alex, what are you talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on our side of the Snapchat. We'll be congratulating Dexter on his marriage, but also we'll be discussing Gilgamesh and Thena. The review, we've had them for a week. And we're also going to be discussing the top tips towards climbing to infinite. I know people are trying to do their climb right now with the season refresh. We're going to give you guys our 10 tips. And then we're going to be talking about the Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man. All right. We got a lot to go, got a lot to talk about. Breakdown, we had the roadmap come out. That'll be the end of it because I'm sure we've got a lot there, a lot to say. We're gonna do our Rapid Fire segment. I I I'm thrilled for that. And then Circe. And let's go and start there. We'll come back, talk about some of the shenanigans from the weekend, maybe. But Circe, my friend, could be the sage of last season, where we ranked her kind of lower, and we've come back. And we might have different opinions. We'll have to see. She is a 5 cost 7 power card coming out tomorrow, guys, in honor of you. She's gonna transform your other cards at the location on your side into a card that costs 1 more, if able. And definitely a very unique ability coming to Marvel Snap and definitely feels like a 5 cost ability at that. Cersei. We gave her, I wanna say, I think I gave her a three, you gave her a two, I want to say, last week?

Alexander Coccia:

According to my notes you gave Circe a three, and I gave her a three as well. Okay,

Cozy Snap:

we had double threes. Does your stance change on the three? Because I think mine has. Mine hasn't.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm, this is one of those cards. I think that's really hard to kind of to rank in a vacuum. We often say that, but this is kind of weird, right? Because the, that random effect, that random effect can really be you know, potentially problematic. I think that most of the cards that really excel in Marvel Snap tend to have some sort of consistency to them. The idea of like, you know, what you're going to get from them. Circe is the complete opposite. However, I wonder if this card is coming out at the right time, from a meta standpoint, considering how much junk we're seeing out there.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I, okay, I gave her a 3. I'm gonna bump it up to a, a, a, I think a 4, man. I think a 4 with hyper potential beyond that. Because I feel like the chaoticness reminds me a bit of Legion. I know Legion is locations, completely different. But the state in which you play her in the game is so late that the randomness I think has just a different effect, right? So you could be way chaotic and go into a three lane, go nuts, or you could be more calculated and respond to junk or respond to maybe just a lane that you know you lost, you know, in X Mansion. It's like you have no hope here, right? I feel like this card has the chance to be one of the better ones in Marvel Snap. It could flop. It could be too chaotic. It's all about it. I have it right there. Is she tameable? Chaos. That's what it's gonna be about. But I feel like the more I looked into this, in the original notes that I had on her, when I gave her that three cost, I'm like, you know what? I think she could be the card of the month. I'm not sure. It's all about when you play her, how it's gonna work out. We're gonna dive into some of the synergies here, and how she works overall, and I'll go ahead and kick it off to you first. Like, where do you see Cersei? We talked about her a bit last week, and things that we liked about her, you know, where we're gonna see her best fit. What is kind of the first place that you're like, hey, if Circe is going to work, it's going to be right here.

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like the first place I want to play her in is like an Annihilus based shell. The reason for this is because you have Hood, you have the Void from Sentry, and the key thing is, is like, now you have two 5 cost cards in both Circe and in Annihilus that you can use to actually kind of create some some advantage for yourself. For instance, let's say you don't draw into Annihilus and you have your Void sitting there. You can Circe that Void. Turn it into a five cost card, which is not going to be a negative eight, right? Let's be honest, right? Conversely, the nice thing about both these cards is that they're both five costs, which means that the, the demon that you have from the hood can be used in conjunction with either of these two cards on turn six, if you've happened to hold it that entire time, right? So I do think that it's going to be some natural synergy there. It's like, oh, I can annihilist them all, or I can play Circe and flip them to like a positive state, which I think is pretty damn cool.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Hi. Dude, I honestly feel like she is going to work in obviously that junk decks for and against mid range decks. This might be one of the best cards for that. Like, even something like High Evo, right? Like, where you're getting the use out of your cards until later on the turns. High Evo notorious for something like Leech. Okay, now we have a 5 cost card that does the same thing. Kind of does something to alter the game a bit. And then you go into the final turns of the, of the Power Slam, right? You know, obviously like Surfer, even though you have Brood and that awesome interaction of all the 3s going all into 4s. Last minute ditch effort to have a potential huge lane or 3 of 2 mas as we joked about. Surfer, obviously not gonna work. You want the 3 cost cars, you know, we're not gonna love that. I feel like, though, she could just be a great card to work in a lot of just mid range decks, where you're trying to get yourself some nice power. Maybe you do a lot in the beginning, and then you have a late game that doesn't, maybe does not matter as much, and you can really take advantage there. I'm curious though, I'm probably going to give a shot to a couple of decks and obviously, I think the first one might be Sera. I have, I feel like Sera could be a very unique and cool build. We're going to talk about Gilgamesh on your side, but the potential of her on turn 6 It's much better than his. Her carry weight, I feel, is awesome there. And what's cool is, with Sera, you're playing cheap cards to begin with. Whether they're 2 or 3 cost cards. And then, your only big cards are probably Cersei and Sera, right? You play Sera down on 5, awesome. You could play down Cersei for 4, maybe play 2 other cards down. You have one lane, you can turn Serra into a 6 cost, you know? You look at all the 6 costs, only about 2 of them really bite you, a couple of them are obviously lackluster. Love the idea of that, love the idea of changing a couple 2 costs to 3 costs that only cost 1 cost. I know there's a lot coming at you guys the audio listeners. But I love the idea about discounting down and then you ramp up to great potential and that's where I could see some really cool synergy here.

Alexander Coccia:

That's cool. Like when you describe it like that, I sit here and I'm like, yeah, you know, like I can see that happening. Like I can see like that high roll Sarah into like, oh man, look at that Sarah turning into like Red Hulk, right? And then I'm like, wait a minute. Then I think, I'm like, would you snap on that? Would you snap on holding Cersei on turn six and you're like, oh, I can turn my Sara into something and they snap and you snap and you're like, okay, we're going eight here? Do you have the

Cozy Snap:

confidence? Yeah, it all depends on like, What the new age of Sarah is, right? Like, I feel like we have so many strong twos that you'll know if you're winning the game at this point, right? Like, with twos and threes, you're gonna know with certainty, not maybe with certainty, but you're gonna be able to look at your hand a bit more and be like, Okay, do I have a really good shot to win here? And or does Circe well push me over the edge? You know, or not. And it's gonna happen. There are gonna be games. We talked about it last time. Where is it? The infamous card I there it is. This guy's gonna come up, and it's gonna be fantastic, and you're probably gonna get, you know, bitten for it. I just feel like they'll, that's kind of like the, the, the, you know, the big case scenario. I would probably snap if it's looking good. If it's like a Hail Mary play, no, you don't wanna snap on a Hail Mary, you know, kind of ever, right? And that's kind of what cool, is cool about Circe. I think you're gonna be comfortably in the lead a lot of the time. And you can play here and feel pretty good about it, and maybe not do risky, risky plays. Or, you do have that Hail Mary. You know, maybe your opponent didn't snap, they don't feel great either, and you're like, I'm staying. I'm staying, you know, this six cost could easily be an infinite, and put me over the edge to get the win there. That's what I like about her. She's got a little bit of everything in the toolkit.

Alexander Coccia:

Like, there's randomness in Marvel Snap. There always is. And sometimes there's, like, good randomness and bad randomness. And I came up with kind of two examples here. So, Cozy, there's two, like, two cards in Marvel Snap that both utilize randomness. Not quite the same as Cersei, but You can compare the Nico style randomness to something like the Valentina style of randomness, right? And it's like, okay, one is clearly better than the other. Where does Cersei fall in this? I don't think Cersei's gonna be as good as Nico is. And I think she probably is going to be closer to where Valentina is.

Cozy Snap:

No, I, I get that. I do. I think first it's tough. Both of those are so low cost cards, right? So the commitment for Circe is that much higher. I just, there's too many base core synergies like Nico where I like her more like Nico. I feel like Valentina is very independent card doing her own thing. And. She's kind of dictating other game plans, whereas like Circe's doing her thing. I like her as a Blink Nico mix a bit. A great example of this. What is, what is Blink's favorite card, Alex?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, it's Jubilee.

Cozy Snap:

Yes. How is Jubilee not a fantastic car with Cersei as well? You have a four that is guaranteed to go to a five, which I think arguably a four to a five is by far the best jump. That's gonna be your if you look at five costs across the board, like, there's not a ton that are just gonna bite you. You've got the Iron Man. You got Legion. You've just got good statted cars, maybe like a Doc Ock. I love that idea. And then Jubilee can bring down literally anything else and you're happy about it, you know, at that point. Or Jubilee just brings down Cersei. It changes everything in the lane anyway. There are going to be those key synergies that are going to work in packages, like Blink did. And I underestimated Blink, and that's why I don't want to underestimate Circe, because of those few synergies that we're going to continue to talk about. Where it's not as much as like, Circe in this one deck is going to change it, it's like Circe with these cards can be put into a lot of different packages.

Alexander Coccia:

Talk you out of it, but like at the same time, it's like Blink is way more consistent. Like, you can look at your deck track, you're like, oh, Blink is consistent. I'm pulling my Red Hulk or my, or my Doctor Doom and Cersei's like, I'm gonna question mark and you play it? Like, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's gonna be something I guess.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's it's definitely different than Blink But it's also affecting more than one card, which is also really cool as well It's gonna be so interesting on how we utilize her offensively, or like, again, that guy pulled down a Jubilee of his own and he has an Infant on, and you're like, Oh man, I already have three cards committed here. Like, what do I, what do I do? Do I retreat or do I play the Circe? Rewinding a second. Do we think it is 4 5 that's going to be the best tier where you can do something like a Shang Chi or tech cards and then you play it into a Circe or you play a Sherry down, double, double the Circe, change the Sherry out for a 5? I feel like a lot of the forecast cards have that potential over maybe, you know, 2 3, 1 2 5 6.

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like there's a bunch of six costs that can probably disappoint like if you kind of roll a five or into a six But at five like they're pretty good and like from my understanding Hobgoblin will proc the on reveal Yep, Iron Man's great. Like I actually don't saw Kang is whatever Kang I don't know

Cozy Snap:

if Kang will be in it because he's not involved in like X Mansion Yeah, so I don't know if he'll be in there Taskmaster would be a 7, right? Yeah, Taskmaster would be a 7. X, we already know him, we'll talk about him. White Tiger, Blue Marvel, Darkhawk. Tell me any of these that you're mad about, right? Devil, Dinosaur, Valkyrie most likely is maybe okay. Black Panther may be a little disappointing, but not bad. Claw, Seraph. Oh, here it is. But even, yeah, this is it. They might be good

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

I don't know. This could, if you're going into turn six, and you just pulled the Atom, you're not like, yeah, it's over.

Alexander Coccia:

Atom Warlock's probably not a cheer, but still, yeah. Leech,

Cozy Snap:

Ronin Annihilus is whatever. You're just getting these six cost cards. Lady Deathstrike could actually be. Well, at that point that you're changing everything up, so it's not likely you're going to have a lot of low power cards. I mean, I could keep going, man. Nimrod, Nimrod, pretty good. All the fives are pretty

Alexander Coccia:

good. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

exactly. So, I, that, that is probably the, the tier that I like the most, which are, you know, RIP to to Zabu. Because that would have been, you know, the way to really get this done. Heck, maybe could still be in a way, because he's an on reveal, maybe this, I, I don't want to be crazy coping him, but, you know, maybe Zabu finds his way into a Circe deck. I don't know. But a moral of it is, yes, this card could definitely be way too chaotic, just like we thought Nico would be, just like we thought Legion would be, and to a, to a fair point, Valentina, right? But, I think the potential for the upper side is greater than her failing.

Alexander Coccia:

I've been thinking about her a lot in the sense of like, I wonder if they're holding out on like, okay, one of the key things I think pisses people off right now is the Professor X cannibal style gameplay that like junk and lockdown. It's really uninteractive. Right. Are they kind of waiting for Cersei to see if maybe Cersei can counteract that a bit? So if you think about it, like it'll flip widow's kiss to your advantage, right? It's going to flip rocks to your advantage. I think there's a chance that it kind of creates a situation where, like, it should still transform the cards despite being locked down, I believe, because they're still just physically there. So if they have initiative and they play Professor X and you play Circe to that same location, it's my understanding that Circe will still transform those cards, you know what I mean? Yes,

Cozy Snap:

because it's transformed, like, I believe X stops Brood, let's say, because he's, like, adding those cards, but because this is transforming, I do agree, I think it's gonna actually Like, I, the, a location can transform from a reality stone, right? Even if it's played after, it can still transform into that location. If it were to add, you know, Raptors, that won't happen, but if it's Nidavellir, it's gonna give the plus five. So, I do agree. I think, you know Cersei is a bit of a protection against the junk meta. I, I think there's no question about that. I think it's one of the better cards to help you turn the, the rocks into, into two costs and, and whatnot from there. Outside of that, What I don't want to do with Cersei is try to pigeonhole things, like Kilgamesh, where you're trying to make work in decks, and you're like, ultimately, it's like, yeah, but does he need to be in those? So when I look at cards like White Tiger, and I'm like, man, that's a really cool synergy, I'm going to be curious if we can make that work in a deck where she's going to want to benefit off that. And we'll have to see, maybe, maybe, you know, a Nomura based build, I, it's gonna be a lot of testing with her. Do you got some other synergies on deck right away, man with Circe as we're about to move on?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I wanted to mention, like, you bring up White Tiger, and I think that's a really good example Circe, is that a lot of these cars that have low power have high effect power. Like, so like a Jubilee, it's 4 1, but you don't play Jubilee for that one power, you play it for the effect. And so that Circe flips that, that small power level into a potential higher roll. White Tiger is the same. You can flip a Mysterio clone, right? Which is pretty cool. Mr. Negative, I mean, I don't know if you'd play Circe in a Mr. Negative deck? But I'm just saying that in theory, you could flip Mr. Negative into a five costed car. That's not negative one. And then like something like Shauna, right? You play Shauna, you actually get two cards into Shauna's location. You get one, one drop at each. So then you follow up that with Circe, you're flipping Shauna and the one drop that was played into that location. Right? So like, I think that there is potential, but it's like, You're, you're talking about playing Shauna and Cersei in the same deck. Talking about like just RNG rolling. You're just gambling at that point, right? So I don't know, man.

Cozy Snap:

If Shauna didn't work in my new zoo build, it's like, yeah, I'd stay away from her there. But to your point, like, I also like Pixie, who is like, you're already having the chaos, which I can almost confirm already. It doesn't matter what happens with Pixie shuffling. She's still going to increase their base cost. It's not going to be like, oh, you know, Arnim Zola is a two cost. He's going to go to three. It would go to a Areshim, I guess, whenever he comes out. But I like the idea of Pixie too, right? Because now you have this way to, you know, take advantage of some of these higher rolls. Maybe Circe, you know, Circe at maybe like a 3 cost from a Pixie is awesome. Like, that's crazy value potential there. So I do agree. The Jubilees, the, the, you know, maybe not all the 0 cost, but some of these lower power cards with a bit more higher effect. Great example too, just like Spider Ham, get it out of the way, you get the ham out, you can turn into a tube, great. Like that's huge, that's huge upside, huge upside, right? I also think this is less of a meme than maybe, I think. Morph is kind of cool. You play a I just noticed I'm not showing some of the cards I'm I'm having on screen for those watching, but Morph is kind of cool too, right? You play Morph down for three, maybe he turns into a five, and maybe it's like a bad five, and then you can make it into a six, whatever, right? I, I do agree, I think the power thing and just looking at effects more than the, the raw abilities. You don't want to turn a Cull Obsidian into a Doc Ock, right? Like, it's not going to do much for you. So. Overall, a lot of testing here. Not quite as much as something like, let's say, Grandmaster. But speaking of him, I do think that that's a card that's fair to say here that it could go either way. It could go either way. I'm gonna choose to be, you know, optimistic here. I think right now, this ranking's more of hopeful and prediction. Tomorrow's ranking, when it comes out, will be a lot more level headed instead of just going off the five stars. I'm gonna do a lot of testing with it, really make sure we can give our best best rating.

Alexander Coccia:

There is one 5 cost I just realized that would be really bad to pull. That's MODOK. Oh my god. Yeah, that's probably the one. I was just realizing we didn't really talk about it. I don't think that we got far enough to talk about MODOKs. We kind of stopped like, oh, these are all good, but MODOKs probably the one 5 that would ruin you. Which

Cozy Snap:

is probably good that there's a couple in there. Let's see. Yeah, so there's like there's Six per row, there's about seven. So, oh my gosh, yeah, there's only like two to three out of like 35 plus cards that are bad. So, you gotta have some bad. If you get MODOK, just, just sign off Snap on the day. Just be like, you know what, it's that day. It's kind of like when you get MODOK from like X Mansion and you're just like, oh, okay, so we're not playing the game today. This is this is how it's gonna go. Yeah, basically. Mr. Ben Brode. Well, cool, man. I'm excited to talk about 5 Cost in more detail because that's gonna be our next segment. We're gonna be ranking the 5 Cost cards from Best to worst. Alex, any closing notes on Surfing?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm just excited to play her. This is one of those cards you really want to get in your hands and experiment with.

Cozy Snap:

Much needed. Like a fun card. Like, we need a fun card. Like, yeah, with all the Pro X garbage out there, we need a little bit of fun, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

And that's the other side though. It's like, do you really like with these fun cards in the way, like, you know, the token system and the spotlight key system works, it's hopefully if it's just a fun card, it's like, it's hard to convince someone to spend their resources on a fun card, right? Like it's going to be one of those things where it's like, it has to be competitive. I think that that's the thing that people lean towards. Like if you have limited resources, you want to be investing in competitive cards. And the fun cards often end up being the ones you skip.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, I, I, I have, I had someone come up to me at Dexter's wedding, okay? And the first thing they said, they, they're in kind of the industry. The first thing they said was, Hey when you cover Snap, they go, the one thing I don't envy you guys of is having to nail down rankings of a card so quickly.'cause people, no matter what, they're gonna get mad at you. And I was like, oh yeah. And I was like, oh, it's, it's the worst part about it. Like, you know,'cause you could have, you know, an insane string of games, right? Like war machine's. A good example, I went two days crushing, crushing with war machine. But it sometimes happens to goes your way, right? I say I think war machine in fact isn't played enough still, however. It's just a very tough, fast turnaround ranking to do. And Circe, especially these random cards, are even harder. Because yeah, we, guys, we care about y'all's, you know, obviously, resources. They're so scarce in the game, and we just try our best to give the accurate rating. Where it's a fun card, I feel better at it, because at least you're gonna have a good time playing it, maybe. But, if you're all about competitiveness, then yes. Really make sure It's a simple answer, just wait till later in the week. You gotta wait till Sunday at least, yeah. Yeah or at the very least, just a few days if you wanna get at it. But with that, let's go to the rink. The Five Cast Cards Best of Worst. Alright, but we did it with a lot more cards last time, but we still have a good amount to go through. Rapid Fire Mode. We're going to go through the five cost cards in Marvel Snap. Kind of first thing that comes to mind. Now, the last time we did this, we did have disagreements. We do have to settle on a joint ranking. Sometimes maybe it'll go Alex's way, sometimes my own. We'll have to see, but we'll get the statements out there. I love it because I saw a lot of people clip just the photo at the end, and I'm like, that doesn't tell the story, guys. Doesn't tell the story. But what does tell it is the rapid Rankings, we're going to kind of keep it as short and clean as we can some cards will be talked about none, some will be talked about to full extent, and we're going to start in alphabetical order. Abomination, where do we have A Bomb?

Alexander Coccia:

We're assuming this is like, like Evo E Bomb, not necessarily PG E Bomb. Yeah, let's

Cozy Snap:

go, we'll go for the rankings so everyone's clear, it's like highest potential, flexibility, you know, overall playability, just the card as an overall card in Marvel Snap. Marvel Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

I'd lean towards low B. I actually play a lot of this archetype. He's better than you think he is, truthfully.

Cozy Snap:

I disagree. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, right off the bat, I feel like he's a C out of all the five cards, like in comparison to, if we look at all the, as I, I'm gonna make these a bit smaller, as we look at all the five cards, I don't, I don't know. Is he gonna be up there with the other Bs? Is the thing I'm, I'm, I'm worried about. I do agree. I think he's better than people play him as, but is he, is he, is he out of the fives? He's a, he's a B.

Alexander Coccia:

I feel, listen, you go through a lot of effort to get a 10 power She Hulk and you could very easily get like a one or zero power abomination. I'm telling you, but it's only that one shell. It's talking about high Evo. I would accept high C or low B. So if you want to go high C for now, that's fine.

Cozy Snap:

I agree to your point. My point is usually if you get him down to a 9, you're usually like winning the game because you're, you have so much going for you already. Like the Affliction's already doing its thing. You got the Scorpion on 2 maybe. You got the, you know, Hazmat and they have no way to recover. We can adjust it potentially, but yeah, for now we'll leave him there. Alright, cool. Cool. Add Warlock, just quick rapid fire, F tier. We, we, we Talked enough garbage about the card. Not a good card. Gotta rework it. Don't, no, there's no copium. If you're the guy that thinks you figured Adam out, you gotta figure yourself out. Arrow.

Alexander Coccia:

What, That's the most savage thing I think you've ever said.

Cozy Snap:

Arrow Arrow, let me remove my heart from this conversation. Okay, what do you want? I

Alexander Coccia:

mean, if she's better than Abomination, I don't know what's going on anymore.

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, she's more versatile for sure, but has she played more? At the moment, no. I think she slept on. I will not put it lower than B, but I will, I will ask what you want to put her in.

Alexander Coccia:

If you want to go low B, I'll accept it. You put her right at the back there.

Cozy Snap:

Annihilus, think we can both just pretty firmly say. S tier,

Alexander Coccia:

yep, for sure. Absolute

Cozy Snap:

S tier. One of the best cards in the game. And they, I've already proven they're not touching them. They're touching cards around them. Black Bolt! Hmm.

Alexander Coccia:

Honestly, he's probably a C. I actually like him. He's worse than Abomination. It's sad because you don't play Black Bolt for that effect. Because the way Black Bolt's shells often work, you're like hitting rocks and garbage. Like, usually, right? It's, you're playing Black Bolt because you want to activate your stature. You're

Cozy Snap:

never, you're never hitting that Kitty Pride. Yeah, you're never getting like, you know, a lot of cards have like that one, like, arrow, let's say. It has like the maybe like a 20 percent chance of like, really good upside. Black Bolt, like, you're playing a low standing card. If it was a 5 8, I would bump him up to a B. Like, just that one power. A 5 7 is such a low Think about Cersei's potential. And also a 5 7. Black Bolt is getting rid of one useless card on their side that they probably aren't gonna play. Cersei has the potential to, like, Massively win you the game, I guess, or lose it. Now let's, I'm going to stick an alphabetical, but let's just go to stature because they're married to each other, right? They, they're so close. I definitely like stature way more than Black Bolt, but still probably about a b to your card for me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yep. Yeah, stature's definitely better than Black Bolts. It's also notable that Stature's Power was she got a PowerPoint back. Black Bull used to be a five eight.

Cozy Snap:

Yep, absolutely. All right, next up we have Black Panther, kind of a card we, we, we, we garbaged on. I mean, it's the card that does one thing great. As much as like we've all had those great, great Black Panther games, I think I can comfortably say C tier, probably better than Black Bolt in my opinion, but eh, right alongside them.

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, I agree.

Cozy Snap:

Okay Blink. Yeah, dude, I don't think we, for five cost cards, we're both good at S tier.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I don't know. I would say high A. Like, I think that like Annihilus is better. I don't know, man. Probably low S. There's gonna be better ones, but I think because Blink, Blink's good because like Jubilee into Blink is good. And I you know what? But Annihilus is good because, you know Sentry's into, Sentry into Annihilus is good. Okay, yeah, Blink's an S tier.

Cozy Snap:

The S tier should be like well played and well meta'd amongst the rest. I like being strict, but I do think as we place all these, She'll end up in here like towards the end of it. Annihilus is on another level, but I, I agree here. Blue Marvel, I think, I'm gonna be honest, I think Blue Marvel, Blarver, is a solid A card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, I agree. Definitely a solid card. You can't, you can't argue that. Used to be a 5 2 buff to a 5 3 and it's been steady ever since.

Cozy Snap:

He's always been around. Like, he's never dipping and never, like, he's always there. And I think that's because of things like Iron Lad and whatnot. Cannonball. Now, I know one of the most annoying cards in the game with a certain other card here. And you know what? Hey, we're gonna do it together. We'll have them both up, ready to go. Because let's talk about the most toxic combo in Marvel Snap at the moment. Very tough to rank them independently, but right now, it's impossible not to put them both. I I Honestly, if I was personally to do this, I would have Cannonball and A, but I would have Pro X and S.

Alexander Coccia:

Pro X that high?

Cozy Snap:

I think so, man. It's been at this point where he has just dominated. He's everywhere. They've tried to tame him. They've tried to do things. He has consistently proven himself as just a lethal card in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

But you also see him throw games too, pretty often. Like, you do see the other side of it. People aren't playing, doing Deadpool. They're just throwing Pro X out on top of Leia. What happened is you have the White the White Widow as well. Which creates that massive early gap in a location. So like, White Widow activates Professor X. Which then activates the cannonball, right?

Cozy Snap:

Or Thena, or you know, cards you can build into. Or, you know, obviously Jeff, and now we have Thanos, War Machine. I, I, I feel like Pro X has stood the test of time. If you want to put him in a This would be my, like my heart disagree, but I'll do it. But I, I, I think he'll squeak in the ass personally.

Alexander Coccia:

Why don't we both put them together? So like they're together and put them in S and like, I think the combination, I don't think he does, you separate them right now, put them together, like on top of each other, illustrating that we're saying that these two are a package and we're ranking them as a package.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

fair. That's fine. I will I will agree on that. I think like overall usage, I'd have it him lower, but I agree there. That looks clean too. Alright, Darkhawk, man yeah, I think he's still squeezing A tier for me just because of, again, the style of deck. I don't have him in S though.

Alexander Coccia:

You have him in S. I've been playing a ton of Darkhawk he was part of my Thena deck, which I designed, which honestly, like, I'm not joking, I tweeted, if people don't believe me, I ran out, like, a 78 percent win rate to infinite with it you know, there's bots and stuff too, but, this card was consistently massive. Like, massive. It still puts up insane power. Power, Potential, and I like it as, but high A is like the lowest I would ever consider going.

Cozy Snap:

I'll put them in either just for the sake of what we have right now, bell curve. I'll put them here, and then if we need to move them up, no problem. I, I see your stance. I wouldn't have them up there, but I do see your stance, buddy. Devil Dinosaur, would you have solid in A?

Alexander Coccia:

I feel he's closer to a B.

Cozy Snap:

He's not performing right now. Yeah, he's moved down to a B, which is crazy for such a, you know, such a staple. Well, it's crazy because he has that power. He has it every time. Yeah, but it's

Alexander Coccia:

everything else that doesn't do the job. Like with Dark Hawk, you're playing Korg, you're playing Rock Slide, you're disrupting them. You can even play that in a shell with Kitty Pryde, Angela, and Thena. With Double Dinosaur, you're playing like Agent 13, Coulson, and Nick Fury. Yeah, the decks, the deck around it. Yep,

Cozy Snap:

I agree, I agree. Dr. Octopus, I think is a, is a tough one, man. It is a tough one because I got played against him a couple of times. I get it. He's junk. He does fit into those packages. He punishes combo decks. My God, though, 10 power just doesn't feel like it cuts it anymore for him.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I, he's a C card, I, some, he, he's an F card that can perform like an A card, and then he's an F card that can perform like a C card, he's all over the place, he betrays you so often, he always pulls Shongers as well, I would put him in C, although he is pretty meta relevant right now, like he's, he's seeing play in like the Junk based Professor X Cannonball decks, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I, I would have him maybe above Aero, but, yeah, we could put him top of C for now, I, it's like, it just, right now, honestly what it is, it's like, Is yes, he's in Junk Decks and that's helping him, but also the decks that are out there and what they're doing right now. When you get, when you pull out a Mockingbird and a, you know, a Sasquatch, you're just like, you're, you're not getting the value trade off at all. Like, at all there. He's best in, in those combo potential builds, but. He is annoying. I do, I do see that. I'll put him there, I guess. Gamora!

Alexander Coccia:

Man, it's hard. It's hard. I would say she's a C card. Hmm. I like Gamora though.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so she went up a power point, but she only goes up four now. I do like Gamora. I just, if we look at where she's played and stuff, it's like we can't justify past a C. It's like she does in every stat, she seems like a B. Like if you just look at her power and like, it's really not hard to guess where people are playing now. Like, it's just not. Or less, but there is that aspect, and then you're, you know, you're watching at a 5. 8 with no upside. Yeah, she feels like such a middle of the line card, but I can go there. Gilgamesh this will spoil your section a tad bit, but initial, initial You know what? Do you want to save Gilgamesh? Do you want to save him?

Alexander Coccia:

Let's save it for a proper discussion. That's

Cozy Snap:

fine. That's fine. Gilgamesh, guys, if you want to listen to Gilgamesh, it'll be on Alex's side, no problem there. Hobgoblin!

Alexander Coccia:

Hmm. I like hobbers, man. I would accept low A, high B. I like, I like them. I like them. Really? Oh man. Yeah, you're, why are you getting C ready, Cozy?

Cozy Snap:

It's a hobby. I would go B for sure. Wait, you don't play Ravonna? Yeah, I do, I do. I just I'd go B maybe. We have a lot more counters than we did. I'll give him a low B. I'll get him above Arrow. If

Alexander Coccia:

you put him, if you put him behind air, I was gonna leave. No, yeah, well, okay, you know, maybe that's, that's, that's the case. He's better than Statue, too. You are still drunk.

Cozy Snap:

I, well, first of all, no lies detected. Second of all, I don't know. I, I For now in this meta, yeah, I'll give it to you. Alright, Iron Man, is this an EZS or what?

Alexander Coccia:

I love Iron Man, he's nice. I do too. He

Cozy Snap:

hasn't gone anywhere, dude. He's still doing, he's still doing Iron Man things, man. Still doing Iron Man things, love him. Double power, never bad. Raw power, we love it. Jane Thor, who just got like a PowerPoint because, great card now, just for raw power and also has the upside. The combo's so The cubes aren't there for her though. That's that's the main thing.

Alexander Coccia:

One trick pony. I would put her behind blue Marvel.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. Blue blue is probably going to be higher up if I had to guess. Yeah. Does she

Alexander Coccia:

make a, maybe she's, I don't think she makes a, I don't.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I'd almost play. I think devil dinosaur almost has more potential just because of the cube equity. When you play Jane, guys, I get it, you won, I, I, I congratulate, but you won whatever you went into turn 5 with, like, it, you know, that's it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but that is, of course, if you played the stuff prior that made sense. Did you get the negative? Did you get Thor? Did you get the Beta Ray Bill? If you didn't get those, they play Jane on 5, you're like, okay, bro.

Cozy Snap:

Hobby, hobby over her, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Tang, F tiered, no need to discussion. Rework the card. It's, he's dead. Dead card. Alex, you gotta let go. He's dead. I wanna

Alexander Coccia:

say something, but it's okay. He's

Cozy Snap:

dead. He's dead. He's dead. Claw! New Claw! Love him!

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually a legit stealer of cubes, to be honest with you. A is always risky for me. Like I, I think he's a high B, but I'll accept low A.

Cozy Snap:

Low A is kind of where I have him. Like just looking at the decks where he works. I feel like low A is kind of there. I, I understand the argument for high B though. For sure. I do. Now you're

Alexander Coccia:

seeing the ongoing spectrum decks making a legitimate comeback and ironically, even US agents making those decks. You know, so it's like Claw's in a really good spot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I like him a lot. Lady Deathstrike, man, after the rework, definitely went down a ton. But it's cool. It's cool. You know, but you know what? It's a

Alexander Coccia:

card. Come on, man.

Cozy Snap:

I would rather. Yeah, it's not a at all, dude. I would rather her be lower cost, lower power, but does like maybe two power and down. And then you could try to like scope the Athena or scope the like, it's just tough. It's tough to get her to go. Where do you have her though? Above Aero, above Stature or below? I would

Alexander Coccia:

put her above Stature and Aero, yes, under Jane Foster.

Cozy Snap:

Aero might need to go to sea, man. Might need to go to sea. I'll let you have that conversation with her. I'm working through it right now. It's a personal thing. I'm working through We'll see if I get there. All right.

Alexander Coccia:

Just don't text her. Just talk to her about it. Like, don't, you know

Cozy Snap:

what I mean? You just like ghost her, like move her down and ghost her.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. That's what

Cozy Snap:

the kids say. It's not you. It's

Alexander Coccia:

me. That's

Cozy Snap:

the text you send. Oh man. I'll just blame you, you know, blame the friend. Like it was Alex. Alright Leech.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, man, why do you no, you go first. Leech, I don't know, man. I don't even know anymore. I think the card's still good, to be honest with you. Like, When it was 4, it was stupid. But as a 5 5, it's actually playable.

Cozy Snap:

It was an S, S, S, and it's now an A. I don't care if it's a 5, it's an A. It's hard, man. It's hard.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's closer to a high B, like, probably, but low A is probably acceptable.

Cozy Snap:

I, it's not that I don't You

Alexander Coccia:

have it beside a Darkhawk, Blarvel, Claw right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's not like, yeah, but he's not comparable to Darkhawk, he's on the other side of that. I, I think, bro, do you want to go against a Leech? A Leech on 5 sucks. It sucks, man. Not when it hits

Alexander Coccia:

your Darkhawk.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, yeah, hey, best case scenario, you got ongoing cards in your hand. Like, yes, there are, there are some ongoing finishes right now, but a lot of the higher dex finishes are on reveal, Alex, and you damn well know it. You damn well know it. Okay, okay. All right, Cozy,

Alexander Coccia:

I'll give you this one.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I, I, it's not that I don't see your argument, and I'm open to change at the end of it. Legion.

Alexander Coccia:

Legion. Man, he used to be S tier. It's funny, they took one point off him, and he fell off completely. He has to be in B, and it sucks. Yeah. He should be higher, but they should give him that point back. Honestly, the game was fun. Give him the point back.

Cozy Snap:

He's one that can, he's one that can probably adjust to the new meta, per se, of like the power meta. We've had so many things kind of like return to that. I, I agree. I'll probably slot him right here. In between, in between the games. I still like his overall potential more than Jing. Modok has fallen off a bridge. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

completely. Like, he's low C in my opinion. I wouldn't put him in an Aficionado place for him.

Cozy Snap:

And these guys are in their own, like, those two down there, like, to be in their company, you gotta suck, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Modok is not Adam Warlock and Kang.

Cozy Snap:

You know what's cool too, to look at, is like, if you played a 4 cost, you played Cersei into that lane, and you got these cards. Where is your happiness level? And so far, I like it, right? Obviously, Pro X Cannonball is more meta relevant and Annihilus is so good in his standalone, but Blink, Iron Man, Dark Hawk, Blue Marvel, Claw, Leech, all of those? You're happy. You're extremely happy with. Mockingbird is,

Alexander Coccia:

ooh. She's S tier in the deck she's being played in, I'll tell you that right now. But, in terms of overall meta, like, probably high A, but like, she is so good. She's in every deck now,

Cozy Snap:

dude. She's in every deck now. Like, there's just like, so many token cards in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, she's good, man. She's really good.

Cozy Snap:

It's so, it's so funny that you can get a Mockingbird down to two costs with one Mysterio. And to get Abomination, you need like, perfect hand draw, and perfect things to happen to get him down.

Alexander Coccia:

Abomination catching us straight like 20 minutes later, so sad.

Cozy Snap:

Nomura, man. I'm gonna place Nomura in A tier for sure. Probably above Klaw, I mean, honestly.

Alexander Coccia:

Nomura, I can see Nomura being higher than Blarvel right now. Like, it's so surprising how good this card has been. This is, I think it's my whiff of the month for sure. Like, Nomura has surprised so much. So much. And, It's good, man. I'm happy for it. Anybody that got that card is probably like, you know what, I'm happy. Good. Good on them.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's fine. I might have Blue Marvel over there, but I definitely she's awesome. I love her. I'm teaming with her more all the way. Nimrod fell off. Yeah, I don't know. Fell off. Definitely

Alexander Coccia:

a C card. When's the last

Cozy Snap:

time you were like, aww. I lost to Nimrod.

Alexander Coccia:

You're seeing the Nimrod making a lot of the Phoenix Force decks. You're not even seeing Nimrod in like the Shuri Destroyer style list, which I actually like to be honest with you. I don't even play Kang in those decks, that's a whole other conversation. But yeah, Nimrod not really a core core part of the meta right now for sure.

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna have Modok represent the bottom of C, Nimrod will be kind of right there. I remember when Nimrod

Alexander Coccia:

was a 5'5 at the heyday of Leech. Oh my God. Like proper Leech. And we're like, Dr. Doom,

Cozy Snap:

but all you have to do is destroy it. But then your whole game plans are done. Yeah, yeah, I do. Oh, big time. Red Skull.

Alexander Coccia:

See, this is one of those ones. It's like, would you, are we evaluating it based on like the, the Shuri Saron based combo, cause then it's closer to A, but out of itself, it's a high C. Like, I don't know, man,

Cozy Snap:

this is a weird

Alexander Coccia:

one. I'll, I'll hand it off to you. I think

Cozy Snap:

he's in the B and I'll probably put him Do we like him better or worse than Jane?

Alexander Coccia:

I like him. He's, he's better than Jane. Yeah. And that's my opinion. He's better than Jane because you can't scoff at that 28 power. He's an archetype builder and Shuri. And Shuri is still like, honestly, people don't play Shuri cause I think it's just like, it's not hot. A plus B equals C. You will climb to infinite with that deck. I

Cozy Snap:

agree. I agree. All right. We got Ronan, the accuser. He's gone through a couple of buffs. He's had some cards get help as well. But still end of the day. It's Ronan. He's got a, you know, you're hopeful on him. Do you even have him breaking B? Do we have him above Gomorrah? That's the, that's the, that's the take.

Alexander Coccia:

I like Ronan better than Gomorrah. What Ronan's needing is not his fault. He has the power. His support cards are garbage. Like, when you think about Darkhawk's support cards versus the Ronan support cards, it's not even close. Like the amount of disruption you can do with Darkhawk, Black Widow you know, Korg, Rockside, and then you play, Oh, look, it's Baron. Like, what's his name? Mordo? I don't even remember his name cause he's so irrelevant. I actually have him. I have the, the, I don't know why I bought a stupid Funko Pop of Baron, but I did. And like, you're just playing bad cards. You're just playing bad cards. Master Mold. Like it's just, yeah, he's cringey, unfortunately.

Cozy Snap:

Don't tell Arrow what's happening. But as I look at kind of how these work out here, It's probably going to be something like this. I've moved her down to C. I have Doc Ock and Gamora just a little bit above her. Ronin kind of take over that spot where Arrow was. If that works for you. Sandman, great card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I can see Sandman being in the B tier.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, B tier is good stack, but that makes sense. It's always this way in bell curve lists. Man, I just, I don't even know if I like Deathstrike in B tier. I don't know why. I just like, I never play against that card these days or with her. But I guess we're just talking like potential. Maybe we'll keep her in there. So, where would you have him in here? I would have him, damn, towards the top, bro. I mean, I think he does his job well.

Alexander Coccia:

I think, honestly, he's probably near the top of B right now. People aren't playing him that much, but he's, like, when you lay him down, that 5 7 power, you feel it. It's, it's a good stat line for his effect, and you honestly have an opportunity to really damage your opponent's play.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my gosh, B is getting messy, folks. Sarah!

Alexander Coccia:

This is as A as it gets near S. Like, I think the card is so damn good. It's above Darkhawk, you can make the argument that Mockingbird's more impactful on the meta as a whole, but every single week at the end of the season, we always say, hey, it's Sarah control time. It's like, this is a card that refuses to go away. It's even been nerfed. It used to be a 5 5, now it's a 5 4. I would accept low S or high A.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I'll probably go high E. Probably at this exact moment, I would go high, high A. And once she like broke into that Tribunal build for me, I was like, okay, yeah, she's just, she's just a good, like having discount is great. Period. It's fantastic. Love her. She's never gonna go away. She's the only one that does what she does. She'll be the most obvious card that gets power crept if that ever happens. And I, I don't think it will.

Alexander Coccia:

And it's, it's notable that Mobius, Mobius exists, which takes a little bit to offer.

Cozy Snap:

Spider Man 2099. F? Yeah. I, does he belong with these? Probably, dude. It's not like he's doing much. He sucks,

Alexander Coccia:

man. I played some copia move during the Twitch drops, cause we were trying to just feel something at some point in the middle of the night. And we still felt nothing playing Spider Man 2099.

Cozy Snap:

I'll just take your word for it. Spider Woman.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually really like Spider Woman. I think she's cool. But in the world of like, you know, Gilgamesh's and stuff, it can be a little bit easier to get the proc off. She feels like a high C card in my opinion.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I was gonna say, maybe, does she look good around behind, area above A Bomb?

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, I can see that happening.

Cozy Snap:

She'd probably

Alexander Coccia:

go above above Black Bolt, honestly, under A Bomb, because you play her to activate A Bomb. Okay, that's fine.

Cozy Snap:

And then, yeah, I guess your potential is what? Well, and what it is, is, is, the difference between her and, like, Gamora is, like, there's so many more Flooded decks these days, the Athena builds, that is so easy to get here in 5. 12.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm finding it mesmerizing watching you re It's horrible. It's horrible. It's like the slow motion, you're hitting like the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Cozy Snap:

It is, it is. There's never you never know how many cards you're gonna have in each tier. Taskmaster has always done what he's done, my man. He's like a winner, but then he's also like not in a lot of decks. I would say he's with like Sandman in my, in my eyes.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's a high B, low A. I think he's really good. Very unique card. I mean, think about how big it can get, right? Like it's a cool card.

Cozy Snap:

He wins. He'll win. You just like when you play a Sandman at the right time, you'll win the game. I think it's kind of the same with him. Valkyrie, a card I think we just all continue to love, but just kind of always feels a bit off.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Valkyrie is like one of the cards that like you almost never play. I think because the initiative side of it's weird. I really wish they changed Ghost. Like, okay, Ghost keeps getting these power buffs and gets moved around. Make Ghost a legitimate Valkyrie card somehow. Pair them together and let both those cards flourish a little bit. But yeah, she'll definitely be a low B card, I think.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, have her like I would like that like a little package deal. Yeah, that's awesome. Vision A or S?

Alexander Coccia:

High A for sure.

Cozy Snap:

I think Vision's awesome. High A is

Alexander Coccia:

supposed to get. Nomura or Bloom? I think he is below Nomura,

Cozy Snap:

which is crazy,

Alexander Coccia:

I can't believe I even said that out loud, but like, that's not what I expected to say a month ago when I was looking at Nomura.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right dude, compared to Vision. Lastly, White Tiger, I think always has that cool upside, but it's a C tier card, probably. Above A Bomb, maybe A Row.

Alexander Coccia:

I think you're doing White Tiger dirty. Those eight power those eight power wolves are, not wolves, tigers are pretty legit, man. I can

Cozy Snap:

go B. I'm going to pick where they go and how many decks, she's always the 12th card, in my opinion, most of the time.

Alexander Coccia:

I think she's better than than Stature in B.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I don't disagree with it. That's fine. I think I'm okay with it. I'll let you, I'll let you, if I

Alexander Coccia:

put it in that perspective, Stature versus White Tiger right now, I think you'd take White Tiger.

Cozy Snap:

And finally, tell me, where would you have Cersei, you think, on this list? Do you have her as a three? Oh

Alexander Coccia:

man, Cersei. I would see her being between like, Hobgoblin Legion.

Cozy Snap:

I thought, okay, a hundred percent not lying. That's kind of where I was like, that's going to be her kind of floor in my opinion. It's like, that random chaos factor. I think that's a smart place to put her.

Alexander Coccia:

That's so crazy that me and you picked the exact same place on this tier list. Maybe it's Legion.

Cozy Snap:

Maybe it's Legion. Like, it's like, just like that. That's like, oh, okay. That Like, at the metagame. I mean, but look at the cards above her, like, they're all, like, right, they're just insanely good. All those cards have so much universal use. But then you look at Blink that high and you're like, well, damn, that's, that's wild. Would you adjust you'd have probably these two above Blink? We're not gonna do it by ordering here, but would it go Annihilus than these two?

Alexander Coccia:

Or those two? No, I like Blink better. I think Blink's better. Blink will stand the test of time. Cannonball and Professor X are not gonna stay like this forever. I can see Blink staying like that forever.

Cozy Snap:

Alright guys, well there is our 5 cost tier list. It is not the right list, it is our list. And please let us know what you agree, disagree with down below. Alex Let's talk about the roadmap. Let's go to just talk about the roadmap and talk about our thoughts as a whole. You guys can see these are kind of all the roadmaps with the most recent one cut off that we've had in the past and what's happened and what hasn't happened. Kind of a cool graphic you guys can look at if you guys are listening, you guys can come back and take a look at this here. But Alex, overall, what is the sentiment that you've been seeing on the roadmap? And then maybe your personal one, I'll, you know, I'll give mine as well with you.

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, can we give a hand to iJam for the absolute clown show that was trying to watch that stream? I couldn't, I was actually getting mad. I was getting so mad. I'm like, why are we ranking Nintendo characters for 45 minutes? I was supposed to learn about the roadmap already. So yeah, good job on that Mickey Mouse show over there. I don't know what the hell was going on. Not even like

Cozy Snap:

kind of mad. That was a complete garbage. What in the hell were they doing? They didn't match their schedule at all. It wasn't even like an hour late, dude. They just like picked one here, picked one here. It was so poorly done and I, I, I, I I'm sorry Second Dinner Forever that that was a good idea, or that maybe IGN's done well in the past, because that, that was garbage. Garbage. And the Nintendo list was garbage. They had like the Wii Fit board at number three or something. Like, what the hell you guys do? Yeah, get Bowser out of here. I'm like, alright, you guys are awful. The fact that that, yeah, anyway. That was so bad. Wasted my, wasted my day, man. I did like three hours just sitting there watching. A Clown Fiesta. Anyway, long story short, and what's even dumber is like, if they would have given that to the creators, like, we could have done, like, just a much better presentation. But, whatever. At that, and then it got leaked. That's my favorite part at the end of it all, like, on Reddit. Yes, really bad opening to it, and then, like, even more lackluster. And I think that was the overall sentiment. You had IGN, so you had this build up, like, this was gonna be a big announcement, right? Or a big roadmap, or a big something, and in a lot of people's eyes, it was not. It was not those things. I think I can easily, confidently say, everyone that I've talked to, most content creators, very, were underwhelmed with the overall presentation of all of it that happened. With what was presented, with how much was there, with what was removed. And the patience level that we got to this point, Alex, and I'll give it to you from there.

Alexander Coccia:

I like how you used the word underwhelmed. I was going to consider using the word depression to describe the feeling that I had watching it. I was so just sad. Like, not even like, not mad. I wasn't mad. I was like, when they, when I found out the character mastery stuff was done, like that, that was like a painful stake in my heart. Like that actually really bothered me. It's not their fault. Right? Like I actually believe the idea that they had to cut it because it was technically impossible. I see there's like all these like conspiracy theories out there, like, Oh, they're cutting it. Cause they can't make money off. And I'm like, come on guys, they could have made a ton of money off character mastery. Let's be honest. The idea of like using variants to like. Progress through a character progression, doing like mini missions for, for characters. It has literally, like, monetization all over it, but from, like, it's the best type of monetization, where it's kind of, like, shrouded in the progression, and I think they would have made a ton of money off it. I actually believe that it was not technically feasible, but it sucks, man. I wish they just figured it out, because I was looking forward to that so much Cozy. I was, that was the feature I wanted. That and the new game mode and we'll talk about that too, but I don't know about you Cozy, but there was a stake in the heart to see that the character mastery thing wasn't going to be part of it.

Cozy Snap:

It was. I think there's so much happening around it that I was like, damn, and then I was like, focus on other like, okay, like, you know, we love this game. We love this game so much. And I tell people all the time, Try to level expectations in anything in life, because expectations lead to disappointment. If you had no expectations for the roadmap, you're fine. If you had high expectations, you're let down. Right, that, that, that, to me, the roadmap I said this in my video. If you had this amazing you're gonna make a dinner, man. And you had the best seasoning of all time. Like, it is the best seasoning, but you don't have a good dish to put it on. How good is the seasoning gonna be? And so, something like Clans to me is an amazing, Seasoning, but you need the core, you need you need the core dish, right, to, to, to go on top of that. And that, that is where I want to start. Now, let's go to Deadpool's Diner, that's kind of like the highlight feature, and I think this was where some of the confusion was. Is it a game mode? Is it not a game mode? Is it an event? They said it might come back to other seasons, or, and then, like, datamined, it said it's gonna be a seasonal thing. It's just unclear, and I'm like, why would you lead with something so unclear? The UI is great. I don't actually want to say so much about this, because I don't know. I think this has the potential to be really cool. Every season, have this new kind of event to get a card and, you know, just have a fun time doing it that isn't the latter. I like that. I like that a lot, and I think it'll fit well into the Snap economy. Just, but like, not even economy, I don't know, like, Snap, Ecoverse, but, I just, what was it, what people wanted. You know what I mean?

Alexander Coccia:

Can you imagine, like, announcing this and not showing even a, the smallest clip of gameplay? Like, just, I still don't really fully understand what the hell it is. Like, you got these bubs, which is another currency in the game, I'll add. That's something that people aren't talking about. Now we got bubs we gotta deal with too. And if the game mode's fine, I think what it is, it looks like a re Redone version of conquest except it is essentially just the like the ranked experience where you're playing someone once But every time you snap you raise the stakes with the bubs. That's what I think it is, right?

Cozy Snap:

But then I've heard it's like it's a table and there's like multiple players and you're like going all in and you're going against like a small little Probably not but like that's the thing like that's the we shouldn't

Alexander Coccia:

be this confused like they should have kind of like shown it

Cozy Snap:

Wow, like I I would do it for free. I would make a bomb ass video for them for free if they just let me. Like, I I love production, like, allow me, I you know what I mean? I'm not saying it has to be me. I could care less about finding out the damn info early. It's not about that. It's like, I would love to do an awesome presentation. For free second dinner, for absolute free, to showcase, because I'm having to stare, not even at a PDF, because I don't have that. I have to stare at a screenshot, and then enhance, zoom, enhance, zoom, like I'm a private detective. It's a solo

Alexander Coccia:

res, yeah. It

Cozy Snap:

is, it's like, it's so crazy at this point, but I think it has to, it, I don't, I'm not here to diss the, the diner thing. I think it's cool. I think it's gonna be cool, I just wish I knew what the hell it was more, and like I, I think there's a lot of geniuses out there that think so, but also we don't. We have to see how it's implemented in the game. To me, it's gonna be a season by season thing. And it fits into, like I said, the splash screen, the music, like it's gonna be a new kind of, you're in the season, this one's Deadpool. The next one's whatever. I just like, I just, if they're doing these surveys, what do the people want? This, to me, strikes as another like, we want to do this. Maybe not what the community wants, but this is what we want to do. And sometimes that's not the best thing for the game, but we're not developers. It's just, yeah, man. That's the Deadpool diner, in my thought.

Alexander Coccia:

In my thought, so the major problem is that Deadpool's diner is not a new game mode. That's not what people thought this announcement was. It's temporary.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's a temporary thing. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

it's, it's, it's an event. It's basically an event. And it might be an awesome event, like, let's be honest. The gameplay stuff they do is always top notch. It's something they've absolutely nailed in Marvel Snap. The gameplay is so good, that's why we still talk about it. That's why we still love it. But that's not the draft mode. I bet you there were a ton of people that were expecting something to the equivalency of a draft mode or an auto battler or something as a legitimate new option as gameplay to be there in this announcement. It wasn't This it wasn't that like and to see the new game mode draft being announced. That's cool I'm, actually excited for that but in coming soon no in the concept way man

Cozy Snap:

in the concept section That's what it was. That's what I

Alexander Coccia:

meant in concept. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and dude, that's what's so frustrating Like I I swear if we see any like, you know, oh they went soft on it It's time that we're going soft like we're just like i'm still like absorbing the blow I saw that roadmap and I hit the the road to go to dexter's wedding. Like I haven't even had time to process Everything this is the first time I even like Talking about it all. It's the expectation. We love this game. This game has so much momentum, had so much momentum, quite frankly. And I think we, I'm sure the game mode's gonna be fun, but the resources are limited. It takes a while to get something out that's been proven at this point, alright? And dev team, at this point, it's, I just feel like, The expectation was not met. I do. And the draft mode being I'll pull up the, the, the roadmap again. Draft mode being at least, we can't even say confirmed because of how much they have scratched off the in concept section. I wouldn't think, I would do guys, I'll stand by it. I don't think they'd put draft mode on here and then scrap it. I think they'd know that they would, that would, that would, That would be horrific. I get if you have lost your truck, whatever. I think, overall, too, the reason we're not seeing as much, in fact, is that they want to make sure they deliver more on the stuff they put on here a bit more. They're gonna always have Devs hate roadmaps, if you don't know it. Not just this game, but all games. Because they hate There's things they have to scrap all the time. So they're gonna keep this in concept just in case, I don't know, but yeah man, to not get the game mode and to know that it is at best coming at December probably, at best, in Q4.

Alexander Coccia:

There was not a single person I interacted with over the last several days, and I've interacted with thousands of Marvel Snap players. That are, like, actually happy or positive about any of this. And you have the, you have the community sentiment at, like, the lowest possible point. And this announcement, the idea of a potential new game mode for the summer. Do you know what those, what are those machines called? When they go, clear! And they go, boom! And they shock someone back to life. That's what Marvel Snap needs. And this iGen announcement and all this, like, the hype was generated. It was them saying, all right guys, clear! They held the paddles, and then instead of hitting Marvel Snap and shocking it back to life, they're like, how do you use these? And they shock themselves. That's basically what happened, right? It's like they fumbled it man, they fumbled it so hard and it's just, it's heartbreaking because I love this game so much but I think people are, like, the community, they're having enough of it man, it's just, like, and you said it the best before, I come back to it, you said it perfectly, whereas like, you have a smaller team, that's fair, you got a limited amount of man hours for like, you know, developing stuff, where is the development time going? But it keeps going into weird shit that, like, we don't really want.

Cozy Snap:

Financially, it's, I'm not even exaggerating, like, 100x any other card game right now. It is destroying the market. It's not going anywhere, guys. Hate to say it. You can hope it dies. It's not gonna die. But the love and the passion is dying for what, you know, for a lot of people. And I think, again, We were like, okay, here we go, here we go, what we're about to get, we're gonna go up the roller coaster now, and then we, we didn't get the delivery that we wanted, right? And, and I wanna pull this back up here. I think what hurts is having improved technical performance, I get it, great job, I'm glad you're making a game, but like, to put this on a roadmap, though, is just I just don't know who, who, who's saying yes to this decision. New card mechanic. Also. What? I, I, like, I, like, I get it. They're, I think they're adding an ongoing or an on reveal, so they're adding like a new thing there. Tease it. Put the name of it. You don't even have to say anything about it. Blank card mechanic. You're like, oh, okay, okay. You know what I mean? Like, putting a little bit more here, I get it's in development. There's a couple questionables there. Alliances, top tier content. Gonna be incredible. However, we need a game, you know, that continues to bring freshness to it. Could be Deadpool's Diner, but I, I, you know, not sure there. Leagues, we saw, I think will be better at the end of it all. Again, we're gonna have to see some of these flesh out. Overall I think we're looking for something to compete with Summer. It's hot, it's crazy, we got a lot of great games coming out, Marvel Rivals is kicking off, people would love that, there's other games coming out. We're hoping to kick it off the right way, and I don't know if this landed like the marketing team thought it was going to to say the least.

Alexander Coccia:

No, of course it didn't. It was a complete disaster and I mean they, I think they need to read the room a little bit better and at the same time I feel bad because like if they invested tons of time in character match it wasn't going to work. That's unfortunate but like even small things like on that roadmap you showed card acquisition improvements in concept. What the hell are we doing? Why are those in concept? Like what, that should be further up, right? Especially when you're talking about potentially a new player experience. You have the, the the Wolverine Deadpool movie coming. That should be top of mind, how you're going to maximize that launch. You don't get many chances to potentially reinvigorate a game on a launch like that. You have a chance now, that should be way the hell forward, right? And then the other thing is like, just where are the efforts going to? I don't want to keep coming back to this, but like you talk about like, Oh, it's a collectible this and that. But like when they released the the new borders you can get for the gold, right? 900 gold, pretty damn expensive. How much of a win would it have been? To simply have put those borders, at least the, like, the 500 gold ones, like those neon ones, in the collector's reserves, like, they've gamified the collection system. Do you know how much of an improvement that would be? Like, how much of, like, a free gift to the community that would be? Like, just a good in faith gesture. But instead, they're more fixated on making that a monetizable cosmetic than they are, oh no, I'm gonna, don't mind me, I'm gonna pull more pixel avatars from the collection track, and I'm gonna pull more you know, gold tickets. Why not give me a red neon border at a 5 percent pull rate, like a variant? Like, it's just, to me, it's like, it's a damn shame, because at some point, you gotta give the community some love back. The people that play this game love it, but it seems like they don't, the second hand doesn't love them sometimes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think, yeah. I mean, I like what you said there. Obviously, I agree with the the cosmetic things. Like, just giving a, giving a bone to the community every now and then. Especially with the, the revenue graphics that I've seen. It's like, hey, you're doing well. You know, you're doing well. I don't think it's going to hurt to, to throw things that way. I think, if you don't love Snap, guys, step away. You don't need to go to Reddit. You don't need to blow the, it's like, you're wasting your freaking life, guys, with the hate built behind it. The passion, though, is different. Having passion for something that you want great is different, and I encourage you I encourage us to speak up on it, you know, like, I think the dev team would, is not silly enough to think Alex and I over here just dumping on their whole roadmap. I think it's, they know we care. They know we care, and I can speak for I can speak for five of the consecrators that I won't list out because it's their to say, but they're the biggest ones there. Disappointed. Like, it's not just the two of us here. It's pretty massive, and I think it's, it has to do with the, it has to do with the game mode. If this whole roadmap could have been dumped, and if they had draft mode coming up in two weeks, or July 30th draft mode, we'd be like, oh, okay, alright, we got something. We got something coming out. We know it's gonna be a hit. I don't know about the diner. Could be the best thing in the world. Could be amazing. I just don't know about it. I don't know enough about it. So you also didn't deliver on the communication front for it. And I think that's also what's frustrating. Again, I did marketing a lot of my life, and it's like, I just love it. And I know they have talent over there. They're talented people. I just dismissed. Dismiss the mark in that, in that department. So, yeah not, not, you know, it's not that we don't have a lot of great things to say. We just don't know what to say because we don't know about the diners. The alliances, from what I did see from the screen grabs, looks dope. I will say that. It looks dope. Looks really good. In the draft mode, my hope is It's a concept that doesn't need a lot. You don't need to always reinvent the wheel. Sometimes pizza's just good. Don't try to make pizza something else. You know, don't make I think sushi pizza, sushi pizza went okay in like a, a restaurant, but you don't need to do something crazy even every time. Make a solid draft mode. Don't spend in 10 months making a snap draft mode. Make it feel something like you know, just make it great, make it good, make it what it already is. So, overall, one through ten, Alex, roadmap.

Alexander Coccia:

Feels like a one.

Cozy Snap:

Aw, I'm not gonna give it a one, man. I don't know. I, I, I, my expectations are maybe more, more, more, I don't know, the people are gonna give it a one and that's fine. I'm being, realistically, bro, a one would be, they got nothing, man. Like, they got absolute nothing on there. I'll give it like a five. A, as I say, my old speech, like, I'll give you like a three

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah. Come on, Alex. You're being too hard. I said it half as a joke. It's, it is probably closer to a three. Like, let's be honest. We're like, we're, man, we're, I did not want to give this a three. I wanted to be so hyped, man. It was supposed to be so exciting. Dude. This was supposed to be a 10 out. A 10.

Cozy Snap:

You know what it is too? It's not even that. It's like it's a new game mode. We're giving a three. It's that it's, we're giving a future roadmap. I think that's what's hitting the hardest. We're not like, temporarily sad. Like, unless they do an updated one, which they might respond with that. I mean, I don't know. But like, and we've seen like, say what you will. In fact, like, get out of here. Like, this team does fix their mistakes. Like, when they realize it. Like, the Gambit issue happened, they fixed it. They're fast on their feet here. You, I don't love the ask for forgiveness later method always, right? But if they realize that this didn't land, get some communication out there and say, you know what, we're gonna, we're gonna rethink maybe some of this. Or, or like Work the weekend, man, and get a Deadpool diner showcase out there for the community of some sort. In fact, maybe I'll hit them up after this. See, I don't know. Who knows? Anyway that's our thoughts on the roadmap, and again, you guys can see the graphic here. To what many are saying, they've delivered on almost everything here, if you look at it. There's X's on, like, selectable card effects. That's there. I don't know why that's an X there, whoever made this. But for the most part the one that I was sad to see, Alex, was the new game boards up there. They just, look, they scrapped that. Bummer. Like, Ultimate Variant Evolution, I could care less. I've bought all the Ultimates and I still don't give a cra Like, great, work on something else. I do not need that to be on the priority list. New Game Boards would've been cool! Like, what are we doing? Why is that out? That sucks. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

definitely. New Game Boards would've, seems like, would've been an easy win as well. Also, perfect to add in, like, the Battle Pass, or even, like, you could sell that. Like, it's, it's weird that they didn't do that. One thing I want to mention quick, before we call it, is on the Character Master, you kind of bring it up with, like, the Collection of Variants, stuff like that. The one sad thing about collecting the character mastery was that I think it might have influenced some people's purchasing decisions around variants and stuff like that. Like as an example, I'm someone who loves She Hulk and when they had a kind of a that Newverse website collection, like that you spend certain money, you get certain rewards type thing. She Hulk was in there for like 150 American dollars for a month or something like that. I actually made sure that I got that because I wanted to have it for the character mastery. And then now it's just gone, and it's like, okay, well I still have the She El variant that I'll never use, but I guess whatever, right? So, I think people might have been buying variants in anticipation of the character mastery, and that kind of sucks.

Cozy Snap:

Well, Alex, I mean, at least you're gonna get first edition badges, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh my g UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Cozy, why'd you have to do that? I almost forgot those existed for a sec. Now I'm even in more pain than before. Why would you

Cozy Snap:

do this to me? They should just put, put coming soon. Just, just put it, just, just put coming soon and leave it there forever. Just always in that just put

Alexander Coccia:

another one, another kind of column that just says just says not FU and just put

Cozy Snap:

Second edition badges.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, first of all congratulations on successfully bewetting two close friends. That must have been a wonderful experience. But what was also a wonderful experience was wading through the comments section after last week's video because Cozy There was something that kinda came up that was funny, and Mitch Smokes does mention it here and says, Cozy not knowing that Adam Warlock is in Guardians 3 is about to flood the comments. And sure enough, Cozy, that did flood the comments. Apparently, we missed out on the fact that Adam Warlock is a core component of Guardians 3. Which I haven't even

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Oh, you haven't even seen it? Okay, yeah. No, I immediately commented back to that, like, I just deleted it from my brain. I just straight up, like, a whole movie, a whole, that was right, that came out right when my son was born, and bro, I must've watched that. Off of just zero brain cells, like just nothing registered from that movie. But yes, as soon as I, I saw you have some release, I was listening to it as I was driving somewhere. I was like, Oh damn. But yeah Adam Warlock in Snap, Adam Warlock in the movies. I just delete him, delete him from the brain. You know, he's very

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

very forgettable. He's coming out in Rivals. Hopefully he's decent in that.

Alexander Coccia:

I haven't seen I haven't seen Guardians 3 yet. It's on my, my list of things to do cause I've been trying to catch up. Apparently there's, there's a lot of Jim Carrey discussion and stuff. There's a lot of movies I got to catch up on, but Guardians 3 is definitely one. I'm hearing it's actually fantastic. So I'm looking forward to getting a chance there. But that takes us into our primary topics of the day today. One of which being the rankings of Gilgamesh and Thena. Now, these are two very different cards and getting an opportunity to play them over the past week and over drops and everything has given me some perspective on these two cards. We're going to start with Gilgamesh. Okay. Gilgamesh, the season pass card. And as we always discuss season pass cards, they carry a little bit of weight because. In terms of like, the investment you spend in Snap, that 10 US is pretty well spent in the season pass, you do get quite a bit back for you know, your expenditure, but you'd like these season pass cards to be, you know, good, at least fair, maybe not low key broken on release 3. 5 low key, whatever the hell it was Blink was on the upper echelon of perhaps impactful, whereas you have Black Swan on the absolute invisible side, so Cozy, I'm gonna ask ya. Where does Gilgamesh land for you?

Cozy Snap:

Aw, it was Aw, my gosh. Yeah, you know what? It's funny. If you go back and listen to last week's episode, Like, every single card we talked, like, ourselves in and out of, like, a couple of times. Gilgamesh what was the rankings we gave?

Alexander Coccia:

So you, you were really weird. You were, like, you started close to, like, two and a half. And then you drifted to, like, three and a half. And then you're, like, nah, I think it's three. You were all over the place, but clearly not comfortable, more or less, on the lower end.

Cozy Snap:

Which is kind of where I, like, it kind of sums up my thoughts on the card. Like, it was, like, maybe, but no. Like, for me, I land at It's a card that does a thing, but it isn't a thing you need, right? Like, you put people like, play him in Ultron decks. Like, you don't care. You don't need to play him in Ultron. The thing is, is that Blue Marvel, like, it would almost like if he somehow, I don't know how you balance this, but like he got power points equal to the power points given to cards. Then he's way better, right? Because Blue Marvel, all you have to do is play him and he does all you need. Everything's buffed up, he gets up to like a 14 power tops, you know, or whatever, and then you're happy. It's just awkward. Cause like your whole game plan you do before that it's almost unnecessary. Then you're like making the deck work for it. He's just a very unneeded. He does things he can do things, but he's just unneeded. If that makes sense.

Alexander Coccia:

It does make sense. Now, let's be honest. I came in at four stars on my approximation on the early release. And that's definitely wrong. He's definitely not a four star card, but I would say he's close. He's probably closer to three, honestly, because he still puts up power. Like, I don't think, I don't think he's in the two range. Like two range is kind of poo poo. Because

Cozy Snap:

you don't do two and a half or half. So yeah, I give him a 2. 5 with the potential to go up to like 3. 5 or whatever, like we gotta see the other cards come out. I do, this card's gonna get reworked. Er, not reworked, but like a buff of some kind. I, I just don't, it, he will be Thanos snapped out of the game. Because he's just not, you don't need a deck build around it right now.

Alexander Coccia:

No, you don't. And at 5'8 I think that's maybe a good call, but he does get big, though. He does have the chance to get rather large, and I mean, I think the thing with Gilgamesh is that he really, I think he's really good for new players and low collection levels. Because if you think about it, he's a season pass card that, I think he's best in zoo, honestly. Like, I think he's great in zoo. But so is Mockingbird, and I think Mockingbird's way better than Gilgamesh in those decks anyways. But like, he is a really good zoo card, so for players at relatively low collection levels, this is a card that you can slot in and actually climb rank with. Like, I think that can't be really slept on. For us, where collection complete is a little underwhelming, especially when you have, you know, other cards we'll be talking about soon. But anyways, it's not

Cozy Snap:

bad. I can't give it a three, man. It's a two and a half. The card's just not good. He's one of the worst cards I've come out in some time. Like, it's, the problem is he can get big, but it's on turn six. So it's like, what, you're giving up so much, the fact that people have the audacity to crap on Sasquatch when something like Gilgamesh comes out next, it just, it's crazy to me. I played him a lot, and I get it, I can show highlights if I wanted to, I can show highlights so he look good. Right? But there was way more times where I had to force myself to play him. Like, I was like, I need the video. I have to play him. He's the worst play line here, out of all my options. Or I could do XYZ, or cut him from the deck, right? I think that's the ultimate problem with him as a card. And I'm telling you, Alex, not to speak too much, but moving forward, every time we get an S tier season pass card, I'm not even going to look at the next month, I'm just going to give it like a 2. Like, whenever we get a really good card, we get a mediocre one, like right after that.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, hungover, partially inebriated, angry Cozy is so funny. You're just, you're pulling no punches today, man. Oh my god.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

just can't love Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is a puncher and you're punching Gilgamesh back.

Cozy Snap:

I just can't love him. I just, I feel like we're trying to, but it's just, he's just not needed. He's just not that great. He's, he, I think the good news is, guys, I think he'll be buffed.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he's probably going to a 5 8, I imagine, especially the season pass card. He's actually only running 8 percent of the meta. That's really low for a season pass card. That's like people testing it and that's with a, an event where people were only allowed to deck build with Gilgamesh trying to pump the card up and it's still only 8 percent 56 percent win rate, but there is some bot inflation.

Cozy Snap:

There was an event where you had to get, they did another conquerors. They had like a one day notice, but there's another conquerors and they They did it where they had to have Gilgamesh in the deck, guys, and I think the winner was a hella deck. That was a hella, it played hella! And Gilgamesh was just in it. Like, and that, that, I think, defines Gilgamesh.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the fact that, like, he was literally just along for the ride. He was like the guy, like, he's the backup quarterback that wins the Super Bowl and gets a ring, too. Oh,

Cozy Snap:

absolutely, yeah, yeah. Like, you could put Ronan in his spot. Whatever, right? Like, it just didn't matter. Just that, that last spot doesn't matter. That's a good comparison, by the way.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, but I mean, again, he is performing best in Zubay stacks and Outside of that though, like I did some coping and he was like, I was like, man, I was brewing Gilgamesh decks with Darkhawk and stuff. I was trying to come up with like this Eternals shell. I was like, I remember with, I was on stream. I was like, how do I make this deck better? And everyone's like, cut Gilgamesh. You're like, damn, but I can't. It's the name of the video. Yeah. Shit. My video tomorrow won't make sense of Gilgamesh.

Cozy Snap:

In fact, wait, didn't you didn't you? Did you, didn't you do Thena first? In fact, like your, your usual, like, new card release, you did Thena before Gilgamesh this time around, right? Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

cause I was, I was, I was trying to catch, like, like, yeah, I could not get proper good videos. Like, it was like, man, this card's kind of sus. Like, I don't know what it was. I'll tell you what it was. The reason why, usually I do the season pass card first. I switched it because I had them in the same deck. Yeah, same. I did too. I had them in the same deck and all the games that were hype were just Theena carrying. Bro, that was me

Cozy Snap:

to a T. Okay, so like my, my, my list I released, right? It was a, it was a zoo based list that built up points automatically. Like you didn't need anything to get them going for Gilgamesh, Sunspot, Ant Man, Hawkeye. These are great cards. Kitty Pride, right? But then when you have Kitty Pryde, you naturally have Angela. And now you have the new crate that will get to her. And you know it was just winning every game for me. And I was like, Gilgamesh is doing nothing. Like, absolutely nothing in this build. I had Sasquatch in there. I even cut Mockingbird to make it work. But, like, yeah. And even in this build, Pro X and Cannonball is probably just better than most of these two. Like, it's just It's so wild, it's true, because what is, Pro X loves cards that can build power later, right? And so like, it just worked in that list as well. It's, it was super fun though, playing Kezar again. But I knew it was doomed when I had to cut Shauna. I was like, alright, Zeus, Shauna can't even work in a zoo, in a zoo. You know, Liz is begging for her.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I know. Shauna is a damn shame. Like the card really is lost its identity. Like if it can't make it in these types of decks, it ain't going to make it anywhere. And perhaps like, I mean, they're trying to give Zoo some options. Like, I mean, Mockingbird is a great Zoo card. And, and Gilgamesh honestly is still good, but I think we moved to Thena now because I think at the end of the day, we've made her, Kind of voices heard on Gilgamesh. Definitely Gilgamid and that's a little unfortunate.

Cozy Snap:

Gilgamesh is a mess, is what I, is what I, I put. I will say on Shauna real quick and it could be broken, maybe put it at a four, I don't know. But if she played the cards, immediately she just works with the builds that she's already in. Sasquatch immediately work with her. And Mysterio already does that. So like, why is it a big deal? She did it too. She has

Alexander Coccia:

the add, she adds them, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I, if she played them, I think she has a shot and she's picking up more board space. In fact, like, why aren't we doing that? I don't know too many words. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

That's a bit of an inconsistency. That's been kind of common and snap. Or it's like some, the language is kind of weird. Then some cards activate off language and it's like. Yeah, that's, that could probably use a consistency buff.

Cozy Snap:

Thanos, but whatever. I love that they changed Thanos in the reality stone. They're like, we changed, changed the location to transform the location. I'm like, great. What does that do? We're doing

Alexander Coccia:

stuff. That's, I'm glad, that's the question that no one asked for. Why are we transforming locations?

Cozy Snap:

We changed the power stone to give him plus 10 power to, you know Gain Plus. It's just, it's the same, it's the same thing, but Thena. Now, Thena is the definition of a card. If you go back and listen, bro, go back and listen to it. Talked myself out of it. I started at like, almost a five. Remember, I was like, dude, she's gonna be so good, so crack, so awesome, and then we were both like, well, how many twos can we actually play? How many, how many ti It doesn't matter. And we did nail it. We said it would be an S tier card in the Kitty Pride build. And lo and behold, that's kind of all you need.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. No, literally like she's not really being played anywhere else though, but anything with Kitty Pride, Angela, Elsa, like that whole package, Dina is ridiculous in like absolutely ridiculous to the point that I'm scared it's going to get nerfed. Like I like, Oh man, it's so good. It's running 25 percent of the meta right now, nearly a 60 percent win rate. And that's, of course, we're still in the first week or so. So we still have some bought inflation, but like. It's crazy, just the meta share alone tells you what you want. Gilgamesh at what, 8%? Thena at 3 times more at 25%? Like, tell me who loves what more? Like, obviously Thena's the, the queen of this month.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, I, I mean, I immediately said she could go to a 2 0. And honestly, I think it's not even a big deal. Like, she, like, it, it would hurt a little bit. But, like, it's still, like, Define, I guess. The, I think, what I'm, like, we were like, well, she only works in these couple builds, like, that's just stupid to say, because then we're like, Darkhawk, he only works in with Rock, Slide, and Core. It's like, yeah, but that's what works, like, that's, at the end of the day, that's all you need, right? And what's great is, is, it's a low cost build, so I like it even better. Like, Annihilus has Hood, Sentry, Annihilus. 1, 4, and 5. Athena really only needs a 2, 2, 1, and that's awesome. That's your core base build on a lot of different deck builds, right, that you can go into with Athena. Talk about just a feeling, just a great card to play. She just felt great.

Alexander Coccia:

More than a feeling.

Cozy Snap:

More than a, yeah, bro, I, you know what I loved about her is that you could play her in the same turn with a card and gain power. Yeah. I love that.

Alexander Coccia:

This card is so strong. It's so good. And like it's, it was, you know, I will say though, there are times where I'm holding myself back a little bit. Like I have a third card I could play and I don't, and I, cause I want that three power in Athena. So I do think that like the condition is appropriate. I think it is a challenge and it does prevent it from being universally playable across all different shells. Because like compared to like a Hope Summers, Hope Summers, you could put Hope Summers anywhere. Right? That card is just god tier. Tina can't do that. Like, you can't really put her anywhere. But she is excessively competitive in that Kitty Pryde package. Just the same way, like, a good example of this is like you know, Cannonball without Pro X is just Stegra. Basically, right? But when you match them together, suddenly they're oppressive. Tina, in those, not even Bounce, Bounce does do it pretty good too, but sometimes Bounce wants more than two cards. But like, Tina, Kitty Pryde is all you need. And it's free. Ridiculous how much power it puts out.

Cozy Snap:

I oftentimes, oftentimes had a above seven power, you know, oftentimes. And I think, like, yeah, it wasn't a big deal. And what's so cool about the way those decks work guys, if you don't know. It's like, if you did want to put her and Angela in the same lane, you're gonna win that lane. And so, you won. You won that lane. And then, you just have counters for the other ones. Like, you have a Shang Chi. You have a couple things that keep you honest in the other lanes. Athena's so good that Circe is would be a horrible card. A horrible card to put into Athena lane, right? Like, you're killing a 2 cost that's like, better than a 4 cost, right? So, end of the day it's a, it's a no brainer to grab her if you like that kind of archetype. You know, we'll give you the warning now, she might get nerfed, and by might I have a good feeling she probably will. I don't think they'll hit the plus three, there's no way. I do think 2 0, the Angela nerf would be the first thing they go to.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Cause they make it more comparable to Angela, but in, to be honest with you, plus three power in snap has been very consistently overpowered. Hasn't it like Silver Surfer was a plus three. Yeah, Elsa was plus three. That's right. Dina plus three. And it's incredible. I guess the conditions, what kind of made us wary. But the card's remarkable, but I gotta tell you, I gotta call you out here. For someone who loves variants, you're not going with the spotlight? What the hell are we doing here? It's like one of the nicest spotlights they've released in the last three months.

Cozy Snap:

I'll open it probably the end of the day. I opened three, and I didn't get her, and I was like, I gotta record this video. But yeah, I gotta go grab her. It's cause it's such a good spotlight, dude. It's so good, like So good that I might buy the golden border. I've only bought one of those for my pixel agent, Colson, but I might get it for her. It's that good. But yeah, great card. Great card. Awesome card. Definitely made up for Gilgamesh's mess over there. And

Alexander Coccia:

I just, I don't see Thena not being in competitive, like, Kitty Pryde, Angela Schell is going forward. Like, I don't think you're gonna see a meta deck report with a deck like that that does not have this card in it. You're always gonna feel like you're missing it if you're playing a Kitty Pryde Schell moving forward, I think. So that's why. And

Cozy Snap:

Angela's not a replacement because Angela goes with the deck. Like, you can't be like, oh, play Angela. It's like, you know, but sure. Yeah. No, it kinda. What did you give her, by the way, last week?

Alexander Coccia:

I gave her, I believe I came in at three. So I was definitely low. I think I came in at three, maybe, maybe four. No, I think you gave her four. I came in at three.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it was somewhere in there. I, yeah, I listened back to a bit of it and I was just cracking up because like when they started, I'm like quarter of the month and then I just like backed out of that so quickly.

Alexander Coccia:

My notes say three slash four. So I was a higher three, lower four.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Awesome, dude. Well, let's I'm excited about this next topic. I really am. The top six tips you to climb. You know, we have a lot of veteran players that listen, we have new players that listen, but it doesn't really matter, I think these are good things to like, remind yourself of of climbing, whether you're trying to get up to infinite Red Alex for the first time, 60 to 70, or just beyond that, right?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely, so what we're gonna be discussing is we actually have like a top 10, we don't, we don't usually always go in a top 10 format, but we got 10 here, and I think that it's important because, you know, There's a lot of resources that get gated behind your rank, right? At rank 90, you get the gold and stuff like that. And I think that's a thing for a lot of people. They want to get those resources, especially for free to play. So I think it's a good idea to kind of refresh ourselves with some best practices towards getting to infinite. It's also worth noting that if you're the kind of player that's never reached infinite, you know. Just try to take these into consideration to help improve your game. But also don't stress out. You're playing a game at the end of the day, have some fun. And the one thing I will say is once you start getting towards infinite and you start unlocking kind of the, the potential of your gameplay you'll find it easier and easier each season. And it's mainly because of some of these tips are very experience focused. So let's hope that these help you kind of on your climb throughout the season. This season. Number 10, we're going to reverse story here. Cozy, this is an interesting one. Number 10, accept variance and never play tilted and variance. Meaning that sometimes, you know, if you start a new deck or you're trying to play something and you lose five games in a row, don't tilt out because that's just sometimes how the cookie crumbles as they say, you just might win the next five as well. So try not to get tilted and just accept variance when it comes sometimes.

Cozy Snap:

Of course, absolutely. I learned that in sports, man. Like, tennis, and like, the, the, I can't tell you how many times I would beat somebody better than me at tennis because they would lose it whenever they would, like, miss a couple points, and it's all about, like, you gotta go with the strides, and you gotta keep just playing your game. And, you know, crap's gonna happen, you know but you gotta get through it and keep playing. I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Number nine, and this is kind of a funny one, but it's it's FleeceBots. haha Because during the ranking process, you are gonna get some bots. You'll see Ronald with the Shan Chi avatar who plays Nakia on turn four. And you're like, okay. This is an opportunity, right? This is an opportunity here. And I've even been in the position, I don't recommend this all the time, but like, I get pretty confident in determining where, when I'm playing against the bot and I will like even skip my turn five to give up initiative on purpose so that they like, Snap on me so that I can fleece them on turn six. But when you identify a bot, right it's notable that you know, you can, you can usually get a couple extra cubes. They do cheat like retreat all the time too, which is kind of annoying. But if you are looking to rank up when you're playing against the bot, it does represent an opportunity to perhaps get some disproportionate amount of cubes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Like if I see a Sam with like a Colossus, I'm just snapping like right away. I'm like, it's, it's, some people disguise themselves as bots. So I have added. But yeah. That's a nice

Alexander Coccia:

meta play too, I like that.

Cozy Snap:

yeah. It is kind of funny. Cheeky. Very cheeky. But yeah. Gotta take advantage of the boss, that's what, you know, a lot of the best players do.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because of us, now there's going to be a lot of Ronalds with the Shawn Chi variant out there. Shawn Chi avatar just feasting on people thinking they're bots. Number eight is be creative with your deck building, your play style, and the splash cards. Meaning what you add to your deck. I think that when you're trying to rank up, and even in upper ladder, it's the splash cards, it's the things that you add to your deck to catch your opponent by surprise that steals cubes, right? A great example of this, one of my most successful decks last season was running Quake. Just because Quake just flips the board state in a way that would like often disproportionately help me versus my opponent. Legion's a great example of this. It's funny because like you, you almost want to cut cards like this out, but if you add these splashes, take a meta deck, and if you're like, oh, I'm missing a card or two, add something sexy, man. Add a, add a Quake in there. See what happens. And I, I tell you those kinds of creative moments will help you gain rank.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. And on that, it's like we, we've tried to do segments like this. I don't know why, like. There are segments we want to talk about, and they don't get maybe the volume we think they would, and it blows my mind, because I think they're some of the most important ones, and one of them is like, the top cube stealing cards. It's something we've tried before in a thumbnail and stuff, people don't click on it, don't get it, because it's so damn important, I don't What do you want to listen to at that point? Because things like, the legions, the quakes, knowing the little ones. That if you just put that one card in your deck, you significantly increa Every deck has two flex, at least. Like, you can get rid of one or the other unless it's a very specific build. Even in like a Mr. Negative, put in a different card that would kind of work in that build than the typical Knull and Arnim Zola. So, it's one of my favorite things that I recommend. Net deck away, it's part of the game. But, add in some splash, especially the cube changers. Not like a saber tooth, but something that can actually, you know, flip the game.

Alexander Coccia:

An example of this was I was in a Conquest match where I was playing someone, a deck that like, just looked like, I don't know, in turn six, they played a Killmonger. I'm like, where the hell did that Killmonger come from? It made no sense. It was not a destroyed deck. They didn't have a Nova on the board. It's like they just teched in a Killmonger because they're like, Oh, maybe Gilgamesh is how people are playing Zoo. And it smoked me, right? I was like, okay, well, you got you got that from me. Number seven is do the math and plan your turns. This is something that I think is kind of funny. You know. And Marvel Snap is very reactive to some degree, but I think being proactive in the way you approach the board state is very helpful. Thena plays well like this. You know, planning where you're going to place your Angela versus your Thena. Are they maybe going to be going pro ex? So I think planning your turns in advance can be very helpful. And legitimately doing the math based on what you believe you can put up power potential wise is very helpful. Especially in some of the later tips where it involves kind of having an understanding of how much power your opponent might be putting out conversely.

Cozy Snap:

Absolutely. There's, it's fun to sometimes just go F it and click the end turn button, but yeah, a little bit of planning, location planning, math planning, super important.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny that you mentioned location planning, because that's actually number six. Locations are important, and you have to consider them with every single turn. Marvel Snap has three locations that reveal over the course of a game, every single game. You also have locations that can get added in. Like flooded locations and limbo's and stuff like that. And they are so vitally important. We often fixate very much on the cards of Marvel Snap, but the locations themselves have a tremendous impact on the game. I mean, it's one of the reasons why, you know, featured in hot locations can be somewhat cringey sometimes. But honestly, at the end of the day, they are incredibly important. And just like the last, the last point, plan your turns, plan for how you're going to utilize locations, because they're extremely important. It's one of the most slept on elements of your game plan.

Cozy Snap:

And like, it'll, it'll take time and a lot of you guys are already here, but like immediately knowing what locations favor you over your opponent, vice versa, or a neutral split. And that way you can go really heavy on maybe the neutral, you abandon the one that's gonna help them out the most, and then you can put in lighter work, right, your, maybe your B team on a location that, you know, is gonna favor you a ton, an ongoing location with Blue Marvel, whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

And it's also worth noting that like if something reveals like an Onslaught Citadel and they snap and you don't have an Enchantress or Rogue, it's probably a good time to retreat. If there's a Camartage and they snap and you don't have a Cosmo, maybe it's a good time to retreat, right? They're often snapping for a reason, not just because they're, you know, drunk after being a Reverend at a wedding. They're probably snapping because they have an advantage, right? So it's important that you consider those moments and locations can be a major factor in that decision making. Number 5 Number five, we have the growth mindset approach of Marvel Snap, which means to learn from every match. Cozy, I think it's important that after every single match, you learn from our mistakes.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, learning from mistakes. I can't tell you how many mistakes I still make. And I've been playing this game every day for, you know, two plus years. And there's the common ones, like, you know Shadow King and you're Mysterio. Like, stuff that's like A one off that you kind of add to the list of like, oh boy. But also just like, the little things. The little things. Play order, turn order, playing, you know, something as simple as playing a Kiddie Pride. If you have a Blue Marvel on the board, it's turn six, you're playing Gilgamesh because you're drunk. You play Kiddie Pride before Gilgamesh, you have one more card that boosts up the Gilgamesh. Like, there's little things that really fix it up, you know.

Alexander Coccia:

And I think that like learning from every single game, it also takes the sting away from losing. Like something I do is I always joke about on stream. I say I'm never, I never retreat to Q games because I want to just see them play out, especially if someone's playing an innovative deck, like if someone's been creative and they're playing a brew, I don't want to leave. I want to see how they play their deck out. I want to see what's this finisher. I want to see, you know, what we're playing into. And I think that like, when I see something really innovative, it sparks ideas in my head. It helps me learn. And I think that you know, When you approach that growth mindset of like, you know what, even if I lose, I've learned something from that game. It helps you to kind of progress your gameplay forward. And I think that's huge. And it honestly helps you de tilt if you take every game as a lesson. Number four is one of the most obvious ones and one of the ones that is often said so often, but it's so much more complicated than just saying knowing when to snap. It is legitimately one of the absolute number one skills of Marvel Snap, knowing when you're at an advantage, knowing when you are to snap, but at the same time, Cozy, it can also bite you in the rear sometimes when you snap a little early and then they flip the board state.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. It's the most vital skill you can learn. You know, even in my videos. If I realize I made the mistake, I'll be like, guys, hey, if you're me, you should have snapped on five because we had a much better chance to win there. Again, it's like poker. When the, when the odds go into your favor, you wanna snap. Before that, you know you wanna get there. Before you do the flip, before you do the reveal, you have to, you, you have to go ahead and, and, and get the stakes up. It's scary. It'll bite you in the butt, but you'll get better at it. The more you do it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I know that's like a much more general one, but we're going to be talking more about snapping upcoming because number three is knowing when to retreat, especially when we get into high stake turns. What I mean by that is oftentimes with retreating, you might be conserving a cube or two, but you might have turns where, you know, you've snapped and then they snapped back and you might have a cube go from like one to four. Or two to eight, these massive swings and stakes. Those are the types of retreats that often matter the most, especially when you've initiated the snap, because you get to retreat in response to their snap, right? Knowing when to retreat is huge, because so many games of snap can be determined based off of the most minute and power levels, okay? I've lost games by one point, whether it be ties and stuff like that, we've all experienced that. And you can lose 8k 8 cube games like that. And you might be playing for two hours, and you might only gain net eight cubes. To lose an eight cuber like that just because, you know, you were too scared to hit the retreat button, that could be detrimental.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I can't tell you how many times someone's playing a deck built around Kitty Pryde, and Sokovia is the second location, discards, you know, Kitty Pryde from your hand, I don't know, whatever bad example, but you get what I'm saying here, and they, you'd rather not waste 10 seconds to re cue and re tweet re treat, but then instead you play the whole match and you lose. You've wasted so much time at that point, and you lost the cube equity, when you know what your deck does well. So you gotta get out of there when it's just not obvious.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And one of the hardest things to do in snap, and I totally understand why people have a hard time with this is when you're in a four cube locked position and we're going to eight people have a hard time retreating from a four cube game. I totally understand it. It's hard emotionally to be like, Oh, I'm giving up four cubes on the retreat. But you'd literally double your losses if you just feed into an 8 cuber, right? You gotta really try to say, you know what, I gotta give up these 4, because losing 8's even worse, right? So I know that can be very difficult, but making those decisions can often be the best thing you can do. We're at number 2 Cozy. It's master the meta, which means knowing your opponent's plays, knowing the risks and when they are snapping, and just generally knowing the meta and what you're against. Because this is the thing that I think comes with experience. And it's second to only the number one skill that I think we need, but it's worth noting that this comes with experience as you play Marvel Snap. We joke about it in the past, because we say, you know, if I'm playing against Cozy in Conquest, and he plays a Quinjet against me, right away I'm like, okay, I'm thinking he's playing Loki. I just need one card to determine what the rest of that playstyle might be, right? He plays a Deadpool. I know what's up, right? He plays a Kitty Pryde. I know that the range of archetypes I'm against knowing the meta and mastering the meta helps you to make informed decisions, especially when they're snapping against you, because you know, okay, hold on, you know, they're playing a on reveal type deck. I can't get rid of the Wong. I don't have Magneto or Rogue. I don't have Cosmo if they're snapping. Cause they have their combo pieces. I'm in trouble. So I think that mastering the meta and understanding what you could be potentially against is a huge skill for getting to infinite.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and I will add to that new card releases, hot locations, take advantage, guys. When you know Athena's everywhere, play Shadow King, man. I see people do Athena with a Shadow King. I, it's like, I don't, you don't need to do both all the time, but if you don't have the new card especially, play, I, it, it's gonna frustrate people, but if they're playing the new card, and I hate it, You might as well counter it and you definitely get a profit off it.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Right. That's that's a hundred percent for sure. Correct. Right. If you know Gilgamesh is coming out and everyone's playing Zoo, splash that Killmonger in like we talked about prior. And the number one tip for getting to infinite is mastering your deck. Specifically, coming back to number four, which is knowing when to snap, master the snap cadence of a particular deck. When you understand that you have an advantage, okay, master the you know, do you play Thena or do you play Angela if you have them on turn two? Which one? The actual card order can be very important, but most importantly, your snap cadence. Understanding when you are advantaged. That is huge, right? If you're playing Athena based deck and you're holding Kitty Pride Angel Athena, hell yeah, you snap. You basically have everything you need right there to win the game already, right? And that might come with experience, but at the end of the day, mastering your deck, and not, again, number 10, accepting variance, don't just give in and say, oh, I lost the first three games with this deck, this deck sucks, I'm out. Put in the 40 games and master the deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like any game too, like, Overwatch. Have a main deck, have a side deck, and have one that you kind of, you can have three, right? So, your comfort deck, the one you know you climb probably the best with. You have like an experimental one that you can go and play with, but you have one that you can go back to. Like, you can have a couple in there, that way you don't have a repetition. Like, I see people that, I don't want to just play Patriots. Like, yeah, no problem. Like, that's your good deck. Have a couple fun ones. Have your crazy deck that you just want to have a good time. A a and go between the three.

Alexander Coccia:

That's absolutely a fantastic point. Like in Cozy's example, for instance, Cozy's main deck is going to be something like Surprise Ultron and his side deck will be Arrow. The mailbag question number one, Matthias asking us, what deck do you find most challenging to play and what deck do you find most rewarding to play?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, I'll let you go first. I'll let you go first. Okay. So,

Alexander Coccia:

for me, most challenging I find balance to be challenging. To the point where like, I don't even like playing bounce that much. I'm like, man, do I really wanna play like this? Like, it's so like, it, it, you, it really, you have to plan ahead. You gotta use all those principles we just talked about before. Bounce I think can be very challenging, but very rewarding for me. The deck I always turn to, at the end of the day, I, it's always silver surfer. Like if I'm just playing by myself, I have so many splits of Silver Surfer. I just like the play style. It's really fun. I feel like there's so many three drops that I can change the flavor of the deck by just changing a couple cards all the time. I put in Red Guardian. It feels totally different when I put in Rogue or when I put in Gladiator or something like that, right? So for me, I love, love, love. Playing Silver Surfer. And it's a shame because I used to be more of a Sheenaut guy, but Sheenaut's kind of fallen off a bit. But yeah, Silver Surfer, I can't get enough of.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Move Dex, the worst by far. I, even if I think I'm good at him, I play somebody who is good at it, and I'm like, yeah, I'm horrible. And then Sara Dex will always be most rewarding. Counter Dex, love that. Surfer has a bit of that, right? Like, where you have, like, the Rogue and the Killmonger. Sarah, I just love cheap cards that have a big explosion behind it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I tend to like decks with very straightforward game plans. That's why I like Darkhawk. Like, just disrupt the hell out of them. Right? I've been playing Grandmaster in Darkhawk too. Play Korg, Grandmaster Korg, play Rockslide. Just pump, pump the rock full of decks. Like, I The next question comes from Unknown2059, I've been playing since a little bit before Surfer came out, and while still I love the game, I still get every season pass card. I'm getting way burnt out, I stress too much about getting to Infinite each season, and I'm not having the same fun as before. And I'm really getting bored. It's really the same thing over and over. Is there a way to get that spark back? Or should I just put the game down for a while?

Cozy Snap:

Put the game down? Not even question I don't even have to think about this. I'm not I I'm not your magic genie, you know, I don't think we are to say like, this is what you need to do. Stop forcing yourself to have fun. If you're not having fun, take a break. Like, I think that's, honestly, a lot of the communities, like, just, like, listen to that. Like, just, it's okay to step away. The cool thing about Snap is it's not I don't want to compare it to, like, Hearthstone. I think they're actually doing better in this, maybe but you can come back, and you're not screwed. There are, old cards get buffed, new metas are every week. You can take six months off the game, and come back, and you're gonna be fine, for the most part. You're gonna have some lifting to do, right? But if you look back at the last three months of cards, there's probably two you really need, right? To really have a good chance, and even then, you don't. So, I, absolutely, go play something that gives you fun. Come back, take even a season off. Take a season off, come back when the new Deadpool Diner comes. But absolutely, if you're forcing yourself to have a good time. Is this too blunt? I, I, I don't know. I feel like this is With anything in life, even not Snap. You're what are you, what are you thinking? You're right.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. No, I'm a hundred percent with you. I, I, it's funny. Cause like, I think that listen, it's been out for a while and it's been an incredible experience just with anything though, you start to get burnt out a little bit. And I've actually had people ask me like, Alex, like, how do you play the game for 15 hours straight? Or how do you put, like, how do you do that on stream? You play so long. Well, it's cause I actually love it. And I'm not burnt out on it. I actually do thoroughly enjoy playing the game. I get burnt out on some of the smaller things, right? Like, you know, just to get a little frustrated with some things here and there, but the core game is still a phenomenal game. It's still the best card game out there, but I think Cozy's advice is actually true. There's nothing wrong, nothing wrong with putting it down and resting a little bit. I think the first step to that is like, just do the missions. Do the daily missions. Don't stress yourself out. Play some Conquest. Don't worry about your rank. But From there, though, it's worth noting that I think that Second Dinner could do a better job of helping reduce the burnout of, say, dropping cards more frequently to Series 4 and 3, because it helps with that catch up mechanic, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I don't, I don't, I, it, it, League of Legends has been out for how long? Like, a game is fun, if you're gonna have fun, play a game for fun, play a game for fun, it's not, I, I'm sorry, I just, I don't think it's on Second Dinner, like, we, we try to put it on them, it's on you, like, go have fun, Games, guys, are for fun. Play games for fun. You know, if you want to keep up with it, listen to us. Awesome. Have fun in the Snapchat. But at the end of the day, like, I think I'm passionate about this because it's like stop forcing yourself to do something. And just, this is supposed to be your release from life, right? And, and if you're gaming and you're forcing yourself and that question stated like three different things that were like, okay, well, you're not enjoying it as much. No big deal. Not a problem. People quit League every day. People quit RuneScape, World of Warcraft. If you burn out on something and you're forced to, you're just not gonna have a good time. There's a lot of things to do out there. And yes, it's the developers that want to continue. They need to do better to continue to give you reasons to play. And they're obviously very like fixed on the core gameplay. And if that's boring right now, take a step back.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Very fair advice. And our last question today comes from Fort Misery Gaming. And this is in response to the sheer amount of Jim Carrey discussion we had last week. How do you guys miss Dumb and Dumber? Oh my god,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

good one. Yeah, I'm sorry. I apologize publicly for that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, actually, I gotta watch Dumb and Dumber again. I hadn't thought of that. I completely forgot. Now, that movie is like I saw people talking about, like, Larry the Cable Guy in the comments. I'm like, that movie was awful, man. That was so bad. That was, like, a low point for Jim Carrey. But, like, Dumb and Dumber is so iconic and funny. And, like, it's, like, such just stupid comedy. It's so dumb, but it's beautifully dumb.

Cozy Snap:

Are Parakeet's heads are falling off? Yeah, dude, there's a million Quotable, where you're saying there's a chance, I mean, I, I, I probably say lines from that movie on a, like, weekly basis, I don't know how I forgot it.

Alexander Coccia:

I need to get the Jim Carrey dumb and dumber haircut like yeah, like just like the bowl cut right kind of thing

Cozy Snap:

look It's a good damn

Alexander Coccia:

good look and I have to shut out the comment section as well saying eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Which I've never seen is apparently universally acclaimed for a Jim Carrey performance So maybe that's next on the list pretty good pretty good pretty good. Wait, wait, hold on cozy You might have a differing opinion here. No, I'm gonna tap into this angry.

Cozy Snap:

I Liked it a lot. I liked it a lot I don't know if it's like my favorite Jim Carrey movie, but I did I forgot that one too You

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, is it better than the, the one I just watched? I can't remember the name of? No,

Cozy Snap:

for me not even close,

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

yeah, it's

Alexander Coccia:

good. Truman

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

better so?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I said Truman shows like my favorite movie of all time almost, so yeah, definitely, definitely not even close that one for me, but yeah. All right, well the

Alexander Coccia:

Jim Carrey discussions continue perhaps next week, and until then guys, thank you so much for all your support. We truly appreciate it, Cozy and I, and we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

You guys have a good one, have a great one, happy Monday! It's a late one, but it's a little X1. Happy snapping.

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