The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Namora: An Oceanic Terror | Favorite and Most Hated Cards | Sage In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 81

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 29

What archetypes and decks does Namora fit onto? What locations do we love and hate? What are the final rankings on Sage? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. Today, we're going to be focusing on the newest card, Nomura, coming to the game on Tuesday. Our newest 5 cost card to hit the scene, and there's some differing opinions out there. Alex and I are going to talk about where the card works, where it doesn't, and our overall opinions on if you should purchase Nomura. We're also going to be talking about locations. They're a huge part of Marvel Snap. We're going to be playing a game, love it, like it, or hate it, as we go through some of the most iconic locations within the game. And then we're going to be ending with our favorite segment, as always, talking about our favorite cards within the season at every cost. We're going to talk about that all today and more on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, buddy. We have another wonderful day of Marvel Snap. Another wonderful week and hello to you guys. Hope you're doing well. Alex, how's the week going? How's the Marvel Snappin

Alexander Coccia:

It's been great, Cozy. Honestly, I've been having fun. I know the meta has thrown some challenges at us this week with some, some buffs to some cards that might be a little bit of a pain in the keister, but at the end of the day, Cozy, it gives me an opportunity to be creative with some deck building. I can't play Silver Surfer anymore because my Silver Surfer don't work on turn six, so I got to come up with other solutions. Other cards, other decks, anytime there's like a deck building consideration that has to be met. I'm excited. I'm stepping up to the challenge.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Leech. It reminds me of like the early December of launch where this might be the biggest fumble of an, of an update probably ever to one singular card. Like it's just an every single deck. Combodex are in shambles, the community's in shambles, there's always a villain card, but like, this time, they like, they gave you the villain. Right, like, they just handed it, they gave us the spoon fed villain, and actually, because of that, we might be talking about something similar to that on your side of the channel. What are we talking about?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, we're going to be discussing Sage, and giving our review on Sage, the card has been out, and I think it's impressed to some degree, but also, I think some people have some reservations about it. We'll talk about Sage. We'll also be talking about our most hated cards and the most hated cards in Marvel Snap, which just might include the little green alien we were just talking about. And then from there, we'll go into our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, man, I want to start off with last week. We talked about apparel. I don't know how we got into that subject, but we're talking about it. And I mentioned I, I I wore a lot of music graphic shirts growing up a little bit. And then I got a lot of comments and they were asking me to ask you and myself. What music did we grow up listening to? And I think it tells a lot about a person, what music they listen to as a whole. And usually it's like, I like everything. It's great. Great. I want you to give me like the history of, of, of what you listened to growing up. So like kick it back to like middle school, high school. What were you listening to then, and then college, and then kind of now?

Alexander Coccia:

That's funny you say that, like, oh, I like everything's the callback. My, my go to's, I hate everything, to be honest with you. I kind of like listen to various specific subsets of music. When I was, like, in high school, I actually remember the first CD I ever got. I got like a, they call them like like ghetto blasters. You guys remember when you were in Toddville, you put on your shoulder. My parents bought me one for when I was like eight years old or something like that. And they bought me Bush X machine head.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, dude. Breathe in, breathe out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So that was my first CD. I don't even know if the CD was called machine head, but it was Bush X. That was the song that was on it. I just played, listened to that one song over and over, over all the time. And I, like, thought it was so cool. I'm like, oh, look at this, and the thing, I, the, the, the the speaker system actually had batteries, so I could put batteries in it, like, walk around, like, when I say Ghetto Blast, it literally, that's what it was called, and I could, like, walk around the street with it and stuff. In your tracksuit? I, 100%, tracksuit, you know I was, right? And then As I got into high school Linkin Park was huge. I really got into Linkin Park, and I know that's something we share. I remember listening to like Meteora, it was probably my absolute favourite album.

Cozy Snap:

In the

Alexander Coccia:

end, like, I literally just tear up listening to that song all the time. I don't know, it's like there's, there's so many emotional songs with Linkin Park that I feel like if you're angry there's a song, if you're sad there's a song, if you want to get hyped up there's a song. There's, and, I don't know, Linkin Park probably was the the band of my high school. You're

Cozy Snap:

speaking my language, man. Yeah, so like, okay, first of all, I love it because, you know, I, I feel like I grew up a, a, a lot during the LimeWire era. Era, right? Where it's like, man, you'd get 19 viruses. It doesn't matter. You just wanted to download illegal music because that was the best way to get it. And yeah, I got every Linkin Park song. I remember when Numb came out. Number one, just just the, the song Numb. And then when Jay Z, oh my god, Jay Z's addition to that was like, still, still listen to it to this day. One of the best freaking songs and collaborations and R. I. P. Chester for those that like Linkin Park. Definitely agree. Yeah. And, and kind of like what was that? 3D's Grace was kind of similar to, to Linkin Park. They had like, kind of like, angry music to your point, I hate everything about you. I hate everything. And then they had kind of like, sad stuff if you went through a breakup or whatever. I did a lot of rock, I felt like, for sure. Then I got into like, metal, for a period of time. I had this like, metal, kind of screamo phase, almost. And again, I open up with everyone says they love everything. I did go through kind of everything, from country, to metal, to You know, Jack Johnson, like I went all over, did you, I mean you had to have a metal phase because Octavarium, Dream Theater.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I never had like a hardcore metal phase, like Dream Theater is like very like progressive metal. So what ended up happening was like I fell in love with Dream Theater and I was like, I want to be a drummer. And I actually bought like a full set of drums, like spent all my money buying all these drums. I have like this massive wraparound kit that's huge. And I wanted to be a drummer, like we started bands, I was playing music and all that stuff. And then, it was just funny, and into my university years, that's what I did, right? I, I, I loved Dream Theater, I played a ton of metal stuff, double bass, the whole thing. And it was never, like, particularly good, but I just loved it.

Cozy Snap:

We connected on that, because I, yeah, I grew up playing drums too. I brought, I bought Truth Drums, which are anyone who listened to Under Oath it was Aaron's set, and I was big on a band called Under Oath. I'm gonna throw out a lot of, like, guys, if you listen to, like, Chiotos, Devil Wears Prada, there was, like, all these, like, screamo bands I used to be into back in the day, man. Silverstein, maybe. But then I got into like Iron Maiden, man. I hit back, like, kind of 80s and 70s metal a ton, and that was because of just the Rise of the Guitar Hero, and I was like, Really big into that. And it kind of got me appreciating a ton of that style of music. And then what about like, as you got older and so Lincoln Park, that era kind of left. Did you, what did you kind of transition into?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, that's a good question. Now, one of the really liking was like orchestrated music. This is still remaining to this day. I have a massive collection of video game music and not necessarily like I love chip tune, but like what I really like to listen to is like orchestrated soundtracks. One of my absolute favorite is the Mass Effect Trilogy soundtrack. Lots of like emotional orchestral things in there. So many indie games have incredible soundtracks. There are like, there's just a bunch of incredible composers that work on like contract for, for smaller independent studios that are doing tremendous work. And so like a lot of the songs I listen to now don't even have lyrics. But they're very emotional and I often will listen to them while I'm working while I, if I'm scripting or if I'm editing, cause they keep me very focused. And so I really do appreciate that. That's kind of what I listen to now.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, it's funny you say that. So I went from, from the rock to funny enough, man, a little bit of country in there, but then I went to like EDM and electric music. Like that was what I was about in college. Like everything about it from start to finish, DJs was like my jam. I loved it. It got me amps when I was working out, running, And then, when I became a content creator, you can't use any of that music in your content. And I remember thinking, well, I'm wasted. As a content creator, you guys have to understand, you have to multitask every second of every day. And when I was working, I was like, I need to be listening to music that I can use in my videos and just play playlist. And if I like a song, I'm like, boom, I'm gonna add it. And for those that are fans of, of the channel, you guys know, I, I love layering just a nostalgic music. I want you guys to watch a Snap video and be like, holy crap. The wind wake. What a beautiful orchestrated album, and that brings you back, or Persona, Undertale, you guys have heard these before. So I do the exact same thing, man. I listen to video game music, because it's almost all non copyright. You can use it, and it, there's something powerful, man, about being brought back to these games, and you know when games slaps. When the music can do that alone.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. I think that video game music is is legitimately one of the most incredible arts out there. And it's, I think in most games you take for granted the music. It's not, it doesn't pop out the way graphics do. You don't pay attention to it as much as perhaps you should, but a really good soundtrack really draws you into the experience.

Cozy Snap:

Marvel Snap, funny enough, dude, not to just regret the coattails. It's not, I'm telling when I first started playing, I was like, dude, this slaps like the main game music of playing. I was like, this is really good. And then of course. The, the main menu music each season, they have just nailed it. Season after season, the flavor of it. And they've crushed that too. But yeah, those that don't know, I work to a when I'm working late at night, Skyrim soundtrack is still my go to. It's like so peaceful, puts me in the mood. I think it's called Ambient Worlds. Does some really cool stuff if you guys want to check them out. But anyway fun channel content. This is in the mailbag, but I thought that was a fun way to open up, man. We'll get into the actual content now and start with the new card this week, guys. We have Namora. Now, I think Namor's in this game. I see him in Rivals. I don't really see him here, but this is Namora. And she's a 5 cost, 6 power card on reveal. Not ongoing, but on reveal. Give plus 5 power to each of your cards alone at another location. Now, I was lower on Blink, I was lower on Sage than Alex was, but I believe I'm higher on Nomura. Alex, star ratings to kick us off, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

So first impressions, I'd given it a one star in our first impressions video when we kind of went through it on the Snapchat originally, right? And that's because I think this card is really gonna have a rough launch, and I still think it will. However, now that I've had a chance to really sit back, see how this meta starts to shake up, and give a little more time to what the deck building considerations might be, I'm gonna raise it to a two star. I still think this card sucks. I still think that this card is not going to see much play, and I'd be happy to be wrong, because if I'm wrong, that means people that are accidentally pulling it from their caches are getting a win, but I think that this is going to be a very difficult card to get, like, a lot of power out of, it's just, it feels like a bit of a one trick pony.

Cozy Snap:

That's so crazy to me, you gave it, you gave Sage a 3, I don't remember you giving a 2 in quite some time, so like, you really must, like, out of a lot of releases, This is up there in cards you hate.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't hate it, I just don't think it's going to be effective.

Cozy Snap:

If I gave somebody a 2, like if I'm like, Hey, you're a great friend, I'm going to give you a 2 out of 5. Yep, I would, if I was that friend, I'd be like, Yeah, so, Cozy hates me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, if you gave me a 5 on our friendship, I would be sad. So a

Cozy Snap:

2, okay, so I'm higher for sure on the card. And this is one that I'm gonna be sad, man. Sad to be wrong on, but pumped if she is good. Because I do see the potential here in Nomura. Again, I was lower on the other ones. I'm higher in here. I think I was lower on Valentina too. Finally, I'm coming in higher, man. I feel like Nomura, at base value, is almost always in the right plan of 511. And that alone We don't get a lot of those in the game. Obviously, we have Mockingbird. We have some cards that are close to it. She has more potential to pop off than just that, but a 511 and I love that it's on reveal outside of, obviously, Leech. Leech is the one thing that is going to hold her back a little bit. Very popular card at the moment but I expect that to get OTA'd. I'm talking about as far as her state in the future as well. But we're going to synergies. While I'm going to back up that point a little bit, you're going to talk about, you know, what you do see in her. But Let's start out with the spotlights, man, and I, I like this week. Yes, Scar is in there, and maybe it's not the greatest card. He's a decent one to add to the collection. I believe it's the first time for you to get him outside of the season pass. But Black Knight is in here, and if you don't have Black Knight by now, he is a no question. Grab him while you can. You get Nomura too, so definitely not the worst spotlight. And after Alex's brutally honest review video, and mine as well, if Nomura ends up being a decently good card, then you have yourself a pretty solid week.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree, absolutely. I mean, Black Knight is definitely worth having in your collection. I think you have to have Black Knight in your collection. It's an archetype defining card that gives Discard a very unique approach to playing. And eventually, I mean, in theory, honestly, there's a chance that Black Knight might become a more staple version of Discard, with Leech being as prevalent as it is. It has a little bit of counterplay to that, because you can get the value early on, as opposed to the hell that it's kind of like the turn six pop off. Scar, I think, sneakily adds itself to a lot of decks. It was an unfortunate casualty to the Thanos nerf, but I still think Scar is definitely you know, a card that you want to have in your collection. Cozy, I gotta go back for a second, because you haven't given us your star rating. You said you were higher, but you didn't actually say the stars.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I, I think I'm going to lean near a 3. 5, so edging towards the 4 star rating. Getting really close to it, if not there, and the main thing is, okay, so there's a good number of decks with play patterns that can get her in there honestly, and fit her into what they're trying to do. First of all, people need to remember, you can set up one lane, you can even have decks that have the Angela package, the Kitty Pride, all that great stuff. And then just build one card into that other lane as a 4 drop. And there's going to be some cards that I'm going to throw out there as suggestions that can easily work into what that might be. You could also build up just like a solo Angela and then work on that and play some cards with movement abilities, which I think we're going to talk about here in a moment. So, you've got a natural fit into decks you're already playing, but then, we go back to it, but I do think this is one of those ramp cards that I, that I enjoy. You play a 1 drop in the left lane, you play a 2 drop in the right lane, maybe you don't even play a 1 drop because it's a ramp deck. But let's say for se you know, for the, for argument's sakes, you play a 1, you play a 2, you play the 3 in the middle, boom, turn 4, you play Nomura, right dead in the middle. She is right then and there, a 5 16 to start you off. Going crazy. You can have Odin in that deck, play it right on top of that, pop off again, or you can play your other great five and six drops to go into that deck. I think because of that, and because she is a catch all card in normal decks. That's where I see the value.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. I mean, you could turn your electro on curve into an absolutely massive beast, right? You know, you play Jeff turn two, usually skipping turn one. If you don't draw your nebula or something, turn two, you play your Jeff turn three, you play electro in a separate lane. Turn four, you drop Nomura. And it's also important to note here with Nomura, and this might be something that players might get tricked up on. It doesn't have to be in the middle. It could be in any location, right? It can be left, right, center. It doesn't matter as long as the other cards are individually placed. By themselves, right? So it does not have like a restriction the way Captain Marvel might, or not Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, I meant to say, where you want to play her middle. You can play her wherever you want, really. Right? So I do like that idea there where you can electro and be on curve and quite legitimately make your electro a seven path, a three, seven, a three, seven, that also ramps up your cards. Right? So that is pretty cool. I do agree. There is definitely some potential there.

Cozy Snap:

So if you think that's cool, here's these decks that I think she could play into. First of all, you mentioned Surfer. Yes, it's in shambles and a lot of this I am speaking because of Leech does exist But I don't like one car to pigeonhole an entire idea base Silver Surfer Shaw is in his lane most of the time by himself all the time anyway I think that this car can kind of fit into a build such as that But also man, you know The thing where I think is crazy, and one card in particular that I don't think really people are thinking of, like, at all, and I liked the idea of this as a package in certain decks. We're gonna go to it here. And actually, Sunspot is involved in the deck, so you can have him in the argument here. I think Having Sunspot floating turn 5 and slamming She Hulk down with Nomura is awesome. You actually have potentially a 15 power She Hulk as you play her down first, you play Nomura second, and then you don't know what's on the other lanes outside of that. I think She Hulk has some interesting synergy as a standalone 15 power card. Just to be played with her as well, with the kind of, you know, Sunspot package and whatnot.

Alexander Coccia:

I like that, because you can even do that on turn 6 without the need of magic for turn 7, right? Because She Hulk will be a 1 costed card, and Amora being a 5 costed. You can make it all work within 6 turns. I like that a lot, Cozy. I actually had not thought about She Hulk. Maybe that's why you're so much more excited about this card than I was. Because I'm leaning towards some of the other ones. Right? On some of the other synergies, but clearly this is a pretty good one too.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so let's talk about those synergies. I think you know, I, I teased on it earlier, but where there's going to be some Really massive I don't want to say massive advantages, but we already know that move cards are really good, alright? Because you're able to nope out a location, you're able to change your mind, and what can you do? You can have them alone in a lane, get the bonus, and then move somewhere else, Alex, right? So, the one I want to kick us off with, there's plenty to talk about, I'll leave that to you. But man, can we talk about the potential of four cosplays into Nomura at five? And the one that I think is super sexy is Captain freakin Marvel. Imagine that. Captain Marvel, right lane, no big deal. Player, you play Nomura. She's a four now Captain Marvel is a 410. One of the biggest bo it's a shuri sized boost you give Captain Marvel. Because it's double her power, and then you can play back into Captain Marvel's lane. Doesn't matter, you just play the cards on there when you can. That one right there, I think is one of the move cards people aren't thinking about that could get a big bonus here.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question that Captain Marvel with 10 power can definitely sway the course of a game. I played Nomura on turn 5 with Captain Marvel by himself on turn 4. That allows you to play something like, even like a Red Hulk on turn 6. You could play it into the Captain Marvel location to give her the optionality to win one of the other ones in trade, right? Absolutely, there's no question. Cause, listen, there's nothing scarier than Like sometimes movement based cards that have the optionality to win the game in unique ways, or even bait your opponent to thinking, you know, the mind games of what they're going to do. It's the classic vision problem. Right. And Captain Marvel just does it for you to the same extent, right? You could make the argument of saying, okay, what about even inexpensive cards? Not as expensive as Captain Marvel. What about Jeff's that can be sitting in their own location? What about Nocturne's? What about you know, even you know, Even sorry, Nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers can be played if you know, relatively early in the game. You might have a ramp based deck where you go Nightcrawler 1, Jeff 2, Electro 3, and then you play Nomura on top of the Electro location. And Jeff and Nightcrawler get plus fives. Those are hyper mobile cards. Jeff has a mobile 2 8 that can go anywhere. It's a legitimately insane stat line for a card that can just shut down entire archetypes.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And we know they get played. We know these are plug and play cards. These two move cards have that special niche of being plug and playable, and so you start to add in Patton, Jeff, these can work with Nomura. Now, I don't think Nomura, the fear I do have of Nomura is that is she always going to be the 12th best card in the deck? Like is she going to be the Quake? We've had this discussion where it's like, okay, I'm doing all these things, do I need to have Nomura in this build? Like, do I have to have Nomura in this build? That is obviously the initial worry but speaking of move cards, outside of just Jeff, outside of Captain Marvel, those are the ones that I think are, are, are, are right, that come to mind. I don't know if I love this, but hear me out, I've been really looking at the four cost cards. What about an old friend we haven't visited in quite some time in Werewolf by Night? You put him in alone in a lane at 4. You play Nomura. Nomura's gonna do her boost first. Gonna give Werewolf by Night plus 5. Werewolf is then going to hop to Nomura's lane, gaining plus 2 power. I think that's going to work as well.

Alexander Coccia:

So it's basically a seven power spike. A 4 11. The only concern is like, so then your turn five, you have to be stocked with cards. That would mean that you'd have to like Falcon or something on turn four to make sure your board's clear so that you got this hand of like Nico's and Iceman. Not really though. All those type of bouncing type of styles, right?

Cozy Snap:

Your Wolf though is a 4 11 already though, after that one move. So yes, you do, you would want to finish up six probably. With an on reveal. Like, you'd probably want an on reveal on 6, but a 411, which if you play an on reveal, is now a 4 now you have a Werewolf, that's 413, Nomura you know, I mean, it depends how you look at that, Nomura's the 511, or Wolf is the, you know, whatever, he's the one gaining the power, so we'll save it for that argument's sakes but you have 6 power then on 5, Werewolf is sitting there at 11, ready to go to 13, and then you end turn 6 with just about anything. A Dr. Doom finish. That's I feel like you can have some big value cards here that are just trying to do what they're doing anyway. And this one's, you know, kind of spiked my interest because you're giving power and you're gaining power at the same time. Kind of like Shaw.

Alexander Coccia:

I appreciate this. If you can kind of somehow resurrect the werewolf by night, I would love to see it. And I think you're correct. Even something as simple as a Doctor Doom into a weaker location to bring the power of the werewolf by night over while applying 10 power elsewhere, 5 in each lane, of course. With Doctor Doom, it's actually a pretty good play. Again, it's going to take some, like, very careful and deliberate deck building, but it is entirely possible. And if I can add a card, if we're going to be talking about animals here, okay, well, is werewolf even an animal? Eh, what It's a person who turns into an animal, I guess. But this is very specifically an animal. Number costed three. Sorry. I don't know why I said number. And the three cost Cosmo. Now I have an argument for Cosmo here. Okay. And I might be like a little bit of coping, but let me just, let me just throw this out there. If Cosmos in a location by itself and it gets hit by no more and it becomes a three, eight, what does someone do to get rid of it?

Cozy Snap:

And we talked about nothing. We talked, we talked, we talked about this at the opening of when we were looking at the cards. Yeah. Yeah, let me ask you this. So, have you come around to this idea? Because remember, you were kind of like, if you make a deck with Colossus and Cosmo, then hats off to you. You've come around to this? You like come around to it, yeah. I'm open

Alexander Coccia:

for it.

Cozy Snap:

So, this was, this is perfect setup of the tea that I wanted to go into the next conversation. What deck has Cosmo in it right now, or Ongoing cards? Is it easier to lay up? That's kickin ass.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, the Spectrum Ongoing deck with Omega Red. So

Cozy Snap:

hear me out. In the Spectrum Ongoing deck, you want to be careful of not doing a lot of Ongoing cards, right? Okay? Wong is in that deck. And I, listen, I played Sage in a negative deck where I could add Wong. And every time you have Wong, you're like, it's working for me, but Overall, it's greedy. In the Spectrum deck, though, you play low costed ongoing cards as simple as, to your point that you're bringing up, Cosmo and Elaine by himself. What the hell are you gonna do about that? No Shadow King, no Shang Chi. No nothing, okay? Armor, or Colossus. You call up Cope, those are three cards that you can do literally just about nothing to. And they curve out to turn four, to play Wongan. And that curves out to turn five, to play Namorin. Which could curve out to turn six, to play Spectrum in. Even if you don't get all those popping off, you have yourself a very good hand.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, no question. Like I kind of did come around to it. I mean, if we're full copium and we think that like even Colossus is a beneficiary here, then you'll have to see it, honestly. I do think that there might be some hope for Cosmo, right? There definitely can be. I still think that like, I think ultimately the move style cards will probably where it lands most often. I think that people are going to salivate over the idea of a, of a two, eight Jeff over a 3. 8 Cosmo but I still think that, like, the ability to just make sure that, hey, that Cosmo's gonna be there. I guess Magneto can pull it into another location, is technically a counter to some degree. But outside of that, like, it's pretty foolproof.

Cozy Snap:

But to the point usually you would not be playing Colossus, can't be destroyed. You would have armor in that deck too. I'm thinking you'd probably even go, definitely Ant Man there. And then you could try to be playing out you know, the, the Wong into the Ant Man lane, into Namor there as well, into Spectrum. And then you're just really helping two lanes out, and then you can just have the Ant Man feasting by himself as well, potentially. Like, those are the different playlines you can go in. But then the best thing is, if you don't get any of those, like, it's just a great ongoing deck that it is. And now you don't have to have Spectrum. Maybe. You can maybe make this deck work out. You know, cause the Spectrum deck really falls flat if you don't have that pop off finish at the end there, right? So, I, I don't know, man. It's got some promise. That deck alone, plus we just talked about maybe some Surfer stuff, Independent Synergy with She Hulk, you've got the move cards, you have the Werewolf by Night, the Captain Marvel, and you have ramp decks. There's a lot to experiment here, and I think that Nomura might be getting slept on.

Alexander Coccia:

The only challenge, and we gotta talk about the challenges too, right? I mean the prevalence of junk, I think is going to be a problem. Yep. Right. Something as simple as debris will ruin it. Green goblins will ruin it. There's so many different things will ruin it. White widow, which has a 24 percent play rate currently will ruin it. But like, here's the thing. I don't think people are expecting Nomoro to be good. Like when we had a Nihilist come out and then everyone was playing a Nihilist Encounters to a Nihilist, like it was a very frustrating experience. But I think that Nomura, I don't know if everyone's just going to open Nomura's out. I'm running junk for the next 48 hours.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Alexander Coccia:

I suspect people might just stick to their old, like. Pella, Discard, Style Decks, and just do their usual things, right? And you might be able to actually get away with playing Nomura without junk being a major factor, but any junk card completely destroys it. Yeah. It just, it makes things challenging. And that's why I think even the movement based cards could be advantageous because you could move Jeff or you can move Nightcrawler or Nocturne into locations that have not been hit by White Widow or whatever. So you can still play Nomura where there might be two cards where the White Widow has been played.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah you need, you cannot build your deck's game plan around her, I think is the main thing. You need to have, like, the decks we all mentioned, they have the main win condition, being Spectrum, being a ramp deck. Rather than, like, I get Nemoria, I win. I wonder if you could even plug her into, like, an Annihilus deck, right? Where you could you could theoretically, Annihilus on 5, move the junk back over, or move, you know, get rid of some of the cards on your lane, then you finish up with Nemoria, cause obviously, You know Annihilus being played for a 6 power is something, but Annihilus going up to an 11 power is something else, right? So I do fear you know, kind of feel that a lot, and we're gonna have to see if she's overrated, underrated. I've been coming in lower, but this one, I feel like, I just, I feel like there's some potential there, but to your point, there's a lot that can mess her up. And at the top of that list, what we always forget that can mess things up, are locations, Alex. And that's gonna take us to our next subject, man. Locations can obviously screw over plenty of cards in the game, and no more than the more, because we have I I can't tell you how many locations in the game. Are putting out crap on the battlefield. We know this, we've seen this before, and it's obviously gonna be a worry with her. You know, one central park, and you, you, literally every single lane is ruined at that point, right? Like, you're done, you can't do anything. So we're gonna be doing a new segment here, guys, called Like it, love it, hate it, or I guess love it, like it, hate it. And Alex and I are gonna go through I got a list of locations here that I'm gonna name off. And you guys are welcome to, you know, shout to the ether as well. If you love it, like it, hate it, then we're gonna talk about it a little bit. For those that don't know, we will say what the loc I know we've gotten this feedback before. We will say what the locations do, so that if you are not sweaty and make your life around this game like we do you can be happy. Reminded. And I think Alex and I have some different takes. I tried to go mainly with like the favorites and the hateds, not a lot of middle grounds. And we'll start with there. I want to start with New York. So guys, New York, you can move on turn six, your cards to that said location. Alex, love it, like it, hate it. Hate it. See, you hate it. You hate it. Tell me why.

Alexander Coccia:

I just think it makes like the board placement mean nothing throughout the course of the game. I often go with the mind game of like not moving anything. I almost never move anything into the New York location. But I, I do think that it kind of ruins the feel of the, well, When I play turn one or when I play turn two, like, these placements matter. To some degree it makes it less meaningful.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, I like it. So I, I like it. I like the mind games. I don't love it, but I like it. I like the mind games it plays. I like that if there's Junk or Cosmo messing up your play, easily shift it around. You can get your combo plays off a lot easier. Let's say you had a Wong out and now he's like with two cards. Put Wong by himself. I like it. And that's where I think there's going to be some differences here. Okay, fair enough. Wasn't expecting an immediate hate out of Alex. Bar Sinister.

Alexander Coccia:

Sinister, I like it. I don't love it. I know it's one of the absolute favorites out there. I like it though. I think it's totally fine. I don't know if I love it as a hot location because then like everyone's just playing like No, not hot features. None of these are being

Cozy Snap:

hot. Yeah, no, no hot feature locations here. Just like it shows up in a regular game of Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm fine with it. I like it. Yeah, I

Cozy Snap:

do too. I like it when you can't prepare for it. I think I love it when you can't prepare for it. When the, when it's a hot location to your points, like green goblins are coming out, but I love it because it, you have to play this game of like, are they going to change it? Are they going to get benefit from it? Then, you know, do something shifty. Are they waiting until turn six? And most of the time, like there are some cards like Venom that are extremely annoying, obviously White Widow. But a lot of times it just like kind of makes interesting gameplay, and it changes the flavor of the game. And for me that's what I'm looking for, so it's a love it for me. How about Danger Room?

Alexander Coccia:

Danger Room, I don't hate it. I wouldn't say I like it either. There's gotta be some sort of like middle option. But, if I had to pick between hate and like, I like it. Even though Danger Room knocked me out of Conqueror's in like literally a 10 round match I had with Dera. I remember that. Or basically, you were commentary, you were doing commentary. Remember when I used the Legion to make everything Danger Room?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

And I, I got, I got, I literally lost the game because he got all his cards to land and just my one card died and I, I got knocked out because of it. So, actually I hate Danger Room now that I think about it. So,

Cozy Snap:

so I forgot already. I just screwed up guys. Bar Sinister makes four copies of the card that you play in Danger Room. When you play a card, it has the chance to be destroyed to a 25 percent chance. That 25 for me is 75. I hate it. I, I hate it. I'll even do the whole like, you know what, I'm gonna play on here on turn 2. Just to get out of the way, you know, put a little pressure. Card dies. I'm like, okay, cool. Maybe turn 3. Card dies. I'm like, I'm done. I'm done. And then they play something and it lasts. It's a hate it for me. It's a like it for Alex. This one might be controversial. District X replaces your entire deck with random cards. Love it, like it, hate it.

Alexander Coccia:

Hate it. I just it bothers me like every time I'm like trying to make content and it comes up I just retreat cuz I might as well waste everyone's time. You know, I mean like this this sucks so bad Look, it's just so annoying. I didn't you know, I almost don't mind that it exists Okay, cuz I think it adds a little bit of like variance to the game that just might be hey guys You think you're playing meta decks? No, you're not. Yeah, here you go, right? I don't mind that it exists, but I don't like it. So I'm gonna say I hate it

Cozy Snap:

I feel like for me we're fine Obviously, content creating is a whole nother game. I would say that's an absolute hate for me. I feel like it depends on the deck that I'm playing. If I'm playing, obviously, a combo heavy deck, it's miserable because you're sitting there with like a Wong and a Spectrum, but you have no ongoing cards or something, right? If I'm playing like a deck that is fine on just value plays, or a Mockingbird then obviously, you know, this is one that I don't I think I'm gonna go with like. I think it's interesting to try to, on the fly, have a draft mode almost all of a And know nothing about your opponent. I think it adds to the game for sure. Machine World. When you play a card, it gives opponent a copy of that card.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, this is as neutral as I possibly could be. Okay. I lean towards hate it, but I don't like, I definitely don't like it.

Cozy Snap:

I think I hate it. I think I'm always, I think I absolutely, I think I hate it like I hate like Daily Bugle because I swear it's always like, alright guys, I have Doom, Mockingbird, and you know, what other great card I don't want them to have and they always, always get the card you don't want, man. So I think I would agree there. Okay. Alright, we have a lot more to go here. I'm gonna keep listing them off. Let's get a couple out of the way that should just be easy. These should just be instant bangers on the top of the head. Great Web.

Alexander Coccia:

That's the most hateable card in the game. Like, like hateable, I should say. Easily one of the most hateable locations. And for those that don't know, the Great Web is going to be the one that randomly pulls a card into the location. It always screws up everything. I absolutely hate it. To the point where I often try to fill it first. Yeah. So that I know it's not going to mess me up.

Cozy Snap:

It would be less bad if it brought two cards. Like, one from the opponent, one from your side, right? Because when it picks, you just feel like you're getting screwed over. It's So many times, and I just, I can't. Arguably, we'll give our awards out at the end. I would arguably give that the worst location in the game. It is right there. There's like, probably three I have in contention. That one, might, might take the cake. I'll bring up another one later. But yeah, that's an easy Hay Day for both of us. What about Sinister London?

Alexander Coccia:

Sinister London, I don't mind it. I think I like it. I think I like it. I don't love it because You've been doing a love

Cozy Snap:

out. You're a heart You're a man that doesn't give a lot of love.

Alexander Coccia:

This is close to love though. Cause I think it really changes the way you use board space. Cause it's obviously replicating the cards you're playing to that location. So I, you know, I'm close to love. I don't quite love it, but I'm close. I really like it. I really like it. I like it.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, fair enough. Alright, I think I think I used to like it more than I do now, if that makes sense, right? I would almost throw this in, since you're London, if you play a card, it puts another card on another location. We've gotten so many cards that are just like, it's tough, it's tough when you get, you know you lose right away when you're playing certain decks, and I think that can be tough. It's almost how I feel about Sanctum Subtaurum, which I'm gonna actually put in hate it. I used to like it, I hate it now because I feel like if you're not playing a move deck, you lose. And with how many move decks there are out there, it's just, it's, it lost its feel to me a little bit. Like, so both of those used to be higher up on my list and they both have moved down a little bit.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, they're terrible. Absolutely terrible. Like, St. Torm is just weird, because like, oh, the Silk's there, so I guess I just lose, right? Or whatever. Yeah, it can be pretty frustrating. It doesn't seem like a fair fight in a lot of those circumstances. But I mean, a lot of locations are like that. There's a, like, Altar of Death to destroy, right? Which I, obviously, they've reduced the frequency of those appearing. But still, right, there's some locations that will naturally benefit specific archetypes.

Cozy Snap:

What about Hala? Hala, whenever whoever's lower power, their cards are destroyed on turn four.

Alexander Coccia:

I think that's honestly one of the worst locations in the game. I hate it so much. I think it's dumb. I hate it. It's like, why decide the game like that? You know what I mean? Usually people just don't play into it. The only time I really like it is when I'm holding Dark Ah, I can't even! I used to I was just thinking about old Darkhawk, because you'd play it on 4. See,

Cozy Snap:

I like Hala. I do. I like Hala. By the way, sorry, we had a brief sound thing we had to cut out. I like Hala. Because it is, I like the challenge. I like the challenge of like, okay, they played there. I've played there. Usually the games I'm in, it's like, okay, like you're committing, I'm committing. Let's just see who got the better draw or whatever. I don't love H when it's like location three and they played early and then I'm like, I'm screwed here. Right? But when they have like rvo on there and then they follow up and they're just like trying to win it and you beat it, you know you're gonna beat it. It just, to me, that one I really like the mind. I think maybe it's mind game locations. That, that I prefer. So yeah, I'll put that there. What about Mount Vesuvius? Turn 5 and later after turn 5, you cannot retreat.

Alexander Coccia:

Fan of it. I'm not gonna say I hate it. I, I hate it more than I don't actually. I'm gonna go hate it. I don't like the idea of like taking agency away from the player. It's such a fundamental mechanic of the game. I, I understand why they thought it'd be a cool idea. But in fact, it's like when you're playing with people's you know, actual rank, their cubes and stuff like that. I think it's a very frustrating experience.

Cozy Snap:

How about you give me a location that you love? Because like Locations are such a core part of this game, bro, and you're like, yeah, F that locat yeah, hate, like it, hate it, hate it, maybe like it, hate it, like, what do you love?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, here's a bit of a, like a hot take, one that I actually have come to really appreciate, and I really like Negative Zone. And not because I play Luke Cage or anything like that, it provides negative three to cards there, but I like the idea that it punishes people that like need to zoo into it. I like the idea of like, Oh, I'm playing Magneto and I could pull cards there and favorably trade. I like the idea that you know, you basically, it, you have to put consideration as to how many cards you put there, the size of the cards that are put there. Strong Chi is no longer as effective there. I think it's an ideal location from a strategic standpoint because of how it impacts so many moving pieces on the board.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I think opinions are so cool, man. I think, like, the fact that, like, I would never put that in like or love, like, even close. I wouldn't even, like, I would put that in automatic hate fest, but you like it. And I think that's what's cool about the game and locations and opinions on both cards. And, and, you know, we don't do a lot of location talk here on the Snapchat. Don't know why, it's literally such a core piece of the game. But negative, so by the way, is what, negative three, right? Negative three, negative four. Yeah, negative three. Negative three. For every card that is played there. Okay, that is a hot take. What about The Raft?

Alexander Coccia:

The Raft, I don't mind. I'm gonna say I like it. The reason for this is because I feel like it has the the counterbalance of people that zoom into it very aggressively very early on. Especially if they don't have, like, a Jeff or a Nightcrawler or some way to you know, move out of it after it's been filled, they'll overcommit at, in a weak position. They'll have like seven power there just because they wanted the free six drop. So, and it's like almost a guaranteed win in that location. And their six drop might be like Zola, right? So I, I actually really liked that location. I think it's strategically very interesting. But naturally anybody that has movement based cards can really just kind of have their cake and eat it too.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. That's, that's the thing I don't love again. It's probably one like that I talked about earlier. Maybe I liked it a lot more than I do now. We are getting some unique Six Goss now more in the game, and almost everyone has value outside of maybe Apocalypse these days, like, of getting generated. For you, and then it's a risk. Like, you're kind of giving up the other locations, but it also feels like a lot of the time, like, who got lucky enough to have on curve play? Like, that's how it feels most of the time. Not crazy about that. Top hated location in the game, probably right up there with the great web is Atillian. There's pretty much nothing to like about this location, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that location sucks. I absolutely hate it. And it's it's unfortunate because like not only did the Inhumans suck on Disney plus, but now the location for the Inhumans on the moon sucks too, like they just can't catch a break. They can't catch a win. I don't think there's a single person out there that likes the, the the location, it's awful, it's definite hate.

Cozy Snap:

No. When it shuffles your hand again and gives you three cards for those that don't know, so like you might think you have yourself, you know, your game winning play There are very few times where you don't have what you need and you're like, you know what, fine, let's do it, like, let's roll, but a lot of the times, it's typically not the case, you usually have what you want. What about Lamentis?

Alexander Coccia:

Ah, Lamentis sucks, I'm not into it.

Cozy Snap:

Right, like, I don't know. I wouldn't assume I'm going hate, man. Yeah, I think I'm going hate.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so cringe every time.

Cozy Snap:

I think I'm going hate. Definitely, I hated Atelier, by the way, for those who want to know, I'm definitely not a Not a fan of that. Yeah, I feel like LAIs, I think it's because of the destroy meta for so long that I'm, I just like, I just kind, again, it's, it's like luck of the draw almost, and you just kinda hope. Here's an interesting one, and by the way, we're terrible at this. I, I guess I need to read it then say it every time. LAIs destroys your whole deck lets you draw out till you have a max hand that you play from there. Skar plays a card for you once the turn ends. Like it. Love it, hate it.

Alexander Coccia:

I kind of lean towards hate it.

Cozy Snap:

I think I'm the same. I do. I, I think I used to like this location and then I feel like I get screwed or like my ace in the hole is always played or something. That's exactly it. It is, right? Every single

Alexander Coccia:

time, dude. Yeah. Whatever I'm planning to do, it like gets, gets ripped out of my hand. I'm like, cool. There's my spectrum on turn two. Like, you know what I mean? It's like. It's like, yeah, it always sucks. It never pulls the card I need. It always pulls the card And they're they always get like the perfect play. Like, it pulls their Infernaut into their armored location. I'm like, of course. Of course it did.

Cozy Snap:

You know what I mean? Right. Two more. We got Quantum Tunnel. It swaps a card played out for a card in the deck. Love it, like it, hate it.

Alexander Coccia:

Hate it.

Cozy Snap:

You ain't quantum?

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, this was just, dude, the funny thing about this, I can't believe you picked this one. The Quantum Realm was the one that I literally tilted out on like two weeks ago. Not Realm, Tunnel.

Cozy Snap:

But Tunnel, Realm's the one that sets the two, Tunnel's the swap out. See, even I'm getting confused. I hate them both, to be honest. You hate them both. I hate Realm. Tunnel, I like Tunnel. I do like Tunnel. But yeah, Realm is pretty bad. You hate them both. You hate all locations. You must be miserable playing this game. Unless you get like three Nova Romas that Alex, Alex is always like, NOVA ROMA! I love Nova Roll, who hates

Alexander Coccia:

Nova Roll? You draw a card for free? Ain't nobody complaining about that, get out of here.

Cozy Snap:

You never talk about Olympia, which gives you two cards. There's too many cards, man! Oh my god, I can't. Deep Space is interesting. Hate

Alexander Coccia:

it. ha You're disabling cards! You're playing a card game because cards can do things. No, I hate it too. You have a location that says cards on cards anymore. Mindscape. Hate it. That's, that's easy though. Who likes Mindscape? If you like Mindscape, give your, give your head a shake, man. Like, what are we talking about here?

Cozy Snap:

I'm going to say, I love it. Like, I hate it. Marvel Snap. I love it. Okay. All right. I I was, I was taken back by a lot of those, man. I know when we, we both. Like, firmly disagree on differently is is it, what is it, Talon 4? I forgot the name of it. Where it swaps it for a random card of the of the same cast. Tarnax,

Alexander Coccia:

isn't it? Tarnax, yeah, yeah, yeah. I absolutely hate it.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, Talon's a Star Wars locat you hate I love it. I think that's such a fun location. I love the chaos. That's like, right up there. That's right up my alley, man. And you have to like, You have to like, strategically, not really, there's really not a lot of strategy there, but like, I don't know, there's a couple cards that pop off better than others. Most of these locations is like, not only to destroy help, but on reveal, you have such a big advantage for it, if you have on reveal.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. Actually, what I'm thinking about right now, like what is my favorite location in the game? I think I know what it

Cozy Snap:

is now. And

Alexander Coccia:

it's hard to get because you got to play Rhino again. And I obviously am a ruins gamer.

Cozy Snap:

You're a ruins guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes sense. I thought you were going to hit me with like world ship or something where it destroys all the locations except for one. Actually, let me throw you one more. X Mansion. What do you feel about X Mansion?

Alexander Coccia:

Hate it. Come on. They don't even give you X Men. They're not even giving you X Men. That is the easiest patch note of all time, Second Dinner. Makes X Mansion only give X Men. That's it! And it literally lowers the variance by such a wide degree. It's flavourful, it makes lore sense. I don't understand why this hasn't been changed yet. I hate it.

Cozy Snap:

Guys, remember last time we tried to play a game on here? I think it was Snap It or Pass It or something and we couldn't play that game because Alex was destroying the game as we played it. This is the last time I will ever play a game with Alex here because Like It, Love It turned into Hate It, Hate It, Hate It, Hate It, Hate It, Hate It, Like It, Nova Roma. So that is going to be it for us. I think my nomination of the most hated is Great Web. My nomination of most loved is Great Web. And Pins. I'll

Alexander Coccia:

probably. I bet you Sinister London wins most loved.

Cozy Snap:

Probably as a whole. I think for me, I like Elysium just because that's always fun. It's always chaotic. It's always a good time.

Alexander Coccia:

I hate it because they're always playing Mobius. I'm Mobius. What's your most liked location? I don't even know if I like a location, dude.

Cozy Snap:

Alright guys, that concludes such a fun, great segment. So glad I did the research and put all of this together for the hated list for Alex. Let us know down in the comments below, what do you love, what do you like, what's your most hated, most loved location. We're gonna read and try to respond to pretty much all the comments there. That is gonna take us though, however, to our favorite cards at every single cost, Alex and I's look segment that we don't hate, we actually love. And as always, we go through every single cost in the game, and we say what cards we're currently loving in the season. Doesn't mean it's the best, it just means it's our current favorite. Let's get rid of Nomura, let's head into it. Alex, kick us off. Favorite one cost.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so at one cost here I got a bit of an interesting one and it's a bit of a cheat because it's like, it's a bit of a combo. But I'm gonna say Nova. And the reason for this is because Yeah, I know, listen. So I know that Nova is not getting enough love right now, it's getting almost no love whatsoever. I told you I've been playing lots of Surfer. And Nova Is very often like a one seven, like when I play with Killmonger, which is obviously the combo I'm referring to the amount of straight up power puts on the board is incredible. I'm not even thinking about how like, Oh, it actually does like basically plus three to Sebastian Shaw in and of itself. And so Sebastian Shaw really likes, he's like incremental bursts of power. Right. We actually brought it up during the Nomura conversation. I just think that Nova from a power perspective is doing way more than we're giving it credit for. Moreover, I've been playing and experimenting with a bit of a Nimrod deck that I kind of want to get out there at some point trying to like min max it a little bit and Nova is a key component of that because I can play Nova out early. I can play something like a Shuri Nimrod. And then when I destroy her or something like that, because of the play order, Nova's gonna proc, buff the Nimrods, and then they replicate. So, I do think that Nova does a deceptive amount of power. It's probably being one of the more slept on cards at the one cost slot.

Cozy Snap:

I like it. It's a different pick, and I think, obviously, I mean, you could go with, like, Nebula, Sunspot, we could go with these cards. This one, I agree. Like, any time I see someone play it, the respect's there. It's crazy how this game, this card used to dominate the game as well. For me, maybe it's a slept on, not so much with some decks. But we definitely have, neither of us have ever nominated it as our favorite. This season specifically, I'm gonna go with Squirrel Girl, man. I think this card is super clutch a lot of the times. There's a trap of playing it on turn one. I think that's the thing that people try to do often. Maybe not the best decision. But what I love about it is that you simply have a mini Dr. Doom in a lot of cases in the decks that you play. And the fact that Mockingbird is kicking A, the fact that you've got Patriot decks back in there a little bit, It's, it's a great Philip to Dazzler to Zoo Deck and it's one that I've played more than ever.

Alexander Coccia:

Everyone watching the video version watched Cozy hover Quicksilver for like four seconds. There I was

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I got nervous

Alexander Coccia:

for a second. I'm like, what is this absolute opium that's about to hit us here? Yeah know

Cozy Snap:

Quicksilver is just great. He made, I made people think I'm a bot. Yeah. No never. I I, I hope we would never pick that Squirrel girl is is my one. 2, I have a fun pick. What's your 2?

Alexander Coccia:

So my 2 okay, there's a card that we've talked about before, and it is Quake. It is an absolute stealer of cubes. I, I can't tell you, I've been trying to add Quake to more decks. Even if I feel like there's a better, like, synergistic card that I can have in the 2 slot, I'm like, no, I'm adding Quake, because every time Quake is in my deck, I steal cubes. I tear them out of cubes. Cube games are won and lost off Quake. And so I've been trying to force Quake into a lot of my deck builds, even when I want to put something else. I'm like, no Quake. It has been such a great performer in the entire game of Marvel Snap from a Q Bray perspective. This might be one of the absolute slept on cards of Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

It has that 12th card mentality, but my God, she deserves to be in the deck. She wins. She's not, I think what it is is like, maybe she's not as consistent as people would hope, but I, it, it. She can win you 8 cubes and like, if you want to be a 2 cube Andy, go for it. But if you want to get the 8 cubes man, Quake's the way to go. For me dude, I will die on the hill. I think that she gets slept on way too much. We're seeing her get included more. People are playing like, ramp decks are ways to cheat out. They're trying to do this, that, the other, maybe wave, maybe that. I think Pixie is just an absolute banger of a card. I love Pixie, I love her gameplay, I love her cost assignment. Curves right into what you're doing. If it doesn't work out and some things get fudged up, that's okay. If you get a 2 cost Ultron, you probably win. Like, she legit gives you straight up win conditions. But also, if you can build your deck the correct way, I usually load it with about three 6s, a couple 1s, three 2s, a couple 3s. That's the way to go with it. I just don't know the crazy, crazy downside. She reminds me of Nico where people are like, she's too random. I don't see it. I think she's a great way to ramp and cheat out cards early. You can get away with playing Onslaughts with a Doctor Doom. Win that Patriot deck. Like, it's stuff like that that I think is phenomenal and Pixie gets my, my win here.

Alexander Coccia:

Pixie has been gaining in popularity lately, and I understand why. The amount of snap equity it gets is insane. But not just that, when I'm playing against a Pixie player, I have no idea what their deck looks like anymore. Like, I, like, when you're playing competitively, And we've joked about this in the past, you can almost identify the 12 cards in the person's deck based on the first card they play. Like, when you're at a higher level and you're tuned in with the meta and you, like, they play Quinjet, you know you're against a Loki player, right? Like, you, you kind of, you're tipped off. I mean, Nico, we're against a Destroy Gamer. Like, you're almost tipped off all the time. When someone plays Pixie, all of your assumptions go out the window. You're not able to fully appreciate the character. Like, prepare for what turn five or six is going to look like, because they can literally play Sentry and Annihilus on the same turn. Yeah. So it's like, everything gets thrown out the window there, and Pixie's a major part of disrupting the expectations of your opponents.

Cozy Snap:

100 percent man, I'm glad you agree. It's just a lot of fun. Appreciate it. Alright buddy, that takes us to three costs and kick us off man. At

Alexander Coccia:

three costs, I mean, there's been a card that I think I'm not gonna say was slept on. People thought it was gonna be okay, but it's been one of my absolute favorite cards. It's Red Guardian. I feel like I bring it up all the time. I can't stop playing this card. It's such a confident card to add to so many decks. I know there's like this rhetoric that, hey, you can cut Red Guardian from everything. I'm going to challenge you to not cut Red Guardian from everything because I think it is so good. It's so impactful. It eats Angelas, right? Like, Angelas is like, Hey, look at me. I'm going to get to 12 power. Boom. No, you're not. Draculas get destroyed. It has such a great play line on turn 3 for Nebulas and pretty much everything that's sitting out there. Novas, my top card, just hates, hates getting Red Guardian. I love the card. I think it's a fantastic addition to anybody's collection.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, no, funny enough, that's mine. So I definitely have Red Guardian 2. And it's because, yeah, a lot of the just lower cost cards, like people are trying to combo off of, even something as simple as Ant Man, you just shut down easy. It's a great way. Now, there's sometimes it's frustrating. Great example is Ravonna is a three power card. There's a lot of three powers. You try to target the Ravonna, you hit something else. But that's gonna happen. But a lot of the times, it doesn't matter because you're still pushing that negative power. Still a 3 5. Still a great card. Good tech card. Fully agree, buddy. Fully agree. Going to 4 cost? There's always a lot of 4s to pick from, bud. Is there one that jumps out to you?

Alexander Coccia:

I want to hear yours first, because I keep going first, and I'm interested in hearing what Cozy's thinking, number four.

Cozy Snap:

I think this one's not tough this month, because of the revival of the card that really got no play. I think it's Jubilee, I think. That's the same one for me! I thought I was

Alexander Coccia:

wondering, are you going to pick Jubilee? Well,

Cozy Snap:

I'm wondering what your five is, bro. I mean, I'm sure we're both going to go with the same one, four and five, if I had to guess. But, Jubilee yeah man, like, no one was playing the card. The card got some love during the Lockjaw meta, it's just a fun card, it's a gambling card, you, you definitely, it's not as safe as a lot, but because of the arrival of the five costs we'll talk about next. Blink, just a great time to not only get a big time energy cheat out there, potential, but also guaranteed potential with Blink. It was a no brainer for me, and even more because of Xmin97. I mean, did you guys see her fight Bastion? Awesome stuff.

Alexander Coccia:

I have not actually had a chance to see that yet. I'm a little behind on X Men 97 and hopefully by next week I'll be caught up. It's one of my go to's for the week whenever I'm going to be laying in bed and I can't quite sleep, I'm just going to pull up some X Men 97. I got to catch up. I hear it's pretty, pretty hype. But yeah, like honestly, and for five costs, like I'm going to say that like obviously Blink has been absolutely incredible. I'm going to move off of Blink though. Like Blink could very easily be the five cost thus far favorite. It's been truly remarkable, but I'm going to give a shout out to The best card in Marvel Snap, and that is Darkhawk. I've actually been enjoying playing Darkhawk. One of the major reasons why is because Leech doesn't really affect Darkhawk that much. A lot of the disruption that comes out early in Korg and RockSide come out before Leech. The Darkhawk just basically Eats the leech effect like, Hey, thank you. That didn't affect me at all. And so like, I feel like Darkhawk's been in a pretty decent spot considering the leech meta. So for me, I've kind of fallen back in love with Darkhawk and I got an absolutely dirty split on it, which is a reason for me to play the card even more.

Cozy Snap:

The Hawk is back. I don't know how you don't pick Blink Throw. New card or not, best card by far in a long time. Too fun, too meta. Great in every deck, it is a no brainer, and you're usually the king of picking like the new cards, like, no matter what. Dude, Blink is it, man! Blink is just, it is such a greatly designed card, that you know, maybe feels too strong in some cases, but most of the time, It's just, it rewards it rewards a lot of critical thinking in the game. Maybe deck tracking. But I enjoy what it brought to the game and definitely, like an effect that I didn't know that I wanted. A more polished Jubilee that happens to work with Jubilee. And so with, like, honor reveals and there's just, because of its synergy with the possibility of turning a 1 to a 6, you've got the high roll, but then you also have the guaranteed roll. Love Blink and everything about her. Lastly, we end at six costs. I think, for me, this one was simple. Alex, I'll let you kick it off.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so I'm gonna draw some anger here. In my defense, okay, this is an archetype that, although I've liked and appreciated, I traditionally have never really played that much of, because everyone hated it, and I'm a streamer and a content creator, and I don't want to play stuff that people hate. But I couldn't stop myself. When Blink came out, I played some Hella, man. I played some Hella. A lot of Hella, in fact. And I gotta tell you, I actually really liked it. Now, keep in mind, I know, like, everyone's like, Alex, we're sick of Hella. If anything that's positive about Leech is that Hella is being impacted by Leech, right? I get it, okay? It's annoying as hell. But, Corvus Glaive into the Hella plays just has been chef's kiss. It's so good. When you add in Blink to the mix, it's just, it adds this level of consistency that's just remarkable. It's so good. It's really a phenomenal deck. And I, again, I traditionally have not played a lot of Hela because it's a kind of like, the reason why I have not played a ton of Galactus, because people are like, Alex, you dirtbag, how dare you play Galactus or how dare you play Hela, I've had to wait to play Loki till no one wanted to play Loki because everyone gets mad when you play the meta stuff that I got to tell you, man, I, Hela is so fun. I've been really liking it.

Cozy Snap:

How do you sleep at night?

Alexander Coccia:

I can't. I don't.

Cozy Snap:

We've established this. Yeah, right. I'm not sleeping anyway, so I might as well play things that don't help me sleep. Listen for me, man, we all know it, alright? I, I, I, I'm always on the fence picking this card regardless. But because it got a buff, I have to. I mean, it is. This will probably, if we do this segment for like a while to come, this will probably get my vote for the next, like, three months. It's gotta be, ya boy Ultron, man. Coming back. It just feels great. I also love, obviously, getting the locations you can't reach, but I love being able to get him out. You don't have to play on the location with three cards all the time, right? Like, if you're like, Actually, if I play him here, I think I have a bit better of a chance, or if they try to read it. There are so many ways to play him that isn't an obvious, obvious tell, which I also enjoy, like one example. I think Storm is such an underrated synergy with this guy. It's fantastic, especially because you're doing nothing, and you can put 8 power on that location doing nothing, and that's if you don't have any other synergy. He just works with the game that I play anyway, and is a fantastic card that's only going to get better as people learn Once again, forget about the Master of Puppets over here.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy Sage has come out in Marvel Snap. It's taken the Meta by storm. It actually has not taken the Meta by storm at all. I think people are really sleeping on Sage here. And last week we came in with you know, a little bit of hesitation on Sage. You come in at two and a half stars. I came in at three. And I think overall the people have We'll say vindicated that hesitation. It's only running a 5 percent meta share, which is just really, really, really low for a launch week. It seems like people are sleeping on a Sage a little bit cozy. How's your experience been thus far?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So funny enough, after I filmed my video with Sage, I called you, you were still streaming. I called you and I was like, my games went really well with Sage, but I'm not sold. Like, I'm just not sold. Like, I think I just had some great, you know, play lines. There was a couple games she won the game for me on games I did not deserve to win. She made negative fun. She made me play negative. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it because I was playing negative and not playing Sage exactly. But she did add to where I thought she was going to add the most. That's what I opened up last week with. And that was beast a beast bounce deck. I think she is a perfect fit for that. She's a interesting fit for negative, but overall is exactly about where I land with her.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, honestly, my experience with Sage was pretty positive. I thought the card actually put up some very legitimate power. It's floor was, was a lot higher than I expected. I think the lowest I ever had was like a three, four, three, four. That was like a disastrous situation. She was never less than that. I mean, why the hell would you play her for less than that? To be honest with you. But the, the idea around this card being like an absolute, like just monster though, I saw it happen. I had like three 18s. I had this one game where basically I played Sage on top of a Wong and they tried to pro X that location to shut out the Wong play and they had like cards. And she just, boom, boom. And she actually matched the look and they just retreated. Cause they're like, Mike pro X lane is now completely stuffed. And they just want it with two cards. It's actually kind of wild how much power it can output. And I actually saw some like questions about Sage and some comments about Sage people saying, Oh, it's basically just a worse version of Wolfsbane. I think a lot of people were comparing a Sage to Wolfsbane. And I don't think that that is actually an accurate depiction. I think a lot of people out there were under the impression that Sage was not going to take into effect the opposing cards, which is incorrect. If you actually read the text, it says all other cards, which includes the opposing side. I don't think that a lot of people realize that, and therefore were sleeping on the card. Because it does have tremendous power potential. It can actually use the board state of your opponent against them. So for the most part, like, I've been kind of impressed with Siege, but still a little hesitant.

Cozy Snap:

Where do you land on her then? In general, I think Wolfsbane is a decent comparison for a card. Like, as in, like, this is just such a weird one. I think she's super unique. She provided a fun week. I don't see this card being played much, man. And I think she did better than we thought, I do. I just think two months down the line, I don't know if this card is going to be actively in these decks all that much. It reminds me of, not as bad, but of a Havoc.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I agree 100%. I actually like Havoc more than this card. I, from like a, like I kind of like, I hate myself and I want to just like experience like negative gameplay while also trying to win games. That's why you play Havoc, you know, you just want to punish yourself a little bit. But, what I will say is that Sage, ultimately what you've said, Sage will get cut from a lot of lists. Sage will be the 13th card out. It'll be the card that just doesn't make the list, there's always a better option, a little less awkward, a little more consistent, that'll happen. But like, as you said, my experience, like I'm landing on 3 stars, honestly, and I know that sounds crazy, that might even seem high, but I felt like it actually performed pretty good. It was putting up very, very high numbers. It was consistently at gladiator levels without running the risk of pulling their Giganto out for them. Right. I'm telling you the truth. The card actually put up power. However, it was inconsistent. It was a bit of a headache to play around. Is it the kind of card I want on my deck all the time? Probably not. But you can't deny the power output.

Cozy Snap:

Yes agreed. Agreed. However, my, my counter did that is the, is the best power plays. You had to play her late and that means you're not playing a five or a six. Right? Like period. That is the thing that stings. Like, yes, her power potential is up there. Like, I thought she was really strong, especially like so I did negative. And I thought for the whole week, I thought I was going to do a J negative deck. I thought that was the way I was going to go. No, because you have Black Panther, you have other playlines that you're going to want to play rather than Sage. So, I went to the Surfer side of things, and that is where it was great, because it didn't matter if I played her early, didn't matter if I played her late, she worked out fantastically. The 0 3 bonus on top of that, always got great value, even if in your 3 4 situations, she's at 3 7, usually wasn't that anyway, because she was able to get other things. She does have great, I, a 3, it's so hard for me to hear a 2 for Nomura, and a 3 for her. That is where I personally, I just can't see it there, so I'm gonna stick at a 2. 5. But, like, she's a better 2. 5 than I thought. I guess is the best way to say it. She's a better 2. 5 than I thought. I just feel like you, she works great in Bounce. She works great in Bounce, and she works good with Ravonna. Those are the two places I think are best for Sage. People that got her, like, enjoy her. I think if you got her on a one key open, like, I think you will be able to have some deck design with her for sure. And I do think that she's able to provide a big boom bust situation. The stats are there. The value's there. So I agree. I think the value and the stats are there. Just a cl She could just feel a little clunky at times, but

Alexander Coccia:

she's she's solid. It's like a decent card that doesn't need to exist. Like, I think is the best way to put it. Like you, you legitimately have no need for this to be in your collection. You really don't need it. Like if this card never came out, no one would never have noticed. Like, no one's like, Hey, we're missing a card that on reveal gets two plus power for every other guy. Like, no, no one would have ever thought that no one would have ever needed it. No deck would have really preferred to have it already. Like it's just so forgettable. But while playing it, I can't help but actually kind of like it. Yeah! Dude,

Cozy Snap:

that's a great way to say it. Like, I liked playing her. Straight up, I enjoyed playing her, I enjoyed drawing her. If someone came back to the game missing a year, and they're like, will you put in order every card I need to buy, I have unlimited tokens, or I have 100, 000 tokens to buy cards. Dude, Sage would be at the bottom three. Like, there's just no way I would recommend Sage as like, Ah, you know, you should probably get Sage too. So many more would top Sage, you know, in that list.

Alexander Coccia:

I would legitimately almost think that spending 1, 000 tokens on the soon to be Series 3 Howard the Duck is a better spend than 6k on Sage. Because at least it can go in Spectrum Decks. And Copium with Jubilee. Like, honestly, the 1k for Jeff not Jeff, 1k for Howard versus the 6k for Sage. Like, that's the kind of level we're talking about here. This is, you know what this is? This is a perfect example of a card that should never have been released in Series 5. This should have just been Series 4. Even

Cozy Snap:

more so, it's a perfect example, it's a perfect example of the next series dropping. Like, we decided to take Sage down for you guys, right? Like, this is going to be the Selene, which by the way, we nailed, nailed that. Bro, can we derail and say that, first of all, we filmed that Snapchat with zero knowledge that they were going to do series drops the next day. And also, remember I sounded super pessimistic on what they would drop? I nailed it, bro. I nailed it.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, we literally said they're gonna drop a whole bunch of fodder. But we wanted to dream, right? We said, like, we wanted the whole talk to be about us dreaming about what might drop. Even though we were both sure that it was just gonna be nothing but fodder. And what did we get? Nothing but

Cozy Snap:

fodder. It's so hard too, cause like, I wanna be like serious, like serious drops are a good thing, bad news is Darkhawk and Knull have added text in the OTA saying they can't be dropped to our joke of Jeff. Like, I, man, remember the first time they brought him, they were like, She Hulk, number one card, getting dropped, and everyone was like, hell yeah, like, what a great move. It didn't even feel like we got a bone this time, bro, like, it was crazy, they didn't drop

Alexander Coccia:

any of it. You could cope with Nebula a little bit, right? Like, that's a little

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

But outside of that, Gladeater might have been a bit of a surprise, I'll take. Yeah, I'll take

Cozy Snap:

Gladeater, that was another

Alexander Coccia:

one. Yeah, but other than that, like, it was just, it was absolutely just garbage. Like Hercules. It's unfortunate. Hercules, thanks dude. So it's unfortunate because it's like, man, the cards aren't dropping because they're good. It has to be that. There's no other explanation. People want Darkhawk, people want Jeff. People will spend tokens on Jeff, people will spend spotlight keys on Jeff. Don't drop them. It's, it's, it's just that, they're good cards, and that's why.

Cozy Snap:

I can get behind Iron Lad, I can get behind some of these other cards, X23, I like, I can get behind them. The Knull and the Darkhawk comes off as just purely an, an, a A horrible decision. Like, it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. It straight up says we know that people are going to want these cards. And by the way, we've already bought 19 Knull variants to, you know, put into the spotlight caches. It's been over a year and a half! These cards came out a year and a half ago, and you cannot put them in Pool 3. It just ma That one makes zero sense to me, man.

Alexander Coccia:

I know it's, it's legitimate. I think it's just purely because it's just another reason to, to just pad the spotlight caches and just make sure that like, they can just, you know, keep those currencies rolling, keep people spending tokens and stuff. Why drop what people are going to spend money on. Right. So it's a little unfortunate, but we did kind of nail it. Oh man. I wish, I wish we had that list prior to recording. Cause I think we'd have been much like, we were actually excited for serious jobs. I could feel it in you. Even though we were both a little pessimistic, we had hope there was a glimmer of hope in our eyes where we thought something good was going to happen and none of it came true.

Cozy Snap:

I wouldn't listen back. Cause I remember I was like X 23. There's no way. Iron lad. There's not a shot. Like I legit

Alexander Coccia:

believed X 23 was going to come down. No, no, dude. Too good, dude.

Cozy Snap:

If it's above an eight tier on a, on a snap tier list, it's like, they're like, all right, nope. Hercules? Because it has nothing to do with time constraint. Yeah, obviously, Hercules dropped, right? Like, freaking Hercules. And then Selene. We called the Selene.

Alexander Coccia:

We called all of them. Oh my gosh, I never thought of that, dude. You're right, Hercules is like, almost brand new. Dude, it's like three months old and Knull's a

Cozy Snap:

year and a half old. Like, it's just crazy bonkers. And you can't say, well, it's because of gameplay. And we want you to learn Destroy before you get Knull. It's like, no. Heck, you're not learning Destruction. The fact that you have to spend 3, 000 tokens selling Null is garbage.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, Null's not even as offensive as Darkhawk, let's be honest. Darkhawk is like the real stickler in my opinion. Like, you could drop Null. I don't know, they should have just taken the L on Null and sent it down so that they could have avoided this entire conversation. But like, Null just adds fuel to the fire of the Darkhawk not dropping.

Cozy Snap:

It's just silly man, it's silly. And like, I know we get, you know, we could be happy about serious drops, I just think I think it's comical, Jeff will never, never go down too, like, as we, as we've called. But anyway, we derailed it a little bit. The reason we brought that up, though, is because I think Sage is gonna be on that candidate list. She's not gonna be a Hercules, but she'll be on that, like, here's your Selene drop, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

So basically when Hercules falls to series 3 in, I was going to say 3 months, but let's be honest, that can happen next year perhaps. Sage will drop to series 4. So when Hercules goes to series 3, Sage will go to series 4. And you're still not going to play her probably, because it still probably won't be a card that ever makes a deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, they said they'd do 2 more in the year, so they had 1 in January, right, then they had 1 now. Yeah, probably like what, probably August we'll get another one, and I guarantee Hercules will go down to 3, Sage is going to go down to 4. X 23 might go down then a year from release. Who knows? Maybe

Alexander Coccia:

one thing that kind of came to mind is that like, I wonder if they just completely redo the, the pool and the series system. Just make series, like make pool three, a bunch of tech cards that make sense actually re-jig them all for new players, and then make series four like another full step, right, where you're actually getting things through the collection track. And then just keep series five, keep series five, what it is, and then drop things into series four. The collection's getting bigger. Of course, yeah, you're adding things to the collection track now and collectors reserves will no longer be trash heaps like they are now and maybe that affects like the card acquisition or anything, but I think that it makes more sense. So maybe at some point in time you have to revisit what Pool 3 looks like because eventually Pool 3 is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. To the point that it's like thousands and thousands and thousands of collection level. People aren't getting the cards, man. It's so random. I can only imagine what a new player feels like. They

Cozy Snap:

gotta get on it, too, because like, I know Hearthstone. They were like, we're doing giveaways, we're gonna give away cards! And it's like, yeah, you, but it's a game that, it's been out for how long? Like, they try to do the new player catch up, and it's too late. It's too late? Game's over. Not saying Hearthstone's over, sorry guys, but like, as in like, it, they, they, you know, they've lost that initial appeal, and it's like, Snap, I hope in the office, they're kind of hoping like, or looking at, you know, what they can change, but yeah, anyway, great Sage in review there, overall.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so Sage in review, yeah, no, Cozy throwing daggers at all the Hearthstone gamers out there, by the way, as we talk about our most hated cards in Marvel Snap, I don't even give you a chance to defend yourself. No, yeah,

Cozy Snap:

I like, I like Hearthstone a lot, I just don't, yeah, it's not exactly like booming right now, but it's, I still think the charm's there.

Alexander Coccia:

I, you know what it is, man, it's that auto battler mode. I love it so much, and I intentionally don't play it, because I would be so addicted to it, I think it would impact my Marvel Snap content generation. Seriously, like, I love it. I started my career playing, like, auto battlers. Dota Auto Chess Dota Underlords TFT. Like, I played all those, man, I love those things. If Snap gets

Cozy Snap:

an auto battling pro, it would be legit. Okay, we go to most hated Cards, man. And you know, we do this from time to time to release a little bit of, a little bit of steam out there. And I think I think there's plenty of villains. There's obviously, like, the one villain to rule them all at the moment. There's the Emperor Palpatine. You might have, like, the Darth Vader. And then you've got the rest of the, the Stormtroopers is the best way to say it, right? You got big hated, hated, and some hate. Let, did we start, let, I mean, dude, let's just, we got, like, why, why even begin anywhere else? Then, you know, the Emperor himself, the most hated card right now in Marvel Snap. And I don't think it's close. Just don't

Alexander Coccia:

bring up the variant. I can't emotionally handle it.

Cozy Snap:

I'll go to the pixel one. Is it better? Is the pixel one better? Is that going to like help you out?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? No, just hit me with the full disgusting one. Okay. Yeah, the pixel one's nasty. Yeah. This is going to feed my anger.

Cozy Snap:

They're all bad. Like the Dan Hip's the only one where it's like a little bit of grace. Dan Hip's

Alexander Coccia:

actually a good one.

Cozy Snap:

You know, let's go Dan Hip. We're going to go Dan Hip. To feel like something of joy for this little guy. We said at the beginning, man, might be the biggest fumble. Might be the biggest fumble of a balance. Yeah, I think they, they, they underestimated the community to rally around this mother effer. Like, you know, like, and this is one of those cards, it's like if, if anyone's playing them, I'll play them too. Because you're at such a disadvantage in this on reveal meta that we have.

Alexander Coccia:

He's so much weaker than he used to be. Like, he used to just wipe out your whole hand, basically, now he just does the on reveals. But still, you sit there, and you're like, like, he just gets played, and you're like, well, F me, I guess, right? Like, thanks. Like, you know, God forbid I play cards in a card game that does do the things they're intended to do. It's so sad. To give you an idea of how sad this is, Leech is one of the most frustrating cards in Marvel Snap. Yes, it's a necessary release valve, but it's occupying 23 percent of the current meta according to untapped post infinite stats. 23 percent of the meta! 23 percent of the time, you're getting leeched. Do you know how terrible that feels? Yes, you do know how it feels. You do know how it feels because

Cozy Snap:

you're getting leeched non stop, dude! The only time it was anything like this was the Lockjaw Thanos meta with Leech. And like, that was Horrible. So horrible. What did they do? They adjusted the card. And I felt like at the five, he was the release valve. He wasn't perfect. He was, he was definitely not like great, but he served the purpose that he was supposed to serve. He was on the bench for a long time. At this point, just go take him down to two costs, right? Like it's like, It's, it's, it's tough. It's definitely a tough card to see you get, get love.

Alexander Coccia:

At this point in time, like, it's pretty much the same thing, it's ruining enough games. If Leech is in your deck, give him the auto effects. If he's in your deck, just delete their whole deck. Like, just make it so that Leech just unreveals all of your whole deck. Just ruin the game so they retreated off the top, save everyone the time. Because at least now he's coming out on turn four, and like, you thought maybe you were going to play a real game of Marvel Snap? And then like, even if you're coping, right, and then they play Blink and Red Hulk drops, and then like you're in full emotional damage state, you just cut all that. You, you save your audience by just having it done from the deck, turn one, delete their whole deck, and just move on with your life.

Cozy Snap:

What if, hear me out here, what if they also add when you play them that you delete a thousand collector tokens from the player that you played against? Like you, you also erase collector tokens from them.

Alexander Coccia:

I have so many collector's tokens, I'd almost rather that.

Cozy Snap:

Or, or balance, you play them, you lose 50 collector's tokens every time you play them. There's like a, there's a set, you win this game, but at what cost?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, make them like a, like a 4 2, give them the old effect again. But make, you actually have to pay gold. Oh, that's the new, that's the new monetization strategy. You have to pay gold to play the old leech. Oh my god, Cozy! Anger,

Cozy Snap:

hey, let's pitch it dude, like a Shark Tank style. Let's go in with suits. We're walking to second dinner. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. And I'll be like, Hey, I'm Cozy! You're supposed to say I'm Alex. Yeah, okay, come on. Our pitch needs a lot of help, dude. we're not gonna sell anything here. You'll make money, but this is what we need. And then, like, I don't know, we give, we give 1 percent to charity every time they do that. Anyway yeah, most hated card, by far. Leech. Top of the board. What even comes second?

Alexander Coccia:

What even comes next? I mean, there's a couple contenders. Now, there actually is a card with, according to Untappd, higher play rate than Leech, which is hard to believe. Leech coming in at 23%. At 24%, I think we need to make the argument that White Widow deserves to be in the category of being hated. Now, it's not quite there yet, because I think it's new enough. But there are some people out there that are starting to turn on the White Widow.

Cozy Snap:

I wouldn't even have this. This would be in like my top ten, maybe. Maybe like ten. But I would not even have it close to two, even if it was played a lot. She doesn't bother me too much. I don't play her a lot. And not because I don't want to, I just build a deck, you know, different. I don't know. I don't know if this is one that comes to mind where I'm like, Gah, I might be in the minority here for sure, but with that high of a meta percentage that maybe.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because you're playing it in 70 percent of your decks. I'm not.

Cozy Snap:

I just said I'm not. I'm not playing her. I'm not playing. You can see I have a common border on her, man. I'm not I'm playing too much White Widow, but I, I, I respect her and I like her. I mean, she could be a toxic card for sure, but I just don't think it's one that I like, that I hate. I think it's opinion, man. What about you? Do you hate it?

Alexander Coccia:

Is we doing love, hate, and like now again?

Cozy Snap:

If I'm like you, I'll be like, yeah, love it, love it, love it. No, no, the opposite, the opposite in the, in the segment. Do

Alexander Coccia:

you, do you hate? I don't hate her. No, I think she's fine. Honestly, I'm just saying that she has a 24 percent meta share. Yeah, that's high. That's high for like a card like this. Do you guys remember? Like, we were like, hey, they should buff Black Widow. No one plays Black Widow, they buff Black Widow, and it was like, I hate my life. Right? And so then Black Widow had to get brought back down. Like, I don't think White Widow's as bad because its effect feels a little more manageable, whereas Black Widow's like, well, man, that sucks, right? This is a little more manageable, so I think maybe that's why it's not there, but it's 24 percent play rate. There is a card, though. 17 percent of the meta. Now I think this is a necessary evil, but I know there's people out there in the comments, people out there in the podcasting universe, listening with their ears, the term and the word, Shawn Chi, pisses them off. Shawn Chi, Cozy, 17 percent of the meta. It used to be way higher. It's actually come down a little bit, but it's still a piss off for a lot of people.

Cozy Snap:

Shawn Chi, is he number two right now? Is he number two? I think I have, I think I have. Hella higher on my personal list in my personal thinking here probably hella, but I Shung Hmm. Where is he for you? I mean, we're not like putting these in order.

Alexander Coccia:

Is he yeah, I was gonna say I'm not doing a ranked list. I was going by meta share Yeah, the idea of like cards that are very popular that are pissing people off Definitely right like hell is that 8 percent of the meta right now? But I would make the argument that hella pisses more people off than Shawn Chi. I just don't I okay I'm of the argument that like At this point in time, if you're a Marvel Snap player, and Shaun Chi is a surprise to you, you need to look in the mirror, friend. You know what I mean? It's like, we know this card is there. If your Red Hulk is sitting in a location above 20, and he's like, I got waved out. Look at me, dad. Like, what do you think's gonna happen? Right? Like, it's, what you think's gonna happen? So it's like, I just don't think this is a prize card. I know people get mad about it, but it is a very necessary evil.

Cozy Snap:

We've probably done this segment five times. This guy's like Tom Brady in the Pro Bowl, he's in the Hate Bowl every year. Like, he is, he is not ever, ever been excluded from our list. He's always been in the hated card discussion. There are ones that have like ebbed and flowed out of here. Shuri. Maybe Loki, Shang Chi, this is his home. Like, this is his home. He's an easy, easy hate card. Mainly because he's a, you know, I don't even know if I could say he's a, you know, cube stealer all the time. He is, but he shouldn't be, as to your point.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, now that Giselle gave the ring back to Tom, he actually almost has as many rings as Tom.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, Tom's got, yeah, Tom's growing. He's only a few away, man. He's only a few away. He's gonna get ownership of a team and get the last three. Ten rings for Shang? He's better than Tom. It's it's shocking, but yeah, he's the, he is the goat of hate.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. Again, I think it might be a necessary evil. There's another card, Cozy, this one here. It kind of fell out of the menu. It's coming back. And I'm going to talk about them. They're a bit of a package. There's one just right underneath it, I think, is a major contributing factor to the hate towards Professor X. Which is currently running a 15 percent win rate. Cozy. And it's because Cannonball is running a 14 percent play rate. So Cannonball and Professor X together, like peanuts and butter and Cozy and Arrow, and sometimes Jean, Jean Grey. It's confusing, it's complicated. But anyways, Cozy, Cannibal, and Professor X. What do you think?

Cozy Snap:

I think it's just Cannibal. Yeah, I don't, I don't hate Pro X. But Cannibal and the Annihilus package together, bro. It, those are, those two, it blows my mind that Annihilus and him have made it this far. It, like, it, it truly, cause I feel like we've had that for a while. We've had, Clog and Junk have been in the meta since the New Year. Yeah, definitely.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Well, there's no question like it's this meta has like kind of come and gone even cannibal like unreleased cannibal didn't have a spot. The meta was not cannibal like, you know positive or like beneficial for cannibal. And then all of a sudden we start to shift more junk, more disruption, more lockdown and cannibal is one of the best cards in the game. It's kind of crazy how the meta kind of shifts on release. The card was almost like dead in the water. It was like, yeah, it's good, but like, it's not great. And then all of a sudden it's great. Right? Actually, Leech is another, Cannibal is another target of Leech. Right? If you actually think about it, because Cannibal is getting hit and then all of a sudden can't do the whole bouncy rocky thing. But like, there's people out there that hate Pro X. And the problem is that the answers to Professor X, like Jeff, are being played in the Professor X decks. Right? So you need to be a little more creative.

Cozy Snap:

I also think Claw helped more X's come out because you're able to put in that power, that raw power still. Right, Colleen? What is, what has amped up control lists a bit more? Yeah, man. Pro X, Cannonball, Annihilus. They're hated. What else we got?

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy. 10 percent of the meta share. There's gotta be an argument for Cable being a hated card because I got, when it's played against me, it pisses me off. I'm sick of Cable. Like, I don't want to say, like, Nerf it or anything like that. I'm sick of Cable.

Cozy Snap:

I get

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Totally get it. I, man, not knowing what he's taken is just. It's the word again, again, and it falls into line with like, if I'm playing a combo deck, especially because you're just like, did they, because honestly, it usually snowballs. Okay. The first bit of the snowball is your opening hand sucks, right? You're like, damn, I'm missing Mockingbird and I'm missing Loki or whatever it is. Then you get cabled and you're like, okay. Now I don't even know if I have these in my deck, and then the deck tracker that you're watching doesn't exclude it, so you think you still have a shot, false confidence, and 10 out of 10 times, you get played the card against you that you were hoping to get, every time.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, this might be just a pure skill issue, but like, I'm, I'm open to admit that I've done this before, where I'm like, I'm playing Blink. And I look at my deck tracker and I see like, Oh, it's, it's going to hit Dr. Doom. And then I play and it's like nothing in the deck. I'm like, no cable, right? Like, Oh no. It's like, it's so sad,

Cozy Snap:

man. You play the Dr. Doom on you. They play the Doom against you. God. Yeah, I know that that has definitely happened. That dude, that definitely has happened to me. Yeah. Cable. I like it though, man. Good God. He was out for a year, dude. And so I think he, he's. He's cool, dude. He's definitely fun. He's a cool card. But dude, he definitely, he can piss you off. That's for sure. He's like a, you know, like I don't know, daily bugle or whatever, but it's just that same mindset that just pisses you off.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. No, I need to ask. We kind of brushed on it before, but do you hate Hela?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. I hate Hela. Come on, man. Come on. I just I think it's to me, this is an offense. People play Hela. Do you play the game you want to play? I just feel like it's like one of the least. Skill decks, like, and so to me, it's like I'm playing and I'm just like, oh, all right, here it comes, right? Or, you know, but I, I, I don't think she should be nuked out of the game. We talked about it last week, you know, how to adjust her in some capacity. She's one of those cards that are going to have a limit, because as new cards keep coming out, she will continue to do what she does, and eventually, they're gonna have to address her, so I would address her before that. Might be alone in it. And I don't like, I don't really despise it. I just think like, on my list, if I had to put cards I hate, I would have Hela on there.

Alexander Coccia:

Hela, as a whole, there's very little agency for the player. Like, it's just like, oh look, my cards fell in all these random spots, and it just wins. Cool, I guess. Like, I totally get why, you know, it's a little cringey from that standpoint, but can it be more cringey than one of the absolute most hated cards on release in Marvel Snap history? Which was Loki. Now I know you loved Loki, but Loki's only an 8%. Medi-Share largely a win rate that is somewhat low, lower than people would think. In most MMR brackets, Loki is underperforming, but in higher brackets, competitive brackets, Loki still continues to be an absolute powerhouse. What are your thoughts on Loki?

Cozy Snap:

I was curious to know you, I know last season he was like your favorite card like you played. I love them. You played them all the time. Yeah. So. I think he's in a fine spot. I really do. Even if at the top of the ladder, he's like really strong and tough to get. I think for the, like, gen like, it's like Overwatch, Rivals, kind of the same thing. You can't adjust the game to the 1 percent of of players who are the best of the best. It's to the entire player base. I think Loki's where he should be. I think he's fine. I definitely, I, he, again, it's the cable effect. You're having cards that take your cards, first of all, in his deck. And then you have things like Mockingbird now, and then you have your new cards played against you, but I feel like he might be at a good spot now.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually do agree, and as I said, I was playing a lot more Loki than usual, and I'd come to, like, appreciate just how skillful the deck is to pilot correctly. Because I think that having the domain knowledge of knowing what your opponent's playing, what's in their deck, the archetype of archetype they're going with you know, it determines whether or not you want to take the low key route or take your other outs with the Mockingbird or whatever else have you, if you're even playing a Devil Dinosaur version of the deck. When to play low key turn 4 versus turn 5. I think there's a lot of, like, just nuance to playing this deck that gets lost. A lot of people just throw them out on 4 and just try to dump their hand as fast as possible. And I think a truly skilled Loki player that you see at the top of the MMR brackets will be able to pilot it with more efficiency. So, I do think that it is a card that, while might have been hated, has kind of fallen off a little bit there. So, it's good to see. You can play Loki again without feeling bad. And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. We always have a ton of questions that come in and we're looking forward to getting to them today, including one from TheRazor124. I love this one. LMAO, these guys are going to be so fuming when they see the actual series drops. They called a lot of it in the worst way.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we just talked about all that. But dude honestly, I've been fuming. I saw them and I was like, yep.

Alexander Coccia:

Just sad. Like, just disappointed, I guess. Yeah. So, like, not phewy, but we were like Actually, I kind of thought it was funny. I actually laughed. I was like, okay, here we are. Here we go. Here we go. I'm staying off Twitter for the next couple days, I think. But reddit and Twitter are just, just I just deleted them from my favorites list for the next few days. For those

Cozy Snap:

that are watching the visual, I'll throw up the the graphic I had up on Twitter there. Yeah, this is it right here. Very small text there on both Darkhawk and Knull, but if you look real closely, there's a star that says, Cannot be Series dropped at all. And that, that, that pretty much summed it up. Summed up my thoughts on the whole thing there.

Alexander Coccia:

That's legitimately hilarious. As SOS comes in with another question and it reads, were you guys comic book heads as a kid? If so, what was your first comic book and what was your favorite?

Cozy Snap:

House of M was the one that I got really into. I wasn't like, Reading comics all the time, but House of M is what kind of sucked me in. And then some of the Hulk series were the ones that kind of mined immediately for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

I was never truly a comic book fan. I, they, they like were around and I had a buddy that loved them as well. He was more into DC at the time. I never really read a lot of comics and then it wasn't ironically until I started playing Marvel Snap that I really started to dive into the comics. Even the MCU, I've joked about in the past. I watched it all randomly out of order. Like I didn't watch it in the actual chronological way. Like, I watched it all randomly. I went to Infinity War with a friend in the theaters and I'm like, I don't even know who the hell this guy is. Like, what's happening here? Why is, why is this Doctor Strange dude so upset about some gem? Those movies lose

Cozy Snap:

all their, their sting if you don't watch them. And like, you know, like, by the time you get to Infinity War, there's so much at stake. There's so much you know about these characters, backstories. Like, I could, I could never. I, it actually shocks me. Dexter doesn't know anything about Marvel. Lovey, you don't. And then you didn't watch Marvel before this. It blows my mind. It's like, why, why did you even play Marvel Snap to begin with? I guess it was a card game that came out. It was fun at that. It just blows my mind how many Snap creators aren't into Marvel. Like, I just like, I loved it. So I assumed, you know, that's why a lot of y'all played it. Dude,

Alexander Coccia:

you're doing me dirty. I am now. Like, Marvel Snap got me into Marvel hard, man. Like, I got the subscriptions, I've been reading tons of comics. And to answer this question, the first comic I read was ironically, I think, first of all, I started at like, the first one. Like, I went all the way to the original X Men with like, Angel and Iceman. They were hard to read. The, the actual dialogue is like, really like, Like it's really old. It does not read as well, but the most recent kind of the first like modern comic I read was the it was the Kang series. It was the Kang. I think, Oh my God, I can't remember the name of it. I think only myself left to conquer, I think was the name of it. Absolutely beautiful. I love the infinity comics. They're awesome. If you've not read the Kang infinity comic, it's phenomenal. It introduces like. I don't know, it's Iron Lad's in it, Ravonna's in it, like, it's pretty incredible, and it gives me an appreciation for the cards you're playing, and even in Marvel Snap, I really hope they start to do more of, like, I noticed in Marvel Rivals, how, like, they'll do, like, little chats with each other. Okay. Isn't that just so awesome?

Cozy Snap:

It was so funny that something so simple was included in a game like Rivals, where you don't need it in that game, whereas in Snap, it's like, why is it not in here, and it's why I do lore videos. They have lore on all the characters when you go to them. In fact, there's a lot of flavor text keeping you in the world of Marvel. You have Scarlet arguing with Magneto, which is like, Good to see you, Dad. I, I, you know, I hate you, whatever. He's like, I wasn't that bad of a father. Like, that kind of stuff was so fun. You can't really have that in this game. But, like, even the lore, there's just so much from Marvel. It's like, you should be able to turn the card around, and it have, like, the lore of the card, or whatever. I think that's a very needed thing in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, I think it's there's so much there, like, lore is what Marvel is, right? And it's kind of an untapped thing. Actually, that brings us to our next question from Dustin, and it reads, Speaking of things to do in a game beyond ladder and conquest, whatever happened to the character mastery tracks? Ah, no man, I don't

Cozy Snap:

know! I, hey listen, it's the same as first edition badges. Like, those, those disappeared into the ether. Gone. Poof. I don't know where Mastery is, but yep, I don't know. Like, I wish they were here. Cause like, the my and I'm, I'll be the number one, like, person for it. I love Goals to Chase. I love the idea of trying to get your Deadpool to a hundred power and then you get something for that Deadpool. Like. Yeah, dude, it sounds like they have a lot of aspirations. They just need to, you know, get them out, I guess.

Alexander Coccia:

If you want to showcase your character mastery, might I suggest you buy some borders in neon colors that'll make your character just shine on the board. Yeah, exactly. Golly. If you want to show your mastery, you buy yourself a border. How dare you want additional content.

Cozy Snap:

Dee whiz, yeah. So yeah, we hope they come back. Take it in there if you're listening, bring them, bring them here, but that's our only hope. I'll write them a letter.

Alexander Coccia:

In their defense, it does sound like a very big system, and I'm really hoping it comes in. Like, that would be such a great addition to the game. And our last question of the day comes in from Valenta, and it reads, How did you both decide what careers to pick, and how did you get there? Asking as a college bound senior.

Cozy Snap:

Kick us off.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, honestly, like, so teaching for me, I actually, it's funny because I took a bit of a crazy path. When I was originally in high school, I wanted to be in the Canadian military. I know this sounds crazy. I wanted to be in like surveillance. I wanted to work with like the computers. And so I actually took something called GIS, which was geographic informational studies to learn how to use computers to like establish, like to work with maps and all this stuff. And then I took all this communications technology courses and engineering courses. I want the computer side and I want to marry computing with like terrain and surveillance to work in the Canadian military. And what happened was, is I was like, you know what? I was looking into the job. I was starting to get qualified for it. And I was like, man, I'd have to be away from my family. I wouldn't see my girlfriend. Who's now my wife. I'd be traveling the world. I'd be in like, like, you know, I'd be in the military. And I ultimately decided to not take that path, and so I went into the industry and started working in technology. I was a network specialist, and ultimately I transitioned that into a teaching career in technology. I made multiple major movements, then I started playing Marvel Snap, and the rest is history.

Cozy Snap:

I love that, man. I, So I love people, guys. Love people, love conversation. I'll talk to anybody about anything if you've ran into me in person. There are consecrators that are, you know, kind of put on a face when they don't want a camera. You know something I can, I want to toot my own horn on is I try to be the exact same person you guys see. That's who I am. I love people. And so very early age, I knew I wanted to get into some form or fashion of hospitality. And so I did. I went into, started working in hotels at a very early age. And worked in pretty much every single region of a hotel that you could. I just loved, loved hearing people's stories. Meeting people from across the world. I loved working front desk and having someone come with a Boston Red Sox hat. And I knew immediately, I'm gonna try to connect to them on that. Or it was, you know, a Lucky Charms t shirt. I, whatever it might be, I loved the idea of connecting to people. And so, hospitality was a natural fit. Then became a leader and director in the industry and loved that. Loved leading a team. Leadership is one of my favorite things. Do and work hard at being a good leader. Worked hard, went to college for that, got a degree for that. Never use it again. So it's it was weird. It was actually a hard goodbye when I did leave the hospitality industry. I'll never return. It is, you know, I can confidently say that now, but it was a hard goodbye for sure, and you know, I think. My biggest advice is do not chase money. Do not chase fame. Chase what you love. And if you do what you love, you're gonna love it. If that's being a garbage man, that's being a garbage man. Like, do whatever you love to do, do that thing. Find a field in it. I don't care if it pays a lot of money or not. Do it. You're gonna love, you're gonna love life because you sleep a lot, you work a lot, and you get a little time for fun. But if you get to work and it's something you love, then you get to have fun the majority of your life.

Alexander Coccia:

That's such a beautiful message. And one thing I want to say is You wouldn't know this, the audio listener, the viewer, but behind the scenes, that leadership role that Cozy, you built in the hospitality segment that you just discussed, has carried over to this career as well, because in the Marvel Snap community, you are considered a leader you know, you are the kind of person that we all look up to, you give us a ton of advice, you mentor a lot of people you're often the shoulder to be cried on, and I, I just say this honestly, Cozy is a tremendous support structure in the Marvel Snap community as Marvel Snap creators. You've gone out of your way on the main Marvel Snap channel when you've done videos for them to shout out smaller creators. So, honestly, that leadership role continues to this day in the Marvel Snap universe, dude, and for that we're thankful.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, man. Thank you. I really appreciate it. You know personal life's been tough in a lot, in the last few months, guys, trying to get through a lot of that, and I think I was talking to you about this before we started. I think a lot of people will watch my content and view me as the showman and this like company rep almost. And it couldn't be further from the truth. That means a lot, dude. It really does. And I got to where I was from learning from others today. And the best I can do is pass that down. And, but I love you for that. Thank you, man. But yeah, that's gonna be it another great week of the Snapchat. Next week, we head into the Sasquatch. And then we'll be into our I can't believe it, already into our next season, man. So crazy stuff. We're about to be headed into a pretty wild season at that. You guys have a good one, and have a great one. Happy Monday, guys, and happy snapping. I love you, man. Thanks for saying that, dude.

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