The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Sage: Is She This Month's Sleeper? | Leagues: An Honest Discussion | Blink & Nocturne In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 80

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 28

Does Sage have some pop off potential? What's up with Leagues? What are the final rankings on Blink & Nocturne? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome back, and happy post Mother's Day to all of your mothers out there. Don't know how many moms are watching this Snapchat, but happy Mother's Day! Today, we're gonna be talking about Sage, the newest card to hit Marvel Snap. Is she the most slept on card this month, or does she simply suck? Alex and I are gonna break down her synergies, what we think about the card. And then we're going to talk about probably one of the most surprising OTAs that we've had in a while. Voltron got buffed and we had Darkhawk get nerfed. There's a lot to break down there. And then finally, we're going to be talking about the new trial mode in leagues, the direction of Snap, and kind of all of our thoughts around the game as a whole. We're going to talk about that all today, more on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia after our season premiere of Blink and Nocturne. And then we headed into a crazy OTA that I don't think anyone was expecting. We had some Twitch drops for xmin97. Buddy, how was the week and how you doing?

Alexander Coccia:

It's been an absolutely crazy week. Crazy week. The amount of Marvel Snap I've been playing, the amount of Marvel anything that I've been playing the last couple weeks. A lot of time spending with you playing a lot of different games, stuff like that. Can't wait to discuss that. But honestly, a lot of gaming this week. The meta is completely fresh. A lot of brewing I've been doing, and I love it. I honestly love it. I love the idea of like playing against a diverse set of decks, even if it's Ultron, you know, 9 times because Ultron got buffed. Everyone's like, Ultron's back, baby! And then everyone wants to play it. I'm like, alright guys, let's settle down on the Ultron a little bit. I love it. It's been a fun little week.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure, man. It's crazy because listen, Snap has been a ton of fun. Anytime a new season starts, I love just like the initial climb. But then on top of that, yeah, we've done arrivals and we'll talk about that later, but one thing I will say about that is Snap is a very solo game a lot of the time, so it's, it's just been great to be able to like, foster and connect on the friendships that we've made and be able to just like game together in any capacity and it happens To be in marvel, which is extra fun, right? And so definitely definitely love that man But we we've got a lot to break down on this side of the snapchat. What are we talking about on your side?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy will be doing our full review on both Blink and Nocturne. Two cards came out last week. We'll be breaking down both, doing statistics and giving our overall impressions. We'll also be discussing the state of series drops. It has been mentioned in the developer Q& A. They intend on doing some series drops soon, and we're going to be interested in kind of, well, what might they be dropping? Should they be dropping tons of stuff? Maybe just a little. We'll be discussing that. And then, of course, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, we look like we're in like the, the tracksuit mafia right now, like in like rival mafia gangs. You've got your. You've got your blue and white, I've got the red on over here. What did this is a question for you. What did you wear in high school? Like, what was your style? Were you always a tracksuit Adidas guy?

Alexander Coccia:

Literally my track suit is from high school Yeah, dude, okay, it's funny when I was like in ninth grade I was basically over like just above six feet tall and my parents were like he's gonna be like seven feet I just ninth grade was like the peak I just stopped growing and then like I just hit my full size in ninth grade basically and all my clothes still fit in fact My wife has pictures of me and her together like we were in high school dating and I'm still wearing the clothes I wear today and the only reason why I don't have my entire collection of clothes that i've had since high school is because my wife will like Sneakily throw things away once they've disintegrated, you know Like you're wearing clothes and pants and your undie pants just to the point where you're like, it's perfect My wife will throw them away when they get to that point. It's heartbreaking.

Cozy Snap:

Always throws away like old gyms, man. I'm like, oh yeah, that shirt that I like, it is not even like a great shirt, but it's my shirt. You know, it's what I've been wearing for. Here's the thing. Same thing. I was like the shortest kid in my class, funny enough like growing up for a long time. And then it was around freshman year, dude. I shot up like a foot, like straight up. It was like my, my, my growth plates were screaming, like it was a, it was excruciating. I felt like I was going under like a Captain America like experiment pod, but I could relate with that. Dude, I was I wore a lot of band shirts. I don't know why, like, like, Linkin Park or something. I, I don't know why, but I had a lot of those. Were you ever an Abercrombie American Eagle kind of guy?

Alexander Coccia:

No, no. I was never like a go to the mall and buy something type of person. I literally just owned tracksuits to the point where like, I remember my brother, he was over at my house at some point, he's like, he's like, Alex, I just need to borrow a shirt. He went into my closet and he was like, dude, everything has stripes. He's like, there's nothing I can wear here. It's just all tracksuits, right? Different color tracksuits, but it's all tracksuits. He's like, I can't wear any of your clothes. This is stupid. He's like, how do you even dress yourself?

Cozy Snap:

I wish I grew up sometimes well I don't, but in today, in today a little bit, because I'll tell you what, kids now, they can wear like Dragon Ball Z shirts, and it's cool, you know what I mean, back then we wore that stuff, you get beat up, you're done, it's over, but now it's like, it's cool.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, you're right man, like anime is completely turned around, like when I was in high school, if I was wearing like a bedazzled Dragon Ball Z Goku leather jacket, I would get like stuffed in a locker man, you know what I mean, and now I would wear it proudly.

Cozy Snap:

I almost want that to be made for you like what is it like the Kameya with the, with the jewels on it, you know? Okay, I like, I see it, man. Or the Dragon Ball itself, maybe, maybe. I just want a giant Frieza on my back. Anyway yeah, dude, definitely fun, but we got a lot of cards to break down today. I'm excited to talk about both Blink And Nocturne. And funny enough, people ask this all the time. We, we, we kind of pivot back to Snap. Eventually, Alex and I will do like an extra subject somehow or another and extend the podcast. We actually have some plans in the works, so check back on that later. But for now, let's go to talk about the new card of the week, man, in Sage. Well, for those that don't know, Sage here is a 3 cost, 0 power card with the ability on reveal plus 2 power. For each different power among all other cards here, so obviously Unique Power kinda like Unique Cost from Ms. Marvel, Unique Power is gonna power up Sage here, and if you guys don't recall, I'm pretty sure she was the lowest rated card for both of us when we looked at all of them however, there's a lot of good cards this month, so, we're gonna break down, I have as the Is she this month's sleeper? Right? Because if you look at her text, she definitely does have some capabilities. We were worried about a couple things. We're gonna break that all down. But let's, of course, start with our initial impressions and star ratings. Alex, are you kind of sticking with what you had last week? Are you still a little bit hesitant here? What are you, what are you feeling?

Alexander Coccia:

Last week I came in at 4. And I'm, yeah, I came in at 4 for Sage. I believe I did, am I, did I not? I thought we were 3, I thought we were lower. I was gonna say, cause I'm feeling more on 3.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like maybe you were lower on on Nomura. And maybe you were higher on Sage. Oh, I was definitely lower on

Alexander Coccia:

Nomura. Yeah, yeah. Like, I, I, okay, in my notes I wrote that I said 4 for Sage, but I'm actually gonna relate that back down to a 3. And the more I thought about it, the more I think, like, I think this card has the potential to pop off. I think what holds it back is that it's, it's Red Guardian, you can play like on curve and you're very confident in it. Sage, you're never playing on turn three. You're never playing. This is a turn six card. This is a turn five card. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like that's going to hold the card back. It's a three cost that you're never playing on three. And that I think takes a little bit off of it for me. So I'm going to land at a three star rating.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so I've got a, oh man, this card, it's cool, because you read the text, you're like, okay, it has some pop off potential. This is what makes me hesitant. I have the pros and the cons. The cons is, the card that's gonna replace this card the easiest, no question about it. We all have a card, you have it in your collection right now, and I'm gonna tell you, you probably don't play it. I'm gonna be honest, even in the decks you could and should, and it's Wolfsbane. Wolfsbane's a 3 1. That's similar in vain. If you have three cards at the location, which you would probably want to do with Sage anyway, It's a 3 7, right? And you're just getting that kind of for free. No one's playing Wolfsbane really these days anyway. It's kind of the closest neighbor or cousin to Sage, if you will, in some light. I think Sage is primarily a combo card, right? I think she has some really great pop off potential. But that's, not that's about it, but to your point, I don't see her as this catch all amazing card, so I'm probably gonna give her about, maybe a two and a half. Maybe two and a half, with the potential of combo you know, you're gonna get those games where you have Crazy Sage, and we're gonna have some cool synergies to talk about today. And I think there's actually some great synergistic cards with her, to make her pop off. But as we know, man, it's a game of consistency, it's a game of if you even draw Sage, and then you need to draw the other cards. Can you play Sage? Did your opponent, we've talked about, we don't like where, you know, you have to go off what your opponent has played, and what you've played. That's my initial worry.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny that you bring up Wolfsbane, because Wolfsbane was one of the things that had been kind of sitting in my mind while I was trying to evaluate this card, and trying to determine where I wanted to place it star wise, and originally, because of my experiences with Wolfsbane, I had Sage at a 4, but the more I thought about Sage and its ability, or inability to be played early, I dropped it down to a But Wolfsbane is a surprisingly powerful card. I think it's one of the more slept on cards in Snap. I'm telling you the truth. And if you don't believe me, I got footage of me bringing Wolfsbanes consistently over 30 power in like Wong Odin decks, where like, you're going wide with like white tigers and people are looking at this, this Wolfsbane. They're like, I don't expect this Wolfsbane to do much. And then all of a sudden you, you Wong Odin the Wolfsbane and it's just ramping vertically. Right. And so like, I think it can be a very surprising card. And I use it as an attack vector to go wide with White Tiger, vertical with the Wolf's Bane. And I feel like Sage could be similar to that. It's on reveal ability has, like, the sky's the limit with this. Like, honestly, it has incredible power potential. And, I just wonder though, the different powers? When playing it, is it going to be trickier to ensure that there's going to be different powers, or is it going to be easier? Because, I mean, there's a wide range of powers in Snap. I kind of want to get my hands on this card to see just how easy this effect is to pull off.

Cozy Snap:

I agree. The thing is, with every honor reveal, not every, but for the most part, yes, we can say Wong, we can say Odin. You're not doing Wolfsbane, Wong, and Odin all too much, and usually, We already have combos that work to great extent. I mean, just the pure, that, you know, the pure basics of the first, the second season pass in Black Panther. There you go. Wong Black Panther, you know, Arnim Zola, the classic, if you will, does enough for two lanes instead of Sage for the one. However, you bring up a good point. Is it going to be easier or harder there to get that unique cost? How often is that going to happen? I'm sure I could chat GBT something together with all the powers in the game and, and kind of like, The average meta in Marvel Snap. Is there different powers? I've looked through a lot of the meta decks and there is a lot of unique power there to be fair and within the game. Some of her synergistic options, you lessen the amount of unique power in there, right, and we'll talk about those in a moment. But there are some cards with extreme pop off and ones where I think she's immediately going to fit into. And the first one I want to bring up is going to be Bounce. I straight up think that might be one of her best homes. I think the Bass Bounce, you got a zero power card here, you Bass that, she's up to three to start. And then you're able to bounce her back in the hand and play her twice. And then you've got yourself a card with a lot of ammunition that kind of just flows with the deck, right? We've talked about this. If it's doing what the deck needs to do and is already doing, it's great. Sage and other decks, I feel like you're kind of playing the Sage game. Whereas in the Beast Bounce or Bass Bounce deck, I do think she's going to have a bit more of her home. And that's probably like my initially favorite spot for her.

Alexander Coccia:

I love that you bring that up because it's actually one of my major beefs right now with the game and with Sage in particular. I think that the Bast and Ravonna interaction needs to be fixed. I don't know if it's working as intended. I feel like Ravonna should be taking into consideration the base power of the card and not the Bast or buff power of the card. Because you often have synergies and decks that want to use both Bast and Ravonna but can't because they step on each other's toes. And I felt like Sage when I was trying to design my deck Surrounder, I was like, okay. It was Sage. I want to use Ravonna. And I also, I'm looking at Bass, but I'm like, I can't put them in the same deck. I don't really agree with that. And so I'm really glad you start with Bass there because my other synergistic card would have been Ravonna. And I think that Ravonna can do a lot of very interesting things, but I would have really have liked to see a deck that's using both Bass and Ravonna. And Sage. Of course, you can go the Ravonna route and you go like the Goblins, which should provide unique power. But I just think we're missing out on some deck building opportunities in the game with that interaction working the way it is.

Cozy Snap:

Well, I think, okay, so Ravonna is most definitely almost not a requirement to run Sage, but you almost want to, right? Because you're getting yourself now a two cost card, and now you're talking about some really big burst potential for nothing. For an on curve play, literally, Ravonna into Sage. It's gonna be her best friend. But on top of that tenfold, we've got Mr. Negative, which is that deck you're probably talking about in the synergistic of do you play Bast, do you not, Ravonna, and Negative is awesome, but then you can't Bast that anymore because it kind of messes up the entire deck. You can look at it as an either or option. If you don't draw one, you get the other, but sometimes it's awkward because you get both and you don't know which one to go with, and even more so, Bast is a one drop and you can play it on turn one, and then the entire curve just doesn't really flow together. I do like the idea though. Let's just go into the Ravonna route, but Mr. Negative as well. The Jane Foster Negative deck hasn't gone anywhere. You've got another zero cost card in here. You've got a Ravonna card in here that works with Mr. Negative. You have a Negative card in here that has extreme pop off. And then on top of that, what do we like in those decks? Cards that can go super vertical, and then we spread them with Arnim Zola. Or you can just mess around with the other combos that you have within the deck. I think right there, that's gonna be the winner, and that's why it's a two and a half card. But it has some huge burst potential in those decks that are already pretty strong. But I think Mr. Negative, We know what he is by now, and she does fit into that mold pretty well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so like, Negative's like, the classic pop off, Oh, you're actually gonna go into turn six or seven against me, Deck, right? And Sage will work perfectly there. Especially when you think about, like, what some of your key pop off synergies would be, like, Iron Man, which is gonna be a 0 5, Mystique, 0 3. Then you have the 0 3 Sage, she doesn't count herself, so it doesn't matter that it's the same power as the Mystique. And all of a sudden, you drop, and it's just, like, a huge change. Huge power burst. Right? So yeah, a hundred percent. And it's, listen, I actually, your your Jane Foster decks, don't forget, Jane Foster just got buffed. Your Jane Foster decks have some of my favorite, honestly, they've been some of my favorite. And I think you can sweep some Black Panther in there, some Zola action, as you mentioned, you got yourself a pretty pretty solid list.

Cozy Snap:

And then I love it. Cause Knull's in there. And so you, you play Destroy Deck, you're like, great. Like no matter what, great. And that's. That's, you know, obviously we have other cards with more synergy that can work. Blink, we'll talk about her, but she just kind of works everywhere and especially and Mr. Negative to some points too. Now we have another way to kind of do a last second negative play to maybe get a turn six, you know, card. And so there's a lot of synergy with Sage, with Ravonna, Mr. Negative, with Beast. I think those are the best combo homes for her outside of clearly on Reveal Alex. Surfer. Do you think she is a surfer card or do you think she has no place in the archetype?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, I was giving a lot of thought about this. Like, Surfer is actually one of my absolute favorite archetypes in the game. To the point where, like, I play it if I'm just looking to have fun. Like, if I'm just chilling and I want to just enjoy a round of Marvel Snap, I'm going to my Surfer deck. I don't care if I can win or lose, it's just one I want to play, right? So I gave this a lot of thought. I think there's potential because generally speaking, the way surfers being played right now is you're usually having like a, like a three drop on turn six, right? Usually you play your Sarah on top of the the hope summers. So you have the option of a surfer and absorbing man, but most importantly, that first card you play is usually that tech piece that answers a question or a problem you have in the game. It could be Killmonger. Right. It could be Polaris. It could be, I mean, heck, it could be Negasonic. It's usually something that like, Oh, here's the surprise piece. And then my power combo, but Sage is just straight up additional power. But on turn six, you're able to position in a way where you can hopefully gain a lot of like, Just straight up surprising verticality. It's similar to what I think Sebastian Shaw does. Sebastian Shaw on Surfer, especially if you can double proc with the Silver Surfer and Absorbing Man, feels like it can go way more vertical than most other cards and what most people would expect. To the point Sebastian Shaw could outpower a Red Hulk.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

so I'd be interested in seeing Sage as kind of like a nice closer, but I'm hesitant because I often feel like that one extra card you get on that that turn six pop off of Silver Surfer, you often want it to be something like a Killmonger or some sort of answer you need for the current game.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and that's a fair point. I do think when it, I like the uniqueness of what she could bring to Surfer, like. You know, Ironheart doesn't always make my cuts, right? But in this case, it's like, okay, if I play Ironheart early, I give a couple power to some cards that usually didn't have that. And now, we have more and more unique power, right? Like, there's unique powers to go. And so, I think that you do have a placement there. Shaw, you just brought up another card. He's scaling up past the norm of a, of a three cost. Hell, even maybe a Surfer early, right? Same thing, you're kind of, you're able to boost unique power, and then play regular cards, and, and, and then even, what, Sarah is is a 5 4, and so you know, we have a couple, not a couple, we have a good amount of 3 4s, but I would say most people are playing the 3 5s in their deck. You know, Nocturne was a great addition to Surfer, but, it's gonna be interesting, Brood is a must, and, and Brood just does nothing for her, right? So, you know, you definitely want Wolfsbane in that. I'm definitely going to try her in it. I'm interested to how, you know, how she's going to work in there. I do want to say, because we brought this up, we brought this up last week, alright, and then a couple people are like, Alright, they're still on the Copium train. Listen, you said Ravonna, I gotta bring it up. The fact that you can pull off Sage with Grandmaster for three costs total is something unique. It's something cool. Tell me She's getting plus two per unique, right? Per unique. Only committing three costs to that seems pretty lethal, even if it's on turn five.

Alexander Coccia:

No, you're right. Like it's the potentials there. That's the thing about Grandmaster. The potentials always been there with Grandmaster, but it always feels like copium, like it's just like, he feels like, all right, guys, we did the combo. Right. We did the combo. Now let's get rid of this card. Cause it's making the deck crappy. You know what I mean? Like, I totally feel, man, I want, I want Grandmaster to be legit. And I think that like. There's often these cards that come out where like, man, is this the time? Is this the time, but you're right. Cause you could technically sage on curve, maybe on top of I mean, ideally if you have like a nebula and a white widow with a widow's kiss on the other side, you pull your down there. That's pretty legit. And then unfortunately, if you play the grandmaster, you have to 50, 50, the hit versus like, Oh, do I hit white widow or do I hit the the sage? But the nice thing about that is if you're putting a white widow in the center as well, that's beautiful. If you happen to proc the sage against it into the middle, the only problem is there's going to be nothing there. So you'd have to do it later. I just realized. Right? You'd have to do the Grandmaster play later. It'd have to be more of a closer.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like Grandmaster, it just, he does play a lot like Mr. Negative. You got to know what you're going in with. I guess you're going in with Grandmaster pop off combos. And what do you do with those decks when you're playing them? Right? You go all in on the hand that looks good. It's, it's legit like poker, right? Like you're going all in on the hand that looks good. You got to get out. If it doesn't look good. You know, Mr. Negative, you've got to understand, you're gonna lose one by forfeiting. Lose one by forfeiting. Win eight by the guy that shouldn't have stayed. Win you know, lose two, lose four, win sixteen. That's how that deck works. It's climbable, but that's just the archetype, right? And I think, you know, That is purely a lot of combo decks. We have a lot more safer combo decks, but that's kind of, you know, my, my general feelings on Sage almost, right? Like, I think that she's gonna have that pop off. I think she'll be a bit more flexible than those cards. I just don't see her being used all over and all the decks as a crazy option, especially, you know in the meta that we're kind of sitting in right at this moment. But is there any other combo cards you got in mind?

Alexander Coccia:

The thing I really want to ask you is, what do you think is a fair baseline for Sage's power? Like, if you're playing Sage, and even if it's on turn three, for instance, you're playing on top of Nebula and White Widow, which I think would be a great combo for her. Like, where do you want Sage to land? Like, for me, I think if Sage can consistently be a 3 6, with essentially no downside, that's probably fine, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's legit, either the opponent playing two and you playing one, just three cards on the board, hoping, obviously, they're, you know, they're different costs. Which, again, there's plenty of one, you know, one power, two power, three power lines that can be in there. I feel like 3 6 is, is, is the line you should easily be okay with walking away with. I, I, we, we've, you know, gone through this with so many cards, where you just want to build up the power. You want to get up there. You want to get, you want to see big number, better person. But, go with the 3 6. I think 3 6 is that baseline. 3 8 should be achievable. It should definitely be achievable. And then again, in those rare games, like, I think people are going to be rewarded by patience with Sage, right? Like, you're going to want to play her on curve, right then and there. Or You wait. But that's the problem. It's not a perfect world of Marvel Snap, and it turned three hits, and guess what? You only have Sage to play. And you're like, dude, she's only gonna be a 3 4. What do I, do I just play her? Which then, at that, if you're doing like a Surfer deck, okay, take the 3 4, right? Take the 3 4 at that point, but there's not a lot of decks where you're gonna have that value, and you can like bump it up later with Surfer, or whatever that might be. Which is our initial impression on Sage. We said, When do you play her all the time? Like, you know, I think it's easy to telegraph it, but it's also hard to, or not telegraph it, but it's easy to for us to sit here and say a perfect game Marvel Snap, when you'd optimally want to play her, but will that work out in live games?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, now that you're saying that, and I'm like listening to what you're saying, and I'm thinking on my own here, I'm like, you know what? I don't think I'd want to play her for a 3. 6. I think it needs to be higher. I think she needs to be closer to a 3. 8 baseline because for a 3. 6, you have the downside of her basically being a 3. 0, right? And I mean, I'd rather just play Polaris. I'd rather just play Nocturne. I'd rather just, I'd give up one power for that baseline level of consistency. I think it's probably better for when you're holding Sage and nothing else. If you're holding Sage, Silver Surfer, and Absorbing Man, you're gonna like, what do I even do? Do I skip turn three? You know what I mean? Like, that feels terrible, whereas you can just tempo out a Polaris.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, agreed. And like, people will say, or think like, well, why are you saying Mr. Negative? Because all you're really gonna do probably there is Ravonna on two. Did anybody hope your opponent plays the other cards when you play Sage? No, because Mr. Negative is all about last turn pop off, right? And so we are going to have that. And, and speaking of last turn pop off, I've got Sarah down. Again, I really do feel like Sarah is a decent Sage card as well. Combine that with Ravonna if you want to. That value for Sage, there's not a lot of three costs that I like in Ravonna in Sarah decks. Not Surfer decks, but just Sarah decks. I feel like Sage can bring that heat a little bit. It's, you're gonna have to look at archetype by archetype of when you're actually gonna play her. I do agree, I personally think 3 6 is probably fine, depending on, like, if I have a 3 6 available on turn 3, I'm playing it. Depending on the deck. To your point, if I Yeah, that's absolutely fair. Yeah, if I had Polaris though, maybe not, but

Alexander Coccia:

A question that I have, though, I don't think we have an answer for. I was hunting for it in Q and A's and stuff is how initiative would affect this card. I think that's an important consideration as well, because if their cards are facedown and non revealed, they can't count towards the potential power increase. Right. So you'd want to give, you'd want to give initiative to ensure that they're face up. So there are different powers so that Sage can kind of come down and benefit from those cards being in play. So is Ghost synergistic?

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I see. Ghosts is a two. Oh no, no. Ghosts is a two. That's so crazy. Ghosts is a two. I always forget Ghost just popped up to a 3 5 now, man. That's wild. Possibly. Yeah, possibly. I think she's definitely more about late turn pop offs. I don't even know if you'd have priority in a good amount of the decks that you're playing with. Like, Surfer, you want it right? Negative? Probably not either. You're gonna be, like, building that up later. You know, I was thinking about this. On turn 1 and 2, what power Assignment. Do you think it's the most common you'll see?

Alexander Coccia:

I think three. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. Three.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, definitely three, right? Like, yeah, you'll get a couple too, but we got a lot of two threes in the game. Like, just a ridiculous amount of two threes in the game, especially being played right at this moment. Interesting, we do have some, we have obviously some two fives. We have, we, there are some unique things there. And there will, there's going to be some deck matchups, like let's say you're in Conquest and you're going up against a certain deck where you're like, Oh man, Sage is going to pop no matter what. With this, with this guy's playing, maybe sometimes you let Nebula get the point, I don't know. Like you can maybe manipulate it in some ways and you're kind of forced to be playing on this or maybe you put Nebula in your own deck to force them to play on that lane so you can build that up and that could easily be a synergized option for Sage. But all in all, We're gonna have to see. This is truly one of those cards. I'm just curious of how it plays out, what decks play out. I am excited. I do love my combo cards. For the most part, this should be a pretty easeable you know, easy skip week. Especially you know, it's Tribunal and Legion as well, which, love Legion, but he's an S4. And Tribunal's good. I mean, definitely Tribunal. I just don't know if I'd go all in on this week.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I definitely, it's probably one of the absolute weakest weeks. Tribunal, again, archetype defining card, but absolutely not necessary. And Legion? I mean, I like Legion, but that one power hit that it took, and that one nerf, I think really took it out of the meta to some degree. I think it should be a 5 8 still, but that's a whole other conversation. But yeah, I totally agree with your your take on that. One thing I'll add before we move on from Sage, is that my favourite thing about this card? Is the art. She's got a Veta scanner. The power is over 9,000.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, she definitely, yeah, you're right man. She got that. She does have a veta scanner. I, I did wanna add to move cards. I thought it was kind of unique, I think like Jeff Knight crawler, like building her up and then moving them not to deter our like seventh DPC coming, but yeah, I do think there's kind of maybe a placement there for her as well. Being able to get that unique cost going. And possibly, even something like Juggernaut. If you're talking about turn 6 plays, you play Jug, you move all those cards that are going to play into a location, you know it's going to fill at that point, then you play Sage in the other one. I think it's kind of cheeky.

Alexander Coccia:

That's a spicy idea. Yeah, Juggernaut's always a really spicy turn 6 play.

Cozy Snap:

And Claw decks are doing really well too. So I was like, could Sage go in those style of decks now? We've got a lot of unique costs there. Either way, we're gonna move on, buddy. We're gonna go to the OTA review, and I don't think anyone saw this OTA coming. I sure as hell did not. First, can I start with how crazy is it, bro? Hey, Valentina came out. We're doing all the six cost cards. On a random note, Ultron, I think, was the last card we did, and I was just like, it was the end of the podcast. I'm like, bro, I think we were ending the podcast. I was like, hey, bro, do you think the drones could get another power? Like, it was out of nowhere, and we were like, Yeah, maybe, or maybe they go up on power on Ultron. Bro, I cannot believe Ultron is a 24 power card baseline now. It's ridiculous.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you actually legitimately called it like in passing last week, which is absolutely crazy. And I like to change. I actually really like to change. Is it too powerful? I think statistically, it's showing that it's not overpowered. I think the main Ultron deck that I'm seeing in Infinite right now is running about a 56 percent win rate. Which is not overbearing considering how many people are running it, how many people are not expecting it because it's so fresh and new and keep in mind, keep in mind, that Destroy is kind of on a bit of a downward slope right now, and so people aren't naturally running Killmongers, because if you have Killmonger and they're playing Ultron based decks, you know to give initiative than wipe the board, right? Oh, look at the split, Cozy, I don't want to get interrupted, but what is this absolute beauty?

Cozy Snap:

Yo, listen, you know, You know, been a part of the UFC for a while, the Ultron fan club. I, like, I didn't need a buff to play my guy over here. And what I can tell you because of that, and I know a lot of people they're, they're a little sad. I don't have an Ultron video out yet. I'm sorry. Rivals came out. It was a whole nother thing. It's coming. It's coming. I can tell you as an Ultron player myself, why I think this buff is going to be crazy, even as we move on, is you know it, man. Surprise Ultron! And not even like the deck Surprise Ultron, but playing Ultron on Surprise. You know what he's not now? He's definitely not a Surprise. Obviously, everyone's going to be playing him. So as time moves on and people kind of got their fun with him, Dude, that is when he's gonna strike. That is when he's gonna be ridiculous. And I like him as this kind of like, this like, get out of jail car, like man, I got nothing going on for me. And then you're like, you know what? Let's just see if an old John can get the dubs here at the end or whatever. But I appreciate the split love. You know, you know, I, I, I had to love him up early.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, no kidding. And it's funny. Cause like Ultron was like non existent in the meta, completely non existent. Now it's to the point when I'm playing and someone plays Dazzler, I know what's up. Like as soon as they play Dazzler, I'm like, okay, I see you there. I know what's coming. There ain't no surprise Ultron here, my man. I know what you're doing.

Cozy Snap:

That was the thing. It wasn't just Ultron. We've had cars like this in the past. It wasn't just Ultron. It's that over months now, we've been getting other cards being buffed that have been buffed for Ultron. And like, even something like Omega Red, I used to do a lot with like Dazzler, like way back when, like almost a year and a half ago now. And I'm like, dude, might as well throw that back into the into the play, into the fray. But yeah, I think the Ultron the Ultron change was a really fun one. And one that I hope they experiment with more on other cards. Like, hey, it's a good card, it's not awesome, and it's not being played. Let's give it a little bit of love.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, I 100 percent agree, and it's like, Ultron's not one of those cards that I think has the capability to dismantle the meta, you know what I mean? Like, it's kind of like a, it's not like a free buff, the way I think they still should buff Mr. Fantastic, but I think that like, overall, it's a buff that like, Ain't going to hurt nobody ain't going to murder the meta. You know what I mean? It's a very fair look and I'm actually impressed. They went with the, the flavor of buffing the drones. They could have easily have given them the nice line of six, nine, right? They could have just gone there and people were like, Oh, an ultra buff. And they just start playing them. But to get the flavor, right. To be like, you know what? No, he's about these drones. Give the drones the power. I like that choice.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure, man. What I, what about this choice? Tell me if you like this choice. What on earth? I'm going to let you lead the pack here and I'm going to give you the floor. I want you to kind of get it all out there. What do you feel about the leaps to change?

Alexander Coccia:

This is what I'm thinking. Okay. So second dinner sits at the table, right? They're trying to figure out this OTA. They're like, all right, guys, they're passing the bottle of wine around. They're trying to figure out the cards that they're going to buff. They're trying to figure out the cards. They're going to nerf. The bottle of wine is now complete. They're about to call the meeting and someone right at the end says, Yo, what if we buff Leech? Okay, I like it. And then somehow it ends up in the notes. That's how I think it went down.

Cozy Snap:

You son of a bitch, that might be crazy enough to work. See, I thought, this is what I thought, I thought they got their cards in the warning labels, like this one's getting too good, right? And they're all at this conference table, and there's this like glass box, right? And in that is Leech, and there's a little hammer next to it. It's like breaking case of emergency and they're like, hey, it's hella, hella's killing us. Like, what do we do? And someone's like, the box, Glenn. The box. And they're like, is it time? Do we do it? And every, and again, the wine's getting passed around for sure. It's broken. They broke it, right? It's like, screw it, break it open, get the four out, see what happens. Now I get it in a way of like, okay, yeah, hella was, you know, hella was, hella was doing her thing. All right, hella was doing her thing. Dude, I was playing Leech. Funny enough, I was playing Leech the day before this. I was playing my very first Blink deck. I liked Blink as a, or I liked Leech as a 5. I was like, oh, it's a perfect 5 cost for Blink. I loved it, and I was playing more Leech than I usually do, and I was like, it's sneaky. Nobody's playing Leech right now, and then this happened, and I'm like, ah, damn. There that, there that goes.

Alexander Coccia:

In my OTA video, I literally said Cozy just released a video with Leech at like five cost with Blink and it was working pretty well there. Like I actually liked it. Now it's a perfect curve play. What have they done? It's like, and remember with Blink, if you rotate out Leech, you're guaranteed a five or six. That is super valuable, man. You Leech and then you Blink and then Redhawk comes and just waves to their like demolished end. Oh, it's so dirty. And like, I don't know, man. The way I see it is like, as you were describing, like, kind of like Glenn looking to the, the glass case, I almost see leeches, like, sitting in this, like, box, like a fire extinguisher would. And Glenn, like, smashing it and be like, hell is a problem, guys. But I've got the answer. And the alarms are going off at the second dinner place. They're like, we have to, we gotta buff leech. It was, it's risky. But it was also fast enough. I wonder if internally they knew that blank Hella was going to be disgusting. I just wonder, because I think they still need a week leeway on the OTAs. I believe they've said before, I don't have actual like confirmation on that, but I think they said patches are a month. OTAs are generally a week of leeway. It almost makes me feel they're like, you know what, man? Internally, I think Hela is too good with Blink. Let's get this Leech out here. We need It's a release Valve, right? It's a release Valve. Is it gonna do its job? That's the question.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, but I don't know about you, and this is like everybody who plays Marvel Snap. I swear, okay? Someone plays Leech against me. I've got the I've got the full combo, right? I had everything. I'm like, here we go. It's a perfect YouTube video. And it dies. I play Leech against a Hela deck, right? All their cards are dead. They top deck Hela on turn six. Like, it's every time. Like, every time. I, I, it, that's my experience playing Leech sometimes. I don't know about everyone else here. I know he's, he's a card. I also think it's funny, man, to transition for a second. We've been playing Marvel Rivals. There's one, there's one character there that's the best by a far margin. It's the best character in the game. And it's Hela. We can't escape her, bro. Like, we cannot escape her. She's the best character in all of our Marvel games. What the hell?

Alexander Coccia:

You know, it's actually pretty wild. Like it's, Hela has been like kind of terrorizing the meta for a while. And it kind of subsided for a little bit, I think, just because, not because it wasn't good, but because like, I think what happens with Marvel Snap is like, people kind of just want, they want to play something new. They want to see what the new broken hotness is. And so that you have these decks that kind of go underappreciated for like ample amounts of time that people get to infinite with all the time. They just don't get put. Hela was one of them. Shuri's another one. There's like these decks that people just don't play. That, like, sneakily will get you to and then all of a sudden, you get this blink buff, or blink, like, inclusion to the game, the release, and it's like, wait a minute, this is good. You get a hella deck, you add Jubilee, and you just swap Jubilee for, like, a Giganto? How can this ever go wrong? And it barely ever does. And then all of a sudden the meta is broken once again, and Leech has to come to our rescue. It's bothering me that it only has four fingers, by the way.

Cozy Snap:

He's a scary mother effer. I'll say this, I think that in all Hella, to me, doesn't have a lot of, like, knobs or adjustments that you can do, but she kind of does. I think the answer to her, in a way, is you set a cap on her revive. I don't think you can set it too, too low. You still have to have that pop off, if you will. What's the cap, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I have no idea, because remember, you have Ghost Rider that does that. Ghost Riders basically that with just

Cozy Snap:

the one. Yeah, but it would be like four.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, maybe but even then like four It's still a Giganto, a Red Hulk, and an Infinite. Like that's just three. It's just three already. It's huge Maybe you just revive like like you play Hela and then two revivals go to the other location So it gives like you get a limited number of revives. However, they're more consistent You're able to target it a bit better. Like you only get two But like, you know where they're gonna go? Not like, no, but one of them's gonna go here and the other one's gonna go here cause it can't go in the location you play Hela.

Cozy Snap:

Or just three revives, but you bump her stats, right? And then you make it better. Like, she's a 6'8 with three revives. Or she's a, you know, and then that way you can look at it like Ultron in some ways. You still have that randomness to you. I think you can go a couple ways with this. I do think you can, I think they're trying to figure, I, I, I, I'm sure Hela's in their radar. There's no way, man. I mean, they have Leech, like, so, she's in their radar. I think she's due for an adjustment. Right.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what would be hilarious? This would be such a troll buff that somehow could work if someone really tried hard. Hela gets plus 10 if she gets discarded.

Cozy Snap:

So she gets

Alexander Coccia:

discarded and you have to play Ghost Rider to pull the Hela back to get the value. But then like, it's just, it's like the backup plan for when you like accidentally Corvus your own Hela.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude. Okay. Alright. I dig it. I dig it. What I don't dig Is Darkhawk. The man can't catch a break. The man cannot. He can't catch a break. I said this, I'm like, truly, and I was waiting for the comments. Truly, tell me guys, have you been playing against Darkhawk? Like, have you been losing to Darkhawk decks out there? In fact, I told, I said, I was like, I made a deck, I felt like I was cooking. I was like, I got a Darkhawk deck that's working. I love it. I think, I'm, I'm convinced, man. I'm convinced there is this, there is this Marvel Snap we don't have access to. Where Angel, Captain America, Mr. Fantastic, and Dark Hawk are just running supreme.

Alexander Coccia:

For engagement, they should nerf Captain America. I'd love to see him. Just nerf him. Make him a 3 1.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, see that's the difference. If I ran the game, I feel like April 1st, April Fools, I'd be like, You guys, listen, we're gonna have to power back Captain America. We're gonna make him a negative 1. We feel like he's just a bit too toxic for the meta today. And it could change. We might even go lower. why not?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I was dying when I saw that Darkhawk got changed. I was like, first of all, I think the meta share was like 2. 5%. And I was like, okay, first of all, you just said it's the best card in the game internally. So now people, even with that negative one power, just going to play a ton of Darkhawk now. Cause you just tipped off that it's really good. Secondly, What is, so this was the question I had and I brought it up in mine. I was like, what's the point of the balance attack? Like, what's your actual goal? Is it a balanced meta or are you trying to attack the overperforming cards? Because listen, at 2. 5 percent Darkhawk, not problematic. Maybe there was one or two dudes out there that figured out the most broken Darkhawk deck in the world. And they had the spiciest brews crushing it and they like, that's fine. And if they did that, they deserve to climb with it. But Darkhawk, no. Was not a problem. I was not facing a lot of Dark Hawk. I play this game literally way too much. An unhealthy amount of Marvel Snap gets played in my household. And Dark Hawk was not bothering me. And so when you're doing these balance patches, what is your attack vector? Are you trying to you know, just not to, I don't want to say disable the cards that are performing so well, but are you trying to reduce the win rate of cards that are performing? There's always going to be a number one best card in Marvel Snap. Or are you trying to protect the meta? Because Darkhawk was not meta problematic.

Cozy Snap:

No, and that's, that's what is is puzzle scratching. We'll get these Ultron changes, and then it's just like another, there's another, like, there's a puzzle behind it. I, like, the Soar, and it's kind of like, you know what's funny? Is, what I don't want to see the most, man, is four weeks down the line, Hey guys, we've decided to take Darkhawk back up to a, to a 5. 4. Because, what just happened with Soran? What just happened? I said this, as my loser of the patch a few months back, I said, Psylocke, what are we doing taking her back down? They took her down, people adjusted, okay, we'll play with Ravonna, we'll find new decks for her, you know. Back up to 2 2, she went. I get it, I think those cards should have been there, and could have stayed there. I just don't want to see these, like, flip flops. I get that's why OTAs are there. But there are some cards when the entire community is, like, head scratching about it. It's just, yeah, like what are they solving? You know?

Alexander Coccia:

There's one thing that kind of came to mind that I wonder if it could be an answer is Ereshim, which is going to add the additional cards to the deck later this month, at the end of this month, the last card to release. So I wonder if that. Had a role to play and potentially Darkhawk being changed because you're going to be stuffing your deck with a ton of cards. And so Darkhawk would be a very natural counter to that new card coming out in series five.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, but like, it's not going to run the meta, you know, you wouldn't think so. That's a good point though. That is a good point. I just don't think that, and like Thanos is, Not dead, but you know, he's obviously not.

Alexander Coccia:

When was the last time you played against someone who's No, I should No, no, no. Now that I think about it, I've been playing against a lot of Thanos. Last week, I went off about how hot locations are complete nonsense and then what they I I'm actually tilted. Give me a second. Okay. Last week we talked about how Hot Locations are complete bullshit, and then you know what they did? They released two new cards. They released Nocturne, and they released Blink. I was having so much fun playing Marvel Snap, and then they released a Hot Location the next day that was Quantum Tunnel. I was in shambles. Not only that, but it was Twitch Drops. So I played like 16 hours of Marvel Snap with a Hot Location. I was literally in emotional distress. Cozy, I, like, honestly man, I couldn't believe it. After the last week. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk,

Cozy Snap:

everybody introducing our brand new segment, weekly segment. We had it last week. It's this week too. It's our two minute drill on why we hate hot and featured locations in the game and up. We'll see you right here next week. All altogether, we forget. Did we forget anybody? We had? Oh yes, we had one Nerf that also made sense. Lady desk track. I do think I, I was not mad about this one. I was like, all right, you can take the PowerPoint off. It makes sense just where the meta's at, Klogg is still doing great, she fit into that deck, she fit in against like, just pure, she's just a good card man, she's a good card to throw into a lot of decks there. And that one, I was like, okay, see that one makes sense, we saw a huge uptick in her in the meta, and we saw her in a lot of decks. This one, I wasn't as salty about.

Alexander Coccia:

I was still kind of salty about this one. Like, not crazy salty, I was way saltier. But this one here, I was like, man, again, Lady Deathstrike, I think it was at like a 7 percent meta share. It was a part of one of the absolute top performing packages with the Pixie Deathstrike base stacks, so I totally see that. But it was an answer to the Junk meta, right? It was a card that had seen absolutely no play prior to like, the two weeks that it became relevant. Right? So like, why not give Lady Deathstrike a little bit more time? No, I didn't see anybody on Twitter saying, LDS dammit, I'm uninstalling Marvel Snap. Like, I didn't see that.

Cozy Snap:

I, I, I, so I agree. But here's my, my point to that, is I'm not playing her in the lane, and I'm like, man, I'm hoping I win by one more power. I get every power point matters. I get it. But like, I'm aiming to destroy the stuff below three, and that's what she does still. Like, You know, I, I personally didn't have a game where I'm like, God, the one power, the power difference, you know, I usually like I'm killing their deck. And then that's it. I get your point though. Is it like letting cards cook a little bit more if that's like the main like, let her have

Alexander Coccia:

her time in the sun, man. Like, look at this beautiful. LDS had seen no play whatsoever. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, yeah. Alright, like, give

Alexander Coccia:

her a little bit of time to cook, man. That's all I'm saying. But, like, the deck was absolutely crushing it. Like, it was legitimately a step above some of the other ones. I don't know where the hell this Darkhawk deck was. I mean, it's apparently, it was crushing Lady Deathstrike. I didn't see it out there, but

Cozy Snap:

LDS had

Alexander Coccia:

to take a bullet here.

Cozy Snap:

Lastly, Alex, we have Klaw, who finally got a buff, dude, in the OTA, man. What are you thinking about the Claw Buff? We always talked about him. Remember, we always like, Claw should get a buff. After Ms. Marvel came out, Claw should get a buff. Plus 8. Plus 8 now. He's a 512! Have you been playing Claw?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I kind of joked about this, but Claw's one of those cards I almost never, ever play. Yeah. I respect it, I like it, but I never put it in my decks. And ever since this buff, I've been putting him in, and he's still somewhat awkward at times, but that in plus eight is huge. It's pure power, man. It's pure power. It doesn't matter what that location on the other side is. Negative zone, death's domain, altar of death, it does, it matter what that location is. Wow, I sound like The Rock there, but honestly, The Claw just gets it done.

Cozy Snap:

Pure power, and then on top of that, like, you don't have to worry about, like, a Jeff going over there anymore, like, you know, it's just like, it's beating out that lane, and you have, like, a much more comfortable power position. I just want to know what he's doing with his teeth, like, what's going on, he's looking at his hand, and he's, like, what is that, what is that look? He's not angry, he's just like, what is that?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. I don't know what his, he has those leech eyes, man. What the

Cozy Snap:

hell? Absolutely, man. Well, all together though, I did think it was a, I'm gonna say it was a good OTA. It was definitely spicy, you know, definitely spicy in good ways, fun ways, maybe some bad ways for sure. But we're gonna move on to the last subject, man. And this subject is gonna be about leagues. We're not, you know, we don't need to go on a tangent. I, I went on a little bit of a tangent. My OTA just said, I, I, I absolutely did agree with it. If you guys don't know, leagues is in beta over, I think it ended now, but it was over in UK and it's you don't have to do anything extra. You can just play the game and you go up a leaderboard. And you can get rewards. But there's a major but here you can buy perks. You can get perks, Alex. How do you get perks, Alex? Well, buddy, it's been gold to get perks. And yeah, when you have a leaderboard, when you have rewards that weren't even that good, but when you have a leaderboard. When you have rewards, it just compromises the environment, right? It's like, hey, NFL, guys, go in the playoffs, battle it out! By the way, if you pay the NFL another million, you get another shot. Like, it's just stupid. It doesn't belong. And I'm not definitely going to say it's the first time. I was massively disappointed. We are, we are starting to see, dude, I'm just, I'm getting frustrated, man. I'm getting frustrated with a game that I love. A game that has literally taken over my life. A game that I think about 24 7. And, and, you know, I haven't talked to developers in a while now. But people that I, you know, that I expect to look at something like that and know, you know, that, that, it's just not a good idea. It's just not a good idea. I don't know how that passes and I hate to see it.

Alexander Coccia:

The most powerful card in Marvel Snap can never be the credit card.

Cozy Snap:

It's the Visa. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

It's that simple. It can never be the credit card. And I think the current iteration of leaks just proves that it is. And that's super problematic. You can't have that happening, Cozy. You know what I mean? And you're right. A hundred percent. Like there's, there's gotta be a voice of reason somewhere where it's saying like, Hey guys, first of all, good choice, making this a beta, because if we released this worldwide, people would have lost their minds. So like, I think they need to take some lessons back from it and definitely reconsider what that looks like. Thankfully, that's not the mode that we've been waiting for. When I saw him like, please, not this be the mode we've been waiting for. And they're like, no, no, no, don't worry guys. This isn't the mode we're working on. This was like an extra little thing we were trying out. So that gives me some solace, but honestly I was, I didn't get it. I'm not in it, but just knowing enough about it and seeing what it was, I was disappointed with the implementation.

Cozy Snap:

It's just silly. It's just silly because it's not even like big rewards or anything. You know what I mean? Like it's just. It doesn't make it any better that it's not good rewards. It's just at the bottom, the bottom line is, I've seen now, you know, hey, you can get, you know, cardboarders. Great. I don't care. Listen, if you want to spend your money on that, go for it. I will tell you guys straight up. I bought in one. It was a gold frame for Agent Coulson. That is the only one I've bought in. Period. I don't care if you bought in a hundred. I have no judgment against you as a human. You spend your money, you damn well please. But what I will say is, it was like, oh, we plan on implementing these somewhere later, you know, or We've seen this time and time again, and it's just, I'm just, I, man, I'm just disappointed, is the best way to say it. We need, we, YouTube. You have a massive success of a game. You have a massive success of a following. and It's, we gotta, we gotta start moving. We gotta start moving. We gotta start doing things, and taking steps in the right direction.

Alexander Coccia:

Couldn't agree more, man. My favorite game on the planet. The game that's completely changed my life professionally from like an entertainment standpoint. I met one of my best friends playing this game, sitting right across from me, virtually. And one thing that has consistently come up is, is this, this monetization, which seems like it is just shooting itself in the foot at every given opportunity. And the game plays there. I mean, I think every single person that plays Marvel Snap agrees that this is the best playing card game on the planet, close to being one of the best playing games on the planet. There isn't a person out there that says that this game does not play well. It's everything on the periphery that seems to be happening that is causing the complaints, which I think is exactly what you're saying. It is the thing that you're feeling, and I think it's really unfortunate for a game that's as good as it is.

Cozy Snap:

And I think we have been super fair. We have defended things, we have said like, Hey, they need to make money, because they did! In the early years, like, we were saying that, you know? Like, yeah, you know, let them, let them gather up, like, we totally get it, we need the game to stay. It is a free game, we've said that, you know, before, and all these points remain, that's fine. But at the end of the day, there has to be, there's gotta be this middle ground and this community that I really care about. I don't want to see separated off of reasons, reasonings that it doesn't have to. And probably I think the ultimate thing where people are like, what about the leagues? Yes, it has to do with the paying to win kind of thing. But the other half of it is, We know that the dev team is limited to a degree, right? They're not, they don't have a million people working there and popping out new stuff all the time. So when we see something, we have to take it as face value of like, Oh, that's what they've been spending the time on here, right? Like that's just what we have to assume. And so I know there's new game mode. I know it doesn't get made overnight. But the bottom line is we have to assume that is where the resources are going. Why are they going there?

Alexander Coccia:

That is without question, one of the most disappointing parts. It's like, really, this is, this is where the, the, the human resources went to, right, a feature that really just you know, just made the game feel like a complete pay to win disaster. And I think you're absolutely correct. I think you're absolutely correct. And I just hope that they got the feedback they needed to make the best choices they can to, if they're going to keep that mode in the game, they need to make it much more fair. They need to have some sort of integrity because if there's no competitive integrity in a league based mode, I mean, then basically it's just it's just, it's basically like every soccer league out there that pays off the refs, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right, dude. I, yeah, end of the, end of the day is I, I, I just want to have fun with the game, and like, you know, it's the internet. People are, people are people. I, I, you can't offend me. Come at me, guys. I, I, I just, I really don't, I don't mind it. But at the end of the day, it's like I'm seeing less and less, like, having fun, and that's why I, like, that is why I created a YouTube channel, was to have fun with people and game. And it's more of like, you know, you know, F second dinner, F you, whatever it is. And I'm like, I get it, dude. I told, I do. I, I, sure. I get where you're coming from. That sucks. That sucks. I want to have fun again with it. And I'm having fun, but I want to, you know, have that fun. And that's just the reality of the situation around the, the Snap ness right now. So you know, sorry to go on a, we, we never love to end it on like a rawr talk. But, you know, also Beyond passionate about the game, about the community, about the direction of the game, and it's out of our hands, that's for sure, you know, and we're gonna just, you know, We're going to keep on, you know, trying to put out the fun content.

Alexander Coccia:

The sad part about it is like, yeah, we're absolutely passionate. We love this game and the people that engage most and have the most passionate responses to things like this are the people that are most invested in the game itself. And so they want the game to be successful. They want it to be fair. They want it to continue in the future. They know it needs to make money. But what I will say is the changes that have been happening here with like the, like the, the bundles being so expensive and we're starting to get back some decent gold bundles at least, but it's taken a while to get there. I find myself spending way less money than I used to. Like, I hate to say it. I used to buy everything. And now I'm like, I'm just, I'm not spending 140 Canadian on a variant anymore, guys. Like, especially when you. When you rug pull the value of gold by giving me a bunch of garbage ass bundles for four months. I'm just not doing it. I'm not gonna, I'm sitting on like 50, 000 gold. And I'm not gonna buy any, I'm not buying anything else because I just, I don't trust its value. And I think that so, if you get aggressive with the monetization, you start to turn people off. I bet you that hurts the bottom line as well. There has to be a fair line.

Cozy Snap:

And here is the final point I want to make around this. It's sometimes to me, it's not even about the money. It's about what comes along with it. We haven't had the modes. We haven't had the stuff coming alongside where it's actual playable stuff, right? Or a new mode or whatever and, and that is where you can easily throw this stuff in there. If we got a game mode six months from Conquest or eight months from Conquest or ye whatever, not a year because it hasn't been that, no one cares. I think we, like, dude, if you had a game mode in there that's amazing, you throw in some expensive bundles, it's like, ah, well, you know, okay, you know, oh, borders, we've got this mode going on, whatever. It's that. That, I think, is the ultimate thing around it, and I I am hoping to God Second dinner that you guys hit a home run for this next game mode. You know I'll be your biggest fan if you do, and I will definitely talk about it if you don't because it's gonna be just yeah, we'll get there when we get there guys.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, how has your week in Marvel Snap been?

Cozy Snap:

They do be callin me the master of blasters. Doin good, man. Doin good. The week is always fun, man. The week has always been fun. Blink is, It's just a fun card, and it's always great when a fun card is a good card too, right? And so we've had the best mix of both, and then Nocturne is a good card. Well, you know what? We'll talk about it. I'm getting ahead of myself here. We got some subjects to talk about, but yes, fun cards to play with in general, and a good week of Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Blink has been an absolutely remarkably powerful card in Marvel Snap. Now, going right into it, honestly, we came in pretty high. I gave this card a 5 star. We don't like doing that. Well, I do, and I like being wrong. But no, this time I think I might actually be right, Cozy. This card has shaken the meta pretty damn hard. You came in at 4. 5. What are your actual thoughts on the rankings?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like right there. Yeah, I think you can't go wrong. 4. 55. She's a great card, and we kinda, we kinda nailed it on that. Because of just the limitless and lossless potential. There's just so many places to play the card. A lot of great value there. Good God, man. Well, she just felt like, I felt like, I can't remember a card off the top of my head that was like, Wow, I just have endless, like, things to try them in. Probably like Grandmaster, right? We like, I could do this, or I could do that. But this time, this card is working out and being played great on Curve. And I gotta say, man, a card I always loved back in the early days of Snap, Was Jubilee. And I love that Jubilee is just being played like crazy right now. We kind of lost Lockjaw a long time ago. And so it's super fun to bring her back into things too.

Alexander Coccia:

I honestly love Jubilee too. Like I actually missed the animation, the sound effects, all of it. It's actually one of the nicest sound effects and animations in the game. If you really think about it, perfectly character specific. It, like it literally, when you watch the X Men, that sound, it's the exact same sound pretty much. Right. So yeah, so Jubilee is a ton of fun to play with, but Blink, it goes beyond just Jubilee. It goes into Leech, which we just talked about, it goes into Jubilee, as you mentioned, goes into Electro. And sometimes it just goes into like something random, like a, I don't know, a blade, right? You're playing Corvus, then like, yeah, well, you don't get a good play, you play Blade with Blink, and then you swap the blade out, Giganto lands on the board. It's pretty crazy what you can do with this card. And honestly, it has been immensely powerful, and the statistics back it up. You're looking at approximately a 53 percent win rate post Infinite in the most competitive scenes in Marvel Snap. And this is the kicker though, and I've never seen a number this high in my entire Marvel Snap career, a 38 percent post infinite meta share. That is absolutely bonkers. In perspective, Red Hulk was 33, which I think was one of the absolute highest we've ever seen. 38 percent as of right now according to untapped statistics.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's crazy, man. I mean, she truly just She works in so much, and it's about what you said earlier. It's about that, it's not like, oh, your blade can go to a two cost. It's the fact that you're playing a little bit in the casino, but the odds are significantly better than something like, let's say, Jubilee, where it's anything. And, dude, to that note, we kinda nailed it, man. The tech track, I can't tell you how nice it is to look over and be like, Okay, so I've got these options to work with. I'm gonna do this now, or I'm gonna play this now. Did you go more ramp side of things? Did you go more just kind of, Put her in decks that are already kind of working and you just get good value. Where did you play her the most?

Alexander Coccia:

I love that you asked that. I started with Ramp. Didn't like it that much, honestly. Like, Electro Ramp felt fine. But like, I think that in Marvel Snap, what we look for is unfair advantages that we can capitalize on because those unfair advantages turn into snap equity. And that's where I think you really gain your cubes in Marvel Snap. I tweeted it, like this is not a joke, I got like 120 something cubes at like a 70 something percent win rate running Blink Hella before it was cool by the way. And I was like, this is crushing, it's insane, it's almost, it's borderline unfair. I can take Corvus Glaive, which is already a 3 5, turn it into, on turn 4, a Blink and a Giganto, a Red Hulk or whatever. And the wild thing about it is, And this is the thing, and it goes back to even the decks, like what you designed with Leech for instance, was like, I know what it's going to be, it's going to be a chonky boy, because it's, listen, it can't go underneath, if I'm getting rid of a 4 costed Leech, I'm not getting my Nebula, no, I'm getting my 5 cost or my 6 cost, I'm getting something of value that's coming out, and if it's a Red Hulk, And it gets to tick up after that turn as well? Buddy, like, it's just insane what this card is doing. I knew it was going to take some deck building. I didn't quite think we were going to figure out as fast as we did, because honestly, it's completely cracked.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, first of all, I want to say, I love how well Corvus has matured. The amount of people that just hated the card. And it just has, it is, it's done well. Secondly, I wish we could roll the clip here. Last week on the Snapchat, we ended Blink, and it was just like, so nonchalant, quickly said. Do you remember? I was like, what about Hella? And I was like, well, the MODOK's kinda weird, and whatever, like, we were like, kinda thinking a little bit there, and then we like, briefly touched on it, you said a sentence or two, we moved on. Funny, that we throw out, we throw out everything in the kitchen sink that we think about these cards, like, where could they work? And that one was, that was the secret sauce, man, that was the secret sauce.

Alexander Coccia:

It's the exact thing we talk about all the time. Evaluating cards in a vacuum is extremely hard because they don't exist in a vacuum. Once you start playing them, you really start to get a feel for like how these play. And that's why those, those first impressions videos that like you do, especially with all the lore and stuff, it's so good. I love it. Like that we do after the launch can be so valuable because we get our chance to actually get our hands on the card. Right. But to say the least though. The theorycrafting we do beforehand, I think, helps inform our deck building. Because we like to be innovative with our deck building. We come in prepared, and we ultimately find very fast, effective homes for these cards. Which I think is important. That's a skill that gets built over time.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I, yeah, I want to say I love watching your videos the day after the new card comes out. Because we, I, like, I know what you're thinking, you know what I'm thinking. Because we literally, you know, spew it out to you guys, so that you guys can hopefully deck build going into Tuesday too. Like, that's Obviously a lot of what we are trying to do right with the, with, with the podcast here. And I'm always like, okay, we talked about these like nine things, like great examples today. I'm like, you know, or tomorrow and be like, did he go with the negative bill? Did he go, what did he do with Sage? Right? Like the things we just talked about in the podcast earlier. And so, yeah, it was cool to see the Hella Design Man props for the Fast Infinite props to to just crushing it there on the ladder. But what I love is obviously she makes good decks better, but she also just opens up deck design of good cards, great value plays, and I love that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this card's absolutely cracked. I think this is gonna be one of the go to cards. And once again, We talked about it before, if you're going to be spending money on Marvel Snap, the season pass tends to be the greatest value, and this is going to be a 5 cost card, or a tier 5, tier 5 series 5, you know what I meant to say, it's going to be a series 5 card, I think it's going to be a staple for a while because it's a season pass card, I'm going to go on a I'm going to go on a limb here and say that I don't think it gets nerfed as fast as, I think it could be a nerfed candidate though, like I'm not saying it does not get nerfed, but as we saw in maybe Loki, it might be, it might have some plot armor, which you know, I mean that's a whole other discussion, but Cozy, there's another card that came out that week, That's also pretty damn good and we were pretty high on as well and that my friend is Nocturne. Nocturne is a card that has the mobility of Nightcrawler, the ability of Scarlet Witch, and the stat line of both at a 3 5. Cozy, I'll let you kind of throw it out here. We, we had like some pretty decent ratings here. I went in I believe at a 4 and you came in at a 4 as well. What do you feel?

Cozy Snap:

This is A great card that you absolutely don't need. It, it, it, it, like, you know, an amazing card. Less so than even, like, Red Guardian. A, a great card that you don't need. Good stats, and bottom line, I think it's just, it's obvious at this point. The ability to decommit from a from a location, and move somewhere else, and then start building up somewhere else, and then utilize the synergies with that, is just invaluable in Marvel Snap, right? But you don't need her. You definitely don't need her. You can cut her in every single deck that she's in. But it's really nice to have. If you're, you know, a hardcore Kitty Pryde player with Angela, sure. Very solid. But if you're like a surfer player, you don't have to have her. Super fun man. I loved her, and I'll tell you why here in a moment. What about you?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so I definitely agree, absolutely. It feels like one of the better cards you can skip. It's like, again, it's similar to Red Guardian. The best card that you can skip. But I think Red Guardian is better than Nocturne, honestly. If I had to pick between the two. But like, I do think that Nocturne is good. I think it leans, I lean towards more of a 3 overall. In terms of my first impression. I'd go down by

Cozy Snap:

half a point at least. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So

Alexander Coccia:

I think we're about in the same park here. But like, honestly, it's a good card. Have I been screwed by its effect? Absolutely. I've been screwed by this effect. The random effect is infuriating at times. Sometimes you just want to knock out like, you know, a beneficial location. Oh, they have Luke Cage and there's a negative zone. Just take get rid of it. I don't care what it is. It's got to be better than that, I guess, right? That works for the most part, but I've absolutely been screwed. I even had a really fun game the other day on on stream where basically it was a Oh my god, it was a TVA game, right? It was a TVA game, so the game's gonna end up Turn 4. On Turn 3, I played Nocturne, and they played Nocturne 2. Both of us, threatening to get rid of TVA. Turn 4 ends, neither of us end TVA, and I end up winning. It was wild, it's like, awesome mind games. I love that that exists in the game, I think it's pretty cool from that standpoint.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, I, the, like, I, I could've played any deck, and the deck I played the most Cause I wanna have fun, man, like, I, it's easy to It's easy to play, like, the best of the best deck. And a climbing deck, but I wanted to play the fake Limbo, man. I had so much fun putting down magic and then just being like, am I, am I gonna do it right? And I would play down, I would even like super fake and do like a, you know, a Wong or something and they're like, okay, he's going to start building up. It just felt so fun to change the limbo in that game, and it screwed me like a few times, but a lot of times, it was just, it was pure fun, and it worked! It definitely did work at times, because she's a good on curve play, too, like, you know, 3 5, obviously not terrible. And you, you're like, taking advantage of her effect. Obviously, I had Blink in there to try to like, Not played, I don't heard magic is such a terrible curve play but it was fun. I tried to have fun with her more than just like pure comp, but yeah, it's just good.

Alexander Coccia:

How dare you, how dare you have fun playing a video game? I know I'll be,

Cozy Snap:

I'm ashamed of ashamed of myself.

Alexander Coccia:

The card's actually doing good though, man. Like honestly, it has a 53 and a half percent win rate a 21 percent meta share. And I mean, unsurprisingly, he's performing very well in like those silky smooth style decks, Angela Kitty movement. It's good. It's also working very well in Blink based decks. It's overall just a good card. If you pulled it, there ain't nothing wrong with it. Again, in that week it had Kyra and Selene, which were like, were a little hit and miss at times. But like Nocturne, ultimately, I think it's pretty good. I'm pretty satisfied with where it's gonna land here, so Cozy, final thoughts on Nocturne here?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, final thoughts she'll be in the spotlight probably mid summer, if she's with a good card. Go for her there. But other than that, guys, you know, we have some fun cards coming out. You know, obviously, we set our thoughts on Sage. But you got, you got some bangers, not only the end of this month, but next month. We've got a lot of good ones, so save the keys, save the keys.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and that takes us to our next point of discussion here, which is going to be the state of series drops. For those that might not realize, we don't have any firm, committed dates to, or times to, for when series drops are going to happen. However, Second Dinner, through AQ& A, did state that they're on the agenda, series drops are coming, eventually. And so why not talk about it? Now, one thing I want to say here is this conversation is going to be not only about just series drops in general, but listen, there's going to be fodder in this series drop. How are the docs? There's going to be fodder that no one cares about. We're going to talk about the general state of series drops and also some of the highlights we'd like to see get dropped cards that actually people like, okay, that's a card I want to see get dropped. That's a card that should get dropped. We're not really focused around the fodder. So Cozy state of a series drops. What do you think?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah it, hmm, it's funny, I don't know if it'll happen on this one, necessarily, but like, the next one, which could, with this cycle, could be like a year and a half. 2026? Yeah, 2026. Is, maybe like this, like, hey, you know what, we want to get more new players in the game, instead of just series dropping these, we're gonna take a lot to pull three in general, just to open that up more, and then maybe even dip some down from that, to really open up the scope of the new player game a bit more I think is vital, especially if this new game mode is, New Player Friendly. I think there's a lot of ways to make it not friendly and a lot of ways to make a new player friendly. And with that series drop, series drops just makes everything Better. You know, everything's cheaper, the cards are cheaper, makes things evaluating, like, even spotlight weeks easier. Like, oh, that's an S4 whatever it might be. Looking ahead on the spotlights, we can see there's some spotlight cards that I hope would get series dropped, but because they're in that, I don't think they, not, I don't think, I know they won't. But they have changed spotlights in the past, so maybe they, you know, maybe they do end up changing those, but altogether, what's what's up? What are the cards, man? You kick us off, what do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, so actually, you bring up a good point, by the way. In terms of the spotlight caches, I've noticed They've been kind of weaponizing the series a little bit. Like they're adding series four cards to caches with like good cards. I'm like, man, that should have been a series five card. Why you got to limit the value of the spotlight cash. We're already gambling here. Come on, give us a series five dammit. That's a whole other conversation, but we're, we're onto you. We've seen it. Series four to three. Let's start there. Moving from series four to three. Here are some cards I think should consider being moved. I'm going to say Mobius and Mobius should move down. And I know that might be a bit of a hot take, but it is a tech card that I think is valuable considering the way the meta is shaping up, the way energy reduction is being utilized. And I think that the introduction of Hope Summers limits the downside to reducing it to series three, because you're still able to get some additional ramp without having to worry about the Mobius and Mobius effect. It is 11 percent of the meta. I think Mobius should drop.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And it stinks because I was actually thinking about that. Even with Red Guardian, the problem with that though is people got that card because, you know, knowing it was an S5, some people probably even spent tokens on it. Tech cards in general, I just like in Pool 3. I just think because of what they do, their purpose in the game, you know, Supergiant is another kind of tech card as well. Those are cards I would love to see go down, I don't think they will, they came out too soon but in the case of Mopius, I think it's gotta go to, it's gotta go to Pool 3.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because you need tools in the toolbox. Like these players in pool three need tools in the toolbox. How the hell are they going to deal with these, like Sarah control decks in infinity conquest? When they don't have the tools to do it. And like, I think that there's a difference between like, Oh, you got to invest in a series five card, like Galactus or Thanos or tribunal, or there's cards that are archetype defining. And like, they're, they're like splash card, not splash cards. You know what I mean? You might mean, right. They're not as essential in the way like Mobius and Mobius, you're screwed if you don't have the required pieces to deal with a meta. So I think that it should be dropped. So I'm glad that we agree there.

Cozy Snap:

And talk about like, just not a sexy purchase, like, you know what I mean? Like, you don't want to be spending your, like, yeah, oh, we'll just get that as your Series 4 card. It's like, dude, that, that is just not a fun card to buy. You wouldn't be spending your tokens on the cards that are either, you know, archetype boosting or just something you really want to play. You're not playing Mobius and be like, I'm having the time of my life right now, you know? So I agree.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And another one that I think, now this is a bit spicier, it's only 1 percent of the meta, but for a reason. I think Ghost Spider drops down too. Ghost Spider going from Series 4 to Series 3, give Move gamers an opportunity to do something. Move is actually pretty decent in like Pool 2, early Pool 3, so I think Ghost Spider can actually give them a tool to kind of keep Move moving, so to speak, in those earlier pools. I don't think anyone is harmed by making that change right there.

Cozy Snap:

What about Phoenix Force?

Alexander Coccia:

Phoenix Force, I can see staying at four for a while, because it's like, it's an archetype defining card. It's also challenging as hell to play. I was gonna say Like, it's one of those, yeah, like, listen, I don't even play a lot of Phoenix Force, and the times I do, I'm like, hmm, okay, this is hard. And not because, like, the gameplay is hard, but what makes Phoenix Force so powerful is an extremely experienced Phoenix Force player will know the borderline bugs to abuse, and the engine of the game, and the way, like, locations work, and how they can move, like The Phoenix Force back and forth without even procking a fist tower. I've seen it. I'm like, what the hell just happened there? And sure enough, you're like, that is exactly how Phoenix Force works. Cause it didn't resolve and all this stuff. I'm like, man, it is wild. The way it kind of attacks and breaks the engine of the game. So I don't know. I can see it staying at series four. I think it might be an okay place to

Cozy Snap:

stay. Now we have dagger. We are huge buffed. We had the Heimdall buff. Like there are other tools, like it is not even like a Hulkbuster being you know, down in cost. Like, it's not the move that we were playing, right? Like, the, the newer players have access to kind of like, More of a meta move than we had for sure, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And there's a card that like, honestly, when we joke about like being, you know, brought out behind the shed to get put down, right? This like Zabu literally got brought out behind the shed and got put down. Yeah. Absolutely. Do you consider dropping this or what?

Cozy Snap:

They say, they say, although like it's almost their trademark at this point, like we have plans for that card or whatever. And it's like. If that's that, okay, I, like, I do think, I think a lot of the reason it was changed was, bottom line, it was a designer block, right? Like Zabu screwed design on a lot of cards because like, oh, we can't do that because it's Zabu. We can't do that because it's Zabu. And then they're like, well, we'll get back to him. But if they don't get back to him, yeah, dude, banish his ass to pool one. I mean, it's just like yeah, it's not, I don't think people are gonna be screaming to get him, but yeah, I think that's definitely a good call.

Alexander Coccia:

And another one I wanted to mention as well in is Nimrod. I think Nimrod provides a very unique way to play Destroy. It's currently only a 1 percent meta share. And, actually, it's like a 40%, 49 percent win rate or something terrible, but I think it's a pretty worry free drop. I don't think it's gonna destroy the meta, no pun intended, but I think Nimrod can go down as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think Hitmonkey as well. As we go, honestly, the benchmark by far should be a year from their season. And guess what? Nimrod was in February, I believe. No, that was MODOK. Nimrod was in March. And April was Hitmonkey. I don't know why I have this story in my head, but I do. So like, those two cards there, Ghost Spider was in June. July was Phoenix 4, so I get it, but by that point, you know, I think a year from now, it should, oh, a year, a year of game time should definitely just, it should be on the clock.

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, you studied before this? Like, what the hell?

Cozy Snap:

I don't know why, the amount of like, honestly, useless in a lot of ways, knowledge of Marvel Snap that I have, like, I'm super happy about all the Marvel knowledge I got from it, but there's just like, god, there's so much details I have in my head about the game, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, before we move on to series five to four, I got two more I want to throw your way. I want your quick opinion on what are the over under odds on Knull and

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I'm sorry, I knew you would break that up, man. Oh, man, zero. I don't know, they should, they should, but here's the problem. If they do that, they can't release 17 more Knull variants this year, you know, and it's like The

Alexander Coccia:

fodder in the spotlight, Cache, is what are you gonna do? What are

Cozy Snap:

you gonna do, man? They got at least 20 more on the clock, so like, I don't know, I doubt it, man. I don't know, but also Darkhawk is also, he's too good, you know, he's He's got to get seven more nerfs before they bring him down too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. By the time it ends up in pool three, it's going to be a five, negative 14 or something because of Arishem or whatever. It's going to be such a useless piece of crap. But anyways, that's, that's neither here nor there. As we move on to series five to four, Cozy, there's a couple of cards here that I think you're, I don't want to start spicy, but the first on my list. Okay. Let's go right back to the Knull conversation. There's a card, Cozy. Give me your hot take on Jeff the baby Landshark. 32 percent of the meta. What is your hot take on whether or not Jeff Slides on down.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I have his ability pulled up right here, you can move him once per game, nothing can stop him from being played anywhere, and he's bound to series 5 forever. I mean, like, it's not complicated, it's in his kit, so, he can't, he can move anywhere, but series 4, like, that's his whole kit.

Alexander Coccia:

It's exactly true, literally completely bound by, by the series 5, that's actually hilarious, I never thought of it that way, Cozy. So it looks like Jeff is not all powerful, so there's almost no chance he gets brought

Cozy Snap:

down, right? Dude, like, I, or I feel like it's like, you know what guys? In good faith, we want to move Jeff down. It's been a year plus since he's been out, right? Like, that could be their, like, you know, big move, but even then he's going to Series 4. If he goes to Series 4, though, like, everybody get that. If you don't have Jeff by now, like, I don't know. Funny enough, dude, in the Marvel Rivals databind, there was a there was a Jeff. Character coming. I'm like, dude, Jeff is transcending just because of Marvel Snap. Like, it is, it single handedly made him so much more common, and I was just thinking about that game, and thinking about Jeff, and I'm like, I can't even imagine, bro. I can't imagine.

Alexander Coccia:

You know he has legs and stuff. He can run. He's not just a shark,

Cozy Snap:

right? I know, but even that's hilarious to me. Like, just the thought of him running across the battle, like, I just man, I, I, dude, sign me up to Seaboard Jeff,

Alexander Coccia:

though. Sign me up. Yo, buddy, I'm all about Jeff. I can't wait to main Jeff. There's another card here that needs to be dropped. And I think this is the time. I think it's the time. I think this is a huge win for the community as well. 13 percent of the meta. The Iron Lad. I think it's time. I think Iron Lad has to come down. I think you have enough cards that work in that sphere slightly. You got the Blink, you got the Jubilees. I think it could be time for Iron Lad to descend.

Cozy Snap:

Hey. Dude, I think if there's Big Bad still, I think in their book, he's a Big Bad. I would give Jeff, Darkhawk, and Knull as a group a better chance to go down than Iron Lad. I, I want it. I want it. I just don't see it. I just I see

Alexander Coccia:

Iron Lad going down before Jeff.

Cozy Snap:

I hope, dude. I hope. He's such a needed card, but I don't know. I, I That's one that it's not that like I'm not gunning for it. I hope, but I just like I see them holding on to that one. They don't have a lot of art. They probably just commissioned a bunch, a bunch, and we're about to get a bunch of spotlights with them, too. Because we've only had them in like three or something. Maybe two at that.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's only been two, but even in a spotlight, I think that's a win. I'll give you an easy one, Cozy. Here's an easy one for you. I know you love this card. Famously, Alex Coccia. Kind of low on this card on release. X 23, do you see a drop in the series 4?

Cozy Snap:

Hmm, again, yeah, it's funny because X 23, Loki, Ms. Marvel, that lineup right there, right? That is what we're getting closer to for the year mark per se August, September, October. It was, it was Elsa and then November was was Ms. Marvel. But either way, do I think X 23? I hope so, man. I do because I feel like it. I think it's on the next, next one. This sucks, but I think it is. I don't know, do you?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I think they can drop x23, like, honestly. I think they can,

Cozy Snap:

for sure. I

Alexander Coccia:

hope they do. Yeah, for sure they can. How do you not? I think that's a win. Like, you'd never not drop x23. I would be shocked if it's not going down.

Cozy Snap:

Like, I want these. I would be shocked, too. I do. I just, like, they're realist in me. I don't know why, man. Optimist and Cozy just going full pessimist here. I just, like, you proved me wrong Second Dinner.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, I thought that was going to be an easy one. I'll give you an even easier one. Jean Grey. Do you think it goes down?

Cozy Snap:

Yes, definitely.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Jean Grey goes down.

Cozy Snap:

It's almost funny because it doesn't even have anything to do with time, too, because we've seen that in the past. I mean, Shaw goes down for sure, too, even though Shaw came out in December. Which, like, you know what, guys? We're going to put Shaw down in S4 for you guys, you know, you surfer gamers out there. Whereas, like, Ms. Marvel Loki, there's no Shaw, right? Like, there's just no Shaw.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I got a couple more, okay? Here's one. This is another really big one. 20 percent of the meta, it's Nebula. Nebula is a card that I think could come down. I think it's one of the most underrated cards in the game. What are your thoughts, Cozy?

Cozy Snap:

When the hell did Nebula come out? May? May. She was a season pass card in May, I think. Yeah, approximately. Yeah, she was. She was May, for sure. Yes. The reason I stumbled there, because it was High Evo, technically. Like, everyone thinks High Evo, right? Because High Evo, this is how messed up my mind is. High Evo, Iron Lad, Living Tribunal came out that month. Nebula. That's four. I thought that was a five card month. Is there one I missed? It was another banger card, too.

Alexander Coccia:

I think it might, was it like Stegron? I think it might have been, I think it might have been a fodder card.

Cozy Snap:

Steggy was with the Animal Season. With like Monkey, with it would have been with Zabwe. Why would it be with Steggy? It was a great card. It was a, because I'm telling you, I remember Tribunal was looked at as like, the worst card of the month. Which is hilarious to look back on. But at the time it

Alexander Coccia:

was, it needed to get buffed.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, you're right. There was one other card, I swear on it, but maybe I'm wrong. But anyway, strong season she came out in. Nebula is a no brainer downgrade. No brainer.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, now I got a more difficult one for you, alright? Only a couple left here. Alright, Cozy, if you are second dinner and you're sitting at the table, polishing off that bottle of wine. Do you consider dropping Nico Minoru, 11 percent meta share, but a very difficult purchase for players? I've heard this before. It's a card that is like the best card you can have in a deck, in so many decks. Yeah. But it's hard to convince someone to commit six times. Thousand tokens to it because of how it it's so damn random.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I've heard this feedback before. This is one of the major winners going down to pool three, I think, or four. Sorry.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think the pool for, yeah, I think you can, and it's a one drop. Like I know she's, she's one of the most impactful cards, but she's weird. Like at the end of the day, she can be awkward. So yeah, I think so. I think actually, yes. All right. Two more. Supergiant, yes or no?

Alexander Coccia:

I hope, because tech, S4 tech, hopefully. Yeah, okay, last one in this card. Another one, that's sitting beside Zabu behind the shed. Werewolf by night.

Cozy Snap:

He's in the game?

Alexander Coccia:

Is he? Did he get banned?

Cozy Snap:

I don't know, I saw maybe, he might, I think he's somewhere, he's in that game that Darkhawk is running the meta.

Alexander Coccia:

Werewolf. That was the deck? It was a Darkhawk Werewolf by night deck? Oh my god. Well, Captain America deck, yeah, they

Cozy Snap:

were in the angel, yeah. But Hmm, Werewolf by Night, yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

maybe. Imagine playing a Werewolf by Night Umbaku deck with Angel and it's top tier and Glenn's like, we gotta nerf all these cards. You're right,

Cozy Snap:

dude. No, this is my call. They're gonna be like, alright. They're gonna go, this is my call. Alright guys, we hear you loud and clear. Selene, Havoc.

Alexander Coccia:

You know, it's the shittiest cards. It just said, that's the, that's what I'm scared about. They did that last time. Last time it was laughable. How bad the 3,

Cozy Snap:

Selene, yeah. Like, I swear, like, like let's inverse it. Cards that aren't, man. Hey, here's like, there's one card that it's in the text as well. It's Annihilist, dude. Annihilist will never see pool 4, bro. Never, never. Do you know what would be

Alexander Coccia:

hilarious? And I'm for this for the record. I'm for this. Increase Howard the Dux from 4 to 5. Increase him, maybe 6. Make his own, make his own series. And Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. Last week's was a popular one amongst the fans there as we discussed the Master of Blasters, Master Blasters themselves. Which, I listen, a lot of people in the comments were like, Yo! That's from this thing. That's from that thing. Apparently most people are saying is from a Mad Max, which I think is like consensus. However, no one's talking about what the hell that deck is supposed to look like. So, okay. Maybe master blaster is from Mad Max. But no one has an answer to what the hell that deck, which apparently is breaking the meta, actually has in it.

Cozy Snap:

I love that Master Blaster came here, dropped that nugget, and then was like, I'm never watching the Snapchat again. Like, you know, he's never gonna come back. He doesn't know that we're talking about him. I looked

Alexander Coccia:

for his comment. It's not there. He didn't respond. Also, Master Blaster is like, Kind of moving, it's making waves in the Marvel Snap community. I'm getting questions from other creators like, why are people commenting about Master Blaster on my video? I don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, we were playing Rivals and everyone like, I'm playing with Dexter, it's Dex. I'm playing with Dara, Dara. I tried to call him Dara Bear, he didn't let me. And then, there's Master Blaster. Like, who the, who the hell's this guy? And like, and it's tough because when you're playing a game that fast paced, like, Dexter on your left, Dara on your, Ma Master Bu Ma Who's Ma Ma Alex! Like, it was so great, I loved it. But yes shoutout to you, the hero of the night. Master Blaster out there. Who is our first question today?

Alexander Coccia:

Our first question comes from D. Border and it reads, I feel like your description of Red Garden is exactly how I feel about Quake. The best card that you always feel you could cut. You can win the game in so many situations. It's not necessarily a question, I just like grabbing these every once in a while, but Quake and Red Garden actually occupy very similar spots. Cozy, have you been playing any Quake lately?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, actually I did a little bit in this like, really focused control deck, like where every option I had was a way to control the game, and I did enjoy it there. I wanted to say, I quickly think that, that's what I think is beautiful about Snap. Is that it's not, I, and honestly, I'm not playing 40 card games anymore. I, I, I love 12 cards in the deck. It makes you think so hard and that every card placement matters, right? And it's like, even when you have cards that are great, like Quake, Just doesn't fit in most of those decks. So, we're getting in a snap where it's like, we have very few, like, just plug and play, catch all, great in every deck. We have a lot of synergy. We have, like, even Nocturne is just a good card, but you want to try to synergize her in some stuff, right? That's kind of the era that we're in.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that with the advantage of a card like Quake, for instance, is the advantage is the opportunity to take your opponent by surprise, which again in Marvel Snap, the reason why I really liked this question, which was just a statement, but the idea was like, it's the cube equity. And a card like Quake has high cube equity because you can flip the expectations of the board state to your advantage in those essential AQ games. Flip Mojo World, get put in Isle of Silence where they're putting their Null. It sounds like, Alex, that's far fetched. How often is that happening? More often than you think. Nexus, other examples, there's tons of examples. Death's Domain, flipping it with initiative so that they blow up their entire turn six. It's pretty damn cool. Our next question comes from Lumberjack Nick, and it reads, If you're only allowing one 5 star card a month, then Alex should have a single going to age like fine wine card each season.

Cozy Snap:

I gotta watch this on Snapchat. Alright, I like it, I like it. That, we do. Remember, like, in the first, like, I don't know, 10 weeks of the Snapchat, I was like, You hit the nail on the head, and then finally people were like, Yo, you guys say that all the time. There are about, like, 10 phrases that we say all the time. Listen, guys, we're on episode, like, 80, alright? 80 weeks in a row, and we're talking about car And, you know, and so I like the I like the phrase. I honestly do want a a just, like, fine wine card of the of the month for Alex. I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

Hey, man, I like it. It's one of my favorite statements, just like I always say. You're right, Cozy. I think that's one of my primary transitions. When I listen to The Snatch, I'm like, do I actually say that as often as I do? I don't

Cozy Snap:

even hear it, too. I'm like, going to the next one. Because a lot of people, like Yeah, it's just great. We do this all in one cut. So it's just like, we're kind of beating, like going off the beat on each other. And it's like, when I hear you, right, I guess I'm just like, all right, my turn for my like thought process here. And, and kind of like, you know, we do that a little bit, but yeah, we got some We got some coin token phrases here.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, our next question, which is actually a question this time, comes from Artyom and it reads, If you had to battle the devil himself in a Marvel Snap duel for your soul, what deck are you picking and what rule set? Best out of three or five. Banned cards. Proving grounds only. It's up to you. Cozy, I'm going to tell you off the top. My choice. I want best of one with the devil. One shot, winner takes all. I'm going Galactus, because I'm going to make him

Cozy Snap:

kneel. Yo, what the hell is this question? This, first of all, two part. What the hell is this question? Number two, it's a great answer. That was a, that was a, that was a fantastic, fantastic answer. I'm going to play it's soon to be released, the Jesus card. Yeah, I don't, I against the devil, man Is he is, is it a myth? Is he, can I throw a water on him? Like, is Namor you think Namor has got a shot on him? More one. I mean, I, the

Alexander Coccia:

question I think we need to ask is like, does the devil play card games?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

May. Does he have the domain knowledge to actually know what's up? What, what's he playing? What is he likely to play? Cody? Hell, what's the devil playing? Hella dude, I did there. That makes perfect sense what I did there. So he's gonna win. He's gonna blink. Hell, you're so screwed. Just beg for a Nerf friends. It's over. It's over.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Great, great. Love it. If I were to play, I thought I saw it all. I thought I heard it all. What a question.

Alexander Coccia:

Our next question comes from Chris Hurley, and it reads, I've been playing Phoenix Force and been loving it. It feels underrated, especially with Shuri Nimrod as a backup option. Curious what archetypes you find underrated at the moment. Cozy, this question here actually, I mean, we kind of mentioned it prior. I'm going to say Shuri itself, although it's in the question, so it's probably super underrated. Classic Shuri. Shuri Red Skull Taskmaster. That can win games. It's barely non existent in the meta. It's probably one of the best decks that just does not get played out there. So I'm gonna go with Shuri for my answer.

Cozy Snap:

All of the decks I was playing that was like under the radar got buffed. Like I played all the Patriot decks, Ultron gets buffed, you get more Patriot out there. I was playing a bunch of Darkhawk stuff too. That got buffed up. I would say Classic Sarah is probably my answer. I just don't see a lot of that these days. I still play a good amount of it. That's it. That's probably it. That's probably my choice.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Sarah control. Like I totally see that because like there was a time where Sarah control like was the deck of Marvel snap and it was for like, I felt like the consistent deck for months and months and months. And now there's just so many new cards. I think the synergies have become tighter. The combos have become tighter. You're able to, it feels like your, your decks are cheating more. Like they're cheating power in ways that Sarah control never used to. Right. So I definitely feel that, but It probably is still underrated though. I mean, it comes back every, every week, every month for one week during Infinite Conquest, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I feel like Alioth too, like damaged so many people that played Starry Control, then they just stopped playing it. Like you were just fearful of the Alioth play that could just wipe out all the dumpster of cars you're playing down. But. Yeah, I saw, I'm telling you, the Shadow Sarah 2 is very hard to play because you got like Blue Cage, you gotta make sure you don't kill your own cars that you built up with it but you just get so much value. There's just too many good 2 drops these days.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and Cozy, that takes us to the end of our podcast here. Thank you guys so much, we really appreciate you, our audio listeners, we appreciate you.

Cozy Snap:

I want to thank you guys for hanging out with us today on this beautiful Monday. It means a lot if you review the Snapchat on Spotify, Apple Music, and all that good stuff. Anyway guys, have a good one, have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping!

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