The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Valentina: The 6 Cost Queen | Favorite Cards at Every Cost | White Widow In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 78

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 26

Will Valentina be fun, competitive, or both? What are the top ten must have cards for this month? What are the final rankings on White Widow? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on you fine people and welcome back today. Valentina is our main subject as she arrives Tuesday. She can be strictly a fun card or she's going to be competitive. Alex and I are going to break down, well, all the six cost cards that she could reduce in costs and in power. We're also going to talk about the newest OTA and balance patch that we had hit Marvel Snap. What did it do to affect the meta? What are the best decks and our overall opinions? On the patch, and then we're gonna end it on our favorite segment, our favorite cards at every cost. Whether they're good, sleepers, or Alex and I just enjoy playing them. We're gonna break them down, cost by cost, and give our favorites. We're gonna talk about that today and more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by Mr. Alex Coccia, and let me tell you, man, if it's not you, it's, it's me. We, I feel like we're gonna just now just trade off stories as we open up. Our weekly Snapchat. Now, guys, we're filming this in the brink of night yet again because I had quite the adventurous day, my friend. I decided today, beautiful day in San Diego, my friend, to take my son on his first boating experience, right? So my parents have a Boston Whaler, right? It's a nice little, little medium sized boat, right? It's great. Super excited. The weather's fantastic. So we get, you know, like already, you know, it is as a dad, get, get my son on the life jackets too tight on the neck. You've got, you know, he's already already pissed from that. So we get on this man. We're just going right into this. We get on this boat and we fire it up. Ready to go. We go out to the San Diego Bay. Beautiful. It's great. We get about 400 yards and I'm just coming back from this guy. So I look like I'm like fresh from sea. We go about 400 yards out there, Alex, boom. The boat dies. Boat dies. Nothing. Not starting. Battery's dead. I'm dumb as all hell when it comes to boating stuff. Like, I'm useless. I'm like, did you turn it on and off again? Did you, did you plug it? And, and we've got We've got like yachts coming at us and boats coming at us. And like, have you been in a position in your life where like your super dad adrenaline, inner strength had to come into play where you could like lift a boulder?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm trying to think, I don't think so. I haven't had one of those moments where I've had to like lift a boulder off anybody.

Cozy Snap:

Well, I, this was my boulder lifting moment. This was my I don't even know what that movie was with a guy did the thing, but anyway. I'm like, I think

Alexander Coccia:

Hercules, he lifted a huge boulder off the two kids that were hiding, but it was bait.

Cozy Snap:

Sure, call, call me Hercules in this moment. I was like, I, I'm not, I'm not dying today. I got a Snapchat to film and my son's on board, whole family, right? So I'm like, all right, how, what are we going to do? And my, my dad's like, hey, we got a paddle in the, in the little, like, whatever, the, underneath the boat. I'm like, great, okay, and I'm starting to think, I'm like, a paddle under the, hmm, this, This doesn't make a lot of sense, right? I open up the under the, the cushions, and there's like, man, it might as well been, it's like a check off item to say, yep, we got a paddle on board. It, it was from the dollar store, I swear to God, it was like this big, and you could like open it up to a paddle. And on top of that, one paddle, Alex. One paddle.

Alexander Coccia:

You know how that went? You had to like, switch sides or else you spun in circles?

Cozy Snap:

400 yards, man, in the middle of the ocean. So I'm, I'm just like, I'm like, I'll be if I'm gonna Gilligan Island myself. Like, I was fully, fully in the moment. Get the strength of Zeus out there. The deltoids, the forearms, they're, they're, they're absolutely destroyed. And I'm just, I'm paddling, right? I'm just like, my dad's trying to fix the boat. I'm paddling this giant boat trying to get us back, man. And you know, I, this is what I text you guys. I text Alex and he's like, Hey, you know, when we, when we film him today. And I was like, I don't know how to put this. I'm in the middle of the middle of the bay right now, trying to get my back home and and then I thought maybe, Hey, maybe I jump in the water. Alright, and like, Michael Phelps, you know, I know you're Canadian, you know Michael Phelps, you gotta know Michael Phelps, right? All of a sudden I thought maybe I could be him pushing the boat like a, like a, like David Hasselhoff in the Spongebob movie. I don't know how I pulled that reference, but how do you think that went?

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, did you actually jump in the water? Oh yeah. Who's the dragon from Ryan the Last Dragon, who's a really good swimmer and did exactly that? Yeah. Just pulled up a bunch of Disney references.

Cozy Snap:

Sashi or something, yeah, something like that. I jumped in there, that went, that went as well as you think it did. I was thinking Namor in there was gonna, was gonna help me out, dude, to get home. So long story short, four hours later, my forearms are absolutely destroyed. I paddled, paddled, paddled us home, my friend, and got in the car crying baby, and we pressed Record, so here I am, my friend.

Alexander Coccia:

Jeez, mister, you're really strong.

Cozy Snap:

No. I'm not, I'm not. I'm really, I'm really not. So it was it was quite an eventful day between Alex and I. We always have something to kick off, kick off the week. I can, I can feel your sympathy on that side. I really can.

Alexander Coccia:

I think my response to you when you told me that you were stranded in the ocean was a limo. Yeah, he put LMAO.

Cozy Snap:

I was like, good to know. Good to know. And then it was like The F word, and then it was like, you good haha. Like, no Alex, I'm not good. I'm in the middle of the freaking Pacific.

Alexander Coccia:

That's what the conversation was. It's not even joking.

Cozy Snap:

I could imagine Drew Barry be like, I'm stepping in today because Cozy's stranded at sea. And anyway, it's a fine day to be a Marvel Snap. It's not a fine. It's not a fine day. Anyway, man, as always, we've got ourselves a good Snapchat in store for us. We had a little bit of OTA action, a fun, fun. We can store and we've got I'm trying to like, just get my together. Just trying to get myself together here. We've got a good day in store though. And a fun card to talk about, man. So we know what we're talking about on this side of the day of snapchat. What are we talking about over there?

Alexander Coccia:

Well, cozy. I'm glad you're here and not stranded out in the ocean. And on my side, we'll be talking about our review of white widow. And did this card really come into the meta and have an impact? We'll also be talking about the top 10 must have cards. Of Marvel snap for April, 2024. This is a question that you know, was posed to us the idea that like, Hey, what are the cards that you absolutely have to have in your collection? We'll be talking about it in addition to our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

All right, man, we're going to jump right into it. Half because it's in the middle of the night and the other half, because we got, we got some fun stuff to talk about. So Valentina is the card of today. And let's go ahead and start as we always do with the lovely Spotlight Cash, and we've got Blob, and wait for it, Knull. How many I wanna know how much artwork of Knull is out there. I gotta know, man, cause we this is our Stop me if I'm 17th Spotlight Cash with Knull?

Alexander Coccia:

It's actually the 24th.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, I knew it was off.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, listen, I have so many spotlight variants of Knull. I've come to a point where I'm just not, like, I don't care. I don't want the variant, man. Like the first one, the first Knull spotlight variant was absolutely insane. Do you remember seeing it? Do you remember the first two weeks of spotlight variants and looking at those variants and be like, Oh my, those are amazing variants. And then it's just been. No,

Cozy Snap:

because everyone, you're like, wow, this is a cool looking variant. And you're like, it's cause it's Knull. Like, of course it's a cool, you know, you can only do so many Howard the Ducks, but Knull, man, you can, you can reimagine that, that beauty anytime. He's just cool, man. He's a BA. But either way, man, Blob, Knull, it is good cards. It's definitely not, you know, Blob is definitely not a bad card by any stretch of the imagination. And so is Knull. But what's cool is, if you don't pull them and you get Valentina first, You have the opportunity to play both of them for free either way because well guys if you don't know she's a 2 cost, 3 power card with a unique ability of on reveal at a random 6 cost card to your hand. But it's gonna have a negative 2 cost to it being 4 cost and negative 3 power so as always we're not gonna do synergies, we're not gonna talk much, we're gonna start. With the star ratings, Alex, what do you get?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. So when we initially talked about Valentina, I came in at four stars. Now, while kind of thinking about it and doing some more research and really looking into the synergies, I'm like, I think I'm going to fold a three. I think I'm going to fold a three. I don't know if I'm happy about it. Like I kind of want it to land. Cause I love these kinds of cards, but for now Cozy, I'm going to give a firm three star rating.

Cozy Snap:

So I'm going to give it a five in the fun department. All right. In the fun department. I think honestly. I might go even lower. Yeah, I think five for fun, two and a half for competitive is where I think I'm going to land too because I did really start to kind of look into like what she brings and this is one of those cards where I could give a about the meta or the competitive scene. She's going to be so much fun to play and it's just going to be an absolute blast. To have in Marvel Snap, and so, that will be some of the focus today but yeah, I think to start us off, like I got a lot of great things to say about her, but to start us off, Cable is arguably a better card, like, arguably, it's right up close, you're gonna be fine with Cable and a lot of what she does, and so, I think that sets the floor, right? She does something a little bit different, obviously but in the synergized decks that she has, and, The surprise factor, Cable's very similar is how I think we start that off, right? To get rid of the FOMO factor of wanting to get, you know, a car that maybe you don't have.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I think Cable's a really cool comparison. I feel like Cable, I think the disruption element's important. I think that there's snap equity in cable that like you know, you tilt your opponent out a little bit and it's funny that cable went from a 2 2 to a, well, I mean, cable got changed like six times, not that I think about it, right? But the original cable was a 2 2, moves to 2 3, then Baron Zemo comes out and these weekend missions, by the way, oh my god, I don't want to get sidetracked, but the amount of cable I've been seeing over the last two weeks! I, I'm, I'm, I don't, okay, again, I don't want to turn this into a Snap Therapy session here, but what I will say though is like, I like the comparison because I feel like Valentina has a higher ceiling, but I feel like Cable has a higher floor.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so funny enough, I almost feel the opposite, like, I feel like the ceiling for Cable, if you take their Shang Chi or their Dracula or whatever, is like almost crazy as well. And then Valentina, there's a lot, like, what's cool is we're gonna actually, we have a a tier list. We're gonna rank all the six cost cards. And if you grab them, and Alex didn't even know this, if you grab them, like, how do you feel about getting that one card? And it's funny because, you know, the abilities are so cracked on a lot of them, but then when you start to kind of look at them, you're like, you know, we won't spoil one, but like, Arnim Zola was one. I'm like, he's negative three, your board's not set up, you know I'm a huge Arnim Zola fan, but like, In what instance are you going to love that in a Valentina deck, right? All the time. So it's going to be fun to kind of look at that. We'll get to that here pretty shortly. But right off the bat, man, let's talk about synergy. So I think the obvious ones, we don't have to go crazy here. We've got the Quinjet. Clearly, Quinjet's going to be fun. You play her on two, you get to play your fresh new card. Right there on three, right? I mean, that's going to be the most obvious with Luke Cage being number two on the list of just synergized cards. And I think that is where she will, if you just depend on her to get you that insane card, which we'll get to those. You're going to be underwhelmed, but if she's adding to a package of what you're already trying to do in some synergy options, she's going to feel great.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no doubt about it. And I think one of the key packages to talk about that utilize the cards you're discussing, I mean, not Luke Cage, maybe, but is Loki. Yeah. I think this is a great Loki card. In fact, this probably takes the The place of something like a Mirage, which wasn't often being used in Loki, I digress. But, you know, there was a time where Mirage was even played. Valentini gives you an additional upside. If Quenja's on the board, it's a three, the card you just brought. So you can actually play the three cost six, the three costed six cost. And then you can Loki on turn four, so you have a really nice flow. Conversely, if the card sucks and you get the Arnim Zolder you're talking about, then you just, you just Loki it away. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

it's a verb now. You just Loki it away. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I agree. I think Loki is going to be the natural home. And again, like I said to start, I think Cable and and Mirage can fill the void there if not, but certainly it's going to be nice for the card generation. And with that, it's all of Loki's best friends. Collector, Devil Dinosaur, that we had that deck, you know, with Loki kicking off for a while. I think that's going to obviously add where, you know, Valentina post turn four, my least favorite thing about her is, Kind of awkward, right? Because you got a four cost, six cost card, great, but then after turn four, you're kind of in a weird spot, right? Like you could play it on five, you could play it on six, but you probably wanted to do Devil Dinosaur or something different. And I feel like Loki really answers that for her. It really helps her out. Or Devil, you know, where she's doing something and she's a 2 3.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, it's funny you say that because like, she definitely does help like those Devil Dinosaur style archetypes, but these card and hand generative abilities, I think we have a lot of them now in the game, right? Like, we have a lot of them, you have answers, you have Agent 13, you have Snow Guard, which exists in the spotlight cache Agent Coulson, Nick Fury, do you guys remember that Nick Fury exists? So you got a lot of those to help out like the Devil Dinosaurs, stuff like that, but they, most of them don't have that high role potential that Valentina does. And so that's kind of what I'm most interested in. And we've been surprised by cards in the past. Like I keep going back to my thoughts and my regrets around scoring Nico. So so conservatively, cause that randomness, we were scared about the randomness of Nico and it's like one of the strongest elements of the card. It's like six cards in one that staff of one doing magic. Right. I just don't want to undersell Valentina, but I feel like Nico has a, Every single ability, with the exception of maybe the movement one, for the most part, are bangers. There's a lot of cards with Valentina, as you mentioned, which, I mean, kind of feels weak to grab.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it'll make sense when we get I think the three star rating is going to make more sense when we get to the cards here, because

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Here's the deal, every card has big pop off potential, and I don't think there's anyone more excited about Valentina than myself. Still Lim, still Lim and the competitive front, though. If you do get Luke Cage, right, and you protect your card with power, and you have Quinjet, and again, we'll get to these cards, but you get Hella Carrier. You're looking at a 310, right, just right off the rip. You get, you know, a Scar, you're looking at a card that you can discount starting at 3, and it goes down by 2. There are some nutty scenarios, but Luke Cage, Quinjet, these cards are gonna be pretty important to the shell that she's in. Not to mention, she already synergizes with these other Loki cards I have on here. Mockingbird. If things don't go perfect, okay, you can end up playing Valentina on 2. Let's say you don't have a way to do anything on 3, maybe you played Quinjet on 3 with Grandmaster, Beast. You have a way to get Valentina activated again, and then you get the Quinjet down, and then you really start to pop off a little bit. Maybe Luke Cage is your turn 3, and you go from there, right? There's, you know, people like to say if you don't draw this, it's gonna suck, but Valentina I feel like has a lot of different play lines if things don't go great, or if they do.

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, I'm so happy to hear some Grandmaster coping. You know, I tried last week with the White Widow, and I gotta tell you, I thought it was really good. I thought White Widow with Grandmaster Ravonna was actually legit. I digress. But what I'll say though is, okay, tell me if I'm wrong here, but I can see, ultimately, Valentina not being included in decks with this. Luke Cage, because like, I feel like the types of decks that want Valentina are not the kind of decks that are going to want to run the Luke Cage. And if you're running Luke Cage just for Valentina in a 12 card deck, you're going to feel bad. So like, while I totally get it and I, I just, I wonder if we ever see a world where those decks are run together, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So I was thinking the same thing, but here's the deal, man. Luke Cage is just a good card, right? Like he's also just a great valued card. And I. I try to turn off the part of my brain that remembers him when he was a two cost, you know, in the, in the, in the, in the grand days. But the location love that he has, and just, or the ability to not worry about White Widow, or, you know, Affliction Dex, or things that we've seen in the past, like, he's, he's not the worst card, it's just kind of a plug and play, you know but he does take up a spot, I know what you mean, like, if you don't have any other synergy, is his defensive capabilities enough, enough? And in my head, I'm like, well, you Loki him away at that point, potentially, if you don't want to use them. But again, as we hop into it, I think this is a good transition. Let's go into this tier list, and I think this will make sense when you start to look at the power. Because a great example is, you know, you look at some of these, and you're like, wow, if I just played a regular Forecast, It would just outvalue this anyway, right? So with that, let's go ahead and hop into the tier list. All right, buddy. So going in alphabetical order, we have obviously S, A, B, C, and F. I would say S is like obviously best case scenario. A, really good cards to have. B, you don't mind it and you'll probably play them most of the time. C is really situational and probably a bad play and F is like You just, you wasted the turn. Like, you're just not gonna be playing the card you had or the worst options. And we're gonna start with Agatha, who has been confirmed by Glenn, opposed to Nick Fury, to spawn here by Valentina. And you actually brought this up when we talked about this at beginning here. So we're looking at, we're going to not quinge at these, right? A 4 11, right? Yeah. 4 11 Agatha, who would play herself on four. Is this an A?

Alexander Coccia:

I see that scene being pretty good. Like, I mean, it does mess up your turn three potentially, but like, I don't mind that. I don't mind it. You're, you're throwing down a 11 power. Can't argue with that.

Cozy Snap:

She picks where she goes. I know because of turn three and she picks where she goes. And if you do it late, it's really bad. Like a turn five, you know, kind of thing, which I don't think you'll do much with her. Either way. Did we go A or B?

Alexander Coccia:

It's probably a high B. Like, if we're being realistic for a sec, it's probably a high B.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I agree with that. Not bad at all. After that we have Alioth, which I have the old Alioth on here, my bad. But Alioth would be what? A 6 5, right?

Alexander Coccia:

It's a 4 5. A 4

Cozy Snap:

5, yeah. So, a 4 5, and the ability to erase text. Which, some of the most important turns, man, is turn 4 and 5 as far as text goes on some of these cards. I think I'm fine with Alioth here. I don't think, I think he's a solid B.

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like a high C because that early in the game, I think it might be trickier to land the hit. If you think about the amount of setup that goes into landing a proper Alioth play, even traditional Alioth, you had a lot of like, ability to like, okay. I'm able to predict where they're going to play. On turn four and five, I think that's a lot harder under most circumstances. Not to say it's not impactful, but I do think it's a little more niche.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. I, yeah, this one's tough. I feel like, for me, it's right there. Especially, like, if you're able to get You know, we said no Quinjet, but like, even later into the turns, like, I feel like having that 3 cost Alioth, if you can pull in a Quinjet, would be pretty, pretty cool. But yeah, I agree. I think C's there. Again old graphics guys, forgive me. Apocalypse, who is he's down to what? A 6 6? So he would be a 4 3? Is that right? The fourth, dude, this is awful terrible the worst card you can

Alexander Coccia:

get. It has to be

Cozy Snap:

an F. A 4 3, dude. What is a 4 3 right now? Anything? Like, I mean, like a Super Scroll is a 4 2. Shun Chi

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Shun Chi, no ability Shun Chi. That is what you're getting with with, with Apocalypse. Yeah, that is, that is, I would rather have just about any card there. Artem Zola, I, I said a little bit. So you have a 4 3. Free. And I think my issue with this is you're just not able to set them up. So, like, you could, you could Arnim Zola the Valentina.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's five head, okay, now it's S, because then you can get two apocalypses. Then

Cozy Snap:

you get two Arnim Zola. You have

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

keep playing Arnim Zola. You have your own bar sinister going. I don't think it's an F, because I feel like there will be a situation. I would say maybe low, low C. I agree, low, low C, because there's

Alexander Coccia:

like some very clear Fs, on Arnold Zola you might still be able to pull a win.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and you could get into like a, you know, low cage, whatever, there's, there's some situations. Blob is interesting, right, because Blob's a 6 3, but if you think about Valentina decks, they're, I'm just putting them in A for now, if you think, they're not great in power, right, like they're not going to have massive, you might have Mockingbird, you know, you might have a couple cards, but you don't want to eat your deck up on turn three or four and ruin yourself, right, so is this A low A because of that, but you still have the potential to hang onto him and you have a forecast blob.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't mind blob, but what puts him into B for me is the prevalence of mill. Like, I think that mill completely destroys blob. And so like, it's a major part of the meta right now. And so I wonder if already blob is just seeing a complete decrease in value. And then your deck's not built for it. He's already starting at negative three. Like what does he, what's he get to like a seven, like in a random deck? Like he becomes a four seven. Like, like where do you, Well, he'll still go up to 15.

Cozy Snap:

What's kind of cool is it doesn't really matter about his cost because he, he, he could stop at 15, right? Potentially. So, I feel like, he, what's cool about him is like, if you look at your hand, you're like, well, I already have these couple. I can eat my deck. I already have, like, the play I need to make. Yeah, this one's tough, man. I see what you mean on the B tier. It's hard to, you mind if we, we play some low A for now? We, we, we see where we go with, it's probably going to be B for Blah. But I definitely get your take and definitely guys drop down below. Y'all's thoughts as well. Destroyer is going to be sitting at a 6, or a 4, 13?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

a four. Hold on. Okay.

Alexander Coccia:

For me, this is a really awkward one because you like the power But then again, it's so shun chi able, right? Like you would just put them on turn four just to get punched in the face

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I like Kaira. I mean Kaira is a synergy We didn't talk about with all these cards obviously, but my thought is yeah, you don't have a lot of cards out early So it would be best case scenario for just I mean, I don't want to just say Shang Chi for the answer a lot I get it for sure, but this is spicy. Is this a it's not a B, is it?

Alexander Coccia:

No, it can't be B because you can't even hold it late cuz we'll just wipe your board It's gotta be like a low C. It's with it's better than it's better than Zola. It's in C for sure somewhere

Cozy Snap:

It's better than Zola just because I like the early play but I agree with you on the late play could be tough But if you have Chiara It's more interesting. It's more interesting who, you know, obviously can't just put all these cards in the deck, but I think Cairo is an interesting synergy that we didn't touch on there, but yeah, we'll go low C for now. We're rapid firing some of this. Dr. Doom, arguably best card to get.

Alexander Coccia:

One of the absolute best, and this is an S tier pull for sure. Yeah, I mean,

Cozy Snap:

this is the, this is the play you dream of. This is, you get, you get Doom on, you have a Queen Jett down and you're playing yourself a, you know, A freaking 3 2 Dr. Doom with Doombots out and just instantly claim priority like you're cooking.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you're a squirrel chasing the nut.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, okay we've got, we've got Galactus at 6 5. I think Galactus is, sorry, 4 2. I think he's super interesting because hear me out. Early, dude, two powers, nothing, nothing. But early enough. You have the shot to destroy a location. It's the ultimate content play.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, even the thing I like about Galactus 2 is if, like, you're having a rough start to the game, and you just, like, Galactus Deathstone me and be like, what now, bro? Like, you know what I mean? I like those type of plays.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah, yeah. But I, as a 4. 2, like, just taking a shot at it, it's kind of funny. I'm not against it.

Cozy Snap:

Are we, are we low B or kind of in the C better than Destroyer? Yeah, he's

Alexander Coccia:

definitely more like C, but he's maybe yeah, he's maybe under Alioth and Destroyer, yeah. This Alioth

Cozy Snap:

is inappropriate because it's not showing the right one, but 6 2, like I know 2 is impossible, but also there's not going to be a lot of play. I mean, you're going into turn 3 potentially, if you're playing her on curve, right? So in that scenario, I love it. We're going to try not to look at obviously like best case scenario for all of these, but Giganto Shunichi Bait to your point, but might be one of the best times to play this card at a 4 cost value for 11 power.

Alexander Coccia:

People play this card?

Cozy Snap:

Barely, but I think they're gonna play it more. I mean, dude, his, his stats, I wonder, I don't think Will it affect the stats of the card? Probably not, when they're generated by Valentina.

Alexander Coccia:

Here's a fun fact. You use Valentina, you get Giganto, you're like, YES! And then you realize that, like, it's basically just Cull Obsidian.

Cozy Snap:

I know. Well, that's a Obsidian's

Alexander Coccia:

probably easier to play than Giganto. You still gotta play him on the left, don't you?

Cozy Snap:

I think it's B, though. I do. I think that it's it's 11 on the left lane, but you can get him on turn. You gotta think about it. It could be a 3 11, if things are going right. Or even a 4 11's better than Cull Obsidian. It's better than those cards are. I think Giganto's not half bad.

Alexander Coccia:

He's not half bad, but you can only play him 33. 33 percent of locations.

Cozy Snap:

I guess he's actually exactly half back. Cause he'll be lowercase of B here. So he's

Alexander Coccia:

actually like, you're just changing your mind on the fly.

Cozy Snap:

You're doing it to me, man. It's not, this is I presenting Alex coaches, six cost to us. We got Hind Hind Hill.

Alexander Coccia:

This one, man, this is gotta be pretty C, right?

Cozy Snap:

Of course, so my only thought is like, even if you're like, all right, I'm going to five head and play everything with the notion that I'm going to, because you don't want to play. You don't want to play a 4 6, like, what are you doing? I mean, I guess to get in a relocation, that's kind of hard to get, but I don't see a scenario. The only time I see this is if you can 5 head, get, like, use him, last play of the game kind of potential.

Alexander Coccia:

No, see what you're saying is no one expects you to close the game with Maximus Heimdall.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and since everybody's already doing that with him, I, I don't want to put him in F. Do we put him above Arnim or below? F2?

Alexander Coccia:

I would, he's, he's kind of funny. I don't think he's F. I don't think he's probably in C.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like his, his, his effect is so bizarre that like, yeah, I think C's probably fine for Heimdall. He's not an F card. There's, there's some more F cards I think coming and it's not Heimdall.

Cozy Snap:

And it stinks because if you could say in a world like, well, if there was a 4 6 that moved everything to the left, you would play it. Yes, but then you could build a deck with the certainty that you're going to get it. The problem is you can't. Do that here, and I think that's it's biggest crux, obviously. And keep in mind, where things get spicy, you look at this entire list, buddy. Alright, you put Luke Cage in here, and all of a sudden, all of these are going to different scenarios. Like, immediately, if you have Luke Cage, you just simply have a 6'5 Galactus. And clearly, we would put that much, much higher. So like, these all have immense ceilings. But we're looking at the, the usual floor. We're giving you the, the situation where you get Valentina on turn two. We're not gonna double code it and say you get the Luke Cage on turn three. That's just too good. It's too good. Hela might be worse than Apocalypse, maybe a little bit less. Not worse, but it's a 4 3. And, I mean, come on, you're not. Right

Alexander Coccia:

at the bottom of the barrel. Yeah, absolute,

Cozy Snap:

absolute terrible. Helicarrier is what made me question, I said this earlier. You have a 4. 7, which is just not, it's just not that good of a stat line. Now, you're looking at a 3. 7 with Quinjet, and that is where we can start to talk about the possibilities. Again, you're going to be getting some of these cards, whether it's Luke Cage or Quinjet with Valentina. But a four seven is just not going to cut it.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I would, I would lean towards low B though.

Cozy Snap:

Well, maybe low B,

Alexander Coccia:

no, no, no. He's C he's definitely C. Now that I think about it,

Cozy Snap:

I Helicarrier's a he?

Alexander Coccia:

Don't, I don't know.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah. Well, okay. Well, I think, I think it's dude, there's no way. So would you rather destroy or helicarrier?

Alexander Coccia:

I'll take destroyer.

Cozy Snap:

You take the show. Okay. Okay. I was like, man, I'll take

Alexander Coccia:

helicarrier over Heimdall. Yes. Yes. See, it's in the perfect spot then. It's cuddling Destroyer and Heimdall, right where a Helicarrier wants to be.

Cozy Snap:

All I know is my Giganto stocks are going, like, way up now. Looking at some of these other, other options here. The Hulk, going down to a 4 9, which is honestly killer, because it's out of Shang Chi range. It's a 4 9. It's not exactly cool Obsidian, but we love our vanilla static cards at 4 9. I think appropriately a nice little B tier card here.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'd lean, I can go, I'd rather have Hulk than Blob. I'd go A. I'd definitely go, I'd rather have Hulk over Blob.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I could just play Hulk whenever the hell I want. Right on turn four. What are you going to do? Shanchimi? If the nine,

Cozy Snap:

the nine power is pretty attractive. Like I do, I do like the nine power. Opposed to Blob. That's, you know, always going to be the 15. Annie eats your deck. I, I could see that. Okay. Yeah. I, I like, he's Hulk too. So I'll give him the, the bonus points. Knull is interesting because I don't, I don't want to put Knull immediately like with these terrible cards because Destroy is super popular and you have locations. He's either at the top of F or at the very end of C. I can't decide.

Alexander Coccia:

I'd put him over Heimdall, honestly. And I know that seems like it's crazy but there's so much Destroy out there and just casually plopping down a Knull to just ruin their day. I think that's worth something. You

Cozy Snap:

straight up answer destroyed deck on turn three or four. Like, you know, you're like, they're like carnage and you're like, hey, cool. Okay, so here's the lane. I'm going to win. And then you just, the only thing you have to keep in mind is if you're, you can't depend on the Knull to win, because if they have a Knull, you'd be negative three down on them. Right. So you got to look out for that, but you do have great tempo against what they're, they're going for there. So yeah, Knull is an interesting card just because of where the meta is at. Leader is one of those cards that's tough. He's at four negative one. Listen, you're copying the card, so you're actually getting immense value, especially those T4, T5s. Like, you're getting some pretty great value out of them. I definitely don't think you're ma I don't think you're not gonna play him, but I don't think you're like, I got my winning combo here with Leader. And I don't know if you're gonna hold on to him either, but if they're playing Red Hulk, like, you're not mad about it.

Alexander Coccia:

I guess you're not mad about it but I don't think you're excited about it either.

Cozy Snap:

Is he, I think I'd rather Alive probably than Leader. I'd put him probably right before Galactus.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, I can see that. I can see him being better than Galactus, but like, again, I'm not, like, everyone in C, like, we're not excited about getting.

Cozy Snap:

Well, they're in the second to worst tier. Yeah, I mean, I would. I feel like the thing is, Leader at 6 is so pricey, right, for a risk as well. Like, you're risking a lot, whereas I feel like, man, you pop down, like, you ever do the Wave Leader and you're just like, Whatever you do, I do, man. It's all good. Like, it's all fine. Like, I feel like there's some really cool turn copies, especially the more you know the decks. I think I'd be pretty thrilled to get later. Like, I don't, I, I, I, hmm. Yeah, this is tough. I, I, I think that's fine for now. Magneto. A 4 9 Magneto. Unchangeable Magneto with the ability. Going on turn 4, directly affecting the turn 3 play that they did. Near better than Doom, like they're right neck and neck.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I love them. They're, they're both perfect cards for different situations. Both absolutely S tier, no question.

Cozy Snap:

Man, I'm, I'm just, I'm just like frosting up the mouth. I'm just about playing Magneto. I'm just playing Magneto like out of 4.

Alexander Coccia:

9. All that swimming today has got you frothing at the mouth.

Cozy Snap:

I'm dying. I said frosting at the mouth. Dude, I'm, I'm like, oh,

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Frosting. Is it frosting? Is it frothing? It's

Alexander Coccia:

frothing. Isn't it frothing like a, like a raven seal? Or a seal? Do seals get rabies?

Cozy Snap:

They're mammals. Mammals get rabies. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know, man. I'm not a doctor.

Cozy Snap:

We need to find the cure for rabies and do like a 5k.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

You want to do like a

Alexander Coccia:

marathon for rabies?

Cozy Snap:

You've never seen The Office? It's cool. It's fine. Oh, I do remember that episode. Yeah, it's a great one. It's a disease that's already been cured. Okay. Next we have Odin, who is near close to S tier status for me. Four, five. Because if you look at it, it's either top of A or S, because if you look at a man, and we can almost drag an onslaught, I don't even give a rip about their power, there's so many ongoing and on reveal situations, definitely Odin I would give the nod to. Right, because if you're playing in a Loki deck, you can have way more Bro, you can play Odin on Valentina!

Alexander Coccia:

Done. True, it's true. Like, I do like Odin I Both of them are, like, situational, but both of them are, like, exceptional in those situations, right? I, like, I still wonder, like, would I rather have a Hulk or an Onslaught? I think I'd, on average, rather take Hulk.

Cozy Snap:

I could see a world where this is pretty good. I would I think I would want Odin in those decks almost all the time. In, in the deck you're playing Valentina in.

Alexander Coccia:

But I feel like not, oh yeah true, cause I, the way I see it is like, how would I like this on my Loki deck, right? Yeah. But, I lean towards liking Hulk better than Odin, but I can see Odin's ceiling being disgusting.

Cozy Snap:

And what's cool, man, like, with Onslaught is if you're playing in a Loki deck and you steal six of their cards, right? Like, odds are you're gonna get an ongoing card, right? And you would think you're gonna get something where you're like, Oh man, I would've got an Onslaught down? This would be ridiculous, right? Like

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this goose is gonna be crazy.

Cozy Snap:

This is such Yo, I'm like not prepared for you today. I love it. This, I hmm. I can't decide. I feel like, does this look right to you?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I don't mind it. Cause, you know what it is? I really like Hulk. I feel like Onslaught, if you're not stealing their deck, is going to be trickier to pull off. Like, with Odin, I can see the pop off potential. I think Hulk is such a beautiful, steady baseline. I'm happy with the way they're set up now. Yeah. And I'm still, I feel lower on Blob than I think most would, and I probably would take Onslaught over Blob.

Cozy Snap:

I would say, I think I would take Onslaught over Blob for the, for the burst. And what I want to say is, I think we've gotten to this before, but like, if Conquest mattered more, Valentina's stocks would go even more up, because the randomness here, if you guys are looking at this chart, like, yeah, there's a lot in C tier, so you're like, you're looking at this, you're like, well, You know, Cozy, Alex, there's only, you know, so many cards here, right? We only have eight cards right now that you would even want. But they're, I would say, up until right around Destroyer, you're pretty happy. I mean, like, Galactus is just fun, but Leader, Alioth, and Upwards, they're good ca like, it's a good 4 cost play, for the most part. Or you ignore it in Loki, right? And so, that's how I'm looking at it so far. Yo, Orca! Orca, he's plus 5, right? It's been a frickin minute since I've played with Shamu. He's plus 5, I think.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, I don't remember. I think it is plus 5. If he gets to 16, yeah, because then the Miss Marvel combo with Orca was to 21. Yeah, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

So he's 13 early in a lane by himself. Clearly he's, you know, he's Shang Chi bo if you want to go that route. I still think Giganto might be better than him, just because of the, they're kind of neck and neck, I feel like, no?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but you can play Orc anywhere.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, but then, well, yeah, but then you can't play a card with him, right? You can, you can continue your, your, I mean, well, then it goes down. Well, it goes down to under Shang Chi, so you could, like, soul read the Shang Chi and take him down. That's kinda nice.

Alexander Coccia:

I can't wait to see your face when, like, you get your Giganto, and you're holding him, and you realize the 611 that only plays left is almost the same as Crossbones.

Cozy Snap:

Yo, I'll put him comfortably, I'll, I will put him comfortably on that left lane on turn 3 or 4, and just go on my way, and I'll worry about some other lane, that's their problem, and even more so, you know this well. What lane do opponents usually, not all the time, but it's the first revealed location, so people feel very comfortable about building up their left lane. So it's just kind of a, a cool, great Angela, there's 11 power, deal with it. Like I, I think there's gonna be situations, I don't, I, I'm not saying Giganto's a great, great card, but in the turn slot that you can play him in, I don't hate it.

Alexander Coccia:

It's fair. Like it is a ton of power that they have to deal with at some point, but it's kind of crazy just to think about like call Obsidian, Crossbones, and we're coping a bit saying a Tuma, but like there's cards that actually reach there. And you, you mentioned it before you mentioned it before, like, Oh, is it going to be better than just playing a four drop that gets near these stats? Like Giganto is close to that. Cause it's a restriction, right? Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

no, absolutely, man. We move on to a lot of good cards, man. And we start with She Hulk who's a 4 7. I get it. It's a 4 Insane. I think just anything with the energy reduction, I would have this at the lower end of S Tier. And we have Scar right after. I, quite honestly, would put both of these in S Tier. Because you have the ability to take them both down. Scar might be a little bit less, but the fact that you can energy reduce these Is bonkers to me.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah, absolutely. I'm surprised to see you put Scar that high. I guess Scar was like, I can see She Hulk because of the floating capabilities being an S like Scar. I could see going like above Onslaught in A, you know what I mean? Like, is that crazy to think?

Cozy Snap:

No, no, no. It's true. Because when I place them, I'm like, yeah, man, cause he could go down by two and he goes to a two cost or even a one cost with Quinjet. I'm trying to think, like, actuality here. If you got a Scar, you would wait to play Devil Dinosaur, kind of, something like that, right? Like, that would be your only, or, that's it, like, you would have to, you would, like, not Loki, you would have to go that route, and Mockingbird's just under Scar, so you couldn't do that. We were talking about a 4 cost Scar, getting him to 2 would be bonkers. He would be one of the few 6 stars. Turn six place, probably.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, for sure. I agree. I think he'd be good, for sure. Like there's no doubt about it. I see him being in the Hulk range. Either one above or one under the Hulk. Could even be past Odin, like, in terms of consistency.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, he's interesting, man. It's like, you know, cause, of course, again, guys, there's so many, you know, ten power cards. You're just not playing these so much in the decks where Valentina will probably be. That being said, guys, if you remove Loki from this, you're just playing Valentina as, like, a cable. Slot, some of these go up a lot, right? Because then you have a cool obsidian you're playing, and you're getting this power out there. And then you truly have a two a two cost Scar, which as we know would just be a tremendous amount of po that's like a raft play that they're just not ready for. So Scar is Scar's a special case. I think we're trying to visualize where Valentina's most likely gonna be in a lot of these. But I definitely don't hate it. I think Collector could get dangerously close to 10 power by the time you play him, too. So, there's definitely instances there. Spectrum? I, I kinda really like Spectrum as a 4. Four. It's four cost, four power, and you're able to spread somewhat wide. I'm going through though, again, what you would have Quinjet potentially, ongoing. Xabu's dead. You're not gonna have Ravonna in these builds. What other ongoing would even be in there?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, you're putting me on the spot. Like, I think it's pretty much just Quinjet, isn't it? Well, Devil Dinosaur technically ongoing is making a lot of those decks.

Cozy Snap:

Spectrum's a cool surprise burst. I feel like she has a lot of cool, like, surprise bursts behind her. I don't think I would have her. Like I had her like kind of like laying here in B. I would want Alioth more so.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'd take Alioth over Spectrum.

Cozy Snap:

Leader, would you want leader more?

Alexander Coccia:

I would probably want Spectrum more than less than leader, more than Galactus.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah, I could see that, because you could, you could have a It's weird, because you can't build your deck. Man, that's going to fudge up everything. You can't really build your deck to accommodate this kind of stuff. And, and, you know what, maybe we've been off the, We've been off the Loki for a while. I played it, I played him last when, when Mockingbird came out. You But I can tell you pretty confidently, there's not a lot of ongoing cards that you would have in there. But maybe with Kaira or Armor, you know, protecting these cards that you would probably have maybe in these decks anyway. There's something there. And again, back to my point, it's, it's tough when you have like, would you have Cable and Valentina together?

Alexander Coccia:

It's entirely possible you would. Not necessarily in a Loki deck, I don't think. But it is entirely possible.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, next up is Thanos, and I think we can confidently put Thanos smack dead just on top of Helicarrier. It's the same thing. Yeah, it's basically the same thing, yeah. So you're getting 4 7. You're not exactly gonna play it. I guess it gives you a play line if you have nothing else. Right? And then you just hope to get the loot cage later and get them up to a 10. Right? Do you like that? Do you like the, I have perfect writing on top of us.

Alexander Coccia:

Helicarrier now has wings. You turned C into Helicarrier.

Cozy Snap:

It's almost explicit too. Yeah, so I would say Yeah, that's, that's about, that's about right. What about, ooh, we go on to Infinite. Four, seventeen.

Alexander Coccia:

It's not crazy to skip turn three to slam an Infinite down.

Cozy Snap:

That's what I'm saying. It's one of the few where you're like, you don't have Quinjet, you're like, hey, all good. Dude, who cares about turn three if you're getting seventeen power? I get the Shang Chi thing, but Wolf. That's pretty crazy, huh?

Alexander Coccia:

It is pretty crazy. I wonder if he goes above Onslaught. Like, he's definitely an A, right? I think that's a really high potential play. Yeah. Yeah.'cause I don't know if he's SI don't think he's s because like, no, no, I don't think he's s either. You have to skip the turn. He's like the absolute just king of shahi bait.

Cozy Snap:

What I, I like him though, for like a lot of situations, like, let's say you want to play Luke Cage on three, then you're like, I'll just skip four. Like, I'll just play him on five. Then like I, I feel like there's some situations that could make sense. Maybe Kiera on three and then play'em down. Like there's. Ways to go about it, but playing him and then playing Loki right after him, and then you would have one more play. I don't know, I think Infernaut definitely is not, you're not gonna be mad about getting a 417. No, no question. You'll

Alexander Coccia:

never be mad about a 417. No, no question about that.

Cozy Snap:

Living Tribunal might be Does he take the crown? He's close. He's close to being one of the worst.

Alexander Coccia:

I think Apocalypse is actually worse, but Living Tribunal's close.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, because Living Tribunal, you're looking at a 4 6, you're splitting power on a deck that has not been built to do so. Niche situations, you're playing at Sanctum and some other location, then you're like, Ha ha! But I can't imagine that being very good at all. We did skip one with the Red Hulk, who with his stat reduction is a 6 6, or 4 6. How high does he go?

Alexander Coccia:

I can see him. I mean, if you think about it, you get him on turn two. He can get pretty big, pretty fast. I think he would be an S tier.

Cozy Snap:

I like him.

Alexander Coccia:

Like he, he's going to get bigger than the Hulk under most circumstances, even if they float energy on turn two, he's now in your hand and the end of the turn resolves and he gets his plus four. Right. So I think he's already passed him off the top.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, like. He gets so much power. So it's just like, okay, okay. Like you're, you're looking at, so if it goes down to, let's say six, right? They skip three turns, maybe two, or even say two turns. What? That's eight power on the six. He's at a 14. Like, yeah, he's pretty nuts. Great. You know? Yeah, I would agree. Ultron, Ultron. Ultron. Is Ultron F or is there the scenarios where you're like, I can't even Let's drone it up. Ultron

Alexander Coccia:

on turn four. Killmonger turn five. guarantees the free death on turn. Six.

Cozy Snap:

Yo, this deck is hot coming, coming towards Alex channel near you. Okay. So then do we go. Do we go do we have your best option? The Ultron

Alexander Coccia:

bait deck is cracked.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, oh my gosh. Do you think a world, do you think there's a world where Ultron can have his drones with two power each? With,

Alexander Coccia:

you mean like with like a Blue Marvel?

Cozy Snap:

No. Like his drones have just two power. Base? Base. Has the power gotten to that? I can see it. Has the power gotten to that now? Because clearly Ultron, like, you can surprise with it, but it's pretty niche.

Alexander Coccia:

Or does you just Surprise Ultron. We've gone to the well so many times.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. It's been a while, though. I would say, or, or you'd probably just give him power before that. I mean, what? Like a 6 10?

Alexander Coccia:

Nah, you make him a 6 9 for sure, right? I

Cozy Snap:

mean, you're playing them on turn six, but yeah, I, I, I guess no one's going to be like, they're definitely playing Ultron here. I'm going to shun she without priority. And then they reply, lose. Cause then you can, so this is it. This is, this is what we're looking at here, guys. And so if you look at Valentina's play line. I would say again, confidently, Galactus and Up, I'm happy about getting. Maybe, maybe Leader to Alioth and Up being conservative which is more good cards than bad for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Like, I actually agree, probably Leader Up. It makes me wonder if Alioth was changed intentionally because of this. Like, I, Valentina's coming out and they're like, Well, Deleting everything on turn four. That's going to be pretty annoying or turn five or having a turn like six four costed a lot deleted their entire board before for negative one, which is probably crazy. Right? So I can totally see why they made this change in nerf to life prior change life. I should say prior to Valentino coming out, but generally speaking, if you don't hit something you like locate, right. Or just let it feed your double dinosaur. Just don't play it. Like, what do you want? Is it a three? So,

Cozy Snap:

mm, this is, I,

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Now that we've done this, right, because at first it was like top of the head, we said three star kind of for Valentina. Three and a half? Or is it just three?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I mean, everyone's, everyone except you slept on Pixie. Now Pixie's kinda making a bit of a comeback. It's almost, it's as random as it gets. And here we are, talking about another random card. With like nine dials on it for Glenn to play with.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and you have, I feel like it's interesting I like it. You have Quinjet and Luke Cage in a lot of games to make all of these. Instantly better. Instantly. Like, I love a lot of these. Like, Thanos and up, at least. And some of these still retain the value. Like, Destroyer, you're like, okay, it's still doing what it does. But like, Thanos, Helicarrier, Arnim Zola at that point, I'm fine with getting. Yeah, Galactus, Spectrum. I would say all those are good with the power returned.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, listen, if you have Quinjet and Luke Cage, then it's a totally different conversation, right? Like, it's just, it's so much power, but at the same time, it's like, okay, if you have Quinjet and Luke Cage, then you have a three costed card you're not playing, or actually, theoretically, you could play Luke Cage later in the game. Because if it drops it down, like the Hulk, for instance, dropping down to 9 power, protects it from Shang Chi, turn 6 or turn 5, you play down the the Luke Cage, have it pop back up.

Cozy Snap:

I like that. There's

Alexander Coccia:

opportunities there for sure. I just, it's just random. It's just random, and like, you're going to be playing a Destroy game, and you're going to be like, you have that Valentin, and you're like, give me Knull, and you're going to throw it down. It's like, oh, thanks for the hella bro, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right. So, guys, this is where it ends at. I would say, one of those cards, it's going to be more on the fun side of things. Cable can do what she's doing in a lot of the instance of just like the utility in the deck. And the synergy options but definitely going to be fun, and you guys can check out the content on Alex and I's channel on our ultimate, you know, final thoughts there, and then obviously next week, we'll give the in review. We're gonna move on quickly here because we, we, we had a good amount of time there on the patch, buddy, and we had Red Hulk to nobody's surprise, nobody's surprise, went down in value quite considerably. I thought they were gonna mess with his numbers on the plus that he got, not his base power. Thoughts on Red Hulk?

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, I think it makes sense. I think he's still super good. I don't see the two power being a a negative factor on him. Honestly, I just don't. He's a good card and I think he continues to be.

Cozy Snap:

And I would say like I definitely get the camp of like, you know, why? They said that they thought his cube rate would be worse because people could see it, but why would they release him then and then take him down? Are they doing this, you know, the bait and catch? I don't see it as that, because he's still a very good card, but to me, it's one of those, it's, to me, it's one of those Mobius situations. And we said this, it's like, we saw from a mile away. But this was going to be probably a pretty good card and just a little head scratch in there. I even said in my video when he came out like, it's not if, it's when. But yeah, only nerf that we saw Jean Grey going up to four. We were saying man, we were talking about it before and there she is. What do you think about Jean?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's great. In fact, I think in my, like my video, I talked about the patch. I was like, I bet you cozy smiling ear to ear. Finally, it's Jean Grey's time. I mean, listen, I know like you're synonymous with the Arrow love. We know that, but low key, low key, you've always, always loved Jean. And I would dare to say that Jean Grey might be a deeper love connection than Arrow. I'm just going to say that. I think that you might have a deeper connection with Jean Grey.

Cozy Snap:

The breaks, Alex, you, you might, it is late and I, I get it, but come on, hey, don't talk ill, don't talk ill of her right now, she's not here to even defend herself, I think Jean is great, she's like, we had a good, we had a good thing for a while, we still do, we still do, and, you know, she goes to 3 5, I'll talk to you then.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, fair enough. I mean, 3 5 Jean Grey is getting kind of, she's getting pretty toasty, I think. She's good though, yeah, she's fine. Yeah, I like the change. I like it a lot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we're getting more cards like White Widow, surprisingly, we'll talk about on the other side. Just a fun card with with like, the style of cards you'd play in Jean Grey 2, which was kind of cool. Like, you could, you know, get the Guardians going with her and whatnot. And then we had a couple weird ones, Stature going up, I mean, I think we're all kind of glad to see Stature go back to you know, her state that she was in, and, and we were kind of clamoring for this for a while and so definitely, you know, I'm sure you've been playing some Stature in Black Bolt.

Alexander Coccia:

Not actually lately I was playing Stature in Black Bolt before. The buff, ironically, then when it got buffed, I was like, ah, I already played a bunch before. So I kind of didn't jump into it, but I, I do think that like, I saw a lot of arguments were like, oh, they should have buffed Black Bolt. He's a five cost card. He's like, at the same time, like, do you really want Black Bolt to be a key part of the meta? Like, is that really what you want? Yeah. Like, do you really want Black Bolt discarding from your hand? Do you want Silver Samurai discarding from your hand? Like, is that really what we're after here? You, we got Mill. We got Mill doing its thing, and it's pissing everyone off. It's pissing me off. Do we really want to make Black Bolt a staple in the meta? Do we, are we forgetting when it was a staple in the meta? Like, buffing stature is correct, because it, it gives the package additional one, but discourages just rampant Black Bolt gameplay.

Cozy Snap:

What about our other cards that got adjusted? I know you've been playing loads of Mantis, Alex. Yeah she's a card, right? I think. What does she do? I can't even keep up with her anymore. She puts you to sleep? She does something. She's won something. I, dude, I just, what if, like, there's cards like Valentina that are fun, and you can play her, and it's like, okay, there's a lot of use there. And then there's like Mantis, like, I get it. I get, I, like, draft mode? Like, that's the thing where, like, draft mode, like, if you had her in your deck just randomly, like, ah, cool, okay, we'll make some sense out of this. You're not picking to put her in the deck though. There's just no way. There's 12 cards, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Mantis is an absolute trash heap. I don't care if she can rollerblade. I want nothing to do with Mantis.

Cozy Snap:

Ah, screw the rollerblades. Yeah Agent, you Agent, why can't I talk? U. S. Agent. Dude, I actually think he, he got himself, he found himself in a nice Change alongside the spectrum deck that's just been popping off. And he's still not like, he's not tremendous, but he's better.

Alexander Coccia:

No, he's not tremendous, but like that is a pretty big buff. Like that one power, it can, it can be applied to everything in that location. It can be applied to multiple cards. That's like a potential, like three power buff at the end of the day. You can't deny the stats at this point. Like there's something to say about the potential for For US Agent, and now we're going into the Affinity Conquest week. If Sarah Control doesn't add this card, then I don't know what will. Like, this is the moment. This is the time. Where it has a chance. This week.

Cozy Snap:

And Valentina. More Six of Cards out there. Even more fodder. For him to get out, that was his biggest issue. Jane Foster, you've been known as a, if, if, if I was a, if I'm an Arrow and Jean Grey, or you are a Chavez and Jane Foster er. What, what do you think about her increase in power?

Alexander Coccia:

I liked it. I liked it. I think it's a very good way of buffing that, like, Asgardian package without, like, doing too much to it.

Cozy Snap:

What happened to that, Pat? You were, like, Mr. Beta Ray Coccia, and then, like, you just stopped.

Alexander Coccia:

Because they changed the the Darkhawk. When they changed Darkhawk and everything changed that package altogether, what worked so well was that Zabu package with Beta Ray, with Darkhawk, and then it kind of fell out. I mean, with the buff, people are experimenting again and we're seeing some decent win rate decks with it, but it's not what it used to be. At the heyday of Zabu Darkhawk, the Asgardian package was absolutely incredible. Absolutely incredible. That Beta Rebuild. Man, I haven't played, I have not played Beta Rebuild in so long. It was the only deck I played for the longest time. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. So, I was happy to see this this buff, to be honest with you.

Cozy Snap:

Well, brother we've got ourselves the, the next patch coming soon, which is going to play bring clans and then some changes. Meta does feel pretty fresh, though. Pretty good, still, at the moment. A lot of options to go out there. That's going to end us, though, on our segment, and we're headed to our last one here. Favorite cards at every cost, and We'll be quick, I would say, set your cards, set your point, and as always, we start at the one cost, and Alex, who's been catching your eye? Who have you been playing the most with lately? Starting at one.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, at one cost, I gotta go with Snow Guard. I mean, listen, this was the month I fell back in love with this card. I know it was just in the spotlight cash once again. And honestly, it's not even just the hand generation for Loki and stuff like that. I'm telling you right now, that Hawk is so good. It's so good. It's come to the point where I'm playing the Hawk because I've been playing a lot of Snow Guard. I'll play the Hawk when I know I'm gonna lose Eternity Range. I'll play the Hawk when I know they're gonna win the, what's the Asgard place that draws two cards or whatever the heck it's called?

Cozy Snap:

Asgard. It's called

Alexander Coccia:

Asgard. It's called Asgard. So you played there and like they don't get the effect, right? I really like playing it like when I'm playing against the story player and they have like deaths to me, I'm like, Oh, you're gonna play your Deadpool there, aren't you? Boom, close it off and they put cards there, nothing blows up and they're all sad. I think that the Snowguard Hawk, and Snowguard as a whole, is probably underappreciated. I love the card.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Counter to Limbo, and then also, it's just like, even the bear, there's like, rare opportunities, but like, there's sometimes with a bear, you're like, hey, I'll take it. They filled up Monster Island, you didn't, you get an extra card, whatever. There's, there is ways to use it, so I do agree, I like it. I would say for me, it's, it's Ant Man, man. I just feel like Ant Man and his power has been great lately in a lot of ways, and I think it's because we have like, Gene Gray, and we've had, you know, Spectrum Dex just so fun to pop off. You get this guy to a freaking 1 7 is just ridiculous stat lines at that point. And we, as we've said, just best variant with with my favorite best 1 cost card.

Alexander Coccia:

It's so funny to hear you say that because like I was just going to say this variant is absolutely incredible. Him holding a cookie in the air. It's absolutely beautiful, Cozy. And as we move to number 2, I got to tell you, this is the month, the month of Angela. You gotta say that Angela's been absolutely remarkable here, and I just, listen, I missed Angela. I missed Angela, honestly, and I think the card's totally fair, and it's a reason to bring Shadow King back into the meta. Angela's been remarkable, and I absolutely love her.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I won't pick White Widow, she's too new, like, super fun, too new, I'll go Shadow King. I like the inverse, I think, because the rise of Angela, because Angela's a great pick. Man, Shadow King is just, I put out a video the other day where I'm like, guys, I won this one lane by myself, should not have won the battle just by Shadow King. Like, he is just has so much potential boom and bust for a two cost card. It's impossible not to love the King of Tech. Three cost Alex, we got I'll kick us off, I'll go into it. I think I'm gonna finally give love to Storm. And just say, man, in the early days, we were all about her. The location control, the agency to determine when you're done with that location. The combo and the synergistic options here, she was always why play Jean Grey when you can play Storm. And she still does that role. And I've been playing a lot of C2, which has helped a little bit of my, my love for her. You know, playing Storm down and playing like, you know, maybe one other card or nothing really. And, and they think they've won it with, you know, Cerebro too. And then you Nightcrawler over there. It's just tremendous what she does for a game in Marvel Snap.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny because like, I have not played as much Storm as I traditionally had, but you released that C2 video, and I was like, alright Cozy, you got me, I gotta play some C2, and I did, I did, and it was so good, and you're right though, you're right about Storm being a very confident turn 3 play, and it's, the location correction too is just remarkable, like the ability, like well, C3, oh, negative zone, who cares, right? Or C2, sorry, it doesn't matter, right? You play the Storm, you wipe it out. It doesn't, like, it's just so useful. And, honestly, in games with Destomain and others, you could play it to to just win that location. I love playing on the what's it called? The Nexus, right? There's so many opportunities where Storm can be a really cool play. Even later in the game, Knockout Limbo's on turn 6. There's a lot you can do with Storm, so I like that callout. A lot. Absolutely remarkable card. And if I can cheat, cause you said you weren't going to talk about White Widow. I'm going to go with a little bit of recency for the three costs. We've had them for a couple of weeks. It's the good old Red Guardian. I got to tell you Cozy, love this card. I absolutely love it. And I can't wait to do our like monthly review next week because I'm going to gush on Red Guardian. I've loved this card. I've put him into multiple decks. Any card that just fits into my Surfer deck is fine by me. But this has had such a consistent floor for me. I feel like Red Guardian always has a hit. Always has an impact. Almost never feels bad to play and has game winning potential as well. This card has been my favourite at three costs without question.

Cozy Snap:

You know what? It's a good point. If you look at like Red Guardian, White Widow, Red Guardian, and now Valentina. Two great cards. We don't even have Valentina, but what I love about this is they're so, they're great! They don't necessarily are like, you need Red, you don't have to have Red Guardian. There's other answers, but he does something so unique and fun and good. And I think that Red Guardian and even Valentina speaking early like you can cable, you can do other tech cards in Red Guardian, but they do a really nice role. In the decks that they play in, so I agree, man. Good pick there on three. Forecast here, man. Kind of Forecast is just, they're all like, I like them. They're good, you know, I play most of these and Different decks. I wanted to, you know, lean a couple ways. I think I'm gonna go with Super Scroll because of the meta at the moment. There's been a lot of the, and it's, maybe this is super recency biased, but man, I was playing like this week and so much of that, people were playing the Spectrum deck on myself, and I'm like, screw it man, I'm gonna Super Scroll, which is dangerous territory with White Widow out there, and absorbing that effect. But man, getting the Mojo, getting the Ant Man, getting the Omega Red, it, he's just a fun card.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't think there's anybody in Marvel Snap that has been consistently enamored with Super Skrull. You might love Super Skrull more than you love Arrow.

Cozy Snap:

Nah, oh my god, we don't have time. No time! No time! You can turn into Arrow! And Super Skrull can turn into Jean Grey. She's on reveal. She's on reveal. Arrow is. You don't even know her. You don't know her like I do.

Alexander Coccia:

It's true, I'm sorry. I don't, I, I've crossed the line. I need to apologize publicly to Cozy Snap. Four costs for me. It's low key. It's low key. This card, I feel like, is being completely underappreciated in most MMRs. I feel like people aren't talking about Loki. At the very high end, I think people are playing a lot of it. But, this card is just so good. And, I mean, it goes hand in hand with the Snow Guard I just finished talking about, too. I think Loki's in a great spot. I really do. I'm not seeing as much Mobius and Mobius, right? During the Spectrum, kind of heyday, that we saw, that, like, little brief meta, I think that Mobius and Mobius was pretty good. In a lot of those decks, and that really does negatively impact Loki, but I think Loki really makes players nervous. And I, I, the more you play it too, like I've been playing more and more of it, like, do I, do I Loki on turn four? Do I Loki on turn five for that turn six miracle play? Where now maybe I've snapped and now they're like, oh man, did he get my null? Did he get my death? Did he get my, I think Loki adds a lot of question marks to the head, has higher snap equity than people give it credit for. And I love the card. I think it's doing great.

Cozy Snap:

Love it, man. Going to 5 cost, I'm gonna give Darkhawk my 5 cost award. I think you know what? I don't think he's as bad. He's not what he was. I totally get it, but there are definitely decks that he's playable in. And it's not even just about the Hawk, man. I love just the Korg into Rockslide into Hawk, knowing you've put the Disruption out there. It still feels good. And they've ruined the relationship of him and Mystique. That was one of my favorite things to do. One of my favorite combos. You can still pull it off with the 5 and the 6 play. But man, yeah, I'm gonna give this to Darkhawk because I had some fun with him, especially in a White Widow, Black Widow deck. That I did on the Arrival of Widow.

Alexander Coccia:

This is one of those cards that since the nerf, I've barely played. Yeah, I did too. Right after the nerf, I tried to make some magic happen. I was like, man, everything felt awkward. It didn't feel like traditional Darkhawk, right? And so, like, I would love to fall back in love with this card. I like the gameplay style. I like that disruption element of the cork, the rock slides, everything along those lines. It's just, it's just not the same to me. But apparently, statistically, it's actually not doing that bad. The nerf has not destroyed it that bad. Maybe there's like a dedicated group of Darkhawk gamers out there holding it up, because for me it has not felt the same.

Cozy Snap:

What's your five?

Alexander Coccia:

My five, I gotta tell you, it's been Lady Deathstrike. During this past week, Lady Deathstrike's been a chance to like, really just pay back those gamers who are just trying to throw all the, the, you know, the, the green gobs and the the, what's the, Widow's Kiss on the other side? I'm like, no! No. Like it's just wipe it out. Right. I think LDS has been really good. And even against a lot of those like in the ongoing games, we keep bringing up the ongoing decks, but those had a lot of really inexpensive cards and LDS just came in and wiped them all out. Wiped out the Wongs, wiped out the Ant Man's, wiped, just cleaned up the board in a way that I really appreciate it. Moreover, if you didn't have like if they're playing like the Annihilus, like they're playing the Annihilus package. So they have Hood or they have like the Void set up on the other side. And you don't have an answer for that void, you can LDS and just wipe the void out and take away that that play that they were planning on. Really liked LDS this past month.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, now she works with Jean Grey. Kind of fun, because Jean went up to four, and it's great, right? You don't have to worry about killing your own Jean. Six costs? I'm short and quick, because it's Spectrum, because of what I've just listed off of the deck of Jean Grey, of Ant Man, and this variant's just freaking bad. I love it, man. What's your six?

Alexander Coccia:

For me, I mean, I feel bad saying it, because I don't want to just, I don't want to say Red Hulk, because like, it's like, but it is kind of Red Hulk. Like, this card made every deck better. It needed to get nerfed. It needed to get nerfed, but this is one of those cards that came out and made every deck better. And even in the patch note, when they discussed that, like, we said the exact same thing on our show, we said, Hey, the fact that it's revealing in the hand should negatively impact snap equity. Like, the cube equity should be lower because it's revealing in the hand. Who the hell is going eight cubes knowing that they have a Red Hulk? Or like, knowing that you, that you have an issue, I'm not even kidding, apparently people were. Right? This card had a fantastic cube rate, and I don't think the nerf is taking it out of the meta at all. Red Hulk, I think, was a tremendous release this month, and it's got to be one of the top six drops of the month, for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Definitely fun. Love that we always keep it unique each month, man. And there's usually always different answers for the most part, guys. Good luck out there with Valentina. She's gonna certainly be fun.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, it's been a crazy reek in Marvel.

Cozy Snap:

Reek, that's awesome. Keep it. You have to. Let's go. It's late, guys. It's late. Listen, Alex and I were talking for a while before this, and it was a reek for all of us. I saw the I have to ask, not to deter us right off the bat from reek, because I got to hold on to that forever. I saw in your backdrop, you have, like, this desk next to you now with all these cards. And I couldn't see, like, what they, what is that? What, what am I looking at?

Alexander Coccia:

So, like, it's just framed out for the, the viewer, so you just can't quite see. My whole room is covered with Lorkana cards. There's Lorkana cards everywhere. Oh, no way, okay.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we were gonna play, we never got to at PAX East, I remember this, so, like, have you been to it? Yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So what happened at PAX, so we were like, we're walking around PAX. We're like, Hey, let's try some new games. So I bought two starter decks for Lorkana and you bought two starter decks for Star Wars and we never got to open either. We sat down with the Star Wars at the Star Wars booth and played just one game with their decks, but we never got to play ourselves. But anyways, and I was thinking about Lorkana and then like, I was like, man, it's kind of seems interesting. And then there was the store championships this week. They're doing like a set championship and all the local game stores. And one that's like kind of an adjacent city to me. I was holding one on the last possible week, and I was like, you know what, what the I play card games for a living, I could play another card game dammit, so let's get her done. So I went to go buy some more Kona stuff, and I realized that it's super expensive, and very hard to come by. And so I was like, okay, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna go to this tournament with like, a standard, decent deck, okay? What I'll do is I'll buy a booster box of the first edition, and I'll open those, and I'll make a deck, right? This is like me playing Marvel Snap thinking like, oh yeah, you can just, you know, get some cards and make some money. Odin White

Cozy Snap:

Tiger. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just Odin White Tiger deck?

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, I, first of all, I want you to tell me what you thought this booster box cost. First edition first chapter Lorkana box, 24 boosters in it. How much do you think I paid for it? Yo,

Cozy Snap:

it's Disney. It's like, it's like 100 for a Mickey Mouse flavored anything. So, I'm gonna go like 69 and that's high. That's like that, it's probably lower than that.

Alexander Coccia:

300 dollars. For what? 300, emotional damage, and if you don't think I'm telling the truth, anybody that has seen Lorkana prices know I am telling 100 percent of the truth. Anyway, so I opened these packs, right? Guess what to my surprise? I couldn't build with what I got from this pack. I didn't have four replicated cards of pretty much anything. I had nothing. My deck was horrible. So what I did was like, okay, I want to go to this tournament. I've dedicated myself to this tournament. I signed up for the tournament. I told my wife I'm going to the tournament, and she said I could go, which means I get to dodge a whole afternoon babysitting. I mean, or parenting, depending on how you look at it. So anyways, I'm like, what the do I do? So I contact my boys at PodCana. I asked, I asked Brennan, I asked Kawa. I'm like, guys, what do I do? And they both gave me two separate decks. Okay. And I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go with Kawa's. It looks cheaper. Right. And I tried to build, and Kawa's like, Hey, listen, this is what you gotta do. You gotta go. And you gotta go to like, to a store and buy singles so you don't get ripped off buying your stupid booster box, you dumb. I said, okay. I drive to one place. Don't sell Orkana boosters. I drive 45 minutes, don't have Orkana boosters. I'm like, man, what? So anyways, long story short, I put together this hodgepodge, garbage deck, right? Garbage deck. I go to the tournament today. Okay, by the way I saw someone there that watches the Snapchat, by the way. They're like, hey Alex, cool, didn't expect to see you there, it was awesome. They were there with their wife, playing together, it was awesome.

Cozy Snap:

300? 300 dollars!

Alexander Coccia:

300 dollars! I couldn't even make a deck!

Cozy Snap:

I tried to get my face, I was like, just, I was trying to work through the whole time, I'm like, that frickin mouse, man, I can't stand, okay, so you, you get there, I'm at the edge of my seat, did you win?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, listen to this, okay, so basically, I want you to imagine what my deck looks like. So I have like, 33 percent of it is like meta cards. So imagine I have like, in Marvel Snap turns, I have the Hood Annihilist Sentry Package. But then the rest of my deck is like, Vanilla, Cyclops, Abomination, and Hulk.

Cozy Snap:

What's meta by the way? Mrs. Pot? Like, what's like

Alexander Coccia:

I was playing I was Okay, apparently Merlin has all these different I was playing Merlin the Goat Merlin the Rabbit Madame Mim, Who I don't know who the Madame Mim is, but she's a snake apparently?

Cozy Snap:

Sword of the Stone, I think, maybe?

Alexander Coccia:

No, no, no. I had an Olaf in my deck, I had a Wardrobe! You know the thing in Beauty and the Beast that like, Punches everyone with their drawers. So it's not Miss Paws, but it's a wardrobe.

Cozy Snap:

I can't imagine being like, it's like you, like, I play Olaf to win this tournament. Like, that's I love it.

Alexander Coccia:

I assure you, I, A, did not win the tournament with my absolute if you

Cozy Snap:

would have said you won that tournament, man, we're starting to look on it.

Alexander Coccia:

There was like 25 people there. And first of all, I got to tell you, first of all, I didn't win the tournament. I won a couple of rounds. I didn't like, by rounds, I mean like individual matches, right? But it was fun. It was really fun. And the crazy thing about it, I was driving home after getting my handed to me. And I was thinking to myself, I said, man, it's been like So much money on this tournament and I got demolished. But you know what the other thing was? I played Lorcan for five hours today and it was such a positive experience to play an actual physical card game with human beings, to shake someone's hand and say, good game. You know, that was awesome. To speak with people, to introduce each other, meet people in the community was great because if you play Marvel Snap for five hours, that first Miss Marvel is going to piss you off. And that didn't happen to me. Playing in a physical TCG setting. So it was really a refreshing take. I'm interested in the game, but apparently you're gonna spend a lot of money.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, you gotta spend a lot of money. I'm just, I'm just cackling to myself as we talk about Disney, Miss Potts and stuff. We have the most seductive white widow in between us. Just like, just staring down the barrel. Yeah, I've Marvel snaps enough card gaming, like as far as I covered content stuff, but you know, definitely something I always wanted to dip into. I was going to when they released it, but they like hyper, hyper restricted. I don't know what they were thinking on their sales. They were like, you know, they just didn't sell enough cards legitimately. But yeah, I've heard a lot of good things, a lot of good reviews.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's a fun game to play. And I think going forward, I'll buy the singles instead of getting absolutely Ripped off on these booster boxes, man. But I digress. Cozy, maybe one of these days, maybe, maybe PAX Seattle, you and I can finally have our game of Lorcan together. And I can at least even the odds against you know, the stats for our Star Wars match, because you beat me and you haven't let me down on it yet. I'm never going to, man.

Cozy Snap:

Speaking of stats though, we've got her right in the middle here. We've got the white widow herself. What are the stats saying? What are you saying? What do you think of her, man?

Alexander Coccia:

So here's interesting. So White Widow was running like a win rate in approximately the 40 percentile range, which was like, I'm like, there's no way, but I think, cause there was a lot of experimentation, a lot of weirdness with the mirror matches. And then once the crazy few days of like constant mirror matches kind of subsided, the win rate started going up. A few major decks started to appear and suddenly you're in like the mid fifties percentile win rate on those decks, 21 percent meta share. The card had a actually a negative cube rate at one point, I will say to the stats have been all over the place. And even as of this review, statistically, it is really hard to evaluate this card. But what I will tell you is non empirical evidence, okay? Empirical evidence aside, I think I love this card. I think it's fantastic. I think it's great.

Cozy Snap:

I don't need stats. Yeah, I don't need stats to tell me, especially because of like the way she plays and like how you can Nihilist just running rampant and it can punish you. Bro, the flexibility. We kind of leaned into this last week. We were like, I think she'll be more flexible than we think. Like, I think she's not just going to be a junk card. Man, between C2, control, dude, storming a lane and sitting, oh, it's beautiful. Beautiful, she's just so much fun, and it does, it does the inverse of Nebula. And you're like, I love that part of Nebula, it's my favorite piece of her kit, right? Like, hey, you gotta, gotta play here. It does that, or at least it puts the pressure. Also, locations like TVA, You lose, you win, like you win, they lose. Like it's, it's just so much cool things about her, man. I love her. She's fun.

Alexander Coccia:

She's been great. She's honestly fantastic. And the thing that really stands out to me is the macro side of the way, like you kind of alluded to the idea of like being able to like control the manner in which your opponent's going to play, I think is actually fantastic. And the thought occurred to me, why the would anyone play Lizard at this point? Isn't it crazy? Like, if you really think about it, Lizard used to be the absolute meta defining 2 cost, they changed it from negative 3 to negative 4, now I don't see a world outside of Sauron and maybe a Luke Cage style deck where I want to play Maybe. I wanna play Lizard. Like, I'm just gonna put White Queen in. Like, White Queen is always better, isn't she?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I was playing the Evil Spectrum deck, and I was like, I'm gonna put I think it was Punish in there. I was like, I'm gonna do Lizard, man. Like, my boy Lizard. The deck was just worse. Like, and that sucks, man. That does suck to see. I think, just like we've gotten Captain Marvel back, like, some of these things have happened. I think power has been adjusted. Clearly, that Lizard can regain his old form, at least. There's no reason at this point.

Alexander Coccia:

I think you've had a bit of power creep at the two costs, right? Like, two costs has had like this very effective additions of like additional cards. And it feels like Lizard just is completely outclassed. And I think White Widow's an exact showcase of that. One thing I will say though, is I feel like White Widow's gonna be very similar to Nihilus. It's gonna have that same pa Do you remember the first week of Nihilus, we were like, Oh, this card was hyped up, this card sucks. I'm like, man, just wait, just wait until the meta settles down. People are more excited now about, you know, the, the eternal cards coming on that maybe the hype train kind of passes on White Widow and you just wait how good this card is and keep in mind, White Widow is coming out in an Elsa, Kitty Pride, and you know what's her, what's her name, Angela Meta.

Cozy Snap:

It's man, card releases are getting more and more challenging. Not only like we've talked about it last time, like ranking them and where we put it, but it's like, People are just like, they either, if enough people say, if we say this card's gonna suck, someone wants to be right and say it's gonna be great. If too many people say it's gonna be great, they're too scared to say it, and they say it's gonna be bad. Like Red Hulk was a clear example. People were like, eh, it's pretty good. Like, no, it was just a stupid good card. It's tougher to say. I feel like it's just also so hard to evaluate. The week they come out. Red Hulk's obvious, but White Widow, it's, like, it's just, dude, man, you got them all. You have 23, you said 23 percent of the meta, man. That's so many White Widows out there, arguably with junk packages, arguably against each other. They're playing the same style of deck. It's just hard to evaluate these cards week in and out, you know, week, week of, for the most part.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, I had such a headache, such a headache doing like like playing the White Widow on release day. And even that release week is like, it was like, Oh, the Annihilus matchup, like Annihilus mirror matches are the worst because you're like, okay, got to figure out the initiative and that like our ranks, we're playing against people that know how to play now. So like, it's like, everyone's trying to dodge the initiative. Everyone, it's just like, it's so much, the game grinds to a halt. It is not, it's not the same Marvel snap. Right. But yeah. It's one of those. I think this card is going to age like fine wine. It's going to age just like Annihilus did. Annihilus was being poo pooed on. And it's still, even post Nerf, it used to be a 5 7, post Nerf, it's still one of the best cards in the game.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, when Hood got reworked, people were on Hood, and yeah, obviously Hood and Annihilus came to help him out, but like, Hood was great even before that, like, yeah, I think she's just, I don't know, couldn't tell you, but I think she's gonna be good. What do you ultimately land on with her?

Alexander Coccia:

I ultimately land on four stars. I'm definitely going to go four star. I said last week I was worried I was going to miss high. I gave it an initial three star rating, after playing it, definitely four star, a hundred percent, and for one, another reason I want to bring up Cozy, and I want to hear your star rating too, was, did you often find yourself playing her on turn six? I did. I'm like, I can play this on turn six. They're not going to fill this location. You can You can

Cozy Snap:

play her whenever. I know, truly, you can play the card whenever, and that's what's great about it. Like, Valentina, as we just kind of talked about, like, she has a lot of tremendous upside, but then you play her on 6, you're doing nothing. 5, even you're, like, pidging a hole in yourself, even after 4. This card, you're just happy about. You're happy playing, you're gonna get that value. Sometimes you want the information playing her early means you dictate the game. No question, I think she's gonna be a 4 star. I gave her a 4 star on my release date, and I felt confident about it. I wanted to give her a 3. 5, and I'm like, I don't think so. I think she's gonna be a 4. It's just too much in one kit. Now, this is a card that if they decide to adjust It will affect her pretty drastically. I'm a little worried about the adjustment if they do but as of this White Widow That I'm looking at is a four star.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And I think the major thing that really stuck out to me was that this card feels like it has no risks associated with it. Like Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, the goblins, they, they feel like they have an associated risk of getting stuffed, right? White Widow. Like it's so early in the game. Like what's the worst that can happen? Yeah. You know what I mean? They play Carnage on it and you're like, Oh, don't play White Widow where they're playing their their stupid X 23, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Cheapest way to clock, right? Like at the end of the day, she's your cheapest option at that. And like, That's always going to be valuable. That's always going to be valuable in some sense of the word.

Alexander Coccia:

And actually the other thing worth noting is that she was way better in locations than I expected to. Like I would, I was winning Alter of Death games, Death Domain games, because I can't do anything. Right. Like, it's like, Oh, there's a negative four there. And I can't literally land cards in that location. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks Alex. Yeah. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

she did. She did like, she was great. Like just, I just brought up TVA. Like I remember TVA came up and I'm like, I win, like what are you gonna, there's so much to come, you can't fill up the lane, I'm putting two power in the lane as well, and then I just like, stack one other lane, right, or whatever, it's, yeah, she, she has a lot of different case scenarios to work with, and again, synergy as I've alluded to earlier, outside of just the junk package.

Alexander Coccia:

So White Widow coming down firm as a four star rating for both myself and Cozy Snap, and that takes us to our next topic here, which is gonna be the top ten must have cards, For April, 2024. And this is must have cards in Marvel Snap as a whole. Now, Cozy, I'm going to just like throw this out there. Instead of doing like a traditional top 10 that we've like, we do very freely. Why don't we just riff a little bit and just like, you know, just talk about the cards that we think are going to be best in people's collections. I think that like people's collections are so unique. I think. Sliding them to a rigid top 10. I don't think is necessarily going to do like a no

Cozy Snap:

order top 10. That's fine with me. I totally agree.

Alexander Coccia:

And to kick us off cozy, let's start with Phoenix force. Phoenix force activates an entire new archetype for people looking for one of the most challenging and rewarding gameplay styles in Marvel snap. I would think we, we would be remiss not to talk about Phoenix force in this in this listing.

Cozy Snap:

I think this is like a special pick. Cause when people see top 10 must have, they're thinking like red Hulk. Right. And like, spoiler, he's not on our list. Like We're not looking at like, these are the best meta car These are cars that are just great to add to your collection to really do something to it. And why I like Phoenix Force here that you picked, is that, I remember when I started Marvel Snap. When I I thought Multiple Man was so busted. I was like, well, I'm gonna have copies of this small power car. And, she allows you to have four, five, six insane combos in one deck, and she teaches you a lot about movement, and the way that works, and out thinking your opponent. I think it's a tremendous deck to add to a collection and one that you can easily climb up to infinite and it can teach you snap conditions. I like Phoenix Force. I think this is a sneaky pick.

Alexander Coccia:

The thing about Phoenix Force as well is like when you play against a very highly skilled Phoenix Force player, you start to see how the, like, Phoenix Force starts to like manipulate the mechanics of the game. Like the way locations are used, interactions between cards. I'm like, man, how did that even happen? Like when you play against a truly knowledgeable Phoenix Force player, They're using the game engine as an advantage to play Phoenix Force. I've never seen anything like it. It's a wholly new experience playing Marvel Snap. So I think it's fair to start this list with Phoenix Force.

Cozy Snap:

Now, I just said no Red Hulk or anything like that. But to go traditionally into, man, we only have to look back one month. I think Hope Summers brings such a unique thing to Ramp. Like Wave, Electro, Psylocke, they're there. Even Corvus. Hope is that all in one package, and I think that's kind of what you're looking for when you want to play ramp. But also, she does something unique in the fact that like Wave and Electro, you're playing a ramp deck. Hope Summers, you're playing probably a bit more cost greedy deck. And, let's face it, A, the fun factor's there, and B, she doesn't feel bad to play. And so I would say Hope Summers as just a strictly good card. Is one that I would look towards adding to your collection.

Alexander Coccia:

It's definitely one of the best overall season pass cards we've had in a while. It's truly, like, stood the test of time. And honestly, like, it's just, it's so good. It's so good, and it negates, like, the Mobius and Mobius, and, like, the meta's fit for it right now, too, with Angela and Kitty Pride and Elsa coming back. It's the perfect time to be a I was going to say a Marvel Snap player, a Hope Summers owner.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and what's funny is Phoenix Force, Hope Summers, and more on our list are season pass cards. And I think the reason why is they carefully craft these cards to do something of the sort, right? Hope Summers is a different example, but Phoenix Force alongside some others we might mention. It's like they bring something to your collection, which is why they're enticing to get, or months later, good to get to your collection. So, you'll notice a trend here on some of them. But yeah, I hope Summers is my pick there.

Alexander Coccia:

And to note, though, that people say, well, the Season Pass cards are broken all the time. Phoenix Force needed, like, multiple buffs. This card was completely sus when it released. And it's still not, like, a core component of the meta. There's, like, a very high skilled player base that, like, is committed to Phoenix Force. And that's why it remains near, like Higher echelons of like of MMR and of win rates and stuff like that. But like this did not release broken. No. Unlike our next card that we're going to talk about, which released so unbelievably broken that Alex famously gave it. Hey, what was the star rating on Ms. Marvel Cozy? I can't quite remember. I know you do, so why don't you just let me know.

Cozy Snap:

1 or a 2, Alex. I'm fuzzy on the details. Oh, it wasn't a 1. Now we're just, sippin

Alexander Coccia:

there? Are you sippin the vodka in that water bottle? A 2 star.

Cozy Snap:

It was a 2. It was pure pure vodka. A 2 star because, you know, it's just too tough to play in the middle. What if you get Sanctum Tictorum in the middle? What if that happens on that one and every No, Matt, hey, we've had enough. We are gonna, moving forward guys, this is the, this is the episode where we're done roasting Alex on the Ms. Marvel, okay? I whiffed heavy, I love Grandmaster, but I whiffed on some of his potential, we're all, it's all, it's all fine. But what I'll say man, is Ms. Marvel, or actually you're the one bringing her up, like why the, like, I wanna speak for you cause I get it. Why is she so good for a collection?

Alexander Coccia:

Why is she so good? Man, it's like 414 power. Like when is that bad? It's almost never bad. She just gets those huge arms. She's like, oh look at all this power We've got and it the thing about is the new way to play Ms. Marvel is just pair her with Doom Just pair her with Doom and like the situation's kind of solved right like oh, I gotta put more cards there Well, you have Jeff, you got Nightcrawler, you got all these moving parts, but Doom's just like, ah, Ms. Marvel, don't worry Boom, boom, boom, and you got six costs everywhere. How many six costs you playing in the game of Marvel Snap? Generally not that many. That's why US Agent's so sad. So you're just playing the Doctor Doom and you're good. You're just good.

Cozy Snap:

And Iron Lad as well, right? Cause you're like, okay Iron Lad, copy Ms. Marvel, oh no, or copy Doom, or have it as just a left or a right. Just fits in there really well. And you know what? I'm just gonna translate. Can I just, can I go to Iron Lad? I gotta, I'm just gonna go to Iron Lad here, okay? I have to. It's too, it was a little later on the list, but I'm just gonna say it. Iron Lad has been the card to me that felt like the Darkhawk for a long time, where it's like, man, I just have never regretted having this card. And ultimately, it's probably one of the biggest, like, I don't have an answer if you don't have this because of just, we've, we've spoken on him recently, so we don't have to go through a whole tangent. But by now, you guys know what he does. Iron Lad is the card that, moving forward, you can build your decks way different, and you'll be playing way more cards like Iron Man and Blue Marvel and Doctor Doom and stuff and or just more confidently. Such a tremendous card, bro.

Alexander Coccia:

It's a fantastic card. And the thing that really makes Iron Lad stand out, which like on our original top 10 list was way higher than we're talking about it right now is the fact that it's irreplaceable. Like the amount of questions I get, like Alex, how to replace Iron Lad. I'm like, bro, I have bad news. You know what I mean? It's like, there's nothing that does what it does. People I've, I've seen some actual cope where people are like, oh Play Crystal. I'm like, man, that's not the same thing. There is not the same thing.

Cozy Snap:

Definitely, my pick, it might be up there as one of the most, like, collective, collection transforming would be Iron Lad.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and another one that, like, I think is not as collection transforming as Iron Lad, but it opens up a whole new archetype in the same way that something like a Phoenix Force will. We have to talk about Living Tribunal, which originally released in somewhat of a weak form, but has really come together. We originally saw like those Living Tribunal hella lists, right? Which was like a pure gamba, everything. And then they got refined, especially when Living Tribunal got the additional power going to 869, right? It's just beautiful, just so nice. And then what you get is You have the Iron Lad, right? You have the, Iron Lad ironically works perfectly with the Living Tribunal because you hit that the Iron Man, then you play the Iron Man, then you play the Onslaught, then you play Living Tribunal, and like you have all this power across the board. This is an archetype defining card that allows you to play in a completely different style of Marvel Snap. It's surprisingly consistent. I think Living Tribunal should be in your collection.

Cozy Snap:

When he came out, man, so many people, to be fair, he came out alongside High Evo, Iron Lad, amongst others. He came out on a tough month to come out, really strong month. And people thought it was a meme. I can be like, you can look back. People did not think it was gonna be a good card. We had a couple of cards come out that helped him, but not really. I mean, he really shines with Iron Man and Onslaught and Magic did get reformed, so that helped a lot, I think. But Living Tribunal. Stretch is far, stretch is wide, but on top of that, you have, what, 20 plus power that they got to put up in two lanes. There's just not a lot of decks that can do that, and we've seen it time after time. And talk about, just at the end of the day, a card that gives you access to a brand new playstyle.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, completely new playstyle, and I mean, listen. Look how yoked this Living Tribute is. That's what Cozy looked like after swimming a boat back to shore. Oh my god. Okay, guys? I don't even think that does justice. Yeah. Unbelievable what Living Tribunal can do for for the the gym going crowd Anyways. he does not skip leg thought. Gonna say for the female audience. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, the legs, all of it. I'm actually getting too distracted looking at the lower quadrant. I'm gonna move on though. And this card has been probably the winner this year to 2024 and 23 of the most adjustments in Marvel Snap. Can you guess, guys? Wait for it. Drum roll. That was my drum roll. It's gonna be Thanos guys. Exactly. We got Thanos on here because. It's not that he's, like, just the super meta guy that he was, but I think, A, if you're a Marvel fan, you have to, you have to get yourself Thanos. You have to. He's too iconic. The stones, the way they play. Yes, the deck is different. It's not completely trash. He's not near as good, obviously. But it's Thanos, and what he offers to the game, and he just transforms, again, a playstyle, a collection, I think is on the list for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, we have literally been to the Thanos funeral, like, seven times in Marvel Snap's history, and every single time, we're like, yo, they nerfed Soul Stone, Thanos is dead. Like, he terrorizes the meta for like six months after. This card's always going to be relevant, right? It's always going to be relevant. And it's, I think it's like the original true big bad. It really is. Him and Galactus were the true, true ones. And I mean, Galactus deserves a little bit of a shout out too for her play style, but he's so dead right now. But, like, Thanos. It's gonna come back. It's always gonna come back. And I'm hoping that maybe they rework the card. Imagine Thanos, you played on turn six, and he snaps, and just like, randomly, half of both teams boards just disappear. Oh my

Cozy Snap:

god, yeah. In a life effect, you're gonna get trigger half the people on the road right now listening on to their way to work here. But If it isn't Thanos adding to the collection, what's another card that you got on the list that's a must have?

Alexander Coccia:

Hey, listen. I don't think I need to sell you on one of the most mispronounced names on the Snapchat. To the point that every time we say Nico Minoru, or Nico Monoru, or Nico Minaru, no matter what we say, Cozy, someone in the chat's like, Yo, you guys are doing it wrong.

Cozy Snap:

There's always something to be said about Nico, Naiko, Nickel. Yeah, I think Geico. Did you say Geico? Two in the morning. It is, it is two's generous. Guys, Nico, Nico. Yeah. Alex, what do you have her? We, we talked about her again recently as we did with Iron Lad, but like, what is it, cause she was in the spotlight, right? So like what, why did players need to add her to the collection?

Alexander Coccia:

Irreplaceable. Like there is no situation where like you see Nico in a deck. You're like, Oh, I can add a card that does what Nico does, but you almost think you can. Because she does everything, right? Well, I can add Iron Fist in there. I can move a card, I can add No, Nico, while being incredibly sporadic and random, is also incredibly effective. In fact, you know what the most common Nico play I've ever seen is? Turn 1 Snap, I'm like, they're gonna play Nico with the Destroy thing. Deadpool, yeah, whenever the Destroy thing, yeah. I'm like, here comes Deadpool turn 2, Deadpool comes turn I'm like, here we go, I am so dead. This card is so unbelievably flexible, cozy. You have to have it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and the thing is, like, I think funny enough, if Nico was more expensive of cost, she would suck, because the reason I love her is that you're able to chill out and just wait for that spell that you need most of the time, because she's just a one cost commitment, right? So, like, that's what makes her great. Like, in C2, people are like, what, there's three or two effects that hurt you in C2, and it's like, Cool. Don't play her till later. Wait for your effect. If you draw her late, then I, I do get that, but Copying Cerebro. Cop I mean, there's, there's just so many uses or giving her plus two power to Cerebro, right? Like, there's places and times to use her. She's one of the only cards right there with Sunspot Nebula Kitty Pryde in some cases. Just flexible at one cost. Very rare trait to have. And speaking of man, I mean at this point we can, we can name it the the Anis chat, but Anis is, is fitting the same theme as I think my brother asked me not long ago. If there's one card I need to get, I've been a couple months off. What do I get? Answers always gonna be Anis. Still is. I don't think there's a lot to do to adjust this card too. It's a nilu man. He just, he simplifies

Alexander Coccia:

snap in a way, dude, you could take Annihilus. Annihilus, Hood, Sentry, and add it to anything, and it just makes the deck better. Add it to Patriot. Seriously. I'm not even joking. It's actually not that bad. It probably is not as good as you think it is. But, it's honestly not actually that bad. You're like, oh my god, I can play Annihilus, Hood, and Sentry in a Patriot deck, and then play Ultron for some reason, and it'll work! It'll work! Actually, is that the next brew? Is that the next surprise Ultron? Hood, you have Sentry. You're able to play a turn 3 Patriot. You play Sentry and you're like, what is happening? And then on turn 6, after you Annihilus, you play the the, what's it called? Ultron. She's like, vroom! Did you take some of my vodka? Yes. No, no, I got Johnny Black.

Cozy Snap:

20, 20 percent win rate coming right at you. But, no, I think, listen, be serious. Magneto? Magneto. In Annihilus, they do some of the same things, right? You have this card that's an offensive defensive card, right? And so, you're able to have him there for if you're having stuff happen on your side, or Shadow Ninjas popping up. But also, you're able to offensively clog and offensively play him, and there's just like, always a great place to play him. Single handedly killed Viper, pretty much, but yeah, Annihilus is just such a core card to have in a Marvel Snap collection.

Alexander Coccia:

I know this sounds very random, but when I was a kid, okay, I remember, like, being really young and getting really upset with my parents when they told me that I couldn't have a pet Pokemon. And I was like, I really want a pet Pokemon, and my parents were like, no, that's not how it works. I'm like, Mom, why not? Like, why won't you get me a pet Pokemon? And the reason why I bring this up is because I got similarly upset. I was laying in bed the other night, and I was staring at the ceiling, and I was like, I really want a pet Landshark. I want a pet baby Landshark. I want to name a chef. And like, honestly, my wife told me, she's like, there's no baby land sharks.

Cozy Snap:

We can't, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

And she's like, even if there were, they'd probably grow really big, really fast. It's the reason why you might see like a tiger, or like a, like you know, a little tiger, baby tiger, and you're like, oh I can pet that, it looks like a cat. And then it grows up huge! Right. And you get it, like you go to give it a high five or say pod, it rips your arm off,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

So like all of us to say you should have definitely

Cozy Snap:

dreams can come true though, man. If I, if I had endless money, endless money, right. I would want you like, I'd invite you over for dinner, Alex, but come on inside. Right. Like you come on in and you're like, Whoa, what is that? And I just pictured this cylinder in the middle of this giant glass cylinder. All right. If you listen to the podcast and in it is snow. You're like, what the is that, right? If they could do it at the zoo, if I had enough money I could do it at my house. Imagine a penguin, an emperor penguin exhibit, in my Not exhibit, it's just their home. They're chillin one's named Alex. I I I couldn't be happier. They say money can't buy happiness. That right there? Endless happiness. I

Alexander Coccia:

get it. I get it. You know what, I I can totally see that. That'd be such a great idea. Like, you have a snow globe. And then, like, you have a giant machine that, like, shakes it? No, we're not shaking

Cozy Snap:

the penguin, we're not shaking the penguin. Oh yeah, the

Alexander Coccia:

penguins are inside, I forgot the penguins are inside, don't shake it.

Cozy Snap:

the penguin Alex would be dead. So we'd have an igloo, they'd be chillin you'd walk up, you'd have, like, your martini, be like, man, there's a penguin right there, I'd be like, yeah, we take great care of them. And that's it, that's it. I think it's possible, man. That or, like, an orca.

Alexander Coccia:

An orca? Like, how big's your pool? I mean, you live beside an ocean, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

You'd have to have a big I mean, I'm rich, right? Endless money would be the is what we're saying. This is the scenario here.

Alexander Coccia:

Imagine you had an orca, and you had a huge leash big enough that you could walk on the beach with your wife and hold the leash for the orca who's swimming in the water? What kind

Cozy Snap:

of lea What kind of, dude, this is a lot of money. We're hitting like Iron Man potential to transport the Orca from the house to the beach. That's an expensive machine. It's custom made, probably German. Like what, thousands, millions? Trillions?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, at this point I got, I'm gonna have to watch that episode of The Simpsons when Homer brings home an elephant. I think this is the proper research we have to do.

Cozy Snap:

It's that one or the there's a movie, I can't even tell you which, oh Meet the Millers. It's, it was, it was a, it was a pretty good movie and the boss on it has an orca behind him. Like a, like, Like an actual orc. Have you seen Meet the Millers? Andy,

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like I Is that the one with Jennifer Aniston? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Sudeikis. I think Sudeikis is Yeah, it's been so long since I've last seen that. But no, I Maybe we should watch that. I mean, at the end of the day, if Meet the Millers could pick a If Mr. Miller could pick a card in Marvel Snap It would be Jeff, maybe. We don't need to say

Cozy Snap:

anything, right? I think this sums up Jeff. I think we, I think we did a good, what are we talking about again? Where are we? What are we what time is it?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

We haven't even talked

Alexander Coccia:

about the number one card yet. The card that we unanimously put at number one.

Cozy Snap:

Who is it? Is it the Trickster? Is it Loki? Who on not to, we're not going to derail again for the love of God. Marvel Rivals, though, just released his gameplay, looks so cool. But Loki, yes. Talk about, it's not even that he, like, makes his own archetype. Yeah, like the other cards. Bro, if you can't afford cards, just steal them. That's what Loki does, like, I love that, and you've been, you know, preaching that for a long time, like, you should have them on a rival, right? Cause like, you, I guarantee the new player experience would be bumped up if Loki was there, cause they could just test out so many different cards.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, man. Like, listen, we were talking about Lorkana before. Imagine if I had a Lorkana card, right? I could be like, yo, just, just hand me your deck, bro. Just hand me your deck. Take mine. My piece of guard. Like, you know, I would have won the tournament easily, right? Easily, I would have stomped the tournament, man. Loki is such a great design. And what's also interesting is talking about like the physical, you can't do that in a physical TCG. This is a purely awesome thing. That, like, can happen in Marvel Snap, but no, I do think that Loki is, without question, one of the absolute best cards in Marvel Snap. Simply because, even if you're a brand new player, and you don't have all the cards, Quinjet's really inexpensive, the pieces are so inexpensive. There is a shell that runs Devil Dinosaur, that's fantastic.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I, you are 100 percent correct. Pretty much every card, there could be more on here. There's definitely cards that we've left out but I feel like these are just like good, fun, great cards that do a lot. It's certainly subjective, guys. Certainly, like, I don't need Phoenix Force in my li great. But, I think that these are cards that really would be they just transform the collection in ways that others don't. If you want to go tryhard, you could go with the Red Hawks, you could go with those type of cards. Obviously, we're talking the ones that are S4 and S5, but I think we hit the list pretty well.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely, and there are some cards like Cannonball, but I think it's more of like a splash in the pan right now. Cannonball's really good in the meta. I think the key two that is painful to leave off are Zabu and Darkhawk, but like, they've just completely been nerfed into like, Oblivion. So, it's not worth having, like, you, man, you want them, but at the same time, like, not in the current form.

Cozy Snap:

If we redid the list, I'd probably throw in Ravonna. Yeah. I think Ravonna is so special. She does so many cool things now. And now that she's kind of unique, right? Like Zabu's dead in a way. So like, she's one of the only ones that do what she does. So I would probably put Ravonna in there too.

Alexander Coccia:

And Cozy, I got a question for you. What? Actually, I don't have a question for you. Goya has a question for you for our Snapchat mailbag. And it reads, you have to choose one Cozy. Waffles or pancakes and why? Oh, dude, this is

Cozy Snap:

a big debate. This is a tough one, man. I, I've gone back and forth. I feel like people can be offended. I like, I get the waffle thing, but I've had enough like garbage waffles. I think I'm a pancake guy, man. I think I end a pancake guy. Hey, you know what,

Alexander Coccia:

dude, I was, I when you said, oh, I wasn't sure, I was like, there's no, there's only one right answer here. No, I agree. Dude. If cozy says waffles, I'm flying to California, dude. And I'm going like, just, I've already had a bad strength of backhand, man. Like I just. Listen, the amount of time

Cozy Snap:

It has to be pancakes! Have you been to a restaurant where they have chicken and waffles? And I swear to God, I always deceive myself thinking like, this is gonna be a, like a, it's gonna be a good Maybe this is an American thing, I don't know. It sounds terrible. Dude, chicken and waffles is a thing. And I'm always like, Like cold or hot chicken? This is hot chicken, like fried chicken. I'm very, like, cold chicken. Just like a slap, I just saw it on a cafeteria. Like a, like a, I don't know, you're listening. Chicken and waffle. Every time I sit down, I'm like, man, this is gonna be great. And I get it. I'm like, I don't want frickin chicken and waffles for dinner. Like, what the am I looking or even for breakfa It's just not good. Now, chicken and pancakes, probably worse, but it's an easy pancake for me, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yo, pancakes 100%, and here's the thing, okay, I'm gonna go a little off the beaten path here. I prefer plain pancakes, none of that blueberry don't even put chocolate chips in it. Keep them pure,

Cozy Snap:

virgin pancakes for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

This is the most controversial take I've ever said on the Snapchat. I'm actually, I shouldn't say this, but I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna get a ton of flack here. I would rather have fake Aunt Jemima maple syrup. Than real syrup. I'd rather, I know I live in Canada and I can go to a tree and get actual maple syrup. I would rather, the Aunt Jemima tastes so much better. It's just, it tastes like garbage and that's what I want.

Cozy Snap:

First of all, I'm appalled. Because Aunt Jemima, bro, Miss Buttersworth, it's Miss Buttersworth all the, all day. We don't have that in Canada.

Alexander Coccia:

You don't have Miss Buttersworth? You guys are so, no, we don't have, when you go to an American grocery store, I walk in and I'm like, why is there so much here? Why do they need 45 versions of peanut butter?

Cozy Snap:

Well, Miss Buttersworth has single handedly saved my life. Like I, she is my, she is my companion at breakfast. I was gonna say lunch and dinner. Breakfast or dinner slaps, by the way, just saying. That's like a low key, just anger. Little over easy eggs. How do you take your eggs? Take my eggs. If you could pick anything, if you could like, any way to have your eggs, how would you have them?

Alexander Coccia:

I usually have them flipped. The does that mean? Flip. What do you mean flip? Is it called over easy? When you flip the pancakes? So it's like pancakes on Yeah, you don't know how to you don't know how to like eggs? Are we talking about

Cozy Snap:

pancakes or eggs? No, how do you take your eggs? Flipped, guys, flipped is how Poached eggs. You don't like poached eggs? What the is a poached egg? Dude, this is bad. Hold

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

It's late. I'll give you the bit of a doubt. Is that when you put

Alexander Coccia:

them in like vinegar? Holy sh Like a pickle? Oh my God. You don't know. I don't understand. I don't know, man. Next Snapchat,

Cozy Snap:

hand to God. I'm showing different pictures of eggs and I need you to tell me what they are. You can study up. I, that's fine. But like, we need to get through, like, for the listeners, we need, we need to get through this. What's the next question?

Alexander Coccia:

Next question, Cozy comes from DM5, and it reads, With the introduction of mill decks, and there honestly no means for countering it at the moment, would you, how would you all feel for a card release in the future that gets stronger for the less cards you have in your deck? This could potentially synergize with cards like Crystal and Adam Warlock.

Cozy Snap:

And Strong Guy. Yeah, I like it. I think I think it's cool. I think they should do this, man. This is a, this is yeah, I'm not, like, beefing on all the questions usually, but sometimes I'm like, eh, yeah, maybe we can see, this is just a good,

Alexander Coccia:

this is a good idea. Next question comes from Abraham, and it reads, Hi Alex and Cozy, I played the game from release, stopped for a bit, and then came January. My question is Related to time management, how do you guys mix life, getting married, and playing Snap consistently? What's the formula? I always appreciate the fact you guys talk about life on the Snapchat. F for Alex's Kia.

Cozy Snap:

This was pro A, love it. B, this is by far the most, like, life we've talked about in a Snapchat episode ever. So, very timely, I feel like. Yeah, when I'm not trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean? I I don't know, man. I think it just comes down to, like, You know, we all have hobbies, we all have de stressors, and I, I'm fortunate enough to that my hobby became my job, right, in a lot of ways, and then I get to have this as a job. So like, that, for one but two, like, I just genuinely, like, it de stresses me, right, like, if I'm, you know, I, I play a lot like you guys do, like, I have, like, my recording sessions, obviously, but, You know, in the bathroom or like going to bed. I'll get a game in and stuff like that. Like it snapped, like why it's so great is it's anytime, anywhere. And so like, that answers that. And then you know, just hang out with family and do all the other stuff. How about you?

Alexander Coccia:

For me, I find the time manager to be a challenge. It's one of the things I have the greatest you know, But room to grow with, I still to this moment don't have the answer to like how I need to manage my time more effectively and I come to the point where like I am exhausted very frequently, extremely exhausted, but I think the motivating factor is not only do I feel incredibly blessed to be able to do this at all, like I'm living my dream, I'm talking to one of the most, the most talented content creator I know on this planet. I get to talk to you every single week about a game I love in front of an audience that I love. This is a dream come true. So I find the time, I find the energy. I gotta be working 4 hours from now. Like I literally gotta go to work soon. And it's okay! I wouldn't have it any other way man, because like, I'm so fortunate to get to do what I do and I'm just glad you're here with me.

Cozy Snap:

I'm in man, dude. A, appreciate that man, love you much. B, it's like, yeah man, I agree, like it's it's been tougher now, like, as Snap has lost some of its traction, like, it is, I live in San Diego, and it's not evening out, I can tell you guys, it's been there's like a struggle on that front, but I consider myself blessed every day, that this is what I get to do, and I'm, you know, hopefully I can continue to do this, and continue to contigrate, especially for Marvel Snap, so yeah, man, definitely agree there. Good questions, man. These are fun.

Alexander Coccia:

Guys, thank you so much for joining us here tonight. Cozy and I genuinely appreciate it. All of your support, your viewership, and of course, the reviews you leave on the podcast platform of your choice. It means the world to us. Thank you so much for watching.

Cozy Snap:

and remember to always charge your batteries on your boat. And until the next one, happy snapping! You don't know what a poached egg is.

Alexander Coccia:

No f ing clue.

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