The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New Season: Maximum Effort | June Cards In Review | Deadpool Domination Roadmap | The Snap Chat Ep. 88

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 36

Will Gwenpool and these other misfits and malefactors end up being the most unpredictable season yet? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in June? What does the road ahead look like for Deadpool Domination? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We have a brand new season of Marvel Snap, Deadpool vs. Wolverine. And even though the cards aren't exactly all Deadpool cards, we've got really unique abilities and cards coming to the game. And Alex and I are gonna rank them all, talk about synergies, and give you guys, the agency, everything you need to know on if you should buy them or not. We're gonna break down Gwenpool, the season pass card, alongside all these crazy cards coming out alongside her. And then finally, we're gonna talk about kind of what's coming out in July. It's a packed, heavy month of features and stuff, and Marvel Snap, or at least what's to come and what dates they're dropping. We're gonna talk about that all today, more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by Mr. Alex Coccia on this beautiful day, and heading into the new season. Our favorite episode each and every month, and we're coming fresh off Airsham week, dude. What a week, what a week of Marvel Snap. This might have been I can say confidently it was my favorite week of the year as far as Snap goes, man. And just for the community to see everybody most of them having a good time, man. How was your week of Snap and how you doing?

Alexander Coccia:

You're right man, it was a ton of fun this week. Airship absolutely landed, it was I mean mirror match after mirror match, but the crazy thing about it is unlike like the Annihilus mirror matches we saw when Annihilus came out, these were fun mirror matches, where like you didn't really know what to expect, everyone's decks are different anyways, so it didn't feel like you're playing the same thing over and over and over again. Honestly, so much fun this week, and I don't know about you, but the vibe in the community as a whole was super, super positive. Like, people were legitimately excited to play Marvel Snap again, and that, like, it just revitalized me. Like, it made me super excited to, like, make videos and play the game and engage with the community. I don't know, it was a great week to be a Marvel Snap player.

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah, I was play like, I play so much Snap on my PC when I work, I found myself playing a lot on my phone. This week, just, like, doing, like, air shi gameplay doing Infinity Conquest, like It was a good time. It was definitely a good time. I, I like that Darkhawk, even though you could put him in the deck, like, was a, was a healthy ish counter to him, so that if you didn't get him, you had something to, to go with there. And then what we talk about all the time is, like, players got to play with cards they don't have, because Airshim randomly generates said card. So, definitely good, and, and just, like, a fresh take on Snap felt like kind of a new game mode, if you will and I know we'll be talking about him to more extent on your side, bud. But we got a lot to break down today. This is always one of the more long episodes, if you guys are into that, and we are going to break down obviously all the new cards coming out, we've got some new things coming, and we're actually going to start in inverse order a little bit, because they just dropped this as we were recording, Alex we've got a new graphic for the upcoming season, and this is what's to come over the next month or so, so we've got obviously the Deadpool season or at least that's the theme of it, even though a lot of these are not from direct Deadpool. But it's all based around Deadpool and Wolverine. No shock there, this is gonna be, like, obviously the movie of the year, Marvel wise, and they're capitalizing on it. And so we've got the new season, Maximum Effort. We have Snap Alliance is coming out July 30th. We have Deadpool's Diner starting on the 23rd, where you can get Cassandra Nova. More on her in a bit. Later, we have a Deadpool League, this is the first of the announcement, but we're seeing that August 8th to the 10th, Jeff Week, whatever the hell that is, I'm guessing just a bunch of variants, who knows, August 19th to the 26th. And then we've got Login Rewards which is this avatar, pretty cool card altogether buddy, but I like this little roadmap man, and tease ahead with firm dates.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this is awesome. I wish they did this more often. Like I'm looking at this and I'm like, I am so hyped. Jeff Week has to obviously kind of coincide with shark week, right? That has to be kind of the joke there, but like Deadpool's diner on the 23rd, that's super hype. I mean, if I'm really hoping that that's going to be like a legitimately accessible free, but amazing card that we can kind of play and work towards getting without having to spend tokens or spotlight keys, I don't know, man. I'm actually legitimately excited about July. There's great cards coming out, great modes, there's a ton of stuff to be to be done in Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

For sure, I know it's not like the new the newest game mode that everyone was like clamoring for, but when you see it all together, July looks stacked, it definitely looks stacked, and the cards look fun and interesting too. I think it's gonna be a good one to break down today, so we're gonna kinda just jump right into it. We know what we're talking about here. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, you talked about it before. It's our most favorite episode. We're going back. We're going to be evaluating our evaluations of the cards for June, seeing if we were right, if we were wrong, and holding ourselves accountable. And we're also going to be talking about our favorite cards at every cost this past season, a conversation that I absolutely love having with you, Cozy. And then as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, bud, we've got Gwynpool here, coming out as a season pass card, arriving Tuesday, and she is a 4 cost, 6 power card, for those that don't know. Really cool character. I'm gonna go into it, obviously, when I do my deep dives but I'm excited to break her down and what she does to the Marvel world, per se. But on reveal! Pick a random card in your hand three different times, Alex, and you're gonna give it plus two power each time. Now, this can be the same card, it can be different cards, it's gonna be random each and every time, and that Theoretically puts her at a four, twelve, twelve. Value. Very interesting card. I think people are kind of all over the place with her. I think we've seen people excited. I do like that she's just a basic stat stick in a way that's very great for just a season pass card in general. We have a lot to break down. I have tons of synergies with her. Tons of notes, but as always, let's start with the star ratings, ma'am. What do you feel?

Alexander Coccia:

So I'm leaning towards a four star, but I can also see this landing three, but I'm going to go for, like, I actually feel like this is going to be pretty solid. I like the idea of this being like kind of an inverse Ironheart to some degree that can hit like the same card multiple times. I think that you can be kind of creative with the way that plays. I think we've got some tools in even this past season that might actually work very well with Gwenpool. So like I'm going, I'm gonna go with four stars. I can see it being a pretty solid landing, but I don't think it's going to be broken the way Blink or Loki or any of those cards were specifically.

Cozy Snap:

No, I like that you're on the higher end because I, from the sentiment that I've seen, people are, some people are lower with her, like just not really seeing the synergy of why you would play her or if you play her, it's a little bit too late to get the effects here. I like her. I actually think she's going to be great as far as an easy card to play, but also kind of hard to master. I think there's going to be some really unique play lines you can do. I like that you said four. I was right in between. I went back three and four. Obviously, I do half points. I ended at three and a half, but like could see the value where she's actually really strong. And towards the, maybe not the first couple of days, but once we've refined the decks a bit. Because the more and more I went to the Synergy, it's not even about just how good she is, it's how good other cards that work with her. And so, you know, man, hey, you know what? Screw it. I'm gonna go four. We're gonna go four together on this one, alright? It's gonna make the evaluation rankings a month from now a lot easier what we're doing today. And really, I'm gonna back up the case. In general, with the synergies behind her. I think there are some ones that they try to make obvious, and then others not so much. So, right off the bat, Alex, having a smaller hand means more dedicated cards that you want to get hit. Being hit and having a larger hand the earlier you can play her, probably the better in some cases, clearly, to be able to get some of the synergy down. So let's start, man. I'll, I'll give it to you, because we've got a lot of cards. What do you see you're working best with? What cards, what are the MVP cards out there? Because there's two that stand out massively for me.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so right off the top, there's one card that when I saw this, I was like, alright, maybe this is the chance for the King of Wakanda to finally make a comeback on Curve. Because when I saw this, we had talked like, a little bit ago when we did the five costed tier list, right? And we were just lamenting at the King of Wakanda, as I'll say, the Black Panther. And It was so hard to, like, really try to see how this card fit in the game right now. Like, it just doesn't. It just doesn't feel like it competes with the other five drops. Now, Gwenpool could literally hit this card three times. Right? Like that's, that's how it works. And it's also on Curve. So I do think that Gwenpool Black Panther is, it's gotta be amongst the absolute top synergies.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I think this is the first time where with Fastos, we try to theorize some decks where like, maybe you could work with him, but then it's like. Not really dependable, because it's the cost, and it's the Okay, so here's the thing. I think this is where you actually have this Akoye, Nakia kind of build that is based around him and one other card that I'm about to mention. It's where you just get that value, because yeah, bro, you get this hit even if you get an Akoye, a Nakia, or you just get a double tap from Gwynpool, dude, you're looking immediately at potential 516 that you can manipulate later on. Obviously, the Arnim Zolo play, but you can do more than just that. I like it, and I think this is the first where we can have a complete deck built around this boosting power. So who are the anchors of the deck? It's obviously Black Panther who's going to help with just that immediate burst of power. But dude, I think we actually now have the potential to have Shaw that's not just limited to the one thing that he's kind of always done, right? Like, he's always been doing the same thing in the Surfer decks. He can hold down a lane vertically and that's, that's kind of about it. Dude, Shaw's gonna be fantastic here. With Gwyn. I mean, absolutely fantastic, and if you build the, if you build the deck around boosting power, you all of a sudden just have this card that's firing on all cannons, because it's separate attempts, right? So it's gonna be Shaw getting six from the Gwynpool. Nope, that's gonna go to eight, gonna go to ten, then to twelve. This thing's gonna skyrocket very fast in boostable power, and to have a couple of options, like Black Panther, and like Shaw, and many others that we'll get to. It's just going to be a win.

Alexander Coccia:

I love that you went to this because this is one of those circumstances where I think that Sebastian Shaw might actually be able to take a step outside of Silver Surfer because Shaw should be able to get big enough where like the extra plus two, which is theoretically plus four for Shaw with the Silver Surfer might not actually be worth it in the grand scheme of things on like this good card, like power building style deck. Right. And so like, I actually would love to see a shot come out and just be like, you know what? Yeah, this is a 3 8 or maybe you include Sarah and it's a 2 8 and you're like, okay, like that's absolutely fine And if it gets hit multiple times and that's multiple buffs, right? So I don't know man I I like this call out a lot because I think it does a lot for Sebastian Shaw to like get out of these this like really Intense niche that he finds himself in.

Cozy Snap:

And then I love that they, if you want to lean into the niche, that also works. If you don't want to do the Black Panther thing, like, clearly it's written in stone, guys, that we have access to Brood, who is a, a mince candidate for Gwynpool. You would love Gwynpool hitting Brood up. And then, we've done this song and dance. It's been in the game. You have Absorbing Man, right? And, if you think about this boosting kind of power deck, Abs Man has a lot of purpose in here, right? Cause he's can whether it's Fast Dose or even a little bit late, but Gwynpool, you could get working in there as well. You've got the Brood into Abs Man. There's just a lot of potential there as well. So, I think, just that little package is gonna be fun to kind of sprinkle into a lot of different deck builds. And, I like that the King of Wakanda, Could have his place. Shaw could have his place outside of it. Immediately, I love that we went there. I think those are the obvious synergies that should work. And we have a newer 3 cost card, too, that I wanted to mention that I think is interesting synergy. And that's Makari. Now, Makari, I think has grown better over time. I've played against her more often than I thought I was going to. But I like that Macari leaves her hand. So, you don't really care if she gets boosted. She's leaving the hand, and that's gonna open up other slots for other cards to get that boosting power. Which is calculated, and nice. And it just kinda works out. You want a smaller hand with Gwenpool some of the times, and this is gonna be one of the easiest cards to get that done.

Alexander Coccia:

And they keep speaking on the Eternals, like, in theory, Gwenpool should work well with even cards like Fastos, so you're potentially discounting or buffing cards across your deck with Fastos, and then on turn four you have Gwenpool as well and a lot of the decks, I'm sure, in, in terms of their design they're gonna, Be together because even getting a Black Panther to four costs or giving it a plus two is significant. So, Fastos might even see a little bit of love with Gwenpool deck design.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. And to that point, the internal point the other decks that I like her with, okay, so we've got the Black Panther, we got the Surfer, man, I think this could be a really just solid, kind of like Miss Marvel's just good value. Where can you play Gwenpool? And you don't really care what she hits. Like you're not hoping for the double tap on Shaw or Black Panther. Clear cut, Gilgamesh Zoo, right? So right off the bat, you've got these cards that are getting boosted. We love that. Easy stuff. But it doesn't matter if she's hitting all these one cost Zoo cards. You're cool, man. You can play them all, and you're just getting pure stat value on top of it, and you're building into the later game plan with Gilgamesh. So I actually think Zoo is a really interesting build with Gwynpool, and just the way that's gonna work all together. And I'll get into that more, but what are your thoughts on Zoo and Gwyn?

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Actually, that was one of the things I was looking at as well. It's just, cause it's going to compete in that, like Kesar slot kind of, so you have to like, all right, the plus two on three individual cars, that better than plus one across the board for the one drops. Right. So I think it's going to take some deliberate deck design. It could be a backup towards like, Oh, I didn't drop my blue mark or didn't draw my blue Marvel. Sorry. But Gilgamesh is now not completely useless because there will be games where you're playing zoo and you don't have those boosted cards. Like you might only have a Dazzler that's showing positive power and Gilgamesh feels like a waste in your hand. But now Gwenpool will give you that additional opportunity to throw down some power.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and the earlier, again, the earlier you can play her, the better. So even this could vitalize something like Psylocke. Maybe, dare I say, Zabu. Probably not. But the idea of being able to get her out there as early, get these cards boosted. And I just think Zoo cards make sense. Like, even if you go to something like Kitty Pryde, I mean, you're just like, you're so okay with Kitty Pryde getting the boost, you play her out, maybe a little bit wonky on how you're gonna make that work out with her but I just see that as a core, like, listen, this is what I said when we started the conversation, I like that she's simple in design, just get the plus power, make her Zoo deck a little bit better, don't care what it hits, or the strategic, I'm gonna play these two cards now, play Gwyn so that these three cards get boosted up. I have these cards left in my deck, so any of these getting that power as well is hot, works out. That's where I think the synergy is, and that's where I think her big boom potential is, if you will, Alex. And Let me tell you the biggest boom. Do you know the biggest boom that I think she's going to work with, man? And it's sad to say, because here we go again. Have you thought about what's a really, really good card in Snap right now that you think would like Gwynpool?

Alexander Coccia:

Mr. Sinister.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, okay, that's not bad. It's another two drop. It is a two drop.

Alexander Coccia:

I was just throwing a card out there, but no, no.

Cozy Snap:

I was like, I was like, I kinda see where you're going.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, technically Mr. Sinister likes her, but the curve would be kind of weird there.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. Okay, hear me out, man. Freaking A. Mysterio, Mysterio. Guys, oh, okay. Okay, hear me out. So Mockingbird, we already know. All right, we'll get to the Mockingbird here in a second. Hell, Sasquatch, right? So my thought was, If Mysterio gets tapped with this, one time, hey great stuff. You got yourself the 2 6 Mysterio, then you got twos on the other way. Twice, even more crazy. Three times, it's just bananas, and the odds of that are very low. But then, if the other cards in the deck are Mockingbird, that is another beautiful candidate for Gwenpool. Just free power on top of the cost reduction. Just absolute free power. Sasquatch, same song, dance. Now, Mockingbird, you open her up to Shang Chi potential. But this core package that we've talked about, For several weeks now, this is a huge winner from Gwenpool.

Alexander Coccia:

No, there's no doubt it is. And I mean, at the end of the day, it's like, okay, when you play Gwenpool on 4, what are you aiming to do? You're aiming, obviously you're aiming to buff up the plays on 5 and 6. And if you're holding these Mockingbirds, which tend to like be really inexpensive, right? And if you're like, hey, they don't have Mobius because you're in Conquest, you can hold that 11 power, 13 power, 15 power Mockingbird to turn six to drop it so that it reduces the chances for it to be shanchied, right? And like, it brings up a good point though, the way we're kind of talking about the way the power is laid out is one of the major things that when I was trying to figure out Gwenpool's power was the idea that like it's forecasted. Which is on the later edge of the game, and so that's why Black Panther, playing it on Curve is so beneficial, but at the same time, you will be able to find these other synergies, where like, maybe you play her on 4, and then it's like a Mysterio Bishop on 5 and then you do a Sasquatch on 6 with Mockingbird or whatever. I think it opens up these additional lines, But you're not just going to dump your hand early sometimes if you were holding Gwenpool, because you might try to set up your hand for a burst play on five and six.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think there is some real conversation we had about the cube thieving potential she has, because your opponent doesn't know about these explosive plays that you have potential to. Like playing the Mysterio into five with the Mockingbird and then Sasquatch, that's a Dude, that's so much power being dumped in two turns, that your opponent just probably did not calculate for. I think this week, people had the feeling that more than ever with Aresham, like, there's just no way to calculate two blobs or two, whatever, like that woke some people up. And I think that's where some of the potential is with her. I've got some other really cool examples, but I want to give it to you. Got any other synergy up at the top of your head?

Alexander Coccia:

I just want to mention that what you're saying is 100 percent accurate, and it's one of the major advantages with Gwenpool over something like a Ironheart. It's that information asymmetry. Your opponent has no idea what got buffed in your hand. Whereas with an Ironheart, They can see it on the board. And so like, that might not sound significant, but when you're going into turn six, eight cubes, infinity conquest, or whatever you're doing, that information asymmetry is massive because you're able to make more accurate calculations that your opponent simply cannot account for. And that can be the difference between stealing cubes and losing.

Cozy Snap:

And that's where it, like, I had her at like a three star rating when I was thinking of just like maybe the Black Panther stuff that I like. But a little bit inconsistent, and we've seen that, but when we just start talking about Mysterio and then some of these other ones we're going to talk about with the Mockingbird, It's like, okay, it reminds me of the pre nerf Ms. Marvel. Not maybe to that extent, but close where it's like she's just providing the value as you play out the deck as it should be played out.

Alexander Coccia:

I do think Ms. Marvel probably was more cracked than this. Like I think, yes, I think that Marvel unreleased, despite my two star rating at the time is going to listen, hahaha I'll never let myself, I'm not going to let it go myself. Okay. I gotta, I gotta like own my, my past transgressions, but yeah. So Ms. Marvel, I think is on a higher level than what I think this will be, but I still think this is very solid. It's still a little niche though. I think Ms. Marvel had like a very wide application. Similar to Hope Summers. Like, I don't think this reaches Hope levels, but I think this is good.

Cozy Snap:

No, I don't either. Again, Ms. Marvel, you just, the reason she works so well is she legit is going with the game plan for any deck. So like, it just worked with whatever you were doing, whereas this kind of takes the turn away a little bit. But okay, give me Synergy, bro. What you got?

Alexander Coccia:

It's not necessarily Synergy, but can we pour one out? For Zabu. Because I had this thought. I had this thought. We have this forecasted season pass card, and Zabu has not yet ever resurfaced in the meta. So does Gwenpool get better? This might be coping. This might be hope and coping. This might be everything. Does Gwenpool get better if Zabu gets changed into an activate card?

Cozy Snap:

Well, yeah, for sure. I mean, like Gwenpool Zapu died. Gwenpool stabbed Zbu with one of those Katanas so that that Gwenpool could even live. I mean, ZBU, it's so crazy how much he just disappeared, like overnight. Yeah. So I mean, outside of just all the forecasts. Yeah, I mean, I think for sure if this is an Activate card, although if he's an activate card, you're, you're gonna want to activate him like right away. I don't know if it's the best example for her specifically, because you were just. Want that to hit right off the bat, right? Like, it's almost now how you play it. But Psylocke and him could have this niche in those decks where you're trying to target that right off the rip. Let me tell you this though, let me tell you, we talked about Surfer a little bit, I brought up Brood. Okay, I brought up Brood, brought up Abs Man. I like it in another shell outside of Surfer, man, and that's, that's, I gotta, I, it's my quota at this point. It's the Patriot build, right? So you've got the Brood, you've got the Abs Man. Obviously, we already talked about that synergy, that's just clear cut and dry. Patriot also, like, hey, he'll take some bonus power if you want to give it to him. Love the idea though of giving Wasp the same thing. Love Wasp just getting that free boosted power. Why not? If you want to even go crazier, I think the potential of playing Hood, call me crazy, but not inside of an Annihilus deck, just getting potentially a smaller con to get the Demon up, or you get the Demon in your hand, and all of a sudden, dude, you have like a 1 8, a 1 10? That's crazy! That's really high potential, on top of having the Patriot, you have Mysterio that can work out with that. And then, my favorite build, or at least probably, like, within a certain point in time, and I've loved this for a very long time, the Iron Patriot. Iron Man, Iron Man, Iron Man getting this boost, bro, is massive. Massive.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, there's no question that, like, in a Ravonis type shell, where you can, like, Iron Man Mystique, and both of those can kind of absorb that extra energy is crazy, right? It's insane. It's absolutely insane, because if you think about it, you could do something like a turn four Gwenpool, and then on turn six, with Ravon on the board, you could Iron Man Mystique, and just, like, double plus the bonus that they've acquired. Like it's actually pretty insane, as is this variant, by the way. Oh, this variant is unbelievable. Why didn't you get a cosmic for this one yet?

Cozy Snap:

Oh, dude, I know, I know, I should. I sh it, just, it's so clean, I've wanted to leave it as it is. I will say, Ravonna though, it has to be a one power card, so it won't work with the, like, being able to double play, but just being to get the

Alexander Coccia:

Oh! I didn't even realize! No, you're right! That's, that's a misplay on my part. You're right, because Ravonna's synergy breaks when the powers increase, dude. No, good call on that. But

Cozy Snap:

you could, I still think there's gonna be Ravonna builds, though that would utilize the either or situations, right? Because you have cards like Sage, like, it's that awkward thing with Bast where, like, you wanted to Bast a lot of cards, but then, like, you couldn't, and it was just, like, this awkward scenario. But I do think there's a world where Evona does want to work with this whole set package. Now, tell me this there are other just like, outliers out there. Is this going to be one of the best case scenario uses for something like Grandmaster? Because I thought about this, she's such a late play, so it is a little scary. But just on being able to trigger this twice, right? You played on four, potentially. Maybe you somehow get her to three, but whatever. Let's just say on curve play, right? You get her out on four. Turn five, you play Grandmaster. Plus another card that you're able to put down there. All of a sudden, your turn six play, if you build the deck correctly, is getting massive pow like there's massive, massive power getting pumped out there. And that's Grandmaster can be a 2 4 when you're playing because of the first Gwynpool pass.

Alexander Coccia:

I think this could work. I love this. Cause let me rest assured friends. This is not the last time Grandmaster is coming up today. And I just, I didn't expect you to bring it up for the Gwenpool, but I can see it. Are we, are we hoping slightly? I think so. I think maybe, cause like that would be a pretty wild turn five. I'm trying to think about like what that turn five would look like and what the six play would be, but you're not wrong. I mean, double procking that, like that, what, That sends her stats through the roof. Like it's, she's almost a 420 at that point.

Cozy Snap:

Well, yeah, but she goes out as 4 6, right? She scans. Let's say, there's a lot of potential. She scans Brood. She scans. I don't know, right? It doesn't really matter. But if you get Brood or you have Sage, we can look at some other three costs in here, even like even high ones like Gladiator, where you're able to play both of these down with the Grandmaster play on five. Let's say you only have a couple cards left in the hand. Those are getting potentially a ton of stats, man. Like, a ridiculous amount of stats to drop into one other lane. You're looking at a brew that could be dropping like, three copies of a 3 18 power in one play. It's just, there's really cool kind of combo potentials into the late turns, and that's where I see This Grandmaster working alongside her cost amount. I actually see this as a plausibility.

Alexander Coccia:

One thing worth mentioning, I think that it's like key to understanding why this card I think is better than might be anticipated is that like, unlike an Ironheart, for instance, which kind of puts the power on the board, because Gwenpool's in your hand, not only is it that information asymmetry, but it also protects those cards. To some degree from Shadow King, because much like kind of dropping down a card on turn six and having that boosted brood power, they would have to anticipate, play with the initiative, et cetera, to be able to kind of knock that power out with a Shadow King or with a Shan Qi. So the ability to kind of play it down, I think does provide some protection from the effect.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that makes sense. And I just think the fact of the matter is like, yeah, we can talk about the Grandmaster play more, but just in general, like what are cheap cards that love this? It's like. Jeff, man. Jeff getting, like, Jeff has a 2 3 is great. A 2 5 Jeff, a 2 7 Jeff, as a surprise play that you could play virtually anywhere, is explosive. It's extremely, or, honestly, just the move cards, right? Like Nocturne. Vision is an on curve play that you're certainly fine with him getting boosted up as well. You can do the duck. Yeah, multiple man, okay, yeah, I like it. So, there are plenty of movement cards, too. Human Torch doubles up in power, we know that. I think. Move is something we'll look into with her once the Activate cards come out. There's that Scarlet Spider, where it's like, you've got the, it makes an exact clone of that Spider Man that you play. That's gonna be a no brainer that you're gonna probably wanna play with Gwynpool most likely. Like, we're getting these actual we're getting enough boosted cards to make cases for some more unique deck builds. And, and I talked about, like, this Turn 6 Finisher. There are some really good ones that come to mind. So we said Mockingbird, Alex, okay? I said Mockingbird, but I like the idea of even what we've gone to in the past, the She Hulk and the Scar. So Scar, obviously, anything that can go over 10 power, he's happy with, and you can kind of curve into that with cheaper power. But just getting, dude, again, Adding power to cards that you can play cheap is monstrous. That's why I think the Mockingbird model works out so well and is just way more dependable for Gwenpool or makes her more dependable.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. There's, there's no question that like, especially with that, like that surprise factor of getting like a one costed or zero costed She Hulk out there as a six, 12, six, 14, whatever it is. I think that's really cool. There's another six drop, which I have written down, which I think is, I mean, a low key winner, maybe. I don't know if this is off base here, but

Cozy Snap:

I've got one, I want to see it. What do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

Is, do you have the Destroyer of Worlds? The Devourer!

Cozy Snap:

The G Man!

Alexander Coccia:

G Man, come on, man! Like, every single point of power on G Man, that counts for something.

Cozy Snap:

No, this is a no, yeah, no joke it's like, okay, how do you get this ramped out a bit quicker so you can play G Man on 5, right? So you get to go and pull out on 4 and then you're able to play G Man out on 5 early, is sweet. Or, you just play him on curve. Now, it's weird, because the Goblin package would have to be gone away with, obviously. But, 670? 6 9? You can win a lot of locations.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question that I think Galactus might be a sleeper here. Like, it might be one of those, like, get out of jail free cards. We're like, you play something, you're kind of disguising the Galactus play. What if you're playing like a Destroy deck with Galactus in it? You get plus two to Deadpool, plus four to Deadpool, whatever it is. You're buffing up these cards like Venom. You're kind of recycling that energy you're using with Gwenpool anyways. And then if it doesn't go well, you just Galactus them.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, not to take away from Galactus, but I was gonna say we'd be remiss not to talk about Deadpool, right? It's his season. And I think some of the design was to have these two kind of work together. It's very interesting, kind of weird, because Destroy, I can't tell you how many times I've seen either deck builds or people be like, this new card will work in Destroy, and I'm Respectfully, no, it won't, just because destroys such a game plan, such the same thing that it wants to do, and when you're playing something like, Gwynpool, you're not playing Deathlok into your Deadpool, you're not Venoming up a lane, like, it's just taking away from that steam, that engine that you're trying to do here. However, there are gonna be some, you, you, talk about rolling some dice, man, but if, if Gwyn were to hit Deadpool a few times, dude, you're getting yourself almost an automatic win. Like, you're getting yourself such a massive card that you'd have to destroy in five, but it's disgusting.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's one of those things where if Deadpool's getting hit by Gwenpool and your opponent sees it and they don't retreat, like, you gotta be like, okay, they have Shadow King or Killmonger. There's something because they've got to leave because this guy is massive now. And I think the key thing too, though, is this is where X 23 becomes so important. Because you're going to be able to use Gwenpool and sneak out extra cards out every once in a while, right? Because of the way Gwenpool works, and obviously Deadpool's that extra energy that X 23 often provides you the chance to play it down, so I do think this is a good callout.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah man, just a double tap on him, you have a you have yourself a 110 if you destroy him once. A 110 should I say that again? Like, just that's obviously pretty crazy. There could be a world where we see this Deadpool Taskmaster deck come back in the past, where you've got the whole game plan. It's just trying to get Deadpool out there, trying to do what you can with Deadpool and, and boosting him up. And then, last play of the game, you play Deadpool in Taskmaster. That used to reign supreme. It used to back in the day. Or at least for a hot minute. So, definitely I think Destroyed does have a world where it could play. So, if you think about it, what we just said. This is why I've been more and more on the difficult understanding why people aren't more excited about her possibility of plug and playable, right? We talked about Zoo, we talked about obviously anything with Mockingbird Mysterio, but more specifically Patriot, potentially Surfer, Black Panther revitalization decks, movement decks. Galactus. Bro, there's a lot of archetypes that Gwynpool's just gonna be good in.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because that permanent power at the end of the day, that's how you win games of Marvel Snap. Like, you gotta put power in two locations, and that's how it works, right? And again, having it in your hand, being able to manipulate it, I think it's absolutely huge, and I'm excited for a number of these cards. Specifically, if I gotta call it one again, I gotta say Black Panther has to be the biggest winner. That's where I'm going with first and I hope to be able to crack the Black Panther code with Gwenpool.

Cozy Snap:

Mine will be all about Patriot with Iron Man. I think that's just such a cool build together. I think there's a lot of interesting interactions to have there. Mockingbird, Mysterio, all that good stuff. Sadly, I'm going on my first, bro. Like we, you know, this as much as I do. We don't get to ever go on vacation. We travel for trips for like at work, but like this is I have had a plan for a year. Of course, it lines up with the double card release. Don't worry, guys. I'll still. Managed to get videos. I think I'm going to film from the beach, bro, but I'm going to be playing. It's cool. I'll get to put my feet up and actually play snap and enjoy it. Like on the go this week. So it'd be a good time.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I might actually be in the same position. It's funny. Cause you book these things in advance. Like, does the calendar seem clear and stuff like that? You try to figure it out. Next thing you know, it, it just never works out. Like you plan things shift around. And I mean, there's, it's just, it's crazy. You can never plan ahead as a content creator, right? It's a, there's no sick days. You can never take a day off. You just got to. He's got to cope, I guess. hahaha film on the beach.

Cozy Snap:

Do what you can. Well, guys, we'll go to our next card. That's going to be for Gwynpool. I think Alex and I both would recommend yeah, probably worth grabbing for the season pass. We go to the next card. Hydra Bob Hydra Bob has been changed a little bit and we have our first card ever that interacts with the snap mechanic directly. It is a one. Cost, 4 power card after each turn. This moves if a player snapped. All right, so very interesting mechanic. Great stat line as a base 1 4. We have Martyr at a 1 5 that actively tries to lose you the game. What do you think about Hydro Bomb?

Alexander Coccia:

For me, Hydro Bomb, I hope his VFX is like a diarrhea sound, because this card's poo.

Cozy Snap:

Really? You think he's pooved? Explain it.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't think he's put, I liked his original version better. Like he was far better prior when he used to move when you were losing a location, which I thought was really cool, but it was almost like a pseudo Captain Marvel effect because if you're losing there and he just dips out, it's like, okay, that actually might want to be another lane, I guess. So I figured they tried to change it. The only thing here is, I don't know, man, I'm like not even happy about a two star. Like, I'm not going to say one, I don't think he's that bad, but I'm leaning on the two star, like low. Two star range. If I could say 1. 5, I might.

Cozy Snap:

Oh wow, okay, yeah so I originally when I was looking at like his ability and synergies, I kind of was lower on him, but then when I just like I slowed down for a second. Two things. First, I do not think this is a must get for you guys. I don't think this is a must open. Like, there's a difference between that and the value I'm gonna give him. I might just give him a base 3 star rating, maybe a 2. 5. Because of just the stats, dude, he's a 1 4 with nothing that actively hurts him and agency that you can utilize, right? So now, and here's the other thing. Deadpool Diner, we don't know everything about it. I don't know if you can snap multiple times in a Deadpool Diner game. Like, I don't know the mechanics of that. Kind of makes me think, like, that's something that's gonna happen. And then you, like, You actively want to play them in the game mode, you have a Kraven and you can keep moving them, you can keep snapping. I just like the idea that you're in turn six of a, or let's say conquest, right? You're in Infinity Conquest, it's neck and neck. The opponent knows that they're losing, but if they snap, they can move your Hydra Bob and have a chance to win. But then you could snap too, like, dude, that to me, I love, I love the idea of snap mechanics tied in a little bit. I don't want too many. But into card abilities. But dude, I just think the base value of them is not essential, but he's going to be a good value static card.

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, great point. In my rating, I had not considered Deadpool diner and how that might actually interact with the card. So that could change everything. Most certainly. The other thing worth noting is that I'm concerned. I'm concerned that the reason why we didn't like original Meek, despite the power levels it was getting to, which honestly, we were doing machine gun decks, we were doing all these discard decks, Meek was like a 1 7, right? And because of that random movement, it was frustrating. And there was a huge, huge buff when that random movement was taken away from Meek. Let's not forget how much of a different card Meek became. And this kind of, to some degree, has that Meek text. You don't get to, you have, don't have the agency. Now you could snap and then move it somewhere. That's pretty cool, right? Yep. But I don't think it's enough for move decks. The only place where I think it might be good is it's a one power card that maybe on turn six, you play and it got hit by Gwenpool a couple of times. You know what I mean? Like, and it doesn't really betray you.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so it, there's that, like, okay, the Deadpool Diner thing is a massive condition. If you can snap a bunch, I like the card. If not, I like it less. I'd probably bump it down. The thing is, I just don't know if it makes a bunch of decks, to your point. Now, the Angela Kitty Pride deck, I think it could work in there, because you have a one cost card that you can easily move out of the Angela lane by just, like, you can get a snap anyway. You play Angela down, you throw a Hydra Bomb, snap, it moves. You can do what you want there. I also like the idea of, like You have one location full, you're playing another one, Sanctums and Torms over there, you have no cars that can reach there, and you're like, dude, if I just snap, Bob's going over there. Bob is 100 percent going over there. To your point though, the randomness sucks. It would be so cool if you snapped in the next turn, you have control of Hydra Bob. Kinda like how Meek was, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but there's another thing worth noting here is that snapping is not a free condition. No. It removes your ability to retreat on that turn, right, of course. It doubles the stakes of the game. And so, like, to snap just to, like, nonchalantly move Hydra Bob is probably a detrimental game plan. And so, like it's just like, oh, you snap and it moves, but it's like, bro, that could be a heavy toll. Oh, yeah. A very heavy toll.

Cozy Snap:

For sure. For sure. Yeah, and so, If Deadpool's Diner does not equal a lot of snapping, then yeah, maybe he goes down a bit. And here's the cool thing guys, there are, oh god, there's so many cards. I feel like, Alex, we've done a pretty good job advising which cards to go for in the last couple of months. Erishim, we save up, save up. There are other ones coming out. And so Hydrobob, I think at a base value, I think he's fine. Unless it's like a Nico kind of card, it's just one drops, you just don't need to use Spotlight Cache, it's just not worth it in the long run, he's not going to transform a game at all. There's no way this transforms a game, and in that like, he's like a one star. But I think the base value is interesting, and I like these kind of higher one cost cards with certain drawbacks, per se at 1 4. It'd be nice to see if he could gain plus one power. Even just plus one, because he's not out of control, right? Because if you snap, the most he'll get is plus two. He'll be a 1 6. Both players snapping. I feel like that may be needed. And it's actually, I want to take this time to say, guys, they have not released the season video on these cards, so these could change again. We don't know. They could change ever so slightly. We haven't seen it all that much happen. There's one that I think might change and we'll get to. But yeah, overall, Hydro Bob, I think we're both kind of meh on it. I'll settle on two and a half. Alex, you're on low two, correct?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah, and I mean it is a pretty decent spotlight week with Nebula and Galactus though, so like those are two cards you want in your collection. Galactus not as relevant right now, but I still think it's really fun, and if you didn't have the keys for, or the tokens for Nebula, it's probably low key one of the best one drops in the game that really does not get talked about very often. It's a very steady, steady winner for you, so it's definitely worth getting from that point, but yeah, Hydro Bomb, it feels like a definite skip for me.

Cozy Snap:

All right, well let's go to the next card, and this one I'm very interested in talking about, because I've most people rate it complete garbage. It is Ajax. Now, Ajax was a 4 cost. It's gone to 5, and there's so much to talk about with this card here. Ajax is a 5 5. Ongoing, plus 1 power for each card in play afflicted with negative power. Alex, what is your initial impressions on Ajax?

Alexander Coccia:

I started at a four rating. I come in high on Ajax. I ended up writing down three, but if I could say 3. 5, would you give me permission to say 3. 5? Like, can we do that? I don't like it. I hate it. I feel dirty doing it, but I'm going to say, no, no, no, I can't do it. Okay. No, I'm going to do a 3. 5 because I'm honestly like I'm all over the place with Ajax because I think he was a four star card at four, like at four, four. I think that was a far better satellite for me. Five, five. That's a nerf. That's a heavy nerf because like, listen, those energy points, that's a big difference, right? So for me, I think three and a half, I hate doing it, but I'll say three and a half.

Cozy Snap:

This is going to be one of the most interesting cards to test and I'm all over the place with them. I think a lot of people just don't see that five, five and I get you. I think they've recognized that he's a later game play. Obviously there's a lot of things you want to do before it, but then that does a couple of things. It tells your opponent what you're doing. Like you're not having any surprises here. And then also it's just a little wonky. How he works out, is that power gonna make sense? Now, let me just make sure everybody is well aware of something. And where the potential is with this guy. It is both your side of the board, and the opponent's. That is a potential, obviously it's not gonna be this much, but a potential 24 cards. Or other cards, I guess 23 outside of Ajax, right? That's like a, an extreme example, but obviously there's a lot of power potential for Ajax. He's ongoing, which is super complicated in a lot of different ways, but there's also tons of cards that have easy synergy to make this happen. Negative power is all you need. Now, you can't boost the negative power back up. It's gonna probably work a lot like Abomination. He needs to see this negative power on the board, then it can work. There are some combos, though, that I think, Alex, are absolutely nuts, and I wouldn't be surprised that in tomorrow, if we find out updated versions of the card, that Ajax is a contender of that, potentially. Let's talk Synergy though, buddy. And by the way, I'm going to join you. I'm all over the place. I'm probably, I'm probably going to say 3. 5 like you are, but I could see down to 2. 5 or up to 4. 5. It just depends on, maybe 4. It's going to, not 4. 5, that's way too high. But it's going to depend on some of the Synergy. Let's talk about it. What Synergy do you like with Ajax?

Alexander Coccia:

First of all, Cozy casting the widest net possible on Ajax there. Yeah, it's true. He's somewhere between 1 and 5, I'm not sure. Somewhere in there,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, yeah. He's either bad or good, but yeah. The net is wide and I think it depends on just the play patterns here, but at first glance, he's like the Ronin Devil Dinosaur, right? Like, it's just kinda weird.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he's like the Ronin Devil Dinosaur of negative power, which I thought was pretty cool. I had this thought, and like, again, this is going to take some very careful deck building because of the ongoing effects specifically. But I had this thought of like, okay, what if you zoo out early turns, and then you play Typhoid Mary on four, on five you play Ajax, and then on six you would do like taskmaster to pick up that negative power from Ajax, right? I was like, could that potentially work? And then you're just like really going aggressive on two lanes, but like, okay. Ajax is huge. Taskmaster is huge, but everything else is red. It all depends on what you've done to the other side. Like, is this, is this a man thing card?

Cozy Snap:

So, I love that you brought this up, because straight up, guys, the ongoing is the worst part about the card, right? Because, like you can't tie forward than Luke Cage, because it's gone. You lose all that power just like that, so it's super awkward, but to your point, you can do enough damage. You can do enough damage on turns one through four before you put Ajax out there, and then, yes, you can do the Taskmaster, you can do whatever behind that. I like the man thing, Cole. Let's kind of start from the bottom, right? So, starting at the one cost slot, right? You've got Selene. That's kind of the only option there. I, well, maybe, but I doubt it's going to make the initial cut here. But then we get into the obvious more options that just work. First and foremost, does widow's kiss count as a negative card on the opponent's side? This has negative four power? I would like to think so. Because it's a zero zero that goes down negative four. I think this will count.

Alexander Coccia:

It does count because it works with abomination. Yes, sir.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. So you've got that directly with Scorpion, both of those fantastic. Fantastic openings for Ajax, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, there's no question. I mean, listen, in slot, White Widow is basically the best two drop in the game right now. Like, amongst the best two drops in the game. And so it wouldn't surprise me. Selene's definitely coping, right? Scorpion White Widow, definitely impactful. I think that Scorpion is less likely to be in those decks as opposed to White Widow, because I think White Widow's just too good. I think it's just too good, it works with so many different locations. But Scorpion's easy. Scorpion's a great turn two play, especially if they're getting greedy, they're skipping. I don't know, man. I think that there's a lot of ways to put negative power on the board, and I think we're on to the early start.

Cozy Snap:

I think he'll make it. I do think, I think Scorpion, obviously, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention Hazmat. I think these, both these cards are gonna make it as we get to our later gameplay, and I'll explain why. Like, Scorpion is such a great two play. White Widow's the safer one that you can get down pretty reliably here. Now obviously you have the High Evo build, where you could go with the Abomination route with Cyclops, is that something you're going to mess with? Or do you think it's kind of this independent build?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I think it's great. I think that there is potential with High Evo. The challenge is that Ajax is just expensive. Yeah, it's expensive at five. You would benefit from playing like a magic style game, but the other side to that is Ajax's power is going to be limited because you're not generally putting negative power on your own side of the board at that point in time. You're trying to negative them. And so, like, does he even outperform an abomination? Right? Like, really, because if they have four, like, he's, if four kind of debuffed cards on their side, he's a 5 9. Abomination can be a 0 9. Or a 1 9.

Cozy Snap:

I like him as a, as an alternate. Like when you're doing that deck and you don't get Abomination, dude, it's so bad. It's just like, okay, well, I did all that for nothing. Whereas, like, the Debris play with the Hazmatter, the Debris play with the Psylocke, like, I did that way back when Grandmaster came out. That was, like, one of the decks I did. I could see that being a build and then you kind of hope for one or the other, you have one of those to work. I think you brought up a great point. Typically, when you Hazmat, you're screwing yourself so hard. Or when you Tie Ford Mary, but if you can play all those cards out with Tie Ford and then you have two bombs, right? So, you just said Ajax and Taskmaster or Ajax Mystique Abomination, potentially. Like, you have a couple ways to build so much high power quickly, that it doesn't matter, and you've pushed your opponent so hard on the negative. Now, we're not crazy, guys. Obviously, Luke Cage will be everywhere on the week of Ajax. This will be something that kind of naturally happens as the card expands himself over time. But, dude, I think that this Could just work as a base game plan. Like something as easy, we skipped over him Yellowjacket. Yellowjacket inflicts negative three power technically on that entire lane right when you play him down. Free option to add immediately, he's at 05 because of Ajax. You can make him a 05 card play. So I think there's some unique things that we haven't seen with Ajax that people might be not really thinking about.

Alexander Coccia:

There's also kind of like this reverse design element to Ajax, which I think is cool. You can have Ajax on the board, you can Mystique it on turn six. And then if you've played Magic, with a turn 7, you could do like a Wong Hazmat combo, where everything on the board drops, but then Ajax and Mystique skyrocket.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Because, basically, you're debuffing everything, and because they're ongoing abilities, they jump on turn 7.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, dude. This is what I'm talking about. I think people immediately just kind of thought about, like, well, they took them from 4, and a lot of people just had the idea of like, Hazmat and Ajax. Yeah. I do think Magic is gonna be an important card to, to have with him overall. But we have just a lot of options now. We have a lot of different options that can work. Obviously Thing we talked about Cyclops can work in there. Which, and this is like, big Ajax, by the way. We're talking about like, freaking 17, 18 power Ajax. But even just getting him to that 12 power mark is not, dude, that's so easy. That's three cards, man, that's nothing. Three cards on each side, that's absolutely nothing. So I think, People looked at Gilgamesh. They said he was terrible on release. They had to buff him up to make him better. But it's a lot harder to get the boosts on your side and make complete use of it than Ajax, in my head, a little bit. That's why the variance is so high on this card. It's either, eh, or working him out, it's gonna be a lot better post release once the Luke Cage era has died down.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because this is such a unique design, it's just going to take time. It's just going to take time. Like it's one of those like first impressions videos where it's like, Hey man, this might change a lot because I think that it's one of those easy, easy overlooked cards on the first couple of days. And then four or five days later, someone somewhere figures out the deck. The deck, right? And it completely crushes. And that's where I think Ajax could end up.

Cozy Snap:

And he'll have his unique deck, I think. And I think he's very needed for the Abomination build, because that build just needs help. It just doesn't really exist outside of that. So definitely be interesting for some. Overall, once again, though, could be a pass. I think could be a pass overall, once we go through kind of the rest of the season, going into next season, too, is really strong. But let's go to the next card, Alex, and We've got our, we've got our hands full with this one. We've got Copycat. This is my contender to get changed before the season comes out. I covered this in Datamines a couple months ago, and as I was reading it, I couldn't Understand, it was just so strong. I couldn't, I couldn't, I was trying to think of cons to this card. Spoiler, this is my favorite card of the month. I think this is a, this is my five star card, especially if it comes out like this. I can't see it in any other way. Copycat is a three cost people, three cost, five power card, premium stat. We love the stat line. When you draw this, so it's free guys. When you draw this, you steal the text from the bottom card of your opponent's deck when you draw her right off the rip. Crazy. Absolute craziness. Because it gives you information, Alex, right off the rip. You know what cards they're not gonna get. They weren't gonna draw it anyway. I don't care. Their Shang Chi? Fantastic. You have a 3 5 Shang Chi and they don't have one.

Alexander Coccia:

Five star for me, buddy. What about you? You are the copycat because this is supposed to be one of my favorite cards of the month. I didn't go to five stars. This is a very solid, confident four for me. Oh my God. I'm like, listen, this is insane. This is insane. For all the reasons why we talked about how like that, I feel like I've said it nine times already this episode, but we liked Gwenpool's information asymmetry, and that's exactly what copycat does. They have no idea what you have, but you know, if their hell is at the bottom of their deck. You know if there's Shanchi's at the bottom of their deck, you know everything you need to know. If there's Silver Surfer's there, that's huge. It's a 12 card game. They're only not drawing, like, 2 3 cards of their deck every game? Are you kidding me? This is crazy! And if they do happen to draw it, it's useless. It's a dead card.

Cozy Snap:

Can I ask why not a 5 star? Cause hear me out dude, you're getting a, you have premium stats! 3 5! Right off the rip, premium stats. You don't have to play it, you get information, and on top of that, you You have a larger chance for a 3 5 with an insanely good ability. We're talking things like Iron Man, we're talking Brood, we're talking anything. And if it's a bad ability, you don't play it, you got information. By drawing the card. That to me screams like how it, the, the, this is, the card, this is, I don't even see this launching as is, I, like, maybe 3 4?

Alexander Coccia:

I, the reason why is because there's two things. One, you only let me pick one five star every month and two, haha so hint, hint, there might be another card I really like too. And number two, is that like, you could just end up copying their like, Squirrel Girl and you're like, she's sick. It's still good, I guess, but like, you might get something that's relatively useless. There's still that RNG factor, where you're like, Oh, I'm getting a card that really doesn't impact me. I guess this is a 3 5, I don't want to play. What if you hit Green Goblin? And you're like, hey, sick. Yeah, that's

Cozy Snap:

so, that's so one off. Like, I even think, I'm trying to think of like Fina, okay, fantastic. Angela, Mysterio, I like, go through your head, all the popular decks. And there's just, there's so many cards in that slot. Not to mention, not like it's gonna be there really, but Surfer, this is just a must, this is a must add. Nope, this is a no brainer Surfer card. But I also think this is gonna be the new cable, but better, used in every deck, used for information. Has the pop off ability of getting a Galactus, freakin on turn three, for three costs. Or getting an Arnim Zola, or whatever, a Hope Summers. I just think Copycat is the card of the month, because of the perfect middle ground of her cost, her value. The power and the ability.

Alexander Coccia:

Listen, you're preaching to the converted. I love, I love Copycat. The whole week's amazing. On my Spotlight Cache for today, I almost gave this a 5 star week. It's got Cull Obsidian, it's got Thanos in it. This would, this would indicate to me Yeah, this is a great week. This would indicate to me that Thanos gets modified in an OTA or patch prior to this. Maybe another couple of changes, give it a shot to make it a little more relevant. Copycat, this is insane. Like, this is one of those you're saving up cashes for, 100%.

Cozy Snap:

This is a no brainer.

Alexander Coccia:

I think, I think Copycat's fantastic. And I think Cullop, are fantastic.

Cozy Snap:

And funny enough, funny enough, This is one of the cars that have, like, almost zero synergy outside of Surfer. Cause it's like, you don't know, right? So, like, it could just be played in the most, it's like saying what synergy, Well Iron Lad even has obviously much better synergy outside of her because you can have like, Blue Marvel, Doctor Doom, whatever that might be. I just think it's so nuts that this also can be played for the 3 cost slot of whatever you might pull from their deck. And you take that away from them, you have that agency. The thing is though, here's the this is the kicker actually. This is gonna be vital. Does your opponent see what you copy? If your opponent sees what you copy Then it's very interesting, because then you don't get that agency, then they know they don't have Shang Chi. You copy their Hella, they're playing a Hella deck, they're just gonna retreat at that point, right? So, that actually could be the way to make her much more fair, and even then I still think she's a good card.

Alexander Coccia:

This is the exact thing that I was worried about and I don't have the answer for because we haven't seen the video yet But it's like the VFX There's been two examples of this where the VFX have completely changed the relative power of a card You had Iceman versus Spider Ham Spider Ham revealing the card being hit and then you got Red Hulk and Hulk where Red Hulk is showcasing its power in your hand right To the opponent if copycat happens to showcase itself and it shows hey I just stole the text of your hella. That is a totally different thing because they, well, then you lose snap equity there. Cause they're like, well, I obviously have lost this game, right? Like that is very clear. But if they don't know that, and you know that, then that's absolutely insane, cracked and like just incredible, but there is one synergy. I wouldn't mind mentioning, but you're right. Like it's hard. Like there's not really like combo cards with this. But it makes one archetype kind of better. I want to make a case for Baron Zemo because Baron Zemo often plays some of these lower value cards that just tries to do its thing. But I think if like you cut something like a Yondu and you add copycat, you play your cable and then all of a sudden you might be in a situation like, you know, you're actually putting down a little bit more power while still disrupting them and that last straw is useless anyways. So I think that like a more refined version of mill that actually focuses on using copycat as like a nice value piece. Might actually be a little bit of a boost for that deck.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so between her and the next card, it's funny, I had on my notes too, I think both Mill and or just like Toxic's style of, of cards is where Copycat would love to be, right? Because you're doing, you're already taking cards with Cable, you're, you're destroying it, you're Zemo ing, and then like the card left, you've siphoned, like, or you've, you've stole the decks, like, yeah, I do think this is a nice and, might I say, needed addition to Mill overall and Copycat. I just don't see, again, three upsides. If your opponent can see it, then two upsides and a downside. That isn't even that massive of a downside, depending on the game mode and whatnot as well. Especially talk about again, Deadpool's Diner, where you can't leave. You can't leave, like, or whatever, right? Like, I, I don't, we don't know the full mechanics. Legit, Alex, I have seen nothing on the game mode. I, there's no sneak peeks. You haven't seen it? I haven't seen it. Yeah, I've seen nothing, dude. But, like, if you have, like, a high stakes thing going on, and she steals it, and you take their Shang Chi, They've got to finish that out. They've got to finish that out either way. So, copycat, my card of the month. Maybe goes down a tad if they get to see what you've taken. Only time will tell. And we have one other card that is Alex's favorite and up there as mine. And it's not coming in spotlight, at least from what we've seen. It's coming through Deadpool's Diner. And I gotta give it to him, man. They could have put Hydra Bob in Deadpool Diner, right? They could have done a, just a, kind of a, overall, like, meh card. No, they put a potential hyper contender in Deadpool's Diner that you can get for free, and that is freaking awesome. I love it. We have Cassandra Nova, who's gonna be appearing in Deadpool vs. Wolverine. Three costs, one power card on reveal. You're going to steal one power from each card in your opponent's deck. Alex, definitely new, definitely exciting. What do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

So first of all, kudos to Second Dinner. You're 100 percent right. They could have put absolute fodder into the Deadpool's Diner. They could have put nothing in Deadpool's Diner. They could have had just like, Oh, you get a premium mystery variant. Congrats, bro. Like they could have put nothing in there, but they actually put, which I think is going to be an insanely competitive card. I think this is a very, very powerful card. It's my five star of the month. Listen, the text got changed from drain one power to steal one power. I think that it was always meant to kind of add that additional power to Cassandra. If you like Erishim, by the way, and you think Darkhawk's a problem, get ready for Cassandra Nova. Cause she be fire. Feasting and I mentioned it before and I would be remissed not to speak the name of Grandmaster Can you imagine? Grandmastering Cassandra Nova. Yep. Oh my gosh, you play her on turn three if my math serves me, correct She's approximately a 3 7 right off the hub while also not even taking into account the scorpion effect you did to their entire deck Buddy, this is crazy. This is an awesome, awesome card. And if Thanos gets super powerful from the prior week, then this is a nice counterplay to Thanos. So like, I think they're setting themselves up for some OTAs. Man, I'm so hyped up.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, this was my, I literally had five star scratch it out. Cause I can only have one and then went down to 4. 5 because here's the deal. What I love about her is first of all, Yes, I think Arishem is doing very well in the game right now. This is a direct counter to it. Direct counter to Thanos. And then if you think about it, like, obviously the earlier you play her, the better. She loses a lot of her value if you play her late. I do understand that. But that pop off potential to have her, To have Grandmaster. I think, to your point, there's synergy with Ajax, because you play her down, guess what, negative power cards all over the place. Easy peasy, right? So I think there's synergy there. She has synergy with what I think is the best current 2 dropper right there in Ravonna Renslayer, so that's also fantastic. Absorbing, man! Back to back blows right off the bat. Three and four, you're making the life of your opponent complete hell in like a potential mill style deck. It's evil! It's pure evil, and that's what Cassandra Nova is, and I love the flavor. Also, just cool Odin play, too. She could be on the board. I'm so surprised she's in Honor of Eel, I'll be honest. I thought she might have just had like the base techs. Playing Odin, yeah, they don't have as much cards, but you still get to get a little bit over the top, and she's in a lane with other cards doing their thing, doing whatever they want to do. This is cool. This is a very well designed card. It's scary. I'm a little scared what might happen here with Cassandra, but it's not just a simple 3 7 3 8 3 6 but you're taking from the opponent, so it's even more.

Alexander Coccia:

You could even see a deck that has, like, a Silver Surfer style play, but instead of running, like, Nova Killmonger, you run Korg Rockslide. Because you're putting rocks into the deck, and those rocks will get negative debuffed to feed into Cassandra Nova. They're not looking to play those, but you're disrupting their play that might draw into them, but most importantly, she's actually she's getting the benefit from it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, it's an exciting, it's such a cool, unique, different style of gameplay. And again Luke Cage, stocks are gonna go up. Here's the deal, you can restore your card's powers, but that doesn't take away from Nova having that power. She's gonna still have it. So, you're gonna have Gilgamesh Synergy, you're gonna have Ajax Synergy, both sides of that coin. How about Wong? How about Wong? That's stupid. That's, like, obviously 4, they're gonna have not too many cards in the deck, but they're gonna have enough. Where you can get the double tap.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, we're forgetting that, like, Airsham's like 75 percent of the meta right now, Cozy, so

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right dude right. This is such an insane Airsham card, like, this is But playing this against somebody with Airsham is just almost a game set match, like, right off the rip, man. Any other synergy you want to talk about with her?

Alexander Coccia:

I just think that like, at the end of the day, this is fantastic. Like, it really is fantastic. I spoke about Grandmaster, which is like, kind of like, my main Copium thing. We, you touched on Ravonna, Renslayer, which obviously, you can see a deck working with Ravonna, Cassandra Nova, and of course, Sage, right? And this is likely to have a very unique power line because of the drain effect, right? So, Sage is likely to proc off it as well. I just think this card is going to be absolutely cracked. And again, just, I need to reiterate this. Very, very strong choice from Second Dinner to make this one the one for Deadpool's Diner. Potentially the card that is going to be accessible for free from players through achieving success in Deadpool's Diner. That's awesome.

Cozy Snap:

And I think if you see Ajax be a remotely good card, towards the end of the week you might need to get him. Because then you have Cassandra Nova that's going to be like this literal perfect curve puzzle piece for Ajax. And it's going to send him even more so over that roof of Dependable, right? So that's going to be the tricky thing. I don't want people to skip out on Ajax, Cassandra comes out. You need Ajax and Cassandra to have the meta deck. And then it's, you know what I mean? I'm a little concerned about that, but definitely we've got ourselves a packed month to say the least, guys. We covered all the cards. As always, Alex and I end the pod. Even though we have a couple things to talk about, but we end the pod with our final rankings through the month. We're gonna be ranking them in order. Do we want to start at 1? You want to start at 5? What do you want to start with?

Alexander Coccia:

Start with 5. I'm willing to go 5. I think it's gonna be Hydro Bob.

Cozy Snap:

5 being Hydro Bob? Yeah, I don't disagree with that. I think Hydro Bob is, is gonna be the, the least needed card within the month. At number four, what do you've got?

Alexander Coccia:

Number four is hard for me. I think I'm going to go Ajax.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think so too. I think I go, I think we're going to have very similar order. I think what is it? Ajax. Do you go to Quinn, do you go to Gwynpool, then to Copycat, then to Cassandra for you?

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Okay, so Copycat would be my one, Cassandra's my two, Gwynpool's three for me. Ajax could boost up, but he's going to be the four, and then five is okay. Yeah, that was easy. Strong month. Yeah, strong, strong month, and we're going into two other Strong ones as well. I think a Hydra Bob is the first week guys. Kind of perfect. You just spent all your cash is on Airstream. You're going to have you know, you can go and save up now. We already talked about it at the beginning of it, but we did talk about the July ahead. Again, mark your calendars for the later half of the month. And that's going to be the stronger, crazier side. And definitely looking forward to it guys. I'm pumped. I'm pumped, man, for this month.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, you and I had the Snapchat battle of the ages on the release date of Erishim. I gotta tell you man, that was some of the most fun I've ever had playing Marvel Snap. Our match had pretty much everything in it. It had ego, it had the ups, the downs, the tears. The fist pumps of victory. My man, Arishem, brought fun back to Marvel Snap.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, the amount of emotes between me and you, and it just felt like playing a friend, and I don't get to do that much in Snap, right? Like, sadly, I'm doing so much, like, just random battles and whatnot. So, like, playing someone you know, and then, like, again, utilizing that, like, I had to channel my inner Canadian. I was like, all right, if I was Alex, what would I be doing here? Oh, he got my leader. I bet you he put, like, it's so fun, like, just like that. I think it elevates the mind battles a little bit more because you know the person and some of their play tendencies and or just personality. And my favorite part of this week, by a long shot, is that I got to play Agent Coulson all week, dude. Like, just that I don't think I could be happier.

Alexander Coccia:

That Pixel Coulson was showing its face very often. In the world of Marvel Snap as Cozy played nothing but Arishem all week. I honestly, everyone played nothing but Arishem all week. We may as well get right into it. Arishem has been the card since I don't know, when was the last time? I don't think there is a card in Marvel Snaps history that reached like a 70 something percent meta share on its release. That is absolutely insane. Even Red Hulk at its peak was like 33%. And that was like, cause it was broken ass, like fantastic. Arishem was running like in the 70 percentile range. Literally. Everyone was playing Erishim. It was crazy this past week.

Cozy Snap:

It's an absolute homerun hit of a card. I think there's there's ways to counter it. Tons of fun to be had while playing it. I think, fine balance wise, I think that obviously, like, anytime you have everybody, when you have 75 percent of a player base playing one thing it can come off as, like, a little crazy. My comments on my videos are all over the place, either Take care. You know this card sucks, I lost so many games with it in a row, or like, my gosh, this is the best card to ever hit, Snap. We did know one thing last week. He was gonna be fun as all hell. I think I gave him a 4 star, you gave him a 3 star, competitive wise.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so we both 5 starred it from a fun standpoint, like, you gotta get the card, cause it's just, it's such a unique experience for Snap. I did give it a 3 competitive wise, you gave it a 4. It is running a 52 percent win rate across Infinite, which is all fantastic. And again, the meta share is absolutely astronomical. So I mean, I think we're pretty good. I mean, it's probably gonna come in around 3. 5, honestly, in terms of competitiveness. I think it has competitive legs, but it will low roll at times.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's a 4, just because it I think I said it last week that the stats to me didn't matter as much on him, just because there is a very wide gap of skill level with what you do with random cards, what your opponent's doing. But having that extra energy is massive. It's just, it's huge being able to roll into some of the later turns or some of the playlines that you get to do is just pure chaos. I don't know about you, and the math checked out obviously, but the amount of times you get to draw your own cards felt so cool. And bro, this I don't think I've ever seen a hyper boost to a card like he did to Blob in some time. Like, this made Blob from like, meta irrelevant to like, essential into a lot of the deck plays, dude. Really fun and different way to play the game.

Alexander Coccia:

It completely changes the way you play snap completely. And I think the, so I'll have to ask you, I think my favorite way to play them was those very tech specialist decks where like you were, your decks, your deck, sorry, was often like the Shawn Chi, the Enchantress, the, the Red Guardian, the pieces you need to kind of. Solve the equation that your opponent might be throwing at you. They're asking questions. You've got the answers in your deck while you're kind of doing the best you can with the Aarisham stuff. Maybe you got a Loki in there for that little bit of you know kind of switch up if you have nothing but garbage, but I think that Aarisham. Was an absolute blast. And I'd like to ask you, what were some of the standout cards for you that really, you thought worked really well with Aarishem?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I want to take a moment and say, I'm proud of us. I think last week in the snapshot, we identified every kind of way that Aarishem was going to be played and it all kind of turned out. We said tech cards. We said cube surprise cards. All those ended up in the main builds. We started with car generation and Loki. That was the first conversation that I brought up, dude. I mean, It's so funny when it's like, putting Airstream in Loki decks, that's just, that's such a bad way to look at it. It's Loki going into the Airstream deck, right? And, and being able to just nope out of that turn, play him early. You know, fill up the cards early. I love the idea of the card generation working, so obviously Agent Coulson was way up there on my list. And I enjoyed even just getting the Cable out right away. Maybe the maybe even the Valentina White Queen. Those cards were a lot of fun. In general though, bro, I, I think The big cube game twisting cards, like the Legion, like the Blink, like the Leech we talked about, those were huge staples in the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Legion was an absolute massive winner for me. Like, my experience with Legion was so unbelievably good. Getting him out on turn 4, oh my gosh. The surprise factor of Legion was insane. I love that shoutout. Another good 5 cost card that I think really saw a resurgence this week was Circe. I think I I got a shoutout for a card that I had a lot of success with, which I've not really seen in many other decks, and I want to make the statement for, like, Moon Girl. I think Moon Girl was pretty good here, because that extra energy, I felt like I was often in top deck mode, and Moon Girl gave me a chance to replicate my hand, to keep the, kind of, the game flowing. Give me a chance to have, like, I got all this extra energy. And I didn't have enough of a draw. I didn't have enough going. Moon Girl often remedied that. And I treated it like a tech card. Sometimes Shawn Chi, you don't need it at that time. Moon Girl, sometimes you just don't need it at that time. But I thought it was a very interesting piece to the puzzle. I'd be interested in hearing some of your standouts as well. And

Cozy Snap:

I like the Moon Girl call out, cause I actually revitalized a small, you know a bit of Rocks and Hawks back in the day Dark Hawk, obviously being a big counter to the card. A lot of people were playing Dark Hawk in the Airship deck so that they could have a counter to the other ones out there. And I'm like, oh man, this takes me back. Now, it's much different looking, because Darkhawk has changed completely. But I like having the Agent Coulson back in there, having Quinjet, who we were on the fence about. Obviously, Purit, just a great card to have in Airshow. And then, yes, Moon Girl, Dare I Say, Devil, Dinosaur. You always had this, like, really big hand that you could do. I would have Mystique in there as well. It was a little wonky with the draw mechanics. I don't recommend the deck fully. But I loved the idea of kind of going back to those roots, if you will. Yeah, so High Evo did did great for me as well but the core, what I try to keep doing with this card is just randomness, random BS go, card generation, and or the Ereshim cards that were in the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

The one thing with the High Evo is I think it's strange that the draw order of High Evo and the way it's placed in the actual deck, that shouldn't be a thing. Just give any card generated by Ereshim, Just give them the high Evo. I don't know what code has to happen in the background. Those types of interactions are ridiculous. I don't think that should be happening, but I mean, it's just, it is the way it is now. That's fine. That's something they can tackle down the road. High Evo wasn't like the highest order synergy with Erishem anyways, but that's like a quality of life thing that probably should get fixed at some point because it was a little awkward. Sometimes the cards are evolved. Sometimes they're not based on the original shuffle of the deck. Like, come on, man, what are we doing?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I played good, good points behind that. The to, to capitalize on a couple other cards I was playing with and that were different is I did some shuri builds. I thought was a lot of fun. Just any time getting a double power card out is fine on turn three and forward. Also, bro yeah, I have the video out. It'll be, yeah, it came out Sunday, I believe. Hobgoblin and Galactus as just a two random cards. Loved that. I loved playing a Hobgoblin on 4 without Ravonna, and then you have this kind of like, okay, nothing else worked, I'm going to Galactus. I'm gonna go that route instead. Just provided fun. I won an Infinity Conquest, I got a border for this guy, for his avatar with that deck. It was just like a jolly, a jolly good time, if you will. But yeah. I've seen people say he might be too strong, which Second Dinner has not stated. They said that, They've talked about what they would do if he's too strong, but they don't see it as that right now. They said that they can see the possibility of adding more cards that he shuffles into the deck, making your cards that you put in a little less likely. Do you think he's too good or just too popular at the moment?

Alexander Coccia:

I think you just wait it out, give it a couple weeks, wait till Gwenpool comes out, let the interest fade. Like, don't, yeah, don't wait. Like, don't, yeah, let Cassandra come out, like, I don't think Erishim needs to be touched up right now. I, I mean, listen, if you're upset about Erishim, literally, you just played Darkhawk based decks, and you completely stomp these, these decks. Like, they're, it's so unfair, like, literally, I'm talking, you know, running a 90 something percent win rate against Erishim with Darkhawk based decks. Because, even if they have Darkhawk themselves Your Darkhawk is like 40 powered and there's a 7 because you're not playing an Airsham deck. So it's like, it's so lopsided. I don't think it's a problem. Wait till, it's just the flavor of the week right now. Come on, how could you not be, how could you not play Airsham? Everyone wants to. Let it wait out. It'll play itself out.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's so funny that so many people got this card, right? Like so many people got this card and then Cassandra's a free card. So like you have this direct counter to a card that everybody has. It'll die down more a month from now but I, I, I, it was comical to me to look at it that way. But yeah, overall, I think he was he was, he was, he was a great week, and I just, I haven't seen the Snap community like this in, in some time.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And that's going to take us to our next card. Let's talk about the season pass card, Gilgamesh. Now it's very notable that Gilgamesh did see a significant buff. It did get buffed to a 5 9 alongside Gilgamesh. It's notable, it's notable, but Shana got buffed as well to a 3 4 and the two have been kind of tied at the hip in some of these zoo style decks for a while now. So I don't think that you know, they're completely independent from one another, but our original evaluation of Gilgamesh. You gave it a 3. 5, I gave it a 4 we did have some hesitation about the range of its power, but we thought the floor was okay. At the end of the day, it seemed like it just didn't quite have enough power, however, post buff, I think this is a great card. I think it's phenomenal, I think it absolutely slams down power, and if anything, the important thing about Gilgamesh, the key thing, Is it made another archetype playable? It made Zoo legitimately playable. And the more archetypes that are competitive in Snap, the less repetition we experience as players.

Cozy Snap:

We already saw this month, Gwynpool is going to give him another synergy. He's a card that will continue to evolve, because obviously boosting power is something that's going to never go away in Snap. Which is always healthy for a card, right? Like, there's some that don't often get to continue to get these small, kind of like mini OTAs to it with new card releases, and Gilgamesh gets that. He's not my favorite card, I'll say that. Like, I just don't play him a ton. Like, he's very, like, not one dimensional, but you have that one game plan going on. Sometimes RG can screw you, but yeah, he's good, man. I just I still have him. Yeah. What? 3. 54. That's somewhere in there. You know, kind of our original rankings on him. Glad they boosted him up. He definitely needed it. Cause he was a bit lackluster at first, but yeah, strong card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. He's running a 52 percent win rate at 9 percent of the meta. So, I mean, his win rate is comparable to that of something like an Airsham, which people are kind of like, you know, up in arms right now, but ultimately his play rates significantly lower. But again, that's because Zoo is Approximately that, he's in every single Zoo deck right now, and I think that's important. You had a Season Pass card that, I mean, for us, like, we're Collection Complete, we make content for the game, Gilgamesh is less exciting. But for someone who's in, like, early Pool 3, who plays Zoo decks unironically because that's the best deck that they can build currently, this was a huge addition. A huge addition to their power output. The only thing lacking from those decks, which I, you know, people would kind of be remissed over was, was like the Mockingbird is often a core component of those decks. So that's kind of the expensive component, but ultimately I think Gilgamesh, it met a need. People wanted a season pass card that they could plug and play to many different decks. And it accomplished exactly that. So, yep. So coming in approximately at four stars for Cozy and I, and you know, I think that's pretty solid. The next card to come out, I think this was a surprise. Not necessarily the surprise. It's so funny. I listened back to our conversation about Thena and we were like, we were like, this is probably the card of the month, but also we had some reservations about it. Cozy, the primary reservation we had was that. It's not going to feel good in anything other than Kitty Pride. We said, this is a Kitty Pride card and it's not going to work anywhere else. What kind of, so we actually took points off of it because it felt like it was niched directly into Kitty Pride, but little did we realize, I mean, we did realize it, but little did we kind of mentioned that like, this is such a good Kitty Pride card, like such an insane Kitty Pride card that it rose completely. You and I were at four stars. We kind of hovered around three and a half, four stars, but I think we kind of got to three and a half, four. 53 percent win rate, 13 percent in the meta. Cozy, what do you think about Thena?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I remember this was almost my 5, and then I was like, I kinda, yeah, backed out of that. It's not quite like, Sentry getting boosted from Annihilus good, like, to what she did for that archetype. But, she made that archetype just so, so much better and more reliable. You're not only waiting on the Angela. Thena is so cool that she retroactively, you can put her in like a storm lane and build her up. Like, there's just so many, like Interesting case scenarios for the card. Aeryshiv's a great example. I would get her generated and be like, Great! Like, awesome! I'll definitely mess with Fina and make her work. Oftentimes not, like, weird to play or awkward to play. Definitely if you look at the month of, as a whole outside of Airstream, which is, it was a fun month. She's obviously the winner outside of, I, I, probably the winner competitive wise, right? And, and just as a whole. And yeah, really good card, that's for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, she's definitely the winner competitive. I think she's a five star competitive card. I would say we miss low. I would say this is probably the five star card of the month for sure. I don't think there's ever in its current form. There's never going to be a Kitty Pride deck that doesn't have Thena in it. You'll never have the ideal Kitty Pride deck without Thena.

Cozy Snap:

She was so good that Angela had to get nerfed like ASAP. Like that, that, I mean, if that doesn't speak to anything, what does, right? Anytime we, we saw Gilgamesh get buffed and they didn't want to obviously nerf Thena, which they can't really with her kit too much. And Angela is the one that ended up taking the blow. And guess what? Still a good day.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh yeah. Angela is still good. Actually low key. Someone played Shadow King on my Angela and I still won because it only dropped her down to three. So a little bit of that, like plot armor a little bit, but but I do think that Athena is truly remarkable. Definitely the, the winner of the month. And if I could go back in time, Cozy, I'd have. We should have given her the five. We should have given her the five. And it's a less, it's a lesson learned like we were concerned about everywhere else. But sometimes I think the lesson here is that sometimes a card really only needs that one really good deck, that place where it really, really shines. It doesn't have to go everywhere. Like Hope Summers did. Dina's not everywhere, like Hope Summers did. But where it is, it is legitimately a carry. Like it carries the gameplay. Yeah. For that deck.

Cozy Snap:

Agreed. Solely agree. Cy was next. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Circe was next, 11 percent to the meta, a 51 percent win rate. We both came in at 3. 3 stars, Cozy. What are your thoughts on Circe?

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, yeah, 3 is a ba It's funny, I think on release, people thought she was not as great, because there's just so much random chaos going on. Like, it's just Not so, but we're kind of seeing her fit into more and more builds and she's aging better than we thought. I think three and a half is fair for the, the ranking. Maybe the randomness could still be tough, but I love the, what we highlighted, what we liked about her in the first place. And that's just like the, get out of jail on something that happened, airship, perfect car, synergy. Kind of works in that Legion spot, that blink Legion have one game changing card a bit in there, obviously a bit more random, but yeah, I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

This is one of those situations where like, I don't care how good the card is. I just don't like it. Like, is that crazy for me to say that? I just don't like the card. Like I don't like playing Circe. Like I want to have that level of control in my plays. I want to be able to calculate what's going to happen. And while I can appreciate, Oh, I took the century century void and I flipped it into a five cost. That's cool. But like, at the same time, it's like. I'd rather just annihilates it. You know what I mean? Like that's just the way I see it. I'd rather know I'm going to annihilates it. Where it works is when you're in conquest and they know you're going to annihilates that centuries void. And so they stack that right location, which I mean, is an element of control. And then you certian, instead of just having it explode into a, into oblivion, right, that's where you get that positive that positive value. But like for me, it's just, I, I just. I personally don't like the card, but I respect, it's the role it plays in a number of different decks.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, when I want to have fun I'll play it, when I want to play Competitive, more competitive and have fun. I play pixie like that would be my, my assumption on her.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So it's, it's the lowest actually it's not, it's not, it's the second lowest win rate card on this list, but still a 51 percent it's, it's definitely still positive and that takes us to the lowest ranked card of the month. And that's Makari. Oh yeah. Makari. You want to talk fastos? Ah, yeah, I would talk about fastos, that's right. Yeah. Okay. Talk about Makari here. Come on. Makari is worse than fastos is, I think.

Cozy Snap:

Ah, I don't know, man. I just, like, I, I don't know. People hate that I hate Fastos. I just hate him. I just think he's just such a wonky card. I've grown on Makari since we ranked her originally, for sure. I haven't. It's not like I've grown expleniture expleniture. What did we give her?

Alexander Coccia:

You gave, you were ruthless. You gave her a 1. 5.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, which is why I said I've grown.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so not, I, I went at 2. So if you grew into a 2, then we're probably at the same spot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's fair. It'll be interesting to see how she works with Gwynpool synergy, but yeah, it's, she's Although I liked her in Air Show, it was cool, I was like, oh cool, free play, but yeah, she's, yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

2, 2. But even with Gwenpool, you have to draw her on the turn 4.

Cozy Snap:

No, you, my point is though, if you, with Gwenpool, you would put her as like an American Chavez roll. Like, you would have her wanting to play herself, so you had a smaller hand to get more dedicated cards powered up.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I see, you want the smaller hand, cause I'm like, I was like, oh, if you want to hit her to a 3 6, then like, Come on, man. That's that sucks too. Like it's, that's the Nakia effect we talked about, but I totally see what you're saying. Now reduce the hand size so that then you can guarantee the hits on Gwenpool on that Black Panther or whatever it is you're going for. I hear you. Oh, and even there though, Makari should get hit by Okoye, should get hit by Nakia. So maybe Makari's better days are ahead of her. That's what I was thinking. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, it's fair. I mean, only 3 percent of the meta. So everyone just was like, nah, I'm saving for airship. No one bought this card. But. But, and we even said it at the time, it was running a 52. 5 percent win rate when we reviewed it a couple weeks back, which we were kind of surprised with, it ended up falling to 53, it ends up landing a 53 percent win rate, which on this list, is tied to Athena, and we are 5 star in Athena, so maybe this card has something going for it, it's the kind of card that maybe in the future as more synergies start to show themselves, as we're talking about with Gwenpool, Maybe it starts to find its spot, but even then it's a 12 card deck, man. This is a hard, it's going to have a hard time competing, I think.

Cozy Snap:

And again, stats. I just got to say, it's like, I just, I'm not as crazy on stats representing everything because Athena, God knows how many Athena games were played to get that, that winner. There was so, the sample size is exponentially more than Makari. Makari's in a surfer deck. Surfer's just a good deck. And so like that, that, that was my hesitation there. Right. I think the reason her win rate was so low the week she came out is we were trying to play her outside of Surfer and we saw what happened. She went below a 50 percent win rate, yeah? So that, that's kind of, I think Thena, I would dare say 10x maybe 20x games that Makai was playing.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, that's a, it has to be a hundred X. Like, I don't think, I mean, at 3 percent of the meta, it's almost nothing. And I think the only deck I saw it kind of being played in was like a Sandman style deck, which even then it's like, it wasn't that impactful. It just wasn't. Right. So Makari might have better days ahead, but if you've skipped Makari, I don't think you're sweating it. Just like if you skip fastos, maybe you're not sweating either, but listen, I got to tell you, so we were actually very different on fastos. Here

Cozy Snap:

it comes.

Alexander Coccia:

Very different on fast. Now, I'm not going to cope. I'm going to admit, Cozy, you were right on this one. I came in at four stars. Four. That's high. That's high, Cozy. You came in at two and a half. It's definitely not a four star card, so I'll give you the four.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, man, I feel like I've trashed on him so much lately, like, I want to give him a break, almost. Ah, yeah. I just give you a

Alexander Coccia:

chance to trash on me, buddy. Come on, dude.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, listen, man. No, listen. Okay. Yeah. I respect you. You're the host. I've had bad taste. We've had bad. It's all fine. Four is a little, a little crazy, a little, but you know, man it. It was one of those cards we had to see just play out and yeah, we played him out and then I never played him again. He's just, I will say though, I will say Arish and fastest on two was pretty cool.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I don't think this card is unplayable. I think it's going to have its time. It's kind of weird. And I think they can kind of create something like we talked about how like Nova gets discounted and you can multiple hit like something with a negative one cost. What's a zero. And it just keeps getting hit with that. I think it can be brushed up a little bit to make it better. Yeah. But like, honestly, I think I'm okay with this card being what it is. Like, I don't know if I would change too much on it. I think it's one of those cards that like, it might not have its place right now, but it might find its place eventually. And I don't know if I'm coping. It's definitely not a four. I'm with you. It's probably definitely a two and a half. I mean, it's win rate's 50 percent and it's running 10 percent of the meta. So if people are actually playing it right now, it made a couple of the zoo decks. It's being played in a few Arishom decks. But it's still running a 50 percent win rate. So like it's seeing games and it's not winning. So the proof is in the pudding, as they like to say. Cozy, you won this round of, we are very different on our rankings. The

Cozy Snap:

real, the real winners are the ones that didn't pull them. And that, that didn't use spotlight keys, I think are the real winners here. But yeah, he's gonna, he's gonna sit nice and cozy in my collection, just, just hanging out. Just hanging there.

Alexander Coccia:

This is him and WA two just chilling

Cozy Snap:

by him and Angel. They're gonna have a little like yeah, a little cafeteria. They're gonna be at the, the losers' table for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

And the funniest thing is, I'm gonna call out a comment on the last episode of the Snapchat from LA that read, calling it. Now FAOs will get a buff and everyone will get mad because we skipped them.

Cozy Snap:

Ha, talk,

Alexander Coccia:

avoid comment on Snapchat.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man. Yeah. Even if they make'em a three four though, it's like. Alright, and then we talked about Aeroshim, yeah, we talked about our love for this guy already, huh?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, we did, and at the end of the day, Aeroshim is an absolute beauty, so this is the time, Cozy. We rank them 1 to 5. I'm gonna give you the floor, Cozy, and I'll give you mine afterwards.

Cozy Snap:

1 to 5, so is this we're going competitive or cars that we like? It's, you know, it's kind of, this one's a different season at that, right? It's kind of tougher.

Alexander Coccia:

Let's do, let's do competitive. Let's do competitive.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, cool, so, number 1 to 5. So 1 is Theena, no question. I think we can confidently say that. Number 2, I'm gonna give the edge to I'm definitely gonna go with Ereshim. Number 2. And number 3 would be Gilgamesh. I would go

Alexander Coccia:

Gilgamesh here. I would go Gilgamesh, but okay.

Cozy Snap:

Yep I'm gonna go, 2 Ereshim, 3 is gonna be Gilgamesh. And then I think we have the same. I'll go Ereshim

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Okay, and then oh man. I

Alexander Coccia:

would go Fastos Makkari.

Cozy Snap:

Oh man, I don't like either of them. I'm gonna go Yeah, Fastos, Makkari, that's fine.

Alexander Coccia:

Like, I just, I like Fastos more than I like Makkari. Even though I think, Makkari statistically is doing better. But I just don't, I don't know. That's fair. That's fair. You know what I mean? I just don't care, man. I just would rather have Fastos over Makkari. I think that's fair. I think I would agree. We, listen, we talked about some smack, about a couple cards we didn't like, but let's talk about our favourite cards of this past season. Now, Cozy, I love doing this, because it's a nice retrospective. These aren't necessarily the best cards of the season. These aren't necessarily the best cards in Marvel Snap. These are our personal favourites at every single cost. The cards that we played the most, the cards that we kind of just had the most fun with. And Cozy, we're starting at number one. I'm going to give you a chance to lead us off because I got a couple that I can't wait to talk about.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like I, if I were going to pick the one over here, there's, I don't know how I don't pick Quinjet just because it came back. Like I, I haven't played Quinjet in so long and I feel like with Ereshim and having the Quinjet, I've not dabbled with Loki too much either in a while. So just like having all that. Combined, and I probably played more just Airsham than I did everything else combined, just play hours wise. Quinjet's my one, easy, no question.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you know what, I saw a lot of matches, like, when I'm like, I have a Rogue in my hand, they have a Quinjet on the board, I'm like, I gotta take it out. Like, I gotta take this Quinjet out, like, it's a problem. If they Loki I'm screwed, just with an Airsham I'm screwed anyway, like, I gotta get rid of this Quinjet, so a very nice call. And this might not be a sexy pick, but I gotta tell you, man, this was the month I fell back in love with Kitty Pryde. Like, there was a point in time where Kitty Pryde was just Kind of dead in the water. It took the Angela buff, Dina coming out, but Kitty Pride is back in full swing there. And she felt really good. And the thing I really like about Kitty Pride is the change they made. She's gaining plus one power. So sometimes she's a one four or one five, whatever it happens to be. But I love that that power is spread across your board. It's the bishops getting the power. It's the Dina's, it's the Angela's. So it's not just the one plus power she's getting back. She's actually coming back and it's like, Oh, Dina got power. Angela got power. Ep, Kitty Pryde got power. It's like, it's spread in a way, which I think is really fun. It's a really engaging card and I got, this might be crazy to say. And I know that you guys are like Alex again, but I, I had this moment where I was like, I wish it was the original one still, where you had like the, you can pull it back. I know I'm, I keep bringing it up, but the original Kitty Pryde was just so much fun. Second dinner. If you guys could ever figure out how to do that again, if you could ever figure out the code, the tech or whatever has to be done so that you can pull her back on command. I don't care if this has to be a 1 1, it's just, bring her back, bring her back, but it was nice to have Kitty Pryde back this month.

Cozy Snap:

You wanna hear my secret sauce? I think if I say it here, we're gonna see it. I think we're gonna see it. I think we're gonna have some listeners that might might cope it. I'm claiming my, I'm claiming my stake here of Cozy, I never do this too, but I, I was like, I feel great about this one. Remember when the Taskmaster Kitty Pride deck was pretty, pretty good. Pretty popular. Like the Shuri

Alexander Coccia:

Kitty one? Yes.

Cozy Snap:

I think that returns with Gwynpool. Because I think that you, the way that that thing flows out, and the way that you can build up Kitty Pride is gonna be exponentially better. You play her on 4, okay, all good and dandy, you still have that Kitty Pride, you play Shuri and Kitty Pride on 5, that's gonna be 5 energy, 6 you play her and Taskmaster. Okay. Okay. That's my call. I

Alexander Coccia:

actually can see that working. It's a bit of a different line, but I can see it working for sure, because it compensates for the fact that in the past when that deck was popular, she was gaining plus two, right? So you're going to make up for that with Gwenpool. I like that. Okay, Cozy's

Cozy Snap:

cooking already. Look at that. I think it could work. I think it worked. That's going to be the first thing I test out, that's for sure.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. We go to our two costs and I listen, I don't want to steal it, but I want to say that I think we just talked about Athena. Athena was obviously an absolutely immaculate card this month. So, I mean, huge shout out to Athena. It's not going to make my favorite because obviously it was just a pure power play, but this was the month of shadow King, in my opinion. Okay. And listen, I feel like we bring up shadow King all the time, but like literally. Especially with the original Angela, like, you could be like, oh, Thena's get poppin off, Angela's poppin off, Venom's poppin off. There were so many targets for Shadow King. This is a card that I feel like everyone cuts from their decks. And when I add it, they're like, oh, let's just cut Shadow King. Add some greedy BS that, like, you know, whatever. Add the greediest card possible. Shadow King is an absolute game winner, and there is no question about it, this card absolutely slaps, and if, if you know, Theena's a problem, this card solves it. It's like, it's really that simple. I've really liked Shadow King this month, and I feel like this card is probably one of the most disrespected in Snap.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, we typically go like, fun, cheeky picks, I think Tukas, we could just go with great cards. Shadow King, beautiful pick. I'm gonna go with Ravonna. I think play her while you can. I don't know how long this iteration of her is gonna last. I think she is left over from the Zabu days. So strong. We've seen it now over and over. Her potential's through the roof. Another card, Cassandra's coming out with immediate synergy with her. Like, it just, and what do you want to do with Cassandra? Play her as early as possible. So like, and now she's a. She's a 3, she's a, she's a 2. It's not gonna work out like that. But I just, it goes to show that there's continuing cards. Now, I think it's tough, though, that when you play Ravonna, you need to know that it's got that cerebro effect of like, Angela, just like that, is gone out of Ravonna's build, right? We've seen Darkhawk, we've seen cards get, leave the build in Ravonna. But player, just enjoy her. Because I don't know how long this Ravonna will last. It, it maybe does.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm calling it now, Ravonna gets changed to a 2 1, the best deck in Marvel Snap turns into a Ravonna Moon Girl deck where you play Ravonna and Ravonna again cheap.

Cozy Snap:

The Ravonna, Ravonna play, yeah, or activate. If they go activate with Zabu, maybe they retrospect that to her.

Alexander Coccia:

It's true. And I want to give a special shout out to Keeble too. Keeble's this month, it was so much Keeble play and I just love that card. It's disruption. It's information. It's fun. So, you're turning it to me, you're

Cozy Snap:

turning it to me. Yeah. Yeah. You're picking like 10 cards each guy. No, it's, it's great. Yeah. I only need one for three, buddy. I only need one. I listen. This is a, this guy, Hey, I'd give Agent Coulson four, five and six a slot too, if I could. Okay. This is. This is this is it. This is my card. This is my favorite card in the game. I love this man. I do. I love him. Sue me. I just think it's so fun to see what he can pull out. Four and fives are just continually good cards, so you're not mad about what you get. He feels fun. He feels great. He feels surprising. He has great dress wear. He's a man of culture, Agent Coulson.

Alexander Coccia:

I need his pixel variant. I'm looking for his pixel avatar. It hasn't come up yet. I need to buy it. It's absolutely beautiful. Agent Coulson is truly remarkable and I'm glad it made a massive comeback with Erishim and again, you talked about it prior. We absolutely called it. Like, I'm going to say you absolutely called it. I was on the Nick Fury side, which actually Nick Fury wasn't bad, man. Nick Fury did see some play. But Coulson was definitely the winner of the Erishim Olympics there and he's been definitely pulling his weight. This is going to be a little lazy. I'm going to have to say, Okay. I'm just going to do a special shout out goes special shout out to Silver Surfer. Cause that is like my personal, like, Oh, I'm, you know, I'm, you know, just chilling around. I'm playing a Marvel Snap for funsies and I just play Silver Surfer. That's what I do. I just, I just love it. It's the deck I go to anytime I'm playing for fun, but the actual card I had the most fun with legit fun with was Wolfsbane and Sage, and I'm putting them together because I was playing a lot of Ravonna. And I know somehow I've managed to talk about four or three jobs, but they're like the same card, man. Kind of, but like, I want to say that Sage and Wolfsbane are truly fantastic. You just put a Wolfsbane or Sage is fine. One of them, but okay. Okay. Let's talk about Sage for a sec. This card is like often like 12 power. This card is so good. And if you don't have. Sage, you can put Wolfsbane in your deck, but Wolfsbane has that lower ceiling, but still Ravonna Synergistic. You can sneak it out for an you know, a cheaper cost, but really these three cards these three cards, I'm selling myself out already for saying too many at the three drop. I just finished saying I played Silver Surfer almost all month. Okay. Give me a little bit of a break at the three cost. Okay. No, yeah, these cards are great. Sage is awesome. And I do think that Wolfsbane could see a buff, but if you buffer, then maybe she breaks Ravonna, which is where she's playing best. So like, you probably just leave her for now, but I think Sage's stat lines are absolutely ridiculous. You get a three, six Sage and you're like, Oh, that kind of sucks. Where were you at Sage? Like you get, you get spoiled by how much power she puts up.

Cozy Snap:

Tremendous card. Good, crazy good card.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, do you have any three drops that I didn't get a chance to mention?

Cozy Snap:

We got it, what, 75 percent covered there, so nah, I'll leave the other 25%. I'll, I'll head us into, into four. Four was tougher this month, I felt like, for me. I think there's a, There's a couple contenders here you know, Fury was fun to pull, you know, to play Fury again was cool. I'm gonna go Captain Marvel. I think it was cool just to play Captain Marvel again, and I played her a bit more than, than I did in the past. And just Card, like, just, she was in every deck when she got boosted to this potential, and then we took her you know, she went down and everyone hated her again, but I, I think Captain Marvel's still a very good card in the game.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny because when we actually played our 1v1 on Twitch with Erishim, I actually was playing a Captain Marvel Erishim deck, where I had Professor X, and I was trying to, like, lock down locations with Pro X on turn 4, while using Vision and Captain Marvel to sneak in after with the move I actually thought it was pretty cool, and I'm, I'm still working out the design, okay? Patent pending on that one. I think that it's still, it's a, it's a slept on Erishim deck. Right now, but I like Cap. I've always loved Cap and this has been always one of my favorite cards in terms of a card design, like the tax. It's probably my favorite design card in the game. I absolutely love it. And I, I wish I had more reason to play more often. I just make it a four, six again. Come on. It didn't break the game that bad. Make it a four, six again. What are we doing? Four or five? It's not enough. Come on now. And okay. My call out. Okay. Competitively. I want to say Loki's great, but there is one card that made its way tech wise. Cozy's just in shambles now. But give me a second, give me a second, cause it's worth it. Super Scroll. Especially this past week. Has been so good for me, man. And this is a card that nobody gets He's at the bottom, Cozy, scroll down. He was there, he was there, right at the bottom on the left. Come on, buddy, you can do it, there you go. I don't know how you sort your cards, dude. You sort them by, like, upgradability or something?

Cozy Snap:

I sort them by no way, because this card Collection system so trash right now. It's such an embarrassment. It's so, it's so glitchy, bro. It's ridiculous. Do you feel that way? I do at least.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy. When I try to build decks and I'm like trying to sort the numbers and I click like the three and it stays highlighted and then like, what is happening?

Cozy Snap:

There's a new bug every single week and it compounds with the last one. So you're just like trying to do this. Like, you know, it's like when someone's like Hey, let me, you know, turn on the AC and the guy like hits the top of it, slaps it and does like, And they're like, you okay? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, it's gonna work, just let me do this right. Like, it's like, it's hilarious that that's how I feel like deck building's become on this game. It's like, let me mess with the 50 things to get the thing. Anyway. And when you

Alexander Coccia:

click the sword, it resets every single time you go to a different deck.

Cozy Snap:

You betcha. You betcha. I'm glad that you're finally on Super Scroll because you have been I've been mocked a lot for liking this card by you. Good sir. And I know,

Alexander Coccia:

dude, I'm the one who spends 6k, when all, like, Shuri comes out She Hulk comes out, Galactus comes out, Thanos comes out, idiot over here, idiot number one, is like, I'm gonna spend all my tokens on Super Skrull, this card's gotta be broken, good call Alex, you jackass, but like listen, this week, How good has he been in Aeroshim Dex? Cause everyone's played Darkhawk! There's Darkhawks everywhere!

Cozy Snap:

Dude, everyone was playing, it's so funny, people were like trying to do Rogue and Enchantress, this was just to be the better answer, cause you could copy the Quinjet, you could copy any of the random ongoings they had, and the Darkhawk, 100%. And, I didn't mention this, Destroy was a really good it put up a good fight against Aeroshim a ton. It was just a good stat, hard to beat. Hey, I'll take the Knull for free. Hold it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Oh, buddy, I Knulls and people were in shambles. Oh, it's so fun. Oh, it's so fun. It is. But, like, Super Skrull was a cool catch all. I even had a game where someone else played Super Skrull against me. I was like, Whoa! No one's playing Super Skrull except me and this guy. And sure enough, it was a weird game. I'm like, Hey, wait, the Super Skrulls don't count each other? Which I thought was kind of funny, because you don't often see those interactions, right? But I actually think Super Scroll low key, a great winner. And if you're playing, if you're playing Aeroshrim right now, and you're like, I'm not winning this up, just add Super Scroll on your deck and watch the win rate go up. Seriously, I'm not even joking. Five costs, Cozy, I'll give you the floor. Five

Cozy Snap:

costs, five costs. Lots to pick from here, lots to pick from. I think you kind of mentioned it earlier. I gotta go Legion. I think Legion, I've always enjoyed playing Legion, but even more so, I love being able to play Legion early and being able to have the triple locations. It's just so much fun. Alex was so close of having this immaculate Legion play against me in our matchup, and I forgot how I got away with it, but you did like, I think, Three Quantum Tunnels. Yeah. Something like that. And I ended up, I forgot how I got out of that situation, but just a great card, good cube stealer, my fav.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what else is a stealer? You, cause you stole my five. I was going to tell you about Legion too. Yeah. With Ereshim and the extra energy Legion has been so good. I think cards that have really high impact board wide effects. That people are used to seeing later in the game that catch them by surprise on turn four are wild. I want to give a special shout out now. I know people like Alex really, but Dark Hawk, obviously huge in the meta right now. And I, even before, like it was a good card, but again, like Dark Hawk, I think is just fantastic. And even when. The Arisham kind of excitement dies down. I think Darkhawk's still in a pretty good spot. And I think that maybe we're sleeping on him a bit. Maybe Korg can get a buff. Do we buff Korg? No. Does Korg go to

Cozy Snap:

1 3? No, no, no. I think it's good. I think, I think, dude, adding the Rock in there is already good enough. I think they'll also be good when the Cassandra builds, like you've mentioned. I think it's in a solid, I think Cassandra, Darkhawk could definitely be a thing.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but I, I've, I've always liked Dark Hawk, one of my most split cards. I love it. I even, I even bought the three times Value Dark Hawk. I loved it so much. I hated my wallet that much. That's the amount of wallet hate. It was exactly equal to the amount of Dark Hawk love. That's, that's what happened there as we moved towards six costs. Cozy. And I'll give you the floor. No, you

Cozy Snap:

take it for, who do you get? Let's not say a shrimp.'cause he's a seven. So what's, what's your stick?

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so this one's a kind of a hot take, and I think people are going to roast me in the comments, but I'm going to go with it. My favourite Six Cost to play this month was Thanos. I played a lot of Thanos, and I think that Second Inter is doing a good job trying to find his identity again. They're making small, but impactful adjustments to these stones, to the way he's being played. He's not there yet. He's not there yet, but I think they have a plan to get him there. And these incremental improvements, the modifications to the stone, get him out of the left side of the hand, please. Like, you know, all those small things. I think we'll make a huge difference. I think this card is slowly going to make its comeback. It's sitting a bit of a timeout right now, but me, myself playing Thanos, I felt like I was playing a proper deck again, and I appreciated that.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Yeah, I respect it. For me, I, I probably am going to go with She Hulk. I feel like that's probably my most said over the course of the series. Like She Hulk and Sasquatch just fit so much of the way I like to play the game. And it might even lean more Sasquatch this time around, but they're very much intertwined in the same. I just love, I love the idea of having like, not the best draw, so then instead you float. She was awesome with Airship, because you could just, you could play her down on like, turn three. I mean, just, there's a lot of fun uses to play with her in general. And this is, yeah, my kind of solid catch all pick as always is, is the Miss She Hulk.

Alexander Coccia:

And that Cozy takes us to the Snapchat Mailbag, where you can basically ask us questions, and we'll dig through the comments to see what we want to talk about in the next version of the Snapchat. So if you have something you'd like to say, let us know down below. Our first question for the Snapchat Mailbag comes in from Zest Whispa, and it reads, Do you think the Guardians cards will get reworked any time in the near future? I'd love to see them get unique abilities, even if they keep having to guess a location. For example, Drax can destroy a card. Groot can put out a 0 0 Baby Groot on the opponent's side. Mantis can sleep a card to stop it from revealing for a turn.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that was my rea I think whenever they Star Lord got his buff, I was like, I think they all need one unique thing about it. Yeah, what if hey, what if this? This would break everybody's brain because of how they've been played. What if you get the bonus if you played at the location that they didn't play? So you have two out of three instead of one out of three. I don't know. It might be a little bit better. Hold on.

Alexander Coccia:

It's actually a really interesting take. I like the idea of like, Oh, group puts it like a junk cart in there. Drax destroy someone or like has the juggernaut effect, or I think that's pretty cool. And that's a good idea too. Making it like, Oh, maybe, well, it doesn't quite work. They'd have to be different. Cause Drax playing into a location, didn't play the knocking. Someone doesn't make sense, but. But I like where your head's at. I think that like, instead of just giving them plus power, giving them like this small little bonus ability, I think would be pretty cool. I like that. I like the call out a lot and guardians. I mean, there's so, there's so much of a part of the MCU. We'd like to see them get proper love and snap. Yeah. Then that takes us to our next question from Kudu. Are there any cards, you know, in your heart are bad, but you insist on playing them anyway. Maybe you have a variant that you really like, you think the card is fun, or you just really like the character. For me, and this is the person who wrote the question, I can't imagine playing this card without Angel in my deck.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my god, that's a

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I know, eh? That's why I had to qualify, I was saying that was their words, not mine.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, right, dude? I Hmm All the cards that I play? Like, half the cards I play are probably in that mold, like, yeah, I mean, I'm very much Artem Zola, very much I think Pix is a good card, but people would say otherwise. Circe, you don't like Circe, but I do. That, like, those style of cards, man, the chaotic stuff, sign me up.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, I took Kang to the finals of Twitch Rivals. Right. That's gotta count for something.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, Kang is definitely up there as just, like, an enjoying card overall. Yeah, I think that's, like, kind of what we love, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and my guilty pleasure, I think, is Baron Zemo right now. I have so much fun playing Baron Zemo. I like those mill style decks, even though they perform like middle of the pack 50s, like 53, 54 percent, where it's like, it's not where you want to be if you're looking to rank up. I really like Zemo. Like, I think they're fun. I like destroying things with Yondu, even though Not great. I like stealing things with cable. I just, I just liked the gameplay, even though it's not performing as well as it could have. So for me, I think the cope pick here would be Zemo. Cause I, even though I want to say Watu, Watu doesn't actually make any decks, but that takes us to our next question from Michael. Since Patriot and iEvo have slipped in the meta, do you think they will release another no text card?

Cozy Snap:

I think they said they were, like, they have no plans to, but that was all the way a year ago, so, like, it could have drastically changed since then. I'd like to see another five, or another six eh, for sure. I think both of those could definitely have merit. Probably five, outside of A Bomb, but also, it's just awkward, because, like, they, they're always medium stat, so there's not a lot you can do there. But then maybe you understand it, but it's known to just be that much better in High Evo and or Patriot, right? Like Maybe it just has direct, concentrated, it's like the Athena to Kiddie Pride decks, like, it's just meant for those decks, but it pops off.

Alexander Coccia:

You're right, like, there's no way they could release that card as like, hey, look guys, it's a vanilla 2 3, and like, people are like, I can't wait to spend my spotlight keys on it. It has to be a high evo card. That's the only way it could possibly make sense, right? And they can't

Cozy Snap:

do like a 5 10, and then it's like, okay, well, what the is a bomb at this point, right? So like, you understat it, give it a better ability.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And Chesireen said, I cannot believe neither of you mentioned Baldur's Gate 3 as the only video game you could play for the rest of your life.

Cozy Snap:

It's not. Yeah, it's a good game though. Definitely a good game. I mean that Did you actually play

Alexander Coccia:

it? I've only put like an hour into it. I dabbled,

Cozy Snap:

yeah. I mean that and Elden Ring are just great games, but yeah. Yeah, I didn't have that.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm not a D and D guy. And I wish I was, I want to be, maybe we'd play some D and D at some point cozy. But like, I couldn't understand like, what the hell these numbers mean? Like, I didn't understand how the attack damage was because instead of saying like, this will do 10 damage, it's like four X, I'm like, what, what is this stuff? I was like, what are these Vegas odds to do damage? Like, I don't understand. I, I know the comment section is losing its mind right now. I do apologize. I'm kind of, I'm. I'm kind of playing a little funny here. Like, I know more than that, but not much.

Cozy Snap:

I put them all in the same bubble as I would play it if I wasn't doing what I'm doing as my job. I just, I just don't have time. I, there's no way I could play. I could get away. There's no way I could be in here in my studio making content all day. And then I'm like, hey wife, I'm going to put another seven hours into it. I know, man, it's me too.

Alexander Coccia:

The only thing that I get to do every once in a while is like, while I'm laying in bed, I'll play, like, Diablo 4. Because it's very much pick up and play, I run around the Helltide for a few minutes and whatever. And our last question is coming in from JersLagans, and it's not even a question, it's just a statement. Oh no, I always thought of the Miss Marvel emote in friendly terms. Didn't think I'd be giving people the finger this whole time.

Cozy Snap:

This world is too cruel for the sweet soul that he is.

Alexander Coccia:

I know you're such, you're such a good person. You didn't even know that giving the thumbs up was actually just, you know, that's okay. We've all been there. And I mean, if you feel good when they miss Marvel thumbs up view, then God bless, man. God bless. But thank you so much for watching guys. We truly appreciate you guys leave a review on the podcast platform of your choice, who's, and I would both appreciate it. And we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

You guys have a good one. Have a great one. Until the next one. Happy snapping.

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