The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Phastos: The Archetype Supercharger | Hidden Gem Decks | Makkari In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 86

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 34

Can Cozy and Alex agree on the importance of Phastos? What are the top cube thieves in the game? What are the final rankings on Makkari? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys and welcome back to yet another week of the Snapchat. We're like 80 plus weeks in a row. Haven't missed one yet. And today we're going to be talking about Fastos, who's got a really cool ability, but if he's not played in time, it may fall flat. Alex and I have different opinions on today's card. I'm going to break down the synergies and everything you need to know. About Fastos. In addition to that, we're also going to be talking about, what I think he is, a cube thief. Oftentimes, people don't talk enough about the cards that are great at stealing cubes because, A, people don't expect them. When do you play him? What do you play him? And what to plug into your favorite decks? We've got a nice list for you today. And then lastly, guys, decks you should be playing. They may not be the top of the meta, but very respectable stats, and most importantly, ones that people aren't playing. Why have we forgotten about some of these meta classics in the past? We're going to talk about that all today more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, everybody. Welcome to another week of the Snapchat. And I just got done going into the pool today, my man. I I'm teaching my son to, you know, go in the pool for the summer and enjoy it. And I thought this would be a great opener as we go into this, this fun week. Are you a pool guy? Does that make sense? Are you a man who enjoys pools?

Alexander Coccia:

I like water. I drink lots of water. I tend to enjoy, like, access to water. Pool water, you know what, not all the time. It kind of has this, like, spiciness to it. I'm not sure what it is. You drink too much, it, like, kind of gets your lungs burning a little bit.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, okay.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know what it is.

Cozy Snap:

Do you enjoy, like, for me, I feel like I'm in human soup. So, like, I don't enjoy, like, I just, I'm not a pool guy. I love the beach. I love the beach, but the pool, I look around and I know there's gallons of There's gallons of, I just, it's a pass.

Alexander Coccia:

So you're one of those people that like looks at the pool and you're like, Oh, that looks like fun, but also everyone's like dipping their cocoa schnutz in it. And that's kind of just, it's

Cozy Snap:

all of it, man. Yeah. All of it. It is just a human soup. That's the best. That is the, that's the best. And I know that my, my days are numbered because when my son, Is of the age where he's swimming by, I like, I'm going in the pool. I have to go in the pool. So I'm just, I'm trying to enjoy my last moments here, and I, and I almost want to ask just the viewers too. Are you guys soup pe or soup people? You should be soup people. Pool people. But yeah, so you're, you're, you're just going all in. You're, you're having the time of your life in the pool.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, okay, here's the thing. I don't mind a pool. We actually have a pool, but it's like one of those ones, like, my wife and I wanted to get like a proper, like, in ground pool, concrete around it, the whole thing, and Canada's kind of hard because it's only good for like a couple months a year, so like, and my wife's like, you know what, no, I want a pool with like this high back, so, okay, I can't believe it's coming up again. But I happened to be at Costco and they had this like pool. They had like a pool and a box kit. I'm not making this up, dude. And I was like, Hey, you know what? That's pretty cheap. All things considered. So I bought it and we set it up. We did like some like, you know, gravel around it and some stonework. Put some plants around it to make it look nice. Right. But it has this high back and my wife likes that because we can literally just take the ladder like out of the pool. So the kids can't access it. So it just, it just keeps it a little safer. But what I will say is I think we've established that, like, I'm not like necessarily, I can't sit like on a lawn chair in front of a pool and suntan. I'm a shoes on the beach kind of guy, you know what I mean? Like, that's well established, so.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, but like community pools. I don't want a backyard pool, then it's my soup, I'm good with that, kind of. But what about like a community?

Alexander Coccia:

Nah, I'm not into community pools. Get out of here with that.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Exactly. This is, but here's the deal. I like water parks, man. I'm liking some slides. I can do some of that.

Alexander Coccia:

It's probably been like a great wolf sludge.

Cozy Snap:

I haven't been to one of those. Dude, that's actually my nightmare. That's the definition of like the, the water there has got to be. I mean, just stuff that we haven't even seen on the periodic table.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Fun fact swimming diapers that kids wear, they literally do nothing.

Cozy Snap:

Just poo, just poo everywhere. Okay. So there's my question of the day. We'll have to know you're a pool person, but we we've got ourself a pretty good week. Not really. I'm actually interested to hear what you have to say about this card. Cause this is definitely one that people are split on. We both know. We're just excited for Airship, right? Like that, that's it. That's what we're all here for. That's what we're waiting for. But we know what we're talking about over here. What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Makari and giving her our final verdict in review. We're also going to be talking about the best cards in Marvel Snap that no one is playing right now. We have some absolute bangers that we can't wait to talk about. And then of course, we're going to close it out with a Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, man. Well, let's get right to it. Let's jump on in. Fastos, Fastos, Fastos. He's a 3 cost, 3 power card, the new card this week, with the ability of Honor Reveal. Give each card in your deck negative 1 cost and plus 2 power. Now alongside Fastos, we've got two different cards, Spider Ham and Corvus. Coming out in the spotlight kind of interesting. Give me your initial impressions. What's that star rating at Fastos? I'm gonna know what camp are you on good or trash.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm definitely in the camp that I think Fastos is good I'm going four stars Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

Four stars? Oh, man. I can't wait. Okay. All right, and listen, I respect it I respect it. I am definitely not on that trip. The more I thought about okay, hear me out I love his ability. Obviously, his ability is awesome. But this might be one of the this, I just don't see Fastos being a card you can A, build around, okay? Like, it, much, making him maybe plug and playable, and that's where I could be wrong. But two, this may be one of the single worst cards to play late. Like, if you play him on turn three, Fastos is going to be great. And very, very value, you know, valuable card. There's a couple decks he might work in, really only one, maybe two that I see him solidified in. Bro, past turn three, you can't tell me, it's like one of the worst plays you could have.

Alexander Coccia:

I definitely see that. I completely agree. At the same time, I play a lot of Silver Surfer, which I think is going to be a place where Fastos, we're going to have that conversation, I'm sure. And I play lots of Nakia in it. And so I'm very used to having these cards that get slotted in at very specific times. Koya and Nakia are good examples of cards that need to be played on curve for most their greatest effectiveness. But even playing a Fastos on turn four, for instance, if that plus two power hits a Brood or it hits, you know, whatever the heck it's gonna hit, that could have a very significant impact. The thing that, for me, that holds it back is the inability to pick Whether or not a card gets negative cost or plus power.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, that's the thing. So you have two variants at play. Like, Cersei had one variance, right? This is First of all, you have to hope that the stuff in the deck you still want, like the Serra's in there, and you get the minus one cost. Number two, you don't even know which one you're gonna get, so maybe you're lucky enough to get the Serra, but she gets plus two power, which is fine. It's not bad. The thing is, if she, if if Phastos was a two, which is essentially a Koriya at this point, I would love them at like a two, two or two, one and the like, I, because at that point you got a couple turns, you might be able to play'em. I just don't like the variance because of that. I haven't even given my star rating. Dude. I might be at two and a half stars. I like, I truly think I'm going probably two and a half. I, you know, I could be wrong. And I feel kind of right about this one, but let's dive in. We'll talk about the synergy and where we see where he's going to work all together. But what I will say, I wanted to say this and we actually have it as our second subject here. I think this guy will be a cube thief. I think the cube equity here is going to be fantastic, Alex, because you've got your opponent just as much as you are guessing. Minus one cost, plus two power. That's obviously going to be nice and surprising. But let's go to synergy, bud. Let's talk about it. What do you got? What's the first one you want to talk about?

Alexander Coccia:

Well, I mean, I think we should need to talk about Silver Surfer right off the top. I mean, we'd be remiss not to. Like, Phastos effect is incredibly powerful. And it actually, I had this thought. This was like a shower thought I had. I was like, man, imagine we had original Chavez. Do you know how good this card would be with original Chavez? To give you an idea of how powerful that card design was. It would have pushed Phastos in to give you an additional chance to draw by 5%. It would have guaranteed that Chavez was either 1 cheaper or plus 2 power. Like, that's why that. That design space had to change. Right. But like, well, we don't have that anymore. So let's talk about what it can do with Surfer. I do like the idea of potentially like people talk about getting Sarah out on turn four and that's cool and all, but that would mean that you would have to play fast was on three top tech Sarah on four and then have Sarah. Miraculously get hit by the negative. Like you can't rely on that. You can't rely. So what you said was absolutely true. This is not a build around card that you can rely on the effect with. It is just a pure value card that you're going to happily accept whatever results you get. And one of the things with Sarah surfer specifically that I think is really important is the opportunity to potentially play for. Three drops on turn six, because if you have two cards that have been discounted to buy one additional negative energy, that means you can play even more. Challenge is going to be whether or not you can actually have all those cards in your hand, because Silver Surfer tends to actually dump their hand pretty effectively.

Cozy Snap:

So first of all, I want you to sell me, right? Like I'm, I want to like this card and yeah, to your point, okay. You've got, not only does, is he a three cost? I gets the easy, like, yeah, he's a three. But more importantly, his synergy directly with Surfer's Kit is awesome, right? So, A, play him after three, no big deal, you can at least boost him up. But B, to your point, you've got the Sarah and the super negative cost going on. Also my friends, he can reduce below one. So he can get cards for free if it hits a one guy. It doesn't have any, there's no minimum on his ability read, which is also kind of cool. Don't have a lot of those cards. Dude, Sebastian Shaw, Brood, to what you said earlier, maybe even Hope Summers, obviously Hope Summers is in a lot more builds. That is where I see the crazy potential of this guy, because yes, those are cards that obviously you want them to get the power buff, like Sebastian Shaw, but then the cost minus is also great, so it's like, you're getting both, and you're fine with either or. I think this will easily be the strongest, you have Absorbing Man maybe in there as well, and he could feast off the Brood, or feast off of just Bastos himself. This does, I think he will not just be a fun niche surfer card, but truly a force in there.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and you know what, I understand the idea of like him sucking, like playing on like 5. No, you wouldn't play him on 5, like on 6, as a closer, as just being an extra body. I totally get that. It kind of reminds me what it felt like to play Rogue sometimes. Where like, you have Rogue on turn 6, you're like, well, I guess this is a 3 4, right? Like, it's, that's kind of how you played it, or you try to, you know, Gamba, and oh, maybe they might play an Iron Man here. I don't know, but it felt bad. And I think Fast was even feel worse. Cause at least Rogue had some upside there. So I totally agree with that. And I think that's what kind of detracts from its star rating, but I want to throw something else at you here. So like we're talking about Silver Surfer and like, I think that's gonna be a very natural place to include it but I know you're like, Alex, we need to talk more synergies. We need to reach deeper. Silver Surfer is the low hanging fruit, right? What about. What about the Mad Titan? I'm just throwing it out there. What about the Mad Titan? You got all those stones. You got all those stones. They can go to zero cost.

Cozy Snap:

And to our point, to our point, we just said it can go to zero cost like you just said. I do like that. And I don't know about you, man. Yeah, he's not as he's not as one dimensional with, like, the get a big, get Pro X out early. But man, I, this is a much more fun than. I'm loving the stones. I'm loving the stones. I'm loving the way it's all about, you know, Thanos himself. And Fastos is the perfect card in here, because you don't need him. You definitely don't need him in the kit, but he's, if he's in that opening hand, you're like, okay. Alright, we've got a little something. Or you draw into it a bit more. Yes, dude. I like, you know, what's funny. I went a different direction, but I like, I like the Thanos pick, man. I do. I actually wasn't I should have, I think we actually brought this up when we talked about him in the early you know, thoughts on him, but this is,

Alexander Coccia:

this is a solid but what, what else would you have with the deck? Oh man. I mean, I'm kind of working on that. I think this is going to be one of the primary place I play. I have like a silver surfer deck kind of ready for it, but I don't think that's going to be too fancy. I don't think I'm going to, I don't think I'm going to reinvent the wheel on surfer. I'm going to work with what's currently working with Thanos though. I'm still kind of making that list. But here's the thing though, like, even something as simple as like, what are really good six drops that can come out on, on five? I think Scar makes that deck, because if you can start sneaking things out early, even Scar can get discounted, right? Suddenly, you might have a Scar that costs you know Sasquatch, dude? Imagine Sasquatch,

Cozy Snap:

because you get the free cards, he has plus power, or Sasquatch is even cheaper than he was to begin with, or Mockingbird. Mockingbird's those have to be in there, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. But the other thing is, I think that like, an ongoing Thanos deck would probably be a good idea. Cause if you're giving plus twos to the stones and you're discounting them, you're likely going to have a very large board presence with them. So like the blue marbles, maybe even like a spectrum type top off might be interesting.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So two things. First I want to say something quickly about surfer before we move forward on it. And that those are, you know I think Thanos is definitely, is going to be a cool character. deck to make with them. I don't think people experiment enough with Surfer, my own personal opinion. Like for instance, this is probably not going to work, but like you could go Pixie on two. You could have Mobius in that deck and Fastos. So now you've got this weird, okay, you Pixie, maybe you put the card, the cost already kind of wonky. And then you can Mobius on three, if you don't get Fastos or you double down and you Fastos on three. There are new builds that you can do with Surfer that people are simply not doing. I mean, I tried out a Storm, Juggernaut, Macari list you know, we're not seeing much of that. That used to be the meta in Surfer. It's kind of like the same four or five cards and Abs Man in there, and I think there are some new Surfer builds that could happen with Phastos. That's kind of the closing note I wanted on here, but you mentioned the, the ongoing list with Thanos. My thought is, though, no question about it, his next best home, or really probably his best one after maybe Surfer or Thanos has got to be Gilgamesh, and I want to kind of I want to kind of walk you through what I think would be fun here. So Gilgamesh obviously loves the plus one power. We, we talked and identified about this early when we were going through the cards. You get yourself, obviously, instantly, potentially, a lot of easy power without doing anything. Without doing anything, so maybe you get super lucky. But also, think about this. Alright, you play something like a Koye on two. Okay, so you boost everything up there. Maybe you play Phastos as well. You don't have to do all these gimmicks, but you can. First of all, Blue Marvel getting cost down would be awesome because you could get him out that one turn early, then you can do the thing. But man, what I was thinking about is, what about this Phastos, Gilgamesh? Wait for it. This is where I'm going to lose him. Arnim Zola kind of deck. Hear me out.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, I'm listening. I'm listening. This seems like a little bit of copium, but I'm listening. It's definitely

Cozy Snap:

copium. It's definitely copium. So at a base level, I think Gilgamesh is going to work great with Phastos. But I've been stewing, bro. I'm like, I'm like, Arnim, Zola, and Gilgamesh is such a nasty pair up, and I liked it before the buff, but now, you could get the, first, you get a little power on Arnim, or you can get him down to five, but even more so, man, the fact of getting two Gilgameshes activating twice is, is absurd. I think that's a game winner. Now, you have to be very careful with how you place your cards down, and you're gonna have to build the deck in a certain way. But dude, I think there's some strong potential in the deck, even something like just having Psylocke in there so you can maybe get the Blue Marvel out on time, like, there are gonna be short and sweet little answers to this. But I liked it a lot and I felt like this could work with Akoye going into fastest, going into whatever on the end of the game.

Alexander Coccia:

That's actually interesting. You, you need like a very new design on the Gilgamesh deck. He tends to use like those like Squirrel Girl, Zoo style kind of lists and that wouldn't work with Zola at all. So you'd need to find some other, some other creative ways to get it done.

Cozy Snap:

But you don't need as many cards for the power because you've got the double activation is kind of my thought. And then Hear Me Out, Hear Me Out, where you're like, okay, well that's cool, but what if you don't? What if you don't pull Gilgamesh, right? That's not gonna work. Well, buddy, how about Fastest with a little Black Panther action? You got the Okoye back in there, and so you've got this either or now, and now Fastest is helping out cards like BP. And obviously, BP's gonna love this because he instantly can go up to 12 power and or 24 if you are an Imazola that. So it's kind of this either or that we used to do with like maybe Mr. Negative, but now You've got Fastos and Gilgamesh and BP.

Alexander Coccia:

That's pretty interesting. I like that idea too. I mean Black Panther, we discussed a little while ago when we did the five class tier list. It feels like it's fallen off quite a bit. It just doesn't feel playable. Like the only, like you, Wong, Zola, that's pretty much your only play. And it seems so like choreographed, right? Like I don't remember losing to a Black Panther in the longest time. And so I liked that call out and I have another call out too. Now this again might be off a little hopium here, but what about Black Panther? Patriot, because if you think about it, Patriot decks, they're going to want stuff like, I mean, Iron Man's making Patriot decks Brood's going to be in there. Mr. Sinister's going to be in there. So with like all these types of cards that have these replicating effects, like Sinister and Brood getting it with that plus two power could be extremely powerful. Not only that, as you get the you know, the, the discount on something like a Patriot Mystique allows you to sneak it in some new, interesting ways. I think it could be a decent deck.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I wonder, there's probably no way this happens, but I wonder since Wasp is already zero. Will he just give Wasp plus two power, or will he try to give the z Will he try to give negative cost to a zero cost? Because you know, like, Pixie can do some weird things. Because if that's the case, all of a sudden you have the Wasp, that's always going to be a three, or an oh three, man. Now we're cooking. I would actually love that idea. Yeah, I thought about Patriot just because the absinthe and brood, right? Like, kind of where those go, or Sinister, same deal. And then in that case, you could even, you know, go crazy, get some Circe in there, whatever. But yeah, listen. It's not that I don't have ideas how to play him, I just think he's one of those cards where you need to play him on three, and if you don't, he's gonna feel bad, and outside of that, you can't build around him and or the effect, because it's so randomized. Love the effect, don't love the card, and then he steps on a coyote's toes if it would make him cheaper.

Alexander Coccia:

I totally see that, but like, I still think there's potential for this card. There's two more cards I want to discuss, by the way, before we move on. One of which is just a solo card that I think is not like a build around, but I think it's worth mentioning in this case. And you even alluded to the idea of like, there could be new types of surfer decks that we're not really thinking about. What about magic? Like magic is one of those cards that we don't really talk about, but the effect is incredibly powerful. And this is one of those situations where Phastos have played on three. It's highly advantageous to have that additional turn because you're drawing another discounted or plus two card where your opponent's not getting that. It's a disproportionate advantage. It's the same reason why you run Magic in something like a Mr. Negative deck. Could Magic be a staple with Phastos?

Cozy Snap:

So less of Magic and more of Tribunal because Magic's in Tribunal. That's their heaviest deck, right? I'm like, okay, well, Tribunal. I would love this, because you're already trying to get Sarah out there, okay? So then imagine that, you either hit, unless you get unfortunate luck and everything gets plus two power, you still have Iron Man, you still have a couple cards that want that power, all good. But even if you hit Iron Man, if you hit Onslaught, if you hit Tribunal, or even Sarah, with the negative cost, you're cooking. And then you have Magic in there to do exactly what she loves to do in the deck, and she keeps the game extended. That's the first thing that came to mind for me with, with with Magic, but I like it. It's a safety gate, if you will. Then you have two threes out there, so yeah, could you work that into Surfer, maybe? I like it, I like it, I like it. I like what you're thinking.

Alexander Coccia:

I think the only problem with Magic is if you're running Magic and Surfer, it's probably going to be a list that runs like, chonkier cards like Spider Man, Polaris Gladeater. You're going to run out of board space so fast with classic Abs Man Brood type plays. You just can't rely on that at all. That can't be part of the strategy going into seven turns. But I do think that like, it's just worth thinking about specifically with Fastos. And the other card we have to talk about. Which I was like, kind of waiting for you to bring it up, because I know like, you're super high on the card, you can't You already talked about Erishim, coach. Is this not an auto include in Erishim decks?

Cozy Snap:

Yo, my, the biggest recommendation I have to not get Vastos is like, if you can't get Erishim next week, don't get Vastos. Like, you got Yes. Yes, by the way. This is the, this is such a great Erishim card, man. Because A, you can play him on two, right? So there you go, that's all you need. And B, it's gonna literally boost up a bajillion cards in the deck. No question. Bro, I have not been more excited for a card than Aeroshim in a very long time. Like, that is, like, on a content perspective, on an enjoyment perspective, I think even on a competitive perspective, I'm ready for him.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm ready for him too, and I think the community is as well. I haven't I don't remember the last time there was so much excitement about a real card. Like, this is one of those cards that people just can't wait to get. To play and it goes beyond being competitive. I don't think people are expecting it to be like a tier one. I'm ranking up. I'm taking to a tournament style deck. And if it does that, then cool. I think people just really want to play this card. I think it's, it's actually kind of generating some excitement and snap, which is a nice change of pace.

Cozy Snap:

Well, what it, what Airstream is going to do is be probably one of the better cube thieves, because you're not going to know what he has. And with that, let's talk about him, right? That that's where I think fastest is going to be. To some extent, we've got ourselves the best Cube Thieves. Now, I, we don't talk about these enough, in my opinion. We kind of have stated that before. These are the cards that, single handedly, you could place one or two of these in a deck that you already love, and you have such a better chance because people aren't expecting it. Listen, everybody knows the Red Hulk's coming, quite literally, but even, you know, to other extents, there aren't as popular of cards, and we're gonna talk about that on your side. The best cards that nobody's playing, but these are specifically cards With this very high cube equity, because of the nature that they're played in. And so I kinda, I didn't put them in an exact order, but I've got the ones that I prefer the most, that I just don't I think are, have a huge shock value. Right, so, Shang Chi. Not a big shock value. I get it, he can steal cubes, but people almost know they're playing a card that can die. I don't know about you. I see him, I guess, some games, but I'm telling you, man, I still think the disrespect on the King, and by the King, I mean the Shadow King, he's still, by far, one of the best at his job of being a cube thief, man. A fantastic card for just dirt cheap.

Alexander Coccia:

No, we're going to start here. If you didn't bring up Shadow King, I was going to like, this is literally the example, the picture perfect example of a cube thief and a Shadow King starting to make some lists. It's kind of making its way into the Gilgamesh Zoo a little bit. But other than that, it's remarkably seeing little play despite the fact that he destroys destroy. Ironically, it's amazing. It's a fantastic card. It's only actually weak to the zoo, Blarvel decks that it's in itself.

Cozy Snap:

Cool Fastos car too, because it goes down to 1 or goes up to a 2 4. I'm good with either of those, right? Like, one of those, like, either or, I'm good with it. And maybe that's what ends up being the deck. This guy looks like he's stole too, by the way. Speak about Cube, that you know this guy. Was the, you know, in his teenage years, was stealing from the mall. No question.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what this reminds me of? This might be completely wrong. This reminds me of, like, some sort of, like, Wish. com version of Aladdin. Do you know Jafar when like, they're trying to get into the, like the, the mouth thing? No, no, no, if it's

Cozy Snap:

Aladdin was Jafar. Like if Aladdin had like a, he had like a, you know, he, he decided like Jasmine left him, he's in shambles, his his monkey died, a boo, and he's like, you know what, screw it, I'mma get the genie and we're gonna just wreck shop, and I'm gonna gain like 400 pounds. I see it, I do.

Alexander Coccia:

You do? Okay. So I'm not completely off base.

Cozy Snap:

No, not at all. I thought you were going to go. I get a little Yu Gi Oh! vibe too from it. Like a little, like he's sitting there and he's like, I summon whatever the shadow over there. Yeah. He's kind of got the Yu Gi Oh! dual face.

Alexander Coccia:

Doesn't the shadow look like the genie though? Like an

Cozy Snap:

evil version of the genie? Yeah, of course, man. Wait, wait. Yeah. Would you, I want you to have that hat. I I'm telling you. I'm not a master of fashion, but I think you could pull it off.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I think I won't be able to find that in Canada.

Cozy Snap:

Nah, they have plenty of hat shops.

Alexander Coccia:

We have like beaver hats. I don't even know what he's wearing. Is that just like a circle? Is that a cup? You don't know what that's called? No, no idea.

Cozy Snap:

That's great. I don't either. Alright, let's go to the next Cube Thief and Shadow King, great one at that. Okay. Number 2, man. And these fluctuate. You go up and down. I just brought about Shang Chi. I know we're just talking about tech cards open up. But it can't be said enough. Truly, both Rogue and Enchantress, right now, it's, it's, it's a crime, Alex, how little these cards are being played, and I don't understand why people aren't playing these cards when you have Zoo out there, and you've got so many different cards and decks that rely on ongoing synergy. I have lost, personally, some close matches that I just was not expecting this Enchantress to come out. 4 5, I get it, it's not premium stats, but it's also not completely terrible. And then Rogue is Rogue! Dude, these have got to be near the top.

Alexander Coccia:

I absolutely agree. I've lost games to these cards coming out with surprises. But, there are reasons why these cards aren't being played. It's Rogue, I think is being supplanted by the Red Guardian. And Enchantress is a victim of Zabu. Right? And it's a shame, because remember when Enchantress was a 4 6, it got buffed and it was absolutely crushing?

Cozy Snap:

I think she could go back to 4 6, probably. Now that Xabu's done, like, why not? Yeah, why not? And she clearly is not played enough, that's why she's mentioned as a cube thief. And I still prefer Rogue nowadays, just because it's like, taking half these effects from your opponent just cripples them to such a core. But yeah man, I mean, let's see it, actually. Let's see 4 6 come back. Hopefully we get this on the on an upcoming OTA. I've got another, I've got a good list here. Do you got any you want to bring up, Cube Thief?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. There is one in the two cost, which I cannot stop playing. I've brought it up on the Snapchat before. I challenge everybody, in any deck you're building, to start with Quake. Quake is so good, dude. It's so good, and it's honestly, we're kind of getting into mine, because it was the best, one of the best cards that no one's playing. Dude, I have that as my number

Cozy Snap:

one, I have my number one card that nobody's playing as Quake. Number one.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, buddy, we're gonna bring, okay, we're kind of throwing a fishing hook to my, to my version. We're bringing it over here for a sec. Let's talk Quake. Quake's insane, dude, and I love it. I absolutely love this card so much, and no one respects it at all. It blows my mind.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I just spent the entire time with Makari playing Quake, and I was really just playing a control style deck. I had the time of my life. Like, you could play her late, you could play her early. Great example, Superflow was the first location, right? So they played in the middle location, and Turret 2, I'm like, cool, and I just switched locations where I got Superflow the rest of the game. They did not. That's a small example of just giving you an advantage. But dude, then she can just win you games, too. You can change Crown City, and they were depending on that power. Bro, Quake, you know, Man, I've started putting it in a lot more decks, put it that way.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny because we talked about Shadow King first, and the Gilgamesh Zoo deck, where Shadow King is currently being played in a lot, I actually substituted Shadow King for Quake, which sounds crazy, but because you're playing like Gilgamesh on turn 6, Or potentially even on turn five, depending on how the game's going. You often have this turn six where you're like, Hmm, I actually have a couple extra cards I can play. And these Zoo decks can often squeak out these cards. So I was playing Quake as a surprise factor. And it was so good, man. It was so good. And if you sneak her into Sera based decks, she's a one cost that completely flips the board state at three power. Crazy. I think it's under, it's an underappreciated Sera card as well.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, when I was making this list, right, like I got Legion out there because I said, I still think Legion's effect is fantastic. He's definitely a cube winner and cube thief, like he's great at that because you get rid of limbos, but you can also get rid of the crown city to my point that I just said, instead of utilizing it, you get rid of it, or you're playing a zoo deck. I was doing it the other day. I put a Jotunheim out there. I knew this guy was going to suffer way more than I was. Quake is two. He's five. And you're trying to mess up locations and Quake just does that. A little bit easier and cheaper. So it's not that I don't like Legion. I have more cards to talk about on your side, so I won't. But Legion's definitely up there as a cube thief. Now, listen, Alex, I know he's popular. I know he's popular. This is probably one of the few Uber popular cards. And obviously I know you love them. I still think Magneto though, is just like, no matter how popular the card is, he is the cube thief, man. People just forget. They just forget.

Alexander Coccia:

No, they a hundred percent forget. And it blows my mind that people don't respect Magneto as much as he needs to be respected. Because this card is so consistently been one of the best cards in Snap. It's effect is remarkably powerful. It affects so many different decks. It completely upends the board state. Your opponent can't like. Because there's no tell for having a Magneto. There's nothing in a deck that's like, Oh, this is a Magneto. It just does not exist. And so it's always a risk that your opponent has to respect. And it's always to some degree, a surprise card, which is why these cube thieves are as good as they are. They can catch your opponent by surprise. And because of that, I think Magneto is a hundred percent of cube thief. Hit me with another. I'm going to have to say Cozy, if I'm going to dig really deep into the cube theft, Super Scroll, Super Scroll has been making it into so many different games where like, I'm not playing Super Scroll, I'll be honest with you, but people are stealing my cubes with it. And I'm actually starting to get upset.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Why Enchantress when you can just straight up, like, dude, this is the ultimate, like if you get a Super Scroll and you know, they're playing like an ongoing deck of any kind, or even Zoo, you're just like, cool, snap on it right away. Like he is. But I just love it because that deck's only game plan half the time, right, is just make their ongoing cards bigger and bigger and like, you know, get an Iron Man down with the Patriot with an Onslaught and then your Ultron. Well, all that's a mess because Super Scroll just single handedly takes it. And we are finding ourselves in a bit of an ongoing meta. I don't want to use the word, but there's more ongoing decks right now. And so yeah, dude, that's, this is definitely a solid pick. And on that note of ongoing cards. Dude, lately, I'm telling you, I've lost a claw. I've lost a claw. I don't know why. You know what it is? They'll play claw and I'm like, sucker. And then the plus eight happens. I'm like, oh, I forgot. This is not the claw. There's just been no adjustment on his tech side outside of the ability. This guy, dude, this is still one of my, he's one of my faves, dude. He's a 5'12

Alexander Coccia:

This is one of those cards in Snap where, like, I just have not played that much. Like, I don't have any variants of him, I don't have any splits of him. But, he's a card that I feel like I have to come back to and give proper respect of. Cause, like, it's, you can't deny the plus eight power now. This is a post buffed claw. And it's really strong. Think about other cards, how hard you have to work to get to 12 power. Like a Spider Woman, for instance, like Klaude just laughs in her face, basically. Right. The only reason why you'd even consider playing Spider Woman is to have some hopium with like abomination or something. Yeah, this is easy power and it's pure power into negative zone, into death's domain, whatever it happens to be, it gets there.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And guys, so the moral of this is it's some of these cards might be common in some decks, but playing them in decks. That people don't expect. And I'll end on that with Iron Man, right? Iron Man's the perfect example of like, there are some decks that no, no crap he's in there. But Iron Patriot took off for a long time, because it kind of worked with Bast and some of the cards in the deck. And all of a sudden, you have this instant way to double your power and not worry about a shuri deck. Or whatever it might be. If they expect the Iron Man, it's one thing, but if they don't, it's a whole nother. One of my favorite cards to play late, and most of these play late. Like, that's the point. I have other ones, but they're kind of in touch with best cards that no one plays. So, we'll go ahead and hold on to those and transition to our last segment, buddy. And that is Hidden Gems, decks you should be playing. Now, these don't have to be the most meta decks, Alex. I'm not looking for that, alright? What I'm looking for are There are just so many decks to play right now that people aren't doing. They're not playing. They're playing the same old thing. And so, me and you, we definitely play our fair share of decks in Marvel Snap. And that'd be fun to talk about a couple, and I'd love to open this up, buddy. Okay, so, first of all, we've got to talk about, I know you're not a crazy fan about it, Mr. Negative, buddy. Mr. Negative. Now, this is just one build. There's another one that I could bring up here, but I'm telling you, With the cards that are available right now, and things like Sage, right, and having, really, Ravonna as the leftovers of Zauber, like, one of the only cards that can still do the discount thing. This deck is just insane! You have Cersei as well to work with, even though the power kinda has some you know, conflict with Mr. Negative. Dude, it's just a fun deck, but even more so This build is probably my new favorite, guys, and without doubt, you've got all of these cards that work in the Angela Athena package that you know you're gonna win. We just talked about Iron Man doubling up the power. It brings back Mystique, bro, it brings back Mystique, and you've got all the consistent power as well. What do you think about this beauty?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, that that Athena deck with Mr. Negative is actually pretty cool. And you're right. I've not traditionally been the biggest Mr. Negative fan. Maybe it's like the nightmares I'm having, like from like, do you get, do you ever win like beta Mr. Negative was like the deck to play and still kind of suffering from emotional damage there, but this is actually a nice brew, man. I like it a lot. It's specifically, I'll tell you. Wolfsbane making this list actually makes me happy.

Cozy Snap:

I did, I knew it would. If you guys want to know, it's Kitty Pryde, Angela, Athena. They did the package, obviously. You have Ravonna, Ironheart, Mystique, Bishop, Wolfsbane, Rogue. And then you've got Mr. Negative, Ironman, and Blue Marvel. And the other one had Cersei in it. So you can make it your own, but definitely, this is like, just a fun list. You should be playing. It's semi competitive, semi does okay. Alex, you got one for me?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, I just want to give a quick shout out to just traditional Shuri. Like, honestly, it's still good. Shuri's play rate is not, kind of, it's honestly not being played that much. Classic Shuri is legit, man. It's legit. It's very hard to put up with the Shuried Red Skull Power, Shuried Vision Taskmaster, all those different playlines. It's a deck that like, seems like it's kind of a one trick pony. But when you think about the mobility of Vision, the straight up power of Red Skull, the back up plan of Typhoid Mary, and how consistent overall, something like a Sauron has been, the ability to play something like a Taskmaster and Ebony Maw on turn six is wild. It's a wild power spike. It's a very straightforward deck. It's really inexpensive because it runs no series fighting. Five cards, no series four cards almost, right? It traditionally sometimes right? Nebula, but it is very inexpensive, very high impact and honestly not seeing much play.

Cozy Snap:

And dude, really the thing is about that deck. And the one I'm about to show is like, yes, they're not going to get you eight cubers all the time, right? Because they are like, You have this kind of checkmate on turn six most of the time and your opponent's out of there. But if you're smart when you snap, and then sometimes you get the guys like he's snapping on me. How dare he snaps in my home, right? And then he snaps and then you have a four doing nothing, which is fantastic. And that's kind of how I feel about Lady Jane Foster. Probably one of the worst cards to get eight cubes with, right? I mean, again, it's got the one trick thing happening with it. But I love this version of the deck because you've got yourself a lot of tech cards in here with Shadow King. You've got, do you see her? Do you see her, Alex? Quake. Quake's in this deck, ready to rock and roll. Killmonger, Mobius, and Red Guardian. And Shang Chi. So just every tech card you can imagine. And then you have the power. So you're playing defense until you do get that spoon to get the roll. And, man, this is definitely a fun build. It doesn't have to be this build, but just the lady Thor with that package is like Shuri. It's simple but effective.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I love the fact that you're bringing this up because Jane Foster recently got buffed, by the way. I dunno if people remember that, but beta Ray, Jane Foster and Thor, they've been in this weird middle ground. Like they, they used to be a very legitimate meta deck and then they kind of fell off a little bit. I still think that as Guardian package is. And it's cool to see that experimentation. And I love, of course, the addition of Quake in that deck as well. You had Red Guardian in there. You had lots of answers, but also you were asking lots of questions at the same time. Like, can you deal with this Beta Ray? I, I tend to like Odin in those types of decks. It might be a little greedy, but like, I like the Odin in them. But I do like the tech flair you have there. Cause you have lots of answers for lots of problems that are in the metal. Like, should you cut like Shadow King for Odin? Is it worth something like that? Right. It's up to you, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

You got another one for me?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Yeah, for sure. If you're looking for decks that like, honestly, you can consider playing and like, not have to worry too much about like, whether it's super expensive or not, I think it's worth mentioning that we discussed it with Silver Surfer with Fastos, But Silver Surfer is one of those decks that has so many different variations that you could honestly play so many different versions depending on what you're feeling like. You mentioned it, and I tried it as well, like a Makkari deck with like, traditional Storm and Juggernaut. It felt like a completely different game than playing Brood, Absorbing Man, and that general type of combination with Hope Summoners and all those things, right? There are so many variations of Silver Surfer, right? I'm even trying some like Jane Foster Silver Surfer. You're playing like super tanky cards. So you're talking about one archetype and like four different ways to play it. So if you're a deck builder, a deck brewer, and you want to have a ton of fun and try to find a really unique way to mess up your opponents, right? I think Silver Surfer offers you a lot of tech, be a lot of power, but most importantly, a lot of variation in the way you can approach the game.

Cozy Snap:

And yeah, to, to just. Snowball off what he just said, this has been popular at one point in time, but I gotta say, if you don't know what to play, play the Toxic Surfer deck. This thing is so much fun, Alex, especially when the meta calls for it. So right now, Zoo's hot, right? Zoo is hot, you got cards everywhere. Bro, there's nothing more satisfying than dropping down the Wong into the Hazmat into the Odin. I mean, it's just disgusting. Get Mystique in there for the extra greed or Absorbing Man. You got the magic for the extended turns. I mean, dude, look at this, you got 500 games out of 61. 9%. Win rate. I mean, so yes, you can just make your, you know, you could do the traditional stuff, but you could also do the creative stuff. And really, I'll wrap it up with one more deck that I've got. And yes, listen, this has been, this had some shells before, and we're not talking about all the Lokis. You guys know about that deck. Those decks, they've been around. This, however, has gone through a bunch of different mutations, right? I love this thing, right? This is the mid value deck, if you will. It's the Black Bolt Statue, but you've got Dark Oak. You've got the Korg in the Rockside package with the Black Widow. But then you also have got some ways to play a bit of defense, maybe with Silver Surfer. This is just such a solid mid range value deck that's been around for a long time, Alex, and it's continuing to get better as it evolves.

Alexander Coccia:

And Stature was brought back in power, right? It was a 5 7 got nerfed to a 5 6, got brought back to a 5 7, so like it's kind of back. I don't think people are playing much Black Bolt. This deck still suffers from the idea of like you're probably going to discard one of the rocks they drew, right? I kind of really wish Black Bolt hit like a random card in their hand or something, that's probably a little OP, but you can't argue with the stats. And the thing about it as well is no one's going to expect Legion, right? No one's going to expect Silver Samurai. Silver Samurai is going to dump something from their hand. It has a much better impact than Black Bolt under a lot of circumstances. Nico has incredible versatility. This deck says so many different interesting things. I love it. It's an absolute cook. And I've actually been itching for some Black Bolt stature. So I'm glad you brought this up. So

Cozy Snap:

you throw it in there. I, I tried for so long to do Circe Black Bolt stature. And then I was like, okay I had to mix it up, and how I did that was throw a Pixie in there, just because it's like, okay, Black Bolt 6, whatever. Stats you can discount yourself. What I will say, though, man, about the deck that we just brought up specifically, is Dawken caught my eye as the fastest card at the last second. I was like, wait a second. Kind of cool. 2 Docking? No problem. Hey, I'll take a 3 6 Docking that doubles in power to a 12. We got a 3 12. Sign me up. To get Death Down to 3 costs nowadays is so hard. Not, you know, so hard, but it's a tough assignment where it's just, you know, you gotta get a couple draws that way. So, overall, I thought this would be a fun segment to look at decks that You know, people just aren't playing as much Alex.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, there is an absolutely massive international event happening in the United States of America right now. And I'm curious, have you been watching any Copa America? What's that? I knew you were going to say that! I absolutely knew it! It is the International North, South, and Central American Soccer Tournament. The American version of the European Soccer Championships. I knew it, man. I'm laughing at that because, okay, I had this conversation with somebody. I was like, hey, the United States is hosting this massive soccer event. Because they're kind of gearing up for the World Cup. They're like, oh, we want to get Americans. Into soccer. So the way we do that, having host the world cup, but let's do a little practice, let's have them do the Copa America, which is like the American tournament. Okay. And every American person I've spoken to has no idea that it's even happening.

Cozy Snap:

I have immense respect for soccer. But yeah, I'm, I'm a, as big as you can get on sports, the only way to make it huge in America is to kill the NFL and that's not going to happen. So I Yeah, it's tough. I did not know what's happening. To be fair, though, I've barely left my studio in the last, like, week, and so I barely know what day it is.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, man. I can see that like that Elgato suntan you've got going on. It is

Cozy Snap:

purely from the, just the key lights. It's that's how I've got my sun. It's been great.

Alexander Coccia:

But it's so funny because like it's with soccer, first of all, I love the idea that like, it brings like, it's the national element, you have the Italian national team playing the Spanish national team, and it brings out people's international pride. I love that element of it. And I kind of laughed When I heard this thing, we're like, Oh, they're trying to make popular soccer more popular in the United States. That's the whole goal. And I'm like, Hey guys, I think you're doing it wrong because when I watch international soccer nowadays, I'm like, is this a field or is this an aquarium? Cause I see fish flopping all over the place. And if you want Americans to get interested in the game, maybe you need more like actual competitive play and less like.

Cozy Snap:

Ah, he hit me. Yeah. Oh yeah, for sure. I agree. I man, but there is nothing like the world cup when it's at its peak. It's so fun. It's so fun. Just like, you know, cause I used to work at hotels, right. And tons of different people of all, you know, different nations and working at a big hotel. D& D World Cup was so special, bro, because you'd have, like, the Germans in their cafeteria corner, you'd have, you know, Mexico going for Mexico, and just, it was awesome. It was so cool to see, man, and I'm, you know, I could pick whoever, because the U. S. is always out pretty quick, so I could just you know, pick the hometown whoever, really, I don't know, I, who do you go for? Who's your, who's your, who's your team?

Alexander Coccia:

Well, my parents were both born in Italy, right? I'm a first generation Canadian. Canada actually lost to Argentina, which was a little sad, but also expected like, let's be honest, Argentina just won the world cup and Canada's like, Hey, we have a soccer team kind of, hahaha you know, but I mean, listen, at the end of the day for our household tends to cheer for for Italia. We also cheer for Canada. But we just like seeing the spectacle. And I just love the idea that the whole world comes together. It's kind of funny though. I don't know if they do this in the States, but like, let's say it's Canada day, this happens all the time because it tends to fall in the summer months. It can be Canada day and a big soccer game could happen and like Croatia can win and then it's Canada day and you're driving around and there's like people flagging with like Croatian flags going like, yeah, so Let's go! You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

It's like, wait a minute, what's, what's today again? Goodness, dude. I I would say I've got the same hype for the Olympics. I, I'm a sucker. I love the Olympics. I do. I was the kid that grew up like, just watching, eyes glued to the screen, whether it was ice skating, a little swim in hundred, you know. 100 Meter Freestyle was so sick. All of it. I loved it all, and I'm looking forward to it. And the state's gonna host it soon, man, which is like, gonna be cool. We haven't hosted it since like, I think Utah, maybe? I don't know. It's been a long time, since early 2000s. Utah.

Alexander Coccia:

Salt Lake City, wasn't it? Yeah, Salt Lake City. That's in Utah. Oh, okay. I don't know that, man. Wow. I don't know American geography. Come on. You can't come at me with that.

Cozy Snap:

You asked what Mount Rushmore was. So like, no, I totally, like, I, I did not expect it. I was actually, but you're like, Hey, it's in Utah or it's in Salt Lake. So yeah, you got, you got half of it going for you, man. It's I think it's in LA coming up, but all right. So we talked snap. Shall we talk about this beautiful card over here, Makari?

Alexander Coccia:

This beautiful card. Like, what are you trying to bait the comments already? What did you rate her last week? I, did I, I rated her a 2. And you came in at 1. 5. So we were both kind of low. But somehow I was the high one on Makari.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I, oh yeah man. I could, I, I had to stand my ground. I had to. And there was like, it was funny in the first hour of her being out. The people that always drew her on like turn 3 or 2 or 1 were like, She's so cracked. And then like the more you play, she's fun. I will say she's more fun than I thought. Like she's kind of cool. Like there's some, some instances that I liked. The random things, it sucks. Sorry to just go right into it. I'm sticking on my 1. 5. I won't give her a 1, but her stats are pretty pathetic.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm okay with 2. I'm okay with 2. I'm surprised you're sticking at 1. 5. That's ruthless, man. Not even a 2? Come on, man.

Cozy Snap:

Nah, dude, I didn't I died I played so much Valkyrie, and as much as she did things, okay? Like, I won games. I won more games than I lost, and Strong Guy works, and, you know, you can play her in Surfer, and you can play her in Control Dex, dude, but she could be cut in every list and be just fine.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm calling BS. You didn't play her once. She plays herself.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, no, she didn't even play herself. You know how many comments I got? It's like, she doesn't play. I'm like, you know what I mean. She puts herself on the board. She runs from your hand.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, Cargamer is getting really upset about the, the wording and verbiage on cards. Surprise, surprise, Cozy. Are you a

Cozy Snap:

new buddy or what? Shocked, man. I'm shocked. But yeah, speedsters, man. I don't know. Second Inter hates them.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, really cool effect by the way. Actually, like the zip, zip, zip effect is really cool. For stats wise, Cozy's rating makes sense. Approximately 52 percent win rate, which is higher than I expected. 52? That's higher than I 1 point 0. 13. So that's very low on the cube rate spectrum. And only 2 percent of the meta. This seems like nobody was interested in this card at all. Like, nobody. 2 percent of the meta? Are you kidding me?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and even, when I saw her, she was at 48%, so yeah, it's, it, it is, it's just a card that, I don't know, man, she's just anti fun, too, like, literally doing the only thing that you do in a card game is play it, and she, she plays her, herself, so I just, not crazy about her, not crazy about her, there's some fun plays, and I'm, I'm kinda happy we're moving on and hey, look, we all need a card that's not great in the month so that you can save up, I think that's a good part.

Alexander Coccia:

Actually, you bring up something interesting. So I want to bring up a couple of points that like had me thinking about Makari. The first was secondary has been really good about releasing cards at really fair power levels. I think they've nailed it lately. A little while ago, they talked about how, like I think it was around the Loki season where Glenn and one of his statements is like, We're putting in new processes to try to test our cards more effectively. So we don't have the massive outliers like Blob and Loki as often. Right. It's going to happen, right? Like there's going to be cards that overperform expectation. Like we get caught by surprise on some cards, right. But we're going to put in better processes. So I feel like most cards, like even Circe is, was surprisingly capable despite its RNG, despite its randomness and stuff like that. So with Makari, it started as a 3 3. It goes to a 3 4. So there's a couple of ways you, obviously it's not, it's not enough. It's not enough right now. I don't know if it'll ever quite be enough at this current stat line. Do you go the route? Do you go the route of going to a 3 5 or, or do you attack its text and make its text more impactful?

Cozy Snap:

So I think we're more likely to get a 3 5 and if Black Swan's Makari can be too. That, that was my thoughts around it. You don't get to pick where she plays. She's three, like, yeah, she can be free, but she can also be wonky and weird. I don't think it's gonna transcend, change everything for her still, which is a sign that you can do it. Now if she went to, like, if she had the Proxima Midnight thing, like, that's a whole nother story and a much better card. The random effect is what hurts her kit kind of, not the most, but it is up there. 3 5 I think is more likely, and I'd actually prefer in, in some cases.

Alexander Coccia:

Interesting. See, I almost would lean towards preferring 3 4 with a Proxima Midnight or M'Baku.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, I wish. I just don't think it's gonna happen. Yeah, I mean, I guess, like, maybe it does. Maybe it does. And if it does, dude, she's much, like, hey, M'Baku. If Ibaka could do it, maybe, maybe she can do it. Do you want it on the lowest winning lane? What, like what, what lane would you like it in?

Alexander Coccia:

Would lean towards lowest power. I think that makes the most sense.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I think it, cause it gives you this consistency, even if it's, you're holding it in your hand and you have a brood, you can be like, well, I'm going to play brood over here. She's going to pop over there. I think that's pretty cool. Cause it's like, it's a mental game. I think it allows the player to interact with the game while also having the effect happen. Yeah. That's why I like it. Whereas like if I'm holding brood and I'm holding it in my Curry's in my hand, I'm like, Hey, she's going to screw me for sure. Like she's going to block the brood lane, which I don't want yet. And it's nine, 60 percent of the time it happens every time. Right. I guess another thing worth questioning here is. They moved Gladiator from an earlier spotlight light week into the Makari week and I had this thought of like, are they pairing? Are they pairing cards that they think are not as interesting with cards in the spotlight that are more interesting to try to Kind of get those keys flowing.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. I mean, I would say in one vein, I know that there's a lot that goes on in the artwork department and all this stuff, and they've had to like swap cards in and out, and you're going to have variants change completely. No question. Do you think they buff Gilgamesh because they just weren't happy with his performance? Like, no, dude, I, there's no question, man. They do that. And it. It doesn't bother me, really, until it's a really bad card, and like, obvious good cards that are spotlights, and then you're like, come on, man, because now you're having these people That need, they want Airshim, but then they're like, man, but X 23. Now Gladiator is a good car, but you don't need them. So it's like, whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And I don't think Makari is that bad. Makari is not like Martyr bad. And also it's worth noting that Gladiator did get reduced in series, right? So they, they didn't have to reduce Gladiator. Gladiator was one of the gifts of the series drop, right? Makari as we move on from what is clearly mid Kari. As I would like to refer to as, do you think this could have been a series four card? Like if this was a year ago, do you think this comes out series four?

Cozy Snap:

I know that. Yes. Yeah. I got this notification. It's like, there's a brand new series five card released today. I'm like, why don't even put the series if the people know it's series five at this point, like it's. Hey, if it's, if it's, I forgot to say, but if it's obvious though, it's obvious at this point, I think series four is dead, at least on release. And I don't think they do that anymore. It's stupid. I don't get it. I wish we would have at least had some communication around it. But yeah, dude, no, yeah, she's definitely an S4, no, no question, definitely an S4 card.

Alexander Coccia:

I think the saying you're looking for is if it quacks like a duck, if it looks like a duck. It's Makari. It's Makari.

Cozy Snap:

No need for speed. That was my, I love that title.

Alexander Coccia:

That was, you've been on fire with the titles and thumbnails. I still like the Gilgamesh one the best where he's holding the negative eight cubes. That was so good. Oh my god. But anyways, Makari, absolutely mid. Not worth getting. X23 and Gladiator, both great cards. That's our review. Cozy sticking at 1. 5 which is way more savage. Then I expect it. I'm sticking at two. I still think she's slightly more playable than 1. 5. Cozy's angry, man. You've been on like this, like angry terror over the last couple of weeks, man.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I've been dumping on some cards lately. You know we gotta be careful with the resources. No, I just, there's some cards. I'm like, ah, you can do this. You can do like fastest. I wanted to go crazy about, but then the more I thought about, I'm like, I just like, he's tough to build around, man. But I brought up our lady. If you guys didn't see my side, we both talked about Quake a while. This is our, it's our gal.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. Look at those hands. What is, what is she holding? Are those just, is she, is she holding fists? Are those Gilgamesh's fists? Is she holding This,

Cozy Snap:

yes, I love like this screams like classic RPG vibes where it's like she's probably in an intense battle and she's like, what should I wear? Hmm, a tutu.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, perfect armor choice. Blacksmith's like, hey, you need something to save your life. I got the perfect tutu for you. This

Cozy Snap:

will at least stop one ladybug from landing on your left thigh. Yeah, no dude, this is one quick bullet is going to go through that that tutu and, and very, There's a lot of happening here.

Alexander Coccia:

But in my defense, it actually looks like she's holding fists. Like those aren't her hands. She's holding gloves that have massive fists.

Cozy Snap:

It's yeah, that's her powers.

Alexander Coccia:

Those aren't her powers. Her powers are the plate tectonics, aren't they?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. You didn't know she could spawn giant fists.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I did not know that. Is that actually, is that canon? Is this actual canon? Is he lying to me? I don't know. I haven't read about Quake yet. You know what? I'm gonna read about Quake tonight and next Snapchat. I'm gonna call you out if you're lying to me.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, you got so many other things you need. Don't be, don't be reading about Quake. You don't, don't do it. Don't do it.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Well that takes us into the best cards that nobody's playing for this segment. We're taking a look at cards that have very high win rates, very good cube rates. Most importantly, very low play rates. The ones that are the cards that maybe you have forgotten about that are actually incredible. And listen, there's a lot of cards in Marvel Snap that are way better than you think they are. And we're gonna be talking about them right now. Now Cozy, I had him for every single cost as we traditionally do. Do you have them for every single cost? You look like I'm catching you by surprise

Cozy Snap:

here. Definitely not. But I can make it happen. Let's go to one.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll lead the way here now at 4 percent of the meta. This card is not seeing much play, but it is one that I seem to bring up about every two months as one of the top cards in the game that nobody respects. But most importantly it combos very well with one of the best tech cards in the game, Skillmonger, and that is Nova. Nova is running a 54 percent win rate currently at 4 percent of the meta. It is an unsung hero. It works incredibly well in Destroy. It works incredibly well with Nimrod Shells, which I've been brewing with. It works incredibly well with Silver Surfer. It is just an excellent card. Plus one power across the board. We get sweaty over one you know, one, three stat lines for for one power cards. Nova can very easily be a one, seven, a one, eight. When you consider that spread power.

Cozy Snap:

Make them a one, two again on that. Like talk about cards that has have age that you can just boost his core power. Nova. Every time I see a Nova on the board, it'll happen after I play like my Nebula. I'm like, alright guys, I just want to say a couple words to my nebula that's definitely gonna die, you know, like it's so sad. I almost should make a Nova deck where there's no Killmonger, but it's simply there for just the bait, so the guy abandons the lane or something, I don't know. But yeah, Nova, I, I, I respect, I have not played it in quite some time. I did like a Surfer build and, you know, with Killmonger, you do kind of feel like he, he's gotta be in there. With Gilgamesh now, to your point, and some of the others. I don't know play rate right now, I didn't look at the top of my head. I know it's gone up more so than, than recently. I still think Spider Ham is just a card that isn't played enough. I don't know if it's play rate is high right now, but it's definitely not enough. This, just, there's just no better feeling, man, than simply completely killing a deck, turn one. Thanos, dead. Spider Ham is such a great card, still is not played enough. I love him.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually really like Spider Ham in Circe decks because I feel like you get the power, then you get that roll, right? You get a chance to flip it into something. You know, you get a Medusa for free or something like that. Who knows, right? And it's always mid. I mean, we're coping a little bit, but I really do. Maybe you just get Quake from Spider Ham and you mess up everything completely with Circe, right? But I do agree Spider Ham is an absolute winner. Now this next card As the two power Cozy has Quake on the screen again. Is this just the the Marvel Quake cast? Is that what we're doing now or what? I

Cozy Snap:

got a whole nother two cast I love, but let's hear what you got.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. This is a card I actually hate. This is the funny part. I hate this card. It's one of my brother's favorite cards in the game. I hate this card. I hate this character. I hate everything this character's ever been in. I can't believe Cozy, you know me so well. I haven't even said it, he already has it on the screen. At a 53 percent win rate, at 2 percent of a meta. Mojo! What an absolute scumbag, but 2 percent of the meta at a 53 post infinite win rate? Are you kidding me? Pretty legit. One of the highest in the game currently.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, it's the Spectrum build, and why that build is so cool is like, you have Captain America, you have Mojo, and you have another card that I'll talk about, that the finisher, the easiest, simplest ways to finish, and Mojo just puts all that pressure, that person was doing a combo, and then they gotta stop, or it's cloning VATS, and they're like, I wanna play there, but I can't. Fully agree, the card in tandem that's mine, and I think is completely disrespected, and it's because no one has it, it's US Agent. Good God, dude, this card is stupid good. Stupid good. I, I, I apologize. I think we did a a new spotlight tier list not long ago, and we put him in, like, C tier, that we were, we were high, brother. This guy's an A tier card. He, for the cost, is tremendous. He's great. I like him right now. I think he's just a huge power. He's a turn six champion.

Alexander Coccia:

I'd like to publicly acknowledge that I appreciate Cozy Snap's willingness to bait angry comments on our side of the Snapchat here. Yes. Okay. First of all, let's not forget this clown got buffed very significantly. Come on, man. You're doing it so dirty. No, no,

Cozy Snap:

no. Listen, listen, when he came out. Yeah. He sucked. We hated it. Oh, I thought you were saying he weeks gonna to be whiffed on it. Weeks. I'm like, now you're honest too. Couple weeks ago we did a spotlight tear list, and I think we put'em kinda lower than he should have been. At the time. Maybe it could have been the flavor of the week. Not sure, but it was a few weeks ago. I, I think so. Maybe I'm completely drunk. But yes, I, I love US Agent Love mojo. Kind of funny. We both picked those, we both picked quick and then we both quit picked similar cards at that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no kidding. And at the three cost, okay, we have a card that's actually come up already once today. It is one of the lowest played three cost cards in the game. But it also has a exceptionally decent win rate at almost 54 percent post infinite. And it's Sebastian Shaw. And I think this is a huge surprise. I recently had a game in a video where Sebastian Shaw was sitting at like almost 15 power. Like, it's kind of crazy how high this card can go. Obviously it's a one trick pony. It's a Silver Surfer card, but I, this is one of those cards as well. Like I would love for the community to brew a deck that's not Silver Surfer with Sebastian Shaw on it. I think it's a hundred percent possible. It has to be because like, it seems like a really good card, but it's counter to Gilgamesh in the sense of like Gilgamesh Feasts on like those ongoing effects, whereas Smash Shock can't. It needs that permanent power. But I don't think they can change the text because it's so good in Silver Surfer, right? So a really interesting card with a very niche mechanic, but statistically extremely capable right now.

Cozy Snap:

Here's one of the weirdest cards they have as a season pass, like the most one dimensional last card, and they had him as a season pass. It was always a little wonky, but yeah. He's great. I do he, he holds down Surfer vertically, and that that deck needed it very badly, and he's now a core, he's a core piece of that. With threes, bro, I, I went a different route. I went with W. W. B. N., Werewolf by Night. Guys, what are we doing? Why aren't we playing this card? I get it. Board space is important. He's a three cost now, man. I was building a Surfer deck, and I was like, why would I not put this guy in it? I mean, it just makes sense. Yeah, you can't brood, you can't do everything. But I think he's highly slept on in my opinion.

Alexander Coccia:

That actually surprises me. That surprised me a lot. Maybe I'm sleeping on werewolf by night. Cause I listen, Silver Surfer is my most played archetype. It's my go to feels good. Like, I don't know. What do you, when you just play snap and you're not streaming and you're just on the can and you're like, you know what, I'm just gonna play a game for some funsies. What deck do you play? I play Surfer. I, I'm not quite sure what you would

Cozy Snap:

play. Nowadays, like, Pixie Cirrusy Bear, I just have a good time doing that. It's too much fun.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so for me, the reason why I bring this up is because even, I'm brewing tons of different Surfer decks. I pass right through Werewolf by night. I don't even, I'll stop at Wolfsbane before I stop at Werewolf. He doesn't need to be in Surfer. He

Cozy Snap:

doesn't, like, Surfer's not, like, the best build for him. I, I, clearly There's just so many cheap honor reveals, bro. There's so many cheap honor reveals, and this guy can easily get these power levels that we go crazy for at the three cost slot.

Alexander Coccia:

I think that the changes to bounce might have negatively impacted him, specifically with Beast's nerf. Beast used to basically give that, that discount all throughout, and then now it's that next turn. And I think that might have taken a little bit off of Werewolf by night.

Cozy Snap:

Alright, Alex, let's go to four. I got two for you. I got two for you today. Alright, first of all, It's time. It's time to talk about it. I, the disrespect for War Machine is getting out of control. I, he's taking, he's taking strays from myself, actually, when Professor X got nerfed. I'm like, somehow War Machine got worse, and it was for the LOLs. Dude, I played nothing but War Machine this week. Nothing but him. Yeah, I get it, you know, playing him can be a little awkward sometimes, but the amount of locations that restrict you is astronomical. But it's not even that, man. We've got Hope Summers, we've got a lot of ways to scale up. Dude, I have missed it. I played it every single day this week. The frickin Infernaut combo with War Machine is so fun, and people have long forgotten it. Like, I'll War Machine, and they're like, oh cool, he's doing nothing really out of this. And it's just perfect. I love it. You don't have the Pro X thing, you do have the Storm that you can go off of. He needs something figured out, but I definitely think he does not have the respect of cards like Infernaut or Ebony Maw.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I absolutely agree. It was kind of crazy to me that War Machine didn't quite make it out during the Cannonball Professor X meta. I felt like that was like the time for War Machine to really solidify itself. And I think that when you have a meta, and you have this card that theoretically should be a bit of an answer, and it doesn't really creep up, I, I think War Machine might be a buff candidate, but what you're saying is absolutely correct. And it's the same reason why on your side when we were talking about the hidden gem decks, When you have these decks that people have not been playing against a lot, or they're cards that they're not seeing often, they misplay into them. They don't know, you know, they're not recalling the play pattern of you know, a War Machine on turn five and recognizing that there's an Infinite coming. Yes, at high Infinite, that might be the case, but if you're trying to rank up, if you're at like rank 85 or whatever, War Machine might actually be a massive surprise factor For people, you know, in your, in your level, because they're not seeing that card at all, and they don't know what to expect from that deck.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I think one of the things, the, the, the small things you could do to him, is you just have him like Cull Obsidian, where you could play him on the one that turn. I feel like if somehow you could have him activate right then and there. It's just, I, I, how would that even work? It's, it's just, it wouldn't do a lot, but there are some things text wise I think they could do to them. The other card I have at 4, bro, it's both, it's 2 and 1. I know Ms. Marvel has played more than others. I had this as my, my cube thieves. A late turn Ms. Marvel, a 5 or 6 Ms. Marvel can completely derail people. They've got no plan to counter it, they don't know what to do, and on the same note, and we've talked about them in this kind of spot before, they've Omega Red. I don't even know where he is. Omega Red, though, and Ms. Marvel together are completely just I don't know. I don't know why they're not played. Fantastic cards.

Alexander Coccia:

Omega Red was my pick, and I'm seeing him being splashed into the Spectrum based decks. I actually like him in a Spectrum Wong deck because you can often play Omega Red or you can play Wong on 4, Omega Red on 5, and they're like, hmm. And then all of a sudden you slam the Spectrum, that Omega Red lane just lifts. And it pumps the power across. I like pairing him with like the Ant Man and Mojo and stuff like that. Right. I think it's pretty interesting. You're not seeing, as we talked about on yours, you're not seeing enchantresses, right? You're not seeing rogues. And so this, this car just sits there and it becomes a threat. And it has like a it has like the nebula effect where like, I feel like it attracts people's play. Right. People need, they're like, I need to compete with that that Omega Red. Right? You can also consider something like an Onslaught combo with it, which is super greedy as hell, but what if you do Omega Red Iron Man Onslaught? What do they really do if they don't have an Enchantress?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, even the old school deck with Klauei is much better now. It just works. It just works.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And you know what else just works? This 5 cost card, which I'm going to admit, Cozy, you were high on, I was low on. Cozy, this is one of those circumstances. It happens. You know what? I'm talking like it doesn't happen. Cozy's often very right. I'm occasionally very wrong. Let's be honest here, right? I'm, I've had my whiffs. It's

Cozy Snap:

gotta be Nomura

Alexander Coccia:

though. It is Nomura at 54 percent win rate. It's actually amongst the highest win rate cards in Marvel Snap. 54 percent that's high. That's in in infinite 2 percent of the meta, only 2 percent of the meta. Why is a card with a 54 percent win rate only running 2 percent of the meta? It's because that It's just slept on. It's slept on. There's no other reason. I think that people were very hesitant about it. It took some time to craft the decks, and now the decks have been crafted. It's found its niche, and it's super good at it. And we got a card that's remarkably high win rate with a remarkably low play rate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's like US Agent 2. It's just like, when they released, people didn't get them, and now it's like, a lot of people just don't have her, too. But yeah, I mean, dude, I just love that she brings something so unique to the table. Like, if you want to play something different, talk about the segment we did online. Like, just do Nomura builds. Super fun. And now that she's It's been a couple weeks. Dude, people don't They don't They don't know? They They're not expecting it as much. Definitely a solid card. And that was mine at 5 2. No question, Alex, as we, as we headed to, to the six brother.

Alexander Coccia:

At six costs, there is a card here that I know you're a big fan of. I know you're a big fan of it's running almost a 53 percent win rate. Now the competitiveness of the six costs is actually pretty, pretty legit. This is one of the higher win rate, six costs, but it's only 3 percent of the meta. And it's our big Yeti. No, it's not green. It's white. It's Sasquatch. It's Sasquatch. Now, listen, I'm just saying that, like, I think he got a bit of a bad rap. And we talked about it. Okay, so I got roasted in the comments last week because I suggested that a 6'12 Sasquatch was probably fine. People were like, yo, Alex. What are you on, bro? Take that back, please don't listen to this guy, and I'll admit, I was a little high on the hopium with the 612s last watch, but listen man, this card is probably actually being slept on.

Cozy Snap:

Nah, it was one that just people wanted to hate to hate. It was cool, it was the different thing to hate it, I don't care what stats. Say on it, whatever. Like, in fact, stats are fine on it. I love him. He's cool. And he's just so plug and playable. He's right up my alley. He's the she hole kind of thing. Yeah. Great pick.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy. And that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. We got a couple of questions from the community here, and we're going to get started with Broxton Miranda. They state, man, I played this game so much and then took a break and now there's so many new cards I don't have and it sucks. This is a very common thing that we're seeing in a lot of the comments. People taking a break, coming back to Snap, getting hyped up for, you know, Deadpool's Diner and other things that might be coming out in the future. And they're realizing like, hey, a lot of the cards that have been released over the last couple months are actually pretty legit. The balance is there and a lot of the decks are using the new cards. Cozy, what's some advice we can give to some of the players coming back, looking to kind of progress their collections?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, play Spectrum right now. I think Spectrum is such a fun deck to play at the moment that's just solid. You don't feel like you need a lot of cards that you probably don't have. There are so many decks that look great. You just don't need. Ultron is another great example. Hatred and Ongoing. Play those, play those, play those, play those, and then get the cards that, you know, really scream strong and buy, you know, a couple of the tokens in the shop that you want, but yeah, I mean, my advice is to Second Dinner and to really, like, get the new player track kick started better.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like I actually had some thoughts about this as well. The idea that like, you know, the collection system, like, sorry, the spotlight system is actually really favorite. It's really good for a new player in the sense that like, when you have a spotlight track, those are four brand new cards. Even that token one that everyone cringes when you roll by accident. Right. That's a new card for a new player. Right. However, the challenge is that you just don't, you don't get enough keys. So they're not able to capitalize on every single week. Without actually spending that hard earned moolah, you know, you know, that, that green stuff, you know, that, that green stuff that, you know, you can spend 150 on for a JPEG. I mean, that's what most people do in Marvel Snap, but you can also use it to progress. But long story short, those spotlights are actually very good for a progression for a new player. The access to the spotlight keys is the tricky part, right? But I think what Cozy is saying is absolutely correct. Find a competitive deck, whether it be Shuri, Spectrum, or a relatively inexpensive deck. Play the game for fun and just get your daily missions done. Honestly, you're going to have more credits than you, than you're going to realize is getting those daily missions done, getting those weekly missions done. That last one's a nice 500 boost to your your, your credits there to help progress your collection level. And the one piece of advice I always give new players is always make sure all of your common cards are upgraded to uncommon because it only costs 25 credits per collection level from common to uncommon, as opposed to the 50 credits. Every time thereafter. Okay. It's a nice way to kind of boost your collection level relatively early on. And that takes us to our next question from Joshy G and it reads, Is there a deck that you have trouble playing no matter how much you try and you keep trying to get good at that deck? I've always had trouble with that Loki deck, but I got to Infinite yesterday with it for the first time. I still don't think I'm great at it, but I'm getting better at playing Loki.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, I don't want to say move. We say it too often. I would

Alexander Coccia:

probably It's literally move for me, though. Like, every time I play move, it's just a trainwreck, man.

Cozy Snap:

Has to be. It's either that or I guess like Cerebro 3, maybe. Like it's fine, but I do it. I'm like, okay, that was a fun four game. I'm done. Like, this isn't my favorite.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Every time you play cerebral, it's like, Oh, look, monster Island. Batching doesn't exist. You just get monster Island over and over again. I know it sucks, man. I even had someone say, Oh, you have to play cerebral too and put beast in it. So you can kick the monster back. I'm like, what are we doing, man? Like this is ridiculous. But if we're not picking move, if we're not picking move, right. It has to be, for me, Phoenix Force. Like, that's one that, I gotta be honest, I kind of want to reinvest my time into Phoenix Force. Because they changed the move mechanics. It's still move. I know it's still move. But like, no, no, modern Phoenix Force is running like the the Nimrod package. It's running some interesting stuff. I'm in for that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's definitely fun. Like, Phoenix Force and balancing effects, I don't mind if I'm not trying to make content. Like, if I'm, if I'm, there's too much to think about.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, actually, that's right. When I play bounce, I always say like on stream, but guys, these first 10 games, don't watch, don't pay attention to, I'm going to misplay a little bit, but then once you start getting the hang of it, like you start to see where the magic starts to happen and the power starts coming out. But I love this question because I think everyone has a deck that like, they just, they like, we talked about, like I said a million times, I just love playing surfer. I can't get enough of it. It's just, if I wasn't making content and I was just playing this game legit, just for fun all the time, I would just be playing surfer all the time, man. My brother who does obviously like he, he streams here and there, but he's not like a content creator. He, he only plays spectrum decks. He only plays ongoing decks. Like he, I, if he didn't even have other cards, it wouldn't matter. I don't think I've ever seen him play Destroyer or anything like that. He just plays Ongoing and I think there's a lot of players like that. I have a buddy that plays kind of casually. He only plays Galactus. He doesn't care what the meta is. He doesn't care if Galactus is good or not. He just wants to play Galactus. Because he wants to just ruin people's days with these meme, Galactus plays. So I don't know. It's just funny. I thought it was a great question. That takes us to our next one. An unsought thought asks, Hot take! White Widow needs to be a three cost. In fact, I'd rather Black Widow be a two cost and White Widow be the three cost. Cozy, what are your thoughts? Ooh,

Cozy Snap:

I don't know. I like it. I like where she's at. I mean, I could see it. Like, I could see that happening. Yeah, or if you like it's a negative four right now, if they like, took it down to a negative three, maybe, is fine as well. Black Widow does not need to go back down to two, though. That's, We open a can of worms with that one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Especially when you consider like Ravonna synergy, it used to happen, stuff like that. I think that Black Widow is probably fine at three. You guys are forgetting how much it sucked to not draw a card on turn two. That was awful. And I want to say White Widow, it's an amazing card. It's probably the best, like standalone two cost card in the game right now. But also it's still most often just that zero power on the other side. Cause like, it does have that like control effect where you feel like you have to play into it. But, at the same time, it's not often sitting as a negative four power, right? So, White Widow, I think, is irritating a lot of people, but could it be a nerf candidate? I think so. Like, could it get nerf Cozy? Yeah, I mean, the stats are high, so that's

Cozy Snap:

what they look at. I would, yeah, bet, if we could see it.

Alexander Coccia:

And our last question of the day comes from Miss King, and it reads, Hi, I know that you're both not big comic followers, but if you could pick one artist or cover from any comic artist or any Marvel character in a game or whatnot, Which one would it be? Now Cozy, I have one right off the top I gotta talk about. First of all, Archer. I absolutely love Archer's work in Marvel Snap. It's absolutely unbelievable. But there's one specific variant in the game, Cozy. It is the Kitty Pryde Kimusinto. The one where she's holding like that, that, that mystery box? I'm not even sure what it is. It's a cover art. It is absolutely Unbelievable, and that is the one that really stands out to me, as just being the perfect marriage between, like, cover art, and art in Marvel Snap, and a phenomenally talented artist.

Cozy Snap:

I think Max Greck is my unsung hero, I think that guy just puts out such fun Like I'm playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on like an SNES like it's just like I just love the flavor the way they look To me man. He's like what he's a gamer. I know he's a big gamer. I love it I've been trying to get an interview with that guy. I like it a lot

Alexander Coccia:

Max Scraggs His Green Goblin ones one of my absolute favorite. Oh, it's a good has these very nice clean lines And it's one of my favorite ones in inked as well So I love that color, but like I think that's one thing that Marvel Snap does tremendously well. It takes some of the best, most iconic art from the history of Marvel Comics, which is extensive, right? Like just look at a lot of the Jim Lee stuff in there. Like the Jim Lee stuff is iconic. You see like, oh, that's the famous pose for, for this character. And it's crazy how influential these artists have been. Even as someone who has traditionally not been a big comic guy, but has this game has got me into the comics. I just joked about reading about Quake, Before, right? Like in this podcast in and of itself, right? So I think that at the end of the day, we're really blessed to be surrounded by such amazing art. Some of which is honestly historical in its context for these comics. Thank you guys so much for watching. Cozy and I generally appreciate your viewership. And of course, we generally appreciate you guys leaving reviews on the podcast platform of your choice. It's immensely helpful and we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

We appreciate you guys, as always. Thanks for stopping by and until the next one, Happy snapping!

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