The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Makkari: No Need For Speed | Recovering From The Nerfpocalypse | Sersi In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 85

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 33

Does Makkari have any use in Snap? What are the current best cards at every cost? What are the final rankings on Sersi? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. We got a pretty garbage card coming out tomorrow, but we're going to be talking about Macari today, and is she kind of worth maybe, probably not getting in Marvel Snap? Where the synergy is, what we think about the new card alongside the spotlight, which is actually Pretty good because she's a three cuss. We're also gonna be ranking all the three cuss cards in Marvel. Snaps been a popular segment from you guys in our rapid fire mode. And then lastly we had to eat Nerf apocalypse. You had so many huge meta cards. Get a giant Nerf, and today we're gonna break down what we think about what was probably one of the biggest OT patches to ever hit Marvel Snap. We're gonna talk about that all today, more on this episode of Snapchat. And as always, I am joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. For those that are listening, happy belated Father's Day. Is it Father's Day in Canada? I can never keep track.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is. I think the only thing that we mess up is the what's it called when the pilgrims come? I can't remember what it's called. Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Yeah, our Thanksgiving's first. And it's actually kind of good for us because we get Thanksgiving and then you guys have Thanksgiving and Black Friday and we get the Black Friday deals. So there's Black Friday in Canada now. And everyone's like, Oh, Black Friday. And they go absolutely crazy. People used to like, try to drive over the border to get the Black Friday sales, but then they'd get like, you know, you know, trampled in a Walmart and getting hurt and stuff. So I don't know, Black Friday seems pretty rough. I miss the old

Cozy Snap:

Black Friday videos, man. Watching people just, you know, trample for the thing they didn't even know that they wanted. That's what happens to me when there's like Prime Day, Amazon Prime, and I'm like. Oh, Power Washer! How cool would it be if I had one of those and used it one time and never used it again? Have you gotten something like that? That's just me

Alexander Coccia:

at Costco, man. Like, Costco's Power Washer's on sale right now. Dude, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Well, hey, happy Father's Day to you. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers listening, guys. The best job on the planet, being a dad. I can tell you that wholeheartedly. Again, if you guys don't know, my son was born the day Snap came out. And I've had a lot of cool things happen in the last couple years. It doesn't even compare. It doesn't even come close. It

Alexander Coccia:

is a great job, but I gotta tell you, like, it also is, it's a mixed blessing sometimes. I'm gonna tell a fun story. I'm gonna tell a fun story, okay? So, the last couple weeks, we've had, like, Twitch drops, and, like, I've been burning the midnight oil, getting content out, right? It's been crazy in Snap, and just in life in general. And there was a Friday, Saturday that I basically didn't sleep. I did the whole nighters thing. Right. And then on like the Sunday morning, which I still have not slept. I told my wife, like, I really need to go to bed. She's like, yes, you do. You said you weren't going to do this anymore, Alex. And I said, I know she's like, I'm like, just, can you keep the kids a little quieter today so I can rest? I go upstairs. I am sleeping for, I, Cozy, 45 minutes, I hear screaming downstairs, not just like I'm playing and I'm screaming, so I'm like, so someone heard like what happened here, my wife's outnumbered 4 I'm like I gotta get up man, so I get out of bed, I walk down the stairs, to set the picture, I'm wearing like, you know, the undershirt and my boxers, right, classic Italian look, right, walk downstairs, My wife's just like, her hands, her hands are in her head. She's like, Oh, she can see me coming out. She knows, like, I'm like, come on guys. I'm like, what happened? What is such the big deal? My son who's three is running around the house, naked, screaming. Naked and screaming. She's like, she's like, he pooped his diaper. I went to change him. He freaked out because he wanted to put the dirty diaper back on. Did he put the poop diaper back on? Yeah. That's, that's why he was mad. And then here's the other part, which is even more hilarious. My five year old son comes over. He's like, daddy's up. We're getting ice cream. I'm like, what? I'm going back to bed. And he's like, no. And he starts crying. I'm like, why is he crying now? My wife's like, I told him that one, you got up. That you'd buy them ice cream. So now he's crying. I'm like, well, I guess we're getting ice cream. So I got 45 minutes of sleep. And as a reward for those 45 minutes, we got the kids ice cream.

Cozy Snap:

So dude, I brought my son to a family kind of birthday celebration in San Diego, had a nice white button down on, and it's always again, like a 50, 50, if we're gonna have a good time or if my son's just going to go ballistic, right? Cause you can't control it. So we're, we're walking and we're almost in the restaurant and my son's in this phase right now. I don't know what's going on. And he looks at me square in the, in the face and he just goes, BAM! And headbutts right in the mouth. Hey, blood just everywhere. I walk in this restaurant, just look at a guy out of like an MMA fight. And there's just nothing you can do about it, right? There's no, you're just like, okay, this is my life now. And I ate all of my dinner, covered in blood. The waitress was just in awe. It's just dad life. It's just dad life, man. But Listen, guys, we're having a nice little opening monologue here, because, well, the card this week isn't exactly what some would say. A fire card so much that they already updated it before it came out from what we talked about last time. We have a lot of fun segments to talk about, a little bit riffing about random stuff, a little bit of snap but Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Cersei, which has had a wild week in the meta. We're going to give Cersei a review. We're also gonna be discussing the best cards at every cost in Marvel Snap. What are the top performers, the most popular cards, and most importantly, the ones that are making the greatest impact. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well, my man, let's just get right to the chase. Let's talk about the new card. And this is one of the few weeks that we have a spotlight much more appetizing than the card itself. And, and kind of a crime, this is a Series 5 card. However, Makari, guys, is a 3 cost, 4 power card. She's 4 power, she got upgraded from 3, and the ability reads, After the turn, she runs from your hand to a random location. If possible. So she plays herself for free, guys, in short. So that is Makari. Short, simple, and sweet. The spotlight she comes with, though, Alex, is Gladiator and X23. Two very spicy cards. Pretty good cards at that. We could do it together if you want this time around. We could do it independently. What are you thinking for the star rating?

Alexander Coccia:

My man, I'm going with two stars here on Makari. Two? You like a two?

Cozy Snap:

I, I don't even know if I can get to two. I feel like I'm going to go down to one, maybe 1. 5. Oh, this

Alexander Coccia:

is a one star cozy play this. Okay. Hold on. Yeah, this is crazy. I was not expecting you to go one star, not even a 1.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

maybe 1. 5, 1.

Cozy Snap:

5. We'll go at 1. 5. I won't give her martyr status. I don't think martyr got a star for me, but yeah, this is this is a one, this is a 1. 5 card. There's going to be things we could talk about today. I just think in practicality. This card's gonna get no play after this first week here. I think maybe, maybe a little bit, but I just don't see it, so sell me on the two. And and viewers, sell me if you like it above that. But yeah, so I've got a few different decks that it can work with. The sad part is, is we thought this was gonna be a nice little addition to Cerebro 3. They obviously bumped it to 4, which isn't really a thing. It, you know, it's kind of a, it, kind of, but not really. But there are some archetypes that like it. Alex, where do you want to kick off with talking about Macari?

Alexander Coccia:

I think it's funny that you bring up the fact that like, I basically would have pen and papered a Cerebro 3 deck. And that was the only place I was going to play. I was like, I'm going to play Cerebro 3. That's the only place I can see this card being played. It sure as hell is not a surfer card in my opinion. And then they changed the 4 and I was like, oh, is C4 a thing? Is Colleen Wing? No, it's not. C4's not a thing really, right? So it's like, a little unfortunate. Cerebro absolutely was the best place for this card and It's interesting that you bring up the spotlight caches, because Gladiator and X 23, great cards, great cards. Makari, not so great but I mean, I don't want to be totally negative, because there, there is one shell, if you want to really cope with Silver Surfer, if you're like, you're really huffing that opium hard, right? In theory, you could consider Okoye Surfer shell, which in traditional, like, shells have been pretty good for Silver Surfer. Silver Surfer. And if you're running like Absorb Man and Hope Summers, you probably can just get that extra 3 4 body out, and then with the Absorb Man Surfer kind of pump on turn 6, get it to enough of a value play that like, it's okay, but like, it really only benefits from a Koi to become a 3 5. The chances of you top decking it into an Akiya on turn 3 is so low. So like, I just don't see it. And like, it's going to, it's going to shell, it's going to block off a brood lane. It's going to make it awkward for brood brood absorbing man plays on three and four. I don't know, man, this card, it's so awkward.

Cozy Snap:

If we were, we're about to rank all the three cost cards. If we were like suffering from three cost cards, I'd be like, yeah, yeah. Surfer, like it could be played in surfer, just like a guy that's bad on, on foot in football can play on a team, but you don't, you don't need them on the team. Like I. Listen, the things that I don't like about NSurfer her about NSurfer is, first of all, let's say it's turn six, right? You're at this weird thing, she's taking up a whole card draw slot, right? Now, obviously, turn one, turn two, she plays herself, that's optimal Surfer. That, that's, for the most part, you're gonna love that, because you're gonna be able to then brood in another lane, and maybe you get some value there. And also some other cards that I think she's gonna synergize with, I'll get to. But like, Turn 6, great example, you have to play her, because if you don't, the Surfer's not going to buff her up, because she goes after the turn. So, she's awkward in that shell a little bit, too. You do get the free, you know, you get a free 3 4, but then it's just a 3 4 at the end of the day. And so, even though I did, you know, as you would say, pen and paper some things down, Surfer was just not the list that I had her, you know, immediately in. Just, I, you know Doesn't seem needed in my opinion, so I'm not crazy about her, not crazy about her there. Where I do think she might work, Alex, and probably my favorite build out of all of them, and I kind of touched on this when we talked last time, it is the classic Legion Storm control style of decks. I like the idea of being able to do the, Strategy, that's pretty good. You got the Storm Legion thing. Sometimes it's a little awkward, but for the most part, it's a sound strategy. Now you have a car that can also kind of help you out a little bit and add later in the game. But also, if it goes before that, you've got some other kind of tricks that you can do. You can Storm a lane, and then you have Makari there to kind of help the buffer there. But more importantly, There are a couple styles of control guys, and the one that I play, the one that I think is underplayed the most is the priority focus one. And this is what I was talking about earlier, and maybe this is where surfer could work in some degree, but I think Negasonic is gonna like this card a ton. You get the priority by getting her out there early, and then you have Negasonic to capitalize. And in this kind of maybe Daredevil S control build with Storm and Legion at the helm. I think this is a cool place for McCarney.

Alexander Coccia:

It is pretty interesting to think about how, like, you know, if you're, if you're working with priority, she comes out on turn one or two. That's kind of beneficial especially with something like Negasonic, which really craves that priority. If you have locations locked down you know, obviously she can access the locations, but it's random. You, you could have a storm location where you need that. For powering, she'll just be like bonk and go to the other side, right? She doesn't have like the Proxima Midnight or the M'Baku text there. Oh, look at this. We're comparing, how can this be worse than M'Baku at what M'Baku is doing? I don't even know. But anyways, here we are. I do a hundred percent agree. And like, maybe that, that kind of deck can bring something like a war machine back, which I kind of like, right? There could be some, some play for that. But it's just. It's just awkward. I almost wish it had, there's two things I was thinking about with this card. One, I wish it kind of targeted the lowest power location in a similar way that Proxima Midnight did, because I think in testing Proxima, I think that worked out pretty well for the most part. Yeah, you had the bar with no name games and that was, you know, sus, but that's just, you know, whatever, right? But the other thing was, is I wanted, I wish it didn't say runs from your hand. That's a, that's a new, like, that's new verbiage, which I don't think will count as played for like a Sasquatch or for anything else. If it was plays from your hand, then all of a sudden, I think it opens up a lot more synergies. And so I wonder if that could be like a small little buff in its favor. Like, I, I liked the idea and the flavor of runs from your hand. If you're trying to like create synergies, plays is such a stronger word.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, exactly. It's like my beef with Shauna a little bit too, right? Even though she got a buff, we'll get to her. I, like, so, I see her working in that deck, and it's a nice little compliment, but again, there's so many other cards that just fit that control build, like, you don't you definitely don't need to have that in any degree, like, this is the most skip week that I've had on paper in a long time, there's just not anything that you need her for, I did like her in that build, I thought maybe she's kind of fun in, like, Agatha, because Agatha has less options to work with, and then she, like, is a bit more targeted in the decisions that she makes, It's a meme card. At the end of the day, to me, it's a meme card outside of, again, a couple more synergies that I have, but I wanted to pass it to you. Got anything else on it?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I was trying to figure out, like, okay, I was doing a lot of comparisons with this card to Proxima Midnight. I don't know if that's incorrect or not, but that's where my head was at. And I was thinking to myself, a really fun deck that I was experimenting with when Proxima Midnight first came out was this Moon Girl Proxima MODOK style shell. I was like thinking, the double up, we gotta bring it up. We're actually really low on our double up quota over the last month. Very low, painfully low. But, so I thought to myself, okay, can we Moon Girl Makkari? But if you think about it, the way this works is you would have to top deck Makkari on turn 4 in order for that to happen, and you have to have Moon Girl in your hand. So like, it's just not flexible enough. Like it just doesn't work.

Cozy Snap:

But what's cool about that though, what I like about the Moon Girl synergy with her is that a, if it worked, it worked, but B, Moon Girl has so many card generating generation in your hand that it makes it super awkward. And Macari would then play both doubles out. And then you have like room to, to, to get more cards. And I was trying to think of other archetypes where that's the case. And it's just not like, you just don't really maybe bounce, but you're not going to put that in the bounce deck. Right. So. Yeah, it's just, that's the thing. I don't think I've ever looked at a card and been like, there's just nothing here, man. There's just, there's not a lot here. A 3 5? Maybe. Like, I know that's crazy that we even think of that, but why Black Swan a 3 5? Why can't she be? I think they both offer the same niche usage, if you will. But I thought maybe Circe is kind of fun. So she's a 3 cost that plays herself. I thought Circe would be kind of fun.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because it's an extra target for Circe to, you know, hit a Mr. Negative.

Cozy Snap:

Exactly. Exactly, man. We're in a two man, the same lane. I gotta tell you, I cannot wait for the Circe final verdict. I'm already I, like, within 20 minutes of playing, I was like, All right, that's gonna be a fun snapshot. But yeah, so, in short, guys, Not a lot here. Not a lot to, to, to just say what we like about Makari. Not even a lot of decks to build around her, per se. This is a skippable week. Save up. We got Ereshim. We got Fastos. We got a lot of cool Ereshim. We've got a lot of great cards coming out. This just ain't one of them in my book. And it's gonna be more apparent when we rank all the three cards later on. Any other closing remarks on Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

I do think that it's a tricky spot because in theory, getting a card out for free, right, should be good in Marvel Snap, right? It should be good in any game. A free card? Why wouldn't you want that? But Surfer almost never has extra cards in his hand. It's very efficient with Sarah Surfer. Locations are extremely impactful and having this in the wrong location could be potentially problematic. And the other thing was, is that like, At the end of the day, you only have 12 slots on your board, and we have so many efficient cards that utilizing those slots, especially in the current meta we have right now that like, it's just hard. It's a hard sell, and like, the last thing I want to throw out there, Cozy, this might be Coping, maybe, maybe Zoo? Because you just want stuff out there, and you throw a Blorval down, and it's fi it's 3 5, I don't know man, like, you're just, you're trying to get bodies out there, no?

Cozy Snap:

I'd probably play Agatha before that, maybe Agatha's Zoo, that's been a, that's an archetype a little bit, you know, maybe, maybe to me, this feels like, if they would've made this last OTA, if they had Quicksilver, His text changed to this. I would've been like, cool. Like, it seems like I got reworked through Quicksilver. That is fine. At a one cost card or something. And then it's a one cost, so it's just kind of like whatever at that point. I don't know. It just doesn't, it just doesn't do it for me. Yeah, not crazy about it, but you know what? Not every single card needs a, you know, slap. We're kind of glad it's not, right? Because then we're, we're already so congested with currency. And so this is going to be a nice little save em up week in, in Marvel Snap. And I'm probably going to go the meme route in my video. I'm going to be honest, do some, maybe some Agatha shenanigans. But funny enough, I just heard, okay, get this, man. I just had my, my doorbell ring, okay? It's these little kids. They're ding-dong ditching over and over and over. Ding-dong ditching. Did you, I have a question for you. I actually don't know this about you, Alex. Were you a good kid? Like were you promiscuous at all? Oh yeah. You were good. Aren dude. I had a feeling. No, I was

Alexander Coccia:

a good kid, man. My parents always knew where I was because I was always in the basement on my computer.

Cozy Snap:

Really? So you like, if you see caution tape as a kid, you're like, okay, caution tape. Better be cautious.

Alexander Coccia:

I didn't even see the college tape, I was doing my homework, man.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my god, dude, I could not have been opposite. I was always, I was definitely the rebel a little bit. I wasn't crazy, I wasn't crazy, but I definitely, like, you didn't ding dong ditch as a kid, man?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I did nothing, man. I was, like, legit was a very strong student, very good kid. Like you know, all that kind of stuff. My brother though, who's two years younger, very, very like he, everything that I saved my parents, he put my parents through, man. Okay. It was one night. I remember it was high school. He was like in like grade 11 or something like that. So my dad, he's like old school Italian, makes his own wine all the time. He has this one Demijohn, which is like this huge barrel of wine. And every single year he only drinks a certain amount so that he only adds new wine to it. So theoretically he drinks it halfway and then tops it off, drinks it halfway. So he, in theory, there's wine in there that's 30 years old. Right? It's the way he makes it. It's the way he does it. My brother one day, right, went to that Demijohn and just filled up a huge thing of wine and took it to some, like, high school party. My dad figured it out because it went past the line where my dad's like, someone took out too much wine. He's like, my brother did it. He's like, where'd he go? My dad found out where he was. Drove to this high school house party, walked in the front door, right, this is like an old school Italian guy in like his fifties, walks in, he's like, he finds my brother, takes the wine, he's like, we're talking about this later, drives home.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I was That's how protective of the

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

my dad is. I was more like your brother than for sure. Like, I would go to back, do you guys have, like, we would have in, in where I grew up, we had, like, gates, right, and, like not, like, we weren't in, like, a super nice community, but we had, like, a gate to get in, and there was, like, a little gate thing you could call people from the gate, right, to let you into the, the neighborhood, whatever, and I would go to that box when I was, like, nine, man, and I would call people and say that there is a raising of money going on for a community center for the neighborhood, If you could come by the gate and drop off your donation. I was like 9 doing this, dude. And I got like maybe 27 bucks. I was like, at 27 bucks, I was like on top of the world, man. My mom found out. And my mom found out. My brother! He outed me. Did you out your brother? Ever? Did you like, did you ever like tell on him? Nah, I didn't know what was going on. Dude, you're, yeah, definitely, you're a good kid. You're a good student, man. Hey, I got, you know, I got a college degree, but that's about as far as that goes. You know, I got through school, but, yeah, I was curious. I didn't know, I didn't know with you. It could have gone either way. It could have gone either way. But let's go ahead and transition on that beautiful subject to the Nerfpocalypse. An absolute giant OTA that really was needed, Alex, in a lot of ways. And I don't know about you, but the game does. Definitely feel more refreshing. I love the day after OTAs. People are scrambling, trying to figure out what to play a little bit. There's some definitely good risers on the list, but let's go ahead and talk about it. We gotta start with who we put near the top of the five. Costless, and we did not know at the time but Professor X, obviously biggest change of the patch here, Professor X, who's been a long standing titan of Marvel Snap, what are your thoughts, man?

Alexander Coccia:

This change was so weird to me, they basically made it a five costed storm, kind of, right? Like, this makes no sense to play anymore, it's like, why would you ever play this now? This is like, this is Glenn saying, no! Time out, Professor X. You go to the corner, you put the silly hat on, and you sit there and you think about what you did. You're not coming back for a while.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it definitely took a major hit in what he does. Like, I think he could have gotten more power, man. Like, for, like, such the strong hit. Like, you know, 5 3 was when he came out. So it's like, I definitely, but I thought his impact affected a lot of other cards, too. Obviously, like Jeff or War Machine or whatever, because this is, you know, Mattered. Move decks, man. You used to play, like, Phoenix Force is loving this. Like, you used to if you had a Pro X played in the middle, you're done. You are done in a move deck, right? Now it just doesn't matter whatsoever. I think that's really important for some of those decks that really struggled against just one card in particular. But yeah, definitely a sad day. And you know, I thought this would have been enough to not adjust Cannonball. I was shocked that they took off a PowerPoint on Cannonball because I just, His biggest thing was, he's still a good card, but his biggest thing was that, in my opinion.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no question. I could not believe they took a point off Cannonball to the point where I was like, wow, people are like saving up their tokens, buying this card, spending the 6k and it honestly outside of the Pro X synergy. This card is not that strong. Like the Professor XOG was a major component there, right? And if Gilgamesh Zoo really starts to pop off more, then yeah, Cannonball is going to be a nice release file for that, right? But going to a 5 7 I think was a little risky, but I think they knew that too. I think they knew it, because they did mention, hey, we might revert this. I can see it being back to a 5 8. I think 5 7 was rough. I know that Cannonball pissed a lot of people off, but it was because of the Professor X that Cannonball was so effective.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it reminded me of like when they did Statue of Black Bolt. When things met for so long, they like really snipped the cord on it. You know, they make sure it dies, and so that's probably what they did there. Hela, a lot of ways they could have gone with this. I was pretty shocked they went with the negative power. And that they weren't more aggressive with it, potentially. Thoughts on Hela?

Alexander Coccia:

I actually think this is a better approach to limiting the number of cards she brings back, which I think is the other suggestion. If Hela's only bringing back three cards, then I think that just kind of ruins the feel for it, right? But I understand the concern with Hela, where it's like, it's a non interactive card, you can play a great five turns, then they basically play nothing, and on turn six, they just bring it all back, right? Like, I totally get the frustration from a play perspective, I actually kind of like Hela. That might be a hot take. Like, I don't mind it. I just don't. I think Blink took it over the edge is kind of what happened. And

Cozy Snap:

this doesn't do, I, again, I, I joked, I got 18 power infinite. So an 18 power infinite. I kind of wish they made it where she resurrects outside of her lane. And I would have been kind of happy with that. Cause there's more targeting there. And like, just more like, you know, what's happening a bit more. There's a bit more ways to maybe counter that. It kind of helps her in some degree as well. You know, so it kind of feels like both sides, but they can adjust this negative two number as much as they would like, and I think that's going to be their new kind of valve, if you will, to adjust her as a card. I played a few rounds. Still felt like Hela. Still felt pretty great. I was going to win the games. I was going to win. You know, Iron Man Hela. That's probably not going to be it anymore, but outside of that, not a, not a huge change, but you know, they have addressed it a bit. Black Knight, they adjust the Ebony Blade. I thought that was obviously good. It definitely felt like that needed a counter. I, Black Knight, I, I can go on record saying it's probably one of my favorite cards to snap. A top three favorite card in the game. Ebony Blade, though, needed something. Like, you're already getting a 420, if not, it needed a way. I love that they kept the Invincible Destroy mechanic. But it did need the power reduction. If someone's gonna be cheeky enough to throw the Shadow King in their builds, let them have it. Let them have that, that win against the deck, is my thoughts.

Alexander Coccia:

That's an interesting take, like, I actually thought this was a bit of a stray, like, I didn't think, like, I thought that this was actually a secondary attack to Hela, to be honest with you, less about Black Knight. I don't know, man, I think, I think it was fine, like, Black Knight I don't think was crushing the meta, I think it was legit, and I think that Discard needed that second avenue of, of like, kind of gameplay. So I liked Black Knight. I don't think this kills it, but Shadow King is going to be everywhere with Thena and everything, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think that as things adjust, we're not going to see as much. I don't, I still think this is a very good card, and it wasn't a major adjustment. I do agree, kind of guilty by association a bit with Hela, but I didn't hate the change. As someone who plays a lot of Black Knight, I was like, it made sense to me, a tad. And then lastly, Red Hulk, which again, I Just, I this is now as infamous as Alioth was when he came out. Like, the version that we got is so far from the version. And, and honestly, I think we kind of all had that feeling. If this was coming, they, they, outside of Doctor Doom, we haven't had always this 1 6 cost card that it could and should be in most decks, and they're trying to get away from that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely, there's no question, like, Red Hulk was finding itself into so many different lists, it's just kind of like a automatic splash in as a closer. The card's still good though, I still think it's really good. But this is actually a two pronged nerf that people, I mean, most people probably realize, but So obviously you get plus three power scaling, it still reveals in the hand, but most notably, Red Hulk is now shancheeable right off the top, because before it would sit at 6'9 right, which is nice, but the problem with that is that like, if you play Shongers, Shongers misses because it's 6'9 and then it gains the power if you float it, right, so it'll pop up at the time, which would have been 6'13 so now it's actually much more susceptible to removal.

Cozy Snap:

Which is, yeah, right, and I think that's fine. He reminds me of Darkhawk in the way that, like, there's been so many adjustments and that card is still good, right? Like, it's the same deal. It's gonna be a good card. You can play it, like, you don't need to feel bad if you got this card. It's still gonna be fine. And definitely, like, I had a feeling that he was officially gonna get nerfed in some capacity. Now, buff wise, Captain America got himself a buff and with it, we're seeing a huge rise once again in Spectrum. They stated that they didn't see, or they saw a bigger impact happen to Spectrum than they wanted. Dude, that deck was still popping off for me. I thought that deck was fine where it's at. Long live C2 Captain America that lasted for all of like 10 minutes. But definitely, man, cool. Cool for the archetype. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, honestly, I like Spectrum a lot. I think it's super fun. I tend to play like the Wong, greedy Spectrum versions, right? Which I really like, but no, it definitely was good. And to be honest with you, the C2 cap stuff was awesome. Playing cap into a lane and then playing Cerebral Mystique and Ironman there. And that lane just, just takes off like a rocket ship, man. Yeah, it was so good. So good.

Cozy Snap:

Well, the biggest change by far right after Pro X was Gilgamesh and record timing. I said some records aren't meant to be broken. Phoenix Force got adjusted like two weeks later, barely a week out, and Gilgamesh, who was a mess got buffed up. And my god, between that and Shawn, I mean, Zoo is legit. Zoo is really kicking it pretty strong in my testing.

Alexander Coccia:

I have to tell you, dude, also, I know this is somewhat unrelated, but one of the best thumbnails you've ever made, Gil, me. Gil Mesh is a mess. And you have the negative eight cubes in the pan. Oh man, that was so good, man. That was a fun one. That was so good. But like, yeah, this was, this was record timing for Gil Mesh and like a two power buff is significant man. Very significant. And I think the only thing that got buffed as fast, was it Hercules that got buffed roughly? I think it was her made it like

Cozy Snap:

the next, the next week as well. Yeah. Season pass wise, you know. You know the numbers weren't hittin They were like, we gotta sell more of these, we gotta make them better. But to our point, like, we talk about 511s all the time. Or, even better, like the Doc Ock at 510. Yeah, I think it's safe to say you can have one card boosted if you're playing Gilgamesh. And now he works much more plug and playable, I feel like, right?

Alexander Coccia:

Sean, I know he's, yeah, he's good. A hundred percent. Like Gilgamesh feels like a legit closer now where it's like, he feels like he can put up six, like he can outpower like a, like a Magneto. Very easily. Like he can put up very serious power. So it's it's, he's in a really strong spot and it's funny. I kind of joked about it. I remember when Loki was around, he had some plot armor for a while, he didn't get, they certainly don't get nerfed that fast. I don't want to be no conspiracy theorist, but I'm just saying, they don't get nerfed that fast, my man. We're selling

Cozy Snap:

too many season passes. Nerf it. Get rid of it. It's too much. Too much money coming in. I noticed you got a little distracted when I brought up the variant. That's okay. It's fine. I know,

Alexander Coccia:

man. This variant is absolute fire. I mean, this is the Clark Griswold's wife variant. It is.

Cozy Snap:

It is. I've never been able to unsee that since you stated that, like, forever ago. Like, so much so, but definitely value town. USA, man. I mean, 3 4 adding potential, you know, upwards of 20 power if you get crazy enough. I mean, it's, it's crazy. Definitely Shauna's got some really fun gameplay now. Still takes up location space. Obviously Mockingbird's synergy with her is really nice and Gilgamesh is going to love that too. So yeah, I enjoyed Shauna. She definitely was better.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, a hundred percent. She's definitely better. I wonder if this card ever sees a change with like the ad versus play. You do have some benefit to that. Like it can like, for instance, Mysterio can't play into a like a Sanctorum. Roshanna can add a card to a Sanctarum. So it goes both ways but I could this, I just look at this, add a random one cost card and like, if it was play, it'd be absolute fire for something like Sasquatch, which I think could work in those decks. Obviously, Mockingbird benefits from this card already, so wouldn't make much of a difference. But I mean, the verbiage on these cards is so significant, and this, I mean, this is a huge buff, man. It basically doubled her power. Doubled the

Cozy Snap:

power, yeah, on an already pretty good average card, like, you know, just did it like the location clogging. But yeah, overall, man, I don't think we've ever had a nerf patch like this where the, the community was just so happy. Like, nerfs, you know, like, usually, they try to avoid strictly nerf patches. Like, they could have left out the buffs and people still would have loved it. But we haven't closed out. We got one more card and I got comments immediately that we had different takes on it right off the bat. And maybe yours is adjusted since then. I'm not sure. Steggy. Steg Ron got himself up to 7 power. And a targetable movement by moving a card to the right and you know, outside playing him in the right lane. This is nothing but a good thing for him. He's got a use now, man. He's got a use.

Alexander Coccia:

He does, but he's still under powered man. He's a four seven. You're playing crossbones out for four 10 these days, man. What are we doing a four seven That moves a car to the right. I like it.

Cozy Snap:

I like it a lot. I think he, he works in the builds that he needs to work in. Man, I, I think people sleep too much that Knowles and back in the day, devil dinosaurs. But the, the cards are played in single lanes, no problem. You could get an early clog now and if they're building up their right lane and you know, you can just fill that up quickly. There are tons of more, I can't say how many times eg screwed me. By just being like, anywhere but the middle. Right in the middle, and I lost every single time. Like, it, to me, he's, this is a tremendous boost in giving him way more of a, of a role in Marvel Snap. And I think 4 7's fine, man. 7 and he does move the highest card. But, 4 7 with calculated move, I like it.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. That's definitely fair. And one thing worth noting here as well is that I mean, hmm, with Steggy, it's like, I just, I just wish he had a little more power. But, but. If history has showed us anything, targetable abilities are certainly better. Just like, I think a good comparison is like Blade. Blade used to discard randomly, now it discards the right hand. And it's way better than it's ever been. Steggy used to move randomly, now it only moves to the right. I, but I'm still not convinced that's great.

Cozy Snap:

We just don't have a lot of these two. We don't have, we, like outside of Polaris and a couple, like, Magneto or whatever. Which, fun fact real quick on the Pro X thing, I thought it was so funny that X used to be able to lock cards in and prevent Magneto from doing his power. Like the, you know, like it kind of works lore wise. And now Magneto literally helps out Professor X and or, you know, ruins it. It just, it's, it flipped on its heels here. But listen guys, Popular Demand. You guys have to love the tier list we've done. A little bit of everything. Spotlights, we've done the five cost cards last week. We're doing Rapid Fire, Quick Fire on three costs in honor of Makari and just a cool cost line in general. So, let's get to it, man. Alright, buddy. So, Rapid Fire mode. We are going to do an alphabetical order. Kind of just first thing that comes to mind. Hopefully, we can find an average here. And we start with Agent Coulson, Agent Coulson man, which I, hot take, obviously like him. He's one of my favorite cards in the game. I still think he's one of my favorites. I think the Zabu nerf did hurt him, but I almost, I think he is more, hmm, he creates more suspense from your opponent than Loki does. Because of just the variants that play. I like Coulson. Where would you put him? He

Alexander Coccia:

doesn't, he's, come on, he doesn't, like, outplay like a Loki. That is, that's Kobe. The

Cozy Snap:

surprise factor, not necessarily the play factor, but like, you literally know exactly what your opponent has when they get, when they Loki. Whereas they can have the random shang chi. You don't know that. I I'm just saying

Alexander Coccia:

that's fair. That's fair. What do we like? I would go B.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I was thinking too. I already know I'm going to have to make these cards smaller. No question about it. But yeah, we'll give them a B to start and we moved to Baron after that. Baron Zemo. Again, this guy aged exactly how I thought he would. I do think he's probably still a B though. I think that's okay. B for Bishop. I think he's

Alexander Coccia:

better than Coulson.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, probably. I, I, I wanted to say something and I was like, ah, yeah, probably. Bishop. Bishop's so weird, man. I like Bishop. He just feels like he's really, they need to kind of give him back the stat line that they had on him, maybe. He was a 3 2, right, at launch? Three. Yeah. He,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah, he was, no, was he three? Three. The Nerf of 3, 2, 3, 3, 1. I thought like three. Three. I know.

Cozy Snap:

I was thinking about that too. Yeah. He feels like he needs a little more love, but I mean, dude, the, the, with the decks we have nowadays, he still does what he does. I have a hard time putting Monet though.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I was thinking like high C, not even. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Because like, really, if he's not, if you're not playing with the Mysterio, he's dead. Like. It's Mysterio or a bust.

Cozy Snap:

And the Kitty Pride deck, like if that, you know, that's kind of the whole thing. And then you even have to make

Alexander Coccia:

a regular Kitty Pride deck. If Mysterio is not there, I bet you Bishop doesn't exist.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like maybe the balanced version. But yeah. And then at that, you're playing them on three, but then you can't play your kitty. It's just awkward all around. And speaking about awkward, we have Black Swan here, who is another just what happened to this card. This is a card. I don't care if it's a three, five. I never play it, dude. I want to give it F. Do you think into C? Do you think F? What do you think? I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? It's a shame it's as bad as it is. I mean, it's gotta go an F. It has to be. It has to be high F. It has potential still. I don't think the, the worst, the worst days are definitely behind us, but Black Swan needs to step it up for sure. I think it deserves an F.

Cozy Snap:

I have a hot take. Black Widow I still think is a really good card. That's just not played enough. Yeah, I like it too. I've been

Alexander Coccia:

playing it in Darkhawk packages. This is

Cozy Snap:

my favorite Circe card, man. I just love it. I love the three go into a four, and then you get like the full effect. The, the Widows is still so annoying. Dude, just a great card. Probably, definitely towards the end of A, but, and it could go down to B, but I like it. I think it's better than people think. Brood S2. No problem. Yeah. Top of the

Alexander Coccia:

top. I like Brood a lot. Yeah. I don't know, like, it'd be low S tier, in my opinion.

Cozy Snap:

It has to be S tier. Yeah, low S tier, but if I'm thinking Surfer, if I'm thinking a great Mockingbird, Patriot Dex, it's gotta be Brood, no?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's very fair. Especially with it's kind of synergies with Absorbent Man and whatnot. Yeah, I agree. Definitely low S, high A.

Cozy Snap:

Kyera. What a weird card, man. Kyera, I loved it, but it, did it die when Thanos died? It did.

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, it did. Because like, basically Chiara's use was, alright, I'm playing Chiara down, I'm cheating stuff out with Thanos Lockjaw, Oh, no, my Devil Dinosaur came out early! You know, oh, not Devil Dinosaur, because it still gets Sean Cheat, you'd play like Vision in that deck, but you'd get like Scar out early, you'd get like Magneto out early, and then like, you'd protect those six costs, but ever since the death of Thanos Chiara's kind of fallen off. It doesn't even make the modern Zudex.

Cozy Snap:

No, and if it's not making Zue, it's Like, it makes, like, Thanos now has a stone that does what she does too. Like, you know, like a stone protects him now, like you don't even need Gaia for that. So but I don't hate her ability and I'm not saying she won't age well down the line. She has decent stats for what she does. Low B or we go in C?

Alexander Coccia:

She feels like a C card right now. This is a card, honestly, I, I do think this might be a buff candidate. I think that this could go 3 5, but Really?

Cozy Snap:

That's pretty strong. Yeah, I think so. Well, if R was a 2 3, but okay. Yeah. Captain America, the new buff 3 3, Captain America. I like him. I think he feels pretty good, man. He's definitely not there. I I would play him before Bishop for sure. Heck, in the Spectrum builds, he's definitely belonging to be there. I would put him in low B right now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, that's fair. I agree.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Cerebro, man. Oh man. I don't know. This card's hard to evaluate. It's so hard to evaluate. Like at its peak, like C5 could go off. C3 could go off. C2 could go off. But then it just, you know, I, I feel like this is the, is this the head of B though? Like, I feel like that's a decent kind of place. Maybe.

Alexander Coccia:

I think Baron's better than Cerebro is.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's fine. All the Cerebro people are in shambles. I get it. You can win with it. I just Man, it's got so much going against it. It has so much going against it constantly. And even when people win with it, it just like, it just doesn't look, stats are never there consistency wise. Corvus Glaive.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, you know what? I've really warmed up to Corvus, man. I was kind of a doubter at first, but this card is so good. It's definitely in the A tier somewhere. Yeah, it's

Cozy Snap:

A tier. Like these cards that really help out other decks and it like defines those, I think deserve A tier at the minimum. I agree. Feels good. One of the easiest ways to get bonus synergy. No question. Cosmo, Cosmo, Cosmo. Underplayed, underplayed. I think because he affects both sides, they should buff him up to a 3 4. That's my own take on it. What do we like him?

Alexander Coccia:

I think he's a B card for sure. He's being played right now as a C, like you're not seeing him very often. But I'm telling you right now a really well placed Cosmo is a game winner, 100%. That's like a 4 cube winner, very often.

Cozy Snap:

I almost like him better than Baron, I'll be honest. I definitely like him better than Baron, if I'm being honest. Yep. It's just tech cards, man. Like, he could, he could borderline make A. We'll see what happens. Crystal if you're not playing Tribunal, it's pure Copium. I think Crystal's Dogwater.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think you can put her in F because realistically, that's a one trick pony card, not even being played in Tribunal. Like, Modern Lists don't even play Crystal right now. Yeah, I would say she's an F card right now.

Cozy Snap:

Cyclops is never played in Patriot, but it is played in High Evo, and it's great at that. Really important to High Evo. But very niche, obviously. Very niche. It's, it's gotta go away. I think it feels the same, it feels, obviously, it's better than Black Widow, in, in, like, what he pulls and brings to the table, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

I think he's better than Corvus, to be honest. Like, if you think about what High Evo is, he's the linchpin card of High Evo. Like, he's truly the one that carries, yes, Hulk's the finisher, but the entire mid game engine revolves around Cyclops. Like, I, I do think that Cyclops is tremendously powerful.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, alright, I'll hear you out on it. We move to Dawkin and oh Dawkin, Dawkin, Dawkin's just like, every time I have him in a deck, I'm just like, alright, cool, he does things, he does, he does, he does things, he's a C tier to me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, 100%, he's a C tier, he's, he's a card that does his thing, you don't need him, but he's okay, I don't think he upsets you, but.

Cozy Snap:

Deathlock just feels B, does his job, does what he needs to do, that's about it, not a lot to say on it, Alex is shaking his head, we're gonna both agree. Debris, Debris is an A tier now, with Mockingbird Man, with Junk, it's gotta be, yeah, it's just too important.

Alexander Coccia:

Debris is interesting as well because it's also making modern Cersei lists for that extra card to flip too. A is high for me. Like I would lean towards B probably. Okay. I think debris was better when Annihilus would flip the rocks, but they took that ability for Annihilus away. I would go B, but I can, I can see the argument for A, especially in the modern meta we find ourselves in.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I would probably have her in A myself. But I, I'm not against it. Electro has done what he's done forever. I, this, he's got to, I don't care if there's other cards that have come out. He's got to be in the A tier, man. He's just got to be. He's so, he's just the core center of Ramp.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, 100%. You don't play Ramp without Electro and he's a great card. And once again, another Circe card, ironically.

Cozy Snap:

Elsa's B tier or where do you like her?

Alexander Coccia:

Elsa Bloodstone? Yes. I think she's definitely in the A tier.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, you know, that stinking deck is so hard to evaluate. The Hope Summers, the Kitty Pratt, cause it's like, in its own bubble, it's just so good. And every card does so well in that deck, but then it's like, it's, like, else is useless outside of that deck, really. Yeah. It's, I have a hard time putting Renee because of that, but I see what you mean, like, what she brings to it. I would personally have her below Debris.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. I can see that argument. Cause like, realistically that whole deck almost writes itself because like, you know, Kitty, Angela, Thena and Bloodstone. And if, if one of those gets nerfed, the whole of them go down in value. Literally, they're literally tied at the hip, like legitimately. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Gambit probably one of my favorite cards to play in the game. No question about it. Love Gambit. So fun. I think he is, is not bad. And now with Pro X kind of going down a bit, I think he's going to get better. I can we say top of C?

Alexander Coccia:

Sure, I'll accept Topazee for pure fun factor, but for me, he's always gonna hit a squirrel.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, every time, dude. I but he can, man, he can have some swing games. Ghost is still terrible.

Alexander Coccia:

You could F Ghost, honestly. I

Cozy Snap:

think so. That came

Alexander Coccia:

out wrong, but you get what I meant.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, I, I, I hear you. Gladiator. Is Gladiator still insane in your book? Where do you have Gladiator? I think he, I think I know, but I want to know what you think.

Alexander Coccia:

I have always loved Gladiator. This was like, even when it was a 5 7, or 3 7, sorry, I was like, Gladiator, yes! I gave it like a 4, so I was like, let's go! And people were like, Alex is coping. Yeah, yeah, I got buffed, and now I'm, you know, I'm right. But, well, I love this card so much. It definitely plays like a star in A for sure. I don't think it hits the S tier level, especially because it's so meta dependent. Like, with Helidex and stuff like that, you're pulling Red Hulks out. Like, that can be risky. But I love the card. I just love it. I think it's one of the most Perfect cards they've designed. It's such a nice risk reward type feel.

Cozy Snap:

And as things go down to seven, like Cannonball, it straight up kills Cannonball. Like, it's kinda cool. It can always stay relevant, I agree. Green Goblin Man, oh man, what a great card. It's always been this good all arounder. I could see arguments for Top of B, I could see arguments for Low A. What are you feeling?

Alexander Coccia:

I like A for him.

Cozy Snap:

I think I got to go with, with Black Widow and A.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, fair. I like that. I like that. I think Green Goblin's a really solid card.

Cozy Snap:

Yes. He's played all the time. You hate him on your side. It just, yeah, I saw it all around. Groot is still bad. Still bad card. Still bad card. We're going to put him in F. Hitmonkey as hates to say it. I don't even know if I could go C, dude. I just like, I guess, but like, good God, isn't he bad? He's low

Alexander Coccia:

C for sure.

Cozy Snap:

We'll go low, low C. Hope Summer's very easy. This is the top of the board for both of us. I'm sure Alex will give you a rapid fire, so we both know we love Hope Summer's. You should too. Just great plug and play all around. Card, Ironheart. Ironheart's hard,

Alexander Coccia:

man. I would say low, oh man, high B, no, sorry, low B, high C range.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I feel like C. I do. Like, I feel like you have like the Odin combo. Gilgamesh, sure, but there's just, I never am pumped about Ironheart. And it's just awkward to play him, I've been Jean Grey, I do think is certifiably in B, no question.

Alexander Coccia:

That's coping.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my god, dude, you've always, you've always hated him, man. You've always hated Jean.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I like Jean Grey, I just don't think she's a, she's definitely like the definition of a C tier card.

Cozy Snap:

I, I, I disagree, I just, I disagree. I love the synergy here, maybe it's because I do a lot of control stuff. I, I will put her in C, man, but you have made my challenge of the week. Bring Jean Grey back. So, Alex I can thank you for the, my future video coming out. If I'm wrong,

Alexander Coccia:

let the comments call me out. Is Juggernaut B, even though he's not played as much? Juggernaut's fallen off the face of the earth a little bit. He's always been so underplayed. He's

Cozy Snap:

always been so

Alexander Coccia:

underplayed. He's probably low B. He's, he's an excellent card that's not getting the respect he deserves.

Cozy Snap:

And if you're watching this visually, and when people post this online, it definitely goes left to right, then second row. Killmonger, man, still, still Killmonger. S tier, S tier, yeah. I don't lean S tier, I think top

Alexander Coccia:

of A.

Cozy Snap:

It's so tough, we have so many good one cost cards now. Oh, dude, I feel like he, this is gonna, this is gonna age poorly, I think. I think I want him in S, but we'll see. Hey, put him in

Alexander Coccia:

S, put him in S then. I, I, I would lean high A, but you, I don't want you to like, you know, get all emotional. He's just

Cozy Snap:

Value Town, bro, he's value, you kill one card that's a two power that's already a three five, and then like the Value Town He

Alexander Coccia:

holds back your deck design.

Cozy Snap:

Somewhat. Yeah. Yeah. A good amount. But I, I, I just feel like he's the tech card of tech cards. He does what he does best man. Gets rid of those pesky nebulous sunspots, you name it. We're not as much in the meta of those, so maybe it feels, you know, a little more lackluster since then. But lady Sif definition of a pure activator card man b, just'cause of what she does for Ella and dependable, discard.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I was thinking A, like, she's a remarkably well statted, reliable discard card in her archetype. I don't know, I would put her bottom of A, like, without her, like, the whole deck feels different.

Cozy Snap:

That's fine, I'll put her above above Black Widow, even though I do think Black Widow's a bit more plug and playable. Yeah, like, she really amplifies that deck up to a large degree. What about Luke Cage? He's gone through so many iterations. But Luke Cage is, to me, always constantly slept on. Like, just what this guy brings to the table. Eileen Lobey. Oh my gosh, no way. He's an A card for me. No question. No question. What? Really? Come on. Dude, between location variants. He's a 3 and 3. Between location variants. Yeah, but he's so much more valued than that. When it comes to location, when it comes to, obviously, Shadow King counters. Feeling good about now we have Hela, but you're not going to play him in that. Dude, I just, he's such a feel safe card. Like, to me, he feels like a solid play on 3 in most decks because you just know what you got out of him. I like him an A. So you're

Alexander Coccia:

giving your security blanket an A tier rating. I'm

Cozy Snap:

gonna give him an A. I'm gonna give him this. I've let you have the other ones. I'm gonna say, you know what? I'm putting my foot down for Luke. I'm putting him down. I actually would have him above, I don't know, man. I think he's good. I think he's pretty good. I'll put him behind Green Goblin, even though I think we could put him even, even better, but you know, we'll see what the, we'll see what people think. Magic. Interesting.

Alexander Coccia:

This to me is a high A, low S. This is a great freaking card. This is awesome. This is one of the best patches they've ever, like, this is one of the best redesigns they've ever done.

Cozy Snap:

The power of having a turn 7 that you know you're having is astronomical. The counters to her, or at least the play rate of those counters, have gone down pretty tremendously. Like, you know, we're not seeing as many legions or whatever. It handicaps her that she can't get too crazy because then the counters exist and they hard counter her. But definitely, yeah, just solid card across the board. MrFantastic, F2?

Alexander Coccia:

It's a shame. I think that Jeff really messed up MrFantastic because he was just, he had all that reach and he could play where he wanted to. MrFantastic feels a little hamstrung. This is definitely a, a, like buff candidate, 100%. Putting him in F feels about right because he makes no decks right now. Not even the ongoing ones.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I use an A card for sure. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

A card for sure. In fact, one of the better, A cards obviously like one of the, the most. Just, man, he's just great. He's just a great card. Talk about just being able to win the next turn if you play him in the right time and counter some of the best cards in the game, counter some great locations. You get Elysium, you play Triple M, it's over. It's done. Wrap it up. Moon Knight, garbage F tier.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Right in the F

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Right in the F tier. Morph, I've come around to because of all the cards that have happened and, and with Ravonna being as strong as she is, I don't think Morph is a horrible card, he's still a meme play a lot of the time. But he's not as meme y as he used to be. Is he a B?

Alexander Coccia:

No, he's not a Cozy, come on! How much eggnog have you been sippin on this fine Sunday? It wasn't

Cozy Snap:

eggnog, it wasn't eggnog. No, I Dude, I don't know, man. Tell me, like, what worst case scenario with him. You're not getting a one cast. I mean, you get a couple weird ones, but I feel like he's always had He's just better, man. I think he's better than people give him credit for.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, that's fair. I'm listening. I'm listening. But I mean, Bee's coping, probably, with Morph.

Cozy Snap:

I tried him with Cersei a lot, because I'm like, you know, see what we get from him, and what happens. Mystique might be one of the biggest falls from grace that we've ever seen. Now, it still works in a couple of decks, but like, gosh, just, it was a core center build. In the early days of Snap. S tier top card. Not anymore. Love what she does still. Her, she'll always age beautifully. But I don't know where to put her. I don't. This is a tough one.

Alexander Coccia:

Low A is probably appropriate. I think the card's remarkably powerful. It's just that like, when it, she fell off with the change to Darkhawk, right? A lot of, just a lot of the core synergies, like, Ronin's not really that playable right now. There's a, actually there is a Ronin deck out there, but, If, if, if the ongoing cards, the big, thick, ongoing cards, she's the taskmaster of ongoing basically, right?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

If those cards aren't pumping, then you know, Devil Dinosaur's not meta relevant, then she doesn't feel as good. And Cerebro being Cerebro, yeah, like, I don't know, Mystique basically sees only playing Cerebro right now, for the most part.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

This is like, mid C, like That's exactly

Cozy Snap:

where I made room for her. Negasonic, I think, might be constantly one of the most slept on cards. I just love Negasonic. I, I, this, this card has won me single handedly more cubes than just about any seriously. If you haven't, if you haven't played, like, give her a try. Like, try her back out, man. She's just great. She holds so much. As like, right now, Zoo's really strong. So, I think she's gonna lose some luster there. Like, anytime you have a one cost trade, it's just tough. But, man, does she just make things difficult. I would put her in A with confidence, but you know, I'll hear you out.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny, I would lean towards C on my personal list, but I can 100 percent see you liking it like an A card, for sure. I will let you place it where you feel is right.

Cozy Snap:

I will put her in this kind of B category to kind of settle the differences between us. Definitely more of a hometown pick for me. Nocturne, good God, even got better after, I love Nocturne, I think Nocturne is just an essential great card.

Alexander Coccia:

I've had some bad experiences with Nocturne, but that's not to suggest that I don't recognize how powerful it is. It's definitely in the higher parts of A, I think. Like, it's definitely a strong card.

Cozy Snap:

I think so, I do. We'll just swap those to make it easy. Patriot, oh man, Patriot's right now feasting, man. Patriot went back to what he was, where it's like, hey, nerfs happen, play Patriot. He's gonna be good. Voltron's cracked at the moment. Yeah Patriot's never gone away, man, never gone away. Kinda tough, though. Is he S tier? Is he top of A? What do you like him?

Alexander Coccia:

I would lean him into the A tier at some point. I don't think he's S. He doesn't have that universal play that, like, the other cards in S have. He's definitely more like a low A card, in my opinion.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I, I probably have him, like, Right around, I like him better than Sif probably cause Sif, I would take that. I don't think

Alexander Coccia:

he beats out Nocturne though.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's fair enough. Polaris.

Alexander Coccia:

I like this card a lot, but she's a B card for sure.

Cozy Snap:

She's gone down since the glory days definitely. Because the

Alexander Coccia:

3 5 stat line isn't even that impressive anymore. And like she saw most play when Galactus was a major threat, and you could take like a Wolverine or whatever, and like you could obstruct the lane for the Galactus play. That's where Polaris was doing the absolute best work, and now she's just like her. For a premium stat line isn't so premium even Black Swan has a 3 5 stat line.

Cozy Snap:

Is Punisher by Captain America or below?

Alexander Coccia:

It's below.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, agreed. I would say probably here in the sea, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, for sure.

Cozy Snap:

So after that we have Red Guardian and I know you love your Red Guardian. Is this your, he's got to go in the S tier or do you like him as a, as a A tier pick?

Alexander Coccia:

Red Guardian is one of those cards that the more I played, the more I fell in love with it. I think this is very, very much an S tier card. It's just so good. And into this specific meta with the Kitty Pride, the Angelas and the Thenas, Red Guardian is such a confident play, especially against Thena, who's going to be basically gaining that power at the end of the turn. She sits there as a 2 1, just waiting to get bonked. So yeah, Red Guardian is an absolutely excellent card right now. Love them.

Cozy Snap:

Rhino, Complete Trash, we're gonna put him in the F tier Ruins Ruins your game. Rogue, Rogue has always slept on Mana Lover ugh, A, probably with Mystique, yeah?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what though, the problem is, why play Rogue when you can play Red Guardian?

Cozy Snap:

I mean, you get the effect. I feel like

Alexander Coccia:

Red Guardian took a lot of heat off Rogue.

Cozy Snap:

I agree, but that doesn't make Rogue bad, necessarily. I could see putting her in B. I think, I think that she is also underplayed, though.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, listen, Rogue has S tier potential, but most commonly feels like a B card.

Cozy Snap:

And she's definitely meta reliant, for sure. I kind of wish, like, you know how Red Guardian can target the lowest? I wish she had a target to her, like, you know, target that Dude, if they made her target the highest cost ongoing card, man, She'd be like, essential Saber tooth's. Still bad, bro. I don't even know if I, I like, I get it. He works in the one shell, but even in that shell, he is a, a bad card. I gotta put him in, in f Hey, hot. Take Sage. Sage is a busted card. Sage is a good card, bro.

Alexander Coccia:

This is is so good, man. I remember when we did our review of it, we were like, yo, this card's way better than we expected. We were talking about it on the Snapchat. It was really impressive. Power-Wise Siege is like top of a, in my opinion, top of a, it could be, I think it's

Cozy Snap:

Lowes bro. I think it's Lowes. It could be played in, dude, the power value is so there with her. The synergy she has, it's right there at S. I would have her above Gladiator, let's put it that way.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, I'll take that. I'll tell you why. Because there are times where I'll play Sage, and I'll be like, Ah, she's only a 3 6, that sucked. But it's like, because I'm so used to her blowing up completely, right? So yeah, I could take that. Like, Sage has been a remarkably well, like, just well received card for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Sauron goes with Deathlock, does the thing for the deck, does his job, he's out, right? Good card. Hard to play some higher. Shaw. Ooh. Shaw's tough.

Alexander Coccia:

He's B, right? Put him right with Sauron. I, I, Sauron's crazy. Sauron's probably one of the best cards in the game individually. Like, Sauron in and of itself, seeing him at B hurts me, but I totally understand why. He goes nowhere else. He can't do anything else. Like, he's as niche as it comes.

Cozy Snap:

New Shana, low B or C still? She was F, no? Low B. Okay, alright, alright. Surfer, ooh, man, less needed than, like, the old days. I think he's, he's up here with, like, Patriot is probably where I would have him.

Alexander Coccia:

I like him, S, like he's my S tier card, but I agree, he's archetyped to find in the way Patriot is, for sure.

Cozy Snap:

Spider Man, I would have him still good, he's still fine, the variance hurts at times, I'd have him kinda where Nocturne is, maybe?

Alexander Coccia:

No, Nocturne's way better than Spider Man. Way better, I don't think he's close.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, well,

Alexander Coccia:

okay, then what are you thinking? You like Spider Man? I would say like he's high B, like I don't think he makes A. Hmm His only real use right now is moving invisible women.

Cozy Snap:

I'm gonna put, I'm gonna put women, there's two of them on the board, I'm gonna put Debris Loewe. And then put Spider Man where she was. Alright, here's my take. I'm expected to It's fine. Guys, bring it at me. I think Storm's a nest here. 3 cost card. I don't even have to second guess it.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, I'll accept that. I would lean towards A. But I'll take it. Do you see why I put her in S, though? Oh, I see why. Yeah, for sure. It's definitely amazing. To shut

Cozy Snap:

down a lane or to change the location variance, it's just too powerful for the cost that she comes at. I, I, I think she's like the perfect card. I just love Storm. She's one that I include in most of my decks. I love her a lot. Strong guy, better than he was. Not great. We did not talk about strong guy with Makari, actually like, Maybe, if you want to be on the co train of Makkari, Dracula Dump, a strong guy, maybe there's something there. I digress. Strong guy's still a C. He's like Hitmonkey quality.

Alexander Coccia:

Definitely C.

Cozy Snap:

Swordmaster? 3 7. Why would you play him over the targeted deck? Honestly,

Alexander Coccia:

probably F. Like, when was the last time you saw a Swordmaster play on Ironically?

Cozy Snap:

When are you playing him? You know, like, when are you playing him? Now, these bottom Fs aren't in order. Thor does his thing. I think he's like Shaw, right? He does his thing for the deck, he can do the thing, and then he wins or he loses, right? Venom. Ooh,

Alexander Coccia:

I like Venom. He's an S tier card in my opinion. He's completely archetype defining in a way that like he makes the archetype unfair. I like Venom a lot.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Ah, that's a C card. I like Viper. I actually play Viper, but like top decking Viper's turn six feels so horrible.

Cozy Snap:

New Vulture, or like upgraded Vulture, definitely B. Probably higher B than this too. He does his job. It's Move. We both have no right to talk about it, almost, but I think he's better than people think. Wave has not aged Oh, sorry, go ahead.

Alexander Coccia:

I was gonna say, Vulture, like, you're right, like, he's just, yeah, he's a one trick pony. Stats stick 100%, but I think Move needs more than just, like, I'm gonna have a three whatever the hell bouncing around just so we can get Shuncheed, right? Actually, I think that, like, Modern Dagger outplays Vulture very often, so. Yeah. We'll see.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I like wave, but it's as B as it gets right now.

Cozy Snap:

She does the thing. Does the thing that people don't do, right? Yeah, probably. I'm okay with that. I'll stick her, like, jam her up here. Werewolf by night. I love, you know, he went back to where he was. He's a good card. People weren't playing him that much at the moment. He's a good card. I think he's definitely A. I don't have a problem putting him in A, personally.

Alexander Coccia:

A feels high for me. Like, I would put him in the B category, probably, like, above an Agent Coulson. Oh, wow, okay. But Yeah, but I can see the argument for A. He's still good, but I just don't Maybe I'm just kind of spoiled with the recency bias of his the way he played prior to his buff. It was just so bad considering how good he was before. And then is Wolfbane somewhere in C? I actually really like Wolfbane. I really like Wolfbane, but yeah, she's a C card. I play Wolfbane like she's a B card. But she's definitely a C card. Especially with Sage doing what she does.

Cozy Snap:

This was definitely fun. We had maybe it's not left to right in all the, like, F tier, C tier, but this does feel right. This definitely feels right as far as and again to recap the top tier, we have Hope, Summers, Brood, Killmonger, Red Guardian, Sage, Storm, and Venom. Which confidently, I feel those. Looking at that next list down, yeah, I don't know if any of those deserve to go up. Maybe Mobius, we could go up higher and Black Widow could definitely go down. A bit more, but yeah, it definitely feels strong to me. Guys, let us know what you agree with, what you don't agree with. This is, this is not the right list. It is our list.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, this week we saw the launch of Circe, a very decisive card in the community. I mean, listen, there was, this is one of those cards that we played for hours and hours and hours trying to get like a handle on. And I got to tell you, this was by far one of the most interesting release weeks we've had in a while. So I'm really interested in hearing your thoughts on Circe, the latest card to come to Marvel Snap. Oh man, dude, well,

Cozy Snap:

let's go ahead and open up with like, probably to me, right there with Pixie, a couple other ones, one of the most fun cards in the game, like straight up, Just so fun. It's just fun. It's, it's so chaotic that it's, it's fun. Now, when we evaluated it, as you remember, I gave it a four star. Definitely whiffed on that. I went and, and like, you know, I knew this would happen. I knew it was going to be one or the other. It was going to really stand out and that variance was going to, it was going to be better than we thought. Or the opposite. And you know, even if there's a lot of good cards that have been cast but yeah, I gave her myself a 2. 5. I felt like she was one of the hardest cards, though, for me personally to rank after a 24 hour period. Almost didn't feel right, because you can have great games or bad games, but I got a lot to say here, but I want to give it to you. What do you think about it?

Alexander Coccia:

So, first of all, I know you said like, Oh, you went four and you whiffed a little bit. I think that this card, I don't think it reaches that level, but I do think that it's, it's better than maybe, like I kind of grew into it over time a little bit playing it it's, it's really awkward. It definitely punishes you. I never felt confident snapping with it. And I do think that this card though, was amongst the most fun I've ever had playing Marvel Snap. I played it for eight hours straight, right. Prior to releasing my video. And. I would know was not necessarily winning a ton. But I was having an absolute blast and it kind of brought me to this point of like, man, wouldn't it be nice if cards like this were series 4? Like really fun, enjoyable, maybe potentially one day competitive cards or, you know, unreliably competitive cards. I don't think this is a consistently competitive card. I think it has that magic sauce with the Void I think is one of the key synergies it has in like an Annihilus based shell. But like, I had so much fun playing this card, and isn't that what it's about at the end of the day?

Cozy Snap:

It is, and I had a good time. Like, if you love the Mr. Negatives out there, like, it's just a fun card, it's a different experience, it's plug and play at that, which is also cool. I compared it to Legion a lot, you know, just the chaos. And Legion's a bit more controlled, obviously. But yeah, overall, I think I'd probably land on three and a half. I said in my thing, like, dude, it could go anywhere. This card could truly go anywhere. Not a 5 star. But I, I, honestly, I played it strictly in the Annihilus package while she was bugged. And, and I can't tell you how many games I lost to because she was bugged. I, so many things did not transform for me, and it just, it really hurt. But, you gotta love that deck because of the Hood, Annihilus, and Sentry. All these are cards that you're, you're completely fine. If you end up transforming them and definitely what can I ask you? What costs did you enjoy turning into? What cost the most?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I just gambled the whole thing. Like I obviously the void turning into a five cost was generally pretty beneficial that rarely backfired. I didn't get MODOK'd once, to be honest with you. I had some other crazy stuff happen. I actually had the bug quite often where cards weren't transforming, which was really weird. And that was a little unfortunate, but I think they fixed that. They did fix that. I can confirm that actually. But I liked changing the, the void. The void flip over was awesome. It basically was like, okay, I have the byline. I have the play line of Annihilus or I have the play line of Cersei. If I don't top deck my Annihilus, I got my Cersei play. I can flip the board around. It was pretty interesting from that standpoint. I do think this card will get better with Ereshim coming out because now those six costs that get played on top of will transform into Ereshim. Although, I mean, changing accidentally, changing like a Magneto into an Ereshim is actually a net loss I'll add.

Cozy Snap:

That won't happen too much accident, yeah, accidental wise that won't happen as much. What I like about that is there's a lot of low cost power 6s, right? So you're Your leader can be upgraded to much more power with no effect, which is huge too. You don't have an Arnimzola effect messing you up. You just have it go to that power. So I agree with you there. I, the craziest thing I had, it wasn't the craziest, but one that I loved is I had a Spider Ham go to an armor, and then I had a Three Cost go to a Tuma, and I was like, It was so cool to watch that happen, like, protected the other randomized card. Yeah, I mean, I also think we got carried away with like, You know, the brood and making them all, you know, I think even just a couple cards is awesome for her.

Alexander Coccia:

I never pulled off a single brood combo, not once. Like, even though I had it in a bunch of my decks, it just never really worked out that way. One thing I found is that one of the most popular cards in the game right now, one of the best cards in the game right now is White Widow. White Widow was being played very often against me. And I kind of sat the thing. I'm just going to flip that. Like, I'm just going to flip it into something. Right. Which I thought was pretty cool. The card, man, like. It's had some interesting competitive results, but I don't know if I would ever lean on this card and it's like, I don't know if I would ever take this to like a, like a money tournament or something like that. Like I just don't think really,

Cozy Snap:

I would, if I was the best player in the tournament, I wouldn't, but because I'm not, I want that extra edge, you know, like of that, that shot. And so I played her day one in Dark Hawk with with the Annihilus package. Right. Cause you had two different cards doing what they do, the cork, the rock slide, the hood, the century, they do what they do. And then you simply could finish off with Circe. And that felt great. It felt like an alternative of I'm winning and killing or I'm losing, but I could win if I just played her down on the rock slide in the core. I enjoyed that shell a ton, man.

Alexander Coccia:

So I was playing her primarily in a Annihilus base shell as well. And then I switched over to a Baron Zemo shell with like with Cable and like kind of that like disruption based list. I even ran Yondu. And I had so much fun and I ended up climbing. I climbed quite a bit. Like I was in the top one K playing this. I was the only one playing Baron Zemo and like, it was like, man, I'm actually having so much fun. I'm blowing up their cards with Yondu. I'm stealing stuff. I'm playing their stuff down and then surcing it. It was wild what was happening. And the cube rate wasn't like excessive. Like it's, it's not like I wasn't climbing as fast as I could have with like a more refined list, but dude, I played. I had a smile on my face the whole time. The card was a highlight machine. And I don't know, man, I just, I had this thought. It was like this, one of these shower thoughts. I'm like, I just wish a card like this was more accessible because it could potentially be competitive. I, I, I'm not saying it's not, I think it has potential. Well, no doubt. This is the potential you saw originally. I kind of got flashes of, but at the end of the day, it's like, man, this needed like that demo mode we talked about where like you get, imagine on every single new release. There was like a deck in like the, the, the shop, like the demo deck that you got to queue with, and you got 10 games with it, and it had Circe, and like Glenn, or whoever at Second Dinner Design, what a great idea, man, to just get those reps in, people like, you know what, I do like this card, it's so fun, I bet you would have sold more of these cards, more resources would have been spent, blah, blah, blah, right, and people would have had a chance to try it, instead of FOMOing into it, and being like, oh man, whatever. So, yeah. I just, this card playing it, it was an absolute blast, man. I, I actually love this card in all the ways I didn't think I was going to.

Cozy Snap:

The state that we're at in Snap too, like, it's just have fun, you know? It's like, yeah, you could add one more competitive card to your collection or have one that really has you enjoying the game more. And I think a lot of people want that. So I agree. Super fun. Super chaotic. One of the more crazy cards that we've had, bud.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So what's what are you, so you're landing at like a three and a half?

Cozy Snap:

Probably. And it may, probably a three. Probably a three.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm good at 3, 3. 5. I think it's better than I originally anticipated, honestly. It's way more fun than I expected. And I do think this card ultimately probably still skivable, though. Like, honestly, I'm just gonna be honest with you. If you're out there and you're, like, grinding tokens and grinding spotlight keys with Ereshim coming, and the next month actually looks pretty fire, especially from a spotlight perspective. Perspective man, some of the spotlight caches are really legit. Really good. It definitely feels potentially skippable. Just like Ari

Cozy Snap:

This is way

Alexander Coccia:

better than Macari though,

Cozy Snap:

yes. Oh my gosh, and they synergize So if you want to go full Copia, I was like, okay get the Macari get the Circe man Yeah, good good time with her and definitely I think I saw that across the board Most people had just a fun time playing her as a card

Alexander Coccia:

From a win rate perspective, by the way, she's currently running approximately 50, a low 50% win rate, so 50 51. However, there are one or two decks that are outliers that are running like in the 56, 57 range. So I still think there's gonna be some brewing out there for searcy. So cozy, maybe your original prediction might be right overall, which is

Cozy Snap:

surprising, dude, for a random car to be in the fifties. Like even that like'cause of just the games you can lose for you, you know? But I love to hear man.

Alexander Coccia:

That takes us to our next topic of conversation, which is the best cards in Marvel Snap right now, and we'll be doing it at every single cost. We're going to be talking about the best cards at one through six cost, and these cards are the most meta impactful currently, taking some statistics from the latest patch, and from our play experiences as players. We'd also be very interested in your comments down below as to which cards you are thinking are the best cards at every single cost, something I really love reading. Cozy, we're gonna get started at number one, cost one. Now this is a card that I had to warm up to. And when we talk about Cersei's randomness, no one does randomness quite like Nico Minoru. And out of 20 percent of the meta, this card is most certainly one of the most flexible cards in Marvel Snap. And I have really come around to loving this card, which I know you've always loved. I'm a little late to the train, Cozy, but high five my man, I'm there too.

Cozy Snap:

It's one of the most important I think you can add to your collection. I'm gonna stand by it. I just, it really, it teaches you, remember like you used to play Sarah Control because it taught you a lot of things. I think she kind of teaches you a lot of things too of like, what you can do and just thinking more, you know, behind the strategy of what your deck can do. She adds a new element to it. I would agree. I, I'm gonna come up with my, I don't have notes on my list and I like this. I want to kind of think about what I play. I would definitely have her at the top of the one cast in, in my, in my personal list. So who do you have as like the runner up to her?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, so the way I do it is I always pick a runner up in case Cozy picks my number one. My runner up at 18 percent of the meta, how can we not talk about Kitty Pryde? Like, Kitty Pryde is literally carrying right now. But what's interesting about Kitty Pryde is that it's not about Kitty herself. Kitty's power generation is not all that impressive. She gets to, what, maybe Four, five at best, but of course with Elsa, she gets a little high, but that's because Elsa's there. And then, but you got to consider, oh, what was she, what is she giving to Angela? What is she giving to Athena? All these different things, Kitty Pryde is the ultimate activator in Marvel Snap, but for some, for that reason, she's one of the absolute best one drops.

Cozy Snap:

For sure, I think people get hung up that like, oh, she doesn't, she can't pass like a seven. It's like, but yeah, but Hope Summers, what you've just stated, it's such a huge activator for that deck and that archetype. We just talked about how it's just tough to even rank that archetype. I think I'd probably have Kitty right there. I still think Nebula does what she does best. It's hard to not have her in the, in the conversation.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. But the problem with Nebula is that Kitty prides everywhere, man. Like simply the Nebula, like Nebula's sitting there. She's just getting pumped by Kitty over and over and over again.

Cozy Snap:

Yep. Yep, dude. I think one was easy. Two is, is by far the hard, dude, there are so many two cost cards that could, that could go as, as one of the best in the cost. Like this is the hardest by far.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it is, and I mean, I'm just gonna say, special mention, didn't actually get written down on my notes here, but Thina, I think is too new to really take that coveted spot, but how absolutely cracked is this

Cozy Snap:

card, man? Yeah, I mean, she's in the conversation, no question, dude, she's so good, man, she's so good, but is she better than the other ones we've mentioned? I don't know, I don't even know who you have, but I Take a guess,

Alexander Coccia:

man, come on.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, so

Alexander Coccia:

I Who's the cutest mofo in Marvel Snap? Right here. I, I think Okay, she's also the two, but okay, that's my runner up.

Cozy Snap:

So I, I think Jeff went down because the Pro X thing. I, I would have had him in there two days ago. I don't have him in there as much anymore. I'm like, dude, like number three, number three or four. But I, I, I don't, I don't Hey, listen, I'm not like shocked he's in there. I'm not shocked he's in there. Super valuable. Move cards are just super valuable. And two, three great stats. I just don't think because of how competitive this tier is that I would have him as my one and two personally.

Alexander Coccia:

For the audio listeners, Cozy's flashing White Widow on the screen and man I would, I would agree. White Widow's 22 percent of the meta right now which is pretty impressive. I'm seeing it absolutely everywhere. But Jeff the baby, Landshark Cozy, it is absolutely the best two drop in the game. This is the card. Every single deck can just start with, Oh, I'm building a new deck. Well, we've got to start with Jeff, right? Like you could just do that with every single deck in the game. In fact, here's an absolutely bonkers stats. According to untapped, these are the most recent statistics with the latest patch. Jeff is in 35 percent of infinite decks, 35%. And from my understanding, that's currently the highest in the game. Cozy. So how dare you disrespect. The Baby Landshark. I know, I know.

Cozy Snap:

It's like, dude, 2 is so covered in that spot. It's just such a crazy, there's just so, it's so funny that I can just glaze over Zabu now. Like, back in the day, we would always just, exactly. Yeah, he came in the game at some point, I don't quite remember. But yeah, dude, a lot of contention there. I probably have, like, right now, in the meta that I'm in, White Widow, Thena. Man, but don't sleep on cards like Mysterio. Even Agent in the Right Dex is absolute craziness, bro. He can do a lot. And then, obviously, Angela. There's, again, it's tight at the top.

Alexander Coccia:

Two Cost was one of the hardest ones to do and like, I want to give a special shout out to Pixie. Like, Pixie's not a card that I personally, like, get a lot of cube equity with, but this is another card that you were high on. And we had to grow into it, right? Pixie's really good. And talk about how, like, they play Pixie and they snap. I'm like, Oh God. Oh God, what are they gonna do? Like, I get so nervous. And I often get my cheeks absolutely clapped.

Cozy Snap:

I dude, between Iron Lad and Pixie, those are the two, like, cards that I probably got roasted the most for, for liking. Man, I, I think Pixie deserves to be in a lot of decks, like, a ton of value there. And is such a brain dead easy, like, am I gonna win or not? Like, if you want just kind of like a lazy deck to win, they can make her a 2 0. They're not going to, but they could. And it's just like, okay, it's already gonna do what it did. And I, and that's what I love about her and her synergy. Playing her on two feels good all the time. I like Pixie, I do.

Alexander Coccia:

It's kind of funny how like, we Talking about getting roasted, you get roasted for cards you like. I get roasted for cards I don't like very often. They're like, Alex you said Cannonball was bad! Yeah, I know, it's like It was bad, man, it was bad. And then in the meta it shifted, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. There's also people that don't like watch our updated reviews They just watch like our first kind of segment Yeah, they don't like pick up and like well, sometimes this is better than we expected if you were like Alex You said that whatever it's like, I don't know man. You just can't win

Cozy Snap:

right did I we spoiled a bit Are from the three cost tier list over on my side, but it's got to be the Hope. Yeah, it's got to be Hope.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Hope Summers is incredible. Like this card is so good. And yes, it's another kitty card. And some of it's not even just another kitty card. I, do you know who I play most on Hope Summers? It's Sarah. Cause then you got everything dropped down by one cost, but you have seven energy. That lets you sneak in that abs man. Oh, that abs man with the double surfer all the way across the sky. So intense. I mean, listen, I just absolutely love Hope Summers. And I mean, I can't, this is, this has to be one of the best season pass cards that are released. Cause not only is it really good, but it doesn't feel like it's breaking the game. Does that make sense? Like, it's not like it doesn't need to get nerfed.

Cozy Snap:

No, I don't feel like it does. Like, it, it just is a good card, and you know, I have to adjust, like, my game plan a little bit when I'm going up against it. I don't play her as much as I should, though. I don't. I really don't. I don't play her as much as I should. And that's mainly because, like, I I don't know. It's kind of narrow in some of her stuff, but yeah, just stupid good. Stupid good.

Alexander Coccia:

I want to make an argument for two other cards. Okay. Okay. And I couldn't decide between either of them. Both of them are recent cards, but Nocturne and Red Guardian. I think that they're both really good right now. Nocturne running a 17 percent meta rate, Red Guardian, a 16 percent meta rate. I, I just, I don't think they're as good as Hope Summers overall. Like I think Hope is, is above them, but I do think they're in the conversation for being surprisingly versatile cards. I like Red Guardian more. Nocturne still just hates me. Like it has that Scarlet Witch style. Like, Oh no, you thought you're not going to get screwed. I saw suggestions in the comments, by the way, we were joking about Nocturne. It was like, move her on five. Don't wait till turn six. So you have a chance to respond, man. Like, don't wait till turn six. It will ruin you and you'll be very upset. At least my turn five. You can like retreat or you can be like, okay, whatever. Right. But I think that Red Guardian has really aged well, especially with Tina doing what she is.

Cozy Snap:

We got to go by the tier list. I feel like though. I, I, I get it. I definitely get it. I see why you like those. I would probably have for me. I just, I look at my play rate and that's why I have Storm so high. I just think she just does what she does and, and just feels super reliable there. So it's hard for me not to say a card like Storm. But yeah, for me it's Hope Summers and there's a big drop off, not a big one, but that's definitely like the clear cut number one. But yes, I, I definitely I, I, I get the argument.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I hope Summers is clear cut the number one of the three costs as we're going to four now There are some usual suspects here now. You'd think that maybe oh, maybe we can find listen century got nerfed and You know iron lad still good Jubilee is good with Blink, but at the end of the day, at 20 percent of the meta, Shan Qi still has one of the highest win rates in Marvel Snap, and if you are to think that Shan Qi is not a good card, he's frustrating, I get it, but this is a card that absolutely steals cubes. One of the highest cube rates in the game. People play like Shan Qi doesn't exist, and they don't protect cards, they're not playing Caiera, they're not playing Armors, they're not playing Cosmos. I'm seeing chonky cards sitting in locations just chinning up to Shan Qi, not work that way.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so he's, he's, he's, I mean, he's always going to be there in the conversations, no question. It, it would be impossible not to put him up there in the list. I, I mean, after him, what did you have as the runners up? Because I have a couple that I think are, are obviously still spicy.

Alexander Coccia:

Now this is crazy. So Shawn, she's 20 percent of the meta, but at 7%, I still think Loki deserves respect. I think that in the hands of an incredibly capable and well seasoned Loki player, this is still one of the best archetypes in the game. There's no question that like just playing your cards at a more efficient rate is better. I think that a truly efficient Loki player and someone who's knowledgeable with The meta we'll be able to know like, okay, hold on. I'm against a destroy player. Should I even play Loki? Should I play it on four or five? Like, I think that once you start to get more of a understanding of what you're against, what the meta is, you can better anticipate when your best Loki plays are. I think this card is incredibly high skill cap and still deserves respect, despite the fact that it's dropping in Medi-Share.

Cozy Snap:

I'm just waiting for Quinjet to be in more decks because it's like the most identifiable deck is when you get that quinjet on tiered one. But I, I agree. Yeah, Loki, the single weighted Lee, there's no question he's in there. I, I will stand by Iron Lad. I still think he does what he does to such a great degree. In my personal list there, and my, my shoutout, this is not towards like the top, top end. I think Ms. Marvel's just underplayed. I get it, it's hard to, to, to, you know, get her to think a bit more, but I just think she's underplayed. I don't, I, she's still such a good freaking card of pure power potential.

Alexander Coccia:

What hurt Miss Marvel was all the junk. It's the white widows. It's all that, the Annihilist kicking stuff over, right? That's kind of what did it. And I think and debris, I mean, you just finished talking up debris. I couldn't talk you down off debris. Like you are borderline dating debris at this point. Like we're adding a, now it's a legit love triangle. We've got Arrow. We've got Jean Grey. We've got Debris in there. We're on top of B2

Cozy Snap:

over here.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah. It's good. Top of B tier. I couldn't believe. No, you drew. No, at the end, yeah, you didn't even ask me why you're like, I'm just pushing her to A, Alex. I was like, okay, well, that's me, I

Cozy Snap:

guess. We swapped her. You said, sounds good. He's gaslighting me. No, I, I, debris, I think is low A. I still think, but yes, junk did hurt Ms. Marvel a fair amount. And there's a bit more of control there. Like, it's not as bad as it used to be, but again, shout out to an underrated card in my opinion.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And number five, I mean, there, there's two clear cut cards here. There are two clear cut cards at 24 percent of the meta. We have the one that gives the paddling the Amsterdam mistress herself. Mockingbird. Mockingbird is unbelievable. This card is so good and it's incredible in Gilgamesh. Like how amazing is this card with Gilgamesh? It's amazing in Thanos. Thanos is making a comeback by the way. It's not on our list yet, but it's making, we're almost there guys. And Mockingbird is going to be in those decks. Mockingbird might be one of the absolute, if you're going to do a whole tier list of every single card in the game, it's got to be near the top.

Cozy Snap:

It's crazy how many freaking good five costs there are. There's so many and the best two came out in the last three months. Like it's so, it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. And Mocky Bird is by, well, hold up, hold up, because there's two other ones. They're, who, I'm curious now who you have on your list. Mocky Bird is obviously here. Who's the next one?

Alexander Coccia:

My next one was Annihilus at 9 percent of the map.

Cozy Snap:

Fair enough. I think Blink's in the conversation just as much, but yeah. Oh, for

Alexander Coccia:

sure, man. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Annihilus, but very, not one dimensional because he just needs a couple cards for around him. But he's just such a good counter to, I would probably have, oh man, yeah, Blink and him, they do different things, but yeah, those three control the five slots.

Alexander Coccia:

There's no doubt, man. There's no doubt about it. I still remember when Annihilus launch, we came up and Nihilus. I'm like, no, man, this card is so good. You guys just wait. I remember us having a conversation on Snatch. I were like, this card is rough right now because people are teching for it.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

And Annihilus, it's just been so good. But I like the call on Blink too. Blink's such a great enabler.

Cozy Snap:

Blink, Gilgamesh is cracked now. Darkhawk is Darkhawk. Fives have a lot of strong cards around them, but yeah, but Iron Man, bro. Good God.

Alexander Coccia:

Vision, it's just so good.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's crazy, five, five to me feels like as important as six should be. And speaking of six, there's some pretty clear cut winners on this list, but we did have some, you know, OTA changes to spice up some stuff. What do you have at the top? I want you to lead six, man. Hmm, okay, yeah, so for me, I would say like, if you're not looking at plug and play potential and all that good stuff, I, I'm still a big lover of the Doctor Doom. Like, to me, it's very hard to just get rid of a card of that stature, in my opinion. Yeah, man, on the spot here, what do I like at the, it, I mean, Hela's been doing the Hela thing, Red Hulk does the Red Hulk thing. For me, though, at this given moment, I think Ultron is so freaking crazy. Like, he's just so, yeah, Patriot Ultron, and that's where our minds think, but the guy's just good stats around the board.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no Ultron's definitely fantastic right now. There's no question. And it's funny because right now at the six costs, it feels like they're way more balanced, especially with the change to Red Hulk, right? Red Hulk currently occupying 13 percent of the meta, still a very strong card, but it doesn't feel like it's that much far ahead. And for the same reason why you would pick something like a Doctor Doom, and I love Ultron. I think the change to Ultron has been so good. I still lean towards my favorite being Magneto. 9 percent of the meta. You just cannot go wrong with this card. Are you ever disappointed in playing Magneto? Like, it is just so good. And it makes hella decks. It makes, like, value decks. It's just everywhere. And I think this is legitimately one of the best cards in the game.

Cozy Snap:

Mainly because, like, forever, the decks that don't dip in archetype value, like Destroy, depend on 3 and 4s, and he just handles those decks, right? Like, and he gives you the power. It's just Magneto is, yes, a very, very freaking good card. I this is a bit off topic, but I feel like Sasquatch got so dumped on when he came out, and I don't know why. I think Sasquatch is such a cool card. He's not as good as She Hulk, but I think he's good.

Alexander Coccia:

Which is good, but you know what the problem is? I think that Mockingbird is just better. Like Sasquatch is good. Yeah, of course. But like, I just, I wonder, I wonder, man, I think Sasquatch can get more power. And then, cause if you do 5 9 on Mockingbird and the effect is persistent based on what your board state is, whereas with Sasquatch, you have to dump it on that prior turn. Sasquatch, I think should be a 6 12 and then we're talking. I'm just throwing it out there. I still think the card is good. 6 12, dude. All right. I know it would be nuts, but like, I'm just saying right now, man, Mockingbird's a 5'9 You

Cozy Snap:

could play it on turn three with a, with a Mysterio.

Alexander Coccia:

Then why wouldn't you? Then get Shang Chi'd right in the face.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that, I, I think they both coexist, but yes, he's, he's, he just got kind of, I don't know, kind of dumped on a little bit for what he does, but yeah, those definitely feel like the strongest in, in the Six Gods department.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you, what do you think about the new Thanos, like just generally?

Cozy Snap:

I like him dude, I was playing the hell out of him. I, I thought he was a lot of fun and not as like, you know what I like about him? Is it feels like I'm back at my roots where Thanos could be played anywhere because he has his own self sustaining thing going on. There's so many cards that help him out that you need to put in there but I, people are still trying to figure out the best way to get the guy going. The Professor X change kind of hurt him a bit because he had that niche that he could do you know, go into the X lane or whatever but he's fun. The biggest problem is Spider Ham single handedly destroys Thanos.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it sucks, but I really like that they're making Thanos about Thanos again, right? Originally, playing Thanos wasn't even about playing Thanos. It was about like, Oh, I'm using the Time Stone to cheat BBS out. No, Professor X this and that. It's, I'm happy playing him now. This deck feels like it was always supposed to be this way. I think it still needs some additional refinement, but we're on the right path. It feels like we're on the right path.

Cozy Snap:

I want them to take the Mind Stone down to one and give it, Potentially even zero power. Just, like, if they, if they brought that down to one and gave you no power but it's just a draw, I like that. I like that for the card. I think we're gone away from the old Thanos and I want to see what happens there. But I, I just felt like it felt so good during that time. And now that the Soul Stone isn't what it is, I don't know. I just feel like it's, it's so important to get those stones and, and the Mind Stone being two, it, it can hurt.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, no kidding. I totally agree. A hundred percent. And that takes us to the Snapchat mailbag. We are Zooming through the Snapchat here today, Cozy. And we've got a question and I love this one because Cozy, it's about Costco. What is your favorite item from the Costco food court?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, what a question. Pizza man, the Costco pizza slab. Really? Pizza? You're going with pizza? What is the duty? We got like, three options here. It's like the pizza, there's those rolls that I always regret getting. What do you, what do you like? What do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

What the hell? You're not seeing the Costco hot dog? This is absolutely rude. Have you ever been to a Costco? What, what is wrong with you?

Cozy Snap:

I don't attend the church of Costco like you do. Like I, I'm a, I'm like a, you know, they call the Christers that go to Christmas and Easter services. Like I, I like, maybe I'm that for Costco. I go to Costco. But also, Costco here, man, is like the equivalent of like, that movie with Will Smith and the zombies. It's just like, I'm trying to survive, bro. I'm just trying to get in and out. It's not like a, like I pick, that's your bliss, bro. It's not my bliss. It's just

Alexander Coccia:

not. Is that Hitch you're talking about?

Cozy Snap:

No, no, no, what did I play? I don't, what the, I am legend.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, I've never seen that one.

Cozy Snap:

Eh, you can pass. It's not, it's not like it didn't hold up. I just you know, it was a zombie movie. But yeah, I, I'm not, okay, so, hot dogs. Hot dogs.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll be honest with you. So I do like the hot dog, but I do feel really bad after I eat it. I eat it. I'm like, why did I do that to myself? I'll tell you what we get the most often. We do get the ice cream because my kids want it. And what we do is we don't get the Sundays. We get the ice cream cups and they take the cone and they put them upside down in the cups and my kids love it. My kids absolutely love it. And one thing that's one of my favorite things, by the way, this might sound, this is ridiculous, but like I'm on the Costco subreddit all the time. And people post pictures of, like, Costcos all over the world, and one of my favourite things is, like, this is, you know, in Japan, this is the food court in Japan, it's like sushi and stuff, I'm like, oh, man, it's so awesome, and then they post stuff from, like, Mexico, and it's totally different, I'm like, I love that, man, I just love it.

Cozy Snap:

I kid you not, when I, it was with Alex in person, he, like, pulls his wallet out, and I, I, it's, like, black Costco cards, like, laminated, it has, like Got like gold stickers on it for like, customer of the month, they, they must love you over there. I'm actually gonna go to my San Diego Costco and be like, have you heard of Alex Coccia? Like, yeah, yeah, we all have. He's a legend.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you'd think that they'd like sponsor this podcast based on how often the Costco comes up. I even wear the Kirkland signature shirt every once in a while.

Cozy Snap:

Oddly. What a way to open up the mailbag, a little Costco, a little Costco love. Okay, question two.

Alexander Coccia:

Alright, let's, let's bring it to actual Marvel Snap here. Do you think Thana should have been the season pass card and Gilgamesh? Should have been the spotlight card. Now, notably, this was before the buff and change. This question was asked, but it kind of brings an interesting question to mind. Like how do they pick the season pass cards versus the spotlight cards? Could Dina have been switched with Gilgamesh cozy?

Cozy Snap:

Hmm. I think Dina is more narrow, narrow by design. So like same as Gilgamesh, like probably, I think you really want to make things go wild. I think you have Airsham. That's the season pass card. Just give everyone a super fun card. Completely eradicates and changes the way you play the game.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree with that 100%. The reason why I would have leaned towards Gilgamesh being the correct choice is that it's, it's a card that can go into even early pool decks. We're talking about Zoo being the best place for him right now, right? Like, why the hell wouldn't you give that to a pool one player who's just starting out?

Cozy Snap:

But Airship would be so cool because then you're giving players in pool one access to random cards, which I think is also kind of cool.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I know, but then they won't buy the actual cards.

Cozy Snap:

Well, Loki was a season pass, so.

Alexander Coccia:

I know. I still think, I still think if they're going to do like new player catch up bundles. It's a new quota. This is

Cozy Snap:

our quota now. We have this, this is a new, in our quotas of like Loki should be the achieve pool one card. Alex, you hit it. You checked it off. Thank you.

Alexander Coccia:

Thank you very much. I appreciate that. As the next question comes in, why does it feel like the whole community, even the whales, silently agree on not interacting too much with the collectible borders? How could that system be improved to be more attractive to us? And Cozy, I like this question because you just finished flashing a Thanos with a red cosmic border on the screen. It did look pretty nice, I gotta tell ya. One of three that I think about the collectible borders?

Cozy Snap:

One of three that I have. Yeah, I mean, we talked about it last week with the roadmap, I think. Yeah, wait for it. I hate them. I mean, I don't hate them. I just think they should go in the, in the caches, right? Like Put them at a 1 percent rate, 2 percent rate, and the whole, like, I think they introduce them like, well, if people want to buy them, let them buy them. I think it's cool to have things that are hard to get and rare to get and, like, you play the game and you get rewarded as such. And so, you know, I think it, man, like, I think it's fun to see, like, a guy have all blue borders or whatever. But it would be cool to have, like, a blue border and it would be more, if they didn't buy it, it'd be more like, oh, wow, look at that, they got that from a cat, whatever. That's, I think that's the easy fix to it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. I do think that it should be achievable in the collection track. I mean, that is, that is such an easy win for everybody making, like playing this game and like the collection track is so integral to the entire experience of Marvel Snap, that would be such a huge improvement and I've not bought a one yet. I do think the new cosmic ones are awesome. Whoever the artists that worked on that, by the way, so good, man. It's, they're so well done. I really liked the blue one, by the way, it makes, it just works with every card. The contrast is really nice. But I have a couple like God splits that I've thought about putting them on. And I'm like, no, can't do it. I can't do it. I just can't do it. And I've refused to buy it, but I might crack eventually just for one or two cards.

Cozy Snap:

I think Arrow, I have Arrow, Pixel, Coulson, and that Thanos. Those are the three that I have. Oh, Pixel Coulson, you have to. That makes perfect

Alexander Coccia:

sense. Alright, our next question comes from Spystar. This will probably never happen, but do you think that Second Dinner will ever release a dozen cards at once like they did in 2022? Also, do you think Firestar will resurface?

Cozy Snap:

Hot take, take a whole month off and fix some core things in the game and then release a bunch, like 10 cards in one month.

Alexander Coccia:

So you're saying don't do any spotlights, just fix the game and then release a whole bunch of cards like they did with the She Hulk one?

Cozy Snap:

Season pass card. Don't release anything else that month. Work on some UI performance fixes, if you will, whatever. Next month, you double it up.

Alexander Coccia:

Bro, then what the hell are we going to talk about? Nah, dude. Costco. Golf. It's done. Sold. Make it happen. Ben Brode. Thank you guys so much for watching. We really appreciate you. And we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

We appreciate you guys coming again. And if you so choose, you guys can actually text us. It doesn't text our numbers, but it texts us a question from, I believe, it's Spotify. And we will get those questions. Thanks, guys. It could be the mailbag, or it could just be something for us, we love to, to get those, and yeah. You guys have a good one, have a great one, until the next one, happy snappin'

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