The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New Season: The Celestials' Finest | May Cards In Review | IGN Live Announcement | The Snap Chat Ep. 83

June 03, 2024 Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 31
New Season: The Celestials' Finest | May Cards In Review | IGN Live Announcement | The Snap Chat Ep. 83
The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
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The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast
New Season: The Celestials' Finest | May Cards In Review | IGN Live Announcement | The Snap Chat Ep. 83
Jun 03, 2024 Season 2 Episode 31
Cozy Snap

Will Gilgamesh and the new season pass cards end up being the most unique season yet? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in May? What will be announced at IGN Live? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

Have a question or comment for Cozy and Alex? Send them a Text Message.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Will Gilgamesh and the new season pass cards end up being the most unique season yet? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in May? What will be announced at IGN Live? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

Have a question or comment for Cozy and Alex? Send them a Text Message.

Cozy Snap:

What's going on guys? Welcome back. We have a brand new season of Marvel Snap and it's the Eternals. We have a lot of crazy cards with pretty powerful effects and Alex and I are going to break them all down, talk about the synergy and most importantly, which ones should you have your eye on? Gilgamesh is going to kick things off this coming Tuesday alongside Thena. And we have a lot of thoughts here. We're going to talk about them all today on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia, May is gone, June is here, the Eternal Season is about to be live, and we have ourselves an exciting episode of the Snap Chat. How you doing, bud?

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, I'm doing great. I'm actually really excited for this next upcoming season. I think the cards are pretty cool. I'm excited to rewatch Eternals actually. It was a movie that I enjoyed and I want to watch it again. And while I was like watching the trailer, I was like, we actually don't have Icarus in this season. I don't know if anyone noticed that, but like, he's literally what he's like, The Eternal, kind of, and he's just not in it, which I thought was a little weird. I don't know if that is derailing our conversation already, but Icarus is not in it.

Cozy Snap:

We have, I think there's going to be two Eternal seasons, if I were to take a guess. Yeah, I was shocked at kind of who they picked and what not, and they're probably, I don't know, saving for Upcoming seasons. If you haven't seen Eternals, I think it's really good. There's a lot of characters. There's a lot to fit into a short movie, but the content's there. And I think it, it kind of got slipped on as far as like a pretty good movie goes. Again, it's been Brode's favorite. I think that's a bit of a hot take by a long stretch, but either way, really recognizable characters in Marvel. And it's cool to have a season with that coming off a season with not a ton of recognizable characters. But one of the better seasons that we've had and we enter this one. Bro, you're never gonna guess what I'm doing this upcoming weekend. In fact, like, so many people don't know this, so now I guess it's finally, I can, I can talk about it. I am marrying, I am now Reverend Cozy. To you, Alex. Reverend, that's what I need you to refer me as in the Snapchat, in the comments. I am marrying Dexter this weekend to his lovely fiancee, Lils, and dude, I'm, I'm not a reverend. I am I went to becomeareverend. com and, and, and here, here I am.

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, is this, is this serious? Like, you're actually marrying, like, you're, you're performing their marriage?

Cozy Snap:

Straight up, I'm like the dude in the middle. Like, I'm gonna be in their wedding photos forever. Cozy, Cozy Snap, Reverend Cozy. I asked if I could wear a robe, but they said no. I have to wear a suit. I was hoping to wear, like, you know, something. Something cool. Yeah, I don't know. Wizard hat robe? Yeah, a wizard hat would be dope. Yeah, he's gonna hear this Snapchat and be like, You know what? We we found, we found someone else. I'm thinking of throwing in a couple, maybe like Cerebro. Like, there's gonna be like three people that even know Snap in the audience and I might throw something in there every now and then. Maybe say, Oh Snap, before their vows. Something to, just a slight piss off to Dexter for all the, for all the love he's given me over the years. But yeah, man, Reverend, I'm gonna be marrying them this weekend.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I gotta get you to come to Canada. Maybe do like a ceremony where you renew my vows with my wife. I think that'd be beautiful. We could livestream it.

Cozy Snap:

No, I'm just saying, if YouTube doesn't work out, I'm just gonna go down the Reverend path, you know? Just kinda drive around, marry people. It's gonna be it's the new thing. Maybe I'd make a channel on it. What if I got a van? And I drove around and it was like mobile weddings, like right then and there. You can join.

Alexander Coccia:

What if you had like an 18 wheeler, but the whole back was a chapel and then people would step into the 18 wheeler, like the whole backside and it's like a long chapel with like seats in it and everyone can sit in it. So you could literally back into people's driveways and officiate a wedding.

Cozy Snap:

What if we drove to for efficiency? I'd be like, where's your honeymoon? And we just take them there and do the vows on the road.

Alexander Coccia:

What if you converted the, okay, so it's a chapel and then everyone's like, yay, they get married. They exit the chapel. They take pictures. When they come back to your semi truck, your 18 Wheeler, you've now converted the box into the, a party bus. And then you drive them while like techno is like blaring. And then like, they just like, you know, party up.

Cozy Snap:

This sounds cheap. I think we should do it. It's like what? Half a mil to get this started. And then we just, I'm going to pitch this to Dexter Beck. Hey, Forget the wedding deposit. Weddings on the go. Cozy weddings on the go is what I'll call it. TM. It's already trademarked before you guys can take it. So that's what I'm doing, but what we're doing today is talking about the Eternal Seasons ranking and talking about every card coming out. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Alright Cozy, it's one of our favourite episodes of the year. We go back in time, we take a look at our rankings and how they played out for the May season. We're going to be holding ourselves accountable and discussing our cards in the past season. We'll also be discussing the IGN Live announcement now. Second Dinner has hinted that there is a big announcement coming this coming weekend. We have no idea what it is, but that doesn't mean we can't speculate. And then finally, we have our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Looking forward to talking about all of it, man, and especially, again, strong season. Looking back at what we said, we have a very interesting season. You know, it's tough because I think, you know, without spoiling our verdicts, I think it's obviously one of the best ones we've had. So, like, comparable, it's gonna be tough, but very unique cards with interesting abilities, and I think we have a lot of great cards at that. Remember, guys, we try to keep it one star, or one card gets five star, and that's kind of the goal here as we rank them whether it's just, you know, 5s, not 5s, but we do start With the Season Pass card, my friend, and Gilgamesh. And Gilgamesh is a 5 cost. He did get reworked a little bit to what he was. 7 power on reveal, plus 1 power for each of your other cards in play with increased power. So that just means anything, not like Shaw, it doesn't have to be permanent power. It's just anything with power. Let's start with the star rating, bud.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm leaning towards a four star card. I feel like this card looks like it's going to be pretty good. It has a couple challenges, particularly at being a five cost, whereas like something like blue Marvel, which would obviously benefit it also being five costs. So then like, they kind of step on each other's toes a bit, but I think this is pretty legit. I do however, think it has a lower ceiling than that of Blink, like in my opinion, like I, I saw Blink as like being a breakthrough card for certain archetypes. I don't know if Gilgamesh does that, but I'd be happily surprised if I'm wrong.

Cozy Snap:

Blink's a good comparison to a lot of cards we're going to talk about today because she's kind of the new, like, the ceiling, right? Like, can you, can you match what Blink does? And we know what Blink did to the Meta Gilgamesh. Is one of those that I think will age like fine wine. I think he's gonna have, he's gonna introduce, in my opinion, a kind of a new playstyle. You do, looking at his stuff, you do have to dip into his kit. You can't really have him as too much of a plug and play card. You kind of have to dig into his kit to really get the value here. You know, if you get four cards even, you're looking at that 511. That we're kind of, you know, going wild about with Nomura. And that was just her, like, low potential. Gilgamesh. Yeah, you give them a four, you said? It's, it is close. I think I'm going to go As of this moment of three and a half, and I'll probably say here's soon a four. I think he's got that potential. Let's start with kind of his best synergies, and we already pulled it up when you were talking about him. I think this is, even though it's the same cost, the most notable. We have super easy ways, like Hope Summers now, to get to, you know, playing cards easier. Blue Marvel, guys. So you play Blue Marvel and no matter what you played before, they're gonna get their increase, right? So if you have low cost cards out there or even like easy to curve out cards, you're getting yourself a pretty solid yoga mesh right out the bat. And you know, a lot of people kind of go to different Blue Marvel fits in a lot of different decks and probably one of my favorite synergies with him is Iron Lad because he's already working with some of these other cards that he likes to play with and, and certainly having Iron Lad with maybe Gilgamesh or Iron Lad to get an early Blue Marvel is gonna be pretty advantageous, but Alex, none other than, and we thought this a little bit, Sasquatch just came out. We thought he was gonna help Zoo. I think this could truly be That next tier for Zoo. A lot of cheap cards you can play. You have Kezar, that is Blue Marvel, okay? You have the Blue Marvel on top of that. But Alex, I think this is it, man. You go with a simple Squirrel Girl or Shawna, you're having three cards, four cards, seven cards out. Boost him up, Gilgamesh is the finisher.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, I agree 100%. I was leaning towards Kezar being one of the better synergies because you had the option of playing Gilgamesh on curve if required. But, it's notable that although he won't get the, like a double buff if you have Kezar out and you play Blue Marvel, and then on turn 6 you play Gilgamesh. What's very notable, and I love that you mention it, is something as simple as Squirrel Girl into Gilgamesh. We'll give him additional procs because you can play them on the same turn on turn six and the squirrels will come out, get buffed, of course, if your order is correct, and then you play Gilgamesh as the finisher, right? Now, I think one of the challenges here is, are you going to be able to manage the macro side, the space side? Because, like, you only got four slots per location and Gilgamesh is going to want to occupy one. But like, there is a lot of power potential with this card, in particular for Zu. I agree 100%. I

Cozy Snap:

like the score girl tech. I didn't think about that. Like, you already have the Kesarite, then you throw the SG out, and it's you know, we love those 5, or 1s in 5 plays. We saw that with like, Namor, even Blink, we've seen that where you can swap out a 1 at the last turn, maybe a Nebula, whatever. Yeah, the things that, there's a lot to like about him. I think this might be one of his better decks, because it's a true deck to him. I said a three and a half earlier. I think by the end of the season, he could be a four because of some cards that are coming out to help him out as well. He isn't gonna be on the level of Blink. I think we can all know that, but I also don't think he's gonna be as pigeonholed as something like Shaw or even Scar. He feels like a better Baron Zemo for that matter as well. We're gonna have to see kinda how he adjusts, but yeah. Zoo was my immediate thing that I liked right away because you have the potential. If you know how to do board space, you have a big potential here with an easy counter of Killmonger, but so be it. Counters exist. The other thing I thought about is He's just straight up, no matter what, just a better Black Panther in my eyes, right? Think about what Black Panther does. You've got the one trick pony of what he does well, and that's typically playing Wong on four, Black Panther on five, Arnim Zola on six. I think straight up, I would just rather play potentially Wong on four. I don't know how many cards you'll have boost up, so you'll have to figure out how to do that. But even if you don't do the Wong, even if you just focus on Black Panther's kind of niche, playing him in a lane, getting his bonuses, whatever they may be, let's say it's plus four, plus five, and then you can Ornn and Zola that, it's kind of the same thing, but almost better and more widespread, because you can do different things with the synergy.

Alexander Coccia:

You're literally queuing up the Reddit posts of like the Gilgamesh mom, I want Gilgamesh, we have Gilgamesh at home, and Gilgamesh at home is Black Panther, right? Like, it's 100 percent right, like, the loops you have to jump through to get Black Panther to actually pop off, it's just, it's insane. And, it goes to show you just how weak Black Panther is right now Okoye and Nakia have seen time in Surfer decks. With Sebastian Shaw. And they have not performed that poorly, like 54%. Win rate not popping off, but pretty legitimate. I know because I played a ton of it. But Gilgamesh is just naturally so much higher as a baseline than Black Panther. Black Panther starts off In a way where it's like you need to invest so much more. I feel like Gilgamesh will be a much more natural fit with a higher ceiling. I actually, I don't know if I would say that you get the pop off Black Panther ceiling is insane. It is insane, but I think the floor is way higher.

Cozy Snap:

He's all about the ceiling. And I think like, if they wanted to buff him, just lean into that more. Cause people know now, if you play Black Panther, like get out of it. It's not like he's like, Oh my God, he Arnim Zola, the Black Panther. What just happened? But on that note, I just think having a backup plan, Black Panther, there's no backup plan. And in fact, you just said it, playing him on 6 is great, playing Black Panther on 6 is kinda bad. What are some other things that he does well, Alex? I think Ironheart. We've seen this, man. We're getting so many different on reveal packages. Ironheart, into Wong, into Gilgamesh, into Odin. You're gonna have the Ironheart re trigger, get everything all boosted up again. Twice, because the Wong, and then you're gonna have Gilgamesh twice do his thing. More than that because of Odin. So that's like really heavy winning one lane. Yes, but you're gonna be boosting a ton on another. There's a lot of possibility here.

Alexander Coccia:

Another thing that's worth noting about Gilgamesh, and something that I'm trying to evaluate better as I take a look at new cards, are locations. This came to the forefront with Mockingbird, who I actually think is going to be a winner with Gilgamesh as well, because I think Mockingbird's going to benefit from the type of decks Gilgamesh is going to go into. We talked about Squirrel Girl on turn 6, but you can very well play Squirrel Girl on turn 1, and then have a very, very inexpensive you know, Mockingbird to come out later on, which then benefits the Blue Marvel, etc, etc. But, what I'm trying to say is that Gilgamesh, think about like Xandar. Which gives a location, everyone gets plus one. Muir Island, plus ones after every single turn. You know, Wakanda Embassy. There are tons of locations that buff cards. And Gilgamesh is going to benefit from that.

Cozy Snap:

There's a lot of them. Like more than you know, we need to eventually like have a chart of like there's this many destroy locations, there's this many like destroy just does well because of the sheer amount of like yeah, there's only, you know, they've scaled them back a bit but the pure offense on defense kind of mentality like the opponents can't use those locations at all to their benefit You're getting such a massive increase here with Gilgamesh. I do agree. Do we think he's going to, I think there's going to be versions of Patriot, versions of Silver Surfer with Gilgamesh. Those are obviously other ways to boost up cards. You got the classic Forge into Brood into Absorbing Man. I think that's just an easy, no brainer, great Gilgamesh home. But I think that's gonna work when we have a card that comes out later this month, and I think that's actually the design for him in the whole Surfer package, and then you can use him with Shaw as well.

Alexander Coccia:

You must be some sort of telepath, like Jean Grey or Emma Frost or something, because honestly, you read my mind. Patriot Surfer, I think, is a great spot for Gilgamesh, 100%. For the exact reason you said, Boosted Broods, you have the Absorbing Man, but I also think that those decks could take advantage of someone who we have forgotten about, and that's America Chavez. You could, in theory, use America Chavez to, you know, take a chance at boosting some of those key cards, but then, in theory, it's also a plus one on the side for Gilgamesh. So, once America Chavez, you're like, oh, this card sucks, but all of a sudden, now you're boosting the card you're playing or drawing, Gilgamesh also gets a plus one as well. So, you might see a comeback of that Patriot Surfer style of deck with an America Chavez slotted in at one.

Cozy Snap:

I like it, man. I've got two other, yeah, Chavez, by the way, is a card that just as often, just forgot about ever since they took her away from that six cost spot. My question is, well, let me say this. I've got two super spicy takes on Gilgamesh that he can work into, but I'll give you the floor. Do you have anything else to wrap up your side of Gilgamesh and his synergy?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think that people are kind of sleeping on just how many cards get that boosted power. I'm going to name off some examples. Kitty Angela, Dazzler. Right? Like, tons. And in theory like, I actually see Silver Surfer coming out with, like, Sarah out, Gilgamesh in, which I think is going to be pretty interesting, but, like, even a Sarah Sarah, not Sarah, sorry, even an Angela, Kitty, Elsa deck, I mean, those cards are constantly being buffed, right? That's a great point, yeah. Angela, then you have the Kitty, so that's two right off the top. Elsa. Exactly, right? And then all of a sudden, Gilgamesh is actually pretty huge. I think there's a lot of boosted power in, like, a Silky Smooth style package.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, I, yeah, it's funny, I didn't even, like I don't know why, put together that, yeah, Giddy Pride is just like a natural way to get up, and Angela, that's two cards right off the bat. And we've seen it, it's just not hard to boost up cards fast. And get more out kind of than ever. So that is a great point. You know, I always like to look at the, the, the crazy chaos that can happen. And sometimes that chaos turns into a deck that does work. We saw it with the Nomura and the Colossus Cosmo builds. Here are my two. First of all, we already mentioned Wong. I do want to bring him up again. Tell me this. If you do have a package that works out and you play down enough early cards and you get Wong out, do you think there's a world where Gilgamesh plays on Wong? On five, boost up to God knows what. You could even do your Squirrel Girl, you know, whatever. But most likely, you do Wong, Gilgamesh into Taskmaster. Is this a new Taskmaster card with kind of insane potential? Because if you get the Wong down, you're looking at, I mean, how big of a card? I mean, he could get up to like, what, 1870? I, it's probably not as good as Shuri, maybe, but I, I do think there's a world.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm trying to think, because if you think about like the high end of like even just Typhoid Mary, Red Skull, all those cards, with Shuri, I don't, I don't know if he can get that high, but you're not wrong, because he'd benefit from a Wong package, and you could even then Zola that, right? Like, you could literally do, you could replace the Black Panther from those types of decks, And you get the best of both worlds. You got the Zola play or you got the Taskmaster play. I think it's pretty interesting. I don't know if it gets high enough though. Like I, you got me thinking of what that deck would look like. I love when you put these ideas in my head because the wheels start churning, right? The wheels start churning.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I'm trying to think like you've got, let's say best case scenario, you have one, two, three, four, let's say like five cards out there that I boosted up at some point. You play him down on 1, let's maybe call it 4, he gets plus 4, goes to an 11, plus 4, yeah, so I don't know, I don't know how big he'll actually get. But I do think it could also just work with Sherry, because Sherry's boosting cards, and we'll have to see kind of if that is even a thing. Or like the either or option, you play Nomura or him, or whatever, depending on the scenario at hand. Here's my even more spicy one that I don't I might be cooking a little too much here, man, but hear me out. Ongoing. You got a bunch of ongoing cards. You have Spectrum. Problem with that is, you can't play Spectrum until turn 6, right? How do you do that? We talk about this card being slept on all the time, Alex, and this could be a time where you have a defensive card playing the part in the role. You could play Supergiant on 4, Gilgamesh on 5, is this Shesskis? Spectrum on 6, you boost all those ongoings that you had, okay? Or at least a good good amount of them. Gilgamesh comes out at the end there. It's boosted up. I

Alexander Coccia:

like it. I love it. Honestly, I'm a big fan of Supergiant decks. Like one of my best Kyuuburi decks that I play personally is a Supergiant based deck. I love it, and I think this card is like, it needs a couple more synergies to really pop off. And even to your point, like, you could even consider Supergiant into Taskmaster, then create a pop off for your Gilgamesh, right? Like, so, there's a couple different lines you could maybe approach with.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I like it. I think there's a lot of potential here, and Supergiant's just a natural anti synergy to things like Loki, and Sarah, and, and, and Jane Foster. There's a lot of decks that she single handedly counters while you're also building up potential, and you'd be surprised how much, like, just look at the last two seasons of great five cost cards we've had. That are essential to play on Curve for the most part too, like Blink. She shuts down a ton of great cards. That's my cook of the season. But yeah, Alex brought up a great point, guys. There's a lot more things that boost than you think. Even Carnage, Venom, Destroy decks, even though very tight on Synergy. And how those decks kind of work in general. You have you know, that Ecosphere. You can have Mob or Morbius with Discard. There's a lot out there. There's a lot out there, and I think Gilgamesh, Ultimately, it's going to be kind of an all in boosted deck, but it'll be cool to see him splash into these other options.

Alexander Coccia:

It's also notable here that one of the things I was thinking about and I would like your take on with Gilgamesh is I had this thought of like, okay, Scar and Sebastian Shaw, very niche, very focused, right? Even Blink is pretty focused as a card. I think it just does a remarkable job at what it does. Gilgamesh has much more of a wide application. I don't think it's nearly as wide as Hope Summers, but I'd like your opinion on Hope Summers as a season pass card versus something like Gilgamesh. The idea that they have this wider applicability, which I feel like. Gives them an opportunity to have more of an impact on the meta.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I mean, I think we've seen it, right? If they have things like Hope Summers, even Blink. And he reminds me of Blink in just different ways. Like it's a single card that can be used very versatile. Maybe not the best comparison Blink is miles better, but yeah, I mean, that's, that's the key and that's what we talk about here. Baron Zemo, cool card, cool interaction, great value, very pigeonholed, very, even with the stats. I remember when he came out, I'm like, I don't know if we're going to see this in like four months. I just don't like, it's just very pigeonholed. And kind of the flavor of the month. When you get season pass cards that aren't flavors, but truly like deck builders, things like Gilgamesh, potentially could slot in there. But then you have ones like Hope that are instantly great. So yeah, I mean, those are the ones you definitely want to go all in on. And it looks like we have about like a 1 to 2 ratio on that, right? Like they do one obvious, Two fun cards, one odd, and then it goes back and forth. With that, let's go ahead and move on to Thena, Alex. And this is gonna be the double new card week. This will be our first spotlight week. And Thena is a card that I've seen a lot of opinion on. And I'm excited to break her down. Thena is pretty simple in concept. Two cost, one power card after each turn, plus three power. If you played exactly two cards, alright, after each turn. So lot of interesting mechanics going on here. I do believe Fina does count herself in the later rounds if you're able to play her and one other card. Let's start.

Alexander Coccia:

Let's go. Star ratings. What do you got? I'm nervous about this one.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I am too. I

Alexander Coccia:

originally had it as a 4, but I think I'm gonna drop it down to a 3. I'm, I think I'm gonna stay at 3. The reason why I say this is because I think that the condition's gonna be trickier to pull off than expected. If you, if you don't have Kitty Pryde. If you have Kitty Pryde, I think you have a snap condition on your hands. But I think most decks will have a trickier time playing exactly two cards on each turn. But I mean, again, then the question is, like, how many times do you really need to proc her to get value? I don't know, this card I feel so weird about.

Cozy Snap:

That, so that, that is why I, mm. I'm tempted, I think I'm gonna go four because of the just the value it's it's it's tough because we we look at value and how hard it is to achieve but two seven pretty easy you would think to achieve with this one especially now here's the thing to your point kind of pigeonholed Kitty Pryde is by far, by far the package, and you're amplifying that deck by so much, which is why I want to give her such a great rating, because that deck is everywhere. I mean, we have seen that so much. Little mover decks, bounce decks. There's gonna be decks that can work with her. But man, I 2 7 is so good with not a lot of drawback that already floats into something that you're trying to do. It just comes down to how hard is this to pull off reliably on a consistent basis. And so I do think this is probably one of the harder cards to rank, but it reminds me of Namor in the sense that people are just like, Yeah, you can do crazy, crazy things with it, but The base value is pretty much there, and I love that about her, and I do think she's going to fit into more decks than you might think.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, I'm, hmm, it's very, very hard to evaluate. Conditions like this can be tricky to read in advance, right? The deck building is going to be a major consideration, right? Very efficient decks that are able to utilize this will be important. Like, the line that I see is Kitty Pride on 1, Angela 2, Athena Kitty Pride on 3. That buffs Athena as she goes down while hitting the Kitty Pride. Okay. Omega turn. But then it's like, okay, what do you do then? Right now? You're still playing the Kitty pride, but then like, what do you play? Like a Summer's probably into Hope

Cozy Snap:

in a kitty into vision into kitty, something like that. Like where you're already working and you're already getting that, that, that tech is good. You know what? I'm bumping down to 3. 5. I agree. I don't think I can give her a four star in practicality. Cause I'm just thinking of what I gave Gilgamesh, which was a 3. 5 going to about a four.

Alexander Coccia:

You mentioned balance, but like I was thinking about balance. I don't think balance wants to always play exactly two cards either. Like, there's often times where they're like, well, I just Beasted all this stuff. I want to play more than two because if I, if I, what am I just leave this Iceman sitting in my hand? Cause I want to give plus three to Dina, I guess. Like I think that, especially with Beast now being on reveal for the next turn, like you're often going to want to pull your stuff down and Dina coming out on turn two or three means like you kind of run out of time quickly to get her value. But at the same time, Colleen Wings a two, four. And I think that's nice stats. I play Colleen Wing with pretty good confidence, so like, but I mean, I guess she's hitting something too, like she has that synergy. It's like, Athena at 2 7 is pretty good, isn't it?

Cozy Snap:

It's gonna, yeah man, right? It's gonna be so tough, because it, you're gonna go into situations too where you have the optimal play, but then you can also play two cards, and it's like, you almost need to not care about playing the Athena. She's great, she's still playable late game, which I do like, again, I think that's just solid. Sarah, let's just talk about it. I think Sarah decks are the, one of the, you know, greater examples of what you can utilize with Fina. Ravonna Renslayer, she's a one. I think Ravonna and Sarah are naturals. You can play probably two cards. You can get around there. The value in what she has makes me want to give her a higher ranking. The consistency has me scared. Truly going to take some good amount of testing and diversity. Because on release, I don't want to just play a kiddie pride deck and be like, yeah, you know, it works. I want to see kind of more into it. And, and Thena potentially just has, it just has it, man. She, I, again, any other synergies outside the main ones, I think move cards, Ravonna and Sarah, those are the ones I had.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, the one that I have, I think is Hope Summers is going to be critical to these decks for the same reason why Sarah, right? Like Hope Summers gives you that opportunity to generate that additional energy, which can be used to drop more than one card. But like, I, I got to push back a little bit. Like it's. I want to be wrong, but I have a hard time envisioning this card being wildly successful outside of that, like, that, like, Kiddie Pride Elsa package. Like, it's just, it is, there are very few cards. I mean, Loki maybe? Maybe Loki? But then, like, do you really want to play two cards with Loki on turn five and six?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, again, I think, like, we, when we used to evaluate cards, we've talked about this before, we, like, just saw the value. And we were just like, whoa, you know, all the time, upside if it happened. Black Swan,

Alexander Coccia:

five stars.

Cozy Snap:

Oh my, who would say? No, no, seriously though, I think when Black Swan's actually a good example, like, it kind of pigeonholes you to do certain things. On paper, it could be we could look silly. This could be an obvious four star. We're going to talk about that next week on your side. We're going to be like, yeah, okay, this just worked no matter what. And wow, I played a lot more too. I haven't paid attention to how many times I just played two cards. But I would imagine in that one package, kind of like Nocturne, which we said about her. If you play that style of deck, You're gonna have a card. And this card will age like fine wine, like we always say. I think there's gonna be more archetypes that come out and things that come out. So you do have that going for you. 2 4, 2 7. High potential. We'll see. We'll see if it works out. All right, buddy. Next up, we've got Macari. And when we did the original, like It was a couple months ago. Like, hey, this season's coming out and they were a little bit different. You liked the card. I didn't like the card. You liked the card. So I'm gonna actually give this one more to you. But we'll start with the star ratings. If you don't know, Three cost, three power card after the turd runs from your hand to a random location, if possible. Alex, you sticking where you gave? I don't even remember what you gave her, but I know you liked her. Do you like her still?

Alexander Coccia:

This is funny. I liked her. I don't remember like her. Oh my god. Yeah, you did. Yeah. Yeah, I did. I did. Okay. Well, because I don't like her anymore. ha ha

Cozy Snap:

she was a temporary fling just a little like had a little crush on her and it's

Alexander Coccia:

Crush, maybe. Okay. All right, but I think it's the weakest card of the season.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah No question the weakest card of the season like When I think it was on the trailer, like, it's great in Silver Surfer, it's like, no, it's not the same as 7, 000 other cards and also like, yeah, no, I'm, I'm fine. Like there are niche situations. Words cool, you know, if you happen to the problem is with Surfer, you almost never you're like, emptying your hand out, right? Like, you're you're like, you're good on energy. She might introduce a new, more not greedy Surfer, but you can, like, you cut the Sarah as we've talked about and kind of go that approach. Who can like, I if she was like a four, maybe with better stats, like a But yeah, I don't know, man. Like, Proxima Midnight is just, like, worlds better than this card.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, there's no question. Now, if you want to cope a little bit, if you go back to the like. If you go back to like these Sarah surfer decks with Sebastian Shaw, Akoye and Nakia, in theory, this will be a three, four hit by Nakoye comes out for free, which is not bad. And then if you ha if you happen to have it, you have to top deck it and then play Nakia On Twitter, like it's just the top tech side of it, which is very weird. I don't know, man. I don't like it in Silver Surfer at all. Plus the best versions of Silver Surfer, whether it's straight up Silver Surfer or Surfer Patriot are going to be using Brood and Absorbing Man. And I think that we can get cute and fancy and start cutting those cards. But I don't think that, man, I don't think you can. I think those cards are way too impactful for that archetype. And then what you, you play down like a brood and then McCurry just blocks that lane off. You're like, well, screw me, I guess. Right? Like, I think that, I think the card is potentially problematic from the randomness standpoint.

Cozy Snap:

So the only, yeah, that good points by the way, like that kind of like sums up why I don't think it's just going to be like, Oh, a surfer card. You like surfer play this card. The one place where I thought, you know what, this is actually kind of cool. Is I think Dex, now they got rid of a life. But decks that do love priority, this could be cool. So you could have it, you could get it in the first turn, it plays itself. You're probably having a good shot from that point on to, to assert yourself with priority. And then you play things like Negasonic Disruption decks to have, you know, Spider Man or Polaris pull things around. Kind of those toxic mobs through decks. Like, it's an early priority card, and that's kind of rare in the game, and I think, if you do, what you know, before turn three, you probably have a decent chance to get her on a consistent basis there, it's half the game. That's where I kinda like her. We just don't have enough of those cards, though. Love priority.

Alexander Coccia:

You know where Macari is incredible? TVA games.

Cozy Snap:

TV. Hey, there it is, man. There's the clip right there. Five star. I do

Alexander Coccia:

have an actual deck though. I do have an actual deck. There is one place where I think Macquarie might be legitimately fantastic in and it's Cerebro 3.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Because it comes down as a three and oftentimes with Cerebro, you just want bodies on the board and you're often in situations where you're like, man, I can't play everything. Cerebro can't dump its hand as effectively as say a Silver Surfer can. So you might be in a situation where you top deck Makkari and you're able to play Mystique and and Cerebro on that turn and have Makkari come fill a location, which I think is pretty cool. That's the one place where I think it might be very applicable.

Cozy Snap:

Especially C3, C2, it's like, you can usually dump a lot easier. You have cheaper cards. C3, like sometimes you're kind of getting up there with just like awkward cards. And yeah, that's a great point. We actually didn't give our star ratings on it, dude. I. I'm going to be honest, man. Like if, if martyrs a one, you're going to give it a two. Yeah. It was like 1. 5 to something like that. I think it's

Alexander Coccia:

better than 1. 5. I'm going to go to, I think two's good,

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I don't see this card does not have the ceiling. I want to be wrong because if it's a three drop, that's somehow, no, I'm not wrong. It's a two.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think it's a two. I think it's a two as well. Well so Macari gives you a chance to save up some needed spotlight. Tokens, keys, whatevs. Alright, next up, man, we got Fastos, speaking of Surfer, and kind of where it might work. And this is definitely a very interesting card. I, this is where it's like, we have this season full of potential. And I wanted to put like, greatest season, it's a cool season. Fastos kicks that off, er, you know, brings more to the table at a three cost, three power card. On reveal, you're gonna give each card either negative one cost or plus one power. To power and you know just before the star ratings the easiest way to think of this is Sometimes you're gonna have a one cost, you know, what seven power card sometimes he's gonna be a zero cost card and have like You know plus five stats and sometimes he's just not gonna be that great of a dividend and it's not gonna affect you enough I think this guy has some hyper cool potential, and I also think he's the key to cards like Gilgamesh that we just talked about earlier. This is gonna be the TheoryCraft card of the month, man, and definitely the hardest up there with Athena to rank. Let's go, star ratings, what do you think?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm leaning towards this being a 4 star card. I think that the plus two power in and of itself is huge. I think that the negative one cost can be huge. The randomness I think is a, is a problem. I don't like the randomness. I like consistency. I like knowing what's in my deck and how it's been impacted. But I mean, you're not going to complain that negative one costs and you're not going to complain a plus two power. Both of these are phenomenally strong effects, but I think that lack of consistency does take a star off. And for me, I. I'm going four. I'm going four. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

dude, it's another one. Yeah, I was thinking I was like three and a half. Four. Four. The thing is, okay, so synergy wise, there's not like a wide plethora of direct synergy that he can work with, but he also has everlasting synergy, right? And, and cards that have, that we've seen stand the test of time. They can just work in so many different decks and builds and new things. I do agree, there's gonna be times where it feels bad. It's a, it reminds me of a card, kind of like Hope Summers to some degree. You need to play it on curve. Like, you want to play it on 3, and you're gonna get a huge benefit from that. Outside of that, it's just, he's just like, dude, a turn 6, it's a useless card. A turn 4, 5, that's where I want to go down to like a 3. 5. Cause I just, it's draw order for me, that makes me a bit nervous here. But the potential is pretty great. Let's talk about the synergy there. Now, Alex, right off the bat, let's just say Surfer, and you brought up Gilgamesh working in potential Surfer. You've got yourself a card that's instantly gonna work with Gilgamesh, making him way better. When a card gets a plus one power buff or loses, like Stature or Black Bolt, we're like, oh my god, they're terrible. It's giving you plus two, and that adds up pretty fast, and so that's where I do like him. Do you think he makes a cut for Surfer?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. I don't know. Like I got to figure out like what that surfer deck looks like. I mean, in theory, in theory, very strong with Brood, Mr. Sinister. So then therefore, you know, you think about like Absorbing Man, those types of combinations. But he has to come out on three. So that delays your turn order, right? So like you play Fastos and you would have to top deck Brood or top deck Absorbing Man with Brood or whatever it is. Those lines look a little more difficult. I'm not sure and I feel like it's the kind of card, like in terms of synergistic cards, I think magic is kind of an important consideration here, because any, anything that can delay the game and give you that additional draw, like, I see this similarly as the way I would evaluate like a Mr. Negative, where you want to reach into your deck more and more, because the further you reach into your deck, the bigger the advantage is, right, with Faustos, but like, I don't know, like, even Iron Man, hitting an Iron Man would be huge too.

Cozy Snap:

Either way you hit it too, like, I think, okay, so, you know, In a nutshell, I think you lean into one of the two, and what I mean by that is, you go, potentially, let's go the negative cost route, right? I'd throw a Ravonna Renslayer in there. Why do that? Yeah, she's a little awkward because it gives plus two power, but at the day, I feel like when you lean into these negative one costs, you can start to really kind of get it you know, snowballing, if you will, but on the same vein, you play two and a three, you do a Koye on two, three is Fastos, and then you want to reach into that deck. Maybe the Bavone is not the best example, but I do think that he's one of those where you lean into one of those, and then you get much bigger profit at the end of it.

Alexander Coccia:

The challenge that I see here is if I'm taking a look at like Silver Surfer for example, which I don't want to focus on, but like Okoye, although it's plus one power, is a consistent plus one power. Hope Summers, although not negative one cost, is a consistent one additional energy. So like, you have these effects where like, You can do Phastos, which is a two for one, but you don't get to pick the effect. You don't know which cards are going to be impacted. And like Okoye and Hope have a very consistent cadence to them that you can rely on. So like, I don't know, the ceiling feels so high with Phastos, but at the same time, like, I just don't like the inconsistency.

Cozy Snap:

Right. I know. As I said, he seems more consistent. There is like, as in like his effect per se than Pixie. You're right. The inconsistency is there because it almost makes me want to Drop them down to three. Because if you think about it too, like, let's talk about a deck that does really well that you kind of want to do stuff early. Clog decks. You want to get your stuff going as fast as possible. Okay, well, you, let's say we lean into some five costs there. Hobgoblin, Annihilus. Well, great, but you don't want to give your Hobgoblin power. You don't want to, it's just awkward. It can be a bit awkward. If it does work out, it definitely works out in the right way. It just makes me nervous about the randomness behind them, and 3 3 is obviously not a good stat line just in itself, right? And you have to play them on curve. I'd almost like them as a 2 2. And then you, you play him a bit earlier and you have a bit better chance, but then I guess that just completely kills Okoye. I don't know.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I totally see what you're saying. I mean, I got a potential deck that might work. Like, what do you, what about Thanos? Like, in theory, you're buffing stones pretty significantly here. I think this will take the stones to zero.

Cozy Snap:

Erishim and Thanos, both decks. I think you're going to get love from this, right? Because more cards, the better. Everything's going to be kind of working in theory. Thanos, you're going to be drawing on top of that, right? So, you know, you're going to get access to even more of those. This could be a very good Thanos card at that. Definitely a great point here. He's a tough one, man. I, what about like She Hulk and Scar, right? You have these like, okay, those are two cards. You're kind of fine with, maybe not Scar as much, but She Hulk is alright, plus 2 power, negative 1 cost, you're good. Again, leaning into the cost power thing, maybe Sasquatch had that too, like kind of the same deal, like you don't mind if it costs even less, or if it has, you know, he's a 12 power card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I mean, there's nothing in the game that does not like being one cost cheaper or two power better. Right. That's kind of where this card's power is. It's like, Hey, everything benefits from this. There is no car. I mean, there's gotta be, I mean, you mentioned Ravonna kind of destroy some synergies there. Can't play it in Cerebro. Obviously. I don't know, man, I feel like we might miss low on this. I can see this card being in like the deck of the month. You know what I mean? Like I can totally see that happening.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and that's the problem with this season. I think there's a lot of, this is going to be one of the tougher ones to evaluate. And probably one we get the most flack on, looking back. I'm not going to be surprised, just because of the pure, like, actually playing you're going to have to do with these cards, in different decks, see how they work out. We mentioned them, let's get to them. Airshim. Oh my god. The animation on this, on the trailer, if you guys haven't seen it, is so insane, man. This card we thought was a meme when we talked about it. I actually think it's gonna be actually pretty good. It's 7 7. First 7 costs in a Marvel Snap. 7 power. At the start of the game, plus 1 max energy. Think Electro. But you're going to shuffle 12 random cards into your deck, right? At the start of the game, doesn't mean you get to draw cards, then it shuffles them. No. It's going to be District X meets Electro, going to be Chaos. Let's talk about it. Star rating right off the bat, buddy. What do you think? There's another dumb one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm leaning towards a three star card, but like, it's like, five star from a collection standpoint, like, you want this in your collection, but from a competitive, like, actual resource usage standpoint, I think it's three.

Cozy Snap:

I don't know. I think for the average player, it's probably like a three, maybe even worse. But then for a good player, you know not to like, pigeonhole you guys, but like, how adaptive are you with random cards at different locations? I don't know. Yeah, man, it could be even better than a 3. I think 3 is a good baseline. I think that's just a fair, like, kind of either way. But when I think about it, I try to build out a deck with this card, okay? And hear me out. If you build this deck, almost all these just work with the deck. And then anything else you get, you just get to, you know, play like crazy. And what's great about it is, that plus 1 max energy, bro, that's nothing to scoff at. I mean, you're playing a 2 cost card on turn 1 immediately, then 3, then 4. Whereas like ramp decks, it's kind of all at the end, right? Yeah. Hear me out. Hear me out. All right. So first of all, let's just go in and get Alex nice and cooked up. All right. He's going to get so excited. I'm like, just take it easy. Take a drink of water, if you will. This is it, man. This is the Wattu deck. This is it. Here he is. You actually brought this up when we talked about the cards a few months ago. You just want Wattu in the deck, man. You don't care. He's going to be one of the 20 plus cards in the deck, but you get to see locations. You

Alexander Coccia:

I, I'm like, am I glasses defective? Like, am I actually seeing this correctly? What is happening here? This is the most inebriated Cozy I've ever seen. Are we actually unironically talking about Uatu the Watcher being a legitimate component of an Ereshim deck?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I bro. I think so. I think. Think about these cards. I'm gonna name some other ones, but they just work in the deck. They're just good to have in there. You're hoping not to pull them still, obviously. We have Sunspot. Not bad. You get the extra energy per turn. Might as well just soak it on into him. No big deal. Quinjet, obviously, is gonna be in there because you can play cards even cheaper. So now, technically, you play Quinjet out on whatever, turn one or two. Remember, you're not restricted to playing cards. You can effectively play plus two energy cards every turn. Like, on turn two, you can play a four power card, man. That's just stupid strong synergy. Love that. What goes with that? Obviously something like Loki, Akoya, to your point, building up, or Fastos, building up this deck is gonna be disgusting. Love the Jubilee and Blink package. Pull them out, just get better cards, you can get that no matter what. And then finally, I think She Hulk and Scar are gonna work because it's the same thing. And big cards from there on out. Just putting big cards in the deck. How is that gonna be bad? I don't think it will be, outside of the randomness.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, there's a lot of randomness, but like most cards in Marvel Snap are designed to be good, right? Like, even if you have a Crossbones now, hey, you can probably play it somewhere, right? I want to touch on a couple things. You brought up a lot of cards there. And like, I think Blink's huge. I think it's important. Now, it's hard to find the Blink in the deck, because obviously the deck is diluted. However, what's notable is that like, Blink allows you to target what potentially might be a large card in the deck. Right? If you have like a kind of poo poo four drop, you're like, man, whatever. I'll just play this out, but I'll blink it. And maybe I'll hit like a, you know, a She Hulk or a Hulk or whatever, a Red Hulk or anything bigger than the four drop you played. That's probably going to be pretty cool, right? It gives that ability to seek into the deck and find out what's there. Another key synergy, which I actually was excited for, which a card that kind of fell apart after its nerf is Blob. This is obviously a Blob card,

Cozy Snap:

isn't it? Dude, that's right. Yeah, Blob could easily work in the deck. It's interesting because, like, you're gonna have games where you're gonna have Phoenix Force, and you're like, I don't know, I didn't kill anything, like, that's gonna happen. But that happens with other decks, too. The biggest bonus here is you have a deck that no one knows what you're playing, and that's huge. That's, instead of like Conquest, we don't know what a new game mode might be, but if it leans into that concept, Another great addition to that. Yeah, Blob is an awesome one. And just, again, big power cards. Because early game, you can play the random stuff. You know, the 2, the 3 you get. Maybe you get a Jeff. Maybe a Colleen Wing. You don't care. You're just playing out the power. But then, as you get the later turns, you're cooking. And you just play out the Magneto, the She Hulk, the Blob. Where you're gonna actually have a good chance to win. Very cool design here. With more cards than we think. That should fit the mold. The randomness is going to hurt, but it can also help you. And I think it's going to be a really interesting card in snap. And again, not exactly a meme.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. So you cook to start us off. Now let me cook a little bit too. Okay. Cozy. I hope you're ready for this. Okay. One of them, I think is a really good competitive one. And the other one's a pure, pure cook first. Technically if you play wave on turn two. Okay. They can't play any of their discounted six drops to four, cause they still have three energy, but you will have four energy. So I think that's key. If you play wave out on turn two with that extra energy, you can actually play a Dr. Doom you know, a turn early. Whereas your opponent's like my Dr. Doom is still four costs and I have three energy. That's the one. But the second, which might be an absolute, just this might be pure Huff and the Hopium hard. But in theory, I think one of the challenges around Ereshim is the, you need to draw cards. And who draws cards in Marvel Snap? Adam Warlock! Can you imagine playing Adam Warlock on turn 4? Is there a chance that he actually starts drawing things or what?

Cozy Snap:

Yo, Adam Warlock. I think he could fit in the build, probably. Yeah, you know, I don't hate it. A 4 5 is still just like bad. Like, I don't know, he's still like a bad card per se. But you're right! You give access to more of those cards, man. Maybe you boosted them up with a Koye and Fastos. I could see a world. I thought you were going to go the meme route, like the uber, uber meme route. And that was, I had to bring it up. Listen, like how do I, how do I not? Hey, imagine the ultimate combo here. Hold on, Agatha.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't think this is memeing. I think this might be legitimate.

Cozy Snap:

Right, dude? Like, remember when I was like, yeah, Corvus Agatha. And it was actually a decent deck. This is like the final, the final piece for Agatha, man. Cause she's gonna count as a card that you pull out of it. And then on top of that, you can play early without doing anything.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, there's a key thing about Agatha that a lot of players may not realize. Well, I mean, relatively new players. Agatha is an additional card in your hand. That's not inherently obvious. It is an additional card that is there in addition to your draws. So, one of the challenges of Erishim is going to be that you want to have stuff in your hand to play that isn't just pure random garbage. Now, Agatha is going to start no matter what. Also, no matter what, Agatha is going to be played on turn five, because she's going to, anytime she's able to be played, she plays herself as part of the code, right? So turn five, you get a 514, and turn six, you get to cook with your hand, right? With seven energy. So, I do not think it's a meme. I think it might actually be legitimate.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if we get an Agatha deck that can you know, be a meme. Perform semi well, like even like a 48, you know, 50 percent win rate would be would be wild. And it's the ultimate form of chaos, man. It's like the ultimate content might be what I do on, on day one with him. We move on to the last card, but is that everything for for your boy?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean Baku, but I don't know. That might be, that might be too far.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, no, it's never too far. It's never too far. Listen, you get in Baku, you get You get Quicksilver you, you, you, you, you can put them together, you, what else, what else do you, we got Watu in the deck, you might as well just lean into it, you know?

Alexander Coccia:

If you play Phasos on turn three and Umbaku is hiding in the deck, and he comes jumping out as a 1 4, or as like a 0 2, but whatever. A 0 2, that'd be so

Cozy Snap:

depressing. Yeah, yeah, aww, yeah. I mean, he goes to the winning location now, which is obviously, you know is it winning or losing Locate, dude? Losing

Alexander Coccia:

Locate. I don't even remember. They changed them. That was like the worst patch. It's like, let's Everyone wants M'Paku to get buffed. Let's do nothing to him while changing his text. I'm pretty

Cozy Snap:

sure that was the Adam Warlock one too, man. It's just like, just complete ass. Well, we go to the last card in Circe, and very cool card here. Very cool card both lore wise, but also just what it does. 5 cost, 7 power card on reveal. Transform your other cards at the location you play into random cards that cost One more, so it's a blink, but even more randomness and infects all the cards and the location. Oof. Talk about another tough card to talk about here. What do you got, man? What do you got for Circe? Start rating.

Alexander Coccia:

I wrote down 2, slash 3. Like, a very tentative 3, maybe. Like, I would say 3, but I'm not happy nor confident about it. Like, I'm gonna go three, but I don't like it.

Cozy Snap:

I'm going, like an easy three. And I'm not gonna get trapped this time. Really? Easy three? Easy three. I get excited about these cards. Easy three is what I'm gonna give it. The, the biggest problem is, Blink exists. Just a better card. Blink, like, probably. It's more targeted. We love these kind of cards, but they are random. And there are things I can have and that severely screw you. The upside here is much bigger than Blink in a lot of ways. There's a lot of cool combo plays that you can play. Blink. Not a lot of awkward ways to play her too, and, and there is some really great, again, sometimes, you don't want to build, like, she's just better in universal decks, I think, because it's like, you know, you play down Leech on 5, 6, you didn't have to put the card in your deck, and you're just like, alright, let's cook, what do you have? Again, Scary, but also what's scary is the synergy she has. She's not going to be broken. She's not going to be crazy. I think she's middle of the pack, but she has some really cool upside. And I think we could end up being wrong about her and she's really good. Or, you know, maybe, maybe not as much. Let's go and talk synergy, man. And and I'll let you kick it off. I got a lot here, but I'll give it to you.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. I have one major one I want to talk about. And you're gonna laugh, Cozy, but he just got buffed, and there's a world where you can Grandmaster Cersei for absolute anarchy, and potentially a whole lot of value. I'm just throwing it out there, I'm just gonna throw it to the wind there, not high on Cersei, but I'm high on Grandmaster.

Cozy Snap:

Just lean in hard on it. Hey, I don't hate When you start to combine all these crazy cards, you might get yourself a good deck, like, like, Pixie, Grandmaster Cersei, and then you kinda have, like, all this, like, random pop off, but hey, Calculated chaotic randomness is a good thing, maybe. Obviously, we have cards like Destroyer. You have cards that could just ruin you. Not do anything that you want, like a Sandman when you wanted to play more cards. But, let's just talk about the obvious one here. I think it's not like, hey, it only I think this is what's cool about it. Let me pump the bricks. It's not the last card you played, it's everything in a location, man. So, let's say you are, like, what I love about her is, let's say you're like, you're down big. Like, that guy got a couple, he got a Jubilee into something, you know, and you're like, Oh, I'm not gonna win that location. And you already committed, like, three cards there. Circe is, like, the ultimate, like, Let's roll those dice again and see what we get and there are ways to do that You know Effectively that you're building up to you play cards with good on reveals bad stats and then you're able to capitalize on that something like an Iceman whatever that might be or You do that with something like Brood and you have an instantaneous lane No matter what getting three cards into four cards Dude, that's good. You're getting three, sorry, you're getting three cards that are three costs into three four cost cards. That's awesome. That's so cool and four costs are pretty good, too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because you, you get like Mr. Negative into Absorbing Man into Mr. Negative. I was waiting it. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

two Mr. Negatives. What a co, that's copium if anything. All right. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Hold on. I'm just

Alexander Coccia:

kidding. I would just love, I want to see the clip of Cozy playing Mr. Sinister and then Circe ing the Mr. Sinister and getting, and getting Mr. Negative into Absorbing Man. So just like the nothing play.

Cozy Snap:

I'm looking at like the worst. Yeah. The worst possible place you got like a Namor into a, I don't know. Yeah. A Tuma. They more do, yeah, Tuma into Shuri that you can't play another card on there, or Shang Chi for no, yeah, listen, it's definitely, that's why we gave her a three, but then you also have the upside of, of playing, you know, here in the middle, you get Ms. Marvel, I don't know, you get other big statted cards, there's cool potential there with the synergy, but I also think it's just like a baseline card, she's going to have great value in decks like, You're playing Mockingbird, and you want to have these random cards you can help out, get that Mockingbird nice and cheap. Or Alex, I think we talked about this whenever it released. Just something as simple as White Tiger, man! You play White Tiger down, you get the tiger, he does the thing. And then, you have the chance to get, you know, a decently good six cost like Knull, as you would say.

Alexander Coccia:

Something that's pretty interesting as well, and this is one of the playlines I've kind of planned around, and I don't know if it's gonna work, but in theory, you could wave three, play something like a Doctor Doom on four, turn five, Circe the Doctor Doom, which has to hit Erishim, no? And then Erishim's gonna give you an additional energy, and then, but, like, stuff your deck full of cards, but, technically, you should have an additional energy, no?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that's true. That could work. That's right. Wait, Doctor, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Or you can just play Electro.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, yeah, because it would go into, yeah, because now that we have a 7, it's like, they have something to go into. And for that matter, I guess Blink does too, and not like, you know, it'd be, it'd still be chaotic. Okay, just a little bit of a cook. What about what about this? We just mentioned him. What about Baron Zemo? I kind of think this is a fun card with it, because you play down Baron, you steal a card, right? You have two cards, easy, nice lane, you know, filling. But then you're able to upgrade Baron to a 4 and then whatever you took to just a better option with the honor reveal.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what's gonna happen though with Cersei? It's, you're gonna do that, and then Cersei's gonna betray you so hard, you're like, I'm never playing this again. Like, that's what's gonna happen. The idea's beautiful. And then you're gonna get a Tuma. And you're going to be like, thanks. Thanks for nothing, bro. Like I did also, I don't know if she can get two of two months. That'd be hilarious. I don't know if she can like proc the same car twice. That would be absolutely hilarious.

Cozy Snap:

Full brood lane goes into three of two months. Just all die. Just deletes you. Yeah. Yeah. That's when you got the Knull on deck though. You know, you got that 30 power Knull ready to go. Yeah, I agree. I think there's going to be, again, we're going to have to see it play out. And just like, remember like Loki people didn't like, cause it's like, ah, you don't want the other cards. It's like, well, there's just good cards and snap. But I think. There are things you're going to get punished for, but there are some good synergies here.

Alexander Coccia:

Watch this, you play Zemo, you pull their one cost, you have two in the lane, you play Cersei on top, you turn Zemo into Hellcow, right? And then the one drop into a Tuma. And like, you're like, nice.

Cozy Snap:

That's a, that's the fastest retreat of your life. You, you pre snapped too because you thought it was gonna just pop off there. You got the, you got the full thing. On a serious note though, I do think Junk is gonna like her. I think she'll fit into that mold anyway. You play Sentry down. You don't have Annihilus. You can change the void from a negative eight into a five cost card. Arguably, that's going to be your best thing is doing a four to a five. Fives are all pretty much good. There's not a lot of bad fives out there with, you know, there's a few, but there's not a ton. I think that's probably going to be your best bet if you're going for more of the safer option. Sarah, too. I like the idea of dumping cards out, dumping cards out, and then it's like, all right, Final turn, it's turn six, you can play a four cost Cersei and two other cards. And you look at all the lanes, you're like, I'm losing this one, I'll play Cersei in there and I'll buff up my other lane here. I do think there's some stuff there potentially as well. Maybe Sera comes back. That's like the main focus that I would give Cersei. But yeah, she might be too random for her own good, but 5 7 is also not terrible. Terrible stats.

Alexander Coccia:

The way you describe that last interaction where you Sarah then play Cersei on the final turn of the game to try and take a shot It reminds me of like fantasy football when like you're doing a draft and you're like, oh this guy has high potential He's like, he's like the reaching for the stars, right? He's the guy that might go get the pop off when you need him most right and then like that's Cersei Well, i'm losing that lane It can't get any worse, so let's see if we high roll, and you just throw it. But like, are you really gonna go eight cubes on Circe high rolling?

Cozy Snap:

And that guy either wins the championship, or he comes in last place, right? Like,

Alexander Coccia:

that's what it is. Yeah. That's what it is. He gets injured on the first play, yeah. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

exactly. So we're, I don't know, man. We'll have to see. I think she's fun. I think if Blink didn't come out, we'd be a lot more interested in what this does. Blink just seems like better consistency and all that good jazz. But definitely will be an interesting card, none of the less. Let's go ahead and give our final rankings. Alex, we, we talked about all of them. Let's go ahead and put it into one shell, which typically this is easy, because we just go what we rank the stars, but all, most of these are threes, couple fours in there. Let's start, worst card of the month is, we can both say it. Makari. Makari. After that.

Alexander Coccia:

We're going worst to best? Worst to best. Oh man, now I'm stressed out. I'm looking at, I, I probably lean towards Circe.

Cozy Snap:

Circe, okay, alright ooh, I want to say, as of the moment, Oh man, probably Fastos. I just don't, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Dude, this month's tough. What do you have after after Circe?

Alexander Coccia:

After Circe, I would lean towards probably Thena. And then I would go towards Fastos. I think Gil wait, hold on. No, Eresham, Fastos, and then Top, I think Gilgamesh is probably the best.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, which is crazy because we didn't even give him like a crazy, crazy good ranking, but I think over time he'll be the best. I would agree with that same order leading up to it with something like Fastos and Fina having such a big question mark around them. You know, we'll have to see.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, I got called out last week for being uncultured because I had not watched the Truman Show, my friend, I watched the Truman Show, I gotta tell you. It was pretty good. I think it was maybe Jim Carrey's best performance. I want to start off the Snapchat with a discussion about Jim Carrey.

Cozy Snap:

Heck yeah, man. I'm proud. You didn't even tell me that we talked to we did my side. We talked before and he, he saved to tell me now a proud of you. Be a pretty good movie, right? Like we were watching I've been watching white Lotus with the wife. It's a TV show. Pretty good one. And the girl that plays April on Parks and Rec. Why can't I think of her name right now? I don't know. I don't know her name very well. I just can't think of it at the moment. Very kind of just like always mad character and stuff. My wife was like, she kind of plays the same role, and I'm like, yeah, but that's what she's great at. Jim Carrey, kind of same thing, but Truman Show is so different from what he does. That he nailed it. He truly nailed it. I think he should have done more dramas at his time because I thought he was been He's all about just taking over a role and I think he just did such a good job

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and you know what in the comment section people like unanimously loved the movie and said I had to watch it So I'm like, okay, I got to set aside the time and for you as well cozy I've actually tried to set aside some time to get through X Men 97. I have three episodes left. It's like a mega episode I guess it's like a three part episode type thing. So you've watched a couple of

Cozy Snap:

like, oh my gosh parts, dude

Alexander Coccia:

they're This, I feel like I'm watching Game of Thrones.

Cozy Snap:

I'm like, what is happening out here? That's how I pitched it to my buddy. He's like, I don't know, and it made it. I'm like, hey, listen, it's Game of Thrones. Nobody's safe. Like, nobody's safe. We'll keep it at that. We'll stay spoiler free. But I remember watching and being like, No,

Alexander Coccia:

no, that's what I'm saying. I'm like, come on, no, no, what are we doing here?

Cozy Snap:

Even my wife was like, yeah, but they're going to come back, right? I'm like, no, we're going to move on. But yes, I got

Alexander Coccia:

actually teary, dude. I did the same type of teary I got during like the end of Toy Story 3. Like I just got a little teary.

Cozy Snap:

There's a lot of like teary things on there, stuff with Gene and Cyclops. Like, dude, I was shocked at like, and I think that's why it does so well is like for an animated show. With the humor they have, they're able to capture such great character development and emotion. Hey, same goes as the, the Truman show. What would you, okay. So if Truman shows your favorite, which is very unique, very cool. What would you say is your next favorite?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, I don't know if I'd say it's my favorite. I still think I'm impartial to Ace Ventura Pet Detective. But if I have to go back, I would say it would be Truman Show, then Liar Liar, which I really liked Liar Liar, so

Cozy Snap:

good. Yeah, that was such a, such a solid flick. I think that I'm kickin my do you mind? ha ha ha or when the cop pulls him over and he's like, I went through two speed lines, yeah, and I'm speeding. But yes, I think that's good. Also, Bruce Almighty, the first time I watched it, that was really funny. That was very unique. Oh, I haven't seen that in so long. Ah, dude, that came out of nowhere, man. I haven't I haven't seen that in too long. Also, what was that other one? Yes Man. Yes Man was good. Did you see Yes Man?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, I think I did, and I think it probably was not good enough for me to remember.

Cozy Snap:

It wasn't like great, but it was fun I thought it was funny. Again, a very unique concept if you will. But yeah, anyway, we have enough Jim Carrey talk between a couple podcasts now. But yeah, I'm glad you watched it, dude. Definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. Just very unique. I wish there was more like it, because it's such a mind bender.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the thing about Jim Carrey that's so good is that he's constantly surprising, like our season pass card blink. Blink is always pulling something surprising from that. You liked that one, eh? That was good. Yeah, that was pretty good. Blink, 52 percent win rate, 20 percent of the medical skits. Wow. And Blink really elevated a couple archetypes and particular cards. That I think pissed some people off. We had Leech and this is my favorite part about the playing season, by the way. Our man Cozy creates a Leech deck with Leech at five pre buff. And then it's like, I'm like, I played your deck on stream the day you released it. Cause you released the video while I was playing it. And I was like, yo, Cozy's deck's pretty good. Imagine if Leech was four. ha ha ha and then they did and I couldn't believe it. Hold my beer.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Oh my God,

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

And now he's back kind of in a five cost role. Like there's some ramp decks that are working again with that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. No, I couldn't believe it. I mean, Leech has been through some stuff, but at the end of the day, Jubilee Blink is good. Corvus Blink. There are so many variations of Blink that just. It's just Chef's Kiss. Like, I think the card's phenomenal. I like the idea that it like, it hits, it makes it to the point where I'm playing like Iron Lad, or if I'm playing Jubilee, I'm like, man, I wish it was just Blink, because I know I'm hitting Red Hulk, or I know I'm hitting Doctor Doom or whatever. It has this consistency in its randomness. That I think makes it phenomenal, and I like this card a lot.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's one of the better balanced too, in a way of like, it doesn't feel completely broken all the time. Really loved Blink, I think I gave her like a, you gave her a 5? And I gave her a 4. 5? I think it was one of those.

Alexander Coccia:

That's right, I came in at 5, it was my 5 star of the month. Which, wait a minute, did we not give a 5 star this month? I just realized.

Cozy Snap:

Not even close bro, we barely hit a 4 star.

Alexander Coccia:

Wow. We were a little lower on this past month on your side there. Wow. That's crazy. But not to spoil if anybody's watching these out of order, I don't mean to spoil, but I just realized that but yeah, I came in at five. You came in at 4. 5. And yeah, I think we nailed it. Honestly, I would agree with 4. 5. I think it had a five level impact, but in terms of ongoing, like future seasons, I think it's a good four and a half car. This is a beauty. I think if you bought the season pass for the 10 bucks, you spent 10 bucks American, of course, then you know, you're loving, you're loving blank because I think the card's good. And it's always, I think it's going to be a card that sneaks itself into a lot of really good medalists going forward.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. It's not going to go anywhere. Blink is is up there as one of the, but like we can just, I think we can say this with confidence. And going into this, because they know our rankings a lot of the time, is this the best season that we've had in how long?

Alexander Coccia:

Man, it's actually kind of crazy. In terms of overall balance, like across the board, Blink, Nocturne, Sage, Nomura, and Sasquatch. Across the board, I think all of these cards, We're impactful to some degree better than anticipated and also significantly more balanced than expected. I remember a while ago, I remember that you know, they did a patch update where they had in the developer notes. I, Hey guys, We know we missed the mark. This might've been during Loki. And they said, we're making changes to how we're going to be testing and evaluating cards that hopefully make us more accurate in the future. I don't remember exactly which patch note it was. I think it was after Loki, when they had a bunch of consistent misses. And then from there, I feel like they, whatever changes they made from a actual like process standpoint, I think it's paying off because. The cards have felt significantly more in tune. They've only had, they've had basically what, Red Hulk missed slightly high, Blobs missed way high, but that's coming a few months back, and then US Agent missed low. Other than that, it's been pretty good, no?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it has. It's, it's not like, I, dead honest, I don't think I can think of a bad Card that has come out, like, insanely bad, and even if they did, they, like, immediately buffed it up thereafter. And anything compared to this season, it reminds me of the, like, the High Evo, Living Tribunal, Iron Lad season. You even had Howard the Duck there, so even worse off. Like, so much so, when we were evaluating the cards, and it's fun to go through the final verdicts, it's like, you, we have to put limits on ourself, right? Because we can't be like, 5, 4, 5, 5. You know, it just, it, it can't be, but it kind of was this month, so. Yeah, Blink, definitely a good way to kick that off. Very solid card, card I use all the time, gonna continue to use it, and if you didn't get her you have one more day, but if you also didn't get her, this is one to look out for in spotlights.

Alexander Coccia:

Well, 100%, and as I said prior, a 20 percent Metashare, which is gonna be the highest of this list. But, coming close, and this is surprising to me, but also not too surprising, is Nocturne. Nocturne running a 16 percent Metashare, and of all the cards this month, Cozy, and this is the surprising thing that I double verified, Running the highest win rate at 54%. The reason why that surprises me is because I feel like Nocturne as a whole, people are like, okay, this card's good, but I feel like she's getting cut from a lot of decks. I feel like the effect is annoying. Some people, I feel like people like in terms of the actual sediment, the card sediment is lower than its actual performance because at a 54 percent win rate, it's actually leading the pack. And you and I came in together, same rating four stars.

Cozy Snap:

It doesn't do anything crazy sexy, that's why. It's a 3 5 that moves, man, that's all you need to know. I think it doesn't, it's not a Circe, it doesn't have anything crazy behind it, and so I think, like, it just seemed like, eh. It's okay, but each time you add a card, not only to the Angela deck but also one that can move, and you can change your mind, and nope out of lanes, like, that kind of flexibility is what makes it solid, just a good value card to combining two great ones, so good, in fact, I think they need to buff Scarlet Witch, and, and, and definitely, for that matter, I think she's too random, she only does the one thing at two, personally, that's what I would like to see, but yeah, definitely, Nocturne's good

Alexander Coccia:

I agree with that 100%, but at the same time, like, I'm one of the people that don't love playing Nocturne at all. Like, I recently just lost a game where I moved Nocturne, and they had a full location, Nocturne was gonna win it by one, and it created the ninja place where a ninja popped on my side of the board but not theirs, and I lost by one. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. You've had a lot of those with

Cozy Snap:

her, man. That's great. Cause I've like gotten the opposite. I've been like, oh, it's a wash or whatever.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I mean, I've had those shots where I'm like, okay, Nocturne hits us the bar with no name, a hundred percent of the time. And you throw it there and it just doesn't happen. I don't know, man. I feel like Nocturne's betrayed me a lot. A lot from a location standpoint, cause it just messes you up. Like their locations filled and then monster Island disproportionately benefits them and not you. I had that happen as well. Live on stream. I was like, you gotta be kidding me, man. I've had nocturnal just like, I don't know, man. I've had a lot of really negative luck. But at the same time though, when I have nocturnal and I see limbo. I like playing those mind games. I don't always take out the limbo. I let them play, like, kind of poorly on turn six to take advantage of it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that, and also just, like, I love when there's, like, let's say there's a death's domain and no one can really play there. They're not playing destroy, and on turn six, I love that you can The ability to change locations with doing nothing is insane, because if you can You go over there, then you play a card there, you're good to go. You're good to go. You can all of a sudden surprise win a lane. She has a lot of just surprise factor with solid stats behind her. She's hilarious. Level stats that we used to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for. I like yeah. Definitely, definitely solid, and this is why this whole month was great.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely solid, but like, it's funny, despite the stats, despite the meta share, even, I agree, she's a 4 star card. I think we nailed it. But I like her three star. Like I don't actually like playing the card. Does that make sense? I don't know how to explain that. I just, I have not enjoyed Nocturne as much as the statistics would indicate.

Cozy Snap:

That's fine. Yeah, yeah, definitely preference, man. And it's not like, yeah, I play her mainly in those decks and in the control builds, I think she just kind of, she could be, she could have been an on release card and people would have had her in the same value as where they've got. Let's say, you know, maybe not. Obviously something like Jeff. She filled, sorry, she fills that void between Jeff, Vision, Nightcrawler so perfectly. I think that's what makes her great.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll tell you one thing, here's a perfect example to explain how I'm feeling about Nocturne. If given the choice between Nocturne and Red Guardian, and noting that Nocturne's win rate is higher and Meta Share is higher, I take Red Guardian every single time, not in question, I never look back. That's just the way I feel, you know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, because Red Guardian, I think, is harder to replace in a deck. And Nocturne isn't, in a way, right? But what she does is so good that it's like I could get behind that a bit. Red Guardian, I think that's a good example.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and even then, Red Guardian is replaceable too. Like, it's kind of crazy, I just, It's the feel of playing these cards, which I think I just jive with, like, something like a Red Guardian. Nocturne just doesn't do it for me. I don't know, I'm, I don't know, man. I don't know. I'm gonna give it more time. Maybe you know, it'll help me out a little bit, but, I was pleasantly surprised with this card this season, which is Sage. Sage running 11 percent of the meta, 52 percent win rate. Now, this is interesting because there's two cards this month that you and I had some flip flopping on, okay? and I did a little more flip flopping, but you started at 2. 5 on Sage. And then warmed up to say, you know what? Maybe three, I could see this hitting four. So you started a little low and then as you were talking and as you were thinking, you kind of brought yourself up a little bit. I came in at four and then brought myself back to three. So it's kind of interesting. We had a little bit of a different situation. You started low. I started high. And then we kind of came towards the middle. But Siege has surprised.

Cozy Snap:

And I think you were closer on the four. I think I can confidently say she feels like a four. And this was probably like one of my bigger You know what? I was so focused on the fact that she felt replaceable with something like Wolfsbane or something. And ignored. And again, we led to this. We were talking about her when we talked about like, Man, it's actually kind of easy to have unique power out there and you can kind of play. Well, when are you going to play her? The answer is pretty much whenever, but then she has that ceiling that not a lot of cards have for that cheap. She fits in so many decks. Bounce, negative, just a plug and play. I think Sage is such a cool card, man. And one of our like, Quote unquote misses, if you will, with how she ended up being.

Alexander Coccia:

I missed more on another one, but we'll, we'll pretend like this is the one I missed on for now. But yeah, like, but like, I think the Sage honestly surprised really high, and I think the thing I took away from it was like, Hitmonkey's just Ugh, why play Hitmonkey when you can play Sage? Like, that's kind of like, even in decks where like, you could theoretically play both, I'm like No, just getting rid of Hitmonkey. Like Sage is so much easier

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

So much better multiple times. Like in some of the highlights I had, man, I was playing Sage and like Wong and getting it, getting her to like 18 power on the first play over. I'm like, what the heck is happening

Cozy Snap:

here? Or Abs Man, it's crazy. Even Abs Man, Absorbing Man has never made more sense. Like. Usually the power, you can't really do a lot there, but going, having the extra power on top of the unique effect is stupid.

Alexander Coccia:

Ultimately, I do think that this is most certainly a four star card. Perhaps we were slightly low on Sage and I'm glad to see it earning its stripes. Now, when we talk about how we started in different spots here, nothing is more exemplary of that than Nomura. I even went as far as to say that I could have seen this being a one star card on its release week, because keep in mind. Junk was so prevalent at the time and I was like, man, junk's gonna absolutely eat Nomura's lunch. And then it didn't really play out that way and I was playing it on stream and cozy. Why don't you relive that moment when you came to my stream to just, just to check in how Nomura was doing for me?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, just finish playing some games, testing her out and this was my all in card. This was like my, I'm gonna look like a complete fool. Or people are sleeping on this. And I actually love the potential here'cause she's a base five 11 pretty much. So I'm like, you know what? Things are going pretty good over here. Maybe I have rose colored glasses on, I'll go check on my boy Alex. The moment I click on his stream, he's like, What was your exact words? Man, Namor is actually pretty good. And I just put, well, well, well, good to be here, Alex. Dude, yeah, she Nomura has fell. In fact, we can literally see it. I just did the top decks. I think you've done that too. Statistically, is in all of the great cube and win rate decks to finish the season. One of the best there. What a great card, man. What an awesome, solid addition to the game.

Alexander Coccia:

In terms of meta penetration, she's at 8 percent of the meta, however a 53 percent win rate, and almost to 54. Remarkably high. You gave her 4 stars, and you were confident in that 4 stars, and that's what I liked about it. I went back, I was watching the game tape, and I'm like, man, Cozy was like, sticking your guns. You're like, no, I'm staying, I don't care, I'm confident in this pick. And I, I said, maybe she's a one on release week. I ended up settling in on two. I gave her a two star rating and I'll happily say I slept on Nomura. I think the effect is way, way stronger than anticipated. And this card was good, way better than I expected. I play her now. I think she's great. One thing I will say though. Is originally I was playing like Wong style decks, and I feel like that was too greedy and too fragile. Just straight up Nomura is fine. It's good.

Cozy Snap:

Pretty much any time you have Wong in a deck, as great as it is and fun it is for clips, it's just never the best option. To be fair though to your Nomura ranking, like, we have it, I think, kind of hard, man. And listen, it takes investment, either play time or literal money to get these cards, okay? And so, we are trying to give our best recommendations for something that there's not a lot of currency for, and we don't want to hype something up too much, and we don't want to whiff on it too much either, and it's super hard, we could just be giving threes and twos and just like call it what it is, but we want to lean in to the cards that we believe in the most, and it's going to be in our face sometimes, and sometimes we're going to miss massively, because to you it's like, this didn't feel good, it did not feel good, you did not want people wasting tokens, which is why we test and do what we can. But it's tough, it's a tough assignment, and it's getting even tougher. I think this month will be the biggest indication of that. I think it's gonna be all over the board. But yeah, for me, I'm like, I'd rather be safe on Sage, not that good. Replaceable, and now it's like, well she is good. It's a tough job.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny that you mention that, because like, no one remembers that like, I was, I called Blink as a 5 star, and we nailed it, right? We nailed Blink being a high end card. Everyone remembers me being low on Nomura. Oh, it's always the one she missed. Specifically, it's Cannonball, dude. I, I have people that are actually unironically pissed off with me about saying that I thought Cannonball was like a two star at release, but it was, man. ProEx was dead. Alioth had to get nerfed for Cannonball to become relevant, and it's like, the, the circumstances of the initial ratings kind of get lost in translation over time, because like, Marvel Snap is an ever changing game with OTAs, patches, metas, shifting. It's hard to hit a moving target.

Cozy Snap:

It is, and, and I felt the same, because I nailed them all, just the week earlier, I nailed them all, then Sasquatch comes out, who, for whatever reason, people were legit, like, didn't like the card, I didn't understand it, I still don't quite, I gave this, this was my original, my 5 star lock in, I think, because of just the way that it works out, even in my playtesting, I gave it another 5, I'm like, it's stupid, this just works with what I'm trying to do in the first place, It's like, it's tough to not give him that. I do think he's going to be a four though for me now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. So Sasquatch's numbers a little lower than expected. A 51 percent win rate, 11 percent Metashare. So Metashare higher than that of Nomura, but a significantly lower win rate, unfortunately. Now, what happened here, I think was, first of Sasquatch is there. Yeah. Like he's in a number of key decks. The card is good. Yeah. Yeah. But it's not the Meta Shaker I think we expected. And what I found in my testing, and tell me if I'm wrong Cozy. But I would rather just play Mockingbird. Like, I'm just like Mockingbird felt easier to play because her condition remains over the course of a game. I felt myself able to play Mockingbird with more confidence, whereas Sasquatch, it required a bit more of a setup to get more value out of.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think this card's not going to go anywhere. I just think that it's like, maybe not, like, first of all, we said it earlier on, this is a very easy card to counter if you're calculating it. So anytime I see, like, we put out our videos with the rankings right away because we need to. In order to try our best to guess there. We even say take those with a grain of salt. To have an affirm opinion on a card a day or two into testing is just stupid. It's hilarious and it's silly. This card, I think, will be fine in Marvel Snap. It's going to continue to work. The meta right now, I don't know if it's perfect for Sasquatch. And I think that might need to be adjusted a bit. But yes, listen, 510. 5 10. It's a Doc Ock with no kind of draw. Say what you will, I think that's perfectly fine. The 5 star ness, I can't give just because it wasn't as sometimes it felt clunky, or what have you. But yeah, I think Mockingbird is better, for sure. Like, yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

no question. It feels like a 4 star ish card. Like, it feels like it could There are times where it feels a little weaker, but there are times where it has its pop off. Like, it's I don't know. As you said, it's not going anywhere. I think this effect is still powerful. I think this stat line is still powerful. And there's gonna come a time you're gonna want Sasquatch in your collection. It might not be right now. But there is going to come a time, and I don't know, again, this card ain't going anywhere. Just as Marvel Snap itself is not going anywhere, and we have a massive announcement coming at IGN Live. Second Dinner did retweet a statement saying that, hey, we got some news at IGN Live, which is on the weekend of the first week of June, which is, well, this coming weekend, if you're watching this Snapchat in the anticipated order. But what I'll tell you is Cozy, we know nothing about this. We're going to preface this by saying that Cozy and I have no information. This is pure speculation, but this is some of my favourite things to do. I want to take a shot at what might be announced, because I don't know about you Cozy, but sediment around Snap as a whole, It feels like it's cratering a bit, you know, I just feel like the energy from the community feels like everyone's just kind of a little ho hum. We need some jubilation.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, definitely. I don't think that's an overstatement by any stretch. I think funny enough, it's just like Wolverine's crotch right now on the top of my screen. So funny enough, the only time they'd done this where they got involved with some type of other show announcement, I think Gamescom was the last one. Was Conquest. Conquest release, we kind of knew already the shell of it. And then they confirmed some more stuff there, and then it was more of like an advertising thing. I think, no question about it, this is the game mode tease. I think we're gonna get the game mode tease here is the ceiling, and then I have a floor where I think it'll be too. But I think the ceiling is, first look at the game mode. Hand to God, guys. I wish I knew. I don't know. I do not know when anything's coming out, what it is. I'm gonna say this, I love them, they're great. My connection with the dev team is definitely like, it, Not Vanish, I just don't talk with them as much anymore, right? Just by doing content, living life. But I don't know what it is, and I want to know what it is, and I'm really hopeful that it is the new game mode to get, you know, And something unique, man, something really unique and fun. I'm interested.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it definitely, I really, really hope it's the new game mode And that the game mode is able to do a couple things. One, rejuvenate the passion from the existing fanbase. And two, and probably most importantly, bring back players that are no longer playing Marvel Snap. We need a game mode that's going to bring back returning players. And there's a couple things there, like, listen, Marvel Snap is a phenomenal game to play. We need to reignite that passion in people. And it's so accessible that we need people to be excited about reinstalling that app and getting started again.

Cozy Snap:

Well, you just said it right. When we were talking about the cards, I think the game is ever flowing and there's always something new where like a spectrum deck is back on top. What's cool about that is if you went back to like, like when you lost a player at Hearthstone, okay. It was very hard. They have ketchup packs now, but back then, dude, you would, you would have to create so many cards, so much change to even have a shot at being competitive. Snap you have old cards being good, new cards coming out that week, whatever it might be. What I would love them to release is the announcement of the game mode, and then say if you're new or returning. If you're new, we have blah blah blah packs, you can now pick your path, destroy, whatever. If you're returning, we have a 7 day login calendar if you haven't played in over a month or two, and you're guaranteed to get a spotlight key at the end of that. Get your new card as you come on in, welcome back. They need to do that. That's a great way to get the, you know, get the show going. Hopefully the new game mode is as well. That's my floor. The, the more like, what, probably the pessimistic approach is it's clans and guilds. But it just doesn't, I just can't see Ben Brode taking the stage and just being like, We got guilds for a game you've never played. Like, no one gives a I, you know, I think they're cool for the game. But I don't think that's the announcement. You don't pay IGN or whatever they're probably doing. To say this, unless it was something important.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm so that's like a new fear unlock situation. I had not considered that there was even a remote chance that they'd go up there and say, we've got a new client system. And I'm just like, Oh no, man, if they do that cozy, I'm, I don't know, man. I'm, I'm actually going to shed tears. I don't cry. I'll cry. Grown man will cry. And it'll be irreversible emotional damage.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and show off like, man, again, if I was the marketer for them, it's like, man, I'd put together the coolest clip involving the anime that you made with Deadpool. And then you put that with a Deadpool deck, doing really cool animations with Destroy and all that. You lean into the Deadpool thing, because you're already having that. You get Marvel fans into doing that. That's the way I would go about it, make something more edgy. And then you go into the new game mode, you know, with that feel. You got the new voice lines, take some of those, man. Like, I just think they could really nail it, and I hope it's not, you know, Chibi Galactus, whatever crap, you know, we've seen in the past, so yep, High Hopes, man, High Hopes, it's coming up pretty soon.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and in terms of what the game mode could be, I mean, I would love to see an Autobattler mode, I'm just gonna say it, I've seen statistics to indicate that in Hearthstone the Autobattler Battlegrounds, which I believe it's called, Actually outperforms and gets more games in than the standard mode. Anyways, like it's actually the de facto play way to play Hurston.

Cozy Snap:

I think that there's a lot of paths. There's been data mine, something called high stakes mode. We don't know anything about it. They, they, it could be that whatever that, you know, could be they could do two V2. They could do draft, which I don't think they will. And then they could, of course, do an auto battler. I think any of those would be huge. I think if they did a really cool game mode and then an auto battler, that would make sense, too. And Listen, Conquest, when it came out, was pretty cool. It was pretty good. And I think they just need to add to that flair, if you will, and we'll see what they announce.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't mind like the types of datamines when it comes to like bundles or variants and stuff like that, I don't care. But it would bother me if someone leaked and datamined a new mode to 100 percent accuracy. Because I think that Marvel Snap and that team needs the like the marketing push For the health of the game and to have it leaked or data mined and just kind of like posted on Reddit, I think would be so unbelievably cringe. Yeah. Like for someone that cares about this game, I don't want to see that.

Cozy Snap:

It's 2024. So it's the nature of the beast. I agree. Like it, it just kind of happens. And, and devs are smart now. Like they'll put any, like I, they put, I believe before Loki came out, it was never going to give you up. Never going to let you down. Like they put a Rick roll in there. Like they know people are digging. Right. And so they could have thrown high stakes mode as a smoke screen. I think there are, they're smart enough to do that. And the Conquest was not leaked, and that could've happened. So I don't think it's gonna happen. Could be the way they do leagues. On top of that, we might as well announce too, good on them. Good on them for doing the whole leagues announcement. They realized there's pay to win. And what'd they say? They said they were testing internal, like It sounded like they were testing, like, an internal dispute. Like, where, like, the hierarchies of Snap were, like, See if this works, and then they tried it, and they're like, it's not gonna work, and then it didn't work, right? Good on them for fixing that, and hopefully League comes out as a fun game mode.

Alexander Coccia:

And hopefully that's a learning experience to whoever it was that was like, hey, this is a bad idea. Do not release this. They're like, bro, you're wrong. Well, they're like, let's do a month, let's see if you know, here you know, Sammy's right, and if this, Sammy the Intern is right, then this is gonna be really bad. One thing I want to mention about the IGN mode as well is the potential for having new players or returning players come back. Now, this might be, like, extremely, extremely just hope centric. Huff and the Hopium, as we like to say. I would love to see some improvements to the the collection track and the reserves, the way they work. I don't think the new player experience can be improved without touching up the collection track and the way reserves work. Because, as of right now, I think opening caches is just absolute cringe, and I just don't want to do it. I

Cozy Snap:

just don't, I just fix the count, the 5, 20 second timer every time you open, when even just that. I hate it so bad. My god, I, I don't open them anymore, like, not even because like, I don't want a variant, I just got a cool morph one, but it's like, I don't have time, dude, to open these things. It's like crazy that the

Alexander Coccia:

code hasn't fixed. The whole UI is like that. I'm not trying to like, make this into a complaint session, but Like, I was, my kids play Nintendo Switch all the time, and I go through the store and stuff, It's so snappy, things are just, haha, snappy. It's like, so fast. And then I open up Marvel Snap, I have a, like a, I have a Google Pixel phone, like, I have a legit phone. The thing's a lag festival, man. Like I can't, I have it set to low quality. Like, I'm like, what the hell is happening here, man? I can't, so like, yeah, there's definitely some improvements that need to be made on that side. But long story short, with regards to the upcoming announcement, really hoping for a banger, banger mode that really ignites more passion in the game. Cozy, anything else on your wishlist?

Cozy Snap:

No, man, just hopefully Ben's got a flannel on and I'll be, I'll be ready to, to, you know, accept it. I, it's Snap related, right? This isn't a second dinner announcement. It's Snap. Specifically?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I believe so. 100%.

Cozy Snap:

I was wondering, if we were second in, I'm like, do they announce like a new game or something? But yeah, it's probably just going to be oh, we're going to be the new Gameboat? We'll see! Hope's up! I'll text Spyd, see what he says.

Alexander Coccia:

That's right, and that takes us directly into our Snapchat mailbag. The segment where you get to type mailbag down below in the comments section, and we will read some questions each and every week. And we're starting with the first one, which is one of my favorite of the week, from ClydeFrog12, and it reads, Are Cozy's arms still sore from rowing his boat?

Cozy Snap:

Oh my god, the PTSD's coming in. No, it's sore from other I I'm getting back. Actually Alex and I were just talking about just like, it's super easy to be unhealthy as a content creator. Like you're in grinding in your office so much. And before you know it, you're like, I need to hit the gym. So yeah, I've been, I've been, there's sore for, for that reason. But other than that, no, I've gotten over that horrible memory. Thank you for reminding me.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, of course. I mean, listen, if if anything Cozy, your arms got a nice workout as you rode your entire family back to shore. And you got to see some seals. Is that when you swam with the seals? Is that what it is? Do people swim with seals? No, no. We've been

Cozy Snap:

through the, they, they, they bite you. They, they, they they can, they can, they can bite the Coast Guard. No, no, no, no.

Alexander Coccia:

So don't, just don't pet seals. That's right, you got that place near, that's right, you have the petting zoo in San Diego where you go and you go pet all the seals. Yeah, you gave them an F tier ranking seals? No, seals are like C tier.

Cozy Snap:

Sea lions is what we're talking about, by the way. Yeah, sea lions, C tier, come on now. Sea lions, C tier, okay, fair enough, alright.

Alexander Coccia:

Wait, wait, sea lions aren't seals?

Cozy Snap:

No. No.

Alexander Coccia:

Are you sure?

Cozy Snap:

Positive. Are penguins birds? Actually, that's not even a good comparison, are penguins parrots?

Alexander Coccia:

No, it's like saying our hamsters gerbils. Are they? What? Okay. Next question, from Jonas, it reads, We all know that Adam Warlock cannot ever be good and not broken with that draw card ability, so our Werework must be done. Well, since he has a soul stone attached to his head, why not give him a similar effect? What about a 5 3? Ongoing, all enemy cards have negative 1 power. So like an inverted Blue Marvel for Adam Warlock.

Cozy Snap:

Was that question on the back of a Laffy Taffy? That was like the biggest tongue twister that you ever said. Yeah, that's cool, man. I feel like there's been a lot of what if we did this with Adam Warlock and guess what? I agree. I agree. Why isn't Adam Moorlach good? I don't know. And he's not even a new player. They can't even go with like, well, we're just trying to have the new player experience. We can't buff him. No. I think he should be, he should do something. He's got to do something different. Even like, dude, even give Adam an ongoing, when you're winning, ongoing, you get the card there. Then at least you can, I don't know, make it probably not work in Spectrum. He needs the full kit redesign. Hopeful to see it. We'll see.

Alexander Coccia:

Is he already in an MCU movie or is he going to be in a movie? Because I've never seen that kid from the, what's his name? The kid that played the, the, we are the Millers. Yeah, Meet the Millers or something. He doesn't get his testicles stung by a bee or something? He was

Cozy Snap:

teased at the end of Guardians 2 I think? Or maybe like Infinity War and she's like, I'll call you Adam and that's what we saw.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, okay. Fair enough. Well, we'll have to see where that goes. Then as our next question comes in from Ultra Punch, what do you guys think about Marvel Snap making physical cards to sell at retail? I think if they made them just for trading cards and not as a game, that would be awesome.

Cozy Snap:

I've been behind this from day one. I asked Ben specifically on my interview. He said, no, so it's sad. I think like, yeah, screw playing it. Like I know you can't do Loki or something. If you were to play it, just collecting them. I have them back here, man. They're so cool. The arts are iconic. And I might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure at Comic Con, they said that the rights to sell stuff still belongs to Marvel. Which is why you don't see, like, Snap stuff that much outside of, like, the initial bomber jacket that we have. But yeah, I wish, but probably gonna have to remain on Etsy.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh wow, look at that. Disney, very protective of IP. Surprised Pikachu face. Yeah. As we move on to our next question from Connoisseur Samuel. What would you do to encourage more people to build decks on their own? I think the game would be much better if we didn't have to face the same three decks over and over. So how do we change that?

Cozy Snap:

Do people use the same decks over and over? I feel like there's a good amount of deck diversity. You're not gonna be able to get away from like Mockingbird, Mysterio, Sasquatch. You just can't. You can't get away from Annihilus, Hood, Sentry. And, even if you do, people go, oh, that's just an Annihilus deck with Blink. Like, you're gonna get stereotyped one way or another into, into a certain deck build. There's probably 30 plus unique synergies to go off of, off that. And you know, in these games, there's always going to be a form of netdecking, and if you don't, you get rewarded with being spontaneous, you know? And so, I think, you know, there's that. A new game mode that encourages that, maybe. I think Conquest tried to do that a bit. I, you know, period, right? If you see what's performing good, you have these stat sites, there's nothing you can do. People are going to want to win, and if this one has a better percentage to win, they're going to play it.

Alexander Coccia:

I have a couple thoughts on this. First of all, it's not wrong to net deck, right? Like there are people like Cozy, myself, and others that really try to fixate on deck building. We commit tons of time, tons of mental energy to deck building. And when you're playing a card game with an intense amount of domain knowledge, it's hard. Not all my decks land at like super high win rates. Sometimes Cozy and I crush it. Cozy, actually last week you crushed I think two decks, right? It was pretty awesome to see. But like that takes practice. Practice and it's okay if you're like, Hey, I'm playing casually. I go to the meta report from myself for cozy and I copy and paste. That's cool. Do that a hundred percent. Another avenue there, of course, is taking a deck from a video of ours, and then making it your own. You have a shell that you see is performing at 56 percent win rate, and I have a rogue in there, and you're like, I just unlocked Red Guardian. Boom! Slot her in and make some changes to see how it plays for you. That's the other option. The third option is actually my favourite, and if you want to take the time to really craft something unique, Then you have the opportunity to catch people by surprise. I mentioned it on a cozy side of the Snapchat that one of my highest cube rate decks by far is a, the one I call super invisible where I play you know, a bunch of invisibility cards with invisible woman, Ebony Maw and super giant. And when I play that deck. People have no idea what the hell I'm doing and I rob them of cubes every single time. So the fact that if you want to get into a game and you want to create something wholly your own, fully brewed, you're going to have a cube rate advantage because your opponent won't know what you're doing. And for the most part, Cozy, I don't know if this is true to you, but when someone plays a card 99 percent of the time, that first card tells me what their whole deck is.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I can almost always state they're going to probably play this, probably do this. And great point is I was in this like tournament where I was with teams and I played the number one player and it was France, I don't know. But his number one player did a Loki deck at the time. Loki was the best by a large percentage and I played a Patriot Surfer deck. But that was when I introduced Supergiant into the deck and I had things like Negasonic in there to really throw them off with an Alioth package. And I would do Supergiant into something like Dr. Doom and having a mess output of these bots, and this guy lost a lot of games to that. He didn't know, because if I didn't do that, and I was just playing this Ultron build, they know what's gonna happen, and you're just gonna lose statistically to a deck that statistically is more consistent. So yeah, it's, listen, make decks your own. Every one of my deck guides, everyone has flexible cards that I tell you to switch out. Do it. Unless you're playing the deck in the first couple hours, do it and you're going to have a better chance, you know, and it's going to be more fun. It's your deck.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. I think there's a lot of rewarding gameplay to be had if you're going to like net deck and kind of figure out like, you know, how do I make this my own? I think that's one of the most rewarding elements. And finally, we have a question that's going to close us out from Skullano. If you can go back in time to give Snapchat Episode 1 Cozy and Alex advice, what advice would you give? You start. Me start? Okay. I think the advice that I would give would be just enjoy it, man. Like, just enjoy every moment of this amazing experience. Because, like, the one thing that I feel like over time, as I start to, like, age a little bit and it's been a couple years of covering Marvel Snap. I think one consistent thing for me has been, I'm so lucky, and I'm so fortunate, and I can't believe that, like, I get to sit here on a podcast with, you know, an incredible friend to talk about an incredible game, tens of thousands of people watch and listen every single week. This is such a blessed place to be. And I think we can get caught up so often, so often, in the work, the grind, the fear, the fear of like, releasing a bad video, or not performing at a tournament, or all these stressors that we put on ourselves. Instead of focusing on all those things, focus on how special this opportunity is. Focus on how fortunate you are to be in a position where you get to do something you love. I'm living my dream. And Alex, Episode 1, don't lose sight of that. Oh, and P. S. this Cozy guy is going to become one of your best friends.

Cozy Snap:

Hey man, yeah, like, what, what could I say to follow that up? I obviously completely agree with that. Yeah. I mean, you know, one thing I'm proud of us is we did build this podcast on fun. And what I'm proud of nowadays more than back then is that as the episodes went on, we were like, Let's just keep, like, we don't have to be so, we have to talk about this subject, and then go right to the next one, like, we just have fun, we talk about the struggles of the week, or whatever happened, and like, that friendship is what I think kicked the Snapchat off, and is something to lean into even more and then, of course, yeah enjoying it on the way, this is such a unique, fun, crazy opportunity, great question, better answer and a ditto.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And thank you guys so much for watching Cozy Night. I appreciate it immensely. Your reviews on the podcast platform of your choice sincerely helps us get this podcast out into the world. So thank you guys for that. And as always, we'll see you on that next Snapchat episode.

Cozy Snap:

You guys have a good one. Have a great one. Until the next one, happy snapping.

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Sasquatch In Review
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