The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

Sasquatch: Watch Out For This Terrifying Card | New Rapid Fire Tier List | Namora In Review | The Snap Chat Ep. 82

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 30

Will Sasquatch be the best card this season? What cards have shaken the meta? What are the final rankings on Namora? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys? Welcome back. Probably the best card this month comes out today in Sasquatch. It's gonna make Bounce, Thanos, Zoo absolutely skyrocket in value. Combined with the OTA review we're gonna be talking about with Werewolf by Night back in the meta, we're bound to have a crazy week of Marvel Snap. On top of that, we're gonna rank every single new card from Series 4 and 5 that have entered Marvel Snap. In a new segment of Rapid Fire, Alex and I are going to give our very first thoughts on how we rank the cards that are in the game and the most important to buy with tokens and or just look at Spotlight Weeks. We'll be talking about all that today and more on this episode of the Snapchat. And as always, I'm joined by the one and only Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, buddy. Happy Monday to you and to all of you guys listening today. We, we have a new Marvel Snap this week. We, we got ourselves a, a pretty large patch that we're gonna be breaking down today, Alex. We've got the last week of the season as we have our new card Sasquatch hit the scene. And Infinity Conquest, all that good stuff. What's going on, man? How you doing?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm doing great, Cozy. I mean, listen. Leech got nerfed. Got nerfed from a 4 cost to a 5 cost. A little extra power in there. Leech might still be relevant, but it's been knocked down to its absolutely insane play rate that we've kind of experienced over the last two weeks. So, today, my friend, it's a good day to be a Marvel Snap player.

Cozy Snap:

He said it. It's been, it's been how long? How long has it been since you've said your infamous, old infamous line, that is?

Alexander Coccia:

It's been a while actually, like, I haven't been saying it as often lately, I was kind of getting ragged on it because I kept saying it and like, you know, people were like, yo, this guy, always saying that it's a great time to be a Marvel Snap player, it's like, bro, they're like, okay, fine, I won't say it anymore, like, I really want to say it, because it often is a great time to be a Marvel Snap player.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, yeah, you know, hey man, don't let him get to you, alright, I'll say happy snapping, if I'm like, starting to hate Snap, do I just say like, Hateful snapping? What do I, what do I say? What's my new trade line?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. Keep snapping, maybe? Keep

Cozy Snap:

snapping? That's like, but then if I'm hating it, I'm like I guess keep snapping, maybe. Oh, keep snapping, maybe. Wow, that really just, that really just sets the tone for the rest of the day. Hope you enjoyed the video. Keep snapping, I guess, maybe, if you want to. Yeah, exactly. I guess it's

Alexander Coccia:

even better, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

It's an okay time to be a Marvel Snap player. You know, we'll, we'll, we'll find yours out, too. But anyway, man, we have a lot to break down. We have a fun subject. People enjoyed the The music conversation, a lot of Screamo fans I saw, and, and a lot of people that were blown away with the term Ghetto Blaster from Alex Coccia, and I think the visuals really sold it to a lot of people. But man, it's always fun seeing, not only, you know, telling people, you know, our normal lives, but also seeing kind of what our audience listens to, or, you know, who they are a bit more. I know it makes it more real for us as we do these and we have a good one today, but before we jump into that, What are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we're going to be discussing Nomura in review, giving our thoughts on our first week with Nomura. We'll also be talking about the meta breakers of Marvel Snap, the ones to come, the ones that came, and our general impressions on ones that just might break the meta once again. And then finally, as always, our Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Well man, we're going to kind of get right to it here in just a moment. We've got a lot to talk about Sasquatch, who I rated the best card of the month back in the early previews. We have every new card that has come out. Ranked, that's going to be a fun new rapid fire segment guys, we have a lot of new segments coming in the coming weeks and we're going to have one here. And then huge balance patch, obviously we had a ton of changes, Alex and I are going to recap all of those as well. But before we jump into that, we talked about the music. And people wanted a simple question. We had a simple question asked. It was if you were to say off the top of your head with no preparation, which I swear I've not prepped. I actually don't even know mine right this second. Most influential movies and or movies that you just go to are your token favorite, Alex. I know you're on the spot.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, that is such a hard question to answer.

Cozy Snap:

It's a hard spot. It's a hard question. I was thinking about this. I almost always hate, what is your favorite blank? Like favorite food? I barely know. I love sushi, but I love all food, right? It's hard to rank it. That's what makes it fun. Do you remember walking away from a movie and being like that was great?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what the one that I always go to That like it's like a feel good one. I actually haven't watched it in a couple years I need to go back to it is The Wedding Singer. That might be like a really old school one, but it's one of my favorite Like, I don't know, man. It's like old school, Adam Sandler. It's like, just, there's just so many like hilarious lines, like the wedding speech from Steve Buscemi. Like there's so many good moments in that movie. And like, obviously it's older. I remember watching it growing up. Another one is like the original Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. I think it's so funny. Like, I, like, there's a couple of classics I always go to. Not a huge fan on Ace Ventura 2. I'll be honest with you when nature calls. I do like the scene where like he comes out of the rhino's butt. Like, I think that's the only, like, I don't know if you, anyways. If you haven't seen it, if you have seen it, you're definitely picturing the scene of Jim Carrey exiting the orifice of the

Cozy Snap:

The orifice. You know what's funny is I feel like I can come back to Sorry, I'm just trying to get that mental image out of my head. I always, like, when it comes to comedies, I have like a lot of like favorite comedies, but they're also, there's not like one to rule them all. There's not a soron of comedies, right? Like I've got, you know, like Wedding Crashers is fantastic. Tropic Thunder is awesome. Like these old comedies I'd go back to, even Pineapple Express, I just, I, I, I cackle at it. However, when it comes to like, more serious, maybe not serious, but like, plot driven movies, I can remember. And I'm trying not to think of like, the main ones, like the, the, guys I can list Infinity War, it's my favorite Marvel movie. But, when it comes to like, actual good stuff, I have a Jim Carrey movie for you man. Have you seen The Truman Show?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh my gosh, I was just looking at it last night. I couldn't even make this up. This is insane. I was looking at it last night because my wife accidentally, okay, my kids do this, they play on like the Amazon, like, with the controller, and they keep subscribing to all these services by accident, and they subscribe to the one in Canada that has the Truman Show. I'm like, I've never actually seen this one, and that was literally last night.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, I can't even like, dive into it at all then, because here's the thing, I remember watching the Truman Show for the first time, and my dad, I asked my dad, I was younger, I was like, hey, what's it about? And he goes, I'm going to tell you nothing, and that's the best way to go into it. You like, there's no, like, knowing nothing. All I can tell you guys that have seen it, there's a place called Coronado in San Diego. And it feels like I'm in the Truman Show. Like, everyone's just so perfect. It's, it's, it's it's a riot. So, that one man is on my list, and I want you to watch it now. It's one of my, one of my all time favorites. I walked away thinking there was nothing like it. And I just loved the premise. It's so without spoiling much at all, it's a mind bender. So like, if you enjoy, like, The Inception, Shutter Island is another fantastic Have you seen Shutter Island with Leonardo DiCaprio? No. Oh my god. Alex, you're missing, like, some of my favorites. What about this one's more of a doc not a doc, a true story. Have you seen Captain Phillips? No, okay. What do you want Bambi? What is it mainly just kid movies these days these are we watch

Alexander Coccia:

kid movies? Yeah, that's what about like

Cozy Snap:

10 years ago

Alexander Coccia:

10 years ago I mean, okay if I had to think back 10 years ago What kind of movies were it was I even into man? I honestly didn't watch many movies.

Cozy Snap:

So Alex Spent his time watching Ace Ventura and the Dragon Ball Z Straight to Home video.

Alexander Coccia:

I'll tell you what I really like to watch, truly, is I like all the Planet Earth documentaries with like David Nottenbro, all the classic ones, Life in Color, Life on this Planet. I watch it with my kids too I really love, love those types of nature documentaries, especially the deep sea ones where they go like really underwater and they find like, you know, crazy, like, translucent fish and like stuff that no one's ever seen before. That's, that really captures my interest. Not so much as like, oh, look at this, a lion chasing down a zebra or whatever that I could, I could go without. It's like the really fascinating, look at this weird fish underwater that looks like a jellyfish with a hundred arms.

Cozy Snap:

What blows my mind on those are the, is the camera shots. Like, I'll be watching something and like, you know, back when we grew up, Zoo Books was as good as it got, you know, we, we got like a magazine. I'm like, yo, there's a fish I've never seen before. And it's like a still image. And you're like, Alright, I'm gonna move on with my day. When I watch those things, I'm like, How are they getting this angle on this fish, doing this one thing on the one time of the month, or the one time of the year, or the one time of its lifetime? How do they do it?

Alexander Coccia:

It's like those ones where like, the dude's hiding in the tent for six months to get the, the video of the dirt, like the bird dancing? Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

What a job. What a, what a job. I mean, it's gotta be like, super fulfilling. Good God. It's like he gotta be that guy's playing Marvel Snap. Like, you know that guy in the tent? He's gotta be doing something for someone who hates animals. I'm surprised you watched those.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, but I watched them to help inform myself on what Animals to Hate next.

Cozy Snap:

Got it. So you're like watching, you're like, I didn't even know this fish existed, but that fish. Yeah. Okay. Hey, we got a lot to go into. And it's, and speaking of documentaries, there is the you know, I'm sure there's a documentary of Sasquatch. And that's today's card, Alex. And this is, as I've alluded to, this was the card I was most excited for going into the month. We have a six cost card, but it's deceptively six cost. Ten power, costs one less for each card you played last turn is Sasquatch's ability. Alex, what are you thinking? I think you gave it a four in our initial ratings. Is that about where you're at right now?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I'm gonna stick with a four rating. I think this is a very strong card, very competitive card. I'm very happy to stay at a four rating.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, yeah, I you know, I said I think it's the best this month. Blink is gonna be a hard, a hard cat to beat. I, you know, Blink, when I had Blink at four and a half, I think that was your five star. I still think this, this might be, it might be it. Especially where it's falling and how it's falling and what decks it's gonna be played in. After the OTA, this thing is gonna be set up for some pretty large success. So, let's go ahead and jump right into it. The Spotlight Caches. Kind of a lackluster week, but also important. You've got Ravonna Renslayer, which is pretty much an essential card at this point with Zabu dead. And then you have Havoc, which is the opposite of Ravonna Renslayer. So, not the craziest spotlight, but if you whiff and you get Ravonna, then Sasquatch and you don't have her. It's a win, but she's an S4.

Alexander Coccia:

I love Ravonna, and this is one of those weeks where, like, I think there was a bit of a meta in evaluating the individual weeks that were available spotlight wise. Because I'm like, hmm, I wonder why they included Sasquatch, a universally beloved card that, like, everyone seems to think is gonna be great. And then they put two series four cards with it. One of which is Havoc, which I actually really like Havoc, but not from a competitive standpoint. Like I like Havoc cause I like the card. I think it's cool. And I don't care so much about MMR. But if you do care about your rank and you care about winning that Havoc isn't as good. It's had a couple decks, but that's literally it in its entire existence. It's had like two decks where it's been even remotely competitive, but Ravona, I think is a must have.

Cozy Snap:

So one thing is, I think they're getting pretty good at pairing up spotlights, like, so for instance Nomura came out with Black Knight Scar, my deck had all three, like, and it worked successfully. A Black Knight deck with Scar, with Nomura, and it kind of, for a reason. Sasquatch is probably with Havoc because of the bounce lean in, which we'll get to in a moment, and, and Havoc works in those decks. I still don't think I would play him in it, because Havoc, in theory, reduces the cards you could play, right? So kind of an awkward fit there, but I kind of get where they're going with Per Se, and then Ravonna. Meh, maybe. Maybe Black Swan would have been a better pick, but either way, let's talk about synergies, man. And there's so many to go into here. I'm sticking at five and, and here's the reason why. There's a couple of cards that have come out in the last couple of months. We're going to about to rank them all. And there's some ones towards the top. The ones towards the top are all synergistic cards with Sasquatch and none more than probably his biggest synergized option, Alex, let's talk about Mysterio. So Mysterio has been this interesting card to snap for a very long time. It counts as three played cards. We've seen this with Mockingbird, an instant three discount. So I think the new meta package, period, in just a staple Annihilus Hood sentry, you got that package, we now have Mockingbird Mysterio Sasquatch. This is a package now that is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Alexander Coccia:

It's an insane package, and you're absolutely right. Marvel Snap's been kind of like, I don't want to say shoehorning itself, but like putting itself into these little kind of niches, where like now you have this Mockingbird, Mysterio, and Sasquatch package, you had the Asgardian package with Jane Foster, Beta Ray, and you know, Thor, you have the Sentry Nihilus package, of course, and like, but with this one here, It's crazy because it's taking a card like Mysterio, which traditionally was never played on 2. Like, you very rarely play, some Patriot decks did, but like, you almost never really played him down on 2. And then now, it's like, beneficial to play him out on 2. Which is crazy, because then like, it makes your turn 3, it makes Mockingbird, what, 10?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, so immediately, this is the first time, so She Hulk, at best case scenario, you skip turn 3, you can play her in turn 4. Sasquatch, if you play Mysterio on two, you can play Sasquatch on turn Freaking three, which is, yeah, it's

Alexander Coccia:

three energy.

Cozy Snap:

That's what meant dic ridiculous, like absolutely ridiculous. And, and funny enough, through all these, we're seeing our boys scar just tick up an absolute value because you're having more of these kind of bigger cars that you could sneak outta there. By the way, this is kind of an off topic thing. Can you, like, I don't know if we realize, is this not the coolest variant that's come out this year? This is so sick. It's pretty crazy,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah. It's pretty sick. It's a nice one. The the work on the axe itself is pretty awesome.

Cozy Snap:

The axe, the hair, the animation, this is awesome. And it's cool to have Scar, like, much more playable than he was before, way more playable than he was even a few months back because of the 10 power cards. We had one kind of dip out of there with Sentry, we'll get to that. But yes, let's talk about this. So Mysterio is going to allow you to play Sasquatch on 3, but in turn as well, and we'll get to these. The fact of just thinking about playing on turn 5. If you save your Mysterio, you go in a different direction, right? You play Hitmonkey, Mysterio. We know this combo. We know it's cracked. We know Hitmonkey goes up significantly in power. Great boom burst that you can get out of there. Mysterio being played down. That is four cards being played down for, what, the full five energy. And all of a sudden, you have a Sasquatch. That's two costs, and you just had a massive, massive explosion of power the turn before. There are a lot of applications that use him, but never mind that, we also have Mockingbird as well. That, that right there is just gonna be such a brain dead simple combo, no matter the archetype.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and the crazy thing about it, too, is like, even like, Sage, for instance, might be able to find itself in these decks, as well. Giving you a secondary option if you don't happen to draw your, your Hitmonkey, or you can even play, let's be honest Sasquatch is gonna be so cheap, you can play Sage and Sasquatch on turn six together. After you play your Mysterio and your Hitmonkey Hitmonkey on turn five. It's actually crazy what the burst potential is here, not to mention the ability to just kind of ramp out very straightforward, like, It has multiple lines, which I think I really appreciate as a player. If you happen to draw Mysterio Sasquatch and you don't have your Hitmonkey or you're not confident you're going to draw into it, just play the Mysterio down. Play your Sasquatch down. It might be susceptible to Shang Chi, but Shang Chi currently is only running at 50 percent Metashare. It's probably the lowest it's ever been, which is kind of crazy. So it might be able to survive.

Cozy Snap:

And you can only Shang Chi so many cards, right? You spread these cards out, you're going to start to get that power. Think about this play line. You can go with a one cost card. Pick your poison, Nebula, don't really care. Mysterio turn two. Turn three, you turn on the Sasquatch, okay? Turn four, you throw in, what would be turn four? You would throw in Cool Obsidian on the one cost, alright? Turn five, you can go with any other ten power card that you can throw down there, whether you want to boost it or whatever it might be. Or you just simply play like a Blue Marvel to boost up maybe the Mockingbird you played. Turn six, you have a free Scar plus Doctor Doom to go with the Blue Marvel. Whatever you want to do there or a two power Scar for not even a difficult play to turn, you know to try to pull off You put how much power on the board before that as well I mean we are truly going to be going into which is why I voted Sasquatch my favorite card We've seen these card reducing. New cards come out before cards that can be energy cheated. Sorry And they they always slap scar as we have alluded to before it was a little bit harder to pull off Now he's kind of entering the camp of becoming easier That's where it's going to be, man. And I want to go back to Cole Obsidian here because where I think is probably my favorite spot outside of the main one is gotta be Zoo. I truly think this will be, for the first time in a while, this really cool car that will fit in this Zoo style archetype. There's obviously one archetype a bit better than this, but what do you think about Zoo? I

Alexander Coccia:

think it's absolutely fine for sure. And I want to just say, I think you, dare I say, hit the nail on the head, Cozy, when you mentioned that, like, there's just so many playlines with this card. And, even like the idea that you're talking about Zoo right now just illustrates how flexible it could potentially be. Because it just, it's, oh, it's, I mean, playing it as a 610 feels bad. But even then, it's not the complete end of the world. You'll never just play for 610 and then what, you skip turn 5? Like, what are you doing here, right? You're always gonna have it discounted, and something like a Zoo Deck really benefits from being able to squeeze additional pieces out onto the board. You could, in theory, play something like a Dazzler on a turn 6. Right? Like that's even just that might be enough to completely flip a game state. So I absolutely agree that it's going to be a very flexible addition to many collections.

Cozy Snap:

And for people that they're just kind of thinking, okay, one cost cards and Sasquatch, I get what you're saying, but hold on. No, let's go in and talk about a couple cards with that, that, that fit the package. First of all, Dracula dump loves this. You have a Dracula play on four. You now have another card with that power. If things don't work out, you can fit that into the entire mold. But more importantly to all that too, especially the way Thanos is played now, because Thanos now is starting in your hand, let's go and revisit a possible Thanos Zoo, where he's kind of back into the fray. We have these Infinity Stones that cost obviously nothing to play down, you know, it's one energy per pop. But on top of that, Black Swan, who's been pretty lackluster even in balance builds. Black Swan could find herself in a really cool home here. It doesn't have to be with Thanos. Black Swan could just be with the 1 cost drops if we want to go that route. But I do think Black Swan having cards be for free is absolutely massive in this potential build where you're getting Sasquatch out for literally nothing. And don't forget, guys, 1 cost cards are the best they've ever been in the game, from Ant Man to even Rocket Raccoon.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what's hilarious about this conversation? While you were speaking, I thought to myself, I think we actually need to say what Black Swan is. Because that card has been so irrelevant, that I don't, I think there's people out there that are like, I don't even know what Black Swan does. 3 5 my friends. That on reveal makes your one cost cards cost zero for the next turn. That's what Black Swan does and of course it's synergistic with Sasquatch because you can dump those Those cards out on turn four maybe play a Sasquatch for basically free on turn five, right? 100 percent it's just crazy to me to think that like this this card is underperformed as much as it has.

Cozy Snap:

I think this card single handedly taught people about how important it is to play certain cards win. On paper, it looks great, but because you're trying to force cards to be played a certain turn, it just doesn't work out that way. Like, it just is kind of awkward, and even with the 5 power stat line, the first of it, of like, kind of like a non drawback Black Swan, that's why I think originally you loved the grade you gave it, because it, on paper, seemed like a home grown hit, right? Black Swan, though, I do think will have a place in Zoo and the next archetype we talk about, which, no question here, We've already said Mysterio. We've already said Hitmonkey. Alex, what's the archetype those fit into? What's the one that this is going to be the transcendent card for?

Alexander Coccia:

Pretty sure you'd be referring to bounce, my friend.

Cozy Snap:

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And, and, and that is. Not only because of Sasquatch coming out, not only because you can play a lot of cards easily, cheap, and fast, but also, we got a little guy named Werewolf by Night that just went down to a 3 cost that is already going to elevate this archetype.

Alexander Coccia:

My man, like honestly, current iterations of Bounce are seeing builds that not only include Sage, but you're also including the Angela Kitty Pride package in a lot of them as well. And keep in mind that you do so much as play Jeff and Kitty Pride. On top of an Angela on turn three, your Sasquatch comes out on turn four, like basically like super disconnected. Like, so it's kind of crazy to think how like these lines create themselves. You just do what the deck is designed to do. And Sasquatch turns into this just bonus power, bonus 10 power, which can be used to your discretion. That's what really impresses me about this card.

Cozy Snap:

We would, we were going cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for Coal Obsidian. Why I gave this guy a five is because guess what? You played two cards a turn before. You have a cool of sitting, you can play anywhere. Like it's, it is a absolute busted, busted card. And funny enough on my notes, I have Kitty Pryde and Friends to your point exactly. Why? Because we now have Hope Summers too, which means you get more energy to play more cards in it and play lines that you're already doing. Like it, it is going to be a great addition to the Kitty Pryde and Angela deck. And that's where it's like, I think Bounce will be its biggest home, but a lot of people don't like Bounce. It's, it's a tough archetype to play. So even a few of these cards. Are going to be enough to pop this off. I'm telling you guys, Mockingbird, Mysterio Sasquatch, That little core is going to be a group you can put with just about anyone. You can put that in the Patriot deck. Doesn't really, it doesn't matter. It's going to be just as good to go with Ultron if you want to go that route. But, for those that really like analytical play, The bounce plays here with Sasquatch, Potentially having the Kitty Pride package, Having Falcon, obviously, I got down here with Beast. I mean, that alone, I don't see how a bunch of ones, Beast, Falcon, Hitmonkey, Mysterio, Sasquatch, Mockingbird, there you have it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, basically that's it. It's one of those decks that kind of writes itself a little bit. I often, the way I approach deck building is like a backwards design. I think of, okay, what do I want my deck to do? How, what is my wind condition? How do I meet that wind condition? And then work backwards from there. If you do that with Sasquatch, it literally writes itself just like you did right there. One thing I want to mention right off the top here. There's a very obvious kind of elephant in the room that needs to be discussed. That's going to be Mobius and Mobius, right? So Mobius and Mobius is going to be everywhere week one, but don't let it discourage you. That's just going to be haters hating. Once that second week rolls around for Sasquatch and people aren't running Mobius and Mobius as often, I think it will kind of not be as much of an issue, especially when you consider, we mentioned it prior. If you turn to Mysterio, you can get Sasquatch out before the Mobius drops on turn three. So, you got a little bit of a saving grace there.

Cozy Snap:

So, a lot to touch on there. First of all, great, great point where you're able to play Sasquatch if you identify somehow, like, pretty early that there's going to be a Mobius in the deck. But also, for those that don't get this card, that can't afford it, that don't want it, like, Mobius is your ticket. I will say, I think we focused a lot on, like, what if they do this? Ravonna has been meta for how long? Mobius has been around. He's not exactly teched all the time. It's a card that people think they can leave out. I've seen that way too many times. You know, Nomura came out where you're so scared about Junk. I didn't see that much Junk. Kinda crazy. I was expecting Junk to be everywhere. I think we will have more Mobius because of Sasquatch. But mainly too, because of Werewolf by Night and how good he's gonna be in the emerging days. But also, Mobius is such a great answer to like four or five meta decks that are about to spawn, right? He's not, he's a terrible curve play if you're playing something like Hela, which is where you got that risk reward or whatever. But he is going to be vital, and was our point originally, why he should just go down and pull three. I think he's, at this point, he's becoming such an important card that if a new player got Sasquatch, you're at such a disadvantage. Without Mobius, if you're not able to get that but yes, Mobius is its biggest counter. No question. Second to Shang Chi. It's going to be really interesting here.

Alexander Coccia:

We found ourselves being able to play Cull Obsidian with almost complete ease, right? It wasn't as hard of an issue as perhaps we thought it was going to be. I feel like Sasquatch is going to be the same. It's never going to be a six cost ten, right? At worst, it's a five cost to ten, which even isn't horrible. Like even then, in its worst state, you're like, okay. I'm playing a 5. 10. There's worse things in life. You know what I mean?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, for sure. And the playlines are just there. Like, you could even play, dude, there's a world where you're Black Swan on 3, playing a Bunch on 4, and playing Taskmaster Sasquatch on 5. Like, just weird playlines that like, it kind of just fits with majority of decks played out. And as you, as your point, you know, Nomura at worst, why I liked her, she's a 5. 11. I mean, pretty much at worst. But at worst, worst, she's actually a 5. 6. Sasquatch is actually a 5 10 no matter what. Like, that's gonna be just about, unless you're like skipping a turn or whatever, which doesn't happen too often. I try to like, oh, She Hulk, you know, like, obviously, they have counter synergy. You, you can't you know, pull that one off. But I do think there's a lot of interesting lines here that are gonna make. Just in general, the play of Sasquatch, that much more interesting in so many different decks. I'm pumped for it. Again, this is my card of the month, and it's a great way to end the season. Alright, Alex, that's going to take us to our next section, and so everybody knows what we're doing. It's a rapid fire tier list. Usually, we like tier lists with long discussions, but we have a lot of cards to rank today. And so, Alex and I are going to rank, first off the mind, our very first tier that we think of. And a rapid fire tier list for every new card in Marvel Snap. There's like 70 of them. It's S4, S5, and hopefully this, guys, helps you determine. What you should buy, what spotlights to go after, everything above, and we're not going to be ranking it, Alex, on just simply is Card good. Good card make Alex Cozy happy. It's more of is it archetype defining? Is it an essential card? Is it replaceable? How much do you actually play it? Of course, this isn't the right list. This is our list, and we're gonna do our best here in a rapid fire Fire segment. And we're going to take it over and we're kind of going to go randomly. There's no set order here. Beautiful tier list brought to you by a tier maker. That's not a sponsor. Just shout them out. So anyway, Alex, we're going to start off rapid fire. First thing that comes to mind, we're going to start with an easy one. Mockingbird.

Alexander Coccia:

Definitely a, for me,

Cozy Snap:

a tier for you. So mockingbird to me is probably a, yeah, S tier. I want to reserve for only like five of the 70. Those are the muskets. Mockingbird is as close as you get in my opinion. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I like the emojis at the top by the way They're a beautiful touch.

Cozy Snap:

I know they just came in here It's so great that this thing's gonna be going up and down the whole time. Supergiant.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, It's a D. It's D, but I wish it was better. I like it, but it's a D.

Cozy Snap:

D. I would go C Probably it's one of those that I think I would have to move later. I'm fine with top of D I think it's not played enough. I think it counters a ton of decks out there Oh, I want to go C, but I'll go with D for you. That's fine. Let's go Nocturne.

Alexander Coccia:

Ooh, Nocturne has been betraying me a lot lately. It's probably like high, high C, low B range. So I'm going B or C.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, I'd go with a solid B there. I like what it does. It's funny that it's been screwing you over. Whereas you know, I'm sure that's different per person. I think it's a solid card. Good stat line. But it could go to C just because of how, like, see, the reason I want to put Supergiant up is I feel like it's so unique in what it does. I think Nocturne, we already have a lot of those. And so, those are close. I might move down Nocturne as we go on here. Fair enough. Okay we're not going to read what all these do, guys. You know, we've talked about most of these in length. We'll mention it every now and then, but we'll keep going here.

Alexander Coccia:

Hope Summers. Oh, it's an S tier card, Cozy, you know that.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think this is amongst one of the most important in the game to get. It goes anywhere, right? It can be played anywhere. It's not archetype defining, but kind of is because it fits into every archetype and one of my most played.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, it's an amazing card. Absolutely incredible card.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, fair enough. Rapid Fire is interesting because there's so much we want to say, but we have to keep going. No,

Alexander Coccia:

we can't. We're podcast hosts that can't talk. Yeah, right. Sebastian Shaw. Oh man, I like this card, but he's, he's a, he's a see as they come, honestly. Like,

Speaker 3:

in terms of

Alexander Coccia:

like, I mean, he's archetype defining, but like, he's Very, he's a one trick pony. I didn't even put him in my, my Nomura decks. I thought I was going to, he didn't make it.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go D because of how replaceable he is too. Like, he just seems like he's super replaceable. Like, I, even in Surfer, which is clearly his best play. Silver Surfer is like the most contested. Are you, are you mad at D? Do you want him at C?

Alexander Coccia:

He's okay at D. Hi D. I agree with that. He performs better than D, I think, but I accept his fate.

Cozy Snap:

I accept his fate. What about Elsa?

Alexander Coccia:

Where does she land nowadays? To me, she feels like a solid B. I don't know, man. I can see people arguing for A. I don't think she's there. She needs too much support.

Cozy Snap:

I think I'm going to go B as well. I think she is an archetype defining, but definitely helps it. I think if you're going to go with Kitty Pride and that whole package, there are some of these that you definitely want. Hope Summers, naturally, will be your first buy and else is not far behind if you have the next card that we're going to rank in Kitty Pride. There are so many cards out here I can't find it. Kitty Pride, I forget, is not a Series 3 card. Where do you rank Kitty?

Alexander Coccia:

I would say that Kitty Pride is currently an A card. But, I mean, probably High B. It's, again, these cards, it's hard to evaluate in a vacuum. I would lean towards an A or High B.

Cozy Snap:

I think high B, yeah, I'm just trying to think like, how much I play these certain cards and like, there are some that you have to buy in a bundle almost, right? You want to get them back to back to back. I think Kitty Pride, although very good, great in Angela, there's still other ones that you could buy. Kitty's right on the edge there. Don't think of this as if they're in A, they're way better than B. The end of A goes right into B. So if she's there, she's kind of right, right there for everybody. So Kitty Pride we have in B. Let's go to Baron Zemo.

Alexander Coccia:

That's a C as it gets in my opinion.

Cozy Snap:

I think Baron Zemo is a C card. Archetype defining, kind of. But yes. But no need. You don't have to get this card. You don't, Mill is, is fun, but I, I don't want to call it gimmicky, but it's not like going to be your, it's just not worth the tokens.

Alexander Coccia:

Like, I think Cable's better than Baron Zemo.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I would agree to that. Yeah. And there's like, man, with all the Electros running around nowadays and Rabdex, there's ways you can get screwed from it. I like Baron as a card a ton, but I'm going to put him in C with you, I agree on that. Where does Cool Obsidian land after all these months?

Alexander Coccia:

I would say A. I lean towards a good, solid A. Under Mockingbird, but A.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Cool Obsidian, I think Sasquatch kind of knocks it down a peg. But yeah, we'll go with that. We're not ranking Sasquatch on this specific list. Probably a tough one for a lot of people here, and by This will be their last chance to get it for a little bit. Black Knight. Where do you fall Black Knight with? Black Knight.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, it's so hard. He's an archetype defining card, which naturally wants me to put him in A. I might say low A, honestly, but he's definitely high B at a minimum.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like he, I have him above Kitty, because Kitty, it's like you're adding Kitty to archetypes, kind of. Whereas Black Knight does his own thing. He's so solid. When I got Black Knight, I played his deck so much, I was just playing it again, Epony Blade, it's just, it's so smooth, man. And, I played with Nomura, so he's also flexible.

Alexander Coccia:

I can see the beer the beer, the B tier placement of Kitty Pryde tilting people, but let me just explain. I think Kitty Pryde's B, but her synergies are A, or S. Like, the fact that you play Kitty Pryde into Hope Summers, or the fact that you play Kitty Pryde into Angela, that's what makes those cards good, but you need those cards to make to make Kitty Pryde good herself, so. I think it's pretty good in B, and I do agree that Black Knight deserves A.

Cozy Snap:

Thank you for the explanation there, White Widow.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I lean towards, like, an A.

Cozy Snap:

It's gonna be an A, not an S. It's an A, though, for sure, right? Like, the best two drop in the game currently, if not second to it.

Alexander Coccia:

It's absolutely excellent. Yep.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I agree too. Alright, Pixie, I think me and you are going to have drastically different rankings here. But I'm actually going to go with probably near A, if not top of B.

Alexander Coccia:

You know what? I would accept that. I do. Because I think that Pixie has proven to be a very high cube equity card. It's been near the top of the meta for a couple weeks now. And specific, highly specific decks. Yeah, I would accept Pixie's kind of capabilities as a card.

Cozy Snap:

And she does the role you're looking for, like Black Knight. Like Kitty Pryde, Nocturne, Elsa, those are support cards to the key card. I think Pixie's now a key card, and it's crazy to think about it. The upside is so there, and archetype defining. Love Pixie as a card, one of my favorites. We can get this one done with nice and easy. Annihilus probably towards the very top, if not the top. Would you have it above Hope Summers?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I would put a Hope Summers above no, I take that back. It's hard to say. Annihilus is good, but Hope Summers has like, it can go anywhere. So can

Cozy Snap:

Annihilus. With the recent Century buffs last nerf, I probably have them right under Hope Summers there. I would agree on that. Red Guardian, a card I know you love, but trying to just think about it in a vacuum. If someone has, you know, the tokens to buy it, where are you placing it? I know you played a lot, so that would help.

Alexander Coccia:

I like him high A for sure, but I can see people not adding him to the collection. He's, again, he's literally the best card in Marvel Snap you don't need. So it's like, it's so hard to rank him. He's an A card from pure performance standpoint, but I leave it to you to decide where you slot him.

Cozy Snap:

I look at the term replaceable very closely and Red Guardian is replaceable. As good as he is, he's replaceable. The ones we have right now, like White Widow is replaceable, but kind of not. Cole is kind of, but kind of not. You can't have a lot of suggestions there. Red Guardian to me seems better than obviously Supergiant, better than probably, I'd actually move this down. This is probably the ranking that I would give Red Guardian in, in terms of like what I would buy. I'd actually get Red Guardian before Elsa. It's probably my personal preference. A hundred

Alexander Coccia:

percent, yeah. It's a way better card.

Cozy Snap:

I like it. I think Mid B is a good tier for it. Tough one to rank there. I think tech cards are really hard to rank as a whole. Phoenix Force. It's almost like, it almost has to be A with Black Knight, but it also is just, oh man, I don't know. This one, you don't need a lot of synergy outside of it. I think it could be A. I think it

Alexander Coccia:

could be C.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right? I know! It could be, it could be kind of in the middle. Do you want to go B with it

Alexander Coccia:

then? I mean, if you want to just meet middle ground and go B, that's fine. I think Phoenix Force in the hands of a very talented player is near S tier. But for just the average person, statistically, it's as C as it gets.

Cozy Snap:

So I was thinking, it's like, it's the most archetype defining you could think of, but it's, as far as like how much I played, how much I would suggest buying it, I think low B is probably where I would settle in at. Zabu now, oh how has, he has fallen. I have not even played Zabu since COD. Garbage.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

Is he just bottom of the barrel now?

Alexander Coccia:

Yep. I agree. Just put him down there. Put him behind the shed.

Cozy Snap:

It's so sad. Mirage!

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I'm actually sad. Mirage has been just power crapped. I actually like the card. But like, why play Mirage when you can play Cable? It's definitely like a D, F tier card.

Cozy Snap:

I think I'm gonna put it in F as much as I like it and as much as it can do good things. Two costs is way too competitive. It's just way too competitive. And talk about replaceable. The definition of it. The really definition of it. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

absolutely. The most replaceable card on this list so far.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, probably. We've had a really good Lady Deathstrike. And now we've had a one that fell off, kind of, after even just a one PowerPoint difference here. Where do you put it?

Alexander Coccia:

You know what, Lady Deathstrike, I'd say a low B, high C.

Cozy Snap:

I think low B is probably You know what though, here's the thing, I'm gonna go high C with you, because I agree. When I'm thinking about cards you wanna buy, ones you wanna play, I just can't If you look at this list, I can't imagine getting Lady Deathstrike. I personally would get Supergiant before Lady Deathstrike, and that's like

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, me too. I

Cozy Snap:

agree. Yeah, I would probably say she's in line with like a Baron, as far as what she does. She's a good card, guys, it's just more of like Yeah. Rapid fire. That feels good to meet you, buddy. Jeff, baby land shark. I think we get this one over with right up to the S tier below, above Annihilus.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, higher than Annihilus. Come on now. It's like literally the most universally playable card in Marvel. I think it might

Cozy Snap:

be above. I think he's the card still. I think he's still the definition of S tier. I agree with that, bud. Man thing.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, man's card. It's like low D it has a place. It could even be F honestly.

Cozy Snap:

It's like right there. I know it's like, I, as much as I like him, I want a decent curve here, and I think, comparable to Shaw, bro, I'm playing Shaw more than Man Thing, which is surprising, but still. Red Hulk. Yes. Yeah, I, I, I think he, he just can't take him out of S. I, I agree there. There's, there's one, two more S's I know for sure, but he's definitely the one in there. Let's go to Black Swan. I, I think we gotta go off right now and not with Sasquatch and go F, yeah? Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, obviously we don't have Sasquatch on her hands. This could change Black Swan, but Black Swan is pretty F.

Cozy Snap:

She's pretty bad. She's pretty bad. Echo, we played more than ever this week, but also, you know, even in the decks, you play her to protect the Wong. Is she essential? I don't think so.

Alexander Coccia:

No, I, listen, I actually really like Echo, but still, I would admit she's a D card.

Cozy Snap:

D card. I agree. I think I'd have her below Shaw. We're actually working through these at a nice pace here, bud. Next up we've got Selene. I think this is another F even with what she does.

Alexander Coccia:

I would, I would say D. I actually play Selene. I like Selene. I think Selene is legitimately hated on for reasons that Flabbergast me. I think the card's better than universally accepted.

Cozy Snap:

Aw, dude. She's, well, okay, I guess she's Series 4 now. I was gonna say, if she was Series 5, I could never justify that. You can play her in Galactus, play with the Goblins. You can have her in D, I hate her there, but I, I won't I won't budge on it. X23 I think is A tier, yeah? Towards, towards I would probably have her right there in terms of cards I would get. If not higher, X23 is what pulls Destroyer together, we can agree. Havoc!

Alexander Coccia:

See, again, my heart, I like Havoc, like me, personally, I like Havoc in my collection as like a B card. But he's as D as they come. Does

Cozy Snap:

he look like he'd be there, probably?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he does look like he'd be. Yeah, like I'm looking at. Between Smash and Shawn Echo, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, yeah. I think people might be mad about Supergiant, but don't knock or tell your player, guys. I think he's pretty legit. Blob is a tough one to place.

Alexander Coccia:

Fall from grace, man. It's like, he got completely power crept by red Hulk and the meta just doesn't favor him. Like, honestly, he's still an a card probably, but at minimum a high B.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I would say he's an a card, especially like, yeah, I mean, we've gone away from like a lot of the like huge insane power decks and more of just like value. And so I would agree. Blobs probably towards the eight tier proxima midnight.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, definitely. That's an a card for discard a hundred percent

Cozy Snap:

a car for discard. But if we're talking about. Buying with tokens, collection value, replaceable. Like, generally

Alexander Coccia:

as a collection card, it's C for sure. We

Cozy Snap:

want to take all these into consideration and I would say, yeah, if you're She reminds me of Elsa. Cause I'd say, if you're getting Corvus, who I would have higher than this, Then you're going to want to get Midnight. If you're getting Summers, you'd want to get Elsa. Is this too high?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I don't think it's too high. I think Proxima is a definite good card. Just very niche.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. Valentina,

Alexander Coccia:

by the way, guys, we slotted,

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, have her in the B tier. Sorry. Valentina.

Alexander Coccia:

Man, I, this sucks. I, I, I don't mind this card at all. I think it's better than was appreciated. It's probably closer to low D, high F.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think, I think F is way too harsh just because we haven't really had the time to play her all that much. I think Valentina's a D. I do, I played against her the other day and I was like, they put out some insane value with Red Hulk. I think she can find her worth there. I would probably get Valentina before Havoc, personally, because you also have like the fun factor in there. But yeah, I'd throw that in. Hercules, we can just go right into F tier. I think we can feel good about that one. Jean Grey, gone up, gone down, you know, definitely in the best spot it's been as of late. Is she still, where do you have her?

Alexander Coccia:

I don't want to offend your mistress.

Cozy Snap:

You putting her in like what, D?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I would say she's a low C.

Cozy Snap:

She's a low C.

Alexander Coccia:

I would kick Baron over Jean Grey, yeah.

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Baron, that whole archetype doesn't exist.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I can agree with that. As far as if you, if you combine everything together, like, how are you going to run the deck, like, this guy pops off every play possible, I mean, the other day with the Guardians Galaxy Jean deck, and I still beat him by like 10 on each lane, like, like, it was like best case scenario for him, and it still was like, yeah, I'm just going to play good cards, though. I love Jean. Yeah, and one of those cards, if you play more, you know, like, the intricacies about her, but yeah, I think as a whole, she's still a C tier. Nomura.

Alexander Coccia:

This is so hard'cause it's so new. Man, I, I like Nomura. I don't want you to give this to me first man. I like, I like her like a B card. Yeah. I like her as a B. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

I think she's standalone good. She's a standalone Good card. Not like standalone blob. Good. But really strong. Just a strong card could

Alexander Coccia:

even fall to sea. She could fall to sea.

Cozy Snap:

Mm. Yeah. No I didn't. I don't think so. Maybe. No, no. I like it better than lady death strike. Personally. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I do too.

Cozy Snap:

Okay. All right. We'll go with her in beats here guys. Thanos is tough because he's just like, so unique, great for the tokens, but also, bro, I'm not playing Thanos, man. I'm not.

Alexander Coccia:

Those arguments where you put Thanos in S because you know there's gonna be a time where you're playing Thanos again, and it's such a unique play experience. Every single Marvel Snap player needs to have Thanos. It's that simple.

Cozy Snap:

You want him in S, though.

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, in terms of collection, yeah, you have to have him in your collection. You know what I mean? But, in terms of performance, yeah. He's more like a C right now. So if you want to say high A, I'd agree.

Cozy Snap:

I would say you have to have Mockingbird in your collection more than you have to have Thanos in your collection.

Alexander Coccia:

That is the most intoxicated thing you've ever said.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, Mockingbird is in so many better decks at the moment, like several, several. I get it, Thanos is Thanos. Yeah, but Mockingbird is

Alexander Coccia:

Mockingbird, Thanos is Thanos.

Cozy Snap:

I get that. No, trust me, I'm like, if this was a list of like who I just like, yeah, you know, Thanos is him. I totally agree. Oh man, that's a tough one. Come on

Alexander Coccia:

man, this is absolutely

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Thanos is literally the mad titan. It looks like she's going to give you a paddling in Amsterdam.

Cozy Snap:

Thanos is going in S because he's not paddling you in Amsterdam. And and Alex has him in the S tier. I'll leave him in there. Alright, I'll leave him. I only have a couple more for the S there. But Grandmaster, 2 2 now. Oof. Be

Alexander Coccia:

careful with this copium here.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude. I mean, we haven't had barely any time because we're filming this early to play the new Grandmaster.

Alexander Coccia:

Grandmaster you. Yeah, it's us two right

Cozy Snap:

now, Bubba. This feels good. I'm looking at the cards below this. I would even get him more than Shaw because he does something unique. That, that would be my personal hit. And that's like being nice. That's being nice too. High D Grandmaster.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Okay. That's fair. And I, he has room to kind of rise room to rise

Cozy Snap:

looking at this list. If I was like going up. From each card, I would buy those cards before that. So I do, I think he does have room to rise again. We're filming this way early. He could be way better with the 2 2. I don't see him being tremendously better, but much better at that. I even opened up my OTA league video with like, yep. My most infamous whiffed card, everybody. Beat the comments to it. Miss Marvel!

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, my most infamous whiffed card, everybody. That's why I went there. Yeah, I guess I mean, right now, she's, she's definitely in, like, meta relevancy? She's definitely in, like, a B C area, but she's definitely an A card, right?

Cozy Snap:

She's an A card, no question. I think she's just not Being played hyper amounts right now. I would say she's probably here for me. Yeah, Junk

Alexander Coccia:

Meta's right there right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I would say Ms. Marvel's probably right there for me. A little bit harder to pull off, but still some of the best value in the entire game. Blink is our new season pass card. I think Blink is kind of like right there with Mockingbird in my opinion. Just like a great card, man. A great card.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think she's higher than Macabre. She has to be the top of A. I think it, like, Blink is so good. So unbelievably good.

Cozy Snap:

Blink is in every single meta deck at the moment. Like, straight up, just

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

The deck Good

Alexander Coccia:

age, like, fine wine to ask.

Cozy Snap:

A question about this. Iron Lad used to be invincible, but now that we have Blink to Jubilee, it's just different. It's not that it's bad, it's just different. I still think Iron Lad could possibly be us, but I'm fine with going kind of right next to Blink and top of A. High Evo

Alexander Coccia:

man. This is one, again, it's very similar to Thanos. You want him in your collection. He's performing like a cd c to your card right now. I think the win rate's, like just, just above like 50%. Yeah, I would say he's like a high B'cause, just'cause like. Listen, it's good. It's good. It's just not good right now.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it might age better over time, but right now it's just kind of suffering. I would agree with that. Kind of weird not putting it in A, but I do agree. Mobius, M. Mobius, another tech card. I have him above Red Guardian. I would say as far as like sex appeal, you know, like of like owning the card, this is probably where I would put it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you love a man in a suit.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, on Jet Ski more specifically. What about Knull? Knull. How has he aged?

Alexander Coccia:

I feel like Knull is, ironically he gets cut a lot from some Destroy decks, especially when they get a little greedier. But, Knull I still think is like a really high C or B tier card. I don't think he's A anymore, I just feel like Destroy has matured out of needing Knull in every single list. So I would say he's definitely a B card.

Cozy Snap:

And for those that are watching visually, I will post, or I'm going to show the entire list here when we wrap up the thing, because we're pushing some out of the frame here, but that's all good. Okay, yeah, I think right there is about fine for like, what you'll do to the archetype. We have a brand new werewolf by night, better than ever. Now that he's a 3 1 man, he to me feels like Elsa. In the sense of like, he's so good, but you want him with, Other cards as well. I don't know bro. He's a stupid good card at 3 1.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, 3 1 it's so hard to evaluate because we really haven't had much of a chance to play with him yet. I could see him, I put him in A. I think he deserves to be in A. I do too, yeah, yeah. Like he's gonna be a good card.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I'm gonna put him in A tier guys. King is F. We don't even have to think about that one.

Alexander Coccia:

This is ridiculous. I can't even believe we're not having this conversation. It's an S tier card and Koji's just lying to everybody.

Cozy Snap:

Sorry, we moved over the list so you guys can see it a little bit better. The letters are kind of hidden. No big deal. We're going to go to Beta Ray Bill. How has he matured?

Alexander Coccia:

Has matured very poorly, but on occasion there's a good deck for him. He's definitely going to be in the C tier. I think he's above Supergiant though.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, he's so one dimensional, man. He's like such the definition of one dimension. He's such the I would have him below LadyBan personally. Like, if I could buy one. A new account.

Alexander Coccia:

If you're doing that, then put him under Baron, too.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I know that's how I was thinking. I think I would get Jean. It's tough We can like a card, the card can do good, but like, talk about one of the most one dimensional, you better love Jane Foster decks, and if you don't, like, you're just buying a bad card at that point.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

that's true. Scar has definitely gotten better than he was before.

Alexander Coccia:

It's like a high C.

Cozy Snap:

Man, I think Scar's creeping to B. The reason I'd say C is you need so many other cards to make him good. Yeah, like, before he gets good, I agree with that. Especially now that we're losing cards out of that. War Machine is one of the tougher ones to rank, still.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

I would say probably though, as far as like, value, I'd have him in C still.

Alexander Coccia:

I would lean towards D just because of like, the performance is kind of indicative of a D performing card, but if you want to go low C, I would put him under Jean Grey though.

Cozy Snap:

I'd have him here personally. I'd have him above Beta and above Jean, but if you want to have him below it, that's fine. I think he just gets a bad rep. I've been playing with him still, and still think he's a fine card. I think if you like control, he's just a, he's awesome, man. But yeah, as far as where I'd buy him, probably, probably in this. I'd get him before Beta, personally, but we'll have him there. Galactus.

Alexander Coccia:

This is hard, man. I mean, he's playing like a D tier card right now. But he ain't no D tier card. Like, I think that, like, he's probably right now a C. Like, he's definitely a C. He's not a priority, but Galactus unlocks a new whole playstyle.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, because of the playstyle you get, but how good is that playstyle? I'd probably put it right next to Phoenix Force at B. Sure,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah, I can accept that. Those

Cozy Snap:

two, like, kind of together. Silk? Silk. I feel like now it's replaceable.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, actually, you're even seeing some of those silky smooth style decks cutting Silk Raven, which is crazy, right? So I can see it being like a, like a low C.

Cozy Snap:

If we have Nocturne down at the bottom of B, I think C kinda works. Yeah, that makes sense to me. Low key, I would probably still have an S tier.

Alexander Coccia:

Yes, I agree. If you're a competitive Marvel Snap player and you're going into a tournament, Loki is such a perfect deck to take.

Cozy Snap:

Or you don't even have a lot of cards and you want to play more cards or you want just good value. Yep, I agree. Sage is good, but replaceable. Tough one.

Alexander Coccia:

Yep, definitely replaceable and honestly way better than people are giving it credit for.

Cozy Snap:

Let's go Nocturne with Sage. I think those kind of work together. They are both kind of like good cards, both replaceable. Alioth I've played way less of, but is he still A? I think he's probably B.

Alexander Coccia:

I think he's high C. I don't actually think that Alioth is nearly as good as he used to be.

Cozy Snap:

I honestly don't argue with that, especially on what I see from him and what he's going to add to the collection. Yeah, I'd say it's just for what he's adding. Alright, we're getting close. We're going to rapid fire. Ghost Spider is definitely F. US Agent is still probably What, above Echo? Give him a low D, give him a low D, come on. Yeah, give him a low D, that's fine. We're gonna get a lot of comments on this one. Chayera!

Alexander Coccia:

That's a B card. That's a B card. See, think that, like, it's replaceable, you don't even really need it half the time, but it's pretty good, man.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like armor is just, like, just a beatin it everywhere. I feel like Caillou is the exact same, is like in the same fate as Blob, just kind of like because of the meta, where we're at. I'm fine with B, though.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm fine with C. I'm fine with C.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, probably with Supergiant above that. Living Tribunal, I think is Galactus, but better.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, yeah. It has an important role to play, I would say B.

Cozy Snap:

I'd say B, too, probably, like right here with Mobius. Nico is my, probably looking at him, my last S card. I still think Nico is one of the most important cards to get in the game. I, I think people have different views on this, but I love her.

Alexander Coccia:

I would tend to rank Nico in A, but I can see the argument for S.

Cozy Snap:

These four right here, it's funny, they're not in S, but they're like some of my first purchases. Blink, Iron Lad, Nico, Mockingbird, phenomenal cards. Cannonball, great card, replaceable.

Alexander Coccia:

Great card right now. It's like, the meta is so unbelievably favorable towards Cannonball, but if that shifts, then the card itself feels much weaker. But like, it has performed remarkably well, so I lean towards it being like a low A.

Cozy Snap:

And I think it's going to, like, I think we're headed that direction, where we're getting away from junk a little bit more. I'm gonna open this up all the way, guys. You're actually, we're gonna cover ourselves here for a second as we finish off the list here. I was like, bro's

Alexander Coccia:

actually just gonna cover me on this podcast. Bro, I'm

Cozy Snap:

covered too. We're both, we are both covered here. All right, you can see the whole list now. We have Corvus Glaive, buddy.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, you're waiting for me to say it? Okay, Corvus Glaive, I'm going to say is definitely an A card.

Cozy Snap:

I, I agree, man. He opens up archetypes massively. He's kind of that First card you get before you get Proxima and then Hela's Hela's just a gamer. Nebula!

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, this is a high A card, Nebula's incredible. Very high meta share, upwards of 20 something percent. Very good card.

Cozy Snap:

One of the most played one drops in the game, no question about it, can fit just about anywhere. Hitmonkey is on the rise, but I probably have him.

Alexander Coccia:

I would put Hitmonkey in C, I see you hovering him in B. I would think that Hitmonkey's a C card. Yeah, I agree. Think about what Sage is doing, too.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I have a might with like Scar, like these two together, they're kind of like, they're rising together. Martyrs F, we know that. Modok is less important than he was, but still like a pivotal piece. I'd say Modok feels like a, ooh, I don't know man, because of Corvus now, it's just weird.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I've not played Modok in the longest time. I would even dare to say he's high D. Like he just got replaced with a better card. I think

Cozy Snap:

I like them kind of here.

Alexander Coccia:

Sure. And see,

Cozy Snap:

yeah, I kind of like, I had a beta for machine and gene, but not quite here, it's tough to put them above those, but I would probably get most of these before it, most of them Silver Samurai.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, feels like a D card.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I don't play him much at all. Don't really think he offers. Anything too unique outside of the one archetype? Legion, great card, but kind of replaceable. Legion to me feels like a B, but towards the kind of like Nomura category.

Alexander Coccia:

I think Nomura's better than Legion. I hate saying that because I love Legion. But I would agree Legion's going to be in B. He just Losing that one power, I think he should get it back. That's just my opinion though. Nimrod. That's a low C card. Yeah, it's good, but it's not shaking the meta up right now.

Cozy Snap:

Agreed. Spider Ham. I like Spider Ham. I would say a low B. I would say low B too. I'm pretty comfortable with that. Darkhawk. Has had a lot of changes. Oh man, I like Dark Hawk. We know he's good. I think he's an A tier. I think he stays an A bro. I think he's good.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, you could make the argument. He's not S anymore, but like, I think he's just under Mockingbird and he's above White Widow.

Cozy Snap:

It's the package that plays with him. It's just the way the deck curves out. It's stupid good. Dawken is perfect. Almost full copium. If you're playing Dokken, you're probably losing games. I'm gonna put Dokken in F as much as I think he has some value.

Alexander Coccia:

Come on, you're doing him dirty now.

Cozy Snap:

Bro, he's pretty bad. He's, he's, he's pretty bad. He's like, I guess I'll put him a shawl if you want to. If it makes you sleep better at night. Snow Guard?

Alexander Coccia:

I like Snow Guard a lot. I think she deserves to be in B.

Cozy Snap:

I like her. I do. I do. I'll put her with Spider Man. Meek? Meek's good.

Alexander Coccia:

Meek, he's good, but like, again, talking about our requirements, he's definitely going to be in the C tier, no?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, like right around here. As far as when you would buy them and stuff, I think that's fine.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, above Supergiant, I agree.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, and then we already did Knull. So this is your full look at the, I just realized how off, that's been great. This is your full look at the entire tier list, everybody. And, Yeah, I think this is fine. We don't have the left to right order perfect, but you know, this is going off of rapid fire quick list. If we were to do it again, we'd probably rank it differently. But this is archetype defining, but also what we would spin our tokens on right away. So, S tier, we have Jeff, Hope, Summers, Annihilus, Red Hulk, Thanos, and Loki. And then for the rest of them, well there's a lot to name, but I would say top of A guys, Blink, Iron Lad, Nico, Mockingbird, Dark Hawk, Alex, close it with probably your favorite. Purchase on this list. I

Alexander Coccia:

mean, my favorite purchase on this list, I think ultimately has been Loki. If you've got to go all the way back in time, I mean, I think Loki has truly unlocked a whole new gameplay style that I've come to appreciate, especially after the nerfs in terms of pure value, buying Annihilus on day one has never been a mistake, neither has Jeff.

Cozy Snap:

You know, I would say if I were to pick one, it's so funny. That's so recent. I think Blink might be close because of the the ability to make Blink work in any deck with Jubilee that you already have and ramp into good cards. That's what I like. Alright man, so that's gonna conclude this section of the tier list, guys. Super Rapid Fire, usually in the future when we do Rapid Fire, we're not gonna have 70 options to go through, but hopefully it was somewhat enjoyable to listen to. Let's talk the OTA briefly on this longer podcast. And we gotta start with it, man. Steve Rogers! It happened! Captain America was at least looked at. Looked at by the developers. I I thought he wasn't even in the game build that they had. Man I don't know and keep in mind, guys, we're having to film this way early. We're not getting a lot of play with these cards, but we're getting our kind of initial thoughts. It's sad that he has the ongoing card thing with it. It's just like they're trying so hard to keep him in this pigeonhole position. But he's definitely better.

Alexander Coccia:

He's definitely better. Like he becomes more niche. However, when you niche down a little bit, sometimes you get the opportunity to increase your potential in those niche applications. That's exactly what happened here. Definitely an ongoing Spectrum style card. It reduces the risk of playing cards like Howard the Duck, Ant Man, Goose and smaller cards that genuinely benefit from just existing beside Captain America. Right? So while this Captain America buff is a buff for Captain America, it's a buff for some of these smaller. Cards I don't see a lot of play.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, he was the master of none and I like him with Onslaught, I like him in Tribunal. He's got some really cool, unique decks and I just hope this isn't the end for him. They said they wanted an iconic card for new players to have. I just think there are other ones out there. I think there are other iconic cards out there. I hope they look at Steve again, but hey, he did get a buff. We've been asking for it for two years, man. Two freaking years. But let's talk about the other buffs, man. We have some kind of crazy ones. We've mentioned it so many times. Winner of the patch, by far, Werewolf by Night.

Alexander Coccia:

The patch was all the people that were cheering for the leech kind of deletion. But Werewolf by Night, in terms of buffs, absolute winner. I'm glad this happened too. Werewolf by Night died a very unceremonious death. And it was unfortunate because the card was a ton of fun to play, very unique playstyle. Glad to see it's back and can't wait to start brewing with him.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Loki, we know, was like insane with this. I'm a little hesitant towards what that'll do there, but my gosh, it's just one of the most enjoyable cards to play in the entire game. Seriously, so much fun to work around and rewards just great gameplay. Pumped about the werewolf by night. We have smaller buffs, but we still got him. We have Grandmaster, we kind of touched on him. We could be brief here, I think it's gonna I think it's definitely going to help his cause, but it also takes away some synergy he had in something like Ravonna.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Ravonna was a huge part of his package. I almost wonder if a 2 1 buff would have been better, because it still maintains that synergy with Ravonna. However, at 2 2, he's just universally more playable. He's not stuck to being a Ravonna card anyways. So we'll have to see. Two powers better than zero power.

Cozy Snap:

And I would say this, guys. One thing about Captain America and now Grandmaster. I think this is the best season ever for Cerebro. The fact that you can play Mystique and Cerebro with Captain America to get them to two, and have the possibility of Grandmaster send something like Storm in the middle twice, you have really cool potential with Grandmaster in C2, and I'm excited to see how much that rises as we go through the week more. We also had Leader gain a power point. I think this just felt kind of good. I either wanted Leader to get a power point or get a power taken away so that he could work with Ravonna. Either or, I wanted Leader to get buffed? Yeah, not like massively, but like he was obviously one of the most, the least played 6 costs.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, he definitely got destroyed in the most, not the most recent nerfs, but like, when he got nerfed, he got destroyed. He got leadered. That was like the term we were using for the longest time. He got leadered, right? So yeah, I think that like, Red Hulk should have brought it back out a little bit. I think they were right to identify that in the patch notes, so this seems fair.

Cozy Snap:

If we justify Loki, we have to justify leader, because just because you have big Red Hulk, okay, how is that any more fair than a leader being played to counter it? I think I like the leader being in a position of counterplay now, where it doesn't feel completely cheap. But yeah, definitely, definitely a good pick here. Baron, I did not, dude, I did not expect Baron to get some attention and love. But I kinda think this is a really cool change, like, it's not drawling, it's potentially disrupting. He doesn't work with Ronin now, so he's like a true niche weird disruption card.

Alexander Coccia:

It's interesting, I don't know, so this is like one of those texts that like, okay, now this is like a Magic the Gathering style text where it's like, it's a little convoluted, you read it for the first time, you're like, wait, what the hell is this doing, you gotta read it again, so it is a little tricky but it's okay, listen, if it if it delays the cost of their ability to play down cards early, that's fine, but like, It's okay. It still kind of sucks that at turn six, it reverts back to its original cost because that negates the Ronin effect. If it stayed at six and you just got rid of the draw mechanic, it would have actually been a good card. I don't know if it would have been overpowered though.

Cozy Snap:

I like him in potential bounce maybe, but more so than not like the Baron Zemo deck. Like kind of this, like, I'm going to just mess up everything you try to do. Like, that's the best case scenario I would find for Baron. I still think he's kind of niche. As far as the nerfs, guys, we had Luke Cage get a power point down, Spectrum to make up for the obvious Captain America. But we did have Leech. We, we kind of poured a lot into Leech lately. I will say this, when Blink came out, I was playing Leech at 5, and it still felt fine to go into 6. He's still gonna have those niche cases, and now he's a little bit better power wise. And Cerebro 5. So I think we have a couple, you know, still use cases for Leech.

Alexander Coccia:

It's crazy to me that Leech, ultimately, from like last month, still comes out with a buff. Like he's still technically got buffed, right? Like, I don't know, man. Like, it's not what it used to be, which is, I'm thankful for, but old leech used to come out on like turn three with stones with Lockjaw, Thanos and all that stuff. It's still a card that needs to be carefully considered if it's a meta card. But it was running like a 55 percent win rate in high infinite. Like that's just insane. It

Cozy Snap:

reminds me of Alioth where they tried so many times until they were like, okay, we're just going to rework the card as a whole. Like it just is not working in its state. We'll have to see if this leech sticks around. We'll end on Sentry, because I think this is one of the more interesting nerfs slash buffs. He went to a 4 8, and the void is a 4 8. Sentry was always getting punted by Shang Chi, and was one of the few in the Annihilus Package. The Annihilus Package It reigns on having low value push and with Demon and with having, obviously, the Hob and the Hood get pushed over, or the Void and the Hood. I like this change for Century. Obviously, it's a four net change. They want to look at it as a nerf, but I think in the way the deck plays, especially if you're not just doing Annihilus with a bunch of random stuff, but Annihilus in his core package, it's a good change.

Alexander Coccia:

If you're going to attack the Annihilus package, doing it here makes me feel better than attacking Annihilus. Like, I'd rather you take two points off of Sentry than a single point off of Annihilus.

Cozy Snap:

Agreed. Agreed. I think this will be interesting to see how these cook. Yeah, Alex and I both have crazy, crazy days ahead. So we filmed this before we got all of our testing in. But I think it's just one of the better patches that have come in quite some time. They've addressed a lot of things. They got right on the leech change. I'll take the win there overall.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, I've got a story for you, my friend. One that I think you'll appreciate. So, Cozy and I were recording this much earlier than we usually do for the Snapchat. We've both got insanely busy weekends ahead of us. And so, in between our recording sessions, I had to go pick up my kids from school. So, I run over to my school, pick up my son and daughter, and the other two my wife's gonna pick up from daycare, and As my son's running out of his junior kindergarten room, the teacher goes, Hey, you forgot your Pikachu. I'm like, oh, and I turn around and she hands me this, right? And I'm like, wait, I'm trying to get it right on the camera. There it is. I'm like, that's, that's not Pikachu. That's Bulbasaur. She looked at me like I was a complete idiot. And was like, how do you know that? That's every month. I'm like, how do you not know that? How do you confuse Bulbasaur with Pikachu? Have you never been on the internet before? And she's only like five years older than me. I'm not talking about some old grandma, junior, kindergarten. She's like in her early forties. I'm like, what the hell is wrong with you? The, you can't recognize Bulba. Okay. Bulbasaur, okay, maybe a little more niche, but confusing Pikachu with Bulbasaur, and then looking at me like I'm the idiot? I'm not taking it.

Cozy Snap:

It's kinda like, there's like two vibes it's giving off. It's one, giving off the vibes of your mom calling everything a Nintendo, even though you own like a PS5, and you're like, okay, yeah, great. But also, there are things, like first of all, Pokemon's the most successful franchise in the world. Pikachu, Mario, if you don't play, you know them. Period. You have to. They're too iconic. Even if you don't watch football, you know who Tom Brady is, right? Like, there are names in hobbies or fields that you're like, I've heard of that before. Not everyone, but most of them. Pikachu is There's There's no mistake in Pikachu. That's just That's just That lady is just having a I dunno. A bad day or She's is she drinking at on campus?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I know. It's like Pikachu, tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Tom Brady. Like, they're all kind of in the same conversation for different reasons, but they're all pretty much the same. I bet you Pikachu can launch a football

Cozy Snap:

Spider-Man. Yeah, dude. We draft a Pokemon football team. I would say. Spider-Man. Zap for Marvel. Yeah. Yeah. Who's your Pokemon? Running back? My Pokemon running back. Oh man. Oh man, Machamp, Machamp, yeah, yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah. Oh, Machamp for sure. I was thinking Graveler, because he just grabs the ball and starts rolling. Oh, he just downed himself immediately? Not even Gollum. Gollum's

Cozy Snap:

just like a turtle on a rock, though. Oh,

Alexander Coccia:

that's true, man. Oh man, we gotta do a Pokemon football team at some point. Who would be, like, your top receiver?

Cozy Snap:

My top recei dude, you hit me with with good ones here. Oh, poof. Pokemon Top Receiver. What's a, what's a fast one? Jolteon? I feel like Jolteon could do pretty good.

Alexander Coccia:

That'd be pretty fast. What if it was a flying one, like Articuno? Would that be cheating? You just launch into the sky and it just flies away with it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, then you just have like, oh, like, Pidgeots, Charizards. I could name, probably on memory we'll have to do it, I could name all 151 without looking at anything.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Like, like, in order though?

Cozy Snap:

Close. Not like exact order, but close. I can like envision my Pokedex.

Alexander Coccia:

Here's a fun fact that I absolutely, is 100 percent true. I'm not making this up. So, this was a couple years ago. So I teach an engineering course in high school, grade 12. And one of my students was getting dismantled on this engineering networking quiz. Test, sorry. And they're like, sir, I'm doing really bad. It was near the end of the term, they wanted to get a good mark. I'm like, listen. Here's the challenge for you. If you can name all 151 original Pokemon in order without looking at any references right now on the back of your test form, I'll give you 100 percent on the test. He's like, he said this literally said bet. And he started writing. And then the other guy in the room, who's one of his best friends, like, sir, you don't even understand what you've done. He's an absolute rabid Pokemon player. Sure enough, this kid within 25 minutes, he had to think about some of the ordering. He hit it to 150 out of the 151. He missed one single one out of order. I don't remember which one it was. But I gave it to him anyway. I gave him 100 percent on the quiz. Everyone was blown away. The whole class was like cheering for him and pumping him up and stuff like that while he was writing it on the back. It was one of my favorite moments in my gosh,

Cozy Snap:

that's, that's, see that's why I know I could be a teacher. I would just do that all the time. Like, hey listen guys, I know history is important. Screw Thomas Edison. If you guys can name the 151, we're all getting A's and school's out early. That's impressive man, that is. The order would mess me up because there's some weird, there's some weird, you got like Gyarados and Jynx and stuff in some weird places, but anyway. What was your favorite Pokemon of all time?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh man, my favorite Pokemon of all time, I, jeez, I would say Jigglypuff.

Cozy Snap:

Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm a Squirtle guy, yeah, I forgot you Jigglypuff. I like our humble beginnings though, for sure. But Alex, speaking of water types, this new card, Marvel Snap. You loved it. I believe you gave it a 1 star. Or was it a 2 star?

Alexander Coccia:

That was the best segue in the history of Marvel.

Cozy Snap:

Wasn't it, Guy? It kind of worked out.

Alexander Coccia:

That was insane.

Cozy Snap:

It kind of worked. You gave it a 1 star, then hold on, he called it a trash heap, then he took it to 2 star, but after saying 2 star, he said, I still think this card is gonna suck. Alex, Deliverance Day has come. Listen, I was scared a ton. The comments were backed you up massively. Like Cozy's on the copium. And I said, I'm gonna stand my ground. If I'm wrong, I'll take it. I'll take it. Where do we land on another water type Pokemon in Nomura?

Alexander Coccia:

This is so funny. I gotta give you credit, man. Like, it takes balls to stick to your gun sometimes, right? And like, Listen, I, I did, I did like the stairway to heaven with Nomura, so I started at 1, I ultimately went to 2, still suck, I'm giving it 2, I think it might suck. I'm landing on three and I can see it going to four if the junk meta subsides. But right now I think it's firmly three. It's a very good three. And I know it's the cards not popular. It's running a 3 percent meta share as of recording right now at a 52 percent win rate. All that, like it's winning games. I, I'm gonna say it's definitely a three cozy, and I'm gonna say that like, I'm, I'm proud of the fact that you held your ground for Nomura

Cozy Snap:

though, guys. So I'm doing my video on Nomura and I'm like, I wonder how, how Alex is doing. So I go to a stream and as I get to a stream, I hear, oh guys, I think I actually really like Nomura. And all I put was well, well, oh wow. It was the,

Alexander Coccia:

I saw you was the

Cozy Snap:

perfect timing man. It was perfect timing. Listen. Nomura, it was really cool to see, in a week that had everything going against her, she still flourished. And that's why I give 5s out, because I think, like, pigeonholing it to just 3 or just 4. Right now, she felt like what I gave her last week, a 3. 5. Like, kind of right there, on the edge. Great card, most of the time 5. 11, but man, I know you play decks like this too, where it's like, I'm gunning Nomura, and there's not a thing you can do about it. It's phenomenal. The movement cards are crazy strong. All the synergies we touched on, we absolutely loved, man. And I still think Wong can be a lot of copia a ton of the times, but the, the fact of having that synergy with the on reveals, where you could Dr. Doom into the Wong, where you could play White Tiger, you could play this, and then the early cards. She's a card that is possibly the easiest to curve into, because you know exactly what you need to do, and all cards can do it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I've loved her. I've loved her. And I actually took the road of playing Wong. I preferred Wong just because like, it just got that Jeff really chonky, and I could do whatever I wanted with Jeff. The card that I found a little awkward at times, ironically was Miss Marvel, because she gets so huge, I'm like, I don't, if she leaves there, that side just dies, like that, that location just loses, you know what I mean? And so like, Either way, it always helped, but I found myself sometimes being like, I kinda wish that power was on Jeff and I had control over it, but like, I don't know how you feel about it. But anyways, I had that thought, but like, honestly, like, Nomura was legitimately way better than expected. I think a lot of people sold themselves on skipping this week as, as a whole. And so, like, they weren't even interested in Nomura. They didn't care about what, like, the review videos were gonna say. They were like, nah, I'm skipping this week anyway. You know, Eternals is coming out, Sasquatch is hype. I think Nomura took a stray cause Sasquatch is, I think, legitimately gonna be absolutely fantastic. This card, I think, is being slept on. Me playing it, I liked it way better than I expected.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, when you gave it the same ranking as Agent US Agent, I was like, I'm, I'm, I'm gonna cry inside. It, it, the thing about her is, and why I love her even more so, is, is a Blink. Blink is just a phenomenal Nomura card. Just being able to go into Nomura or out of it. I didn't love the solo Nomura builds as much as I thought I would because it's very much like, I don't know, something like Phoenix Force where, like, You know what's gonna happen, so your opponent, it's a two cuber, whereas I try to fit her into decks where she's a compliment piece and can work well, and I went the Black Knight route. I took both Spotlight cards, I think I, we were talking on Twitch, I love Scar with her because she has, for the first time, the ability to get a ton of cards to cheapen Scar up. Black Knight isn't a necessary card that needs a ton of lane filling, and Nomura kind of just fit into that build, had a good time with that. But yeah man she's going to age well as well, because she truly stands the test of time of working with any card. And I think synergy wise, there are cards you want to play with her, but most of the time, you can put her in a good amount of decks.

Alexander Coccia:

She was surprising, very surprising, and in my defense about my rating, okay, this isn't the mailbag, but there was a comment on the video, and it read, Alex, this is from Carrick, it reads, Alex often has a very good opinion on upcoming cards, but for some reason, he has a huge blind spot for cards that spread a bunch of power into every lane. Obviously Nomura isn't gonna be Miss Marvel, but it seems like a similar oversight on his part. That's right, Cozy, Dr. Doom, F tier card. I mean, maybe it is the whole spreading power thing that I'm just low on. Maybe I gotta just Open my eyes and just look at the stats.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, right? I know, that is funny that it happens to be that one subset. And I probably get more excited about combo cards than I need to at times, so you know, to be, to be fair there. I think Nomura though, is again, most of the time a 5'11 which is just so good, 5'16 and it's a 5 cost Dr. Doom at you know, when things are really working out. So she aged in well, excited that she's doing good, Great spotlight week as well but yeah, we have a lot of good cards, and so, you know, I had, you know, people reach out, should I get her? And I'm like, it just depends. She's super good. It just depends on what you enjoy to play.

Alexander Coccia:

The challenge here is, this is the spotlight system, the additional card they've added every single month, the fact that it's Series 5. It's just, it's so hard to recommend a card that like, you really, if it's not a true, genuine meta contender, it's hard to recommend. Like, Sage is the exact same thing. Sage is a good card, but like, you don't need it. No Moral's a good card, you don't need it. It's, it's just hard. Cannonball suffered the same fate. Whereas Cannonball comes out, and it's like, the meta wasn't right for it then the meta becomes right for it then everyone is scrambling to find six k tokens for it. It's so frustrating from that standpoint. It's like, we just don't quite have enough to get everything we want, which is by design. Obviously they want to, they want to pull those resources out of us, right? Because they want every card to be exciting in their own right. Which is a good thing. We want these cards. I said it last week when I said I rating it two stars, I want to be wrong. Cause if I am wrong, that means we got a card. That's exciting. And. This card kind of proved to be that.

Cozy Snap:

Which I would say is if over the last few months, you've noticed probably Alex and I are lower on cards than usual. It's more because we're trying to be more protective because the Red Hulks that come out when those cards come out, it screws a lot up because those are guaranteed certified cards you have to get. And then with that, you then only have so many to be able to get some of these good compliment cards. It's kind of the discussion we have when we do the tier list between Elsa and Hope Summers. Hope Summers is the must get. Elsa, it's like, oh man, if you're playing that kind of style, you're going to want to get her, but there's Red Hulk, or there's, you know Blink in the Future, things like that. So I agree, great card, but We got a lot of good ones coming out, notably Sasquatch overall. So Nomura, we, we ended at three, three and a half.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely in agreement that Nomura did surprise on the upside. Not quite a meta breaker, but we're gonna be discussing meta breakers in Marvel Snap right now. Now, the purpose of this conversation is to discuss cards that have shaken the meta, cards that have Perhaps in the past, shake up the meta and perhaps in the future, we'll shake it up as well. We're talking about the big heavy hitters, the archetype defining cards, where they are, where they've come and where they've gone. And this is a bit of like a loose conversation. So I'm going to throw some cards at you Cozy, give you some stats, and I want to hear your opinions on where you think these cards are going and where do you think they're standing right now? We're going to start with an easy one. Red Hulk is running a 53 percent win rate, all infinite and above, by the way, at 29 percent of the meta. In terms of meta breaking, 29 percent of the meta, that's about as close as you can get to meta breaking. Look at the size of those hands, Cozy! He's crushing the rocks beneath his feet with his hands. Crush the meta as well. What are your thoughts?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, Red Hulk is a staple now, right? I think I play games against Red Hulk differently, so when I know the opponent has Red Hulk, I've adjusted my game plan specifically. But yeah, the definition of not just a meta breaker, but like a plug and play meta breaker, and that's what's important. Like, Cannonball, really good card. Red Hulk is one of those that can fit into just so many different builds. He isn't going anywhere, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, like, Red Hulk was, the thing was, like, everyone was brewing all these decks around Red Hulk, and like, large value cards, good cards based decks. And then, like, the top performing one on his release was a silky smooth style deck, and we're like, what the hell? Like, just cause he could've gone anywhere. And he just punished the meta punished people floating energy, and he completely killed High Evo, High Evo doesn't exist anymore, literally doesn't exist anymore, because of Red Hulk, and that's a good point, where is High Evo, I mean High Evo is running a 2 percent meta share Cozy, 2% It's literally 15 times lower than Red Hulk. We guessed that Red Hulk was going to have a very negative impact on High Evo, but could you have possibly expected it to be this bad?

Cozy Snap:

It's like, he almost had a year of being meta dominant. High Evo came out this time last year, Red Hulk came out last month, right? So it's like, you had a full year almost of High Evo doing his thing. It's kind of crazy to see the fall from grace from it, because you have such a direct counter. But other decks have direct counters too. I think the problem is, even though Moby is direct counters a lot of stuff, Red Hulk is just inherently an amazing card, right? So people are putting it in the deck and it doesn't feel like the 12th card to counter something, it's just in their decks anyway. So when you're high Evo, you got such a significant disadvantage because of so.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, high Evo, complete fall from grace. I mean, it's good for the meta to, to see these types of things come and go a little bit. Cause I mean, listen. There was nothing more annoying than going against 9 of 10 High Evo players. No meta benefits from a very, like, kind of mono style deck archetype dominating, so it's good to see some change happening.

Cozy Snap:

I feel like this is what High Evo looks like when he's at his peak. He's like, look at me, I'm God, and then this is him right now.

Alexander Coccia:

Just sad face. Frowny face.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, this is the max Greg variant for the podcast listeners, but he's just, he's frowning.

Alexander Coccia:

What's another Meta Breaker? The Meta Breaker is going to be next. We're talking about two combinations, actually. Okay, we're switching it up, Cozy. Now, this combo definitely has destroyed the Meta since their comeback. And that's Kitty Pryde. And Angela. You could even add Elsa Bloodstone to that mix, but I do think that Kitty Pryde and Angela are the two major ones. Angela's buff was so significant to this archetype that it re like, rejuvenated the entire archetype, all those cards. One buff to Angela brought back everything. It's also worth noting that technically Kitty Pryde got a prior buff, but it didn't really do enough. Angela is back in full force. The two together almost have identical stats because you're only ever playing them together. 52 percent win rate in High Infinite, 18 percent of the meta Cozy, 18 percent from basically zero, from zero. To 18%. That is meta breaking.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's cool. So Alex pulled these cars. I don't know what's coming up and I like to be surprised here. Cause I got to say, this has got to be one of the most obvious picks here for meta breakers. You know what? I got to say this to second dinner. We had what the Captain Marvel come out, then they nerfed it. And then they did Angela. They've nerfed her. And now we've gone full circle. We've come back to almost with stature, all of it. Coming back to their original forms, this feels like a great Marvel Snap. And it's crazy how well the power adjustments have happened. We have 3 costs with better stat lines. I'm really enjoying all of these different potential decks to scale high rather than just the very few and these are cards that you have on day one. Angela, man, it was just, it was such a weird snap without her and I'm pumped she's back.

Alexander Coccia:

I'm glad they buffed it too because there's been two major releases that really negatively impact Angela as a bit of a release valve. Red Guardian destroys Angela very easily, as does White Widow. White Widow kind of throwing in garbage in that location, reducing the amount of chances you can balance is huge, but honestly, Red Guardian dismantles Angela, and having that counterplay is very important, I think. So that's definitely a factor there. Now, we're gonna talk about another combination of meta breakers. Now, this one here, I think is a bit of a sore spot for a lot of players in Marvel Snap. And it was a surprising one. This here is going to be Professor X and Cannonball together, running a 52 percent win rate, similar to that of Kitty Pryde and Angela and 17 percent of the meta. So just one percentage point under the Kitty Pryde, Angela, Professor X and Cannonball. Can you believe it? Absolutely remarkable conversation. I know that Pro X is one of your absolute favourite cards in Marvel Snap, which I used to call Prof X, but you have now converted me to a Pro X gamer, so take it away, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, first of all the first thing I did with Nomura was play Pro X, because I'm like, I'm already playing Jeff. I'll put ProEx in his own lane and continue to build that up, right? So there's this synergy there now with Nomura. Yeah, the Cannonball synergy, man, if you're playing the wrong type of deck, you are screwed. In fact, I think Cannonball's gonna be a great counter to Sasquatch. Because you're going to have a bunch of these bounce cards and Mysterios everywhere, and then you just target the Sasquatch, and you move it to a location, and they're kind of screwed from there. It's still hard to pull off getting him down, and then trying to get, you know, maybe the Cannonball going, too. But with the right junk builds now, Klogg is just at his best. Yeah, crazy lethal combination that's been, you know, on the rise for about a month.

Alexander Coccia:

It has been on the rise, and at the same time though, it's like you can see the vulnerabilities in them, right? It feels like an amazing combination that does not feel overtuned or overpowered or overbearing. Because Professor X is a 5'1 There is inherent risk to just throwing down Pro X. Cannonball, if the locations aren't filled, might just redirect their big power card into a winning position. Yep. They're not just win more win easy cards, right? They can be frustrating to play against, absolutely, and if Professor X comes down, you best know that Cannonball's coming too, especially if they've played a Debris, which is making its own comeback. But I do think that this is a particularly fair combination.

Cozy Snap:

Can I bring up another I didn't have the list. I am sure you have it. I am going to bring up what I think is the clear Cut Meta Breaker this month. Like, if you look at lists, it's there. There's no question about it. The it's almost like the old days where you would just plug in, let's say, Darkhawk, and you know exactly where it went. You're looking at one right now. I think Jubilee into Blink is the new, is the new thing. It's the new thing. Why not run this? Like, bro, I was running a Nomura deck where you don't want two cards in a lane. And I was still running this combination because it's just that good in ramping out to a better card. And having the seventh stack with Blink. It's so good.

Alexander Coccia:

Blink's been tremendously disruptive to the meta. In a way that I think has been a lot of fun, but like, it's crazy. I think it's, is it power crept Lockjaw? Is it power crept I mean, even to some degree, you brought it up during our tier list, like even Iron Lad has kind of had its lunch eaten a little bit by Blink, which I didn't really expect to happen, but it has happened. It's been remarkable. And Jubilee is one of my favorite cards in the game that never got played in the last like year. Basically it saw a couple moments. But generally speaking, Jubilee was not a card you were playing, and it's back in full force.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and man, I'm telling you, watching X Men 97, just cool to watch Jubilee, like, kinda, kinda kick on that show, but yeah. I think this is just such a formidable duo I would say Blink, It has become one of the most important season pass cards to get in some time.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And while keeping on the theme of duos let's discuss Annihilus and Century. Now Annihilus and Century running a 53 percent win rate at 13 percent of the meta. Now obviously that has been impacted by the nerf to Annihilus, bringing it down to Annihilus, sorry, it's Century bringing it down to a 4. 8 and conversely hitting the void as well, but still, I don't think this package is going anywhere. And this is probably one of the absolute craziest meta breakers on the list because You take this package of Hood, Annihilus, and Sentry, you put it into pretty much anything, like you could literally put it into Bounce, you could put it into Zoo, you could put it into Dracula Dome, you could put it anywhere dude and it works!

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, what's crazy to me man, Sentry, but Hood is just such this natural puzzle piece with Annihilus, like You get the hood out before you play Nihilus, and all of a sudden, you're able to play a card that's swapping immense amount of power. You're throwing off your opponent's game plan. You're adding six power as a demon as a backup plan into the lane that you need to go into anyway. It's just so easy to know where to play this. In turn, if you're good against Annihilus, you know where they're gonna play it, and you can make, you know, smart decisions. Yeah, stupid good combo.

Alexander Coccia:

Continuing our conversation about cards breaking the meta, we discussed Blink, which was a Season Pass card. Now, it might be easy to forget that we had a good, another good Season Pass card, and Hope Summers! 16 percent of the meta. When we were doing our tier list, Cozy, we threw Hope Summers right up at the top for good reason. How amazing is this card? It's one of the few cards that allows you to ramp up. Without any, basically any downside, and forget about Mobius on Mobius, doing absolutely nothing to the energy being generated by Hope Sommers.

Cozy Snap:

I have her sound effect drilled in my head at this point, like that, that is, that is drilled in my freaking memory bank, the amount of times I hear that, right? And you Like, kind of, like, you know, like, when they play Wave, they play Electro, you're like, okay, he can ramp stuff. I feel like with Hope, you forget that they have that energy. There's, there's times I'll commentate a game, I'm like, how do they play a Magneto already? It's like, well, no crap, they played into Hope last turn. Like, just, it's such a great card on a fundamental level and is easily the best card of the year.

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, without question, absolutely incredible. Now let's talk about a couple of the meta breakers that have had a bit of a downturn now. These are the ones that really were shaking things up, but then have just disappeared. Like, maybe just drifted into the dunes of sand, and Sandman being one of them. 52 percent win rate, which is pretty decent, but only 4 percent of the meta. Now, when Sandman pops off, and is becoming very popular, it definitely just grinds the meta to a halt. So as a meta breaker, it might be a good thing that Sandman is not quite as popular as it used to be. Despite the fact that it does still make itself into some of these Corvus Gleaves style decks. Cozy, what are your thoughts on Sandman?

Cozy Snap:

He reminds me of Leech. I just feel like when people do play him, he's, he's like the worst card. Everyone hates him. And then, they forget about him. But he's still there. He's still doing his thing. Like, Leech is still going to be a good card, but he's going to be tamed so much more than he was. It's kind of the same for Sandman. Still does a role. This is going to be a very important card, potentially. With playing against this balance meta we're about to head into, but the problem is, is we just talked about it, these decks can ramp into what they're trying to do way quicker now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Sasquatch can come out on three, right? We talked about it on your side, right? So, Sandman, also, this might be funny for people that are listening, not an ongoing card, I've actually, I've done it myself, I've played Sandman, you're like, wait, why'd they play I forget sometimes that he's actually not an ongoing anymore. He's an on reveal for the next turn only. They can only play one card. But still, he's a 5 7 stat line, which is pretty chonky. It's the best stat line he's ever had. The best he was at was 5 5 with the ongoing effect. Yes, 5 4, 5 4. Now here's a funny meta breaker, and this is one that might make a comeback, because it was destroying the meta from the depths of Asgardian hell. And that is the Lady Death herself, not Death, sorry, but wait, is, is is Hela Lady Death? I'm not sure.

Cozy Snap:

Are you, I, I pulled a Lady Death track if that tells you anything.

Alexander Coccia:

I confused the hell out of everybody. I meant Hela. Hela is the Goddess of Death, is she not?

Cozy Snap:

Yes. You were correct.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, so I completely mis I, I was saying, people were like, Is he talking about death? Is he talking about Lady Deathstrike? I

Cozy Snap:

thought, I thought Beta Ray Bill first. I'm like, I'm like, where is

Alexander Coccia:

it? Where, which one are we going with? Hela though. Yeah, Beta Ray Bill, Meta Breaker. Okay, maybe for 10 minutes. Hela completely destroyed the Meta Cozy, but currently, Because of Leech who got deleted, Hela might make a comeback, but as of recording was running only 5 percent of the meta. It sure as hell didn't feel that way.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's weird they addressed Leech on this last patch, but not Hela, because it's kind of like, you know, you open one gate, you get the other Hela, oof, Hela's good, man. She's gonna continue to be good. I think she had a small pause in time, but yeah, she's about to, I think she's about to be more popular. Not ever, but close to it, because Black Knight was also just in the spotlight. People love playing Black Knight with Hela. Even though that's not been the, like, the exact meta list lately. But there's a lot of ways to play her now. Just, Stupid good

Alexander Coccia:

card. I honestly, I traditionally have not played a lot of hella, honestly, just'cause I think it was like one of those frustrating archetypes where like, I'm streaming people, like Why are you playing hella, you're cringe. And I'm like, okay, fine. I won't. But when I do play hella, I've been having so much fun and like, it's made me a believer in corvis. Like, Corvus has felt so much better in Hella, like, I sometimes, I'll play Hella on 5. I'm like, nah, it's best, it's ideal for me to play Hella right now, I got a good turn 6 follow up. Like, it's kind of cool what you know, variable kind of playlines you get with Hella, so, I think that right now, 5 percent of the meta is just a flash in the pan, as they say, and with Leech getting kind of neutered, I think Hella's gonna make a major comeback, so I'm expecting that to make a major splash. But one that's not making a splash, Cozy, which had a major fall from Grace, Is Galactus. A 47 percent win rate, 2 percent of the meta. Can you remember when Galactus was almost 15 percent of the meta? Total fall from grace. No longer a meta or world breaker. Galactus is nowhere to be seen.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah I think this is just one of those like, if you want to play Galactus, you still can be successful in it. It's just, it's It's kind of tough. It's kind of tough because we are having a lot of free ramp options, which you would think would help Galactus. That's also giving your opponent the ability to also easily just ramp out big stuff, cover the lanes fast. We just talked about it. You can get Sasquatch out on three, Mockingbird on four. You're not gonna be, you're screwed. You're not gonna be able to Galactus anyway with something like that, right? We, we've seen a lot, you know, of cars, even Hela. Even Hella. Let's say that you play Galactus on 5. You're like, AHA! They play Hela, they're still going to beat you most likely, because they're going to be putting an Infinite, a Magneto, and whatever down there. The fall of Alioth came the fall of Galactus.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree. And it's a shame, because I think Galactus playstyle, while frustrating, is so wildly unique. It's great to see this card. Have a spot. And I think to the same degree, if you're a Galactus player, the fact that it's a 2 percent of the meta, you're taking people by surprise, right? People aren't expecting Galactus, they're not reading the Galactus plays. If you have a little bit of a unique line, then all of a sudden you can take people by surprise, right? So I think we're gonna close this discussion here on the meta breakers on one card in particular. One of the biggest meta breakers in the history of Marvel Snap. And Cozy, I'm going to put you on the spot. I'm going to put you on the spot. What percentage of the meta do you think Thanos currently occupies? Let's see how close you can get because, I was shocked when I saw this statistic, according to one tab.

Cozy Snap:

Galactus you said was 2. 2?

Alexander Coccia:

Galac Galactus was 2 percent on the dot.

Cozy Snap:

Man, it could be, it could be almost lower, I gotta be honest. I I'm gonna say 3. 1, I'll give him the benefit to be higher. I would play Galactus for Thanos right now.

Alexander Coccia:

That's crazy'cause the stats actually showcase that your original indication that you would've gone lower is correct. Yeah. 1.8%. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is Thanos Metas share that is shockingly low. Shockingly low for the Mad Titan and mass, probably the biggest fall from Grace ever. But it had to take like, what, nine nerfs, how many nerves did one car take before it got dropped down to this place? But still, man, still, I feel like it has a role to play in Marvel Snaps future.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah I mean, yeah, yeah, you, you twisted my arm to get him up in S tier on our side when we were ranking the, the tier list earlier. It's it's a matter of time before Thanos comes out back originally. I mean, the only problem is this time they definitely, they reworked the way he plays completely, but they've even said When they reworked the stones, like we're not done with them. So that means I'm sure he'll be back eventually.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. He needs a timeout. And I think if they're going to redo Thanos, they need to take a very deliberate approach to making this card, which is honestly one of the most fun cards in Marvel snap. One of the most unique cards in Marvel snap. It's a deck defining archetype, defining card. It is literally one of the most recognizable. You know, I was gonna say heroes, but villains in the, like, all of comic books and all of even MCU at this point. It's just remarkable how important this car this card is. The only thing that confused me about Thanos I still don't quite get. It's not as popular anymore, but there was that whole meme about the Thanos car. There's a car that had a Thanos face on it, had like a massive chin. And I didn't understand that meme. I wasn't sure if it was related to the MCU in some way, or it was just the car that looked like Thanos face.

Cozy Snap:

My favorite meme that I've seen is there's this picture going around. Like imagine someone wearing this to your wedding and there's this person in the front row with like cargo pants and like a weird shirt. And then in the back, there's a, there's just this dude in a Thanos mask chilling by himself. And everyone's like, is no one going to mention the Thanos at this wedding? Just, just sitting there. If you've seen it, you've seen it. It's, it's impeccable. Yeah, I guess Thanos is, is prime meme material as he is in Marvel Snap right now. We'll have to see after Sasquatch comes out, if it's going to help his stock.

Alexander Coccia:

Talking about wedding attire, Cozy, I'm actually, I need you to answer this briefly. I can't tell. Cozy is one of two people, in terms of wedding, so if you're invited to a wedding, you're either wearing a Hawaiian shirt, or, or, you are absolutely like, tuxedoed out, like, you are wearing like, the white tuxedo, like, absolute baller. It's either completely underdressed, or ruthlessly overdressed, I'm not sure which one it is.

Cozy Snap:

Ah, close, man, with the, with the Hawaiian. I would, I don't wear too much Hawaiian. I would say, I would wear a, a white. T shirt, if I was invited, I'd do a white t shirt with a, with like a nautical blazer, like a bright blue, a bright blue, definitely bright, definitely bright and then you know, I, I, yeah, I'd get the full suit going on too, depends, I have, you know, I have a lot from the old hospitality days, so you, you pretty much nailed it. My goal is to walk in a building, and we, I wanna like blind somebody in there, like I am with this hoodie, that's always the goal.

Alexander Coccia:

That's an honorable goal, a very honorable goal. Do you wear pants or like, dress shorts?

Cozy Snap:

I dress shorts, yeah, I'm not a monster. Dress

Alexander Coccia:

shorts, man? I've never seen anyone in Canada wear dress shorts. I've definitely dressed

Cozy Snap:

pants, yeah. Dress shorts. Okay. I think you know I think you got to be yoked. You have to have like big thighs. I'm not a big thigh kind of guy. I got big

Alexander Coccia:

thighs. I don't know if they're yoked. They gotta be

Cozy Snap:

yoked thighs. You know what I mean? If you got the yoked thighs, then you could wear, you could wear, you could wear them tight. But anyway, on tight pants that brings us to a tight subject that was a bad, bad subject. That was a bad transition, but we're gonna roll. One

Alexander Coccia:

really good transition today and another kind of weak one. It's okay, Cozy. You're batting 50 percent today. But, you know what is tight? Our mailbag. I don't know if that's even better. That was worse than

Cozy Snap:

mine. Yeah, now we're at 25 percent bat. We're kicked out of the MLB, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Bad segways, but you know, it is a great question, which is not even a segue. I'm just okay. I'm just gonna, we're cutting our losses here. I'm reading the next question. Here are the first question. I should say, what a disaster. Coming from Bryce Brown. Leech is obviously frustrating. How would you both feel if you got reworked to a 1 1 that said on reveal, remove the abilities of the next card your opponent draws?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

No, you don't like it? No, because then you play him on five

Cozy Snap:

still, for one cost. You ruined their six. But it's just where the top deck gets ruined, not the whole hand. A 1 1. Isn't that just hmm. I mean, I don't I don't mind the idea for a future disruption card. It sounds like Baron Mordo now, but with like. I, I don't know, more, more less play? More play? Spider Ham 2 kind of serves that role? I don't know. Kind of interesting. Leech. Man, I, I've tried to delete Leech from my brain after, after he got new. I'm like, I, I've had like two weeks of every comment being about him. And there's some leech defenders out there, which is surprising. I know there's a

Alexander Coccia:

lot of leech defenders. That's why I asked this question, because I actually am worried that leech is not going to exit the meta. I think it's still going to be relevant. It's still going to be played. And I'm like, man, so I want to just throw it like another idea into the wind from Bryce Brown here. And that takes us to our next question here from the Ultra Punch. What do you think about Marvel Snap having a built in e reader for selling comics of the characters in Marvel Snap available for purchase through the cards themselves? I think this could help with the monetization of the game and get people more excited about the characters.

Cozy Snap:

Cool idea, yeah, I mean, I think I think that it could at the very least just work with Marvel. com, and if you get to Thanos, you can click on Thanos, or hold Thanos, it's like, you know, hold your finger on it, or whatever, and it takes you to Marvel, Thanos. com, you can see the wiki and stuff there, you know, it's kind of like when people want, like, Wi Fi for their shoes, you don't want to do too much with one thing, but I do agree, We, I think we've talked about this before. I mean, we, I think we talked about this last week that we, Rivals has some backstory on these characters and it would be really cool if that was a nice little touch. Instead of seeing the back of the card, we could see a brief statement about who these characters are.

Alexander Coccia:

Have you never had LightUp sneakers?

Cozy Snap:

I've had LightUp. Oh, trust. Oh, trust me. You think I wear a hoodie like this without LightUp sneakers? I got those on. I got those on. I got Crocs. I got LightUp Crocs. But oh man. You know, it reminds me of like the wifi juice machine. Do you see this thing? Yeah. Too much. But

Alexander Coccia:

you don't have a wifi toaster. What's wrong with you? Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

I know, man. And then you wifi goes down there like, I can't toast my toast. The WiFi's down. So

Alexander Coccia:

it's awful, man. That's awful. What a, what A world to live in. Wifi goes down. Can't eat toast. Man, I, I hate to. Hate to be Cozy Snap in that situation. Next question comes from Raman Parwana. It reads, One thing that I always found amusing is tinfoil hat theories such as location batching. Are there any tinfoil hat theories out there that you generally believe are true? Cozy, I'm going to lead us with one, okay? I tried not to bring it up on your episode, but I have a tinfoil hat theory about something. Tinfoil Hat Theory I think they're leaking the patch notes on purpose. See how

Cozy Snap:

they like them? Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

yeah, yeah. It's so, it's so ridiculous. For those who don't know, the patch notes are being leaked because people are just changing the URL on the prior patch notes to the date. And listen, I used to run WordPress based sites. You can just, like, schedule that post to go out at the time it's supposed to. You don't need to release it days in advance. I think they're doing it on purpose. And they did it before with the Annihilus change, when it was being nerfed to a 5. 5. People were like, Bro, why would you kill Annihilus? And then all of a sudden it comes out as a 5. like, Okay, that's fair, that's fair. I think they're testing the waters, man. I like I think it's I like tinfoil happy. I like this, Alex.

Cozy Snap:

I think it's either that, or, with all due respect, someone's being a completely lazy human being, and they're like I'm just gonna put it up on there on the word, but it'll, it'll be fun. This is the 10th time. It's like, there's just the coincidence. It's like whenever there's like you know, leaks on a, on a Inside Info in the NFL, Inside Info of a celebrity. Most of the time it comes from their camp, because they want to test the waters. You know, man, I, I'm not against this change. I'm not. It's, it's the worst thing to happen to us content creators in a lot of ways. But it's, yeah, but that, that, I like it, man. I think so. Either that or somebody just, yeah, dude, I don't know. Bobby, whoever you are, just post it later. They're gonna find it.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, but I wanted to lead with that one there, which I thought was kind of funny. And that takes us to our last question today from Asher. Do you guys have plans for showing your kids the movies like Lord of the Rings, Big Fan Myself Star Wars or Harry Potter? So Cozy, what kind of kids movies are you excited to show your kids moving forward? Oh my gosh.

Cozy Snap:

I mean, like right now I'm in the Bluey and Disney phase, but without question. My son will be fully baptized in the religion that is Star Wars. I am a massive Star Wars fan. And I like, it's been like, it sounds so ridiculous, but it's been like a dream of mine to watch Star Wars with my son. I, I cannot wait until he has the, you know, the, the, the intelligence or whatever, just like he's old enough to understand it. But yeah, Star Wars, top of the list. You got to go through all those, the ones you just listed, they're all great. I would say, I mean, I've worked through the MCU. I feel like Star Wars is. Probably going to be easier to get through for him. Just like doing like the core six or whatever. But yeah, man, I, I'm pumped for that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Like my, my sons are There are five, three, and one, so getting them through Lord of the Rings might be a little challenging, but I will tell you, so Star Wars, I, so, last year we went to Disney, right, tried to get my son, kind of at least, like, experiencing Star Wars a little bit, so I kind of put on some of the kids shows, he wasn't into it, man, he wasn't into it, and I gotta work on it, because then what happened was, we were at Hollywood Studios, and we went on the, the, this, like, Star Wars ride, man, I don't even know what it's called, Rise of the Resistance, I think it was, and we went, like, it was Late at night because the line had died. We're like, run through. We just got in there. Like the last people to get in, it was like almost eight o'clock at night. My son was so tired and kids get so cranky when they're tired and he doesn't understand star Wars, but like this ride, they put you in like, it's one of the best rides I've ever been on. He was like so freaked out. Actually in jail and like the actors inside they're supposed to be like mean to you. Like you're like, they're like, you rebel scum. And like, she's like, why are you crying? And he's like, cause I'm scared. And she actually like softened up. She's like, don't worry. Maybe someone will save you. Like she was acting and then she's like, Oh man, this kid's actually like scared. Right. And then there was this part where like Kylo Ren like does like the scary, like you start to shake my son's like, ah, It's like he didn't realize it was a ride, he thought we were actually being abducted, we were in space and stuff, I'm like, don't worry, you're gonna be So I had to like, carry him through the rest, and then finally we're on like the roller coaster part, this is like a really long ride, I know it's a long story, He finally was like, that was awesome at the end, but like, man, there was a time in the middle where I'm like, we might have to actually like, We need, might need to pull the ripcord here and say, we need to, we need to find the rear entrance and get off this, the Dessler. Dude,

Cozy Snap:

I won't aim to do it, but like, I'm kind of excited about taking my son on rides that he's like a little bit scared and nervous of, because like my dad did that. So like back in the day in the nineties, when they like, they like, is this going to be scary for kids? And they're like, ship it. Who cares? Like, honey, I shrunk the kids, Jaws, Jurassic Park, man. I went on some rides that just like blew my mind. Anyone that went to Stitch's Escape at Disney World, you know, it, it, it It like ruined me, man. It was, it was, it was, it was too much. It was like when the lights go out and you can like feel that like his tongue on your back, dude, it was weird. I hated it anyway. I can't wait for that. But yeah, man, Star Wars absolute peak cinema.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And I can't wait to you know, get those experiences going with my kids as well. Hopefully my son turns into a Star Wars fan as well. Thank you guys so much for watching. We really appreciate every single one of you. You guys mean the world to us. Thank you for supporting our content. Leaving those reviews on the podcast platform of your choice.

Cozy Snap:

Guys prepare for Sasquatch, prepare for Infinity Conquest. Appreciate you guys hanging out. Till the next one. Happy snapping.

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