The Snap Chat: Marvel Snap Podcast

New Season: A Blink In Time | April Cards In Review | The State Of The Meta | The Snap Chat Ep. 79

Cozy Snap Season 2 Episode 27

Will Blink and the new season pass cards end up being the best season yet? What are Cozy and Alex's final rankings on the cards that came out in April? What is the current state of the meta? Join Cozy Snap and Alexander Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap.

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Cozy Snap:

What's going on, guys, and welcome back. We have a brand new season of Marvel Snap. And as always, Alex and I are going to break down each and every card, starting with the season pass in Blink. And we've got a lot of strong, unique ability cards coming to the game. Alex and I are going to give our early impressions if we think you guys should save up and buy these cards or pass them, and just talk synergy and everything in between. We've got a lot to break down, so we're going to jump right into it on this episode of the Snap Chat. And as always, I am joined by the one, the only, Mr. Alex Coccia. Hello, buddy. Happy May. Happy May season. How we doing, man? How is it? What was the week?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, the week's been great, Cozy. I mean, I've been having a lot of fun playing some Marvel Snap, brewing some new decks. I just got in this mode of like, you know, I just want to deck craft a bit. What are some cards that no one's playing? You know, can I slam a Wato in a deck and it not be a meme? It was a meme. I was just doing a lot of that kind of stuff, right? Everyone was playing like Mill against me and like getting their weekend missions done. Meanwhile, I'm playing like, you know, Electra and C2 and stuff, which actually is on the rise. C2 is on the rise. I think that's partially your fault, actually, if I got it. Be honest, but yeah, it's been a lot of fun this week. Do any Infinity Conquest? I did a couple rounds. You know what? I gotta be honest with you. Conquest is like, it's kind of worn me out a little bit. Like the last, this month I was like, I don't want to play Conquest. Like, I don't even want the Bast variant. I just wanted the premium mystery. So I did a couple rounds of it, but like, honestly, my heart wasn't even in it.

Cozy Snap:

And it stinks. Cause I actually like the core mechanics, probably Bast. Like I love the way it plays. I love how it makes certain cards important, but it just, there's not enough there. I think that like the end, there's not enough. It's not rewards, but kind of, right? Like, there needs to be more incentive behind it, or at least the following. That's exactly how I feel, man, but either way, man, we, can I just say, guys, we don't have an opening monologue story of me being lost at sea, Alex dying, or his kids keying the car. I mean, we are, we are too we're finally, we're finally here with no drama. It's impressive, man. It's like a five week streak. Dude, the amount of people that were so, so blown away by, first of all, your syrup comment last week, but also. Your egg styles. Did you brush up on your egg styles?

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, okay, first of all, so many people were tilted about the whole poached egg thing. I had never heard of poached eggs before, and I don't think I'm that, like, out of the ordinary, and so this is what I did, right? People were like, oh, Alex doesn't know about poached eggs and all that stuff, so I decided to go on the internet and start figuring out what poached eggs were. So, I googled poached eggs, and it was just a bunch of recipes. I'm like, I don't want recipes. I want to know what poached eggs truly are, right? I know what eggs are, so, naturally, as anybody would, I decided to look up the definition of poaching. So poaching is to illegally hunt or catch game on land that is not one's own or in contravention of official protection. So as an example, 20 tigers are thought to have been poached from national parks. So I am then to surmise that poached eggs are essentially eggs that are stolen off of the property of the chicken farmers by like assailants. And then those eggs are sold in the black market, and then you cook those eggs into a variety of different dishes. Now, I understand, like, the idea of, like, you know, having a sweet tooth for contraband, but I don't know, poached eggs seem like it's way too much hassle.

Cozy Snap:

You educate our youth, right? That's your profession?

Alexander Coccia:

It is my profession. Yeah, I get paid to do that.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, well, so I'm teaching my son, like, know and, and, and I know are two different things, right? Like, know and know I could give you the lesson for free, if you want, on, on Poach.

Alexander Coccia:

I would appreciate that, yeah. I'd like to I mean, I think I got it right on. I don't know what you're talking about.

Cozy Snap:

Well, but we've got ourselves a pretty cool season. I would say a lot of characters that people don't know at all, which, You know, hey, that's fair, I think there's a lot of Marvel Snap in general, and people are, you know, learning the characters as we go. You know, I've been watching, tell me you've caught up on X Men 97.

Alexander Coccia:

So I watched up to the fight scene where Cyclops in the first episode was doing a whole bunch of moonwalks.

Cozy Snap:

Huh, huh, okay. And

Alexander Coccia:

then like, my kids came in, and then like, I had to stop watching, and then I just haven't, I'm so far behind.

Cozy Snap:

Well, we're getting drops guys. If you don't know, we're getting drops for Twitch with, like, exclusive 97 variants. I think it's Mr. Sinister and Bishop, I believe, are going to be the two cards. But yeah, man, I finished that. And then, I'm catching up with the Deadpool season leaks. I wanted to catch up on Deadpool again. I, like, re watched them, and I'm telling, if you have not gone through Deadpool 1 again, Deadpool 2's pretty good. Deadpool 1. It's just a masterpiece.

Alexander Coccia:

I think I watched the first one a long time ago. I've not watched the second one yet. Right now my wife and I, like, it takes us like months to watch shows cause our kids don't sleep at night and I'm working very late all the time. So we're trying to like get through the fallout, like, Follow up to a series. Mm-Hmm. right? Yeah. We're only on the second episode. It's been like weeks Yeah, I was, but yeah, so maybe we'll get the Deadpool as Sap P'cause I mean the Deadpool X-Men movie with Wolverines coming out soon, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Yeah, man. Just lied. That's the, that's the whole prep for you. We're gonna go through Deadpool and then Deadpool two, and then we're gonna go through the original X-Men, which I think still holds up. There's not a lot of movies from like early two thousands that quite hold up dialogue and like special effects. But the, the original X-Men do. Pretty well if you guys haven't seen it in first class, it's good. But anyway, let's go ahead and get into the Snap Talk, man. We got a lot to break down. This is our favorite episode as we break down all the cards and give our early impressions. Really interesting month of cards. Alex, what are we talking about on your side of the Snapchat?

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, on my side of the Snapchat, we'll be discussing the final rankings for last season's Cards. And I'm looking forward to that conversation, looking in retrospect to see what we ranked them and how they ended up in the season. Then we'll be discussing the state of the meta, giving our general thoughts on the meta, where we think it's going, where we think it's been. And hopefully how we can improve it in the future with some suggestions. And then finally, I'm so excited to discuss the Snapchat mailbag.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So I feel like we did. I don't remember. We'll have to wait and talk about, I feel like we did pretty good last season with our rankings. I feel like we were pretty spot on this season. It's going to be tougher because I think this season we're going to have a lot of cards we want to rank pretty high. And I think last season was quite the opposite. So, it's always, you know, it's one thing going safe and ranking low. Ranking high can be scary, obviously, because, you know, we don't want to lead you guys in the wrong direction. But we start with the season pass card in Blink. Now, Blink has been in the datamines for a very long time. Almost like la early in the beta, even I was seeing, you know, the images of her, but she didn't have a an ability, but now, guys, if you don't know, she's a 5 cost, 7 power card. A lot of people have been seeing 6, she is 7 power. The ability reads, on reveal, guys, You're going to swap the last card you played with a higher cost card from your deck. Very unique ability, interesting, something I wouldn't even have thought of so the great minds of there at Marvel Snap doing their job. All right, man, we got a lot of synergy to talk here. This is going to be a whole, just a whole topic in itself, but let's start as we always do and keep it brief with just the star rating.

Alexander Coccia:

Five stars, Cozy. I'm going with the five. I'm going for it.

Cozy Snap:

You're going five, dude. You're going five. I Okay, so we the only rule we have is we give only one card five. This is gonna be your five. This is your fiver? That's the

Alexander Coccia:

rule now?

Cozy Snap:

I gotta change

Alexander Coccia:

all my other fives I was given? It doesn't matter. This is the only five.

Cozy Snap:

This is the only five? Okay. So dude, I was right on there. I was like, do I give this one a five? Should I give another one a five? Really tough. It was really hard for me to decide. I probably am going to give this, I'll give this a four and a half. I think there's one other card I like a little bit more than it. It's right there. This is the second best card in the season. It's great. Like, don't get me wrong. It is phenomenal. There's gonna be so much use for this. It's the season pass card. As we know that you like to. Give those a little bit make them a little bit better. There's just so much to break down with Blink. I feel like there's a lot to just, you know, to go at. Let's go Synergy first. I want you to kind of hit me with the first Synergy that comes to mind here.

Alexander Coccia:

I actually really do like Blink a lot. I think this has tremendous upside potential. A lot of deck building considerations as well. but Honestly, like there are some serious synergistic plays, which are wild, absolutely wild. And I can't wait to start diving into them. But like, can I start with right off the top, we have to talk about Electro. I think Electro is one of those cards that people really like getting off the board. You snap into the desk domain, Electro plays, you can ramp in everything. I mean, you can literally play Electro and then blink the Electro on five, on four, because obviously it's five energy and then bring out a Dr. Doom or whatever from your, from your deck. Like that's, that's crazy. I think it's amazing. Right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I think going into that for people to know, and I actually understood it wrong when I first saw this and now I'm like, wait, wow, this is great. My understanding at first was if you play, let's say electro, you could get a forecast card because it's replacing it with a higher cost card. No, it's obviously anything higher than that. So if it's a five cost card, guys, you're guaranteed to get to six costs. If it's a four costs, it's gonna be a five costs to my understanding as well. If you have a five costs and there's no sixes in the deck, it won't swap out either. It's not going to force it if there's nothing there. So pretty much nothing but upside. And I love that you started with ramp because that's the easiest one to get into. I think she's going to encourage and reward deck building a lot, right? Kind of like Pixie, where you have this weird formula of costs and cards to make sure you kind of land in this great profit almost all the time. She's going to be the same, right? Because you're going to be able to craft your deck in a way to make sure that you're rewarded. And Ramp is the easiest way to do it, because you shouldn't, unless it's Iron Lad, which is still fine, have much above a three, you know nothing bad. It should be all fives and sixes after Electro.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, honestly, usually it's a, like a standard ramp deck is Nebula. Then you're on two, you have something like a Jeff three, you have electro wave, right? Maybe Corvus, if you're getting a little spicy, but I think he even probably cut something like a Corvus here. And then you go like, like blink vision. Like you just start putting Chad's in your deck and then a whole bunch of six drops. Right. And yeah, like, it's just like, it's just nothing but good hits. Yeah. Nothing but good hits. The only negative thing I could even think of with this is that like, I often laugh sometimes when people like snap on like an electro play and then they just they just play exactly as they would have with one card per turn

Cozy Snap:

every time you

Alexander Coccia:

know they're like oh i destroyed electro and they snap but then they just play as if electro was there anyways right i think that the best blink ramp decks will take advantage of the fact that electro is not on the board and they might make additional use of the additional energy

Cozy Snap:

yeah no i agree and what's cool is a we know salmon's been a lot stronger lately so i think there's this energy where she could possibly you Get some Sandman out there early, which, you know, is not as effective, but still is. But her other card that she has synergy with happens to be Jubilee. That also works into Ramp Dex, into Sandman Dex. I think Jubilee and her just in general are going to get along just great. Iron Lad works to an extent, too, because you Iron Lad out, you're not mad about the swap out. And you get to blink your Iron Lad into a 5 cost or above as well. And then your Iron Lad got to blink something behind it. Jubilee does the same. And you get this ability to keep on replacing. Cards on the, on the note of ramp, right? It's just gonna make the archetype so unique. I feel like it already happened a bit with Sandman's removal of an ongoing card. And now it's like, we're gonna just have these really interesting ramp decks, especially after a couple other cards. What about doing Wave into Blink? Wave on 3, Blink on 4, Grandmaster? What happens when you Grandmaster Blink? Does it get rid of Blink? Not Grandmaster.

Alexander Coccia:

Not sure, because you're gonna play Grandmaster, it's gonna proc the On Reveal, she's gonna go in the middle, she'll swap Grandmaster. She must. I know, but

Cozy Snap:

then when you play Jubilee, it doesn't, like, it won't, because, like, Mystique coming out of Jubilee doesn't copy Jubilee. It would copy, like, you know what I mean? Like, the Activators? That's a weird, that's one of those weird algorithmic, someone in the comments will, will know, but just another, like, pigeonhole, if you will, out of out of the ramp. But yeah, I think Ramp is going to be her, her, probably one of her better homes, man. But pairing us with Synergy, Synergy. What about, what about just strong honor reveals? Like, just good honor reveals where you just want to have that upside value. So, immediately I thought, hey, Ravonna Renslayer, and then you play out on turn 5, or turn 4, a White Tiger. Right, we love getting White Tiger out. Hasn't been a lot of decks that make a crazy amount of sense, but you're guaranteed to get a 6 drop on 5. With this.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, it's an amazing synergy. And I think you're exactly right. White Tigers played in one deck and that's like the Odin on reveal style decks. Sometimes there's Wong, sometimes there's not. And let's not forget that the white tiger itself, the tiger was actually buffed recently as well, right? So it's quite a bit of power. It's a lot of power on the board and the ability to get that out, especially with Ravonna and a lot of the core plays with Blink are going to incorporate Ravonna because it's often nice to play like a very high impact, but low power card and then swap it out with Blink. And you're right, Cozy, White Tiger is a perfect example of that.

Cozy Snap:

Well, and it's mainly like, here's the thing people are, are, are forgetting. Like, yes, having the fives and the sixes is going to be huge, but also again, the advantage of having a deck tracker in general, If you look at your deck, and you only have a 4, 6 left, and you're looking at a, you could, you could theoretically play Wasp into Blink, or really anything, a 1 drop into Blink on turn 6, and you know it's gonna be one of those 3 cards, one of those 2 cards remaining, you're winning. That is where I think she's gonna be legit because we've talked about this before in Marvel Snap. Cards that are really useful on turn six go up a notch, right? Like, War Machine, you can't play him on turn six. We've seen the results of that a little bit, right? With her, you're able to also play her late if you top deck her, which I think is extremely interesting in the way that you play her. It really opens up her flexibility. Massively. I think the only thing you need to watch out for are some of the cards that you're placing in the higher tier, you know, cost thresholds.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. Like, it could be, in theory, a card that we use in similar vein to Iron Lad, where you're reaching to that deck for the hell or you're reaching for that Living Tribunal. Like, I don't know if you want to play it that way, but it's funny, because one of my notes is deck trackers are going to be a must. Like, you need to. You need to use a deck tracker to effectively utilize Blink. And, And unless you've got incredible memory, but like, you're absolutely right. The ability to dig into that deck and reliably know what you might be able to pull, I think is absolutely huge, especially since like, even with something like an iron lad, it can be pretty random, but blink, it's a higher cost. So you have like this ability to kind of differentiate between, okay, there's no way it's pulling my nightcrawler. It's definitely going to hit my vision or it's definitely going to hit my Dr. Doom or whatever. So it's more selective than that. So you're able to make better decisions.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, and really, it is going to synergize with what it is, and on reveal. And that's where you're going to get, I think, the biggest bonuses from this. Like, man, I was just even thinking, like, most commonly, where I went to was just the 4 drops, right? Because most of the time, you can play a 4 into 5 outside of doing ramp, and that's going to be some of the more common scenarios. So what I did, guys, is I went immediately to the 4 drops, and the first one I think has some really cool synergy is playing Shuri into Blink. Because you get yourself a 14 power Blink, and you change out Shuri for what is bound to be one of your bigger cards. Could be Red Skull, could be a few other ones in there that, you know, we've been, She Hulk is in Six's Scar has been in Shuri decks before, so it could be one of those as well. That, to me, it's these honor reveals, man. Another Ravonna card, by the way. It's these honor reveals here that I think have some really cool upside. Even to the fact of, you know, doing an early Shang Chi, and then being able to replace that, doing an early tech play, Enchantress, I think that is where you're gonna get a lot of curve value out of playing her as well.

Alexander Coccia:

It's funny because Shan Chi is an absolutely good call there, because there's often games where you have Monster Island, where like, you can Shan Chi, and then you can, you know, blow up their monster, play that blink, rotate something in then you might want to play an armor or something like that to protect your monster, way to flip the location. But the idea of playing Shun Chi multiple times potentially, I think could make your opponent sweat. Because when it goes back to your deck, there's a chance you draw it again, right? Like, don't forget that. So I think that, that's a really good call out.

Cozy Snap:

That's what people are forgetting too. The card's going back in your deck, which is why Jubilee's awesome, because you're able to continue to do that. Iron Lad, it technically is crazy because you can keep doing that as well. There's some really cool synergies there, and I think that obviously we know the power of abusing multiple on reveal set offs, but I just think it's such a cool synergy that we haven't really seen in the game. Now, you know, other uses for smaller cards. This was my thought too. You can go down a lot, right? Maybe you don't think of the four drops. What are just some good ones off the top of the head, man, that are good low drops? For one, and you're gonna see a common occurrence in this video, I think Magic is a great one. You never feel great playing Magic out there just to get the limbo, but now you play Magic, you can get Blink out there on turn five, you do the four or five, you swap it out for a much bigger play, and you lean into turn seven. Absolutely love that. Or you utilize her to just do bigger combos and thin your deck even more.

Alexander Coccia:

Magic's a perfect example. Exactly that. An effect you want, but a card that doesn't provide enough power that you want to stick on the field to play. Another good one might be an example of if you were in a situation where you play something like an Ironheart on turn three. And you're able to get the effect on whatever it is you're playing, like a non reveal deck like we were talking about. Exactly. Pull the Ironheart out, switch it with something else, and then all of a sudden, your blink comes in and you got that Ironheart back in the deck and more power on the board.

Cozy Snap:

Another great example right in front of us, White Widow, guys. I mean, yeah, like, you're getting the job done for the low cost. You're doing what you want to do anyway. And maybe it's that you play a 3 and a 2 on turn 5 and on turn 6 that you then swap it out. Like, there are different examples of being able to do this in a way that's going to make a lot of sense. I think White Widow. What about Brood? I was thinking this is kind of cool. Don't know the scenario that this would work all the time, but I surely think you could maybe even get this into Surfer deck. You play Brood down, then you play her, she's going to take Brood back in your deck, your best card on a Surfer deck, leave the Brood links, and replace the Brood with something better.

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, you're 100 percent right. It could be huge in Surfer, because you have Sera, right? And Sera is usually your top end card, right? So what you end up doing is if you don't draw your Sera, and you have your Blink, you guarantee hit the Sera. It's a great call, Cozy.

Cozy Snap:

So that's exactly what it's saying, and you have the shot to get the Brood back, so it's like It's so crazy the upside there and it's the first time ever where you're able to utilize Sarah with her and have you essentially chop as the day, you know, you're able to have much more dependency. And I think Sarah alone is just gonna be cool with Blink because a lot of Sarah decks, low cost cards with Sarah. Now it's low cost card Sarah and it's like Blob was, right? Blob was like this alternate card you could utilize. It's the same thing. If you don't get your Sarah, you have Blink and that should be enough. But again, it's going to reward careful deck building as we kind of led to before. To your ramp point, bro, we can stick on low cost cards if you have any other ones. But I was thinking a card that people kind of stopped using after they nerfed him to the ground a bit was Leech, right? Leech has an on reveal. And what's the on reveal? We know it. It's just to get rid of other on reveals the next turn. Well, man, talk about the perfect card. To replace and get the effect, especially in ramp.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, because like essentially the, again, the power's not good enough, but the effect is really strong. So whenever you have that type of situation, you're able to basically take that power out of the field of play, add some additional power, but still have the effect. Blink basically is designed in a way that you kind of get your cake and eat it too. Right. In terms of other kind of like synergistic plays, there's a very expensive card, the most expensive card, Death, that I think is really notable too, because if you're swapping a six cost card. It's always gonna hit death.

Cozy Snap:

So what are, yeah, I'm looking here, right? Because if, if you look at it, I would say leader is phenomenal to switch out for death, Dr. Doom, clearly you're gonna get the doom moss and you're gonna get that Odin in the right circumstances where you re-trigger, then you go into death. Really cool. In fact, I'm wondering if you play Odin and it triggers Blink, is it going to swap Odin out? I think that's what would happen because that's the last card you played. So there's some really cool synergy there. Arnim Zola, sign me up. Yeah. Dude, I mean, look, the potential's crazy, right? Because you go with a ramp deck and you play something out on five, Arnim Zola on six, where you just put him into two lanes, and then you're able to freaking Blink that. I mean, that's, that's bonkers.

Alexander Coccia:

It is bonkers. And like, especially like when you're able to get these ramped out six drops a turn early, it gives you a chance to make some magic happen. And don't forget, on turn six, if you've ramped out, Blink can be played with Blink and then a two cost as well. So you can White Widow. You could Shadow King. Like, there's things you can do on addition to that turn, which is pretty wild. So you can leader turn five and then Blink and Shadow King, which is crazy. Like, it's actually a huge tempo play.

Cozy Snap:

Do we think that this with Corvus, this with Hela is gonna be a thing? Because hear me out, I was thinking about this one. You freaking can do MODOK now? You have an insurance for MODOK. You play MODOK deck, you don't have Hela. Oh no, what do you do? Well, you can look at your deck, and it's gonna be tough because it's a bit more high weighted. But essentially, you can freaking pull Hela out of the deck on turn six if you play Blink right. I guess that'd be weird because how the MODOK works and Blink would be, but it's it's like a safety gate for a lot of these decks. It's kind of interesting. I think this is more of a meme y one, but I think it could theoretically work.

Alexander Coccia:

It's Mimi, it's Ballsy. I mean, but the thing is, is like, do you snap on that? Maybe the ramp one, right?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Well, we, you know, it was funny. We called back when Corvus came out. I thought Sandman ramp was going to be huge with Hela bringing that back for the value. I can see it working in that package in particular, but what about a, what if you have no other card in your deck except for one, that's the six cost. Can we do Blink Galactus?

Alexander Coccia:

Hell yeah you can man. I'm so glad you brought it up. I think there's going to be some cheeky Galactus decks where Blink is going to rotate something by surprise and just people are going to kneel and they're not going to be happy about it.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, hear me out. Like, like, imagine doing like Spider Woman. To use Spider Woman Lane, you push the negative power, so they're like going down in power, and then you swap Spider Woman out, so you like have the power advantage now. The, that's gonna be like giga brain, like if they fill that location right, and you're able to get that to four. Somehow, it's just like, this is, that's insane.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Gamers are going to be kneeling. It's going to be pretty wild to see. And I think even you could consider something like play a three drop. I mean, you could like, I don't know. I'm just throwing it out there, but like wave into something like, you know White Widow, and it'll put that negative four on their side there, and then you swap the White Widow with a Blink, and then you know, they have to contend with the negative four, but also having Galactus coming down on the other side, it's pretty crazy.

Cozy Snap:

It's really just any card that you feel like, we brought it up with Surfer, and I actually want to visit a couple other decks of this nature, cause hear me out, right? So let's talk about decks that finish strong. A great one is obviously Annihilus. Kind of interesting because if you were to play Sentry on four, and you get the Void out there, okay, you would lose your Sentry. But if you're going into five and you don't have Annihilus, you could just blink, right? You could just blink, or you could blink on six. But that's going to guarantee the Void Swap over. You're probably going to get Annihilus as a top deck, potentially, with Sentry switching out, because you don't have a lot in the six categories. That is where I think her flexibility is going to be huge. She's like a reverse Iron Lad in some ways.

Alexander Coccia:

If the decks are crafted in a very careful way to make, like, Reliable hits possible. I think the card is super, super good. And that's where it excels over something in Iron Lad, right? We we've brought it up multiple times now, like it's not as random as Iron Lad is. Like there is definitely an opportunity for you to look at your untapped and be like, Oh, it's going to hit this specific thing. Let's go, snap, right? And that, that is huge, huge. So 100%, there's a lot of these decks, like in, in Annihilus decks, Annihilus is usually the top line.

Cozy Snap:

I guess after,

Alexander Coccia:

Do you really want to get rid of your Sentry? I don't know. But maybe, maybe, you play Sentry, then you play something else on turn 5, and you reserve your Blink for 6.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. There's gonna be a lot of instances like that, where you're like, you're weighing it, and it's, again, it's gonna reward deck building, kind of what I, circling back to, to the start of it. I just think there's so many unique examples of, of those decks that finish strong. Spectrum, maybe you didn't get Spectrum and you're like, but you can swap out to get the Burst at the very end. She's gonna give you a chance to kind of dip into that. You know, I was thinking Lockjaw, but the thing I don't like about Lockjaw is that when you play the card in there, it's not your last card played, so then it, like, won't trigger, I think, right?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, what'll happen if you play, like, a Hobgoblin and then you blink it?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I was thinking about this. I'm pretty sure it would change something on their side, right? To one of your cards. They

Alexander Coccia:

get their, they get their destroy, your destroyer and it blows their brain, dude, that's happening.

Cozy Snap:

We're doing it. We're going to, yeah, craft the deck. It would just destroy. I was thinking about the cards. I could like, theoretically, I'm not joking.

Alexander Coccia:

You, you play a hobgoblin or green goblin and then you destroy their side. There's something there, dude.

Cozy Snap:

Like I'm thinking, man, just these fives, right? Like Valkyrie. Great. Another great five, man. Getting that out all the three swap her out. Like. Five drops is gonna be the most tempting, which is why I think your ramp deck makes a lot of sense. But what about dude, and we're gonna talk about it, I think this is Grandmaster season. We've gotten, people love to, to, to crap on the card. I think if you look at it, it's a lot of on reveals. I think too, just baseline, Grandmaster replacement is huge. Being able to brood in Grandmaster, or you play a three or a four drop, And then you just know you're going to replace him for a much better card. I think it's phenomenal. I think he is, this is going to make a lot of sense this season for Grandmaster.

Alexander Coccia:

This has to be, I feel like we're coping every time with Grandmaster, but this has to be the season of Grandmaster, right? I put him in a lot of decks, honestly. I had him in my White Widow deck, unironically, I really liked him there. People are like, nah, I'm not putting that in. I'm like, guys, He's good. He's good. Whenever you're playing Ravonna, Grandmaster feels like free real estate. People just, they just don't like the card and that's fair. This month though, especially with Blink and some others that are coming out, I think there's a chance for Grandmaster to make some magic happen. I also think he might be a buff candidate. I wonder if Glenn's watching, like, okay, we're giving some Grandmaster cards here. If he doesn't start to do something I don't know, if you were to buff Grandmaster, I feel like 1 0 would be totally broken. You go to 2 1 or 1 0.

Cozy Snap:

You can't do 1 0, I guess 2 1. I, and even then, I think he has, again, just like a long term home of having viability, so I don't know. 2 1, I wouldn't mind seeing. I wouldn't mind seeing at all, but I, you know, we'll have to see. But then, like, I don't know, those negative users are going to be in shambles, I guess, after After that, but yeah, maybe. Dude, he, he looks like you said Magic. He looks like like in Las Vegas. He's on the street doing street magic this guy. Like, I'm a sucker for magicians and magic. You, you like you mess around with David Blaine? Who's

Alexander Coccia:

David Blaine? Chris Angel. Oh, I know, I've seen Criss Angel before. He's the guy that with the long hair that like goes underwater and

Cozy Snap:

stuff. He puts like the hammers in his mouth or something, I don't know. Yeah, he does dangerous stuff. Between all different

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:

No, no, no, no, you're right. No, but I think David Blaine was the one that goes underwater actually. I think you're actually describing the guy I was describing. I just think it's so like, magic, like magicians just blow my mind. Cause like, not necessarily the magic, but I think it's just like the sleight of hand and The, like, David, I remember watching David Copperfield, guys, and he did this, like, he sent an audience member to Hawaii, and he had him up on the camera. This is, like, back in the 90s, too. People were, like, effin mind blown. A, that you could even have, like, a video conference call. But B, like, that this cast member just went to a Like, that kind of stuff just blow The quick, I think, quick street magic is pretty cool. But, like, the big stage ma Like, the Not maybe Maybe, have you seen that Now You See Me movie?

Alexander Coccia:

No, I have never seen that, but I have seen like, big stage magic before. Cause like, I'm kind, I'm close, relatively close to Niagara Falls, and they have lots of like, magic shows, and they have the thing where like, this lady is going to turn into a tiger! And there's a tiger in the cage, and I was like, and then like, you kind of look in the corner and the lady's running across the stage.

Cozy Snap:

That was like my early YouTube meta, was watching people lose their absolute mind to street magic. I think it's like, they, they just, they just call them gods, wizards, Like, what is this sorcery, witchcraft? But yeah, I'm a, I'm a big magic guy. Anyway, that was a handy. He just looked like a, a kind of a if you guys live in Vegas or been there, you guys know that this guy. Dude, I agree, man.

Alexander Coccia:

Grandmaster looks like he's doing street magic and he's like showcasing cards. He's like, pick a card, any card. And while he's doing that, like his assistants, like taking your wallet.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, oh, for sure. That he does. He definitely has some white people on the side, like just as like Elmo and cookie monster taking pictures, but they're really, yeah, I'm picking up what you're putting down. Oh, but anyway, yeah. Grandmaster season. I think he's gonna be pretty solid. Blink as a card I love. Any closing thoughts on Blink as we head to the other cards?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, we've been gushing over Blink and again, like I gave it a five stars and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't care, but I'm not wrong. This car is going to absolutely slap, but I'm going to say though, is there is something that could inhibit Blink's opportunities, especially in that first week, and it's going to be the popularity of Milk. You know, cables, I mean, not so much the the Yondus and the the Barons, but specifically cables and others pulling stuff out of your deck. If you go to Blink and nothing's there, that's kind of sad.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, that would be, that would definitely be chop that one up too, Nell. She does need a couple, I guess, you know, Dials that can hold her back. Maybe, maybe it is going to be Mill. Maybe it's maybe it's just location based. Not really though. I think I, and like, I don't even know, like double triggering her on that Kamar Taj, it could be good because if you pull out like an iron heart, like you said, it's like scan, scan. Switch again, then what is it? Right? Like, I think she's got some potential there, but yeah, that's why I think she's good, man. Flexible, she's gonna work in synergy with a good amount of cards. Overall, we like to see her, and I think she comes out she's the season pass card, but she'll be coming alongside our next card we're talking about, Which is Nocturne. Now, Nocturne is is coming with Kaiera and Selene. So not the craziest spotlight. I think Kaiera is obviously important. Selene is definitely a miss in my opinion. I've seen stuff floating all around with this card. And I, I actually like her a lot. What, what are we giving her star wise? What are you feeling? What does your gut tell you?

Alexander Coccia:

For me, I'm pretty confident in a four star rating here. I think the floor is pretty high on this card. It is a three, five with mobility. Yes, you can move and it turns into like a bar with no name, but generally speaking, you're moving into the location. The one thing I think. Takes it away from like a five star would be like, when it moves, if you move into something like a Sanctorum, they can play there, right? If you move into a, like a storm location, they can move there. So you've got to be very cognizant of how you're moving and when you're moving, because you don't want to open up locations that a vision wouldn't have opened. Right. But it is still a three, five stat line with movement.

Cozy Snap:

If you guys don't know, Nocturne is a three cost five power card. You can move this once. So think Nightcrawler. When this moves, replace its location. With a random new one. And I agree. I think we, first of all, we don't have a lot of location changes in the game. We know how important locations are in Marvel Snap in general. We also know how Nightcrawler and Jeff perform. Oh yeah, and Vision. They're all pretty good. Not only just the synergy with The Obvious, right guys? You know we're gonna mention Kraven, we're gonna mention Angela. Those packages clearly exist, maybe even Elsa. But! Being able to have the mind control on your opponent if you're going to move, creating that space for a later opportunity play, deciding if you wanna win that lane or sending five power. It's that middle ground. It's not a Jeff at three or a vision, it's gonna be a five power card. I love it. The location thing is just extra. Having a three five with the chance to mover is what is just a four star rating. Flatlined for myself, just because we've seen the history books on this one, man. I don't think there's going to be that many times where that location ruins you, right? Or if the, if you even have to, even if you don't even have to move it if you don't want to.

Alexander Coccia:

No, of course. And that's the thing, right? You have the agency and you can move it on turn six where the likelihood of that location kind of slapping you in the face is minimized. But it's still a 3 5. And to be very clear, the location that Nocturne moves to changes, not the location that they are moving from. So I think that's really awesome, and notably from the trailer, if you reactivate the movement It'll change another location. So if you go spider, if you Heimdall or whatever, like it'll change again, which is going to leave the shenanigans to you Heimdall Nocturne and she turns the location into fist tower that just debuffs your entire board as it moves past. But Yeah, honestly, you're right, Cozy. When we talk synergies, I think we should probably start with the Angela Elsa Kitty combos because, like, they love movement based cards for the reason, like, oh, look at this, a card that's coming in to get buffed by Elsa, and then it's out of there, and another card's coming in to get buffed by Elsa. It's crazy,

Cozy Snap:

dude. It's huge that that is a thing, too. Like, people don't realize one extra move card adds great value. That, what is that deck? A mid range Value deck. What do we have here? The exact, the exact thing. We're having just great value and it's going to be able to consistently put out even more power. And now, theoretically, Angela, you can get out obviously, but then you're able to go Elsa out there, Jeff and Nocturne, and even Vision. You're going to have all that mobility. It just gives you such another great option. Five powers, obviously nothing to scoff at. And on top of that, we are putting this with cards that are already kind of S tier, top tier cards to begin with. NOC turn could not be more happy. And I think the cool thing about it is you're able, there are plenty of times where you're like, oh my God, onslaught. Citadel. I, this is a great location for me. And then you find out you're playing like a Living Tribunal or something like that. Right. Or, or, or even better Nexus. You're like, I'm winning. I'm killing it. They do something so good. And you're able now to be like, you know what? I'm napping outta this Nexus game. And their opponent has to be able to react to that.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, it's key. And like a great example of why locations are so impactful and snap is going to be C5. Cerebro 5 is going to just salivate over this card because you need the location correction. Not only that, but you can be able to add another card, Miles Morales into the mix for C5. And so now you have the opportunity to be like, Oh, look at this. A location that completely ruins my game. We're going to C5 it. Now Cerebro is still susceptible to the likes of like, Monster Island and stuff like that, right? However, still, this is incredible for like, this I don't remember the location, but the one that gives like, like Mirror Island, for instance, that might mess you up, or I think it's Xandar that gives the plus one across the, the location, right? Does a great job of it.

Cozy Snap:

Not to mention, you already have Spider Man, you already have Polaris in those decks, so there's already movement that works with this as well, so you're kind of already getting that, the engine going there. I think what's cool, man, is with movement cards, what do we try to do? We try to lean into mind games. I love the idea of looking at our other two location cards, right? And we have Storm and we have Magic. So taking it to Magic, this is such an interesting effing play, being able to have Magic down, And you don't have to spend energy to change the game to a 6 turn from 7 to 6 on the fly. This kind of power is crazy to me. Because you're able to slam power into a lane, or your opponent is like, they're gonna change it, I know they're gonna change it, and they do something probably dumb, you got another turn to react, right? Like, that right there, or Storm, and maybe you didn't win the flooding lane, and you can, you know, you go, you have to go into it, clearly, but I think it's interesting. It definitely gives you new design around locations.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. Like you're playing a like a she not style deck. You have magic on the board with Nocturne. And then like, are they going to get rid of it? Are they going to keep it? What are they going to do? And you get rid of it instead of like floating all the way through six and you drop like a Hulk or something like that. Right. And you just move Nocturne and it's free. It's like, you're not playing a storm. You're not playing a infinity stone. You're not doing anything to like, you're not wasting energy. It's just the movement that causes the effect to happen.

Cozy Snap:

Hey, what is magic? What does magic storm and Nocturne all have in common?

Alexander Coccia:

They change locations?

Cozy Snap:

One more. There's another thing. Storm, Magic, Third Lady, okay. They're three cost. They're all three cost cards. So, Surfer. I think Surfer is cool. Because you've got now, obviously, some synergy here. I know we go to three, we go to Surfer. But a 3 5 and a Surfer deck, at this point, and being able to have the being able to kind of maybe fit in Limbo in there, potentially even, we're throwing in what we just talked about with with Blink. I think, I think there's gonna be some definitely Surfer action here.

Alexander Coccia:

Buddy, 100%. This is gonna be a great surfer card. You know why? Cause every time I play Surfer, which is my go to, I'm just chillin deck it's apparently hot location time for Crimson Cosmos. Every time I'm playing Surfer, Crimson Cosmos is like the location of the night. I'm like, okay, cool. Thankfully Nocturne can actually get rid of that crap.

Cozy Snap:

And one of the few cards that can turn Nowhere and Dead Space. Change that completely, which is also really beneficial. So, she's gonna have her uses, guys. I think. She's gonna be a tougher card to recommend though, even though she's really good. It's just, we have Blink, right? And then, we're gonna get to the other cards. This one, I think, people that get her are gonna love her. People that don't, I don't think you're gonna, you know, drastically miss her, but we know what happened with Jeff. And it's tough to replace something that strong. If you play the Angela archetype, I think this is a no brainer. And she comes alongside, again, Kiara and Celine. Anything else on I've got, I guess, one last statement, but anything else on Nocturne?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, the final point for me is I mean, Spider Man 2099. Like, if this card can proc multiple times, why can't Spider Man 2099? And, we got a poor 1 0 for Rhino. Like, honestly. Like, what's the point? Like, honestly, legit poor 1 0 for Rhino, because he's completely unplayable.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, I agree. I think with the concept of this, I think Legion actually makes a lot of sense with her, too. Legion is so good at spreading locations, but having Scarlet Witch and Legion into a deck, I think we might actually have a take advantage of locations deck. To the maximum degree. Maybe a good Quake in there too if you want to go, you know, quick, but you're able to now go through, what, five? Five different locations for Legion, potentially? That's crazy. That's obviously gonna be extremely useful. Curves out well. Love the synergy. Next up, dude, we've got the following week of cards. We head into, I believe, Sage, and Sage is where we start to get interesting, buddy. We have a 3 cost, 0 power card, Alex. On reveal, plus 2 power for each different power among all other cards here. That's your side, that's obviously their side. You have 7 possible different cards, meaning she could theoretically be a 314. Alex, what are we giving our star rating here?

Alexander Coccia:

I was leaning into the three range. but The stats are just, they're so high that I'm starting to lean towards a four. But I think I might be high. I think I might be high. I'm gonna go four, but like, I expect to be more in the three range.

Cozy Snap:

This is one of those cards that it could be a trap. It could be a trap, but then when you look at it, you're like, That's what I was thinking. I gave her a three at first, and I was like, I feel like though, I feel like it should be four, and it's not because, guys, I think she'll ever be 14 power. In fact, I rarely think that's gonna happen outside of one deck build. I, you guys, getting seven different unique cards, that's obviously pretty tough. But it is a lot easier than you think to get, wait for it Four cards. Four cards is not at all bad. At all bad. I mean, even just a couple early plays, you get her down. She's not really a card you want to play on three all that much. But if you have four cards down, she's a 3 8. I think we're all I mean, or 3 6 even. Like, three cards Her value is almost always there. I think what I don't like about her a bit is the clunkiness of when to play her.

Alexander Coccia:

No, a hundred percent. The clunkiness of when a player is a factor for sure. I mean, we see it in something like U. S. Agent where you just tempo U. S. Agent, it feels terrible. Whereas if you hold it later and you maybe get a little bit of a, you know, some damage there. Sage is the exact same thing. It's going to benefit from having an established board state so that you can kind of better and better and accurately kind of determine where to play her. A couple of major synergies though. I mean, listen, I plan on trying the negative surfer deck. That was popular a long time ago, but like, listen, this is a Ravona card. It's a surfer card. It is a negative card. There's a lot of opportunities here to really make magic with this card. And I think that like, as from a ceiling perspective, the ceiling is incredibly high and it got changed. It was a 4 1 prior. It's notable. It was a 4 1 prior. And I think 3 0 is a significant buff over 4

Cozy Snap:

1. Significant. You guys got to remember a couple of things. First, when he says negative, obviously she's a 3 0, she'd go to a 0 3. But what I like about it too is. Mr. Negative's a negative one. You're guaranteed at least one card there to have that unique cost. So you can have probably two minimum and that's one of my favorite things about that, you know, just off the rip. But also, let's talk about some synergy. This is where it gets spicy. What else could go to negative? We just brought them up, guys. I don't know if we're coping, but I'm saying you do have Grandmaster here at a 2 0. We have Ravonna, keep in mind, in a lot of negative decks, which is going to discount her as well and Grandmaster. Grandmastering Sage could be Insane. Just incredible value for not a lot of effort, right? Because you get her out there as a 3 6, even a, even a 3 4, man. You just got two cards, you send it out there, you go back in the middle, and you get yet another activation. This is where I see her really going up in value. And, let's say you Jane Foster, they're both zero cards! You can Jane Foster play both of these at the end of the freaking game for a massive spike in power.

Alexander Coccia:

You're right. It's actually pretty crazy what the ceiling on this card is. And the floor is what? Essentially, it's 3 0, but like 3 2, which is pretty awful, I guess.

Cozy Snap:

It'd be tough to get a 3 2. 3 4 is probably your You're most likely forward with just like an awkward like, oh, I don't want Sage right now in my drawl.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, and I think again, like I bring up Ravonna a million times, but I think Ravonna is great here because not only could you technically, theoretically, I don't know if you'd do it, but you could Sage and Grandmaster on turn three, Ravonna on two, but it also synergizes with the goblins, right? Goblins are likely to be, and they're probably gonna be, unique power on that side. If you think about like White Widow, Green Goblin, Right? White Widow is a 2 power card. The Widow's Kiss on the other side is negative 4. Green Goblin is going to be negative 3. You play Sage there, you have all these procs already. Like, what are they going to do? And if it changes to 0, if they fill that location and change it to 0, well then, what are the chances there's a 0 cost card there anyway? Right? I think that those disruption based plays are going to be important.

Cozy Snap:

And what's cool is, a lot of people might think, well dude, if you just do a bunch of 0s, like, she's not going to work, she's not going to trigger. Hey, what about what we just talked about, Ironheart? Think about playing Ironheart first, scanning, getting a couple 2s on the 0s you already have down. Right, you're able to change it up from what your opponent has on their side, even if it was 2s to 4s, 4s to 6s. We know that adding 2 can make things a little bit weird and wonky in a good way. And so again, I think we're going to have kind of this weird, interesting, surfer, hit monkey, potentially low cost, with the low power negative decks, which we haven't seen a ton of in the past. I think there's some really cool synergy there. Not to mention, we talked about Grandmaster, we might as well talk about the other option that could work with Sage, and that's gonna be Beast. I think Beast makes a lot of sense as well, scooping up Sage, and being able to replay in any lane that you see fit, that's going to work. I think Beast and Grandmaster both have their world to Really, we're getting to it here. Manipulating Sage to get multiple triggers is a way to take her from like, Good, good value, to a wing condition.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, I gotta tell you, I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Like, listen, we all know, we all know that, you know, your wife, Arrow, waiting in the wings just to get called upon, but, it's about time we talk about your mistress, Jean Grey. Because I think that Jean Grey might have something to say about Sage. Yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Tell me, tell me what.

Alexander Coccia:

So I essentially, like when you're playing Jean Grey, you're forcing them to play into a specific location and therefore you're guaranteeing that there's probably going to be seven cards there. And the nice thing about playing Sage is that you could play Sage as a closer on turn, like five to close that location down, get a massive proc, likely make it so they can't shanchi it if it gets overpowered anyway, because they filled that location and then you can compete in the other lanes. So I think that there's a chance that Jean Grey is a pretty good synergy here.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I agree, man. Also, with this, talk about a great Odin follow up play. I think just a clear cut, Odin's gonna love it. Odin's gonna immensely have value to just trigger her to much better stats as well. And so you can finish strong even in that Jean Grey lane, potentially. Sarah, clearly, we got a low cost card with a big power potential. Sarah Dex, we're going to see such a weird new iteration of Sarah Control. And we've gotten that a little bit already, but this is going to continue to tenfold that. So, really unique card. I think she has a ton of potential. I called her a trap because we just need to see how she plays out. This is the one that I want to see play out before I go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. But we both definitely like Sage, no question. After Sagebro, we've got Namora. And Namora you guys may not know this. There's a card we have in this game called Namor. Have you, have you seen it? I think it's new. I haven't seen it much.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, I've seen it before. I get it confused every once in a while because it looks like Cristiano Ronaldo, but but ultimately, yeah, it's a card that I used to play, like, I don't know, in 2022? I

Cozy Snap:

think it was? What was the launch day of Snap? That's yeah, the last time I probably played Namor. And funny enough, Maybe this is what they aim to do with her. I don't think the synergy is going to be there. Choose a 5 cost, 6 power card. Now this is so cool to me because I read it wrong the first time I saw it. On reveal, you're going to give plus 5 power to each of your cards alone. At another location. Now, guys, this is on reveal. This is a one time trigger to get that popping off, which, theoretically, she's got a 511 stat line up to a 516, buddy. I mean, people, I think people, I, from what I can tell, people aren't jumping up and down for Nomura, but I think she's extremely interesting. What's your star rating?

Alexander Coccia:

I think she's extremely poo.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, are you good? Tell me why.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, first of all, I'm leaning towards, like, on launch week, this is a one star card. It's going to be miserable playing this card on launch week, because people are just going to, like, White Widow you, and GW you, and everything's going to get ruined, right? So, launch week, it's a write off, do not evaluate this card based on launch week. But let's just say afterwards, right? Three weeks after, no one's thinking about Nomura anymore, and you're like, I'm going to play a Nomura deck. I'm This is a two star card. It has to be, right?

Cozy Snap:

So, here's my thoughts, right? I listen guys, I don't love just, like, hyping up every card. I'm trying to, like, practically think how I would play it. So, to your point, yes, guys. Guess what you're gonna see? If you didn't buy Nomura, you're gonna be playing nothing but junk decks. It ruins Nomura. Game over. It's over. Where I think, what I'm interested to see, right? We're not going to play with Namor, guys. It's just not going to happen. The idea, though, of playing I saw this Hey, funny enough, I get people direct messaging on Twitter and stuff. And one person, shout out to Regis Kilbin Kilbin, they said, did you see Regis video? I'm like no, I haven't. I haven't had the chance to see it. And they, they just listed the points off to me. And I thought it was really cool. I read it. I was like, hey, thanks for sending this to me. It's such a cool idea. You play down Armor in the left lane, Cosmo in the right lane, Wong in the middle, so you're on curve, 2, 3, 4, Nomura on the Wong, and all of a sudden you're giving plus 10 power to both Cosmo and Armor. They can't be Shang Chi. Nothing can happen to them. Heck, even Cosmo can't even be Shadow King. You can also do this with Colossus, who can't be destroyed. That small little pop off As one of the curve plays, not even like the crazy combo plays. I think it's pretty cool, kind of interesting. I think the Wong synergy or even Odin synergy is there. But to your point, what's meta right now, it's junk. I think that's the biggest worry.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I mean, that's the thing, right? Like, even if you have that exact line, They play a White Widow, you die. They play a Magneto, you die. They play Green Goblin, you die. They play Enchantress, they play There is just, like, a constant list of things that you That you're like, oh! This is bad. I do appreciate that. Listen, if we're going to get into the full cope of playing you know, Colossus unironically with a Cosmo on either wing, and then like, I'm, I'm here for that. I want to see that play go out there, but let's be real here. Like that's, that's very, very unlikely to actually be successful over the long term.

Cozy Snap:

It's definitely something we've never seen before. So like, I think when people will fall for it at first, but then if they see like an Armored Cosmo up, especially in higher levels, they're gonna be like, okay, just, I got to just stop the middle here or whatever. But to be, I don't know man, I, I'm tempted, I'm gonna give this a three and a half, and I even feel like I could be going low, and I'd be happy to be wrong here, because I also think Ramp is the natural home for this card, alright not just to mention Blink, and we're seeing some other cards, being able to get this going Fast before your opponent can, because yes, White Widow exists, cool, just avoid that lane if you can. They're not going to be treating you like you're always going to have a Nomura in there. And what can you do with, with these ramp decks? You can play Odin early, you can play Blob and a Taskmaster, you can play Red Hulk, and then you can boost these cards up to significant value. I, I honestly think, heck, you could Arnim Zola a Nomura and, and get her out, boost it, do it two more times. I think ramp could be her best home.

Alexander Coccia:

Also notable that this is an on reveal effect, so if, like, the condition changes, the cards still will maintain their power, right? So if you're able to rant this out, and you hit, like, your Electro and your Nebula, for instance, right? And then you blink it out or whatever, like, and then you play cards into those locations, Dr. Doom's Odin's or whatever those cards will keep the two power. And that's what kept me up to two stars. I'm like, okay, there's chances. There's chances here for this card to pop off. Because it has like a very similar stat line to that of Ms. Marvel. And I've walked this dark path before of sleeping on pure power, right? Ms. Marvel's a 414. This in theory is adding 10 power on either side. It's like a mini Doctor Doom.

Cozy Snap:

I'll gladly be wrong about her because I do think she's got that potential. I think storming lanes and boosting those lanes up later is really interesting. Or just what we've talked about. In Wave, right? Being able to wave, and you're just doing something so simple. You're playing a 1 cost drop, you're playing a 2 cost drop, you're playing a wave, and then you play Nomura, and you're guaranteed, you only have to do 2 of those cards out, you're guaranteed right then and there to have a 3 10 wave, and then 5 power to the cards you just played, not to mention Nomura's 6. So, I just think there's gonna be stuff to play. Here and there for the value play for the curve play. She's a 5'11 at worst. Most of the times we'll see, we'll see. It's all going to be meta dependent, but I think people are sleeping on her a bit. Oh, not to mention she comes with Scar and Black Knight, the spotlights.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. I mean, Scar is like, I think is probably going to have a pretty good season. Cause there's a couple of activators for Scar, which we're going to be talking about, I think next. But but I think that Black Knight's one of those ones you're going to want in your deck. I think people are forgetting about Black Knight, by the way. Like it's still good.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's just kind of

Alexander Coccia:

falling out of favor,

Cozy Snap:

but that's a really cool card to go with Blink potentially because you can get the activation and be like, all right, get, get this guy out of there or whatever it would blade. We'll have to see how that works out, but let's go to the last card. Anything else on the more I think that hits the main, obviously Orca guys, we get it. Jeff can move like there's some cool movement cards you could do. But let's get to Sasquatch, man. And Sasquatch is my tentative 5 star card. I said I had one more. We have four and a half for for Blink 5 from Alex. Sasquatch is a 610, guys. Very easy ability. He's gonna cost one less for each card you played last turn. To me, this is my 5 star.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, this is an extremely good car. I'm leaning towards a four stars maybe a little more tentative, but I can definitely see this being a five star banger. It's just, it's a 6. 10. That's never going to be 6. 10, right? Literally never, unless you're floating turn five in a Sasquatch deck, which means that like you are so unbelievably inebriated, you deserve to lose. This card is going to be discounted and it could be discounted a lot. And it's not even hard to discount it a lot.

Cozy Snap:

Dude, and just take it at, if we guys, if we just take it at base value of having him as a 510, right? Let's just, you just played on turn 4. You have a 510. Okay, fantastic. There's only a couple of those that exist. Doc Ock, and what, Red Skull's above that? Like, they come with drawbacks. A 510 is a 510 at the day. I also think this is, you know, we gotta mention our double up. We've been, we've missed our quota a little bit. You could have some cool double up synergy with Sasquatch for sure. But what really interests me is this is gonna fill the void on, dude, those Hitmonkey beast balance decks are really cool, but they've got like one trick to them, right? They got the one trick pony, and if you can't pull that off, if you can't win with the Hitmonkey lane and you don't have tech, you're gonna lose. I think this is such a cool middle to ground stat line for that. That you can Bro, you play Hitmonkey Mysterio, and this guy is pretty much free. You just play Mysterio, and this guy goes down significantly. You play Black Swan, this guy goes down significantly. That deck archetype's gonna love Sasquatch.

Alexander Coccia:

No, there's no question about it. The thing that you hit it perfectly saying that like those decks were traditionally one trick ponies, you have hit monkey. It goes absolutely insane. And that was your plan, right? When they'll hit monkey lane, hopefully win another lane. Now, what this allows you to do is take a little bit of pressure off of hit monkey. You don't need the biggest hit monkey, right? Played on turn five, get a decent hit monkey, keep it under Shanqi range, and then you can use. Sasquatch and Mockingbird to close the game out, right? You don't need to rely on all the stats in Hitmonkey. You can spread those stats using the like what? 310 Sasquatch and the 29 Mockingbird. Like it's crazy what the stat lines are and you have more agency as to how you attack turn six, instead of having these like miracle style plays where you try to get the chunkiest Hitmonkey possible.

Cozy Snap:

Which is again, I just, I love them for the power. I love them for, we know we love cost reduction. The only cost reduction card that is whiffed a little bit, funny enough, has synergy with him is Scar. But we, we, I think we underestimated Scar's ability to get discount. It's very tough, that's why he's minus two. Sasquatch has such an easy condition to meet. Maybe not as easy as She Hulk and as flexible, but just a notch under that, right? Zudex is gonna love him as well. You're not gonna play a Mr. Negative because he has 10 power, but you're able to play these decks which is where I think, like, Pixie is interesting as well, because you have this Pixie that can discount him, and you can further, obviously, you know, get the, the energy lower from what Pixie brought it to, or you get to just play other high cards at a reduced cost as well, so I think there's just, that's gonna be strong, bud.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And is, could this possibly be a Black Swan activator, by the way?

Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

Like, can Black Swan actually make it to some of these decks? You know, the classic Black Swan into, to Falcon. Dump dump a bunch of one drops, add some power there. Beast is another card that obviously can allow you to play lots of Bursted Hands and then follow that up with a Sasquatch early. I think there's a lot of like deck building here. And once the decks start coming out and get refined, there is going to be a broken Sasquatch deck. Like, it's going to be like, Oh my God, here we go. Here we go. Sasquatch coming down at 110.

Cozy Snap:

And I just like how reliable he is. I guess that's why I give him a five over Blink. I love Blink, but I feel like there could be, you know, you just don't control it. So there's going to be things that happen and like, I didn't want that to happen, but it's okay. Sasquatch, you know what you're getting, you know what you're doing. He reminds me of a cool obsidian. In a way, but you're going to be able to control that a little bit better. Speaking of a man, Zombo would have been a mess if he was still the same way he was. And then lastly, dude, I think the, the, the combo I like with him, man, is Dracula dump. You combining Zoo with now Dracula dump. And if you guys don't know, You're having low cost cards with a couple of high cost cards and Sasquatch clearly loves this deck on top of Scar loving this deck. I think this is a super cool synergy that I can see him getting a lot of play in.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, no, so Dracula Dump is always one of those decks that like, it comes into the meta every once in a while. I feel like it shows up every three months, dominates for about a week and then people forget about it and it disappears. But it actually has been one of those archetypes that has been sneakily consistent through Snap. And so yeah, you're 100 percent right, like Sasquatch is gonna just love it there.

Cozy Snap:

So in order that covers all the cards coming out friends, let's go ahead and rank them from top to bottom. So best card by far is, what for you? It's gonna be Blink.

Alexander Coccia:

For me, I'm leaning towards Blink being the top, but Sasquatch is like very close. They're holding hands.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, so we swapped those, so I'm gonna go Sasquatch, then Blink. Okay, at number three, what do you got?

Alexander Coccia:

Number three, I'm very I think Nocturne is gonna be that one.

Cozy Snap:

Nocturne, yeah, dude, it's tough because they're all right there. I'm gonna go I kind of want to go with yeah, probably Nocturne. I hate to not be, you know, different from you, but I'm looking at him and it's like

Alexander Coccia:

They have Risk, but I just don't know. You're making the right call, dude. Yeah, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Nomura and Sage is left. Who do you have as, as the worst here?

Alexander Coccia:

It's definitely Sage then Nomura. I think Nomura's the bottom, yeah.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, it's gonna be tough. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with Nomura over Sage, just in case. We'll see. I think I ranked her higher, Sage, but I just Love the potential of Nomura, and I'll gladly burn the tokens for you guys and let her know, and let you guys know if she's worth getting, man. So another great season to break down. Wanted to end it here on, what do we want from May, right? What do we want in Marvel Snap? We just had a patch that brought nothing. I think a lot of people were kind of disappointed from that. But they did say that they're paving the way for a lot of exciting updates. What do you want to see in May?

Alexander Coccia:

I mean, May, June, I'm hoping to see a, like a, a banger game mode. I'm really hoping they're working on, I believe they've stated that they, yeah, we got game modes coming, guys. It's just development takes time. Right. And I'm really hoping that by the summer we'll have a new game mode to kind of sink our teeth into. Something really fun. I think it will be fun, but I'm not looking for like a conquest. I don't want just Marvel snap play differently. Let's get, let's get creative guys. Let's get creative. And I know they are. For sure, and that's what I'm looking forward to most.

Cozy Snap:

Minimum, guys, I want two things. I want the announcement of a game mode, even. Just the announcement. Like, just something that we're like, Okay, we have something in the pipeline here. This is what it is. We have rivals coming out, we have a lot of good games coming out, obviously, you know, Snap needs to keep up with that. And then B, I want to see Captain America finally get buffed. I'm going to throw that out there every single month, not going to happen.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, it's been an entire month of nothing but mill, red chaos, and a whole lot of fun. We're gonna be discussing the cards of the prior month, and you know what? We're gonna be held accountable for the calls we made, the stats we gave, the star ratings we provided to you guys, the community, as we discuss each of the cards that were released in the prior month, and giving our final thoughts, our final reviews. We'll go through the stats, and honestly I think this was a great month. Surprisingly, an absolutely phenomenal month of Snap, Cozy. What do you think?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, man, I think going and looking at the cards ahead of time, we're like, ah, these seem pretty cool. And the way they played out, I mean a lot of them have earned their way into a lot of staples. And I think we did good, but I also completely forgot most of the time, like, what we gave them. So I'm interested to see our ratings here. Obviously you know Baron Zemo is our, is our season pass card. And it's always crazy to have two cards in the same week. And this was, if I'm not mistaken, was Baron into Red Hulk. Yeah. What a, what a wild week looking back.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. An absolutely insane week. And it's notable that the week after no one could even use the spotlight caches because the spotlight caches crashed. Imagine that has happened to the Red Hulk. So he's, oh my gosh. But anyways What happened with Zemo was that, like, as a Season Pass card, it was meant to open up a whole new archetype, that disruption, that mill style archetype, and anytime you have a Season Pass card, we're hoping that it's pretty good, not only does it shake up the meta, but despite it being a, like, actual currency based exchange, For that 10 bucks, it's probably one of the cheapest cards you're going to be getting. Like, if you actually consider the cost of tokens, the cost of acquisition in the whole, like, it's really cool to see a season pass card deliver the way Baron Zemo did. Now, you and I came in almost identical. Okay. I came in at three stars, you came in at 3. 5, so you were slightly higher. Now, the stats we'll be talking about moving forward are stats of top 50 percent infinite at 6k collection level based on untapped. Baron Zemo running a 49 percent win rate, but an 18 percent of the meta. So honestly, the stats are okay, but it's clearly popular that might be kind of buoyed by the the weekend missions and stuff like that. But ultimately I think that he kind of landed an interesting spot. He's not destroying the meta because Millie is like infuriating to play against, but I think he's pretty good.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. And I remember saying on the video, like, I just didn't see him being crazy flexible. Like I thought like he, Yes, the value's there, yes, you can get good stuff, but you're almost gonna exclusively see him in these middle decks, maybe a couple other ones, and that's kind of what it's been, like, it's kind of been, he has been more in just those decks, but yeah. I said three and a half, you said three. Are you sticking with yours? Cause I think I'm fine with mine as well. I think that's, maybe, maybe I go down to three, maybe go half a, half a point, but yeah, I think he's fit into that deck style and, and single handedly created it too.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I think three's absolutely fair. I don't think he's pushing the stats or pushing the power that would warrant like a four or five star rating. I think he's a very fair card that's activating an archetype that honestly, if it's too good and Mill is too good, no one wants to play Marvel Snap. Yeah. Right. Like nothing is more irritating than not drawing cards in a card game because like your opponent milled them all. So I think they had to be very careful with this and the fact that it's pulling the lowest cost card I think is important. Yondu being cut from most Baron Zemo decks now as well, which is kind of interesting to see, like poor Yondu, poor one over Yondu. Like just can't catch a break, but ultimately I think Zemo landed in a pretty good spot. Clearly it's, It's popular. 18 percent is popular. We'll have to see how it holds going into the next seasons where you have, you know, a new season pass card in Blink that's really, really good and some honestly, absolute bangers as we discussed prior but honestly, I think we did nail it at about three stars and that takes us to Red Hulk, which as Cozy mentioned, was released on the same day. Now, Red Hulk is I gotta be honest with you, Cozy. Stats are pretty wild post nerf, you're talking about a 53 percent win rate, that's post nerf, at a 33 percent meta share. Now if I remember correctly, Cozy, you gave me a little bit of heat. You're like, I came in at 4 stars, and you're like, this is the easiest 5 of the month, and you said, Alex, how can this not be 5? And you made me defend my position. And I tried... and I failed. Cozy, you were right. I think this was the 5 star card of the month.

Cozy Snap:

It can be scary to give out a 5. Like, we just did it, and like, it's nerve wracking because you don't want to whiff massively. And, you know, obviously, we've had ones that we've hit, we've had ones that we haven't. It just, I think, for every now and then, there's a card that just screams, obviously stupid. And, we just, we had a feeling. We had a feeling it was going to be Red Hulk, man. Obviously, it was that 5 star, still going to be that 5 star, post nerf, pre nerf. Red Hulk is clearly here to stay, and hell, he's even synergizing with more cards along the way. He's gonna continue to do so. The whole watching him build up thing, I don't care. It just doesn't matter. It doesn't affect my play against him, and it surely it looks like to me, at least, people still don't respect him enough. You can bait, switch him out, and not even play him, and people think you're gonna just do one big lane. He's still that five star man.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. He's absolutely phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. And the fact that the stats have held up post nerf, it just, it's a testament to how good this card was. And I still think back to like your release day video for him. Your title was like, literally this card is going to be a problem. Like. It is like, it's true. It was, and it has been, I do think that it's very notable that the cube rate does seem slightly lower, especially post nerf. And I think it's because again, it is revealing in the hand. And at first I was like, that was what was holding me back as a four star rating, by the way, the idea that it was revealing in the hand, but you're not gonna be able to catch people by surprise with this. Who's going to stay in a game when there's a 20 something power Red Hulk that, you know, is going to win a location and there's a pro X in the other one or whatever. Like, what are you going to do? Apparently people were like literally getting hammed and deciding to go 1v1 against this red hulk I don't understand like I just I it surprised me to see that the cube rate was as high as it was And then the win rate was as high as it was just the fault like An automatic retreat card if you know that you're going to be going 1v1 against it like you just lose you see it there It's like going 1v1 against apocalypse. Like what are you doing?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, right. I don't

Alexander Coccia:

know man. It surprised me

Cozy Snap:

You're just hoping they play like in a lane that you don't want them I mean essentially I think though to bring up a good point I was talking to somebody that's climbing up the ladder and they wanted some advice and One thing I think, though, is to be said is like, yeah, he may not be the best climbing card, because he is pretty obvious, right? And so, like, I'm telling you guys, the quickest way to climb is to get those small but big chunk giant cube games. You can also go by the Law of Averages and just retreat and do all that with Red Hulk, and you can climb too. But man, doing stuff that people don't expect is so underrated. Red Hulk, pretty expecting. He's obviously has a big like, I'm, I'm gonna be here sign. And yeah, I mean, but again, to your point, wasn't as detrimental as we thought.

Alexander Coccia:

No, it definitely wasn't like as detrimental. I think there are people that are a little frustrated with it because it's clearly extremely powerful. It's, it's actually very notable to say that like, I think Red Hulk is frustrating more people than that of Baron Zemo, the card we just spoke about. Baron Zemo milling from your deck and then also using the cables and even you could Baron Zemo into absorbing man like there's all these combinations. Your decks, your cards are being played against you and stolen from you and somehow this chonky red jacked dude is more upsetting than that. Because it's just a straight up power level, and it's made Blob, like, not, I don't want to say Blob's irrelevant, but like, when was the last time you thought about playing Blob when you could play Red Hulk?

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I think, the thing that I don't like about him, this is answering the question in a way too, is just like, If you miss out on these big power cards, you feel like you've missed out. Like, Zemo, you're like, okay, when you lose to this, you lose to Blob, was the last one we had before. You're like, I need to get this card, you know? And you're right, he did invalidate Blob. He worked with Blob in some ways, but also invalidated him because it's just an easier thing. To depend on. But more importantly, and why I give him 5 in the last time is, Blob, you have to synergize the deck around him. Red Hulk is just big, chunky boy, as Alex likes to say. So, yeah. Listen, guy's gonna hold up, man. We can see that even, you know, taking away 2 power. It wasn't a matter of if he would be nerfed, it was when, and we've already seen it.

Alexander Coccia:

And the versatility of it. Like, the reason why Blob you're not seeing and you're seeing Red Hulk is like, Red Hulk is being played in silky smooth stalled decks. Yeah. He just makes every, he's just a very natural six power drop, even just the threat of him. As you mentioned prior, the threat of playing Red Hulk disrupts the play pattern, disrupts your opponent's thinking and you don't even need him. You, Oh, you move vision, you play Dr. Doom and like, you didn't even play Red Hulk, but they're like thinking about, Oh, I got to play Shongers over here and I got to do all this stuff. Right. So it's pretty interesting to think though, that in Marvel Snap, ultimately there's got to be one big stick, one big stat stick. It used to be blob. And now it's Red Hulk. It used to be Back in the Day Infinite. But Red Hulk has definitely taken the reins.

Cozy Snap:

And it kind of, in ways, validated why Alioth was there in the first place, right? Because you didn't want that person who just got the Red Hulk up all the way to be able to win with the one stick. You could just kill that stick, but then you're just doing what they did with a car that people hate too. So, wasn't a great answer, but I got why, because they designed him was probably for that reason. And to punish people. We have punished for combo decks. And that was a punish for kind of big one play stat decks, but yep, Red Hulk band five stars still still kicking.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely. And the next card of the month was US agent, a very contentious card. Cozy. I came in like straight dirty. I gave this a one star card. And people were like, yo, Alex, you're, you're doing US agent. Absolutely. Dirty. This is not a one star card. And it came in. One star it's win rate was in like the 40 percentile range like low 40s on release week borderline unplayable Sarah control didn't even want it total disaster release and then they changed something cozy They gave it a negative four proc on four five and six cost cards. That's pretty significant That's potentially for power in a lane, right? Like if you think about it like that is a lot because it's like it multiplies based on how many cards you're hitting It's not just like a two three to two four You The power of itself is now stronger. Cozy, would you believe that US Agent now, post buff, is running a 53 percent win rate, but only occupying 3 percent of the meta. Mostly being seen in like those ongoing Spectrum style decks that are starting to make some magic happen.

Cozy Snap:

And the Valkyrie deck as well. Those are the two decks that it just kind of makes sense that they're in. And that's why it's small sample size, good win rate, because that's what it's performing well in. I give it a two, right?

Alexander Coccia:

You had given it a two. I gave it a one.

Cozy Snap:

Would you bump up to what now?

Alexander Coccia:

So this is funny. First of all, we were right. The card was terrible. Post buff. Honestly, I played it in the spectrum based ongoing deck. I didn't do the Valkyrie one and I liked it. It was not bad. It really discouraged them for playing that location and allowed you to trade very effectively. It made it so that like. Even a Red Hulk, you negate that one floated turn from Red Hulk. Like negative four energy is a lot, especially when you're hitting it with the spectrum as well. I would be willing to give this a three star. Like maybe I'd probably lean more towards two and a half. If I could give it a two I don't know if it's three star yet, but it definitely has potential. Definitely gets played later in the game. And I think that now you'll see Sarah Control playing it more often.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. I'm going to bump it to two and a half, two. I think what we said, Zemo's a three. That makes sense. I can't stay at two because he got better. So I'm going to go up to two and a half. And I think that's about where he is. You know, you could argue, I think at the end of the day, like, even in the Spectrum deck, I didn't love playing Punisher sometimes, because, like, again, you're still, like, relying on your opponent to do something. Same with him. I like more agency sometimes, but he's obviously really good. Like, he, it, the things he could do now is a lot of upside value. And now, we have, obviously, Valentina, who had cheated out bigger cards, but Blink is going to do the same. So we're going to have more big cards out there, and the more we get cards that can do that, The better USA US agents going to be.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. And props to the development team as well, in the sense that like, this was the second fastest buff of all time. The fastest was Hercules, Hercules was buffed for like four days after release. And they're like, whoa, this card sucks. Yeah. US agent got buffed nearly immediately after release, which is good. I mean, that could frustrate people like, yo, Alex, like that sucks. Like, first of all, he still is not like a required pull. This is not the Red Hulk meta shaker, right? At 3 percent of the meta. Yeah. But it's good to know that if you're someone who was going after something in its spotlight cash and you inadvertently pulled it, you're like, Oh, I pulled this piece of crap card. I didn't want it. And now it's actually more playable. That's a good thing. You want every card that you get through your spotlight keys to at least be exciting to play with. And so I'm glad that they took the approach to Buffett as soon as they did.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. Agreed, man. Understood.

Alexander Coccia:

All right. Our next card that was released in the month of April. April is not White Widow, it's actually Red Guardian. Red Guardian was the next one here, Cozy taking a guess in the swing. You just want to show off that variant, that's why. Just pull it up as much as I can. But it's Red Guardian. Now, Red Guardian was interesting because both of us came in at identical You're not going to believe this, Cozy. I broke the rules. I broke my own rules. We both came in at 3. 5.

Cozy Snap:

Well, you just gave Agent at 2. 5 too. The 3. 5 we gave him, man, that is I was actually wondering, this was the one that I was like, what did we give this card? And I know we were both reserved. We talked very highly on him, but we were reserved because of the passive tech cards that have come out.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. We both basically said the same thing. We said, we're giving it like 3. 5, but we think we might be missing low. Is essentially what our take was.

Cozy Snap:

What do you land at now?

Alexander Coccia:

Oh, this card's four for sure. Yeah, I love this card. This is an easy four.

Cozy Snap:

It's a four that doesn't need to exist. It's such a weird four. He's so good, but like, you don't have to have him in your deck. Like, he is replaceable. He's just super unique and has so much on the line with him and so many different play lines that I love. Does that make sense right? Like, he's this weird replacement card that is also really strong in its own right. And I'm good with a four on it, yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

He is the best card in Marvel Snap that you don't need. Yeah. Like, honestly, that's essentially how I wear it. He's the best non essential card. And he's great. Playing him on turn 3? Great. Playing him on turn 4 or 5? Great. Playing him on turn 6 to close their, to turn off their Dracula? Perfect. It always feels good to play. Wide variety of decks. Wide variety of archetypes. It is so flexible. I've been hit with Red Guardian, so I'm like, why is this, like, not forget Surfer. Surfer obviously can play it, but I'm like, why is this Zoo deck playing Red Guardian? It's just in there. It's just in there. And that's a cool thing. You love to see it. So honestly, four stars all the way off across the board here. I think that we were right to give it three and a half stars because it can be hard to evaluate cards in a a vacuum. It's not fitting in any one archetype where it completely elevates it, but it has been truly remarkable. This has been my favorite card of the season, I want it to be known. Red Guardian, by far, is my favorite card of the season.

Cozy Snap:

I like how he pairs up with other tech cards, and he most notably gives he's just, he, we say it all the time, the release valve, but in a way, for things like Collector, like, they can start doing interesting cards like that, with us now having him, and we have a reason to be able to shut those down, and I know that happened to me plenty this last week with Valentina's release it was, I was getting Red Guardian on my collector that I was building up, right? So, yeah, really fun card, great card and a four star at that. Glad that he ended up being up from what we said. I think we both wanted that for the card and and it broke the mold of tech cards, you know, coming out.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And it came in at a 53 percent win rate at 13 percent of the meta. So the stats do support this card being very strong. Now Cozy gives you a chance now to bring up that White Widow variant that you so wanted to show off there. We do have the Archer White Widow on the screen here once again, you know, and this is a 2 2 that you know what it does. We don't need to do that. You've been playing it for the last two weeks. Cause it's a good card. Now Cozy. White Widow, both of us came in pretty good, but you were a little higher. I gave it a 3 star rating, you gave it a 4 star. It's win rate currently is running a 49 percent win rate, which is about 4 percent higher than the prior week. We did say that that was going to happen. This is going to age from a win rate perspective like Fine Wine, and it too runs a 13 percent of the meta. Cozy, you gave it 4. What are your thoughts?

Cozy Snap:

I'm staying at 4. I think I'm going to stay at 4. I don't really care about the win rate there on the stats. I Just natural as people play it. Just a good card, man. Just a, a, a card that comes out and invalidates some of the two costs, like we've talked about, Lizard, things like that. Cheapest way to clog. Always feeling great to play, late or early. White Widow, man, is just a great core deck build that I like more than the other Red Room Academy card in Black Widow. That's hard to say, because she's a great card, too. Yeah, I think White Widow is going to settle well in the Snap, too. Like, we see cards come and go, and seasons come and go, things like Havoc. We're like, he's good, but no one's playing him. I think White Widow's gonna, is just gonna be fine here, and, and, and be included in decks.

Alexander Coccia:

I agree, I would bump up my 3 star rating to a 4 star overall. My major kind of fear was ultimately unfounded. I was expecting a lot of these Widow's Kisses to be just bounced right back to me via Nihilus. But that actually wasn't happening. I wasn't finding that people were doing that. They were actually filling the locations or I was actually kicking back the White Widows, like the Widow's Kiss was sitting on my side. I wasn't filling it. And I just played my Nihilist and shot it over to the other side. Right. Which I thought was pretty cool. Yeah. But It has that counterbalance which I do appreciate, Destroy has not been as popular in the last two weeks as I expected as well, which I think gave it a little bit, it's, Destroy is always somewhat popular but it didn't break like 10 percent of the meta like it does on times where like Junk and other type of archetypes that take advantage of clogging space you know, generally they come out and it destroys everywhere, White Widow has been a very good surprise and exactly for what you said, Cheapest way to clog.

Cozy Snap:

And of note guys, we just talked about all the new cards coming out, right? Let's go through them. Blink is gonna be able to change out White Widow for a better card, and you still get the Widow's Kiss. Sage is insane here. You play a one drop, your opponent plays a one drop, White Widow counts for just single handedly four points for Sage, because it's a two and a negative four, right off the rip. Even if it was a negative four, it's a zero, I guess, right? But still, it's gonna be a negative four that early in the play. So you've got great synergy with Sage as well. Nomura, I guess you could, yeah, I mean, theoretically any card could synergize with that. But that's my point, right? Like, she's going to continue to feast off of some of these cards that are coming out. And I just love the play line that she brings.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, definitely a four star card. Absolutely remarkable. Great release, great design. And that takes us to One of the more contentious cards of the season, one I think was ultimately slept on ever so slightly, and that is Valentina. Valentina ultimately running a 50 percent win rate at 3 percent of the meta, almost entirely based in the Loki based archetypes. But even then, I checked Cozy, and it's a little sad, Valentina is not breaking the top end of Loki decks. Currently, Loki decks without Valentina are over performing the Valentina additions, which is kind of surprising to me. Cause I don't mind the card, but anyways, cozy. I came in at three. You came in at 2. 5.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. So I was a five star for fun is what I said. And then I gave her a 2. 5 and. You know, I'm still about there. There, the thing is again, I made the video for Marvel snaps channel. So I got to play with her early and I kept playing with her and I'm like. This is great, and there's times where I love this, but there's, this is the card that you could have easily made a YouTube video look really good, and then it's because you picked the games where she got good value. I played a lot of her, and I just felt like, There's more games that was like great, but also not so great. Five Star for Fun, my favorite card to release this month because of just what, like, I just love the play style there. She obviously works in Loki. I, the stats, again, I'm not really caring about. I want to see that kind of edge. I want to see a month from now kind of where that edge is out to as people get used to her a bit better. My favorite thing that people just were not talking about early in play here. Everyone was saying Luke Cage. The first day she came out, I was like, guys, Shadow King's the play. I loved the synergy with Shadow King in the Six of Scots card. It was really unique. You have an offense and a defensive card. But yeah, Valentina, if you get good draw, she's killer. And she has a lot of upside. Her ceiling's one of the best, but she comes with a risk.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, absolutely. And the reason why, like, I, I am including her in my Loki decks is because like exactly that you play Quinjet on turn one, Valentina turn two, and like what a turn three Magneto. That's a nine cost or nine power. I should say, like, you can't do anything about it. I think it's great. I honestly think it's great. It's like, and then you get to play your your Mocky bird had basically nine power as well. So I do think that the Valentina has those like really high end swings and when you get the APOC and you get the random ones that you don't want you're able to just, just Loki them away. You get that, that hand generation, right? So I do think the card is. I think a little underappreciated right now. I think a lot of people skipped on it. I think the week as a whole was just not that enticing. I think this was one of the weaker ones, but this card has a ton of dials, right? So maybe they make it so that like, maybe it's negative two power. On the six drop, right? Cause although it's performing okay, it's not exactly exciting. So, you know, would you think Valentina is a potential buff candidate or you think it's just,

Cozy Snap:

again, I want to see her settle in a bit more. I think on the release, I said that I'd prefer cable and I stick by that so much. I've seen a lot of conflicting stuff on that. At the end of the day, I don't care if it's a little more random, you're, you're taking, you're taking a card from your opponent, you're stealing that, you're getting information. The upside tends to be a little bit better because they've planned on that, right? Like, you're hoping for the Doctor Doom, the Magneto, but in this case, You've got like, even a tech card that they're hoping for, or, or a combo piece that they need, or their best card in their deck, so I do prefer Cable, but obviously I think Valentina is right under that, and I like her over you know, even tech cards in Loki, which, tech cards are good in Loki, but, I liked what she brought into the momentum.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair. So we're going to settle in at about 2. 5, a little lower end on the scale there, which I think feels completely fair. And that takes us to our next point of discussion, which is the state of the meta. This is something that we haven't done in a bit, just a general conversation, discussion about where the meta is in Marvel Snap you know, what the game feels like to play and how the the meta has been shaking up over the last couple of weeks. Cozy, I'll give you the floor to get us started here. How's your experience been with the meta in Snap?

Cozy Snap:

So it's interesting. I feel like the meta is really good. The meta's at a great spot. If you've been playing the game a good amount, you can testify to it. There's a lot out there that you can play. There's only a couple decks that frustrate people. Off the top of my head, I would say maybe Hela, Mill, and Junk with Annihilus. They're like the main offenders these days. However, A, you got three decks sharing the load, not just one. But it's interesting because as fun as the meta is, I think people are wanting more out of the game. And it makes sense. I agree with you guys there. I think. Again, great core product. It takes time to develop things, totally understand, but we are at a point where we are coming up on the year lapse from Conquest. We have to get some new things pumped into the game, and I think that's an overwhelming sentiment of a good amount of people. So, Meta's great. Game, I'm not gonna use the word stale, but people want more from that.

Alexander Coccia:

No, absolutely. I think you just absolutely nailed it. The fun factor of the game is still there. Yeah. The balance is the best it's ever been. We have very few outliers in terms of outright performance. Red Hulk was the most recent example of a card that probably was an outlier. If you actually think about like the most recent releases outside of the, like Hope Summers was a very, very strong card. Season pass card, but it didn't shatter the game the way Loki did. They've been exciting cards and they've generally been spot on. Red Guardian, for instance, is a great, perfect release. They miss a little low on USAgent, but Valentina is probably just right. Maybe slightly low, but they've been Releasing the steady cadence of just good cards. And I think that makes the game exciting because you kind of want to experiment with all of them, but none of them are legitimately game shattering. I think right now we also have the greatest array of different successful potential decks. We're in a meta where you can win with Galactus. We're in a meta where you can win with Annihilus based decks. We're in a meta you can win with Bounce. You can win with On Reveal. You can win with Cerebro. There's a ton of different approaches to the game right now, and I think that's healthy.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, I mean, and it's worth saying Zabu and Alioth, that era being gone, is showing. It's showing that there's way more creativity out there, kind of like when Chavez got kicked from the game, too. It was like an evil that needed to happen, in a sense. Yeah. To the car design, release, and balance team, I still give them five stars. I think they're killing their job there. I think the designs have been great, all that. And, you know, the way I look at it, though, is, for me, If I wasn't doing, like, I, I mean, I'm just trying to do a lot of fun videos, you know, and doing, like, you know, I did the Avengers with Red Hulk, or an Agatha challenge. Like, that's what keeps it fresh for me, but for the casual player, they probably, they don't care about climbing past 100. They don't, they don't, you know, even if they don't get, we just need to bring some from them. Hopefully Clans delivers on that and again excited. I'm, I'm still on this. I think Deadpool is the biggest thing to happen to Marvel in years and I think they're going to capitalize around that. And I think we have a steady big increase from Clans to good releases to ultimately game mode in July. That's my guess. I don't know anything guys, I'm just testing my guess. Yeah,

Alexander Coccia:

I think that's absolutely good. Yeah, we don't know actually anything to be honest with you. But I would expect maybe like the next month or two the Clans or Alliance system does come out. And then you're looking at Summer for a major game mode launch. Game mode launch. I think that'd be good timing. Because we do need it. We need some sort of inflection of excitement around Marvel Snap. Because as you said too, like, the casual audience. If you're listening to this right now, there's a good chance you're a little casual, but there's a good chance you're actually one of the staple hardcore players of Marvel Snap. And, You know, we're used to grinding for currency. We're used to playing our missions through every day, so we can get that card acquisition, collect those keys. But the average player, who's just trying to stay on top of the game and play for fun, probably finds the release schedule intimidating. Finds five new releases, season pass, intimidating. They can't play all these cards coming out at once. So I think the game mode that needs to come out needs to cater to that casual player, keep them in the game, allow them to acquire resources to you know, get cards that they can play and construct and by constructed, I mean like ladder and whatever, right? So maybe this whatever game mode it is, maybe it has to be a draft based game mode. Maybe it has to be kind of like one of those auto battler drafters or something like that, where you don't necessarily need a Full collection to participate and it could feed you into the the main game, so to speak the main collection track, because I'm just really concerned if there's a new player that's getting to the game, like they get in on that dead pool. Like it's so hard. Like talk about a hill to climb.

Cozy Snap:

You would need a massive surge of new players for it to feel correct. Like if it does, then, then like, they're just, they're going to be screwed to your point. And yeah, it's, it's listen, like they just, they just did like the frames that you can buy and whatnot. And like, listen, we told the hoard a million times, we want them to come out with things that are visual. You know, skins, upgrades, if that's how they want to make their monetization. I think though, we've talked about this before, it's a flavor check. It's like, it's a touch base with how the community is. It's like, great, but when you are releasing that, that, you don't have a patch, you don't have it, whatever, like, that's when it's like, alright, we respect that features take a long time to get out, but, we're having these, you know, different things where we are having the option to spin gold or whatnot happen, and yep, that being said, we got the custom card thing, and I totally get that. I just want to see them focus on new players, and I want them to focus on Coming, players coming back as well. The game's healthy, man. I looked at stats. The game's still extremely healthy in every which way. Revenue, heck, one of the games I covered during COVID, it was one of my first games ever, just shut down. It's done forever. So, like, games do die out if you don't, you know, get them monetization wise, but I think it's, the game's healthy. The player base is, the revenue is, so it's like, great, let's feed into that. And really kickstart it when Deadpool comes around.

Alexander Coccia:

Without question I do think there's a couple things that could really help the meta. Just want to give a couple points of feedback. Number one, we need to see more events like the X Men and Avengers, right? I loved it, right? And it's such a non committal way to break the game a little bit. Right. The unbalanced patch type idea and just say, okay, you guys, for the next two weeks, like, you know, X Men, Avengers, and like, that's cool. I love that. I really do hope they bring that back. I had so much fun doing that and there's so many different, like, you know, you can have villains and heroes. There's all these different ways. Marvel is so extensive, right? It's so extensive. You can find ways to kind of improve it. What if they just make like a Cerebro week or something like that, where Cerebro is absolutely, well, I don't know. There's a reason why I'm not a game designer. And one other thing I want to talk about, Cozy, I, I just, I got to bring it up. When we talk about the meta and my enjoyment of the game, I, if I'm wrong, call me out, I hate hot locations so much. It's come to the point where I'm like, I just don't want to stream on the day. There's a hot location. If there's a hot location, I just don't want to play Marvel Snap. I am so sick of hot locations. There has to be a better way. There has to be a better way. For them to like increase engagement and make the meta shift a little bit. Then these hollow, they're so cringe. I can't do it anymore.

Cozy Snap:

I just don't think we need, I just don't think we need them. Like to me, listen, I love the team over there guys. You guys do great. But I feel like this is a stuck in old ways. Feature, okay? Because I think the, the initial like reason behind it was like we want to encourage people to change up decks. But what happens is that it's just one deck that ends up being the only thing you see and actually kills creativity massively. I especially hate it as a content creator because when I'm showcasing a card, I don't want to see the same locations ten times. That's gonna usually benefit the new card, right? Like most of the time. So that's also annoying as well. And that's I guess featured over whatever, but either way, I agree, man. I just don't. I just don't see it. I think you kill it. Bring in new locations. Great. You can maybe fudge the numbers a little bit, make it a bit more popular for a week of release, or maybe all the locations that come out have all a little bit of an increased thing to get people. Familiar? I think that's maybe why they did these, is like, so people know these locations when they come out. But yeah, dude, it's just like, I don't really know a lot of people. I thought like, for a while, I'm like, maybe it's just me who hates this, right? I think it's the large community beset me and tell us below if we're wrong. It's just kind of like, I don't want to play this week or this day or whatever. I get it. Yeah.

Alexander Coccia:

Do you know how depressed I was when I went to go to do twist drops? And I'm like, I'm gonna be playing for like 24 hours straight. And it was a hot location. Do you know how heartbreaking that is, as someone who's going to play Marvel Snap for 24 hours? That you gotta stare into the face of a hot location that sucks, by the way. Like, you said, okay, oh, get them used to the location. All it does is make people hate the location. Like, whatever location it is, you play it non stop, you hate it. Yeah,

Cozy Snap:

and I told you, I did this, I helped host this, like, Samsung tournament in New York, and they had a freaking hot location of Altar of Death. You had 50, 000 new players playing this tournament with Altar of Death, and they're like, I can't insert the reason their hands had come around. Why are my cards dying every time I play them in this location? It's like what is energy? Like it's just comical. It's like it doesn't help the game.

Alexander Coccia:


Cozy Snap:


Alexander Coccia:

I just hate hot locations so much. I just hope they can go to the wayside. More of those X Men style Avengers events. No more hot locations. I honestly, there's enough locations in the game. We can stop adding locations. I'm kind of over it. Like I,

Cozy Snap:

I do like new locations, but I think if they do the X Men thing again, the only thing I want to see, like these unbalanced packs which I think, you know, The client needs it. This is such a small gripe, guys, but A, the loading splash screen, it is time to change this chibi Galactus. Like, I'm ready for a new splash screen, and the reason I bring this up is just a UI change a little bit. I think that if we do these unbalanced changes in the deck screen and somewhere maybe even in the battle, there's a to We need to be reminded what the changes are. Like, if it's villains and heroes, easy stuff, but if you're coming in, and again, casual player, you're on, you know, work was easy, you're on the phone. And all of a sudden, dude, someone's playing like a, you know, whatever, a Vision, and then Scarlet Witch, and the Vision goes up by two. You're like, what the hell? Did he get patched? Like, we need something that's kind of, you know reminding players. And I think if that's fixed, then people are going to enjoy those a lot more, too.

Alexander Coccia:

Absolutely, and Cozy, that takes us to our Snapchat mailbag. Listen, this week, we've got some absolute fire questions. I cannot wait. To ask these questions because you know what it's funny last week We were a little loopy and people were like yo Alex and Cozy got a little loopy a little late in the Late in the night, and you know I think the the questions were funny the answers were funny Well you guys think we're the only ones to get loopy well sometimes the audience gets loopy, too So we're gonna be starting off a little straightforward. Let's get a little warmed up here Cozy DM5 asks Hey Cozy and Alex if either of you were able to To have powers or skills of any Marvel character, which one would it be and why? I would also like to ask if you could spend a day with any Marvel character, who would it be?

Cozy Snap:

This is a good one. You start. Give me a second here.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, if I could spend a day with any Marvel character, I would spend a day and a night with Arrow.

Cozy Snap:

You S. O. B. You S. O. B. I would spend a day and a night with I don't know, Cable so he could kill you for taking Arrow from me and then I would take Arrow. That would be my, my ultimate. You know, I thought you were going to do that. I was I was going through a list of people. Arrow was definitely, definitely towards the top. I was waiting for you to say Jeff, the baby land shark. I was waiting for you to, but why say that when you could snipe my girl?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, buddy. Of course it's Arrow all day and all night, baby. That's

Cozy Snap:

I feel like, I feel like this is the dinner conversation where it's like, you know, it's like, who could you, who would you want to invite to a dinner? And you'd like, try to have like a fun person. You got like Gandhi in there. It's like, man, I would have different people, different strokes for different folks, you know what I mean? Like maybe get morph in there with his trumpet. And then, you know, may, maybe I'd have, maybe I'd have White widow there. Maybe Arrow would show up. I don't know. Scarlet Witch, but I would definitely have, you'd have to have like, who would be your like fun, like you wanna hang out, you want as your best friend.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay. Honestly, dinner party wise, I would love to have Magneto there.'cause you'd be like, yo. Screwed up. And he just be like this and just like ruin everyone's cutlery. And I was like, great. Now we can't eat, man. Thanks. Cut

Cozy Snap:

my beef. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like big cut my, cut my steak for me. And he's like, it. This is not why I do this. You know, he's like picks up the thing. Okay. Magneto. Yeah. I like it. I think Star Lord is a must. Hanging out, getting great jokes. The Deadpool, obviously too, man. Like again, we just rewatched Deadpool one and you can't even think of your favorite line in that movie because there's just nonstop coming at you from Ryan Reynolds. And Ryan Reynolds would appropriately be at my dinner party, so I would put Deadpool 2.

Alexander Coccia:

Pretty cool, pretty cool. In terms of powers, I think I would take Loki's. Loki feels like he can have the most fun with it. He can kind of do anything, right? Like, he can shapeshift. He can just make, like, happen. Like, he'd be like, oh, look, I have a goblet of fire now. It's actually on fire. I don't know, I'm just making stuff up. He can, he can transmog things. He can, I don't know, I can't even think of the words. He can do kind of everything. He's a very multi talented mischief maker.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah, dude, Loki's a good one. I feel, yeah, it's like, you can't really go wrong with anybody's power. They're all just freaking sweet. Like Morph is kind of cool. Again, I said Morph again, but I do think Morph is pretty sweet. I think though, I'm going to be classic. I'd go Spider Man. I just like, let me, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to swing on the ropes of the city. And then you can like kind of blend in, you know what I mean? Some people's like, you're screwed if you have their power.

Alexander Coccia:

Okay, which of the three Spider Men though?

Cozy Snap:

Ooh, Toby.

Alexander Coccia:

Toby? See, I'm more of a Garfield guy.

Cozy Snap:

You're Garfield guy. I get that I look like Andrew Garfield a lot, but I am I'm a, I'm a McGuire guy.

Alexander Coccia:

That's fair, that's fair. It was nice to see them all get together for that one one movie. I like Holland too.

Cozy Snap:

I think Holland did the character different, which I liked.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I did too. I thought that those movies were actually really upbeat and fun, which I think was nice. That brings us to our next question, believe it or not, because UnskilledArcanine asks, Bring back the old Spider Man. What's the worst that can happen? Oh my god,

Cozy Snap:

I can't even think of like cards that would re synergize with that thing, but probably devastating. If you didn't know what Spider Man used to do, he would just lock down the lane. Really cool VFX. He would lock down a lane so you couldn't play it into the next turn, there's so many different ways that that would be horrible now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, there's so many additional cards and people would find ways to break it. As it was, you had like the Zabu into Spider Man, Absorbing Man, like they literally couldn't play in two locations. It was absolutely miserable. What a terrible time to be a Marvel Snap player. I thought those couple weeks, like the team was like, yo, we gotta fix this. Fix this. Like now people literally can't play the game. like, it's so stupid. And now

Cozy Snap:

we have Iron Lab, which you could do it early, a blink. They could switch out the Spider-Man to go into a six cost, but it shut the lane down. You go into Dr. Doom and win that lane. There'd be some stupid stuff.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, I, I think we're not gonna see that car design quite yet unless, unless we get more Jeff, the baby land sharks, to say the least. Question number three comes in from Troy and it reads with both Alien and Predator getting their own Marvel comic book series, do you see them being introduced into Snap?

Cozy Snap:

So this is interesting. I, the thing is, yes, but also no. I feel like there's so much Marvel characters they're gonna hit first. Like, just so many. That being said, do I want there to be? Oh yeah, we just had May the 4th, man, and I just like, I'm just like, man, a Star Wars snap would be so freaking sweet. And, and I think, Bringing in some IP like this. Listen, if Overwatch can do it, which Overwatch is notorious for having their own like world and lore and not having things from the outside, they're, they're doing like one punch, man. And they're, they're having their cards. Snap can do it too.

Alexander Coccia:

Can't you be Goku in Fortnite now?

Cozy Snap:

Dude, you could be Darth Vader with like, with Peter Griffin with Goku. Yeah, you get it all now.

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah. Also like, if like there is a Star Wars card game, I don't know if you knew that or not.

Cozy Snap:

Yeah. But snap style, you know,

Alexander Coccia:

actually fun.

Cozy Snap:

You mean? Yeah. Are you dunking on Unlimited, the one that I beat you in? Yeah, I'm dunking on it. You're like full Lorcana now, huh?

Alexander Coccia:

I'm surrounded by Lorcana cards. Who's your favorite Disney

Cozy Snap:

character? Randomly.

Alexander Coccia:

My favorite Disney character? Yeah, yeah,

Cozy Snap:

just one.

Alexander Coccia:

I don't know. Iron Man.

Cozy Snap:

No, not Marvel, like Disney, like, like, Lurkana at Disney.

Alexander Coccia:

I know, I was just screwing with you, I was just trying to buy time there. I, I mean, okay, favorite, I would lean towards Hercules, I really like Hercules.

Cozy Snap:

Okay, okay, yeah, I, I, it's, it's a tie, mine's easy, it's Genie or Baymax, but I think Genie's the top. It's got to be

Alexander Coccia:

Baymax. Dude, I have him. Oh my gosh. From, from Immortal. Yeah. Immortal. Yes. I haven't seen that movie yet.

Cozy Snap:

Oh, Big Hero 6, dude. Okay. So this is my, this is always my and I can go into another reason why I have this tattoo. I'll explain it. In fact, no, you don't want to spend the time now. People ask all the time, long story short guys Back when I was doing variety content, I was in like Ludwig's community. I did a competition with him. It was great. Many of my wife were trying to have children for a long time. We could not for about two years. I did a subathon where I wouldn't turn off the camera at all even when I was sleeping until I was able to you know, I was going as long as people were willing to to help fund that what we need to do for infertility long story short guys I put a couple goals on there and I was like, haha Wouldn't it be funny if I went two weeks long and that would also in turn pay for the entire procedure I'll let the my viewers pick, you know assortment of different tattoos and whatnot And long story short I went more than that. I went more than two weeks live on camera. It was nutso and it created my son today. And it's a powerful reminder and of that and it's really cool. It was actually supposed to be Squirtle, long story short, but the artist messed it up. Went with something a little bit easier in Baymax and that is why I have it. But yeah, anyway I was gonna say, man, Big Hero 6 tanked because it came out, I believe, in the same month as Frozen.

Alexander Coccia:

Really? I didn't know that. I I've never seen the movies before. Wait, do I have to watch that, like, tonight?

Cozy Snap:

It's straight up good. Like, you can watch it with the kids and you'll watch it and be like, Wait, this is just a funny and good movie. I love it. It's it's it's phenomenal. It's definitely, like, Like my pecking orders, like Lion King, Aladdin, Moana is extremely high. And then I would say,

Alexander Coccia:

I love Moana so much. I think Moana is like one of the best Disney movies they've ever done.

Cozy Snap:

Best since the Renaissance days. I, yeah, in my opinion, but I would say after that would be Big Hero 6. I think it's phenomenal.

Alexander Coccia:

There's a scene in Moana right at the beginning when she's a baby and the ocean's leading her in with the little shells where like the water splits and there's a turtle that kind of flows across. It's such a beautiful scene. Oh, it makes me tear up every time. We

Cozy Snap:

watched. This scene with my son all of the time, it's called Moana Meets the Ocean. It's the exact same scene. He just, I don't know why he loves, he finds it calming, I guess. Long story short though, I'm always like, he just is now saying no, right? Like he's learning no, and he doesn't know why he's saying no. And the turtle and I go, the turtle was going by and I was like, Hey, wave to the turtle. And he just looks at me and he's like, I'm like, okay, okay, screw the turtle, don't, don't wave to him, don't wave to him, but yeah, beautiful movie, beautiful scene, and it was a fun question.

Alexander Coccia:

Cozy, now, as I discussed prior, you know, last week, we had a lot of comments about us being a little loopy, and sometimes it's our audience members that get loopy, sometimes it's you guys in there getting in the comments, and asking us questions, and demanding a response. Some responses are, feel impossible, because like, quite frankly, I, we don't even know what you're asking. So question number one, of the drunken questions. Comes in from user MN2JP7KK2J. Yes, that's their name. I get a high win rate with my Master Blaster deck, and you wouldn't believe the cards there. Cozy, my question to you. Who is Master Blaster, and what's that deck look like?

Cozy Snap:

I'm pretty sure Master Blaster is one of two things. A, it's an R rated film, or B, B, yo, did you grow up in the era of Super Soakers?

Alexander Coccia:

Yeah, Super Soaker 50, it was green. Oh,

Cozy Snap:

like I was, I was like big on water guns. I feel like the Master Blaster was the one with the backpack. And you would just like, all the kids would have like their one and you'd be like, hey, hey, You just like, you had it on. I have no idea what this is. I feel like it's a trap.

Alexander Coccia:

It's not a trap. I was trying to figure out like who Master Blaster could be. Could it be Master Mold?

Cozy Snap:

Master Blaster, Master Blaster, the more I say it, the more I question it. Could it be Mold? I guess you're just saying it's a Master Deck. Do we even have the answer, or is this just pure speculation?

Alexander Coccia:

Dude, that is just, there's no response, there's no follow up, that's it. I get a high win rate with my Master Blaster deck. But you wouldn't believe the cards there. Didn't even provide the list. Guys, just shooting

Cozy Snap:

it out to the ether. Just like, screw you guys, I got Master Blaster, 100 percent win rate. Dude, I got, I'm gonna go Iron Man, cause he blasts things.

Alexander Coccia:

Iron Man? It can't be Iron Man. Master Blaster versus Iron Man. There's no way someone confuses Iron Man with Master Blaster. What the

Cozy Snap:

hell is Blaster part of it too? Like, if you go guns, it's like everyone has guns in this game. Like, there's so many freaking guns. Hitmonkey, Blade. You're not playing a Blade. Han Solo. Han Solo. Now we're dipping into the other games too. This is great. Our fantasy Star Wars Marvel game. Okay. Alright. Han Solo's on the deck.

Alexander Coccia:

I got one more question. One more drunken question. Okay, Cozy, listen to this. From Steve O. It reads, this is verbatim. Question. Mailbag. How Cozy and Alex stated all this super internet combo?

Cozy Snap:

One more time. Sorry, I think I had a stroke.

Alexander Coccia:

Question. Mailbag. How Cozy and Alex stated all this super internet combo? Cozy, you're up.

Cozy Snap:

I think one of two things happened. Number one, number one he was playing Scrabble and he just was like, Okay, I'm just gonna pull letters out and just put it together and put Cozy and Alex. Number two Is this the dad from the cigarette run that came back finally? Like, it's gotta be just This is the story arc. Steve

Alexander Coccia:

O's the dad. He finished the cigarette run, but he, but he's just too inebriated. He can't find his kid. No

Cozy Snap:

idea. Yeah. So he went here and said that, well, I think it says we're a decent internet What did

Alexander Coccia:

I think he's trying to ask? How did we start this fantastic internet combo? That's what I think he's asking but Steve o just he finished the grape juice like right down to the bottle right through the bottle So how did this all start cozy?

Cozy Snap:

I'll answer it how he typed it. I Alex met snap good friend ship

Alexander Coccia:

Thanks so much for watching guys. That's it for this week's episode of the snapchat.

Cozy Snap:

Thanks for hanging out today and until the next one, happy snapping!

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